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Archive | Clusterfuck Nation – Blog

Saving Our Democracy

“Being insane is the new normal.” — Aimee Terese on “X”

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Only Half Gone

“The Democrats are self-immolating on the altar of their own tenuous relationship with common decency.” — Tom Luongo

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Slowly, Then All at Once

“Biden has been jabbed at least four times. This is his third covid diagnosis. The shots are working great.” — Jeff Childers, Coffee & Covid

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Shocks to the System

“Trump is brushing off assassin’s bullets like dirt off his shoulder, racking up a mile long rap sheet of the fakest & gayest felonies known to man, chased through civil court by crazy-eyed harridans deranged by how horny he makes them. Joe Biden has jello for supper at 4pm.” — Aimee Terese on “X”

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The Cover Your Ass Olympics

“If the entire political and media elite can manufacture the lie for 4+ years that candidate now-President Biden isn’t cognitively impaired, what else might they have lied about and are lying about now?” — Stephen Miller

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The Cover Your Ass Olympics

“If the entire political and media elite can manufacture the lie for 4+ years that candidate now-President Biden isn’t cognitively impaired, what else might they have lied about and are lying about now?” — Stephen Miller

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In It to Spin It

“… [W]e’re done accommodating you lunatics. it’s time for actual adults to return to the room and supplant the squalling squalor you have inflicted upon us, our economies, our cultures, and our institutions.” — El Gato Malo on Substack

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Who Turned Off the Gaslight?

Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine. —Olivia Nuzzi, NY Magazine

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Surprise, Surprise!

“Joe Biden is the walking embodiment of the exhausted American Establishment. More and more people have simply lost their faith in our Ruling Class. You could scarcely have a more potent symbol of its impotence.” — Rod Dreher

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Joe Biden Catches Cold

“Biden’s entire closing statement is the political equivalent of the blue screen of death. It’s just one long frozen glitch.” — Sean Davis, the Federalist

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Here It Comes

“Leftism might actually be noble if their concern for the marginalized wasn’t simply an incidental externality to their seething hatred of the normal and the good.” —David Pivtorak on “X”

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A Door Closes, A Window Opens

“Almost every headline and what passes as ‘news’ in the United States, is a cry for help.” — Karen Kwiatkowski

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The United States of Go Figure

“Forced obedience to obvious lies is the essence of totalitarianism. It’s the ultimate flex for psychopaths.” — Dr. Toby Rogers

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Sick Of and Done With

“Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him…the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” — Edward Dowd

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If Wishes Were Fishes — a Teachable Intermezzo

“Together we can finish the job.” — “Joe Biden”

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Time to Jettison the Animals

“The old left had intellectual commitments that were false in interesting and theoretically stimulating ways. The new left demands adherence to lurid absurdities so preposterous that merely entertaining them induces nauseating neurological disorders.” — Xenocosmography on “X”

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Which Movie Will It Be?

“It’s almost as if the principals (prosecutors and judge) were performing for their political audience — with a wink, a nod and a stage whisper (“watch this!”) as they ignore yet another fundamental element of American due process.” — Jack DeVine on “X”

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Gloat While You Still Can

“The hour is much later than you think…on multiple fronts: Financial, political, medical and geopolitical.” — Edward Dowd

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Saving our Democracy This Memorial Day

“We must stop Donald Trump.” — President “Joe Biden”

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Of Men and Myths

“Donald Trump doesn’t trust women. I do. ” — “Joe Biden” on “X”

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Fugazy Land

“The crisis of meaning only becomes a problem when society becomes resigned to it, accepts a condition of meaninglessness, and seeks to dispossess humanity from the insights and truths it learned through the ages.” — Frank Furedi

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An Urgent Matter

“If the government can suspend your rights anytime it deems something is a crisis, you don’t have rights. You have permissions.” — “Pismo” on “X”

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Monster Mash-up

“My take is that the US is incredibly unstable right now, and could go in almost any imaginable direction between now and the election, as well as some unimaginable ones.” —John Michael Greer

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Carnival Rides

“These agencies are not trusted because they are not trustworthy.” — El Gato Malo on “X”

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Prisoners of Themselves

“Ok, let’s be clear. If the intelligence community led by the CIA is not the “deep state,” what is?” — Jeffrey Tucker

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