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Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money

“Society lives and acts only in individuals…. Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. ” —Ludwig von Mises

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    Remember, you are a sovereign individual and the blob in our nation’s capital city is an undifferentiated mass of feckless protoplasm. You contain a cosmos of ideas and aspirations. The blob is an agglomeration of sham and failure. The blob stands for itself, not for our country. You and I can stand for our country.

    Remember, also, that the economy of our country at its best was the sum of choices made by sovereign individuals, while the economy of the blob is a gelatinous buildup of unsound hypotheses having nothing to do with the pursuit of happiness. We sense this in the menacing rumors of a Federal Reserve digital currency, which entails the rehypothecation of our hopes and dreams into the blob’s waste-stream, turning everything we do — it can’t be put delicately — into shit.

      The Fed digital currency will be used to cover-up the failure of end-state financialization of the economy. Finance, you understand, used to be a module of the economy, with a particular role to play. The purpose of finance, formerly, was to marshal surplus wealth from prior productive activity to make new productive activity possible. Financialization, however, does not do that. Financialization was an effort to replace the economy of real production with a hologram of production. Financialization is a racket — and a racket, remember, is an effort to get something for nothing, that is, dishonestly. The blob feeds and thrives on dishonesty, its favorite food.

     Financialization seeks to replicate value not from wealth-producing activity but from things that only claim to represent wealth: stocks, bonds, currencies, and anything else that can pretend to hold value, clear up to notions and wishes. Its operations are based on “derivatives” because they aim to derive additional “wealth” from things that signify wealth, but which are not wealth itself. Each iteration of a derivative further abstracts its value from the real things originally signified, such as revenue-producing businesses, interest-bearing loans, leases, and contracts for delivery of commodities. Derivatives can be understood as false wealth, and when enough of them accumulate in a financialized economy, they will blow up the economy, spewing wreckage across an economic landscape.

     Many observers of that landscape await such a blow up at any time now. They say it can take the form of a stock market crash, a bond market failure, bank shut-downs, and disorders in money (currencies). All of that can impoverish and immiserate a lot of people. We are living through a corrosive early phase of that now, the overture of a big blow up itself. The effects are felt keenly through the middle classes, who struggle in futility to pay their bills, keep their cars running, and feed their children.

      The financialized economy was primed to blow up in September of 2019 when symptoms of severe distress materialized in an arcane corner of the system known as the reverse repo market where banks loan each other money on extremely short term, usually overnight, to provide so-called “liquidity” — meaning the appearance of solvency. The crisis expressed itself as a dangerously sharp rise in interest rates. The Fed came up with enough liquidity to paper over the crisis, and then, miraculous to relate, the Covid-19 “emergency”  a few months later gave them cover to “print” trillions of dollars and distribute the “money” rapidly into the on-the-ground economy where people bought the things of daily life.

      The result of that monetary mischief was today’s inflation. Inflation, of course, is one way of going broke. You have a lot of money that is increasingly worthless. The other way of going broke is deflation, where you have no money. In the aggregate of a deflation, nobody will have any money, so at least you’ll have company in the misery of being broke. My guess is that a grievous deflation is where the current situation is headed. Deflations are provoked when people and companies can’t meet their debt obligations — can’t “service” their loans (pay interest), or pay back contracted sums of borrowed money, or simply can’t pay their bills. Every loan that goes bad causes some money to disappear — poof! — and when a whole lot of that happens there is no money.

    The Federal Reserve digital currency is a kind of last resort way around that. It is a simple way for the system to pretend there is a lot of money around when there really isn’t any. It has the huge additional advantages, by way of computerized accounting, to allow the authorities to control what everybody spends their money on, especially the ability to block the purchase of this or that: a train ticket, gasoline, meat, if the authorities feel like it. It also enables the authorities to extract taxes, duties, and penalties at will, without any cooperation from the citizen. A Fed digital currency would be a giant step into the worst kind of exquisitely targeted tyranny. The excuse, of course, would be a “national emergency.”

      A digital currency would likely first be tested among the most indigent in society, those with little or no income. It already is, actually, in the debit cards currently issued to illegal border-jumpers. Their card accounts are refilled monthly, making this the equivalent of a guaranteed basic income. Next, this privilege will be extended to the lower economic ranks of American citizens, and so on upward, until the whole middle-class and even the higher levels are enlisted, and then the authorities will have the ability to push everyone around.

     That’s the hypothesis, anyway. I don’t believe it’s going to work. The authorities have underestimated the number of citizens who know what it means to be sovereign individuals. They will decline to be pushed around. They might even push back, start stomping on the blob’s tentacles as it reaches across the land. The citizens of one region or another of our country might go so far as to establish their own money, which would make them sovereign regions of sovereign individuals. That is going to be a problem that the blob and blobism cannot overcome.

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

583 Responses to “Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money”

  1. cowbell81 December 15, 2023 at 9:32 am #

    I like the play on today’s title…Money for Nothing and the Chicks for Free…Dire Straits baby, just like the dire straits our country, economy, and political state is in. Have a fantastic weekend everyone, the year is almost over!

    • shotho December 15, 2023 at 9:52 am #

      The first two paragraphs are a fine explanation of how a vibrant economy works. When you join labor with capital and resources, producing something new and desirable for someone else to purchase you have created wealth to be used and reinvested. When all you produce is new money with no backing other than ‘full faith and credit’ you will eventually lose whatever economy you had.

      • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 11:20 am #

        JHK has written one of the best descriptions of “what is wrong”.

        The first two paragraphs you have referred to are a description of pure capitalism, where there is no taxation restrictions and no crony capitalism. Capitalism requires constant under control expansion for everyone to benefit, for the GOP trickle down to work. The government has to stay out of it, no preferential treatment for everyone.

        In the world, there is no pure capitalism. Right now, the most efficient form seems to be fascism, Russia, China and the USA are practicing it.

        • Bill of Rights December 15, 2023 at 11:50 am #

          the economy of our country at its best was the sum of choices made by sovereign individuals

          — you can say that again and again

          • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 11:59 am #

            Yes, in other words, a true free market.

          • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:10 pm #

            Which would just mean the Law of the Jungle. The winners get bigger and bigger and being men (not animals), they organize amongst themselves to suck the rest of society dry.

            Americans have learned nothing.

          • pyrrhus December 15, 2023 at 2:38 pm #

            And then came the Income Tax, the Federal Reserve owned by private banks…and what they all wanted, a big, very profitable War!
            Which would have been impossible otherwise….It’s almost as if it was all planned out in 1913…..

        • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:08 pm #

          There is no pure Capitalism because it doesn’t work. A game needs referees – otherwise people will cheat to win. Fallen man, hello? So yes, Fascism – which ALWAYS treats Capitalists well, be they big or small. National Socialism? Same. As long they play ball with the nation that enables them to become rich by protecting them. The ingrates don’t like that part now do they?

          Letting a bunch of greed heads run a nation is recipe for disaster. Von Mises tries to dignify that with his paen to individualism which translates as selfishness.

          • redbrick December 15, 2023 at 1:35 pm #

            Operating in your own economic self-interest, in a moral fashion, does not equal “selfishness.”.

          • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:25 pm #

            Depends how big you are, right? Mom and Pop store or Bill Gates. Try harder.

          • redbrick December 15, 2023 at 2:47 pm #

            Bill Gates is not acting morally by any definition of that I accept so no go on the trying harder.

          • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 5:41 pm #

            Janos – he got you on his qualifier – don’t try any harder, just take the “L’ on this one.

          • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 12:42 am #

            Oh suddenly morality in itself is important? I thought Libertarianism taught that freedom was morality for all intents and purposes – with making lots of money the Kingdom of Heaven itself.

          • Jimpa December 17, 2023 at 7:34 am #

            Yeah, Capitalism is evil. Private Property, Freedom, and Sound money is so over rated. Communism is a much better system for fallen humanity.

    • Socrates-Detroit December 15, 2023 at 10:22 am #

      Informative. I didn’t realize the illegals get debit cards and have them recharged.

      Debasement of the currency is a clever way to deliberately undermine society without physically destroying buildings.

      Germany 1923 hyperinflation vs Germany 1943-45 US bombing. (The inflation of 1923 was not really “home-grown”, it had a lot to do with WW1 war reparations).

      Debasement of the currency. DIGITAL money. Excess government spending, especially for war and defense. Fomenting wars.

      These bad things are not bad for EVERYONE. The selected insiders at the top and big money get richer and more powerful as result. The make more money with money and acquire more physical assets and wealth, at the expense of the masses.

      That’s why these things happen. It’s not an accident. It’s by design.

      And if one goes down the rabbit hole, all the way down, one will find the same elite cabal of people orchestrating these things, including Zionism.

      The British government (Balfour Declaration, 1917) support of Jewish homeland in Palestine was the quid pro quo for more financial backing, to bankroll the British WW1 war effort.

      Before that, the US Federal Reserve Act and US Income Tax were orchestrated by Nelson Aldrich and others, who served big capital; the globalists of their day. Is big capital all Jewish? I don’t think so. But it is disproportionately Jewish? I think so. Is the Biden cabinet disproportionately Jewish? I think so.

      FDR said “in politics, nothing happens by accident. Some one planned it”.

      The US is shoveling bombs to Israel,so the Israelis can slaughter the Palestinians. Setting aside the fact that money spent on bombs is money that can’t be spent on roads or bridges or medical care in the US, how is that going to benefit the US in the long run?

      Netenyahu lectures the Americans: “Look, you people did the same. Germany. Japan. Bombed their civilians”.

      Yes, Bibi. But the Germans had a real air force, called the Luftwaffe. The had anti-aircraft artillery. The airplanes of that era were not as reliable either. Over the US Air Corps took over 25% casualties. You go up against no air defenses with F-16s. Please.

      Anyway, today another couple hundred or more Palestinians will die directly from bombs on impact. Countless others will die slowly in rubble, or from starvation or disease.

      Probaly a handful will be shot in the West Bank, maybe 1 to 4 killed is my guess.

      All of that thanks to US aid to a regime that treats the Palestinians much worse than Jim Crow treated African Americans, to keep that regime in place.

      Have a great day everyone!

      • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 10:58 am #

        It’s shocking to learn how many of the mega billionaires on the planet are Jewish Zionists. Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Buffet, Soros, Bezos, and others. I have nothing against the average Jew, but understanding how much wealth and how much power they control and the US’s unfettered support of war activities in Ukraine and Israel, it does make me pause and consider. I don’t question Israel’s right to defend itself after October 7. Look what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan after 9-11. I just don’t like how the US is funding it and sending the bombs when our own nation is swirling down the toilet bowl of decay.

        Things just aren’t bad enough here at home to awaken the people and after the covid debacle failed to awaken Americans I am convinced things have to get mighty nasty to do that.

        • Socrates-Detroit December 15, 2023 at 11:13 am #

          @cankerpuss Well said.

          (I believe Iraq was a big war crime committed by the US government. Afghanistan was already a mess, the US made it worse).

          The stock market hit record highs (in NOMINAL, CURRENT dollars) yesterday. It just adds to the illusion.

          I think the PTB are playing games with money to divert attention from the events in Palestine, to enable the Israeli government to expel the Palestinians.

          Once that is done (if not BEFORE), the facade of the stock market will be shattered, and the correction will be brutal.

          It is possible the PTB are just fattening the calf before the slaughter, and this has nothing to do with events in Palestine.

          But I think the behavior of the stock market since Oct 07 (good!) is related to the situation in Palestine.

          • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 11:27 am #

            The illusion you refer to is inflation.

            Biden has succeeded in raising the price level 10%.

            We are now seeing the markets catching up, now that they see there is no rate penalty.

          • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 1:30 pm #


            Yeah, COWARD, the economy is a mess because of Jews. I’m a Jew, so I must have helped ruin the finances of the country.

          • Night Owl December 15, 2023 at 4:56 pm #

            “I think the PTB are playing games with money to divert attention from the events in Palestine, to enable the Israeli government to expel the Palestinians”

            Do they need to? A quick search on Twatter shows more dead Pali kids and wiped out schools, churches, mosques, and homes than I could ever have imagined prior.

            You can’t really hide what Israel is doing right now. The Internet is the great equalizer in the information war.

        • zekesdad December 15, 2023 at 11:53 am #

          Warren Buffett is Jewish? Since when?

          • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 1:21 pm #

            I thought he was.

          • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 1:32 pm #

            Since Soc-det has said so. After all, Buffett is a multi-billionaire so he must be a Jew.

          • Socrates-Detroit December 17, 2023 at 3:03 pm #

            Where did I say Warren Buffett is Jewish?

            Either some people can’t read, or more likely, you just twist what I wrote (which everyone can read for themself).


        • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 12:25 pm #

          Now the question is, CankerPuss, why are the Jewish, not just the Zionists, so successful.

          Hint: ask the Mormons.

        • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 12:44 pm #

          No matter how bad things get here you’ll never get the average lemming to publicly protest the way other peoples do. The conditioning to believe in the system is hard to break. Yuri Bezmenov said that you never would get through the indoctrination. So many of them still believe that our system of “peaceful change” is the best, never realizing that it’s all orchestrated, anyway. And as long as they believe that voting for their elected representatives will “fix” problems, that’s what they’ll continue to do.

          • Jimpa December 17, 2023 at 7:43 am #

            Oh yeah, Let’s protest and get locked up like the Jan. 6th crowd.

        • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 1:08 pm #

          Why single out Jewish billionaires, Cankerpuss?

          There are plenty of mega billionaires who are Protestant, Catholic & Muslim as well.

          • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:17 pm #

            Who controls the Banks, BRH? If you want to be a billionaire in the West you are going to have to be ok with the Jews or keep your views very quiet. Banking centralized long before the Corporations arose.

            Rulo made your dull point too: There are good and bad Italians, Japanese, and Jews. I replied: But one of those groups control media and banking. He didn’t respond. What could he have said in reply to the Truth?

        • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:13 pm #

          The average Jew is fine with this. Why wouldn’t they be? Don’t tell your Jewish dentist about what you believe, ok?

          • SpeedyBB December 15, 2023 at 3:30 pm #

            I would not have been allowed to move into the shared rental house at 26th & Sophia in Vancouver in 1970 if I had not agreed to swear fealty to Israel, by Mr Zimmerman (joint owner / partner to Mr Urselman). At the time, I just said, essentially, “Sure, whatever” but it certainly stuck in my mind.

            Great, comfortable, three-story wooden house with a fine view of Grouse Mountain. Stayed there 10 years before leaving Vancouver-by-the-Void.

            But why was it so important to compromise me like that?

        • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 1:26 pm #


          In pure numbers, how many people in the world are billionaires? WTF difference does it make how many are Jews? If you’re a billionaire, you think differently than the masses. I don’t give a shit about percentages. Everyone knows there’re Jewish billionaires.

          C’mon CP, I don’t think you’re a Jew-hater or a coward like

        • Anon1970 December 15, 2023 at 6:03 pm #

          Neither Buffet nor Bezos are Jewish. Neither the President nor the Secretary of Defense are Jewish.

          • benr December 17, 2023 at 9:33 am #

            None of the presidents ever was Jewish.
            Why do so many hate Jews?
            Because they were told to.

      • Uncle Abraham December 15, 2023 at 11:20 am #

        Like a rabid dog bites no matter what the situation, so one infected with Israel Derangement Syndrome spews vile lies about Israel no matter what the subject.

      • Rain Waters December 15, 2023 at 11:59 am #

        Genocide Gaza with the bravery of being out of range.

        Psychopathic filth.

        • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 12:26 pm #

          Rockets hit Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

          • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 1:09 pm #

            But what about the ceasefire? During the ceasefire last week 14 Israelis were machine gunned at a bus stop in Jerusalem.

        • benr December 15, 2023 at 12:43 pm #

          Bullshit they are going straight at them as well dunce.


          They are getting smarter and flooding the rat tunnels.
          Fight smarter not deader.
          The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. -George S. Patton

          Anyone that believes otherwise…derp derp derp

          • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 1:56 pm #

            I think it was, “No one ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for HIS country.”

      • Hardrock December 15, 2023 at 12:34 pm #

        I could not corroborate the debit card thing. Conservatives do themselves and the country a disservice by parroting this kind of propaganda. Just tell the truth…. that’s bad enough by itself. Millions of people break the law to get here, and they or their descendants WILL eventually be eligible for benefits.

        If anyone has proof that this debit card thing even exists, post it here.

        • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 12:39 pm #

          Well, if they’re putting them up in hotels, I wouldn’t be surprised that they’re also getting debit cards. I know they’re putting them up in hotels and apartment buildings because I was in Maryland recently visiting a friend and she pointed one of the buildings out to me. Remember, Obama said during an interview once during his presidency that if you were in the country, you were a citizen.

        • Clusters@123 December 15, 2023 at 12:59 pm #

          I couldn’t find it either, but what I did notice was that there was nothing but fact check articles debunking this news which leads me to believe it’s true after all. When the fact checkers come out in force, I take it to believe they’re trying to hide something.

        • Anthea December 15, 2023 at 5:45 pm #

          @ Hardrock:

          Col. Macgreggor has stated this, and I would consider him a reliable source.

          • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 6:19 pm #

            Also a border County Sheriff stated the same. Saw him on video but can’t recall his name, jurisdiction, or the link. An Arizona Sheriff, I think.

        • Anthea December 15, 2023 at 5:48 pm #

          If you’re attempting to provide for the basic needs of large numbers of people, debit cards would be the most efficient–in fact the only efficient–way to do it.

        • crudgemudgeon December 15, 2023 at 11:23 pm #

          Hardrock, yeah, let’s see the source. It may be, and I believe Sheriff Lamm (sp?) said, NGOs are giving the illegals $5000.

          Sorry for the late response. Does anyone read this after it’s been up a few hours? All day?

          • Ron Anselmo December 16, 2023 at 5:23 pm #

            Yes, replying now. See time stamp.

        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 16, 2023 at 8:39 am #

          Conservatives do themselves and the country a disservice by parroting this kind of propaganda. Just tell the truth

          Ha. Yes, because “progressives” never do themselves and the country a disservice for doing the exact same thing daily. “But my football team is better”…okay.

          Anyway, of course they are given phones and plane/bus tickets upon arriving. Source? Them. Many of those arriving in Chicago earlier this year received up to six months of free rent money. Source? Them. Some of them have said they were going back to Mexico or Guatemala (because the money ran out…and Chicago was cold).

          Source? fox32chicago.com/news/chicago-rental-assistance-migrants-temporary-housing

          Anyway, from a standard media outlet radio station quoting an AZ sheriff:


          Note that the endless google chain of “debunking” responses use terms like “gift cards”. They are pre-paid visa cards or direct rent credits, not gift cards (as if it’s Target or Starbucks). The msm get away with that as a reason to debunk. Some people didn’t get them, or perhaps were given more or less, so that “debunks” the whole concept too, right?

          Anyway, whatever.

        • FransDuncan December 16, 2023 at 12:56 pm #

          That doesn’t mean it’s not true. The media isn’t going to report that illegal parasites are getting free money from US taxpayers while US taxpayers are struggling to make ends meet.

          • SpeedyBB December 17, 2023 at 4:35 am #

            From a behavioral point of view, it is a bad way to start someone off in a new environment.

            “Free money! Free food! Free housing!”


            “No more free stuff.”

            Then they not unnaturally turn to crime. Of course – what would you do if you got “double-crossed” like that (from your point of view, of course).

      • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 12:35 pm #

        All of a sudden now everyone cares about the Palestinians. Last year they didn’t give two shits about the Palestinians. Once the present hostilities are concluded and they’re not in the daily news anymore, the world will go back to not giving two shits about them.

        • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 1:13 pm #

          True enough. Not long ago it was “500,000 dead in the Syrian Civil War” & “377,000 killed in the Yemini Civil War.”

          Who’s worried about that now?

          • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:39 pm #

            Yeah, just like nobody cares about Whites killed by Blacks. Some people matter more than others, eh? Who matters most? Which group can’t be criticized? I’m waiting. I know you can do it.

      • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 1:18 pm #


        Well, you started out with a good comment, but couldn’t resist ending up disparaging the Jews.

        I’ve asked you several times if you are a Jew-hater, but you’ve never answered. A simple yes or no would be sufficient, but you are a coward. COWARD!

        • Organist1022 December 15, 2023 at 1:48 pm #

          One group can’t be criticized – that’s what was stated. The name of the group was not stated. You filled in the blank. And then proceeded to name call, as your go-to.

          • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 7:45 pm #

            You don’t like what I wrote, then scroll by my comments. I know I won’t be missing anything by you doing this.

      • oldwood December 15, 2023 at 9:00 pm #

        WWIII will be a civil war where people will be killing people for revenge for centuries old injustices and pursuit of the reclamation of their “homelands”.

        • SpeedyBB December 17, 2023 at 5:13 am #

          oldwood, that seems to have been the case in a number of civil wars: Rwanda, Indonesia and Paraguay (along with many other locations in Latinoamerica and Africa). “Settling old scores” is the usual journo expression.

    • SoftStarLight December 15, 2023 at 12:46 pm #

      I hope you have a fantastic weekend too, CB 🙂

    • hortonz December 15, 2023 at 12:52 pm #

      Of course there’s always the danger of deadly terrorist attacks on American soil in the near future.https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12864571/Hamas-plot-carry-attack-civilians-Europe-foiled-Danish-cops-arrest-seven-Suspects-operating-behalf-terror-group-Israel-claims.html

      • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 1:37 pm #

        Yeah, almost for sure this is going to happen.

      • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 2:04 pm #

        The Biden administration has already set up “white supremacists” and “white Christian nationalists” as the boogeymen for those future terrorist attacks.

  2. Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 9:40 am #

    “They might even push back, start stomping on the blob’s tentacles as it reaches across the land.” ~ JHK


    • cowbell81 December 15, 2023 at 9:46 am #

      Yeah, but tentacles can “reach across the land”, testicles don’t, unless you are helter skelter shooting a load.

      • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 10:07 am #

        When your testicles get stomped, you’ll be reaching alright, but it won’t be across the land.

        • izzy December 15, 2023 at 10:22 am #

          “Retching” might be more accurate…

  3. tractorguy December 15, 2023 at 9:51 am #

    Deflation is not necessarily bad. It means that your money is now worth more. It is only bad when you are leveraged and the item you owe money on is now worth less than the loan. Technical advancement is generally always deflationary — the big screen TV that would have cost $3,000 ten years ago now costs $400. That’s not a bad thing.

    Tractorguy– Deflation is bad when the daisy-chain of broken promises-to-pay shuts down banks and you lose whatever money you had in there. \–JHK Admin

    • shotho December 15, 2023 at 9:54 am #

      agreed, as long as you have a population that understands and accepts the situation. We now have a degraded population that may not stand to wait for better times.

    • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 10:50 am #

      I listen to a few conservative financial advisers and each of them continuously state that the best way to weather the coming financial storm is to get out of debt and stay out of debt. But even debt free people gotta eat.

    • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 11:33 am #

      Tractorguy: Deflation is what we had in the depression of the 1930’s; few people had access to money because most business had lost access to money and thus few people had jobs. Not good for most people. However, your ideas are correct as related to the wealthy who had huge ‘savings’ safely outside of the many banks that collapsed (e.g. offshore assets, precious metals in their own possession). The few wealthy were able to and did buy up houses, farmland, factories, etc., for pennies on the dollar.

      • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 12:51 pm #


        Yup. My father’s mother was a smart old lady. Being Jewish and from Russia, she didn’t trust the authorities and banks, but instead saved cash under the mattress so to speak. My grandfather was the local iceman and had a decent business.

        When things went to hell during the great depression, my grandparents had cash. The local banks knew that because of their business and offered them foreclosed houses to buy at extremely generous terms – something like $300 down and an interest-only lifetime mortgage (they called them standing mortgages). My grandmother bought up 6 multi-family houses on her street and lived comfortably off them for the rest of her life.

        Now the ignoramuses here would say, “They were Jewish, so they had that advantage and probably cheated somehow to get their houses”. In actuality they got them because they were harshly discriminated against in Russia by the governments there, and learned to distrust any authorities. The only alternative for them to consider here in the USA was to save cash. So in a way being Jewish actually did give them an advantage – just not for the reasons Jew-haters here think.

        • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 3:59 pm #

          Beantown: I too have a story similar to yours that underscores a way to deal with hyperinflation (which occurred in Weimar) or deflation (which occurred in the US 30’s depression). My paternal grandfather was a college professor in Munich in the 19teens and 20’s; his father was a jeweler, familiar with gold, silver and gems. My grandfather prospered in Germany due to his knowledge (avoidance) of fiat currencies vs PMs and was able to buy things with PMs that were unobtainable with worthless fiat Dmarks. He left Germany when the fascists started making noises and moved to Holland only to see them show up there, and he then moved here (it took them longer to show up here). He had PMs and gems that he could trade for fiat which (in a deflationary depression) was valuable, unlike now. Unfortunately, he died of typhoid during an expedition to Central America in a group looking for ancient musical instruments. My father was 3 years old at the time of his death; heritage lost, but the story remains valuable.

        • hmuller December 16, 2023 at 1:13 pm #

          Bill, saving cash under the mattress was not such a crazy idea prior to 1934 and FDR’s gold repricing/confiscation. US paper money was convertible to gold at $20.67 per troy oz.

          By keeping your cash at home you would forego 3 percent bank interest. But also you’d avoid losing everything due to a bank failure in an age before FDIC insurance.

          Many uneducated immigrants got ahead via buying rental properties, including my relatives. Even today in my town, hard working Mexicans acquire cheap rental bungalows that pay for themselves in 2 to 3 years.

          Of course, dealing with that class of renters has its challenges. But some people know how to evict deadbeats via non-judicial procedures, saving themselves time and money.

      • Opie December 15, 2023 at 3:36 pm #

        In my neck of the woods I can name at least three family’s that didn’t lose their heads in the speculative ’20’s and had cash on the barrelhead, which they levered to buy property for taxes due. One in particular owns farmlands spanning three counties.

    • amb December 15, 2023 at 11:45 am #

      Correct. Deflation is the result of a vibrant and productive economy, the opposite of what we have. Items, commodities, and other costs are supposed to become less expensive as a nation with a strong, sane economy moves forward and upwards. Everything is upside down and backwards on this planet. Not one nation is an example of sane economics.

      • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 12:19 pm #

        The problem is that all capital pools shrink or disappear, not ust the Elite. The folks who are hurt the worst are the middle class who create the capital pools.

        • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 12:29 pm #


          You are right about efficiency. The problem is that the country provided for itself with 25% out of work.

          By golly, we needed a war.

  4. mark_in_minnesota December 15, 2023 at 9:55 am #

    “The citizens of one region or another of our country might go so far as to establish their own money, which would make them sovereign regions of sovereign individuals. That is going to be a problem that the blob and blobism cannot overcome.”

    I like this idea. But what would “their own money” look like? Bartering might be a part of the solution but it seems to me there will have to be some sort of a replacement currency that is safe, functional, and scalable to replace our current fiat currency.

    • Not_GeorgeT December 15, 2023 at 10:23 am #

      Tangible items. Physical items one can hold. The obvious example is precious metals, however other real items, barterable as you note, could be used.

      Avoiding a fractional reserve system while usng verifiable warehouse receipts representing the tangible goods could be used. The temptation to use the warehouse receipts for fractional reserve lending will eventually reemerge.

      We are living in the most recent period where this sytem has devolved into crisis. Somehow some people survive. These people are adapters.

      • R Montanari December 15, 2023 at 11:55 am #

        Barter is fine around the neighborhood, but it doesn’t scale up. We could not barter for utilities as the supply chain is too long and complex. Gold and silver have served as mediums of exchange for thousands of years. Fiat currency is necessary to create an administrative state and to pursue perpetual wars for perpetual peace. Fiat currency has always failed.
        If we had to fund the military and wars on a pay as you go basis, that would all come to a screeching halt.

        • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 12:23 pm #

          In a scenario where the system collapses and we’re bartering with our neighbors, I’m not sure you’ll have to worry about “utilities.”

      • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 4:05 pm #

        “Physical items one can hold. The obvious example is precious metals”

        Gold and silver will be confiscated. If it happened in the 30s, you can bet that in today’s far worse lead-up, TPTB will deal with gold bugs swiftly and mercilessly.

        • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 4:13 pm #

          I agree. I also think that people who have horded massive quantities of stuff will make themselves targets. Plus, despite what you think, the government knows what you have.

        • Wizard of the Saddle December 16, 2023 at 10:10 am #

          Lots of us who stack gold and silver also stack LEAD & BRASS and would be happy to share some of the latter stash with the government’s gold and silver confiscation agents.

          I gotta a feeling that not many folks are going to last long as collection agents in the precious metals confiscation business.

        • gilbert December 16, 2023 at 7:18 pm #

          I think if you do some research you will find that only about 40% of the gold was turned in. My family never gave the bastards an ounce. And silver? Don’t make me laugh! My advice to you: Exchange your fiat for real money before it’s too late.

    • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 10:48 am #

      Check out “Goldbacks”. It is already happening in a few states.

    • loosethedogs December 15, 2023 at 12:29 pm #

      The global “banksters” have spent centuries of time and countless amounts “our” treasure to CENTRALIZE the monetary system under their control. Our modern wars have been fought largely over this issue

      Humans have very short memories which is largely why the written word was “invented” to preserve memories, rather than rely on the “oral tradition” of information transmittal. To the point, there is a lot of information out there on the history of “banksterism” in the world including the relatively short period when the states had their own banking systems. It is all, waiting there for people to read and understand.

  5. buckeyeman December 15, 2023 at 9:58 am #

    JK: “The authorities have underestimated the number of citizens who know what it means to be sovereign individuals. They will decline to be pushed around.”

    And yet there’s not a scintilla of a hint that this is true. In fact, the opposite is what is supported by the evidence at hand. The Blob recently beta tested a segment of its plan with the so-called “pandemic” fraud. They had to smile at the results which were far better than anything they could have ever expected.

    The leporine population not only swallowed the centralized commands hook, line, and sinker, but they began to act like blob-state deputies. People were confronted all over the landscape for not masking properly, going the wrong way down grocery store aisles, and choosing to not allow themselves to be subjected to untested “medical” treatments.

    Now we’re funding a war the Blob itself created, paying illegal aliens for doing illegal things, and standing by with our collective thumbs up our arses while our governmental institutions violate the law and slap us in the face with it.

    I’m not being critical of … “us”. The simple fact is that we’ve been outplayed. It’s like a chess game where we’re only a few moves from check-mate and knowledgeable players understand that there are no moves left that can save us. Some (like our beloved JK) rely on the opponent blindly placing his queen in front of our last remaining pawn and thus allowing us to win. But it won’t happen.

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    • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 10:46 am #

      Amen Bruddah. We’ve been duped. A lot of people get it but far more just go along with the charade. Personally, I think a lot of people are like me. They know the system is a fraud. They know they are slaves to this beast. They know it is all wrong. But they don’t know what they can do about it. Let’s face it. We are strapped down in an out of control roller coaster with no way to exit. The only thing we can do at this point is hold on and pray we survive the bumps to the end. Or pray that when we crash the end will be sudden and painless.

      Thanks to mass unchecked immigration without assimilation our nation is polarized down to the point of neighbor against neighbor. There will be no unification. It will come down to the Godless and the Godfearing uniting to protect themselves and their resources. Tribes, if you will.

      I will always keep the last round in my magazine for myself. When the cannibals come they can have me but they won’t get me alive. That’s macabre, I get it, but its the truth.

      • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 12:47 pm #

        If you have a gas stove, I’d prefer to leave a surprise for them.

      • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:46 pm #

        Yes, I was trying to tell Slugoon about what a viable society looks like, but all he could get out of it was liking minorities or people not like himself. Virtue signalling on steroids.

      • C.O.Jones December 15, 2023 at 2:55 pm #

        “Keep the key in the ignition – we will get no remission this time. So won’t ya have that motor twitchin’ when I come runnin’ by….”

        – Rory Gallagher

        • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 4:10 pm #

          “Gimme till Monday, it’s only a day or two
          Gimme till Monday, it’s only a day or two
          I’ll pay you back with interest, the last thing that I do.”

          — Rory Gallagher (from Loanshark Blues)

          • crudgemudgeon December 15, 2023 at 11:35 pm #

            Rory has been on my mind lately. Thanks for the lyrics. I don’t speak Irish.

    • Socrates-Detroit December 15, 2023 at 10:57 am #


      Well said. The public has been outplayed. Lots of reasons, but among the biggest on is ignorance. The public is blind.

      In “Bowling Alone”, 2007ish book by Robert Putnam (a Harvard or other Ivy League prof lamenting the loss of bowling as social mixer/assimilator in the US), Putnam cited studies that show that a US HIGH SCHOOL graduate from 1948 was better at math, history, and even science, than a typical college grad 50 years later.

      My sense is that American schools got dumbed down–which coincided with the removal of the Lord’s Prayer from school.

      The CFN commentariat is more aware and informed than most people I know. If the commentariat on MSNBC or CNN or Fox articles was like this one, the US would be in better shape.

      • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 11:00 am #

        Of course they were dumbed down. Achievement is racist.

      • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 11:02 am #

        I don’t know if the public is as ignorant as you may think. I believe a lot of people just don’t know what to do anymore. Let’s face it, they have us in a vice grip. Voting won’t work. If we protest we end up in prison like the J6 people. If we don’t pay our taxes we lose everything we have worked to acquire.

        Most people know we aren’t going to pay back 33 trillion dollars but what can they, the average person do about it? So they focus on what they can control.

        Granted the blue haired, tattooed, pierced lipped gender confused lunatics don’t know and don’t care but most people sense it.

        • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 1:27 pm #

          I would argue that the pierced, woke, tatted-up crowd is the canary in a coal mine; they do know that everything is unraveled . . . their collective response to the hopelessness is just maladaptive and unusually showy.

          • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 1:42 pm #

            A wise statement, megabeth.

      • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 12:49 pm #

        Of course they were better at those things 60 years ago. It mattered to people and to our elected representatives at the time to be educated. Now, it doesn’t. Now, the most important thing is how much money can I make with my degree.

      • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:49 pm #

        Putnam of all people knows how much community matters and that the individual is nothing without it. So he ended up converting and marrying into Orthodox Judaism. As he puts it: They understand community!

        “A man alone is either an animal or a god”

        Ancient Greek saying

        And the animals far outnumber the gods – Jarek.

    • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 4:11 pm #

      +1 for “leporine”. Lovely word.

      • SpeedyBB December 16, 2023 at 5:26 am #

        Yeah, I had to root around to define “leporine”. Well worth the effort.

        Anthony Burgess used to do that: he exulted in sesquipedalian usage, though the entertainment value of his novels enticed the reader to bear with it and forge onward.

        Grandiloquence can be used amusingly as well. Think Foghorn Leghorn.

  6. BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 10:05 am #

    This explains why businesses are closing all over the place here, but the Dow is up over 37,000. The only discernable economic activity in these parts is massive ‘Affordable Housing’ projects being built in small & rural towns thru out the State; signs on the sites proudly indicate these are being built with HUD & state funds. Thousands of one bedroom apts are going in, necessitating the destruction of some of the last orchards, meadows & farm fields in our valley. I asked my town councilman who will be living in them & he told me primarily spillover populations from China & India.

    • cowbell81 December 15, 2023 at 10:11 am #

      Yep, keep building those clap traps up in the country, paving over the last of our great and once productive farmlands. But by all means, let the inner-city cores go to shit and decay right along with the Black population. This is the true injustice against our cities and minorities.
      Really, the scales need to fall from the eyes of more Blacks so they can finally stand up and do something about this.

      • Not_GeorgeT December 15, 2023 at 10:29 am #

        They are rapidly appearing in the Northeast, these stick-built buildings all appear designed to absorb a huge number of people in a compact location.

        What could possibly go wrong?

      • Socrates-Detroit December 15, 2023 at 10:37 am #

        Are these “affordable housing projects” in your areas walkable? Can on walk to supermarket? Clinic? Even a job?

        Because my perception here (suburban metro Detroit) is that these places are not so affordable. One needs as car or an uber.

        Unless the plan is to give the residents “rent supplements”. And “uber supplements” for them.

        Then it’s all good! Financier makes money. Builder makes money. Locality collects property tax.

        And everyone who works and pays taxes foots the bill!

        • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 11:38 am #

          rent supplements? Uber supplements?

          AKA Universal Basic income?


          What happens when there are not enough taxpayers to foot the bill?

          Oh wait? Another 34 trillion?

          How do People like Mike Sherman justify this?

          • Rain Waters December 15, 2023 at 12:04 pm #

            Tips the maids an extra $50?

        • Not_GeorgeT December 15, 2023 at 12:05 pm #

          I can understand ‘walkable’, I would expand it to include small buses (20 passenger type) to shuttle people to the places you mention.

          These are presently in use as ‘senior shuttles’ as an example.

          Hospitals in cities have their own fleets to move people from public transit locations to hospital-owned facilities so people can have a visit with a hospital-owned provider.

          This expands on comments upstream about the loss of farmland etc. addressing how people will move around in the 15 minute cities.

          I see the complexities in such systems as weak links.

          • gilbert December 16, 2023 at 8:32 pm #

            The small buses you write of, at least where I live, could not survive without generous government subsidies. I rarely see more than a single passenger. This is not a formula for success.

        • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:50 pm #

          Capitalism good!

      • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 11:06 am #

        One thing that has happened is new state laws were recently passed curtailing local zoning regulations & historic preservation efforts. In the next town over from here a house built in 1790, along with two barns on about 3 acres, is being demolished and replaced a Section 8 welfare project. Understand, this is on farmland outside a little 300 year old town.

    • benr December 15, 2023 at 10:30 am #

      Every strip mall, mall and business center has at least two empty shops now here in San Diego.
      Walking into some of them you can tell they are keeping just enough inventory to make the shelves “look” full but a quick look shows very little inventory on hand.
      Even some of the big box stores are showing signs of less inventory on hand.

      But but Bidenomic is working!
      Come on MAN!

      • gilbert December 16, 2023 at 8:39 pm #

        When I was a kid in suburban Boston the major route through town had several small stores and a drive-in theater. By the early 2000s a huge mall and many stores took up every square foot of that roadside. And now the mall is basically bankrupt, as is the case with many commercial establishments. Full circle?

        • benr December 17, 2023 at 4:22 pm #

          Most of that is greed.
          The malls charge thousands of dollars for the storefront and then have the gall to want a percentage of the take on top of that.

    • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 10:39 am #

      I have been seeing news items lauding Wisconsin’s governor, the sepulchral Tony Evers, and his new mess of rural housing for the indigent. As if programs for poor people aren’t all over the place, already.

      At least this scheme doesn’t involve building and renting out ever more prisons.

      Or maybe it’s essentially the same scheme. I don’t know. I just know that most of my tax payout does not

      • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 10:41 am #

        . . . seem to help me or mine. FML.

      • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 12:56 pm #

        I believe he wanted to establish homeless camps in our state forests. Can you say forest fires? Which would be promptly blamed on climate change. But he is a democrat governor, elected by democrat lemmings, so what can you realistically expect in terms of governance?

        • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 1:36 pm #

          I just wonder who is slipping Tony Evers cash to muck up Wisconsin, because he has done a lot to demoralize just about everybody but teachers’ union members.

          Back when he was DPI secretary, he was in my town’s high school for some reason, strolling the hallway with the principal. Then my husky 6-footer son, a student, hove around the corner in a hurry and almost knocked that slimy pipsqueak on his butt. My mother’s heart still glows with pride.

          • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 3:14 pm #

            I don’t know if it’s so much that as being a democrat. All democrat governors think alike and enact similar policies within their states. I think of it as ants with their connecting tunnels underground. Democrats are locked together like Legos by ideology.

        • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:52 pm #

          Gazas. Outdoor prisons. No one to see when wind and weather take them as it did the German POW’s in Eisenhower’s death camps.

          • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 2:17 pm #

            My dad remembers German POWs in WW II playing soccer in a camp in Eau Claire, WI. He said they were put to work in the seasonal produce canneries, and were given time to play.

            I have often wondered if it was a risk to plop German POWs down in one of the most German states in the union, with so many German immigrants fresh off the boat in the preceding decades. Maybe my old Onkel Adolf (I did have one!) was not just a dairy farmer but also an interrogator of Nazi cannon fodder . . .

          • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:31 pm #

            Does you family know about the atrocities committed against the German people? Do they know why the Germans supported Hitler in the first place?

          • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 3:09 pm #

            Jarek, at this point, my family has lost its germanness. Their culture was suppressed around 1915 with the policy of “100% Americanism.” My grandmother was fluent in German but limited its use from girlhood, except to pray to Gott in Himmel. My Norwegian grandfather was also bullied by somebody in the Wilson administration for publishing his newspaper in Norwegian, but he kicked back and kept on doing it, probably succeeding because Norway wasn’t busy letting blood all over Europe . . .

            . . . so, no, if they knew about atrocities against Germans, they probably didn’t care, unless their old country relatives had been killed or dispossessed.

          • BackRowHeckler December 16, 2023 at 9:35 am #

            Eisenhower’s death camps. That’s a load of bullsh#t.

            After everything the Germans pulled 1939-1945 what did the expect to be treated with kid gloves? They’re lucky they didn’t get nuked.

          • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 1:44 pm #

            Barbed wire enclosed space with guard towers, with no shelters for the prisioners. They died of exposure and disease as would be expected.

            What would you call them? Stop being an asshole. Like it or not, it was against the Geneva Convention. Ike got away with it by calling the POWs something different.

    • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 10:58 am #

      Regarding sacrificing primo farmland for the sake of medium-sized housing projects, when are we going to take a page from the Dutch farmers and roll our manure spreaders into the capitals? The government seats need a new “paint” job.

      • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 12:53 pm #

        That’s never going to happen, megabeth. They just don’t care. And if they do, they believe that voting will take care of the matter. What are you going to do?

        • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 1:41 pm #

          Me? Personally? Live my life as best I can in spite of the goniffs. My multigenerational family is quite close and prepped for when things go sideways. We have tangible, durable wealth, including pew-pews. And we have skills galore that people want and need.

          • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 1:56 pm #

            You pew pew too?

          • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 2:25 pm #

            Jarek: I grew up in a state where hunting the “T’irty-Point Buck” is a religion. I grew up surrounded by pew-pews, pop-pops, and bang-bangs. I always have a revolver on me. I have lost count of how many I own. I am only sorry that I learned handguns after my steady gray gaze had begun to lose its acuity. I am still a better shot than my husband, but awful, compared to my son. I just gave him one of my Rugers for his 21st.

          • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:29 pm #

            Yes, too bad you didn’t carry back when you were a milk maid.

          • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 3:14 pm #

            Jarek: I mainly enjoy guns for the target practice, plus they are pretty things. Carrying is just an ugly contingency plan I hope never to need. I could have had SO much fun being Annie Oakley before presbyopia struck.

            Do you pew-pew? Mind you, I expect you to monkeybranch to some other pet topic rather than give me a declarative answer.

          • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 3:18 pm #

            No, I mean rhetorically?

          • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 1:48 pm #

            Beth (the 2nd letter in the Hebrew alphabet): Why do you expect that? When did you ever ax me a question before?

            I have a couple, but I don’t practice, alas. I’ve heard about big bucks getting up and killing hunters before they die. Be careful. As Buddha said, All creatures love life and fear death.

    • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 11:39 am #

      BackRow: I was once shocked to see a graph of the German stock market during the Weimar hyperinflation. The stock index rose rapidly along with the number of Dmarks required to purchase an ounce of gold (then a common metric). So, inflation can be ‘good’ for the stock market but the underlying purchase power of the currency backing the stocks gets smaller and smaller. The Dow made a new all time high yesterday and perhaps it’s because the market likes inflation.

      • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 1:16 pm #

        Kudlow is talking about the Dow at 40,000 by February.

      • OG December 15, 2023 at 1:37 pm #

        Absolutely! NYSE is the vortex gathering place for excess liquidity.

        To re-iterate:

        Zelensky: “Give me another $116B or I’ll cry!”
        “Joe Biden”: “Do it!”
        Congress: “Done!”
        Treasury: “We need another $116B.”
        Fed rubs its hands together in maniacal laughter.
        Fed: “Done.”
        MIC: “Over here!”
        Treasury: “Done.”
        MIC then sends over-priced, inventory dumps of killing machines to Ukraine.
        MIC then dumps $116B into the NYSE.

    • malthuss December 15, 2023 at 6:07 pm #

      1965 Immigration act..Javits etc…wrt…..

      I asked my town councilman who will be living in them & he told me primarily spillover populations from China & India.

  7. rainmaker December 15, 2023 at 10:19 am #

    60 billion for the Ukies and Christmas canned food drives for poor Americans. Happy holidays everyone.

    • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 10:39 am #

      War, war and more war. Nobody cares about poor Americans.

      • rainmaker December 15, 2023 at 10:49 am #

        “War is the health of the state” -American writer Randolph Bourne

      • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 11:42 am #

        Wait one. Isn’t Biden and his mob saving our democracy?

        Or is he bringing in Communism and shoving it down our throats?

        • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 12:37 pm #


          The government needs a submissive population to dominate,

          No better way but to open that border and bringing in millions of socialistic folks.

          • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 4:15 pm #

            And many of what’s coming in across the border speak a ‘dialect’ (probably from central american jungles) of spanish that Hispanic-Americans I know don’t recognize, or they speak Mandarin. Mostly the latter. Yet another reason to buy more PMs made of lead.

          • gilbert December 16, 2023 at 8:53 pm #

            I have a slightly different take on the reasons for the open border, which is to create more divisiveness in the country, thereby taking eyes off the shitheads running things.

    • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 10:50 am #

      I get a chuckle when “austere” Republicans of the libertarian stripe explain that a border wall just isn’t a sound financial move and that there are better high-tech ways to stop illegals, but we need to send trillions overseas….

      • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:01 pm #

        Yeah they’ll get around to it after they secure the borders of Ukraine and Israel and other places too.

        Meanwhile we need brown labor from the Sub-continent. And brown labor from Central America. To do the smart and dumb jobs that Whites won’t do.

        • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 3:20 pm #

          Yeah, I was gonna say something about doing the jobs “Americans won’t do.’

    • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 12:57 pm #

      Keep voting for those elected representatives!

      • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:01 pm #

        Especially electeds of color. Read Lovecraft’s “The Color Out of Space”.

  8. stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 10:24 am #

    “in the debit cards currently issued to illegal border-jumpers.”

    I was at a local discount store yesterday picking up a couple tarps. In the check-out line the folks in front of me had a cart full of miscellaneous cheap imported crap. Non-English speaking and coached by a kindly looking elderly (white) church lady. They were being taught how to use the card reader. It appeared they had never seen one before. Out came the state card and Merry Christmas! I felt like Santa buying all this cool stuff for them. We are in a declared state of emergency per the Governor. Meanwhile the state is shaking me down for more taxes.

    • Not_GeorgeT December 15, 2023 at 10:31 am #

      “We are in a declared state of emergency per the Governor.”

      Which the Governor helped create.

      • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 10:37 am #

        And we sucker Americans continue to believe in the voting system and continue to send our tax checks to the Government.

        We have the power to starve the beast. If only we could unite. Sigh.

        • Bill of Rights December 15, 2023 at 12:10 pm #

          Florida Secretary of State is in charge of elections. He gave a talk to our group last week about his success fighting voter/election fraud.

          I asked him what he’ll do about the lady on Fox news last week who called for all out-of-state republicans to descend on Iowa and vote for her husband, Ron DeSantis. (Illegal!)

          His response:

          I don’t know if that’s what she really said. I don’t think it’s fair to pick on politicians’ wives.

          • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 1:45 pm #

            Mrs. DeSantis looks like some Hollywood hosemonster. She’s probably the main driving force behind that lift-wearing gargoyle.

        • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 12:58 pm #

          We have no choice but to send our tax checks to the government. But we do have a choice about participating in the voting system.

          • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 1:52 pm #

            I agree, but try to get people to act on this. Voting is the American way, but people aren’t wise enough to realize that not voting is actually voting in a way.

          • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 4:18 pm #

            Get a better accountant, especially an older one not beholden to the irs.

      • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 10:39 am #

        Which gives the Governor “special executive powers”, by virtue of the “declared state of emergency”. See how that works?

        • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 3:22 pm #

          beantownbill: Yes, people are caught in their own matrix, if you will, and there needs to be a red pill to bust them out.

          • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 3:23 pm #

            The caveat being that you must accept that most will choose the blue pill instead.

    • Rain Waters December 15, 2023 at 12:16 pm #

      Small groups of small brown female people speaking not ingles? Theyre everywhere en masse. They also appear to realize how most people feel about them. So they find the most ignorant brainwashed morons in whats left of this ummm society and latch on like the parasites they are. Makes em feel at homo here in the land of free shit.

      Everywhere the white busses stop.

    • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:02 pm #

      Imagine trying to teach them about door knobs and toilets.

      • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 3:18 pm #

        OMG, LOL!

        Semi- related, I supervise a bunch of Filipina nurse’s aides, and they are forever asking me to fix toilets. They don’t seem to “get” how simple a toilet mechanism is. I awarded myself the secret credential of “toilet nurse” because I have sorted out so many of them on the job.

  9. RD3 December 15, 2023 at 10:31 am #

    “Finance,” otherwise known as usury, is never necessary and was never necessary in this country. Banksters created the Federal Reserve and “finance” in this country because they were losing their wealth and power to Midwestern businessmen as the country industrialized. Through fake money and manipulation of law and the tax code, the banksters created a system where it was virtually impossible to NOT borrow money from them.

    • rainmaker December 15, 2023 at 10:44 am #

      The financialized economy is all about the skim. It’s all OK as long as the money goes to the “right people”.

      • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 10:24 pm #

        Yes. The skim, and, increasingly, the annuity. No sense in selling a thing to a person once. Streams of income can be capitalized into perpetuity. This is why no disease is ever cured anymore. What is the payday in curing a disease? Find a drug to “manage the disease and make money off of it for decades…

  10. Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 10:36 am #

    “The citizens of one region or another of our country might go so far as to establish their own money”

    Jim, it is already happening. In Utah, Wyoming, Nevada and, I believe, New Hampshire, there is a currency that, thanks to vacuum technology, has small amounts of gold infused between two layers of polymer. These are called “Goldbacks.” Many businesses in these states already accept Goldbacks as legal tender. It is quite an ingenious solution to our worthless paper dollars. Goldbacks have enabled the average joe to buy small amounts of gold instead of a coin worth $2,000.00. I have heard that South Dakota, Arizona and Idaho are also looking into Goldbacks.

    A digital currency will sucker many, but humans are clever and they will find a way to cover their transactions without the digital currency either through clever inventions such as the Goldback or through a barter system. No doubt the Fed will try this lunacy as the dollar loses its global reserve status and “joe biden” continues to fund illegal wars throughout the world feeding inflation.

    The shit is going to hit the fan. We all know it. Economic laws have been subverted temporarily but they cannot be changed. The law will be satisfied.

    Git your gold and silver and build up your barter kits. You’re going to need them.

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    • Socrates-Detroit December 15, 2023 at 10:41 am #


      Between JHK and the commentariat, I learn quite a bit here.

      Goldbacks. Very interesting, just googled it.

      Thanks for sharing this.

      • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 11:07 am #

        Yes sir, I learn a lot from the comment sections alone, whether I agree or disagree with the comment I always learn something if, at the least, it causes me to go research something to confirm for myself.

        • Socrates-Detroit December 15, 2023 at 11:28 am #


      • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 11:17 am #

        Is the gold in a goldback salvageable? Reminds me of the plastic-sealed grams of gold you can buy, in a way. “Pamps,” they are called, and they look like embryonic bullion–very cute! But I assume that some of their value derives from portability, purity, attested weight, and ease of melting (were that to be desirable). An actual layer of gold in a goldback would be useless for practical use–just serving as a “peg” for very concrete cash, right?

        • Rain Waters December 15, 2023 at 12:21 pm #

          IOW are goldbacks actually worth what theyre printed on ?

          Is this value transferrable ?

          Or derivative

          • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 1:46 pm #

            Right. Thank you.

        • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:06 pm #

          Yes, back when money was metallic and precious, retired men of a certain ethnic group who still have strength in their hands, would cut all along the edges and keep the filings but not so much as to ruin the coin.

        • gilbert December 16, 2023 at 9:15 pm #

          The premium on the goldbacks is a put off to an old stacker like me.

    • D from OR December 15, 2023 at 10:52 am #

      “A digital currency will sucker many, but humans are clever and they will find a way to cover their transactions without the digital currency”

      ^^^ This.

      Also, there won’t be enough enforcers.

      Glitches won’t be able to be quickly solved.

      The blobs will attempt to “have” a digital but it doesn’t mean they’ll get one that functions like their fantasies.

      • SpeedyBB December 16, 2023 at 5:54 am #

        It [unfortunately] seems to work with eerie reliability in the PRC (where I visited) and here in Indonesia (where I live and work).

        As I was strolling through Shanghai with my doctor friend he saw something tasty at a sidewalk vendor’s, under a canopy, and unthinkingly swiped a card for it without even checking any display. I was suitably impressed.

        Here in archipelagic Indonesia digital transactions are being ballyhooed as a financial tool of great benefit to the “unbanked” (formerly called the “unbankable” until they discovered that means something quite different), referring to the millions and millions of working-class village dwellers sprinkled all across the 13,000 islands. With impressively powerful telco coverage (part of the control mechanism of a 32-year military dictatorship) digital practice is innocently infusing the entire economy. The potential for malevolence does not seemed to have dawned on anyone, including the academics and so-called “intelligentsia”.

    • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 11:01 am #

      We’ve had Berkshire Bucks around here for quite a while. No gold involved but they work. Herman Melville and Norman Rockwell appear on the big notes.Seems there are a lot of local currencies in the US.



      • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 11:29 am #

        Didn’t Kunstler write about a form of Berkie bucks in one of his novels? I think they were ineptly printed and otherwise pretty risible.

        I think I’ll invent a currency today, to be used in the upper Mississippi Valley and environs. I’ll call it the “Ope!” It will depict Ed Gein and Jeffery Dahmer dining on cold cuts on one side, with a water-skiing cow on the other. The motto will be, “Tell Your Folks I Says `Hi.'”

        • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 1:51 pm #

          “Ineptly printed” as in the bills had spelling and mechanics errors. I found this almost as funny as when the trailer park cult was flailing out “Smells Like Teen Spirit” on acoustic stuff.

          (Nirvana musicianship was so null to begin with)

      • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 1:18 pm #

        Yeah I was wondering if Berkshire Bucks made it as far east as the Pioneer Valley. I have a few from a trip to Stockbridge a few years back.

    • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 11:50 am #

      Canker: FYI -Texas, Tennessee, and five other states (I think OK, La, Utah, MT, and one other) have Governor signed legislation that 1) declares US minted gold and silver coins are legal tender for all debts and payments, and 2) establishes gold and silver depositories (not that anyone in their right mind would send their PMs to the state). But your point is well taken.

  11. RD3 December 15, 2023 at 10:39 am #

    “It already is, actually, in the debit cards currently issued to illegal border-jumpers. Their card accounts are refilled monthly, making this the equivalent of a guaranteed basic income. Next, this privilege will be extended to the lower economic ranks of American citizens, and so on upward, until the whole middle-class and even the higher levels are enlisted, and then the authorities will have the ability to push everyone around.”

    Not just illegals. WIC and EBT cards have been around for two decades, at least. I was in line in the grocery store a couple years ago and an obese negro, with a white baby mama, in front of me was screaming at the cashier because she wouldn’t let him buy menthol cigarettes with his EBT card. Not sure what the rules are now, but I imagine, in the future, one will be able to use your EBT card placing online bets or ordering a prostitute.

    • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 11:05 am #

      “Cards” were instituted a long time ago, to disguise how poor we are. Food stamps were too obvious. Anyone using a “card” doesn’t stand out, they appear like every other consumer.

      Chances are, no matter where you shop, 40% are on the dole, you just don’t know it, because it doesn’t appear that way. The economy is and has always been strong. The Tee Vee tells me so.

    • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 12:05 pm #

      My state’s EBT card rule is that one cannot buy alcohol or tobacco. But, one can buy all the sugary and corn syrup carcinogenic foods one wants.

      • Rain Waters December 15, 2023 at 12:24 pm #

        But no warm food one can actually eat.

        • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 1:09 pm #

          The politicians around here love to point out that WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) freebie card can be used for fresh fruits and vegetables are farm stands and farmer’s markets. I frequent those places, but I’ve never seen anyone buy any produce with one of those cards.

          • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 1:10 pm #

            “at” not “are”

            I apologize for my hideous lack of education and grammar.

          • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 1:14 pm #

            Well, maybe they can be used, but whether they’re accepted by the vendor is another matter.

          • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 1:18 pm #

            Its probably never been tried. Why buy kohlrabi and brussels sprouts when you can buy Flaming Hot Funyuns and Ding Dongs?

          • Anthea December 15, 2023 at 6:54 pm #

            @ RD3:

            In my area, the EBT card is usually not tendered directly to the farmers’ market vendor. The way it worked in a couple of the bigger markets was that you took your EBT card to the market’s office, where the money on the card was converted to tokens. You paid the vendors with tokens. In both of these markets, funds on the EBT cards were worth double in tokens.

            The market vendor turned in the tokens to the office at the end of the day. I don’t know if they could redeem them for cash at the end of the day at both of these markets, but I do know that, at the bigger of the two markets, the vendor was credited with the money, which was direct-deposited in his account in a few days.

            I think the farmers’ market vendors are set up to take the EBT cards directly in the smaller markets, but probably each individual vendor has to get set up to do this.

            At the KC farmers’ market, I would occasionally get a customer trying to buy soap or other products from me with food stamp tokens–though they knew this was not allowed.

            People could also use regular credit and debit cards to buy tokens at the market’s office. This was because some vendors didn’t take credit or debit cards. These tokens were different from the food-stamp tokens, and customers could buy anything they wanted with them.

            There was a little glitch to this during the first couple of years I did the KC market: You turned in your tokens to the office, and they were supposed to mail you a check in a month or so, but about half the time you never got the check. Due to the one-month wait, it was easy to forget that you were owed money (usually a small amount), but most vendors figured it out after awhile, and started refusing to take these tokens.

            Eventually, the market master came around to ask me why I had refused to take a customer’s tokens. (This customer had just come from another vendor who had also refused their tokens.) I told her the reason–as I had likewise told the customer the reason. She reminded me that my contract obligated me to accept the tokens, but she also got the problem fixed. My guess is that there were people in the office who were embezzling the funds. That market was owned and run by the city, so they doubless had some problematic people in the office.

          • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 10:10 pm #


            Thanks. Very interesting. I didn’t know that. I just saw lots of people swiping various credit/debit cards and didn’t know why I never saw a WIC/EBT card.

    • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 1:59 pm #

      Someplace (NYC?) is banning menthol ciggies altogether, which has provoked a little frisson of black activist indignation. Just a little squib I read in the news this week.

      Pretty sure I’m not alone in noticing how much money awareness and control we give up even right now, sliding, inserting,, and tapping plastic cards through point-of-sale devices. Ten bucks here, 20 bucks there . . . pretty soon we’re talking about a blown household budget. Paying in tangible form has its built-in brakes.

  12. benr December 15, 2023 at 10:40 am #

    The whisky ice ball maker these things gor for up to $4,000.
    Whether you’re building the definitive home bar, searching for a gift, or looking to experience an optimally chilled dram, The Macallan Ice Ball Maker is the ultimate choice.
    For the low low price of $1500.00



    A simple press kit?


    Normally $600 now on sale for just $440


    A simple mold


    $10 bucks.

    I ask because my wife was actually going to buy me one of the top offerings for almost two grand and I gently thanked her for the thought and suggested the ice mold at the bottom.
    I think I hurt her feelings because she thought it was a very cool gift idea.
    I don’t drink enough whisky to ever really use one of these and I suspect it would break soon after the warranty expired.

    • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 10:43 am #

      My father-in-law likes whiskey. I bought him some granite whiskey stones. They also come in stainless steel, obsidian and various other materials. For serious whiskey drinkers who don’t like to water down their gravy, these are the way to go.

      • benr December 15, 2023 at 11:12 am #

        I always add a bit of water as it opens up the flavor profile of the whisky if there is any beyond the burn.
        Current favorite is Jonny Walker Blue and an old Rip Van Winkle 10 year.
        Both of these actually have the tastes they advertise at least to my unrefined taste buds.

        • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 12:17 pm #

          I’m not much of a whiskey drinker, but I’d go with wheated bourbon in a pinch. Makers, Old Fitzgerald, Wellers, etc.

          • benr December 15, 2023 at 12:37 pm #

            Makers is excellent.

          • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 12:47 pm #

            I toured a couple distilleries when I was in Kentucky a few years ago. Makers the best one I saw. Beautiful setting. Jim Beam was as commercialized as Disney World. Heaven Hill was just a factory.

    • cowbell81 December 15, 2023 at 10:49 am #

      A few years back they had free ice ball mold makers attached to the tops of Makers bottles. It was one of those promo give away things. I just grabbed a couple off the top without having to make a purchase. Sucks for the next guy, but I figured big alcohol was good for it.

      • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 11:06 am #

        CB, your a lightweight. Next time join a flash-mob and grab a few cases of the top shelf booze.

    • Cankerpuss December 15, 2023 at 11:10 am #

      But whiskey could bring you a lot of stuff in a barter economy as alcoholics clamor to satisfy their addiction. Porn, tobacco, feminine hygiene products, baby formula and more will do well in a barter economy. He would could produce some whiskey would become one of the well to do in our society where so many are addicted to alcohol.

      Think about it.

      • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 11:14 am #

        Stock up on nips. You don’t want to trade a qt. of booze for a dozen eggs.

        • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 1:20 pm #

          When I see a guy drinking nips (with a beer chaser sometimes) I suspect there’s a problem.

          • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 3:14 pm #

            “I suspect there’s a problem.”

            The guy will just need another nip in 10 minutes. Kinda like cocaine. “Cocaine makes me feel like a new man. Problem is the first thing the new man wants is more cocaine.”

            Rick James: “It’s a hell of a drug!”

            Just ask Hunter.

      • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 11:26 am #

        When the lights go out and cell phones are off, Xanax will sell for $100 (or equivalent value) per tab. Easier product than whiskey. Could trade zannies for whiskey, but most people will want both.

        • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 4:30 pm #


      • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 11:58 am #

        And don’t forget lead, as attached to powder filled brass cylinders. It will be worth its weight in gold, especially for the poor slaves living in restrictive blue states.

        • OG December 15, 2023 at 12:44 pm #

          Beans, bullets, bullion and bibles.

          • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 2:03 pm #

            And bandaids!

        • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 2:05 pm #

          Don’t forget reloading equipment along with a good supply of powder and primers. And many pickle pails full of Pb tire weights.

          • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 4:37 pm #

            Primers and bullets (bullets not cartridges for the blue staters 🙂 ) are getting really hard to get. My son and I just got the dyes for various 50 caliber platforms but we’re having trouble getting large magnum primers and 50 caliber bullets in 400 and 500 grain. Get all you can while you can.
            Rumor is that the dem-communists are trying to get a ban on all high caliber ammo and re-loading equipment of all kinds. Not verified.

          • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 5:07 pm #

            Doc, you stated in the past that you are sorta into 50 cal S&W. To me that cartridge is a specialty thing and way overkill. How about a nice run of the mill .357 mag. More than enough juice and common/practical.

          • neurodoc December 16, 2023 at 1:12 pm #

            Stelmosfire: I’ve hunted wild Russian boar many times, and have used 357, 44 mag, and 500 S/W. The 357 and 44 usually take more than one shot into a critical vascular or neuro shock target area to stop them. That’s dangerous as these animals will kill you. Every time I’ve shot a boar with a 500 S/W it went down and stayed down on the first shot (I’ve also seen the same pattern with a 50 Beowulf; BTW no one would ever hunt with a 50BMG unless you’re hunting TRex 🙂 ). For those concerned, we always donate more than 1/2 of the meat to a food bank and have the skin and fur taxidermed for the mancave.

      • pranah December 15, 2023 at 1:35 pm #

        I have said for years that come the apocalypse, and women are bleeding down their legs, they’ll =scream= for feminine hygiene products. I have advised several friends to work on stocking up a lifetime’s worth of tampons. All lthey have to do is figure how many boxes they use a month, multiply by 12 for a year’s worth, then multiply by a guess of how many more years they’ll need them. Unless the boxes were also vacuum-packed, the hardest part might be keeping the stash dry.

        • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:10 pm #

          Better walk them thru that. That’s complicated math.

        • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:34 pm #

          Rhubarb leaves? Too toxic? What did our Great Grandmas do in the before times?

          • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 3:09 pm #

            What Jarek did you grow up in a house without a diaper pail? No TP? everybody gets a bunch of rags. Clean your own ass wipes. No big deal. Me? I was saving phone books(when they came in the mail). I have a bunch. Rough on the arse if your the sensitive type. Shiny paper no good. Slicker than shit on a doorknob.

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 4:34 pm #

            Rocks and leaves in the Middle Ages.

            The Bible has no sense of humour because they had to use sand.

          • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 5:09 pm #

            Is that where the sayin’ “pound sand” come from?

          • megabeth December 15, 2023 at 8:07 pm #

            Stock up on silicone menstrual cups for the women in your family, Jarek, or for barter, if women won’t touch you with a barge pole. They seat on the cervix with a bit of suction and work all day and night without a mess. You just dump, wash, and put it back in. It’ll last for years and years. If I were a tampon magnate, I’d ruthlessly try to suppress sales of menstrual cups.

      • Anthea December 15, 2023 at 7:30 pm #

        @ Cankerpuss:

        Walmart sells stills for around $100, if I remember right. I learned this when I was telling one of my neighbors (a licensed grower of marijuana) about my longing for an expensive copper alembic. He told me to check out Walmart online.

        I suppose it takes some skill to make hooch, but I’m told my grandfather was a bootlegger, in a small way, during the 20s, and he was not a highly educated man. But there’s a good chance he had some skilled mentors in his area.

    • Rain Waters December 15, 2023 at 12:26 pm #

      K cup BS.

  13. RD3 December 15, 2023 at 10:46 am #

    “They will decline to be pushed around. They might even push back, start stomping on the blob’s tentacles as it reaches across the land.”

    The first step has to be to destroy the surveillance state. There is no way around this. All of the cameras, license plate readers, etc. have to be destroyed before anything productive can take place.

    • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:12 pm #

      EMP strikes. Unfortunately it will take everything else too.

      China wants North America sans the population. This would do most of it.

      • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 5:11 pm #

        “EMP” my ass. I wear a tinfoil hat like OG for protection.

  14. JC Penny December 15, 2023 at 11:29 am #

    JHK: “The authorities have underestimated the number of citizens who know what it means to be sovereign individuals.”

    Your optimism is delusional. What was the Global Panic Attack three years ago other than individuals selling their sovereignty to feel the perceived security… and all the more supportive of mandates on others? And, how about the placated masses on the Coasts that routinely suffer any manner of gross infringements upon their sovereignty without a whimper… not to mention their absolute glee in eradicating someone else’s?

    CBDC will happen. The sheeple will support it.

    • OG December 15, 2023 at 12:41 pm #

      Yes. And yet all the non-believers simply completely ignore that the coming CBDC was prophesied 2,000 years ago!

      13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
      14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
      15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
      16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
      17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
      18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
      Revelation 13 [KJV]

      • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 1:07 pm #

        Yes, this is the system for which they’re laying the groundwork today. Most of the American “church” is clueless about this, of course, since most churches do not and have not taught or preached on Revelation, largely because their pastors do not believe what it says, so most people haven’t a clue what’s in the book.

      • Opie December 15, 2023 at 3:46 pm #

        Well…that clears things up.

    • JC Penny December 15, 2023 at 2:45 pm #

      Proselytizing your faux/uber-Christianity in the comments section of a blog for copper-hats (not tin) that appreciate the erudite entertainment that JHK provides yet you view as Gospel does little to afford you credibility… unless you are banned from the echo-chamber for narcissists known as Facebook and have no other areas to preach petty lies.

      Have you ever bothered to observe the King James Version (KJV) of your Yoda-verse is a translation of a translation of a compilation of parables that was published with the sole purpose of societal control — JUST LIKE CBDC????

      I say again, the(se) sheeple will accept and rejoice in it.

      • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 4:59 pm #

        Isn’t it both predictable and hilarious that apocalyptic fundamentalists only seem to know one book of the Bible — Revelations — and quote from it almost exclusively, while either willingly or ignorantly avoiding almost every other book?

        I’d be curious to hear OG’s analysis of the Jael-Sisera narrative (Judges 4), if he’s even heard of these names, and see him try to square his own personal back story with the “glories of God” once assimilating this incredibly complex web.

  15. sadlycdn December 15, 2023 at 11:46 am #

    Try living in Kanada,we have a real blob problem and for the most part it’s the people………..I really dont know where to start…..

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    • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 12:20 pm #

      Start by defending and supporting Pastor Artur Pawlowski – look him up on You Tube – he is fearless, a hero. Put him and Trudeau in a room and follow whoever come out.

    • OG December 15, 2023 at 12:33 pm #

      Canadians are sheep. Sad but true.

      • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 1:21 pm #

        Canada is a petri dish where the Globalists beta test all of their demented schemes on a very passive and compliant group of white people.

        • gustafson.robert.22 December 15, 2023 at 1:44 pm #


        • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 5:03 pm #

          Sure . No compliance among the large coteries of rainbow people or Indians.

          An ignorant comment.

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 5:06 pm #

            BTW, Whites aren’t so “compliant” any more. Fewer than 20% now opt in for new jabs.

            As I said elsewhere on this thread, people are slow on the uptake, but they eventually get it.

          • OG December 15, 2023 at 5:32 pm #

            Sure . No compliance among the large coteries of rainbow people or Indians. An ignorant comment.

            He never said that. What a bizarre strawman. What an ignorant response.

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 9:07 pm #

            Then why did he single out Whites, fool?

        • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 10:20 pm #

          Why would the globalist monsters care what a bunch of fucking Indians or brain-damaged, mutilated fools think? Only the irascible, unregenerate residue of Christendom really poses them any threat. Why have they spent so much time and money destroying the South and the American Heartland?

      • SpeedyBB December 16, 2023 at 6:20 am #

        My ten years as a political exile in Western Canada were an eye-opener. I came to attribute the leporine nature of the Canucks to the hostility of the environment along with the eternally-skinflint economy (Australia similar) where even entrepreneurs just … can’t … seem … to … get … going …

        Naked control of the banks by an arrogant eastern elite and when the omnipresent dour social control did not function then the RCMP, bound by no rules except their own, ruthlessly moved in.

        What transpired with the truckers’ movement was all-too-predictable, and most Canadians smothered whatever sympathies they might have embraced to go along with the crowd.

      • Wizard of the Saddle December 16, 2023 at 10:42 am #

        That’s insulting to sheep.

  16. elysianfield December 15, 2023 at 11:48 am #

    I’m gonna out Q the Q…

    “They might even push back, start stomping on the blob’s tentacles (sp) as it reaches across the land.”


    You’re welcome, in advance….

    • elysianfield December 15, 2023 at 11:52 am #

      Oh, I just saw that Ron A earliercaught the error and corrected the text…my bad.

      • pranah December 15, 2023 at 1:37 pm #

        Great minds think alike, ef. 😉

    • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 5:16 pm #


      “You’re welcome, in advance….”

      Those amongst us of the brass ball race are amused that lesser humans are concerned with such nonsense.

      • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 6:36 pm #

        SEF – you are correct – and that’s a brassy statement. That’s where the adjective brassy actually came from.

  17. Paula D December 15, 2023 at 12:10 pm #

    I remember watching Putin explain to the world that money doesn’t actually mean anything if there is no food or energy available.

    Well, duh, I thought. But Americans have forgotten this obvious truth. Now we are watching Congress bicker over money for non-existent weapons, and everyone pretends that money = weapons, even though the stocks have been depleted. No problem! Just sprinkle money on them and they will appear, like Sea-Monkeys when you sprinkle water.

    Russians went through the destruction of their economy in the 90s, with great death and destruction involved, so they had their memories refreshed.
    But at least they still had food and energy.

    We won’t have either. Gold doesn’t do shit if the food and gas are not being delivered. People will learn this.

    Back in the 30s, people understood, so FDR could give a speech about it at his first inauguration, without people screaming, “But no! Give the money changers more credit and wealth, and then it will surely trickle down to us. Any day now! ”

    “In such a spirit on my part and on yours we face our common difficulties. They concern, thank God, only material things. Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone.

    More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment……

    Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply. Primarily this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind’s goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.”

    “True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish.

    The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.”

    Americans will have to learn this again, and probably the same way, except that we have triple the population now, and 1/20 the farmers. It’s not going to be easy.

    • Paula D December 15, 2023 at 12:13 pm #

      I think Putin was actually addressing Europeans when he pointed out the obvious.

      Europeans also believe in magical commodity production and distribution.
      They put sanctions on Russian food and oil, and then expected it to appear by the magic of “human ingenuity”.

      Sure, dudes. How’s that working out for you?

    • OG December 15, 2023 at 12:31 pm #

      Gold doesn’t do shit if the food and gas are not being delivered. People will learn this.

      When TSHTF, I’d rather chase the dwindling resources of food and gas with gold than with worthless bank digits. Clearly.

      Gold does so “do shit.” It always has and it always will.

      • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 12:48 pm #

        I agree. The problem I see with gold is that it is too valuable for most transactions. I think it will be easier to use silver.

        • gustafson.robert.22 December 15, 2023 at 1:20 pm #

          There might be an argument that more transactions will be large after a breakdown event… agreements such as, “Provide us with fish this season and this gold bar is yours in 6 months.”

          • OG December 15, 2023 at 3:19 pm #

            Right. There is infinity ways to “make change” while dullards parrot, “You’ll spend an ounce of your gold on a loaf of bread!”

            I like to use this hypothetical scenario:

            Imagine TSHTF and gas goes through the roof.

            You buy 30 gallons of gas for a 1-oz. gold coin.

            You then barter 1 gallon of gas for a dozen eggs.

            You do that 30 times – every couple of weeks.

            You’ve now fed yourself necessary protein for an entire year with your 1-oz. gold coin.

            Of course, these price ratios are purely hypothetical but the illustration of one’s ability to transfer wealth into sustenance is demonstrated.

          • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 4:44 pm #

            You can buy gold American Eagles (not a confiscation target per the USC) in one oz, 1/2, 1/4, 1/10, and 1/20th oz sizes. Still, silver is probably better for barter and trade, at least before it goes to 200$ per ounce.

          • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 1:40 am #

            “Imagine TSHTF and gas goes through the roof.

            You buy 30 gallons of gas for a 1-oz. gold coin”

            Your premise is not a given.

        • OG December 15, 2023 at 3:07 pm #

          Right you are. Gold for wealth storage and silver for currency.

          • neurodoc December 15, 2023 at 4:45 pm #

            There be wisdom.

        • gilbert December 16, 2023 at 9:57 pm #

          Yes. Junk silver dimes. Recognizable and handy for small transactions.

      • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 1:26 pm #

        OG, if I learned anything from watching The Trailer Park Boys is a true Canadian would just show up at the local station and take what he needed (the essentials i.e. Slim Jim’s, smokes, chips, beer & gas)

        • OG December 15, 2023 at 4:04 pm #

          Being from the prairies, Heckler, I’m more of a Corner Gas guy. The Trailer Park Boys are funny – in small doses.

          Yes, there will be anarchy. I believe that gold & silver will be best stashed away during the explosive first month or two but will most certainly be good to hold after we emerge from that initial chaos.

          • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 1:35 am #


            …Oh yeah…and Bibles.

    • Paula D December 15, 2023 at 1:34 pm #

      My point is that the gas stations will not be open and neither will the grocery stores.

      Are they not already closing in your town?

      Producing and distributing the goods we rely on to live all takes money, in this society.
      Take away the money and the goods will stop. Fantasizing about going down to Kroger’s, pushing your cart through fully stocked shelves and then bartering with the cashier with your gold bars…….
      it’s not going to happen.

      The whole system is not going to keep functioning in order to supply a few people who stashed gold and sliver.

      • beantownbill. December 15, 2023 at 2:08 pm #

        That’s it in a nutshell.

      • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 5:38 pm #


        Thanks for that dose of sanity amongst the precious metals dreamers.

        As if gold and silver alleviated or even ameliorated famine and medical emergencies in days of yore among the plebs.

        • gustafson.robert.22 December 15, 2023 at 8:34 pm #

          You’d think a bitcoin bro would see metals as an investment in the same vein, a partner or somewhat analagous approach, but you would be wrong. You would have misjudged this and many other such bitcoin bros.

      • Wizard of the Saddle December 16, 2023 at 10:54 am #

        Go read some history. Even in the midst of the most destructive wars in history folks have used silver and gold to obtain necessities and services in whatever black market economy that was accessible to them

        Too many here forget that it was barter economies that sorted out the fact that these two precious metals were the most practical stores of value for facilitating general commerce. Their inherent properties rendered them the most natural objects to serve as money on our planet.

    • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:16 pm #

      He was in with the nascent Global Elite – who are the Bankers. He was no Hitler. Putin is the wild card, the Joker who don’t joke.

      • Socrates-Detroit December 17, 2023 at 3:16 pm #

        I think any post-Soviet Russian leader or government who is not deferential to the US and the West would be hated by the Western Elite.

        I think Putin did want Russia to “face Europe”, he personally has met many of the PTB, he attended their summits, but in the end, he did not submit to the West. He put his country and the Russian people first.

        While he may not have flown on Epstein’s jet, he’s seen a lot and knows a lot. He spurned the globalists. Whether they feel betrayed or not, I sense hate him twice as much because he is Russian AND he spurned them.

        Good for Putin!

        And he’s shepherded Russia from the depths of an economic and social depression to prosperity.

        Russia is the only major country in the world that is not subservient to the dollar-denominated global system. Even China, the biggest economy in the world (if measured in terms what WHAT they produce) is today beholden to the dollar system.

        I’m surprised no one is blaming Putin for the Oct 07 Hamas attack.

  18. NickelthroweR December 15, 2023 at 12:48 pm #

    “The financialized economy was primed to blow up in September of 2019 when symptoms of severe distress materialized in an arcane corner of the system known as the reverse repo market”

    Most people are unaware of that event but I can tell you that within 24 hours of the REPO Market collapse, I had hired a real estate agent and immediately set about buying a house in fly-over-land (and bought one sight unseen) as I didn’t think SoCal would survive a deflationary depression and the zombie apocalypse that would come with it.

    Little did I know that Event 201 and the printing of 24 trillion dollars would be used to kick the can down the road a bit longer but having moved to live among the Amish, I was not subjected to masks, social distancing and vax mandates. I got to skip all that nonsense.

    Because I worked in entertainment, I knew many people who had spent time in prison (I did a lot of hip-hop). The lowest common denominator of prison is Race. Race is the foundation of everything in prison – period. When we attain full-on hyperinflation or a deflationary spiral, we will see prison rules spread across our land. Not only will we have a financial crisis but also a race war and we will have them concurrent.

    When things get really tough, people automatically segregate themselves by race and then the killing will start. No one will be able to opt out. Expect regional ethnic cleansing.

    • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 12:57 pm #

      Did you assimilate to the mores of the place you moved, or did you bring the Left coast with you? Not being snarky. I’m genuinely interested. A person I am ashamed to call a relative voluntarily moved to a new locale and talked incessantly about how much he couldn’t stand the locals and all of their ways and customs. He hated everything about the area with the exception of its proximity to the beach.

      Another relative of mine spent a good chunk of time in prison. He confirmed what you said above. Race determines what team you are on, and every other race will band together to protect each other from the dumb and violent (I apologize for being redundant) blacks. My relative was not very racially conscious when he entered prison, but he sure is now.

      • NickelthroweR December 15, 2023 at 1:41 pm #

        I grew up in flyover land and never properly fit in while living in SoCal because I am a Free Market Anarchist. I get along just fine with the Amish and Mennonites as they, like me, want to be left alone to do their thing.

        Just so you know, the people fleeing California are, for the most part, far more conservative than their host populations. In other words, Californians moving to Texas are more conservative than native Texans, more conservative than native Floridians and more conservative than the people in Tennessee.

        It takes a lot of grit and conviction to just pick yourself up and move across an entire continent because of a political stance. Perhaps your family doesn’t breed such individuals. Too bad.

        • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 1:49 pm #

          That isn’t my experience at all. My brother lived in Boise for many years and while he was there, it got all fucked up by Californians. The majority of them, were in no way, conservative. They simply wanted to take advantage of the arbitrage that selling a $3 million piece of shit house in techland could afford you in Idaho.

          During the pandemic a bunch of fucks from the coasts moved here. They immediately got loud and obnoxious about things they didn’t like, such as deer culling, potholed roads, cops that actually deal with criminals, etc.

          If you leave the coasts, remember that you are a refugee, not a missionary.

          • NickelthroweR December 15, 2023 at 11:50 pm #

            I’m a Kreator – I don’t need or want your advice. Best to worry about yourself.

          • RD3 December 16, 2023 at 10:30 pm #

            What is a “Kreator?”

          • OG December 17, 2023 at 12:07 pm #

            I truly believe that from the far left to the far right, we are all against “potholed roads.”

          • RD3 December 17, 2023 at 7:40 pm #

            i don’t mind potholes. They beat the expense and inconvenience of repaving roads. Paving contracts are a known boondoggle, at least around here.

    • tuco22 December 15, 2023 at 1:21 pm #

      I was just thinking the other day that Charlie Manson may have been right when he predicted a race war.

      • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 1:24 pm #

        Did he predict it or try to foment it himself?

      • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 1:30 pm #

        One thing not widely known is that Alvin ‘Creepy’ Karpis — a member of Ma Barker’s gang — was Charley Manson’s celly at Washington State prison. It was Karpis who taught Charley how to play guitar.

        The rest is history.

        • Paddys Lament December 15, 2023 at 5:31 pm #

          If only Terry Melcher had given him a record contract. At least he listened to his mom, Doris Day, when she warned him about Charlie and got himself out of that house on Cielo Drive before the mayhem ensued.

          • BackRowHeckler December 15, 2023 at 5:49 pm #

            I know, right.

            The original mistake was Dennis Wilson picking up female hitchhikers on the Pacific Coast Highway. How could he have known that they were “Charley’s Girls?”

      • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 2:19 pm #

        So did Thomas Jefferson unless they were removed from the continental United States – which he advocated for.

        • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 11:38 am #

          Now, here we have a fundamental difference between your worldview and mine.

          Thomas Jefferson never picked up female hitchhikers….

          …Well, maybe Mustang Sally….

          • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:01 pm #

            Would you say that your antipathy to Christianity is possibly genetic?

          • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 2:38 pm #

            Perhaps. But it has also been suggested that Intelligence can also be so transferred. Also, diseases and infirmities of all sorts.

            I would suggest that, insofar as religion is concerned, that I highly respect a person devout in his religious beliefs. In which religion can be found the most devout? Christianity? You jest. Catholicism? Perhaps some. Islam? The gold standard.

            Mussulmen not only talk the talk…they walk the walk.

          • Jarek December 17, 2023 at 2:01 am #

            Yes, and kill the kill. Anyone can become a martyr. But how many can make others into a martyr as St Patton said.

          • elysianfield December 17, 2023 at 11:57 am #

            “St. Patton”,

            Was that Saint Patton the Profane?

            St. Patton of the 3rd Reformation (Mechanized, of course)?

  19. Ed Haskell December 15, 2023 at 1:18 pm #

    Mr. Kunstler,

    “The result of that monetary mischief was today’s inflation.”

    In light of the solution to inflation applied in the early 1980’s by Paul Volcker – collapse the economy to save the economy, I agree with Bernanke’s criticism of Powell on May 16, 2022. Powell’s sloth-like speed in reining in inflation is the source of today’s inflationary scourge. Powell has allowed inflation to accumulate to a practically unmanageable degree. The problem down the road will be how to deflate (collapse?) the economy to 2% inflation. Volker’s method was to skyrocket the Fed Rate. Ugh.

    A genuine problem of Volker’s solution to inflation was the long time for the economy to fully recover, nearly ten years. The early 1990’s saw a genuine revival in our economy, a nice change from the ‘managed’ collapse of the early 1980’s. Interestingly, that recovery coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    On Sept 30, 2022 Vladimir Putin gave a speech. A small portion was devoted to the early 1990’s recovery of our economy, “And the 1980s crisis – things came to a head in the 1980s again – the West emerged from it unscathed largely by appropriating the inheritance and resources of the collapsed and defunct Soviet Union. That’s a fact.”

    If the solution to our economic doldrums of the 1980’s was the injection of wealth from the collapsed Soviet Union, and our economy has seen serious ups and downs since the 2008 recession and subsequent qualitative easing, might the geniuses running the blob be attempting a rerun of the collapse of the Soviet Union?


    • Paula D December 15, 2023 at 1:27 pm #

      You nailed it.

      They looted and stole from Russia (and Ukraine) in the 90s (and don’t forget that when China opened up their vast labor resources to the west, also in the 90s, the ensuing cheap commodities helped assuage the collapse of wages in the US).

      They want to do it again. We are run by crooks and criminals and they know no other way to thrive except by killing and stealing.

  20. liber8tor December 15, 2023 at 1:38 pm #

    Re: Financialization…made me think of a quote from ‘Ol Ross Perot when he was debating Daddy Bush and Bill Clinton re: NAFTA. “That giant sucking sound is jobs leaving the United States”.

    Of course, the obedient media had to smear Perot as a crazy old man to discredit him.

    They did the same thing to Ron Paul way back when. The Blob is a one-trick pony.

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    • RD3 December 15, 2023 at 1:41 pm #

      Yes. Even worse was the way that they treated James Stockdale, a truly admirable man.

  21. BigJake December 15, 2023 at 1:55 pm #

    “The result of that monetary mischief was today’s inflation.”

    It was a lot more than just that. It was the CONTINUED insane spending but also SUPPLY SIDE inflation driven by a sound in energy costs.

    Trump took billions off the Fed’s balance sheet. That was yuge. Had they stopped the WuFlu spending surge and kept energy production rolling we would be far better off than now.

    But just like the “one-time”crisis spending at the Bysh-Obamao changeout, those levels became permanent. Now we are well and truly hosed.

  22. Paula D December 15, 2023 at 2:46 pm #

    This is interesting. We know that the covid rates were manipulated by bribing hospitals and doctors.

    But this nurse says that after the GMO injectables were rolled out, their computerized record system was manipulated as well.

    Any patient that came into their system (Kaiser, in this case) who had Covid would have a red bar show up on their Epic chart which said “Unvaccinated”.
    This nurse says that very few personnel actually asked the patients if they were vaxed, and that they didn’t know how to remove the bar, because they were not shown how to do that.

    Her friend worked at another system that also used Epic, and in her system if a patient came in with Covid, they had two choices.
    There was no way to document that they had had their shots.

    When she heard the media squawking heads solemnly swearing that all covid cases were unvaccinated, she realized why the Epic system had been set up like that.

    It is so easy to manipulate an entire country, just by issuing decrees from the top.


    • JC Penny December 15, 2023 at 3:37 pm #


      You are correct.

      I started downloading daily data in March 2020. I did it for three years straight. The Global COVID data from Worldometer as well as the national COVID and Death-by-all-causes data from the CDC. The best thing about the daily data dump is that the revisionists can’t change what I copied… just the “historical” file.

      What I found was astonishing. Everything the fear-porn was publishing in the headlines was just that, fear-porn. For example:
      The Vax roll-out was AFTER there had been logarithmic decline in deaths for 2 weeks. It was clear, by the data that the vax didn’t save anyone… the saving had already begun, yet GGG used it to claim victory counter to the gut-feeling of his base… losing his trust in the Sovereign. The sheeple merely grew fonder of the State.

      What astonished me was the “restatement” of the numbers for those three years. Because I had daily samples, I was able to see where they were exaggerated by those restatements — kinda like the BLS revising last month up to say this was down even though the report was up… “They” do that. I have the receipts.

      I had hoped, as I watched the numbers metastasize, that there would be an enterprising Epidemiologist in 2030 that could bring all the data that I saw in real time to bear in a PhD Thesis. Yet, the ‘revised’ numbers will be the undoing. No research will be conducted using that actual data from day to day, just the revised data…. meaning revised reality that you must accept.

      Scripture and/or NYT scribes are the source of contrived knowledge, not basic truth. You believe what you want to believe, not the truth.

      Hold tight for the CBDC tsunami. It’s coming. The sheeple want it. The sheeple want to be sheeple.

      • Yirgach December 15, 2023 at 5:12 pm #

        “: The sheeple want it. The sheeple want to be sheeple.”

        Also known as “You get the Government that you deserve.”

  23. jim December 15, 2023 at 2:57 pm #

    JHK starts his essay with the primary assumption:

    “Remember you are a sovereign individual…you contain a cosmos of ideas and aspirations.”

    He could have also started with a different primary assumption:

    Remember you are a social animal to begin with…you contain a cosmos of ideas and aspirations that originate in tribal circumstances ( as social beings), leading to the creation of different nation- states with different different types of nationalism (individualist, collective, ethnic etc)– with your identity largely bound up with a particular nation.

    If we are somehow moving towards new combinations of political, economic and cultural/moral organization it seems important to recognize and discuss the degree of validity of such primary assumptions.

    • Jarek December 15, 2023 at 3:04 pm #

      Well said. Libertarianism is attractive because it moves logically from premises to conclusions. The problem is that its premises are not first principles.

      Our ancestors would have eschewed this philosophy with the contempt it deserves. Nobody gets rich alone. Yeah, not the Big Guys either. They know it but the rubes don’t. Libertarianism is for the rubes.

      • JC Penny December 15, 2023 at 3:58 pm #

        Hey Rube!

        Jarek-the-Troll says, “Libertarianism is for the rubes.”

        Why would you make such a moronic statement followed by…Congratulations on your Parrot voice: “Libertarianism is attractive because it moves logically from premises to conclusions.”

        Did you read what you copy/pasted????? No. Probably because Mom has dinner ready and you need to come up from her basement.

        I enjoy your seedy-seeding on this blog comment thread. Most of the time, you are worth the read and cogitation. But, come on man! The first part translates to: Freedom is for suckers????? The second infers that it makes sense.

        Stop the copy paste to improve your pay-scale. You once had useful, however obtuse, commentary worth the read. Now, well, you kinda suck. If you can’t do more than a chatbot, DON’T!

        • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:03 pm #

          Penny pinchers become grifters, be they big or ever so small.

          Love of money is the root of all evil.

  24. malthuss December 15, 2023 at 3:16 pm #

    Since Soc-det has said so. After all, Buffett is a multi-billionaire so he must be a Jew.

    The Des Moines golf or country club banned jews, Warren ended that.

    • malthuss December 15, 2023 at 3:21 pm #

      WTF difference does it make how many are Jews?
      A big difference.

      What about the book, ‘Why Jews are liberals’ or some title like that?
      The left acts against our interests.

      Sam Zell messed with a friend of mine. thats an anecdote.

  25. Roundball Shaman December 15, 2023 at 3:19 pm #

    “… you are a sovereign individual… the blob in our nation’s capital city is an undifferentiated mass of feckless protoplasm. You contain a cosmos of ideas and aspirations. The blob is an agglomeration of sham and failure. The blob stands for itself, not for our country.”

    This whole notion of ‘sovereignty’ is the single key to the entire dynamic between our faux-gods-Government and We the People. The Founding Fathers saw The People as the sovereign (possessor of ultimate power and rights) and Government as small and not nearly so sovereign. But today’s faux-god Government sees this backwards. They reserve all power and rights to Themselves… and ‘allow’ little if any of those sovereign states of being to The People who are seen as nothing but servants of – and property of – those faux gods. Sort of the reverse image of The True Founding Fathers, a/k/a today’s ‘Faux Fathers’. And many of We the People today view Government as being our Daddy… so the imagery fits both ways.

    These two basic views about sovereignty are of course not reconcilable. They both cannot be at the same time. And the ‘Faux!’s work diligently to remove any such thoughts of a sovereign people from our institutions and our consciousness. And many of the clueless members of We the People are buying into this twisted and backwards thinking.

    “… digital currency is a kind of last resort… a simple way for the system to pretend there is a lot of money around when there really isn’t any.”

    Sort of like pretending about things like Democracy and Freedom and personal sovereignty. Pretending these things exist when they are in as short a supply as real, sound money.

    What keeps our Nation and our World functioning from day to day? Pretend. Pretend. And… pretend! And demonize anyone who doesn’t going along with all this pretending.

    Remember those quotes from the Founding Fathers about how our Nation was actually founded on the main principle of… Pretending? No, I don’t remember such quotes either. They believed in things like Divine rights and personal worth. Not like… The Faux Fathers of Today.

    We smell the scent of The Backwards Ones…’

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    • JC Penny December 15, 2023 at 4:12 pm #

      Other than NSS, what else is to say?

    • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:08 pm #

      The ultimate end of individualism on display. Atomic individualism. Alienation. Alienated from the nation and its people.

      Just because you’re pretending, don’t assume everyone else is.

      Spiritually speaking (if this applies in your case), you don’t have to hate consciousness structures that you have left behind or out grown. You no longer play with toys, but you could sit on the floor and enjoying playing with a child, right? Just so with patriotism. The child needs to play. Most people need to feel this so the nation can continue. And there are very good reasons to have nations. I hope you understand this, both practically and esoterically.

      • Roundball Shaman December 16, 2023 at 6:39 pm #

        Jarek: “The ultimate end of individualism on display…. there are very good reasons to have nations.”

        Nations are artificial constructs. Always have been – always will be. ‘Borders’ that exist from map-drawings which you will never see from orbiting spacecraft. They serve as convenient personal identifiers for most of humanity that the Hidden Hand is quite happy to use and abuse.

        But this statement about nations is no apology for ‘World Citizenry’ or globalism in any form. Nations serve to take one’s eyes off of personal sovereignty. Do most people identify with a ‘Nation’ or with their own personal sovereignty? Most people don’t even know what personal sovereignty is.

        ‘Nations’ are artificial. Personal sovereignly is real and authentic. And that why it is so deeply hated by the Hidden Hands.

        The best use of a Nation is one that promotes personal sovereignty. And we have no such place.

        • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 10:40 pm #

          The individual is a vanishing point – like matter itself. As a member of a group he has reality. Ordinary people are nothing without a culture or context in which to develop. What you are talking about is real individuals – a miniscule percentage of the population. Nations are the best modern structure in which to develop them.

  26. malthuss December 15, 2023 at 3:23 pm #

    nobody cares about Whites killed by Blacks.

    Plenty of peeps care, but they dont own the media.

    A million dead by my count, in USA in 150? years.

    • SoftStarLight December 15, 2023 at 3:36 pm #

      Def nobody cares about blacks killing blacks. Essentially the big cities, like New Orleans for example are killing fields in that regard. People talk but nothing will be done about it. The black pastors will be up there saying that the community needs to change but I don’t see change occurring. Its like put up or shut the eff up you know.

  27. Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 3:40 pm #

    Great entry today, Jim.

    I share your optimism about people not putting up with the financial despotism. Unfortunately, almost all are slow on the uptake, and a lot of damage will, little doubt, be done during the transition.

    • SoftStarLight December 15, 2023 at 3:57 pm #

      I haven’t had an opportunity yet to read it in full but I know its good. I did see the part about how you and i can stand up for the country and I liked that because I always think a team effort is the best. It makes it feel like there is a sense of community.

    • OG December 15, 2023 at 3:57 pm #

      I share your optimism about people not putting up with the financial despotism.

      Yet the very same poster calls buyers of physical gold and silver: “Goldtards.”

      This is the very same poster who has not a clue of what Bay Street is or does yet lectured a 22-year veteran on what it is like there!

      This is the very same poster who fancies himself intelligent but is really a just a intellectual 3 dressed up as a 9.

      This is the very same poster who has too much pride to simply say, “You’re right” even when he’s been proven wrong.

      This is the very same poster with the credibility of Zilcher.

      This is the very same poster who is a whiny little puke blowhard.

      Sad but true.

      • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 5:36 pm #

        OG, tsk.tsk.tsk. You poor deluded malleable internet worm. Melded into every unsupported theory perpetrated upon the masses by your overlords. How can you sleep at night after you’ve been duped at every turn?

        • Night Owl December 15, 2023 at 6:45 pm #

          Hey ease up. The “Finkles” er he meant “Kinkles” stole his millions, you see. He was RICH.

          When it all goes down, the Hogger is going to melt down all of his AU and own you!

          You’ll see! You, Zilcher, all of youuuuu!

          (Special Jello cameo voiceover)

          Fuck you, Night Howler Monkeeeeeey!

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 6:50 pm #

            The rage is amusing.

            I’m sure a psychoanalyst could make a killing on the research for just this one patient.

          • OG December 15, 2023 at 7:53 pm #

            You are such a troll, Zilcher.

            I am unjustly out over $1,400,000 and am now forced to live a meagre existence for the rest of my days.

            The Finkles were the innocent beneficiaries of this injustice. The Finkles stole nothing from me.

            The Kinkles as a bizarre typo and remains the only typo that keeps getting thrown in my face like it has some significance beyond a simple typo. It does not.

            Note: You used the Finkles’ surname to “prove” that I’m a racist in the most ludicrous allegation I’ve ever had directed at me.

            As I have told you repeatedly, I have no pans to melt gold or silver coins because that would be stupid.

            I have no plans of owning anyone while I advise CFNers to diversify out of digital fiat and in to physical Au & Ad,

            Your constant spewing of your childish strawmen is nauseating.

            I had accumulated $2.5mm+ net worth by age 50 but then had it unjustly confiscated from me via “Legalized extortion.” Are you saying that I’m fabricating this sad tale of woe or are you simply celebrating my misfortune?

            Either way, you’re a total prick, Zilcher.

          • OG December 15, 2023 at 7:59 pm #

            *… physical Au & Ag.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:43 pm #

        OG, the problem– and correct me if I’m wrong– with gold(/silver) seems to be that it(/they) may be pegged to government gold(/silver) and so like David handcuffed to Goliath, the Gov Goliath can just swimg David around and smash him upon the rocks.

        • OG December 15, 2023 at 7:56 pm #

          Perhaps. But:

          1) Gold has ran from $285/oz. to $2,000/oz. (i.e. a 7-bagger) right during their described shenanigans.

          2) Gold will be valued properly when fiat crumbles in its inevitable crater.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 5:00 am #

            Good points of course and we’ll likely talk more about it as things develop… or undevelop, as the case may be.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:47 pm #

        IOW, a peg is a handcuff and if you want true freedom, you need to somehow unpeg your economy (and therefore any currencies that it might involved– although that’s another argument for another time) from the gov’s.

      • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 5:57 pm #

        Give us all your account of the Jael-Sisera story in the Bible, OG.

        You have the debating depth and nuance of a valley grrrl.

        • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 6:02 pm #

          Also, I’ve never used the word “goldtard” in my life.

          You can’t even get simple facts correct.

          • OG December 15, 2023 at 7:37 pm #

            Apologies that I got that “Goldtard” quote accreditation wrong, you whiny little puke. I do mix you and Zilcher up as you’re each so similarly lame.

          • Night Owl December 16, 2023 at 5:08 am #

            Owning gold as a means of diversifying assets for the long run doesn’t make one a goldtard.

            There is more to the story, Finkel Bro.

          • OG December 16, 2023 at 11:32 am #

            I guess … but only because you are a manipulative weasel with far too much sickly pride to ever take back one of your stupid statements. We all know that, Zilch Nada.

            Owning gold as a means of diversifying assets for the long run doesn’t make one a goldtard.

            Yet, I was advocating exactly that and you called me a “goldtard”!

            Don’t even bother to try and bend your futile little brain into some bizarre scenario where you are not obviously wrong. That is not possible in this case. It’s now time to let your sickly pride out of its cage, little girl.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 6:15 pm #

          It’s pointless and meaningless to ‘debate’ with you, Jim, if you invent things as pert of your ‘debate’, which you obviously do.

          OG and others would do well to avoid any ‘debates’ with you, perhaps where they/you disagree.

          Personally, I’m trying to keep my online time limited. never mind just with you, for what’s left of my own sanity. LOL

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 6:47 pm #

            Be specific. What do I invent? Or are phony “LOL” non sequiturs all you can come up with when you’re challenged on your naiveties?

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 7:32 pm #

            Be specific? Get real. I’ve been specific enough, complete with links you don’t want to select– as conveniently demo’d today– while you merge my different comments and call them as if it’s one comment, a gish gallop. Amusing, if bizarre.

          • OG December 15, 2023 at 7:38 pm #

            OG and others would do well to avoid any ‘debates’ with [SF]

            True dat.

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 8:40 pm #

            I keep telling you (but you don’t seem to understand the concept) that I want you to make your arguments in your own words. I’m not chasing down a gish gallop of quotes from 84 sources in 84 different spheres to try to parse together a coherent thematic chain.

            If you haven’t assimilated, processed, organized, and put into your own words those ideas, or your own, then I’m not going to trouble myself with third-hand debating with ghosts.

            Quit hiding behind others’ words.

          • OG December 15, 2023 at 9:10 pm #

            Zaz, SF is a blowhard whiny little puke troll. He has the pride of a menopausal woman. There is no sense debating with him. He will never say, “You’re right” against his sickly pride regardless of how wrong that you prove him.

            In fact, he’s so ridiculously offside with debate decorum, he lectured a 22-year Bay Street veteran on what Bay Street is like while demonstrating that he has not a fucking clue!

            SF is a complete blowhard moron.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 5:30 am #

            @OG, unsure you were reading at the time but I also seem to recall Soul Forensics writing ‘Bullshit’ a couple of times, such as when I mentioned living with a Somali woman.

            They don’t want to select hypertext, they don’t seem to believe in references/support, and by implication a certain/minimal level of research & writing methodology, they falsely accuse me of gish gallops & if recalled, they’ve shot/ad hommed one or more of my messengers (references), if they didn’t ignore them outright, and so on.

            Given those kinds of things, there’s no point bothering with them. It’s a fool’s errand. LOL

            Perhaps like trying to reason with JHK’s ‘blob’…

            They know what’s what, and you don’t, and they’ll invent stuff and employ any number of ‘post-truth-society’ tactics to make sure we ‘understand’ that. LOL

          • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 11:29 am #

            “Quit hiding behind others’ words.”

            Yeah…what the Soul Man said….

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 18, 2023 at 12:13 am #

            I do both. I also have a 3000 or so word essay elsewhere online that I have mentioned previously hereon. They are my own words, if backed up with quotes/references. If you want, I’ll give you the link.

            The internet’s a big place, ely, full of lots of people who know when SF, you, etc., are ass-pulling.

            That’s probably why SF discourages references. They have the potential to show their comments for what they can be and maybe often are: Ass-pulls.

            While I haven’t been following the back and forth between SF and OG, it does seem like OG noticed yet another one of SF’s ass-pulls, wherein OG knows more than SF in a particular area.

            Drag, dat.

        • OG December 15, 2023 at 8:03 pm #

          Give us all your account of the Jael-Sisera story in the Bible, OG.

          No. I’m not your jester. Get bent.

          You have the debating depth and nuance of a valley grrrl.

          But with a 154 measured IQ. So there’s that.

          Hint: Insults that are accurate are far more effective than simply spewing shit. Truly.

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 8:56 pm #

            What a (wait for it) … revelation!

    • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:22 pm #

      Soul Schnauzer

  28. DurangoKid December 15, 2023 at 3:47 pm #

    Karl Marx, remember him?, called it fictitious capital.

  29. Htruth December 15, 2023 at 4:21 pm #

    This blog reported on the repo facility the day it happened: https://americanyellowvest.wordpress.com/2022/07/14/banking-crisis-again-liquidity-problems-9-18-2019/

  30. The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 4:48 pm #

    Thin-Air Faeries, Unicorns & Digital Currencies

    Financialization seeks to replicate value not from wealth-producing activity but from things that only claim to represent wealth: stocks, bonds, currencies, and anything else that can pretend to hold value, clear up to notions and wishes.” ~ JHK

    Looks that way. Still reading, but decided to pause and annotate…

    It’s like one of my favorite scenarios in that sort of context where a cowboy walks into a saloon and attempts to purchase a stiff drink and the bartender/saloon-owner looks briefly down at it and then back up and says, “Your money’s no good here.”

    And what is money and derivatives, etcetera, but yet more manifestations of technology in the forms of symbolisms, like faeries, unicorns, superheroes and even, to a degree, State governments in the senses of what some people imagine what they can do and are good for.

    As for digital currency, one wonders if it doesn’t fall into the trap that has seen cultural entities unsuccessfully try to stop file-sharing or so-called piracy.

    That said, maybe if the Fed or the Feds want to embrace digital currencies, maybe we embrace it and it blows up in their faces.

    Maybe get those quantum computers at the ready to crack some pirate codes! ‘u^

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  31. The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:04 pm #

    Appendix: Who are those Bad Guys, anyway?

    Depending on which nation one is in, which regime is in power, and other factors, here are some of the enemies of the people the laws against strong crypto and the banning of digital cash are intended to crush:

    Enemies of the People, the opposition party, the Resistance, friends of the Bad Guys, family members of the Bad Guys, conspirators, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, atheists, heretics, schismatics, heathens, leftists, rightists, poets, authors, Turks, Armenians, Scharansky, Solzhenitsyn, refuseniks, Chinese dissidents, students in front of tanks, Branch Davidians, Scientologists, Jesus, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, African National Congress, UNITA, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, colonial rebels, patriots, Tories, Basque separatists, Algerian separatists, secessionists, abolitionists, John Brown, draft opponents, communists, godless jew commies, fellow travellers, traitors, capitalists, imperialist lackeys, capitalist roaders, anarchists, monarchists, Charlie Chaplin, Galileo, Joan of Arc,, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, civil rights workers, Students for a Democratic Society, Weathermen, Margaret Sanger, birth control activists, abortionists, anti-abortionists, Michael Milken, Robert Vesco, Marc Rich, Nixon’s Enemies, Hoover’s enemies, Clinton’s enemies, Craig Livingstone’s high school enemies, Republicans, Democrats, labor organizers, corporate troublemakers, whistleblowers, smut peddlers, pornographers, readers of “Playboy,” viewers of images of women whose faces are uncovered, Amateur Action, Jock Sturges, violators of the CDA, alt.fan.karla-homulka readers, Internet Casino customers, Scientologists, Rosicrucians, royalists, Jacobins, Hemlock Society activists, Jimmy Hoffa, John L. Lewis, Cesar Chavez, opponents of United Fruit, land reformers, Simon Bolivar, Robin Hood, Dennis Banks, American Indian Movement, Jack Anderson, Daniel Ellsberg, peace activists, Father Berrigan, Mormons, Joseph Smith, missionaries, Greenpeace, Animal Liberation Front, gypsies, diplomats, U.N. ambassadors, Randy Weaver, David Koresh, Ayotollah Khomeini, John Gotti, Papists, Ulstermen, IRA, Shining Path, militia members, tax protestors, Hindus, Sikhs, Lech Walesa, Polish labor movement, freedom fighters, revolutionaries, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, and ‘suspects’. ” ~ Tim May, ‘Untraceable Digital Cash, Information Markets, and BlackNet’
    (‘Governmental and Social Implications of Digital Money’ panel at CFP ’97)

    • SoftStarLight December 15, 2023 at 5:14 pm #

      Basically a little bit of the Devil is in everybody

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:31 pm #

        I doubt anyone hereon could run any government any better than, say, Hunter Biden. 😀

        Wanna dance?!

        Devil Woman


        • SoftStarLight December 15, 2023 at 5:50 pm #

          Mm, a dance with the Devil!! Oh my, what big horns you have! lol

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:58 pm #

            I remember slow dancing in high school dances. It was a stupid, if good excuse to essentially hug some nice young woman for the few minutes’ song lengths. Occasionally, they’d bury their chin in my shoulder or even sing a little to the song. I’m such a pushover for a woman who sings. It just melts me up.

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 6:15 pm #

            High school dances?

            Sounds like the antiseptic, parents-approved world of Ron Howard in Happy Days.

            Slow dances weren’t the sexless, hyper-Romanticized scenarios you list. They were about grinding your crotch into theirs. Putting your tongue in her ear, or, better yet, hers into your ear. French kissing. Staring deeply into each other’s eyes.

            Just last week I read a statistic that, in the aggregate, over half of all men under 30 haven’t had sex even once in the past year.

            Why kill off Whites by the jab or CBDC? We’re taking care of depopulation all by ourselves.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 6:20 pm #

            There’s very little I liked about high-school, Jim, trust me. LOL

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 6:45 pm #


          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 6:47 pm #

            …Maybe you’re talking more about middle/senior high school dances and by your own experience.
            By middle and senior high, I was already ‘out’ of high school, if not entirely physically, certainly psychologically. You know– the one foot out the door thing.
            The quaint dancing I was referring to was junior high school, just out of grade school– another colossal waste of my/a life.

            As for youth/young adult sex or lack thereof and depopulation, it would seem part and parcel of social decay, so no real surprise there, yes?

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 6:50 pm #

            “Jim?” ~ Soul Forensics

            So this Jim Culleny is not you then?:


          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 6:57 pm #

            It’s easy to let young people off the hook by saying “social decay”, and throwing your hands up. But youth are supposed to lead the charge for change. Revolution, and all that. (And no, I’m not talking about anarchy.)

            Young people are also supposed to be idealistic, full of hope and courage. Where’s the courage coming from today? They don’t even have the desire or courage to ask a young woman out on a date. (And again, no, it’s not an excuse by saying they’re afraid of being charged for sexual harassment.)

            Young people, simply, are enamoured by their abstract, digital worlds. They shun people, and by extension, shun themselves (hence, all the identity confusion).

            TPTB, of course, direct them in all these matters, but young people are hardly blameless. They welcome it.

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 6:58 pm #

            I never click on your links, and I’m not starting now. I don’t know who Jim Culleny is.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 7:10 pm #

            So after that and the subject-matter, you’re saying that you’re not going to select one simple link and that you have not actually done so? Have we got that right?

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 7:15 pm #

            “It’s easy to let young people off the hook by saying “social decay”, and throwing your hands up. But youth are supposed to lead the charge for change. Revolution, and all that.” ~ Soul Forensics

            Is that like saying that Soul Forensics is suppose to select one simple link that I present, especially if it’s related to Soul Forensics? Is that a silly expectation or what?

            In any case, young people are doing different things, some are even getting into gardening, farming, ecovillages and stuff that’s very close if not part of anarchy and anarchistic tjhinking and doing, and since you mention it.

            And since you mention it while your fucking State governments continue to jerk us all around as they’ve been doing for a long time, like with high-school and grade school, too, incidentally.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 7:21 pm #

            SF, I would be careful about lumping all young people into one box for few boxes.

            Maybe some of them are sort of wondering what to do, in different stages of development and whatnot. Some have yet to figure some things out– like all generations anyway.

            Maybe more will be revolutionary as time goes one, by necessity, no thanks to previous generations, incidentally and those misguided who block in different ways such concepts as anarchy.

            Anarchy and the like are going to get some of us out of this shithole of an excuse for a global industrial crony-capitalist plutarchy– all it what you will- culture.

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 8:33 pm #

            Why would I check out a link to someone I’ve never heard of, and that, for some reason I don’t care about, you’ve confused me with?

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 8:35 pm #

            They’re “your” state gov’ts as much as they’re “my” state gov’ts, simpleton. (Try not paying your taxes, and see how far your anarchistic ‘rebellion’ takes you.)

          • Soul Forensics December 15, 2023 at 9:01 pm #

            Provincial govt’s, to be more exact.

            But I don’t want to presume. Perhaps you claim special exemption or dispensation for reasons of poverty, race, mental health, or chicanery.

          • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 1:26 am #

            “By middle and senior high, I was already ‘out’…”

            Offered without comment.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 4:57 am #

            The world is a lot bigger than a mandated four-walled institutionalization with a governpimp drone at the front of each cubicle for hours a day.

            “Someone has written a book about the children and their need for their, just simply, emotional and mental development to have contact with the mountains, with the air, the sea, with the dawn, the sunset, the trees, the birds, the song of the birds. Children that don’t have these experiences have no real idea of the world they live in. They live in a house, in a school, in a city that’s all manufactured. And they begin to be progressively isolated from the basic dynamics of what human life is all about.” ~ Thomas Berry

          • Night Owl December 16, 2023 at 5:10 am #

            Soul keepin’ it real.


          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 5:52 am #

            “(Try not paying your taxes, and see how far your anarchistic ‘rebellion’ takes you.)” ~ Soul Forensics

            That’s part of my point! LOL

            If you support and/or defend it, then yes, it’s ‘your’ government.

          • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 11:25 am #

            “young people are doing different things, some are even getting into gardening, farming, ecovillages and stuff that’s very close if not part of anarchy ”

            Damn, your comment got me to realize another real time/real life social experiment wherein anarchy is fully practiced;

            Schoolyards. Yeah. You know, where all the nerds get together and vanquish the bullies.

            It’s happenin’….

          • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 11:27 am #

            “There’s very little I liked about high-school,”

            I can imagine….

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 18, 2023 at 12:22 am #

            “Bill Mollison: People question me coming through the American frontier these days. They ask, ‘What’s your occupation?’ I say, ‘I’m just a simple gardener.’ And that is deeply seditious. If you’re a simple person today, and want to live simply, that is awfully seditious. And to advise people to live simply is more seditious still.

            You see, the worst thing about permaculture is that it’s extremely successful, but it has no center, and no hierarchy.

            Alan Atkisson (interviewer): So that’s worst from whose perspective?

            Bill: Anybody that wants to extinguish it. It’s something with a million heads. It’s a way of thinking which is already loose, and you can’t put a way of thinking back in the box.

            Alan: Is it an anarchist movement?

            Bill: …You won’t get cooperation out of a hierarchical system. You get enforced directions from the top, and nothing I know of can run like that. I think the world would function extremely well with millions of little cooperative groups, all in relation to each other.”

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:34 pm #

        Evil Woman


        (A Jarek two-for)


  32. The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:13 pm #

    “With stricter rules on the holding and exchange of cryptocurrencies coming into place around the globe, the issue of anonymity is about to spark an important public policy debate. Just to give one example, South Korea’s Financial Services Commission has announced new rules to come into force in 2022, banning all anonymous digital currencies ‘that possess a high-risk of money laundering’ (which, as far as I can see, is all anonymous digital currencies).

    How can the circle be squared? How will the Bank of Canada mitigate the risk of anonymity and South Korea maintain a ban on anonymous currencies when faced with a Bank of England digital currency that has ‘non-negotiable privacy’?” ~ forbes.com/sites/davidbirch/2021/04/06/no-government-will-allow-anonymous-digital-currency/?sh=41981f6410d5

    • SoftStarLight December 15, 2023 at 5:16 pm #

      The circle can be squared by erasing the circle and drawing a square?

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:41 pm #

        Sure! Or it could be star-shaped!

        • SoftStarLight December 15, 2023 at 5:52 pm #

          Wow! A star shaped square would be super neat!

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 6:09 pm #

            Of course it wouldn’t be a square anymore. And we could swing on it and carry moonbeams home.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 5:48 pm #


        • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 11:31 pm #

          Dreamy’s a good witch though.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 5:42 am #

            Who’s Dreamy? Anyway, witches might be kind of cool.

          • Ron Anselmo December 16, 2023 at 12:38 pm #

            Dreamy is my nickname for SSL, and she is cool – she’s a good witch. I’m guessing she’s OK with it – the nickname – because she hasn’t given me a strike for using it, yet…

          • SoftStarLight December 16, 2023 at 2:29 pm #

            I checked my book and actually I retracted the one you did get before lol 😉

          • Ron Anselmo December 17, 2023 at 11:24 pm #


  33. Epicur December 15, 2023 at 5:51 pm #

    Another from Von Mises: “There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”

    The Republic has been doomed since the early 70s when the dollar started deteriorating dues to Johnson’s Guns and Butter. Nixon had a choice, defend the dollar or abandon the gold standard. He, and everybody else, knew that to defend the dollar would cause a deep recession in an overheated economy, so he doomed the dollar. Then the fools in Congress locked that kind of process into law with the Humphrey Hawkins Act.

    The rest of our economic history is just Kabuki, or like the end of Ghostbusters where the heroes must choose the shape of their doom, except for us there will be no Hollywood special effects to save the Republic.

    • JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 12:14 am #

      Back and forth. Gold. Silver, platinum? Do not forget platinum.

      This blog has forgotten the real value of wealth.

      Sweat and tears, how much “blood” has gone into what is represented as money.

      Prior to Nixon, it was agreed that it took $34 to get an ounce of gold out of the ground, somewhat less for silver as it was more plentiful.

      Labor for gold. Silver.

      Today how much labor is produced to are a dollar, that is the real issue. When the nation’s currency is just printed without being earned, the money becomes worth less. When a car line produces the same amount of cars but their union gets 30% more pay, the currency is worth less. When illegal aliens flood the labor market, working on the labor black market, the currency is worth less. When AI takes over the labor, currency is worth less because the High tech folks think UBI is the answer, again giving folks money for no labor. Now add on the movement of labor intensive jobs to China and the consequent welfare that ensues and the labor value of the average buck goes down.

      Add all these evils, most caused by the government, and the labor value of a buck is pretty small. Labor is wealth. So wealth is being deflated in the country, and most others. The difference between wealth and just paper may equal about $34 trillion, our debt, plus the tens of trillions dollars of private debt. Oh yeah, giving debit cards with no backing in labor behind the to all incoming border crossers does not help much.

      Think about this, what has the government created as monetary wealth, labor wealth, in fifty years. When the basis for wealth growth is gambling, the stock market, the end grows nears. It is exactly what was happening in 1928-1929 before the Crash. People were buying on margin then, now they bet on even flakier things with derivatives.

      What percentage of our national wealth is based on paper BS, I am petrified to even guess.


      • gustafson.robert.22 December 16, 2023 at 2:27 am #

        Wealth is land that is not fucked up and the cultural knowledge to live on it across generations without fucking it up. End of story. All other notions of “wealth” are bullshit.

        The United States of America have never tasted one ounce of actual wealth, Only 16th and 17th-century defectors to native tribes had a taste, and that taste was already being spoiled.

        Smoke real shit in your pipe for maximum effect.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 6:25 am #

          “Wealth is land that is not fucked up and the cultural knowledge to live on it across generations without fucking it up. End of story. All other notions of ‘wealth’ are bullshit.” ~ gustafson.robert.22

          That seems to make sense.

        • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:15 pm #

          Valid. Although you eschew it, the Chinese have maintained good farm land for thousands of years thru just such careful maintainance. You must have animals to manure your fields. What do Hunter-Gatherers know of these mysteries?

  34. Islander December 15, 2023 at 6:12 pm #

    Re “our country . . . our country . . . our country . . .

    Last week it was “my people.”

    The obvious question:

    Is last week’s “my people” the antecedent of “our” in this week’s “our country”?

    I get the feeling that it is.

    Stars and Stripes morphs into Star of David.

    • stelmosfire December 15, 2023 at 6:36 pm #

      Islander, at this point. “What difference does it make? “Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.” Just like my father-in-law( a used car salesman) said, ” There’s an asshole for every seat”.

      Your wasting your energy on this crew. Right or wrong? I don’t give a shit either way. Let’s all just kill each other and get it over with.

      • OG December 15, 2023 at 6:53 pm #

        Good idea, Elmo. You’re what is sometimes referred to as “a deep thinker.”

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 6:23 am #

        You are deep-and-delicious and, like woman, invincible.

      • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:17 pm #

        He’s good on technical things. Beyond that he runs into his issues. The tech just doesn’t scale for most.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle December 15, 2023 at 7:01 pm #

      Agree with both stelmosfire and you, Islander.

      In any case, I doubt that once we get significantly past those ol’ Dunbar Numbers or the like, population-wise, we have a long-term viable society– Israel and America, both.
      We have what we think is a viable society, but it takes on various forms of drag, until it likely declines toward more of a Dunbar Number or similar again.

      IOW perhaps, we don’t appear to scale well and/or for too long.

      I’m on another computer at the moment so am without my trusty quotes, but consider immediately below as an imaginary placeholder for my Iron Law of Oligarchy quote. ‘u’

    • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:19 pm #

      Islander is in search of her people (having rejected the people she was born into). Her mythical people are the Umlauts. Are the Palestinians the Umlauts? Has Islander donned the scarf? Greta has.

      • Islander December 18, 2023 at 9:45 am #

        I guess this gobbledygook passes for thought at CFN.

  35. OG December 15, 2023 at 8:09 pm #

    SF, I keep waiting for your justification of telling me, a 22-year Bay Street veteran, how Bay Street works while you inadvertently demonstrated that you have not a fucking clue how it works (notwithstanding you being acquainted with some scumbag retail stockbrokers out in the sticks!).

    People who try to over-rule experts in their field of expertise are morons by definition.

    We all now that.

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    • Soul Forensics December 16, 2023 at 12:08 am #

      What’s there to discuss? You were directly involved in a parasitic, criminal financial system for more than decade, yet pathetically profess your innocence of all chicanery and bullshit thereof.

      • Night Owl December 16, 2023 at 5:15 am #

        Keep in mind the source of this claim.

        Reminds me of ol’ Mikey Sherman/Majella once claiming they were a certain Youtube personality–before being unceremoniously metaphorically tarred and feathered in the CFN courtyard.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 6:16 am #

          Night Owl, you’re not an anarchiist as you’ve written, but you don’t appear too crazy about mandates, either, like for some kinds of vaxxes or masks, yes?

          • Night Owl December 16, 2023 at 9:21 am #

            Are you suggesting the choice is anarchy or mandates?

            Let us hope this is not what you meant.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle December 18, 2023 at 12:40 am #

            No, but I mean we already know about, say, Hunter Biden– and thank you– but what now?
            What do we do once we’ve recognized the problems and spoken about them at length? What are some solutions and/or responses and how do we approach them and so forth?

          • Night Owl December 18, 2023 at 5:10 am #

            I advocate the parallel society and have from the start.

            One could easily see where this was going. Megabanks and corps aligned to destroy the existing system and replace it with digital slavery.

            What other option is there? There will be fighting, too, but this is a long battle.

        • OG December 16, 2023 at 2:32 pm #

          You are referring to Redneck Liberal, Zilcher. And your memory is awful. RL never claimed to be the Liberal Redneck on yt (albeit, he did not, for some time, correct our misunderstanding either).

          What does that have to do with me? Are you saying that you suspect that I was not on Bay Street for 22 years? Or are you simply maligning me just because you don’t like me, little girl?

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 6:14 am #

        A lot of people can naively get involved in questionable things and then realize from the experience what they truly are/were and then go in another, sometimes opposite direction.

        The late Jan Lundberg was perhaps some kind of oil investor who then got into the depaving thing/movement among related stuff, like sail transport.

        Similarly, I seem to recall reading Derrick Jenson of Deep Green Resistance fame having a degree in something like mining engineering.

        The late Colin Campbell, a former petroleum geologist, then did some work apparently with ASPO and possibly Resilience.org and related.

        That sort of thing is probably why many military veterans have the kinds of problems they can have when they return home and how a few can turn on the military.

        And then there are whistleblowers and so on.

        Live and learn, crash and burn.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 6:19 am #

          Clarification above:

          “…turn on the military…” meaning to “turn against the military…”

      • OG December 16, 2023 at 2:24 pm #

        What there is still to discuss, you whiny little puke, is your ridiculousness of your presuming to know what Bay Street is or does and then lecturing a 22-year veteran about it based on your experiences with acquaintances of some scumbag retail stock brokers out in the sticks!

        Equity Research on Bay Street is not “parasitic” or “criminal,” you dope. Equity Research is a highly respected department in investment banks.

        You imagine criminals planning their crimes and wonder incredulously as to how I could have possibly never become aware of all the shenanigans being perpetrated in my midst. But that’s just in your deluded little brain, you whiny little puke.

        Nobody at BMO Capital Markets were committing crime, you dope. They didn’t clam up about their crime plans when I entered the room, you dope. Bay Street is nothing like you imagine. I worked it for 22 years and you don’t even know what it is, yet you lecture me about what it was like there?!

        You are a clearly demonstrated fucking moron! Beyond doubt.

        You should be like, “Oh? What’s it like there? Do tell.” since I spent 22 years there and you don’t even know what it is.

        I am innocent. I committed no crime diligently producing publications for our clients. Fuck you.

        You’ve turned my sharing of my revelation against me. I became disillusioned with my infinitesimal part of Canadian banking in its infinitesimal part in global banking after Hank Paulson’s crime in 2008 in USA. That I did so in an environment where nobody else joined me should be commended, not derided, you dope.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle December 18, 2023 at 12:45 am #


    • The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 7:21 am #

      Soul Forensics’ Strut

      “I keep telling you (but you don’t seem to understand the concept) that I want you to make your arguments in your own words.” ~ Soul Forensics

      “SF, I keep waiting for your justification of telling me, a 22-year Bay Street veteran, how Bay Street works while you inadvertently demonstrated that you have not a fucking clue how it works (notwithstanding you being acquainted with some scumbag retail stockbrokers out in the sticks!).

      People who try to over-rule experts in their field of expertise are morons by definition.” ~ OG

      They [Soul Forensics] don’t want to select hypertext, they don’t seem to believe in references /support, and by implication a certain/minimal level of research & writing methodology, they falsely accuse me of gish gallops & if recalled, they’ve shot/ad hommed one or more of my messengers (references), if they didn’t ignore them outright, and so on.” ~ The Man They Call Zazelle

      “They know what’s what, and you don’t, and they’ll invent stuff and employ any number of ‘post-truth-society’ tactics to make sure we ‘understand’ that. LOL” ~ The Man They Call Zazelle

      Star 69


      “They know what is what
      But they don’t know what is what
      They just strut
      What the fuck…”

  36. PeteAtomic December 15, 2023 at 8:13 pm #

    There is nothing to stop the Federal Government from using something similar to Executive Order 6102 in the 1930s & declaring “all non-digital currencies null & void” as they did with private citizens holding gold.

    The US population is majority brain dead. They will “go along to get along” cuz that’s what they’ve been told to do!

    But before any of this happens, we will know the Government plans. Cuz the State uses its media mouths (MSNBC, NPR, CNN, etc.) to prepare the population. There will be more of the same in the way of propaganda.. if you are anti-digital you are spreading “misinformation”

    So, when the great ‘benefits’ of digital is trumpeted to solve the “problem” of money, you’ll know what is about to happen. Also watch for the use of a great amount of fear:
    “America’s ‘enemies’ (China, Russia, terrorists) are sabotaging the money supply”
    “it’s against Climate Change to use non-digital forms of money”
    “It’s convenient to use digital”
    The Federal Government will also use a carrot & stick approach, like “start up a fed digital account and get an extra $1000″…. etc…

    also expect prosecutions. If you don’t use digital, you will face fines and jail time if you use non-digital. Think they won’t?? It has ALL happened before. Reference that Executive Order 6102.

    The corporate/State entity known as “the US” or “the US federal government” must end. Otherwise, it will end us all.

    • OG December 15, 2023 at 8:30 pm #

      That is a very accurate assessment. Thank you.

      If they confiscate all personal holdings of physical Au & Ag in the USA again, it might not much matter one way or the other whether you tried.

      On the other hand, God instructed us to be vigilant and to discern the truth. Being on the right side of history by holding real money – even if it is subsequently confiscated before being deployed – is something for which you can hold your head high on Our Father’s Judgement Day.

    • Paula D December 16, 2023 at 6:10 pm #

      Don’t forget “Money has germs on it, and you can totally die from using it.”

      Yeah, they already tried that one, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try it again.

  37. Why_weren't_we_asked_about_Degrowth December 15, 2023 at 8:26 pm #

    Great article Jim. Everyone should be alert to digital government currencies. They are Treason. There is no full faith of value with programmable money that can be restricted, disabled or diminished.

    Long on lamposts and rope

  38. oldwood December 15, 2023 at 8:54 pm #

    We do not resist because we fear losing what we have, not realizing its already been stolen and they’re just allowing us to loiter until they’ve dispensed with us for good.

    • Ron Anselmo December 15, 2023 at 11:36 pm #

      Right on oldwood, exactly. Especially the not realizing part. Well said!

  39. OG December 15, 2023 at 9:30 pm #



    Ritter believes that Zelensky is nothing more than an actor reading MI6/CIA scripts.

    The Canadian parliament incident? Script.

    Pre-announced counter-offensive? Theatre.

    Ritter believes that Zelensky has outlived his usefulness … but that will be rectified soon.

    • OG December 15, 2023 at 9:38 pm #

      “This is tragic! The Russians care more about the Ukrainian’s than we do.”

      • Islander December 15, 2023 at 11:31 pm #

        Actually, the Russians were the only ones who ever cared about the Ukrainians. They helped them in many, many ways, and got a shitload of problems for their trouble.

        Why does anyone think they built Nord Stream 2 in the first place? To avoid the constant tsurris with Ukraine.

        Those mists on the Dneiper really fogged a lot of brains.
        Just ask Gogol.

  40. stonned December 15, 2023 at 11:26 pm #

    “BLOB” ?

    Bull Sheet.

    A CRIMINAL SYNDICATE(s) runs this joint. Ain’t no ‘blob”.

    And it’s the world’s MOST powerful criminal syndicate(s) by a country mile.

    Long before “THEY” get what’s coming to them….

    YOU can be SURE of one thing…..

    YOU and all the goyim you lead around by their nose rings are gonna get it as DEEP & HARD as they can shove it.

    YOU can count on it.

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    • OG December 16, 2023 at 9:27 am #

      Now that’s a statement!

    • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:22 pm #

      Well said. The real “Band of Brothers” – far closer than the Founding Fathers ever were. Not better people – but certainly more powerful, practical, and practiced in the art of infiltration.

  41. JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 11:37 pm #

    Well, we just got back from Flagstaff where my grandson got his bachelors degree. He is a great kid and I wish him. Well.

    While I watched the commencement I noticed a few very obvious items.

    Before that, my grandson and many of his friends talked about how woke the professors and instructors were on campus. Failing people for not taking on pro-LBGTQ positions on papers was common.

    The president was introduced, Hispanic. Most of the staff that was introduced was Hispanic or Native American. With a few whites sprinkled in. Then the PHDs and Masters were awarded, mostly to women with dark skins. The Bachelors were a little different , more males were sprinkled in, still a distinct minority, but most names were not of European origin. Then a slide was put up declaring NAU as a Hispanic campus.

    Was I upset, nah. Was I surprised, nope.

    It is what is coming , what will take over the ballot box in the future. The supposed cream of the crop is not representative of 20th century America.
    Things are not changing, they have changed. When the venom against European America hits the streets it is Katie bar the drawer. After watching this graduation, I am more convinced than ever that 2024 is the last chance to right the ship. If enough people are left that want to.

    • JohnAZ December 15, 2023 at 11:40 pm #

      Door not drawer.

    • Ron Anselmo December 16, 2023 at 2:00 am #

      JAZ – don’t bar the door – they’ll see your fear and come after you. Take the fight to them.

    • gustafson.robert.22 December 16, 2023 at 2:38 am #

      The best weapon against this kind of takeover is the truth that all the “melanin” and “native-status” in the world today gets you not one step closer to anything like moral or cultural superiority in relation to Western White-dom. The absurdity of a “melanated” takeover of a Western University institution as you continue with the farce of degrees and industrialism…

      No one wants to believe industrialism renders everyone on its dole equally cheapened… but denial doesn’t make the actuality not so.

      • JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 1:57 pm #

        I agree with you as I believe that today’s four year degree is a total ripoff created by the liberal side of our society, financed with debt they are now trying to cancel and sold to Boomers and later as parents and kids as the only way to succeed. It has become an indoctrination tool for the Deep State and its followers.

        It is the same as always, driven people succeed, lazy ones not so much. I would guess less than 30% of those kids will benefit from the tens of thousands of dollars they paid or borrowed to pay those lousy, horribly biased instructors.

        I was an industrial engineer in my second career. I learned a bitter lesson about engineering, that industry takes you in, runs you down a pathway that suits them, then spits you out when the project peters out. Competition from China exacerbates this. When you are riffed, you find out that the world passed you by.

        As most of you know, number three was nursing. It was a good choice.

        • gustafson.robert.22 December 16, 2023 at 2:46 pm #

          Maybe folks should have cut you a little more slack during Covid, since your livelihood is in healthcare, John. I’ve mentioned I did a few years of nursing-home grunt work, and it was a fine job for me for a minute, years ago.

    • Paula D December 16, 2023 at 6:17 pm #

      The community college I went to was already Hispanic, many years ago.

      But when I went to pick up my transcript in 1993, it had already turned mostly Asian.
      Blew my mind.

      They opened the borders to the Chinese in 1989, as I keep trying to tell you.

  42. The Man They Call Zazelle December 16, 2023 at 7:44 am #


    …is a term that refers to the 21st century widespread documentation of and concern about disputes over public truth claims…

    While the term was used in phrases like ‘post-truth politics’ academically and publicly before 2016, Oxford Dictionaries popularly defined it as ‘relating to and denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.’…

    Carl Sagan, a famous astronomer and science communicator, argued in his work The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark:

    ‘Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time – when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.’

    Carl Sagan’s words are thought to be a prediction of a ‘post-truth’ or ‘alternative facts’ world. Following this, some scholars use the term ‘post-truth’ to refer to such ‘a situation in society and politics, in which the boundary between truth and untruth is erased, facts and related narratives are purposefully produced, emotions are more important than knowledge and the actors of social or political life do not care for truth, proof and evidence’.” ~ Wikipedia

    • Paula D December 16, 2023 at 6:21 pm #

      “Truth” as Wikipedia and the rest of the ruling class use the word, means “the narrative we decree and expect you to believe, on pain of punishment”.

      That is how they are pushing censorship and the destruction of the First Amendment.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 18, 2023 at 1:23 am #

        Yes, it looks that way.

  43. mitchellc December 16, 2023 at 8:24 am #

    It seems more people are now aware of the trap being closed. My question continues to be, why did anyone ever believe it was open?

    Did anyone from the general, non aristocratic classes in ancient Assyria, Egypt, Rome through pre 1776 think they had any power or ability to influence decision making?

    Then why did the formula for control change; what was the point of constructing the mental prisons? My theory is firearms – in the hands of the general populace, a different, more sophisticated tactic was required.

    But now as we can see, the facade is gone and we are back to traditional means of control and management, utilizing the classic techniques of religion (secular woke) and directed fear (war footing).

    As this dawning awareness begins to gain further traction, it’s an interesting pov to observe people going through the well established 5 stages of grief.

    Even at this late date in the cycle, we have some still seemingly stuck in denial, with a side helping of anger. One certain person, our host JHK, comes to mind.

    Cankerpuss appears to have reached awareness, but he’s still looking back, mournful of what he thought once was. To me this seems representative of depression, as those who accept/understand the truth rarely if ever look back.

    Jaz of course swings back and forth, still thinking the USA was ever “his” to the extent of Euro possession, still not accepting whites were just a temporary role that served a useful purpose until the legacy carried too much overhead; thus replacement with newer, fresher stock.

    When you finally shed all the cult induced indoctrination and view history across a broad arc, this shit is exactly identical in every era. It’s just a class divide between elite thinkers who organize and control, and stupid sheep that are easily led and manipulated.

    In fact it’s so easy and trivial that ennui besets the poor buggers which leads them to all sorts of hedonistic and destructive behavior to ward off the terrible boredom.

    • Night Owl December 16, 2023 at 9:28 am #

      We still aren’t demoralized, Mitch.

      If only you were good at what you were sent here to do.

      • Ron Anselmo December 16, 2023 at 1:17 pm #

        Agree 100%, tell him Owl.

    • OG December 16, 2023 at 9:36 am #

      My question continues to be, why did anyone ever believe it was open?

      Like all successful traps, the trapped did not realize that it was a trap.


      • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:39 pm #

        Fr Altman wondered as a boy: Why do rats eat the rat poison? Some one told him: It’s sweet and they don’t know.

    • SoftStarLight December 16, 2023 at 3:41 pm #

      And in my mind I just think like why not relax and enjoy things if you are so terribly bored. Like why does everything need to be destructive. Why not finish your Tower of Babel if that is what you intend to do. After all, you’re no different now than you were then.

  44. OG December 16, 2023 at 9:54 am #

    FDA forced to release documents admitting they knew COVID vaccines caused heart inflammation

    2/15/2023 // Lance D Johnson


    Since these EUA “vaccines” are a medical intervention, the transparency of the supporting data is necessary to the informed consent principle, to assist medical providers and individuals in making sound choices for their bodies and their future. If there was a shred of scientific integrity in our government institutions, then the clinical data should have been shared with the public before the vaccines were released, and independent researchers and scientists should have been allowed to review and analyze the data.

    However, these Pfizer and FDA documents were not made available to the public before the rollout of the vaccines. In fact, the documents weren’t made available until a judge ordered the FDA and Pfizer to release them after a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit was filed against the FDA. Now, 800 days after the FDA approved the “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccines, the documents are finally available to the public for review.

    Elmo, you laugh at Natural News in your ad hom ridicule. I find Mike Adams to be brilliant, hilarious and sincere.

    Aside from childish ridicule, can you state your criticism of Natural News like an adult in a room full of other adults?

    • stelmosfire December 16, 2023 at 10:26 am #

      OG, You seem to be very gullible to all the snake-oil salesmen on the internet. I’ll give you a clue. If it sounds to good to be true it most likely is. All BS designed to separate you from your money for dubious or minimal effect. From a quick look at your site “Natural News”. BUY THE JUVENT MACHINE!” send me money. Guaranteed results (doctor recommended, anecdotally of course) or your money back minus overpriced shipping and taxes. “Micro impact plate technology” What the fuck is that BS? If you get your news from sites like this it is no wonder you have a warped view of the world.

      • OG December 16, 2023 at 11:22 am #


        I understand that running Natural News and Brighteon.tv cost money so they finance their operation.

        It seems strange that someone who gets his information from Pfizer and Pfizer-sponsored channels would ridicule another news agency for being capitalist.

        I do not buy products off the internet but I also understand that some people do (i.e. freedom and capitalism).

        So, you KNOW that all Natural News reporting is WRONG without ever citing a single example?

        You’re a moron.

        • stelmosfire December 16, 2023 at 1:11 pm #

          Per OG:

          It seems strange that someone who gets his information from Pfizer and Pfizer-sponsored channels would ridicule another news agency for being capitalist.

          You’re a moron.

          Why would I get my news from those channels?

          Ok. I’m a moron.Well at least I can claim superiority to all the Imbeciles and idiots out there in the feeble-minded categories. I’m starting a new to counter test to your GLT. I’ll call it the MAT cultural awareness test. The MAT as an acronym for” Mature Adult Thinkers”.

          I’m not sure of the modern events included yet, but I’ll start with one.

          1. Orville and Wilbur Wright flew an airplane in 1903. True or false?

          • OG December 16, 2023 at 1:50 pm #

            Why would I get my news from those channels?

            After you indicated that Natural News reporting should be discredited and ignored because you don’t understand what their sponsors sell, I had assumed that you were indicating that MSM with their sponsors is the pathway to the truth.

            OK. You tell me, Elmo. Natural News should be disregarded. Where, then, should I get news? And do they have sponsors? If not, how do they finance their operation? If so, how do we know that their sponsors are any more trustworthy than either “Micro impact plate technology” or Pfizer?

            I am pleased that my GLT is spurring on further Sociological research. I look forward to seeing your MAT develop.

          • JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 2:08 pm #


            Get your news from anywhere you can get it.

            I watch Fox most of the time and regularly turn it off when the talking heads talk nonsense. I turn on CNN and MSNBC and marvel at the level of bias and sheer stupidity of those talking heads.

            Then I realize that the absurdity of these people is signed up to by a majority of the people of this country and get depressed. Not for long. You tube and Apple News give decent coverage, but liberal and disgusting at times. I discontinued the local newspaper years ago as it was absorbed into the Gannet world of misinformation.

            Speaking of misinformation, one of the few things I agreed with the academicians at my grandson’s graduation is education is supposed to give you the tools to recognize misinformation. It comes from both sides, It used to be called Bullshit. It is ubiquitous.

            That is the big change in education. The ability to spot bullshit has been turned into a method to indoctrinate bullshit.

            It will be fatal.

          • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 2:26 pm #

            …Ummm, false.

          • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:55 pm #

            OG tales Stelmo to the mat.

          • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 3:06 pm #

            takes. Is it a pin?

          • stelmosfire December 16, 2023 at 7:55 pm #

            MAT question 2 : Did Sputnik orbit the Earth?

          • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 9:28 pm #

            Low orbit…true.

    • JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 10:53 am #

      OG, it is NOT only heart, but any organ that has ACE2 receptors. Anywhere in the boy. Liver, kidneys, blood vessels, lungs, ACE2 is the primary receptor that controls blood pressure and any organ associated with that function will be affected.


      One of my inputs since 2020 has been the administration methodology. IM injections? Into tissue that is heavily impregnated with blood vessels? Especially in athletes in great physical shape with muscles just full of blood vessels?

      One of the basic tenets of mRNA is that it is only received by the muscle cells in the injection site to manufacture s proteins. IMHO, bullshit!!!!!

      Inject mRNA into your arm with blood return and it goes everywhere, into all those organs with ACE2 receptors where those cells, liver, lung, heart, blood vessels stop producing their particular proteins and start producing s proteins. Gee, I wonder what the immune system does with that?

      Twas inflammation, I know! Inflammation in all the organs mentioned above, plus. So the heart show up first as malfunction of the affected cells creates paths of conduction that makes arrhythmias. It is first because it kills. Research has shown that liver cells use reverse transcriptase to alter liver cell DNA. What happens with that? Perpetual production of s proteins?

      The most scary thing is that due to interference by the government we know very little about any of these questions. I wish that as much investigation went into released Covid as went into its creation.

      • Paula D December 16, 2023 at 6:29 pm #

        Well, of course it goes everywhere. Everyone who has ever injected anyone with anything that has instant effects knows that.

        How many times did you give an IM pain shot and tell the patient “You should get relief within 20 minutes”?

        How many times did you give a SQ epinephrine shot and have the patient’s anaphylaxis resolve within minutes?

        How many times did you give someone in CHF IV lasix and have them start breathing better within minutes?

        Why would ANY nurse or doctor EVER believe that you could inject a liquid GMO product into an arm, and it would just stay there in the muscle????

        That is too absurd for any nurse or doctor to ever believe.

        • JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 6:46 pm #

          Exactly, Paula.

          It is part of the mystery of Covid, and even more reason why the perpetrators should be jailed or executed for willful murder.

          Was the variability of the effects of blood infusion not even addressed?

          IMHO, nothing was going to stop the mRNA folks from their day in the sun.

          In Trumps defense, do you think he was told about the full extent of the risk that was possible with the vaxx?

          If he was, he is responsible, period.

          The government showed its true nature with the vaxx, do it or we will kill you, or fire you or discriminate against you. Your life is not important. Big change since swine flu!!!!

          • JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 6:54 pm #

            Saw a report about an oral equivalent of a vaccine, no info whether it is mRNA. Reminds me of polio, when the Sabin replaced the Salk and was much more effective.

            mRNA is a dead end or should be, except as a last resort for stage four cancer, which by the way was what it was supposed to be for,

            Until Covid.

  45. JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 10:36 am #

    Oh, Mitchellc

    You of little thought.

    It was not mine, however, it was European through and through that was shared in small amounts with other world cultures. It was “White” culture that made this land what it is, good or bad. It was that culture that formed the basis for what was America of the 20th century. Salt with dashes of pepper, paprika and cumin. A nice flavoring that is being destroyed in the 21st century.

    “Replacement with newer, fresher stock.”

    You forgot dumber, and more socialistic in your description which WILL drive the US into a nation reflecting what they left behind. Think Black control, South Africa, think Hispanic control, Mexico, or Latin America, think Asian control, think China, think Muslim control, think Iran or Iraq or even Afghanistan.

    Two words,

    No thanks. It is happening, as “White Control slips away, the real battle begins,

    Who takes over?

    You might like the new Amerika, but I do not think many on the blog would agree with you.

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    • BackRowHeckler December 16, 2023 at 12:29 pm #

      Mitch thinks he’ll be running things. Him & Zaz.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle December 18, 2023 at 12:04 am #

        Anarchists don’t ‘run things’, except their own personal affairs. BackRowHeckler’s State, on the other hand, thinks it does.

    • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:57 pm #

      Yeah, he still on the tiers – not even the Plateau. But he identifies completely with them. In this sense he’s like a little boy with his super-hero dolls. But we disregard his insights at our own peril.

    • SoftStarLight December 16, 2023 at 3:28 pm #

      John, you honestly haven’t figured out Mitch’s angle yet? He doesn’t care about America at any level or in any sense. All things are simply stepping stones to what is good for the elites in his view as near as I can tell. At first he infuriated me and was abrasive and caustic. I can tolerate him at this point.

  46. PeteAtomic December 16, 2023 at 11:42 am #

    NYT headline today: “The Global Debt Problem is Enormous, and the System for Fixing it is Broken.” by Patricia Cohen.

    I can’t read this article cuz it’s behind the NYT pay wall.

    Lemme guess:

    “climate change” and “equity” cuz.. “too many black and brown ppl” aren’t ‘winning’ forces the collective West to replace the monetary system with digital currency, cuz… ya know

    racism and shit

    If u can read the article enlighten us all on the new Soros/globalist planning

    • SoftStarLight December 16, 2023 at 3:18 pm #

      Lol, is this kinda a long way of saying that you don’t even need to read NYT to know what their saying?

    • Paula D December 16, 2023 at 6:33 pm #

      I can’t read it either, but I know what it says, because that it is part of the Great Reset.

      Everybody’s debts are cancelled in a giant Jubilee, and then we all start over with digital currency.

      Just like in the original Jubilees, though, the rich retain their wealth and the poor stay poor.

      But your $50,000 debt is wiped out, just like their quadrillion dollar debt.


      • OG December 16, 2023 at 7:19 pm #

        But your $50,000 debt is wiped out, just like their quadrillion dollar debt. Equity.


      • elysianfield December 16, 2023 at 9:26 pm #

        “Just like in the original Jubilees”

        As I understand it, there is no clear evidence that a Jubilee, a cancellation of debt, was ever observed.

        …Sort of like Wakanda. A nice thought.

        • Paula D December 17, 2023 at 12:29 pm #

          Interesting. I thought it was in the Bible.

          And of course, anything in the Bible should be taken as Gospel.

  47. OG December 16, 2023 at 12:51 pm #

    @OG, unsure you were reading at the time but I also seem to recall Soul Forensics writing ‘Bullshit’ a couple of times, such as when I mentioned living with a Somali woman.
    – Zaz

    How do you even have a conversation with a bonehead like that, Zaz? You tell him a fact about your life and then he ridiculously acts like he knowns your life better than you do!

    SF is a total fucking moron who, for example, has no clue what Bay Street is or does yet lectures a 22-year veteran of the place regarding what it’s like there!

    SF is a total corrupt moron with credibility of Zilcher.

    • stelmosfire December 16, 2023 at 1:16 pm #

      OG again with the “moron” denigration. I’m sure a Bay Street mental genius such as yourself would be aware that a moron has an IQ of less than 70 points and would be hard pressed to post on CFN. Nevermind even understand the nuances of the interactions on this site.

      • OG December 16, 2023 at 1:40 pm #

        You are correct, Elmo. I use the term “moron” for stupid behaviour colloquially. I thought that that was self-evident.

      • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 2:59 pm #

        OG had to tell me what Bay St was. I thought he was talking about the Bay City Rollers, a band for morons.

        • OG December 16, 2023 at 3:28 pm #

          S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!

          • gustafson.robert.22 December 16, 2023 at 4:12 pm #

            A band called Ned’s Atomic Dustbin did a good cover of that song, featured on Mike Myers’ “So, I Married an Axe Murderer” soundtrack in the ’90s.

      • Night Owl December 16, 2023 at 4:54 pm #

        He was RICH, Stelmo. RICH.

        A mover and a shaker.

        He swears.

        Try my GLT!


        • OG December 16, 2023 at 5:21 pm #

          I had attained my hard-earned financial security but then had it extorted from me. I had attained $2.5mm net worth by age 50. Is that “rich”? Top percentile, yes, but “rich”? I never claimed “rich.” That is just yet another in a long line of little-girl strawmen.

          I never “swore” anything on CFN, dipshit. That is just yet another in a long line of little-girl strawmen.

          We currently have ten (10) public GLT scores.

          10 – OG, Jarek, tuco22, Alfred, JimiInFlorida2.0, SSL
          9 – getsome
          2 – Ely
          1 – Gus
          0 – tom clark

          Everyone else remains bashful.

          • OG December 16, 2023 at 5:23 pm #

            I was “back-office.” I was no “mover” or “shaker.” That is just yet another in a long line of little-girl strawmen.

          • stelmosfire December 16, 2023 at 7:41 pm #

            OG says :
            I had attained $2.5mm net worth by age 50.
            Were those all paper (worthless) assets?
            That and silver dime will get you a cup of coffee.
            So tell us, Really you were worth zilch.
            That would be a + 1 on my MAT score
            You are now a 2

          • OG December 17, 2023 at 12:24 am #

            Well aren’t you just a bundle of bad assumptions?

            No, actually, $1.5mm of my $2.5mm net worth was in my mortgage-free $1.5mm magazine house on 1.5 acres of land. It was unjustly liquidated into bank digits for crooked lawyers to snarf.

            The other mil was in diversified holdings of Au, Ag, stocks, mutual funds, GICs, art, cash, future cash flow, etc.

            I was worth $2.5mm by age 50, gave my useless ex her half and then had most of my half snarfed. Sad but true.

            You can score me as many points on your MAT as your petty little heart desires.

          • OG December 17, 2023 at 11:31 am #

            Zoom in on this and tell CFN that I was “worth zilch,” Elmo.


            It is amazing (but not in a good way) to me how people will just assume that someone giving them information that they do not like is lying.

            Like a toddler, you can see the little wheels turning in their little heads:

            “I don’t like thinking of him attaining $2.5mm net worth by age 50 and I do not like him … d’uh … … therefore … he’s lying!”

            And then on attack they go – making complete fools of themselves arguing with fabricated “facts” that fit their unjust attack from absolutely no frame of reference.

            Elmo tells our board what my net worth was invested in in 2015!

            SF tells our board what Bay Street is like!

            That there is top-notch moronic behaviour. Sad but true.

          • OG December 17, 2023 at 1:55 pm #

            As you know, Zilcher spews strawmen. I never claimed to have ever been “rich.” I did have my hard-earned financial security but I never considered myself “rich.”

            If you want to see “rich,” look at the 7,000 sqr foot abode and complex that was built just north of my $1.5mm house/property.


            My (old) property is at the bottom while the truly rich guy built what is in the middle. Zoom in on that property to see “rich.”

            My net worth maxxed at $2.5mm while that guy claimed a net worth near $100mm. Now that’s rich!

        • elysianfield December 17, 2023 at 11:48 am #

          ““I don’t like thinking of him attaining $2.5mm net worth by age 50…”

          Money will not get you a spot on Judge Judy…you have to be CHOSEN!

  48. JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 2:15 pm #

    Speaking of bullshit.

    Rudy Giuliani supposedly insulted a couple of election judges by saying they were involved in the phony election results in Fulton county. No counterintelligence allowed. His penalty $148 million.

    Just an indication of the hammer that is about to descend on the MAGA world by the evil Deep State for rocking the boat. Trump may be toast.

    • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 3:02 pm #

      Yeah, absolute nonsense. He can’t pay it and he has to just refuse to even try. He’s an old man just like Trump. If he can’t go down for his principles, who can? Who knows? Maybe if they’re willing to fight, they won’t go down. Maybe they’ll rise higher than ever. If not, a glorious way to go.

      Or ask for asylum in Russia, that would be kicking sand in the face of the Beast too.

    • SoftStarLight December 16, 2023 at 3:08 pm #

      And states only exist as long as people follow the rules and laws. If there is no electricity or internet then there is no digital currency. Wow this essay is really heavy and full of material. But the core of the message I received was that we do live in a horror movie and there is a blob and it is basically devouring everything in the cosmos, it hopes. Kinda like The Nothing in the Never Ending Story (remember?) I still think there will be a good ending. For one there really isn’t a Deep State. The blob is in your face. Its all in the open now.

  49. Jarek December 16, 2023 at 3:16 pm #


    Man Forced to Explain Himself After Knocking Over Satanic Temple’s Altar Inside Iowa State Capitol
    Andrew Anglin December 16, 2023

    Satanic Alter installed in the Iowa State Capitol. ?? The devil is bold in these last days. pic.twitter.com/KoEJnxwRtD

    — Lexit (@LexitMovement1) December 12, 2023

    See: This Week in The Constitution: You Can’t Own an AR-15, But Your Kids Have to Worship Satan


    Send in the troops to defend Satan.

    Cops: white-knighting for Satan.

    American cops: Satan’s Army.

    Remember, faggots: back the blue, support the troops.

    New York Post:

    The Satanic Temple’s display inside the Iowa State Capitol was destroyed on Thursday, according to police.

    A spokesperson for the Iowa State Police told Fox News Digital that Michael Cassidy, 35, was arrested after allegedly tearing down the Iowa Satanic Temple’s Baphomet display.

    He was charged with 4th-degree criminal mischief.

    Michael Cassidy, 35

    In a text message to Fox News Digital, Cassidy confirmed he tore down the satanic display, which was erected last week by The Satanic Temple of Iowa to represent the group’s right to religious freedom.

    “It was extremely anti-Christian,” Cassidy told Fox News Digital when asked why he tore the statue down.

    Bro. Don’t defend yourself. Everyone gets it.

    You don’t need to explain this to anyone.

    Cassidy previously ran an unsuccessful campaign in 2022 to unseat Rep. Michael Guest, R-Miss.

    The former congressional candidate didn’t elaborate on why he tore the statue down, but posted a Bible verse Thursday night to X after being charged.

    “1 Peter 5:8 KJV Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour,” he posted.

    It’s just a cutesy little thing that is actually atheism somehow, even though they have Baphomet statues and candles for satanic mass.

    Don’t worry, it’s not really satanism. It’s just a big joke.

    These Satan worshipers are just a bunch of silly jokers.

    And yes, obviously that is exactly what they would say if it was actually serious, and they actually wanted to use the innocence of children in their power rituals. Of course if it was real and deadly serious worship of Satan they would say it is a silly joke. Everyone knows they would do that, because it is self-evident that they would do that.

    But you can trust them.

    You can totally trust the satanists.

    However, we can’t trust you, so you have to hand in your AR-15. But your kids are going to be taught satanism. Because of the Constitution and anyway it’s really just a silly joke so what are you even mad about? Sounds like you’re the one with the problem.

    Jarek: What about Freedom of Religion? What about Normandy Beach and Temple of Americanism that it has become? I will let BRH set up his Temple of Normandy Beach somewhere. But Satanism? In our Capitols? That’s a bridge too far, Billie.

    • SoftStarLight December 16, 2023 at 3:52 pm #

      It’s not necessarily that the right or like the freedom is the bad thing per se. But it seems like it is weaponized by people to manipulate things. Like actual devil worshippers are relatively sparse it seems. But because of the way things work they can actually control major megaphones and make it appear that they are very mainstream. It seems like that’s how it works with most of their agendas at least.

      • Jarek December 17, 2023 at 2:06 am #

        Yes, push our freedoms to the point of absurdity and then say, Look, what a bad system!

        Freedom of religion isn’t going to work if we have Muslims or Satanists. The whole idea is just pushed to absurdity. Having thousands of Christian denominations and the Jews was quite challenge enough.

  50. tom clark December 16, 2023 at 5:57 pm #

    I now have an ample supply of toilet paper. Tell me, CFN, who do I vote for in 2024 (or in deference to Q, for whom do I vote)?

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    • SoftStarLight December 16, 2023 at 7:11 pm #

      You’re such a little odd ball, tom lol

    • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 16, 2023 at 9:21 pm #

      Honestly, Tom, (and it’ll never happen), I think a mass avoidance of weighing in at the polls beyond local elections would make a difference.

      “No one cares this year because they know it’s all bullshit” would not make a good MSNBC headline.

      But, again, most people would not get the point. At least not yet. Perhaps ever. Unless bombs are dropping.

    • PeteAtomic December 17, 2023 at 11:35 am #

      “I now have an ample supply of toilet paper. ”

      that’ll be a good use of the Star Trib, Tom


  51. BackRowHeckler December 16, 2023 at 6:32 pm #

    In Boston, Mayor Michelle Wu hosts her annual Christmas party for elected city officials. With a caveat: No Whites Allowed.

    No sh#t, only People of Color are welcome. Whitey stay home. In Boston, an important American city, we have a woman named ‘Wu’ serving as Mayor. One wonders, in China, are there any Mayors with names like Jackson, Smith, or Jones? Or does it work only one way?

    • Paula D December 16, 2023 at 6:38 pm #

      I saw that. To add insult to injury, she issued an apology….for accidentally sending invitations to white members even though they weren’t invited.
      How rude!

      • Jarek December 17, 2023 at 2:21 am #

        Yeah, the invitations themselves were fine. It’s the mistake that is the bummer.

        Electeds of Color. It’s a thing!

    • SoftStarLight December 16, 2023 at 7:13 pm #

      Pretty sure it only works one way, but i’m not a world traveler so take that with whatever you wish lol

  52. tom clark December 16, 2023 at 6:41 pm #

    BRH: no concern of mine…I wasn’t invited to the party and I could care less.

    • Jarek December 17, 2023 at 2:22 am #

      In other words, discrimination against Whites is fine – as long as tom isn’t one of the Whites?

  53. Paula D December 16, 2023 at 6:44 pm #

    The spike protein affects other organs besides the heart.

    Not Natural News:


    • JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 7:10 pm #


      Just looked at a drug ad for Novavax, the non-mRNA vaccine. No info on efficacy but stated that the vaccine contained s proteins.

      Telling items were in the side effects however, the info from the human tests:

      1. Myocarditis
      2. Pericarditis
      3. Crawly skin effects.

      It is an injection!!! This sounds familiar doesn’t it.

      The same effects as the mRNA brands. Is that a warning about what exposure to s proteins does? How deep into the patient distributions does s protein exposure go? What is the effect of accumulated s protein exposure? Does it ever go away? What happens if modified cells,, especially DNA modified, continue to produce s proteins forever<. Is that the source of the autoimmune reactions that HAVE happened but are never mentioned?

      IMHO, the entire s protein exposure vaccine, especially mRNA and its problems, should be terminated by the CDC, FDA. Uh-huh!!!

      Hmm, do I remember anything as a warning for the mRNA edition? Nope, not until after the damage was done.

      • GreenAlba December 16, 2023 at 8:14 pm #

        “Does it ever go away?”

        Various ‘resistance’ doctors, including Peter McCullough, are recommending Nattokinase to dissolve spike protein.

        • OG December 17, 2023 at 11:16 am #

          Hopefully that works (and is ok to use long-term) to counteract the unnatural s protein production that, perhaps (as per JAZ), never goes away.

        • Mike Sherman December 17, 2023 at 8:12 pm #

          That nattokinase is sourced most easily from consuming fermented soybeans…be careful, GA – you know how your best pal treats people who turn to ‘soy’.

    • SoftStarLight December 16, 2023 at 7:24 pm #

      Is there a particular reason for the emphasis to ensure people understand this is not coming from Natural News? My understanding is the SV40 component of this whole drama is actually the most consequential. The turbo cancers being driven by it and all.

      • OG December 17, 2023 at 11:10 am #

        The reason PD stressed that her post does not come from Natural News is on account of Elmo’s ad homing Natural News (and, therefore, Mike Adams) upthread. Elmo discredits all Natural News reporting because he visited their website [naturalnews.com] once and he did not approve of the merchandise that their sponsors legally sell to the public in our free, capitalist society.

        I, of course, countered with:

        a) the merchandise peddled at Natural News to fund their reporting and infrastructure are far less dangerous to society than prosecuted felonious Pfizer (which dominates sponsor dollars in our MSM) and

        b) a news agency should be critically judged on its track record while this Weisenheimer discredits them without a single example as to why he laughs at them and me for reading their reporting.

        That is correct, Elmo’s little brain never did leave the schoolyard.

        • SoftStarLight December 17, 2023 at 2:28 pm #

          Oh ok. Yeah it is kinda weird. But at the same time the look and feel of a place or site can really effect your perceptions and emotions. So it could just be that at that very moment in time everything converged so that Elmo had a negative perception which imprinted and now effects all of his subsequent perceptions about Natural News. I’m studying psychology so its a theory but do consider lol. And then, at the end of the day, if somebody doesn’t like something and you find their reaction unreasonable its easy enough to say well you’ll get over now won’t you? You’re so funny, OG.

          • SoftStarLight December 17, 2023 at 2:31 pm #

            Darn it, the important “it” was missing. And I do have to point it out which is even more unfortunate. But you see, I do make an effort and i still feel like I’m punished either way.

          • OG December 17, 2023 at 2:38 pm #

            “Blessed are the peace-makers.”
            – Jesus Christ of Nazareth

            Your are blessed, SSL.

  54. MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 16, 2023 at 6:47 pm #

    The world – or at least our rather sizable corner of it (“the West”) – is now almost officially completely turned upside down. Karl would be proud.

    Finances are fake, as JHK states clearly. Beliefs, no matter how long-held, are fake. What we know to be true is now called false, and we are supposed to just believe it. What we know to be false is now called true, and we are supposed to just believe it.

    Giuliani is found guilty of defamation by a jury for calling out two “upstanding” election officials (Freeman and Moss) for helping skew the 2020 vote in Georgia. Not sure how that is defamation, considering I’ve seen the video of them pulling out bins of ballots after hours and feeding them multiple times through the machines. I kinda figured defamation required the public accusation to be false, or at least unprovable, in order to award a guilty verdict. Apprently not. Not anymore. He pointed out that what he saw wasn’t what he was told he was supposed to have seen. Guilty.

    Alex Jones, love him or hate him, was cornered the same way. He commented that the Sandy Hook event had obvious holes in the mainstream narrative of what took place. He never harassed any of the victims’ families there or made any threats, he just commented on what he saw. A jury slapped him for the ridiculous sum of $1.1 billion (with a B). For what? He pointed out that what he saw wasn’t what he was told he was supposed to have seen. Guilty.

    POC are now supposedly always and inarguably oppressed, and all European folk are now supposedly always and inarguably oppressors.

    Smart students are apparently unfairly given deference, therefore they must be oppressors too, and should be brought down to the level of the weakest, with the weakest given preferential treatment.

    Criminals in society have had hard lives, you see, and they are apparently that way *only* because they are oppressed. Not because their parents were inattendant or on drugs…that would not be their fault either, by the way. It’s the result of their oppression by those who at least try to achieve.

    Statues are coming down. Lee, Jackson, Jefferson, Roosevelt, Washington, and now a fucking Confederate Peace Memorial, which was installed at the turn of the 20th century as a symbol of being able to reunite after the war despite the massive bloodshed and disparity of world views that fueled that war.

    George Floyd was a “father” and a saint. He was “murdered”. Four police officers were convicted, in advance, by a jury under duress, unsequestered, having to walk in and out of the courthouse each day through the National Guard with Humvees, automatic weapons, and razor wire…to remind them of what might happen to the city and to themselves if they didn’t find those white cop bastards guilty (two of which were, well, not white, dontcha know).

    Houses that were $150,000 four years ago are “worth” $1.25M now. “Trust us”, say the realtors and banks. Buy one! It’ll be just fine!

    Minnesota’s one-party “leadership” has decided we need a new state flag. You see, the old one depicted a white settler and an Injun, at peace. The settler had a rifle sitting against a stump as he tilled his land. The Injun was on a horse, stoic and resolute, looking at the settler with his horse turned to the left (“West”, say the state’s Marxist “leaders” who have never held a real job…clearly depicting Native ejection at the time!). Despite their being at peace in the depiction, it is now clearly meant to be (and always have been) the opposite.

    The old state seal dared to use the date of Minnesota’s founding (1858). But…that’s offensive, cuz some bad shit went down with Natives (as in every other state in the Union)). Solution – remove the Natives from our state’s history. That’ll fix it. I’m sure they’ll find that to be a sign of “respect”.

    Everything must go!

    I give you the proposed (and newly approved) MN state flag…it is literally an iteration of the current BLMANTIFALGBTQWERTY pride flag:


    The various, bland, culturally meaningless, colored arrows pointing at (training on?) the North Star, signaling that change is the most important thing in society, regardless of who its inhabitants are, or what they may have once believed.

    An abomination.

    Also, the Vikings lost to the freakin’ Bengals today.

    Have a good weekend, folks. The world is upside down, and we’re supposed to approve of it…and it appears that almost no one cares. At least we have mini pizza bagel bites and Mountain Dew.

    • JohnAZ December 16, 2023 at 7:21 pm #

      Mango, good post.

      The change to the judicial code in this country is insidious. Rudy and Trump are victims of an evil move by the Liberal powers that be, that the Law can be shaped to fit what the controlling party wants it to be to clobber the opposition. January 6 is the same. My favorite ex-congresswoman from Wyoming is the MOST guilty of folks pushing this change, to get Trump.

      So you have an individual who wants to “get you”?

      Hire a lawyer, change the code!!!

      I can see it in lawyer ads in the future. Now watch the change that will happen when a liberal SC happens, you will not recognize the legal system and the Constitution are in the same country.

      It is and has been happening.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 16, 2023 at 8:31 pm #

        Not to mention WWIII…which nobody of sound mind wants.

        But let’s push for getting Ukraine into NATO, even though that’s literally the stated red line…why not?

        And let’s have Israel get into a massive shooting match…nothing like a nuclear power under pressure and being vilified, whether for the right or wrong reasons.

        And hey – Yemen seems to be having fun getting into the spirit! Perhaps the next Gavrilo Princip for the 2124 history books will hail from Sana’a?

        • OG December 17, 2023 at 1:16 pm #

          Not to mention WWIII…which nobody of sound mind wants.

          Call me crazy … but: “On with the show, this is it!”

          • Jarek December 17, 2023 at 3:29 pm #

            Bugs Bunny! What are you doing with these losers?

            The stone which the Master Mason rejected will become the cornerstone.

    • BackRowHeckler December 16, 2023 at 7:33 pm #

      Mango, a new State Flag?

      Why not just adopt the Somali National Flag?

      You could fly it proudly over the State Capital as the Call to Prayer is broadcast across Minneapolis 8x a day.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 16, 2023 at 8:23 pm #

        Pretty fitting. Might as well.

        And they will then try to kill us all out in the suburbs. Don’t expect that to go too well for anyone involved, and they ultimately wouldn’t succeed.

        But it would be an unnecessary tragedy that can easily be avoided by letting people be who they are and control what they have control of. Once control is handed over to someone else, a new chapter of history begins. And that generally doesn’t bode well for those relinquishing the reins.

        • Jarek December 16, 2023 at 10:34 pm #

          Welcome to White Nationalism.

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 17, 2023 at 8:42 am #

            You know I won’t agree with that stamp, Vlad, but there is always some overlap in philosophies.

            More along the lines of perhaps Somalia can be Somalia and perhaps Minnesota can be Minnesota.

            I don’t like people trying to change what a place is because it feels like progress. There is very little progress possible without at least some shared history and values. At least where humans are involved. We are what we are.

            The word progress has been hijacked and ransacked in recent decades. Many words have suffered the same fate (“pride”, anyone?), and I can only assume many more will be reversed and flushed in the water closet of the coming years. I fear for the world my son will have to navigate.

            Blair wasn’t just making shit up a hundred years ago. The long game has been played, and in practice, it’s begun working.

            Progress is supposed to mean beneficial change, not just change for the sake of change. Therefore, progressive thinking, in modern usage, is a waste of time and talent.

            In Minnesota, that means a lots of 19th century-bred Norhoovians, Swedes and Krauts who make dumplings and sausage, shovel their driveways six months out of the year, pay their fair share, plant cabbage, and marry Susie Thorsen from across town. Why is that wrong? Because even today, those here who claim to play for another side of history tend to marry their own Susie Thorsen anyway, while voting for someone named Omar or Mohammed to make rules for them. That wasn’t the case in 1985, 1955, 1925, 1895, or 1865. What changed?

            But let’s be honest here – those Thorsens, Bjornstads, Johanssons, and Berghofers in 1858 certainly changed what this place was at the time, for themselves, because it felt like progress, too. So maybe times just change. But humans don’t.

            So…you appear not to be incorrect from your own angle…because these folks were working in their own interest. But it doesn’t have to be about skin color. Just a value system. And perhaps the former leaning comes more naturally to humans than we prefer to admit.

          • gustafson.robert.22 December 17, 2023 at 9:30 am #

            “Progress is supposed to mean beneficial change”

            What are the chances that almost any human, unless rigorously rooted in some deep DEEEEP culturally conservative tradition (miles deeper than what we call conservatism today)…

            what are the chances that when faced with an opportunity for change that benefits somehow in the short-term, a full long-term analysis of the change will be conducted before the short-term benefit is accepted on a gamble?


            (Then you get a situation like in China and the rest of the (newer) nation-states, where massive agricultural systems, once chosen for their short-term benefits, are then permanent locked-in requirements for survival until some serious collapse.)

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 17, 2023 at 10:10 am #

            Indeed, Bob.

            And therein lies the human condition,.

            Here’s the thing…during a handful of (relatively short) historical periods, some groups have generally agreed to adhere to a set of rules that makes things better for all. We recently had one of those. John Hughes movies were made. There were (and always will be) people that don’t adhere, but they tend to go to jail in a sane society.

            Once that rule goes out, the wheels start to come off. I’m mainly annoyed that I think we’re at the end of one of those periods of stability, when I’m 46 years old. I can only guess, but I presume it would be much easier to stomach if I were, say, 80.

            On the bright side, we have 0.00001% control over what other people choose to do, especially those with endless resources and time, so c’est la freakin’ vie.

          • elysianfield December 17, 2023 at 11:43 am #

            “I can only guess, but I presume it would be much easier to stomach if I were, say, 80.”

            In this you are correct. Fear and loathing, with advanced age, is replaced by curious, detached observation.

          • gustafson.robert.22 December 17, 2023 at 12:38 pm #

            I’m your age, Mango. Maybe we’ll be the last generation too old to feel much by the time the shit goeth down.

          • elysianfield December 17, 2023 at 1:42 pm #

            In a timely fashion, Fred on Everything addresses this very subject;

            “Here you have to understand curmudgeonry. We in our ashen-souled trade are misunderstood. We do not enjoy undeserved suffering. If you fall off a motorcycle while doing wheelies, or contract malaria in the jungles of Africa, you will have our sympathy. But self-inflicted and avoidable catastrophe, ah, this warms the cockles of our hearts. Whatever a cockle is. When an entire country voluntarily disintegrates in a maelstrom of pointless rot, for curmudgeons it is better than vox seats at the Superbowl.

          • elysianfield December 17, 2023 at 1:43 pm #

            And…and the link;


          • Jarek December 17, 2023 at 1:51 pm #

            Mango: Yeah, I was just being hopeful, stirring the pot to see what was there.

            The White genotype can be played (say like a piano) in any number of different ways. The upper Midwest is one way the Nordic genotype can play out. Could the Somali genotype play this way? I doubt it given the IQ difference. A hell of a chance to take, gambling with something you love. But of course the Elite don’t love it or the rest of White America, and they didn’t bother asking you or us.

            And of course Nordics make good barbarians or can become Muslim Jihadis. Culture matters. We have never said otherwise. In contrast, our opponents say genetics doesn’t matter at all. Who are the fanatics, them or us?

          • BackRowHeckler December 17, 2023 at 3:14 pm #

            E., I see your former hometown of Oakland is really outdoing itself in terms of murder & mayhem, with well over 100 murders for 2023. But it’s not just the number of murders but the fact that most of them are committed in convenience stores and at gas stations in the middle of the day. Usually killing somebody is not to be taken lighty or done in public view. Not so in Oakland, apparently. In Oakland Homey be coming at you right from Front Street.

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 17, 2023 at 4:23 pm #


            Fun writing by Fred. Thanks for posting. His rant was a little more on the late-night whiskey side of things, but the points are great.

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 17, 2023 at 4:24 pm #

            (and here I thought I was a pessimist…)

          • elysianfield December 18, 2023 at 1:29 am #

            “E., I see your former hometown of Oakland is really outdoing itself in terms of murder & mayhem, with well over 100 murders for 2023.”

            Well over 100? In the bad old days, we averaged close to 200+ per., one year we were closing in on 300, as I recall.

        • PeteAtomic December 17, 2023 at 11:51 am #

          Mr. Mango,

          “because these folks were working in their own interest. But it doesn’t have to be about skin color. Just a value system. And perhaps the former leaning comes more naturally to humans than we prefer to admit.”

          I think in some regards the situation which you write about will be temporary.

          It’s very possible that the federal feeding trough comes to an end, and all the bottom feeders (literally) will flee our once-socialist republic for easier climes.

          Cuz if California finally decides to gift every person of African descent $1 million USD (or whatever), guess what state will immediately gain millions of new citizens? lol

          It’s all about the Great Replacement. However, what California & Texas are seeing is that the Hispanics are now “white supremacists” too. So.

          The last somewhat reliable demographic the State has left are blacks.

    • PeteAtomic December 17, 2023 at 11:32 am #

      It’s an appropriate flag for our socialist republic.

      The new state seal is alright. At least it has a loon and the L’Etoile du Nord

    • benr December 18, 2023 at 9:14 am #

      Speaking of Mountain Dew!
      Has anyone seen the recent commercial where drinking this poison turns you into a reptile or some other strange creature?

      And they wonder why some people think there might be alien reptiles walking among us lol.

  55. BackRowHeckler December 17, 2023 at 9:58 am #

    Disturbing news from San Francisco.

    The City Office of Reparations is being closed, and the purported $5 million one time reparation payment to every African American city resident, $97,000 per year stipend for life, free house, and no-tuition enrollment into any city college … is in jeopardy! In fact, in the face of multi million dollar yearly deficits, the collapse of city services, a crumbling infrastructure, general lawlessness, and the abandonment of the business district, there’s a question on whether SF itself can continue as an ongoing concern.

    What a disappointment! When Mayor Breed was elected Hope’s were high. This election of a new political class of black woman mayors — in Chicago, Philly, LA, St. Louis, SF & a dozen other major cities — isn’t really working out as promised. When you look at the results one has to wonder if any of these women are qualified to run a major city.

    But at least SF isn’t as bad as Philadelphia, which is treading the same path.

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    • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 17, 2023 at 10:35 am #

      Just when I was losing faith that the insanity would inevitably take hold…boy are those folks gonna be pissed off, though!

      • BackRowHeckler December 17, 2023 at 11:13 am #

        Keep the Faith, Mango.

        The chance exists that Gov. Newsom could step in & make good on the Promise.

        The dream lives on!

        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 17, 2023 at 11:38 am #

          Well, that’s a relief.

    • JohnAZ December 17, 2023 at 11:12 am #


      The entire urban makeup of the USA right now has been planned by the Democratic Party and the WEF for two generations now. Soros has been putting big money into the cities and the promotion of Black women and in our system persistence pays off. The Gimmes swarm to the cities to get their bennies from the corrupted city governments. Just about all the illegals end up there. Criminals congregate there as shitty DAs allow for no repercussions. Looking at pictures of folks invading stores and stealing with no repercussions should be an embarrassment to this country. Nah!!! Now even these city governments are in trouble, complaining about overruns of cost associated with the illegals settling there.

      Something about just desserts.

      I know longer am hoping that Trump will fix this country, just maybe slow things down a little on its way to becoming the USSA. I do not believe he can be re-elected with the entire Deep State on guard against him. We will see.

      Just a thought, is the systemic stealing from the retail sector just a Democratic redistribution of the wealth.

      This is a coup by the Progressive wing against the Constitution, period, financed by the global Progressives, the folks wanting the “dark” takeover of the world.

      Just think, where are all the third world refugees and ne’er-do-wells going. To what is left of the Caucasian world. To overrun it and take it over. The real shame is that European and American “White” progressives keep helping them. And it is not kindness, these White elites are going to rip these poor folk off on their way to New Zealand.

      On a time scale from 0 to 100, this progressive coup, IMHO, is about at 50 right now. These progressives are going to throw everything they can at defeating Trump. If they do, lights out for Europe and America, Canada too. When the Darks take over, Russia will start looking good.

      • JohnAZ December 17, 2023 at 11:17 am #

        Watch our “allies”. Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, the Americas, Mexico, and yes even Canada. See how they start sidling over and playing kissy face with the core of BRICS++.

        It is already happening. SA, Mexico, UAE, African nations. Washington acts like it is not even aware.

        • OG December 17, 2023 at 11:53 am #

          See how they start sidling over and playing kissy face with the core of BRICS++.

          Imagine that earth is high school. USA had a rich dad. USA entered Grade 9 with his incineration of approx. 200,000 Japanese in 1945.

          USA was “boss.” USA was “cool.” USA was popular. All the guy states wanted to be like USA while all the girl states dreamed of someday birthing his little republics.

          Then people started seeing how greedy and selfish USA was. USA would make promises that it would reap the benefit of and then renege upon (“Indian giver”). USA would regularly beat some poor kid up for whatever he wanted. Plus it became commonly known that USA was a sick pornographer.

          USA “had the world by the tail” in Grade 9 but, by the start of Grade 12, he is now shunned as everyone in school knows that he’s a total asshole.

          • OG December 17, 2023 at 1:38 pm #

            500-year dominance of the West is coming to an end, Russian FM warns


            The foreign minister of Russia recently expressed a sentiment that has been weighing on the minds of many in Western nations in recent years: the West’s 500-year dominance on the world stage is drawing to an abrupt close.

            Speaking to the Doha Forum in a video address, Sergey Lavrov explained that he was unable to attend the event in person and hear its discussions, “But I assume that you were discussing the multipolar world, which is emerging after 500 years of domination of what we call the ‘collective West.’”

            Lavrov said that BRICS, ASEAN, African Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, among others, will form the building blocks of “the new polycentric world.”

            What goes up, must come down.

            [Note: Russian FM Lavrov said this even if Elmo disapproves of some of the merchandise capitalistically sold by sponsors of an American website. D’uh!]

      • BackRowHeckler December 17, 2023 at 11:27 am #

        Well, in LA, SF, NYC & Chicago the money is running out, tax receipts are dwindling, and even the most basic level of services are not being provided, least of all Public Safety.

        Blaming Whitey, defunding police departments & staging massive anti Israel street demonstrations don’t seem to be making things better.

        Might be time to double down on the above mentioned activities, which are certain to set things right.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 17, 2023 at 3:39 pm #

        These progressives are going to throw everything they can at defeating Trump. If they do, lights out for Europe and America, Canada too

        Alex Jones is now actively predicting the power being shut off in the near future and it blamed on the right or Russia.

        Even those that like Jones don’t really like Jones, but he’s usually not far off from the truth if you wait a year or two.

        Methinks this will likely only happen if Trump is re-elected. If we get a Newsom or hell, if they wheel out a bloated Stacey Abrams with free money for all and that keeps Trump out, they will celebrate and gleefully turn on the CBDC plan…and wait it out a bit longer before turning out the lights.

        • Night Owl December 17, 2023 at 4:30 pm #

          He is predicting that because the Schwabster already announced it.

          If you read Lockstep scenario from the Rockefeller doc I posted long ago, you would remember that the WEF’s upcoming meeting is focusing on the same subject as the document featured at the end of the fake pandemic they laid out: “rebuilding trust.”

          This information is literally written down for you to read.

          Read it and know what is coming.

          All that can change it are unexpected events.

        • Mike Sherman December 17, 2023 at 8:07 pm #

          Right…the digital currency won’t operate too effectively without a power grid. Idiot…

          • Night Owl December 18, 2023 at 5:09 am #

            There won’t be a power grid after the Great Reset comes to fruition, Jello?

            Your brain is a wonder for the ages.

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder December 18, 2023 at 8:45 am #

            “Mike”…your boilerplate airs are a regular disappointment and annoyance to most (all?) here, not to mention the waste of ten seconds to read and then shake one’s head.

            Go on with the chlorophyll.

  56. Jarek December 17, 2023 at 2:16 pm #

    Who is Dreaming of a Non-White Christmas?

    An employee of color made the mistake. Democratic Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, an Asian, threw a “Holiday Party” for “Electeds of Color” on the city council. Denise DosSantos, her black assistant, accidentally sent invitations to the entire city council. The mayor said sending the email to white city councilmen was an “honest mistake” and rejoiced that the city is a place where “different communities” come together.

    The story has been popular on conservative sites, with complaints about the mayor’s “racism.” But it can’t be racism. Racism is officially “prejudice plus power,” and since only whites have power, non-whites can never be racists. This is, of course nonsense, but why even argue with “progressives” over one of their invented words?

    I give the mayor credit. She denied the party was offensive, and said it was a way to celebrate “identity, culture, and heritage.” She says there is a long tradition of “Electeds of Color” parties. Then how about a party for “electeds of no color”? Whites are a minority in the city, like everyone else. Of course, white identity and probably even unhyphenated American identity are “banned in Boston,” but that’s our failure, not Mayor Wu’s.

    What does the mayor’s white husband think about this? Is he invited? (“Woke” women of color often rail against white racism but settle down with a white guy.) He’s probably happy with the party. Like so many whites, he would find it bizarre to celebrate white identity, because he probably has no identity.

    White self-erasure is especially strange, as America devolves ever further into tribalism and segregation. Universities hold segregated graduation ceremonies in both Canada and the United States. Schools separate students by race; this is spearheaded by “woke” leftists. Top companies get media approval when they pledge to hire more blacks. Palantir recently offered 180 jobs to Jewish students worried about campus anti-Semitism; no such offers to gentile whites. Being a BIPOC is the basic job description for many well-paid people including, perhaps, some college presidents.

    The Brown v. Board of Education decision that ended segregated schools was not a legal decision. It was based on fuzzy claims that segregation hurt the feelings of blacks. Now some of our leading schools are creeping back towards segregation and even Afrocentrism. That may be best. They claim teachers should be the same race as students. I agree. A healthy race likes to be among its own kind. But for whites, that’s “hate.” This is not a double standard; it’s a consistent anti-white standard.

    White conservatives seem to be the only people in the country who believe the propaganda about the so-called civil rights movement. Every year they embarrass themselves by saying Martin Luther King, Jr. would agree with them on merit rather than race — and every year, his children laugh at them. Conservatives are like the victims of a con artist who insist the scheme was genuine even after the criminal has been arrested, convicted, and sent to prison. Conservatives who want an end to “identity politics,” deny reality — like a husband who insists his adulterous wife still loves him.

    Who cares if whites aren’t invited to the affirmative-action Christmas party? The scandal is that there are no celebrations for the race that founded, built, and sustains this country. None of the problems we face can be solved without a return to white identity and recognition of our common fate and common interests. What white conservatives need for Christmas this year is some self-respect.

    Jarek: As usual, Mr Hood sums it up in very few words. Islander said, She’s not a fan of Mr Hood. Typical. I would be concerned if she was.

    It turns out Claudine Gaye isn’t gay but also has a White loser for a husband.

    As Mr Hood says, Let the minorities go and have their own things. But of course we must fight for equal rights as long as this monstrosity called the United States lasts.

    Imagine, we once thought the East Asians would be on our side, having both a high IQ and strong work ethic. But they’re winners and have chosen to be with the Winners, be they ever so obnoxious. And many East Asian women really believe all this crap. The gap between men and women may be even wider among them than us.

    • JohnAZ December 17, 2023 at 3:17 pm #


      Human nature being what it is, your attitude about race may be the most accurate.

      Ethnocentrism makes humans as they are.

      Assuming that, how can the American ideal happen?

      Chicago is a patchwork of different ethnicities, each separate from each other. Different languages, customs, holidays, food,etc. Is it a model for what America needs to be? Should the “common culture” just be a legal network allowing the different groups to co-ordinate with each other?

      Sorta like what the Feds are supposed to be to the states is what city or state government should be to heir ethnicities.

      Michigan East turns Muslim? Let the Muslims go there, pick their fed reps, Boston Irish?, let them have their representatives, Atlanta Black, move out the whites and infill with blacks, Phoenix Latino, you better habla espanol , Utah, Mormons, let them have their turf and run it, etc, etc.

      Is this the only way the USA can continue united at the federal level? Could be, any better ideas to avoid the future Balkanization?

      BTW, if the localization to the state and local levels followed this course, we would no longer need much of a federal government.

      Which is exactly what the FF wanted with the Constitution.

      • benr December 17, 2023 at 5:33 pm #

        I heard the average age of new recruits in Ukraine is 65.
        They are scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
        For all the Russia haters load up and swing on over the Ukies are paying big bucks for mercenaries now.

        • OG December 17, 2023 at 5:53 pm #

          More specifically:

          For all the Russia haters load up and swing on over the Ukies are paying your big bucks for mercenaries now.

        • BackRowHeckler December 17, 2023 at 6:17 pm #

          Read an article today in Zero Hedge claiming Ukraine is drafting young women, giving them a few weeks training, then sending them into the trenches.

          Dispatching 20 year old girls into the Red Army Meat Grinder, not a war winning strategy.

          • OG December 17, 2023 at 6:28 pm #

            It is disgusting. While others make billions.

          • benr December 17, 2023 at 8:12 pm #

            One of my Democrat co-workers thinks sending women to fight in the front lines is great he even believed in the draft for women.
            Both his daughters were old enough to avoid having to be drafted.
            He had served 25 years in the NAVY and was sitting on his fat ass double dipping for a federal LEO.
            Dimmest brick I have ever had a conversation with.
            Super progressive spouted all there talking points de jour.

    • benr December 17, 2023 at 5:34 pm #

      Me I hate the snow.

    • ZrCrypDiK December 17, 2023 at 9:48 pm #

      I forgot – did I just recently call you Soker? A-OK!

  57. tucsonspur December 17, 2023 at 3:03 pm #

    Yeah, that’s right, soon your cash will be nuthin’ but trash.

    ‘Some people say I’m a no-count
    Others say I’m no good
    But I’m just a natural born travelin’ man
    Doin’ what I think I should, oh yeah
    Doin’ what I think I should

    And I don’t give a damn about a greenback a-dollar
    Spend it fast as I can
    For a whalin’ song and a good guitar
    The only things that I understand, poor boy
    The only things that I understand’

    What it can’t buy, I can use however.

    So, money is the root of all evil?

    Is money the loot of all evil?

    You heard it here first, CFNers!

    • SoftStarLight December 17, 2023 at 3:30 pm #

      What did we hear first?

      • tucsonspur December 18, 2023 at 2:17 am #

        Probably my 2nd question, SSL. No?

    • Night Owl December 17, 2023 at 4:35 pm #

      Well you also told us that Zelenskyyyyyyyy was going to destroy Poots.

      The Russians are losing hundreds of thousands and on the precipice of defeat you claimed.


  58. OG December 17, 2023 at 3:14 pm #

    Kesa, where are you?

    • GreenAlba December 17, 2023 at 5:20 pm #

      Been thinking that for weeks.

  59. JohnAZ December 17, 2023 at 3:33 pm #

    Well, it looks like we got Pertussis in Inverness, the wife tested positive.

    You do not want to get this, I have never coughed so much as in the last 12, yes 12 weeks. It is still there, to a lesser degree but still there. It has traveled into otitis media and TMJ area. It is not deadly, except in kids, but it might be the biggest PIA I have ever experienced.

    GA, I have seen press from the UK saying it is an epidemic there, the numbers did not seem that bad. In the excursion bus, a woman three rows behind us, coughed and coughed during the entire tour. Pertussis “whoops” if it gets bad enough but for us it did not. One thing I found was that the P part of the DPT vaccine is only good for about four years. I wonder if the Covid emphasis caused DPT vaccines to fall behind?

    For me. It is almost gone, the wife another three weeks.. So far, little effect from antibiotics or steroids, I have had two courses of Z pack.

    Watch out for flying Bortella. Oh, yeah, some of the symptomology of mycoplasma pneumonia has showed up, especially the antibiotic resistance. Literature shows that both can infect at the same time.

    • JohnAZ December 17, 2023 at 3:34 pm #

      Nickname here is the 100 day cough. It is starting to show up more.

    • GreenAlba December 17, 2023 at 5:22 pm #

      “Watch out for flying Bortella.”

      Sounds like an old-fashioned circus act!

  60. Jarek December 17, 2023 at 3:35 pm #

    I won my case in Missouri but I have to pay the lawyer 10,000$ on top of the 50,000$ I already paid in child support. I can do a civil lawsuit but it won’t do me any good because she doesn’t have anything. In my case the boys were twins and 1 passed away 2 weeks after he was born. I held another man’s dead son as he passed thinking that he was mine for 10 years. His hand print and foot print is tattooed on me and my last name is on his tombstone. I’m not trying to disrespect the dead but this is messed up and not cool with me!!

    from the Internets

    Jarek: In some states, you can knock yourself out proving paternity fraud, but it will get you nowhere because they don’t care. You’ll pay for a half Black baby from your White ex until its 18.

    Mandatory genetic testing. Paternity fraud is a criminal act and this will help to deter feminine criminality. Most of them are criminals, actual or spiritual, when it comes to men since they see us as just accessories and not as human beings.

    Some say 10% of men are raising another man’s child. Others say it’s more like 30%. Mind blowing even at 10%.

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    • Mike Sherman December 17, 2023 at 8:04 pm #

      Yes…mind-blowing that
      a) you once found a woman who you fooled into fucking you; and
      b) now we know where your misogyny came from.

      • messianicdruid December 18, 2023 at 6:51 am #

        Quotation marks are useful.

  61. SoftStarLight December 17, 2023 at 7:24 pm #

    Another big lesson I’m getting from all this is that you can’t allow yourself to be incited and triggered by all of the complex events occurring in the world. The blob wants to confuse us and confound us and outsmart us at every single level of existence and at every single moment of the day. Better to respond and not react. Also think about what you did.

    • messianicdruid December 18, 2023 at 8:01 am #

      Why respond? Fear makes you a participant.

  62. OG December 17, 2023 at 7:25 pm #

    Mark Zuckerberg is building a $270mm bunker.

    Now that’s prepping!


    • SoftStarLight December 17, 2023 at 9:22 pm #

      Is he prepping for the financial collapse?

  63. ZrCrypDiK December 17, 2023 at 9:34 pm #

    Ever notice how that cadre of the 0.01% multi-millionaires/billionaires and their ‘inner circles’ seem to own all the property, all the politicians, all the resources, and all the money? Bankster Rentiers?!?

    Well, what does that make us – indentured in usury?!…

    • SoftStarLight December 17, 2023 at 9:53 pm #

      Ok..and so what about it lol?

  64. benr December 18, 2023 at 9:19 am #

    One from the peanuts cartoon.
    You know the drill Lucy holds the football and Charlie Brow goes to kick it but at the last minute Lucy pulls the football away and Charlie brown goes flying and lands in a heap on the ground.


    They held out the hope of free money!
    Vote for us look what we are doing for you!
    At the last minute they say “whoops sorry no money now fuck off.”
    The Democrat woke plantation as mean spirited as ever.

  65. benr December 18, 2023 at 9:27 am #

    Human resources.

    Literally according to some they are now insuring you and later using the money to fund all sorts of adventures.

    King Charles pigs be upon him talks about this at cop 28 and how they need trillions to fund their magic world of we steal everything and use it to fix mother geia.


    I can only encourage you to consider some practical questions which might inform the task ahead of you. First, Healthy, how can our multilateral organizations, which were established at a different time for different challenges, be strengthened to the crisis we face? How can we bring together our public, private, philanthropic, and NGO sectors ever more effectively so that they all play their part in delivering climate action, each complementing the unique strengths of the others. Public finance alone will never be sufficient. But with the private sector firmly at the table and a better, fairer international financial system, combined with the innovative use of risk reduction tools like first loss risk guarantees, we could mobilize the trillions of dollars we need in the order of four and a half to five trillion a year to drive transformation we need. Secondly, how can we ensure that finance flows to those developments most essential to a sustainable future and away from practices that make our world more dangerous. Across every industry, in every part of the world. I have, for instance, been heartened by some of the steps taken by parts of the insurance sector, which plays such a vital role in incentivising more sustainable approaches and providing an invaluable source of investment to reduce the risks we face.

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  3. Money For Nothing And Nothing For Money – Rants or Insights - December 15, 2023

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  4. Money For Nothing And Nothing For Money – iftttwall - December 15, 2023

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  5. Money For Nothing And Nothing For Money - Investing Book Deals - December 15, 2023

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  6. Money For Nothing And Nothing For Money – altnews.org - December 15, 2023

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  7. Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money | NC Renegades - December 15, 2023

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  9. Money For Nothing And Nothing For Money – Mist Vista - December 15, 2023

    […] Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com, […]

  10. Money For Nothing And Nothing For Money - AlltopCash.com - December 15, 2023

    […] Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com, […]

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  11. Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money – Olduvai.ca - December 15, 2023

    […] Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money […]

  12. Money For Nothing And Nothing For Money – Bugaluu – News - December 15, 2023

    […] Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com, […]

  13. weekend links: winter solstice, holograms, furnace of the desert sun – t u n d r a n a u t - December 17, 2023

    […] Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money: “Financialization was an effort to replace the economy of real production with a hologram of production. Financialization is a racket — and a racket, remember, is an effort to get something for nothing, that is, dishonestly. The blob feeds and thrives on dishonesty, its favorite food. Financialization seeks to replicate value not from wealth-producing activity but from things that only claim to represent wealth: stocks, bonds, currencies, and anything else that can pretend to hold value, clear up to notions and wishes. Its operations are based on ‘derivatives’ because they aim to derive additional ‘wealth’ from things that signify wealth, but which are not wealth itself. Each iteration of a derivative further abstracts its value from the real things originally signified, such as revenue-producing businesses, interest-bearing loans, leases, and contracts for delivery of commodities. Derivatives can be understood as false wealth, and when enough of them accumulate in a financialized economy, they will blow up the economy, spewing wreckage across an economic landscape.” […]