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Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report. Catherine served as managing director of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the  Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group. She blogs for the Solari Report at solari.com.

The KunstlerCast theme music is the beautiful Two Rivers Waltz written and performed by Larry Unger

Direct Download: KunstlerCast 396 — Catherine Austin Fitts Versus the Globalist Blob

Please send questions and comments to jhkunstler@mac.com

This podcast is sponsored by Vaulted, an online mobile web app for investing in allocated and deliverable physical gold. Vaulted is backed by McAlvany Financial Group, which owns ICA, one of the largest and longest continuously operating full-service gold brokerage firms in the United States.

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

4 Responses to “KunstlerCast 399 — Catherine Austin Fitts Versus the Globalist Blob”

  1. RaymondR April 22, 2024 at 5:34 pm #

    Mind blowing, thank you both JHK and CAF

  2. tom clark April 22, 2024 at 11:19 pm #

    Smart lady, and a long-time supporter of Bobby Jr. It’ll be interesting to follow her blog thru election time. Kudos to JHK for a good interview.

    • IowaBlackHawk April 29, 2024 at 10:20 am #

      RE: Sane vs. Insane bifurcation of the Nation and how to recognize them.

      The Insane are wearing masks and other face coverings again.

  3. VeldesX April 30, 2024 at 11:16 pm #

    Interesting discussion covering a lot of ground. When Jim asked Catherine about why all the editors & writers across the country have dropped their hard-earned mantle of independence & choose to hock the regime’s cheap propaganda, I recalled a story a few years back about how all of them are in the pay of the CIA. I know the story had to do with the German media specifically, but why would The Company stop at Deutschland? Obviously keeping this country’s media on the side of the regime is a matter of national security, right? So likely every editor & writer has been made aware of a personalized control file with “Deposited at Langley” stamped across it.

    A sick sick situation, and one that’s going nowhere. After the long emergency has consumed the rest of the blob, The Company will still be around, sticking its people into what positions of power remain. That’s what happened in Russia with the KGB after the Soviet Union collapsed. Doubtless the CIA has been positioned to ride out whatever stupid lethality the regime dishes out…

    Anyway, I’m off to my son’s choir recital. Keep on enjoying life, whatever may happen!