Very interesting post, JK. When one looks at the wide variety of people and organizations involved in these anti American activities and the consistency in their actions, it seems like a RICO a investigation/prosecution would uncover extensive coordination between the left wing politicians, the left wing judiciary and the left wing NGOs. This thing stinks 😷 to high heaven.

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Wake me up when they start hanging the traitors.

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Hey Ron, my brother sent me some Marshal Tucker lost tracks today. I'm going to delve into them later tonight...

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Oh man, I always loved MTB, almost everything they did. We travel I-26 every year, going up to WNC in the summer, and passing thru Spartanburg, I always think of them. After Tommy Caldwell died in 1980, they never seemed the same. Toy Caldwell on the steel guitar and their incorporation of the flute gave their music a unique sound - a softer Southern Rock - sweet melodies. That was Southern Rock's time, you remember - Skynyrd of course, CDB, Allman Brothers, Outlaws, Molly Hatchet - man those were good years.

One summer, I went to see a friend of mine - a "grower" up in the hills of WNC. When I got to his farm, there was a girl there, and she had a duffel bag that said such-and-such productions presents Molly Hatchet. Really nice. I commented on it, and she said my husband is with the band. I said oh, is he a roadie? She said no, I'm married to Danny Joe Brown. I felt like a real dumbass.

She said he was up in the woods with my friend, they'd be down soon. Sure enough, he came down, they were off the road and just travelling thru and stopped to visit. It was a great experience - unexpected - and nice to talk with him just casually over a beer. At the time he was thinking about getting out of music, commercially anyhow and had already bought an 800-acre farm in Georgia and just wanted to live out his days there. He ended up moving to Davie, FL instead, 15 minutes from my hometown - Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Thanks for jogging those memories - sorry I didn't get back to you on your Montana comments, I apologize, just scattered lately.

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MTB is just one of the best. The Caldwell boys were true American heroes and great musicians. They were "prog country." They could play anything from rock, country, jazz, swing, etc. I'm a bit younger than you, so I never got to see the original lineup, but I know them through videos and I saw the band several times later on. I'm not sure if this is the same wife of Danny Joe Brown that you are referring to, but I saw Moly Hatchett in the early 90's and I was sitting next to a woman in the first couple rows. I mentioned that I was really enjoying the show, but I wished I could have seen Danny Joe Brown sing it. She broke down in tears and told me that she was Danny's wife and that he had such severe diabetes that he couldn't tour anymore and couldn't really do much of anything. I felt really bad for her. Pretty blonde lady.

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That was probably her, small world.

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There is really no way to overstate the impact of Ronnie and Lynyrd Skynyrd. They were THE American band. Watch the live shows from 75-77. Every show was packed with American kids, north, south, east and west, having the time of their lives. There was one show, in particular, that I have seen, at the Oakland Coliseum, where every girl in the crowd is the prettiest young lady you've ever seen. That was an America that I just can't imagine today.

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Yep, makes me tear up, just thinking about that time - "special", doesn't capture it. It was more. They were larger than life, even then.

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Strangely enough, I sat a couple seats away from Judy Van Zant when the Freebird movie premiered in my town. She was doing promotions for the premiere. She talked to a group of us after the movie. I had no idea who she was until after the movie. I was about 18 or so years old. It was incredible. The entire audience, me included, was crying.

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Yes, their story was just tragic, and so emotional. I remember going to Evergreen Cemetary in Jax, a few years in a row - very early 1980's, still a lot of raw emotion - when I was at UF.

Ronnie, Steve & Cassie Gaines were buried there. Every October 20th, there was a pilgrimage there - 100's of people, maybe a thousand. It was always respectful, but somber - lots of crying. They're surely missed, still.

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I still mark October 20. Every single year, I think about it. I tell my kids that October 20, 1977 was the day that the music actually died.

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I was a fair football player in high school, the only sophomore playing varsity in 1977. On October 15th - their second to last show, they played the Hollywood Sportatorium, in Hollywood, FL.

A friend had two tickets and was bending my arm to go, but it was a Saturday night, and I had a football game. It was the time when bands toured annually, and I can still remember telling him, "I'll see them next year".

I think they played Tampa next, then the fateful flight to Louisiana. I remember the crash, and still to this day, I regret that decision. Knowing what I know now, I would have skipped that game in a heartbeat.

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Sorry, Ron. Not until January 2029. Traiter No. 1 will be busy trying to destroy the country he hilariously purports to love until then.

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John "crime is a career choice" Mendelsson projects his fascism and hate on people who he disagree with his fantasy ideology, and your comment solidifies that accusation. Chasing people with bull shite lawfare and calling them traitors is exactly who you are what the Democratic party has turned into, a name calling neo-nazi death cult.. You call J6 people terrorists, but it has only been progressives who burned down private businesses, destroy cities, and then preach tolerance when intolerance is your main feature and reason for being. If Trump acted like a Democrat, jerks like you and the lawfare grifters would be rounded up and stuck for years in prison like you people keep doing to innocent people because....hate and intolerance for a sane world view..

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You're part of the problem, leftist. Your day in the sun is OVER.

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Mendelssohn is a troll. It's a waste of time and energy to respond to him.

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Likewise Cankerpuss is a troll. It's a waste of time and energy to respond to him.

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No, Cank is just a bitter cynic. Like me, but on steroids.

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Hey, John, blown up any Teslas lately? Funny thing, I think most of the CFN would consider people like you to be the no. 1 traitor. With an "O".

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Die. Scum.

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You have an interesting definition of good vs evil. You like billions in fraudulent political payments made in the dark? You stand for deceit that runs our elections? The hold these thieves have over people shocks and depresses me. I guess there’s some ideology the left has in common with you and keeps you loyal.

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Sorry DJT doesn't fit your perfection model. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad and look back in retrospect to judge the result.

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~ Mr. and Mr. H1-B Visa ~

Ron has a point. But they're all traitors of course.

In this video, all cued up at the right point, you have Scott Ritter 'venting' or 'on fire', as Napolitano describes, and then, just after that section, Kash Patel talking, as if he's almost in a trance, all cravy about Israel...


The Patel cue:


And then at the same time, on this site, we have another John(AZ) et al ostensibly perfectly fine with people who have nothing to do with some '3000' year old far away religious script/imperative/vendetta, being taken hostage (via taxes, etc.) by Israel for Israel. Oh and suggesting that the issue is beating a dead horse.

It will be a dead horse when Israel fights its own battles/enemies itself. Like I said to Ben, "Put the gun down.". Go fight your own battles. Don't drag others into them. It's that simple.

Mandatory-- coercive-- support for Israel is like mandatory USAid, mandatory masking, mandatory vaccinations and calling people whatever pronouns, gender or other fantasies they insist on, or you lose your job.

Wake up and smell the corollaries.

You are prisoners/slaves as long as you remain in this system.

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The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential

"Geologists and natural resources economists have confirmed that the Occupied Palestinian Territory lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the occupied West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip. However, occupation continues to prevent Palestinians from developing their energy fields so as to exploit and benefit from such assets. As such, the Palestinian people have been denied the benefits of using this natural resource to finance socioeconomic development and meet their need for energy. The accumulated losses are estimated in the billions of dollars. The longer Israel prevents Palestinians from exploiting their own oil and natural gas reserves, the greater the opportunity costs and the greater the total costs of the occupation borne by Palestinians become.

This study identifies and assesses existing and potential Palestinian oil and natural gas reserves that could be exploited for the benefit of the Palestinian people, which Israel is either preventing them from exploiting or is exploiting without due regard for international law."

~ https://unctad.org/publication/economic-costs-israeli-occupation-palestinian-people-unrealized-oil-and-natural-gas

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Thank you, Zazz. +100

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You're welcome, astera. If we can't get out of this system soon enough, it will get us out of it.

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And what did Ben tell you?

To fuck off and he still means it.

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Where are the frontiers?

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What do you mean?

America has roughly 5% of the global population but it uses roughly 25% of the globe's resources.

A State junky.

In short, it may have the greatest height to fall, as any junky likely would...

And dangerous for the next hit and its access.


Games Without Frontiers


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Front Tier [ !. ]

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So what, then, is mandated cheering for Hamas - the mandates flowing from university campus "engagement" offices?

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The mandated cheering for Hamas is paid to paint Israel as the victims in this scenario. Thus all the "they made us do it!" rationale.

Also, the HIAS-run migration war is incentivizing and legitimizing Muslim violence in Europe. The Eternal Victims are mentally preparing their footsoldiers for jihad on Edom, that is, us.

Trying to accomplish both seemingly contradictory goals is difficult for the European mind to fathom...but you are not dealing with "white people."

You're dealing with what I call the broken branch. This is why the aphorism of "they cry out as they strike you" is as apt as the tactics of a permanent minority that wins by getting its enemies to kill each other.

For example, Ireland. The NGOs that promote "pro-Palestinian protest" are the same ones that run the Invasion of Ireland. They bring in their proxies and stir them up, because who will die in the coming race war?

The Irish will be massacred while the invaders will have every incentive to stay out of the Levant. Europe is the rich booty offered up to keep the mercenaries away.

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pt. II

Now, look at the Lawfare and Party politics in America as another example. Who was it that changed the WASP rules of the game?

Why, the same bunch that specializes in culture war, war without weapons, the same bunch whose forte is to radicalize groups.

The have set one half of Edom against the other half, while demanding fealty to themselves as both the ultimate victims and the guiding light. They have suborned the native culture by getting us to accept their values, and then tactics, above our own traditions.

We didn't lose God. Our Dyeus Pater has been replaced by a foreign imposter.

As rabbi says, Edom and Ishmael must make war on each other.

(p.s.- I am cutting out lengthy examples from the Bible itself; impostership and betrayal is the dominant recurring theme of the Old Testament.

If only Christians knew what they were actually reading, political propaganda that chronicles a race war.)

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Hamas are the victims.

Freedom fighters always get a bad name, until they win.

Hamas is not going away. But it's for sure IS-RAY-HELL is!

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Did they not install a current or former 'terrorist' in Syria? Once a terrorist, always a terrorist? What if he's mistaken as a tourist? A freedom-fighting terrorist tourist.

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Please be quiet, hasbara, and don't hijack me.

Hamas are as murderous liars as HTS. They were imposed on the indigenous common people. One must swear public fealty or die. Their creators imposed them deliberately, to force radicalization. Palestinians and Jews amicably lived together for centuries.

You see, this is why the more ludicrous Evangelists were given free air time; in their eager ignorance, they made Christian scholars look like befuddled hayseeds.

It is also why such covert operations as Tony Levy's Church of Satan, the militant American Atheists Society (and the "Moon is a hoax" bunch) were founded and led by the same set of ethnic subversives; one to portray Chistianity as Maimonedian black magic, and the other, to portray non-Christians as "angry" and hostile denialists. (Real atheists simply don't care about Bronze Age literature.)

Also note, the "Christian" charities in the migration racket are ruled by boards of directors who are distinctly NOT Christian.

Even the Greatest Lie was a rumor created by a Wehrmacht military clerk at Wannsee who was not ethnically German. It was he, and he alone, who claimed to have overheard the "nefarious plans" that were spoken, but never written. (Richard Kirtchener.)

The new religion of the West, the radicalizing portrayal of whites as the greatest possible evil, has ruined its adherents even more than it has ruined us. Now they dare not let go the Lie.

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Holy cow!

You give me the impression that you have never read a counter argument to any of your positions. And you sound like you talk down to everyone you meet because you have convinced yourself that you the smartest person in the room. You need folks to just accept that your assumptions are true without evidence. If they won't, then they not open-minded.

The "militant American Atheists Society" LOL

Who is the last atheist that sawed the head off an infidel, or strapped explosives to his belt to kill hundreds in a public square, or publicly hung a homosexual, or drove planes into buildings where people were at work, or committed genocide in the name of a GOD?

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For a second, I thought your icon was of Alfred E. Neuman.

Unless the terrorist/genocidal/sociopathic occupying State of Israel and its State supporters/terrorists, like the US and UK, forget about their MIC in that context, I'm in the Axis of Resistance camp and so with Hezbollah, Houthis and Hamas in that sense.

See also (just above)...


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Actually, I can certainly agree with you, Bedfellow.

I refer again to Ireland. By promoting solidarity with Palestinians, perhaps the Irish can pressure the "Barbara Spectres" who are bringing in the invaders and oppressive policies that destroy the Irish.

I see such solidarity as an unconscious organic pushback against the perpetrators of a manufactured lawfare.

(Forgive me, I don't have a link to their names at hand, but the prime movers orchestrating the invasion are indeed a group of "Barbara Spectres".)

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That's possible.

Perhaps you caught it, but I wrote on here some time ago, maybe on Jim's old homesite, about an important qualification/difference between top-down State-government-engineered 'culture-shock' immigration versus simply natural, 'grassroots' immigration. In that, I used the example of 'dropping down' Israel in 1948 as a 'comparative' illustration of that sort of thing.

Unsure if or how your Spectre understands or appreciates that and issues surrounding deliberate social engineering, but that's what the State is about; manufactured nationality. And people don't want it.

Did you see the video of the Irish girls I posted under last article's threads? Here's the link if not:


Well, that's my comment about it, but to skip it, here's the video:



“The 'United Nations' today is neither united nor represents nations... Many true nations, such as the Iroquois confederation or any tribal alliance with a common ethic, are not represented by such a body, nor are whole nations such as the Basques, Tartars, Kurds, Palestinians, Hawaiians, Hopi, Tibetans, Pitjatjantjara, Misquito, Aranda, Basarwa, Herrero etc....

Most nations in the United Nations repress a majority of peoples on earth. Talking with Thomas Banyaca, a Hopi messenger of his people, it became clear to me that we need a new concept of 'nation'... We start by defining a nation as a people subscribing to a common ethic, and aspiring to a similar culture. Such nations may not have a common land base, or language, but do have a common ethic...

At present, many thousands of organisations, affinities, tribes, bioregions, and spiritual and non-government organisations aspire to such beneficial ends; in every continent, a majority of people-- the ethical majority-- want peace; a clean and forested earth; a cessation to torture, malnutrition, and oppression; and a right to work towards these ends. It would take very little additional organisation for these groups to meet together, count their numbers, and recognise each other’s rights. There are, for instance, far less paid-up or active members of political parties or oppressive societies now than there are organic gardeners whose life works seek peace and plenty. As groups discuss, and accept, the minimal ethic... they can quickly proceed to recognise each other...” ~ Bill Mollison, permaculture

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And I think the ongoing nature of the crime's coverup may extend the statute of limitations on the original crime.

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I was reading an article yesterday from the Sons of Liberty site, where Bradlee Dean expounds on, Democide: When a Government Kills without Remorse and now they want your guns. Remember Germany...


The fact that class warfare/slavery has taken on many different titles or names does not change the outcomes of the initial acts of tyranny and despotism. A false accusation (allegation) of Child abuse is the silver bullet leading to false arrest, coercive detentions, and bootlegged into multiple unrelated charges. Those in the "legal" community have a real issue with men and/or women protecting themselves or their families. Is their a statute of limitations on those conspirators who willfully and violently disintegrate whole families for that Social Security TITLE 4D money? Is there a statute of limitations for force and fraud? When it is widely known that it is cost prohibitive for the poor to participate in what "Special Interest Groups" of the corporate variety can foist on the innocent and naive? When a collective plans, schemes, and carries out their objectives in a rigged plunders system where "Law" is a commodity for the highest bidder, is it any surprise that the most emboldened criminals are free to walk while innocent souls rot in their dungeons"? Do we at least have a choice of being murdered by the Military Industrial Complex or the Medical Industrial Complex?

If all the "State" actors/actress's pretend that they don't know they are doing evil, does that make it a fact? From my experiences, Agenda 21/30 is carried out under "Color of Law" and the family is not "sustainable" to those who stand to profit from targeting select families and profiting from it. Activist Sheriff's/Police rounding up business for activist lawyers and judges so called, and their "Titles of Nobility" trump all common law/Natural law decency. Having witnessed Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" in full play,is it any wonder we cannot trust anybody in "government" to tell the truth?

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Clyde plays electric bass. Plays it with finesse and grace.

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What was it that Ariel said in "The Tempest"? "Hell is empty, all the devils are here on earth". Satanist cloaking themselves under "Color of Law" using all of Saul Alinskey's "Rules for Radicals" in real time to scapegoat Christians practicing according to the dictates of their own conscience. When I tell them that I do not serve their "god" they insist that even if you do not believe their words, you will most certainly believe their violence.

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Fascinating. Novus Ordo Catholic Theology says the same thing anent Hell, leaving out the part about the devils being here.

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"Anent"! Yay!

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Joy is in the work we avoid.

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The great poet, Shelley, saw it so clearly when he said: “He has awakened from the dream of life. ‘Tis we who, lost in stormy visions, keep with phantoms an unprofitable strife.”

That’s what theists are doing, fighting self-created phantoms.

"Religion stalks across the face of human history, knee-deep in the blood of innocents, clasping its red hands in hymns of praise to an approving God."—Philip Appleman

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What god [ powerful one = elohim ] approves of religion?

“The notion that extraterrestrials have interfered with the Earth [ disobeying Prime Directive ] is nothing new, replete in legends of old…. Within the Sumerian histories, the Anunnaki gods [ powerful ones ] ruled over humanity before the great [ Noah ] flood. One insider even claims that over 60 different extraterrestrial groups maintain 22 different genetic, social, and spiritual programs on Earth, some of which are thousands of years old. What if the evidence of manipulation was more apparent than we thought? What if the idea of elitism—personal power over others justified through a claimed divine right to rule—was part of an extraterrestrial propaganda agenda that was so successful it touches all the civilizations we can think of?”

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If theists would just STFU up about their imaginary friend, I’m sure most of us wouldn’t have a problem.

That, and stop trying to shove their imaginary friend in every aspect of life regardless of time and place. And tell us who we should vote for!

Theist: "Why is everyone so mean to us? All we've ever done is try to force our beliefs and morals into everyone around us and tell non-believers they're wicked horrible people that deserve to be tortured for eternity!"

The most vitriolic atheist doesn't hold a candle to theists who murder or even subjugate in the name of their God.

John 3:16. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son.... for part of a weekend."

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Ok. You brought it up but you don’t want to talk about it [ answer questions …. so we can figure out what really makes you tick ].

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Hey Dennis, tell me everything you know about Amish doctrine [ beliefs and morals ]. You didn’t hear it from them, I’ll guess.

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You won’t be able to text them.

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“All we've ever done is try to force our beliefs and morals into everyone around us and tell non-believers they're wicked horrible people that deserve to be tortured for eternity!"

Leave the Amish alone.

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“The most vitriolic atheist doesn't hold a candle to theists who murder or even subjugate in the name of their God.”

Captain Obvious on board !!

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Makes me want to go catch some catfish.

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That was a cute video, although I actually have a Yamaha Twelve String, and occasionally play blues riffs with an E minor scale.

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I took guitar lessons for years and can barely play a lick. My son's buddy picked up a guitar and was playing it within a week. Then just fooled around with the piano and figured that out too. He's 10. His mother was a musician in Nashville. Must run in the family.

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Love JJ Cale. Haven't heard this one. Thanks!

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Scorching fills.

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Yes, "This thing stinks 😷 to high heaven."

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Judgepocalypse Now

James Howard Kunstler, at the top of his game.

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At the bottom of the barrel. BAM!

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Why are you here?

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In the Bible, particularly in Romans 1:28, the phrase "God gave them over to a depraved mind" is used to describe a state where individuals, having rejected God, are left to their own sinful desires. This means their minds become unprincipled and irrational, leading them to pursue destructive and immoral actions.

This concept is part of a broader narrative in Romans 1:18-32, where Paul describes the consequences of rejecting God's truth and turning to idolatry and other forms of sin. The passage suggests that when people persistently ignore God and His moral standards, they are left to the consequences of their choices, which can include a mind that is no longer governed by logic or morality.

The phrase "gave them over" is often interpreted as a figurative expression of God's withdrawal of His restraints on human behavior, rather than a concrete action. This withdrawal results in individuals being more prone to engage in various forms of wickedness and evil.

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Like Saul in the OT.

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Actually Kathy, I see it as a separation of the wheat and tares for the end of days harvest.

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Many of the seemingly saved will worship the Antichrist in the rebuilt Temple.

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Yes, you are correct. In Revelation 3:16, Jesus Himself describes the church at Laodicea as "lukewarm", neither hot nor cold, and expresses His disgust with them, saying He is about to spit them out of His mouth.

This metaphor reflects the modern day Christian church's indifferent attitude towards God, which Jesus finds repulsive. The lukewarm state symbolizes a lack of genuine faith and zeal, leading to a spiritual condition that Jesus will not tolerate. The modern day Laodiceans are the "lukewarm Christians" who will be deceived by the "angel of light" into receiving the "mark of the beast" in order to buy and sell. AKA, "the great apostacy" of worshiping the "beast of Revelation" and thereby denying Jesus as the Son of YHVH/God.

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God.” [Psalm 9:17]

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Carl Jung, influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, psychology and religious studies in his autobiography "Memories Dream Reflections" said "I will not discuss the transparent prophecies of the Book of Revelation because no one believes in them and the whole subject is felt to be an embarrassing one."

Revelations is a mess! The obscure and extravagant imagery has led to a wide variety of Christian interpretations. Historicist interpretations see Revelation as containing a broad view of history mostly referring to the events of the Apostolic Age (1st century), or, at the latest, the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century. That is, in the past!

Even to the present day some churches still reject it. Being skeptical about its authorship and unusual style. Some Churches consider it to be heretical.

As for Jesus himself describing something; why do Christian expect a book written by unknown authors in a variety of languages, that was translated, rewritten, edited countless times ~ is evidence for anything?

It's just a book. Every statement of "Jesus said" needs to start with "my old book says Jesus says...."

And as for referencing Biblical scriptures; it still amazes me that Christians think the Bible is evidence. The Bible is the CLAIM, not the evidence. "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God" is just a claim! Nothing more!

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Who cares what is in that dusty old book written by unknown authors!

"Religion poisons everything!" - Christopher Hitchens

Netanyahu invoked the BIBLICAL reference with the Amalek rhetoric for a blatant call to genocide.

"Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and donkey." 1 Samuel 15:3.

Now 100,000 + have been slaughtered. And their houses, electricity, drinking water, sewage facilities and hospitals destroyed.

Because the Palestinians had the audacity to pray to a different GOD!

And NOT ONE GOD has lifted a finger to stop the genocide.

Either they do not give a shit, or they do not exist!

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He's just trolling, ignore.

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The trolls under the bridge said he had bad breath, and forced him to leave.

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Let there be bright.

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Your leftist heroes will love prison gang rape.

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John - you've been watching too much Emeril.

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Please go away. This is a select group, and you’re not welcome.

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As the highly successful El Salvadoran and Argentinian presidents have said, if this rogue judiciary problem isn't solved, nothing will get done. The sole purpose of these judges is to maintain the status quo a majority of Americans have now, to our credit, rejected.

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I think you're speaking of The Mandate, a mandate on a scale never before glimpsed in American political history. And the polls, showing the ludicrous (at best!) "Mr. Trump" enjoying the support of 47 percent of the populace? Who do these judges think they are trying to thwart that 47 percent?

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So you think the 2024 election was actually honest or accurate, and Kamala Harris really received more than around 25-30 million legitimate votes? You're a fool or a liar.

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Misinformed and brainwashed. Also prone to defensive responses revealing his inability to handle being told someone disagrees with him. Makes one wonder why he reads the column to begin with if he hates what is being said. I suspect its a bot or shill and not a real person.

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No, darling. I don’t think the 2024 election was honest. My strong suspicion is that MAGA managed to rig it somehow. And go have unpleasant sex with yourself.

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Why is it "you people" always descend to crude insults and nasty comments but can't manage a cogent, reasoned DISCUSSION on any topic. You invalidate yourself and your point, to which you are entitled, with every vituperative comment. What are you? 15? The result is: everyone ignores you and considers you aren't worth the spit. You're gonna have to up your game. BTW: Nasty comments hereafter will be ignored and dismissed.

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It couldn't possibly have been that people didn't agree with the policies she actually articulated or had no confidence in her because she often came off sounding like a ditz, could it?

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But she was so "Joyous!" (And "Brat!" too!)

Obviously the American people love their misery...

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Kathy---I believe that Kamala did not articulate any policies. She stumbled around the English language when someone asked her a direct question but articulate is not a word that anyone should----associate with Kamala. She did however sound like ----as you say---a ditz or possibly an inebriated low IQ ward of the state.

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~ Glomerica ~

America might break up, maybe in a cascading series of secessions, before it takes over Canada. So it won't. And then Canada could glom Texas, etc., through a daisychain of State gloms all the way down... North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas... Maybe it could also lure, using Quebec, Louisiana to glom on too.

"Le glom? Eh bien, c'est le glom." (avec un bien-cute shoulder-shrug et shy/humble smile)




intransitive verb

To grab or hold onto something.

The child glommed on to her mother's arm.

To become attached to something; stick.

To focus the attention on or become interested in someone or something.

The media glommed on to the heartbreaking story." ~ American Heritage Dictionary


Creepy Hollywood finds a new way to corrupt even Sesame Street

"The producers of the children's TV show, filed a lawsuit... claiming that the promotion of the R-rated film makes unauthorized use of the Sesame Street mark with the tagline, No Sesame. All Street...

...which features puppet characters snorting drugs, committing murder, working as prostitutes, swearing, gambling and engaging in obscene sex scenes...

Why can't they do movies that have good plots, credible characters, decent values and no cuss words or nudity? It's just too hard for them, which is why they glom onto anything they can." ~ Monica Showalter, AmericanThinker.com


(This comment was brought to you today by the word, glom.)

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Now do monotheisation.

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You try. Looking forward to it.

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Do you realize how silly this comment looks?

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Apparently not. But given your admiration of the Worst Living American*, I’m not sure I’m troubled by your finding it so.

*Actually, I may regard Tom Homan and Steven Miller as even worse.

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Yet another leftist affliction: zero self-awareness.

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Typical leftist misdirection. As anyone with the ability to craft such a comment is well-aware, a far higher percentage than that support the DOGE-based reforms as well as efforts to deport illegals, particularly criminal, violent ones. As usual, all leftists like you want to do is get in the way lest you lose your grift, graft, and future voter base. Face it: reasonable people can't stand you.

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Well, you’re right about my not wanting to lose my grift, graft, and future voter base. Do you regard those who perceive Donald Trump as anything other than a stupid, incompetent, infantile, delusional, corrupt, hateful, petulant, vulgar, treacherous, soulless fascist, and, indeed, a fecal stain on American history, as reasonable? If so, we shall have to agree to disagree.

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How strange this is. You just described the Democrats and the bought off judges in oyur attempt to discredit the current MAGA group. Go drink some more of your Kool Aid while you cool down.

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Leftists don't hide what they are doing. They just accuse their enemy of doing exactly what they are doing. Right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

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With all those adjectives, your TDS is really showing today. You must be miserable with all that hate stewing inside of you.

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On the propensity for addressing other posters as "darling," that's about as dumb as "Legend in His Own Minefield." By the way, what are you doing wasting time here? Don't you have some Teslas on today's radar to vandalize?

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So you are basically characterized by hate.

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Was it the term darling that got him bounced?

John come back to the light before it's too late.

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Harsh sunlight is dangerous for cave-dwellers. Best leave him in his natural habitat.

"Temporarily suspended". Don't worry kids, our piñata will be back.

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CHUDS. Carniverous Humanoid Underground Dwellers. Who can forget the Kosovo, the field of Black birds?

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That description could be applied to Joe Biden, too.

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This is a particularly good article, shedding light on an important topic that Mr. Trump’s detractors simply do not comprehend.

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I dare say that few of his supporters comprehend, either!

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The trolls are here. 👆

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“ Transsexual pole-dancers” OMFG the funniest quip I’ve read the entire year!

Of course, in my experience, it’s a far too benign image of what I’ve personally experienced from my limited experience with persons from trans community. After I took the knife out of my back, I realized I was dealing with some of the most venal, paranoid, duplicitous, chip-on-the-shoulder people I have ever met, and I’m very much a live and let live type

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"some of the most venal, paranoid, duplicitous, chip-on-the-shoulder people I have ever met" You just described every leftist I have ever met. Zero honor among thieves and liars.

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What I've found, based on the very few trannies I've met, is that they have little or no understanding of the gender they think they are.

That is, the females have no idea how a man thinks or acts. They try to dress and speak like men, but the act is not convincing. And every one I've met is severely depressed.

The males, similarly, have no idea how a woman thinks or acts. They seem to me to be guys who have realized that the only way they can have the woman they want is to become "her". More autosexual than transexual.

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They often resemble caricatures of the gender they profess to be, but have not one iota of familiarity with…that’s why they’re so easy to spot.

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Good observation.

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That Dylan Mulvaney character always made me laugh. I've never seen a real woman act like that. Never.

Love the post.

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I've yet to see a "transwoman" who wears overalls and no make-up, as plenty of women do. It would seem that the "dysphoria" they experience leads them to only emulate drag-queen versions of women. How funny, both are male projections.

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"...plenty of women [wear overalls and no make-up]" ~ The Real Mary Rose

It's a great look.

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I concur.

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Back in the day (late 70's) in Hawaii they were/are referred to as mahus. Room mate tried to unwittingly hit on one on the bus one day and got a big surprise! Went to cop a feel and got the shock of his life.

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I had no idea they went so far back. Shame, Polynesia, shame...

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The New Zealand Māori called trannie's "shirt lifters" LOL

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Is this the Queenstowner?

From Auckland, on the side of the highway just before Whanganui, I saw this huge graphic on a rock face of an ass sort of bending over I guess with a cock and balls pointing to it. While I didn't notice any caption, maybe they meant something like, 'Now entering Whanganui.'.

I also enjoyed the early-morning train-trip, complete with a rooster crowing, from the airport into Auckland, where much excellent graffiti could be seen as I slowly entered the city.

I'm also aware of the historical Maori graphics on the wall over, if recalled, Lake Taupo.

If you want world-class, larger-than-life graffiti, maybe go to NZ.

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Hmmm. People thoughts and behaviors are a combination of genetics and environment. Could it be that no matter how screwed up by environment these folks get to be, they still are driven by their genetics, ie Male vs. female?

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Yes. What I find ironic are the "transwomen" who get violent and attack others for misgendering or other stuff - you know, the type of violence women don't tend to do.

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Stupidity and greed are also genetics. Evolution doesn't exist because humanity isn't evolving beyond these two fatal flaws.

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Yup, there is no escaping genetics.

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Yes, Adam Kadmon or Seraphita is the transcendence of gender in a given person. Baphomet is a person trying to have both genders.

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Did you see that person that used to be called "Blac Chyna" recently came to Jesus and had her Baphomet tattoo removed, along with her other tattoos? The Holy Spirit is saving souls every day.

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One of them blacked her whole body out instead of bothering to have the tattoos ala removed. She like the look. She kept the tattoo of her father, surrounded by the black .

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I wish her well. She seemed incredibly moved by her conversion.

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LBGTQ+ people are after a common cause, to set themselves up as "normal". That includes doing everything possible to expand their ranks, including invading the schools. We have been disgusted by the Vatican's indifference to the child abuse issue in the RCC. Yet we seem to ignore the LBGTQ+ invasion of the schools. ??????

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Vatican's indifference to the MALE TEEN abuse in the RCC. / FIXED THAT.

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The pope himself is on the trans bandwagon - which just solidified for me how evil he is. Jesuits = not true Christians, IMHO.

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Let's establish a Dept of Retribution. Wholely separate from the Trump administration effort to move America forward.

Headed by someone like Mark Levin it's purpose would be investigating and prosecuting traitors to The Constitution. Of course due process administered by a completely different set of prosecutors and Judges.

When found guilty after a speedy trial, the Justice afforded the J6 they should be given a speedy sentence to the maximum punishment allowed by law.

Rid Humanity of this VERMINE.

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Make a deal with Kim Jong-Un to take them for forced labor, so they can find out what Marxism is really like, in exchange for electrifying the country. Elon could have North Korea electrified in a year.

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North Korea is a monarchy now. China is National Socialist. Russia is Fascist. Communism, not being viable, morphs into other systems, quietly. People aren't good at admitting they were wrong after all.

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That would have a chilling effect on future like behaviors.

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When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to divorce yourself from fellow citizens who disagree with everything common sense to fix these massive problems what do you do?

Deport 30 + million people?

Re-education camps?

How do you deprogram so many people?

Can you even do it?

What is left when they start burning everything down because they can't get their way?

Make no mistake a small amount of these people has begun doing just that to include doxxing people so others can do bad things.

Who murdered Jamie White you can bet it was not random?

They are now sending pizzas to people affiliated with Infowars using Jamie Whites name as the sender.

The same type/group of people are now calling in 911 calls saying violent things are happening in specific addresses in an attempt to get people swatted aka death by cop.

The list of dirty tricks is growing.

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"Deport 30 + million people?"

If they are not citizens and are here illegally, then "yes".

(Unless of course they are terrorists - in which case they are fleeing persecution in their totally-backward homeland and therefore welcome here. "Give us your rapists, your murderers, your derelicts"...)

For our fellow citizens who have grabbed the free ticket and jumped aboard the crazy train, there is no easy solution. They think they need to convert the non-woke - how's that working? It's not, if anything it is backfiring. Attempting to convert the woke to something in the neighborhood of sanity will be just as effective. What we need is a divorce.

I think the most effective solution - which has zero chance of happening - would be a much more local, decentralized form of government. The smaller the group, the more they are likely to have in common. Townships voluntarily join together to form counties, counties voluntarily join together to form states, and so on. If your township is full of cranks who can't get along with anybody, fine, join the ranks of power players such as San Marino and Monaco.

Got a bunch of homophobic rednecks in your township? Move a couple miles down the road to Rainbow City - you'll still be within driving distance of your soul-crushing job at the plastic factory. A lot easier than moving to a different state or different country, a solution many have expressed an interest in. The further the move, the more financially independent one has to be, and most of our fellow citizens aren't that well off.

I'm talking about encouraging Diversity! here. And isn't Diversity! the most important thing in the world?? A patchwork quilt of a country. We can share a landmass as long as we don't have to bump into each other.

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Laws come from values and beliefs. Cult is upstream of Culture is upstream of the Law. The patchwork will come apart right quick since we are no longer a single Culture, thus not a real or viable nation.

The Red Necks are low but viable. The Rainbows are not viable, breeding by conversion.

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"The Red Necks are low but viable."

They weren't always low, but 150 years of compulsory public education has turned them into good American consumers. They can be saved if we can get rid of public schools and put them back in the fields.

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"What's the difference between a cult and a religion?

In a cult, there's someone at the top who preaches bullshit.

In a religion, that person has died long time ago."

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Very good, Lugh.

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"The patchwork will come apart right quick since we are no longer a single Culture..."

Well, that's where we are now, and that's what I'm trying to avoid by making the township - or I guess ward in the case of cities - the basic form of government. Everything above that is a voluntary union.

Culture at the township level tends to be relatively homogenous. That can be done, and generally happens, on a small scale. But it doesn't scale up very well, especially in the ethnic soup we have in the US. Those culturally homogenous townships then voluntarily join together to form counties, and... well, I explained it all above. If you have Rainbows living in a Redneck township, they can move a few miles to a more welcoming township.

Of course some Rainbows will attempt to colonize Redneck territory - as they do now. With sovereignty at the lowest political level, Rainbows will not be able to call on the Feds to come to their rescue because they tried to colonize hostile territory. I expect most would crawl back to Rainbow City with their tails between their legs, rather than run around bitching at people who won't listen to them.

The less the shared culture between political entities, the less of a governmental bond between them. And like I said, that bond would be voluntary.

If we want cultural homogeneity on the North American landmass, the Rednecks will have to wait out the Rainbows. A long, cold, war of wills. Either that, or a war of annihilation.

I think you just like disagreeing with me.

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America is at its best in a small town setting. Think of a neighborhood today, where no one is a neighbor. In yesteryears, people depended on each other, skills were utilized with each other. Towns went to church together, the kids went to school together, everyone had a function. Wha' happened?

Cities, that is what. Add on suburbs since WW2. When people have no idea of their worth, bad stuff happens. Our society is very sick right now, because we have little commonality.

Phil, hold onto the goodness of a lower population in Canada, that is a very good thing. Western Canada that is.

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"America is at its best in a small town setting." Yup. I think that is what Thomas Jefferson had in mind, a decentralized nation of family farmers.

When people are neighbors (rather than just people who live near each other) community can form. Communities with a common culture can form a nation.

We have had cities since even before we had agriculture (cf. Gobekli Tepe). Cities, and the specialization of labor that they allow, are (in my opinion) necessary for the technological advancement of a people. Cities also attract foreign technologies and ideas which can fuel further development. On the other hand, cities carry a lot of vices that are inimical to a nation, such as lack of a common culture due to their cosmopolitan nature.

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America has become too large to govern. It's now collapsing in on itself. Smaller jurisdictional governments are more effective at seeing to the needs of its bosses.

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Nobody ever sends me a pizza.

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Have you bad mouthed Democrats and specifically ending support for Ukraine?

If not publicly do so with your real name you will get all sorts of pies and possibly more than you want.

Some of these guys have to have special paperwork in with local law enforcement so they are not waking up with a swat team at their door over and over.

Prudence would dictate you do not do this at this time, but your mileage will vary.

This is really happening so be careful what you wish for.

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You strategically capture those that violate the law, one by one, handing out justice fitting the committed crime. Until we are ready to punish lawbreakers, the lawlessness will continue.

The lawfare will effort will work its way through the system and will eventually be slowed or even stopped. It will take time, but the Trump administration will keep pushing the deconstruction of the administrative state even as the original lawfare cases reach the US Supreme Court for final disposition. Let's hope the the court comes up with a grand civics lesson which better defines the separation of powers in an era of vast corruption and grift.

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And for the areas that have SOROS funded DA's and Democrat captured judges and courts who refuse to prosecute violent offenders?

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George is now funding a leftist Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate, along with the usual suspects, Pritzker and Hoffman. Luckily we have Charlie Kirk working on ballot chasing and a little cash from Musk. We have already broken record spending of over $60 Mil. and counting. This is the first test of the 'Counter Revolution' of lawfare in our highest court. Which shade of purple is in the balance here on April 1st. Stay tuned and say a prayer.

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They're also shooting up and burning down Tesla dealerships and targeting Tesla owners.

So angry.

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A woketard in MAGA clothing! What is this "speedy trial" nonsense? If "Mr. Trump" or one of his lickspittles declares someone guilty, that isn't enough for you, Walt? Well, it's more than good enough for me, and for all clear=eyed Americans!

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When laws are changed to specifically target one person for process crimes long since expired under existing laws then up charged from misdemeanors to felonies. This is especially egregious since actual violent felonies are typically pled down.

Or when a complete liar takes a case again so old as to be out of date but can't remember specifics as a civil case and the target is not allowed to defend himself publicly aka gagged you know bad shit is happening.

Or a billion dollar judgement for a crime they had no part in planning, funding or taking part in.

They simply asked did this really happen a freedom of speech issue one in bad taste but not criminal?

Like we have seen activist judges, rigged courts, prosecutors, and juries be used to convict and try and destroy MAGA people?

Did it ever occur to you John these kinds of reindeer games can be pointed back at someone like you?

If not, why not it should.

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Ben, you are smart dude. Don't waste your time on trolls like Mendelssohn.

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Who died and made you the Editor of this thread my friend.

How would you like it if a fellow commentor posted "Don't waste your time on trolls like Cankerpuss."

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Boing, Ben, It was a good post but it just bounced off John. You have put your heart into defending the revolution today, whereas John puts his heart into chains of insults. JHK already got him once, just let his innuendo go. Unlike Phil OG, this one does not even attempt to back up his bullshit.

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Afternoon John. Who was/is Phil OG?

Hope you are doing well.

I'm very unhappy with the guy who is POTUS.

You know...the "Peace President"...yeah right!

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Take yourself over to your Democrat troll factory.

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I am CULTIST and my roar is a queef, nothing more.

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I appreciate your comment. I agree we are in a period where quick action is in order to rid America of thousands of criminally insane traitors. The thinking here is to investigate, to make sure we get the correct ones. Indict and try them quickly and carry out maximum punishment allowed by law. Agreed we must strip away the bastardization of the appelet system and recognize immediately and deal with these scoundrels with hyper alacrity.

To do it outside the bounds of Constitutional Law puts our America First cause in the same jeopardy that they do

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Thousands? Try millions. We let it go on too long. The Universities should have been shut down decades ago, but we like college football too much.

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Now that the college football players are professionals, too, why even bother with college? Just form a young pro league. Years ago, Holy Cross and Sewanee decided that they were serious academic institutions and didn't want to be involved with big time athletics anymore.

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The sports mania is trickling down now to the high school level. Scouts come to high schools and try to recruit them right out graduation. It's insane how much school districts spend on sports and sports facilities. New high schools in my state are centered around sports and sporting facilities. Reading, writing, math? Pffft! Who cares. But football, soccer, baseball and softball! Nobody touch that fucking stuff! Taxes will double before they eliminate sports from high school.

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My brother was a phenomenal basketball player. College coaches were calling my father when he was in 8th grade. There are recruiting services that start tracking kids when they are in 5th grade, maybe even younger now.

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We’ve been funding our own demise. A revolution was fought over a tiny tax on tea, our reaction to this Lawfare should be 1,000 times worse.

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It's looking like Trump (who I definitely prefer to Biden and the Democrats) is simply using his shrewdness and astute bargaining skills, harnessing people's legitimate anger to create a "Trumpocracy".

Problem is, he is pushing 80. The feudal regime he is creating will be picked up by the "tech moguls" wing of big capital, the ones who helped JD Vance make the jump from hillbilly to venture capitalist to a heartbeat away.

Not that it will be much of a feudal state for the masses, as the USA is poised to trigger its own defeat. We are on the verge of a military defeat in the Mid East that will rhyme with Russia's in 1905, but have much larger implications for world affairs, and have a massive impact in the internal affairs of the losing USA, far bigger than the significant internal changes that came about in the aftermath of Russia's defeat to Japan.

So Trump may be 3 times better than Biden, in the sense that Biden/Dems were 95% bad news, but Trump is only 85% bad news (get it? They are both essentially crap, one is 15% good vs 5%), but in the end, the house of cards is too rotted, Trump is too beholden, and he has too many weaknesses to right the USS Titanic.

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That defeat is simply from ridiculous rules of engagement and not actual abilities to win.

The rest of your post is garbage and opinion.

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Sorry. Israel is not above International Law. Many Jews are moral people who despise the terror their nation is engaging in.

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But Palestinian terror groups are above international law?

You argue from a position of bullshit sitting nice and safe in 'Murica knowing full well if 'Murica and Israel switched places we would have leveled Gaza, west bank, and Iran decades ago.

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"... if 'Murica and Israel switched places we would have leveled Gaza, west bank, and Iran decades ago." ~ Ben


"Hypothesis Contrary to Fact

(also known as: counterfactual fallacy, speculative fallacy, 'what if' fallacy, wouldchuck)

Description: Offering a poorly supported claim about what might have happened in the past or future, if (the hypothetical part) circumstances or conditions were different. The fallacy also entails treating future hypothetical situations as if they are fact." ~ logicallyfallacious.com

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Back to armchair bullshit which means you don't have shit to say.

Funny to as this one you engage in on almost every post of yours about countries and people.

How ever history is on my side and not on yours.

Ask the confederacy about going against America.

Ask any Indian tribe and especially the Sioux what happens when someone engages in campaigns of terrorism against America on American soil or adjacent in the case of Mexico they fucked around and found out.

Much as you just did.

Put down the bong and quit drinking the water already and oh..

Have a nice go fuck off day.

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Bernardo: Who jumped me the first day I came here?

One of the Jets: Who asked you to come here?

The Palis are the Jets. You're a shark.

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See also here:


If we consider the energy-resource angle at that link, we may conclude, or at least strongly suspect, that the religious/historical angle is a bit of a red herring, that Israel is a bit of a color-revolution backdoor to the region's energy resources, and that if there were no energy resources in the region, the religious angle would be a bit of a backwater issue hardly bothered with, if at all, and left to the locals to sort out.

Personally, I'd be surprised if Israel wasn't seeing its last days, at least as it is now or appears to be going. Why? Because if it's a backdoor to the region's energy resources, other increasingly-powerful countries combined-- say, BRICS+-- want access to them as well.

Everyone probably doesn't want too much of a war over there to break out because it might mean the destruction of the energy infrastructure, which of course would defeat the purpose of a 'hot' war.

So it appears that they will be 'beating around the bush' asymmetrially-- an assassinated/installed leader here, a few bombed civilians there...

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Weak sauce and deflection.

This used to be Mexicano land gringo La Raza and La Mecha!

Never mind there was less than 100,000 of them across the entire desert southwest and they lost it in a war.

Thats like the Mexicans showing back up in 1948 breeding like roaches and telling Americans to leave Los Angeles and then starting terror groups because we Americans won't leave.

They showed up for work and 75 years later decided these Americans are getting uppity and then deciding to take over using demographic shifts.

Oh, wait that is what's happening!

You didn't build that now you speak Obamas language.

How far back do you want to go dingus?

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Ben, like most of the TDS group. Phil, at least, defends his turf against the groundswells in Canada because they have the same divisions we have here. These trolls on the blog just love to expand their name calling vocabularies, as they have nothing of substance to say. Unrequited hatred.

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The defeat that we - and the rest of the world - are headed for in the middle east will dwarf Russia's forgotten loss to Japan. It will crash the global economy. But with Apocalypse necessary to bring about the arrival of the Zionist messiah, well, we all have to play our role. ("Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran!")

On domestic issues (except for the CBDC corral the technocrats are leading us into - and of course the continuous enriching of the already obscenely wealthy) the Golden Golem is a breath of fresh air compared to the Big Guy and his puppeteers. But the Israel First policy of Trump and his crew I expect to end in disaster - for everybody including Israel.

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And yet Steve Bannon and others want to change the Constitution to allow Trump to run again in 2028 (doubtless with Trump's assent), when he'll be 82. The thought is, since Trump's terms were not consecutive, the Amendment is unclear in this situation. I don't like the president to be term limited (would Russia have advanced so quickly if Putin had only 8 years to turn it around?), but reelecting an 82-year-old man brings to mind images of the gerontocracy that brought down the USSR.

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Can you match the energy level of Trump today? There are many 80+ year olds that could put us to shame. Judge when 2027 shows up.

I do agree, his successor should be getting groomed starting right now.

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He's here: Bowman or "Vance" - the tool of the Thiel group of Globalists. A Tesla in every yard, Chicken in every pot, and a Chip in every gulliver.

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I’m pretty sure Trump will not want to run again. He’ll be more than happy to phone in directions to JDV from the golf course.

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At some point the other side might win would we really want 20 years of Obama because they keep rigging elections?

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Given Trump's disastrous first term (at least 2020), and Biden's no-show fake presidency, 16 years of Obama doesn't look nearly as bad in comparison.

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Obama was an unmitigated disaster and beget the riots, and misdeeds for the next eight years.

I would also add it was Obama who allowed the secret gain of function research in China while pretending to oppose it by banning it here in 'Murica.

He appears to be a creature of the CIA machine groomed to take down our American Republic.

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He also re-ignited racial fires that, up until his Presidency, had calmed significantly.

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Some of the absolute worst back and forth racism I ever saw was in Virginia.

That went both ways and publicly.

Blacks behaving especially bad in public bossing around Asian kids serving up food in a restaurant and then leaving them a two-dollar tip on a hundred-dollar bill even their nasty loudmouth tween kids got in on the act.

To the detriment of everyone else in the restaurant.

Finally, some good old boy family popped off I actually thought it was going to turn into a shootout at the local ramen place.

I suspect I was the only one in the place besides the restauranters not packing heat.

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Where have you been? Having worked in multiple restaurants over the years, I can tell you that blacks never tip, and if they do, it's lucky if you get 10%.

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It's OK as long as they pay the bill. Tipping has gotten out of hand. Now they want at least 20%. Ten percent should be more than enough.

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I tend not to pay attention and the last restaurant I worked in was in 1986 as a cook and busboy.

A long defunct place bought out by the now failing Red Lobster.

It's a hard business serving up food and dealing with the public even a public with manners and solid middle class values is rough.

So many dine and ditch types and the servers got screwed.

I had a lady ask for a well-done Halibut, so I cooked it beyond what I had been taught was a properly cooked piece of fish.

She sent it back, untouched.

So, I put it back on the open mesquit grill again for another three or four minutes to the point it was almost shoe leather, and she sent it back again.

So, I stoked up the coals and turned it into charcoal expecting to get in trouble and figuring she wanted a free meal minus the fish.

Sent it back to her basically blackened and it did not come back.

As she wandered out the door, she handed me a $20 and said it was the best piece of Halibut she had ever eaten. I was shocked.

That was actually one of the worst jobs I think I ever had high pace, high volume cooking over a huge iron grill that spun like a wheel covered in fish.

God help you if you had a sunburn the heat coming off that grill was something else and it was a main attraction with a big tempered glass window so everyone could watch you cooking their fish.

Going home every night after an eight hour shift absolutely wrecked. Covered in fish scales and reeking like fish and smoke so bad your car smelled awful, your clothes smelled awful, and it took me twenty years before I would even look at fish again.

I also worked a plenum cleaning service for a couple of months.

For those not in the know a plenum is the venting mechanism over grills and stoves that sucks the steam and smoke out the top.

So many Kitchen nightmare behind the scenes disasters.

Cockroach infested filthy kitchens with plenums so saturated in grease it was a wonder the place didn't burn down.

The worst ones were the Chinese food kitchens with the sickly red sweet and sour sauce that congealed in the plenum and duct system.

That was so rubbery it would rip the cleaning scraper out of your hands at times and resisted steam cleaning and what a scam.

$150 an hour two hour minimum two guys getting $8 an hour a truck and a steam cleaner probably $25,000 invested and we would hit six or seven restaurants a night most of them took an hour to setup and clean with twelve-hour days. Eight bucks an hour in 1989 was almost triple minimum wage.

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We need to change our whole electoral system, otherwise all it will ever be is a sham.

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The problem isn't so much with our electoral system, the EC is vastly superior to a nationwide popular vote. The biggest problem is that the US Empire is TOO BIG and needs to be broken up into several smaller more homogeneous countries.

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" The biggest problem is that the US Empire is TOO BIG..."

Bingo! If interested, see my rant above about a decentralized, voluntary, patchwork quilt of a country.

Our electoral system is broken. Not just broken, but hijacked.

For one thing, too many people are voting - and I'm not just talking about non-citizens. I'm not talking about convicted criminals either. A felon should be allowed to vote - as long as he passes the annual Elector Test. It would be a test much like the civics test American high schoolers had to take 100 years ago to graduate. If you don't know how the government works, you should have no role in telling it how to work.

No one would get to run for office. All electors are subject to being voted into office by their fellow electors - so don't take the Elector Test unless you are willing to serve your constituents! No regularly scheduled circuses - errr, I mean "elections" - either. When your representative is not doing his job, the electors hold an election for a replacement.

And no dual citizenship.

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Well said. My Professor said that in his town of ten thousand, only a few hundred were active. New England Townhall Democracy. For God's sake, let the people bow out. It's better for everyone. You don't have to exclude them. Just require them to put in some real effort and they'll exclude themselves.

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"Just require them to put in some real effort and they'll exclude themselves." Exactly. The more you want from the state, the more you must be prepared to give.

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Someone, a while back on this thread commented that we shouldn't have elections at all. There should be a "Congressional Service" lottery where taxpaying citizens get randomly "drafted" to go serve one session in Congress. And Congress should consist of thousands of seats, not just 535. You get called up, you go to Congress for 6 weeks of service, pass a budget, work on a few bills, and then you go home. Any bill that doesn't get passed fails.

No elections. No special interests. No lobbyists. No lawyers. No AOCs or Pelosis. No career politicians. Just contributing regular "Joe" and "Jane" citizens acting in mandated service for their country.

At first I thought this was lunacy but the more I considered this proposal the more I see the wisdom behind it. Obviously the rigged popularity contest we currently use to put the current crop of MORONS into our Congress is fatally flawed and is not working.

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An improvement, but not quite there...

Study my lunacy some more and I'm sure you will see that it is our only chance at salvation.

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To change the Constitution without the states I believe you need 2/3 majority of Congress. Neither party has that kind of a majority. When people talk about changing the Constitution, under today's political conditions, I just roll my eyes. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Duh!

Convention of States? Naw. The States are no better than Congress. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Duh!

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One Trump double is about 5'11". Trump himself is 6'3". But they have a better one. No reason he couldn't run.

Prince William is the same height as the real Trump. In a recent meeting, Wills towered over the fake, little Trump.

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At this point, whether Trump runs in 28 is moot. Personally, I think he says shit like "doing a 3rd term" just to aggravate, and it does reveal a lot, doesn't it? Panicking "things" come out of the woodwork in response. Considering we almost lost the country, the whole discussion is - well, amusing.

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There may be some method to Trump's madness. It seems to me that his often ridiculous statements serve to smash the Overton Window.

When Trump says, "We are going to buy Gaza. We're going to own it." He is demolishing any frame of reference for discussions regarding Gaza, and he gets people talking about what he said, rather than what Israel is doing.

When he says crazy things, but the things he actually does are not as far out, we are more likely to accept those actions even though they were, until recently, out-of-bounds.

We complain about the Democrat's post-Constitutional form of governance, but when Trump governs by fiat, we say it is what is needed to undo the damage the Democrats have caused. Left foot, right foot, down the path of autocracy.

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I agree with this.

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Massie/Carlson. Whites have the right to have their own Nation.

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Not in our lifetimes.

And I don't think the world we know now has even that much longer to go. But that is no reason to give up.

We have enemies who will chase us to the end. We can't let them win.

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Conversations about him running a 3rd term are moot and a waste of time. The Constitution must be amended and that isn't going to happen with there being nearly a 50 50 split in Congress. Sorry.

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JD Vance is being groomed for the spot.

They say he looks a lot like General Grant.

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I agree - and I have doubts about how serious he is. But it does distract the DEMs and various power brokers, which has to be a good thing. LOL Of course, as disgusted as the populace is with the DEMs right now, come midterm elections, the ratio could change.

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"...others want to change the Constitution to allow Trump to run again in 2028 (doubtless with Trump's assent), when he'll be 82." You're a little bit confused. By 2029, if he keeps ingesting lots of ginseng and getting plenty of exercise driving his golf cart from hole to hole, his IQ might conceivably rise to 82, though Las Vegas beleives that unlikely.

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Insofar as Palestine, at least as a State, is not recognized by Israel or the US, it may be ironic if Israel collapses and becomes recognized as a failed State.

While I haven't watched this entire video (although I am familiar with its guest), the point is that there is talk out there about Israel in that sense:


Could Israel Become a FAILED State? | Aaron Bastani Meets Ilan Pappe



In any case, to me, all or most States are failures.

Have you ever heard of The Parable of The Tribes?


See also here:


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"The rest of your post is garbage and opinion." ~ Ben

See here:


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"... the USA is poised to trigger its own defeat. We are on the verge of a military defeat in the Mid East ..." ~ SocratesDetroit

Life is theater and for a number of administrations we have been fed spoonfuls of BS, so one can not be faulted for not being able to see the forest through the trees.

After viewing Maria Bartiromo’s Wall Street - Friday, March 21 it struck me that I was being fed a spoonful of optimism, where the various segments put forth solutions for the major seemingly insurmountable problems confronting the world today.

My read is that "Trump" has assessed that the key to solving the ME problem to his liking is by dealing with Iran, and the way to do that is to form an alliance with Putin. This has the potential to solve both major conflicts, and perhaps put a lid on the number of players that can possess nuclear to blackmail the world.

Trump's plan for dealing with departments that want to thwart his actions to cleanup the corruption and inefficiency, is to promote Hunter Biden IRS whistleblowers to leadership roles to oversee the implementation of his agenda.


Rather than dictating and trying to micromanage the situations, perhaps we should watch and learn.

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None of this Judiciary madness is "Independent". That is the laugh of the century, and our only real prayer is that Roberts grows a set, and puts these "radical" judges on notice. One old-timer I ran into yesterday said that Democrats hadn't been this mad since Republicans took away their slaves.

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I believe they have some really bad dirt on Mr Roberts.

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I don't think anyone is allowed into a position of political power unless he/she/it is covered in really bad dirt.

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I have thought this for years, but I hope it is just cynical thinking devoid of reality.

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"Hope" one of the most disabling drugs out there.

Just take a look at any high level politician. Why are they so rich? Why do they make the decisions they do - decisions that do not reflect the will of their constituents?

Read Whitney Webb's two-volume tome "One Nation Under Blackmail" (as I plan to do), or read excerpts or articles about it (as I do).

The reality is that our "elected" "leaders" are a gang of criminal sociopaths. The most dangerous and destructive criminal gang in history.

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Trudeau's half-brother said they have the goods on Justin. I am wondering what it is, it is worse than infidelity, so I'm guessing probably p-do.

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I agree with this.

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I'm afraid Roberts won't. A soundbyte came out yesterday that makes me question his neutrality to political influence. Eventually, we'll find out if it's true.

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Roberts knows which side his bread's buttered on and votes accordingly

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I heard that Israel has been implicated in the JFK assassination, along with Russia - which everyone already knew about. Frantic cries to redact Israel's involvement. Not this time! Thank you Mr Trump.

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I heard that as well but the most I keep hearing was CIA hit and it was Soviet Union not Russia!

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Haven't heard any analysis of the doc release yet.

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Watch Roberts and his female "conservative" sidekick. They are Deep Staters, that believe that they should "be in charge". They do not like Trump and his desire to de-centralize. There is going to be a real battle with this lower federal court judge attempt to lead a coup against the president. Trump cannot count on those two "conservative" votes.

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Knowingly having a Supreme compromised bothers me. I'm sure more will come out now that he's been outed for being part of an exclusive club that includes that most recently appointed Supreme and other DEMs. And leaking the Roe decision was tacky. (Another tidbit that's out there recently.)

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The worthless SCOTUS belongs back down in the basement of the capitol interpreting the Constitutionality of laws. Fucking worthless bunch of mushy brained lunatics. Except Thomas and Alito. The rest of them? Hell, my 15 year old daughter could do a better job as a "justice" than them.

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I wonder how many death threats are aimed at the Justices?

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Not enough!

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And not at the right ones.

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Jeff Massy sez:

"our only real prayer is that Roberts grows a set"

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

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Doesn't look good at the moment.

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Scary thought indeed, that the entire Trump Revolution will be brought to its knees by a few activists judges.

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You’ve done it again, JHK! Clearly, succinctly, and hilariously nailed the essence of our semi-clown, semi-satanic world.

“If simply bounced off their benches, they could just take up new careers as NPR legal commentators or transsexual pole-dancers.”

“he has defined it as a racketeering operation and moved decisively to end its depredations”

Thank you for shining a bright light on the Truth for us. We need you in this epic battle of Biblical proportions for our civilization and our survival.❤️

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There are a number of options: RICO violation, defunding of district courts, ignoring their orders, Democrats favorite Doxxing, or public humiliation.

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Can we connect the dots of funding the criminal acts of protesters to the mother ship of the NGOs, Open Society and declare all as internal terrorists?

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Connect the dots and what do you get? 45+% of this country want to be free of government domination and 45+% want their lives run by the government. Simple as that!

What is not so simple is how can these two groups co-exist? IMHO, they cannot.

Government is a group spawned by evil types of people, power seekers. Why the 45+% want to be lemmings is beyond me, I guess it is the nature of the human beast. Everything started by the government is an affront to liberty minded folk, the FF understood that.

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John wants to be run directly from Davos via the Corporations. He doesn't know that's what he wants though. But that's what no government means.

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Minimal government with powers held in check, the way that the Constitution reads, Lugh. Your idea that socialism will stop governmental evil is ludicrous.

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Lugh is ludicrous.

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Lughicrous? He is convinced that socialism is superior to capitalism because of the inequitable distribution of wealth. he does not understand that in socialism there is not much wealth to distribute.

Remember Robin Williams in Moscow on the Hudson? They made a lot of fun of Russians standing in line for hours to get toilet paper.

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It takes a fake plague to get westerners to queue for toilet paper.

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Ha, you are right.

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You probably correct on the current population due to indoctrination of a few generations by media, schools, peers and woke parents. It is a must to break that cycle as the “normies” (let’s say your 45%) are trying to do that now.

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Doxxing is now being used to target people in violent manners as well.

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My poor brother has a leftist wife and consequently listens only to the mainstream news. Has no trust of alt.news no matter how factual the information presented there (I've tried to pass their info onto him in a gentle way and it hasn't stuck). He has no freakin' idea about any of this, and is as a consequence very afraid of Mr. Trump and all who do MAGA stuff. The mainstream news is committing elder abuse, IMHO.

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Your brother need to understand a very true axiom, "Scratch a leftist, and you will always find a Fascist underneath."

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My brother, God rest his soul, was also married to a leftist. She is a Mexican and virulently progressive. She gave him a fat lesbian daughter whose greatest accomplishments were obscenity and denial. She was so into denial that one night her parents received an unexpected phone call from the hospital telling them she had given birth. Of course the baby had no prenatal care and was also autistic. Her parents ended up adopting the kid as she could not accept responsibility.

Fast forward thirty years and things went from bad to worse. My brother's health was failing, the wife went on disability in order to collect after she quit her job, they hid his health problems from my side of the family and relentlessly re-mortgaged themselves into an untenable debt situation. Nice kitchen though. Spent the first Trump Thanksgiving at their house with the daughter spewing vile disgusting comments about Trump at the table. I almost reached across and smacked her...

Last year at Christmas we got a call from the daughter saying my brother had died, they had taken him to the hospital were he suffered a fatal heart attack. They had never told me this was going on. I paid for his funeral and have never spoken to them again.

Looking back at it I believe that most of their problems were caused by a warped progressive world view. Now half of the country is infected, the odds are not good.

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Very sad, Yirgach.

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Sounds like the typical American female these days.

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Except he said they are Mexican.

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I just threw in the Mexican part to illustrate that the progressive disease is ignorant of race.

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The mainstream media is abusing youngsters too. Virtually all of the educated, otherwise-intelligent, twenty-somethings I know think Trump is the American Hitler, that the seas "are boiling!!!", and the police are committing genocide against blacks.

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MAGA = Miriam Adelson's Goals Accomplished

MAGA is going to be the brick, the M-80 (not the straw) that breaks the camel's back and brings about the fall of the hoUSe of cArds (USA). We should enjoy it while it lasts.

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MAGA = American destruction? Naw. Not hardly. The wheels of this Country's eminent down fall began under Abe Lincoln and have progressed until where we are now. This shit was happening long before MAGA came a thing.

The greatest threat to us right now is the debt. $36 trillion and counting. Nobody talks about it because EVERYBODY knows there is nothing that can be done about it. The debt is killing us and will eventually wipe us all out. It takes a lot to bankrupt a Republic and we are well passed that.

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As I see it too. https://oldschoolcounselor.substack.com/p/when-conservatives-start-hating-america. When we start to hate America as much as the Leftists we can start anew.

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Conservatives don't hate America, properly constituted (by/under the Constitution). We hate what leftists/socialists/communists/marxists have done to America/the USA.

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The same can be said in spades for your northern neighbour (Canada). The leftists have totally destroyed my once beautiful country and yet it seems so many keep voting for their own destruction. If they get in one more time I feel my country is dead.

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Phil, a voice from the other side?

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And you think that Conservative Jews are just like Conservative Christians, right? Both are conservative, right? They love America too!

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Wow! Excellent substack, thank you!

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The glass is still over half full, but is emptying fast. The "Long Emergency" as JHK never envisioned it...

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Nah, I think its proceeding apace of expectations. Hard swings left and then right with no clear objectives in sight, other than forestalling total collapse. Too many self-defined "enemies" and too little resolve, other than continuing the grift for as long as possible.

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Dis, I disagree. IMHO, I believe that because of the two RINO Bushes, we have not had a swing Right since 1980. Compare Trump and Bush against Hillary or Obama.

That is why the entire Deep State is immersed in Leftist control, even with Trump in there.

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Reagan was a liberal.

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Reagan was a corporatist.

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And a liberal. He said he was an FDR-era liberal. Everything FDR did was great. Johnson just went a little too far. He legalized abortion in California. He signed the largest amnesty in history. He ran on putting the first women on the Supreme Court, then he put a completely incompetent moron on the court. Why should a woman be on the Supreme Court?

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"Why should a woman be on the Supreme Court?"

Because being "First!" is more important than being competent?

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Reagan was a patriot first. Liberal? Hahahahaha! He was another Democrat that saw the light.

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He opened the door for the neocons to take over the party.

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Nice. Read Esau's Tears. Esau was a good guy, just a bit primitive. He was wronged by Jacob, who stole his birth right.

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And Isaac refused to correct it.

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Yep. Jacob deceived Esau and Isaac. Nice guy eh?

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One big difference this time around - the lawyers aren’t free.

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Other than some version of Night of the Long Knives, I doubt we'll see much change. One side is playing for keeps and one side is not. One side was willing to shut down the entire nation, burn down our cities, and imprison jaywalkers and the other side stood mute.

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Amen, Nickel, it's time to take care of business.

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The South failed when they fought as gentlemen but succeeded as masked vigilantes. Have their descendants heeded this lesson? No. Most think that Blacks are Americans. You too, right?

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Three hundred thousand Yankees

Is stiff in Southern dust,

We got three hundred thousand

Before they conquered us.

They died of Southern fever

And Southern steel and shot,

I wish they was three million

Instead of what we got.

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Also, Quantrill's men were highly successful when they began Jayhawking the Jayhawkers. If only they could have killed every adult male in Kansas.

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I believe many in both parties are, in reality, on the same side.

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Yeah, the Yankee savages. When some of his officers suggested sending guerilla troops to spread terror into the North, Lee said, No, we fight as gentlemen. Did this win them any favor with the savages like Sherman? None at all.

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When some honorable Yankee soldiers called out their own men for committing atrocities, Grant said he didn't have time for court-martials.

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Old Abe encouraged Sherman's march of terror through Georgia and South Carolina.

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Yes. America's first dictator. One of the most evil men to have ever lived.

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Yes, our street presence consists of rolling coal and tailgating small cars with pickups. Anything involving getting out of the car is too scary for these window warriors.

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I've gotten out of the car a couple times. Once, the driver got out and looked like Stone Cold Steve Austin. He hit me with an upper cut that lifted me off my feet and I still have a scar on the bottom of my chin. That was 25 years ago.

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Emerson observed long ago that institutions are only as good as the people in them. The courts, government, nonprofits, universities, media--when properly functioning, like healthy organs, can make for a thriving society. But when malfunctioning, corrupted, and diseased, they can kill the whole animal. Remedies include surgery, transplant, medicine--a return to truth.

Alternative media has succeeded impressively in exposing the corruption in mainstream media--and to incrementally replace it, eating away market share from the hideous beast. (I subscribe to JHK, not to the NYT.) Despite censorship and Big Brother, that progress has been easier to do than to hosing out the corruption in the judiciary, universities, and deep state.

Unlike alternative media, there are no alternative courts (the court of public opinion is only a metaphor), so it is a slower fight. Trench lawfare, hand to hand combat. Criminal players need to be isolated and exposed one by one--and removed.

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Well said, Truman Verdun. We have to support our media financially and participate. And support legal and investigative alternatives like Judicial Watch, America First Legal, and O'Rourke Media Group.

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So, the system went after the J6 protesters, and now it goes after pro-peace, anti-Israel activists.

Looks like "meet the new boss, same as the old boss"...

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The political pendulum is swinging wildly these days. They're prepping us for more perpetual war with Iran and friends. I actually hope they do it so we can put an end to all this nonsense. We'll see how many Americans support all this shit when the body bags come home full and the oil barrels empty.

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I don't think our war with Iran will be perpetual. See what happens when oil hits $500/barrel.

And despite the wishes of our home-grown evangelicals, I don't expect Jesus to come back down here to usher in His worldly millennial empire.

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There would be no war if the troops just refused to go fight and die in some shit hole country that is meaningless to their homes. I don't understand why they are so willing to sacrifice it all for this. For what? Oil?

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We await the real Elector of Hanover. Trump is not he, not the One. Not the Man on the White Horse. He rides the green horse of money and death.

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Nope, it will not go that far, because Russia backs Iran along with the rest of BRICS+. Iran is a conundrum for the USA and it knows it. IMHO, Trump will support Israel in its drive to "kill" the proxies of Iran, and kill the Houthies all by ourselves to protect the Red Sea. Watch what happens with the Abraham Accords, it will be a key to what the future will be. Ironically, Iran cannot run alone without the Saudis. OBTW, our friend to the north will be glad to supply us with FF for the foreseeable future.

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I think Trump is trying to judge Russia's support right now, possibly counting on concessions regarding Ukraine to get Putin to soften. But he may have no choice, what with a certain lobby pressuring him and all.

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There will be no peace in the middle east Until Iran is defanged.

If Israel crumbled into dust and disappeared Iran would simply start going after Sunnis and everyone else not Shia.

Genocide watch has a pretty good write upon it.

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So sorry. Doofuses abound.

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Let us not forget Marc Elias’ hand in all these nefarious lawfare shenanigans. He’s up to his neck in it, right beside Mr. Eisen.

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And Reid Hoffman

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YESSSS! That despicable troll!

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Note the last names.

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