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Your New American Dream

    It’s really something to live in a country that doesn’t know what it is doing in a world that doesn’t know where it is going in a time when anything can happen. I hope you can get comfortable with uncertainty.
    If there’s one vibe emanating from this shadowy zeitgeist it’s a sense of the total exhaustion of culture, in particular the way the world does business. Everything looks tired, played out, and most of all false. Governments can’t really pay for what they do. Banks have no real money. Many households surely have no money. The human construct of money itself has become a shape-shifting phantom. Will it vanish into the vortex of unpaid debt until nobody has any? Or will there be plenty of worthless money that people can spend into futility? Either way they will be broke.
     The looming fear whose name political leaders dare not speak is global depression, but that is not what we’re in for. The term suggests a temporary sidetrack from the smooth operation of integrated advanced economies. We’re heading into something quite different, a permanent departure from the standard conception of economic progress, the one in which there is always sure to be more comfort and convenience for everybody, the economy of automatic goodies.
     A big part of the automatic economy was the idea of a “job.” In its journey to the present moment, the idea became crusted with barnacles of illusion, especially that a “job” was a sort of commodity “produced” by large corporate enterprises or governments and rationally distributed like any other commodity; that it came with a goodie bag filled with guaranteed pensions, medical care to remediate bad living habits, vacations to places of programmed entertainment, a warm, well-lighted dwelling, and a big steel machine to travel around in. Now we witness with helpless despair as these illusions dissolve.
     The situation at hand is not a “depression,” though it may resemble the experience of the 1930s in the early going. It’s the permanent re-set and reorganization of everyday life amidst a desperate scramble for resources. It will go on and on until there are far fewer people competing for things while the ones who endure construct new systems for daily living based on fewer resources used differently.
     In North America I believe this re-set will involve the re-establishment of an economy centered on agriculture, with a lot of other activities supporting it, all done on a fine-grained local and regional scale. It must be impossible for many of us to imagine such an outcome – hence the futility of our current politics, with its hollow promises, its laughable battles over sexual behavior, its pitiful religious boasting, its empty statistical blather, all in the service of wishing the disintegrating past back into existence.
     This desperation may be why our recently-acquired traditions seem especially automatic this holiday season. Of course the “consumers” line up outside the big box stores the day after the automatic Thanksgiving exercise in gluttony. That is what they’re supposed to do this time of year. That is what has been on the cable TV news shows in recent years: see the crowds cheerfully huddled in their sleeping bags outside the Wal Mart… see them trample each other in the moment the doors open!
     The biggest news story of a weekend stuporous from leftover turkey and ceremonial football was a $6.6 billion increase in “Black Friday” chain-store sales. All the attention to the numbers was a form of primitive augury to reassure superstitious economists – more than the catatonic public – that the automatic cargo cult would be operating normally at this crucial testing time. The larger objective is to get through the ordeal of Christmas.
     I don’t see how Europe gets through it financially. The jig is up there. Lovely as Europe has become since the debacles of the last century – all those adorable cities with their treasures of deliberately-created beauty – the system running it all is bankrupt. Europe is on financial death-watch and when the money stops flowing between its major organs, the banks, the whole region must either go dark or combust. Nobody really knows what will happen there, except they know that something will happen – and whatever it is portends disruption and loss for the worlds largest collective economy. The historical record is not reassuring.
      If Europe’s banks go down, many of America’s will, too, maybe all of them, maybe our whole money system. I’m not sure that we will see a normal election cycle here in 2012. A few bank runs, bank failures… gasoline shortages here and there… the failure of some food deliveries to supermarkets in some region… these are the kinds of things that can bring down a political system drained of once-ironclad legitimacy. All that is left now is the husk of ritual – witness the failure of the senate-house “super-committee.” The wash-out was so broadly anticipated that it was greeted with mere yawns of recognition. It would be like pointing at the sky and saying, “air there.”
     This holiday season spend a little time musing on what the re-set economy will be like in your part of the country. Think of what you do in it as a “role,” or a “vocation,” or a “trade,” or a “calling,” or a “way of life,” rather than a “job.” Imagine that life will surely go on, even civilized life, though it will be organized differently. Add to this the notion that you are part of a larger group, a society, and that societies evolve emergently according to the circumstances that their time and place presents. Let that imagining be your new American Dream.

    My books are available at all the usual places.

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

884 Responses to “Your New American Dream”

  1. Evelyn Victor November 28, 2011 at 10:04 am #

    Absalom/Asoka and other like minded people, I suggest if you want to clear your thoughts on this entire matter, read Peter Russel’s book
    “Waking up in Time”
    Earlier I had the thought that Asoka, so concerned about specific timelines, is afflicted with that typical American symptom, he is an “Instant gratification” junkie.
    If he can’t have his societal collapse right now, then he’s not interested (and disbelieving).

  2. Leibowitz Society November 28, 2011 at 10:04 am #

    The “System of the World” is breaking down and falling apart. The only rational action at this point in time is to recognize the fact and make preparations, both for our own lives and for coming generations.
    Visit the Leibowitz Society at http://leibowitzsociety.blogspot.com/2011/11/smoking-fires.html discussion and information about preparing ourselves and storing our valuable knowledge through the coming chaos.

  3. kulturcritic* November 28, 2011 at 10:05 am #

    As the American hegemony continues its genocidal rampage across the globe, apparently preparing to launch an attack now on Syria, Dmitry Medvedev has put Russia’s missile attack early warning radar station in Kaliningrad on combat alert. But this is not the end of history we are considering here today.

  4. Neon Vincent November 28, 2011 at 10:16 am #

    I’ve been reading The Archdruid Report lately and he’s telling very much the same story about the existential fear of the end of the civilization coming about. He, however, doesn’t seem to fear the reaper, but welcomes it. I guess having a magical orientation to the world and seeing a future where magic becomes important again makes him much more sanguine. It helps that he sees more of a decline than a collapse in store.
    Over at Crazy Eddie’s Motie News, I haven’t been writing about what Greer the Archdruid has. Instead, I’ve been making some pointed observations about Black Friday (it set a record, both for sales and for headlines about violence–as a friend of mine on Facebook wrote, Wal-Mart and its customers were both giving out free samples of pepper spray), Buy Nothing Day, and other excesses of the holiday season, along with my usual sniping at Ayn Rand and Objectivism, one example of which is at the top of the recent entries right now.

  5. VyseLegend November 28, 2011 at 10:18 am #

    Great and pertinent commentary as usual. Cue up the line of ‘chicken little’ ‘sky is falling’ clowns claiming Jim is simply distracting you from your God-earned right to infinite and bigger hot pockets and hummers.

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  6. Alannala November 28, 2011 at 10:20 am #

    “Let that imagining be your new American Dream.”

  7. third_martini_banter November 28, 2011 at 10:21 am #

    I heard this weekend from a retired European executive that the Italians are in debt to the tune of $26,000 per capita.
    Consider that for a moment: every man, woman & child in the sixth-largest economy in the world is in hock, in an amount that approaches a significant percentage of the per-capita annual income of an industrialized nation.
    That’s a damn deep hole to climb out of.
    On the other hand, what is debt, really? It’s money owed by one party to another. So we now live in a world in which hundreds of millions of people owe trillions of dollars (or Euros, or what-have-you), to various institutions, primarily banks.
    And now, there is a growing movement, currently flying under the “Occupy” banner, to repudiate the banks, to trim back their power and influence.
    Perhaps, if things grow sufficiently desperate, the movement will succeed, and the banks will have to re-set the amount of capital they can reasonably expect to collect, whether as student-loans, mortgages, or credit-card debt.
    Consider the parallel scenario when the IRS accepts an “offer-in-compromise” from a tax debtor: they’d rather get something than nothing.
    So, I propose that we, the debtors of America, make an offer-in-compromise to the banks: something in the range of 75¢ on the dollar, perhaps?

  8. Onthego November 28, 2011 at 10:27 am #

    The moral of this study: Don’t be an ostrich!
    Less people know, less they want to know
    WATERLOO, Ontario, Nov. 23 (UPI) — The less people know about complex issues such as the economy, energy and the environment, the less they want to know, Canadian researchers found.
    Study author Steven Shepherd, a graduate student with the University of Waterloo in Ontario, said researchers found the more urgent the issue, the more people want to remain unaware.
    “These studies were designed to help understand the so-called ‘ignorance is bliss’ approach to social issues,” Shepherd said in a statement.
    A series of five studies were conducted in 2010 and 2011 with 511 adults in the United States and Canada.
    Participants who felt most affected by the economic recession avoided information challenging the government’s ability to manage the economy. However, they did not avoid positive information, the study said.
    The study participants who received the complex description indicated higher levels of perceived helplessness in getting through the economic downturn, more dependence on and trust in the government to manage the economy and less desire to learn more about the issue, Shepherd said.
    “People tend to respond by psychologically ‘outsourcing’ the issue to the government, which in turn causes them to trust and feel more dependent on the government,” said study co-author Aaron C. Kay of Duke University. “Ultimately, they avoid learning about the issue because that could shatter their faith in the government.”
    The findings were published online in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

  9. Tangurena November 28, 2011 at 10:30 am #

    It looks like most of the eurobanks are fleeing to something more stable than the euro – back to the dollar. The failure to pay off credit default swaps on Greece’s bond defaults means that no one is willing to trust eurobonds any more. That’s why the German bond sales failed last week. “Flight to safety” is dooming Greece’s bonds, and the Italians are not far behind them.
    I personally am undecided on just how bad the “everyone is a contractor” future is. Part of me thinks it is an excuse by the mismanagerial class not to hire workers. Part of me thinks it is a failure of the current economic system. And the cynic in me thinks it is one more excuse to squeeze benefits away from the workers. My parents’ generation was the last one that could depend on lifetime employment. Looking over my resume shows that I’ve had 20 different employers in my 32 years in the workforce. In software development, 2-3 month gigs are very common, while staying 5 years at a job is extremely rare.

  10. RyeBeachBum November 28, 2011 at 10:33 am #

    I think that the big black Friday sales numbers are because folks are just saying fuck it and spending their cash before it is inflated out of existence, spending not because the economy is getting better but because it is getting worse.

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  11. Liquid Lennny November 28, 2011 at 10:35 am #

    Right On, Jim, the Dream is gone.
    Why is it, when we hear the truth we actually thnk it’s funny? A defense mechanism? I’m sure we’re all laughing now…or soon will be…
    Truth is, unless we all have a real good sense of humor going forward we’ll just become part of the insanity.

  12. Evelyn Victor November 28, 2011 at 10:43 am #

    Short gigs common. True statement perhaps but might be somewhat specious to apply the phenomenon the way you do. It’s common because so many work on a contract basis. They are hired via a contracting firm and it is fully expected their term of employment with a particular client will be short.
    In my past experience, non-contractual i.e. FTE’s whose duration was short was in most cases because they were found out to be inferior goods. Less often, they were types who were stair stepping to higher paying positions with other companies. A well known fact that to move up most quickly in most cases was to keep seeking higher paying jobs with other companies using self-promoting resumes to impress the next prospective employer.

  13. Solar Guy November 28, 2011 at 10:43 am #

    Well written. Thanks for the gleam of hope in the last paragraph.
    So Mr. Kunstler, what will your new role or calling be as things get local?
    I feel confident in my relationships in the local community here. I’ve got almost all of my energy, heating, and transportation needs met. Now, just to get the agriculture together on the TrippTicket level… And hope that the relationships and status I’ve built will keep me and the family safe amongst the hungry gun owners to come…
    I still can’t wrap my head around the money thing falling apart but do agree it’s going to be a mess. I do feel better about paper $20s over digital ones and zeros, for whatever that’s worth?
    Cheers Clusterfuckers,

  14. The Mook November 28, 2011 at 10:44 am #

    Absolutely correct. And add-on the phoney 40 cent gas price decrease manipulation of the last month. That “saved” money went to the retailers also. Boy are gas prices going to soar after the 23rd.

  15. budizwiser November 28, 2011 at 10:44 am #

    you often offer descriptions of world-views that are a result of your realizations regarding our empty-headed approach to managing our futures with respect to the earth’s finite resources and our ever-growing consumption. Usually, your prose predicts “new” social constructs and local business that is far removed from the current centrally managed, top-down society.
    But how are we to actually get where you say we are going? Just when, where and how are any of these systems supposed to go down? Even you acknowledge the massive inertia of the status grow.
    My own frustration with respect to preparing for or succeeding or prospering or surviving a world facing economic contraction results from the continuing charades of our elected, and more importantly our non-elected leaders.
    All I want is for the leaders of our social institutions to acknowledge the realities of our special place in history. Perhaps you should spend more time on delineating the evidence for your thesis regarding our current doom.
    Certainly, this week’s essay lacks any such evidence. And until you start revitalizing your compositions and lectures with facts regarding the nature of our future social-devolution you may find your audience growing tired of your musings.
    Throughout history every prophet has been heckled by skeptic followers. Oh what pray tell – what sign can you give us Jim?
    When will our prophet tell us a better story than the jackals in Washington or the hyenas on Wall Street? Certainly the Black Friday economic results are evidence that you must be a mad-man with a silly cause.

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  16. noel bodie November 28, 2011 at 10:46 am #

    By growing most of our Thanksgiving menu, our holi-day was hardly automatic. It is my favorite celebration with food,friends and family. The winter squash ” pumpkin” pie was fab.

  17. RyeBeachBum November 28, 2011 at 10:47 am #

    The other point is that if we go back to an pre oil agriculture society there will be a lot of hungry people around the world.
    The Us is the bread basket to much of the world, and our agricultural out put will plummet. I doubt we will have enough food to feed our own population.
    I doubt we will have the agricultural out put of even 1911, never mind 2011. The infrastructure is not there, we can not go back to horse drawn plows there are no more of those plows and not enough horses. Also the rain network that was built up over a period of a half century is not there to bring crops to market, and there is no industrial infrastructure or capital to rebuild that old train network.
    Much of our current farm land is only sustainable with vast amounts of fertilizer made from petro chemicals, so even if the transportation network could be reestablished to the mid west farm belt, the crop loads of these farms that have been used for monoculture for generations will not be sustainable.
    As much of our best farm land has been turned into suburbs there is not enough farm land close enough to our large cities to provide food to those cities, and the lack of train transportation from the farm belt to our large cities means that most cities are unsustainable, even if there is a lot of gardening, there simply will not be enough food for our largest cities.

  18. Tarkus November 28, 2011 at 10:51 am #

    For home defense and occasional carry… which one? Sig Sauer 9mm auto or Taurus 38 sp revolver?

  19. RyeBeachBum November 28, 2011 at 10:57 am #

    If you are not sure you may want to go with the 38. You do not have to worry about jamming, and you may find it easier to handle accurately.

  20. malthus November 28, 2011 at 10:58 am #

    Yes, here we are in a very crowded sardine can called society and told to adapt and seek higher ground. But what are we cave painter, hunter gatherer types to do when the greatest advice is to go into your back yards and plant a garden and set up solar panels and accept all that is coming down because our social and financial structure is so important that one must be willing to suck it up, go along and take it. Like hell.

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  21. myrtlemay November 28, 2011 at 11:00 am #

    Each year I support the Boy Scouts by purchasing popcorn from a friend’s son ($30 bucks for 3 medium sized bags no less!) Anyway, this young man is graduating this year and I asked him what his plans for the future will be. He told me that he is plans to major in computer engineering and had already been accepted at Drexel ( a school close to my alma mater). I then asked him what tuition was like at Drexel these days. He told me it costs $20K…a YEAR! I almost dropped my teeth.
    Then I had to wonder, if this nice, smart young man (earned an Eagle Scout badge and all) graduates in four years (rare these days, he’ll be $80K in the hole and competing with Indian and Chinese computer engineers who will gladly work for $20K a year. And given the rate of change computers have taken over the last five years or so, will what he learns in school even be applicable once he graduates? Oh, and by the way, his dad’s drawing unemployment after having spent a career as an accountant. “Retired” at the age of 47.
    Anyway, both this young man and his mom were out at midnight on Thanksgiving, fighting their ways through bargain hunting crowds, Christmas shopping. Wouldn’t NOW be the right time to start saving for college, instead of purchasing the latest piece of Chinese crap that increasingly turns into nothing but a worthless addition to our landfills in less than a year?
    It is often said that when you look around you and decide everyone else is crazy, it’s really you who have lost your mind. And I’m not really going to dispute that. The whole thing adds up to nothing but absolute idiocy to me, but then again, I’m not so sure it’s not me who’s off balance and the rest of the world knows something that I’ve never heard tell of. Intelesting times, indeed.

  22. Outpost of the Empire November 28, 2011 at 11:03 am #

    The unravelling process has been underway for awhile now and debating its start point will be a task for some future historians. Our responses will be made on an individual basis but constrained by the “collective society” that surrounds us. Like a gopher popping its head out of its hole before emmerging take a look at what you see. If you don’t have a “move on” plan hope that our descent continues to be an unravelling and that geopolitical events in a plethora of places do not result in a fast crash.

  23. Weiv November 28, 2011 at 11:04 am #


  24. ozone November 28, 2011 at 11:04 am #

    “So Mr. Kunstler, what will your new role[s] or calling[s] be as things get local?”
    Scribe, playwright, storyteller, author, entertainer, pamphleteer, social realist (scary, snarky life-coach ;o).

  25. charliefoxtrot November 28, 2011 at 11:05 am #

    one consideration is that the nine mm is the only caliber that is effective in water…not even a high-power hunting rifle penetrates h2o w/ enough speed or power…according to mythbusters…they said it had to do with the ratio of power to size…so ha ha, if your home is underwater (no stretch given the housing bubble), the decision is made for you…

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  26. Ham November 28, 2011 at 11:05 am #

    US consumes more oil than the next 16 countries combined and that includes China. US constitutes 5% of World population, it consumes 25% of World’s energy everyday. If a bird flies over the moon-like landscape of Canada’s Tar sands, it dies of toxic poisoning. It’s the last throw of the dice. It ain’t gonna work. Russia is sending Aircraft Carriers off the coast of Syria; bombing Iran spells catastrophe. Likewise any military involvement in the South China Sea.

  27. mow November 28, 2011 at 11:07 am #

    the last time i bought someone a xmas present was in 1977 – lolol

  28. Hugh Culliton November 28, 2011 at 11:08 am #

    Gosh, I find that whole “Black Friday” thing puzzling. Folks trampling each other, pepper spraying their way through the crowd…bizarre desperation. I’m not a survival freak-those folks have their own special set of issues, but as a family we’re re-learning how to do myriad things for ourselves (my first batch of pickles was recently banned by the UN as a WMD). Yet, with all the uncertainty and imploding economies, I find myself strangely optimistic. Yes, our societies are going to be tested hard, but I think we, as a species, will prevail, and I think we will come out stronger because of the challenges. Enough Pollyanna: I have to get back to the pickles! Merry Christmas everyone!

  29. Tancred November 28, 2011 at 11:09 am #

    Just why the terms “moving forward” or “going forward” have become standard additions to almost any talking points heard or read in the media I can’t say, but it’s beginning to DRIVE ME CRAZY! The phrases add NOTHING to any discussion. PLEASE people out there, stop using these phrases!
    Thank you.

  30. The Mook November 28, 2011 at 11:09 am #

    Ruger SP-101. .357 holds 5 shots and is deadly. .38 P++ also packs a punch.

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  31. WestCoast November 28, 2011 at 11:09 am #

    Charles Hugh Smith has a great guest post this week.
    1) Debt that cannot (vs. “will not”) be practically paid is not a debt in its classical sense. It’s a default. Whether or not people want to recognize this reality is another issue. We recognize that a law that cannot be enforced is not really a law in any practical sense, so why are we dragging our feet with debt? Greece cannot pay its debt by any rational formula. It is already in default. Extending and pretending does not materially change this fact, it only delays recognition of the stark, enduring reality.
    2) Debt based in fraudulent lending is also not true debt in any meaningful sense, since the loan along with its obligations originated from something (private fiat) that had no valid authority or exchange value to begin with….

  32. Smokyjoe November 28, 2011 at 11:09 am #

    “The automatic cargo cult” is just the term for what I saw today. Biking to work, I noted all of the cardboard boxes put out for recycling day: big-screen TVs, power tools, Small electronics in the bins.
    Oh, magicians in China, shower us with the bounty of the good life!
    Then we may recline, ever fatter with each stuffing, before the Big Screen that the Sky-Gods from beyond the seas wrought! We shall dine upon Cheez-Doodles as we watch the rituals of our great tribe’s warriors enact ceremonial violence in Bowl Games and Playoffs.
    Then, we will need a new iPhone! Sky-Gods from beyond the seas, do not forsake us, your chosen people!

  33. charliefoxtrot November 28, 2011 at 11:10 am #


  34. Analog Guy63 November 28, 2011 at 11:12 am #

    With the inevitable contraction of the world economy due to peak oil, the elephant in the room is being ignored by by virtually everyone. It has to be obvious to anyone who considers the implications of a post carbon society that the earth will not be able to support the current 7 billion people. The number will have to move down to, at most, 3 billion, probably closer to 2 billion. The world wide chaos and turmoil that will accompany that die-off is going to be horrific. I can understand that Canadian study showing how people tried to avoid thinking about dire news and events. I get depressed when I think of the near future the world faces until things finally settle down in perhaps a circa 1800 lifestyle, or worse. No cell phones, tv, computers, fancy medical care, McMansions, big universities, skyscrapers, big cities, and yes Jim, no salad spinners or cheese doodles.

  35. WestCoast November 28, 2011 at 11:12 am #

    Forgot Charles Hugh Smith url

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  36. charliefoxtrot November 28, 2011 at 11:17 am #

    i m not alone?! thankyou, tancred, for having one of my peeves: it s nice to have a little help carrying it; having grown so big recently…

  37. Kim Fahey November 28, 2011 at 11:18 am #

    ..Hey pal, long time no see. Just after I finished those ‘knee braces’ on the tree house, the Court Bulldozed it. The judge had me arrested and jailed for refusing to put people on the street. Big deal. In the lock down, I found how far different the world has become since my days in boys homes and sheriff work camps. People are USED to the way things are. Waiting for a welfare check is a job in their eyes…Now have a new ranch in Tehachapi. Way back in a canyon. Have bears eating the wifes hummingbird feeders. So much has happened and is still going down. Check out my stories if you like…’Save Phonehenge West’, and….www.kimfahey.com…My second Hollywood phone man book will be out next year. Hope all is well with you and yours…still awaiting sentencing on tree house. Until they sentence me, I can’t file an appeal..Oh, for a tree house my bail is $75,000. A guy selling heroin was $40,000…How do you tell who the toughest guy in lockdown is? He’s the guy using the only roll of toilet paper for a pillow….

  38. Tarkus November 28, 2011 at 11:18 am #

    Certainly good to know, thanks.

  39. Tarkus November 28, 2011 at 11:19 am #

    I appreciate it.

  40. myrtlemay November 28, 2011 at 11:21 am #

    Speaking of cheap, Chinese crap, “hubby” borrowed an electric drill from his dad’s old workshop a few weeks ago in an attempt to repair two dining room chairs that have weakened over the years. His mom will be 92 next year and his dad died about ten years ago. I picked up the drill and almost dropped it – it was so heavy. It went through the mahogany like a knife through butter and the chairs are almost as good as new. Mind you, we have our own drill, only it’s made in …you guessed it, China. When we tried to use that drill on the same chairs, it wheezed and sputtered, like a 3 pack a day smoker trying to climb three flights of stairs. The older drill was made of steel and despite having a somewhat frayed cord, looked like it might just last another 60 years or so. I just threw our piece of shit drill in the cabinet, hoping that the next time we need it, I’ll be pushing up daisies.

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  41. ozone November 28, 2011 at 11:23 am #

    JHK sez:
    ” In North America I believe this re-set will involve the re-establishment of an economy centered on agriculture, with a lot of other activities supporting it, all done on a fine-grained local and regional scale. It must be impossible for many of us to imagine such an outcome – hence the futility of our current politics, with its hollow promises, its laughable battles over sexual behavior, its pitiful religious boasting, its empty statistical blather, all in the service of wishing the disintegrating past back into existence.”
    Very pointed; ouch!
    This is what is seen on this very comment board (any moment now; like clockwork). Must these fantasies be indulged? Apparently some can live, not just by bread alone, but by copious amounts of smoke blown up their backsides.
    A lack of imagination has become integrated into the ‘Murkin way o’ life, so these useless themes of continuing dumb-fuckery will be fine distractionary fodder as the populace goes down to destitution.
    At this point in time, ignorance is no longer bliss; it can be a major determining factor in an early shuffling-off of the mortal coil. Who’d like to internalize THAT?
    (Sure, I have a hard time with it too, but I think trying to “get ones’ mind right” will be a big help when we have to face some urgent necessities.)

  42. ozone November 28, 2011 at 11:25 am #

    “The moral of this study: Don’t be an ostrich!” -OTG
    Truly. (See above.)

  43. lsjogren November 28, 2011 at 11:32 am #

    third martini said:
    “I propose that we, the debtors of America, make an offer-in-compromise to the banks: something in the range of 75¢ on the dollar, perhaps?”
    That will happen by default without any explicit program. As hyperinflation of the US dollar occurs, debts will be paid back in new dollars that are worth a tiny fraction of the value of the dollars that were originally loaned out.
    Unfortunately, the debt relief that borrowers get will only be a portion of the devaluation of the dollar.
    How does that work? Well, let us say ten years from now a dollar at that time is worth 10 cents relative to a dollar today.
    In other words, we will have had about 1000% inflation over a period of 10 years.
    But wages will only perhaps have gone up 500%.
    Since prices will have gone up ten fold and wages only five fold, it means the real income of people (not just Americans, this will happen roughly the same for nearly all countries of the world) will have dropped in half. This will be the 50% drop in the standard of living that adjust for the fact that as a society we are currently living far beyond our means.
    Still, an effective debt reduction of 80% will nevertheless be a godsend to borrowers.
    People will experiencing hard times from the standpoint they will be able to consume far less (less housing, less health care, etc.)
    One of the few silver linings will be that debt will be much less of a problem than it is today.

  44. sevenmmm November 28, 2011 at 11:33 am #

    Will do.
    And don’t look back lest you become a pillar of salt.
    Over and out!

  45. sevenmmm November 28, 2011 at 11:36 am #

    Sorry. This issue has little to do with money as it does resources.
    Doesn’t matter how much money/dollars/paper/digits you have or owe if there isn’t anything “worthwhile” to buy.

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  46. Evelyn Victor November 28, 2011 at 11:37 am #

    A better idea would be to have your dentist implant a suicide tooth in your mouth. That way you’ll have a quick escape from all the fear that haunts you when it becomes intolerable.
    Just returned from Barcelona where the population density is beyond most murikan’s experience but the population civilized in ways beyond most murikan’s experience.
    How ludicrous the notion of packing heat to have to feel safe over there.

  47. lsjogren November 28, 2011 at 11:37 am #

    One other point:
    What about banks? They will take an 80% haircut.
    And that’s not too bad since the alternative is for debt to go into default in which case they get nothing back.
    Obviously, the exact percentages here are somewhat arbitrary, but I do think that the numbers I used do illustrate the way hyperinflation will play out. Maybe the dollar will be worth 5 cents 10 years from now, maybe 15 cents, but the fundamental trend will be that we will be undergoing severe inflation.

  48. Al Klein November 28, 2011 at 11:40 am #

    In the past many CFNers have complained that JHK offers continual critical observations, but no solutions. Well, his last paragraph this time should put an end to that complaint.

  49. ozone November 28, 2011 at 11:44 am #

    Somebody put these up for perusal last week.
    Nice option to consider. Flexibility in all things, eh?

  50. metuselah November 28, 2011 at 11:49 am #

    We Are The Many
    Ye come here, gather ’round the stage
    The time has come for us to voice our rage
    Against the ones who’ve trapped us in a cage
    To steal from us the value of our wage
    From underneath the vestiture of law
    The lobbyists at Washington do gnaw
    At liberty, the bureaucrats guffaw
    And until they are purged, we won’t withdraw
    We’ll occupy the streets
    We’ll occupy the courts
    We’ll occupy the offices of you
    Till you do
    The bidding of the many, not the few
    Our nation was built upon the right
    Of every person to improve their plight
    But laws of this Republic they rewrite
    And now a few own everything in sight
    They own it free of liability
    They own, but they are not like you and me
    Their influence dictates legality
    And until they are stopped we are not free
    We’ll occupy the streets
    We’ll occupy the courts
    We’ll occupy the offices of you
    Till you do
    The bidding of the many, not the few
    You enforce your monopolies with guns
    While sacrificing our daughters and sons
    But certain things belong to everyone
    Your thievery has left the people none
    So take heed of our notice to redress
    We have little to lose, we must confess
    Your empty words do leave us unimpressed
    A growing number join us in protest
    We occupy the streets
    We occupy the courts
    We occupy the offices of you
    Till you do
    The bidding of the many, not the few
    You can’t divide us into sides
    And from our gaze, you cannot hide
    Denial serves to amplify
    And our allegiance you can’t buy
    Our government is not for sale
    The banks do not deserve a bail
    We will not reward those who fail
    We will not move till we prevail
    We’ll occupy the streets
    We’ll occupy the courts
    We’ll occupy the offices of you
    Till you do
    The bidding of the many, not the few
    We’ll occupy the streets
    We’ll occupy the courts
    We’ll occupy the offices of you
    Till you do
    The bidding of the many, not the few
    We are the many
    You are the few
    Lyrics and Music by Makana
    Makana Music LLC © 2011

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  51. WestCoast November 28, 2011 at 11:50 am #

    Write debt off, start all over again….
    The system has failed, not the individual in it.
    Write off all debt that does not finance real investment. Write off that borrowed to gamble on rising asset prices. So we have to write off all debt.
    Banks are creating Ponzi schemes and thus driving up asset prices and then lending more to fund those.
    Government created money is needed versus bank created debt money. Give money to the debtors not the creditors. The public gets the money and has to use it to pay off debts.
    Debts that can’t be repaid, won’t be paid. It’s all just how you arrange the default.

  52. ozone November 28, 2011 at 11:51 am #

    Or this (not as flexible, but potent).

  53. Liquid Lennny November 28, 2011 at 11:56 am #

    OK, OK, CFT and Tancred I’ll edit my comment.
    What I meant to say was as follows;
    “Truth is unless we all have a real good sense of humor – as we proceed in the current continuity of space/time – we’ll become part of the insanity.”
    Now it’s time to take your meds…or you can let insanity work toward your advantage…I know I have.

  54. gulland November 28, 2011 at 11:56 am #

    That last paragraph has been his mantra for many years, Al. It’s the first thing that drew me into the fold here in 2006. It’s been re-worded over and over but still says has the same thought.
    Get small, get local, be valuable in your community. Do something that matters.

  55. myrtlemay November 28, 2011 at 12:01 pm #

    Stocks are up over 300 points this morning, largely due to the brouhaha of Black Friday shopping numbers. And that nasty little business in Europe might just turn out swell after all, especially if Angela Merkel loosens the grip of Germany’s purse strings. A haircut here, a tax increase there, a devaluation of the euro, and heck, before you know it, we’re all going to party like it’s l999.
    Guess I can take that mid morning nap in peace now. Oh, damn! I’ve got to be up for the cable guy (supposed to be here between now and one).

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  56. WorldsEdge November 28, 2011 at 12:04 pm #

    For those who follow Paul Krugman at the NYTimes it seems the keepers of the Euro are deliberately leading it to destruction with enforced austerity. Krugman’s take is that they are mistaken, I don’t think so. The world’s wealthiest have accumulated tremendous piles of cash in the last few years, now it’s time for them to spend. But before they spend, the prices of all things must be beaten down. Hence the austerity.
    When prices get cheap enough, the wealthy will swoop in and buy up vast quantities of things. Including land. I’m afraid that what the future world made by hand will be is a huge tenant farm run by a police state. The available jobs, which will just pay subsistence, will be with the security forces that pacify society and protect those who own you.

  57. PRD November 28, 2011 at 12:10 pm #

    @ Tancred:
    You wrote, “Just why the terms “moving forward” or “going forward” have become standard additions to almost any talking points heard or read in the media I can’t say, but it’s beginning to DRIVE ME CRAZY! The phrases add NOTHING to any discussion. PLEASE people out there, stop using these phrases!”
    I AGREE! Can we add the phrase “On the Ground?” I am so sick of hearing every pundit, interviewer, and commenter use this stupid (and meaningless outside of a battlefield) term.

  58. Drew Keeling November 28, 2011 at 12:10 pm #

    There is much good food for thought in this week’s blog entry, as usual, but not in the entire entry. Compared to Jim Kunstler’s hundreds of awesome favorite quips, this one is less than awesome:
    “The human construct of money itself has become a shape-shifting phantom. Will it vanish into the vortex of unpaid debt until nobody has any? Or will there be plenty of worthless money that people can spend into futility? Either way they will be broke.”
    It is not possible to go from a perilous proximity to one of those extremes, and over to the danger zone of the other, without at least briefly occupying the intermediate scenario where neither applies.
    While I’m on this little bit of suggestion box constructive criticism, a related point (pertinent to other Kunstler blog remarks, though not especially so this week): There is an important distinction between capital and money that deserves to be properly respected whenever both are discussed in the same paragraph. In particular: it is entirely possible to have abundant of money AND a shortage of capital.

  59. DeeJones November 28, 2011 at 12:10 pm #

    “Short gigs common. True statement perhaps but might be somewhat specious to apply the phenomenon the way you do. It’s common because so many work on a contract basis. They are hired via a contracting firm and it is fully expected their term of employment with a particular client will be short”
    I think you miss the point: You have no option IF you want to work; either a contractor, or no job, period.
    I think that most of us would prefer full time, permanent work. But that’s all been ‘outsourced’ to China & India.
    ‘Cept for the guy scrubbing toilets and taking out the trash in the evening, and working as a security guard till dawn, then off to job 3 at BK, then home for a few hours sleep till its time to take out the trash again….
    Yep, life doesn’t get any better in the good ol USA.
    Why I left it, IT job, wanted me to work eves & weekends without OT! No way. Told em to go screw them selves, so they got some kid outta college willing to do that shit, good for him.

  60. wisewebwoman November 28, 2011 at 12:10 pm #

    I am getting too old for this shyte. My grandparents were serfs and now I have to look forward to my grandchildren serfing in a few years?
    Will there be portable units set up for us oldies to opt out, humanely, thankfully and speedily? There would be a good business startup there if the religio-nuts allow a comfortable and comforting euthanasia for us Boomerz.
    Meanwhile I grow a bit, solar and rainwater a bit and even installed a composting toilet for when the municipalities run out of money for maintenance of sewage and people start dropping of dysentry.
    Not too bad out here at the edge of the Atlantic.

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  61. endofworld November 28, 2011 at 12:17 pm #

    just remember how all your goodies get to you…the trucks..when this falls apart the truckers wont move a thing.everything moves by truck..hope you have a plan…..your 9mm wont be enough..it will take yours and your neighbors 9mm,38s,etc.-and there is always those pesky nukes overhead…

  62. Puzzler November 28, 2011 at 12:22 pm #

    James, a significant error in your essay this morning.
    You refer to “… a $6.6 billion increase in “Black Friday” chain-store sales.”
    It was actually a 6.6% (percent) increase to a total of $11.4 billion.
    But then I don’t read you weekly for facts; those I can get elsewhere. I come for the outrage and wordcraft. Thanks for that.

  63. ABSALOM November 28, 2011 at 12:29 pm #

    On economic re-set wrote Jim:
    Think of what you do in it as a “role,” or a “vocation,” or a “trade,” or a “calling,” or a “way of life,” rather than a “job.” Imagine that life will surely go on, even civilized life, though it will be organized differently. Add to this the notion that you are part of a larger group, a society, and that societies evolve emergently according to the circumstances that their time and place presents. Let that imagining be your new American Dream.
    I know a lot accuse Jim of merely being a prophet of doom, but I see him differently. This little graph is exactly why I visit his thoughts. This has been the single minded, often painfully obsessive, focus for me the last year. No one in my immediate sphere even fathoms an inkling of what I feel rising in the near distant, and I’m once again a university student surrounded by “brights.” Stuck in a state of ambiversion, not knowing if I’m willfully striding toward further financial enslavement, or smartly pointing myself in a direction that will allow me to contribute to the new paradigm, to see my family enjoy a semblance of financial security. It’s at once a dream and a nightmare.

  64. ozone November 28, 2011 at 12:33 pm #

    “Debt that cannot (vs. “will not”) be practically paid is not a debt in its classical sense. It’s a default. Whether or not people want to recognize this reality is another issue. We recognize that a law that cannot be enforced is not really a law in any practical sense, so why are we dragging our feet with debt?” -WC
    Are you asking this rhetorically? Because I believe you already know the answer to that. If the “assets” are revealed to be the worthless crap that they actually are (not worth the paper the promises are printed on), what will happen to all that glorious “wealth”? You don’t really feel the Masters of the Universe would be willing to “take a haircut” do you?
    Thus, everything that can possibly be done to disguise the extend and pretend turd-polishing WILL be done. Take a peek at this and try the theory on for size:

  65. Nickelthrower November 28, 2011 at 12:44 pm #

    I would like to chime in for a bit as I have some thoughts on how all of this may begin.
    As of last count, 48% of Americans were taking at least one prescription drug. More than 1 in 6 Americans take at least 3 different prescription drugs. 10% of the women over 18 take anti-depressants. A full 25% of the elderly now have diabetes with a full 11% of the population over the age of 20 now diagnosed with diabetes.
    1. Those drugs are not made in the USA.
    2. What do you think will happen when the supply of those drugs stops?
    I’m going to go with a conservative estimate and say that 10% of the population is unable to survive without their drugs. That means we can probably expect 30+ million deaths in the 1st year of “No More Drugs”.
    All those pesky infections that the doctors take care of by giving us very strong doses of anti-biotics will reap a large number of people as well given that we’ve created super bugs that are resistant to all but the most powerful of anti-biotics. Too bad we don’t make those here either.
    Hey, how much fun will it be to watch 40+ million Americans go cold turkey on their anti-depressants? Wont that be a hoot?

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  66. charliefoxtrot November 28, 2011 at 12:44 pm #

    some of em deserve a haircut down to the shoulders…the latest in french fashion…

  67. helen highwater November 28, 2011 at 12:46 pm #

    You say your parents generation will be the last the can depend on lifetime employment. Well it seems to me that your parents generation was alo the first that could depend on lifetime employment. My grandparents didn’t have full-time, lifetime jobs with pension plans etc. Nor did their parents before them. My father did, but I don’t. I think maybe the concept of workingt your whole life for one employer and retiring with a good pension was a one-shot deal.

  68. charliefoxtrot November 28, 2011 at 12:48 pm #

    shudder…and jeezus, what about readily available beer?! how close is st louis again…?

  69. charliefoxtrot November 28, 2011 at 12:54 pm #

    i think it was the first generation to grow up entirely within the “free energy” paradigm of the industrial economy, which needed people to show up every day and pull the lever or push the button every time they re told, in order to exist and function…

  70. ABSALOM November 28, 2011 at 1:01 pm #

    Hey Ozone,
    So is this article basically arguing that masters of the universe will EVENTUALLY or even INEVITABLY have to develop some sort of global currency to manage the untenable currency positions of these deeply debted sovereign countries?
    Much of this is far over my head. But very interesting article!

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  71. DreamCycle November 28, 2011 at 1:03 pm #

    LOL, Wise,
    My grandparents were farmers, thus, they made it through the depression in pretty good shape. I grow a bit, too, but my 23 year old son has no interest in such things, and for many reasons I do fear for the future for his generation. And, although the rightness of the composting toilet looms large, my own biggest fear is losing what’s left of my job, thus our benefits, falling catastrophically ill and then losing our paid for house due to no health insurance. Shouldn’t one’s biggest fear be starvation? Not in America. It is almost impossible to have any patriotism for such a place as this.

  72. Jimmy Drinkwater November 28, 2011 at 1:11 pm #

    I think that the big black Friday sales numbers are because folks are just saying fuck it and spending their cash before it is inflated out of existence, spending not because the economy is getting better but because it is getting worse.

    Good point. How much of that black friday swag is going right to craigslist and ebay?

  73. Raygl00 November 28, 2011 at 1:14 pm #

    I don’t think community cohesion and feeling less alienated (while certainly good)will make up for central heating and the oil powered medical industry. What the hell will people do for pain relief? (i mean strong pain relief for severe pain and cancer) without the oil intensive pharm industry?
    Presumably we would need to grow opium – yet that might be a problem as I’m taking it as a given these quite a few of these small communities aren’t exactly going to be run by rational people, but most likely by bible thumping ideologues who will be even more restrictive regarding pain relief than the current lot now.

  74. DurangoKid November 28, 2011 at 1:18 pm #

    Maybe it was just a media trend. One news organization puts it out there and the rest just glom onto it. Subsequently, it becomes accepted truth.

  75. DurangoKid November 28, 2011 at 1:21 pm #

    That and ‘impact’ has become a verb. For language to mean nothing, it must first be debased.

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  76. Dirk November 28, 2011 at 1:24 pm #

    Black Friday sales numbers are up because people are idiots. They neither know and or seemingly believe that the world as they collectively knew it is making it’s final swirl around the proverbial bowl. And to that, we have been raised to believe that consumer spending will save us all; remember Bush admonishing us to ‘go shopping’ after 911? Goofy fuck. But seriously…there is an enormous disconnect between consumerism, the economy, and certainly the stock market, in relation to good news or bad news regarding the non-existent recovery. The ‘system’ is so far gone, so depleted, so bent on collapsing inward upon itself that NO idicator, whether good or bad, means a GD thing to what is really happening. We are in compressive contraction, folks, from now on, or until, as Jim has pointed out, the human population is ‘corrected’ to a level that is more in line with available resources.

  77. Widespreadpanic7 November 28, 2011 at 1:26 pm #

    $50 billion spent on trinkets, googaws and doodads during so called “Black Friday”. All I’ve been hearing since ’08 is how stressed the American ‘consumer’ is. What percent of these purchases were made with plastic, adding to already existing debt, debt never to be paid?
    I looked closely at a photograph taken Fri. morning of shoppers lined up at the ‘Mall of America”. Most were Asian and Hispanic, the new face of America.
    What’s next for Barney Frank now that he’s retiring? Lucrative lobbying gig like his friend and fellow democrat Chris Dodd snagged for himself with the motion picture industry? ($2 million per annum). Or something more laid back, fat gut bellied up to the bar in P Town, wearing assless chaps, cruising for a date? Maybe both, why not?

  78. welles November 28, 2011 at 1:36 pm #

    He told me that he is plans to major in computer engineering and had already been accepted at Drexel ( a school close to my alma mater). I then asked him what tuition was like at Drexel these days. He told me it costs $20K…a YEAR!
    you can learn for FREE on the internet, as i am doing with php/mysql/website creation. what the phuqq do people STILL think they need a university degree for (disregarding med/law/engineering [not computer engineering though).
    I’ve worked in many software companies – mainly as a mainframe programmer – where, IF YOU KNOW HOW TO PROGRAM THEY WILL HIRE YOU, WITH NO DEGREE.
    alternatively, you can take a hands-on course where you PROGRAM from day 1, instead of buying tons of books, studying english/women’s studies etc. while waiting to do your major courses. or you could do the SAME programming degree at a community college for 1/4 the price. ugh.
    i cringe at the lack of awareness…..CRINGE
    what a shyster-infested business ‘education’ is. kee-RYST.
    peace peaceniks

  79. azgog November 28, 2011 at 1:38 pm #

    It seems obvious that there is now so much global debt that it is unpayable and has become a circle jerk/hot potato/musical chairs game. Give me a lever(age) long enough and I will (re)move the world. Barring an extraterrestrial bailout (is that what those Chinese billboards in the desert are advertising for?)it looks like game over. The response to this is likely to be that of the arrogant and petulant child who then overturns the board and scatters the pieces – in other words World War 4 and counting.

  80. Steve M. November 28, 2011 at 1:40 pm #

    I have never been to Europe, and I have a terrible feeling I never will go there. We’re in the final stages of musical chairs – we’re going to be stuck in wherever we are at the moment, and traveling – even real traveling, as opposed to mass tourism – will become a luxury too few of us can afford. As someone from New Jersey, I find that the choice is obvious – live in a Mad Max world or value our cities and strive to make Newark more like Milan. Meanwhile, cities in the heartland now make Newark look like Milan by comparison.

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  81. John Howard November 28, 2011 at 1:47 pm #

    “…its laughable battles over sexual behavior…”
    If you are talking about the distraction caused by the gay marriage debate, I agree! I’ve been trying to get you to be the catalyst to resolve the debate by supporting my Egg and Sperm Civil Union Compromise proposal.
    It would federally recognize state Civil Unions defined as “marriage minus conception rights” and that would encourage most states to enact Civil Unions, which would give security and protections to thousands more families right now.
    It would stop the crazy scientists from trying to make babies from two men or two women, and rule out the whole Transhumanism genetic engineering of human beings thing that is both demoralizing everyone and wasting tons of money and resources.
    And it would preserve the right of everyone to marry and reproduce with their spouse using their unmodified genes, stopping the pressure to use “better” sperm and eggs.
    It’s crazy for people to be insisting on having an equal right to reproduce with someone of the same sex, instead of insisting on getting security and protections to same-sex couples. Resolving the marriage debate by prohibiting same-sex reproduction using lab-created genetically modified gametes would be SO EASY TO DO IT IS RIDICULOUS that we are still stuck in this mire and wasting time.
    Please Jim, just endorse the Egg and Sperm Civil Union Compromise and get us past this distraction, unite the country again!

  82. lbendet November 28, 2011 at 1:48 pm #

    Yes, JHK
    Another good post today. What your first couple of sentences amount to is:
    Help We’ve created a bogus fraudulent global finance system and nobody gets out alive!!!
    All that’s left to do more of the same. That’s why there is not a real economy. This cancerous beast lives off the real economy so anything that’s done in the name of real labor and saving will be gobbled down.
    This weekend I switched to CNN and saw our friend Suze Orman talking about the New American Dream–nothing like your idea of course, more like self-regulated austerity.
    Well the xmas sales are up from the past two years because people are tired of self-imposed austerity. If saving is seen as useless and thankless, people will just let loose and spend.
    Who knows when the tipping point will be reached in the macro sense.

  83. ront November 28, 2011 at 1:53 pm #

    James, I feel very much in tune with this week’s article–well said, Brother. Speaking about reset, the following is a letter I sent to the Bay Area News Group. It was published last month.
    In an article I read, the author noted that the original meaning of the word “economy” was home management. Can you remember when Home Ec was taught in school?
    Looking it up in the dictionary, I see “economic” means relating to the satisfaction of man’s material needs. “Economical” means operating with little waste or at a saving. And “economics” is a branch of knowledge dealing with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
    It’s shocking how far afield our culture has gotten from these meanings and their significance.
    Something seemingly as simple as striving to live in accord with the true meanings of this small group of words could transform humanity and solve many, if not all, of its problems.
    Shall we be economical about this situation and quit wasting our time playing with the delusional paradigms we have taken up that replaced the ideals and principles of true economy?
    Our home — this Earth, these nations, these communities — require radically different home management.
    Ron Greenstein
    El Cerrito

  84. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 1:57 pm #

    European Cities are White – though not as White as they used to be. Newark is no long White at all. It cannot ever be like a European City in other words. If you actually live there, you best get out now. Blacks areas are going to be extremely dangerous during the Long Emergency.

  85. myrtlemay November 28, 2011 at 2:01 pm #

    In my little corner of Paradise, our local rag (leans conservative, but doesn’t report the B.S. fluff of the regular paper and MSM do), it seems that this coming year is real estate tax re-evaluation time. Last time it was done was it ’04. Now hold on to your hats, CFN’ers! Property values have gone way down since then. And with all of the spending they’ve done (boondoggles galore) it appears that our county will receive LESS in revenue than it did in ’04 (before we built a hugely expensive amateur league baseball park, Natatorium (had to look that one up in the dictionary), and center city park. So we can pretty much be sure there will be a revenue shortage. So what are the solutions?
    Why, raise taxes, of course. Jeez, everyone I know is swimming in cash, or acting like they are. We are talking $10k first class airline tickets to China, 2400 thread count sheets that retail in the thousands of dollars – for SHEETS! What’s that tuition bill, junior, $80K? No problem! We’ll just take out some loans from those nice, thoughtful bankers at some variable rate. Meanwhile this past weekend I had to haggle over the price of a Christmas tree (they wanted $20, I gave ’em $16). I probably over paid even at that price. That $4.00 savings might just go toward a brewskie at our local pub! Have to get into the spirit of the season, doncha know!

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  86. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 2:04 pm #

    You probably stayed in the good part. There are gang wars now in many Spanish Cities – Latin Americans gangs vs Muslims and/or Black Africans. Spain is doomed unless it changes its suicidal immigration policy. And the people are unarmed! Freedom is meaningless without property and arms to defend it.
    Goverment is always the enemy of these for the common man. Thus during the crisis in New Orleans, the Police took time to go door to door confiscating guns from citizens. And Liberal Gun Owners say it can’t happen here – it already did and will again.

  87. Anne November 28, 2011 at 2:05 pm #

    Nicely said. One of your better offerings.

  88. ozone November 28, 2011 at 2:09 pm #

    Ah, the klaxons sound. I knew it would not be long. (Visions of rocks and slithering things dance in our heads.)

  89. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 2:10 pm #

    It’s time to write off the Third World. There’s going to be a massive die off here never mind there. International Charity is just a waste of money now, basically a scam or a way for guilty liberals to justify their wealth.
    It’s not totally bad – the United Nations considers all water belongs to them not citizens. So if things kept progressing as they have been, soon you might not be allowed to use the spring water on your own land. No, a massive shake up and die off is best. Obviously it’s easy to wish things had been different…And it going to very unpleasant. Soon no one will even spare a thought for all those people in Africa and Latin America. Focusing locally will be the new necessity not just another ideology.

  90. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 2:14 pm #

    You’re not against our new Americans now are you WSP7? And Barney is in a “relationship” isn’t he? Surely you are not suggesting he will be “unfaithful”? Not the purple dinosaur!

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  91. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 2:19 pm #

    Snooze Ormond get guidance from above. About a year ago she started saying how owning your own home might not be the best choice after all. A major change of tune. She also dismissed gold. No serious financial adviser would do this. She’s a Goverment Shill.
    One shudders at the kind of person who takes her seriously. An Oprah for a different kind of White Middle Class Sucker.

  92. observer November 28, 2011 at 2:21 pm #

    In the great full-length movie linked below, the visionary architect Mike Reynolds is seen working for thirty years to develop completely self-sufficient housing near Taos, NM. He spends years trying the convince the powers that be (who have revoked his license to practice architecture) of the need for a “test area” for energy-efficient housing similar to the test area set aside for the atomic bomb in the 40s.
    After the 2005 tsunami, he and his crew are invited to a village in the the Andaman Islands, which lost 80% of its people, and all its housing and water wells in the tsunami. The difference in attitude toward Mike’s ideas between the New Mexico State legislature and the people of Andaman is telling. Do we have to lose 80% of our people before preparation for the Long Emergency can be taken seriously?

  93. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 2:22 pm #

    It is so close to Africa!
    I read in ‘Epoch Times’ that Spain was so dumb as to allow immigration from Mexico..The pictures it printed of the Mexican Immigrant Gangsters were scary!

  94. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 2:24 pm #

    Most luxury goods in USA are sold to top 5[?]%
    of the population.
    USA is becoming very stratified.

  95. lbendet November 28, 2011 at 2:27 pm #

    Lest you think I was speaking about Orman seriously, I was drawing the parallel of the use of American Dream with very different meanings.
    I have never actually listened to her, but my impression is she is middle of the road propaganda for the elite to make things seem normal for the folks.

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  96. ront November 28, 2011 at 2:29 pm #

    And on the theme of American’s dreaming, I spotted this letter in the SF Chronicle and sent a response, which follows, that they chose not to publish.
    To today’s youth, I say:
    Hold on to your dreams, your dreams for a decent job, a home, maybe a family, dreams of a secure and peaceful nation. Hold on to your dreams despite the economics you face.
    Find a new way to make your dreams come true, with your own individual efforts and by uniting with others with similar needs.
    It’s a whole new world.
    Daniel Raskin, San Francisco
    I have something radically different to say to youth and adults alike:
    Quit dreaming and allowing your precious minds and hearts to be filled with the delusional values promoted by our consumerist, commercial culture. No one should be taught that they must dream for the necessities of life. We all need to acknowledge the greatest need, to come together and create the means for all to obtain the real needs of life. Please stop trying to convince your brothers and sisters that competition, control, and cronyism are the keys to peace and happiness. You can hardly get any further from the truth.

  97. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 2:37 pm #

    Cash was King.
    Now plastic is bling!
    What % of BF was on Credit Cards?
    Do you too get offers to get ‘5% back if you use yr card’?
    I got a call at 8am Sunday…a Philippines bill collector looking FOR MY EX NEIGHBOR.

  98. Casualty09 November 28, 2011 at 2:37 pm #

    Nickel –
    40 million suffering from the DTs as their access to anti-depressants is cut off sounds like a hoot to me. Especially when you figure that here in America, probably around 20 million of them will be armed.

  99. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 2:43 pm #

    I disagree. Hold them to their damn capitalist blatherings.
    They took risk. They lost. Too bad, so sad. They are out of business.
    The US government then issues money for socially useful work and production.
    People are paid to rebuild our cities, trolley and rail lines, and to produce food in a sustainable way.
    Teachers and medical workers are paid to teach and heal.
    Water and sewer workers are paid to keep us safe.
    Oh, yeah, that’s right. I said keep us safe.
    Because water without pathogens does more to keep us safe than any TSA worker. By far.
    Parks, recreation, libraries, theaters, radio stations, all the joys of civilization could be provided for with government issued, non-borrowed money.
    We could have a decent society if we could get past the idea that banker-created money is real wealth, and must be paid for, with interest, by real labor.

  100. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 2:44 pm #

    Yr figures, ‘USA is adding 3 million a year by
    2 million babies + a Million immigrants’ seems off:
    USA figures:
    20,000 flee this once great place
    3 [?]million die
    If we are adding 3 million that means 6 million new people..
    maybe :
    2 million babies
    1 million immigrants
    3 million wetbacks
    You are better with the numbers than me, so what is it? Do you see my line of thought?

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  101. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 2:50 pm #

    Well, Dimitry Orlov talked about the massive die-off in the USSR after they were overthrown by the bankers.
    He said that it wasn’t that noticable. People always die and are born. You just hear of more people dying and fewer being born.
    Ripped and I can testify that there are a lot of people who will die, and nobody will think it’s weird.
    Diabetics on dialysis, with no legs and 7 stents in their hearts. When they go, it’ll be thought natural.
    It’s already starting. Haven’t you noticed? Just like 7 million dead Russians was called “a sudden drop in life expectancy”, it was reported that life expectancy has dropped for the first time in certain groups in a certain part of the US.
    Horrific? Maybe, but it hasn’t been noticeable to me. I don’t live there.

  102. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 2:52 pm #

    What about growing our way out of recession?
    That’s the one that drives me crazy. We need to “grow our economy”.
    I’ve NEVER heard a talking head say anything different.
    That’s why I like JHK. Besides his way with words, of course.

  103. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 2:53 pm #

    Maybe Comrade Dimitri was lying?
    ‘Well, Dimitry Orlov talked about the massive die-off in the USSR after they were overthrown by the bankers’
    If Russia is 100-200 million with a life expectancy of 60[?] A MASSIVE DIE OFF IS LIKE 20% IN A YEAR..YES?

  104. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 2:56 pm #

    ‘what a shyster-infested business ‘education’ is’
    ‘For Profits’ or all Institutes of Higher Learning?
    Shysters are lawyers?

  105. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 3:02 pm #

    Yeah, my son won a scholarship to University of Illinois in computer engineering, and promptly flunked out his first semester.
    I was so upset at the time, but he told me he didn’t want to spend his life writing code in a cubicle, to which I had to agree.
    Here’s the joke. He got a job doing computer stuff afterall. His co-worker has two degrees, and tens of thousands of dollars of student debt.
    Now my son got promoted and his co-worker did, also, working under my son.
    So my son is making more money, with no debt. Well. Funny how things turn out.
    But when he wanted to buy a car, he told me that he was going to put a down payment on it, and then get a loan.
    I said, why? He said because he needed to get a credit history.
    ??? Where did he learn that? Not from me. I always save and pay cash. Screw the credit history.
    So, for the first time, he listened to me and paid cash. Because I pointed out that he would pay a lot more if he borrowed the money. And he’s pretty thrifty.

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  106. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 3:02 pm #

    AMR / Eleuthero
    ‘The thing is, the political and philosophical chasm that supposedly exists between Ashland ..’
    I thought Bend was the Ultimate Growth Nitemare for Oregon, no?

  107. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 3:02 pm #

    You remind me of the Great Poet Rod McKuen. This is vintage McKuen.

  108. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 3:08 pm #

    My other ignored advice was not to get a car, of course.
    I told him to get an apartment close to his worksite.
    There are none. The industrial “park” is nowhere near living quarters.
    In the future, I think that we should require company housing, for at least a percentage of the employees.
    That would save a lot of oil.

  109. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 3:09 pm #

    Yes they made the same mistake as Quebec: focusing on Language instead of Race and Culture. The Spainaird is far closer to the Frenchman or German culturally and genetically than He is to a Mexican Mestizo.
    It used to be said that Europe ended at the Pyrenees. Soon it will be said that Europe ends at the Alps.

  110. queenie November 28, 2011 at 3:26 pm #

    Our Medical Industrial Complexes along with the
    Educational industrial complexes will all dry up with the loss of industrial funds. Large medical schools & university medical research –gone with the money. Safe childbirth, childhood diseases,immunizations, operations, anasthesia — back to the 19th and 18th century The die-offs don’t have to be massive, just ongoing.

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  111. norman November 28, 2011 at 3:30 pm #

    The problem with this outcome is for those of us who have through careful living and sacrifice been able to save a small amount of money to live on in old age (which in my case is here, now). If this is diminished or withdrawn from us by the Fed we will be left virually unable to care for ourselves at a time when we are no longer welcomed in the work place even if our health would permit such a thing. Right now even the supplementary income from the interest I’d counted on has been denied me and is changing my life completely. I find it odd that there isn’t more of an outcry over this but can only conclude that this is because there are so few savers that no one even notices. I would think this would create a problem for Obama’s re-election though when he throws his seniors under the bus so callously without a word or a peep, deferring to whatever Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson dictate.
    That isn’t the president I voted for.

  112. Tancred November 28, 2011 at 3:44 pm #

    They say that up to two million union workers are set to walk out this Wednesday in England:
    *Nine out of 10 schools will be closed.
    *40,000 outpatient appointments will be rescheduled, 500 non-urgent operations postponed and 12,000 patients will have diagnostic tests rearranged.
    *Heathrow Airport has warned passengers face 12-hour queues if, as predicted, 18,000 border staff join the walk-out.
    *In Northern Ireland, the industrial action will mean the public transport network will be shut down.
    *With thousands of workers set to strike, cases may be postponed and courthouses closed for the day. Any one expecting to take part in a court case would be advised to check locally.
    Any comparative analysis from you CFNerz? US/UK?

  113. Eleuthero November 28, 2011 at 3:51 pm #

    I entirely agree with your “reset” idea. A friend of mine the other day ago said that we’re heading toward an economy where the GDP is based on doing each other’s laundry, lawn mowing, etc.. Of course, my friend used exaggeration to highlight the surreal nature of the decay of a manufacturing power into a “power” whose leading hirer of the year is MCDONALD’S.
    Then there’s the hilarious TECH sector where dozens of start-ups exist here in Silicon Valley to create “electronic coupons” and “customer loyalty points” which are like electronic versions of the defunct old S&H “green stamps”. Question is … why did these stamps basically go defunct after the 1980s? Because you had to save a LOT of stamps to get very LITTLE benefit. Now, we have hundreds of BRILLIANT programmers working for these places like GroupOn so that you can get a free bottle of baby shampoo after several hundred dollars of other purchases. The marginal utility for the culture asymptotically approaches ZERO but, WOW, is there a lot of manpower tied up creating this near-zero.
    The problem is that China and some other Asian countries, have created tremendous overproduction of ALL kinds of stuff, especially electronic gadgets and their adapters and peripherals and wires and so on. Clothing has been vastly overproduced and the QUALITY is going way down. When, for example, Mervyn’s died in California, I noticed that the Kohl’s store which took its place had an ENORMOUS men’s clothing section but I had to return two items immediately because a seam went in ONE wearing. OTOH, I’ve got Mervyn’s shirts still going strong after six years of weekly wear.
    China recently announced a PMI of 48, indicating CONTRACTION. Maybe the world’s dumb consumers and their mindless buying is running up against the brick wall of lack of CASH. Who knows? All I know is that the world now has 7 billion people and a lot of stuff that isn’t “produced” by anything but Mother Earth (better known as INELASTIC goods) are disappearing more quickly than the language skills of the “Millenial” generation.

  114. cheesemoose November 28, 2011 at 3:56 pm #

    Again, Reasons To Be Cheerful, #4,673:
    Every Monday morning, like clockwork, Jimmy The Kunt predicts immanent doom.
    And, every Tuesday morning, like clockwork, we’re all somehow still here in our fragile Bubbleworld held together by smartphones and duct tape.
    Three cheers for Jimmy The Kunt, World’s Worst Prognosticator – he keeps The Gods themselves tuning in each week to laugh at the zany exploits of The Wizard Whose Crystal Ball Is Always Wrong.
    Jimmy The K has been predicting the end of the world for so long – since at least Y2K – that his very existence on the stage is re-assuring, like knowing Letterman will be doing his schtick again tonight. That JHK has carved out a career for himself with nothing but chutzpah and a doom & gloom seltzer-down-the-pants routine is testament to the Greatness That Is America.
    As long as Jimmy the K is spewing Collapse© on Monday mornings, I’ll know everything is basically alright and can smear another bagel with cream cheese, unfold the Times, pour myself another cup of coffee, and enjoy the gaudy pageant unfolding itself, even now, just beyond my burning castle gates.

  115. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 3:57 pm #

    Americans talk a lot about McDonald’s and Starbucks being the main employers, but what about the multi-billion dollar industry created 10 years ago?
    I know more people who now work for Homeland Security than I do for McDonald’s.
    Jay Gould said over a century ago that he could hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.
    It seems that if you add up police, soldiers, private security guards, prison guards, TSA gropers (soon to be at Amtrak) and various other spies and thugs, it should be close to half by now.

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  116. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 4:05 pm #

    The US had backed off threatening Pakistan for a while. China announced that a war on Pakistan would be a war on them.
    So the US turned back to the Middle East, destroyed Libya, and was working on Syria.
    But, apparently, according to Webster Tarpley, Russia is signaling that it will back Syria.
    What to do? Back to bombing Somalia and Yemen, I guess.
    Unless they are crazy enough to start WW3.
    Which is not unbelievable.

  117. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 4:09 pm #

    So we’ll see if the killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers, and the final outrage of the government (after thousands of civilians have been killed by drones, and the US let towns drown to save their base) has any lasting effects on US policy.
    If the US stops murdering Pakistanis from the skies, we’ll know that they backed down.
    We’ll see.

  118. Tancred November 28, 2011 at 4:10 pm #

    And I wonder if in JHK’s new “World Made by Hand” he plans to maintain this site. He both seems to hate and depend on technological innovation.

  119. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 4:14 pm #

    I guess Russia is signalling pretty strongly, Sandy. Thanks for the info.

  120. Eleuthero November 28, 2011 at 4:20 pm #

    Interesting post, Wage. Also an interesting quote from Gould about half the working class being hired to kill the other half.
    Right now, I’d swear that the American “economy” that’s not the 13% that is manufacturing is mostly useless high tech crap, fast food joints, trading of financial assets whose “worth” is somewhere between zero and 50% of the quoted value, and the “security” people you mentioned.
    While you’ve got me on the subject of “security”, you know that our population’s level of CIVILITY is in sharp decline when 70% of the bars and discos have an ARMY of security goons … often 350-pound guys from God-knows-where. In 1985-1990 I noticed the sudden appearance of establishments with all these guys wearing black shirts with SECURITY emblazoned on the shirt in white letters. I said to myself that I’d never go in a joint that needed such people.
    Well … now it’s almost 2012 and if you avoid such places you’re eliminating about three-quarters of the total number of “public houses” in existence!! So, like most slow degradations, you just learn to put up with it with a certain shrugging acceptance.

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  121. York Hunt November 28, 2011 at 4:24 pm #

    Just why the terms “moving forward” or “going forward” have become standard additions to almost any talking points heard or read in the media I can’t say, but it’s beginning to DRIVE ME CRAZY! The phrases add NOTHING to any discussion. PLEASE people out there, stop using these phrases!
    Spot on! I must add the following: “AT THE END OF THE DAY,” “BOOTS ON THE GROUND,” “TASK FORCE” and “ABSOLUTELY!”

  122. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 4:30 pm #

    “Let me be perfectly clear” a phrase that Nixon was ridiculed for, is Obama’s stockphrase. And I still think that “growing the economy” should be added.

  123. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 4:33 pm #

    Yeah, and if you comment on the security, people will shake their heads and tell you “Isn’t it a shame that they are needed”.
    No. They’re not needed. Maybe one bouncer in the rowdier bars, but the ones who stand outside and check IDs on people who clearly turned 21 sometime in the last millenium? Not needed.
    They’re just there to teach us to submit to any goon asking for our papers, please.

  124. jackieblue2u November 28, 2011 at 4:36 pm #

    i friggin’ can’t stand suzie orman.
    Yikes !
    great thread we have here.
    excellent writing on jhk’s
    part. and the responses enlightening.

  125. jackieblue2u November 28, 2011 at 4:40 pm #

    yes that will really be something to witness,
    for those of us who live thru it !
    we have to learn to not rely on drugs anymore,
    that is for sure.
    pharmaceuticals that is.
    i might go off the deep end and take a few with
    me if i have to go off the hormones !
    i hope not tho !
    good stuff MMay. love what you have to say.

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  126. Qshtik November 28, 2011 at 4:48 pm #

    Spot on! I must add the following: “AT THE END OF THE DAY,” “BOOTS ON THE GROUND,” “TASK FORCE” and “ABSOLUTELY!”
    And the current mother of all cliches: “KICK THE CAN DOWN THE ROAD.”

  127. John Howard November 28, 2011 at 5:05 pm #

    Yeah, it’s true that medical research funds are already drying up, but that doesn’t mean we can’t prioritize the remaining resources on safe childbirth, childhood diseases, immunizations, operations, anasthesia. It won’t be back to the 19th and 18th century, it will will just be giving up on creating genetically engineered perfect babies and ruling out the ridiculous “hope of two genetic dads”
    That kind of research is getting too much money, we should instead be figuring out how to make our existing level of care cheaper and more efficient and sustainable. Give up on Transhumanism, prohibit it with a federal law prohibiting making people from genetic engineering, and it will force a change in the whole medical establishment into supporting actual medicine to help actual people.

  128. myrtlemay November 28, 2011 at 5:20 pm #

    One of my personal favorites that has cropped up within the past few years is “Actually”, which preceeds almost every other sentence in casual conversation. Gotta love those multi-syllabic words…makes one sound sooo intelligent.
    A close second, heard from football and basketball players from here to Timbucktoo has to be “Ya know what I’m sayin?” Well, it’s fairly standard in the English language in such cases for me to ask you, “Just what did you mean when you said that?” if I don’t understand you. You don’t have to constantly verify that I’m following your statements, unless you’re a complete and utter moron, in which case you mindlessly blather on, “Ya know what I’m sayin?” Ya know what I’m sayin?

  129. Russ A November 28, 2011 at 5:25 pm #

    A perfect example of upside down “thinking”.
    They spent more because they HAVE more…out of savings.

  130. Phutatorius November 28, 2011 at 5:25 pm #

    “…to live in a country that doesn’t know what it is doing in a world that doesn’t know where it is going in a time when anything can happen.” I think Milton’s phrase for this was “chaos and old night,” written during a very dark period in London, although I haven’t actually gone back and looked it up. Maybe I will.

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  131. xport November 28, 2011 at 5:28 pm #

    This comment resonates with the way that I have been seeing things going over the long run:
    The world’s wealthiest have accumulated tremendous piles of cash in the last few years, now it’s time for them to spend. But before they spend, the prices of all things must be beaten down. Hence the austerity.
    When prices get cheap enough, the wealthy will swoop in and buy up vast quantities of things. Including land. I’m afraid that what the future world made by hand will be is a huge tenant farm run by a police state. The available jobs, which will just pay subsistence, will be with the security forces that pacify society and protect those who own you.
    Refer to George Carlins dark stand up routines when he lays down the truth.
    Things are going to continue to get worse before they get better. I take solace in seeing how common people rally to help their neighbors in a crisis, and have great hope when I see how selfless and sharing our fellow human beings can be in the toughest times. As for arming yourself with a gun, forgetaboutit.
    When the scum come for you, they will overrun your compound like army ants. No weapon will stop the hungry hordes. Don’t let it come to that. Keep love alive.

  132. Russ A November 28, 2011 at 5:28 pm #

    “Wouldn’t NOW be the right time to start saving for college, instead of purchasing the latest piece of Chinese crap…”
    another example of people who just post for the sake of posting. Excuse me, but you stated at the beginning of your post that the young man is JUST GRADUATING! So duh, NOW is NOT the time to start saving for college! LOL
    Seriously, folks…….read what you write before hitting that submit button.

  133. Russ A November 28, 2011 at 5:34 pm #

    “When prices get cheap enough, the wealthy will swoop in and buy up vast quantities of things. Including land…”
    First off, the Rich already own everthing they want. They are the 1%.
    So what is left when you have everything materially?
    What is left to take?
    Control. Absolute Power and Control.
    This is where we are headed, to a controled fascist world, with workers the serfs. Perfect set up for the Antichrist figure.

  134. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 5:40 pm #

    well well well:
    Fewer people of all backgrounds are having babies because of economic concerns but the sharpest drop is among Hispanics, a booming population that contributes almost a quarter of all U.S. births and half of its population growth.
    “Hispanic fertility is dropping like a stone,” says Kenneth Johnson, demographer for the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey Institute.
    [yes BUT is mexican immigration also droppin like a stone?]
    STORY: Hispanic growth outpaced estimates
    Hispanic birthrates tumbled 17.6% in three years — from 97.4 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 to 80.3 last year, according to preliminary 2010 data released this month by the National Center for Health Statistics.
    Non-Hispanic whites still deliver most U.S. births. Their birthrates fell too, but at a much slower pace — down 3.7% to 58.7 per 1,000 women in 2010.
    The dramatic decline in births to Hispanics, who still have the highest fertility rates, raises the specter of a long-term drop in the nation’s overall fertility — now higher than that of most other developed nations. It also crystallizes the impact of the economic downturn on Hispanics.
    “It’s hard to ignore that Hispanics have been one of the hardest-hit groups,” says Gretchen Livingston, senior researcher at the Pew Research Center and author of a recent report on declining birthrates in…………..
    And OEO is back, so be forewarned!

  135. ofthehands.com November 28, 2011 at 5:40 pm #

    Nice one, JHK. You particularly nail it in the 4-6 paragraphs and I enjoyed the vague optimism at the end. Life and society will go on, but in a highly reorganized and significantly downscaled manner. I can’t say I don’t anticipate it.
    It’s kind of interesting to see just how long the EU can keep stumbling along, zombie-ing around just outside the clutches of collapse. Then again, kind of interesting to see just how long we (America) can, as well.

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  136. xport November 28, 2011 at 5:45 pm #

    There may be a new savior coming round to help us out and have nothing to do with heaven or hell, good or bad. Imagine that in the new dream of the future. As for guns and food, the soldiers have been trained to run to the flash and bang of the gunfire, so if you are defending your compound, what will happen to you? Better to melt into the background, go underground, fade into the woodwork, blend into the wallpaper, etc. Live to fight another day. Occupy wall street is doomed to fail, but the message may help us occupy our imagination.

  137. ozone November 28, 2011 at 5:48 pm #

    If I were to kick your can down the road, would it be more palatable to you?
    How about, “It’s been put off until a later date, for lack of political will or a viable solution”.
    What would be a more useful image for doing nothing, hands-in-pockets, sauntering nonchalance than “kicking the can down the road”?
    C’mon, c’mon. Hurry up! Is there no recourse; no respite; no PERFECTLY FORMED SCAT? :o)

  138. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 5:53 pm #

    My husband and I say that to each other, in homage, only we pronounce it properly –
    “Noam sayin’?, noam sayin’?”

  139. dale November 28, 2011 at 6:01 pm #

    This article could be huge. Not just amazing for its content but who is printing it. Bloomberg isn’t exactly the Guardian.

  140. ozone November 28, 2011 at 6:14 pm #

    As to “universal currencies”?
    They’re exactly what you’d expect them to be.
    Arable land, water, energy.
    If you collapse a countries sovereignty and internal economy, and then turn them into debt-slaves by “binding contract”, you’ve realized the ultimate end-game. You’d OWN them; they work for your benefit, and yours alone. Enforcing that contract with soldier-slaves is also a helpful incentive.
    It’s my belief that the Goldman “people” (and the further shades they represent) are after [the control of] the very essentials of life on the Planet.
    Bye the bye, none of it is over your head; it’s only made to look that way so you won’t start questioning the mechanics. ;o)
    (I’m much slooooower than you are, IMO.)

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  141. chomskyite November 28, 2011 at 6:18 pm #

    Leibowitz, Kulturkritic, CrazyEddie, get a life please. JHK, thanks for much needed last paragraph.

  142. ozone November 28, 2011 at 6:23 pm #

    Ah, NOW I recognize the phrase referred to! ;o)

  143. dale November 28, 2011 at 6:30 pm #

    Another good article, right in ‘ol JHK’s sweet spot. (that is, an area he really DOES know something about)

  144. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 6:30 pm #

    Yeah the closet lesbo vibe cum middle class anxiety is stifling. You just want open all the windows to purify your TV.
    Should have stayed in East Podunk and been the Head of her local Daughter of Bilitis chapter. Bet her cookies suck.

  145. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 6:31 pm #

    Thank you for that. I was at an Occupy meeting on Sat, and I mentioned that hoarding guns, food and ammo was not a long term effective thing, and that we should work together to make a decent society instead.
    A young man took offense and asked me if I had ever been in a place where there was no government and neighbors shot each other for food.
    I said no. He said that he had – Iraq.
    Then I told him that the reason Iraq had no government is because the US went in and destroyed it, and they might do the same thing here.
    Which kind of made his point, I guess, but it also made mine. We need to form alternative organizations to provide for our common needs.

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  146. ozone November 28, 2011 at 6:31 pm #

    Shhhhh! Don’t let that get out; you’ll upset the shoppers! Geeeeeez.
    (That is an important exposure, and isn’t it interesting that Bloomberg would print such whistle-blowing dynamite? Lest we forget, European banks also got in on the Great Filching as well.)

  147. Alexandra November 28, 2011 at 6:31 pm #

    @ cheesemoose… your piece I actually thought was very funny…
    @ Tancred… the UK public sector workers strike fest (civil servants) this week is due to the fact that our HM Govt’ has twigged that paying them inflation proof index linked fees monthly till they (govt based baby-boomers) collectively pop there clogs is a no go, no brainer if we wish to ever balance the UK budget books again. So the gloves are coming off to wrestle this privilege away from them.
    The private sector classes here are against ‘them’ with this hot potato issue as most have pensions dying with the stock markets, so no long-term protection there by comparison… but rather ironic that not one whimper of protest is/was vented re the money poured into the banksters TBTF over-blotted gullets and/or that Northern Rock has been given away to Branson…
    Moving on….
    One of the frightening parallels of this current time v the 1930s right now is looking back Hitler rose to national domination power on the wave of disillusionment and loss of lifestyle felt by most of the Deutsch mensch/volk due to the crushingly high unemployment and runaway inflation caused by both the end of american loans and a defeated country encumbered by the treaty of Versailles.
    And as they so rightly say… the rest is history.
    Fast forward to today and here we have an interesting review of the godly touched and self-appointed charismatic one Mrs Sarah Palin… you betcha!
    And the moral of this tale will be if you’re not an ultra-christian thinking right wing, mixed with gay tendencies person, and are not into semi-automatic weapons at all and are dare I say pro abortion… be afraid… BE VERY AFRAID.
    Toodle-pip y’all, and have a nice day.

  148. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 6:42 pm #

    We keep insisting on the necessity of surrounding the Soviet Union with NATO (North Atlantic? In the Ukraine?) missile bases and anti missile systems. And when they ask why we say because we’re afraid of Iran – which has not one warhead much less an ICBM. It defies all commonsense and decency. The current crop of dual Israeli/American citizens are crazier than their WASP prececessors. They had their Kissingers, but this is ridiculous.
    Russia, China and now Pakistan are all going to ally against us for WW3. Or in Orwellian terms: East Asian and Eurasia against Oceania.

  149. dale November 28, 2011 at 6:43 pm #

    BTW, its occurred to me that some of you might not have been around for Mario Savio. Here is your 1.5 minute introduction.

  150. Vlad Krandz November 28, 2011 at 6:46 pm #

    Still think Islam is a Religion of Peace and that Norway is doing great?
    Cat Stephens aka Yusuf Islam is looking for a 2nd wife in case you’re interested. Snickers – that’s how we say it Limey.

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  151. wagelaborer November 28, 2011 at 6:46 pm #

    After our hurricane, when the electricity was off for days, my neighbor ran a noisy generator to keep their security light on!
    I thought that was hilarious. It was the only light for miles around.
    If anyone was criminally minded, and wanted something of value (a generator), that light was a beacon.

  152. fairguy November 28, 2011 at 6:48 pm #

    At first glance, debt forgiveness makes sense. If all debt holders were to take a collective haircut, it might work and keep them intact for a while, preventing an immediate run on deposits.
    Using a small economy as an example – in 1983, the Israeli banking system, on the brink of collapse following hyper-inflation and a run on their stocks (which they had heavily ‘invested’ in themselves), was temporarily nationalized and restored to stability and private ownership over the following decade.
    But – considering the dynamics of how a global financial collapse might play out, a central issue is that both the public and other still-liquid banks lose faith in any institution that has its debt reduced by fiat. I believe that’s why the USA elected to bail out its large banks rather than legislate debt forgiveness. Of course, you can’t trick reality and this bailout has bitten us in the ass in a myriad of other ways.
    I think Jim’s point is really that last one – however hard we try, we can’t get around the fact that the true value of our collective goods and services can no longer support our collective lifestyle – hence the pressures on the banking system, which if shifted elsewhere will continue to bear down on the global economy.
    As a last note, I’m not sure I share Jim’s sense of timing around this. Surely the Europeans are at a critical juncture but they may devise a way to kick the can down the road a bit further as we have in the US. Never under-estimate the ability of bankers and politicians to devise new ways of keeping them in their positions of power.

  153. Glensufi November 28, 2011 at 6:52 pm #

    I think definitely a good time to invest in solar. I’m in the process of buying several pallets of panels, true they may come down even further however at current prices approaching 1$/watt it makes sense to me. Also some very exciting r&d on lithium air batteries which if they really become commercially viable will be a real game changer.

  154. ozone November 28, 2011 at 7:09 pm #

    Long-term? I’d agree.
    But short-term, I think we all know the results of the efficacious use of carrot (food) and stick (weapons).
    Against gov’t. black/brownshirts, paid in “job security” and rations? Not so effective, although it might make ’em a bit more cautious? I dunno; probably not.

  155. Solar Guy November 28, 2011 at 7:09 pm #

    Ya, definitely debating how low it will go per watt. Thought the last couple pallets were at an unbeatable price. Almost stocked up again here but since not as much installing will be done over winter, we’ll still probably wait til Spring or buy at the first hint of prices rising again? Your thoughts?

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  156. Qshtik November 28, 2011 at 7:28 pm #

    Excuse me, but you stated at the beginning of your post that the young man is JUST GRADUATING! So duh, NOW is NOT the time to start saving for college! LOL
    I interpret the excerpt below from Myrtle’s comment to mean the young man just graduated from high school.
    Anyway, this young man is graduating this year and I asked him what his plans for the future will be. He told me that he is plans to major in computer engineering and had already been accepted at Drexel
    Seriously, Tootsie…….read what you write before hitting that submit button.

  157. Qshtik November 28, 2011 at 7:44 pm #

    Three cheers for Jimmy The Kunt, World’s Worst Prognosticator – he keeps The Gods themselves tuning in each week to laugh at the zany exploits of The Wizard Whose Crystal Ball Is Always Wrong.
    If this whole comment wasn’t so damned clever I’d swear Asoka had written it.
    Is this a second Tootsie in one day per chance?

  158. Evelyn Victor November 28, 2011 at 7:44 pm #

    Get a grip Vlad. You apparently thrive on fear. What the hell do you know about Spain? Some cockamamie story written by a fiction writer who sensationalizes tidbits of news. I’d suggest you have your dentist build you an entire set of suicide false choppers.

  159. Bustin J November 28, 2011 at 8:13 pm #

    3rd Martini said, “Italians are in debt to the tune of $26,000 per capita…. Consider that for a moment.”
    I’d like to but currently my family’s share of the US national debt is $122,000 and my towns and cities are less walkable or aesthetic.

  160. MADMAX November 28, 2011 at 8:17 pm #

    How about “Make a difference” !! Nothing drives me nuts more than this expression. It should be a capital offense.

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  161. oceanblue November 28, 2011 at 8:19 pm #

    First time commenting, I have been an avid follower of JHK for a long time, in fact it’s almost the first thing I do on the computer Monday morning. Jim I think your instincts are right on the money and I was inspired to comment after reading the end of your column today urging people to reflect this Holiday Season on how we would/should change our collective circumstances for the better.
    Excellent suggestion, we would all be better off if we did that. By the way, I am in Toronto, Canada but we are facing many of the same stresses courtesy of our various governments.
    We are also collectively going to have to figure out how we are going to defeat the wishes of the now media popular 1% who seem willing to pursue the equivalent of a scorched-earth policy with the other 99% of the population of the planet.
    If the low hanging fruit has been now picked and from here on things get…well let’s just say interesting. We better figure out a way to convince the foot-soldiers for the psychopathic 1% that they are much better off with the 99% in the longish term.
    Why is this the curse of mankind since virtually the beginning of time that we seem destined to be nothing more than a slave-labour prison planet?

  162. helen highwater November 28, 2011 at 8:47 pm #

    Excellent song. You can hear it on Youtube.

  163. progress2conserve November 28, 2011 at 8:49 pm #

    Nice week’s work, JHK. Thanks, as always.
    Here are my two favorite parts:
    “If there’s one vibe emanating from this shadowy zeitgeist it’s a sense of the total exhaustion of culture, in particular the way the world does business.” -jhk-
    Yeah, no kidding. American style capitalism was doing OK – in those days when it was held in check by the USSR and the other “worker’s paradises” around the Globe. And when the USSR collapsed in 1991 – it did look as though American Capitalism might triumph, and give the real workers a real paradise.
    But, of course 10 years later – those 19 verdamned Muslims hijacked 4 airplanes with 19 boxcutters – and America took capitalism careening into a rat hole, with no chance of escape.
    Here’s another great JHK’ism for the week:
    “The situation at hand is not a “depression,” though it may resemble the experience of the 1930s in the early going. It’s the permanent re-set and reorganization of everyday life amidst a desperate scramble for resources. It will go on and on until there are far fewer people competing for things while the ones who endure construct new systems for daily living based on fewer resources used differently.” -jhk-
    Yeah, again, no doubt. “…far fewer people competing for things….
    Now – If someone on this CFN thread will explain to us why allowing the population of the United States to expand at the rate of 3,000,000 souls per year – driven by 1,000,000 LEGAL immigrants per year –
    If someone can explain why this is a GOOD idea – in the face of “peak everything,” and Global population collapse – then, just maybe, I can find another important issue over which to obsess.

  164. helen highwater November 28, 2011 at 8:53 pm #

    vlad, I have to say that your racist comments get very tiresome week after week.

  165. progress2conserve November 28, 2011 at 8:54 pm #

    “Ah, the klaxons sound. I knew it would not be long.” -ozone-
    That’s very funny, O3. And, Vlad my lad, I do believe that Ozone is talking about you.
    Which raises the question, Vlad –
    Out of all the possible topics this week-
    Why do you always have to lead with a divisive and hateful one, Vlad.
    You’re not doing your cause a bit of good, by doing this. You know?

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  166. MADMAX November 28, 2011 at 9:01 pm #

    Right on, Welles. I have been saying for years that the higher education system in America is a total scam. It is an elitist racket which continuously cranks out sausages nobody will eat. But the sausage makers keep getting fat from the totally corrupt, rigged system of patronage between the banks, government, career education bureaucrats, and sports and media investors, all bowing to the new god of political correctness.

  167. progress2conserve November 28, 2011 at 9:13 pm #

    Anti S –
    You are correct. There were 2,436,682 deaths in the United States in 2009.
    That’s a precise number.
    For some reason, population INCREASE numbers – are never so precise.
    So – when “they” say that the US population INCREASED by 1%, or 3,000,000 people, in 2009, that does raise some interesting questions, that become frightening in their implications.
    BUT – these numbers show how quickly the US could drop to a more “sustainable” population number, a smaller number which would benefit US residents AND all of mankind.
    All we’ve got to do is reduce our rate of LEGAL immigration – and people might have a better chance for a better future – here AND around the World.
    And, as always – someone needs to show me where I’m wrong about this.
    Just do it without recourse to:
    1. We need economic GROWTH in the US
    2. It’s the right thing to do, even if it destroys us – AND the planet with us.
    3. We need more ethnic food choices in the US.
    Because 1,2,or3 – are all I’ve ever heard –
    As excuses for our presently high LEGAL immigration rates.
    Which can easily be reduced, by legislative action.

  168. Shakazulu November 28, 2011 at 9:14 pm #

    Read The Protocols. The Elders are not steering us toward a pastoral, agricultural paradise of peace.
    Read the Bible. It tells in perfect detail everything the leaders of this age would do and how it would end up. No detail is left out, other than the day and the hour it will all happen.
    It’s hard to grow (and eat) rutabaga’s grown in Fukushima/Chernobyl soil.

  169. ak November 28, 2011 at 9:31 pm #

    From WaPo:

    Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) — U.S. consumers stormed the malls and took to the Web during Thanksgiving weekend, spending a record $52.4 billion at a pace that may be hard to sustain as the holiday shopping season gets under way.

    So how many people went shopping the last weekend?
    The above would indicate that if there were 50m shoppers, each would spend $1k. 100m would spend $500 each. Is it possible?

  170. Mike Moskos November 28, 2011 at 9:41 pm #

    If I were young and couldn’t go to college absolutely free (or close to it–lots of scholarships at older, private schools), I’d experiment with internships with any career I thought might make it the future: plumber, farmer, butcher, etc. Experiment while mom and dad can provide room and board; maybe the company you intern for will provide lunch or a bus pass. Learn which jobs you like (and can handle physically), then work for someone in that field, save every dime until you can invest in your own business. (I’d vote for farming of high value specialty crops like sprouts or producing something like yogurt/kefir/cheese, but that’s what my 48 year old body can handle.) When graduates tell Muhammad Yunus “Banker to the Poor” (of Grameen Bank) that they can’t find jobs, he tells them their job is not to look for jobs, but to create them, because their poor peasant mothers already own a bank and with a better start, they should be able to do much better.
    One can get really educated by borrowing books and audiobooks for free at the library and attending adult ed. cheap at the local schools.
    Also, with most investments ready to take another major haircut, I’d put a substantial amount of savings into things that cut monthly bills: water saving devices, insulation, etc.

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  171. bproman November 28, 2011 at 9:43 pm #

    Not much left over from the digital turkey except a few gig a bytes.

  172. BeantownBill November 28, 2011 at 9:59 pm #

    Don’t believe the published figures – they lie. How can they really tally up all retail figures from thousands of stores in a matter of a few hours? What they do is a sampling and extrapolate from there, using a mathematical model. And we know how models can be manipulated to say whatever anyone wants. Is there a detailed published description of how total sales figures are determined? Has the media double-checked the raw data?

  173. loveday November 28, 2011 at 10:09 pm #

    Hi Jim
    Sorry so late this week, but things to do, people to see. Really Jim such a disapointment this week, when such really perilous events were in the works. One such event was NASA’s planned launch of the “Curiousity” spacecraft, this spacecraft is nuclear powered and was noted to be carrying many tons of plutonium. Well this craft was launched on November 26th 2011. Everyone now really has a reason to be thankful, this spacecraft cleared Earth’s atmosphere without mishap. That’s right, the gibbering idiots over at NASA launched a volatile vehicle loaded with nuclear material into our atmosphere, what a bunch of morons.
    The second very perilous event was the announcement of the research done that has produced a strain of bird flu that can be very easily transmitted person to person. This flu has been reported to have a 50% fatality rate. The authors of this research want to publish this reasearch to the general public. Yup those morons want everyone to know how to produce this deadly flu. Needless to say if the research is published we can all just climb into bed and wait for the last gasp. So yes Jim your post was a little tame compared with those pieces of news.
    Add to both of those that there seems to be a vigorous effort underway to reignite the Cold War with Russia. Also the report that China isn’t happy about the US latest moves in the Pacific. Jim, sorry old boy but your post was a big yawn this week.
    Ah well there’s always next week, right?
    take care

  174. BeantownBill November 28, 2011 at 10:19 pm #

    Like Procon harps on the immigration issue, I harp on not being able to read the future. I say that we are at a crossroads and our civiliation’s fate is yet to be determined. If anyone here does know the future, please let me have a peek at your crystal ball. I do follow the trend and it’s not looking too good, so I try to prepare, but we are not yet doomed. Get a grip people.

  175. BeantownBill November 28, 2011 at 10:35 pm #

    Really,Loveday. Don’t call NASA idiots when you, yourself, make such comments. It is inconceivable that a payload would contain “many tons” of plutonium. What would they need it for? NASA has used plutonium in their probes before, but only small amounts, so small that even if a launch failed, there would be no health hazard. Please learn a little science before you comment

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  176. AMR November 28, 2011 at 10:43 pm #

    You’re right about Bend. That’s why the unemployment rate in Deschutes County surged to #1 in the state at the very beginning of the 2008 crash. The basis of the local economy was construction, and when the market for building dumb shit on the remains of hardscrabble lodgepole pine forest collapsed, so did the economy. At least Bend and Sunriver still have a fairly vigorous tourist industry, especially in the winter.
    One thing that I’ll say in defense of building mindless sprawl in Deschutes County is that it has some of the most agriculturally worthless land in the state. Even at its lower elevations it is frost-prone well into the spring and starting again in the late summer, and most of its soils are terrible. Sprawl there is a lot less destructive on a per-acre basis than it is around the other Oregon cities where it has been allowed, because Bend is by far the largest city in Oregon that wasn’t built in the middle of productive farmland.
    Until recently Bend-Redmond was the largest metropolitan area in the United States without any sort of post-secondary educational institution. That was before the founding of Central Oregon Community College, whose acronym causes much tittering. (Heehee, I said tit!)
    If you want to see a truly God-awful shithole, go to Chemult. The only other places I’ve visited in Oregon that are remotely as awful are Tigard and the Burns-Hines-Wagontire corridor.

  177. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 11:20 pm #

    Thanks P2C, so who are these 5 or 6 million new folks a year?
    1 million legals
    3 million babies
    1 or 2 million illegals?

  178. anti soak November 28, 2011 at 11:26 pm #

    Walmart has been partnered in India for years but I see in the paper it was greenlighted for superstores there.
    ‘WM will bring Jobs’

  179. AMR November 28, 2011 at 11:43 pm #

    The TSA got into hot water with the Amtrak Police chief a year or so ago after its pseudocops set up shop in a number of major Amtrak stations without permission. He told them to get lost, and if memory serves they did after a few weeks.
    In another case, some TSA officers who set up shop at the exit from Customs into the unsecured portion of the Cincinnati airport annoyed the hell out of two airport police officers when they ambiguously threatened to have an arriving passenger arrested for refusing to submit to their screening.
    Generally speaking, I think a lot of cops are none too impressed by overbearing TSA personnel and Paul Blart rent-a-cops. What’s particularly laughable about faux police uniforms is that many cops spend their entire careers trying to get out of uniform and into either a plainclothes assignment or an elite unit where the uniform is a polo shirt (e.g., LAPD’s Metropolitan Division). Personally, as a former applicant for sworn employment with the San Diego Police Department, I find such people pathetic at best and reprehensible at worst. As an unsuccessful police applicant, I don’t go around dressed up like a fucking Pennsylvania State Trooper in order to falsely imply that I have police powers, and neither should those officious losers. A hugely disproportionate percent of rent-a-cops are police academy rejects and flunkouts. And even though I’ve dealt with quite a few TSA personnel who have behaved exactly as well-disciplined cops would, I consider it appropriate for TSA screeners to wear uniforms that purposely mimic police uniforms. Their uniforms really muddy the waters about the scope of their duties and authority.
    The situation at O’Hare is particularly bizarre. The TSA agents there are dressed like cops while the Chicago Police patrol officers monitoring their posts, viewed from the righthand side, look like rent-a-cops from Four Star Security. The Chicago cops give away their real occupation not only by their sidearms, but also by being physically fit, alert, courteous, nondelusional, well-behaved and law-abiding.
    What bothers me about situations like that is that many Americans can’t tell the difference between real cops and knuckledragging idiots who impersonate cops but are too out of shape to pass the physical abilities test batteries, too officious to pass a properly assessed psychological exam, and too illiterate and generally stupid to pass a written exam (i.e., the one that needs to be passed in order to be invited to fill out SDPD’s sixty-page pre-invesigative questionnaire and attempt to run its obstacle course). This near-total lack of perceptiveness goes hand-in-hand with a general ignorance of civil rights and liberties, i.e., a failure to understand that cops can go to jail for just doing whatever the hell they want instead of abiding by the law. It’s amazing what sworn peace officers routinely get away with on TV shows like “Cops.” “Cops” should be an evidentiary goldmine for internal affairs officers, commanders and civil rights attorneys, but evidently it is not. Even more amazing is the Mall of America terrorism fusion center, where a bunch of non-sworn goons impersonating police officers who fancied themselves Colombo interrogated mall customers at length about alleged “suspicious behavior” in a manner that demonstrated a complete ignorance and contempt for the law.
    It’s bad news that so many Americans live in the Land of Make-Believe.

  180. AMR November 28, 2011 at 11:54 pm #

    As a follow-up, the prospect of being able to arrest asshats like the Colombo wannabes at the Mall of America is enough to make me want to become a cop. On the other hand, it isn’t quite enough to make me want to fill out another PIQ. Lordy, was it grueling and disconcerting.
    I would, however, love to see an officious rent-a-cop go through that wringer. I don’t feel an ounce of Schadenfreude for decent people who put themselves through that experience or, worse, for my acquaintance who spent seven hours completing back-to-back oral and written psychological exams during his application to the Washington Metropolitan Police (“It was the most grueling experience of my life”), but when it comes to thugs who like to lord it over the innocent, I’m a lot less magnanimous.

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  181. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 12:05 am #

    Americans are very bad at looking at the negative. Always bright siding. Like bad puppies, they have to have their noses pushed into their own mess.
    It’s working: you are begining to sound more like me all the time. People vary tremendously in their ability to recognize and/or acknowledge being influenced. It’s happening whether you see it or not.
    If I speak the Truth, would you deny it just to spite me? Or because you don’t like the style in which it is given? Some would.
    The White Race is threatened with extinction. Everything else “pales” into insignificance except a few things like the end of Western Civilization or the end of all Civilization and civic order at least for at time. Notice I don’t include the end of America per se. I’m sure you’re amazed when Wage or someone asks why you harp on the immigrant question. You know that it’s not just another issue but in fact, a core issue that is more basic to most other things. If it is not solved, nothing else will either. Energy is important, therefore solve immigration. Resources – immigration. Social disorder – immigration. And so on. Well I think the same way about the White Race – but on a higher level above mere physical survival of America. Without the White Race, America is just another Brazil, a squalling, sprawling third world mess.

  182. soma junkie November 29, 2011 at 12:27 am #

    A breakthrough in Cold Fusion technology?

  183. eoplqzqztz November 29, 2011 at 1:07 am #

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    Photo Description: the night of 28 October 2009 article in the repair shed Tsubosato show –

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  184. AMR November 29, 2011 at 1:10 am #

    “A comforting and comfortable euthanasia for us Boomerz?”
    That sounds an awful lot like hospice. My parents had to repeatedly instruct hospice nurses not to snow my grandmother on opiates despite her not being in chronic pain for the last two and a half weeks of her life. My parents couldn’t even consistently bully the hospice staff into abiding by their instructions to administer pain meds solely on a PRN basis.
    After that experience, I’m convinced that euthanasia is a lot more common than is publicly reported. Snowing the Bejesus out of dying patients who aren’t in pain isn’t palliative care; it’s slow-motion homicide, and unlike Jack Kevorkian, hospice nurses seem to offer up that “final solution” whether the patients or their next-of-kin ask for it or not.

  185. azgog November 29, 2011 at 1:14 am #

    Its all a joke its all a scam there is nothing worthy left to do, except maybe your family and your garden.

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  186. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 2:16 am #

    The show Cops also routinely changes the race of the perps from Black to White. Just part of the universal effort to underplay the extent of Black criminality.

  187. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 2:20 am #

    Angels of Mercy transformed into Angels of Death! They used to refuse pain killers to dying patients becuase they didn’t want them to get addicted!
    People without centers are incapable of commonsense. Do not revive is commonsense – and a little to much painkiller might help hurry a dying person’s progresss. Like all things, wisdom and compassion go hand in hand.

  188. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 2:25 am #

    That feeling of discomfort is you begining to think. It takes alot with someone like you, and your brain isn’t used to it.
    Clusterfuck is a site that challenges – not a place to get one’s prejudices catered to.

  189. ak November 29, 2011 at 3:06 am #

    Hear, hear!
    Bravo, VK.

  190. birdmanifesto November 29, 2011 at 3:43 am #

    New World Survival Tip numero uno… Learn to be a peasant farmer, learn energy mastery by practicing Tai Chi, meditation and yoga. I am 62 and I can dance. No pills. I am a human rototiller. No doctors in 30 years now.

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  191. Eleuthero November 29, 2011 at 3:47 am #

    Wage said this and AMR continued by discussing TSA:
    Yeah, and if you comment on the security, people will shake their heads and tell you “Isn’t it a shame that they are needed”.
    No. They’re not needed. Maybe one bouncer in the rowdier bars, but the ones who stand outside and check IDs on people who clearly turned 21 sometime in the last millenium? Not needed.
    They’re just there to teach us to submit to any goon asking for our papers, please.
    EGG ZACTLY!!!! Everything, when it comes to instilling FEAR in ordinary people is considered a rational response. Five years ago Palo Alto had an Anarchist’s demonstration. The PA police called up police from Cupertino, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Monte Sereno, and Los Gatos. On the day of the demo, there were about THIRTY police on horses, 100 jackboots in riot gear, and two police helicopters overhead.
    How many people were in this demonstration? About 60 … they marched down three blocks of Palo Alto chanting something and it was over. Make no mistake about it, way, way, WAAAAAAY before the shit hits the fan, every municipal, state, and Federal agency is figuring out a way to KICK YOUR ASS for doing NOTHING. Like the UC Davis cops who double-sprayed a couple dozen kids with pepper spray for doing … NOTHING. And that NOTHING was done with unarmed kids ALREADY ON THEIR KNEES.
    It won’t be long now before these fuckers actually are given a reason to kick our asses because the number of new people moving below the poverty line every year in America is astonishing. There is no magic bell that will go off. But I would suggest it’s tinkling already with a huge generation of new college grads with $50,000 of college debt working as baristas. At some point, the downscaling of lifestyle WILL result in civil disorder. OWS is a measly little thing compared to what’s coming in a few years.

  192. Eleuthero November 29, 2011 at 5:18 am #

    Great screed about “content”, AMR. McLuhan in the 1960s said “Art is anything you can get away with”. Unfortunately, the Internet has proven this axiom, if one can believe it, even more than the big media conglomerates. Bad as THEY are, you usually have to have some creds (not just local “street” cred) to write for them and some polish in the presentation.
    We live in the Age of the Artiste, NOT the artist. The ability to contact Blogger, Inc. has its plusses and minuses. Everybody is a “poet”, a “pundit”, anyone with a camera is a “photographer”, and anyone with a canvas and paints is a “painter”.
    The Internet is also NOT a “free” medium … as you point out. Ever notice that when you’re on the DailyMotion/YouTube types or Yahoo Sports that before you get to see a 3-minute opinion piece from a nobody, you’ve got to wait for a 30-second ad to finish first.
    Alas, and contrary to what the Electronic Frontier Foundation would have you believe, the Internet is now curiously divided into sites dominated by large media or NOBODIES with the FIAT of their personality as their “bully pulpit”. There’s not much in between.
    Probably the best the Internet has to offer is a few erudite writers like John Talton of the Seattle Times who writes good opinion pieces at roguecolumnist.com. He’s a “rogue” with real creds from working as a liberal writer at the Arizona Republic (not a joyous or easy task) and then the Seattle Times.
    Since discriminatory intelligence seems to be on the wane and opinions are like assholes i.e., everybody has one, it takes a truly trained wordsmith and a seasoned critical thinker to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the Internet … and its “content” … a word which has been abused by the techno-babble crowd so much that it means everything from the “art work” on a site to the actual writing and layout. Words which start to mean EVERYTHING actually start to mean NOTHING.

  193. Eleuthero November 29, 2011 at 5:24 am #

    I would add to my last post that the “Anybody can create content” myth is almost living proof that those buggy-whip credentialing agencies like SCHOOLS are not as meaningless as many claim they are. They are flawed, they’re much worse than they were even 20 years ago, but when it comes to having SOME erudition I’ll take a college grad over most “free agents” any day.
    When you talk to some of these self-anointed “wags” in goofy Internet “content” companies with a high school diploma and two courses in HTML and Front Page from the local JC, you discover the “arrogance of ignorance” so forcefully thrust at you that you recoil with embarrassment.

  194. Eleuthero November 29, 2011 at 6:05 am #

    Well, as I told my Russian girlfriend who is from the era of the Brezhnev Soviet Union, the ingenious wags on Wall Street and the heads of the EU states would find SOME way to kite up the stock market again with “good news” (IMF loan) which, in fact, changes NOTHING. It just transfers debt from one “backer” to another while the EU moguls think of yet another way to use cardboard boxes to defend themselves against a tsunami.
    Since April, the market has gone between 12,800 and 10,600 with no less than SEVEN “round trips” of at least 1,000 points in BOTH directions. Now, it’s sitting about 40% off the trading range top and 60% from its bottom. Why would any sane being put their savings in this garbage?? China’s PMI was at 48 … FORTY FREAKING EIGHT. That’s the ONLY number you need to know about. China having a manufacturing CONTRACTION???
    We live in a world with too many consumer electronics, too many fast food alternatives, too many cheap clothes in too many cheap stores, too many supermarkets (my Dad lives within two miles of FOUR gigantic supermarkets), too many restaurants, and too many financial service companies. Too many. With wages going DOWN and college kids with enormous debt and no job and the Boomers slowly retiring and leaving the “risk” markets, in what nutty scenario do the wags on TV come up with anything like a future BULL MARKET in stocks??
    The best case scenario, despite what the pollyannas say, is ALREADY playing out, i.e., a slow, grinding mess with lots of needless resource utilization in markets that are going to get tighter and tighter. The stuff you really, really NEED (gasoline, heating oil, natural gas, healthcare) are problematic. All you need to witness is that with the S&P going nowhere with IMMENSE volatility, oil just WILL NOT stay down.
    When the markets hit 10,800 some weeks back and then went to 12,200 and then back to 11,200 and now in the 11,500 range, who noticed that oil BOINGED off of that $75 low at Dow 10.8K like a freaking SUPER BALL and now sits at $98 … up about 31% while the Dow is only up 6% from its recent low.
    The shit is ALREADY hitting the fan but everybody is mesmerized by getting cheap Xboxes on Black Friday, the Penn State scandal, and whether Ndamukong Suh should be suspended for stomping a guy’s arm in an NFL game. Where’s Franz Kafka?? I’ve got to have a SEANCE and get in touch with this dude!!! He needs to see this shit!!! Too bad that good writing now gets lost in the sea of “content” on the Internet and the other media. Kafka didn’t have ten percent of the material that a modern day surrealist would have.
    The EU, the Fed, and the IMF are going to have probably another six or eight false flag “optimism” attacks via press releases about more can-kicking. The bread and circuses like the NFL will continue unabated, and oil and your healthcare bill will continue their stealth rise, eventually crippling the G-20. Russia, right now, yes, mafia-run Russia is GLEEFUL because they’re going to have a balanced budget with oil near $100 because $70 is their break-even point and that price just isn’t going to be breached even if the Dow goes back to 7K.
    Chinese PMI at 48, oil near $100, healthcare still having double-digit inflation. Those are the ONLY numbers out of a sea of nutty “technical indicators” that you need to keep your eyes on.

  195. Alexandra November 29, 2011 at 6:22 am #

    @ Vlad
    You well know that I’m not a fan of religious symbol thinking people… those of an ‘ism/cist’ bent are much to be avoided – much like yourself dear.
    And thanks to emancipation, and a diligent brain, and a successful career so far I’ve managed to safely avoid a lacklustre marriage, so no need to fret on my limey behalf mate…
    And Muslims are not running amok in the land of Trolls either, where do you get this low-grade misinformation from??
    It was an insane home-grown white supremacist racist that wreaked havoc over there, dressed as an authority figure policeman, doing that mentally distorted ‘warrior’ manly thing of shooting dozens of leftists liberal thinking children with a semi-automatic army style rifle.
    (To any NRA members lurking here, now’s the time to bow your heads in shame)
    @ Glensufi… indeed I know of many Devonian based Brits now who have made full use of UK govt subsidies to rack on the roof arrays on their homes, most produce daily more electricity than they need so sell it back to the national grid. The math as you Yanks say works out at panels have a working life of 20-25 years, after you deduct the install/purchase costs you get about 10-15 years worth of uber-cheap PC/house gadget green light power…
    But back to what this site, at its best is really about underlying geopolitics. The most eye brow lifting stories for me this week have been the almighty drone air strike cock-ups which resulted in the killings on Saturday of 24 Pakistani soldiers, the result is a crippled NATO supply chain. So its only a matter of time now before there will be some ISI levered tit-for-tat Taliban executed counter killings… though after that and mutual hand-wringing and the usual ‘lessons learned’ comments, business as usual for managing Afghanistan and the drugs trade will commence once again.
    The other story I find interesting is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin going for the high profile commander-in-chief role once more, its quite possible if he wins through… and the money, media and muscle will be there to see that he does, so in theory he could iron grip lead the great bear from the front through till 2024. Much as in the style of soviet leaders of old did, a job for life and all that.
    I bet Obama would love to have that kinda leeway when it comes to managing the great eagle… for more than a his 4 few wee years, and defo just as he’s getting his hand in.
    And finally for Eleuthero…
    I fear you might be right, I’m a fan of Steve Keen’s… here he is on the Beebs HARDtalk.
    Be seeing you…

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  196. philqowra November 29, 2011 at 7:43 am #

    The first reading can not help but

    first first first impulse to steal

    first kiss
    the first time when the first model

    wanted to be a hero and stunt training hard the first time drunk

    first because of who
    first McDonald’s first stay in the guesthouse on


    so cool the first time and so many beasts are alone
    first met the first female rogue
    travel first to do body painting
    first off electricity and unconscious for the first time housework
    first open Party for the first time I recall the first time a child


    when the singer first to wear their own clothes for the lovelorn

    ‘d rather die first

    first boss the first time when depressed , because Taiwan does not return … …

  197. AMR November 29, 2011 at 7:48 am #

    There probably is a connection between bouncer thugs and efforts to acclimate the public to a police state, but I’d say that it’s an indirect, probably inadvertent one.
    My first line of reasoning is that bar owners are a pretty independent-minded, customer-oriented bunch. I doubt that many of them give a damn about underage drinking; for the most part, they check IDs only in order to cover their asses, and many of them only do so when they have reason to believe that cops or liquor control agents might be looking to cause them trouble.
    The rationale that I see for having big, menacing bouncers at the entrance is that it contributes to the atmosphere of overall thuggery and caprice, which is exactly the atmosphere that many shallow youngsters want. This twisted desire is due in large part to idiotic and pernicious media influences, but I don’t blame the bar owners for these. They’re just responding to market demands.
    There’s this bizarre dynamic, which I’ve described before, of young women who are often otherwise normal but clearly have fantasies of being raped by thugs. I say this because the guys they dance with are almost always the ones who, if they’re black, pander to racist stereotypes about ghetto life or, if they’re white, dress and comport themselves in exactly the fashion of the roughest sort of Hemet trailer trash. I’m pretty street-smart, and I can honestly say that the roughest character I’ve ever noticed in the Sidelines, Arcata’s main meat market, was a shirtless white dude who was grinding on two women at once, one of whom was completely engaged with her surroundings yet in an otherworldly state of serenity. It was mindboggling to see one of the prettiest and most well-adjusted women in the bar dancing with such a straight-up nasty-ass Ed Hardy honky. I have no doubt that black guys at Sidelines have such an easy time picking up girls in large part because the women there have racist tendencies that make them interpret practically anything done by a black man as that sweetest of aphrodisiacs, thuggery.
    My sense of Hollywood’s motives for producing the music and other entertainment that abets this pathos is, again, less than conspiratorial. The music industry gives every appearance of being run by the crassest sort of mercenaries. They’ll sell anything at all to any market segment that produces positive cash flow. The record industry simultaneously hawks Daughtry and Eminem, Lady Antebellum and Toby Keith, Sara Bareilles and the Insane Clown Posse. The only thing that the albums making up any record label’s holdings seem to have in common is lucrativeness. The messages of their lyrics are all over the place.
    That said, I will grant that kids these days listen to a lot of garbage, especially the popular kids. The record industry produces garbage because it sells. Another, related reason that it produces garbage is that it’s cheaper, easier and less financially risky to appeal to the lowest common denominator than to fund anything edifying. That’s why media companies keep harkening back to 400-year-old racial bigotries, needless and exaggerated problems with relations between the sexes, and other destructive, hackneyed stereotypes. It’s cheaper to beat old, popular themes like a dead horse than to explore new ones that may or may not prove lucrative.
    The high mucky-mucks, living on Mulholland Drive, in the horse country south of Nashville, or in the Hamptons, don’t have to personally reap the division that they sow. They seem utterly amoral. They do not, however, readily kowtow to Washington; instead, they either bribe it or challenge it in the courts. These are the people that Lewis Lapham described as a major part of the “permanent government,” in contrast to presidents and congressmen, whom he described as the “provisional government.” I wouldn’t put it in such stark terms, but he had a point.
    All the same, I don’t see this as evidence of anything like a “New World Order.” It’s more like a slimy combination of a high-power prostitute-client relationship and an ad hoc symbiosis. They use each other because they use everybody they can, especially the influential.

  198. tegmark November 29, 2011 at 8:22 am #

    Why USA Housing May Never Recover
    Contrary to most of the rest of the world, the USA has pretty big homes: average is about 1,000 square feet (90 square meters), the rest of the world is much lower, often only half. And then a lot of the USA homes have basements and garages that can make up for some extra room. Along with backyards and front lawns and wide streets, large retail spaces and other signs of REAL WEALTH, most of the world is a tight crowded high density environment, (ask some Mexican immigrants how their homes are). This is a real sign of how much richer the USA really is compared to most of the world included countries that make believe they are rich like JAPAN, South Korea, and most of Europe. Tight spaces, puny homes, no parking, no retail and such, crowded, very high cost of homes either to rent or buy (look at LONDON, insanely high prices for mostly shithole homes), etc.
    So if the USA middle class is destined to contract, because the present mode of capitalism is in filter mode, meaning filtering out as many people from the middle class as possible by not giving them jobs, hiking up the prices of necessities, public debts and such we can whip up a quick calculation: if the USA middle class is made up of about 200 million people, with about 3 people per home, then you get about 70 million occupied homes. But as the middle class shrinks to maybe a target of 150 million people, you free up about 20 million homes since alot of families will double up, you can imagine 2 people extra for each home, like a garage turned into a room, and a basement turned into another.
    So, how long will it take for the market to absorb 20 million extra empty homes that people left because they couldn’t afford the rent or mortgage, and bills like heating and electricity and such since they can’t get a decent paying job ?
    Quite a long time, maybe forever, since the filter mode will keep on operating, since only the best, the most connected, or luckiest or whatever will land jobs and a lifestyle that will allow them to live in their own home (let alone grow a family).
    The rest of the world will be much worse off: in their puny, super expensive homes (like the shithole of LONDON), they will have to deal with 6 people living in a couple of rooms, real poverty level, that is because the governments of relatively rich countries like Europe and JAPAN don’t give two c*cks and a d*ck for the real living conditions of the future once was middle class, they don’t build decent sized homes for their contracting population anyways at a decent price since property must always be used as a weapon, as a proxy of human conflict for a fake and imposed resource scarcity on something that should have been free for all a long time ago given that housing is a standard technology, a commodity that costs little and could easily be organized to satisfy all needs, only then you couldn’t create the inequality of having or not the house that is the engine of a conflict based economy.
    At least from this point of view, the USA is way richer and did all the right things by building large homes and a lot of them. This also explains why the USA prices are much more variable, the market is much more real compared to other countries where an Iron Clad Status Quo keeps prices high and forces them to remain high even when there are few buyers, especially in the cities where all the jobs are like London, Paris, Moscow, Rome etc. Of course New York City and San Francisco also come to mind…
    Oh but all the governments and economists are always talking about the need for the economies to “Grow”, the economies must grow to pay back the debts. But at the same time they chant that housing prices going up “is good”, is a good sign of a “recovery”. How about making housing cost a lot less for a start ? Jackasses.

  199. Pucker November 29, 2011 at 8:24 am #

    JHK wrote: “It’s really something to live in a country that doesn’t know what it is doing in a world that doesn’t know where it is going in a time when anything can happen.”
    It reminds of time when in the thick of heavy fighting against the Chinese Red Army during the Korean War a nincumpoop U.S. Army supply officer actually thought that U.S. Marines were in desperate need of “Tootsie Rolls”.
    “During the Battle of Chosin Reservoir in 1950, Mortar (weapon) sections under the US Marine Corps started to run out of mortar rounds. The radio men of these sections started requesting more rounds. There were too many nearby enemy anti air emplacements however, and the risk that they might lose any airlifted supplies was too great, so they had to wait. After 2 days of waiting all the mortar sections ran out of rounds. At this point the risk was taken and supplies were dropped anyway. When the troops found the crates of mortar rounds, they found the crates were instead filled with tootsie rolls. The cause of this error was that a supply specialist did not know that the codename for mortar rounds was “Tootsie Rolls”, and instead ordered hundreds of crates of tootsie roll candies instead of mortar rounds. [3]”

  200. ozone November 29, 2011 at 8:32 am #

    Instructive post, E.
    These indicators are part of the reason I believe the LE to be truly in “second gear” with the RPMs climbing. As JHK implies, there really isn’t any going back to the style to which we’ve become [too comfortably] accustomed.
    No one (or very, very few) in gum’mint is going to tell us the truth about CONTRACTION, if they’ve even entertained the notion, so…
    Stay loose; be imaginative; be of value; make your own luck, as best you can.
    (Oh, and: “Don’t follow leaders; watch the parking meters.” ;o)

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  201. lbendet November 29, 2011 at 8:37 am #

    E:It won’t be long now before these fuckers actually are given a reason to kick our asses because the number of new people moving below the poverty line every year in America is astonishing.
    But, of course. In a country that worships money being poor is illegal.
    Thanks for the link. I like Keen and have heard him numerous times on Max Keiser.
    Dylan Ratigan says pretty much the same thing about writing off the debt, he says that world wars have been waged mainly because of global depressions.
    Only after the WWII was over, they wrote off the debt. Ratigan asks why we can’t excuse the debt before destruction occurs. Of course the banks won’t let that happen–that’s how they generate wealth for themselves. The last 40 years represents an off-balance system with the banks generating debt, not through investment and loans, but through the casino.
    AMR: like your last comment about the New World Order and the amorality of the wealthy in the US.
    I would posit that the two things work together, given a common ideological bent. The rich have embraced the neoliberal screed and the world leadership is going full tilt toward the centralization of the seamless banking system and the rise of privatization.
    This is the rise of power of global corporations while governments are losing theirs. Sovereignty vs global trade zones, where the people have no say in how they are governed. Wages will keep going down to the lowest common denominator.
    This is a move away from democracy and national identity, that’s why as I pointed out during the BP Gulf disaster, BP had more say than the government in how this would be handled and what kind of safety equipment the people who cleaned up the mess would be given. Due to PR issues they were not allowed to wear face masks. We saw that we are merely a colony of the transnationals.
    Because our revenues are down, our public infrastructure is being sold off internationally through the banks in the form of Sovereign Wealth funds (owned mainly by wealth Arabs in Abu Dhabi) with guaranteed returns. That, my friend is what globalism is all about–it is a new world order.

  202. charliefoxtrot November 29, 2011 at 9:29 am #

    anyone heard from tripp lately?

  203. wardoc November 29, 2011 at 9:34 am #

    Here’s what may happen: some unemployed PhD Chemist with good synthesis skills will learn to synthesize SSRIs; he will then work out underground distribution networks to sell the ilicit SSRIs on the street. The morons in law enforcement will see yet another opportunity to profit from the insane war on drugs and make SSRIs like prozac and lexapro scheduled and thus highly illegal. There will then be raids on homes looking for SSRIs. I can see it now; the headline reads, “Local cops net 1000 pills of deadly prozac.” THe adjacent photo shows a crew cut pig grinning and hold his gun in the air with his foot on the case of ilicit prozac, protectin and servin 🙂
    Don’t forget, we live in Idiocracy (btw: its not a movie about the future its about the present)

  204. tegmark November 29, 2011 at 9:34 am #

    check this out:
    from ilovephly atoms are little galaxies
    rasava wrote:Felix:
    Science aims to be the “view from nowhere” but even it can’t escape at least a smidgeon of social influence. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because it’s often our experience which helps us model facts better.
    But science is being viewed through us, through a totally arbitrarily designed machine with totally arbitrarily sense organs, and thought processes and circuits and pain/pleasure circuits, etc. We are not some objective reference system measuring the world objectively, we are a slab of quirky Mass Enerrgy interacting in a quirky manner with another slab of quirky Mass Energy and measuring the events and cataloging and memorizing them as repetitive patterns in our “memory”.
    We are not “nowhere”, we are a very specifically defined design, one very particular and quirky random design out of trillions of other possible designs (new designs that you can achieve by sticking wild chemicals, wild symbols and wild signals in the ball of meat that is the brain, as in Instant Singularity) interacting with itself, talking to itself basically since the slab of Matter that is outside or inside the other slab is arbitrarily defined, it is just matter talking to itself.
    For a hammer, everything is a nail. Thought is like a hammer, for thought everything is just a thought itself, or another thought, or a logical sequence, or a sequence of symbols, or a logical entity or logical event. Everything is decomposed into the identity principle, to distinguish an item from another, same or different, interacting items, something exists as opposed to something different from itself, logic generates logic, a never ending recursion, tied into sensations, events, slabs of Mass Energy colliding with other slabs and creating language, thoughts and meanings all associated with memories, pain/pleasure circuits, past memories defining the present state of reality etc. Thought is our measuring device, we measure everything with our thought – logic – language, and measure our own thought constantly with the only measuring device we have. Any event and interaction is translated in a denotation, a symbol, a thought event, a sequence and process.
    Anything can relate to anything, decompose thought itself, outside of your mind, external matter is crystallized thoughts, but thought is just a word anyways, another sequence of symbols, never ending, connections, interactions, events. The rock on the floor is the real mind and thought, your thought is simply a piece of trash on the sidewalk for the rock…

  205. ozone November 29, 2011 at 9:39 am #

    Another glaring indicator/warning sign on the road of devolution: Only the “information” that will be disseminated, will be what your gum’mint WISHES to be disseminated. Want to keep your gum’mint job? (Or, pretty soon, ANY job.) Shaddup then.
    SECRECY indicates, (yes, Virginia) there’s something to hide. Duh. What you don’t know can’t hurt you? Right?

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  206. ozone November 29, 2011 at 9:41 am #

    ^The only^
    Sheesh; very little mind left over h’yar.
    Oh well, it was fun losing it. ;o)

  207. ozone November 29, 2011 at 9:48 am #

    @ Dale,
    Thanks for the tap-on-the-shoulder from Mario Savio.
    What goes around comes around. Here we go again; but maybe the last carousel spin.

  208. welles November 29, 2011 at 10:00 am #

    Right on, Welles. I have been saying for years that the higher education system in America is a total scam. It is an elitist racket which continuously cranks out sausages nobody will eat.
    right on brother. but how can you make it PAINFUL ENUF to the 19-year old so that he VISCERALLY FEELS how stupid it is to WASTE money, and DESISTS???
    that’s some elusive magic, worth its weight in gold…
    peace peaceniks

  209. ozone November 29, 2011 at 10:20 am #

    That’s why it’s SOLD to 18/19 yr. olds; they aren’t yet properly anxious about the future (and future debt). (Does the word “recruitment” ring any bells in this arena?)

  210. yaco8 November 29, 2011 at 10:30 am #

    2012 shakedown: Unscientific, or Premonitory?
    I don’t ‘believe’ in anthropogenic climate change, there is enough scientific evidence to just prove it. And strictly from an ecological perspective, I don’t think business-as-usual is possible.
    But this forum seems to ‘believe’ quite strongly that 2012 will be ‘the end of the world as we know it’, there is a ‘coming shakedown of the old paradigms’, and that we should prepare..
    Nostradamus, or Falun Gong, both strong supporters of 2012 doomsday, is not really evidence. Bubbles and crashes within the capitalist system is not something new and was recognized as an intrinsic part of capitalism by Marx.
    So what’s new? May I ask, what is the scientific evidence?

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  211. charliefoxtrot November 29, 2011 at 10:52 am #

    so the udall family continues the tradition of trying to do good for america and ‘her’ citizens…kinda doubt we ll get THAT ammendment passed: waaaay too much power at stake…and that is, after all what is at the crux of most of our problems as a people of this planet: the exercise of power- the power of money(wal-street), entrenched interests(lobbyist-owned congress), and military industries- versus the regulation of these blocs of power-mad sociopaths in the interests of our common good as humans, and as stewards of this increasingly fragile home…i can t believe there was no outcry about executive overreach for alawlaki (whether he deserved it or not is moot, since there WAS NO TRIAL- oh wait, that was the point…) now they can come for you if your name is bob, or joe, or tom…problem is, by then it ll be too late- if anyone even knows you are crying, that is…the time is now, People, to stand up for what little is left of democracy: “They” won t just decide to “give it all back; just kidding about shredding your constitution and rights…”

  212. dale November 29, 2011 at 11:04 am #

    The attachment below is an interview with an economist by the BBC show Hardtalk. It’s the kind of well reasoned discussion that simply won’t fly in the U.S. media because no one’s head is exploding. What I call the “Jerry Sprigerizing” of discourse. Good stuff, if you actually want information, and well reasoned opinion, without the hysterics.

  213. dale November 29, 2011 at 11:09 am #

    A breakthrough in Cold Fusion technology?
    Thanks for the link. I’ve been seeing this sort of thing forecasted for two or three years now. Unfortunately, I don’t have the scientific knowledge to evaluate the article, but it seems to bring forward the possibility at some point in the future of something I do think is both possible and revolutionary…..electricity too cheap to meter.

  214. progress2conserve November 29, 2011 at 11:14 am #

    I heard from Tripp via email, a couple of days ago.
    They’re doing fine – working on the property acquisition and (hopefully?) their move to northern Georgia.

  215. dale November 29, 2011 at 11:20 am #

    @ Dale,
    Thanks for the tap-on-the-shoulder from Mario Savio.
    Your welcome, I’ve always considered the last thirty seconds of that speech to be right up there with MLK and his “I have a dream” speech. More passionate, but just as eloquent. Here’s the last 30 seconds again, for good measure.

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  216. progress2conserve November 29, 2011 at 11:21 am #

    “cold fusion…..possible and revolutionary…..electricity too cheap to meter”
    Possible, dale, but I’m not holding my breath.
    I’ve been poking around the internet – trying to find those PV solar panels that SolarGuy was talking about – for $1.00/watt.
    But everything I’m finding is in the $2-3/watt range. SolarGuy – any advice or websites to suggest?
    Oh yeah, dale – BP, as in British-Oil-Volcano-in-the-Gulf-Petroleum – that BP.
    BP is already marketing (manufacturing?) solar panels in the $3.00/watt range.
    So – the major energy companies are likely to always be the major energy companies. And they are likely to be opposed to “to cheap to meter.”

  217. dale November 29, 2011 at 11:28 am #

    The Wizard Whose Crystal Ball Is Always Wrong.
    Yes, Jim is an excellent architectural critic, who fortunately is in way over his head when he tries to apply the same mental horsepower to economics and larger social issues. Fun reading however!

  218. Widespreadpanic7 November 29, 2011 at 11:29 am #

    Hey what’s going on with the Chevy Volt, beside the fact nobody wants to buy one even with a $7000 govt. subsidy?
    Pope Electric, 1900-1915, Hartford, CT
    Miles you could drive on one charge: 40 miles.
    Reason for demise: tendency to burst into flames.
    Chevy Volt, 2010-2011, Detroit, Michigan
    Mile you could drive on one charge: 40 miles
    Reason for demise: tendency to burst into flames.
    Who said history doesn’t repeat itself.

  219. Buck Stud November 29, 2011 at 11:33 am #

    JHK writes:
    “Think of what you do in it as a “role,” or a “vocation,” or a “trade,” or a “calling,” or a “way of life,” rather than a “job.” Imagine that life will surely go on, even civilized life, though it will be organized differently.”
    That’s a beautiful sentiment and I presume it is directed at those who chose occupations based solely on earning potential. And yet, even on this blog the utilitarians and pragmatists denounce areas of study not deemed practical in today’s current economic climate.
    There are many of us who did indeed choose occupations as a “calling” or “way of life”. And while it may be romantic to think of getting paid in bushels of corn in exchange for carving a family farm sign in the new paradigm, the old paradigm will still be nipping at my heels demanding cash. Call it the trauma of transition if you will, but I call it getting fucked coming and going.
    Fucked in the upcoming new paradigm for the aforementioned reasons, and aesthetically fucked in the current paradigm because of mass ignorance. Nine times out of ten, a client judges a carving by running their hands over the wood to feel for smoothness. If the hand feels smoothness, and the process of carving obliterated by abrasive sandpaper, the philistines are satisfied in a tactile sense. Never mind looking with eyes at the form itself, it must feel like a formica counter top.
    The faceted, masculine magnificence of an Omar Eldarov bust carved in wood, sigh…look at those beautiful tool marks proudly displayed:

  220. dale November 29, 2011 at 11:37 am #

    The faceted, masculine magnificence of an Omar Eldarov bust carved in wood, sigh…look at those beautiful tool marks proudly displayed:
    I donno….maybe it helps if you are a carver yourself, to see the beauty in the tool marks. I remember a marble torso of a Roman leader, Marius maybe, that almost came alive it was so real and vibrant. Eldarov’s bust will never do that for me.

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  221. greyghost05 November 29, 2011 at 11:37 am #

    Shaka, are you talking about “THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNERD ELDERS OF ZION ?”
    I read that stuff back in the 70’s. Way out there even for me.
    When it does hit the fan things will become stressful for sure. Like someone mentioned earlier, just think how it will be when the Behavioral’s can’t get their Prozac or Adderal ?
    Lock & Load !

  222. dale November 29, 2011 at 11:41 am #

    And they are likely to be opposed to “to cheap to meter.”
    The truly revolutionary stuff always comes as a surprise, and it’s also too overwelming to be resisted or covered up.

  223. progress2conserve November 29, 2011 at 11:43 am #

    Several interesting posts, amr – and a nice analysis of the music business and Big Burly Bar Bouncers. (BBBB?)
    And as regarding:
    “After that experience, I’m convinced that euthanasia is a lot more common than is publicly reported.” -amr-
    Yeah, maybe – – I think the Lethal Dose for some of the old line opium derivatives, is closer to the Effective Dose than is true of more modern painkillers.
    But then again, Lortab etc. have so much Tylenol in them that death due to liver damage may be waiting in the wings, anyway. Especially if the patient chooses to mix in a little ethanol for psychic pain relief.
    And I’ve said it before on here. All my family and all my doctors are on notice from me that if they let me die in pain that can be avoided with drugs – that I will come back and I will haunt them. IOW – if I end my last days under medical care – my every intention is to float out in a fog of “snow,” as you call it.
    And if I’m the least bit conscious – I think I’d like to be happy and laughing with visitors about my impending “crossing over.”
    Of course, I’ve also told my boys to have me cremated and spend the money that would have gone for a casket on a keg of good beer for a funeral party.
    Different strokes/different folks.

  224. wagelaborer November 29, 2011 at 11:49 am #

    Wait! What’s that about bird flu?
    I have been torn about the ruling class’ plans for a while.
    World War 3? Or a pandemic? Or both?
    Remember that even in the industrial slaughter of WW1, it was the flu (then called swine flu) that killed many millions more than the actual war.
    In 2001, after the anthrax attacks, everyone at my work (and every other hospital in the US) was approached about whether I would take a smallpox vaccination.
    “Smallpox? Smallpox? The disease that was declared eradicated on Earth in 1979? And only the US and the USSR have stores of it? And when Gorbachev proposed to Reagan that they both destroy their stocks, Reagan said NO? If you want to protect me from smallpox, destroy the virus, which is stored in Atlanta!!”
    So she looked at me, and said, “I’m marking you down as a no.”
    The interesting thing is that half of us said no. No one else had my reasons, but they said no anyway, and the idea was dropped.

  225. progress2conserve November 29, 2011 at 11:57 am #

    Interesting post back to me, Vlad.
    But you missed my main point – in my original short post to you.
    So – here it is again –
    Out of all the possible topics this week-
    Why did you lead with a divisive and hateful one, Vlad.
    You’re not doing your -self declared- cause a bit of good, by doing this. Are you aware that there might be better approaches.

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  226. wagelaborer November 29, 2011 at 11:59 am #

    For a while, they were hyping new pandemics regularly.
    Remember the one from China? And the one from Mexico?
    As I pointed out at the time, they said it was from Mexico, and was composed of a swine and bird flu mixture. But no pigs or birds were sick in Mexico.
    And they didn’t close the border.

  227. wagelaborer November 29, 2011 at 12:07 pm #

    It’s not just bars, it’s airports, buildings and trains.
    Now they can stop people walking on the street and ask for their papers, and arrest them if they don’t have any.
    Did you see the guy who was tasered in the library because he didn’t have ID?
    Now they want to make you show ID to vote and to go to school.

  228. wagelaborer November 29, 2011 at 12:09 pm #

    I agree, and so do most people.
    Why live for a couple more weeks in excruciating pain?
    It’s true that they used to withhold painkillers from the terminally ill, so that they wouldn’t get “addicted”, and get up off their deathbed and start mugging people, or something.
    If I’m dying, give me the damn morphine.

  229. mika. November 29, 2011 at 12:14 pm #

    We could have a decent society if we could get past the idea that banker-created money is real wealth, and must be paid for, with interest, by real labor.
    Banker created or gov mafia created money is a way to create and maintain monopolies. There is no difference between the two. What you want to do is move away from centralized currency and move towards pear-to-pear exchange. This is what made Europe prosperous in the middle ages, before the Vatican (bankers) and the aristocracy (government mafia) killed this pear-to-pear exchange by way of force, statist propaganda, and the corporations.
    I highly recommend Douglas Rushkoff’s books, particularly Life Inc., as a good introduction to this subject.

  230. turkle November 29, 2011 at 12:23 pm #

    What if you don’t have any pears?
    Also, I wouldn’t want to buy a new Lexus with pears. Presumably I’d need a couple dump trucks full.

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  231. tegmark November 29, 2011 at 12:25 pm #

    You may want to read “Science is Arbitrary”, “The Myth of Science” and “Instant Singularity – part 3” under the Natural Sciences forum of ilovephilosophy (you may google it) if you like science fiction philosophy.

  232. turkle November 29, 2011 at 12:29 pm #

    Cold fusion has already been done, i.e. for short periods and releasing a relatively small amount of energy. The trick is to get more energy out than gets put in and to make the whole contraption sustain the reaction. In terms of complication, these things make nuclear power plants seem simple. The ones I’ve read about use multiple neutron beams fired into a plasma that is contained in a super powerful magnetic field. The plasma can’t be allowed to touch anything, being that is it in the solar temperature range. The differential between the hot and cold parts of the plasma is used to drive the power output. One of the (many) problems is containing this chaotic plasma, which is prone to strange non-linear effects, inside a B-field without letting it touch and vaporize the surrounding vessel.
    Or some such. Really, I think it will never work.

  233. ccm989 November 29, 2011 at 12:32 pm #

    I like the idea of an economic “reset” but how do ya get the powers that be to go along with that? The banksters just cannot steal enough money. Too much is just not enough for them. Maybe billionaires like the Koch Brothers will continue to sink their money into candidates like Herman Cain, the serial harasser, who now has a girlfriend come forward to discuss their 13 yr. long affair. Apparently the Koch Brothers don’t vet their Tea Party candidates at all. How many millions did they sink into that smuck? Apparently for billionaires, they aren’t actually that smart after all. I can only hope their own greed and stupidity will do them in.

  234. turkle November 29, 2011 at 12:32 pm #

    Yeah, the secret, mysterious cold fusion test in which the reactor was still connected to an external power supply was carried out at the University of Bologna. LOL. You can’t make this stuff up!

  235. wagelaborer November 29, 2011 at 12:32 pm #

    Great link, Ozone.
    So many people are carefully documenting the advent of totalitarianism in the US. There goes the Bill of Rights, there goes habeus corpus, there goes the bans on torture, murder and assassination.
    Tomorrow the Senate is voting to allow the military to arrest anyone anywhere on the planet (or as our ruling elite call it – the battlefield) and throw them in prison forever, without charges or trials, based on secret “evidence”, that can’t be challenged.

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  236. turkle November 29, 2011 at 12:35 pm #

    “Science is Arbitrary”
    You’re a bozo.

  237. mika. November 29, 2011 at 12:36 pm #

    Where you going all dressed up with a new Lexus? Why do you feel you need a new Lexus to go shopping for pears? If you don’t have any pears, get some bananas! 😀

  238. rippedthunder November 29, 2011 at 12:39 pm #

    Wage, would you please pass the mashed potatoes and the IV drip.

  239. wagelaborer November 29, 2011 at 12:41 pm #

    They won’t go along with it. It just has to be done. FDR refused to submit to the economic royalists. He ridiculed them for wanting more credit after the massive failure of credit.
    Our leaders give them more credit.
    Some have pointed out that even Reagan sent over one thousand banksters to prison.
    Not Obama. He wants to look forward, not backward.
    If a woman can get 3 years for fraud, netting her $4,000, the banksters should get multiple life sentences.

  240. rippedthunder November 29, 2011 at 12:41 pm #

    Hi Turk, if COLD fusion requires a plasma heated to solar temperatures what would HOT fusion be like? Just askin’ ;o)

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  241. charliefoxtrot November 29, 2011 at 12:56 pm #

    the sun…?

  242. John D November 29, 2011 at 12:57 pm #

    That Americans’ Thanksgiving weekend consumption of billions of dollars of Asian manufactured, petroleum based junk is considered a “good news” story says it all. Bend over.

  243. mika. November 29, 2011 at 1:30 pm #

    Pat Condell: The gathering storm

  244. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 1:47 pm #

    What about “public health” – a real concept despite its many abuses. Have vaccines ever been mandatory? I know they have been and are for many jobs. A significant number of parents are now declining to get their children vaccinated. Does this put the public in danger? Or just them?
    ID’s should be required to vote. We wouldn’t want any illegals voting now would we?

  245. Buck Stud November 29, 2011 at 1:55 pm #

    The nature of the material comes into consideration. Marble is ideal for high finish/polish; wood, not as much, especially on a bust. This is due to the grain patterns becoming more prominent the more it is sanded, which detracts from the face/features itself. Location is an issue, too. Pieces a long distance from the viewer should be carved exceedingly rough. Paradoxically, this results in a very soft finished appearance from a distance. Traditionally, many master carvers asserted that walnut, oak, cherry and many other hardwoods should never be sanded. But this doesn’t mean one can’t achieve a very smooth, polished surface with just hand chisels; it just takes a lot of skill and extremely sharp, high quality tools. And Gothic ecclesiastical carving in oak is never sanded, ever. The finish is straight off he chisel and the resultant facets shimmer like diamonds in the cathedral light.
    Contrast comes into play as well. Rodin would juxtapose a rough, unfinished area against smooth, polished surface. Nicholai Fechin did the same with his small wood carvings. The effect is extraordinarily beautiful. But it is done with a purpose and not for the sake of a Greta Van Susteren or Wayne Newton facelift equivalent.

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  246. mika. November 29, 2011 at 1:58 pm #

    Gerald Celente on Alex Jones’ Infowars
    Fascism: judges are in cahoots with the crooks

  247. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 2:01 pm #

    Why is “hate” bad Prog? It’s natural to hate criminals, traitors, or ignornance, stupidity, and want. Why have you let yourself be turned into a eunuch by the media? Learn to hate again – and rediscover your zest for life and love.
    Real Love is beyond the pairs of opposites such as love/hate. It is equally beyond both. If you would find it, learn to love and hate the right things, in the right way, at the right time, and in the right proportion. Too much hate is bad for meditation so one cultives indifference to the evil ones.
    As Confucius said, if you love the evil, how do you treat the good? Rather treat the evil with justice.
    As for your “concept” (programming) of “divisivness” – there are no words. All real life is divisive. If you are good at something, you will be envied. If you are the best, hated. If you a Good (in the real sense) you will be persecuted by the good/bad people. Of course, you could hire a Public Relations Agency to make your message smooth – and meaningless. The Masses need to be told what’s good for them. Worry about where you stand on the divides. Are you a sheep or goat? Or a Shepherd? Or a Goatherd?
    Keep reading my words. You are growing. You shall be the Plato to my Socrates. Btw, I know that you are ahead of me in other areas – such as math, science, family life, etc. I am not incapable of humility. I am in fact the most humble.

  248. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 2:09 pm #

    Oh but they are. The Norwegains have had to hire 1500 more police to combat the rape epidemic. They admit the Muslims are to blame but nothing must change. The dispossesion of Whites IS the sacred work. In Sweden, it’s a crime to state the obvious, that Muslims are the cause of the Rape/Assault epidemic. But after a lifetime of watching the BBC, you are comfortable with all manner of Stalinsit lies and tricks, aren’t you? You are incapable of Truth.

  249. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 2:13 pm #

    Wait till your alone. Go into the closet. Close the door. Turn off the light. Now whisper softly, “It’s the Jews”. Yes, the old men before Vatican Two were right: they’re trying to wreck our civilization. This is all exactly why they never given a free hand. Look what they’ve done to Banking too.

  250. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 2:18 pm #

    I like busts that are like unto marble. But simultaneously as soft as heaven to the touch.
    Teddy Bears smell blue, do they not?

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  251. turkle November 29, 2011 at 2:41 pm #

    “I am in fact the most humble.”
    Good work with the irony there, Vladdy. *golf clap*

  252. tegmark November 29, 2011 at 2:47 pm #

    Try it out, don’t give up, open your skull and stick stuff in it, it works, do it fast and be crazy.

  253. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 2:53 pm #

    Thoughtful article on the Titanic disaster – with statistics showing the great disproportinate loss of life among men and what this means for us now.

  254. Vlad Krandz November 29, 2011 at 2:56 pm #

    One can get the clap from playing golf? I didn’t know! I do know that a girl can get “preggers” (for Alex) if she sees a man’s ankles. Monty Python said as much.

  255. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 3:02 pm #

    JHK said:

    It’s really something to live in a country that doesn’t know what it is doing in a world that doesn’t know where it is going in a time when anything can happen. I hope you can get comfortable with uncertainty.

    Excellent lead in, JHK! Becoming comfortable with uncertainty is our task. You nailed it!
    There are so many things to feel uncertain about as we (the USA) go tumbling headlong into energy descent in a world where China is challenging us (surpassing us in infrastructure investment).
    I am wondering if China might not be looking to invest directly in the USA for projects related to things like energy, water, transport, digital communications and waste disposal, since China already holds over a TRILLION dollars of our debt and the Chinese probably don’t like the looks of our paper as our creditworthiness fails. Why not go for asset ownership instead of buying our bonds?
    We benefit, too, since our Congress is not willing to spend our own money on infrastructure development. They just want to cut spending.
    China has over $3 TRILLION in foreign reserves. They might as well put the money to work here in the USA.
    That idea might take your breath away. But becoming comfortable with uncertainty, with not knowing how many breaths we have left. That is indeed a worthy project.
    Thanks, JHK!

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  256. Widespreadpanic7 November 29, 2011 at 3:09 pm #

    Hey Vlad, Question, out there in Idaho is anybody doing any prospecting anymore, I mean simple placer mining in streams with a pan or maybe a small sluice? I don’t mean mines with heavy equipment and explosives. I mean the guy with a pickup truck with a pickaxe in the back.

  257. Bustin J November 29, 2011 at 4:08 pm #

    Yesterday I joined a group of people shouting in unison, entered the side door of the state capitol building, forcing our way into a wall-to-wall hallway of marble. We filled a corridor 100 feet long with about as many people. At the end, locked doors with State troopers blocked the legislative assembly. Legislators and other lawyer-cunt types made their way through the hallway to a meeting room on one side of the hallway, to a set of double doors with no doorknobs. Upon knocking, the doors were opened by state patrol officers. Inside, a group of lawyer-cunt looking suits sat staring at the doorway, illuminated in the glow of a Powerpoint presentation. Seizing the moment, several of us attempted to force our way into the room.
    Protesters are of average height and build; State Patrol officers are far above median height and weight, at least on this duty. The officers lunged forward using a blocking shove anyone familiar with the techniques of a defensive line in American football would recognize, flinging the interlopers back into the crowd, which began began chanting louder and louder. Hands grabbed at the door as they attempted to close it, and people began banging on the walls. The kids flung off by the officers had huge grins plastered on their faces. We began chanting at a deafening volume and began banging on the door. The crowd had filled this blind-end hallway and, having stopped, was almost paralyzed in fear and adrenaline. People looked about from face to face looking for something- direction or indication- to fight or flight, the urgency of emotion making staying in place difficult. The feeling was akin to what one might imagine having when one has entered a bear’s den without knowing when it would return.
    The psychological effect of being in an enclosed space with the threat of pepper spray, arrest, confrontation, and hundreds of voices shouting in unison was disorienting. Photographers were trying to figure out who to photograph, who to interview, and sheepish looking suits with forced smiles made their way past a crowd who ignored them, as cops stared across the sea of heads and fists with a studious expression of feigned disinterest.
    How was your Monday?

  258. Tancred November 29, 2011 at 4:36 pm #

    Hardtalk is just one of many excellent programs where people actually discuss things intelligently. I gave up on almost AL media except for BBC. Radio Australia is good too. Ever look at a Google “news” page lately? All the headlines are trying to titilate and grab your attention. I remember one day it was all about a “nip slip” of Nancy Grace on some dancing show. WTF?
    And that Hardtalk guy is relentless. He confronts the interviewee and cut through obfuscation disembling.
    That said, I like watching Rifleman and Police Story on the RTV and the MeTV broadcast sub-channels…not all US TV was/is bad.

  259. Widespreadpanic7 November 29, 2011 at 4:44 pm #

    What’s the point?

  260. anti soak November 29, 2011 at 5:33 pm #

    China Inc wants to own US Infrastructure:
    China’s sovereign wealth fund ‘keen’ to invest in West’s infrastructure …
    1 day ago – China’s sovereign wealth fund wants to invest in improving neglected U.S. and European roads and other infrastructure to spur global growth, the … Markets still buoyed by hopes Europe will come up with euro rescue plan …
    China ‘keen’ to invest in West’s infrastructure
    16 hours ago – China’s sovereign wealth fund wants to invest

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  261. Eleuthero November 29, 2011 at 5:59 pm #

    Ozone said:
    Instructive post, E.
    These indicators are part of the reason I believe the LE to be truly in “second gear” with the RPMs climbing. As JHK implies, there really isn’t any going back to the style to which we’ve become [too comfortably] accustomed.
    Firstly, thanks for the kudos. I think we’re actually IN a “Greater Depression”. Thanks to ALEXANDRA for the Steve Keen interview on BBC News about that very subject. Keen says that they didn’t even label the 1930s Depression as being such until 1939. You only know how bad things are when they are over and then you can see the carnage because hindsight is always 20-20.
    What makes this economic mess just a little bit different are the gyrations of the world’s central bankers to paper it over or, as we say, “kick the can down the road”. However, the WAY in which they’re papering it over is almost identical … i.e., more loans, more debt, socializing losses. This solution is like trying to “cure” a junkie by giving him a syringe of heroin.
    Keen’s solution is radical: 1) Declaring insolvent banks to be insolvent, 2) Temporarily taking them into receivership, and 3) Writing off bad debts through debt forgiveness. He says #3 will never happen but it’s the only way to hit the “reset” button. He says that doing #3 can be done in a way which does NOT punish savers but I didn’t quite get how that happens. I’ll have to view the video again.

  262. Eleuthero November 29, 2011 at 6:08 pm #

    Oh … an addendum to my previous post about something Keen said which is obvious yet not repeated very much by “pundits” i.e., You cannot have a healthy economy unless debt is taken on to engage in INVESTMENT in plants and equipment. Most of the G-8 debt has been taken on to SPECULATE e.g., buying a house during the housing bubble to speculate on further prices increases.
    Keen said nothing about high tech but it’s my opinion that 99% of the considerable brainpower being soaked up by companies like GroupON, Zynga, Shopkick, etc. in the Valley produce “products” with a true human utility close to zero.
    The USA, even after the 1990s, is actually INCREASING its investment in BOONDOGGLES while the utility grids, urban plumbing, and the rail system fall even deeper into decrepitude.
    What happened to American common sense … which was the sort of thing that put paid to “European superiority”. Now, it’s hard to tell which side of the big pond is operating under the greater set of delusions.

  263. dale November 29, 2011 at 6:09 pm #

    Or some such. Really, I think it will never work.
    Maybe, maybe not…..I’m not qualified to say, and I seriously doubt anyone else here is either.
    That being said, one thing I am an expert on is being surprised. Once you have been surprised enough times, you become humble regarding what is possible and what is not. I predict with near certainty that you will experience this effect as well…..if you live long enough.

  264. Eleuthero November 29, 2011 at 6:16 pm #

    Alexandra … in case you didn’t see my post a few posts above … thanks for the Steve Keen video on YouTube. It was excellent. What I like about the guy is that he’s NOT a “firebrand”. He’s a calm, sublimely rational guy who doesn’t raise his voice or do anything “theatrical”. Also, he cites historical precedent to back the truth of his suggestions.
    But, above all, I think he is absolutely right i.e., that we have been in a depression for years and will only know that it is so when it’s nearly over. If I were to add anything to what he said, I said it in my post immediately above about TECH … so many people making so many products with ZERO human utility. Yet this “production” adds to GDP.
    So my theory is that if you strip away the fluff businesses from the GDP you’re mired in a very deep and sustained downturn. The GDP, like so many statistics, has been so jury-rigged that it is almost meaningless.

  265. dale November 29, 2011 at 6:18 pm #

    “Science is Arbitrary”
    You’re a bozo.
    You just can’t mess with Turkle’s religion, can you?

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  266. dale November 29, 2011 at 6:21 pm #

    out there in Idaho is anybody doing any prospecting anymore
    out after a rain, you’ll see more panners than fisherman.

  267. DeeJones November 29, 2011 at 8:17 pm #

    “I like busts that are like unto marble. But simultaneously as soft as heaven to the touch.
    Teddy Bears smell blue, do they not?”
    OKEY….. Looks like Vlad is off his meds again, or self medicating.
    But this is better than his usual racist crap.

  268. DeeJones November 29, 2011 at 8:25 pm #

    Couple of things: Big Bad Bouncers – perhaps they are there BECAUSE of the gangsta clientele. I know someone who works bars. They don’t have bouncers unless they are really, really needed. Think about it, in some of those places the clientele would probably start shooting each other unless frisked for guns on the way in. I think those BBB’s are there for a reason.
    TWO: Anybody watching whats going on with Syria & Iran? Wonder just how quick this is going to go down? Are the Neocons dreaming of a White Phosphorus Xmass?

  269. yjmrnwdsw November 29, 2011 at 8:41 pm #

  270. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 8:53 pm #

    I don’t know what is going to happen with Syria and Iran. But I do know the bellicose Israeli-Palestinian nonsense in the Middle East is eventually going to have to end. Global warming will eventually produce a sea level rise that will cause the loss of a sixth to a third of the world’s land mass (and Tel Aviv is only 20 meters above sea level.) All the political bickering over patriotic attachment to that land, and the myths and tribalism related to that land, will have to end, because that land is going to be underwater.

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  271. Shakazulu November 29, 2011 at 9:03 pm #

    “The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now.” –Henry Ford, 2-17-1921
    “The same could be said for the Book of Revelation.” –Me, now (only this book is 2000 years old)

  272. loveday November 29, 2011 at 9:06 pm #

    Hey Bean
    WAKE UP. Nukes have been used in spacecraft since the 1960’s. Check things out before you get verbal diarhhrea ok. Seriously this info is out there easily acessible, just look. And yes, accidents have occurred before with spacecraft being launched unsuccessfully or unintentionally falling back into orbit. The most notable was in 1964 when a US sattelite re-entered orbit and broke up spreading PU- 238 globally leading to a “mysterious” spike in lung cancer. Whatever, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, so go back to sleep and quit bothering me.

  273. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 9:28 pm #

    Hey, Asoka!
    Here is a video showing Tel Aviv going under water.
    Al Gore was right.
    Vote Jill Stein 2012 for President.
    It is our chance to reverse global warming.

  274. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 9:36 pm #

    Hansen and Sato 2011, in press
    Hansen, J.E., and Mki. Sato, 2011: Paleoclimate implications for human-made climate change. In Climate Change: Inferences from Paleoclimate and Regional Aspects. A. Berger, F. Mesinger, and D. Šija?i, Eds. Springer, in press.
    Paleoclimate data help us assess climate sensitivity and potential human-made climate effects. We conclude that Earth in the warmest interglacial periods of the past million years was less than 1°C warmer than in the Holocene. Polar warmth in these interglacials and in the Pliocene does not imply that a substantial cushion remains between today’s climate and dangerous warming, but rather that Earth is poised to experience strong amplifying polar feedbacks in response to moderate global warming. Thus goals to limit human-made warming to 2°C are not sufficient — they are prescriptions for disaster. Ice sheet disintegration is nonlinear, spurred by amplifying feedbacks. We suggest that ice sheet mass loss, if warming continues unabated, will be characterized better by a doubling time for mass loss rate than by a linear trend. Satellite gravity data, though too brief to be conclusive, are consistent with a doubling time of 10 years or less, implying the possibility of multi-meter sea level rise this century. Observed accelerating ice sheet mass loss supports our conclusion that Earth’s temperature now exceeds the mean Holocene value. Rapid reduction of fossil fuel emissions is required for humanity to succeed in preserving a planet resembling the one on which civilization developed.

  275. progress2conserve November 29, 2011 at 9:40 pm #

    “Why is “hate” bad” -vlad-
    Whoa, there big fellow. I was simply making an observation that you are damaging the cause of White Nationalism by vectoring in on “hate” and “divisiveness” at the beginning of every single CFN week, as you tend to do.
    But you went all Karmic Golden Buddha* on me – so I will try to reply in kind.
    *great restaurant, BTW, I used to know the owners.
    But, proceeding on –
    “Real Love is beyond the pairs of opposites such as love/hate. It is equally beyond both. If you would find it, learn to love and hate the right things, in the right way, at the right time, and in the right proportion.” -vlad-
    All certainly true, Vlad. But – – what if now is the wrong time for hate? And what if you’re hating the wrong things in the right way?
    Or what if you’re hating the write things in the wrong way?
    Seriously, vlad – I had plenty of experience with hate, growing up in the South during the hot days of desegregation. (my boots were on the ground, you might say) I’m sure I could teach you a thing or two about visceral hate, Mr. Plato.
    I’ve lived it – and it doesn’t end well.
    And that hate – of whites for blacks – is a recent historical factor. So, when you couple that to the fact that Whites in the US still control most of the valuable assets, and by a huge margin.
    It might lead you conclude that always making yourself and your movement visible purveyors of “White Hate” – just might be – nearly 100 % – counterproductive to the genuine long-term good of the “White Race.”
    Or not.
    *this post is on a serious subject, but written with an attempt at humor.
    Oh yeah, BTW – was this for me?
    “Teddy Bears smell blue, do they not?” -vlad-
    – if that’s a message, I reply –
    “The whitest skin is dark in the driven snow.”
    So, alrighty then, Vlad – we’ve apparently authenticated each other using the prearranged code. Now, do you remember how to do the secret handshake?

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  276. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 10:22 pm #

    Asoka, you are busted! You love play the gadfly and to tell CFN about new seemingly large discoveries of oil, as if they are the solution to our crisis.
    J’accuse, Asoka! In the past on CFN you have pointed to the Tupi field off Brazil which is purported to have 8 billion barrels of oil in it. And, you have pointed to discoveries in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico thought to contain between 3 and 15 billion barrels. And, you have pointed to the 4 billion barrels in the Bakken Shale in North Dakota. It all sounds like a lot.
    Asoka, how long do you think a billion barrels of oil will last the world at current rates of consumption? Wait for it … The correct answer is 12 days. Just multiply these multi-billion-barrel discoveries by 12, and you’ll realize right away that they are a techno-miracle answer to our disappearing oil supplies. Whether you like it or not Asoka, peak oil is really here.
    Since you seem mathematics (and physics) challenged, I’ll do the arithmetic for you Asoka — assuming the numbers are correct about the discoveries that is 27 billion barrels. You mutiply that by 12 and you see it represents 324 days of world oil consumption. Since the numbers are probably all high, it’s probably more like a six month supply.
    That means TSHTF this year, Asoka, so stop being such a Pollyanna and such an idiot… we are in deep shit, Asoka. You make fun of CFN scientists, but they know the truth behind the CFN mantra. We are so fucked.

  277. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 10:25 pm #

    Damn it, Asoka. Get it right!
    Just multiply these multi-billion-barrel discoveries by 12, and you’ll realize right away that they are NOT a techno-miracle answer to our disappearing oil supplies.

  278. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 10:42 pm #

    Asoka, before you come back with some bullshit economic “free market” explanation to try to explain away peak oil, let me explain one more thing to you that you won’t hear from the politicians or from CNBC: At $90 a barrel we have seen at best anemic economic growth. Any thing above $90 will result in stagnation or negative growth. Since there will never be a return to low oil prices during periods of sustained economic growth, the chance of there ever being sustained economic growth is approaching zero. You won’t hear this from the politicians … not because it’s not true, but it’s not what the voters want to hear. Some of the politicians are in denial, but many know what we face. The smarter ones also know there is little we can do about it. So, all we get from the politicians are attempts to blame the other tribe. I repeat: WE ARE SO FUCKED!

  279. BeantownBill November 29, 2011 at 10:53 pm #

    The point is don’t exaggerate to the extreme. No way did the probe lift off with many tons of plutonium, a significant fraction of the militant US’s supply, and for what, a probe to Mars? Maybe to defend itself against any hostile intent by martians? Logic indicates this couldn’t be true.
    I may have been harsh with you, but one of my pet peeves is someone sending a wrong message about my favorite topic, space exploration.

  280. IxNoMor November 29, 2011 at 11:10 pm #

    LOL, Soker, you are sooo off the deep end, arguing with yourself sarcastically (ironically?)! I’d suggest a sock-puppet next time. And, I had to giggle a lil’ bit inside, from this one of yours. Good thing your cardboard boxes full of master-debate material have supporting data from each side…
    Raygl00 bleated:
    “What the hell will people do for pain relief? (i mean strong pain relief for severe pain and cancer) without the oil intensive pharm industry?
    Presumably we would need to grow opium”
    There were plenty of Asians out here growing poppies, in the WA/OR northwest – so many, that they were getting arrested hand over foot about 5 years ago. So, you don’t need the Afghan/Pakistan (Taliban-less) desert to get this crop to grow.
    Yet, I’d recommend marijuana (if you can actually get seeds now – LOL, ain’t it all cloned GMO seedless crap now?). This crop is a weed – it needs little to no fertilizer, pesticide, or herbicide. It will literally grow out of concrete without water. Just kill off all the male plants, and stress the female plants hardcore (12 hour flowering cycle for 6-9+ months) until they fertilize themselves (hermaphrodite).
    Great crop – excellent for rope and paper, and the greens are awesome for vita-rich salads. The seeds are an awesome source of nutrients, protein and beneficial vegetable oil (Ooo! Ethanol anyone?). What can’t be used for paper/rope/salad/seed(/fuel/*smoke*), can be composted (LOL – I’m not seeing any leftovers).

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  281. Gus44 November 29, 2011 at 11:13 pm #

    Agreed. These threads are fun until the Jew haters and other assorted nutbags descend on them. By Monday evening they’re usually no longer worth it.

  282. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 11:18 pm #

    And, I had to giggle a lil’ bit inside, from this one of yours.
    We have six months of oil left before TSHTF … and you are giggling? This is serious, man. There is probably nothing more serious than peak oil (except maybe illegal immigrants entering the USA). The lights are about to go out, my friend. No more internet. No more 3,000 mile salads. No more food on grocery store shelves as truckers park their trucks for good. No more heat in winter or air-conditioning in summer. People are going to be dying like flies. It is really nothing to giggle about. And it is on schedule for 2012. How the Mayans did it, I don’t know … but 2012 is the year of the Apocalypse, the year our lives change forever, the year the planetary mass extinction event begins. We are so fucked.

  283. BeantownBill November 29, 2011 at 11:37 pm #

    Further info on the Mars probe: It contains 10 pounds of plutonium, not “many tons”. However, on further thought, there is some health hazard, as we all know plutonium is very deadly. NASA estimates there’s a 1 in 420 chance of a possible release in the event of an accident. That is a very small risk, with very limited exposure.
    and that’s if an accident occurs.

  284. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 11:39 pm #

    Good thing your cardboard boxes full of master-debate material have supporting data from each side…

    In a poem Seng-ts’an writes: “Do not seek the truth; only cease to cherish opinions.”

  285. BeantownBill November 29, 2011 at 11:40 pm #

    Lol. Sarcasm can be funny.

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  286. turkle November 29, 2011 at 11:43 pm #

    It is the return of eigthm (I think), so, yes, dale, he is a bozo.
    That said, how in hell could science be my religion? The two are diametrically opposed philosophies. Makes no sense. That’s like saying that a banana is my steak dinner. They don’t provide the same things.
    One posits proof of theories by repeatable experiment, and the other asserts that we can known the truth through blind faith and ancient hogwash printed in sacrosanct holy books. They couldn’t be any different, really.
    Religion actually has (the wrong) answers to questions like…
    What is the meaning of life?
    Where do we go when we die?
    Science, not so much on the first one, and no comforting answer on the second. (When you die, you’re dead, like the ant you just stepped on.)
    Shit, do we need to have this lame discussion every week about how religion is completely bogus crap and science is the only effective way the human race has found of arriving at the truth? 😉

  287. BeantownBill November 29, 2011 at 11:43 pm #

    Then what’s left is the truth.

  288. asoka. November 29, 2011 at 11:53 pm #

    Shit, do we need to have this lame discussion every week about how religion is completely bogus crap and science is the only effective way the human race has found of arriving at the truth? 😉

    We wouldn’t have to … if we defined our terms. I have tried to do this in the past, pointing out there are seven different definitions of the word “religion” (chapter 5 of Wilber’s Sociable God on the sociology of religion.
    In one sense science and religion are nothing alike. In another sense they have commonalities. In a third sense, blah, blah, blah.
    I think what people are pointing out about you, Turkle, is that your relationship to science, your rabid defense of science, blah, blah, blah, is similar to the attachment some have to a particular set of religious beliefs. The attachment to the phenomenon is the same, even though the phenomena may differ completely.

  289. turkle November 30, 2011 at 12:23 am #

    Yes, asoka, and your posts and mine are the same in that they both use the ASCII character set and appear on kunstler.com. 🙂

  290. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 12:35 am #

    See, there begins the problem. You are making an assumption.
    You think that because you are using ASCII that I am using ASCII.
    I am using UTF-8. So, I can type words like güey with the umlaut over the u.
    But you are displaying another religious characteristic besides prejudging character sets: close-mindedness.

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  291. turkle November 30, 2011 at 12:44 am #

    The findings of science and “a particular set of religious beliefs” are not even close to equivalent. The first is based upon evidence/observation whereas the second is arbitrary. You probably can’t even get two religious types belonging to the same sect to agree on the specifics, because everyone has their own interpretation and takes/leaves whatever they want from the holy books, like a big religious buffet. (I’ll have Jesus is the Son of God but not going to eat the 7000 year-old earth.) Whereas the boiling point of water here on planet earth at a particular pressure is something that can’t be disputed, even if the Bible gives a different figure for it.
    The scientific method helps people arrive at an approximation of reality through careful experiment and instigation. That’s really what science is: a method, not a belief system in and of itself. Scientific theories derived from experiment can then be used to make actual predictions that turn out to be correct and to provide technology like the computer you are using right now. People “believe” science (and I even hesitate to use that mostly religious term) because it works, not because they think it is the end-all, be-all truth handed down from God. And theories are always provisional, as in “This is the best we can do right now.” When better theories arrive that better explain the data, the old ones are set aside. The age of the universe changed recently, due to new data from the Hubble telescope. You think the “theory” of the 7000 year old earth is going to be revised anytime soon by the Bible thumpers?
    On the other hand, religious people start by declaring that they know the truth, a priori, and then interpret the world from that standpoint, i.e. you are wrong because they sez so, not because they actually have any evidence to disprove your position. Nifty, eh? A real surefire way to win an argument or at last frustrate your opponent. I’m right, you’re wrong. God sez so. The end. No this is not up for revision when better data arrives!
    The two systems are diametrically opposed and, really, cannot be reconciled.
    So I don’t understand how it makes any sense at all to say that me defending a well-established scientific theory like evolution, backed by voluminous evidence, or the scientific method itself, is at all equivalent to arguing that Jesus is the Son of God because the priest says so, except that I am arguing for/against some position. That’s a purely trivial likeness, in the same sense that bananas and steak are both foods, or that me and Vlad are both making posts here on kunstler.com.
    And I dunno why I’m even replying to you, either, cuz you’re one of the atheists anyways! 🙂

  292. turkle November 30, 2011 at 12:46 am #

    Hahahaha, yeah, you know I’m probably using UTF-8, too, asoka. My bad. (But you get my point, don’t you?)
    See there, I just changed my position as new information came to light. That’s science.

  293. turkle November 30, 2011 at 12:50 am #

    Do you really think open mindedness is always a virtue? I’m far more enamored of skepticism and critical thinking. You know, I like to be careful about what goes into my noggin.
    Or let’s put it this way, as an analogy. Are you open-minded about Vlad’s ideas on race? Or prog’s ideas about immigration?
    That’s kinda how I feel about being “open-minded” on religious topics. I’m not willing to open my mind just so that someone can shovel a big load of shit in there. 😉

  294. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 12:58 am #

    Turkle, I’ve had a long day and really don’t want to get into this tonight. I will just repeat that you are using the word “religion” in the sense of received truth, or doctrine, or dogma, or belief (something in the mind). If I were using religion in that sense, I would agree with you completely: it is hogwash, it the a way to control the masses, it is pie-in-the-sky to provide answers to questions people have no answers for. I am an atheist, you are correct in asserting I am an atheist.
    But there is another sense which is more along the lines of spiritual exploration based 100% on pure observation. And it involves 1) instrumental injunction, 2) data collection, and 3) communal confirmation. There is no conflict whatsoever with the scientific method. I know I cannot convince you of this… especially not in two paragraphs. And I am too tired to continue writing. Hasta mañana.

  295. IxNoMor November 30, 2011 at 12:59 am #

    “like electronic versions of the defunct old S&H “green stamps”.”
    OMFG, my parents (MOM mainly) had books full of those stamps, back in the late 60’s/early 70’s – and even then they were almost completely worthless.
    Groupon, indeed. FacePlant is going public – w00t!!! It’s like the internet bubble of ’99 all over again. ‘Cept, it’s really the tuition bubble, that can’t be reset by bankruptcy now (thx DUMBYA ~2005!)
    As to WageLaborer’s son flunking out first semester at U of I Champaign/Urbana – WTF!!! He actually got hired after that? I remember going there (2nd in the nation at that time for EE, circa ’85) and dealing with all the “weeder” courses freshman/sophomore year. They were huge auditorium classes (60-300 students a class), in chemistry, physics and math. I made it a point to be in the top 1-3 students for each (my best was 2nd out of 300 in chemistry). I had already taken calculus 1/2/3 in high school (at ISU), and earned a 5/5 on the AP math placement exam (so first college math course was differential equations, which I ended up 1st in a class of 40 juniors).
    I can understand a dropout that does mediocre the first couple semesters, them bombs when the degree-centrist courses eat them alive. But, WTF – I still can’t understand bombing out the very first semester…

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  296. Buck Stud November 30, 2011 at 1:33 am #

    “I like busts that are like unto marble. But simultaneously as soft as heaven to the touch.
    Teddy Bears smell blue, do they not?”
    OKEY….. Looks like Vlad is off his meds again, or self medicating.
    Perhaps you haven’t known Vlad as long as some of us on this site, so please allow me to visually translate what Vlad was referring to:

  297. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 1:47 am #

    Not quite what I was talkinga about. But that is a fine image of me.

  298. Ricechex November 30, 2011 at 1:56 am #

    Let us add to that:
    “Right, right” (Even the MD says that!)
    “You know what I mean?” –a minor variation on “you know what I am saying?”
    “That being said..”

  299. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 2:02 am #

    You must love your people with a savage love. And you must hate your enemies with a savage hate. Two four letter words – get them tatooed on your knuckles and become a preacher. They are the Law of Amity and Enmity – the way of Life. If we walk that road, we will live. If we continue to walk the road of loving our enemies and hating ourselves, we will die.
    Political Correctness is not a philosophy of peace any more than Islam is. It just changes who the Enemy is. It is the philosophy of a traitor. That is has become the curriculum in our schools and goverment just shows that we are not long for this world. Hopefully some of us healthy ones will survive what is coming and will be able to get something going again.
    Of course. PC is Whites (like Alexandria) and Jews hating and oppressing other Whites. Blacks are just the tool, the weapon. Do I really have to harp on it Prog? I do talk about it a bit since alot of the Liberals here don’t get it and really believe that Blacks are divine or something. Making them believe so has been the greatest victory of the Enemy.

  300. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 4:26 am #

    Now the Titanic Titania!

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  301. zaxxon November 30, 2011 at 6:00 am #

    Many say we might want to visit the definition of wealth.
    The US has, and will always have unlimited wealth and natural resources. These
    treasures have not vanished in the ether. The land, cities, and the blood,
    sweat and tears of generations remain. Our nation has not diminished one iota …
    the only thing morphed is the corporate entity which controls this innate
    The thousands of new (and unoccupied homes) in California
    and Nevada haven’t been moved to a Steven King alternate universe, they are
    still with us; in all their abundance.
    No, the only thing to be resolved is he who controls these
    tangible resources…our nation’s real wealth. So…many say it may be time to
    separate the sharks from the minnows, i.e., the Banks and their lackeys, the
    U.S. Congress. Some say it is time to take back our nation.
    January 1st, everybody should move to The Mall; The heart and soul of the nation. The nexus of American political identity – the sacred place where history has been made – and will be made.If we Americans stand silent, then the bad guys win – the sharks will win…along with the loss of your children’s futures.

  302. Widespreadpanic7 November 30, 2011 at 9:54 am #

    According to the WSj, IBD, Financial Times, and the talking heads on CNBC, brace yourself for this was going to be the week of nemesis for the Euro, Europe, and the entire banking system of the western world. So yesterday we called my wife’s relatives in the north of Spain, brought up the subject of economic collapse. They didn’t know what the hell I was talking about. They asked me if we were all nuts here in he USA. When I called they were all about to go out for drinks at a bar owned by another relative. No worries whatsoever.
    Anybody else here getting tired of the paradigm, whereas every other week we are told by the Government, via Big Media, that we were right on the brink of total economic collapse, or a devastating terrorist attack, or a catastrophic bank meltdown, but they, the Federal Reserve, the Justice Dept., the US Treasury, whoever, saved us just in the nick of time? Whoo, it was a close one!! Lucky for you we were on top of it!
    How prescient was George Orwell’s 1984.
    Now it is 1984
    ‘Knock, knock
    On your front door
    Its the secret hate crime police
    they have come for your uncool niece
    Something she thought last week in the park
    walking home from work in the dark …
    (more later)

  303. progress2conserve November 30, 2011 at 10:29 am #

    “You must love your people with a savage love. And you must hate your enemies with a savage hate.”
    -vlad k-
    That first part is easy, vk, and does not generally lead to trouble. Certainly, one should love his immediate family – and it is possible that the Gods bless those who love savagely.
    But, even the most savage of loves, spreads out into the family of brothers, cousins, nephews, inlaws, and finally outlaws. And savage love finally becomes indistinct – and then becomes undetectable.
    (Analogy for you space and science lovers – Love at the far edge of your family vanishes, in much the same way that Earth’s atmosphere finally vanishes into the solar wind.)
    Ah, but hate, Vlad – savage hate never vanishes. Rather, it finds a target, and the target returns hate for hate – and this attracts other hate from other places.
    Vlad – you guys in the White Separatist movement are going to have to find a way to retain the beauty of savage love. I wish you every success in this, and it is a goal for me as well – as a Brother White Man, and as a fellow human being.
    But you’re going to have to lose the savage hate. Because visible, divisive hate is gnawing the White Separatist movement from the inside – while allowing other implacable forces a wedge – to attack from the outside.
    We see this happen every week – in a tiny microcosm – on the CFN discussion thread.

  304. dale November 30, 2011 at 10:29 am #

    Shit, do we need to have this lame discussion every week about how religion is completely bogus crap and science is the only effective way the human race has found of arriving at the truth? 😉
    Guess so……
    The problem with, science, is the same problem “truth” has in politics and religion. PEOPLE ARE INVOLVED!
    People determine the truth, more often then not, by an emotional reaction, not deductive logic. (listen closely here, it took me decades to figure that one out!) Anyone reading this blog for long should know that by now.
    Unfortunately, that sad fact is often true of scientists as well, they tweak the data (or shit can the data that doesn’t fit) until they get the answer they are looking for. Sorry, that’s just the way people are!
    Mostly, science works…..that’s right mostly. When it is at its worst it violates its own rules, and demands impunity for it. On those occasions (which happen more frequently than you imagine) science becomes no better than Galileo’s prosecutors, defining itself as the owners of the truth (they are the “church”) and insisting that anything that they don’t “own” (or can’t access) doesn’t exist.
    Turkle, you also should note that you SOUND like a religious person when you talk about science. You express a kind of absolute faith, and proudly proclaim your intolerance for anything else.
    Shout that shit in the mirror of your mind some time and see what you hear. It’s no different, you see?, intolerance in science breeds the same result that one gets with intolerance in religion……bias and distortion.

  305. old69 November 30, 2011 at 10:37 am #

    Science is totally Arbitrary as expressed in http://www.ilovephilosophy.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=176423 and Norway has 300 billion dollars in sovereign funds, they should lend all that money to Southern Europe, they shouldn’t be hogs. Give the money out free, it is free anways, the System creates free wealth and free lunches all the time.

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  306. bossier22 November 30, 2011 at 10:39 am #

    While I generally agree with you on your view of science vs. religion, I am sometimes glad for some of the codes of conduct that religions gave us. If some ignorant person thinks the earth is 7k years old it is ok with me as long as he knows it is not alright to kill, steal. covet, lie etc. Science did not give us a code to modify the behavior of those who would otherwise be savage. It doesn’t work perfectly, but nothing does.

  307. tegmark November 30, 2011 at 10:42 am #

    You may also want to check out http://www.ilovephilosophy.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=176611 The Myth of Science under the Natural Sciences forum of ilvphilosphy. Also, the USA has the best infrastructure worldwide, way better than most nations if measured in wide roads, large spaces, malls, homes (built cheaply though) etc. So why should the Chinese build the USA infrastructure ? They should just hire millions of Americans to do nothing at all and watch TV all day long, but give them a salary so they can consume the crap they build in all of those factories in China.

  308. 8man November 30, 2011 at 10:48 am #

    I am Tobor the 8 Man , and I am telling you to open your skull and through stuff in it. change how your brain works. How does the world look if your brain is an Atomic bomb that is exploding ? That is what I mean as in http://www.ilovephilosophy.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=172275 you get the drift, please billions of people open your skulls tear it all apart and do wild experiments, put car engines in brains, step on the gas, put skyscrapers in giant brains…

  309. dale November 30, 2011 at 10:57 am #

    BTW Turkle, there is a standard used in science, which you violated a couple of times in your statements yesterday; “the absence of evidence, is not the evidence of absence”

  310. progress2conserve November 30, 2011 at 11:01 am #

    “Science did not give us a code to modify the behavior of those who would otherwise be savage.”
    -bossier, to turkle-
    Well said, boss. I’m sure that some of the secular humanist/faith in science/Atheist folks on CFN are reading my exchange with Vlad with something approaching disgust.
    “Savage love?” HAH!
    Don’t those rubes, p2c and vk, know that love is just a human emotion, like hate, lust, or hunger.
    And don’t they know that the g(G)ods bless no one.
    Sorry, atheists, you’re not necessarily wrong – but your faith (Faith?) is misplaced.
    Secular humanism and faith in science – or whatever we decide to call it – is a product of well fed prosperous thinkers, generally with access to electricity and 24/7 police protection.
    Point being – a little bit of stress and hunger will bring out the primitive caveman – in the most enlightened Secular Humanist.
    The genes that encode our emotions and drives are NO DIFFERENT from those of our ancestors who lived in the 1860’s, or the 1950’s.
    If “science” and Atheism is going to provide guidance to humanity in stressful times – then some public pre-planning needs to be occurring now.

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  311. Widespreadpanic7 November 30, 2011 at 11:02 am #

    Now it is 1984
    ‘Knock, knock’ on your front door
    4am its the Secret Federal Hate Crime Police
    They have come for your uncool niece
    Forbidden thoughts detected in Central Park
    Walking thru late in the hoary dark.
    The Door bursts open, police rush in!
    “On the floor, on the floor”!
    You hear through the shouting and din
    Theres your niece up against the wall, held without pity …
    Looking manic
    Throughout the Frozen City
    Its WideSpreadPanic.

  312. Eleuthero November 30, 2011 at 11:02 am #

    Well, did I call what happened to the world’s financial markets today, or what?? As I suspected the EU’s “happy talk” as of a week ago was regarded as bullshit … even by themselves. The comedy of what is now in progress is that they have to LEVERAGE the EFSF fund AND get Germany to agree to “Eurobonds” AND get some help from the IMF.
    Of course, in exchange for ALL of this, there are all these loose proclamations that the PIIGS must pass rigid internal laws about their FUTURE budget deficits. The problem is that, like the USA, labor has moved OUT of the EU because the euro has made it too expensive for greedy multi-national businesses to fund even Italian workers.
    I predicted yet another gigantic “kick the can” scenario and, folks, this one is a DOOZY!!! As with the USA, the primary problems lie in the lack of BUSINESS INVESTMENT, debt-financed SPECULATION, and resource inflation because Thomas Malthus is now correct. Europe, like America’s Fed, is pretending that it is going to get blood for all kinds of turnips. Market optimism, as usual, is predicated on just that belief.

  313. progress2conserve November 30, 2011 at 11:04 am #

    Old69, Tegmark, Tobor, 8m, etc –
    If you are going to argue with yourself OR agree with yourselves – would you please have the courtesy of doing it under one common screenname?

  314. charliefoxtrot November 30, 2011 at 11:06 am #

    CSI FAIL: tracy lawrence, robosigning whistleblower, found dead in her home when she did not appear for sentencing for guilty plea in LV court…THERE WILL BE NO HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION according to LV police…big brother? more like big, bad daddy…daddy warbucks, that is…

  315. bossier22 November 30, 2011 at 11:14 am #

    The genes that encode are our emotions probably not far removed from 10,000bc either.

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  316. bossier22 November 30, 2011 at 11:15 am #

    sorry for the typo

  317. Eleuthero November 30, 2011 at 11:27 am #

    In a related post to my one above, the USA median home price fell to $212,000. Here’s a snipped from 10/20/11’s Huffington Post:
    “The median income fell in 2010 for the second year in a row to $26,364, a 1.2 percent drop from 2009, and the lowest level since 1999, according to David Cay Johnston at Reuters.”
    At the US Census Bureau’s site, median HOUSEHOLD income is at around $48,000 … an estimate from the $49,000 from 2010 given the known 2.2% drop from 2010 data. By the way, the $51K number which many sites give you is NOT TRUE since they usually use data 2 or 3 years out-of-date.
    Thus, an average house after the enormous national plunge in home prices since 2006, is 4.42 times income and even this is a CONSERVATIVE estimate since this presumes that the $48K of “median household income” is FULLY available to fund a home purchase. In reality, with Junior often living at home into his 30’s now and wanting in the worst way to get his own pad, it’s very statistically disingenuous to think that ALL of this median household income is fully available.
    Thus, if we presume that the average home is 5X “available” household income, this is still EXTREMELY unaffordable. Remember that in 1960, the average home was selling right about 2X household income. In fact, it was a bit LESS but let’s use the round numbers. FIVE versus TWO and in the TWO era, Mom was staying at home.
    This analysis has been provided for CFN’s pollyanna’s who insist that everything is just peachy economically. Even with Mom in the workforce, which was predominantly UNTRUE in 1960, the median home is 2.5X more expensive. If this isn’t a decline in standard of living, then, frankly, I don’t know what is.

  318. charliefoxtrot November 30, 2011 at 11:32 am #

    ‘predicated on’?! more like ‘manipulated by’…good call, nonetheless i still think ALL debts that are incurred by usury should be erased- credit cards, student loan interest, mortgage interest, etc…and in future, taxes should only accrue on money that is made from money, not on that which is “earned”, either through goods or services sold BY AN IDIVIDUAL…surely if we reduced the defense budget and eliminated the offense budget entirely, along with reducing elected official s salaries to minimum wage (that should guarantee a meaningful cost of living increase!), these steps would combine to reign in a sizable chunk of bullshitin’ while starting to rescucitate (Q-check?) our image around the globe- thereby allowing us to eliminate the DHS boondoggle; advancing our actual security AND our treasury at the same time…2%, anyone?

  319. progress2conserve November 30, 2011 at 11:43 am #

    OK, Vlad – you see how it goes now – and speaking of CFN as a microcosm of Life:
    You and I have become linked in the “Brain of Turk.”
    “Or let’s put it this way, as an analogy. Are you open-minded about Vlad’s ideas on race? Or prog’s ideas about immigration?
    That’s kinda how I feel about being “open-minded” on religious topics. I’m not willing to open my mind just so that someone can shovel a big load of shit in there.”
    -turkle, to asoka.-
    Thus does Turkle encourage and abet “close- mindedness,” on topics of Turkle’s choosing.
    Weird thing is, though – Turkle has expressed some willingness to see immigration numbers into the US reduced – as I recall.
    And I’m just messing with you with the third person address, Turk. You’re one of those whose ideas have internal logic, making them worthy of consideration – even if I may, sometimes, violently disagree.

  320. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 11:50 am #

    OMFG, my parents (MOM mainly) had books full of those stamps, back in the late 60’s/early 70’s – and even then they were almost completely worthless.
    IxNo and Eleuthero,
    On the subject of S&H Green Stamps you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. But I do.
    I worked 13.5 years for S&H. It was my first job after discharge from the Air Force in 1965. I was a traveling auditor for 4 years and a District Operations Manager for 9.5 years. At one point I was managing 27 redemption centers across NY, NJ and CT.
    S&H was an excellent and honorable company and a wonderful employer. (They paid my tuition for the 4 years of night school it took to get my MBA at Rutgers.) Technology made the physical glue-backed stamps obsolete but the company lives on as S&H Greenpoints.
    I have heard every half-baked misconception in the book as to why green stamps were “a worthless rip-off” so start firing away and I will respond to all your silly notions.
    The company began in 1896 and its peak annual sales occurred in the late 1960s at around $750 million.
    The Bienecke (Sp?) family who owned the company (until it went public under stock symbol SNH) used a portion of their wealth for philanthropy. At Yale Univ in New Haven, CT is an unusual building – the Beinecke Library (rare books) whose “windows” are shear white marble that the light passes through.
    A book of 1200 green stamps had an average retail value of $3.00 and a $2.00 cash value. It took expenditures of $120 to fill a book. Effectively, you were getting a 2.5% discount (3/120 = .025) on your purchases in exchange for your loyalty.
    Now, when you get all outraged and want to scream and tell me why the whole thing was just a big scam I will be here ready to explain why you are wrong.

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  321. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 1:08 pm #

    Now, when you get all outraged and want to scream and tell me why the whole thing was just a big scam I will be here ready to explain why you are wrong.

    OK, Q., I will accept your challenge.
    In June 1968 the Federal Trade Commission held that Sperry & Hutchinson (S&H), was violating 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 38 Stat. 719, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 45 (a) (1)
    The Commission found that:
    1) S&H improperly regulated the maximum rate at which trading stamps were dispensed by its retail licensees;
    2) that it combined with others to regulate the rate of stamp dispensation throughout the industry;
    The Commission entered cease-and-desist orders accordingly. [405 U.S. 233, 235]
    S&H did not appeal either of the above FTC findings, a tacit admission of guilt.
    1968 …. hmmm … Q, that is when you were working for S&H, wasn’t it?

  322. Eleuthero November 30, 2011 at 1:19 pm #

    I’m not 39, Q, I’m 59. Just because you worked for S&H only means that your view of Green Stamps is BIASED, not objective. My parents saved those things and, like such instruments nowadays, you had to save stamps REALLY DILIGENTLY … like it was a HOBBY
    or something to get more than the paltriest of final freebies.
    You, yourself, cite a 2.5% loyalty discount as the final result. And you claim that *I* don’t know what I’m talking about?? And that 2.5% is after diligent, constant green stamp accumulation. If you aren’t aware that a 2.5% reward for relentless diligent ISN’T WORTH THE EFFORT then you’re arithmetically challenged. You gotta be shittin’ me. Most people will NEVER go to the trouble for such a paltry outcome.
    For God’s sake … even CVS Pharmacy will occasionally give me a $4 E-coupon based on maybe only $50 in purchases over a few months. That’s 8% and all I have to do is hit the PRINT button my computer. Your own numeric calculations, far from proving how terrific S&H was, just showed EXACTLY what I claimed from the beginning … it tortures people for incredibly marginal outcomes.
    Gee, Q, maybe you should get a job at GroupOn. You’ll be in the company of people as deluded as yourself about their net contribution to society.

  323. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 1:27 pm #

    “it tortures people for incredibly marginal outcomes. ”
    I was around during the S&H furor. I licked more stamps than I care to remember. Maybe I have S&H PTSD?

  324. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 1:28 pm #

    Yeah Q I’m with E&A, Eleutherio and Asoka. I’m a good Rat and will press the bar to get my pellet. But 2.5 is barely a pellet at all. I want my 12% or no deal.

  325. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 1:37 pm #

    Well of course, personal love is different than national or racial love. In terms of duty and intensity, it trumps them. But in terms of loyalty, during times of crisis one may have to choose the Nation first. All seven of Guru Gobind’s (the last Sikh Guru) sons died in a battle against the Muslims. His wife screamed at him what have you done. He calmly stated that he had sacraficed the seven sons for all these other sons – as he waved his hand towards the multitude on the battlefield. A high state, no? Obviously our Elite cannot be the Fathers of our Nation since they don’t risk their sons anymore.
    Check out this from England. This woman is a real patriot and has been jailed for racism for speaking out. Her son in now in “the system” and may well suffer the tortures of the damned. And compare this Joan of Arc, this Marrianne, with a traitor like Alexandria.

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  326. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 2:03 pm #

    Yeah who knows what chemicals they put in the adhesive! Look at what they’ve done with the water: introduced a heavy metal called flouride that weakens the will. And why? To prevent carries!
    One is reminded of how they seek to surround Russia with missile bases? Why? To protect against Iran’s no existent missiles.

  327. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 2:10 pm #

    God really is Merciful. Here we are in a crumbling Nation with WW3 in the offing and we are arguing about green stamps. He knows we can’t deal with it and aren’t going to, so He provides peaceful soporofics to pass our time until the Hour arrives.
    Lord Shiva is infinitely tender with each soul as He lifts them out of its dying body. Nothing is more frightening to the incarnate soul than death. Therefore the Lord floods the brain with chemicals that ease the transition. These help the soul begin to exteriorize – even though in a coyote’s jaws (my missing cat I fear) the soul begins to view the scene as a third person from above.

  328. k-dog November 30, 2011 at 2:20 pm #

    It will go on and on until there are far fewer people competing for things while the ones who endure construct new systems for daily living based on fewer resources used differently.

    Could a rational adult response to the issues soften the landing? Would any lesser effort lead to a Solyent Green scenario of total resource depletion with the earth as sterile to human civilization as an autoclaved petri dish?
    Is the American System of Democracy even capable of responding to the challenge?
    Your Thoughts?

  329. wagelaborer November 30, 2011 at 2:35 pm #

    I still have a tent and a sleeping bag that my parents bought with S+H stamps.
    My son doesn’t like school. What can I say? I didn’t either. I rarely went to school my last year of high school.
    He went, but his grades slipped. He only got into U of I with a scholarship because he tested so high.
    Every time I hassled him about his grades, he pointed to his brilliant best friend, whose grades were also slipping.
    Then his best friend straightened up his act, increased his grades and got into Yale.
    I asked him how he did it, and he said “I just did my homework.”
    I’m not going to hassle my son for taking after me. It’s genetic, just ask Vlad.

  330. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 2:53 pm #

    Black Santas are wrong – not morally but archetypically. To send a kid to a Black Santa is to wrong him or her in a deep sense. And that’s not amore, but immoral. Kwanza is the Black Holiday or let them celebrate Christmas in the Voodoo way.

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  331. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 2:56 pm #

    S&H improperly regulated the maximum rate at which trading stamps were dispensed
    The standard rate of issuance was one stamp per 10 cents. The fact that you have raised this as an issue just shows how effective “trading stamps” (that’s what they were called in the industry) were. A gas station sees their effectiveness and puts up a sign saying “Double stamps on Wednesday.”
    Actually, I was unaware that this ever became a court issue. I expected to hear from you naysayers that half the stamps issued wound up in the back of a drawer and were never redeemed.
    And the outcome of this case was:
    The Commission entered cease-and-desist orders accordingly. [405 U.S. 233, 235]
    Woo Boy … if you don’t cease and desist we’re going to become really cross. No multi-million dollar fines?
    I don’t know how the argumentation ran in this case but I imagine it went something like this: S&H claimed they had a right to set the rate of distribution in order to protect all users of the incentive system. Remember, S&H would be giving up stamp sales if they were successful in putting a halt to “double stamping.” What other reason would their be than the greater overriding issue concerning the integrity of the system for all users.
    As to the second point – that it combined with others to regulate the rate of stamp dispensation throughout the industry – The success of trading stamps as a promotional tool was so great that competitors emerged out of the woodwork: Gold Bond, Blue Chip, Plaid, etc. I am unaware of all their business practices including rate of distribution but I notice that the court used the word “combined” not “colluded.” If these other companies issued 1 stamp per 10 cents (and I don’t know that this was the case) I would guess it was because there was a decades-long tradition established by S&H.

  332. BeantownBill November 30, 2011 at 3:04 pm #

    The cynical part of me says our society doesn’t have the capacity for a rational adult response. Look at how we, as a people, handle the issues that we have presently. What we do have is a high capacity for survivability. Humans are very adaptable. I remember my anthropology professor in college telling us that the human body is very unspecialized except for the soles of our feet.
    The more specialized a species is with regard to their environment, the more subject it is to extinction.
    My thoughts are in the direction that if things further deteriorate, they will do so gradually; then humans will adapt to having less, even if that means a severe drop in population. Of course, I’m not sold on the idea of any kind of collapse. The only sure thing to me is that the world will be different in the future – a lot different. As the I Ching says, the only thing that never changes is change itself.

  333. wagelaborer November 30, 2011 at 3:08 pm #

    “Turkle, you also should note that you SOUND like a religious person when you talk about science. You express a kind of absolute faith, and proudly proclaim your intolerance for anything else”
    Turkle, just let me say that that statement is bullshit.
    You explain the difference between science and religion very well.
    Only the willfully ignorant could equate your rational statements with religious beliefs.

  334. wagelaborer November 30, 2011 at 3:12 pm #

    Sure, if it worked.
    The US is the most religious country among the developed countries.
    Yet we kill more people than anyone else and our economy is based on stealing and coveting.
    To paraphrase Ghandi, I think that it would be a very good idea if professed Christians in this country actually refused to lie, cheat, steal or kill.

  335. turkle November 30, 2011 at 3:35 pm #

    Hey, prog, I didn’t mean to suggest that your ideas on immigration are wrong, just that I notice you clash with asoka a lot. Since he was asking me (kinda) to be more open-minded, I was just posing the question as to whether or not he is open-minded to ideas that don’t jibe with his “open the borders and let them all in” word view. 🙂

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  336. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 3:41 pm #

    Most people will NEVER go to the trouble for such a paltry outcome.
    The proof of the pudding …. etc etc.
    Think for a minute E before you write such nonsense. The fact is people in droves DID go to the trouble … and they didn’t think the outcome was paltry. You are disparaging the common sense of the entire population if you think people were so stupid as to save these stamps and were doing it for longer than Ford and GM had been in existence. The year I joined the company (1965) S&H had been growing continuously for 69 years. “Oh those stupid fucking Americans!!” declares E.
    E, you make a big issue out of comparing a 2.5% incentive with an 8% discount at CVS. I’ll go you one better. I have my eye on a particular desk chair at Office Depot. It lists for $299.95 but everyone except children and idiots knows that you don’t pay full retail for almost anything in Office Depot (or Staples or OfficeMax). What you do is you Google “Office Depot Coupons” or “Office Depot Desk Chair Deals” and you will eventually, if not this week next week, find that chair for $199.95. Discounts of 1/3rd to 1/2 are common. All this means is that the true price for the chair is $199.95 and the $299.95 price is for people too lazy and or stupid to do their homework. The world has changed since the 1960s.
    Hey you CFNers out there, don’t listen to Q, he’s biased by having 13.5 years experience in the business. Listen instead to E who is unbiased because he has NO experience and NO knowledge of the business.

  337. turkle November 30, 2011 at 3:52 pm #

    So you claim that belief in scientific principles can lead to bias and distortion. Well, bias and distortion from what benchmark? If you’re not going to use science itself to determine what does and does not exist and how reality functions, what will you use then? Astrology? Voodoo? Your feelings? You’re kind of painting yourself into a corner here. You want to question science writ large, but then you’re going to use science as a baseline (I presume?).
    I agree that humans have a tendency to forcefully argue the absolute truth of whatever position they are taking, as a debate tactic. But this is not science, per se. That’s just people being pig-headed, and yes, I agree it happens across the board. Why does this say anything about science? People on the internet do this on ALL topics, from cooking to auto repair. I don’t see how it means anything about science as a system of knowledge, just that people will be people.
    I simply don’t agree that belief in the 21st century equivalent of witches and fairies is at all equivalent to strongly defending a logical position based on deduction, experiment, and observation. They are entirely two separate modes of thinking, one based in fantasy and the other firmly grounded in reality.
    Your constant attempts to force an equivalence between all modes of thought smacks of a kind of post-modern relativism (but what CAN we know REALLY?). I think it is sophomoric myself. You don’t live your life that way, because it is just intellectual masturbation, rather than anything which provides you real utilitarian benefits (other than annoying people on the internet haha). In other words, that tree out there might not actually exist and it might appear totally differently to me, but in practice you and I both steer our cars around it.
    Also, you mistake vigorous intellectual debate, which is crucial for science, with dogmatic religious thinking. They are completely different. Sometimes, in a scientific debate, one side will say, “By jove, you’re right” and change their mind, based on new information. I’ve actually seen it happen. Name me one time that has EVER happened when you’ve been speaking with a religious type. It doesn’t because their mind is made up (brainwashed) from the minute you start talking to them.
    The controversies in science also tend to happen at the margins, e.g. where the data is inconclusive or our knowledge incomplete. And when someone does disagree, if they can provide adequate argument for their position, they are generally not called nasty names like unbeliever or heathen. Maybe they get the “crackpot” label, at worst, but scientists don’t suggest, like GW Bush, that those outside the fold don’t belong in their America, which is the kind of hysteria that religious types just love to promulgate.
    Again, there is a trivial likeness between me and a religious person in an argument, in that we’re both arguing some point, perhaps forcefully. But religious opinion, time and time again, has been proven wrong on pretty much every topic it broaches. Why, at this point in time, do I owe religious thought the time of day, much less any real consideration? All it is left with is the fuzzy non-answerable questions like “But why are we here?” God did not make the earth in 7000 years. We have geology and cosmology to explain its existence. He didn’t make Eve from Adam’s rib. Evolution explains the emergence of life on earth. etc. On every topic it has ever tried to explain, religion has been proven WRONG.
    How many times must the religious thinkers be proved wrong before you stop this false equivalence canard? At least when science is wrong, it changes its mind. Christianity is still stuck in the 1st century AD. Get with the program!

  338. turkle November 30, 2011 at 4:05 pm #

    Hey, dale, reread your post. You have some interesting points. It is true that human psychology is a big determinant in what people end up believing. I’d like to do some more research myself on the concept of belief. The big difference I see between science and religion is that the former actually acknowledges that bias can exist and tries its hardest to eliminate the human foibles from its conclusions. In other words, there are things like blind data analysis, peer review, reproducibility, etc. There is actually a whole set of tools for making sure that a result is not arrived at mostly based on how someone felt about it. Religious belief, on the other hand, seems to be mostly based upon the dogmatic pronouncements of religious blowhards rather than any objective assessment of reality.

  339. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 4:07 pm #

    Here we are in a crumbling Nation with WW3 in the offing and we are arguing about green stamps.
    Oh, the absurdity of it is not lost on me Vlad. But think about what I’m really trying to do here. The issue is NOT green stamps. The issue is listening to what passes as obvious and common wisdom from those with an ax to grind but no knowledge to grind it with.
    In other words, stop worrying about fucking Groupon. If it’s a bad idea it’ll fade like the proverbial fart in a windstorm.

  340. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 4:14 pm #

    JHK’s theme this week is Your New American Dream.
    I would like to report on one aspect of my new American dream, the one I have constructed over the past few years, partially in response to being a card-carrying member of CFN.
    As many of you know, several years ago I began to learn adobe construction so as to build my own small house in the Southwest, utilizing passive solar. (what Q pejoratively calls my “mud hut”)
    Today I received my gas heating bill for November: 66 cents ($0.66), less than one dollar for the gas and a $9.60 “access fee” (I suppose to pay the guy who comes out and reads the meter). I used 1.35 Therms @ 0.49 per Therm. Anyway it comes out to just over $10.00 for my winter home heating/gas cooking/gas water heating bill.
    If you are paying over $10 (ten dollars) for your winter home heating/cooking/water heating bill, perhaps you should reconsider your lifestyle choices. Or not. It’s up to you.
    I just wanted to let others know that all this hippie “energy efficiency” stuff works. I am very happy with my New American Dream for $10 a month.
    In the summer my bill is even less because I don’t use an air conditioner. I use a super-efficient evaporative cooler that refreshingly humidifies the air indoors.
    My new American dream is a dream come true. Of course, for some of you (Tripp, Vlad, etc.) my choice is not available to you. Tripp has written off the southwest. As for Vlad: I live near the Mexican border and love all my Hispanic neighbors. Good, hardworking, family-oriented people.
    My “mud hut” is comfortable, winter and summer, for $10 a month. There is something to be said for hippie values and for adobe “mud huts” …

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  341. Bustin J November 30, 2011 at 4:19 pm #

    WSP7 asked, “what is the point?” RE: occupy protesting.
    Well, WSP7, the point was to remind the lawyer-cunts and assorted Public savants that there are people behind the policies, that the fancy marble buildings they inhabit have a purpose, which is to serve those people. It is a symbolic effort, mostly, to communicate the reality of life “on the ground” to people whose lives are lived without exposure to to those realities, on behalf of not only ourselves, but everyone who is subject to the ruling class and their policies.
    In the same way you and everyone benefited from the countless demonstrations that swept the country for hundreds of years. We are the beneficiaries of countless demonstrations, revolutions, insurrections, throughout our history. All of our rights, many of our benefits, much of what is positive and progressive about America and its policies can be traced to direct action of some kind. You can point to any one of them and ask, “What was the point?”

  342. myrtlemay November 30, 2011 at 4:26 pm #

    “I would like to report on one aspect of my new American dream, the one I have constructed over the past few years, partially in response to being a card-carrying member of CFN.” A
    WTF? We were supposed to get cards! I want my freaking card! Jeez, two years and counting and no freaking card! (does the card get you discounts at restaurants/shops…the mall?)

  343. wagelaborer November 30, 2011 at 4:38 pm #

    Well, asoka, I want you to know that you inspired me to recently resume work on my cob horse shelter.
    Two days of hauling buckets of water, clay and sand out to the site reminded me why I quit 9 years ago.
    Good for you for finishing your project.

  344. Widespreadpanic7 November 30, 2011 at 4:40 pm #

    Well, BustinJ, pretty good answer to my pithy, somewhat irreverant inquiry.
    Taking on the State Police, fighting your way into the State Capitol … alls I can say is you got more you-know-whats that me …
    How did you get the day off from work? Call in sick?

  345. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 4:57 pm #

    These help the soul begin to exteriorize – even though in a coyote’s jaws (my missing cat I fear) the soul begins to view the scene as a third person from above.
    On Thursday 11/17, after they’d eaten, we opened the back door and the 3 cats (the litter we’d rescued a couple of years earlier) dashed out onto our deck as though to say “FREE, FREE AT LAST.” By noon and by dinnertime the two boys had strolled back of their own accord but no sign of Milli.
    This wasn’t entirely unusual. On the rare occasion, she’d stay out all night and we’d be grumbling “Where is that little slut.” But the next morning the sounds emanating from the kitchen would draw her to the backdoor.
    But the morning, and noon and dinnertime of Friday 11/18 came and went and still no Milli. And then Friday became Saturday and Sunday and Monday and still no Milli.
    We started to think of all the things that might have happened. Did she wander to a neighbor’s house, get fed and taken in? Did she get trapped in Joe’s garage next door? Did she go into the woods out back and run into some other, nasty, critter. We’ve got raccoons coming out our ears here.
    We printed out some fliers including a picture and nailed it to telephone poles up and down the block and then we dropped them into neighbors’ mailboxes on our block and the next. The mail drop took place on Thanksgiving morning.
    We notified family by email and West Philly son Thom’s girlfriend replied she would bring her cat-finding-Mojo when she came for T-day dinner. She and Thom were out for hours searching the area, shaking a little bag of cat treats with its distinctive sound and calling out her name. They dropped off more fliers at neighbors on the next block and then resumed their search in the wooded area across the street.
    I was watching football when Alexandra came through the door and said “we found her” and I blurted out “your kidding!?” before I even noticed her wiping away tears. Milli was just 50 yards away, dead in the grass next to River Road. She had been hit by a car.
    Vlad, I warned you about allowing a cat into your life. You fall in love with them and this is what happens … sometimes.

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  346. wagelaborer November 30, 2011 at 5:02 pm #

    Interesting story about asylum in Sweden – who gets it, and who doesn’t.
    We’ll see what happens to Julian Assange when England ships him Sweden.
    Will he be renditioned to the home-of-the-free to be tortured? I’m guessing yes.

  347. wagelaborer November 30, 2011 at 5:06 pm #

    Sorry about your cat, Q. That is sad.
    It is estimated that one million animals are killed by cars each year. And over 40,000 humans.

  348. myrtlemay November 30, 2011 at 5:11 pm #

    Very sorry to hear about your kitty. I’ve got 4 rescue cats (all female) and they’re strictly indoor cats (all raised as kittens). They’re all declawed on the front two paws. Heaven help me (or them) if one manages to get loose. One major drawback to indoor cats is that I spend a fortune in cat litter. I get plenty of excercise scooping out the boxes, though.

  349. myrtlemay November 30, 2011 at 5:15 pm #

    Speaking of West Philly, my family once lived on Woodbine Avenue (#6484) in Overbrook Park. It was a nice neighborhood at the time. Q’s son Thom probably knows what’s happened to it in the last 30 – 40 years. sigh….

  350. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 5:16 pm #

    MM, I designed my own and had it printed and paid for it with the money I get for posting to CFN. 🙂

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  351. Eleuthero November 30, 2011 at 5:34 pm #

    Q said:
    Hey you CFNers out there, don’t listen to Q, he’s biased by having 13.5 years experience in the business. Listen instead to E who is unbiased because he has NO experience and NO knowledge of the business.
    Yeah. Ooh baby … those 13.5 years of experience at S&H give you the “bully pulpit” and allow you to magnify the significance of the figure 2.5%. After all, those of us without experience at S&H wouldn’t know the meaning of the very idea of 2.5%. Yup. Ya had to work at S&H and ONLY at S&H to know the meaning and magnitude of 2.5%.
    Gawd. I’m glad we rarely cross paths on this site. Usually I just slide over your tiresome spelling-quibble posts without a moment’s pause of my mouse. You act like you are the sine qua non of erudition and literacy. Yawn.

  352. myrtlemay November 30, 2011 at 5:36 pm #

    With that and the money you’re saving from your utilities maybe you can re-create it on a web page so that we may all copy it and have one 😉

  353. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 5:40 pm #

    Of all sad things, the saddest has to be an indoor cat sitting on a window sill yearning to be free. And if let out, they would cower in terror for their hearts have been enslaved, an evil spell put on them by countless evil childless witches across the Western World. For all these cats, I offer up a silent Meow.

  354. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 5:48 pm #

    You must have know Abbey Cohen who used to post here. She’s very well educated, and likes Blacks more than Whites. In short, a well brought up Lady! She settled in the Ozarks so she could meet real Americans and show them what she thinks of them.

  355. Eleuthero November 30, 2011 at 5:50 pm #

    Turkle said:
    Do you really think open mindedness is always a virtue? I’m far more enamored of skepticism and critical thinking. You know, I like to be careful about what goes into my noggin.
    Some wag, I forget who, once said: “If you’re too open minded, your brains will fall out”.
    Like many tiresome, hackneyed cliches in English, the idea of “open mindedness” is one of the worst. When used, it almost always implies that the person against whom the term is aimed hasn’t investigated a certain issue or thought about it thoroughly. How would they know?
    Thus, the very use of the diatribe “You aren’t open minded” means that the user of the term fancies that they know your entire intellectual history and even that they have nearly psychic levels of ability to read who you are through a computer screen.
    Your main point, Turkle, makes OBVIOUS sense to 95% of the people on this site i.e., that it is DISCERNING INTELLIGENCE and CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS that are most absent in our culture, not OPEN MINDEDNESS. Open mindedness is often just ignorance and unawareness dressed up and sent to college.

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  356. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 5:53 pm #

    Thank you for your condolences, and mine to you. It must be incredible living with Cats who sing Negro Spirituals. Mine wasn’t all that nice, but she was a person to me and we did have a relationship.
    But who knows? Maybe we’ll meet them again. If Dale’s Tibetan Buddhism is correct, next time around we might be the cats and they the humans. Hope they give us half/half and not skim milk.

  357. jerry November 30, 2011 at 5:57 pm #

    Today is felt you wrote from your heart, which is full of sadness. I have to say your words were eloquently assembled into a crafted jewel.
    I have to agree with all you said. Europe is going to go down as we did in 2008. The EU Central Bank is liquifying their banksta pals, and the people will be taking the smackdown. The Banksta’s bond holders will get bailed out for their risk taking.
    The union itself is headed toward being told that they will have to pool their debt. Will that fly in Germany?
    A reset is a great viewpoint. #OWS protesters are feeling that this is what is happening, since they cannot find work that is what they were educated to do.
    Those who are resourceful, and adaptable will survive the best. So, let’s begin to look at those seed catalogues as the cold winter begins to blow in.
    Thanks Jim. I don’t always agree with you, but I respect your opinions 100%.
    Your admirer in Pittsburgh, Jerry

  358. myrtlemay November 30, 2011 at 5:59 pm #

    Perhaps your cat will return to you. My cats have a tiny balcony where they can visit the great outdoors, for what it’s worth. I’m just afraid that a squirrel will crawl up and get into a fight with one of them. Needless to say, I keep a pretty close eye on them.
    Don’t know the lady of whom you speak. It appears to me that there are more white girls going with black men than white men going with black girls. At least that’s what I observe.

  359. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 5:59 pm #

    Quite so. And the height of open mindedness is open borders in a welfare state. The same unknown wag said that a liberal is one who can’t take his own side in an arguemnt. Alas not entirely true: the tribe benefits from mass immigration – more clients! A bigger power base to raise the pyramid ever higher – until it crumbles as all ponzi schemes must.
    In the ancient Pythagorean Schools, the student was forbidden to speak for five years, focusing on listening and moral development. I concur with this. Many people who can think refuse to when their pet issues come up. Your equating a few guys wearing leather jackets at a Tea Party with mass rioting in Oakland is an example of this. You are rational and reasonable, but your paradigm often isn’t.

  360. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 6:08 pm #

    She’s from Philie and maybe a bit younger than you. I suppose it’s not as bad if a cat has never gone outside. Once they do, keeping them in would be torture. They seem to need to hear and smell the world as it arises moment to moment.
    I fear our Race is doomed. It amazes me that no one cares – even though they care about particular types of car or varieties of apple. Once our numbers have fallen much more, there is no way we can ever come back. Except if the new powers gave us some land – and they wont. Black Comic Chris Rock did make a joke about keeping some White Men alive as breeding stock though. Ah, White Liberals will be the last to know what’s going on. The very last.
    I will try to end my life in peace if needs be. But the bitterness will be very great. I pray for a great and sudden collapse to give the Free Whites a chance at life. Or I suppose we could convert to Islam and fight that way. Islam is trans racial but not overtly hostile to Whites. The Bosnians and Circassians are still White after centuries. The White North Americans may well end up fleeing across the Bering Strait to become pioneers in Siberia. We could become the sword arm of Russia in the East as the Cossacks are in the Southwest.

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  361. wagelaborer November 30, 2011 at 6:12 pm #

    Cats are bird killers. They shouldn’t be let outside.

  362. Bustin J November 30, 2011 at 6:29 pm #

    WSP7 said, “How did you get the day off from work? Call in sick?”
    Actually, WSP7, I live off the residuals of investments made by people I didn’t know on my behalf. These investments are in the broad economy, so basically, everything that happens- outsourcing, the latest gadgets, globalisation- all put money in my pocket. Not a lot of money- in fact, the residuals add up to an amount significantly below the poverty line. I have chosen to not contribute to the economy as a matter of individual participation, adopting a personal lifestyle of austerity. People like you work to allow people like me to protest on behalf of people like you. Its an absurd situation, but, at least I am not idle, and I am under no illusion that this enchanted state will last forever. These are stock market assets, after all.
    Everything is absurd in my world: I agitate to reduce the effects of the economy which feeds me. People who learn of my situation implore me to contribute to the economy which creates the damage I work to prevent.
    But when I look out into the society, all I see are a cascade of absurdities. People vote for politicians that act against their self-interest. Corporations use up nonrenewable resources to make temporary profits. Free people assent to tyranny in order to advance themselves within its power structure. People without possession of any original thought or truth-values exhort others to adopt their false premises. People act as if there is a bottomless well of free self-esteem available like a pot of gold at the end of the capitalism rainbow. Hardly anything anyone believes is real. No one seems to understand that the nature of disaster implies an inability to prepare for the moment of truth.
    Essentially, though, an absurd life is a uncomfortable one, whether you are viewing the destruction from a safety net or ground zero.
    As much as my daily food ration comes from residuals of globalisation, I agitate against it. America needs to get together as Americans, as people, sans jobs and social caste, and determine what is good for the Earth, and then align themselves with a new social contract. Austerity isn’t bad, its necessary.
    America can go one of two ways in the future- continual recidivism where the abominations of the past are recast and replayed, with the destruction of the natural world as a side-effect, or, become a force for renewal in the world.

  363. ctemple November 30, 2011 at 6:37 pm #

    I don’t think the Europeans are doomed, although it will be a long and difficult fight. It took Spain six or seven hundred years to expell all of the Moors from their homeland, but they did it, eventually, more or less. And I don’t really want to become a Muslim or a Russian.

  364. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 6:51 pm #

    To me open-mindedness means the willingness to consider a hypothesis and test it. That is my idea of open-mindedness … in theory.
    In practice I do the same as Turkle. I reject hypotheses a priori and proceed from theoretical deduction rather than from observation or experience. Time is limited. I can’t test every notion (especially New Age or religious ones) that someone presents to me, especially when the instrumental injunction requires a great time commitment.
    Even in the sciences we must have faith. I am not going to spend ten years studying nuclear physics to be able to repeat an experiment for myself and confirm the results. Mostly I trust the “experts” who have credentials, those who have shown themselves dedicated to a field of study.
    I only test those hypotheses of interest that seem most logical and most doable, based on my own previous experience.
    Since we all have different experience, YMMV.

  365. BeantownBill November 30, 2011 at 7:30 pm #

    Turkle, I agree with you about your viewpoint on science vs. religion. However, I think it might be helpful to remember that the human mind seems to be hard-wired to believe in the supernatural. While I would like to see religion go the way of the dinosaurs for all the reasons you are probably aware, I have to cut the believers some slack (unless they do bad things in the name of religion). Not everyone can overcome their upbringing and genetic heritage. Trying to change a person’s strongly held beliefs is a waste of time and energy.

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  366. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 7:39 pm #

    Exactly – Atheism is a Religion. And any attempt to equate Atheism and Buddhism be it by Atheists or “Buddhists” is sinister.

  367. lbendet November 30, 2011 at 7:40 pm #

    Trading cat stories
    Sorry to Q. and Vlad for your feline losses.
    As you know we lost our 15.5 yr old to a stroke in Sept. Our 4.5 yr. old female needs a companion so we picked up a young male makereral tabby with a siamese-like face yesterday from a cat foster care home.
    He is sequestered in our kitchen until we find out his test results for FIV and FelV which we should get tomorrow. We are a bit nervous, but hopeful he will be a great companion to Kayla.
    He is affectionate and of course playful, so we call him Moxi (prefer this spelling, Q).
    On a strange note, speaking of pets and my favorite topic: globalism, many of you might have heard about dog chicken jerky treats that have been responsible for 70 cases of fatal kidney damage to dogs in this country.
    I looked up the info on the FDA site and they will not discuss what companies are involved, only that they were produced in China.
    This black-out of company names is the worst case I’ve seen yet. A few years ago with the melamine cases at least you got specific names.
    My sister says our global corportists are fighting now not to let us know country of origin on labels.
    Here we go again with this model of capitalism. No concern for our well-being. Profit is the only value of consequence.
    Buying pet food is like playing Russian Roulette.

  368. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 7:44 pm #

    But your grandma’s 14 abortions were hunky dory? Or was that a joke? Either way, it’s Satanism.
    Cats need to be free. Babies need to be born. People need to abjure Satan – unlike Alinsky who dedicated “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer.

  369. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 7:51 pm #

    You act like you are the sine qua non of erudition and literacy. Yawn.
    When you are denigrating erudition and those who pretend to possess it it is wise to avoid the use of Latin expressions like sine qua non.

  370. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 7:52 pm #

    The forces against us are greater now and in the strength of youth. We are old, divided, and sick. Pat Buchanon had a chance when he ran for president, but stupidly chose a Black Women as his running mate. We may have to put the mantle of Islam, a Fighting Faith. We share a common enemies in the NWO and the Jews.
    The Conquistadores knew they were fighting the Muslims and the Jews when they reconquered Andalusia. After all, that’s how it was conquered: Muslims would take a town, and then a Jewish garrison would hold it and administer it.
    Anders Brevik will not stand trial because of “insanity” – he is an avowed Zionist and they don’t want that coming out.

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  371. lbendet November 30, 2011 at 8:04 pm #

    Cats need to be free.
    Apparently, not all cats wanna be free.
    My sister took in a stray female cat years ago, who surprisingly, never went near the door.
    She was more than happy to have a warm home and steady eats–and of course, quality company of two other cats and my sister.

  372. turkle November 30, 2011 at 8:17 pm #

    Atheism is the one true religion. 😉

  373. turkle November 30, 2011 at 8:19 pm #

    Your tin foil hat is on too tight today, Vlad.

  374. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 8:22 pm #

    Vlad, Rules for Radicals is dedicated to people who apparently helped Alinsky to put the book together and “To Irene” (presumably his wife)
    I had to check the original text. What you may be referring to is the page of quotations, at the beginning of the book, in which Alinsky references Lucifer.
    But the book is not dedicated to Lucifer. On the dedications page Lucifer’s name does not appear.
    Alinsky references Lucifer (on the quotations page) as a radical that won his own kingdom (apparently, Hell), but doesn’t dedicate his book to the Devil.

  375. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 8:25 pm #

    But atheism is not the only world religion which is a-theistic. God is a completely unnecessary hypothesis and god is absent from many religions in the world.
    And, Vlad, I am not “equating” atheism and Buddhism, just pointing out that one of the features of Buddhism is that it is atheistic.
    As Turkle points out, Atheism is the only true religion. 🙂

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  376. progress2conserve November 30, 2011 at 8:26 pm #

    Concerning our animals –
    Lbend, Vlad, and Q –
    Wow – it’s been a bad quarter for cats. I’m really sorry for your losses, guys. (generic guys, Lbend)
    I got my first dog when I was 7 years old. I lost her to an unfortunate set of misunderstandings related to a family move – about one year later.
    Every dog or cat that I have ever had – since that very first one – I have said LOUDLY, to myself and sometimes to others, “I will not get overly attached to you, you new dog or cat.”
    But, before God and everybody – I always get attached to the creatures in my life, despite my best efforts and mental discipline.
    I’ve noticed that a lot of older people that I have known – tend to try to “swear off” animals in their later years. I’m not sure why that would be.
    Some of it is the “fear?” of responsibility. If you have a dog/cat/most anything else – then you can’t travel freely, and you have to worry in the back of you mind what will happen to the critter should you pass away before it does.
    But some of it may be a stronger feeling that’s related to fear of loss, also. Dogs are gonna die before us – as a rule. And cats, and almost all other creatures are GONNA die before us as well. I’ve known some older people who have dealt with so MUCH loss – that they finally refuse to get another dog/cat, I think – because they don’t want to voluntarily bring another living THING into their lives – knowing they will have to eventually lose it, ALSO, in the fullness of time.
    This post is getting maudlin. I’m sorry – that’s not where I was going when I started out.
    Let me try later.
    You especially, myrtle may.
    You wanna split a J
    And take a roll in the hay
    At least in a “cyber” way?
    It’s all gonna be OK.

  377. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 8:27 pm #

    … as a radical who won his own kingdom …

  378. progress2conserve November 30, 2011 at 8:51 pm #

    Back to animals –
    Now comfortably middle aged at 56
    (yeah, middle aged if I live to 112 – hahohe!)
    But – I have already had more than my share of critters in my life. And I plan to have many more.
    And I’ve gotten to a physical location
    (backed up against National Forest in the N. GA Mountains, for any CFN rookies)
    But in this location – my animals are essential partners. The large outside dog keeps the deer and the bears out of the garden and off of the fruit trees and grapes. The medium bodied male cat keeps the smaller creatures (rabbits, squirrels, and the occasional small ‘possum) out of the garden and away from the chicken coop.
    It’s a natural partnership.
    And it’s interesting that the dog and the cat evidence more “happiness,?” to put it anthropomorphically – than any two creatures I have ever “owned.”
    They both stay outside, mostly 24/7.
    They both work in partnership with me.
    They both get generally left alone to do their jobs – although both seem always glad to see me, for a walk in the woods or a roughhouse in the yard. (the dog roughhouses – the cat watches with that amused feline look)
    My point – if I have one, here –
    Is that the cat and dog are “happy” because they are following their genes and their instincts to live in a genuine partnership with a human family – as cats and, especially, dogs – have done in partnership with certain human groups, for 1000’s and 1000’s of years.
    But I still worry about them – when they are out day and night and dealing with the local wildlife.
    I wonder when our caveman ancestors began to “worry” about each other – and then about their canine companions. (This is obviously one of those areas where human genetics and human emotions interact with other species and with the physical world.)
    Personally, though, I’ve got to discipline myself not to worry too much about the cat. He’s one independent SOB.

  379. DeeJones November 30, 2011 at 8:58 pm #

    “Thank you for your condolences, and mine to you. It must be incredible living with Cats who sing Negro Spirituals. Mine wasn’t all that nice, but she was a person to me and we did have a relationship.”
    OKEY…..So your cat sang Negro Spirituals to you.
    Thats nice…
    But you know, you really are a much nicer person when you are off your meds. Perhaps you should stay off them. Take vitamins instead.

  380. DeeJones November 30, 2011 at 9:01 pm #

    Oh, meanwhile, while we are all distracted with discussions about S&H stamps & cats that sing, has anybody noticed whats happening in the Mid East?
    Looks like Syria is next to follow the path of Libya. With Syria out of the way, Israel is wide open for a first strike against Iran sometime next year.

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  381. bossier22 November 30, 2011 at 9:25 pm #

    America has always been a dog eat dog society to a certain extent. The last forty years has been a climax of this aspect of our culture. It has occurred concomitantly with a decline in the percent of Christian church goers along with decline in support of Christian culture from the secular institutions.
    I’m just saying that things could be even worse without the behavioral code that is the bedrock western civilization rests on. In my little backward corner of the world, I find that most people generally follow that code. Not perfectly, not all the time. But they do try.

  382. ront November 30, 2011 at 9:25 pm #

    “All it is left with is the fuzzy non-answerable questions like “But why are we here?” God did not make the earth in 7000 years. We have geology and cosmology to explain its existence. He didn’t make Eve from Adam’s rib. Evolution explains the emergence of life on earth. etc. On every topic it has ever tried to explain, religion has been proven WRONG.”
    Turkle, if we were to use the analogy of a movie, my understanding of your view is that the story exists as the emulsion on the film stock. But isn’t there a lot deeper level of importance behind that reel. Isn’t it really essential that there exists a writer, producer, director, production crew, actors, projectionists, theater operators, and people to view the story unfolding on the screen?
    Maybe consciousness is the essence of our being as mystic claim. Maybe you would consider the possibility that both our mental and our energy are causal to the physical universe rather than the other way around. One would have to attain to that level to observe it, but intuitively there are some people who have had glimpses of this esoteric reality.
    You can flipantly call this esoteric cosmology a fantasy, but since it did not orginate as a fantasy of yours, you really have no authority to make this claim.
    Why are we here? Who am I? These are worthy questions. When one pursues the answers in spite of the world thinking they’re foolish or unscientific (conventionally-speaking), I can say from experience that you will “see”, understand the un-understandable, and open other ways of knowing beyond the intellectual. Intellectual learning is not real learning. Every soul (can I use that term?) is destined for seeking Truth at some point. Not too many do because it is the beginning of the end (of the separate ego-self), the final portion of a LONG journey. Striking out on this inner path has nothing to do with religion, ceremonies, dogmas, rituals, and even transcends things like morality.

  383. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 9:31 pm #

    Cats are very small on the physical plane but veritable Lions on the astral. It’s good to sleep near one so it can protect you there.

  384. progress2conserve November 30, 2011 at 9:43 pm #

    “In my little backward corner of the world, I find that most people generally follow that code. Not perfectly, not all the time. But they do try.”
    Yeah, bossier – I think this is worth elaboration, myself.
    Some of this is generational, probably.
    There has been such a rapid drop-off in faith.
    And so many societal changes.
    Thinking about S&H Green Stamps.
    They were a big deal to my grandparent’s generation – but so were flour sacks with printed patterns for making dresses and quilts.
    And I glued a bunch of GreenStamps – to makemy own momma happy, cause that was reason enough.
    But we’ve raised up a couple of generations in the United States who have:
    1. no conception of the sort of hard times that make Greenstamps worthwhile
    2. No tie to older generations, or the land, or the Nation – in case of those “hard times”
    So – – we’ve got this experiment going here.
    We are betting that the innate goodness of human beings – who are “lucky” enough to live in the US – will triumph over:
    1. Hard times
    2. Overpopulation
    3. Divergent cultures
    4. Innate human tendencies.
    If I were a betting man –
    I’d be betting against this ending well for us.
    And you can argue that I’m making that same bet – with my gardens and my large outside dog, etc.
    But – a decline to 1930’s standards of living still scares the Hell out of me – for what it would do to the modern US.
    And we might fall much lower still.

  385. asoka. November 30, 2011 at 10:01 pm #

    You can flippantly call this esoteric cosmology a fantasy…
    Ront, scientists come up with claims equally as fantastic.
    For example, Stephen Hawking publicly declared his support for the existence of trillions upon trillions of other universes. (And Hawking was not reading Tegmark’s CFN posts before making that statement)
    Hawking is a scientist, but he is making a fantastic claim. None of these alternate universes have ever been seen or proven. So, science can entertain fantasy …
    And I’m not even going to mention the fantastic world of quantum particles I have read about.

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  386. bossier22 November 30, 2011 at 10:07 pm #

    And as JHK says, in the 1930’s there was plenty of resources to help with recovery. Now as we both agree , overpopulation, Balkanization , and lack of resources may make for a bad ending.
    I hope some of the other cfn folks don’t misunderstand me. I think our societal decisions should be based in science and pragmatism. Some of the core values of Judeo/Christian Culture are pragmatic. A code most can agree on is a start on rebuilding a successful society. It will probably happen regionally after some sort of collapse. And by collapse I don’t mean back to the stone age.

  387. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 10:10 pm #

    A question for Solar Guy and Glensufi,
    It came to my attention today that First Solar is the most heavily shorted stock in the S&P 500 Index (i.e. people betting the stock will go down). I have been aware of the pounding all the solar stocks are taking because I own some JA Solar (a Chinese Solar company, symbol JASO) at a price of $4.67/share. I bought it in June 2010 and it more than doubled in 4 months. It has been sliding ever since. It hit a closing low of $1.54 yesterday (and of course I’m kicking myself in the ass) and then it had a nice bounce today, along with the market in general, to $1.83.
    The conversation you two guys were having was about whether now is a good time to be buying solar panels themselves while my interest is in the stocks of solar panel companies.
    The low price per watt of panels may explain the drastic decline in solar stock prices since maybe their profit margins are disappearing due to competition and possibly anticipation of elimination or reduction of government subsidies.
    What are your thoughts on this?
    First Solar being the most heavily shorted stock MAY be a hopeful sign on a contrarian basis since, as the theory goes, once everyone has sold there’s no one left to sell.

  388. rippedthunder November 30, 2011 at 10:12 pm #

    SMOG U SOBs R discussing S&H While the IMF,ESB,FRB,and the TBTF banks,BOAF,GS,JPM ahahahahahhahahahahaha the acronyms are driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!! SCUBA was the last one I really needed to know! I’M MEEEEEELLLTING!

  389. rippedthunder November 30, 2011 at 10:14 pm #

    Sorry ECB, haha ;0)

  390. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 10:16 pm #

    Do you understand nothing? Q’s cats sing Negro spirituals, not mine. After all, cats do have some Negro features, like the flat nose, low (no?) cheekbones, etc.
    Your obsession with me continues. But you’re going to have to play your cards alot better if you hope to get anywhere with me.

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  391. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 10:19 pm #

    How do cats fare with racoons? They would seem to large for them to handle.
    Do you hunt coons? And make pie?

  392. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 10:24 pm #

    That was the most sensible post I’ve made all day. You are an anti-nominalist. To you, all the cops are criminals and all the criminals, saints.

  393. rippedthunder November 30, 2011 at 10:29 pm #

    ‘Coons are tough critters, They will easily hold off a mid-size dog twice their size. A cat would not be a match for a racoon. I grew up eating squirrel,rabbit,frog-legs, and wild mushrooms. Oh well, I was in the woods with my Nonno for hours. Good times

  394. maomaomao1 November 30, 2011 at 10:30 pm #


  395. Shakazulu November 30, 2011 at 10:34 pm #

    Most intelligent comment I’ve seen yet.

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  396. Shakazulu November 30, 2011 at 10:39 pm #

    “God really is Merciful. Here we are in a crumbling Nation with WW3 in the offing and we are arguing about green stamps. He knows we can’t deal with it and aren’t going to, so He provides peaceful soporofics to pass our time until the Hour arrives.”
    Lyndon LaRouche and Jerome Corsi both agree
    –we are definitely headed towards WW three
    But I do like green stamps; only because they remind me of my gramma.

  397. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 10:40 pm #

    Ok you’re right. But isn’t even this much horrific?

  398. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 10:43 pm #

    I’ve heard that they can lure a hunting dog into the water and kind of tread water. When the unwary dog charges in after they can grab his head and hold it under till he drowns.

  399. Vlad Krandz November 30, 2011 at 10:48 pm #

    That’s what Herbert Spencer called “an ugly fact”. That destroys my theory. All it takes is onc exception. I hate that cat.

  400. bossier22 November 30, 2011 at 10:53 pm #

    I have seen the results of a coon killing a dog in the water in canal at my former beach house. A dog doesn’t have a chance against a coon in the water.

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  401. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 10:57 pm #

    Cats are very small on the physical plane but veritable Lions on the astral. It’s good to sleep near one
    For me, sleeping with a cat takes away the cares of the world.

  402. BeantownBill November 30, 2011 at 11:05 pm #

    Procon, my cat will be 20 in April. Both my wife and I have decided this will be our last pet (at least that’s how we feel now). Our only issue is that it’s difficult to get away. Our cat won’t travel by car or any other conveyance; and we can’t leave him alone more than a day.
    Right now we are in Orlando for a week. In order for us to go, we had to pay someone $50/day to stay at our house 24-7 with the cat. He’s an outdoor cat who spends the day, well, outside. My trip cost me nothing for airfare (free airline miles) and nothing for the room (timeshare), but it costs me $300 for the cat. We’d like to stay down south for the winter and get out of the cold, but that’s impossible beause of the cat .
    But you know what? I hope he lives another 10 years.

  403. maomaomao1 November 30, 2011 at 11:06 pm #


  404. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 11:12 pm #

    A dog doesn’t have a chance against a coon in the water.
    I am truly surprised to read this^. I had always heard that blacks were afraid of both water and dogs far more so than other folks.
    Sorry Boss, you tee’d this one up so perfectly I just couldn’t pass it up.

  405. progress2conserve November 30, 2011 at 11:20 pm #

    I just looked up the largest US raccoon – 63 pounds
    I had no idea. Most ‘coons are in the range 15-25 pounds full grown, around here.
    I did a little ‘coon hunting, as a kid. I’ve still got a pelt and tail around here somewhere – that my dad helped me skin out in when I was 13.
    That was in 1968.
    That ‘coon wasn’t the only thing in the US that took a skinnin’ that year.
    My large outside dog killed a ‘coon on the back deck the first week I had him. (the dog, not the ‘coon.)
    He was a medium sized first year male, of about 15 pounds. (the ‘coon, not the dog)
    And Vlad, I don’t know if you intended “coon hunting,” as a double entendre-type racial slur, or not.
    But no, I never went on that sort of “coon hunting.” Although I did know some of the older kids who bragged about it. Mostly talk – just boys trash talking to each other.
    But there were always a few older men – rougher meaner, the sort that you best stay away from.
    But there were always a few who talked about going “coon huntin'” – in a way that would send a chill down your spine.
    Probably – especially – if you were black.
    Yeah – hate is not an emotion to be messed with.
    It doesn’t end well when you do.

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  406. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 11:21 pm #

    F**k You Mao. THAT^ is total horse shit!!

  407. bossier22 November 30, 2011 at 11:36 pm #

    Great kick through the uprights Q.

  408. Qshtik November 30, 2011 at 11:55 pm #

    The CNBC “Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge” stock contest ends this Friday at 4PM. It started on Sep 19th. This will be my last chance to brag about how well I’m doing because today is the last day the “Leader Board” is being published until they tally up the numbers after its all over.
    Today, as you are probably aware, the market was up gangbusters. As luck would have it, my #1 portfolio was bullishly aligned heading into the 9:30 AM open and, in fact, was levered to the hilt with 2X and 3X ETFs.
    As it turns out I am in 410th position out of approximately 683,000 contestants. Expressed as a percentage I’m at 99.94%.
    It would take a major miracle to come in first (first prize is $1M) or second (a $200,000 Maserati + $30K to pay the taxes on it) but I actually have a shot at winning “an Exotic Vacation for two” that goes to the person who has the largest weekly percentage gain. In the 3 days so far this week my portfolio is up more than 32%.

  409. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 12:37 am #

    I just love assholes who brag about market gains as if they had ESP coupled with savant-like extrapolation skills. How about a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP? It’s like a compulsive gambler claiming that gambling is good BECAUSE he rolled eight sevens in a row at the craps table. In your own totally unique way, you are coming across as being as big a dickhead as the other self-anointed “genii” on CFN. That’s the uniting thread … self-anointing.

  410. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 12:55 am #

    Where in the Federal Reserve’s charter does it say that they are allowed to APPROPRIATE money to save FOREIGN countries? We have 16% of AMERICANS who are “food insecure” right now. One person in six has no clear way to their next meal.
    So, after we “serve and protect” the most incompetent stewards of capital in the history of earth on THIS side of the Atlantic AND allow them to keep their jobs and perks on the taxpayer’s dime, now we are PRINTING MONEY so that we allow the jerks at BNP Paribas, Credit Lyonnais, and dozens of other stumblebum claques of CEOs and Boards to keep THEIR jobs.
    I am absolutely STUNNED that we live in times when American college grads with degrees in Mechanical Engineering have to work at Peet’s Coffee to pay off their $50K of loan debt, we live in times when 28.6% of US home loans are UNDER WATER, we live in times when nominal US wages have dropped 2.2% y-o-y and 5% inflation adjusted, and we live in times when average installment credit debt is $7394 per household (and the average household only TAKES HOME about $35K of their $48K median salary), and we are bailing out THESE EUROPEAN FUCKERS who detest us soooo much that if you go to the Continent you have to pretend to be a CANADIAN to avoid being lectured???????????
    All of this suffering and angst right here in our own back yard and we’re going to bail out ANOTHER CONTINENT? And you just KNOW that the excuse will be IDENTICAL to the excuse for TARP and the QE’s … the financial system would COLLAPSE if we didn’t do it.
    Well, I call BULLSHIT on this one. It’s GOT to be a direct legal violation of the Fed’s Charter. They did something that only CONGRESS is allowed to do. I guess we really only have the Executive and Judicial branches of government any more in the United States. President’s can engage in wars without congressional pre-approval. Non-government entities entrusted with a sacred mission to keep OUR economy safe are tending to others while we’re BROKE!? Is the House Appropriations Committee now a DEFUNCT AGENCY?
    What you saw today on Wall Street was the result of another HEINOUS and CRIMINAL ACT. If our banking system was TRULY endangered by Europe’s problems then it only reinforces an idea that should have been implemented before TARP: Fire ALL of the CEOs and corporate boards of ALL failed banks, take them into receivership, recapitalize and restaff them, and start ’em up again. You cannot go anywhere but UP when you’re starting with the most inept group of financiers since the Mississippi Company.

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  411. San Jose Mom 51 December 1, 2011 at 1:00 am #

    Have you seen the building for Palantir on University in Palo Alto?
    I read a recent profile of the company at the Business Week site. Apparently the technology was initially part of PayPal in order to cut down on fraud. Now it’s a creepy technology favored by the NSA, banks, and other organizations.
    In the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, Palantirs were magical seeing stones used by the dark lord Sauron to spy and corrupt the minds of men.
    Say goodbye to civil liberties.

  412. Qshtik December 1, 2011 at 1:04 am #

    I just love assholes – E
    You didn’t use to coach at Penn State did you?
    Take it easy cowboy, it’s just a game. No need to get testy just because you don’t understand how green stamps work.

  413. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 1:22 am #

    Well, if you understand what the Fed’s charter is and you have any empathy for the suffering of millions of Americans right now, you’d understand that I feel that your boasted gains are the FILTHY LUCRE of yet another monumentally corrupt action by the Federal Reserve.
    I sure as hell wouldn’t go around publicly bloviating about how you capitalized on it like Goldman Sachs will. I don’t begrudge you your gains, Q., but your lack of circumspection here about what went down is not only bad timing but shows a tad bit of narcissism that is most unbecoming.
    Why don’t you ask a “downsized” neighbor, a college kid with unrepayable loans, or a person who owes $400K on a $200K house if THEY think it’s “just a game”? Sore losers are bad but sore WINNERS are like sports guys who do the Watusi over a quarterback’s head after they give him a concussion.
    I’ve also learned over the last 35 years that guys only brag about their gains but when they revert to the mean and get their asses rightfully handed to them by GAMBLING with their money, then suddenly THEY “don’t want to talk about it”. Saw the same damned thing after the crashes of 1987, 2000, and 2008/09. Are you guys actual individuals or have they been stamping you out in castings in China and then shipping you here?

  414. Qshtik December 1, 2011 at 1:23 am #

    What you saw today on Wall Street was the result of another HEINOUS and CRIMINAL ACT.
    I’m surprised that what you saw the Fed do today seems to surprise you.
    Take a Prozac and go to bed with a pet cat … Asoka assures us it’s all good.

  415. anti soak December 1, 2011 at 1:27 am #

    You might enjoy:
    Zombie-time site
    esp the ‘Diversity cupcake sale’ pix
    I found this there, a sign from Occupy Oakland:
    Lovelle Mixon as a hero
    Remember Lovelle Mixon, the serial rapist, child molester and murderer who single-handedly committed one of the worst mass killings of police officers in American history? Yeah, that guy. Well, the anti-police sentiment at Occupy Oakland is so intense that they regard Lovelle Mixon as a hero!! Whatever other crimes he may have committed, if he offed some pigs, then all is forgiven. Fuck the Po-lice! Power to the people!

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  416. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 1:29 am #

    Could you give me the ADDRESS of that building? I want to inspect it, personally. We already have JP Morgan right on University Avenue right now. I wish some organization would take a bazooka to yet another accursed monument to Mammon in Palo Alto. Does the outfit you’re referring to have a NAME or is it an unnamed building? I *will* investigate.
    Palo Alto is becoming a REALLY creepy town. There’s only 58,000 residents yet there must be thirty distinct and separate banks (in other words, not counting multiple branches of ONE bank). The vibe in town over the last few years reflects the encroachment of these financial predators … impersonal, cold, and lacking in any feeling of community. It’s a town for tourists and the residents feel like they’re “in the way”.

  417. anti soak December 1, 2011 at 1:29 am #

    Prof E, what happened to you?
    You were a voice of sanity here.
    Have you lost yr sanity?

  418. anti soak December 1, 2011 at 1:32 am #

    No yours still is.

  419. Bustin J December 1, 2011 at 1:41 am #

    AG63 said, “the implications of a post carbon society that the earth will not be able to support the current 7 billion people. The number will have to move down to, at most, 3 billion, probably closer to 2 billion. The world wide chaos and turmoil that will accompany that die-off is going to be horrific.”
    It might not be for the survivors. Think about it. People die all the time, all over the place. Do you notice it?

  420. Qshtik December 1, 2011 at 1:44 am #

    I don’t begrudge you your gains, Q
    I’m not quite sure you actually GET IT. I haven’t gained a penny and it is more than likely I won’t. This is a contest and we’re all playing with Monopoly money. I do it to amuse myself and in the process learn a lot about the workings of the market while staying on top of world events that affect it.
    And BTW, I have a son who will probably never pay off his school loans … and a brother-in-law whose house is under water, his business is in the toilet, and his wife is dying. But NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with me being in a stock picking contest.

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  421. Pucker December 1, 2011 at 2:16 am #

    “Pucker —
    If you win a seat at the next dinner with three other supporters and me, you’ll get to bring a guest.
    I thought I’d bring one, too — so I invited Michelle.
    She’s in.
    Donate $3 or whatever you can to be automatically entered to sit down for a meal with Michelle and me.
    Michelle and I don’t get to spend as much time as we’d like with the people who are building the 2012 campaign.
    But we are incredibly grateful for all you’re doing, whether it’s volunteering and having one-on-one conversations in your communities or chipping in what you can to help build the organization.
    We’re looking forward to the chance to thank you in person, so I hope you’ll take us up on it.
    Make a donation today to be automatically entered for the chance to join us at the table:

  422. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 2:37 am #

    That’s very unfortunate. Middle Americans will turn away from this Movement out of disgust. And that means turning away from its Truth as well. Same as the 60’s but much faster this time.
    Eleuthero is in a state of righteous wrath. Few are capapable of such feeling anymore. Too dead inside. I applaud him.

  423. Bustin J December 1, 2011 at 2:38 am #

    “Cats are bird killers. They shouldn’t be let outside.”
    Indeed. But they are also chicken, fish, and soybean killers. Mice, snails, bugs.
    And not only that, they carry zoonotic diseases like influenza variants and toxoplasma.
    They have razor sharp claws which are typically infected with salmonella, staphylococcus, and rabies.
    A cat bites one in every 170 people in the U.S. each year. This includes children and people who don’t even own a cat.
    And of course, 80 percent of all cat bites get infected.
    My remedy is simple: pay per hide.
    This innovate, crowd-sourcing approach recruits the existing class of people who own 9mm’s, Taurus Judges, .44, .38, etc. and delivers a cash bounty.
    Then, no one will be able to put up “MISSING” flyers unless they let their cat run outside; eg. they deserve it.

  424. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 2:45 am #

    No I don’t like red neck racism if it goes too far. Hanging rapists is not the same as killing innocent Blacks.
    I got interested in racoons when I caught a gang of them eating some of my corn one night. I was amazed at their joyful, curious, fearless approach to life. Wild animals? But one of them seemed willing to come into my house. I refrained! But I’ve also heard they are tough customers.

  425. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 2:50 am #

    Cat haters: the night of the Long Claws is coming.

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  426. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 2:58 am #

    AS said:
    Prof E, what happened to you?
    You were a voice of sanity here.
    Have you lost yr sanity?
    No, I’m quite sane. However, there come times in a year and in the history of a falling empire, when one’s voice must be more strident than others. This is such a time. The Federal Reserve bank usurped the powers of the Congress in unilaterally deciding to help bail out another CONTINENT while millions here in the USA are waiting for the slightest sign that this government is EVER going to require that banks do something with money given them besides HOARDING it.
    We still have consumers’ feet held to the fires of foreclosure, we’ve eroded personal bankruptcy protections, and in an era when irresponsible banks can get ZERO INTEREST loans from the Fed, they ask 16% interest on credit cards held by people with 780 FICO scores.
    If this is not the time to express extreme umbrage, I’d wonder if you feel ANY time is the time to raise one’s voice?

  427. Bustin J December 1, 2011 at 3:16 am #

    You’d be happy to know that Palantir was a creation of Peter Thiel, who gave Facebook its first round of funding. Theil is an avowed libertarian who believes that technology will make politics obsolete. Theil is a gay Christian Republican libertarian who is one of the richest men in the world. He resides in Silicon Valley. He eats celery dipped in the blood of human babies.

  428. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 3:18 am #

    Okay, but this is a blog to discuss culture-wide issues, Q.. Why is your entry in some contest of the slightest interest to anyone but yourself? What possible motive for the original post of yours could there be except to boast that you LUCKED OUT thus far in your contest while somehow, in a sly, indirect way, imply that it was prescience? Why do we care how you do in a contest unless it’s “show and tell” to show us how smart u izz?! It’s like me discussing my goal in an afternoon soccer match in the middle of a political/environmental blog? It’s like a … non sequitur.
    Shit happened today and it’s quite amazing how the most amazing violation of the Fed’s mandate since TARP in 2008 has been virtually UNCOMMENTED upon in this entire day’s posts. Maybe I gave this blog too much credit when I told Absalom that outside of a few pains in the ass, the blog was mostly pretty good … given that time tends to erode most blogs. Who recognizes what went down today? Who realizes that your Federal government essentially gave an ascent to bailing out European bankers while they’re still kicking consumer creditors’ asses into the poorhouse?
    Y’all here on CFN may have noticed that I can disappear for WEEKS at a time but I’ve gotten more active in the last few days. It’s because IT IS CRUNCH TIME and once again, your government is showing that it cares about its crony’s failing Eurobank investments while it is jackbooting YOU. If you can’t give a shit now, then WHEN?

  429. Pucker December 1, 2011 at 3:23 am #

    “Pucker —
    I’d like to ask for your opinion.
    Last month, we launched a contest called Art Works, where we asked artists and designers around the country to pitch in their talents and create a poster to promote President Obama’s jobs plan.
    Artists could design their poster in support of the whole plan or choose just one piece to illustrate, like creating jobs for veterans or helping small businesses grow.
    Submissions are in, and I have to say — we’re all really impressed. It’s incredible to see how many folks were inspired to take the time to bring this plan to life and show what it would actually mean for our country.
    And as always, it shows we have the most creative, thoughtful, and talented supporters in America on our side.
    We have it narrowed down to 12 finalists. Now we need to pick the winners.
    So take a look for yourself, and vote for your favorite three.
    We have four criteria to judge designs: adherence to the theme, tone, creativity and aesthetics, and quality of workmanship.
    Voting runs from now to December 9th. Then we’ll announce three winners who will get a framed print of their design signed by President Obama. Their posters also will run as limited-edition items in our Obama 2012 store.
    Every day, people find all kinds of ways to lend their talents to help this campaign. Sometimes that means supporters baking a casserole for volunteers, or musicians writing a song and posting it online to show their support. Often it’s just the ability to connect with a neighbor and motivate someone who’s never been involved in politics before to step up and volunteer. They all help build this movement.
    In this contest, folks used their creative talents to spread the word about the President’s plan to create jobs and put Americans back to work.
    Now we want to hear from you — choose your three favorite posters and stay tuned for when we announce the winners:
    Jeremy Bird
    National Field Director
    Obama for America”

  430. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 3:26 am #

    Got to congratulate you for the line that “He eats celery dipped in the blood of human babies”. I love great metaphors and this one is going to get filed in my “All Time Bests” list.
    I didn’t know about Thiel or his politics but it seems to fit into the overall DARKNESS surrounding Facebook. One thing I most assuredly DO know from my old contacts at SRI (ones with crypto level security clearances) is that Facebook is the NUMBER ONE data source for the NSA to spy on American citizens.
    Facebook creeps me out on a social level, too. They stick to each other like glue in public venues and avoid other “earthlings”. It completely torches the vibe of a neighborhood bar to see 30-35 of these Borg come in and take over the joint. I wonder if they have a “hive mind” and where Unimatrix Zero is.
    🙂 🙂 🙂

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  431. Bustin J December 1, 2011 at 3:59 am #

    E., Peter Thiel is not on Facebook.
    His comments were something along the lines of a general objection to the “commercialization of friendship”. But he believes in it for business. as for his acumen on that subject, consider that his hedge fund bet and lost over $6 billion after the ’08 crash.
    Now he’s long in biotech. I would be too, alas, I have no cloaca that lays golden eggs, or I would invest.

  432. mika. December 1, 2011 at 8:01 am #

    Keiser Report: Überdebten (E217)
    Yes, what we’re talking about is another manifestation of the Vatican fascist Reich. And a sprinkling of imperialist nazi financial eugenics as the cherry on the top.

  433. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 8:01 am #

    Q said: “Take a Prozac and go to bed with a pet cat … Asoka assures us it’s all good.”
    Q, please don’t use me as a human shield.
    I am just as guilty.
    E.’s criticism applies to me as well, because I have publicly bragged on CFN about my no-risk portfolio with 12.25% gains (in the real world, not in a game). I now better understand E.’s low opinion of me.
    I have also bragged about my life decisions (refusing to participate in the military-industrial complex, refusing to increase the world’s population, embracing simplicity, building with adobe, etc.) so even though I never earned more than $30,000 a year, and even though I am on a fixed income of $1,000 a month, I am living like a king, with a clear conscience, because I shunned FILTHY LUCRE.
    Most of my 45 years of my work life happened in the 20th century. I recognize times are different now. For example, people fighting in Iraq have had their homes illegally foreclosed by Bank of America. Many people are hurting through no fault of their own.
    Nonetheless, I still think my values (pacifism, voluntary simplicity, loving the planet by saying NO to reproduction, meditation, permaculture, etc.) and my politics (Green Party) are applicable in the 21st century, if anyone wants to adopt them. Five decades ago I decided they were more interesting than chasing after getting more and more money.
    As I have said many times, money is not what is most important in life. Money is just a medium of exchange. There are many things in life more important than money. One can live comfortably, and thrive, on a minimum amount of money … without obsessing about getting more and more and more. And, yes, in the end it’s all good.

  434. progress2conserve December 1, 2011 at 8:53 am #

    “No I don’t like red neck racism if it goes too far. Hanging rapists is not the same as killing innocent Blacks.”
    Well, on this statement we could more or less agree. Except, “goes to far” is hard to define and even harder to control.
    Look – I don’t have a problem with “Whites” or “Blacks” or any other “Racial Groups” living peacefully on private property.
    I do it now. I call it “my house” and “my property” where you will find “my family” and “my invited guests.”
    But – if hate spills out of my Family, and attracts the attention or “hate?” of the world at large – then I’ll expect repercussions. And I know that enough hate, or hateful speech – can result in bad things, including arrest and death.
    And the rules that apply to one man’s family – also apply by extension to larger groups or “families.” White Separatists or AmRen need to make that connection.
    They can try to move ahead in peace, speaking in the rhetoric of peace.
    Or they can wither and die in hate.
    I don’t see a whole lot of middle ground, here.

  435. lbendet December 1, 2011 at 9:12 am #

    You’re so right about the lack of concern about more money going through the back channels to hold up Europe’s central banks cuz, you know the tsunami will hit here next–at least that’s the same old tired line they’ve been giving us since the first TARP bailout.
    Oh, yes and the stock market shot way up there–its the only game in town and the banks infused the market with lots ‘o dough. It was around $13 Trillion, I wonder what it is now!
    Of course, we’re not allowed to know how much–its all a black box. Like the Patriot act it’s nailing the coffin of democracy and any semblance of capitalism. Both of which will be a fond memory for anyone who cares about being under surveillance 24/7.
    It’s very important for marketers to know your every purchase. You know you can’t have an opinion that counters the narrative you are given. Someday a meglomaniac can incarcerate you for thinking differently–a terrorist they will say. Don’t say it can’t happen here because it can happen anywhere where the system breaks down.
    Your money can be taken at whim, which is the lesson of MF Global. (now $3 billion and counting)
    We are in a frightening moment and many can’t see that. No salvos will help. There is so much connection among the top 1% that at this point there is nothing left, but a conflict of interest.

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  436. ozone December 1, 2011 at 9:23 am #

    Howdy, E.,
    Just finished with catch-up, finding a large portion of it to be “catsup” or “ketchup” instead!
    I’m gobsmacked that nobody seemed to notice what happened with the magical money creation machine. I think we’ll have to start calling all these financial institutions the Greatest Organized Crime Syndicate ever! It’s truly amazing.
    The justification is exactly the same as the last picking of pockets (present and future): Credit is freezing up, the banks are unable to lend! We’re sorry, but we have to make your children (and their progeny, ad. infinitum) debt-slaves to the Parasitic Class. Without ANY oversight or recourse, to boot!
    This shit is not going to cease until the leveraging scam (that is the uber-wealthy’s LEGAL vampirism) is exposed. We must remember that they own all the levers of law and power, so we’d better start looking into the legitimacy of our legislative/governmental institution.
    What was JHK’s theme for this week? Jesus, People, focus! This is fucking ROBBERY on an unimaginable scale, your New ‘Murkin Dream is a worldwide, unregulated, totalitarian nightmare. A corrupt, absolutely ruthless conspiracy.
    Wake the fuck up, and stop being distracted by paid bullshitters, fascists, and deluded pollyannas. The Griftocracy has been turned loose to feed, and its’ appetite is insatiable.

  437. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 9:25 am #

    It’s just quantitative easing on a global scale and it could keep the game going for decades.
    Of course it it illegal, but who is going to put the bell on the cat?
    Jill Stein 2012

  438. progress2conserve December 1, 2011 at 9:26 am #

    E and Lbend –
    If your only tool is a hammer – every problem looks like a nail.
    That’s the problem the US Fed has.
    Now – I’m not arguing that this problem was not “contrived” into existence – by powerful financial interests, because it was.
    Most voters in the US have learned (been brainwashed) to associate the US stock market with their own personal financial fortunes. And this link has gotten tighter over time – even government pension funds are hopelessly dependent on stock market gains to pay their pensioners.
    As far as you homeowners, upsidedown by $200K, or whatever.
    The only solution the Fed has is to create inflation. They are hammering away with their only tool, as we speak.
    They will succeed, eventually.
    And then things will go way to far.
    Unfortunately – It’s the American Way.

  439. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 9:26 am #

    E: i wholeheartedly agree…and just want to add about the stock market that it has become a bullshit game, that is rigged in favor of the house: while it may have started as a way for many to “invest” in the few, now it seems to be only an instrument for some insiders to clean up- how often do you hear: “nasdaq is up/down today, following news that __________ was higher/lower than expected(previously reported)”…short selling, huh? i ve personally long thought that taxes should be collected from only that money which is generated BY money- “filthy lucre”- and not from working folk’s wages, or from things which are produced and sold…and i ve also wondered why people who profess to be christians “forget” that jesus threw the money changers off the temple steps…as i understand the story, he was mad that folks were being charged for prayers, and were borrowing said shekels at usurious prices…seems the underlying message has been lost, there…on a somewhat unrelated note, Q: shear means cut, sheer means translucent- while the marble had to be sheared to be sheer, you still owe me $1.67…i ll take it in trade…

  440. San Jose Mom 51 December 1, 2011 at 9:30 am #

    156 University Avenue and 100 Hamilton Avenue

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  441. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 9:41 am #

    i know at first glance taxes may seem to have little to do with the world s financial skullfucking, but think about it- we have to pay them in order for the govt to fuck us all over with the cash…i think prog is right about people equating the market with their own, personal financial state…it s how corporations get to do so much harm in the name of profits- if BP was a privately owned and operated entity, or a govt- run operation, the outcry would have been deafening, and from all corners instead of a whimper from the fringe…

  442. ozone December 1, 2011 at 9:44 am #

    “…short selling, huh? i ve personally long thought that taxes should be collected from only that money which is generated BY money- “filthy lucre”- and not from working folk’s wages, or from things which are produced and sold…” -CFT
    Yes, a good (and viable) idea. But guess whose profits that would cut into? *sigh*
    The rotten edifice appears to have been completed. I’m afraid its going to have to collapse under its’ own weight; the destruction tools that the 99% have at their disposal are inadequate for the job.

  443. progress2conserve December 1, 2011 at 9:50 am #

    Not to take Q’s side in an argument –
    But there is some validity in examining what’s going on in US/Global stock markets – for a window into what lies beneath, anyway.
    For example – Q’s report that solar stocks are the most “shorted,” has meaning. But what is that meaning? Beats the hell out of me.
    I bought some shares of Cameco (CCJ) about a year ago, now. I announced on CFN that I expected to at least double my money. And CCJ was actually doing quite well – until Fukushima Daiichi. That took CCJ down about 50% from where I bought in. I didn’t sell.
    Then yesterday, CCJ went up almost 9% – double the overall market.
    Hmmm- solar down, uranium flying up – I think TPTB can see which way the wind is about to blow.
    BTW, I don’t invest for an ideal world, I invest for reality. In my ideal world, solar equipment would be flying off the shelves and nuclear plants would be phasing out. Also, peace would guide the planets, and love would steer the stars.
    Fred gives an answer to why the US can no longer do innovative things in energy – or anything else.
    I wish he was wrong.
    “See, societies are like people in that they get old, clot, lose flexibility, and then croak. They can’t get better. Like most things, they just get worse. A rule of thermodynamics says that rivers don’t flow backwards, plaque does not voluntarily leave arteries, and governments do not become more reasonable, efficient, or interested in the well-being of their populations.”

  444. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 9:53 am #

    the first step to getting the money out of politics might be to get the POLITICS out of politics: in the age of instant communication and long distance travel, why do we still have a representative government? wasn t that the story we were given in history class, that it took six months to get a letter to california and back? what would a straight democracy look like? if We The People voted on issues instead of personality, at least we d get what we ask for; instead of empty promises…THAT seems like change we could hope for, mr obama (sorry, my disappointment is showing!) 2%, anyone?

  445. ozone December 1, 2011 at 10:00 am #

    I’d guess that only the pain of privation will lead to the revelations necessary for a “reset” of priorities.

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  446. ozone December 1, 2011 at 10:10 am #

    Glad I introduced you to Fred. Always good to have the perspective of someone who’s seen a LOT of shit from the back-alleys where the “real folks” live (or strive to), all the world ’round.

  447. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 10:18 am #

    CFT said:
    E: i wholeheartedly agree…and just want to add about the stock market that it has become a bullshit game, that is rigged in favor of the house: while it may have started as a way for many to “invest” in the few, now it seems to be only an instrument for some insiders to clean up-
    They’re hoping, MIGHTILY, like a few CFN’ers have tried to do to discredit JHK, that the masses will confuse the STOCK MARKET with the ECONOMY. Those who follow market economies know that trading volumes, especially compared to the halcyon days of 1999, are way down and brokers need to “simulate” market vitality and movement. Anybody can do some Google research and find out that the vast majority of daily trading now consists of computer programs hitting the “buy” and “sell” buttons based on “news” items which, if scrutinized by the Bambis out there running stock mutual funds and the hapless retail investor, aren’t even analyzed by these financiers for their long term effects. “Oh, someone in Absurdistan farted. Better sell.”
    Thus, we are now on our EIGHTH round trip in a yo-yo game between Dow 10.6K and 12.8K since April. The average swing in this yo-yo game has been around 1400 points in EACH direction. It’s an absolute TRAVESTY to call this “investment” since, net-net, the major indices have done NOTHING this year with TREMENDOUS volatility … indeed, the up and down movement of the money of the players in this game is basically a round trip of 2800 points or 27% in an average time of about a month for each round trip. Yet the brokers still have the retail investors and their 401Ks believing in that stupid “average return of 9% idea” that I discredited a couple weeks ago.
    It IS a rigged game because the major investment banks CREATE the market momentum and they move billions of shares without any rational thought by setting off their computer programs. They, and only they, know when they’re clicking the “buy” or “sell” programs in any given time period. Meanwhile, they still have a hypnotic spell cast over the retail investor and mutual fund managers that no portfolio should have under 60-70% stocks.
    The demographics, also rarely mentioned, are disquieting. Boomers are now starting to retire en masse. Richer people are retiring and tending to move money OUT of risk assets while the next generation is smaller and POORER. Anyone who thinks this is a long term plus for stocks believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. In Japan, Europe, and America where average ages are moving higher and birthrates lower, simple math dictates that money is going to “leak” out of stocks for a very, very long time no matter what the “news genie” drums up to influence very short term performance.
    The financial services industry is a lot like Christian depictions of LUCIFER … a wily, crafty, alluring guy who plays a confidence game on you to believe a masterfully crafted crock of bull before he takes your soul and grinds it up.

  448. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 10:23 am #

    Thank you, SJM, for Palantir’s address. I’m sure that in the next few business days I will be booted out of their “business” digs for merely trying to find out what they DO. They’ve just GOT to have a security crew on hand preventing any meaningful entry by info seekers. Thanks again, SJM.

  449. ABSALOM December 1, 2011 at 10:29 am #

    I’ve been paying close attention. Thanks for the sharp insight. Please don’t disappear for weeks.

  450. ABSALOM December 1, 2011 at 10:29 am #

    I’ve been paying close attention. Thanks for the sharp insight. Please don’t disappear for weeks.

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  451. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 10:30 am #

    P2C said:
    Most voters in the US have learned (been brainwashed) to associate the US stock market with their own personal financial fortunes. And this link has gotten tighter over time – even government pension funds are hopelessly dependent on stock market gains to pay their pensioners.
    See my post above. You state the matter very concisely. City, state, and county pension funds are hopelessly locked into the stock market and individuals have been mesmerized into the idea that 60% of money in stocks is a “conservative” portfolio.
    This may very well become a self-fulfilling prophecy i.e., that the market does BECOME the economy. However, it’s only an indication that the REAL economy is so decimated by bad demographics and worse individual/city/state/federal debt stats that the perception is created that the stock market is the only game in town.
    Market movers hope like hell that there’s not a mass awakening among pension funds and retail investors who are keeping brokers employed via the myth of the “average” 9% return.

  452. ozone December 1, 2011 at 10:31 am #

    Debt forgiveness?
    Not bloody likely, as it is anathema to vampires, but here’s a good analysis (part 1) of the predicament:

  453. ozone December 1, 2011 at 10:34 am #

    Good on yer, E.
    Increasing the paranoia of these “institutions beyond reproach” tends to make them tip their hands; always a good thing.

  454. Eleuthero December 1, 2011 at 10:37 am #

    Ozone said:
    I’m gobsmacked that nobody seemed to notice what happened with the magical money creation machine. I think we’ll have to start calling all these financial institutions the Greatest Organized Crime Syndicate ever! It’s truly amazing.
    The justification is exactly the same as the last picking of pockets (present and future): Credit is freezing up, the banks are unable to lend! We’re sorry, but we have to make your children (and their progeny, ad. infinitum) debt-slaves to the Parasitic Class. Without ANY oversight or recourse, to boot!
    They’ve legitimized culture-wide grifting. And, yes, they wave the FEAR flag to pretend that unless all TBTF entities are PERPETUALLY bailed out, the economy will collapse. Nobody has the job security of an incompetent, bailed out financier. No fuck up is too big. Every speculation is “backstopped”.
    It’s just like the constant waving of the “terror” flag to coninue groping granny at the airport. With little fanfare we’ve moved into a “soft”, “antiseptic”, totalitarianistic griftopia with financial resources in an “inverse virtuous cycle” where the money is funneling from the virtuous to the sociopathic through news releases that have less truth in them than a Pravda anti-West article in 1964.

  455. dale December 1, 2011 at 10:37 am #

    The big difference I see between science and religion is that the former actually acknowledges that bias can exist and tries its hardest to eliminate the human foibles from its conclusions.
    That’s true…..at its best, science (itself, rather than the people who practice it) is objective, to the extent that observation is objective. Once you wrap your mind around that limitation you live in a richer world.
    My Buddhist teacher graduated cum laude from Amherst with a degree in physics, while a Buddhist monk. He has access to some of the world’s greatest physicists through his work with the Dalai Lama’s Mind Life Conferences, where he frequently serves as the big guy’s interpreter. I find his discussions about physics as interesting as his discussions about Buddhism.
    Below is a link to one of his talks (defintely NOT religion) about the nature of information. cutting edge physics. The Link is only to the page and you have to scan down to: “The Nature of Information, Mind and Matter etc.”
    A different view of reality, one I find much more expanding than either the materialism of faux science or the dogmatism of much of religion.
    Hope you listen to it;

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  456. ozone December 1, 2011 at 10:38 am #

    If someone farts in a howling shit-storm, is it heard or smelled?
    Alrighty then; enough farting outta me for now. See yez in the funny papers! ;o)

  457. ABSALOM December 1, 2011 at 10:56 am #

    Another very good article to help bring dolts like me to speed.
    So what does this mean in terms of brick wall scenarios? In other words, is the late round of bailouts for Europe via our Fed. Reserve going to project collapse farther into the future, or does it loom nearer?
    I’m guessing that it will stave off impending doom. Confused.

  458. messianicdruid December 1, 2011 at 11:07 am #

    For days, it is enough…
    Here’s you a new goal {dream}. See if you can get your head around this: It’ll all be gone someday, without comment or complaint. No one will wonder why.
    “So I begin by asking what is the truth that the divine apostle intends to convey in this passage? It is this. In due course evil will pass over into non-existence; it will disappear utterly from the realm of existence. Divine and uncompounded goodness will encompass within itself every rational nature; no single being created by God will fail to achieve the kingdom of God. The evil that is now present in everything will be consumed like a base metal melted by the purifying fire. Then everything which derives from God will be as it was in the beginning before it had ever received an admixture of evil.”
    If its not purifying you, its not the Word of God.
    “Of the three Cappadocian Fathers, Gregory of Nyassa is the one closest to us, the least proud, the most subtle, the one most committed to the magnificence of man. That strange, simple, happy, unhappy, intelligent, and God-tormented man was possessed by angels…. It was left to Gregory of Nyassa to be the man enchanted with Christ.”
    “We say that the fire purifies not the flesh but sinful souls, not an all-devouring vulgar fire, but the ‘wise fire,’ as we call it, the fire that ‘pierces the soul’ which passes through it.” [Stromata, VII, vi]
    “Punishment is, in its operation, like medicine; it dissolves the hard heart, purges away the filth of uncleanness, and reduces the swellings of pride and haughtiness; thus restoring its subject to a sound and healthful state.” [The Instructor, Vol. 1]
    “Wherefore also all men are His; some through knowledge, and others NOT YET SO…. For He is the Saviour; not the Saviour of some, and of others not… And how is He Saviour and Lord, if not the Saviour and Lord of ALL? But He is the Saviour of those who have believed, and the Lord of those who have NOT believed, till, being enabled to confess Him, they obtain the peculiar and appropriate boon [blessing] which comes by Him. The First Administrator of the Universe, who by the will of the Father, directs the salvation of all… for all things are arranged with a view to the salvation of the Universe by the Lord of the Universe, both generally and particularly… But necessary corrections, through the goodness of the great overseeing Judge, both by attendant angels and through various preliminary judgments, or through the great and final Judgment, compel egregious sinners to repent.” [Stromata, VII, vi]
    Say Saviour, and be saved.
    “And He Himself is the propitiation [expiation] for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.”
    We are not saved by believing, we realize we are saved by believing.
    “And not only for our sins, that is, for those of the faithful, is the Lord the Propitiator does he say, but also for the whole world. He, indeed, saves all; but some He saves converting them by punishments; others, however, who follow voluntarily He saves with dignity and honour; so that every knee should bow to Him, of things in heaven, of things on earth, and things under the earth–that is, angels and men.”
    The Law of God is therefore a curse and then a blessing, turning us from our sin {law – less – ness 1 John 3:4}.
    Many Christians follow the Israelite example. They are afraid of the fiery law. They often repudiate it outright. They think the fire is “hell,” not realizing that it is the awesome character of the God of Love. Pentecost is our Sinai experience. The only difference between us and the ancient Israelites is that we are able to approach God and enter the fire even as Moses did. The Israelites refused to go into the fire, thinking that they would die (Ex. 20:18-21).
    Deut. 4:12 says, “Then the Lord spoke to you from the midst of the fire; you heard the sound of words, but you saw no form–only a voice.”
    The Law of God does not pronounce endless judgment upon anyone. It is olam, “indefinite, hidden, obscure” in length, because everyone is different. The judgment always fits the crime, and it is limited by the law of Jubilee when all men are set free to return to their lost inheritance (Lev. 25:10, 13). Men must be judged to learn obedience, but that judgment is limited by the grace in the law of Jubilee.

  459. ABSALOM December 1, 2011 at 11:23 am #

    A redonkulously long exposition that provides no useful information.

  460. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 11:25 am #

    Thank you, dale.
    I have listened to it once, and I will listen to it again. I have another free hour and two listens should do it, since it seems he is basically riffing off the Heart Sutra … and I love this paradox of the Heart Sutra.
    Form is no different from emptiness
    Emptiness is no different from form
    That which is form is emptiness
    That which is emptiness is form
    I like the part where he says: “They [the reductionists] have made the brain primary and assume information is in there … and lo and behold they have a mind-body problem.”

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  461. mika. December 1, 2011 at 11:36 am #

    There is no god. There is only idiotic programming for idiots willing to submit to that idiotic programming. But you don’t even qualify for that, because you can’t even understand the language the original programming was written in. So what you follow is a derivative of a program that was dis-assembled and then mis-assembled into a mambo-jumbo pagan nonsense of the worst kind. You are so screwed up that I feel as much pity for you as I feel anger at your idiocy.
    olam = world
    adon olam = lord of the world
    “He” is your lord because idiots like you allow “him” to mold your world. Your Operating System is that of a child imbecile.

  462. San Jose Mom 51 December 1, 2011 at 11:40 am #

    The Biz Week articles reads: “Palantir’s engineers fill the former headquarters of Facebook along University Avenue…..It’s security people–who wear black gloves and secret service style earpieces– often pop out of the office for lunch…making downtown Palo Alto feel at times, a bit like Langley.”
    Let me know what you observe.

  463. anti soak December 1, 2011 at 11:42 am #

    OK, So a Muslim in Germany goes to the hospital.
    She weighs 1/4 ton. Her 14th child weighs
    as much as twins.
    She names him JIHAD!
    A 13-pound baby named Jihad was born in Berlin early on Friday to a 528-pound unidentified mother at Berlin’s Charité hospital, according to Germany’s English news site, the Local.
    Baby Jihad, who joins 13 siblings, is reportedly the largest baby born naturally in Germany. Doctors said his 40-year-old mother suffered from gestational diabetes and likely a metabolic disorder, as well. While the woman reportedly said she did not know she had diabetes, doctors said she in fact was aware of her condition, but ate too many sweet foods……………

  464. anti soak December 1, 2011 at 11:43 am #

    Cast NOT pearls before TURKEYS.

  465. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 11:52 am #

    ji·had …. /ji?häd/
    The spiritual struggle within oneself against sin.

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  466. digi sport live December 1, 2011 at 12:16 pm #

    This information is some of the best I have found on this topic for me, I really appreciate this point of view and I’ve found it to be more reliable then some, I will be recommending it to others.

  467. wagelaborer December 1, 2011 at 12:47 pm #

    The 1% of the US is inexorably linked with the 1% elsewhere. They have houses all over the world, they travel all over the world, and they own businesses all over the world.
    To get upset with the 1% because they feel more loyalty to the ruling classes of Europe than they do to the working class of America would be to believe that being born on the same patch of Earth gives you some sort of eternal bond, that money doesn’t.
    Wall Street ripped off pension funds AND European countries. Of course they care more about appeasing angry European bankers than they do angry US workers.
    What the hell can angry Americans do? Demonstrate? Let them. For a while. Then bring the jackboots in to clear them out.
    Pass a law to call them terrorists and throw them into military prisons.
    Use Fox News to spread disinformation about riots and rapes in Occupation camps.
    I have read that some villagers can catch monkeys by putting a treat into a cage. The monkey reaches in to grab it, and won’t let go, even as the villagers come and grab and eat him.
    This reminds me of Americans and their 401Ks.
    Sure, the nice cheerleader assures you that you will be a millionaire when you retire, as long as you put 20% of your income-tax free!!- into the 401K.
    Why do you need 401Ks? Because the banksters in the 80s leveraged your corporation, and used the pension funds to pay it off. But no matter. Grab that banana!
    Look at all the Wall Street banksters getting rich! That’s going to be you when you hit 65!
    Don’t listen to Max Keiser telling you that the reason the brokers are rich is that they are ripping off the pension funds!! (This isn’t covered by corporate media, so you have to disregard alternative media).
    All that the deal shows is who has the power to make the Federal Reserve back the fraud and larceny of Wall Street, and who doesn’t.
    It’s a club, and you’re not in it. As George Carlin pointed out years ago.
    And the info about Facebook is disturbing. I do hang out on Facebook, and learn a lot from my friends. Bummer.

  468. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 12:50 pm #

    Yeah! what he said!

  469. wagelaborer December 1, 2011 at 12:52 pm #

    When Orange County lost their pension funds in the 90s, it was a major scandal.
    Now, it’s expected. Our public pension funds are in the stock market, and the inevitable, (but always unexpected!) losses are expected to be made up by taxpayers.

  470. wagelaborer December 1, 2011 at 12:59 pm #

    You got that right, CFT!
    Mike Gravel has been trying to get his democratic reform passed into law for a while.
    Other countries have referendums on important national issues, but the US doesn’t. The only thing that we vote on nationally is which corporate stooge will live in the White House for four year segments.
    This is ridiculous. There is no reason, as you point out, in the age of instant communication and computers, that we cannot directly vote on items of interest to our lives.

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  471. wagelaborer December 1, 2011 at 1:06 pm #

    The problem with debt forgiveness is that so many people are so hateful..
    If they don’t owe $250,000, they don’t see any reason that someone who does shouldn’t be thrown out onto the street.
    It’s like Ralph Nader says, when everyone does better, society does better.
    If you are responsible and didn’t run up debts, good for you. But the breakdown of society and the social unrest caused by unemployment, poverty and homelessness is going to affect you anyway!
    I like that CHS addresses this issue.
    Personally, I’d rather see deadbeats rewarded than to see my country deteriorate into third world conditions.
    When I was a kid, we were taught that it would be better that 10 guilty men went free, than one innocent man punished.
    Has that ever changed! Now the Supreme Court announces that it doesn’t matter if someone can prove their innocence. They don’t get a chance. Just kill them.

  472. lbendet December 1, 2011 at 1:09 pm #

    Wage, your 12:47 post is so masterful, I wish I had written it myself.
    I was listening to Gerald Celente with Alex Jones this morning and what an earful–his experience says it all and I hope you all listen to a victim of the destruction of people’s investments. Also listen to Max Keiser’s interview of Karl Denniger today.
    I looked up more info on where some of the billions turned up from MF Global—Morgan Stanley Great Britain!!
    You can’t make this stuff up. There is not a single fictional entity that would describe the total FUBAR state this world economy is in.
    That’s what happens when you impose supply side, “free market” (which is anything but) no regulations on the global economic system and then get rid of you economic base. Your economy becomes fiction and a lie and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. It is now untenable and getting worse with each passing day.
    Oh, and as Wage says they really don’t give a rat’s ass what you think and how obvious it is.

  473. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 1:24 pm #

    Welcome to Reality – the Reality that Real Conservatives have lived with for generations. You’re very late, but welcome anyway. Just don’t start talking about more big goverment or federal banks.

  474. BeantownBill December 1, 2011 at 1:26 pm #

    So the stock market is effectively rigged. So what? Anyone stupid enough to invest when the most likely outcome is a loss or a return below the real inflation rate only has themself to blame. I do feel bad to see people lose their wealth, homes, jobs and happiness, but they ought to take at least some responsibility for their lives. So change the way you live, learn from your experiences, vow to never give up, and return to fight another day.
    Yes, predatory lenders took advantage of unsophisticated mortgage applicants. But many applicants knowingly lied on their applications; this is immoral. One doesn’t have to be sophisticated to know right from wrong. Yes, I truly feel badly to see these homeowners’ lives wrecked, but they must share responsibility. Even if a homeowner did nothing wrong and got screwed, they’re still responsible for their lives. And, yes, WE are responsible for helping those who truly can’t help themselves.
    My little rant is my reaction to some commenters on this blog who, from their lofty position of higher knowledge, endlessly complain about what’s really happening in the world. Then, when someone else chimes in with their own story or opinion, these selfsame commentors either chastize, ridicule or dismiss them.
    Instead of telling us what’s wrong,why don’t you tell us what you think we should do about the issues?
    Because of lack of space, I’ll single out one person (out of several) now: Eleuthero. Stop fucking complaining so much; stop hiding behind the veil of erudition; stop knocking others when their interests and opinions don’t jibe with yours. Do tell CFN what can be done about the things you complain about. You’re coming across as a bitter, aging misanthrope who has trouble with relationships. Your handling of Q’s comment about his stock-picking contest was cruel. The guy was obviously very happy about his results, and wanted to share them with us. So you felt it was a waste of time, BFD. MaoMao’s foreign language postings take up a lot more bandwidth.
    Yet you go ahead and waste more bandwidth complaining about Q.

  475. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 1:30 pm #

    The word from streets paved with skulls:

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  476. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 1:34 pm #

    S1867 – secret legislation coming up for a vote that will turn America into part of the battleground on terror – championed by Mad Dog McCain of course. Part of the gear up for WW3 no doubt. Having more than 7 days of food stored up is a sign of being a terrorist.

  477. anti soak December 1, 2011 at 1:39 pm #

    Go Bean Go!

  478. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 1:41 pm #

    Celente has been talking about the coming disater for years – and how close it is. Yet the guy was playing “futures”. He couldn’t just get out. Addicted just like everyone else.
    If things are as bad as he says, he should be holed up away from New York City. I don’t dismiss him – he just can’t walk his talk. Too passionate – exactly what got us into this to begin with. That’s how it starts. Then making money becomes the only thing – so rules and morality cease to exist. I don’t think Celente is like that, but the first step? Too passionate and acquisitive? Sure.

  479. Buck Stud December 1, 2011 at 1:44 pm #

    So the revered former county sheriff – and I do mean revered, the county detention center was named after him – stands in an orange jump suit with shackled hands. Allegedly, his retirement hobby was trading meth in exchange for man-on man sex. But, according to prosecutors, he may not be able to serve in prison if convicted: Perhaps he has the HIV virus.

  480. anti soak December 1, 2011 at 1:47 pm #

    Fedwill Bail out Euroland????????????????????????
    and file this in ‘so what else is new’ file:
    More Human trafficking courtesy of Immigration laws:
    NEW YORK (AP) — A mob-run ring that lured women from Russia and other Eastern European countries with the promise of waitressing jobs — only to send them to dance at New York strip clubs — was shut down Wednesday after 20 people were charged, including seven purported members of organized crime families, authorities said.
    Prosecutors said members of the Gambino and Bonnano organized crime families were swept up in arrests aimed at closing an operation that recruited the women and then arranged for many of them to enter into sham marriages with U.S. citizens so they could stay in the country and continue to work as exotic dancers at adult entertainment clubs.
    [I hear the Russian Mafia is doin lotsa murdas and trafficking.]

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  481. Buck Stud December 1, 2011 at 2:03 pm #

    I went to a middle school awards ceremony yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed the spirit and energy of those insolent, awkward, confused youths. Their bodies so lithe and springy, their minds so innocent and unsure. Cynthia Rodriguez, what a beautiful smile this beautiful blonde girl shined to her proud Mexican/white parents. Jacob Jarmillio, golden brown hair and green eyes – his parents were no less proud.
    The future of America doesn’t look so bad to me; it just needs to be nurtured with love.

  482. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 2:17 pm #

    We don’t hate all Blacks all the time by any means. They can be fun and very, very funny. When was the last time you let yourself just roll around on the floor laughing at Blacks? Here you go, enjoy:

  483. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 2:23 pm #

    The Mexican Elite are White for the most part. That’s what you saw. If a blonde marries an ordinary Mexican, the blonde hair is gone forever since the ordinary Mexican has no genes for this in their Indian ancestry. Most of the ones coming here are mixed, or Mestizo. But the real White characteristics are already long gone since they are recessive to begin with.
    We are the youngest and highest race, Buck. Thus the most fragile genetically. We must nuture our evolutionary endowment and separate from these other breeds – worthy as they may be in their own way. Else we risk becomeing nothing…. except mutts. Which goes for more on the market, mutts or pure breeds? White babies or Black?

  484. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 2:31 pm #

    As Da said, All there is is is. Bill Clinton was a piker next to Da. He could have been our first Hindu president.

  485. yldrkiac December 1, 2011 at 2:47 pm #

    To you and your family ‘s health , Citie must look

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  486. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 2:49 pm #

    Hear! Hear!
    E. is getting much too excited about electronic ones and zeros on computer screen that supposedly represent TRILLIONS of dollars, yen, euros, etc. of debt.
    So the bank computers here want to help out the bank computers in the Eurozone. As anti soak says: what else is new?

  487. messianicdruid December 1, 2011 at 3:21 pm #

    “He” is your lord because idiots like you allow “him” to mold your world.”
    Its not my world. Ownership rests in creating the thing owned. You are owned, you are just not allowed to realize it because of your gift, your wonderful intellect.
    As for the rest, we shall see.

  488. Bustin J December 1, 2011 at 3:30 pm #

    “”Punishment is, in its operation, like medicine; it dissolves the hard heart, purges away the filth of uncleanness, and reduces the swellings of pride and haughtiness; thus restoring its subject to a sound and healthful state.” [The Instructor, Vol. 1]”
    Case in Point: Jack Abramoff.
    It is true that nothing changes a person like the vagaries of punishment. This was a premise of “Fight Club”. The assorted shocks of the next decade are certainly going to put a hot pepper up a lot of people’s asses.

  489. Bustin J December 1, 2011 at 3:36 pm #

    “ji·had …. /ji?häd/
    The spiritual struggle within oneself against sin.”
    And… a horrible name for a child. & Etc.
    Pretty disgusting, no matter how you look at it. Having 13 children is psychotic and should be illegal.

  490. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 3:36 pm #

    You think Jack Abramoff is humbled? You think he has been “reformed” by his punishment?
    I have seen his performances in front of the media and what I see is a con man busy working on his next con.

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  491. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 3:39 pm #

    Disgusting is culturally relative. A name like Mercy or LadyDi might seem disgusting to some.
    So, you want big government to come down on the breeders?

  492. Bustin J December 1, 2011 at 3:49 pm #

    Politicians are bought and sold. Abramoff has the spotlight, and, despite interviewers’ focus on his motives or feelings, he is doing solid service in talking about it, whether it is penance, authentic contrition, or otherwise. He served 3 and a half years in federal prison, so ostensibly he has paid his debt to society. The pols are still in office.
    As for Baby Jihad- his mother’s dangerous and stupid decisions will reverberate for the rest of his natural life. Likely side effects of his mother’s stupidity will be congenital ugliness, obesity, diabetes, a shortened lifespan, and low I.Q., along with getting his ass kicked on the playground on a daily basis.
    Cultures need to get real about children. Every pregnancy in the U.S. is treated as God’s extra special act- conception, even, for the leading edge of the Religious’ Right’s efforts to jam God and religion down everyone’s throats.
    We are far too timid and accepting a society to stand up and tell the unfit mothers of the world to stop getting knocked up. A cash and/or drugs payment for sterilization would help immensely.
    Lets not leave the “fathers” out of it. Low-life sperm donors should receive a lifetime supply of male contraceptive pills or sterilization.

  493. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 3:50 pm #

    soak, the outrage is that those trillions of ones and zeros represent widely disparate to different people: literally tens of thousands of square feet of living space; the finest clothes, food, toys, education etc for their children; the best healthcare; the list goes on and on…all in return for lying and pushing a goddamn button- worse yet, just for TELLING SOMEONE ELSE TO PUSH THAT BUTTON- while those of us who do the ACTUAL WORK- which fucking hurts, by the way- are lucky to have a place to live, and chances at the rest of “the dream” are disappearing before our eyes like a bad magic trick…yeah, more of the same, and i for one am glad to see the anger put into words, and i hope ad hominem attacks from hoser and such ilk (how do YOU like it soak?!) do nothing to discourage eluethero and the other voices of rightous anger…the more discussion we can have, the better i say; we might be able to find our way as human beings out of the shithole we have allowed to exist for too long…

  494. anti soak December 1, 2011 at 4:02 pm #

    Buck, More and more children in USA are in poverty.
    The future may be worse that even I imagine it to be!
    Yr heartwarming anecdote is just that, an Incident
    not a rational predictor of the future.
    40% of young black males are unemployed, for instance.

  495. ctemple December 1, 2011 at 4:02 pm #

    Mr Druid, you’re one of the few people on here who’s views I really respect, you trying to explain God to these creeps is like trying to describe trigonometry to a two year old. They aren’t going to understand it.
    I’ve tried myself and often give up.
    In the first place most of them have nothing but contempt for the basic tenents of western civilization anyway, and their hostility towards religion is basically a resentment against anything that puts a brake on whatever the hell it is they think they’re entitled to. And like nost people in modern society that’s anything and everything and immediately.
    I’ve seen it written on here that God is man made, this from people who think they can make up any rules to suit themelves, and jam it down everybody else’s throat.
    It boils down to no religion, no morality, and they don’t have to think about anyone but themselves.

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  496. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 4:02 pm #

    question: if the guy was given million$ in return for criminal activity, shouldn t a life sentence without parole just about take care of the interest (compounded daily, as i m sure his cash was), leaving the principal unpaid? an argument can be made that he played a part in fucking up all of our lives and freedoms; why does he get his back? not that i would exclude any of the thousands like him, or the boughten politicians from culpability…i m bitter; and just sayin’…

  497. Bustin J December 1, 2011 at 4:05 pm #

    I’d happily pay the marginal amount in taxes to prevent the massive incurred costs of deferred disability payments and medical costs further down the road.
    The willful act of conception and birth of a child with congenital disabilities should be seen as child abuse. Fetal screening for congenital defects should be mandatory, as well as case-by-case analysis of fitness for motherhood. Why shouldn’t women have to qualify to give birth to their 13th child? Without the assistance of modern technology and social services, what are the chances this bitch would be stone dead by the 7th or 8th child? Germany’s technocracy made possible this monstrosity. “God” would have killed her ass with complications and poverty a long time ago.

  498. anti soak December 1, 2011 at 4:05 pm #

    I dont disagree but Big 13 pound Jihad was born
    in Eurabia, Germany.
    dunno if moms on welfare, Maybe dad works.
    At 540 pounds with 14 children maybe shes just ‘workin the system’.

  499. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 4:25 pm #

    ask the literally countless millions who have been killed, raped, and dispossesed in the name of religion how moral they think they were treated? you call US creeps?! you puke, i wasn t raised by idiot religious fanatics, but if i had been, it still wouldn t have passed the “does this really make sense how you explain it to me” test…ask yourself what it says about you and all those people who have to have the idea of an invisible man watching to behave…WHEN you behave…i ll just tell you what we think- whether the others will admit it or not: anyone who is a part of organized religion is tacitly a part of murder, molestation, lying to, cheating and stealing from the weak and gullible, and a host of other misdeeds…so shut the fuck up already about morals an ethics- you don t recognize the lack in yourself to be able to point to it in someone else! oh, and when you re not around, we refer to you as ‘goddies’ …fucking moron…

  500. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 4:30 pm #

    …and please, no more religion today; i don t know if i can hold back and control my temper that well again…

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  501. wagelaborer December 1, 2011 at 4:36 pm #

    Well, thank you, Beantown, for your timely exhibition of my point about hateful Americans.
    Someone who loses their wealth, home, job and happiness pretty much is going to change the way they live, by definition, right? So your unkindly advice is unnecessary.
    Lying on an application is immoral. Horribly immoral. Anyone who does that certainly deserves to lose their happiness, job, wealth and home.
    But what about the banks who encouraged it? The bankers whose job it is to investigate the truth of applications, but instead encouraged liars loans, and then turned them over to be packaged, sliced, diced and sold to pension funds and European bankers?
    You left them out of your rant about accountability, saving your wrath for home buyers and investors.
    Anyone who invests is a fool and deserves the loss of their wealth and happiness, just like poor people who wanted homes that they didn’t deserve.
    Get over your superiority complex. Just because you aren’t in debt doesn’t mean Boston didn’t invest pension funds in the stock market. How will your quality of life be when the homeless population soars, and desperate people turn to crime? A life lived in fear is unpleasant, even if you personally aren’t going hungry.
    I, for one, constantly offer a solution to our economical, social and environmental problems.
    I advocate becoming a truly democratic society, and deciding as a people what we need to live a decent, sustainable life, and then dividing up the work among all available workers.
    You don’t like that solution?
    The Green Party supports monetary reform. Dennis Kucinich has introduced a bill calling for the nationalization of the Federal Reserve, and giving the Congress the power to issue currency. You know, the power given to them in the Constitution. HR 2990. If you’re interested in solutions, here’ one you can support, I assume.

  502. wagelaborer December 1, 2011 at 4:38 pm #

    I left out the link. It has information on monetary reform, the Kuchinich bill and the Green Party platform. Lbendet, I think you’ll find this interesting, also.

  503. ront December 1, 2011 at 4:44 pm #

    Oh, George, what are you up to, Brother?

  504. dale December 1, 2011 at 4:47 pm #

    When was the last time you let yourself just roll around on the floor laughing at Blacks?
    What your missing Vlad, is how many people here are “rolling around on the floor”, laughing at YOU. I’m trying my best not to be one of them BTW. I know a pathetic sad little man, when I “see” one.

  505. Widespreadpanic7 December 1, 2011 at 4:52 pm #

    BuckStud, your comment on the JHS awards ceremony, beautiful sentiment, nicely said!
    So 2 days ago, in a lengthy front page article, the WSJ claims that the USA, for the 1st time in 62 years, will become a net exporter of refined petroleum products, with almost 800,000 million barrels of gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel etc. shipped out. Doesn’t sound like an energy starved nation to me. Peak oil is still an open question. I’ve read about a dozen books on the subject, most of them written between 1999-2006. Maybe it was just another intellectual fad, I don’t know? I can clearly remember “by the year 2000” half the human population would be wiped out by AIDS, New York, Boston and Charleston would be underwater from melting sea ice, and the Y2K virus would shut down the developed west. None of that happened.
    Another article in the Journal states the “uber Rich”, billionaires, are still living large but laying low for the time being, until the Owser movement blows over. (although both factions are similar in that they both believe in big government. Turns out the Fed gave out $16 trillion to various banks and institutions since 2008.)

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  506. wagelaborer December 1, 2011 at 4:53 pm #

    You can’t give government the right to decide who can and cannot reproduce Bustin. That leads to abuse of power.
    Although, the fluff news on my computer opening screen had an article about forced sterilization in the USA. They said that the laws were on the books until the 70s, which I didn’t know.
    They were, of course, used mainly against the poor and the non-white.
    But they were showcasing some woman who got knocked up at age 16, and was sterilized after the birth of her son, for being promiscuous. According to her, she didn’t know she was sterilized until she got married at 18, and couldn’t get pregnant.
    So she only has the one kid, who turned out pretty well, according to the article. She went to college and got a good job, and has led an upstanding life, by US standards.
    So the article postulated about how much better her life would have been if she hadn’t been sterilized. WTF?
    She’s trying at age 18, with a 2 year old, to get pregnant again. How many kids would she have had? How could she have gone to college, with all those kids?
    Although I don’t think the government should be the one to choose who gets sterilized, it’s obvious to me that she was better off.
    But if there were a cash reward for sterilization, not just for the poor, not just for the stupid, not just for those contemplating their 13th child, then a whole lot of people would have better lives. Because there are a whole lot of unwanted children born in the USA.
    And, of course, the US would be better off without all those unwanted children. And

  507. wagelaborer December 1, 2011 at 4:58 pm #

    Glad you were able to control yourself, CFT.
    Thanks for the reply to ctemple. One thing the religious certainly do have in common is sanctimoniousness.
    He periodically lets loose on the ungodly, accusing us of godawful thoughts and impure motives.
    None of them have any relation to anything any of us has posted, of course. Just what he learned at church, or wherever.

  508. progress2conserve December 1, 2011 at 5:07 pm #

    “The future of America doesn’t look so bad to me; it just needs to be nurtured with love.”
    Nice anecdote, buck. I hope it is just that easy.
    You have left my question unanswered from two weeks ago. How large should the population of the United States be allowed to become. Apparently your answer is 600,000,000+ – as long as Mr. Buck Stud is able to find the open spaces that he loves.
    Or something like that. Which is fine. One man’s opinion, or the lack thereof.
    My concern is – why are the “big USA, grow, grow, GROW boosters” – not considering the concerns of the “peak everything” group – or even the concerns of the “global warming” scientists.
    Capitalism thrives on, and demands, growth.
    Liberalism cannot turn anyone down for admission.
    American culture and government has ZERO control over birthrate decisions of people once they get here – something that will likely NEVER change.
    I see no evidence that any one in US leadership has any sort of vision that extends past the next election cycle.
    Maybe I’ll just hold your beautiful vision in my head and go look for some lotus leaves, Buck.

  509. progress2conserve December 1, 2011 at 5:31 pm #

    So, anyway –
    I needed a bigger chainsaw. And I found a good deal on one at Sears, about 10 months ago. It had a two year warranty, so I left it in the box until just last week.
    Then my old saw died. So I broke out the new one. New gas, new bar oil, new everything.
    I fired it up. It didn’t idle right.
    Then it wouldn’t run at high speed correctly under load. I had to keep pumping the throttle to cut big logs.
    So, obviously – I’ve got a fuel flow/carb adjustment problem. Sears – wisely and graciously – left the adjustment “screws” for high speed carb adjustments – accessible for adjustment. And they left a little message to call a 1-800 number if you needed assistance with carburetor adjustments.
    Which I did – need help – because the adjustment “screws” looked funny, and I knew I didn’t have a tool to fit them. So I called Sears.
    And a nice lady reads through her tech help screens. And she tells me that I need a special tool to adjust my carb. So I ask her to ship me the tool. And she informs me:
    “Due to Federal EPA regulations – we can only provide carburetor adjustment tools to technicians who have taken an EPA approved course that certifies them to repair this carburetor.”
    It a 42 CC engine. This is nuts.
    I guess I’ll have to drive down to the Atlanta airport in a couple of days. I’ll pull up in the parking lot of the sleeziest motel I can find on
    Central Avenue. Heavily armed, of course, I will crack my truck window and wait for someone to approach.
    Dealer: “Whut you need, man?”
    P2C: “Let me have a gram of crystal meth and an ounce of Skunk.”
    Dealer: “No prob, man.”
    P2c: “And – can you get me one of those tools to adjust a carburetor on a Sears Roebuck chainsaw?”
    Dealer: “Shheeet, MAN – you Hard Core, ain’t you?
    “Lemme see what I can do. Come back tomorrow.”
    P2C: “Just get it for me, man. I’ll make it worth your time.” “I gotta have it, man.”
    Actually – I get free shipping and a warranty repair right now.
    But, daayuum – what am I gonna do when the warranty runs out??

  510. balkan December 1, 2011 at 5:31 pm #

    Couple blogs ago I asked very simple questions to you christians:
    1. What is it that visitor to USA would notice right away, almost at he airport, that this is uniqely christian country?
    2. What would make them say “woow what a great place to be!” – remember the unique values.
    I was expecting a line of commentators wiling to answer what is so dear to them.
    The only reason that I am asking the question is what I see as a into-your–face promotion of something that should be so personal.
    I personaly respect truly religious people. The rub is that I am prety confident that if you are used car salesman you are not a christian. Same goes for parents screaming of joy that their daughter made it to centerfold page – southern twang make me beleive that that family’s buts are not a stranger to church pews.
    Something along this lines…

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  511. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 5:36 pm #

    yeah, that has always bothered me about the very religious- i wonder what they are trying to hide? and don t get me wrong, if you need it to function, fine- i understand it is hard to reject something you ve been told since you were a kid…but prosyletizing is something else entirely…bishop tuthu said something about the missionarys came to africa with their bibles, and we had all the land…they said ‘let us pray…’ when we opened our eyes, we had the bibles, and they had all the land!

  512. messianicdruid December 1, 2011 at 6:03 pm #

    “They aren’t going to understand it.”
    Everyone can understand it, its not difficult. We just have a piece of the puzzle missing. When we see the piece and recognize its place, something clicks. Not because of us, or our ability to reason. We did not choose to be made blind. We were born into it.
    Its like making a lamp out of a cowboy boot. Its usefulness only becomes known when you plug it in. Until then it doesn’t seem right. You coulda had a V8.

  513. San Jose Mom 51 December 1, 2011 at 6:17 pm #

    I know a number of women, mostly my Mormon friends, who would get “baby fever” every couple of years. I couldn’t understand it at all. I had my first baby at 33, and honestly having a newborn in the house is like being in triage for the first 12 weeks. I was very attentive, but I felt like an exhausted prisoner. Round the clock feedings, colic, etc.
    One Mormon aquaintance had two sets of twins, then two kids after that. I would go positively insane under those circumstances. Honestly, women who crave infants seem emotionally immature to me.

  514. progress2conserve December 1, 2011 at 6:45 pm #

    balkan, and some of the rest of you Atheists –
    We get it. You don’t like religion. And you reserve particular disdain for Christians.
    Probably, because that’s the only religious group with with you are familiar. Most are just as “bad.” Some are worse. One appears much worse, with respect to anti-US fanaticism.
    Think about that – and notice I’m not naming names.
    Also –
    And much more important –
    How do you think individual humans, those lacking your own level of enlightenment, will regulate their behavior? No, it’s really a serious question.
    How about when the power goes out and stays out for days or weeks?
    How about people who don’t have your level of education?
    How about people who have no education at all? How about when they are hungry?
    How about when their kids are hungry?
    In most of the thinly populated areas of the United States – Christianity still stands ready to organize things, feed the hungry, and help the truly downtrodden.
    Do you have a better plan?
    Besides relying on the government?

  515. ront December 1, 2011 at 7:09 pm #

    I agree with you P2C about how religious dogma can serve childish scoundrels with no rules of morality to influence their behavior away from the purely selfish. When people of this sort get fed up with the results of their rotten behavior (prison, punishment by bigger scoundrels, etc), they turn to any organization that can help them adjust to a society that is fed up with them. These organizations might be a prison, religion, corporation, military, police, or other rule/power structured group. This can prove very useful for a time. After some time and maturation, they may become quite skeptical about their need to be ruled by some authority figure or dogma. The ego will be sufficiently ready to rebel.
    “Growing up is a natural part of the world. All living things do it. On the other hand, you are likely familiar with: You are only young once, but you can be immature your whole life.

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  516. DeeJones December 1, 2011 at 7:13 pm #

    “So 2 days ago, in a lengthy front page article, the WSJ claims that the USA, for the 1st time in 62 years, will become a net exporter of refined petroleum products, with almost 800,000 million barrels of gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel etc. shipped out. Doesn’t sound like an energy starved nation to me. Peak oil is still an open question.”
    Um, if you researched it, this is just extra supply due to the cutback in consumption by the now unemployed ‘Merican consumer. So, they gotta do something with it, so, hay, lets sell it to Europe.
    Oh, and I think you had a typo, it was 800,000 barrels, not million. The whole world only produces about 89 million barrels/day. The US consumes & used something like 10(?)million a day?
    Please look at theoildrum.com for more info on ‘peaking oil’. I think there was a discussion of this very same article recently. I think they pointed out that that figure amounted to something like 2% of US consumption. In other words, excess capacity.

  517. greyghost05 December 1, 2011 at 7:24 pm #

    For me, sleeping with a cat takes away the cares of the world.
    I agree, there’s nothing like having a little pussy near bye.

  518. greyghost05 December 1, 2011 at 7:26 pm #

    Either the Sig or the new Kimber “Solo Carry” in 9mm.

  519. greyghost05 December 1, 2011 at 7:47 pm #

    Old Henry was on top of the game. You’re right about the Protocols. When you look back at what was written so long ago and you can see the plan laid out before your eyes, only a fool or a shill will call it a conspiroacy. Our decline into chaos has been on track for quite some time.

  520. Buck Stud December 1, 2011 at 8:30 pm #

    Perhaps you can ditch the Sears and grab a Stihl… the best chainsaw going. They also have local service centers.

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  521. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 8:38 pm #

    Our decline into chaos has been on track for quite some time.
    But it won’t be complete until the USA is unable to bomb, invade, and occupy countries at will.
    The day the USA military is so weak it has to close its 800 foreign military bases and return to the USA, that is when the decline will have yielded fruit and the rest of the world can rejoice that the USA imperialists can no longer assault the rest of the world with impunity. It will probably require quite a bit more decline, but the trend toward weakening the USA military is going in the right humbling direction.

  522. Buck Stud December 1, 2011 at 8:39 pm #

    Rational or not something is going to give. For instance, I was listening to Democracy Now the other day and a student loan protest movement has been planted by the young. As I recall, they are gathering signatures which pledge to suddenly and simultaneously stop making payments once they gather 100,000 signatures. If your assertion proves correct – and I will not argue against it – look for many more protest/strike type movements from the young.

  523. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 8:45 pm #

    until the Owser movement blows over.
    WSP7, the owswer movement is not going to blow over. It has been helped greatly by the police. The owsers were in their parks, like a snowball at the top of a mountain. The police forced them out of the parks, so now the snowball has been pushed and has started rolling downward, gathering size and strength. Watch next for occupations that shut down ports of entry, legislative bodies, banking centers, the Fed, etc. The police have helped make the next phase of the owser movement possible.

  524. Shakazulu December 1, 2011 at 8:46 pm #

    “you can see the plan laid out before your eyes”
    When I first found a copy in 1986 and read it straight through, I finally had proof that the Accidental Theory of History was a lie, as I had suspected for years. Once a person’s eyes are opened to truth, you’re never the same. Although you always have the choice to ignore the truth, you will never escape it’s power.

  525. Buck Stud December 1, 2011 at 8:51 pm #

    Your response reminded me of a conversation I had with a college painting professor about a week ago. This so called professor – in truth he can’t paint a lick, he’s basically a digital/conceptual artist – argues that beauty is not important in art, that Kant no longer applies. I stated that if a painting or sculpture does not initially present beauty, then I am not really interested in having intercourse with it. And I probably won’t be back to contemplate the piece at a later date.
    Similarly, your racial purity concept is just that – nothing but a concept. People are going to mate with those they find attractive.
    Come back to the side of beauty, Vlad. So few days remain, and so many dark-eyed beauties are calling.

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  526. Buck Stud December 1, 2011 at 9:01 pm #

    Although the second part of my statement – nurtured by love – is being fulfilled by teachers, parents and others, one might argue – and you do a great job of it – that our political/economic system is about everything but love.
    I’m hopeful about the kids themselves; the current system/trajectory, not so much. Our generation is not going to save anything Prog, we’re too divided and in collusion.

  527. DeeJones December 1, 2011 at 9:11 pm #

    WSP7 this is from the WSJ article:”According to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Tuesday, the U.S. sent abroad 753.4 million barrels of everything from gasoline to jet fuel in the first nine months of this year, while it imported 689.4 million barrels.”
    I think what a lot of that represented was our excess refinery capacity (see my earlier post), the US takes oil and processes it for countries that don’t have the refinery capacity themselves.
    Plus if we have some left over because of demand decline at home, we can export that too, and ChinIndia will take all we can spare. Also, this includes Iraq because we stupidly (or greedly) bombed their refineries, so we have to ship them processed product. There are other countries we provide finished product to as well.
    So this is kind of a disingenuous article.

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  529. BeantownBill December 1, 2011 at 9:48 pm #

    You don’t like me at all and run off at the mouth about me, making all sorts of assumptions, when you don’t even know me.
    Yes, the banksters should be arrested, tried in a court of law, and if convicted, be put in jail. How do you propose we get that done? If you can’t come up with a plan that works, then all you are doing is ineffectual complaining. I didn’t include banksters in my rant because they weren’t annoying me as much as someone else was at the time I posted.
    Now you’re using your formidable telepathic powers to reach through cyberspace and learn my finances. Tell my creditors I’m debt-free; maybe they’ll die from a heart attack after their uncontrollable laughing, and thus free me from my obligations.
    You say, “I advocate becoming a truly democratic society, and deciding as a people what we need to live a decent, sustainable life, and then dividing up the work among all available workers.” You call this a solution? I call this the naive teenage fantasy of an emotionally stunted adult. Please explain to me how such a solution realistically can be implemented? Otherwise slither away and stop annoying me.

  530. BeantownBill December 1, 2011 at 9:57 pm #

    Tell me you’re joshing. You’re really not that idiotic are you? Jeezus, the critically deficient thinkers are really coming out this week.

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  531. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 10:02 pm #

    Dark eyes – no problem. The White Race is the most varied of all. Sophia Loren was the equal of any blonde. And actually they do seem to like me more often than the blue eyes. The American Ideal is the Dark Male/Fair Woman – Joe DiMaggio/Marilyn Monroe. But the attraction works the other way too.
    There are more important things than attraction though: like values and genetics. In terms of music, your harping on attaction is like being all about the beat and ignoring melody.

  532. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 10:14 pm #

    Dale, embrace you shadow. You found it hilarious. Just admit it and stop being a pompous ass for half a dharma instant. Call it Entry into the Mercy of a Rude Stream.

  533. mika. December 1, 2011 at 10:16 pm #

    Its not my world. Ownership rests in creating the thing owned. You are owned, you are just not allowed to realize it because of your gift, your wonderful intellect.
    When are you going to free yourself of this nonsense? Can’t you see how infantile you are?
    Nobody owns the world, and nobody own us as humans. Ownership is a human legal construct. The concept of ownership was created to resolve issues of conflict over limited resources contested by a group of people. The fact that you would apply this idiotic argument to something you yourself define as singular, limitless, and infinite, just shows the mental cretinism that you’ve locked yourself to.
    Stop it!

  534. Vlad Krandz December 1, 2011 at 10:18 pm #

    How many Minorities would you make Beantown take in?
    How is what you’re advocating different than Communist Redistriburtion of Wealth?
    Barney Frank and Co made the Banks make loans to unqualified minorities. Has this FACT percolated into your postion on any issue?
    Plus you hate cats.

  535. Buck Stud December 1, 2011 at 10:37 pm #

    If the long, flowing blonde hair of “Legends Of The Fall” Brad Pitt were to walk into an all-Latino/a bar on a Saturday night, one half of the bar would be in a sexual frenzy and the other half intent on showing him the door.
    Argue race all you want, but something more primal lurks beneath skin color. Call it the X-factor of attraction. ( Personally, I love the looks of east-Indian and Pakistani women.)

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  536. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 11:08 pm #

    Barney Frank and Co made the Banks make loans to unqualified minorities. Has this FACT percolated into your postion on any issue?

    First Alinsky and the Devil… and now this!
    I saw Barney Frank on an interview and he said that his push, years ago, was to support renting, but conservatives said it wasn’t the American Dream if it didn’t entail home ownership.
    Barney Frank didn’t pressure people into loans they didn’t understand. He did NOT set up the multi-trillion dollar international derivitaves and credit swap system that even a lot of economists don’t understand. Banks gave out bad loans because they made extra grift on the back end by selling pieces of their loan packages the way side bets are made at a street fight.

  537. Buck Stud December 1, 2011 at 11:22 pm #

    I went to the Democracy Now website and I was mistaken – they are trying to collect a million signatures.
    Here’s the problem with student loans as I see it. If a college graduate lands a job in his field of study, then it’s a pretty good, perhaps great investment. If not, it’s a terrible investment. But like the old tobacco industry that denied the dangers of smoking, the college education/student loan biz does not provide placement stats for their graduates. And it wouldn’t be that hard to implement. As a stipulation for receiving student loans a student would be required to provide a post graduate employment record. Any given college would then be required to compile and provide employment stats for a particular area of educational emphasis. For example: 30% of graduating English Education majors are currently employed as teachers. This is the type of student loan warning label that would enable students and parents alike to make an informed decision as it pertains to the economics of their particular area of study.
    Of course, this type of looking out for the long -term economic welfare of a student would also strike the fear of god into the university/student loan dynamic. And that’s why student loans are the 2011 economic equivalent of a pack of 1955 Camels’.

  538. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 11:37 pm #

    Sadly it appears higher education has adopted a business model. You say: “enable students and parents alike to make an informed decision as it pertains to the economics of their particular area of study.”
    Economics of their particular field?
    From what you are writing, Buck Stud, it seems the idea of getting a liberal arts education for the sake of “in-forming” oneself, becoming an educated citizen, or simply for the joy of learning, has disappeared.
    I imagine that nowadays, if you chose to study philosophy, because philosophy interests you, not because you want to get a PhD and teach philosophy, I suppose that would be considered a bad use of higher education facilities, or perhaps a foolish personal decision, a waste of money. How sad.

  539. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 11:41 pm #

    well i guess i can see that…weren t they about a quarter then? and now they re at $7.00 or so here in nashville…i understand they re rediculouser (shaddup Q) in places like new york- $10 or so i ve heard…gotta say, i m kinda glad i didn t get in on the bubble: sixty grand or more in debt before you buy a house or anything else?!

  540. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 11:42 pm #

    well i guess i can see that…weren t they about a quarter then? and now they re at $7.00 or so here in nashville…i understand they re rediculouser (shaddup Q) in places like new york- $10 or so i ve heard…gotta say, i m kinda glad i didn t get in on the bubble: sixty grand or more in debt before you buy a house or anything else?!

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  541. charliefoxtrot December 1, 2011 at 11:47 pm #

    huh…sorry about the 2x…

  542. asoka. December 1, 2011 at 11:56 pm #

    DeeJones, Russia has delivered supersonic cruise missiles to Syria, so whatever country decides to attack Syria could pay a heavy price.

  543. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 12:06 am #

    I’m all for a liberal-arts education, and I’m all for ‘education for education’s sake’. And I didn’t write that education has nothing to offer beyond financial considerations. But I’m also for a student being informed on the risk/reward aspect of taking out a student loan as it applies to their particular area of study. In case you haven’t noticed, student loans are big, big money. And nothing prevents a person who loves learning from taking the path of the educated autodidact – like a Kenneth Rexroth, for example.

  544. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 12:22 am #

    In Europe these types have actually allied with the Muslims. They naively believe that they will be able to handle the Muslims later. Silly boys. Everything is emotional reaction with them. They hate Christianity more because they don’t know Islam.

  545. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 12:27 am #

    “Your money can be taken at whim, which is the lesson of MF Global”
    Is anything going to happen to these thieves? Betcha if I robbed a bank for that much money, my body would still be on display swinging from a rope.
    Hey, you hipsters,don’t forget to vote!

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  546. asoka. December 2, 2011 at 12:37 am #

    Buck Stud, you are right. What is more, the actual courses are available free from MIT OpenCourseWare and Rice Connexions, so you can take the courses without paying a dime … assuming you are interested in learning, not a piece of embossed paper. Free Online Course Materials MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu

  547. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 1:04 am #

    That’s what I just said. But we’re lucky because we can find alot of diversity within our own race. Resist those urges for strange flesh. You’re marrying their parents and weird customs.

  548. Bustin J December 2, 2011 at 1:23 am #

    Wage said, “You can’t give government the right to decide who can and cannot reproduce Bustin. That leads to abuse of power.”
    Fallacy o’ the slippery slope there. What next? They limit your prescription drugs?
    Reproduction limits are like speed limits, ie. necessary with so many stupid people around.
    I’d be happy as shit if it were 7, considering that 5 or 6 is totally out of proportion to the need for children.
    Lets be reasonable. A woman “reproduces” as soon as she’s had one (1) child. The second is for selfish reasons and three or more is pure vanity.

  549. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 1:31 am #

    You’ve written a couple of statements that appear contradictory:
    “The White Race is the most varied of all.”
    ” We are the youngest and highest race, Buck. Thus the most fragile genetically.We must nuture our evolutionary endowment and separate from these other breeds”
    The top comment implies variety via exposure. The next comment cautions against it. The two comments seem at odds, but then again, I’m no racialist.

  550. Bustin J December 2, 2011 at 1:33 am #

    AS said “I dont disagree but Big 13 pound Jihad was born in Eurabia, Germany…. dunno if moms on welfare, Maybe dad works.
    At 540 pounds with 14 children maybe shes just ‘workin the system’.”
    I guarantee it. A 540 person doesn’t move much. Mom will be dead as a stone within 5 years, most likely. Then who is caring for the kids?
    In 5 years, mom is dead, dad is fucking gone, the first born reached 18 and stole his first car, 12 kids in foster care. Oh yea- and Peak oil.

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  551. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 2:25 am #

    This week’s Gross Generalisation Award:
    “It boils down to no religion, no morality, and they don’t have to think about anyone but themselves.”

  552. charliefoxtrot December 2, 2011 at 2:30 am #

    damn…i just actually laughed out loud at that one

  553. Eleuthero December 2, 2011 at 2:36 am #

    Asoka said:
    Hear! Hear!
    E. is getting much too excited about electronic ones and zeros on computer screen that supposedly represent TRILLIONS of dollars, yen, euros, etc. of debt.
    So the bank computers here want to help out the bank computers in the Eurozone. As anti soak says: what else is new?
    For being an alleged Buddhist, you sure are not grounded in here-and-now reality. Fuck the ones and zeros. If YOUR debt has too many zeroes in it, YOUR feet are held to the fire. If Vikram Pandit creates so much debt that the computer’s LONG INTEGER cannot store it, the AMERICA PEOPLE are held to the fire.
    Those ones and zeroes that you dismiss with your typical cavalier attitude matter to the FINANCE POLICE who are there to make sure you pay what you owe. What financiers owe is irrelevant. I thought Buddhists had clarity of vision??

  554. asoka. December 2, 2011 at 3:23 am #

    E. said: “Fuck the ones and zeros.”
    Exactly my point.
    gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

  555. Eleuthero December 2, 2011 at 4:07 am #

    Ah, but I didn’t say “fuck the ones and zeroes” to imply that they are MEANINGLESS as YOUR post implied. As usual, you misconstrue and then carry on from the misconstruance. My point, which you did NOT understand at all is that the amount of ones and zeroes in YOUR debt will be held against YOU so they DO count!! They DO matter.
    It’s the trillions the BANKS owe the American people that are being ignored. Vikram Pandit and Jamie Dimon and Hank Paulson are held to a LOWER standard of financial competence than a COMMON HOUSEHOLDER. Indeed, they are held to a lower standard of when to be ASHAMED than a common householder.
    Shame is one of those emotions that goofy New Agers think can be done away with because they’ve read too much Nietzsche or they read Eckhart Tolle (what a tool) and think they are ubermenschen. Shame is something that the physician Galen observed in the 2nd century A.D. even in DOGS. It’s an emotion that keeps people from doing WRONG THINGS. Without shame, the wrong-doer thinks that WRONG is RIGHT or, at least OKAY.
    Seems I have to explain the simplest things these days because we live in a world where there is an X-axis and no Y-axis.

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  556. Eleuthero December 2, 2011 at 4:22 am #

    LB said:
    You’re so right about the lack of concern about more money going through the back channels to hold up Europe’s central banks cuz, you know the tsunami will hit here next–at least that’s the same old tired line they’ve been giving us since the first TARP bailout.
    There are a lot of Kafkaesque elements in the polity these days. One is that the stock market’s health is isomorphic with the economy’s health. Indeed, the opposite is always true at extremes. The 85% rise in the Dow since March, 2009 has not been accompanied by any improvement in employment, greater workforce participation, higher wages, infrastructure projects, easing of pressure on consumer debtors, or any other aspect of
    the common man’s economic life.
    The only thing which is a bit saddening to me is to watch Europe borrow to hold up insolvent banks as if this is different than what we did in 2008. I talk to two Germans and two Spaniards via email on a weekly basis. The same wealth concentration and speculation among the filthy rich are occurring there with GOOFY manifestations like tacky gentrification of places like BERLIN.
    McLuhans’ “Global Village” is here and so is One World Government but OWG isn’t a government at all … it is a corporate police state immune from prosecution or standard-bearing which is even more draconian about hounding its debtors than ever before. Does anyone really believe that Kellogg, Brown, and Root or BNP Paribas answer to any sovereign state?
    Well, … at least I know that YOU would never fall for that shit.

  557. Widespreadpanic7 December 2, 2011 at 5:45 am #

    Hey Ibendet do you know anybody in Manhattan who attended one of Obama’s $36,000 per plate fundraising dinners a few nights ago? I understand there were quite a few showbiz and Wall Street types in attendance.
    Who can afford $36,000 for dinner?
    Obama supporters that’s who!
    That reminds me, Pucker, you yanking our chain, or what?

  558. The Mook December 2, 2011 at 7:55 am #

    What can you say about a country whose people get confused if you alter the design of their soda cans?

  559. lbendet December 2, 2011 at 8:09 am #

    Well, you gotta thank Bloomberg for something. He did sue for the right to know how much money we gave to the international banks. They say it 7.2 trillion. Also someone spilled the beans that the banks where chortling that they created the mortgage mess and they knew they’d get bailed out.
    Recently I read somewhere that the one-world corporate government is not interested in governing at all. They want control of everything and of course make all the money, but we all know those things never work the way they imagine.
    There will be many challenges to this including big global organized crime syndicates that already exist. India has one of the biggest organized crime groups in the world according to a 2005 article in US News and World Report when the Dubai ports deal was on the table. Where do you think they are?
    Oh they think they’ve thought of everything, but a new Cold War might be brewing as we keep pushing the “envelope” of What Russia and China will put up with.
    I believe that at some point soon, other countries will figure out that this miserable system might just be worse than a full-blown depression and they might just en mass eschew the US-dollar fiat currency. (Of course you know that means war)
    Ah, the calculus of change….

  560. lbendet December 2, 2011 at 8:27 am #

    O had dinner in my neighborhood two nights ago. I think it was Gotham Grill and there was a police presence in the afternoon and parade dividers in the area.
    That said:
    What planet have been on for the past 30 yrs? You think big money isn’t behind both parties?
    Are you implying the the Republicans don’t have giant billionaire donors. That’s why they refuse to raise taxes on them. That’s why all the jobs are leaving our shores and that’s why the unfair trade treaties. They get more in both slave labor and currency differentials. (this is true of the Dems too)
    Oh, and let’s even discuss all the things this country can’t do internally because all the privatized special interests.
    That’s why W. called the wealthiest among us:” the haves and Have mores are my constituency”.
    What the Repugnacan’t have been saying is if you want to get people to work, get rid of the minimum wage, and don’t tax the rich.
    If the Rich and the R. get their way we will have children back in the fields and factories with no national education system and we will all be working for the same wages as the North Koreans. You like that?
    Neither party is working for you, that’s all you need to know.–The only issue they have with us is to convince us otherwise. That’s where the fourth estate, owned by corporations comes in.
    No Regulations=No laws.

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  561. balkan December 2, 2011 at 8:45 am #

    Good that you stepped out.
    Small community providers that you mentioned is exactly “my kind of christians”!
    What about USA as a whole?
    When you say “America” the first thing that comes to mind is “$”. Is it tue?
    Sunday mornibg devotion to church is not enough to clear you as a christian after six days of consumerism. No matter what you say that 60″ HD or shiny 4-wheeler renders Jesus out quickly for most self proclamed “chrisitans”.
    Now. what is it to me?
    Frankly, I could not care less about other people’s lives if it was not “in-to-your-face-religion”. Knee jerk decision to have Ten commandments plaque in public space as “simply expressing” their faith. If allowed, hundred feet crosses would be erected in City squares, or on every freeway overpass. And drumming hum that USA is a “unique christian” is a sneaky quest to reserve front seats for themselves and clearly saying that everybody else is “less”.
    The reason that I posted questions in the first place.
    Me Atheist? Hardly. More like Spiritual. Not once I wondered into quiet Dalmatian old stone chappels away from the heat and to find a peace.
    Do not recall ever not being tuched with interior of ancient Eastern Orthodox churches. Calm among wierd geometry decorations in mosques.
    As for me expecting goverment to help me. What goverment?

  562. lbendet December 2, 2011 at 9:13 am #

    If you are truly offended by money in politics I have a website called get money out set up by Dylan Ratigan. They are trying to circumvent the decision by the corporatist Supreme court in Citizens United case by coming up with a 28th amendment to the constitution.
    [It’s Time to GET MONEY OUT of politics
    Bailouts. War. Unemployment. Our government is bought, and we’re angry. Now, we’re turning our anger into positive action. By signing this petition, you are joining our campaign to get money out of politics. Our politicians won’t do this. But we will. We will become an unrelenting, massive organized wave advocating a Constitutional amendment to get money out of politics.]
    Go to the website and sign! Show how many people in this country want this done!! That’s to all of you on CFN. Without control of special interest money you can kiss democracy and a real economy as we know it good-bye.–If this continues say hello to global corporate fascism.

  563. Eleuthero December 2, 2011 at 9:32 am #

    Hi, LB!! I liked your remark that the “one-world government” (corporations), now that they’ve been given the reins, doesn’t really WANT to govern. Your “proof” convinced me. Indeed, sometimes I wonder if the burgeoning de facto “mafia” of many emerging countries isn’t an actual proof-by-example that when, in Frankensteinian fashion, we created a global deregulated financial MONSTER it would result in “Boiler Room ScamWorld”. Sure has that appearance.
    That $7.2 Trillion figure you gave is positively CHILLING. I wondered if it wasn’t tongue-in-cheek parody on your part? If it isn’t, it’s one of the most insane single numbers that I’ve ever read as a news item in my adult life. It, too, is a sort of proof of something else … that future inflation and the final elimination of the middle-class through commodity speculation is considered acceptable “collateral damage” on BOTH sides of the pond. Also, in the Jet Age, does our Fed really think the newly-printed funny-munny won’t “slosh” back over here and worsen the already precarious $100/bbl oil price? How do you contain the money inside the EU?
    Still, to this point, I haven’t read of a single Democrat on Capitol Hill reacting to this most amazing bit of financial chicanery. Did they go home for Christmas early??? Wow … talk about “kick the can”!! With this move, they tried to boot that “can” all the way to China, not just “down the road”. After almost 4 years of relentless Keynesianism whose effectiveness can be likened to getting 2 pennies worth of result for every dollar printed, we exported our failed “solution” to the Continent.
    I wonder if THEIR citizens have any idea what’s on the way? Can you say “Brent Crude at $160” little Euroboys and Eurogirls?

  564. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 9:51 am #

    Prog writes:
    “You have left my question unanswered from two weeks ago. How large should the population of the United States be allowed to become. Apparently your answer is 600,000,000+ – as long as Mr. Buck Stud is able to find the open spaces that he loves.”
    I thought we put your obsession with this question to bed a couple of weeks ago; apparently, I was wrong.
    But I have am obsession of my own that is bugging me, and quite frankly, it leaves me worried about your prospects entering TLE. You claim to be a tree-farmer from Georgia, which is fine and fair enough. However, anybody and everybody who has to cut wood professionally (even the occasional stray limb)knows that a Stihl is the only chainsaw brand worth having – for durability, power, performance. One Stihl chainsaw will outlast five pedestrian saws.
    So why is a tree-farmer from Georgia lamenting the weekend, homeowner chainsaw they bought from Sears? It’s just not adding up for me Prog. And this is very critical: We’re talking about the ability, or apparent lack thereof in this case, to discern high-quality machinery/tools heading into TLE.
    Let’s talk about it Prog, and forget about world population and get your eye back on a more immediate and pragmatic ball. I’m worried about you, but I’m here to help.

  565. lbendet December 2, 2011 at 9:53 am #

    Check out this site:http://theweek.com/article/index/221883/the-federal-reserves-breathtaking-77-trillion-bank-bailout
    (7.7Trillion that is)
    As Crazy Eddie would say we are positively Insane!”
    Carl Ichan was on GPS back in 2008 or early 2009 and said when they saw the numbers they freaked out. They never saw numbers like that.
    Let me stick up for Keynes. I believe that by turning this into a global neoliberal economy, Keynesianism can’t work.
    It’s like sticking a band-aid on flooding gash that can’t be contained. As long as our bailout was not allowed to be used for just US jobs and national concerns because our International Trade agreement forbid this, you cannot contain the non-stop tax payer dollars going abroad.
    By trying to apply Keynes to this distorto-contorto fraud that is the global economy, you are just giving Keynes a black eye.

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  566. messianicdruid December 2, 2011 at 10:00 am #

    “Ownership is a human legal construct.”
    Ever heard of a “covenent” a “testatment” or a “will”? Do you have an advocate? I do. Call it juvenile if you like. I don’t care what you think about matters of Law, you are obviously unqualified to judge lawful matters.

  567. Widespreadpanic7 December 2, 2011 at 10:53 am #

    To all you CFN atheists, GK Chesterton, CS Lewis and the great British historian Arnold Toynbee beg to differ. ‘Specially Toynbee. I’d say us Christians, intellectually speaking, have some heavy hitters on our side.
    Las summer my wife and I spent 2 weeks in Spain and 2 weeks in France. Those lovely Catholic Chapels and Churches in sunny Spain, in France, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, Mt St Michel in the North, beautiful churches everywhere, all inspired by the Bible and Christian Faith.
    I looked around for something inspired by atheists but couldn’t find anything.

  568. Widespreadpanic7 December 2, 2011 at 10:57 am #

    Maybe we should have travelled east, into Poland & Russia, and toured the abandoned Nazi extermination camps and Soviet Gulags.
    Now there is some handiwork of avowed atheists!

  569. charliefoxtrot December 2, 2011 at 10:59 am #


  570. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 11:06 am #

    “I looked around for something inspired by atheists but couldn’t find anything.”
    Yes, well, at the time those churches were being built, atheists were still being severely …uh…censured (the nice term). So, when you were standing in Notre Dame, did you wonder how many little boys had been fucked up the ass in there?

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  571. progress2conserve December 2, 2011 at 11:14 am #

    That’s funny bs.
    You still deny and obfuscate a simple question – but I’ll give you credit for doing it in a more linear and entertaining manner than is usual for CFN’s professional obfuscators.
    Short answer is that I don’t cut my own trees at the “tree farms.” I contract with guys who use equipment like in this video. Although you don’t strip the bark off southern pines in the field. They do it at the mill, because bark has value.
    As to why I have a Craftsman chainsaw instead of a Stilh – that question actually strikes deeper than I have time for right now. Besides, you made me get all distracted looking at YouTubes of different logging equipment this morning – and now I’ve got to go back out and try to do a little honest work today.
    OZONE!! I know you process a lot of firewood.
    Check THIS sucker out!
    And buck, please make note that that amazing hydraulic saw on the Bobcat is NOT a Stihl.

  572. charliefoxtrot December 2, 2011 at 11:21 am #

    wait a minute, did the puritans profess to believe in god? that s right, they did! wait, wait, they then proceeded to preside over the largest, least acknowledged, and longest- lasting genocide in the history of humanity…not one tribe; every tribe here…yes, already here for thousands of years, which would imply, if not our construct of ownership, stewardship…and for present-day, if you don t think poverty and lack of station means much the same as a gulag for MILLIONS of people- all i might add under the banner of ‘christianity’- then you re either stupid, gullible, or a sociopath with empathy lacking…any one of which makes you a perfect candidate to join the ranks…better hope nobody sees you receiving the little gifts of candy & cigs from the guards on duty…

  573. charliefoxtrot December 2, 2011 at 11:28 am #

    Oooooh, that s impressive! i WANT one!

  574. mika. December 2, 2011 at 11:36 am #

    Ever heard of a “covenent” a “testatment” or a “will”? Do you have an advocate? I do. Call it juvenile if you like. I don’t care what you think about matters of Law, you are obviously unqualified to judge lawful matters.
    I see. You intend to sue god. And in what court of law will all this take place?
    Btw, a contract needs at least 3 signatures. Please have the contract you intend to bring forth ready for your upcoming court date. You better make sure that god and your imaginary witness(es) have all signed the dotted line.

  575. wagelaborer December 2, 2011 at 11:47 am #

    Out of my Dad’s ten kid Mormon family, there were eleven biological grandkids who survived. (One of my cousins was run over by a coal truck).
    But of my cousins, a couple had a lot of kids, and a couple of their kids had a lot of kids.
    Is it being Mormon? Or the properous times?
    I think that starving as children made my Dad’s family more reluctant to have a lot of babies.
    This will piss off the Christians, but one of my aunts, who had heart damage due to rheumatic heart fever as a child, had two kids and then got pregnant again.
    In Utah, in the fifties, they gave her an abortion and tied her tubes.
    So the whole right wing Christian hysteria about abortion is contrived since the seventies, in my opinion.
    Did you know that even Catholics were allowed to have abortions until 150 years ago?

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  576. messianicdruid December 2, 2011 at 11:48 am #

    “Btw, a contract needs…” blah, blah, blah ”
    More of the defense creating drama, ie: legalisms which are of course self-serving and pretentious.

  577. Eleuthero December 2, 2011 at 11:55 am #

    I think I’ve figured out what “pushing on a string” REALLY means. It’s the endpoint of Keynesian effectiveness because virtually ALL of the money goes to the people who already have the money. Our plutocracy in America makes Ebenezer Scrooge seem like Mister Rogers.
    I wish we’d implement Roubini’s idea … massive Keynesianism in order to REBUILD AMERICA’S INFRASTRUCTURE. It’s tragicomical how we have all these ultra-high-tech gadgets in a country where the plumbing and utility grids are a century old or, in many cases like San Francisco, much older than that (1875!!).
    By the way, ECRI’s weekly leading index, after a few weeks of small upticks bucking the overall downtrend, kerplunked down 1.3 points today. But when you look at CHINA having a recessionary PMI, you just know that things are really serious. China used to regard 5% growth as effectively a recession. Their current PMI and order backlog numbers imply growth in 3 months at MINUS 2%. Yup, freaking China!!!
    Gawd … the snotty Euroweenies regard themselves as the ne plus ultra of intellectual acumen and they’re going down the same goddamned path that we’ve gone. What’s Alcoholics Anonymous’ definition of insanity? “If you do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome, you are insane”.

  578. wagelaborer December 2, 2011 at 12:01 pm #

    Yeah, Vlad’s been listening to Rush Limbaugh again. Matt Taibbi answered this in his column-
    This whole notion that the financial crisis was caused by government attempts to create an “ownership society” and make mortgages more available to low-income (and particularly minority) borrowers has been pushed for some time by dingbats like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, who often point to laws like the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act as signature events in the crash drama.
    But Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are at least dumb enough that it is theoretically possible that they actually believe the crash was caused by the CRA, Barney Frank, and Fannie and Freddie.
    On the other hand, nobody who actually understands anything about banking, or has spent more than ten minutes inside a Wall Street office, believes any of that crap. In the financial world, the fairy tales about the CRA causing the crash inspire a sort of chuckling bemusement, as though they were tribal bugaboos explaining bad rainfall or an outbreak of hoof-and-mouth, ghost stories and legends good for scaring the masses.
    But nobody actually believes them. Did government efforts to ease lending standards put a lot of iffy borrowers into homes? Absolutely. Were there a lot of people who wouldn’t have gotten homes twenty or thirty years ago who are now in foreclosure thanks to government efforts to make mortgages more available? Sure – no question.
    But did any of that have anything at all to do with the explosion of subprime home lending that caused the gigantic speculative bubble of the mid-2000s, or the crash that followed?

  579. newworld December 2, 2011 at 12:01 pm #

    Since JHK is Leftwing doomer porn he should tell you utopian genociders the awful truth. Your political correctness and the nanny state won’t last 15 minutes once it loses its enforcement capabilities.
    And BuckStud your genocidal fantasies are sick sick sick.

  580. rippedthunder December 2, 2011 at 12:05 pm #

    Hi Wage, I think I put this on here a coupla’ years back. My Dad came from a family of 19 kids. French-Canadian. Most of them went on to have 4-5-6 kids. I have probably 70-80 first cousins. I don’t know but a handfull of them. Meme gave birth 18 times. The last set was twins and my Pepe said “We better knock this shit off, they’re coming in pairs now!” So the tale goes as I heard it. They all lived in a probably 1500 sq. ft. house. Times have changed. A single couple down the street from me are in a 4500 sq. ft. house.

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  581. wagelaborer December 2, 2011 at 12:12 pm #

    Believe me, Bustin, I’m as against unlimited reproduction as you are.
    I just know that so many people are poor that offering a substantial reward for voluntary sterilization would reach your one child goal without some newworld type getting a civil service job in which he decides who and who will not be forcible sterilized.

  582. ront December 2, 2011 at 12:32 pm #

    On the theme of this week’s blog entry, I share this poet’s assessment:
    Where We’re Headed
    A country at war with its teachers
    A country that won’t spend on upkeep
    A country where rants rule o’er reason.
    A country where poverty grows.
    Where the courts are injustice enablers
    Where the congress is justly disdained
    Where the president ponders then buckles
    Where the press has been bought up and tamed.
    Looking back there is much to proud of
    Looking back many crises well met
    Looking back always someone or something
    Has appeared, the grand dream to reset.
    This time something seems to be different
    The alignments are too badly skewed
    The future is rapidly darkening
    As we sink in the sump that’s been brewed.
    ©2011 Michael Silverstein

  583. wagelaborer December 2, 2011 at 12:43 pm #

    Yeah, those who believe that there is a difference in Dems and Repubs should check out the roll call vote on the bill to allow the military to throw anyone on the battlefield (planet Earth) into prison, without charges or trials.
    To quote Chris Floyd. Again. This would indeed be the end of our republic, if our republic hadn’t died years ago.

  584. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 1:02 pm #

    “And BuckStud your genocidal fantasies are sick sick sick.”
    What genocidal fantasies? I see mature, responsible, racially divergent couples raising beautiful, respectful kids every single day of the week. I also see couples of every racial stripe who have no business raising kids, IMO.
    What planet do you live on, fragile one?

  585. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 1:13 pm #

    You can’t tell the difference between an Italian and a Puerto Rican. Where’s your fine touch and subtle discrenment? You being ham handed, all thumbs.
    Do you want humanity to slide into a monochrome beige like Grouchy Old Girl? Even Liberals like Trip found that creepy…
    And the physical is actually the least of it. The inner traits are even more important. I mean a Negro Albino is sitll a Negro – white skin doesn’t change the size (small) and shape of the brain, the high testosterone count, etc.
    We are defined not just by what we do but equally, by what we don’t do. It’s important for Western Culture to say No to race mixing.

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  586. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 1:14 pm #

    Thanks for the link. Sure, I “signed” it. Hopefully, I will not have to adjust my spam filters. I mean, how many Canadian Viagra merchants can there be?

  587. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 1:20 pm #

    Well the deep cause is spending more than we bring in. And the Left is absolutely implicated since you folks don’t understand the concept of a budget. The housing crisis was merely the catalyst.
    Of course the Banks creating money out of nothing and then lending more imaginary money than they have doesn’t help either. Nor does foolish gambling with people’s savings.
    Your Barney and Princess Nancy are corrupt. Face it. And if the Communists won power, they would adopt a reign of austerity to match anything Ron Paul wants.

  588. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 1:24 pm #

    I defer to Nature. And people of opposite races are often attracted to each other, sexually and mentally.
    And speaking of fantasies, “Western Culture” cannot control “race mixing” anymore than Prog’s efforts can limit population growth in the USA. After all, the next self-anointed heir to the GOP crown has zero interest in stopping immigration or controlling race mixing.
    It’s a lost cause for both you and Prog. Get over it and join the real world.

  589. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 2:09 pm #

    What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. And what’s good for Ford is good for Communism.

  590. lbendet December 2, 2011 at 2:13 pm #

    Yeah, E.
    That’s what I’m saying about Keynesianism it is as distorted as everything else in the last throes of Bizarro world.
    Here’s a question. Going back to the first two sentences of JHK’s post this week.
    Is there a brain running the brain trust?
    How about having China make your military hardware as you try to encircle them in the South China sea.
    (need I say more?)

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  591. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 2:20 pm #

    Nature says like unto like. You only get different breeds to mate under unnatural conditions of captivity – much like the mediated zoo of the decadent West.
    Check out this book review of Boyd Rice. The reviewer postulates two types of decadence, that of the Left and the Right. The Leftist Decadent hates the ideal of health and wants to drag down all of of society to his own level. The Rightist Decadent knows that he is sick, but dreams of Health for himself and society. And even works in that directin although everything is against it.
    Does this not explain our differences?
    You think that further degeneration of standards, both national and personal, is the cure for degeneration of standards. Problems with borders? Get rid of them. Problems with your country? Have no country – become a citizen of the world. Attracted to aliens? Give in. Pleasure of the moment is everything.

  592. mika. December 2, 2011 at 2:32 pm #

    More of the defense creating drama, ie: legalisms which are of course self-serving and pretentious.
    Interesting position you’ve taken. You talk about legal concepts, but when it is pointed out to you how vacuous your legal argument is, you retort with “blah, blah, blah”. So, who exactly did you make your contract with? And what exactly makes that nonsense that you refer to, a contract?
    Your level of reasoning is the kind of reasoning one would expect from an illiterate peasant children living in the dark ages. And this was exactly the target audience for the nonsense you subscribe to. But again, you don’t even have that going for you, since you’re obviously not an illiterate peasant child from the dark ages. What you are, is an infantile cretin who is emotionally and intellectually trapped in a made up metaphysical mambo-jumbo world the Vatican created, so it can lord over imbeciles like you.

  593. k-dog December 2, 2011 at 3:00 pm #

    For more than two years details of the largest bank bailout in U.S. history has been kept secret. Details are now released.
    The link below has the details. There is a nifty graph that shows the giveaways like the 1.2 Billion donated to the Royal Bank of Scotland or the 104.5 million given to the Royal Bank of Canada. Scroll over the graph, it’s very interactive.
    So many foreign banks receiving so much money should not be too surprising. Readers here at CFN are mostly American Citizens. Our leaders however are citizens of the world and see themselves that way. It’s a side effect of globalization and for the most part I imagine they all have plenty of frequent flier miles to prove it. In Obama’s case this is not true only because he has his own jets. The ones we pay for.
    Has an OWS candidate emerged from the pack yet? If not come 2012 I’m going to have to vote for myself.
    K-dog for president.

  594. JJF December 2, 2011 at 3:05 pm #

    And we’re still going through the political motions, like any of it will make a damn difference.
    We still have rapid little zombies fighting tooth and nail for their own piece of the pie.
    Too bad you political zombies aren’t looking for brains!

  595. San Jose Mom 51 December 2, 2011 at 3:08 pm #

    I think folks that came from big families tend to want lots of children. Go figure? My family tended to shun big families–I have a grand total of TWO cousins.
    It ticks me off that the Catholic Church is having a fit about requiring companies w/ medical insurance to pay 100% for BC pills, etc.

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  596. k-dog December 2, 2011 at 3:18 pm #

    $59.7,000,000 is the amount the Federal Reserve gave to:
    BayernLB or Bayerische Landesbank (Bavarian State Bank) is a publicly regulated bank based in Munich, Germany and one of the eight Landesbanken. It is 94% owned by the free state of Bavaria (indirectly via BayernLB Holding AG) and 6% owned by the Sparkassenverband Bayern, the umbrella organization of Bavarian Sparkassen.
    And we wonder while nobody can balance the federal budget.
    I’m getting serious now. K-dog for president.

  597. newworld December 2, 2011 at 3:27 pm #

    I want one without your genocidal fantasies young man.
    And a reminder to you “liberals” your rhetoric rhymes with the nazi and proto-nazi rhetoric the Germans and other anti-semites of that era leveled against the jews.
    For the jews of that era they had to listen to two versions of genocide, one “You must assimilate”, two, “you are the evil force behind our misery and we are in the right to exterminate you.”
    You anti-whites be you non-white or a sick self hater of a white being are the world’s newest evil.

  598. BeantownBill December 2, 2011 at 3:29 pm #

    I’ll vote for you, K-Dog.

  599. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 3:33 pm #

    ” Does this not explain our differences? ”
    No, I believe human beings are human beings, not elephants and donkeys.

  600. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

    You do realize that you’re railing against an observation that I made about a middle school awards ceremony? How you leap from that to Germans, Jews and genocide is, quite frankly, fucking bizarre.

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  601. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 4:27 pm #

    “You only get different breeds to mate under unnatural conditions of captivity – much like the mediated zoo of the decadent West.”
    Jeez, ENOUGH! I’m going with the general consensus on this blog. Vlad, as a friend, I gotta tell ya. You NEED to get laid. I have a beautiful Panamanian girlfriend and I don’t have a pot to piss in. Oh yeah, and she’s teaching me calculus.
    Did I tell you how beautiful she is? Go get one. Now.

  602. charliefoxtrot December 2, 2011 at 4:45 pm #

    ok, i ll go out on a limb here: judging from prior comments about women in general, “beautiful” jesus, what is known about the nasty sex lives of nazis, and now this latest about different species breeding in captivity- methinks vladdikins is more oriented towards, say, a catholic priest…not that there s anything wrong with that…

  603. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 4:51 pm #

    Hmmm. Costumes. I like it. Could be a long calculus lesson tonight. “You didn’t do your homework? You’ve been very bad. What would Jesus think, FATHER.” Preparations must be made. Gotta go.

  604. messianicdruid December 2, 2011 at 5:01 pm #

    “You talk about legal concepts, but when it is pointed out to you how vacuous your legal argument is, you retort with “blah, blah, blah”.”
    I’m talking about concepts of law, not legal concepts. Legal concepts are manmade, and remade by following decisions of men. God’s Law is not abrogated just because some men so it is. You can make up stuff about what is or is not a contract all day, doesn’t change a thing really. And you can make all the legal arguments you like, the Judge will decide. I’m not sueing the judge, you are.

  605. k-dog December 2, 2011 at 5:11 pm #

    Thank you very much Beantown and as I’ve less to worry about than Herman Cain concerning my past if my true identity be known I’ll go ahead and state a platform. With one vote how can I not.
    Sustainability in Energy Economy Environment and Employment are k-dogs top issues. Think of them as my four ‘E’s. Corporations will be created and then later privatized or destroyed as national needs dictate. Full Employment is my top priority. I’ll consult the Southern Poverty Law Center and JHK for an interim Attorney General. Policy and legislation will be in harmony with the four ‘E’s. Other appointments will done in consultation with many other very smart people.
    I’ll be fine with four years of presidential pay as it is currently. Then maybe a small farm, a West Coast Monticello and I’m done.
    I’ll look good in bronze and I like pigeons.
    Prosperity for all.

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  606. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 5:14 pm #

    The Judge Will Decide

  607. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 5:20 pm #

    I just wanted to tell Vlad not be concerned about his “whiteness”. If you treat them right, it doesn’t matter. When I take off my shirt, I look like a roadmap of Detroit.

  608. k-dog December 2, 2011 at 5:34 pm #

    What’s the first case on the docket
    Judge I got a boy here who can’t dance
    Can’t dance? Ah
    Ninety days, thirty days for boogaloo
    Thirty days to learn how to shing-a-ling
    And thirty more for the Afro twist
    Can’t dance, what is this

    Shorty Long

  609. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 5:38 pm #

    Hey, any politician that doesn’t mind having their bronze likeness shat upon by the local bird population has definitely got my attention. That means that ego is not a problem. Truly unusual for a(n) Merkun Male. Tell me more about your environment “E”. We’ll see how comprehending you really are.

  610. dale December 2, 2011 at 5:40 pm #

    supersonic cruise missiles
    great name for a rock band

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  611. wagelaborer December 2, 2011 at 5:47 pm #

    I just went to the mall and was walking along listening to carols.
    They were blathering on and on about peace on earth and good will to men.
    I was offended for the adults on this blog. How dare they hold up unrealistic ideals without offering a roadmap for getting there! Peace on Earth. Damn commies!
    I was unsure what to do, though. WWBBD? Run to management and complain about adolescent ideals? Or just scream out diatribes for the people around me?

  612. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 5:54 pm #

    Sing the carols. I do. You have no idea how much time I spent learning how to play “Oh, Come All Ye Faithful” on my guitar just to accompany the singers. You don’t know where you are going until you understand where you have been.

  613. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 6:02 pm #

    I wanted to add that some things just take time. Maybe beyond your lifetime. The important thing is to keep the ball rolling.

  614. progress2conserve December 2, 2011 at 6:25 pm #

    “You don’t know where you are going until you understand where you have been.”
    X – that’s one of the smartest things I’ve ever seen in print, on this discussion thread.

  615. Eleuthero December 2, 2011 at 6:30 pm #

    LB said:
    Is there a brain running the brain trust?
    How about having China make your military hardware as you try to encircle them in the South China sea.
    (need I say more?)
    As to the first question, I say your question is rhetorical. I mean when you have people running for President like Perry and Cain who don’t know the three branches of government you know it’s “end times”. It’s like something out of the movie “Idiocracy”. PEAK INTELLIGENCE … you heard it here first. 🙂 🙂
    About your second statement, do you remember several years back when we were going to have the CHINESE make nuclear detectors to scan ships going through the Straits of Florida?? It was so embarrassing and made us look so stupid that sheer SHAME got this project halted.
    I’m alarmed at the stupidity in the SOCIAL sphere in just the last decade. When most politicians seem like flunk-outs from the TV show “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?” you know that you’re in an era when disorder and, eventually, DIE-OFF will ensue. I just hope I’m pushing up on daisies when this sucker gets real momentum. I fear that it’s progressing far faster than i had hoped.

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  616. progress2conserve December 2, 2011 at 6:32 pm #

    “Is there a brain running the brain trust?”
    That’s another absolute classic for CFN, Lbend.
    This saying and the one from Xhalor ought to be bookends for human thought – on and off of CFN.
    And I very much fear that there is not a brain, running the brain trust.
    And, yeah – there’s a Fred for that, too.
    “When I read columnists or listen to talking heads on the lobotomy box, they strike me as delusional. What are these decapitated crania prattling about? From what morgue did they escape? What country are they from? Certainly not the America I grew up in.
    I conclude that they suffer from Commentator’s Disease, which consists in the confluence of several disabilities, the first being high intelligence. Washington, being a center of power, politics, graft, and corruption, attracts the very bright.”
    -fred reed-

  617. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 6:39 pm #

    Well, thank you. I’m mostly speechless. Probably because Nahir is sitting in my lap right now and it’s really difficult to type. Are you paying attention, Vlad? I really want to read E’s post in lieu of the current, massive, coordinated central bank movement. Inflation? Man, I hope these fuckers can at least get us through one more holiday season.

  618. progress2conserve December 2, 2011 at 6:45 pm #

    Speaking of Herman Cain –
    He’s probably toast.
    Although he floats up the possibility that “moneyed interests” are finding these females with their allegations – to derail the Cain candidacy.
    Gingrich is a sleezball. I’m from Georgia, so I know. I voted for the SOB, for his first national election – in the Georgia 6th Congressional District, where I resided at the time.
    To my politically virginal 18 year old ears – he had a better record on the environment than did his opponent. HELL, he probably did have a better record – a bulldozer would have had a better record, at least it stops when you shut it off.
    But anyway – Gingrich, serial monogamist that he is – is a sleezy SB. Cain is probably fine, dandy, and OK – next to Gingrich.
    Although I do want to suggest the possibility that Herman Cain is just looking for a payoff – before he quits the race.
    Except, instead of money, or power, or stocks, or whatever – Cain wants his payoff to be in a different sort of ass-et.
    Consider the name of his new website – – please –
    “Women for Cain.”
    I’ve got to admire a man with Cain’s intensity of focus – and apparent acquisitive nature – for the things that he finds to be important.

  619. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 7:06 pm #

    “Women For Cain”? The Prosecution rests.

  620. progress2conserve December 2, 2011 at 7:30 pm #

    “Women For Cain”? The Prosecution rests.
    Yeah, X – I don’t disagree. It’s pretty bad.
    But – my admiration for Cain keeps going up, on an individual basis. His whole campaign – IMO, at least – has been a sort of “ad hoc” surprise.
    For example – that “9 9 9” thing was not terribly well researched or anything – but Herman C. liked the idea – – and more or less, has sold it to a section of the Republican Primary Voter Constituency.
    And “Women for Caine:” I mean, come on people – it’s obvious that very little focus group research – or Gallup Polling, or anything else —
    – went into the slogan and website, “Women for Cain.”
    It’s a punchline waiting for a joke.
    But Cain keeps bulling ahead –
    and God knows – he’d be better than most of the rest of the riff raff –
    That manages to rise to the top of National Politics.

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  621. lbendet December 2, 2011 at 7:42 pm #

    Yes it was rhetorical, but I suspect the politicians you are describing don’t really want to win this one. My guess is that the R. party wants O to hold the bag. He is doing much of what they want while they play the bad cop to his good cop.
    I mean really, Newt, the competition to Romney wants to bring the country back to 1941, he told a crowd and relegate poor children to cleaning toilets for a penny. Meanwhile he made $100 million going in and out the revolving door between public service and private lecturing. Give me a break.
    When I talked about the brain trust I wasn’t referring to the title of Pres. I’m referring to the real decision makers. You know, the “strategical” ones as W. would say.
    On Zero hedge today Kyle Bass in
    Kyle Bass Explains The New World Order – Panel Presentation were talking about the state of the global economy and how it will impoverish the waning middle class, causing cultural rift and leading to war. (last sentence: [increasing global debt saturation and how this tearing at the social fabric of the world will lead to – war.]
    Just asking why we insist upon Chinese cheap labor even when they will be manufacturing our weapon systems. The ones we might want to use against them.
    Think they’ll work-just asking?

  622. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 8:04 pm #

    You know, I really hate to reference several posts back, but I gotta tell ya; what I want is a sexually repressed black man who has endured all of his society’s whips and chains only to find out that the deluded have appointed him the keeper of the button. If not him, then who else?

  623. DeeJones December 2, 2011 at 8:10 pm #

    “Well the deep cause is spending more than we bring in. And the Left is absolutely implicated since you folks don’t understand the concept of a budget. The housing crisis was merely the catalyst.”
    Ummm…. lets see now, under Raygun & the Republicans, deficits “didn’t matter”. So the Repubs ran the government on a debt system (spending more than taxes brought in)and borrowing the difference.
    Under Clinton & the Democrats, it was a “pay as you go” system (derided as ‘tax & spend’ by the repubs). Oh, with a balanced budget.
    Now under the Repubs the fed defict & debt soared.
    Under the Dems & Clinton, well he left office with a surplus, that had it been maintained, would have paid off all of the debt run up under Raygun, Bush SR & the Republicans by now.
    So, just WHO is implicated in the debt? Oh, thats right, the Republicans & Right wing, who won’t raise taxes on the wealthy. But not the Demos & Liberals.
    It sure feels good to be a liberal…
    Now go fuck yourself Vlad and all the other conservative, right-wing republican douch-bags here.

  624. progress2conserve December 2, 2011 at 8:18 pm #

    “…so why don’t you have a Stihl chainsaw instead of a Sears Craftsman chainsaw? Huh, why not, you great big stud of a P2C tree farmer, you??”
    -buck stud, paraphrased-
    Because I’m getting older, buck.
    And I’m looking back at sad bemusement – at changes that are not ending very well for – – anyone who’s been in the US for a while.
    In the 1960’s-70’s America, of my youth,
    you didn’t get any better tools than Craftsman.*
    My dad, as I’ve told CFN several times before –
    came up hard.
    And he deferred a lot of gratification.
    He wanted a chainsaw his whole life, but wouldn’t buy one. He worked for Georgia Power, though – which in those days meant he didn’t make a whole lot of money – but had OK perks –
    So, if he needed a chainsaw, he’d just borrow a big monster Poulan monster from work.
    But he scrimped, and he saved, and he finally bought his first chainsaw in 1970. It was a Craftsman. The thing was an anvil. You could not break it. He and I did more stuff with that saw than the normal laws of physics would seem to allow.
    I inherited that saw when my dad died in ’84. And that winter, I grabbed the wrong tank of gas – and put regular gas in that two-stroke saw.
    It ran for about 15 minutes without oil – and then it locked up.
    Think about it. My dad just died. I’ve got his heirloom of a saw out in the woods for the first time, and I think I’ve just destroyed the damn thing.
    I’ve only got a screwdriver and a pair of pliers, I’m nearly 30 years old – and I’m out in the middle of nowhere by myself – and I’m giving some serious thought to crying like a little girl – because I just destroyed a tool my dad didn’t even think about buying until he was almost twice my age.
    Well – by a miracle of God and Craftsman. I broke that saw apart and took out the spark plug. I poured 2-stroke oil into the spark plug hole, and put the plug loosely back in.
    I grabbed the flywheel with my two hands, wrenched on it with all my might – and I felt the tiniest of movement. I worked and fought with that stupid locked up 2 stroke motor for half an hour.
    Then it slowly – and – miraculously, began to loosen up. I put that saw back together the rest of the way, choked it, and pulled the cord to start it –
    and that anvil of a saw roared back into life.
    I used that Craftsman saw for the next 20 years – finally giving it to my older son when he got married and bought a house.
    So – call me an old softy, with an appreciation for America and all of her yesterdays –
    But I’ll be sticking with Craftsman over Stihl – for a little while, yet.
    And yeah – I get the irony. My new “Craftsman” is a Poulan knockoff – now made on the cheap in China.
    But I’m not buying a Stihl.
    I’m not buying a BMW, either.
    And oh yeah, Jimmy Buffet, on Sears tools*, in 1979.
    “Love’s fool, Sears tools
    Wants to win that football pool
    Spend it on some real good grass
    Disappearin’ oh so fast
    Tell my story pain and glory
    Guess my occupation
    Free and easy warm and breezy
    Overnight sensation

  625. progress2conserve December 2, 2011 at 8:26 pm #

    “he’d just borrow a big monster Poulan monster from work.” -p2c, concerning GPC chainsaws-
    Yes, monster X 2 was a typo. But –
    Yes, those saws were large.

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  626. Shakazulu December 2, 2011 at 8:33 pm #

    “the critically deficient thinkers are really coming out”
    Bean it has absolutely nothing to do with critical or any other kind of thinking. It has to do with reality. Name one thing ONE THING mentioned in the Protocols that hasn’t been implemented or TPTB are not currently attempting to implement. I can only think of ONE THING off the top of my head that hasn’t been implemented, without going back and reading them all again, but they are working on that one.
    If the “Elders” say they are going to base all financial activity on speculation and you live in America and you’ve heard of Wall Street, then you don’t need critical thinking skills to see that’s what we have! Etc, etc, etc…

  627. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 9:01 pm #

    LOL Prog, that’s a great story. Thanks for sharing.

  628. eljxanjgil December 2, 2011 at 9:23 pm #

    ???????????????2011?11?29?????????????????????????????JI???NA?????????????TA???????? ??NI????????????????????????????????????????????????????22.7?NI?????77.3????????????GA NA?????TA????NA??????“?????NA?????”??F

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  629. progress2conserve December 2, 2011 at 9:32 pm #

    “Takara Holdings ?? ball ? desk, performance, brand copy, November 29, 2011, special digital lines Direction ?? ? Cana Mansion on the ground (the JI) TA ? ?? ?? thee out of the NA ?? to support such. When the clock NI ?? super copy, copy Mari Chloe 22.7% NI lions of people out ?Ru by Kazuki ?? Rolex fake brand agriculture support plate main temple ?? than settle for a large non-Cana, 77.3%, the West ?? TA ? example one need intention ?? GA NA ? support. If you have reason for ?? NA “NA ? ? the ?? not currently active ??” F trough”
    Can’t we at least get a CFN spammer that makes sense in English?
    Seriously, though – I’m not sure how long this CFN thread can endure in its present format.
    Better enjoy it while we’ve got it, boys and girls.
    And thanks, buck, glad you liked it.
    I’ll try to get back with you on that “you might as well give up on overpopulation and immigration” post of yours.

  630. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 9:57 pm #

    I understand that a man has needs…even a submerged superman like myself. Just don’t have any kids with her. Be nice and give her stuffed animals and stuff. Women like that – being essentially big children for the most part.
    Save your deepest self for a woman of your own race and kind.

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  631. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 10:02 pm #

    Here’s the question. It transcends all of your idiotic (Nahir says eeeediotic) preconceptions.
    How many talking monkeys are enough?

  632. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 10:10 pm #

    Dee, your mind is still in duality. They don’t take all this Dem/Rep stuff nearly as serious as you all do – not at the highest levels. Just as in Pro Wrestling, they are often buddies back in the locker room. Sure it might be real sometimes, but just over turf, not substance. Like two Maffia gangs fighting over the heroin trade in the Tenderloin. Someone’s going to get those profits from those poor people.
    Democrats handle soft hearted types and minorities. Republicans handle harder types and the upper middle class. The Rich are no longer all Republican – if they ever were (they weren’t). Not the Jews ever. If anything, the Democrats have more money now. But again, so what? Billionaires have class interests that trump their “politics” (marketing strategies).

  633. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 10:21 pm #

    Quite right Shaka. Ever see the movie “Zulu”? Superb!
    I concur – most everything in the Protocols is being done and much has already been accomplished. But also much has been added. They say nothing about using Race for example. Who would have dreamed that Whites would be so weak as to let in millions from the 3rd world? No people are so gullible and as easily controlled by simple verbal formulas. And none so prone to guilt. They have combined our weakness and our goodness as a package and used them against us. And once programmed, we program others and enforce the Program with draconian efficiency.
    Check out this View on the Organizational Aspect which is moving right along – effectively flanking National Law in every European Country:

  634. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 10:24 pm #

    I was terrified of the Wizard of Oz as a child. I couldn’t take the flying monkeys! But talking monkeys? That’s fine – what else are 99% of the People?

  635. asoka. December 2, 2011 at 10:33 pm #

    Science is coming every day closer and closer to the mysterious. Science is no more than three hundred years old, but it has evolved in three hundred years and gone far away from the destructive and negative mind of the religions.
    As I said to you, energy is neutral. Science creates energy, discovers energy, but it falls into the hands of the politicians, and the
    politicians use it for negative purposes. Their only goal is war. And science itself has become so complicated that you have to depend on some
    government or corporation. Because so much money is needed, you cannot be a scientist just by yourself.
    Those days are gone when Galileo could be a scientist, just using instruments which were ordinarily, easily available. He did not need
    trillions of dollars. Now the situation is different.
    The Wright brothers could manage to make the first airplane with discarded parts of bicycles. Now you cannot create an airplane so easily.
    But one thing is certain: that if a World Academy of Sciences — which is not committed to any government, to any ideology — can be created…
    in my opinion that must be the whole and sole reason for the existence of organizations like the UN. — Osho

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  636. charliefoxtrot December 2, 2011 at 10:36 pm #

    ha ha i ve got one- i call it my “pullin’ & pullin’ & pullin’…” hey i want to say i appreciate the story about your pop- much respect- and glad you got it running…i have my pop s old homelite (it isn t- light, that is!) he used to cut firewood for us when i was a kid he is still living; it isn t, but i wanted it for a keepsake which is to say i understand the sentimental value, even though stihl is the better all-around performer…IMnot soHO…oh yeah, be careful mixing your weed and your screwdrivers…

  637. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 10:41 pm #

    Yeah, that movie scared the fuck out me too. There was a person who I was very close to. Grandma Mannes. A Lithuanian who escaped the crush. When it came to human relations she said “Vot chu can do?”
    “…what else are 99% of the People?”
    Vlad, they’re people.

  638. charliefoxtrot December 2, 2011 at 10:41 pm #

    apes- but we ll make an exception in your case, JACKASS

  639. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 10:46 pm #

    All right, fuckos. I’ve used them all and I will put a Poulan up against anything.

  640. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 10:47 pm #

    Just got Pat’s new book, “Suicide of a Superpower” in the mail. Bout 400 pages – I’ll speed read it, slowing down for the good parts. Be done by Monday without altering my schedule.
    Intro is good. Lincoln defined a Nation as held together by “bonds of affection…mystic chords of memory stretching from every battlefield, to every patriot grave, to every living heart and hearth stone.”
    So by this definition, are we a Nation? Does a Nation tear down its monuments and put up ones of Negroes in its place? Change its textbooks and make the Founding Race into the bad guys? Celebrate the Holiday (Cinco de Mayo) of a hostile neighbor? I could go on but this will suffice. We are obviously not a Nation in any real way that anyone above the level of a Turkle or a Dale could believe in.

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  641. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 10:51 pm #

    Like Roy Masters says, People – who need People,
    Are the stupidest People
    of all.

  642. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 10:52 pm #

    I remember the first time I ever read Rajneesh (that’s what he called himself back then)so many years ago when I was a young man. I didn’t know who he was but I just randomly picked up of his books from the shelve and sat reading for the next couple of hours, mesmerized. For me, his message was very potent in written form. The book I read that day was ” The Mustard Seed” and it was like listening to Led Zeppelin’s ” The Battle of Evermore” for the very first time:

  643. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 11:04 pm #

    “Does a Nation tear down its monuments and put up ones of Negroes in its place?”
    I’ll bet the Tuskegee Airmen really piss you off. Tearing up those piece of shit ME-109’s. Vlad, I’ve tried & tried. Stop now or I will make it my mission in life to make you and your kind GO THE FUCK AWAY.

  644. Buck Stud December 2, 2011 at 11:06 pm #

    I had one of those once, an electric one. I burned it up in a day or two trying to rough out a tree sculpture. It was a waste of S&H green stamps, let me tell you.

  645. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 11:09 pm #

    Guess it’s a good thing you never had to fly a real one.

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  646. anti soak December 2, 2011 at 11:19 pm #

    Lest you think 12 children and up size families
    are just in Germany….
    Woman with 15 kids! Holy crap. .
    Jan 28, 2011 – A lady with 15 kids on state assistance gets evicted after many warnings demands that “somebody needs to pay for all my children.”
    this was on drudge and youtube
    Angel is too much..
    check her out
    [is buck young?]

  647. anti soak December 2, 2011 at 11:22 pm #

    alternative right [or similar] says
    TA was bunk.

  648. Vlad Krandz December 2, 2011 at 11:22 pm #

    Chuckles, you’re fox trotting on the Titanic as it lists past 30 degrees. Read the Long Emergency again – this time try to absorb the part at the end about ethnic violence during the Long Emergency and how bad behavior from Blacks is NOT going to be tolerated.

  649. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 11:31 pm #

    But bad behaviour from you will be tolerated? What bad behaviour are squawking about?

  650. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 11:35 pm #

    Piss off, twit.

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  651. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 11:55 pm #

    C’mon man. What bad behaviour are you (choke) talking about that has not already been done by others of your ilk? Standing by.

  652. xhalor December 2, 2011 at 11:59 pm #

    Don’t know about you but I have some company who is expecting some bad behaviour from me. See ya in the morning dickweed.

  653. k-dog December 3, 2011 at 12:01 am #

    Xhalor says, ‘Tell me more about your environment “E”. We’ll see how comprehending you really are.’
    I had to drive to my local Espresso Stand and think about this one. I think I only generated a pound or two of CO2 doing this.
    Making sustainability a top priority means the environment is also top priority. These concepts are joined at the hip. All my ‘E’s live under the big ‘S’ of sustainability.
    The oil monoculture gives us a great opportunity to stimulate our economy by reducing dependence on foreign oil. Policy, tax structure and incentives will stimulate job growth and generate the infrastructure to harness renewable energy sources.
    I’ll implement a solar program that Germany will envy and rebuilding cities with energy efficient buildings will reduce energy needs to rational levels. Huge amounts of energy are used by buildings.
    Rebuilding our train system and implementing serious emission standards will improve MPG and further reduce our carbon footprint while we electrify transportation.
    Key will be implementing the necessary changes as economic opportunities instead hardships. One can’t be disrespecting one of the ‘E’s at the expense of another.
    Initially environmental benefits can only be generated by conservation but long term improvement will be accomplished by paradigm shifts in the ways we use and generate energy.
    One thing to realize is that at this point things are bound to get worse before they can get better. We should have started being better stewards of the earth a long time ago, specifically in the 1960’s and 70’s. Instead we had a decades long Republican party with an emphasis on ego.
    Rampant rape of the environment by special interests must stop wherever it is now occurring and a cost benefit analysis will be considered as key to implementing rational environmental policies.
    Overpopulation must be recognized as a real issue before any serious environmental progress can possibly be made. The implications of this will give progress2conserve a warm and fuzzy feeling.
    I also need some campaign slogans. ‘Don’t be a stupid bitch, grow some balls and tax the rich’ has a nice ring to it.

  654. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 12:13 am #

    Cain said he was going to arrange a meeting with his wife before making his announcement tomorrow.
    I hope he goes to the right place and meets with the right woman.

  655. AMR December 3, 2011 at 12:18 am #

    The Palo Altans that I knew in my early childhood 20-25 years ago had a certain dignity and grace that has since become conspicuous by its absence. I know that this is no figment of my imagination because my parents and I still visit a number of these people several times a year. Their very lives are a rebuke to the rising tide of vulgarity, avarice, intellectual stupor, bullshit artistry and arrogance that has been washing over their city since the beginning of the dot-com boom.
    My parents and I got another data point about the decline of Palo Alto’s civic culture in September, when we learned that the owner of the Town and Country Village was playing hardball with decades-established tenants over lease rates, forcing at least one of them to relocate to the East Bay, where a huge swath of Palo Alto’s middle class workforce, defined so broadly as to be almost meaningless, has been already been forced. The reductio ad absurdum of this state of affairs would be a city whose residents must go to Fremont for groceries; the truly amazing thing is how plausible such a situation has become on account of already stupefying property inflation.
    The arrogance of the high-tech sector is so pervasive that it infects even perfectly well-meaning people in its employ, as well as peripheral social climbers who are bitter because they missed the express run of the gravy train circa 2000. I have one cousin in each category. My parents and I are practically estranged from the one who thinks that she missed out (her husband makes something like $250k/year, so her bitterness has to be taken with a grain of salt); the other cousin gives off a vibe of being such a professional go-getter and success that he is losing the ability to relate to the eighty-odd percent of America that doesn’t have its shit totally together.
    I’ve been around academics since before I can remember, and I’ve rarely gotten such a haughty vibe from them. Stanford faculty and staff, generally a most well-mannered bunch, are losing ground fast in Palo Alto to the likes of Mark Zuckerberg (sweet Jesus!), which bodes very ill for the city’s social and civic health.
    It stands to reason that a self-regarding creep like Zuckerberg would be more likely than anyone anywhere at Stanford to hire goons like the ones described in SJ Mom’s link about Palantir. I can hardly imagine spending fifteen minutes with Mark Zuckerberg without getting up in his face and telling him to drop the goddamn superiority complex. His smirking, haughty, self-important demeanor is the epitome of what’s morally off-kilter about the tech sector. It takes great strength of character and personality to work in the dot-com industry and not mimic the sort of passive-aggressive ill manners that he oozes. His leadership of one of the most ambitious projects of datamining and social conformism in human history just compounds the offensiveness and creepiness. Here’s this corporation that is a private-sector fusion of the Stasi Archives and a gigantic advertising racket, and it’s run by a guy who looks like he’s too young to shave and is, in point of fact, barely old enough to be a police sergeant in most jurisdictions. Dude needs to be bundled onto Dumbarton Express and put to work in a Fremont 7-Eleven, and I’m only half-kidding about that.
    There is, however, one silver lining about Facebook: on Thanksgiving Day, when it compiled every post that my friends had made about Thanksgiving (heeby-jeeby creepy), I discovered that its algorithms were unable to translate my Pig Latin post about Anksthe Ivinge Ayde and datamining by Arkme Uckerbergze, who I know, given my knack for languages, has the same name in Pig Georgian. I love the idea of choking NSA computers with that sort of easily translated gibberish. And it does appear to be possible to gum up Big Brother’s works just with sheer volume of “content.”

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  656. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 12:48 am #

    I remember the first time I heard Osho live.
    The wave of energy… Well, imagine someone who is hearing Elio Reve’s “Mi Salsa Tiene Sandunga” for the first time … that kind of energy.
    You can see me in this video. I am one of the black guys, dancing with the divine Mrs. Asoka.
    The energy was intense, just like the experience of Osho’s living presence.

  657. anti soak December 3, 2011 at 12:51 am #

    Just today?
    Wasnt much of TARP going ofshore?

  658. anti soak December 3, 2011 at 12:57 am #

    This is the video of the week…maybe 2011
    at Political Cesspool:
    ‘woman demands that taxpayers foot the bill for her 15 kids
    Wow. You’ve got to watch this. “Somebody needs to pay for all my children. Somebody needs to be held accountable.” She actually had the nerve to say that during the interview.’
    garry is in jail agin

  659. anti soak December 3, 2011 at 12:58 am #

    Ill consider the source

  660. anti soak December 3, 2011 at 1:01 am #

    SEB …you still out there????

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  661. Evelyn Victor December 3, 2011 at 1:43 am #

    “…bonds of affection…chords of memory…”
    Sounds pretty sappy to me. Disaffection and vengeful memories is as prominent an attribute but who cares. If such simplistic sentimentality gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling that makes you pretty special.

  662. Buck Stud December 3, 2011 at 1:50 am #

    I always wondered what you and Mrs. Asoka looked like and now I know: You Got Salsa!
    BTW, do you recall the Cheo Feliciano clip I put up some months ago?

  663. k-dog December 3, 2011 at 2:24 am #

    One can never predict when the bile will rise.

  664. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 2:28 am #

    Yes, I like Cheo, but a lot of his later stuff went toward the romantic salsa and lost some of it afrocentricity. I like Cheo’s early work (60s-70s with Fania), especially those that had a social message (and a “descarga”) like Anacaona:

  665. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 2:34 am #

    I should have defined descarga:

    It means to jam. Here the musicians improvise or jam as the montuno section is being played. The percussion section may start its descarga or it may enter into a musical dialogue with the horn section or with the other members in the group. Not only limited to the percussion section in wich congas, timbales, drumset or other percussion instruments may play, but also to the piano player who may play his/her section within the montuno. The descarga is not limited to the son montuno, it is also used alot in salsa, happening usually during the middle to the end of the piece, in wich the coro or vocal section that repeats a phrase over and over above the descarga improvises. Here the singer may, off the top of his/her head talk about the issues of the day, another band member or anything else the vocalist may deem important. The descarga can happen within a formal or informal setting.

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  666. Eleuthero December 3, 2011 at 3:18 am #

    Gingrich should rearrange the letters of his name as follows: remove the first ‘i’ and ‘g’ and put the ‘n’ before the ‘c’. Whaddya got? That’s right … GRINCH!! 🙂 This human waste of skin didn’t visit his sister on her deathbed because she was gay. Besides the stuff you mentioned about his ridiculous “career”, he was a major lobbyist for, among other firms … Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
    I actually, in a SPIRITUAL sense, place this insidious cad UNDERNEATH of Cain and Perry. Everything about this guy is sinister and evil. Cain and Perry are transparent rubes. Even though I’m an agnostic, I find the Christian description of SATAN to be compelling i.e., a deceiver who brings despair and death while claiming to be a savior.
    Newt Gingrich is one of THE most loathsome Americans in existence.

  667. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 3:43 am #

    What bad behavior? Well what bad behaviors do Blacks usually engage in? You really are pretty provincial aren’t you?
    Have you even read Mr Kunstler’s fine book?

  668. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 3:46 am #

    I saw the video – she’s my soul mate! My duty in life is to marry her and take care of all those Black Babies. And produce even more!

  669. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 3:48 am #

    Spoken like the kind of woman who gets teary eyed looking at Sandra Bullock and her Black Baby “Louie”.

  670. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 3:59 am #

    Contrast him with a fine man like “Dick” Cheney who stood behind his gay daughter (cut it out Dick) in her decison to marry her beau Heather Poe (any relation to Edgar?).

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  671. charliefoxtrot December 3, 2011 at 7:25 am #

    newt g(ett)ingrich has a bit of a ring to it, huh? which i must say i m a little disappointed, and hurt that no-one here or in the M$M picked up on this gem…

  672. Evelyn Victor December 3, 2011 at 7:39 am #

    Vlad, ever notice how by and large the most attractive people are black? You gotchur fat wallowing white folk just about anywhere you go and then you have your toned crisp people of color showing the pink grubs how it coulda been with a bit more self discipline in their lives. Beats me how you can be so in love with such a sorry demonstration of how things can go wrong amongst people who lack the will to mix in a salad once and a while. Even the difference between two fatties of opposite color is distinguishable – you have your soft blubbery fat (white) and you have your hard fat, or so it appears.

  673. lbendet December 3, 2011 at 8:02 am #

    “That will never happen.”
    Yes, E and CharlieFoxtrot
    At the expense of being repetitive, I’ll say once again that the Newt will say anything he can to get you to vote in his direction.
    I attended a party at a friends co-op back in the ’80s and Newt was there. He’s seems like an ok guy. He’s pretty low-key and discusses things simply and straight-forward and all.
    So I told him I couldn’t vote Rep, because I wanted to protect a woman’s right to choose and he waved me on like I just voiced the most absurd concern and said “That will never happen.”
    AND, folks make no mistake this guy’s a neo-conservative if ever there was one.
    –so if he gets in I think our next stop is Iran and Syria. There are many ways we can start a huge war, Newt is one of them. He and McCain will be singing a chorus of Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran. I wonder who will do the harmonizing.
    Don’t forget Newt loves America so, he just has to have all those affairs. So he has a habit of loving them and leaving them when they get sick.
    His latest installment Callista the helmet hair looks like she belongs in the movie “Mars Attacks” as a blond alternative to Lisa Marie.
    Yep, silly rabbits on the Right who want to avoid voting for the Willard, who can’t even admit his own name–Whoo, no wonder he has such an identity crisis. Newt’s the real deal, alright.

  674. lbendet December 3, 2011 at 8:07 am #

    Speaking of the magical misery tour that is the Rep. campaign. Last night I was watching Olbermann with my guy, who BTW is a-political except he always vote Dem.
    They had a segment with Herman Cain and what came out of his mouth made absolutely no sense! It’s like he was having a stroke. Neither one of us could make sense of what he was saying.
    It was something about wanting to be president of anything… so my guy said, ok you can be president of the clubhouse.
    Another crack-up–can’t wait to hear whether he’s still running—running away from the little lady is my guess.

  675. progress2conserve December 3, 2011 at 8:44 am #

    “Overpopulation must be recognized as a real issue before any serious environmental progress can possibly be made. The implications of this will give progress2conserve a warm and fuzzy feeling.”
    You’ve got my vote.

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  676. progress2conserve December 3, 2011 at 9:08 am #

    Wage –
    You are correct that abortion was not a big deal among Christian groups in the US until the 1980’s.
    I’ve posted a link a couple of times where the Southern Baptist Commission, meeting annually from 1971 through 1979 – approved this message in ’71, then gradually started chipping away at it:
    “Be it further RESOLVED, That we call upon Southern Baptists to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother…”
    In 1980 – the SBC changed course radically and began to demand a Constitutional Amendment AGAINST abortion, except to save the life of the mother.
    Talk about your focus group research on a wedge issue – and using it to change American politics forever.
    Most unfortunate
    Also – I back you 100% on your “Pay for Human Sterilization” idea.
    And you’re the one who convinced me that individual action has little power compared to Group Action –
    So, wage, where’s a group to help move your idea forward.
    Or do we need to create our own.
    (Maybe K-dog can incorporate it in his platform.)
    I’ll try to do a post dissecting the political career and machinations of Newton Leroy Gingrich – later this afternoon, if time permits.
    I feel responsible for loosing him on the American public. ‘Cause I voted for him for Congress in 1974. He lost. But I still feel guilty.

  677. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 9:21 am #

    Yea Prog, everybodie’s comin’ to my house! I got me a ton O’ shobels,hammers,nhails,beans, n bullitts. All sorts of kool sheet. We be buildin’ a new Nation from scratch!

  678. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 9:28 am #

    Funny shit there Prog, I feel your pain. You should get a huskvarna. Not a home depo model either. A real Husky from a dealer. Stihls are great. I luv them. But they are pain to rebuild. Huskys not so much.

  679. charliefoxtrot December 3, 2011 at 9:40 am #

    no offense meant to any particular religion, but i see fundamental extremism (of just about every stripe; but mostly muslim and catholic) as a large obstacle to discussion, education, and solution…the only up close experience with religion i have is with southern baptist and i m not excusing them either…one thing most have in common is a squeamishness about sex, and an apparent need to control and subjugate women as ‘dirty’, second class beings- only good for baby making and drudgery…case in point: women in afghanistan are in prison for BEING RAPED, and FLEEING abusive marraiges- which isn t even technically illegal! just read about a woman who was sentenced to 12 years, who is raising the child of her attacker behind bars, and who had agreed to MARRY him in order to be released…oh and the fucking slime is her relative! thing is, sex is a basic pre-requisite for life- duh! and if some basic rules are followed, vis a vis consentual and age appropriate FEELS GOOD! so instead of blaming women for having kids (biological imperative, btw) let s try resetting the dynamics so that there is some informed choice involved, and shared responsibility…and another aspect is that suppression of urges in the name of religious propriety, IMnot soHO, can lead to rape in particular and a certain unhealthy mental state in general…vlad…any way, it s a start in the right direction…regardless of why these things are so, IMHO it would behoove us all for we men as a group to admit that we are the problem (ever hear of a woman raping herself?! or, except once two thousand years ago- when human biology and reproduction was poorly understood, at best- getting pregnant solo?), man up, and be part of the solution…

  680. charliefoxtrot December 3, 2011 at 10:05 am #

    …and as a victim of violation as a child, i know first hand what rape is, motherfuckers, and it is my considered opinion that it is a crime deserving the death penalty, AT THE VERY LEAST…any one who has not been through it has no idea, and can HAVE no idea what it means, so just trust us when we say it amounts to the murder of who and what we were going to be…and no amount of counseling, commiseration by the uninitiate, “getting over it” or any other platitudes can give us our lives back…while sex acts are a visible part of it, it is primarily a matter of control and perceived power, and i firmly believe that if the tendency cannot be educated out of boys; it can drastically be reduced in men by the simple expedient of letting victims and their families decide, and carry out if desired, the public torture- i mean punishment- no, i mean torture- of convicted pieces of shit…and goddamn vlad, before you go off on “what about lying women and innocent men”, i say fucking tough, if we as a species hadn t treated our own so badly for so long, we wouldn t have the problem, they wouldn t have a need for revenge in the first place, and maybe that s karma making up for 26,491 years (or thereabouts) of history…

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  681. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 11:28 am #

    So I just watched “Countdown To Zero” on the History Channel. It scared the shit out of me. It’s not like I didn’t know this crap already but I haven’t thought about it for a while. I figure I don’t have enough shit in the junk drawer. Heres a little snippet.
    Oppenheimer with a tear in his eye quotes “I am become death, destroyer of worlds,”

  682. Buck Stud December 3, 2011 at 11:29 am #

    Your recent mentions of Osho inspired me to look up some of his discourses posted online. I read the following last night:
    “And it is not that all music necessarily comes close to it. In the name of music, contemporary idiots are doing something which goes even farther away from silence – from Beatles to jazz to Talking Heads.”–Osho
    On the surface of this quote, Osho comes of as rather elite, if not ignorant. But in the context of his entire message he comes off as completely and totally directed toward the divine. He basically states that music is next to silence, and that great music nurtures the interstices of silence between sounds as much as sound itself. What a profound concept, and what a beautiful discourse:

  683. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 11:51 am #

    Well, another week has passed and Europe/USA etc did not collapse.
    In fact, in the USA unemployment went down to 8.6 percent. .2 percent of that is because people have left the workforce. So, that means a .2 percent real decrease in unemployment. This is what recovery looks like.
    Europe did not collapse this week. In fact, Angela Merkel and Germany finally got real re: the southern European economies. She said this is going to take five to ten years, and you can complete a marathon if you know how long it is.
    So much for Eurozone/USA collapse. Next.

  684. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 11:58 am #

    Buck Stud, I first saw Osho in Oregon in 1982. He was in a period of public silence that lasted years, but I was able to sit with him in silence. That was my first energy experience with his physical presence.
    Then I went to India to sit with Osho and he was giving public discourses during that time. His manner of speaking left plenty of gaps, plenty of silence between the words. He always said the silence was more important than the words.

  685. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 12:05 pm #

    I really want Newt Gingrich to be the candidate for the Republicans, but I fear he has too much personal and political baggage.
    I would love to see a three-party debate between three reasonably intelligent people: Obama, Gingrich and Jill Stein of the Green Party.
    I am going to vote for Jill Stein, Green Party 2012

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  686. Widespreadpanic7 December 3, 2011 at 12:46 pm #

    P2C, I’ve had pretty good luck with my Poulin. I think it was made in France. Didn’t cost much. Have cut up a lot of trees with it. I wouldn’t recommend it for the Lumber Camp, but for the homeowner its just the thing. It needs fresh fuel, plug replaced occasionally, and the chain sharpened before use. That’s all. Starts pretty easy and no breakdowns.
    Osho? -Asoka
    Protocols of the Elders of Zion? -ShalaZulu
    WTF? Shits getting thick here at the end of the CFN week! Time to check out until Jim’s post on Monday.

  687. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 1:07 pm #

    The History Channel has some great shows on today. I wish they would not waste my time. I have shit to do outside. I was just watching JHK and Jared Diamond on 2100. I won’t be around then but I hope to make 2040.

  688. wagelaborer December 3, 2011 at 1:50 pm #

    Oh, man. I’ve got to learn to say when I’m being sarcastic, like prog and asoka do.
    That was my attempt to ridicule Beantown for his vicious attack on me, earlier in the thread.
    He called me adolescent for advocating a just and economically democratic society, and said that adults just lie there and take when being raped by the financial elite. (I’m paraphrasing here).
    So I thought it would be funny to point out that the Christian religion is based on similar ideas, and that in December they are allowed to express them openly.
    I even gave a hint – WWBBD? That was a play on WWJD? Does no one know what that means? What Would Jesus Do? Geez, I’m an atheist and know that. Get it? What Would Beantown Bill do?
    Oh, well, I guess it wasn’t as cleverly sarcastic as I thought.
    I do sing along with carols, by the way. I especially like Oh Holy Night.

  689. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 1:59 pm #

    I do sing along with carols, by the way. I especially like Oh Holy Night.
    Early childhood Christian programming goes deep.
    I, for one, believe that you can sing Xmas carols and maintain you atheist creds.

  690. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 2:00 pm #

    No I haven’t noticed that the most attractive people are Black. Black men haven’t either.
    Pink grubs? Your hatred for your own people is beyond belief. You and your’s are the Enemy first and foremost – before Blacks, Jews, Muslims or anyone else. Get the help you need, Ev. Tell them at intake that you are suffering from Ethnomasochism. If the Doctor hasn’t heard about it or understand it, put him on and I’ll talk to him about it.
    All that being said, there is a bit of truth to what you say. Blacks and say, Polynesians, carry their fat better than Whites. It usually seems more evenly spread all over the body – and that’s important for health too not just aesthetics. In terms of aesthetics: White skin shows everything more. If you are tired, you look really tired. If sick and bad, real sick and bad. And the opposite – if you are happy, you glow. And I guess if you are fat and gross – the ugly just gets transmitted more because of the “light”.
    Black health is atrocious btw even if they look better fat. Alot of these huge Black women end up losing toes to diabetes and becoming bed ridden for all kinds of reasons. What you say about Whites and salads is the very opposite of the Truth in this matter. I suspect alot of your “thinking” is oppositional in the same way. I tell the Doc about it.

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  691. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 2:07 pm #

    Saw a couple fascinating Novas a couple of weeks ago. The first one was about the Ice Man. They looked again and found an arrowhead inside him. So he was murdered they think. The killer pulled out the arrow but left Iceman’s metal axe – a huge prize in those days. So they think the killer was trying to cover his tracks and didn’t dare take the axe because people would know whose it was.
    The second one told how Spainairds got human sacrificed during the war with the Aztecs. Again and again the narrator gloated about this saying that the Aztecs did not go down easily as the camera panned toward Indians eating the human flesh. Truly bizarre. Btw, no one ever said that the Aztecs went down without a good fight.

  692. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 2:13 pm #

    Bean is a Jew. He may well hate Christ as much as you do.
    You are very brave to sing carols. I dare you to go to Church. Or are you afraid you would have a full demonic melt down?

  693. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 2:15 pm #

    Cain drops out. Another noble Black Man with a spirit like unto the Fathers is destroyed by the poverty pimps and race hustlers. I hope you’re satisfied.

  694. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 2:45 pm #

    No, Cain did not drop out. He went from Plan A to Plan B.
    What he did, specifically, was to SUSPEND his campaign for a while until the press gets off his back. He can thereby enjoy the company of his wife and family and then later awaken his campaign from its state of suspended animation.
    You got to have more faith in noble Black men, Vlad. 🙂

  695. Bustin J December 3, 2011 at 2:49 pm #

    I watched Michael Guggenheim’s Waiting For Superman last night. Its an award winning 2010 documentary about the state of America’s public school systems. I suppose its been too long since I was a kid in public school, much was a surprise. I don’t have kids, I don’t associate with kids, I don’t know people who have kids, so, I don’t have much of an awareness of kids lives.
    My own childhood was typical, I suppose. But I had no idea how diverse the public school experience was. I had no idea, for example, that spending per student had quadrupled in the last several decades while performance stayed the same. I had no idea that teacher’s union contracts prevent the firing of ineffective teachers. I had no idea that anyone can obtain tenure, essentially a job for life, with only two years of service in the public school system. I had no idea that, on average, only about 13% of students in America actually graduate having achieved basic standards in English and Math. I had no idea that schools in many areas are called “dropout factories” which see less than 40% of the students attending that actually graduate. I had no idea that kids enter into actual lotteries to determine who gets into special schools which have progressive curriculums, or else they are forced into dropout factories.
    In other words, it is another brick in the Clusterfuck nation wall. Looks a lot like the establishment of the future’s underclass: no skills, no knowledge, no future.

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  696. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 2:56 pm #

    Then I have been lied to, but glad to hear it. Glad you’re finally on the team.
    What do you think about drining urine for health? Sorry couldn’t think of a segue. But we beyond such things I hope.

  697. BeantownBill December 3, 2011 at 2:58 pm #

    I’m so sorry, but you are seriously lacking something intellectually. Have you read about the source of the Protocols? That’s reality. I refer you to the following website of the skeptical dictionary:
    Also look at the tag at the upper right of the page.

  698. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 2:59 pm #

    In some high schools, the White Girls hold their urine all day long – they’re afraid of the violence in the girl’s rooms by the Blacks. Of course that means no drinks all day long. Nice learning environment thanks to integration.

  699. Bustin J December 3, 2011 at 2:59 pm #

    Wage said, “Believe me, Bustin, I’m as against unlimited reproduction as you are.
    I just know that so many people are poor that offering a substantial reward for voluntary sterilization would reach your one child goal without some newworld type getting a civil service job in which he decides who and who will not be forcible sterilized.”
    Its not that big a deal. Consider how unlikely it is that a woman has 7 kids. Given a normal distribution, such events are rare. How many mothers does that add up to?
    I’d think the job could be done by a handful of folks. Good government jobs. They’d do everything short of forced sterilization. Carrots and sticks. Carrot: payments for sterilization. Sticks: taxes, fines, garnishment of wages, increased visitations and monitoring by child welfare agents.
    Everyone else can play by mail.
    Recidivists should be hunted like wildlife: getting tagged & bagged, ambush style, with tranquilizer dart guns. Some people cannot help themselves.

  700. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 3:10 pm #

    Bean is a Jew.
    Jews are some of the best people on the planet.
    Jews have won a large percentage of the Nobel Prizes for intellectual contributions far in excess of their numbers.
    Jews have a great sense of humor, in spite of having suffered needless and irrational persecution throughout history.
    Jews came to the aid of Blacks in the South during the Civil Rights movement of the 60s. Jews were in the forefront of the antiwar and women’s liberation movements.
    One of the best salsa piano players was Fania’s Larry Harlow, “el judio maravilloso.” Have a listen to a piano descarga during the song “Caridad”:
    Jews have contributed in innumerable other ways to the arts.
    This world would be a much, much sorrier place without the resplendence, yes, RESPLENDENCE, of the Jewish people.

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  701. BeantownBill December 3, 2011 at 3:10 pm #

    Christ was a Jew – Joshua ben Joseph – and I don’t hate Jews, for Chrissakes.

  702. Bustin J December 3, 2011 at 3:13 pm #

    EV said “Even the difference between two fatties of opposite color is distinguishable – you have your soft blubbery fat (white) and you have your hard fat, or so it appears.”
    Its pleasing to me to find a debate on CFN that I don’t feel compelled to take sides in.

  703. BeantownBill December 3, 2011 at 3:14 pm #

    Why thank you, Asoka, for the kind words on behalf of my people.

  704. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 3:29 pm #

    Hey A, I want to ask a question to the CFN at large. I always thought a “Jew” was a religious thing. I personaly don’t know any “Jews”. Most of the peeps in my sphere are Catholics or WASPS. What makes a person Jewish besides religious belief? which I couldn’t give a shit about to tell the truth.Is there actually a Jewish nationality?

  705. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 3:34 pm #

    My father-in-law, god bless him, killed a ton of Nazis, but thats another story. He was always ragging on the Jews and I never understood who exactly he was talking about.

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  706. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

    There was a man who wanted to learn all of Judaism in one minute. He went to Hillel the Elder (circa 100 B.C.E.) and asked to be taught all the Torah in the short time that he could stand on one leg.
    Hillel the Elder told him, in what is today the most often misquoted passage of the Talmud,
    “What you do not like, do not do to your friend. The rest explains it, go and complete it entirely.

  707. BeantownBill December 3, 2011 at 3:42 pm #

    Well, Wage, I must be really getting to you because when I went after you a few days or weeks ago, all you replied with then was “Whatever”. At least you are getting more honest when you described that the purpose of your post was to ridicule me.
    I think you conveniently forgot that when I “viciously” attacked you in the post to which you refer, it was in response to YOUR prior post in which you called me a hateful American. I’ve started to understand your emotional thinking process when I read how you metaphorically equated some of my comments with rape. I guess when someone disagrees with you, you feel violated. Another reason why I do think you’re immature.

  708. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 3:58 pm #

    I want to see the first woman president, the first Jewish president, and the first Green Party president, elected in 2012.
    Jill Stein is a physician and founder of the Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities, a non-profit organization that helps inform and empower citizens to build healthy communities, sustainable economies, and democratic institutions. A candidate for Massachusetts governor in 2010, I expect her to be the Green Party nominee for president in 2012.
    Jill Stein is running for President. We need a real change, a Jewish woman with guts and intelligence. You can help … Vote for Jill Stein in 2012.

    Jill Stein said today that if she were president she would veto the pending National Defense Authorization Bill as needlessly expensive and because it violates civil liberties by restricting the constitutional right to a fair trial. Stein is running for president as a Green Party candidate. “Our constitutional liberties have been under attack over the past decade, a victim of this unending war on terrorism. Congress wants to authorize the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens, without charge, and that is wrong – and the very definition of un-American. If elected, I will restore our political and civil liberty protections,” said Stein.

  709. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 4:02 pm #

    Works have been written slandering the Jesuit Order and saying that they were out to take over the world. Their reaction? They ignored them. Compare this with the Jewish reaction to the Protocols. Perhaps the Lady doth protest too much?
    A number of different version of the Protocols appeared at roughly the same time – as if they were notes taken from a meeting.
    Even if they are fiction, does that make them untrue? Clearly not. The Jews are massively involved and over involved in the Globalist Movement. And this you can’t deny. Actually you probably will.

  710. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 4:05 pm #

    The Green Party chooses Baltimore, Md., for the 2012 Green Presidential Nominating Convention
    The Green Party of the United States will hold its 2012 Presidential Nominating Convention in Baltimore, Maryland. The convention will take place July 12 to 15, 2012.

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  711. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 4:05 pm #

    Ah a fellow Masshole! and I say that in the kindest sense!Hey A, I worked in AZ for a while and I luv the pronunciation, Mass a two shits!

  712. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 4:07 pm #

    The Truth has been kept from you. Most Jews in Israel are not practicing or outright atheists. Their ETHNICITY is what gets them in and what hold the Jews together all over the world. Now do you see the problem? They hate Whites to have ethnic pride but that’s why they are all about.

  713. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 4:09 pm #

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a forgery made in Russia for the Okhrana (secret police), which blames the Jews for the country’s ills. It was first privately printed in 1897 and was made public in 1905. It is copied from a nineteenth century novel by Hermann Goedsche (Biarritz, 1868) and claims that a secret Jewish cabal is plotting to take over the world.
    The basic story was composed by Goedsche, a German novelist and anti-Semite who used the pseudonym of Sir John Retcliffe. Goedsche stole the main story from another writer, Maurice Joly, whose Dialogues in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864) involved a Hellish plot aimed at opposing Napoleon III. Goedsche’s original contribution consists mainly of introducing Jews to do the plotting to take over the world.
    The Russians used big chunks of a Russian translation of Goedsche’s novel, published it separately as the Protocols, and claimed they were authentic. Their purpose was political: to strengthen the czar Nicholas II’s position by exposing his opponents as allies with those who were part of a massive conspiracy to take over the world. Thus, the Protocols are a forgery of a plagiarized fiction.
    The Protocols were exposed as a forgery by Lucien Wolf in The Jewish Bogey and the Forged Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (London: Press Committee of the Jewish Board of Deputies, 1920). In 1921, Philip Graves, a correspondent for the London Times, publicized the forgery. Herman Bernstein in The Truth About “The Protocols of Zion”: A Complete Exposure (1935) also tried and failed to convince the world of the forgery.
    The Protocols were published in 1920 in a Michigan newspaper started by Henry Ford mainly to attack Jews and Communists. Even after they were exposed as a forgery, Ford’s paper continued to cite the document. Adolf Hitler later used the Protocols to help justify his attempt to exterminate Jews during World War II.
    The Protocols hoax continues to fool people and is still cited by certain individuals and groups as the cause of all their woes.

  714. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 4:12 pm #

    You don’t hate all Jews or “the Jews” but you might (I said might) hate an individual Jew, say your mother in law or say, Jesus Christ. Many (most?) Jews do you know. But you do know. Don’t play dumb with me.
    That you are being deceptive only increases the likelihood of your being a secret anti-Christian. Usually you’re not like this, but you completely lose your center when anything about Judaism comes up. Think about it.

  715. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 4:17 pm #

    Who do you think created the Nobel Prize? The Jews have always blown their own horn – incessantly – they don’t need you to help them. The Nobel Peace Prize was recently given to Barack Obama. Needless to say their credibility approaches zero.
    The Zionist Albert Einstein didn’t give credit to the people whom he took from to help form the theory of relativity.
    Jews also owned, captained, and sometimes crewed many of the slave ships. And look what happened to Black Professor Tony Martin when he brought that FACT up in class.

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  716. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 4:20 pm #

    The word friend and neighbor refer to another Jew in the Talmud. Gentiles are not human according to the Talmud.

  717. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 4:29 pm #

    Why not Wima Man Killer?

  718. BeantownBill December 3, 2011 at 4:32 pm #

    Slander is one thing, murder is an all together different matter. I could possibly look the other way if it were just slander, but the book helped provide justification for mass murder of the Jews. If genocide is protesting too much, then no one has the right to protest, anything, ever.
    Oh, but I forgot, the holocaust wasn’t really that bad; 6 million Jews didn’t die – they exaggerate. It was only a couple million.
    And yes, some Jews are involved in pushing for globalization. Gee, I guess that means no Christians are involved. Must be a sub-branch of the International Jewish Conspiracy.

  719. dale December 3, 2011 at 4:33 pm #

    Like Roy Masters says, People – who need People,
    Are the stupidest People
    of all.
    Seriously Vlad, it must by obvious to everyone here how badly you need people, and how you are using this blog as your connection to them. Maybe your only connection….sad really.

  720. dale December 3, 2011 at 4:38 pm #

    You gotchur fat wallowing white folk just about anywhere you go and then you have your toned crisp people of color showing the pink grubs how it coulda been with a bit more self discipline in their lives.
    I’m not sure which form of racism is more ridiculous, yours or Vlad. You two should get a room, clearly you both need it.

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  721. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 4:51 pm #

    Who do you think created the Nobel Prize?

    Alfred Nobel was an agnostic, a Swedish scientist. He made his agnosticism clear in a letter to the Swedish Church in Paris upon giving the Church a large donation. Hmmm… Would a Jew be giving a large donation to the Swedish Church?
    I am quoting Alfred Nobel’s words from a letter he wrote which is included in a biography of Alfred Nobel. Here is the link to the letter:

    In religious matters, to know what one is to believe is as impossible as the squaring of the circle; but to distinguish what one cannot is by no means beyond the bounds of what is possible. This boundary I do not cross. Any reflective person must realize that we are surrounded by an eternal mystery, and this is the basis of every true religion.
    That makes it clear Alfred Nobel was an agnostic, an extremely generous and open-minded agnostic.

  722. BeantownBill December 3, 2011 at 4:52 pm #

    I do know some Jews (usually older than me) who hate Christians, but I can’t say I know of one who hates Jesus Christ. Me, personally? Well, I was one of the handful of Jews who lived in the neighborhood where I grew up. Most of my friends were non-Jews and I came to like theoretical Christianity, before I got to dislike ALL religions.
    You are correct about me losing my center with regard to Judaism. I’ve told the story before: How my friends all turned on me one day, and called me “Kike” and even more filthy names – and I had done nothing to them. I was too shocked to even respond to them – just the day before I was hanging with them like always. Unfortunately, I waited too long to take action (a typical Jewish story), so I suffered for a couple of weeks. Then I got mad and physically went after one of the worst offenders. I had him on the ground and was beating him when his friends pulled me off him and held me why they beat the shit out of me.
    So you see, yes, I defend Jews when I can. Not only Jews, but anyone else who is attacked because they belong to some minority group; I can’t help it, it’s in my blood. I doubt if you could understand how it feels to be discriminated against in such a manner, but I know what it does to a person.

  723. BeantownBill December 3, 2011 at 4:54 pm #

    correction: WHILE they beat…

  724. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 5:29 pm #

    The new hate law has apparently passed. America is now a battle zone. But if you want a battle, you need an enemy. Who? Why the American People of course.

  725. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 5:31 pm #

    Why not Wima Man Killer?

    Vlad, you do understand that one of the prerequisites for becoming leader of the Nation (which we are), is to be alive? Wima died last year.
    Besides she was already the leader of a nation, having been elected deputy chief of the Cherokee Nation.
    Vlad, with every post you are losing credibility, from Saul Alinsky, to the Protocols, to Alfred Nobel, to Wima Mankiller. You just don’t seem to respect facts or truth.

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  726. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 5:32 pm #

    Try to be fair though. By our standards, that means being willing to criticize you own, see the other guy’s point of view, etc. I’m not sure you can do that on this issue. Few Jews can.

  727. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 5:34 pm #

    Did you know that the Cherokee voted Black out of the tribe – until threatened by the Federal Goverment? Respect that.

  728. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 5:37 pm #

    I like people. That’s not quite the same as being attached like you probably are.
    You must admit I do a service here. Without me, you Liberals wouldn’t know the kind of characters who are festering in your midsts – like Evelyn who hates herself and all other Whites. Or Grouchy Old Girl who wants everyone to be beige – a soft genocide evidently.

  729. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 5:39 pm #

    Any Churchman who betrays his Religion can find lots of Jewish money and friends. Think it’s easy to be conservative in Hollywood? Ask Eddie Murphy.

  730. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 5:41 pm #

    The new hate law has apparently passed.
    Vlad, could you be a little more specific, so I can understanding your depiction of a law passing as a “hate law”?
    With the amount of hate you seem to have most any law might qualify. You seem spring-loaded, ready for the imaginary Race War in your head to start.
    Here is an Aikido story for you to ruminate on:
    A Soft Answer
    By Terry Dobson

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  731. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 5:45 pm #

    Yes they did exaggerate. Even Jewish scholars admit that now. We’ll keep pushing until the Truth comes out. And they’ll keep retreating as their ever changing story gets nailed down. Do you know about the Midrash? Read any Martin Buber and his Hasidic Tales? Jews are great story tellers!
    Or do you still believe in the human soap and lampshades debacle? And btw, the huge mountains of ash that should be there have never been found. Nor did the Red Cross see any of these goings on when it visited. Nor are any such mentioned in the voluminous writing of Churchhill, De Gaulle, or Eisenhower.

  732. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 5:46 pm #

    If the Feds took on the Cherokees to preserve my rights, it is just one more reason I love Big Government. Respect that.

  733. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 5:53 pm #

    I certainly understand why Tripp and so many others do not waste time here. I wonder about my own time management.
    Vlad, you like to come across as rational and logical and informed, but what your posts reveal are a reverence for violence, hate. Your posts are disgusting, and reveal an ugly racism and antisemitism.
    And to think I actually believed (for a while) your bullshit about be a White nationalist or a White separatist, but not a racist.
    I am extremely offended by your anti-Jewish remarks. Not that you would care.

  734. IxNoMor December 3, 2011 at 6:05 pm #

    “How prescient was George Orwell’s 1984.”
    I was under the impression that the media hyped what it needed to, in order to get the masses out spending every last maxed-out credit line, ala party like it’s 1929!!!
    Here’s some Orwellian interpretation that seems relevant (banned in the US by Spiro Agnew):
    “1984, knockin’ on your door, …
    will you let it run your life? …
    it’s time you started thinking inside your head
    that you should stand up and fight, …
    you’re never out of their sight…”
    Sounds like those Spaniards are really living the ignorance/arrogance dream to the utter extreme! Make no mistake, the New World Order monetary printing press is running full-on *overtime* now – buy it while you can!!!

  735. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 6:10 pm #

    So Jews are ethnic? Like I am a Canuck and Italian? I thought Sammy Davis was a Jew? I am still confused. My wife says she can tell if someone is Jewish by picturing them with a yamikah? on their head. That would be her Father talking through her.

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  736. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 6:13 pm #


  737. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 6:15 pm #

    The word friend and neighbor refer to another Jew in the Talmud. Gentiles are not human according to the Talmud.

    Keep it up, Vlad.
    The Talmud is a record of rabbinic discussions pertaining to Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, customs and history. Which rabbi said what you are saying above?
    The Torah (the Five Books of Moses) is the most basic of Jewish holy books. And the Torah says: You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt (Exodus 22:21)
    Does it irk you, Vlad, that Judaism is really a humane religion? The basic tenet of Judaism and Jewish teaching is a message of morality, tolerance, peace and human dignity, regardless of race or ethnicity. That must be irritating to you.

  738. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 6:18 pm #

    I consider myself a greasy goomba’
    but I was raised as a card carrying Catholic boy. Am I Italian , American, or Catholic?

  739. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 6:20 pm #

    Oops I am a man I think!http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/paesano

  740. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 6:21 pm #

    I cannot tell whether someone is Jewish from appearance. As you say, there are Black Jews.
    But my question is why would you want to single out Jews? Why does it matter?
    Can’t you just be content to qualify people you encounter as sentient beings, without the need to define them or label them further?
    Isn’t it enough to know that the world is better because so many Jews have contributed to art, science, literature, etc. … and be grateful?

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  741. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 6:39 pm #

    Keep asking who you are. That is a good exercise.
    Are you really a Catholic? How do you know that? Got Catholic genes?
    Are you really Italian? How do you know that? Because someone in your family’s past was born in Italy?
    Are you really a man? How do you know that? OK, you looked … but aside from physical organs, what does it mean to be a man? How is it different from being a woman? What is the difference between sex and gender? What about hormones? Aren’t we all a combination of feminine and masculine aspects to varying degrees?
    But do all these aspects define you? A lot of your identifications (and your cells) are continually changing… so who are you really? Does your consciousness disappear at death? Is there really any such thing as death?
    You are asking good questions, RT.

  742. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 6:49 pm #

    RT, are you really Catholic?
    Have you gone to confession recently?
    Did you confess to a priest the sin of saying on CFN that you wanted to blow my head away? To receive a death threat like that was a bit disconcerting, though you did apologize.

  743. rippedthunder December 3, 2011 at 7:13 pm #

    Man A, You have a good memory! I am glad the apology was accepted. I would not wish harm on anyone. Are you still a mouth breather? ;o) sorry. I couldn’t resist! hehehehehe

  744. anti soak December 3, 2011 at 7:14 pm #

    VLAD..what did you want to know about DADA Art theory etc?
    Some Name artists of 40s-70s were Jewish, as was Peggy Guggenheim who started the museum.

  745. ront December 3, 2011 at 8:04 pm #

    This is not a response to anyone but just a short quote I ran across and sought to share with thoughtful folk.
    “Half the harm that is done in this world
    Is due to people who want to feel important
    They don’t mean to do harm
    But the harm does not interest them.
    Or they do not see it, or they justify it
    Because they are absorbed in the endless struggle
    To think well of themselves.”
    T. S. Eliot

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  746. IxNoMor December 3, 2011 at 8:23 pm #

    “T. S. Eliot”
    That sounds like a great quote, to put the small peepz in their place. However, the vast majority of the harm that is done, is done by the 1% elites in the fascist media-military-industrial-government complex. To think that some baboon on the street has any effect at all, other than being a cog/sync pawn in-the-machine, is disingenuous.

  747. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 8:41 pm #

    Crank it up, IxNo.
    The Earth is an insignificant planet and our Sun is just a medium-sized star. Astronomers estimate there are about 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way alone. Outside that, there are millions upon millions of other galaxies also.
    Now, what were you saying about the fascist media-military-industrial-government complex? It, also, is insignificant. Nothing but ants swarming around in our little ant nest under the umbrella of a tree, in a forest of millions upon millions of trees.
    Oh, and we’re simultaneously hurdling through space at nearly 67,000 mph, while we’re spinning around in circles at over 1000 mph! So much for the concept of “free will” … we are not in control.
    Get some perspective, man. We are not the center of the Universe.

    [On this pale blue dot] everyone you know, everyone you love, everyone you’ve ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines. Every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every hopeful child, every mother and father, every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. — Carl Sagan

  748. Buck Stud December 3, 2011 at 8:56 pm #

    I believe recent DNA studies confirm a strong ethnic component among Jews – for the most part and minus the conversion factor. Along that vein, Ashkenazi Jews seem to have a higher predisposition to Crohn’s disease. And unlike Asoka, I do believe I can recognize certain characteristics that often point to people of Jewish descent. Especially in the upper nose and eyes region, there is a certain deep-set, heavy lid quality that is both beautiful and eternal.
    Unwittingly, Vlad himself might be a descendant of Jews. Perhaps his forefathers converted to Christianity when it was a very viable thing to do in certain countries. He certainly has a knack for telling some rather imaginative stories.

  749. IxNoMor December 3, 2011 at 9:15 pm #

    “The median income fell in 2010 for the second year in a row to $26,364”
    And here I thought the *mean* income was $50K!!!
    It would be interesting to see “mean/median” income trend, for the past 30 years. I suspect it would be something like 1.2 back in 1980, and exponentially increasing to 2.0+++ in 2010…
    I’m still not quite sure why the mean (median!) house price is above $160,000, but you suggest:
    “the USA median home price fell to $212,000.”
    Very sad and sorry state of affairs. I only have a house, because I bought it for $79k (could have gotten it for $65k a mere 6 months earlier, circa 1989)…

  750. IxNoMor December 3, 2011 at 9:22 pm #

    “Get some perspective, man. We are not the center of the Universe.”
    Damn, d00d, talk about going off the deep end! Haha! You must have a way to get to those alternate-realities? Rather, old6969 beat you to the sock puppet arguments with himself!
    Hehehe! Oh, I get it (sarcasm/irony)…

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  751. IxNoMor December 3, 2011 at 9:28 pm #

    “Remember that in 1960, the average home was selling right about 2X household income.”
    When I bought my $79,000 home in 1990, I was earning $36,000 – and the banks were VERY RELUCTANT to go above $75,000 mortgage…
    Ahaha!!! Time to trend data based on “mean/median”. I think it might be somewhat eyeopening (or eyeclosing)… What is $15 trillion divided by 300 million? ***WHAT***?!? Anyone need a credit card?!…

  752. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 9:31 pm #

    And unlike Asoka, I do believe I can recognize certain characteristics that often point to people of Jewish descent.

    So you think you have Jewdar? I have to warn you, you are getting into StormFront territory.
    There are a large number of Asian Jews. If you met Alison Wong, would you notice she is Jewish?
    The Bay Area is more accepting of those who don’t fit the mold, says Alison Wong of San Francisco, who has a Jewish mother and a Chinese dad. Raised in Berkeley, she attended college on the East Coast and spent another five years in New York.
    She is Chinese in appearance. She has a Jewish mother, so that means she is Jewish. I think your Jewdar would fail.

    Jewdar is the special power posessed only by Jews that enables them to identify Jews by looks or, at most, hearing them speak. It is imporant to note that non-Jews do not and cannot have this power, as many of them naively believe that all Jews are fair-skinned with huge noses and jew-fros. Only some of us are, shmucks.

  753. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 9:46 pm #

    Vlad is wrong about Jewish attitudes toward non-Jews. For those who want to become more active in supporting Jews, there is an organization called BIG TENT JUDAISM.
    Big Tent Judaism takes its lead from the values and vision of our Biblical forbearers Abraham and Sarah’s tent, which was open on four sides to welcome all who approach. Individuals and organizations that practice a Big Tent Judaism seek to engage, support and advocate for all those who would cast their lot with the Jewish people, regardless of prior knowledge or background.
    The Big Tent Judaism Coalition is a group of Jewish communal institutions who strive to create an inclusive and welcoming Jewish community, and who are willing to work toward the following GOALS through partnership, communication, and advocacy:
    Connect individuals and households not currently engaging with the organized Jewish community to local institutions that will be welcoming toward them through inclusive and meaningful programs;
    Provide professionals and lay leaders at Jewish institutions the skills and sensitivities needed to become more inclusive and welcoming.
    If you are an individual seeking a connection to the Jewish community, we welcome you, and we are here to help.

  754. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 9:52 pm #

    It is confusing – just the way they like it. And yes, some of them may be confused too. But the ethnicity trumps the religion in most cases as my example of Israel shows.
    At certain points, the Jews did accept converts or even prosletyze. And Jewish traders set up shop in India and China. Don’t know about the Chinese, but there are some Indian Jews left. And of course the Black Jews of Ethiopia from the time of King Solomon. Here’s where it gets a bit esoteric: it’s been said that the Y chromosome often carries genes that have been passed down for thousands of years – but Judaism is officially based on whether the mother is Jewish. In any case, the two big groups are the Sephardic and the Ashkenazi – with the latter being the most numerous by far. But like us, these groups are having few children for the most part. Only the Orthodox are having big families. So Mika’s vision of a secular Judaism doesn’t seem like it’s going to last. The future belongs to the Orthodox since demography is destiny. So although ethnicity matters most now, in the future as they become more powerful, that may well change.

  755. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 9:58 pm #

    By the mother – quite right Asoka. But that doesn’t mean all Jews are happy about such mixings by any means.
    And whether you like it or not, the Talmud is full of frightful hatred and is taken very seriously by many to this very day. Many in the IDF too since they have Orthodox Rabbis “chaplins” or whatever they call them.
    I admit many Jews don’t know about all this and some who do are trying to reform it. But just as in the Catholic Church, most of these reforms will throw out the baby with the bathwater. The Baby is the Baraka. Somehow the old ways transmit it and the new ways don’t.

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  756. Buck Stud December 3, 2011 at 10:26 pm #

    ” So you think you have Jewdar? I have to warn you, you are getting into StormFront territory. ”
    Of course you do, what else can a predictable, contrived, politically correct sock puppet do. I have been around Jewish people my whole life – MY WHOLE LIFE – so save your sanctimonious posturing for the repressed quietude of Mrs. Asoka’s bedroom.
    And while you’re at it, read up on some DNA studies and contemplate the implications.

  757. BeantownBill December 3, 2011 at 10:45 pm #

    Does anyone remember an episode of the original
    Star Trek where the Enterprise comes upon a planet where two opposing factions of very human-looking people are on the verge of a nuclear war that will wipe out life on their world, and the Enterprise is trying to reason with the two groups?
    And the reason they’re going to war? Each group is black-skinned on half their body vertically, and white-skinned vertically on the other half. But one group is white on the left half and black on the right half, while the other group is black on the left half and white on the right half. And this is why thy’re risking annihilating their species.
    It was a great episode which showed how ridiculous racism is. That’s how I feel about this blog a lot – ridiculous to argue minor differences as if they’re important, with people who’ll never outgrow their silly prejudices.

  758. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 11:17 pm #

    And while you’re at it, read up on some DNA studies and contemplate the implications.

    Buck Stud, the science does not support your genetic theory of Crohn’s Disease in Ashkenazi Jews. I’m talking about scientific literature published in peer-reviewed journals in 2011.

    The present studies determined for the first time the magnitude of individual and combined risks of multiple Crohn’s Disease susceptibility loci in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. We confirmed previously reported associations of the NOD2, IL23R, IRGM and PTGER polymorphisms with Crohn’s Disease risk. Genetic effects estimated in the present study were similar to those observed in other Caucasian populations and are, thus, unlikely to explain the excessive prevalence of Crohn’s Disease in individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent.

    SOURCE: Robert J. Desnick, et al. “Evaluation Of 22 Genetic Variants With Crohn’s Disease Risk In The Ashkenazi Jewish Population: A Case-Control Study.” BMC Medical Genetics 12.1 (2011): 63-71
    Looks like you are the one who should do some research in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, Buck Stud… and maybe modify your knowledge base a bit?
    What’s the phrase? I’m sure you have heard it: “Correlation is not causation.”

  759. anti soak December 3, 2011 at 11:22 pm #

    Certainly the Jewish Journal attempts to convince us that Jews have ‘unique DNA’ and hence are a bloodline.
    Vlad had eastern Euro Jews in his pedigree?
    And before Russians were Jewish they had other
    religions. So what?
    I had a great grandad that spoke Yiddish.
    Im not Jewish.
    Im with Kevin Mac Donald.

  760. anti soak December 3, 2011 at 11:26 pm #

    Occidental Observer.
    Kevin Mac Donald.
    Jews can be ‘a religion’ or a ‘cult’.
    I read in the newspaper that many/most Jews go
    back to 5 people……….thats how inbred they are.
    2 Turkish men and 3 russian women.
    Search online if ya want.
    Beyond Judaism theres Zionism.
    see Supkis blog……….culture of life news.

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  761. anti soak December 3, 2011 at 11:28 pm #

    Qtip…didya see Angel [she with the 15 love children]in her movie?

  762. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 11:41 pm #

    “It’s a Wonderful Life” is on. Great vision of society. Almost all White. Clean. Decent. People able to have fun without degredation. Evil is known but resisted. Blacks know their place. Harry chases the Black maid in a friendly way and swats her on the ass. This would seem strange now because the races are in conflict.

  763. Vlad Krandz December 3, 2011 at 11:52 pm #

    My people are White all the way back to the Cro-Magnons and before them, to the red haired Neanderthals.

  764. asoka. December 3, 2011 at 11:59 pm #

    Jews can be ‘a religion’ or a ‘cult’.
    You and fucking Rick Ross are both obsessed with cults, you both think cults are bad, and you both are wrong.
    anti soak, a cult is a good thing. The word “cult” originally comes from the positive Latin term cultus, or “worship.” Think of all the positive associations with cult like cultivate, culture, etc.
    A neutral definition of “cult” is any group of persons devoted to a charismatic leader (or leaders) who changes these persons’ outlook and behavior by communicating his/her values and views and perhaps a kind of “energy,” spiritual or otherwise.
    There are good cults and bad cults. Not all cults are dysfunctional.
    I previously gave you the criteria for determining a dysfunctional cult, and I proved Christianity is such a cult. I gave you specific examples with scriptural citations showing Jesus was angry, irrational, and violent.
    When you have an egocentric, manipulative, and violence-prone cult leader like Jesus, who says narcissistic and manipulative things like “I am the way, the life, and the truth, and no one gets to heaven except through me”, then you have a dysfunctional cult, one that has grown and created guilt in millions and killed millions more through its crusades, inquisitions, burnings at the stake, and wars.

  765. charliefoxtrot December 4, 2011 at 12:25 am #

    dr seuss wrote that story about the critters with the stars on their bellies…my first lesson about racism…

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  766. charliefoxtrot December 4, 2011 at 12:44 am #

    of course there is the view that christ was just a guy fighting RPTW, and his message was highjacked for nefarious purposes, twisted and lied about for purposes of distraction and control…i mean really, good or bad, how can anyone rationally quote a man two thousand years later? if he isn t here to be cross-examined, it s hearsay, and therefore inadmissable as evidence…don t get me wrong, either, just because i don t buy the bible doesn t mean i don t agree with the basic premises that are attributed to him

  767. Buck Stud December 4, 2011 at 12:50 am #

    I’ve read up on that Crohn’s study Asoka. But I was referring to the DNA as it applies to Jewish genealogy. Why don’t you look that up before patting yourself on the ass.
    BTW, if you weren’t so wrapped up in your false,theatrical magnaminity, you wouldn’t have tied my comment with about the “beautiful and eternal” with Storm Front sentimment in any shape, manner, or form.
    You’re a real Eddie Haskell, Asoka.

  768. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 12:51 am #

    Sounds like mostly anti-life from what I’ve heard about it. People acting outrageously to mock social mores but lacking anything to replace them with etc. Maybe some valid points about the horror to come, the militarism and industrial competition that lead to WW1.

  769. Buck Stud December 4, 2011 at 1:08 am #

    Asoka obviously thinks a lot of 0sho. But I wonder if Asoka would term Osho comments regarding Jews as treading into Storm Front territory? Moreover, Asoka, didn’t you infer that Prog was a racist because he associated with a immigration reform group?
    On the left side column of the below link there is a essay( Number 9) by Osho titled “The Unknown Life of Jesus”. Tell us what you think about your Master’s comments regarding Jews; will you do that Asoka?

  770. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 1:32 am #

    BuckStud, first of all, thank you for directly me to Osho’s words. I always enjoy reading Osho.
    Second, thank you for calling me Eddie Haskell. That is the first time anyone has said that about me and it gave me a good laugh.
    Third, no I will not tell you what I think about the comments Osho made. It would be meaningless because I could find an opposite contradictory quote elsewhere in his 8,500 hours of discourses.
    Osho himself never denied being contradictory, on the contrary he glorified it. So, to take a quote from Osho means nothing in itself. You can get the man to advise you on gardening, wallpapers or sex.
    More important than what Osho said about Jews is what I say about Jews. I love Jews and Jewesses.

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  771. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 1:33 am #

    first of all, thank you for directing me to Osho’s words. I always enjoy reading Osho.

  772. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 2:17 am #

    Am I doing it wrong? I was patting myself on the shoulder.
    OK, I looked up the research and it turns out Y-chromosomal and mtDNA studies of Jewish populations and their local host populations have provided conflicting results.
    As far as genealogy goes, Middle Eastern ancestry may be a common factor among Jewish populations; however, the majority of Jewish populations have been located outside of the Middle East for up to 2000 years. As is the case with other highly mobile human populations there has been historically documented gene flow between Jewish populations and local host populations, but the problem with using DNA in Jewish genealogical research is Jewish world-wide ancestry. Jews are a highly migratory sample with grandparents born on all continents. Further, genetic admixture in Jewish subpopulations reflect, in part, their migratory histories, so there are genetic differences among Jewish populations; you can’t use DNA reliably.
    For example, in one study the tetranucleotide and dinucleotide markers had similar average non-Ashkenazi/Ashkenazi delta values (0.133 and 0.130, respectively). Overall, the delta values for this marker panel (0.131) would not indicate a robust ability to differentiate between even these two populations. How many markers would you propose using, Buck Stud, to determine Jewishness? Which markers? What sample? Are you going to test a world-wide population? How would you practically use DNA in genealogical research?
    Given the gene flow between Ashkenazi vs. non-Ashkenazi Jewry, and between Jewish and non-
    Jewish populations, and given a highly complex migration history, and the characteristics and limitations of the DNA marker set itself, I would say you are not going to be able to use DNA in your genealogical research. Sorry if that sounds like Eddie Haskell to you. I am patting myself on the shoulder anyway.
    Further, no one ever answered my earlier question. Why go to such lengths to determine who is Jewish and who is not? What purpose does it serve to single out Jews?

  773. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 2:23 am #

    BTW, if you weren’t so wrapped up in your false, theatrical magnaminity…

    I happen to enjoy a bit of false theatrical magnaminity from time to time. It is part of my schtick. Who are you to deny me such pleasure? Some kind of Puritan?

  774. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 2:40 am #

    I happen to enjoy a bit of false theatrical magnanimity from time to time.
    It is part of my schtick. Who are you to deny me such pleasure? Some kind of Puritan?

  775. Buck Stud December 4, 2011 at 2:45 am #

    Why single out anything then? But I’m not going to stop singling out people/things I believe are beautiful because people like you seek to enfeeble conversation under the guise of politically correct concern, i.e., ‘ your veering off into Storm Front territory’ .
    In the link I provided that you choose not to respond to Osho asserts the following:
    ” Yes, Kashmiris really do look Jewish – in their faces, in their every expression.” Osho goes on to proclaim many more things about the Jews including ‘they have a different type of mind’ in addition to being something along the lines of ‘eternally materialistic’.
    But you won’t have a hard, cold look at the words of your Master Osho, will you Asoka? And not because he contains so many contradictory multitudes but because he would singularly contradict YOU in this specific instance.

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  776. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 4:12 am #

    But you won’t have a hard, cold look at the words of your Master Osho, will you Asoka?
    No, I won’t.
    Are you familiar with Sva-dharma, Buck Stud?
    Sva-dharma is a beautiful concept, Buck Stud, and it explains why I will not contradict my Master Osho.

  777. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 4:24 am #

    “Better to do one’s own dharma imperfectly than the dharma of another, however well discharged. Better is death in one’s own dharma; the dharma of another is fraught with fear” [Bhagavad Gita 3.35]
    A different translation:
    Text 35
    sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah
    para-dharmat sv-anusthitat
    sva-dharme nidhanam sreyah
    para-dharmo bhayavahah
    It is far better to discharge one’s prescribed duties, even though faultily, than another’s duties perfectly. Destruction in the course of performing one’s own duty is better than engaging in another’s duties, for to follow another’s path is dangerous.
    Neosannyas is initiation into freedom, Buck Stud. Osho is my Master, who initiated me in neosannyas, so I follow no one. Osho criticized Christians for wanting to be “Christ-like” and Buddhists for wanting to be “Buddha-like” and Hindus for wanting to be “Krishna-like.” Osho specifically encouraged skepticism (not dogma), critical thinking (not belief), independence (not dependence), and following one’s own way, not Osho’s way. My only duty is to realize Sva-dharma.

  778. charliefoxtrot December 4, 2011 at 8:59 am #

    too bad we can t harness all the hot air generated by discussions about religion…though i suppose if people went back to basic pagan values, respect for mother earth would become mainstream, and she might stop trying to get rid of us…

  779. lbendet December 4, 2011 at 9:41 am #

    Let me recommend this morning that you listen to Chris Martenson in an hr. streaming video called “Unfixable” on his website:
    Talking about his new book. The next 20 years will be entirely different than the last 20 years.
    There’s so much debt it is unfixable.
    It fits directly into everything JHK discusses on this blog. Finance, energy, environment and politics seen as a model that has to work together.

  780. rippedthunder December 4, 2011 at 9:57 am #

    A, That is one great Sagan quote. My head is three sizes smaller now. Pardon me as I squirm back into my daub tunnel.

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  781. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 11:32 am #

    Thanks Lbend.
    I may finally add Chris M. to my bookmarks.
    I’ve always known the US government was scamming the inflation numbers. But this video #16, shows that this was deliberate and orchestrated – and goes back into the 1960’s.
    Definitely worth 15 minutes and 42 seconds of anyone’s time.
    “our nation may truly regret losing sight of history, risk, and common sense”
    -kevin phillips-

  782. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 11:42 am #

    osho –
    Under pressure in India, osho bought 62,000 acres in Oregon, then – –
    “Within a year a series of legal battles ensued, principally over land use. In May 1982 the residents of Rancho Rajneesh voted to incorporate it as the city of Rajneeshpuram Conflict with local residents became increasingly bitter and, over the following years, the commune was subject to constant, coordinated pressure from various coalitions. The commune leaders’ stance was uncompromising, confrontational and impatient: their behaviour was implicitly threatening, and repeated changes in the commune’s stated plans looked like conscious deception, whether they were or not. At one point, the commune imported large numbers of homeless people from various US cities in a failed attempt to affect the outcome of an election, before releasing them into surrounding towns and leaving it to the State of Oregon to return them to their home cities at the state’s expense”
    Yeah, what a fine caring man.
    BTW, Vlad, if your White Separatist communities go looking for trouble like Osho did –
    They aren’t gonna’ last very long.

  783. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 11:53 am #

    “too bad we can t harness all the hot air generated by discussions about religion..”
    Yeah, no doubt, CF. Although – applications and misapplications of the world’s great religions have certainly gotten us to where we are as a Nation and as a planet. So, stuff like this has to be considered in a rational and unblinking manner –
    if we ever hope for a better day – or even for the survival of humanity.
    Your recount of suffering abuse as a child – was disturbing. I’m sorry you went through all of that.
    And I’m sorry that you drew the conclusions that you drew – that vengeful punishment is the best answer – even if a few innocent men get caught up in it and tortured despite their innocence.
    Do you mind volunteering your gender, here?
    I assumed you were male – but that particular post made me think otherwise.
    You can argue that it’s none of my gd business.
    And that argument is accurate.
    But CFN is as anonymous as you want it to be.
    And writing can be cathartic.

  784. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 11:56 am #

    WWBBD –
    That’s funny. I read that acronym a couple of times – and the best thing I could come up with was:
    What Would Big Brother Do –
    Funny stuff.
    Or, at least I think it helps if one retains one’s sense of humor – most of the time. 😉

  785. rippedthunder December 4, 2011 at 12:01 pm #

    Thanks for the link LB. I’ve been a CM fan for a long time. Another hour wasted in cyberspace!!!

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  786. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 12:14 pm #

    Newt Gingrich, what a fine caring Christian man. And to think some people actually voted for him.
    Gingrich pioneered a denial of adultery that some observers would later christen “the Newt Defense”: Oral sex doesn’t count. In a revealing psychological portrait of the “inner” Gingrich that appeared in Vanity Fair (September 1995), Gail Sheehy uncovered a woman, Anne Manning, who had an affair in Washington in 1977 with a married Gingrich.
    “We had oral sex,” Manning revealed. “He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, ‘I never slept with her.'” She added that Gingrich threatened her: “If you ever tell anybody about this, I’ll say you’re lying.”
    Manning was then married to a professor at West Georgia, the backwater college where Gingrich taught. “I don’t claim to be an angel,” she told Sheehy, but “he’s morally dishonest.”
    Gingrich refused to comment on Manning’s charges, though he has admitted sexual indiscretions during his first marriage — hey, it was the ’70s, man! But Newt’s oral sex denial proved embarrassing at a time when he was the secular leader of the “family values” crowd, appearing frequently at Christian Coalition gatherings.

  787. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 12:15 pm #

    Wow, Bill –
    The scarring events that happen to us as kids –
    and that become part of our personalities –
    Important parts, that we may not even be aware of.
    “So you see, yes, I defend Jews when I can. Not only Jews, but anyone else who is attacked because they belong to some minority group; I can’t help it, it’s in my blood. I doubt if you could understand how it feels to be discriminated against in such a manner, but I know what it does to a person.” -btb-
    You seem very self-actualized. And you’ve got a great grasp of science and logic. So you temper your views with an honest look at reality, and you change your mind when common sense suggest doing so.
    I wish all minority group members would do that.
    I still consider it likely that that Gelbaum guy who changed the Sierra Club with a billion dollar donation –
    Is he acting out of some long unexamined beliefs, some traumas that happened to him as a kid –
    and not acting with an honest look at reality.
    He may be acting with the best of personal intentions – but the outcome of his action imperils the US – and maybe the world. http://www.susps.org/
    Not trying to offend, Bill.
    You’re one of two or three on CFN that I would enjoy meeting over a beer or a coke – for a good long session of mutual “brain-picking.”

  788. Buck Stud December 4, 2011 at 12:21 pm #

    Osho encourages skepticism and critical thinking but you will not apply such thinking to Osho himself because it’s all about the dhrama. That comes off as a bit cultish Asoka, and in the bad sense of the word.
    And yet you circle the skies of CFN like a politically correct hawk, ready to swoop down in sanctimonious pretense and scold, caution or criticize. In fact, one of your favorite weekly targets is JHK himself. You also pull no punches when it comes to Jesus Christ himself. But when it comes to your own personal Guru, oh no, Asoka can’t look at that, dharma wont allow it.
    What a crock of shit; you have learned well from your Master. But it’s never too late Osaka: go back and explicate Osho’s discourses like you explicate those who are on your “allowed to critique list”. You will unearth a ton of righteous skepticism if only you allow your mind and eyes to open.

  789. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 12:32 pm #

    What a crock of shit; you have learned well from your Master
    Thank you… one of the nicest things you have said!

  790. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 12:33 pm #

    Gingrich is a slimeball – even by modern American standards.
    But the man is a politician.
    He does not claim to be a religious leader.
    Plus, he’s still alive in the physical plane, making this discussion relatively moot.
    “Osho exhibited all the typical features of narcissistic personality disorder, such as a grandiose sense of self-importance and uniqueness; a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success; a need for constant attention and admiration; a set of characteristic responses to threats to self-esteem …… frequent resorting to prevarication or outright lying; and a lack of empathy. Osho’s self-avowed Buddha status …. was part of a delusional system associated with his narcissistic personality disorder; a condition of ego-inflation rather than egolessness”
    May the peace of Allah be upon him.

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  791. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 12:39 pm #

    May the peace of Allah be upon him.
    Amen, brother ProCon. We are in complete agreement.

  792. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 1:41 pm #

    Glad you’re starting to see the truth about Asoka. Thomas Jefferson had some illuminating insights on Black Intelligence that might apply here. Whites back then as now would be impressed with Black Preachers – not only their charisma but their way with words. So Jefferson made a practice of speaking to them later. He found that they couldn’t explain what they had been talking about. In other words, Black verbal ability is detached from their intellect – and actually far ahead of it. Asoka seems far more intelligent than he is.
    I grant he could probably pass algebra or even basic calculus, but never in a million years would these become really part of him. He would never use them in his actual thinking. Too alien to his basic emotionaly based verbalizing. Thus when any kind of math comes up he just falls apart and begins to use incorrect calculations or correct calcultions in illogical ways.

  793. anti soak December 4, 2011 at 1:57 pm #

    There are a few honest expose books about
    Rajneesh, who renamed himself Osho [to spin the bad press off ].
    One talks of MaSheela [she of the murder attempts]
    Flying in at nite drunk to attempt to look at the land and buying it, w/o ever having seen it by light of day!

  794. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 1:58 pm #

    Defends Jews? Even if they’re the aggressors? Even if they’re in the wrong? Prog, Prog, Prog – always rolling out the grovel wagon for minorities. Sure they want to “help” minorities – because it weakens Whites and White Culture. The Jews founded the NAACP and funded it. The Blacks finally kicked them out – they didn’t want to leave. They were have a blast using Blacks to smash Whites. Easily checked. Do a google or two and learn.
    Blacks and Jews have had a major falling out. Haven’t you heard? Because of many issues really. Obviously many Jews didn’t want to live near Blacks or go to school with them. Or how they fought Affirmative Action in for teachers in New York City becuase it hurt the Jews. Where would our boy Bean be on that one do ya think? Also the Black Muslims published a well researched book about the huge role of Jews in the slave trade. Maybe you and Bean could talk about that. I’d love to sit in too if you guys don’t mind.
    WN’s have never gotten nearly as far as the Rajneeshi’s. Watched too closely for one thing. Too stupid for another. The Movement is maturing very slowly. We’ve finally realized that Skinheads are worthless scum for the most part. At least until they get older and get out of it. It’s a vile subculture.
    If you and Bean got together you would talk for a long time about White failings and he would listen happily. Then I would say it’s time for Bean to talk about Jewish failings and he would become enraged. If you were by yourself with him, you would never look for any reciprocation in this regard. Ethnomasochism is a widespread and deadly psychic disease – and almost exclusive to Whites. You’ve got a fair case of it, though not as bad as poor Evelyn or Grouchy. I mean what do people expect? Trash Whites endlessly and you are going to produce extreme pathology. Extreme Masochism in Whites and extreme sadism in Blacks. We’ve given them the green light to attack us.

  795. Bustin J December 4, 2011 at 2:06 pm #

    Asoka said, “The Earth is an insignificant planet and our Sun is just a medium-sized star.”
    Actually asoka, that is the exact opposite point that Sagan was trying to make with the pale blue dot story… The earth is very significant, very rare, very special…
    Average people, the mass of a population, have been reaching for more and more collective power for thousands of years. The average person today is more powerful than thousands of years ago. A mass of empowered people is very powerful.
    Modern powers are not of force, but charm, wit, and sophistication… seduction, even.
    “Empowered” was a buzzword a (few?) years ago. Everyone was urged to become or facilitate this “empowerment”. Some did, some did not, and the backlash occurred. (See present socio-economic situation)
    Humanity is climbing a mountain. We stumble, fall back, and reach higher. We keep going as long as we understand the sacrifices of the past generations and the value of their struggle. In struggle, we understand them and understand the task. Without struggle, we do not resemble them or understand their sacrifice. To me, it is as simple as that.

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  796. wagelaborer December 4, 2011 at 2:14 pm #

    I didn’t equate your comments with rape, you reading-challenged Vlad-channeler. I said that the US working class (the 99%) is being financially raped by the 1%, and you advocate passively accepting it, “because that’s what adults do”.
    “He called me adolescent for advocating a just and economically democratic society, and said that adults just lie there and take when being raped by the financial elite. (I’m paraphrasing here).”
    Although I spoke for a economically just and democratic society, I also acknowledged that you wouldn’t accept such a concept, and provided a link to an actual attempt by an actual sitting Congressman to change our monetary system. Which you conveniently ignored in your attack.
    I don’t think that reforming capitalism will help us. Even if we got back to “middle class” prosperity, that would destroy our ecosystem.
    But to pretend that the rampaging financial capitalists now destroying the sovereignity of advanced capitalist societies cannot be challenged is just stupid, frankly.
    There are laws against fraud, perjury and lacerny which were used as recently as the 80s, when 1200 bankers were thrown into prison. They aren’t being enforced now. Just lie back and take it, Bill?
    The ruling class has massively increased its share of the wealth since 1980. Is this just something that can’t be challenged? Just bend over and take it, Bill?
    Actually, we will probably see a return to some form of legal accountability, now that the .01% is starting to rip off the .09%.
    I think that we will see some banksters go to prison, just like Madoff did, for ripping off the less well off among the 1%.
    And it is truly disgusting that you are so hateful that you attack your own interests in the interests of the ruling overlords.

  797. charliefoxtrot December 4, 2011 at 2:18 pm #

    don t mind; talking about it is the first step towards stopping it i m a guy, btw, though i can see where the confusion arises (sorry)…it only happened once; most of the suffering was from dealing with the aftermath: essentially, there are two groups of humans- those who ve never experienced the horror, and those for whome live through it over and over…then a few of us who don t belong to or fit in with either, and who are for all intents and purposes are ostracized by everyone…you ve heard the expression, “once you know something, you can never un-know it”? true…i firmly believe that education, and frank discussion of this admittedly difficult (for everyone) subject MUST occur- if i had known at seven what is unacceptable treatment, i d have either tried to stop it or failing that, told my parents instead of internalizing it and “dealing” alone…to CF’dN at large: rape is an ugly word, but a vastly uglier experience, and whether you will admit it to yourself or not, you either know someone who has been or is currently being raped- and i make no distinction of age or gender: contrary to the narrative that is propounded by those who either just don t want to think about it, or don t want you to think about it, THIS IS NOT ABOUT SEX, IT IS ABOUT POWER AND CONTROL and for those of you who suspect someone in your own life, remember that the moment you do, and say nothing, you assume complicity and guilt…keep in mind that it is better to raise unfounded suspicion than to allow and enable one more second of misery and horror…for you who are dealing with rape yourself or for a child, KNOW THIS: IT IS NOT OUR FAULT, WE DID NOT ‘ASK FOR IT’, AND CONTRARY TO WHAT MANY MOLESTERS SAY, YOU ARE NOT ‘HELPING US LEARN AND GROW’…YOU FUCKING SLIME! Rape is murder, of the person (i) was going to be, and i believe if punishment was publically carried out by victims it would be ugly enough to act as a deterrent in a way that imprisonment doesn t seem to accomplish…

  798. ront December 4, 2011 at 2:28 pm #

    Ix, I found this TS Eliot quote more relatable to phenomenon of American exceptionalism. You apparently saw something else.

  799. ront December 4, 2011 at 2:34 pm #

    I ran across a collection of quotes by a journalist whom I used to enjoy reading years ago. Here is a selection of several that could be useful to dwell upon in the midst of the darkness and insanity of the day:
    Sydney J. Harris quotes:
    Happiness is a direction, not a place.
    If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size?
    The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.
    The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers.
    Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
    Ignorance per se is not nearly as dangerous as ignorance of ignorance.
    Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.
    Intolerance is the most socially acceptable form of egotism, for it permits us to assume superiority without personal boasting.
    When you run into someone who is disagreeable to others, you may be sure he is uncomfortable with himself; the amount of pain we inflict upon others is directly proportional to the amount we feel within us.
    The greatest enemy of progress is not stagnation, but false progress.
    When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?’
    Men make counterfeit money; in many more cases, money makes counterfeit men.
    People who think they’re generous to a fault usually think that’s their only fault.
    The most important thing in an argument, next to being right, is to leave an escape hatch for your opponent, so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without too much apparent loss of face.
    There’s no point in burying a hatchet if you’re going to put up a marker on the site.
    The two words ‘information’ and ‘communication’ are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through.

  800. wagelaborer December 4, 2011 at 2:35 pm #

    I am sorry that you went through that, cft.
    I understand that you mourn the person you would have been before your self was violated, but I would like to say that from your writings here, you seem to be a fine person in spite of it.

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  801. wagelaborer December 4, 2011 at 2:39 pm #

    While looking for a birthday card the other day, I found one that applies to our population discussion
    The front of the card showed three little girls. The first one said “My mother said I came from love”. The second one said “My mother said I came from God”. The third one said “My mother said I came from a fifth of Jack and a snowstorm”
    Words of wisdom, indeed.
    That’s why we need to quit the stern lectures on personal responsiblity and start paying for voluntary sterilization.

  802. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 2:47 pm #

    Was she the one who put the snakes in mailboxes? Or was the Synanon? Or both maybe? Or neither?

  803. charliefoxtrot December 4, 2011 at 2:49 pm #

    sorry, wasn t finished…@prog: while i will admit i live with a million years of pain and rage, and there is a bit of vengeance coloring my view (naturally you understand, i hope) i am glad to be able to report that i have lived hate-free for a little over a year, because of my girlfriend at the time…and it feels to be a permanent difference, happy to say! the recent obscenities in penn st & syracuse lead me to point out that the taboo of talking about this admittedly difficult subject MUST be abolished if any progress is to be made, and i cannot stress enough that until the behavior is eradicated, the burden of guilt is on us all…also, i d like to thank you, prog, for prompting me to talk about this, because putting my thoughts down has given me a powefully cathartic statement to the perpetrators: you can take away who i was going to be, but you can NEVER have who i am…i wouldn t have these words if i hadn t given them to you, and they reaffirm my hope that we as people can redeem our presence here on earth…peace, all, and i hope my passion has inspired some of you to help and heal

  804. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 2:54 pm #

    The number of men raped in America may well exceed the number of women. And only comedians talk about it – and we laugh. Why? Because the victims are usually White and the Perpetrators mostly Black. That makes it Ok for that incomparably sick people called Americas – especially Liberals who are addicted to this kind of sick humor the most.

  805. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 3:00 pm #

    The Earth is a big, blue marble when you see it from out there. The sun and moon declare, a beauty very rare.
    Meanwhile, intelligences vast and cold, on a dying world, study us with care and slowly begin to make their plans against us.

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  806. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 3:00 pm #

    “Defends Jews? Even if they’re the aggressors? Even if they’re in the wrong?”
    -vlad, misquoting P2c, or BtB, or somebody-
    That’s not what he said, Vlad.
    And why don’t we let BtB speak for himself without you muddying up the waters.*
    And Bill – I know you don’t like engaging in a whole lot of this religious/ethnic/racial stuff.
    But it’s better to light a lamp than to curse the darkness – or something like that. hah hah??
    Back to a subject on which you are more qualified, Vlad:
    “WN’s have never gotten nearly as far as the Rajneeshi’s. Watched too closely for one thing. Too stupid for another. The Movement is maturing very slowly. We’ve finally realized that Skinheads are worthless scum for the most part. At least until they get older and get out of it. It’s a vile subculture.”
    Ding, ding, ding! Somebody ring the bell of understanding for Vlad.
    THAT’s what I was trying to tell you AND anybody in AmRen, who would listen, about the Charlotte meeting place being denied last winter.
    Skinheads, stupid people – whatever we want to label them – they create hate. That means they attract hate. And if they are associated with any movement, of any type, involving White Groups – they are going to attract law enforcement, and meeting/permit denials, and NEGATIVE PRESS attention.
    Look at it another way. The NAACP or the SCLC, or whatever – already HATE any sort of Whites Only movement – and the work with all their might to keep your groups on the margins.
    Your natural allies are plain old, non-violent and non-hating, garden variety white folks.
    But hateful rhetoric repels these natural allies.
    Hateful rhetoric doesn’t affect your relationship with SCLC – that relationship is as bad as it can be already.
    So yeah – getting rid of the skinheads is a good first step.
    Cleaning up some of the rhetoric on the AmRen and related website comment boards – Is a good second step.

  807. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 3:04 pm #

    You can always be trusted to take the 3rd position. That’s why Communists and Fascists understand each other so well – and fight to the death. Same with the Jews and the Muslims: perfect understanding does not necessarily lead to peace. That’s sentimental liberal tripe.

  808. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 3:04 pm #

    BustinJ said: “Humanity is climbing a mountain. We stumble, fall back, and reach higher.”
    All, as Sagan says, on speck of dust in a sunbeam. How quaint!
    Earth is special? Because it’s “our” planet and supports “life” … How quaint!
    We have no idea how many other planets have the same setup because we know so little about our universe. Seems a bit premature to be proclaiming specialness.

  809. wagelaborer December 4, 2011 at 3:11 pm #

    No, Vlad, comedians joke about prison rape, and sick people laugh. The race of the victims and perpetuators are never mentioned, and only imagined by you.
    Why is joking about prison rape encouraged? Because it helps to dehumanize prisoners, and to make the horrible situation in our country seem desirable.
    We have 25% of the world’s prisoners, but only 5% of the population. Prisons have been privatized, and prison corporations and prison guards advocate for more prisoners.
    It is about as sick a situation as can be. Nearly as bad as basing our manufacturing capacity mainly on producing weapons of mass destruction, and lionizing as “heroes” those who go and drop them on other humans.

  810. JonathanSS December 4, 2011 at 3:12 pm #

    Nice sentiment. This helps balance the lunatic ravings of some; such as the guy who states that white men are raped by blacks at possibly a higher rate than women are raped.

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  811. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 3:17 pm #

    [sarcasm on] God created a “blue planet.” That means most of the planet’s surface is covered by salt water, rendered useless to humanity for horticulture. Thanks, God.[sarcasm off]

  812. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 3:19 pm #

    No wrong as ever. Hate is natural when people hate you or threaten you or your’s. Only Whites are subjected to the “no hate” imperative. We reject it utterly. We hate our enemies and they hate us. We understand each other. You Liberals are the clueless ones – and they are using you to destroy your racial and cultural brothers. You feel closer to Blacks than you do to White Nationalists. You are the friend of our Enemy and therefore our Enemy too.
    Did you see the video of the woman on the “tram” in England talking against Minority takeover? She’s been arrested and her child taken away. How many times have I heard Blacks talk like that on trains? Nothing happens to them. Anti-White hate is so prevalent that it’s hard to make you see it – just like a fish can’t see the water.
    Skinheads are drunken, lazy, criminal thugs – just what the Jews think of all White Nationalists. They confirm all the worst stereotypes and thus hurt our cause without helping since they are such a dead weight. In even of open hostilities they might be useful as zombie shock troops. But then again, they might just as well start attacking other Whites as they are prone to do. That’s the mystery: why does a Cause so Just attract so many bad people – not just shaven heads either. And the corollary: why do decent Whites stand by and allow themselves to be destroyed? Too busy working. And after work, just relaxing and taking pleasure. A System that produces such people is bad. There would never have been a Revolution if America was like this then. I think being an employee is bad for the psyche. The American Revolution was made by farmers and tradesmen – not “hirelings”.

  813. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 3:23 pm #

    You obviously don’t watch much comedy or are blanking out the obvious references. Oh and thanks for saying that Beantown was channeling me. Real nice.
    Most people in prison belong there. Fuck your let them all out paradigm. That there are too many to lock up anymore just shows we are living in a failed state. That most of them are minorities makes it clear what needs to be done. What needs be must be.

  814. charliefoxtrot December 4, 2011 at 3:27 pm #

    thanks…largely a matter of conscious choice, and even though it has the potential to sicken me, there is a small amount of ‘not in spite of, but because of’- at least in that some things you have to experience to truly understand…i realized in my teens that i would just have to accept that it was, in my own case, and preventing new victims is really all that can be done to “fix” things…and that the more i could do to fight depression, the less the bastard wins…not to mention the obvious: it did after all only happen once, and could have been really alot worse…and trust me, especially as a young man, there was a whole lot more ugliness…it can take years to heal, even when you want to i ve got a whole ‘nother novel to tell about how caroline took the hate out of me, which i m sure translates in part to your opinion of me- i certainly feel like a different person!

  815. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 3:28 pm #

    One out of four is Feminst Propaganda created by a Mary Kosh or Cosh I belive. It was a poorly constructed study done by mail in questionaire. First clue: only the most passionate mail it back – hint, hint. Most of those whom she declared raped didn’t consider themselves such. Many continued in the relationship with their “rapist”.
    Remember SS, these nice feminist ladies consider all heterosexual intercourse to be rape so anything they say has to be taken with a shaker of salt. They’re liars in other words, whether they know it or not.

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  816. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 3:36 pm #

    Is a rose “really” red or is that just the color the rose can’t absorb or in other words, the color the rose isn’t?
    Just so, (maybe not) the best eaters, those who win eating contests (one of the lowest manifestations of Kali Yuga) are skinny people. Fat people are bad eaters with poor digestion – that’s why they’re fat. Evidently, East Asians who are often small and weak outwardly, have the strongest inner systems. The world champ is a small scrawny Chinese woman.

  817. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

    “You are the friend of our Enemy and therefore our Enemy too.” -vk-
    Vlad, you’re talking in circles.
    I’m saying that the WN movement CREATES it’s own enemies. Thus, and only thus, does every black, and every person of reduced skin melanin – become YOUR avowed enemy.
    And YOU say, if I befriend a black – or something – then I become YOUR ENEMY.
    If that’s the way you think – you are just a useless trouble hunter –
    And on more men raped by blacks than women –
    I call total Bull Shit on that one, right now.
    You got a reference to try to prove me wrong?

  818. asoka. December 4, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

    Whites back then as now would be impressed with Black Preachers – not only their charisma but their way with words. So Jefferson made a practice of speaking to them later. He found that they couldn’t explain what they had been talking about.

    Did the Black preachers have a passel of White slaves working for them, creating wealth for the Black preachers, allowing the Black preachers to travel to Europe and discourse with leading intellectuals of the time, while the White slaves were kept barefoot, pregnant, and uneducated? Capiche?

  819. lbendet December 4, 2011 at 3:43 pm #

    Speaking of Financial rape and waking up to the psychopathic banks, listen to Max today. As I was reading your comment I was hearing Max K. talking about people waking up to their rape by the banks.
    [Metaphorically speaking, of course. We also discuss big bazookas, Pol Pot and dead whistleblowers. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Jon Thorisson about the new Eva Joly Institute and Iceland’s ongoing fight for justice.]

  820. charliefoxtrot December 4, 2011 at 3:55 pm #

    you sick fuck i ll thank you to shut the fuck up about what is obviously your own perverted fantasy you idiot and anyway, do you not understand the concept of ‘divide and conquer’??!! as long as there are (sorry everyone else for the following) niggers and kikes and rednecks- the labels; THERE AREN T ANY SUCH PEOPLE- you are playing right into the hand of those who would control our world and the people in it!! including and especially you, you weakminded worm! i suggest you look up ‘the redneck manifesto’ by jim goad…it isn t all politically correct, or for that matter palatable, but it will show you how you and your ilk are the wedge being used to give the sociopaths the power and control they are using to rape our family and home…jackass

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  821. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 4:07 pm #

    “Did you see the video of the woman on the “tram” in England talking against Minority takeover? She’s been arrested and her child taken away. How many times have I heard Blacks talk like that on trains?”
    Yeah, I saw it. She shouldn’t talk like that out in a public place. I keep wondering if it was a “set up” of one sort or another.
    One disgruntled – justified or not, heroic or not – white British chick on a tram is not going to change anything for the better as regards immigration policy in the UK. Changing things for the worse is always an unfortunate possibility, though.
    “How many times have I heard Blacks talk like that on trains?”” -vk-
    I’ve never heard anything remotely like that.
    To the extent that things like that are occurring (black on white verbal abuse) they should be publicized and dealt with severely.
    That’s one area where a White advocacy group with the same tactics* as the ADL or the NAACP could be helpful now – and vital soon.
    *Note the tactics that work for those two groups.
    Non-violent advocacy*
    Working within the existing system*
    Minimal or non-existent negative or violent rhetoric.*

  822. Jeff Faria December 4, 2011 at 4:39 pm #

    “it’s a sense of the total exhaustion of culture, in particular the way the world does business. Everything looks tired, played out, and most of all false. Governments can’t really pay for what they do. Banks have no real money. Many households surely have no money.”
    This entire post rings utterly true, and I’m glad to see that at least 800 people (!) have noticed. Brilliant piece of observation, and so refreshingly honest.

  823. charliefoxtrot December 4, 2011 at 5:01 pm #

    yeah, but it s closer to a dozen, sadly enough- we think there are several multiple personalities who argue different sides of various threads…regardless, welcome to the nation of those who realize the fuckerage or our world…please chime in with cogent, civil, intelligent, well reasoned and fact-based comments…it ll be nice to see for a change, ha ha

  824. anti soak December 4, 2011 at 5:21 pm #

    Which Comedians?
    And the ‘snakes’ was Synanon or somesuch..
    Sheela used poison at the saladbar.
    Is she still in jail, Buck or anyone know?

  825. anti soak December 4, 2011 at 5:23 pm #

    London mum Emma West, 34, arrested over ‘My Tram Experience’ racism rant.

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  826. anti soak December 4, 2011 at 5:27 pm #

    I was reading LA Times y’day[page 3].
    In the last 12 years WP Increase has been a Billion.
    In India in the last 11 years they have gone from a billion to 1.24 billion.
    A quarter billion in 11 years, in one nation.
    1/4 of WPI recently has been due to one nation.

  827. anti soak December 4, 2011 at 5:31 pm #

    Norman Mailer was talking that back in the 80s.
    I dont read him but he did a book or a chapter about.

  828. ozone December 4, 2011 at 5:34 pm #

    Good one, Chaz!
    I’ll try and wade through some of the rest of the forehead-smackin’ bullshittery, but fer-Myrtle’s-sake, it’s getting tough on the ol’ scroll-wheel fanger. Whew!
    The smell of the lladdie-soaker Hosebag show is also a bit thick, so I guess we’ll see yez on the other side of Jim’s next missive.
    (Geez, somebody open a window!)

  829. ozone December 4, 2011 at 5:35 pm #

    (No offense to those who actually have something to say.)

  830. anti soak December 4, 2011 at 5:36 pm #

    Prison Sex and Rape: Homosexual Experiences
    author Norman Mailer, explains prison homosexuality in another … During prison riots, one of the first things prisoners do is rape prison………………………………
    Shocking news that… Facebookwww.facebook.com/OfficialNickGriffin/posts
    Shocking news that Emma West is now being held for psychiatric tests. Soviet tactics. … She deserves our full support ….. and a bloody medal!

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  831. Widespreadpanic7 December 4, 2011 at 5:36 pm #

    “May the Peace of Allah be upon him”, Asoka & P2C.
    “The Peace of Allah”? Are you f—-g kidding me? Islam got to be the bloodiest goddam thing going … right out of the box, in the 8th century, they invaded France. (and got their asses kicked by in Normandy Charles Martel and his army of Christians)
    The Muslim Brotherhood just took over Egypt. We’ll see once again what your ‘Peace of Allah’ is all about!
    Does anybody know when the seas are gonna start rising? I was looking around down on the coast today, metal detecting, and noticed the beach was how I left it in the spring. And it looked pretty similar to how I remember it when I was a kid. I’ve heard so much about polar ice melt & coastal flooding that you’d think there would be some sign of it by now.

  832. ozone December 4, 2011 at 5:42 pm #

    “our nation may truly regret losing sight of history, risk, and common sense”
    -kevin phillips-
    Goddamn right; and spoken from an escapee from the very belly of the beast.
    Heed and beware.

  833. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 5:50 pm #

    Hey, widespread, you came back before Monday.
    “Peace of Allah” – I was just poking ol’ soak about that. Or was I soakin’ ol’ poke.
    Anyway – You sure are a strong advocate of US immigration. And you sure are down on Islam.
    So, WSP, how do you feel about Muslim immigrants.
    We’ve got a bunch of them, already.
    As far as sea level increases –
    I’ve already been over this with you in some detail at least twice, my friend.
    Average world sea levels are increasing.
    This increase is expected to accelerate.
    Read this and see if you have any questions for me. It’s subject to peer review from the whole world – not just from obscure “academic” groups.

  834. lbendet December 4, 2011 at 6:02 pm #

    Thank you, progress2conserve for the other Chris Martenson link on massaged numbers–of course you know nothing we’ve heard is true.
    My sister told me she ran across the rent on Riverside Dr. my parents had in 1948. For a large apt overlooking the Hudson River a whopping $148.00 per month!

  835. Widespreadpanic7 December 4, 2011 at 6:06 pm #

    Ya that’s pretty complex stuff, P2C, maybe too complex for me. I was just wondering, in my little corner of the world, in a place I can actually visit and see for myself, why the seas haven’t risen here, that’s all. Maybe they are rising everywhere else in the world (specially places trying to extort money from the US & Europe), but here, in New England, sea levels seem pretty stable.
    Why would rising oceans engulf Bangladesh and Sumatra, but not Cape Cod and Long Island? I gues I’m not smart enough to figure it out.

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  836. ozone December 4, 2011 at 6:15 pm #

    Okay then, Wage.
    Glad I kept on reading there. Not for your stomp on BTB, but because of your reiteration of “the basics”.
    Yep, no justice, no peace.
    You’d think [the tiny fraction of] the 1% would be getting that by now. (Especially with the “profitable products” they’ve been skimming off of that create such easy communication.)
    They don’t. It will be their doom. (It will be the doom of COUNTLESS others, but that’s neither here nor there to them… until it begins to cut into their lifestyles. Then the “Great Pretending” will begin; in a sweet and perfect conjunction with the “Great Crumbling”.)

  837. Widespreadpanic7 December 4, 2011 at 6:16 pm #

    Ya I checked back in P2C; couldn’t stay away. I worked a 12 hour shift last and drove to the shore afterward. Just getting back now.
    P2C, I’m not really a ‘strong advocate of US immigration”.
    Recent 3rd world massive immigration into the US (& Canada and WEurope) are driven by powerful economic and historic forces, forces which laws and public policy cannot control.
    Resistance, as they say, is futile. I’ve tried best I could to adjust to the new demographic realities.

  838. Widespreadpanic7 December 4, 2011 at 6:32 pm #

    Hey P2C did you see my message about the chain saw?
    One thing I might add is how dangerous those damn things are. I use mine very, very carefully. I’ve known even experienced woodsmen being seriously injured with one.
    Ozone might want to weigh in on chainsaws. I suspect he saws up a lot logs up there in the NE hills where he lives.

  839. Bustin J December 4, 2011 at 6:51 pm #

    American. European. White nationalism. Christianity.
    How boring.
    Here we have the fashion and religion of Minoan Crete:

    Minoan men wore loincloths and kilts. Women wore robes that had short sleeves and layered flounced skirts. These were open to the navel allowing their breasts to be left exposed, perhaps during ceremonial occasions.[citation needed] Women also had the option of wearing a strapless fitted bodice. The patterns on emphasized symmetrical geometric designs. It must be remembered that other forms of dress may have been worn of which we have no record.
    The Minoan religion focused on female deities, with females officiating.[35] The statues of priestesses in Minoan culture and frescoes showing men and women participating in the same sports such as bull-leaping, lead some archaeologists to believe that men and women held equal social status. Inheritance is thought to have been matrilineal. The frescos include many depictions of people, with the genders distinguished by colour: the men’s skin is reddish-brown, the women’s white.
    Concentration of wealth played a large role in the structure of society. Multiroom constructions were discovered in even the ‘poor’ areas of town, revealing a social equality and even distribution of wealth.

    Further proof that “A better world is possible” is true: one only have look to history.
    America’s freedoms allow such fashions, religions, and even democratic avenues for establishment of socioeconomic status and wealth.
    So what’s stopping us?
    I’ll tell you what. Business. As. Usual.

  840. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 6:54 pm #

    Yeah, I saw your message about chainsaws. Ozone and I had a pretty good exchange about the danger of the things, probably right at a year ago, now.
    Chainsaws are like any other powerful tool. They can accomplish amazing things. And they can kill you if you don’t understand the power and the danger of using them.
    On that note – US LEGAL immigration policy is a tool. So when you say:
    “Recent 3rd world massive immigration into the US (& Canada and WEurope) are driven by powerful economic and historic forces, forces which laws and public policy cannot control.”
    I’ve got to disagree. LEGAL immigration could be easily stopped by legislative action. These folks are not sneaking in over an unguarded border in hope of finding work.
    They are coming in on some sort of invitation from the US government. And many of them are then bringing in family members – some of whom will be LEGALLY on AFDC, Medicaid, or other government assistance their whole lives.
    So – it could be stopped, we just lack the willpower* to even ask the questions and HONESTLY consider the answers – as a people.
    And, like a tree with a big “widow maker” branch – that we never should have put a chainsaw on –
    Our lack of caution on immigration might well kill us – and the Planet with us.

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  841. xhalor December 4, 2011 at 7:06 pm #

    Consider this. When the allies began to liberate the concentration camps, Eisenhower ordered as many Army photographers as he could muster to report to the camps and take as many pictures as they possibly could. Why? Said Ike, “Because in the future some son of a bitch is going to try to say that this never happened.” And look at you. In this instance, looks like Ike knew what he was talking about. You see, it’s all in line with keeping the ball rolling. The Tuskegee Airmen and the 442nd Infantry Regiment. Do not deny them their contributions. Was I there in 1944? No, and neither were you. I’m not going to run down a bunch of fringe theories in the face of so much overwhelming historical evidence. And speaking of battle, I’m staring down the barrel of a naked woman about to attack me with a fistful of cold spaghetti. Oh, it’s on. She really hates to see me get so worked up about blogging. Not much of a decision is it?
    Herr Kranz: I just can’t help but notice how many people that are responsible for the current banking catastrophe are a buncha’ white guys. This would be the “bad behavior” that I previously referred to. I wonder how many other people have noticed this?
    So, my fellow co-conspirators, allow me to leave you with this thought:

  842. progress2conserve December 4, 2011 at 7:10 pm #

    Marlin – You’re an honest and honorable man – judging by your posts on CFN. You call ’em like you see ’em. More importantly, you have a capacity for RESPECTFUL disagreement – from which many of us could profit. (maybe even me?? nah! surely not me??)
    Anyway – willpower. On the subject of sea level rise – you are afflicted with a condition known as “the will not to believe.”
    Sea levels are, unquestionably, up worldwide since the 1960’s. The fact that you, WSP, are unable to visually and actually SEE that rise – on any random visit to a seashore or tide marker – proves absolutely nothing.
    Sea levels are on track to be up an easy 3 feet by 2100. Manhattan, with access to huge amounts of capital (if that continues???) will probably not have a big problem. The end of Long Island will probably be abandoned. And I would only hold property on Cape Cod with the intention of passing it to my greatgrandkids – IF I knew I was going to be backstopped by a still functioning Federal Government.
    So – Yeah – If I was in Bangladesh, or Micronesia, or wherever, I’d be raising HELL, NOW – about rising sea levels.

  843. DeeJones December 4, 2011 at 7:37 pm #

    “That’s the mystery: why does a Cause so Just attract so many bad people -” Vlad the Impared
    Um, perhaps its not “so just” after all, which is why it attracts idiot skinheads, and morons like you.
    See ya later

  844. xhalor December 4, 2011 at 8:27 pm #

    I jes kant hep myself. Make this your campaign theme song. Go ahead, you militant mofo, eat ’em.

  845. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 11:05 pm #

    Dee, like most women you have no moral compass at all. Because the World says so, you think Whites have no civil rights. You lack the inner truth to see how wrong this is. Your whole sense of right and wrong is just what society says. And if and when the plight of Whites gains some prestige, you will deny you ever said anything against us. No inner life at all.

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  846. Vlad Krandz December 4, 2011 at 11:28 pm #

    Dee you have no moral compass at all. Like most women your whole sense of right and wrong come from TV shows. No inner capacity whatsoever. If White Natinonalists are able to make their case to the Nation, you’ll pretend you never had any doubts.

  847. sxhbgbdhmc December 5, 2011 at 9:12 pm #

    Jane Zhang – Painted Heart

    see through the soul you lost
    not guess the color of your pupil
    gust of wind as unpredictable as life dream
    love your heart in the end is what confused

    your profile
    submerged in the darkness to see what results out peach
    see you hold me like moonlight lonely eyes let you in arms

    love you like a heart painted hard to touch
    your bones you can not paint
    I remember your face so your dedication
    Changbu Wan you’re my one song

    see through the soul you lost
    not guess the color of your pupil gust of a dream Love is unpredictable
    life is what your heart in the end to confuse

    your profile
    submerged in the darkness to see peach blossoms out to see what results
    I look forward to you holding the moonlight alone than let you in arms

    hard to love you like a heartbeat you can not paint touch
    painted bones
    your mind I look forward to your dedication
    wait for you You are my one song

    Chang Buwan Jane Zhang – Painted Heart

    you drown in the darkness the outline of
    Peach out to see what results
    eyes looking at you hold me lonely than the moonlight let you in arms

    hard to love you like a heart painted touch
    You can not paint your bones
    I remember your face waiting for your dedication
    my heart for you only willing to give up

  848. eljxanjgil December 7, 2011 at 3:47 am #

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????KI TA NA?????????????GA??NA??????GA???????TA????????????????????????????NA???GA???????NI NA???????????????????????????????? ??????KA???????????????????????? ?????1??????????????DCComics GA????????TA DCComics???????????DCUniverse?????????????????????9?????????TA NA???????????????TA New52????????GA??????RU????????????????????????NI??????????TA????RI??????????WA????NA???TA?????TA GA????????KA??DC??????????????????????????????GA???????????????????????????????????????????????????RU????????????????


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  849. hlqlanlpvj December 7, 2011 at 9:54 am #

    ??????????“?????????JT???”WA??GA????NA???GA???????????TA???????????“99????SAN?????TA DA”????????????GA???????????????????????????????????????????TA?????????????????NA???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????9???????WO 3???????????????????NI?????? 10??11????????? ???????????????????TA GA NA????????????BA??14??17???????????????????KA????????TA GA 1??????????????18???TA?????????????????????????????????????????????????TA GA???80?????????????GA??????????????????????????????????????? “???????NI NI TA?????????TA NI”18????????NI??TA????????????????TA GA?????????? ??????????????????? ??TA???????????????????????????????????????SAN DA GA??????????2?????????????????????????RO???????? ??????????????????????????????????TA???????????????????????TA? “???????GA?TA????????” 80??????TA??????????????RO NA??NA??GA?????RO DA GA“?SAN NA NI?????NA?”?????????????????????TA?????????TA?????KA NA NI KO KA???????????TA???NA????????????????????????TA??? [????]???????-10???????2?????-10?3????-7?4????????-6?5????? -5?6??????-4?7 T??????-3?7 T?J · B ·?????-3?9 T???????-2??3 21????4?????????25????????8? [??]?????NI?????????????“???- GA???????KA NI????????????KA DA?”[3?]???????V????“???NA??????????????? ??? s?DA???? ??? s?”?] [2????????????????????N??A 2????????[] []????????????????????????????? ???????

  850. youmouyixia December 8, 2011 at 4:41 am #

      Japanese car manufacturer Honda 2, announced that it will recall over 300,000 vehicles worldwide, including the Accord, Civic, Odyssey and other models, including the 10 best-selling model, because the driver’s seat airbag defects.
      According to a statement released the same day Honda, imagine the worst case, the airbags inflate in an accident in the tank may rupture, scattering debris.
      Honda announced it will recall 304,035 total production in 2001 and 2002 vehicles, of which about 300,000 were sold in the U.S. and Canada, and the remaining vehicles in Japan, Australia, Singapore and other places sold.
      Honda said the recall will replace the vehicle air bag inflator. Honda has not announced the recall of the global total spending, but a Honda spokesman in Tokyo said, recalling 2000 cars in Japan, spent about 14 million yen ($ 1.8 million).  Water Heater

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  851. qtphokrswc December 9, 2011 at 10:04 pm #

  852. youmouyixia December 10, 2011 at 9:36 am #

      Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda will visit China this month. Phoenix on Thursday to answer a reporter’s question he said that the Sino-Japanese strategic and mutually beneficial relationship is essential, during his visit to Japan he will urge China to provide rehabilitation assistance, urging tourists to Japan sightseeing. He also said he is "son of the Sino-Japanese exchanges."
      Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda Phoenix on Thursday to answer a reporter’s question, said this month he will visit China and Japan win-win and common prosperity, strategic and mutually beneficial relationship is the principle of bilateral relations, he will confirm with Chinese leaders the strategic relationship of mutual benefit, China development opportunities in Japan. He also called on China after the earthquake, 311 active in providing rehabilitation assistance to the Japanese, to attract more Chinese tourists to Japan sightseeing. Noda was also recalled his days in 1984 as three thousand people in the delegation of a youth exchange visit, said he was the son of the Sino-Japanese exchanges.  prom dress
      "The Prime Minister’s visit to China planned to make those proposals? Including the East China Sea development, involving the South China Sea maritime security mechanisms proposed, how do you see?"
      Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda: "Japan-China relations will encounter difficulties, but to overcome the difficulties, the overall recognition among leaders, strategic and mutually beneficial relationship is very important to confirm and I will urge China to Japan to provide rehabilitation assistance to promote tourism, will talk about maritime cooperation , cultural and personnel exchanges. I took part in 1984 Youth Delegation to Japan and three thousand, is the son of Japan-China exchanges. "
      Prime Minister also said Noda, Japan and South Korea free trade agreement negotiations took three years. Visit to China, Japan, China will be asked to actively promote the free trade agreement signed by Japan and South Korea. buy wedding dress

  853. youmouyixia December 14, 2011 at 5:32 am #

      Well-known in northern Tanzania Ngorongoro Crater National Park, a result of competition for territory refused to treat the injured black rhino, and turn around to park rangers, veterinarians and zoologists medical team attack.
      According to Tanzania, "Daily News" reported on the 2nd, in a recent treatment of the operation of this organization, teams spent a few hours only to find traces of injured black rhino, but when in close proximity to the animals of this strong sense of territory found that the pickup truck ride to the medical team to attack.  solar lantern
      Although the black rhino weighs 3 tons, but the run up to speeds up to 40 km, thanks to zoologists to know their habits, Zuoshan You hide it out of the chase. After several attempts, the medical team fired tranquilizer gun from the car to make it drift off to sleep.
      It took medical staff more than 1 hour for this first seven-year-old black rhino clean the wound and injected anti-inflammatory drugs. According to reports, this is the first rhino with his father – 33-year-old rhino, "John" when the defeated territory battle wounded.
      Rhino is one of the world’s endangered wild animals, living in the Ngorongoro National Park, with about 30 black rhino. In order to increase the number of rhinos in Tanzania last year from the introduction of five young South African rhino, stocked in neighboring Serengeti National Park.  solar heater panel

  854. hjghjdzdi December 14, 2011 at 10:12 pm #

    A pair of neighbors, the boy is a rich kids, full of violence, young master, the girl home, good, live well-off life. Ferocious of boys to girls, but to accompany the girl to school every day after school. One day, the girl told the boy to accompany him to the amusement park, the boy would stare at the girl with the look, angry, said: a fist knock on the girl’s forehead, the pain immediately spread to her forehead, like a fire burning a small head. Girls do not get angry, just slightly Cu Qimei head, and happy laugh. Boys are always so fierce against her, but she is like this, he! The boy was bitterly about it, whether he hit or scolded her, she always does not get angry, but also very happy smile. After three years, through arduous efforts, the girl with just qualified second-year scores and scores of boys admitted to the city with the best high school. At that time girls at 15 years old, the boy was sixteen. The age of sixteen, he who is not only good grades, very rich, and handsome man has also been a lot of girls Qing gaze. The girls do, homely, family flat, the results more general. But the boys achievements in key classes should be no problem, but the girls know that the accident even in an ordinary class boy, and himself and his classmate. Girls feel very strange, you ask the boys: to the girl’s forehead, she cried softly. Boy Menheng soon disdain at her, said: His handsome face appeared out of the innocent expression, in the heart whispered: Well … is not bought off a poor teacher, ordered him to let him change classes, but also installed the innocent! The boy’s sudden appearance, and really let the whole class of girls next door flattered. I did not expect a big guy even if they appear in the vicinity! Simply amazing! Then each day will receive a lot of boys love letters. But his reasons are ignored, no one not see, they have thrown the girl. Said to her: This makes her feel ever since the sad, lost! But the only thing that she was pleased to school every day after school, he will and his own back. The girl is very petite, only five feet six, while boys meter eighty three, two of them walking on the way home, like a pair of eye-catching young lovers. Although the boys were ferocious, very violent road, but always holding her hand away, but her legs are always too short, walking very slowly. Do not know how many people came to cast his envious, jealous eyes too! Girls know that their feelings for the boy’s childhood friend is not already more than an ordinary neighbor, she likes him, she had the courage to say to him, she likes him. But the thought of the boy might say: fool! Open big joke, I like that you are not the type of girl! Kind of thing, the girl got cold feet. And he would like and out, went to school together every day, eat breakfast, homework and learning together, came home from school together, this is odd that the normal thing, but an accident happened. Quietly listening to the teacher’s speech, she suddenly heard someone outside shouted: Hsi-Han Xiao, your homeroom teacher told you to the office. looking for her, but she mysteriously out of the classroom. but who knows in Halfway, was severely behind on the pull on the fall to the ground to get their own, and then several people came up and kicked her she is not playing She was very surprised and would like to resist, but useless, petite, she is simply unable to fight back, so she just arm guarding the face. it hurts, the body came the throes of pain they cry, and suddenly, the group of person ceases to be the hands and feet, there is a girl does not know squat walked in front of her, a proud look at her: Oh, hey … so poor, who told you to act recklessly and with him too! why bother? Pain is the body of the girl looked up and saw that the efforts of the girls, one white, pretty, clean little face, long hair, elegant dress, in front of the girls is really a beauty, see her family was very good. But the girl just do not understand that he offended when these people? Surprised and asked: You are not allowed near him after a step, or you will die miserable! Jokes that he and his since childhood, what she would die with one inconspicuous to threaten their own? Ignoring girls see her own words, to the disdain of her: people, such as only I can, and he married, you count what? Why he never found himself with his distance so far, and she with him, is so out of tune! Why they are not early detection? The girl to see her smiling face stiff, his face showing a proud smile: Only in the recollection of her as a person, then a heartache. Tears never put out general fly Chung, tears patter of falling to the ground. Just wondering when the class, how will the teacher find her? The boy grew more and more surprised. Suddenly appeared in front of a familiar figure in his eye. He stepped forward, wanted to open scolded her: stupid, points, and now back to it? You are not owed pumping ‘kind of thing. But when he saw her lifeless eyes, like to see is very tired, so he was very sad. But he would not comfort people. Girl pumping immediately opened his hand: The boy was angry, so he waited a long time she was, she was ignoring him, and then became obedient when do not need to concern you? Girls stay in his room repeatedly thinking about those words today, as spell-like invasion of her broken heart over: ‘You and him with it? A poor girl would! No face to face, no body to body. ‘A remark stung her heart, even their own ironic laugh at themselves, to ah, he was just one-sided love, his family money, luxury, there are brand-name car, take her home and in contrast to his house, He is a very large family mansion, and her family in general but only a small cottage, but in his home next. Since the tragedy, is simply a clown! He was just a poor girl, nothing like him, how she can love him … smile, she now found directly, the original gap between himself and his is so big, it seems close, but far away! The next two days, a girl who always went early to their own school, the boy did not wait to go. In school, every day just lying on the desk on the bed, he was the boy scolded her for her play, she felt unconscious. Class is also an early out of the classroom, not to accompany him to eat breakfast, and him not doing their homework. Because she was afraid, and afraid of him to have any contact with his unable to control his feelings, she was afraid of his decision that he would be shaken … went the door. But the unexpected discovery at the door who turned out to be her deepest fear most people love to see the boy, her neighbor, the only son of Duan section drag. Although not popular, but still out of courtesy to him, please go in, but her heart was lost and a half row. The man stormed into the go, sitting on the sofa, opening scolded the girl: is the gas storm: instead, because … I already have a boyfriend. The girl can not read the expression on his face what it meant, she did not even know why he kind of expression, if ever, he certainly brought a belly laugh, mocking, said: This girl is someone like you to. Or angry knock her little head, called her stupid! However, the other her surprise, the boy is not even that. The boy is gone, leaving only a desolate back, the girl slowly aftertaste, silent tears! At this point the boy squatting on the ground, groaning, dark blood poured from his nose to. The eyes are constantly emerging out of a picture: The little boy was proud, said: He knows that his illness has become increasingly serious, and may not live on the …. Tired tired, his deep sleep in the past. I said you have heart disease, why not tell me, if not the segment aunt that you … say you love me, then I might miss you, asshole, you get up … you up ah! night … ask you wide open open eyes to see me? call him call him, but he was unconscious. In the dream, the boy early to hear the girls cry, but he is not up, we can say he did not want it, because he likes the girl shouted to him every day, every day to be with him, in fact, he woke up yesterday . But on hearing the cries of the girl, he relented, he gently raised the mouth, nice voice issuing from his mouth: ? non-compliance do
    es not scratch and asked: Pielepiezui, but they smile and laugh. He always did,Arcteryx Outdoor, Siyaomianzi. But she do not care about this, because her heart has been filled with honey, which in itself could not contain trivial. But do not you want to be so beautiful. A few days later, the night of the disease becomes more serious, he looked vulnerable every day, day by day, his face white mulberry, and she is getting scared. She has been looking for ways to save his life, and finally, the doctor told her that there is only one way, and that is a heart transplant. Girls think it over, he and her blood type is A, she can not lose him because he will be very upset, as long as he can properly live in this world, she satisfied. Girl came to the boy’s room, watching him dying, heart aching. Honey, I see you, you open your eyes to see me, remember my face, do not you ever forget me! This girl on the left, no one knew she went. A few days later, the hospital received an anonymous friend to donate to the heart, but also to give the boy had been operated on immediately, abnormal smooth operation. Boy woke up, but they found no girls in the waiting around, his mother told him that the girl had to go abroad. Why? Like I said clearly, why leave me? Do you lie to me? Boy with a wry smile, he good grief good grief. But he has always felt that the girl had been at his side! A few days later, the boy lying in bed, received an anonymous letter. He turned and saw the familiar handwriting, clear words, stabbed his eyes it hurts it hurts: the night when you opened this letter, I have not in this world, because I have lived in your the heart. Did not intend to tell you, but I’m afraid you will know that hard I would ignore me. Night, you do not get angry okay? Lose you, I can not! Remember when we dream? Around every corner of the world! You promised me to take me to go. So you are getting better, we go right? Night, do not be sad, we are still the same with ah! If time can be reversed, I would like to say to you: Do not blame me, do not you leave you are not, because I love you! So my dear, remember to bring my love to you, good living, because I have been on your side, forever will always be at your side. Hsi-boy love you giggle a lot, quietly nodded his head, the sound of rain, Do not worry, I will take me around the whole world, I will live well, because you are always in my heart. (Love, friends, please put down your face, for their love or love to say: ‘I love you’ it! Do not let simple words become our regret Oh!) I remember reading the reproduced Oh!

  855. maomaomao1 December 15, 2011 at 3:08 am #
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  856. maomaomao1 December 15, 2011 at 3:15 am #
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  857. maomaomao1 December 15, 2011 at 4:05 am #
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  859. maomaomao1 December 15, 2011 at 6:21 am #


  860. hlqlanlpvj December 15, 2011 at 11:04 pm #

    ????? ??? s????? ????????WA???????????????????n??????????GA?????????????????DA??????????????????GA????TA???? ??? s????????GA????????????????? ????????GA?????????????????????225?????????????NI TA 3???????????????????????????? ??140????????????2 8600?????????????TA?????????????????????WA ? 36 117??82?????8653?????????????????????8.57????????746.69?

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  861. eljxanjgil December 19, 2011 at 1:54 am #

    ?NI???????????????? ???????????????????????????SAN GA 16?????????NI???????????????????????????????TA???????????????????????? ??TA?????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????GA TA NI??????? ??? s????????????????????????????????????????NI????GA?TA???????????????????????????????????????????????????TA NI??????????????? ??n????????SAN??? ????

  862. hlqlanlpvj December 19, 2011 at 3:35 am #

    ?????????????????????????DA TA????????????????????????????WA?????????SAN????????????????????RO??????????????????RO???????????40???????????? ??????????????????????????????????TA??GA 1977???????10????????????????TA? 12?6???????????????????????????TA??????TA GA???NA??????TE?????????DA?TA???RO??????????????????????????? ???????????????????NA??????????????????????????????????????????????????TA?????DA TA?


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  863. maomaomao1 December 19, 2011 at 5:50 am #


  864. qeencyukdb December 19, 2011 at 6:10 pm #

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