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2012 Forecast: Bang and Whimper

     There’s a lot to be nervous about, even if you don’t subscribe to the undercooked Mayan apocalypse lore moving through the gut of the Internet like a Staphylococcus-infected tamale. The casual observer might say that nothing seemed to give on the world scene in 2011 despite the Fukushima meltdown, the Arab Spring uproars, the train wreck of European finance, the disappearing act at MF Global, and the assorted injuries done to the Kardashian brand by the giant walking dildo Kris Humphries.
     I demur. On close examination, the industrial world underwent complete zombification in 2011. Its member states and their institutions are now lurching across the stage of history like so many walking dead. Whole European nations are dead, their citizens squirming around the ruined bones of failed speculative condo projects, housing estates, and luxury hotels like botfly larvae. The USA lies in complete moral ruin despite the exertions of ten thousand evangelical preachers in dusty back-road tilt-up chapels from Texas to Carolina, several new museums of Creation Science, and the shining example of former Senator Rick Santorum. Just look at how we behave, from the cloakrooms of Congress to the piercing parlors of West Hollywood to the 7-Elevens of suburban Maryland: a nation of thieves, racketeers, reality TV sluts, wannabe road warriors, light-fingered gangsta-boyz, and crybabies living in an anomie-drenched decrepitating demolition derby landscape of failure. When everybody is a zombie, whose brains are left to eat? Echo answers…. On to the predictions for 2012 then.
     The biggest political shock awaiting us is the massive disruption of the major party nominating conventions next summer, when thousands of angry citizens descend on Tampa and Charlotte demanding a reality test. The parties will attempt to go about their ritual business, ignoring the mischief outside the convention centers, and both parties will make the mistake of siccing the cops on the protestors. The result will be a much bigger mess than the one I personally witnessed on the streets of Chicago, 1968, when the party hacks anointed the grinning sell-out Hubert Humphrey to run against Ole Debbil Nixie. Just before getting tear-gassed on Michigan Avenue that night, I saw some kid hoisting a sign that depicted the nominee with a Hitler mustache over the epithet: Mein Humph! It made my night, despite the subsequent retching in the gutter.
     The two major parties are completely bankrupt zombie organizations and this election may be their last stand – if they even survive the conventions. Neither of them can come to grips with the reality-based issues of the day: epochal financial and economic contraction, peak energy (and many other resources), climate change, the absence of the rule of law in banking, and generational grievance – or, perhaps more to the point, the manifestations of these giant trends as presented in unemployment, debt slavery, foreclosure, bankruptcy, homelessness, hunger, and X-million family tragedies. Both parties can only promise the return to a bygone status quo that is largely mythical.
     President Obama, the putative “progressive” – spokesman of the Ivy League, Silicon Valley, Lower Manhattan, and all the other precincts where “folks” imagine themselves to be advanced thinkers – can’t even wrap his mind around the simple fact that we will never be “energy independent” if we think that means running 260 million cars and trucks, no matter how many algae farms we pretend to invest in. Here is man who ought to know better and either doesn’t, or is lying about it. He has other failures to answer for, too. Why, following the Citizens United decision in the Supreme Court, did Mr. Obama not prompt his party to sponsor federal legislation (or a constitutional amendment) that would redefine a corporation as not identical in “personhood” to a human being? Why does he still employ an Attorney General who has not started one prosecution for financial misconduct amid a panorama of arrant swindling and fraud? (Ditto: heads of the SEC, CFTC, etc.) And why did he not object loudly to the provision in the latest defense appropriations bill that allows for the capricious arrests and indefinite detention of anyone in the USA on suspicion of “terrorism?” Does this graduate of Harvard Law remember what habeas corpus means?  
     A lot of voters projected on Mr. Obama some notion of supernatural brilliance – our Hollywood fantasies are rife with wishes to be saved, and therefore redeemed, by our former victims – but he turned out to have a pedestrian mind. Could he possibly believe we have “a hundred years of natural gas” in the ground? Or that we’re in a position to ramp up another cycle of industrial economic “growth?” Or that we can continue the web of cruel rackets that passes for medical care in this country? When the Democratic Party re-nominates Obama, it will be sealing its death warrant, and it will be on its way to the same cosmic vacuum where the memory of the Whigs lingers on.
     Meanwhile, the Republicans labor to convert themselves into the party of corn-pone Nazism with all their unconcealed lust to push everybody around under the plastic eagle rubrics of “Freedom” and “Liberty.” Look at the dismal lineup of morons, hypocrites, and religious fanatics arrayed for the Iowa caucus: a doctor who is also a creationist!? A leveraged buyout artist! A grifter fresh from K Street! A lady Christian theocrat wholly owned by the “dominionist” New Apostolic Reformation cult! A George W. Bush imitator showing symptoms of early onset senility! The whole posse is preoccupied with things supernatural. And being so dedicated to things unreal, they’re the prime representatives of the suburban clusterfuck, who will do anything to keep that obsolete machine running, even if it means national suicide, because they lack the brains to understand where history is taking us and what the mandates of reality are shouting at us about the urgent need to reorganize American life. They are also the vassals of corporate despotism – where the Democrats are mere footservants. They masquerade as “job creators,” but they promote the off-shoring of every activity that corporate America can shed in its quest for ever-greater executive compensation. The lip-service they pay to “freedom” is belied by their intent to control everybody’s personal life, commoditize the public interest, and sell out their grandchildren’s future for a few extra rounds of golf.
     I think this gang, too, will be sent packing by the mobs of 2012. I have a nagging intimation that some third party candidate will emerge. The two personalities I keep seeing in that role are Howard Dean and Michael Bloomberg. Both of them are imperfect, but both of them are clear-headed and action-oriented, and I have a feeling that both of them are stewing in the background over the spectacle of idiocy, inertia, and dithering they see at every political compass point. Maybe somebody else will crawl out of the woodwork. I’ve said before in the weekly blog that conditions could deteriorate so badly that a Pentagon general might have to step into national leadership just to keep the grocery stores supplied with basic rations – but that is an outcome in my personal asteroid belt of  probabilities.
    Whatever party ends up running things, and whomever fronts it, is going to be in for a helluva wild ride. The USA is diving into an economic depression that will make the 1930s look like a Busby Berkeley production number. Compressive contraction will have its way with us, whatever Ben Bernanke thinks. There will simply be less activity of the kinds we’re used to – Big Box shopping sprees, hamburger sales, theme park visits, house closings, you name it – than our hypertrophic system requires to keep its own destructive momentum going. Instead, the whole thing will just topple over, iner
t, like a 99-cent gyroscope giving into the forces of entropy. There will be a lot of bewildered, angry, dispossessed people from sea to shining sea. Not a few of them will “act out,” that is, start breaking things, stealing things, targeting easy prey, hurting bystanders, and even tangling with police. Personally, I don’t believe in the internment camp meme so popular among the doomer paranoiacs, but surely a lot of people will be cooling their heels in some slammer – while many other miscreants will just get away with crimes against persons and property.
     The global banking system was on death-watch all through 2011. Somehow the various doctors in the central banks and finance ministries were able to muster enough accounting legerdemain to give the appearance of a system still showing a pulse. But in a compressive debt deflation, there are only so many accounting tricks you can pull off as money (and wealth) literally disappears down a cosmic worm-hole. In Europe, the process has moved from the margins toward the center. The people of Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Belgium will have less income, fewer government services, lost wages and pensions, less comfort than they have had for a couple of generations. Meanwhile, France is drowning in bad paper and the German banks are choking on it. There is really only one plausible outcome and that is default. The reckoning of the bondholders is at hand. Everybody will get poorer simultaneously – and if not, there will be not just regime change but civil war and revolution. The fantasy of a fiscal union in Europe is impossible because it means two things: that Germany will have to issue orders to everybody else; and that Germany would have to pick up the tab for everybody else while telling them what to do. Both are intolerable and implausible. Let’s just think of the Euro experiment as an interesting side effect of the peak energy era… now drawing to a close.
    These professional economists with their jabber about QEs and “financial repression” and bond-term “twists” and debt-to-GDP ratios are missing the point. The advanced industrial nations will not be re-jiggered onto any “growth” runway. Rather, we’re entering the rutted wagon-road of de-industrializing and un-advancing. What awaits us in a “time-out” from hyperbolic technological progress. Forget about Ray Kurzweil’s nanobot nirvana. That is not in the cards. Instead, wrap your mind around life in an economy organized around farming, with a much sparser distribution of big urban centers, and far fewer people overall. Don’t imagine for a moment that your grandchildren will be zinging across the landscape in electric cars sampling one theme park after another while “networking” with “friends” on cyborg social networks implanted in their brain jellies. Think of them grooming their mules in the summer twilight. Anyway, you get the picture: everything that the finance ministries and treasuries and central banks are affecting to do is mere shadow theater performed in support of wishful thinking.
     The question, then, is what kind of hardship and disorder will attend our journey out of the industrial era into post-technological age we are entering. Will we just turn the world into a Michael Bay movie and blow everything up? Or will we make some graceful descent and retain what is really best about the human spirit?
     2012 will be the year of internal strife in these “advanced” nations, of people fighting over the table scraps of modernity among their own, in their own backyards, a desperate sorting out of the remnants. I don’t think we’ll see fighting between the European nations until the internal conflicts are resolved and that will take a few years.
     The hot-spots for 2012 are very likely to be in the Middle East. You already know that. What could be more obvious than the tinderbox character of that region? Islamic extremism is poised to take over governments (and armies) in Egypt, Syria, Libya, possibly Algeria, and probably Pakistan.  Iran lost its mind decades ago and seems determined to dominate the region by means of a strategy that can only get it into trouble (and perhaps the whole world if it goes really badly). Saber-rattling is one thing; making an actual move something else. Block the Straits of Hormuz? Not if you don’t want Teheran to turn into an ashtray. That may happen anyway if Iran rattles a nuclear saber. Germany, France, Britain, and Italy, all struggling with terrible problems at home, would breathe a sigh of relief if the mullahs were chastened. The chatter around the Web about an Israeli preemptive attack never ceases. But it is a possibility. 
Oh, and don’t forget Turkey. Formerly the “sick man” of Europe, Turkey has become strangely resurgent, prompting some recollections that the Ottoman Empire actually administered over much of the Middle East until 1914, and not with complete incompetence, either. They just sort of imploded from empire fatigue, which is not the worst way to go down, if history is taking you there anyway. But empires come back, too, and what passes for Turkey today is a polity that in one incarnation or another has been around since the ancient Greek days, and was, for quite a long while, Rome Release 2.0.
     Don’t be surprised if some hostilities break out between Turkey and Iran, since a battleground named Iraq lies between them. Iraq is a basket-case despite an immense reserve of oil under its sands, and having had the US military babysit it for eight years. The last American combat units left Iraq this fall, but there are still plenty of US soldiers there, maintaining our garrisons and keeping an eye on things. The question is: can they control what the Kurds do in the north, and whatever meddling Iran engages in around the Basra oil region in the South? These American support troops remaining in Iraq could find themselves looking like a ham-and-cheese sandwich between a lot of crusty mischief north-and-south. The Turks have already had a dustup or two with Syria lately – Syria occupies a big wedge between Turkey, Iraq and the Mediterranean Sea – and Turkey will take a dim view of that nation falling into the hands of Islamic extremists if Assad gets booted.
     All bets are off in Egypt. Anything can happen there.
     The dangerous position of Israel vis-à-vis all these quarreling players is probably as bad as it has been in two generations. An attack by a neighbor or getting caught in a crossfire between neighbors would stimulate a lusty response, and perhaps World War Three. As if the world needed this added aggravation. It makes my kishkas ache just to think about it. Sometimes I wonder why the whole Israeli nation doesn’t just pack up and move to Nebraska.
     2012 is the year that China proves to be a mortal nation and rolls over with a very bad case of the vapors. Their banking system is a sham. Their property bubble is a fiasco. Their government has no formal legitimacy and will install a new leadership group this year, while exports crash and mass factory layoffs happen. There will be a lot of pissed off people in China, and they may express themselves politically in ways that have seemed unthinkable for decades. The aura of social control looms large in China, but an aura is a light garment not recommended for stormy political weather. 2012 could be the year that China begins its journey into a “Balkanized” collection of smaller autonomous parts, which is the big fat trendline for all the nations of the world, including the USA.
     It is hard to think about the bizarre case of India, a nation with one foot in the modern age and the other in a colorful hallucinatory dreamtime. Their climate-change related problems are doing heavy damage to the food supply. Their groundwater is almost gone. The troubles of the wobbling global econo
my will take a lot pep out of their burgeoning tech and manufacturing sectors. It wouldn’t be surprising if these travails prompted distracting hostilities with its failed-state neighbor, Pakistan. Pakistan, with its inexhaustible supply of Islamic maniacs could easily start a rumble with some crazy caper like the Mumbai hotel assault of two years ago, but this time India would answer with a heavy cudgel, perhaps even a nuclear sortie designed to neutralize Pakistan’s dangerous toys at a stroke. And that would be that. Like cleaning out an annoying neighborhood crack house. It’s not a very appetizing scenario, but what else can you do about failed states with nuclear bombs?
     Turning to Japan….That sore beset kingdom is suffering all the blowback of modern times at once: the Godzilla syndrome up in Fukushima; a demographic collapse; an imminent bond crisis; the collapse of export market partners; and a long, agonizing death spiral of its banks. I stick by a prediction I tendered back in March, after the deadly tsunami: Japan will decisively opt for a return to pre-industrial civilization. Why not? The rest of the world will be dragged kicking and screaming to the same place. Let Japan get there first and enjoy the advantage of the early adapter – back to an economy of local, hand-made stuff, rigid social hierarchy, folkloric hijinks in whispering bamboo groves, silk robes, and frequent time outs for the tea ceremony.
     Russia? The big bear might have just sat out another decade and enjoyed its remaining fossil fuel supply, but the temptation to project power is a demanding habit, so they make all sorts of noises about watching Iran’s back – though mutual hatred abounds – and generally rushing into the power vacuum occupied by a US with dwindling mojo. There were stirrings of political discontent just  few weeks ago, after the rigged early rounds of national elections, and who knows where that will lead. Vlad Putin has held things together there impressively after the meltdown of the 1990s, but apparently the tranquil veneer is thin. Except for two big cities, the sprawling nation is broke and decrepitating, with little to offer the world but oil and gas – not an inconsiderable offering, but one with certain limits especially as they drain their oil fields for export cash. The rule of law is also pretty sketchy there. The government, as ever, is a kind of gangster affair, only this time one that allows some people to get really rich, not just connected. Their 70-year experiment with Marxian dogma has probably put them off ideology for a few centuries to come, which means less money spent on prisons for people with independent thoughts and more for call girls and home furnishings. I imagine that Putin will maintain his grip through the year. The Russians will appreciate relative order more when they see a few other countries devolve into internal conflict.
    I don’t see much action around South America this year. Some Americans are already fleeing to Argentina. Perhaps they’ll enjoy it, but there is always the menace of property confiscation, and worse. Brazil will continue to appear vibrant while it grows more population, shoving it toward eventual ruin. They will see setbacks in the development of their deep-sea oil due to an international shortage of investment capital.
     Mexico’s fortunes depend on its oil industry, Pemex, which faces remorseless depletion. Revenue from oil production and (dwindling) exports can’t hope to keep up with continuing population growth (and ever more poverty). These trends suggest a continued loss of control for the central government and more territorial fighting among the drug gangs and other criminal mafias. As long as all those loose heads roll on the south side of the Rio Grande the US will just tut-tut off to the side. But if the gangs get bold and start venturing cross border to make mischief we will make like Woodrow Wilson did and send the regular army down to spank them. It would be a satisfying diversion for that portion of the US demographic that enjoys Ultimate Fighting on TV, though it won’t get them their job back at the Pontiac plant.
     The global oil picture is not so reassuring. The fragility of our supply is simply unnoticed by commuters enjoying Lady Gaga on their iPods. Meanwhile, our politicians retail fantasies of endless domestic reserves, which is total horse shit. Global exports are in remorseless decline, apart from geopolitical fissures and strains that could just paralyze allocation cold. If a hot war breaks out in the Middle East, you’ll see the American supermarket shelves empty in three days. Won’t that be fun. Note, too: the manias over shale oil and shale gas will reveal themselves as just more bubbles in a long cavalcade of bubbles, and both will begin to founder on a shortage of investment capital. The shale plays will prove to have been a national self-esteem-building program, not any part of an energy policy.
     The abiding question as we turn the corner into the New Year is: how come Jon Corzine is still at large? (Not to mention Angelo Mozilo, plus the entire executive floor of Goldman Sachs, and about 5000 other assorted Wall Street grifters still on the loose.) There is plenty of dire talk that the collapse of MF Global, and the shenanigans around its demise involving the evaporation of segregated accounts, has gravely and permanently damaged the entire investment industry, but especially the commodities funds, who can no longer depend on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to honestly clear trades and regulate behavior. The whole affair, and the thundering silence from the oval office, makes Barack Obama seem not just inept but somehow complicit in the looting of America. As if he needs another mark of discredit in his record of consistent fumbling. There are signs that a lot of people who still have something resembling money invested in various funds will go to cash in the weeks ahead, including under-the-mattress style. The distrust and paranoia is palpable now, with the frenzies of Yuletide bygone for another year. After all, why trust banks, especially the TBTF monsters. Such a mass move could take the starch even out of highly manipulated equity markets.
      Nemesis may have her day, though. Jamie Dimon might have just gone a swindle too far for the fates to ignore him another year. JP Morgan looks to be in a peck of trouble for its role in the confiscation of MF Global accounts, not to mention its hijinks in the precious metals markets. The impudence of these rascals! In a nation when all sorts of people are murdered every day for little more reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, is it not a wonder that some poor swindled Grampa with nothing left to live for has not tossed a Molotov cocktail through the window of a Wall Street watering hole known to be frequented by banking poobahs? Perhaps this sort of action awaits us in 2012.
     Longtime readers of this blog know how much I love predicting the Dow Jones Industrial Average to crash down to 4000 every year. I never disappoint – though I am often disappointed. In 2011, the SP index managed the delightful trick of finishing a fraction below its previous January kickoff. The stock markets have churned in range-bound purgatory for a decade while the price of a jar of pickles has multiplied four-fold. Applying the calculus, and given the pickle-DOW differential, I’d say my call was actually pretty good. In any case, this year I change the tune slightly: I predict the DJIA will go to 4000, with the catch that the number is only a way-station to 1000, which it will hit in 2014. We may be short of snow here in the Northeastern US – thanks to La Nina – yet not short of confidence that the mills of the Gods grind slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.
     Finally, look for the publication of my next book round July 2012, a non-fiction work titled Too Much Mag
ic: Wishful Thinking, Technology and the Fate of the Nation
… from The Atlantic Monthly Press. In a week, I begin work on World Made By Hand 3.
     Good luck to you in 2012, and report any suspicious characters adorned with ear-plugs, quetzel feathers, and carrying obsidian knives to your nearest office of Homeland Security.

    My books are available at all the usual places.

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

989 Responses to “2012 Forecast: Bang and Whimper”

  1. kulturcritic* January 2, 2012 at 8:03 am #

    Well, James… Happy New Year, kulturCritic http://kulturcritic.wordpress.com/posts/year-end-reflections-and-prognostications/

  2. chomskyite January 2, 2012 at 8:24 am #

    My forcast trends for 2012 are KultureVulture and comapany get their own lives.

  3. Onthego January 2, 2012 at 8:31 am #

    “A Pentagon general might have to step into national leadership.” Keep your eye on Gen. David Howell Petraeus. His new autobiography could be the opening shot of a stealth campaign run for the White House. The author of the counter-insurgency handbook is ready-made for these troubled times, once warmer weather appears and the pitchfork waving hordes of the dispossessed, the jobless, the homeless and the hungry take to the streets again, threatening the walled enclaves of the super-rich. By November people may be so fed-up with not eating that they turn to a strongman to take over, thus opening the door wide that Obama will have left the key in with his signing of the Homeland Battlefield bill, his GW Bush-inspired signing statement notwithstanding. (How did Bush get a third term?) In any case, watch closely the First World indicators that the US will continue to slip down the list of. Rather than do the hard work of remaking our country into a civic and civil place, the yearning masses for a quick fix may think a Generalissimo is the answer. The thought of the US as a banana republic with nukes should give at least a few people pause.

  4. kulturcritic* January 2, 2012 at 8:35 am #

    It might be nice if you could find a real voice, instead of parrotting the shit you hear and read on the internet. Love to you. kC

  5. Neon Vincent January 2, 2012 at 8:36 am #

    Dream on.

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  6. Solar Guy January 2, 2012 at 8:51 am #

    Continuing with One Solar Panel at a time for now, but dreaming of bailing to Dad’s sailboat… Although we have the most wonderful solar powered facility, if TSHTF with guns knives and hate instead of Peace Love and Truth, I think I’d prefer to be at sea…
    The strait of hormuz and grocergy shelves empty in 3 days are the things that irk me most.
    And despite being around the best of friends at 11:59pm, I just wasn’t enthusiastic about the final countdown this year… I was scared.
    Cheers Clusterfuckers,

  7. lbendet January 2, 2012 at 8:52 am #

    As always, Thanks for your predictions for the coming year.
    You’ve covered a lot of territory, no doubt it’s a tough one to get your head around.
    There are many who say when the economic situation gets this warped out globally the tensions of the world push us to world war. Debt deflation is another condition that we have to face and of course the whole shale oil thing is a sham. I mentioned yesterday that numerous earthquakes in Youngstown Oh. caused it’s owner to stop production while the situation is investigated.
    Japan just suffered another earthquake as well.
    Obama did nothing to counter the newly erected Jim Crow laws being drafted by individual states to demand photo ids and proof of identity in voting. How ironic is that?
    I often feel sorry for those on the news and the talking heads who want to stand up for democratic principles, but find no ally in the sellout to Wall St., Obama who has through the Fed poured tens of $ Trillions internationally to the banksters to keep the bubblicious afloat.
    Yesterday I watched Ron Paul on C-Span. Although I don’t agree with him in most areas, I have to admit he’s not a spin-meister. Which means I don’t feel as if I’m going to suffer high blood pressure when I listen to him. I can disagree without feeling like this guy’s a liar.
    He claims that that there can be no third party in this country because the Dems and Reps make all the election laws and things have gotten even more controlled than when Ross Perot was running.
    He also said both parties where the same in foreign policy–war mongering and spending huge money to private contractors to break this country. Yes, nothing like turning war into a boondoggle for private interests to make billions on tax-payer dollars and flattening the world for transnational corporations. Think it’s going to work over the long-haul—energy issues may be the key to the unravelling.
    He said on Morning Joe a few months ago that anyone taking money form the govt. should be regulated! He pointed out the hypocrisy of our being able to talk with Russia and China but claiming we just have to go in with boots on the ground to countries that aren’t even nuclear weaponized–well obviously that’s why counties want the bomb. Although RP is an Ayn Rand kook, he does spell out certain truths and I commend him for his honesty.
    I do think watching the Repugs is like watching the Theater of Cruelty revving up for their last act.
    One more response to your post today is that in L.A. someone is setting fire to cars in the garages of homes, setting the homes ablaze. It will certainly be interesting to find out what motivates them.

  8. kulturcritic* January 2, 2012 at 9:02 am #

    Wonderful images James. Your use of language remains incredible. I think things might get a little more troublesome in Russia than you forecast. best, sandy

  9. Neon Vincent January 2, 2012 at 9:02 am #

    There is so much here to chew on that I’ll confine myself to three points for right now, all having to do with the election.
    First, the Republican candidates are a bunch of clowns. Rick Perry is so dumb, a zombie was walking down the street in Des Moines the other day, saw Governor Goodhair, and turned away to look elsewhere for brains. Newt Gingrich doesn’t even have the organization to get his name on the ballot in the state where he now lives, Virginia. Bachmann is exactly the kind of maniac that would promise cheap gas to keep suburbia alive. Ron Paul is stopped clock who is right twice a day, namely at 4:20. Rick Santorum is famous because his surname is a synonym for froth. Romney is a corporate robot who will do whatever his programmers tell him to do. Poor Huntsman had to sign on to climate denial in order to stay viable. Finally, when I tell people about Buddy Roemer, who has the closest thing to James’s “My Tea Party” platform, the response is “who?”
    Second, while Mayor Bloomberg would be happy to play the role of third-party candidate, particularly on the Americans Elect ticket, Howard Dean will do no such thing. The last time we had a serious challenge to a sitting Democratic president was Kennedy vs. Carter in 1980. We don’t have a Kennedy or his equivalent in the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton doesn’t count. No Democrat with any serious hope of a career in the party will challenge Obama this year, including Dean. As for the Americans Elect ticket, that might be intended for Bloomberg, but watch Ron Paul’s supporters try to draft him instead and succeed. After all, libertarians rule internet debate the same way Communists ruled pamphleteering, by sheer persistence and volume.
    Finally, as for demonstrations at the conventions, I’m sure they’ll happen, but if the Occupy movement is planning them, it isn’t happening yet. Instead, they’re Occupying whatever is happening now, such as the Rose Parade, where Occupy L.A. will be marching a giant Vampire Squid/Occupy Octopus down Colorado Boulevard at the end of the parade. Too bad I won’t be there to watch.
    I blogged about the first and third points over at Crazy Eddie’s Motie News, and I’ll probably blog about Americans Elect sometime this year. I also wrote about how Tea Partiers are screwing up attempts at sustainable planning, including New Urbanism and improving train travel, the Tea Party mayor of Troy, Michigan, Detroit and other cities in the Midwest setting precipitation records, rising gas prices, Canada leaving the Kyoto Protocol, and the unintended consequences of population control. If you want the URL, see my response to Chomskyite. Too bad he has such a negative attitude, as I actually enjoy reading the real Chomsky.

  10. The Walking Dead! January 2, 2012 at 9:05 am #

    “Mein Humph!” I just stopped laughing. Looking forward to the new year and your new books! Farming starts in the NW in a few months and it looks like we shall need it.

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  11. The Walking Dead! January 2, 2012 at 9:06 am #

    FIRST! Just to piss people off!

  12. robertawarshaw January 2, 2012 at 9:15 am #

    Whew. That was a long one.
    Happy New year to you too!

  13. bubbleheadMarc January 2, 2012 at 9:17 am #

    Tour de force! Don’t hold anything back, somebody might accidentally get cheered up for a brief moment! And to think that there was an essay in the Plain Dealer’s op/ed pages yesterday which predicted in the energy realm that the USA has an 800 year supply of coal; nearly as long lasting reserves in natural gas; and even hundreds of years worth of petroleum out west. I think I’m betting on your version of reality, especially with reference to the algae aquaculture situation in which apparently there is an unlimited global supply of pond scum from whence presumably vast quantities of oil could be sucked out, provided we can invent the 300 mpg automobile which would justify $33 per gallon biodiesel henceforth. I don’t even want to think about all of this financial insanity. If we’re going to drink ourselves to death like most of the middle aged to elderly Russian gentlemen after the collaps of the Soviet Union then we need to start learning how to make our own hootch because whatever remains on the shelves at the package store will probably get poured into the tanks of all of those flex-fuel vehicles out there.

  14. jimbolio January 2, 2012 at 9:20 am #

    My Monday mornings wouldn’t be the same without you James :p
    Best of luck to us all in 2012. We’re going to need it.

  15. WestCoast January 2, 2012 at 9:33 am #

    “Howard Dean and Michael Bloomberg. Both of them are imperfect, but both of them are clear-headed and action-oriented…”
    Bloomberg? Oh yeah, there’s your antidote to corporate rapaciousness. Tribal loyalties aside, I don’t think he’s the answer to anything other than “whose the richest money mensch of them all?”

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  16. Tangurena January 2, 2012 at 9:46 am #

    Don’t worry, we’ll try to stir up protests and riots in Russia to try to get Putin to leave office. Then we can invade Iran.
    As for why the crooks at MF Global are walking around scot free? That’s because Obama is one of the wall street looters.
    I think you are correct about the Kurdish problem in Iraq, and this year we will see the return of joint Iran-Turkish military actions to suppress the uprisings there. You may notice I said “return” as there have been a number of ventures already which got zero attention in the US media. The loss of the pro-western and secular party in Turkey is a result of the US coercing Turkey to “shut up and get to the back of the bus” too many times. Financing PKK and MEK (the 2 major Kurdish terrorist groups) to try to harass Iran caused a lot of blowback as PKK was using those weapons to murder, butcher and maim Turks instead.

  17. ozone January 2, 2012 at 9:53 am #

    “The impudence of these rascals! In a nation when all sorts of people are murdered every day for little more reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, is it not a wonder that some poor swindled Grampa with nothing left to live for has not tossed a Molotov cocktail through the window of a Wall Street watering hole known to be frequented by banking poobahs? Perhaps this sort of action awaits us in 2012.” -JHK
    ‘Tis a wonderment… so far.
    With all the coming reckonings, you can bet your sturdiest work-boots that somebody who actually has two brain cells to rub together and gets their ass thrown out onto the streets to starve is going to percolate an idea or two of revenge upon those who blithely engineered their destitution and desolation for a few extra shekels. We’ll see more and more of these “occurrences” from once-solid citizens who’ve been kicked to the curb. Will we hear it in the news? Who knows, but things do tend to “go viral” more often in these days of miracles and wonders.
    Let us hope that Petraus (cain’t spell it, you know who I mean), is not our Dear Leader in-waiting. My son says he’s a real asshole with a Caesar complex; but seeing the perspicacity of the ‘Murkin Peeple recently, it’s quite possible for him to become widely adored and worshiped.
    Thanks for your picks in the coming horses-of-the-apocalypse race of 2012, Mr. James.
    Sounds to me like there’s fun to be had by All! Place yer bets, Ladies and Gents, place yer bets!

  18. newworld January 2, 2012 at 10:02 am #

    Without the likes of Bachman and her ilk the whole charade of legitimacy and power of the phrase “anti-semite” virtually disappears.
    Speaking of legitimacy, the big city liberal establishments are about out of it. Doubt me then go read the comments at any outlet that allows them.
    The religion of Political Correctness is rotting from the bottom up and as it goes so goes the welfare/warfare state.

  19. newworld January 2, 2012 at 10:06 am #

    Why is American politics so vapid and now about useless? The swing voter is the gentile white woman suburban voter and has been since 1992 and if you have a handle on their self-centered moral make up like Clinton and Rove had you will win elections.
    Its all about “nice” if you are not “nice” that ain’t “nice” and white gentile suburban women will not vote for you because they have a need to be “nice.”

  20. Nyc Labretš January 2, 2012 at 10:06 am #

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average is already at the near 6,000 point mark.
    I got to that number by taking into account the +35% loss in value the US dollar has seen against the Euro, and the 27% Rate of Inflation the US has seen since the year 2000.
    Add those two up, and you’re at a 6,000 point Dow.
    To add insult to injury, if the DJIA had seen a year after year Compounded Rate of Return, of a mere 10% a year, from the day that Mister Herr Georgie Busch was first Sworn-In in January of 2001…
    Then today the Dow Jones would be at a near 30,00 point level.
    I charted that here:
    I explain all of this reasoning of mine here in what I wrote elsewhere on the 12th of December, 2011:

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  21. dan allen January 2, 2012 at 10:07 am #

    A plethora of classic quotes. The best: “What awaits us in a ‘time-out’ from hyperbolic technological progress. …[W]rap your mind around life in an economy organized around farming, with a much sparser distribution of big urban centers, and far fewer people overall. Don’t imagine for a moment that your grandchildren will be zinging across the landscape in electric cars sampling one theme park after another while “networking” with “friends” on cyborg social networks implanted in their brain jellies. Think of them grooming their mules in the summer twilight.”

  22. Dirk January 2, 2012 at 10:12 am #

    “There’s a lot to be nervous about, even if you don’t subscribe to the undercooked Mayan apocalypse lore moving through the gut of the Internet like a Staphylococcus-infected tamale”.
    To be sure. However far along the Mayan calendar curve we find ourselves, and whether you believe, as I tend to, that the Government and wealthy elites ‘know something’ and would never tell us the truth anyway; in fact actively lie to us through a clandestine campaign of disinformation, matters little for 2012. We don’t need no stinking Mayans, or planet Nibiru, or solar flares, or coronal mass ejections to create an ‘end of days’ scenario: We’re doing a fine job on our own, thank you very much. Perhaps, the Mayans….and many other bright ancient cultures…could somehow have looked ahead, seen us as we are in this land flowing with overpriced milk and honey and said to themselves “you have got to be shitting me”. Further, they may have said, “No point in continung with a calendar for 2013, these ‘folks’ are fucked!”
    Anyway, may we all live in interesting times.
    Looking forward to the new book, James.

  23. loveday January 2, 2012 at 10:18 am #

    Hi Jim and all the gang
    Well, Jim I appreciate your posts as always, but I have some bones to pick with you my friend. 1) B. Obama is not incompetent, he has done exactly what he has been paid to do- protect the interests of the 1%. Nothing more, nothing les. Really Jim, despite his formidable skills at oration, his actions are crystal clear. His crowning achievement? The signing of the NDAA- codifying the new US police state and effectively opening the war with Iran. Not bad for a days work. I look for old B.O. to take a long vacation soon, perhaps long enough for the stench of his corruption to briefly clear from the halls of the not so shining house on the hill.
    2) The average American is well aware of the current situation, they may not have all the gory details. But of course, all those hideous acts of malfeasance have been carefully buried at midnight under a new moon. The newest poll showing 5% approval rating for congress should be a large enough clue. People are aware something is seriously wrong in the world today. Particularly with “representative deomcracy”- after all Bernie Sanders said it very clearly-” Congress works very well for the 1%.” So enough with the rather pompous disdain for your fellow citizens, they may be all that is standing between you and starvation in the near future.
    On another note, the situation with Iran is very critical indeed. The abyss yawns wide, waiting for the inhabitants of our poor abused planet. I deeply fear that the current situation in the Strait of Hormuz will explode into a conflagration that consumes the world. And then the roaches can get on with the business of populating the Earth in peace. Still hope does remain, despite the very valid critism of Ron Paul, he remains the only candidate to advocate peace. That is reason enough to support and nuture his candidacy, he actually provides a map towards peace. Something our Nobel Peace Prize winning, but corruptly odorous B.O. has aggressively shunned.
    So welcome to the brand new 2012 all, the prospects are interesting to say the least.

  24. ozone January 2, 2012 at 10:19 am #

    “We don’t need no stinking Mayans, or planet Nibiru, or solar flares, or coronal mass ejections to create an ‘end of days’ scenario: We’re doing a fine job on our own, thank you very much. Perhaps, the Mayans….and many other bright ancient cultures…could somehow have looked ahead, seen us as we are in this land flowing with overpriced milk and honey and said to themselves “you have got to be shitting me”. Further, they may have said, “No point in continung with a calendar for 2013, these ‘folks’ are fucked!” ” -Dirk
    Good one.
    Call me “dark of humor” if you will, but I found this very funny!
    Thanks for the puncture wound right down to the funny bone via “dirk”. ;o)

  25. kulturcritic* January 2, 2012 at 10:22 am #

    Dirk – a great observation; and very well crafted!! LOL kC

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  26. davidreese January 2, 2012 at 10:23 am #

    You sure about that?
    Ron Paul is the most intelligent one of the bunch, by a long shot. It’s hard to fathom he’d truly believe in creationism, at least in the literal sense as I understand the term.
    Otherwise, great post, as always!

  27. mow January 2, 2012 at 10:47 am #

    Poland will attack the Czech Republic.
    Corzine will remain a democrat .

  28. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 10:58 am #

    I would like to here any comments on New Zealand…to escape the coming shit storm

  29. Liquid Lennny January 2, 2012 at 11:00 am #

    Jim, you had me worried there for a moment, that is, till I got to the end of today’s post. Your re-prediction of DOW 4,000 has assured me that this rally has legs! I’m all in! Dow 4,000,nah, that not how the game works. The HFT-Skynet mechanisms don’t fuction that way. They’ll keep playing their game of financial hacky-sack between each other (and with your 401-K, of course).
    As for me, a few minor adjustments to the portfolio seem in order. I’m moving 50% of my funds into the CME insured ‘Fickle-Pickle ETF’. Given last years performance of 400%, take it from me, this is a sure thing. Thanks for the “Insider tip”. The other 50%, I’m putting into precious metal stocks like Remington, S & W and Colt. Also, I’m thinking about going long on CCI, Federal, and Horaday to name a few.
    Now it’s time to just kick-back, watch the portfolio grow and enjoy the show…this year’s gonna be a doozy!
    Hey, anybody got a stock lead for a domestic maker of riot shields?
    Happy 2012 everyone, don’t forget to duck & cover…

  30. dmiller January 2, 2012 at 11:02 am #

    Jim, your thorough prognostications for 2012 are much appreciated by this reader. It’s impossible to predict the black swan events such as Fukushima in 2011 and the resulting implications they have. I’m sure all the negative trends (resource depletion, climate change, species extinction, economic contraction, etc.)will continue. At some point we will see a tipping point where the whole thing goes south rather rapidly as these trends cause a self reinforcing feedback loop. And that tipping point may well be caused by an as yet unforeseen black swan event.
    One thing is for sure, we are closer to the SHTF by 12 months than we were last year.
    Here’s hoping we all come out the other end of this year!!!

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  31. hmuller January 2, 2012 at 11:03 am #

    Regarding this summer’s conventions. I have a feeling the authorities will invoke the need for security and the anti-terrorism laws to ban protest anywhere near the convention sites. “Legal protesters” will have to use a “free speech zone”, i.e. some barbed wire enclosure 10 miles away in a cow pasture. You will be allowed to wave your signs and shout as loud as you like in the compound. Let no one say we don’t have free speech in Amerika.

  32. charliefoxtrot January 2, 2012 at 11:13 am #

    chuckle…then shudder…then chuckle again, fuck it! zone, that is beautiful imagery- ‘the four horsemen’, indeed! JHK: that about a four-star power grab- they mean rescue- is more than a little scary to me, especially since i haven t been reading your screeds for long; the same thought occurred to me shortly after the hair-piece started making election cycle noises (THIS is what they re trying to select?! i don t believe it!) on a helpful note to the CF’dN at large, in the coming swirl, when antibiotics become (pick one:) scarce/expensive/ineffective, apple cider vinegar can be mixed 1/2 & 1/2 with hot water, then gargled to cure strep throat…trust me, it saved my life over 20 years ago; and ever since if i start to get a sore throat, i literally only have to think about that vinegar & it goes away…y all keep yer heads down and yer powder dry, and hope you got some blackeyed peas, you ll need em…and good luck!

  33. deni January 2, 2012 at 11:20 am #

    Better pay a little more attention to South America and Mexico. Lots of action down there. There are the beginnings of massive popular resistance to the American financed and supported cartel system. People in these areas understand the way it works and they will eventually act. They possess a long history of revolution and resistance. Viva Zapata!
    Also, James, like Yoda told Skywalker, “Israel, you must confront Israel.” It was barely mentioned and yet they are one of three major instruments of not only policy, but events in the Mideast. As long as they are absent in your analyses, your take will never mean much.

  34. Weiv January 2, 2012 at 11:22 am #

    ” …and frequent time outs for the tea ceremony.”
    Ha! Very good. I like the concept.

  35. rippedthunder January 2, 2012 at 11:24 am #

    Happy New Year CFT, most folks don’t know it but if ya want good old bonified USP antibiotics you can buy them all day long on eBay. Exact same stuff as the local CVS stocks. No prescription needed. I doubt if Obamacare will cover it though!You could stock up for the super flu the asshole genetic fuckeruppers just created recently.

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  36. Aldo January 2, 2012 at 11:26 am #

    Ron Paul – not a creationist – and characterized as such to discredit him. RP believes such debates (science and religion) should not involve politicians and that this issue has become so “volatile because the federal government has gotten involved in public school curricula, though it has no authority to do so.”
    From Ron Paul’s book, Liberty Defined,
    “No one person has perfect knowledge as to man’s emergence on this earth. Yet almost everyone has a strong religious, scientific, or emotional opinion he or she considers gospel. The creationists frown on the evolutionists, and the evolutionists dismiss the creationists as kooky and unscientific. Lost in this struggle are those who look objectively at the scientific evidence for evolution without feeling any need to reject the notion of an all-powerful, all-knowing Creator. My personal view is that recognizing the validity of the evolutionary process does not support atheism nor should it diminish one’s view about God and the universe.
    This is a debate about science and religion…and should not involve politicians at all.”
    See http://libertydefined.org/issue/17
    More at http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/18118.html

  37. And So it Goes January 2, 2012 at 11:26 am #

    I just read the first paragraph…
    I don’t need to read the rest…
    Good job Mr. Kunstler!

  38. Static66 January 2, 2012 at 11:27 am #

    Staphylococcus-infected tamale.
    I love it when you use food as a metaphor.
    The Conventions. I don’t see how they are going to hold those cities together. The only way I see is we have a national insult committed by some “new” islamic faction against one of our symbols of freedom. Just before the conventions.

  39. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 11:35 am #

    Creationism has no scientific evidence to back it up, but Ron Paul wants to let individual school boards decide to teach creationism. That is the logical fruit of libertarianism? … damn the kids’ education. Good luck to the American kids in competing with Chinese and Indian kids.
    Ron Paul also claims that evangelical atheists are trying to ban prayer in public places, but Ron Paul is wrong about that also.
    The only issue the atheists are concerned with is teacher-led prayer in the classroom. Kid should pray in private anyway. In fact, that is the way Jesus said to pray: in private, with your closet door closed.
    Ron Paul is a Christian, and he is potentially dangerous to atheists and thinkers.
    Fortunately, the reality is Paul has a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming president. He is a kook magnet. I would like to see the debate though, if the Republicans would just select him.
    SOURCE: Matthew 6:5-6
    Jesus said: “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

  40. welles January 2, 2012 at 11:37 am #

    once again blah blah everything so morose and it~s all ending, i particularly like the ´prediction´about how we´ll be organized around farming and tending to our mules…what trype.
    kunstler is forever stuck in his always-wrong predictions of famine and strife.
    world moves forward kunstler, get with the program, you´re wretched predictions never pan out, because you´re a sad sack pessimist.
    you have been left behind.
    i reserve the right to be wrong
    peace peaceniks
    p.s. lifes great in brazil, roasted two pigs on the huge churrasqueira barbeque pit, plus giant slabs of beef, simply marvellous, and all topped off with icy kold beer, wonderful jokes and light accordion music.
    everyone has work and enuf money, and life just gets better here…oh wait, doesn~t fit the doom meme, scratch evrythyng i said

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  41. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 11:38 am #

    Jim, this is your best writing ever.
    I love that you are doubling (tripling? quadrupling?) down on the 4,000 DOW prediction.
    This year I think you may be right. In fact, I think we have very little time before the whole house of cards collapses, maybe by Tuesday at 2:00 pm, but definitely in 2012. So many Mayans can’t be wrong.

  42. welles January 2, 2012 at 11:40 am #

    asoka, i respect you man, but we shouldnt have jeezis sayng thee and thou. i love Yashua, but he hung on the corner with the pimps and hoes, not with the effetes so much, so surely he said `you` and ´your´etc.
    let´s make the guy real, real language for real folks who´re in real need, not some limpwrysted
    saddish being.
    peace bro

  43. ozone January 2, 2012 at 11:44 am #

    “[In Brazil] everyone has work and enuf money, and life just gets better here…oh wait, doesn~t fit the doom meme, scratch evrythyng i said” -welles
    No worries, I shall, because I don’t happen to live in Brazil, nor have I intentions of doing so. ;o)
    Have fun! (I know you will, and you’ll be telling us allllll about it; thanks for that.)

  44. driguana January 2, 2012 at 11:49 am #

    …can spiritics be far behind….?

  45. steve January 2, 2012 at 11:50 am #

    My, how gleeful the author seems over his apocalyptic litany of woe – no saving grace in sight.
    My prediction – Ron Paul will run as an independent and force a negotiated government as he denies either of the idiots a majority in the electoral college.

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  46. welles January 2, 2012 at 11:52 am #

    …everyone´s invited to come on down, lotsa room and best food you´d ever want, door´s open…
    yãll come on down now, heah? yous always weccome…
    peace peaceniks

  47. anti soak January 2, 2012 at 11:53 am #

    I Award my ‘PEAK BULLSHIT BUSTERS AWARD 2011’ to Eleuthero for this, In response to Absalom:
    “You’re just a dumb liberal waster, another cookie-cutter blog doofus who has nothing better to do than write a thousand posts.
    Just because you’re a newbie we “owe” you bupkus.”
    Eleuthero, Now can you give as dose of the same to Alexandra, Wage and especially Asoka!
    Wage vastly over rates her ability to ‘hurt a strangers feeling’ on this blog!
    My resolution is to avoid ALL blogs this year.[Not sure I can!]
    In the event anyone wants to communicate with me henceforth can go to:
    School: Santa Monica College
    CHEERS AND A HAPPY 2012 TO THE PEAK OILERS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. charliefoxtrot January 2, 2012 at 11:55 am #

    thanks, but i highly doubt i ll buying anything from ebay…and i figure antibiotics will be the least of my worries…i think i ll concentrate on the medicine i will need to innoculate others with: them thar lead pills…hope your “medicine cabinet” is full, suh, with plenty of “injectors” of yer own! happy fuckin’ new year to ya, for as long as it lasts

  49. lbendet January 2, 2012 at 12:03 pm #

    World Hegemony works in strange ways
    The topic is Iran….Or is it?
    After reading JHK’s predictions for 2012, I went over to listen to Clelente and Paul Craig Roberts. Interesting, hmmm. Both are saying that we are ginning up for a war with Iran, but Roberts sees the great global hegemon game in this more than Celente does. So is Iran the proxy for China?
    He is suggesting that we are cornering China and her ability to get her hands on oil in Africa and Iran to hem her in. That is indeed an interesting notion, but why did we give China our industrial base for the sake of the transnational CEO’s if we are trying to undermine her acquisition of resources? Why do we want to outsource even military hardware to China?
    This is a conundrum for anyone trying to puzzle out what our motivations are. On the one hand we outsource jobs so we can’t grow the economy, we are in fact trying to insource engineers from India instead of hiring our own graduates.
    We are systematically de-industrializing and the horizontal support for manufacturing is disappearing. I worked again at a place who manufactures in China. Again they said it’s over for the US in that they could never manufacture here in the scale they need to, since that ability no longer exists. Much like the auto industry which Obama did save from the same fate where lots of feed-in businesses would have been destroyed too.
    There will be no job CRE-A-TORS building a manufacturing infrastructure here again–but yeah, let’s give them a 0% tax rate since they’re so special.
    I had to turn off MSNBC after hearing some poor soul say that Newt is great on Foreign policy—Oy my kishkas–whatever they I’m feline’ the hurt too!!
    ps. Newworld You really think our biggest problem is political correctness—really?

  50. Steve M. January 2, 2012 at 12:04 pm #

    I look forward to “Too Much Magic,” because a book is a more comfortable read than a PC monitor. 🙂 😉

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  51. GAZ January 2, 2012 at 12:04 pm #

    Bruce Krasting over @ Zero Hedge predicts Obama will dump Biden as VP and choose Billary as his running mate. Romney will be the GOP candidate, Paul will run as a 3rd party candidate and suck enough votes from Romney to give Obama the victory by default. Not that it matters anymore who the president of this facist oligarchy is, but that sounds very plausible to me.

  52. noel bodie January 2, 2012 at 12:05 pm #

    Cheers and all best wishes for Jim and other CFNers. My resolution for the new year is not to read long comments here so if you want my attention please be brief.

  53. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 12:10 pm #

    Anyway, may we all live in interesting times.
    Looking forward to the new book, James.
    We are blessed to live in interesting times.
    Dirk, I love your naive optimism in looking forward to the new book!
    When this sucker goes down, Atlantic publishing goes down with it.
    Publishing requires a certain amount of order and rationality, an ability to depend upon a predictable future. This week’s post clearly shows we do not have a future.
    What you can look forward to is chaos, marauding gangs looting the Atlantic publishing house. What you can look forward to is no electricity, no food, no fucking internet, and no book being published by Atlantic, no Kindle version available on Amazon. No UPS/FedEx trucks. No Amazon.
    Don’t you get it? The jig is up. We are in the end times … and millions upon millions are going to die.
    We cannot look forward to a publishing event this year. We are doomed … addicted actually … to this melodrama.

  54. CaptSpaulding January 2, 2012 at 12:11 pm #

    Inspired writing this week. Well said.

  55. Outpost of the Empire January 2, 2012 at 12:17 pm #

    Once upon a time a domestically troubled Argentina sought to deflect its populace by rallying around the flag. It launched an attack on a “former super power” who was also experienceing domestic problems and led by an unpopular government. The “once great Britain” used this opportunity to rally around its unpopular government in face of this external threat and show the world that even once great powers can still have “teeth that bite”. The result was the “Falkland War”. Well as they say history doesn’t necessarily repeat itself but it often rhymes. This is my 2012 nightmare….only this time the central actors the U.S. and Iran are far more deadly and there is an impressive cast of supporting actors on the stage as well.

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  56. Peter C January 2, 2012 at 12:18 pm #

    So Mad Howard turns to His Majesty Mike and says, “PASS THE SALT!”
    Happy New Year, James.

  57. Widespreadpanic7 January 2, 2012 at 12:19 pm #

    Jim, one of your predictions is already occurring and its only Jan. 2: domestic violence!
    Someone is setting LA on fire.
    Only thing we know about him: he’s white, between 25 & 35, and has a ponytail. Your typical CFNer?
    Report all and any suspicious activity to BIG SIS, Washington, DC.

  58. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 12:20 pm #

    The world is not really such a scary place.
    Here is a YouTube of a Dabke / Hip-Hop flash mob in Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport (Beirut Duty Free).
    I love Arabs!

  59. Kurt Cagle January 2, 2012 at 12:22 pm #

    I’ve also had my suspicion regarding Turkey’s re-emergence. It’s worth remembering that Turkey held together most of the Balkans for decades, once extended over most of the Middle East (including Iran, Iraq and Syria), and is in effect the Chicago of the Middle East – everyone who does business in Eurasia ultimately goes through there. In a Peak Oil scenario, this could mean big revenue for the country even as the oil producers are declining.
    The signing statement that Obama made with respect to the NDAA was illuminating – it tends not to paint Obama in the light of power-hungry dictator but rather a president trying to turn what had been a truly bad bill into a somewhat less bad bill. Of course, even with a more generous interpretation, what emerges is the fact that it has effectively codified into law what had been an ambiguous concept before, and what is worrisome is that as written the language of the bill itself could still be used by someone with far darker intentions.
    Despite actually having a fairly impressive catalog of legislative victories, Obama will go down in history as a weak president, not as bad as George Bush, but one who came to the White House as a conciliator at a time the nation needed a pugilist. He is a centralist, one heavily influenced by the Chicago Economic school, and his actions are very much those of a leader attempting desperately to restore the status quo, even when inertia is now clearly in the direction of its destruction.
    Charlotte will likely be more entertaining than the Republican nominating convention, especially as the losers in the early Republican primaries will likely regroup and try the third party route. My sense is that they are less interested in being President than in becoming President (cf. Sarah Palin). I would not rule out a Democratic challenger emerging, either – Progressives are no happier with Obama than independents, and a significant portion of Obama’s “base” is now marching in the streets (or at least camping out in the parks), as angry with him as they were with Bush.
    The stock market is irrelevant. There is no volume on the floor at this point, just daily ramp-ups as algos chase algos at 3:30pm EST. B of A stock fell below $5, and plunge protection team came in with an epic save that probably cost the taxpayers billions, but it pushed the price back up. In the background, B of A is quietly reorganizing into a good bank and a bad bank, so that some time in early spring, B of A will “fail”, and in its shadows a new “good” bank will spring up, with healthy books and dividends, even as millions of depositors get royally screwed by the collapse of the bad bank (of course, the FDIC will be right there with its $250,000 insured guarantee … right?). I suspect that since GM finance is now Ally, the new bank will be called McBeal.
    It should be a fun year. Looking forward to reading your new book.

  60. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 12:25 pm #

    Yeah, it would seem that anyone with two brain cells to rub together would figure out who their real enemy is.
    But, no.
    And the corporate media is working overtime to make sure that any revenge-minded person focuses on politicians, liberals or minorities, instead of the 1%.

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  61. Widespreadpanic7 January 2, 2012 at 12:28 pm #

    And speaking of President Obama, is he back from vacation yet?
    When does he (and Michelle) leave for another vacation?
    Palm beach is quite nice in February, and it is full of munificent golf courses.

  62. loveday January 2, 2012 at 12:31 pm #

    Strange, I have followed Paul pretty closely, never heard a peep about him spouting religiously militant views. Anyway, all the progressives need to get over the fact that Obama is far worse than the smirking little Bush who preceded him. Furthermore dear leader B.O. makes the recently departed Kim Jong Il look like a rank amateur in the dictator ratings game. Besides, true freedom IS the freedom to be stupid, so I say, if the states want to teach creationism, let ’em. Who do they hurt but themselves. In fact it could be an advantage to other states that CHOOSE to teach hard science and math, obviously less educated folks represent less competition in the marketplace.
    So even though the Constitution has gone out of fashion, Paul is correct in the view that people should have the power of CHOICE over their lives. This point of view is completely stifled in the present existing political parties. Both parties seem obsessed with micromanaging the lives of billions of people on a global scale. They want to impose the socalled “American dream” on folks, even if they have to kill those people to do it. Once again Paul is the only candidate who has articulated a plan for peace. A huge achievement, giving voice to an idea that has been ruthlessly stifled by the existing political machine. Remember we have heard almost exclusively throughout 2011 from the political classes globally that “There is no alternative”, NONSENSE, there are always alternatives. Paul bravely offers a new vision, perhaps not perfect, but a much needed breath of fresh air in the stale political atmosphere we currently inhabit.
    If the vision of peace fails, we all lose.

  63. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 12:32 pm #

    “Well, Jim I appreciate your posts as always, but I have some bones to pick with you my friend. 1) B. Obama is not incompetent, he has done exactly what he has been paid to do- protect the interests of the 1%. Nothing more, nothing les. Really Jim, despite his formidable skills at oration, his actions are crystal clear. His crowning achievement? The signing of the NDAA- codifying the new US police state and effectively opening the war with Iran. Not bad for a days work.”
    Thank you, loveday. I have that same bone to pick with JHK. Despite his clear eyesight about so many of our problems, he persists in believing the Obama is a good guy, cluelessly mislead by evil Republicans, instead of the Wall Street puppet he really is.
    Democratic wailing about poor Obama, and his inherited mess, and his hand-tying by the Republicans, willfilly ignores his skillful passage of the Heritage Foundation Health Insurance Enrichment Bill, his renewal of the Bush tax cuts for the rich last December (passsed by an overwhelmingly Democratic Congress, who now are running against their bill), his increased wars, his assassination program, his attacks on whistle-blowers, and his massive giveaways to Wall Street.
    Incompetent? Isn’t that the same line they used for Bush?

  64. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 12:35 pm #

    And that Michelle! She is wearing nice clothes on vacation! Who does she think she is … the First Lady?

  65. denred January 2, 2012 at 12:36 pm #

    Happy New Year.

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  66. Smokyjoe January 2, 2012 at 12:37 pm #

    David, Ron Paul is both a climate skeptic, a physician who disbelieves in human evolution, and a poor editor of his own newsletter’s racist content.
    Here’s Paul on evolution: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/08/29/scitech/main20098876.shtml
    Pity. I found him to be witty and low-key in radio interviews. But those three strikes mean he’s out of the running for me.

  67. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 12:38 pm #

    Yeah, the signing statement.
    Apparently you missed the youtube video Carl Levin explaining that the reason the language to include Americans in the detention camps was in the bill, is because the Obama administration insisted it be in there!
    It’s just like the Bush tax cuts extension. They know that Americans are incapable of remembering their actions.
    So they do evil things, and then campaign against them!

  68. Kurt Cagle January 2, 2012 at 12:38 pm #

    Iran is China’s proxy in the Middle East. The Iranians provide a significant portion of Chinese oil, and the Chinese are not eager to see that base taken over by the US. The Chinese also know that the US is stretched militarily and is war fatigued. A war in Iran will also prove to be a suitable diversion for an invasion of Taiwan.
    China’s economy has been in a bubble, but there are numerous signs that the bubble is collapsing. Civil unrest is going to be a big factor. Reorganizing China around a war footing likely makes a great deal of sense to the Chinese leadership – it refocuses the population away from seeking a Western style middle class, it strengthens the central bureaucracy after the liberalization of economic trade and it keeps the factors running, albeit swapping out bullets for iPads.
    Russia’s playing a waiting game, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they take advantage of the turmoil to reclaim the Baltic states. I’d say cartographers should be quite gainfully employed over the next decade or so.

  69. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 12:41 pm #

    How could you have missed that Ron Paul is a fundamentalist evangelical Christian creationist? Maybe you were distracted by his rants on fiat money?
    When Ron Paul was asked about evolution, he said:
    It’s a theory — the theory of evolution — and I don’t accept it.
    Of course, evolution isn’t a theory in the layperson’s usage of the word, the way Ron Paul means it, as a sort of hopeful guess.
    Evolution is as much a theory as the theory of gravity. I expect more from a presidential candidate like Ron Paul. The “just a theory” defense is among the lamest possible, and really ill befits a doctor.

  70. CaptSpaulding January 2, 2012 at 12:43 pm #

    I have the feeling that Turkey would like to become a power in the region again. Perhaps a return to the days of the Ottoman Empire. One way to do that would to invade northern Iraq and seize their oil fields and build their power on that. Of course first they will have to get the Kurds out of their whey.

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  71. Donny-Don January 2, 2012 at 12:44 pm #

    At least the fifth year in a row that Kunstler has whiffed with his ‘Dow 4000’ prediction. Predictable. But I must say I never would have anticipated the “pickle inflation” excuse. How do you spell chutzpah?

  72. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 12:44 pm #

    “Regarding this summer’s conventions. I have a feeling the authorities will invoke the need for security and the anti-terrorism laws to ban protest anywhere near the convention sites. “Legal protesters” will have to use a “free speech zone”, i.e. some barbed wire enclosure 10 miles away in a cow pasture. You will be allowed to wave your signs and shout as loud as you like in the compound. Let no one say we don’t have free speech in Amerika.”
    This made me laugh out loud, hmuller. I don’t know why. It’s so true I should be crying.

  73. 8man January 2, 2012 at 12:46 pm #

    [quote=”incorrect”]i think more technology doesn’t mean the elimination of jobs (strictly).. on a large scale, it means that we have a lot of workers with technology, efficiency in mind
    rather than peoples jobs being eliminated, we create a culture of technically educated citizens, who play a meaningful role in creating some new technology or providing it as a service
    manufacturing/industry will always be needed though.. but no one wants to ‘pay’ anyone to do it, because its often thought of as unskilled labor, so no one wants to do it
    how do we reconcile these differences?[/quote]
    Typical vague, ambiguous non sensical reply, typical words that seem to be saying something but are saying nothing, etc. Yeah, thre will be jobs, but they will be services “using high tech” (how idiotic, high tech exists exclusively to eliminate jobs and manipulations, to do more with less, to save “cash”, to eliminate “waste” (and paying people is always a huge waste, look at all of the EU governments hacking jobs and pensions and all they can because it is all considered “waste” (but waste for who ? for what ? totally idiotic economic theory!)).
    No, jobs are no longer there no matter what: maybe a lot of jobs are imaginary, nominal, like doing the same things over and over again just because, because it “looks like work”, but maybe that is “real waste”, the same office meetings, reports, manipulations, documents, the same software programs written over and over again everyday for decades, pretending that that is “work”, just repeat, with slight differences what you did a week ago, a year ago, ten years ago, millions of jobs are kind of like this.
    But alas, that is OK, that is fine, man defines anything anyway he wants, he sings and plays his own song, he defines all meanings arbitrarily and if IPHONE APPS are “productive new tools”, so be it, if “services” are “advanced” so be it, if McJobs are the future of an “advanced economy”, so be it, who gives two c*cks and a d*ck.
    The idea is that there is less and less accumulation of result, accumulation of effort, serialization of labor (as in MANUFACTURING), collective effort for the “common good”, and more and more all disjoint little activities that don’t (and must not, else you would have way more excess capacity produced that would reveal how hugely rich our present day Technological Economy really is, the mask would fall, the truth revealed, billions of people would finally demand their scott free handouts as a right, bar none) add up, that don’t create a monolithic result like huge public private projects that add up, skyscrapers, rockets, trillions of brand new Lincoln Continentals, etc. That is why the emphasis is all on “small businesses” and “startups” and not on Space Travel, High Speed Trains, etc.
    “4) The serialization of labor, the accumulation of labor processes is one of the things the capitalists are most afraid of: this would create a huge amount of wealth and it would become very difficult to hide how much wealth the system can produce, it would be hard for them to hog it all up for themselves, they would have to distribute it because there would be so much product that it would be impossible to not distribute it. Some examples, millions of homes built in Spain, now standing empty (but the prices don’t go down anyways) or Florida, same story. So many Chinese toys are sequestered by governments in Europe, but they just pop out all over again, as in those factories in China can produce a virtually infinite stream of toys, it doesn’t make a dent to them if they keep on losing huge batches of illegal toys, etc. And there are many other examples. So one important thing the system must impose is the atomization, parallelization of labor processes, each process in contrast to each other, each one destroying the work of the other so as to avoid the possibility that labor may add up, like in Rockets to Mars, Skyscrapers, or High Speed Trains.”

  74. sevenmmm January 2, 2012 at 12:47 pm #

    Yippee! The daylight is increasing.
    This time the slaves have had all winter to plan…

  75. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 12:47 pm #

    Why does the US back Isreal so much? I mean there are far more Italian and Irish Americans than Jewish Americans?
    Perhaps 10 times as many
    Why the willingness to send American youth to fight mid east wars

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  76. helen highwater January 2, 2012 at 12:48 pm #

    If you were a true Chomskyite, you would be more than happy to see lots of people writing their own blogs about current events and linking them to this one for those of us who are interested in hearing the points of view of more than just JHK.

  77. Kurt Cagle January 2, 2012 at 12:50 pm #

    I find it significant that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul have generally voted consistently for much of the last decade. I know Dennis (and respect him as an honorable, intelligent man), and know that he has endorsed RP more than once over the years. What I’ve seen of Paul is that while he may have once been more socially conservative, more recently he’s generally been both very thoughtful and pragmatic, and has quite frequently voted his conscience rather than his ideology, even if it put him out of lockstep with the rest of the Republican party. His commentary on Bush II was generally scathing, with much of it directed towards the ideological agenda of the man.
    I do not believe that Obama has been as bad as his detractors make him out to be, but I do believe that he is very much a centrist in a party of Centrists, and that expecting a sea change from him will disappoint most people. I haven’t yet decided who I will vote for this year, but I think we could do worse than Ron Paul.

  78. 8man January 2, 2012 at 12:51 pm #

    And don’t personalize the problems, the OWSers talking about 1 % having all against the 99 % and all: it is structural and theoretical, it is only a clash of ideologies, nothing more, the theory is everything in this “struggle”, either you ask for scott free handouts and tell the powers that be that we now live in a Technological Economy that is way richer than what they all want us to think, or just go home and watch TV.
    This is all a real pure ideological and philosophical battle, don’t get confused…

  79. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 12:51 pm #

    Why the willingness to send American youth to fight mid east wars
    Why American youths’ willingness to go?

  80. Steve D January 2, 2012 at 12:53 pm #

    Don’t worry,
    Everyone will “get it” and start learning computer code so they can become app entrepreneurs. We need more angry birds games and cheapo coupon deals for phones. You can bootstrap until the angels come along and finance you, then the New American Dream, becoming Mark Zuckerberg will be within your grasp.

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  81. Smokyjoe January 2, 2012 at 12:54 pm #

    JHK wrote,
    “Both parties can only promise the return to a bygone status quo that is largely mythical.”
    I’ve never seen it so succinctly and accurately put. This is Obama’s signal problem: he had a mandate for change but did not understand that the way forward means no return to pre-2008 living.
    Even as the real estate market struggles back to its feet here, it’s a shadow of what it was. Given the likelihood of European collapse (again), I don’t think we’ll escape the “contagion.”
    Thanks, too, for the canny remarks on Turkey, where I’ve traveled several times. They are the regional power to watch.
    There are no whiners there as there are in America…faced with a once-downbeat economy, everyone seems to have three low-paying jobs and Istanbul is abuzz until the Big One knocks it to pieces again. The ancient buildings, like the Ottoman Empire itself, however, shrug off earthquakes. There’s a potent for you. The Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, and the Blue Mosque will remain in a rubble belt of shoddily built high-rise banks and office blocks after the next quake.
    But the Turks know they are far overdue for a massive one and are making what plans they can. I hope they can ride it out, because Erdogan’s balancing act of placating the Islamists on the one hand, as a man of faith, and being willing to use brutal force, as an inheritor of Ataturk’s secularist mantle, on the other, continues to astound me.
    Turkey may not have oil, but they control key pipelines as well as another more precious commodity: the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They’ve damned them, and if anyone downstream makes too much trouble, they can just die of thirst when Turkey shuts the spillways. And Turks still farm with older methods or simple and easily mended machinery (I take note of tractors)…they won’t starve after Peak Oil.
    A Turkish friend once quipped “Ah, the Bloody Turk,” after hearing a Western discuss his history. I reminded him, since I am a hot-headed man of Arab descent, that it was better to be the Bloody Turk than the Wimpy Turk. Such philosophy had its horrors, notably the Armenian Genocide. But for Muslim and Christian Arabs, Turkish rule was arguably the most stable era they’d known.
    I noted that his people understood how to keep “my cousins” in line far better than Wimpy America with its drones and smart-bombs and soccer balls: you pay your taxes and send your sons to the Sultan, or heads roll in quantity. Do what the Viziers say, and you get new public buildings, some great Turkish cooks in your local taverns, and civil-service jobs.
    Happy 2012. I’m now hungry for some Turkish food in a place where there are no fat people instead of the mall-clowns of the declining USA.

  82. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 12:56 pm #

    Seems the last 3 wars have been in Mid east….And the GOP convention is full of candidates seeking the Isreal vote?
    I am not a bigot, but i must ask why? The Italian vote is 10 times bigger…

  83. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 12:58 pm #

    I don’t think the OWSers are going to let themselves be forced into a “free speech” park, after being chased out of so many parks by the police.
    I suspect a bit more guerrilla and evanescent quality to the convention protests which will not even allow the police time to group and regroup.
    Like the flash mob video I posted … the mob disappeared in three minutes and people melted back into the background, like fish in the sea … but they got their message across to the public.

  84. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 12:59 pm #

    My apology was sincere, but I now retract it, since you were so rude about it.

  85. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 1:03 pm #

    There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”
    – Ron Paul, address to Congress, June 4, 2009
    Is this who y’all are willing to vote for president? Ron Paul is a fundamentalist Christian creationist, for God’s sake … not for our sake.
    Do you know what “sake” means?
    sake, sa·ke/s?k/, /?säk?/
    Noun: For the purpose of; in the interest of; in order to achieve or preserve.
    Ron Paul is a fundamentalist Christian creationist, for God’s sake … not for our sake. Paul is as bad as Sarah Palin on the Christian front.

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  86. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 1:03 pm #

    I loved that video, by the way, and shared it on Facebook.

  87. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 1:06 pm #

    I’m pretty sure Santa Monica College teaches rhetoric and composition. Please take that course.

  88. Alexandra January 2, 2012 at 1:11 pm #

    Well, much as usual Jim… since yer blogs been a sign-of-the-times citing…
    Your sabre-sharp wit wins through… This is certainly the most enjoyable prediction read for 2012 so far! I for one look forwards to your new tome hitting the streets, unless the SOH skirmish goes ‘game on’ pre yer launch date…
    I’m scheduled to be in Turkey come April, (all things remaining equal)… so twill be interesting to see what the ‘feel’ is on the ground there…. though out to sea once more I’ll be heading from Bodrum on a slick 44.7
    My fave memories of last year were doing the Aegean back during Sept… a yacht delivery from Paros to Poros battling with the infamous ‘Meltemi’…. but I saw very little austerity out there amongst the island communities I visited, and yep I did many places from the Cyclades over to the Saronics…. Though on mainland Greece idle men aged 40-60s were endemic, shuffling around staring blankly into space…. then again 32c does have a soporific value for sure…
    Hydra’s already geared up to the TLE as its all horse, mule and donkey powered there already. And I dare say marine diesel will be the most protected form of fossil-fuel after Miltel Avgas…. if the fuel disruption looming does hit it will be private motoring that you can kiss good-bye for good fastest… so dump the M5/Chevvie/Harley and buy a Frisker/Leaf/Tesla/Volt pdq.
    If the worst then happens citizen lock-downs for national security reasons kick in obviously… as will be the freezing of large personal asset holdings too.This is why I remain firmly wedded to the thought that sailing skills are key folks, and access to a blue-water boat most useful…
    And why the f#ck do you think the super-rich 0.1% has been investing in mega-yachts for the last decade or so? Staying off-shore for many months or more for many of them now really is quite easy…. in relative comfort too. Just as long as you choose to float around zones that are least likely to suffer nuclear sunsets…
    @ Seekingplacetolivesafely…
    If the yacht options out for you…. as to NZ? Well I’ll be doing the Pacific/New Caladonians myself too come 2012, will be acquiring the PADI in the process, so I’ll ping you when there – but on paper it’s got many positives…
    It’s a giant farm with only 4.2m peeps and has the possibility of geo-thermal power, its not as relevant size wise to China as Oz is… but seismic activity brings issues as Japan has found out. But would I favour it over the UK or USA if nurturing a young family… defo.
    Cheers CFN’ers and heads down… eh…. for the coming fun and games, the looming French elections will give clues as to how the Eurozone unravelling continues… if Sarkozy gets back in, I dare say it will look good for Obama too.. going 2nd term.
    A xx

  89. loveday January 2, 2012 at 1:11 pm #

    Yup you are 100% right, little Bush deliberately cultivated the image of incompetence. Isn’t that called plausible deniability? The Big B.O. merely reused this “fool” proof ( couldn’t resist-sorry 🙂 ) strategy.
    Happy New Year’s

  90. helen highwater January 2, 2012 at 1:15 pm #

    Yeah, I wonder if Ron Paul thinks the “germ theory” is just a theory too?

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  91. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 1:22 pm #

    Thanks guys,
    I am Canadian but we follow US closely and i worry my sons may end up being pulled into a conflict not of there doing for a people they dont know.
    I worry when i keep reading we will defend Isreal at all costs..
    I am not of that background and doubt the children of Hollywood and Goldman Sachs will be drafted to fight in the middle east.
    I havwe done well and would like to opt out and have a peaceful life for myself and my sons.

  92. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 1:26 pm #

    I am sad for the families here in the US and other allies who lost there children because of the battles in Iraq and Afganistan.
    I see the need for fighting for Liberty but so many lives lost and injuries to so many fine young people is very sad.
    I would prefer if the US gov’t spent more money on education for its young people, both Academic and Trade skills instead of war adventures..

  93. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 1:31 pm #

    Ron Paul is a basket case of contradictions, a bad thing for someone who does not go around saying he contains multitudes.
    When the egg meets the sperm, a human being germinates, according to Ron Paul. So, Paul authored H.R. 1094, a bill that declares that “human life shall be deemed to exist from conception,” a standard Christian Right viewpoint.
    But Paul once again contradicts himself. He introduced the federal legislation after he waffled and suggested that “states rights” should determine abortion laws. Paul is inconsistent, once again.
    Look closely at Paul’s record and you will find contradictions galore.
    Ron Paul talks about libertarian ideals and then undermines them by trying to pass a law declaring a fetus as human on a Federal level, thereby taking away states rights on the issue.
    Y’all really want to elect an anti-abortion Christian fundamentalist, creationist, anti-global warming, anti-evolutionist like Paul as president?
    Don’t be distracted by his dangling of gold standard baubles in front of your eyes.
    Do you know what “bauble” means?
    bauble (Noun)
    A small, showy trinket or decoration.
    Something of no importance or worth.

    That pretty much describes Ron Paul’s intellect.

  94. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 1:33 pm #

    The pipeline from Canada to usa should be a national emergancy so that the US can wein off the Middle East before the shit hits the fan and we all get pulled into the next major war that is coming.
    Thats and a major push into Natural gas, Solar, Wind and clean coal on power grid ASAP..
    There is huge Canadian Natural Gas on east coast that could meet the demand for fuel from east coast of USA so the arguement for Middle East supplies can be reduced.
    Perhaps even another national energy conservation mandate for increased efficiencies and cut down on waste
    We have to get out of dependance on the FORIEGN OIL FROM MIDDLE EAST or we will have to send the Armed Forces to engage in more wars.
    There is oil in Canada and Columbia both close allies to the US..That and clean energy in USA with a energy efficiency mandate would help cut the Middle East down a lot and in time completely
    Just my advice

  95. loveday January 2, 2012 at 1:34 pm #

    Wow Asoka
    Sounds like you have a personal grudge against Mr Paul, or perhaps a bad case of cognitive dissonance. 1) Perhaps you have missed the deliberate fraud uncovered in several major universities regarding global warming. 2) Perhaps you missed the above posting from Paul’s book, sure seemed to me that he wasn’t really pushing a creationist point of view. He merely concludes that politicians should stay out of that debate, people should be free to CHOOSE what is compatible with their personal value system. In any case, the libertarian viewpoint leaves room at the table for many points of view. It merely demands polite consideration for all of those points of view. Something the current political duopoly has diligently worked to eclipse. Polite, intelligent discussion of the issues is to be avoided at all costs, because the needs/policies of the 1% simply can’t be defended with this sort of informed debate. So we see inflammatory rhetoric and polarizing debates brought to the forefront again and again. This strategy effectively blocks investigation into the financial malfeasance of the 1% and protects their fat greedy asses from being dealt with the same as Queen Marie Antoinette.
    So chill out my friend, you make their job too easy.

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  96. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 1:36 pm #

    No more wars….
    Not for cost but for the lives and lifelong scars left on our young people.

  97. Buck Stud January 2, 2012 at 1:36 pm #

    “Obama did nothing to counter the newly erected Jim Crow laws being drafted by individual states to demand photo ids and proof of identity in voting.
    How ironic is that? ”
    What’s ironic is most people – even those who claim to abhor the automobile – support laws that require a prospective motorist to obtain a drivers license.
    But requiring a prospective voter to produce a photo id is somehow resurrecting Jim Crow laws?
    That’s ridiculous, LBendet, pure nonsensical hyperbole. And assertions such as the above is exactly why liberals are so easily dismissed… and why truly critical issues get thrown out with the goofy left bathwater.

  98. dale January 2, 2012 at 1:37 pm #

    I stick by a prediction I tendered back in March, after the deadly tsunami: Japan will decisively opt for a return to pre-industrial civilization.
    Jim, your essay is so full of absurd, fact free, and fanciful hyperbole, I couldn’t even finish it. The above is perhaps, but just perhaps, the most ridiculous. I suggest counseling.

  99. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 1:44 pm #

    Perhaps you have missed the deliberate fraud uncovered in several major universities regarding global warming.
    No, I read the right-wing smog machine reports that we later fully discredited.
    I don’t have a grudge against Mr. Paul. Indeed, I agree with many of his positions on foreign policy.
    But I cannot stand by and watch him being presented as a “libertarian” when he again and again violates libertarian principles.
    I also cannot let slide his Christian fundamentalism, which seems to be completely off peoples’ radar, which would have Mr. Paul utilizing big government to control the female uterus, where big government has no business going.
    I have not even begun to point out the mountain of inconsistencies disguised as Ron Paul. I can go on all day without even having to utter the word “race”
    Mr. Paul is not what he is portraying himself to be. He is not a libertarian.
    Ron Paul is a fundamentalist Christian of the worst kind and an establishment Republican politician who votes the majority of the time with the official Republican line, taking advantage of the freedom to vote NO when it is apparent his NO vote will not affect the outcome.

  100. Octavarium January 2, 2012 at 1:45 pm #

    No mention of North Korea???

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  101. ctemple January 2, 2012 at 1:46 pm #

    What Jim is describing, I think is the country’s inablility to come to grips with the meaning of things, we float around in spin, jargon, junk science, religious mania, theories that work only in lab experiments. I agree that both political sides are usless, the conservatives are nazis, for the most part, the left are a bunch of dumb fucks that bring nothing to the table except hostility to their own society and an endless desire to prove ‘they care’ without doing anything constructive.

  102. Buck Stud January 2, 2012 at 1:48 pm #

    It’ll be Obama and Romney – there was never any doubt. And Romney can defeat Obama. So now now Obama is in a pickle: continue deferring to big time corporate interest along with appealing to national security minded independents or reach back to the base which elected him and which was more or less marginalized in the aftermath.
    The internet is ablaze with anger and resentment over the looming SOPA legislation. If Obama signs this bill he will awaken a cyber hornets nest in an election year and seal his fate as a one-term president. His only option is appealing to his base in a run against another mainstream politician such as Romney.

  103. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 1:49 pm #

    North Korea may change for the better not worse..
    Offer a helpful hand not a threatening one..and see what happens

  104. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 1:50 pm #

    Helen, on stem cells Ron Paul has an equally abysmal record.
    Paul has been consistent in his desire to defund and prohibit stem cell research. He voted against the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 as well as other similar legislation.
    I would expect better from a doctor, but the guy is just following the right wing Christian line.
    Ron Paul is like a stealth Christian fundamentalist candidate, because people seem to be ignorant of his fundie Christian legislation and votes.
    He gets a pass from many because he is anti-war. Yaaayyyy, he is anti-war … but that should not blind us to who he really is.

  105. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 1:59 pm #

    Why does Religion matter so much. Church and State have been seperated long ago.
    Does a man not deserve to be president because of his policies?

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  106. helen highwater January 2, 2012 at 1:59 pm #

    Global warming a “deliberate fraud”? Obviously you don’t watch the news and are unaware of all the “unprecedented” weather events that have been taking place all over the world, with disastrous losses to crops and human lives. But I guess people believe what they want to believe, not what is really happening.

  107. JulettaofOhio January 2, 2012 at 2:02 pm #

    Love your response. I hope, against hope, that someone does go ballistic, even though it may be covered up by the MSM, who don’t want lucrative boats rocked. It would be even better if there was a coinciding meeting of upper government management with the Banksters at the time. Possibly to grease the corruption wheels with tax dollars? Also, please note that neither “Ozone” nor I are advocating any type of violence against our arrogant government. Just hoping somebody with balls does it for us!

  108. helen highwater January 2, 2012 at 2:02 pm #

    Church and State were separated long ago, it’s true, but there are those who would like to see that changed, and if you’re a Canadian you should have noticed that this group includes Canada’s Prime Minister Harper.

  109. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 2:04 pm #

    BTW, regarding SOPA, Ron Paul does not even understand what SOPA is. He recently said
    SOPA will:
    “take over the internet” and “monitor everything we do.”
    Ron Paul completely and mistakenly characterized SOPA, showing his lack of understanding of the issue, but Paul’s personality came through in his remarks.
    Paranoia and ignorance is a dangerous combination, but one that is abundant in Ron Paul’s record.
    For the record, SOPA allows U.S. law enforcement and copyright holders to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods.
    So, if someone decides to steal JHK’s intellectual property, his e-books, SOPA will be there to protect JHK.
    Oooooohhhh … scary!
    It’s a government conspiracy perfect for Ron Paul to riff off of, but then most things are conspiracies for Paul.

  110. ofthehands.com January 2, 2012 at 2:05 pm #

    Interesting predictions, JHK. I really like the “rutted wagon-road” metaphor. We are already in the midst that seems destined to become ever-bumpier. It’ll be a shame if we continue on without even the vaguest attempts to pad our asses.
    I suppose my biggest prediction for the new year is that the European scene comes to something of a head and starts to undeniably unravel. (Really, it’s already started, but it’s still a bit deniable for those who are into that sort of insane and ridiculous wishful thinking.) Otherwise, I imagine we’ll have a very bitter election (obviously) and reality will simply continue to grind down on us unrelentingly. By the end of the year, most everyone will be poorer and more bitter and have a greater sense that things are going terribly wrong, but far too many still won’t understand why. Lord knows none of our leaders are going to stand up and be honest with us–especially when being honest means telling us we’re almost all full of shit, because we use way too much energy and resources. (And that includes all of us sitting on the internet, bitching about how everyone else in this country is full of shit.)
    As for your prediction of a major third party candidate, I’m skeptical. I think the two parties may find their way through one last election without the sad party being crashed. But I’m not certain of that in the least, and I would be plenty happy to see Howard Dean make an appearance. I quite liked the guy in 2004 and while I’m not sure if I still would be fully on board, I’d certainly be interested in hearing what he has to say. I wonder how honest he’d be, and how much he even gets our predicament?
    I think in the new year, we’re all going to need to engage in a lot of stealth infrastructure building. That right there was a rather shameless link to my own blog, and all should feel free to ignore it. But if you’re interested, I would argue we all need to be planting gardens and building up our household economies and learning medicinals and herbs and building things out of salvaged materials and planting helpful stashes of herbs in public places and so on and so on. Things are unraveling and the people in power aren’t going to fix it for us. Rather than holding tight to the idea that apocalypse will either make the world to our exact liking or make all of this irrelevant, I think we should be trying to stitch together a bit of that padding for our own asses, as well as those of our community. Seems like the best thing we can do at the moment.

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  111. WestCoast January 2, 2012 at 2:09 pm #

    Ron Paul is the only anti-war candidate. He is the only candidate who has vowed to veto any more money for the fake “war on drugs”. He claims it’s a racist and foolish law that targets mostly poor Blacks, so much for the pitiful canard of “his” “awfu”l newsletters.
    He is the only candidate who has ever called for an audit of the Fed. His bill, signed into law, came up with a little 7.7 Trillion dollar handoff of taxpayer money to the banks.
    On the war, banking and drugs issue he gets this Democrat’s vote. Abortion, alleged civil rights non-censoring of his followers newsletters and homosexual marriage are not more important than avoiding war and saving our economy.

  112. alohavagabond January 2, 2012 at 2:15 pm #

    Islamic fundamentalism and fanaticism is without any doubt one of the major concerns for 2012, as you mentioned. You never seem to write about the internal contradictions of Israel, though. Jewish fundamentalist and fanatical behavior is tearing a hole in the rosy pretensions of Israel being a modern liberal democracy. The demand from the current government that Palestinians, and by extension the rest of the world, acknowledge that Israel is a ‘Jewish State’ is astounding, and a move to establishing a theocracy. If Republicans in the US of A were demanding that everyone acknowledge that America was a ‘Christian State’, you would be screaming about cornpone Nazis and revolution. We all have blind spots, and maybe this is one of yours. Or, like so many of the people you write about, you know there is a problem, but you just don’t want to acknowledge it. It would improve your credibility, one would think, if you wrote something about Jewish fundamentalism.

  113. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 2:15 pm #

    Quite right – the creationism charge is classic liberal slander. There are some people who believe that Adam rode a dinosaur, but I doubt if Dr Paul is one of them. We believe in a guided evolution, an intelligent design. What is so stupid about that? Atheism is not obvious to us at all. I grant that Theism isn’t obvious to many either. So Agnosticism is the fall back position for the intellectual qua intellectual. So? If we are going to continue to have public schools (not for much longer I hope), both Darwinian and Intelligent Design should be taught.
    Note: there are some Creationists who use ID to discredit evolution. This is not Intelligent Design.

  114. JulettaofOhio January 2, 2012 at 2:16 pm #

    A “kook magnet”??? I’m a Ron Paul fan but, as so many others, I don’t expect him to win. Your quote from the Bible on public praying is correct, but you fail to note that it takes real balls to pray publicly today. That’s a sure-fire way to be labeled a “Corn Pone Nazi” and to endure ridicule from the self-obsessed elite. I’ll vote for anyone who isn’t Obama. Just hope it’s someone I can respect.

  115. WestCoast January 2, 2012 at 2:16 pm #

    Did you know that you can type
    -com into any Google search and it will only show .org, .net, .ed sites?
    Why would any progressive use a .com address?

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  116. WestCoast January 2, 2012 at 2:21 pm #

    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has issued a report card comparing the civil rights record of President Obama with that of the Republicans seeking to run against him in November.
    According to the ACLU, two candidates, Gary Johnson and Congressman Ron Paul, have better records on civil liberties issues than President Obama.
    The ACLU report card can be found here:

  117. JulettaofOhio January 2, 2012 at 2:22 pm #

    I agree with you. OyVey!

  118. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 2:27 pm #

    The Republicans are the the Vassals of the Corporate Elite but the Democrats merely the footstools. Is this really true? From what I’ve heard, the Democrats can raise as much or more than the Republicans can nowadays. Old myths die hard – like the idea of Communists as peniless peasants instead of very well funded saboteurs. Funded by whom? Perhaps the same ones who fund the Democrats since both “serve man” as in that Twilight Zone Episode.
    Goldman Sachs is all over the Democratic Party. If the Republicans are the party of Big Business then the Democrats are the Party of Big Banking. So since Big Banking and Big Business are very connected, is there really that much ultimate difference between the two parties?
    Both seek the erasure of our Borders, the North American Union, and ultimately a Global State. Both are utterly inimical to the best interests of America and the White Race.

  119. JulettaofOhio January 2, 2012 at 2:31 pm #

    Possibly because there aren’t any jobs available for them? Plus we, as a country, glorify the Warrior image. I’m not willing to have my children suffer so much as paper cut for Obama,so am not part of the military worship machine.

  120. Buck Stud January 2, 2012 at 2:33 pm #

    Your contrarian act becomes ever more vacuous and ill-informed. Perhaps you should read why so many tech companies and experts are against this bill before setting ablaze the straw man of Ron Paul yet again. And while you’re at it, explain why the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is somehow now not sufficient legislation? In other words, laws already exist to “fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods”.
    And speaking of vacuous, do you really believe that anybody with room temp IQ believes you’re constantly posting via some not easily accessed(your words, more or less) ISP in Central or South America? I don’t, which basically means I think you’re a liar. But just in case I’m wrong, take your time doing the research in the land of dial-up and difficult internet accessibility.

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  121. Don Levit January 2, 2012 at 2:39 pm #

    Regarding the fellow who asked about Jewish fundamentalism:
    I attend Chabad, which is a mystical Jewish orthodox organization.
    I have learned so much about Judaism, especially from the Oral Torah (the Mishnah, Talmud, Kabbalah), which digs deep in between the black Hebrew letters for a more enriched meaning.
    That being said, those who are strictly observant would not step foot in a conservative or reform synagogue, believing those 2 strains to not be the real Judaism.
    In addition,, there is no interfaith dialogue.
    I also attend a Unitarian Universalist congregation – to give me more authenticity and balance in my religious life.
    While I have learned more about Judaism in the 4 years I have been at Chabad, I would have never entertained the idea until after attending the UU church in 1999.
    Most of the UUs are ex-Christians who do not buy into the dogma. Deeds, rather than creeds, is emphasized.
    Don Levit

  122. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 2:46 pm #

    I knew a couple of Turks once – both were openly contemptous of the America they live in. Amazing to live in a Country and be willing to trash it to its citizens right to their face. Would you do it in Turkey? And would you get away with it?
    I expresed my desire for White Rights to them. They were openly hostile. Felt Whites had no rights. I am still amazed years later at their arrogance and how they latched right on to a dynamic that can only lead to the diminshment of America and the ultimate death of the White Race. Clever and despicable. On and I did turn it back to them but you see, Turkey is a great place, and Turks are great people. Never have hurt anyone nor did anything wrong. And if they ever did conquer anyone, it was an honor to be conquered by such great people.
    One of them did offer a fig leaf: America’s not a Country like other Countries – it’s just a place people come to make money (like himself I suppose). Well I have to admit he had something there. And yes, this is what happens if you believe and act as if nothing but economics matters. Do right and properity will follow. Seek properity alone and ultimately you wont even have a country anymore. And swarms of third worlders coming in are mere the coup de grace. The first cause was selfishness, the second the confused thinking that ensues from selfishness. Then everything else follows – endless immigration for cheap labor, a proposition nation, no concern for the environment, or even for the future since you aren’t tied to America, etc.

  123. loveday January 2, 2012 at 2:54 pm #

    As a matter of fact no, I don’t watch the corporate controlled news, obviously it has an agenda to serve the needs of it’s owners, ie the 1%. However I am perfectly well aware of the major weather disasters that have been occurring. I am also aware that corporate money( once again the very rich 1%)has been given to fund global warming studies, scientists have had their objectivity compromised by the likes of the Koch brothers. So yes that compromises the conclusions of these studies. So no, I don’t think we have a definitive answer about the causes of the unstable weather that has been occurring.
    Yes Paul does get a pass from me for some of his views. Maybe he is a fundamentalist
    Christian, I don’t know that for a fact. But if he is, advocating peace certainly doesn’t seem to be what I’ve been hearing from the Republican Religious Right these days. I just want to make my point of view clear once again, peace is the most urgent need at this point. If a nuclear conflict occurs it won’t matter about social security, abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research… get it? We’ll all be busy dying. So yes, even though I don’t agree with all of Paul’s agenda, I still think he is our best hope for the future- peace. Then he can reinstate the Constitution, sort out the financial mess at the FED, prosecute the criminal financial class according to the rule of law, prosecute those who have violated the Geneva convention laws- he has advocated all those things. He holds out the promise of more autonomy for the individual, liberty, and freedom ( including religious freedom ). Much better than anyone else offered at this time by the political machine. Will he really do those things? I sincerely hope so.
    best to you in the New Year

  124. ofthehands.com January 2, 2012 at 2:54 pm #

    Well, because I didn’t engage in a long thought process about it when I registered the domain–I just defaulted to the most common top level domain. I suppose one could spend some enjoyable time considering the irony of doing that for a fairly contrarian and decidedly non-commercial blog–and I would love to say that it was some kind of gloriously ironic jujitsu–but it was just the simplicity of mimicking the standard.

  125. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 2:58 pm #

    You bring up important points, Asoka. We can’t ever agree on anything anymore since we aren’t a united people. All our Public Institutions and Laws depend on shared vaules – which are now completely lacking. Why shouldn’t we agree to an amicable divorce as Switzerland did long ago. Acutally, their model is what America was supposed to be as envisioned by the Fathers…The States decide most everything. Reread the Bill of Rights and the 10th Ammendment.
    Obviously they left out the procedures for divorce – most regretable since that lead to the Civil War. Any Union which does not allow departure is no Union at all, but a Tyranny.

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  126. DavidinLosAngeles January 2, 2012 at 3:06 pm #

    Hollywood (West Hollywood) has its share of “piercing parlors”, but the place was dead on New Year’s Eve. It’s as if people are hunkering down like never before, as if they were almost dreading something. Sunset Boulevard was like a half-deserted, futuristic police state with manned cop cars idling every four blocks. Maybe they were on the lookout for “The Arsonist” as someone commented on earlier, in addition to the usual drunk drivers. I felt like I was walking through a scene from “Soylent Green”. It was hard to believe that a half century ago the street would have been bustling with young people. The few merrymakers I did happen to see looked like they were normally drunk all the time to begin with, and the music emanating from apartment windows was from the ’70s and ’80s (Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, Barry White, Marvin Gaye, Prince). Even pop music peaked 40 years ago. Something’s got to give, this entropy and tension can’t go on forever. Well, entropy can I guess. This new year 2012—SOMEbody, SOMEwhere—is going to take a bullet. ‘Just my gut feeling. And here’s an idea (not mine, originally)now that we are in an election year: Let’s start referring to “Conservatives” as “Liquidators”. They’re not conserving anything, don’t allow them to get away using the self-righteous misnomer “Conservative”. What B.S. (Thank you Brian Czech, author of “Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train”, for this idea). Pass it along.

  127. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 3:06 pm #

    Don, tell the Gentiles here what the Zohar and Talmud teach about Christ. And how they only exist to serve the Jews. And tell your Unitarian Fool Friends as well. They’ll probably agree with it!

  128. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 3:14 pm #

    So people have no right to pray in public in other words? Don’t know about Canada, but here the Goverment has no Constitutional Right to obstruct our Religious Practice. But it is trying to do just that. Like that Lesbian who wanted to become head of a Christian Club at Tufts. When told no, she got the club kicked off campus. An obvious set up. Most of the student zombies agreed with getting the club kicked off campus.
    Notice you Candians never talk about your Stalinist Human Rights Commission. It is shameful. They have never indicted anyone but White Christian Males so I suppose you have no problem with them though.

  129. Don Levit January 2, 2012 at 3:22 pm #

    I am not versed enough on the Zohar and Talmud to express their thoughts about Christ.
    I would be very surprised if Christ is actually specifically named. As far as serving exclusively the Jews, I would say that is correct.
    One of the problems I have with Chabad is that they distinguish between a Jewish soul and a non Jewish soul.
    Gentiles need only honor the 7 Noahide Commandments.
    Observant Jews have 613 commandments, of which only about two-thirds can be observed, because we have no Holy Temple.
    That being said, Judaism has very little to say about an afterlife.
    Similar to UUs, deeds rather than creeds are emphasized.
    This is opposed to many fundamentalist Christians, who use hell as a come-on to scare the beejabbers out of people.
    From my perspective, there is nothing more selfish, more self-serving, than believing one guy is going to heaven and another guy is going to hell, based strictly on their beliefs.
    How can an aware human being make an objective decision with that noose hanging around his neck?
    Don Levit

  130. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 3:23 pm #

    I’ve noticed most celebrations now have a forced feel to them. Hollywood has given up even trying which is good since it shows reality is begining to dawn.

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  131. Widespreadpanic7 January 2, 2012 at 3:29 pm #

    Guerilla activity?
    Flash mobs?
    Is this in your Banana Republic? I thought you made your escape from the USA to avoid such unpleasantness.

  132. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 3:33 pm #

    It is bizarre also that JHK goes along with the corporate media propaganda about Iran.
    The US has been threatening Iran for years. It has surrounded Iran with bases.
    It has sent warships off of Iran’s coast and threatened to attack it with nuclear bombs. Congress just passed a law to cut off Iran’s ability to use banks.
    And JHK says that Iran has lost its mind? And assumes that Iran is working on a nuclear bomb?
    Who gives the US the right to decide who shall have nuclear bombs anyway?
    We are the only country in 66 years to ever have used nuclear bombs on another country. We have stockpiled thousands since then. We have threatened to use them multiple times.
    And Iran is crazy?
    On what rational grounds can anyone say that?

  133. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 3:33 pm #

    Ron Paul is the only anti-war candidate.
    Yes, Ron Paul is so anti-war he said the United States should not have gotten into WWII … because it was none of our business “to save the Jews.”
    Are you, like Ron Paul, an anti-Semite, too?
    Are you, like Ron Paul, Anti-Israel?
    Ron Paul has been pretty clear he wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all. Kook magnet.
    Ron Paul is a Texan Christian fundamentalist. We had one of those as president from 2000 to 2008 and it was a disaster.
    Ron Paul would be an even greater disaster as president. But he won’t be nominated by the Republicans.

  134. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 3:34 pm #

    That link I posted shows US bases around Iran, which has no foreign bases.
    It’s hard to see Iran on that map, because of the base names around it.

  135. Don Levit January 2, 2012 at 3:40 pm #

    The rationalization about nuclear weapons, I believe, is that the U.S. is a “responsible, mature” country so we can handle nuclear weapons, while other countries do not share this similar maturity and responsibility.
    Don Levit

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  136. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 3:41 pm #

    loveday, last week Ron Paul told Iowa voters that Iran needs nuclear weapons to “gain respect” from Israel.
    Ron Paul is so anti-Israel I wouldn’t be surprised that he would arm Iran with nuclear weapons if he thought Iran would use them to eliminate Israel.
    Please don’t use Ron Paul and “peace” in the same sentence. A “peace” based on threat of nuclear annihilation is a misnomer.

  137. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 3:43 pm #

    How is the weather in Massachusetts?
    OWS is learning from the police with every action they take. By convention time the police will not be a problem.

  138. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 3:44 pm #

    asoka, joining the 1%’s battle against Ron Paul is not helpful to your belief in a better, more peaceful world.
    Glenn Greenwald says it better than I.
    It’s as if he wrote this part for you –
    “Whatever else one wants to say, it is indisputably true that Ron Paul is the only political figure with any sort of a national platform — certainly the only major presidential candidate in either party — who advocates policy views on issues that liberals and progressives have long flamboyantly claimed are both compelling and crucial. The converse is equally true: the candidate supported by liberals and progressives and for whom most will vote — Barack Obama — advocates views on these issues (indeed, has taken action on these issues) that liberals and progressives have long claimed to find repellent, even evil.”
    Of course I don’t support Ron Paul’s economic or social issues policies, but it amazes me how many of my good leftist Facebook friends are joining Fox News, the corporate media, the Republican Party, the Democratic party, and the liberal blogs to pile on Ron Paul. Don’t you see that if the entire Establishment is attacking someone, that he is a threat to them? Clearly, it’s because he is attacking the military-industrial complex, the prison-industrial complex and the Homeland Security-industrial complex. Why would leftists waste their time and energy attacking a man who The Man so obviously hates? Where do you think that the money is coming from to research these old newsletters, and write the damnning articles? Do you really think that the same dirt, and worse, be dug up about the other candidates? Ron Paul is the ONLY corporate party candidate speaking out against war and for civil liberties. Why would leftists not want such a person to run against the fascist Obama?

  139. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 3:44 pm #

    The Jews believe that we have no right to the Ten Commandments since we aren’t really people. Here’s a link to Amazon where you can purchase the books “Jesus in the Talmud” and “The Talmud Unmasked”. You’ll learn about the slanders and obscenitites levied against Christ by the Rabbis and the general worldview of the Talmud: Christians as scum, Gentile Women as whores, Non Jews as animals, alright to cheat gentiles since they only appear to be human, gentiles only exist to serve the Jews, etc. It’s all very Ugly – the essence of Ugliness.
    Christ encountered the early form of this when it was still just an oral doctrine held by the Pharisees – and he reviled it and them. Thus there can never be peace between the Jews and real Christians until Jews renounce these teachings and return to original Judaism – which is ethnocentric enough. They still exist, a few of them. Google Kairites. As for the Christian Zionists – no words can describe their duplicity and stupidity. They have spat in the face of Christ.
    I know Reform doesn’t emphasize these teachings and many do not even know about them. But the Reform Rabbis know and say nothing. The problem is not solved and the Reformists are as sterile as other Westerners even as the Orthodox have huge families. The future of Israel and Judaism belong to them in present trends continue.

  140. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 3:52 pm #

    Ron Paul may even be an honest man – which is huge in America today. He may actually try to do what he has said he would. Again huge. Keeping us out of Iran is enough to vote for him. And cleaning up the Fed – heaven.
    He has been saying the same thing for 40 years. He has earned the right to try to save America before all these liars, flip floppers, and store bought men.

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  141. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 3:55 pm #

    We already elected, whoops, actually, we had an appointed fundamentalist Christian, anti-abortion, anti-evolutionary President.
    That one even thought that God spoke to him.
    Unfortunately for the people of Afghanistan and Iraq, God told Georgie to go kill them and their children.
    Now we have a President who says “God Bless America” every time he opens his mouth.
    We had a Vice President who fervently believed in global warming and the hazard it poses to life on this planet.
    That Vice President led the delegation to Kyoto, where he sabotaged the negotiations, so that the US military could be exempted, and so that cap and trade was installed.
    Since the beginning of cap and trade, global warming has increased, while speculators have made money from trading carbon credits.
    I’m hard pressed to get too excited about any corporate candidate for President.
    Jill Stein for President.

  142. Widespreadpanic7 January 2, 2012 at 3:57 pm #

    I don’t know, Asoka, last night in NYC the NYPD arrested 64 Owsers. Some were charged with serious felonies (assault on a police officer, carrying dangerous weapons) and sent over to Rikers. That must be a shock, being in Rikers all the sudden. Don’t underestimate the capabilities of the police. They routinely handle dangerous criminals; a few ponytailed idealists and utopianists will be no problem for them.

  143. Widespreadpanic7 January 2, 2012 at 4:01 pm #

    Asoka, the weather in New England is pretty nice, sunny with temps in the 40’s. Not like the 12 ft of snow we had last January.

  144. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 4:03 pm #

    You can’t even read the Bible correctly.
    asoka quoted a verse which tells you NOT to pray in public, and you say that you agree, and then start talking about “real balls”.
    geez. Again, you show your idiocy.

  145. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 4:06 pm #

    Not a huge fan of Canada as well..
    Question can America afford another 4 years of big spending?
    Ron Paul seems to be the only candidate with sound understanding and an immediate severe action plan economically.
    Whats wrong with stopping the policeman of the world and closing most military bases…

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  146. george January 2, 2012 at 4:10 pm #

    Great post as always JHK, but you forgot one major hotspot that has the ability to trigger World War III just as it triggered World War I. I am of course talking about the former Yugoslavian republic of Bosnia. A newly radicalized and aggravated Muslim population isn’t taking too kindly to being left out of negotiations by neighbors Croatia and Serbia to join the European Union. Nearly two decades after the Dayton Accord brought a temporay lull to that nasty gang fight between the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, the country is even more divided today as Bosnian Serbs, Muslims and Croats live in a self-imposed apartheid that guarantees that the three groups will live much like the white and black citizens of the American south under Jim Crow. What’s worse, the Bosnian economy continues to melt down as gangsters and grifters continue to tighten their grip on the dysfunctional entity that can’t decide if it’s two autonomous regions [the Muslim-dominated Bosnia-Herczegovina and the Serb-dominated Republika Srpska] governed by a weak central government or two nations that pretend to have a central government.

  147. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 4:15 pm #

    Trust me Helen, you’ll be the last to know about this as well as everything else. And then you’ll pretend to have never believed it. Carry on bringing up the rear.
    Still believe Hillary Clinton is an advocate of Western Civilization as opposed to being a disciple of Saul Alinsky like Obama is? Or was that Observer? There’s not much difference between you old liberal ladies. All clones of each other, often even physically.

  148. ak January 2, 2012 at 4:15 pm #

    Please see Ron Paul for yourself, and don’t let others make up your mind.
    Debate highlights, 15 Dec 2011, 18 mins

  149. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 4:17 pm #

    Public Prayer has been part of Christianity since the begining – as it was in Judaism and every other religion. Don’t preach to us about our religion Atheist.

  150. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 4:20 pm #

    That may be the rationalization, but it’s not rational.
    As for being a responsible,mature country, the USA is just over 200 years old, and has been at war for a good part of that time.
    How old is Iran?

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  151. Smokyjoe January 2, 2012 at 4:20 pm #

    “There’s not much difference between you old liberal ladies.”
    Same could be said of hate-clotted racist guys, though in my experience they do come in six physical types:
    –Middle-aged fat man yelling at TV or radio
    –Middle-aged skinny-scary guy with lots of guns, and silent. Too silent.
    That’s only two. Variables are buzzcut, bald, or (rarest sub-species) long greasy hair.

  152. budizwiser January 2, 2012 at 4:24 pm #

    When you go on and on in a sort of “stream” style of writing you lose much credibility. You could have just as much meaning and more impact if you simply state what you know about – and state those facts succinctly.
    Anyway, happy new year. I think you know as well as I that “nothing” is likely to go down for some time. This election will be no more eventful than the last.
    Worth discussing: Why did Occupy Wall Street fail so miserably? Can sheer participant numbers – the only feasible power of OWSers – be enough to affect change?
    What would have happened if 300,000 blockaded Zucotti park and Wall Street?
    What would happen if 3 million people surrounded and blockaded the congressional buildings and K-Street?
    Is simple passive civil participation effective at this stage of democracy? Is the lack of participation at OWSer events a sign that the people are satisfied, or complacent or proof that they are ignorant?
    Please reply to the post – I no longer “wade” through this swamp-blog thoroughly.

  153. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 4:26 pm #

    I’m not preaching. I don’t care what you do, as long as you keep your insane beliefs to yourself, and quit forcing them onto other people.
    I was just pointing out that julietta can’t read.
    And it looks like your other illiterate friend is back claiming to be a Canadian.

  154. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 4:27 pm #

    Why does it matter if Ron Paul is anti Isreal??
    Is he anti Irish??
    I truly dont get it? I mean who cares..
    its another country with an elected Gov’t…

  155. Widespreadpanic7 January 2, 2012 at 4:34 pm #

    Hey Asoka I work down in Hartford and personally witnessed the HPD roust out the Owsers one night last month. It wasn’t a pretty sight; leaden skies, heavy rain, city police in riot gear, carrying H&K automatic weapons, surrounding the encampment and moving in, canine squads, all backed up by State Police, the Fire Dept, Sanitation, and Hazmat teams. Those kids didn’t have a chance.
    The Owsers are still camped out in New Haven, a 3rd world ‘Sanctuary City”. Several nights ago they were attacked by an armed black street gang in the middle of the night who kicked over their tents and threatened them with semi-auto pistols.
    There is the vanguard of your revolution, Asoka, hardly the legendary Red Guard or Comsomol of yore.

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  156. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 4:36 pm #

    Why live with people who are hostile and have nothing to offer but their endless needs and hostility? Not even a thank you for services rendered.
    We would be wise to follow the Yugoslavian Model and separate. It is the coming paradigm all over the world.

  157. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm #

    Jews obiously control much of American Life and Politics. That’s why it’s an issue.

  158. metuselah January 2, 2012 at 4:43 pm #

    Recognizing Israel as a Jewish State simply means recognizing Israel as a State where the ethnic Jews are the Sovereign. The reason this is important, is because part of the Arab Jihadi plan to destroy Israel is by way of a cultural and demographic bomb, same as they managed in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, etc.
    As for Judaism, it used to be an amalgam of religious ethnic nationalism. Today, most Jews are non-religious, so today Judaism means an amalgam of ethnic nationalism without the old religion. Sure, old “religious” national customs are still celebrated, but very few Jews believe in god and even fewer want the “religious” parasites to lord over us again.
    Regards Vlad, you need to know that he is a Vatican Sith and a consummate troll. Pretty much everything that comes out of his mouth is for the purpose of re-instituting the Dark Ages and Vatican/Roman empire, while at the same time he continuously regurgitates his master’s propaganda in scapegoating “DA JOOS” for any and every political machination his Vatican/Jesuit masters try to hide behind.

  159. progress2conserve January 2, 2012 at 4:45 pm #

    Happy New Year to all, and thanks for a great set of predictions for us to chew over this week, JHK.
    Here’s a JHK prediction that no one on here has discussed, so far, yet it is the most terrifying of them all.
    “…wrap your mind around life in an economy organized around farming, with a much sparser distribution of big urban centers, and far fewer people overall.” =JHK-
    Yeah. Indeed, JHK, today’s population trajectory can NOT last forever. Fewer cities, smaller cities, with most people trying to scratch out a living in the countryside, without diesel, fertilizer, or herbicides. This is the future we need to consider.
    “The question, then, is what kind of hardship and disorder will attend our journey out of the industrial era into post-technological age we are entering.” -JHK- Very good question, James.
    The sensible thing for the United States would be to modify legal immigration policy, now, to reduce “hardship and disorder” in the future. The fact this is not even being considered is testimony only to the blinkered Left/Right paradigm that is National Politics.
    The fact that these ideas will be attacked on CFN, is testimony to the way that ONE poster thinks he owns the discussion, and has the duty to impede the dialog here, if it strays into an area with which he disagrees.
    Wonder if anyone ELSE on CFN is in favor of high immigration rates into the US, for ever and ever?
    We’d like to hear your reasoning.

  160. seekingplacetolivesafely January 2, 2012 at 4:53 pm #

    No other Gov’t or religious group should have a say in US policy period..
    Let isreal sort out there own issues..

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  161. JulettaofOhio January 2, 2012 at 4:54 pm #

    Really! Would you like to compare IQ scores? And there is no “again”, since I’ve not touched on this subject before. Possibly you could read the passage for yourself assuming that 1. You can read and comprehend and 2. That you have a Bible within reasonable range. Try the library.
    On another note, I really like JHK’s pick-up on Obama’s use of “folks” which has always struck me as insultingly phoney. Don’t know if we’re supposed to think of him as one of the guys, just kicked back in the chair and spitting tobacco at the wood stove, which is implausible at best, and confounds credulity.

  162. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 4:56 pm #

    Tell us about your tatoos and piercings. And the new one you’re going to get on your face. So cool, so corrupt.

  163. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 5:07 pm #

    Hands off Satan. You’re not getting Don’s Soul. I’ve made knowledge available and I have no doubts (yes I do) that he will make the right decison.
    On the other hand, I have alot of trouble believing someone could be associated with Chabad and not know the things I pointed out. Hope I’m wrong.

  164. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 5:17 pm #

    Asokean Logic: A billion people in the US would mean a bigger economy!

  165. metuselah January 2, 2012 at 5:23 pm #

    Chabad is a subsidiary of the Vatican. You know it, I know it, but unfortunately too many others don’t.
    There’s nothing jewish about Chabad. Nothing jewish about their vatican issued “jewish” garb. Nothing jewish about their vatican scribed talmud. Nothing jewish about the source of their income, which is vatican funding.

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  166. jomendi January 2, 2012 at 5:31 pm #

    Jim Jim, Jim,
    I used to send you e mails of encouragement way back n the early days of “Klusterfuck”, but your writing has turned into the hyperbole of a health or financial newletter. It grieves me that your brilliant mind and wonderful knowledge of english has become as strident as your acolytes.

  167. wagelaborer January 2, 2012 at 5:36 pm #

    First you talk about real balls, then you want to compare scores. Sounds like a gender problem to me.
    I said that you proved your idiocy again, not that you talked about public praying before.
    Guess you had a little trouble with reading comprehension.

  168. Newfie January 2, 2012 at 5:53 pm #

    Man tries to pay for $476 of stuff at Walmart with $1 Million bill he insists is real:

  169. loveday January 2, 2012 at 5:54 pm #

    Thanks to all who have an open mind regarding candidate Paul. Let me clarify, he is not a corporate candidate, never has been, he has simply had enough integrity to be elected again and again in Texas. Ah Asoka, invoking the tired, hysterical, old anti-semitic smear against Mr Paul. He has simply said all foreign aid should be cut off from Israel and all other countries as well. That’s keeping tax dollars at home to meet the needs of the population that have paid those taxes.
    Thanks for pointing out -poster above that Paul has been targeted by both the left and the right. Because he represents ideas those parties want to suppress. Peace should be an overriding priority, other issues can be sorted out later.
    take care all

  170. rippedthunder January 2, 2012 at 5:58 pm #

    Hey Charlie, I’ve got the lead pills and iron syringes covered! If I can keep the infected zombies at a distance I won’t need no steekin’ antibiotics either. I’ll stick with my dandelion tea.

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  171. ForkInTheEye January 2, 2012 at 5:58 pm #

    House of Cards – sung by Robert Plant
    Oh the rain is falling (blow blow down)
    And the wild wind roars (blow blow down)
    It’ll shake your windows (blow blow down)
    And rattle your doors (blow blow down)
    Ah blow down this house of cards
    Blow down this house of cards
    They’re washing the streets (blow blow down)
    With the blood of your kind (blow blow down)
    Ah look over your shoulder (blow blow down)
    They are right behind (blow blow down)
    Oh blow down this house of cards
    Blow down this house of cards
    The birds are wheeling (blow blow down)
    Up above your head (blow blow down)
    Ah your days are numbered (blow blow down)
    You’re as good as dead (blow blow down)
    Ah blow down this house of cards
    Blow down this house of cards
    This very fine house (blow blow down)
    Of great renown (blow blow down)
    It’s cracked and shaking (blow blow down)
    And a-tumbling down (blow blow down)
    Ah blow down this house of cards
    Blow down this house of cards
    Blow down this house of cards
    Oh blow down this house of cards

  172. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 5:59 pm #

    The last candidate before Ron Paul to refer to America as a Reupublic was John F Kennedy. If you want to save the Republic, do the right thing and vote for Ron Paul.

  173. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 6:01 pm #

    Bravo fool. Say on!

  174. ForkInTheEye January 2, 2012 at 6:07 pm #

    The Keystone pipeline will serve Canadian interests only, and do nothing but provide more oil for exports. If you think the pipeline will help bring the price down, or give the US more oil to use, you’re fucking dreaming. Holy shit. Get real.
    Anyone remember Gore’s presidential campaign petroleum reserve release accomplished for the poor northeasterners who were about to experience a bad winter?? Guess where that oil ended up? At the ports of the highest bidders, England and Italy among them. Get that – it left the US and never came back.
    Just like the Oil from Canada will.

  175. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 6:09 pm #

    Yes, yes, yes. We are borrowing money to lend to other countries. It’s madness from A to Z. It must end – why wait until disaster strikes. Dr Paul is the only national figure whom we can trust who has a chance to change ANY OF THIS. Let’s give him the shot he deserves. That we deserve.

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  176. rippedthunder January 2, 2012 at 6:09 pm #

    Happy New Year Asoka. Weather in MA. is nice for this time of year. I was down the street the other day and my onions were still growing. The ground is not even frozen yet. No snow except for the superstorm on Halloween which destroyed a lot of the hundred year old maples and many of the fruit trees. The banana and mangoe trees also took a huge hit ;o)

  177. Don Levit January 2, 2012 at 6:10 pm #

    Other than Gentiles and Jews having different souls, I am not aware of any of the differences you alluded to.
    From my understanding, Jews have been kicked out of virtually every country in the world.
    The purpose for the 613 commandments is more like behavior therapy – to make us a better, mote holy, more God-like people.
    Unlike the Christian misunderstanding, these 613 commandments are not to save us from hell. Rather, they are to make us better people on earth.
    In addition, Jews do not believe in original sin, which has destroyed the psyches of many people I know.
    We believe we are born with the inclination to sin, just like we are born with the inclination to do good deeds.
    The inclination to sin (the yetzer hara) is believed to be stronger than the inclination to do good (the yetzer tov). Thus the 613 commandments, which can also be translated as 613 good deeds, are done to weaken the evilinclination and strengthen the good inclination.
    Regarding free will, the Talmud states the only free will we have 100% control over, is our moral choices.
    Don Levit

  178. metuselah January 2, 2012 at 6:18 pm #

    Authentic ancient jewish dress:
    LOL! Right. You can take your litvak vatican golems and shove ’em up the vatican “kosher” ass, where they came from.

  179. Cargill January 2, 2012 at 6:35 pm #

    Nice 2012 prediction post JHK – entertaining and insightful as always.
    Replying to loveday:
    It is unseemly to go ad hominem – and call “cognitive dissonance” on someone, just because they hold views different to yours. Do you even know what cognitive dissonance actually is (other than an insult?). And in relation to the Creationists – that is their whole point as well. They would like to equate and compare their nut-fudge supernatural paranormal superstitions with established, researched, and respected science – the evidence for which is overwhelming.
    There is no equivalence that any reasonable person could accept. And as much as a libertarian might like it to be the case, it is NOT an issue where people should be free to CHOOSE the theory that suits their beliefs … that is just pig dribble, I’m afraid – and unsubtle code for letting every corn-pone backwards skool district CHOOSE to teach flat-earther bible stories rather than real science.
    This is all terribly dangerous stuff – it is 2012 people – let go of all the Creationist oogoo-boogoo and ancient mythologies, and join the real world. For one thing, it is much more fascinating, fun, and informative than any fable could ever be.
    Ron Paul is a nutter, pure and simple … thankfully he won’t be President of Amerika. Happy New Year.

  180. ccm989 January 2, 2012 at 7:11 pm #

    Happy New Year to all! Love your extended predictions column, JHK. Its covers a lot of ground. The most exciting bit of news is you are working on the World Made by Hand III. Can’t wait to read it. Will even pre-order it!
    Don’t think Iran will live up to its stupid threat. If they cut off the pass and block other countries’ oil tankers, they are cutting off other countries’ main source of income. And that would really piss those other countries off. An embargo would cut off Iran’s income too and Iran doesn’t have the bucks to start WWIII. Neither does Europe, Russia, China or anybody else. Everyone’s broke. And if everyone is broke, everyone will have to behave. Except for Wall Street. They will figure out some way to squeeze us all again and then make us bail them out. Can you go to war against corporations instead of countries? Mass consumer complaining seems to work. BoA had to withdraw its $5 fee when enough people complained. Verizon had to withdraw its $2 fee for the “convenience” of paying their bills. Shouldn’t Verizon just be happy that anyone is able to pay their bills? Corporate greed = insanity.
    Here’s the main difference between Democrats and Republicans. Republicans are working to cut off food stamps, wanted to stop paying unemployment for that 2 month gap but then had to go back and sign on after Boehner changed his mind and then completely caved and the old voter suppression thing has reared its ugly head again. Why let poor folks, old people or non-whites vote? They might pick somebody who’s not GOP. The Republicans will vote for anybody whose NOT Mitt. So Ron Paul, even with his racist and anti-Semitic tracts turning up all over the place, looks appealing and so does Rick Santorum (the creepiest guy in the debates). All Obama has to do it point out how lousy the Tea Party infested Congress is and he wins by the landslide. My mother-in-law, a staunch Republican, is disgusted by the current crop of GOP candidates. She says she will vote independent. Which may turn out to be a vote for Donald Trump, which is huge, HUGE.
    Cutting off food stamps would definitely be insanity. Letting little children starve while the Wall Street bigwigs party on their ill-gotten loot? Oil isn’t that important, money isn’t that important, food is VERY important. And access to clean, potable water. Take food and water away and you’ve got a recipe for a very bloody revolution. Anybody could figure that out. But the Tea Party is all about the corporate dogma and not about common sense. Feed the people and get the vote.

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  181. greyghost05 January 2, 2012 at 7:19 pm #

    What would happen if 3 million people surrounded and blockaded the congressional buildings and K-Street?
    Simple,just call in the jets and dump some naphalm. Just like Fritz the Cat ! A classic cult flick from back in the 70’s.
    Think about the power that can be brought to bear thanks to Levin/Hanoi Jack S-1867.
    Down the road apiece making anti anything noise will result in the harshest treatment. Drones to pick off the leadership and gas or naphalm for the rest.
    Resistance is futile, the BORG are here !

  182. ozone January 2, 2012 at 7:26 pm #

    Sorry, but the Black Swan lurking in your thesis is called “the individual”. Individuals are by definition, leaderless.
    And individuals with nothing left to lose?
    Place yer bets!

  183. ozone January 2, 2012 at 7:50 pm #

    Naomi Wolf comments on the NDAA.
    Wishful thinking, crystal-ball gazing, or has she said the magic word and had the duck come down?
    Place yer bets!

  184. MADMAX January 2, 2012 at 7:55 pm #

    J.K.: The only thing that is going to revive the U.S. economy is a war – a real war, where everyone is involved, not like the phony wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, where only the poor, underclass boys and girls with no other options had to make all the sacrifices. And we are very likely to have one, starting in Iran, Israel etc. and spreading from there, as countries choose sides as they have always done in the past. It will become like WW2, where everyone in America was affected, one way or another. Only now we have nukes, and the stakes are much higher. We may well end up with a Mussolini here to keep the trains running, and the grocery stores full, as you say. I agree that Obama is floundering, but he is the only one around at present with an ounce of intelligence. He well may grow some cajones, fire his staff, and hire some new people with better ideas. Franklin D. Roosevelt was also up to his ass in shit, but had the wisdom to try many new things to help save the economy; but ultimitely, it was WW2 that got America out of the Depression of the 30’s.

  185. robZtv January 2, 2012 at 7:58 pm #

    Here’s a third party candidate saying all the right things:
    Plus he has just the right name for an underdog contender…
    ROCKY ANDERSON: We launched the Justice Party because the entire system is so corrupt. It’s so diseased. We know that the public interest is not being served by anyone in the system right now, particularly the two dominant parties who have sustained this corrupt system and who are sustained by it.
    AMY GOODMAN: Third party, what does that mean now? How exactly will you run for president?
    ROCKY ANDERSON: Well, actually, I consider this a second party. The Republican-Democratic parties have—although they’re at an impasse, much to the detriment of the American people, on some issues, they really, through their collusion, have brought this country to its knees economically….

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  186. Pucker January 2, 2012 at 7:59 pm #

    Obama’s signing statement appended to the NDAA, which gives the US President the power to detain Americans indefinately without trial:
    “My administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens … Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation,” wrote Obama.
    FLASH: “Disappeared” Human Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Imprisoned in Remote Far Western China
    China Aid Association
    (Washington, D.C. – Jan. 1, 2012) For the first time since his most recent forced disappearance 20 months ago, the whereabouts of human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng were confirmed on Sunday.
    ChinaAid learned that Gao Zhisheng’s older brother, Gao Zhiyi, received written notification on Sunday of Gao’s incarceration in Shaya Prison in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in far western China. The notification was signed and dated on Dec. 19 by the prison.
    Gao disappeared into police custody in April 2010, the most recent in a series of forced disappearances since his 2006 conviction on a subversion charge. On Dec. 16, just days before his five-year probation period was to have ended, the Chinese government announced that it was sending him to prison for three years for violating his probation. It was the first word that he was still alive, but no information of his whereabouts or condition was released.
    Shaya (Xayar) Prison is located in Aksu Prefecture, about 1,130 kilometers (700 miles) southwest of the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi.
    “Gao’s internal exile reminds the world of how former Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov was cruelly treated in Siberia in the 1980s,” said ChinaAid founder and president Bob Fu, a friend of Gao. “The Chinese government can use this remote jail to prevent concerned people from visiting Attorney Gao, but just like Sakharov, Gao’s courageous voice can never be silenced by the four walls of his prison cell.”
    Gao Zhiyi is planning to visit Gao Zhisheng as soon as he gets a physical address of the prison.
    The prison’s mailing address is : Shaya Prison, Shaya county, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Postal code: 842208
    Prison phone number: +86-997-8402100.
    Gao Zhiyi’s phone number: +86-151-9198-5726

  187. MADMAX January 2, 2012 at 8:04 pm #

    Hey Liquid Lenny: I would add Guard Dogs to your hot stock list. Gonna be a run on that market pretty soon.

  188. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 8:06 pm #

    Thanks Don. You answered none of my points proving that you know all about the Filth that the Talmud contains. So much for your smarmy little innuendo about how Judaism is superior to Christianity. The truth is that Judaism has been so messed with, that it can’t serve the needs of most Jews – thus they become Seekers towards the East or West. People need to believe in a life after death, silly. And certainly the Chabad do – but other Jews aren’t worthy of knowing about that, right?
    Israel is 8% Christian – and it will continue to increase. Happy? All your own fault since you wont teach the People without hate. Christ kept much of the best of Judaism – not all though. Turn the other cheek doesn’t really cover all social relations. And some of the hygienic stuff could also be valuable. But I’m talking about the Ancient Law, not the demonic Talmud.
    Btw, I’m only writing in case other people are following. I know you are too far gone to listen to anything. Born with an evil inclination – sounds like original sin. And boy are you ever right on that one. The Heart is corrupt above all things.

  189. ozone January 2, 2012 at 8:13 pm #

    Got 3 hours to spare?
    For those that might desire one, here’s your wake-up call.
    -Night Clerk at the Desk

  190. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 8:34 pm #

    Yes it’s Freddy vs Jason time. I always liked Jason cuz he never hurries but always seems to be where he needs to be. After all, Slack is the White Man’s Tao.

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  191. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 8:49 pm #

    When? If so, I didn’t mean to. I did disagree with you about Bush – it was shock that I expressed not insult or at least that’s what I tried to express. In other words, the Neo Liberalism of Obama is no different than the Neo Conservatism of Bush. Obama has continued the policies of Bush. Obama is Black Bush, Bush a White Obama. Different colored products and marketing strategies for different target audiences.
    I think you are right btw. I think the Republicans aren’t smart enough to beat Obama or perhaps it’s all decided from above at this point. Or if the elections are still free, and Obama seems to like he is going to lose, maybe they’ll pull him in favor of Hillary. And she will continue to the policies of Bush/Obama. Different plumbing same policies. She’s a disciple of Alinsky just as Obama is – actually a friend of the late Alinsky. A hard core Communist in Liberal Deomocrat guise.
    Bush is supposed to be an Evangelical but can we be sure? His wife came out in favor of gay marriage last year. Maybe they disagree… But more to the point, Bush is a member of Skull and Bones. No Christian can be part of a Masonic or Neo Masonic Organization. All Churches are in agreement on this. Of course he might be just disorganized as a person and not see the contradiction… In any case, he proved a useful tool in the hands of his Masters.

  192. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 9:16 pm #

    asoka, joining the 1%’s battle against Ron Paul is not helpful to your belief in a better, more peaceful world.

    Wage, Ron Paul is part of the 1% who has profited from his service in the Republican Party.
    I don’t really care who wins the Republican nomination. They are all Red Party. Ron Paul’s voting record is 77% of the time he votes with the Republican establishment (the 1%).
    All last year CFNers were telling me that elections don’t matter, that there is no difference between Red Party and Blue Party.
    Suddenly the tide has changed and some CFNers want to vote for the Red Party, for a candidate who mostly votes with the Republican majority. WTF!
    I am not going to vote Red or Blue.
    I am going to vote (even if I have to travel to vote absentee in the American Embassy) for the GREEN PARTY.
    I am voting for JILL STEIN.
    It’s time for a woman president who is not bought and paid for by Wall Street. Corporate men (the 1%, most of whom are white) have fucked up the whole planet.

  193. Poet January 2, 2012 at 9:49 pm #

    I am as reluctant to quote back to you your own writing to you as I am to go to an author lecture in which the author reads from their own just published work, so I won’t do that.

    However, I really believe your analysis of the last three years of the Obama presidency is well stated and worthy or rereading.

    I know you enjoy the sarcastic and disdainful tone you adopt for most of your weekly rants, but when you abandon that sassy adolescent who just discovered a thesaurus voice, your thinking and the writing that reflects it are quite good and worthy of being called adult. Thank you for that.

  194. Vlad Krandz January 2, 2012 at 9:50 pm #

    Well you better tell Don that Chabad is actually Catholic. He wont listen to me! Maybe he’ll listen to a real joo like you.

  195. rippedthunder January 2, 2012 at 10:02 pm #

    So for Christmas I got a set of DVD’s for the series “BReaking Bad” from my daughter. I was always a chemistry geek . CH3NH2 . It is a great show if ya get a chance to watch it. I think in TLE people will need to resort to the old ways. I am learning more every day. I hope to spread the word ASAP to to the younger knuckleheads around me. Actually some of them listen to me and don’t think I am a crackpot? Go Figure! So There ya go, Watch list again! Drugs ARE NOT COOL but people will do them whether they are legal or not. I live in a small rural community and if I was inclined to I could go get a bag of dope in 5 minutes.
    BR=Bromine B=Boron

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  196. herbivore January 2, 2012 at 10:04 pm #

    Regarding your comment about Ron Paul: Paul’s belief is that the issue of evolution vs. creationism is not settled. My guess is he hasn’t spent a lot of time studying the issue and if he did he would find the paleontological evidence persuasive. That said, the beauty of Dr. Paul is he does not believe it is the role of government to promote one point of view or the other. He may harbor various and sundry biases you don’t agree with yet he won’t use force (government) to promote them.

  197. mika. January 2, 2012 at 10:08 pm #

    No need to tell him anything. If he’s an educated man, he’ll learn this on his own. It’s the uneducated men, propagandized in ignorance and malice, that need telling.

  198. mika. January 2, 2012 at 10:10 pm #

    Very well said.

  199. JulettaofOhio January 2, 2012 at 10:22 pm #

    As a female, I don’t have balls, but I like and admire them in men. What I was trying to get across to you (obviously an exercise in futility) was that it’s hard to stand up for what you believe if it’s politically incorrect, and weaker people choose the most expedient recourse to avert criticism.
    As far as my “idiocy”…..
    Neener, Neener, Neen

  200. JulettaofOhio January 2, 2012 at 10:25 pm #

    Continued as my computer just blipped….We’re having a mini-blizzard and electricity is rather haphazard in our area.
    Neener, Neener, Neener
    My dad can beat up your dad
    So’s your mom
    You can name it, but you won’t claim it.
    It’s been a while since I was in the second grade and those are all the “scathing rebuttals” I can dredge up from that time.

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  201. SNAFU January 2, 2012 at 10:32 pm #

    Howdy RippedT, Per your comment: “bonified USP antibiotics you can buy them all day long on eBay”
    Thanks for the great heads-up. I have been buying worming meds for my dogs from fish/aquatic dealers but had never happened upon the antibiotic end of it. I ofttimes use left over antibiotics of mine for them but I have not had a need for any since having my second Knee replaced a couple years back so have been forced to cough up about a buck or more a capsule for cephalexin at the Vets vice the 30 cents each for them on eBay. Perchance have you ever run across a reasonable source for flea and tic potions such as advantix?

  202. JulettaofOhio January 2, 2012 at 10:33 pm #

    Thank you, Vlad. As I recall, that was the exchange of which I was thinking. And no, you didn’t “insult” me. Sorry for the overreaction. I’m not a Bush fan, either, and think something went terribly wrong during his two terms. I was thinking of Bush as a venial sin and Obama as a mortal sin, when actually, they’re both on the same level. I just find Obama and his hideous wife more obnoxious.
    God Forbid we end up with Hillary, the “most admired” woman in the world. Holy Cow! What can people be thinking? Maybe we are too stupid to save.
    If it helps at all, I always look for your posts first and I really do pay attention to your views. Happy 2012 and may it not be as awful as I think it’s going to be.

  203. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 10:55 pm #

    How can you say Ron Paul wouldn’t use government to force his values on the citizens when that is exactly what he has done in legislation he has sponsored and legislation he has voted on to get big government involved to back his own brand of morality, for example with abortion rights and stem cell research.
    Millions of citizens could die from diseases which stem cell research could have prevented. Why does Ron Paul want millions of Americans to die from preventable diseases? Sounds like he wants to eliminate a good part of the 99% … maybe it is a conspiracy headed by Ron Paul to reduce the population?
    If I were a woman I would be outraged by Ron Paul’s legislation against freedom of choice, against liberty.
    Why should Ron Paul be writing FEDERAL legislation to micro-manage what women decide happens in their own uterus in each of the 50 states?
    Several CFN posters say we need to reduce USA population. We need family planning and birth control and abortion. To meet the constitutionally mandated “welfare of the people clause” health services should be government subsidized, but Ron Paul opposes them and thinks it is a violation of “taxpayers’ conscience” for government funds to provide those health services.
    Well, we don’t get to choose that way, Mr. Paul.
    It is a violation of my values that governments sponsor the death penalty or spend trillions on armies, but I don’t get to opt out. Mr. Paul doesn’t get that option either.
    Ron Paul wants to punish the poor, all poor, by taking away benefits because they clash with his values. Nobody is being forced to get abortions or family planning or the day after pill, but Paul is against those things so he tries to legislate it in such a way to make it impossible for the 99% who cannot afford expensive health care services.
    I could go on and on pointing out problems with Ron Paul, without ever mentioning Paul’s racism. There are so many issues where Paul is inconsistent.
    Paul wants to impose his Christian values through legislation. Paul cannot hide from his record of opposing constitutionally mandated government obligations, substituting his Christian religious beliefs instead of following the constitution.

  204. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 11:04 pm #

    By the way, I wanted to research Ron Paul’s positions on some issues and went to VoteSmart.org where I found this statement:
    Ron Paul refused to tell citizens where he stands on any of the issues addressed in the 2012 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart, national media, and prominent political leaders.

  205. herbivore January 2, 2012 at 11:25 pm #

    Asoka, if you strongly believe in the value of stem cell research, you can band together with those of like mind and finance it. In fact, companies are doing exactly that. Invest in them. But, please don’t force me to pay for it. I also don’t want to pay for your or your children’s food, shelter, education, and medical care. Sorry, but I have a hard enough time paying for my own kids needs without you forcing me to pay for yours as well. Accordingly, I don’t expect you or anyone else to pay for my needs and my children’s needs.
    Last time I checked, there was no constitutionally mandated right to stem cell research nor was there a mandate for government-sponsored abortions.

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  206. Dr_Snooz January 2, 2012 at 11:35 pm #

    I see you are predicting serious social unrest in America. I just can’t see it myself. Americans are too fat and too unhealthy to brave the elements, physical harm and police brutality to make their voices heard. They will do as they have been doing: moving to tent cities and dying quietly in obscurity. The only wildcard is all the guns that these fools own. Maybe they will use them, but I suspect it isn’t going to happen in any organized way. It will continue to be random crackpots going postal and shooting up fast food restaurants, welfare offices and schools.
    Realize too that the police state is expanding rapidly here. The NDAA was the latest most visible example. Don’t pooh pooh FEMA camps either. Yes, there are no FEMA camps, but have you seen HR 645 (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-645)? It aims to set up internment camps on military bases for US citizens, allowing the president to declare states of emergency for fairly ambiguous reasons. While not run by FEMA per se, if the bill passes, these will be “FEMA camps” without question. Another reason we won’t see any meaningful social unrest here: the protesters will be swept away instantly to Abu Ghraib America.
    America is obviously in terminal decline (Thank GOD!) To gauge its speed, I’m watching carefully the international move to sell oil in something other than US dollars. It seems trivial, until you realize that every other nation has to sell something to the US to get US dollars with which to buy oil. It’s the source of our hegemonic power. We’ve behaved brutishly enough now that there is a serious effort afoot to end this hegemony. I believe it will be successful and when it is, America will turn instantly into a third-world banana republic that more powerful nations shove around with impunity. I expect America to fight this movement tooth and claw, making it a decline by degrees. Like the Romans, our decline will be slow and unstoppable and spread over many years.
    Happy New Year everyone!!!

  207. Desertrat January 2, 2012 at 11:41 pm #

    “Think of them grooming their mules in the summer twilight.”
    The drawback to plowing behind a horse is that the view never improves. And, The Horror! Staring at a politician all day? Terrifying!
    BTDT, seventy years ago, but then I thought it was neat. My grandfather undoubtedly had read Tom Sawyer…

  208. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 11:44 pm #

    Ron Paul believes he is the State and that he can legislate his religious values. For example, Paul supported The Defense of Marriage Act which prohibits the U.S. government from recognizing same-sex marriages, even if a state recognizes the marriage. This is a violation of civil rights, pure discrimination, to recognize one type of marriage (the kind approved of by the Christian Church), but deny others the same right.
    Hmmm, isn’t Paul for states’ rights, but he is passing that kind of Federal legislation?
    Then Paul co-sponsored the Marriage Protection Act, which would have barred federal judges from hearing cases pertaining to the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act.
    Nice. Supposedly Paul is a big on the Constitution, but if there is a chance his interpretation of the Constitution might be challenged, he tried to prevent any court challenges, to limit the freedom of the courts to hear cases.
    But, wait, isn’t Paul pro-liberty, pro-civil discussion, and pro-law. I guess not when that interferes with the imposition of his own religious values on the citizenry.
    Paul once was in the house of a homosexual (must have been a big donor), needed to do number 1 or number 2, but refused to use the bathroom!
    This is a doctor? This is an open mind? This is a person knowledgeable about the spread of certain communicable diseases?
    No, it is Ron Paul’s homophobia, pure and simple.
    Ron Paul is a bigot. A dangerous bigot who will use his power as a congressman to write FEDERAL legislation to project and protect his own religious values.

  209. asoka. January 2, 2012 at 11:48 pm #

    herbivor, if you strongly believe in the value of organized violence for national defense or state violence to execute criminals, you can band together with those of like mind and finance it. Invest in those companies, like Xe or Corrections Corporation of America. But, please don’t force me to pay for it.

  210. ForkInTheEye January 3, 2012 at 12:03 am #

    I wouldn’t want to use the bathroom of a homo, either. Who knows what’s crawling around in there … whatever, I think that one of Ron Paul’s redeeming qualities is that he doesn’t think it necessary to ruin marriage for the heteros by letting the gays needlessly marry.
    Marriage is an institution designed for family security – to force a hetero couple who are physically and mentally very unlike each other to try and work out whatever of many issues arise, and do so for the sake of the family. What’s a homo got to salvage? Nothing, except some wounded homo pride. Can you imagine marriage what counseling for homos would be like? “Go home and suck it up, ya queers!”
    God damn, I wish the gays would get back to what they do best and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

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  211. asoka. January 3, 2012 at 12:07 am #

    Accordingly, I don’t expect you or anyone else to pay for my needs and my children’s needs.
    Do you have a need for clean water? Do you have a need to have uncontaminated food? Do you have the need for well-paved roads. I am paying for that on your behalf. And you are paying for it on my behalf.
    We have a social contract. We have a Constitution and the Constitution clearly states it is the government’s responsibility to provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States.
    That means if the populace is threatened by disease, it is not your place, or your children’s place, to do the research, discover a cure, build the factory to produce medicine, etc. It is the government’s responsibility to provide for the well being of its citizens. Dead citizens make lousy soldiers and lousy taxpayers.
    Check it out: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution. Says the government can RAISE TAXES (gasp!) and SPEND (gasp!) to help out those in need. You don’t need to get together with your neighbors and raise the funds yourself. The Constitution has it covered.

  212. BeantownBill January 3, 2012 at 12:15 am #

    I remember Ron Paul from the 1970’s. I was a gold bug then (not now), and he interested me at first because he was for the gold standard. I read up about him at that time, and although I can’t remember the details, I do remember many people considered him a right-wing conservative nut job, with racial overtones and far-out views. I didn’t dislike him, but I felt uneasy thinking about his potential rise in politics.
    Today, I still feel the same way. The more mature me sees him as a frail 75 year-old who will never be able to overcome government resistence to real change. He’s not going to get elected, and I certainly wouldn’t vote for him.
    I know 2012 is an election year, which means the general election will be a big topic. But elections are meaningless to me. If only people could look outside the pomp and circumstance, use perspective and history, and see the big picture. Then they would realize that it makes no difference – really – who gets elected. That’s why elections are really a joke. They’re only a useful tool for those who really have the power.
    I despise most of what Vlad writes, but I have to agree with him on this subject: The average person shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Voting, as constituted in the US is disfunctional to society. Unfortunately, I can’t think of an acceptable alternative. A benevolent dictatorship?
    Anarchy? This is a good subject for discussion, I think. I still maintain that the only way real change for the good will occur in reality is through massive uprising.

  213. asoka. January 3, 2012 at 12:20 am #

    Marriage is an institution designed for family security
    Damn straight! And guess who has families? Queers! They can adopt and raise children and guess what? The children are just like children raised by the heteros.

    There is no evidence that the development of children with lesbian or gay parents is compromised in any significant respect relative to that among children of heterosexual parents in otherwise comparable circumstances. SOURCE: http://bit.ly/uGgVd1

    And before anyone asks: Ron Paul voted YES on banning gay adoptions.
    So much for freedom.
    So much for liberty.
    Once again Ron Paul uses his power as a Republican legislator to try to impose his backward religious values on everyone.
    Ron Paul is the American Taliban.

  214. mika. January 3, 2012 at 12:25 am #

    These United States vs This United States
    Your incomprehension of this basic difference is at the root of your fallacies.

  215. asoka. January 3, 2012 at 12:27 am #

    No fallacies.
    Legitimate differences of opinion going back to Madison vs. Hamilton.

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  216. BeantownBill January 3, 2012 at 12:29 am #

    Fork, I love women and am not physically attracted to men, but, Christ, why be bigoted? I don’t worry about ny masculinity, so I’m not threatened by gay men. I’ve been hit on several times by men over the years, but all I do is say “I don’t play that game”, and they go away. I don’t worry about why they picked me; I guess I had enough success with women not to worry about whether I projected gayness. And if gays want to be married, who cares? It’s not my business, and it shouldn’t be yours.

  217. BeantownBill January 3, 2012 at 12:39 am #

    Asoka, I mostly agree with you about Ron Paul, and can understand why you don’t like him. But you and I both know he’s not going to get elected. So I request that since you’ve adequately explained why he’s not a good choice for president – several times – that you stop further postings on the subject. You’re mind contains multiples and I’d like to read your posts about the rest of them.

  218. mika. January 3, 2012 at 12:39 am #

    It’s not you that gets to vote. 300 million people in the yankee fascist empire and none of them really gets to vote. The only people that get to vote are those people in the shadow government who select the people that you think you will get to vote for. Those same people will then rubber-stamp the legislation written for them by the shadow government, often without even bothering to read it. So your wish for a benevolent dictatorship has already long been implemented. You wanted the smiling fascists, and that’s what you got. Enjoy!

  219. mika. January 3, 2012 at 12:43 am #

    Not true.
    The phrase “United States” was originally treated as plural—e.g., “the United States are”—including in the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1865. It became common to treat it as singular—e.g., “the United States is”—after the end of the Civil War. The singular form is now standard; the plural form is retained in the idiom “these United States”.[16] -wiki
    It’s only with 14th Amendment that the US empire is born.

  220. Eleuthero January 3, 2012 at 12:50 am #

    I fully concur with the totality of your sentiments about Ron Paul. His opinions about our foreign military bases, giving foreign aid when millions suffer in our own back yard, and especially his views on auditing the Federal Reserve make him the ONLY candidate that isn’t some cruel parody of earnestness.
    Yes, RP has his problems but I’ve got to say that if he runs against Obama I’m voting for Paul. Obama hasn’t made one statement against his Wall Street crony-crooks and that defines his presidency. He’s as effete, as feckless, as Calvin Coolidge.

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  221. asoka. January 3, 2012 at 12:52 am #

    Ron Paul is fucked up on government issued voter ID (voter suppression), too.
    Of course, as a big fan of pre-Civil Rights Act, I suppose Paul wouldn’t mind a poll tax requirement to vote.
    Here is yet one more Ron Paul inconsistency:
    WHEREBY: Voting is a fundamental right guaranteed by the USA Constitution and,
    WHEREBY: Ron Paul is a constitutionalist seeking to protect the Constitution,
    THEREFORE: Why isn’t Ron Paul calling out the GOP on their drive to disenfranchise voters through the use of restrictive voter ID laws?
    If Ron Paul really takes the US Constitution seriously, he knows that the government — all levels from local to federal — derives its power from the People, from the consent of the governed.
    Our right to vote is inherent in being a citizen of this country and it does not, should not, hinge on the state I reside in issuing me a voter ID.
    Where’s Ron Paul’s outrage over what is clearly an assault by the GOP on one of our most fundamental Constitution rights in a representative democracy, the right to vote and have our will be heard?
    So much for the Constitution. I’m telling you the guy is a Texas Republican life-long politician and a Christian fundamentalist.

  222. charliefoxtrot January 3, 2012 at 12:54 am #

    hey bahston, happy new yeah…considering the puppet show that is mainstream electoral politics, and demonstrated vulnerability of electronic ballots to rigging; consider the write in candidate K-dog: it doesn t matter who we write in, the point is to actually choose someone, with accountability after the fact…he may be persuaded to list his platform again, but from what i have gathered, most here (at least those who aren t racist or obvious trolls)would agree with at least a majority of his stated values- i envision what for all practical purposes would be an overt coup- which would force TPTB to recognize Us, The People- or try to maintain their hold, thereby throwing off the false mantle they ve worn out…think about it, as far as viability goes: how long would it take to go viral in this age? otherwise, we re left with laying here and taking the rape; or fighting in the streets- neither of which is desirable to the rational being

  223. asoka. January 3, 2012 at 12:59 am #

    Yeah, I guess Buck Stud got me started by saying I was focused on the “solitary” issue of race regarding Ron Paul, when my comments were much broader.
    I agree I have made my point, though there are dozens of inconsistencies I have not mentioned, dozens of votes that give the lie to Ron Paul being a “libertarian”
    Out of respect for your request I will try to limit my posts related to Ron Paul.
    Thank you for your polite request.

  224. lsjogren January 3, 2012 at 1:04 am #

    asoka said:
    “Creationism has no scientific evidence to back it up, but Ron Paul wants to let individual school boards decide to teach creationism. That is the logical fruit of libertarianism?”
    Yes, that is libertarianism. For better or worse, governance occurs at the state and local level, except for a narrow range of functions very explicitly assigned to the federal government.
    I’m not a libertarian myself, but considering what a rotten job the federal government does when it gets involved in education policy, I’d say they are right that education policy best left to local governance. No doubt school districts would get it wrong here and there, but when the federal government controls the agenda and gets it wrong, then the whole system goes down, like the old series wired christmas lights where when one bulb goes out the whole string goes dead.

  225. lsjogren January 3, 2012 at 1:28 am #

    Hey, asoka is right to criticize Ron Paul although his particular criticisms are relatively nonsensical.
    Paul’s real failing is that his obsessive devotion to liberty blinds him to the fact that in some cases there are genuine tradeoffs between liberty and other legitimate societal interests such as security.
    Being a utopian, he can’t accept the possibility that there are any tradeoffs to a totallly libertarian form of government.
    One even asoka might be able to grasp is the notion that in a totally libertarian society those unable to care for themselves will be better off than they would under let us say a nation with governmental social programs.
    Libertarians pride themselves on being driven by reason, but I believe they are in fact often irrational because their model of governance is based on an abstract theory rather than on the empirical realities that have been learned during the evolution of human civilization.
    (the new crises facing us that Kunstler so graphically underscores do show that our ability to learn from experience is imperfect, but I would still take that over abstract theory whether it is that of theory-based fanaticism whether it be that of Libertarianism or Progressivism or some other kind of political or religious cult.

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  226. BeantownBill January 3, 2012 at 1:38 am #

    I didn’t want a benevolent dictatorship, I was questioning whether it was an improvement over what we have now. What we do have now is not benevolent. And maybe I should have been more precise – I meant a benevolent dictator.

  227. Pucker January 3, 2012 at 1:42 am #

    Do you remember the scene in the movie “Boogie Nights” when the porn movie producer comes home in the afternoon to find his wife humping a stranger in his bedroom bed? Irritated and perplexed he exclaims to his wife:
    “What the FUCK are you doing?!”
    His wife replies: “What the FUCK does it look like I’m doing?”
    If Michelle where to come home one afternoon to the White House to find Barack humping a staffer (probably a male staffer) the exchange would probably go as follows:
    Michelle: “What the FUCK are you doing?!”
    Barack: “It’s not what it looks like, Michelle! That’s not what I’m about.”
    Obama’s signing statement appended to the NDAA, which gives the US President the power to detain Americans indefinately without trial:
    “My administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens … Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation,” wrote Obama.

  228. BeantownBill January 3, 2012 at 1:43 am #

    Happy new yeaR to you, CharlieFT. You know, I was going to end up my post by saying k-dog for president, but I was so concentrated on what I was going to say next that I forgot.
    K-dog for president!

  229. ForkInTheEye January 3, 2012 at 1:50 am #

    Don’t get me wrong – I have no problem with civil unions but it’s important to keep the institution of marriage intact otherwise it’ll be “why get married?” and the notion of a nuclear family will be lost. I guess it doesn’t matter, really, now that adoptions are allowed – I agree that in such an unfortunate event the kids should be in a stable environment.
    Marriage is not a religious artifact but a tribal one – just wasn’t called marriage then.

  230. Pucker January 3, 2012 at 1:55 am #


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  231. Mike Moskos January 3, 2012 at 1:57 am #

    If you want more, try these 2 books: “Boomerang” by Michael Lewis, a short entertaining book and “No One Would Listen” by Harry Markopolos about the failure of the warned SEC to stop the Madoff Ponzi scheme.
    Gerald Celente says if your money is not in your hands (or under the mattress), its not your money, it belongs to the banks or the brokerage firm, subject to confiscation. Probably not a bad idea to try to wrestle your money from their hands while you still can.

  232. Bill Simpson January 3, 2012 at 2:15 am #

    You will be able to write the same predictions for 2013. But 2014 may be a different story.

  233. mika. January 3, 2012 at 2:15 am #

    What we do have now is not benevolent.
    It certainly is not.
    You need to go backwards to go forwards. What you need to do is secede. Individually, you need to secede from the fascist corporate grid. And as the Nation State of Massachusetts, you need to secede from the fascist US empire.

  234. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 2:17 am #

    Why not have some real criterion about who votes. Or how about degrees of citizenship? People who vote must pass a test, yes just like driving. A knowledge of history and politics and an essay showing their understanding of the system.
    The highest level could be more difficult and also involve a record of service in the military or elsehwere. And obviously not on welfare and with a clean record.
    The third and lowest leve, the local, could be open to all citizens who can prove who they are and that they speak English. They’d make terrible decisons but hopefully not screw things up too much. It’s good for people to have some say over their lives.

  235. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 2:36 am #

    Holy Cow? Unholy! And look at how they’re bringing Junior Miss along now. And the Bush’s have a very charismatic son of Jeb in the wings – very charismatic and very good Latin looks. Fully bilingual. He’s a shoe in in two decades. The Elite must have a sense of humor. I mean Jeb is a well spoken, normal man. But they gave us George Jr.
    Anyway, glad I didn’t offend. I always look forward to your posts as well.

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  236. Bustin J January 3, 2012 at 2:38 am #

    2012 is an amazing accomplishment for the human race. We did it! Now we have a long way to go.
    Life is course of 3 meals, and you’re dinner.

  237. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 3:14 am #

    You have alienated Buck, a man who revered you, all because of your cavalier lies and games. Not to mention your mindless dismissal of the dangers associated with the new proposal that will enable the State to lock up any and all American Citizens it desires. What the hell is wrong with you? You are not fit to fasten Ron Paul’s sandal.

  238. Evelyn Victor January 3, 2012 at 3:36 am #

    Another way to interpret Paul’s response to the question about evolution is to see it as strictly a politician’s way of avoiding having to answer the question in a way that would alienate some of his base.
    He didn’t say he believed in creationism. Instead he stated what is after all, a truth. Evolution is a theory and then he said he didn’t accept it. It depends on what “it” is. He could have been saying he didn’t believe it was just a theory, but rather he believed it was beyond the realm of theory but was in fact fact.

  239. xcurmfkkw January 3, 2012 at 3:54 am #

    love, is not to find missing, but not tired, they change –

    can together find a hardship, not to enjoy the –

    can together find a bear, and not with the escape –

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    because love is only human to escape from reality –

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    to find love, lose the truth –

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    What is love? –

    a little fond of him, a little impulsive, a little hug a kiss? –

    This may be a part of love, but certainly not most –

    main love is life, live –

    distance is the test of true love, by the time as the answer –

    for your loved ones, please make a point of sacrifice, hold your love –

    Otherwise, how can we speak

    true love –

    life is not a good living –

    is how two people together take over –

    but some objective reasons, the reality You currently can not be together in the –

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    life on such a finish it? –

    love, is not to find missing, more than tired, they change –

    Love is not a thing but the efforts of two people ; two people fighting two people together to create –

    do not choose to escape the loneliness away, when there will not be selected as long-term love love –

    so vast that it is not without purpose is not to find trouble on the exchange –

    friends around me do not look tired on missing it for you to cherish the body of the people you love ; and people who love you –

  240. xcurmfkkw January 3, 2012 at 4:01 am #

    world often I am not a feminist, but I do not think
    silly man more fickle than women, it is not that I ask: Who does not lust?

    in today’s society, Chinese women have put off the apron, wear, woman, whether political status,Chemise Boss Pas Cher, economic status or family status have been greatly improved people from time to time to hear However, in the promotion of gender equality in modern society, the men talked about the apricot out of the wall

    Do not lament: Moral Degeneration, Renxinbugu. Today, cohabitation has become outdated act, one-night stand will become a thing of the past, homosexual can get married, then why not a woman to find a lover?

    rolling stone, is the universal human psychological, social life is a common phenomenon, whether it is male or female, have love affairs of nature. If you put aside the moral, ethical reputation and so these constraints, every woman will subconsciously feel that they need a lover, from the human point of view or physiological point of view, a woman really needs a lover.

    lover is a flavoring agent, it can make a woman get back the feeling of love.

    ordinary life, boring day, in addition to find a lover, what can a woman tired of the daily necessities of their own again as in the fairy tale princess? Lover to a woman always has the feeling of love, lover will not let a woman cooking dishes, her lover will always say: of cigarettes, the smell of sweaty feet a little rest on the coffee table, turned over the newspapers, watching TV lazy to, from time to time on a roar: br> know better than her husband, the romantic lover.

    When the woman took her husband to a full moon full moon, the husband will be impatient and said: Baby, tonight’s moon water, like you … old couple, and spend money all day you know! will be pleasantly surprised, always will say:

    lover always satisfy a woman’s vanity.

    lover will accompany you on the day shopping street, watching the assortment of goods, lover will not stop saying: look good, try it? will excuse away: ;

    lover will always respect a woman’s feeling.

    When finished washing a woman put on sexy underwear, full of tenderness to her husband issued a message of love when her husband was frowning, said: sleepy. > lover is always best to listen to a woman who her lover is always a woman known to have been.

    woman is required to understand and support, but her husband is sometimes not the best object. The love between husband and wife in real life are often devoid gradually, little time to communicate, but also a lack of calm atmosphere. Women are often dissatisfied with her husband would be: the lack of humor, her husband, the husband is not diligent, the husband is not considerate, people simply had enough, you can talk to whom these words to it? Work and life in distress who can understand? All he can talk to her lover, because there is no contradiction between the common, but can accommodate each other, because it is not a roof, but can communicate. The face of your troubles, your lover will not be too tired, not enough support to call you all day, and only softly to comfort you … …

    ; lover, let us love living there a touch of the rainbow; lover, let’s dull life becomes extraordinary.

    lover with her husband does not have all the advantages. If a woman never had a lover, or do not mind a lifetime lover, then she is not a complete woman.

    since the beginning of the world, ancient teachings again and again: husband’s story, see a woman sewage stagnation, hoping to teach a crash thoracotomy faster!

    good news is that for the modern woman, crying and shouting is over the age marry, with the women’s socio-economic status and level of education improved, and its pursuit of independence and the desire to self-realization continue to strengthen, Men and women face the wrath of disdain, we have to say once again: a woman, then why not find a lover?
    you want to have a lover, then you look at your specific situation and the actual level of the!

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  241. Eleuthero January 3, 2012 at 4:07 am #

    JHK said:
    Just look at how we behave, from the cloakrooms of Congress to the piercing parlors of West Hollywood to the 7-Elevens of suburban Maryland: a nation of thieves, racketeers, reality TV sluts, wannabe road warriors, light-fingered gangsta-boyz, and crybabies living in an anomie-drenched decrepitating demolition derby landscape of failure.
    I love when you get on a roll like this, Jim. Of course, there are many pollyannas here on CFN who find your grousing unjust or, God forbid, “boring”. I’m amazed at how you can sum up all of the goofy, phony, one-dimensional, TV-induced personae in the US social space in one divinely crazy sentence.
    Even in the rank-and-file US proletariat, which I encounter each year in my Xmas visit to Pennsylvania, everybody has some potential “racket” in mind. An ex-teacher I know was trying to tout Citibank stock as a “whisper stock” and I just giggled.
    After two huge crashes in a decade, we still haven’t lost the ridiculous “wealth without work” ethos of the 1990s. It’s still alive and well even if their 401Ks are in the intensive care unit.
    I truly believe in the AA definition of insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome”. By this sober definition, most of America is still MASSIVELY NUTS. Keep on grousing, Jim. Don’t gild the lily … EVER.

  242. Eleuthero January 3, 2012 at 4:14 am #

    I think the fact that Ron Paul has been reelected, what, 8 or 10 times shows that he’s got plenty of realpolitik. All politicians claim to ascribe to some doctrine but come election time they get more practical because America, for all its failings, does NOT like doctrines that are either too extreme or too utopian.
    As dumb as America has gotten, even America wouldn’t do something as stupid as the euro experiment which is a typical brainchild of the densest utopian “progressive” thinking for which Europeans have a fatal attraction. Duh, right, … Spain and Italy have sooooo much in common with Finland and Germany. Sigh.

  243. Bustin J January 3, 2012 at 5:09 am #

    E said “Yes, RP has his problems but I’ve got to say that if he runs against Obama I’m voting for Paul.”
    My prediction is that Paul is dead in 2012.
    JHK is right: no one can lead this country.

  244. Bustin J January 3, 2012 at 5:24 am #

    Dr- snuze said “Realize too that the police state is expanding rapidly here. The NDAA was the latest most visible example. Don’t pooh pooh FEMA camps either. Yes, there are no FEMA camps, but have you seen HR 645 (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-645)? It aims to set up internment camps on military bases for US citizens, allowing the president to declare states of emergency for fairly ambiguous reasons. ”
    HR 645 basically keeps large military bases open and providing JOBS to the LOCAL ECONOMY as military active duty manpower is slacking off by converting military property to civilian large-scale emergency planning.
    This is not your paranoid FEMA camp scenario. What this is is simply a continuance of government plan for any number of probable disasters. Exactly the kind of thing only governments can do. Methinks the libertarians will not be sending helicopters to the flood/earthquake/nuclear-accident victims.

  245. Bustin J January 3, 2012 at 5:31 am #

    “Buuuuuut only if Ron Paul would be elected….” BLAAAARGH!
    -Who invited these snot-nosed children to our tailgate party at the end of civilization?
    News flash, kids: Ron Paul will never be elected president. Ever.

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  246. Bustin J January 3, 2012 at 5:52 am #

    Welles says “lifes great in brazil, roasted two pigs on the huge churrasqueira barbeque pit, plus giant slabs of beef, simply marvellous, and all topped off with icy kold beer, wonderful jokes and light accordion music.
    everyone has work and enuf money, and life just gets better here…oh wait, doesn~t fit the doom meme, scratch evrythyng i said”
    You know, whats funny is how fucking clueless you are. I mean, you don’t even know. You’re an American, in Brazil, being a clueless American.
    It doesn’t take brains, guts, or imagination to see how degraded the environment is all over Brazil.
    Go to http://g.co/maps/t3snk
    Welles’ pig dinner is the smug superiority of the depravity for ignorance. Mmmm. Bet it was greasy and delicious!

  247. icurhuman2 January 3, 2012 at 8:29 am #

    My prediction, borrowed from fairewinds associates’ Arnie Gundersen, is that a load of tuna or salmon will set off the radiation detectors at some U.S. port and the cat will be out of the bag as far as the worsening Fukushima nuclear meltdown results are concerned.

  248. ozone January 3, 2012 at 9:06 am #

    Should that accidentally happen, the radiation detectors will be quietly removed, or loads of fish meticulously excluded from routine scanning.
    We can’t have a little death and disease getting in the way of good clean business transactions, now can we?

  249. ozone January 3, 2012 at 9:25 am #

    Sorry you had to go all the way to Pennsyltucky to get a secret pep-talk on those piles of free money to be had for the dreaming! ;o)
    Hey, just heard on Marketplace (Fake-it-place) that junk Euro bonds are a GOOD INVESTMENT! Now, SOMETIMES they might blow up in your face, but since they’re high-risk, they CAN pay big dividends. Buy in now; one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
    Jeezis jumped-up Kreyest on-a-crutch, the grifters will never stop.

  250. progress2conserve January 3, 2012 at 10:39 am #

    I’m glad you got asoka. to stop his overposting about Ron Paul. That was going to be my second post last night, but we were called out of town for a minor family emergency before I could get to it.
    The casual observer, reading the thread yesterday, would have concluded that CFN was nearly 100% against Ron Paul – because he was a Racist, Christian, blah, blah.
    Of course the huge majority of the anti-RP posts were from asoka., trying to force his will on the CFN thread at large. There were a couple of others, including yours – but they got lost in the barrage of asoka-think.
    RP probably won’t be elected. And, as Bustin mentioned, he’ll probably die if he does get elected, or even comes close. But, RP has my vote, for four big reasons.
    1. Ron Paul points out the problem of the “imperial presidency,” better than any one else that we are, ever again, likely to have even campaigning for the office. Our system is deranged, as is. We have BushII elected on the flimsiest of hanging chads – and with a minority of the popular National vote. Nevertheless, BushII takes us ALL careening off into an extreme neo-con direction, just ’cause he is president.
    One man should NOT be that important to the political direction of 313,000,000 souls. It’s crazy that national direction can change radically, with the election of a new Dear Leader, as though we were a bunch of North Koreans. Ron Paul would put more power and responsibility back on House and Senate, and less on Executive policy. This would be a very good thing.
    2. Ron Paul is not Romney.
    3. Ron Paul is not Gingrich.
    4. Ron Paul is not Bachmann

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  251. Chaz Valenza January 3, 2012 at 10:40 am #

    Please see my latest analysis on OpEdNews.com that backs up the dire straitsof the average American.
    “It’s Official: Gov Stats Shows the Middle Class is Dead”http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Middle-Class-Vanishes-by-Chaz-Valenza-120101-954.htmlts

  252. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 10:41 am #

    White Iraq War Vet fights against Negro Terror on bus. YouTube is changing everything folks. We don’t believe your media anymore, we have our own. Sorry that means the end of Political Correctness. We have our own heroes now – like this Man.

  253. progress2conserve January 3, 2012 at 10:43 am #

    “You have alienated Buck, a man who revered you, all because of your cavalier lies and games.”
    -vlad, to asoka.-
    That’s very funny, Vlad. And probably very true.
    Andean dial-up, indeed. hah!

  254. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 10:49 am #

    Great article about what the passage of NDAA says about us. “We fight them over there to invite them over here”.

  255. progress2conserve January 3, 2012 at 10:58 am #

    “And as the Nation State of Massachusetts, you need to secede from the fascist US empire.”
    -mika, to Bill of BeanTown-
    You’re right, Mika. Of course, we tried that in Georgia back in the 1860’s and it didn’t work out all that well for us. You are also correct that US Empire became inevitable with the conclusion of the War for Southern Independence.
    Which lead to intervention in WWI against the Germans, leading to German reparations, leading to Hitler, leading to WWII, leading to the military-industrial complex, leading to the neo-cons, leading to – –
    – Leading to something less than ideal, that’s for sure.
    If there is no God in charge, we humans have really screwed ourselves up, with our unintended causes and effects.

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  256. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 11:00 am #

    This planet isn’t big enough for both of us. Meet me on any small island of your choice and let’s let nature take its course.

  257. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 11:04 am #

    Stop being so negative. Stop living in the past. The United States must break up that the People may live. We can do it the easy way or the hard way. If the Founders had been on their game a little bit more, they would have provided the protocols for leaving the Union. And a Union that cannot be left is no Union at all but a Tyranny. I mean doesn’t membership in a Union connote that it’s voluntary?

  258. Widespreadpanic7 January 3, 2012 at 11:05 am #

    I was watching CNBC this morning, the first “trading day” of 2012. According to the talking heads on that network everything is looking pretty good for the upcoming year and the bad times are behind us. Contrary to what jim says Europe is fundamentally sound and will be on the rebound in short order. And the president of Gulf oil talked about the tremendous amount of natural now available thru fracking and how fleets of semi trucks will be soon rolling strictly natural gas.
    In short, the future is bright. All you have to do is believe.
    I notice on XCountry satellite radio more and more songs about issues we discuss on this site, even a Woody Guthrie tune now and then.

  259. wagelaborer January 3, 2012 at 11:05 am #

    That’s exactly what I thought, Ozone.
    As if they would publicize it!

  260. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 11:11 am #

    Desperate attempt by the media to hype Santorum and Romney and to make Ron Paul look foolish. The Media are nothing but Agents of the New World Order. Shun them. And defy them by voting for Ron Paul.

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  261. progress2conserve January 3, 2012 at 11:11 am #

    I Award my ‘PEAK BULLSHIT BUSTERS AWARD 2011’ to Eleuthero for this, In response to Absalom:”
    -anti soak-
    Anti soak,
    Man, I’m gonna miss you. You’re the only anti-abortion, pro-vegetarian, pro-immigration reduction person that I have known.
    For you to put all that in one package should prove to everyone, that individuals are not packages of demographic desire – to be sliced and diced by Corporate Marketing and the Political Elites.
    I won’t contact you on Facebook, ’cause I’m not on Facebook. Plus, except for immigration – we wouldn’t have much to talk about in the real world. Plenty to argue about, though, I’d bet.
    And as one blog addict to another, I won’t try to talk you out of quitting “cold turkey.”
    If you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go.
    Best of luck to you, asia.

  262. mika. January 3, 2012 at 11:17 am #

    There’s no doubt that’s what they’ll do, since they’ve already been doing pretty much exactly that for a very long time now.

  263. progress2conserve January 3, 2012 at 11:20 am #

    “The United States must break up that the People may live. We can do it the easy way or the hard way.” -vlad-
    You may be right about this, but it will never happen until all the oil, coal, and hope is exhausted, and US population drops back under 200 million.
    And we’re Americans, Vlad, we never do ANYTHING the easy way, politically speaking.

  264. wagelaborer January 3, 2012 at 11:28 am #

    I’m watching Democracy Now, and reading this blog.
    JHK weekly predicts that those screwed over by the system will focus on those responsible, while some of us predict that they will focus on those helpfully pointed out to them on Fox News.
    Democracy Now reported on firebombings of Muslim and immigrant homes and gathering places, a veteran who shot and killed a park ranger, and wounded 3 others, an abortion clinic attacked in Florida, and the guy who firebombed cars in LA.
    Meanwhile Vlad links to an unemployed veteran who took on three black guys.
    Any Wall Street figures targeted?

  265. mika. January 3, 2012 at 11:30 am #

    Peaceful non-cooperation is all that’s needed. Vote with your feet! You will never out gun them, but you can avoid, and persuade others to avoid conscripting in their army and institutions. Without their army and institutions their whole edifice of tyranny crumbles away, since they have no moral legs to stand on.

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  266. mika. January 3, 2012 at 11:33 am #

    Any Wall Street figures targeted?
    Don’t be so sure.
    You will never hear about it on the propaganda outlets.

  267. wagelaborer January 3, 2012 at 11:43 am #

    It is interesting that we believe that one man can make such a difference. And that we believe that electing a Dear Leader every four years is the epitome of democracy. And that some believe that invading other countries, destroying their infrastructure, and killing millions of people is fine, as long as they then get to vote for a Dear Leader of their own.
    Actually, you can see that the Clinton/Bush/Obama presidencies are nothing but a continuum of creeping fascism and the enthronement of corporate power, along with the dispowerment of the people.
    Elections are nothing but a distraction, and the new boss is the same as the old, but with different rhetoric.
    Which manages to fool most of the people, most of the time.

  268. wagelaborer January 3, 2012 at 11:44 am #

    That is, disempowerment of the people.

  269. Blutodog January 3, 2012 at 11:48 am #

    ONLY MONEY MONEY MONEY talks in America. BULLSHIT RUNS the Marathon!

  270. wagelaborer January 3, 2012 at 11:50 am #

    Yeah, prog, I’m pretty sure that he’s already back, in the guise of a Canadian, seekingplacetolivesafely, or something like that.
    Misspellings, grammar errors, and a right wing attitude – sure, he’s not the only one with those particular faults (actually, it seems to be the right wing trifecta), but it seems suspicious to me that shortly after the big Farewell, another one shows up.

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  271. wagelaborer January 3, 2012 at 11:54 am #

    ER nurses know that the best way to a man’s heart is through the chest wall.

  272. DeeJones January 3, 2012 at 12:02 pm #

    Yet another year….

  273. lbendet January 3, 2012 at 12:10 pm #

    Yes, well today I heard on Morning Joe that Goldman Sachs says our unemployment will climb to 9% in the next few months. Gee I wonder what the bookmaker odds were on that premise to make it so. You know they’re always right. And just in case they’re not, there’s always bets against their claim. How can they lose?
    That’s what I love most about our media. They are treating GS as if its a fine, upstanding lawful entity that does solid analysis of our economy. Oh and they make money the old fashioned-way, of course.
    The fourth estate is like a flea on the back of a larger creature (the system) that has no idea the creature is a cancer.
    Somebody on this blog mentioned cognitive dissonance–this is a prime example of the realities not jibing. It amazes me that they think people aren’t wondering what’s wrong with this picture. This is what makes listening to MSM so hilarious. It’s pure entertainment.
    Sanitorium is doing well with the Evangelicals. He’s all about that home schooling where evolution is never discussed.
    Gots to lower that deficit, you know so let’s slash the “entitlements” so the entitled can get everything and let’s go Iran. That’s some religion he’s got there.
    I would love it if someone would ask these guys how they can in one stroke complain about the deficit and start the drum rolling for more more more, war.
    It’s A-OK to give $trillions more taxpayer money to the private contractors– just don’t ask for a social contract.

  274. GAZ January 3, 2012 at 12:17 pm #

    Lather… Rinse…repeat as necessary.

  275. wardoc January 3, 2012 at 12:18 pm #

    “…is it not a wonder that some poor swindled Grampa with nothing left to live for has not tossed a Molotov cocktail through the window of a Wall Street watering hole known to be frequented by banking poobahs? Perhaps this sort of action awaits us in 2012.”
    Right on the mark. One reason the PTB are so desperate to keep people watching foooootball and dancing with the stars is that they’re afraid of many of the masses waking up to their being swindled screwed and raped, with the above result on a mass scale. I suspect that here it comes.
    lock and load.

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  276. Buck Stud January 3, 2012 at 12:43 pm #

    Ha, that’s funny Vlad. Actually, I questioned Asoka’s “move” a few weeks ago. If you’ll recall, Asoka was taking a break from CFN and he was going to see how long he could refrain from posting – more or less. And like most people who pronounce their intention to take a break from CFN, he didn’t last long. So to camouflage and deflect attention away from his clearly flaccid resolve, he announced that he now resides in a new and exotic land and makes his CFN posts on the fly as technology accommodates.
    So while I do indeed revere Asoka’s agile, fluid mind, I also think he is far too casual in tossing about the racist tag. His disagreements over policy and ideology quite often degenerate into accusations of racism, and with him pointing the finger. And more recently, the calm, serene Asoka has been resorting to profanity… maybe some of that Southern Hemisphere machismo has infected his online persona after all.

  277. Buck Stud January 3, 2012 at 12:56 pm #

    ” Actually, you can see that the Clinton/Bush/Obama presidencies are nothing but a continuum of creeping fascism and the enthronement of corporate power, along with the dispowerment of the people.”
    It would be interesting to take an advance look into the history books written a hundred years from now. And I don’t think history will contradict your above assertion. It’s really quite simple: big corporate money has corrupted the system. By way of analogy the 99% are only able to afford a public defender, and even they are being axed from the public dole. The 1%, on the other hand, are able to afford the most accommodating Govt money can buy.
    I think I’m done with voting, or at least voting for the two main parties.

  278. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 1:41 pm #

    What if we occupied ourselves for a change instead of giving ourselves to everyone and everything? As Gurdjief said “Life is Real only then, when I Am.”

  279. rippedthunder January 3, 2012 at 1:46 pm #

    LOL!!! Good one Wage!

  280. turkle January 3, 2012 at 1:50 pm #

    Intelligent design is one of those theories believed by the unintelligent. There is no evidence for it. NONE. That’s why it is stupid. Clear enough for you? I put it up there (or down) with witchcraft, voodoo, and the like. It has no place in the schools. Keep it to yourself, please.
    Atheism is only obvious if you’re not a brainwashed moron who believes any old thing someone tells you with a straight face.
    And who is this ‘us’ you keep mentioning? I’m pretty sure you don’t speak for anyone but yourself.

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  281. wagelaborer January 3, 2012 at 1:51 pm #

    I find it unseemly to engage in sniping contests with fellow posters.
    So – this goes out to any balls-loving teabagger out there-

  282. turkle January 3, 2012 at 1:55 pm #

    “Why does he still employ an Attorney General who has not started one prosecution for financial misconduct amid a panorama of arrant swindling and fraud?”
    False. Use the Google much?

  283. turkle January 3, 2012 at 1:58 pm #

    “literally disappears down a cosmic worm-hole”
    That sounds figurative to me. *shrugs*

  284. Archie Bunker January 3, 2012 at 1:59 pm #

    Since I currently live in northwestern Mexico (formerly Southern California), I have to agree about the invasion of my former homeland by Mexican nationals and the effects on my immediate surroundings. My daughter used to work at a nearby legal office and one of her co-workers was Hispanic but a U.S. citizen. This woman’s husband is an illegal Mexican immigrant. All five (5) of her children were born here and the hospital bills were paid for by local taxpayers. Since the woman’s paperwork lists her as an unmarried woman with 5 kids, she receives Section 8 housing and food stamps while her husband is employed full time but gets paid under the table and pays no income taxes. With free food stamps and medical care and paying no taxes, the couple have saved up quite a bundle. The woman just informed my daughter that she and hubby will soon be taking their bundle of U.S. dollars and moving back to Mexico after they have purchased a business there. While I’m happy that these 7 people will be leaving here soon, they are taking a bundle of money with them (so generously donated by my friends and neighbors. P.S. As soon as I retire in the very near future, I’m going to be heading out far north away from Mexifornia.

  285. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 2:02 pm #

    Does Democracy Now ever cover Black Terror against Whites? I thought not. I’ll stick to YouTube.
    What the Veteran did (and no, he did not start it) was more important than anything he did in Iraq: he defended his own people

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  286. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 2:10 pm #

    Briefly: the fossil record is missing the many intermediary types that would be required to go from one species to another in most cases. Thus they began to postulate “jumps” or mutations. Trouble is that most mutations are harmful. And the good ones are too few to have ever covered the distance that Evolution did in fact cover. So the jumps or mutations must have been more than arbitrary or merely caused by radiation or whatever. There has been an unseen hand guiding the whole thing. More unseen but more real than Adam Smith’s guiding hand – which was none at all.
    Turk try. Your IQ isn’t low – it’s your dogmatism and hate that make you so dumb.

  287. turkle January 3, 2012 at 2:11 pm #

    I had no idea the term Black Terror (a new one on me) deserved capitalization. It sounds like some kind of dastardly villain from a Spiderman comic. Watch out for the Black Terror!
    We simply call it crime, Vladdy. Terror is an emotional state. In general, the T word is for simpletons and rubes, so I’m not surprised to see you tossing it around.

  288. turkle January 3, 2012 at 2:12 pm #

    Oh, so Vlad Kraps is an evolutionary scientist now?

  289. turkle January 3, 2012 at 2:14 pm #

    “There has been an unseen hand guiding the whole thing.”
    Is this the same unseen hand that causes you to post your drivel here, week after week?
    Speaking of hands, someone should slap you upside your head. Maybe it’ll knock out some of the stupid (though I wouldn’t count on it).

  290. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 2:15 pm #

    A sickening story – one of many millions. We are sinking by the bow and the list in now 30 degrees. Man the lifeboats. There aren’t enough sir. Then it’s every man for himself. And the devil take the hindmost. Keep the poor locked in storage in any case.
    And the band played on. This time it should play Waltzing Mathilda – the real version and now the PC one. And at the end, Nearer My God to Thee just like last time.

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  291. wagelaborer January 3, 2012 at 2:16 pm #

    Great. Hope you liked my youtube link.

  292. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 2:18 pm #

    It’s gone far beyond that now. Black Crime is becoming large and systemic – even systematic with the use of cell phones and social media as a way or organization. Terror is an appropriate word and it will be met as it was in some of the better neighborhoods of New Orleans with like meaure.
    Of course you answer my posts with slander and ridicule – what else can you do?

  293. turkle January 3, 2012 at 2:20 pm #

    “My resolution is to avoid ALL blogs this year.”
    You fail.

  294. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 2:20 pm #

    Are you on it? I want to see you. Hopefully it would be pleasant change from listening to you.

  295. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 2:23 pm #

    We’ll see you back in Venusberg a payin’ for your fun. Happy New Year.

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  296. turkle January 3, 2012 at 2:25 pm #

    “Of course you answer my posts with slander and ridicule – what else can you do?”
    Oh, a whole lot. You betcha. It is just more fun to ridicule you rather than provide some dry retort. Plus, it is really easy to make fun of you, being that you’re such a pompous windbag.

  297. turkle January 3, 2012 at 2:27 pm #

    “Black Crime is becoming large and systemic”
    Again with the silly capitalization.
    Crime rates are down across the board. The murder rate is half of what it was in the early nineties. Ditto for most other crimes.
    But keep making stuff up for us. At least you’re kind of amusing in your nutty windbaggery.

  298. turkle January 3, 2012 at 2:29 pm #

    “the use of cell phones and social media as a way or organization”
    Everyone uses social media sites and cell phones to organize everything now. Do you expect criminals to use fax machines or telegrams? They use the same technology as everyone else. Big deal.

  299. turkle January 3, 2012 at 2:33 pm #

    Easy answer. There is no “we”, just a collection of personal, selfish interests, so attempting to pick out a completely coherent agenda among the various happenings is fruitless. For instance, it was mostly the corporate CEOs and their boards that offloaded our manufacturing capacity to China. Why? Simple. More profits in laying off expensive American workers and hiring Chinese (virtual) slave labor. It isn’t like there is some conspiracy that determines everything our nation does. The world doesn’t work that way.

  300. ABSALOM January 3, 2012 at 2:45 pm #

    OZONE: Grazi for the Hedges Book TV interview. I enjoy some of his stuff, as I haven’t come across many other Liberal writers with the intellectual honesty and knowledge to criticize the failings of the Liberal class in the U.S. as he does. Although, I think he ultimately raises the virtues of Liberal thought to untenable heights, and I’m not sure that he differs much from any number of similarly well read and rhetorically trained Conservative ideologues. Newt Gingrinch comes to mind as another literary goober who thinks his own understanding of history provides him patent to a set of moral truths to which he’s happy to sell subscriptions. This to me is just the commoditization of opinions, reducing the marketplace of ideas metaphor to an idea marketplace, where someone else’s thoughts about the world are simply sold to consumers. Diversity of OPINION is confused for diversity of THOUGHT in today’s consumer culture. Guys like this use covert authority to lead their adherents on a never ending goose chase of historic revisionism and straight over the cliff in my view. But I must admit that I’m one of those mean, intolerant sorts who think people are not entitled to their own OPINIONS about reality, which are dangerously subject to misinterpretation and whimsy.
    While a bit unrelated, I thought I’d include this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9_-IeDucFo
    This debate between Sam Harris and Chris Hedges I think better characterizes the impasse of people who rely only on history and rhetoric to substantiate their opinions. While both speakers provide convincing defenses of their positions, I don’t think they make any real progress in settling the debate or furthering their respective causes for only the minds of people already inclined to believe one way or the other. In other words, there is no revelation of a “universal” truth contained in either perspective. Each only offer differing ways of seeing the world, instead of engaging it, even though they present certain “facts” to boost their claims. I must admit that I lean more to the side of the Sam Harris’s out there, but for reasons never sufficiently captured by any of his writing to date, which only exacerbate disagreements among believers and disbelievers.
    For all the astuteness with which atheists describe the merits of scientific reason, they do a fukin’ piss poor job of describing that ANYONE can employ methodology to know reality for themselves, if only they learn the difference between a FACT and an IDEA.
    Taken from one of my favorite science guy’s explanations, I like to describe the interaction between a car salesman and a buyer to emphasize such a difference, which is similar to how many who inhabit this blog come about their facts for how the world operates:
    A buyer ventures onto a car dealer’s lot and spots a sexy red little sports car and asks for a test drive. While on the drive the salesman offers a lot of redundant facts about the vehicle: It has a rich muscle car history, is capable of 350 hp, has a vanity mirror on the driver’s side and passenger’s too, a stash spot in the center console for some weed, leather trim and so on. The salesman seated next to the driver glances at the speedometer, notices the buyer’s speed and says, “You’ll need roughly 165 yards to stop at the light ahead.” The buyer is taken by the feeling of the car, but he snaps out of his daydream soon enough to safely stop the car per the salesman’s instruction.
    Ultimately the buyer decides to trade his clunker for a more affordable but used three-quarter ton machismo chariot instead. This ride too has the cultural symbolism, sex appeal monitors and horsepower too, only in a much heavier/deadlier package. And on the solo ride home while approaching an intersection light the buyer can only conjure the fact that what he last drove required 165 yards of stopping distance. He fails to recognize the relationship of speed to stopping distance plus the weight of his egotistical lead foot, allowing the vehicle to reach 100 mph. He over shoots the stoplight, crashes into a stopped school bus full of kids, and the ensuing explosion kills all involved. The salesman hears about the accident and decides to publish a list of facts for future car buyers in the interest of safely guiding future consumers:
    Left to right:
    1.)= Speed MPH.
    2.)= Reaction Distance.
    3.)= Braking Distance.
    4.)= Total Stopping Distance
    20 44 20 64
    40 88 80 168
    60 132 180 312
    80 176 320 496
    100 220 500 720
    120 264 720 984
    The list becomes a best seller on Amazon, and now lots of buyers can learn to safely drive themselves into the future based on the list of facts they can buy and keep in a back pocket. Most of them are extra diligent too and work to memorize facts, so they don’t have to bother with the cheat sheet. They actually become authorities on the facts and can convincingly persuade anyone willing to marvel at their brilliance. But the reality is that for all the time they’ve spent memorizing and selling facts, they’ve never come to KNOW the IDEA behind the facts and how to apply it in different situations. The idea is more powerful and easier to remember than redundant facts, but believing in the authority of fact distributors is more lucrative in our consumer culture.
    Here’s Paul Lutus’ breakdown of the facts presented above:
    “Can someone please tell me how the above list constitutes an improvement over:
    (1) Braking distance (feet): bd = (s^2) / 20
    Where s = the car’s speed in miles per hour. Then
    (2) Reaction distance (feet): rd = t * s * 22/15
    Where t = reaction time, and s = the car’s speed in miles per hour.”
    The IDEA reduced to a “universal” truth:
    Total stopping distance (feet): d = (s^2) / 20 + s * t * 22/ 1
    The question becomes how many people in the modern world invest the time to learn ideas instead of facts. How many people today are experts on history but can’t fix their own vehicles? These people don’t KNOW anything yet are experts of everything and nothing at once; hell, they can even write history books. The people who cling to those books are driving vehicles that they have no clue how to stop, and this is why our school buses full of kiddoes won’t escape the collision course with reality.

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  301. asoka. January 3, 2012 at 3:12 pm #

    LOL! Have you ever been to Georgia, Mika? I have relatives there. They took me to Stone Mountain for a light show. The whole thing was one big patriotic rah rah session for the good ‘ole USA.
    In Georgia they don’t mind their sons and daughters going into the USA imperial army to become war criminals who invade countries and kill people they don’t know. In fact, in Georgia they think their sons and daughters should be given medals, called heroes, and everyone should say “Thank you for your service” upon their return.
    I agree with you that peaceful non-cooperation is all that’s needed, but don’t look for a look of support for that idea in Georgia. They are more into kicking ass, shooting first, and defending that which is not defensible: THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE.

  302. ozone January 3, 2012 at 3:38 pm #

    Nice treatise thar, Mister!
    (Just checkin’ in; will peek at that vid soonly.)
    Say now, let’s apply the last of the objective criteria (which just happens to be “subjective” damnit). It’s all about correctly/incorrectly JUDGING what that distance might be, ain’t it? Nothing can be applied until that guess is properly made. Is that result knowledge or “best guess”?
    (Sorry, that’s a little besides your point, but sumpthin’ to throw around.)
    (To my mind, comparing Newt and Chris is strange. Newt is strictly theoretical; Chris has seen a lot of people killed before his very eyes. Who would seem to have the more “realistic” worldview, in your opinion?
    (Again, a bit beside your point, but perhaps an important distinction.)
    Gotta git, thanks for the rumination material!

  303. asoka. January 3, 2012 at 3:39 pm #

    Nice rant, lbendet. One thing does puzzle me. GS says unemployment to climb to 9%, yet many here believe government statistics are manipulated. Why would the govt. manipulate the unemployment numbers to make the govt. look bad and hurt Obama’s chances of re-election? Shouldn’t they be manipulating the numbers to make govt. look good and help Obama?
    Or maybe it is not the case that numbers are manipulated at all and the govt. is just telling it like it is: unemployment is going up. Maybe the govt. is just telling the truth, even though it hurts chances of reelection.
    I know that is a scandalous assertion to make on CFN, but that is what I believe: there is no manipulation. If there was, they would manipulate the numbers in favor of govt. and not against their own interests.

  304. ozone January 3, 2012 at 3:40 pm #

    You must be a hellaciously fast typist! (I think you had said that you were, some time ago…)

  305. mika. January 3, 2012 at 3:40 pm #

    I agree with you that peaceful non-cooperation is all that’s needed, but don’t look for a look of support for that idea in Georgia.
    Yeah, I’ve been to Georgia; on the way to Florida. And what Florida does, Georgia will follow.

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  306. asoka. January 3, 2012 at 4:29 pm #

    Nice post, Absalom.
    One thing does puzzle me. When you say this:

    I don’t think they make any real progress in settling the debate or furthering their respective causes for only the minds of people already inclined to believe one way or the other.

    am I to conclude that you believe in free will or determinism?

  307. ront January 3, 2012 at 4:32 pm #

    I read an article in my daily paper yesterday about the low profit margins on flat screen TV’s these days. The knowledgeable salesmen on the sales floor are miserable with how much their commissions are shrinking. I spoke with one the other day when I was thinking I would need to scrap my 12 year old Sony. I recall him launching immediately into a pitch for needing to get all the other components that I would need for protection and best results.
    I guess the factories that make these flat screens are too good at production, and apparently not overly concerned about distribution.
    A wise man from the East visited the US during its manufacturing and agricultural hay days. He was shown around the farms, factories and the cities. His conclusion was when it comes to production you’re great, but when it comes to distribution: you suck, but probably not in those words.

  308. Widespreadpanic7 January 3, 2012 at 4:52 pm #

    Hey Ibendet who sez unemployment is going up? Just this morning talking heads on CNBC and Bloomberg, who must have different crystal balls than Jim, predict unemployment falling to 7 1/2% by summer. Don’t you understand, this is Oprahland, the economy is ‘in recovery’, and we are ‘healing’? It will take awhile, just like on the syndicated reality show ‘Intervention’, where the middle class, tattooed, pathetic, hopeless addict gets a new lease on life thru a firm hand and plenty of love and understanding.
    All you need is love …
    Love is all you need …

  309. lbendet January 3, 2012 at 5:49 pm #

    This was a stat that came out from GS, not the govt. It’s their ah—“expertise” in the matters of finance and Casino Royale.

  310. lbendet January 3, 2012 at 5:57 pm #

    Yeah, Widespread
    The truthiness is an amazing thing to behold. Numbers are all relative to what message you want to make.
    Remember, be patient all, “Prosperity is just around the corner”….
    (wait, wait, I know it’s coming..can’t you just feel the good times rolling? Just around the cor…)

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  311. rippedthunder January 3, 2012 at 5:58 pm #

    Hi WSP, I agree with ya on most everything but John L is the master. We have got to work our way
    through this shit.

  312. rippedthunder January 3, 2012 at 6:11 pm #

    I don’t get it. Why all the hatred and bitterness? Man, we got to pull together. We are in a world of shit up to our necks and some of you dudes are arguing about race and religion! Let me see, uh, lets keep up the same bullshit we have been following for ,maybe? the past 100,000 years. Grow the fuck up and get with the program!

  313. ABSALOM January 3, 2012 at 6:51 pm #

    Hey Asoka,
    Happy New Year. You asked me about the free will VS determinism thing awhile back and I remarked that cause and effect are some basic rules of nature to which we’re all beholden. Your comment seems to be another way to pose the Nature VS Nurture question. That’s a settled debate: There is no opposition between the two, only conjunction. Recent biological discoveries demonstrate this better than any previous sociological studies do. That said, similar to way pilots fly a plain or sailors sail a boat, we do possess the ability to self-direct. It’s a matter of what tools we use to do so which makes a difference.
    Hope this helps.

  314. Urban_Underclass January 3, 2012 at 6:54 pm #

    Not very interesting predictions this year, perhaps Mr. K is losing faith in his oracular powers.
    I’ve a few predictions for 2012 of my own…
    The star Betelgeuse will go supernova, temporarily relieving the earths energy shortage as solar energy output surges and people need less electric light. Everyone is happy for a while.
    South Korea inexplicably goes back to the 13th century. North Korea takes advantage of the situation and invades it’s Southern neighbor and forces it into the mid-twentieth century.
    The Republican Party fails to agree a candidate for the presidential election and opts to support Barak Obama as a “National Unity Candidate”.
    In order to keep up a facade of democracy of course a scapegoat, loony, “third party” candidate is needed. Charlie Sheen is tricked into running.
    The plan almost backfire as many americans, confusing fact with fiction believe that Charlie’s father Martin Sheen was actually quite a successful president in the past.
    Obama salvages the election running on the slogan “Charlie’s not like Marty, who was never really president anyway.”
    Sheen still manages to win Alaska, Iowa and North Dakota.
    Happy New Year

  315. trippticket January 3, 2012 at 7:21 pm #

    “My forcast trends for 2012 are KultureVulture and comapany get their own lives.”
    KC has plenty to offer that doesn’t fit JHK’s shtik. So does Wage. So does 8thacre. So does…
    If all you want is to be scared outta your shorts, then stick to JHK.
    For my part, our relocalization-friendly business plan is expanding to the point that I barely have time to stop by CFN anymore, or even update my own blog. Plenty to talk about, no time to do so. But farmer’s markets in urban areas are grossing four-figure returns every weekend, if you can manage it, for those with worthy goods for sale. My wife and I are heading over the next energetic hump in our business model, gearing up our production capacity, moving from tens of units to hundreds of units, and hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars. ‘Bout time too. We’ve been financially stressed out, working on solutions befitting the energy descent pattern, for 4 years now.
    Aye, but here’s the rub. It’s no good to make and horde money. At this point only a fool would focus his “wealth” into any sort of tertiary vehicle, gold included. (Maybe not a bad idea to have a little; but if that’s your only strategy…) What money we have goes to paying off the last of our debt, buying land, trees, and livestock, and implementing low-tech food and herbal medicine production systems. Things people will always need. And there are so many other needs people will be willing to pay for, too, just not the ones we’ve gotten used to. Think at horse-pace. It’s working for us.
    Looking forward to meeting up with POC next week in northeast Georgia to talk business. See you cats soon as I can. Or at the state Georgia Organics conference the last weekend of February in Columbus. Sign up for my “Permaculture in the Deep South” lecture if you’re going. Peace, dear friends.

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  316. lbendet January 3, 2012 at 7:44 pm #

    Good to hear from you. Well, you’re learning what we NYC-ites have known for a long time: There’s a real passion in the city for local farm raised foods.
    If you ever travel up to NY, you should check out the Green Market. (several locations, several days a week.)
    I’ve been buying a good deal of my produce and some meats since the late ’70’s. It always added a lot of vitality and quality to my lifestyle here in NY.
    There are many restaurants that are locavore as well.

  317. IxNoMor January 3, 2012 at 8:00 pm #

    Re: BadIsntWisr – You are a fucking douche-bag troll, coming here week after week on Monday, only to insult JHK’s intellect/poast, and troll for replies. Well good luck with that (I won’t discuss your OWS tripe).
    And it’s good to see all the sock-puppets out in force the last 2 days (Alexandra’s back in her freedom-yacht [begone, pir8’s] – Welles is back eating a 100% meat diet [chattle/swine], raised on concretized, chemically leached South American clearcuts/slash-and-burns, with hammocks, *friends* and free fruit everywhere [I wonder how close Soker lives to him?]). And most all of these sock-puppets are seriously hollering their k00ky agenda for Ron Paul.
    I’ve seen lots of politicians promise things before the election, then deliver nothing. Obama did the same war promise horse-shit that Paul is doing (pull out of wars, shut down gitmo/torture, etc), only to ramp up the 2 wars, and enter 3 others in Yemen, Pakistan and Libya. I’m waiting for Soker to debunk the “Ron Paul is not corporate bought-and-owned.” The fact that these sock-puppets will believe Paul’s promises, rather than his *TRACK RECORD*, says scores.
    These sock-puppets are merely disinformants/skeptibunkers/plants/trolls, just as I said last week. Their agenda is simple – flood bandwidth with sock-puppet banter, in order to convince brain-donors out there to align…

  318. trippticket January 3, 2012 at 8:00 pm #

    This collapse is not going to let us off the hook so easily. There is so much padding in the industrial economy — especially in the U.S. — that it will most likely be a long, drawn-out, catabolic collapse, gradually siphoning off the fossil-fueled affluence we think of as normal.
    Fifty years from now the “wealthy” will be those who can still squeeze a piece of meat, or at least some fat, into their diet with some regularity; those who might have an electrical outlet remaining in service to that cause; those who live in a house that can maintain a temperature comfortable enough to really enjoy that piece of meat without getting up to stoke the fire; and those who can grab a hot shower afterwards before lying down in a soft bed.
    In the beginning, chop wood and carry water. In the end, chop wood and carry water. In the meantime, that thyme-stuffed rabbit sure smells delicious…

  319. trippticket January 3, 2012 at 8:07 pm #

    Contrary to popular belief in the South, there are some sharp cats in New York! ;o) That’s awesome that you have had that alternative for so long in the big city. Most of the rest of us are just discovering it.
    Happy New Year, mate.

  320. Buck Stud January 3, 2012 at 8:39 pm #

    Have you read Stoneleigh’s most recent piece over at The Automatic Earth:
    I wonder what your thoughts might be about centralization/regulation as it applies to locally grown organic food? Certainly, her concerns/assertion do not bode well for those in that particular biz.

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  321. fairguy January 3, 2012 at 8:40 pm #

    “Meanwhile, our politicians retail fantasies of endless domestic reserves, which is total horse shit.”
    See excellent detailed article on the myth of “100 years of natural gas” at Slate :

  322. IxNoMor January 3, 2012 at 8:46 pm #

    Wow, I really feel sorry for you, you bible-thumpin’ tea-bagging idiot. Wage made the exact same point I was going to make. Did you not go back and find/re-read Asoka’s poast/bible quote, that you replied to, but apparently didn’t read?
    Are you trying to claim Soker misquoted the bible? Or are you trying to claim the bible is wrong concerning prayer? Do you see how stupid you look now, and why I feel so sorry for you? You didn’t even *RECONCILE* the initial issue w/ Wage.
    Let me help:
    (Soker’s initial poast):
    “SOURCE: Matthew 6:5-6
    Jesus said: “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.””
    (Your illiterate/incomprehensible reply):
    “Your quote from the Bible on public praying is correct, but you fail to note that it takes real balls to pray publicly today.”
    THAT IS A BIBLE QUOTE – that is not Soker failing to “big-ball” your effrontery (C wut I did there?).
    Bwahaha! Even I know what the response will be (anyone in there?)…

  323. IxNoMor January 3, 2012 at 9:20 pm #

    I have to admit, I’ve been agreeing with most of what Soker has to say about Ron Paul, except I think he went a bit too far with the following quackery:
    “Ron Paul is so anti-Israel I wouldn’t be surprised that he would arm Iran with nuclear weapons if he thought Iran would use them to eliminate Israel.”
    I also agree with his vote for the Green Party. I hate agreeing with the master debater so much, when he seems to flipper-flop more than most politicians, or fish-out-of-water…
    I especially hate his sarcasm in every other poast, about the end of the world this Tuesday/Wednesday/etc…

  324. Eleuthero January 3, 2012 at 9:26 pm #

    LB … unfortunately, I think Goldman Sachs is showing us that “every dog has its day”. ECRI’s amazingly prescient indicators absolutely agree with the Chinese Finance Minister’s prediction for the global economy in 2012. The word he used was “grim”.
    Goldman might actually be telling the truth … I know it’s a stretch to believe that but … 🙂 🙂

  325. IxNoMor January 3, 2012 at 9:29 pm #

    Wow, back from the *dead*! Hehe. I hope that person on your blog, flaunting her BMW convertible and mcmansion with all the fixin’z, isn’t really an *ex* as she claimed (was that the same person who quit your blog, only to come back and spam blind materialism and self righteousness?)

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  326. Eleuthero January 3, 2012 at 9:30 pm #

    Iran … who has PROVEN that they are working on deliverable nukes? Answer: No one. No UN Inspector. No Russian Inspector (and Russia lives close to the action and do NOT want nukes lobbed just south of Mount Elbrus).
    We should not underestimate how CROOKED the United States is. After all, remember the false flag “bioweapon lab” that Colin Powell told the UN that Saddam had!!! NEVER FORGET!!!

  327. IxNoMor January 3, 2012 at 9:36 pm #

    Ahh – a sane voice, in a sea of sock-puppetry!

  328. Eleuthero January 3, 2012 at 9:36 pm #

    Happy New Year, Ozone. When I file taxes for 2011 I will have ZERO schedule D entries … in other words, no schedule D at all. The function of a secular bear market is to extract money from ALL participants … bulls and bears alike. Bears have gotten severely wounded since early 2010 and will give up at just the wrong time … meaning just about NOW. Bulls will get their head handed to them again just when everybody is exhorting you to buy every risk asset from here to Tipperary.
    The masses NEVER learn when to be happy WITH WHAT THEY HAVE. Everyone still has a Las Vegas mentality. If the pension funds weren’t run by dimwits, they’d be exiting US equity markets in the near future before ECRI’s recession call, once again, looks prescient. We ARE a nation of grifters.

  329. IxNoMor January 3, 2012 at 9:47 pm #

    LOL of the millenium:
    “I agree that Obama is floundering, but he is the only one around at present with an ounce of intelligence. He well may grow some cajones, fire his staff, and hire some new people with better ideas.”
    rIIIght – he’s gunna fire/re-appoint all his Goldman Sachs/JPMorgan/Citi/etc banksters/lobbyists on his staff!!! There’s a reason he kept a lot of these said-same crooks employed from the Bush neocon “occupation” (Bush wasn’t elected in either 2000 or 2004 [electronic voting fraud/SCOTUS party line vote])…

  330. IxNoMor January 3, 2012 at 10:01 pm #

    “When I file taxes for 2011 I will have ZERO schedule D entries”
    No short term/long term cap gains? Would have been a good year to get out, if you’re *in*. However, if you’ve been *in* since about ’98 or so, you haven’t made JACK, most likely (break even best bet – prolly no need to file schedule D, except for excessive carryover losses).
    Shoulda put it into dividend stocks – Cat, Micro$, etc. Bwahaha!!! Wonder how those iBonds will fare in the future (deflation book-cooking?)
    My ass will have 10% penalties for partial 401k (IRA) withdrawals. Best decision I ever made! 401k is a farce, and the CD/Bond offerings were absolutely *PATHETIC*. The “auto-withdrawal 401k 10% max paycheck” thingy is what keeps the market alive – morons putting excess salary into the casino. All the while, leveraged to the hilt on their mortgage, car loan payments, and visa/mc/discover/AmEx maxed credit lines!!! (Earning 0% to -5% on the market, and paying 5% to 20% on their debts)

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  331. jarrollin January 3, 2012 at 10:18 pm #

    James, thank you for taking the time to do all the serious leg work it would take to know the real situations out there. I don’t have the time, know-how or energy, not to mention language skill, to have such an amazing array of geo-political knowledge. Yet it all seems to fit in the palm of your hand so easily.

  332. trippticket January 3, 2012 at 10:42 pm #

    No, I haven’t read Nicole’s latest piece of brilliance, but, lucky for me (as I see it anyway), I lean more on patterns than I do on details. And the pattern I see emerging is an already-overstretched bureaucracy burdened with ever-increasing hyper-complexity, coupled with a vastly underfunded (and steadily shrinking) budget, arrayed against a groundswell of commoners dedicated to, well, not dying in order to comply with the law.
    These lackeys can’t hold the tide back (I used to be one of these lackeys, btw), I’m pretty sure, but, just in case, we are parking ourselves in the middle of a few different (and all pretty decent) markets, in separate counties (separate bioregions really), and, once we’re back at horse-pace, a big enough town in itself to make the entree work after the gravy’s gone. Between now and then, though, the “gravy” should just translate into more land and a greater variety of future food grown on-site, basically, for those preparing proactively. Retirement accounts that provide monthly “money” are gone. Check and mate. Oh, and we’re also trying to park ourselves next to one of the, ahem, five Amtrak passenger stations in Georgia.
    But, to be honest, we are intentionally steering away from tightly controlled facets of local production. We make soap and herbal creams, grow fruit and mushrooms, and are toying around with producing pastured meats. We’ll see, I guess. But our bread doesn’t need to be buttered on the side that requires USDA approval, and that’s probably a good thing. I highly recommend this situation to others. Won’t matter one lick in the not-too-distant future, but until then…

  333. trippticket January 3, 2012 at 10:54 pm #

    Hey, man. Unfortunately, that commenter was indeed my ex. I met her when I was 24, and finally got rid of her at about 27, just before I got married to my sweetie, who will be celebrating her 10th wedding anniversary with me on Thursday. I honestly find that hard to believe! I was NEVER going to get married. And those 2 little towheads asleep upstairs are an even bigger mind-screw. She and I PROMISED we would never have children.
    What a weird world.

  334. trippticket January 3, 2012 at 11:06 pm #

    “My ass will have 10% penalties for partial 401k (IRA) withdrawals. Best decision I ever made!”
    Too true. In my opinion, and according to my take on what energy descent actually means ecologically, it doesn’t matter how much “interest” you’re making on your money these days. Once peak energy has been reached, and contraction has begun in earnest, you’re losing money unless you’re investing in land, proper shelter, food, and plant medicine. The rest of it is mostly an apparition. Just a daydream, gone as quickly as it arrived.

  335. asoka. January 3, 2012 at 11:30 pm #

    I was NEVER going to get married. And those 2 little towheads asleep upstairs are an even bigger mind-screw. She and I PROMISED we would never have children.

    Do have free will or the illusion of free will? … Marriage is making a lifelong “choice” … We think it will last forever. Our divorce rate indicates otherwise. How much free will do we really have. As for having children: “The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry.”

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  336. Pucker January 3, 2012 at 11:38 pm #

    E wrote: “After all, remember the false flag “bioweapon lab” that Colin Powell told the UN that Saddam had!!! NEVER FORGET!!!”
    What that the same Iraqi mobile “bioweapon lab” that sold those really good barbeque lamb gyros?

  337. Pucker January 3, 2012 at 11:40 pm #

    Please excuse the typo.
    Correction: Was that the same Iraqi mobile “bioweapon lab” that sold those really good barbeque lamb gyros?

  338. Pucker January 3, 2012 at 11:44 pm #

    Speaking of “Bang and Whimper”, do you remember Bill Clinton’s sex toy Paula Jones?
    Here is Paula Jones’ resume from Wiki:
    Paula Jones
    Born Paula Rosalee Corbin
    September 17, 1966 (1966-09-17) (age 45)
    Lonoke, Arkansas, United States
    Occupation Civil servant, centerfold, reality television personality

  339. helen highwater January 3, 2012 at 11:45 pm #

    You say “I don’t think we have a definitive answer about the causes of the unstable weather that has been occurring” – oh, now I get it, it’s just “unstable weather”, not climate change at all. The conclusions of over 98% of the world’s climate scientists is definitive enough for me. But you have obviously decided to believe the less than 2% who disagree, so go ahead, keep your head stuck firmly in the sand.

  340. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 11:45 pm #

    Monitor different sites and channels and you will find that the Left has far more hatred than the Right. But they wont own it and in fact, project it onto the Right. Gabby Gifford had hardly hit the pavement before they were raving about her being shot by racists.
    And yet they never cease to prate about civil dialogue. They are Mad. They have ruined dialogue in this country and are well on the way to ruining the country. And they worry about a Right Wing Evangelical Takeover even as we are moving towards a Socialist/Fascist Tyranny (as opposed to Fascism per se. Pure Socialism wouldn’t have Corporations as per the classic theory. And pure Fascism would honor the Traditions of this country)
    America has always been very religious – it could have gone that way. But it didn’t and they refuse to admit it. More typical Leftist Behavior: they thrive best in Crisis. If none presents itslef, they make them up.

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  341. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 11:48 pm #

    Tell us more about Nicole. I love drama. And I love when a good man is able to escape from the Medusas, Gorgons, and Sphinxes.
    Don’t look at her face. Just look at her reflection in your shield – if you have to look at all.

  342. Vlad Krandz January 3, 2012 at 11:53 pm #

    Oh so now you’re a scholar of Christianity. Now see here Ix, the first rule of exegesis is that you can’t take one verse out of all context and ignore everything else – just so you can make a point. That’s called being a hack.
    Christ taught in Synagogues. And he lead small preaching/prayer services – like the last supper. And huge public ones with many thousands. Public prayer has always been part of Christianity as it was of Judaism. Ok there Mr Ignorance?

  343. helen highwater January 4, 2012 at 12:02 am #

    I never thought I’d see anything more disgusting than some of Vlad’s posts, but you have just posted one.

  344. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 12:06 am #

    Global Warming is caused by all the hot air coming from Feminists. You all are so cold that you have to push heat out into the atmosphere.

  345. helen highwater January 4, 2012 at 12:07 am #

    I have no problem at all with losing the “notion of the nuclear family”. Can’t really see that the nuclear family has all that much going for it anyway. In many countries it doesn’t even exist.

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  346. IxNoMor January 4, 2012 at 12:17 am #

    “Unfortunately, that commenter was indeed my ex.”
    That is too bad. She sounded very cold, and very rooted in self-absorption. Best you managed to break free from that. I was shocked when she started slamming you, stating that what you did was a, “great excuse to not get a real job”.
    Trust-you-me, I unfriended an old ex, who still wanted to try and control me/our discussion, after 21 years of being separated (I remained single – she married/popped out a rat/divorced). There’s something about certain women like that – it’s all about the $money$/stuff for them. Mom is the same way (70 years old), but I digress…
    Oh, and in the next few weeks, I will liquidate another 20% of my 401k (at the same 10% penalty). I’d liquidate it all, but I’m trying to minimize my tax debt. I need to look at investing in acreage around here – but I’d be lucky to get 1 acre of land within 30 miles, for $50k… My 1/5 acre lot, that I’ve owned for 21 years, is still appraised in the 6 figures (just the lot alone, not the structure[s] on it)…
    OK this is funny – Rick Perry just made a joke about graduating in the top 10, out of his class of *13* (lucky lucky!!!)… I graduated in the top 10 of my high school class of 142 (should have been #1/2, but there was this senile history teacher, and an asshat French teacher when I had mono for 3 months – ask if you want to hear those stories). LOL, I’ll stick with my honors BS degree in EE from U of Illinois (2nd in the nation for EE at that time, to MIT – LOL @ Stanford/Berkeley).
    I know, self stroking serves me *ILL*! Bwah! I got some serious compost piles going this year – some of which will get watered/mixed every month or so, until Spring. Thyme is da bomb – I’ll be doing hardcore lemon balm/spearmint/thyme/sage/rosemary teas next year. Maybe I’ll even hunt some of those neighborhood “tree rats” for protein (squirrels). The front yard is full of fruit trees that should be fruiting soon (1-3 years tops), along with grape vines, raspberry vines, and blueberry bushes that already fruit. And the side of the house is overgrown with thorny blackberry bushes that fruit bigtime every year. Barely enough to sustain me, but definitely enough to cut my food costs substantially…

  347. IxNoMor January 4, 2012 at 12:26 am #

    “Oh so now you’re a scholar of Christianity. Now see here Ix”
    Douche – Asoka quoted the bible, and Julette agreed but dissented, then offered no explanation *WHATSOEVER*. I said NOTHING about the k00kery of religion, which I believe is nothing but mysticism and complete nonsense…
    But hey, go for it, sock-puppet!!! Do you really think I’m going to *also* buy into the apocryphal texts written by *WOMEN* – Eee ***GHADS*** We all know who and why, circa 300-400AD. You can take your thumper of a bible, and cram all its contradictions?!?

  348. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 1:18 am #

    Helen, the nuclear family is the primary mode of disease transmission, responsible for creating a diseased society by transmitting racist values, homophobic values, patriotic “us/them” values (may actually end in child’s death on a battlefield), conspicuous consumption values, etc.
    Children are not born with violent and anti-social attitudes toward others. Children are not born with a religion or a belief in an invisible god. Children are not born thinking their family, their nation, their skin color, etc. is superior to others. They are taught those values in the nuclear family.
    Hateful values and ignorance are inculcated through the nuclear family, transmitted from parents to children and guarantee the continuance of vicious cycles of hatred.
    The sooner the nuclear family disappears the better.

  349. IxNoMor January 4, 2012 at 1:24 am #

    Someone poasted this last week, and it hit a nerve:
    I remember poasting here, and elsewhere, years ago, claiming I tried my “minimal impact” bit, but now I was going to become a spectator, and watch it all come crumbling down around us all.
    I sounds very simple in practice, and also according to Carlin (no emotional attachment). But it is impossible (detachment) – unless you’re one of those 2%/4% sociopaths. There is no separation between the individual *me* and the external *masses* that encompass/destroy this planet.
    Sooner or later, conscience catches up with you. Then, it digs into your soul, slapping you in the face, for your minimal actions, that become swamped by the majority overconsumptive, overpollutive monsters that breed exponentially. Yet, those monsters are your *brothers*, apparently…

  350. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 1:56 am #

    Vlad should listen to Carlin’s take on THE DECLINE OF THE WHITE RACE.
    It would be great if Vlad were capable of the detachment of which Carlin speaks. But I suspect Vlad’s reaction would just be to say that Carlin, too, is a traitor to the white race. Sigh.

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  351. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 1:57 am #

    Do you believe Obama will honor his declaration? I’d say it doesn’t matter since it will be misused sooner or later by him or by the next President now that it’s on the books.

  352. Liquid Lennny January 4, 2012 at 1:58 am #

    Hello CF’d Nation,
    I will restrain myself from speaking ’bout ex’s since; #1, space is limited and #2, I am committed to saving those comments for another commeseration blogsite.
    Like many of you, today was my first day back at at the sawmill. Ahh, nothing better than the smell of fresh cut wood unless it’s the aroma of newly printed USD’s. Speaking of “newly printed” here’s an article from the Seattle Times you may find of interest concerning a recent FBI bust related to counterfeit cigerettes, Chinese “supernotes” and oh maybe a few rocket launchers and around a 1,000 AK-47’s. Looks like Wal-Mart was going to have one heck of a “yearend” or is it “endyear” sale… Funny thing is the FBI still sold the cigaretts. Who says government doesn’t work. Check this out:
    You know it’s only January 3rd and the world has already gone insane, or is it, gone more insane? More to come I’m sure, this party is just getting started…
    For the past few days I’ve been wondering what would be the most appropriate musical selection to ring in the New Year. So after digging deep into my archives I think I found it. Excuse the dust, this piece is 27 years old but is as relevent as ever. After all, it is about “The Big Money” isn’t it. Enjoy!
    Jim, anything you can do to push up the publish date of your next book would be a good idea, I’m not sure we’re going to make till late summer.

  353. IxNoMor January 4, 2012 at 2:03 am #

    “Do you believe Obama will honor his declaration?”
    Which one(s)? Pulling out of the wars, or pulling out of gitmo/torture?
    I think 3 years track-record gives us both the answer *NO*. He promised – but once elected, neglected to deliver. In fact, he ramped up war *significantly*.
    Let’s go with Ron Paul’s promises now? *REALLY*?!? R U seriously that naive?

  354. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 2:05 am #

    Look, you were wrong and you made a fool out of yourself. You’re good at that at least.

  355. IxNoMor January 4, 2012 at 2:15 am #

    Funny funny! I saw some story about how there were “roll-yer-own” cigarette dispensaries opening all around NY, but they got shut down. Ayup – not enough salt peter, wood pulp, chemical infused *NARCOTIC*. The shit was pure tobacco – can’t have that! Phillip Morris competition got to *GO*!!!
    Haha, *ex* this, my man! You know you wanted to *ASK* – so *ASK*!!! Or *tell*!!! (Show me don’t tell me?)
    I knew that youtube was Rush – the kings of rock – ever heard them in concert? They are one of the best – their concerts are very “milli vanilli” (exact copies of originals). I loved them in the old rose garden arena (shaped like a round speaker) – I hate them in the Washington State fairground boonies (poor sound, terrible traffic)…

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  356. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 2:16 am #

    He says the White Race is on the Decline. Well, it is. People who say otherwise are fools. So what then? He doesn’t say if it’s good or bad. You say it’s great and I say it’s terrible. I merely would point out that you would not say the same about your own Race. And any White who exalts at the end of his own Race is sick.
    Some men have a special talent, destiny, and/or vocation to be spectators or to be above it all. Monks and Nuns certainly. So perhaps Carlin was a “secular monk”. I know he said other things too – had a good bit of wisdom about this world. Of course I must ask was he Jewish or Gentile? Jews don’t identify as White so if he was it was no stretch at all. This isn’t rheotorical – I really have no idea.

  357. IxNoMor January 4, 2012 at 2:16 am #

    “Look, you were wrong and you made a fool out of yourself. You’re good at that at least.”
    Say a prayer for me now??? Or save it till the *MORNING AFTER*…

  358. k-dog January 4, 2012 at 3:37 am #

    Thanks for the support. Candidate k-dog is alive and well but too busy to keep up with this weeks blog or to comment on JHK’s excellent article this week.
    But fret not for I have not been barking up the wrong tree.
    Far from it. A k-dog website for president is coming together but I am having to learn how to do it as I go along. Fortunately this dog is still learns new tricks just fine. However getting the nuts and bolts of a website working is more than a nights work as I have not done it before and I want it to look good.
    I’ll still need a bit time to get some content on it before I launch it once it’s working but it’s going to happen.
    So keep up the good work on the campaign. My silence this week is only a result of limited resources, that’s all. This will change as things progress and my resource base increases.
    k-dog for president.

    The way to provide the best outcome for the current generation is to ensure the health and viability of future generations.
    SUSTAINABILITY is the key.

  359. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 3:44 am #

    Adopted by the Green Party (June 2000)
    Our actions and policies should be motivated by long-term goals. We seek to protect valuable natural resources, safely disposing of or “unmaking” all waste we create, while developing a sustainable economics that does not depend on continual expansion for survival. We must counterbalance the drive for short-term profits by assuring that economic development, new technologies, and fiscal policies are responsible to future generations who will inherit the results of our actions.
    Welcome to the party k-dog.
    Why don’t you just support the Green Party and vote for Jill Stein?

  360. old69 January 4, 2012 at 5:36 am #

    Idealism ?
    Money is simply FIGHT: Money is equivalent to fight, to struggle, to A against B, nothing more. Money is just the distribution of pain because man is conflictual, has to fight to define itself, needs to fight to exist and win, needs the conflict, the win or lose game. Hence there is no possible “common good” only pseudo-justifications (theories, ideology, morality, politics) for the winner to crush the loser. All men are equally trash, no one is better or deserves more no matter what, it is all just a game of changing the rules and making some win and some lose according to who is more capable to abide to the new rules, etc.
    Since money is simply a proxy for fight, for distribution of pain (mostly pain, also pleasure, but pleasure is not nearly as distributed as pain since inflicting pain is more fun and satisfying, gives the “winners” a bigger “high”, etc.) then all the talk, debates, theories are totally in vain: no matter what, man will always be back at square one, fighting each other over all kinds of crap, organizing the “economy” according to ever changing rules and making some win and some lose, etc.
    But this flies right in the face of the Technological Economy that distributes pleasure, free wealth automatically, structurally, contradicting all of our old ideologies and philosophies based on “You Have to Deserve It”, “Hard Work”, “Resources are Scarce” , etc. Since people just can’t accept the possibility to organize society distributing as much pleasure as possible through the Technological Economy and love to inflict pain, see pain inflicted, they justify other people’s pain through the tool of Money, Fake Hard Work (imposed only ideologically, not for necessity), chanting how everything is running out, everything is finishing like food and energy, “There is Not Enough, but especially There is Not Enough For Everybody (niggers and mexicans, etc.) etc. there are “too many people”, etc (of coure there are especially when everyone must fight everyone else through the proxy tool of money, through that so beloved inequality between people that everyone says to deny but deep inside everyone loves, loves to think that they are better and deserve more, just because, because man is a simple action – reaction, pure subjectivity, nothing else).
    The Observer is Pure Subjectivity, nothing more, so stick engines in Man Brains and change its design, build thousands of trillions upon thousands of trillions of skyscrapers and rockets to mars and brand new Lincoln Continentals, and 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights, etc.
    Huge Public Private projects for the common good, to distribute wealth, not use money as a proxy and tool for fighting. And then where is all the “Prodcutivie Investment” going anyways ? Where are all the “investments” going ? Shouldn’t they be building High Speed Trains, Rockets to Mars, Skyscrapers, Infrastructure, Automatic Factories etc. ? Oh no, it is just numbers scribbled on paper making believe that it is real money and investment…(but the paper is just a proxy for power status, inequality, money used as a weapon, as a tool, a proxy for FIGHT).

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  361. old69 January 4, 2012 at 5:47 am #

    Some corrections for your thesis:
    Idealism ?
    Money is simply FIGHT: Money is equivalent to fight, to struggle, to A against B, nothing more. Money is just the distribution of pain because man is conflictual, has to fight to define itself, needs to fight to exist and win, needs the conflict, the win or lose game. Hence there is no possible “common good” only pseudo-justifications (theories, ideology, morality, politics) for the winner to crush the loser. All men are equally trash, no one is better or deserves more no matter what, it is all just a game of changing the rules and making some win and some lose according to who is more capable to abide to the new rules, etc.
    Since money is simply a proxy for fight, for distribution of pain (mostly pain, also pleasure, but pleasure is not nearly as distributed as pain since inflicting pain is more fun and satisfying, gives the “winners” a bigger “high”, etc.) then all the talk, debates, theories are totally in vain: no matter what, man will always be back at square one, fighting each other over all kinds of crap, organizing the “economy” according to ever changing rules and making some win and some lose, etc.
    But this flies right in the face of the Technological Economy that distributes pleasure, free wealth automatically, structurally, contradicting all of our old ideologies and philosophies based on “You Have to Deserve It”, “Hard Work”, “Resources are Scarce” , etc. Since people just can’t accept the possibility to organize society distributing as much pleasure as possible through the Technological Economy and love to inflict pain, see pain inflicted, they justify other people’s pain through the tool of Money, Fake Hard Work (imposed only ideologically, not for necessity), chanting how everything is running out, everything is finishing like food and energy, “There is Not Enough, but especially There is Not Enough For Everybody (niggers and mexicans, etc.)” etc. there are “too many people”, etc (of course there are especially when everyone must fight everyone else through the proxy tool of money, through that so beloved inequality between people that everyone says to deny but deep inside everyone loves, loves to think that they are better and deserve more, just because, because man is a simple action – reaction, pure subjectivity, nothing else).
    The Observer is Pure Subjectivity, nothing more, so stick engines in Man Brains and change its design, build thousands of trillions upon thousands of trillions of skyscrapers and rockets to mars and brand new Lincoln Continentals, and 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights, etc.
    Huge Public Private projects for the common good, to distribute wealth, not use money as a proxy and tool for fighting. And then where is all the “Prodcutivie Investment” going anyways ? Where are all the “investments” going ? Shouldn’t they be building High Speed Trains, Rockets to Mars, Skyscrapers, Infrastructure, Automatic Factories etc. ? Oh no, it is just numbers scribbled on paper making believe that it is real money and investment…(but the paper is just a proxy for power status, inequality, money used as a weapon, as a tool, a proxy for FIGHT).

  362. old69 January 4, 2012 at 5:49 am #

    Huge Public Private projects for the common good, to distribute wealth, not use money as a proxy and tool for fighting. And then where is all the “Prodcutive Investment” going anyways ? Where are all the “investments” going ? Shouldn’t they be building High Speed Trains, Rockets to Mars, Skyscrapers, Infrastructure, Automatic Factories etc. ? Oh no, it is just numbers scribbled on paper making believe that it is real money and investment…(but the paper is just a proxy for power status, inequality, money used as a weapon, as a tool, a proxy for FIGHT)

  363. tegmark January 4, 2012 at 5:54 am #

    Huge Public Private projects for the common good, to distribute wealth, not use money as a proxy and tool for fighting. And then where is all the “Productive Investment” going anyways ? Where are all the “investments” going ? Shouldn’t they be building High Speed Trains, Rockets to Mars, Skyscrapers, Infrastructure, Automatic Factories etc. ? Oh no, it is just numbers scribbled on paper making believe that it is real money and investment…(but the paper is just a proxy for power status, inequality, money used as a weapon, as a tool, a proxy for FIGHT)

  364. h7m1s7g1 January 4, 2012 at 6:18 am #








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  365. Pucker January 4, 2012 at 7:24 am #

    I believe that the practice of the signing statement was adopted by George Bush, Jr. The signing statement is meaningless as it is not part of the law. The Executive Branch enforces the law. The Executive Branch does not have power to make law.

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  366. messianicdruid January 4, 2012 at 7:31 am #

    “Let’s go with Ron Paul’s promises now?”
    I think 35 years track-record gives us both the answer *YES*.

  367. charliefoxtrot January 4, 2012 at 8:05 am #

    we ll be happy to welcome the bitch (NOT an insult; just couldn t resist) to the pack- she seems to have some compatible views…i personally have been aware of and living as much as possible in the larger framework the sustainable lifestyle since the mid-seventies- predating 2000 by well, my whole life…k-dog, keep at it; you are after all our only real hope for a paradigm shift to the good

  368. 8man January 4, 2012 at 9:02 am #

    And bear in mind, most of the fights and who and how you win and lose, most of the wins and loses, most of the battles, most of the money as a fight is purely mental, psychological, abstract, social based, status based, very rarely does it hit on to real physical pain/pleasure, it is mostly spiritual, theoretical, therefore NOT REAL; FAKE; A MAKE BELIEVE. But since Man is the infinitely progammable machine, he “believes in it”, he buys it and suffers if the social environment doesn’t assign him as a “winner” through abstract “medals” (as in more cash, a bigger house, a Lincoln Continental, a BOSS title, a Commander, many Hot Young Chicks Available, you name it).
    Hence, break away from this past, this stone age Ape Man Brain, design new circuits, mix new machines in Brains, make it wild and crazy, make Brains as large as Skyscrapers, combine Matter and Mass Energy to produce new Man Brains, Hence new Observers, Hence totally New Universes with totally new Laws of Physics, Hence totally new forms of Pure Extreme Subjectivity expressed.
    Busty, build those thousands of trillions of brand new Lincoln Continentals and 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights, We need thousands of trillions of new people to build all this stuff we need, kill nature, beat the living daylights out of that new religion called Nature, and give me my Scott Free Handouts, 800 dollars a month Free salary and Cheapo rent of 200 dollars a month for 3 bedroom house, you can do it, just do it Man.
    First Gear, it’s all right, Second gear Hold on tight, third gear you’re out of sight…

  369. DeeJones January 4, 2012 at 9:31 am #

    “Not very interesting predictions this year, perhaps Mr. K is losing faith in his oracular powers.
    I’ve a few predictions for 2012 of my own…
    The star Betelgeuse will go supernova, temporarily relieving the earths energy shortage as solar energy output surges and people need less electric light. Everyone is happy for a while.
    South Korea inexplicably goes back to the 13th century. North Korea takes advantage of the situation and invades it’s Southern neighbor and forces it into the mid-twentieth century.
    The Republican Party fails to agree a candidate for the presidential election and opts to support Barak Obama as a “National Unity Candidate”.
    In order to keep up a facade of democracy of course a scapegoat, loony, “third party” candidate is needed. Charlie Sheen is tricked into running.
    The plan almost backfire as many americans, confusing fact with fiction believe that Charlie’s father Martin Sheen was actually quite a successful president in the past.
    Obama salvages the election running on the slogan “Charlie’s not like Marty, who was never really president anyway.”
    Sheen still manages to win Alaska, Iowa and North Dakota.”
    HA-HA-HA!!! That has got to be the funniest thing posted here in a while. Deserved a second posting.

  370. DeeJones January 4, 2012 at 9:53 am #

    “I believe that the practice of the signing statement was adopted by George Bush, Jr. The signing statement is meaningless as it is not part of the law. The Executive Branch enforces the law. The Executive Branch does not have power to make law.”
    Actually, they have been around for decades, but it took the Bush admin to really abuse them.
    And they are NOT meaningless, or why do them in the first place, eh?
    The whole point of the SS is on how the Exec interprets the ‘enforcement’ of the law.
    For instance, the Bush admin added a SS that basically said that they were NOT going to enforce a law that they didn’t agree with.
    With no enforcement, the law is pretty much meaningless. Eh?
    And a Great Big Happy New Year to you Tripp!!!

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  371. wagelaborer January 4, 2012 at 10:06 am #

    Self-pitying Christians must ignore the ubiquitous evangelicals saturating the airwaves, the big box churches, the takeover of the military,and the prayers starting political and sports events, just to name a few, to claim that they are persecuted in their beliefs and behavior.
    Is it idiocy or delusional thinking, (or more likely, both) that allows you to claim, against all evidence, that you cannot practice your religion?
    No. You cry persecution because you cannot FORCE children in public schools to chant your ritual phrases, although nothing stops them from private prayer, or even voluntary religious groupings on school property.
    While you wallow in your self-righteous blubbering self pity, let me tell you that it only inspires incredulity and ridicule among those with a functioning brain and an ability to observe US society without the mindless hatred that right wing Christianity fosters among its acolytes.

  372. charliefoxtrot January 4, 2012 at 10:17 am #

    yeah, what she said…!

  373. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 10:18 am #

    “I unfriended an old ex, who still wanted to try and control me/our discussion, after 21 years of being separated (I remained single – she married/popped out a rat/divorced).”
    I think the term you’re looking for is “fuck trophy.” Hehehe, always liked that one.
    In the fertility-building department I discovered some new resources this past year that were heretofore unknown to me. Now I’m bringing home 1000 lbs of BLACK composted cotton gin trash at least once a week, and a load or two a week of crushed pecan shells, too. Great carbon source, and my chickens sure do enjoy picking the bits of nut meat out of it when I dump some in their pen. The rust-colored mulch that remains makes their run look tidier too. Been getting some wonderful orange-yolked eggs out of them lately, between the nuts and the winter forage in the garden.
    Sounds to me like you’ve already got it going on in your smaller yard. Hard to pick up and leave that kind of established fruit behind, although I certainly understand the desire to have more opportunities for self-reliance! And you can always take cuttings with you.

  374. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 10:27 am #

    “And a Great Big Happy New Year to you Tripp!!!
    Thanks, Dee. Back at you! I trust things are good down in Central America? Big year ahead of us here I think.

  375. Alexandra January 4, 2012 at 10:38 am #

    @ helen highwater
    The insurance industry sure knows that climate change is for real…
    And where it will hurt most is with failed crops, so reliable large quantity food production gets ever wobblier. Much like with energy, eating will get more and more expensive, those that can’t keep up get wither, get sick and fail.
    @ the CFN’kollectiv
    This is a useful take on why Iran might not go all out ‘gung-ho’ over there in the SOH…. see the part headed ‘Iran’s dilemma’
    But if it does so in retaliation…. you can bet the price of gas for your SUVs will be heading toward $5 per gallon. Fret not folks, we pay the equivalent of $9 bucks a gallon over here in the UK and no one gets shot/lynched for that… the cost is mainly tax – UK govt raises around £73bn from car drivers alone annually, cash-cow-cars is what it be’s! However those more marginalised Brits steal number plates and do gas station drive-aways without paying for fuel.
    In Arizona tis not possible as you pay for gas pre filling…. and the pump stops at the exact paid amount, that retrofit here in Blighty will come me thinks…Western europeans have operated on the system of trust to date, (take pay after).
    @ Vlad… oh dear… seems Romney whipped ol Ron’s arse down there in Iowa? Mr. Paul will have to do way better than that if he’s to take on the Corp/Wall St/Elite favourite mix-raced american man of the people… Barack O’Change toward status-quo bankster occupation as usual.
    Cheerio y’all…

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  376. ront January 4, 2012 at 10:49 am #

    I can not recall who posted the link to the Sam Harris — Chris Hedges Truthdig debate. I appreciated it very much. Personally, I have read and listened to Hedges and relate to his perspective far more than Harris’. The following on the same theme was in my email this morning.
    Dr. C. D. Deshmukh
    The intelligent handling of our individual and social
    problems is hindered by the _materialism_ of our age.
    Material progress is indeed a great asset to our
    civilization; but it should not be allowed to make our
    vision narrow. We need a drastic _revaluation of values_
    and a complete _reorientation_ based upon the perception
    of the eternal values.
    The Great Ones have appeared in our midst to establish
    human brotherhood and to reveal the Truth. Thus
    Zoroaster and Krishna, Buddha, Christ and Mohammed did
    all descend to give us their Teachings. Those, who were
    ready, understood them. But most followers only built up
    vast superstructures of religious organisations, which
    emphasised dogmas, creeds and cults and a number of
    ceremonies and miracles. In the midst of these
    inessentials, the Truth, which the Founders brought,
    came to be utterly neglected or monstrously perverted.
    According to Meher Baba all this paraphernalia of the
    “priest-ridden churches” is not only superficial but
    positively misleading.
    Ceremonies and rituals are non-essentials, because they
    tend to become merely formal and are usually inspired by
    the desire for Heaven or the fear of Hell. But Heaven
    and Hell are really “states of mental peace and
    torture;” and these states are dependent upon whether
    our action is in accordance with or in defiance of the
    Law of Karma. We do not want a religion of the other
    world but a _Religion of Life_. What, therefore, really
    matters in not a set of ceremonies or rituals, but the
    _spirit of love and worship_.
    In the same way, miracles are far less important than
    the life of the spirit. Meher Baba does not attach any
    importance to miracles. His real work is in “Spiritual
    Healing”. Meher Baba regards all beliefs, dogmas and
    cults as unnecessary. He has not come “to establish any
    _cult, society or organization_, nor even to establish a
    new religion.” He, however, _does not oppose_ any of the
    existing historical religions, but wants to “revitalise”
    them by bringing out the essence of true religion, which
    is “to realise God within ourselves and in everything we
    see and meet.” And the God which we must thus realise is
    not to be sought _away from life_ but _in life itself_.
    We must realise Him in the creative activities of Art
    and Science, in Love and Beauty and in our attitude to
    our fellowmen and to Nature. True spirituality is not
    concerned with any part of life but with life in its
    totality, in all its aspects.
    notes distributed in limited edition in 1936

  377. mkurkyrany January 4, 2012 at 10:56 am #

    Failed to read the article, the article may have been deleted out. File Path: E: \ Bugs Software \ Bugs blog 2009 translation \ articles \ 2233qqww \ 971304838 \ Trio D bored you know how many IQ question. Html

  378. dale January 4, 2012 at 10:59 am #

    In the “for what it’s worth” department:
    Last night I attended the Cirque Du Soleil, Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour. This was my fourth CDC show and I expected to witness the same high quality circus performances, combined with Cirque’s usual tasteful and captivating thematic artistry, as I had in past performances. What I was exposed to instead was a non-stop, cranium splitting, hyper-decibel multimedia assault, apparently geared to desensitizing the attendee from similar experiences, such as being in the center of an exploding artillery shell, or at ground zero during a terrorist attack.
    I wish I could say their was some compensation for tolerating this deranged noise and light tsunami, but with the exception of a one legged dancer on crutches, it was strangely devoid of any real talent or interest. Choreography could best be described as chaotic, with so many dancers on stage at once, you felt like you were in the middle of a gigantic food processor of flying, gyrating human bodies. Oddly, a mime was chosen as the master of ceremonies for this bazaar fantastical brew. Costuming was occasionally interesting, but too often ghoulishly reminiscent of Halloween, or perhaps a KISS concert. Musical arrangements were often so poor, at times I had trouble recognizing the MJ songs from which they were derived.
    Of course, all of my experience was from the first thirty minutes of the show, after which my wife and I left. I would have been grateful to have left earlier, but didn’t want to deprive my wife of the “experience”. However, when I saw her holding her ears, I figured it was time to go and she agreed. The highlight of the night for me was the blissful state I attained when exiting the venue.
    This show is a sad tarnishing of the CDC brand, which I’m not sure I will ever trust again to provide quality entertainment.

  379. ozone January 4, 2012 at 11:00 am #

    For the future [coming ‘very shortly’ to a theater near you] it would be well to remember that there are those who will refuse to be regulated out of existence.
    “…the wealth conveyors of the past are breaking down, meaning that the periphery that can be drawn upon is shrinking. As the periphery shrinks, the remaining region within the grip of power can expect to be squeezed harder and harder. ‘Twas ever thus. Rome did the same thing, squeezing the peasants for tithes until they abandoned their land and threw in their lot with the surrounding barbarians.” -Stoneleigh
    Uh, why do you suppose that ATF agents hunting down illegal [untaxed] distilleries were/are called, “Revenue-ers”? (Accompanied by spitting on the ground.)
    Monopolies on food and water (and enforcement to maintain same) will not stand. It’s pretty easy to figure out why.
    The occupation of bully-boy, brownshirt enforcer is attractive to even some of the “participantz” here, and may well be supported by perc’s from a crumbling and corrupted central state, but survival does not bend a knee to regulation/skimming (only a reasonable surplus can do that), and sometimes folks “never come back from Copperhead Road”. No amount of hubris can change that bottom-line equation.

  380. ozone January 4, 2012 at 11:07 am #

    (Copperhead Road- Steve Earle)

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  381. Rhino January 4, 2012 at 11:12 am #

    Hey O
    Talking about percolating ideas about revenge…
    I read in the Economist mag (a December issue) that 1 in 3 homeless men in America is a military vet.
    Hmmm… a large number of impoverished young men. Where have we seen this before? 1920s Germany?
    Not saying that you’ll get a replay but who better to exact revenge than groups of young men with military training, fighting skills.
    All they need is a capable, articulate, pissed off leader, preferably one within their own ranks of the impoverished/destitute.

  382. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 11:15 am #

    From an earlier comment to Buck Stud: “And the pattern I see emerging is an already-overstretched bureaucracy burdened with ever-increasing hyper-complexity, coupled with a vastly underfunded (and steadily shrinking) budget, arrayed against a groundswell of commoners dedicated to, well, not dying in order to comply with the law.”
    I have sort of an inside view of this particular pattern, and I will share it now to back up my previous statement.
    My aunt is Assistant Dean of Agriculture at the University of Georgia, in charge of what’s known as the “B budget.” This is the public funding source for the state-wide cooperative extension service, and various other related projects. I attended a conference where she was a main speaker last spring, the Georgia Ag Forecast, and she admitted openly to having had to cut 24% of the B budget in the previous 18 months, since she took the job. She was proud that she hadn’t had to lay anyone off yet, only had to close the positions that were being retired from, (never to be refilled, of course), but now, less than 12 months later, they are beginning to close down entire county offices, consolidating their services with larger offices in larger communities. For example, closing down the Turner County extension office and combining their service load with the office here in Tift County, just to the south. These two counties make up one state congressional district, and will now function as one political unit in the extension arena as well. This activity is all under the umbrella of the USDA, which would be the policing authority for the food relocalization movement.
    So the idea that these collapsing government structures would have the physical capability to police a rapidly growing number of small producers/farmers-marketeers, seems unlikely to me. Remember, when the asteroid hit 65 million years ago, it was the giants that perished, not the small and nimble.
    Otherwise, I generally enjoy what Nicole Foss, aka Stoneleigh, has to say over at the Automatic Earth. Though I sure as heck wouldn’t want to live where she’s chosen to ride out TLE.

  383. mkurkyrany January 4, 2012 at 11:19 am #

    Failed to read the article, the article may have been deleted out. File Path: E: \ Bugs Software \ Bugs blog 2009 translation \ articles \ 2233qqww \ 971304482 \ Qixian boy. Html

  384. dale January 4, 2012 at 11:20 am #

    In order to keep up a facade of democracy of course a scapegoat, loony, “third party” candidate is needed. Charlie Sheen is tricked into running.
    I agree, very funny. It’s getting hard to tell when JHK is serious, he’s gone so far off the rails. Nice bit of satire.

  385. Rhino January 4, 2012 at 11:31 am #

    …the nuclear family is the primary mode of disease transmission, responsible for creating a diseased society by transmitting racist values…Asoka
    So that’s where your diseased racist values come from.
    …Children are not born thinking their family, their nation, their skin color, etc. is superior to others. They are taught those values in the nuclear family…Asoka
    There are other social organizations besides the family. For example, you’re forgetting the influence of schools. But no matter. You’ve given us some insight as to your own upbringing.
    So why don’t you tell us about your own mommy and daddy and what bad things they taught you Asoka. Get it off your chest.
    I don’t know what kind of nasty, vicious craphole of a family/community/school you grew up in Asoka. But mine was as far from the stuff you describe as can be. My relatives and friends also grew up in decent families, communities and schools run by decent adults. None of the shit you describe.
    The sooner the nuclear family disappears the better….Asoka
    You get to speak for yourn own. Maybe the sooner your own nuclear family disappears the better. Don’t presume to think that they’re all alike or that everyone else’s was like yours.

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  386. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 11:33 am #

    What ho, Alexandra!
    Have you ever seen the prediction, from insurance giant Munich Re I think, that at the present rate of annual increase, by 2060 the cost of recovery from natural disasters will exceed the gross domestic product of the entire world?
    I would say that that predicted date marks a pretty solid endpoint for the industrial experiment. But then, anyone with a brain can extrapolate that the situation couldn’t possibly continue to that point without some radical changes unfolding en route. The breaking point will of course arrive much sooner.
    Nice to hear from you.
    Pip pip!

  387. progress2conserve January 4, 2012 at 11:39 am #

    “The highlight of the night for me was the blissful state I attained when exiting the venue.”
    I wonder what The Buddha would think about this above statement, dale?
    Seriously that’s some funny stuff! Write more of them. I generally carry ear plugs on overnight camping or motel trips with people unknown to me. Such ear plugs are to be distributed freely to those around me in the event of unplanned SNORING, chainsawing, or outbreaks of gunfire.
    But you have put me on very good notice, dale. And now I shall carry earplugs 24/7 – in case I’m ever faced with mandatory reeducation at a CDC event, or some other such strange loudness.

  388. Widespreadpanic7 January 4, 2012 at 11:41 am #

    Ya Oz, lately I’ve been wondering why moonshine opens you up to Federal law enforcent. ‘Revenuers’ were amongst the first federal police, way back in 1790. Ever hear of the Whiskey Rebellion? My neighbor, who is a mechanical genius, and I talked about brewing up some ethanol for fuel until we found out we needed a license from ATF.
    Been reading a book about Aaron Burr. While Vice President he shot the Treasurey Secretary Alexander Hamilton(to death). After he left office he went out west and raised a private army to 1) take over Washington, kicking out Congress and depose President Jefferson, 2)Invade Mexico, Florida and New Orleans 3)Install himself as Emporer of a new Republic west of the Alleghenie mountains. His partner was the chief of staff of the USArmy, Wilkinson, who was also a paid spy for the Spanish King. Needless to say the plan failed. I mention this merely to point out it hasn’t always been smooth sailing here and we have a f—-g interesting history.
    This morning when I got home from work turned on the TV and Daniel Yurgin was being interviewed on Book TV. He dismisses peak oil out of hand, saying Marion King Hubbert didn’t know about modern technology and fracking. He and the interviwer agreed on almost everything, mostly that there is plenty of oil available but a switch to renewables must be made for environmental reasons. He has great faith that natural gas, windmills and solar can replace petroleum and coal but it will take awhile.This is just the opposite of what Jim says in TLE, that oil is irreplaceable. Yergin seems to think that Oil and coal can be legislated and taxed out of use; made so expensive by the Govt. that we would be forced to use something else. Politically I don’t know if that is possible.

  389. progress2conserve January 4, 2012 at 11:45 am #

    “people unknown to me.”
    I should edit this to be, “people of unknown sleeping and snoring habits.”
    Once men make it into their 30’s, snoring becomes loud and rampant, among a percentage large enough for trouble.
    Women seem to come into snoring a decade later, but then women make up in volume what they lost in time.
    I’m sure there is some important evolutionary component to all of this nocturnal noise.
    You wouldn’t want a group of young raiders out in the wilds snoring and attracting attention. But a settled community filled with snoring males and females – what saber toothed tiger would attack a thing like that?

  390. progress2conserve January 4, 2012 at 11:51 am #

    Ozone –
    Thanks for the “Copperhead Road” youtube. I can’t ever listen to that thing without feeling the hair on the back of my neck rise a little bit.
    That’s my peep’s he’s talking about in that song.
    It doesn’t pay to rile us up without cause.
    And you are absolutely correct, that that’s the direction we are heading, at least out in the countryside, where law enforcement will expire with a whimper. In the cities, I’d look for incrementally tighter surveillance and controls – until the whole thing collapses with a bang.

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  391. Widespreadpanic7 January 4, 2012 at 11:57 am #

    Meanwhile, oil is back up over $100 per barrel, which precludes any ‘recovery’ or real economic growth beyond a paltry 1-2%, which ain’t enough to keep the show going.

  392. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 12:06 pm #

    “He has great faith that natural gas, windmills and solar can replace petroleum and coal but it will take awhile.”
    Hard to say about nat gas – it would require a monumental overhaul of our energy infrastructure (particularly our vehicles) at a time when the money required to cover the normal expenses of daily life is increasingly stretched. People are pretty unlikely to give up big chunks affluence in order to fund a transition like that. Not that it couldn’t happen somewhere outside of the United States. In a much smaller economy.
    But in respect to the ability of wind and solar to replace fossil fuels, I think it’s safe to forget about that idea completely. I found John Michael Greer’s book “The Wealth of Nature” particularly instructive in this regard. The biggest problem lies in the industrial world’s fundamental misunderstanding of economic realities. Western economics doesn’t even recognize the primary economy of Nature as a factor in its calculations. When you consider that an estimated 75 cents of every dollar in the global economy is directly provided by nature, this is a pretty gross misunderstanding.
    What modern economics DOES recognize is the secondary economy of manmade goods and services, and the tertiary economy of money for money’s sake. Both stock markets and precious metals belong in the tertiary economy. Western economics is primarily concerned with balancing the tertiary economy of money with the secondary economy of manmade goods and services so that inflation and deflation are kept to a minimum.
    Oil is a primary good from Nature’s economy, and not just A primary good, but THE primary good, the keyhole resource by which all others are exploited. Solar panels and wind turbines are secondary goods, manmade and reliant not only on primary energy and primary goods for their manufacture, but on other secondary goods and services as well, like PV circuit boards, and a robust expanding economy.
    The decline of primary energy curtails the production of secondary goods so completely that the idea of the latter replacing the former is nothing short of fantastical. Understanding that oil is the embodiment of half a billion years of ancient solar power, and that a PV panel, in full glory, is capable of harnessing only an instantaneous and fractional handful of photons hitting it at that moment, is key to understanding the importance of peak oil. The pundits really don’t seem to understand the physics of the situation.

  393. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 12:48 pm #

    In the book I mentioned, Greer also points out the problem of the Second Law of Thermodynamics in relation to energy exploitation. I’ll try to do his argument justice.
    Since entropy always guides energy from higher concentration to lower, what matters most about energy exploitation, in any living system, is the gradient of that energy source in comparison to the ambient environment.
    Greer gave as his example a cup of coffee, at about 140 degrees F, being consumed in a room at about 70 degrees. Because of the temperature difference, an energy gradient exists in the cup of coffee that clever engineering could harness to do a bit of work as that energy moves from higher concentration to lower, i.e. as it gives off its heat to the room and cools to some equilibrium temperature a fraction of a degree higher than that at which the room began before the hot cup of coffee entered the system. Let’s say that both room and coffee now rest at 70.02 degrees F. Obviously a larger volume of hot coffee would raise the temperature of the room more than 0.02 degrees, which is why we don’t pressure can tomato sauce in the kitchen in the heat of summer.
    Now, at equilibrium the coffee has no further capacity to do work, as is evidenced by the way we tend to dump it down the drain when it reaches this point. Piping hot it warms and energizes our waking body and mind, but at room temp coffee is pretty useless. BUT, the coffee at 70.02 degrees F is still about 343 degrees hotter than absolute zero, -273 degrees F, the baseline of the Kelvin scale. If we could drop the temperature of the room to zero kelvin, that cup of coffee, now 343 degrees hotter than the room around it, would gain a pretty impressive capacity to do further work. The energy gradient would now be quite steep, in fact much, much steeper than it was in the original situation, and would contain a large capacity to do work.
    The energy gradient represented in a gallon of oil is incredibly steep compared to the energy permeating the ambient environment around us. That is, in practical terms, the solar energy falling on Earth, and the wind, rain, and tide created by that solar energy, is actually nothing more than the ambient energy level that powers normal life on the planet – a normal life that doesn’t consider industrial machines in its calculus. In other words an energy gradient doesn’t really exist at all. All the incalculable photons of solar energy hitting the roofs of our houses every day, all that promising solar power, can pretty much be considered “room temperature.” And the entirety of our technostructure was designed to operate on an energy source of a much steeper gradient (coal and oil) than that of room temperature solar energy. To make solar energy run the machines built for coal and oil, it has to be collected and concentrated substantially. Achieving this is only feasible up to a very constrained point, much lower than the energy level at which our fossil fuel-based economy runs today.
    The skinny according to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics? Solar power can effectively be used in the form in which it arrives: to heat houses passively through glass windows, to cook a pork roast in a solar oven, or to heat water for a relaxing shower. Converting solar heat to mechanical energy, or electricity, has a metabolic loss associated with it, as does any energy conversion, that renders that application pretty much useless. At least at any sort of scale.
    Hope that makes sense, because it’s awfully important to understand the physics behind the situation.

  394. wagelaborer January 4, 2012 at 12:57 pm #

    Well, bless my soul.
    I never really listened to the words of that song.
    The only times I’ve heard it, I’ve been trying to learn the linedance from the other partiers. Some sort of irish jig, as I recall.
    But that good ol’ boy sure looks familar.
    Them’s my people too!

  395. Buck Stud January 4, 2012 at 12:58 pm #

    Thanks Tripp for your reply. I found the Nicole Foss article pretty chilling, especially as it relates to criminalizing seed banking and taxing gardens. On the other hand, why should anyone be surprised considering the repressive trends in most societies.

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  396. wagelaborer January 4, 2012 at 1:06 pm #

    Not only would it require a huge infrastructure change, it would require a lot of natural gas.
    That we only pretend to have.
    I’m not sure where I got that link. If it was further upthread, props to whoever posted it.

  397. wagelaborer January 4, 2012 at 1:08 pm #

    Yeah, it’s bad enough trying to hide pot gardens (as pictured in the ozone video link).
    Soon we’ll have to hide the broccoli plants.

  398. h7m1s7g1 January 4, 2012 at 1:21 pm #









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  399. Buck Stud January 4, 2012 at 1:32 pm #

    “Ozone –
    Thanks for the “Copperhead Road” youtube. I can’t ever listen to that thing without feeling the hair on the back of my neck rise a little bit.
    That’s my peep’s he’s talking about in that song.
    It doesn’t pay to rile us up without cause.’
    That whole Southern pride, tobacco road, “The South’s going to do it again” musical genre always struck me as the lubricant which enabled disenfranchised southern whites to vote for right wing candidates espousing economic policy diametrically opposed to their own best interest. In other words, a stupid pride tinged with an undertone of racism.
    The below video on the other hand is truly representative of economic/class stratification in America above and beyond race. Raw, primal, authentic…ART!

  400. ABSALOM January 4, 2012 at 1:35 pm #

    Say now, let’s apply the last of the objective criteria (which just happens to be “subjective” damnit). It’s all about correctly/incorrectly JUDGING what that distance might be, ain’t it? Nothing can be applied until that guess is properly made. Is that result knowledge or “best guess”?
    I think I see what you’re getting’ at. However, I’m one who thinks subjectivity and objectivity are reciprocal, though this process can be abandoned in favor of arrested development at any time, ergo freezing in a state of subjective experience. I’d also agree with you that intuition is used to make certain assessments about “Truthiness” yet is always connected to direct experiences of reality; guess is not a bad term, but a guess is just an estimation of what’s real; a beginning, not final result of knowledge. Guesses are tested through falsifiable experimentation. They are built upon, and if we’re lucky, we’ll never stop guessing about what’s real in life, for if we do stop, then life gets real boring, fast.
    So what starts out as an assumption becomes a reliable foundation for knowledge — a theory — which one could humorously say was initially based on wild-ass guesses about strange phenomena i.e. why do big titties float?
    Joking aside, when I was a kid, I guessed that my enormously fat babysitter would sink to the bottom of my uncles’ pool without hesitation. Imagine my wonderment when she and her gigantic breasts had an easier time swimming than me, even with my floaties on. I can’t recall how many times my uncle had to save me from drowning after I jumped back into the pool without my floatation devices, only to quickly remember that I hadn’t yet figured how to tread water and stay afloat on my own. Also, why my uncle laughed cynically when he noticed that Georgia’s huge breasts floated in front of the rest of her body would elude me for many years to come. Turns out my body mass and my mind were a little too dense, compared to Georgia’s. Anyhow, with experience, I developed an intuition for how to swim before I actually “knew” about it, based partly for noticing the way Georgia suddenly became more graceful in the water. She taught me to use my breath to help me stay afloat, which begged my question to her about whether there was air in her boobs. Ok, I was still fuckin’ around here, too.
    Said more succinctly, without necessarily knowing the principles of buoyancy, all shipbuilders once only used wood to craft boats. Basic reality tests, i.e throwing junk into the water to see what floated, helped determine choice materials for sailing. No big theory here, just ordinary sense experience, best guesses if you will—subjectivity. Even though Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy sometime round 200 B.C., not many people knew/know the idea; thusly there is little difference between what most people “know” today about the real world and then; a lot of best guesses guide people’s decision making, just take a look at our political class. In this way, it’s easy to see that the word theory unfortunately has become a junk word used by common rhetors to give their bogus opinions clout. There are simply a lot of recycled beliefs and conventional opinions fronting as theories out there.
    As to my pairing of social thinkers such as Hedges and Gingrinch, I only meant to show that people who look to others to characterize the world for them via historical anecdote will only ever judge the notions based on shared cohort opinions, not on a real assessment of underlying ideas and principles. People are rarely convinced to think in different ways based on facts alone; they must be given possession of a larger idea to be genuinely empowered. For every book laden with historical facts and figures produced by however well meaning guys like these, there’ll always be someone else who can write an antithetical, factual retort ad infinitum and beyond tedium that’s absent any useful ideas. Perhaps the teach a man to fish, or give him a fish adage is appropriate here.
    To your earlier question: I’ll take a nuanced narrative of history told with voices that actually lived the circumstance over the bloated testimonies from assholes who describe history as though they were actually there, any day. Still I’m not sure of the utility of ANY of this work beyond sentimentality, which is a throwback to a lower level of human experience – emotions pertaining to what once happened. People conveniently dust off that trusty old moral platitude that not knowing history causes its repeat, which I think is wrong. Libraries are rich in tales of dead civilizations with which today’s opinion leaders are well familiar. And Are we not on the brink of yet another Empire’s collapse?

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  401. rippedthunder January 4, 2012 at 1:35 pm #

    Hey WSP, Don’t forget about Shay’s Rebellion in my neck of the woods after the “American War of Independence”
    Things never change! Just a quote from the Wiki page:
    “The financial situation leading to the rebellion included the problem that European war investors (among others) demanded payment in gold and silver; there was not enough specie in the states, including Massachusetts, to pay the debts; and throughout the state, wealthy urban businessmen were trying to squeeze whatever assets they could get out of rural smallholders. Since the smallholders did not have the gold that the creditors demanded, everything they had was confiscated, including their houses.”
    Mass. has become a nanny state, hard to believe that we basically started this nation.

  402. Eleuthero January 4, 2012 at 2:02 pm #

    Anti-Soak said:
    I Award my ‘PEAK BULLSHIT BUSTERS AWARD 2011’ to Eleuthero for this, In response to Absalom:
    Thank you, A.S., for your moral support. Even when Absalom was being my bootlick and obsequiously complimenting me for my erudition, I knew that something was amiss because he seemed like another Asoka … a guy who can’t leave any thought unexpressed (hence the 150 posts per week) and who bitches if you don’t toe every plank in some ideology’s platform.
    I’ve always believed that if you buy 100% of ANY “ism”, you’re not thinking for yourself. A person who has authentically thought out a bunch of complex issues will appear to be liberal at times and conservative at other times … not just a “rubber stamp” for a huge collection of values.
    But, above all, there’s hardly an honest person on earth, especially political liberals about the issue of RACE. The implied false “truism” is that the groups that whitey “oppresses” are lovers of mankind, egalitarians, non-racists. It’s the biggest crock of horse hockey in the world, if not the known universe.
    Asoka plays the race card so often that it’s too dog-eared to be placed back in the deck and used for the next hand. 🙂 🙂

  403. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 2:08 pm #

    You get to speak for yourn own. Maybe the sooner your own nuclear family disappears the better.
    Rhino, I am speaking of the family as an institution, not my own family. Nuclear families, what are called “traditional families,” are sick.
    If you had a good family experience, perhaps it was an extended family, not a nuclear family. Perhaps you had lots of contact with cousins and aunts and uncles, instead of being isolated in a nuclear family. (in the isolated suburbs)
    But the fruit of traditional nuclear family values are domestic violence, drug use, divorce, child abuse, and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. (infidelity is rampant)
    Most traditional families also transmit some kind of religious belief. Most families are not atheist. A majority of USA parents believe in a God and follow some kind of religious book or scripture. Here is the problem: All the world’s major religions are male-supremacist. Their respective gods “grant” men the right to be the family dictator.
    Maybe in your family the father was not the “head of household.” But punishment meted out by the father is the norm in traditional nuclear families. (sometimes with a belt, sometimes with the buckle end of the belt)
    Nuclear families propagate the idea of rule by force and threat of punishment if one dares to disobey. Just as the religions the traditional families propagate threaten punishment for disobedience on a macrocosmic scale, with the talk of eternal hellfire and damnation. Our country (USA) was founded on those values.
    Rhino, look at the etymology of the word “family.” It comes from the root word meaning “group of servants.” A “husband” is the “male head of the household”.
    “Husband” is also a verb meaning, “to use and employ to good purpose and best advantage,” as in animal husbandry. “Wife” comes from the root word for “veiled” and also means “the female of a pair of mated animals.” Bill McCartney, founder of the right-wing men’s group Promise Keepers, tells men to “tenderly and gently” take their “god-given” position as “head” of the family. These values are the norm in nuclear families.
    But what happens if women and children don’t behave like sheep, joining the domestic animals that are “husbanded?” Child abuse. Battering. Do I need to provide you with the statistics of what the traditional family has wrought?
    Wife-beating is a “traditional family value.” The “Rule of Thumb” was a law allowing Englishmen to beat their wives with a stick “no thicker than a man’s thumb” to make them obey.
    Domestic violence is also common among well-to-do women in white communities. The sickness that is the nuclear family is not limited by class or race. A USA surgeon general said battering was the number one “health” problem of women in America. Rhino, if you had a good family experience, I am happy for you. Dysfunction is the norm. And I am not even going to talk about the emotional and financial costs of the of the traditional and dysfunctional nuclear family.
    Since families are the building blocks of society and most nuclear families are male-supremacist dictatorships, it follows that societies and governments reflect the “traditional” family’s dictatorial ethic, i.e., “might makes right.”
    You probably learned that value from your family, Rhino. Unless your parents were pacifists, you probably learned it is “honorable” to perform military service, i.e., participate in organized violence to kill people you are ordered to kill. (people you do not know personally. Maybe the word should be kill; more like assassination, organized murder.)
    Nations are macrocosms of dysfunctional families. War is a macrocosm of domestic violence.
    If we go out with a nuclear holocaust bang, instead of a whimper, blame the traditional family’s fostering of violence and the “might makes right” ethic.

  404. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 2:18 pm #

    And what’s worse than nuclear families? Single Mother households – in terms of abuse, from both her and her boyfriends. And much, much greater levels of criminality and early pregnancy are seen in the children of such house holds. And what’s worse than Single Mother house holds? Orphanages and State Institutions.
    See the pattern? I suggest you’re going the wrong way a la Marxism which wants to do away with the Family. Why not go the other way? The nuclear family was/is unnatural – the result of industrialism. The natural order is extended families and clans.
    No guarantee I agree. If the Culture is dysfunctional to begin with, extended families wont help. But if the Culture is good, than the extended families will preserve it.
    Many 60’s people tried raising their children consciously – no TV, no toy guns etc. Everyone of them reported that at some point their child would hit another chlild over the head with a PC approved toy. Life isn’t all nurture or environment – that’s like assuming the iceberg is above the water line.

  405. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 2:25 pm #

    Dale Dude – I’m sorry that had to happen to you. I mean, you’re a really cool dude and you deserve better.
    Maybe you didn’t like Michael Jackson to begin with? Which makes you out of touch and possibly even racist. His music and Gaga’s ARE the soundtrack of American Life – so called and for what it’s worth -not much. But you don’t know that and are going out of character. Fine, but first challenge your basic premises otherwise your good taste is just snobbish curmudgeonry.

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  406. Widespreadpanic7 January 4, 2012 at 2:31 pm #

    Ya, RipT, Shays Rebellion occurred in that stretch of territory between Springfield-North Hampton to Pittsfield, Barrington, Sheffield. It does indeed have many similarities to our situation today. Those were real rebels tho, largely revolutionary war vets, who kicked in courthouse doors, turned out judges, and looted armories. They weren’t f—-g around back then!
    TrippT, pretty good post about the natural economy. I wonder why Yergin, who is a pretty smart guy, would make assertions on the potential of alt energy like he does? Anyway, I have to say that your depth of knowledge on that and other subjects, as well as the posts of Buck Stud, Ozone, RipT, Ibendet and others never cease to amaze me. I tell myself I spend too much time reading this stuff but posts like that keep me here.

  407. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 2:34 pm #

    The natural order is extended families and clans.
    Just like Mrs. Clinton said: “It takes a village.”

  408. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 2:36 pm #

    So you admit that you would ban such public prayers and in your next breath call me a pathetic alarmist for thinking that anyone wants to ban public prayer?
    Look – we know the depth of your hatred. As Solzhenitsyn said, it’s not arbitrary or extraneous but in fact, the very essence of Communism. And we have no intention of waiting until you actually do ban public prayer to begin fighting. Sorry, but we’re tried of being boiled slowly. Ministers have already been imprisoned and fined in Europe for preaching hate. Homosexuality is the angle of attack. The Church in Boston had to abandon its large and old Child Placement Service after Gay Marriage became the Law. They could no longer refuse to send children to gay parents.
    Likewise in the schools: in one school, the Father had demanded that the school call him when Homo stuff was about to be taught so he could take his son out. After Gay Marriage passed, the school stopped calling saying that they didn’t have to since it was the Law. He showed up to complain and the police took him away in handcuffs.
    You want to torture Christains to death just as you people did in Russia, Spain, China etc. Why don’t you just admit it? Or are you a coward?

  409. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 2:37 pm #

    Those were real rebels tho, largely revolutionary war vets, who kicked in courthouse doors, turned out judges, and looted armories. They weren’t f—-g around back then!

    Thanks for providing a perfect example of how we romanticize violence, idolize violence actually.
    In our nuclear age, this “might makes right” attitude will be the death of our species.

  410. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 2:38 pm #

    No. Ms Clinton wants to create Villages like that one in the TV show “The Prisoner”. Everything is top down with these people – or should I say you people? I really don’t think you’ve ever worked thru this. They really are diametrically opposite.

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  411. ABSALOM January 4, 2012 at 2:41 pm #

    Well, while you two self-congratulatory ball lickers continue to ascribe qualities to myself and posts I’ve submitted that are not accurate and from which you BOTH totally backed down, I guess I can claim victory in similar tone.
    But, above all, there’s hardly an honest person on earth, especially political liberals about the issue of RACE. The implied false “truism” is that the groups that whitey “oppresses” are lovers of mankind, egalitarians, non-racists. It’s the biggest crock of horse hockey in the world, if not the known universe.
    This is such an overstated inarticulate blurt that there’s really no other conclusion to draw from it than that you are a phony erudite. This I’ll admit to mistaking from earlier readings of your posts here. Instead I realize you are not more than a talking calculator; an expert on all thing binary and linear — an iPhone 4s — a Siri at best.
    And 100 – 150 posts a week?, that’s another stretch as it pertains to me, but since I’m on vacation and can afford to fuck off til mid January I give myself permission, but don’t forget that the clowns you throw in with outpost anyone else that visits here by far, year after year. Also, if you have beef with Asoka, deal with him directly. I’ve held my own against you twerps, only learning things from say, BTB,O, and a couple others.
    I fucked up and thought you were a man of science. Oops. I stand corrected. Now go back to tax accounting and nursing your hemorrhoids from all the other ass-rippings I’ve given you. And wipe A-Suckers semen from your chin, freak.

  412. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 2:48 pm #

    Vlad, Clinton was borrowing the phrase from the Nigerian Igbo culture and their proverb “Ora na azu nwa” which means it takes the community/village to raise a child. The Igbo’s also name their children “Nwa ora” which means child of the community. It has been in existence in Africa for centuries. Too bad we have declined so far from African civilization.

  413. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 2:54 pm #

    Absolutely. And even within that tiny organizational unit, the kids usually can’t wait to leave home, preferably to some fancy college on the opposite coast where they can spend everything their parents saved up for them so diligently all those long years, while the parents are all too happy to help them pack! Good riddance, they say!! They spent the last 18 years mostly ignoring the children, letting strangers raise them in church, public school, and summer camp, why bother getting to know them now? Stanford seems like a respectable place for the next chapter of their ongoing estrangement.
    Well, you know what I think. I think access to abnormal levels of energy is the cause, and energy descent the solution. Parents and children don’t understand each other because they actually live in two very different worlds! The political, economic, and social construct has been evolving so fast for the past hundred years or so that it would be the rare family that was conservative enough to see eye-to-eye from generation to generation. I hate to say it, but THAT would probably be the more unnatural path. Not that it doesn’t carry some merit. The rest of us are just responding to our environment. I’m sure you’ll think that sounds very Marxist, but I have no doubt that it’s true.
    In a lower energy future, life will probably be more consistent from generation to generation, people will travel a lot less, see fewer things to covet, and I can’t help but think that parent/child relationships will become a lot smoother. And maybe more boring, yes, but only to those of us who grew up in a different, much higher energy situation.
    The family clan will rebound. ‘Tis the natural order of things.

  414. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 2:56 pm #

    At the Conference that point was made: many, many hours of pedaling a bike to generate the energy in one gallon of gasoline.
    I don’t mind room temperature coffee. The chemical kick is still there. To throw it away is to ignore that in favor of mere pleasure. The heat is really nice if one is cold, but stimulants are contra indicated in seriously cold conditions because of the effects on circulation.

  415. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 3:05 pm #

    Also, if you have beef with Asoka, deal with him directly.
    E is a self-confessed misanthrope, whereas I love humanity … of all races and ethnic groups … including Arabs and Jews and even Caucasians.
    Please do not sic E on me.

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  416. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 3:18 pm #

    I admit that Marx was right: the mode of production has a profound effect on human consciouness and thus sociological structure. Or the other way around might be more accurate.
    I merely oppose his materialism and saying that there are no other factors. One Can resist the terrible force but how many people have? To read of London in the 1700’s is to be amazed: tens of thousands of teenage prostitutes roaming the streets – had to, their parents couldn’t support them. The Slums. The Child Labor. The tragedy of Luddites trying to fight having this happen to them. They were crushed and their survivors became slaves in Manchester and Liverpool. And this supposedly a Christian Society. Oh the horror.
    Read a nice book about a man who bought an old Norman Tower in Ireland and fixed it up to live in. He loved his neighbors and how they just dropped in on each other. He told of the introduction of TV – even as his friend talked to him he could see him watching the TV out of the corner of his eye – a Quiz Show. The author, an American knew that he was witnessing another Fall of Man. The death of an ancient oral culture in favor of a mass produced one. The people had no idea what had just hit them and what they were losing.
    What you said reminded me of a episode of wife swap I once saw. One of the families was really funky – Christian Musicians into heavy metal. Their house was a mess and they were home schooling. The kids were smart but the schooling was a bit disorganized and the new “wife” was a teacher and she called the husband on it. But what stuck me that despite the mess, and chaos, and whatever you thought of his music was the incredible love he had for them. He said, Me and my wife went to all the trouble and expense of having them – so why would I want to send them away? I want them with me.
    I was incredibly impressed. His family is blessed, the children so lucky to have such parents. I agree: family relations will improve, one of the countless hidden benefits of the coming collapse. They could hardly get much worse than they are now in any case.
    I sensed alot of that in Idaho: the Culture is very Traditional but the kids aren’t – totally tied into mass culture and music. So they would drive by and yell fuck you to me on Easter Sunday – they shared the contempt of pedestrians with their elders you see. But their elders probably would have refrained on Easter Sunday when they were that age.
    But you are right – what the sense of the kids pretending? If the parents cared about their Culture they would have kept them out of the public schools and limited their access to media. And even that might not have worked. Anyway, the bastard cultural offsping of both worlds is Bad. Better one way or the other – or something completely new.

  417. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 3:22 pm #

    And American Blacks are living in this kind of African Utopia, right? So why do they need our Welfare? You have your head all the way up your Black Ass. Quite a feat of yoga. You are a Lemurean Adept.

  418. welles January 4, 2012 at 3:28 pm #

    You know, whats funny is how fucking clueless you are. I mean, you don’t even know. You’re an American, in Brazil, being a clueless American.
    …glad to see the U.S. still churns out nazi in-your-face types like busterJ, who berates folks for what they *eat* on the assumption that they’ve violated his/her self-righteous rants about the ‘environment’.
    hahaha, you are a real loser in a loser country.
    btw, the pig was raised locally on food scraps, not on any jungle land, which is preserved around these parts, you cannot even shoot an animal without permits (yes, poaching does occur…in England , the US and Brazil etc…)
    save your sermonizing for yourself. or did you never eat a hamburger?
    peace peaceniks

  419. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 3:44 pm #

    Don Black and David Duke said:
    “Ron Paul is one of us.”
    Ron Paul said:
    “We’re all Austrians now!”
    Kook magnet.

  420. ABSALOM January 4, 2012 at 3:47 pm #

    E is a sniveling math nerd who pretends cultural savvy, then castigates that which he never attempted to understand. It’s OK to be intolerant, criticism is necessary, but E opts for cowardice instead. Big difference.
    If E had the requisite knowledge to justify his disgust with people in general, I’d cut him some slack, as I wasn’t initially convinced that his brand of racism was different than my own cynicism toward trashy pop culture (big Carlin fan here), but then I realized E possesses no genuine insight into biological theory, thus no real argument for his disdain of different races.
    Cynicism is acceptable, therapeutic even. But Nationalism is akin to Patriotism is akin to Racism is akin to Bigotry and Prejudice; these are related and inseparably bad ideas discredited by the best of modern thought; these also bare nothing in resemblance to a healthy skepticism toward human circumstance, which is the disguise E wears. E also resorts to the bogus left VS right distraction when he’s backed into a corner, hoping some dickhead will rush to his aide.
    He’s been discovered

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  421. Bustin J January 4, 2012 at 3:47 pm #

    Actually, welles, my comment was more in the spirit of pointing out the repugnance of proclaiming oneself happy and satisfied as their mother country goes to the literal ‘pigs’, whilst eating the same.

  422. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 3:48 pm #

    NASCAR is going after Blacks now. They want them to become part of the Family. At least White NASCAR Fans had the sense to boo Michele when she showed up.

  423. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 3:50 pm #

    We had our families forcibly broken up by white men who wanted slaves to build a new country in a new world.
    Several hundred years of white oppression took their toll.
    We gettin’ ours now, though. Whites soon be a weak minority.

  424. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 3:51 pm #

    The average Black American has an IQ of 85. And that only because of the large injection of White genes. Pure Blacks have an average IQ of about 70. And some Black groups are even a bit lower. Some a bit higher.
    Thus science teaches that Blacks are inferior intelectually.

  425. ABSALOM January 4, 2012 at 3:55 pm #

    Wrong, you confuse statistics for scientific theory.
    Carry on sniffin’ you own farts, Vlad the Inhaler.

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  426. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 3:56 pm #

    Swimming next. We good swimmers. Cullen Jones is the African-American world and Olympic champion and 100m freestyle record-holder.
    You cain’t hide in any sport, Vlad. Ain’t nothin’ we can’t do better. We superior. (yes, that is a racist statement and true)

  427. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 3:57 pm #

    Yes like all Blacks you are eaten up with a desire for vengeance. But the best revenge is living well. Nice to see Blacks making up for lost time with good families – only a 70%+ rate of illegitimacy. Black women kicked their men out – could make more money as single moms. Complete social break down ensued.

  428. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 3:59 pm #

    No you bad swimmers. Any “Black” who any good must be a faux White like Jerry Right.

  429. ABSALOM January 4, 2012 at 4:02 pm #

    I’m out. Nothin’ left to see here folks. Same shit week after week. Take care CFNers

  430. DeeJones January 4, 2012 at 4:03 pm #

    “The family clan will rebound. ‘Tis the natural order of things.”
    It never broke down here. Family units are still tight, and live in close proximity. We live in a neighborhood which is basically a subdivided family finca (farm), but many of the houses have people that are related to those around them.
    But they can make some extra money renting to the Gringos 😉
    And Dale (?), so sorry to hear that Cirque de Soleil had deterioration so badly. Didn’t even know they had sold out to the MJ thingy. Speaking of which, saw the Thriller video on a TV recently. ‘Ol MJ was still black, but had already had work done on his nose by then. What a freakshow at the end, eh?
    Gotta go, the parrots are announcing that its Cerveza time!

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  431. DeeJones January 4, 2012 at 4:04 pm #

    Geez… Vlad, can you just GIVE IT A REST!?!

  432. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 4:05 pm #

    “At the Conference that point was made: many, many hours of pedaling a bike to generate the energy in one gallon of gasoline.”
    I’ve heard the equivalent of the energy in a gallon of gasoline is something like 2-3 weeks of hard human labor. Wow. When I think about it like that, it’s hard not to realize that life will change in more ways than I can even imagine. I’m trying to adapt slowly – hanging clothes out to dry, growing more food, raising and processing my own meat, etc – but still plenty of inevitable changes that I’m reluctant to make. When I do burn gasoline, or have something shipped to me, I try to do it in the service of reducing my future impact, say, by bringing home half a ton of compost for the garden, or getting a new permaculture book from Amazon. Reading “Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture” now – good book. Sepp is the man. It will save me many times its sticker price in the future.
    Cold coffee, huh? Eeeewww…

  433. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 4:05 pm #

    We could chain you to the bottom of a boat, force you to build a new country, beat the crap out of you for several hundred years, then deny you access to education, health care, etc. for another hundred years.
    Then we’ll give you a culturally biased IQ test and see how you do.

  434. JulettaofOhio January 4, 2012 at 4:06 pm #

    You really need to let things go when you’re wrong and be a little less gross in your attacks. You’re no gentlemen and have less credibility by spouting the juvenile slurs. Let’s see, in your last post, you accuse me of being a mentally challenged, sexually deviant prostitute as well as a Bible thumper. This would work out how? I perform a degrading (to women) act on some guy, spit the hair out of mouth then flog him with my rosary? Somehow, I bet that turns you on!
    See below for verses supporting my opinion: Watch out that you don’t melt like the Wicked Witch of the West when you read them.
    Matthew 6:5-6 ESV / 9 helpful votes
    “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
    HelpfulNot Helpful
    Matthew 6:5 ESV / 6 helpful votes
    “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
    HelpfulNot Helpful
    Matthew 6:1-34 ESV / 5 helpful votes
    “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. …
    HelpfulNot Helpful
    2 Peter 3:9 ESV / 3 helpful votes
    The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
    HelpfulNot Helpful
    Luke 18:10-14 ESV / 3 helpful votes
    “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

  435. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 4:09 pm #

    Absalom: “Same shit week after week.”
    Hey, it’s not every week I bash the dysfunctional nuclear family!

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  436. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 4:11 pm #

    Of course, some times I just burn gasoline in the name of good margaritas…

  437. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 4:16 pm #

    That’s the spirit, Tripp!
    Bottoms up!

    Full disclosure: I am a teetotaler but do not judge other people’s indulgence in alcohol.

  438. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 4:19 pm #

    A teetotaler? Good lord, man;)

  439. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 4:21 pm #

    Vlad, I love it when you talk ebonics!

  440. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 4:25 pm #

    My wife and I chatted about ex-patriating somewhere where we could get a favorable exchange rate, but just can’t bring ourselves to leave the ol’ USS Yank. I’m sure there are plenty of benefits to being in a place where people are already accustomed to life as we will know it in the not-too-distant future here. And benefits to being in a social culture, like most hispanic ones seem to be. I am jealous sometimes. TT

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  441. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 4:26 pm #

    It’s a whole lifestyle thang…

  442. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 4:35 pm #

    The past three Republican presidents have made recess appointments to the NLRB. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush each made three recess appointments to the NLRB, while George W. Bush made seven such appointments.
    Obama is getting set to make some recess appointments to NLRB, just as Reagan and the Bushes did, but this time we will hear howling from FOX News about the “Obama power grab” … that is my prediction.

  443. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 4:44 pm #

    Tripp, here is some Tea Porn.

    I am not one of the Black guys, but they my people.

    Tea Porn is recommended only for mature viewers.

  444. turkle January 4, 2012 at 4:56 pm #

    Hey, soka. Back from self-imposed exile?

  445. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 5:15 pm #

    I especially hate his sarcasm in every other poast, about the end of the world this Tuesday/Wednesday/etc…
    Every other post?
    You hate it because it points out a fundamental truth which you do not want to face: there will be no collapse. Every week you can predict it. There will be no Black Swan event. Every week I will remind you your prediction was false.
    Of course a Black Swan event, by definition, is exactly like the Second Coming of Christ (“No one knows about that day or hour.”
    And you probably hate how I point out CFNers are a cult of true believers.
    Take comfort in the fact that when I came to CFN seven years ago I said I bet there would be no collapse. I said I would wait for the collapse predicted every week. But I would only wait for twelve years.
    So you only have five more years of my skepticism and sarcasm to endure. So far, these past seven years, I am winning. There has been no collapse and there will be no collapse this year. My sarcasm can continue unabated because no actual FACTS oppose it.
    Here is a FACT: you have no control over whether collapse does or does not happen, so you might as well relax. You don’t even have control over how your body digests your lunch, how much goes to blood, how much to bones, etc. We are on automatic pilot. Enjoy the ride!
    Anyone can cite statistics to make it seem collapse is near. I can cite statistics that make it seem the collapse is not near.
    BUT ACTUAL COLLAPSE: no fuel for transportation, food distribution, empty grocery store shelves, no communication network, no internet, etc. NONE OF THAT HAS HAPPENED.
    Those proverbial, almost quaint, CFN marauding bands of poor black and brown people on killing and looting sprees (a product of an overactive and racist CFN imagination and paranoia) … none of that has happened, nor will it happen.
    We are just entertaining ourselves here with doomster fantasy that has no relationship to reality. Maybe you are addicted to the adrenalin provoked by imagining a societal collapse?
    Seems you like to feel scared. Not me. I have no fear.

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  446. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 5:19 pm #


  447. turkle January 4, 2012 at 5:39 pm #

    The predictions of Ragnarok are overblown, I agree, but no Black Swan events?! Hello, Fukushima. Nice to see you, Arab Spring. Katrina, I love you.
    As I’ve stated before, there already are countries around the planet in collapse mode. Somalia is the first that comes to mind, and probably the worst. The political unrest in the Middle East is a result of demographic, economic, and geographic factors resulting from Peak Everything. Coming soon to a country near you? Or coming soon to your country?
    Also, here in the individuated, hyper-capitalist United States, the Apocalypse visits us each individually, like all those homeless people in Florida who were kicked out of their McMansions and are now living in their cars or under the bridge. As I’ve heard it said, a recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. Don’t be so smug. You may eat your words sometime in the not too distant future.

  448. turkle January 4, 2012 at 5:41 pm #

    “nor will it happen”
    Now how could you possibly know that? Please, may I borrow your crystal ball?

  449. turkle January 4, 2012 at 5:45 pm #

    When human civilization runs out of carbon-based resources, e.g. coal, gas, and natural gas, there will most likely be a societal collapse and contraction. Many scientists, including respectable geographers and biologists, have predicted this as a natural consequence of overshoot. (I can point you to some interesting literature if you are interested.) Now, the timeline is obviously up for debate, and, I agree, people have shown a bias towards time scales within their lifetime, e.g. within the next 10 or 20 years. That is certainly flawed thinking. But, really, what is plus or minus 50 or 100 years in the grand scheme of things? The predictions are most likely correct but the exact timing is not.

  450. turkle January 4, 2012 at 5:45 pm #

    Geologists. Not geographers. Yoops.

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  451. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 5:49 pm #

    Somalia? Is that your best shot?
    I am sorry to burst your Somali bubble, but Somalia is actually better off after state collapse than it was before state collapse. Since you might not believe that, I am going to provide evidence.
    There is an economist, Peter T. Leeson (West Virginia University) who looked at the data using 18 key indicators for pre- and post-stateless comparisons. Turns out Somalis are better off under anarchy than they were under government.
    So don’t be so smug about Somalia. It does not help your case any. Besides, every week here we are talking about going back to a fucking World Made By Hand, a global collapse … right after Atlantic publishes JHK’s next book?

  452. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 5:51 pm #

    When human civilization runs out of carbon-based resources, e.g. coal, gas, and natural gas, there will most likely be a societal collapse and contraction.
    LOL! No. Not unless we are stupid enough not to use non-carbon-based resources. We have decades to work it out. Sorry, Charlie. No collapse.

  453. turkle January 4, 2012 at 6:01 pm #

    That’s assuming it can be “worked out” at all, which, given the concurrent degradation of the environment and population overshoot, is a big assumption.

  454. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 6:02 pm #

    No crystal ball. Just look at what you fear so much: a real-world post-collapse scenario like Somalia. Things got better! So the data indicate that post-collapse may actually improve our quality of life. You picked the country. You have to live with the positive consequences.

  455. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 6:05 pm #

    I think assumptions are what we are all working on, except for when I provide actual data from peer-reviewed literature.
    Assumptions are the life-blood of CFN. Which is why facts are detested. Obvious facts. Like the fact that collapse has not happened despite persistent and repeated predictions that collapse is going to happen any minute now… as soon as Europe implodes, as soon as Israel attacks Iran, as soon as blah blah blah … we love provoking the fight or flight response and get high on the adrenalin.

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  456. turkle January 4, 2012 at 6:13 pm #

    Geez, well, I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention lately, soka, but the collapse is already here in the form of a looming financial catastrophe involving the web of debt created by First World governments, along with unemployment rates of 10% or greater, and other indicators. That’s the economic component. The rising price of food throughout the globe is another. There are many other ominous signs that the road ahead will be bumpy. With Climate Change set to really kick off in the 21st century, overpopulation, and other, unsolvable bugaboos staring us collectively in the face, how long do you think the good times will last for old humanity? Just because you have Cheez Doodles, the internet, and a functioning toilet right this instant doesn’t mean the rest of the world is doing peachy keen.
    That doesn’t mean I believe that in 50 years we will be reenacting The Road. I’m just saying that making judgments about how “we will be fine” or will somehow muddle along is equally facetious given the situation that currently exists.
    Speaking of The Atlantic magazine, you should read this bad boy.
    The above article is a better and more subtle summary of my worldview than “We are all doomed!”

  457. turkle January 4, 2012 at 6:18 pm #

    Somalia got better when the government collapsed, huh? Well, it could hardly have gotten worse.
    People can get used to almost any living situation. It isn’t like there will be a moment of collapse and everyone will run around screaming and then keel over dead. Humanity will adjust to its new circumstances, simply because it has to do so in order to carry on. Even in the case of a massive die-off due to overpopulation, the survivors will pick themselves up and continue, just like populations have in the past after genocides and mass starvation, etc. We are quite adaptable and hardy creatures when push comes to shove.

  458. progress2conserve January 4, 2012 at 6:23 pm #

    “In other words, a stupid pride tinged with an undertone of racism.”
    -BS, on Steve Earle, or something?-
    Buck, you’re letting some of your own class consciousness show through the cracks, here.
    You’re a pretty well-to-do city boy, from the sound of this particular post on country music.
    Ozone, a lib’rul Yankee if ever there was one, originally posted “Copperhead Road,” today. I’m guessing he likes the anti-government, anti-revenuer, grow your own – tone of the thing.
    So do I.
    Wage, another free thinker from Illinois, identifies with the song as well.
    And for me, those are my peeps, small town or country born Americans. When the going gets tough, the tough get going – and all of that sort of thing. The going has been mighty easy for a long while now. That is ending. You do what you’ve got to do to take care of your family.
    As far as contrasting Eminem and rap with country music. You’re trying to identify “art” out of a genre noted for anger and swagger. OK, go ahead off down that road if you like. I won’t be joining you. Although if Eminem’s put-downs were true in his rap (8 Mile in private school and all?) – then that’s some pretty funny stuff.
    And you might want to look up Steve Earle’s politics, before you go any further with your line of logic about his music.

  459. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 6:25 pm #

    We are quite adaptable and hardy creatures when push comes to shove.
    Thank you! This is pretty much what I’ve been saying for the last seven years on CFN.
    It has also been the case of African peoples for the last seven hundred years.
    Seems like now that hard times have come to the white folks, words like Apocalypse are being used. Statistics galore about economic hardship. Poor white folks … after several hundred years of domination, they feelin’ some pain. Welcome to the club.
    Reminds me of what Dick Gregory once said: “We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on us.”

  460. progress2conserve January 4, 2012 at 6:39 pm #

    “But, really, what is plus or minus 50 or 100 years in the grand scheme of things?”
    -turkle, concerning time to collapse-
    That’s an interesting question, turkle?
    If present trends continue for 100 YEARS!
    And the US continues to find fossil fuels.
    And the US grows to 1 billion souls?
    On a landmass that supported 10 million natives?
    Wow, and I thought some sort of US economic collapse in 10-40 years was going to be pretty bad.
    Numbers are the key, in the USA.
    NumbersUSA – – – look it up, ye CFN rookies.

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  461. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 6:44 pm #

    Gee Asoka, sure you’re not straining that Andean Dial up connection too much? And don’t the local Indios need to use it too?

  462. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 6:44 pm #

    Since everybody else has posted (poasted?) music so prescient to our time, I thought I’d post (poast?) an old favorite:
    Now there’s a skill that might come in handy in the coming years!

  463. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 6:48 pm #

    Equally, as a Country boy there’s alot you don’t understand cuz you aint never seen it. Like the way Blacks behave on public transportation.
    Don’t get me wrong – I envy your upbringing and present circumstances in many ways. And you managed to bet a good education and are one of the better communicators on this site – with far fewer erros than me. But there just some things I can’t help knowing and some things you just can’t help not knowing. And vice versa.
    And instead of opening yourself up, you defend your limited point of view.

  464. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 6:50 pm #

    Vlad, it is not a land-line dial-up. It is a 3G modem connection that, due to the signal strength, is actually slower than a 256K connection.
    I guess you didn’t see my response to Turkle. I’m back now in the civilized southwest with my hispanic neighbors, ¡Qué viva la reconquista! … and a better connection.
    Thank you for your concern.

  465. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 6:55 pm #

    Vlad, procon is on the immigration issue consistently, always pushing the same organizations. Doesn’t vary.
    That causes some posters to say “same of shit week after week” and leave.
    Of course, it is my fault. According to procon I own the blog … so I have allowed him to post.

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  466. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 7:02 pm #

    Vlad, there has been slavery among all groups, on a small scale.
    But there has never been a massive commodification, a trafficking in humans that moved millions of human beings across an ocean in boats, until you white folk showed up in Africa. Why couldn’t you stay away from us?
    You know what karma you have earned? Your karma now is that we won’t stay away from you. We won’t stay away from NASCAR. We won’t stay away from swimming.
    You can run to Idaho… but we can go to Idaho, too. You stuck with us, Vlad. We gonna haunt you the rest of your days. It is YOUR karma.

  467. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 7:10 pm #

    True or False: a+b=c if c-a=b
    Now is that culturally biased? Sure, to an African who never studied arithmetic or seen Western Numerals. But to an African American kid who goes to school here? No.
    Some of the old IQ tests might have been biased, but they worked out the kinks a long time ago. Obviously I couldn’t do a crossword puzzle very well about polo, jai alai, yacht racing. But IQ tests, even word problems, are different than that or should be. They developed word problems just for Afro Americans using examples and things they were familiar with – they still did horribly.
    Note: there’s a kind of mind that gathers enormous amounts of random data. These people can do very well on cross words, quiz shows etc. This is not high IQ in and of itself. But at the same time, people like this often do have high IQ’s. But someone could have a very high IQ and not have this kind of mind as well. Or someone could be like this and actually not be that smart. But they typically would learn to fake it using this ability.

  468. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 7:15 pm #

    Wrong!!! The Muslim Jihad against Black Africa came first. And the Muslims were always massive slave dealers even before they got to Africa.
    You can try swimming if you like, but you’ll sink. Blacks have heavier bones – in other words, one of the things that make them superior in football and boxing make them inferior here. That’s the way life works.
    Your desire to follow us and suck off of us is a proof that you can’t make it on your own. And that you are shameless about it shows a very poor character indeed.
    Thank you for the clarification. I’m sure you go back and forth every other day.

  469. Vlad Krandz January 4, 2012 at 7:21 pm #

    The Truth hurts you Dee – but that is not my fault nor the Truth’s fault, but only your’s. You have to bend for the Truth not the Truth for you.

  470. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 7:23 pm #

    Thank you for the clarification. I’m sure you go back and forth every other day.
    Correct. I have no problems. As a being with a superior IQ, teleportation should be no problem for you either. You haven’t got that worked out yet?

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  471. turkle January 4, 2012 at 7:24 pm #

    The guy who professes to believe in Intelligent Design guided by Yahweh now claims to have a firm grasp of “The Truth”, with two capital T’s, no less.
    *snort* *guffaw*

  472. Buck Stud January 4, 2012 at 7:27 pm #

    Of course you’re right. And BTW, I like that Earle song. But I’m not necessarily wrong either, after all, we all have our own tastes, interpretations etc. I formulate my impression on having actually seen the original Lynyrd Skynyrd Band way back in 1975 when a huge confederate flag served as an on- stage backdrop to the band. Same goes for The Outlaws of “Green Grass and High Tides” fame. Ditto for Charlie Daniels and ” The South’s Going To Do It Again”. ( Daniels band also featured a spectacular fiddle solo accompanying some standout square dancers; a truly great tribute invoking the best of Southern music/culture.) All of these bands donned a heavy cloth of Southern Confederate pride, but it was all stitched together with a thread too big for the pattern,IMO.
    I suppose when I go to a concert I am in search of an aesthetic experience that transports me above the everyday mundane such as nationalsim and jingoistic chest-thumping. And I’ve also noticed that for myself at least, a certain mind set/concentration is required for me to recieve a desired experience – it takes a bit of effort to till the soils for an enraptured aesthetic crop. And no, I don’t think an Eminem concert or any rap show would personally fill the bill for me beyond an appreciation of certain social/political narratives and expressions.
    For pure insolence and self-indulgence,however nothing could ever beat a Grateful Dead. I recall some “Sugar Mag’ dingbat lamenting ” hey man, you hit my kid” after someone accidentally brushed up against her infant child in a very crowded line. As if that was an event an infant should be at in the first place. And forget about politely waiting in line at a Dead concert; “peaceful Deadheads” felt it was absolutely cool to butt ahead of others who had been patiently and politely waiting in line. And for all that mythical nonsense touting the spontaneous nature of a Dead concert, they were actually a very predictable band, and very pesestrian at that in terms of musical talent.

  473. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 7:30 pm #

    The fact that the majority of Somalis are better off post-collapse doesn’t mean that their government has not, in fact, collapsed. One of the co-founders of permaculture is predicting a generally improved status for the poor (vast) majority once globalization ends. The Somalis in our example might be a worthy validation of this forecast. Maybe that’s why it’s usually the poorer folks who tend to look at energy descent as a blessing in disguise. The few who actually understand what’s going on anyway. Globally, I’m so not poor, but mentally I carry a lot of guilt for the abuses (conscious or not) of my people. [Farmers in general, that is, not Caucasians.] That affects the way I live, and I won’t miss that.
    BUT, having enough advanced comprehension of likely post-peak descent patterns could go a long way toward a radical shift in social station, if played right. If that’s a desirable thing, that is, and I’m not saying that the usefulness of that vertical movement is self-evident. Perhaps it’s not. But I personally think it’s worth absorbing some ridicule now for a bit of surprise affluence down the line, when others are circling the drain. Fun to be the one able to help our friends and family in novel ways that will actually matter at that point, in a very different environment. The shock of acknowledgement in their eyes will be worth more than gold, don’t you think? But only if we use our knowledge to get to the point where we can be of some real service to them.

  474. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 7:30 pm #

    You can try swimming if you like, but you’ll sink. Blacks have heavier bones
    Gee, there you go again, Vlad, spreading racial myths. While some black populations do have a higher average bone density and mass than whites (about 300gm) buoyancy varies for every swimmer, and differences within races are far greater than those between them.
    As Matt Bridge, senior lecturer in coaching and sports science at Birmingham University, points out: “Thousands of black Americans have taken the US Marines’ compulsory swimming test and none have failed.”
    We be in your swimming pools. We be winning swimming medals. Cullen Jones is African-American and he already a world and Olympic champion and 100m freestyle record-holder. We superior in swimming, Vlad. Just face it. That is what RECORD-HOLDER means.
    Take your racial myths and go jump in a lake.

  475. DeeJones January 4, 2012 at 7:35 pm #

    SAy, didn’t somebody above say that Charlie Sheen is running for The Prez? Hell, he’s got MY vote! Sorry K-Doggie….

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  476. turkle January 4, 2012 at 7:41 pm #

    Vlad never met a racial stereotype he didn’t repeat on the internet.

  477. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 7:47 pm #

    The fact that the majority of Somalis are better off post-collapse doesn’t mean that their government has not, in fact, collapsed.
    That was not my point. Everyone hear is making assumptions about how terrible things will be post-collapse. Somalia is a case study. Somalia did collapse. And the data from an analysis of 18 key indicators shows there was IMPROVEMENT post-collapse.
    As they say here on CFN, that finding is reality slapping you up the side of the head. Stop making assumptions. Deal with reality … even when reality presents you with good news and destroys your assumptions.

  478. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 7:48 pm #

    Everyone here is making assumptions…

  479. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 7:51 pm #

    “True or False: a+b=c if c-a=b”
    Take up your limited brain space with this literate foolishness if you like, but in the real world, the world of binary decisions that keep a medium-sized hairless great ape alive, it is absolutely worthless. An aboriginal Australian, with his massive 65 IQ, according to standardized tests, can make mental maps of his terrain that would baffle you and me. And his artistic translation of that information would blow your mind. In other words, his focus is on the things that matter in his world, not in ours. In NYC, you can ask any idiot you pass on the street how to get to Grand Central Station, follow the literacy-dependent directions, and arrive on time at your destination. But try to read the signposts left behind by Nature to guide you to the nearest billabong, and perhaps die of thirst in the process. You might just not possess that kind of literacy.
    “True or False: a+b=c if c-a=b”
    a=a living human population,
    b=ecological damage per human,
    c=ecosystem collapse,
    then wouldn’t cutting the value of a or b in half also cut the chance of c in half?
    Think that’s an equation that literate westerners can apply better than Australian aborigines?
    Just curious.

  480. Nathan January 4, 2012 at 7:51 pm #

    Hello All,
    I’d like to point out that the moniker “Christian” is used by many millions of people around this troubled world, but there are plenty of people who use it that do not adhere to the teachings of the Bible as a whole, or to the example set by Jesus Christ, whose name they take. This kind of divergence is the case in all religions.
    James, when you discuss Christianity, you understandably fall back on the most common example available to you, that of the Armenienistic, charismatic, Blab-it-grab-it prosperity entitlement teleevangelist US pentecostal showpeople. Fortunately, this is not true Christianity.
    The Bible contains clear instructions for us to tend the land, to work it for our sustenance and, essentially, puts forth God’s will for humans to live an agrarian life, as good stewards of this world. This is complementary with the Permaculture movement and the subset of it called Transition Towns and has nothing to do with the “God’s coming back to save us so drill baby drill, drive that SUV, live in that McMansion”
    mentality of the abovementioned “christians” so prevalent in the North American continent.
    Biblical Agrarian Separatists (also known as Christian Agrarians etc) aim to live simply, content with subsistence dependant on God’s provision, apart from the modern industrial dependance that the Bible clearly predicts will collapse. Everyone has heard of the Amish and the Old Order Mennonites from which the Amish derive. These guys live fairly separate agrarian lives, but they seem to miss a fair bit of the Biblical teaching and love and substitute it for their own ordnung or laws. Anyway, you don’t see many true Christians vying for attention on the political scene or destroying the world as the CEO of mega corporations. They are quietly building a local community, trusting God to continue the cycle of sow, grow, harvest, eat that He promised never to disrupt again until the end of this world (which may or may not be just around the corner)
    I just wanted to set the record straight that there are plenty of Christians who know we are supposed to live differently and are getting on with it. It’s a way of life that makes complete sense and is sustainable. You don’t need to be a Christian to live sustainably, but all true Christians should already be working towards it. You shall know them by their fruit. Christianity is intended to be far more practical than people think.

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  481. Nathan January 4, 2012 at 7:56 pm #

    Sorry, spelling mistake. My statement should have said “Arminianistic” rather than “Armenienistic”
    I referred to Arminianism, rather than a citizen of the Republic of Armenia!

  482. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 8:00 pm #

    I wasn’t piling on. I was actually using your Somalis (as a case study) to back you up.

  483. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 8:04 pm #

    Very nice post, Nathan. You say:

    You shall know them by their fruit. Christianity is intended to be far more practical than people think.

    Ditto for Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace. No true Muslim engages in violence or forced conversion.
    Allah (peace be upon him) says: Let there be no compulsion in religion. Q’uran 2:256

  484. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 8:07 pm #

    Thanks, Tripp. I feel your support.
    I like when you say: “it’s usually the poorer folks who tend to look at energy descent as a blessing in disguise.”
    So true.

  485. turkle January 4, 2012 at 8:14 pm #

    You’re quoting selectively. Shall I post some of the various “kill the infidels” passages like I did several weeks back? Go ahead and “google it”. (Ahahaha, I know you hate it when I do that.)
    Fact of the matter is that the Q’uran isn’t very consistent on this. And neither is the Bible. They preach peace and love in one part and then death to the unbelievers in another. Whatever your disposition, lion or sheep, you can find some bit of scripture to back up your actions.

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  486. welles January 4, 2012 at 8:22 pm #

    what armchair of experience do you speak from?
    lies, damn lies or statistics?
    south america as a whole’s doing fairly well, because there’s much more community spirit than the socially denuded U S and A. environmentalism is a huge movement here.
    send me a letter when the amazon’s all gone, p.s. it was s’posd to happen 20 years ago.
    nature’s bigger than your tinselly apocalypse, which somehow never happens, much like kunstler’s always-wrong prognostications.
    stop with the fanaticism and floccinoccinihilivilification, it’s eighth grade stink.
    we’re happy enuf down here, there’s plenty to do and great victuals.
    we don’t grovel in misery, people love to chat and joke and be happy, grovelling’s for you folks in the U.S. (with apologies to trippy, asoka and some others around here)
    peace peaceniks

  487. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 8:23 pm #

    You’re quoting selectively.
    OK, I won’t quote. I will take an example from reality, a little bit of reality called “9/11”
    When the Twin Towers came down (an act of Saudi fanatics), what was the reaction of the Muslim community: condemnation of terrorism and violence.
    If Americans are ignorant of the true nature of Islam, that is another thing. The actual record is clear in the statements for peace by Muslim organizations and leaders.

  488. Pucker January 4, 2012 at 8:32 pm #

    DeeJones wrote: “For instance, the Bush admin added a SS that basically said that they were NOT going to enforce a law that they didn’t agree with. With no enforcement, the law is pretty much meaningless. Eh?”
    How about this for a Presidential signing statement to a bill requiring the President to uphold the US Constitution:
    “As President of the United States I have a sworn duty to uphold the Constitution….NOT!!!!!!!!!!”

  489. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 8:32 pm #

    (with apologies to trippy, asoka and some others around here)
    Hey, Welles. I know first hand of what you speak.
    I traveled all over Brazil from Tabatinga (where I walked over to Colombia) to Manaus to Iguazu Falls.
    Brazil is a wonderful country (even though I didn’t speak Portuguese and they drink a lot of beer in HUGE bottles.)
    I especially liked the music scene in Bahia. But my favorite city was Curitiba, which seemed so clean and well organized compared to the urban chaos I had experienced in the USA.
    Don’t let these “save the rain forests” folks (who have probably never been out of the USA) get to you. They should be more concerned about saving their own drinking water from fracking in the USA.

  490. Pucker January 4, 2012 at 8:43 pm #

    In a recent panel discussion linked to below, either Orlov or JHK may have said that all the Iranians have to do to cause a major disruption to world oil supplies is to use a missile to sink an oil tanker. Since insurance companies won’t cover such war risk, all the oil tankers will be grounded and oil shipments will cease.

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  491. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 8:51 pm #

    Today Iran repeated that they do not seek conflict, but would respond to threats. Iran stated that it considers USA fleet operation near Iran to be a threat.
    The USA immediately responded saying our fleet would be conducting operations in the future near Iran.
    The stage is set. And it seems the machos want to play war.

  492. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 8:52 pm #

    “”True or False: a+b=c if c-a=b”
    a=a living human population,
    b=ecological damage per human,
    c=ecosystem collapse,
    then wouldn’t cutting the value of a or b in half also cut the chance of c in half?
    Think that’s an equation that literate westerners can apply better than Australian aborigines?
    Just curious.”
    And just for clarification, this example would be a lot more solid if the equation were to read:
    axb=c, instead of a+b=c, the latter leaving plenty of room for variable manipulation…and proving Tripp wrong with rather elementary logic.
    I suppose the Australian aborigines could use a more literate western advocate;) I humbly resign the post…

  493. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 8:59 pm #

    Soak, when I’m ready to start building my cob house, would you be open to me buying you a plane ticket to Atlanta to consult on the project? Not sure I’ll be able to afford it, but if you have as much experience with earth building as you claim, I could use your expertise as a proxy to my paying for a training course.

  494. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 9:08 pm #

    I think your original point about the aboriginals was cogent. Vlad with his supposedly superior IQ would be dead, while the supposedly inferior aboriginals would remain alive.
    The other thing that kind of dates Vlad is he only speaks of one intelligence, when there are at least nine intelligences according to Gardner.
    Gardner includes the aboriginal intelligence (naturalist) which would allow them to survive and Vlad to die.

  495. trippticket January 4, 2012 at 9:27 pm #

    What I’m curious about, Soak, is whether or not increased literacy in one type of intelligence automatically means increased illiteracy in the others. For example, the more I learn about nature’s calculus, the less I care about the machinations of western culture. In fact, I tend to skip over the CFN posters who specialize in western cultural literacy. Wonder if that’s a universal pattern?

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  496. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 9:29 pm #

    Tripp, I may be in Atlanta visiting family later this year (saving you the cost of a plane ticket) … but Tripp, it’s not rocket science. With Evan’s Hand-Sculpted House and local talent I’m sure you can do it.
    I would suggest you get in touch with kate shanti ( kateshanti@yahoo.com ). She is near Athens, Georgia and she and her husband built a cob house.

    My family and I live in a small cob house a few miles outside of Athens, Ga. My husband is building a cob studio as well. I can say that yes, you need to plan for humidity and mold even if you aren’t close to the coast….the house we live in was built by a lot of different people over several years and has some issues with mold. My husband came into the tail end of construction and did some of the cobbing, all of the plasters and the earthen floor. We learned a lot about how not to build by taking on someone’s project (a chunk of this house was built by people not having a good knowledge of building and workshop people). Even with all of that, we are still in love with cob and still building with it for the studio. The studio is a timber frame with cob and an earthen floor. Either my husband or I would be glad to chat about what we’ve learned along the way. kateshanti@yahoo.com

  497. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 9:37 pm #

    Tripp, I don’t know. I suspect that excelling in certain lines of development would necessarily limit development in other lines. It seems some are doted with musical ability, others with mathematical, etc. but I doubt anyone would register high in all the intelligences (well, Leonardo da Vinci, and certain other “renaissance” geniuses excepted). But the potential for improvement may be there if there is interest and time to develop a line.

  498. Nathan January 4, 2012 at 9:50 pm #

    Turkle, I think you’re missing a key point, at least with respect to Christianity. I don’t presume to know much about Islamic doctrine, so I’ll leave that to others.
    The Bible does indeed contain narrative where God is leading his chosen people (the nation of Israel) out of Egyptian oppression and into the land he has promised to them. God commanded the Israelites (not yet known by the modern nation-state label of Israelis) to conduct Holy war on the current occupants of this region and for this “ethnic cleansing” to be complete and total. They were instructed not to let any non-Israelites survive in the land. They disobeyed this command, among many others.
    This is Old Testament, e.g. before the first advent of Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, Immanuel. The Old Testament is common to Christianity and Judaism. Bear in mind that the Old Testament’s famous Ten Commandments include “You shall not kill other people”, so God had specific requirements for everyday living and special circumstances for periods of change. God never changes and he demands absolute righteousness and obedience, something humans will never be able to live up to on their own.
    Because of this, God the Son was sent to earth as both God and Man, to pay the consequences of our failure to be perfectly righteous. This is the key point. The New Testament of the Holy Bible is about Jesus becoming our saviour and fulfilling God’s law so that those who believe can find salvation. This doesn’t negate the commands of the Old Testament, it underlies them. We are still commanded to live according to the law. The example set by Jesus in the New Testament was one of peace, joy, love. patience, mercy, goodness and righteousness. Judaism rejected Jesus as Messiah, and God extended this salvation to all people of the world.

  499. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 9:57 pm #

    Tripp, here is another lead in N.E. Georgia. They might know of cob consultants near you:
    Georgia Adobe Rammed Earth & Renewable Energy
    231 Harris Lord Cemetery Rd.
    Commerce, Georgia 30530
    HQ pH # 706-363-6453

  500. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 10:04 pm #

    If any Ron Paul supporters are disappointed by last night’s caucus, here is something to consider: of Iowa’s voters, less than 6% showed up at the Republican caucus. In other words, don’t lose faith in Ron Paul. There is still time for him to triumph.

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  501. Pucker January 4, 2012 at 11:21 pm #

    Which of the following parties would find firing a missile at an oil tanker in the Persian Gulf to start a war between the U.S. and Iran as-tempting-as-shit-is-to-a-fly?
    a. Israel;
    b. Saudi Arabia (the Sunnis);
    c. Any terrorist organization;
    d. Any anarchist organization;
    e. Anyone (such as Goldman Sachs) who has bet-the-wad on the riskiest one-week oil futures contract;
    f. Any Beavis & Butthead who likes to see things burn; or
    g. All of the above.
    In a recent panel discussion linked to below, either Orlov or JHK may have said that all the Iranians have to do to cause a major disruption to world oil supplies is to use a missile to sink an oil tanker. Since insurance companies won’t cover such war risk, all the oil tankers will be grounded and oil shipments will cease.

  502. Pucker January 4, 2012 at 11:35 pm #

    In the panel discussion with JHK, Orlov, Noam Chomsky et al., it sounded like Chomsky may have been enjoying a few glasses of red wine on the phone?
    Chomsky slurring his speech: “I sure hope that they don’t figure out ways to delay Peak Oil with new technologies such as fracking since it’ll just prolong American hegemony and U.S. imperialism and everything’ll just continue all the same fucked up path….”

  503. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 11:37 pm #

    When you put it like that, Pucker, the possibility of nuclear war increases dramatically, possibly starting next week, maybe by Tuesday at two. We are truly living in the end times, we are so fucked.

  504. Rodney7777 January 4, 2012 at 11:43 pm #

    I am getting ready. First I read the Long Emergency. Then I started gardening. I bought 2000 lbs of navy beans. I have “multi-fuel” transportation, which includes a solar powered motorcycle and electric vehicle, propane powered 4wd pick up, a newer Prius that can be converted to plug-in, and even a station wagon that burns E85. Electric lawn tractor and electric push mower, both solar powered.
    Had to put in my view. when I saw how few were commenting.

  505. asoka. January 4, 2012 at 11:52 pm #

    Rodney, instead of 2,000 pounds of navy beans, you should have gone for 1,000 pounds of brown rice and 500 pounds of navy beans and 500 pounds of pinto beans. The combination of rice and beans provides the body with the complete essential amino acids needed for the creation of protein.
    You also need to carefully control the storage of your navy beans for both humidity and rodents.
    Good luck!

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  506. Pucker January 5, 2012 at 1:07 am #

    2,000 pounds of navy beans?
    “Navy beans, again?! Not more fucking navy beans!”
    I wonder what humans will look like after the nuclear holocaust when they emerge from their underground caves after having been eating navy beans for 90 years?
    They’ll probably look like the Taliban.

  507. WestCoast January 5, 2012 at 1:17 am #

    So Asoka, you do know that of all the slaves sold by other tribes to Arab Slavers only 4% were shipped to the U.S. That’s right, 4%, the rest when to South America, Central America and the Caribbean.
    Of the paradise in Africa from which they were removed, perhaps you could point out to us a country there where the indigenous population is doing well and has a high standard of living better than the average American Black man?
    We are all ears.

  508. AMR January 5, 2012 at 2:24 am #

    I’ve written a bit about the something-for-nothing mentality this week on my blog, mainly in reference to free-content dot-com boosters and empires that crashed due to speculation. I also just posted a piece about some of the worse-than-useless people I worked with in Ashland this fall, including the dude who announced, “beautiful day to work in the grape orchard!” I may chime in on CFN later this week, but right now I’m beat.

  509. Vlad Krandz January 5, 2012 at 2:26 am #

    Actually the Abos did have extraordinary skills of body and mind. They can sleep without blankets in temperatures that keep White men awake. Read about one Abo boy who would take a nap with a little food in his hand and when a bird came to take it he would wake up and close his hand on the bird. That’s being in tune with your environment.
    Some have even said of their extraordinary tracking ability that it entails a mastery of inductive logic: a indicates b, and b indicates c and so on. I admit the possibility – even animals show the basics of logic at times. But as you said, they are close to the Earth – probably couldn’t understand the concept of the variable even though he use logic. In other words, we have excelled at abstraction and the power that comes from that.
    Funny story about the Lapps: White asks if he will find good fishing at a particular lake. The Lapp would reply “How do I know what luck you will have fishing there?” Complete mutual lack of understanding. The White asks theoretically – as if He the Fisherman is just one of the variables. But to the Lapp everything is personal and nothing abstract. And luck is not arbitrary – certainly not when it comes to hunting and fishing.
    Freud would probably agree with you: Civilization is based on repression of basic needs according to him. If you are in touch with fundamentals, what need of it? The Unabomber agreed with this perspective.

  510. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 3:02 am #

    “…Ron Paul. There is still time for him to triumph.”

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  511. Eleuthero January 5, 2012 at 3:24 am #

    Absalom said:
    E is a sniveling math nerd who pretends cultural savvy, then castigates that which he never attempted to understand. It’s OK to be intolerant, criticism is necessary, but E opts for cowardice instead. Big difference.
    Gee, is that why, before I switched fields into CS/Math, I had an MFCC license because I’m a “nerd” who knows nothing about people? You take a wild STAB at labels like “cowardice”. Anybody who knows anything about me on this blog knows that the LAST thing I am is a coward. Because I’m not easily pigeonholed as a liberal or a conservative (I’m an issue by issue kind of guy), I’ve had to hold my ground against BOTH knee-jerk liberals AND knee-jerk conservatives here on CFN. Most people, like YOU, are adolescents who DEMAND adherence to party lines no matter how much data is denied or how much simple rationality need be applied.
    For example, I insist that ALL races are racist. Who has the GUTS on this blog to insist upon that? Yet anybody with half a brain and a scintilla of social experience with large numbers of people know it’s true. I’m the ONLY member of CFN who has fought BOTH Vlad AND the phony egalitarian liberals AT THE SAME TIME.
    I didn’t even bring the rest of your screen into this message at the top because you’re not worth the time. You side with guys like Metuselah who’s threatened several people herein with baseball bats to the face and Asoka who is a devious shape shifter who thinks his madness is some sort of divine Buddhistic vision when, alas, he’s just a kook who likes to live on the site and rattle everyone’s cage.
    Don’t bother me … LITTLE MAN. Your new-found “buddies” on this site show how UNdiscerning you are. The complete separation of your allegations from any factual truths about my life are the blitherings of a socially inept dweeb. If YOU had any social acumen, your allies on this site would be its best members and you’d be too busy to write more than five to ten posts PER WEEK. Some simple truths clear away all mystery and scoop up and throw away all BULLSHIT.

  512. Eleuthero January 5, 2012 at 3:30 am #

    Absalom said:
    If E had the requisite knowledge to justify his disgust with people in general, I’d cut him some slack,
    If you were a psychotherapist for 3 years and listened to the horseshit people say in therapy, you’d be a misanthrope, too. Old adages invariably have more than a grain of truth in them like “Don’t judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes”.
    The TV show (one of the only ones worth a fig) HOUSE is based upon the premise that PEOPLE LIE. They lie in therapy. They lie to their friends and relatives. And all of this because mostly … they lie to THEMSELVES.

  513. Eleuthero January 5, 2012 at 4:43 am #

    I agree with your assessments about Paul. I pay no attention to Asoka’s “racism” charge since Asoka is a one-trick pony. Does Asoka think Al Sharpton loves white people? Al Sharpton was the first guy to try the Duke Lacrosse team without a jury in the court of mass media and it turned out that the black girls were glorified hookers.
    All that aside, Paul would audit the Federal Reserve, get our troops out of all the world’s bellicose shitholes, enforce the borders, and, best of all, cut out nearly all foreign aid. In other words, Ron Paul would no longer permit America to be the world’s CHUMP … hated and yet counted upon time and time again.
    We need to aid other AMERICANS and become nearly isolationist except for vital trade. Why we give billions to Africa or Yemen while 1 in 6 are near STARVATION right here in the USA is beyond irrational.

  514. bubbleheadMarc January 5, 2012 at 6:46 am #

    Arminianism is the reform of Calvinism which restores free will and was typical of high church protestantism during the Anglican counter-reformation as lead by the foolish Anglican primate Laud, who was honored with his own stained glass window at my boyhood Episcopalian parish church. Also, more lenient protestant denominations such as Methodist are considered Arminian because unlike orthodox presbyterians and reformed denominations they do not believe in predestination as in the classic TULIP acronym which has been applied to Dutch Reformed theology. Laud was executed mostly because he was such a bad influence on King Charles I of England who also met a grisly fate for hiring foreign mercenaries to fight the English, for which the regicides sent him to the scaffold for treason. I don’t see what historic concepts of high or ritualistic protestantism have to do with these televangelist buffoons. The only “Arminian” televangelist I can recall was Dean Pike of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, who as an Anglican convert from Catholicism loved to hold Cardinal Spellman up to ridicule for his bombast and condemnation of racy films such as Lolita. Pike was eventually tried for heresy by the House of Bishops then left the active ministry and disappeared with is young wife in the desert somewhere near the Dead Sea. Arminiamism is named after Jacobus Arminius of the Netherlands and not the ancestral homeland of the Kardashian sisters, which you correctly pointed out.

  515. bubbleheadMarc January 5, 2012 at 7:07 am #

    Anyone who has to cater to the irrational whims of stupid people is destined to become misanthropic to some degree. As a barber I have grown to detest requests for both flattops and bald fades from these poseurs who don’t bother to maintain these extremely high maintenance hairstyles. Then thrown in to the bargain we have to listen to their horseshit while we’re working on their hair! Take your pick: barbers, bartenders, or hacks driving taxicabs we’re all blue collar shrinks and typically end up regarding most people as assholes. At the barbershop the barbers have a refrigerator magnet of a ‘fifties guy with a big flattop being laughed at by two high school girls with the caption “Admitting You’re an Asshole is the First Step”. If I ever buy my own building and set up another “Marc’s Barbershop” there is going to be a sign which reads: NO FLATTOPS OR BALD FADES FOR THOSE WITH OVERGROWN OR UNKEMPT HAIR! I detest these idiotic poseurs who want “a military haircut” then order a fucking flattop, which is NOT a military haircut. These weenies have never been anywhere near the armed forces and if they had they’d know that flattops are rarely worn by military personnel. Most of them are salesmen who earn their living by attempting to sell people shit that they don’t need or want. If the draft were brought back these idiots would be anti-war protestors, not mililtary inductees, for the simple reason that they are college boy pussies who earned third rate marketing degrees from crappy open admissions public universities. In the event that we start up another round of wars with the towelheads and the draft gets revived they will doubtless spend their first night in bootcamp crying for their mommies. This of course is why we should’ve never abolished the military draft, because middle class enlisted draftees are the best deterrent to reckless foreign adventurism, since of course their mommies don’t want them to die. This is also why only foreigners are permitted to enlist in the French Foreign Legion, since expatriots who left their mommies home in a foreign country make the best cannon fodder.

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  516. Nathan January 5, 2012 at 7:16 am #

    Yup. From a Calvinistic perspective, most modern protestant “flavours” of Christianity would be considered Arminianistic, so it was one of the words I selected to describe the prolifically in your face US off the rack Christian. The fact that this person has probably never heard of the term Arminian (or Calvinist for that matter) proves my point.

  517. trippticket January 5, 2012 at 7:51 am #

    “The TV show (one of the only ones worth a fig) HOUSE is based upon the premise that PEOPLE LIE. They lie in therapy. They lie to their friends and relatives. And all of this because mostly … they lie to THEMSELVES.”
    On those rare occasions when my wife and I have access to a television, we certainly watch our share of House. For starters, we just like Hugh Laurie, although switching back and forth between a series where he speaks in his native English tongue, like Jeeves and Wooster, and House, where he speaks with an impeccable American accent, is kind of weird.
    While my folks have been out of town we’ve been camping out at their house during this “cold snap”. Not too cold to most people here – lows around 20, enough to handicap the Swiss chard – but when you don’t have much heat in a big old drafty farmhouse, it gets chilly fast. Been so mild this winter we haven’t bothered to install the wood stove yet! But being here has given me some time to catch up with the Clusterfuck, watch a bowl game or three, some Top Gear, and a bit of House as well. Back to the real world today as we enter a warming trend; supposed to be lows near 50 by Saturday.
    Always shocked me that I liked that show House, since it tends to glorify the kind of medicine I just don’t get down with, but now you’ve pointed out an underlying current in the show that I guess I didn’t recognize consciously. Now it makes more sense. It’s more about human nature than medicine. Thanks.
    Toodle pip, old fruit!

  518. trippticket January 5, 2012 at 8:40 am #

    “Freud would probably agree with you: Civilization is based on repression of basic needs according to him. If you are in touch with fundamentals, what need of it? ”
    Civilization does seem to thrive on the disappearance of the basic skills of life, doesn’t it? Fukuoka goes as far as to say that literacy is only necessary because we live in a society that requires it, and not because it carries some universal advantage. Like we’ve said, literate citizens of the industrial world would be completely lost, and probably soon dead, in the Outback.
    I’ve argued with my wife that Americans will steadily lose their literacy in the coming decades and centuries, and we seem to take opposing views about what should be “done” about that. She seems to think every effort should be made to preserve literacy and literature, and to that end we have been steadily building a library of classics, fairy tales, field guides, herbal medicine, self-reliance, permaculture, and natural building type titles, spending good money on high-quality books (cloth- and leather-bound editions from Folio and Easton Press, for example) at the expense of other luxuries. You could probably also acquire the equivalent of a college degree in biology, chemistry, anthropology, or sociology from our shelves too.
    But, personally, I take a different sort of long view. I don’t see the preservation of literacy as the noble goal she does. Don’t get me wrong, in the near term of the next few generations, I am all for building this massive library of high quality books with her. Even sacrificing other niceties in order to do so. I want my grandchildren to be as well-versed in physics as they are in the classical herbals. But I think literacy is an intricate part of our current predicament, and I don’t think our current predicament is all that wonderful, as is so often evidenced by the quantity of confusion and quality of combat on this site and others. Our prevailing cultural narrative seems to be primarily one of discord. Like Agent Smith says in The Matrix, the original design of the matrix was intended to be a perfect human world, one without suffering. It was completely rejected, whole crops were lost.
    I don’t see the glory in belonging to a culture that thrives on misery. I want to see other options. And if that requires rejecting some of the most basic tenets upon which our culture is built, then so be it. Besides, I know that what we’re doing eventually leads to systems collapse. Exponential growth always does. So what’s the point of continuing down this path? I think a more local, lower energy, family-oriented life, which is less reliant on literacy and the other specialty tools of civilization could be a very good thing.
    In the meantime, I’m going to read (and hopefully shelve) every useful book I can get my hands on!!

  519. lbendet January 5, 2012 at 8:41 am #

    It is in fact amazing to me that the voting public doesn’t insist on putting an end to the neoliberal globalism that both parties insist on continuing. The most pernicious form of Capitalism the world has ever seen giving rise to global monopolies.
    The most vital issues have been delineated by the OWSers and yet the polity doesn’t get it. The only thing that matters is the 99% and the 1%.
    Everything else is just noise, because all the issues from border control, unemployment, securitization, selling off of public domain, rampant privatization, doublespeak, lawlessness on the highest levels are all part of the destruction that the imbalance and every other issue discussed on this blog is connected to this destructive force.
    This thing feeds on itself, we give money away internationally while we extract it at the same time. More illusions to make ourselves look good, but it all recirculates through a tiny group and they are extracting more and more each day.
    None of the politicians will address it since they are being fed money by the corrupted system. So we hear that the new crop of dunderheads will create jobs, by making the situation worse. Don’t tax the ones who feed you and no regulation. Let’s reduce wages world wide to the lowest common denominator.
    2008 was the beginning of the realization that everything people assumed about their standard of living has been a falsehood and that borrowing doesn’t make up for the degradation of wage rates against continual rise of costs.
    Ron Paul will not get anywhere…He never does.

  520. DeeJones January 5, 2012 at 9:02 am #

    “How about this for a Presidential signing statement to a bill requiring the President to uphold the US Constitution:
    “As President of the United States I have a sworn duty to uphold the Constitution….NOT!!!!!!!!!!””
    Hey, you practically quoted Bushes signing statement VERBATIM. Good for you. Now go give your self a nice wank….
    There is much mis-understanding regarding these so-called signing statements. Many think that they are just a note added after the President signs a bill, kinda like a little footnote.
    They are not. Prior to the Clinton & Bush admins, they were often just a page or two memorandum attached to a bill. But under the Bush admin, they became multi-page documents legally worded detailing just how the Executive branch interpreted the law, and just how they were going to enforce it or NOT enforce it (if they disagreed with it). In Bushes case especially, they were often worded to EXPAND on the legal interpretation of the law if they saw any way of expanding Exec authority.
    If it was a law they disagreed with, they detailed how the Exec would NOT enforce it or fund enforcement of it.
    Now, back to our blog….

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  521. trippticket January 5, 2012 at 9:19 am #

    “Tripp, I may be in Atlanta visiting family later this year (saving you the cost of a plane ticket) … but Tripp, it’s not rocket science. With Evan’s Hand-Sculpted House and local talent I’m sure you can do it.”
    Apparently you missed both of my goals with that request. One was the attempt to build community, and the other was to let you gain some street cred on this blog by putting your money where your mouth is! Based on your response, I can only assume that your dedicated detractors will continue to detract dedicatedly.
    Otherwise, thanks for the links!
    I’m off to the cotton gin for another load of compost…

  522. Pucker January 5, 2012 at 10:41 am #

    During their podcast, JHK, Dmitri Orlov, and Noam Chomsky et al. bemoaned the fact that the public can’t get their heads around (or are in denial about) Peak Oil, and that the U.S. political process seems impotent to grapple with the problem of oil depletion. Their comments remind me of Bill Gates comment several years ago copied below. Complexity has overwhelmed democratic government.
    “[Bill] Gates said that the political process hasn’t shown itself to be very good at handling issues that “are complex enough that even the average elite voter has a hard time getting their mind around things”–issues like tax code, controlling medical costs, improving education or relations with China.
    These things are just complicated enough that the main people who understand them are people who are biased about them,” Gates said. “The number of experts in these things that are unbiased is so few. So how does society, a democracy that has worked so well, make some of the tough trade-offs that, say to avoid climate change, that need to be made.”

  523. welles January 5, 2012 at 10:42 am #

    greetings asoka,
    glad you got to see things on foot down here in south amerika, on foot’s about as up close and personal as it gets, like the difference between reading about cooking and actually being in the hot kitchen working, tasting, burning etc lol
    iguacu must be thunderous and overwhelming.
    i lived in curitiba a few years, has more of the fast-paced european influence (vlad’s ears now pricking up lol) than the much slower rurally areas (yeah i know rurally’s not a word).
    now im about 200mi shy of both bolivia and paraguay (my exact coordinates must remain a mystery lol).
    for all the rainforest sissies out there, i’m buying a 12,000btu air conditioner to counter the obnoxious heat.
    nature – while *of course* it must be protected and preserved – is way overrated. if you don’t believe me, spend one night in mosquito infested jungle, then tell me modernity’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
    hell, our ancestors recognized this, which is why they invented shyte to get them *out* of there.
    ain’t no use in goin’ back, unless it’s of the gentlemanly sort of communing which trippy espouses & practices in real life.
    so…everyone can forget the absolute CRAP natives-communing-with-wonderful nature in the movie Avatar….it don’t happen that way, the injuns i know here are hot, tired and only eke out a living selling what they can grow or pick.
    and they all want tv’s and radios and at least a beat up car.
    …for what it’s worth.
    peace peaceniks

  524. ozone January 5, 2012 at 10:59 am #

    Even I’VE been to Iguazu Falls, and I certainly don’t live “nearby”.
    Whassamatta wit-chu? It’s not to be missed; climb on a bus fer goodness sakes.

  525. ozone January 5, 2012 at 11:01 am #

    Thanks for all the links and multitude of things to mull, Everyone. (Hopefully going to get through some of it by the weekend… grrrrr.)

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  526. welles January 5, 2012 at 11:14 am #

    Assumptions are the life-blood of CFN. Which is why facts are detested. Obvious facts. Like the fact that collapse has not happened despite persistent and repeated predictions that collapse is going to happen any minute now… as soon as Europe implodes, as soon as Israel attacks Iran, as soon as blah blah blah … we love provoking the fight or flight response and get high on the adrenalin.
    well stated.
    the end is (perhaps, maybe, probably, might be, be cool if it were true, semi, hopefully etc) nigh.
    peace peaceniks

  527. dale January 5, 2012 at 11:32 am #

    Vlad never met a racial stereotype he didn’t repeat on the internet.
    To anyone who pays attention, to the world and their own mind that is, it becomes quickly apparent that real answers are never as easy or satisfying as half truths or biased projections.
    For example, I have this far right acquaintance who is just utterly convinced of every half-baked, simplistic partisan assessment of the problems of the economy or government that he hears or finds on the internet. It’s weird really, I try to point out to him that the system itself is corrupt and distorted and breeds kleptomaniacal behavior, top to bottom, right and left, but he just can’t quite make the jump to it being the fault of anyone but “liberals” or “Democrats”.
    I asset managed over a thousand low to moderate income housing units in Idaho for a few years. It was clear to me that the correlation between poverty, low education and poor parenting with violent behavior was extremely high. Empirically, based on a fair amount of observation, when placed in identical circumstances whites were just as likely to be sociopathic as any other group. Now, there are other cultural factors involved….undoubtedly….but to come up with raw statistics on crime vs. racial groups and insist that differences in rates are the result of race, only or even mostly, is so blindly stupid and biased it is just ridiculous. Pure projection…malice without thought.
    The best that can be said for such thinking is it is a form of phobic response. In Vlad’s case he admitted to being attacked by an AA or group of AA’s, yet he just can’t make the connection between his thinking and pain, and his deep seated phobic fear. Recently, I notice he has been transferring some of that to ‘youth’, vis-a-vis their attitude they show to him in public. I’m sure he means white youth, living in Northern Idaho. Maybe he’s starting to get the point, and he should. I can speak from experience that there are a lot of violent, mean, stupid, young, under-educated whites in places like Sandpoint….and they are just as likely to kick Vlad’s ass as any Pennsylvania African American. Trust me on that last point, Vlad.

  528. Rhino January 5, 2012 at 11:37 am #

    Tiresome pseudo intellectualism. The sound of diarrhetic voiding would be more enlightening.
    You make sweeping judgemental statements about people. Like: Americans are ignorant barbarians, Iranians are beautiful people.
    And this gem:
    “But the fruit of traditional nuclear family values are domestic violence, drug use, divorce, child abuse…”
    You didn’t address my question. What kind of craphole did you grow up in that would influence your thinking in such a way? Who educated you? Who influenced you?
    Another question: what qualifies YOU to make such sweeping statements? Let me suggest an answer: Nothing. Not one damn thing. Or maybe I’m wrong. Am I?
    Hard to know where to start picking apart these festering carcasses. Address this kind of malice and bigotry and you encourage more of this corrosive discourse. Unaddressed and unchallenged it festers anyway.

  529. dale January 5, 2012 at 11:48 am #

    BTW Vlad, I walked into one of the units I managed once where there were about 5-6 tatted up, boot wearing, ‘skins’ listening to some white power rock about ‘killin niggas’. I just looked over at them and said “turn that crap off”, which they promply did. For the rest of the time I was in their unit, they sat there like little boys waiting for their next instructions from their father. No angry looks, no disrespect, not a peep.
    I’m larger than average, but no giant. For the most part I get respect because I don’t show fear, I respect others, and I know how to carry myself. I’ve had, and continue to take self defense training, I’m definitely aware of where I am at, and what those around me are doing, and sometimes even thinking.
    If you want to help yourself, get a little physical and budo training. Then you won’t be such an easy target. After all, you’re the Darwinist, and a lot of the time you sound like a wounded fawn to me.

  530. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 11:50 am #

    rom Asoka’s post: “…collapse has not happened…”
    Sure, if your definition of collapse means the sudden appearance of piles of dead bodies and smoldering debris. From my perspective, the sincere collapse of American society began with the oil embargo of 1973. My hometown never recovered from it. Writing computer code is not the same thing as building refrigerators. Should we still be building refrigerators? The more fun-duh-mental question.

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  531. ABSALOM January 5, 2012 at 12:25 pm #

    First, you know you’ll read every line of this, like you have all the rest of ’em, so apply your Dr. House TV theory about lying, which is accidentally true, to yourself, liar. That show was stale after the first season by the way.
    Next, you’ve now either magically concocted a Masters degree in counseling to conjoin to your CS/Math credentials, only to try and support your pseudo-scientific rants about race and misanthropy, which is probably a bullshit lie anyway; you wrote in one of your first remarks to me that psych grad students would come to you your department to have you produce stat analyses that you were reticent to perform, because of your self-described mistrust of their experimental designs. You, yourself, gravitated toward MY general complaint that statistics used to boost social theories felt like the INFUSION OF SCIENCE WITH RHETORIC. I caught you in a lie here, Eleuthero. You keep burying yourself. But maybe you really do possess degrees in both fields, or, maybe you’re just the type that has lied to his self for so long and genuinely do believe your own bullshit. But I like the talking calculator dig at any rate, so I’ll stay with it.
    I switched my major from psychology the day after I read this article, over 12 years ago:
    Today I despise all social theory, especially pet theories from pretend erudite goobs like you. Feynman said, “Science is the organized skepticism in the reliability of expert opinion.” You’ve only EVER offered opinions, sometimes propped up with some math, but NEVER have you been willing to have a discussion about science, you fukin’ twerp.
    A friend of mine has unfortunately invested a lot of time and money earning a Masters in Marriage and Family counseling. It’s a crowded field with a lot of burnouts in it, because A.) It’s a ridiculously easy degree to get, and B.) Because whether bought from a brick and mortar institution or for profit diploma mill, they’re big money makers sought by weak students, who don’t really like rigorous academia. I’m truly embarrassed for all who pursue these bogus fields of study, as they come away with no genuine understanding of science and stupidly believe that the scientific method can be treated like a flavor of Gatorade – a biased preference to how it can be used; hence yours and Voldemort Krandz’s over reliance on stats to shape your beleifs.
    Lastly, get over your desperate need to find an ally, and, place me in a category. You have mostly even-handed trades of info with some, and then you allow Vlad and Soak to shit on your chest for agreeing with them while not to their pleasure. You then try to say that I “side” with Asoka and Met; well, you’re just fukin’ lying again, Eleuthero.
    Askoa, I think mostly argues for sheer entertainment and purely antagonistic purposes. I have no way of pinpointing what he really thinks, because when he gets cornered, he changes the topic, just as you do. But all in all, he has a sense of humor which compensates for the argumentative weaknesses.
    You just abandon the topic altogether and scream Liberal.
    Mika/Met is completely weird but good hearted overall. I don’t get into back and forths because I can’t follow the material he’s recommended. I’ve NEVER agreed with him the way you agree with them other fucks, yet I don’t mind trading oldies tunes with him. Good music is good music.
    Eat a dick, E. I’m sure someone will throw you a napkin sometime.

  532. mika. January 5, 2012 at 12:28 pm #

    True today as it was yesterday:

  533. Rhino January 5, 2012 at 12:32 pm #

    Totally agree. You see “collapse” by degrees. Every year things fall apart a little bit more.
    The thing is you have to watch things over time which means 1) you have to have your eyes open and 2) you have to have been around long enough.
    To someone who’s young (let’s say born in the 1980s or 1990s) they will have had no knowledge or experience of armies of fathers trudging off with lunchbucket in hand to work a shift building things like fridges. Nor will they have had the experience of watching how industrial America slowly collapsed as entire industries offshored production and jobs. They won’t have seen industrial America as it was.
    What you and I saw was once busy plants get shuttered, boarded up, eventually torn down and fenced off as brown-fields replaced them. And, as you say, our hometowns get ruined in the process. You go down the old neighborhood and what do you see? What do you see in the old downtown? Bustling streets? A new generation of pink cheeked young uns replacing us? Nope. Nothing but the dead and dying in our little town.
    Today’s young will have the experience of graduating with a megabuck load of college debt and the prospect of unstable, low wage jobs awaiting them.
    I don’t know about you but I was able to get summer jobs to fund part of my education and was able to pay off my student debt. I had stints of unemployment and poverty (ie no money, some really skinny meals, constant worry) when recessions hit but I was able to eventually find work and recover.
    I don’t “know” what eventually awaits today’s young but I strongly suspect that they will have a much harder go of it than we had just like we had a harder go of it than our dads had post WW2.

  534. Rhino January 5, 2012 at 12:49 pm #

    I read somewhere that it took about 5,000 years for neolithic farmers to colonise Europe from their jumping off points in the Middle East/Anatolia/SE Europe.
    I suspect that in the future, when people are using ox carts instead of cars (say in the 22nd century), that population movement will more resemble what took place in neolithic Europe. People will move maybe a few miles per generation.

  535. malthus January 5, 2012 at 1:10 pm #

    This is going to be the year of justification. The justifiers will be attempting anyway they can to justify their past actions and to keep things the way they think they are or can be again. These people are pathetic, archaic thinkers and belong in the 16th century. Pay no attention to their whining patriotic capitalist babel. The problem is they are not the only ones that are going pay the piper.

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  536. trippticket January 5, 2012 at 1:16 pm #

    “Totally agree. You see “collapse” by degrees. Every year things fall apart a little bit more.”
    Jared Diamond calls the lack of recognition of this phenomenon “landscape amnesia.” Things only change a little bit each year, and that becomes the new normal. He gives the permanent snowpack on the peaks of the Bitterroot Mountains in Montana as an example. When he first starting visiting western Montana in his youth there was about 1000 vertical feet of permanent snowpack that cruised right through summer on the mountains. He didn’t visit for quite a few years after that, and when he finally did the snowpack was completely melting in the summer. None of the locals recognized it, but there it was. They had lost 1000 vertical feet of permanent snowpack at an average rate of about 50’/year, and hadn’t noticed a thing. If you can miss something like that, how easy would it be to miss the volume on your favorite liquid grocery items gradually decreasing half an ounce at a time, while increasing in price a dime or so per year? Stealth inflation like that, combined with overt inflation, has eaten up a lot of value in this country in the last few decades. But people don’t notice the receding snow line unless it happens all at once. Living on different coasts of this continent intermittently, back and forth, has probably given me a better view of the collapse, in slightly more noticeable increments, than the “stable” people who don’t move around have noticed. There were 7 years in between my last two stints in Spokane, Wa, and the decline was very noticeable, and very disheartening, when we returned.
    You’re right, most people are looking for the wrong things, and therefore preparing in the wrong ways.

  537. Vlad Krandz January 5, 2012 at 1:42 pm #

    No Dale. I’ve lived in mixed neighborhoods, very near (a few blocks) a Black Ghetto (Roxbury) – and there is no comparison. Blacks are far more dangerous than lower class Whites. Statistics bear that out, not just my personal experience, which by the way extends to several races. You haven’t gotten around very much from what you’ve said. You do have the self important bluster of a bureacrat though. Good for getting along, but not good for Enlightenment.
    I said that the people hate pedestrians, and the kids felt free to yell insults. I don’t like that and I hate the attitude – which they got from their parents and the culture as a whole. No one accosted me or assaulted me. I don’t get much of that (none here) and I’m very aware of my enviornment. There are much easier target than me.
    The Marxist idea than crime is a direct function of income is incorrect. It is obviously a big factor, but the poorest people in America are the American Indians on the reservations. In general, the crime level is much lower than the Black Ghetto although high by White Standards. Some of the big Reservations are pretty bad such as one or two of the big Sioux ones. Likewise South Boston/White Dorchester is comparable economically with Roxbury, but with a much lower crime rate though high by White Standards. Blacks are just different – separated from the other races by tens of thousands of years at the very least. I lived in a largely Spanish (Dominican, Puerto Rican) neighborhood – didn’t have a problem. I could never do that in a Black one. Part of the problem is mine – I’m very fair skinned. They hate that in particular. I know you will reject that since it runs contrary to your PC group-think. But it is true and you can’t deny it since you have no experience in these matters.
    Btw, the Hispanic crime rate is high – three times the level of White assaults. So I could have had a problem but I didn’t. But with them (it might be different with the Mexicans, don’t know – no experience yet) I didn’t feel like I was being singled out racially.

  538. Vlad Krandz January 5, 2012 at 1:49 pm #

    The perversity of the human being can be awesome. Someonce can come from a wonderful family, become a Marxist and then work for their whole life to undermine the Family because that’s what Marx wanted.
    Likwise, a girl who loves her Father and Brothers, can go to college, become a Feminist, and then work against Marriage and “Hetero-Normativity” for the rest of her life. Luckily many of such people don’t get married and wont pass on their stupid genes. Or if they do, they will have two or less children. Imagine the kind of man who marries one of these.

  539. Vlad Krandz January 5, 2012 at 2:03 pm #

    What is this “shit on your chest” theme? Is this a sexual fantasy of your’s?

  540. Vlad Krandz January 5, 2012 at 2:07 pm #

    The Jungle is a White Man’s grave. It has a degenerative effect on us, both physically and mentally as Joseph Conrad pointed out. And look what happend in Jonestown.
    I assume Curtiba is in the Southern Highlands and is a good bit cooler.

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  541. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 2:08 pm #

    A lizard CAN go to Washington D.C. and become a successful lobbyist. But first they have to quit their job at the CANNING plant and also give up their part time job as a CAN-CAN dancer. Pure speculation.

  542. wagelaborer January 5, 2012 at 2:10 pm #

    A village is a way better place to raise a family than an extended family, in my opinion, based on my limited experience as a mother.
    That’s because kids like to have other kids to play with.
    I agree with you, however, that it is also good to have the extended family nearby. Just not in the same house.
    I have worked with immigrants who still had mother-in-laws living with them, and they didn’t like it any better than homegrown Americans do, upbringing or not.

  543. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 2:14 pm #

    “Totally agree. You see “collapse” by degrees. Every year things fall apart a little bit more.”

    So, collapse and Black Swan events are different?
    People on CFN talk about a coming Black Swan event, which is what I thought would trigger collapse (empty WallyMart parking lots, empty shelves, etc.)
    Black Swan (based on the Taleb’s criteria):
    The event is a surprise (to the observer).
    The event has a major impact.
    After its first recording, the event is rationalized by hindsight, as if it could have been expected (e.g., the relevant data were available but not accounted for).
    Apparently we are not using our terminology carefully.
    If “collapse” happened (or started) in the 70s, and if we are 40 years into collapse, why did we set retail sales records last month’s holiday season? Why are the highways full? Why aren’t we seeing the things people associate with collapse?

  544. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 2:20 pm #

    “If ‘collapse’ happened (or started) in the 70s, and if we are 40 years into collapse, why did we set retail sales records last month’s holiday season? Why are the highways full? Why aren’t we seeing the things people associate with collapse?”
    Jeez. So that you could be right about something, OK?

  545. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 2:35 pm #

    Facts are stubborn things and hard to face when they go against doomster fantasy-land scenarios.
    I could be wrong. This whole economic house of cards could collapse … as early as next Tuesday at 2 p.m. In other words, wait for it, “we are so fucked.” (the CFN mantra)
    Except the interests of TPTB are not served by collapse and the surplus wealth in the USA will allow us to maintain our “new normal” (poverty/3rd world conditions) for decades, maybe centuries.
    Not as exciting as “collapse” I’ll admit.

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  546. JLouise January 5, 2012 at 2:38 pm #

    I’ve been waiting for your 2012 predictions and these quips did not disappoint. Wouldn’t be surprised if most every prediction came true, because the handwriting is on the wall. I wonder how long and painful it’s going to be to roll back into pre-industrial civilization. Some of it no doubt is going to be painful, but perhaps enough people will gradually hop on the bandwagon to where no one notices much. Once people get out of the drug habits called Credit Card Usage and Mall Shopping,it will be much easier to move forward.

  547. wagelaborer January 5, 2012 at 2:51 pm #

    There you go again. Posting verses that you don’t understand don’t make your point.
    And then adding a new one –
    “…For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
    Humble? Here’s a recent quote-
    “I see you wisely chose not to compete on IQ scores, so would you like to try to compare degrees and the GPA earned?”
    Oooh, someone’s not going to heaven like she thinks she is!

  548. wagelaborer January 5, 2012 at 2:59 pm #

    Two days ago, I went to buy 1/2 ton of gravel.
    It took the guy about 2 minutes to load it into my truck, using fossil fuels.
    Now I’ve been shoveling, hauling and dumping buckets without making a damn dent in the gravel.
    However, my back has seized up. I may just spend the rest of the day sitting on this couch typing.
    Thanks for the auctioneer link. As a teenager, I spent many Fridays at the El Monte Horse and Mule Auction, and the auctioneer was amazing.
    I’ve been to a few livestock auctions here in the rural midwest, and the auctioneers don’t come close to the El Monte virtuoso.
    Also, speaking of lower back pain, take it easy on asoka. As I’ve mentioned, cob mixing is VERY hard work, especially if you use straw.
    Asoka is old and may not want to get involved in that back-breaking labor again.

  549. rippedthunder January 5, 2012 at 3:00 pm #

    Lighten up Rodney, The LE will be a slow descent. Many of us are getting prepared in our own ways. I just wish we could all cooperate in the shitstorm.

  550. wagelaborer January 5, 2012 at 3:05 pm #

    Do not forget that the white Christian slaveholders passed a law that a drop of Africa blood made you a Negro.
    That way they could impregnate their slaves, and still be able to sell their children.
    That’s the kind of family values that the slaves were introduced to, here in this great Christian nation.
    While the genteel Southern women failed to notice that the slave children bore a marked resemblance to their own spawn.
    Perhaps the ability to remain oblivious to reality is part of the problem of southern women to this day, even when they move to the midwest.

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  551. wagelaborer January 5, 2012 at 3:09 pm #

    Although Vlad does acknowledge the reality, in an oblique way, when he proclaims that the more white blood that black people have, the smarter they are. This implies, of course, that the slaveowners were doing their slaves a favor by raping them.
    Which leads to today, when the largely southern volunteers-based armed forces bomb, invade, torture and kill people in other countries, in order to improve them.
    Yep, it makes sense, if you look at it that way.

  552. wagelaborer January 5, 2012 at 3:13 pm #

    Do you have a link about Somalia? That sounds pretty interesting.

  553. wagelaborer January 5, 2012 at 3:52 pm #

    Um, Eminem is just a displaced southern redneck.
    That’s what happens when rednecks migrate to the city. They still have their attitudes, but now they have to deal with new people.
    He looks a lot like the guys in the Copperhead Road video.
    But the good ol’ boys up in the holler don’t have many neighbors, and they tend to get along with the ones that they do have, because they’ve lived in the same place for decades, and they help each other, and it’s a lot easier to get along with your neighbors when they live a mile away, then it is when they live on top of you, and you have to listen to them walking around and fighting upstairs.

  554. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 4:50 pm #

    Sure Wage, here it is:
    Better Off Stateless: Somalia Before and After Government Collapse

  555. lbendet January 5, 2012 at 5:05 pm #

    Are the banks going totalitarian on us?
    My sister called my attention to banks checking out our activities on social media (Facebk and Twitter) to see who our friends are and what types of groups we join in order to determine our risk for loans!!
    I guess if you think you are part of the 99% they’ll make sure you go down.

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  556. welles January 5, 2012 at 5:22 pm #

    Vlad, Joseph Conrad is a genius (he is still with us).
    And you are right that the jungle has a degenerative effect.
    peace peaceniks

  557. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 5:28 pm #

    Also, speaking of lower back pain, take it easy on asoka. As I’ve mentioned, cob mixing is VERY hard work, especially if you use straw. Asoka is old and may not want to get involved in that back-breaking labor again.

    You got that right, Wage! Besides, I have helped out on cob houses, but I am not an expert.
    My expertise (such as it is) is with adobe construction (that’s sun-cured earthen adobe bricks), not with cob. They are different animals.
    My teachers told me to build my own adobe house, then help my neighbors build theirs. But damn, it requires a good back to move tons and tons of those bricks. When the walls get so high you are throwing the bricks up into the air to someone, as the day goes on the bricks seem to get heavier and heavier.
    I’m also not sure what the building code is for Georgia. Here in the southwest adobe is accepted and included in the Building Code.
    And just like on Andy Griffith, I can say (imagine a southern drawl) I’m pretty tired… I think I’ll go home now. 🙂

  558. bossier22 January 5, 2012 at 5:47 pm #

    Diversity worship and globalism killed community spirit in the USA. Before that we had a pretty good thing going. now, Vlad’s right we are headed for a breakup. But I’m happy for now. Glad you are enjoying life down there.

  559. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 5:59 pm #

    Unemployment claims down (lowest since June 2008)
    Manufacturing jobs up (325,000 added last month)

    When the Labor Department reports December employment numbers on Friday, it is expected that manufacturing companies will have added jobs in two consecutive years. Until last year, there had not been a single year when manufacturing employment rose since 1997. And this week the Institute for Supply Management, which has been surveying American manufacturers since 1948, reported that its employment index for December was 55.1, the highest reading since June. Any number above 50 indicates that more companies say they are hiring than say they are reducing employment. There were new signs Thursday that the overall jobs climate was improving, as the Labor Department reported that new claims for unemployment benefits fell last week and a payroll company’s report showed strong growth in private-sector jobs in December.

    Yes, facts are terrible things in the way of collapse-obsessed doomers, whose religion prevents them from ever saying things are getting better.

  560. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 6:06 pm #

    Diversity worship and globalism killed community spirit in the USA.
    This is a shocking admission of racism!
    When your neighbors became diverse, YOUR community spirit died … due to YOUR racism.
    Nobody killed anything.
    You want community? Embrace your neighbors regardless of what color or nationality they are.

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  561. bossier22 January 5, 2012 at 6:12 pm #

    most voted with their feet and moving vans when their community became too diverse. back to my jack daniels analogy. a iittle is good, the right amount is great, too much is a disaster. more moderation and pragmatism than racism.

  562. wagelaborer January 5, 2012 at 6:38 pm #

    That was written by an Austrian School believer, asoka. Like Ron Paul, the guy you spend so much time attacking?

  563. bubbleheadMarc January 5, 2012 at 7:00 pm #

    In other words, everything gets over-simplified to the point of incoherence. Expect this to stop about the same time that the American educational establishment decides to force kids to pass British style form exams before they can be advanced to the next grade, resulting ultimately in vast numbers of sixteen year old fourth graders in our large urban districts, that is fourth graders with their own offspring, who will most likely earn their GEDs about the same time that THEIR kids become sixteen year old fourth graders themselves.

  564. progress2conserve January 5, 2012 at 7:11 pm #

    Trying to restart the Civil War on CFN this week, womanfrien’?
    Eminem is from Missouri. Gol Danged border States – always have bred angry people.
    The South does supply more armed forces recruits, but the skew in numbers is not as large as you implied in your post, or even as large as I thought it might be:
    “…approximately 38 percent of the U.S. population resided in Southern states. ….. Southern representation among recruits remained consistent with 43.49 percent in 2004 and 43.8 percent in 2005”
    Plus, recruitment is skewed toward rural areas, and the South remains more rural.
    And concerning gravel – just be glad that stuff is on the truck. Once it is dumped on the ground the effort to pick it up with a shovel and then move it around doubles – at least.
    My wife and I still laugh (well, now we laugh) about the time I left her to meet a man with 16 tons of “crusher run” that he was dumping at our first house – that I was going to spread by hand.
    My final words to her, “Don’t let him dump it all in one place.” Apparently, we both overestimated her ability to supervise and pass orders to dump truck drivers.
    Till yet, 30 years later, part of that driveway has a gravel deposit that is at least 8 inches thick.

  565. lbendet January 5, 2012 at 7:14 pm #

    I have no idea who you were responding to, cause I’m sure it wasn’t me. I did post something concerning banks checking up on our social networking to determine our loan risk.
    Yeah sure, It’s either guilt by association or it’s a free gift, if you just happen to know the right people and you’re brain dead and think you are the 1%.
    I think its more like getting blacklisted if you might vote for someone who will try to break them up!

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  566. progress2conserve January 5, 2012 at 8:00 pm #

    “Equally, as a Country boy there’s alot you don’t understand cuz you aint never seen it. Like the way Blacks behave on public transportation. ….
    And instead of opening yourself up, you defend your limited point of view.”
    Look, vlad, I used to range out over downtown Atlanta pretty well. I logged two years there at Georgia State University, one in the 70’s as an undergrad, and one in the ’80’s as a grad student.
    Back then, there was no place in Atlanta that I wouldn’t go, pretty much day or night. And I’d hop on a bus anytime, regardless of the neighborhood it was heading into. Now, I’m much more selective, especially at night – and for good reasons.
    Part of it may be that I’m older and, maybe, more prosperous looking. Nobody messed with college students in the 70’s – it was quite well known that we had no money. And I was a visible demonstration of that phenomenon.
    OK, Vlad, that was supposed to be funny up there – now let me be a little more serious. There is something about you’re online persona that projects fear. You fear blacks, and keep documenting reasons as to why, on CFN. Some reasons are legitimate, but SOME of your reasons are born of too much time on online White websites – with their skewed and cheery-picked statistics.
    Well – alrighty – you can move to Idaho, or to most any gated community in the US, and get yourself away from black trash, white trash, or any other lower demographic that you would like to flee.
    But – unless you’re gay, which I doubt – you don’t want to flee women. Women are pretty nice to have around if you want to have a family or, have a life that is worth a shit to live, in my humble opinion.
    And you’re projecting a lot of fear of women on CFN right now. And I’m fairly well certain that some of your fear is coming from too much time spent on Pro-male/anti-female websites. Some women are bad news. (so are some blacks, browns, whites, Asians, Jews, you name it)
    Don’t obsess over the bad women, the bad laws that favor women, and the bad things that they have done – despite what some websites tell you.
    It only takes one good woman to make a good life.
    She’s out there, maybe in Idaho, even.
    Good luck.

  567. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 8:43 pm #

    OMG! See how sneaky those bastards are? They tricked me into posting their data on CFN!
    Wage, when it comes to science it does not matter what political persuasion one has. It would be like asking Einstein’s political persuasion … what difference would that make to his scientific data? Data is data. What is, is.
    Until I posted on Somalia, Turkle and others assumed Somalia was worse off post-collapse. Now we know otherwise.
    Pretty much everyone on CFN (perhaps Tripp excepted) believes collapse means things will get worse. The Somali data do not support that assumption.

  568. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 8:44 pm #

    “Yes, facts are terrible things in the way of collapse-obsessed doomers, whose religion prevents them from ever saying things are getting better.”
    Oh Boy! 1962 here we come. I will NOT be replying to anymore of your posts. You really bug the fuck out me.

  569. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 9:00 pm #

    You really bug the fuck out me.
    Frequently happens when a true believer encounters a skeptic/atheist. I understand.

  570. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 9:05 pm #

    It doesn’t take brains, guts, or imagination to see how degraded the environment is all over Brazil.
    Another ignorant comment. In the past 10 years Brazil has reduced the amount of deforestation by 70%. Brazil is a different country now. Newsflash: Things can change for the better.
    Attention CFNers:
    Data prove it.
    Push on. Smile. Do good.
    (Credit to solar guy)

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  571. progress2conserve January 5, 2012 at 9:09 pm #

    “Oh Boy! ….. I will NOT be replying to anymore of your posts. You really bug the fuck out me.”
    -xhalor, to asoka.-
    Yeah, x, I have this vision of asoka. over on a Black Nationalist website, talking about how important the contributions of Dead White Men are to the things about civilization that blacks take for granted.
    Then he’ll log a few hours at the Anti Defamation League website, talking about how policies pushed by Jewish lobbyists are serving to keep the Black Man down, in the modern united states.
    Then, he’s over to the National Organization for Women website – to make his points that no child should be born into a family that does not have a male at its head.
    Then he’s off to the International Living website, to explain how he made a major move into the Andean Highlands, of an unnamed South American country. Only, he moved back, one week later, because his dial-up connection was too slow – or something. Wow.
    Of course, all of those websites are moderated, and his posts are quickly deleted. So asoka. always comes back to CFN. And here he trolls, week after week, simply for the joy to be found in opposing the theme and purpose of any one, particular, website and “organized?” collection of people.
    Absalom, you don’t get a whole lot right.
    But you have described our asoka., to a tee.
    Just 5 years to go, though.
    Mark your calendars.

  572. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 9:15 pm #

    And here he trolls, week after week, simply for the joy to be found in opposing the theme and purpose…
    And Asoka presents hard data, not opinions.
    And Asoka can provide sources for his data.
    And yes, he does enjoy his work on CFN, presenting opposing viewpoints to people so set in their [negative] outlooks.
    Ooops, [realistic] outlooks… except the data don’t support their version of reality.
    Thanks for your good-humored post, Procon. I really enjoyed it. Posts like yours are what keep me coming back.

  573. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 9:27 pm #

    I don’t know the source of the article about manufacturing that asoka posted, but, it raised more questions than it answered. About how the stats were compiled, their accuracy, the long term prospects of these manufacturing jobs, et cetera. Then the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Stats from the BLS? Gimme a break. Oh yeah, and this old chestnut “…a payroll company’s report showed strong growth in private-sector jobs in December.” Isn’t there some high Christian holiday in December? One that makes you want to go out and just smoke that Visa card? What a simpleton. I’m left with the impression that asoka hasn’t been in the US long enough to realize that the major down side of freely available information is freely available mis- and deliberate dis- information. Never trust anyone who smiles all the time. They are either mentally retarded, completely brainwashed, or stoned.

  574. progress2conserve January 5, 2012 at 9:27 pm #

    “Thanks for your good-humored post, Procon. I really enjoyed it. Posts like yours are what keep me coming back.”
    OK, a.., it was supposed to be funny. But DAMN, man – I did not intend to give you a reason to keep coming back. My apologies to almost all of the CFN thread.
    Just remember, now, it is only forty and one-half years to your projected peak oil/end of oil.
    And it looks as though there is no way that civilization will make it to that optimistic projection of yours, anyway.
    The clock keeps ticking.
    And on January 2017, you’ll be removing yourself from CFN permanently.
    Tick. Tock.
    Hold on, Xhalor.
    Come back then, anti-soak.
    And am I the only one who is going to eulogize Qshtik around here?

  575. welles January 5, 2012 at 9:33 pm #

    i am glad you are happy, my friend, there’s enuf
    wallowing in misery, which begets nothing but the same, and is pointless.
    one of the secrets to living is to do good in the face of adversity, as good spawns good down the generations.
    peace peaceniks

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  576. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 9:35 pm #

    About how the stats were compiled, their accuracy,
    They come from ADP, in other words indisputable payroll data, from private industry, not from any government source.
    But I understand your dilemma. It is positive data, indicating the United States of America is improving its manufacturing, so it must bug the hell out of you. When did you start hating America? When a Black man became president?

  577. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 9:46 pm #

    Ah yes, the race card. I started hating America when America threw me away. But now I’m starting to think that I started hating America when they let YOU in. Oh, and by the way, NOT talkin’ to you.
    Procon, you fucked up. The Committee is formulating your penance.

  578. asoka. January 5, 2012 at 9:57 pm #

    I started hating America when America threw me away.
    Thank you for sharing. You have my sympathy.

  579. BeantownBill January 5, 2012 at 10:37 pm #

    Turk, I don’t know what will happen in the future, unlike most CFNers. For some reason, the time gods have kept their knowledge from me.
    But, if carbon-based resource depletion occurs, adjustments in our lifestyles have to occur – in that I agree. However, I believe the timing is very important. With our present degree of knowledge, such an occurance tomorrow would be a disaster; but technological progress has been happening exponentially for a long time. Even if the progress curve flattens out, in 20 years we will be very much more advanced than we are today. As more and more time passes without a collapse, the higher the probability we will be able to overcome the issue. Hence, if we will have survived 50 or 100 years down the line, that implies we will have survived the problem, IMO.

  580. BeantownBill January 5, 2012 at 10:53 pm #

    E, you said,
    “We need to aid other AMERICANS and become nearly isolationist except for vital trade. Why we give billions to Africa or Yemen while 1 in 6 are near STARVATION right here in the USA is beyond irrational.”
    I do have to agree with you on this. It’s funny, last night we had a couple over for dinner and we got on the subject of foreign aid, and the 4 of us discussed exactly what you are saying above.
    I will state, however, I feel guilty about believing this, even if it’s the right attitude, probably because I’m Jewish, and Jews are world-class guilty people.
    The tragedy is, really, that humans are so screwed up that they couldn’t make a world where poverty and starvation are non-existent. Americans share some of the responsibility, but all countries do, too.

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  581. Vlad Krandz January 5, 2012 at 11:13 pm #

    Not for Whites you don’t. Not one in Media or Big Politics gives a damn about the tens of millions of White who have had to leave the places they had grown up because of Black and Brown criminality and the poverty that comes with it.

  582. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 11:26 pm #

    My hypothesis is that nothing screwed up the human psyche more than the concept of ownership of things. Poverty is relative. Starvation is not. People don’t have to starve now, and yet, they do (if humans don’t get serious soon about population, people will HAVE to starve). We could have universal health care, and yet, we don’t. We could employ lots of folks to clean up the mess of the Industrial Revolution, and yet, we don’t. So….what are we doin’?

  583. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 11:27 pm #

    In the lingo of civil engineering, isn’t that called gentrification? Hardly new. All right honkies, wagons ho!

  584. Vlad Krandz January 5, 2012 at 11:27 pm #

    I was at a Club once and they had a fashion show. And on the Soundtrack it was saying above the music, “All Women are Bad”. And as the women sashayed and flaunted themselves, I realized it was true. Women can’t control themselves – they need to be controlled by Men who create standards which they must live up to. One can’t hope for guilt, but shame will do the trick. That’s how it has always worked. Real Civilizations are Patriarchies.
    You have to understand how many young women take pride in being a bitch. It’s no longer a pejorative, do you know that? And being a bitch to men is de rigeur, a duty, part of being a modern woman. That’s Classic Feminism. Now the new school of Feminism comes in and women begin to gloat about sexual power. Over 40% of College Women polled were considering prostitution as a way to pay down their college debt. Fine. They will be ready when the collapse comes and they have no other option. It’s all going to work out Prog, one way or another.
    Don’t throw platitudes around. Would you marry one who went to bed with you on the first date? Women who are fun like that aren’t marriage material. And Feminists of any stripe aren’t either. You are what’s called a White Knight always defending what can’t be defended. Still trying to please Mama.

  585. Vlad Krandz January 5, 2012 at 11:29 pm #

    There’s no freedom without property and weapons. Owning was an advance in Consciousness. Before, only the Chief and a few Aristocrats could own and got to be individuals or “real people”.

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  586. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 11:38 pm #

    …and keeping with the Jones’ got it’s start. I was kinda floored by the blanket statement “Owning was an advance in Consciousness.” As if that were a demonstrable fact. Says who? Don’t envy the Chief. Round up yer droogies and mock the fucker.

  587. BeantownBill January 5, 2012 at 11:43 pm #

    What is ownership but some degree of the right to exclusive use of something. So by your criterion, giving any human the exclusive use of anything, as compared to everyone having the use of anything is what has caused all the world’s problems? I’m not criticizing you, I’m just trying to see where your argument would lead.

  588. BeantownBill January 5, 2012 at 11:58 pm #

    So let’s see. The world’s population is 7 billion. You denigrate women, who make up 51% of the world’s population, or over 3.5 billion. You also denigrate male Blacks, who make up what, 500,000,000 people? You also denigrate brown people, who are not of the Black race, who have a population of what, 1 billion, so excluding the females, which I’ve lumped into the 51% already, means another 500,000,000 people. You denigrate the Jew’s, only about 7 million males. You denigrate Arab Muslims, who have yet another 500,000,000 males. I don’t want to think about this more, but so far the total is around 5 billion of the human race, and there’s certainly more.
    I’ll tell ya, if that doesn’t define misanthropy, then nothing does. If your attitude wasn’t so unlikable, I’d feel sorry for you. It must be hard on you to have to put out so much energy to look down on so many of us humans.

  589. xhalor January 5, 2012 at 11:58 pm #

    The idea comes from old man Rockefeller who said that he didn’t want to own anything but wanted to control everything. In that respect, ownership implies liability. I thought that point of view was kinda chickenshit, but it made me think about some things. How hard do we fight to protect our possessions? How much of your identity is defined by what you own? Have we reached the extreme of this behavior? Children kill other children for basketball shoes. You tell me. People are trampled in stores to buy an X-Box. I should just be able to go to the X-Box place and sign one out for a day (or more). Did you break it? NOW…you have to compensate.

  590. xhalor January 6, 2012 at 12:07 am #

    Now William, this un-ownership of things does not mean that you get to use Large Hadron Collider to see how fast you can make a Pop-Tart go. These are the kind of freebies that have to be evaluated by the same committee that is formulating ProCon’s penance.

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  591. xhalor January 6, 2012 at 12:21 am #

    All right. Who’s gonna make the X-Boxes? Everyone…er…everyone who is physically able. Who’s that at the end of the line affixing the Microsoft logo? Why, it’s Angelo Mozilo. What’s he doin’ here? When I said everyone, I meant everyone. The problem with American alpha-males, is that they think that they are special. Do they bleed? Then they’re not special.

  592. BeantownBill January 6, 2012 at 12:21 am #

    OK, using your example, you sign out an x-box for a few days. Who made the x-box? An x-box factory. Nobody owns anything, so as the president of the x-box manufacturing company, I decide to build my factory where it’s most convenient for me and my workers to get to. That happens to be in the place where a farmer wants to plant wheat. Who gets to use the land? And my factory workers, do they want to get paid? What do they want? Food, pants for the family, to be able to live in a house, etc. But I don’t have any money for salaries, because no one can own money – everyone can go to a bank where money is stored, and just take as much as they want.
    See, I think the concept of money, which is a medium of exchange, is tied to the concept of ownership. Without money, all we can do is barter, which in our world is not practical because it’d be very complicated to keep track of all transactions, and very time-consumng. Money simplifies the whole process.
    Where you are on the right track with regard to ownership, I believe, is the problem of greed: People just want to accumulate too much. The idea of having just what you need, and no more, isn’t popular in America. It’s greed that causes our problems here, IMO.

  593. Eleuthero January 6, 2012 at 12:24 am #

    I got out of psychology because I agree with you. I know that’ll piss you off because you want a fight at all costs like your pals Metusaleh and Asoka. It’s the only thing that makes you feel alive.
    I parlayed my math minor in undergrad school into a Masters in Statistics and Computer Science in 1979 (after 3 years of being a therapist). I’m not a PRETEND scientist. Indeed, before my 22 years at my college, I was a statistician and programmer at the Stanford Research Institute where I did mathematical modeling for the Atmospheric Physics and Ballistics Departments.
    You’re sooooo out of your league trying to pick on a guy like me with TWO published books and a lifetime of achievement behind him that it’s downright laughable. You were only a credible person the first couple of weeks on CFN when you were a deferrent bootlick. Now, you’re one of the doofus outliers who lives to post and who has no life so you have to knock people who have HAD and still HAVE a life down so you can feel better about your pitiful existence being a blog troll.

  594. Eleuthero January 6, 2012 at 12:27 am #

    Oh … by the way Absurdsalom, I read about four lines of your screed. I did get a chuckle out of them. You cannot defeat the reality of the totality of a person’s life, achievements, and reasoning by telling them to “eat dick”.
    You’re Fabian’s replacement here on CFN. Are you going to threaten me with a baseball bat next?? What a loser.

  595. xhalor January 6, 2012 at 12:27 am #

    Bingo! Greed. The worst remnant of our animal past. Well Bill, it remains to be seen if we can talk our way out of that affliction in time. And as for factory vs. wheat field, I really want to see you eat that X-Box.

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  596. BeantownBill January 6, 2012 at 12:30 am #

    And greed is a result of our own brain wiring. It takes an enlightened society to overcome that kind of basic nature. And we isn’t enlightened (except when our government takes so much of our money or causes TPTB to be able to take so much of our money that our wallets are enlightened).

  597. BeantownBill January 6, 2012 at 12:33 am #

    I have a great recipe for pan-fried x-box.

  598. Eleuthero January 6, 2012 at 12:36 am #

    Even though we have disagreements about White Nationalism … because their societies are tattooed brutes who hate blacks yet adopt their “prison chic” fashion.
    However, trying to have realistic discourse about RACE on this blog is to spit into a hurricane. Though I vehemently disagree with you about White Nationalism (which I oppose), I *do* agree with you that the goofy egalitarians on this site have to ignore fifty years of clear demographic data about educational achievement, crime, and child abandonment in order to pretend that we’re all “equal”.
    Also, sometimes your historical arcana to “prove” various conspiracies sounds like an Alex Jones show. I agree with many of your SENTIMENTS but, frankly, since almost NO ONE speaks truly about race, you really ought to abandon CFN or switch your primary emphasis to a different topic. The political reality is such that only HONKIE is a racist while blacks, Hispanics, etc. are lovers of humanity … the biggest crock of bullshit in the history of social thought.
    Why spit into a hurricane? You just get spit on yourself and your “targets” remain unsullied and undeterred.

  599. xhalor January 6, 2012 at 12:37 am #

    My wallet bit me then flew away. Bye wallet.

  600. BeantownBill January 6, 2012 at 12:44 am #

    And with that, well, I’d like to continue the conversation, but my wife is telling me to come to bed, and I do realize I’m tired – and I’ve come to realize it’s a smart thing to heed my wife every once in a while … so good night.

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  601. Eleuthero January 6, 2012 at 12:47 am #

    Bill said:
    I do have to agree with you on this. It’s funny, last night we had a couple over for dinner and we got on the subject of foreign aid, and the 4 of us discussed exactly what you are saying above.
    I will state, however, I feel guilty about believing this, even if it’s the right attitude, probably because I’m Jewish, and Jews are world-class guilty people.
    That’s always been a tragi-comical archetype of modern Jews i.e., the self-loathing Jew. I guess 19 centuries of Christian “love” have frayed your nerves. 🙂 🙂
    I wouldn’t feel guilty because I believe the old dictum that “charity begins at home”. I have so many acquaintances and friends who are living hand-to-mouth that it’s really SCARY. Many of these people are underemployed, unemployed, or physically disabled and often have to wait in line for years to get public assistance because the lines right now are HUGE … which surely puts paid to the mass media B.S. about our “recovery”.
    My own personal efforts include volunteering at the local food bank and giving small loans to friends for whom, sometimes, a couple hundred bucks means being able to buy vital medicine. Example: A platonic girlfriend of mine is 64 and her body CANNOT get rid of water. So she has high blood pressure and might be on her way to renal failure. So I gave her some dough for a Lasix (furosemide) prescription. I don’t know why this stuff is so expensive but it is what it is.
    I think our government(s) should think along these lines. Right now there are MILLIONS of people who: a) Have been making an earnest attempt to find work for YEARS, b) Have no savings because they worked poor-paying jobs their whole lives, c) Are older women who CANNOT hold a job but they’re not old enough yet for Medicare, … and the list goes on and on.
    America is half way towards being a third world country and I think it is high time that our citizens and politicians focused on the very real suffering and privation right here at home.

  602. Eleuthero January 6, 2012 at 12:53 am #

    My new theory of investing is to invest in NOTHING. You just look at the demographics of the country, the declining wages, and the declining educational achievement of Gen-X and Gen-Y and it takes no rocket science to figure out that there isn’t going to be enough WEALTH in America to buy equities.
    Of course, government bonds are a joke, too, but at least you have ZERO volatility with stuff like I-Bonds. Why be in markets with mindboggling and permanent volatility with a downside bias?
    I want to devote the last 25% of my life to thinking about anything OTHER than money. When you reach 60, you become aware that TIME is the only real “currency” in life.

  603. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 1:29 am #

    Start here: http://www.the-spearhead.com/2012/01/04/slate-advice-column-condemns-mra-as-ugly-obsession/
    Note the total lack of empathy the daughter has for her Dad – as if was the one who ran off and divorced her Mother. They start them young, Prog. It’s already too late for her. And they hate that we are onto them. Try it yourself next time you’re at a party: talk about the rights of men and see how the Ladies all go into a rage and attack you. And then shun you for the rest of the evening – or forever. And how their “worse halves” bow their heads in shame or actually join in the assault.
    About half way down the comments page, an interesting Huffington Post article is linked. You were right that Alimony varies greatly from State to State. But I was right that it’s still horrible in many of them.

  604. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 1:39 am #

    In other words I’m right: you have no compassion for White Americans but only the “other”. And not because you’re Jewish since countless White Gentile Americans feel the same.
    Bet you love your own People though. No big kudos, it’s natural. But White Gentiles can’t and are denigrated if they do. This I put on the head of the Jews. Whites became obsessed with Non Whites before the Jews came to power so I don’t blame you all for that. But actually hating their own People – well you worked hard to effect that. But I grant you it couldn’t have been done if we weren’t half gone to begin with.
    Our White Elite – whose duty it was to protect us – they are the most morally culpeable in this disaster since they encouraged it at every step.

  605. mika. January 6, 2012 at 1:44 am #

    you want a fight … It’s the only thing that makes you feel alive.
    It’s not the only thing, but you’ve hit on a very good psychological insight. This not only applies to me, it applies to everyone. That’s why I reject all notions of heaven and god and all that BS. There can be no heaven while we still retain any semblance of our human character.
    And Vlad, if you actually read any Dostoevsky instead of your Vatican/Jesuit propaganda, you would understand this.

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  606. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 1:54 am #

    Why? Perhaps like Rhett Butler I love a lost cause. Also why preach to the choir? The Elders in our Movement have told us to go out and preach to the Unbelievers.
    Less admirably, I like a good fight and being a big fish in a small pond. But it is a point of pride with me to try and be fair and argue by the evidence and not just to win. I mean I really do believe what I’m saying. If I have an Oppositional Personality, it’s not to point where I have no respect for Truth and fair play.
    Lastly, I really do believe in Peak Oil, Environmentalism, the Coming Collapse etc. And I do admire and learn from Tripp and others who are studying all this. I did go to a Permaculture Conference a couple of months ago due to Tripp’s influence.
    Oh and I’ve had several small victories here: I told Prog about the 1.2 million legal immigrants coming here every year. He didn’t believe me but acutally bothered to look it up – which is all I ever ask. And he found out. There is some evidence (though they will never admit it) that several posters, like the vanished Q, did look up the evidence about Black IQ and now they know. But they don’t know what to make of it since it is so out of synch with the general paradigm. I think even Turk looked it up, found out I was right, and then said to me “So what”? For my money, the stupidest comment ever. I think you know what. We have torn our Society apart based on the premise that Blacks and Browns are equal and that all inequality is based on White Oppression. If it’s not true, we have been duped, countless billions lost, a culture impoverised culturally, and countless lives ruined.

  607. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 2:15 am #

    Btw, do you any, I mean any, idea how stupid you sound saying the Talmud was written by Catholics? Or that Chabad is a Catholic Conspiracy?
    Catholics are your niggers and you are as ignorant and knee jerk as the worst White Cracker who ever lived.

  608. mika. January 6, 2012 at 2:21 am #

    Talmud was written by Catholics?
    Catholics?! LOL! Leave them poor superstitious morons out of it. It was written by the Vatican. Never confuse the two!

  609. mika. January 6, 2012 at 2:23 am #

    Same, btw, regards the Koran. That too, was scribed by the Vatican. Research it!

  610. xhalor January 6, 2012 at 3:48 am #

    I do agree that the concept of money is insidious. It is the yardstick that we have agreed to commonly use to differentiate. I suppose that it beats hacking each other to death with swords. And yes, as long as we even have a vestigial electronic commerce system, face – to – face bartering ain’t gonna cut it. However, as a survival mechanism, I will hack you to death to steal your money (if I can). The fucked up part is that some people, in comparison, really are special. To this day, human government casually uses the one – in – ten thousand – birth to maintain the status quo. Not to give the rest of us dumb shits some insight, but mostly to build better weapons. And what about those that are the one – in – five thousand births? Well, if they’re lucky, Raytheon will accept them into their comforting bosom.

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  611. Eleuthero January 6, 2012 at 4:24 am #

    Oh, I know, Vlad, that you’re not going to give up the debate on ethnicity/race. However, since it appears as though you’ve devoted YEARS to this fight with umpteen posts per day, the victories you’ve cited for all that typing are “a long run for such a very short slide”.
    So you’ve altered the opinions of a couple of CFN’ers. Even people I like on this blog tiptoe around the issue of PANDEMIC RACISM i.e., the brutal fact that EVERY race is racist and, frankly, they wouldn’t bend over for Honkie to NEARLY the extent that Honkie has bent over for them if they were in the seats of power.
    Until the phony egalitarians admit the fact of universal racism, there can be no honest, ethical, and factual discussion of the issue AT ALL. Facts … are inadmissible in discussions of the problems of certain American ethnic groups. How can any discussion get half a start if it has no INTELLECTUAL INTEGRITY from the get-go??? That’s why I think your “battle” here is utterly fruitless and a waste of time.

  612. xhalor January 6, 2012 at 4:26 am #

    Big kudos for T. Ernie Ford. Wish I’d thought of it first. And yeah, maybe more relevant now than when it was written. Wait a minute, 16 tons of coal? Shoot me. Shoot me now.

  613. ak January 6, 2012 at 4:27 am #

    [got held for review – tried to go thru a proxy, but I couldn’t post: session expired error]
    OK, for a bit of the lighter side:
    Anyone’s familiar with Monkey Dust?
    It’s a British reality cartoon that was shown 5-6 years ago on like the Sundance Channel but is hard to come across now. There are clip on YT (of course), but it was the interaction among the clips (by various animators) that made it quite good!
    House Call
    Body Clock
    I see a couple of longer shows are here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xm80r_monkey-dust-s02e02-part-1_fun#rel-page-2 , but they require the latest flash player
    and I don’t care for it.

  614. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 4:46 am #

    Hopeless. You remind me of a Black Sunni Muslim from the Sudan that I worked with. The Shia Sect was created by the Jews to split and corrupt Islam.

  615. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 4:53 am #

    So you know. And you know that even apart from Peak Oil that we were headed for disaster and civil war as the Hispanics assumed ever more power. How can you NOT be in favor of a White Republic?
    The only other alternative is that of Pat Buchanan and Sam Francis: Whites maintain control because Whites and only Whites dreamed up multi-culturalism, believe in it, and have any chance of making it worse. I assume this is your position. But since both the Left and the Right use the White Race as their whipping boy (in different ways), I must say that my idea is more possible – even though still a long shot.
    Buchanan never comes out and says this – if he did, he’d lose his spot on the air. So much for freedom of speech.

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  616. xhalor January 6, 2012 at 4:53 am #

    In the words of Harry Nilsson, “Now, let me get this straight…”
    In this episode, Dad gets to meet his daughter’s pimp; an over-the-top negro wearing fake pink fur. I hope you understand that race AND free-will are not the issue here. If Dad were in the US, I would recommend the 34 Roberto Clemente model Louisville Slugger. The problem is that I just don’t know the name of the preferred cricket mallet manufacturer in the UK.

  617. ak January 6, 2012 at 5:23 am #

    Sorry, xHal’r, I shouldn’t have started you on the more advanced ones. How about one of these:
    Tight Airport Security
    or Lucy’s Birthday
    [with too many links the post gets held, it seems]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tu5e9WtKX0 Looking for a Date

  618. xhalor January 6, 2012 at 5:41 am #

    I’ll check them out. I love cartoons, but, dude, I fail to see the humour in the “House Call” episode. A little to close to home for me. Advanced, huh.

  619. ak January 6, 2012 at 6:29 am #

    Well, xH, perhaps I should qualify my angle.
    I’m a central European, in the US since Mondale&Ferraro, and the only show on TV I ever liked was “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” (British, as well).
    Even though I’m not a voter, the only politician during this quarter of a century that I ever supported or agreed with is Ron Paul. Now I feel like I’m back among the brainwashed people of my teen age when I hear the vitriol (not necessarily from you) thrown at him by individuals he’s really representing. Unbelievable. (The man doesn’t accept *any* corporate donations: if you see Msoft as a donor, it’s actually the MS employees, not the company; he votes strictly Constitutionally w/o regard to race, and please get -fscking- interested in him before THEY destroy him)
    TO ALL: If you’re not a banker or a well-paid govt employee, and you’re bad-mouthing Dr Paul, you need to discuss it with your therapist, ASAP!
    (Talk about shooting yourself in a foot, eg) Not applicable if the therapist is a member of the 1%, obviously.
    Read “What’s Wrong with Kansas” for guidance.
    Thomas Frank, 2004, Publ: henryholt.com

    Oh, Kansas fools! Poor Kansas fools!
    The banker makes of you a tool.
         –Populist song, 1892

  620. ak January 6, 2012 at 6:35 am #

    The book’s name is What’s the Matter with Kansas?
    How Conservatives Won the Heart of America

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  621. bubbleheadMarc January 6, 2012 at 6:55 am #

    I was responding to this:
    “The most vital issues have been delineated by the OWSers and yet the polity doesn’t get it. The only thing that matters is the 99% and the 1%.”
    To agree with your statement quoted above it is typical of any controversy that you simply cannot get people to attend to the issue at hand because they over-simplify the issues, or focus on the simplest catch phrase, to the detriment of any sort of accurate overall view of the essence of whatever it is. It would seem to me that the real problem with the economy is lack of regulation, or really abandonment of regulation, and absurd notions such as a belief in the self correcting nature of “markets”, or that “the market is always right”, and so forth. Then of course there is the related issue that relative scarcity of fossil fuels harms the economy because scarcity increases price of commodities. People with simplistic right wing world views want to blame everhything on government interference with energy markets, or government interference with free trade, or a perception that taxes are too high.
    I would say that ideally it shouldn’t matter what people think, since most of them are plainly not the brightest and have difficulty with any sort of thinking activity that is if you expect their thoughts to be reality based, which of course is an overly optimistic attitude towards the thoughts of the ignoranti. Even well organized and productive middle class persons tend to be not the brightest usually, hence the take on the OWSers by the annoying retired Army sergeant at the barbershop where I work who denounced the OWSers by saying “the hippies are marching again”. Does this in fact indicate that he supports wall street and thinks it’s great that whatever stocks he might own took a big hit? Of course that guy gets a flattop so it goes without saying that he’s a flaming asshole, but so much for identifying marks of fascist pigs.

  622. ak January 6, 2012 at 6:57 am #

    OK, so after you get over that “I could never vote for that guy” feeling (hurry up, please), what can you do?
    Well, in order to get Dr Paul as an opponent to the current POTUS, he needs to get nominated by the Republican Party. In order for that to happen, you need to find out when the Repub. primary is in your state, and moreover, it it ‘open’ or ‘closed.’ If ‘closed,’ you *must* be registered Republican in order to vote in the primaries; you’d free to vote for anyone in the final/general election. Additionally, most states require to register with a ‘party’ at least two weeks before the primary.
    So -register Republican now (you can hold your nose)
    -vote for Ron Paul in your state’s primary
    -vote for Obama in November, if you so desire

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  630. asoka. January 6, 2012 at 7:58 am #

    Read Thomas Frank’s new book:
    Pity the Billionaire
    The Hard-Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right

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  631. welles January 6, 2012 at 8:34 am #

    …a quick dna swab would dispel lots of folks’ thoughts on what race they think they are.
    it’d be real interesting for a lily white individual to put down ‘african american’ on a hiring form and have the scientific proof to back it up.
    my experience in the states is that there~s tons of blacks that are bloody racist to the hilt and have blanketstamped all whites as racists.
    there~s tons of white racists as well prolly, though most that i know dont give a damn what color you are.
    anyone know where i can get an accurate dna test as to my race? im interested in knowing.
    disclosure: white person married into family with mulattos/nigs/whites, and we all get along great, color~s the furthest thing from anyone~s mind
    peace peaceniks

  632. lbendet January 6, 2012 at 8:49 am #

    Sorry, Bubblehead,
    I don’t think anyone responded to my 2nd post of the day concerning the banks researching us for loan risk on social content sites.
    Yes, I agree that there are several ways to look at the world. Microcosm and Macrocosm. I try to do both, but maybe it’s the overall-non-objective paintings I worked on for years that help me see the big picture more acutely than I would have. (total gestalt)
    The race issues on this blog are exhaustive and in my opinion a complete waste of time. I work with black people all the time in my business and find nothing but hard work, talent, a good sense of humor and awareness of how bad things are getting. And yes, focusing on their wives and children as most important part of their lives.
    We are facing a moment of peak globalism, peak culture, finance and energy and the things that we should be fighting as a group are not being focused upon.
    The only good thing about the race posts is that I skip through them and focus on just the conversations that I think are reflective of what this site is supposed to address.

  633. DeeJones January 6, 2012 at 8:58 am #

    Asoka, even tho the employment stats may have “improved” for Dec, its TEMPORARY, due to the short-term hiring for the holiday season. FYI: Fast food joints now count as ‘manufacturing’, and they hire extra for the holidays too. Thanks CrApplebys for that little bump-up.
    Bet those stats are way down, UN-employment way UP for Jan when all those temps get laid off (again) …..
    p.s. I know someone who worked the Kindle support center here for the holidays.

  634. welles January 6, 2012 at 9:00 am #


  635. asoka. January 6, 2012 at 9:10 am #

    We are facing a moment of peak globalism, peak culture, finance and energy and the things that we should be fighting as a group are not being focused upon.
    Amen. I would amend your last sentence:
    the things that we should be focusing upon as a group are not being focused upon.

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  636. bossier22 January 6, 2012 at 9:12 am #

    yeah, living well in adversity. living well doesn’t mean money or toys, but friends, interests, and doing something productive. almost forgot: whiskey

  637. welles January 6, 2012 at 10:00 am #

    whisky has probably played much more of a key role in history than folks think.
    here in brazil they have their own moonshine called cachacha, it’s rotten stuff lol, kinda like brazilian pop music (the older stuff’s really wonderful though).
    but you’re right, you have to produce something (beneficial), it makes the world go round.
    ill be planting several hundred sunflowers/acidanthera soon here, they’ll rocket up in the heat and sun.
    this site is more about peak hysteria than peak anything else.
    peace peaceniks

  638. progress2conserve January 6, 2012 at 10:18 am #

    -welles, registering approval of Lbend’s post.-
    I concur welles, good post by Lbend.
    But can you reconcile it with this?
    “my experience in the states is that there~s tons of blacks that are bloody racist to the hilt and have blanketstamped all whites as racists.”
    Asoka. has a multitude that expresses “black anger” very well. According to this particular “asoka.tude” whites can NEVER, EVER do enough, or give enough, or lose enough “white privilege” to make up for slavery in the United States – NEVER!
    Lbend, you have the privilege of interacting with intelligent blacks of the middle and upper class. I had that privilege too, through my whole working life. It’s a beautiful thing. But, even there, black racism and distrust lingers under the surface. Any white person who does not give “racial issues” careful handling will not have a long career in public service, for example.
    And the black underclass of the inner cities boils with racism – undifferentiated, hopeless, and angry. This deserves logical and dispassionate examination – in an energy descending world.
    Race is not MY big focus, population growth is.
    But ignoring an issue does not make it go away.

  639. progress2conserve January 6, 2012 at 10:36 am #

    “So you know. And you know that even apart from Peak Oil that we were headed for disaster and civil war as the Hispanics assumed ever more power. How can you NOT be in favor of a White Republic?”
    -vlad, to E-
    “A White Republic?” A “White Republic,” centered in Idaho, and sanctioned in some manner by the State and Federal Governments?
    Change the words “White Republic,” to
    “Black Republic,” or
    “Hispanic Republic” or
    “Muslim Republic”
    And you will have your answer.
    And I’ll disagree with E about some of what you do here, Vlad, and E’s desire to see you leave. Some of what you do is an important public service to the CFN thread. (I said SOME!)
    And in SOME ways, you second the opinion of our host, JHK, and his fears and concerns for race relations – post collapse.
    As I may have said before, Vlad, I just wish you’d lose the edge of hate, fear, and divisiveness that some of your posts have.
    Because, I’m certain that these elements hurt your cause, far more than they help it.

  640. ozone January 6, 2012 at 10:37 am #

    Ah… See? They really are different!
    Look what surrounds this article and the periodical in which it appears. Oh my, yes, things are beginning to coalesce and “concretize”… in the distinct direction of the surreal (despite protestations to the contrary, attended by bellowings of “things is gettin’ back to good; don’t worry; there’s plenty of Boeing jobs in Kansas). Oops, that last one just went [appropriately] down the shitter.
    (It’s a recession when your neighbor lost their job; a depression when you lose yours. Same goes for “safety nets”, which are overburdened and being shredded as we speak.)
    What people tend to dismiss when talking about manufacturing is that the very infrastructure was off-shored and border-hopped as well. The MACHINERY was physically removed and you can’t just plug a worker into a manufactory without precision machinery to make actual products. That, and the capital to invest in new machinery, is gone.
    I don’t see anything “good” or “relaxed” coming out of these current predicaments. AFTERWARDS will tell the tale. Everything will be “different” [as needs be], but will that be good or bad, or even conducive to continued human presence? Get on them masters of Time, Bill, we want answers! ;o)
    I suspect the general state of things will be similar to what is depicted in JHK’s novels, with perhaps a few [as yet unknown] low-energy technological twists. As always, keep checking here for great, already-proven ideas:

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  641. SNAFU January 6, 2012 at 10:43 am #

    Howdy James Howard Kunstler, What thinks you about our illustrious governor’s state of the State address in which he declared an intent to build the world’s largest convention center in NYC, replace the Tappan Zee, repair 2000 miles of roads and 100+ bridges, repair 100+ dams and flood control systems and last but not least incorporate a comprehensive approach to casino gaming in NY. I reckon wall street is not sufficient for this governor apparently he wants to turn NY into Nevada East. Hey gotta move the wealth from the middle class to the .001 (one tenth of one percent) at a faster clip so as to get as much as possible in their pockets,before; “this sucker could go down”.
    And the good times they are a rolling along, just around the corner.

  642. ozone January 6, 2012 at 10:51 am #

    I enjoyed this article. Practical and informative.
    As Tripp has pointed out, the less links in the “energy chain”, the less waste.

  643. progress2conserve January 6, 2012 at 10:56 am #

    As far as “Men’s Rights” goes – “MRA”
    (and I’m putting this in a separate post, just for you Lbendet – to be sure you read it and offer input if possible)
    Anyway, Vlad, I assume that you are young enough and heterosexual enough to be thinking about dating. And I assume that you are “conventional?” enough to think that dating should lead to marriage before children are born.
    Because without marriage contracts, MRA is a tempest in a tea pot – of zero importance to anyone.
    My opinion, Vlad, is that you are whipping yourself into a frenzy over MRA, reflective of too much time spent on Men’s Rights websites – and not nearly enough time spent out in the real world.
    It only takes one good woman, to make for a good marriage, family, and life. If you focus on the bad things that COULD happen in a divorce – you’re going to repel the one good woman.
    You will also repel all of the, potentially, good women. And you will be left with the shrews who are attracted to divorce and conflict – – This is just common sense, you don’t have to be a Dale-Class-Buddhist to see it coming.
    If it really worries you – get a pre-nuptuial agreement, drawn up by a good lawyer and specific to the State laws where you marry and reside. And treat your wife as an equal. That means she should work outside the home, for example.
    And if these ideas repel you – because you want to be the all-knowing Patriarch, then be very careful. Because something is going to bite you in the ass, otherwise.

  644. ozone January 6, 2012 at 11:02 am #

    And where is this mythical BILLION bucks (give or take) going to come from to “revitalize” BUFFALO?!? Gadzooks!
    I’m tellin’ ya, things have gone through the looking glass, bigtime. Let’s pretend… about everything!
    Guard that astoundingly fertile farmland east of Lake Eire with your very lives; that’s where “free stuff, free money” dreams will break upon the jagged rocks of reality. Lock and load, these fuckers aren’t going to give up their privileges easily, and will continue to attempt to have everyone else do all the actual work for their ease and comfort.

  645. ozone January 6, 2012 at 11:16 am #

    What the fuck are you doing? Writing an advice column for someone whose first line in a dating advert would be: “Lone (and lonely) fair-skinned gunman searching for VERY white virgin female… [ending with] …no niggers or one-droppers need respond.”
    I can almost understand your attempting to make some kinda point with this, but, in the end, nope, no insight gained. (On some things, I am of the ignoranti [tm BHM], but this I consider time-wasting noodling on both our parts.)

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  646. Rhino January 6, 2012 at 11:17 am #

    Why aren’t we seeing the things people associate with collapse? – asoka
    Speak for yourself. YOU aren’t seeing.
    Some possible reasons: 1) you aren’t old enough to have seen the changes xhalor and I and Tripp were talking about. If that’s the case then no fault of yours. If you weren’t there, you weren’t there. What you CAN do though is OPEN YOUR EARS. There are those of us that WERE there.
    2) you CAN see the changes but for reasons of your own (for example ideological or financial interests) you spout and spin the story-line that there’s no problem folks, nothing to see here, move along, move along.
    3) Cognitive blindness. You dismiss what you see because what you see doesn’t fit in with your own preconceptions of how things ought to be. Wasn’t it Orwell that said you can spend your life not seeing what’s right under your nose?
    Xhalor and Tripp and I just gave you examples of things we associate with collapse. You seem to have utterly dismissed the eyewitness accounts of xhalor and myself and others on this site as to America’s progressive economic degradation over the last 3 or 4 decades. Instead you talk about what govt statistics say.
    When govt statistics don’t square with what I see with my own eyes and when they don’t square with what others around me say they see then I disbelieve govt statistics. If you don’t want to believe your lyin’ eyes and those of others well that’s your privilege.
    You pluck a govt statistic like “record” retail sales and quote it as if it proves something.
    When I was a kid I could buy a pair of hush puppies for 10 bucks from the dollar here and there that I earned cutting neighbors’ lawns. Now they cost over a hundred bucks a pair. How hard is it to set “record” sales if govt statisticians don’t account fully or account at all for price inflation like in this one example?
    How about the effect of population growth? I remember when the population of the US was

  647. ABSALOM January 6, 2012 at 11:19 am #

    Eleuthero continues to say:
    .1) That I’m an egalitarian who believes everyone and all races are equal. This is just a convenient dodge and distortion of positions I’ve never taken, yet still pertain to a topic very relevant to socioeconomic strife in the U.S. for which I have offered plenty of material to hash over, offering the so called nuance E pretends to value. He’s never once had the balls to engage me on these points or the secondary material. NEVER. He sidesteps, or, merely tries to purdy up his ignorance, stating that statistics he’s listed in the past speak for themselves.
    2.) That his resume makes his credibility irreproachable
    Alright E, you win. You got me dead to rights on the deferential boot-lick thing. I dig the cranky cynic schtick in the spirit of George Carlin types, and I was initially very impressed with some of your notions, as I literally believed you to be someone else. But when I realized different, after I caught you massaging Vlad’s buttocks, I proceeded to figuratively club you with the bat as you say. You are a liar, and our record of exchanges show that while your credentials may be accurate, your characterization of my views and my exchanges and meanwhile failure to adequately justify your praises to Vlad are dishonest, cowardly.
    Buh, bye indeed.

  648. Rhino January 6, 2012 at 11:20 am #

    The system blew off a piece of this post:
    How about the effect of population growth? I remember when the population of the US was

  649. progress2conserve January 6, 2012 at 11:23 am #

    “What the fuck are you doing? Writing an advice column for someone whose first line in a dating advert would be:” -O3-
    That’s very funny, ozone. And yeah, I get the irony, or whateverthehell it is.
    You and Lbend don’t want to talk about race relations. I though I’d bend the conversation over to gender relations for a while, for you.
    You know me, always trying to be helpful. hehe!

  650. Rhino January 6, 2012 at 11:33 am #

    less than 200 million. Now it’s over 300 million. Would your record retail sales take into account that factor?
    Lot’s of technical glitches this a.m.

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  651. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 11:37 am #

    I agree with you up until the vote for Obama part.
    I think that people should vote for Ron Paul in the primary, and then Jill Stein in the general election.

  652. Rhino January 6, 2012 at 11:39 am #

    The Marxist idea than crime is a direct function of income is incorrect. – Vlad
    I agree. Crime went nuts in the 1960s when times were good and jobs were plentiful. I saw it with my own eyes.

  653. ozone January 6, 2012 at 11:39 am #

    Alrighty then.
    Maybe, stop trying so hard, okay? ;o)

  654. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 11:40 am #

    Yeah, my co-worker, a blue-eyed blond, found out when her sister got into genealogy, that her great grandmother was a black woman.
    That was a surprise.

  655. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 11:47 am #

    William Blum gives his predictions for 2012.
    They may be more accurate.

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  656. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 11:52 am #

    One of my co-workers announced her engagement to me. Then she told me that she had come very close to despair that she would ever be married, but she held onto some words of wisdom from me and it got her through.
    Part of me was “I gave words of wisdom?” And the other part was, “Which of my many words of wisdom did she hang onto?”
    Well, apparently, she was bemoaning the lack of good men one time, and I told her “You only need one”. And that got her through.
    I don’t even remember telling her that.
    Hopefully, Vlad is able to accept your words of wisdom. Sure, it would take a very strange woman to marry Vlad. But he only needs one!

  657. Rhino January 6, 2012 at 12:01 pm #

    I remember seeing a story a while back on TV about a screaming white supremacist and a dark skinned east Indian gal. They met and and fell for each other. She was really good looking too. What she saw in him I have no idea. But the point is that he started to re-think his convictions on the issue of race after he got involved with her. Amazing what a babe can do to a guy.

  658. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 12:02 pm #

    Actually, E, you’re working yourself into a fit flailing against a straw man you’ve set up yourself.
    I don’t think there are any equalitarians (and you spit that out as if it’s a bad word) on this site who deny race data.
    Even asoka merely points out that when you enslave a percentage of the population, and then oppress them, maybe you can expect differences in that percentage of population.
    I have never denied that blacks test worse than whites, or have lower rates of graduation. And ain’t I an equalitarian?
    I just say that there is no reason that a college education should be required to make a decent living for anyone in this country.
    Manual labor is just as important (and I could make an argument that it is more important) than mental labor. And definitely more important than the ability to steal pension plan money and gamble it. So why is it so accepted now that it should be paid so poorly?
    And, for all the gleeful predictions of the coming bloodshed, when the white folks start losing their jobs and Social Security, no one points out that the black population went through this 30 years ago, and the amount of bloodshed is still less than that predicted on this website for the future white disenfranchisement.
    So, calm down. You’re tilting at windmills.
    And we need windmills to power our cars, when the oil runs out. (Joke, Tripp!!)

  659. progress2conserve January 6, 2012 at 12:06 pm #

    “Hopefully, Vlad is able to accept your words of wisdom. Sure, it would take a very strange woman to marry Vlad. But he only needs one!”
    True dat, Wage. But “strange” is in the eye of the beholder. What you consider “strange,” might be completely normal to Vlad and his potential spouse.
    Or, maybe Vlad wants to move to Utah and live as an orthodox Mormon. Then he might need to meet potential spouseS.

  660. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 12:18 pm #

    Yeah, I shared a card I thought was funny a couple of weeks ago.
    Three little girls, and one says “My mommy says I come from God” and the second says, “My mommy says I come from love” and the third says, “My mommy says I come from a 3-day snowstorm and a bottle of Jack Daniels”.
    I read a fascinating book about the history of the US through the prism of rum. The book was called “Rum”, as I recall.
    One of the most interesting parts was the discussion of the relative value of Britain’s western colonies in 1776.
    We tend to think of ourselves as oh-so-important, but Britain’s big bucks came from the West Indies islands that grew sugar, from which byproducts rum is produced. Those islands remained in British hands, while the 13 colonies scratching out a living on rocky soil became “free”.
    Also, the British sailors gained the right to a daily portion of rum, but when they started losing too many drunken sailors, they watered it down and called it grog, and gave them that instead.
    When I told a co-worker of mine about this, he said that when he was in the Navy, the Canadian sailors he knew still had the right to daily grog.

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  661. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 12:23 pm #

    My Mormon grandmother always said “For every Jack, there is a Jill”.
    Working in the ER, I am frequently amazed at the hook-ups I see.
    Especially the homeless drunks. For a while, we’ll get some lowlife male drunk and a separate lowlife female drunk, and then, one day, they show up together.
    They’ve found each other. But it’s rarely beautiful.
    And it rarely lasts long.

  662. mika. January 6, 2012 at 12:38 pm #

    a Black Sunni Muslim from the Sudan that I worked with
    LOL! Kinda tells us a lot about your education level, doesn’t it, Vladik. Was he a professor of English literature?

  663. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 1:08 pm #

    America is going to break up sooner or later. That’s a good thing. Sorry it makes you feel insecure. Time is nature’s way of making sure that Frank and Dean weren’t going to be doing the same act in Las Vegas 500 hundred years from now.
    Life moves on. You can move with it or you can ignore it. As far as WN and MRA, you are missing important waves of the future. Absolutely necessary. But I guess they don’t effect you and that’s what you care about. Whatever happens after your death is no concern of your’s.
    So are you concerned with your own death? Meditate on it and your destiny and destination afterwards? No I guess you don’t do that either. You just like focusing on the here and now, the physical, the body and its pleasure, the emotions, current events, etc. All your choice, but how anyone can choose to be so small amazes me.

  664. messianicdruid January 6, 2012 at 1:10 pm #

    “But the point is that he started to re-think his convictions on the issue of race after he got involved with her.”
    You are examining one of his persuasions rather than one of his convictions.

  665. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 1:12 pm #

    How many abortions did this granny have? And what did she think of the Evangelical one who had 13/14?

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  666. messianicdruid January 6, 2012 at 1:20 pm #

    “Until the phony egalitarians admit the fact of universal racism, there can be no honest, ethical, and factual discussion of the issue AT ALL.”
    Racism includes the concept of loathing [ hatred ] while racialism infers [ or at least allows ] indifference. Could this help the discussion? IMHO – Only among honest people.

  667. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 1:23 pm #

    lbendet, did you listen to the new Max Keiser report?
    Stacey Herbert reported that she received the same pitch for $3 for Obama that Pucker also posts here.
    But she got it the same day that Obama signed the Indefinite Definition Law into effect, saying that any US citizen can be thrown into military prison for life without any charges, trial or recourse.
    So she was afraid not to give the $3. What if Obama decides that if you’re not for him, you’re against him? What if he decides that it’s a Terrorist act to refuse to pony up the $3?
    You might think that that’s ridiculous, but there is nothing that can stop the Executive from extrajudicial power now.
    As for banks checking Facebook to see if you’re worth a loan, shouldn’t that also be considered too ridiculous to be true? And yet…

  668. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 1:29 pm #

    This granny was quite proud of the fact that she had no abortions, unlike her sisters-in-law (in Utah and England) who had them.
    You’re barking up the wrong tree, Vlad. Abortions have always been with us, and they weren’t considered murder the way they are now.
    I had a 15 year old pregnant girl who was spontaneously aborting recently, and when the doctor started talking about a D+C, she said “Is that like an abortion?” and started crying hysterically.
    Then she wanted to see the “baby” so I showed her the collection of blood clots that are what we call the “products of conception”. I could see the disappointment in her eyes.
    She really believed the bullshit that your kind spreads. She thought that her duty as a 15 year old was to produce a baby, and she thought that there would be a recognizable baby in what her body rejected.
    But this is part of the problem of overpopulation.

  669. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 1:37 pm #

    Correction – she had no therapeutic abortions. She did have spontaneous abortions.
    It is estimated that between 1/5 and 1/3 of all pregnancies are spontaneously aborted.
    Take up your anger at all those wasted potential babies with God, Vlad.
    Perfectly good sperm and eggs, down the drain.

  670. ozone January 6, 2012 at 1:45 pm #

    But this is part of the problem of overpopulation. -Wage
    Also part of the problem of widespread stupidity and willful ignorance. Yummy and blissful stuff, that ignorance. As for teevee watchin’? That stupidity thang makes it twice’t as gooder!
    Place yer bets.

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  671. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 1:48 pm #

    Oh Mika I loved your post. You are an unfailing fountain of ignorance. You said exactly what a typical White Liberal would think but not say if I told them that story. Of course they might get huffy about the idea that a Black Muslim could say anything so prejudiced – but like you they would condemn me in their mind for not having enough money not to have to work with them. In other words, any White who actually lives a diverse life is suspect. Diversity is something Whites should believe in and contribute to, but not actually live. If you do, there’s something wrong with you.
    Thus Diversity can never be questioned, investigated, or adjusted since it’s an ideological ideal and not a lived reality. Any White who actually lives it is White Trash. Lovely isn’t it? This is exactly the twisted Meme that E is always talking about.

  672. Buck Stud January 6, 2012 at 1:49 pm #

    “Less admirably, I like a good fight and being a big fish in a small pond”
    A big carp in a smallish pond – sounds about right. Myself, I would be rather be a jumping rainbow in a glorious river.
    And speaking of glorious rivers, I’ll never forget that July summer night in 1969 when humans first walked the moon. My grandad and I were driving a very remote dirt road from Medicine Bow to the ” Miracle Mile” of the North Platte River in central Wyoming. Playing on the radio was Orson Welles’ “War Of The Worlds”. My grandad played along because he knew I had never heard it before, but I did know that the Apollo 11 was hovering in space and the thought of alien retribution felt terrifying and convincing coming from the voice of Welles.
    So many great trout rivers in the west have been destroyed by the BLM, not least among them the Gunnison River in south-central Colorado which is now the Blue Mesa reservoir. Below is the Miracle Mile, just a shadow of it’s former self (even if that is a beautiful fish on display).

  673. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 1:52 pm #

    Oh and now the story changes again and they’re spontaneous. So much for you previous answer “that she didn’t want those babies”.
    And then you wonder why the People rejected Marxism in the 20th Century. Your contempt for Truth shows – as does your contempt for people you tell them to.

  674. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 1:58 pm #

    All rivers run to the sea. And I am headed for the Western Sea whether I will or no. I will. And I will jump any barriers that try to trap me in little pools or brooks and force me to die there.

  675. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 2:00 pm #

    Shut up.

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  676. lbendet January 6, 2012 at 2:12 pm #

    I’m less afraid of Obama per se re: arresting Americans that don’t agree with him.
    I think of this as a game set and match. Each President does something to destroy democracy and capitalism to institute a repressive global regime.
    He’s carrying out the next step tis all.
    The banks reign supreme. Anyone who doesn’t go along with this is punished. (remember the shock Doctrine)

  677. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 2:17 pm #

    The Hippocratic Oath forbade them. So they changed the Oath. Typical Liberal regard for truth. I mean why not just abandon the Oath if you don’t like what it states? But that would be too obvious… The plan is to transform society without anyone ever realizing it until its too late.
    And about your claim that Catholics used to be fine with it? No.

  678. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 2:23 pm #

    It would help. I tried that approach in real life and people would ignore it or use the term while smirking. They LOVE their smirks and snarkiness. They live for mockery. And the worst of them love to see Whites humiliated and destroyed.
    They deserve the Divine Retribution that’s coming to them. I only hope I live to see it.

  679. asoka. January 6, 2012 at 2:32 pm #

    Take up your anger at all those wasted potential babies with God, Vlad.
    C’mon, Wage, don’t you know God is busy. God has told three or four of the Republican candidates to run for President, then God went to Pat Robertson and told him who will become President. (Hint: he’s Black).
    God seems to have a wicked sense of humor.

  680. mika. January 6, 2012 at 2:48 pm #

    So, you guys worked together packing salad dressing bottles into cardboard containers at minimum wage, and then what happened that made you feel so superior to your black muslim coworker from Sudan? You discovered that according to Vatican sponsored research, being a white Vatican Sith accords you a higher “IQ”, and that you therefore deserve and entitled to rule the world, is that it, Vladik?

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  681. welles January 6, 2012 at 3:20 pm #

    …i can feel the first very cold beer approaching down here in the brazil oven, what a relief when it rains too, you splash in the soaked earth barefoot, just wonderful this mix of electronica and earth.
    we~ll be making little balls of cassava root paste with dried meat in the centre, frying them in oil and dousing with pepper. mouthpopping!
    got two dogs laying at my feet, two cats on the prowl around the compound, which is a good 14,000 sq. ft. with a giant mango , giant avocado tree, and something that looks like coconuts but isnt.
    everyone needs to get dna swabs & shut the phuqq up about skin color until the results are in.
    people are massively impacted by the level of affluence/cohesive family structure they are born into, not many apples fall far from the tree doncha know it.
    peace peaceniks

  682. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 5:42 pm #

    It’s not his fault that he was born Black and Muslim, and from Sudan. All that considered, he was a good guy. You however, are a racist against Whites, a Religious bigot, and a Classist.
    You love Blacks until they become Muslims – and then you become Simon Legree. Fucked up.

  683. mika. January 6, 2012 at 6:21 pm #

    Vladik, you need to stop projecting your prejudices and fantasies onto others. So again, let me ask, what made you feel so superior to your black muslim coworker from the Sudan? Was it your university education in english literature? Was it your various university diplomas in the sciences? Was it your laziness at work? Curious minds want to know!

  684. progress2conserve January 6, 2012 at 9:00 pm #

    Vlad, sometimes you come close to seeing truth – but you always pull back. Is it delusion, that makes you do so? Is it simple, doctrinaire certainty – in spite of all evidence to the contrary?
    Is is fear?
    Because, when you say to me:
    “You just like focusing on the here and now, the physical, the body and its pleasure, the emotions, current events, etc. All your choice, but how anyone can choose to be so small amazes me.”
    That is a willful and deliberate distortion on your part of ANYTHING I have ever said, on this website – or anywhere else on Planet Earth.
    Nothing enervates me more than the future, the opportunities, choices, and perils that face me, my children, and my great grand children – these are in my thoughts daily. I walked woods with my granddad, looking at trees smaller than my own five year old’s wrist – trees that I am about to harvest, over 50 years later.
    So, Vlad, talk to me about many things – but never say that I don’t contemplate a future that continues after my own death – with my eyes wide open. And never believe that my own death holds particular terrors for me. It does not.
    You have a fantasy view of ONE particular future. I challenge you as to how this White Nation of yours can POSSIBLY become reality, within the lifetimes of you and me and our youngest living descendants – and you offer NOTHING.
    I offer reality. Even if your WORST fears are realized – even then, white and black will still be coexisting – one way or another – in fairly close proximity, within every region of the presently United States.
    Anyway. You want a White Nation. And you want it within the borders of the presently United States. That means you must also want to suborn a Black Nation, and a Brown Nation, somewhere else within those same borders.
    That is not a good idea.
    Think it through.

  685. progress2conserve January 6, 2012 at 9:16 pm #

    Sooo – it was the Catholics who ruined Galileo’s old age years, with their Maniacal Insistence the he confess the the Earth moved about the Sun.
    So, exactly why we are looking to the Catholics for common sense on abortion, or BIRTH CONTROL, or anything else related to genuine logical thought – is a mystery.
    Nevertheless, the Catholics did, at one time, have a very useful idea. That being that human life did not obtain a soul at conception – but as many as 40 to 60 DAYS AFTER conception.
    This makes sense. Though you will never find a modern day Southern Baptist, Catholic, or CFN Vladick – who will admit to the possibilities of human reasoning, logic, or COMMON SENSE.
    “It was commonly held, even by Christians, that a human being did not come into existence as such immediately on conception, but only some weeks later. This view was strongly expressed by Saint Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), who said that “no human intellect accepts the view that an infant has the rational soul from the moment of conception.”[14] In that view, early abortion was not homicide, the killing of a human being. A few decades after the death of Anselm, this became part of Catholic canon law in the Decretum Gratiani, which stated that “he is not a murderer who brings about abortion before the soul is in the body.”[14] While not classified as homicide, early abortion was considered gravely wrong: Thomas Aquinas, who accepted Aristotle’s theory that a human soul was infused only after 40 days for a male fetus, 60 days for a female…”
    What a Cluster Fucked Mess we humans have made.

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  686. progress2conserve January 6, 2012 at 9:22 pm #

    “with their Maniacal Insistence the he confess the the Earth moved about the Sun.”
    -wrong maniacal insistence-
    Should have been “the Sun moved about the Earth.”
    Damn – you just need to despise people who are always SURE that Truth is on their side – and that they are RIGHT, despite all facts to the contrary.
    That’s why we’re doomed, if we don’t wake up – and control population the one place we HAVE control – inside the United States.

  687. ximike868 January 6, 2012 at 9:43 pm #

    What kind of women are willing to nine months of pregnancy, the child will be born resale to others? (Information)
    known as the complex one. Qin Bin

    photography this is a complex market, money, trade, moral, ethical, legal, medical and other issues of mutual tangle, a test of the emotional and rational buyers and sellers.

    what kind of women are willing to nine months of pregnancy, the child will be born resale to others?

    what kind of legitimate business by

    2009 March, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City planning department seized three surrogate mother, so that has been hidden in the network and its surrogate mother agency behind the surface.

    30 years, in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and other assisted reproductive technology, and up to 15% to 20% infertility rate, creating a In China, you can use Internet search to find a surrogate intermediate trail one hundred sites. In the world, starting from the ground state of the surrogate to semi-open, almost the world’s largest Indian surrogate mothers market, the annual output value of about $ 12 billion.

    To prevent accidents occur, the client and the surrogate parties will sign an agreement in advance. Worst-case scenario is death, if an accident does occur, the compensation according to market price, the surrogate mother’s life would be in exchange for 100,000 yuan in compensation, all written in the surrogacy contract between the agency provided to the template .

    This is a strange market. • Columbia University professor Deborah Gaspar said: In this market,Reebok NFL Equipment Pittsburgh Steelers #86 Hines Ward Black Replica Football Jersey, no one wants to admit it’s there, everyone said, selling

    This is a complex market, money, trade, moral, ethical, legal, medical and other issues of mutual tangle, a test of the emotional and rational buyers and sellers.

    hidden underground Baby manufacturing line

    manufacturing assembly line-like embryos, often-criticized All are derived from a primitive desire: We want a child. – There are risks in anything, but get the baby’s overwhelming desire to always fear the upper hand.

    Southern Weekly reporter Chen Ming Beijing reports

    37-year-old Kate, a successful career, is still single. When one day she found the conference room turned into his mouth, all my colleagues are spoiled baby pacifier, she understood that he wanted a child. Unfortunately, the doctor told her: her one in a million chance of conception. Tempted by maternal Kate finally found a surrogate intermediary strangers woman for her pregnancy, for Kate to pay her a lot of dollars.

    This is the last Hollywood film Surrogate, the word is from the

    in China, the Internet search data, surrogate agency that hundreds of web presence. Most of them have ICP for the record, but the server always has been closed down; they called themselves , for his controversial identity struggling. In the commercial, ethical and legal, between the surrogate agency is still in the gray area.

    March this year, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, the staff at the time of birth of people of childbearing age home visits, we found three rumors of a surrogate mother, and ultimately they were pregnant in June of family planning personnel to send abortions to hospitals. In April, Jinan popular surrogate adverse market has also been exposed by the media. After the incident being reported, have responded. Some people curse

    in this belated commercial surrogacy controversy behind an invisible chain has in reality emerging.

    everything in a semi-underground status

    Lin Qing is a less than 30-year-old young girl, dressed in black is very stylish, her footsteps and light as the city girl. Walking in the streets of Beijing, her attention would wander in the windows of beautiful clothes and shoes, infant car around through lovely children, but also to attract the attention of her joy sympathy and affection.

    through the crowd, turn into a gully and into an apartment 11 floor of a room, Lin Qing replaced by an unknown identity – pregnant women of childbearing potential agents, the payment of agency fees.

    addition to the family and her boyfriend, Lin Qing rarely with others to bring their career, because

    office opposite the elevator hallway, out through the cat’s eye view at any time. Inside the room is very simple, less than 100 square meters, the desk is only a laptop and a few potted plant, which makes this seem more like a home. This decoration is deliberate Lin Qing,Five primary students fell into the water rescue f, she knew she did not want the landlord to rent the house uses.

    4 3 January evening, Lin Qing sitting on her office chair, looking a bit tired. She just returned from a dispute with the beleaguered surrogate freed.

    a customer to rent a good surrogate mother during pregnancy living in the house, out of trust on the rental contract is also where the surrogate mother, surrogate mother the next day returned the house and away one month deposit. Lin Qing good on the phone to persuade bad advise, a surrogate mother who eventually returned the money.

    sometimes trouble comes from the client side. There was a surrogate mother on the phone to call for help, because the customer proposed and the surrogate mother to have sex, be denied at home after she locked the last Qing Lin had to beg people to let customers out.

    from the beginning of a dialogue with reporters, Lin Qing on repeatedly stressed that the surrogate agency in this business is not illegal, because China does not have any one prohibited by law. Ministry of Health, two administrative regulations – But laws are only for two medical institutions and medical personnel, and not legally binding, can not regulate surrogacy market.

    But she admitted: mother three conscience. Lv Jinfeng, a self-proclaimed removed: Suzhou founder, moved to Wuhan, after Beijing, and now

    in the absence of law and national authorities intervene in the case of violence become the surrogate agency maintain order solution. , because they do not A year ago there was an act of Shandong surrogate mother surrogate reporters in a telephone interview to confirm this, because she was fed up before the intermediary of a beating, and finally ran to seek refuge with another intermediary. In the Qing Lin appears that several intermediary companies have somewhat

    this feeling also comes from her personal experience. Her surrogate agencies in the country is scheduled to be on the numbers, just to Beijing two years ago to open sub-station. She arrived in Beijing to receive the peer sent machete, threatening her not to this site to Six months, the Qing Lin are no fixed office, she and her colleagues move around the city in the Beijing office, to avoid peer-to come to.

    peers there are sufficient grounds to do so and full of power – to Lv Jinfeng surrogate network, for example, do 30 cases a month surrogate, each patient received 20,000 yuan agency fee calculation, each there are 600,000 on net income, while a sub-station staff only need 3-5 people.

    Lin Qing is one of the few willing to interview one of the surrogate agency. Policy is the most sensitive surrogate agency vane, Baiyun District of Guangzhou in March surrogate mother investigated the incident enough for them to collective silence.

    even as far away as 2000 kilometers outside of Beijing, the event or in the surrogate agency caused an uproar. Planning departments and to prevent

    in vain.

    this statement is not exaggerated, the reporter learned of many cases of surrogacy, the commissioning party total cost of 20 million to 40 million range. Intermediaries to provide surrogate services, generally divided into two ty
    pes: one is the couple embryo transfer, or Basically, the husband and wife to be higher than the cost of artificial insemination and embryo transfer 5-10 million.

    as husband and wife embryo transfer, for example, a surrogate baby from a fertilized egg to embryo, after approximately 10 months of the final birth in the middle painstakingly. Starting from embryos cultured in vitro, they were artificially screened and control. As with any manufacturing the same, all in order to meet customer needs – just to bring their products into different baby, period of 10 months.

    first step is to select the production of Intermediary to pay a lot of money to deposit, after a long interview process begins. Intermediary in accordance with customer requests in the database to select a surrogate mother, education, good looks and height and other factors will be the result of careful study. This is an extremely laborious process, not only because the surrogate mother and the client is often not in the same city, but also because this period is often staged dramatic scene.

    a multinational IT company in Shanghai, a work commissioned by the mother about her experience, she found an intermediary initially introduced several surrogate mothers are very tricky, and some girl wearing a very exposed on the to interview; some face with a dish, physical condition was poor; Another time she picked a more satisfactory girl to the hospital for an examination was found to be hepatitis B carriers. Home to find that her agency did not, as a surrogate solemnly promised in advance for these people to do a careful physical examination.

    Shanghai was the mother and her husband come to understand that they once paid to the agency an additional cost, and soon, to interview the

    pick a good surrogate mother, the commissioning agency and the surrogate side direction of the first payment models, including the introduction of intermediary fees and hospital charges. Next, the surrogate entered a substantive stage.

    menstrual cycle in 21 days, entrusted his mother to accept Dafei Lin injections, two weeks after ovulation needle play. Under the action of two drugs, the mother can only be discharged from an egg a month limit, and discharge more mature eggs.

    , the husband and wife in the hospital ovum sperm. 4 to 5 hours after egg retrieval will be treated in the same sperm and egg to culture. Removed from the mother’s body before more eggs after fertilization, at this time was to develop into multiple embryos after 72 hours of placement, they go through natural selection, the most dynamic of one or several embryos are singled out. Three days later, in cooperation with the agency reached in private hospitals, the embryo is implanted into a surrogate mother body.

    Prior to this, the surrogate mother’s body under the action of progesterone injections, but also began to change. Surrogate mother’s uterus mucosa gland growth, uterine congestion, intimal thickening – this can inhibit the activities of the pregnant uterus, the fertilized egg implants resulting from the placenta.


  688. asoka. January 6, 2012 at 11:03 pm #

    How much you want to bet?
    It is not a one month surge based on temporary hiring. It is twenty four consecutive months without of single month of negative job growth (remember we were hemorrhaging 800,000 jobs a month of negative growth with Bush in office).
    The employment that is up is in construction. The employment that is up is in manufacturing. The employment that is up is in the service industry. Government jobs are down. Obama has consistently made the government smaller, with job losses in government. Obama is shrinking the government and is stimulating private sector employment.
    Sorry, DeeJones your theory of seasonal employment does not explain 24 consecutive months of job growth.

  689. asoka. January 6, 2012 at 11:17 pm #

    Procon, taking into account the size and nature of the universe, with Bohm’s quantum hidden variable theory (which is derived from Einstein Lagrangian in 6-dimensional time-space geometry), does it make any kind of sense to say that the earth moves around the sun or the sun moves around the earth? If matter is made up of atoms, and atoms are 99.9999999% empty space, it doesn’t mean much to me to make either proposition. But I suppose you will continue to maintain the Catholic Church was wrong just to stir the astronomical pot, like a true RI.

  690. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 11:40 pm #

    You want the races to live together in peace? As I said to E, that means Whites on top and in control. Only Whites came up with the idea of multiculturalism and only Whites are peaceful enough, tolerant enought, and weird enough to make it work.
    So yes the future is White – if America is to have any future at all. No, I don’t believe this is going to happen so I propose the alternatives. Until you realize the key role Whites must play in America, you linger in darkness.
    You sound like the MSM on many occasions. Like the article said, men get damned for feeling natural emotions. Women don’t like us to feel anything but positive, so Prog doesn’t like it either. The daughter in the article condemns her dad for feeling bitter after losing his family to another man and having to foot the bill. You condemn me for feeling fear. If you don’t feel fear now there’s something wrong with you. I also feel anger and courage.

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  691. Vlad Krandz January 6, 2012 at 11:53 pm #

    Nice clarification. I’ll have to look into it a bit more. Women now try to get priests to bless or even baptize the aborted infants. In Japan there is a vast Buddhist Shrine dedicated to aborted infants. The “mothers’ leave little dolls to symbolize the unborn butchered ones.
    The Psychological Establishment still refuses to recognize post Abortion Syndrom – the guilt that many women feel after the abortion and some periodically for the rest of their lives. These are the best women needless to say. What man would want a women who could do something likethis and not feel anything? People who do horrible things should feel guilt.

  692. wagelaborer January 6, 2012 at 11:54 pm #

    Wow. Maybe I overestimated your intelligence. Maybe you are as dumb as Julietta.
    The grandmother that had the 10 kids also had spontaneous abortions, but had no theraputic abortions.
    I said nothing different.
    You, on the other hand, did deny watching Fox News and now say that you do watch it.

  693. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 12:05 am #

    Nothing you say here has anything to do with the flow of our conversation. Stop hating Muslims. Be a good Jew and not a racist.

  694. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 12:46 am #

    Great News!
    The racists who opposed the California Dream Act failed to get enough signatures on their petition drive. MULTICULTURALISM RULES!
    The racists were seeking to ask voters to repeal the measure allowing undocumented immigrants access to financial aid at UC, Cal State and community colleges. It is a great day for education… a great day for undocumented immigrants.

  695. Eleuthero January 7, 2012 at 1:02 am #

    Wage said:
    Even asoka merely points out that when you enslave a percentage of the population, and then oppress them, maybe you can expect differences in that percentage of population.
    Wage … this sounds like the standard liberal cop-out to excuse certain high-crime communities 150 years after slavery ended. How can anyone claim black or Hispanic “oppression” when schools and workplaces have, for decades, either operated overtly under Affirmative Action (with fixed quotas) or acted with de facto Affirmative Action quotas?
    Ward Connerly, a Black man who introduced the “color blind” admission system to the U. of California is now considered an Uncle Tom because when the applications were viewed without seeing the candidates name or ethnicity, the results were just what any sensible person would expect: Asians fared best, Anglos second best, and blacks and Hispanics scraping the bottom even being beaten out by South Sea Islanders.
    Every ethnicity that’s ever come to our shores, including certain kinds of Europeans after WWII were subjected to ethnic hatred … the Poles in Chicago, the Italians in NY and Philly, and so on. Yet there really aren’t polish “ghettos” or Italian “ghettos”. There was hardship, adaptation, and then assimilation.
    I actually hate NO ethnicity. I’m just really, really concerned that liberal thinking is actually HOLDING BACK troubled ethnic communities by providing an endless stream of psychiatric or social excuses which encourage mire, torpor, and an endless underclass.
    I say again, for the hundredth time, who has the BALLS to talk about ethnicity and race in an honest way in America?

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  696. Eleuthero January 7, 2012 at 1:12 am #

    Vlad said:
    How can you NOT be in favor of a White Republic?
    Because the White race is adopting the fashion, rhetoric, and social customs of the permanent underclasses … modes of being that the “silent majority” of decent people in those underclass communities detest as much as Chris Rock, Bill Cosby, and myself.
    As W.C. Fields once said: “I detest all races equally” and I find that, as a misanthrope, that I like about 1-2% of ANY ethnicity. I have Hobbes’ view of the world and out of a thousand men and women I’m likely to find about 10-20 that are noble, modest, charitable, charming, humorous, etc..
    Look at the White Nationalist organizations!! They are FULL of “Wiggers” … with tattoos, shaved heads, metal in their face. Give me a member of a minority group with cultivation ANY DAY over these murderous brutes.
    I avoid ghettos because the Law of Large Numbers dictates that this is a good policy. At the level of INDIVIDUALS, I welcome into my life sentient beings of noble character of any ethnicity.

  697. pohkdppxt January 7, 2012 at 3:36 am #

    lose the feeling of love

    three decades of time flashed the face of their own lives I often feel very helpless
    each other before I leave did you find so hard

    love your home is not so incomplete as if my heart was sore hurts
    needle through the same pain is not only heart pain is not only physical trauma
    tired tired of my heart my heart I need to stop looking at the sea in your shadow
    hard and I keep lying to myself
    together we will never meet again not separated

    disappointed after I told myself not only once you let me forget it
    heart I can only hide
    to hide the past bit by bit all
    you may have already forgotten the story , but we think you
    every time I cry I love you just the way a perfect

    a long night alone I I do not want to face
    dream to hear you say I forgot I do not want to hear
    I really do not want to hear ……

  698. tegmark January 7, 2012 at 7:13 am #

    Combinational Affair
    There is a line of thought that says that if you can express all the possible combinations of bits corresponding to Reality – Mass Energy – Matter, then you can express all of the Universe and know it all, experience it all, see it all so to say. Like if you can write down all of the possible combinations of 32 billion bits ( 4GB DVD), 2 ^ 32000000000, you can create all the possible movies that can possibly exist, and you can watch them all and see them all, etc. So you don’t have to figure them out, just use brute force and cycle through all the combinations. Same with letters and words, same with all of the elementary particles of the Universe (all of the possible configurations all the elementary particles of the Universe can be in and how those configurations change in a given number of time slots, like 10^1000 time slots (age of the universe ?), etc.) , you get the idea. It is essentially a combinational affair, but reality opposes a combinational barrier to expressing it all, it would be too easy to just use brute force and see it all and get it all.
    So just all of the combinations of 1,000 numbers would exceed all of the time of the universe and all of the points in space to express itself so you couldn’t use brute force to see it all. And 1,000 numbers doesn’t even express too much, just a short block of text, or a very vague image, etc. I would assign this as a Law of Physics, as an intrinsical barrier the structure of the universe opposes to our “will power”, to our desires, etc.
    But there are two interesting points about this all: one is that the number of experiences our Man Brain can undergo, as it is designed is most probably very much smaller than all the combinations of movies for example, so maybe just a few million “movies” could cover all possible “significant and different and worthwhile” experiences our Man brain can really use. Same with anything else, like blocks of texts, etc.
    So there is a mismatch between what we can use and how many potential combinations can be expressed: but it goes without saying that other designs of Man Brains may be able to use all of the combinations, may be able to distinguish as significant and important and different (by comparing it and remembering it to all of the trillions of previous ones it has memorized ?) all of the different combinations and that the real size of the universe (“our” universe, the universe according to us as the “Observer”) is not the number of possible combinations of movies and bits and experiences that can be designed but simply the size of our “Experience Space” as imposed by a very specific and quirky design of our Man Brain, the possible different experiences a Man Brain can live through, so this size is very much smaller than the combinations of bits for a DVD or blocks of text, or elementary particles in the universe, etc.
    But even more important, determinism of this universe is really not operating at all: no matter how many combinations you express, it will never really cover all of possible reality, every moment of existence of Mass Energy is a wild guess, the next is truly totally indeterminate, not related in any way with the previous, the laws of physics as the pattern decoding our mind executes is always an illusion, a joke upon itself, the initial conditions of each particle is infinitely precise, so nothing can contain infinity, nay, nothing can contain all the possibilities of reality, not even after the fact is it established, not even the laws of physics know, not even if you know it do you know it, not even if it is history do you know it and is it real, history is a lie, not even god knows it, nothing knows anything, each new path is a one time quirk, a unique new universe and big bang, never to be seen again, never could have been predicted, so unique and one time that it becomes vanishingly small in the combinational space, totally unrelated to anything, etc.
    Therefore what will happen tomorrow can never be predicted as there are no laws or patterns or laws of physics, only our wishful thinking…
    That which is larger than infinity, and larger still, but not even that, etc. nothing can contain anything.
    Hence the combinational game of trying out all of the possible configurations of elementary particles of the universe will never cover reality, just an infinitely small size, since reality is way past any possible combinational game, brute force doesn’t work, it can work only for our mind and our experience, since our mind is a limited decoding of reality, a very small subset, a vanishingly small and insignficant subset, Reality and Mass Energy is way past anything we can decode, hence we can see other signficant combinations only changing the design of our Man Brain, the neural circuits, the organization of new brains, so Stick A Jet Engine in you Brain and enter a New Universe.

  699. 8man January 7, 2012 at 9:00 am #

    I want that, I want free stuff, why don’t the OWSers ask for free stuff, free all, free stuff and you will be free! Are they afraid of “bad manners” ? Do they really think this “economic system” is based on anything else but crap, turds, layabouts and thieves ? Why is Bill Gates, who robbed 50 billion dollars considered “valuable” and all of those asking for scott free handouts “criminals” ? We need free stuff, this system won’t generate anymore jobs because they are not needed.
    How I hate the winners, (I am jealous and envious and wan’t to rob from them, want to force my win, I don’t want to play according to the “rules”, all be my slaves, I don’t care to be right, or “politically correct”) the freckled face punk of facebook now worth billions, because everyone thinks that writing crap on facebook instead of building skyscrapers and rockets is cool, is “productive”, is not “wasting time”: this economic system is all about wasting time, since we have an infinite amount of time to waste, since there is nothing worthwhile left to do since the greens, environmentalist, capitalists, and you name it (there are so many turds, hate them with all your guts, crack open their skulls, they ruined the future, the dream of the 1960s of space travel, atomic energy, progress, you name it) decided that building skyscrapers and rockets to mars and changing the way the brain is designed is “not good”, “is bad”.
    Ask for your scott free handout, don’t be shy, don’t listen to them when they say “you must deserve it”, and “you have to work hard for it”, tell them the doctors who don’t deserve crap in hospitals get millions of dollars, same as nurses, same as so many robbers of the commmon good who rob money from the common good, hate the system, kill inequality, I WANT THAT!
    Do people really think that those rules are “spiritual” and “metaphysical”, etc. the rules of the “economy” ? No, they are rules just because, because the winners impose it all, but people must hate the winners and get the free stuff the system generates automatically.
    Like when they say,”We lived beyond our means”, now we “must sacrifice”, and “cut waste” and “cut consumerism”, etc. Are they crazy or what ? We need to cut waste and consumerism like a hole in the head, we never lived beyond our means, we always lived way below our means because the system can generate a huge amount of wealth automatically, that is why the debts and loans came about in the first place, so much wealth generated but the stone age old fashioned (punishment mode ideology, like what religions impose, since you had pleasure and pleasure is “bad”) ideology of “you have to deserve it” and you “have to work hard for it”, blocked the wealth from being distributed, hence they had to force the distribution through easy and cheap loans: the wealth is in the system by the boatloads, building McMansions is a piece of cake for this Technological Economy, but an old fashioned, “punishment mode” of reasoning, “Protect Nature” craparola mode of reasoning, “hate consumerism” mode of reasoning did everything it could to not distribute the free wealth the system generates automatically and has a very hard time repressing.
    The system has a very hard time repressing all the excess wealth it generates and has a very hard time distributing it because of stone age old fashioned economic laws. Hence the wealth accumulates in the 1 %, but the 99 %, the OWSers don’t ask for the only think really capable of changing this situation: SCOTT FREE HANDOUTS, FREE SALARIES OF 800 DOLLARS A MONTH, CHEAP RENTS OF 200 DOLLARS A MONTH FOR A 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, ETC.
    Therefore the mathematical solution is scott free handouts to all, cheap rents, trillions of new skyscrapers, new rockets, cars, you get the idea.

  700. old69 January 7, 2012 at 9:06 am #

    Hey, I agree with you the APE MAN, in fact I read this:
    I want that, I want free stuff, why don’t the OWSers ask for free stuff, free all, free stuff and you will be free! Are they afraid of “bad manners” ? Do they really think this “economic system” is based on anything else but crap, turds, layabouts and thieves ? Why is Bill Gates, who robbed 50 billion dollars considered “valuable” and all of those asking for scott free handouts “criminals” ? We need free stuff, this system won’t generate anymore jobs because they are not needed.
    How I hate the winners, (I am jealous and envious and wan’t to rob from them, want to force my win, I don’t want to play according to the “rules”, all be my slaves, I don’t care to be right, or “politically correct”) the freckled face punk of facebook now worth billions, because everyone thinks that writing crap on facebook instead of building skyscrapers and rockets is cool, is “productive”, is not “wasting time”: this economic system is all about wasting time, since we have an infinite amount of time to waste, since there is nothing worthwhile left to do since the greens, environmentalist, capitalists, and you name it (there are so many turds, hate them with all your guts, crack open their skulls, they ruined the future, the dream of the 1960s of space travel, atomic energy, progress, you name it) decided that building skyscrapers and rockets to mars and changing the way the brain is designed is “not good”, “is bad”.
    Ask for your scott free handout, don’t be shy, don’t listen to them when they say “you must deserve it”, and “you have to work hard for it”, tell them the doctors who don’t deserve crap in hospitals get millions of dollars, same as nurses, same as so many robbers of the commmon good who rob money from the common good, hate the system, kill inequality, I WANT THAT!
    Do people really think that those rules are “spiritual” and “metaphysical”, etc. the rules of the “economy” ? No, they are rules just because, because the winners impose it all, but people must hate the winners and get the free stuff the system generates automatically.
    Like when they say,”We lived beyond our means”, now we “must sacrifice”, and “cut waste” and “cut consumerism”, etc. Are they crazy or what ? We need to cut waste and consumerism like a hole in the head, we never lived beyond our means, we always lived way below our means because the system can generate a huge amount of wealth automatically, that is why the debts and loans came about in the first place, so much wealth generated but the stone age old fashioned (punishment mode ideology, like what religions impose, since you had pleasure and pleasure is “bad”) ideology of “you have to deserve it” and you “have to work hard for it”, blocked the wealth from being distributed, hence they had to force the distribution through easy and cheap loans: the wealth is in the system by the boatloads, building McMansions is a piece of cake for this Technological Economy, but an old fashioned, “punishment mode” of reasoning, “Protect Nature” craparola mode of reasoning, “hate consumerism” mode of reasoning did everything it could to not distribute the free wealth the system generates automatically and has a very hard time repressing.
    The system has a very hard time repressing all the excess wealth it generates and has a very hard time distributing it because of stone age old fashioned economic laws. Hence the wealth accumulates in the 1 %, but the 99 %, the OWSers don’t ask for the only thing really capable of changing this situation: SCOTT FREE HANDOUTS, FREE SALARIES OF 800 DOLLARS A MONTH, CHEAP RENTS OF 200 DOLLARS A MONTH FOR A 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, ETC.
    Therefore the mathematical solution is scott free handouts to all, cheap rents, trillions of new skyscrapers, new rockets, cars, you get the idea.

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  701. Rhino January 7, 2012 at 10:37 am #

    Explain to us again how adding millions of desperate unemployed to the already existing millions of desperate unemployed/underemployed is a good thing?
    Tell us Asoka what is YOUR interest in this?
    Are YOU speaking on behalf of Wall Street and corporate interests?
    Do YOU want to see more millions of desperate unemployed and depressed wage rates?
    These are just questions Asoka.
    Do tell, we’re waiting.

  702. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 10:56 am #

    Rhino, you even know what a DREAM Act is? Do you know why people want to better themselves through education? Do you know why a revolutionary war was fought? Heard of taxation without representation?
    Undocumented persons pay taxes, they work, therefore they should have the right to pay in-state tuition, educate themselves, and receive the preparation necessary to contribute even more to the society where they live and work. Thankfully, the people of California understand that.

  703. Rhino January 7, 2012 at 11:17 am #

    Yes, I do know what the DREAM Act is, I studied the Revolutionary War etc etc…
    You didn’t answer my questions.
    Why do YOU want to add millions more desperate unemployed to the already existing millions of desperate unemployed in America?
    What is YOUR interest in seeing this?
    Are YOU speaking up for Wall Street and corporate interests?
    Do you like to see people suffer?
    Do you not realize that what you advocate is fucking up a lot of lives? Or is that exactly the point of it?

  704. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 11:52 am #

    Seems obvious to me. I am an American. America is a nation of immigrants. I encourage immigration because it is good for America. Immigrants are net contributors. Immigrants created American abundance.
    We either all help out each other (united we stand) or we attack immigrants and go down the tubes (divided we fall).
    You seem to be taking the un-American stance that will destroy our nation. Why are you doing that?

  705. dale January 7, 2012 at 12:05 pm #

    When govt statistics don’t square with what I see with my own eyes and when they don’t square with what others around me say they see then I disbelieve govt statistics.
    Well…far be it from me to suggest that Gov stats are sacrosanct….but what you “see” is a pretty small sampling of reality, economic and otherwise, so your confidence in that appears more emotional than rational.

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  706. 8man January 7, 2012 at 12:30 pm #

    Right Wing Thug says:
    “have you ever thought that maybe ,, just maybe there is a tad bit of selfcentered laziness going around? Why find a way to earn, just bitch , complain and run to big brother the government for charity and expect others to pay for it. Your jealousy of the wealthy is just pure laziness, nothing else, you want what they have, but you don’t want to jump through the same hoops to get it.. Gates was not born into wealth. That boy found a niche and made it his, he worked for it. I work for a multimillionaire, I don’t begrudge her or her family for having things I do not. I know they have worked hard and long to get there. It takes 7 days a week, no vacations always working to build up a business. So when they finally can kick back after a couple of decades ,, good for them, they friggin earned it. I respect that. ”
    I answer:
    Don’t confuse your little “personal experience” with the large scale structures of society that are really operating: we live in a Technological Economy that is hell bent on killing as many jobs as possible and transferring as much wealth as possible to the 1 %. We live in a system that has huge economy of scales and can produce huge quantitites of goods and wealth for everyone.The USA built “too many McMansions” and wanted to create an exchange upon that, it is very easy to build and produce enough for all, the real problem is that you need very little work to do it all, and the USA went in crisis mode as soon as they started to build “less”, they couldn’t find a corresponding exchange mechanism, in short people didn’t know what else to exchange for homes because there isn’t much more you can exchange, but because of a stone age mentality that you “have to deserve it” and “work hard” and such huge BS, the system crashed.
    And yes, I hate those who have more than me and who worked “harder” than me, I am envious and want to take it all away from them, they suck, they are my enemy, I have no morality, I love laziness, I love IDLE, I love demolishing all of these stone age ape ideas of “hard work” and such BS, I don’t believe anyone has any value whatsoever, only the value other people, the culture and the system assigns them, just because, for no reason at all, just for fun, to create inequality. I want huge government to give me my free handout, I want the nanny state, I want huge public private projects that accumulate the labor, that creates a sequential addition of labor effort for the entire society, etc.
    The constant myth of “Innovation”, “Research”, “New Intrepreneurs”, “Startups”, “Small Businesses”, “Be your own Boss”, “The small Companies will “Hire””, etc. Are they crazy or what ? Why doesn’t anyone ever tell them off, ever punch them all in the face ?
    Exactly what is left to “discover” ? How many new “Innovations” are even possible ? Oh, I see, everyone is going to invent the Internet and Web Pages all over again, Windows and the PC all over again, Electricity will be discovered all over again and you will become a billionaire creating another “Apple Inc” or “Facebook” and such BS.
    Well then, lets look at how much cash has been thrown down the toilet for Research and Development worldwide in the last 10 years ? Oh about 5 trillion dollars. And what have we achieved ? Facebbok and the IPHONE. Wow, what an achievement ! all that money for a puny web page and a cell phone with a camera and touch screen. How idiotic can you be ? And how many “Jobs” did that create ? Not many, but especially how can they keep on brainwashing millions that that is the “way to go”, the right path for the “economy”, always the same BS, more “Education”, “Innovation” and “Startups” and such. What c*cks !
    But especially, if we were to actually do a correct calculation of the GDP meaning “exchanges” between people, items and entitites being exchanged, then the “Information Exchanges” on the Internet would have to be monitized, evaluated money wise; and how much is worth all of these forums and blogs, how much do they contribute to “GDP” ? It should be alot, since so many people dedicate so much time “producing” Information as in the Information Age. But in reality, it is worth a big fat ZERO, it is not connected to real money, it is all just a make believe, instead of creating real things like trillions of skyscrapers and rockets to mars and such, millions of people are just vomiting their BS information on the Internet, go figure, what an idiotic economy. That is because there are simply not enough possible real exchanges that people can perform, they can only exchange so many real valuable things, the rest must become virtual, make believe, etc. But to get people to exchange real things, we need huge public private projects making people build the future and real things.
    I will keep on vomiting all my information BS on the cesspool that is the Internet, everyone vomting crap on the Internet instead of building the future…

  707. 8man January 7, 2012 at 12:33 pm #

    As in wars, notice how that accumulation of labor is OK and justified, in the case of wars, like WWII no one calculated “the economy” anymore, everything was ok, a real example of how much excess capacity and wealth the system has and had even with an old technology of the 1940s, look at Germany and how they went on for 5 years, the “War Economy”, the accumulation of labor (used to destroy) go figure.

  708. progress2conserve January 7, 2012 at 12:36 pm #

    “does it make any kind of sense to say that the earth moves around the sun or the sun moves around the earth? ….atoms are 99.9999999% empty space….. But I suppose you will continue to maintain the Catholic Church was wrong just to stir the astronomical pot, like a true RI.
    -asoka, PROVING the Solar System is Geocentric-
    We may have hit peak oil, with peak coal and peak natural gas soon to follow, in months or years.
    But thanks for reassuring us that you, asoka., will never hit peak Bull Shit.
    And that RI* sobriquet that I coined for you on CFN, over a year ago now – that really bothers you, doesn’t it?
    Good, now try to stop impeding the dialog, and thus earning the title, again and again.
    *RI = Resident Impediment, for CFN newbies.

  709. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 12:38 pm #

    Does Asoka think Al Sharpton loves white people?
    Al Sharpton is a man of the cloth, a respected reverend, a television news analyst, an activist, and of course he loves white people.
    What’s wrong with you? Asking nonsense questions.
    Asoka is no one trick pony. I deal with reality, which is multitudinous.

  710. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 12:42 pm #

    Good, now try to stop impeding the dialog, and thus earning the title, again and again.
    It’s my title, I’ll earn if I want to, earn if I want to, you would earn too, if it happened to you.

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  711. 8man January 7, 2012 at 12:43 pm #

    As a corollary, think of parallel logic, think if every point in space and time were not sequential logic but were parallel, no more sequence, no more point like goals, but the entire monolithic slab of Mass Energy executing a combined logic, no more sequential.
    Thrust a slab of steel in the Man Brain (a bullet ?) enter a new universe, breakdown logic, break away from the past.
    Why does any particle have to “communicate” with any other ? why must it be sure that it isn’t too different, do they all want to imitate each other ? do they need to know what their “similars” are doing but maybe they are not similar at all, maybe they are totally disjoint, not related, etc.
    Keep on breaking down all the structures we have constructed describing reality.
    Of course there is nothing left to discover anymore (the Innovation and Research Myth), now you must simply change the design of the Mind and Brain and Thought System , etc.

  712. wagelaborer January 7, 2012 at 12:46 pm #

    There you go, setting up that straw man again.
    I didn’t deny that there are differences in SAT scores, E, I said that a college degree should not be a prerequistite for a decent paying job.
    And you, like Prog, seem to think that once slavery was over, everything was peachy keen for African Americans.
    Yep, the land of opportunity opened right up, and there was 40 acres and a mule passed out to everyone, along with education and a chance to vote.
    No sharecropping, no segregation, and definitely no lynching of people who got uppity, thinking they had rights, or something. No mass migration to the north for factory jobs, and no mass layoffs from those factory jobs.
    Nope. Just 150 years of blessed freedom and equal opportunities.

  713. DeeJones January 7, 2012 at 12:46 pm #

    Asoka, according the B. of Labor Statistics, the unemplyment rate was
    2008 – 5.8%
    2009 – 9.3
    2010 – 9.6
    Doesn’t look like “it is twenty four consecutive months without of single month of negative job growth (remember we were hemorrhaging 800,000 jobs a month of negative growth with Bush in office).”
    to me.
    Source: http://www.bls.gov/cps/prev_yrs.htm

  714. wagelaborer January 7, 2012 at 12:50 pm #

    Plus, all this talk about BALLS is irrelevant to those of us who don’t have them. Unlike some women, I have no BALLS envy. Especially since they are so misused by those who accuse those who don’t agree with them of lacking big enough ones.

  715. wagelaborer January 7, 2012 at 1:09 pm #

    The United States, the country with the biggest military in the world, the country which has committed serial war crimes of invasions of sovereign unaggressive countries, and is busily assassinating people all over the world, is quaking once again at the prospect of a smaller country perhaps one day getting something that, with enough, firepower, could possibly inflict a small amount of damage to some American, somewhere.
    Seriously? How stupid do people have to be to fall for this again?
    But it is relevant to the race question. Black people I have known have expressed fear at large groups of white people. Hmmm. Who has more reason to fear the other?
    I googled “victims of lynching” to post a picture here, but posting didn’t work.
    Go ahead and google it. There are hundreds of pictures of black people hanging from trees, while crowds of white people mingle around proudly. They even brought their children.
    Do you have the BALLS to talk about this? (And I don’t just mean E.) If we are to speak the truth about race relations, how can we leave out lynching?
    This was terrorism, because terrorism is defined as acts of violence or murder used to intimindate, especially for political reasons.
    There were approximately 1 or 2 lynchings a week from the 1870s to the 1940s. There were also other acts of violence, including the burning of Rosewood and Greenwood, among others.
    If that isn’t terrorism, I don’t know what is.

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  716. Rhino January 7, 2012 at 1:39 pm #

    What is obvious to me is opening the borders to unrestricted immigration while, at the same time, exporting millions of jobs via the offshoring of entire industries is a recipe for general impoverishment.
    Neither the interests of immigrants nor those of already existing citizens are being served. How do I know? I’ve seen the steady degradation of cities and towns and the steadily worsening conditions for people living in them.
    But these policies DO serve the interests of Wall Street. How? By depressing wage rates.
    Why do YOU think that people leave their home countries? I’ll answer that just to help you out a bit. They move to look for JOBS.
    How do I know this? I’ve seen it. Up close and personal. Decades ago my family emigrated from Europe for that reason and they did so LEGALLY AND WITH PASSPORTS.

  717. Rhino January 7, 2012 at 1:41 pm #

    “Balls” is just another word for courage. Don’t take “balls” so literally.

  718. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 1:49 pm #

    And all those Blacks who were lynched were innocent of the crimes they were accused of? You know this for a fact? They also lynched White murderers and rapists – but you don’t mention this – why? You’re not trying to slander White Southerners again are you? Not like you don’t slander Whites in general, but you particularly hate the South.
    Sure, they hung Blacks at a rate of 3 to every 1 White, but let’s face it, Blacks easily commit that rate of crime relative to Whites. In fact, it’s more than twice that high now.
    All that being said, I don’t favor vigilante justice like this. Obviously alot of innocents must have been killed – just as State Justice executed many innocent before genetic testing. It all started during the Reconstruction Era, when Blacks were rampaging and White could get no justice from the Occupying Goverment. So they took matters into their own hands as they had every right to do. It should have ended when Whites go their rights back, but evidently it had taken on a momentum of its own. People do acquire a taste for such things which is most unfortunate.

  719. Buck Stud January 7, 2012 at 2:00 pm #

    Rhino, why are you beating your head against the wall? Ironically, Asoka, who claims to contain “multitudes”, is an ideologue who is incapable of walking around to inspect the other side of an issue. He plays sarcastic with the dropping unemployment rate, but he never mentions the workers falling off the backside of the unemployment or those who simply stop looking for work. You also won’t read Asoka mentioning the U6 numbers very often. And don’t think Asoka is going to mention the utter abandonment of the union worker to low-wage immigrants – worker ants for the corporations – as that would reveal a multitude that contradicts his dated defense of immigration in a country where the U6 number still hovers at 15.2%
    The bottom line is Asoka is a self-admitted racist. And as a claimed victim of Jim Crow and other various forms of institutionalized racism, Asoka would not shed a tear if the country was brought to ruin via misguided immigration policies. It’s called retribution of the most selfish sort, a revenge of the pygmy mind if you will.
    Not that I blame Asoka, mind you. Like the Irish who left their lights on during WW2 to aid Nazi pilots bombing Belfast, I would probably have very similar sentiments if his shoes were on my feet.

  720. tegmark January 7, 2012 at 2:01 pm #

    Logic always ends up being sequential, point like, the execution of the program is being performed in a certain area, or point of a chip, not on all of the points of the chip, hence, we need parallel logic, no sequence of symbols expressing a thought, but a parallel configuration of bits expressing a “state of being”, all of the points in space and time are one monolithic slab of reasoning and logic, but it can’t be decoded sequentially, hence there are no functions, as functions are always point like events, causes and effects, C follows B follows A, etc. but this is done away with, no more logic or memory, since memory subdivides the events in single chunks, but the events are no longer subdivided, they are a monolithic slab of nonsense, what they should be…

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  721. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 2:04 pm #

    Not all White Nationalists are skin heads. Sorry.
    And I had this out with Marc but he didn’t respond to my point. I’m a misanthrope too, which means I don’t like most Whites. I do like some Minorities. And so logically, I support my Race since White Law is the most supportive of individuality. Imagining that White Law will continue when Whites are a weak minority is like believing in the Tooth Fairy.
    I had this out with Prog, let’s see if he will respond. You like Multiculturalism? Then logically you must support White Dominance since only Whites believe in Multiculturalism and are fair enough to make it work. Every other people just use it for their own ends.
    Yes. I say it: at our best we really are different. Will you dare to honor that?
    One important personal exception to the above: I get along with only a minority of every race, the fewest among the American Blacks. African Blacks are completely different – many more well brought up people not trained to hate Whites. But there is always a barrier which will not be crossed and it is better not to try. Any really deep friendship will be with someone of my own race and probably my own culture. Cultural and language barriers divide Whites too. Even someone from England or Ireland is very different and may have an attitude about me as an American.
    The things which divide people are many, that which brings them together are few. Having our own culture again will increase the social capital, the number of people we like, and the possibility of intimate friendhips.

  722. Rhino January 7, 2012 at 2:06 pm #

    Yes what I see is a small sampling if I stay in one place. But what if I travel and what if I have friends and relatives all over that give accounts of what’s happening in their neck of the woods. Then the “reality” slice gets a lot bigger.
    Yes, it’s emotional when men like my father get fucked over. Especially when it’s all justified by rationalizations like “that’s capitalism” or “it’s the markets”. Yes, and it’s also crony-ism and it’s also deliberate govt policy designed to favor some over others.
    As David Brooks might say (and I’m paraphrasing) its the New York – Washington Axis working for their mutual benefit and screwing everyone else.

  723. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 2:17 pm #

    DeeJones, you are confusing apples and oranges by referring the the unemployment rate. I did not say the rate had gone down.
    I was talking about jobs created. Whether you use BLS govt. stats or ADP private industry stats, jobs are being created in the private sector. Here is a chart comparing BLS and ADP stats:
    Jobs were being lost under Bush, who, by the way, was President until Jan. 2009. If you look at the monthly stats for job loss (vs. job creation) you can see the disaster that resulted from deregulation and “free trade” (shipping jobs overseas)

  724. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 2:23 pm #

    Buck Stud, I have no fear of U6 unemployment numbers.
    Also, this is a good time to revisit the bikini graph:
    As you can see it took Obama some time to get back into positive job growth territory, but the differences between Bush and Obama are striking.

  725. Rhino January 7, 2012 at 2:35 pm #

    Maybe he’s a victim of Jim Crow. Maybe he’s not. Who really knows?
    You’re right about one thing. My impression of him is that he’s a simmering stew of hate and malice and bile.
    I saw in one post not long ago that he was advocating an expansionary money supply. So the obvious question is who is served by such a policy? The obvious answer is Wall Street. They need a river of easy money to siphon off in their various scams. Not only that but to prop them up when they can no longer conceal the time bombs on their balance sheets.
    Various central banks around the world aped the Fed with easy money policies since the 1990s and look at the calamitous results. All around the world debt crises, asset bubbles, catastrophic busts. And the latest that nobody seems to want to talk about: a bond bubble.
    So why does Asoka advocate for such an obviously failed and disastrous policy? It was disastrous for the average joe and especially for Black people that, according to Tavis Smiley for one, have been disproportionatley hammered by the financial crisis.
    And who benefits by an incoming tide of desperate unemployed workers? Wall Street. Who gets screwed? The average joe, lower income people and I would wager that Blacks get hurt worst of all.
    So I explicitly asked him why is he speaking up for Wall Street interests?
    He may not shed a tear if the country was brought to ruin. But what about his own kin? Aren’t they part of it? Does he hate them too? Maybe he does.

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  726. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 2:56 pm #

    Bravo. Hell hath few furies like a disillusioned disciple.

  727. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 3:01 pm #

    Asoka is like most Blacks: he will rave on and on about what Whites have done to Blacks, but about what Blacks themselves do he will say nothing. Nothing about the Black on Black crime. And nothing about Black on Black slavery. And nothing on the effect of mass Hispanic Immigration on Black American employment.
    So is Asoka Pro Black or merely Anti White? I say the latter. He glibly assumes that they are the same but a moments reflection disproves that.

  728. Buck Stud January 7, 2012 at 3:29 pm #

    Not a disillusioned disciple here, Vlad. I’ve always read Asoka as I stated above. Once upon a time, he too, admitted to racist inclinations, just like you. But he qualified his racism as being a product of denigration and oppression whereas yours is a longing for yesterday and ethnic domination. Which means there is gradations of morality within horrendous aspects of the human condition.
    I’m simply stating that I see where Asoka is coming from and why he might deliberately blind himself to other vantage points in the immigration debate.
    Another aspect to Asoka’s immigration stance is his embrace of a lower standard of “American” living. And let’s face it, when it comes to lowering the economic standard of living nothing quite does the trick like endless rivers of cheap immigrant labor.

  729. mika. January 7, 2012 at 3:42 pm #

    Well, nice try Vladik. Anyway, since I’m a gentlemen, I’ll just leave you be and let you suffocate on your own contradictions.

  730. progress2conserve January 7, 2012 at 4:31 pm #

    “And you, like Prog, seem to think that once slavery was over, everything was peachy keen for African Americans.”
    -wage, enjoying a little sarcasm-
    Wage, I’ve never said that – I’ve never even implied it, to my knowledge.
    I will say, though, that the voting rights and Civil Rights were passed in 1964. The United States is now 148 years past the Civil War and 48 years into the Civil Rights act.
    There has been progress for blacks, great progress – economic, cultural, and otherwise. Yet – as asoka. has taught CFN, it will never be enough. We now have a successful black middle class. But we have a large black underclass who believe all of their troubles are due to “Whitey.”
    Buck Stud apologizes for asoka., explaining that he also would hate “whitey,” if asoka’s shoes were on Buck’s feet.
    Pangolin, ostensibly a white apologist for blacks, said several months ago on CFN that he would not blame any black man in a central city for trying to kill cops with gunfire. (from memory)
    This is not a recipe for a successful future, for blacks, browns, or whites.

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  731. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 4:39 pm #

    OK. Ready?
    MITT ROMNEY: “I was trying to say African American but it came out ‘nigger’ “.

  732. progress2conserve January 7, 2012 at 4:54 pm #

    “You want the races to live together in peace? As I said to E, that means Whites on top and in control. Only Whites came up with the idea of multiculturalism and only Whites are peaceful enough, tolerant enought, and weird enough to make it work.” -vlad-
    That’s actually fairly profound, Vlad. There is a “weirdness” in the white gene pool, or white culture, or something – that is determined to make this experiment, known as the United States, work – if it can be made to work.
    And who knows – if the power stays on and the food trucks keep running for ANOTHER 148 years – we may just succeed. (yet, this blog and JHK’s writings are dedicated to the proposition that 148 more MONTHS of food and power, is unlikely)
    “So yes the future is White – if America is to have any future at all. No, I don’t believe this is going to happen so I propose the alternatives.”
    Ah – The White Nation in Idaho, you say.
    But you propose no mechanism for making it
    a reality.
    And if you get a White Nation in Idaho, that means the creation of a Black Nation in Mississippi. I am opposed. Violently.
    Sorry – short of some mechanism, suggested by you and the White Nationalists – to move all of these millions of people around, pay for the loss of property, and destroy the US Constitution –
    I have to call pie-in-the-sky-complete-Bull-Shit –
    on your vision of a White Nation.
    Whites, blacks, browns, Asians – and all the rest, are going to be stuck together in fairly close proximity – for as long as humans draw breath on the North American continent.
    Time to get used to the idea, and slow US population growth as much as possible – so a better day can finally dawn.

  733. Bustin J January 7, 2012 at 4:54 pm #

    “Broke, pregnant, and Hungry”
    -Cardboard sign of the day.

  734. Bustin J January 7, 2012 at 5:03 pm #

    Seems like these days everything is changing but the two major parties.

  735. progress2conserve January 7, 2012 at 5:07 pm #

    If I were black:
    I would never excuse or encourage hate.
    I would never excuse or encourage violence.
    I would, however, be paranoid.
    Urban “Renewal?” destroyed sustainable black life.
    And replaced black business with “the projects.”
    US drug policy is skewed against blacks, badly.
    US immigration policy is skewed against blacks.
    Someone on CFN, Wage I think, is always saying, “hire one half of the lower class to kill the other half.”
    But, that’s not what we’re doing. We are IMPORTING a complete NEW underclass – to compete with the existing black underclass, for jobs, housing, and success on the lowest rungs of the American social ladder.
    So Yeah – If I were black, I’d be paranoid.
    And there is NO WAY I’d be in favor of today’s high levels of legal and illegal immigration.
    No way.

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  736. JulettaofOhio January 7, 2012 at 5:12 pm #

    Never mind, Vlad. He’s both rude and foolish. If I weren’t already (happily) married, I’d be most honored to date you. My husband takes me to the grocery store in our nearest large town, since it’s become less than secure to go by myself. We have a phenomenon here where black teen-agers or black young adults either jostle you when you are headed for the door, even when they have to go out of their way, (initiative, finally?) or unload their baskets then slam them into your car. Not an accident as they will lob them even when the cart corral is next to them. There are a lot of white trash teens around, as well, but none of them are in the active vandalism mode. They mostly just smell bad.
    Yes, I believe this is racist aggression. I and many of my friends have had both genders of blacks run their heavily laden carts over our foot, on purpose, ram their carts into our sides, and shove us into the shelves. Never enough to cause a police report since they claim it was “accidental”, but enough to hurt us. I’ve come out of the store black and blue, so my husband is going to start going in with me which I find alarming since he won’t put up with it, and you don’t dare touch a black, no matter what they do. The few black teens who have been arrested end up on probation with their (usually maternal) grandparents who were the original progenitors of these little thugs. No solution there.
    Vlad, I have no underlying sense that you are either a woman hater or fearful. You seem like a strong man to me, which I admire, so continue to fight the good fight. Regards!

  737. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 5:35 pm #

    2nd Best Cardboard Sign of the Day:
    “Will code HTML for food”

  738. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 5:41 pm #

    Let us open to the Gospel of Lou

  739. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 5:49 pm #

    The United States is now 148 years past the Civil War and 48 years into the Civil Rights act.
    And now you support the only candidate who voted against the Civil Rights Act.

  740. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 5:59 pm #

    Oh Vlad, save my arches from those militant negroes. Wtf? Do you not pay taxes for law enforcement? I don’t care that you’re a woman (…and on this blog who knows what the fuck you really are), quit being such a pussy.

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  741. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 6:08 pm #

    Not quite Prog: the middle class is due to Affirmative Action and discrimination against Whites – unlike the small but real Black Middle Class of the early 20th Century.
    And most of that Middle Class – is it greatful to this Country? Loyal? At peace with Whites? No, by and large they have Asoka’s viewpoint. I think you are fooling yourself if you think otherwise – the evidence is massive.

  742. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 6:13 pm #

    If you were Black, you wouldn’t be Prog and you would. But ok, it’s just a thought experiment and useful on that level.
    Yes, the Blacks were treated with kid gloves when they rioted before. As Mr Kunsltler said, they may be in for a rude awakening next time. They haven’t turned out too well in general. The Hispanics will make a much better working class. The Blacks should change before they’re made to.

  743. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 6:15 pm #

    The police can’t stop crime, at best they can punish it and thus act as a deterrent. And Black behavior has gotten worse since Obama. Accept the facts.

  744. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 6:17 pm #

    You might feel differently when I mug you.

  745. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 6:17 pm #

    Thank you Juletta. Only a remarkably intelligent and self assured woman could have the strength to support the Patriarchy in today’s America.

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  746. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 6:19 pm #

    I carry a kubaton the strikes of which cause terrible pain and bruising – or worse if one chooses.

  747. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 6:25 pm #

    No, by and large they have Asoka’s viewpoint.
    Wait a minute… now I have a “viewpoint”?
    First you say I hate whites (a lie) and now you are arguing about my “viewpoint”!!!
    I know most racial crime is Black on Black, and most White crime is white on white. But I don’t hate anyone. I am ashamed of my racism because it comes out of past hurt. Vlad is proud of his racism.
    To the extent I can heal, I will overcome my racism.
    But things did not become peachy keen in 1964 with the passage of a law. The same white privilege exists today as did 48 years ago.

  748. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 6:28 pm #

    Kubaton, huh. Does it move faster than a bullet?

  749. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 6:36 pm #

    Well some of the Founders called America a great experiment. But they implied we were all Brothers in this together – not equal but still related with mutual obligations up and down. Bill Clinton called turning America Brown an experiment too – but by what right have the Elite done this? They certainly didn’t consult us. They had no right to make us their guinea pigs in something that must go wrong by all known sociological laws. The only chance it ever had was to be much slower and smaller, not at White expense, and not persecute Whites in terms of Welfare and Affirmative Action. It really is already too late.
    A mechanism to make it happen? No there is no mechanism even for States to withdraw. If there was, then the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, Vermont, Alaska etc might already be gone. Those are largely White states and the existence of our People could have been secured legally and peacefully. As it is, North America will realign thru chaos and war – the usual stuff of history.
    If Whites survive, they will curse the Whites of the 20th Century with a passion, shaking their heads in amazement at our stupidity and cupidity.
    Suffice to say, they will be a very angry bitter lot – and hard beyond our imagining. And if you know history, you know that such Traditional Whites make very, very good soldiers. Once established, they will wax strong and put forth their strength. They will push the Mexicans out even as their ancestors freed Spain long ago from the Muslims. The Blacks will be pushed into the swamps and forests of the deepest South.
    You don’t like any of this? Then you and you people should have fought for Whites to stay in control – on top as is their right. I mean do you really believe Hispanics, East Asians, or Blacks really believe in this mutlicultural crap? It came from a fevered White Brain and is supported by liberal Whites. I think it intrinsicaly unstable, both because the clients don’t buy it but only benefit from it, and because it invites abuse: pandering by ambitious politicians who want to use the minorities to rise in power. The White Republic was always a better idea.

  750. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 6:39 pm #

    Oh first you were just going to mug me, now you are going to shoot me. What next, try to shit on my chest a la Absalom? Or does that come after you shoot me?
    Why not just listen to me? My words carry the nectar of the gods and the bread of heaven.

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  751. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 6:44 pm #

    What planet are you fuckin’ from?

  752. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 6:46 pm #

    I don’t believe you. You’re not trying to heal but rather you gloat over our persecution by both gang and state.

  753. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 6:50 pm #

    Nikufc. And I long to return; to trod the shores of orange lakes cool.

  754. dale January 7, 2012 at 6:53 pm #

    As David Brooks might say (and I’m paraphrasing) its the New York – Washington Axis working for their mutual benefit and screwing everyone else.
    I’m not calling you a liar, but I talk to a few people around the country also. I would say most are not that optimistic, but still, many see things improving….so I question any election or survey which reports results which so utterly agree with the person reporting it’s views.
    Variables are many, bias is widespread. The human mind is more susceptible to bias than it is to understanding innumerable variables. If you don’t believe me, just read a days worth of posts on this blog.

  755. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 7:04 pm #

    “…but still, many see things improving…”
    I see dead people.

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  756. Buck Stud January 7, 2012 at 7:13 pm #

    Did you gloss over my mention of the Irish in WW2? I wasn’t apologizing for Asoka, I was just highlighting human nature.
    Seriously, Prog, you still threaten to get your ‘ Scotch-Irish’ up if somebody mentions the uncivilized treachery of your Deep South progenitors as it pertains to slavery and Jim Crow. And yet I still understand why a seemingly decent white man might take offense to being reminded that he descended from the perpetrators of the most heinous and oppressive form of human brutality: Slavery. In other words, I understand that you’re defending the honor of your family lineage. And part of your rationalization is ‘the nature of the times’ as it were. After all, not everyone had the moral and spiritual courage to stand against that self-serving interests of economic savagery even as they thumped their bibles on Sunday morning.
    I get all that, Prog. And I also get why Asoka might have a gripe.

  757. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 7:24 pm #

    “Oh first you were just going to mug me, now you are going to shoot me. What next, try to shit on my chest a la Absalom? Or does that come after you shoot me?”
    As usual, you’re right, Vlad. ‘Cause in America, we’re all about choices. Shitting on the chest? …mmmm…I’m thinkin’ no. I suspect that you enjoy it and as your mugger I’m not inclined to indulge that because it gets in the way of my free enterprise (hey! I gotta schedule to maintain). Just because it’s you, Vlad, I will provide you with some alternatives:
    1. Gunshot to the knee.
    Tragically, you will probably be crippled for life.
    2. Bite on the bridge of the nose.
    Freaks ’em out. They think you’re an animal and begin to obsess about where your teeth have been.
    3. Tickle torture ’til you pee.
    What needs to be said?

  758. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 7:42 pm #

    You need a scientific religion, have you though about Scientology? Tom Cruise is a member.

  759. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 7:48 pm #


  760. DeeJones January 7, 2012 at 8:58 pm #

    “I was talking about jobs created. Whether you use BLS govt. stats or ADP private industry stats, jobs are being created in the private sector. Here is a chart comparing BLS and ADP stats:”
    I guess it depends on what you call “job creation” (hmmm where have I heard that before? nevermind…)
    I see no NEW jobs being created. Instead, in talking with folks I know, I only see jobs being re-filled where a company had laid off someone before. Sadly, the persons being hired are usually not the same persons who had been laid off.
    As far as I am concerned, this is NOT the “creation” of a job. Only the filling of a temporarily “vacant” position.
    I know, you will argue that SOMEONE is being hired, and a position is being filled, so thus a job has been “created”. And the new person gets to start at an entry level, lower wage as well.
    And the person that formerly had that job at a formerly higher wage now is probably in the position of taking a similar entry level wage position.
    Also, not all of the former positions that a company once filled are now being re-filled, only a fraction of them are. The rest are permanently ‘gone’, whether its to Central Amer, China, or Mars, those jobs will no longer be filled by any American, citizen or not.
    So, I have to disagree with you regarding “job creation”. Oh, I know where I have heard that phrase before: Republicans claiming they need tax cuts for the ultra wealthy to “create jobs”.
    Sounds kinda like BULL-SHIT to me…

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  761. DeeJones January 7, 2012 at 9:06 pm #

    Say Vladdy ol wanker: You are always arguing for Whitey to Rule the World.
    I guess you just haven’t been paying attention because Whitey HAS been ruling the world for the past, I don’t know, several hundred years. At least since 1492 anyway.
    And what a bang-up job Whitey has done too:
    The environment is going to hell, Wars unending, hell, even civilization is on the verge of collapse.
    And yet you still think Whitey should (continue) to run the world? I don’t.
    You are hopeless wanker. I can already guess what a White Aryan State would look like too. Ever seen a junk yard? Well, thats what it would look like.
    At least all the Aryans would be INSIDE the fence.
    I say we give someone else a chance at running things: Howz about China? They got my vote.
    Now you go back to your junk yard and play in the dog crap, ok?

  762. Widespreadpanic7 January 7, 2012 at 9:36 pm #

    Hey P2C, Ozone is not a “Northeast Liberal”.
    “Northeast anarchist” is more like it.
    That’s ‘anarchist ‘ with a small ‘a’.
    There’s some high strangeness afoot in the unemployment rate numbers & business reporting. All the sudden everything is great. Businesses are hiring gangbusters and markets are up every day. $103 per barrel oil? Don’t worry about it!
    Is Joseph Goebbels writing this stuff?

  763. Widespreadpanic7 January 7, 2012 at 9:47 pm #

    Hey WageL the US doesn’t have the ‘biggest military in the world’. The active duty army is being cut to 490,000 active duty soldiers. That’s fewer than US Grant had with him when he captured Richmond in 1865. NKorea China and Russia have much larger armed forces than we do. Read ‘The Western Way of War’ by Charles Davis Hanson.

  764. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 10:24 pm #

    make sweeping judgemental statements about people. Like: Americans are ignorant barbarians, Iranians are beautiful people.

    Yes, Iranians are beautiful people. And tonight, watching the debate in New Hampshire, when the topic of Iran came up, my view was validated by the comments of Rick Santorum. Iranians are beautiful people, with a beautiful culture, exquisite poetry, etc. that the ignorant USA barbarians cannot hope to match.
    Iran has been around for five millenia. The USA has not even been around for five centuries.
    You should check out this book: Iran’s Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook and get to know the major ethnic groups of Iran and their contributions to human civilization; their beautiful contributions during the las 5,000 years. They are beautiful people.

  765. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 10:34 pm #

    “We are on the cusp of a manufacturing renaissance” — Jon Huntsman in New Hampshire debate.
    Mr. Huntsman is not one of the Republican kook candidates. Huntsman understands China and how the USA is coming back to be superior to China in manufacturing.

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  766. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 10:45 pm #

    “The racists who opposed the California Dream Act failed to get enough signatures on their petition drive. MULTICULTURALISM RULES!”
    First, let me say that I had to take anti-nausea medication to respond. And yes, I know I said that I would not respond to any more of your (gag) posts.
    But this one…
    I don’t necessarily disagree. I would pay just about ANY amount of worthless currency to bring poverty-wracked, ignorant children into some state of grace. But, as a Californian, I have to ask, if I’m paying taxes to send Mexican children to colleges in the USA,
    Mexico had oil reserves on a par with Saudi Arabia. And look at ’em. As far as I’m concerned, that makes Mexico the basket case of the planet.

  767. metuselah January 7, 2012 at 10:46 pm #

    Iran’s Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook
    Iran is an despicable evil empire, much like the US. And much like the US, Iran should be broken apart into a thousand pieces.

  768. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 10:59 pm #

    LOL! I never said a word about the “empire” … I am talking about the Iranian people who have suffered at the hands of theocratic fundamentalists.

  769. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 11:06 pm #

    You have a dirty mouth. Someone should wash it out with soap and make you say thank you afterwards. Whites have made everything you love -including your nasty self. Gratitude to our Godly and Godlike Ancestors is the proper response. The Chinese understand things like that. God bless them.

  770. metuselah January 7, 2012 at 11:10 pm #

    I never said a word about the “empire” … I am talking about the Iranian people
    There is no such thing as “the Iranian people”. What there is, is peoples who are subjects of the Iranian empire.

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  771. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 11:11 pm #

    And yes, I know I said that I would not respond to any more of your (gag) posts.
    I have read your posts for a while. I know you do not say what you mean and you do not mean what you say. You a basically a clown, like me, so I don’t take anything you say seriously.

  772. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 11:13 pm #

    Fuuuuuuuuuuck you.

  773. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 11:21 pm #

    Responding again? You just can’t quit, in spite of what you say. You are like a puppet on a string.

  774. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 11:26 pm #

    2nd Verse; CODA
    Fuuuuuuuuuuck you.

  775. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 11:35 pm #

    Clown or puppet? Which says one thing and then does just the opposite, repeatedly? Doesn’t matter, but clown still fits, a clown who is a puppet on my string.

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  776. xhalor January 7, 2012 at 11:41 pm #

    Wow. It’s like the worst drinking song in the world (with a twist) Here goes…
    99 bottles of beer on the wall
    99 bottles of beeeeeeeer
    Ya take one down
    Ya smash it upside asoka’s head
    98 bottles of beer on the wall
    lather, rinse, repeat

  777. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 11:43 pm #

    Wow, not puppet, not clown. You are a ventriloquist dummy I can make speak at will.

  778. Vlad Krandz January 7, 2012 at 11:55 pm #

    And anarchists march with Communists. Will he explain it or can you?

  779. asoka. January 7, 2012 at 11:59 pm #

    Makes sense there would be a natural affinity between communists and anarchists. True communism happens after the State has withered away. Anarchists have no use for the State in the first place. So they find themselves in a common place.

  780. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 12:11 am #

    If the Israel, rich American Jews, and Evangelical Oil American Oil Men want to do it and to steal their oil, they should. Just leave America out of it. You might well suceed, as a group you certainly have the money to hire powerful outfits like Blackwater and I hear you guys still have quite a tank army. But you wont do it without a high cost. You all want the riches and the security of a defeated Iran – well you have to pay that – not Americans. We’ve suffered enough for you and your’s.

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  781. JulettaofOhio January 8, 2012 at 12:11 am #

    Yes, why are you so eager to add more immigrants? If for no other reason than the environment can’t support them. My home town has had an massive influx of hispanic workers, come to work in a beef packing plant. Most landlords won’t rent to them since they usually trash the place by moving in 10-20 male workers in a three bedroom house. The landlord signs a lease for one or two, then the rest move in. The house (wealth to the land lord) is destroyed and usually condemned. It’s against the law NOT to rent to them, so it’s Catch 22 all the way. The ones who cannot rent someone else’s property pitch camps in the farm country and set up primative latrines.
    The soil may be able to accomodate three privies, but not 500 privies in a square mile. Water tables are being contaminated and rural properties robbed of metals, livestock and have become trash dumps for these people. This does not include the families who are usually decent and hardworking. The kids are heartbreakingly lovely and much, much better behaved than the local white children. The single males also have a fondness for horse races and will take over a newly planted field for their race track, ruining the crops. When leaving, there are a ton of beer cans left in the fields and often they drive through the fences. No, we’re not happy to have them and Obama just can’t figure that out. Most rural people are scared to death, but the Hispanics have now become the new spotted owl, a protected species. Try living in the barrio and tell me how much you like it.

  782. xhalor January 8, 2012 at 12:18 am #

    Yeah. These are the very conversations that the peasants will be having (out of ear shot of the Cossacks). I think you’ll find that once the guys with the guns have rode away, the conversation will turn to how to deal with tomato hornworms.

  783. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 12:20 am #

    That makes sense. Thank you. Of course just because it makes sense on paper doesn’t make it real. The State never withers away. And Anarchists get purged once the fighting is over. These young idealists haven’t done their homework.

  784. jackieblue2u January 8, 2012 at 12:31 am #

    Hey Dee…
    White MAN. MAN might be the problem. More than White.
    I totally hear you. I am white. and most white men just scare me politically.Not sure who is worse Cheney or what’s his name…Gingrich.
    God help us.
    Maybe Women of any color, even white may be better suited to have power and control ?

  785. metuselah January 8, 2012 at 12:32 am #

    Yeah, Israel wants Iran’s oil. And it’s going to get that oil by making the US go to Iran and get it for them. That uneducated black muslim from Sudan that you work with is starting to look like Einstein compared to you.

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  786. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 12:45 am #

    These young idealists haven’t done their homework.
    They are utopians, just like the Ayn Rand/von Mises/Hayek crowd are utopians.
    If you point out a problem (like pointing out to communists the State never withers away), they come back with a utopian response.
    For example, the Austrian/Ron Paul folks will say a completely deregulated market has never existed.

  787. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 12:48 am #

    Maybe Women of any color, even white may be better suited to have power and control ?
    Right on! Vote Jill Stein for president!

  788. xhalor January 8, 2012 at 12:49 am #

    “For example, the Austrian/Ron Paul folks will say a completely deregulated market has never existed.”
    Well, since we’re here in the virtual world, prove to me that YOU ever existed.

  789. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 12:58 am #

    The puppet/clown/dummy is talking to someone?

  790. xhalor January 8, 2012 at 1:00 am #

    Apparently not. Guess you don’t exist.

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  791. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 1:19 am #

    What grade are you in? Are you thinking of going to college someday?

  792. xhalor January 8, 2012 at 1:22 am #

    Feeble. Try again.

  793. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 1:27 am #

    Junior high school?

  794. xhalor January 8, 2012 at 1:33 am #

    School’s out asshole.

  795. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 1:38 am #


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  796. JulettaofOhio January 8, 2012 at 2:06 am #

    Yes, I’m female, 5’5″, 114 pounds and most of the aggressors outweigh me by 100 pounds, mostly in their butts. They surround you then attack. I do have CCW but don’t wish to go through the court scene since they’ll all be squalling racism. Plus I’ve never shot anyone and would prefer not to start.
    Another tactic is to grab your hair (mine is waist length, blond) knot it their fist and pull. I’ve lost three good size clumps of hair that way. One of the useless security guards was behind me at that time and the thug told him I had tossed my hair and he “accidentally” caught in his fist and jerked it out because he was “startled”. Pulling out healthy hair is quite difficult to manage, making it not an accident and definitely not a startle reflex, and it hurt like hell.
    I leave my children in the car with their dad because they are likely to get hurt, particularly my five-year-old blond daughter. The grocery store recently put in a sheriff’s sub-station which would be a good idea, except no one is ever there. This explains why I would be much more likely to travel with my husband or Vlad, than with you.
    To appease your distress at denigrating black thugs, I did have one elderly black gentleman come to my rescue and shoo away four very large black teenagers, one of whom grabbed my hair while the other grabbed my ass. They left, to my surprise, and didn’t bother me anymore that night. My teenage daughter is forbidden to go the store by herself, so who’s the prisoner now?

  797. JulettaofOhio January 8, 2012 at 2:39 am #

    You’re welcome. No, as a praticing Catholic, I don’t have a problem with the Patriarchy. I idolized my father, adore my husband and sons and love my protective brother. Our local priests have never abused anyone and have been influences for good, as have the Sisters. This has always meant security for me and I also try to do my part, such as providing a clean, relaxing home, good meals, clean clothes, etc.
    This should ensure bleating comments from Wage Laborer and Xhalor, so I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll ignore your posts and you ignore mine. There is no adquate respone to pure babble from the padded cell, and I’d rather not bother.

  798. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 2:46 am #

    Why bother with separate organs – or even separate cells? Why can’t we all be one? Revolution within the Body – the ideology of the Cancer Cell.

  799. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 2:54 am #

    I agree with that a bit, but Libertarians aren’t as delusional as Anarchists and Communists. I agree that complete Deregualtion is unwise. And not everything can be privatized since not everything turns a profit. Are we to turn all our streets into toll roads? The better Libertarians know this but there are dreamers out there…

  800. xhalor January 8, 2012 at 3:17 am #

    Sounds like you live in a pretty fucked up neighborhood. Why not move?

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  801. old69 January 8, 2012 at 4:33 am #

    We need to cut waste, sacrifice, cut consumerism, “live within our means” LIKE A HOLE IN THE HEAD! This economic system is all about waste, waste is the very nature of this economy, hire and fire, buy and throw away, create and destroy (as in isn’t Capitalism Creative Destruction ?) and so forth. But especially we need to give out free stuff by the boatloads in order for the Production Machine to keep on Running, we need to give out scott free salaries and cheap rents, build thousands of trillions Skyscrapers, 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights, 1967 Chrysler Imperials, Rockets to Mars, Rockets to Venus, Skyscrapers on Venus by the Thousands of Trillions, Split the Sun to grab its energy and be pigs and hogs of the universe so we can keep on having fun like little babies, for our pleasure, and beating the living daylights out of that NEW FALSE RELIGION OF NATURE! We need to achieve our fun and pleasure and may Nature pay the bill…and kill all of these moralistic imperatives, pleasure forever for all, heaven on earth achieved!
    We should be proud to be pigs and use nature as a tool, we should be proud to be the BOSS, but all the fairy mairy scaredy cats environmentalists, moralists, doomsters of all kinds, etc. chanting the “hard work” BS and “you have to deserve it” BS, “everything is running out” BS, have brainwsashed everyone that all of this consumerism and free stuff and “waste” is a SIN, what c*cks! What is waste anyways ? If we have fun wasting things than it is GOOD; we must waste as much as possible, we must be the Kings of the Universe!
    The funny thing is that in order to keep on letting those few worker who still have a meaningful job work (not a fake “services” job) which are fewer and fewer, we need to give out ever more free salaries to ever more people, just to keep the consumerism and production process engine running. In order to create some jobs, we need to create ten times more free loaders and layabouts, we need IDLE more than anything else, just park all of those thousands of trillions of new people in front of TVs and let them consume cars and rockets by the thousands of trillions jackasses, just do it jackasses, give us all our free handouts, give us our daily handouts and let the system blossom!
    But our ideology and morality of “hard work”, all the linearities we imagine operate like “you have to deserve it”, we need to hire “only if we make a profit”, etc. is actually killing Capitalism and Consumerism, is killing the system, our crappy morality is not letting the system really express itself and let it all hang out and creating an Infinite Resource society, we are killing ourselves by this old fashioned morality of the 18th century…

  802. old69 January 8, 2012 at 4:38 am #

    That was from:
    This is from:
    I don’t think the word infinity does justice to what the real nature of the world is: infinity presupposes something countable, some algorithm, some method to conceive, visualize, etc. But in all truth, what the real physical world is compared to us as an Observer is closer to “Totally Unrelated”, “Not Conceivable”, “Outset of our Range”, “Impossible to Decode in any possible Way”, etc. Our mathematical concepts are just very vague and gross approximations to something that can’t be decoded in any way at all, no matter how hard you try, no matter what kind of Observer you design (as in a new Brain and Mind and Neural Circuit to Observe and Think the Universe, etc.).
    We just invent pretty pictures that we can undertand and manipulate in our mind, associate them with what we observe and experience and call that “Science”.
    Nothing can contain Anything, we are lost forever….

  803. 8man January 8, 2012 at 8:18 am #

    Right Wing Thug says:
    [quote=”Kriswest”]No way do I want to pay for someone else to do nothing. I accept some socialism but not what you propose, screw that. If you can’t cut it here go somewhere else, leave the country. just quit whining about wanting to make it socialized so that you can have a free ride.[/quote]
    I answer:
    Exactly, I want you to pay me all your money to do bluntly and proudly and boldly nothing at all. I want you to work more and more, do your “hard work” (so you feel good, you are doing your “duty”, you have a “high” value spiritually and metaphysically) and give me all your money, or else, even better, I would just grab it all away from you, bluntly and proudly and boldly ROB it all away from you, so cool, how I hate on those people that “deserve it”, that “worked hard”, how I love it when they chant how they think they “deserve it” because they are special little turds who “worked hard for it” as opposed to all those lazy crappy turds freeloading and watching TV, how egotism and inequality is hidden beyond a curtain of justifications, how people can freely and bluntly hate on others, show their egotism by the excuse that “they worked hard for it” and all.
    People are all turds, hate is the name of the game, all should try to rob from all, all should try to deceive all, I love hate, I love a system where nothing is right, etc.
    Actually, according to “justice” (equal effort is equal pay?), the guys who built the skyscrapers in DUBAI were paid 200 dollars a month for 12 hours a day work, but no one cared, that is all ok, they didn’t “study”, they didn’t “go to college” so pay them crap, etc.
    This economic system is all about freeloading, is all about robbing from others, it is all about laziness and not doing crap. Most people are paid to do absolutely nothing at all, even though they make believe that it is real work like services, and all the wall street poker players and banks and financial entities and so on, millions of people paid to play games and nothing more, etc. it is all about robbing from the poor who “really have to work hard” but are never recognized as “working hard” since they “didn’t go to college” (an easy way out of real work and into the fine line of fluff and make believe office work and politics and such).
    The entire ideology of Capitalism with its idea of “investment” means making more money than you put in through “profit”, but profit really means robbing the money from some weaker person somewhere down the line, but Capitalism itself would greatly appreciate giving out free salaries to billions, to all, so that it could continue to build and produce and keep the engines of consumerism running, go figure, talk about contradictions!
    The enitre idea of “full employment” is a joke: the system can’t use in any possible meaningful way any more workers, it is already saturated by the boatloads, there are already tens of millions of workers worldwide (since the system is global, is worldwide, the world is now one single country and economy) still being paid that shouldn’t be, but the system keeps on paying them just to keep the economy running. This mathematical idea that “all should work” is such a joke and so ridiculous when applied to a Technological Economy, but everyone keeps on sustaining this idea instead of honestly saying: lets just give handouts, we no longer need anymore people to work, work is obsolete, we need consumers more than anything else, and if we really want people to do something then lets build trillions of skyscrapers, rockets to venus, etc.
    But the system is exactly tuned into having fewer and fewer real slaves really working hard for an ever increasing number of freeloaders, that is what this economic system really is, the Technological Economy eliminates all real labor through machines and automation and computers and methods, etc. to let people just goof around, and do nothing and pretend that it is work. But those fewer and fewer slaves will have to do that little work left to do and feel like they are “robbing from all those “entrpreneurs” oh, all working so hard”, etc.
    And you too are a freeloader: did you build those trillions of 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights ? did you build those trilllions of skyscrapers I told you too ? Why did you disobey jackass ? I am the boss and I want that, now I will have to crack your skull open! Oh, I see, you didn’t, so you didn’t work hard and you don’t deserve your cash. I can hardly wait for a Communist Dictatorship to take all your money away from you, I want everyone to be my slave and give me all their cash, be honest, be true, let it all hang out, let us all know what you all really want.
    I am honest at least…
    AN APE

  804. 8man January 8, 2012 at 8:20 am #

    Some corrections for your thesis:
    The funny thing is that in order to keep on letting those few workers who still have a meaningful job work (not a fake “services” job) which are fewer and fewer, we need to give out ever more free salaries to ever more people, just to keep the consumerism and production process engine running. In order to create some jobs, we need to create ten times more freeloaders and layabouts, we need IDLE more than anything else, just park all of those thousands of trillions of new people in front of TVs and let them consume cars and rockets by the thousands of trillions jackasses, just do it jackasses, give us all our free handouts, give us our daily handouts and let the system blossom!

  805. Ajax January 8, 2012 at 8:21 am #

    You are a treasure . I wish there were many many more with your abilty to see and communicate so clearly .
    Look after yourself & water the seed well

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  806. lbendet January 8, 2012 at 8:25 am #

    In lieu of Vlad’s comments about the withering of Nation State under Communism.
    Keep in mind that at this point we are beyond Communism (and Adam Smith, btw) in the Marxist sense of redistribution of wealth to the workers. Marx had envisioned a developed industrial state to take on his theory into practice. Instead the agrarian backward countries took it on. Those who were so bad off that they had little to lose. It was a disaster.
    Now with global Neoliberalism, as I’ve pointed out before, thanks to Milton Friedman, it’s a re-joggering of wealth distribution to the top. The nation state will wither away into a trade zone for multinationals, who will have their own armies. This is close to the writings of Alvin Toffler in the ’70’s and clearly the way things are going.
    Globalized central banks that are TBTF, The US which has eschewed manufacturing in favor of marketing and service industry that we do so well, with an Orwellian twist of “we will be the innovators” bs. –said to placate those who are noticing we are the biggest losers in this paradigm. Earth to economic theorists. you don’t innovate where you’re not making things.
    In response to Wage and the military. Well, they may be the last to know, but fact is economic determinism al la Thorstein Veblen describes a system with huge tax base from which to fund a military. Our present political figures and our academia seem to have thrown basic economic theory out the window to serve just a few people. It doesn’t work, it never will….we are falling and they won’t be deterred.
    In the meantime we have a group of stooges that want to take this country back to another century, confuse theocracy with politics and dismantle the government.–Yep that’s a real good choice.
    This in not your father’s Republican party and they are entirely radical. Each time they open their mouths they sound crazier than ever. Just keep digging yourselves into bizarro world, guys.
    One horrific note is Rick Santorum–a total nut case who (belongs in a sanatorium) doesn’t believe in birth control. Can you imagine fighting that fight all over again. That’s what I call going back to the future.
    Oh, and when his baby died after two hours in the hospital he took it home, dead, so that his other children could see it. OMG
    This is what the Iowans want?

  807. DeeJones January 8, 2012 at 8:27 am #

    “Hey WageL the US doesn’t have the ‘biggest military in the world’. The active duty army is being cut to 490,000 active duty soldiers. That’s fewer than US Grant had with him when he captured Richmond in 1865. NKorea China and Russia have much larger armed forces than we do. ”
    Oh, you must be forgetting about all the ACTIVE ‘Reserve’ folks out there. And about the HUGE US navy, the biggest in the world, and about the US airforce, also the biggest in the world, and the fact that the US spends 10x on “defense” what all the other nations in the world spend combined.

  808. DeeJones January 8, 2012 at 8:30 am #

    “Maybe Women of any color, even white may be better suited to have power and control ?”
    I hear you there, WOMAN Power!!
    ‘Bout time women got to try running things, geez, make up over half the pop.
    Whip lil’ pussies like vlad into shape….
    “Aryan gods” my ass…

  809. DeeJones January 8, 2012 at 8:35 am #

    Naughty naughty boyz.
    xhalor & asoka, take a time out now, please.
    You go stand in one corner, Asoka, you stand in the opposite corner….
    And you don’t get to play on the computer till later and you must behave your selves.
    Don’t make me have to call your mummies on you.

  810. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 10:28 am #

    US Political Elites have made us “….their guinea pigs in something that must go wrong by all known sociological laws. The only chance it ever had was to be much slower and smaller,”
    Vlad, I was 9 years old in 1964 – so don’t go on too much about what I should have done.
    Plus, the inevitably of knuckling under to Federal Power was established in 1864 and the smart State level leaders were the ones who agreed, early on, to act as the Feds wanted in 1964 – to the eventual good of their States and regions.
    “If Whites survive, they will curse the Whites of the 20th Century with a passion, shaking their heads in amazement at our stupidity and cupidity.
    Suffice to say, they will be a very angry bitter lot – and hard beyond our imagining.”
    Vlad, you can change “Whites,” to “ANY human group” – and it will make this particular paragraph of yours read with much more Truth.
    A diabolical alignment of Grow-Grow Republicans and Insipid Social Liberals is conspiring to pack the United States full of humans to the bursting point. This, in a country that should have been declared “full” at about 200 million, or so, inhabitants.
    If “Whites” are as intelligent and resourceful as ALL of your posts indicate – then you should have no worries at all about White Survival. We “Whites” will come crawling out of Global Ecosystem/Economic Armageddon as well as any group – and probably better than most.
    It’s in our genes.
    That is, if any humans at all survive.

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  811. tegmark January 8, 2012 at 10:42 am #

    “This isn’t a problem for MW. The problem of first cause OR infinite regress is a problem for every single idea about how the universe started. Nobody knows the answer, not just ManyWorlders. Nobody knows the answer to that. Not even you.”
    “Nobody knows the answer”
    It is not the nobody knows the answer, even if you knew the answer, it would simply be an answer you already knew, it would simply be a sequence of symbols, another description of sequential logic, another casue and effect description of the Universe, etc. it would simply be what you already know just said in a different way, as we only and always and ever always just say the same thing over and over again but with a different pretty picture. What can be said and discovered, what we can do, all of any possibility has been established once and for all by the design of our mind and logic and the identity principle and non contradiction. Our mind and thought processes and language and logic have already said, once and for all, all that can ever be said and discovered, it is hardwired from the outset, it is a solid crystal that can only be shattered in order to get to something new: but just look at all of the debates, just look at all of the “conflicting” opinions and choices and descriptions, all of the possible blocks of text, etc. they are trying to reach a truth, or trying to combine the blocks of text into a “greater” truth, but there is no possible “greater” truth, there is no accumulation of knowledge and any positive result, only an infinite array of symbols, ever only expressing a new combination, so many point like sequential logic paths that are disjoint and sometimes combine and sometimes clash, but never going anywhere because it is our logic and mind that is limited, we need crazy and nonsense more than anything else, we need insane, we need wild, we need ever more brains exploding into billions of pieces…
    Keep on vomiting all your BS information on the cesspool that is the internet…

  812. tegmark January 8, 2012 at 10:44 am #

    “This isn’t a problem for MW. The problem of first cause OR infinite regress is a problem for every single idea about how the universe started. Nobody knows the answer, not just ManyWorlders. Nobody knows the answer to that. Not even you.”
    “Nobody knows the answer”
    It is not the nobody knows the answer, even if you knew the answer, it would simply be an answer you already knew, it would simply be a sequence of symbols, another description of sequential logic, another casue and effect description of the Universe, etc. it would simply be what you already know just said in a different way, as we only and always and ever always just say the same thing over and over again but with a different pretty picture. What can be said and discovered, what we can do, all of any possibility has been established once and for all by the design of our mind and logic and the identity principle and non contradiction. Our mind and thought processes and language and logic have already said, once and for all, all that can ever be said and discovered, it is hardwired from the outset, it is a solid crystal that can only be shattered in order to get to something new: but just look at all of the debates, just look at all of the “conflicting” opinions and choices and descriptions, all of the possible blocks of text, etc. they are trying to reach a truth, or trying to combine the blocks of text into a “greater” truth, but there is no possible “greater” truth, there is no accumulation of knowledge and any positive result, only an infinite array of symbols, ever only expressing a new combination, so many point like sequential logic paths that are disjoint and sometimes combine and sometimes clash, but never going anywhere because it is our logic and mind that is limited, we need crazy and nonsense more than anything else, we need insane, we need wild, we need ever more brains exploding into billions of pieces…
    Keep on vomiting all your BS information on the cesspool that is the internet…

  813. tegmark January 8, 2012 at 10:50 am #

    Some corrections for your thesis:
    “Nobody knows the answer”
    It is not the nobody knows the answer, even if you knew the answer, it would simply be an answer you already knew, it would simply be a sequence of symbols, another description of sequential logic, another cause and effect description of the Universe, etc. it would simply be what you already know just said in a different way, as we only and always and ever always just say the same thing over and over again but with a different pretty picture. What can be said and discovered, what we can do, all of any possibility has been established once and for all by the design of our mind and logic and the identity principle and non contradiction. Our mind and thought processes and language and logic have already said, once and for all, all that can ever be said and discovered, it is hardwired from the outset, it is a solid crystal that can only be shattered in order to get to something new: but just look at all of the debates, just look at all of the “conflicting” opinions and choices and descriptions, all of the possible blocks of text, etc. they are trying to reach a truth, or trying to combine the blocks of text into a “greater” truth, but there is no possible “greater” truth, there is no accumulation of knowledge and any positive result, only an infinite array of symbols, ever only expressing a new combination, so many point like sequential logic paths that are disjoint and sometimes combine and sometimes clash, but never going anywhere because it is our logic and mind that is limited, we need crazy and nonsense more than anything else, we need insane, we need wild, we need ever more brains exploding into billions of pieces…
    Keep on breaking down all the structures we have constructed describing reality.
    Keep on vomiting all your BS information on the cesspool that is the internet…

  814. lbendet January 8, 2012 at 10:55 am #

    Heinberg, Kunstler, Foss, Orlov & Chomsky on A Public Affair
    On Energy Bulletin. Transcript and tape is available:
    Just to let you know. I haven’t listened to it yet, but will today.

  815. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 11:05 am #

    “he descended from the perpetrators of the most heinous and oppressive form of human brutality: Slavery.”
    Buck, this is a frequent theme of yours – Slavery was the worst/single/most/horrible/ever system – EVER – Ever! I disagree. I offer proof.
    Don’t open this link unless you have a VERY strong stomach – seriously.
    I suggest that a lifetime of slavery would be an improvement over any of the 10 practices described in this link.
    And remember the Maya tied the arms and legs of their captives together, forming them into neat human balls, which they would then roll down the steep faces of their pyramids. Only the “luckiest” Mayan captives became slaves.
    My point is that the World has been a violent slaughterhouse until very recent, and perhaps very tenuous, advances into modern times.
    Properly practiced, slavery is almost benign, compared to the many other, worse, things that humans have done to each other throughout time.
    The Civil War gave the United States the mythos that Total War against civilian populations is a justified and desirable means of projecting policy – far superior to negotiation or treaty.
    ALL that is, then, necessary is to project enough EVIL onto the opposition:
    Southern slaveowners
    The Kiaser
    Slant Eyed Nips
    Towel Headed Camel Jockey Terrorists
    The victors spin the history to their advantage.
    More later, from a less lugubrious basis.
    That link seriously creeped me out.
    Don’t open it.

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  816. h7m1s7g1 January 8, 2012 at 11:19 am #

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  818. Buck Stud January 8, 2012 at 11:44 am #

    A few more points I couldn’t make due to time constraints in my response to Prog above. First of all, I am not singling out Prog’s family history of owning slaves as he once wrote on this blog. My larger point is being able to see the sense of retribution a formerly oppressed minority might feel. And unchecked immigration, which Asoka espouses, strikes me as a form of retribution against a nation that formerly sanctioned slavery, Jim Crow, institutional racism, etc. Beyond that, nearly every white person in America could probably find multiple reasons for feeling guilty about the sins of their American forebears. For instance, my own Scotch-Irish ancestors from the male side were far west of Pennsylvania in the year 1782. No doubt, many Native Americans were uprooted and brutalized in these early days of “Manifest Destiny”. Although, according to census records, they never owned slaves – perhaps they couldn’t afford to – they most likely committed genocidal atrocities along the way in the name of national expansion.
    But there are far more recent examples of racial hatred in my immediate family. I recall my dear Irish-Catholic mother, who supported George Wallace back in 1968, telling me that MLK “got what he deserved” on the day of his assassination. Or sitting in a restaurant as my uncle sarcastically offered me a piece of black licorice because ” that’s my favorite color”. He made this snide remark because I invited a black elementary school mate to spend the night back in the days of forced busing. These types of comments never disappear from the memory and when received as a young child they’re more easily seen for what they are: pure evil hatred.
    But my mom softened over the year, no doubt, in part, to my informing her( I did a genealogical search) that one-half of her family were Jews who converted to Catholicism back in Bavaria. Yes, her own father, who was no stranger to the term ” Jewing em down”, had a very strong line of Jewish progenitors. No doubt, the Nazis would have put them in the oven if the veil of religious conversion were to be removed.
    At any rate, I never quite fit in with any of them. As a result, I could stand on the outside from varying vantage points and see it all for what it was. And one of the things I saw was that my male side of the family were very astute and competent outdoors-men. Unfortunately, I never took advantage of the opportunity to learn these skills in-depth and so it went to the grave with them. In a way, I sort of regret it, standing on the eve of TLE and all. Typical.

  819. BeantownBill January 8, 2012 at 11:56 am #

    The discussions about race here aren’t relevant to the main theme of this website. But race talk dominates CFN postings. Has anyone ever thought why that is so, when it is mostly off-topic? We know why Vlad posts, but what is it in people’s minds that make them want to carry on a dialogue? Is CFN composed of secret racists who feel guilty about their belief and try to assuage their consciences by arguing against racism with Vlad?
    Old/Tegmark/etc. frequently posts and CFNers ignore him, yet they engage Vlad. And Old69’s subject matter is much more relevant to the peak everything theme. Take away the craziness and much of his posts make some sort of sense.
    What does all the racism talk tell us about Americans? Why has CFN allowed itself to be taken over by Vlad (Vlad, you need not respond, I already know your answer)? Has CFN been kidnapped by trolls, disinformationists and sock puppets?
    I recently commented that when racism posts increase a little more, I would leave CFN. Last night I went to bed saying to myself that I was giving up on CFN. But when I logged on this morning, I read lbendet’s post and realized I would miss her comments, which are cogent and very much related to what this blog’s about. So why should I empower Vlad and others of his ilk by them controlling my decisions? Thank you for your comments, lbendet. I often don’t respond to them because I’m in agreement with you.
    To Procon: You have an interest in American population control. Why do you water down its significance by responding to Vlad so much?
    To JulettaofOhio: I don’t think you’re really a racist, but have developed feelings based on your own personal experiences. I don’t blame you for those feelings, but try to keep them in perspective, otherwise you are letting a sub-class of people control who you are.

  820. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 11:57 am #

    Vlad, I was 9 years old in 1964 – so don’t go on too much about what I should have done.
    You are not 9 years old today but in 2012 you are supporting the only candidate who has voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. You have no age excuse.

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  821. wagelaborer January 8, 2012 at 12:00 pm #

    That’s what happens when you shop at WalMart.
    Although she told the story a lot differently over on the Penthouse Forum. That, and the story about the 10 Mexican males in the hovel. 🙂

  822. 8man January 8, 2012 at 12:04 pm #

    Guess what ? I was wrong, I am wrong, it is all wrong, ha ha ! I am a troll, the joke is on me, the joke is on you, how I love to be wrong on everything, how I love how large scale theoretical structures collapse in a jiffy, how Our Mind is Always Wrong No Matter What, ha ha !
    Erase all I ever said, it is all wrong, it is all a mistake, how cool!
    They created 200,000 new jobs in December (in the USA) so that completely contradicts everything I have been saying, so cool! So I was all wrong, all I wrote is all crap, it is all a troll!
    So who knows what those 200,000 new jobs are doing! They must be performing new advanced services, increasing the common good, productivity, everything is improving, so those jobs are really all achieving. Only lazy freeloaders like me don’t do crap, because I suck and all similars suck, hate them with all your guts, it is so cool to hate yourself!
    But in all truth, there are 100 million workers in the USA so give or take 10 million workers the numbers all cancel out, whether or not they are “productive”, “make believe jobs”, “real” or “whatever”, who cares, it doesn’t even make a blip on the radar of this economic system, the system has loads of jobs, all “hard working folks” achieving the huge improvements we all can see and share. So there, now, go fly a kite APE MAN.
    All of our sequential thought constructions are destined to collapse sooner or later, no matter what, everything we say can be right in one moment and wrong the next (or right and wrong at the same time, etc.), it all cancels out, it is all ok, eveything is fine, the system has never been so healthy creating jobs, wealth and making everyone happy, it has never been a better time, we live in the best world imaginable, we are happiness achieved, all has been solved once and for all, so go for it, vote Right Wing…
    In two years all of the unemployed will be absorbed (but there is and has never been any unemployment in the USA, only lazy freeloaders who want a free ride and deserve to be fired and layed off) , so take that doomsters and left wing thugs…

  823. wagelaborer January 8, 2012 at 12:04 pm #

    Well, sometimes he says that whites will come out on top because we’re so very smart, and sometimes because we’re such vicious fighters.
    Either way, we’re number one! We’re number one!

  824. wagelaborer January 8, 2012 at 12:07 pm #

    You’re right, lbendet, but they seem to be intent on keeping the military strong while the rest of the country slips into corporate feudalism.
    And didn’t feudalism keep strong militaries? And wasn’t it all justified by religion?
    I’m guessing they want to go back to their good old days.

  825. 8man January 8, 2012 at 12:07 pm #

    Just like Kunstler’s large scale narrative of Peak Oil will collapse when they find a substitute, after all oil is just carbon chemistry, afterwards throw away ten years of all of his blogs and ideas, how cool, ten years of his effort all wrong, destroyed in a jiffy, because he made a small mistake: Peak Oil is false and there are no Resource Scarcities at all…

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  826. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 12:07 pm #

    Beantown, this is a religious website and has its own scriptures. Certain posters have scoured JHK’s scriptures and have found that, lo and behold, there was a place where JHK mentioned race!
    This has given them license to spew whatever they want and maintain it is pertinent to TLE. 99% is pure fantasy (IQs of 65, coming race war, balkinization of the USA, etc.)
    You just have to scroll past that which annoys you (including my posts, if that is the case), and focus on the good posts from people like lbendet, Nudge, Grouchy Old Girl, Turkle, Wagelaborer, Tripp, and Solar Guy.

  827. wagelaborer January 8, 2012 at 12:20 pm #

    With great fanfare, and a big helping of populist rhetoric, Obama appoints a “watchdog” to another bureaucracy to “protect” the American financial consumer. Really? Why doesn’t he just allow the prosecutors we already have to do their jobs? Why is his Justice Dept. not only not prosecuting, but stopping the states’ prosecutors from going after the illegal activity of the banksters? This new Bureau turns criminal activity, punishable by prison time, into transgressions and regulations that will be fined, at most.

  828. wagelaborer January 8, 2012 at 12:23 pm #

    There are already laws which are not being enforced. Why won’t Obama enforce them?

  829. BeantownBill January 8, 2012 at 12:37 pm #

    Asoka, probably half the time you are playing with our heads, but I don’t scroll over your posts, and you annoy me only once in a while, but not much. People just need to understand what you are doing and when you are doing it.
    Who do you mean by Nudge?
    Always follow someone’s feet, not their mouths. Everyone, including you and I, has some racism in them, but it’s in how one leads their life that counts. It may be extremely difficult to get rid of one’s racist feelings, but the thing that’s important is to understand it and not let it influence your life. Treating everyone honorably – that’s a concept that’s hard to put into practice.

  830. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 12:55 pm #

    Nudge was a poster who was here several years ago. She and Dr. Doom and XER and Uncle Yarra and others made a mass exodus from CFN to Nudge’s website “Future Townies of America” which as far as I can tell became inactive on or about Sept. 4, 2010. Nudge lives in the Cambridge, Mass. area, I believe, sews her own clothes, rides a bicycle, and drives a Honda Insight.
    She always had very cogent takes on the current scene. I have no idea where she is these days… but I miss her. Here is an small example of the caliber of her writing:

    As XER said, this is a great time to be alive. One of the many funky things we can witness in the present is the evidence of badly-structured relationships between this and that. Now that the economy is no longer engaged in continuous, steady, predictable growth on a mass scale, all kinds of previously-hidden positive-feedback mechanisms are coming to light.

    She is way above me intellectually and was always interesting to read.

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  831. mika. January 8, 2012 at 1:53 pm #

    Excellent! Thank you!

  832. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 2:07 pm #

    America is a nation of immigrants. – Asoka
    Really? How many Americans are foreign born? THAT would make them an immigrant. If you are born in the USA then you are not an immigrant.
    OK so I’ll answer the question: depends on where you look you get a different number. But the numberes that I see come to between 30 to 40 million. That’s out of a population of just over 300 million.
    So I don’t think it’s rhetorical hair splitting to ask (if these numbers are correct) how the fuck do 30 to 40 million foreign born out of 300 million make the US a nation of immigrants?
    How do you define an immigrant? Someone who comes to the country who wasn’t born there.

  833. h7m1s7g1 January 8, 2012 at 2:10 pm #

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  834. Buck Stud January 8, 2012 at 2:10 pm #

    I agree with you about Old, and yet, racism itself has had a large impact on TLE, happy motoring, etc. The explosion of suburbia was due, in one part or another, to the school integration mandate back in the 60s’ as I’m sure you already know. White parents were irate that the Federal Government basically shipped their kids to schools outside their neighborhood of choice. So, in turn, many just up and left the cities and relocated to suburbia, or more accurately, white schools.
    I don’t see how TLE can be insulated from the societal pressures that envelope, and in many instances, were major contributors to its arrival. The tumultuous and tragic arrival of TLE cannot be purified into adobe homes and permaculture idealism. As the Dragon’s head turns to the future its tail from past will flick the law of cause and effect directly into our awareness time and time again, however hard anyone tries to forget, or avert their eyes. After all, humans haven’t changed and retribution will always be a prime motivator.
    Do you know how many Vlad’s are out there? Not a small percentage of the GOP I would assert. Perhaps your real gripe with this site is you don’t really buy into the notion of TLE? At any rate, honesty is refreshing. Which is why I think Asoka should stop with his egalitarian pro-immigration pretense and just admit the truth: He covets the demise of the U.S.A. In fact, how can Asoka’s call for the elimination of national borders be interpreted as anything else but the demise of the U.S? And yet he continually banters on about the national benefits of immigration in an economy sporting a 15.2 U6 unemployment number. I’m not buying it; bullshit I say.

  835. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 2:15 pm #

    So, Mika, does your comment mean you agree with Nicole Foss that the next move for oil prices will be down and possibly significantly because we’re coming off the back of another speculative bubble in oil?

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  836. Widespreadpanic7 January 8, 2012 at 2:19 pm #

    DeeJones the US Navy isn’t very large, fewer than 300 ships. In fact that doesn’t seem like enough considering all the international responsibilities we’ve taken on.
    The USA has never really fielded a large intact land army, like say the French in 1812, the Germans in 1914 & 1941, or the Russians in 1944. America (along with Britain) has always been casualty averse, and relied heavily on technology. Of course there have been exceptions, like Cold Harbor in 1864 and the Somme in 1916.
    No, for a nation of 300 million, a regular army of 490,000, a Navy with 290 ships, and a Marine Corps that wouldn’t even equal a single German SS division in 1942, our armed forces don’t seem too much.
    That is,of course, unless you have some sort of axe to grind, and hold a grudge against your own country.

  837. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 2:24 pm #

    Iranians are beautiful people, with a beautiful culture, exquisite poetry, etc. that the ignorant USA barbarians cannot hope to match. – Asoka
    And how would YOU know? How many Iranians do you know? One? None? Have you even been there? I’ll bet you haven’t. Have you studied the language? No? Did you even know the NAME of the language without looking it up first on wikipedia? You didn’t did you? Am I right? And what about the literature? How would you know about the literature without first studying and mastering the language? Do tell.
    Have you heard of Evin Prison? Have you heard of Zahra Kazemi who was raped, tortured and murdered in Evin Prison?
    Asoka you have the sound of a man that does not actually believe ONE FUCKING THING that he says.

  838. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 2:30 pm #

    How do you define an immigrant? Someone who comes to the country who wasn’t born there.
    My definition is 500 years residency. Anyone who belongs to a family that came to the USA in the 1800s or 1900s from Europe … it doesn’t matter if you were born here later, you are from an immigrant family and you are an immigrant.
    Obviously, the people who are not immigrants are those who were already here, and are not children of European emigration. Yeah, I know the natives may have walked here from somewhere else but they were residents here for over 500 years, so they are not immigrants.
    Juanito who was born here ten years ago is still an immigrant, because his family has not been here 500 years. Being born here is not the qualifying event. Where was your family 500 years ago? It is was here, then you are not an immigrant.
    It is probably unnecessary to repeat that I believe all immigrants should be welcomed, should be given all rights due to residents, and should be nationalized as quickly as possible.

  839. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 2:34 pm #

    Asoka you have the sound of a man that does not actually believe ONE FUCKING THING that he says.
    Rhino, you have the sound of a man who religiously reads everything I write, even though you think it is all bullshit. What up wit’ dat? Scroll by and stop responding to my inanity.

  840. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 2:38 pm #

    My definition is 500 years residency. – Asoka
    Then your definition is full of shit. More slippery tongued nonsense. It is of no practical use whatsoever. I’m a child of immigrants. I have no knowledge of the home country, the ancestral towns, the old way of life. I have no loyalty to the old country, I didn’t marry a woman of the ancestral ethnicity. So in what useful, practical way am I an immigrant? Let me answer the question: I’m NOT.

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  841. jackieblue2u January 8, 2012 at 2:40 pm #

    good post.
    alot of truth in it.
    i watched book tv last week.
    an author said that it is a waste for every kid to go to college (0bama wants everyone to go) thinks good idea. but this author said the truth:
    so many don’t have the apptitude for it, but they go, and many who do have the apptitude do not want to go.
    it is a waste of resources to send all of them to college. about 40% he says would be a good percentage. i am pretty sure that is what he said.
    the author is mark steyn. what he said made alot of sense. and he is easy to read and listen to.
    he is serious and he is funny.
    to think that people are usless who didn’t go to college is just snobbery. and ignorance.
    i think it is much better to learn like an apprenctice, instead of sitting in a classroom being brainwashed. there is too much useless information in institutions. and i also think they are propaganda factories. for the most part.
    i am learning.
    hey but it gives the kids something to do. keeps them off the streets, while they are trying to
    figure out what to do with their lives.
    it’s not all bad.

  842. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 2:48 pm #

    Welcome to America!
    America is a nation of immigrants anxious to call themselves “American” (which is different from their “old country”) and you fit the bill perfectly.

  843. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 2:52 pm #

    What up wit dat?
    I’ll tell you wat up wit dat: evil ideas have a way of getting traction.
    You aren’t the only one spewing hate and racism and bigotry. There are many. And where has it got us? Want a short list of bad results? I’ll give you one: slavery, segregation, Nazi-ism, the Holocaust. That’s a real short list but it should do.

  844. metuselah January 8, 2012 at 2:54 pm #


  845. DeeJones January 8, 2012 at 2:59 pm #

    WTF MAN: “the US Navy isn’t very large, fewer than 300 ships. In fact that doesn’t seem like enough considering all the international responsibilities we’ve taken on.” –WSP7
    You don’t think that is ‘very large’ when its way bigger than all the other navies in the world put together? Oh, and they don’t have aircraft carriers.
    “No, for a nation of 300 million, a regular army of 490,000, a Navy with 290 ships, and a Marine Corps that wouldn’t even equal a single German SS division in 1942, our armed forces don’t seem too much.” –WSP7
    So, just how big do YOU want the us millitary to be, AND how do YOU want to pay for it all?
    “That is,of course, unless you have some sort of axe to grind, and hold a grudge against your own country.”–WSP7
    BULLSHIT. I just think the US spends 10x more than the rest of the world and NEEDS TO CUT “DEFENSE” SPENDING NOW!!! Back to where it was when Ronnie Raygun started upping it would be a good start.
    We don’t even need 300 ships, lets shrink it down to about 30 or less, eh? How about that?

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  846. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 3:03 pm #

    You aren’t the only one spewing hate and racism and bigotry.
    You have an over-active imagination!
    I am for open borders and FREEDOM of movement.
    I love Jews and Arabs and Iranians and people of all colors: white people, black people, yellow, brown, red, they are all precious in my sight. I welcome them all to America.

  847. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 3:03 pm #

    “…but what is it in people’s minds that make them want to carry on a dialogue? Is CFN composed of secret racists who feel guilty about their belief and try to assuage their consciences by arguing against racism with Vlad?”
    I’ve got to tell you that this post of yours was greatly disturbing to me. You want CFN to ignore race, even though racial attitudes are part and parcel of problems that await the US – post collapse. And the idea that you can change the dialog by threatening to leave – wow, Bill –
    Hubris Much?
    Buck Stud caught most of the facts that I would have leveled at you. What follows is the emotional component of my response.
    You are right, bill – every honest person has to acknowledge a trace of racism. The way that most of this discussion thread acknowledges and acclaims asoka.’s racism – while at the same time vilifying Vlad and attempting to force him to STFU, with Vlad “Kramps,” ect, and now this latest attempt of yours Bill.
    I’m disturbed.
    You said months ago that it bothered you to see me beginning to “be swayed by Vlad wiles and enchantments…” or something like that.
    If anything on these CFN threads has made me more of a racist – it’s certainly not my dialogs with Vlad.
    It is RATHER, the hate of asoka., cloaked as it is – in rationalizations and excuses.
    (whether true or not – I still say there is no way that asoka. is an elderly black man commuting back and forth between the Andes Mountains and the US)
    But when intelligent posters applaud asoka. on his racism, as you apparently are doing now. Or fail to EVER once engage him in the negative on his racism – as Lbend, Absalom, and others CONSISTENTLY fail to do.
    Then I realize that black grievance against white culture in the US NEVER WILL VANISH, and sadly will only grow and grow forever.
    That thing that Julietta of Ohio detailed – being bumped and worse, by hostile youth in public.
    That’s a real phenomenon. I detailed on CFN how my own mom was very careful in public, so as not to be subject to it.
    Ignoring things doesn’t make them go away.
    It only makes them fester.
    I’m a little hot under the collar about this, Bill. I hope it shows. I’ll miss you as a poster, not that I have any control over what you choose to do, anyway.
    And if you want to talk about something besides race, man, lead the way and I’ll follow if I can.
    And I consider you a valuable addition to this CFN thread, in some ways precisely BECAUSE of your own ethnicity – and your insistence that issues involving Jews as a religion or an ethnic group be addressed on here with appropriate politeness and dignity.
    But I will retain the right to engage Vlad whenever I think it advisable.

  848. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 3:07 pm #

    How do you even know I’m American? You don’t.
    What was discussed here are issues affecting more than just the USA. Other countries have similar problems, similar discourse, people similar to you that support similar policies out of detestation for their home countries for reasons known best to them.
    And the calamitous courses of action you support for the US will have disastrous consequences far beyond American borders.

  849. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 3:09 pm #

    So, just how big do YOU want the us millitary to be, AND how do YOU want to pay for it all?
    WSP7 is all for socialism, because that is what the military is. WSP7 is all for big government because big government is needed for a big military.
    The government is mommy and the soldiers are its babies. The socialist army provides everything for its baby soldiers: food, clothing, housing, transportation, health care, pensions, etc. and WSP7 expects the taxpayers to pay gladly for this socialist organization. Militarism is bankrupting the USA.
    The defense budget should be cut by $3 TRILLION over the next ten years, but instead the money will be pounded down the corrupt, fraudulent, and wasteful military rat hole. Those who want a large military are destroying the USA.

  850. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 3:17 pm #

    You didn’t answer my questions.
    You didn’t tell us about your studies of Iranian language and literature, about your travels to Iran and your deep and abiding relationships with Iranian people. You seem to know so much.
    After all you made some extra-ordinary assertions about the exquisite beauty of their culture and poetry, which “ignorant USA barbarians” (your words, more howling bigotry from you)couldn’t hope to match.
    We’re waiting.

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  851. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 3:19 pm #

    And the calamitous courses of action you support for the US will have disastrous consequences far beyond American borders.
    Yes, be very afraid!
    I have the ear of the highest officials in the USA. They are waiting for word from me as to how to proceed. Your comments will go into my considerations, and influence my advice, and the consequences will be disastrous far beyond American borders.

  852. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 3:22 pm #

    I love Jews and Arabs and Iranians and people of all colors: white people, black people, yellow, brown, red, they are all precious in my sight. I welcome them all to America. – Asoka
    Bullshit. You just called Americans: “the ignorant USA barbarians”.
    Last I checked the USA is a multi-racial country is it not? You just expressed contempt for Americans, calling them “ignorant barbarians”. Or did you just mean white Americans.

  853. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 3:24 pm #

    What criteria would you utilize for determining the truthfulness of my reply to your questions? I must know so I don’t waste my time only to have you say, once again, “I don’t believe you.” I am not an idiot. I do know Iranians and their beauty and the exquisite contributions they have made to civilization. What I need are your criteria for truthfulness.

  854. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 3:27 pm #

    We’re still waiting Asoka to hear about how you came about your deep knowledge of things Iranian. The clock is ticking. The longer it takes you the more likely people will think you’re full of shit and don’t know anything. Hurry up.

  855. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 3:27 pm #

    Bullshit. You just called Americans: “the ignorant USA barbarians”.
    I’m going to give you the benefit of doubt, since your first language may not be English and you may not be American.
    What I said is that ignorant American barbarians (whose country is less than 500 years old) would never be able to equal the beautiful contributions made to civilization by the 5,000 year old history of Iran. The statement is true on its face and requires no supporting evidence.

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  856. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 3:29 pm #

    Hey RHINO,
    I’ve been watching with some interest as you attempt to get some honest engagement from asoka., regarding immigration.
    And I’ve been holding back, so as not to impeded the dialog. But it’s getting late in the week, and asoka. is falling into predictability –
    So let me go ahead and give you my perceptions.
    There are three, and only three, categories of reasons to be for high rates of immigration into the United States. These are:
    1. Economic growth is always good
    2. Moral platitudes
    3. Ethnic entertainment and dining opportunities
    Right now, asoka. is working heavily on variations of #2 with you; we are a nation of immigrants.
    Hold on, Rhino, and maybe he will address #1 and #3 with you, before the evening is over.
    He will also, likely, call ME a “RACIST,” because of my opposition to immigration, this being another of his favorite variations on #2; another sort of moral platitude.
    It will be interesting to see if any of the Regular CFN Liberals, besides Buck Stud, will defend me against this charge.
    BeanTown – you’ve acknowledged changing your mind to be in favor of reducing immigration for environmental reasons. But you’ve never said that you didn’t agree with asoka. that I was a racist – because of my immigration ideas.
    Takes two to tangle. 😉

  857. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 3:31 pm #

    My bullshit detectors are screaming Asoka.

  858. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 3:33 pm #

    The longer it takes you the more likely people will think you’re full of shit and don’t know anything. Hurry up.
    Rhino, are you American? Is English your first language? Do I need to define words like “ignorant” and “barbarian” for you?
    Please let me know, so I can craft an answer you can understand.
    Also, you still have not provided your criteria for determining the truthfulness of my statements. I am not going to waste time providing an answer only to have you say “I don’t believe you”. What are your criteria for determining truthiness?

  859. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 3:35 pm #

    My bullshit detectors are screaming Asoka.
    What criteria do you use to determine bullshit? If you cannot answer this question, further dialog is not going to resolve anything.

  860. old69 January 8, 2012 at 3:38 pm #

    The enitre idea of “full employment” is a joke: the system can’t use in any possible meaningful way any more workers, it is already saturated by the boatloads, there are already tens of millions of workers worldwide (since the system is global, is worldwide, the world is now one single country and economy) still being paid that shouldn’t be, but the system keeps on paying them just to keep the economy running. This mathematical idea that “all should work” is such a joke and so ridiculous when applied to a Technological Economy, but everyone keeps on sustaining this idea instead of honestly saying: lets just give handouts, we no longer need anymore people to work, work is obsolete, we need consumers more than anything else, and if we really want people to do something then lets build trillions of skyscrapers, rockets to venus, etc.
    This really hits the nail on it head!
    Just be honest, jobs are no longer needed, hence just give out free salaries and stop all the fake justifications for not giving all out free handouts, stop forcing people to (look for ?) work (imaginary jobs that will never come to be since they are not needed structurally) when work is no longer needed, available or even worth it. We have millions upon millions of people that would need to work, but what on earth are they supposed to do ? We already have tens of millions upon tens of millions working fake jobs that are not needed, the Capitalists would love to just kick them all out of work since they are not even needed (but are convenient because they receive a salary and keep the consumer economy running)!
    Just be honest. There is no more work available, amen, end of story. The idea of millions of new jobs is false, will never happen again, there are not enough new possible real activites that are really worthwhile, that are meaningful, that millions of people can do for 8 hours a day everyday for years on end. It is over, that phase of society is over, end of story. Of course you can invent loads of fake and make believe jobs like banks, finance, subprime loans, APPS for the IPHONES, education (but how much new crappy courses and education can you really use anymore, how much more new education is really needed, and especially for what ? to do exactly what with it ?) and you name it, all kinds of wacky youtube videos, all kinds of information chunks, also thanks to the Internet, but information, as an item the world is being saturated in is becoming worthless, a dime a dozen, and all information has the same value in the end, aside from the fact that it is all free, hence cannot be turned into money easily anyways.

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  861. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 3:39 pm #

    I think you’re full of shit Asoka. I think that you don’t know one goddamned thing about Iran or its history or its language or its poetry or its culture. I suspect that you’ve never been anywhere near Iran.
    I think that you’re in no way qualified to make esthetic comparisons between Iranian and American language and literaure and culture.
    How about that? Am I right?

  862. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 3:44 pm #

    More slippery tongued bullshit.
    You’ve embarrassed yourself Asoka.

  863. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 3:45 pm #

    How about that? Am I right?
    No, you are not right.
    Do you have a grudge against Iran? Why won’t you say if you are American. I cannot believe anything you say, because you won’t share anything about yourself. Is English your first language? If not, perhaps we could communicate in your native language.

  864. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 3:47 pm #

    Rhino, I am beyond embarrassment.
    Thanks for playing, though.

  865. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 3:53 pm #

    I’ll defend you too.
    The issue here in most people’s minds when we talk about immigration is first of all economic self interest and then the collective economic interest.
    Race is an issue in some people’s minds, culture in others, societal and civic solidarity, fear of inter ethnic tribalism in others. It’s a many faceted problem and people have got widely varying takes on it.
    People like Assoka try to hide their antipathy to their birth country whether it’s the USA or another country by their deliberate support for immigration policies knowing full well their destructive impact.
    They accuse dissenters of racism when race is nowhere near an issue in the dissenter’s mind. It’s a sloppy and dishonest accusation but it works.

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  866. Rhino January 8, 2012 at 4:01 pm #

    What difference does it make if I’m American?
    Does race or ethnicity or nationality add to or detract from an argument? Does it validate someone’s views? Is this another example of your bigotry at work Asoka? Would it help if I said I was a Black African or a mixed race Argentinian? What if I was Jewish? What if I said I was a rich Jew living in Tel Aviv and the son of Polish Holocaust survivors? Would I then be a target of your own special scorn?
    Do you have a problem understanding my own special brand of English? Do you understand me when I say that I think you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about?

  867. Widespreadpanic7 January 8, 2012 at 4:03 pm #

    That’s just my point, Asoka. The US does not have a very large military. The US is probably the least militaristic power in the history of the world. DeeJones, cutting the Navy to 30 ships would be irresponsible. Mark Steyn addresses all this in his book “After America”, published last year. Also like I mentioned, Victor Davis Hanson “The Western Way of War”. (Which is why Israel could kick ass against an array of countries with combine populations that are 1000 times larger)
    I went to school on the GI Bill. There were tons of people with your attitudes around campus then. I guess you’re are still here.

  868. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 4:04 pm #

    People like Assoka try to hide their antipathy to their birth country whether it’s the USA or another country by their deliberate support for immigration policies knowing full well their destructive impact.

    Well, yeeeesssss! I support global FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT.
    Nation-states are so 1800s. Nation states haven’t done anything but fight with each other and waste the world’s resources and millions of lives since their creation. Defense of national state borders through armies has drained resources away from bettering human life for all.
    Allegiance to a country in the 21st century is something I would expect of ignorant barbarians who don’t realize yet that we are global citizens.
    One planet, one people, one love.

  869. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 4:11 pm #

    I am shocked at your defense of socialism. The military provides everything, at taxpayer expense. That is big government.
    And now you are telling me that even after you left the military you continued to receive government benefits through the GI Bill.
    This is an indication that war is the health of the State. Cradle to grave socialism for the warriors.

  870. metuselah January 8, 2012 at 4:24 pm #

    Allegiance to a country in the 21st century is something I would expect of ignorant barbarians who don’t realize yet that we are global citizens.
    One planet, one people, one love.
    I’m not ignorant, nor a barbarian. In fact, I’m very antithetic to both. I’m also antithetic to your call for a global tyranny. I have nothing in common with my arab neighbors. I also pretty much despise everything about them and everything they are. Unlike you, I have to live surrounded by their ignorant and tyrannical culture; I want nothing to do it and nothing to do with them.
    Your idiotic sentiment is really a call for ethnic and cultural genocide.

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  871. metuselah January 8, 2012 at 4:25 pm #

    ..I want nothing to do ^with it and nothing to do with them..

  872. BeantownBill January 8, 2012 at 4:31 pm #

    It was the construction of the interstate highway system during the Eisenhower administration that spurred the extensive development of the suburbs. In my area, Boston, the suburb I grew up in was founded in the 1600’s, as were surrounding cities, and this was when the population was much lower, so even hundreds of years ago suburbs played a major role in the country’s growth. What has grown significantly – because of highways – has been the settlement of outer suburbs and exurbs.
    Flight to the ‘burbs mostly did not occur because of inner city busing, but because many ethnic groups became successful, and success was measured by how new your home was and how much land you had in your lot, qualities that were uncommon in land-starved Boston, where the housing stock has always been old. It was considered an achievement to have moved to a suburb. Suburban living was touted as nicer than in the city, and less dangerous – it wasn’t all because of Blacks; Italian and Irish street kids were pretty tough, more so than Blacks. I’m not just saying all this, I actually lived and experienced the times. So stating that TLE was in a significant part caused by anti-segregation policies is disingenuous. The link between race and TLE is tenuous, at best. More strong is the link between wealth and income status to TLE.
    Concerning your comments about Vlad and Asoka, honesty, while a good quality in and of itself, is not the final arbiter of whether or not one prefers to reply to a poster. I give you the Nazis – they were very honest in their feelings, but weren’t exactly role models for future generations. Asoka admits to racism, as well – that’s honesty, too – but he’s not in a class with Vlad’s racism. There ARE degrees of racism; I’d rather start with obliterating the egregious cases first. To say that Vlad is honest about his racism is still no justification to continue the dialogue with him, IMO.

  873. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 4:38 pm #

    “To Procon: You have an interest in American population control. Why do you water down its significance by responding to Vlad so much?” =
    OK, I’m a little calmer, now Bill.
    And I’ll tell you why your question hit a nerve.
    There are two categories of people that make immigration issues difficult to deal with, out in the real world.
    One category is quite well represented, on CFN, by one of of asoka’s multitudes. When the Georgia State Legislature was dealing with immigration, back last January and February, asoka’s showed up, quite literally, by the 100’s. Most of them were bussed in, their transportation charges and motel fees paid by shadowy organizations. These many asoka clones conducted demonstrations, and chanted, and attracted lots of local, national, and international media attention. And they slung the blunt instrument charge of “RACISM,” quite freely – to chilling effect on public legislative debate.
    The more I have dealt with them, the less affection I have for these asoka clones. They are too quick to hit and run. They care not one whit about the effect of immigration on the native Georgia black population or anything else, except for getting their own way.
    The other category of person who makes immigration issues difficult to deal with, is represented by Vlad. They know immigration is a problem – but they are so QUICK to escalate the rhetoric into divisive racial issues, that they are as much of a hindrance to honesty – as are the 100’s of bussed in asoka.’s.
    I see little need to engage asoka., on CFN about immigration, any longer. His formulaic responses are designed to spread anger and heat, but never light.
    Engaging a Vlad, however, may yet be profitable.
    Anyway, with all due respect Bill, that’s the reason that I choose to tilt at this particular windmill, personified by Vlad, on CFN.

  874. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 4:38 pm #

    I have nothing in common with my arab neighbors.
    This said by an Israeli. Hello? You are practically screaming your ignorance. And your willingness to kill your arab neighbors at the drop of a hat, to slash the throats of your “enemies,” announces your barbarism.
    You done done it to yourself. Cain’t blame nobody else. Your militarist, secularist, allegiance to the nation state of Israel (or Hitler’s love of Germany, etc.) is the current norm (“love of country”) that has led to the slaughter of millions. You are continuing ethnic and cultural genocide through your backward and violent ways.

  875. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 4:40 pm #

    I see little need to engage asoka., on CFN about immigration, any longer.
    Thank Yahweh and Allah. Promise? It is about time.

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  876. metuselah January 8, 2012 at 4:50 pm #

    Oh shut up you idiot. You’re such a moron, I can’t believe I actually bothered with you. I should have just continued to ignore you. But this is what you get when you let generosity and kindness get the better of good judgement and self-discipline.

  877. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 4:57 pm #

    I will, however, continue to recommend that the rest of the thread consider information published by
    and by
    Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
    Both have informative websites, and are worthy of donations of both time and financial assistance.
    *rated best by SPLC

  878. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 5:03 pm #

    Have you ever so much uttered one syllable against Metusleh’s hatred of Whites? Or Asoka’s?
    Also noted is your lack of sympathy for Juletta’s recent experience. Face it, I’ve got you pegged. You’re not better than other people – even though you obviously think you are. Jews are some of the most ethnocentric people in the world yet they can’t stand it if Whites have any ethnic feeling at all – much less real rights. It’s always do what I say not as I do with you people. Physician heal thyself.

  879. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 5:18 pm #

    Blacks like Lepracahans it seems. In Mobile Blacks kept seeing one up a tree at night.

  880. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 5:19 pm #

    Have I confused you with Mika? If so, I apologize.
    Mika told me he was in a death struggle with jihad and his way was violence (IDF violence).
    Perhaps you are a different person with different ideas about jihad. But your statement that you have nothing in common with Arabs is hilarious … and ignorant. One thing you have in common with Arabs is the illusion that you have nothing in common.

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  881. metuselah January 8, 2012 at 5:19 pm #

    Stop lying you megalomaniac nazi Vatican sith. You’re not about nationalism, you’re about nazi vatican domination over others and takeover of the whole world. You are Asoka in a vatican nazi uniform.

  882. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 5:22 pm #

    Hey, met, did you know the Vatican does not exercise iron clad rule over everyday Catholics?
    The word catholic means… oh, why do I bother with you? Go back to ignoring me. It was better that way.

  883. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 5:25 pm #

    Yes the Scotch Irish were reknowned as Woodsmen and were often the pioneers in the Westward Settlement. Read Senator’s Webbs book – it’s quite good. But they remain some of the poorest people in America. They always had other values like getting drunk, high, even, a new pickup, or God.
    Of course Senator Webb voted for Eric Holder’s legislation that makes Whites second class citizens. One can’t ask too much after all. I’m sure being Scott’s Irish is now open to Blacks as well.

  884. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 5:27 pm #

    Thank you Asoka. Met is quite insane on the subject of the Vatican. He thinks they wrote the Talmud!
    Of course Bil wouldn’t dream of saying anything. I mean they’re both Jews don’t ya know.

  885. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 5:34 pm #

    Thanks, Vlad. Met is giving a lot of publicity to the Vatican. He could secretly be working for them.
    God just helped Tebow tie the game with Pittsburgh, 6-6. The stadium is full in spite of U6 being 15.3 percent, gasoline being around $3.00 a gallon, and the nation supposedly being “broke.” Of course none of those facts “proves” anything.

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  886. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 5:39 pm #

    Thanks for the perspective, it’s needed. The old Turkish Empire was very strange in this regard: being a slave was very common, it wasn’t shameful, there was alot of social mobility – an Emperor or two actually rose up from Slavery. I think their slavery was roughly governed by a social code if not actual written rights. The old American Slavery was fairly harsh – often breaking up families etc. There were good Masters, but there was no expectation or social onus if you weren’t.
    Only a small number of White Americans ever had slaves yet all White Americans are expected to pay for it – forever. Whatever happened to individual rights? I mean if Buck WANTS to feel guilty for something he never did, that’s his choice, but don’t mandate that kind of guilt into Law.

  887. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 5:43 pm #

    Without God we could do nothing. But I know what you mean. In baseball, the Spanish Players used to make the sign of the cross when they went up to bat. Yogi Berra once said to one of them, “Oh why don’t you just let Him watch the game?”

  888. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 5:45 pm #

    Turkish Slaves could own property – even their own slaves. Complicated!

  889. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 6:04 pm #

    Vlad and Procon, you are free to discuss the “merits” of slavery. You should know such discussion is extremely offensive to some. There is little redeeming about an institution that ripped families apart and trafficked in human beings like they were so much chattel, just as there is little redeeming about forcing children to work in factories or to work as school janitors.

  890. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 6:06 pm #

    Without God we could do nothing.
    With God all things are possible, even the elimination of national borders and freedom of movement of human beings on the planet.

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  891. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 6:15 pm #

    “merits” of slavery.”
    Neither Vlad, nor I, have ever once mentioned any merits of slavery – not one SINGLE time.
    In fact, anyone who would put “merits” and “slavery,” deliberately in the same sentence on CFN – must only be doing so in an effort to impede the dialog, and to obscure any truth.
    *Resident Impedimentia, anyone?

  892. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 6:25 pm #

    Procon said: “Properly practiced, slavery is almost benign, compared to…”
    This is offensive, procon. You are discussing the merits of slavery compared to other human practices, thereby minimizing the human tragedy that is represented by the institution of slavery.

  893. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 6:28 pm #

    almost – ALMOST!
    That’s a very important qualifier.

  894. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 6:33 pm #

    The qualifier does not diminish the immorality of the practice of slavery. Nor does the fact that, apparently, a slave became an Emperor. You both are trying to justify the institution by using words like “benign” or describing slavery as a career path. It is offensive, with or without qualifiers.

  895. BeantownBill January 8, 2012 at 6:35 pm #


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  896. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 6:39 pm #

    Vlad, I do not hate whites. I criticize some of their actions, but whites, even ignorant barbaric whites, are part of my family: the human family. They will eventually realize this and learn to treat all others with compassion.

  897. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 6:46 pm #

    Ok, asoka.- open up this link, and take a good hard look at all of these 10 devices and practices.
    Then think about your Sufi Muslim guy, Mansour, praying to Allah, as his brother Muslims (who likely owned slaves) cut off his hands, arms, feet, and legs.
    And then you tell me that there are no things worse than slavery, as practiced in the American South – and I’ll tell you that the truth means NOTHING to you – and you will have already proved it.

  898. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 6:56 pm #

    Nothing you say can justify your family owning and enslaving my people in Georgia. Even the fact that I have to argue against slavery with you is disgusting. Then you post a link and ask people to look at historic practices you deem worse than slavery. Procon, you are sick. Please get help from a mental health professional.

  899. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 7:23 pm #

    “Procon, you are sick. Please get help from a mental health professional.”
    You, asoka., are a despicable hatemonger.
    You will never be satisfied.
    And I’m certain that NO ONE, who has dedicated 12 years of his life to disproving the underlying premise of a website called Cluster Fuck Nation – is in any position to lecture anyone else, as to proper mental health practices.

  900. DeeJones January 8, 2012 at 7:27 pm #

    “3. Ethnic entertainment and dining opportunities.”
    I’ll take a double helping of #3 please. 🙂

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  901. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 7:28 pm #

    Ron Paul, a veteran for Peace. Gingrich, Obama – draft dodging war mongers. Is there any contest? Only for the confused.
    Santorum would invade Iran on day 1 of his presidency. Romney a litte later. Don’t vote for them either.

  902. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 7:29 pm #

    You lose.

  903. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 7:30 pm #

    “I’ll take a double helping of #3 please. :)”
    You got it, darlin’.
    Can’t you get that locally in Costa Rico, though?

  904. DeeJones January 8, 2012 at 7:30 pm #

    “The government is mommy and the soldiers are its babies. The socialist army provides everything for its baby soldiers: food, clothing, housing, transportation, health care, pensions, etc. and WSP7 expects the taxpayers to pay gladly for this socialist organization. Militarism is bankrupting the USA.
    The defense budget should be cut by $3 TRILLION over the next ten years, but instead the money will be pounded down the corrupt, fraudulent, and wasteful military rat hole. Those who want a large military are destroying the USA.”
    Hear hear Asoka!1 Lets ELIMINATE the “Defense” budget!
    Peace & lOVE Bro…

  905. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 7:36 pm #

    Hear hear Asoka!1 Lets ELIMINATE the “Defense” budget!
    I was trying to be “moderate” and only propose a modest $3 TRILLION cut.
    But you are right. The best course would be the one Costa Rica took in 1949: eliminate the armed forces altogether. The military is constitutionally allowed, but is not constitutionally mandated.
    The founding fathers did not call for a standing army to bleed the taxpayers dry.

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  906. DeeJones January 8, 2012 at 7:37 pm #

    “I went to school on the GI Bill. There were tons of people with your attitudes around campus then. I guess you’re are still here.
    Oh, so you are one of THOSE leaches on the gov’mt tit. Yeah, you want your mil, but you want EVERYONE else to pay for it. What if everyone says enough? No More Military? Gonna take it by force? Probably…
    Some day, your precious military WILL be eliminated. No more “Defense” budget, no more leaches on the taxpayer tit. Your kind will be redundant.
    I really, really look forward to that day for the USA. Freedom from the Mil/Indus/Complex.
    🙂 🙂

  907. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 7:42 pm #

    So why aren’t you against the slavery that still exists TODAY in Africa, Arabia, and also the widespread trafficing of women, particularly White ones?
    Are you pro Black or anti White?

  908. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 7:48 pm #

    You, asoka., are a despicable hatemonger.
    I don’t hate anyone, procon. I am concerned about you.
    I hate the institution of slavery and disagree that slavery is “almost benign” as you say.
    But disagreeing with you is not being a “hatemonger”
    I like you, procon. You just need to get better control of your emotional health.

  909. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 7:52 pm #

    Who said I am not against slavery. I am against slavery practiced by Blacks. I am against slavery practiced by Muslims. I am against slavery practiced by whites. I don’t give ignorant barbaric Americans a pass just because slavery exists in other cultures.
    As to your false dichotomy: I am not pro-black. I am not anti-white.
    I am pro-human.

  910. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 7:58 pm #

    Sorry, asoka., you drool hate onto many of your posts. I’ve got to call them as I see them.
    And you lie. You no more moved into the Andes mountains on dial-up for a week than your pet pig flew up there – and then flew back, burning aviation kerosene the whole way.
    You’re not black and you’re not old, either.
    Those are “multitudes” that you play – to win power in your little arguments on CFN.
    You are doing terrible damage to American blacks, by your posts, however. That’s unfortunate.

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  911. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 8:09 pm #

    Now multiply Asoka by a million. The most gifted Blacks who could fit in the best often choose not to. They want their own thing. Ditto the Hispanics. The Teachers who drilled Unity into your head did you a diservice. It has to be based on something, and it can’t be forced. The forces of Unity have failed in the United States and we should recognzie that and act accordingly. These terrible “lags” eat up alot of energy and human lives.
    Even after Vietnam was lost, we kept throwing young men into the maw. General Waste More Lives.
    How many more will die for an America that can’t work anymore? And never forget: the Establishment encouraged and paid for Black and Hispanic dissent. Now they don’t want White dissent – so what were they thinking? Trying to make us a slave race I warrant. Keep down the majority with minorities so they can always stay on top. How admirable they are. Vote Ron Paul.

  912. fgmgrbbah January 8, 2012 at 8:14 pm #

    Oh so cold these days , to the New Year ,Ralph Lauren Sale, may be like over the years , my children unitary Fortunately , the cooling is not what is every day can not go out , she can at home, extra duty, which my husband can be hard , let him leave I want to take a break .

  913. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 8:20 pm #

    Geez, another poster with an overactive imagination.

  914. fgmgrbbah January 8, 2012 at 8:20 pm #




    Episode IV


    Di Liuji

    one, on self cultivation

    ? phase from the heart, change the internal order to change the face. Care can not afford a dark heart a bright face. There must be harmony of love; the gas there must Discovery color; there must Shirley Discovery color.
    ? mouth is the gateway to the heart. Mouth the words to say, on behalf of my heart to do. Heart and mouth are the same.
    ? a low level of people, could not speak lofty words; a person without a sense of mission, a sense of responsibility could not speak the words; a pattern of small people, not speaking the words of the atmosphere.
    ? enterprises compete with the business end, the entrepreneur mind the competition, state competition.
    ? dislike to see other people is their training is not enough.
    ? has only de grace, a moral and blessed, and this is an old saying of
    ? human life is Dao, enlightenment, and finally the process of enlightenment.
    ? good – that is, no time to do bad things to people.
    ? flow to the same exchange, the exchange in order to pledge allegiance, pledge allegiance to the transaction.
    ? flow is equal to the same confluence confluence equal Hexin, Hexin equal to ingratiate themselves.

    Second, on the success

    ? To be successful we must first learn to – change of mind, state and attitudes.
    ? Success = thinking × × expressive power of action.
    ? Many unsuccessful not because there is no action plan before the plan but the lack of previous action.
    ? Power is Best Solar power, future generations benefit is the benefit, name is Jesus Christ name.

    Third, on the team

    ? What is the team to see the word you know, articulate group of people against people who have ears to speak, this is the team.

    four, on the communication

    ? communication must be conducted in the right, positive thinking, right speech, right effort, mindfulness of departure, in order to achieve consistent and effective cooperation. Communication between the Chinese people always start from home.
    ? High-quality communication, should focus on results, rather than emotional, communication from the heart.
    ? communication has three elements: text language, audio language, body language. Written language to convey information, voice language to convey feelings, body language to convey attitude.
    ? affect communication effectiveness has three elements: the occasion, the atmosphere and mood.
    ? communication of three characteristics: behavior of the initiative, the process of interaction, the diversity of objects.
    ? communication of five basic steps: nod, smile, listen, respond, take notes.
    ? communication of 5 hearts: the joy of heart, a generous heart, empathy, praise the heart, love.
    ? emotional communication is the transfer, the transfer of information, emotional interaction. Communication is no right or wrong, only the position.
    ? interpersonal communication, the most taboo is a look lifeless. To learn Smile can change themselves, to give people the power of laughter, laughter can create a good atmosphere, laughter can bring others joy, laughter is the ladder of success.

    five, lay down on the pros and cons

    ? can take, give up to get. How much heart, the stage is as big. Once in the words of Emperor Qianlong put the ass up, face the audience and on the red; Qianlong very pleased, and the ministers thought it was put; and it will be for the emperor trust. 200 years later the day, the Secretary and the Secretary to accompany the mayor to participate in a will, in the elevator, the mayor has put the ass are not careful, to alleviate the , the Secretary of running out of patience, explaining that The next day, put the secretary to the mayor resigned, Secretary of the difficulty, the mayor said: Ah fart big point things can not bear, leaving you use?
    ? killing is to release, to eat meat in order to plant release.

    6, on the talent

    ? length of employment, there is nothing without the people , employing short, the world is no available person.
    ? talent is not necessarily eloquent, but eloquence of the people must be talent. In the United States who speak, who is eloquent who will be president.
    ? pregnant and the pregnancy is the same as before, as long as there, sooner or later will be seen. Was underappreciated because pregnant was not big enough.

    7, on the learning and growth

    ? knowledge is learned, the ability out of practice, the mind is to repair.
    ? afraid they begin, feel afraid later.
    ? we do not spend three blink: caring for the elderly to spend money without blinking; as buddies to spend money without blinking; to grow and learn money does not blink.
    ? Mao Zedong said that the purpose is to apply master. Knowledge is not power, but the use of knowledge is power.
    ? Mao Zedong said, three days without learning to keep up with Comrade Liu Shaoqi had.
    ? lack of other people is their present value.
    ? thinking a million power source,
    ? a mental model is not good, it is easy to knowledge of more and more reactionary.
    ? a person can not become a major event, because too few friends, friends, quality is not high.
    ? you put text into the mind, it is you to open his own light.
    ? The best place to invest, over the neck. How many people regard the money in the life of the neck.

    you the
    ? do not understand the traditional culture, a manager can become hundreds of millions worth of the rich, but never become a true entrepreneur.
    ? spend more time growing their own, spend less time to blame others envy;
    ? If you think that in life, want to change the fate of the lucky to find the best way to make friends with people.
    ? 08 years later who did not speak Chinese on the particular grade, and in 2008, when English is Chinese torture to the Olympics began, the announcer are all changed Chinese way. I learn a foreign language is to teach foreigners to learn Chinese, to see the foreigners do not say: I’m sorry, my English is not good, the first sentence to say: Hello, you Chinese?

    8, on the wise and foolish

    ? most stupid people, that is excellent do not need to complete the dry matter.
    ? understand others are smart, know he is the wisdom.
    ? If a bad attitude, then it is easy to s wisdom wrong.

    nine, on filial piety

    ? no notice of small, medium and Koji enterprises, large Xiao country.
    ? tomorrow Road, a humane, open commercial way, to bring harmony to your life.
    ? planted a good side, gains a conscience; planted a conscience, a moral harvest; planted a moral, reap a habit; species Under a habit, reap a character; planted a character, reap a way of life.

    10, on sales of marketing

    ? not sell, is to help customers buy.
    ? All the marketing in China can be a word
    ? only marketing to corporate profits, the other is the cost, the cost is the largest corporate marketing staff do not know.
    ? customers to continuously identify you, you succeeded.
    ? customers only care about who you are, he is more concerned about what you give him the benefit.
    ? customers do not reject the product, he is not a denial of service, he just refused to mediocrity.
    ? refusal is a kind of inertia, when the customer refused to us, our work has only just begun XI, about money and wealth

    ? Do not live backwards, life itself is wealth.
    ; ? financial scattered people together, to lion.
    ? money is only one purpose: to spend. less money, their own, more is everyone, more, that is, the people, so called the yuan.
    ? old people that there is no time and space, these people are the poorest people, most stupi
    d people know that the money in the bank, the bank is to people who do not love to spend the money and brought it to the people who love to spend money to spend.

    ten Second, on the tea and wine

    ? Banqiao said: wine can be chaotic, and so was Fojie it. wine can support, which is why drinking Xianjia of, so there is wine Buddhism, no wine science cents.
    ? lofty Red three glasses of wine, Qianqiutaiye a pot of tea.
    XIII, other

    ? Mao Zedong said: survey as a pregnant woman, to solve the problem Like one day delivery. no investigation, no right to speak.
    ? not so many people disturb me, how can I do value players! – Diego Maradona .
    ? generous heart, that is, personnel director, will be guest, the short.
    ? empathy , know how to recognize others, stand in someone else’s position. There is no right or wrong communication, but the position is different.
    ? praise the heart, praise is the lubricant of interpersonal communication, Praise allow others to continue to do the right thing.
    ? The fairy tale is : Zhai Hong profile

    Zhai Hong: Beijing fulcrum of the future Distinguished senior management consulting firm, trainers, China marketing, real trainers, Guoxue practical application scientists, economic and cultural scholars, visiting professor at Peking University. Ngong Road is currently chairman of the International Group, China International Talent Dean of Engineering, DAM market access body president, Director of Training Center of Beijing University of Chinese entrepreneurs, China Business expert advisory Principal Consultant, Professor Emeritus, U.S. National University doctoral tutor in recent years, Prof. Zhai at all levels of government, the institutions have done thousands of well-known field of forms of education and training, lectures, so that nearly a million people in the consciousness after the shock and get ideas, behavior and attitude on the breakthrough, known as the China of today’s most valuable education, training specialists.
    traditional Chinese culture advocates and communicators a long time, Professor Zhai has always entertained a strong national commitment to the heart and mission and philosophy of traditional Chinese culture research, integrate a variety of highly representative of the International philosophical mainstream, marketing theory, the combination of the actual situation in China, for the management science, decision science, personnel training, marketing, enterprise teams put forward a set of unique solutions, and has aroused great repercussion in the academic community. developed by Professor Zhai Hong famous State University and other renowned institutions of MBA, EMBA, DBA, excellent leadership programs and other training classes popular.
    Prof. Zhai recent years at all levels of government, has done thousands of well-known institutions of various forms of market education and training and lectures, so that nearly a million people gained consciousness in shock and mental growth and breakthrough.
    Professor Zhai Hong-selling monograph:
    have served: China Unicom, Zhongyuan Oilfield, Guoqiang Group, Tingmei Group, a large sub-group, before the peak group, Yutong Group, etc. more is the number of developing small and medium enterprises, such as silver Mannheim, Xie Rui company, etc. These companies are in Professor Zhai witnessed the construction of its corporate culture, team building, internal staff training and dealers across the country, agents of education and training obtained after a vigor and a short chain in the country with thousands of organizations, the annual turnover exceeded billion!
    professors continue to explore China Zhai road training, self- establish the p> Guoxue application master, Great culture and practice of Mahayana wisdom, communicators, the book Taoist, Tsinghua University, Renmin University, Beijing University of Technology Distinguished Professor of National University Distinguished American PhD supervisor. Professor Zhai has been committed to carry forward traditional Chinese culture, was invited at all levels of government, well-known institutions,Soldes Abercrombie Fitch, the business classes, lectures, shocked millions of people to get ideas and consciousness, behavior, attitude breakthrough. Professor Zhai Speaker sponsored , DBA, president of training classes, training in Leadership Program Excellence popular Zhai Hong courses taught to spread Professor Zhai people feel out talent from the bones and blood flowing in the surge of Chinese people’s pride and spirit.

  915. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 8:27 pm #

    Love is universal.
    Love does not invite only a few people to celebrate, love invites the stars and the suns and the flowers and the birds; the whole existence is welcome to celebrate.
    Love does not need anything else — a night full of stars, what more can you ask for? Just a few friends… and the whole universe is friendly. I have never come across a tree who was against me. I have been to many … mountains, but I have never found any mountain antagonistic. The whole existence is very friendly. Once your own understanding of love blossoms there is no question of attachment at all. –Osho

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  916. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 8:36 pm #

    “Geez, another poster with an overactive imagination.”
    -standard asoka.-
    “I have no power on CFN, I am only one voice, anyone else can post, blah, blah to infinite asoka.”
    Sorry, asoka., you dominate the debate on CFN so totally – that many voices that could come onto this “peak oil?,” (remember peak oil) website give up in a hurry in disgust.
    Especially conservative voices – which the CFN/Peak oil community really needs. For some reason, I remember your debate with “DesertDawg,” quite clearly, almost 1.5 years ago now.
    You “won?” the debate on border controls and immigration – and left DesertDawg with a little more hate than he had when he came onto CFN – that, and his vision of an electrified border fence and concrete moats – burning just a little brighter in his mind, than it was when he first came onto CFN and “met” you, asoka.
    One more spirit – now feeling just a little more hate than he felt before – courtesy only to our CFN asoka..
    Nice going.

  917. progress2conserve January 8, 2012 at 8:42 pm #

    James Howard Kunstler
    and his webmaster, if any
    Delete these posts from FGMGRBBAH, and others of their ilk, please.
    I don’t think asoka is going to be able to love them out of existence, not the way he practices “love,” anyway.
    This whole CFN endeavor collapsing due to spam and hate, now that’s another matter, altogether.
    It’s been real folks.
    Hope JHK posts on Monday.

  918. Vlad Krandz January 8, 2012 at 8:58 pm #

    Hilarious – Far Left Liberals offend Blacks by incorporating Black History into math word problems. Example: If Frederick gets two beatings per day, how many beating does he get in a week?
    When will Liberals learn that you can’t please these people? When will they get a clue and start acting normal – and normal doesn’t mean crawling to Blacks. Nor does it mean bringing political correctness into every subject.

  919. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 9:25 pm #

    courtesy only to our CFN asoka
    Asoka is so powerful he can control the degree of hate present in DesertDawg’s heart! (according to procon, he of overactive imagination)

  920. xhalor January 8, 2012 at 10:13 pm #

    Crhist on a Ritz Cracker. Are there still people comin’ here that take you seriously? Here’s something that belongs to us that you couldn’t possibly understand. And yet, you will try to act like you do. Know why? Because you’re a Stepford Wife.

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  921. asoka. January 8, 2012 at 10:45 pm #

    The heart again alive, pulsating with love.

  922. xhalor January 8, 2012 at 10:54 pm #

    You weak motherfucker. I’m not coming to live in your culture. You’re coming to live in mine. Maybe there’s a reason for that, maybe not. All I know is that while they are here, your children WILL learn the songs of Woodie Guthrie. And the reason Woodie wrote those songs. Not that you give a fuck….

  923. asoka. January 9, 2012 at 12:20 am #

    This world
    that was our home
    for a brief spell
    never brought us anything
    but pain and grief;
    its a shame that not one of our problems
    was ever solved.
    We depart
    with a thousand regrets
    in our hearts.
    For the life and thought of the Iranian humanist, Omar Khayyam

  924. Eleuthero January 9, 2012 at 12:39 am #

    Wage said:
    And you, like Prog, seem to think that once slavery was over, everything was peachy keen for African Americans.
    Oh, please. Even after “official” discrimination for ANY new group in ANY new country is over, the underclass, whoever they are, have ALWAYS had to endure censure and criticism for a long time until they proved themselves. You talk like the post-slavery disdain for blacks was “unique” to any culture assimilating to a new country.
    You insult your OWN intelligence by pretending that assimilation processes have EVER been different, before and after “exploitation” for any minority tribe in any culture, anywhere, at any time in history!!!!!
    What I *do* say is that the usual mechanisms for advancement, passage of laws and acquisition of education, went about as expected in the USA after Reconstruction. Did it make any difference? Are ALL of the white people who fled to the suburbs in the 1960s “racists”? No … they are OBSERVERS who noticed that blacks were not keeping their properties orderly, that crime rates were soaring, etc.. Should they DENY these sorts of things so that they can be SELF-GROOMING EGALITARIANS LIKE YOU??? They were being PRAGMATISTS and you would damn them to hell for it.
    Gawd. On the one side of this accursed site, you have the outright nutters (Asoka, Metusaleh, lately Absalom, 8Man and all his aliases, etc.) and on the other hand you have the large pack of knee-jerk liberals who live as “white” a lifestyle as most KKK members but they want to shame as “racists” people who merely respect data and the ancient histories of cultural assimilation.
    This site has TOO MANY doctrinaire people of one extreme or the other to be worth the typing.

  925. asoka. January 9, 2012 at 1:19 am #

    Gawd. On the one side of this accursed site…
    The really egregious aspect of it all, it how you are forced week after week to log on, read the posts, and suffer through them. The injustice of it all.

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  926. xhalor January 9, 2012 at 2:17 am #

    “The really egregious aspect of it all…”
    …is how you are “FORCED” to listen to the most copied pop music in the world.
    American Music Volume 1
    The Very Thing

  927. xhalor January 9, 2012 at 3:05 am #

    Here’s Mac doing his Professor Longhair impersonation at the Montreux Jazz Festival
    Don’t understand it? Wow. That’s too bad.
    American Music Volume 1
    Junco Partner

  928. Vlad Krandz January 9, 2012 at 3:07 am #

    You got a woodie for Asoka?

  929. xhalor January 9, 2012 at 3:15 am #

    WOW. Out of nowhere comes peckerwood. What are the odds?

  930. 8man January 9, 2012 at 3:19 am #

    [quote]“I take care of their animals. I care and am on the job 7 days a week. I am dependable, innovative and I research. I earn every damn penny. That is why I am not minimum wage. I work 20 hours a week on average. I made this job, not them. It started out just cleaning bird cages twice a week, for 50 bucks. I built it by thinking working and caring. Now my employer needs me, others have been laid off even my husband, but not me. this is a lesson for you.”
    “I only have to spend about 25-35 hours a week doing stuff for my job, but I get to live by myself completely independent, my car is paid off, still under warranty and fully insured. I’ll take on average, 3-4 vacations a year.”
    Funny how the replies are all “personal stories” and such, as if the entire idea of general constructions and theories about society are meaningless, so my theory is replied by personal stories that show what actually happens on the ground. OK, I can accept that, but then so must all of our economists and politicians and ideologists too and stop saying that the “economy needs to grow”, “less taxes create jobs”, “more education creates jobs” and all such BS, when the only thing that we can know is the fluke, point like, personal experiences that have no common structure amongst them, that there is no higher generalization of society other than every point like individual experience with no further theory or ideology behind them. Things just are just because, no other theory needed.
    Since there will be fewer and fewer jobs, give out more and more free rides and handouts, turn all of the “unemployed” (but who on earth ever decided that “employment” is the natural state of things ?) into freeloaders. This is the “new normal”, no more jobs but free lunches to consume and to keep on buying stuff, this system needs consumerism more than anything else and labor and work less than anything else, get it into all of your thick skulls, jackasses!
    So jobs, labor, work is no longer in the cards, it is over, now only pure scott free handouts will be given, nothing wrong with that, it is not a sin, it is ok, don’t be afraid of handouts, don’t be afraid of free stuff, don’t “feel guilty”, don’t “feel wrong”, it is fine, it is natural, it is simply what must be done, it is the right thing to do, don’t get hooked on the “Protestant Work Ethic”, don’t let you mental computer program crash because of this, it just happened, end of story, there is nothing else you can do about it, accept it, accept reality, and stop making excuses not to give the handouts to all, stop saying that the system needs more work, needs people to work etc.: nothing further from the truth, this system needs to hire more people like a hole in the head, the system needs more work and labor like a hole in the head, it really needs more than anything else freeloaders, free riders, and it needs to give out free stuff by the boatloads to keep the consumerism and manufacturing and globalization engine running and running ever faster!
    But an old fashioned, guilt complex, morality complex mentality is trying to repress that which this Technological Economy is screaming to do, and namely free salaries to all so that they can consume and buy stuff like crazy, huge public private projects like skyscrapers and rockets so all of the excess capacity of the system can finally be discharged etc.
    And then, even if you don’t believe in any of this theory, even if you think it is just an excuse for freeloaders to get a free ride, who cares, just ask for it, you may be lucky enough and get a free ride also! who on earth wants to work ? are you all crazy ? are you all repressed thugs that want other people to suffer instead of enjoying free rides and watching TV all day long as in an automatic life ? or do you all want to “feel important” and “productive” and “that you are doing you duty” (see how religion messed up everything in our mind with all of these guilt complexes and perverted sense of “duty”), why are you all so crappy and ugly, just ask for something good and nice, the system can hardly wait to give it out, is just kicking and screaming to give it all out, but all the old economic theories and ideologies keep on repressing the natural outcome of a Technological Economy, keep on making believe we still live in the 18th century, etc. they still keep on making believe that 100 years of Research and Development and Technology meant nothing at all for work and labor, that all of those automations, computers and optimizations had no effect whatsoever on the amount of work the economic system needed: how can they be so blind and stupid ? all of that research did exactly what it should have done, the scientists and engineers did their “job” more than well, an excellent job of eliminating as much labor and work as possible but an old fashioned stone age ape mentality wants to make believe that “nothing has changed” and we all still have to work, as if we are all still working the lands like in rural India, Africa or China.
    Funny how all of the environmentalists and greens and doomsters also have a similar mentality of “people needing to work” and not noticing that that linearity is over, finished, not operating anymore, how they try to repress the Technological Economy and what it really means aka free rides, free stuff, ever more consumerism and nature under our control, etc. with all of the Resource Scarcity myths, and “There are Too Many People” crap, etc. Don’t build this don’t do that, don’t build Atomic Energy plants, etc. all against any kind of progress. They too are essentially reactionary, stone age, Right Wing Thugs.
    I saw a news on Tunisia, there are hundreds of thousands of young people with “no jobs”, nothing to do, they pray for Allah and Islam, they are potential terrorists, have nothing to lose, etc. (imagine all of the other countries with much larger idle populations) Instead of letting them build homes and cars and skyscrapers by the boatloads the “profit motive”, all the false “economic theories” want them idle: they should be doing something all day long instead of eventually blowing themselves up and the whole world. I find it amazing that the whole world still exists and people don’t just kill each other off and blow themselves and all up.
    Give them free salaries and start huge public private projects building things, keeping their minds occupied, or at least park them all in front of TV all day, give them all free stuff and give them real goals like rockets to mars, etc.

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  931. xhalor January 9, 2012 at 3:24 am #

    I think that I’m gonna have to dedicate the next selection to Vlad (…a part-time vampire bat)
    American Music Volume 1
    Hot Fun in the Summertime

  932. old69 January 9, 2012 at 3:31 am #

    And why do the economists who really know what is going on don’t say this ? because they would have to say, “Sorry, the system will no longer produce jobs, but will produce less and less jobs, so just all of you people go away, tough luck, who cares: there are only a few slots available, if you are the lucky (but they will always find a more elegant way of saying it, by saying more “educated”, “innovative”, “or more competitive”, or whatever) one good for you, you can survive, else just go away roll over and die (not starve to death, funny how the “food stamps” program in the USA kind of tries to hide this, hmmm…)”. Obviously, this means that the “social contract” is broken forever, it can’t be fixed up again, but would the people just passively accept this ? No, they would say, give us our free salary or else how on earth are we going to live !

  933. xhalor January 9, 2012 at 3:41 am #

    Please let me be the first to say, “GO THE FUCK AWAY”
    and take your goddamn nike sponsors w/ewe.

  934. xhalor January 9, 2012 at 4:33 am #

    In case any of you were wondering how a creationist doctor from Texas can turn it all around…
    He can’t.
    Lost me when he said let the motherfucker die. Looks like I’m not alone. Statistics?

  935. Eleuthero January 9, 2012 at 4:50 am #

    Oh, don’t worry, shit-for-brains, as the site gets filled up with the two extremes currently present, there’s hardly even a reason to stick around. This site is on a slow ramp to intellectual hell. I feel like I’ve got Stormfront.org on one side and Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition on the other.
    Pity. But, that’s the nature of blogs over time. They all go to shit. The nutters with no lives clog up the thread every week with 200 posts/person and the reasonable people like LBendet and SJMom and BeanTownBill get “lost in the sauce” because you’re trying to spot ONE of their posts in between forty of Asoka’s and yours.
    I take this all very philosophically because it’s just proof that democracy doesn’t work because the masses tend toward a base “ground state” and loudness overcomes reason. Delicate subjects like race/ethnicity are nonstarters because one encounters KNEE-JERK from either side of the argument.
    I’m always amused by guys like you who come across with the standard “get lost” exhortation because if you ended up with mutual-admiration society that you seem to want, you’d find a way to pick a fight with your biggest allies. It’s inevitable since the very frequency of posting indicates that this is a PRIMARY social outlet and you NEED confrontation to move your turbid, stagnant blood.
    The deep thinkers on this site outside of JHK, himself, can definitely be counted on one’s fingers and several like KulturCritic rarely post. I’d miss him, LBendet, SJMom, Ozone, and a few others but the signal is OVERWHELMED by the noise. Astute writers are NEVER the ones who LIVE on the blog so you’re always trying to find the few posts, out of hundreds, that say anything worth reading.
    I’ve certainly disagreed with some of my favorites like LBendet and Ozone but their rebuttals are invariably worth reading and are worthy of responses resulting from real reflection. However, even among the best herein, I find too much DOCTRINAIRE POLITICAL “TILT”. I would claim that the deepest thinkers of all would appear like liberals on some issues (drug legalization, abortion, etc.) and damned near redneck on other issues (discipline in schools, border control, race) because an authentic person who thinks through EVERY issue on a topic-by-topic basis and who is resolutely driven by hard data will never be a shill for either “ism”.
    I’m NOT going to get lost, XHalor, but, as is always the case with blogs over time, my interest is growing “asymptotically close to zero”.

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  936. xhalor January 9, 2012 at 5:02 am #


  937. Eleuthero January 9, 2012 at 5:10 am #

    Yeah. All zees. However, we don’t need PROOF that your brain is asleep. We get that in abundance every day and in the same degree of irritating PROFUSION as many of the sites other “get-a-lifers”.

  938. tegmark January 9, 2012 at 5:12 am #

    I was reading about Superconductors, how they discovered it about 100 years ago, then about 50 years they had a small progress in “cooper pairs” and then 20 years ago some progress with “high temperature ceramic superconductors”, etc. Interesting to see how slow most scientific progress really is, how hard it really is to discover something new, or achieve some progress.
    The ceramic superconductors which can work at higher (but always below zero degrees centigrade) temperatures are composed of a particular combination of elements: this brings me to question, how many other combinations of elements can be tried out, and if they can potentially contain new phenomena, new events. Fascinating to think that there is a unique combination of elements that can produce a unique event – phenomena – (or in case of modified brains) experiences, but that will never be expressed because of the Combinational Barrier the Laws of Physics imposes on trying out all possible combinations of entities.
    Just like the 1,000 number long combination can never be tried out completely, there may be a unique combination that Matter – Mass Energy can POTENTIALLY express, but that may never be expressed because that combination will never be put together or appear (either intentionally or naturally): but even just 10 different chemical elements combined in a very specific way (for example as in 100 different slots in a solid state aka the combination of 100 numbers, hence 10^100) could bring something completely new, that even the laws of physics didn’t know could exist, but that is potentially there.
    That brings to mind the question: there is more to matter and its possible combinations than this universe can or will ever express ? The laws of physics are not the complete story, but the potential of combinations is greater and exceeds any laws of physics ?
    And especially, these combinations are considering a very simple phenomena (but useful for us) like superconductivity, but imagine others, like neural circuits, ever stranger designs of minds, brains (maybe with solid states, chemical combinations) emotion engineering, the complete potential of new “experiences” that could be there and are there but will never be expressed because of the Combinational Barriers of Reality…
    So then a new experience expressed by matter is really a new universe with new laws of physics essentially, a new big bang ?

  939. 8man January 9, 2012 at 5:27 am #

    [quote=”Flannel Jesus”][quote=”quetzalcoatl”]I imagine its like a puppy stood in front of two doors, it wants to get in as it knows its owner is in there and its hungry, but until the owner shouts it doesn’t know which door to enter.
    In other words you have a set of possible outcomes, then real-world events [in the same universe] determine in a probabilistic manner which of the decisions are required for the desired outcome. Naturally as events are relative and in that sense ‘flowing’, there has to be a quantum superposition to connect such fluid events! the whole thing is entire.[/quote]
    I must point out that your attempt to explain how you imagine collapse to take place actually doesn’t answer any questions. All it does is add a couple new, vague elements, like “required” and “desired”. The question still remains: how does the universe choose which one of the possible events happens?[/quote]
    It doesn’t choose, nothing chooses anything, it just happens without any deeper reason than “just because”, “for no reason at all”, “it is just assigned arbitrarily”, “there is no deeper pattern, meaning rules or laws, etc.”, “it just is”.
    And even if you did know “how” and “why” even that would end up being questioned “why and how that specific why and how” in an infinite recursion of answers to questions to answers until you reach the same ground state or final answer: JUST BECAUSE, FOR NO REASON AT ALL, THERE IS NOTHING DEEPER.


  940. Eleuthero January 9, 2012 at 6:07 am #

    Tegmark said:
    The ceramic superconductors which can work at higher (but always below zero degrees centigrade) temperatures are composed of a particular combination of elements: this brings me to question, how many other combinations of elements can be tried out, and if they can potentially contain new phenomena, new events.
    Oh, you’d be surprised how many weird 3/5 bonding and doping agents have been tried out in the R&D arms of chipmakers. Gallium proved too brittle whether as an arsenide or a nitride. With standard silicon technology, experiments have been done with phosphides and borides as electronegatives.
    Chipmakers and chip measurement companies like KLA-Tencor have enormous tables of every imaginable combo of primary channel deposition materials and dopants. They made these tables through TRIAL AND ERROR. Some stuff is too brittle. Some produces too much heat. Some has the wrong optical properties. And little could be predicted in advance since many molecules used in chips are rarely used in mass production by standard chemical companies since they usually don’t have ordinary industrial uses.
    Take for example, the arsine gas used to make gallium arsenide. It has two uses … specialty chip production and chemical weapons (since AsH3 is DEADLY). The chip industry uses a lot of bizarre and TOXIC stuff.

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  941. h7m1s7g1 January 9, 2012 at 6:07 am #

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????,http://www.tao3ke.com? ????????????????????????????????

  942. Eleuthero January 9, 2012 at 6:15 am #

    Addendum for Tegmark:
    Look at BN … Boron Nitride. It is about the only industrial concoction that can be made as hard as DIAMOND but with much more interesting properties. Specifically, it can be used to make NANOTUBES of incredible hardness since groups of BN molecules are more malleable that carbon lattices.

  943. 8man January 9, 2012 at 6:57 am #

    [quote=”James S Saint”]I pretty much agree that a person asking, “why am I not a bird?” is a bit irrational, but the sheer number of absurdities proposed by the quantum mechanics multi-world fantasy is so huge as to be truly unquantifiable. Stanford wouldn’t be able to tolerate my presence in their bent minds at all.
    [b]Objection 1[/b]
    But my first objection to their fantasy is the requirement to ignore what it means to exist in the first place. To exist means to have affect upon what something exists relative to. If a proposed parallel universe is said to exist then it must have affect upon the universe of which it is supposed to be parallel. But of course, if it actually does have the slightest affect upon it, then it isn’t parallel, but intersecting. If it is truly parallel and having no affect upon “our reality”, then why even claim that it exists? It couldn’t be measured in any manner at all and nothing could be known about it whatsoever. It is a waste of mind time to even think about it, hence irrational. Why would anyone care?
    because it’s cool.

  944. Widespreadpanic7 January 9, 2012 at 9:30 am #

    Eluthero, the basic theme of this site, peak oil, seems to attract more than its fair share of political cranks, lunatics, madmen of all stripes, bitter academics, people with an axe to grind and people with a grudge against … you name it, immigrants, neighbors, other races, the United States, the Armed Forces, Israel. Sometimes I even get caught up in these stupid pointless arguments. Who knows why its like this.? I’m a fan of JHK and his books, which is what keeps me here.

  945. Widespreadpanic7 January 9, 2012 at 9:33 am #

    And tegmark, 8man old699 etc., please go away.

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  946. SNAFU January 9, 2012 at 9:55 am #

    WOW! IF this weeks’ posts are indicative of Earth-wide, so called, human thought processes I am hard pressed not to encourage the Earth to do a start over by putting lash to the four horsemen of the apocalypse and doing away with the current lot of parasitic blighters.
    My list of horsemen:
    Global warming
    Peak Oil
    Economic Collapse
    Nuclear War

  947. 8man January 9, 2012 at 9:59 am #

    “None the less, the universes are NOT parallel if they intersect.”
    Exactly, and in fact a real parallel universe is one that has no possible relationship with us and ours, no possible logical connection with ours, not even the constraints of existence, non-contradiction and the identity principle, a universe that is totally disjoint from ours, totally outside of any possible decoding we can perform, totally not related in any possible logical or philosophical or metaphysical way. That is why real parallel universes exist only when the Observer becomes something different from our Man Brain, a new design of the Observer (a completely new design of Mind, Brain, Neural Circuits, Internal Logical Connections, Memory Organization, how it is all connected to Emotions and Sentiments, Pain and Pleasure events, circuits and systems, etc.) will create a new Experience Space for that new observer and hence will create a new Universe with completely new laws of Physics as the observer is simply the sequence of events the Observer Experiences by talking to itself, by interacting with matter, but as such is simply interacting with itself, inventing itself, creating its own universe moment by moment, it is simply an Information Relationship. It goes without saying that a parallel universe is totally illogical, contradictory, totally absurd, very far out, and very cool exactly because it is so different from what we are used to.
    I like these new parallel universes, especially if they don’t exist (since they are beyond true and false and existence and non existence). But especially because even if what all I said is false, it is true, I can say and do all, I always win, I love lies and deceptions, I love complete insanity…
    What the many worlds theory implies in Quantum Physics is simply many universes that are almost identical and similar to ours, with most logical and non-contradiction and Identity Principles always operating.
    But you would have to check that out “experimentally”…
    “How does two or more possible results result in two universes? ”
    Well you can invent anything you want, you can design a theory or logic or sequence of symbols that shows how that is possible, it doesn’t have to be “not illogical” or “not contradicting”, it doesn’t have to even be right, it just has to be fun, like a little game it can be anything you want, you are free to invent all and make up all kinds of stuff and all kinds of mistakes you want, lie to yourself, force any theory you want, break all the rules, you are free…

  948. okoxzrbt January 9, 2012 at 11:37 pm #

    Sad sad day in the wind sad sad sad city include rain sad sad me and you may not have not written a beautiful poem may do not feel sad not to hear the voice of sorrow as though sadness with tears hanging smile is so beautiful and sad , as people write sad poems to give sad sad people because only people who can appreciate the true meaning of a poem sad sad sad man ‘s heart along with the beautiful landscape composed of a sad life, the heart of the heart of Moving

  949. wsrcmhijt January 10, 2012 at 11:18 pm #

    You can use the mouse to point at random any part of the body beautiful , she will have different performance

  950. h7m1s7g1 January 12, 2012 at 10:06 am #

    ????4000??8000??????????????????????????????Hao123?????????????????????????????2??2008-12-28•??????????2??2011-08-05 ??hao123????>> ??????????????…??????????? ????? ????????? ???????2?????? ?????? ???? – ???????????? ????? ???? – ???????????? ????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????30%????????????????????????? ????? ??????????????

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  951. uponrnun January 13, 2012 at 2:35 pm #

    He that will not feel pain … because I have not let him suffer severe to the deceased’s blood and tears …
    rolling sand mixed into the … will be given more power … Shura

  952. fgmgrbbah January 15, 2012 at 7:33 pm #

    This time you really want to leave a ,True Religion Jeans
    you decide to let go of some of the memories in my heart

    you say you will not mention
    Our love can not continue my
    was slowly I give you instead of instead of
    how can I bear to go trough

    our love does not matter I would be good choices
    I would completely forget you easy escape

    you and I still stood
    I hear you cry I
    best efforts
    you say you are no longer considered
    Our love can not continue
    was slowly I will give you my place instead of
    how can I bear to go trough

    our love does not matter I would be good choices
    I would completely avoid
    forget your love come easy
    Our bottom
    does not matter I would be good choices
    I would completely forget you escape
    you and I still stood there I heard
    I’ve been crying you
    best efforts
    you really leave the

  953. fgmgrbbah January 15, 2012 at 7:52 pm #

    å?? ä ¸ º æ?? ¯ è §?? é ¢?? æ???? æ?? º ç?? ¨ æ?? · ç???? ä ¸?? è §?? ï ¼ ?? è ¯ · è §?? è °?? ï ¼??

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       Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister Deshen Mariya has said that the Spanish social security system deficit in 2011 reached 668 million euros, equivalent to the 0.06% of GDP.
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  970. youmouyixia January 23, 2012 at 2:15 am #

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       Parijat Saha is an ordinary teacher in India, a monthly salary of 35,000 rupees (about 4381 yuan). Recently, he remembered there personal bank account of Rs 10,083 (1262 yuan) balance, plan to take out. However, ATM cash machines on his inquiry, but was surprised to find that his account on as many as 490 billion rupees of large sums of money.
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  971. desg148e8 January 24, 2012 at 3:44 am #

    From 1996 onwards John Galliano played the role of the flamboyant fashion designer with some enthusiasm. Pictures of him taking a lap of honour down the catwalk dressed as a matador, an astronaut or a sailor were the visual punctuation marks of his reign as creative director at French super-brand Dior. To most who didn’t care for the fashion industry, this image of the design maverick, responsible for the fantastical feather and tulle creations of haute couture, was what this indulgent world was all about.

    But in February 2011, when evidence of Galliano’s antisemitic rant went viral, the cliche of the whimsical mad-scientist designer was shattered. In its place came a rather more gruesome cliche – that of a drunk racist. In 45 seconds of grainy mobile phone footage Galliano’s career came to an abrupt halt, and with it the curtain fell on the idea of the untouchable genius.

    At first the industry didn’t know how to react. Many were slow to believe that a designer of such talent could be anything as odious as a pro-Nazi.They hogan scarpe do not know! scarpe hogan make to prove the fresh side. There were mutterings that his addictions had got the better of him, that the pressures of the job had hurt him mentally and that his bosses at Dior hadn’t done enough to protect him.Cheap Nike shox classic will bring you brand new sports feeling, This first sympathetic reaction proved that the industry was in thrall to the idea of the designer as rock star.

    At the time Karl Lagerfeld of Chanel was reportedly furious with Galliano for giving licence to the negative stereotypes that many detractors have about fashion. “This image is around the world. It’s a horrible image of fashion because they think that every designer and everything in fashion is like this,” he said. Perhaps as a designer who has done much himself to promote the idea of the creative genius, with his carefully constructed monochrome image and his commitment to excess (albeit of the less offensive variety), Lagerfeld too was resistant to the facade cracking.

    But by the time Paris fashion week closed in early March, the incontrovertible evidence and the TV cameras outside the Dior show at the Musée Rodin got to even the most ostrich-like in the industry. The idea that a designer could behave as he liked was no longer sustainable.

    The Galliano scandal was not the first time that the dark side of fashion was revealed. When Alexander McQueen killed himself last year, the industry began talking about the commercial pressures of the job. The question was raised as to whether one figurehead, especially one with an artistic temperament (yes, there go the stereotypes again), could possibly cope with creating up to 16 collections a year, promoting the brand and overseeing countless perfume launches.

    Neither was it the first time that the industry had known one of its leading lights succumb to addictions.Playing with Nike shox rivalry and sk8erboy socks in the train. Marc Jacobs, creative director at Louis Vuitton and head of two of his own labels (an incidentally the man rumoured to be replacing Galliano at Dior for much of the year),sacs lancel,The smiling face in a twinkling Cheap nike air max 2009 reveals. has spent well-documented time in rehab.

    Galliano wasn’t the only designer not to take a bow at the end of his catwalk show during that week in Paris. Christophe Decarnin, who with the haute rock look he pushed at Balmain was just about the hottest name in fashion in 2009, was missing from his show. Label spokesmen cited “doctor’s orders” as the reason for his absence.Since heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, do you need any other reason to go buy those new Nike shox running shoes? By April, Decarnin had quietly left the label.

    But the Galliano affair was a game changer. It wasn’t just about the addictions for once, although they undoubtedly played a part in the incident – in an interview just weeks before he joked that he has mastered all his vices, “well, apart from crack and heroin and cocaine”. This time the crime was grim and there was no easy response for an industry that tends to gloss over difficult issues. By the time he appeared in a French courtroom, barechested, wearing a scarf and a wide-brimmed fedora, the image of Galliano the disgraced designer had taken over.

    Whether he will be accepted again in fashion remains uncertain. He was reportedly given a standing ovation for Kate Moss’s Gatsby-esque wedding dress during a party attended by industry leaders and you don’t have to look far to find people still willing to support the man and his talent. But what is clear is that after March 2011 fashion’s landscape looks quietly different. There are several designers at the top who seem to think of it as a job rather than a heroic lifestyle mission – Pheobe Philo of Céline, Sarah Burton at McQueen and Stella McCartney to name a few. What’s more, the apparent difficulty in securing a replacement for Galliano at Dior (the position remains vacant nine months on) and indeed the label’s apparent hesitation to rush into an appointment, suggests that the days of the indulged designer, encouraged to run free with feathers and whimsy, are long gone.

  972. jfpejxbigv January 26, 2012 at 10:45 pm #

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  973. youmouyixia January 26, 2012 at 11:23 pm #

       A prehistoric carnivore’s skull recently Brazil Nanliaoge Rand states are found savannah. Scientists say that animals like cheetahs is likely to be before the dinosaurs dominated the earth overlord.
       It is understood that this animal is called Pampaphonius biccai, in Greek a "killer" means. Its approximate size and the dog, the teeth very long, look like dinosaurs. They appeared even earlier than the dinosaurs 40 million years, but does not seem to leave any descendants.
       According to the Brazilian Federal University of Tracy Napiaoyi paleontologist Juan introduction, the fossils unearthed to prove that the species has a large number of pan-continental presence.  buy wedding dress

  974. fgmgkezpi January 27, 2012 at 9:33 pm #

    world who suddenly grow old?
    answer: the bride because the bride today, tomorrow is his wife.
    2 ; a heart worth?
    answer: 100 million, because the single-minded thing!
    3 typhoon weather to bring much money to go out?
    ; Answer: 40 million. because of the typhoon weather did not Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia lose).
    5 if tomorrow is the end of the world, why some people want to commit suicide?
    [answer] to account for the location
    6 paradise question: cloth and paper afraid of?
    answer: fear of 10000 cloth, paper just in case.
    reasons: not (cloth) afraid of ten thousand, only the (paper) just in case.
    7 Question: pencil name?
    answer: Xiao
    reasons: cut (Xiao) pencil.
    8 Question: Kirin to the North Pole will become?
    answer: ice cream.
    reasons: ice cream (ice unicorn).
    9 Question: Which number from 1 to 9 of the most hard-working, which figure is the most lazy?
    answer: 1 lazy; 2 hard
    reasons: (1) do not do two (2) endlessly.
    10 questions: how to make the quiet sparrow?
    answer: press it a bit.
    reasons: silence (silent sparrow pressure).
    11 Question: Which person in history to run the fastest?
    answer: Cao Cao
    reasons: that Cao Cao Cao Cao questions to
    12 :30-50 Which figure is worse than the bear’s stool!
    answer: 40
    reasons: facts speak louder than male (Bear) argue
    13 questions: pen where the pigs come out how to do?
    answer: Wang Lee Hom
    reasons: inside coax
    14 question: how do they come?
    answer: Han
    reasons: also coax
    15 9 ? 28 is the birthday of Confucius, then October 28 is the day ?
    answer: Confucius moon
    16 wolf (guess fruit)?
    answer: carambola (sheep escape)
    17 Chiang Kai-shek (Chiang Kai-shek) If still alive, then the world will happen?
    Answer: one more person …
    18 Kuaibing under two carp (four-character idioms)?
    answer: polite (Ice carp)
    19 Why tofu play hurt?
    answer: because it is frozen tofu
    20 a bus accident occurred, all of them were injured, why Xiao Ming is right?
    answer: because he is not in the car
    21 have a place to enter can not, I ask what is this place?
    answer: grave
    22 chickens and geese 100 meters race, chicken run faster than the geese, why is it then to the terminal?
    answer: chicken run in the wrong direction East
    23 school bell rang, but not one student in the classroom, how is it?
    answer: on the physical
    24 Ling-Ling never learned arithmetic, but praised her math teacher is one of the best, why?
    answer: count from one to two
    25 When a foot onto the New World after Columbus, followed by what?
    answer: step one foot
    26 Some people say eating fish can avoid the risk of myopia, and why?
    Answer: Have you ever seen a cat what to wear eye
    27 mouth without tongue
    answer: teapot mouth
    28 what kind of government can not give orders to have the old Peixiao others?
    answer: The new Long met with a police officer
    29 thief started to run, why?
    answer: to quickly grasp the small thief
    30 tomorrow day chewing gum, bad breath can be someone else said he, and why?
    answer: every day, and swearing.
    31 tree frog is able to do more than jump high?
    answer: because the tree will not jump
    32 fifty times the face, his face still has a beard. What is the reason?
    Answer: Pharaoh is a barber
    34 What flower does not touch
    answer: What spark
    35 can solve all the mystery?
    Answer: The answer
    3 6 when, Times Square, the bell will ring 13 under?
    Answer: The repair time
    37 Hou in ancient times, what people did when my father first, when the father of?
    answer: eunuch
    38 when someone knocked on the door, you never say Come?
    answer: the toilet when
    39 black or white chicken chicken powerful powerful? Why?
    answer: black chicken powerful, can the white eggs, could not make black white chicken eggs.
    40 Why do we all like to sit and watch movies?
    answer: because the foot will stand to see abolished acid
    41 early-morning study what are the implications?
    answer: less sleep for half an hour
    42 Please tortoise and the hare, pig to please the referee, may I ask who would win tortoise and the hare?
    answer: can not say that! That the people who are pig …
    43 women and one thousand two words are similar, ducks as well?
    answer: ridiculous (chicken) of about
    44 family has a pig farmer and the donkey, the New Year when you slaughter a pig or a donkey farmer first?
    Answer: You are willing to kill a pig (pig silly) or kill the donkey (donkey)
    45 aircraft to fly so high Why not hit the stars?
    answer: because the stars will ignore him. Why did not they say hello?
    answer: because they are unfamiliar with

    1 Who is the king of the beasts? ? Zoo
    2 of what will occur after death? ? people
    3 film can not wear any hat? ? nut
    4 bookstores can not buy any books? ? testament
    5 elephants left ear like? ? What is the water right ear
    6 inexhaustible? ? tears
    7 What has five heads, but people do not think it strange? ? hands, feet
    8 family asked the doctor the patient’s condition, doctors only raised five fingers, the family started to cry, what causes it? ? If something happens
    9 a chicken and a goose while on the ice, why did the chicken dead geese die? ? Goose is what Penguin
    10 letters to people who like to listen to and hear the most? ? CD
    11’s longevity secret? ? Keep breathing, do not breathe
    12 something more angry, it will be greater? ? temper
    13 flowers bloom throughout the year is spent? ? plastic flower
    14 Chang-e why I like living on the moon? ? Chang moths eat rabbit
    15 where the road narrowest? ? Yuanjialuzhai
    16 death fart called? ? vanish
    17 when someone knocked on the door, you never say Come? ? toilet
    18 in the world’s smallest island is what? ? refuge
    19 on the road when the Earth explodes, where the most secure? ? hell
    20 henpecked men were a group who gathered together to discuss how to revive the glory of man, they suddenly heard his wife come , we flee, but only one did not run, why? ? fainting dead later
    21 What is the middle of the Pacific? ? What is the word level word
    22 common around the world? ? Arabic
    23 a child and an adult walking in the dark night, a child is an adult son, adult not the child’s father, may I ask why? ? because they are mother-child relationship
    24 two pairs of father and son to buy a hat, why only buy three? ? grandfather, father and son
    25 hammer hammer hammer without breaking eggs, Why? ? Hammer certainly will not break the

    26 tigers chase a person is suddenly in front of a river, he could not swim, but he passed, and why? ? fainted
    27 world boxing champion knocked down very easily be what? ? sleepy
    28, a woman divorced several times to play a four-character idioms? ? before the public (work) to make gas (disposable)
    29 people who stutter do anything the most losses? ? long-distance calls
    30 when a foot onto the New World after Columbus, followed by what? ? onto the other foot
    31 ? ? In fact, you do not know my heart
    33 men with drink, why not non-Finger Guessing Game? ? toast Monastic
    34 of the 8 in half, how much? ? 0
    35 when the sun from the west? ? swear when
    36 have just given birth to a baby, two children and the same year he was born the same day, and is the same for parents of students, but they are not twins, is it possible? ? possible, they are triplets
    37 Wake up, everyone first thing to do that? ? Open your eyes
    38 city opened a new hospital, advanced equipment and good service. But what is strange is: here is not a patient actually received, this is why? ? This is a veterinary hospital
    39 in winter, not by heating, how to put immediately into ice water? ? Remove the ice
    40 points from a hungry cat walked beside a fat rat, why would only indifferent to the hungry cat actually go its way, did not even see the mouse? ? blind cat encountered dead rat
    41 why the peacock fly to the southeast to the northwest instead of flying? ? northwest wall
    42 because of a truck driver and a motorcyclist collided with the truck driver was seriously injured motorcyclists are right, why? ? truck driver was not driving
    43 Xiao Ming’s mother has three sons, great son named Ming, the second son called two out, third son called? ? course called the Little Ming
    44 a young man, he had a river to go to work; However, the river no boat nor bridge. So he would swim across the river in the morning, only an hour’s time he swam to the other side in the afternoon, the river width and flow rate are not changed, more importantly, his swimming speed have not changed, but he had spent two and a half hours to swim across the river, you say why? ? two and a half hours add up to one hour
    45 has a large sea vessels, it would have been The limit is 60 people, results in up to 59 people, it actually has to sink into the sea! This is why (the boat people who are not pregnant and overweight exist; there is no weight on board)? ? Do not panic, it is the submarine
    46 days I do not know what to know, I know you do not know? ? broke
    47 soles for two people,sacs moncler, one facing south, the north face of a standing, not allowed to go back, not allowed to walk around, not allowed to look in the mirror, ask whether they can see each other’s face? ? Of course can, they are standing face to face what

    48 rotten eggs, do not fight, cook unfamiliar, can not eat? ? examinations of s duck more pain? ? head hurts
    50 Confucius and Mencius differ? ? Confucius’s son on the left. Mencius’s son in the top

    51 can not also by what? ? Excuse
    52 into the zoo to see the first animal? ? conductor
    53 magnifying glass can not enlarge what it is? ? What inverted angle
    54 will increase by half? ? 6
    55 as long as you call it the name it will be destroyed, what is it? ? what is often silent
    56 will come, but never really been to? ? tomorrow
    57 Wang first time to travel abroad with their parents, due to language barriers, a loss of his parents, Amy did not know foreign languages, he is not deaf, but the same as not in their own country feel the slightest inconvenience, this is why? ? Wang is a baby
    58 How can red with a blue pen to write to? ? write a ? Spare tire
    60 has a natural black marble, in the September 7 that day, threw it into the Qiantang River in what phenomenon? ? sink to the river bottom
    61 people in what circumstances would Qiqiaoshengyan? ? cremation
    62 fox best confused man, then what couples, why give birth to babies without eyes? ? chicken

    64 Why two tigers fight, have to fight to the bitter only give up? ? no one dared tried to mediate

    65 Lin after major surgery for an artificial heart. Disease is cured, her girlfriend was soon to break, why is it so? ? did not really love her

    66 you can do, I can do, we can do; a person can do, two people can not together. This is what to do? ? dream

    67 black or white chicken chicken powerful powerful, why? ? black chicken, black chicken that lays white eggs, not raw black white chicken eggs

    68 middle of the night only to go home that forget to bring the key, and no other person in the family, then what is your greatest wish? ? forgot to lock the door black hair

    69 What are the benefits? ? If you are not afraid of tanning

    70 is the end of the world tomorrow, why some people want to commit suicide? ? go to heaven seats
    71 managers do not cook, can have a particularly good food, what? ? fired

    72 can not drink any wine? ? Why iodine

    73 a bottle marked poison is harmless to human medicine? ? As long as you do not drink it

    74 hit something, do not have the effort? ? asleep
    75, one thing, people know to buy, sell people know only by the people do not know, what is it? ? coffin

    76 It is said that a woman like a book, what books you like fat women? ? consolidated

    77 crocodile bite and be bitten by a shark after feel any different? ? No one knows

    78 a cow, walk 10 meters north, west and then walk 10 meters, then go south 10 meters, turn right back and asked where the cow’s tail move? ? North Korea to

    79 ? The day after tomorrow

    80 What is the main cause of divorce? ? Marriage

    81 9 ? orange given to 13 children, how to divide it fair? ? juiced

    82 put a pencil on the floor, no one can make the cross, how to do? ? Why

    83 on the wall the old Statue of Liberty standing in New York Harbor? ? She can not sit

    84 Why did the frog can jump higher than the tree? ? tree will not jump

    85 what the world has nearly 2,000 km / hour speed Mercedes-Benz carrying people, and do not have fuel or other fuels? ? Earth

    86 for fear of shape, not to have children after marriage how to call beauty? ? phoenix

    87 blacks why I like to eat white chocolate? ? afraid to eat their own fingers

    88 who is always afraid to take a bath ? Clay

    89 Why do the majority of Buddhists in the northern hemisphere? ? South ? hospital

    92 Why do geese fly south? ? because of slow
    93 feet away melon, cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin could eat, what not to eat melons? ? fool

    94 bread bowl with six, six children each assigned to one, but also keep a bowl, and why? ? Finally, a child took the pot with the Pharaoh
    95 four or five times a day to shave face, his face still has a beard. What is the reason? ? Pharaoh is a barber

    96 a word, everyone will read the wrong met. What is this word? ? This is Several side? ? two sides. Inside and outside
    100 a month which has twenty-eight days? ? Every month, 28 days

  975. desg84t2 January 28, 2012 at 11:02 pm #

    Welcome To Nigerian Students Union of Peoples Friendship University of Russia. A lounge for Nigerian Students.

    Scientific journal: “Bulletin of Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR)”
    (Registration number-0110440 by Ministry for Press and information of the Russian Federation on March 16, 1993) This journal is intended for publishing the results of fundamental and applied scholarly researches of the University staff: its scientists, professors, and employees. The materials are provided in the form of scholarly articles, surveys, scientific reports, bibliographic reviews on special research topics, historic inquiries, dedicated to the Russian and foreign scientists. Materials both of the Russian and foreign scientists, who are not fellow workers of this University could be presented in the bulletin. Their scientific value should be proved by Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) Editorial board- corresponding to each series of the Bulletin.
    The set of PFUR’s Bulletin topics is defined by the content of its series. The name and founding of new series, the amount of them is determined by Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) Academic Council, basing on the Bulletin Editorial board presentation, which in its turn refers to Academic Councils of the University departments/faculties’ decisions. Bulletin’s series reflect the scientific research spectrum that is realized by Chairs, Departments / faculties, Institutions, laboratories, and other sub-units in PFUR.
    Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) Bulletin periodicity and number of each series issued during a calendar year is determined by the Bulletin’s Editorial board, based on Departments/faculties’ Academic Councils presentation. The volume of each number in the series is not less than 10 conditional quires, the edition- not less than 500 copies.
    Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) Bulletin is part of the periodicals list, where edited materials for obtaining the degree of PhD are taken into consideration by the Russian Federation Supreme Certifying Commission. One can subscribe to this Bulletin in any post-office (“Russian Press” Agency catalogue) or in the publishing house. Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) Bulletin editions in abstract-bibliographic form are available on the Russian Index of Scientific citing database, on Scientific Electronic Library (SEL) platform http://www.elibrary.ru (to enter the system it is necessary to register personally on the SEL website)

    Engineer researches (18230)
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    The Bulletin Editorial board is formed by the Chancellor/Rector/Head of the University, Deans of the departments/faculties, Dean of the Institution of Upgrading education (IUE), Vice-Chancellors/Vice-Rectors on Academic affairs and scientific research. The university distinguished scientists could be enlisted to work in the editorial board. They are the Heads of leading scientific-pedagogical groups, famous methodologists-experts, and PFUR sub-units representatives. The University Academic Council defines the expedience of their engagement in the Editorial board. The University Chancellor/ Rector heads the PFUR Bulletin Editorial Board.
    The scientific journal “Bulletin of PFUR” Editorial Board consists of:
    ® V.M.Fillipov- PhD in Math, Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Education; member of the Russian Academy of natural sciences; member of International Academy of Science of Higher institutes of learning, Chancellor/Rector of PFUR- the Chairman of the Board;
    ®D.P.Bilibin-M.D., Professor; PFUR Chancellor/Rector Adviser on International affairs- Vice-chairman of the Board;
    ® T.M.Balykhina- PhD in Linguistics, Professor, Dean of the Department of Upgrading education of the professors teaching Russian as a foreign language in PFUR; member of the Board;
    ®N.P.Gusakov- PhD in Economics, Professor, Dean of Economics department – member of the Board;
    ® V.V.Davidov- PhD in Chemistry; Professor, Dean of Math and natural sciences in PFUR- member of the Board;
    ®V.N.denisenko- PhD in Linguistics, Professor, Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Rector on international affairs- member of the Board;
    A.Ya.Kapustin- PhD in Law, Professor, Dean of Law School in PFUR- member of the Board;
    ®N.S.Kirabaev – PhD in Philosophy, Professor, vice-Chancellor/Vice-Rector on scientific research- member of the Board;
    ® E.B.Laneev- PhD in Math, Professor, Head of the Office of scientific research in PFUR- member of the Board;
    ®V.G.Plushchikov- PhD in Agriculture, Professor, Dean of Agriculture department of PFUR- member of the Board;
    N.K.Ponomarev- PhD of Technical Sciences, associate professor; Dean of Engineering department in PFUR- member of the Board;
    ®N.A.Chernykh – PhD in Biology, Professor, Dean of Ecology department in PFUR- member of board;
    ®V.A.Tsvyk – PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences Department in PFUR- member of the Board;
    ®V.V.Yakushev- PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Dean of Russian and General education disciplines in PFUR- member of Board;
    ®V.N.Sharonov- PhD in math, Head of the Edition;
    ®T.O.Sergueeva- the editorial board manager- Executive Secretary of the Board
    The Executive secretary of the Bulletin board; Tatiana Olegovna Sergueeva
    Address of the Editorial Office; Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Ordzhonikidze street, 3, GSP-1, Moscow, Russia 117923
    Tel. 955-0716
    Tel/fax 952-0441
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    Forms to subscribe on scientific journal “Bulletin of PFUR”

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  976. youmouyixia January 30, 2012 at 8:16 pm #

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