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The Four Wars

“There has never been a protracted war from which a country has benefited.” — Sun Tzu

Clusterfuck Nation

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      China’s grand strategy to take its turn at dominance over the global scene depends on bogging down the USA in four wars at once. How’s it working so far? Pretty darn well. Amazingly, China hardly had to lift a finger to make it happen — though it did write some bank checks to the soulless old grifter sitting in the White House.  Our country has arranged its collapse and downfall masterfully on its own.

      War No. 1: There was absolutely no need to start the war in Ukraine, you understand, which has by now not only bled Ukraine’s young male population to the bone, but drained our own military of field weapons and ammunition. After the Soviet collapse, Ukraine existed as a poor backwater in Russia’s orbit, causing no trouble for anyone — except itself, due to world-beating corruption — until the USA started a push to include it in NATO. Our neocons made it clear that the purpose of this was to hem-in and weaken Russia. (Why? “Reasons,” they said.) This policy alarmed and infuriated the Russians who made it clear that NATO membership wasn’t going to happen.

     The US persisted, engineered a coup in 2014 against the Russian-leaning president Yanukovych, and spurred his replacements, first Poroshenko and then Zelensky, to pound the ethnic Russian provinces of the Donbas with rockets and artillery for years on end. Meanwhile, we trained, armed, and supplied a large Ukrainian army and refused to negotiate the NATO expansion in good faith until Mr. Putin had enough in 2022 and moved to put a stop to all this monkey business.

    After some initial mis-steps, the Russians began to prevail in early 2023. Now, there is a general consensus that Russia controls the battle space with its superior ordnance and troop strength, and the conflict is close to being over. Our NATO allies are not hiding their disgust over the fiasco. Ukraine is wrecked. What remains is how the “Joe Biden” regime reacts to yet another major overseas humiliation. As I see it, Mr. Putin must do his level best to not rub it in, since our country is in the throes of a psychotic fugue and might be capable of world-ending craziness.

     War No. 2: Little more than a month ago, the Middle East was thought to have reached a moment of praiseworthy stability, according to White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. We awaited an upgrade of the Abraham Accords normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Then, the savage Hamas operation of October 7 blew it all up. The Israeli-Palestinian quandary seems to have no possible solution.

     The Palestinians want their own state, of course, but they push to establish it in the entire territory that Israel occupies now. (From the River to the sea….) The Israelis have no intention of being pushed out, and they resist other possible divisions of the land there that might serve to satisfy the Palestinians’ wish for a country of their own. Israel understands that a basic tenet of jihadi Islam, expressed clearly and often, is to exterminate the Jews, and there is no way around that. Israel’s adversaries don’t seem to understand the meaning of “never again.”

     Israel now must deal with the latest affront to its existence and its clear goal is to disarm and destroy the Hamas terror organization. To the world’s horror, they are going about it brutally in Gaza because Hamas is dug-in in a vast tunnel network under the civilian overlay of houses, shops, schools, and hospitals. What else might Israel do? Probably seal off the tunnel system with Hamas in it, creating a gigantic graveyard of Islamic martyrs — a recipe for future cycles of vengeance.

      As you can see, there appears to be no way this ends well for anyone. Other big Islamic players wait on the sidelines, making only threatening gestures so far. I doubt that Iran will risk its oil infrastructure and its electric grid to intervene. And despite Mr. Erdogan’s drum-beating and his large army, the Turkish economy and currency (the lira) would collapse if he jumped in. Egypt has zero appetite for war. That leaves Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah, on Israel’s northern frontier. If they amp things up enough, Damascus and Beirut could become ashtrays.

      So, I would expect that Israel grinds on methodically to put Hamas out of business and the region returns to its miserable stalemate status quo until the next generation of angry Palestinians starts a new cycle of violence. Meanwhile, Israel has its own fractious internal political problems to contend with. And also meanwhile, the Palestinians and Israelis compete by birth-rate to out-populate the other side — a contest that might stop suddenly with the economic collapse of the US and Europe, and the end of current global economic relations, including an orderly oil trade, that has produced nearly a century of global super-prosperity allowing populations to expand as they have. (There is also Israel’s 90-percent Covid vaccination rate to consider, with its detrimental effects on health and reproduction.) In a desperate scramble for resources that follows, things that can’t go on, stop.

      Bringing us to War No. 3: The US Government’s war against its own citizens. This has been going on since Mr. Trump stepped onto the scene, and has included a semi-successful war against Mr. Trump personally — except that not only has it failed to put him out of business as a politician, it has substantiated many of the claims he made about corrupt and perfidious government that resulted in his election in 2016. All of that has only enhanced his polling numbers. And the lawless, bad faith court cases lodged against him have demonstrated the US government’s grievous fall into willful malfeasance that has the DOJ arresting and unfairly persecuting hundreds of innocent Americans that support Mr. Trump.

      A big part of the government’s war against US citizens has been the bizarre Covid-19 episode and the long-running effort by public officials to deceive the population about it, including lockdowns and destruction of small businesses, the dishonest suppression of viable treatments, gross censorship about the harms of the mRNA vaccines, and trickery around the origins of the vaccines in the back rooms of our Department of Defense.

     Another front of this war is the wide-open Mexican border, a lawless state of affairs created as deliberate policy by our cabinet secretaries, and done at a time when there is tremendous animus against the US from many other nations who send thousands of sketchy young men into our country with no attempt by our border officials to determine who they are.

     It looks like “Joe Biden’s” hash will be settled shortly when the House, reorganized under a young and vital new speaker, reveals the Biden family’s bank records and begins the process of impeaching the president for bribery. “Joe Biden’s” party pretends that this is not happening and appears to have no plan to deal with consequences. For the moment, they still stupidly tout him as their candidate for the 2024 election, another arrant falsehood you can add to the thousand-and one affronts against the public that this party has tried to put over. Many Americans suspect there will not be a 2024 election, specifically that whoever is president in the coming year will invoke yet another national emergency order to postpone it on spurious grounds. Many are also far from persuaded that the 2020 election that installed “Joe Biden” was honest and legitimate.

     Which brings us to War No. 4: The American peoples’ war against a government gone rogue. Obviously, it is not underway yet, but it’s easy to see how it might develop. I think it could commence in the aftermath of a financial calamity that is visibly brewing in the debt markets. The net result will be a collapsed standard-of-living for everyone in the USA, the breakdown of supply lines and daily business, and a very sharp loss of legitimacy for the people who have been in charge of anything in this country.

     We emerge from this catastrophe a nearly medievalized society with a steeply-reduced population, unable to resist China’s attempt to colonize us. Pretty scary, huh? Just let’s keep doing what we’re doing.

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

951 Responses to “The Four Wars”

  1. Zoltar November 6, 2023 at 9:40 am #

    “until the next generation of angry Palestinians starts a new cycle of violence”

    Why are they angry? Jim pretends not to know, but the rest of the world does, and those with benign or even neutral feelings toward Israel continue to dwindle.

    • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 10:19 am #

      I think the part about the Palestinians’ wish for a country of their own shows that he knows what this is about.

    • Uncle Abraham November 6, 2023 at 10:20 am #

      They are angry because their false god, allah, embodying the soul and spirit of the false prophet Muhammad, imbues them with envy, lust, and hatred covered by a veneer of self-righteous virtue. And you fall for it because you are also a fallen creature eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, presuming to know better than your Maker.

      • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:24 am #

        Another way to put it would be the tree of knowledge of right and wrong. But they would be doomed to always choose the wrong, while knowing the right.

        • Epicur November 6, 2023 at 1:43 pm #

          I think the “knowledge of right and wrong” is a delusion that leads us to our doom.

          If you listen to progressives, or Muslims, or half the people who comment here, along with most Americans (Jew or gentile), you can detect their moral certainty in almost everything they say. “Joe Biden” sure tries to sell that position.

          It’s not what people know or don’t know, but what they are sure of that “ain’t so” that rules us.

          • messianicdruid November 6, 2023 at 6:03 pm #

            People are deciding right and wrong without knowing right and wrong.

      • Anthea November 6, 2023 at 11:36 am #

        @ Uncle Abraham:

        It is precisely because of such vitriolic displays that the world is losing sympathy for Israel. Perhaps you subscribe to certain Jewish publications in which such fulminations are the norm, but the rest of the world is unaccustomed to such displays of raw hatred–especially couched in religious terms.

        Such talk discredits itself as propaganda–transparent savagery–verging on some sort of warmed-over blood libel out of the Dark Ages. You sound like a Hottentot divining from chicken bones and entrails.

        • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 11:55 am #

          “If you make my life hell, I’ll make your life hell.” Both sides say to one another:

          Bottom line: Welcome to hell. MAH (mutually assured hell) is more comfortable than rethinking the situation?

        • Zoltar November 6, 2023 at 12:59 pm #

          Thank you, Anthea. After realizing that Uncle Abe wasn’t pulling my leg, I found him too odious to respond to. You have done it well.

          • zenfugue November 6, 2023 at 1:51 pm #


          • Suburban_elk November 7, 2023 at 10:55 am #

            Seconded, again.

        • Bilejones November 6, 2023 at 1:09 pm #

          Every people have their myths and legends, Jews among them. The issue is that a politically powerful group of them believe it as fact. Given the vicious self entitlement in their myths, this is bad.
          What is calamitous is that they demand that the rest of the world go along with their bullshit.

          • Zoltar November 6, 2023 at 4:04 pm #

            And that the failing eight hundred pound gorilla has enabled their delusions and vicious self entitlement for decades.

        • Billingsgate November 6, 2023 at 5:35 pm #

          So, you speak for the rest of the world?

          Is this “transparent savagery” and “raw hatred” you speak of on a level with tossing Jewish infants into ovens?

          You are sick beyond redemption.


        • Uncle Abraham November 6, 2023 at 7:33 pm #

          Welcome to the mirror reflecting your soul, Anthea. You see exactly what is in you, unfettered hatred with no more justification than the flimsiest superstition. You’re welcome! Believe it or not you will thank me someday, though likely not in this life.

          • Qwibqwib November 7, 2023 at 3:24 am #

            This life? Do you believe in re-incarnation? Is that a Jewish thing? I am not aware of any doctrine of re-incarnation in any of the Abrahamic religions. Please explain the second half of your statement “…though likely not in this life.”

          • Anthea November 7, 2023 at 10:18 am #

            You seem to be striving for new lows on the self-awareness scale. Now you sound like a Hottentot consdescending to a person with clothes on.

          • Anthea November 7, 2023 at 11:32 am #

            @ Qwibqwib:

            Maybe Uncle Abraham is not Jewish. Conservative and Reform Jews do no believe in any afterlife at all. (I don’t know about Orthodox Jews.)

            I once had a Conservative Jew challenge me to find any mention whatsoever of an afterlife in the Old Testament. At the time, the only thing I could come up with was that in 2 Maccabees, the people are told to pray for the dead. The English translations of these passages maintain that “For if he had not hoped that they that were slain should rise again, it would have seemed superfluous and vain to pray for the dead.” Others maintain that the purpose of the prescribed prayers for the dead were to ward off punishment of the living. (The bodies of the dead, in the battle referred to in the scriptures, were all found to have amulets to the idols of Jamnia under their tunics.)

          • Anthea November 7, 2023 at 12:11 pm #

            @ Qwibqwib:

            Upon reflection, I think that our Uncle Abraham is a fundamentalist Christian of the Zionist persuasion. The reference to an afterlife is a tell.

            If I were Jewish, I think I’d be irritated by this poser.

          • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 1:09 pm #

            They are considered annoying but still invaluable allies or perhaps, servants. The Jews have forbidden them to preach to Jews. Many have complied with that, thus betraying their religion. Thus their religion becomes worship of Jews or Israel.

      • kendar667 November 6, 2023 at 7:52 pm #

        It seems some around here are unfamiliar with the concepts of false flags and war by deception, even though we should all be experts in recognizing them at this point. Hamas itself is a non-organic creation – organized, funded, and managed by Intelligence agencies. A boogie man was needed and so one was created, one that could be managed and controlled, and all crazy Muzzie assets funneled into it where possible. And let’s be real – a gnat couldn’t fly through that area without the IDF and Mossad knowing about it well in advance, which shoots the incompetent narrative. They were told to stand down so maximum damage would happen, thereby opening the door for maximum retribution, up to and including obliteration. It’s pretty obvious really. TPTB are devious and completely evil, but not terribly clever or original.

        • hmuller November 7, 2023 at 10:56 am #

          TPTB are unimaginative. They go with what worked in the past. Imagine their horror if a substantial part of the populace won’t be fooled again.

        • SpeedyBB November 10, 2023 at 7:46 am #

          If I may be allowed to veer off onto a tangent here …

          My first time living in Japan (1963) I could not help but note the curious “Caucasian caste” of many of the faces I’d pass in the course of a day’s wanderings.

          Now one might suggest that it is because the post-war generations of Japanese have become “westernized” (whatever you want that to mean) and thus flex the dozens of tiny muscles in the face in a less traditional manner. I definitely noticed that among the nisei and sansei in Colombia, when I lived there. Those are not “smiling cultures”. An inappropriate happy-face can get you into deep trouble. The children and grandchildren of immigrants – pure-blooded nihonjin – tended to have flat, smooth faces, lacking the wrinkles you’ll generate from years of smiles. Poker faces.

          So that was not what I had been perceiving in Tokyo.

          At that point, I had been studying Ramakrishna and others of his persuasion, and one of the tenets of Hindu belief is that negative attraction can work as powerfully, or more so, than its positive counterpart.

          So all those dead Japanese soldiers in the south Pacific reincarnate as gentle, soft-spoken, smiling Americans whereas the younger generation of Japanese are more forthright, aggressive, direct-to-the-point-of-obnoxiousness. And they do look western. Could they perchance be Jap-hating grunts who died in combat on some bland Pacific island? And because of the negative attraction of hatred, were doomed to spend a lifetime or three reincarnated as Japanese?

          Why yes – my ideas are often sneered at as “crank”. And I am quite unpopular. How did you guess?

          • SpeedyBB November 10, 2023 at 7:56 am #

            Jeez, I wrote all that, and poofread it, and failed to deliver the punch line: Jews and Nazis, Palestinians and Zionists, are bound up in a clinch of hatred, for which they must reincarnate as the opposite, the enemy, the hated one, as a karmic reeling out of the cosmic play.

            One key reason that eastern religions emphasize detachment, absence of agency.

            Let it be.

      • JL Eagan November 6, 2023 at 9:21 pm #

        “They are angry because their false god, allah,…”

        Just popping in for a second to notice this particular illustration of something.

        It’s not the first encounter I have had with this kind of thing.

        “Allah” is just the name people call god in another language.

        That’s it. This is not two different things.

        Combine this kind of simple ignorance with malevolence, add in some mighty self righteousness, and witness the recipe for a whole array of the world’s problems.

        Have fun with that.


        • Qwibqwib November 7, 2023 at 4:06 am #

          No, Allah means “The rain God” and it refers to one of the many gods they used to worship in Mecca before Muhammad.

          “Before Muhammad, Allah was not considered the sole divinity by Meccans; however, Allah was considered the creator of the world and the giver of rain.” (part in quotes is from wiki)…

          (this next part is contradicted by some scholars) Muhammad decided to use a statue, one of MANY inside the KABA, to represent Allah. This statue was of the Moon God Tubal and had a gold hand. The statue’s hand had fallen off and been replaced with the Gold one.

          Look at 1st Kings 28:16-40. This is the story where Elijah has a contest with the Priests of Baal. Elijah asks them to get their deity, Baal, to light a fire on an altar they had built. They cannot get the fire to light. Elijah then has the people soak, with water, an altar that he built. He prays to God, the Lord, Jehovah, to light the soaking altar. When the fire lights, the people accuse the priests of Baal of being false profits, and kill them.

          There seems to be a retelling of this story in the Koran. In sura 3:183 where Mohammad is complaining about how Elijah killed the priests who were unable to light the fire. ““There have already come to you messengers before me with clear proofs and [even] that of which you speak. So why did you kill them, if you should be truthful?””

          Allah, it would seem, is actually another God, different from the God worshipped by Christians and Jews. None of this is my opinion. I found this through searching on the interwebs so it must be true, right?

        • CrusherMuldoon November 8, 2023 at 1:47 pm #

          Ah Allah is not the God of the Bible. Sorry

      • Alfred November 7, 2023 at 6:50 pm #

        You are a craven liar, and abuse the name.

        Only someone who already knows their fate would say such things.

        If you believe so, then you must also believe the Christians to be thus, as you reject the prophethood of Jesus as well. At this point, Christians should consider the brotherhood of Muhammad and Jesus, there is more in common than you’ve been lead to believe. Find out for yourself.

        Do you know that even the devil says his prayers?

        Think about this. Islam means, submission – to the will of God. Do you have any choice in the matters of either your birth or your death? In each case, if you are a mono-theist, you must believe you’re submitting to the will of God.

        • Bobby E November 7, 2023 at 7:49 pm #

          Yeah, the will of God. That’s all well and good. The bearded pervert mongrels that make goats and young boys run and hide are the ones that interpret the will of God and the manner in which I will submit to that will is what I have a problem with.

          • Alfred November 8, 2023 at 5:48 pm #

            You’re absolutely correct.

            There are many aberrant behaviors in the human race, they occur in all walks of life.

            But we should not judge Islam, or Christianity, or Judaism by the acts of those who profess the faith rather, we should judge those who profess the faith by the tenants of Islam, Christianity or Judaism. And you have to know them, to be a fair judge.

            Everything else is just people being people.

    • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 10:31 am #

      What do you mean JHK doesn’t know why the Palestinians are angry? I think he summated that pretty clearly when he described their desire to have their own nation from river to sea.

      • Anthea November 6, 2023 at 11:37 am #

        @ Cankerpuss:

        I suppose Israel has not expressed the same intention.

      • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 12:10 pm #

        JHK is 3 for 4. Sort of.

        Let’s go to number two.

        He’s “cherry-picking” one fact and omitting a BIG other fact to paint the Palestinians as the bad guys.

        “From the river to the sea”…”the Palestinians want the entire territory”. No, Jim. SOME Palestinians do, but many do not.

        That’s why “terrorist” Yasser Arafat got a Nobel Peace Prize–for signing this Oslo Accord, where he recognized Israel’s right to exist and Israel recognized the Palestinians’ right to a state.

        But it soon became evident, and since has become CRYSTAL CLEAR, the Israeli GOVERNMENT had no intention of giving the Palestinians a state. Ever.

        To undercut Arafat and his PA (Palestinian Authority–the new name of the old PLO), the Israeli government kept moving the goal posts.

        To divide the Palestinians and make the PA less popular, our Israeli friends helped create Hamas! Yes! Kind of like the US creating the Taliban in Afghanistan to fight the USSR, and using a fellow named Osama Bin Laden to fund these folks (whom we are told masterminded 9/11). How has that worked out?

        Also, left out by our host, is that many Israelis, and those who run Israel want a greater Israel that is all Jewish, with no Palestinians, or Palestinians with no rights who live in apartheid conditions.

        And JHK expects Israel to “methodically put Hamas out of business”.

        Israel is NOT going to put “Hamas out of business”, sorry. Israel has created more Hamas volunteers in the past four weeks than existed before, than Hamas could ever recruit on its own!

        Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak was asked by Israeli moderate columnist/reporter Gideon Levy once, YEARS AGO, “what would you do if you were born a Palestinian?”

        Barak replied “I’d be a terrorist”. Barak would refuse to live under those conditions! The comment caused a stir in Israel. Don’t take my word for it–look for yourselves.

        Israel may well succeed in exterminating or removing ALL the Palestinians from OCCUPIED Gaza first, from the OCCUPIED West Bank next, and finally from legally-recognized 1967 Israel 3rd.

        But the Israeli government will never stamp out the insurgents, and Israelis will have to live with the reality that they can die at any time, any where.

        But cheer up, all my Zionist, goyim-hating friends: You’ll be safer in an Arab-free Israel than in the streets of most American cities after dark. Just not as safe as you might like.

        And once 80% of the world population, which happens to also control the majority of oil production figures out how to get along without the dollar, and Israel’s sugar daddy goes down the toilet, then Israel will be under a lot of external pressure.

        Israel/Palestine would never have been totally peaceful, there were going to be terrorist attacks. Both sides have extremists. But a two-state solution was viable, and over time, might have worked. Or perhaps not. We will never know.

        Israel held all the cards though, and the Israeli government, with it’s “settlements” on the West Bank was never going to accede to to that.

        As to the other “three wars”, whether JHK likes it or not, it is easy to conflate Zionism with them, because of the confluence of outsize Israeli LIKUDNIK lobby control of US foreign policy in general, and the confluence of liberal, secular Jewish-Americans on US domestic policy. A lot of American Jews, and a lot of Israeli Jews don’t agree with the Likudnik Zionist vision, but too bad for them–and for us. (some trivia: Einstein was Jewish, but not a Zionist).

        JHK once wrote “suburbia is the greatest misallocation of resources”. My comment/retort is, the “2nd greatest”. The US military/industrial complex is the great waste. Like the Colorado River by the time it gets to Mexico, very little of the river of money trickles to real defense. The debt and fiat currency that result have been hollowing out America for decades.

        The Ukraine is a US imperialist project to try to subvert Russia. Russia is NOT subordinate to the CURRENT dollar-denominated global financial system. It is also rich in natural resources. It is also a nominally Christian country. For those reasons, and perhaps because of the anti-semitism of Czarist Russia, post-Soviet Russia has been targeted by the US since the Clinton era.

        Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken, Geoffrey Pyatt, the architects of the 2014 Ukraine coup, all happen to Globalist NeoCons and Jewish. Though I cannot know if their first loyalty is globalism or Zionism, I do know that their Ukraine policy is detrimental to “middle America”–people who work and pay taxes.

        The “third war” is the result of “liberal Democratic party principles” married with the power of big capital. Both have outsize Jewish influence. Jewish-Americans did play a very positive and constructive role in eliminating Jim Crow (kind of ironic, given that their militant brothers in Israel make Jim Crow look like a day in the park), but they kept going and threw the baby out with the bathwater, putting all kinds of other “issues” at the forefront, which have damage the US, in my opinion, socially and economically.

        The “fourth war”. Well, my liberal, upper-middle-class neighbors organized “BLM rallies” supporting George Floyd and posted them on NextDoor, so everyone can go! Even though their city was less than 0.1% African American, they marched down their main street! (My city is about 5-10%) Even though we don’t have a problem in suburban Detroit. But, people who posted “all lives matter” often had their posts deleted. You can’t make this stuff up. My neighbors are going to eat it, just like everyone else as the financial system implodes. But those at the VERY top will get even more.

        A lot of confluences here. The Likud’s Final Solution, whether it succeeds or not, is going to eclipse the original version. The Palestinians are the new Jews, and the world is going to be a lot worse off for it. You’ll see.

        Just my two cents, again, thank you JHK for affording me the opportunity to put some balance in your show.

        • SW November 6, 2023 at 2:42 pm #

          Hannah Arendt also was concerned about the establishment of a Zionist state. She advocated a Zionist state that would excellent relations with its Palestinian neighbors rather than in spite of them. She believed for it to succeed it would have to overcome two crippling pathologies : belief in eternal antisemitism and an attraction to a “tribal” nationalism. This is from an article on Bard College’s website.

          But a tribal nationalism is exactly what we’re seeing now. Palestinians who were working in Israel were forced to return to Gaza. The fig leaf of “killing Hamas leaders” to justify bombing refugee camps convinces only the people who already are cheering them on. Then to state they killed them ( I guess to pretend the bombing wasn’t gratuitous) is even more arrogant—as if they have a forensic pathologist right there to identify the body and take DNA samples.

          Bibi and Sugardaddy Joe need to wake up to the reality the only thing that can salvage the situation is a ceasefire. As Soc-Detroit has pointed out, Hamas will never be extinguished and every dead relative and destroyed mosque is a recruitment poster. Their ONLY hope (and I have no hope for it) is international intervention, a treaty that forces Isreal to stop the blockade, eliminate apartheid and make it on their own with no U.S. money.

        • Vegan Shark November 6, 2023 at 3:46 pm #


          Thanks for your thoughtful analysis of a tragically complex situation.

          No obvious moves by either, or any, party to the ghastly mess promise an immediate fix. Perhaps the only realistic goal is to find a modus vivendi after Israel and Hamas exhaust themselves and are willing to settle for mere hatred instead of killing.

          • Anthea November 7, 2023 at 11:59 am #

            @ Vegan Shark:

            I don’t see it as a “complex situation” at all. This is a territorial dispute between two ethnic/religious groups who both want the same territory. Nothing more.

            This is a story as old as humans–and as old as some chimpanzees. The “complexity” part arises from the attempt to invest one party or the other with some kind of metaphysical or moral high ground, where there is none. Thus we get a lot of people thinking really, really hard, and talking really, really loud about irrelevancies.

        • Night Owl November 6, 2023 at 3:53 pm #

          “Israel is NOT going to put “Hamas out of business”, sorry. Israel has created more Hamas volunteers in the past four weeks than existed before, than Hamas could ever recruit on its own!”

          Agree with this entirely. As so often, one musk ask “who benefits”?

        • The Man They Call Zazelle November 6, 2023 at 7:17 pm #

          What Do You Do For An Encore?


          I suppose I should finish up Permaea’s WordPress site and see how it goes.

          Of course a lot of this ends right there and you have to make a few turns to head down some alternative/parallel system paths to get some ideas…

          JHK wrote something about this when mentioning some kind of Amish school, but I’ve not read anything else since. Hard to maintain a lifestyle while attempting these kinds of things, so I can empathize/sympathize.

          I sent Whitney Webb some bit of info through her site once or twice and then later caught her talking about a parallel society while she was interviewing that ‘German-American’ lawyer investing the whole covid fiasco. What’s his name again? …Ok got it; Reiner Fuellmich.

          I mean, it’s all nice and easy/cozy to talk forever about our problems but try coming up with solutions and then getting anyone on-board or at least proposing edits or a better system. Unless you don’t want to transcend a Dunbar Number.

          Then I guess it’s stock up, get some skills, and like a helpless airplane passenger, hope for the best, that the pilots asleep or otherwise land without fatally crashing.

          You should write for us once I get the site up and running, and/or make suggestions, even, at the very least, to the essay/manifesto.

          ~ Caelan MacIntyre

          • The Man They Call Zazelle November 6, 2023 at 7:32 pm #

            What I meant in the second sentence (‘Of course a lot of this…’) is often, if not almost always, the talk ends with how bad governments are or whatever. That’s it. War and the State are great for revenue streams, so why do anything to stop it or offer anything else but explosions, corruption, blood, desolation and despair. That’s what Jim and most media outlets talk about twice a week. I guess because it pays the bills. But maybe that’s part of the problem. Jumping out of a plane with a plan and a possible parachute minus the cash or security is scary and teeth-pulling and can also lead you to the madhouse.

            So whoever’s reading this, I dare you. I’m doing it. Get your parachute and either join me or give it a go yourself when the plane goes past that war-torn State down there.

            I double dare you. See how you like it. Get out from behind your anonymous monikers, let your hair down and kick some ass (in good ways of course).

        • Uncle Abraham November 7, 2023 at 3:14 pm #

          Does the truth require this so-called Socrates’ lies for balance? Only in the fantasy of his mind.

    • Anon1970 November 6, 2023 at 12:34 pm #

      They have been angry ever since the UN approved a partition of Mandate Palestine in 1947.

    • pyrrhus November 6, 2023 at 2:07 pm #

      Yes, as David Ben-Gurion said at the time “the Arabs are mad because we stole their country.Who can blame them?”
      Another point is that, contrary to JK, Islam and Judaism have been friends for many centuries, and in Spain they allied against the Christians to conquer most of the country..When the reconquista happened, the Christians were not feeling very charitable towards the jews…

      • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 2:12 pm #

        The Ottoman Turks were also very friendly to Jews. Many Spanish Jews who fled the inquisition found refuge in the Ottoman Empire–which had subjugated “Arabia” and Egypt, as well as Greece and the Balkans.

        • Islander November 6, 2023 at 3:24 pm #

          Many have pointed out that Jews have, historically, done best and been “safest” under Muslim rule.

          Those were normal Jews, of course. Religious Jews. Not the political Zionist fanatics that have in a sense taken over not only all of Palestine, but also the Jewish mind.

        • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 12:55 am #

          Yes, and they worked together to conquer Christian Spain.

          And many believe they opened their own city gate (of the Jewish quarter) to the Turks at the battle of Constantinople.

    • Nathan November 8, 2023 at 9:09 pm #

      Jim, wars #3 and #4 seem like the same war, just from both perspectives. I thought you were going to introduce war #4 as CCP war on the US economy, by blocking export of Taiwanese semiconductors.

    • Uncle Bob November 8, 2023 at 11:05 pm #

      Easy answer to your question: The Israelis will neither evacuate land God gave Abraham millennia ago nor allow themselves to be exterminated by the Islamists. Given the majority of humanity hates the God of the Bible and resents not being “the chosen people” themselves, it’s unsurprising that so many people want us Jews dead.

      • Zoltar November 10, 2023 at 9:48 am #

        “Land God gave Abraham.” And there’s the mythic lie that serves as the rationalization for stealing a land that has been occupied by Others for the centuries since.

        The Great Spirit gave the land upon which I live to Native Americans long before Columbus was born, but nobody is buying that myth today, either.

        Job One for addressing the mess in Occupied Palestine should be for the whole world to call bullshit on the farcical notion that the Jews are entitled to steal this territory because some imaginary deity bequeathed it to them. Sez so, right in an old book – that they wrote.

  2. Jimmy Word November 6, 2023 at 9:44 am #

    Happy to say I have no bones to pick with you this morning, Jim. I think this was a fairly even-handed summation of events thus far, our differences with the underlying causes notwithstanding. Still not sure what the Dems will do with their Biden/Harris problem, although they don’t seem particularly concerned thus far. My guess is that they consider them very effective scapegoats for current and future misadventures, and thus, still politically useful, until the day that they’re not. The scrubs on their bench might be of greater concern.

    • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 10:10 am #

      Ms Harris’s stepdaughter is fund raising for HAMAS. It seems the Dems have a serious split on this issue. I’m laughing my ass off.

      • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:12 am #

        Yeah, just heard this morning that Tammy Baldwin is joining with other senate democrats in support of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Not that they don’t support Israel’s right to exist, mind you, they’re hasty to add.

        • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:14 am #

          Way back when Tammy was a congresscritter, she and about 16 other gay democrats joined together to try to get the national charter of the boy scouts revoked because of their stand against homosexuality. I’ve never forgotten that about her. She hasn’t sponsored a single piece of legislation that actually helps anyone since she entered politics.

          • megabeth November 6, 2023 at 10:44 am #

            Are you a Wisconsinite, too? I am, and used to be a Democrat, as in chairing the county party, going to conventions, meeting candidates, et cetera. And wow, was Baldwin a big nothing, even before I decided that her party had become a huge, frivolous, self-serving joke.

            She got quietly booted from the veterans’ affairs committee for her non-handling of the Tomah VA scandal, and she kept sending fundraising letters to me playing her “lebanese” card to the hilt. She does NOTHING BUT idol.

            I hate the job she’s doing. Tammy Baldwin is a carpet-munching waste of space.

          • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 10:57 am #

            If people really cared about the gay and trans youths, they would have been establishing organizations for those kids themselves.

            That was never their agenda.

          • loosethedogs November 6, 2023 at 12:18 pm #

            tuco:At least Tammy was actually representing SOME of her constituents not just her “benefactors”/ owners. Probably why she is no longer in Congress.

          • megabeth November 6, 2023 at 2:58 pm #

            Loosethedogs: Baldwin is now vegetating in the United States Senate. I have seen plants that are livelier. I have heard automated voices on telephone trees that were better speakers. But, hey! She’s gay! That is, as “Joe Biden” would say, a big fucking deal. Democrats are nothing if not bringers of the marginal right to the center.

        • benr November 6, 2023 at 10:15 am #

          All this is a huge waste of time the ruling party Hamas will just steal all the aid and it will never get to the people actually suffering.

          • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:18 am #

            Yes, we know this.

          • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:19 am #

            But it makes them look good in the eyes of those whose votes they covet.

          • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:19 am #

            And to them, that’s all that really matters.

          • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 11:14 am #

            megabeth: Yes, I am a Wisconsinite. I sent her office a letter protesting her attempt at revoking the boy scouts national charter, and I got a rather condescending, sarcastic reply. Which didn’t surprise me, I guess. It only showed me her true colors.

          • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 12:30 pm #

            Maybe, maybe not. Hezbollah is known for the vast amount of money it has given to the people of Lebanon. Sure, maybe the Muslims in particular, but Christians benefitted from the general upswing in prosperity.

          • pyrrhus November 6, 2023 at 2:10 pm #

            Not if it’s funneled through charitable organizations..at least some of it will get through…

        • megabeth November 6, 2023 at 10:46 am #

          Tammy (Green) Baldwin is Jewish, so why is she supporting Hamas? Did her mom drop her on her head as a baby?

          • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 11:03 am #

            She’s supporting Hamas because she’s a democrat.

          • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:52 pm #

            Maybe some bad gentile genes are acting up? Like Scrooge said to the Ghost of Christmas past, you are just an undigested piece of potato. More gravy than grave.

          • Uncle Bob November 8, 2023 at 11:15 pm #

            Ethnic jewishness is not the same as being a faithful follower of God or ally of Israel. I’ve heard over 2/3 of American Jews are okay with the existence of Israel, but have no understanding of the importance of that country’s continued existence.

        • Anon1970 November 6, 2023 at 12:19 pm #

          Do “Gays and Lesbians for Palestine” know how they would be treated if they actually lived in Gaza or the Muslim parts of the West Bank?

          • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 1:18 pm #

            @Anon1970 As we watch this industrial level slaughter of the Palestinians, and the world’s powers do nothing, your comment made me laugh:) Good one!

      • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 10:21 am #

        She money launders, ,excuse me, fundraises, and Kamala announces she’s going to do something about Americans and our Islamophobia.

        Sounds real above board to me.

        • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:25 am #

          Yeah, like white supremacy, the specter of islamophobia arises out of the ether.

          • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:25 am #

            Is it already a hate crime?

      • Uncle Abraham November 6, 2023 at 10:26 am #

        Yes, people dying on account of this kind of behavior is very funny, HMuller. You will end up losing your ass through such cynical and perverted delight.

        • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:32 am #

          I think he was laughing at the democrat party split because of support for Hamas.

          • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 10:53 am #

            I’ll bet there aren’t a lot of laughs around Uncle Abraham’s house. Prayer and fasting is good too. And knowing exactly what God is thinking must be priceless.

        • Anthea November 6, 2023 at 12:00 pm #

          @ Uncle Abraham:

          The prophecying may be a bit premature. Um…. What types of behavior has proved the Almighty’s vengeance against Israel down through the ages–as recorded in the Old Testament? Seems to me that it was sexual perversion, dishonest weights and measures, the perversion of justice, and “calling good evil, and evil good.” Thus there might be some reason to suppose that American Jews could get spanked, due to their promotion of these things.

          • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 12:35 pm #

            Yeah, ani was like “Prophets!”, but what did those Prophets say? They gave a ruthless moral critique of Israel.

            In the end it wasn’t enough as both Christ and Mohammad said. And Christians haven’t live up to Christ either. Nor Muslims, Mohammad.

            The latter told them to fight others, not each other. They couldn’t live up to that.

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:47 pm #

      Why not? Or in other words, what set you off on Friday?

      What do you think of Soc-Det’s jeremiad. above?

      • Jimmy Word November 6, 2023 at 2:57 pm #

        I assume you’re talking to me. I decided discretion was the better part of valor today. SocDet was in top form above! I couldn’t have said it better! But if I had posted that you never would have known, because it would have been deleted already and I would be banned. Sometimes you have to ride the pine (stay on the bench) and let somebody else carry the ball. Plus, I think Jim was trying to be as even-handed as he could be this morning, and that’s all we can really ask. Nothing’s being settled by our rants on this board and the Israeli’s are going to continue what they’re doing regardless.

  3. shotho November 6, 2023 at 9:48 am #

    “. . . . . Damascus and Syria would become ashtrays.” And do you think it would end there?

    • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 10:13 am #

      Why is the solution to every Middle East problem ‘ kill more innocent bystanders’?

      • Uncle Abraham November 6, 2023 at 10:32 am #

        Who said it’s the solution, HMuller? It’s just a necessity created by the relatives of the bystanders who’ve consigned the bystanders to danger through their mutual consent of the belligerent and evil actions they’ve undertaken. So are they really that innocent after all?

        • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 10:55 am #

          Sounds like just what Jesus would say. “Kill the bystanders’, they have wicked relatives.”

        • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:50 pm #

          The “good” book says to drive out or kill every other people in Palestine. Who are you to argue with Jehovah? The dark God of this world gave his people, Palestine.

          See Sponge, The Sins of Scripture.

          • Jimmy Word November 6, 2023 at 2:58 pm #


          • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 6:25 pm #

            No, it’s in the Old Testament. You’re not religious so you don’t know, perhaps.

          • messianicdruid November 6, 2023 at 6:56 pm #

            “The “good” book says to drive out or kill every other people in Palestine.”


          • Anthea November 7, 2023 at 12:14 pm #

            @ Jarek:

            Apparently some people here have not read their scripture.

      • JohnAZ November 6, 2023 at 10:52 am #

        Hey, HMuller

        The Romans never solved the Jewish problem until they annihilated them in 70 AD and literally destroyed the Temple. It has always been kill more. Until the Diaspora, their solution was to just crucify the zealot Jews. Even that eventually did not work.

        BTW, The Romans took the riches from the Temple and built the Colusseum. Learned that in Rome.

        • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:59 am #

          Yes, I also read that they used Jewish slave labor to build it.

          • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 12:38 pm #

            Where did you read that?

            One interesting scene: Christ said to the mob, You were slaves in Egypt. The mob replied, We were never slaves.

            That line give hope to Christian Identity. That the mob wasn’t of Israel, only pretending to be Jewish.

          • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 2:20 pm #

            Jarek, if you’re referring to John 8:33, slavery is mentioned, but not Egypt specifically.

        • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 11:08 am #

          The Jews were not annihilated from (let’s call it) The Holy Land in 70 AD., though they suffered massive losses. Jerusalem became a tiny shell of its former glory, most of the city abandoned. It’s remaining economy centered on servicing the Roman cohort of 600 soldiers.

          When the Emperor Hadrian toured the empire, he resolved to rebuild Jerusalem as a pagan city. This sparked the Bar Kochba Jewish Rebellion of 132-135 AD, which was even worse than the conflict 65 years earlier. A temple to Zeus on the sacred Jewish temple mount was unacceptable.

      • fugeguy November 6, 2023 at 10:59 am #

        Another westerner that lacks understanding of violence.

        If someone makes you pick up your sword you make them regret it, assuming they live long enough too.

        This idea that war is ever going to be clean is absurd. I am not talking intentionally targeting civilians, bombing them, etc. But if your enemy chooses to build their bases among the population then that is on them.

        At this point giving Palestine a state would only lead to a bigger war down the road. Eliminate the ability to wage war and give what’s left a chance to join the 21st century. I think there is a chance after a thorough butt kicking what remains might just consider another path. Or we can keep the status quo…it has worked out so well thus far.

        • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 11:16 am #

          Over 25 years ago I read a proposal (I think in a CFR publication) that Israel completely withdraw from Gaza, put up an impenetrable fence, and leave the Palestinians there to their own devices in their open air prison.

          Sounded good, but didn’t quite work out as planned.

          • loosethedogs November 6, 2023 at 12:25 pm #

            hmuller: It’s cuz the Israelis found too many resources UNDERNEATH Palestine and well you gotta do whatcha gotta do…

        • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 12:18 pm #

          Interesting article (short) along those lines from Kurt Schlichter

          Accept That Savagery Is the True Nature of the World – and Deal With It

          “The big lie that Western civilization tells itself is that there are no real enemies, that there are no bad people – except the people of the West themselves, who bear some sort of original sin for not being corrupt and inept Third World barbarians.”


          • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 12:41 pm #

            This is what I’ve been telling you. You refuse to accept it. You still want to virtue signal by being against your own people.

          • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 12:47 pm #

            Jarek where do you even get that from, and why do you keep it up?

          • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:44 pm #

            So do we have the right to have our own nations again? You know, like other races do?

        • butter56 November 6, 2023 at 2:24 pm #

          Pulverizing Germany and Japan pretty well did the trick

          • Why_weren't_we_asked_about_Degrowth November 6, 2023 at 4:17 pm #

            Israel compares their current operation to when the U.S. and the U.K. fire bombed Dresden and dropped the big one on Hiroshima, but when the US did those deeds there were public lynchings in the US. We were moral enough people as a nation to stop public lynchings, but yet we are not moral enough people to oppose collective annihilation?

            Why didn’t Russia bomb Kiev to rubble? After all their enemies were embedded in Kiev. Ahh religious and racial differences gives the US a license to exterminate.

          • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 11:56 am #

            Putin’s Russia is moral. Stalin’s Russia was not. His general ordered his invading troops to rape German women and they did so, gleefully.

  4. NickelthroweR November 6, 2023 at 9:48 am #

    I think we can add a 5th war into this mix – the War on Common Sense. I for one am very interested in seeing how things play out when 80% of the population decides to go on the dole. After all, the population got a good taste of it during Covid and many have decided that binge-watching Netflix while waiting for Door Dash to bring an order of Taco Bell is the way to live.

    Where I live, it is nothing but help wanted signs everywhere while the operation waits to go out of business because of inflation and a labor shortage.

    Basic services are nearly impossible to acquire and why should anyone want to do physical labor. All those new immigrants don’t have to work and those homeless people lining the beach don’t have to work and the 7 million people added to the disability rolls since covid don’t have to work and students being given all that “free money” don’t have to work and those living in Blue Cities don’t have to pay rent and can steal whatever they wish.

    Only a sucker goes out to work.

    • Jimmy Word November 6, 2023 at 9:53 am #

      After all, the population got a good taste of it during Covid and many have decided that binge-watching Netflix while waiting for Door Dash to bring an order of Taco Bell is the way to live.

      LOL! Nice visual.

    • benr November 6, 2023 at 10:02 am #

      Ugh don’t have to pay rent!
      The rents are spiraling out of control all over San Diego County.
      Saw a 3 bedroom 2 bath for $6500 a month two blocks from the beach in a not so nice area of Oceanside last week.
      Nothing special about this house and no garage tiny front/backyard in a fifty-year-old house.
      Thats my take home when I am not out playing games in uncle sams canoe club.

      • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 10:29 am #

        Here’s the part I don’t understand. There are people who keep paying those rents! How? Where in the hell do they get the kind of money to pay those rents. We know they are because the landlord can charge it.

        I went to a conference that discussed new trends in housing in my state. New high rise apartments are going up in numerous locations in my capital city. Average rents are $5,000.00 a month. That is $5,000.00 for nothing but air space. They are already fully leased and the building isn’t even completed.

        In my state the average HOUSEHOLD income is $64,000.00 per year. That is household, not individual income.

        How in the hell are people getting the money to pay these kind of rents? I just don’t get it.

        • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 11:00 am #

          At least two people in each apartment, working more than one job, and taking all the overtime they can get.

          It looks like some people are so removed from the reality of American life today that they think young Americans are living the good life.


        • loosethedogs November 6, 2023 at 12:48 pm #

          Two retired gov workers with pensions and Social Secuity could swing that without a sweat. ( Except perhaps teachers ). IF both my spouse and I were on THAT program with FULL pensions and FULL SS we WOULD be cranking close to $10,000 a MONTH. Check out the retirement benefits of military OFFICERS after a 20 year gig. When I was growing up, taxes were tolerable and Civil Service jobs were not well compensated, had decent retirement benefits but did not have high social status. Now you average Congressman goes to Washington a pauper and returns a multi millionaire.

          • benr November 7, 2023 at 8:35 am #

            Not if they are gs-10 or below.
            The vast majority of government workers fall into this level.


            gs1 starts at 27k and tops out at 32k a year.

            gs14 tops out at 183k a year that is a pittance compared to a top exec in private industry.

      • NickelthroweR November 6, 2023 at 10:34 am #

        So, you are saying that California didn’t have a 3-year moratorium? Also, if I read it correctly, there has been a three year freeze on raising rents and now that has ended as well but rents will only be allowed to go up 4%.

        Removing a deadbeat tenant from any rental in California can take years. Finally, as far as that home you mentioned, I could break in, change the locks and it would take years to get me out of there. The reason that rent is so high is that the failed state of California has to be factored in now when attempting to rent.

        • benr November 7, 2023 at 8:37 am #

          My rent was frozen for two years and has now started climbing up into the stratosphere again.

    • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 10:23 am #

      They won that war when people started putting a Kleenex over their nose to stop a virus.

    • draupnir November 6, 2023 at 10:23 am #

      The post office has become glitchy recently. Packages are no longer delivered on the weekends. Often, a package is marked delivered when it has not, in fact, been left at my door. I have to wait a day or two for it to arrive. I am awaiting the day, in the not to distant future, when no packages are delivered at all. This is a pity, as I no longer drive and depend heavily on Amazon.

      • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 10:53 am #

        Amazon is getting less reliable and more expensive, I’m told.

        • draupnir November 6, 2023 at 11:53 am #

          So much so that i’m considering dropping it and using wayfair and overstock,

        • bobfitz03 November 6, 2023 at 2:28 pm #

          AMZN is using Electric Delivery Vans. Surprise, surprise, they don’t run as reliably as petrol powered vans and cost a fortune buy and replace. Guess who gets to pay the freight for degraded service?

      • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 11:02 am #

        I haven’t seen Dave in a while, so I’ll drop this here, as an explanation. I got it from him, the last time this subject came up.

        Post Office by Dave

        This end run to kill the USPS started with Rep Henry Waxman-D California, and Maine’s finest Susan Collins-R in a joint bill to “reform the U.S. Postal Service’s pension plan,” a bill that has Ben Franklin’s favorite federal institution under gross attack. Forward-funding USPS workers’ pensions 75 years was the goal stated. Nobody else in the bureaucracy, just our mail carriers and their fellows. At the expense of the service we had come to expect since 1794, iirc.

        DeJoy, made Postmaster General by the US Postal Board of Governors under Trump, went on a gutting spree destroying automatic mail sorting machines and other essentials in this ongoing attack to undermine the USPS in order to suffocate it for the likes of FedEx, UPS and DHL.

        DeJoy at the time had a net worth of $678 million (iirc) from his own shipping business, and surprise of surprises, despite long and loud efforts to get rid of him during Trump’s term, well by golly, there he still sits, overlooked and unnoticed by the President, and the entire U.S. Congress. Guess who is now the Postmaster General of the USA?

        ‘Get Used To Me’: Louis DeJoy Says He Has No Plans To Leave Postal Service

        “DeJoy did not deny a Washington Post report that he will be imposing changes at the agency that could result in slower and more costly mail delivery, but said his planned reforms for the agency are still being “finalized.” ~ Forbes Feb 24, 2021

        Why we are soo phckt. Pick an agency, any of them, and see what you find.

        • draupnir November 6, 2023 at 11:47 am #

          I’ve been watching some videos from Russia, and it appears that they have to go to their local post office and pick up their packages, at least in the cities. I don’t know if that’s true of all their mail.

          • Anthea November 6, 2023 at 12:28 pm #

            I used to have to go to the post office to pick up packages. We collected our mail from an array of small post boxes next to city hall. The town’s endless miles of winding gravel roads, which were not laid out in anything resembling a grid, made it hard to find anyone. However, UPS and FedEx could do it.

          • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 2:48 pm #

            I have to go to the post office to pick up packages from the USPS.

            Fed Ex either sends me a post card telling me that they can’t deliver, or they just drop things off at my neighbors, because they can’t seem to figure out where I live.
            I ordered plants one year, and they all died, because Fed Ex screwed it up so bad.

            Fed Ex sucks the worse, then UPS, then USPS.

          • Anthea November 7, 2023 at 12:51 am #

            UPS and FedEx do okay around here–and so does USPS, but I’ve only been at this address for a couple of years. They all deliver packages. The screw-ups for all three of them, taken together, have been very few over a period of more than twenty years. The worst one was when UPS just randomly tossed my package out at the side of the road in a vacant lot a few blocks away. A neighbor found it and brought it to me. And once they decided not to deliver some live plants on a Friday, so they sat in a hot UPS truck all weekend and died.

            My current USPS delivery lady is afraid of my dog, so she won’t deliver if I’m not home to put the dog on the porch. She always gives him a Milk Bone dog biscuit.

      • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 12:47 pm #

        I believe Drivers sometimes work with thieves telling them the good stuff they have on a given day, and where and when they can pick it up off the porch.

        I kept getting a neighbors stuff (they used to live in my house and didn’t update all their info). I would bring it over to them. The neighbor told me it was about to happen again. I never saw it, but it was marked delivered. He thinks I stole it now. He’s not sure, but I’m the only suspect he has.

        • pranah November 6, 2023 at 1:26 pm #

          That sucks, Jarek.

          I keep finding packages on the doorsteps for myself and other people in my four-unit building. I bring them all in. Something that makes me crazy is when I’m expecting a delivery, I’m home, and the delivery person never attempts to contact me and leaves my stuff on the doorstep. Even leaving them a note on the door to call me doesn’t help sometimes. FedEX is the worst, then UPS, then Amazon, then the post office. I’m always surprised and grateful when the delivery person actually contacts me to come get the delivery!

          • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 2:50 pm #

            Ha, pranah! I just wrote the same, except I don’t use Amazon.

          • Anthea November 7, 2023 at 12:56 am #

            I don’t know if you can do this with all the delivery services, but with at least some of them you can sign up for email or phone messaging to notify you when your package has been delivered. I do this when I’m really jonesing for something.

        • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 1:31 pm #

          One morning, early, I noticed to large boxes out at the curb in front of my house.

          Amazon sometimes delivers in the evening but they had not been there when I went to bed.

          I went out to check them out, and neither was for me, nor for anyone in my neighborhood, although they were for addresses in my zip code.

          I ended up calling the police, and letting them deal with it.

          I did some research and found out that there is a new crime beyond stealing stuff off the porch.

          Stuff is ordered to a random address, and then never delivered, and since the person at that address never ordered it, it doesn’t get reported.

          The driver has to be in on it, to tell the thieves where he left the stuff, so they can go get it.

          Something got messed up so they never picked up the boxes.

          • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 1:32 pm #

            Two boxes, not to.

        • Anthea November 8, 2023 at 8:44 pm #

          @ Jarek:

          How would the drivers know what’s in those boxes? Anyone who stole one of my packages would probably open it up and find a pound of salycilic acid and a 20-ounce bottle of sodium lactate.

    • megabeth November 6, 2023 at 10:53 am #

      I just heard that, in a mid-sized city near here, only 2 nursing students are signed up for the ADN RN program next year at their local vo-tech.

      What happened to the 2-year waiting lists?

      What happened to all the big clinics supporting the education of their recruits?

      • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 11:08 am #

        Part of Obamacare was a push to only hire BSN nurses.

        That was a giveaway to the colleges and banks. Instead of going to community college, the way I did, and coming out debt-free, they enticed the younger generation with “Be a nurse! Be a nurse! Lots of good-paying jobs are available.”

        I told my co-worker, also a ADN nurse, that that would be the end of the good pay, as young people (and older ones laid off from their jobs) flooded to nursing school.

        And yep, that happened. The new ones were hired in at half the pay, working 12 hour shifts, and working overtime to pay their school debt.
        They weren’t particularly interested in the actual job of nursing, which is literally a shitty job (and bloody, and pull of pus and urine), but the new CEO of the hospital was not particularly interested in providing quality medical care for the community, so it worked out them all.
        Money rolling in, with the top people pocketing it, and the workers putting in their hours, while the patients were suckered into more and more tests and procedures, wheeling around the hospital from site to site.

        What a racket.

        • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 12:24 pm #

          One of the local hospitals got into trouble for exploitation of foreign nurses.

          AG: Albany Med violated human trafficking law, must repay Filipino nurses
          Hospital must remove provision that threatened foreign nurses with financial, immigration penalties if they left employment too soon


          Note that this is the kind of thing that Tish James could and should be doing for NY.

          • loosethedogs November 6, 2023 at 1:08 pm #

            Beryl: Sounds like organized crime to me – Oh wait…

          • SW November 6, 2023 at 3:02 pm #

            Sorry, Beryl, but I worked with a majority of Filipino nurses who were nice but incompetent and their main interest was getting as much overtime as possible. It was all about the money. And their training as nurses was pathetic and they were disinterested in improving. They spoke excellent English and understood the contract they signed and should have honored it.

          • Yirgach November 6, 2023 at 6:20 pm #

            At least in the US Filipinos have a chance. In other countries, Saudi Arabia for instance, foreign workers can be treated as slaves. They’re not all grifters, more than a few are very dedicated and knowledgeable.

          • Mac November 6, 2023 at 8:47 pm #

            Academic medical centers hire foreign doctors through the visa program. H1B, I think. They work under awful conditions in terms of pay and hours. As soon as they get their green card, they bolt. Human trafficking. Drives down wages for American doctors.

        • megabeth November 7, 2023 at 12:13 pm #

          I am an ADN RN, although I hold a baccalaureate in foreign language, so Mayo hired me despite my not having a BSN, and they were willing to pay for my upgrade to BSN and/or terminal degree. This was just as Obamacare was starting to kick in. I never got it, since I wanted to focus on my school-aged child rather than more school for myself.

          I also no longer work for Mayo, thank goodness. They take all the critical thinking out of nursing; it was boring.

          But my husband was just in the hospital, and, while we were there, a lady from the billing department asked me what I thought of the medical biz since COVID and mentioned that the local tech was going begging for students. That is perplexing, and the BSN mandate may be part of the problem. Also, scholarship money is likely tighter. Foreign care workers are coming ashore. And working conditions are far, far worse after the vaccine mandate attrition and the massive new CMS requirements regarding same.

          Who knows? Even those fucking Tik Tok dancing nurse videos might have turned off aspiring nurses.

          And, of course I heartily agree with your criticisms of big clinic systems.

          I told the billings lady that I was keeping all my giant nursing textbooks in case the world fell totally to shit, so I could set up my own practice, set bones, catch babies, etc., in return for payments in chickens.

      • pranah November 6, 2023 at 1:42 pm #

        megabeth, I had the impression that there was a push in the hospitals to phase out associate-degree nursing programs and accept only bachelor’s-prepared nurses. That was going on when I got my RN in the early ’90s. Hospitals were offering ADNs educational opportunities to upgrade to their bachelors. Didn’t realize ADN programs still existed. (Retired and out of the loop here! So glad I missed all the COVID nonsense in the medical arenas.)

        Anyway, back in my day there was a never-ending cycle of first being a dearth of nurses, then a glut as people came in, then a dearth as people left, etc. People left because nursing is a crappy job (as Paula D rightly notes) and when you have 20+ patients and you’re running around like you’re crazy passing meds, hanging blood/IVs, responding to codes, doing intakes/discharges/charting, dealing with doctors/administrators/other staff/patients’ visitors/scheduling of tests/meals and on and on, yeah, other grass looks greener after a while. Lots of nurses go do other things, go to other work settings, burn out and leave, etc. Don’t get me wrong, lots of them stay, too. But I’m glad I was able to leave the hospital setting (far too many patients, patients too sick for the general floor, too many tasks, not enough time, only one me). Went to the county health department and stayed for the rest of my career. There I met nurses who’d not worked in the hospital since graduation because it was too damn hard. Made me feel a little better because I wondered what the hell was wrong with me that I couldn’t take the meat grinder. YMMV, nurses who might be reading this.

        • Q. Shtik November 7, 2023 at 11:15 am #

          People left because nursing is a crappy job (as Paula D rightly notes) – pranah


          What you and Paula have to say about nursing kind of scares me. My 46 year old son just completed his bachelor in nursing in May. He has yet to send out his resume to local area hospitals near where he lives near Philly. I don’t know why he’s dragging his feet.

          I certainly will NOT be sending him a copy of what you and Paula have written about nursing as a career.

          • megabeth November 7, 2023 at 1:16 pm #

            Your son can basically write his own ticket after he gets a little experience under his belt. My first two years were rough, until I learned better time management.

            And he has his pick of jobs, as he develops professionally. Nurses tend to be vagabonds (2 years here, 2 years there) until they find the right niche. There is something for everybody! I have done long-term care, med-surg, MDS, DON, acute-care psychiatric, labor and delivery and more, and it’s all pretty satisfying. Except I frankly disliked being a director of nursing and would never do that, again.

          • Paula D November 8, 2023 at 5:22 pm #

            My friend’s son went to St. Louis to get a bachelor’s in nursing, and then he couldn’t get a job in St. Louis. There was a glut of nurses at that time.

            So he went somewhere in the southwest, Arizona or something, and then he got very sick and ran up a giant hospital bill to go along with his giant college loan bill.
            Still no job.

            I haven’t caught up with her lately, so I don’t know the next part of the saga.

        • megabeth November 7, 2023 at 12:30 pm #

          There are still ADN programs and bridge programs to BSN. The bridge program looked like hell to me (ADN, here), because it was just academic busy work regarding research and writing papers (been there, done that, with my baccalaureate in another field). I would have been paying good money to drill me in things I’ve already learned–for a credential that would basically only allow me to maintain a garden-variety RN job. No thanks!

          In a conversation I recently had, a hospital employee said that they were considering hiring LPNs, again.

          I really wish they would. LPNs are great! I feel almost silly having to supervise the seasoned ones, since they know so very much.

          Credentialism just seems like another money-stripping ruse, in nursing, imho.

          I suspect that those “refrigerator nurses” attracted by the high pay will start to go “poof,” and facilities will be making nurses assume more direct patient care, again. Sadly, they will strip away actual workers before they’ll give up administrators, glossy brochures, and fugly Chihuly glass sculptures in the glass atria, though.

          • Paula D November 8, 2023 at 5:28 pm #

            Agree completely. That’s why Obamacare was a giant giveaway to more than people usually think about.

            AND the first part that kicked in, (years before the mandate), was a $50 billion gift to clinics and hospitals to computerize all medical records. The gift came with strings, as they had to do it.


            My theory is that the government wanted to be able to monitor the health of citizens without having to break into the office and steal paper medical records.

            The computer programs are infuriating, as they force you to ask all kinds of irrelevant questions, without letting you write down what the patient is actually telling you.

            It literally puts people into boxes. I’m glad I’m out.

            But I didn’t quit, I got fired for refusing a mandatory flu shot, also part of Obamacare.

            They withhold Medicare funds owed, unless the hospitals force all their employees to get injected annually.

            Fuck that shit, is my attitude.

    • JohnAZ November 6, 2023 at 10:55 am #

      Haves versus Have-nots, the eternal struggle.

      The USA problem is and has been since the Great Depression that its economy and immigration policies make too many Have-Nots.

      We are currently seeing a crescendo.

      • megabeth November 6, 2023 at 11:12 am #

        I think that the ultimate “haves,” the globalist oligarchy, are pretty fed up with the standard of living in the United States. Or maybe the extreme level of entitlement and rent seeking going on. Back in the Clinton years, one of the goals sold to us was to tone down our luxury here and spread the wealth around. Not that I believed them.

    • Yirgach November 6, 2023 at 11:04 am #


      I’m seeing more and more of what you are talking about. The local bakery owner gave me a 10 minute rant when I asked him how the business was going. He can’t find any help while paying $26/hr with 1 month annual vacation and health care. Most of the restaurants around here are in the same situation, closing or closed already.

      Also have noticed 4 or 5 padiddles on every drive into town. Maybe they can’t afford to fix them or can’t even get the parts….

      Going from bad to worse, like watching a slow motion train wreck.

      • Q. Shtik November 7, 2023 at 11:19 am #

        padiddles ???????

        • CrusherMuldoon November 8, 2023 at 2:03 pm #

          A padiddle is a car driving with one headlight out. A shazam is a car with both headlights out

  5. benr November 6, 2023 at 9:51 am #

    Contrast the DESTRUCTIVE PROTEST some would call a riot outside the Whitehouse this weekend in favor of Hamas and the useful idiots calling themselves Palestinians for the destruction and genocide of Israelis and Jews globally with the hundreds of thousands of people protesting on J6.
    Completely different handling of the escalating actual violence from groups of people that might not even be actual citizens.

    Bloody handprints all over twisted fences and people actually climbing up and over Whitehouse fences.
    Yet no one shot to death and very few arrests.
    One can’t make the contrast any clearer.
    This country has literally lost its collective minds.

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    • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:06 am #

      The difference is that the majority, if not all, of the J6 protestors were white Americans, the epitome of evil according to the democrat party, and these latest ones were pocs. In Biden’s America, anything a poc does is okay. It’s only the white supremacists you have to worry about.

      • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 10:20 am #

        The essence of critical race theory is that different rules, obligations, and moral standards apply to people based on race.

        And if you’re white, you ain’t right.

        • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:27 am #

          That’s about it. And that’s why I try to put people right about that wherever and whenever I can.

      • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 10:30 am #

        Even worse, they were alt-right Christian nationalists.

        Far-right MAGA theocrats: Most dangerous threat to America

        Even Mitch McConnell is trying to push back against Mike Johnson and the MAGA wing of the GOP. It isn’t working


        • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:39 am #

          That’s right, I forgot about the alt-right Christian nationalists. I recently read that they’re the latest greatest threat to democracy, and Mom and apple pie and all that. Imagine being white and Christian and caring about your country! The gall!

          • megabeth November 6, 2023 at 11:07 am #

            Yes. Those Christians are sUCh a threat. Turn the other cheek and all that violent, radical, right-wing crap.

    • hortonz November 6, 2023 at 10:28 am #

      This is what a decade of out-of-control immigration and Woke virtue-signaling by Canada’s own Liberal party has created: an angry and noisy insurrection by people who should have left their hate back in the motherland and threats of violence to Jews and Jewish institutions.. From Rebel Newshttps://www.rebelnews.com/bomb_threats_prompt_school_evacuations_across_ontario_this_is_what_it_feels_like_to_be_jewish_in_2023

    • Uncle Abraham November 6, 2023 at 10:37 am #

      I was in DC on Jan 6 and can offer this interesting and apparently salient observation: Although there were surely more than a 100,000 protesters (not insurrectionists – anti-insurrectionists opposing the gaming of the election and all mischief proceeding from there), I did not see one piece of trash strewn on the streets we walked in DC.

      • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 12:00 pm #

        Did you meet Ray Epps? Is he just as charming in person?

    • Night Owl November 6, 2023 at 10:54 am #

      The BLM White House riot was worse, to be fair.

      Shoudn’t that have been the “Storming of the White House”?

    • Q. Shtik November 6, 2023 at 10:56 am #

      This country has literally lost its collective minds. – benr



      • butter56 November 6, 2023 at 2:30 pm #

        Because massive demographic change, it is actually normal behavior for the emerging majority

  6. Miss Demeanor November 6, 2023 at 10:00 am #

    And now we see the latest incarnation of the fascist thug class in the Pro Palestinian activists after their previous banners of BLM and Antifa. They are being deftly transported to downtown areas in luxurious private corporate buses installed at empty hotels and set loose upon designated blocks of cities to wreck them and remove small business. Our classic American right to protest has been co-opted to perform “urban removal” for the PTB.
    “Come to the Land of Opportunity! We will pay you to party and destroy The Great Satan without personal consequence!”
    This is the new growth opportunity for limousine companies, downtown hotels and construction.

    • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:07 am #

      Keep voting for those elected representatives!

      • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 10:23 am #

        Because it has worked so well up to this point. I mean, I know my representatives represent me!

        • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:28 am #


    • Uncle Abraham November 6, 2023 at 10:39 am #

      The masks have come off; the hot water exposes exactly what’s in that teabag.

    • Miss Demeanor November 6, 2023 at 11:33 am #

      Bring your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free. Leave your dirt-floor, mud-caked hovels and bring fear and righteous consequence to the scores of infidels in their undeserved, RH-furnished palaces! 
      Cower not in fetid swamps at the edge of the forest, hoping for fitful rest to propel the next day’s battle, but recline fearlessly on cloud-like California King sleeping platforms. 
      Perform your daily ablutions in marble-lined steam rooms, drink copiously from bottomless minibars and partake in endless room service! 
      This is the Land of the Gods and you are deserving of all the privileges! Here is the afterlife on earth you have been promised. This is the realm of 72 virgins(well maybe not exactly…)

  7. docmartin November 6, 2023 at 10:03 am #

    No country in the Middle East wants Hamas inside their borders, they are a miserable lot of terrorists and brain washed youth. The impeachment proceedings are going at a snails pace… both sides of congress are clueless bastards

    • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 10:25 am #

      All of the fuckers in Congress represent one thing and one thing only. Their wallets. They should all be rotting in prison for their treachery to the Constitution and abrogation of their sacred oaths.

      But, what do we do when the people who are supposed to be watching are no longer watching?

      • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:29 am #

        Ronald Reagan had the right idea when he was governor of California. Use dump trucks to scoop them up and deposit them in dumpsters.

        • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 11:21 am #

          Any film of that on YouTube? Sounds a little harsh for the easy going Gipper.

        • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 12:02 pm #

          Maybe you’re remembering scenes from “Soylent Green”.

          • megabeth November 7, 2023 at 1:33 pm #

            “The scoops are on the way! The scoops are on the way!”

      • TPTB-USA November 6, 2023 at 2:51 pm #

        Cankerpuss, perhaps this will cheer you up?

        Matt Gaetz Tears Into Romney, McCarthy, And More Republicans In Blistering Speech To Florida Summit

    • BackRowHeckler November 6, 2023 at 10:34 am #

      The ‘Transition to Renewables’ & the EV grift are part of War #3. Both are rapidly falling apart much sooner than I thought they would.

      • NickelthroweR November 6, 2023 at 10:41 am #

        That is because Math is involved. “Renewables” never repay the cost of production. The more renewables you attempt to produce, the deeper into the hole you go.

        A nation that reads, writes and does math at a 3rd grade level can only make decisions based on FEELINGS and not facts and the majority have been force fed negative feelings about oil, natural gas and coal.

        Atlas Shrugged ended with everyone sitting in the dark and that is the bright future that awaits us all.

        • thirdcoastlegend November 6, 2023 at 12:26 pm #

          Offshore wind will be the first to go because it has the worst math.

          Solar should be next. Turns out that solar plants in the desert aren’t a winner and they need their own petroleum-based plant to stay online.

          The EV and hydrogen scams are both going to hang around for a while. Those are also being undone by the limitations of physics and chemistry.

          • loosethedogs November 6, 2023 at 1:39 pm #

            I did the ma70’s and built a PASSIVE Solar home in the 80’s and lived happily ever after. ACTIVE alternative energy systems (including EV’s) have become money laundering boondoggles. Ask the insiders who somehow know when to buy low and when to sell just as stock prices peak…

          • loosethedogs November 6, 2023 at 1:41 pm #

            I did the math in the 70’s and built a PASSIVE Solar home in the 80’s and lived happily ever after. ACTIVE alternative energy systems (including EV’s) have become money laundering boondoggles. Ask the insiders who somehow know when to buy low and when to sell just as stock prices peak. It’s all about the greenbacks baby…

          • BackRowHeckler November 9, 2023 at 9:29 am #

            I’m no physicist, but I do know that hydrogen has to be stored at -450°F to remain in its liquid form; as a gas it is highly explosive, very corrosive to fixtures and storage tanks, and as the lightest element in the universe very hard to contain (it tend to leak)

            Not a formula for success.

    • C.O.Jones November 6, 2023 at 2:15 pm #

      No country in the middle east will let the Palestinians in, either. Their religious brothers refuse them entry because they will immediately claim this land has ALWAYS belonged to them and that their hosts stole it from their ancestors and they will kill anyone who tells them to get a job or to leave. Kill peacefully, of course, as their religion specifies.

    • rudyspeaks November 7, 2023 at 11:23 am #

      Apropos my post below: This is a video of Norman Finkelstein answering a particular, narrow comment, not a summation of the Israel/Palestinian situation. No vitriol, racism, or emotional gushing…can’t imagine how censoring it could improve the discussion.

  8. rudyspeaks November 6, 2023 at 10:04 am #

    “a very sharp loss of legitimacy for the people who have been in charge of anything in this country.” Which, for the umpteenth time, is the Duopoly, or “Uniparty” Given JHK’s endorsement in his last post for a 3rd party, this raises the question, not of individual candidates, who come & go without any change in America, but of a New Party, committed to…what? My vote is, Truth. Stop the cloying hypocrisy (e.g., Blinken calling elected presidents “dictators”, pretending the Ukraine invasion was “unprovoked”, referring to “people with penises” (they used to be called “men”), ignoring the blatant 50 year robbery of the Middle Class)…and on endlessly! The illusions behind the current US Mindset are falling away. The formless criminals of the Duopoly are trying to prop them back up. That’s not possible, of course. At age 73, I’ve never seen the US in such a spot.

    • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:08 am #

      You can partly blame the second black president for that.

      • rudyspeaks November 6, 2023 at 10:11 am #

        No. You can tar & feather ALL of them! Name one single non-criminal…

        • messianicdruid November 6, 2023 at 8:08 pm #

          Calvin Coolidge.

          “He embodied the spirit and hopes of the middle class, could interpret their longings and express their opinions. That he did represent the genius of the average is the most convincing proof of his strength.”

    • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 10:20 am #

      I argue that the loss of legitimacy has already occurred. When the covid lie was being perpetuated I know many people who utterly refused the government’s mandates to “mask up” and “get the jab.” I was one of them. Never been jabbed and never will. The only way they jab me is if they get 5 big dudes in lab coats to hold me down and force the jab into me.

      Nearly 50% of the country believes the election was stolen. Congress has a 9% approval rating. The President is probably close to 15% (don’t believe the polls, no red blooded American supports what Biden is doing).

      The US government has its authority. It’s already happen. The proof rests in that the US government is now resorting to coercion to get people to obey. When the governed no longer heed the diktats of the governor, amen to the authority.

      Having lost its legitimacy the US government resorts to fear tactics and coercion to get its way. This will not last as eventually they will piss the people off to the point that politicians start swinging from lamp posts and a new form of government is installed. When that happens? Who knows.

      • SomeoneInAsia November 6, 2023 at 10:44 am #

        Same here. Never took the jab and never will. (Everyone else in my family has, though — sigh…)

        Sad that our ‘leaders’ now resort to such things as persuading us all to have poison injected into our bodies. It’s a lamentable world we live in.

      • NickelthroweR November 6, 2023 at 10:48 am #

        I don’t think it will be lamp posts. I think we are very very close to the day when no politician dares show his face above ground as it will invite a swarm of Kamakazi drones.

        Becoming a politician will mean living in constant fear of drone assassination. That day is just around the corner.

        • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:53 am #

          That is what I’m most afraid of and where I fear we’re headed, with no consequences to those in government who commit crimes for which the hoi polloi would be imprisoned, with a two-tier “justice” system. Have you ever noticed how many of your elected representatives are rich after just a few short years in office, on a civil servant’s salary?

          • NickelthroweR November 6, 2023 at 12:00 pm #

            I have noticed but what fun will it be? It won’t be a lot of fun spending your life underground and in constant fear of assassination. Drones are becoming the new sniper rifle and a few hundred dollars will allow you to target an “elite” worth billions.

            I have been watching a lot of drone footage coming out of Ukraine and it seems that grenade dropping drones are all the rage.

        • Epicur November 6, 2023 at 2:45 pm #

          “Becoming a politician will mean living in constant fear of drone assassination. That day is just around the corner.”

          Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of guys.

        • Qwibqwib November 8, 2023 at 2:39 am #

          Have you seen the videos of how, using drones, the Ukro Army ruthlessly hunts down and kills wounded Russian soldiers? Chilling in the extreme, and also against the Geneva Accords. How shameful to kill wounded trying to get out of the battlefield for treatment. Yes drones have changed warfare in so many ways.

      • tuco22 November 6, 2023 at 10:50 am #

        “no red blooded American supports what Biden is doing.”

        I think you’re wrong about that, Cankerpuss. I think you’d be surprised how many people still think he’s doing a good job. “Getting the job done!” is a frequent comment I see with regard to the democrat party in general and Biden in particular.

        • Anthea November 6, 2023 at 12:52 pm #

          My gay friend is an avid supporter of Nancy Pelosi, because, “She’s got my back!”

          • elysianfield November 7, 2023 at 10:02 pm #

            Is she also a supporter of Jerry Sandusky?

          • aelpha November 8, 2023 at 9:50 am #

            Elysianfield- It is about time to recognize the prejudice against MAPs. There should be a statue of the Sandusky shower scene and Nasser should be appointed to head new federal office of seminal medicine.

        • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 12:54 pm #

          By definition, they’re not red blooded Americans. They’re something else. Something horrible.

      • D from OR November 6, 2023 at 10:58 am #

        Well said @Cankerpuss.

  9. Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 10:14 am #

    Excellent essay, Mr. Kunstler. A wonderful analysis of the wars facing the once great USA. I’m going to add to your writing and discuss war #5. The war of righteous, moral and god fearing people against the depraved, perverted godless people who are destroying all of our vaunted institutions. I see it all around me. People rejecting Hollywood because they can’t take the perversion and the debauchery and the violence. People are rejecting pornography. My son tells me of a group of young men who are standing up against the evils of pornography. I see young mothers rejecting the feminist teachings that a woman is only fulfilled if she has a career. Many young women are putting off their career to raise their children on their own. I see many left wing news organizations failing because few there be that watch and participate in their lies.

    We have a long way to go as the evil in our society is powerful and full of massive resources. However, despite all the money they possess, they can’t make us watch and participate in their filth. The war will be fierce in the future but these movements are going to catch on.

    Drug cartels vanish when Americans stop buying drugs.

    Pornographers disappear when Americans stop buying porn.

    Prostitutes go away when Americans stop using them.

    The time is coming when the people themselves will bind Satan and all of his minions.

    • elysianfield November 6, 2023 at 11:03 am #


      Drug cartels, pornographers and prostitutes will all vanish when people stop being human.

      • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 11:19 am #

        The dramatic increase in the use of pornography was deliberately wrought.

        • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 11:33 am #

          Yes. I was watching James Corbett and the other James and some guest, and they asked how it is that PornHub is free?

          It costs money to traffic women, and hire cameramen and crews, and host a giant website. Lots of money.

          And yet, it is free, even to minors.

          And now there are reports that young men brought upon porn can’t get it up for actual women, and that young women, brought up on porn, aren’t as interested in real life sex, since they think it involves violence, degradation, and pain.

          That’s one way to decrease population growth. It’s actually more effective than trying to sterilize the younger generation by convincing them to amputate body parts and take dangerous, sterilizing drugs.

          • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 2:57 pm #

            Exactly, Paula. And that is where porn pollutes a population. Well said. Couldn’t say it any better myself.

        • stelmosfire November 6, 2023 at 11:33 am #

          Al Gore, ” “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet…..for porn.”

          The internet made porn available to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. No matter what their age. Not just the run of the mill Playboy stuff I peaked at as a kid ( for the articles mostly) but real downright depravity. Pornhub is one of Canada’s leading exports.

        • thirdcoastlegend November 6, 2023 at 12:30 pm #


          That was one angle of a multi-faceted, multi-decade assault that was waged on normal courtship and mating behaviors between men and women in the West.

          The tipping point was in the 90s as Internet access became more widespread and adult performers began to get feted in the mainstream rather than shunned or ignored as they had been in the past.

          • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 12:57 pm #

            “A multi-faceted, multi-decade assault that was waged on normal courtship and mating behaviors between men and women in the West.”

            I’m just starting to see that lies about AIDS had a major impact on normal courtship and mating behaviors too.

            Dr. Anthony Fauci was involved in that, and involved in the scamdemic and the vaxx, two things that continue to disrupt and divide Americans.

            You have people on dating sites bragging about being vaxxed, and others desperately seeking the unvaxxed for serious relationships.

        • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 12:58 pm #

          And for women, feminism and now tictok and social media in general.

          No man is good enough for them – even the very ordinary ones.

          • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 3:00 pm #

            Men tend to struggle with sexual porn. Women tend to struggle more with lifestyle porn, you know, looking at pictures of their friends’ perfect lives, perfect husbands, clean homes and then looking at what they have and believing their lives suck.

            I don’t know which is worst but both have ill effects on the mental well being of the partaker.

          • thirdcoastlegend November 6, 2023 at 3:18 pm #


            Current Western culture is geared to encourage novelty-seekimg and dissatisfaction with one’s present circumstances.

            That feeds right into the issues you mention for men and women, and others we haven’t discussed in this thread.

          • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 6:30 pm #

            Lifestyle porn – good phrase for it. They are tormented with the idea that they are settling for less than they can be – and since women advance via men to a greater or lesser extent, that means they are almost always dissatisfied or at least wondering if they could have done better.

            Love has little or nothing to do with it. They love babies, young children, and small animals. Men? No it’s far more complicated and far less than that.

          • Rowdypiglet November 7, 2023 at 10:00 am #

            @Cankerpuss, “Lifestyle porn” potentially covers a lot of ground. As a woman, I can say with certainty that envy is the most common unpleasant trait one finds in other women. Rolled into it is the pervasive belief that there is a shortage of every desirable thing and that, if you have something, anything, it’s because you stole it from them. I never encountered this until I found myself in the working world, so I connect it – rightly or wrongly – with the sourness of career women for whom nothing and no one is ever good enough.

    • D from OR November 6, 2023 at 11:31 am #

      @Cankerpuss another good point.

      “…can’t make us watch and participate in their filth. The war will be fierce in the future but these movements are going to catch on.”

      I would concur your points because our 18-year old son and friends see rejecting “woke” culture as rebellion.

      Keep in mind we are in ground zero Portland OR so if it’s happening here it is happening.

      He and his cohorts consider themselves “based” and honestly the result is they are embracing old-fashioned attitudes.

      Our guy is on a “gap year” to earn money and remains focused on pursuing a welding career. He told us a few weeks ago he was grateful we didn’t pressure him into going to university because he believes it to be a waste of time. Said he was sad that for some that is their peak in life.

      Also, I really wasn’t surprised the other day when he told me he wants to get a really good fishing pole and take up fishing.

      • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 3:02 pm #

        Tell him to learn how to fly ties and hit the high alpine lakes of Utah’s Mountains. Oh baby, talk about an adventure 🙂

        • Q. Shtik November 7, 2023 at 11:57 am #

          how to fly ties – Canker


          tie flies

  10. SomeoneInAsia November 6, 2023 at 10:15 am #

    I have my doubts whether China really can replace the US as another world hegemon. First, the physical resources required for that have now dried up in large measure. The US during its better days had heaps of resources at its disposal by contrast. Second, the economic situation in China at present is so bad everyone’s desperately trying to get out with his assets, and the (bloody) CCP has even stopped reporting on the youth unemployment rate. Third, infighting is now going from bad to worse in the CCP. Almost everyone secretly wants that fat, ugly man on the throne barbecued (I for one). On the whole it just doesn’t sound to me like a confident world-power-to-be.

    I actually would love to see people around the world get to know and appreciate China’s traditional cultural heritage more. I just don’t think the CCP (read: Callous, Cannibalistic Psychopaths) has any right to claim to represent this heritage, nor would I like to see it being propagated through violent means (like Islam).

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    • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 10:21 am #

      I agree. I think China is already crippled with their own problems.

    • D from OR November 6, 2023 at 11:43 am #


      Martin Armstrong’s Socrates says world tilt to China 2032 but I reckon that is only the sign post not the event due to the factors you listed. Likely it the 2050s before it is a reality (if).

      I also agree that “would love to see people around the world get to know and appreciate China’s traditional cultural heritage more.” It’s a real shame that isn’t promoted more but I’m sure that goes against the CCP views.

    • thirdcoastlegend November 6, 2023 at 12:44 pm #

      I won’t be sad if the Chicom Technate implodes on itself.

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:01 pm #

      You forget the Diaspora. Africa. Australia. The West Coast of Canada, etc.

      They are expanding. Last month over a thousand Chinese men marched into the United States. Fighting age men or Chinese fighting men?

      They aim to take as much of the US that they can get.

  11. mitchellc November 6, 2023 at 10:18 am #

    China, as a 5,000 year old culture, knew the west would continue to pursue its 2,500 year old imperative of conquest and expansion.

    It’s what we do, it’s what we’ve always done, its what our entire society and economic framework is based upon, and it will/has eventually led to our demise.

    Only those with limited perspective view Ukraine, Palestine, the USA, etc view these regions as ethno religious or governmental conflicts.

    Rather, they are merely the results of the primary drive towards control and power, the eternal quest to provide entertainment or meaning to the leadership class.

    Ukraine and Israel are colonial outposts of the imperial state. That the blob convinced ethnic Ukrainians and jews to swallow the “just cause” narratives to then fight on behalf of the empire is why control of religion has always been so important.

    Same too of the rubes who embrace the false promise of “freedom and democracy”. Covid and the border are demonstrating that everyone is a replaceable obedient drone as entire populations are swapped out for new, ambitious substitutes.

    Go back to limits, and think through how these fights are merely separate theaters for the grand strategy of controlling diminishing energy resources.

    Don’t be a dope and get distracted by propaganda and emotionally engineered narratives.

    • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 10:47 am #

      “Emotional” is another word that I am suddenly hearing everywhere. Like “unprovoked”.

      I noticed that is what Kristen Welker said when she introduced her interview with Volodymyr Zelensky- “On Saturday, I sat down with an emotional President Volodymyr Zelenskyy”.

      I wonder what that’s all about, and why she bothered to include it?

    • Rowdypiglet November 6, 2023 at 12:05 pm #

      It seems that this issue is splitting the left into factions that will ultimately be at war with one another in the same way that the trans elements are at war with the more moderate feminists (TERFS), whom they feel emboldened to frequently attack physically. I can’t help but think that it’s bringing into the open the many internal inconsistencies that the left has attempted to ignore, forcing them to realize that there are opposing sides within their ranks, and compelling them to make a choice. Another of these is the left’s support for Muslims, the same Muslims who – given half a chance – would toss many of them from the roof of a tall building.

      Ordinarily I don’t like to see an increase in mayhem and disorder, but I rather like the idea of the left being broken up into warring ideological factions – the factions that were already there, but were invisible to them in their internal confusion. If they succeed in cancelling each other, it saves us a lot of bother. There will be the usual burned out buildings and wrecked businesses in the cities, but perhaps something good will come of it.

    • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 12:23 pm #

      @mitchell Excellent point.

      When the world was much “bigger”, two thousand years ago, you had the Roman Empire in the Mediterranean, and China in East Asia.

      While nominally Communist, is it not reasonable to assume todays Chinese rulers consider themselves a continuation of ancient China? That Xi thinks he is the emperor? (Hint: He DID remove the “term limits” his predecessors had accepted)

      While the West, for a variety of reasons, or perhaps because God willed it, was able to learn the hard sciences and harness them, which led to Western dominance (even as Western nations fought amongst themselves–until now), culturally and socially, in some regards the East in general, and China in particular, may be better prepared for the new, resource-constrained world that many, from JHK (the good) to the WEF (the bad) seem to be saying.

      And socially and culturally, I can see why the Chinese leaders might consider the West inferior to them. They are going to let the West atrophy some more.

      But China has its own internal challenges, it is not omnipotent. Just like the US is not.

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:04 pm #

      The Ukie rubes thought the Globalists were going to let them have their own state. Instead they began to bring in the 3rd Worlders and teach trannyism in the schools.

      Stupid Ukie, fake Nazi thugs.

      • Jimmy Word November 6, 2023 at 3:48 pm #

        Their leaders did anyway. I’d say the average Ukie was just an unwitting pawn in the great game. Russia’s not just fighting the west. They’re fighting the portion of their own people who so easily fall for the sirens’ song of riches and perversion.

  12. malthuss November 6, 2023 at 10:44 am #


    I found this

    Uncle Makua the great kahuna from the big island RIP his beautiful soul said that before the ploynesians came to the islands, that islands were already inhabited by “lighter skin” individuals with red/blonde hair who were very advanced in spirit and metaphysics who didnt like violence and to fight so once polynesians arrived they allowed them to kill them all off and eat most of em and take over the islands.

    Kamehameha was also a sellout to his people!

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:19 pm #

      Thanks, Malth. What a great man! Same thing happened in New Zealand apparently. The Maori told the Whites not to disturb the gravesites of their ancestors and to tell them if they did so inadvertently. But if they found one of the Redheads, they could do whatever they wanted with the body. They weren’t ancestors.

    • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 3:06 pm #

      I lived in Western Australia for a few years and while there made a good acquaintance with a very large Aboriginal woman who was very knowledgeable on the aboriginal cultures of Australia. She would often tell us about a legend among her people that Australia, too, was inhabited by a white race or culture long before the aboriginals arrived in the land. Of course she had no proof of this, only her recounting of legends she had heard from others. She was a fascinating individual and whether it was true or not, she was fun to listen to.

  13. malthuss November 6, 2023 at 10:45 am #

    What do you know about Buffy, the fake indian?

    • BackRowHeckler November 6, 2023 at 11:34 am #

      Malthus we covered Buffy St. Marie and the conclusion is that it’s all part of show biz. No harm done. Living where you do and knowing people in the ‘Entertainment Industry’ you know it’s a big illusion. For example, what does Cher really look like? She must look like an 70 year old Armenian lady, which is what she is.

      • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 11:57 am #

        BSM took awards that could have would have gone to those who deserve the awards.

        yes its show biz.

        • Rowdypiglet November 6, 2023 at 12:46 pm #

          She did write some lovely songs, and I don’t know why she couldn’t have been successful without pretending to be something she wasn’t. These kinds of stories always baffle me. If I told a big lie and built my life upon it, I wouldn’t have one moment of rest or ease or happiness, so what would be the point? Surely, even if her conscience didn’t bother her, she must have been afraid it would eventually come out.

      • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 11:58 am #

        closer to age 80

        Cher filmography – Wikipedia
        Cherilyn Sarkisian. ( 1946-05-20) May 20, 1946 (age 77) El Centro

        • megabeth November 7, 2023 at 1:49 pm #

          So is Cher all Armenian? I though she was a half-breed, oh how I love to hate the word, etc., etc.

    • beantownbill. November 6, 2023 at 12:09 pm #

      Malthuss, I never met her. All I know about her is what my mother told me about her origins, which my mom got from Buffy’s aunt Evelyn, and maybe about some of her activities back then, which I forgot. However, my mother said Buffy seemed to be an ok person. All this was around the time Native Americans were big news. Remember when Brando sent the Indian in his place at the Academy Awards?

      See Marlin’s comment below, which I agree with.

      • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 2:51 pm #

        she threatened her relatives. heavy stuff.

        see utube–fifth estate expose.

        some comments are she is rude, other is she is or was nice. who knows?

        • beantownbill. November 6, 2023 at 3:51 pm #

          I don’t really know, that’s for sure.

  14. sanspeur November 6, 2023 at 10:45 am #

    We fight the same dark magicians as Jesus did 2000 years ago. We must see the lying dishonest Zionist, the rejector of Christ as the enemy. The ones who pervert language to influence the ignorant to their profit and benefit.

    Who runs all the pornagraphy in the USA? Zionists. Who is actively trying to destroy America, Zionists.

    • JohnAZ November 6, 2023 at 11:03 am #

      Wait a minute.

      The Zionists are destroying America?

      The Zionists are tearing the country apart with their protests and Wokeism?

      The same Zionists that are the targets of the protesting by the same Wokesters that is going on now.


      No, Marxists headed up by the likes of Bernie Sanders and George Soros are tearing the USA apart.

      • sanspeur November 6, 2023 at 11:05 am #

        Who were the marxists in Eastern Europe? Zionist Jews. Not really historical Jews, more aptly named Kharzarian Mafia.

        • beantownbill. November 6, 2023 at 12:20 pm #


          Didn’t we already show that it is a falsehood from genetic studies that Jews are descendants of Khazars? I don’t know why you ignore that. Unless …………………..

          Unless you just hate Jews. After all, they were responsible for the death of Christ, a Jew himself. But why split hairs?

          • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 3:04 pm #

            The Romans killed Jesus, but it was the Jew’s fault.

            Said by the same people who don’t like it when a black man beats an Asian to death, but we are told that it’s whitey’s fault.

            Seems inconsistent to me.

          • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 3:14 pm #

            But you are talking about Jews that existed 2000 years ago. The Jews of that time are not the same people that call themselves Jews today. During that time the term “Jew” was used to denote geographic origins or someone from the province of Judea. Judea at that time was inhabited by many cultures. Syrian, Idumean, Edom and many others. These people intermixed with the descendants of Judah.

            Jews today are totally different. Sure, some may be of direct Judahn blood line but I doubt most of them are. They are DNA linked directly to regions located near Ukraine or the Khazars.

            I also hesitate to call Christ a Jew. Christ is more appropriately described as a member of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. That doesn’t mean he was a Jew as we refer to Jews today.

          • messianicdruid November 6, 2023 at 8:24 pm #

            It is difficult to communicate with words that have too many definitions.

          • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:01 am #

            Paula tried to use political polemics to solve a murder. We know what happened. The Pharisees threatened Pilate: Either put him to death or they would ruin him. He succumbed to their threats.

      • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 2:52 pm #

        the power behind the throne..dont look behind the curtain.


    • mitchellc November 6, 2023 at 11:08 am #

      Zionism is simply a construct to create a rationale to entice people who identify as jews, who are solely of European descent without one speck of Semitic blood, to voluntarily serve as pioneers in a critical colonial outpost.

      It’s no different than the Hessians hired to fight the upstart colonials, or Irish immigrants shipped directly from the east coast harbors to Gettysburg.

      Nor is it any different than the lowest classes of Americans paid to voluntarily serve to defend the principles of “freedom and democracy”, all cued to music and grand ceremony.


      I’m sort of surprised (not) that JHK fell immediately into line with the “we’re oppressed and need a place to live” narrative. A simple extrapolation to just one degree reveals how that imprint can be used in turn to justify genocide, as being currently conducted in plain view of all.

      Beware blowback as the now global resource wars are in full swing.

      • BackRowHeckler November 6, 2023 at 11:41 am #

        Critical Colonial Outpost is a good characterization of that little slice of land on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean, Mitch. It the spot where continents and great religions meet, the crux of the whole world. IMO Israel is the last outpost of western civilization; beyond Israel lies a wasteland where dragons be.

        • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:22 pm #

          No, where the oil is. What does Israel really do for us again? They help us? Or do they help us help them?

      • beantownbill. November 6, 2023 at 12:57 pm #


        I’m surprised that your comment is so off-base. You usually post well-thought out arguments.

        What really offends me is you equating European Jews with people that have no semitic blood. WTF! I’ve taken pains to show today’s Jews ARE of semitic blood. Have you read anything about this in many prior posts?

        All the dead Palestinians currently number about .5% of the total Palestinians. That’s not genocide. The Nazi’s killed off around 33% of world Jewry – that’s genocide.

        • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 2:46 pm #

          Bill, I looked up several definitions of “genocide”. None cites a percentage threshold. Rather, it’s about the killers’ intention and motivation.

          A mere half of one percent! 10,000 or 20,000 Gazans dead so far. Of course, we’re only getting started. But such a trifle, a smidgeon, why is anyone agitated?

          Just curious. How many dead Arabs would you consider an equitable, a fair retribution?

          • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 2:54 pm #

            I consider an equitable, a fair retribution…6 million muslims.

            Oh, the Holodomor, 60? 30? 20? million.

          • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 3:07 pm #

            So the definition of ”genocide” no longer considers the numbers killed?

            How convenient!

            Same as “pandemic”, amirite? That used to imply a high death toll, but the new definition covers a non-lethal flu in three countries.

            It’s the thought that counts.

          • beantownbill. November 6, 2023 at 3:47 pm #


            It’s not about retribution. It’s about removing an existential threat. If the Israelis don’t do what they’re doing, then Hamas would come back and attack again and again.

            If it’s really true there’s 300 miles of tunnels, then it’s impossible that the Palestinian populace didn’t know about it, yet they never told the world, so I don’t feel bad about them. Sorry, It hurts to see children killed – on both sides, but the entire Palestinian population is complicit.

          • hmuller November 7, 2023 at 11:30 am #


            Did the 1943 Warsaw Jews have tunnels? Did they tell the Nazi’s about them? I know you can’t see any parallel.

            So the solution is to remove “an existential threat”? Considering how vengeful.those Gazans are, that means getting rid of all 2.3 million of them all – one way or another. I imagine you won’t be weeping over that genocide.

            I note that both sides believe more violence will bring about a solution. Uncle Abraham et al. claim to follow the Prince of Peace whiling lusting for blood and screaming for more killing. So sad.

          • Anthea November 7, 2023 at 12:40 pm #

            @ beantownbill:

            Probably, most of the people posting here would respond in the same way as Israel (or as the Palestinians), if faced with an existential threat.

            It is interesting to speculate that they (white Americans) may, at some point in the future, face a similar situation. E.g. (just for shits and grins), suppose that there was a future societal collapse, and white Americans in rural areas had to fend off attempted take-overs of their territories (probably counties) by heavily armed groups of Muslims, blacks, Hispanic gangs, or whomever. In such a case, I think that white Americans would quickly realize that defensive measure were indequate; they would have to go on the offensive, and conduct “search and destroy” missions against the enemy. The enemy would be located in enemy communities. That’s just the way that works.

            Awhile back, Karl Denninger wrote a post to the effect that one reason the South lost the Civil War was because they failed to take the war to the North–that they should have conducted more or less genocidal attacks against Northern towns. Because that’s the way you win.

            Obviously, in this Palestinian/Israeli conflict, both sides would like to win. No one should be surprised if they act like it.

            The only thing that’s surprising to me about it is that anyone besides Israelis and Palestinians gives a shit either way. This is somebody elses war, fought purely and simply over territory, and it’s pretty far away. Nor do I think there is any advantage to US involvement. Actually, I think there is a lot of disadvantage and danger.

    • Cankerpuss November 6, 2023 at 3:10 pm #

      I do have to admit that I find it curious that Zionists do own most of the American media, run most of her corporations and compose the vast majority of the wealth hoarding billionaires.

      I don’t believe all zionists are out to destroy America but many of them have nefarious intentions given the apparent fruits of their labors.

      The question is, who are the Zionists? Are they really direct literal descendants of the Tribe of Judah as they claim to be? Or, are they imposters who have falsely claimed ties to the ancient House of Israel?

      I don’t know but doing a little research has revealed to me that the Zionists aren’t who they say they are.

  15. Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 11:12 am #

    War # 1- this is an interesting take from Glenn Greenwald. Did millions of people die because Hillary came up with a yuge lie to explain her loss to Trump, and some people believed it?

    “Very few of the people in the US who were most gung-ho about fueling this horrific war cared about the Ukrainian people. They saw them as pawns – things to be sacrificed – for their real goal of extracting vengeance on Russia for its perceived role in helping Trump win in 2016.”


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    • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 11:27 am #

      That must be what the Woke mean when they call for censoring “disinformation” because “it can cause real life harm.”

      Oh, wait……

    • Night Owl November 6, 2023 at 5:39 pm #

      Glenn is slow, but he eventually gets there. I would say the same about Taibbi, but with Taibbi it is calculated, which makes him a fraud.

  16. Paula D November 6, 2023 at 11:24 am #

    What will the US do when the Ukrainians are all killed off and unable to kill Russians any more?

    There’s always Dagestan, or Armenia, or Georgia, or Kazakhstan. We already know what they’ll do.

    The military build-up in the Middle East is a problem. It looks as if the US is going for Iran, since overthrowing Russia has turned out to be so difficult.
    I don’t think that overthrowing the government of Iran will be any easier, but I am a realist, so could never be hired to work in the think tanks, or the White House. They’re going for it, it seems clear.
    ‘There’s oil in them thar hills!”

    The open border with Mexico seems to have convinced people that open borders are the proper way to run a government.

    Why else would they call Gaza an “open air prison”, because Gazan citizens can’t freely cross the Egyptian and Israeli borders?

    Every other citizen of the world knows that there is a process to crossing borders. Even Americans know that, when it comes to us. But we don’t call the USA an “open air prison”, because we can’t travel without a passport.

    It’s just the Woke who think that having millions of people freely crossing borders is the right way to run a country.

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:25 pm #

      It would be easier unless Russia steps in. Some say China has also given assurances of some kind of support.

      Not to you but to the group: Russia does not want any more American bases on its borders. Iran borders Russia. Are they going to let Iran be NATO-ized? Why would they if they didn’t allow it the Ukraine?

  17. Paula D November 6, 2023 at 11:26 am #

    It was reported yesterday that the nephew of Netanyahu was killed in Gaza.
    I have no idea if that is true.

    • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 12:06 pm #

      he was a soldier?

      • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 12:27 pm #

        Netenyahu’s son is in Florida. No need for Nair Netenyahu to go fight for his country. He sure as heck is not going to go into Gaza.

        • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 12:58 pm #

          he could be vaxx-damaged. We don’t know.

        • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 3:08 pm #

          Not his son, his nephew.

          • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 6:29 pm #

            Yes, internet reports dated Nov 06 state Netenyahu’s nephew Yair was killed in Gaza.

            But Netenyahu’s son, another Yair, is in Miami.

            Should make for interesting conversation at the next Netenyahu family get together, why one 31-yr old Netenyahu is living it up in Miami, while another 30-yr old Netenyahu is dead and buried.

          • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 11:00 am #

            I can’t imagine naming a child the same name as my sibling’s child, only a year apart.

            Who does that?

            But then, I think it’s bizarre to name a child the same name as a parent, and that is fairly common.

      • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 3:08 pm #

        Yes, a sniper.

  18. liber8tor November 6, 2023 at 11:36 am #

    National Security Adviser Jake “The Snake” Sullivan, the brains behind Benghazi and the murder of Navy Seals.

    Also amazing how the $9 billion of weapons Joe left behind in Afghanistan now showing up in the Mideast. SMH

    • BackRowHeckler November 6, 2023 at 11:48 am #

      Oh yeah. Between the ordnance abandoned in Afghanistan & shipped to Ukraine, enough sophisticated weaponry is floating around out there to arm up every terror group, drug cartel & criminal gang from Mexico to Jolo in the southern Philippines for the next 50 years.

      • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:27 pm #

        The Israelis hide the losses they are taking. Hamas has destroyed many tanks.

        • BackRowHeckler November 6, 2023 at 7:43 pm #

          Israel has over 3000 tanks. Israel’s Panzer Divisions are as big as Guderian’s were.

          • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:03 am #

            MacGregor thinks it’s going to end very badly for Israel – just like Matt Bracken does.

      • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 2:19 pm #

        I bet quite a bit of that weaponry left behind made it to Hezbollah (Iran ally) and Hamas (bankrolled by Qatar. But Qatar cannot be named because it hosts the biggest US base in the Persian Gulf).

        And I’m sure the Chinese and Russian acquired some of the more sophisticated stuff, so they can reverse engineer it and manufacture it for a lot less than the US can.

  19. dilbert113 November 6, 2023 at 11:42 am #

    I fully agree that America is facing a financial collapse, and could in fact revert to a medieval standard of living. The question is “when”. I once read a very good novel about a post-collapse America, describing exactly what you have laid out, called Wolf and Iron by Gordon R. Dickson. The problem is, it was published in 1990. Over 30 years later, our standard of living has only increased. I have read many other books laying out convincing scenarios that the collapse is about to happen, published 5Y, 10Y and even over 20Y ago. Of course, America just kept chugging along. I think the country could face a Dollar Collapse, a Sovereign Debt Default, Hyperinflation, and collapse, but I have no way of knowing whether it will happen tomorrow morning, or fifty years from now, or even later. Chicken Little always says the sky is falling, but the sky never falls.

    • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 12:02 pm #

      when Dilbert when? food prices are insane now.

      see you tube THE REAL ECONOMY channel.

      • dilbert113 November 6, 2023 at 12:20 pm #

        I agree. Food prices are very high. But high prices at the grocery store are a long way from an economic collapse of society.

        • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 2:55 pm #

          only for the rich or upper middle class….what if most of ones money already goes to rent n food n taxes?

      • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:28 pm #

        You’re aren’t looking. What do you know of the poor who can’t afford to buy food? Or is that not a problem?

        Or can’t afford to rent or own near where the jobs are?

        Wake up, Dil.

    • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 12:39 pm #

      @dilbert113 Well said! The sky is falling, but never falls.

      But it must, right?

      I confess, my whole adult life, American has been “on the verge of financial catastrophe” due to debt. The deficit usually seems to be setting records (except a brief spell in the 1990s from the “cold war dividend”, low oil prices, and Greenspan’s low interest rates), debt is always going up.

      And yet, as you say, our standard of living has “risen”. In some ways, but not all.

      And that’s it–the higher the standard rises, the more our debt goes, the less “sustainable” it is financially.

      And that’s before the real constraints of the “Long Emergency”–the end of inexpensive and available oil, the decline in fresh water supplies.

      Here’s a metaphor. Hurricane Sandy. “Devastated the New Jersey Shore, and a lot of damage to the Rockaways on Long Island’s south shore”.

      Now it’s all been repaired. I was there this summer.

      The reason for the damage: All these beach homes and beach development that, at least in New Jersey, did not exist 100 years ago.

      In 1930, a storm of the same magnitude would cause MUCH less damage because…there was much less to damage.

      So, the further we “advance”, the greater the disaster will be when it hits.

      We had the bonus of Alaska and North Sea oil 80s/90s.

      We had the end of the cold war 90s.

      We had the explosion of China 90s/2020 and others like Mexico/Vietnam/Indonesia etc, which gave us cheap stuff, even as the dollar was eroding.

      That’s gone. Now we’ve had the COVID lockdowns, very destructive, Ukraine, destructive, and now potentially the middle east. And record debt!

      • OG November 6, 2023 at 3:32 pm #

        except a brief spell in the 1990s from the “cold war dividend”, low oil prices, Greenspan’s low interest rates*), debt is always going up


        and President Clinton’s bogus accounting chicanery), …

      • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 12:00 pm #

        The economy often recovers. As Chauncy Gardner said, Spring will come again. But often people do not and will not survive until Spring.

        The Libertarian response: Oh well!

  20. Nigel Tufnel November 6, 2023 at 12:02 pm #

    Does anyone know the covid vax rate of the Palestinians?
    Isreal’s rate was 90%. I thought they were smarter than that.

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    • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 12:08 pm #


      they want less people via vax

      the shots were placebo [unlike what USA got]

      they got a safer vax


      • Nigel Tufnel November 6, 2023 at 12:16 pm #

        Yes. Even within the US there were good and bad batches. High swamp concentrated areas got the saline. My dem friends in nantucket for instance… “what side effects? We’re fine”.

        And, if my memory is correct, congress was exempt from any vax mandate, so they’re all fine.

        • OG November 6, 2023 at 12:41 pm #

          Are you finally paying attention now, Mike Sherman?

          No doubt your Dem friends in Nantucket got the better jabs, NT. Their jabs probably still had Luciferase for compliance tracking and lipid nano particles for future deployment and graphene oxide for constructing their personal nano circuitry inside them but maybe not the spike-protein hyper-generation that kills quickly.

          Malthus’s is correct to not think of it as simply binary and to consider all possibilities.

          I’ve heard tell:

          There was a young man from Nantucket
          Who’s …

          • elysianfield November 6, 2023 at 1:02 pm #

            “There was a young man from Nantucket”

            His GLit must be prodigious….

      • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 12:40 pm #

        Wasn’t Alex Berenson working from Israel’s meticulous records to form his conclusions on safety and efficacy of the shots?

        • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 3:11 pm #

          Israel was one of the few countries who were reporting honestly.

          Scotland was another.

          I think they both stopped that, because researchers were using their stats to “fuel vaccine hesitancy”.

    • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 12:38 pm #

      There was a big fuss over the vaxx for the Palis. Israel wasn’t letting them have the life-savig jab or something.

      This was the Russian life-saving jab.

      Palestinian officials have accused Israel of preventing a vital first shipment of 2,000 coronavirus vaccines intended for frontline health workers from entering the blockaded Gaza Strip.


    • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 12:41 pm #

      Israel was surreal. Maybe it was placebo. Or different batches, as many contend. We will probably never know.

      The optics of essentially forcing people to vax, and not just anyone, but Israeli Jews, many of whom are descended from Holocaust survivors, blew me away.

      I also wonder about the Palestinians vax rates.

    • Yirgach November 6, 2023 at 1:06 pm #

      Looks like it’s about 34% before the SHTF…


  21. Nigel Tufnel November 6, 2023 at 12:11 pm #

    The democrats plan to deal with RFK –
    • First it was to drive him out of the democratic party.
    • Now it’s to deny him security protection (even though Hunter Biden has it) in hopes that the solution to their RFK problem is “just a shot away”.

    • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 12:43 pm #

      I think RFK is going to do himself in, in a manner of speaking.

      I’m wondering now if the reason Kucinich left is because he warned Bobby that Bobby’s homespun approach to his campaign would only end in disaster.

    • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 12:48 pm #

      Israel was surreal. Maybe it was placebo. Or different batches, as many contend. We will probably never know.

      The optics of essentially forcing people to vax, and not just anyone, but Israeli Jews, many of whom are descended from Holocaust survivors, blew me away.

      I also wonder about the Palestinians vax rates.

      • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:32 pm #

        Probably very low. They’ve read the Protocols. They’re far more aware than Americans. Thus their population is younger and healthier.

    • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 12:50 pm #

      Now the Dems want RFK–as an independent.

      Many of his voters are people who would otherwise vote for Trump, should Trump get the GOP nomination.

      Unfortunately, Trump in 2024 is not the same as Trump in 2016.

      Thing in America are not looking good. Yet miraculously, still, we can go to the stores, shop, buy gas. It costs more, but it’s there. And on paper, our financial assets still appear to be there.

      • Beryl of Oyl November 6, 2023 at 1:11 pm #

        What many do not understand about Trump supporters, is that the more they come down hard on Donald Trump with bogus prosecutions, the more determined 75 million or so people are to vote for him.

        Some might have been content with seeing the baton passed to a younger MAGA candidate; but not now.

        Why is this? Because they know that this is all because Trump stepped up for Americans when nobody else would. He made mistakes, he didn’t deliver on everything (and many would like to forger the ferocious opposition of, well, everybody to his agenda), but that does not matter to them.

        He’s in trouble because of what he tried to do for them, and they will NOT turn their back on him in his hour of need. NO MATTER WHAT.

        I notice that even though RFK has that policy of only saying nice things, some of his supporters started out trying to dissuade Trump voters by criticizing Trump, and when that got pushback, criticizing Trump supporters in a manner reminiscent of Hillary Clinton.

        Nobody who doesn’t acknowledge the unfairness and criminality of what is happening to Trump is going to “draw votes” from him, except from the people who had already decided they were done with him.

      • Mister Roboto November 6, 2023 at 1:15 pm #

        My gut tells me RFK is a “wannabe” whose candidacy isn’t going to amount to very much. I think Cornel West is probably the most moral of the somewhat-to-totally well-known candidates, but he is such a longshot as to not even rise to the level of wannabe, plus he has hitched his wagon to the pathetic and detestable Green Party of Howie Hawkins. {gag}

        • hmuller November 6, 2023 at 2:35 pm #

          Cornell West is totally on the woke wagon. The man is detestable, and has a mouthful of the most hideous, neglected teeth.

          Clearly, dental hygiene is not one of his priorities.

          • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 3:22 pm #

            What was the name of that old Black fight promoter with the big hair?

            Cornell has become him.

          • OG November 6, 2023 at 3:40 pm #

            Don King.

      • Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 3:46 am #

        It isn’t miraculous. A broader collapse cannot occur until the replacement system is ready to go.

        Collapse will look different for each country, too, as the timelines will have to vary a bit.

        Remember how the lockdowns and mandates were rolled out during the Covid Hoax and go from there.

  22. Tate November 6, 2023 at 12:34 pm #

    Curious that you separate the internal war going on within the U.S. as two wars, the first as the U.S. government’s war against the American people & the second as the American people’s war against the government. By your own logic, shouldn’t there be a fifth war, the war of the Palestinians within Gaza against the occupation Zionist government? I suppose you would say their war is “for no reason at all” except blind hatred of Israel.

  23. Roundball Shaman November 6, 2023 at 12:40 pm #

    “There has never been a protracted war from which a country has benefitted.” — Sun Tzu

    A country benefit? No. But very, very many rotten-to-the-core individuals have indeed benefitted greatly by using or selling instruments of death and destruction to willing (and not-so-willing) participants in needless death dispensing who have ended more lives on this Planet than anyone can count… including many of their own. Lives thrown away forever (for nothing). Entire bloodlines never created. Infinite potentials lost and never manifested. A waste and tragedy beyond measure.

    But as we know by now (or certainly should), ‘Countries’ do not exist for the benefit of Their People but only for those power-mad deviants and various conscienceless grifters who use their Fictional Boundary Line Territories as their personal piggy bank and place to inflict their twisted egos and will against the Innocents who have the misfortune of being ‘subjects’ (never citizens) of these Institutional Human Pain-Dispensers. And many of these Grifters love war and use it to try to expand their Fictional Boundary Line Territory Boundaries… or at the very least remove lots and lots of people they don’t like from the Earth.

    One can go over the details of the latest Wars like some folks go over baseball box scores… looking at who did what to who and why. But the driving source of all these Wars of Human Misery remains the same – a deeply embedded flaw in human consciousness. The ‘need’ to do this kind of crap to others. The want and desire to do this stinking brown stuff to others. The false deification of one’s own self to believe that it’s OK to kill and maim others just because you feel like it and can get away with it. That’s about as sick as one can get. And that kind of thinking sadly is not uncommon. It exists to some extent everywhere because human beings carry around that sickening flaw and trait with them wherever they go and bring this in to whatever they do.

    Has there ever been a government anywhere that truly existed for the benefit if its people? Don’t take too long thinking about that because the likely answer is Hell No. Benefitting the People just is not within the ruling mindset. Certainly there are degrees of some benevolence in all the Nations and Tribes that have existed on the Earth. But that very sense of tribalism and ‘Us Versus Them Always’ just thoroughly dominates human thinking and manifests itself in everything from wars to sports contests and even when two or more people are fighting for the loving affection of another. We seem to get off on conflict and dissonance. We seem to find no joy in cooperation and living in peace.

    There seems to be no big money to be made in ‘Peace’. (Actually there is — but ‘They’ can’t think that far nor do they want to).

    We the People would benefit from Peace — and many of us actually crave it. But since when does our opinion count in a World where Death always rules supreme?

    • beantownbill. November 6, 2023 at 1:09 pm #

      Jeez, RS, your posts keep getting better and better.

    • KesaAnna November 6, 2023 at 1:33 pm #

      We have indeed crossed a technological threshold where agressive war / imperialism is no longer profitable for nations.

      The consequence ?

      Military power , to a quite marked degree , isn’t targeted externally , it is targeted internally.

      Nations typically kill far more of their own people now than they kill any alien.

      This is why , ” Get tough on crime ” is my favorite hobby horse.

      It isn’t really about murderers , rapists , bank robbers , drug dealers , crime.

      It’s about turning the military industrial complex inward , because fighting Russians or Chinese , or even Congolese , isn’t really viable.

      Granted , I don’t know the precise numbers ,

      but incidents like 911 and the Fort Hood shootings not withstanding ,

      the odds that 999 out of a thousand Americans will ever see an Islamic terrorist , or a Russian or Chinese soldier , face to face , are very very low.

      But the odds that your father , brother , son , or cousin will be labelled a terrorist , or otherwise a threat to public safety , on one pretext or another is very high.

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:34 pm #

      The West (a civilization not a nation) fought Islam for centuries and benefitted immensely from its victory over Islam.

    • mitchellc November 6, 2023 at 1:37 pm #

      Nicely expressed, but the divide can be condensed into one word: class.

      Material wealth and power are merely derivative results; the true separation is what ‘normal’ people label as pyschopathy.

      Under this construct, propinquity matters more than proximity. Nations are simply geographic organizations comprised of the easily manipulated masses.

      I mean really, why would any intelligent leader want to associate (represent) with such losers?

      Look at the various elective wars, covid and now Ukraine and Israel. The same narrative repeated, where the West is always the good guy, protecting civil liberties and promoting freedom and democracy.

      To really understand any situation, one must always return to the essential issue of limits, finite resources and the eternal fight over territory, energy and food.

      Complaining, crying and/or criticizing are the hallmarks of those who either don’t understand or insist on denying the truth Rove’s famous words.

      Embrace reality, look at the history of various movements, draw the arc, relate the events. It’s all the same thing, over and over again, ad infinitum.

      And yet our scale is only 2,500 years long. It seems etrrnal, unchanging, but history shows empires really do come and go, eventually fading from influence and then memory.

      We are actually living through this period. Ponder that for a moment, and you’ll understand the disappointment with some who may have been assumed to be a better type of intellect.

      • Roundball Shaman November 6, 2023 at 3:08 pm #

        mitchellc: “… the divide can be condensed into one word: class… the true separation is what ‘normal’ people label as pyschopathy… Nations are simply geographic organizations comprised of the easily manipulated masses… why would any intelligent leader want to associate (represent) with such losers?… empires really do come and go…”

        There is a famous theologian (Paul Tillich – now deceased) who spoke about ‘communication’ – that is, (the only way) how two or more human beings can truly and honestly communicate with each other.

        He stated that the only way true and honest, real communication can exist between/among people is when a basic level of respect is given to ‘the other’ – and that they do not dehumanize each other in any way.

        This concept can be applied to the default separation between Leadership and The People.

        There is a basic level of disrespect and distrust that permanently exists between ‘The People’ and ‘The Leaders’. People have learned not to trust their leaders and Leaders do not respect (or much value) the People. Thus, that basic level of mutual respect does not exist so no further level of real communication and trust and relationship can go forward,

        So there is a basic, built-in disconnect between People and Leaders that cannot be bridged. Leaders would have to earn back trust from People (and that ain’t happening) and in turn People can’t give Leaders truly earned respect. And this prevents an honest Social Contract between People and Leaders that a good governing structure must have for it to be legit.

        Empires come-and-go because they are inherently unsustainable. Ultimately, this lack of trust and the ongoing corruption of deeds and spirit does them in. It sometimes takes a long time… but it is inevitable to occur.

        Trust and honesty are self-sustaining and nurturing. Distrust and lying (in all of its various forms) insures ultimate failure.

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 6:59 pm #

      There would be no United States without the war we made on the Indians. Was this bad? You wouldn’t be here – at least not in your current form without this war which we won.

      • Roundball Shaman November 6, 2023 at 7:15 pm #

        Jarek: “There would be no United States without the war we made on the Indians.”

        All Peoples of the Earth solely exist upon their blood-soaked lands that once belonged to another. Human souls were forcibly pushed out and off of their own Home and Lands and told to get the hell out or else. And Squatters armed with bigger baseball bats came in and made that house and land their own. And wrote a pleasant sounding History to teach their clueless offspring to make it sound so nice.

        We did not create nor ask for kind of land-title transfer or abuse of fellow humans. But this is the Earthly rule of the jungle. And all Peoples all over the Globe – from the First World to the Third – exist due to this kind of land bullying and bat-swinging.

        ‘But my Ancestors have lived here for Ages!’

        ‘Too damn bad. Get the Hell out. NOW. We’re taking over…’

        Wherever you are and wherever you live – Just always remember to wipe your feet. And Remember.

        • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 7:21 pm #

          Read the Heraclitus fragments anent war. They are so inspiring! We have to reclaim War for good people.

          • messianicdruid November 6, 2023 at 8:44 pm #

            “From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 3Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. 4Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

          • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:05 am #

            You’re too pure. A religious nut! If only you were a Catholic, you could join a monastery. Or Amish, and be part of a community of like minded farmer pacifists.

          • messianicdruid November 8, 2023 at 8:42 pm #

            Are you a friend of the world [ system ]?

    • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 9:13 pm #

      Sun Tzu never met a central banker.

      Central bankers profit from debt, and nothing drives up debt like a war.

    • Uncle Abraham November 7, 2023 at 5:22 pm #

      I don’t think you’ve ever lived in Israel, but if you had for any period of time, and your eyes were opened to reality, you’d know that the Jews there, including and especially the leaders, never wanted the wars foisted on them by the Arabs. You’re missing the bigger point and picture.

      • Socrates-Detroit November 8, 2023 at 11:01 pm #

        My eyes are open. Are yours?

        “The wars foisted by Arabs.”

        Are there not Israeli settlements in the West Bank? Has not, and does not, Israel confiscate the Palestinians’ land to give it to settlers?

        Do IDF and police not arbitrarily arrest and imprison Palestinians, or shoot and kill them? With impunity? Do Israeli settlers not do the same?

        Are West Bank Palestinians free to go from one town in the West Bank to other with out going through checkpoints?

        Has Israel no had a de facto blockade of Gaza for 16 years?

        Those are the facts. And you are surprised that there might be a reaction at some point? Like Oct 07?

        Yes, many Israelis don’t agree with treating the Palestinians like sub humans and taking their land. But they are the minority, and they obviously don’t make policy. No, the government is controlled by the Likudniks, some of whom think “nuclear weapons” are an option.

        Former Israeli PM was once asked by reporter Gideon Levy, “what would you do if you were born a Palestinian”. He replied “I’d be a terrorist”.

        I’m not missing the big picture at all. Here it is:

        Palestinians can either accept their fate and live like slaves in their own country, or they will be killed and removed.

        And whether you accept it or not, many Israelis DO want to remove the Palestinians, and they see Oct 07 as their chance to kill as many as they can get away with.

        And that is precisely what they are doing, thousands of bombs, over 10,000 dead, with thousands more in the rubble, and thousands more to die from starvation, disease, or lack of sanitation.

        And here is what I predict will happen: first Gaza, then the West Bank will be “cleared” of Palestinians. That’s obvious.

        What is hard to predict are the consequences of this crime. We’ll find out.

  24. Htruth November 6, 2023 at 1:08 pm #

    Supernova Concert Site Location Moved 2 Days Before Attack In Israel: https://americanyellowvest.wordpress.com/2023/10/11/supernova-concert-site-location-moved-2-days-before-attack-in-israel/

    Israel Supernova Concert Organizers Killed https://youtu.be/d74tAYYjb8Q?si=oQFm8-CXgkIb8Qvw

  25. Mister Roboto November 6, 2023 at 1:11 pm #

    I think it has become clear over the course of October, if it wasn’t clear before then, that “the good old days” of post World War II abundance and stability are coming to a precipitous end. I literally pray every day that it doesn’t end in blossoming mushroom-clouds all over the globe.

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    • Paula D November 6, 2023 at 3:15 pm #

      I agree. This is a bumpy ending which may or may not end in total annihilation.

      Good times, good times….

  26. bobfitz03 November 6, 2023 at 1:16 pm #

    My concern for Jews is that “never again” has been hijacked by globalist warmongers and is being cynically abused to install an “ever again” policy to achieve unparalleled hegemony and war profiteering. Frankly, Jews have enough trouble without this shit.

    But, here we are. Any path forward always bows back to resolving an intractable conflict complete with deep emotional triggers for billions of human beings.

    Makes me wonder – what sort of beings pull inhuman triggers to prolong planetary suffering?

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 2:08 pm #

      Aren’t all Whites Nazis waiting to happen? Isn’t it better to get rid of them? And by extension, why not everyone else too? They all could become threats at some point.

      • bobfitz03 November 6, 2023 at 3:40 pm #

        Depends on how you feel about human beings I suppose. Some players with a lot of money to spend do not seem to love us very much. And we are repeatedly suckers for their game.

  27. isaiah520 November 6, 2023 at 1:23 pm #

    Really enjoy Jim’s columns, but it’s clear to someone like myself who’s followed the M.E. for 50+ years, the “palestinians” don’t want a state, they want to destroy the only Jewish State. Flawed as it was, the thinking behind leaving Gaza by Sharon was to demonstrate such an entity was incapable of self governance and it’s proven to be prophetic. It should be no surprise really. In March of ‘77, PLO executive committee member Zohar Mohsen gave away the entire sham when he admitted that “the palestinian people does not exist” (sic)…he went on to say that it was only for political and tactical reasons that the Arabs insist on a palestinian identity and that they were no different from Arabs from surrounding areas. It’s easy enough to look this up

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 1:41 pm #

      Well the “Arabs” have their own nations now, just as they used to have their own tribes. Mohammad didn’t want this and thus radical Muslims don’t either, preferring the Super Tribe or Ummah, meaning the People.

      But that didn’t work out. They are in nations now and they value them. Do you or anyone else have the right to throw the Irish out of Ireland and say, Go to someplace else in Europe?

      In fact, all the nations of Europe are being ethnically replaced as per the Kalergi Plan of the Elite, both Jewish and White European. In a word, the Globalists. And there’s the rub: Some of the Jews feel that Israel should be an exception to such destruction of real nations. Other Globalists say, Why? We sacrificed our lower identities, you must as well.

    • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 10:11 pm #

      Many Palestinians recognize that Israel is not going anywhere. That’s partly why the PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist; that and the Israeli/American promise for a Palestinian state*, and the end of the USSR to counteract the US.

      The Palestinians will never be happy about it, but something (West Bank and Gaza) is better than nothing. And many Israelis would never by happy with the 1967 borders, even though with modern surveillance, they are would be more secure today than in 1967, or even 1987.

      But the asterisks to the Palestinians state* were too much. A real state would have been West Bank and Gaza. All of it. Israel at 1967 borders. Jerusalem “international”. That’s the basis of UN Resolution 242–which the US was supported. Instead, the Israelis had all kinds of conditions. And they kept building settlements, as if to literally drive daggers into the West Bank.

      You conveniently overlook that Israel attacked in 1967 in a war of aggression, in which Israel had no qualms about trying to sink a US Navy ship, lest the word get to the Americans that Israel (on it’s own I believe–just as I believe Hamas acted on their own on Oct 07), and killed 32 US Sailors in the process.

      It’s always been clear, since the 1950s, because the US made it clear to the Arabs AND the USSR that in an arms race to meet or exceed Israel, the US would see to it that Israel would stay on top.

      And that’s probably a large part of why Israeli governments have not acted in good faith and constantly moved the goalposts–because they know they will always have the upper hand.

      That’s why Israeli journalist Gideon Levy has said that Israel, and the US, would have been better off with a lot less US aid to Israel.

      Hamas anticipated the Israeli reaction, though perhaps not the scale. The Netenyahu government did a lot to motivate Hamas over the past few years thru Oct 07, especially in 2023, with the Al-Aqsa mosque, and the 200 Palestinians killed in the West Bank. I think Netenyahu knew there would be a strike, but he underestimated the magnitude.

      No matter. For him, more casualties are better. That’s why we know that IDF tank fired on Jewish homes–because killing Hamas is more important than saving Jewish lives. We know that many Israeli hostages have been shot by IDF (Hamas has a big incentive to keep them alive), and by now, I’m sure several hostages have died from Israeli bombs.

      It also appears that many of the gruesome photos are Israeli propaganda. They are actually HAMAS fighters who were either abused while wounded before being killed, or simply mutilated corpses, which Israel portrays as “Israeli vicitms”.

      So, I think Netenyahu will succeed in removing all Palestinians from Gaza, by killing many of them, and by making their lives infinitely more hellish than they were before.

      I think the West, the US and France and others, are currently working behind the scenes to persuade third countries to accept displaced Palestinians, by offering those countries aid. I think that is the REAL reason behind this Nov 09 “Gaza Humanitarian meeting” chaired by President Macron of France. They also want Egypt and Jordan to take some, and having other 3rd countries take them might help with that. If not, the Israelis can just push them over the border, with the US controlling the Egypt/Jordan governments. If they don’t get overthrown…

      And as the Israeli government has stated, any Palestinians who do not evacuate areas as directed are “terrorist accomplices”. This way, no civilians are killed. How convenient! Very clever.

      I hope most of the surviving Gazans wind up in the US–in the south with the evangelical Republicans who love Israel, in rural New York and Pennsylvania, and in Brooklyn, NY, and Long Island.

      And if the West Bank hasn’t blown up before that, it will, and that will give Israel the pretext to do the same there.

      If Israel doesn’t complete its ethnic cleansing soon, while the dollar is still vital to world commerce, and while the wealthy Arabs private money is still in the West, Israel will lose its window of opportunity.

      Zionists rejoice! This is your lucky day! Today’s Palestinians are yesterday’s German and Polish Jews, and Israel will get away with it.

      • Uncle Abraham November 7, 2023 at 5:31 pm #

        The PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist? How nice of them! You know nothing at all about taqiyaa and the long history of Islamic prevarication. Or if you do, you’re an outright liar instead of an incidental one.

        One thing is for certain, you make many unfounded claims for which you have no proof, which makes you a false accuser, guilty of bearing false witness. That leads to murders like Oct.7th. So I’m not picking on some errant intellectual, I’m addressing a murderer here.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 9:10 pm #

          The coercive monopoly-on-violence State– that includes Israel– has no right to exist. So the whole issue is moot from an anarchist (ethical) perspective.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 9:11 pm #

            We’re just seeing this monopoly on violence play out. No surprise there.

        • Socrates-Detroit November 8, 2023 at 11:10 pm #

          Unfounded claims?

          Islamic prevarication. That’s a big word.

          No comment from you on the daily murders of Palestinians in the West Bank, let alone dropping tens of thousands of bombs.

          And by the way, quite of few of Israelis killed on Oct 07 were killed by aggressive IDF tactics, where the primary goal was to “kill Hamas”, and if Israelis were killed, they were collateral damage.

          Do your hysterics work in real life?

  28. jim November 6, 2023 at 1:42 pm #

    “Our country has arranged its collapse and downfall masterly on its own.”

    I think JHK is a bit too optimistic in his analysis.

    More likely we are in the process of first transitioning to an attempted totalitarianism dedicated to igniting a moral and then real war against its designated opponents both domestically and internationally.

    One thing that is historically new in this present transition is the existence of internet networks and social media offering a continuing flow of news, text, pictures, and videos that document certain desired patterns of behavior depending on the particular bias of the online network (George Floyd videos, Covid, invasion of Ukraine atrocities, Hamas and Gaza killings, etc).

    This new type of technological development is probably capable of initiating more political, economic, and cultural upheaval than the introduction of the printing press in the 15th century.

    The end result is a deluge of what John Robb has called empathy triggers designed to artificially connect millions of people to this or that set of victims through the establishing of a type of fictive familial relationship.

    Probable end results might be:
    – state-based technological authoritarianism,
    – maybe a coalition of online network tribes forcing everyone into alignment, including corporations and weakened governments (like the U.S.),
    – or even some runaway, highly localized tribalism leading to a degradation of decision-making capabilities and a stumble into nuclear war.

    Yet, simultaneous with such technologically induced chaos, is a growing world-wide yearning for some kind of real shelter from upcoming storms– a geographical place, a people, and a home.

    Do such legitimate organic desires have any hope of success?

  29. KesaAnna November 6, 2023 at 1:52 pm #

    ” …. how it is that PornHub is free? ”

    I was going to say ” good question “.

    But then it occurred to me that it has been known for at least 50 years that the primary content of newspapers , magazines , and TV is the advertising.

    • OG November 6, 2023 at 3:19 pm #

      Bringing our social science discussion below into this thread, a university in Ontario planned a big Sociology study of the effects of on-line hard-core pornography on the young male’s brain. They ended up cancelling the study as they could identify not one young man for the control group. 100% (presumedly students on campus) were already regularly exposed to on-line hard-core porn for years and years before the study.

  30. mitchellc November 6, 2023 at 2:01 pm #

    BRH replied “Critical Colonial Outpost is a good characterization of that little slice of land on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean. Israel is the last outpost of western civilization; beyond Israel lies a wasteland where dragons be.”

    One, high marks for actually getting what this is all about. Only the highest echelon intellects focus on this true aspect.

    Two, once you understand the nature of this particular conflict, you are faced with confronting the morality of what is really no different than Borrel’s description of the golden billion living in a garden, US expansion as manifest destiny, the justification of slavery, and the German’s Generalplan Ost in WW2.

    Are you OK with this? Some are offended by genocide being conducted in broad view with nearly universal western support.

    Per usual, I take a more pragmatic approach: if you’re going to engage at this level of barbarity, you better damn well win.

    That’s the problem I have – I don’t see us prevailing. The mask is off, and no one in the Russia-China alliance is confused or under any delusion that the grand existential crisis is not now firmly underway.

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    • KesaAnna November 6, 2023 at 2:33 pm #

      ” if you’re going to engage at this level of barbarity, you better damn well win.

      That’s the problem I have – I don’t see us prevailing. ”


      • bobfitz03 November 6, 2023 at 3:48 pm #

        Has anyone ever really won? Continual violence breeds continual violence. As a species, we theoretically have one heck of a survival instinct. Survival seems diametrically opposed to pointless bloodshed, doesn’t it?

        • OG November 6, 2023 at 5:43 pm #

          Survival and Greed. Aye! There’s the rub.

    • OG November 6, 2023 at 3:26 pm #

      high marks for actually getting what this is all about. Only the highest echelon intellects focus on this true aspect.

      Could he BE any more pretentious?

    • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 10:23 pm #

      “We” are NOT going to prevail. I agree.

      But I think the Israeli government will “clear Gaza” by expelling the Gazans or killing them. I think the Israelis will be 99.95% effective.

      And then the same fate is in store for the Palestinians of the West Bank, who at some point will also revolt, as they watch the slaughter of their fellow Palestinians. More West Bankers will accept what many of them already know:

      that in the Israeli version of apartheid, which uses soldiers, AND technology like cameras, drones, and Red Work.

      the Palestinians are condemmed to live like controlled slaves, literally like branded cattle.

      So Israel will “cleanse the West Bank too, with US support, even as the US publicly implores Israel “that Palestinian civilian deaths must be minimized” and–my favorite “Israel must follow the laws of war”. Yeah, like the US in Vietnam and Iraq.

      So, Israel and by extension the US will get this “round”. But we are going to lose the bout, as you fear. And a big reason will be that this Israeli genocide showed how little regard the “West” (aka the globalists who run things in the US, who imposed lockdowns and pushed COVID shots, who conjured up the war in Ukraine) has for “non-Westerners” more effectively than any Chinese or Russian propaganda ever could.

      • Socrates-Detroit November 7, 2023 at 1:49 am #

        Red WOLF. Not Red Work. Sorry. You can google it. It’s one of the “wolves” of the suite with which Israelis seek to get all the data–biometric, plus name, number, address, of every one of their Palestinians subjects, so they can control them.

        That’s essentially what the WEF wants to do to everyone–especially CFN types.

        So, unless JHK’s dystopian implosion materializes first, THAT is the dystopia you can all look forward to.

        You can thank Israel for doing the field tests on Palestinians.

        • anmariwakaranai November 8, 2023 at 3:04 pm #

          I wonder where NK is in the world plan?

  31. Jarek November 6, 2023 at 2:06 pm #


    BREAKING: Nashville School Covenant Shooter Audrey Hale’s “DEATH DAY” Manifesto Targeted “Cr*ckers” with “white privlages”

    “wanna kill all you little cr*ckers”

    “I hope I have a high death count”

    “I’m ready…I hope my victims aren’t.”

    “Ready to die.”

    Jarek: Is this a leak or had the whole thing been released?

    • KesaAnna November 6, 2023 at 2:37 pm #

      I’m not familiar with this particular case.

      Anyway , I studied social science most of my life ,

      with the result that I don’t trust social science.

      For example , any fucking day of the week I can read some macabre and prurient article on some teenage murderer.

      But I have YET TO SEE A SINGLE STUDY on the 10,000 ( ? ) teenagers who wrote a manifesto ,

      and nothing came of it ,

      because it was just a teenager blowing off steam.

      • KesaAnna November 6, 2023 at 2:45 pm #

        ” Aren’t all Whites Nazis waiting to happen? ”

        By the same token , for every White person who ruled the world , for every White person who beat a slave , for every White person who shoved ethnic types in gas chambers ,

        I suspect there were 10,000 White people who worked at Burger King their entire life and never hurt anybody.

        So , believe it or not , I don’t take that shit seriously.

        It’s fucking rich peoples spin.

        • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 6:55 pm #

          Working at BK to serve deadly food to the people? Is this not war?

          • megabeth November 8, 2023 at 1:31 pm #

            Even BK’s cashiers are high-fat.

      • OG November 6, 2023 at 3:09 pm #

        I don’t trust social science

        Social science can be tricky. There are a lot of variables.

        But losing faith in the entire discipline as opposed to the practitioners who don’t perform the seemingly obvious study that you suggest is “throwing the baby out with the bathwater,” imho.

        I suggest that your problem isn’t with social science but, rather, with our current crop of social scientists.

        Not just Big Pharma and its regulators, Big Money has seized all control of all science. Sad but true.

        That’s why CFNers should pitch-in and help the little independent social scientist. Be a good citizen and publicly share your GLT score.

        Note: And especially so if you have a GLT score of 4, 5 or 6. I postulate that there is no such thing as a 4, 5 or 6 GLT and, therefore, a single report of one would prove my postulation incorrect.

        For each of these 10 big historical events, score a 1 if you believe that it was a black op and a 0 if you believe the official story.

        JFK ~ 1963
        USS Liberty ~ 1967
        MLK ~ 1968
        RFK ~ 1968
        OKC ~ 1995
        9/11 ~ 2001
        7/7 London Subway Bombings ~ 2005
        Boston Marathon ~ 2013
        Vegas Turkey-Shoot ~ 2017
        Israel’s 9/11 – 2023

        What is your score?

        We currently have 6 public GLT scores:
        10 – OG, Jarek, tuco22, Alfred
        9 – getsome
        1 – Gus

        Everyone else here remains bashful.

        • Why_weren't_we_asked_about_Degrowth November 6, 2023 at 5:13 pm #

          Nice list

        • Soul Forensics November 6, 2023 at 7:57 pm #

          “Everyone else here remains bashful.” — OG

          An arrogant, assumptive goad.

          Many have told you why they refused to answer. You just don’t like their very valid reasons.

          • OG November 6, 2023 at 9:46 pm #

            Absolutely I will goad and even cajole in order to get more GLT data. You got me there. I am a struggling Sociologist without a university to support my work. It’s a tough go.

            But I also truly believe what I say. The GLT quickly, easily displays very much about the subject with one integer. Many here are bashful to show their little, tiny GLT.

            Us men with big GLTs understand. I, too, probably wouldn’t want people to see my GLT if it were only a tiny little 1 or 2.

            As I say, six CFNers have gone public with their GLT:
            10 – OG, Jarek, tuco22, Alfred
            9 – getsome
            1 – Gus

          • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:55 am #

            OG got rid of the i but still can’t leave the innuendo alone. Thus he must expand the test, some of us are 11’s or even more.

          • Anthea November 9, 2023 at 2:52 pm #

            @ Soul Forensics:

            It’s like I told my daughter, when she was 13 and wanted to have a family slumber party and take quizzes out of teen magazines, “You need to make friends your own age.”

            I don’t know what OG is to do. Probably most people his age don’t want to have slumber parties either.

        • stelmosfire November 6, 2023 at 8:16 pm #

          “I postulate that there is no such thing as a 4, 5 or 6 GLT and, therefore, a single report of one would prove my postulation incorrect.”

          Okay,I’ll bite. I’m a 5. Can we be done with the test now and move on?

          • OG November 6, 2023 at 9:48 pm #


            And you’re no 5, stelmo. You think that I was born yesterday?

            You’d be lucky to get to 2, I believe.

        • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 10:30 pm #

          I’d like to answer, but I really don’t know enough about many of these.

          What’s a black op?

          RFK might have been killed at the behest of Aristotle Onassis. Does that make it a black op? Sirhan Sirhan didn’t just “show up”. So I guess that’s a black op.

          JFK. Probably.

          The USS Liberty? What’s black op? Did the CIA tell Israel to do it? The official story is that it was a ‘tragic mistake by our ally’. That’s BS. It was deliberate.

          MLK. Probably

          Boston Marathon. Is ‘deliberate stupidity’ on the part of the US a black op? The Russians warned the US the older brother was trouble.

        • megabeth November 8, 2023 at 1:32 pm #


        • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 6:42 am #

          Bashful has nothing to do with it. Some people might have a score of 15, which may sound as nonsensical as the concept of 150%, but it would just mean they are so cynical about government propaganda that they have already assumed the next 5 narratives to be a lie before they’ve even been put out there.

          It’s just that they don’t see themselves as a puppy in need of a pat on the head.

          So Soul Forensics is right.

    • megabeth November 8, 2023 at 1:28 pm #

      More like an itinerary than a manifesto. Let’s call it a tranifesto.

      She was autistic, I guess. And I’ve heard that becoming a “transformer,” as my son would call it, is especially prevalent among young autists.

  32. SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 2:16 pm #

    Good afternoon Mr. K, and CFN colleagues. i just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a blessed week and hoping y’all are having a wonderful start to it on this beautiful Monday.



    • KesaAnna November 6, 2023 at 2:53 pm #

      You have a wonderful day too ! 🙂 <3 <3

      — btw , Bush / Gore was slightly before your time ???

      I assumed you were another one of us ancient farts.

      But then I also thought Disaffected was a " She " , but several people refer to Dissaffected as " He ".

      Just when you think you at least know everything about CFN at least ,

      you learn that you don't know shit about CFN either. 🙂

      • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 3:04 pm #

        Thank you Kesa!! Lol hey well ancient is supposed to mean full of wisdom too right!? There is always something new to learn at CFN for sure. 🙂

  33. TPTB-USA November 6, 2023 at 2:58 pm #

    “The net result will be a collapsed standard-of-living for everyone in the USA, the breakdown of supply lines and daily business, and a very sharp loss of legitimacy for the people who have been in charge of anything in this country.” ~ JHK

    Jim, you paint a bleak picture of our future, but it is hard to argue with any of your logic.

    Thanks for the dose of reality.

    • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 4:13 pm #

      And a spoonful of sugar helps that medicine go down 🙂

    • Groundhog November 7, 2023 at 8:49 am #

      A bleak picture of our future? Why is returning to the lifestyles of our ancestors a “bleak picture”? What we have going at the moment sucks anyway and is accomplishing nothing but spreading mental illness and delusions everywhere.

  34. Islander November 6, 2023 at 3:02 pm #

    It’s sad for me to see JHK twisting the narrative–and the historical facts—to fit the “genocide is OK if the goal is to ‘put Hamas out of business.'”

    Out of curiosity just now I tuned in to see what this week’s spin on genocide would be and dot connecting would be avoided.

    Normally I would be here at ten o’clock Monday morning. But JHK is making himself and his apercus increasingly irrelevant.

    Re “until the next generation of angry Palestinians starts a new cycle of violence,” it is really weird that JHK appears to notice the violence perpetrated on the Donbass for 7 years or so but fails to notice, or note, the violence perpetrated on the Palestinians for 75 years.

    America IS going down, as JHK has often noted. One reason for this is the capture of some of its best, most critical, dot-connecting minds by political Zionism and Zionists—of which JHK himself is an excellent example.

    • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 3:19 pm #

      America IS going down, ..then what?

      • OG November 6, 2023 at 3:38 pm #

        Armageddon. Apocalypse then. The Four Horsemen. Judgement Day.

      • Groundhog November 7, 2023 at 8:46 am #

        Since the USA seems to be the primary source of the world’s problems at the moment – it might very well be that after America “goes down” the rest of the world will finally be able to experience some peace and quiet – a maybe even some prosperity!

      • Anthea November 9, 2023 at 3:29 pm #

        @ malthuss:

        I just started reading Black Flag, by Thomas Goodrich. It’s a historical account of the guerilla warfare along the Kansas-Missouri border during the Civil War. Basically, elements on both sides organized into gangs of thugs that travelled around looting, killing, and burning towns and farms. On the one side, you had Jayhawks from Kansas, and on the other side Quantrill’s Raiders from Missouri.

        I find the book especially interesting because so many of the Missouri towns that were attacked are very near where I live. The book describes the attack on Pleasant Hill, now an affluent suburb, and Kingsville, which is a wide spot in the road. The book also mentions a looting escapade near Lone Jack. I often visit or pass through these towns.

        All this is interesting reading, in that this is the type of thing you would expect if there were a serious breakdown of civil society.

        Maybe we focus too much on the danger posed by “urban hordes” of the minority persuasion. The men who engaged in these looting, burning, and murdering sprees were all white men, and their objective was simply the spoilation of prosperous towns and farms.

        These guerilla gangs readily obtained recruits, not only from Kansas, but also from other Western states. One newspaper editor described a group of them passing through the town of Weston as, “fifty-two ragamuffins and cut-throats” on their way to join Lane, with “the hope of getting some clean clothes and something to eat.

        “They were nearly naked, and minus shoes and hats in many cases. They were not armed, but a number of them had hams of meat on their backs, which they had no doubt stolen from some man’s meat house on the road. These are the kind of men that Lane’s Brigade is composed of–thieves, cut-throats, and midnight robbers.”

        There is never any shortage of such people; we have plenty right here, right now.

    • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 4:16 pm #

      Wow ok, apercus! A learning moment has presented itself.

      apercus – (aperçus) plural noun – a comment or brief reference that makes an illuminating or entertaining point:

  35. OG November 6, 2023 at 3:37 pm #

    I’m sure the Chinese and Russian acquired some of the more sophisticated stuff, so they can reverse engineer it and manufacture it for a lot less than the US can.
    – SocDet

    After decades of: “America spends more on defence than does the next twenty countries combined,” it has become obvious that this fact alone tells one nothing of what the next twenty actually produce on account of American spending is mostly grift and boondoggle.

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  36. mitchellc November 6, 2023 at 3:51 pm #

    Bevin @ MoA:

    Under current conditions most of the wounded will die. So will large numbers of those unwounded, who will die of starvation, thirst and diseases brought about by the destruction of infrastructure (sewers waterpipes etc) in one of the most densely populated areas on earth.

    None of this is original or novel. These are the basic facts we have all learned from history.
    What is happening is a genocide. Not something that amounts, in legal terms, to the equivalent of a genocide, but a real model genocide.

    In that respect we can all congratulate ourselves that we are living through an event quite without precedent in human history: a deliberate, unprovoked, inexcusable mass murder carried out, in full sight of all, by the globally hegemonic power.

    Perhaps most significant is the fact that the power in question is the dominant cultural power, whose definitions of morality, proper behaviour and rules are more widely accepted and obeyed than any other code or convention.

    Biden, as I’m sure that Bertrand Russell would have agreed, now exceeds Hitler or any of his rivals in terms of villainy. A few years ago it would have seemed unlikely that his Presidency would amount to anything more than a sordid interlude. Now it is clear that it has become a cresecendo of crimes without precedent.

    • Socrates-Detroit November 6, 2023 at 10:31 pm #

      @mitchellc Thank you for your thoughtful and well-written comment.

  37. Why_weren't_we_asked_about_Degrowth November 6, 2023 at 3:51 pm #

    There’s always that strange contradiction that an estimated 9,000 Jews live and worship openly in Iran and even have a seat in the parliament.

    Wait back to our script, those Muslims want to kill them all.

    • OG November 6, 2023 at 4:00 pm #

      I recently heard that it is 40,000 Jews thriving in Iran (mainly Tehran), that they even sit in government and that they, as a group, strongly oppose Zionism.

      • benr November 6, 2023 at 7:07 pm #

        Thriving NO!
        They are allowed to live as second-class citizens and pay increased taxes with less rights.
        Dhimmi is the word for religious minorities living under Islamic law.

        • OG November 6, 2023 at 7:31 pm #

          Oh yeah? I heard the complete opposite just yesterday morning. Does anybody have anything to help settle this saw-off?

          9,000 or 40,000?

          Sit in gov’t or no?

          Why do they stay in Tehran generation after generation if they do not thrive and Tel Aviv is only 1,149 miles away? [That’s slightly less than Winnipeg to Toronto!]

          • Rowdypiglet November 7, 2023 at 10:19 am #

            @OG, it’s this kind of question that seems impossible to answer, and is the reason why I don’t feel qualified to comment on this situation – for the most part. Why is it so difficult to get answers? Why are the “answers” that we do get completely incompatible, yet stated with a tone of absolute authority? The gap between 9,000 and 40,000 is sufficiently great that we can conclude it’s not an accident; someone is telling a deliberate lie. I have no way of knowing who it is.

          • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 11:08 am #

            USA Today is an shill for Empire, but they are quoting a Jewish committee in Iran here.

            “Today, 12,000 to 15,000 Jews remain in Iran, according to the committee.
            It’s a small minority in a nation of 80 million people. But consider: Iran is home to the Middle East’s largest Jewish population outside Israel.”


        • megabeth November 8, 2023 at 1:40 pm #

          I have a Mizrahi friend whose family fled Iran for California. They do not miss the place.

  38. mitchellc November 6, 2023 at 3:57 pm #

    JB @ MoA:

    s someone who has worked in the field of international criminal law and justice I can tell you that US officials are culpable for crimes against humanity and war crimes, just based on the information and evidence available by now in the public domain. Israely officials also, of course.

    The US has made available highly relevant and probative information and evidence of its officials’ responsibility for aiding and abetting crimes against humanity and war crimes in Gaza.

    Ironically, they have exposed themselves fully to criminal responsibility for aiding and abetting, the form of responsibility they tried to distort and in effect make impossible through manipulations of the US/Israely judge (Theodor Meron) at the Yugoslavia war crimes tribunal (ICTY).

    They resorted to an attack on the law of aiding and abetting (which attack luckily ultimately failed) in order to protect themselves, Israel (and their other allies) from precisely this type of situation in which an army is committing massive war crimes and crimes against humanity with substantial support from another state and army.

    The open, substantial US support to Israel in every domain, including substantial military support in the ongoing 24/7 crime against Gaza, its civilians and civilian infrastructure, is well documented. Criminal responsibility is certain.

    Only a proper investigation would indicate the individuals who should be tried for this unprecedented attack on a civilian population in the biggest concentration camp in history.

    A case could also be brought against the US and Israel before the International Court of Justice, which settles disputes between states.

    As Curtis LeMay remarked after WW2, it was a good thing we won otherwise we would have all been tried as war criminals.

    I hope people realize what’s going to happen to us if we lose against the Russia-China alliance.

    • Jimmy Word November 6, 2023 at 4:26 pm #

      I hope people realize what’s going to happen to us if we lose against the Russia-China alliance.

      My guess is nuclear and /or bio-terror weapon holocaust at the hands of our own leaders. The criminals in DC ain’t going down peacefully. This is an existential fight for them.

    • Jarek November 6, 2023 at 6:41 pm #

      The Summarizer

      Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher and cosmologist, believed that war is common and justice is strife, and that all things come into being and pass away through strife.2 He said that war is the father and king of all, making some people gods, some men, some slaves, and some free.0 He also believed that a man’s character is his guardian divinity, and that God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, surfeit and hunger. He also believed that opposition brings concord, and out of discord comes the fairest harmony. Heraclitus believed that the best people renounce all for one goal, the eternal fame of mortals, while most people stuff themselves like cattle

      Jarek: War isn’t bad. Most people are. The good must fight against the bad so as not to ruled by them.

      Only the dead have seen the end of war – and only until they are reborn.

      • Jimmy Word November 6, 2023 at 8:10 pm #

        So you’re in the military in a combat arms specialty then?

        • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:08 am #

          Don’t make everything an ad hominem. What do you think of these fragments. I think they are correct. The word for world is war. You disagree? Ok, lay it out. Use your words, but use them well.

          • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 9:23 am #

            Ad hominem? No, that was just a question. As a practical matter, yes, the words war and world are pretty much synonymous. But I don’t think that’s inevitable and I damn sure don’t think it’s divine.

      • Rowdypiglet November 7, 2023 at 10:25 am #

        “The good must fight against the bad so as not to be ruled by them.”

        @Jarek, I think this is true of war, and it’s also true of life in general right down to the granular level. But then I tend towards an unpopular Manichean view of reality.

        • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 11:10 am #

          The problem, of course, is that everyone considers themselves to be one of the Good Guys.

          • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 12:04 pm #

            The Communists/Capitalists were the bad guys who fought against the Nationalists.

          • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 3:09 pm #

            And you call everyone you disagree with a Commie.

            Who in their right mind would want you to have the power to kill anyone you decide is Bad? Jarek gets to kill everyone who disagrees with him, in order that the ”good guys win”?

            Because you obviously consider yourself to be a Good Guy.

            I disagree.

            Although, that is one way to depopulate the planet, let you and your brothers wipe everyone out who stands up to you.

            Wouldn’t that be ironic.

          • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 1:02 am #

            You’re the hater of nations, not me.

  39. OG November 6, 2023 at 3:57 pm #



    “That Jeffrey Epstein thing has become the modern-day Bubabooey.”

    It’s wake-up time! Cockadoodledoo!

  40. KesaAnna November 6, 2023 at 4:13 pm #

    ” GLT:
    For each of these 10 big historical events, score a 1 if you believe that it was a black op and a 0 if you believe the official story. ”

    In my view , in pretty much all of the listed cases , the ” Black Op ” is the official story.

    And what is the official story ?

    Coca – Cola commercials targeted at morons.

    If someone wants to kill you , and the someone is a fucking retard , then the odds are pretty good you can thwart it —- YOURSELF.

    If someone wants to kill you and they are smart , then I’m afraid that the odds that they will succeed in killing you are about 80% , or higher.

    For the simple reason that they won’t tell you ahead of time what they are going to do , they will strike when your back is turned , you will never see , or hear , or sense , it coming.

    In this second case , all the authorities will do is show up after you are dead and trot out a lot of bullshit that is patently , self – evidently untrue ;

    That they are going to do something , when doing something would require their being omnipresent , omnipotent , mind – readers.

    I’m far less interested in Black Ops , far more interested , or worried , that millions upon millions of adults in all apparent sincerity claim that soldiers and police officers and senators have magic powers.

    So , I guess whether I score a 10 , or a zero , depends entirely on interpretation ?

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    • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 4:19 pm #

      Girl don’t them try to put you in a box. You’re a living being and soul with an unfolding story.

      • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 4:20 pm #

        Don’t let them :-).. I felt like i had to get that message out so quick i forgot words. oopsie!!

    • OG November 6, 2023 at 4:57 pm #

      And what is the official story ? Coca – Cola commercials targeted at morons.

      Right. The official story is that our bumbling (but loveable) knuckleheads fell asleep right when all the cameras went on the fritz while the black op is claiming that bullshit while strategically running the whole operation very successfully.

      You sure sound like a 10 to me, KA.

  41. badberries November 6, 2023 at 4:26 pm #

    I just got done with a re-viewing of “Religulous” by B. Maher.
    Enlightenment and Levity all rolled into a neat little time-compressed essay.

    It’s a good refresher course in misunderstood (half-assed) foreign and domestic affairs.

    We have lost our “common purpose” in the USA. Nobody agrees with anybody else regardless of the which triviality is the basis for the dispute. I foresee some enormous calamity that will test us all, but I really don’t care anymore.

    I quit buying “preps’ when I realized my insignificant other and her behemoth daughter were sifting for the things they liked and “shit-canning” everything else. Interesting times.

    • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 4:40 pm #

      It seems like everyone is insistent on being right, rather than being on the right track.

      Lol. Laughing with you, not against you. In my case I was one time telling one of my friends about the concept of getting ready and everything and they said I was throwed. So you win some you lose some.

  42. OG November 6, 2023 at 5:35 pm #

    It is very fortunate for the vast majority most of us that war and bombs and carnage are always “over there.”

    I know me. If I lived “over there,” I’d probably be all like, “Perhaps they should try a taste of their own medicine.”

    • OG November 6, 2023 at 5:41 pm #

      Iran Warns The U.S. It Will Be “Hit Hard” If There Is No Ceasefire In Gaza


      Iran’s defense chief has said that the United States will be “hit hard” if a ceasefire doesn’t happen in Gaza. Iran is blaming the U.S. for the war in the Middle East and will soon face repercussions if it doesn’t talk Israel into ending the conflict.

      “Our advice to the Americans is to immediately stop the war in Gaza and implement a ceasefire, otherwise they will be hit hard,” Mohammad-Reza Ashtiani said, as cited by IRNA and reported by RT.

      Earlier on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said Israel was committing “war crimes and genocide” with the “full support” of the US government. “Israel’s criminal acts, fully supported by the United States, portray the arrogant spirit of Washington which incited hatred among nations across the world,” Kanaani said, according to Press TV.

      I can’t say that I blame them.

      • OG November 6, 2023 at 6:44 pm #

        Moscow: As the “occupying power,” Israel has no right to self-defense in Gaza


        Israel does not have the right to cite self-defense as justification for its violent military operations in Gaza because it is an “occupying power.” This was the bombshell statement of Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, during an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Nov. 1.

        In a tweet on X, independent news site the Revolution Report posted a segment of Nebenzia’s address to the Security Council: “I cannot help but dwell on the hypocrisy of the U.S. and its allies, who in other situations call for compliance with human rights, create commissions of inquiry and impose sanctions on those who apply force only as a last resort to stop years of violence. And today, seeing the horrific destruction in Gaza many times greater than what they angrily criticize in other regional context attacks on civilian targets, including hospitals, the death of thousands of children and the horrific suffering of the civilian population under a total blockade, they seem to have taken water in their mouths.”

        Kinger believes that this whole thing is “no biggie.” Iran and Russia are not interested he goes. Of course, Kinger is wrong. It’s showtime, folks!

        In End Times, the entire earth will face Israel. Can you imagine now + revelation of 9/11’s dancing Israelis “documenting the event” + revelation of Covid & the Jabs?

        That oughtta do it, eh?

        • Jimmy Word November 6, 2023 at 8:07 pm #


          You’ve probably seen this already. If not, it’s definitely worth a watch to catch up on things.


          • OG November 6, 2023 at 9:35 pm #

            I have not seen this before. It looks really interesting. I will watch it now. Thanks, Jimmy!

          • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 9:32 am #

            It contains a lot of new information that I haven’t seen before. I think it makes the case better than anything I’ve seen so far, especially as far as a certain maniacal ethnic group that’s been in the news lately. Or their leaders, anyway.

        • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 12:00 pm #

          And another one for you:


    • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 5:45 pm #

      Nothing says it better than supporting the killing of civilians while protesting the killing of civilians. As if Palestinian, Israeli or American civilians have an actual say in the matter to begin with.

    • badberries November 6, 2023 at 7:23 pm #

      “Over there” can never be any further than 12,500 miles away, maybe that seems like a big distance, but it’s not.

  43. SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 6:18 pm #

    95% or more of medications that Americans need or use are made in China. All they need to do is flip a switch and boom no medicine for you. The US is compromised by multiple and extensive fifth columns. These have been allowed to fester and foster due to so many officials and everyday citizens being “on the take”.

    • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 9:19 pm #

      when or if?

      • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 10:13 pm #

        well, personally i think it is simply when, but we can thoughts and prayers that it is if. Do you know how to speak Mandarin?

        ni hao 🙂

        • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 11:16 am #

          “How Many Languages Are Spoken In China? In a population of roughly 1.4 billion, China has 302 individual living languages”

          There are 56 ethnic groups in China, and many of them speak different dialects, depending on where they live.

          • SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 2:51 pm #

            Wow so China has lots of diversity. But, isn’t Mandarin the official dialect?

          • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 3:16 pm #

            “Standard Chinese is just one of Mandarin’s many dialects, but probably the most important given it’s also the official language of Taiwan, one of four in Singapore, and one of the six in the United Nations.”

            I posted a meme on Facebook, saying that if you can’t think of a word, say “I can’t think of the word in English”, so that you look smart.

            One of my friends laughed, but said she was trilingual, so that wouldn’t work for her. I know she is Chinese, so I asked what other language she spoke besides Chinese and English, and she gave me a work in characters, with no English translation (I guess there is none), and said that that was the dialect spoken in her province, but she learned Mandarin when she went to college.
            She said it was fun to go to college abroad, and everyone there was trying to communicate with each other in broken English, because that was the only one they had in common.

          • SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 3:14 pm #

            Ah ok, had no idea Mandarin has many different dialects.

    • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 11:14 am #

      Remember when Obama was pushing Obamacare and he told us that we couldn’t buy medicine from Canada because their safety standards weren’t as good as ours?

      And then Big Pharma promptly moved production to India and China.

      Have you ever seen the studies where they analyze the drugs made in those two places?

      Spoiler alert: They may or may not have the drug listed on the label.
      They may or may not have contaminants that may or may not be dangerous to humans (or dogs.)

      It’s a crap shoot to take any drugs nowadays, OTC or prescribed.

      But hey! At least Canada isn’t making our drugs.

      • SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 2:54 pm #

        What an insane situation! What country would outsource its healthcare and still have people screaming about national security? It just makes it so clear how anyone who talks about national security is already deluded or lying. I don’t remember that particular about Obamacare. I thought that they (the media) would always say healthcare was much more affordable in places like Canada.

        • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 3:19 pm #

          Yes, it’s insane. And not just outsourcing the drugs, everything we need, just about, is not made here anymore.

          But apparently the drugs were cheaper also, as well as the healthcare.

          I’m willing to bet that Canada also outsourced its drug production by now.

          • anmariwakaranai November 8, 2023 at 2:12 pm #

            Don’t know but they consolidated all labs maybe 20 years ago.

            No local blood work…

          • SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 3:13 pm #

            I wonder where all the weight loss medications are made? Presumably in China too. So they have a vice grip on necessary and unnecessary meds!

  44. tom clark November 6, 2023 at 6:40 pm #

    On the eve of election day, we have a few local races in our backyard here worth a little time and consideration, maybe even to take the time to get out to vote.. If democracy survives another year in Amerika, it will be locally in bits and snippets. It’ll be interesting to see JHK’s 2024 prognostications come late December.

  45. Islander November 6, 2023 at 6:56 pm #

    Posted at MoA.
    Explains it all. For those who can look the facts in the eye and quit temporizing to justify open, grisly genocide:

    Bertrand Russell:

    …. The latest phase of the undeclared war in the Middle East is based upon a profound miscalculation. The bombing raids deep into Egyptian territory will not persuade the civilian population to surrender but will stiffen their resolve to resist. This is the lesson of all aerial bombardment. The Vietnamese who have endured years of American heavy bombing have responded not by capitulation but by shooting down more enemy aircraft. In 1940 my own fellow countrymen resisted Hitler’s bombing raids with unprecedented unity and determination. For this reason, the present Israeli attacks will fail in their essential purpose, but at the same time they must be condemned vigorously throughout the world. The development of the crisis in the Middle East is both dangerous and instructive. For over 20 years Israel has expanded by force of arms. After every stage in this expansion Israel has appealed to “reason” and has suggested “negotiations”. This is the traditional role of the imperial power because it wishes to consolidate with the least difficulty what it has already taken by violence. Every new conquest becomes the new basis of the proposed negotiation from strength, which ignores the injustice of the previous aggression.

    The aggression committed by Israel must be condemned, not only because no state has the right to annexe foreign territory, but because every expansion is an experiment to discover how much more aggression the world will tolerate. The refugees who surround Palestine in their hundreds of thousands were described recently by the Washington journalist I.F. Stone as “the moral millstone around the neck of world Jewry.” Many of the refugees are now well into the third decade of their precarious existence in temporary settlements.

    The tragedy of the people of Palestine is that their country was “given” by a foreign Power to another people for the creation of a new State. The result was that many hundreds of thousands of innocent people were made permanently homeless. With every new conflict their number have increased. How much longer is the world willing to endure this spectacle of wanton cruelty? It is abundantly clear that the refugees have every right to the homeland from which they were driven, and the denial of this right is at the heart of the continuing conflict. No people anywhere in the world would accept being expelled in masse from their own country; how can anyone require the people of Palestine to accept a punishment which nobody else would tolerate? A permanent just settlement of the refugees in their homeland is an essential ingredient of any genuine settlement in the Middle East.

    We are frequently told that we must sympathize with Israel because of the suffering of the Jews in Europe at the hands of the Nazis. I see in this suggestion no reason to perpetuate any suffering. What Israel is doing today cannot be condoned, and to invoke the horrors of the past to justify those of the present is gross hypocrisy. Not only does Israel condemn a vast number of refugees to misery, not only are many Arabs under occupation condemned to military rule; but also Israel condemns the Arab nations only recently emerging from colonial status, to continued impoverishment as military demands take precedence over national development.”

    Read to the public shortly after his death in 1970.

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    • OG November 6, 2023 at 7:12 pm #

      What Israel is doing today cannot be condoned, and to invoke the horrors of the past to justify those of the present is gross hypocrisy.

      Brilliant! Good work, Islander. Thank you.

      Note: en masse

      • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 7:14 pm #

        Your dedication to making me feel unwelcome here will not work.

        • OG November 6, 2023 at 7:33 pm #

          I make you feel unwelcome here? How so?

          I assure you that it has never occurred to me once, let alone a dedication. I have no clue what you’re talking about.

          • SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 2:55 pm #

            It seems like I posted this in the wrong place so no worries. All is good, OG. I hope you still consider me a colleague 🙂

    • Anthea November 9, 2023 at 3:42 pm #

      @ Islander:

      I agree. Who didn’t in Europe during WWII? Jews don’t exactly have a corner on suffering.

      • Anthea November 9, 2023 at 3:42 pm #

        @ Islander:

        I agree. Who didn’t suffer in Europe during WWII? Jews don’t exactly have a corner on suffering.

  46. Jarek November 6, 2023 at 7:16 pm #

    More American ships openly approaching Muslim waters. The Eisenhower is going to the Persian gulf!

    Israel had it’s false flag. Now they need America to get one of its ships blown up to get us into the war completely.

    • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 7:18 pm #

      And won’t that be glorious because all war is wonderful and glorious.

      • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:11 am #

        Yes. It’s going to change everything. I don’t say it will be pleasant. Try to take in the big picture. America has to die. You know that. This may be how it begins.

  47. messianicdruid November 6, 2023 at 7:33 pm #

    Jarek said, “Christ said to the mob, You were slaves in Egypt. The mob replied, We were never slaves.”

    Edomites [ descendants of Esau ] were not enslaved.

    The Edomites merely converted to Judaism and, as Josephus puts it, “they were hereafter no other than Jews” (Antiquities of the Jews, XIII, ix, 1). The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (1970 edition) tells us,

    “The Edomites were conquered by John Hyrcanus who forcibly converted them to Judaism, and from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people” (p. 587).

    The Jewish Encyclopedia (1903 edition) tells us,

    “From this time the Idumeans [ descendants
    of Esau ] ceased to be a separate people, though the name ‘Idumea’ still existed (in) the time of Jerome” (5th century).

    Hence, the nation once known as Edom (or Idumea in Greek) ceased to exist forever, although the people themselves survived. For the next century, men still referred to them as the Idumean branch of Jewry, but after the Roman war, the name gradually died out, and men stopped distinguishing Idumeans from Jews.

    The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, tells us bluntly,

    “Edom is in modern Jewry” (Vol. 5, p. 41)

    So did the Edomites become God’s chosen people by virtue of their conversion to Judaism? Most Christians today are unaware of this history, so the question has never come up in most churches. A related issue came up some centuries later when the Khazars converted to Judaism.

    This means [ at least ] two sets of prophecy are being fulfilled by them.

    • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:17 am #

      Yes, that’s what I believe now. Christian Identity has a bit of factual truth to it. Nothing else explains their answer – but it’s a strange one. A denial of their Jewishness, of which they are supposedly so proud.

      But that’s how people are: Irrational and Contradictory. Both here today and there long ago.

      When Christ said, I can see by your faces that you are not of Israel. Was he speaking of this? Or their bestial rage, captured well by Christian iconography?

      Taken too far, Christian Identity denies the Great Commission of the universality of Christ and his Teaching.

      • messianicdruid November 7, 2023 at 2:13 am #

        Any dependence on genealogy misses the mark.

        Being cast away [ appolumi ] and blinded for a time [ 2520 years ] has ended, but there is much work to do.


  48. The Man They Call Zazelle November 6, 2023 at 7:37 pm #

    What Do You Do For An Encore?


  49. elysianfield November 6, 2023 at 7:43 pm #

    Oh, if I had a hammer….

    Let the spin begin;


    • stelmosfire November 6, 2023 at 8:46 pm #

      “If all you have is a hammer everything looks like an old drunk white guy”

    • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:19 am #

      Yes, that wonderful song by the Marxist Minstrel. I only people knew what he really meant by that.

  50. pissspooor November 6, 2023 at 8:15 pm #

    This was good:

    “No matter how much wrongdoing Mr. Trump engages in, however outrageous and brutish his conduct, he remains wildly popular. His indecency and sulfuric rhetoric are a plus; his most loyal supporters are galvanized by the criminal charges against him, which they consider political persecution. He is their beau ideal, and he has spawned hundreds of imitators — in the presidential campaign that he is dominating, in Congress, among governors, in state legislatures and in the right-wing ecosystem. The haunting question raised by Mr. Bloom is more relevant now than it was when he first posed it: ‘When there are no shared goals or a vision of the public good, is the social contract any longer possible?’

    So how did a party and a political movement that once saw itself as a vanguard of objective truth end up on the side that gets to make up its own facts, its own scripts, its own realities?”

    From Republicans Have Chosen Nihilism, by Peter Wehner

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  51. Soul Forensics November 6, 2023 at 9:26 pm #

    Lead singer of Night Cafe, Sean Martin, 26, (wait for it) … “dies suddenly”.

    • malthuss November 6, 2023 at 9:36 pm #

      I saw that…was he a stoner?

      • Soul Forensics November 6, 2023 at 9:40 pm #

        Don’t know.

        • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 10:17 pm #

          Was he jabbed?

  52. Soul Forensics November 6, 2023 at 9:29 pm #

    Carolina Hurricanes netminder Frederik Andersen, 34, will be sidelined indefinitely after recent medical testing discovered a blood-clotting issue.

    Hmmm, pro athlete in tip-top shape with blood clots. Could it be because … ? Nah, this kinda thing happens all the time. Life sure is mysterious.

    • Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 3:55 pm #


  53. malthuss November 6, 2023 at 9:36 pm #

    NARRATIVE: Everything is fine.

    REALITY: 30,000 car repos per day, more home foreclosures, mass layoffs, higher inflation, increasing crime, more businesses closing, increasing bankruptcies, de-dollarization gaining steam, big cities collapsing, banks insolvent, hyperinflation on the horizon, etc

    as the 3rd world population grows [here n there].

    • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 10:22 pm #

      It’s probably why a lot of people want to trust the narrative in almost a desperate fashion. But its hard to do too when you’re looking at that laundry list of armageddon

    • BackRowHeckler November 7, 2023 at 3:10 pm #

      But the S&P 500 is up for the 8th straight day.

  54. tom clark November 6, 2023 at 9:58 pm #

    I just finished re-reading 1994’s The Death of Common Sense: How Law is Suffocating America by Philip K. Howard. Alas, not much has changed in the last 30 years.

    • SoftStarLight November 6, 2023 at 10:25 pm #

      So what do you make of that, tom?

  55. Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:47 am #

    Why I Suffer in the West

    I suffer more in the West than I did in Communist lands.

    My suffering consists first of all in longing for the unspeakable beauties of the Underground Church, the Church that fulfills the old Latin saying, Nudisnudum Christi sequi.

    In captive nations, the Son of Man and those who are His have no place to lay their heads. Many Christians there don’t build houses for themselves. To what good? They will be confiscated at their first arrest. Just the fact that you have a new house will be a greater motive for you to be imprisoned, because the others wish to take your house. There you don’t bury your father or say farewell to your family before following Christ. Who is your mother, your brother, your sister? You are in this respect, like Jesus. Mother and brother are for you only those who fulfill the will of God. As for the natural ties, can they count anymore when it is a common occurrence that the bride denounces the bridegroom, children their parents, wives their husbands? It is more and more only the spiritual connection that remains.

    Rev Richard Wurmbrand, founder of the Voice of the Martyrs.

    When testifying before the US Senate’s Internal Security Subcommittee, he stripped to the waist to show 18 deep torture wounds on his torso.

    Jarek: One brother told of how his own mother took the side of his cheating wife who was trying to force him to accept her lover and “open” the marriage. They came to him together and his mother began, You aren’t meeting her needs. She needs a lover. You need to be man enough to accept this.

    The “unspeakable beauties of the Underground Chuch” – words of fire! Can Christianity thrive in peace and prosperity? Only if Christians do violence against themselves with asceticism. But the Communists offer so much aid, is their tyranny not to be welcomed? Alas, perhaps only to very strong souls.

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    • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 2:03 am #

      From his book, Tortured for Christ.

      Nudisnudum Christi sequi – Naked, following the naked Christ

    • JohnAZ November 7, 2023 at 8:37 am #

      Communism’s insistence that Man is superior to God destroys its credibility and eventually its existence and Man continues to try to answer the ultimate questions.

      Who we are?

      Where we came from?

      Where are we going? And

      What happens when we die?

  56. SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 2:38 am #

    When you are in a state of war against those things that you can’t unsee you must realize you are depleting your energies in an unwise manner.

    I remember the words of Christ. If you follow Him you must also bear your cross. It is a death. But don’t fear it for there is life, richer and better on the other side.

    Isaiah 43:2
    When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

    • JohnAZ November 7, 2023 at 8:33 am #

      Ready, SSL?

      A black hole, impossible to visualize because it traps all light, all energy and sucks it in. A black hole that can absorb the entire universe into a singularity that has no dimension in space and no time as it stands still. Where does all that matter and energy go that is absorbed, “eaten” by the black hole?

      Hmmm, mission impossible, right? It makes me laugh when “experts” try to explain all this.

      Jesus, trying to explain all this to folks just out of the Stone Age, did not bother and just said, “Have faith that Yahweh has it all figured out.”

      Sounds good to me.

      • SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 3:01 pm #

        Yeah it is amazing, John. I don’t think that our little finite minds could get anywhere close to beginning to understand the Cosmos. But it’ll never stop us from trying lol. God is certainly amazing!

  57. tucsonspur November 7, 2023 at 4:53 am #

    Some other points of view, SSL, J.

    Religion is all bunk. ~Thomas Edison

    Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile. ~Kurt Vonnegut

    The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life. ~Sigmund Freud

    No man who ever lived knows any more about the hereafter … than you and I; and all religion … is simply evolved out of chicanery, fear, greed, imagination and poetry.
    ~Edgar Allan Poe

    I condemn false prophets, I condemn the effort to take away the power of rational decision, to drain people of their free will—and a hell of a lot of money in the bargain. Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all. For most people, religion is nothing more than a substitute for a malfunctioning brain. We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes. ~Gene Roddenberry

    All thinking men are atheists. ~ Ernest Hemingway

    The fact that so little of the findings of modern science is prefigured in Scripture to my mind casts further doubt on its divine inspiration. ~Carl Sagan


    I’m in good company. Spirituality is the key, not religion.

    “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. They will rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the whole earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.’ So God created mankind in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female” -Genesis 1:26-27

    Made this beast in his own image? What utter nonsense!! What demented drivel!!

    Living and dying can be frightening, so I can understand why people turn to religion, but it’s all just fantasy (often deadly), a cerebral concoction to smooth the way to your final destination.

    Peace. Be one with the cosmos. Remember it’s not the Youniverse, but the Universe in all its glory.

    • Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 5:40 am #

      Many of history’s greatest scientists turned back to religion later in life.

      Paradoxical for an aetheist who shot himself up with clot-shot juice three times, no doubt.

      • GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 9:22 am #

        “Many of history’s greatest scientists turned back to religion later in life.”

        Including Mike Yeadon, in 2021, after a very specific religious experience, to which, of course, TS was not party, so it can’t have happened.

        • OG November 7, 2023 at 10:01 am #

          “I want to know how God created this world. I’m not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are just details.”
          – Albert Einstein

          The whole concept of Science disproves God is silly. Science is the study of God’s creation.

          We gather little bits of empirical evidence of how He works and many a Weisenheimer concludes, “See? That’s how fire starts! That’s how oxygen gets to your brain! … We know that now. … Therefore … there is no God!”

          • JohnAZ November 7, 2023 at 11:30 am #

            Wow, OG.

            Right on!!!!!

            All people of the world that cannot accept that something is bigger than they are responsible for a lot of the miseries.

            You are absolutely right, science is just Man trying to describe the face of God.

          • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 12:47 pm #

            “The whole concept of Science disproves God is silly. Science is the study of God’s creation.” — OG

            I’m not an atheist, but the above quote is a post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this) fallacy.

          • Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 3:54 pm #

            Yes, Soul. I was going to say something simliar, but then I saw it was an OG post and moved on.

          • anmariwakaranai November 8, 2023 at 1:24 pm #

            There is one discipline, one teaching, one law, all else is derivative.

          • anmariwakaranai November 8, 2023 at 1:28 pm #

            One truth!
            One love!

            But, like the sun it can kill yah if you are not prepared.

    • messianicdruid November 7, 2023 at 8:21 am #

      “I’m in good company. Spirituality is the key, not religion.”

      I’m glad to see this distinction. Jesus warned us about following “the commandments and doctrines of men”.

      The men you quoted don’t seem to make it.

      • JohnAZ November 7, 2023 at 8:50 am #

        Very good, MD.

      • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 12:51 pm #

        “The men you quoted don’t seem to make it.”

        Useless conclusion.

        Many men who believe in a God don’t seem to make it either, including founders of major religions (Mohammad).

        • messianicdruid November 7, 2023 at 9:29 pm #

          How is your “conclusion” any more useful?

          A few have been warning about churchianity, denominationslism and Nicolaitanism for years but there is “a famine of hearing the Word” so it falls [ almost exclusively ] on deaf ears.

          • Soul Forensics November 8, 2023 at 1:37 am #

            You’re not getting it. I’m not picking a side.

    • JohnAZ November 7, 2023 at 8:23 am #


      My take from a secular POV.

      Dimensionally, take a journey outward away from “here”’. On and on, until you hit the edge of the universe. What is there, further out. Nothing? But nothing is something, right? And so forth.

      Now, that is space. Let us talk about time. Let us go back, back in time. Until we hit the wall at the creation. Creation of what? Our galaxy, the Universe? Then, time existed prior to he “beginning”, right? What was there, what existed, what made time and space happen as we know it? None of your “experts can answer these two basic questions, what happened before creation and how big is reality?

      It is impossible to imagine. Man’s limitations, his own lifetime for example, make it impossible to imagine infinity in time and space. Something has always exited, time back and forth is infinite.


      Cannot think about the possibilities, neither could your “experts”.

      Another one, God created the space time Cosmos? Who created God?

      Time disappears when you approach a black hole as light itself is destroyed. Time disappears, space disappears as the gravity of a collapsed star pulls time space into a zero dimension hole in time space.


      Well, my personal time space spot cannot handle all this so I will be content with my faith that there is some one or something “out there” that made and continues to make sense of all of this. Call Him what you may, I AM sounds good to me.

      Spur, think about this, I AM is the master of everything we see and perceive, He created this edition of time space, he surveils the Universe, He controls infinity, maybe.

      Yet, He allows a man, here on this tiny orb to think that he (small case) is bigger and more powerful than Himself. What was He thinking?

      Strange beans, for sure.

      • JohnAZ November 7, 2023 at 8:46 am #

        We have enough trouble trying to decide who is going to win the next Super Bowl.

      • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 12:54 pm #

        “I AM is the master of everything we see and perceive.”

        Yes. Leaving out the noun or verb is the key.

        • anmariwakaranai November 8, 2023 at 1:34 pm #

          To quote Jar quoting a saint quoting the big guy the other day….

          ‘I am what is. You are what is not.’

    • messianicdruid November 7, 2023 at 8:23 am #

      “Made this beast in his own image? What utter nonsense!! What demented drivel!!”

      What incredible misunderstanding [ as if with purpose ].

    • GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 9:30 am #

      “Spirituality is the key’.

      What is the spirit part of this spirituality?

      Sounds like fuzzy woo to me.

      “Living and dying can be frightening, so I can understand why people turn to religion, but it’s all just fantasy (often deadly), a cerebral concoction to smooth the way to your final destination.”

      Seems to me believing in nothing is easy and comforting, compared to believing in accountability, judgement and its consequences. I went AWOL from religious faith for 20 years, so I know both sides intimately.

      • GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 9:57 am #

        BTW, since the universe is entirely indifferent to your existence, according to your cosmology (to use Kesa’s term), it could be argued that ‘being one with it’ is just so much new-age claptrap.

        Although I suppose you could bind yourself indifferently to its indifference, if nihilism is your thing.

        • OG November 7, 2023 at 10:06 am #

          Ha! Well done!

        • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 1:00 pm #

          Re “spirituality”, tuscon didn’t express his term very well, or at all. That’s one trouble (though not the only one) with these dualistic arguments — theism vs atheism, as here — because there’s not even an attempt to set the terminology for the discourse.

          • messianicdruid November 7, 2023 at 9:51 pm #

            Does this qualify as “an attempt to set the terminology” [ even though a different subject ]. You may notice it made no difference at all.

            November 6, 2023 at 7:33 pm #

          • messianicdruid November 7, 2023 at 10:01 pm #

            Or this:

            November 3, 2023 at 12:25 pm #

          • messianicdruid November 7, 2023 at 10:06 pm #

            Or maybe this:

            October 30, 2023 at 9:55 pm #

          • Soul Forensics November 8, 2023 at 1:42 am #

            I’m not spending my time scrolling through an ocean of comments to find your quotes. You can do the work yourself, as you should, and copy-paste them here.

    • SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 3:07 pm #

      Your rational mind will never understand the mysterious intricacies of the universe, Neither will your spirituality or religion. We can’t understand fully the cosmos or God. So condemning people for their beliefs may feel good but in the end it isn’t achieving much.

  58. Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 5:02 am #

    “Laut Prof. Mark Skidmore gab es allein 2021 in den USA rund 250.000 Impftote. Sein Artikel wurde zurückgezogen und ein Disziplinarverfahren eröffnet.

    Nun wurde Skidmore freigesprochen, und sein oft zitierter Artikel ist wieder online:”

    “Accordig to Professor Skidmore [MSU], in 2021 alone in the US, approx. 250,000 people died of the ‘vaccine.’ His article was pulled and a discipliary process started.

    Now Skidmore has been acquitted of any wrongdoing and his piece is again available online.”


    • GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 9:51 am #

      Thanks for that, NO.

      I listened last night to a 90-minute interview with Katherine Watt (paralegal who has worked with Sasha Latypova) on James Delingpole’s podcast. Fascinating detail of the painstaking work done, since WWII, to progressively build the legal framework for Pharma to take over from the MIC as the main genocidal agent working on behalf of our Owners.


      I wonder what ‘Mike Sherman’ would make of it, if his attention span reached to 90 minutes.

      In other news, the Beeb has had to apologise for its biased cover of Andrew Bridgen’s speech in the adjournment debate on ‘vaccine’ harms (reported in a mainstream news outlet, no less).


      Still, MSN included an article on how to deal with brain fog ‘from covid’, the latest scariants to look out for, and marijuana causing heart attacks and strokes, so it’s two steps forward and one step back. Or vice versa.

      • Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 11:30 am #

        Thanks for that Delingpole link, GA.

        The timeline for the various preparations for what we have experienced over the past 3-4 years remains one of the most interesting aspects of it all.

    • jim e November 7, 2023 at 10:15 am #

      “Fitts and Skidmore have repeatedly asked the DOD’s OIG to explain why it can’t account for trillions in apparent irregular if not illegal outlays.”

      • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 6:28 pm #

        It will be the usual dodge – “it’s classified, can’t tell ya.”

  59. OG November 7, 2023 at 9:49 am #

    For stelmo and 100 (whatever happened to 100?):

    Attorney Tom Renz explains that, without a doubt, DEWs exist. Laser guns exist. Laser guns that melt auto glass while leaving nearby palm leaves completely unaffected do exist.

    Start at 49:00 and watch for a minute.


    “… but, ‘Do they exist?’ Absolutely! I’ve got the documents.”

    • OG November 7, 2023 at 10:13 am #

      Mel K’s the greatest!

  60. elysianfield November 7, 2023 at 11:00 am #

    Well, ladies and germs;

    Big doings in (The) Ukraine

    The Situational Awareness, this AM reports;

    (9) UKRAINE’S ZELENSKY SAYS NO ELECTIONS DURING WARTIME: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in a nightly video address, told Ukrainians that there would be no elections while the country was at war with Russia.

    …No elections for you…one war!

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    • GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 12:01 pm #

      Nobody saw that coming. 🙂

    • hmuller November 7, 2023 at 12:33 pm #

      Zelensky previously outlawed all political parties other than his own. And then seized their bank accounts. He’s also persecuted the Orthodox Ukrainian Church in many ways. Mr Z is no friend to democracy and the values we profess.

  61. mitchellc November 7, 2023 at 11:45 am #


    If the start of the Russian Special Military Operation marked the historical beginning of the end of Western Hegemony, then October 7 was a highly potent fire accelerator.

    In my previous articles about the Middle East, I hinted that the party who is maintaining the perpetual conflict in the Middle East is neither the Jews, the Arabs, the Zionists, nor the Americans. It is a third party, the Western Oligarchy.

    The whole of the Middle East serves the Western Oligarchy for one single reason: controlling the access to the oil of the Middle East for all nations worldwide. And to control the world economy by doing this. The struggle between the few great powers, is solely about resources and markets. That’s all. There is nothing more.

    The role of Israel since its foundation (think about the location of Israel) has been to act as a key element of the eternal fire in the Middle East. The Arabs and Jews are both victims; abused to fight perpetually in the Middle East. Since the Middle East was given “independence” by the former colonial masters, a tool was needed to control the Oil and its price in the region.

    The best chain of events for the Oligarchy is perpetual regional war, in the form of occasional major outbreaks which are not won by anyone. Then periods of “peace” until the new generation is ready for the next war (revenge for fallen parents, etc.). By doing this, all regional powers in the Middle East also are in constant rivalry, and they struggle against each other. Hence the need for (Western) weapons and protection. By applying this classic divide-and-conquer strategy, each individual country is too weak to resist blackmail and threat of force by Western powers. The result is that, in the past, an American president could travel to Saudi Arabia, hand over directives for Oil pricing and preferred distribution, and Arab leaders would simply nod in agreement.

    That is gone, since China and Russia are now actively brokering peace and friendship among ALL states in the Middle East. The worst possible outcome for the West is peace in the Middle East. That would mean the Middle East would consolidate and regain sovereign control over their Oil, and consequently Oil prices. To be a little more precise: the Oil price for the West.

    If the Middle East is no longer being held hostage by the West, it would also mean that Oil-producing countries would no longer be forced to sell Oil in Dollars. They could sell their Oil to interested parties in domestic currency. What does that mean? It means, in classical Business Administration terms, Price Diversification. And what does that mean? An individual price for goods for each customer/block.

    To be more precise, and you should consider this carefully: the Dollar is the global reserve currency. Rather, it WAS. Hence, it established the value of each good traded worldwide. If one can buy a good with other currencies what is the value of the Dollar then? I will explain that more precisely in Economics and Empires 6. But for now, we can consider the following: if the West comes to the Middle East and wants to buy X barrels of crude with Dollars, what considerations would a Middle East leader, e.g., MBS, make to build a price according to the price diversification method?

    With the Yuan, one can buy all the industrial goods one needs in daily life from BRICS. (Going forward, there will be another international or BRICS trade currency). Not only can one buy it; one can buy it for a cheap price. For Dollar, I can buy goods either manufactured very expensively in the West (expensive resources for the West, due to self-sanctions) or buy expensive Western imported BRICS produced goods with a bonus on top. This is a losing game. Why would one do that? In this case, one would need exorbitant amounts of Dollars to be able to buy something with them in the West.

    Please rethink everything I just wrote. This has major macroeconomic implications that people have not yet started to grasp or even think about. And it is coming with lightning speed.

    I’m going to sum it up. If there is peace in the Middle East and the Middle East countries unite, then the world economy is instantly divided into the two blocks: “The West” and “The Rest”. Since the West can’t produce anything competitively (high inflation if peace breaks out in the Middle East due to price diversification), its currencies would be very weak in the trade with BRICS nations. Moreover, the West would need to invest a huge share of its wealth to buy Oil because Western currencies would be of low value in international trade. This, by the way includes the Euro as well. It lives only through the Dollar.

    The value of the Dollar and the Euro are solely protected by the American Army.

    To summarize: peace in the Middle East is a nightmare for the West. Hence, there is a well lubricated system, that I have described several times, to keep the Middle East in perpetual conflict, with its well-known pawns. Israel, Palestine, Saudi-Arabia, Iran, and (almost) all the other regional powers. Türkiye, though, has been a western country and has also profited, as many other countries, from the exploitation of the region.

    It looks like that “The Rest” decided to bring peace by force. Please don’t ask me here about my opinion. Everything is so gruesome and horrible; I just try to do an independent analysis of this horrible situation.

    BMA was one of the first to describe the situation as it was, and made the right predictions. Right on October 7th. Why?

    In the of case Israel, even though I’m definitely not an expert (as opposed to in Europe), I did years of research on the Quds Forces. And when I woke up on October 7th and saw the news, I knew instantly what was going on, since I had predicted this exact event several years earlier.

    Now let’s go through the chain of events from a non-Western perspective (No endorsement by BMA, only a description of what we saw):

    1. Russia and China spent a year of emergency diplomacy, as a consequence of (OR as a part of) the SMO, all around the world. Especially with many state visits of Arab leaders to China and vice versa. The same was true for Russia.

    2. It is to be assumed (even though there is no way to know it with certainty) that the regional Axis of Resistance has been greenlighted, and even (covertly) supported by Russia and China to execute the Quds plan. Which is the plan by all regional powers, coordinated by the Quds forces to free Jerusalem (Quds/Palestine).

    3. The triggering of a large provocation by Hamas deep into Israel to make sure that Israel would be forced to commit the highest degree of brutality as retaliation.

    4. Taking pictures, including live streams, of dead people (Children!) all around the world in general, and in the Arab states in particular.

    5. Causing major outrage and pressure by the public on regional leaders, who are mostly Western vassals.

    6. orcing Israel to go into Gaza to destroy Hamas, free Hostages, and perhaps even displace the Palestinians to Egypt to solve the “problem” once and for all.

    7. The West deployed major naval forces to the Eastern Mediterranean, to make sure that no sudden peace would break out after a potential defeat of the Netanyahu government on the battlefield.

    8. Hezbollah intervention in the North, which has yet to culminate. The threat of defeat of the Israeli forces in the North.

    9. Intervention by the West on behalf of Israel to save the status quo (perpetual war scheme).

    10. Intervention by Iran on behalf of the Muslim world by:

    a. Executing the Quds plan all around Israel.

    b. Firing insane numbers of rockets and missiles into Iraq, Syria, Israel and
    the Western Armada, with devastating consequences. Casualties on
    each side that are an order of magnitude greater than everything we have
    seen in Ukraine to date (this has yet to develop).

    c. Entering Iraq and Syria with regular Iranian ground forces and fighting the
    American occupation forces with the help of the local resistance and

    d. The appearance of our old friend Samson…

    11. I did not explain the role of Türkiye here. Why? Because I don’t know. President Erdogan is gradually gaining independence from the West for Türkiye. And he is paying for it by stabbing BRICS in the back from time to time. How will he behave in this event? Türkiye is also dependent on the regional Oil. I have no idea and I can’t make any predictions.

    12. Well…Number 12 is the unpredictable escalation spiral that could follow. No serious predictions possible here.

    You can also call this scenario a big fat trap for Israel and the West.

    Things are about to get out of control very soon. Still, there is hope for some kind of diplomacy or face-saving retreat by the West/Israel to preserve the status quo (perpetual war). (My personal and private opinion is, that there will be some kind of face-saving retreat by the West.)

    If Hezbollah is to fully enter the war, there are two scenarios from my point of view:

    1. The so called big-bang approach: Hezbollah will enter the war on a broad front line and fire hundreds and thousands of missiles per day in a shock-and-awe approach.

    2. The gradual approach: Hezbollah would slowly but steadily increase its attacks and commitments in the border region until the point where we suddenly recognize that there is a full commitment. This would cause much uncertainty. Israel would not be able to determine how big the involvement would eventually be, and Israel would be forced to divert enormous resources to the northern border, just in case.

    As of now nothing is certain. Nasrallah’s speech did what it was supposed to do. It sows further uncertainty on the Western and Israeli side.

    Role of Russia and China

    First things first. I know us Slavs very well. Especially Russians and Serbs. What is happening in Ukraine is a Slavic tragedy. The West forces two same people to kill each other and keeps the conflict alive with money and equipment, to ensure that the maximum number of people are killed. I explained that in several previous articles. It is called Scorched Earth.

    Meanwhile approximately 600,000 Ukrainians and Russians combined (I won’t distinguish here because they are the same people and they are on the same side of the Western balance sheet.) are dead. Forced by the West to commit literal suicide.

    Again, I know us. And I know exactly; no evidence is needed because it’s in our genes. I was only wondering in what geographic area the retaliation would occur. And with “retaliation” I mean a hot war where the West would suffer similar losses in human lives as the Slavs do currently in Ukraine. Even though I was more focused on East Asia, the Middle East makes far more sense from a Russian and Chinese perspective.

    I’m convinced that the following applies:


    Russia certainly green-lighted the Iranian operation. Iran wanted to do it for a long time and was waiting for the right time when it is strong and Israel and the West are weak. This is currently the case. But without the green light from President Putin this was impossible. I’m convinced the green light has been given. Evidence shows that Iranian official planes are now allowed to operate from the Russian bases in Syria.

    I think that’s the whole role of Russia here. Nothing more. Only green-lighting and the provision of the airfields for Iranian planes.

    President Putin announced that MIG-31K fighters will patrol the Black Sea and cover the Mediterranean Sea with their Kinzhal missiles. Every location where the Western armada is stationed. What does that mean? Would Russia intervene on behalf of Hezbollah or Gaza? No. Russia is guaranteeing the Syrian statehood. Russia is making sure that the armada is not touching Syria. If it does, the carrier battle group would be transformed in a submerged battle group. (Very, very, very unlikely). That’s the whole role of Russia. Nothing more.

    Well, internally it is of course a relief for the operation in Ukraine. Fewer killed Russians and Ukrainians will be the result. And if everything proceeds as described above, the number of Western casualties would be similar to the what the Russians suffered in more than a year, but will occur in only a few weeks. So much for retaliation. You think Russia would never do such a thing? No realpolitik? Then go back to Disneyland.


    To be completely honest… From my point of view I assume that we are witnessing a joint Chinese-Iranian operation. Even though I can’t talk about evidence, yet. All the humiliation in Asia in general and Taiwan in particular by the Americans. All the pressure through Taiwan and other Asian regional powers and Australia. A large-scale diversion that hurts to the bone is long overdue from a Chinese perspective. Moreover, Iran will be a strategic investment by China, and Iran will be protected by China, including militarily and through BRICS. All part of the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative). It is a major trade hub in the heart of the heartland. Hence, we are now seeing Chinese warships in the region to show support/presence.

    I personally assume that the whole operation has been planned and is being executed between China and Iran. Yes, I know I’ll be bombarded by the crowed which sees only the fight between the absolute good and the absolute evil. And Iran, China, and Russia are on the side of the absolute good. Well, that’s bullshit. Geopolitics are realpolitik. Exactly as market economy and capitalism are. You do what you need to do to protect yourself and destroy the enemy, by any means. While the Western approach always kills millions of people, the adversaries are doing similar things (on a far smaller scale) but in a much more subtle (sophisticated?) way.

    Consequences for the United States

    Well, if the spiral swirls for some time, then it will have devastating effects on the United States. I’m going to list several of them here:

    1. Tens of thousands of dead soldiers, sailors, and marines.

    2. Peace in the Middle East. Which is an absolute horror scenario for the abovementioned reasons.

    3. High inflation.

    4. Scarcity of fuel in the West.

    5. Excessive spending for energy in the West. Which leaves far less money for infrastructure, social benefits and industry.

    6. War! (Inter-Western war or civil war).

    • mitchellc November 7, 2023 at 11:52 am #

      Proof of the power of the brain disease of ethno religious group think is one JHK, a guy who truly “gets it” with respect to limits, yet snaps back into a conventional zombie narrative when his deeply rooted world view is activated.

      • hmuller November 7, 2023 at 12:28 pm #

        Harsh comment, though not lacking merit.

      • CouchPotatriot November 7, 2023 at 1:01 pm #

        Casual reader, here. I realize now that you did not write the above, but I am grateful for the share nonetheless. Cheers.

      • Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 6:54 pm #

        Ofc, you have never shown an ounce of proof on those “limits,” Mitchlet.

        Your Potato Sack sock is also funny.

    • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 12:20 pm #

      Yes, it’s been a long time since we saw the horrors of War here. Look at the corruption of the people. The softness of the men. The hardness of the women – each trying to be the other!

      Surely War is the strong medicine that we need; the surgery since we have steadfastly refused to change our diet and habits.

      The pen is mightier than the sword? The sword is a pen. It writes in red. But yes, everything begins in the mind. If by pen we mean mind, the saying becomes true.

      People keep saying Israel can defeat Hamas. It’s not going to be just Hamas. Or just Hamas and Hezbollah. If the Muslims don’t act, they will lose not only respect from the world, but their own self respect. They must act and they will.

      • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 6:26 pm #

        I think this is a better way of saying what you did about war above. Yes indeed, the fact that such a warlike society as ours has largely avoided the consequences thereof so far is tragic. Unfortunately, the main actors in such a war will likely either be state-sponsored or the state itself. Won’t that be fun?

    • CouchPotatriot November 7, 2023 at 12:50 pm #

      This is a brilliant synthesis, Mitchel. I’m admittedly not knowledgeable enough to tease any of it it apart, but it’s more original than anything else I’ve come across so far. I’ve saved a copy and will refer back to it periodically as history unfolds. I don’t have a social media presence, so it won’t be reposted or misrepresented in any way.

      I thoroughly appreciate the realpolitik perspective you offered, instead of drowning your readers with a JHK-style melodramatic narrative riding the coat tails of righteous, yet empty, political outrage emanating from all the typical partisan mouthpieces.

      You spotlighted various chess pieces in play and attempted to illustrate the strategies of certain Grandmasters overseeing the board. I won’t claim to be neutral – I sincerely hope Russia, China, Iran, and the Arabs prevail over the Collective West. It’s simply time the buffet tables turn on my fellow spoiled CouchPotatriots.

      • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 1:19 pm #

        mitchellc didn’t write this.

        • CouchPotatriot November 7, 2023 at 1:30 pm #

          Noted above, thanks.

    • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 1:26 pm #

      I disagree that the US military protects the Euro.

      Remember that Iraq was destroyed because Saddam wanted to trade oil in Euros.
      That is why France and Germany refused to join in on the massacre, but France was first in line to destroy Libya when Ghaddafi proposed a gold-backed dinar.

      Also, Israel was not “forced” to bomb Gaza. How does bombing Gaza make Israel safe? It does not,

      And China and Iran teaming up to attack the US? Where is the evidence that Iran is doing anything military?

      The rest of it makes some sense. The US will not survive without oil, therefore it will do anything to get oil. Well, not pay for it, obviously.
      Better stated: They will kill anyone for oil.

    • mitchellc November 7, 2023 at 1:54 pm #

      PS sorry for the attribution confusion

      I always reference author & link, but for whatever reason the former got cut

      • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 2:21 pm #

        That’s fine. Your link preceded everything. And reading the lengthy essay was worth the time involved, so thank you.

      • CouchPotatriot November 7, 2023 at 2:53 pm #

        Not use to the the various poster’s commentary styles – no need to apologize. Leapt into the essay, then checked to see if you had a personal blog and discovered the official author – Aleks – still grateful that a keen observer bothered to share here. You posted the source link, I simply rushed past it.

        I don’t find JHK’s musings as fascinating or useful as they were a decade ago, but this blog site seems to be home to some retired pros who drop in to exercise their grey matter powers in their golden years just for fun.

        Surprisingly, not many of them seem to be mired in abject depression, considering the daily worsening of ordinary modern circumstance. Guess this the reward and luxury of an affluent life spent during the best of times in Western Civ, whereafter one will bear no burden during the rapidly approaching worst of times. Lucky bastards.

        • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 5:03 pm #

          “Lucky bastards.”

          Don’t be so sure. The road’s gonna be rocky for everyone left alive. Those who have more will also have more to lose. We’re still in the calm before the storm phase. Most still can’t even see that a storm is on the horizon.

          • CouchPotatriot November 7, 2023 at 5:41 pm #

            No doubt, Jimmy. If one is still alive 10 to 15 years from now, life is certainly gonna suck, especially if you didn’t grow up in the modern West. But if one is currently 75+, living in the affluent West, offspring or not, you don’t truly care. You might be seeing the writing on the wall, but do admit that you have neither the might or the fortitude to endure, let alone, change it. What’s happening now is only going to affect the sub 50 crowd, and they will have zero memory of what they’re missing out on today. It’s easy to predict the suffering of the future; it’s even easier to fail to act on preventing it. Unless you plan to burn yourself alive in the town square.

    • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 2:37 pm #

      Excellent analysis.

      • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 4:59 pm #

        I perused that site extensively today. Written in a very “breezy” style, a lot of very interesting information I’ve seen from other sources previously, a few not. I’d say his message mirrors the Carroll Quigley tome “Tragedy and Hope” pretty faithfully. He also wisely avoids hot button topics like Zionism (among others) to avoid offending readers before they digest the rest of his information. A general primer on why things currently are the way they are viewed from the 30,000′ level. I’d say he gets it mostly right.

        • CouchPotatriot November 7, 2023 at 5:26 pm #

          Dead on, Jimmy Dubbs. I too was not turned off by an obvious “leaning” and appreciated the 30K’ level overview. Perhaps one view IS better than another, but the wider world of onlookers predictably gravitate toward easy dichotomies, though I intentionally strive for the liminal.

          • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 6:20 pm #

            Yes, I was a little turned off at first at how little he fleshed out his topics, but then I got into the spirit of things. It’s just an overview, possibly meant mostly for an initiate. He tells the reader to investigate for him or herself throughout. And remembering back to my days as an initiate, I too found that the easiest way to approach it at first. The details are just far too complex to understand until you have a mental roadmap to understand how all the disparate elements fit together.

          • OG November 7, 2023 at 7:56 pm #

            Jimmy Dubbs! Perfect. It’s like a Goodfellas nickname.

          • Jimmy Word November 8, 2023 at 9:06 am #

            Nice! I like it.

    • Q. Shtik November 7, 2023 at 11:44 pm #

      @ mitchellc


  62. elysianfield November 7, 2023 at 12:17 pm #

    Current events from the left coast, the west coast, the BEST coast;


    Greetings from Mayberry! The referenced “Jack London”, is describing Jack London Square, two blocks from the police station. Kinda chokes me up….

    • BackRowHeckler November 7, 2023 at 3:06 pm #

      Who’s committing the robberies? Eagle Scouts? Honor Students? Or can’t you say?

      • elysianfield November 7, 2023 at 3:42 pm #

        The answer is obvious…”The Usual Suspects”. It should be noted that there is (was) only one tourist-friendly destination, the only venue, which might draw tourism to Oakland…and that is a four block area of Jack London Square. The entrance to Jack London Square is no more than 100 yards from the Oakland Police Department…less than that from their marked vehicle parking. You can throw a rock from there to the “entrance” to the square on Broadway.

        The Oakland Coliseum? Maybe a second. They had their own security.

        • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 6:46 pm #

          My guess would be that BEHIND the usual suspects are professional social justice warriors , professional crusaders .

          But not professional crusaders who live in dormitories , eat in soup kitchens , swear vows of chastity , wear frumpy uniforms or always second – hand clothes , and shit like that.

          No , these professional crusaders drive Buicks or better , eat at Golden Corral regularly , have 15 different stamps in their passports , and shit like that.

          And if the TV viewers knew that / understood that ,

          they wouldn’t give a fuck if the police beat the shit out of them.

          ….. On second thought , Americans typically excuse rich people anything.

          Even if the source of their wealth is professional trouble – making.

          • elysianfield November 7, 2023 at 9:58 pm #

            “….. On second thought , Americans typically excuse rich people anything.”

            This might bring a smile to your lips…when someone ever asked “Do you know who I am?”, it also brought a smile to ours…

            Sonderbehandlung…and not in the good sense….

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 6:54 am #

            EF – Reminds me of an old apocryphal tale told by or about some comedian or other.

            Comedian is in an old folks’ home around Christmas time, entertaining the residents.

            One resident gets a bit iffy with him and the comedian says ‘do you know who I am?’

            The resident replies ‘no, but if you ask Matron, she’ll tell you’.

  63. Paula D November 7, 2023 at 12:26 pm #

    It took me 3 weeks to watch this because it is pretty long, but it’s still relevant, imo.

    An American Jew and an Israeli Jew who was stationed on the Gaza border when she was in the IDF 25 years ago, talk just after the Oct. 7th attacks, about the plausibility of the Official Story.

    OG would like this. I think they both have very high GLT scores.

    Anyway, if anyone is interested in reasoned skeptical discussion, instead of emotional hyperbole…..


    • Jimmy Word November 7, 2023 at 2:20 pm #

      Looks good. Watching it now.

      • Paula D November 8, 2023 at 5:35 pm #

        Hope you think it’s worthwhile.

    • OG November 7, 2023 at 7:53 pm #

      I’ve got it cued up. Thanks, PD!

      • Paula D November 8, 2023 at 5:36 pm #

        You’re welcome.

    • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 9:47 pm #

      I don’t think you have to have a high GLT score to assume , a priori , that war propaganda is grossly hyperbolic , grossly euphemistic , and grossly misleading — EVEN WHEN IT IS TRUE.

      Anyway , I’ll be watching it too.

      • Paula D November 8, 2023 at 5:35 pm #

        It’s not the war propaganda they were suspicious of, it was the breaching of the border wall.

  64. Jarek November 7, 2023 at 12:31 pm #

    It seems like a thousand years since Beryl mocked us with her “jooperstition” nonsense. She has quieted down since our host admitted the out size influence that Jews have in current American life. She was completely wrong. And Toto (Alba) too.

    He was hardly the first to do so. Many Jews have admitted as much, some in matter of fact terms, some proudly, some gleefully so as to mock us, a few, very few, sadly – as if answering the implicit question: Well ok. So how do you think you all have done?

    Not that it’s all on them. Nations or regimes typically only last about 250 years. We’ve gotten our share. If it wasn’t them, it might well have been someone else. From another angle, our Elite could have said no to them. But they didn’t. They were all in on Capitalism from the start. The Banking Elite made them a good offer. From that pov, they would have been crazy not to take it. And it’s worked out well for them – very well.

    • GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 3:11 pm #

      I didn’t say Jews didn’t have a disproportionate influence in American life (perhaps you’d like the gifted ones to pretend they aren’t gifted?).

      What I said was that the global elites are not exclusively, or even primarily Jewish. They are Anglo-American AND Jewish.

      So do stop making things up. As if I would presume to assess the influence of Jews generally in your country.

      • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 10:33 pm #

        Rubbish. You said that Whites were in control here. In fact, we lost control a long time ago, when our Elite sold us out.

        You explicitly denied the White Nationalist hypothesis, unaware that many Jews believe it too.

        • GreenAlba November 8, 2023 at 6:42 am #

          I talked about the global elites, not your country. Lots of Jewish people doing very well in your country doesn’t mean Jews run the world. Some of their elites do, of course, along with the Anglo-American elites.

          What is the ‘white nationalist hypothesis’?

          • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 12:31 pm #

            Remember your annotated version of Carol Quigley’s book? Your list of WASP worthies – all in service of his hypothesis (which you accepted) that they ran the United States?

            Go back and look – and marvel at the tricks your mind plays on you, assuming you’re being honest with me here.

            We have always believed as Mr Kunstler believes, needless to say. We don’t think it’s a good thing for us. He thinks it’s a very good thing for the United States. We need Tikkun Olam!

            You could hold out for your previous hypothesis. Argue for it. It is still the ruling narrative – in Britain as well I assume. But of course you can’t stand not being part of the group. Nothing scares women more. And you get ahead by believing what one is supposed to believe – and that’s whatever the Teacher says.

            But who knows what this group believes. They’re too cowed to even talk about it. Do they still think Whites run America? Britain? The West? Or the Jews? Or the Global Satanists?

          • GreenAlba November 8, 2023 at 1:02 pm #

            I don’t get your point. The Network described by Carroll Quigley was begun by Cecil Rhodes. Is he Jewish? What he was about was continuing the rule of the British Empire forever, according to Joe Plummer and Ed Griffin, as far as I recall.

            I haven’t read the source Quigley volume, of course, although I have it. I’ve only read Joe Plummer’s synopsis of the most relevant parts. Stuff about Jews is almost notable by its absence (as far as I remember), although I don’t know what House and Lord Milner were, for instance, who were key figures at the start.

            So I’m no further forward in terms of knowing what you’re talking about, in relation to Quigley. Perhaps if I read his own book I’d find more Jews to gratify you, but Jewishness is not something I recall jumping from the pages of Joe Plummer’s book. I will have to read it again at some point anyway – perhaps my impression is wrong.

            ” Your list of WASP worthies – all in service of his hypothesis (which you accepted) that they ran the United States?”

            The only list I recall putting on here was that of the 13 alleged (global) bloodline families – nothing whatever to do with Quigley’s book. They are not about America, exclusively, but they are largely Anglo-American, wile including some Europeans, like the Onassis family, and the Chinese Li dynasty (having said that, I know there are people who claim they go back millennia, under other family names, but I haven’t gone into it that deeply). The other book Joe P draws on is Quigley’s ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’, which I’ve never set eyes on, so I can’t tell you how many Jews figure in it

            I repeat: I am perfectly aware that Jews play a disproportionate role in the higher echelons of American public and cultural life – that would be hard to ignore. All I said was that the ‘bloodlines’, if they’re even a thing, as well as Rhodes’ ‘Network’, do not seem to be primarily Jewish.

            Alex Thomson, whose erudition I respect enormously, did a talk on this stuff at one of the Alternative View conferences (you can find his talk by searching ‘Alex Thompson AV9 conference’). He also said his research (he has done a lot of work on what he calls ‘networked evil’), has led him to conclude that the cabal is largely Anglo-American, although it obviously includes important Jewish dynasties.

          • GreenAlba November 8, 2023 at 1:07 pm #

            Alex Thomson’s talk, if you’re interested. I’ve listened to it at least 3 times – there’s a lot in it.


          • Night Owl November 8, 2023 at 3:44 pm #

            “But of course you can’t stand not being part of the group. Nothing scares women more. And you get ahead by believing what one is supposed to believe – and that’s whatever the Teacher says.”

            Much of what GA now believes or talks about is hardly what I would call group think.

            Even here, there are quite a few that can’t accept most of the digital ID/New Normal stuff (which is ofc mind boggling, given what has gone down).

          • GreenAlba November 8, 2023 at 6:48 pm #

            “But of course you can’t stand not being part of the group. Nothing scares women more. And you get ahead by believing what one is supposed to believe – and that’s whatever the Teacher says.”

            You are demented.

            I have one friend who has accepted what I’ve told her about what is going on, and even she doesn’t really want to talk about it. I have lost another friend of 30 years entirely for talking about it (and the trans agenda and BLM) and recently angered another normie friend and flummoxed her companion, also a friend of mine, by trying to introduce them to some facts (with no success whatsoever).

            Of the rest of my friends and family, not one agrees with me (probably about anything). But I can’t stand not being ‘part of the group’. And I ‘got ahead’ by blah blah blah. How come I never actually got ahead, then?

            Your obsession with insulting women is making you a total arsehole. And you haven’t the insight of a slug.

          • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 1:36 pm #

            Night: “I didn’t say Jews didn’t have disproportionate influence.” You can see the desperation here, right?

            Toto: Time to take you for a walk!

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 2:18 pm #

            Yes, we see your desperation.

          • Night Owl November 10, 2023 at 6:21 am #

            A fake quote.


            Jarek unravelling in real time.

  65. malthuss November 7, 2023 at 12:58 pm #


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    • stelmosfire November 7, 2023 at 1:06 pm #

      This week I’m shredding Maple leaves and spreading them on the gardens.

      • Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:17 pm #

        As fertilizer?

        • SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 3:09 pm #

          Healthy layers of natural detritus can also serve as protection for plants when there are heavy frosts.

          • Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 6:52 pm #

            I do the same, except in the beds I just let the whole leaves rot.

            My neighbors spend hours with the leaf blower and bagging the stuff.

            I will never understand.


          • OG November 7, 2023 at 7:52 pm #

            It’s because you’re way smarter than them and you’re just being modest.

      • GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 7:31 pm #

        “This week I’m shredding Maple leaves and spreading them on the gardens.”

        Twenty-odd years ago, before I was married to my husband, I saw a beautiful watercolour of maple leaves lying on the ground, in a local art/craft shop window (we don’t have maples here). The colours were lovely and I mentioned it when I got to his flat, where I’d been headed, but I didn’t mention what kind of leaves they were – I just said they were leaves lying on the ground and the colours were beautiful.

        A few weeks later, it was Christmas, and he’d bought me the picture. Except that it wasn’t the picture. They’d obviously sold it and replaced it in the window with one of prickly pears. So I have a watercolour of prickly pears in my kitchen and I’ve never told him it was the wrong picture.

        • Paula D November 8, 2023 at 5:38 pm #

          That is so romantic, for both of you.

      • Groundhog November 8, 2023 at 8:19 am #

        I shred all my fallen leaves with a riding mower using mulching blades. Instead of blowing and raking leaves I grind them up into fragments and they help enrich the soil in the lawn.

        As for leaves for veggie gardens I get leaves for free from the city, and they deliver the stuff for free and by the dump truck load. Composted leaves will greatly enrich your garden soil and make it more acidic. So to compensate I spread all my wood heater ashes in the garden. Wood ashes will sweeten you soil and reduce acidity if needed. They also add a lot of potassium, phosphorous, calcium, and magnesium minerals to your soil along with lesser amounts of other vital trace elements. Growing veggies on your garden soil will eventually deplete the minerals unless you add more.

        • aelpha November 8, 2023 at 12:17 pm #

          And in between leaf mulch and ash, biochar sits quietly earning 3.3% waiting for the coupons to be reimbursed.

        • Night Owl November 8, 2023 at 3:41 pm #

          Yes, I also do the same with wood ash. The flower beds, wine, ivy love it.

          Wine leaves were fire red this year.

  66. Jarek November 7, 2023 at 1:28 pm #

    From the Internets

    As a 30-something young man people would ask world traveler (me) why foreign women liked American men so much?

    Over the years I watched how men and women treated each other in many countries. The men who treated women the best and with the most respect were Americans. The women who treated their men the worst, were the most demanding, and the most entitled, were of course also American. Thus, good men could find good women overseas. Women who embraced traditional roles and were grateful for the extra attention American culture demanded from men. And American men enjoyed finally having a woman at home who was not a loud, unhappy shrew. And that was thirty years ago. Two generations of women have entered the marketplatz since then, each one worse than the one before.

    Jarek: As Dr Teraban says, women must be kept as the adorers – raised to adore men. You simply do not understand how men will respond to that. Men will happily work for such women and feel themselves blessed to be able to support her. He will go to work whistling and be eager to get home to get more of the love she gives him.

    Contrast that with the West, especially the United States. They hate us! Yet still think we owe them adoration. They were raised as princesses and this is the result. A total reversal of how things should be.

    We are raised to give. They are raised to take and not give. We are being stolen from in the most basic of ways. Thus men, both White and Black, are going to other lands to find real love and marriage.

    But what of the White race? Indeed what of our dying race. How does this jibe with that? Very good, you’re thinking. It does not. Our poor deluded, dying race.

    The ruined faces crack open in hideous hyena smiles. They’ve won!

    • OG November 7, 2023 at 7:48 pm #

      That comment reads like my biography!

      especially the United States

      Try Ontario women on for size!

      • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 10:18 pm #

        Like I have said before ,

        before the age of cheap coal and cheap oil one out of five people would never marry , whether they liked it or not.

        The only pussy they would be getting is in the whore house. Are you envious ?

        Three out of five would be arranged marriages.

        The pussy you get is pussy mom and dad picked out for you , and usually for mundane reasons like who gets ten acres or a cow.
        Are you envious?

        That still leaves one in five who married for love / picked their mate. But their luck in that didn’t seem appreciably better than today.

        The studies I have seen on it consistently bare out that arranged marriages are MORE stable , MORE likely to be successful.

        Are you envious ?

        Maybe the TV commercials that tell you that you should be envious ARE FULL OF SHIT ?

        Another possible way of looking at it is to look at it the OTHER WAY AROUND.

        I suspect that for roughly one – third of these women around age 50 , or 40 , or even 30 , the phone calls will end.

        After that , the only dick they will get is dick they pay for.

        Are you feeling the envy ?

        Granted , by that time many of them will have had a few kids , and maybe their kids will love them ?

        Hmm , is it really all that difficult to brainwash a 3 year old into a 30 year old who will love you ?

        I suspect it is a bit like pedophile grooming , but without the sex.

        Anything there to envy ?

        Another one – third of these women will successfully marry , and there will be absolutely nothing about their husbands to envy.

        Their husbands pay a hefty price NOT to get any pussy.

        The remaining one – third ?

        Well , why the fuck would you want to be with a person who looks down their nose at you , or hates your guts ?

        Imagine if the person in question was ugly , and male .

        What would you think of a deal like that then ?


        Finally ….. never mind the old days.

        Have you not noticed that increasingly one – fifth of the population never marries ?

        You aren’t an outlier anymore .

        You are a norm.

        It’s like feeling bad because you didn’t win the million dollar lottery.

        • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 10:43 pm #

          Of course there are always those folks who say , ” Ha Ha Ha Jarek or OG can’t get a girlfriend ! ”

          At least one third of them will wind up single — and broke because their Ex’s took them to the cleaners — at 50 anyway.

          One – third of them will wind up married to expensive skanky girls who look like horses.

          And the rest are fucking morons who take a Hallmark commercial – masquerading – as – a – movie seriously.

          Do I really have to explain why you shouldn’t listen to such retards ?

          • OG November 8, 2023 at 10:32 am #

            Nobody here says that I can’t get a gf, KA, because I sometimes mention my beautiful Greek gf here on CFN.

            You misunderstood much (and that’s not like you):

            It was I that rejected my prideful, greedy, spiteful, stupid ex-wife. Do I regret that I did so? I miss her joyless disapproving scowl zero cubed.

            I’ve had way more pussy than I have bothered counting (and I’m a stats & data guy).

            I wasn’t bemoaning that BK’s post reads like my biography (including the wonderful Greek woman at the end). I was simply stating a fact … and complete with the happy ending.

          • OG November 8, 2023 at 10:48 am #

            And, further, I was pointing out that Ontario is, by far, the most American of the Canadian provinces.

            Ontario is America North with two healthy dollops of remaining British snobbery.

        • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 12:53 am #

          Well said. Aaron Clarey, well known for his book, “Enjoy the Decline” about the oncoming fall of America, is also a MGTOW podcaster and author of “The Book of Numbers”. He says half of marriages will fail, 80% from women suing for divorce and subsequent financial ruin. Of the remaining half, most will be unhappy, presumably for both, though that is in interesting question in itself. Can one be happy in the marriage if their partner is unhappy? If you enjoy making them so, perhaps.

          Men (some can) age like wine. Women age like milk. Apparently it’s harder for a woman to age like wine. Or is because her looks are the whole focus and not the man’s? He still has his beauty or wealth. She is now poor in comparison, her wealth being her beauty.

  67. mitchellc November 7, 2023 at 2:18 pm #

    Anyway, the key takeaway is that everyone is a (potentional) victim – the Western system consumes all, even insiders who have fallen from grace.

    I have a relative who is a classic Southern Christian zionist; a true zombie in every sense of meaning, believing in a literal interpretation of the fantasy 2nd coming narrative.

    The tendency towards these kinds of beliefs doesn’t appear to be linked to IQ. While she is what I’d consider average, there are certainly very bright people – like our host – who can fall into the same trap.

    You’ve got to realize that you’re being manipulated by very clever, entirely amoral psychopaths masquerading as humans. (It really does make one consider the possibility of lizard people aliens.)

    They know the trigger points, they know how easy it is to craft a widely embraced narrative, all the while completely inverting any objective analysis of good vs evil.

    The proof stares us in the face, where Generalplan Ost, completely supported by millions of ‘Bean Town Whilhelms’ 80 years ago, is being repeated, yet one is condemned while the other praised.

    All it means is that the winners write the history, but have we won the current global war to claim yet another favorable authorship?

    If we haven’t, I hope people can see where this is potentionally headed as the USA becomes a pariah state, partitioned, occupied and governed no differently than post WW2 Germany & Japan.

    • SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 3:14 pm #

      You have to exorcise the Zionist out of the Christian? Zionism should have no place for an American Christian I would think.

      • Paula D November 7, 2023 at 3:28 pm #

        How have you missed this, living in the South?

        I posted this the other day, but you may have missed it. Be sure to watch the preachers. They will explain it to you.


        • SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 3:35 pm #

          Oh no i definitely get it. I used to have Zionist ways of thinking. At one point in time I thought the Jews were a superior race who were supposed to rule over us.

        • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 4:56 pm #

          Pfft !

          Let me guess ;

          Not one in ten ?

          Not one in a thousand ?

          of these ” scholars ‘ will admit the tiny detail that the New Testament is a Catholic book ?

          Though I guess it is an improvement then that they cite Iasiah , Daniel , etc , and leave out the book – that – they – never – admit – is – Catholic.

          • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 5:01 pm #

            Of course a favorite way of getting around the unavoidable Catholic thing is to point out that Jesus Christ and the twelve Apostles were Jews.

            Well , yes.

            — Like George Washington was a British Colonel , like Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were British lawyers.

            According to that logic the thirteen colonies are flying the wrong flag , and should be singing , ” God Save The King. “

    • CouchPotatriot November 7, 2023 at 4:21 pm #

      Great observation regarding your zombie relative, Mitchell. Maybe you can shed some insight and analysis here: I experienced something similar with a Great Aunt, back in the late 90s. She was in her mid 60s, at the time. From what I remember, from my age 14 understanding or so, she was a Christian of the Jack Van Impe televangelist persuasion. Needless to say she wasn’t a particularly astute or well read believer, perhaps just a casual Christian you might say – whatever that means.

      Anyhow, she was a person who imagined that Jews had a grand metaphysical reckoning coming, given that the Jews were narratively responsible for the death of Christ. She believed Jews would be ultimately punished for their transgression against God. I have neither the education or experience with religious believers to have a definitive opinion on such a matter. But, it’s always perplexed me that some Christians in the West deeply sympathize with Israel, especially as it pertains to combating Muslims, whereas other Christian believers hold the opposite position. I just don’t get it.

      Shall we say that favor or condemnation of Jews merely reflects the sway of current cultural programming of a society, via generic American media, over the last several decades by Jews who presently dominate/control disseminated religious narratives?

      For example, is the favor of Jewish people at this point in history something solely inherent to the ideas perpetuated in American comic book narratives, about how the U.S. single handedly won WWII and delivered the Jews to safety and a renewed homeland in the Middle East?

      How do we discern validity between the threads of religious text and modern media marketing bullshit? Are these not one in the same phenomena, merely separated by time and modern means of propaganda distribution? Pardon the confusing delineation of thought.

    • Qwibqwib November 8, 2023 at 12:31 am #

      mitchellc – ” …the fantasy 2nd coming narrative.”

      Also mitchellc – “It really does make one consider the possibility of lizard people aliens.”

      So you think aliens from outer space, a phenomena that only recently became a thing in B rated movies and comic books (1950’s), is more believable than the second coming of Christ, which has be prophesied, written about and talked about for more than 2000 years? Please explain. How is the story of Jesus Christ a fantasy?

  68. Jarek November 7, 2023 at 2:37 pm #

    Koran 3:185

    Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.

    • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 3:04 pm #

      One has to define “this world”. If it’s the Vedic maya, then I agree.

      • SoftStarLight November 7, 2023 at 3:16 pm #

        this world is an illusion

        • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 3:17 pm #

          Depends on the perceiver.

          • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 3:51 pm #

            There’s also the positive definition of what some may confuse with “illusion”, which is the concept (with artistic expressions) of lila, in Hinduism and Vedanta — divine bliss. Here, there’s no duality between the absolute and the relative. What a wonderful way to both accept and revel in that duality.

          • Soul Forensics November 7, 2023 at 3:52 pm #

            Rather, divine play.

          • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 1:43 am #

            They like gardens. But even the most beautiful is just a poor reflection of the real Gardens above.

            More Plato than Shankara. But even the latter believed that the world was more than a personal dream. He just wanted people to focus on the Real not the reflection.

            It’s God’s dream. His shakti. His play. His creation. But then people think it’s all fine and forget to get out when you start talking like that.

            A garden is great, but when it gets cold and dark, you want to go back in the house. What if you can’t find the house anymore? The garden seems to have grown. You can’t even find the walls. And you lose the path in the darkness. You’re in a wilderness now. What the fuck happened?

            You’ll retrace your steps in the morning. But when you wake up, you meet strange people. Savages. The women don’t wear any shirts. One of them is very attractive. What about the house? House, what house? Her house? It’s a hut, but a very nice one.

          • Soul Forensics November 8, 2023 at 4:51 am #

            It seems you’re ascribing morality in a realm it need not exist. Seekers grounded in the Absolute, yet far from realizing it as a transformative power, can enjoy the play of lila without becoming lost in that illusion.

            In any case, we have to live with other people. Do monks have the responsibility of filling out tax forms for the acceptance of tithes? I don’t know, but they can become attached to their begging bowls — the design, the script, the bronze inlay.

            But for many, perhaps most, you’re probably right. One drink, one joint, one rave party, and it’s chimerical tragedy all the way down.

  69. GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 3:25 pm #


    Bill Gates’ digital ID will be mandatory to participate in society, according to the 50-in-5 initiative, which seems to mean 50 countries to have this up and working within 5 years, with it being globally implemented by 2030, because of course

    “Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) is essential for countries to improve their economies & the well-being of people.”

    Wellbeing of people. Just in case you were scratching your head to figure out why they are doing it …

    • Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 3:53 pm #

      How can this be???

    • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 4:28 pm #

      Reminds me of a headline I saw the other day , ( I didn’t read the article ) the headline said , ” Why do we need more gun laws when the gun laws we already have are only partially enforced ? ”

      The United States already has birth certificates , Social security cards , Drivers licenses , Passports , Taxpayer ID , Green Cards , and several others I’m sure I am overlooking.

      And I’m sure the UK likewise has a plethora of ID already as well ?

      Best case scenario , it looks like yet another hoop for poor people to jump through , and another expense for poor people who already don’t have the budget to cover it.

      And , of course , yet another way to go about criminalizing being a bystander.

      Another way of criminalizing …………..nothing at all.

      On that score , I’m reminded of an albeit extreme case in the 1980’s in El Salvador.

      On account of a depression in agriculture many peasants in El Salvador had moved to the towns.

      Then everyone was required to vote — and if you didn’t vote you could be arrested and shot on suspicion of being a Communist subversive , or a guerilla.

      But to vote you needed a Schedula ( I’m not sure how that is spelled.

      You get a Shedula from the village where you were born .

      Many peasants didn’t have a Schedula because it cost money to buy one. ( And a hefty bribe in addition. )

      Also , on account of the insurgency , there were police and military check points on almost all the roads ,

      so if you tried to go back to your native village to get a Schedula , and were caught travelling without a Shedula ,

      you could be shot as a suspected guerilla.

      This is actually just one example . I know of a great many more , and in the United States too.

      It’s terribly depressing the shear amount of misery and suffering that people have been put through the past 300 years with the growth of the bureaucratic state ,

      not on account of murder , or rape , or robbing a bank.

      But on account of a piece of paper.

      And they call this improvement and progress.

      • GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 6:55 pm #

        “And I’m sure the UK likewise has a plethora of ID already as well ?”

        The only thing I have at the moment with a photo on it (and the photo is 11 years old) is my bus pass. I did have a passport and driving licence, but both ran out and I didn’t renew them, because of them starting up with all this AI facial recognition stuff – I didn’t want to be in their database.

        I was surprised to learn, not that long ago, just how recently people were able to travel abroad without a passport. They were introduced after one of the world wars – can’t remember which one – first, presumably – as a temporary (of course) security measure.

        They’ve had a digital ID system in India for a while now – a few people have been known to have starved to death because the fingerprint technology didn’t work or some other ID-related reason that prevented them from accessing welfare benefits.

        Talking of bureaucratic nonsense, years ago I knew someone whose son was epileptic. This entitled him to a free bus pass, because he couldn’t drive. But to get a bus pass, he needed a letter from the Licensing Authority refusing him a driving licence on the grounds of his epilepsy. So he made an application (in order to be refused), telling them that he was epileptic. And they issued him with a driving licence, which prevented him from getting his bus pass … I’m sure it got sorted out eventually, but it’s the kind of thing that has you tearing your hair out.

        • OG November 7, 2023 at 7:27 pm #

          Terry Gilliam’s film Brazil predicted our near future brilliantly back in 1985.

          Here’s the 2:55 trailer:


          • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 8:37 pm #

            I remember that movie.

            I forced myself to watch about an hour of it , but then gave up.

            I simply didn’t like it.

            Part of the problem may have been that , at that age , I didn’t know or understand what satire was.

            Like , I thought ” Network ” was literal ! Lol.

            ( But then I would argue that Network was literal , even in the year it came out. )

            Granted , I’m sure it didn’t help that I thought his love interest was a bitch , and he was a fool not to drop it the first time she gave him the kiss – off.

  70. Night Owl November 7, 2023 at 3:52 pm #

    “Israel has awarded British Petroleum exploration licenses for #Gaza’s Gas.

    Infosys, owned by Rishi Sunaks wife, has received a $1.5 Billion Deal from this.

    Sunak will never ask Israel for a Ceasefire from the Gaza Genocide and now we know why.”


    Ho ho ho. Never saw that coming (not).

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    • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 4:43 pm #

      I could and would sign off on self – defense.

      But it is now blatantly apparent that , like the U.S. war in Iraq and Afghanistan , this has nothing to do with October 7 , or with self – defense.

      Let’s pretend for a moment that there was oil on Night Owl’s property .

      I DON’T go to Night Owl to try and buy Oil rights on his property.

      INSTEAD I GO TO Night Owl’s NEIGHBOR and buy from him the oil rights to Night Owl’s property.

      Seriously , does that sound like a self – defense motive ?

  71. KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 5:15 pm #

    What are the currently generally agreed upon casualties for Oct 7 ?

    I’m guessing the context is very much like 911 ;

    As bad as 911 was ,

    New York or California suffer more auto fatalities in a given year .

    And I would guess that when it comes to heart disease or cancer , even tiny Rhode Island or Connecticut in the average year leave 911 in the dust.

    I suppose I seem terribly heartless ,

    but both strike me as EXTREMELY hyperbolic TV commercials.

  72. Sheila Grace November 7, 2023 at 5:44 pm #

    Thank you, long time reader, immense respect for your work. May I offer one change in your first paragraph?

    GCHQ’s grand strategy to keep it’s financial dominance over the global scene depends on bogging down the USA in four wars at once. How’s it working so far? Pretty darn well.

    Granted, it’s taken 130 yrs of sustained infiltration and influence but they were more than a little pissed the Union didn’t fly apart in late 1800’s and very pissed that Russia had a hand in Lincoln’s success. China was a farming backwater when the Yanks got pulled into both world wars, Russia was busy fighting for it’s survival with battering ram 1.0 Germany.

    League of Nations morphs UN morphs Ukraine battering ram – what 3.0 now? Well that didn’t work out either. So every asymetrical move becomes more desperate and increasingly more destructive in the centuries old game ” let’s you and him fight”. So we can make wager$ on both sides. The US as a War Mule is a perfect minion and the neocon idiots who think they have any power are more than willing to oblige.

    Heads I win Tails you loose game is beginning to look very destructive to everyone on the globe. None of GHCQ’s hopes & dreams is some secret nonsense in fact they’ve been quite open about it for a couple of centuries.

    • jim e November 7, 2023 at 6:16 pm #

      The flag of the United Nations is a sky blue banner containing the United Nations’ emblem in the centre. The emblem on the flag is coloured white; it is a depiction of the world map in the azimuthal equidistant projection (centred on the North Pole), which is surrounded by a pair of olive branches. The emblem was officially adopted on 7 December 1946, and the flag containing the emblem was officially adopted on 20 October 1947.[1]

      • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 1:35 am #

        Yes, it’s clever: The Panopticon. The Eye in the Pyramid with the pyramid hidden by the ice!

        From another pov: What the Aliens see in their “space ships” (they don’t need them – they use inter-dimensional travel).

        As the Muslims say, the jinn are hiding behind the sky…..

        • Q. Shtik November 9, 2023 at 6:31 pm #

          with the pyramid hidden by the ice! – Jar


          What ice?

  73. KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 6:17 pm #

    ” I hope people realize what’s going to happen to us if we lose against the Russia-China alliance. ”

    — Mitchellc

    the CIA will have a lot less money to spy on teenage girls ? ( At least that’s what Edward Snowden claims. )

    Rich Jerks will have a lot less money to be jerks with ?

    But seriously —

    One of the benefits of regular church attendance is all the different stories you hear.

    Stories you don’t hear at work because everybody fears losing their job , so it’s pretty consistently Potemkin Village method.

    And stories you don’t hear in a hobby , because it is a hobby , so why go out on a limb ? Potemkin Village is again the best way to go.

    A common story you hear in Church is the parent who is all glum because they still have a 20 , 30 , or 40 year old son or daughter at home.

    The TV commercials say that isn’t the way things are supposed to be. Everybody claims they don’t pay attention to / don’t buy into the TV commercials.

    But then everybody believes 100% what the TV commercials tell them.

    Anyway , fast – forward a year , or 5 , or 10 , or 20.

    The parent gets old.

    Then the parent learns that because of their age and health they can’t get a job anyway ,

    and Social Security / their pension will NOT REMOTELY cover full – time in – home nursing.

    If it was not for the 20 , 30 , 40 year old son or daughter living at home they would be living in an institution that looks vaguely like a prison , or they would be dead.

    And , btw , the TV commercials didn’t tell them any of that . Indeed , the TV comercials told them something entirely different.

    In sum ,

    At least 90% of the happy – crappy shit the TV commercials spouted was utter bullshit.

    The parent was glum for no reason.

    And , not uncommonly , it turned out that the bad news was the good news.

    • Qwibqwib November 8, 2023 at 12:54 am #

      People still watch TV? WOW! Why?

      • KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 2:22 am #


        Copy – paste in ;

        TV / newspaper / magazine / radio / billboard / internet / cell phone commercials.

        No difference , just less verbiage.

  74. BULLITT November 7, 2023 at 6:20 pm #

    The Country is done, finished, period. Over the past two weeks, I fought a major gun company for a $75 rebate. I submitted my request in January 2023. Finally, after turning them into the better business bureau, and writing two letters to the CEO, I got my rebate. Yesterday, I needed a part for my adjustable bed platform. I called the store where I bought the platform and mattress, and they shuffled me to the mattress company. After being on hold forever, I was told I had a warranty issue, call the warranty department. I called and was put on hold for over a half hour. I then selected a call back. I got no callback. I tried again today. After 10 minutes on hold a lady told me that they no longer do business with the platform company. She said call them. I was on hold for nearly an hour and finally hung up the phone. My wife and I went to our local grocery store’s pharmacy for a flu shot. The pharmacist told me that they were so understaffed today that they couldn’t do shots. Issues like this are becoming a common occurrence for all of my friends. I know, go to their website and see Commonly Asked Questions! They can kiss my ass!
    We are all living a lie!

    • BackRowHeckler November 7, 2023 at 6:48 pm #

      Wow, It seems like you’ve reached the end of your rope, BULLITT. Over the years I’ve put in for many rebates but have received only 1; ironically enough it was from Mossberg for a Model 500 shotgun. I was quite surprised when that little $20 check showed up in my mailbox.

      Last week I went in for an MRI. The person at the front desk was an enormous dude with a full beard and wearing a purple dress, with a nametag that read ‘Shiela, She, Her’. Shiela signed me in. Today an LPN called me with the results only I was behind the wheel and couldn’t answer. I called back and of course a machine answered the phone … after pushing many buttons trying to navigate my way to the nurse who called I finally gave up after about 15 minutes. It was pretty frustrating to say the least. So I agree with you in a way, the country is done, finished, period.

      • CrusherMuldoon November 8, 2023 at 11:53 am #

        I can top that. My wife passed away February 1st. I notified the company she had her IRA with on February 3rd. I did not get the paperwork to begin processing the IRA until June 23. I was then sent the wrong paperwork. I literally spent hours on the phone trying to get the issue resolved. After many letters from the company SPELLING MY FULL NAME CORRECTLY, I got a check that did not have the requested state tax taken out and was MADE OUT TO AN INCORRECTLY SPELLED NAME. My wife has been deceased for 9 months and I still have not received what was legally mine. By the way the company is New York City based Mutual of America

        • OG November 8, 2023 at 12:31 pm #

          I’m sorry for your loss, Crusher. Living in the modern world adds insult to injury.

    • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 6:54 pm #

      ” We are all living a lie! ”

      I said that when I came to America in 1976.

      But how do you lay out 200 hours of evidence in two minutes ?

      ( And when you are ten years old )

      You can’t.

      Well , it took 40 years of your being exposed to the evidence yourself.

      But here we are finally.

      ” All’s well that ends well ” ?

    • OG November 7, 2023 at 6:57 pm #

      The Lord works in mysterious ways. Perhaps He’d prefer that you and your wife not take Big Pharma’s flu shots any longer.

    • GreenAlba November 7, 2023 at 7:09 pm #

      “My wife and I went to our local grocery store’s pharmacy for a flu shot. The pharmacist told me that they were so understaffed today that they couldn’t do shots.”

      Lucky escape. Don’t go back. The Cochrane Library’s meta-data shows that flu shots are, on average, 9% effective – and they don’t work in old people because old people have senescent immune systems which can’t mount any more of an effective response to the shot than they would to the disease. In fact, from what I have heard, they’re more likely to kill old people, especially now that they’re bringing in mRNA flu shots. In fact they’re planning to bring in mRNA everything. Stay clear. And if you’re not old, you never needed one anyway, since you have an immune system!

      • Qwibqwib November 8, 2023 at 1:54 am #

        “…they’re more likely to kill old people…” BINGO

    • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 7:57 pm #

      Once again I’m reminded of the Titanic.

      That is , the supercilious aspect of it.

      The tragedy could have been avoided , or at least greatly alleviated , with more life boats.

      As I understand it , the ship was originally designed with more life boats.

      More life boats were rejected , NOT because more lifeboats would have cost more ,

      but because more life boats would have cluttered up the ship a bit , the ship would have been slightly less pretty !

      It apparently gets even more bizarre because inflatable rafts had already been invented , so if they were that worried about esthetics , inflatables would have taken up less space , and been more out of sight.

      And may have been a better option anyway , because several life boats could not be deployed on account of the listing of the ship.

      It all seems like a determination to be stupid unnecessarily.

      Now in this case ;

      It used to be standard buiseness practice to specifically employ people long term ( Long term so they would learn the business inside out ) whose sole job was answering the phone , answering questions , resolving customer problems.

      And the practice worked.

      But then along came this dogma that says the bottom line is everything —- even in cases where clearly the formula is counter – productive , or even self – destructive.

      Also a dogma that says technology , in this case answering machines and automated calling , solves the problem , when clearly it solves no problem , but actually creates a problem.

      Again , it seems like a willful determination to be stupid unnecessarily.

      Also , typically that long – term sole job of answering the phone and fielding questions required no particular work credential or education beyond what was typical of a high school graduate ,

      and typically people in that job had no particular work credential or any higher education.

      Though , to keep them in that job long – term , you necessarily had to pay them a wage that actually would pay the grocery bill .

      I guess that’s a problem too ;

      these days it seems that not only billionaires and millionaires , but also everyone and his brother , gets severely butt – hurt over the notion of paying anyone for anything other than rocket science.

      Which brings us to giving someone an injection.

      The fact of the matter is you could train a reasonably bright 12 year old girl to give people injections.

      It simply isn’t rocket science.

      Trouble is , they came up with this bright notion that everyone must pay out serious money for a work credential or education , even in cases where clearly the job isn’t rocket science .

      Clearly such a scheme in many cases is going to inflate wages , or lop – side wages , in all these jobs requiring all this expensive bureaucratic credentialing.

      And the jobs deemed — often arbitrarily — as not rocket science ?

      Those jobs will nearly pay literally nothing.

      Of course no doubt another reason a reasonably bright , reasonably responsible 12 year old girl couldn’t give you your Flu shot if nobody else was available ,

      was because of 300 pages of legalese written by college graduates with nothing better to do , or being paid for busy – work ,

      that says you can’t do , what anyone knows you can do.

      Ugh !

      • Qwibqwib November 8, 2023 at 2:06 am #

        One time, long ago, some buddies and I all had the same day off, so we decided to go Golfing. We were behind a foursome of dudes dressed in work clothes with company logo and name tags sewn onto their blue work uniforms.

        Once we caught up to them, I asked them what they did for a living. They said they were trash collectors. At the time I was an Apprentice Electrician making about $8/hr (loooong time ago). I then asked them what they made a year. The answer was about $100k!!!!!! :O

        I almost changed careers that day. It took me nearly 11 years as an Electrician, and several liscenses, before I reached that salary level.

        There are definitely ways to make big money without a degree. I can name a few like construction, trades, foreign contract work, etc…

        • Q. Shtik November 8, 2023 at 11:17 am #

          The answer was about $100k!!!!!! – qwib


          Even with an MBA in Finance I never got close to $100K in a year.

    • Q. Shtik November 8, 2023 at 11:10 am #

      They can kiss my ass! – BULLITT


      Yes BULLITT, we have all experienced phone calls like you and BRH described. It’s a nightmare and what is worse the machine generated voice asks you to stay on line at the end to take a brief survey that “will only take a few minutes.”

      Yeah right. Believe me they would not want to hear what I would have to say. I NEVER participate in phone surveys.

  75. BULLITT November 7, 2023 at 7:08 pm #

    Maybe you are right. After taking three COVID shots on advice from my doctor, I now have Crohn’s Disease at age 77. I read Crohn’s is a result of the shots. My doctors can’t say yes or no on whether the COVID shots caused my issues. I have always taken the yearly flu shot and made it through most winters without a sniffle. Who knows what’s in the common flu shot!
    At this point I do the best I can. As Donald Rumsfeld said during one of our adventures in the ME, “You go to war with the ARMY you have”.
    All I know at this point is that guessing what’s next is a fool’s dream.

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    • OG November 7, 2023 at 7:37 pm #

      God bless you, sir. My father is also 77.

      I have heard that the flu shots now contain the same modRNA and lipid nano particles as the Covid shots.

      Perhaps someone here on CFN has more info to add. We never speak of the flu shots here. Perhaps we should as there is already a strong consensus of distrust of Big Pharma here.

      On the other hand, my TV told me that that is why God gave me two arms – one for the Covid shot and the other for the flu. So there’s that to also consider.

      • Groundhog November 8, 2023 at 7:44 am #

        God gave us arms so we can salute our masters and overloads in Big Pharma.

      • JohnAZ November 8, 2023 at 5:04 pm #

        Hey OG.

        Crohn’s disease is autoimmune. Covid HAS been definitely ties into autoimmune disorders.

        The mRNA flu shot is in testing? I do not get this.

        A company is testing Novavax, a flu type Covid shot, not mRNA. At the same time, the mRNA types are developing a flu shot for all flu types, a generic flu shot.

        Keep it up, folks, clobber this mRNA poison. It cannot be allowed to pass approval.

        • OG November 8, 2023 at 7:49 pm #

          Thx, JAZ.

          In a similar vein, I ran across this today:

          COVID-19 vaccines found to diminish beneficial bacteria in the human microbiome


          One of the ways in which COVID-19 vaccines destroy human immune function is through the gut microbiota. Not only do the vaccines fail to confer sufficient neutralizing antibodies, but they also target various species of beneficial bacteria that are needed for long term human immune function. The substantial loss of biodiversity in the human gut increases the opportunity for various pathogens to thrive in the intestines, thereby making the vaccinated individual more prone to various infections, whether it be coronavirus variants, influenza strains, or other infections.

    • benr November 8, 2023 at 8:48 am #

      Do start taking high quality pre and probiotics.
      Pretty sure there are really good programs to treat this using other than western medicine.
      Crohn’s is inflammation of the digestive tract.
      We know certain foods cause the lining of the stomach and intestines to break down and for the contents to begin leaking into the various cavities your digestive tract runs through.

      • JohnAZ November 8, 2023 at 5:07 pm #

        Autoimmune inflammation.

        Benr, do you remember Rolf Benershke, a punter I believe from the Chargers a long time ago? He died from Crohn’s, I believe.

        • JohnAZ November 8, 2023 at 5:08 pm #

          There was a sportscaster in Denver that died from it too.

  76. KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 9:13 pm #


    A list of dead from the October 7th incident.

    The names in yellow are Israeli military.

    The source , though a source I am very partial to , is a decidedly partisan source .

    Indeed , one of her user names is Partisangirl . Lol.

    But I think it illustrates at least indirectly how murky the whole incident still is , from any source.

    • KesaAnna November 7, 2023 at 9:37 pm #

      She claims the original source is Israel itself.

      As I understand it half , or two – thirds ( ? ) of Israeli’s , male or female , are subject to conscription ,

      with consequently a high percentage of Israeli citizens in military reserve status.

      with that caveat , it seems possibly incongruous the high proportion of military deaths in the impression given out that it was an attack on helpless bystander civilians.

      According to maps I have seen , there was a semi – circle of military bases around the site of the concert.

      The claim is that Hamas was attacking those military targets , and they couldn’t very well attack them without some civilian crossfire casualties.

      My own opinion is that the killing of civilians in war is despicable.

      The trouble is , NOBODY has agreed with me in A HUNDRED YEARS.

      There have been no serious efforts not to target civilians in a hundred years.

      Not least because any serious attempt would mean going back to edged weapons and muzzle – loaders.

    • Qwibqwib November 8, 2023 at 2:11 am #

      Lol, Syriangirl is awesome. I have been watching her for years. She is beautiful also! Yowza!

      • KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 3:02 am #

        James Kunstler

        A few posters on CFN

        CJ Hopkins

        and Syrian Girl

        ARE my news source.

        Personally , I almost wish Syrian girl wasn’t so pretty.

        Because Syrian Girl is the shit in my book . 🙂

        • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 4:09 am #

          I’m into IDF girls lately. I plan to date one once we flip back into Satya Yuga. But I’ll check out your Syrian girl. One must keep one’s options open.

          • Groundhog November 8, 2023 at 7:41 am #

            I became interested in girls when I was 14 or so. I became interested in women and young ladies when I was 18 and older. You, sir, are too old to be dating “girls”. Now I don’t know what Satya Yuga means and I’m too lazy to look it up. If it’s some sort of fountain of youth experience then maybe your dreams about girls are ok. Ah, to be 14 again!

            But Syrian girl ain’t no girl and she’s completely out of your league. You don’t have any options there to start with. Don’t even dream about it……

          • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 11:45 am #

            Look Hog, it’s pretty simple. I’ll probably die during the Antichrist’s reign of terror. I’ll come back in my immortal body – eternally young. After dealing with you and Ely, I’ll have to start with my duty of helping to repopulate the Earth as per God’s will. Most of humanity will be dead. If they’re still around, I’ll take Syrian Girl (they’re mostly all girls), Itchy Boots, and maybe an IDF hotty to start my harem. Keeping Syria and IDF from fighting will be an onerous duty I imagine. It will definitely have to be the right IDF girl.

          • OG November 8, 2023 at 12:28 pm #

            Only women who steadfastly toe-the-line will remain in your harem, BK.

          • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 12:35 pm #

            They may have to tow it too. If the plough get stuck, these strong young women/girls may have to help pull in the muddy spots.

            IDG girls aren’t afraid of getting muddy and like to use their muscles.

          • OG November 8, 2023 at 12:57 pm #

            Syriangirl has very sensual lips.

          • stelmosfire November 8, 2023 at 1:44 pm #

            Itchy Boots? I doubt if you could catch her. She’s usually in the wind.

          • stelmosfire November 8, 2023 at 1:47 pm #

            I just checked. I think she’s in India.

          • elysianfield November 8, 2023 at 2:43 pm #

            “After dealing with you and Ely…”

            Are you the demon that will tear my tongue out? I hoped you had forgotten about that, you know, “tongue” thing….

        • Q. Shtik November 8, 2023 at 5:16 pm #

          Syrian Girl is the shit in my book . – Kesa


          Wherein “shit” is a good thing.

          • Groundhog November 8, 2023 at 7:30 pm #

            Yes Q. Us cool people know all about good shit. We’ve been out many a time in our youth either looking for some good shit or smoking the same. If you scored some really good shit you’d be as happy as a rooster and crowing about it to your pals.

        • Paula D November 9, 2023 at 7:44 pm #

          I used to be friends with Syrian Girl, and she was a great source of information.
          Somewhere I have her article about the Kurds copied and pasted.

          I mentioned that I had another source of information on Syria and Palestine that was a one-woman news service.

          Facebook disappeared her yesterday. This is the third time she has been axed since 2017.

          They don’t like us sharing information.

  77. Jarek November 8, 2023 at 4:07 am #

    Deuteronomy 7
    When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations–the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you–
    and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. [1] Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
    Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons,
    for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.
    This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles [2] and burn their idols in the fire.
    For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.
    The LORD did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples.
    But it was because the LORD loved you and kept the oath he swore to your forefathers that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
    Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.
    But those who hate him he will repay to their face by destruction; he will not be slow to repay to their face those who hate him.
    Therefore, take care to follow the commands, decrees and laws I give you today.
    If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the LORD your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your forefathers.
    He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers. He will bless the fruit of your womb, the crops of your land–your grain, new wine and oil–the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks in the land that he swore to your forefathers to give you.
    You will be blessed more than any other people; none of your men or women will be childless, nor any of your livestock without young.
    The LORD will keep you free from every disease. He will not inflict on you the horrible diseases you knew in Egypt, but he will inflict them on all who hate you.
    You must destroy all the peoples the LORD your God gives over to you. Do not look on them with pity and do not serve their gods, for that will be a snare to you.
    You may say to yourselves, “These nations are stronger than we are. How can we drive them out?”
    But do not be afraid of them; remember well what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt.
    You saw with your own eyes the great trials, the miraculous signs and wonders, the mighty hand and outstretched arm, with which the LORD your God brought you out. The LORD your God will do the same to all the peoples you now fear.
    Moreover, the LORD your God will send the hornet among them until even the survivors who hide from you have perished.
    Do not be terrified by them, for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a great and awesome God.
    The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you.
    But the LORD your God will deliver them over to you, throwing them into great confusion until they are destroyed.
    He will give their kings into your hand, and you will wipe out their names from under heaven. No one will be able to stand up against you; you will destroy them.
    The images of their gods you are to burn in the fire. Do not covet the silver and gold on them, and do not take it for yourselves, or you will be ensnared by it, for it is detestable to the LORD your God.
    Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. Utterly abhor and detest it, for it is set apart for destruction.

    [2] The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the LORD, often by totally destroying them; also in verse 26.
    [5] That is, symbols of the goddess Asherah; here and elsewhere in Deuteronomy

    Jarek: I mentioned the other day that “God” told the Israelites to kill everyone in Palestine. Messianic asked me, Where does it say that – as if he didn’t know. Why did he act like that? I didn’t answer at the time because it don’t have that info memorized. But I found it with a quick search.

    I have no explanation at all. Are parts of the Bible inspired by God and other parts by Satan? Is the whole Old Testament so unreliable in this regard that it should be jettisoned from Christianity as Marcion believed?

    Or is the God of the Old Testament Ialdabaoth as many believed? In any case, what is happening in Gaza is not traditional Judaism. It should be to Liberal Judaism, steeped as it is in the European Enlightenment. Do they give us much credit for that btw? Anyone know?

    Ialdabaoth is a malevolent god and demiurge in various Gnostic sects and movements.0 He is a dark caricature of the creator God of Genesis and the demiurge of Platonism. Wisdom, the lowest entity in the realm of perfection, creates Ialdabaoth in an unauthorized attempt to produce a likeness of herself. Ialdabaoth in turn creates the material cosmos.1 He is sometimes represented as a theriomorphic, lion-headed serpent.

    The Summarizer

  78. BULLITT November 8, 2023 at 10:15 am #

    Most of the knuckle dragging people in the ME follow the words of their twisted leadership as we do in the USA. Most people react to short commands like KILL JEWS. Do you really think the average Joe on the street are well versed in the Bible as you are?
    Do you think that people have time to read and study the Bible?
    Sadly, people follow the those who are the loudest and those who promise free stuff.
    Maybe if we focused on the Ten Commandments, we would be better people.
    At this point, we are losing!

    • OG November 8, 2023 at 11:05 am #

      Absolutely. If we followed His Ten Commandments, this would be a very different realm.

      “Do you think that people have time to read and study the Bible?”

      Did we ever? One must make time for God. That was the whole test – this journey – but we have failed miserably.

      It is still not yet too late to get right with God. Give Him time. Read a passage. Listen to the gospels in myriad quality productions on yt.

      It is now our mandate, each and every one of us, to try our very best to make His team. It’s try-outs right now.

      • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 11:50 am #

        Where are you on the above verse?

        I think this question is above everybody’s pay grade. Only Christ himself could have parsed the real parts of the Old Testament from the funny history and morality parts.

        Maybe Allah and Jehovah are the same person or demiurge. And loves the current “worship”.

        As William Blake has his “Nobodaddy” say:

        Damn praying and singing, unless they bring in the blood of ten thousand by fighting or swinging.

        • OG November 8, 2023 at 12:17 pm #

          I find Deuteronomy 7 interesting. Thanks for posting it, Big Kahuna.

          I file it under “One of God’s Mysteries.” How can the same loving God write Deuteronomy 7 but also be behind Matthew 5?

          I don’t know. Tough one to explain. Does not compute.

          In seeming contradictions like this, I lean on faith. God has a plan and a reason for everything even if our little people-brains cannot grasp it.

          God will have His Armageddon and God will have his Judgement Day.

          • JohnAZ November 8, 2023 at 1:45 pm #

            How about this, OG.

            OT Yahweh gave a set of laws to live by. Before Moses, humankind’s evil had ticked off God enough to destroy humans twice, Noah and Lot.

            So God creates the Hebrews using Abram’s descendants. Then Moses and Mosaic law. Gonna control those folks by making them obey the Law.


            Anyone who has raised an adolescent human knows what law means, that which is to be stretched or broken.

            Well, God says, that did not work, so what next?

            Jesus, the Messiah. His message was that the Law was the servant of Man and not God wants the individual to be Good to His teachings. If you believe in His teachings, and behave accordingly, you do not need the Law.

            Hence the New Testament. Same God, different tack.

          • OG November 8, 2023 at 2:02 pm #

            Very interesting, BK. Thought-provoking.

            Everything fits. There are no loose ends. It is a perfectly plausible explanation. Maybe God has changed His tack.

            Us humans sure can be a frustrating lot, that’s for sure.

            “Noah. Lot. Ok, I’ll send them My son and see if that will smarten them up.”

    • messianicdruid November 8, 2023 at 3:29 pm #

      “Jarek: I mentioned the other day that “God” told the Israelites to kill everyone in Palestine. messianicdruid asked me, Where does it say that – as if he didn’t know. Why did he act like that?”

      Of course this will sound picky, but it doesn’t say everyone in Palestine.

      The questions following have come up recently for me, as well, and I admit to some cognizant dissonance.

      Research continues:


      • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 5:38 pm #

        Messi: So not everyone, just almost everyone? A niggler! Niggle not.

        It’s not a difference that makes a difference.

    • Groundhog November 9, 2023 at 10:42 am #

      Ten Commandments? It’s nine commandments for most all the Christians except for a few like the Seventh Day Adventists. The “lost commandment” is the one to keep Saturday or the Sabbath day holy. The Christians changed it to Sunday for the day to keep holy. Sunday is the tradional holy day for pagans and sun worshippers.

  79. CouchPotatriot November 8, 2023 at 1:00 pm #

    So, Biden’s prospects for winning in ’24 are officially in the crapper, eh? Who among us ever believed he was a legit contender in ’20, let alone now, considering his notorious campaign trail absenteeism and unmistakable cognitive problems even then? Any debate here?

    Who’s placed bets on whether Biden drops out, and who’ll be next in line for the nomination? Surely not Kamala, right?

    RFK as an independent candidate only ever felt like a Trojan Horse tactic devised by the Ds all along, any doubters?.

    Going back in time, some of his most devout cultists relished in the fantasy that Trump miraculously won an impossible upset against HRC in ’16, while others still blame Russia for rigging the game.

    But what if Billary’s known corruption and Comey’s last letter (Weiner’s laptop) to the courts forced her to throw the election and stand down once and for all to escape indictment?

    I mean, why didn’t she run again if the Russian interference scheme was finally figured out and remedied? We all know she still thirsts for the top spot.

    Some laughably claim that “Joe Biden” brought adulthood back to the WH in ’20, while others swear that the election was rigged again; nevertheless, Trump’s lawyers flipped and pleaded guilty to trying to steal the election back.

    I say, Trump never won and never lost. 2024 might be his first real victory. But who wants to bet he takes us to war with Chy-nuh?

    Can anyone truthfully say they know wtf is going on in American politics? No, not one of us.

    And lastly, the ongoing Israel-Gaza crisis plus Russia’s defeat of Ukraine has exposed ‘merica as a Paper Tiger. Say it isn’t so, and why… Let’s cherry pick some evidence and see how it stacks up over time. Or not.

    • SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 2:00 pm #

      I see so often people saying that Biden is simply going to be removed from office or somehow set aside for another candidate to run in the 2024 election. How would that process work? Does the process even matter anymore or did it ever really matter? Based on his own words to this point I don’t think Trump would start a war with China. He’s always wanted to do business with them. He just wanted it to be fair and square. That is an unusual perspective from what I can tell because most politicians seem to make their careers off of essentially selling the country out in very literal ways.

      • CouchPotatriot November 8, 2023 at 3:24 pm #

        Your guess is as good as any other, friend. I appreciate you weighing in.

        I don’t imagine any formal process being initiated to remove Biden – but maybe he’ll read the tea leaves and simply decide to bow out?
        Can an old demented egotist like Joe humble himself in such a manner? Doubtful. Heck, considering that American elections have likely been rigged for several decades, Biden could very well be re-selected despite public and private speculation, suspicion, or hope.

        I heard Garland Nixon of YouBoob prominence postulate the other day that Joe’s career long influence peddling and his son’s laptop debauchery might finally be leveraged by his own party to convince him to step down. Forget the Republicans ever using it.

        The irony is that his corruption can and will be leveraged either way – to sway his policy moves in whichever direction his handlers see fit, or to cancel him out of office because he’s finally outlived his usefulness. But he won’t spend any time in jail, ever. Same as with Billary and the vast crimes of the Clinton foundation.

        I could see RFK, recently washed of Democrat sin, become the new Obama-esque smooth talkin’ savior of the country, more so than a Gavin Newsom. RFK conveys a type of phony authenticity in the way Trump does to his supporters, so I suspect RFK will capture democrat imaginations of deliverance in similar fashion.

        RFK also hijacks a bit of the moderate right and independent vote for his stance on the Guinea Pig Poke, but he falls in line with the Western Oligarchy on all other fronts, I’d say. He doesn’t dare say a critical word against Israel, if that gives us any clue.

        And Trump, well, his hero mythos and awkward word-play is tantamount to scripture in the minds of his acolytes. He’s, as we all know, a marketing whiz like no other – who knows how to snowball Corpo-media hatred into campaign gold. He reads just enough alternative media to be adept at hypnotizing his clan with that anti-establishment theme via simplistic MAGA messaging. If we have any semblance of a fair election, I don’t see how he could loose.

        However, because the Western Oligarchy ultimately have Chy-na in their crosshairs, and because Trump’s supporters are culturally, hopelessly brainwashed to automatically think “China Bad” – as the Empire becomes more desperate, they’ll manipulate Trump and his own rhetoric to perpetuate that war. You saw this in Trump’s gullibility during the COVID fiasco and his Chyna-Virus sloganeering. If he wasn’t screwed last election, I am certain we’d already be in direct conflict with China – That’s what the COVID PSYOP was all about.

        I don’t believe any American president holds any true power. Biden’s vacuous presidency proved this to me once and for all – so instead, I think in terms of what hidden hands actually desire, to the extent that I am able to put the pieces together.

        Hidden hands tried and failed to take on Russia through Ukraine, and it looks like they’re failing to instigate war with Iran via Israel, so the Hail Mary will come in the guise of Trump vs China. Just a wild ass guess.

        • SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 4:02 pm #

          Wow, so you really have been giving this some thought :-). I agree with your conclusion regarding the hidden hands. For lack of a better or more informed descriptor I just refer to the them as globalists. It seems like they for sure do not care about America or the corporate incarnation of America, the United States.

          Perhaps you’ve already heard but it appears that James Comer has issued a slew of subpoenas to Biden family members this afternoon. Not sure if this is because the Republicans feel like they need to feed their base some red meat due to the smarting from the elections last night, or if they’ve worked with the Democrats to begin that removal process you speak of.

          • CouchPotatriot November 8, 2023 at 6:13 pm #

            Regarding James Comer, yes indeed, the recent move you mentioned lends credence to what Garland Nixon imagined. He argued that Dems would give Repubs the greenlight to threaten Biden with prosecution, thus forcing Biden to bow out of the race.

            The Trump family are members of The Club regardless of his astutely branded image, and they’re openly prosecuting that false image, no matter whether the charges are valid.

            Seems to me that “they” have both these guys by the huevos, and I wouldn’t put it past either of them to backroom deal their way out of Jail, no matter the terms.

            In the case of Biden, bow out in mild disgrace and lose the rest of his mind in a comfortable nursing home.

            In the case of Trump, beat the charges on some random technicalities, and in exchange receive back the presidency and agree to rally his gullible followers into sending their young to die in the forthcoming war with whomever, likely China/Iran.

            I mean, what better way to avert the national hassle of JHK’s 4th war scenario? Send the loyally dumb, stubbornly tough right wing patriots and desperately unemployable, confused leftist trannies to the Hail Mary War to preserve Western Hegemonic rule.

            Just the way the same globalists were gleefuly willing to sacrifice 500k Ukranian lives in service of the realpolitik agenda. Hasn’t it always been this way?

          • SoftStarLight November 9, 2023 at 2:56 am #

            It certainly is an interesting way of looking at things. I’ve generally thought of Trump as an outsider to the system. If he is part of the club then he could definitely convince more people to some sort of action as opposed to Biden. It’s creepy to think about really. I would also imagine the club members are planning for nuclear war then because I think that would result from some sort of all out war with countries like Iran and China. I don’t suspect Russia would simply be a spectator to that sort of thing either.

      • Groundhog November 9, 2023 at 11:01 am #

        “most politicians seem to make their careers off of essentially selling the country out in very literal ways.”

        That’s what politicians have been doing every since humans devised republican (little “r”) forms of government. In a monarchy the royal family owns the country and they have no interest whatsoever in ruining the value of what they own. They cannot steal what is theirs to start with. Instead they wish to care for the kingdom and keep it as healthy as possible so as to hand down a nation in good condition for the next heir to the throne. If you fail as a monarch the rest of the royal family will be watching very closely and will be making plans behind your back to replace you if necessary.

        Of course the crooked politicians will sell out the country. They don’t own it, instead they rent it and are like tenants from hell that can’t be evicted. Their purpose while in office is to steal as much stuff as they can for themselves during their term in office. How else can all our senators and congressmen become so wealthy from such a relatively poor paying job? They are skilled in stealing – they have no skills at all in making honest money. That’s why republics don’t last very long.

  80. SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 2:12 pm #

    Italy bans synthetic meat due to health concerns, including the formation of turbo cancers. The Biden regime is attempting to fast track approval of synthetic meat for US markets.


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    • malthuss November 9, 2023 at 11:20 am #

      so much for democrats being for the little guy.

  81. OG November 8, 2023 at 2:17 pm #

    After breeching the significant $2,000/oz psychological threshold a couple of weeks ago, Au has eased off. It’s currently bidding $1,951.60/oz.

    Ag is still a ridiculous bargain with a current bid of $22.64/oz.

    I’d ask “Who is stacking?” but, of course, serious stackers don’t stack and tell.

  82. SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 2:19 pm #

    The uniparty strikes again. This time to continue the buildout of the smart prison grid. Vehicles sold after 2026 will have a kill switch that the government has control of. Freedom of movement will soon be a thing of the past if the regime has anything to say about it.


    • PeteAtomic November 8, 2023 at 7:43 pm #

      oh boy

      an “impairment” so… if you vote for the wrong person, you impaired??

      U say “Joo bad” “Palie good” u impaired??

      Or “no covid jabs for me” u impaired?


      Maybe lying drunks will be the only ones driving post-2026


      • SoftStarLight November 9, 2023 at 3:04 am #

        Yes. It will basically be something like that. Of course the alleged reason kill switches are needed is for things like drunk driving. But as Biden says “c’mon man” lol we know they are really planning this as just another feature of their social credit system.

  83. Doly November 8, 2023 at 2:25 pm #

    >Israel understands that a basic tenet of jihadi Islam, expressed clearly and often, is to exterminate the Jews, and there is no way around that. Israel’s adversaries don’t seem to understand the meaning of “never again.”

    You have just reminded me of a quote in the novel Cryptonomicon that I didn’t understand at the time, but is making more and more sense:

    “Instead of trying to educate the potential *perpetrators* of holocausts, we try to educate the potential *victims*. *They* will at least pay some fucking *attention*.”

    Try to educate the victims, Kunstler.

    >A big part of the government’s war against US citizens has been the bizarre Covid-19 episode and the long-running effort by public officials to deceive the population about it, including lockdowns and destruction of small businesses, the dishonest suppression of viable treatments, gross censorship about the harms of the mRNA vaccines, and trickery around the origins of the vaccines in the back rooms of our Department of Defense.

    Yeah, it’s amazing how China protected their small businesses by having much more draconian lockdowns that kept most of the country running normally for most of the time the pandemic lasted.

    As for the possible harms of some vaccines, I’m no expert on the subject, but I’m really with Socrates on this one: if you have been sentenced with poison unfairly, take the poison. Vaccines against deadly infectious disease are something too important to risk disrupting the functioning of society just because you think they might be harmful. Shut up and take the poison, up till the point the remedy is literally worse than the disease, and you better have ironclad proof that the remedy is worse. No, this is not an invitation to offer “proof” unless you can also show me your medical credentials specific to infectious disease. The free Internet doesn’t want to educate stupid people, it wants to kill them by encouraging them to believe things likely to kill them, while separating them from their money. Dead fools don’t ask for their money back.

    • SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 2:28 pm #

      Did you take the poison? You can eat plenty of poison too if you want.

    • SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 2:38 pm #

      you could also watch Fox News and receive emanations of psychic poison lol

    • KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 4:59 pm #

      If the sky literally falls tomorrow , I’m as good as dead.

      My romping , stomping , stormtrooper , humping it 30 miles , days are over.

      So metaphorically you could say I have already taken the poison ,

      the ” poison ” in this case being 30+ years of burning the candle at both ends , and old age.

      As for educating the victims ,

      Do whatever the Gestapo tells you ,

      I don’t think is particularly helpful to a prospective victim one way , or the other.

  84. SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 2:26 pm #

    The US is accruing 2 billion dollars of debt each day now.

    • JimInFlorida2.0 November 8, 2023 at 3:25 pm #

      All backed by Demand of Performance contracts.

      We have been insolvent for decades. If you are insolvent, what is left? Slavery. Not just any kind of slavery but, our banksters have the POWER to demand that we do as we’re told. We have a huge Imperial War Machine that we told the banksters that we could do anything they wanted. Just hire us and we’ll cause trouble anywhere they need us to.

      The moment the ZOG-U.S, war machine is defeated is the moment we instantly crash. Our collapse will be far worse than what the people of the former USSR suffered.

      • SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 4:09 pm #

        Yes, I think that sounds correct. From what I understand more people in the former Soviet Union already had a low standard of living and many more were likely closer to the land. Just think of the reaction of affluent urbanites to such a complete crash now.

        I think the Demand of Performance contracts are backed by blackmail operations to keep the actors in line. The intel agencies are really just criminal mafias, drug rings, etc., and they specialize in compromising anyone that pops up on their radar as a potential influencer or up and coming political activists. Once they have the dirt they leverage it against those people to control them and what they do and say. Some have said they manage this with massive supercomputers and that is one of the reasons they want to track and trace literally every person in the world.

  85. SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 2:50 pm #

    One of the ties that bind the uniparty together = Sequoia Capital

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    • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 6:11 pm #

      ‘At least the commies were honest.’

      • SoftStarLight November 9, 2023 at 3:09 am #

        Hmm. More honest than their capitalist side yes. But they have an appreciation for the boiled frog method. So I would say that commies are definitely in the deception business. But yes, from the outset they are more open about their goals. They just have a bad habit of making people think its all going to be fields of daisies when in reality its fields of skull piles.

  86. JimInFlorida2.0 November 8, 2023 at 3:19 pm #

    I had a moment to enjoy a pleasant revisit of some old KunstlerCast podcasts where JHK and Duncan Crary were looking over the architectural dystopia of our times. Including the rot of our legacy cities, mill towns, and moribund symbols of Smokestack America.

    By current standards, those podcasts were an academic and quaint escape into the enlightened perspectives of JHK and DC where they could explain to us what, how, and why our architecture is not only a symptom of degeneracy but, a disease in itself that further spreads social dissonance, From JHK and Duncan Crary, I learned about the Beaux-Arts architecture, Art Deco, and how they compare to post WW2 brutalism. Including the fermentation and rot of high density developments that are crammed full of slapped-together McMansion trash.

    Listeners felt like they were listening to doctors discussing the diseases of a patient. How quickly things have changed to where the doctors have caught their patients’ diseases! No more discussing problems that are visible but comfortably far away. Now the madness of Clown World is in our faces.

    Ah, the KunstlerCast with JHK and Duncan Crary. It was nice while it lasted.

  87. docmartin November 8, 2023 at 4:16 pm #

    I am firmly convinced that Jim Kunstler is a self hating jew. I have come to that conclusion by the company he keeps on his comment forums. He reminds me of all the fair minded Jews in Germany in the 1930s. They believed in free speech until they were the victims of it as free speech turned into an unstoppable lynch mob. You can live a semi rural life, plant a garden, sing old American folk songs etc, but your free speech gang will still want to hunt you down and kill you sir.

    • OG November 8, 2023 at 4:46 pm #

      Free speech went awry 80 years ago and 4,000 miles away.

      Therefore, we should not have free speech here and now.

      Good thinking, doc.

      • OG November 8, 2023 at 4:57 pm #

        3,960 miles
        Distance from Manhattan to Berlin

        Ah, you loved me as a loser, but now you’re worried that I just might win
        You know the way to stop me, but you don’t have the discipline
        How many nights I prayed for this, to let my work begin
        First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

        – Montreal Jewish legend Leonard Cohen

        • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 12:34 am #

          And the stage in between was Moscow, not geographically but temporally.

    • SoftStarLight November 8, 2023 at 4:49 pm #

      Is that your prognosis, Doc? Don’t worry Mr. K. Your secret is safe with me 😉

    • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 5:52 pm #

      Zaz’s Mixed Bag


      Resilience.org: Ah But Vera Everyone Has To Have A Label…

      “I will not accept being labeled cisgender by anyone.” ~ vera, resilience.org/stories/2018-04-02/game-over/#comment-3836549437

      “Ah but Vera everyone has to have a label or how shall we know who is to be hated and who not.” ~ Dave Zoom, resilience.org/stories/2018-04-02/game-over/#comment-3837483245

      What’s your label? Mine’s anarchist. ^u’ <– right-side-up winkie

      Tinkie Winkie twerkin' twink (Zaz Jazzercise mix)


      From The Archives

      “ ‘At least Trump is telling us what we want to hear.’ ~ JimInFlorida

      well, no

      He won’t be winning ANY elections.” ~ dannyboy August 24, 2016 at 10:43 am

      Well no.


      Fresh From Hezbollah’s(?) Website

      “Permission has been given to those who fight because they have been wronged, and indeed, God is Able to grant them victory.
      Believe God Almighty
      In response to the Zionist enemy targeting one of the Islamic Resistance points in the Al-Tuffah region on Monday night, November 6, 2023, the Islamic Resistance Mujahideen, on Tuesday afternoon, November 7, 2023, targeted enemy artillery positions in occupied Palestine.
      ‘And victory is only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.’
      Tuesday 07-11-2023 AD
      22 Rabi’ al-Thani 1445 AH” ~ moqawama.news/essaydetails.php?eid=36813&cid=538

  88. BULLITT November 8, 2023 at 5:17 pm #

    So, I hear on the afternoon news that the House will subpoena members of the Biden Family. Of course, all testimony will be behind closed doors.
    Surely you gest!
    But I can understand this. What if Hunter Biden discloses that half the Republican Party was and is on the take.
    I’m sure the Republicans were informed about potential testimony.
    Another shit show coming up my friends. In the end, Biden will pardon himself and family members, walk out with a trove of cash, and pass the torch to some undesirable that will steal the election.
    My gut feeling is that Kennedy will be blamed for Trump’s loss.
    Get your household in order would be my best advice.

    • Mike Sherman November 8, 2023 at 6:11 pm #

      Bullitt – you’re a very creative poster.

  89. Jarek November 8, 2023 at 5:43 pm #

    The Tyger
    Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
    In the forests of the night;
    What immortal hand or eye,
    Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

    In what distant deeps or skies.
    Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
    On what wings dare he aspire?
    What the hand, dare seize the fire?

    And what shoulder, & what art,
    Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
    And when thy heart began to beat.
    What dread hand? & what dread feet?

    What the hammer? what the chain,
    In what furnace was thy brain?
    What the anvil? what dread grasp.
    Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

    When the stars threw down their spears
    And water’d heaven with their tears:
    Did he smile his work to see?
    Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

    Tyger Tyger burning bright,
    In the forests of the night:
    What immortal hand or eye,
    Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

    Plato called the Demiurge Creator, the Craftsman. He may indeed be a monster, but is he not also a great Artist?

    • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 5:58 pm #

      Soul Forensics

      in collapse’s aftermath
      it’s suddenly apparent

      you have new eyes

      with a chance to clean the net
      you find connections:
      tiny forks of tiny branches
      tucked together
      as if woven by a small bird
      on a high limb in a billowing tree
      in a universe of chances

      you find what bound your nest
      of fragile circumstances,
      where all the faulty transformations
      open-mouthed, fed by you, had nested

      how, as you fed, you looked at them
      with only furtive glances
      never doing anything to change
      what evidence suggested

      because you grasped at all
      the thing collapsed
      and now a devil dances

      ~ Jim Culleny



      Not bad at all… Great voice/hair, who cares if not precisely in video-frame.

      • Soul Forensics November 8, 2023 at 6:59 pm #

        “Aristotle was surely wrong: it isn’t reason but cruelty distinguishes our species. Man is not a rational animal, he’s a dull-witted animal who loves to torture. However, I have my share in the common disgrace; project along with others the fearful rigidities, crippling and comforting, of family, state, and religion. The free individual is farther from realization than he ever was….

        Why are people destructive and joy-hating? Is it perception of the unimportance of their lives finally penetrating the bark of their complacency and egotism? The slow martyrdom of sexual frustration? The feeling they’re objects of use and not of love? The knowledge they’re marked out for death, their resentment hardening with their arteries? Whichever is the reason, they can’t for long endure the sight of a happy man. You might as wisely light a match in a room filled with cyclopropane as go among them with a pleased expression. Tear it off your face they must, let their fingers be crushed in the attempt.”

        — Irving Layton

        • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 8:04 pm #

          “…you have new eyes…”

          “If he were told that what he is seeing is real instead of the other version of reality he sees on the wall, he would not believe it. In his pain, Socrates continues, the freed prisoner would turn away and run back to what he is accustomed to (that is, the shadows of the carried objects). The light ‘… would hurt his eyes, and he would escape by turning away to the things which he was able to look at, and these he would believe to be clearer than what was being shown to him.’

          Socrates continues: ‘Suppose… that someone should drag him… by force, up the rough ascent, the steep way up, and never stop until he could drag him out into the light of the sun.’ The prisoner would be angry and in pain, and this would only worsen when the radiant light of the sun overwhelms his eyes and blinds him.

          ‘Slowly, his eyes adjust to the light of the sun. First he can see only shadows. Gradually he…” ~ Wikipedia

          “Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
          Neo: What truth?
          Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.” ~ The Matrix

          “It is just as difficult and dangerous to try to free a people that wants to remain servile as it is to enslave a people that wants to remain free.” ~ Niccolò Macchiavelli

    • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 6:03 pm #

      Janos, you know who else love Blake, and that poem, and was in fact obsessed with tigers, wrote many stories about them? Jorge Luis Borges, and Argie, a Spic you may say, a brilliant writer.

      I know this poem by heart, and I’m glad you like it too – we’re antipodes apart in politics, but very, very close when it comes to personal tastes in literature.

      Stuff like this, you appreciating things like these, gives me hope that not all is lost, and you may become your full YOU one day.

      Tyger, tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night… that’s a jewel, that’s what’s all about, but it would take a book to explain why. Read Borges, if you can overcome your loathing of Hispanics.

  90. Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 5:54 pm #

    Congratulations to Mr K for letting his blog decay into a Joo hater meeting place. All those ping-backs from rabid right wing sites could only bring this around. Started years ago. Discussions about what’s the proper way to wear trousers, holy indignation about black youth’s disregard for them and so on. Insignificant shit for an author that made his mark on much, much higher IQ material.

    Instead of real issues. Y’know, depletion of fossil fuels, localization, glyphosate and microplastics in mother’s milk. Viable ways to oppose corporations, realistic ways to downsize, re-scale, localize. I guess when you pander to neo-nazis, that’s what you get, eh?

    What a shit show. Where to start? Maybe this: what are the best countries in the world for Muslim free speech and representation? India, Israel, the US. Try representing Christian, Jewish or Hindu interests in KSA or Iran, see how that goes. Hell, try moderate Muslim views in those places, see where that takes you.

    I have a question for the Islanders and OG’s here (too many to list) and it’s in good faith and I’d love a coherent answer: how come you viscerally rejected the liberal, woke, consensus view of the MSM on everything from BLM to vaccines to Trump, yet you are now best buddies with Rashida, AOC, the BBC and the NYT re. Palestinians?

    How come your hair is on fire about the bullshit “10,000 Palestinian dead, genocide” blah blah, without even acknowledging the well known Hamas tactic of shooting from behind civilians? That figure is solely provided by Hamas, and doesn’t make distinctions between civs and fighters. The Israelis have been making every effort to warn civilians to evacuate.

    Palestinians, like most other Arabs, are too chickenshit to stand up to the death cultists amongst them. That’s why they live in shithole countries (thanks, DJT). Yes, they’ll get a bullet in the head for opposing the guys with the guns and the big $ from the sheiks in UAW and KSA. But didn’t American patriots way back then risk the same thing for opposing the Crown loyalists? Chickenshit, I’ll say it again. Genocide, my ass. Bullshit propaganda. Israel offered peace many, many times since 1948. Most Palis would have liked the terms, but they lacked balls to stand up and say so.

    I’m more than willing to find a middle ground here: the US has enough problems as resource scarcity shows its ugly face to maintain an outpost of the West there. Let the Israelis figure it out without us. Not our fight. The West is going down and a Middle East outpost may not be viable for much longer, agreed. Europe is probably lost. Who else remains to proclaim the fundamental decency of a Robert E Lee or an Ike Eisenhower? Who else will be left to cherish and celebrate Shakespeare, Brahms and Pasteur, those despised dead white men?

    I think some here will agree with me that Christianity is dead, has been dead for quite a while now. You know who’s NOT dead? The other 2 members of the Semitic, monotheistic Middle Easter trifecta: Islam and Judaism. Where Christianity said “turn the other cheek” they said “an eye for an eye.” Revenge, my friends, revenge is live and kicking. Tribal, ugly, primitive, “we’ll kill 5 of yours for every one of ours you kill” is very much alive and here, in the land of human whales perambulating walmart on a search for bagel bites and soda pop, we’ve lost sight of that.

    Well, Jarek hasn’t, and he’s really making hay now that the sun shines. Oh, it’s springtime for nazis! He, and his new friends, don’t wanna hear about it, but there’s another way. For the few of us that remain, take faith, and consider: when the shit hits the fan, many around you (of all colors and ethnicities) will need your skills and expertise, and commitment to resistance; you will need them too.

    Forget the Middle East; we have no horse there. I have no horse there, although I recognize Israel as the more civilized and moderate player. Shit is coming to our shores soon. It won’t matter whether your neighbor is black or Jewish – all that’ll matter is, can he grow a good sweet potato crop? I realize most of the keyboard warriors here have no idea what I’m talking about, their abdominal muscles buried under layers of fat, every new year making firm commitments to get fit and go back to the land, only to be back to hours of TV and snacks by late January.

    Shame of Mr K for losing sight of what’s important, losing sight of where exactly he could make a valuable contribution, and going for the easy right wing approval for too many years now. Depletion and environmental disaster is not a right wing, or left wing issue – he lost sight of that, and here we are.

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    • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 6:07 pm #

      Call It ‘Mother State’

      I bitched about it sometimes and some time ago. But our host’s not an anarchist. It’s a superpower but he doesn’t seem to be taking it up, nor many of his readership.
      That and many other things are par for the course of course, as the little Titan sub sinks with and alongside its Titanic mothership and Israel sinks to new lows in the aftermath of its ‘mothership history’ that birthed the State of Israel.

      Perhaps Jim Culleny (kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/the-four-wars/#comment-838403) could do a poem for that sort of thing… (Same hair and off-center/kilter frame would add to the symbolism nicely too.)

      The ideas of killed/dead babies alongside the skeletons of their dead mothers.

      • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 6:44 pm #

        “the sheiks in UAW” ha, I didn’t mean the union. I meant the UAE, the Emirates, a filthy rich, degenerate, dismal statelet in the ME. “The sultans of swing”

    • Soul Forensics November 8, 2023 at 6:46 pm #

      “I think some here will agree with me that Christianity is dead, has been dead for quite a while now. You know who’s NOT dead? The other 2 members of the Semitic, monotheistic Middle Easter trifecta: Islam and Judaism. Where Christianity said “turn the other cheek” they said “an eye for an eye.”” — Rulo

      Christianity has never sorted out its conception of the Gods of the Old and New Testament. It’s always been a schizophrenic religion. Consider that Jesus never renounced the Old Testament God, in fact declaring that He was He.

      Now that we are in (in Islam’s terms) dar al-harb (House of War), we have Jarek pasting the bloodlust, and threats to his followers to comply, of God in Deuteronomy. No different at all from Islam.

      Also, in Islam, is the concept of hudna (strategic truce, or phony peace), and that’s mostly what that religion has been about, with violent outbreaks from time to time since the inception of Israel.

      Both religions are world domination visions, using the carrot of proselytization and the stick of dynamite, whereas Judaism relies on the latter almost exclusively.

      1400-2000 years isn’t a long time in historical terms. These monotheistic excitations will fade away, but someone else will arise to create a new world ‘unifying’ religious view, then others, and the next cycle will continue.

      Ultimately, the problem is not in religious scripture (which Man, speaking for God, has created), but in the human heart.

      • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 7:30 pm #

        Soul, as usual, you bring intelligence and insight to the debate. Alas, despite your contributions, the debate is going to the sewer. The cornucopians maintaining “all would be alright if Ronnie Raygun was prez,” the Jareks seeing their golden opportunity for a revived ethnic cleansing, and so on.

        Well stated: world dominance systems. “someone else will arise to create a new world ‘unifying’ religious view” – ain’t that the post-human, high tech cult? Huxley? (the whole family, esp. Julian, not just Aldous)

        Schizophrenic religion… I like that. Indeed it is. And now it’s dead. The pope is a joke. The pastors, razing forest to build Evangelical temples that look like tire warehouses, milking their parishioners so they can do the same as everybody else, get fat, watch porn and Netfilx, with no physical effort, are a joke.

        Islam and the Jews are no jokes. To them, the millennia is nothing. They’re still at it, “an eye for an eye” – gangs, they’re gangs just like the cartels. The cartels will do well for the foreseeable future, as will they.

        The human heart is ceasing to be a riddle for me, at 52 years old. I long for Mother Earth, Pacha Mama, and her cohort of stream and wood deities to renew and refresh our rotten human heart. What I see in the human heart, incl mine, is horrid. All these monotheistic, angry God fabrications need to crumble and die. We were better off when we worshipped the great god Pan, and mighty Dyonisos, the stranger who brings the sacred vine.

        • Soul Forensics November 8, 2023 at 7:49 pm #

          Dionysus. Now there was a God.

          • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 8:12 pm #

            Yeah! Not just of the vine, and intoxication. Of strangeness. The ultimate foreigner.

            His cohort of drunken, murdering women, the maenads, was no joke either. Talk about gangs!

            The stranger is in our hearts, to continue your line of thoughts. Inside us, there’s an alien soul. Perhaps it’s too late to do forensics on it – it will just burst out. Sure feels like an alien god of ecstasy is ready to consign that poor man tortured on the cross to the dustbin of spirituality…

            Frankly, I cannot bow and submit to an image of murder and torture anymore. Frankly, Christianity is dead to me. It hurts to let it go, my childhood religion, but it is dead, so dead.

          • OG November 8, 2023 at 10:08 pm #

            You are turning your back on Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord God’s only son and our saviour, because of the words and actions of people?

            Talk about throwing out the baby with the bathwater!

          • Soul Forensics November 9, 2023 at 12:46 am #


            By their fruits you shall know them. Or in this case, their teachers.

            Who cares about the good passages of the Bible? What we get are apers of the worst of God — jealousy, vindictiveness, insecurity, pride, bloodlust, revenge, megalomania, torture, murder, looting, and rape.

            Christianity has a PR problem. Perhaps instead of throwing up your hands — as you have done — and saying that with your tiny brain (a bit of hypocrisy on your part, no?) you can’t reconcile the God of Deuteronomy with Jesus of Nazareth, you could ask yourself why you pride yourself on your investigative thinking re the Chinese, the WEF, the Deep State, lawyers, women, “Covid”, the low-GLiTters, etc, but suddenly find yourself inadequate and strangely silent on all those charges indicting God, either through God’s direct actions or His incitement.

          • Soul Forensics November 9, 2023 at 1:06 am #


            I was made to go to church from birth to when I finally defied my Mother and abruptly stopped (to markedly improve the rest of my Sunday mornings) at around 13.

            I discovered — no surprise at that age — that the secret to the Protestant church, Lutheran in my case, was to keep the suckers feeling guilty about sex. When we’re young, we’re much more intuitive, much more in touch with the discordance between the virtuous words and the grim and damning visages of those speaking them.

            But even more than that, I never cottoned on to the architectural superstructure of Christianity — the notion that souls had to be “saved”, that there were separate places that every person, Christian or not, eventually went to: Heaven or Hell. (Talk about your classic duality!) And that good people, or those who hadn’t even heard of the “Good News” through no fault of their own (children, isolated tribes, the mentally impaired) were to roast in Hell for Eternity.

            There are many glories encouraged if not generated by the Church — architecture, music, Art, basic conduct in community settings, many good Christians participating in it. But the dark side of it dwarfs it, and the “end times” people in all three monotheisms are getting louder, even gleeful, as are a few on this very board.

          • Groundhog November 9, 2023 at 11:25 am #

            “you can’t reconcile the God of Deuteronomy with Jesus of Nazareth”

            This is a very ancient problem and the Christian disciples of Marcion during those first centuries AD couldn’t make these reconciliations either. These types of issues were being discussed very early on among Christians and some left the orthodox Church as a result and became Marcionites.

    • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 6:48 pm #

      Rulo: What do you think of Mr Kunstler’s thesis that Jews are the leaders of the United States, at since WW2? Does it sound familiar? It should: It’s what we believe too.

      So if true, how did you folks do?

      • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 7:08 pm #

        Hey Jarek, “you folks”? You know I’m not Jewish but Catholic (lapsed) despite some Hebrew blood on dad’s side. Equivocating much? I don’t care much for either religion, and just like you are an Odinist (under Catholic camouflage), I’m a Gaiaist, a Mother Earth worshipper.

        As for your question… I’ve been reading a biography of JP Morgan. WASP hero. Many like him. Others, a minority, Jews.

        What can I say. The greedier and more ruthless of every group gravitate towards positions of power. Jews being no exemption. It’s a tired old debate, and I’m afraid will lose any significance when the shelves go bare.

        Do you have experience with bare shelves? I do. Different parts of the world. I say prepare yourself. Chuck the baggage and realize anyone of any race will be your friend if they can give you work in exchange for an egg and a potato. The time is late, very late.

        • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 7:17 pm #

          Thank you finally admitting about your dad. I guessed as much as you may recall.

          I’ve made some preparations. The main one was moving to a red, red state. States are going to matter. In case of complete catastrophe, obviously you are in a better position than almost any of us.

          The Pandas are being taken back by China. It’s real. They are very angry at our refusal to accept their National Socialist commitment to the Chinese nation and people.

        • GreenAlba November 8, 2023 at 7:18 pm #

          “The greedier and more ruthless of every group gravitate towards positions of power. Jews being no exemption. It’s a tired old debate, and I’m afraid will lose any significance when the shelves go bare.”


          Hope you won’t disappear entirely, Rulo, although I know it has no importance, compared to your actual life.

          • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:21 am #

            Some people’s shelves won’t go as bare. Some won’t go bare at all. The group that controls media, banking, and foreign policy will do better than most.

            The issue isn’t going anywhere, you foolish people.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle November 9, 2023 at 2:56 am #

            I’m a fool for love.

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 5:53 am #

            “Some people’s shelves won’t go as bare. Some won’t go bare at all. The group that controls media, banking, and foreign policy will do better than most.”

            Thank you for posting another entry from the Encyclopaedia of the Bleedin’ Obvious.

            Seriously. Words fail.

          • Groundhog November 9, 2023 at 11:44 am #

            “The greedier and more ruthless of every group gravitate towards positions of power”

            And in a monarchy the greedy and the ruthless are shut off completely from access to power. Monarchs are trained from birth for their jobs, and they are trained and obligated to manage their countries from the point of view of duty. They govern because it’s their duty to do so – not because they are trying to enrich themselves. A monarch already owns his kingdom, he’s already rich and has no reason to try and “steal” what’s already his in the first place. . .

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 12:49 pm #


            Some day, you must let me introduce you to the Windsors.

            But, in the meantime, you could just read Dr John Coleman’s book ‘Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300′, although it’s getting hard to source. I’ve got two new copies and two second-hand copies, for posterity. I reckon it will always be useful for people who come after me to know how the world has been run – and the place of the Windsors in that is worth knowing. I envisage a version of Samizdat being necessary, before too long, so I’m happy to make my small contribution to having some pertinent books in circulation after I’m gone.

            Of course, the PTB have a record of every book I’ve bought recently, which will not do me any good in the future that’s coming.

          • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 1:55 pm #

            Yet Rulo said the opposite and you said exactly.

            Words fail because your mind fails you.

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 2:24 pm #

            It rather depends on who you claim ‘the group’ to be, doesn’t it? That the group (whoever they are) aren’t going to go hungry, is pretty bloody obvious.

            That it’s primarily THE JOOS less so.

            Your mind is definitely getting less sharp.

        • malthuss November 9, 2023 at 11:24 am #

          fallen away catholic…such a colorful term.
          last time I was in a catholic church there was a pop band [drums etc]..i was like no thx.

  91. Mike Sherman November 8, 2023 at 6:06 pm #

    Gee, whizz! Those are some interesting election results, are they not? Looks like smart people know they don’t want MAGAts or Drumpf.

    • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 6:39 pm #

      Could you be the same Mike Sherman I knew for years in the Ft Myers, FL area? A Democratic Party activist and, despite that, a friend. Who would not believe me when I mentioned Ukranians ties to their nazi past, and thought the many pictures of them with nazi and NATO flags I sent him a “fake”? You surely sound like him. If that’s so, well hello, Mike! Hope you and Lydia are doing alright!

      • Mike Sherman November 8, 2023 at 7:20 pm #

        Hi Rulo

        No. Never been to Fort Meyers. And the missus is “Julie”.

        • benr November 8, 2023 at 7:40 pm #

          Still an idiot though.

        • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 7:48 pm #

          Lydia, oh! Lydia, say have you met Lydia
          Oh! Lydia, the tattooed lady
          She has eyes that folks adore so
          And a torso even more so
          Lydia, oh! Lydia, that “Encyclopedia”
          Oh! Lydia, the Queen of tattoo
          On her back is the Battle of Waterloo
          Beside it the Wreck of the Hesperus too
          And proudly above the waves
          The Red, White and Blue
          You can learn a lot from Lydia

          She can give you a view of the world
          In tattoo if you step up and tell her where
          For a dime you can see Kankakee or Paree
          Or Washington crossing the Delaware

          Oh! Lydia, oh! Lydia, say have you met Lydia
          Oh! Lydia, the tattooed lady
          When her muscles start relaxin’
          Up the hill comes Andrew Jackson
          Lydia, oh! Lydia, that “Encyclopedia”
          Oh! Lydia, the champ of them all

          For two bits she will do a Mazurka in Jazz
          With a view of Niag’ra that no artist has
          And on a clear day you can see Alcatraz
          You can learn a lot from Lydia.
          La la la La la la La la la La la la

          Come along and see Buff’lo Bill with his lasso
          Just a little classic by Mendel Picasso
          Here is Captain Spaulding exploring the Amazon
          And Godiva, but with her pajamas on
          La la la La la la La la la La la la

          Here is Grover Whalen unveilin’ the Trylon
          Over on the west coast we have Treasure Islan’
          Here’s Nijinsky a doin’ the Rhumba
          Here’s her Social Security numba
          La la la La la la La la la La la la

          Lydia, oh! Lydia, say have you met Lydia
          Oh! Lydia, the champ of them all
          She once swept an Admiral clear off his feet
          The ships on her hips made his heart skip a beat
          And now the old boy’s in command of the fleet

          Harold Arlen

          Jarek: Was Groucho a Communist?

          Congrats on Ohio. Saw a clip of the celebration. Men who were not men and women who were not women. But at least they liked each other. Abortion brings people together?

          • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 8:17 pm #

            Brilliant! Where do you get all this? You’re a brainiac, you!

            “She has eyes that folks adore so
            And a torso even more so”

            Yes! Enough to make you love women again! Although you despise tattoos, smoking and drinking. Oh, but wild women like that… oh, to experience them once at least!

            Perhaps at long last you’ll find a badass Mexican lady, full of tattoos and tequila, to radically reset your view on the fairer sex…

        • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 8:26 pm #

          Well, best of luck to you and Julie, then. You may not know it, or want to think about it, but hard times are ahead, the signs are everywhere for those who know where to look.

          It’s good to have a good partner, a solid woman, in hard times.

  92. Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 6:57 pm #

    I’m coming to the conclusion that this is no place for me to hang out. I’ve come to the same conclusion regarding other forums, like Moon of Alabama, lately. Such a clear view regarding the C19 psy op and the Ukrainian clusterfuck, replaced in the last few weeks by a mighty upchuck of bigotry and racism, a tide of vomit.

    Lucky me, I have real neighbors and friends to have a beer with, who are my peers. Small farmers who hoe the rows from sunup to sundown. Who’s my peer around here? Maybe Anthea. Anyone who knows the meaning of “hoe-sunup-sundown”

    Getting real sick of the keyboard warriors and their layers of fat, the Bidenistas and the Trumpistas living their lives in exactly the same way: cases of single use plastic beverages, big fat SUV’s, obscene amounts of time in front of the TV. Same fucking thing, both of you.

    • Jarek November 8, 2023 at 7:10 pm #

      Wow. What a failure to deal with reality.

    • Mike Sherman November 8, 2023 at 7:23 pm #

      “Bidenista” is a new one, Rulo. The main division between commenters here is whether they see and live in REALITY or whether they choose (choose!) live in an echo chamber of conspiracy & identity politics.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 7:33 pm #

      Rulo, I just posted a great video/podcast (kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/the-four-wars/#comment-838421) that include two of my favourites, Nate Hagens and David Holmgren, and that I’m still listening to in the kitchen here while I make a soup with some of my garden veggies that include aragula, broccoli, chives and 3 acorn squashes.

      If you want to permanently head out of ‘here’, fair enough and best wishes, otherwise, perhaps you could ‘be the change you seek’, at least once and awhile and post stuff that interests you and maybe shifts the narrative in ways that attract others along your wavelines.

      Unless I might be stuck at home with a cold or whatever, I only post and read here periodically and wouldn’t recommend it as a regular habit in any case, especially given that this is the internet, after all, and so not really natural to our natural forms of communication. This fact may naturally reflect those who may better synch with that kind of wave.

    • PeteAtomic November 8, 2023 at 7:37 pm #

      Great rant!

      “Getting real sick of the keyboard warriors and their layers of fat, the Bidenistas and the Trumpistas living their lives in exactly the same way: cases of single use plastic beverages, big fat SUV’s, obscene amounts of time in front of the TV. Same fucking thing, both of you.”

      hahaha nice paragraph, there lul

    • OG November 8, 2023 at 9:47 pm #

      Such a clear view regarding the C19 psy op and the Ukrainian clusterfuck, replaced in the last few weeks by a mighty upchuck of bigotry and racism, a tide of vomit.

      I have seen nothing of the sort here on CFN, Rulo.

      If you are going to level such serious allegations, you should name names rather than simply whitewash all of us.

      Personally, I’m getting the impression that you are and will remain pro-Israeli no matter what they do or how many thousands of “wasps” that they kill and maim.

      The Public Square would be boring if everyone agreed all the time. The Public Square is where disagreements come out to meet.

      Make your case. Refute others’ cases that you disagree with. Fight for your version of right. Man up and don’t discourage that others see things differently than do you.

    • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 12:31 am #

      Project much ?

      Because , yes , I have been to where shelves are bare,

      and I’m not believing that you are anything but a Lotus – Eater , some sugar daddy or parents darling – by – inheritance , who ever did a days work you weren’t grossly over – compensated for .

      Please do leave.

      If I never saw your kind again as long as I live it would not break my fucking heart.

    • Slugoon November 9, 2023 at 2:06 am #

      I hope you don’t leave, Rulo. I consider you one of the most thoughtful and delicate contributors here but it’s understandable. Perhaps just pop back as and when a topic suits you?

  93. The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 7:17 pm #

    David Holmgren: “Small and Slow Solutions – Permaculture Design” | The Great Simplification #96


    “Show Summary:

    On this episode, Nate is joined by ‘permaculture’ author and educator David Holmgren to discuss his experience within the movement and what it might look like for more systems to be designed using permaculture in the future. While often thought to be an agricultural tool, permaculture thinking is meant for designing human systems to be embedded in nature – an important principle for a future where societies will need to re-synchronize with natural flows. What does it mean for permaculture design to ‘scale up’, and how is it different from how we usually think about growing a system? How will permaculture design change as we move through different phases of resource availability? More importantly, how can the ‘small and slow’ foundation of permaculture help human societies adapt to a lower throughput future as we navigate The Great Simplification?

    About David Holmgren:

    David Holmgren is best known as the co-originator of permaculture. In 1978, he and Bill Mollison published Permaculture One, starting the global permaculture movement. Since then, David has developed three properties, consulted and supervised on urban and rural projects, written eight more books, and presented lectures, workshops and courses in Australia and around the world. His writings over those three decades span a diversity of subjects and issues, whilst always illuminating aspects of permaculture thinking and living.”

    • GreenAlba November 8, 2023 at 7:24 pm #

      I remember reading him years ago. Wasn’t he the ‘Retrofitting Suburbia’ guy, or was that someone else?

      • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 7:36 pm #

        Yes I think so, and that book may have been mentioned in the video. I’m still listening to it. It’s a very good video to listen to while bopping around the kitchen incidentally, rather than just sitting and watching it.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 7:37 pm #

        John Michael Greer is also mentioned. So it’s in ‘our circle’ so to speak.

        • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 8:19 pm #

          Greer is a visionary and major author and thinker. His occult interpretation of events acquires more relevance every week. Glad you are a reader, too, Zaz.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 8:50 pm #

            I’m not a reader as such, Rulo, just that I’ve read a little and seen a video or two featuring him, so I’m relatively familiar. He also popped in to The Oil Drum at least once that I know of while I was there.

            Also, while mentioned in the video, he is only very cursorily mentioned, specifically WRT his phrase, ‘Collapse now and avoid the rush.’ and how that can be changed to another phrase and/or approach where it’s less about collapse and more about resilience or something like that.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 9:00 pm #

        BTW, listening to another video/podcast, Holmgren’s book seems to be RetroSuburbia: The Downshifter’s Guide To A Resilient Future.

  94. Jarek November 8, 2023 at 7:25 pm #

    To Nobodaddy

    Why art thou silent & invisible
    Father of jealousy
    Why dost thou hide thyself in clouds
    From every searching Eye

    Why darkness & obscurity
    In all thy words & laws
    That none dare eat the fruit but from
    The wily serpents jaws
    Or is it because Secresy
    gains females loud applause

    William Blake

    Jarek: Blown away. Was Billy Blake a red pill brother?

  95. Jarek November 8, 2023 at 7:32 pm #

    Another version:

    Then old Nobodaddy aloft Farted and belched and coughed, And said, ‘I love hanging and drawing and quartering Every bit as well as war and slaughtering.’

    William Blake

    My favorite Blake quote:

    The only man I ever knew
    Who did not make me almost spew
    Was Fuseli, both Turk and Jew
    So my dear Christian friends
    How do you do?

    dedicated to Rulo

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    • Rulo Deschamps November 8, 2023 at 8:18 pm #

      The ottomans were fairly tolerant, as long as heretics paid their taxes.

  96. KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 8:55 pm #

    ” He reminds me of all the fair minded Jews in Germany in the 1930s. They believed in free speech until they were the victims of it as free speech turned into an unstoppable lynch mob. ”

    Total horseshit.

    I’ll start with mobs —

    I have never gotten the impression that mobs , or rather peer pressure , are an expression of a bunch of average Joe’s all getting a free and equal say.

    Quite the reverse.

    Be the reasons good , bad , indifferent , or evil , peer pressure is all about CIRCUMVENTING a bunch of average Joe’s all getting a free and equal say.

    Lynchings generally did NOT happen because 15 or 20 buck – toothed girls living in trailer parks , and with Twitter accounts , got together outside the pool hall and decided to go kill somebody.

    That sort of narrative might work for 30 minute TV shows , or movies that last barely an hour and a half , but it’s far from any reality.

    If 15 or twenty teenage girls with Twitter accounts DID get together , and DID ALL have a FREE and EQUAL SAY , I suspect you would get 15 or 20 DIFFERENT says on how they want to fuck .

    Lock – step murder as a result of free and equal says ?


    Are you fucking kidding me ?

    Now as to Lynchings —

    Lynchings happened because , at the very least , very important people allowed them to happen , at worst , because very important people were behind them.

    For example , Leo Frank was not taken from his home , or his place of business , or the local Wendy’s , and lynched.

    He was taken from a prison cell IN the state prison , which was 30 miles away from where many in the lynching party lived.

    This was in the era of Model T’s and dirt roads. As I recall , it took the lynching party about 5 hours just to drive out to the prison.

    The ring leader of the lynching party owned , and was chief editor and contributor of , a newspaper.

    He had been calling for the lynching of Leo Frank for years in his newspaper , and bragged about taking part in the lynching in his newspaper many times afterward.

    The State of Georgia had a full list of the people in the lynching party within a month of the lynching.

    None of these people were ever arrested or indicted.

    Again , it seems clear to me that the lynching of Leo Frank happened because , at the least , several , or many , very important people allowed it to happen ,

    at worst , several , or many , very important people were behind it.

    As to Weimar era Germany —

    On paper , Weimar Germany was a republic , that respected due process and human rights.

    Unfortunately , in reality , a significant portion of the population had no use for things like free speech.

    First , there were the old farts , who had lived basically their entire lives under absolutism and authoritarianism. It was what they knew , it was all they knew , or at the very least it was a very old and familiar habit.

    Then you had groups like the Nazis and the Communists , who were actively hostile to things like free speech. The folks in this group were , if anything , even more radically and extremely authoritarian than the old farts.

    The most that could be said of these three groupings is that they wanted “free speech ” for their GROUP , exclusively.

    Authoritarian old farts , Nazis and Communists , did not practice every individual average Joe getting a free and equal say in their meetings.

    The rule was ; Group think , or get the fuck out.

    Again , in these cases , peer pressure was not an expression of a bunch of average Joe’s all getting a free and equal say.

    In these cases , peer pressure was an expression of circumventing the average Joe getting a free and equal say.

    Then there were groups which , though they seemed to champion free speech , I suspect did not.

    LGBTQ was in full flower in Weimar era Germany , and like its present day counterpart ,

    something about it doesn’t smell right.

    And I don’t mean the smell of their fetishes.

    Paula D rightly pointed out recently that Pornhub isn’t run by some guy living on a government check and operating out of his parents basement.

    It costs thousands of dollars PER DAY to keep Pornhub online.

    You don’t come up with that kind of jack by some ad hoc group of perverts pooling their pennies .

    Getting back to the Nazis specifically ;

    In the elections of the early 1930’s Hitler was flying around Germany in Chauferred airplanes , or driving around Germany in Chauferred limousines , and spending the night in four star hotels.

    The Nazi party newspaper was being handed out for free in the hundreds of thousands of copies.

    At least every fifth lampost in Germany was plastered with a Nazi Party poster.

    WHERE DID THE MONEY COME FROM for all of this ?

    One thing we certainly can be sure of ;

    Nazi Party dues didn’t begin to cover these expenses.

    So , again , where did the money come from ?

    Good luck with that question.

    The world is supposedly full of people who want to ensure that the Holocaust never happens again ,

    and supposedly in service of that goal they write libraries – worth of books on every concievable aspect of that subject ,

    from the supposed psychology of Adolf Hitler , to the prison uniform concentration camp inmates wore.

    But what I don’t see is any appreciable number of books on the subject of where the money came from to organize these Nazi lynch mobs.

    For example , while I have seen many biographies of Hitler , Himmler , Goring , this or that German General , even a book or two on Hitler’s secretarial staff,

    I have yet to see a single book on the subject of Franz Xavier Schwarz , The Nazi Party’s chief financial officer , and the sole occupant of that post , beginning to end.


    Granted , perhaps I could be wrong , but my guess would be that after Hitler himself ,

    if anyone in the Nazi Party really knew what all the fuck was going on , it would be Schwarz.

    But , to this day , he remains the invisible man.

    Granted , not everybody is an accountant , I’m not particularly good at math myself.

    But with today millions of accountants and people who are good at math walking around , you would think somebody would be interested in the subject ?

    I suppose a great many people are only interested in the movie or the TV show , they aren’t really interested in the substance ?

    But I suspect a great many other people , and not just millionaires and billionaires ,

    don’t really want to know how lynch mobs are organized and paid for ,

    and more importantly , don’t want YOU to understand how lynch mobs are organized and paid for ,

    In any case , what any of this has to do with free speech ,

    I don’t fucking see it.

    • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 12:49 am #

      Yes, the economic miracle of Nazi Germany is a forbidden subject. We need the Bankers! – just like the Czar needed a hole in his head. They need to feel needed. They order us to need them.

      The Nazis were forbidden access to the radio or the press. So they took to the streets were their pamphlets and what not. They were ruthlessly attacked by the anifa. So they fought them. After 25,000 casualties and over 300 deaths, they triumphed.

      Leo Frank had been convicted by a jury of his peers. But he was going to be sent to NYC and everyone knew that he was going to be retried and set free. He was guilty of murdering Mary Phagan, a teenage worker at the factory he ran. He tried to pin it on a Black underling, but the Black stood his ground and denied it steadfastly and with great dignity.

      Big case with big results. The ADL was created after this. As was the Knights of Mary Phagan. Of course they are history and the ADL goes on and on.

      It’s possible that some of the Bankers secretly channeled money to Hitler – once it became clear they couldn’t stop him. Having a foot in every door is their modus operandi. But I’ll pose the same question to you that I posed to Alba: Do you really believe they didn’t care who won? They may have funded him, as insurance, to have a foot in the door in case the Allies didn’t crush them. But clearly they wanted the Allies to win.

      They funded both sides in the Civil War. Which would have served them better Yankee Capitalism or Aristocratic Southern Agrarianism? The answer is obvious. As the Pope wrote to Andrew Johnson in a private letter, Yankee Capitalism is a growing and deadly threat to the World.

      • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 1:50 am #

        ” Yes … ”

        No , I haven’t the foggiest notion what any of this has to do with my assertion that free speech has scarce anything or nothing to do with lynching or genocide.

        It looks like misdirection , changing the subject.

        As for changing the subject ,

        I will address this ;

        ” Leo Frank had been convicted by a jury of his peers. ”


        Go ahead and call me narrow – minded ,

        because I take that as seriously as I take 12 people telling me they know who Jack the Ripper was.

        The FACT is we DON’T KNOW who killed Mary Phagan ,

        any more than we know who killed Mary Kelly .

        The requisite magic fucking wand wasn’t available then , and it isn’t available now.

        The states case against Leo Frank basically came down to the prosecutor and the police saying, ” He did it. ”

        That was their fucking case.

        Leo Frank was the very proverbial Yankee Carpet – Bagger . I DON’T love the guy.

        But the evidence against him was fucking ZERO.

        Speaking of Yankee Carpet – Baggers ;

        I’m done with dancing around the fucking maypole with you.

        It’s one story with you one day , and another story from you another day.

        Hot one day , cold the next.

        Yes , No , maybe , or just plain gibberish , depending on the hour.

        Do you , or do you not , endorse secession ?

        Was Abraham Lincoln a fucking dictator and a war criminal , or Mary fucking Poppins ?

        Are you , or are you not , an enemy of the United States government ?

        • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:16 am #

          I talked about the things you talked about. You tied your topics up loosely with theme of free speech.

          Did the National Socialists not have the same right to free speech? Yet they were denied it. They fought back. They won for a golden hour. Does that offend you as it offends everyone else?

          Leo Frank was convicted. But he had connections, big ones. He wasn’t an ethnic Yankee if you know what I mean. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. He wasn’t going to let the little people do him in. Who mattered more, him or Mary Phagan? Of all people I thought you would take the underdog’s side, especially it being was a young girl. But no!

          Et tu, Kesai?

          • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 3:01 am #

            ” Et tu ”

            Mathew 10 : 36

            ” A mans foes shall be they of his own household. ”

            Ceasar was killed not only by his own people , but by his own class , his own collogues and peers , arguably even by his own ” friends “.

            And I have a terribly sinking feeling that Anthony , Octavian , and Cleopatra didn’t really give a fuck about him either.

            You wouldn’t think a mixed – race East German expatriate would be keenly cognizant of such things ?

          • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 3:25 am #

            ” Of all people I thought you would take the underdog’s side, ESPECIALLY IT BEING A YOUNG GIRL . ”

            I’m quite sure that I have pointed out ad naseum that there is no surer and quicker way to completely lose any credibility with me than playing the ” poor children ” card.

            Tell me that your heart bleds for a 40 year old with liver spots and BO ,

            and I MIGHT think something of it .

            But puppies and children ?

            That transparently insincere trope was already exhausted when I was myself a child.

          • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 4:22 am #

            She was an attractive teenager. You know nothing about the case, obviously. He raped and killed her.

  97. messianicdruid November 8, 2023 at 8:56 pm #

    Soul Forensics declared, “I’m not spending my time scrolling through an ocean of comments to find your quotes. You can do the work yourself, as you should, and copy-paste them here.”

    Ask and ye shall receive…

    Jarek said, “Christ said to the mob, You were slaves in Egypt. The mob replied, We were never slaves.”

    Edomites [ descendants of Esau ] were not enslaved.

    The Edomites merely converted to Judaism and, as Josephus puts it, “they were hereafter no other than Jews” (Antiquities of the Jews, XIII, ix, 1). The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (1970 edition) tells us,

    “The Edomites were conquered by John Hyrcanus who forcibly converted them to Judaism, and from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people” (p. 587).

    The Jewish Encyclopedia (1903 edition) tells us,

    “From this time the Idumeans [ descendants
    of Esau ] ceased to be a separate people, though the name ‘Idumea’ still existed (in) the time of Jerome” (5th century).

    Hence, the nation once known as Edom (or Idumea in Greek) ceased to exist forever, although the people themselves survived. For the next century, men still referred to them as the Idumean branch of Jewry, but after the Roman war, the name gradually died out, and men stopped distinguishing Idumeans from Jews.

    The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, tells us bluntly,

    “Edom is in modern Jewry” (Vol. 5, p. 41)

    So did the Edomites become God’s chosen people by virtue of their conversion to Judaism? Most Christians today are unaware of this history, so the question has never come up in most churches. A related issue came up some centuries later when the Khazars converted to Judaism.

    This means [ at least ] two sets of prophecy are being fulfilled by them.

    One of the prophecies is Obadiah.


    • Nathan November 8, 2023 at 9:58 pm #

      Druid, Israel ceased to be the defining quality of God’s chosen people when the new covenant came into effect. It’s not that most Christians may be unaware, it’s that genetics and ethnicity are irrelevant to someone’s status as a Christian.
      [Galatians 3:7-8, 26-29 NKJV] 7 Therefore know that [only] those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. 8 And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, [saying], “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” … 26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you [are] Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

      • messianicdruid November 8, 2023 at 10:28 pm #

        You’re preaching to the choir Nathan.

        The subject is “defining our terms” in a matter that a debate may be resolved.

        I have asked many times if certain people were using the term “Israel” the way God uses it or the way religionists are using it. Your first sentence leaves me wondering.

        “…it’s that genetics and ethnicity are irrelevant to someone’s status as a Christian.” I have said the same on numerous occasions, even since Monday morning.

        The subject here is the status of a portion of those who identify as “Israel” but have no right to the name. Their geneology does matter. Their own written works make it plain that “Edom is in modern Jewry”, and therefore the prophecies concerning Edom should concern them.


        • messianicdruid November 8, 2023 at 11:24 pm #

          “Their geneology does matter” until they obey the gospel by displaying faith in the promises [ Covenant ] that Christ sent the Apostles to preach to those “scattered abroad”. Their status is changed. They are justified [ saved ] in their spirit and can begin their sanctification [ saved ] in their soul [ life ] just like any other nationality.

          • Soul Forensics November 9, 2023 at 12:29 am #


            I read the above you’ve pasted before. I have no idea how any of it relates to my initial question of what constitutes the meaning of ‘spirituality’.

            You’ve posted a potted history of sorts. Interesting, but as far from my question’s parameters as can be.

            Again, I’m not taking a side. I’m asking a much deeper question: what does it mean to be spiritual? The reductionist and partisan answers we get from both Christians and atheists don’t interest me, for many reasons, most of them different one side from the other.

            And so when someone finally brings up ‘spirituality’, all others can think of is New Age bullshit, hence the unfortunate, dismissive comments from GreenAlba during that sub-thread.

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 6:35 am #

            So, why don’t you take a shot and tell us what it is, SF?

            My comment wasn’t ‘unfortunate’. It was just ‘off the cuff’. Anyone is free to disagree with it, but some substance would be good.

            Two authors I recall an example of from years ago: Raymond Tallis (geriatrician, by profession, and amateur philosopher) and John Gray (author of Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals, which I expect you’ve read.

            Gray’s book was somewhat wrist-slitting in its general tenor. Tallis, by contrast, is non-religious but a (warm and sympathetic) humanist. (I think a doctor who chooses geriatrics over paediatrics is already an unusual character and worth listening to, philosophically speaking.)

            Many have said humanism is just Christianity with God stripped out, and therefore a fake philosophical stance. But I’m happy to listen to anyone’s explanations of what may or may not be fuzzy woo.

            Humanism is, of course, not synonymous with spirituality, although there are crossovers. As I think you said, a definition of terms would be useful, so please feel free.

            But here’s the thing, too. Either there is a God or there isn’t. If there isn’t, arguing about spirituality, devoid of God, might have some relevance. If there is, then you could argue that spirituality is a given, while many will refuse to acknowledge the giver.

            So we can debate all we like. The truth won’t be found in debate, though.

          • messianicdruid November 9, 2023 at 7:40 am #

            “I’m asking a much deeper question: what does it mean to be spiritual?”

            Consider its opposite – be ruled by the flesh. Then look at our example, Jesus the Christ.

          • Q. Shtik November 9, 2023 at 6:35 pm #

            Jesus the Christ. – messi


            First there was

            Jesus Christ

            then there was

            Christ Jesus

            and now we have

            Jesus the Christ.

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 7:46 pm #

            Nothing weird about that, Q. Christ is a title and Jesus a name.

          • Soul Forensics November 10, 2023 at 3:59 am #


            Busy all day. Just catching up with this now.

            I actually wanted to start a discussion, not proclaim a definitive answer, though I have one, or more than one from different angles.

            For brevity’s sake, and also because hardly anyone will read this at this point, some bullet points.

            1) Simplest dictionary meaning(s): of the spirit; not material; concerned with, or affecting, the soul.

            (No woo-woo or fuzziness in the above.)

            2) A desire to transcend dualities, in the Absolute sense. (The transcendent is the Absolute; the worldly, and all legitimate concerns within it, are of the Relative sense. We need both, or at least the promise of the former.)

            I’ll stop for now.

        • Nathan November 10, 2023 at 6:57 am #

          Thanks for clarifying Druid,

          I was chiefly responding to your question:
          “So did the Edomites become God’s chosen people by virtue of their conversion to Judaism?” I thought you had asked that question to prompt further discussion. I wanted to point out that today, in the New Covenant, nobody should be thinking that claiming to be of Israel by blood makes them part of God’s chosen people. It wasn’t ever true of all ethnic Israelites back then (God caused the earth to swallow up 20,000 in one day for their idolatry and lust, God caused all Israelites over 20 years of age to perish in the wilderness as punishment for unbelief, God reassured Elijah that he had reserved a remnant of just 7,000 men in Israel who had not bowed the knee to Ba’al, etc) and it’s certainly not true now.
          Nobody will get to spend eternity in God’s presence by being an Israelite, but only by personal faith in Jesus as Messiah.
          The Bible devotes a lot of narrative to the stories of Rahab and Ruth, both of whom were gentiles that were adopted into Israel by their faith, and both of whom were privileged to be included in the family tree of Jesus Himself.

    • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 12:56 am #

      Some say they were a western group of Arabs, able warriors, and deadly foes of Israel on their eastern border.

      The Jews loathed them of course, and have often taken to calling us Edom or Amalek, another group they hated.

      I believe Herod was half Edomite, and the Herodians an Edomite dynasty enabled by the Romans.

  98. KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 9:00 pm #

    ” Try to educate the victims ”

    No doubt a loooong , dull , poorly – written attempt ,

    but that’s just what I tried to do.

  99. Gypsy November 8, 2023 at 9:09 pm #

    It’s taken me a month and a Dark Day to come to a conclusion concerning this Palestinian/Israeli War. BOTH sides in the conflict have stated they want the same outcome: Never Again. Almost all of humanity on earth, while watching these heart-wrenching atrocities on TV every day for a month now, has also decided: Never Again.

    At the end of WWII the world spoke those same words: Never Again. The solution to insure it will never happen again turned out to be the Nuremberg War Crime Trials.

    James, you can see where this is headed ~ since ALL sides agree the desired outcome of this Hamas/Israeli war is NEVER AGAIN. The judges will have to sit, the books will have to be opened, and those charged with committing Crimes Against Humanity will have to be prosecuted. That brings closure for everyone.

    Tough Love on all sides. It’s not just the leadership of Palestine and Israel. I don’t see how American Leadership can escape charges. If you make a stand on Never Again then there’s no other way out. Whoever has been dragging Humanity through all this shit is gonna have to realize ~ the world has decided: Never Again.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 9:27 pm #

      Yet Again

      I’ve heard that there were a lot of nazis who escaped justice, although some were apparently hunted down. So I’m unsure how it eventually went for all of them and if many still managed to escape justice. How can such a thing even be somehow reversed. The deeds were done, time cannot be turned back.

    • KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 9:42 pm #

      Ugh , maybe full scale nuclear war would be the better option after all ?

      If perpetual war is no longer practical ,

      what to do ?

      Never – ending re – runs of Judge Judy.

      Instead of eight – year – olds being shot ,

      it will be eight – year – olds subjected to never – ending inquisitions based on , for example , psychological theories so broad and vague the definitions stretch to the moon and back.

      Note ; I’m not predictng what might happen , It has already happened.

      I say that you didn’t wind up on the edge of this abyss because of anarchy , immorality , and lawlessness.

      You wound up here because you are total fucking control – freaks ,

      and the ” love ” in your ” tough love ” is no more than a deliberately misleading euphemism.

  100. The Man They Call Zazelle November 8, 2023 at 9:38 pm #

    We’re All Jews

    …and black, white, brown, Christian, American, and everyone else.

    All homo sapiens.

    That idea might help, going forward.

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    • KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 9:58 pm #

      I don’t know.

      ” All ” seems EXTREMELY problematic to me EITHER WAY.

      If ” All ” means we are all entitled to a country club membership , I have my doubts that even one – tenth of the population will go for that.

      Or , If ” All ” means we all deserve to hang , again I have my doubts that even one – tenth of the population will go for that.

      What we have had for fifty thousand , or a hundred thousand , years is ,

      ” All animals are equal , but some are more equal than others. ”

      On a personal note ,

      I find it amusing that I have to point out to a presumed anarchist that lawfare has not worked any better than war ,

      and may even be worse ,

      because , metaphorically speaking , it puts enemy troops not over there , but in your own kitchen.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle November 9, 2023 at 1:43 am #

        Anarchy is simply in large part about consensuality. You are an anarchist unless you believe in, oh I don’t know, rape?

        But you have to put your foot down and not keep fighting it and, in at least a small way, not helping to maintain our socipolitical status-quo of non-consensuality.

        At least one prehistoric fish eventually became human by bucking the trend of arguing against hopping up on land and trying to breathe the air’s air, rather than the water’s air.

        But maybe that fish was misguided because, take a look at us.

        • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 2:08 am #

          ” Anarchy is simply in large part about consensuality. ”

          In other words it is how we currently live , how we have always lived , and unless we somehow turn into gods , how we always will live.

          Unlike many here , I’m not the least bit interested in discussing how many angels can dance on a five syllable word.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle November 9, 2023 at 2:31 am #

            “In other words it is how we currently live , how we have always lived , and unless we somehow turn into gods , how we always will live.” ~ KesaAnna

            Yes and no and how have we always lived? And who? Which tribe? Which fish? Which monkey?

            When did we change how we lived? Come on KesaAnna.

            See also my comment at November 9, 2023 at 2:28 am

      • The Man They Call Zazelle November 9, 2023 at 2:28 am #

        “…because , metaphorically speaking , it puts enemy troops not over there, but in your own kitchen.” ~ KesaAnna

        Part of the point is about breaking the cycle, and, say, realizing that everyone’s enemy was once a child, such as like the ones that got bombed in Palestine and elsewhere.

        Where we break the cycles, we breathe the air’s air and walk onto land, into the trees, back on the land and into outer space– maybe to an Earth 2 before the sun novas.

  101. Amman November 8, 2023 at 10:03 pm #

    “Israel understands that a basic tenet of jihadi Islam, expressed clearly and often, is to exterminate the Jews, and there is no way around that.”

    Mmmmm… I don’t think so, Kunstler.

    The Context is what Israel, the occupier, is doing to the people of Palestine, the occupied land, in a systematic and brutal manner.

    There a few slippery comments of yours I don’t call out sometimes because everyone is entitled to his opinion.

    • benr November 9, 2023 at 5:14 pm #

      Naw there was ZERO Muslim land in the beginning.
      Why because Islam was thought up by a man in a cave 600 years after Christ.
      All the land occupied by Muslims was Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, land or occupied by Arab polytheists.
      The Muslims murdered and conquered everyone who lived there and converted them by fire and sword.
      Lest we forget reality the above is reality and they have NOT stopped even to this day.

  102. KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 10:08 pm #

    Of course I’m just venting , or idly running my mouth for funnsies.

    Worst case scenario ; We are headed for extinction.

    Best case scenario ; We are headed back to an ox cart world.

    One aspect you certainly cannot bank on seeing in an ox cart world are criminal justice systems that cost billions.

    So , either way , I figure I can’t ” lose. ”

    Keep on dreaming of Judge Santa Claus ! 😛

    • The Man They Call Zazelle November 9, 2023 at 2:34 am #

      Jesus Claus

      • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 3:11 am #

        Jesus promises something , truthfully or not.

        You can’t even promise me five minutes extra of life ,

        or whether I’ll be tepidly liked , or lethal hated , five minutes from now.

        If you’re gonna try sarcasm Statist ,

        you’ll have to try A LOT harder.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle November 9, 2023 at 10:17 pm #

          Jesus Crust Pizza: ‘One Bite And You’re Born Again’

          ‘The secret is in the crust.’

          Or, if that was already taken, it could be…

          The Leaning Tower Of Pizza:

          ‘Our Stairs Go Up Like Our Floors, Like You Do When You Take Your First Bite. If You Fall Out Of Our Window, Be Sure To Get A 10% Discount On Your Next Visit’

  103. tom clark November 8, 2023 at 10:28 pm #

    Indeed, Amman, that is what free speech is all about and why CFN lives on. May our host remain sane and senility-free as he marches into his late 70s. If nothing else, this blog helps its readers survive the dumbing down of Amerika occurring daily. Change may be good, but change for the sake of change is a double-edged sword.

    • KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 10:31 pm #

      ” If nothing else, this blog helps its readers survive the dumbing down of Amerika occurring daily. ”

      Fucking A !

      Tom Clark doesn’t write much , but I suspect he’s a good egg !

  104. KesaAnna November 8, 2023 at 10:29 pm #

    ” I once had a Conservative Jew challenge me to find any mention whatsoever of an afterlife in the Old Testament. ”

    — Anthea

    Ah , one of my favorite topics.

    A prime example I think where I scarcely need a Biblical reference to arrive at a reasonable conclusion .

    I need merely make an observation of the here and now.

    It seems to be that whether you drop dead at five years old , or drop dead at a hundred and five years old ,

    it is a very , very , very , brief life,

    with very little certainty about the person right next to you .

    It could even be rightly said that you don’t know you.

    With all that in mind ,

    if there is no afterlife ,

    of what possible relevance would God’s thoughts or feelings be to me in my life of five minutes ?

    If he doesn’t like me I might lose 15 seconds ?

    oooooohhh !!

    Of what significance would Gods opinions be to me who am a mystery to myself ?

  105. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 12:37 am #

    I get sick of fucking atheists , their statist fellow – travelers ,

    and the SUPPOSEDLY religious ,

    who say these particular matters have a fucking thing to do with ” belief ” .

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  106. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 12:50 am #

    I don’t know any precise numbers , but I’m pretty sure that when they dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima quite a few two – years – olds got incinerated.

    Please do explain to me what the fuck a two – year – old did to deserve the death penalty ?

    ” There is no justice in this life ” is not a “belief ” , it is an elementary rational conclusion.

    I could be slightly in error , but my bet would be that there is not a single person left living who was even remotely associated with that atrocity.

    Or , if any of them still live , they are so senile by this point they would not be justly competent to stand trial.

    So who would I put on trial for this genocide of infants , corpses and drooling retards ?

    No , the ” belief ” , and the really fucking shitty and dishonest belief , is your absurd claim that soldiers and senators and police have magic powers.

  107. tucsonspur November 9, 2023 at 2:54 am #

    GA’s ‘fuzzy woo’ and ‘believing in nothing’. My beliefs and my spirit remain strong. How could one so blessed believe in nothing? Impossible. Read the following:

    Re “spirituality”, tuscon didn’t express his term very well, or at all.

    You make a good point, Soul. For me it simply means being in tune with and true to yourself, understanding that the world in turmoil doesn’t mean you have to be, along with things like the principles of the Ten Commandments, do unto others, etc. Nothing fancy here.

    Again, for me, it also means a deep appreciation of the mysteries of the Universe and this great gift of life, a reverence for the beauty of this world and the ability to understand its ugliness without becoming too cynical, while trying to make it better.

    The depths and nature of spirituality will vary from person to person. I am fortunate that nature has given me this bountiful allotment.

    To John’s point, yes, the Universe is strange indeed, full of fantastic mysteries, black holes and all that, but why couldn’t creation itself be possible simply as a result of one of those mysteries that we can’t understand? Look at the majestic power of magnetars, neutron stars, FRBs, and supernovae, the Universe as a whole.

    What about motion itself? Did you know that some stars in our galaxy move at velocities over 2000km/sec, that our own galaxy moves through space at about 1.3 million mph? Even greater extremes are achieved elsewhere. The Universe is so little understood and so vast and powerful that who knows what capabilities it has.

    Karl Marx said that ‘religion is the opiate of the masses’. To a large extent I think that this is true, but I will not attack people because of their religious beliefs. I will leave them to attack one another.



    • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:34 pm #

      Tell them how you are greater than Moses. The plebes! Lead them around Sinai or Ohio for forty years until this sinful generation is dead. Then you can go to the Promised land, wherever God tells you that is.

  108. SoftStarLight November 9, 2023 at 3:46 am #

    It’s always nice when folks come to the room to preen. What a beautiful peacock you are indeed.

    On another note. I like to think of myself as a big believer in free speech. But here is a late night confession for you, spirit priest. When the bitch disrupted my refuge i was more than happy to see her toodles.

    Anyway, did you want an umbrella with that drink? They are so adorable after all lol.

    • Amman November 9, 2023 at 4:35 am #

      Have you been watching the slaughter of the children?

      • benr November 9, 2023 at 9:29 am #

        Which is worse?
        Children drug from their bed’s throats cut while their mothers are raped and then murdered while the perpetrators are filming these acts and posting it on the victim’s social media accounts?
        Or blown up and buried in their sleep by bombs from Israel exacting revenge?
        In both cases these children will be used as props for propaganda.

        In both cases one group is directly involved in these acts of violence.
        Hamas by burrowing themselves into the very fabric of daily lives and the people allowing them to do so.
        Do the people have much of a choice?

        Does Israel at this point have a choice?
        Doing nothing means far more of the same and doing more means more of the same.
        So, we are stuck watching a war of attrition.
        The same thing is happening as in 1948 the arabs calling themselves Palestinians are fleeing and their homes and former lives are being flattened.
        It might be time to start handing out some serious birth control for starters to many people packed into to small an area with no real means to support themselves going to now overcrowded refugee camps.
        This while the leaders of Hamas like the PLO syphon off billions.
        Who gains from all this?

        I saw some of the missing posters of an older couple who looked like someone’s auntey down the street and a couple of little kids and had a moment of grief for these people.

        Do the Isralis hand out candy when Palestinian children are murdered and drug through the streets behind cars for all to see?

  109. gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 5:19 am #

    “Ugh , maybe full scale nuclear war would be the better option after all ?”

    We inch toward a moment when this event would be a relief, not a tragedy.

    Rulo ignores the financial constraints on those who publish books..

    Kesa calls for Rulo to disclose his financials,

    presses Zaz about whether there is anything but common sugar in the ingredients-list of his prescription..

    and makes strong argument for religion that is not of this world..


    • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 8:32 am #

      Well , I’m not much for hugs and kisses.

      I’m a cold – hearted bitch.

      But I must confess I’m glad someone besides the late Dissaffected understands what the fuck I’m talking about ,

      and admits it.

  110. Amman November 9, 2023 at 5:43 am #

    The blood of the children of Gaza has broken a few mental taboos in the Islamic-Arab World.

    One of which, Thank God, is the destruction of Carrier battle Groups.

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    • benr November 9, 2023 at 9:55 am #

      That will be the day.
      Big talk and little action.

  111. OG November 9, 2023 at 5:56 am #

    Vivek Ramaswamy Calls Ukraine’s Jewish President a ‘Nazi’


    One of only five of GOP Presidential nominee debaters. On MSM.

    It’s wake-up time. The cock has crowed. Women are making a clatter in the kitchen. Men are sittin’ on the porch with a cup of pine needle tea. And the kids are in various states as the older ones help and teach their juniors.

    The morning sun has risen. It’s a beautiful day!

    A new day begins for those who have not hit the [SNOOZE] button like the apropos relic from the past that it is.

    Many revelations have begun.

    • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:31 pm #

      Why not? If he give them orders he must be one too, right?

      And if he isn’t, then neither are they. This is closer to the truth of course.

    • PeteAtomic November 9, 2023 at 5:24 pm #

      ya I heard that, too.

      I wasn’t sure if he was referring personally to Elensky

      Or, the collective use of the term for the Ukr. regime

      But yea I think you’re right he meant Elensky

  112. OG November 9, 2023 at 6:39 am #


    Who cares about the good passages of the Bible?

    Billions of us.

    What we get are apers of the worst of God — jealousy, vindictiveness, insecurity, pride, bloodlust, revenge, megalomania, torture, murder, looting, and rape.

    Yes. As is written, Satan rules this realm at this time as we now thrust head-first into End Times.

    Christianity has a PR problem. Perhaps instead of throwing up your hands — as you have done — and saying that with your tiny brain (a bit of hypocrisy on your part, no?) you can’t reconcile the God of Deuteronomy with Jesus of Nazareth, you could ask yourself why you pride yourself on your investigative thinking re the Chinese, the WEF, the Deep State, lawyers, women, “Covid”, the low-GLiTters, etc, but suddenly find yourself inadequate and strangely silent on all those charges indicting God, either through God’s direct actions or His incitement.

    I have not thrown my hands up. I watch in amazement as His Word is fulfilled.

    I do not see any hypocrisy whatsoever. In fact, I believe that I have better perspective than most to comment on the topic. You see, regardless of one’s IQ, we are all mere mortals while God is infinity.

    I know my place and it’s down here amongst the stupid. Kind of like Wayne Gretzky in his prime. And there’s nothing hypocritical about any of that.

    The Lord works in mysterious ways. If you find that “inadequate,” then you seemingly do not understand faith.

    And Our Lord is indicted at your own peril. I highly recommend that you cease indicting Him like a child bitching about the house being on fire and, instead, bow your head to Him and repent your sins.


  113. mitchellc November 9, 2023 at 8:10 am #

    Ak47 @ MoA writes:

    The USA is deliberately fomenting conflict, chaos, and war of all types around the world so as to weaken its enemies from Russia to Iran to China and maintain this American dictatorship over the world.

    America believes that it is relatively insulated from the chaos that it foments in the Eastern Hemisphere, as it is an continental island empire protected by a very large moat (the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans) in the Western Hemisphere.

    What is truly Orwellian is that Americans lie to themselves that they are altruistically defending freedom, democracy, individual rights, property rights, and other Goebbelsian rationalizations–as opposed to genocide, exploitation, and war crimes without limit.

    Indeed, America’s unending crimes against humanity are actually somebody else’s fault. It’s the Globalists. It’s the WEF. It’s the Jews. It’s the Russians. It’s the Chinese. It’s the Muslims. It’s the Arabs. Anybody but America.

    America is a virtuous innocent lamb, forever being threatened by “Evil-Doers who hate our freedom.”

    This fucked up worldview is rooted in American national identity itself, which is based on the delusion that the USA is the “New Jerusalem in the New World”–the Shining City on a Hill that was chosen by God as a “light unto nations.”

    This is the Christian fundamentalist basis of America as a country.

    And for all the massive crimes that Israel is guilty of, Israel is just a Mini-Me version of America in the Middle East.

    As the fake “anti-war Conservative” Lauren Boebert revealingly stated about her support of Apartheid Israel: “There have been two Nations created to glorify God, Israel and the United States of America. I will bless both, I will honor both. I will do all I can to stand and defend them”

    God’s Chosen People (Israel) is the unsinkable aircraft carrier for God’s Chosen Empire (America).

    • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:04 pm #

      She’s trying to get back into the good graces of the Masters.

      Less Trump, and more talk like this. BoBo. No more vaping or giving hand jobs at public events either.

      The famous BoBo Roshi had meditated for twenty years in a Zen monastery. Nuthin. So one evening quit, jumped the wall and headed for the red light district. No time like the present (good Zen). Have to make up for lost time (not so good, but human). He found one he liked and entered her. At that moment he attained Enlightenment.

  114. mitchellc November 9, 2023 at 8:12 am #

    Vladimir Putin has laid guilt for this Middle East war–and conflicts elsewhere around the world–at the feet of America:

    “We must clearly understand who in reality is behind the tragedy of peoples in the Middle East and in other regions around the world, who has been organising this lethal chaos and who benefits from it. In my opinion, it has already become clear to everyone, as the masterminds brazenly act in the open.

    These are the current ruling elites in the United States and its satellites who are the main beneficiaries of the global instability that they use to extract their bloody rent. Their strategy is also clear. The United States as a global superpower is becoming weaker and is losing its position, and everyone sees and understands this, even judging by the trends in the world economy. The American-style world, with the hegemony of one country, is being destroyed and is receding gradually but inexorably into the past.

    However, the United States is unwilling to accept this, and instead seeks to preserve and extend its dominance, its global dictatorship, which is easier to achieve amid such chaos, because the United States believes this chaos will help it contain and destabilise its rivals or, as they put it, their geopolitical opponents, among which they also rank our country, which in reality are new global growth centres and sovereign independent countries who are unwilling to kowtow and play the role of servants.”

    • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:21 am #

      Well , for the sake of honesty , and full disclosure , and transparency , and all that Jazz ,

      Vladimir Putin was a career baby – killing KGB Colonel.

      But he’s right anyway.

      The United States is the evil empire . The United States is the Axis of evil.

      • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:25 am #

        Do you really think the Bush’s and the Biden’s and the rum – running Kennedy’s ( Not that Prohibition is remotely legit ) were some kind of cosmic accident ?

      • benr November 9, 2023 at 9:59 am #

        Do you really think Putin is not the Russian version of of the Bush’s or Biden’s?
        Ever come to the conclusion there is no good or bad side in this just a side with its own version of needs?
        A world run by Russia and China will be no less fucked up, no less corrupt and less evil I promise.

        • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 11:07 am #

          I called him a baby – killer.

          Interestingly , you Americans may have forgotten Prague , 1968 , but I haven’t.

          Truly there is no satisfying you people. .

          • benr November 9, 2023 at 1:06 pm #

            You people?
            Are you not an American so there for you are part of the problem.
            Pretending like you have not also had a better life while living in America is pointless.
            If you believe you have not then by all means no one is holding you back the door is wide open immigrate on over to Russia I am sure they would love to help you succeed in life.

  115. Cavepainter November 9, 2023 at 8:56 am #

    When trying to anticipate outcomes don’t forget to factor in the +/- 30% of any demographic lacking on-board impulse control absent of peer pressure or agency enforcement. Pirates, essentially, historically notorious for ruthless raping and pillaging as they always do under opportunist sociopath leaders. Evidence is all around us, product of decades of “do your own thing” standard of conduct norms.

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    • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:19 am #

      Funny isn’t it that the one country where anything goes and nothing matters is the same country that by itself hosts 25% of the worlds incarcerated population .

      • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:23 am #

        I would say it really isn’t the land of Laisse – Faire ,

        It really is the land of fun house smoke and mirrors.

    • Cavepainter November 9, 2023 at 10:41 am #

      But too…., history is rife with examples of sociopaths taking on the vestments of agency legitimacy (church, government, private enterprise) thereby acquiring “authority” to victimize the innocent and gullible. Example, Uruguayan Jones Town, Waco Branch Davidians, or the Russian Revolution, or Nazism, Maoist, Spanish Revolution, the list goes on.

      • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 11:55 am #

        Both sides of the Waco thing.

        It doesn’t particularly matter whether the Davidians started the fire , or not.

        It certainly doesn’t matter that I dislike Davidians .

        What is beyond any real argument is that the state did not pump tear gas known to be highly flammable in enclosed spaces , into an enclosed space ,

        and bash a tank into a building , which anyone can SEE ,

        because they gave a shit about those children.

        • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:06 pm #

          You don’t have to like or dislike Davidians. Why bother?

          You don’t like children, at least according to you. So you are on the Fed side here.

        • elysianfield November 9, 2023 at 2:35 pm #

          ….Sometimes you have to destroy the children to save them….

        • Cavepainter November 9, 2023 at 4:46 pm #

          Nope, no intended “cover” for how mishandled was the operation. The point, contrarily, is that vulnerability to Mass Formation Psychosis is contingent upon one’s intolerance for ambiguity, explaining why such movements attract.

          To point also, as exhibited downstream in this blog by Couchpopatriot, his MFP manifests in cynicism toward others’ contribution.

  116. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:06 am #

    Nobody here says that I can’t get a gf, KA, because I sometimes mention my beautiful Greek gf here on CFN.

    You misunderstood much (and that’s not like you)

    I wasn’t bemoaning that BK’s post reads like my biography (including the wonderful Greek woman at the end). I was simply stating a fact

    Speaking of Syrian Girl —

    Yesterday she got banned from BuyMeaCoffee for advocating terrorism..

    And the same day she picked up two more sponsors on another Patreon – like site.

    As always , 30 people lined up to say , ” Fuck you bitch “.

    But I would guess that for her , as for me , that’s just fun and games.

    The truly vomitous part was the 30 or so good citizens who lined up to point out piously that in many countries subsidizing advocacy of terrorism is a crime !

    On second thought , that’s not vomitous ,

    THAT’S some REALLY funny shit.

    I don’t know about Syrian Girl ,

    but I could , perhaps , maybe someday , at least respect a person who wants to kill me and torture me and says so.

    But a slimy , dishonest , cowardly , faggot who cloaks their murderous and or sadistic motives in the sheeps clothing of a Mafia gangs law ?

    I wouldn’t wipe my ass with their supposedly law – abiding an innocent resumes.

    Maybe people love war so much not because they are brutes or savages ,

    but because who ever saw a courtroom that wasn’t light years more obscene than the very worst smut you ever saw ?

  117. CouchPotatriot November 9, 2023 at 10:30 am #

    “What is truly Orwellian is that Americans lie to themselves that they are altruistically defending freedom, democracy, individual rights, property rights, and other Goebbelsian rationalizations–as opposed to genocide, exploitation, and war crimes without limit.” – AK-47 @ MoA

    Exactly the sentiment that crossed my mind when a CFN poster chimed in last evening and brashly asserted that CFN’s forum is some sort of elite haven for the truly intelligent who come here to cope with the constant dumbing down of America. Such arrogance reflects the generation’s old cognitive dissonance afflicting America’s middle-managerial – and most of the scholarly – class since forever. These “virtuous” souls are by extension: the entrepreneurs – the bureaucrats – the dutiful voters – the loyal U.S. war criminal (every Post WWII veteran).

    As another poster recently wrote, to paraphrase – the criminal ruling class didn’t magically spring forth from the void – they are born of the typical American citizen. We are them and they are us.

    Whoever pridefully believes themselves to be rubbing elbows with ONLY the best and brightest, especially among the more erudite cliques within CFN membership – are mere master practitioners of the ancient martial art known as Bullshido. May Gawd Bless the CouchPotatriots.

    • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 10:49 am #

      Many have much Bullshido!

    • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 11:29 am #

      ” elite haven for the truly intelligent ”

      That part absolutely qualifies as a re – write , not a quote.

      That having been said ,

      Roald Dahl / they plagarised this shit ;


      From the Bible !

      So you you know it’s fucking A – well – told !

      ( and it’s the only scene in the movie I loved , or even liked , because I identify with it )

  118. elysianfield November 9, 2023 at 11:22 am #

    Zaz and his minion(s) should be all atwitter with upcoming events;

    The Situational Awareness, this AM presents;

    And here are the latest developments in the pro-Palestine, anti-Israel, and anti-colonialist movement:

    Revolutionary left wing anarchist blogs posted a variety of pro-Palestinian commentary this week, keeping anti-colonialist sentiment at the center of their efforts.
    Some of the commentary focused on the Boycott, Divest, Sanction (BDS) movement against Israel and linked anti-colonialism against Israel with the worldwide anti-colonialist movement, especially in the United States.
    In one zine (a short pamphlet or magazine), anarchist authors re-framed BDS as “Burn, Destroy, Sabotage” and listed potential targets.
    Possible U.S. targets include Airbnb, Expedia Group, TripAdvisor, Booking Holdings, General Mills, Motorola, HP/Hewlett Packard, Chevron, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and General Dynamics for their alleged support of Israel, opposition to Hamas, and/or involvement in alleged colonialism.
    The zine promotes the hashtag “#SolidarityMeansAttack” and uses slogans such as “No More Israel” and “No More USA”.
    Other anarchist outlets focused on discussing potential tactics to be used in current and future pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, and anti-colonialist protests in the United States.
    Activists have pointed out that worldwide protests so far have done nothing to push the Israeli government to declare a ceasefire in Gaza. Organizers have vowed to ramp up action in order to pressure the U.S. government to push harder for an Israeli ceasefire.
    One blog said that appeals to morality wouldn’t work on politicians, so appeals to their economic interests could work, specifically calling for protests against defense contractors who make the equipment and technology used by the Israeli military.
    In previous weeks, we’ve covered several protests against the U.S.-based facilities operated by Elbit Systems and another Israeli defense contractor, and the real estate developers who own the properties where those Israeli companies’ offices are located.
    The same blog showed the U.S.-based locations of Elbit Systems, which owns or operates facilities located in:
    Talladega, AL
    Boca Raton, FL
    De Leon Springs, FL
    Cambridge, MA
    Manchester, NH
    Birdsboro, PA
    Ladson, SC
    Fort Worth, TX
    San Antonio, TX
    Arlington, VA
    Roanoke, VA
    The goal of staging protests, occupations, vandalism, and other property crimes against these and other targets is to drive down the stock price of publicly-listed companies, through either physical damage or negative press.
    Some activists are likely to view non-violent pressure campaigns that fail to influence U.S. foreign policy as a green light to escalate to more disruptive direct action. Domestic terrorism, which would be used to increase the pressure on the U.S. and Israeli governments toward a ceasefire in Gaza, remains a distinct possibility in the coming weeks and months. – M.S

    The junior college campuses, and their hirsute instruction staff, are aflame with idealistic fervor. There will be blows against the Empire, posters of Star Wars characters offering Star Wars wisdom will proliferate. Both male and female “Gen Z’rs” will say “yes” to the boys who say “no”.

    Zas is in his glory. Soon Utopia come….

    • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 11:39 am #

      ” posters of Star Wars characters offering Star Wars wisdom will proliferate. ”


      Three things that are INSTANTLY intolerable ;

      — ” racist ”

      — ” patriarchy ”

      — Star Wars / Jedi / The Force / Fucking Yoda !!!!

      Star Wars ?!!!

      I would almost rather be an extra in a John Waters movie , or a prisoner in a Salvador Dali painting.

    • TPTB-USA November 9, 2023 at 1:00 pm #

      … and then add this to the mix:


      Leadership that represents the US citizen is AWOL.

    • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:13 pm #

      The name of Superman’s father was Ka El.

      Green Alba: I didn’t say Jews didn’t have disproportionate influence.

      Jarek: You didn’t say that they did either. What you did say is that Whites had proportionate influence or perhaps more than proportionate influence as a result of founder’s legacy.

      She apparently didn’t know that many prominent Jews have admitted disproportionate influence over the years.

      Netanyahu: We control the United States.

      • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 2:36 pm #

        You keep conflating two things and pretending I ever said anything about Jewish influence in American life, which I didn’t. Ever.

        I repeat – the list you specifically mentioned that I cited, and that was predominantly Anglo-American, was that of the so-called bloodline families. It referred to power throughout the world, which these families allegedly divvy up among themselves regionally. I know practically nothing about them, apart from their names – most of which are not Jewish.

        So you are still lying. And I always distrust people who appeal to the crowd and start talking about a commenter in the third person, as if they were conducting a trial.

        Get over yourself.

        • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 3:08 pm #

          The desperation! Truth is a hook in the throat of the proud. Yeah and you kept talking about them to prove the Jews had no undue influence – then or now.

          Your love of verbal trickery indicates you should have been a lawyer.

          You could have kept arguing your thesis. We are far from guilt free in all this after all. You certainly didn’t have to deny that you ever said it!

          But I knew would.

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 5:14 pm #

            You aren’t just a liar. You are a tedious liar. I’ve said all I need to say. Your twisted mind is what it is. And it is not my problem.

            Everyone knows what you are.

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 5:20 pm #

            You’re right I would have made a good barrister. Because I have a logical mind and an excellent memory. Very much unlike yourself.

            Never appealed to me, though, as a career, or as a milieu. And I never had the self-confidence either, so I would have got nowhere.

          • OG November 9, 2023 at 8:15 pm #

            I always distrust people who appeal to the crowd

            Everyone knows what you are.

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 8:57 pm #

            Perhaps you need that to be clarified, OG, if it’s causing you trouble.

            I dislike it when people stop answering a person directly and address the gallery instead. I’ve probably done it myself a couple of times over the years and I don’t like that I did it either. I’m allowed to have that view, I believe. It’s not restricting anyone’s rights to free speech – it’s just declaring a preference for the direct mode of address.

            On the second point, multiple people on this board, since long before you appeared here, have had to correct your idol as regards his inventions of what he claims they said. Many, many times.

            I hope that helps. But he can still be your idol and you can still call him by a special name.

      • benr November 9, 2023 at 5:09 pm #

        If the JoooOOOoooooows run the world then why is there only one tiny jewish country on the brink of destruction for the last fifty years?
        The Muslims have how many countries?

        • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 6:10 pm #


        • OG November 9, 2023 at 8:09 pm #

          Because you do not take into account: a) demographics and b) their motive.

          • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 9:15 pm #

            You listed the 13 ‘bloodline’ families a few weeks ago, OG. How many of them did you think were Jewish? Or do you think even the ones who don’t seem to be Jewish are really Jewish?

            Or is it that the Rothschilds are held to be the granddaddy of them all and all the rest are on a lower level? That’s not a rhetorical question. I know nothing about most of them, except that I believe the Rockefellers were originally Baptists, the Kennedys are Catholic and the Onassis family either Greek Orthodox or some evangelical variation. And the Li dynasty certainly aren’t Jewish.

      • Tweedledum November 9, 2023 at 7:01 pm #


        Superman himself was Kal-El. His father was Jor-El. Such important details! Not like you to get something so simple wrong.

        • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 10:22 pm #

          Are you sure? What does Tweedledee says?

  119. Cavepainter November 9, 2023 at 11:26 am #

    Remember the 1964 movie Dr. Strangelove depicting the comic “schtick” of Germany’s technological superiority. Truth, as came to be accepted due to how rapidly scientific advancement had emerged in Germany since the 1880s when (for purely economic advantage) the nation fast-tracked public and college education, at government cost, for anyone identified as having capacity for “higher learning”.

    US free public education became “offered” for the different reason of instilling grasp of the principles of our nation’s democratic founding. That is, citizen self-determination as preeminent in the national “social contract”.

    Significant in understanding Jewish heritage is the fact that reading/writing has for over a thousand years been requirement for practicing the faith. A critical difference from global population otherwise which remained predominantly illiterate — even in Western society — until 20th Century.

    The reason I site this factoid of Western history is for highlighting how “abstract thinking” relates to written language. That is, graphic symbols representing concepts: Between the “input” of coded symbols (written language) and translation “output” there occur default differences. Hence, arriving at applicable truth (“reality”) requires ongoing disquisition led by scholarly guidance. Essentially, Socratic reasoning.

    Emphasis on “disquisition” differentiates the roll of Rabbi from that of Christian clergy. Clergy dispense encyclicals to be accepted w/o question, whereas Jewish principle permits independent interpretation guided by Rabbi monitored “disquisition.”

    The “written word” introduces “advance learning”, structured in the sense that metaphoric/allegorical meaning teased out through disquisition has common root.

    • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 12:06 pm #

      I think , ” I hate Christians ” would be easier on your readers.

    • CouchPotatriot November 9, 2023 at 12:19 pm #

      “The reason I site…” – Everyone makes typos.

      Thank goodness for the little bit of smelling salt planted in that pompous little rant. I was momentarily razzle-dazzled by another one of CFN’s champion Bullshido practitioners. I smell an overpriced degree holder in the chat.

      Without question ancient oratory is responsible for far more civilizational advancement than literacy. As if abstract thought can only be stimulated by text. Bahahaha! Also loved the bigoted and utterly retarded implied thesis that Joos are smarter than Christyuns becuz thems had 2 read n rite to worship propurly.

      Enough Bullshido for the day, especially my own.

      • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:18 pm #

        Couching Tiger, Hidden Dagon.

        The fish cult of Dagon had taken over Innsmouth. But the Priests of Dagon kept the names of the old Churches be it Baptist or Episcopalian.

        A stock boy was transferred to Innsmouth. It was too far to commute so he had to live there. His Pastor warned him severely not to join any of the churches there. These Churches so called taught physical transformation and physical immortality, nothing Christian at all.

    • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 12:36 pm #

      If I have a bone to pick with “the Jewish side,” it is that contingent’s tendency to drastically overvalue “civilizational progressivism,” to be so God-awfully and disgustingly anthropocentric.

      Of course Christians are right there as a generalized group.

      And Islamists are not better.

      • Cavepainter November 9, 2023 at 1:34 pm #

        Hey, I see you’ve completely grasped distinction between rant and disquisition, move to front of class with added credit hours and raised grade point. I appreciate students who appreciate how objective analysis and logic have been sacrificed in education to achieve equality.

        • Cavepainter November 9, 2023 at 1:36 pm #

          Intended for Couchpotatriot.

        • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:20 pm #

          Hasidic story: Boy came home from school saying he could prove anything so he didn’t believe in anything anymore. He said, I could prove that I don’t have a nose on my face.

          His father punched him in the nose and asked, What hurts?

          • CouchPotatriot November 9, 2023 at 3:15 pm #

            Jarek, you on the other hand are an intriguing read with an admirable acerbic wit, though I haven’t yet figured out your general disposition on things.

            If you’re interjecting yourself to criticize me, I welcome the opportunity to reflect.

            No matter your ideological framework, I don’t suspect you to be a total fraud, such as is WallSmudger.

        • CouchPotatriot November 9, 2023 at 3:02 pm #

          In semantic terms, what you originally wrote was neither, by definition, a work of scholarly disquisition or a full on rant. Granted.

          Your statement was, however, a silly, early morning brain fart that had zero merrit, and you got stung for it. We all need to vent sometime. Don’t be surprised when someone says, “Pew!”

          CaveSmearer, your reversion to pedantry as a means for covering the embarrassment you feel for writing something so stupid, despite your certain high education, reveals you as a coward.

          Trying to talk past your idiotic original claim, instead of using genuine disquisition to substantiate your shoddily formed thesis embarrases you further.

          Take the L and leave it alone. This high school dropout doesn’t really care about your credit hours or GPA anyhow. Take care.

  120. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 12:05 pm #

    ” Anything goes , and nothing matters ” is certainly not one of my favorite Kunstler pieces.

    Because of a line / scene I do absolutely love.

    In the movie , ” Emperor of the North ”

    Keith Carradine throws up his chin , smiles a huge toothy grin, and says ;

    ” It don’t mean a God damned thing to me ! Not to Old Cigarette it don’t ! ”

    LOL ,

    Fucking – A !

    I simply can’t hear the one , without thinking of the other !

    Maybe someone else will catch the thought , like Covid ! 🙂

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    • BackRowHeckler November 9, 2023 at 1:47 pm #

      Is that the film about hobos riding the rails?

      With Ernest Borgnine at his brutal best as the ‘Screw’ whose mission it is to toss hobos off moving trains?

  121. Q. Shtik November 9, 2023 at 12:05 pm #

    Isn’t this just wonderful. You’ve probably already seen this on the internet this morning.

    Hamas has announced its intention to maintain a ‘permanent state of war’ with Israel, calling on Arab allies to support Gaza amidst concerns of a regional conflict.

    • Jimmy Word November 9, 2023 at 2:56 pm #

      Is that anything new? I certainly wouldn’t expect them to be having dinner parties together anytime soon.

  122. SoftStarLight November 9, 2023 at 12:28 pm #

    “Have you been watching the slaughter of the children?” – Amman

    I’ve watched some horrific videos from the conflict but generally don’t intend to indulge in such things. But in any case, please let me know at this point what difference does it make. The war will wage on despite my particular inclinations.

    What I have concluded though is that those who fall on your particular side of the conflict will never acknowledge that the founding charter of Hamas requires the obliteration of Israel. By definition, this obliteration would require the slaughter of the children.

    So my advice to you is, if you are going to start a war then you should be ready to finish it. I don’t want to be part of your Middle Eastern conflict and I completely despise the government that pretends to represent me for insinuating itself into it. And I don’t wish to be a Muslim or a Jew.

    • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 12:37 pm #

      Well said.

      • SoftStarLight November 9, 2023 at 12:55 pm #

        thank you

      • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 3:03 pm #

        Seconded. And thirdeded.

    • benr November 9, 2023 at 1:10 pm #

      I ask again do Jews pass out candy and celebrate the beheading of Arab babies?

      • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:25 pm #

        They have field trips to military bases where the kids write insulting graffiti on the missiles.

        I got Mika to admit that they kept the bulldozer that killed Rachael Corrie. It’s a shrine of War – for the faithful only.

        The Israeli who machined gun a mosque some decades ago is a folk hero from what I’ve heard.

        So the long and the short of it? You’re wrong.

        • benr November 9, 2023 at 4:51 pm #

          Naw I’m not and you know it.

      • OG November 9, 2023 at 7:04 pm #

        Forty Israeli babies never really lost their heads on Oct. 7, benr. That was just pretend. Try to keep up.

        That was a pure lie floated and then left to linger until it was just like Kuwaiti babies left to die on the cold floor post the big Iraqi incubator heist or Vegas Turkey-Shoot Incident Commander [whatever the flip that is!], FBI grad, Maui PD Chief/Coroner John Pelletier’s fog of confusion barricading thousands of unaccounted for in their kill zone at Lahaina 8/8.

        “‘You Americans are so naive!'”
        – Steve Martin

    • JohnAZ November 9, 2023 at 2:08 pm #

      Have you been watching the slaughter of the children? Amman

      That is so much bullshit!!!!! The children are endangered because the Hamas cowards hide behind them, hospital patient, old folks places, and shoot off their rockets using these groups as cover.

      I have not seen presentations of the atrocities that Israel has claimed were done on Oct. 7. However, I did see lots of atrocities associated with ISIS a few years back.

      Hamas-ISIS-Hezbollah-Iran. What is the difference? Nothing.

      DC, want a stable ME? Let Israel kill them all!!!

      • OG November 9, 2023 at 6:34 pm #

        But there are major differences, JAZ. Hamas and ISIS are Mossad/CIA/MI6 black ops while Hezbollah and Iran are legit.

  123. PeteAtomic November 9, 2023 at 12:44 pm #

    Vivek kicked ass last night. His rant against the media was so on target!

    I’m watching the GOP debate from last night.

    The drums for war vs. Iran is off the charts

    When can we attack Iran?
    How do we attack Iran?
    Iran, Iran, Iran…


    • SoftStarLight November 9, 2023 at 1:00 pm #

      I saw clips of the debate afterwards and I do agree that Vivek is the only one of those “candidates” that has any realism to him. The rest are, I mean it is like they were literally printed out by some deep state 3D printer lol. Wtf is up with the calls for war with Iran?? Why the heck do we need to have a war with Iran?? I say hells to the effin no. And some people are also saying that Vivek is like the least sold out of any of them too.

      • JohnAZ November 9, 2023 at 1:56 pm #


        I read an article today about the biggest SOB in DC, IMHO.

        Mitt Romney and his personal campaign to stop Trump from being able to run for president..


        RINO 1.

        There is more going on inside the GOP than we are aware of, again, IMHO.

        You know why Trump still has 50+% of the GOP vote?

        Because of people like Romney, Christie, and Mc Connell, RINOs whose primary concerns are the preservation of their Deep State PTB connections rather than trying to fix the country.

        I attended a veterans presentation this AM where the presentation was about the home front during WW2. A few tears came to my eyes as the sacrifices that were made of by the Greatest Generation were presented. I came away so disgusted with what is going on today in comparison. People like these RINOs should be stripped of their citizenship with charges of treason, along with their compatriots across the aisle, like the Squad.

        Folks trying to justify our involvement in WW2 abounded, The US rebuilt the world out of the goodness of our hearts. We got nothing for our benevolence right up to today as the areas we helped are now standing in line wanting to stab us in the back.

        Our number one enemy is domestic, never forget that.

        • JohnAZ November 9, 2023 at 2:10 pm #


          Take Vivek, dye his hair blonde and put orange makeup on him and what do you have?

          • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:27 pm #

            What a brilliant idea! If Trump is in prison, Vivek can don clown makeup and BE Trump.

            There’s no voting your way out of clown world, just so you know.

          • PeteAtomic November 9, 2023 at 5:21 pm #

            Yeah I loved what he had to say. I hadn’t really known much about his positions, previously.

            Thought previously he was kinda like a Yang character

            But ya, spot on John.

        • Groundhog November 9, 2023 at 3:52 pm #

          We did not rebuild the world out of the goodness of our hearts. The first man that should have been stripped of citizenship and tarred and feathered on top of it – is the old academic fool/idiot Woodrow Wilson. Wilson thought that we needed to interfere in a situation in Europe caused by various corrupt and confused royals who had lost understanding modern warfare using industrial strength weapons. Yet for some reason in 1916 people in the extremely remote and idyllic rural community called Cades Cove in what is now the Great Smokies Park – there were young hillbillies signing up to go fight in Europe in a war that had absolutely nothing to do with their lives in Cades Cove. That war was none of our business. Yet people robotically and without thinking signed up to fight for England and France. These hillbillies fought in WWI and understood absolutely nothing about why they were there. It was a complete and utter lie that those men were fighting for democracy. That’s one of the largest and most outrageous lies ever told. The USA has zero capability of understanding the history of its own wars as it blindly and stupidly staggers into the next one.

          • BackRowHeckler November 9, 2023 at 5:51 pm #

            Hog, I believe there was a draft in the WW1 years beginning in April 1917. A relatively small percentage of the US Army were volunteers, at least early on. The AEF was an Army of draftees except for the two Marine Divisions, who were strictly volunteers.

          • BackRowHeckler November 9, 2023 at 6:30 pm #

            Ok so I looked it up the US Armed Forces 1917-1919: 28% Volunteers, 72% Draftees.

            So your Hillbillies in Cades Cove didn’t have much of a choice … they were going to France like it or not.

        • Mike Sherman November 9, 2023 at 6:36 pm #

          @ JohnAZ – so, based on your description of what YOU see happening in the GOP right now, you consider yourself and the MAGAt insurgents to be ‘revolutionaries’, do you?

          How wrong can you be? No much more wrong, I say.

          Your hyped-up quasi-army of overfed, tattoed American white guys & gals, wearing their obligatory red cap uniform has created a unique environment – one where anyone finding themselves living in that environment and NOT being a MAGAmoron will cost them dearly – emotionally, financially, and even possibly physically.

          MAGA will not “fix the country”. Your Mango Cult Leader is a destroyer, not a savior. This MAGAt House is not trying to fix anything – at all. The religulous fuckwits, as exemplified by Mike Johnson, are way more interested in what’s going on in people’s bedrooms than whether the changing climate is going to do us all in.

          Hopeless losers.

          • JohnAZ November 9, 2023 at 7:44 pm #

            Sherman, you have only talked about the European part, the Marshall plan. The USA helped rebuild the Philippines, the Chinese, Korea and Japan.

            China wants to be the King of the Mountain now and is organizing the world under the banner BRICS++ to accomplish its goal.

            So Mike, you ostrich, face up to what is really happening.

            And you might try curtailing your name calling, you are showing your infantilism.

            But with everything that is going on right now, I guess I am a sorta miserable old bastard.

            Also, if you think the Deep State losers that are running this country right now are the path to national recovery, you are a fool. MAGA contains the remaining folks in this country that care about it and its future and not a bunch of flag burning, kneeling, hate mongering, American hating , Woke asshats.

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder November 9, 2023 at 9:39 pm #

            The climate is going to do humanity in one day no matter what we do.

            Taking the electric bus (that is charged by petroleum-based energy), putting up wind farms (that have to be replaced every 15-20 years using petroleum-based products), or living in a 400 sq. ft apartment stacked among 800 others with an A.I. Starbucks downstairs is not going to change any of that.

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder November 9, 2023 at 10:18 pm #


            No one cares what other people do in their bedrooms. They just don’t want to hear about it (especially every day on every media platform), nor so they want to have their third-graders taught how to do it.

            You know this, of course, but you phrase your argument in a way to make it sound “intolerant” to wonder why this is being pushed. It is sane to wonder why.

            You’re a very difficult commenter to read, and so I rarely do…but you’re really hitting that keyboard today.

        • Mike Sherman November 9, 2023 at 6:43 pm #

          “People like these RINOs should be stripped of their citizenship with charges of treason, along with their compatriots across the aisle, like the Squad.

          JohnAZ – have you no awareness of what you are proposing here? You’re a fucking NAZI, if scratched a little.

          And what’s THIS about?
          “The US rebuilt the world out of the goodness of our hearts. We got nothing for our benevolence right up to today as the areas we helped are now standing in line wanting to stab us in the back.

          More deluded rantings of an “Old Man, Shouting at the Storm” as far as I can tell. I’ve never seen such a childishly bullshit interpretation of the post-WW2 reconstruction effort.

          There were two main, and perfectly self-serving, reasons for the Marshall Plan…The first of the crucial influences that shaped the post-war reconstruction was the US’s emergence as the dominant economic, political and military power in the Western world. The second was the phenomenal rise of the Soviet Union.

          But, no, JohnAZ, you can only see it as a ‘cost’ that went unappreciated. Also, please advise us all of which of these reconstructed economies are now lining up to stab the US in the back? Fuck, you’re a miserable old bastard.

          • Mike Sherman November 9, 2023 at 6:46 pm #

            “What countries benefited from the Marshall Plan?

            In total, the U.S. sponsored recovery efforts in 16 countries, including Norway, Iceland, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Not all countries benefited from the Plan equally.


            So, which ones are trying to stab the US again, John?

        • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 7:35 pm #

          “The US rebuilt the world out of the goodness of our hearts.”

          People talk about the Marshall plan as if it were a free gift. The UK only finished paying back the loan quite recently.

          Has anyone read Prolonging the Agony: How The Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-Half Years., by Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty?

          I bought it, along with their other book on the secret origins of WWI – haven’t read it yet, but my husband has and says it’s very good.

      • PeteAtomic November 9, 2023 at 5:14 pm #

        No, SSL!

        We must go to war with Iran!!!!


        idk…. cuz.. oil ? joos?
        joo oil?? haha


    • Mike Sherman November 9, 2023 at 6:52 pm #

      As McCain famously karaoke’d on the campaign trail – “Bomb, bomb, bomb…bomb, bomb Iran…” So, there’s nothing new here.

  124. Q. Shtik November 9, 2023 at 12:45 pm #

    I was up rather early this morning (around 6:30 am) with a bloody nose. As I worked to stem the flow of blood I sat in front of my computer and read CFN blog comments starting at the bottom and working upward.

    All I can tell you is I find all this religious chit chat extremely tiresome…all these ye’s, thous and dosts.

    While I spent a good deal of my years shooting pool Messianicdruid spent his time studying “the scriptures.” I would like to know why. Does he believe that vast knowledge of the Bible, chapter and verse, will make it more likely that he will go to heaven after he draws his last breath or is the purpose to help others go to heaven.

    I’m afraid Messi and his ilk are never going to find out if all their biblical study has paid off since there is no afterlife,,,in my humble opinion of course.

    • Q. Shtik November 9, 2023 at 12:50 pm #

      ,,, should be …

    • Jimmy Word November 9, 2023 at 2:53 pm #

      Mr. Shtick offers a much needed breath of fresh air. Why the bloody schnoz? Hard night between the sheets?

      • Groundhog November 9, 2023 at 3:43 pm #

        God is pissed off at Q. right now because of what he’s been writing on CFN. So God gave Q. a bloody nose!

        • Jimmy Word November 9, 2023 at 6:30 pm #

          Shtik is quite the character. 🙂

          Sorry I misspelled Shtik above.

    • messianicdruid November 9, 2023 at 6:27 pm #

      “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But >>>> every man <<<< in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."

      Q, you too will be saved. It will just take a little longer.

      • GreenAlba November 9, 2023 at 9:41 pm #

        There you go, Q. Seems you’re going to get a harp after all. Just be grateful it’s not an eternity of bagpipes awaiting you.

  125. anmariwakaranai November 9, 2023 at 2:08 pm #

    No surprise that farmer joe
    Does not burn the seed he sows
    But buries it, that it might grow.

    Will miss yah, Rulo.

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    • Jarek November 9, 2023 at 2:57 pm #

      He posted after he left. He has a bit of the dramatic in him. He’ll be back.

      • OG November 9, 2023 at 4:17 pm #

        He is a delicate flower.

        • anmariwakaranai November 9, 2023 at 6:51 pm #


      • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:18 pm #

        He’s a pompous prima donna elitist you mean.

  126. JohnAZ November 9, 2023 at 2:12 pm #

    For those that haven’t seen it.

    12 Strong

    The true story of the initial military reaction to 9/11.

    Chris Hemsworth

  127. tucsonspur November 9, 2023 at 5:03 pm #

    Mitchc above quotes Putin speaking out about the evils of the American Empire. Some of this is true. But he does not mention that Putin maintains power by murdering people, like Stalin did. Does not mention how Stalin created the Eastern Bloc by setting up puppet communist governments in places like Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland and repressing opposition.

    The Chinese had colonies early on in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Taiwan. China didn’t have the ships mid-second millennium or so to compete with the Europeans. It didn’t have the religious zealotry of the Arab world to drive conquests. But look at them now. They’ve debt trapped close to a hundred nations worldwide.

    Conquest and colonization down the corridors of time. Babylonians over the Assyrians, the Greeks and Alexander over the Persians, the US and Russia over the ‘lebensraum’ (world conquest) Germans. After WWII, the Russians grabbed everything they could in the name of Empire. As John mentions, the US helped rebuild the world after the war. How many countries did we take over after the war? Huh, Huh?

    Lately has been a different story. Vietnam, Iraq, Libya , Afghanistan. Vietnam was partly cold war paranoia, and the rest came after the horrendous disaster of 9/11. How much did the fear or concern about terrorism affect our foreign policy, rightly or wrongly? Was it really all about money?

    The Ukrainian people don’t want Putin’s rule. I support them just like I support the Palestinians.

    Stop with the America is evil shit. So, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc. will save the world? Fucking pinheads.

    • mitchellc November 9, 2023 at 5:38 pm #

      The inherent problem for people of IQ (PIQ?) is the dearth of objective truth.

      As you suggest, why not just own it? But no, we even get pathetic appeals of justifiable genocide from the likes of JHK.

      So, these type of articles present necessary counterpoints to elicit your kind of response ie we are all wild savages, there is no doG, there is no afterlife and there is no reward for following invented constructs like moral behaviour.

      Therefore, we will move Palestinians off the land, and if anyone says didly squat, we have carrier groups that say otherwise. We will take the oil, we will print dollars and people will continue to comply with our “rules bases order”.

      But if we embrace this new form of truthiness, Jim, Owl et al won’t have anything to complain about since every thing/one is fair game. Why should there be any distinction between domestic and foreign competitors?

      We all benefit from the system as it’s currently constructed. Covid and the current lawn mowing operation are the same thing; just make sure you’re the one doing the killing rather than be a victim.

      • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 6:46 pm #

        Mitch C has gone full Moon-of-Alabama..

        • CouchPotatriot November 9, 2023 at 8:11 pm #

          Haha, as if if most PIQ types don’t farm out their POVs to those who seem more virtuous than themself.

    • JohnAZ November 9, 2023 at 7:32 pm #


      Watching the movie, 12 Strong, about the military opening of Afghanistan with the Northern Alliance, it was noted that before 9/11, Putin called Bush and warned him that something big was in the offing. Hmmm?

  128. tucsonspur November 9, 2023 at 5:31 pm #

    Yes, current administration = evil. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    • OG November 9, 2023 at 6:17 pm #

      The US$ is bankrupt. The US Fed is bankrupt. There is no baby left to save.

      Stack Au for wealth preservation. Stack Ag for currency. Beans, bullets & bullion.

  129. mitchellc November 9, 2023 at 6:04 pm #

    Simply stated, MoA has the best commentary. Here is a great post by Cabe:

    Algérie française was a failed settler project which bid to replace the native Algerians with European settlers who were only about half French and came from a number of countries.

    It led to huge genocidal massacres of the native population, killing between 500,000 and 1 million people between 1830 and 1875 (see Ben Kiernan, Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur, pp. 364 ff., //archive.org/details/bloodan_kie_2007_00_0326/page/364/mode/2up ).

    Thus, the French really intended to replace and eliminate the native population, but as time went on, peaceful relations were established, so that became more difficult to accomplish. The settler colonists reached a maximum of 15.2% of the total population in 1926, but fell back thereafter to 10% by the time of the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962).

    The continued success of the colony depended on support from France, and the fanaticism of the colonists, the pieds noirs, ensured that such support was forthcoming.

    The colonists’ attitude toward the natives was just like the attitude of the Israeli settlers on the West Bank toward the Palestinians, absolute hatred because of the internalized guilt and deeply-suppressed self-hatred for coming into someone else’s country to steal it all.

    The French in France remained largely oblivious to that, but the War of Independence brought it to their attention. It almost led to civil war in France among the 50 million French for the sake of the one million settlers, but De Gaulle stepped in as the savior, supported by the settlers, but subtly and cleverly intending to dump them from his first minute in 1958, as he realized the war was already in effect lost, despite the almost complete French military triumph, which was not enough.

    That is all very similar, blow by blow, to the situation of Israel, with the US acting as the mother country. As the genocide unfolds and worsens, things are going to get much, much testier in the US, because the Zionists cannot give up one iota of their line of defense for fear that all their support will utterly collapse.

    So, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet as far as accusations of anti-Semitism being lodged against all and sundry. However, the charge of anti-Semitism has already been deflated and is losing its bite, because it is being deployed simply for political reasons, and now those reasons have devolved into a defense of an outright genocide. As the genocide gets worse, it is going to get awfully lonely for its defenders, yet they have no recourse but to double down, and this also could threaten civil war or at least mass repression in the US, with a possibility of a catastrophic defeat of the Zionist side as well.

    So far, the death toll in Gaza is only over 10,000. But no significant number of persons have left that inferno, and surely a much larger death toll is in the offing. In its relations with the Palestinians and other Arabs, Israel has traditionally looked at a killing ratio of at least 20 Arabs to each Israeli. In this situation, that would imply them needing a death toll of at least 30,000 Gazans, but in this case it is unlikely to stop at that, because of the existential threat to Zionism implied by the meltdown of its public legitimacy. So I think going over 100,000 dead Gazans is more likely, and it could even top 1 million, which will make it a veritable Palestinian holocaust that Israel will never, ever live down.

    The toll is already starting to affect US politics as the cowards start to run every which way to cover their behinds. The US administration is actually guilty of abetting a genocide, soon to be perhaps a holocaust, for which they should all be hauled into the dock for capital murder. However, this is going to add a new, serious disruption to the political fabric of the US, and that isn’t going to help the imperialists, nor the Zionists, nor the establishment, nor capitalism

    • Jimmy Word November 9, 2023 at 6:28 pm #

      However, this is going to add a new, serious disruption to the political fabric of the US, and that isn’t going to help the imperialists, nor the Zionists, nor the establishment, nor capitalism.

      I was with him right up to that last statement. Disruption, maybe. Serious, not. The repressions here at home have only just begun. 2020 was just a mild preview of things to come. Politically, the Uniparty might drop all their pretense (which should be a great show to watch in it’s own right, as partisans on both sides go into total mental meltdown), but that will be about it.

      • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 8:50 pm #

        Maybe I can empathise when Moslems cheer when civilians get their heads chopped off ?

        30 years of telling people , ” Get tough on crime isn’t aimed at ghetto drug – dealing Blacks over there .

        It’s aimed at you. ”

        But maybe two people show up ,

        and you can clearly see in the eyes and faces of these suburban 50k white bread types the sadistic glee at the vicarious thought that the trash are being put in cages .

        So part of me wishes what you say comes true,

        and part of me will cackle when their precious darlings are hauled off to cages.

    • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 6:42 pm #

      Everyone’s hyped-up about this war, almost as if, “Whoo-hoo! Something VERY IMPORTANT to discuss!”

      “Genocide! War-crimes!”

      All of this in a very 20th-century type framework of moral assessments of international events.

      “A major war, oh my Gosh!” “The hypocrisy of Israel 80 years after WWII!”

      Of course there is war between these groups. We are in a new era… of surfacing scarcities and crowding grown chronic, no matter what the cornucopians want to wish into existence.

      As far as Israel’s hypocrisy, the moral horror of the Nazi intentions for full possession of their own native land last century are exaggerated (hat-tip to Jarek), and current horrors of Israel’s actions are also exaggerated.

      We’d better get over our abject shock at reality playing-out in perfectly understandable and predictable ways. Better begin updating our outlooks from their standard spoiled-20th-century-peacenik-pollyanna default.

      That said, not sure Israel will withstand the blowback, ultimately. But, they are in a tight spot. Their actions are, to me, understandable, not beyond the pale.

      • OG November 9, 2023 at 7:17 pm #

        Gus, do you believe that Hamas really beheaded forty Israeli babies on Oct. 7?

        • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 7:27 pm #

          As usual, OG, I just don’t care much what exactly was a black op and what wasn’t and to what extent. As in most cases, it seems irrelevant to me. Certainly every bit of Israel-focused hostility from Islamic neighbors is not spurrious.

          Black-op false flags only work well when they COULD very logically not be false. In this sense, it often matters only a small amount whether they are false or real. They’re already real enough to be believable. They are smaller lies that don’t alter the fabric of reality THAT much.

          • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 7:43 pm #


          • OG November 9, 2023 at 9:05 pm #

            Now I understand your problem, Gus.

            You seem to think that these horrible, history-changing events were inevitable and it’s some weird see-saw battle as to how much was black op/green flag vs. how much was legit.

            What you miss is that if it wasn’t for the black op/green flag, these horrible, history-changing events never would have taken place from the get-go.

            So of course it matters. They change history with JFK and 9/11. These black op/green flags matter more than anything.

          • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 9:15 pm #

            They would still have taken place. They were inevitable. If you took false flags out of the toolbags of the operators, they would just do the same thing a little bit more openly. False flags are a nicety, a way to keep appearances a little cleaner than they would be without them. They are used because the option is available, not because they are necessary to an outcome.

            What’s your best example to prove me wrong?

          • OG November 9, 2023 at 9:23 pm #

            I provide you with 10 examples that prove you wrong. All 10 things on the GLT, Gus. If they were black ops/green flags (which they were), then they would not have happened at all except for TPTB making them happen!

            It can’t be both. It’s like you do not even understand cause & effect, Gus.

            For each of these 10 big historical events, score a 1 if you believe that it was a black op and a 0 if you believe the official story.

            JFK ~ 1963
            USS Liberty ~ 1967
            MLK ~ 1968
            RFK ~ 1968
            OKC ~ 1995
            9/11 ~ 2001
            7/7 London Subway Bombings ~ 2005
            Boston Marathon ~ 2013
            Vegas Turkey-Shoot ~ 2017
            Israel’s 9/11 – 2023

            What is your score?

          • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 10:41 pm #

            Just when you think conversation might break out, the GLT..

          • OG November 9, 2023 at 11:49 pm #

            You asked for an example and I gave you an explanation and then I gave you ten. That seems pretty discussy to me.

            You seem to think that all these key events in the history of our lifetime were some sort of weird blend between black ops/green flags and legitimate terrorists/nutjobs acting on their own. Maybe MLK was only 60/40. Maybe John Pelletier’s coming out, the 2017 Vegas Turkey-Shoot, was 75/25.

            You don’t seem to understand: it is binary. TPTB were either in on it or they weren’t. If they were in on it, then it never executes or succeeds without them and, therefore, a very different planet than this one.

            There. How’s that for discussion?

          • gustafson.robert.22 November 10, 2023 at 5:44 am #

            Sticking with the Israel example then, Israel wanted a major operation in Gaza. They wanted it, headless babies or no headless babies. The lies just confuse a certain percentage of the public for a short period.

            Now, only several weeks later, after the disproportionate bombing, public opinion is in a state that hardly depends on the false flagging anymore. Those who would have supported Israel babies or no babies, Oct. 7 or no Oct. 7, are. Those opposed are opposing. Plenty suspect an illegitimate aspect to those events. The false flags are already near irrelevant. They serve a small wheel-greasing function, that’s all.

        • JohnAZ November 9, 2023 at 7:28 pm #

          The question is after the experiences with ISIS, why don’t you, OG.

          History shows that the Arab fringe groups are pretty much capable of anything.

          Iran call Jews animals that must be destroyed.

          • OG November 9, 2023 at 9:11 pm #

            I don’t believe that forty Israeli babies were beheaded on Oct. 7 because that publicized, unfounded, ridiculous rumour has been thoroughly debunked for weeks now.

            ISIS published all sorts of phony video while actually following their orders from their masters: Mossad/CIA/MI6.

            Zionists call all of us gentiles goyim that must be destroyed.

            40,000 Jews live and thrive in Iran. They sit on government there. They are strongly anti-Zionist there.

      • KesaAnna November 10, 2023 at 12:17 am #

        I’m hyped that the evil empire is spending money like it was cat shit.

    • King of Comedy November 10, 2023 at 12:49 am #

      Popping in to check on the wrinkly-ass geriatric version of woke, I come across this Moon of Alabama fellatrix. It’s embarrassing on every level but finding an analysis with this level of toolhood profound gives our fellatrix an aura of industrial grade toolhood. It’s damn near exponential (somewhere Rashida Tlaib is getting douche chills).

      The “genocide” bed wetting is of course the dead giveaway but the most ridiculous assclownery is the assertion that Israel could kill 1,000,000 Palestinians.

      The total dead in the Battle of Stanligrad, you know, one of the bloodiest battles in history, two massive armies with heavy weapons slogging it out, taking no prisoners, etc, etc, the total dead, soldier and civilian, was 1.9 million. Yet this fight between a smallish regional army and a group of shitstains whose cutting edge military strategy consists of hiding in hospitals is going to produce over half the deaths of Stalingrad.

      What a fucking maroon.

  130. anmariwakaranai November 9, 2023 at 6:36 pm #

    Jar, Deuteronomy 7…..

    I believe the correlation to the new testament is in the happenings seen in revelations,
    Only this time we are not to kill but rather avoid or accept our fate by hiding in plain sight, using our sacramentals and blessed water, candles, etc.., getting all tainted shit off our property and person, hello teevee, gold and silver, porn etc. Plus praying and fasting, but no judging!

    The counterpoint is that the Antichrist, (atheists read government), will try to kill us, and many will die as martyrs or by war, famine, plague or incarceration.

    But then God kills him and his followers through the chastisements.

    Then 1000 years of peace, then it gets shitty again, then the end my friend.

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    • anmariwakaranai November 9, 2023 at 6:39 pm #

      But we are to use our tongues and pens as a sword, as jhk does, but for JC.

    • OG November 9, 2023 at 7:13 pm #

      But gold and silver have always been money, ani. This is the first that I have ever heard of possessing Au &/or Ag as a viable path away from participating in the Beast System being an undesirable thing. Please explain.

      • anmariwakaranai November 9, 2023 at 7:24 pm #

        Og, go read deut 7. Then martin armstrong. Tell ME what and when the 4th wave will be. I don’t know.

        Also father Rodrigues said a few years ago, it will be worthless, both cash and metals, might as well give it away. Martin armstrong agrees the one world currency will never allow cash or metals.

        I haven’t given mine up yet. Tell me when the 4th wave is and I’ll sell and buy more survival barter sht.


        • anmariwakaranai November 9, 2023 at 7:27 pm #

          Still good now though OG.

          • OG November 9, 2023 at 8:57 pm #

            Thanks, ani. Timing is indeed the challenge as we watch His Word fulfilled.

          • messianicdruid November 10, 2023 at 2:03 am #

            We are entering the Second Seal.

      • JohnAZ November 9, 2023 at 7:48 pm #

        You are right, OG. History shows that gold and silver used to be the measure of wealth and people would just take pieces of their store to buy things. That became formalized as coinage.

    • anmariwakaranai November 9, 2023 at 8:40 pm #

      And… we must shut down all our devices and throw them out of our dwelling after the warning.

  131. tom clark November 9, 2023 at 8:16 pm #

    Thank you Joe Manchin for your service to the country on the government payroll.. Take that, Tommy Tuberville. Liz Cheny must be smiling tonite. West Virginia and Wyoming, 2 pretty red states.

    What if Amerika held an election and nobody voted? What would MSM do?

    • gustafson.robert.22 November 9, 2023 at 8:33 pm #

      “What if Amerika held an election and nobody voted? What would MSM do?”

      And they say the people have no power.

    • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:14 pm #

      Anyone but brain – washed Baby – Boomer old farts votes anymore ?

      ( Not counting the votes of people who died ten years ago in Bolivia of course . )

  132. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 8:40 pm #

    ” after the experiences with ISIS ”

    Hey , maybe I do occupy an echo chamber ?

    Because ALL my sources point in the same direction ;

    The United States is ISIS.

    On the other hand , I kinda doubt I was living in an echo chamber in the public library before there even was an internet ,

    reading about all that 1950’s , 1940’s , 1930’s , 1920’s , and even further back shit that went on ,

    that clearly indicate that the United States has a looooooooong history , an established modus operandi , of playing both sides ,

    or , even more than ” playing both sides ” ,

    but LITERALLY BEING both sides.

    Where is Paula D ?

    I’m pretty confident there will be at least one alternate CFN source who will say the same thing.

  133. OG November 9, 2023 at 8:54 pm #

    Who here has seen the plans for the Ben Gurion Canal – to join the Mediterranean and Red Seas? [Unlike Egypt’s Suez Canal, the Ben Gurion Canal will facilitate 2-way traffic. It will also be wider (per lane) and 10m deeper!]

    Who here is surprised that the Ben Gurion Canal goes right through present-day Gaza?

    The canal’s builders [$50B construction, $6-8B revenue/year] sure are lucky that Hamas attacked Israel right when they did, eh?

    The innocent people that run our planet sure are lucky. Golly!

    • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:05 pm #

      Our response ;


      • KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:10 pm #

        Hey , not Hamas colors , but it is Hezbollah colors !!

    • elysianfield November 10, 2023 at 12:06 pm #

      I think I felt my GLiT move….

  134. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:01 pm #

    ” Mass Formation Psychosis ”


    Doomsday Prepping ;

    1 . Get in touch with a used book wholesaler.

    2. buy used psychology textbooks wholesale.

    3. When there is no more toilet paper , use the psychology textbooks .
    Because that is what that science is good for.

  135. tom clark November 9, 2023 at 9:28 pm #

    I could be wrong (horrors!) but I hear that younger voters don’t care for Donald Trump much. But again, like I say, I could be wrong. I’m not wrong very often, but just this one time, I COULD be wrong.

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  136. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:34 pm #

    ” You people?
    Are you not an American so there for you are part of the problem.
    Pretending like you have not also had a better life while living in America is pointless.
    If you believe you have not then by all means no one is holding you back the door is wide open immigrate on over to Russia I am sure they would love to help you succeed in life. ”

    — Benr

    As I always say , nobody becomes a writer unless they love repeating themselves . So ;

    This is not America .

    This is not your country.

    Perhaps you might try reading a newspaper ?

    It was in all the papers.

  137. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:50 pm #

    ” you are part of the problem. ”

    Noooooo , that’s a God damned lie.

    No 70 years dead Nazi put a gun to your heads and made you destroy your small farms.

    No Communist made you gut your industry.

    No Islamic terrorist made you ignore it when Washington became a gigantic cancerous Tammany Hall.

    No Pablo Escobar or Manuel Noriega made you spend billions on prisons , and weapons , and guards ,

    instead of on making the children of your fellow citizens self – sufficient.

    No Fidel Castro , or Kim Ill Sung , talked you into let’s invest in glory , instead of fiscal responsibility.

    You people destroyed your country , and nobody else.

    Me leave ? !

    HA !

    You don’t even know where the fuck you are.

    • benr November 10, 2023 at 9:46 am #

      I sure do right in the middle of communist Kalifornia.
      It is how ever still the United States and I still serve as a veteran on several Aircraft carriers, LHA and LHD’S to this day!

      I support your right to be an idiot and spout off, but I also have the right to give you a hearty…fuck off right back.

      The pendulum of insanity swings back and forth to far right and to far left and guess what it has swung way to far left all over the globe.
      People have noticed and are starting to fight back.
      We know this when people like Trump and Vivak gain traction.

      The problem the check pant suit Republicans are still trying to play by the old rules and have not learned how to cheat or even how to set the narrative.

  138. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 9:53 pm #

    Sing it ! 😀


  139. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 10:24 pm #

    ” You don’t have to like or dislike Davidians. Why bother? ”

    When I was a child I thought to myself ,

    ” Surely this team versus that team isn’t all there is ? Surely it must be better among the adults ? ”

    And when I was a teenager I thought to myself ,

    ” Surely the Cheerleader Mafia and the Pot Head Goth Girl clique isn’t all there is ? Surely it must be better among the adults ? ”

    No , all you ever know is who you like ( until the polls say they aren’t cool anymore , that is )

    and who you don’t like ( for the next five minutes anyway )

    Too bad you can’t remain 12 years old, because none of it changes anyway.

    ” You don’t like children ”

    I fucking despise them.

    But then you folks clearly don’t give a shit about the 30 – year – olds they become.

    And I suspect your love is children is itself just a pose.

    But , yes, I’m heartless.

    So I guess we are even.

    ” So you are on the Fed side here. ”

    I have never but said that I am an enemy of the United States since I got off the fucking plane 40 years ago.

    Funny thing though ,

    I have no doubt that CFN is chock full of Nazis.

    But I suspect that the one who claims to be , isn’t.

    Take that as a compliment , or an insult , as you wish.

    • KesaAnna November 10, 2023 at 1:14 am #

      Correction , Waffen SS would be a step up at this point.

      Davie Crockett you sure as fuck aren’t anymore.

  140. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 10:38 pm #

    Ah !

    Veterans Day is coming up ?!

    Let’s fill our wine glasses then ,

    and pour them down the toilet ,

    in memory of George Armstrong Custer .

    “Man hath no greater love than this , that he gets his head blown off for the USA. ”

    As you Protestants and Statists would say ,

    until your Judas kin finds the sentiment inconvenient.

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  141. tom clark November 9, 2023 at 10:46 pm #

    I know there are many on this blog that posit that Amerika’s prime reason for involving itself, directly or indirectly, in these foreign skirmishes is to justify maintaining a robust miilitary (gubmint jobs, ya know), but on this eve of Veteran’s Day (observed), I’d like to thank the many veterans who have served their country, drafted or not. America may look like Amerika now, but as far as I’m concerned, Tommy Tuberville can stick it up his lily white ass and go back to coaching football. Bear Bryant must be rolling in his grave. I’m off to listen to JHK’s podcast w/ Naomi Wolf. Goodnite, CFN.

  142. KesaAnna November 9, 2023 at 11:13 pm #

    ” …. the destruction of Carrier battle Groups. ”

    I picked up the local paper today.

    Lol ,

    yet another bomb threat in the school.

    That is the tenth ,

    or the fifteenth ,

    bomb threat this year ?

    So that’s 5 or 10 police , not making miminum wage , making like they are doing something .

    And a dozen or three school teachers , not making minimum wage , making like they are doing something .

    100 to 500 gallons of diesel bus fuel pissed away to make it look like they are doing something.

    God only knows how many other pointless expenses .

    And this in one of the poorest counties in the state .

    ( and 95 % White. Sorry CFN WASPS . :p )

    And I would bet my last nickle , that like the last nine or 14 times ,

    on account of a kid being a kid.

    As if that’s even hard to figure out.

    I’m not sure I ever really met a genuine Communist in East Germany ?

    But America is nothing but Communists .

    And Communists who make Marx and Lenin look like reasonable accountants.

    At this rate , I very much doubt that destroying Carrier Groups will even be necessary.

    • KesaAnna November 10, 2023 at 12:36 am #

      I almost forgot !

      And a felony for absolutely nothing.

      That’s another one who won’t be paying taxes !

      And the really funny part is that if you gave the kid permanent room and board at Rockefeller Center , and a free lifetime supply of cocaine ,

      it would be CHEAPER than your phony , silly , dick – measuring ,

      ” get tough on crime ” Kabuki theatre !

      Lol ,

      yes, life is strange !

      The best years of my life !

      The evil empire being destroyed in my own life time ,

      and you are doing it for me !

      • KesaAnna November 10, 2023 at 1:00 am #



  143. JimInFlorida2.0 November 12, 2023 at 11:27 am #

    NAZI = Whites who dare to push back against their Talmudic overlords.


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  7. China's Grand Strategy & The Four Wars - Red State Talk Radio - November 7, 2023

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  8. China’s Grand Strategy & The Four Wars – altnews.org - November 7, 2023

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  9. China’s Grand Strategy & The Four Wars – Scott Adams Show - November 7, 2023

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  10. China's Grand Strategy & The Four Wars – Rightwave - November 7, 2023

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  12. China's Grand Strategy & The Four Wars - AlltopCash.com - November 7, 2023

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  13. China's Grand Strategy & The Four Wars - The Daily Conservative Report - November 7, 2023

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  14. China’s Grand Strategy & The Four Wars – Activist Donor - November 7, 2023

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  15. China’s Grand Strategy & The Four Wars – Understanding Deep Politics - November 7, 2023

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  16. China’s Grand Strategy & The Four Wars | Entrepreneur Canada - November 7, 2023

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  17. China’s Grand Strategy & The Four Wars – Victory MAGA - November 7, 2023

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  18. China's Grand Strategy & The Four Wars - Investing Book Deals - November 7, 2023

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  19. China’s Grand Strategy & The Four Wars – NewDYRTO - November 7, 2023

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  20. China’s Grand Strategy & The Four Wars – Bugaluu – News - November 8, 2023

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