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Archive | Eyesore of the Month

January 2012


Get a load of where our heads are at in the USA as 2012 arrives on the scene. Family Fun Walk on a nine-laner, anyone?

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December 2011


Presenting the M2 building, Tokyo, architect Kengo Kuma, dating from wa-a-a-y back in 1991, a Post-Modernist (PoMo) classic (no pun intended).

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November 2011


Take a honkin’ good look at this crosswalk in Reading, Pennsylvania (North 5th Street Highway and South Temple Boulevard).

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October 2011


Presenting the ATT Arts Center (including the Dee and Charles Wyly Theater) Dallas, Texas, designed by New York City based REX architects.

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September 2011


Presenting the proposed National Music Center in Calgary, Alberta Province, yet another Canadian museum tumor overtaking the organs of a city, designed by Allied Works.

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August 2011


Maybe more like what-the-fuck? of the month. How crazy are we here in America? Perhaps the “Landscape Urbanists” of the Harvard GSD are behind this exercise in environmental heroism.

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July 2011


Presenting the Lamar Building, Augusta, Georgia. The original Beaux Arts structure dates from 1913.   

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June 2011


Presenting “The Shard,” London’s new world-class skyscraper – “a city in the sky!” – by the ever cutting-edge maestro Renzo Piano.

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May 2011


Presenting the new General Schuyler Emergency Squad headquarters in Northumberland, New York, about six miles east of Saratoga Springs.

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