"Understand this deeply—you nearly lost your country and your freedom to a deranged, totalitarian-leaning enemy of our nation's soul and destiny. Take this personally." — Mel K
One of my favorite features of the current op is that we're told both "We have no idea what they are" and "They pose no threat or cause for concern." Those seem a bit at odds, no?
DIdn't they say that about the jab? Forgive me, gov't mouthpiece, if I don't believe a word. They really do think we're that dumb - and I'm gonna start thinking we really ARE that dumb if there isn't more action and less drivel.
12/16/24: That is exactly SAFE AND EFFECTIVE what they said...
"... a coming [looming] space alien emergency ... sounds preposterous... [would the American] military arm of the blob would be so dumb as to try to pass off drones as alien spacecrafts ... something out of a 1950s horror movie ... Maybe it’s actually come to that in this super dumbed-down age. (Are you aware that the main diminishing return of our magical computer tech is that it’s made our society an order-of-magnitude dumber across the board? Well, it has.)"
James, please use that last line as the theme of a future column. "Safe and Happy" reading continues ... Commune founder driving all over Vermont sweeping the pharmacy shelves clean of crab lice ointments!
12/17/24: Thank you. Unfortunately, Carl Sagan's credibility to me is shot to hell, having accepted a huge publisher's advance for a book that he never wrote, and never returned the money.
I could never stand him for the simple fact he was a raging leftist. If he could have simply restricted his comments to science, it would have been tolerable.
12/17/24: An almost universal cloning procedure. The bastards have done almost incalculable damage politicizing their (looney-tunes) version of "Science."
Sagan seemed ok, but in any case, a problem with people is that they can fall into that 'give me the man and I'll give you the crime' sort of trap. IOW, it's almost too easy, like I'm unsure I've ever met, or ever will meet, a perfect angel in human form.
Except on this blog of course.
Granted, we can get some real nasties that make pin-ons a snap, but on the other side, we can also go witch-hunting.
That action should be the hanging of everyone involved in creating the virus in Wuhan (Pfauci pfirst) and everyone who mandated the injection of the new Thalidomide:
Way on the plus side, it would appear that only 70% of our citizens took the jab (voluntarily or not).
Based on all the coercion applied, I would have expected it to be over 90%.
And - to once again state the obvious - that "vaccine" they attempted to force on everyone was unproven and could never have been used except for the weasels at the FDA giving their partners in crime an "Emergency Use Authorization" to bypass adequate testing and product liability.
I often wonder if the first round of he chimeric virus, and the mRNA gene editing were just a prelude to the release of round 2 which will only attack and kill the non-conformists.
ATM - that's an interesting angle, never looked at it like that.
But if culling was the intent, which I personally think it was/is, it makes no sense to cull a small minority - the 18%.
"The vaccine was not for Covid, Covid was for the vaccine." ~ Lugh
I think his line of reasoning is correct - no one died of what they call "Covid" - a scare tactic, so the non-critical thinkers would clamor for the "vaccine", in other words, the kill shots.
I personally know many who have died "unexpectedly", or from heart problems and turbo-cancers, but no one who's unvaccinated.
People at CFN are tired of hearing me say it, but they will pay. That's a promise.
We're on a 'collapse' substack. Now, I don't know about you, but 'collapse', to me, means, or can mean, population decline all on its own. Not much need to intervene in that regard, is there?
It's not about the sheer numbers but about who gets culled.
Why would the Totalitarians want to cull the obedient sheep? no one has been able to answer that question for me because I think the answer is obvious - they don't!
My theory is this. The people who are running things, the deep state and New World order beasts, wish to take us back to a feudalistic society. We are to be serfs and they wish to become royalty.
That's one of the reasons Americans (and others) are subjected to the constant coverage of the British "royal" family. They are made out to be these majestic beings we should adore, but as Americans we should look on them as animals to be removed from society and never to be mentioned again.
(Of course that's just the global population but, apparently, 'developed' countries' birth-rates had been falling long before C19.)
I'm waiting for you to tell me that the turbo cancers and heart attacks are just getting going. (That could be, but other, similar/related things could fold in like the assorted ingredients of a cake mix.)
While I wait, I'll add that population might take a dive anyway, due in part to peak oil having come and gone and general civilizational decline and/or collapse and the wars, diseases and social unrests that can come of those.
It's a bit like the climate-change FUD where, if civilization is running out of oil, etc., we'll be 'responding to climate-change' anyway.
Or like telling someone to leave when they're already heading toward the door. Kind of baked-in.
We won't need any girls with knitted brows from Sweden, huffing and puffing and brow-beating us about it.
Question: Do our local grocery, etc., stores owe us a living? What about those who constitute our governments? What happens when/if they fold up for good overnight?
"It seems kind of contradictory to both attempt to cull and import a whole bunch of immigrants. What's your take on that?" ~ Strange Bedfellow
They are replacing those US citizens who refuse to live a third world lifestyle in a first world country, with those who are happy to live a third world lifestyle in a first world country.
It's all relative. Americans will not hang drywall for $10/hour, nor live eight to a two-bedroom apartment. The immigrants will, and happily so.
Out with the discontents and in with the happy.
"Question: Do our local grocery, etc., stores owe us a living? What about those who constitute our governments? What happens when/if they fold up for good overnight?" ~ Strange Bedfellow
I teach my sons, now 20 and 21, no one owes us anything. We're entitled to what we earn - nothing more, nothing less.
If they all fold up for good overnight, I'd be delighted. Things will go dystopian, but Darwinian, I'll be fine.
Thanks again for checking in Zazzy, I miss your food-related metaphors. :-) What's up with the coffee shop?
Good morning, I've been looking for your menu online, without much success, because I can't remember the exact name of your coffee shop. Pretty sure that the word "Sweet" is in the name. Can you please tell me if you serve peach cobbler with buttermilk ice cream, drizzled in honey? <3
That's the standard. Like when it was OK for Fauci or Newsom to attend maskless parties during Covid knowing somehow that was fine, when anyone else was shunned, fired or imprisoned. They bank on a constant and well-engineered case of functioning cognitive dissonance.
It was not OK when Newsom attended maskless parties before a vaccine for covid was developed. He was lucky he did not get seriously ill and die. Before a covid vaccine was developed, among the most heavily infected areas of the US were Rockland County, NY and Orange County, NY. Both counties have a high percentage of Hasidic Jews. The Hasdics continued to live their lives as if there was no epidemic. They continued to attend massive weddings and other religious services and massive funerals. They lived in crowded households, making infections easier to spread. When vaccines became available, they got their shots and their ranks in new infections appeared to decline significantly. I am up to date on all of my shots.
Lightly populated if you count the entire land mass. Like Canada, the vast majority lives in urban areas of the south. Population density is actually quite high.
Ben, that is because the shot does not prevent Covid, it makes it less intense. Hahahahahaha! Seriously, IMHO, the virus changes so quickly that taking a shot this year does nothing for the next round. Luckily, our immunity seems to be getting better as the episodes are shorter and less intense. Is it the shot? Or exposure to the “wild” variety of S protein? If the government had done research instead of trying to protect its ass, e might know something about Covid today, and the flu and even the cold, IOW, viruses. That is the number one fault of the whole damn governmental involvement, trying to protect its assets from the truth about the shot.
In 2020, Trump screwed up big time with help from Pence. He believed Fauci and the virology gang. He did not know any better himself, being a germaphobe and a candidate for office, he was ready to believe or do anything to minimize the impact of Covid. Big mistake.
Now as we are seeing the effects of the RINO goons during the cabinet assignment time, maybe we can understand the effects of that these traitor conservatives have on the Deep State. Pence was a mistake by Trump as he is just another RINO. Latest reports are that 7 Senators, RINOs all, are giving Trump trouble with his appointments. Graham, McConnell, Murkowsky and Collins are familiar names.
IMHO, Trump may have screwed up already, taking more representatives than he should. The RINOs in the House are going to be a burr under his blanket.
Taking the shot certainly does do something. It screws up your immune system, can alter your genetic makeup, causes all manner of nasty side effects but doesn't really do anything to prevent infection or stop the spread of the disease.
All medical mandates must be prohibited by Constitutional amendment, which must include a death penalty for anyone who even attempts to repeat the crime.
This is why we need an explicit Constitutional amendment prohibiting all medical mandates with a death penalty for attempting to impose them, especially all injections.
The publicity of everyone knowing about the new amendment would be our real protection.
Are you not aware of the spikes in death in young adults, children and middle aged people? How can you not know? They’re dying of fast-growing cancers, strokes and heart attacks. Hundreds of soccer players have died on the field. Ignorance is a deadly stance these days, my friend. Please follow Mark Krispin Miller here on Substack, and for heaven sakes, stop with the vaccines! It’s a bio weapon, not a compassionate cure by the government. Good lord! Where ya been?
I've started writing a paper on this: Program a dome-shaped array of choreographed drones to cover the foe drone(s). The most efficient use of a surface area is to contain a volume using a sphere-shaped object, or half a sphere often referred to as a dome. A dome-shaped array of drones each containing perhaps a pentagon shaped netting might offer an interesting solution. Today's drones don't look above, and a foe operator would be confused if a dome descended from above. One thing a friendly drone can do is to force a foe drone into an area where the choreographed drones are staged. The goal would be to take down the foe drone in the least amount of broken up pieces. In essence, I've realized you need a jet to conquer a jet and a drone(s) to conquer a drone. You are dealing with similar operating parameters. A helicopter doesn't want to face a drone because it can be deadly. A friendly helicopter blade can be struck by a foe drone; not good. The object is to fine tune a drone that can be better than other drones. Someone is going to make a killing in the "smart" drone industry which is outfitted with the most "toys" to destroy another drone. I believe drone-on-drone warfare is the safest combat method inside neighborhoods.
Chinese illegal immigrants numbered about 3,800. I'm trying to think of the logic for anyone to do this. The FAA allowing drones to fly at night was a stupid move by the Feds. One thing to consider is the drone aircraft are high tech toys (not certified aircraft built for reliability) and operated by amateurs (not educated pilots). Nighttime operation of drones is open season for mischief. Couldn't anyone figure this out? I owned a drone where an engine mounting screw was not screwed in and eventually jammed the engine (one of four). Elon's head is in Mars, not here on earth <g>.
Yer right. Elon is so fixated on Mars for whatever fucked up reason. However, I do think he had a ploy with sending the dummy robot in the Tesla into outer space (and then circling the Sun). God only knows what kind of sensors were crammed into there. I personally think he was trying to get a read on the Van Allen Belts.
Which brings us to another topic: Why are the Hubble and James Webb supertelescopes able to see billions of light years into space, but we can't get a definitive picture of our presence on the Moon? (flag, lunar lander, etc.) Really just a rhetorical question at this point.
Astera, it is the way Musk mind works. He is thinking way out in front of the box, on all projects. Tesla, he envisions an electric world with little fossil fuel usage, AI, he envisions an electric subservient AI with no threat to humanity, Gaia, he believes that Gaia is being tapped out and we had better find somewhere else to expand to, the government? Hohoho, just wait until they find out what he has in store for reducing the government. Lastly, look at Twitter, his goal was to create a platform where all folks could expound their views evenly without censorship. The first thing he did to remove the Leftist slant was to fire 80% of the staff. Today, X is becoming a bigger communication tool than ever.
There is a bio of Musk out which carries through 2022. Good read, and my understanding and respect for him increased significantly.
Musk will be like a child in a sandbox in Washington, DC. He can barely wait and get inside the bureaucratic mess and try straightening it out. He will discover it's too far gone for repair and will want to start over ... I'm for that approach. Trying to fix DC leaves too many undetected crooks behind only to start over and mess things up again.
Musk plans to use methane gas to fuel his rocket to Mars because he can take Mar's 95% carbon dioxide atmosphere and with a catalyst convert it into rocket fuel methane to return back to Earth. Here on Earth Musk can take all the methane from the degassed DC bureaucrats for his rocket trip to Mars.
He wants to get rid of Grimes and other ex-wives, permanently. One is reminded of Jefferson who wanted Blacks sent out of America, across the seas, beyond all "danger of mixture".
Perhaps the Earth's Moon is simply too boring of a visual to further explore. And we earthlings discovered the Moon rang like a bell making the Mood sound hollow ... probably no valuable minerals inside, only hollow space. And we earthlings look at it up there all the time and it appears to have zero attraction to our eyes. Who really wants to go to the Moon and for what reason? Maybe to wave back at the earthlings. The Sun is much more interesting to travel to even though earthlings will turn into cooked hamburgers. But cooking like a hamburger maybe a nice way to go!
A simple drone mounted net gun would be the simplest way to bring a drone down in one piece. They already exist. Most of these sightings are nothing more than a combination of airplanes,fevered imaginations, and mass psychosis.
I question accuracy and the number of shots to take a drone down. Where do the net shots go when they don't hit the intended target? Looks fine for close captures but not so much for distant captures.
There you go, Russia, China and the US have all agreed on only using drones in war. Whatever you can do with a drone is fair game. Afterall, it doesn't take a genius to simply press a button and destroy the world. But a "War of the Drones" makes warfare more of a friendly sport, perhaps with fewer dead people. I'd say China has a good heads up on using drones since they build most of them.
I am making a good salary from home $4580-$5240/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone
My own theory is that this is nothing more than an engineered distraction intended to soak up media and public bandwidth, in the hope that most of us will not notice something else important that is happening or about to happen.
What if it is illegal aliens? Perhaps sick of us invading Mars? MIB or Men in Black. Little guys who look like Hispanics. We need to make an offering. Give them the Golliwog.....
I'm hesitant to believe BiteMe is capable of initiating/completing anything. Now, the O'BloMe/BiteMe cartel (AKA "O'BloMe's third term") is totally different, but that's only because it has leadership. Evil, dastardly, Marxist tyrannical leadership, but there is someone with a plan involved.
The DemonRat party has entertained themselves (and admittedly, completely deceived 90% of 'Muricans) by installing the most despicable entities as "our leaders" and pretending it's normal business. If real 'Muricans realized the country was run by a drug addled homo jihadist commie, and his "wife" Big Mike, with cocaine test-bed BiteMe as front man, and...........
I'm trying hard to be optimistic, but I'm not going to stop loading cartridges, mag's, and sandbags just yet.
"Demonrats" "OBIteMe" -- etc. I discourage political puns on this blog. Just a pet peeve, but it's my blog. Please don't use them. They're childish and buffoonish.
Funny story a few years ago I started loading every magazine I had in my inventory. Wife comes out to my shop and asks what you doing? I explained that if it goes all pear shape they aren't going to wait for me to reload my mags. Lo and behold a few minutes later here she comes from the house with her extra rifle and pistol mags and ask me can I show her again how to load her mags.
I am very fortunate that she understands of being prepared. Her father taught her to shoot when she was a little girl, but with wheel guns. Her dad was a GBI agent with the state of GA. She is a jam up pistol shot and pretty fair with a rifle, does like a red dot. I had to teach her about loading mags. She gets mad when I make her reload all of her 10/22 mags when we get back from the range and she has gone through 10 or 12 10/22 extended mags.
I hope you rotate them and do not leave them all loaded. Also, the vaunted Magpul mags will deform if left loaded without the cover snapped in place. I saw some fool showing off a safe online filled with hundreds of uncovered Magpuls. Don't be that guy.
I think what he's saying is that the end caps ensure that the feeding end of the mag doesn't become deformed over time under load, which would compromise its interface with the receiver & ability to feed rounds properly. That's just my guess, knowing nothing about this ... but now I'm off to the inter webs as my curiosity is piqued and I got a box with dozens of empty PMAGS and Hexmags I've never loaded/used ...
Best explanation I’ve read is from @austinrewyatt1 on X
The "FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018" expires on December 20th of this year.
So the Federal Government is literally using a terrorism drone mystery psyop against you to manipulate Congress into passing the new H.R.8610 (Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act of 2024) which will include appropriations and enhanced government powers to control you, and they're even going so far as to use it to push for acts of war against other countries.
This is directly related to the Smith-Mundt Act being repealed, which prohibited the government from broadcasting propaganda.
I do not get this. The presidents have used the EO scratchpad for just about everything. Why hasn’t Biden signed an executive order to shoot down a few outlying drones to see if they aren’t made in China, like everything else.
Has anyone else heard the report that the frequencies being used for control are not recognized in the USA?
NO, I'm not gonna shut up! None of us are gonna shut up! We will have answers and we will have action.
The sole purpose of federal government is to protect the nation. So get on it! And part of that protection involves prosecuting traitors like Mayorkas and Co.
Kirby said ‘congress has to pass a bill’. Which means our government is doing this because a 2023 bill regulating private drones didn’t pass. So they are going to scare us into a ‘patriot act’ drone bill.
Love the opening quote and everything that followed! It is the HEIGHT of ridiculous what people-in-the-know (who are SUPPOSED to know!) think the MAGA crowd is gonna swallow. Like Josey Wales said, it's time to get mad-dog mean and find some marksmen who can shoot. Let several of these expensive toys suddenly get blown to smithereens and SOMEBODY is going to speak up or be droneless. It's a shame they aren't in S. GA. I promise you the problem would've been solved in a couple of days. These boys don't play.
He'll probably have good cause to fight it. I've seen videos online of people trying to shoot these things down, but, of course, one never hears if a cop is close enough to catch them at it. (And they missed!) It is against the law in most places to randomly shoot a firearm in city limits. My son-in-law was arrested for such on a New Year's Eve years ago. He ran out the house and fired just as a cop was driving by. (He's no longer a son-in-law.) This is gonna prove to be BS - and a lot of tax payer $$.
The federal government also does not play- See video link, FL man (as is so often the case?) pops off at a drone over his yard. Walmart delivery drone, not local teenagers spying on him... Cuffed & stuffed, a ride down town, expensive legal bills.
I'm reminded that the 1938 radio 'War of the Worlds' broadcast had Martian space pods landing in the Meadowlands of North New Jersey, and NJ 'Rubes' of the day were out hunting them with Winchester rifles and Ithaca shotguns lol. Now of course any type of firearm is practically illegal in NJ, which means any Rubes still remaining in the State -- which I doubt -- have been disarmed. However, plenty of distinguished residents of Newark, Camden & Patterson have 9mm pistols; too bad for them it is highly illegal to shoot at drones, a federal crime which will put them in jail for many years. The one caveat is if the drones are in any way threatening the iconic Gearge Floyd monument in Newark; then my friends, it's open season on all drones in the NJ airspace
Thanks JHK. I think it's Plan "B". It's the Blob causing as much chaos and misery as possible before Jan 20. The Biden pardons are making everyone (even Dems) crazy angry.
Nancy Pelosi is over in Luxemburg to rev up NATO and escalate the war in Ukraine. She fell and broke her hip. I should have felt Schadenfreude, but I didn't know she was still in Congress? I thought she died a long time ago. My bad.
The reason why one hasn’t been shot down is because all of us know there are political prisoners in this country and no one wants to get thrown in jail and the blob throw away the key.
At close enough range, say inside 75yds or so, a 3.5" fully-choked 12ga with a 28" barrel slinging Black Cloud or HeaviShot waterfowl loads would absolutely do some damage. I'm shocked this hasn't happened yet - you'd think enough people are fed up enough to do it (and not get caught)
I've got one of those old bolt action Marlin Goose guns. Barrel is 36". Haven't shot that thing for years; looks like I might have to dust it off lol.😘😘
Ever thought of becoming a "lone soldier" in Israel? Mika raved about their greatness, even mentioning an Indian one. You may have to convert, not sure.
Bullets have to come down someplace, they are still moving fast enough to do damage even when fired straight up, please don't. Usually several casualties in Mexico City during the first few minutes of January 1st from "celebratory gunfire"-
In my old office building we developed a leak in the ceiling and the roofers told us that it was a bullet hole. And that was right after New Years in Charlotte NC. I was thinking that the military or police should shoot one down. Not just people popping off rounds in a densely populated area.
Shouldn’t the government do this? I think about 9/11 with its four airplanes that the military was unable to handle. Whether you believe in 9/11, the fact that planes hit the towers, or the Pentagon or Pennsylvania without little interference was significant. The military has no idea what to do about an attack like this. That is scary. What mischief could a thousand drones do to us? Forget nukes, think shutting down the grid, no grid, no USA. Is this an exercise by the US military to see what could be done? Or China, Russia or Iran?
The latest BS is some NJ congressman saying after following the police for a night, that they are mostly low flying airplanes. ???? How come thousands all of a sudden? Also, another genius has stated that it is the result of the FAA allowing night time use of drones about a month ago. There is a good one, all the guys that have gotten pet drones early for Xmas are in their back yards flying them around, all the car sized drones they have received. If you have ever flown a drone, you know that it takes a little talent and experience to even keep one up in the air. These drones are swarming and flying in formation, where are the operators and who are they?
IMHO, these are maneuvers by adversaries just to see what we can or will do against this ploy. Like the “weather balloon”. And once again, the Biden administration shows what a bunch of incompetent knuckleheads they are. Now assume that data has been acquired that the USA does not have a clue, what is next?
I think you’re are on to something about the clock ticking on the inauguration. I was wrong that they would hijack the election and shoehorn Harris into office. Plan B is now fully operative. Like everything else, they’ve turned the job over to the gangster county of Ukraine to whack him with a drone and blame Iran. Even Putin said he was not safe and that’s coming from a guy who knows a thing or two about staying aline.
Riiigghhhttt! The blob doesn’t know anything about them but they are sure to remind us it’s illegal to shoot them down. I don’t know about you but that right there told me everything I need to know.
What’s even more ironic is that even for a government entity to shoot one down they have to first overcome massive hurdles of regulations and requirements, spanning across any number of federal and state agencies before the can get approval to do so. Extraordinary!
No reason at all to shoot one down. There are many ways to bring down drones and you can be sure the DOD is familiar with and experimented with them. My favorite is the drone to drone net-gun which brings the enemy drone down in one piece. The feds could solve this problem as soon as it started. My guess is most of these "sightings" are the result of overactive imaginations, regular aircraft, stupid news people, and mass psychosis.
Why doesn't some imaginative Garden Stater just send up his own legit drone and get some real pictures? Not fuzzy, blinky, lighty things off in the distance. Just as the FEDS give us fuzzy camera footage of UFO's taken from a 60 million dollar fighter jet. I didn't know F-22's are carrying Brownie cameras these days?
Might be might like Bigfoot, or UFOs back in the day. Actually I'll have to stay up late and tune in 'Coast to Coast' to get the real gen on these mysterious drones.
One of my favorite features of the current op is that we're told both "We have no idea what they are" and "They pose no threat or cause for concern." Those seem a bit at odds, no?
DIdn't they say that about the jab? Forgive me, gov't mouthpiece, if I don't believe a word. They really do think we're that dumb - and I'm gonna start thinking we really ARE that dumb if there isn't more action and less drivel.
12/16/24: That is exactly SAFE AND EFFECTIVE what they said...
"... a coming [looming] space alien emergency ... sounds preposterous... [would the American] military arm of the blob would be so dumb as to try to pass off drones as alien spacecrafts ... something out of a 1950s horror movie ... Maybe it’s actually come to that in this super dumbed-down age. (Are you aware that the main diminishing return of our magical computer tech is that it’s made our society an order-of-magnitude dumber across the board? Well, it has.)"
James, please use that last line as the theme of a future column. "Safe and Happy" reading continues ... Commune founder driving all over Vermont sweeping the pharmacy shelves clean of crab lice ointments!
At this point in time, I no longer give a shit. I got some great Kentucky Bourbon to share with the first terrestrial who shows up!
12/17/24: And he'll have a barrel of Jupiter Hootch to pass around, as well. Sounds like a plan! (Plan 9 From Outer Space!)
No time stamp? WTF? How are we supposed to archive by date?
U shd read the book by Carl Sagan, "Contact", and watch the film.
12/17/24: Thank you. Unfortunately, Carl Sagan's credibility to me is shot to hell, having accepted a huge publisher's advance for a book that he never wrote, and never returned the money.
I could never stand him for the simple fact he was a raging leftist. If he could have simply restricted his comments to science, it would have been tolerable.
A red diaper doper baby. In Bethesda, Brookline, Manhattan, etc, they raised them up to hate White America.
12/17/24: An almost universal cloning procedure. The bastards have done almost incalculable damage politicizing their (looney-tunes) version of "Science."
Sagan seemed ok, but in any case, a problem with people is that they can fall into that 'give me the man and I'll give you the crime' sort of trap. IOW, it's almost too easy, like I'm unsure I've ever met, or ever will meet, a perfect angel in human form.
Except on this blog of course.
Granted, we can get some real nasties that make pin-ons a snap, but on the other side, we can also go witch-hunting.
That action should be the hanging of everyone involved in creating the virus in Wuhan (Pfauci pfirst) and everyone who mandated the injection of the new Thalidomide:
Without justice for the worst crime against humanity ever, we are a joke of a country.
They way that about nearly everything. When you engineer the thing, I guess you know what it will and won't affect. Or something.
Some 70% of people took the Vax. So are they right or are you right? And what does that say about "democracy"?
We live in a Republic, not a "democracy".
Way on the plus side, it would appear that only 70% of our citizens took the jab (voluntarily or not).
Based on all the coercion applied, I would have expected it to be over 90%.
And - to once again state the obvious - that "vaccine" they attempted to force on everyone was unproven and could never have been used except for the weasels at the FDA giving their partners in crime an "Emergency Use Authorization" to bypass adequate testing and product liability.
Could be mistaken, but I think the numbers were 82% taking at least one shot, so 18% purebloods. Less than one in five to carry on.
I often wonder if the first round of he chimeric virus, and the mRNA gene editing were just a prelude to the release of round 2 which will only attack and kill the non-conformists.
Such things are now possible.
ATM - that's an interesting angle, never looked at it like that.
But if culling was the intent, which I personally think it was/is, it makes no sense to cull a small minority - the 18%.
"The vaccine was not for Covid, Covid was for the vaccine." ~ Lugh
I think his line of reasoning is correct - no one died of what they call "Covid" - a scare tactic, so the non-critical thinkers would clamor for the "vaccine", in other words, the kill shots.
I personally know many who have died "unexpectedly", or from heart problems and turbo-cancers, but no one who's unvaccinated.
People at CFN are tired of hearing me say it, but they will pay. That's a promise.
On the contrary, I think it does make sense to cull the minority. they're the danger to the powers that be, not the sheep.
And when you cull the minority, the majority becomes that much more compliant.
Just a thought.
We're on a 'collapse' substack. Now, I don't know about you, but 'collapse', to me, means, or can mean, population decline all on its own. Not much need to intervene in that regard, is there?
It's not about the sheer numbers but about who gets culled.
Why would the Totalitarians want to cull the obedient sheep? no one has been able to answer that question for me because I think the answer is obvious - they don't!
My theory is this. The people who are running things, the deep state and New World order beasts, wish to take us back to a feudalistic society. We are to be serfs and they wish to become royalty.
That's one of the reasons Americans (and others) are subjected to the constant coverage of the British "royal" family. They are made out to be these majestic beings we should adore, but as Americans we should look on them as animals to be removed from society and never to be mentioned again.
Yes! Cull the “divergent “. Remember the books and movies?
Both are valid points.
~ Cull Streak Cake Mix ~
It seems kind of contradictory to both attempt to cull and import a whole bunch of immigrants. What's your take on that?
Also, it doesn't seem to be working, if this thing is any indication:
(Of course that's just the global population but, apparently, 'developed' countries' birth-rates had been falling long before C19.)
I'm waiting for you to tell me that the turbo cancers and heart attacks are just getting going. (That could be, but other, similar/related things could fold in like the assorted ingredients of a cake mix.)
While I wait, I'll add that population might take a dive anyway, due in part to peak oil having come and gone and general civilizational decline and/or collapse and the wars, diseases and social unrests that can come of those.
It's a bit like the climate-change FUD where, if civilization is running out of oil, etc., we'll be 'responding to climate-change' anyway.
Or like telling someone to leave when they're already heading toward the door. Kind of baked-in.
We won't need any girls with knitted brows from Sweden, huffing and puffing and brow-beating us about it.
Question: Do our local grocery, etc., stores owe us a living? What about those who constitute our governments? What happens when/if they fold up for good overnight?
Cull Streak
Zazzy - always good to hear from you.
"It seems kind of contradictory to both attempt to cull and import a whole bunch of immigrants. What's your take on that?" ~ Strange Bedfellow
They are replacing those US citizens who refuse to live a third world lifestyle in a first world country, with those who are happy to live a third world lifestyle in a first world country.
It's all relative. Americans will not hang drywall for $10/hour, nor live eight to a two-bedroom apartment. The immigrants will, and happily so.
Out with the discontents and in with the happy.
"Question: Do our local grocery, etc., stores owe us a living? What about those who constitute our governments? What happens when/if they fold up for good overnight?" ~ Strange Bedfellow
I teach my sons, now 20 and 21, no one owes us anything. We're entitled to what we earn - nothing more, nothing less.
If they all fold up for good overnight, I'd be delighted. Things will go dystopian, but Darwinian, I'll be fine.
Thanks again for checking in Zazzy, I miss your food-related metaphors. :-) What's up with the coffee shop?
Hi. I am actually the owner of the coffee shop.
Good morning, I've been looking for your menu online, without much success, because I can't remember the exact name of your coffee shop. Pretty sure that the word "Sweet" is in the name. Can you please tell me if you serve peach cobbler with buttermilk ice cream, drizzled in honey? <3
That's the standard. Like when it was OK for Fauci or Newsom to attend maskless parties during Covid knowing somehow that was fine, when anyone else was shunned, fired or imprisoned. They bank on a constant and well-engineered case of functioning cognitive dissonance.
It was not OK when Newsom attended maskless parties before a vaccine for covid was developed. He was lucky he did not get seriously ill and die. Before a covid vaccine was developed, among the most heavily infected areas of the US were Rockland County, NY and Orange County, NY. Both counties have a high percentage of Hasidic Jews. The Hasdics continued to live their lives as if there was no epidemic. They continued to attend massive weddings and other religious services and massive funerals. They lived in crowded households, making infections easier to spread. When vaccines became available, they got their shots and their ranks in new infections appeared to decline significantly. I am up to date on all of my shots.
Didn't Sweden go the other way, with no lockdowns or forced vaccinations, and experienced lower overall Covid infections and deaths?
Yes, but Sweden is lightly populated. There are more people living in the NYC metro area than in all of Sweden.
Lightly populated if you count the entire land mass. Like Canada, the vast majority lives in urban areas of the south. Population density is actually quite high.
Lower rates, not simply lower numbers.
And yes, Sweden did have fewer because what we were told to do killed us.
Thats bullshit I did not get covid till I took the stupid shot.
Ben, that is because the shot does not prevent Covid, it makes it less intense. Hahahahahaha! Seriously, IMHO, the virus changes so quickly that taking a shot this year does nothing for the next round. Luckily, our immunity seems to be getting better as the episodes are shorter and less intense. Is it the shot? Or exposure to the “wild” variety of S protein? If the government had done research instead of trying to protect its ass, e might know something about Covid today, and the flu and even the cold, IOW, viruses. That is the number one fault of the whole damn governmental involvement, trying to protect its assets from the truth about the shot.
In 2020, Trump screwed up big time with help from Pence. He believed Fauci and the virology gang. He did not know any better himself, being a germaphobe and a candidate for office, he was ready to believe or do anything to minimize the impact of Covid. Big mistake.
Now as we are seeing the effects of the RINO goons during the cabinet assignment time, maybe we can understand the effects of that these traitor conservatives have on the Deep State. Pence was a mistake by Trump as he is just another RINO. Latest reports are that 7 Senators, RINOs all, are giving Trump trouble with his appointments. Graham, McConnell, Murkowsky and Collins are familiar names.
IMHO, Trump may have screwed up already, taking more representatives than he should. The RINOs in the House are going to be a burr under his blanket.
Hopefully, with the crew he's got, arrests will make the difference. Let fear arise, it will be beautiful.
Taking the shot certainly does do something. It screws up your immune system, can alter your genetic makeup, causes all manner of nasty side effects but doesn't really do anything to prevent infection or stop the spread of the disease.
It is 100% all risk and no reward.
Yes, you got Wuhan Virus _because_ of the shot.
All medical mandates must be prohibited by Constitutional amendment, which must include a death penalty for anyone who even attempts to repeat the crime.
we don't need an amendment for that. If the Constitution doesn't say they can mandate us to take a shot, then they cannot do it. See Amendment 10.
And yet they did mandate the death jab anyway.
This is why we need an explicit Constitutional amendment prohibiting all medical mandates with a death penalty for attempting to impose them, especially all injections.
The publicity of everyone knowing about the new amendment would be our real protection.
Are you not aware of the spikes in death in young adults, children and middle aged people? How can you not know? They’re dying of fast-growing cancers, strokes and heart attacks. Hundreds of soccer players have died on the field. Ignorance is a deadly stance these days, my friend. Please follow Mark Krispin Miller here on Substack, and for heaven sakes, stop with the vaccines! It’s a bio weapon, not a compassionate cure by the government. Good lord! Where ya been?
Mike B. you must be embarrassed. I'm blushing for you if you're not. Thanks for making a case for idiocracy. Shill/Troll.
I've started writing a paper on this: Program a dome-shaped array of choreographed drones to cover the foe drone(s). The most efficient use of a surface area is to contain a volume using a sphere-shaped object, or half a sphere often referred to as a dome. A dome-shaped array of drones each containing perhaps a pentagon shaped netting might offer an interesting solution. Today's drones don't look above, and a foe operator would be confused if a dome descended from above. One thing a friendly drone can do is to force a foe drone into an area where the choreographed drones are staged. The goal would be to take down the foe drone in the least amount of broken up pieces. In essence, I've realized you need a jet to conquer a jet and a drone(s) to conquer a drone. You are dealing with similar operating parameters. A helicopter doesn't want to face a drone because it can be deadly. A friendly helicopter blade can be struck by a foe drone; not good. The object is to fine tune a drone that can be better than other drones. Someone is going to make a killing in the "smart" drone industry which is outfitted with the most "toys" to destroy another drone. I believe drone-on-drone warfare is the safest combat method inside neighborhoods.
I think it is a government Beta Test to see how far they can go before the public puts its foot down and says enough.
I’m sure they did a table top exercise a year ago and when Trump won they pulled it out and executed it.
Some whistleblower will come out with the truth. I wonder what Elon thinks about it?!
Chinese illegal immigrants numbered about 3,800. I'm trying to think of the logic for anyone to do this. The FAA allowing drones to fly at night was a stupid move by the Feds. One thing to consider is the drone aircraft are high tech toys (not certified aircraft built for reliability) and operated by amateurs (not educated pilots). Nighttime operation of drones is open season for mischief. Couldn't anyone figure this out? I owned a drone where an engine mounting screw was not screwed in and eventually jammed the engine (one of four). Elon's head is in Mars, not here on earth <g>.
Yer right. Elon is so fixated on Mars for whatever fucked up reason. However, I do think he had a ploy with sending the dummy robot in the Tesla into outer space (and then circling the Sun). God only knows what kind of sensors were crammed into there. I personally think he was trying to get a read on the Van Allen Belts.
Which brings us to another topic: Why are the Hubble and James Webb supertelescopes able to see billions of light years into space, but we can't get a definitive picture of our presence on the Moon? (flag, lunar lander, etc.) Really just a rhetorical question at this point.
Astera, it is the way Musk mind works. He is thinking way out in front of the box, on all projects. Tesla, he envisions an electric world with little fossil fuel usage, AI, he envisions an electric subservient AI with no threat to humanity, Gaia, he believes that Gaia is being tapped out and we had better find somewhere else to expand to, the government? Hohoho, just wait until they find out what he has in store for reducing the government. Lastly, look at Twitter, his goal was to create a platform where all folks could expound their views evenly without censorship. The first thing he did to remove the Leftist slant was to fire 80% of the staff. Today, X is becoming a bigger communication tool than ever.
There is a bio of Musk out which carries through 2022. Good read, and my understanding and respect for him increased significantly.
Musk will be like a child in a sandbox in Washington, DC. He can barely wait and get inside the bureaucratic mess and try straightening it out. He will discover it's too far gone for repair and will want to start over ... I'm for that approach. Trying to fix DC leaves too many undetected crooks behind only to start over and mess things up again.
Musk plans to use methane gas to fuel his rocket to Mars because he can take Mar's 95% carbon dioxide atmosphere and with a catalyst convert it into rocket fuel methane to return back to Earth. Here on Earth Musk can take all the methane from the degassed DC bureaucrats for his rocket trip to Mars.
And save the planet. lol!!
Like JHK, he is thinking 50 years in the future and using his wealth to pursue what he believes is important for humanity.
He wants to get rid of Grimes and other ex-wives, permanently. One is reminded of Jefferson who wanted Blacks sent out of America, across the seas, beyond all "danger of mixture".
Very true. Or why not just a good crisp still shot of one of these drones?
See the Japanese moon orbiters photos of our landing sites. Plains as day evidence of our visits.
Perhaps the Earth's Moon is simply too boring of a visual to further explore. And we earthlings discovered the Moon rang like a bell making the Mood sound hollow ... probably no valuable minerals inside, only hollow space. And we earthlings look at it up there all the time and it appears to have zero attraction to our eyes. Who really wants to go to the Moon and for what reason? Maybe to wave back at the earthlings. The Sun is much more interesting to travel to even though earthlings will turn into cooked hamburgers. But cooking like a hamburger maybe a nice way to go!
Who can forget this from Star Trek 1: For the Earth is hollow, and I have touched the sky?
A simple drone mounted net gun would be the simplest way to bring a drone down in one piece. They already exist. Most of these sightings are nothing more than a combination of airplanes,fevered imaginations, and mass psychosis.
No. 8 on the list
I question accuracy and the number of shots to take a drone down. Where do the net shots go when they don't hit the intended target? Looks fine for close captures but not so much for distant captures.
JFC Bill, don't give "them" any ideas.
Are these war games?
There you go, Russia, China and the US have all agreed on only using drones in war. Whatever you can do with a drone is fair game. Afterall, it doesn't take a genius to simply press a button and destroy the world. But a "War of the Drones" makes warfare more of a friendly sport, perhaps with fewer dead people. I'd say China has a good heads up on using drones since they build most of them.
I am making a good salary from home $4580-$5240/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone
Here is I started_______ https://dub.sh/9kxxF3e
Depends... Is it the same person saying those things, or different people, spaced hundreds of miles apart.
It definitely the same person. John Kirby, if my memory is correct.
My own theory is that this is nothing more than an engineered distraction intended to soak up media and public bandwidth, in the hope that most of us will not notice something else important that is happening or about to happen.
That's my take, too. Just more distraction. They seem to be trying to pile up a lot of them.
It’s our government. When they deny, it’s a lie.
Of course it’s them and make no mistake it isn’t done with the citizenry’s best interest in mind
When they lie, it's an admission. When they project, they're telling us exactly what they are doing or plan to do. Glad so many spot the pattern!
Lies have become confessions.
As well as when they assert
When they say “we have no idea where they’re coming from” you know it’s the feds who are flying them.
What if it is illegal aliens? Perhaps sick of us invading Mars? MIB or Men in Black. Little guys who look like Hispanics. We need to make an offering. Give them the Golliwog.....
Ha, or maybe the cartels latest plan to smuggle in drugs and illegals?
Wonderful write!
I'm hesitant to believe BiteMe is capable of initiating/completing anything. Now, the O'BloMe/BiteMe cartel (AKA "O'BloMe's third term") is totally different, but that's only because it has leadership. Evil, dastardly, Marxist tyrannical leadership, but there is someone with a plan involved.
The DemonRat party has entertained themselves (and admittedly, completely deceived 90% of 'Muricans) by installing the most despicable entities as "our leaders" and pretending it's normal business. If real 'Muricans realized the country was run by a drug addled homo jihadist commie, and his "wife" Big Mike, with cocaine test-bed BiteMe as front man, and...........
I'm trying hard to be optimistic, but I'm not going to stop loading cartridges, mag's, and sandbags just yet.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
"Demonrats" "OBIteMe" -- etc. I discourage political puns on this blog. Just a pet peeve, but it's my blog. Please don't use them. They're childish and buffoonish.
I thought it was kinda funny.
Is the term "crimigrants" acceptable to you? I'm asking because I tend to use that as well.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
I don't like any of those puns. Just give it up.
Bye Bye, J J
Three, two, one...
Dang, what did I miss?
Just a really snotty comment.
Great call, Dis! Although, you knew it was coming.
Jim doesn't play - Guido F'dA and FO.
LOL! I could see that one coming a mile away.
I didn't even see the deleted comment but could tell he was on thin ice even before that. Who walks into a woodchipper?
Funny story a few years ago I started loading every magazine I had in my inventory. Wife comes out to my shop and asks what you doing? I explained that if it goes all pear shape they aren't going to wait for me to reload my mags. Lo and behold a few minutes later here she comes from the house with her extra rifle and pistol mags and ask me can I show her again how to load her mags.
Sir, you have either trained her well, or selected a well-prepared woman. Kudo's!
I've found that loading is very therapeutic.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Personally, I also find rapid, aimed unloading equally therapeutic.
I am very fortunate that she understands of being prepared. Her father taught her to shoot when she was a little girl, but with wheel guns. Her dad was a GBI agent with the state of GA. She is a jam up pistol shot and pretty fair with a rifle, does like a red dot. I had to teach her about loading mags. She gets mad when I make her reload all of her 10/22 mags when we get back from the range and she has gone through 10 or 12 10/22 extended mags.
@Houdini Trooper
Two words: Lula loader
Been using Lula loaders for years.
I hope you rotate them and do not leave them all loaded. Also, the vaunted Magpul mags will deform if left loaded without the cover snapped in place. I saw some fool showing off a safe online filled with hundreds of uncovered Magpuls. Don't be that guy.
Only load the 30 rd. mags with 28 rds and yes use the covers.
Why not leave the magazines loaded?
I think what he's saying is that the end caps ensure that the feeding end of the mag doesn't become deformed over time under load, which would compromise its interface with the receiver & ability to feed rounds properly. That's just my guess, knowing nothing about this ... but now I'm off to the inter webs as my curiosity is piqued and I got a box with dozens of empty PMAGS and Hexmags I've never loaded/used ...
Sounds like a plan.
Best explanation I’ve read is from @austinrewyatt1 on X
The "FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018" expires on December 20th of this year.
So the Federal Government is literally using a terrorism drone mystery psyop against you to manipulate Congress into passing the new H.R.8610 (Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act of 2024) which will include appropriations and enhanced government powers to control you, and they're even going so far as to use it to push for acts of war against other countries.
This is directly related to the Smith-Mundt Act being repealed, which prohibited the government from broadcasting propaganda.
Schumer just came out saying he wanted to pass some legislation to address this random drone issue, so that could appear to back up this theory.
When is this guy going to get droned?
I do not get this. The presidents have used the EO scratchpad for just about everything. Why hasn’t Biden signed an executive order to shoot down a few outlying drones to see if they aren’t made in China, like everything else.
Has anyone else heard the report that the frequencies being used for control are not recognized in the USA?
Biden most assuredly could do that.l, and quite legally.
The fact that he doesn’t speaks volumes.
Trump posted that they should be doing just that.
The whole thing smells to high heaven.
Trump needs to start talking and get ahead of this. Unless of course he's in on it. He did just speak about hitting Iran's nuclear sites.
Why not get the Cajun navy to follow the drones out to see and surround the Mother Ship?
Why not do anything to try to track down where they are coming from and who owns them?
Because these are more likely than not some rotten little commy usaf drone pilots running this op
How many USAF drone pilots would I take to run this show? Just askin’.
Do you want an answer in the form of one o them old Polish jokes we used to tell or technical? 🤪
Good question.
NO, I'm not gonna shut up! None of us are gonna shut up! We will have answers and we will have action.
The sole purpose of federal government is to protect the nation. So get on it! And part of that protection involves prosecuting traitors like Mayorkas and Co.
What happens when they are the ones doing it, and just lying to you?
Makes sense to me
Blob doing blob things. Goliath’s last grasp I hope.
Kirby said ‘congress has to pass a bill’. Which means our government is doing this because a 2023 bill regulating private drones didn’t pass. So they are going to scare us into a ‘patriot act’ drone bill.
H.R.8610 - Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act
There you go. There's always an agenda.
That wouldn't be a surprise.
Love the opening quote and everything that followed! It is the HEIGHT of ridiculous what people-in-the-know (who are SUPPOSED to know!) think the MAGA crowd is gonna swallow. Like Josey Wales said, it's time to get mad-dog mean and find some marksmen who can shoot. Let several of these expensive toys suddenly get blown to smithereens and SOMEBODY is going to speak up or be droneless. It's a shame they aren't in S. GA. I promise you the problem would've been solved in a couple of days. These boys don't play.
I read that some guy in NJ did fire at the sky and received a $5,000 fine.
Edit: Actually it was in Florida. My error.
He'll probably have good cause to fight it. I've seen videos online of people trying to shoot these things down, but, of course, one never hears if a cop is close enough to catch them at it. (And they missed!) It is against the law in most places to randomly shoot a firearm in city limits. My son-in-law was arrested for such on a New Year's Eve years ago. He ran out the house and fired just as a cop was driving by. (He's no longer a son-in-law.) This is gonna prove to be BS - and a lot of tax payer $$.
In Rural Georgia, that's what they do for recreation on a Saturday night.
Dumbass. Doesn't he know he needs to be suppressed so the local Karen's can't hear him shoot and call the police?
It would probably help if they did not put their exploits on social media.
@Te Burt
The federal government also does not play- See video link, FL man (as is so often the case?) pops off at a drone over his yard. Walmart delivery drone, not local teenagers spying on him... Cuffed & stuffed, a ride down town, expensive legal bills.
Leave it to Florida Man; what WON'T he do lol?
Skunk apes! #Bigfoot nation
I'm reminded that the 1938 radio 'War of the Worlds' broadcast had Martian space pods landing in the Meadowlands of North New Jersey, and NJ 'Rubes' of the day were out hunting them with Winchester rifles and Ithaca shotguns lol. Now of course any type of firearm is practically illegal in NJ, which means any Rubes still remaining in the State -- which I doubt -- have been disarmed. However, plenty of distinguished residents of Newark, Camden & Patterson have 9mm pistols; too bad for them it is highly illegal to shoot at drones, a federal crime which will put them in jail for many years. The one caveat is if the drones are in any way threatening the iconic Gearge Floyd monument in Newark; then my friends, it's open season on all drones in the NJ airspace
I am more concerned about the colored followers of George Floyd than about space pods or drones.
Kirby exploded thy mystery. Lots of people have drones. It's just people taking their drones out for nightly walk. Or maybe drag drone racing?
I thought it was Grovers Mills, somewhere between Hightstown and Princeton. Just so you know, New Jersey is plenty armed. Legally.
Thanks JHK. I think it's Plan "B". It's the Blob causing as much chaos and misery as possible before Jan 20. The Biden pardons are making everyone (even Dems) crazy angry.
Nancy Pelosi is over in Luxemburg to rev up NATO and escalate the war in Ukraine. She fell and broke her hip. I should have felt Schadenfreude, but I didn't know she was still in Congress? I thought she died a long time ago. My bad.
"I thought she died a long time ago. My bad."
She did. She's walking dead now.
Shes a democrat,
So dont they like vote forever?
Vote 6-7 times ! What?…….me worry!
They vote harder after death, yes.
Her embalmer did a piss-poor job.
Don't a lot of the elderly die from broken hips? Just sayin'.
If she does, what's gonna happen to her ice cream freezer?
Used to, the hip replacement surgery stopped the death sentence.
Unless you “throw a clot” while recovering. A good P E would finish her off
You are right.
Yes, shoot one down and see what it is.
The reason why one hasn’t been shot down is because all of us know there are political prisoners in this country and no one wants to get thrown in jail and the blob throw away the key.
Exactly. A federal law was passed that makes shooting at a drone = to shooting at an airliner.
Well, mine cost $1,400 so you'll piss me off if you shoot it down. Although to be frank I haven't flown it since 2022. It's only for overwatch.
Has anyone called Bezos to see if they are Amazon deliveries? The drivers delivery flu has lost 5 of my packages.
Cant remember what the range of a good goose gun is but seems to me some good ole bird hunters out there could bag a few of these things
At close enough range, say inside 75yds or so, a 3.5" fully-choked 12ga with a 28" barrel slinging Black Cloud or HeaviShot waterfowl loads would absolutely do some damage. I'm shocked this hasn't happened yet - you'd think enough people are fed up enough to do it (and not get caught)
I've got one of those old bolt action Marlin Goose guns. Barrel is 36". Haven't shot that thing for years; looks like I might have to dust it off lol.😘😘
Ever thought of becoming a "lone soldier" in Israel? Mika raved about their greatness, even mentioning an Indian one. You may have to convert, not sure.
Punt gun.
AR 10 would do the trick.
Bullets have to come down someplace, they are still moving fast enough to do damage even when fired straight up, please don't. Usually several casualties in Mexico City during the first few minutes of January 1st from "celebratory gunfire"-
In my old office building we developed a leak in the ceiling and the roofers told us that it was a bullet hole. And that was right after New Years in Charlotte NC. I was thinking that the military or police should shoot one down. Not just people popping off rounds in a densely populated area.
Yea, but we aint in a total war zone
Shouldn’t the government do this? I think about 9/11 with its four airplanes that the military was unable to handle. Whether you believe in 9/11, the fact that planes hit the towers, or the Pentagon or Pennsylvania without little interference was significant. The military has no idea what to do about an attack like this. That is scary. What mischief could a thousand drones do to us? Forget nukes, think shutting down the grid, no grid, no USA. Is this an exercise by the US military to see what could be done? Or China, Russia or Iran?
The latest BS is some NJ congressman saying after following the police for a night, that they are mostly low flying airplanes. ???? How come thousands all of a sudden? Also, another genius has stated that it is the result of the FAA allowing night time use of drones about a month ago. There is a good one, all the guys that have gotten pet drones early for Xmas are in their back yards flying them around, all the car sized drones they have received. If you have ever flown a drone, you know that it takes a little talent and experience to even keep one up in the air. These drones are swarming and flying in formation, where are the operators and who are they?
IMHO, these are maneuvers by adversaries just to see what we can or will do against this ploy. Like the “weather balloon”. And once again, the Biden administration shows what a bunch of incompetent knuckleheads they are. Now assume that data has been acquired that the USA does not have a clue, what is next?
Yo JAZ, I know a thing or two about this stuff. DM me if you want to hear.
AI...AI autonomous drones. Yeah, it's a thing. Swarming technology.
But...but make sure your running lights are on at night...
I do remember the Sochi Olympics where I saw the positioning capability of drones for the first time. Has to be computer driven.
And...the link;
Refresh with “Leave the World behind”, a Michelle and Barack Obama production. Could you see it as a drone led possibility?
That Ethan Hawke has only gotten more irritating over time. The movie itself was modestly entertaining, I guess.
I think you’re are on to something about the clock ticking on the inauguration. I was wrong that they would hijack the election and shoehorn Harris into office. Plan B is now fully operative. Like everything else, they’ve turned the job over to the gangster county of Ukraine to whack him with a drone and blame Iran. Even Putin said he was not safe and that’s coming from a guy who knows a thing or two about staying aline.
Something to consider, they tried, and the 30,000,000 votes they put on her wasnt enough
The ‘Aliens’ are in Washington, DC!
Riiigghhhttt! The blob doesn’t know anything about them but they are sure to remind us it’s illegal to shoot them down. I don’t know about you but that right there told me everything I need to know.
Bingo , Cheryl.
What’s even more ironic is that even for a government entity to shoot one down they have to first overcome massive hurdles of regulations and requirements, spanning across any number of federal and state agencies before the can get approval to do so. Extraordinary!
This fact nullifies all power except that coming from the highest levels.
No reason at all to shoot one down. There are many ways to bring down drones and you can be sure the DOD is familiar with and experimented with them. My favorite is the drone to drone net-gun which brings the enemy drone down in one piece. The feds could solve this problem as soon as it started. My guess is most of these "sightings" are the result of overactive imaginations, regular aircraft, stupid news people, and mass psychosis.
No Ricky, they're drones. You obviously don't live where this is happening. And shooting at them is exactly what they want. They WANT the panic.
Why doesn't some imaginative Garden Stater just send up his own legit drone and get some real pictures? Not fuzzy, blinky, lighty things off in the distance. Just as the FEDS give us fuzzy camera footage of UFO's taken from a 60 million dollar fighter jet. I didn't know F-22's are carrying Brownie cameras these days?
Might be might like Bigfoot, or UFOs back in the day. Actually I'll have to stay up late and tune in 'Coast to Coast' to get the real gen on these mysterious drones.
There ya go.
Personally, Ive spent about 5 minutes worried about them.
Every one else is worried about them. So either they're fools or you are.
lol. Happy Monday to you too Lou. Not worried.