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Could be mistaken, but I think the numbers were 82% taking at least one shot, so 18% purebloods. Less than one in five to carry on.

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I often wonder if the first round of he chimeric virus, and the mRNA gene editing were just a prelude to the release of round 2 which will only attack and kill the non-conformists.

Such things are now possible.

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ATM - that's an interesting angle, never looked at it like that.

But if culling was the intent, which I personally think it was/is, it makes no sense to cull a small minority - the 18%.

"The vaccine was not for Covid, Covid was for the vaccine." ~ Lugh

I think his line of reasoning is correct - no one died of what they call "Covid" - a scare tactic, so the non-critical thinkers would clamor for the "vaccine", in other words, the kill shots.

I personally know many who have died "unexpectedly", or from heart problems and turbo-cancers, but no one who's unvaccinated.

People at CFN are tired of hearing me say it, but they will pay. That's a promise.

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On the contrary, I think it does make sense to cull the minority. they're the danger to the powers that be, not the sheep.

And when you cull the minority, the majority becomes that much more compliant.

Just a thought.

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We're on a 'collapse' substack. Now, I don't know about you, but 'collapse', to me, means, or can mean, population decline all on its own. Not much need to intervene in that regard, is there?

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It's not about the sheer numbers but about who gets culled.

Why would the Totalitarians want to cull the obedient sheep? no one has been able to answer that question for me because I think the answer is obvious - they don't!

My theory is this. The people who are running things, the deep state and New World order beasts, wish to take us back to a feudalistic society. We are to be serfs and they wish to become royalty.

That's one of the reasons Americans (and others) are subjected to the constant coverage of the British "royal" family. They are made out to be these majestic beings we should adore, but as Americans we should look on them as animals to be removed from society and never to be mentioned again.

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Yes! Cull the тАЬdivergent тАЬ. Remember the books and movies?

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Both are valid points.

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~ Cull Streak Cake Mix ~

It seems kind of contradictory to both attempt to cull and import a whole bunch of immigrants. What's your take on that?

Also, it doesn't seem to be working, if this thing is any indication:


(Of course that's just the global population but, apparently, 'developed' countries' birth-rates had been falling long before C19.)

I'm waiting for you to tell me that the turbo cancers and heart attacks are just getting going. (That could be, but other, similar/related things could fold in like the assorted ingredients of a cake mix.)

While I wait, I'll add that population might take a dive anyway, due in part to peak oil having come and gone and general civilizational decline and/or collapse and the wars, diseases and social unrests that can come of those.

It's a bit like the climate-change FUD where, if civilization is running out of oil, etc., we'll be 'responding to climate-change' anyway.

Or like telling someone to leave when they're already heading toward the door. Kind of baked-in.

We won't need any girls with knitted brows from Sweden, huffing and puffing and brow-beating us about it.

Question: Do our local grocery, etc., stores owe us a living? What about those who constitute our governments? What happens when/if they fold up for good overnight?


Cull Streak


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Zazzy - always good to hear from you.

"It seems kind of contradictory to both attempt to cull and import a whole bunch of immigrants. What's your take on that?" ~ Strange Bedfellow

They are replacing those US citizens who refuse to live a third world lifestyle in a first world country, with those who are happy to live a third world lifestyle in a first world country.

It's all relative. Americans will not hang drywall for $10/hour, nor live eight to a two-bedroom apartment. The immigrants will, and happily so.

Out with the discontents and in with the happy.

"Question: Do our local grocery, etc., stores owe us a living? What about those who constitute our governments? What happens when/if they fold up for good overnight?" ~ Strange Bedfellow

I teach my sons, now 20 and 21, no one owes us anything. We're entitled to what we earn - nothing more, nothing less.

If they all fold up for good overnight, I'd be delighted. Things will go dystopian, but Darwinian, I'll be fine.

Thanks again for checking in Zazzy, I miss your food-related metaphors. :-) What's up with the coffee shop?

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Hi. I am actually the owner of the coffee shop.

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Good morning, I've been looking for your menu online, without much success, because I can't remember the exact name of your coffee shop. Pretty sure that the word "Sweet" is in the name. Can you please tell me if you serve peach cobbler with buttermilk ice cream, drizzled in honey? <3

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Peach cobbler and buttermilk ice cream sounds delish, a winning combination. Depending on the sweetness, I might dispense with the honey, though. Mind you, it could always be an ingredient in the ice-cream, itself. I know how to make ice cream/gelato, incidentally, and have wanted for some time to get a small home ice cream machine-- the kind that is like a small freezer around the cylinder that mixes the ice-cream and whose blades slowly shave what freezes onto its surface, into the mix.

If I can get enough income from the residences, maybe we can splurge for a Crystal Cricket Cafe/Teahouse, if only to have you as one of our Menu Consultants.

How cool is that? A Menu Consultant. That's the only thing you'd need on your resume...

"Who? Ron Anselmo? Oh, yes, he's been a Menu Consultant in good standing with us for decades... Can you afford him?"

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Oh, well its called the Crystal Cricket Cafe. The physical location is not yet established but you can certainly visit psychically at the moment. But yes, absolutely that is on the menu. Would you care for a coffee liqueur with it? <3

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