True Americana. Akin to the woman on a bus tour of Seattle, wanting to see where her Great- Grandmother lived. The bus host explained how Seattle required that every Rent-a-Lady have a license. And that most registered as Seamstresses. As the tourist sunk further into her seat.
When I first saw that building, I was at a stop sign on the corner when the passenger in
my car started laughing so hard I feared he would have a heart attack. We immediately pulled over to get pictures, many with us posing. I drove many people
by there to get their reactions. Glad to make this humorous contribution.
And "next door," in NM, the rumor among all the teams and beyond that go into building the first "spaceport" would claim that the design of the terminal would make it look like a vagina from the atmosphere above. Not surprising that the "anchor" tenant was Virgin Galactic.
They have also complied with the ADA regarding wheelchair accessible corners and DOT signage and street markings. All brought to us by a grant from an unnamed NGO provided to the City, then on to local contractors who know the Mayor.
According to various internet mapping services (Google, Bing, etc.), the building is still there in all it's phallic glory. Better yet, it's catty-corner across Rusk Ave from Dennison City Hall...
Fort Bragg in North Carolina was renamed to Fort Liberty.
Fort Hood in Texas was renamed to Fort Cavazos.
Fort Lee in Virginia was renamed to Fort Gregg-Adams.
Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia was renamed to Fort Walker.
Fort Pickett in Virginia was renamed to Fort Barfoot.
Fort Polk in Louisiana was renamed to Fort Johnson.
Fort Rucker in Alabama was renamed to Fort Novosel.
Fort Gordon in Georgia was renamed to Fort Eisenhower.
These changes were part of an effort to remove names associated with the Confederacy and honor individuals who better reflect the diversity of the U.S. military.
It is a shame that Texas landmark has been destroyed and the history of Dennison will never be complete without reference to that iconic penis building.
According to Google maps, the second building is the old Best Burger Barn at 200 S. Houston in Denison (permanently closed), a couple of blocks away from the phallic monstrosity at Rusk and Chestnut.
Glad to know the building is still erect. I moved from that area in late 2019. Over the years since I discovered and photographed that building, I was amazed that so many people, who lived in Denison, had never noticed the ornamentation. Many were shocked when I showed them, they would later drive by and call me laughing. I knew an attorney whose client owned the building and I’d tell him if they ever sell to please let me market it, what fun it would have been to expose that to the world. Now, in essence, I’ve achieved that by getting it to the one and only JHK. 🤭
313 miles to be exact. This was the early growth of railroads in the west. I expect when the town pissed them off, some RR executive perhaps sitting in NY said well, I wanted Houston anyhow , it’s right on the Gulf of America and we can haul to and from the ports.
Interesting to note, BNSF railroad bought, in recent years, 900 acres south of Denison by about 20 miles in the town of Gunter , with plans to build a large logistics park. Major railroad and trucking would take place. The citizens came to city hall and raised hell so the RR withdrew. However, they still own the land so another play is likely.
Denison TX is where Dight D. Eisenhower was born when his dad worked for the railroad. Then they moved to KS where he was raised. Love the building ( :
I liked it better with the penises. As for the walking human garbage known as (local) bureaucrats, they care not a whit for how things turn out, or whether they turn out at all. "Process is everything" to a bureaucrat, which is why such creatures are destroyers of civilization. They are deadly enemies of builders, creators, entrepreneurs, etc. (i.e. the people who CREATE civilizations).
During this interesting article, we along with the writer, struggle to remember the acronym GWH, as it morphs to GHW in the third to the last paragraph. lol These houses could use some "penis" cornices...or something to offset the "blah" factor. Are we really so lost???
True Americana. Akin to the woman on a bus tour of Seattle, wanting to see where her Great- Grandmother lived. The bus host explained how Seattle required that every Rent-a-Lady have a license. And that most registered as Seamstresses. As the tourist sunk further into her seat.
Who needs to make stuff up?
03/09/25: The indignity of being needled on a Cook's Tour of Historical Snatch!
When I first saw that building, I was at a stop sign on the corner when the passenger in
my car started laughing so hard I feared he would have a heart attack. We immediately pulled over to get pictures, many with us posing. I drove many people
by there to get their reactions. Glad to make this humorous contribution.
And "next door," in NM, the rumor among all the teams and beyond that go into building the first "spaceport" would claim that the design of the terminal would make it look like a vagina from the atmosphere above. Not surprising that the "anchor" tenant was Virgin Galactic.
It's a charmer. Too bad it's gone!
They have also complied with the ADA regarding wheelchair accessible corners and DOT signage and street markings. All brought to us by a grant from an unnamed NGO provided to the City, then on to local contractors who know the Mayor.
Tourist attractions are where you find them. Good place for a coffee cart by some startup business.
This just keeps getting better! Next comment will be a real finisher !!
According to various internet mapping services (Google, Bing, etc.), the building is still there in all it's phallic glory. Better yet, it's catty-corner across Rusk Ave from Dennison City Hall...
The builder should have foreseen detumescense before he erected the dickorations.
Sadly, we are losing our identity as a nation.
Fort Bragg in North Carolina was renamed to Fort Liberty.
Fort Hood in Texas was renamed to Fort Cavazos.
Fort Lee in Virginia was renamed to Fort Gregg-Adams.
Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia was renamed to Fort Walker.
Fort Pickett in Virginia was renamed to Fort Barfoot.
Fort Polk in Louisiana was renamed to Fort Johnson.
Fort Rucker in Alabama was renamed to Fort Novosel.
Fort Gordon in Georgia was renamed to Fort Eisenhower.
These changes were part of an effort to remove names associated with the Confederacy and honor individuals who better reflect the diversity of the U.S. military.
It is a shame that Texas landmark has been destroyed and the history of Dennison will never be complete without reference to that iconic penis building.
Secretary Hegseth is recovering some of the original historical fort names.
According to Google maps, the second building is the old Best Burger Barn at 200 S. Houston in Denison (permanently closed), a couple of blocks away from the phallic monstrosity at Rusk and Chestnut.
I live in Denison TX, and I remember the building, a lot of weird history here, don't dig too deep or you will have several columns.
Glad to know the building is still erect. I moved from that area in late 2019. Over the years since I discovered and photographed that building, I was amazed that so many people, who lived in Denison, had never noticed the ornamentation. Many were shocked when I showed them, they would later drive by and call me laughing. I knew an attorney whose client owned the building and I’d tell him if they ever sell to please let me market it, what fun it would have been to expose that to the world. Now, in essence, I’ve achieved that by getting it to the one and only JHK. 🤭
har har har
"expose it to the world"
you're killing me
Hard act to follow.
I wonder if someone, somewhere, has a yard full of dicks?
Perhaps they were sent to penile colony?
Obviously the work of a cock-eyed draftsman
that was a hell of a bypass, since Denison is north of Dallas and at least 200 miles from Houston.
313 miles to be exact. This was the early growth of railroads in the west. I expect when the town pissed them off, some RR executive perhaps sitting in NY said well, I wanted Houston anyhow , it’s right on the Gulf of America and we can haul to and from the ports.
Interesting to note, BNSF railroad bought, in recent years, 900 acres south of Denison by about 20 miles in the town of Gunter , with plans to build a large logistics park. Major railroad and trucking would take place. The citizens came to city hall and raised hell so the RR withdrew. However, they still own the land so another play is likely.
Denison TX is where Dight D. Eisenhower was born when his dad worked for the railroad. Then they moved to KS where he was raised. Love the building ( :
I liked it better with the penises. As for the walking human garbage known as (local) bureaucrats, they care not a whit for how things turn out, or whether they turn out at all. "Process is everything" to a bureaucrat, which is why such creatures are destroyers of civilization. They are deadly enemies of builders, creators, entrepreneurs, etc. (i.e. the people who CREATE civilizations).
Our poor society! What perfect phraseology to go from "remodeled" to "severly modified."
During this interesting article, we along with the writer, struggle to remember the acronym GWH, as it morphs to GHW in the third to the last paragraph. lol These houses could use some "penis" cornices...or something to offset the "blah" factor. Are we really so lost???
03/09/25: Another monument to TBSD's Of America, erased. Tears flowed like wine.
If that building was in California or Nevada us clampers would definitely plaque it