Behold the decorative cornice of this humdinger from Dennison, Texas, corner of Rusk and W. Chestnut.. Known locally as the “Penis Building,” the motif supposedly emerged from a dispute between the developer and the city’s building code department, which repeatedly refused him a permit because his proposed building “lacked suitable ornamentation.” Moral of the story: Bureaucrats, be careful of what you wish for.
History note from Jim Owen, realtor, who nominated this charmer:
Denison in the late 1800’s was a thriving railroad town until the town pissed off the railroad, who wanted to expand their presence, thus, they moved to Houston. During that time, prostitution was the main business in the very blocks where the Penis Building was located, perhaps that’s why the builder chose that ornament. In fact the town was in dire financial straits and saved the coffers by charging the prostitutes a license fee.
The building appears to have been severely modified since its heyday. Weep for history! The same address today:
True Americana. Akin to the woman on a bus tour of Seattle, wanting to see where her Great- Grandmother lived. The bus host explained how Seattle required that every Rent-a-Lady have a license. And that most registered as Seamstresses. As the tourist sunk further into her seat.
When I first saw that building, I was at a stop sign on the corner when the passenger in
my car started laughing so hard I feared he would have a heart attack. We immediately pulled over to get pictures, many with us posing. I drove many people
by there to get their reactions. Glad to make this humorous contribution.