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The Cover Your Ass Olympics

“If the entire political and media elite can manufacture the lie for 4+ years that candidate now-President Biden isn’t cognitively impaired, what else might they have lied about and are lying about now?” — Stephen Miller

Clusterfuck Nation

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     You can’t deny that “Joe Biden” did his goodest last night facing down a half-dozen pre-selected reporters representing blob-adjacent news orgs such as Reuters and NPR at the post-NATO meetup damage-control event billed as a “news conference.” Only a week after he declared himself to be the “first black woman vice-president,” he pivoted to correct the record, telling the DC press corps that he’d “picked Vice-president Trump to be vice-president. . .” and everyone in the room saw that they were back in that mortifying scene in The Caine Mutiny when the confused and incompetent Captain Queeg reaches for the ball bearings in his pocket.

     At the end of the harrowing hour, he minced his way offstage, leaving his Party of Chaos evermore sore perplexed as to how they might lever this burnt-out old hack out of the nomination they foolishly secured for him months ago. It ain’t gonna be easy, as “JB” repeatedly insisted he had no intention of stepping aside, despite the forces mustering against him in Congress, the media, and Hollywood. Even CNN is turning on him. Meanwhile, the #VeepTrump clip went viral on social media. So much for damage control.

     You understand, don’t you, what a fiasco the 75th Anniversary DC NATO meetup itself was? Everyone in the room, including the key prime ministers and presidents, could sense how flimsy the alliance now appears, as led by our maundering near-zombie president. Like “Joe Biden,” NATO’s raison d’être has been exposed as badly out-of-date and dangerously unhinged. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg kicked things off declaring that “Ukraine is on an ‘irreversible’ path to NATO.” This controverts what everybody in NATO knows is Mr. Putin’s clearest red line, and is therefore either a jape or a bit of recklessly provocative idiocy.

     The truth of the matter is this: following its transition out of the failed Soviet experiment thirty years ago, Russia was never a threat to its European neighbors. All the talk of Vladimir Putin seeking to reassemble the old USSR empire was knowingly false, as is the chatter now about Russia looking to invade Europe. What Russia actually sought was to be regarded, once again, as a normal European nation able to conduct normal business with the rest of Europe. The USA wouldn’t allow it.

      Exactly why remains partially mysterious. Surely, post-1991, it was in the interest of US military contractors to maintain their Cold War revenue streams. To do that, a foreign hobgoblin had to be invoked — and perhaps China was not the best candidate, since it had begun manufacturing everything on sale in the Walmart — so Russia, with practically no export economy, was cast in that role. And the politicians, too, surely liked creaming off their share of that military-industrial revenue stream, so they went along policy-wise, with figures like John McCain and Lindsey Graham leading the charge. But the US intel blob and State Department had darker motives, driven by an animus that has slowly revealed itself to be insane — just as the Democratic Party has turned obviously insane, adopting a playbook that could have been written by Franz Kafka.

     Being likewise insane, the intel blob and the neocons at State harbored an unappeasable hatred toward Russia that, since the Soviet collapse, allowed no accommodation and gelled into a naked avarice for seizing the resources of Russia with a long-term plan to subvert the Russian state, break it up the way they broke up Serbia in the 1990s, and direct a corporate looting operation of Russia’s oil and mineral riches. Ukraine was the doorway they had to go through to get that done.

     And so, the blob and State neocons overthrew democratically-elected Viktor Yanukovych in 2014, and installed Poroshenko followed by Zelensky. Veep “Joe Biden” was given the Ukraine “portfolio,” making him a sort of viceroy, and he took full advantage, plopping his son Hunter on the board of Burisma, the huge Ukrainian natgas company that American oil and gas companies drooled over. Hunter managed to milk the Ukrainian government for tribute to the Biden Family bank accounts far above the roughly million-dollar-a-year salary he grifted from his no-show job on the Burisma board. (Hunter also apparently dabbled in a set of bioweapons labs set up in Ukraine by the CIA.) Thus, along with the sheer insanity of the CIA and State Department, the Biden family had a deep and criminal involvement in Ukraine that had to be concealed.

      That degenerate relationship has been revealed since the discovery of the laptop that Hunter stupidly left in a Wilmington computer repair shop, and all the disclosures that have followed — including the sedulous recovery of bank records for the many shell companies the Bidens used to conceal their moneygrubbing in Ukraine and other foreign lands. When Mr. Trump first scented it in the fall of 2019, they impeached him for it. But now that he threatens to return to the White House, the blobists and the Bidens are running out of options to evade an accounting for all this mischief. That desperation is what drives disintegrating “Joe Biden” to remain president and to continue pressing the malevolent and foolish proxy war against hobgoblin Russia and its vilified president, Mr. Putin. So, now you know.

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

847 Responses to “The Cover Your Ass Olympics”

  1. Irish July 12, 2024 at 9:31 am #

    Biden can’t resign or step down. Who will pardon Hunter and Joe’s brothers then?

    • hortonz July 12, 2024 at 10:36 am #

      The newly-elected British Woke PM has been looking very worried lately and with good reason. With Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron headed for the political graveyard, it must be terrifying knowing he’ll be facing leaders who have a spine and won’t be pushed around by the WEF, WTF, WHO and George Soros.

      • GreenAlba July 12, 2024 at 12:43 pm #

        Our woke PM (who doesn’t know what a woman is – and, as Chief Public Prosecutor, didn’t know what Jimmy Savile was either – said in an interview that he’d had full talks with ‘President Biden’ on matters much wider than just Ukraine and refuted suggestions that Biden had totally lost his marbles (paraphrasing).

        He’s going to have to walk that back at some point, but I don’t suppose that will worry him in the least. There’s always a form of words.

        For those not that familiar with the British Labour Party, the current Parliament has 141 members of the Fabian Society (although under Blair it actually had 200). The main symbol of the Fabians is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

        We have five years of this to go. Although, in fairness, it’s just a handing over of the baton from the other half of the Uniparty. Sunak apparently told ‘the generals’ that he didn’t want to be a wartime prime minister (Starmer, on the other hand, seems to be salivating at the prospect). There is also a view that Sunak was told to call an early election because his puppetmasters weren’t happy about the speed of the trajectory towards the objectives of Agenda 21/2030. Things will absolutely speed up with Starmer at the helm.

        • hmuller July 12, 2024 at 3:50 pm #

          GA, will the tilt of the new UK Parliament encourage Scottish separatism, or have no effect?

          • GreenAlba July 12, 2024 at 6:25 pm #

            The SNP are dead in the water – about the only good thing to have happened electorally – so independence is a dead duck for the foreseeable future. They had 48 seats at Westminster – now they have nine. Scottish Labour had one MP (mine) and now have thirty-seven. So a total reversal of fortune


            Scotland was historically a Labour stronghold before the SNP takeover. So things are almost back to where they were. The Holyrood government (Scottish devolved parliament) is a clown kakistocracy. Hopefully the SNP will be wiped out at the next Holyrood election too. But we’re still left with the newly empowered WEF-oriented Labour Party in both jurisdictions.

            Tony Blair, with his Institute for Global Change, is working Starmer from behind, instead of being in jail, where he should be, for war crimes.

      • pyrrhus July 13, 2024 at 2:55 pm #

        Biden could pardon everybody in his family now, and step down the next day…Apparently, Jill doesn’t care—or is too dumb to think of it..

    • SAM July 12, 2024 at 11:00 am #

      Negative. The Pardons already exist. And they’re controlled by ‘Dr. Jill.’
      Her Power is now limitless. Not only does she control the Biden Mummy. She has a stack of Pre-signed Carte Blanche documents to wield like a mace…Every guilty criminal in DC and Beyond has a Get-Out-Of-Jail card that ‘Dr. Jill’ controls – For past and Future crimes.

      • Ron Anselmo July 12, 2024 at 11:15 am #

        SAM – fuck documents. Documents are not mightier than the sword. Not in my world anyway.

        • SAM July 12, 2024 at 11:35 am #

          Ron, don’t play that game, yet. Keep the sword sheathed.
          The Blobites are now turning on each other. Chewing and biting like the rats they are.
          If I’m correct, the Pardons do exist — Pre Inked. Lots of crimes. Lots of criminals. And they’re not just an Insurance plan. Rather, the Pardons are an Instrument t0 indemnify the guilty from their crimes. Pardons are worth More than money.
          To prove they exist use the inverse-Truth system…Bribem said he would not Pardon Hunter. Therefore, he has Already Pardoned Hunter. Dr, Jill would Not allow that tool to go unused. It is simply hidden…

          • C.O.Jones July 12, 2024 at 1:00 pm #

            I think you’re correct, SAM.

            As herr Bush II used to smirk ” ‘sgood for ‘Murkins.”

          • skidder July 13, 2024 at 6:28 am #

            Fraud, as in election fraud, renders all past actions of an illegitimate president null & void. This would include pardons.

        • hmuller July 12, 2024 at 11:49 am #

          So Ron, you’re saying Dr Jill and that whole House of Caligula must be removed in a “night of the long knives”. Intriguing.

          It’s really quite entertaining watching the demon-rats turn on each other like the corrupt mafioso they are.

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 12:34 pm #

            It’s all planned.

          • hmuller July 13, 2024 at 9:49 am #

            Perhaps Doctor Jill will reprise the heart wrenching performance of Romania’s Madame Ceausescu, who led her executioners on a merry chase through the rose garden before being gunned down. (1989).

            In any case it’s a lovely thought.

        • Demeter July 12, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

          I would think the Supreme Court could rule that the pardons, written by an incompetent and invalid President, illegitimate for public office since before 2000, would not be worth the paper they were written on, nor the bribes that bought them.

          A lot of other “presidential” actions could be invalidated, as well, and criminal prosecutions and demands for reparations will follow.

          It takes time, but Truth will out. The Cabal will go down in flames, regardless of their efforts from Day 1.

          • Demeter July 12, 2024 at 1:11 pm #

            After all, the 2000 election is being revealed as the hoax and theft it was as we speak.

          • Justin July 12, 2024 at 7:04 pm #

            Regardless of what the supremely corrupted court says, what you say is true.
            Any fraudulent document is worthless if it was created by a fraud or incompetent person, or with ANY fraud involved in it.
            Fraud vitiates everything based on it or subsequent to it.

        • Grandpa July 12, 2024 at 10:14 pm #

          “don’t speak to us of laws, we come with swords”
          the time nears…the (s)election likely won’t matter, it’s too damn hot everywhere this summer, and the bullshit of a couple of years ago ain’t gonna play again. Old and retired, I travel a lot, and being gregarious I talk – and listen – to folks. They’re “done”.

      • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 12:11 pm #

        Jill is a “doctor” in the same way that “Doctor” Martin Luther King was a “doctor,” only hers appears to be legitimate. There was some fly-by-night college around here issuing “doctorates” for “sleep science.” All of the mattress salesman had their “doctorate.” No lie.

        • Justin July 12, 2024 at 7:00 pm #

          She is a D. Ed which is a joke doctor, as anyone in the know will confirm.

          • Uncle Bob July 12, 2024 at 10:43 pm #

            Her paper is apparently total gibberish, something that is completely unreadable. But because she DOD her “work” at the University of Delaware, recipient of much largesse thanks to her asshole husband, they gave her an Ed. D. All this because she reportedly couldn’t countenance receiving mail addressed to “Senator and Mrs. Joseph Biden.” No joke.

            She must be a treat to have for a wife.

    • ezinmn July 12, 2024 at 11:23 am #

      If Biden steps down, the victorious subjugator, whether Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama, will not only pardon Joe and his kin, but they’ll pad his pockets with millions of dollars.

      • Uncle Bob July 12, 2024 at 10:44 pm #

        Obama Himself can’t serve again, but his “wife,” Big Mike, can.

    • elysianfield July 12, 2024 at 12:24 pm #

      ” Who will pardon Hunter and Joe’s brothers then?”


      Gerald Ford, of course.

    • buckeyeman July 13, 2024 at 9:58 am #

      Don’t forget the many grandchildren who have received millions of dollars from the grift.

  2. The Sheeples Republic July 12, 2024 at 9:31 am #

    I thought that the Dem’s would move much quicker to replace Joe.
    One as to wonder how much dirt the Biden’s have on those in Washington. Let the back stabbing and in fighting begin.

    • tom clark July 12, 2024 at 10:01 am #

      The dems will likely wait til after the Republican convention to dump JB. I agree, the backstaabbing and infighting will be interesting. Now it’s the dems turn.

      • margot62 July 13, 2024 at 7:52 am #

        Biden refusing to step down is just another act under the Deep State circus tent. It’s not real. They’ve told him to hold off until after the convention for purposes that are not entirely clear just yet.

        The fact that no one gets this—including people who contribute here—further demonstrates how easy it is to fool and mislead people. As if Biden can think for himself! And now you’re all talking Jill up like she’s some kind of political dynamo with a brain!

        It’s a show, people! It’s scripted. It’s not real.

    • Groundhog July 12, 2024 at 10:02 am #

      The back stabbing and in fighting is normal in the terminal stages of the failure of a republic. The chaos that will show during our 250th birthday party will make that very obvious. 250 years is the average lifespan of a republic. We delude ourselves into thinking we are the indispensable and the way-above-average republic that is destined to last a lot longer. We are not, the odds are good that we aren’t the rare and exceptional republic. We are instead an average republic and what we are experiencing is a completely normal failure due to old age. Humans get old and die, and so do nations. The Soviet experiment got old and died from mostly natural causes at age 70. Communism seems to have an even shorter lifespan than republican forms of government.

      From the Mad Monarchist website:

      “Time and time again history has shown that the end of monarchy makes things worse for a country, not better. In France it resulted in the “Reign of Terror” that saw tens of thousands of people get their heads chopped off. In Russia, the loss of the monarchy allowed the Bolsheviks to take power who then created the Soviet Union which spread oppression around the world and murdered millions of people. In China the result was a chaotic period of warlord rule followed by the bloodiest civil war in human history and then a communist dictatorship that took the lives of 60 million people. The end of monarchy in Germany and Austria resulted in divided republics that allowed Adolf Hitler to come to power, devastate the continent and butcher 9 million people. The fall of the Shah of Iran allowed a radical theocracy to take power that has spread terrorism around the world and brutally oppressed its own people. These are only a few of the examples that could be cited and the facts are inarguable.”

      • The Oneirocrat July 12, 2024 at 11:10 am #

        If the long cast of bygone monarchs around the world had had automatic weapons and long range artillery at their disposal, they arguably would also have had millions killed. The sole difference is that “our” killings are righteous holy wars and the “other” killings are unjustifiable murdering sprees. But, alas, human life is the lifelong process of building a resilient confirmation bias.

        Our fate is to be forgotten.
        Our punishment, to remember not.

      • margot62 July 13, 2024 at 8:01 am #

        Oh, please! Our country’s demise is not due to aging. It’s because a group of power-hungry psychopaths wrestled control of the world’s governments.

        I think we’re all sufficiently tired of the Rome comparison. It’s an easy and cheap excuse used to explain our current state of affairs. The Deep State helps peddle it.

        • Q. Shtik July 13, 2024 at 8:44 pm #


    • hortonz July 12, 2024 at 10:44 am #

      The Democrats, like their counterparts in Ottawa, Paris and Berlin, have invested so much effort into gas-lighting the general public that they can’t admit what is in front of their face. It takes a series of public humiliations and the threat of losing important political donors before they admit they’re full of shit.

    • Demeter July 12, 2024 at 1:13 pm #

      Senility permeates the DNC. They are too old, too drugged up, and/or too stupid to live, let alone make a heinous plan that survives attacks by honest investigation.

  3. Socrates-Detroit July 12, 2024 at 9:31 am #

    What Russia actually sought was to be regarded, once again, as a normal European nation able to conduct normal business with the rest of Europe. The USA wouldn’t allow it.

    Exactly why remains partially mysterious.


    Having corralled the “West” under “America’s umbrella”, due to the former threat of Communism, there was no longer a need for the Communists.

    Their credit was cut, the USSR imploded.

    The US government and US military are the enforcement arm of one-world government.

    Who pulls the US governments strings? Those are the real “rulers”. Big capital and big capital’s beneficiaries (finance industry, military industrial complex, big pharma, big data).

    Except for Reagan and Trump, all US Presidents have had strong overt or under the table links with globalists. Reagan was coopted and even put globalist Bush as his VP.

    I recommend people listen to the excellent CFN podcast “Lt Col Steve Murray and the chaos ahead”. LTC Murray reveals some interesting tid-bits about the globalists.

    The more “context” one has, the better one understands some of what Murray is saying.

    • Socrates-Detroit July 12, 2024 at 9:44 am #

      That was in 1991. Russia survived the debacle of the 1990s and the USSR implosion, and cleaned up its act.

      Today we Americans have fentanyl, drugs, and porn.

      During the depths of their crisis/depression, the Russians had rampant alcoholism, rampant crime. Male life expectancy was around 60, I think.

      Through their own efforts, with good leadership (that’s PUTIN), and perhaps most importantly, by taking the Church out of the closet, Russia turned around.

      I’ve seen walking tours of Moscow and St Petersburg, as well as Athens, Belgrade (and I’ve walked and lived in NYC, Detroit, Athens, Chicago, Flint, Dayton, Toledo etc). The Russian cities are safe,clean, and graffiti-free. Today. The other cities are not.

      So today, not only does the US/West hate Russia because it is the ONLY nation that is not subservient to the (past and present, for the time being) dollar-denominated global trade system and because it cannot be pushed around like say Iraq or Greece, not only does the West covet Russia’s natural resources, but because

      the blob, the puppet handlers are innately evil (listen to LTC Murray on JHK’s podcast) and Satanists, they despise the Russia is not only a nominally Christian (and that would be ORTHODOX Christian–Orthodox means “proper worship”, literally, or correct) nation, but many Russians are practicing Orthodox, and even among the (still considerable) atheist, Communist types, Christian values drive a lot of their behavior, as Imperial Russia was an Orthodox country.

      So, on a spiritual level, the proxy war in THE Ukraine is between the forces of good (Russia) and evil (US). (by US, I mean the US government).

      • Socrates-Detroit July 12, 2024 at 9:48 am #

        To Americas woes, I forgot to add OBESITY, cause to significant degree by genetically modified food, leading to health woes–and that was before the health woes that will be caused or exacerbated by the toxic mRNA shots. This is very important.

        The way I see it, we face a perfect storm. Perhaps I’m overly pessimistic?

        LTC Murray had an excellent point: the REAL reason the US military mandated the toxic shots was to weed out the refuseniks–to surface the independent thinkers, and remove them from the military.

        • SAM July 12, 2024 at 11:25 am #

          You’re an Optimist. Parts of our population actually Hate America. And the deindustrialization and resultant impoverishment abated by grifting elite has gutted huge areas of the good-old-USA.
          For great examples of internal collapse visit Illinois. Tour the
          formerly prosperous cities of Cairo or East St. Louis. They stand out as islands of advanced misery in a sea of decay – can’t beat it.
          Oh, forgot…There actually is an area of Illinois called “FORGOTONIA” — A real visual delight.
          I didn’t mention the now flushed ‘Windy City’. Too Pessimistic.

        • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:27 am #

          Aaron Clarey’s “Book of Numbers” states that only 2.72% of American women are marriage material considering rates of obesity, mental illness, single motherhood, stds, rabid feminism, etc.

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 12:13 pm #

            All the Amish and Mennonite women?

          • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 12:46 pm #

            …and UNJABBED.

            The lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA shots concentrate overwhelmingly in the ovaries, at least in the rat studies.

            We also know that the mRNA itself persists for an unknown time (varies from person to person), cranking out the infernal spike protein all the while.

            And it also appears that, contrary to what Fauci et al told us (imagine that! They lied!), the stuff CAN integrate into your DNA via reverse transcriptase enzymes.

            There are reasons that rates of infertility, miscarriages, neonatal complications, and STILLBIRTHS have gone through the roof in all heavily jabbed countries.

          • C.O.Jones July 12, 2024 at 1:12 pm #

            All true, Heartlander and we are about to lather, rinse and repeat due to the fact that NOBODY has been held accountable for these mRNA crimes against humanity.

            They are laughing at us.

            It’s just going to continue until/unless the perpetrators and coercers are made to cry. Cry hard.

          • Demeter July 12, 2024 at 1:16 pm #

            And did they give numbers for American men? It’s below 1%, from my observations. Not that the Europeans are any better.

          • River July 12, 2024 at 4:28 pm #


            Don’t allow yourself to become indoctrinated with someone’s anti-women blather…

            Wow – 2.72%? – What a bunch of hogwash…

          • mary.m July 12, 2024 at 4:30 pm #

            LGBTQ takes out s significant chunk of potential procreators.

          • River July 12, 2024 at 5:39 pm #

            I don’t think that the 2.72% references the ability to procreate.

            If it does, it’s missing the boat because all sorts of attributes work together to create an authentically rich marriage relationship.

          • wokethis July 13, 2024 at 10:17 pm #

            Jarek, that could only be called “The state of the nation”. What a sad sack outfit.

      • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 10:33 am #

        “Today we Americans have fentanyl, drugs, and porn.”

        Allow me to add to this list, if I may:

        -Celebrity worship
        -Tattoos, facial piercings and purple hair.
        – Rampant Obesity
        -Sexual perversion and deviancy

        And probably the most dangerous of all of them.

        -uncontrolled, nasty, angry women running roughshod over the feminized testosterone-less beta males.

        • NickelthroweR July 12, 2024 at 11:37 am #

          We have our Mouse Utopia

          • elysianfield July 12, 2024 at 12:26 pm #


      • edpell July 12, 2024 at 10:40 am #

        So, on a spiritual level, the proxy war in THE Ukraine is between the forces of good (Russia) and evil (US). (by US, I mean the US government).

        Yes exactly!

        • C.O.Jones July 12, 2024 at 1:13 pm #


          • C.O.Jones July 12, 2024 at 1:18 pm #

            Satanists believe a blood sacrifice brings them power – brings what they pray about to bear.

            The wars are blood sacrifices and their prayers are being answered.

            Remember this concept the next time you wonder where we are going and why are we in this hand basket.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:48 am #

        In the meantime, the USA has put the church in the closet, permitted legalized murder on the battlefield and in the womb into the millions, opened borders to human trafficking and drugs and allowed the Mexican cartels carte blanche to our crime networks, sent $200 billion to Ukraine to support the fortune of our president’s family, Allowed Iran access to billions that has allowed the Gaza and Hezbollah re-arming that led up to the latest fiasco, and yes, OG, allowed Bibi political permission to end things now. We have allowed perversion, openly and with “Pride”, disgustingly. We have allowed butchering of our children’s genitals and hormonal systems in the name of LBTGQ+. We have allowed, now in hindsight if you read my post at the end of Monday’s blog. a killer and crippler vaxx to be mainstreamed, uh even worse, forced into society.. The post shows the degree now that the evil parts of the vaxx are being exposed now with continuing studies. 5000 doctors and scientists are appealing to world governments to stop the vaxx, NOW.

        Evil has consolidated in the USA over 70 years, in the government elite, not the people, well, half the people anyway.

        All you hidebound liberals, ask yourself why? Why do you support the continuing growth of such an evil empire as the Deep State? Why do you believe you are incapable of taking care of yourself and must believe that the government has to care for you? No wonder you have to smoke, shoot up and kill yourself with pills.

        • MiTurn July 12, 2024 at 11:06 am #

          And doctor-assisted-suicide, ala Canada, around the corner.

        • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:22 am #

          Well said, John AZ. Very well said.

      • Breck July 12, 2024 at 12:14 pm #

        Socrates, there are two posts this being the 2nd. In the first you imply that Russia wants to be in the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT; in this second one above, you seem to imply the opposite. So which is it?

        Brandon Smith has believed for years now that Putin is a globalist. So, maybe, globalism doesn’t always develop into New York City/San Francisco-like places? In other words Globalism does not always equal Cultural Collapse?

        • mary.m July 12, 2024 at 4:46 pm #

          I don’t see a post where Soc suggests Russia wants a 1 world gov.

          He wrote that Russia just wanted to be accepted ad a normal European state.

          The US wouldn’t allow it Why? Because they (the US) wanted (to be) a 1-world gov.

          Putin is a “globalist” only in the sense that he wants cross-border trade. He is on record as wanting CBDC *to facilitate trade between sovereign states.*

          Note that is the purpose of The Unit. Each country keeps their own currency for trade with their borders. Iow, each country’s exchange rate will be valued against “The Unit” instead of the dollar & no one country will own/control a Reserve currency.

          Each country is sovereign. Each keeps its own culture, language, religions, internal laws, etc.

      • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 12:33 pm #


        Your SPIRITUAL, not just socioeconomic/political, analysis of why the Blob hates Russia so much is SPOT-ON.

        Thank you for articulating so very well what I have been trying, but mostly failing, to communicate to people these last couple of years.

        I’ve copied and saved your comment to share with others as an excellent quick capsule summary of a very deep reality — one which is screamingly obvious to me but to which nearly everyone I know seems to be blind. Perhaps your cogent explanation will pierce through the anti-Russia brainwashing of a few of these acquaintances.

        • Socrates-Detroit July 14, 2024 at 8:30 pm #

          @Heartlander Thank you very much for your good words, I appreciate it.

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:28 am #

      I agree with you on this one world government. After all, wasn’t that the reason to create the UN to avoid any more wars. It was fun for the USA as long as they had all the goodies.

      The biggest problem was that Leftists want power, that is their raison d’etre. So when other countries started to recover and show some hutspah they had to be put in their place. Who did that? The Leftist Deep State MIC and MSM. Many wars and assassinations later, here we are.

      Uh oh! The world has caught on, haven’t they. Here comes BRICS rapidly changing from an economic convenience to a economic/military alliance to get the USA out of the way. Even Europe, Mexico and maybe Israel are having thoughts about their alliance with the USA.

      Why? It is because we make a really shitty partner, ready to stab countries in the back if our glorious intelligence community thinks they should. Why? To maintain that ridiculous notion that we are still in charge. Anything else dilutes the power base.

      • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:29 am #

        Capitalism is innately expansive and thus predatory. Don’t put it all on Capitalism’s little brother, Communism or Communism’s pimping little sister, Liberalism.

        All of them push the American Way of Death.

        • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 12:08 pm #

          Uh, oh, Jarek. I sorta agree with you on this one.

          I believe capitalism, as you know, is the only way a free society can run an economy. Socialism destroys societies as they become more dependent on their focus of evil, the government.

          However, capitalism, by its competitive nature IS predatory. The USA, in the driver’s seat after WW2, grifted true capitalism to grow crony capitalism, the real precursor to socialism.

          Hence your last sentence is right on.

          BTW, I am still looking for the benign, angelic government that can control the predatory aspects of capitalism better than the truly open marketplace.

          • Breck July 12, 2024 at 12:24 pm #

            What is the difference btw. “the truly open marketplace” and “capitalism”?

          • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

            Nothing! Capitalism depends on its open marketplace. That is why fiddling with its openness turns it into crony capitalism then socialism. As Jarek is correct in pointing out.

            Governments fiddle with markets.

          • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 2:40 pm #

            Bingo, Breck. As Marx said, Capital centralizes or concentrates. Put in the more vernacular, extraordinary men (fanatics) pass their businesses on to their sons. If he doesn’t quite have the same drive and genius, but does have commonsense, he’ll get some good mangers in and keep it going. Soon Corporations arise. John doesn’t like it, but it’s just the natural extension of the Capitalism he adores.

        • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 1:31 pm #


          Have you read “Project Russia”? It is very, very interesting, and makes the case that democracy/capitalism always ends badly. The authors are equally opposed to Communism.


          I’ve read the book twice. It is so far outside the box of the modern American mindset — and of the assumptions that I, like most Americans, have been “programmed” with all my life — that I had to read it more than once just to begin to “get it.”

          Just remember as you read it that the authors use “elite” to refer to people of actual quality in a society, not the vampiric scum that we Americans mean by the word.

          • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 2:43 pm #

            No I haven’t read but it yes, I agree: Basic third way thinking. The NATION is what Capitalism and Communism (both globalist systems) are opposed to. They united before and they will unite again to crush it if they can.

            The fact that the two great Communist powers didn’t stay Communist seal the argument. Russia is now Fascist. China is now National Socialist – the race nation!

          • mary.m July 12, 2024 at 4:50 pm #

            Russia is not fascist. The corporations do not control government. The government controls corporations & demands that they serve the needs of Russia & its people. If they stray from that ethic, they get in trouble with Putin.

          • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 5:18 pm #

            Yeah, Mare, you have it backwards – just like everyone else. Corporations controlling the government is Plutocracy, what we have in other words. The government controlling (in the sense of guiding not crushing or replacing) the Corporations is Fascism.

            The two spheres cannot be kept separate in the modern industrial state. One partner must lead in the dance. Will it be the one that is elected and where the elected take an oath of office? Or the one that is only bound to serve the owners and shareholders in terms of profit? The answer is obvious. John got it wrong though.

            Fascism in not taught in Academia. Thus it remains basically a pejorative or snarl word. They don’t want us to know what it is because it makes too much sense. So people don’t know.

  4. Ishabaka July 12, 2024 at 9:59 am #

    They. All. Knew.

  5. Peatucker July 12, 2024 at 10:02 am #

    Best title ever!

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  6. H2power July 12, 2024 at 10:13 am #

    So here is my conspiracy theory. Both parties are connected to the Federal blob which is intertwined with corporate interests mainly tech and defense. They kind of merged when the Dems almost went bankrupt after 12 years of beating which led to Clinton. He recognized the importance of blow jobs for himself and those corporations. If you give it some thought this is when the Dems sold out labor and everything else and became moderate. The 2 parties have had a gentleman’s agreement since then that they would turn over power to one another and share the spoils. It’s all been theatre and bullshit up until Trump. He is crazy and they could not control him and he was a threat to their power. Everything evil they say he did or will do is what they have been doing. I think they got to him and this revelation that Joe Biden is a zombie is just theatre again. Or at least they think…. There is a 4 dimensional chess match being played internationally right now. Things could get much uglier and probably will. I enjoy my life, love my friends and family but am beginning to conclude that we are at the precipice of something that will make everyone stop worrying about their first world problems. Hopefully not, but sleep with one eye open and make your peace with your creator. Your life review may be coming sooner then you think.

    • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 10:20 am #

      “but am beginning to conclude that we are at the precipice of something that will make everyone stop worrying about their first world problems”

      Yes, H2power, we are on the precipice of a monument al change. A 4th turning, if you will. I believe we are witnessing the collapse of the order of fiat based nation-state era.

      If you are religious, we Christians see these days as the fulfillment of prophecies provided to us by prophets who saw and prophesied about the latter days thousands of years ago. We believe that Christ will return in glory and that he will purge the world of the evil doers and that a thousand year millennium of peace will follow.

      The part that gives me anxiety is no man knows when this will happen and the events that are to come to pass before that are supposed to be awful.

      So, I agree with you. We can only do so much. Make yourself right with your family, cast off your lust for money and material wealth, repent, and make yourself right with God. The train has left the station and nothing is going to stop it. It will meet its ultimate destination, whatever that destination will be.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:29 am #

        “Sweet” Christians do not pay attention to the fact that the return of Christ will herald in the destruction of the vast majority of Humans.

        Is that genocide?

        • H2power July 12, 2024 at 12:09 pm #

          Depends one your perspective of what reality is. What if what you remember and can see in human form is not accurate? What if there are endless returns back and continuous learning and hopefully advancement? What if your soul is just a tiny piece of the creator experiencing life and learning through an independent vessel? There have been cataclysmic changes to earth that have reset things here before. All part of the plan. Does not impact you long term. You are immortal and will recycle again. Might have to repeat a few grades but you will eventually figure it out.

          • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 3:14 pm #

            Yeah, what H2power said.

        • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 3:13 pm #

          Genocide? Genocide is the elimination of a particular race of people. In the case of Christ’s return I anticipate that there will be evil of every race eliminated and the good of every race remaining. Besides, is it genocide if the being that gave us life is also the being that wipes us out?

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:57 am #

      In the eyes of the Left, Trump appears crazy, in your words. He is dangerous as hell as Agenda47 clearly points out. He WANTS to take this evil empire, known as the Deep State or Swamp apart. 70 years of Deep Sate ascension hangs in the balance if he gets his way. He was diluted, way down, by the evil empire in the first administration. As a lame duck and an agenda that he can be held against, things may be different.

      I sorta disagree with the WW3 folks here, I just do not believe that BRICS+ has to do much of anything as they watch the USA collapse into itself. They know we can decimate them if need be, so why take the risk of all out war. IMHO, sleep easy.

      Let BRICS+ rally the troops around the world. Maybe globalism under another banner besides the USA and Europe might be a little less evil. After all,

      Absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are witnesses to this axiom.

  7. Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 10:13 am #

    “That desperation is what drives disintegrating “Joe Biden” to remain president”

    Possibly, JHK, but I don’t think that is all that pushes JB to stay in the Presidency. I think most of his resistance to existing the executive branch is his ego. This man’s ego is insanely enormous. He’s been grifting for decades, has bankrolled for himself hundreds of millions of dollars and he’s gotten away scot-free for all of his political misdeeds, shenanigans and corruption, rewarded only with more money, constant re-election to the Senate, and more power.

    At first I had pity on the old coot as I don’t like to see anyone endure constant abuse at the hands of others, especially from that disgusting old hag that calls herself “Dr. Jill.” Not the case anymore. Joe Biden deserves all of the ridicule, mockery and shame that will continue to be heaped upon him as his name is continually pulled through the mud. Justice is coming for that filthy old grifter and his name will become a hiss and a byword for generations to come.

    I also am resistant to the idea that the Democrats want him out of power. Joe Biden is the perfect President for anyone who seeks to run the Presidency from the dark corners of a dusty room. They can make all of the decisions and have their way with the puppet in chief, wreak havoc on the country, continue to pad their pockets with more and more paper dollars and when it all comes crashing down around us they can point and wag their bony fingers directly at the mush for brains President who can’t put a sentence together thinking only of his next ice cream cone.

    Joe Biden is the perfect candidate for Barak Obama, the military-industrial complex and the deep state to continue their reign of terror and continue to destabilize and bankrupt the good ole USA. All of this talk of removal from office is nothing more than an attention grabber, political theater, nothing more.

    Biden will be the candidate and he will win the Presidency.

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:04 am #

      Think though. if the insider polls are all indicating a rout in November in spite of the contrived MSM polls, especially in the swing states, could the Dems be panicking, looking for someone who, in their eyes, stands a chance?

      Another thing. I dread the idea that one administration is going to follow another by dispatching the DOJ to putting the prior Mob in jail. SCOTUS helped out a little with the immunity decision, but the stalemate in DC is because of fear of prosecution. Plausible Deniability and CYA is the name of the game now, where it should be How to stop the damn wars, and get spending back under control.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:06 am #

        Watch the You tube poll analysis of the 50 states based on their internal polling. You may not be so confident about Biden. Hint: Trump is approaching 330 electoral votes.

        • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:19 am #

          I have faith in the Democrat’s ability to cheat in the swing states and blue cities. That’s why I believe the Democrats will win the election for Joe Biden.

          It’s happened twice already. I can’t believe they won’t stop now because they’ve gotten away with it already.

          • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 12:10 pm #

            It has to be close for cheating to be undetectable.

          • elysianfield July 12, 2024 at 12:30 pm #

            “It has to be close for cheating to be undetectable.”

            No, it doesn’t.

            And “undetectable” is greatly overrated.

          • Q. Shtik July 12, 2024 at 12:55 pm #

            What you mean is you can’t believe they will stop now.

          • Yirgach July 12, 2024 at 1:10 pm #


            They have exceeded their own arrogance and are bound to make mistakes because of that.

            However because of the length and depth of the brainwashing that half of the general public is just starting to come to terms with the current reality. The only hope for the evil ones is constant distraction before the next election, if they decide to even allow one. No wonder the push towards WW3.

          • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 1:54 pm #


            I don’t think the Party of Evil gives a shit about whether their cheating is “undetectable.” In fact, the more they can blatantly RUB OUR NOSES in it, the more gleeful they are. They get off on doing criminal things right in our faces, and getting away with it. It’s the ultimate power trip.

            Think: little kids on a school playground. “Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah, you can’t catch me! HAHAHAHAHA!!!”

          • mary.m July 12, 2024 at 5:37 pm #


            Agreed. Last cheat was very detectable & heavily documented.

            How did that turn out?

            Laws are for little people.

    • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:43 am #

      Nah. Why do they keep exposing him like this? Watch the six o’clock news. They want him OUT.

      This is good news. They’re are factions within the Blob. It’s not a perfect single cell organism.

      • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:44 am #

        There not They’re

      • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 12:16 pm #

        They seem to be ushering in Trump. Probably so the coming war/depression/famine/pestilence/culling-of-the-herd can be blamed on him.

        • messianicdruid July 12, 2024 at 12:47 pm #

          Trump will lead the war against Iran on behalf of misunderstood prophecy [ Darbyism ] so that both Islam and churchianity can destroy each other. Then the real adversary can have his way with the survivors.

        • C.O.Jones July 12, 2024 at 1:26 pm #

          Yes RD3 – nobody plays the hapless, clueless sucker better than Trump.

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 2:12 pm #

            The man who bought the Brooklyn Bridge, or Gleason’s Poor Soul

    • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 1:48 pm #

      I have never had the least bit of sympathy for Joe Biden. I can never forget his behavior during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. I was appalled at his nastiness, and have loathed and despised him ever since. He is mean, nasty, petty, oh I give up, I don’t even have words for how disgusting and loathsome he is — and has been, for at least the last 30-some years.

      No. Sympathy. Whatsoever.

      I di pray for his immortal soul, that he will repent and accept Jesus’s forgiveness. I recognize that Jesus loves him and died for him, as He did for every one of us. God wants no one to be lost, but for everyone to come to the Truth and be saved.

      But until I see public repentance, I wouldn’t trust Joe Biden as far as I could throw him, and I consider him my mortal enemy.

      • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 3:17 pm #

        I do not disagree with you. That dude is evil. Every time I see a live video of him and those black, slitted eyes, it gives me the heebie jeebies. That dude is evil.

      • River July 12, 2024 at 4:41 pm #

        Biden speaks – practically crying sometimes – about family members he’s lost but when it comes to the average citizen who has suffered equally, if not more, he’s just another cold, reptilian, do-nothing hack.

        More important, if he and his family are guilty of influence-peddling with foreign nations, that’s treason. In fact, in my view those who knew about Biden’s dementia but dishonestly continued to enable his political career for their own personal benefit/power are also guilty of treason. It has placed the Nation in jeopardy.

  8. Jimpa July 12, 2024 at 10:14 am #

    Both the Trump and Biden candidacies are emblematic of the decline of the US. Good thing too IMO. A humbler US would be good for the world me thinks, but maybe not. Maybe somebody has to be the murderous top dog. The Neo Cons certainly think so.

    • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 10:38 am #

      I’m on the same page, Jimpa. Long have I believed that DJT was a symptom of how sick our political system and our society have become. That is not a diss on DJT, just my analysis of how an entertainer can become President. The people had nobody to turn to, were sick of the system, so they turned to DJT.

      I hold much anxiety about what is coming but I eagerly await the end of the American empire. Our leaders have spent our strength and means imposing American style democracy on foreign lands. This type of democracy brings drugs, porn, sexual deviancy, abortion, uncontrolled women and all sorts of filth. These other countries see this and WANT NO PART OF IT.

      I can fully understand why the USA is called the “great satan.” Look at the satanic elements that come with “American Democracy.”

      • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 11:06 am #

        We already had an entertainer as president, way back in the 80s.

        I was not amused.

        • C.O.Jones July 12, 2024 at 1:35 pm #

          Well, Paula – his VP arranged to have him shot a couple years into his residency and he spent the rest of his terms running up the deficit, blowing bubbles in the rivulets of gravy trickling down his face because he dementedly wore the gravy boat upside down on his head.

          Step back far enough to view this with a level of detachment, then realize Trump cultists view that guy as a hero.

          He called his wife “mommy!”

          Still not amused?

          Just trying to help….

          • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 2:42 pm #

            Well, when you put it that way……

          • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 2:45 pm #

            I think he was shot a couple of months into his presidency, though. I think it was March 1981.

        • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 1:58 pm #

          @Paula D

          Usually I agree with you on things, but not on this.

          Ronald Reagan had been head of a union and then the governor of California for, I think, two terms. California is a big, serious state, and it prospered under Rwagan as I recall.

          Like him or not, he was a serious person, not just “an entertainer.”

          • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 2:44 pm #

            Head of the Screen Actor’s Guild, where I believe he spent his time fingering his fellow actors to the Feds.

            And no, he sucked as governor, including destroying the public universities.
            The only thing he did as governor that I liked was legalize abortion, but I know you don’t think that is good.

          • Uncle Abraham July 12, 2024 at 4:38 pm #

            Someone once asked Reagan how an actor could be President and he replied along the lines, how could you be President and not an actor?

        • draupnir July 12, 2024 at 5:55 pm #

          I was mortified. I can remember watching him every week reading Borax commercials when I was a kid. I remember him acting with a chimp. I’m not certain which of them got top billing. I didn’t think politics could go any lower,, but then Minnesota elected Jesse Ventura for governor. (That actually turned out to be quite entertaining.)

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:12 am #

        How an entertainer can be President?

        How about a 50 year con artist and grifter? Or a social activist that buys elections and watches the fellow grifter go to jail in Colorado ( who got paroled by Trump by the way). Or a father son combo that promotes war and total control by the MIC.

        So, yeah, I have NO problem with an entertainer who is smarter than the entire Deep State put together.

        Want no part of it? Hence BRICS++++++.

        • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:16 am #

          I didn’t say I had a problem with DJT being elected. I voted for him. Twice. I will vote for him again. Gladly.

          However, I do think that DJT’s initial election represented a population that was fed up with the garbage we were getting (you wonderfully explained that garbage in your posting). So, they voted for DJT, a very flawed, but successful business man and entertainer.

          • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:33 am #

            Very flawed? In whose eyes? The MSM? Hollywood? The Deep State?

            Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

            I will make a prediction. If Biden cheats and prevails, it will be the end of the Constitution and the balance of power.

          • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:42 am #

            We are all very flawed people, JohnAZ. It’s the carnal man that rules humanity. Greed and lust for power and materials goods are what motivate many.

            Trump is not perfect. He has his flaws, his secrets, his weaknesses. Just like the rest of us.

            Do you really believe there exists a Constitutional and balance of power today?

            Our Congress, the designated Constitutional sovereign has been reduced to nothing more than a 535 member social club that sit around in committees investigating everything from baseball scandals to feminine hygiene products. They are utterly useless. There is no balance of power anymore.

          • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 12:17 pm #

            Biden has not been declared dictator-in-chief, yet.

  9. Paula D July 12, 2024 at 10:18 am #

    Great essay, succinctly summing it up.

    I don’t think the US picked Russia to be the bogeyman in the 90s, though.
    They were happily looting and stealing, putting in their puppet Yeltsin (see movie Spinning Boris), writing the Constitution they now complain about, and installing CIA officers in the Kremlin. They stripped Russia of billions, starting with the gold in 1991.

    The Scary Bogeymen of the 90s were the Muslim terrorists, except for the KLA, of course. Those were the good Muslim terrorists.
    It culminated with 9-11 and the ensuing rampage through Afghanistan and the Middle East.

    Meanwhile, Putin came in and started cleaning house. That’s when they started to switch to Big Bad Russia. It really ramped up after the coup in 2014, and the “Russian invasion” we have heard about ever since. Bizarrely enough, they haven’t stopped that bullshit, even though we learned in 2022 what an actual Russian invasion looks like.
    The brainwashed don’t notice, though. Their imprinting sticks, no matter what the stupid facts are.

    If they don’t succeed in destroying Russia, and looting again, their Empire will fall for sure.
    I think they can’t stop, won’t stop, until they succeed.
    But I don’t think they are going to succeed.

    We’re doomed.

    • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 10:25 am #

      The Roman empire fell when Rome go so big it ran out of places to invade and treasuries to sack. With no treasuries to sack it could no longer pay their legionnaires in gold. The legionnaires then departed leaving Rome to hire the barbarians and mercenaries who do not make nearly as good a solder as the trained legionnaires and these mercenaries had no loyalty to the empire and would often engage in uprisings within Rome’s borders.

      Is the USA any different? We have spend our strength and means warring in foreign lands. We are busted. Broke. Kaput. The money is gone. The military is decimated and the good troops have all bailed out.

      The USA hasn’t won a war since WWII.

    • Groundhog July 12, 2024 at 10:37 am #

      As a nation we’re doomed maybe. According to history, nations have lifespans just like people do. Empires certainly don’t last forever, and the failures we are seeing in the West are part of a natural process.

      Here’s an analogy. After an animal dies, insects arrive and lay eggs on the carcass. Then maggots hatch out and consume all that rotten flesh. At the moment, we are seeing the maggots starting the eat the rotten flesh of our republic. The rot is visible and the parasites and worms are on the scene, attracted initially by the stench of it all. The maggots are like the organism called “the blob” – that JHK writes about. Maggots and blobs share similar physical features. The Democrats and some Republicans as well are the flies and worms consuming us.

      The rest of the world is catching on that the USA is stinking and dying.

      • LagingRunatic July 12, 2024 at 11:13 am #

        Here’s another analogy – the US is a whalefall. All those resources bound up in one gigantic critter. When it dies its corpse sinks into the abyssal depths and becomes a wellspring of stored resources for the impoverished critters, which flourish for scores of generations on the slowly vanishing former cetacean. (Probably something along the lines of 250 years in their hadal equivalence; it’s collapsing empires all the way down.)

    • MiTurn July 12, 2024 at 11:08 am #

      “Great essay, succinctly summing it up.”

      Agreed. Jim nailed it, perfectly.

      So much so that I’m surprised that we can read it. Only a matter of time before JHK is somehow blocked from the interwebs.

      Truth can not be tolerated, unless it’s the official gaslighted version.

      • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:11 am #

        He’s on the list. Each of us, for posting comments and visiting JHK’s blog are on that list.

        • LagingRunatic July 12, 2024 at 11:17 am #

          If Islamicists win, they’ll kill me for having a picture of Shiva on my wall next to a display of the 99 Arabic names for Allah.

          If young earth creationist Christian nationalists win, they’ll kill me for having either/both of those images.

          If Woke cultists win, they’ll kill me because I’m neither a Hindu nor a Muslim.

          I ain’t taking down the artwork, regardless.

          Embrace the suck and live your life.

          And fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke.

          • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:25 am #

            They’ll kill me when they come to take my guns because I will not give them to them. Going down in a fun fight. That’s going to be my exit.

          • 4014HAMPHEDGE July 12, 2024 at 12:13 pm #

            The “Young Earth Zionist Born Again Christians have already won… As it is written and made visible at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. “It is Finished” These pesky Christian Nationalists concern themselves with halting infant sacrifice, not killing off the opposition.

            As for preserving the Union of States, this railway enthusiast suggests fixing the branch line rail matrix, in view of Famine Hedge necessity after EMP. impacts over reliance on truck borne food distribution. Government cannot be expected to rebuild dormant branch lines; there must be a consortium of wealthy individuals and private enterprise. With nerve and skill and circumspection….

    • Groundhog July 12, 2024 at 11:10 am #

      “I don’t think the US picked Russia to be the bogeyman in the 90s, though.”

      Russia has been the West’s bogeyman ever since the Great Schism. The existence of Russia’s Eastern Orthodox Church has angered the popes in the Roman Catholic Church. This resulted in military crusades and wars against Russia. These crusades and invasions all failed. The Western Church seems to have had a number of major bogeymen that made it feel threatened. The Jews always had a bad rep in Christian Europe, they refused to convert to Christianity and the New Testament portrays Jews in a very bad light. So there’s one bogeyman. The heretic and excommunicated Eastern Orthodox Church and the Muslim world were the other bogeymen to fight against. The Jews, it seems, have finally made it off the bogeyman list. Leaving us with those eeeeeeeeevil Russians and Muslims to fight against.

      “Bogeymen”. Who came up with the boogerman stories? As a small child in the south in early 50’s, my mom hired a nanny and part time housekeeper for us who helped make her life easier with toddlers and other kids to manage. The nanny was an old black lady who was delightfully entertaining and charismatic. She was a great story teller and had lots of scary “boogerman” stories. Perhaps some of her stories were related to old African folk tales constructed to scare children into staying close to home and not wandering off into the possibly dangerous African forests. There were boogermen out there just waiting to snare a young and mischievous little boy that’s out exploring. Boogermen could hide inside hollow trees and caves. You just never knew when you might encounter one, especially after dark! That’s when things really got bad. Those stories were entertaining and had drama in them, almost like Saturday morning cartoons.

      Adults still believing in boogermen? That’s discouraging, it means humanity still has a way to go before growing up.

      • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 11:28 am #

        I partly agree with you. Yes, Russia and the Orthodox Church have been enemies of the Catholic west for centuries.

        But most Americans don’t know that history. They just hate whoever they are told to hate that particular year.
        And in the 90s, it was Muslims. Russia’s turn came after 2014.

        In between was Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and Libya and Kony and Iran and all the rest, each cycling through a Period Of Hate and Fear for Americans.

        I highly doubt that Americans care that Russia is Orthodox, even if that is very much on the mind of the Vatican and its allies in western Europe.
        I note that they have looted Orthodox churches in Ukraine and sent the loot west, including to the Vatican.
        Same as it ever was, but most Americans didn’t even notice.

      • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 11:30 am #

        I also agree with you that the bogeyman was a way to keep kids close to home.
        If you ever read Grimm’s fairy tales, you’ll see that they did the same thing for the kids of Germany.

        Don’t go in the woods!

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:36 am #

      Did you know the USA committed to helping Russia re-build their economy as part of the deal to dissolve the USSR?

      We reneged on that commitment, almost immediately.

      Nothing deadlier that a woman scorned or a people betrayed.

      • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 2:48 pm #

        You don’t understand how vulture capitalists “build” an economy.

        They loot it, steal the pensions, run it into the ground, impoverish the people, and call it a success.

        That’s what they did here, starting in the 80s, and that’s what they did there.

    • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:47 am #

      Putin is for the good Muslims and against Israel. You rave against the US being in Syria and ignore Israel being in Syria. What the hell is wrong with you? Wake up.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 12:22 pm #

        Putin is for peace in the Mid-east, whatever form it takes. Stable oil prices.

    • C.O.Jones July 12, 2024 at 1:43 pm #

      “We’re doomed.”

      Yes. Yes we are.

      Say your prayers and pass the popcorn – we’ve got front row seats!

  10. Ron Anselmo July 12, 2024 at 10:24 am #

    Brandon Smith @ Alt-Market.us, makes the argument that Trump being re-elected is a setup. The current confluence of events, US and global are a tinderbox.

    When everything burns to the ground, Trump will be blamed – and that means you (us). He’s a smart guy, and the argument makes a lot of sense. Article on ZH today – a good read.

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    • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 10:28 am #

      Forces are at work now that nobody will stop. Not even Trump. If by some miracle he gets into the White House again, he will preside over the unravelling of what was once the great USA. He will go down in history as the President who brought about the destruction of “freedom” in the world. I use quotes around freedom because the freedom we enjoy in the USA is all pseudo-freedom.

      Try not paying your property taxes after you have paid off your mortgage and you’ll soon see who really owns your land and home. It ain’t you. American freedom is an illusion. We are all slaves.

      • Ron Anselmo July 12, 2024 at 10:32 am #

        Unless we’re Sovereign…

      • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:49 am #

        If you won’t tithe voluntarily, you will be forced to tithe by taxes. We chose wrongly.

        Everyone has to give. That is the Cosmic Law. Capitalism is a philosophy of get not give, thus it is evil.

        • Ron Anselmo July 12, 2024 at 12:32 pm #

          Agreed Janos, but, “giving-to-give” is more powerful than “giving-to-get”. Both give, but the former is much more powerful.

    • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 10:31 am #

      I think that Trump will be allowed to win also, and for that very reason.

      And the sad thing is that Trump has no clue how to turn things around, if that’s even possible.

      As JHK has pointed out, the way we now live is not sustainable, and we all need to tighten our belts and learn to make do with what we have.

      I don’t think that is Trump’s plan, and I don’t think the majority of Americans want that either. They want the party to continue until the place burns down.

      We’re doomed.

      • Ron Anselmo July 12, 2024 at 10:36 am #

        Paula – that’s twice, for certainty. Have faith. We will prevail, but in the aptly named meantime, it’ll be a grind. Hang in there.

        • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 10:58 am #

          Thanks, Ron.

          • Ron Anselmo July 12, 2024 at 11:27 am #

            You’re welcome, Paula. Always enjoy your comments. You have a unique intellect. You take in a lot of information, make your own analytical associations, and then state them clearly and succinctly – a sort of value-added Cliff’s Notes. It’s a gift.

        • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:50 am #

          We? Who is we? In that lies the difference between a country and a nation. Google the respective etymologies.

          • Ron Anselmo July 12, 2024 at 12:37 pm #

            We = Good. Good will prevail. Of that, there is no doubt. None. It is written.

          • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 2:51 pm #

            The Stranger

            The Stranger within my gate,
            He may be true or kind,
            But he does not talk my talk—
            I cannot feel his mind.
            I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
            But not the soul behind.

            The men of my own stock
            They may do ill or well,
            But they tell the lies I am wonted to,
            They are used to the lies I tell.
            And we do not need interpreters
            When we go to buy and sell.

            The Stranger within my gates,
            He may be evil or good,
            But I cannot tell what powers control—
            What reasons sway his mood;
            Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
            Shall repossess his blood.

            The men of my own stock,
            Bitter bad they may be,
            But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
            And see the things I see;
            And whatever I think of them and their likes
            They think of the likes of me.

            This was my father’s belief
            And this is also mine:
            Let the corn be all one sheaf—
            And the grapes be all one vine,
            Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
            By bitter bread and wine.

            Rudyard Kipling

            Jarek: If you get this wrong – and everyone does nowadays – you will make a great miss. We are not God to usher in the millennium. We must not try and play God like the liberals and conservatives (who conserve nothing) do.

      • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:12 am #

        Trump cannot turn this around, Paula D. The wheels are in motion. The train has left the station. Nothing can stop what is coming. All we can do is prepare ourselves.

        • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 11:23 am #

          For sure he can’t make things go back to where they were.

          Our dilemma is now how to make a comfortable life for our people. That seems just as insurmountable a problem.
          But I’ll quit saying we are doomed.

          • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:30 am #

            I have a son who currently lives in Mexico, on the Yucatan peninsula. As we all know the Mexican Peso is worth far less than the US dollar, currently. A Snicker’s candy bar in Mexico costs 25 pesos. Mexicans live in smaller homes. Drive one car or get around on bikes. And, get this, for the most part, my son finds the average Mexican to be a delightful person. They are usually very family oriented, hard working, religious, somewhat moral and happy. They know how to have conversations with each other.

            I don’t see a collapse in the USA as a bad thing. Forcing a people to go back to what matters in this world is not a bad thing. Wealth and materialism has brought us nothing but misery and death.

            Part of me admires how the Mexicans live. They live a simpler, happier lifestyle because they don’t have nearly as much crap as we Americans do. They make do with what they have.

          • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:54 am #

            For the first time in my life I’m having extensive contact with Hispanics. My verdict? Positive.

            That doesn’t negate that they commit felonies at four times the White rate. And I still think Whites should have their own nations. But the Truth is also the Truth and the above is my experience, at least so far.

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 12:29 pm #

            What type of “Hispanics?”

          • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 2:54 pm #

            Mexicans. Central Americans. God us keep from the Hispanics of the Caribbean.

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 3:03 pm #

            Some are just descendent of Spanish and Portuguese colonizers or missionaries. In other words, they’re Europeans. Some are the lost tribe of the Aztecs. Some are a mix. A co-worker’s kids went to college free because their maternal grandfather was a rich Spaniard with a “Hispanic” sounding last name.

      • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:37 am #

        When the credit dries up most Americans will not be able to buy or do anything. All of the fancy cars, RVs, toys, big houses and lavish vacations are paid for using credit.

        Just look at the amount of private debt in this country as evidence. The debt gravy train is what our economy is built on. At some point this will collapse. Question is…..when?

      • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 2:27 pm #

        I assume most folks here read Market-Ticker regularly. The post today ties in perfectly with the theme here — namely that the seven-decade-long party/orgy is nearly over, and man oh man, the end will not be pretty. Fasten your seat belts!

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:38 am #

      It does make sense, unless Trump outsmarts them all, and gets his congress.

    • ezinmn July 12, 2024 at 12:28 pm #

      Trump could save trillions of dollars in government spending by reforming the administrative state. Federal agencies could be be eliminated or scaled to size.

      The FBI could turn its attention to investigating old fashioned criminal activity going on everywhere. The CIA would get out of the business of aiding and abetting never ending war and regime change. The Department of Education would be at most an advisory entity to provide best practices for states to consider. The military can focus on high level technological warfare to compete with China and Russia.

      Money wouldn’t go from the taxpayer to the federal government, then back to the states for pork projects in line with the monied interests. Little or no money would go back to the states, forcing them to raise money for truly needed expenses.

      The border could be sealed, and able-bodied welfare recipients could be forced back into the work force to do work “Americans won’t do”. Work or you don’t eat.

      Elections would require same day paper ballot voting.

      I do believe the country can be saved, but a hard road lies ahead. If our leaders have the courage to make the necessary changes this can be done. It can happen by design now or by necessity sooner than later.

      The changes needed won’t happen with a democrat president as the party leadership is constructed today. There is a chance however, with DJT and the MAGA movement. Off to Milwaukee this weekend to learn more.

      • Not_GeorgeT July 12, 2024 at 1:55 pm #

        There will be some sort of landing.

        The unpopular press, I’ll define it as realists who look at worst case scenarios, has been saying the can-kicking needs to stop. This has been said for decades.

        The can keeps getting kicked, the road seems endless. All roads end. This denial and the live for present enjoyment without a thought given to future planning is going to make for a very hard landing.

        The soft landing some thought possible faded away a few decades ago. The road just seemed endless.

        Years ago I read of a church group in England (denomination unimportant) who needed a new physical structure to replace the present one. It was beyond repair.

        400 years prior, the people of this church planted an oak grove. The plan was the need to build a new structure at a future time could be met with the trees in the grove.

        We live in times where such planning is unheard of, necessitating a re-learning of long forgotten values.

        400 years… they were planning for the well-being of a generation they knew would come, providing a solution to a problem which would arise in a time probably beyond their imagination.

        • ezinmn July 12, 2024 at 2:35 pm #

          Well said NGT –
          I honestly can’t say what those in power want to leave for those that follow.

          • Not_GeorgeT July 13, 2024 at 3:12 am #

            Thank you

            I believe we should pass along at least as well the life benefits we received.

        • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 2:53 pm #

          An excerpt from a 2016 article about post-coup Ukraine that shows how short-sightedness works when your country is thrown into poverty and vulture capitalists take over.
          I found this on Facebook memories. Sometimes they helpfully remind me of things I knew, but have forgotten.

          “Forests in the Ukrainian Carpathians are on the verge of extinction as the country faces an ecological disaster of unprecedented proportions, environmentalists say. Illegal loggers are illegally trafficking abroad entire trains of fir trees, earning millions of dollars……
          The scale of the disaster can be seen in shocking photos of bird’s eye views of cleared mountain slopes which have been were published on the Internet. One of these photos is the southern slope of the Popadia Mountain at the junction of the Zakarpattia and Ivano-Frankivsk regions of the country, where logging is strictly prohibited by law.
          Before the Maidan revolution of 2013, trees were growing quite densely. Now, less than three years later, a huge bare spots have formed. The green Carpathian Mountains are gradually turning into a desert……..
          Notwithstanding all the evidence to the contrary, economic consultant Eduard Naumenko advocates the abolition of the raw timber export moratorium. “The ban on the export of round timber is contrary to the [post-Maidan] Association Agreement with the European Union and the conditions of Ukraine’s membership in the World Trade Organisation because with the cessation of timber exports comes less national income as well as problems in accessing international credit. It is bad for the economy as a whole”…..
          But a local says…”It hurts a lot to see the felling of century-old oaks. Under this new government, cutting is happening at rates higher than before.
          It’s like the amber extraction in the Rivne region, where a relative of mine lives. He says that illegal mining has grown. Before, although the police had a share in the business, there was some restraint. Today, it is complete anarchy, there is no control and no one is afraid of anything.
          The ban on the export of timber is, in practice, a useless scrap of paper.”…..
          “The trees which protected the river banks from erosion by swollen rivers are no longer there. Now only stumps remain. Nothing now slows the rapid river currents,” explains Wojtowicz.
          “At the same time, rivers and wells in villages are drying up because the trees perform a water regulation function. Their roots hold back lots of moisture. For example, a large spruce tree can hold up to three tons of water. When it is cut, the moisture evaporates. The mountain dwellers are forced to walk for kilometers to find springs…..
          Ukraine will receive the second and third tranche of financial assistance from the EU only after the country lifts the ban on the export of raw timber established in April 2015. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Natalia Mykolska.”

          • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 3:17 pm #

            @Paula D

            Almost unfathomable horror.

            I read somewhere that the chernozem — that uniquely fertile black soil, one of the great natural treasures if the planet, the soil that made Ukraine the breadbasket of Europe — is being STRIPPED off the ground in Ukraine and shipped elsewhere.

            Ukraine was being turned into a wasteland years before Russia’s invasion. Now, even the HUMANS there are being killed off by the hundreds of thousands.

            Watch the documentary “Revealing Ukraine.” It will break your heart. Ukraine — especially the Russian-speaking Donbass — had great resources, manufacturing capacity, productive industries…. Ukraine “coulda been a player.” Instead, lacking a Putin, the Western looting orgy that nearly collapsed Russia by the end of the ’90s was allowed to continue untrammeled in Ukraine.

            Now it is almost too horrific to even look at.

            I start to wonder if poor Ukraine has some sort of demonic curse on it, like poor Haiti.

            All we can say for sure is that incredible EVIL has been allowed to have its way in Ukraine.

            Evil is UGLY. It always blows my mind when people think it is glitzy and glamorous. They will learn the hard way….

    • C.O.Jones July 12, 2024 at 1:53 pm #

      Speak for yourself, Ron Anselmo!

      I agree that Trump is the hapless fall guy who will be blamed for everything bad – he’s been playing that role for years and he’s good at it.

      I refuse to share blame with him. Trump being blamed does not mean I have anything to do with his guilt. He is utterly corrupt and arrogant enough to think nobody sees thru him.

      He is not a smart guy – listen to him speak. He has a vocabulary of about 300 words. His chosen vocation is politician and he’s terrible at it.

      He gives the illusion of being a rich guy so people think he’s smart – if you’re rich you must be correct, right?

  11. bobfitz03 July 12, 2024 at 10:28 am #

    Seems to me the D’s are going about this the wrong way. You don’t reason with Bidens, or appeal to them, or turn the media hounds on them, or threaten them.

    You do the only thing Bidens cares about – pay them.

    Probably not as much as you might think given the Biden propensity for pimping the brand and family for peanuts.

    At least you pay Jill and let her distribute funds to fam and the various “Joe Bidens” staggering around with rubber masks and hair plugs.

    • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:48 pm #

      Someone claimed there were at least four “Joe Bidens”.

      • Not_GeorgeT July 13, 2024 at 3:24 am #

        ‘Someone’ … who (if you can recall)

        ‘at least four’

        likely a low-ball estimate

        Four is an interesting number because my recollection of ‘cloning’ is the ‘clone’ has a ‘life-span’ of four years.

        There’s a rabbit hole near my house…..

  12. edpell July 12, 2024 at 10:43 am #

    I want Joey the big boy who faced down corn pop.

    • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:47 pm #

      Too late!! He’s been phased out.

  13. AZ_Intelligence July 12, 2024 at 10:50 am #

    When I asked my Russian seamstress about life in modern Russia. She replied, “I don’t know, but I will send you a post card.”

    • Q. Shtik July 12, 2024 at 12:37 pm #

      Wow, I hear people say “my lawyer”, “my doctor”, “my cleaning lady”, but AZ_I has a seamstress.

    • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 3:25 pm #

      I recently met two ladies in Utah who had immigrated here in the ’90s, when Russia was a horror and a nightmare.

      We talked about Putin and what Russia is like NOW, and they got misty-eyed, envious of today’s Russians. I got the impression that if they didn’t have children and roots here now, they’d be looking into going back to Russia.

      It’s definitely looking better there than the near-future in these United States….

  14. Paula D July 12, 2024 at 11:04 am #

    Aaron Siri points out that another 180 was done recently, but without the fanfare that the “Omigod, Joe Biden is demented! Who knew?” narrative got.

    A scientist who has spent years claiming that the vaccines are tested, and are Safe and Effective, has suddenly noticed that vaccines are actually not tested, before or after approval, so no one actually knows that they are safe and effective.

    He now wants to take vaccine injury compensation funds, and use them to fund “research”.
    Research that he has already announced will come to the conclusion that Americans can totally trust the 81 mandated, tort-proof vaccines given to their children, because “research”. No more vaccine hesitancy when he gets done with his studies!

    I’m not going to believe that result, if and when they actually do the studies. Just putting that out there now.


    • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 11:17 am #

      The scientist, nicknamed the Godfather of Vaccines, wrote this:

      “The widespread vaccine hesitancy observed during the Covid-19 pandemic suggests that the public is no longer satisfied with the traditional safety goal of simply detecting and quantifying the associated risks after a vaccine has been authorized for use.”

      I had no idea that the “traditional safety goal” was to approve a vaccine, inject it into babies, and then “detect” the risks later. You know, from adding up the dead and injured babies.

      Except, of course, they have never done that. They just close their eyes and chant “Safe and Effective. Better than polio and chickenpox”. They don’t actually add up the dead and injured babies, they accuse their parents of being conspiracy theorists, instead.

      I thought the purpose of the FDA was to make sure that drugs were safe and effective BEFORE they were released, and that the last 30 years of releasing and then recalling drugs (except not vaccines, of course, they are immune to lawsuits), was an example of regulatory capture, not “tradition”.

      Not according to Dr. Plotkin.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:41 am #

        Paula check out the post I wrote describing the 5000 doctors and scientists that want the vaxx shut down NOW. Towards the end of the last blog.

        You will notice the evil coercion the pro-vaxxers used to stop investigations.

      • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:56 am #

        It’s not a vaccine, Paula. Do not even know the basics?

      • Groundhog July 12, 2024 at 12:00 pm #

        Look up the story of the failed drug called Vioxx. It’s estimated to have killed up to 60,000 people before it was pulled off the market.

        How long will it take before the average person in the US figures out that our government and all of its alphabet soup agencies are unnecessary, incompetent, and unqualified for what they are doing? It’s just a giant protection racket. Our incompetent government helps create the problems it claims to be saving us from. We’re buying big pharma’s deadly and useless products in trying to cope with the damage caused by all the garbage quality food we consume. Most of us are eating shit and thus we generally feel like shit and look like shit. Big agriculture, the processed food industry, and big pharma all work together. One group makes us sick and the other pretends to have the cure for it in exchange for a LOT of money.

        Cut my legs off and call me shorty!

        • John001 July 12, 2024 at 2:01 pm #

          Also, long before Vioxx, Thalidomide just over 60 years ago had a devastating effect on many babies in the UK and the rest of Europe. They were born with malformed, shortened or totally absent limbs.

          Apparently a US medical bureaucrat blocked approval of Thalidomide. Now the corruption is much worse, I think most countries would allow the use of such a drug.

          I agree about food. The 2023 book ‘Ultra-Processed People’ by a UK doctor is good. Italians reportedly only eat 5% ultra-processed food but in the UK or USA it’s now 60% of their diet … urgh.

        • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 3:37 pm #


          I notice that conjunction whenever I see TV (which is rarely, since I don’t have TV). The ads are all for mouth-wateringly presented fast food and junk food… and for pharmaceuticals you’re supposed to “ask your doctor about…”

          It’s the juxtaposition that really gets me. An ad for high-carb pasta Alfredo or Cinnabons followed immediately by an ad for some diabetes medication.

          Along with diabetes, there are lots of drugs advertised for Parkinson’s, arthritis, memory loss — all stuff that is related to autoimmune and inflammation issues, which of course are all aggravated by the usual American diet. Seed oils, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial colorings, GMOs, pesticide residues, and of course, carbs carbs and more carbs.

        • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 11:20 am #

          There was also Prozac, touted as a miracle drug and pushed on everyone possible.

          They knew before they released it that a side effect was this trivial thing of increasing suicidal and homicidal thoughts, but OK’d it anyway.

          I watched a video about it. One of the FDA commissioners who approved it had teenaged daughters, and one of their friends was given Prozac for “test anxiety”. Test anxiety! She got nervous about taking tests, so they drugged her.
          She committed suicide.
          Did the commissioner feel any guilt about that? We don’t know.

          It took about 20 years for the FDA to mandate a Black Box Warning about the risks of suicidal and homicidal ideation when taking SSRIs.

          Even notice that all those young mass murderers are “known” to the authorities and are on pysch drugs?

      • Not_GeorgeT July 13, 2024 at 3:33 am #

        Safety and Efficacy:

        This was a reason offered decades ago for the high cost of prescription meds.

        The safety part was almost a gloss-over, it was efficacy which was offered as the driving force of high cost.

        Proving safety was one part of the years of research and study.

        Showing it was effective being a hill almost too high to climb, it became a cost-driver.

  15. BackRowHeckler July 12, 2024 at 11:08 am #

    It seems to me, as a casual observer out here in nowheresville, that Russia is the wrong country to be f#kkng with. War with Russia will not be like war against Saddam Hussein’s ragtag army in Iraq or the Taliban in Afghanistan. Russia has lost wars — the Crimean War in 1854 was lost, as was the War with Japan in 1905. But when it really mattered, when it was all on the line, in 1812, to a certain extent in 1916, and in 1941, Russians fought like demons. Russia has proven it will not lose. It NATO gets into it with Russia, and Russia senses it is losing, there is no doubt they will resort to the use of nuclear weapons … and they have 6000 of them. The west has pretty much forgotten about Operation Barbarossa, viewing it as ancient history; rest assured Russians have not forgotten.

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    • MiTurn July 12, 2024 at 11:11 am #

      Russians have a long memory. Americans to often have no memory — always in the present.

      “Oh crisis, I lost my phone!”

      • Cankerpuss July 12, 2024 at 11:34 am #

        Americans drum up crises because they are bored out of their mind. Let’s face it, if Americans had to spend their time worrying about where their next meal would come from I guarantee they wouldn’t be worrying about which gender they are.

        We have had it too good for far too long in this land. We have become spoiled, lazy, obese, decadent, slothful, greedy and arrogant in our pomp and circumstance. We really do need to be force fed a slice of humble pie.

        Tattoos, facial piercings and purple hair services will all but disappear when all of someone’s income goes to their food and water services, after their credit cards are maxed out that is.

      • malthuss July 12, 2024 at 6:09 pm #


    • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 11:20 am #

      The western leaders seem to truly believe that Russia will never respond with nuclear weapons, no matter how many Russian toddlers the US blows up on the beach.

      So far, they have been proven right. The sensible thing to do would be to stop pushing the limits.

      But of course they will keep going until they find just what atrocity will piss off Russians enough to blow up Washington and Brussels.

      • BackRowHeckler July 12, 2024 at 11:26 am #

        Yes, absolutely Paula. Well put.

      • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 7:50 pm #

        They did it again. They attacked children playing in Belgorod and injured 5 of them, 2 critically.

        And to add outrageous insult to injury, Reuters tries to justify it by bringing up the false flag attack in Kiev, the day before the NATO summit.

        From Reuters:
        “”In the town of Shebekino, an explosive device was dropped deliberately from a drone in the courtyard of a multi-storey apartment building,” Vyacheslav Gladkov wrote on Telegram.
        “Five children who were in the playground received various injuries. Two of them in serious condition were taken to the regional children’s hospital.”

        Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, also writing on Telegram, described the incident as a “deliberate terrorist attack on children” and called for international condemnation.”

        Reuters adds: “The incident occurred three days after a Russian bomb caused considerable destruction at a children’s hospital in Kyiv, prompting the evacuation of many of its patients.”

        • mary.m July 12, 2024 at 9:46 pm #

          The Kiev hospital “bombing” was proven in video to be an errant nasam air defense missile.

          • Not_GeorgeT July 13, 2024 at 3:40 am #

            There’s a saying about not letting facts get in the way of a good story.

          • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 11:14 am #

            Was it though? Was it really “errant”?

            The day before the NATO conference starts, a children’s hospital is bombed.
            The Mighty Wurlitzer immediately starts screaming that “Russia bombed children”.

            But it turned out to be a NATO defense missile. A NATO missile that hit a children’s hospital the day before the NATO conference, and was turned into a major propaganda victory by NATO members and the media.
            And then was used to justify the attack on Russian children playing on a playground.

            Coincidence? I think not. The timing is too suspicious to be a coincidence.

            Shades of “Assad used poison gas on his own people just as the SAA was about to liberate them.”


    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:44 am #

      “There is no doubt”?

      Hey, it is Putin’s Red Line and the NATO nerds hate it. As usual, Europe wants the USA to bail them out, and it ain’t gonna happen.

      Especially if Trump gets re-elected.

  16. kellycat July 12, 2024 at 11:27 am #

    Another startling piece and makes me feel so powerless to be a part of this country’s fall in every way possible and not be able to do a thing about it.
    As the tsunami of insanely well planned out destiny of killing and destroying everything on the planet one wonders to what avail. Their plans seem to go no where after destroying America and by that the world !
    What’s their end point?

    • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:26 pm #

      You are dealing with nihilists and satanists. So to some degree the killing and destroying is the end point. Some of them hope to reign over the ashes of course.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 1:02 pm #


        It is all in there. In the end, God wins. Most of humanity is gone.

        • White German Shepherd July 12, 2024 at 5:21 pm #

          “Most of humanity is gone.”

          That is the uncomfortable part.

          Most means that some survive. Plan to survive. Don’t plan to die.

      • MiTurn July 12, 2024 at 1:23 pm #

        Arrogance, hubris, elitist, psychopathy….just a few other descriptors that come to mind.

        • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 1:29 pm #

          yes, these descriptors are appropriate!

    • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 8:41 pm #

      “As the tsunami of insanely well planned out destiny of killing and destroying everything on the planet one wonders to what avail. Their plans seem to go no where after destroying America and by that the world !
      What’s their end point?” ~ kellycat

      As one becomes familiar with the 2030 Agenda, and those who support it, they start to recognize that it makes sense of all the nonsense.

      “This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan. We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda. They seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what these did not achieve. They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.

      The Goals and targets will stimulate action over the next fifteen years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet”


  17. Hardrock July 12, 2024 at 11:33 am #

    JHK said, “What Russia actually sought was to be regarded, once again, as a normal European nation able to conduct normal business with the rest of Europe. The USA wouldn’t allow it.

    Exactly why remains partially mysterious. Surely, post-1991, it was in the interest of US military contractors to maintain their Cold War revenue streams. To do that, a foreign hobgoblin had to be invoked.”

    This is the key to almost everything found in our foreign policy. The level of corruption to maintain military spending is beyond belief. Think what we could accomplish as a species if all that global military spending went instead to infrastructure, education, research, etc.

    We would all have the flying cars we were promised, there would be free energy, no third world economies, and all the kids would be geniuses.

    • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:46 pm #

      Yep, and also the robot pets. Just imagine all the things that the globalists and warmongers have stolen from us and we don’t even know it because now we can never know it since the choices were taken off the table before they made it to the table.

    • OG July 12, 2024 at 12:55 pm #

      Instead, our realm is ruled by Lucifer.

      [Call him, “Beezely” or even “Mrs. Beezely.” He hates that as he slithers away.]

      He will be sent to the depths of Hell where he will sadistically use most souls as his playthings for alom time.

  18. Breck July 12, 2024 at 11:41 am #

    If, as FDR* assured us, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”, then ‘what is The Plan re: this Biden Trainwreck’?

    *FDR, a feller who would have known if ANYONE would have

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:53 am #

      I sorta agree with you, how come it seems like all the Dems are jumping on top of Biden, overnight?
      Not one or two, all of them. Talk about getting stabbed in the back by your friends, the Mob doesn’t take kindly to its Capos getting hit.

      Ironic, both Trump and Biden have been betrayed by significant amounts of their own parties. The backside knife wounds are appalling.

      Hey, how about the two of them acknowledging their worst enemies lie in the Deep State, and they get together somehow and burn the Deep State to the ground?

      FDR? Do you think Pearl Harbor was a surprise to him? I think not and consequent movie research has indicated it was a set-up. Playing chicken with Japan, it was a matter of time.

      • messianicdruid July 12, 2024 at 3:08 pm #

        Who writes the movie scripts?

    • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 11:58 am #

      He was bad to the bone.

  19. OG July 12, 2024 at 11:53 am #

    The truth of the matter is this: following its transition out of the failed Soviet experiment thirty years ago, Russia was never a threat to its European neighbors. All the talk of Vladimir Putin seeking to reassemble the old USSR empire was knowingly false, as is the chatter now about Russia looking to invade Europe. What Russia actually sought was to be regarded, once again, as a normal European nation able to conduct normal business with the rest of Europe. The USA wouldn’t allow it.

    Those of you still not yet buying Jim a cup of coffee each month: shame on you.

    When I do prayer with my wonderful girlfriend, I always take a moment to pray “for the truth-tellers.” I say to God, “If it wasn’t for our many truth-tellers, who often suffered greatly to provide us with the truth, we would not know so that we may properly discern. God bless our many truth-tellers!”

    Jim is one of our truth-teller. God bless him for what he does for us!

  20. JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 11:55 am #

    Tell you one thing, the whole Biden thing really shows how ignorant and yes, stupid the MSM is. It borders on insanity.

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    • OG July 12, 2024 at 12:35 pm #

      They are neither, JAZ. They are evil and they are in on it.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 1:00 pm #


  21. Opie July 12, 2024 at 12:00 pm #

    We are f*&^ed regardless of the November selection. Best case scenario, we have 100 million clueless individuals in the country who can barely chew gum and tie their shoe laces without a support group. We’d have a better chance of swimming the Mississippi with a boat anchor than these people becoming productive citizens.

  22. JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 12:12 pm #

    Ready for this? The wife just told me that she read:

    Huma Albedin (sp?), ex-wife of Weiner and aide-de-camp for HRC, is engaged to Alex Soros.

    • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:16 pm #

      Alex Soros is gay. The marriage is a power merger of the Clinton and Soros empires.

      • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 12:24 pm #

        John thought he had the scoop, but SSL had it. Cub reporter extraordinaire.

        • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:30 pm #

          cub reporter :0)

          Overall it seems like the Clinton dynasty would fade into the woodwork after Bill and Hillary. Chelsea doesn’t have the same pazazz. Huma is almost an adopted daughter to Hillary if not a lover as well. Huma is extremely loyal so it makes sense that this connection empowers the Clintons and further connects the Soros clan into the inner clans within the US.

          • OG July 12, 2024 at 12:38 pm #


          • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:43 pm #

            yes, some extraordinarily horrific rumors going on there

        • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 1:00 pm #

          Shoot, scooped! I feel like Clark Kent and Lois Lane.

      • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 12:32 pm #

        Huma is gay too. She was HRC’s professional muf-dvr. Probably still is.

        • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:37 pm #

          she’s functionally bi, but yes, in the overall sense she is a lesbian

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 12:49 pm #

            Functionally, she’d probably do whatever was required to keep her near the top of the present milieu. Bill or Hillary might summon her to their respective inner offices at any moment.

          • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:56 pm #

            yes exactly, whatever it takes to stay at the top of the hierarchy

          • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 12:58 pm #

            I think though:

            Jarek, you know how corporate mergers can destroy the competition in a market place.

            Think about this”

            Rothschilds with Soros, with Rockefellers with Clinton Foundation. They call themselves Liberals, what are they really?

            What are these SOBs really up to?

            Klaus Schwab retired from the WEF? Or was asked to leave? Why?

            What is going on at the global level and how does it affect us?

            How are the “gang” associated with Israel and Ukraine?

            There is shit going on at that level we do not even know about.

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 1:08 pm #

            First, they paired her off with a lecherous pedo, but now her talents are needed to serve as the beard for the son of evil incarnate.

          • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 1:28 pm #

            Now your talking capstone stuff. J knows a good bit about that. To some degree though my understanding is that the public faces are still at a puppet level. Though they may be very high up. My understanding is that the actual owners and decision makers remain unnamed and unknown.

    • Islander July 12, 2024 at 9:44 pm #

      “Huma Albedin (sp?), ex-wife of Weiner and aide-de-camp for HRC, is engaged to Alex Soros.”

      Yeah, I gagged on that.
      Something is definitely stinky here.

  23. SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:21 pm #

    Who is “Joe Biden’s” Commander In Chief? The current Vice President is apparently Trump and the President of Ukraine is Putin. It actually all makes a ton of sense.

    • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 12:26 pm #

      And Q is laughing at imaginary word bubbles. Nobody thinks they’re senile….

      • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:35 pm #

        i do like word bubbles and sometimes i laugh to myself about different thought bubbles so i might be a little crazy myself. Some crazy is actually a good thing.

      • OG July 12, 2024 at 12:42 pm #

        My girlfriend’s 85 year-old sweet mother knows that she’s losing her mind. She’s sad and scared about it. It breaks my heart.

        • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 12:49 pm #

          My mother-in-law and uncle both went out with dementia, Alzheimer’s and Lewy body.

          I feel for you and your family as this is, IMO, a most miserable way to die. Your support is paramount, but only to a point. After that, makes little difference.

          • OG July 12, 2024 at 12:58 pm #

            Thanks, JAZ. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you’re a good man!

        • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 12:53 pm #

          That is really sad, Og. Neuroplasticity is the key and most people don’t realize it but gut health is brain health. Plentiful hydration and fasting can help. But diet must be focused on maximizing gut microbiome health too.

          • OG July 12, 2024 at 12:59 pm #

            Thank you for that info, SSL. I will pass it on to my gf.

            Much appreciated!

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 1:12 pm #

            My brother married a girl who has extreme stomach problems. She also turns out to be a bat-shit crazy See You Next Tuesday. The two must be related, correct?

          • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 1:25 pm #

            I think they are related. The body-mind connection is generally underappreciated. A marriage counselor is actually often not the answer. Repairing and healing the body itself is likely much more powerful in solving those issues. And hey, we all have work to do really so lets not be too harsh on one another.

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 1:41 pm #

            Marriage counselors must get kickbacks from divorce attorneys. Every couple I know who has gone a marriage counselor has ended up divorcing, with advice from the counselor that divorcing was in everybody’s best interest.

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 1:42 pm #

            Oh, and my brother’s wife already destroyed our entire family. So that ship has sailed.

          • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 1:52 pm #

            wow, so sorry to hear that! i would never do anything like that.

          • OG July 12, 2024 at 3:28 pm #

            “Women! You can’t live with ’em … Pass the beer nuts.”
            – Norm on Cheers!

          • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 3:45 pm #

            Regarding gut microbiome and brain health:

            Check out Joe Rogan’s recent interview of Max Lugavere.

          • GreenAlba July 12, 2024 at 6:53 pm #

            Also regarding gut and brain health, that was the subject of Andrew Wakefield’s paper in The Lancet (where people think he said vaccines cause autism, but he didn’t). He was a GI specialist and was treating vaccine-injured kids with GI problems. He noticed that when their GI problems were successfully treated, autism was cured/improved as a by-product of the GI treatment. So he said the potential vaccine/autism link required research.

            Aluminium adjuvants in vaccines cause brain damage, leading to autism in children and aluminium causes dementia in adults. In both cases it damages the gut biome.

            OG: Dr Vernon Colemen has a small book on dementia – he reckons 80% of dementia cases are treatable.


          • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 7:59 pm #

            I think that the connection has also been made to GMO products.

            In the US, vaccine producers were immunized in 1986, but it took until the 90s to start forcing the new ones onto babies and children, because back then it took 5-10 years to roll out a new vax.

            Round-up Ready soybeans and corn were authorized in 1996 and 1997, respectively, by Clinton FDA appointee, Michael Taylor, Monsanto lawyer.

            So the increase in vaccines and the increases in GMO crops happened about the same time (in the US, Europe was more resistant to adopting glyphosate.) But I assume that GMO corn and soybeans made their way to Europe in the form of animal feed.

            Monsanto said that glyphosate had no effect on humans, but it most definitely has an effect on human gut bacteria, so…….

            Could be either or both.

          • C.O.Jones July 12, 2024 at 10:16 pm #

            “I think that the connection has also been made to GMO products.” – Paula

            No question there – you are 100% correct. GMO is one of the largest causes of leaky gut and leaky gut is directly related to poor gut microbiome health.

            I had a surgeon tell me my leaky gut was going to shorten my life. That was in 2010 and I have been researching leaky gut ever since.

            I’m not doing a commercial here but Dr. Steven Gundry has done a ton of research on leaky gut. Be advised: he sells products for repairing your gut so keep that in mind if you watch any of his videos.

            FWIW – Bill Gates is one of the biggest proponents of GMO everything along with lab-grown meat made from cancer cells.

          • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:37 pm #


            The last two articles I read on Covid and the vaxx centers “stored? Virus reservoirs in the Gut, and elsewhere but primarily in the gut.

            Did you know that the mesentary, the blood distribution to the gut, has been identified as an organ in the immunity system and may be its center. It makes sense as food entering the body is a major source of potential infection.

  24. RD3 July 12, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

    Is there any human who looks less human than Kimberly Guilfoyle?

    • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 1:21 pm #

      The lip filler actually doesn’t work with her bone structure and she has put on some weight which further puffs out her already substantial cheekbones. But it seems like she has a basic human appearance lol. What do you see?

      • MiTurn July 12, 2024 at 1:27 pm #

        I can see the plastic in her plastic surgery.

        • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 1:36 pm #

          Often times it makes things worse but many people prefer an unnatural look as opposed to showing some aging. With that being said we all need to be super concerned about microplastics. To some degree we are all becoming plastic whether we want to or not.

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 1:44 pm #

            John Prine said “some humans ain’t human.”

          • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 2:06 pm #

            oh i like that little tune!

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 2:07 pm #

            Agreed. He was one of the best.

          • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 2:35 pm #

            That’s what Don Juan said to Carlos: Do you really imagine just because someone has two arms and two legs that they’re human?

          • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 2:37 pm #

            Do Barbie Dolls dream of plastic sheep?

          • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 3:15 pm #

            lol that and fluffy plastic clouds and colorful plastic flowers

      • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 1:39 pm #

        She looks like how a frat boy would design a really hot plastic robot to look.

  25. docmartin July 12, 2024 at 1:48 pm #

    This is one of Mr Kunstler’s weaker columns. When you are his age the lights start to flicker every now and then. Perhaps it’s time for Mr K to limit himself to one column a week.

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    • SoftStarLight July 12, 2024 at 2:11 pm #

      Well obviously Mr. K can work circles around you, Doc. Drop a link to your blog. I would love to peruse your work. That being said, i can help gather information or write if you need any assistance, Mr. K.

    • John001 July 12, 2024 at 2:19 pm #

      I haven’t perceived a decline in James Kunstler’s writing in the past few years. Anyway, if people care about longevity, they can slow the decline by eating healthily (not the Standard American Diet), exercising and not getting too stressed. I hope JHK is doing that.

      • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 2:23 pm #

        I’m not sure I buy the stress part. Aren’t most animals supposed to be under near-constant stress?

        • OG July 12, 2024 at 3:34 pm #

          It’s our modern-world chronic stress that is the problem. We are wired to be stressed for a quick moment in time. You hear a lion’s roar, you run and hide.

          It is our fight/flight response of situations that never resolve themselves that causes us so much damage. The 24×7 stress of debt, struggling child, TDS, etc.

          • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 3:51 pm #

            Two emergency only systems, hormonal and inflammatory and yes they are intertwined.

            They are destructive to the body, too much cortisol in the form of adrenaline (epinephrine) keeps the body primed for battle, fast heart rate, maximum muscle tone, tight blood vessels, ie high blood pressure, turning down the immune system with steroids (cortisol) etc. At the same time, high T cell response from inflammation from bad habits(esp. sugar intake) is damaging as the T cells kill antigens and host cells both. BTW, the T cells are the bad guys with autoimmune problems, continuously mistaking host cells for antigens and destroying them.

            Stress is a killer from both as the body continuously tried to defend then fix itself.

            BTW, recognize something here? Regardless of which bad guy it was, the virus or its designer vaxx, Covid (or any other virus) gets in there and effs up the homeostasis of the body via these avenues.

    • MiTurn July 12, 2024 at 3:01 pm #


      I think JHK is rockin’ it!

    • OG July 12, 2024 at 4:58 pm #

      What was so weak about it, doc?

      I thought just the opposite. I don’t share links often but I did share the link to this morning’s JHK essay with a couple of guys.

      “Joe Six-pack” is brain-washed into hating Putin. JHK lets us see the truth:

      We could have a world of peace and prosperity today except, instead, we’ve got DCers fucking everything up for their own nefarious motives.

      Sad but true.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:32 pm #

        Sad but true.

  26. Roundball Shaman July 12, 2024 at 2:00 pm #

    We can be so very thankful and proud when our Dear Daddy Dark State can pump up The Resident with god-knows what kind of exotic substances so he can make through an entire hour without reverting back to his now-natural state of confusion and befuddlement.

    We can further be proud beyond measure that we still have The Resident to lead our great Nation for another four years (if not more!) into the nirvana and paradise that we are all today experiencing thanks to his incredible and selfless leadership. The greatest Resident in our history. This is truly the Great Golden Age for ‘The Indispensable Nation’ (the Indispensable part which The Resident used a couple times last night in his triumphant return to relative minimum cognition and showing World leaders that The Resident is just at a whole other level than they are.

    And we are eternally grateful for The Resident saving us all from a Really Bad and Horrible Man who is multiplied times worse than Hitler or any other Bad Horrible Person anyone would care to name.
    The Resident has saved ‘Our Democracy!’ Hosanna to god in the highest! Hallelujah! Can I get an A-MEN!…

    Of course, The Grand Cackler would be just as fine a choice – if not better – than The Resident this time around. She is the ‘Right Color!’ And she cackles better than anyone else running. And she really knows how to get down on her knees and get things done! Just ask the former Mayor of a Hollowed Out Ess-hole West Coast city about that.

    This is… ‘The Most Important Election of our Time!’. Of course it is. It ALWAYS is. Every successive election is a magnitude of times more important than the last one was. In fact, we are getting to the point where our elections have become so important than we are all about to jump out of skin. Which – by the way – would suit the Filthy Globalists just fine.

    The way that The Resident has supported the great President of Ukraine… President Putin! This is the stuff of legends which will no doubt be taught for generations to come by AI machines to clueless youths in our Most Wokey Educational and Indoctrination Industrial Complex. That is, unless our clueless youth have already been merged into The Singularity and have no further to sit – anywhere.

    Yes, it was one of our most proud moments last night and in the long and great history of United Stated Incorporated. Right up there with the liberation of Hawaii from Germany and when Americans landed on the surface of Mars in 1969. Or in the words uttered by not-yet-Resident t Biden at that time.

    ‘That’s One Small step for – a carbon-based life form with a hanging appendage between his legs (for the moment),

    ‘And one Giant Leap for… for… for… uh… never mind!

    ‘We conquered Canada – just like I promised!’

    And We Beat Medicare!…’

    (‘Hey guys! Can you give me more of *That Stuff* quickly, please!? Vice President Trump is on his way!…).

    ‘And Hunter is STILL the most intelligent person I have ever been around. (Who is he to me, again?…).

    • MiTurn July 12, 2024 at 7:05 pm #

      Hilarious comments!

      This is the second reason I visit this blog. Not only JHK’s great writing, but the insightful and often humorous comments. You should blog RS.

  27. SteveK9 July 12, 2024 at 2:01 pm #

    ‘What Russia actually sought was to be regarded, once again, as a normal European nation able to conduct normal business with the rest of Europe. The USA wouldn’t allow it. Exactly why remains partially mysterious.

    Revenue for the MIC is definitely part of it, the other part is the desire on the part of the Neocons (Jews) to rule the World and that they are descended from Kristol, Podhoretz, Kagan, etc., people kicked out of the Soviet Union who landed in Brooklyn, and they hate Russia with a passion

    • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 2:05 pm #

      And then after Sachs and other tribe members raped and pillaged a vulnerable post-Soviet Russia, the Russians pulled up their britches and kicked them out again. Their memories are as long as their beards.

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 4:01 pm #

      Normally I would argue that the Jews are only 2.2% of our population so how could they influence that much?

      But then, much less than that control our marketing, media, have a month for themselves and fly a different rainbow colored flag.

      So I don’t know.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 4:02 pm #

        And continuously mess with our kids heads trying to grow their ranks.

      • OG July 12, 2024 at 5:06 pm #

        They make-up 2.2% of the US population … but what percentage of US capital do they control? That’s the stat that matters when assessing Steve’s comment for accuracy.

        It they are 2.2% of the US population, one would expect, everything else being equal, that they would control 2.2% of American capital. If we set the Over/Under at 2.2%, how many here would bet ‘Under’? How many would take the ‘Over,’ like me?

        Now … what if we set it to a seemingly statistically impossible 80%? How many here would bet ‘Under’? How many would still take the ‘Over,’ like me?

      • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 6:25 pm #

        Give me a fulcrum and I can move the world. Technology is just such a fulcrum. This takes us a long way from Alba’s idea that most politicians are White therefore Whites are in control.

        Whites can’t even lobby for themselves as White – that’s how in control they are.

        • MiTurn July 12, 2024 at 7:07 pm #

          Specifically cis-male whites. They are the enemy. They’re all bad people. Really terrible.

          • RD3 July 13, 2024 at 1:00 am #

            As Norm MacDonald said, terming straight, white people as “cis-gender” is “marginalizing normal people.”

        • GreenAlba July 12, 2024 at 9:03 pm #

          “[…] Alba’s idea that most politicians are White therefore Whites are in control”

          Got a citation for that, please? Because some context would be helpful, including maybe some clue as to what country you’re talking about. Since politicians aren’t in control anyway, I fail to see where you got that notion.

          • Jarek July 13, 2024 at 2:18 am #

            Of course. Because you’ve never been wrong about anything, right?

          • GreenAlba July 13, 2024 at 7:14 am #

            Thanks for totally deflecting and not providing the context of your remark.

            I’ve been wrong about lots of things, for most of my life, so if you provide said context we can check it that’s one of them.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 8:31 am #

          Jews can get a ‘Get Out Of ‘White’ Free’ card because they are/were victims. Victim is a loophole. What’s cool is that you can then further the whole Woke/Reparation thing in general in part by ostensible disproportionate leveraging of media, politics and university education.

      • SteveK9 July 13, 2024 at 11:34 am #

        You don’t understand political power then. More than half the billionaires in America are of the chose. If you look at a chart of senior officials of the Biden administration, senior positions in banking, media, academia, you might be shocked.

        There are always going to be elite rulers, in America, it used to be WASPs, not it is Jews. There really is nothing to complain about, … if you like what they are doing to the place. And, most Democrats do seem to like our new culture.

        • SteveK9 July 13, 2024 at 11:35 am #

          Sorry for all the typos.

  28. reggiezz July 12, 2024 at 2:24 pm #

    If the blob had a functioning brain among its members, they would use the Biden dementia problem to extricate itself from the losing Ukraine fiasco. The next replacement President could give a speech saying the whole thing was a colossal mistake, or criminal operation, run by mad Brandon, and he held the whole US government hostage. They could say only he and a small cabal got us into the mess for their own criminal purposes.

    Problem solved. The US avoids military defeat and the consequences that ensue. Everyone who made a trip to Ukraine to pick up their laundered money gets prosecuted, Russian money gets released, and the blob restarts.

    But they likely are too stupid for that.

    • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 8:04 pm #

      There has to be some reason for this Biden psy op. Your scenario could very well be it.

      We’ll just have to watch it play out to see the plan. One thing I know for sure is that they do have a plan.

      The script is bizarre, but it has got our attention, and the attention of the world.

      Food fight in the US between the Democrats! Watch the highlights on YouTube!

    • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 5:42 pm #

      Just like Fauci and covid, everything is part of the plan.

  29. Jarek July 12, 2024 at 3:30 pm #

    Greg Hood

    Yet how do we define “our” side? That is a big question, but we do have an issue that solves the problem for us. If we return to that mass deportation poll, immigration is the one issue with a mass constituency. We do not have to explain things. We do not have to ask people to read countless books or believe in a certain faith. Carl Schmitt was right: Politics is about us and them, friend and enemy. The Left wins because it knows who its enemies are, while white people lose because they pretend they do not have any enemies. Yet we have enemies all around us.

    Jarek: The Left is right about America being founded by Whites for Whites – racists in other words. They only err in saying that this was a bad thing. In contrast, Conservatives pretend it was found by individualists who didn’t see race. The only nation based on an idea: Greed is good.

    Ron, choose.

    • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 3:42 pm #

      The “creedal nation” fallacy. ME Bradfrod debated Eric Foner over that issue.

      • RD3 July 12, 2024 at 3:52 pm #

        I might have that incorrect. I think Bradford’s “creedal nation” debate was with Harry Jaffa and his debate with Foner was over the “nomocratic” and “teleocratic” views of the US Constitution.

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 3:56 pm #

      Individualists who did not see race.

      Or care mostly. Once the slave = wealth connection was destroyed in 1865, small groups caused racial problems but for the most part people were too busy to care. Ethnocentrism always exists to a point, but the axiom, you make it if you work at it usually works here. Mostly.

      • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 6:22 pm #

        True. After the Civil War, Whites focused on building their private lives and estates. They realized too late that the media had been taken over by an alien group.

        Vigilance is the price of freedom. Greed mongering is the antithesis of that.

        One Spartan was asked by a visiting Greek, why aren’t you guys working your fields? He replied, We take care of ourselves. That’s why we have the fields to begin with. I’m endorsing the general orientation that he expressed, not the slave economy of the Spartans per se.

        • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:29 pm #


          In ancient history, Greece and Rome, fourth Turnings were taken seriously. When they wiped out an adversary, they stopped resurgence by taking the enemy home as slaves or killing them.

        • RD3 July 13, 2024 at 12:44 am #

          I can’t find the original source, but it was said that Robert E. Lee and older Southerners polished up on their Greek and Latin after the Southern states seceded. They knew that trying times were upon them and they needed to get back to the foundation.

          • RD3 July 13, 2024 at 12:55 am #

            Henry Timrod and Margaret Junkin Preston viewed the war between the states as a continuation of the Western epic. .Beechenbrook: a rhyme of the war, by Preston is an amazing, unknown lyric poetic of our people. My people. The American South and its conflict with degraded modernity was really the apogee of Western culture, in many senses.

  30. messianicdruid July 12, 2024 at 4:14 pm #

    “As someone from a country that has witnessed a civil war, totalitarian leaders, ethno-religious pogroms, state-sanctioned brutality & the slow eradication of human rights under the guise of criminality, I can frankly tell Americans:

    You don’t know what you’re playing with.

    The biggest mistake I see is people waiting for A Big Sign that’ll tell them that things have gone too far. One Big Thing that police or lawmakers or the president/leaders will do that will cross the line.

    It’ll never come because they won’t cross it. They’ll move the line.

    That line you think you stand behind is shifting everyday with little actions, bills, legislations. Police murdering people on camera & not getting charged. White supremacists threatening leadership & getting a free pass.

    That line will stop moving one day, & it’ll be too late.”

    We need to draw our own lines and stop pretending that these people have the authority to do what they are doing. The Constitution was not written for me or you. It was written to limit what the people we allow to run things for us can and cannot do, and it must be enforced.


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    • messianicdruid July 12, 2024 at 4:49 pm #

      We must recognize the problem in the Constitution.

      “For more than a century the Supreme Court kept alive, by repeated dicta, the doubt expressed by Justice Story “whether Congress are by the terms of the Constitution, at liberty to purchase lands for forts, dockyards, etc., with the consent of a State legislature, where such consent is so qualified that it will not justify the ‘exclusive legislation’ of Congress there. It may well be doubted if such consent be not utterly void.”


    • elysianfield July 12, 2024 at 5:51 pm #

      Yeah…what the Druid said….

    • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 4:59 pm #

      “The biggest mistake I see is people waiting for A Big Sign that’ll tell them that things have gone too far.” ~ messianicdruid

      That “Big Sign” will be a Trump second term, and at this point, I wouldn’t bet on it.

  31. Jarek July 12, 2024 at 5:10 pm #


    Putin is enabling this. We fuck with his borders and he is going to fuck with ours. They threw crudely fashioned spears threw the fence with several finding their mark, one fatally. What next? Bows? Or straight to firearms? Go across the border and deal with them and you’ll meet the Russian army.

    Paula denies this is happening. She makes a good point now and then, but she cannot be trusted as a source of information or for logically constructed arguments.

    • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 6:51 pm #


      I don’t know how much I trust that source.

      I really am trying to keep a more open mind than formerly, but it is very hard — I’ll be honest, darn near impossible — for me to get my head around Putin being THAT BAD of a man.

      • Jarek July 12, 2024 at 7:12 pm #

        Bad? He’s defending Russia. I didn’t say bad. Always being on defense is a commitment to defeat after all.

        I think you equate being nice with being good. Fatal mistake.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 8:20 am #

          ‘American Renaissance’?

          BTW, why did you travel to Kentucky recently?

          • Jarek July 13, 2024 at 1:49 pm #

            No, I didn’t have a coonskin cap to wear. Did you see the John Wayne movie about “Kentucks”? They all had caps.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 12:03 am #

            Ok, but what brought you to Kentucky?

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 7:48 am #

            …The fried chicken? The bourbon? The blue grass? The immigrant hangouts?

    • BackRowHeckler July 12, 2024 at 7:24 pm #

      It’s been awhile since I’ve heard about ‘Spear Chuckers’. I’d almost forgotten. Yet here they are, crashing the gates of Europe. I’ve been working up a theory that on future battlefields primitive weapons will once again rule the day — bolt action rifles, crossbow bolts … and hand held projectiles like spears — while fragile, billion dollar electronic weapons systems manufactured by Raytheon, Boeing and United Technologies ends up in junkyards.

      In WW1, on the Western Front, British officers would bring longbows into the trenches and arc arrows over onto the German side. It was a great sport.

      • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 8:10 pm #

        China and India have some sort of treaty where they don’t shoot at each other over border disputes, so a couple of years ago Chinese and Indian soldiers fought with sticks and rocks.

    • Soul Forensics July 12, 2024 at 9:23 pm #

      Though Belarus and Russia are tight, the impetus for the attack stems from Lukashenko’s attempt to fob off the traveling Muslims on to Poland so that it became their problem instead. The Poles hated this, and those two nations, henceforward. have been trading barbs and (now) violence.

      It’s not Russian-initiated.

      • Heartlander July 12, 2024 at 9:55 pm #

        I have tremendous respect for Belarus and its leader Lukashenko because it was one of the handful of countries that absolutely refused to go along with ANY of the Covid bullshit.

        I wonder if there are any Belarussian young women who might make a nice bride for my 26-year-old red-blooded, pureblood son?

        Nah, any Belarussian who would want to move to the USA has a screw loose and is thereby disqualified.


        • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:24 pm #

          Yup, the future for the European Caucasian is not to the west, but to the east. Slowly, the people of Europe are realizing that.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 8:23 am #

          They could meet halfway in Portugal or Spain.

      • Jarek July 13, 2024 at 2:22 am #

        Where are the Muslims coming from if not Russia which borders on Muslim nations and Western nations which have allowed them in?

        • Soul Forensics July 13, 2024 at 3:14 am #

          This was in 2021. Belarus took in Muslims from the Mid-East, Lithuania and Latvia in order to transfer them to Poland as a retaliation on Poland for (as a member of the EU) sanctioning Belarus.

          • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 4:52 pm #

            Viktor Orbán has talked about the UN withholding “stipends” because he won’t allow migrants in Hungary.

            Orbán is another leader who throws a wrench in the 2030 Agenda.

  32. C S July 12, 2024 at 5:30 pm #

    Great piece, JHK. Thank you.

  33. Bring_In_The_Replacements July 12, 2024 at 6:28 pm #

    Hogs get Slaughtered

    Jim, thanks for writing about the Twilight of NATO and the Western Powers. This organization is way past its expiration label. The US as the chief supplier of useless weapons is fronting a club of military corruption. Every weapons program is rife with greed and exorbitant, unworkable profits built in.

    Russia is building lethal weapons with innovation speed that harks back to WW 2. The West cannot compete. NATO acts like a dying Monarchy or the Hapsburg Empire filled with fake titles and corridors of bureaucracy.

    We haven’t had a dog in the fight, a true reason for blood and treasure in decades. We see everything as potential thievery.

    • MiTurn July 12, 2024 at 7:11 pm #

      I suspect that the Russians have not been as united recently as they are now. People forget that the Russians won WW2 in Europe — the US and the UK helped, but the Russians were fighting for their existence.

      Backs against the wall….again.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 8:17 pm #

        Yep, Russia was invaded by Germany in 1940 I believe and fought the Germans for 5 years. The USA started in 41 for four years, Russia was blown apart by the Germans, US untouched. D-Day was the second front the Russians wanted since 1940, the war was over 9 months later. Millions were killed at Stalingrad. if the Russians had not turned Hitler back, the war would have been very different with Germany having Baku’s oil.

        Russia swore to itself, like the Jews did in Israel,

        “Never again”!!!!!!!!!! That is what Ukraine is to them.

  34. Jarek July 12, 2024 at 7:15 pm #


    He has to soften on cultural issues in order to win. Project 2025 might well be a complete fake.

    Meanwhile Melania just hosted a fund raising event for the Log Cabin Republicans at Trump Tower – the gay Republican lobby.

    • malthuss July 12, 2024 at 7:28 pm #

      Marla Maples had a ‘termination’ when she was very young.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:21 pm #

        That definitely sounds nicer than:

        She killed her kid.

    • tucsonspur July 12, 2024 at 7:28 pm #

      I think that he does. The abortion issue alone will siphon off millions of votes. The way I’m seeing these various polls on Fox, like Harris 50%, Trump 49%, if they’re to be believed, Trump can’t afford to lose a single vote.

      • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 8:05 pm #

        TS, watch one of the YOU TUbe polls, that take the local polls state by state and makes predictions based on them. It shows Trump at 330 electoral votes.

        Biden is done, the Dems trying to oust him in a panic is an obvious indicator of what the insider polls are saying.

        Even George Clooney’s.

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 8:10 pm #

      Jarek, notice that Trump does not hold rallies in Red areas, he holds them in Blue cities. He is not on the defensive, but on the offensive. He wants to have a landslide to gain a political mandate. BTW, she made a little over a million dollars, a mere bagatelle. Of course blown out of proportion by the media.

    • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 4:01 pm #

      Look at Project 2025 as an organization from which the next conservative administration can solicit ideas and talent, but not an organization that drives the agenda.

      “The actions of liberal politicians in Washington have created a desperate need and unique opportunity for conservatives to start undoing the damage the Left has wrought and build a better country for all Americans in 2025.

      It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.

      This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative administration: a policy agenda, personnel, training, and a 180-day playbook.

      The project is the effort of a broad coalition of conservative organizations that have come together to ensure a successful administration begins in January 2025. With the right conservative policy recommendations and properly vetted and trained personnel to implement them, we will take back our government.

      The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is being organized by The Heritage Foundation and builds off Heritage’s longstanding “Mandate for Leadership,” which has been highly influential for presidential administrations since the Reagan era. Most recently, the Trump administration relied heavily on Heritage’s “Mandate” for policy guidance, embracing nearly two-thirds of Heritage’s proposals within just one year in office.

      Paul Dans, former chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) during the Trump administration, serves as the director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. Spencer Chretien, former special assistant to the president and associate director of Presidential Personnel, serves as associate director of the project.”

      • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 4:03 pm #

        (Project 2025) Advisory Board

        A broad coalition of over 100 conservative organizations has come together to form the project pillars.

        Project 2025, organized by The Heritage Foundation, is a movement-wide effort guided by the conservative cause to address and reform the failings of big government and an undemocratic administrative state. The opinions of Project 2025 and The Heritage Foundation do not necessarily represent the opinions of every one of its advisory board partners.


      • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 4:29 pm #

        The Heritage Foundation

        Every day, The Heritage Foundation is building an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.

        Heritage’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

        … Now more than ever, the?American people need a champion to preserve the?great American experiment and everything good?and just?that it represents.??

        That’s why The Heritage Foundation exists. We champion policy solutions that benefit all Americans. But Heritage is also much more than a think tank.

        Every day, Heritage works in our nation’s capital to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.

        But unlike so many other organizations in Washington, D.C., The Heritage Foundation’s focus isn’t on putting more power into the hands of government—it’s on?returning?power to the people.

        That’s why we don’t work on behalf of any special interest or political party. Instead, our commitment is to the American people, and the more than 10 million members, advocates, and concerned Americans who support us.



        So, is the issue that all administrations, with the exception of the Trump administration, have relied on and solicited their ideas and personnel form the CFR; and the CFR is an advocate for government, and not necessarily the citizens?

        “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international relations. Founded in 1921, it is an independent and nonpartisan 501 nonprofit organization. CFR is based in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Wikipedia”


        About CFR

        The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries. Founded in 1921, CFR takes no institutional positions on matters of policy.



        “… is an independent think tank dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders”

        So, is the CFR responsible for the bastardization of America (garbage in, garbage out)?

  35. tucsonspur July 12, 2024 at 7:21 pm #

    ‘What Russia actually sought was to be regarded, once again, as a normal European nation able to conduct normal business with the rest of Europe. The USA wouldn’t allow it.’ JHK

    I think that the following provides a good description of NATO-Russia relations. You can see that NATO decided to suspend cooperation with Russia only after its annexation of Crimea.

    The end of the Cold War was a turning point in Europe’s history. From 1991, NATO began to work hard to establish a strategic
    partnership with Russia. However, in March 2014, Russia illegally annexed Crimea. In response, NATO suspended all practical
    cooperation with Russia, while keeping political and military channels of communication open. This factsheet sets out the key dates
    and events in the relationship.

    1994: The Partnership for Peace
    In June 1994, Russia became the first country to join NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP), a programme of practical bilateral
    cooperation between NATO and partner countries.

    The Brussels Summit Declaration from January 1994 defined the goals of PfP as expanding and intensifying political and military
    cooperation in Europe, increasing stability, diminishing threats to peace, and building strengthened security relationships.

    1997: The NATO-Russia Founding Act
    On 27 May 1997, NATO leaders and President Boris Yeltsin signed the NATO-Russia Founding Act, expressing their determination to “build together a lasting and inclusive peace in the Euro-Atlantic area on the principles of democracy and cooperative security.”

    The Act established the goal of cooperation in areas such as peacekeeping,
    arms control, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics and theatre missile
    defence. In the Founding Act, NATO and Russia agreed to base their
    cooperation on the principles of human rights and civil liberties,
    refraining from the threat or use of force against each other or any other

    2002-2008: Cooperation through the NATO-Russia Council
    On 28 May 2002, NATO leaders and President Vladimir Putin signed a declaration in Rome titled “NATO-Russia Relations: A New
    Quality.” This established the NATO-Russia Council as a consensus-based body of equal members. The NATO-Russia Council led
    to cooperation in areas such as counter-terrorism, crisis management, arms control and theatre missile defence. NATO and Russia
    cooperated on supporting Afghanistan – including Russian provision of transit routes for ISAF, counter- narcotics training for officers
    from Afghanistan, Central Asia and Pakistan, and support for the Afghan army’s helicopter fleet.

    2008: The Georgia Crisis
    Russia’s military action in Georgia in August 2008 led to the suspension of formal meetings of the NATO-Russia Council and
    cooperation in some areas. Allies continue to call on Russia to reverse its recognition of the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia as independent states. At the NATO Summit in Strasbourg
    and Kehl on 4 April 2009, NATO leaders acknowledged disagreements
    with Russia over Georgia, but decided to resume practical and political

    2010-2014: Seeking a New Stage of Cooperation
    During the Lisbon Summit in November 2010, NATO leaders and
    President Dmitry Medvedev agreed to embark on “a new stage of
    cooperation towards a true strategic partnership”, based on the goals and
    principles of the NATO-Russia Founding Act and the NATO-Russia
    Rome Declaration. The Alliance invited Russia to explore the potential
    for expanded cooperation on missile defence, and the two agreed to
    Joint NATO-Russia counter-terrorism exercise Vigilant Skies 2011
    to further strengthen cooperation in the fight against terrorism, and counter-piracy efforts.
    In the years that followed, NATO and Russia
    worked together in support of the Afghan army’s helicopter fleet, conducted joint counter-piracy and submarine-rescue exercises, and
    discussed a joint mission to help dispose of Syria’s chemical weapons.

    2014 – 2020: Responding to the Ukraine Crisis
    In March 2014, Russia illegally and illegitimately annexed Crimea, part of Ukraine’s sovereign territory. In response, on 1 April 2014,
    NATO Foreign Ministers decided to suspend all practical cooperation with Russia. Since then, Russia has continued its aggressive
    actions against Ukraine, including destabilising eastern Ukraine. NATO responded to this more dangerous security environment by
    enhancing its deterrence and defence posture, while remaining open to political dialogue with Russia.
    At the Warsaw Summit in July 2016, NATO leaders made clear that an improvement in the Alliance’s relations with Russia will be
    contingent on a clear and constructive change in Russia’s actions – one that demonstrates compliance with international law and
    Russia’s international commitments. Until then, NATO and Russia cannot return to “business as usual”.

    2018: Salisbury Attack
    On 14 March 2018, the United Kingdom briefed Allies on the use of a nerve agent in Salisbury. NATO Allies expressed their deep
    concern and condemned this breach of international norms.
    After intensive consultations among Allies and partner countries that took place at NATO headquarters and in capitals, more than
    150 Russian diplomats were expelled by more than 25 nations. On 27 March 2018, the NATO Secretary General announced the
    withdrawal of accreditation of 7 staff of the Russian Mission to NATO, as well as the denial of 3 pending accreditations, and the
    reduction of the maximum size of the mission to 20.

    2019: The NATO Leaders’ meeting in London
    At their meeting in London in December 2019, NATO leaders stated that Russia’s aggressive actions constitute a threat to Euro
    Atlantic security. But they also stated that we remain open for dialogue, and to a constructive relationship with Russia when Russia’s
    actions make that possible. NATO leaders reaffirmed the Alliance’s dual-track approach to Russia: deterrence and defence on the one
    hand, and dialogue on the other hand.

    Channels for communication between NATO and Russia remain open, as they have done since 2014. The NATO-Russia Council
    (NRC), an important platform for dialogue, has never been suspended. We have held ten NRC meetings since April 2016.

    remains top of the agenda in the NRC. We have also made progress by addressing other key security issues on our agenda, including
    by discussing the INF Treaty in the two NRC meetings held in January and July 2019. In recent years, we have taken a step forward
    in the NRC on transparency by exchanging reciprocal briefings in advance of major exercises from NATO and Russia. NATO has also
    used the NRC as a forum to address other key issues in our relations with Russia. For example, Allies have raised in the NRC the issue
    of Russia’s hybrid activities in Allied nations. The situation in Afghanistan has also been addressed on several occasions.

    High-level bilateral channels of communication remain open between NATO and Russia. The Secretary General and Russian Foreign
    Minister Sergey Lavrov also continue their meetings, including at occasions such as the Munich Security Conference. NATO and
    Russia also keep open military-to-military lines of communication. These channels are important to improve transparency, avoid
    escalation, and reduce the risk of misunderstanding and miscalculation. In recent years there have been several contacts and meetings
    between General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, and the Chairman of the Military Committee
    of NATO and NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe.


    In addition, saying that the US overthrew the democratically elected Yanukovych is not entirely accurate. Again, Yanukovych reneged on his promise to the Ukrainian people to go with Europe and the West and the people rose up against him because of that. They did not want Russia. This is not to say that we didn’t take advantage of Yanukovych’s miscalculation.

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    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 8:02 pm #

      You have forgotten one point. Yanukovych was elected by the majority from the Donbas region who were being “discriminated” against by Kiev, because they are a majority of Russians. Then, the Western Ukraine area, fed by NATO, started the rioting that pushed him into Russia. Much of the NATO effort was pushed by, oh boy, American interests, namely the Biden Mob, including Victoria Nuland.

      There was no way the Russians were going to give up the Crimea, a gift from the Russians, that contained the only warm water port for their navy and commercial fleet.

      The USA is far from clean on this fiasco in Ukraine, much of your narrative had the USA in the foreground pushing NATO to reject Russian overtures. And most of it is personal, half a million Uke soldiers killed to protect the Empire of the Bidens. I hope they can be prosecuted for that.

      TS, if Trump stops arms going to Ukraine, the war will be over, that is why he says the war will be over the day he gets the WH. Think of it this way, Trump wants the war over to try to get the area to cool down, Biden wants the war to go on forever, like Afghanistan, to feed the MIC and hold onto the Biden “fortune”. Maybe then Joe and Jill and Hunter can move onto Martha’s Vineyard.

      • Paula D July 12, 2024 at 8:14 pm #

        His little list completely left out the 2014 coup, pretending that Russia annexed Crimea totally out of the blue.

        His reference to Georgia left out the fact that Georgia, egged on by the US, attacked Russian peacemakers in South Ossetia, and killed 9 of them.

        Not to mention the fact that he left out the looting of Russia throughout the 90s, leading to the deaths of millions of Russians.

        But that’s how he rolls. He lies.

        • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:20 pm #

          The USA will never forgive Russia for the Cold War.

        • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 3:47 pm #

          … and the big one in my mind, is that Putin decided that the 2030 Agenda was not the path that he wanted to take Russia.

  36. JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 7:43 pm #

    Watching Biden rally on Fox. Oh boy.

    We need a new indice. Call it LPM.

    Lies per minute. Joe is unreal, the United States has no problems and he is the reason, not the party, not the people, he did it, all by himself.

    “16 Nobel Laureates, last week said that Biden’s plan will grow the economy and reduce inflation and Trump’s plan will put us in a recession and increase inflation.”

    That is two LPM.

    I look behind him and what do I see, out of probably 25 people behind him, 5 are white.

    That about says it.

  37. Islander July 12, 2024 at 9:34 pm #

    ” The USA wouldn’t allow it.

    Exactly why remains partially mysterious.”

    No mystery here.

    1. Our oil and minerals are under the Russian land mass.

    2. The Obama-Biden administration and State Department are infested with dual-national descendants of Ukrainian Jews in the grip of a genetic hatred of Russia and Russians with a passion that they cannot control.

    3. These dual nationals have their primary allegiance to Israel and all thing Jewish, including the Jewish oligarchs such as Larry Fink/Black Rock who have bought big-time into the Ukraine.

    4. And, yes, MIC grifters make out bigly from arming both the Ukraine and Israel.

    Its not a mystery why smarties such as JHK cannot connect the dots between the Ukraine and Gaza (soon to become Israeli) disasters.

    • JohnAZ July 12, 2024 at 10:18 pm #

      IMHO, too much leaning on the Jews as the source of corruption.

      Biden and Obama’s Mob, and I do mean The Mob, are behind Ukraine and their “investment” there.

      Israel? There are many Conservative Christians supporting Israel because they want the temple rebuilt to induce the Rapture.

      Jews are 2% of the population, but for that size have a giant impact.

      Not Gimmes, workers, believe in education as the path to success, support each other.

      Tell me where that is bad. Just like the Asians. And the Mormons.

      • OG July 12, 2024 at 11:06 pm #

        Hahaha! You focus on the positive and hold that up as a strawman.

        It’s not the not-gimme, worker, believe-in-education and supporting-each-other that we find bad, JAZ.

        I won’t speak for everyone, but it’s their looting earth clean to then slaughter us in their Luciferian glee that has me perturbed.

        Larry Fink. No doubt. No fucking doubt.

        • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 1:37 am #

          How many Jews have threatened you in their Luciferian glee, OG? Or Canada?or the USA? Or Europe?

          Now ask the same question about the Muslims.

          • OG July 13, 2024 at 2:05 am #

            You can’t be serious, JAZ! Their centuries-long evil plan is bearing its sick, ugly fruit right now.

            Muslims never jabbed billions with their Luciferian poison, JAZ. Larry Fink did that.

            To be clear: most Jews are cool. Some Jews, however, are Luciferian and are blaspheming God. Those are the Jews that I oppose.

            I’m Roman Catholic. I don’t like all the pedophile activity in my religion … but I’m man enough to face the truth.

            Jews, though. You can’t say a negative thing about them – even the wealth-looting, murderous, war-criminal, scumbaggy ones.

      • Jarek July 13, 2024 at 2:40 pm #

        Exactly. They work hard at Capitalism – the Death Cult. The former group controls Banking, which is the Father of Capitalism.

    • OG July 12, 2024 at 10:52 pm #

      Wow! You don’t say much and then BOOM! – you say a lot.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 8:35 am #

      “1. Our oil and minerals are under the Russian land mass.” ~ Islander

      How did they get over there? Aquifer or erosion dynamics? Plate technonics?

      • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 11:33 am #

        That sort of thing happens a lot. Must be that abiotic thing.
        It’s why the US maintains such a gigantic military.

        Our oil > under their land > our military bombs them and the oil companies move in.

        For Freedom™ and Democracy™, you see.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 12:04 am #


    • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 3:27 pm #

      “Our oil and minerals are under the Russian land mass.” ~ Islander

      According to 2030 Agenda believers, the oil and minerals belong to all the people of the world, including future generations.

  38. JoshuaThompson July 12, 2024 at 10:37 pm #

    Plus Ukraine has some encouragement to fire missiles into the Russian interior while it move “inevitably” towards NATO membership. Let’s hope Russia’s patience holds a while longer.

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 1:34 am #

      I wonder if they ever thought what might happen if Putin takes on the same attitude as Bibi and decides to eliminate the Uke military and just annex the Donbas. IMHO, they keep jacking around with the “Bear”, that will happen.

      • MiTurn July 13, 2024 at 8:24 am #


        I agree. Even Putin has a limit. And if the illegitimate president of Ukraine recklessly fires missiles into the Russian interior, specifically toward Moscow, it’s gonna hit the fan.

        And rightly so.

      • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 11:42 am #

        They already annexed the Donbass, after the referendums.

        Now they have to get the Kiev regime forces out of the Donbass, but they are embedded like ticks, and the US/NATO keeps forces Kiev to send reinforcements.

        The US is working on autonomous killer drones, which will be released in swarms, using Visual images, with thermal detection, geolocation tagging, 3D imaging, and volumetric calculations to kill people without any drone operators involved.

        It is military Google. Former Google owner Eric Schmidt is heavily involved.

        Coincidentally, I talked to my sister who lives in Silicon Valley the other day, and she says that the giant hanger at Moffat Air Base has been rented by Google.
        I asked if they closed the base, and she said “No. The military and the Google employees share space.”

        So Google is literally on a US military base, and the former owner is working with the military to develop killer drones that can be released to kill on their own, in swarms.

        Good times ahead.

        • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 3:15 pm #

          The 2030 Agenda utopia may not be dead after all.

          If the democrats intend to unleash killer drones on their opponents, will they give us the option of volunteering to go to Uyghurville or be droned?

        • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 4:37 pm #

          If GPS is taken out, does that render the killer drones useless?

          • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 7:12 pm #

            No. It renders the current ones useless, I think, but these will be autonomous.

          • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 7:29 pm #

            How about an EMP detonation?

            Can they harden the technology so that it will not be impacted? Or is the point of wining the war meaningless after such a confrontation?

    • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 11:36 am #

      “Despite this, the NATO communicate vows to make Ukraine a member.
      That is like challenging Moscow to a nuclear duel.”


      • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 3:17 pm #

        Rules only apply to those who choose to treat each other with dignity and respect.

  39. JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 1:32 am #

    The rottenness of the Obama/Biden connection over the years is finally coming out thanks to the Media and the Left.

    You heard that right, the Mob and Joe are under attack by their own group. In tonight’s rally in Detroit, I heard him go after his donors and the media as much as Trump does.

    He is finding out what it is like to be betrayed by traitors in his own party. Maybe he and Trump should meet and discuss what a bunch of assholes Deep Staters can be as they brandish their back stabbing knives.

    Washington DC is a miserable place, full of evil people. Joe is finding that out right now.

    #2 Hollywood, I am so glad George Clooney is now an expert on dementia and the presidency.

    Nancy and Schumer, oh what a pair.

    Are they giving up? Soon to send in their sacrificial lamb, Harris? Start to work on 2026 and 2028? Even without Joe, they are still in control of this country. The biggest losers, the Mob and Jill.

    If Trump wins, two things repudiation of the vaxx and its removal and stopping the flux of crime through the border to the point that the cartels go home. He does them both, he is a success. If the border is closed, much of the graft in DC will go down with it. DC IS a crime syndicate.

    • OG July 13, 2024 at 2:10 am #

      DC IS a crime syndicate.

      Ran by whom, JAZ?

      You’re so close to the truth now.

      • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 11:17 am #

        Biden is a Capo in the crime syndicate just as Obama was. They are well paid for their fealty to the real sources of power, all offshore. The capstone, as you call it, is overseas and independent of nationality.

        To reset the USA, and Canada by the way, that crime syndicate must be destroyed. As the people of America have been slowly changed into a gimme state, that conversion is almost impossible. Even if Trump wins, the gimme bureaucracy will continue to control things and when some austerity measure take hold, the gimmes will swing back to the nanny state.

        I really do not see any way out, but voting for the nanny state is the wrong thing to do.

        • OG July 13, 2024 at 1:56 pm #

          Who, JAZ? Who?

          The capstone is the prize in this mystery. Who does “Joe Biden” work for?


          Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.
          – Mayer Amschel Rothschild

  40. SpeedyBB July 13, 2024 at 2:24 am #

    Apropos to the contemporary discussion, I offer a timely quote from the LRB:

    ‘For leyving war on his own people Charles I was indicted and convicted as a traitor.

    ‘When he questioned the jurisdiction of the specially assembled high court, its president, John Bradshawe, replied: “There is a contract and bargain made between the king and his people . . .

    ‘”The one tie, the one bond, is the bond of protection that is due from the sovereign. The other is the bond of subjection that is due from the subject. Sir, if this bond be once broken, farewell sovereignty.”‘

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    • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 3:00 pm #

      Under (D) rule, this is where we are at, isn’t it?

  41. OG July 13, 2024 at 2:35 am #

    No person with a sense of morality can support what’s going on in Gaza.
    – Judge Andrew Napolitano

    • Jarek July 13, 2024 at 1:25 pm #

      Paula is outraged about the Ukies killing kids. But Israelis killing kids in Gaza? No big deal.

      Russians killing kids in Ukraine? Also no big deal.

      The United States occupying part of Syria? An outrage. Israel doing the same? Not a problem.

      How does get to be like Paula? More to the point, how does one get not to be like Paula, because being so isn’t a good thing.

      • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 7:13 pm #

        If Q is still doing his comment spreadsheet, your obsession with me is throwing off the stats big time.

        Think about the consequences of your actions.

  42. SoftStarLight July 13, 2024 at 4:27 am #

    There was a weird synchronicity that occurred today, or actually yesterday. Frazzledrip was mentioned earlier upthread and then later i heard frazzledrip mentioned in a video in which a wide range of topics was discussed. But I did come across some more interesting theories. Where is Ellen DeGeneres these days? She apparently just told an audience that this would be the last time they see her. This is not her first retirement announcement as i recall her saying similar in 2020 and 2022. And I also recall how in the past she looked very sick, almost like she was in the throes of withdrawals from something. Some people say Ellen has actually been dead for a while. According to some theories she essentially withered away due to over abuse of adrenochrome and being cut off from obtaining it. The Ellens that have appeared since are now also being shelved because the Ellen persona is officially being retired. im not sure what to make of all of it but look into the story and you’ll see its weird.

    It has also been said that Celine Dion was highly addicted to adrenochrome and was cut off by her owners and thus developed what is being called stiff person syndrome and seizures. Perhaps Celine will soon follow in Ellen’s footsteps as some say Celine’s latest documentary is actually a disclosure. After being out of the spotlight for years and seeking privacy due to her illness she suddenly wants to share the story with the world. It very well could be. But some people are saying that this is what happens to these people when they come off adrenochrome and that they eventually die.


    • malthuss July 13, 2024 at 11:17 am #

      I recall Ellens T shirt…frazzledrip.

      • SoftStarLight July 13, 2024 at 1:01 pm #

        Yep exactly! There was also a really bizarre pic of her with a little girl and she had a demonic look on her face.

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 11:32 am #

      Yuck, just read up on adrenochrome, just the possibility is yuck.

      Hollywood is capable of anything.

      • OG July 13, 2024 at 11:51 am #

        And Hollywood is ran by whom, JAZ?

        You are getting very close to the truth.

      • SoftStarLight July 13, 2024 at 1:03 pm #

        It is way more than just Hollywood, John. Hollywood is the slave house. Just imagine what goes on in the plantation!

    • Jarek July 13, 2024 at 1:27 pm #

      What is it exactly? An adenochrome ice cream cone?

      • SoftStarLight July 13, 2024 at 6:07 pm #

        Well to be kinda technical adrenochrome is produced when adrenaline is oxidized. So basically when adrenaline is exposed to oxygen. i really don’t know how it is taken but i think its a liquid so. lol what made you think of an ice cream cone given the basic subject matter?

        • Jarek July 14, 2024 at 12:42 pm #

          It just sounds ice cream coney to me. These degenerates want to enjoy every aspect of it, so why not make the taking of it into a pleasure and not a quasi-medical procedure.

          This is your assignment. Find out how it is taken. Disprove my whimsical assertion if wrong – and I probably am.

  43. ET777 July 13, 2024 at 5:58 am #

    Unfortunately as I have been predicting for the last 4 years: The next President will be Gavin Newsom. The switch to him being the candidate will go live at the DNC Convention. Newsom is WEF, a Globalist and has strong ties to the CCP and celebs and media love him. He was raised and bankrolled by the Getty Family, who made their billions in oil, but are now financing the destroy-oil movement.

    He is related to Pelosi by marriage in the family. He is anti-2A big time. Anti 1A. He desires to pack SCOTUS with Marxist judges to carry out the Far Left agenda. He is the perfect candidate to carry out the Eco-Communist take over of America and finish it off. Most Americans despise him, but that will not matter as the Democrats will manufacture as many votes as they need to get him in.

    Behind closed doors, they know that Kamala is not electable, even with voter fraud tactics. The next “President” is going to be Gavin Newsom. The switch out from Biden will be at the DNC Convention. Whitmer will be Newsoms VP. Kamala will get her choice of parting gifts, as either their Attorney General replacing Garland in 2025, or inserted as Governor of California. The fix is in.

    Disagree if you want, however I have correctly predicted every single political event in the US since 2015 from Trumps win, to “Russia collusion” to Impeachment I, Covid, Biden/Harris, J6, Impeachment II, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel etc. Ive called it all in advance 100% correctly without ever being wrong. If you can find my posts here at this site from a few months ago…everything that I predicted is happening EXACTLY as I called it. Bragging? No…Its very easy to think like a Democrat-Communist and predict their actions.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 8:07 am #

      Last I looked, Kamala was doing best in some kind of poll, but who cares about that when we have switcheroos, back-doors, Hollywood smiles and wind-tunnel-tested glamorous hair.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 8:13 am #

      BTW, I tried (to no avail and ran out of time) to use AI to get Trump’s hair to grow out sideways like a delta jet wing jet so that he could then fly around over the towns and cities like Sally Field in the Flying Nun.

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 11:03 am #

      I hate your prediction and fear it. I respect your statement of credentials but desperately hope you are wrong.

    • Jarek July 13, 2024 at 1:28 pm #

      Kamala was put in to humiliate us. They may have done something to her to make her more than half crazy. She was once far more normal.

      • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 2:36 pm #

        Including a person like Kamala in the inner circle of the party of chaos, where discussion of committing fraud on American citizens is associated with the brainstorming of every action/executive order, will make a person with that mental make-up more than half crazy.

        • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 7:15 pm #

          I don’t think they write the orders. They are handed the orders from the think tanks.

          • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 7:36 pm #

            That could well be the case, but if everyone in the inner circle has half a brain, they have to comprehend the fraud that they are committing.

          • TPTB-USA July 14, 2024 at 12:38 pm #

            Also, if that is the case, then Joe Biden agreed to be someones puppet, and as I have commented, this is far worse than him having dementia and in mental decline.

            So, if Joe doesn’t have to concern himself with making decisions on current events, then his whole focus can be on theatrical performance, and that would implicate everyone in his inner circle.

  44. The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 6:50 am #

    Israeli Soldiers — ‘It’s Permissible to Shoot Everyone’

    “Disputing the repeated claims of Israeli officials and their vehement supporters in the Biden administration who have scoffed at concerns that the Israel Defense Forces are targeting civilians in Gaza, in-depth reporting on Monday based on the testimony of six former IDF soldiers described how they were encouraged to fire their weapons to relieve ‘boredom’ and felt ‘authorized to open fire on Palestinians virtually at will, including civilians.”

    In their latest investigative report on the IDF’s rules of engagement in Gaza, Israeli publications +972 Magazine and Local Call interviewed six soldiers who had been released from active duty.

    Medical providers and eyewitnesses have described the shooting of Palestinian women and children by Israeli snipers, and footage has shown unarmed Palestinians being executed while walking along a road. The soldiers confirmed that the IDF has been operating with ‘total freedom of action’, as one said, since October.

    If there is [even] a feeling of threat, there is no need to explain—you just shoot,’ said a soldier identified as B.”

    “Remember Hamas members ARE civilians.” ~ benr July 10, 2024 at 10:34 am

    • King of Comedy July 13, 2024 at 11:18 am #


      This “news” comes from a rag called 972 Magazine which, one perusal will show, is the equivalent of Yasser Arafat’s bowel movements transcribed to a website.

      If it is published by Israelis, these Israelis are the US equivalent of the hysterical progressive white cunts (cf. Orwell) down with the struggle for equity ™ who will ultimately be car jacked and murdered by the underserved.

      Plus this work of fiction sounds a little like anarchy…

      • OG July 13, 2024 at 1:20 pm #

        Are you saying that the six Israeli soldiers were completely fabricated or that they were all lying to +972 Magazine and Local Call?

        Of course the oldest trick in the book is to simply discredit all reporting that you do not like. It’s so much easier for corruption than is dealing with the truth.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 12:23 am #

          Some of it is called, ‘shooting the messenger’ and is a logical fallacy.

      • OG July 13, 2024 at 1:23 pm #

        And … Good job! I knew that you could make at least one CFN post without including one of your never-ending supply of your homoerotic fantasies, King Head.

      • elysianfield July 13, 2024 at 2:48 pm #

        Jesus! Don’t use the “A” word…You-know-who needs little encouragement….

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 10:53 pm #

          Or the M word (Marxist). (gasp!)

          Too legacy-mediaesque sound-bitey.

          • benr July 14, 2024 at 6:06 pm #

            Or it is simply the correct word for the propaganda being foisted off as the truth.

            Gasp like calling a spade a spade what are we to call it a heart or a shovel instead?

            Derp derp.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 15, 2024 at 2:30 am #

            You really seem stuck thick in all these association fallacies, ay?

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 10:54 pm #

          How to derail rational discourse: Just mindlessly fling around ‘buzzords’ if you don’t like who and/or what you read.




        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 12:25 am #

          “KofC…” ~ elysianfield

          Wait what? Not KoC? Have you lost your penis edge, ‘field?

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 11:29 am #

      Benr has it backwards.

      There are no civilians in Gaza when they hide the Hamas weaponry in homes, churches, hospitals and schools. Israel considers every member of Israel is a soldier and obviously considers the Gaza situation to be the same. They have blinders on relative to the Gaza civilian-terrorist difference, The civilians need to get the hell out of the way when Israel puts the warning out, but they do not.

      It reminds me of the idiots that refuse to leave hurricane areas when warned, and are never heard of again.

      • Socrates-Detroit July 13, 2024 at 12:50 pm #


        You remind me of Willam Calley. Are you related?

      • OG July 13, 2024 at 1:28 pm #

        May you continued to be blessed, JAZ. May no army ever tell you to leave your home.

        Keep in mind, however, that, until they do, you’re just talking out your ass.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 11:57 pm #

        Demolishing Society Through Forced Reparations

        JohnAZ, do you remember what the guy in the chopper in the Wikileaks Collateral Murder video said?

        If I recall correctly, he said something like what you just wrote.

        Essentially that they were in a war zone and therefore legitimate targets. So no rescues and no POVs either perhaps.

        Take no prisoners.

        If recalled correctly, I think they– some American military– had to rescue two kids who were in the van in the video. They may have gotten injured by all the glass flying around.

        Israel is squatting the Middle East.

        Israel as a circa 1948 reparation seems the logic behind other national reparations– you know, like that ‘Black’ or Aboriginal reparation thing the (tax-)coerced public in so-called America are supposed to get behind?

        So why not?

        Give the ‘Blacks’, ‘Woke’, LGBTQ+ and/or whoever else their ‘equity’ and/or reparations too…

        Money, privilege, DEI, job-hiring priority and/or land or some or all of the above.

        Cuz Israel got them too.

    • Socrates-Detroit July 13, 2024 at 12:46 pm #


      The Israeli government is not constrained by any laws or sense of morality.

      It appears that, like the Nazis 80-90 years ago, only the application of force can bring about a change in Israeli behavior.

      Until then, the Israeli government work diligently to eliminate as many native Palestinians as the Americans will allow.

      And since the US government is owned by the Israel Lobby, that means Israel can kill as many Palestinians as it pleases.

      Oh–and the Israeli government will also kill Israeli citizens! I don’t recall Nazis killing Germans. Maybe I missed it?

      “Major western media outlets have remained silent days after Israel’s leading newspaper Haaretz confirmed that army commanders directed troops to kill their own soldiers and civilians on 7 October, turning the Gaza border area into an “extermination zone.”

      In other words, Haaretz has been reporting that the IDF was responsible for the deaths of many Israelis on Oct 07.

      This was evident back in October of 2023, from publicly available interviews with Israelis who survived BOTH the Hamas attack AND the Israeli response, as well as DATA from Haaretz itself!!!


      Any objective, thinking person can see what the Israeli government is trying to do: eliminate the Palestinians.

      What I don’t understand is why is Haaretz re-reporting what really happened on Oct 07, to the detriment of the Israeli government?

      Why now? Is Haaretz trying to help the IDF to help remove Netanyahu, before he starts a war with Hezbollah?

      Because many ISRAELI government officials and IDF figures have privately and PUBLICLY warned Netanyahu AGAINST launching a war against Hezbollah.

      Not because like the Arabs; they are concerned this could be a disaster for Israel. Hamas is an LA-street gang; Hezbollah is like the North Vietnamese Army by comparison.

      • OG July 13, 2024 at 1:46 pm #

        Facts do not phase Bibi bum-kissers. Facts are like water on a duck’s back to those Einsteins.

        It is accepted fact that IDF, deploying its “Hannibal Directive,” killed more than 50% of the 1,200 Israelis that perished on 10/7. In fact, I’ve heard that 70% were killed by IDF that day.

        False flags happen. Cui bono?

        I sometimes wonder if this is why President Trump seemingly otherwise inexplicably has brought up “Hannibal Lecter” a few times recently.

      • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 2:54 pm #

        “What I don’t understand is why is Haaretz re-reporting what really happened on Oct 07, to the detriment of the Israeli government?

        Why now? Is Haaretz trying to help the IDF to help remove Netanyahu, before he starts a war with Hezbollah?” ~ Socrates-Detroit

        Could it be that ISRAELI government officials and IDF figures have come to the realization that Israel will be no more unless they make peace with everyone in the region, and this may be possible if Netanyahu is removed and takes the blame for ALL the atrocities?

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 7:11 am #

          “If Bibi-Gun The Nutty Yahoo is in trouble (still) with/in his own job, perhaps that’s as good an excuse as any to get him out of there and have Israel wrap up their war quicker.” ~ The Man They Call Zazelle July 11, 2024 at 1:06 am

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 11:25 pm #

        Forcing Skin In The Game & Guilt By Association

        Socrates-Detroit, do benr or King of Comedy, etc., have any skin in the game, at least by their own perspectives?

        Where are they? America?

        How about America’s enemies see its entire population the way the article suggests the IDF, benr, KoC et al. see Palestinians?

        Like a dragnet.

        Then what?

        So whatever Biden et. al say/do, it applies to all in America, equally.

        So people are born into a society whose system, laws, mores, religions, whatever, they don’t necessarily accept but, whether they like it or not, they’re guilty by association and, as such, reasonable targets.

        So why bother about American issues like rampant immigration, lax border control, Woke, reparation, gender or ethnic issues?

        Everyone in America are good and behind those issues and therefore fair game.

        Their skin has entered the game by force.

        “Many people’s thinking is permeated by state perspectives. One manifestation of this is the unstated identification of states or governments with the people in a country which is embodied in the words ‘we’ or ‘us’… Those who make such statements implicitly identify with the state or government in question. It is important to avoid this identification, and to carefully distinguish states from people…” ~ Brian Martin, ‘Uprooting War’

        “The guilt by association fallacy is a type of logical fallacy where someone connects an opponent to a demonized group of people or to a bad person in order to discredit their argument. This fallacy assumes that a person is ‘guilty’ by simply being similar to or associated with this ‘bad’ group, and therefore, their arguments should be disregarded.” ~ Brave Search engine consolidated results quote

        • benr July 14, 2024 at 6:03 pm #

          Does the terrorist care if they kidnap or murder someone from a country, they hate even if that person is against his countries policies?

          Nope they don’t care.

          Your entire argument is vapid.
          Try getting out of Canada once in your life in fact head right on over to GAZA I’m very sure the very same people you stump for would love to kidnap you and use you for ransom or just straight up murder you.

          It might be a couple of days before I can manage to get back on this site the internet is super slow and spotty out here.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 15, 2024 at 2:59 am #

            “Does the terrorist care if they kidnap or murder someone from a country, they hate even if that person is against his countries policies?” ~ benr

            That’s part of my point; that a plutarchy you call ‘your country’ takes you for a ride.

            A plutarchy has the ideologically-indinctrinated and/or forced, fight/cannon-fodder for them while a ‘terrorist’ (or ‘freedom-fighter’) lumps everyone else in with them, takes everyone hostage, (like that teacher I mentioned in a nearby comment).

            Maybe nukes them, such as at Nagasaki.

            “Behind Boetie’s thinking was the assumption, later spelled out in great detail by David Hume, that states cannot rule by force alone. This is because the agents of government power are always outnumbered by those they rule. To insure compliance with their dictates, it is essential to convince the people that their servitude is somehow in their own interest. They do this by manufacturing ideological systems…” ~ Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

            “The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself… Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable…” ~ H.L. Mencken

    • benr July 13, 2024 at 2:54 pm #

      Look folks the propagandist has once again either been to dim witted to understand what I said and the context or he is twisting words to suit his ridiculous premise.

      Hamas is a uniformed miltary recognized by the world for what country EXACLTY and the unform of the day is man dress and headscarf with a side of i.e.d.
      Meaning when they attack civilians in Israel and in their own “territory” they are combatant civilians ie not in uniform.
      This is how they twist numbers to suit the agenda and this imbecil spews it out.

      Don’t judge zaz to harhly this fool thinks people can literally exist without laws, rules or government to enforce this.
      This would be a return literally to the stone age of strongest takes all weakest sucks it up and otes the line or dies.

      Try harder zaz your extreme ignorance and stuidity is showing.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 11:38 pm #

        Israel As Squatter

        Israel needs to get the fuck out of there, benr.

        It doesn’t belong.

        Hamas is, in a sense, irrelevant, and is only an issue so long as Israel is fucking squatting in the Middle East.

        Alsp, go repeat your comment to Consortium News and their sources as well, because it’s their quote.

        CN has a comment section. Then get back to us and let us know what your responses were, if any.

        …I’m reminded of a time when a high-school teacher noticed something missing and decided to detain the entire class as hostage until whoever was guilty, confessed.

        It didn’t work. No one confessed, and backfired on the teacher to boot, rendering much of the class angry at them for the rest of the year.

        • benr July 14, 2024 at 5:22 pm #

          This is your opinion not fact.
          An opinion mirrored by Muslims who have slowly murdered and enslaved anyone not of their particular flavor of Islam.
          They war on each other as much as anyone else.
          I have some bad news for you them Jews the “race” and “faith” been in the middle east longer than them Muslims.
          If anyone is “squatting” it’s the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.
          On what is and was historically Jewish land.
          Anything else is simply revisionist history.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 15, 2024 at 3:12 am #

            Ok so as reparations for victims of the Holocaust and in Zionist interests, a State called Israel is set up in a locale near and/or surrounded by Muslims who you suggest, ‘slowly murdered and enslaved anyone not of their particular flavour of Islam’?

            Anything wrong with this picture?

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 13, 2024 at 11:40 pm #

        Also, like I said before, go visit Palestine/Gaza. Put your ass right in there. Pretend you’re a Palestinian. Dress the part.

        Then get back to us, or at least have whoever send the rest of your body parts over.

        • benr July 14, 2024 at 5:43 pm #

          You first.

          I can only put my body in one place at a time and right now I am heading off to the exact opposite side of the planet.
          Heed your own advise and fsck right off.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 7:28 am #

        “Don’t judge zaz to harhly this fool thinks people can literally exist without laws, rules or government to enforce this.
        This would be a return literally to the stone age of strongest takes all weakest sucks it up and otes the line or dies.” ~ benr

        ^^ Which means you don’t understand anarchy.

        “Look folks more propaganda from the idiot who wants anarchy.

        I guess he wants to live under sharia law.

        What an idiot.” ~ benr July 11, 2024 at 7:58 am (previous article’s threads)

        An anarchist who wants to live under sharia law. LOL

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 7:40 am #


        “…I guess he wants to live under sharia law… Remember Hamas members ARE civilians” ~ benr

        McCarthyism, name given to the period of time in American history that saw U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin produce a series of investigations and hearings during the 1950s in an effort to expose supposed communist infiltration of various areas of the U.S. government. The term has since become a byname for defamation of character or reputation by means of widely publicized indiscriminate allegations, especially on the basis of unsubstantiated charges.” ~ Encyclopedia Britannica online



  45. TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 9:34 am #

    It’s a horse race, where one day the polls list that Trump is ahead, and the day following a spectacle performance by Joe Biden, the polls list him as being ahead. This is causing consternation in the (R) camp, because they view Joe Biden as their ticket to a landslide victory in November.

    To make sense of the nonsense, as usual, we need to look at the big picture. The citizens of this nation (and much of the developed world) are polarized. The (D) and (R) have their solid base, which appears to be about equal in size, and is based on an issue (abortion), or set of issues (open border, lawlessness, LGBTQIA+, global warming, whatever …), which are not likely to change. So the November election will be decided by the undecided who will vote for the team, which includes party members and their base, they feel is the least repulsive. TDS, ABC, kamala’s cackle, the J6 insurrection, George Floyd, open border, human trafficking, dementia in the White House, (D) word salad specialists, etc. are all in play.

    The (D) party game plan is to paint the (R) party, including their base, as a bunch of unhinged lunatics. Put Joe Biden on display. Check. Have Janet Yellen tell us that the economy has never been better. Check. Mayorkas telling US the border problem is an (R) issue. Check. Fauci flip-flops. Check. Etc., etc., etc.. Now that which will cause the (R) camp to go completely insane will be a Kamala (Pres.) / Clinton (VP) presidential ticket. CHECK.

    The (D) party, including their MSM lap dogs, has been conducting a civil war of words and actions against their opponents for better than 8 years, but the (R) party is not in agreement, so they dismiss that this is the case. I have come to the conclusion that those that promote the idea that November will be a contested election will be 100% correct.

    Based on past performance, if (D) is elected, I would expect that the targeting of any opponent will make J6, abortion clinic prayer protestor arrests, school board protester treatment, vax mandates, tax targets, etc., look like a walk in the park.

    If (R) is elected, I expect that the new administration will be inundated with whistleblowers, and the trials will commence (assuming Civil War III hasn’t already).

    The 2024 election is all about which faction will be able to grab power and be in control of our destiny during the next empire cycle.

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    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 11:00 am #

      The widest national poll is Fox News registered voter showing Biden ahead by 2%.


      Fox News is insidious. You believe they are conservative by the evening opinion shows but:
      Their electoral map shows a tossup leaning towards Biden with Arizona as a lean Democrat. All the local polls show Trump up by 5-6% here.

      Bill O’Reilly pointed out in 2016 that the media screwed themselves by giving Trump so much negative press that it became a positive for him. I think Fox is doing the same thing, showing Democrat ads and stories much more that Trump.



      I think you made a good assessment. The press is never going to say that Trump is in control which the You Tube polls show that the is with 330 electoral votes. As they are based on local and state polls in each state, I believe them above any MSM source.

      Here is the rub however. The real driver in DC is the bureaucracy which is locked into being a Democratic shill. Trump tried, first time, to make deals with the Deep State and it flubbed big time, with him under attack and on the defensive 80% of his administration. Even his own party betrayed him in favor of the Deep State. As such, it is not going to make much difference who gets in there, with one exception, one scenario that could be catastrophic, the Democratic landslide with both houses of congress going Democrat. If that happens, it is time to pack your bags. The unbridled Tax and Spend plus the warmongering will be catastrophic as their stated goals are realized.

      With mixed results, stalemate will continue with nothing happening which is better than the Democrats.

      If the goal is the reset of America to its Founding Fathers ideals, it has to go GOP landslide with the incorporation of Project 2025 and Agenda47.

      Up thread, ET777 made a prediction of Newsom which sent a shiver up my spine. That man has destroyed California in four years. He is tax and spend personified. He is Mr. Homelessness. The fallout from his crony capitalism being converted to Marxism is driving the productive sector of California out of state. Unfortunately, they are carrying their Liberalism out of state with them. They are a malignancy.

      Newsom wins? Pack your bags quickly. Think too, where is there a place to go that celebrates US Constitutionality. ????? Maybe Russia?

      • tom clark July 13, 2024 at 1:01 pm #

        I boldly predict that regardless of what happens Nov. 5, the 5.5 bilion year-old earth will continue to spin on its axis.

        • SoftStarLight July 13, 2024 at 1:06 pm #

          you’re so smart, tom. i bet your brain is super big lol

          • tom clark July 13, 2024 at 2:09 pm #

            It is, but I don’t brag about it.

          • elysianfield July 13, 2024 at 2:46 pm #

            You know what they say…Large brain, small GLiT….

          • tom clark July 13, 2024 at 4:14 pm #

            Yup…that’d be me.

          • OG July 13, 2024 at 4:33 pm #

            We currently have 15 public GLT scores:

            10 – OG, Jarek, tuco22, JimiInFlorida2.0, SSL, C.O.Jones, Zoltar, Ron Anselmo
            9 – getsome, RD3, jim e
            5 – JAZ
            2 – Ely
            1 – Gus
            0 – tom clark

            tom’s GLT is so small that it is completely non-existent!

          • OG July 13, 2024 at 4:44 pm #

            The funny thing is: USS Liberty and Gulf of Tonkin are now completely known to be black ops. 100% no doubt whatsoever. Facts.

            That means that anyone with a GLT below 2 is simply not paying attention and should be ignored when it comes to adults discussing adult things.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 7:47 am #

            You know what they say…Large brain, small GLiT…”
            elysianfield July 13, 2024 at 2:46 pm

            Large lips, big clit?

        • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 1:50 pm #

          I am comforted.

          I wonder if the dinosaurs were when Chixalub landed and the earth kept on spinning.

          I wonder if Louis XVI was comforted as he was trumbled out to La Place de La Concorde that the earth would be still spinning after he lost his head.

          i wonder if the quality of life in the USA will take a hit depending on the results and everyone will say, “Oh well, the earth is still spinning.” People do Not think that way.

        • messianicdruid July 13, 2024 at 1:56 pm #

          Tall trees should be laying down.

          • OG July 13, 2024 at 2:08 pm #

            Oh, this old world keeps spinnin’ ’round
            It’s a wonder, tall trees ain’t layin’ down
            There comes a time

            – Neil Young

            We’ve been lied to for centuries. The earth is not really hurtling through space at 18.5 miles/second. D’uh!

      • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 5:19 pm #

        “The real driver in DC is the bureaucracy which is locked into being a Democratic shill.” ~ JohnAZ

        I would suggest that the jobs of the majority of public servants are in jeopardy if Trump wins by a landslide. They simply can not AFFORD to let him win.

        • TPTB-USA July 14, 2024 at 2:40 pm #

          One needs to recognize that Trump’s interests are aligned with those of the middle class working man and his family, MAGA, and for Trump’s businesses to succeed, much of the 2030 Agenda will need to go by the wayside.

          Considering all the bits and pieces that I have been awakened to in the last week or two, I predict that Trump will join Javier Milei in a race to austerity. AGENDA47, the Heritage Foundation Policy Recommendations, Project 2025, and Doug Macgregor promote as much. Is there a better option?

          The most prudent course of action, as others here have discussed, entail tough times.

  46. Jarek July 13, 2024 at 1:47 pm #


    War expanding bigly. They should be in the air by the end of the summer and do have nuclear capacity btw. Putin says Russia will attack any base or airfield from which they fly, including nearby countries. Jens Stoltenberg admitted that they will be piloted by NATO pilots. Being American planes, that probably means Americans.

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 1:58 pm #


      I saw an interview by Z where he was asked how much difference the F16s would make. His expression did not change as he said that a few F16s would not do much against the hundreds of Russian fighters. The F16s are a political ploy for the USA saying, see there we helped.

      If Russia just takes them out at their bases, which should be easy with their air supremacy, big whoop.

      The USA is trying every way it can think of to offset the Russians in Ukraine, to protect Biden’s mob. I believe UKes are being trained for these jets which is why it is taking so long.

      The USA is really going to look stupid if Russia follows up on its red line and just destroys the F16s when they show up along with the airfields they are at.

      Then what?

      • OG July 13, 2024 at 2:10 pm #


      • Jarek July 13, 2024 at 2:38 pm #


        HIMARS missile base that would have targeted Crimea has been destroyed. 35 Americans dead. So it begins in earnest.

        • OG July 13, 2024 at 3:25 pm #

          Hmmm … USA seems to be seizing upon every reason possible to ratchet up a war with Russia … but then is completely silent when Russia kills 35 Americans?

          I find that strange.

          • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 3:42 pm #

            Oh no you don’t, OG.

            Right now the issue of the day is how to dump Biden. 100% of the coverage on MSM is “Get Biden”. Plus the MSM and others only report on USA positive news from Ukraine, if you believed them only, the war was over a year ago with a huge Ukraine victory.

            With the Dems in control, what do you expect?

          • OG July 13, 2024 at 3:51 pm #

            I expect them to “seiz[e] upon every reason possible to ratchet up a war with Russia.” That’s why I find it strange that these 15 dead Americans are not being leveraged for their obvious goal.

            Perhaps you’re right, JAZ. Perhaps they are indeed completely focused on the removal of “Joe Biden” right now and are just letting this perfect raison d’être expire.

            Strange, though, imho.

          • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 7:21 pm #

            They haven’t admitted that any Americans are in Ukraine, that’s why they keep it quiet.

            There have been Americans dying for the Banderists in Ukraine since 2014, but the government and media have not talked about it.

            If the American is high in rank, then their deaths are reported as a helicopter accident, or a hiking accident, or just “found dead” on a military base.
            But the grunts? No mention.

  47. Jarek July 13, 2024 at 3:02 pm #


    Well this guy gets it. But he’s afraid to offend his John Az audience so he doesn’t state the obvious: OF COURSE Government has to be stronger than the private sphere in order to control it.

    It worked in National Socialist Germany. And it’s working in the Russian Federation and China. Couldn’t it all go bad, they squeak and roar? Yes, little ones. If you want a sure thing you came to the wrong universe. Meanwhile what we have is insanely bad but they continue to rave about big government. Capitalism is a mind virus, a complete system of thought that is completely wrong. To Tusc’s point: Maybe Adam Smith and his followers can be excused for not understanding the errors. We have no excuse at this point. They were wrong. There is no invisible hand that will reign in the clever, colluding profiteers. We have to do it. People. There is no way around morality.

    It won’t be pleasant – for them. They will be pissing their pants every time they report to the branch of the military that oversees them. It will be very, very pleasant for generations of workers who have been savaged by these low lifes. They are a low caste who has no business having the power that they have. They must be guided by a higher caste of men – for the good of all.

    And the little people (the majority) will have the security they crave so much. They have the right to this in a well ordered state. Later things will relax and the military won’t have to be seen all the time. People will be afraid not to do what is right and will want to do what IS right.

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 3:38 pm #

      With the way the world is evolving,Jarek, you may be 100% right. I do not like it, but resource shortages and economic modernization may produce a world population that is totally dependent on central control. I hate it, but the US model of independence of the individual may fade away. Recent increases in the Left political population and the continuing movement of have-nots into America and European have nations are creating “Gimme” nations dependent on socialist governments.

      It worked in Germany? Yeah, if you consider Nazi Germany a good thing, it definitely says a lot about you.

      I have no idea where the political systems are going to go as Peak oil, peak lithium, peak gold, peak cobalt, peak fresh water all start to take their toll. But if past socialist nations are any indicator, the government will steal everything for themselves. You keep talking about benevolent governments being the answer?

      There never has been one nor will there ever be one. Germany was so very efficient, they sure as hell were, a very efficient killing machine, responsible for 15 million murders.

      • OG July 13, 2024 at 3:43 pm #

        15,000,000 murders bad. 186,000 murders good. Got it.

        • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 4:11 pm #

          Hey OG how about the millions murdered before birth? How about millions in Viet Nam? Or Afghanistan? Or Iraq-Iran? Or Chechnya? Or the civil war? Or, Or Or.

          The human condition is war, unfortunately. No one seems to be able to fix that. Not even God.

          He will deal with it in the future however, right? Revelation reveals His answer.

          War against evil.

          Who is evil in Gaza? Who is the aggressor? Who started it, in high school vernacular.

          • OG July 13, 2024 at 4:25 pm #

            “There have been mass murderers far more prolific than I!”

            Ummm … on every measurement, from 1948 to 10/7, the Israelis “started it,” JAZ.

            15,000,000 murders bad. 186,000 murders good. Got it.

          • OG July 13, 2024 at 4:52 pm #

            The IDF shooting its own citizens in the back and then blaming that on its enemy to justify killing hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children? Yep, that is your very definition of evil, JAZ.

            Who’s evil? Why, Bibi-gun the Nutty Yahoo, of course.

      • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 3:56 pm #

        Do you believe in the balance of powers concept of the US Constitution?

        I doubt it, because capitalism in pure form, using the free markets, is a balance of power situation for the economy. Pure capitalism means that so much competition exists that no small group of individuals can take over economic power.

        The argument should be how do we stop evil governments from exerting power over pure capitalist systems to stop the free markets. That means taxes, contracts being spread out, etc, with no corrupted favoritism. it means no lobbying in Congress which allows corrupt manipulation of vendors. It means no laws saying Congress is immune from SEC laws of manipulation.

        In all ways, it means keep government’s evil hands off the economy.

        I will give you a good example right now. The space program, NASA, just had a major screwup when the “managers” again went against the engineers and sent those two people to the ISS with a known leaky Boeing capsule. Now they are stuck, and NASA is so far refusing a Musk rescue of the Folks. They want Boeing to not get the black eye they deserve. So if they fly them back in the Boeing craft and it burns up, NASA and Boeing will be finished. Or will they? Space-X will eventually win out if unimpeded by the government because Musk and his group are head over heels smarter than Boeing and its government supporters.

        As I said above, as the people of the world become more gimme and governments become more authoritarian, socialism may eventually win out,

        But what a cost to the human condition.

        • SoftStarLight July 13, 2024 at 6:20 pm #

          John, imo you need to be thinking about the law of the cave. We need a place of security and stability. And sometimes that means that people who come to rob and pillage you have to be dealt with so you need to just let them deal with stuff so we can relax this evening and just chill and not worry about too much. i hate your whole gimme thing but i get it. Like everyone has to do their part but there is nothing wrong with expecting some things from your situation too. It’s like in a way if you are a big capitalist you want the robbers and pillagers to always come out on top.

  48. tucsonspur July 13, 2024 at 4:51 pm #

    ‘Keir Starmer fires first warning shot to Putin as Britain’s new prime minister
    Sir Keir Starmer is not messing about in his support for Ukraine. Particularly after Russia’s bombing of a children’s hospital in Kyiv, with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles. In his first jab to Vladimir Putin, Britain’s new prime minister signaled that Ukraine can use Storm Shadows – precision-guided cruise missiles with a range of at least 155 miles – to strike military targets inside enemy territory.’

    Putin the warmongering scourge has to be taken out. His saying that Ukraine is a threat is just a ‘cheap fake’, but in this case a real one. Poland, Norway, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia all border Russia and could pose just as much of a ‘threat’.

    ‘All allies agree’ Ukraine will join NATO -Stoltenberg
    Yes, in time this will be so. Make it happen. You don’t like being on the ‘verge’? You would like another fifty years or so of happy motoring and Western indulgence and comfort before it all goes to hell? Well, you can’t really be blamed. It’s been a carnival of cornucopia, and we get so used to our pleasures don’t we, our high fructose fatuity.

    So, we must behave and not do anything to provoke a nuclear spanking by Putin, right? Bullshit. It’s all coming home to roost; diminishing resources, an earth getting hotter and hotter by the year, gain of function ghouls, an ever-growing population plundering the planet, and world leaders without much realization of what’s to come.

    This is no time for Pollyannas and this is no time for Putin. This piss-ant of a poltroon fled Moscow during the Prigozhin mutiny. It appears that ruling resource blessed Russia is not enough for him. Let him swing his nuclear nightstick all he wants. Let’s ready our nuclear triad, get the Tridents ready to terminate this troglodyte.

    Ukraine is a sovereign nation, declaring independence around 1990. He has no legitimate claim to Ukraine and Ukrainians don’t want him. Oh, you say, but Ukraine is so corrupt with the Bidens and all of that. Well, Russia with its kleptocratic oligarchs and staged/rigged elections is also corrupt. The United States itself is corrupt, and many if not most nations of the world are corrupt. So, stop with the contortions of your weak casuistry.

    If bashibazouk Trump is elected, will he stop the war in one day as he said he would? Will he try to get the other nations to release the $300 billion frozen by the US and its allies, give it back to Russia, and let Ukraine twist in the wind without support?

    Right, in a world that will become desperately more competitive sooner than we think, let’s strengthen and promote a major Brics player so that we can increase the difficulty of our own survival in the future.

    It would have been good to have Russia as an ally. Instead, they have Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, China, and now probably Saudi Arabia. I am not fooled. It is not the best time to be helping Ukraine given our current condition, but it is a bad time to be helping Russia.

    I say take more of the war into Russia. Putin wants to blast Kiev with missiles, I say we blast Moscow with the same. It’s only about 500 miles from Kiev to Moscow. Should be easier than Doolittle doing Tokyo back in 1942, but Biden says no, let Russia win.

    Afraid of nuclear war? Good, shows that you are not completely confused, but what’s coming in 30-50 years will be just as bad, and if not now, the missiles will probably be flying by then anyway. You must realize that there is no way out of our predicament. It’s only a question of time and precious little time at that.

    There is no doubt that Putin senses weakness in the West. He may even view Trump as weak. He has had the best of it, with Ukraine’s hands tied behind their backs, their fight limited with too many constraints. What a terrible infliction!

    Two and a half years in and he still can’t close the deal even with Iran’s and North Korea’s help. Plus, Putin is in an ass kicking contest against a one-legged man.

    Pin heads and pea-brains think that Putin is some sort of savior of the West because he has little tolerance for queers, trans people, niggers, dei, and all that shit. He’s their ‘big daddy’. The short-sightedness is startling. Make no mistake, Russia is and will be our enemy as long as Putin is in power. Untie the hands of the Ukrainians and let them encircle Putin’s throat, strangle him with more and more Russian deaths and destruction.

    Is all of this too provocative for you, you don’t want to be put on the ‘verge’? Well, you’re already there and on the razor’s edge in case you didn’t know it.

    It’s showdown time, and it will be more so in the coming decades.

    The Democratic weakening of our nation drains away the great strength we will need in the future. When do we make a stand, if not now?

    I say that we go all in, call Putin’s bluff, and stop his warmongering sadism and pernicious ‘phallicism’ in its tracks.

    • OG July 13, 2024 at 5:02 pm #

      Putin does not bluff. If he’s raising, you had best have a winning hand … or fold.

      Bombing Moscow. Good idea.

      • tucsonspur July 13, 2024 at 5:42 pm #

        Yes, thank you. If Putin strikes Kiev again, give Moscow a taste. Are you trembling? Yes, just what Putin wants. Fear. Compliance. Retreat. Back off cowards.

        We have a winning hand. Putin has too much to lose. He won’t die, incinerate his nation, over Ukraine. If he loses, he still rules a powerful, resource blessed nation. He can’t if he’s dead.

  49. tucsonspur July 13, 2024 at 6:14 pm #

    Here’s the problem:

    ‘Ukrainian leaders are disappointed after US President Joe Biden brushed aside their latest request to lift restrictions on the use of US weapons to strike Russian territory.

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy raised the issue of the use of American weapons at the end of the bilateral discussion, to which Biden said that both sides should continue to talk.

    Anonymous interlocutors of the publication noted that this did not close the door to the possible lifting of restrictions, but it was still a long way from a “yes”.

    The publication reports that Zelenskyy and the head of the Presidential Office, Andrii Yermak, were extremely disappointed after the conversation.

    “The feeling is always the same: They will lift restrictions eventually, but some people have to die first. It seems like destroying a children’s hospital is not enough,” said an anonymous source.

    For his part, Biden, during his high-profile press conference on Thursday evening, told how he had told Zelenskyy that he would not strike Russia.

    “If he had the capacity to strike Moscow, strike the Kremlin, would that make sense? It wouldn’t,” Biden said.’

    This is how we fail, prolonging wars with no real determination to win.
    Prolong the war for ulterior motives.

    Doing it this way is a recipe for another disaster.

  50. Paula D July 13, 2024 at 6:47 pm #

    Someone just shot Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania.

    Shit’s getting real.

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    • Socrates-Detroit July 13, 2024 at 6:50 pm #

      6:31 EST.

      Donald Trump just won the election.

    • elysianfield July 13, 2024 at 7:17 pm #

      Goddamned anarchists! Probably foreign.

      • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 7:28 pm #

        They’re being quite tight lipped about the perp. I find that suspicious.

        Probably a black trannie immigrant.

        • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 7:29 pm #

          Maybe driving a red SUV, like that red SUV that ran over 65 people at the Christmas parade.
          Sometimes cars just get out of line.

        • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 7:52 pm #


          If this shooter is an immigrant, Trump is the next president and Agenda47 will soon be the law of the land.

        • stelmosfire July 13, 2024 at 8:00 pm #

          And of course the perp is dead on the scene. Dead men tell no tales.

          • beantownbill. July 13, 2024 at 8:39 pm #

            Maybe not in words, elmo, but after investigations, they tell plenty.

    • Groundhog July 13, 2024 at 7:36 pm #

      What’s getting real is the USA is rapidly losing the ability to govern itself. People are joking and laughing about our demented president. And at the moment they are also observing all the chaos, disorder, and lunacy that is occurring here right now regarding our election process. Some “democracy” we have going on here. People everywhere overseas are taking a hard look at us and saying to themselves – “what a ridiculously fucked up nation”!

      • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 7:49 pm #

        They have been saying that for a while. The world is done waiting for the USA to grow a brain as its superpower. BRICS+ is the result.

        Saw today, Putin announced that BRICS is forming a Parliament. Behind him, OG, was a banner labeled, BRICS20. I will not be putting but one asterisk any more.

  51. messianicdruid July 13, 2024 at 6:53 pm #

    We need not call him former president any longer. Next, maybe.

  52. MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 13, 2024 at 7:21 pm #

    And predictably enough, I already have friends finding it funny, asking why the shooter couldn’t have aimed two inches to the right.

    It is hard being sane in a liberal world.

    The last thing this country needs is another Kennedy shock and awe scenario. Didn’t exactly bring society to a nadir in this country in the 60’s then, I’d imagine it won’t now.

    • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 13, 2024 at 7:26 pm #

      Ah, shit. I meant zenith. I sucked in HS science/math.

    • Paula D July 13, 2024 at 7:30 pm #

      Wow. That’s pretty sick.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 13, 2024 at 7:58 pm #

        Not gonna argue with you there. This is why I never discuss politics with my friends. I just smile and leave the room.

    • tom clark July 13, 2024 at 7:30 pm #

      OG Hawkins: my GLT score just took a jump to 1. This is fake news. And mango…it’s hard being sane in any world nowadays. JAZ, what say ye? SSL, I love you.

      • tom clark July 13, 2024 at 7:34 pm #

        Woops…forgot our host. JHK..the Long Emergency grinds on.

        • Groundhog July 13, 2024 at 8:22 pm #

          I’m guessing JHK will be busy tomorrow researching for and writing an especially entertaining and hard hitting essay for Monday morning.

          Being president of a dangerous and unruly nation like the USA is a hazardous job. You can be shot either while in office or while running for office. It’s as risky as, say, being a logger or a North Sea fisherman. Instead of falling trees and sharks the presidential job risks come from the actions of violent and crazy people stirred up by political emotions. The USA has a sorry history of treating its presidents very badly. 4 presidents shot and killed while in office, and attempts made on the lives of others like president Reagan who was shot and recovered nicely.

          People get annoyed when I make comparisons to monarchies. Or contrast the two systems. During the last 2 centuries of the Hapsburg empire based in Vienna, as far as I know only one public assassination/shooting of a Hapsburg head of state occurred during that time. That assassination lit the fuse to WWI, so it did result in a major over reaction on the part of Austria.

          Ok, that’s one head of state killed in Austria-Hungary-Serbia. What have we done in comparison here in the good old USA? FOUR presidents killed by assassins, and others shot but recovered ok.

          WTF is wrong with us? Why don’t we can somehow get some seances going and see if we can conjure up the ghost of King George III. Sorta like the witch of Endor conjuring up the ghost of an old prophet. We’ll apologize to George for our past rebellious behavior and ask him if he could return from the grave and govern the USA – because we no longer can. George can be our Jesus.

          • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 9:31 pm #

            My 2 cents is that the likes of George Soros infected the democrat party, starting with Clinton, and subsequently, they no longer play by the rules of treating each other with dignity and respect.

            They can go first, and start by acknowledging their deceitful disrespectful polarizing deeds, and willingly submit to the consequences.

          • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 10:36 pm #

            So, will the party of chaos now provide security for RFK Jr., and start treating others with dignity and respect?

    • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 7:46 pm #

      Wolf Blitzer concerned for Trump’s well being, where just a month ago, his team was cheering for Rikers Island.

      • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 7:50 pm #

        Between both candidates, CNN should be shut down.

  53. JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 7:34 pm #

    Just think for a minute about the condition of this country.

    One presidential candidate betrayed by his own party, being denounced by his own people, being attacked by a former president, fighting for his political life against the really scum of the earth, and I despise him but despise them more.

    And now, the challenger has been shot in a rally, fulfilling threats we have been hearing for some time.

    Just announced shooter is dead, one other killed.

    JHK, your predictions about the country going insane, out of control, are coming true, much faster than most have thought. I wonder how this will affect the campaigns of both.

    If I was Biden or Trump, I would tell this country to go to hell, it is not worth it.

    And Mr. Mango, I am not sure I would call those people friends.

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 7:36 pm #

      Fake news? Yeah that was ketchup all over his face.

      • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 7:18 am #

        “ketchup all over his face”

        Yeah, sum kook conspiracies downthread about that (body double?).

        3 inches – that guy was lucky as *F* . Not so much, in bankrupting his casino. How is THAT even possible – the ONLY problems running a casino are ensuring the permits that make it ‘legit’ …

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 7:42 pm #

      One more, you are director of the Secret Service, what do you do?

      Trump looked pretty courageous leaving the scene. Whether it affects the election,????? Could we lose both candidates before this fiasco is over?

      A second person is dead. Fake news?

    • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 13, 2024 at 8:03 pm #

      JAZ, after many years of contemplating friend and coworker mentalities (here in professional MN), I’ve realized that they say such things because they think they are supposed to. Some have to, given their occupations/peers. I give them a pass (generally), because at heart, they are good to go, in some cases for 35-40 years now.

      Ignoring serious topics has gotten us this far, and they would all lay down in traffic for me if I needed it. I shall turn my cheek here and not reply. They know they are wrong.

      • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 8:34 pm #

        Used to work with Honeywell in Plymouth from a captive house in Colorado. Beautiful country.

        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 13, 2024 at 9:08 pm #

          Presuming you’re referring to Colorado as beautiful country. Plymouth is a strip mall/condo farm with a few lakes.

        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 13, 2024 at 9:22 pm #

          But the rest of Minnesota is quite delightful.

  54. JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 7:54 pm #

    Watch Putin and Xi’s reactions.

    • tom clark July 13, 2024 at 8:00 pm #

      Can hardly wait. I’m sure MSM will be on top of it.

    • TPTB-USA July 13, 2024 at 9:57 pm #

      The Merval and US markets are happy as necking razor clams prior to low tide.

      • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 6:33 pm #

        KK d00dz U just made me laugh *HARD* – hehe. Rip tide?

  55. tom clark July 13, 2024 at 8:04 pm #

    JAZ…you’re not so bad…a little old and feeble, perhaps, but not bad.

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    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 8:21 pm #

      Ha, TC, yeah a little old but definitely not feeble.

      I care for one thing above all, this country and the people in it. I am scared, I have been since 2008, since I read TLE the first time.

      I watched the replay closely. Trump turned his head to his right, and immediately grabbed at his right ear. If he had been facing forward, he would be dead.

      One witness said that he heard two guns, two different sounds. Two shooters? I hope the dead one has two guns. Also, it sounded like Trump was hit by the first shot, they put on an enhanced audio and you can hear the shots distinctly.

      Trump get taken away, in shouts of USA, USA, USA.

  56. PeteAtomic July 13, 2024 at 8:17 pm #

    Wow this is really, really bad.

    Trump derangement syndrome has become homicidal.

    Boy, this could spin out of control so easily right now.

    MSNBC viewers overwhelming calling this “staged”. Apparently, the spontaneous dead bodies must have been staged, too.

    If you don’t believe the US could turn into a large scale Yugo-style civil war, I think you are terribly naive. I hope to God that does not happen. However, often force meets force. So, I’d expect more political violence, unfortunately.

    But, that’s where the US is at the moment.

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 8:24 pm #

      Those GD MSNBC viewers are totally Effed up and indicative of how sick this country is. MSNBC, you just became meaningless.

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 8:26 pm #


      Arch Duke Ferdinand of I believe Austria was successfully assassinated in 1914. WW1, the result, cost millions of lives.

    • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 13, 2024 at 8:36 pm #

      To be fair, it *could* be completely staged. Didn’t look like it to me. But hey – in a world where we can’t trust video (our eyes) or the media anymore, who the hell knows.

    • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 7:06 am #

      His own people are turning on him – much like he flips on a dime over any ‘relation’ no longer productive… What, something like 40 out of his 44 cabinet appointees won’t even support him.

  57. jim e July 13, 2024 at 8:21 pm #

    “I still remember one of the protesters waving a fake campaign sign with huge photos of Wallace and Congresswoman Chisolm. They were dressed up to resemble the farming couple in the famous painting “American Gothic.”
    George was in a wheelchair when I met him.

    • jim e July 13, 2024 at 8:34 pm #

      “The ones that scare me are the ones you don’t notice. I can just see a little guy out there that nobody’s paying attention to. He reaches into his pocket and out comes the little gun, like that Sirhan guy that got (Robert) Kennedy.”

      • jim e July 13, 2024 at 8:38 pm #

        We are in a New World Q. You go look it up.

        • jim e July 13, 2024 at 9:31 pm #

          your only hope would be fauci…

        • Q. Shtik July 13, 2024 at 9:46 pm #

          Are you speaking to me?

          • jim e July 13, 2024 at 10:02 pm #

            YES, I respect your opinion.

          • jim e July 13, 2024 at 10:15 pm #

            England or Spain?

          • jim e July 13, 2024 at 10:48 pm #

            I will take Spain for $50 if you like Inglaterra.

  58. beantownbill. July 13, 2024 at 8:29 pm #

    I can’t say I’m surprised. The extra sympathy vote will help Trump. Is this a false flag? I suppose it’s possible, but I would guess not. It reflects badly on us even though political assassinations have happened throughout history.

    Was it Biden who said just after the debate that it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye?

    Now if the attempt was made on Biden, and he was shot in the head, all the bullet would do is rattle around in the empty space between his ears. The worst that would happen is he’d have a very slight headache.

    For all those government agencies that are reading this post, let me state now I don’t want anybody shot or injured. Political violence is not acceptable.

    It’ll be interesting to see the media and political reactions tomorrow, including Putin’s and Xi’s.

    I feel this is just the beginning of the upcoming unrest and the further downfall of our country (which I don’t want to see).

  59. BULLITT July 13, 2024 at 8:34 pm #

    It is reported that the shooter in Butler, PA was an ANTIFA member, his name Mark Violets.

    • JohnAZ July 13, 2024 at 8:36 pm #


      Not a sympathy vote, a total reaction of the Right side of America’

      USA, USA, USA!!!

    • BULLITT July 14, 2024 at 12:47 pm #

      Early reports last evening had this name all over the internet. They were wrong!

  60. SoftStarLight July 13, 2024 at 8:37 pm #

    omg wtf, thank God President Trump is ok

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    • elysianfield July 13, 2024 at 9:05 pm #


      • SoftStarLight July 13, 2024 at 9:56 pm #

        It gives some new meaning to Teflon Don. He is doing ok so that is good. Theorize that this is because he wants to end the forever wars. i don’t think he wants to have any wars going on and prefers deals.

  61. Socrates-Detroit July 13, 2024 at 9:50 pm #

    I looked to see what might be on the Duran regarding the assassination attempt.

    A member of the commentariat posted this interesting link:

    I find it extremely disturbing.


    It’s under two minutes.

    Eyewitness Greg says he saw a gunman, with a rifle clearly visible, on roof near Trump rally. Eyewitness stated that he and others tried to get Law Enforcement’s attention, as they watched a man with a rifle crawl up the roof 50 feet away.

    Check this out before it gets pulled or put behind a payscreen. BBC is not exactly MAGA-friendly.

    While the veracity of this account, needs to be confirmed, I believe it.

    Next, it is VITAL some one investigate as to WHY the roofs were not covered? Would they have been covered for the President?

    I don’t expect the truth, but I believe this area WOULD be covered for a sitting President, unless it was deliberately not covered.

    I find it hard to believe they would have left this open for a President, unless…

    We don’t have all the facts, but this sounds like a major breach of security protocol, perhaps to major to be an accident.

    One person is dead as of this writing. It seems to be a miracle Trump was not wounded or killed.

    I think this video needs to “go viral”, and/or be incorporated and broadcast by the MSM. But just in case it doesn’t, take a look.

    • Socrates-Detroit July 13, 2024 at 9:53 pm #

      CFN AI messing with me or my oversight

      …perhaps TOO major to be an accident…

      and my oversight

      …miracle Trump was not SERIOUSLY wounded or killed (he was wounded as a result of the shooting)

    • Paula D July 14, 2024 at 11:59 am #

      Agree. Very suspicious.

      Shades of Dallas “lapses”.

  62. Socrates-Detroit July 13, 2024 at 9:53 pm #


    • Socrates-Detroit July 13, 2024 at 10:00 pm #

      To me, in my humble opinion, this appears to be criminal negligence. But worse. Watch the BBC vid, draw your own conclusions.

      • TPTB-USA July 14, 2024 at 1:13 am #

        Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco reacts to shooting at Donald Trump rally

      • River July 14, 2024 at 8:00 am #

        @Socrates-Detroit – Agree, ‘criminal negligence or worse…’

    • Not_GeorgeT July 14, 2024 at 12:33 am #

      Right before sound of shots the marksman doing overwatch looks away from his rifle scope.


      • redbrick July 14, 2024 at 6:09 pm #

        Many have observed this, the rifle scope, at the distance they were positioned and depending on how it was dialed in would give him a tiny field of view and he was possibly be trying to better visualize the target popping up over the peak of the roof on the building. Still a fail as that is why there are two of them and sometimes even a third spotter with a wider field of view.

        • Not_GeorgeT July 15, 2024 at 12:07 am #

          The timing… which doesn’t begin to go into why the building was such an insecure location of great opportunity.

          At the distance a low power (such as 4x) would be sufficient and provide a wide field of view.

          There is a growing use of LVPO rifle scopes.

          I like to let things marinate, see what else surfaces, no difference with this.

  63. tom clark July 13, 2024 at 10:07 pm #

    Where’s the babushka lady?

  64. Jarek July 13, 2024 at 11:54 pm #

    The Picture: Trump being supported and hustled away as blood pours from his ear – but his fist is in the air in defiance.

  65. Soul Forensics July 14, 2024 at 12:25 am #

    NYPost reporting the shooter is Thomas Matthew Crooks. Video of him belly down, rifle primed, a few seconds before he shot Trump — long brown hair, looked Caucasian, that’s all I could identify.

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  66. TPTB-USA July 14, 2024 at 12:29 am #

    View this video …


    … and then ask yourself: Is this the same “idiot” I have been viewing over the last 2 weeks?

    And recognize that this is after Biden’s shutdown hour, and it appears to be unscripted.


    Any bets as to whether or not this event will be used as an opportunity to deal with gun control?

    • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 6:24 am #

      Haha, it will be like Ronald Reagan governator in Cali, after the Black Panthers armed themselves! NOT

  67. Soul Forensics July 14, 2024 at 12:30 am #

    Crooks was 21 years old, and a registered Republican. Authorities still involved with biometrics.

  68. Soul Forensics July 14, 2024 at 12:33 am #

    Crooks was from Bethel Park, PA, 52 miles away from Trump rally.

  69. The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 1:36 am #

    Guardian Angel On The 13th., But What About November?

    Getting shot in the ear is about as close as one can come to getting shot dead.

    Will Trump step down or continue to run?

    Boat For Sale:


    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 2:59 am #

      Awards and Recognition Program honors Bethel Park graduates

      “National Math & Science Initiative Star Awards ($500) — Eammon Anderson, Eva Blatz, Thomas Crooks…”

    • Yirgach July 14, 2024 at 9:18 am #

      It’s the same as a potentially deadly car accident.

      Whether you live or die is measured in milliseconds.

      Most of us have had close calls in our lifetimes, we just don’t like remembering an unpleasant experience.

  70. OG July 14, 2024 at 2:21 am #

    That wasn’t the real Trump. I’ve mentioned it a few times here on CFN recently. The fake Trump always wears a white dress shirt, top buttons undone, no tie and a red MAGA cap pulled down low on his brow.

    “May you live in interesting times.”
    – Ancient Chinese curse

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    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 2:44 am #

      Maybe, but Occam’s Razor suggests that it was the real Trump, it was hot/summer/a rally, so a hot/sweaty tie/button-down are out, and the shooter, although he was apparently wearing Republican merchandise, was probably too young to make connections like that and simply liked the stuff.

    • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 6:20 am #

      Now that’s sum kooky conspiracy *SH!* right there!!!

  71. The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 3:13 am #

    Thomas Crooks (cued at graduation ceremony):


    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 3:27 am #

      ^ There is a delay after the name’s called, so he’s on the right, not the one on the left immediately after the name is called.

      • elysianfield July 14, 2024 at 12:00 pm #

        How the hell would we know? I’ve never gotten one of your links to work.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 1:55 pm #

          elysianfield, just highlight and copy the link and then paste it in your browser’s address bar and it should auto fill out the beginning part (http, etc.) of the address. If not, just paste it and then add the beginning part, manually.

          Failing that, the title of the You Tube video is;

          Bethel Park High School Commencement 2022

          …and where Crooks is summoned and walks in begins at 1:08:00

          • elysianfield July 14, 2024 at 2:31 pm #

            I do the cut and paste…does not work for me. If you can do the same, and make it work, well, then OK. I will check the YouTube video.

            and here is an abbreviated version…


  72. tucsonspur July 14, 2024 at 4:10 am #

    A 130 yd. shot with a clear line to the president? Good snipers can hit from ten times that distance and more. Trump was extremely lucky. Something wrong here. That building should have been secured.

    Great photos of a bloody, defiant Trump. This should help him. It was disgusting to hear the likes of Biden and Obama regurgitate the usual platitudes about violence, having not done much to prevent it at all, almost endorsing it.

    I hope that Trump and his advisors handle this incident with a firm and militant resolve, no talk about all getting along bull crap, but building on the incident and using it to point out the Left’s dangerous demagoguery and his extreme vilification, such as being compared to Hitler and him putting people into ‘gulags’.

    Flaws and all, what’s not to love? The bloody, defiant face and fist. Will this be the face that launched millions of votes and burnt the topless towers of tergiversation?

    • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 6:07 am #

      Are you saying someone tried to snipe Trump, and actually hit him (bloody and defiant – right ear)? I find that very hard to believe – the sort of people who would do that are his very supporters! Tree hugging peace-nicks certainly don’t own guns. I myself have a hard time killing weeds… I’m also certainly not a death penalty guy – lock em up, and get em out of society – cheaper that way, and maybe they can be rehabilitated!

      I’m all for tax breaks/welfare for the rich/corporations, and total/complete deregulation – I mean, we’ve already poisoned the air/land/water, so what so wrong with *MOARZ* .

      Corporatocracy/Fascism FTW!

  73. ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 5:54 am #

    ‘ Only a week after he declared himself to be the “first black woman vice-president,” he pivoted to correct the record, telling the DC press corps that he’d “picked Vice-president Trump to be vice-president. . .” ‘

    Wasn’t Trump-geezer doing the same-exact thangy, back when he reefer’d to Biden as Obama? Or when he was mangling various countries, or said-same country leaders? Not a word about that. It’s really pathetic that these DNC/RNC are holding onto octogenarians to lead us – they should both be in old-folks homes… Too bad the DNC had to rig the 2016/2020 primaries – could have had 83 year old Bernie as Prez!

  74. Opie July 14, 2024 at 6:45 am #

    It was astonishing to see the mass media immediately trying to distance themselves from their own “he’s Hitler” narrative and blame American’s in general for this violence. Let this quote be a reminder “On July 8th, 2024, Joe Biden said: “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.””

    • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 7:02 am #

      Isn’t that the same rhetoric that Trump has been using for about a decade? The electoral college duopoly really sums it up. Bread and circuses, smoke and mirrors, divide and conquer – neck-in-neck horserace!

      I’m so sick of these polls – +-2%?!? Didn’t Hitlary win the popular vote by 2% (3 million), yet LOSE the electoral college?!? The deep south voter suppression (X-check, heh) is totally absurd (and you KNOW they only checking first/last names of registered Dems [because they can]).

      • Opie July 14, 2024 at 7:29 am #

        Yes, he has. But the media highlights the one and gaslights us on the other.

        • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 7:39 am #

          You know, all I can think right now is that this gun nuttery is coming home to roost. I’ve got my bump-stock on order, for my AR-15…

          • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 7:40 am #

            That, and thousands (millions?) of suicidals that want to go out in a blaze of glory…

          • elysianfield July 14, 2024 at 11:57 am #

            Have you no common sense? No understanding of weaponry? If the kid had a cheap bolt action rifle with a 40 dollar scope attached, Trump would be history. Instead of a rifle capable of reasonable accuracy, he had one of the dozens of AR platforms now in vogue, and he sprayed rounds like a mad women’s shit.

            …That, and the fact that he was wearing what appeared to be jungle Camo on a white roof….

          • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 2:32 pm #

            “Have you no common sense? No understanding of weaponry? If the kid had a cheap bolt action rifle with a 40 dollar scope attached, Trump would be history. ”

            Cheap bolt action – haha – your point? Oh yeah, Trump lost a good chunk of his ear – nice shot at 150 yards?!?

            Yeah I was wondering about that – how did this guy get past security in camo w/ a rifle? And apparently that witness was telling ‘them’ for 2-3 minutes about the ‘sniper on the roof’ B4 he started shooting…

            The whole thangy seems sketchy to me… Like, at that range, even I could hit within 1 inch accuracy – 3 inches (like his shroomy dongle)!!!

  75. Opie July 14, 2024 at 7:51 am #

    It’s a way to November, but if the election were tomorrow I ‘spect Trump would win by a landslide. The attempt to murder him will end up being the greatest pr event of all time, complete with fist pumping with old glory waving in the background. The contrast with Brandon couldn’t be more stark.

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    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 8:21 am #

      I’m not religious, but ‘the Lord works in mysterious ways’ seems apt.

  76. OG July 14, 2024 at 8:52 am #

    Deep fake:


    • stelmosfire July 14, 2024 at 11:55 am #

      OG, I hate to have to quote Paula D’s favorite President, but “There you go again!”

  77. socialisthater July 14, 2024 at 9:44 am #

    Anyone who believes that this assassination attempt on President Trump was a “deep fake” or “staged” is a brainwashed moron so stupid that it is difficult to believe that they have enough brain cells to breathe on their own.

    What is obvious is that there was a major security breach that allowed this to happen. At best, it speaks of Secret Service incompetence; at worst it suggests that the security was subtly relaxed to allow this to happen.

    There was a troubling video shown on Newsmax last night. It was a wide view showing President Trump at the podium and the Secret Service sniper on the roof of a structure behind and on Trump’s right side. In the video, the Secret Service sniper clearly is sighted in on the assassin BEFORE the assassin fired at Trump, BUT the Secret Service sniper does not fire until AFTER the sniper has fired multiple times. Weird, how that video has seemingly been scrubbed and I have not seen it on any mainstream media. The MSM headline is that the assassin was shot “immediately” after shooting President Trump. Well, no shit, Sherlock–the Secret Service sniper already had the assassin in his scope before the assassin fired. Why did the Secret Service sniper wait to fire when he undoubtedly could see that Trump was in mortal danger? Draw your own conclusions.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:48 am #

      Good thinking.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 10:08 am #

      Riddle me this, SH:

      If Trump was shot in his right ear and he then immediately put his right hand to his right ear before diving like a fucking gopher, how come there was ZERO blood on his right hand as they pulled him off stage?

      Anyone who believes that this assassination attempt on President Trump was NOT a “deep fake” or “staged” is a brainwashed moron so stupid that it is difficult to believe that they have enough brain cells to breathe on their own.


      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 10:25 am #

        It seems a forgone conclusion that after this sort of incident that all manner of theorists– some ‘armchair’, some ‘expert’, and everyone in-between– are going to come out of the woodwork.

        OG, while I don’t have the time or inclination ATM, I already have problems with your references, despite going only so for into their demos. Maybe if I wait ’till the end, all with be revealed.

        Anyway, I’m heading out into the sun and to the garden for a watering. Bonne journee as they say in Quebec.

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 10:38 am #

          If Trump was shot in his right ear and he then immediately put his right hand to his right ear before diving like a fucking gopher, how come there was ZERO blood on his right hand as they pulled him off stage?

          Ad homming my references will not suspend basic logic.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 10:41 am #

            No blood on his right hand. No blood on his shirt. No flowing blood when they stand him up and he holds his inexplicably bloodless hand up in seemingly defiance. No compression on his open wound (as that would ruin the photo op).

            Ya, ok … wanna buy a bridge?

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 2:27 pm #

            …Patsy’s very possible, like where the kid was commissioned, maybe given the gun. Kid doesn’t know any better, might not be aware of how snipers are placed here and there to kill him and shut him up whether he fails in his duty or not.

            That’s actually one aspect of the US’ playbook where it comes to creating social unrest overseas in order to help flip/topple governments; they leverage/amplify/guide preexisting local anti-government opposition/sentiment.

            If the kid may have been previously ‘known’ to authorities (Antifa? Democratic-related donations? Yet Republican registered?) and, as such, likely tracked and approached.

            I mean, parasite politicians already use the relatively-clueless young to fight their wars everywhere already, cannon fodder and all that. It’s not rocket science.

            In that context, does any of that need to have a bloodless ear and might you be barking up the wrong tree?

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 2:12 pm #

          Well as I said, I (still) haven’t watched the entirety of either vids, but how much does the outer ear bleed? Is the guy or you a doctor or biologist? What about when Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield’s ear? Was there lots of blood or much less? What about other outer ear injuries? What do they look like? Questions like that.

          Why fake it? What’s the motive?

          Trump seemed to have some blood like on his face, and you can see what appears to be where the bullet grazed his ear. Maybe he wiped his hand. Maybe he didn’t tough the bloody part of his ear. Too many questions.

          There’re also problems with the narrator’s take on the secret service or police marksman. Why would he miss and why would Trump get hit only on the ear if he was supposed to get killed? The explained gunshot sequence didn’t seem to make sense either.

          In any case, if Trump was supposed to get killed– maybe they paid the kid (Crooks) or promised him something– they seemed to have failed. Maybe they’ll try again later, there’s still some time left to go.

    • Socrates-Detroit July 14, 2024 at 10:59 am #

      @socialisthater. Well said. I think security was “relaxed”, to put it mildly. Criminal negligence. I wonder, how long has Trump’s security been relaxed?

      If he has not done so already, Mr. Trump needs to get trusted, private security to watch the watchers.

      The CFN essays will get hundreds, maybe a thousand comments, many multiple comments, from people like me.

      But the CFN Podcasts might get 10 or 20.

      And that’s too bad. Because in KunstlerCast 403, Lt Col Steve Murray and the Chaos Ahead, at minute 34:50, Lt Col Murray called it. His timing was off by two days (LTC Murray predicted before July 11).

      I don’t know that I agree with everything LTC Murray said. He and JHK covered a LOT of ground in an hour. However, LTC Murray made a lot of though-provoking comments.

      Just as yesterday reminded me of Murray’s prediction made on June 04, a well-written article from antiwar dot com this morning July 13/14 by Chris Wright, reminded me of another of LTC Murray’s predictions…

      Wright wonders why people (in the US and the West) aren’t taking to the streets to protest and force the government to pull back.

      In the news, Ukraine is said to be “finally” getting (OLD) F-16s that are the latest “game changer”. In terms of air superiority, I highly doubt they will be game changers.

      However, if they come with the “suite” of Air Command and Control, which means direct US/NATO participation, then they might become a problem (I don’t know how integrated F-16A and B variants are. There is a reason they are going to Ukraine–and that is because they cannot be “updated” to the latest block. Just too old for that).

      Even though they are old, they could be used as offensive strike weapons. F-16s can be configured to deliver nuclear, as well as conventional weapons. This is a problem for Russia, which has publicly said that they have no way of knowing if an F-16 is armed with nukes, so they must assume it is and act accordingly.

      Not good.

      And to any pinheads who respond, “well then Russia should not have invaded the Ukraine”, the answer is, “Ukraine government should note have banned the Russian language and started killing ethnic Russians in 2014, and Ukraine government should have understood that joining NATO and having NATO bases in Ukraine would be to Russians what having Russian bases in Cuba was to Americans 60 years ago.” “The US should have kept its word not to expand NATO one inch to the East when the Soviets picked up their troops and stuff and left East Germany and the rest of Eastern Europe”.

      Whether it is failing to protect a Presidential candidate, failing to provide honest money (as the US Constitution says), failing to protect the ACTUAL US border, fomenting war and chaos abroad, one can say all they want about how bad China is, but today, the United States government is the most dangerous force confronting the American people, and the most dangerous force when it comes world peace.

      I’m one of those who expressed alarm about China 20-25 years ago. However, perhaps the Chinese are simply reacting to the reality of American imperialism, and responding accordingly, using THEIR strengths, such as buying US debt, buying US property, infiltrating the US and so forth.

      The fact the US government is a lot more dangerous than China today does not make the Chinese government “good”. But rather than fixate on China and watch Fox News, we should be fixating on trying to defang the US government.

      LTC Murray expressed concern that, if the US/NATO actually gets involved with US/NATO air forces (“the one thing we can still do well” per LTC Murray), the Russians could be overwhelmed (I think LTC Murray overestimates the US and underestimates Russia and Russian air defenses. However, I respect Murrya’s comment and don’t dismiss it–and after yesterday, Murray’s STOCK IS UP with me), and as the use of “tactical nukes” is part of their defense doctrine, the Russians will use them, and then it’s a very short, delicate step to a strategic nuclear exchange and then it is game over for everyone.

      Thank you Washington DC, and the blob that controls it.

      Have a nice Sunday:)

    • Opie July 14, 2024 at 1:54 pm #

      I saw that as well, socialisthater.

    • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 2:41 pm #

      Yeah the ‘body double’ conspiracy also made me laugh.

      Protocol. I swear, as soon as they saw a guy in camo w/ a rifle hiding on a rooftop, he should have been ELIMINATED. but, apparently they had to wait (cover their @$$es?) for the sniper to snipe. Top down – how he got on elevated territory is beyond me tho – stand down!!!

      Stand back and stand by? Too little, too late.

  78. PeteAtomic July 14, 2024 at 9:45 am #

    Matthew Crooks at 18– smiling, baby faced kid graduating high school with a $500 award for math & science

    After 2 years of “college”– long haired, scruffy, angry, murdering people on top of a steel roof in his home town.

    Another victory for his Marxist professors.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 10:15 am #


      • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 10:27 am #

        We R gunna find out he was hard-core Trump tard, but suicidal, with delusions of grandeur…

        Wow, where’s the popcorn! Gun violence dialog?!…

      • Jarek July 14, 2024 at 12:51 pm #

        Why not an antifa?

  79. messianicdruid July 14, 2024 at 10:36 am #

    “There’s a tater in them onions.”

    Turn your head once in a while.

  80. Kornado July 14, 2024 at 10:39 am #

    Another reverse trojan horse humiliation ritual scenario, as with Oct 7th, Jan 6th, etc.

    Trump supporters left shocked as to how this kid was able to access a nearby rooftop undetected, or worse, security allowed it to happen. Mk ultra-ed!

    Now they are angry, but speculating as to who is to blame? Worse yet are liberals pretending any sympathy. If you think you’d be living under a dictator, wouldn’t you want him dead?

    All of it again is just too convenient; get off on what floor conspiracy level you want.

    What are the chances of a bullet barely grazing his ear vs. missing him completely or actually doing facial damage. Why would they have let him stand up?

    ‘They’ know that enough people will begin with the belief that the event took place, i.e. that the bullet grazed his face, but then all types of speculation as to other details.

    If Trump supporters question the authenticity of the bullet, then they have to realize Trump is also captive to the blob.

    They also know about people like me, and they want me to know they know I know it’s fake. So they can tell me, once again, there’s nothing I can do about it.

    Everyone saw 2 massive buildings implode into their own footprints and never mind building 7.

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

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    • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 10:44 am #

      Many people who would claim to understand mass hypnosis formation also seem under its spell. We don’t understand the reality we are living in.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 10:44 am #


    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 2:36 pm #

      July 14, 2024 at 2:27 pm

  81. CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 10:56 am #

    Looks like the blobists bungled the op to assassinate Trump.

    Letting a brainwashed patsy with a dinky rifle get so close despite SS men crawling all over the place and quickly killing Oswald 2.0 before Trump even got off the ground? Definitely nothing fishy there.

    I wonder if a separate faction of blobists will attempt to blow out Biden’s birthday candle, too.

    Or maybe someone’s plane has a mid-air malfunction like Mr. Prigozhin’s.

    So, instead of continuing the war in Ukraine – it looks like Trump will be nominated to take us to war with Chyna. Go Brand Trump!

  82. Kornado July 14, 2024 at 10:57 am #

    It’s simple, if you want to believe it happened, you will.

    • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 11:29 am #


      Too many things don’t add up about this event – and there will soon be an Oliver Stoner movie about it – but Trump’s body language when he grasped at his ear seemed like genuine startlement and pain to me.

      Even so, a bullet wound to the ear would seemingly splatter and bleed a helluva lot more, would it not?

      But all the damn perimeter security failures and big ole flag signaling wind direction screams OP to me.

      • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 11:35 am #

        It all depends if the bullet grazed the ear . If the bullet had hit the upper ear “deeply” it would have been shot off. That bullet GRAZED Trump’s ear…….a literal “magic bullet” . There is a difference in blood flow when you are “grazed” and when a bullet bites deeply and severs. But OG doesn’t believe it.

        • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 12:00 pm #

          And what a lousy shot the kid was if it was indeed the work of a lone assassin – so close to a fat, mostly stationary target.

          The big ass flag waiving in frame with Trump, excellent for helping a would be sniper adjust for windage.

          If THEY really wanted that dead squirrel removed from Trump’s head, it would be.

  83. gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 11:26 am #

    The usual conspiracists are out and raging, I see.

    • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 11:34 am #

      No, just your fellow couchpotatriots accompanying you here on a lovely Sunday.

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 11:41 am #

        Cheers! What is the conspiracist’s response to the bullet-whizzing pre-ear-contact photo? Or to why the deepest powers would be so interested in who was president they’d orchestrate something so elaborate? Or why there’d be 7 real, wild shots in a complete orchestration?

        Now, why the SS failed or “failed,” that’s a more interesting question.

        • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 11:49 am #

          Well we can say for certain that when OG sees the picture of the bullet whizzing by Trump he will say that it was an elaborately concocted photo similar to the ones that NASA was supposed to have faked recording the lunar landings performed by Apollo 11, 12,14 15 ,16 and 17.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 12:02 pm #

            I appreciate your handle, OG Is Nuts. Good one in a Grade-3 or -4 kinda way. Clever.

            But, surely you know: adult conversation isn’t speaking for someone else. So far you’ve got a 10 year-old’s moniker and lameass strawmen.

            You want to prove me crazy? Then, first of all, prove me wrong. On something. Anything.

            You’ve grabbed the bull by the horns. You must now do better than you are doing or you will merely help others see that I’m right. Truly.

        • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 12:19 pm #


          I can only personally judge Trump’s body language when he suddenly grasped his ear and then ducked.

          It seemed like genuine startlement and pain to me – so if it was a staged event – my gut tells me Trump wasn’t in on it.

          But, as for the police and SS failures – why wasn’t Trump rushed off stage when that red-headed male eye witness reported to police that he spotted the assassin climbing up and then crawling along a roof several minutes prior to shots fired?

          No radios, no earpieces?

          The would be assassin was instantly killed by the sniper guarding Trump. Understandable but awfully convenient.

          • stelmosfire July 14, 2024 at 4:02 pm #

            “Why wasn’t Trump rushed off stage when that red-headed male eye witness reported to police that he spotted the assassin climbing up and then crawling along a roof several minutes prior to shots fired?”

            Would that be the red-headed fella with the goofy hat that was swillin’ a beer with a coozy on it during his “interview”? He said he wasn’t even in the venue. I saw his interview. He said he was outside the fence with his pals and was yelling at an officer about a guy on a roof. Now I would imagine at an event such as this with loudspeakers going and thousands of people cheering perhaps the officer couldn’t hear a word that he said?

    • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 12:49 pm #

      oh shit in retrospect i was describing you. See, this is carelessness wording, why would you be on this blog if not for any and all speculation?

      • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 12:51 pm #

        response to ‘The usual conspiracists are out and raging, I see.’

  84. OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 11:31 am #

    OG believes that the Trump assasination attempt was a deep fake

    OG believes that the moon landing was faked

    OG believes that Sandy Hook was a false flag

    OG also beieves he is a Biblical Christian and his girlfriend loves him and is faithful.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 11:54 am #

      I’ve never said shit about #3. I’ve never even typed the name of that town in … CT, right? That said, that “Dad” that the cameras were rolling on before he did his actor thing and snapped into character at a presser is downright creepy at best.

      Of course I’m a Biblical Christian. Is there any other kind?

      I am in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful woman. We celebrated my cousin’s 60th birthday at a large family gathering last night. The catered event was in my cousin’s daughter’s beautiful farmyard just 10 minutes outside Regina.

      Today my gf’s coming over. I’m BBQing us burgers and we’re going to watch Ottawa Redblacks @ Edmonton Elks in wonderful CFL action.

      I am truly blessed!

      God bless you. I understand that the truth hurts … but c’mon! They’re just goofin’ on us now. Wake up already!

      His ear just stopped bleeding and congealed into some jelly-looking substance with nary a drop on his hand or shirt? After being shot?

      They’re goofin’ on ya, Dude.

      • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 12:18 pm #

        Well “Komodo” all you did was show they you have a vocabulary that would make you a superlative Scabble player. You’re like the typical academic I have dealt with my entire life……you use cleverly disguished words and terms that illustrate your thinly vailed comtempt by those you consider “beneath you.” Just keep on believing what you spout. Now let me get to the point: You claim that the “incident” was a hoax yet you offer any analytical evidence to support that claim. Like the lizard you’re named after “Komodo” you should hopefully be extinct soon

        • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 12:25 pm #

          Using vocabulary is the only application for presenting a dialectic/debate in a blog medium content, but I suppose I could just call you a dumb ass pussy over and over and over.

          • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 12:28 pm #

            I’m poor and I do lawncare and i live in the hood. Thank you for the academic compliment, you have a better consideration of myself than i do.

          • Jarek July 14, 2024 at 12:58 pm #

            I’ve been mowing my lawn with a manual mower. But a stronger breed of grass has invaded and is making that impossible. It looks like regular grass (not crab grass) but it grows faster and thicker and stronger somehow. The manual won’t cut it.

            Is this grass the long awaited superman that Nietzsche spoke of?

            I WILL deal with it however, even if I have to buy a gas or electric mower. Triumph of the Will.

            What do you think of Ryobis?

          • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 3:18 pm #

            Janus, I think you’re way moarz kooky – happy yet? Yeah, where is that sign-up list for ANTI-fascism?

            As for the push mower – either you cut it weekly, or you missed the opportunity (and it’s unobtainium).

      • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 12:24 pm #

        No OG you’re truly misguided just like the rest of us that believe the moon landing was real, the Trump assasination was not a hoax, and that Sandy Hook was not a false flag, Your misguided thoughts are that you’re a Biblical Christian, and your girlfriend who you’re committing fornication with is in love with you and is faithful. To believe otherwise OG is to live in the binary either/or world that your partner in crime “Komodo” waxes so eloquently in a screed further down the page.

        • Jarek July 14, 2024 at 1:03 pm #

          The Old Man of the Mountain said, Nothing is wrong, all is permitted.

          Surely believing that Nothing is real is close to this. Some gnostic sects were very puritanical, like the Russian one where men castrated themselves. But others reasoned, if it’s not real, why make a big deal about it? Why not enjoy the non-existent pleasure? The Rasputin group. You’ve heard of Ras Jesus of the Rastafarians. What about Ras Putin?

          Rasputin believe that forgiveness was the sweetest of all joys. Thus he said, Sin greatly that you might be forgiven. And oh did he ever.

          • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 3:44 pm #

            Haha, Janus goes and conjures up an awesome image of Boner M:


        • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 1:18 pm #

          Jarek, i’m mostly a fert/squirt guy, i’m a self-hating white american, in that I hate my job and I deal with chemicals i know are terrible and i will die of cancer soon. I should probably consider another line of work but fingers crossed I see a mushroom cloud obscuring the sky someday so i can finally relax.

          The redeeming part of the job is I get to work alone and force my fat ass to walk yards and be in the sun and vicariously live in rich people yards for awhile.

          I rent a house with a city yard and at some point the previous owner sodded with some type of zoysia, perhaps that’s what you’re dealing with, a very invasive grass, the golfcourse kind that’s super thick and springy and it grows relentlessly.

          Or it’s bermuda, I don’t know after that and i don’t care, fuck monoculture yards, too aesthetically pristine, too much work to get it that way. I total veg my stupid hill front yard, kill it all baby.

          no idea about ryobis cause i don’t use power tools to cut lawns, but get yourself a Wright zero turn mower, they’re fun!

          • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 1:25 pm #

            didn’t mean the ryobis comment as a dig, but yeah you need power you need to be cooking with gas on that shit

      • stelmosfire July 14, 2024 at 4:08 pm #

        OG, it’s called quick-clot and I would bet that those SS guys carry all sorts of first aid crap along with their machine-pistols. Probably they are all EMT’s with a few para-medics thrown in the mix. They had Trump on the ground for over a minute while they assessed his condition. ABC’s is where it’s at. Even us dumb FF’s all had to keep up our EMT credentials.

    • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 8:51 pm #

      F* d00d U done talkin’ to yourself?!…

  85. OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 11:38 am #

    Maybe next time “they” will hire someone who knows how to use a rifle. Or maybe “they” were being kind and decided to send Trump a strongly messaged warning.

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    • OG July 14, 2024 at 12:08 pm #

      … or … Golly! … maybe it’s fake blood. Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.

  86. OG July 14, 2024 at 11:38 am #

    Who here is waking up this morning?

    • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 11:52 am #

      Why ask a question like that, OG? You know you will only believe that any responses to it will be examples of “deep fakery” . By the way, we can eliminate Richard Simmons and Shannon Doherty….unless you believe like OG does that both of them are living on a tropical island somewhere with the crews of the shuttles Challenger and Columbia.

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 12:11 pm #

        Stop telling me what I will do, dipshit. You be you and let me be me, fuckface.

        Your stupid strawmen are childish. CFN is meant for serious dialogue, dipshit. Discuss my points or fuck right off.

        • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 12:26 pm #

          Tat’s a very un-Christ like attitude OG. Shouldn’t you be repening about the fornication you’re committing with your girlfriend?

          • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 12:27 pm #

            *That’s * repenting

        • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 12:29 pm #

          I’m going to keep hounding you just as long as you keep posting the gargage you print. Your move OG

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 2:05 pm #

            Hound away, child. Your only arguments (ad homs and strawmen) just make my cases appear stronger. We all know that.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 2:55 pm #

            If either of you were so-called ‘important’ enough, your Deep State reps would roll in and give one of you a rifle. Or, both, depending on the economics and which direction they wanted it to go, etc..

        • ZrCrypDiK July 15, 2024 at 3:31 am #

          self flagellation is in order!!!

  87. Kornado July 14, 2024 at 11:52 am #

    Using complex defining words like ‘conspiracists’ as a pejorative weapon is so irresponsible and sloppy for an adult to use.  Fairly indifferent to you upon usage, question your real intelligence and integrity after.

    • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 11:54 am #

      OG will you please step in an translate “Komado’s ” above screed for us deplorables?

      • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 12:08 pm #

        I can! You gotta work on your emotional quotient.

        • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 12:10 pm #

          reactive childish blog nickname person

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 12:11 pm #


  88. Kornado July 14, 2024 at 12:05 pm #

    Those Trump supporters who can’t consider the event staged live in the binary world, either/or ideology. I hated Trump when he was elected but realized how the media helped manipulate my thinking.

    I voted for Biden but would now readily admit that was a mistake, although I still would only vote for Trump if I had to vote; democracy is broken so I won’t make that mistake of wasting my time voting ever again.

    Those who actively follow and support, who can’t/won’t consider this event a hoax, allow yourselves this as a balm to your ideological psyche, they got to Trump, he was authentic but they broke him.

    Spending days in a court, banality of all evil, to scare him into submission, plus off camera showing him the dirt they really have on him.

    Say he fucked a 13 yr. old girl, is it the worst thing if they all do it, of course it would be terrible but by God, with all the horrible truths manifesting, most of us on this platform realize there is a war happening so you have to take a side and hope someone will fight for us.

    But Trump would be convinced he has to get in line or else, who of us wouldn’t?

  89. gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 12:09 pm #

    If all photos are out, and any logical preference for simplest evidence-fitting explanations is out, there really is no way left to know anything at all whatsoever,

    ..and yet, the very folks throwing concrete evidences most freely to the wind are the ones most fully certain they know all the answers. What gives?

    The blood on the ear. Weather was hot af, and blood dried quickly. When Trump was down, he wiped his hand on something. Case closed? No, that would be lunacy to accept such simplicities…

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 12:27 pm #

      Gus, you crack me up. You cling to your Mommy-state blanky so very tightly.

      Trump gets shot in the ear and it’s perfectly coagulated in seconds of super-tight commotion? And he washed and dried his right hand (that somehow had ZERO blood after he put it to his ear after he was (supposedly) shot) while down there (with the Hollywood make-up artist) hidden from all cameras? Ya think?

      Have you ever wiped blood off your hands before, Gus? Until you get to water, blood will stain your skin even if you wipe it off on … some SS’ pant leg. You know that, right?

      They’re goofin’ on ya, Gus. They’re goofing’ on ya again.

      Lahaina 8/8 Lest we forget.

      • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 12:30 pm #

        OG stop committing fornication. You’ve been given over to a reprobate mind

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 12:39 pm #

          Fuck you.

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 12:34 pm #

        The blood expert is in.

        “Until you get to water, blood will stain your skin.” What? Haha. Still-wet blood or sweat as dissolving agents, and friction on wiped cloth, are out the window, I suppose?

        Much love, OG, but you’re crazy even when/if right, because your deduction methods don’t involve any steps. Nuts is on to something, brother.

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 12:57 pm #

          You think that he pulled his right hand from his right ear right after it was shot … with a bulllet! … and it left the damage that we’ve all seen … but the hand comes away clean as a whistle?

          That dog don’t hunt.

          you’re crazy even when/if right

          What’s that got to do with the price of tea in China? My mental health is irrelevant on a staged event in PA.

          Nevermind my process, Gus. Go on my track record.

          More importantly, go on the evidence and use the brain that God gave you. [You’re not jabbed, are you? The jabbed are getting stupid.]

          In your bizarre world, where do you imagine all the blood on his hand went? SS pant leg? No smears left (like the photogenic ones on his right cheek)? His right hand was clean as a whistle – just like it was right after he touched the “injury” with all of that immediately congealing blood? Like that makes any sense.

          Ears bleed and bleed, Gus. My gf is a hairdresser and poboby’s nerfect – she’s clipped ears over her 35-year career. Ears bleed and bleed and bleed. Ears don’t bleed like Trump but get absolutely no blood on his hand or his white shirt. And clot perfectly in seconds with no comprehension. It’s ridiculous, Gus. It’s not, “OK … level 2.” It’s de facto. Black op.

          Until you let go of your Mommy-state blanky, Gus, you will take the mark. The beast’s mark.

          Wake up!

          Calmer than you.

  90. Kornado July 14, 2024 at 12:15 pm #

    It’s fine to consider the event actually happened, but it’s the aggressive stance against it that’s suspect…sorry if the idea trump staged it collapses your worldview, but these are end times and I don’t want to have to hold your hand through it.

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    • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 12:19 pm #

      The aggression is toward OG, who conspiracizes every single event to level 10 immediately on queue.

      If you want to calmly discuss evidences and possibilities, fine. If you are bathed in certainty the morning after, with little to back up the certainties, not fine.

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 12:19 pm #

        cue, more like, lol

      • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 12:32 pm #

        I appreciate the wording of your response and please don’t think my reply was directed at you.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 12:34 pm #


          • ZrCrypDiK July 15, 2024 at 3:43 am #

            His body double conspiracy died a horrible death – haha!!! Yeah, t-minus 6 hours – and counting!

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 12:38 pm #

        OG, who conspiracizes every single event to level 10 immediately on queue

        I do not, Gus. Billions of events pass by daily that I pay no attention to whatsoever. To you it appears that it is every single event because I’m your filter. There are all manner of things that I consider as I doggedly purse the truth and, of course, I only publish what I deem worthy. What a lameass critique. I mean, just think about it.

        level 10

        There is your problem Gus. You approach everything as a scale where every incident should start at 0 (government bunglers bungling yet again) and needs heaps and heaps of evidence to get to a level 5.

        The truth is binary, Gus. Either their story makes sense in all regards or it is lying ears lying again.

        I’m calm. Calmer than you.

        • messianicdruid July 14, 2024 at 12:46 pm #

          When it is easily proven that we have been duped [ repeatedly – ad nauseam ] then we should conclude with the probability that we are still being duped.

          The only thing to be trusted is the un-dupe-able [ the truth ]. It defends itself.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 12:51 pm #

            Can we use some logic and care slicing up exactly how and when the current duping is going down? Or do we go hog-wild at every opportunity?

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 12:59 pm #

            Shot ears don’t heal themselves in seconds, Gus. It is de facto regardless of some old guy in Saskatchewan.

          • messianicdruid July 14, 2024 at 2:38 pm #

            “Or do we go hog-wild at every opportunity?”

            It depends on your calling. Most people are called to obliviousness [ oblivion ]. Born hog-wild.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 12:53 pm #

          OG, if a major event occurs, chances of you fully knowing the “real” scoop within 12 hrs or less are about 100% ..(shrug).

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 1:00 pm #

            Name three.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 1:07 pm #

            Lahaina, Oct 7, Trump shooting.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 1:53 pm #

            The Trump shooting was the only one of the three that I called black ops within 12 hours, Gus … and even that was more like 15 hours.

            Lahaina took a week or two.

            10/7 – the official story was so ridiculous

            [The most secure border on earth stood down for 10+ hours while fifteen (15) breaches (each big enough for terrorists on dirt bikes) were established through the most secure border wall on earth and gaggles of paragliders slowly flocked to and fro overhead to the youth music festival relocated there just two days prior notwithstanding all the known intelligence for that area that day and 10 minutes would be an unacceptably slow response even with no intelligence whatsoever. Makes sense.

            Wanna buy a bridge? Once it’s yours, you could put up a toll booth at each end and make a fortune.]

            that it didn’t take long but the first hours are confusing and where the evidence is gathered and analyzed. Yet, IIRC, I wasn’t calling black op for days. Definitely not under 12 hours!

  91. messianicdruid July 14, 2024 at 12:17 pm #

    A breeze of wind decided whose brains were splattered and whose was not.

    Accessibility [ time and chance ] reigns over men.

    • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 12:53 pm #

      Gus, I’ll go out on a limb and believe that Trump was genuinely injured.

      But I am certain from various footages that this was an OP of some kind.

      The simplest explanation is that a fanatical kid saw an opportunity, took it, but was instantly thwarted. The kid was a shitty shot, and the sniper guarding Trump zeroed in on him just in time. Despite the police being warned of a rooftop gunmen several minutes prior, it all just happened too fast and Trump got extremely lucky – three others unfortunately did not.

      But the admitted conspiraceee theerist in me leans toward a more convoluted conclusion. Trump is now just a willing figurehead for an emergent faction of deep staters, and if he ever needs to be executed for getting in the way of a larger agenda – he will be.

      I just wish the Ds would Arkancide Demento Joe already.

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 12:58 pm #

        I agree Trump is no real threat to the Deep State… which begs the question for me, why would they bother being overly involved in this, beyond being lax/intentionally a bit negligent on on SS duties?

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 1:01 pm #

          Those bungling (but loveable) bunglers!

  92. TPTB-USA July 14, 2024 at 12:47 pm #

    What the hell is this clown doing meeting with US governors?

    Zelenskyy meets with US governors

    “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy attended the National Governors Association meeting during his visit to the US. He discussed various issues with American state leaders, including Russian aggression, strengthening air defense systems, and regional cooperation, according to the president’s Telegram channel and his official website.

    Zelenskyy acknowledged US support for Ukraine and thanked regional authorities for assisting Ukrainian refugees.

    The Ukrainian president urged American officials to build connections between people that will last forever.

    “We already see Utah’s contribution to rebuilding our country – you have helped thousands of people. Such assistance can extend to millions and serve the greater good, benefiting everyone, regardless of where they live. Because we all share the same values and do not want war to destroy lives anywhere,” he stated.”


    They are fleecing the flock. Bah.

  93. elysianfield July 14, 2024 at 1:07 pm #

    “Anyone who believes that this assassination attempt on President Trump was NOT a “deep fake” or “staged” is a brainwashed moron so stupid that it is difficult to believe that they have enough brain cells to breathe on their own.”

    ahhhhh….I can’t breathe….

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 1:12 pm #

      Did you read the socialisthater comment that I was responding to? That was his exact sentence except that I add “NOT.”

      Calmer than you.

      • elysianfield July 14, 2024 at 1:36 pm #

        You may have a higher IQ,
        You may have a much larger GLiT than mine,
        Your girlfriend may be hotter than mine,

        But calmer? You Jest.

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 1:46 pm #

          Hahaha. My gf is not super hot, EF. She is a truly wonderful woman, though.

          And, ya, who am I kidding? You’re calmer than me.

        • Jarek July 14, 2024 at 2:12 pm #

          Who is calmer than the dead? Only they have seen the end of war.

          One is reminded of Calcagus: They make a desert and call it peace.

          A dessert and call it frazzle drip.

  94. OG July 14, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

    Now a new MSM. crisis actor/”eyewitness” says that it was an M-16.

    Last night it was a .22 rifle.

    Right. Trump got shot in the ear by an M-16 and it bled a lot but then stopped bleeding in seconds without compression.

    Can we go to level 1, Gus?

    • Opie July 14, 2024 at 2:03 pm #

      I’ll go back and take a another view of it, but I distinctly remember when they got him stood up there was some agent holding what looked to me to be a blood soaked towel. And I’m going to guess these SS guys carry a blood congealer of the sort soldiers carry in case they’re shot to stop bleeding. Oh, and clumsy me has nicked or boogered up damn near ever part of his body, I can testify that there is not much up there vessel wise compared to other unfortunate appendages.

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 2:36 pm #

        A blood soaked towel? I have not noticed that but, if so, that makes his perfectly white dress shirt collar and right hand even more ridiculous.

        The official story is ridiculous. Too much blood while also not enough blood. The official story is clearly bogus.

        • stelmosfire July 14, 2024 at 4:30 pm #

          Not a towel but a MAGA hat. and trump did have blood on his shirt. Maybe this is fake news?


          • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:38 pm #

            Thanks for this pic, elmo!

            Look closer. Look at his collar. It appears to me that the “blood” on white is perhaps the MIA towel (and not his dress shirt).

            Whether towel or further down on his dress shirt, how does his collar stay pristine?

    • stelmosfire July 14, 2024 at 4:27 pm #

      OG, silly goose your standard AR-15 is a .22. M-16’s are illegal unless you belong to the Taliban.

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:33 pm #

        I’m not a silly goose, elmo. The “eyewitness” on MSM said that the guy had an “M-16.” I’m merely reporting what MSM was reporting a couple of hours ago.

  95. Jarek July 14, 2024 at 1:10 pm #

    Well they aren’t gods who can choregraph every little thing that happens. Surely they know that the unexpected is always a possibility. And just as surely they train for that, learning to immediately go with it and turn it to their advantage, like an experienced actor or drive who steers towards the skid and not against it.

    Soon Og is not nuts will appear. Og himself need not defend himself. Many dating sites will soon have AI wingmen to deal with the opponent’s AI wingmen. Perhaps they can date each other so the two “people” won’t have to until after the wedding?

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    • OG July 14, 2024 at 1:15 pm #

      Good one, Big Kahuna!

  96. elysianfield July 14, 2024 at 1:27 pm #

    The overwatch sniper had only one job…only one, and he allowed some kid to crawl along a roof, with perfect line of site,on a white roof at that, and then allowed six or eight shots to be fired before taking a shot himself.

    …You got some ‘splainin’ to do.

    I hope nothing untoward happens to him in the next few weeks.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 1:43 pm #

      Like Seal Team Six or Seth Rich.

    • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 2:18 pm #


      Footage of the overwatch sniper shows him getting off three shots right as Trump was grazed and quickly ducked. The first shot from the overwatch sniper looked like he was surprised when he suddenly found the assassin in his scope and squeezed off a nervous shot. The two follow up shots he made looked sloppy as hell too, with the way the recoil effected the rifle.

      My question is, was it the ground team who approached the assassin on the roof that killed him, or one of the overwatch man’s rounds?

      Also, I’m curious to find out what type of round killed/injured the three bystanders. Maybe there was some stray gunfire by the ground team that spilled into the crow when the assassin was killed by the rear approaching ground team.

      • Paula D July 14, 2024 at 8:22 pm #

        Talk about a coincidence theorist! He “suddenly found the assassin in his scope”?

        Just standing there, minding his OWN business, and there appeared the assassin. In his scope.

        What are the odds?

  97. CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 1:48 pm #

    “I agree Trump is no real threat to the Deep State… which begs the question for me, why would they bother being overly involved in this, beyond being lax/intentionally a bit negligent on on SS duties?”

    A bit negligent? Trump was a very easy target that day, and he probably has been all throughout the campaign.

    I suspect that TPTB are concocting yet another elaborate rouse to simply control voters.

    If Trump is selected to win after all the other hoaxes against him have failed – think of the unquestionable mandate the Brand Trump regime will have.

    Trump can MAGA talk his mindless supporters into joining the military. Biden can’t rally enough Americans to go die in Ukraine or China – Trump can.

    Their plans around the world and at home are failing – Joe Biden is now publicly exposed as an empty hat – but the Ds simply do not have a competitive alternative to put up.

    So, maybe the idea is to go all in and hype up the Trump train to maximum affect – surviving a lame assassination now makes Trump a God of sorts. Even middle-of-the-roaders are turning to Trump now.

    As I think more about it, it’s a huge risk to simply martyr Trump. I believe that his constituents believe his bullshit MAGA hype more than he does.

    If the blue-haired team loses, their voters only cry buckets of tears. If MAGA loses another time – a good number of them may decide to cry bullets. At the very least, it could become open season on all politicians.

    While I don’t think American’s are capable of a Civil War these days – I do think there are 10s or 100s of thousands of militant Americans itching to pop off during regional skirmishes. Just that alone would likely damage the country more than COVID.

    • messianicdruid July 14, 2024 at 2:53 pm #

      Saxons beginning to realize they love some people less than they love themselves [ their own ] is inevitable. Magma becomes maga.

  98. OG July 14, 2024 at 1:57 pm #

    And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
    – Revelation 13:3 [KJV]

  99. Jarek July 14, 2024 at 2:09 pm #


    The Final Analysis

    My thesis on the Trump shooting is that the Mossad shot him in the ear to take him to god-king level.

    But the big thesis here is that every time I go through this thing, what I find is that Bibi Netanyahu wants Donald Trump to win the election because he would do a whole lot better job organizing a war in the Middle East than Biden’s shadow government of circus freaks would. Klain threw Biden under the bus by doing this ridiculous debate, someone announced to the media that they’re going to replace Biden and now nothing is happening and some of them are walking it back, they are not getting clear orders.

    If polls are to be believed, Trump is more popular in Israel than Bibi.

    Bibi is pissed off about Biden. He’s pissed off at the protests. He’s pissed off about these ceasefire hoaxes and everything else. Trump is telling you what he thinks of Gaza, which is an outright genocide: he says “finish them off.”

    That’s what he’s going to say about Hezbollah, it’s what he’s going to say about Iran.

    Everything is all lined up.

    Trump is a personality cult. He is a figure of immense power.

    The fist after being shot in the head made him into an eternal folk hero and god-king.

    The people he wants in his cabinet are all neocon lunatic Israel firsters. His ultra-optics ear event doesn’t change anything about that. During the debate, he said he would not agree to Putin’s negotiation terms. So he’s not even saying he’s going to end that war. He supported that last $60 billion aid package, and Lindsey Graham – who is the gay “war with all heterosexual countries forever” guy, who also happens to be Trump’s biggest supporter – said that the Ukraine aid bill couldn’t have been passed without Donald Trump.

    According to Newsweek at the time, it “raised eyebrows.”

    By my estimation, it actually did this:

    Trump took $100 million from Jew casino billionaire Shelden Adelson’s widow and the very widespread rumor is that he agreed to declare all of Palestine – that is, Gaza and the West Bank – Israeli territory. Whatever the negotiations were, she didn’t give him $100 million because she misses his charming smile.

    I know this is still hard for people. It’s hard for me. I completely ruined my life for this man.

    But the thing is: He’s the Israeli candidate. He’s going to win the election. America is going to war with Iran, and there is going to be popular enthusiasm for Jewish wars more powerful than there was after 9/11 – at least among whites.

    The worst part of all is how this affects me personally: I’m going to be in a position of siding with leftists and brown people against the Great White Hope.

    I’m not supporting wars for Jews. I’m not going to do that. Basically, everyone else is going to support it. After this shooting, which is the symbolic culmination of everything they’ve done to him going back to the dirty dossier, all of this war against him, which always felt to all normal Americans as a war on all normal Americans, Trump is going to keep 95% of his supporters even if he declares boots on the ground in Iran (it will probably be Yemen first, and then there will be a lot of naval conflict, then there will be covert ops in Iran, and then he will announce boots on the ground in Iran – but these are details).

    I don’t usually make predictions because I’m not a wizard. But I’ve worked this thing through in my head a million times over, and everything I’ve told you here appears obvious to me.

    But there is Good News
    The good news is that the US is going to lose the wars and China is going to be the dominant world power. When the bottom falls out of the dollar, the jig is up.

    In that scenario, we will be allowed to rebuild our country. It will be a whole new world when the Jews are out of power.

    It’s just such a horrible tragedy that it’s Donald Trump who is going to do this to us. That will be very difficult for people to recover from, and most people will not recover from it.

    We’re in for a rough ride.

    But when the empire falls, there will be a future for white children.

    There will be hope.

    Having thought about that insane video of the cop waiting for the guy to shoot and then shooting him, and seeing all of the talk of this being “staged,” there is some possibility that they will claim Trump did a false flag against himself. The media used to say false flags didn’t exist, but now they accuse Russia of them constantly. This would be really weird, but I can’t understand that video.

    Unless the cop behind him was a woman cop. I guess I could then understand the behavior. However, that still doesn’t explain why the Secret Service wouldn’t have shot (and probably shot that cop as well, I would think). Unless, again, the Secret Service were also women.

    Jarek: Questions: If you’re hoping to attain Global Empire with one little red kiss, isn’t that putting a lot of trust in poor Patsy Cline?

    Answer: They didn’t. As Anglin said earlier in the article, a spook with a good intellect could turn some poor kid in two weeks. Work the Trump failed us line. The kid has delusions of grandeur but doesn’t know guns. Give him a rifle with blanks. After popping a few off, he is taken out.

    Part of Satanic ethics is to always provide clues. The Alex Baldwin case resolved a couple of days before provides the clue: Blanks.

    Thus the Oggian hypothesis completes Anglin’s arch. Trump is taken down by the agents and a red substance is smeared on his ear and face. He is taken down hard and the pain on his face is real. One of the agents is a woman. Anglin is in agony. I laugh but share in his pain at the same time.

    Problem: What about the injured and dead people in the crowd? The answer is obvious but too sad to say. My heart was broken the other day. A duck was crossing a busy road. Why didn’t he fly across? Too old? Injured? Tired? A quickly checked my mirror and broke for him. I’ll never forget the look of determination on its face as it hurried to get past me. Next thing I saw was a big swoosh of feather to my left. The car beside me didn’t see him or didn’t care. I assume he was smooshed.

    • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 2:24 pm #

      Brilliant thesis, Jarek – credit where credit is due.

    • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 2:28 pm #

      The Israel angle is interesting. Trump is Israel’s candidate. But Biden isn’t doing half badly as a Zionist. And Trump 1. is always a bit of a wildcard, and 2. was winning already anyway. So, why was this very necessary, from an Israeli perspective?

      • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 2:49 pm #

        As an exercise in creative free writing, Jarek makes intriguing rhetorical arguments as always. He uses a lot of razzle dazzle eloquence and interwoven obscurities, but his broad picture analysis is compelling.

        From the Israeli perspective, Trump is more agreeable publicly and likely privately with regard to Israel’s war agenda.

        Not to sure the high precision Mossad sniper ear-nicking thing convinced me but we’ll never know for certain anyway.

    • Paula D July 14, 2024 at 8:24 pm #

      Was it really the Jews though?

      The Dems claim it was the Russians.

      • mary.m July 15, 2024 at 10:28 am #

        Crooks appeared in a Blackrock commercial in 22 or 23. I’m guessing that’s when he was recruited.

  100. OG July 14, 2024 at 2:13 pm #

    It is a monumental day here on CFN! This is the first time ever that a current event appeared in our GLT.

    For each of these 10 major historical events, score a 1 if you believe that it was a black op and a 0 if you believe the official story.

    JFK ~ 1963
    Gulf of Tonkin ~ 1964
    USS Liberty ~ 1967
    RFK ~ 1968
    Apollo Moon Missions ~ 1969-1972
    OKC ~ 1995
    9/11 ~ 2001
    Boston Marathon ~ 2013
    Vegas Turkey-Shoot ~ 2017
    Trump’s Magic Ear ~ 2024

    What is your score?

    We currently have 15 public GLT scores:

    10 – OG, Jarek, tuco22, JimInFlorida2.0, SSL, C.O.Jones, Zoltar, Ron Anselmo
    9 – getsome, RD3, jim e
    5 – JAZ
    2 – Ely
    1 – Gus
    0 – tom clark

    Support this blog on PatreonSupport this blog on Substack
    Support this blog via Patreon or Substack
    • OG July 14, 2024 at 2:17 pm #

      * MLK [1968] has been replaced by Trump’s Magic Ear [2024].

      * All people with public GLT scores can, of course, always publicly change their score as it is conceivable that they think oppositely on MLK and TME.

      * There are many CFNers who despise our GLT. Too bad, so sad.

      • elysianfield July 14, 2024 at 4:09 pm #

        Well, the only way I can see my GLiT increasing in size is that if the Overwatch guy somehow has a terrible accident….

        OverwatchGuy® will be the key to the investigation…he will be aggressively questioned.

        • Paula D July 14, 2024 at 8:26 pm #

          Aggressively questioned by the crack team of highly trained investigators who will hold nothing back in their fervor to get to the bottom of this, so that they can fully inform the American people.

          Because we all know they love an informed public. And that they shine in the transparency department.

          Attorney general Merrick Garland
          Department of homeland security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
          FBI director Chris Wray
          National security adviser Jake Sullivan
          Homeland security adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall
          US Secret Service director Kim Cheatle

          • elysianfield July 15, 2024 at 12:43 am #

            Cut Cheatle some slack…she was once head of Security for…Pepsi Cola.

  101. Jarek July 14, 2024 at 2:20 pm #

    A high level marksmen with a good rifle and scope could possibly have knicked Trump’s ear (or that of his doppelganger) and not taken part of it off.

    But a kid with no scope or training? He’d either miss entirely, or kill or disfigure him. You have to understand how to use a patsy.

    The King must not be disfigured in ancient Irish Law. One that was disfigured in battle no longer embodied divine perfection and must honorably step down.

    Trump won’t listen. Thus his ear was supposedly clipped to make him listen to the Sages of the Talmud. Slaves in ancient Israel had their ears clipped if memory serves.

    • messianicdruid July 14, 2024 at 2:32 pm #

      It was an awl through the ear lobe, Earing size [ minimal disfigurement ] .

      • messianicdruid July 14, 2024 at 3:06 pm #

        Left ear listens, right ear hears.

    • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 2:33 pm #

      7 shots, one spectator brained, 6 full misses and one ear-glance. How is this fully implausible from a kid shooter who’s been to a shooting range a few times?

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 2:44 pm #

        But Trump’s shirt remains perfectly white and his hand remains non-blood-smeared? Think about it.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 2:54 pm #

          No blood on shirt because he immediately went down at an angle where it dripped toward his nose.

          That was easy. Already dealt with the hand. Got anything good?

          • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 3:04 pm #

            Gus, I now agree with your take about the lack of blood on the shirt and hand. And Trump’s wound didn’t appear to be all that big. Plus his visible fright and physical reaction appeared genuine to me. Though he posed in defiance for the photo op at the end, he looked like a seriously shook old man before that.

            Can’t wait to watch Oliver Stone’s dramatic interpretation.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 3:08 pm #

            You did not deal with his hand, Gus. It has no blood on it immediately after his ear was supposedly shot by an M-16 causing all the blood that gelled on his ear! How can that be?

            Of course everyone here remembers you twice being caught red-handed lying to help the authorities cover-up Lahaina, Gus. Twice. Your childlike ridiculous explanations for the official story of that DEW attack became such a joke here on CFN that you rage-quit like a little girl.

            That happened.

            That is: you are nothing more than a gov’t shill who’s credibility is ZERO (just like the amount of flowing blood out of fake Trump’s right ear after being hit by an M-16 bullet).

          • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 3:18 pm #


            Ever think that his ear was nicked and not shot through? The pictures I saw looked like the ear was intact but bloody. I also remember that girls especially get their ears pierced in that area with little resultant bleeding, not near as much as Trump had.

            You are going to have to come up with a little more substantial info to get away with this one.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 3:32 pm #

            I shouldn’t have gotten angry over Lahaina, OG. Your input makes for fun and worthwhile debates over certain extremities of the viewpoint spectrum, extremities represented by plenty out there in the politiscape; you’re certainly not alone.

    • elysianfield July 14, 2024 at 4:04 pm #

      “A high level marksmen with a good rifle and scope could possibly have knicked Trump’s ear”

      Yeah…but no. I, would consider myself a high level marksman, with great rifles and scopes (I mean…I used to have), and I could probably nick the ear at 130 yards with a 90% probability.*

      90%, and no serious marksman would suggest they could do better. Too many variables. An exceptional rifle can hold 1/4 MOA…that;s about .375 of an inch at 130 yards…and consider that the bullet is .224 in diameter, so subtract .112 of an inch….

      Do the math, before you are the one with the “apple on his head”.

      *On a good day

    • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 4:24 pm #

      My understanding is that Trump turned his head at the most of opportune moments so that the bullet nicked his ear rather than going into his skull which would have been the case if his head was turned just so in the other direction. The more i think about it i think i am a barbarian lol. To me it seems like only natural for a King to have some battle scars. Like, how else did you get to that position you know. But personally I am thinking the globalists the zionists and what have you have everything they need with Biden. Trump could certainly be a complete act but it seems like they really don’t want him to win and they’ve already stolen one election from him. Even if he gives them what they want sometimes he is still too much of a wildcard imo. And that is why we are seeing what we see.

  102. JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 3:02 pm #

    Okay, #1. One of the pictures showed a secret service guy wiping trumps head wit a towel with lots of blood on it.

    #2. A semi-automatic shooting 7 shots within 10 seconds, the kid obviously sprayed the podium. he hit someone clear down on the right side of the stands, he hit the nephew of Ronny Jackson, the Trump MD, grazing his neck, and injured someone else. He was shooting all over the place, was he even aiming at Trump or just trying to blast him.

    If Trump had not been looking to the right at the moment of fire, he would be dead.

    So OG with your ridiculous ideas, I guess you would say that it was planned that the kid would shoot his ear just as he turned. That he aimed at Trump’s ear as he was hitting people 30 feet away in the stands. BTW, a few seconds after the last shot, a final shot was heard, probably the Trump sniper putting him down.

    Think about the shooter, he had to know it was a suicide mission. They are saying he registered Republican. Heard there were explosives in his car and home.Western. PA is big time Trump country, why? Waiting to hear.

    OG Is Nuts, welcome. OG takes anything that happens and spins it into a conspiracy. Some I agree with, most not. My GLT score is low. He is bad at cherry picking data to “prove” his theory.

    • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 3:10 pm #

      When I think of ‘conspiracy’, it’s those grainy photos of Bigfoot and Loch Less. Aren’t we all here hungry for “(‘conspiracy’)”?
      Just trying to be objective, how about coincidence theorist, ouch!
      weaponizing words cheapen them and are just trained insults.

      • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 3:15 pm #

        He climbed to the roof of the building with a ladder. i have a difficult time believing no one saw the ladder.

      • Kornado July 14, 2024 at 3:17 pm #

        I think it was staged because so many things don’t seem the way they are supposed to be anymore, and I think the powers have these abilities now to deceive us and control enough of us.

        I will play the devil’s advocate, in that, they would know everything’s being filmed or could be, then shared instantaneously, a million Zapruders..so what if the mission failed…
        My gut instinct has me feeling like that’s the audacity we should expect…

        It’s working?

    • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 3:11 pm #

      He was registered as a Republican, yes. But some people are saying he registered that way to vote against Trump in the primary. He apparently donated to Act Blue. Both of his parents were psychologists.

      • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 3:12 pm #

        Both his parents were psychologists?

        Well, that didn’t work.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 3:19 pm #


        • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 3:32 pm #

          Yeah, i’m trying to find the source for that. I saw it earlier on X but want to confirm. It was like his dad was a psychologist and his mom was a social worker or something of that nature. Let me see what i can find.

        • Blackbird July 14, 2024 at 3:45 pm #

          Or maybe it did work, just not in a good way for the kid…

        • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 3:51 pm #

          He was also in a BlackRock commercial.

        • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 3:55 pm #

          Ok, the parents are both certified behavioral health counselors per Pennsylvania state records.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 3:16 pm #

      OK, JAZ! A real argument with real facts! Thank you!

      #1. Pls provide a link to this bloody towel picture.

      #2. Why did they not keep the towel on his ear? Everyone knows that compression is what’s immediately required for open wounds.

      #3. You never watched the videos that I posted this morning, JAZ. Trump’s sniper fired 3 shots and Trump reached to his ear and dove like a fucking gopher immediately after the first one.

      Yes, let’s talk it out. The evidence is obvious. This is a black op. 100%.

      OG Is Nuts is a child. He ad homs and presents ridiculous strawmen. That’s it. I know that you feel better with support … but even from a child, JAZ? You’re better than that.

      • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 3:24 pm #

        Okay, what open wound, I saw no open wound.

        The round hits before the sound reaches, trump never heard anything.

        He fired seven rounds and the Trump snipers fire one.

        You are nuts, you think Trump, the germaphobe, set himself up to be shot with a semiautomatic weapon that sprayed all over the place in an area where 1 inch to a side would kill him. People were hit all over the grandstand, definitely not a marksman.

        When the answers come in, you are not going to look very good on this one.

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 3:40 pm #

          He could not have had all that blood on his ear and towel without an open wound, JAZ. Otherwise, the blood would’ve stayed in him like you and me now.

          You never watched the videos that I posted this morning, JAZ.

          Trump’s sniper fires at least 3 shots. Watch the video before commenting further.


          Don’t strawman me, JAZ. You’re better than that.

          I never said, “Trump, the germaphobe, set himself up to be shot with a semiautomatic weapon that sprayed all over the place in an area where 1 inch to a side would kill him.”

          This works better if you speak for you but allow me to speak for me.

          “People were hit all over the grandstand, definitely not a marksman.”

          Hahaha! I don’t like your police there, JAZ. That is one stupid conclusion given the fact.

          “When the answers come in, you are not going to look very good on this one.”

          When the answers come in, JAZ, the jabbed will be dead or marked.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 3:44 pm #

            *I don’t like your police work there, JAZ.

          • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 3:51 pm #

            Okay OG

            Al Jazeera

            In pictures: moments after deadly shooting at Trump Rally in Pennsylvania.

            Picture no. 1

            Shows the nick only in his ear with the rest intact. His face has already been wiped off.

            The Guardian.com

            Trump shooting dramatic images capture assassination attempt.

            Picture 8. Blood on his MAGA hat, The towel is there before being used.

            i could not find the one where blood was on it holding it on his face, but it was there yesterday

            Take a GD look around, OG, there is blood throughout the stands from the killed and injured. Your conjecture is such horseshit it is not worth discussing any more.

            I will wait for further information, rather than your bullshit.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:15 pm #

            And I guess that I’ll keep waiting for a simple link!

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:28 pm #

            Take a GD look around, OG, there is blood throughout the stands from the killed and injured.

            To be clear: I’m not saying that all blood was fake. Just that phoney Hollywood gel on Trump’s ear and right cheek.

            Your conjecture is such horseshit it is not worth discussing any more.


          • benr July 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm #


            Ever wonder why you feel the need to go back and forth with someone who obviously is mentally impaired in some way or simply is trolling for all he is worth?
            I can’t decide if he is serious or its some elaborate put on.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 11:00 pm #

            You claimed that you don’t believe that I’m Canadian, benr!

            You don’t know shit from shine-ola.

  103. The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 3:03 pm #

    “OG Is Nuts”:

    benr, is that you?

    • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 3:13 pm #

      It is NOT me.

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 3:18 pm #

        Absolutely! You are far too honourable for such shenanigans, JAZ. Also, you argue with facts and logic while OIN just ad homs and strawmans.

    • benr July 14, 2024 at 5:27 pm #

      I did notice lots of typos and spelling errors.
      Why would I bother registering another account to attack someone I don’t agree with when I have already basically called him names with some childish back and forth?

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 6:34 pm #

        I hear you, but FWIW, you can edit your nick on the fly with current account: Upper-right, click, Edit Profile.

  104. Blackbird July 14, 2024 at 3:35 pm #

    As to be expected, many commenters here have already staked out their default positions on the Trump shooting and have started firing at each other. Meanwhile, the greater mass of readers – think of them as the “Silent Majority” if you will – are patiently sitting back and thinking to themselves, “Why don’t we just wait and hear what Blackbird has to say on the subject?”

    Why not indeed. Well, based on what I have read and seen – mainstream and alternative media – here’s what I think: I think is is most likely a false flag.

    Why? Eight shots fired, one almost a bullseye – but not quite – others hit people in the crow, killing two. One good shot and seven bad? Of course I don’t know where those people were in the crowd, possibly all gathered closely around Trump?? Secret Service had several minutes warning but did nothing. If it had been an actual assassination attempt, I think Trump would have been much more shaken than he appeared to be – he’s no Teddy Roosevelt. I don’t think he’d have had the presence of mind to give his defiant fist pump.

    “Wait a minute – are you saying Trump was in on it?” Yup, at the moment that seems most likely to me – see above. Fake injury too – Trump would never have allowed a real bullet anywhere near his big beautiful head.

    Meanwhile, as everyone gathers around the hole arguing, “It’s a bullet hole!”, “It’s a rabbit hole!”, “It’s a corn hole!”, I’m gonna crawl down into that hole with what little light I’ve kindled and see if I can figure out where it leads. Was this faked (in my opinion) “assassination attempt” planned to increase sympathy for Trump? I think that’s probably how it was sold to him, but I think there may be another level above that…

    Above the clouds and beyond the outer limit of Trump’s comprehension, I think this “assassination attempt” might be planned to quickly fall apart upon examination, leading to the revelation that it was the Trump campaign that was behind it. And because at least two people died, I imagine that would be enough to disqualify Trump. Good thing the Big Guy “stayed in the race” as he will then be “running” essentially unopposed.

    But wait – there’s more! This wasn’t just a false flag to knock down the Golden Golem. I think that in general, any “anti-Trump” actions are really aimed at his followers – Trump being just an actor playing a role. I think this might be the big event meant to stir up the Trump supporters – and the anti-Bidenites – thereby amplifying the “White Nationalist!” narrative. That of course leads to the “assassination” of the Ho, that I have been long predicting. Followed, of course, by the installation of the Hildebeast. Followed by the Big Guy deciding, “Ya know what, I think I’m gonna have some ice cream instead”, as he wanders off the national stage. President Hildebeast. Election cancelled due to “Russia-Supported Racist White Nationalist Uprising!!!”.

    Of course there is a slim chance my vision of the future – and of the immediate past – may be a bit blurry. As a great sage once said,“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

    It’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it

    • Blackbird July 14, 2024 at 3:44 pm #

      Correction: one bystander killed, not two.

      • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 3:51 pm #

        Two injured.

        • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 3:58 pm #

          Hate to say it BB, you are as wrong as OG, why do you all have to prove that everything is a phony a conspiracy? Look at the Al Jazeera picture I put out to OG.

          That is a nick in his ear and that is blood running down his face.

          Your conjectures are full of obvious lack of real info. And obvious opinion, We will just wait and see.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 4:07 pm #

            Only other time I remember straight disagreeing with the Blackbird was over Lahaina, actually.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:13 pm #

            Oh ya? How do youse two feel about 10/7?

            Note: Gus is a GLT 1 while Blackbird has never disclosed his GLT to CFN.

          • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 4:17 pm #

            Haha, GLT of 10, I would believe – say *BYE BYE* to the last of the ecosystem(s)…

            The exponential consumption/depletion/pollution/destruction sowed our sad seedz…

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 3:49 pm #

      “Why don’t we just wait and hear what Blackbird has to say on the subject?”


    • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 3:53 pm #

      Nope, BB. Look at the lower right hand side of the crowd, blood everywhere.

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:10 pm #

        Links please, JAZ!

        • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 4:31 pm #

          I don’t do links. I sent you sources above, get off your butt and look them up.

          Or is that going to disprove your “theory”?

          There are tons of pictures on the internet, you might look at a few before making your stupid statements.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 5:38 pm #

            You’re lameass if you argue with images and then expect your opponent to go find them. Total lameass. And you don’t like my evidence? At least I present it!

            I have seen many angles, JAZ. Trump goes to his supposedly shot right ear with his right hand, it then comes away BLOODLESS, he then dives like a gopher and pops up seconds later with already clotted blood remnants on his ear and face but none on his white shirt collar!

            And ears bleed and bleed and bleed … but not his – even without compression. He has a magic ear, I guess.

            Wanna buy a bridge, JAZ? 50 bucks. Today only.

          • benr July 14, 2024 at 5:46 pm #


            Because google is so hard.

            OG wants to be spoon fed like a baby which is why he falls for so many ridiculous non facts.
            OG as usual you’re wrong and look like an idiot.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:45 pm #

            It is the responsibility of the debater to provide his/her sources, benr, you dipshit.

            “I’m right. It’s on the internet. Go find it.”

            Holy shit! Are we in Grade 3?

            I’m not wrong. Trump’s “in on it.” D’uh!

    • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 4:09 pm #

      I think it was a failed attempt in reality. They’ve already uncovered a prominent Democrat donor fabricating the narrative that it was an op put on by Trump himself or the campaign. So they were at least thinking of taking this angle and propagating it in the media but its too late since that came out. Seems like no, they do not want Trump in the WH. Why would they when they are getting everything they need with Biden?

      • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 4:23 pm #

        Yeah, maybe it had something to do with asphalt, concrete, suburbia sprawl, strip mall, desert nightmare/wasteland?!?

        • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 4:33 pm #

          With unlimited numbers of migrants allowed into the country we can be sure that there will be a never ending expansion of asphalt, concrete, suburban sprawl, strip malls.

          A desert wasteland actually has a beauty about it so.

          • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 7:43 pm #

            How ’bout a Desert Nightmare?!… Yeah – beyond peak FO SHO.

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 4:25 pm #

        Why does every operation have to be a huge deep-state operation and/or a deeply twisted false-flag type event?

        How many millions of “lower IQ” Trump-haters are there out there? Why not this kid and a group of local TDS sufferers conspiring in PA, going through with it, and almost, but not quite, succeeding?

        • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 4:37 pm #

          Well, it doesn’t have to be. It certainly could have been a very local and organic incident. Not saying that, just expressing what i feel it was. That being said it does make sense that people who have lots of power can do lots of things. They can also make it appear that they were not part of it. So there is that aspect. I tend to lean toward the idea that powerful forces have a lot of control over things.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:49 pm #

            Exactly. A bunch of local yokels couldn’t get within 2 miles of that roof.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 14, 2024 at 6:53 pm #

            Didn’t mean my comment as a challenge to yours, SSL, just an add-on. Probably worded ambiguously, I realize rereading.

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:56 pm #

          Why does every operation have to be a huge deep-state operation and/or a deeply twisted false-flag type event?

          The truth is the truth is the truth is the truth, Gus. It does not “have to be.” It just is.

          The fact that you’re cheering against the truth in order to maintain your grasp on your Mommy-state blanky betrays your bias.

          In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
          – President Franklin D. Roosevelt

        • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 6:48 pm #

          Bottom eighth – roughly 45 million. As to your other point – glory?!… Ask those Gazanz…

    • Rulo Deschamps July 14, 2024 at 4:28 pm #

      Well, BB singing in the dead of night…

      Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that tries to answer this: “what is it possible to know?” – from “episteme”, “knowledge” in Greek.

      You are shown footage of your wife cheating on you with a midget. It looks realistic, but you cannot know if it documents an actual fact. Powerful algorithms exist that may create this fake already. Big capital invests heavily in this tech, and also on its counterpart: Google has 23 thousand million dollars ready to buy the most promising anti-hack, anti-fake tech. Needless to say, it also invests on the other side of the coin, the tech to create the hacks, the fakes. As all the other big players, musk, zucker, all of them. Be the gatekeepers of reality, what’s real and what’s not, a role formerly played by TV.

      We know very little. There’s good and bad, that’s the main thing we know. We know those we love, we know that if someone, when offered a tic-tac, goes on a long speech to explain that she cannot take it because she’s a raw vegan instead of saying “no, thank you,” she is from California. We know, we suspect, just from looking around when we go out of our farm, that this civilization is in terminal decline. We don’t know the when’s and the how’s though. We know when we get a whiff of rotten fish in the “official” explanations of 911 or Kennedy, but we really have no clue. We just smell the rot.

      Just because someone is vocal and loud and righteous when revealing the “truth” behind the moon landings or, for that matters, the “truth” of who will go to heaven and hell when their “rapture” comes doesn’t mean he knows jackshit. His ego is just too big to admit he doesn’t know.

      My ego is not oversized, I hope. So I recognize I know jackshit about what the hell happened yesterday. Or many other things.

      The sage you mention towards the end of your manifesto was right, of course. He was also right when he said “the future ain’t what it used to be.”

      Ain’t that the truth. Only a few decades ago the future looked much, much better.

      Hey, if you can share what you think you know, then I can as well. And don’t say Spics have no right to an opinion at CFN or I’ll sue you with the anti defamation league of Spics and you’ll lose your fortune.

      So here’s my 2¢, as valid as yours (only yours are conspiracy theories of a lunatic, mine are based on huge intellectual superiority and high level sources) – It was all green-lighted, planned. The Praetorian Guard had the “loonie” in their sights but they let him shoot before blowing him off to hell. That was the plan, but the bumbling idiot missed some fairly easy shots and the day was lost, his sacrifice for nothing. The Golem survived, and not just that, the got stronger. Nobody doubts his defiant photo, bloody and pumping fist under the flag, has already “won” him the election. And if you believe in elections, then my anger will know no limits. The photo will justify the selection, not the election. But you know that.

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 5:07 pm #

        So … they wanted him dead … enough to pull off this 7/13 stunt … but then their 20 year-old patsy goofed it … so now he’ll be POTUS once again …

        Ya think?

        • Rulo Deschamps July 14, 2024 at 5:14 pm #

          They went to “plan B” fast. It’s fait accompli now. The photo exists. It justifies a new Ronald McDonald to run the joint. The other Ronald was getting too old and stupid anyway, so it may be for the better.

          Unless you believe in substantial differences between the Ronalds. If you do, your claims to high intelligence can be questioned.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 5:26 pm #

            Switch to “Plan B” after 20 tear-old patsy muffed the biggest American black op since for 9/11? Ya think?

            OK … but … then they’re now going to let the guy that they just tried to assassinate be their boss?

            With all due respect, you’re not very good at this.

            None of the above, Rulo.

            I believe that we are being shown a real-life production. I believe that that was Trump’s double and that he was never in real jeopardy. I believe that he had no blood on his hand because the shot rang out, his hand went to his supposed shot ear, came away bloodless, dove like a gopher and then popped up with Hollywood “blood” gel on his ear and right cheek.

            I cannot believe that I have to say this to you, of all people, Rulo:

            This will work better if you speak for you but then allow me to speak for me. Right?

          • Rulo Deschamps July 14, 2024 at 6:37 pm #

            OG, but it’s not “I believe”

            It’s “I know”

            You don’t have that. Isn’t it arrogant to fulminate others as stupid who don’t know either but at least admit they don’t know?

          • Rulo Deschamps July 14, 2024 at 6:43 pm #

            I think Gustafson is an honest thinker. Realistic. I try to be, too.

            Let me put it this way, about the Ronalds: they won’t say

            It’s a problem we’re polluting all our water, and using it too fast

            It’s a problem generations ahead of us in the future, they’ll have to be dealing with radioactive waste, plastic, chemicals, in mothers’ milk.

            Because we wanted 6 packs of Mountain Dew, cheap.

            And everything else. Jet skis.

            The non negotiable thing Cheney talked about.

            The lifestyle.

            But the lifestyle has to go.

            Don’t you see? Because we only had one Earth. And she’s pretty well spent.

            Now, back to the photo and the election. Yes. Plan B. The powers that be must be flexible, no? Surely Trump can be manipulated as a puppet, just like Biden. He already showed us that over his time. He’s not gonna give the Mountain Dew 6 pack speech, that’s for sure.

          • Jarek July 15, 2024 at 2:20 am #

            Agree: You’re not very good at this. Their whole future, and their dreams of world empire are at stake. And they left it to a utterly confused, untrained, loser kid? Are you out of your mind?

            You don’t understand how to use a patsy.
            They let him get into place and take his shot because he only had blanks. They didn’t want to kill Trump, but glorify him! He will lead them to Global Empire or so they think. Ras Putin smiles….

          • Blackbird July 15, 2024 at 9:26 pm #

            “…conspiracy theories of a lunatic…” Ha! Say that when you’re paying your taxes to the Hildebeast – forever!

            Gotta admit I was surprised to see yesterday’s comments show up again today. But the gravity of the moment and all…

            As I try to explain below, the whole incident looks and smells to me like an inside job. Inexcusable lapses in security. The standard “angry loner”.

            But then I also speculate that it could be something even bigger. But that’s what I do: I speculate. I try to figure out the future before it gets here.

            Maybe I should spend my time raising chickens as I frequently suggested to TruthSeeker86. Hopefully that is why we haven’t heard from him in awhile. But for now the future is just too darned interesting for me to spend much time in the present.

      • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 7:13 pm #

        d00d – Is there NE knowledge so certain, that no reasonable *MAN* could doubt it?!? HAHA!

  105. OG July 14, 2024 at 4:09 pm #

    Your GLT is not low, JAZ. Your GLT of 5 was, I thought, a unicorn. When I built our GLT, I thought that everybody would be 0, 1, 2, 8, 9 or 10. I thought that nobody would be a 5.

    BTW – Should I lower you to a 4 now that Trump’s Magic Ear [2024] has replaced MLK [1968] in our GLT?

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    • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 4:48 pm #

      It’s so strange – none of you realize that we ALL DIE when the ecosystem fails. Ecocide Extinction.

      Invasive species, indeed!!!

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:58 pm #

        Oh! We realize it … but we’re also going to argue world politics right up until then.

        • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 6:51 pm #

          Haha, U just made me laugh and cry – at the *SAME TIME* !!!

  106. OG July 14, 2024 at 4:19 pm #

    Don’t ya just love the 5’4″ SS agent right smack dab in the middle of the huddle for the ultimate photo op (and super-clean head shot) of the “ex-“POTUS?

    If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck.

    • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 4:33 pm #

      The way your very predictable “black ops” BS comes out, right on schedule, I would say you do not even know what a duck is.

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 4:44 pm #

        C’mon, JAZ. You’re better than that! Everybody is.

  107. OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 5:06 pm #

    Hi OG. It’s me “OG is Nuts; I’m gonna ride your unsaved ass until you repent from the forncation you as a “Christian” are committing with your “girlfriend”. You know, the one you think loves you and is totally faithful to you
    ? . Repent and turn from your sinful ways and you’ll stop vomiting out the conspiracy garbage you specialize in. Oh, guess what? .A litle birdie told me that BibiYahoo was the trigger puller because he knew the fake Trump was in his Mar-A-Largo garage refiling “the papers”

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 5:08 pm #

      You’re lameass.

      • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 6:11 pm #

        That must be Canadian for you’re a lameass. And you’re r a FORNICATOR. Read what the book of corinthians says about fornicators

        • ZrCrypDiK July 14, 2024 at 6:53 pm #

          OMFG the troll is *Feeding himself.*

          How desperate, to create alts…

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:37 pm #

            He doesn’t like what I believe. It frightens him as he clings to his Nannystate blanky.

            He can’t argue facts like a man, though, so, instead, he attacks my faith and my relationship with God.

            He is a sad, pathetic, little man.

          • ZrCrypDiK July 15, 2024 at 4:15 am #

            Haha, U get Ur blanky!!! That’s what I say to my 15 yr old dog… Yeah, I’m hoping he hits 18…

  108. CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 5:07 pm #

    U.S Army Special Forces Sniper Breaks down Trump Shooting | GreenBeretChronicles.com – Title from YouBoob Channel vid.

    Saint Mo – Yep, that’s the red-headed goofball “interviewee” in question.

    The outside venue attendees, who could only hear and not see Trump, yet had full view of all the surrounding perches, were immediately active and vocal when they spotted the goon with a rifle ascending to the roof and sought to alert authorities.

    Surely, more than one dude was signaling police and flagging Trump guards about the danger, but from what I can tell, everything happened too fast for them to intervene properly.

    The Green Beret in the above video doesn’t get into any conspiracy narratives, but he does specifically criticize the “amateur hour” response by the SS agents.

    He also discusses how easy it would’ve been for a formally trained shooter to make such a short distance shot. Wind wasn’t even an issue at that range. But the incompetent leftists who may be bold enough to try and kill Trump are not the same ilk as Trump’s gun culture lovin’ enthusiasts.

    The blatant negligence and/or incompetence alone tells me one thing – if the cabal wanted Trump dead – it would be easy to make happen.

    A slightly better rifle, a better trained sniper – and Trump is a martyr – and therefore a much bigger problem with regard to controlling voters.

    The fact that three other people were killed or injured proves at a minimum that the shooting was a legit attempt to take a life. Trump is either dumb-lucky or the supernaturally anointed God-King Jarek suggests.

    Trump supporters will lose for winning, eventually. Bidden supporters have already lost, and *everyone knows this.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 5:17 pm #

      Trump is either dumb-lucky or the supernaturally anointed God-King Jarek suggests.

      I don’t like your police work, there CP.

      You’re needlessly excluding other motives with other explanations. That’s a great way to confidently reach a bad conclusion.

      I posit that the “blood” on Trump was fake Hollywood gel and that he (Trump’s double) was “in on it.”

      • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 7:23 pm #

        You can posit all you want, it is your privilege, Meanwhile when Trump shows up with that notch in his ear, you will be eating crow, rare.

        You know something, I have never seen you admit you are wrong about something.

        Hmmmm. And folks on the blog are noticing that too.

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:33 pm #

          I stood corrected mere days ago, JAZ.

        • ZrCrypDiK July 15, 2024 at 4:20 am #

          ” you will be eating crow”

          I swear, 30/20 years ago there weren’t crows here. Now, every morning at 5-6am, they drown out all the songbirds. Talk about invasive!!! But, apparently you need a permit to hunt that ‘endangered species’ …

          • GreenAlba July 15, 2024 at 6:19 am #

            I wish someone would come here and hunt ‘seagulls’. This is gull season – they’re nesting and defensive. They nest on the roofs of tenement blocks and dive-bomb anyone they feel threatened by. Although they have no reason to feel threatened on top of a fourth-storey roof, but I don’t imagine reason plays a big part in a gull’s life.

            They don’t like dogs, so taking the dog for a walk is like being an extra in The Birds. I’ve been dive-bombed by the same one twice this week. The second time it freaked out my grandson and we had to disappear up a side street to get away from it. It hasn’t actually made contact yet but it’s expremely intimidating. My husband suggested taking a tennis racket for protection (not that we have one – not sure the badminton racket would be as functional). I suspect if you hit one in self-defence you’d get done for animal cruelty. The dog remains completely unfazed and pays no attention.

    • SoftStarLight July 14, 2024 at 6:42 pm #

      Even though they have a lot of power, they are all still human. Maybe the plan went awry. Honestly Biden and crew are acting strange. They can’t determine whether this was an assassination attempt or not? Please. What if this was supposed to have gone a different way and they are somewhat flat footed. It doesn’t strike you as odd that this happened right before the RNC convention. They may have wanted this chaos and for him not to be here. They will never use any tool that could be linked directly back to them so they may use amateurs. Amateurs are easy to MK Ultra.

      • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 7:18 pm #


        Is Biden next? Is his secret service going to allow a boy with a gun to climb up on a building 160 yards away from him? Self defense. Who knows it might be some nutty Left winger, incensed by Hollywood that gets fired up enough to commit suicide to blast Biden.

        I like my idea, Trump and Biden get together and get rid of all the nuts in the Deep State that are trying to off them.

      • Jarek July 15, 2024 at 2:24 am #

        And amateurs don’t get the job done. So one assumes they didn’t want the job done.

        With JFK, they wanted the job done and used a patsy with a shit gun and bad angle to hide the competent shooting from elsewhere.

  109. OG July 14, 2024 at 5:27 pm #

    I sure do look forward to Jim’s essay tomorrow morning!

    • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 6:10 pm #

      You should be looking forward to the Sunday night service and go forward to accept Christ as your personal Savior

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:32 pm #

        Well, you are entitled to your own opinion but please know that I do not give a fuck what you think that I should do, OIN.

        I call it, “Freedom.”

        Not only do I not give a fuck what you think that I should do, I also don’t give a fuck what you do with your freedom. I’d never even consider telling you what you should do. [Except, of course, “You should go fuck yourself.”]

        You see, I’m way cooler than are you.

  110. CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 5:27 pm #

    “I don’t do links. I sent you sources above, get off your butt and look them up.

    Or is that going to disprove your “theory”?

    There are tons of pictures on the internet, you might look at a few before making your stupid statements.” – JAZ

    The same goes for you JAZ – with regard to challenging your own confirmation bias regarding Trump’s brand – everyone sees the characters they want to see in their own personal movie.

    Don Miguel Ruiz calls this The Voice of Knowledge. We don’t know what we don’t know, so we fill in the gaps with cherry-picked facts as best as possible.

    Oddly, what OG entirely overlooks is that one person was killed and two others were critically injured – which alone makes the shooting Not Fake. He’s not a stupid person, so maybe he’s just a paid shill?

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    • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm #

      “You’re needlessly excluding other motives with other explanations. That’s a great way to confidently reach a bad conclusion.” – OG

      Right back atcha my friend.

      • OG July 14, 2024 at 6:00 pm #

        No. It was you with the either/or certainty – not me.

        I consider both your two lameass choices PLUS others.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 5:59 pm #

      Oddly, what OG entirely overlooks is that one person was killed and two others were critically injured – which alone makes the shooting Not Fake. He’s not a stupid person, so maybe he’s just a paid shill?

      Or maybe I simply believe that the evil fucks who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 wouldn’t bat an eye at dropping a couple Trumpsters one day.

      • OG Is Nuts July 14, 2024 at 6:09 pm #

        Hahahaha OG . Which evil fucks are we taking about? The aliens from Roswell? The landlords who own the tropical paradise the dead shuttle crews are living one? You’re slipping OG. After all, no one was killed on 9/11…no one was killed at Sandy Hook that December day…..Columbine was a fairy tale…etc. You’re really slipping OG. Your spot in the Conspiracy Hall of Fame is in danger if you don’t recant……..and stop fornicating with your cheating girlfriend…

        • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 7:11 pm #

          Wait one, OG is nuts. OG, who exactly do you believe the evil fucks are that are doing all the black ops? I absolutely believe that, for example, the JFK murder was done by the early Deep State, and if the SOBs that still inhabit the streets of DC are of the same caliber, they are capable of anything.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 8:42 pm #

            Exactly, JAZ. One and the same. Masons are the network of the foot soldiers all reporting up the chain to the capstone. The same people who blew JFK’s head apart also run the US Fed, IMF, BIS, Blackrock, WEF, CFR, Dems, GOPs, ADL, AIPAC, etc.

            They run the black ops and the most recent black op was yesterday in Butler, PA.

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 8:37 pm #

          You are a silly person.

      • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 6:27 pm #

        You can’t have it both ways, bruh. The dead or injured attendees will be instantly forgotten. That Trump lived will not be. That the shooter was not a competent marksman will also be forgotten.

        Your earlier submitted *evidence that someone smeared barbecue sauce on his ear and cheek but neglected to get any on his shirt just falls flat. The blood of the murdered and injured on the bleachers is irrefutable.

        If the shots at Trump were staged yet the 3 bystanders hit were a willful sacrifice is a blatant obfuscation you cannot prove – and the death/injuries only serve to bolster the narrative that Trump is a good guy desperately challenging deep state baddies – a story his partisan true believers have already thoroughly swallowed hook, line, and sinker..

        • OG July 14, 2024 at 8:55 pm #

          It’s my theory, I can make it anyway that I so choose, bruh.

          I never said anything about bbq sauce. Rather, I allege that what the pictures of Trump’s right ear displays is Hollywood “blood” gel.

          It is well-known that ears bleed and bleed and bleed and need much time and compression to properly clot … except for DJT’s magic right ear.

          My theory, with perfectly explains everything that happened and has nothing in evidence to contradict any of it, falls flat? Says you!

          Are you saying that they couldn’t put Hollywood “blood” gel on Trump’s ear AND really pop a few real Trumpsters? Surely you’re not that stupid. Right? Surely you understand that that is possible.

          Your last sentence doesn’t make sense. If the shots “at” Trump were staged then … what is it?

          To cut to the chase, yes, I believe that Trump was not hit, was instead smeared with Hollywood “blood” and a few PA Trumpsters were really whacked to give credence to their black op.

          That’s my theory. Please provide evidence that contradicts anything that is in my theory. Thank you.

          • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 9:10 pm #

            You prove my point for me. Nuff said. Goodbye FOG.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:26 pm #

            You prove my point for me. Nuff said. Goodbye FOG.

            Do you not feel silly acting 10 or 12 on a serious adult site?

            You will be awoken, CP. You will see the truth.

            It’s wake-up time!


            Start at 3:30.

    • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 7:14 pm #

      Hey, CP, I at least looked at multiple picture sites and only reported on things that were obvious like the notch in Trump’s ear.

      • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 8:05 pm #


        I woke up this morning and started reviewing such photos and footage. I realized that Trump was genuinely surprised and luckily minimally injured – his crowd not so much.

        I now wholeheartedly believe that he is the most protected politician alive. I also believe that no office seeker right or left is today safe and thus will be no less highly protected.

        Shit finally got real with regard to vigilante justified retribution. None of *them are safe, and they all know it. Hide your weapons accordingly.

        Though Trump gains an undeniable boost to his cult following post-assassination attempt, the PTB have a whole new can of worms to deal with. The Nanny State will only increase in power from here.

        Won’t we see tit for tat assassination attempts, even upon lower level officials? I mean, why the funk not? And why would THEY not move to counteract the phenomenon?

        • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 9:58 pm #

          Think about it though, these guys and gals put themselves in reach of prospective shooters every time they get behind a podium. So how do you stop it from the other side, to not give a shooter motivation to shoot. Tons of SS, yet Reagan, JFK, Ford, Roosevelt, Teddy variety, Mc Kinley, Lincoln.

          If someone is fired up enough, he cannot be stopped. Remember Abe in Japan.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 10:33 pm #

            In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
            – President Franklin D. Roosevelt

  111. stelmosfire July 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm #

    Well I don’t know one way or the other what actually happened yesterday but I’m confident Congress will get to the bottom of it.

    • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 5:31 pm #

      Bah-hah-ha, good one St. Mo!

      Keep it light and full of comic relief.

    • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 7:08 pm #

      Yeah, like JFK, perfectly solved in no time, no questions.

      Congress might get it done in 70 years or so.

      One thing though, Biden has already told DOJ to get on it quick. He might be next.

      IMHO, there is NO way that kid should have had access to that roof, especially when some cop was informed of his going up there.

      • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 7:25 pm #

        “One thing though, Biden has already told DOJ to get on it quick. He might be next.” – JAZ

        WTF is Biden resisting dropping out? While he stands no threat of being convicted of his corruption and career-long grifting – his credibility as a cogent leader is entirely shot – the msm was granted permission to say so.

        I too wonder if someone will attempt to snuff him; however, if they have to recruit a righty-partisan mercenary to do it – chances are that a right-leaning wingnut will be much more successful.

        Watch for the maximum security of all politicians – at the expense of citizen gun rights – measures necessary to Trump all possible cunspiracee theeries.

        The people lose for winning, always. Watch for the Patriot Act 2.0

        • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 9:59 pm #

          No argument.

  112. JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 7:44 pm #

    Ho ho, here we are arguing over things that are being made up as fast as they can be. Everything I have seen so far outside of actual picture is conjecture. Fake blood by ass.Tell all of you what.


    New York Times. ( yep, NYT.
    Critics Notebook

    The Photographs that Made Trump an Incarnation of Defiance.

    Jason Farago. July 14, 2024

    “To the television cameras(videos), everything was pandemonium. In the lens of the still camera. The horror of the attack was translated into embodiments of authority, defiance and near martyrdom.”

    Check out the caption of one picture, where it appears the camera caught a projectile flying by Trump’s head.

    See ya tomorrow, looking forward to JHK.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:07 pm #

      JAZ, watch the footage again.

      1) Trump is “hit” in the right ear
      2) Trump puts his right hand to his right ear
      3) Trump pulls his right hand away from his right ear. It is BLOODLESS
      4) Trump dives like a gopher
      5) Trump pops up with all sorts of Hollywood “blood” gel on his ear and face
      6) Trump’s ear bled a lot for about 20 seconds and then stopped (even though normal ears bleed for tens of minutes after mere clips with a barber’s scissors


      I already mentioned how weird that bullet shot pic is. In the incident at Butler, PA, Trump had rows and rows of Trumpsters behind him yet in this spectacularly-timed pic, they have all disappeared and it is instead a perfect blue sky behind him!

      The New York Times no less. Home of Judith Miller.

      Makes ya think.

      • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 9:49 pm #

        Your Blood gel is bullshit, as affirmed by everyone there, and blood gel would not run down to his chin.

        I found the picture, it was on the Fox coverage tonight, a rag with blood on it. You know why he ducked? They are trained to do that as the banner is bulletproof.

        If this had been a phony, it would be all over the news today, it isn’t.

        They guy to his right wiped off the blood from his head and hand as he was standing up, just watch the stills as you VERY obviously haven’t

        And last, if a picture was taken that shown a short flight of the bullet in focus, it was in tight focus in fast shutter speed. The background would be a blur. That picture was on TV tonight.

        OG, I have shown you at least ten pictures that show him through the incident, ear notched, blood on his hat, on a towel, people killed and injured behind him and possibly faced wiped with fresh blood, a picture of the first or second bullet.

        The biggest farce you conjectured is that he has tell on his face? He was down for about five seconds, secret service all over him, wiping his face, exactly how the hell he did get a jar of gel out of his pocket, put on his ear, have it bleed on his hat, on a towel and drip down to his chin in the five-ten seconds before that fist came up.

        OG, better go back to Bibi, your conjecture on this one sucks.

        • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 10:11 pm #

          Not tell. Gel.

          • OG July 14, 2024 at 10:30 pm #

            I’m no Hollywood make-up and special effects expert … but I know that they exist.

            I started a new thread with my responses below.


  113. tucsonspur July 14, 2024 at 8:00 pm #

    J D Vance was absolutely right. This bloodshed is on the Obama clan, Biden and Mayorkas.

    “The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs,” Vance said on the social platform X. “That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”

    DHS is over the Secret Service. Mayorkas heads the DHS. The Secret Service leaves a prime assassination spot unguarded. Kimberly Cheatle directs the SS. Are they complicit in the attempted murder of Trump? Maybe.

    • CouchPotatriot July 14, 2024 at 8:27 pm #

      Yeah, maybe, but your movie is no less rotten tomatoes than anyone else’s. It’s simply a matter of perspective. I doubt that Obama ever gave a funk about retaining power, or has much of a hand in directing such power now. You’ve Lionized him as your enemy, and despite all evidence to the contrary, he will fit into your little puzzle of dastardly actors. And your secret fantasy that Michelle has a dick with which to fudge pack you proper is funny-ish.


    • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 9:52 pm #

      Let’s see what the DOJ led FBI comes up with.

      If this kid was on any kind of a watchlist, his father is liable for giving him a gun.

      • tucsonspur July 15, 2024 at 1:21 am #

        Like you most likely, I have little, if any, faith in the DOJ. The father could be a good ‘fall’ guy, a bit of a distraction, a towel to help wipe the blood off Biden’s hands.

  114. BackRowHeckler July 14, 2024 at 8:10 pm #

    Spur, if you’re looking in …

    The film ‘Key Largo’ playing now (on over the air Movie channel)

    Bogart, Edgar G Robinson, Lauren Becall. Directed by John Huston. A true American classic.

    • tucsonspur July 15, 2024 at 1:32 am #

      Classic is right, saw it yesterday. I’ve been trying to get some pompano to go with some champagne, just like Rocko had.

      Have you seen “The Breaking Point” with John Garfield? Shootout at the end is very close to the one in ‘Key Largo’. Patricia Neal excites in this one.

  115. TPTB-USA July 14, 2024 at 8:34 pm #

    Macgregor discussing all the nonsense that is happening in Ukraine.

    He comments that the CIA is overseeing the operation, and poses the question: Has ambassador Burns had anything to do with this?

    Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Judge Napolitano 7/12/2024

    It looks like all the people involved in the nonsense lead to the CFR!

    Basically the CFR is the monkey that is driving the bus, and the bus is the 2030 Agenda.

    It looks like the time to “fish or cut bait” is near.

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    • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:12 pm #

      Exactly. I refer to them as, “those evil fucks.”

      It’s all divide & conquer. Anybody who believes that their side (Dem v GOP, right v left) is correct while the other side is stupid and wrong is a rube. Time to wake-up already.

      • TPTB-USA July 14, 2024 at 10:00 pm #

        A critical piece for making sense of the nonsense is an understanding of the NSTC, so I will post Macgregor’s discussion of this again:

        Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Judge Napolitano/Judging Freedom 5/28/2024


        If investment and development of the port in Iran take place, I contend that the domination of the UN 2030 Agenda will be finished, and there will no longer be a justification for NATO and all the conflicts.

        • TPTB-USA July 14, 2024 at 10:05 pm #

          … and at this point, the only sense is that the dying US (CFR monkey) is fighting for its last bit of relevance.

        • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 10:07 pm #

          Hmmmm, I wonder.

          Is there something going on between NATO, EU, UN2030 and BRICS+, are the globalists, the same ones involved in all four? Is the USA a target from four directions? Is BRICS+ setting up the next superpower?

          • TPTB-USA July 14, 2024 at 11:43 pm #

            I don’t see it that way John.

            Basically, as Macgregor continuously points out, everyone BUT the neocons (CFR, NATO, G7 leadership, and UN2030) want to get down to the business of doing business.

            NSTC provides a work-around for Iran and Russia, and ultimately a path for BRICS+ and other countries to break free of US ($) domination, and the UN 2030 Agenda that is being imposed on them.

            I envision development of NSTC will generate economic growth for the countries and citizens involved, and the citizens of the Standard Route will not be the beneficiaries.

            The UN 2030 Agenda is not a framework for economic growth that the BRICS+ and other countries want to be constrained by. Many country leaders have only gone along because of money/power backroom deals offered by the likes of John Kerry.

            Isn’t it a logical conclusion that Saudi Vision 2030 and Abraham Accords will no longer be pursued unless the countries deem certain aspects to be beneficial in a world where the 2030 Agenda will not be the framework for life?

            I believe that the UN 2030 Agenda is a Globalist agenda, and ultimately BRICS+ will dominate and set the example for a new format for life, which nations like the US will have to figure out a way to integrate.

            I am sorry. I am not a wordsmith, and hope you get the idea.

          • GreenAlba July 15, 2024 at 7:50 am #

            TPTB – Russia (in terms of its leaders, anyway) is completely on board with Agenda 2030/the biosecurity state/digital currency’digital cattle-tagging of the population, and everything else.


          • TPTB-USA July 15, 2024 at 9:30 am #

            GreenAlba, I have seen that argument, along with Putin being a WEF young leader, and even Macgregor continually pointing out that Putin would like to be on terms with the EU.

            You comment “… and everything else”. Do you not see any exceptions like China building coal power plants, countries not accepting DEI?

            What do you view as being the justification for the unrelenting hostility against Putin/Russia?

            Do you agree with any of Macgregor’s assessments?

            I can envision that Xi and others would accept certain aspects of the 2030 Agenda, but not some of the utter nonsense that the US has engaged in (the polarizing aspects).

            How do you see the 2030 Agenda evolving, and do you view Agenda47 as being at odds?

          • Blackbird July 15, 2024 at 8:52 pm #

            I think that BRICS is the corral that the countries fleeing the collapse of the US are being herded into. Once we collapse, and pull our puppets down with us (western Europe and the English-speaking countries), we will be swept into that corral too. A basket of broken countries ruled by global overlords.

          • TPTB-USA July 16, 2024 at 11:44 am #

            GreenAlba, I view the 2030 Agenda as being global domination, whereas, like MAGA, I believe that Putin wants to MRGA.

            And, biosecurity state, and digital currency’digital cattle-tagging of the population type options are a logical selection for any leadership that wants control.

  116. elysianfield July 14, 2024 at 8:43 pm #

    OK, CFN’rs, listen up;

    CNN states that the weapon used in the assassination attempt was an AR-5. I…know a guy that has owned AR-7’s for 40+ years. It is sold as a break-down survival weapon chambered in …22lr.

    10 shot magazine. Inaccurate as hell…maybe 10 inch group at 130 yards, and only on a good day…crude sights, no scope generally mountable.


    And the few AR-5s that have been made are all class three weapons, and I have never even heard of one out in the wild. The commercial version…the AR-7, is most probably what they are describing.


  117. Q. Shtik July 14, 2024 at 8:58 pm #

    Former [……..} Trump has been fitted with a plastic ear so he can continue his campaign more or less normally.

    • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 9:32 pm #

      Does that include plastic blood for faking assassinations, Q?

  118. The Man They Call Zazelle July 14, 2024 at 9:02 pm #

    Sometimes of course a cigar is just a cigar.

    In any case, the Trump-hating media will probably now be forced to tone down the Trump-hating/bashing, at least at minimum insofar as where it might incite another assassination attempt.

    It might even inspire a bit of a Kumbaya era, if perhaps a fleeting one, between the right and left. Or things might continue to snowball even worse than they are. Time will tell.

    On Truth Social, and/or X, Trump has an icon of himself with what looks like the American flag painted on his face, and the striping of the blood on his face in that now-famous image of his fist- in-the-air defiance kind of made me think it. Red blood, ‘white’ face, blue sky.

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:15 pm #

      Neapolitan bullshit.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 15, 2024 at 3:38 am #

        Neapolitan is vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. We could have Biden eating a nice Neapolitan ice cream in a sugar cone.

    • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 10:09 pm #

      Don’t forget old glory in the background. That picture may end up like the IWO JIMA picture, at least for this campaign.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 15, 2024 at 3:39 am #

        “I heart Trump.”

  119. OG July 14, 2024 at 9:49 pm #

    Haha, GLT of 10 …
    – ZrCrypDiK

    Was that your public announcement that you are a GLT 10? Please confirm. Thanks.

    • ZrCrypDiK July 15, 2024 at 4:37 am #

      Exponential population growth? Orders of magnitude moarz consumption per capita?

      Prolly 11. Yeah, sad state of affairs? 5-6 seems simple shaming.

  120. RD3 July 14, 2024 at 9:50 pm #

    The way its supposed to work is that the hypnotized patsy throws off some random rounds, the CIA sharpshooter brains him, then the Jewish commission in charge of the investigation declares that the patsy acted alone and was the only one to fire.

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    • OG July 14, 2024 at 9:53 pm #

      Right. Yesterday’s black op in Butler, PA checks every box.

      • RD3 July 14, 2024 at 9:56 pm #

        “Chief Detective Rambouillet did not work for free
        And Sheriff Hog was called away unexpectedly
        The sheriff’s re-election, the murder of the Mare
        Might get Hog implicated with the Wolf and Mama Bear
        So Rambouillet took up the case then shut it down for good
        He bought a house in southern France but lives in Hollywood”

        – REK

      • JohnAZ July 14, 2024 at 10:02 pm #

        Oh, boy, not worth the effort.

        • RD3 July 14, 2024 at 11:03 pm #

          The fact that you disagree indicates that we’ve hit upon a truth.

  121. OG July 14, 2024 at 10:24 pm #


    If this had been a phony, it would be all over the news today, it isn’t.

    Hahaha! Now that is really funny. That is priceless naïveté.

    Have you watched bitchuteXcom/video/AVkZbQMrZ5iK , JAZ?

    You’re something! You tell me that you saw something on the internet and I’m lazy for not finding it too! Then I actually give you links and you don’t watch them anyway! Un-flippin-real!

    And last, if a picture was taken that shown a short flight of the bullet in focus, it was in tight focus in fast shutter speed. The background would be a blur. That picture was on TV tonight.

    I saw it on tv earlier today. The talking heads were marvelling at the brilliant blue sky while they spouted the party line and collected their handsome paycheques.

    Here’s a link:


    It does not have blurs of the rows and rows of Trumpsters behind Trump. It has obviously been PhotoShopped. C’mon, think about it.

    Showing me pictures of dead Trumpsters is in synch with my theory, JAZ. Yes, they killed Trumpsters while faking an assassination attempt. Black ops get complex. That’s why the CIA only hires the best of the best.

    He was down for about five seconds, secret service all over him, wiping his face, exactly how the hell he did get a jar of gel out of his pocket, put on his ear, have it bleed on his hat, on a towel and drip down to his chin in the five-ten seconds before that fist came up.

    I never accused Trump of applying the Hollywood fake “blood” himself from his own pocket, JAZ. Those SS were obviously involved. Arguing against your constant strawmen is exhausting.

    And, he was down over a full minute, JAZ. And I will give you the link:


    “Are we clear? Are we clear?”

    More like: “Are you done with the Hollywood fake ‘blood’ application yet?”

    You completely ignored the smoking gun, JAZ. I will try again:

    1) Trump is “hit” in the right ear
    2) Trump puts his right hand to his right ear
    3) Trump pulls his right hand away from his right ear. It is BLOODLESS

    Explain that.

    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
    – Marcellus in Hamlet

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 10:48 pm #

      What’s most worrisome is: “He was down for about five seconds” when he was actually down for over a full minute.

      You’re not pulling a Gus*, are you JAZ?

      *Pulling a Gus: Getting caught red-handed lying to inexplicably cover-up Deep State crime.

    • JohnAZ July 15, 2024 at 12:11 am #

      Damn, OG, you don’t even pay attention. It is bloodless because the agent wiped his hand and face off, as the still photos clearly show.

      You are getting to the ridiculous point trying to “prove” your silly ideas.

      Okay, the SS is involved, Trump has had himself shot, the injured and dead people in the stands were just collateral damage, he was down for a minute, maybe, the towel was in there cleaning him up, oh no, he is putting blood gel on, I forgot.

      Look at what you are having to bullshit to get your way here. A hundred people were there ducking and weaving trying to get out of the way, and three of them didn’t. Your having to make a conspiracy out of anything and everything is reprehensible.

      And OG, your entire scenario here is utter bullshit, strawman whatever you want to call it.

      Please go back to bitching about Bibi, you made more sense.

      • OG July 15, 2024 at 12:23 am #

        It is you not paying attention, JAZ.

        His right hand is bloodless immediately after removing it from his supposed shot=with-a-bullet ear! The ver next second. No time for anybody to wipe it. Bloodless from the very get-go.

        the SS is involved, Trump has had himself shot, the injured and dead people in the stands were just collateral damage, he was down for a minute, maybe, the towel was in there cleaning him up, oh no, he is putting blood gel on, I forgot.

        Of course SS is involved. How can you be a GLT 5 and not understand that?

        Trump did not have himself shot. There was no blood until they applied their fake blood … and that wasn’t even Trump. It was his double.

        No, the Trumpsters weren’t “collateral damage.” “Collateral damage” is unintended and regretted. These were whacked to beef up the phoney bologna bullshit black op.

        No maybe. It was over a full minute yet you said, “about five seconds.” Who has credibility and who is full of shit?

        Crisis actors are a dime a dozen, JAZ.

        I will get back to Bibi-gun the Nutty Yahoo on my own time. Right now, I will continue to focus on the Butler Black Op.

        Obviously you are a GLT 0 on Trump’s Magic Ear [2024]. Were you a GLT 0 on MLK [1968] or should I reduce your GLT from 5 to 4?

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 15, 2024 at 12:48 am #

          Maybe, if you’ve ever had your skin cut, OG, you’ll have noticed that blood often takes a second or two post-cut to really emerge from a wound… as in, longer than an immediate hand to head before hitting the deck.

          • OG July 15, 2024 at 2:17 am #

            Yeah … ok. A shot ear has ZERO blood. Gotcha, Gus.

            It sure was convenient how he turned his head away from the crowd so that thousands of phones had no view in this obviously staged event.

            I’ll post this video sight unseen as I approve of Dustin Nemos’ work:



          • gustafson.robert.22 July 15, 2024 at 5:44 am #

            “Where is the bullet hole (through the ear)?” These folks have never heard of grazings, apparently.

            It’s fine to raise/ask questions. It’s the certainty when certainty is not possible that’s cavalier, irresponsible, evil even, possibly… by people claiming religion, no less…

  122. Anthea July 14, 2024 at 10:34 pm #

    For all you astrology fans, have a look at Trump’s natal chart with transits for the 13th. (If you go to astro.com, you can input birth data and kick out a chart, and then view the chart with transits.)

    Trump’s Mars is at 26° Leo, and transiting Uranus was at 26° Taurus–an exact square. Plus transiting Mars was at 24° Taurus–close enough to be considered an exact square. So: transiting Uranus and Mars were both exactly square his natal Mars.

    As you know, Mars often has to do with violence and Uranus with sudden, unexpected events.

    Besides that, transiting Saturn at 19° Pisces was/is roughly upper square Trump’s natal Sun at 22° Gemini–so Saturn is basically moving into an exact upper square to the Sun.

    Saturn transiting upper square the Sun is not necessarily negative. The classic interpretation is that it marks either a peak of accomplishment or the collapse of hopes–depending on what you deserve.

    It looks like, for Trump, it indicates a high point.

    On the other hand, any square, conjunction, or opposition from transiting Saturn to just about any planet is likely to be bittersweet, at best. Maybe a time when the limelight seems a little unsatisfactory, for one reason or another.

    Anyway, I remember looking at Trump’s upcoming transits a few months ago and noting that some looked dangerous. I also remember that July 13th was not the only date that looked worrisome. Seems like there was a least one other, but I don’t feel like breaking out my ephemeris right now.

    Maybe later.

  123. OG July 14, 2024 at 11:35 pm #

    OG, it’s called quick-clot and I would bet that those SS guys carry all sorts of first aid crap
    – elmo

    Thanks for this info, elmo. I found Quikclot’s website. The EMS product is a gauze … but Trump had no gauze for that would’ve ruined the photo op.

    Am I missing something? If they applied Quikclot as first aid, would they not also dress it and apply compression? Is it not odd to just leave it bloody and exposed after first aid? Is it not strange that he bled that much in one minute but then no more? From his ear of all places?!

    We’ve made fantastic progress getting to the truth in just the first 24 hours here on CFN. Good job, everyone!

    • OG July 14, 2024 at 11:44 pm #

      Quikclot is gauze that is packed into the wound followed by pressure on the packed gauze in the wound.

      Trump’s ear had none of that, elmo. As I say, that would’ve ruined the photo op.

      Trump’s ear bled profusely for one minute and then magically completely stopped bleeding for the photo op.

      “That dog don’t hunt.” Especially the ear.

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 15, 2024 at 12:04 am #

        A minute is about the right natural clotting time for a minor nick, which might bleed well enough until then.

        The blue sky in the bullet photo is from the natural angle of the photographer under the podium. Crowd heads are visible near the bottom of the frame in these photos.

        The bitchute vid showing the SS sniper jerking his gun with each of first three bullet pops shows that guy flinching as shots are fired in his direction. Those jerks do not look like shots fired. They look like flinches. His face is nowhere near his scope on shots two and three! That bitchute vid, as usual for those you post from there that I’ve clicked on, is garbage.

        However… why were the SS snipers waiting to fire as the guy crawled up and aimed? This is what is fully suspicious.

        Tell us more about the Trump stunt double next week, OG..

        • OG July 15, 2024 at 12:12 am #

          You know that I will, Gus. Cheers!

        • JohnAZ July 15, 2024 at 12:16 am #


          You Tube had a guy on tonight asking that question. He had an unconfirmed input from the sniper chief that he was giving the order not to fire until the perp fired. it does sound like the type oof bullshit our federal government would do today.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 15, 2024 at 12:26 am #

            I saw this too, but on an X post. Wonder if it’s legit..

          • JohnAZ July 15, 2024 at 12:53 am #


            From the Wall Street Journal

            America Was an Inch Away from Catastrophe and I was There.

            By David McCormack July 14, 2024

            Mr. McCormack, West Point Graduate and combat veteran is the Republican nominee for US Senate in Pennsylvania.

            He was just offstage and moments away from joining Trump at the podium to talk about his campaign. he heard the shots, recognized them whizzing over his head (his words) and saw it strike Trump.

            Read it and don’t pay any attention to our nut in Regina after you do.

          • JohnAZ July 15, 2024 at 12:54 am #

            I wonder how many shots have whizzed past our resident nut to make him such an expert.

          • JohnAZ July 15, 2024 at 12:55 am #

            I will say though, something is wrong with the standing orders of the SS.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 15, 2024 at 1:30 am #

            I’m looking at a video time-synching the speech with the sniper’s climb, and it seems to be one minute from ladder climb to first shot fired… not all that long.

      • OG Is Nuts July 15, 2024 at 8:47 am #

        He was GRAZED you fucking idiot.

  124. Anthea July 15, 2024 at 12:06 am #

    Okay, here’s a little more. I don’t know if this means anything or not, but the transiting Mars/Uranus square Trump’s natal Mars will continue for a few days. Mars moves into the exact square with Trump’s Mars on Tuesday. (Sometimes you wnat to give or take a day, as the standard ephemeris goes by Greenwhich Mean Time, which is obviously several hours off from our time.)

    Tuesday could be worrisome, as the exact square between transiting Uranus and Trump’s Mars continues through that date; it’s just that the square from transiting Mars becomes exact, as does the transiting Mars/Uranus conjunction.

    Uranus will move away from the square to Trump’s Mars, until it turns retrograde on September 1st or 2nd at 27° Taurus. When a planet turns retrograde or direct, it appears to be standing still, and it is said to be making a “station.” Stations of planets seem to be times when their influence is very strong. Mars will move into a conjunction with Trump’s Sun and opposition to his Moon on August 22nd–getting close to the station of Uranus. Mars transiting opposite your Moon often indicates a health problem–usually mild and mostly caused by over-exertion. But, commbined the Uranus square his Mars, it makes you wonder–and transiting Jupiter will be making an exact conjunction with Trump’s Uranus at the same time. The classic interpretation of this transit is that it makes a person expansive, self-assured, and charismatic–with a bit of temperament thrown in. Transiting Mars conjunct the natal Sun at the same time can make a person a little overly aggressive.

    Uranus retrogrades back over that square to Trump’s Mars from September 28th through October 29th. Mars won’t be involved in a square during that time, but it does make a conjunction to Trump’s Saturn–usually a sign of over-exertion and pushing too hard. Plus Uranus transiting square your Mars is just “ungood”; it indicates the possibility of accidents and sudden weird (and negative) events of all kinds. That’s for the whole month of October.

    Oh! And I missed something! Mid-August for a week or two looks rough. Transiting Saturn will be squaring Trump’s Uranus–at the same time that transiting Jupiter is in conjunction with it. The Saturn influence should show that all that vitality and charisma from Jupiter is restrained in some way. (Maybe the guy goes to jail?)

    I guess I don’t really see a repeat assassination attempt–except for maybe Tuesday. Looks more like the guy is going to half kill himself campaigning.

    • vengeur July 15, 2024 at 1:06 am #

      Pulling things out of Uranus definitely clears everything up!

      • ZrCrypDiK July 15, 2024 at 5:04 am #

        “Mars moves into the exact square with Trump’s Mars on Tuesday.”

        haha wtf~!

    • SoftStarLight July 15, 2024 at 3:59 am #

      Wow ok that actually says a whole lot. Mars is a malefic planet and indicates the possibility of intense and very troubling events or obstacles while Uranus is the planet of surprise and change. Most astrological reads for Trump over the course of this year indicate a similar pattern of difficulty and struggle. This background information is telling me that if Trump was completely part of everything or a complete shill for the Zionist overlords then the globalists and overlords were actually going to have a bad year. But they are not amateurs. So i think it instead shows that Trump is not chosen. He is not who the globalists have decided to support. Winning the election is certainly not going to be easy and all of these people saying he has already won are out of their minds. I wouldn’t put anything past the regime now in order to stop any potential perceived advantage that Trump may have. And also if the shooting was supposed to make a Trump a martyr like figure then the narrative that it was a staged false flag would not have been allowed to proliferate. But why would i argue with those i love when the world and life is tough enough. Good nite and i hope you sleep well,, CFN.

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 15, 2024 at 7:45 am #

        You’re right about any perceived Trump lead, even this close to election, being nothing at all to rely on, even now after his hero moment, agree!

        • JohnAZ July 15, 2024 at 8:33 am #

          Agreed, a yuge mistake, economic or world event can overwhelm things between now and then. Once past the 3 day media moment, it will be time to wait for the next event.

    • OG Is Nuts July 15, 2024 at 8:44 am #

      Did you get this from Nancy Reagan during a seance?

  125. JohnAZ July 15, 2024 at 8:31 am #

    To OG, Thinking a little.

    You know, your idea of it being a black op may be true, but not by Trump. Watched a You Tube last night, where the guy said that the lack of coverage by protective forces is too negligent, he was the guy that pointed out that the sniper chief had SS orders to not shoot until the perp shot first. He pointed out that it was so important for the press to get the story together that the shooter was a lone wolf, a bullied misspent youth. It sounds like JFK and Reagan all over again.

    The big question here, why? Why this kid, he is the center. Did a black ops situation inspire the kid to do a suicide mission? Did another Oswald get effed over by a group who told him he was safe? Was he just another nutcase looking to make a name for himself, like Hinckley?

    Talking to a schoolmate’s description and case closed is a crock.

    The dam is breached, is this an announcement by a rabid anti-Trump group that his life is forfeit, that they will eventually get him. Is Trump going to go into a cocoon to protect him?

    Is this an anarchist group trying to destroy the election? Is Biden under threat? Can the Secret Service protect these two guys? Can other politicos be gotten by a subversive group?

    Both candidates rewriting speeches and changing ads to promote unity, we shall see.

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    • Blackbird July 15, 2024 at 8:37 pm #

      “…another nutcase looking to make a name for himself, like Hinckley”.

      We all remember that John Hinckley’s brother Scott was scheduled to have dinner with Neil Bush – Poppy Bush’s son – the day after the attempted assassination of Reagan, right? I remember hearing it on NBC Nightly News with John Chancellor – and then it disappeared. But you can still find this information without trying very hard.

      Obviously just a coincidence of course…

      “Just another nutcase…”

  126. SpeedyBB July 15, 2024 at 8:36 am #

    I have not had a chance to read through all the comments and thus apologize if this linky has already been shared: a Canadian super-sniper is convinced the assassination attempt was an inside job, either the result of a conspiracy or a passive “hungover-at-Dealey-Plaza” intentional lapse by the SS (with Lyndon Johnson personally uninvolved but certainly aware of what was about to go down).

    As Tom Lehrer (still alive in his 90s) succinctly put it: “I just stand there, looking cute ~ And when something moves, I shoot”.


  127. OG Is Nuts July 15, 2024 at 8:50 am #

    Quikclot is gauze that is packed into the wound followed by pressure on the packed gauze in the wound.

    Trump’s ear had none of that, elmo. As I say, that would’ve ruined the photo op.

    Trump’s ear bled profusely for one minute and then magically completely stopped bleeding for the photo op.

    “That dog don’t hunt.” Especially the ear.

    Talking about dogs………..you’re like a dog that can’t stop pissing on the living room rug………….and NEEDS TO BE PUT DOWN

  128. vengeur July 15, 2024 at 9:08 am #

    Today’s Kunstler is going to be EPIC.

  129. Blackbird July 15, 2024 at 8:24 pm #

    JAZ and Gus.Bob, I tuned in too late last night to address your comments – nobody comes here on a Sunday night anyway – so I’ll address your comments here. By the way, I appreciate your civil manner of disagreement. We’ve fought several bloody wars for the Right to be Wrong!

    I apologize in advance for the wall of text to follow…

    Yes JAZ, all I have are opinions – that’s all any of us have. Let me explain how I formed mine on this subject.

    1) The area wasn’t secured. Obvious violation of protocol. Right up there with taking JFK’s security detail off the running boards.

    2) People reported seeing the kid walking with a gun, climbing onto the roof, crawling across the roof – law enforcement/secret service did nothing.

    Just these two apparent facts (this is what I’ve read in just about every account, I wasn’t there, didn’t see anything first-hand) tell me it was an inside job. Of course you could say, “Incompetence!” Maybe, but I don’t think so. Heard that excuse too many times – every time actually. I am reasonably confident that it was an inside job. Want a number? I’d give it about 90% probability.

    Ok, if it’s an inside job, it’s most likely one of two things:
    1) The “Deep State” trying to kill Trump, or
    2) A false flag faked assassination.

    Now I’m going out on a limb when I speculate that I think it was most likely a false flag. Number? I’d say just over 50%. Why do I think that?

    1) Kid fires 6 or 7 rounds. One a near bullseye, the others all over the place. My understanding is the kid was 400 to 500 feet away. I’ve read he was rejected by the school rifle club. Either the kid got lucky with what I assume was his first shot, or he was a better shot than he gets credit for but then somehow flubbed the rest of his shots. Or somebody else did the shooting, or at least some it. (A second shooter also supports the real assassination attempt theory.)

    2) The damage to Trump’s ear appears to have been just to the upper outer edges of the auricle, front and rear. Just barely grazed it, barely hit at all. Easy enough to do with a scalpel or pocket knife during the brief time Trump is face down on the stage. Let’s see how his ear looks in the coming days and weeks – any permanent damage? However, if a bullet really did that damage, it just barely knicked him – lucky guy. And he apparently turned his head away just at the last second – a very lucky guy. Too much luck for me. God was looking out for him? Jesus… Some quick and dirty cosmetic surgery seems more likely to me.

    3) Trump stands up and does a defiant fist pump. Secret Service didn’t hustle him out of there? They knew that there was only one shooter and that he has been dispatched? How could they know that it’s “all clear”? Isn’t there a standard protocol for this kind of event? Yes, I’m pretty sure we’ve seen it in action previously.

    4) If it had been a real assassination attempt, I think Trump would have been too shaken to perform the heroics. The Iwo Jima optics… A narcissist – as I think he is – Trump takes himself too seriously to bravely stare death in the face. I remember him comparing his time in military school favorably to guys who had been in combat. He has no idea. A crowing rooster. Just my opinion again, but that is all any of us have. Therefore, I think it most likely that Trump was in on a faked assassination attempt. But I’m just barely on the other side of the fence from all you reasonable people on that issue.

    Now I’m going way out on a speculative limb. So if it’s a faked assassination attempt, why? Here is see two options:
    1) To increase Trump’s support, or
    2) To create a flimsy faked assassination attempt that will fall apart on closer scrutiny.

    Here I pick door number 2, in part because door number 1 is too obvious, and too risky. But again, I’m just over the fence at >50%. This conclusion also fits into the strange plays we’ve seen lately from the Democrats. (And yes, this option does seem to have a magnetic attraction to my long-running theory that “the Hildebeast will be our last President!”)

    If Trump is implicated in a faked assassination – one that caused the death of an innocent bystander – he’s out of the race and possibly even in prison – and the Big Guy (or his replacement…) is basically a shoe-in. Of course Trump’s supporters will not accept this judgement, feeling that their messiah has been railroaded yet again.

    My theory since 2015 has been that Trump’s role has been to polarize the population, and in that role he has been outrageously successful. Anti-Trumpers will believe anything negative about him, and will happily subvert the rule of law to keep him from power. Pro-Trumpers will believe nothing negative about him. (Of course no one should believe anything, but rather assess everything on a scale of probability, adjustable as new information becomes available – but that’s a sermon for another time.)

    The people are being played by their emotional strings. Setting Trump up to take the fall for a faked assassination attempt will feed the Narrative of “fanatical right-wing white nationalist sedition”. When another false flag implicates “white nationalists”, 40% of the population will be ready to string up the opposing 40%.

    To paraphrase another puppet, “It’s the Narrative, stupid!”

    I don’t believe that this scenario I described is what happened. I don’t believe anything in regard to this incident. I think it most likely that it was an inside job – possibly even a real attempt to assassinate Trump. And I am speculating that it may have been something even more nefarious.


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