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Slowly, Then All at Once

“Biden has been jabbed at least four times. This is his third covid diagnosis. The shots are working great.” — Jeff Childers, Coffee & Covid

      There was a lot of talk about divine intervention at the Republican Convention this week. The country has witnessed a rush of seemingly providential events since the fateful night of June 27th when, to universal horror, “Joe Biden” was unmasked as The Phantom of the White House. The attempt on Donald Trump’s life Saturday, with its intimations of blob involvement, was only the latest of countless trips, hoaxes, capers, and ops that smacked of demonic inspiration laid on the public, so you can’t blame them for feeling that “God is among us now.”

     A huge piece of this dynamic has been the Right’s amazing impotence in the eight-year-long march of insults to the republic — especially the failure to find relief for any of that in the courts of law, until last month when the SCOTUS finally kneecapped Democratic Party lawfare operations. A paramount example of that impotence was being unable to find one jurisdiction willing to adjudicate election fraud in 2020 on the merit of the arguments.

     But there was much more, starting with collective helplessness in the drawn-out RussiaGate psychodrama, even when all the players and their many nefarious acts were exposed by the alt news media, and extending to the mendacious roguery of the two-year Mueller (Weissmann) Investigation, followed by fifty-one former intel higher-ups labeling Hunter Biden’s laptop Russian disinformation, followed by Rep. Adam Schiff’s Ukraine “whistleblower” prank featuring CIA/NSC/DOD/DOJ moles Eric Ciaramella, Colonel Vindman and IC Inspector General Michael Atkinson, and then the FBI-instigated J-6 riot with the ensuing  faked-up House J-6 committee . . . plus you can throw in the stupid Ukraine war, the drag queens in the kindergartens, the bumbling Durham investigation, ten million unvetted illegal migrants flowing into the country and this year’s four show-trials put on to finally break Mr. Trump.

     For many in this land, it has been like the classic nightmare of being paralyzed in the presence of evil. So, it’s no wonder that the Republicans came into their convention with a tremendous tailwind of relief when events suddenly broke their way in June. Now, everyone knows that the current president is a vindictive invalid who will be tossed overboard by his own terrified party in a matter of hours now. And the entire scaffold of lies supporting “Joe Biden” and his party is wobbling badly, too.

    You could see it in the deranged terror on Rachel Maddow’s increasingly contorted face last night as she rehearsed all the hoaxes she has helped to perpetrate, along with her mentally-ill posse of Jen Psaki, Joy Reid, Nicole Wallace, and the strangely mute white male Ari Melber. It seemed that any minute Rachel’s head would spin and start spewing pea soup at the camera. When will an exorcist finally pay a visit to MSNBC?

     As the sun sets on “Joe Biden’s” career, what’s left of his campaign runs an ad in which he promises “to finish the job.” Sounds kind of sinister now, doesn’t it, like something a crime boss might tell his caporegimes? And for sure the country is suffering from this three-year-plus reign-of-terror against common sense and common decency. The wreckage is everywhere, all over this land. “Defending our Democracy,” my ass.

     The party big dawgs have paid their terminal visit to the old grifter bringing the sad news that it’s over. Of course, this excites several new headaches for them. Foremost: how can “JB” bow out of the election on account of mental infirmity but still remain president? Even if they call it something else, make some other excuse, the whole world knows now that the president is gone in the head. There are six months remaining to the end of his term and a lot of urgent issues requiring a president’s attention. You can be sure that pressure will rise to shove him out of office altogether. And it may come before the Democratic Convention in late August — if we want to be taken seriously by the rest of the world.

      Of course, that would elevate Kamala to the White House. Would getting to be the first female president of-color for six months be her consolation prize for graciously declining an automatic nomination to run in “JB’s” place, so that the party can stage an “open convention” free-for-all? Or would she better serve the party as a sacrificial goat to head the ticket and get buried in what’s shaping up to be an election landslide for the Republicans? Anyway, which of the various replacement politicians — Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker, PA Gov. Shapiro —really wants to squander a political future in an election that’s as much a vote against the Democratic Party itself as any particular figure in it? Let the party go down so it can be purged of Green Woke Satanic mentally-ill communists and reorganized on a sane and decent basis.

     But then there’s always HRC. She’s been laying back alertly, waiting for an opening to swoop in on her leathery wings and cast a fresh spell over the batshit-crazy women who, in recent times, comprise the party’s base. At one point, not many years ago, the party was broke and had to be bailed-out by the Clinton Foundation. To what extent does that entity still own the DNC, and especially its cargo of super-delegates? I guess we’re going to find out.

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

758 Responses to “Slowly, Then All at Once”

  1. Jo-G July 19, 2024 at 9:37 am #

    Events of the last few decades make me think that H. L. Menken’s provocative jokes about democracy are astute. Mr. Kunstler seasons Menken’s observations with evil actors directing the monkeys running the zoo.

    • pyrrhus July 19, 2024 at 10:29 am #

      As Lenin said, nothing happens for decades, then decades happen in weeks…or maybe days!

      • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 10:31 am #

        I thought Dorian Gray said that

      • LagingRunatic July 19, 2024 at 11:21 am #

        As Lenin said,

        “I am the walrus.”

        “Shut the fuck up, Donny!”

      • taijitu July 19, 2024 at 5:03 pm #

        From goodreads.com

        Vladimir Ilyich Lenin — ‘There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.’

        How profound!

  2. RaymondR July 19, 2024 at 9:42 am #

    People’s reaction to the attempted murder of Donald Trump is revealing their true character

    • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 9:53 am #

      Reportedly 30% of registered Dems say it was staged. That to me is as scary as the attempted assassination.

      • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 10:05 am #

        I believe in a sense it was “staged”. But by echelons higher than human.

        • Demeter July 19, 2024 at 10:09 am #

          The happy ending was provided by Providence. The evil attempt was definitely arranged by a cabal of not so clever criminals, who failed miserably.

          • Breck July 19, 2024 at 11:43 am #

            The ‘cabal of criminals’ does appear to have lost their mojo, since Las Vegas. What is it now? 7 years ago?

        • R Montanari July 19, 2024 at 12:21 pm #


          All you need to know about effbeeaye involvement

          • abbybwood July 19, 2024 at 1:15 pm #

            What were they trying to do?

            Kill her too?!

            Chris Martenson did an interesting video yesterday studying the audio of all the shots fired. Appears to be eight in total from 3 different guns.

            Check it out.

            Also, I found it odd that when Biden called Trump he asked, “Why did you move your head?!”

            My imagination went wild when Biden and Co. got “the call”: “He moved his head!!!!”

        • SAM July 19, 2024 at 1:13 pm #

          Staged by Destroying-Angels and Up-Staged by the Almighty.

          • Ron Anselmo July 19, 2024 at 1:44 pm #

            SAM – closest to the truth I’ve seen.

      • Not_GeorgeT July 19, 2024 at 10:09 am #

        That’s the 30% with severe TDS.

        The incurable group who are on-board with doing anything and everything necessary to keep

        A) DJT out of any office

        B) keep the country moving further into submission to their woke agenda

        C) letting their version of ‘the good times’ keep rolling

        Lack of critical thinking skills is one halmark of this group.

        yes, this is scary, as is their vision (or lack thereof) of the future both here and around the world

        • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 10:16 am #

          Gosh, I sure hope Kamala can win the ticket, the race, and turn this country around. Utopia around the corner!

          • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 10:27 am #

            Kamala’s barely qualified to work on Bullshit TV next to the likes of Joy Behar and company.

            I would sooner see the nuclear football in Whoopi Goldberg’s hands? Better judgement there. LOL

          • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:42 am #

            I think she’s kinda cute.

          • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 11:05 am #

            Kamala, Whoopi, or Joy? All big and sassy

          • R Montanari July 19, 2024 at 12:22 pm #

            And AOC as VP!

          • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 12:28 pm #

            AOC isn’t bad, that is, until she smiles and her horse teeth explode out of her mouth.

        • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:29 am #


          Amerika, the subordinate of BRICS+? Except BRICS+ is nationalistic in nature?

          Maybe Amerika, subordinate of WEF?

          Or Amerika, subordinate of the Mafia Mob?


        • Heartlander July 19, 2024 at 1:02 pm #


          I think Mathias Desmet in his work on mass formation/ hypnosis/ psychosis even says something about 30 percent. That being the percentage of people who get so thoroughly hypnotized that you simply cannot reach them. Not with reason, facts, or even what is right in front of their own eyes.

          • taijitu July 19, 2024 at 5:45 pm #

            Sounds like the perfect definition of a zombie which includes being “undead.” So, I guess that’s where the line is drawn.

      • Mac July 19, 2024 at 11:07 am #

        I’m sure Corey and his family was all in on the staging.

        • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:33 am #

          Uh huh.

          That dad is in deep shit. When the blame game comes around and people start trying to protect themselves, Dad is in trouble.

          Try this on. Crooks was told to beat feet with the confusion from a dead Trump overwhelming everything else. Sorta like John Wilkes Booth.

          He missed, now the SHTF. The perps are all in deep do-do.

          • Breck July 19, 2024 at 11:46 am #

            John, he was not a “lone gunman”. How many times will the Cabal bring out that old playbook? It’s really become transparent to anyone not stuck in normalcy bias.

      • Heartlander July 19, 2024 at 12:56 pm #


        That would be the same 30% that still supports Joe Biden, the same 30% that worships AnthonybFauci as a saint/hero, the same 30% that sincerely believes “trans children” need to be “protected” and “affirmed

      • Anthea July 20, 2024 at 9:28 am #

        The liberal worldview literally requires a blanket rejection of objective reality,and a willingness to deny subjective reality in favor of fantasies of various kinds, and you must embrace these fantasies whole-heartedly and on command.

        I recently pointed out that the belief that a man can become a woman because he (presumably) feels like it is contrary to objective reality. The leftist replied, “But what if everything is subjective?” I pointed out that, “What you’re saying is, you don’t believe in objective reality.”

        What’s maybe amusing about this embrace of the subjective and of fantasy is that it’s not even their fantasy, but a fantasy world whose nature is imposed on them by the government/media complex.

        • Ron Anselmo July 20, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

          Well said, Anthea.

  3. John K July 19, 2024 at 9:51 am #

    It’s the “all at once” part of this that has me worried. A little too easy and greasy, almost like the sudden implosion of the Left—and sudden pivot of the corporate media—are line items in a Deep State agenda. I’m thinking there’s a hook in there somewhere. I’m not exhaling for a good long while, if ever.

    • Land of the Banned July 19, 2024 at 10:01 am #

      Agreed. All of this has been just a little too convenient. Tell-tale sign of behind the scenes maneuvering for nefarious purposes yet to be revealed by actors who thrive in the shadows.

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:35 am #

      Yup, what are “they” really up to? What is Jill really up to? What is Harris up to, she was incensed when the main stream started looking elsewhere?

      We are a long way from the answers here.

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 11:47 am #

      And Trump is not safe either. There’s a deadly conspiracy still out there.

      • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 12:24 pm #

        Agreed, Breck.

        What makes anyone think “they” won’t attempt to assassinate Trump until successful?

        If Trump manages to dodge all those bullets, what makes anyone think he won’t be impeached every time he passes gas?

        Let’s say he isn’t assassinated/impeached. What makes anyone think he is capable of getting anything of importance done?

        Enough people are going to throw away their vote so that we can be treated to another 4 years of tweets to his Rothschild/Blackrock masters about how great the stock market is doing and how incredible Trump is as ‘resident.

        The chief swamp rat will appoint subordinate swamp rats to be blamed for his failures. Here’s to the circle of life (death for the country)

        • ezinmn July 19, 2024 at 7:44 pm #

          Impeached by whom?

    • Jarek July 19, 2024 at 11:53 am #

      Yes, people don’t see what’s not happening. Suddenly all the Trump trials have gone away.

      He’s the Deep State candidate. After years after stick, they giving him some carrots – like one hundred million from Adelson’s widow. Why not? He did a good job with covid and the Vax. Did good things for Israel too. Just keep the Christian and White Nationalist wackos in line and it’s all good. We’re at war now! Hopefully he’s had those sentimental ideas about national sovereignty beaten out of him by now.

    • mary.m July 19, 2024 at 12:25 pm #

      Plan B?:

      Time to pull out all the stops. Let Trump win against Kamala & preside over economic collapse?

      World war & force majeure? Overturn the table & start over.

      And then the starving masses will accept anything in exchange for zee bugs in every pot.

      • Ron Anselmo July 19, 2024 at 1:51 pm #

        They’ll accept CBDC – the chains that will enslave our children. Wait for it.

        • NickelthroweR July 19, 2024 at 6:37 pm #

          I bet they won’t. That “bug” let loose by Strikeforce that shut down Windows operating systems worldwide is something we should be discussing today. It shows the vulnerability of the system and demonstrates that any state-sponsored hacker could make those ones and zeroes vanish at the push of a button.

          • Ron Anselmo July 19, 2024 at 11:16 pm #

            Nickel – you give people too much credit. Ask them about CBDC, and you’ll get that blank stare. You know the one.

            They’ll burn everything to the ground. The Great Taking will asset-strip every encumbered asset, and all cash and equities in street name will be pulled.

            To get people on the CBDC train, they will be offered 100% “value” in digital credits. Those hesitant to adopt CBDC will be told that it’ll be a ten-year workout until they’re made whole – they’ll fold too.

            Dissenters will be hunted down. They’ll need a parallel means of exchange and live in a parallel society – hardscrabble, but free.

            Not only state-sponsored hackers – but the state itself – will make the ones and zeroes vanish. That’s the goal – the trap – total control. See something, say something, get assets frozen, or “lost”.

            Adopters immediately extinguish their right to free speech. Fuck them, I’ll eat dirt before I get on the CBDC train.

            All aboard!

  4. MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 9:54 am #

    “scaffold of lies supporting “Joe Biden””

    For fun: a double entendre?

  5. Freddie July 19, 2024 at 9:59 am #

    Love the photoshop; Rodham = Rodan.

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    • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 10:10 am #

      Hillary will see it as her lovely face on a phoenix, rising from the national train wreck to lead the Republic.

      Her self- image is much like Joe’s.

      • Socrates-Detroit July 19, 2024 at 11:13 am #

        Hillary Clinton, a face of evil…

        And Victoria Nuland, another face of evil.

        Do you all remember what Nuland and Biden said about the Nordstream pipeline?

        “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

        And sure enough, 9 months later, Nordstream 2 went… poof.

        Well, FYI, here is what that evil bitch Nuland said about Mr. Trump on July 14

        “I don’t believe Donald Trump will be elected by the American people”


    • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:36 am #


      A real gargoyle.

  6. hmuller July 19, 2024 at 10:03 am #

    You said it, JHK. We are tired of being paralyzed by evil. Time to kick evil’s ass

    • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:24 am #

      Ha ha ha. Yeah, right. That’s not going to happen. The people themselves have corrupted themselves. Republicans are not the righteous alternatives to the evil Democrats. They are critical players in the uniparty’s game plan, the necessary vocal opposition in all things.

      • crudgemudgeon July 19, 2024 at 2:26 pm #

        It seems there are people who are willing to be “the next man up” and people who say, “not me, why should I?”. Our country was established by the former.

  7. bobfitz03 July 19, 2024 at 10:05 am #

    “Joe Biden” rode COVID into residency and he now rides it into infamy while posting a succinct summation of his life, “I’m sick.”

    • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 10:13 am #

      The Sicilian flu strikes Biden at last.

      I’m reminding of Nixon’s “flea-bite-us” which was always aggravated by subpoenas.

  8. Demeter July 19, 2024 at 10:08 am #

    Is there a cure for TDS? It’s running rampant in this town like the current stomach flu that never ends.

    How hard does reality have to hit to knock some sense into the afflicted? Would there be any country left, at that point?

    This is the summer of their discontent, to counteract 9 years of ours.

    • Not_GeorgeT July 19, 2024 at 10:13 am #

      I don’t think there is a cure. The afflicted need to place their perpetual blame (the state of mind which lives rent-free in their heads) somewhere.

      It can’t be themselves. DJT fills the bill.

      • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 10:19 am #

        “The afflicted need to place their perpetual blame…”

        Concur. I have a sister so afflicted. Completely irrational. Can not have a reasonable discussion on the matter. No logic from her, just hate, hate, hate.

        So odd, but so human.

    • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:40 am #

      Is there a cure? No. My father-in-law is a staunch concealed carry permit holder, loves his guns and is pro-life. He is also a card carrying Democrat who loves Joe Biden and has nothing but absolute disdain for DJT. When I used to try to talk to him he could never tell me why he hated DJT with so much vitriol.

      These people are just insane.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:58 am #


        They hate DJT because that is what the media tells them to do. They are all hidebound and multi-generational.



        The definition of Dem used to be union, pro working class, and GOP big business, anti-union.

        Wha’ happened? The today Dems are voting for a group that is trying to destroy the middle class, and that is what comprises the unions. They say they are trying to help the poor working class, the minorities. They did a great job of that under Obama by sending all their jobs to Asia and Mexico.

        How about this?

        Dems derive their support from the pole that help out, minorities and the elite. They get their money from the elites, and their votes from the minorities. What in return?

        The minorities get nothing, they are losing their economic well-being to the millions of immigrant s that are taking jobs away and being given welfare to do it with. Blacks and Hispanics that came here legally are starting to figure this out.

        The real grift is the elite. One part is the criminal elite that are making billions on the illicit trades as the border stays wide open. Hollywood gets what it wants, unlimited house keepers and the big things, solace for the LBGTQ+ folks and cheap drugs.

        There is a good definition of the appeal of the Dems.

        One more. At the federal level things are very different, The entire Deep Stae’s spectrum has move severely to the Left, Dems are progressive to communist, and the establishment ie, Eastern GOP, is almost Left of center today. Trump, MAGA, outsiders today, are still Right of center and against the Deep State, left of center. Something that is distorting this, IMHO, is the fact that the Mob has invaded the Deep State through the Biden gang and is driving to keep that border open.

        The border is the key. It is worth killing MAGA over. Crime is running the US right now.

        Know who knows that?

        Biden, the Dem bureaucracy, Putin, XI, Iran, Erdogan, the EU, Z, Bibi, etc.

        • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 12:30 pm #

          Yes, he does spend and exorbitant amount of time watching the main stream propaganda outlets.

      • abbybwood July 19, 2024 at 1:33 pm #

        It’s a cult.

      • Freddie July 19, 2024 at 6:27 pm #

        Cankerpuss, I don’t know what to say. Your father-in-law is truly, certifiably insane.

        My own family is filled with women with TDS, which is also insane, but I can at least understand knowing how petty and spiteful women can be.

        But your father-in-law’s position leaves me speechless.

  9. woe July 19, 2024 at 10:09 am #

    After Trump gets in, I want them to investigate that assassination attempt like a pack of feral wolves.

    • dilbert113 July 19, 2024 at 10:14 am #

      If Trump wins, as he likely will, I expect a tsunami of investigations of all kinds of things. For example, Europe stopped doing “trans-gender surgery” on minors years ago, and even left-wing European governments continue to outlaw the practice. They know it permanently harms children. . .but the surgeries roll on here in the US. Why? Money, that’s why. Corrupt hospital administrators are lying to children and parents and getting rich off harmful plastic surgery that doesn’t help the patient at all. That sort of thing needs to stop, and the perpetrators of it need to go to jail.

      • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 10:20 am #

        “Money, that’s why.”

        And where does the money come from? Insurance companies? I doubt it. Sounds like government money.

        • Breck July 19, 2024 at 11:55 am #

          “And where does the money come from? Insurance companies? I doubt it. Sounds like government money”.

          Dear MiTurn, you repeat yourself.

      • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:38 am #

        Who gives a damn about these “investigations.” That’s all Congress does in “investigate” this oddity or that oddity but what ever comes of all these “investigations?” Does anybody get fired from their cushy positions? That bitch DEI hire at the Secret Service isn’t going to get fired for the abject failure to protect probably the most famous man on God’s planet. Oh sure, Congress will investigate. They’ll meet in high powered committees, throw jabs at each other, try to ensnare the other in their words, but nothing will be done. Nobody will get fired. Nobody will lose their pensions. Nobody will go to jail. And certainly nobody will be hanged for their treason against the USA.

        It’s all a game. Nothing more.

        The corruption, grift and filth is so deep that only one thing can truly purge it from society. The will of the people. The people need to correct themselves. There is only one thing that will do that and that is an utter collapse of everything.

        • Not_GeorgeT July 19, 2024 at 11:58 am #

          I think it was PCR who wrote a few days ago we already know all we’ll ever know about this incident. Nothing really new will surface. All the posturing will be theatre and have no result.

        • Prospero July 19, 2024 at 12:18 pm #

          Here’s what we can expect, based on the official “investigation” of a presidential assassination that occurred on November 22, 1963. On September 24, 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that President John Kennedy was killed by a lone nut assassin, who acted alone, and that nobody else was involved.

          So, it looks like we will have to wait at least 10 months for an official “investigation” to conclude that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was committed by a lone nut gunslinger, who acted alone, and that nobody was else involved.

          • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 12:32 pm #

            Yep. Spot on Prospero. Just like all other Congressional “investigations” all they will do is flap their gums, get photo ops, show up on MSNBC and in the end nothing will be done.

          • Vegan Shark July 19, 2024 at 2:21 pm #

            “Warren Commission 2.0” will be the definition of political theater. Committee members will consist of bi-partisan publicity hounds basking in camera lighting. Once the public starts getting bored by the parade of cognitive nonentities testifying, the proceedings will be shut down.

            After further months to give citizens time to cool down and shuffle over to fresh distractions, a report will emerge from the chute. It’ll be critical of a few people at the sharp end — individual Secret Service pistoleros and management functionaries — with generalized rebukes for top officeholders. Mistakes were made.

            Let the private investigations and theories of sinister plots be driven to the fringe for their hundred-year run.

      • Geowhizz July 19, 2024 at 12:12 pm #

        The money power has been whispered about by FDR, WW and many other prominent people. Maybe there’s something there.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:01 pm #

        Read Mike Adams statement on being Trump’s AG. He does not mince words.

    • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:50 am #

      You’re a dreamer, Woe. Trump has already toned down the rhetoric and will pursue an agenda of coming together and reaching across the aisle. Feral Wolves? Yeah, right. Not going to happen.

      • Jarek July 19, 2024 at 11:56 am #

        You’re a voice of wisdom. He didn’t do any of these great things before. Too busy fighting off lawfare Democrats? Well this time he’s going to be too busy fighting Iran and/or Russia and/or China.

      • Breck July 19, 2024 at 11:58 am #

        I alternate in being afraid you are right Cank. Trump is really a wus. Only a wus would have caved on that election steal. Remember Sidney, Flynn and Byrne December 2020!

        • ezinmn July 19, 2024 at 11:58 pm #

          Trump caved on the election steal?
          C’Mon Man!

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 12:00 pm #

      I have an idea for naming the investigation.

      The Warren Commission II.

    • Geowhizz July 19, 2024 at 12:05 pm #

      Chris Martensen posted a discussion analyzing the acoustic signatures of the gunfire. If the analysis is correct, there were a least two gunmen.

      • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 12:23 pm #

        “If the analysis is correct, there were a least two gunmen.”

        I’ve heard that before, like 50 years ago….

    • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:06 pm #

      Right, woe – you just sit there and hold your breath. That investigation will begin right after he locks her up and releases the 9/11 files, the JFK files and tells us the truth about the worst mass shooting in US history that happened on his watch. As soon as he gets done building the wall, he will get that investigation started by putting Bill Barr in charge.

      How does this orange moron fool so many people?

  10. cowbell81 July 19, 2024 at 10:13 am #

    Meanwhile, global IT systems are being reported as down because of some software update glitch. There is a reason I never like doing those auto updates. This outage has affected everything from airlines, delivery services, medical establishments, and retails stores. Like our host JHK always says, given the complexity of our online system, it is very unlikely our future will entail digital tracking and crypto when the grid can no longer be serviced.

    If I was the owner/operator of a business in this day and age I would do it totally old school: paper, pencil, and cash only.

    Never fear though, Biden has been notified of this situation and he is working on it.

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    • River July 19, 2024 at 10:48 am #


      Yes, definitely moving toward the ‘all at once’ scenario what with today’s ‘international blue screen day’…

      Per this morning’s headline at ZeroHedge:
      ‘Maybe putting ALL global computer-linked services on the cloud to save a few bucks wasn’t such a good idea.’

      • Geowhizz July 19, 2024 at 12:07 pm #

        Peak fragility.

      • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

        Yeah, my bitcoin promoting friends are not available for comment. I can’t imagine why…

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 12:01 pm #

      Sorta like balling a piece of paper and tossing it into the trash.

  11. izzy July 19, 2024 at 10:15 am #

    Lurking behind the fog of insanity that has kept so much of the nation distracted and in the dark are some very serious problems that are not going away. No matter who takes the prize in November. The putative winner will have all that hanging around their neck.

    • tom clark July 19, 2024 at 10:28 am #

      Amerika has become ungovernable.

      • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:34 am #

        Too many people, too many opinions, too many pissed off individuals to govern. Try as they might, they can’t control everyone.

        • messianicdruid July 19, 2024 at 11:05 am #

          It is not their job to control everyone. Too many tyrants with all the answers. And if you won’t ask the question, you get sucker-punched for inattentiveness.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 12:04 pm #

            Perfect, MD.

            It is not the job of the government to control much of anything. But not to the Deep State whose socialist drive is to control everything. The more they try to control, the stupider they look.

        • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 2:27 pm #

          Time to break up the ol’ union into smaller independent republics.
          What say y’all in Texas?

      • rainmaker July 19, 2024 at 10:53 am #

        Didn’t Old Joe say in the interview after the debate – “I run the world” ? The gods love to strike down that kind of hubris.

    • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:30 am #

      Yes, Izzy, you are correct. I’ll be voting for DJT but I do not have any expectations that one man alone can correct what ails the political jurisdiction we call the USA. The system has been corrupted to its very core. There are too many people whose livelihoods depend upon the government. There will never be an intentional correction by any political leader. The correction will be a forced correction of economic law that, up until now, we have managed to avoid.

      • rainmaker July 19, 2024 at 10:38 am #

        My opinion is that the FED.gov has become a make work institution for the incompetents. I’ll bet that a large number of the people who “work” for the FED.gov are just not really employable at a high level out in the real world of work. The current director of the secret service might not even be competent to run a grade school cafeteria program.

        • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:48 am #

          That director of the SS is a fat, pasty white, pampered, old woman and she’s running the SS? Good God. Every time I see a woman as a police chief, sherriff, ranking military officer or director over what should be a very serious organization I get the trembles. Women are great at some things but there are some things that should be managed by serious men. The SS should be run by previous SS agents or professional security men. Not some fat patsy female with a fancy degree.

          Yeah, I said it. There are some professions where women don’t belong. Period.

          Note the SS agents surrounding Trump after his assassination attempt. One of them was a woman. She was so damned short she barely rose above his navel. What good is she? His chest and head were still exposed.

          SS should be nothing but big, burly, athletic males and should be led by males who have spent a lifetime protecting others.

          This country is such an abject pathetic joke and like I said before, it’s not even funny anymore. It is heart breaking.

          • rainmaker July 19, 2024 at 11:00 am #

            DEI leads to a high level of incompetence for sure. I believe in meritocracy. If your government does not select for merit, the best person to do that job, it is not a serious government. It seems to me that the FED.gov is being run by people who have the mentality of a second grade teacher, where everyone gets a gold star for just being.

        • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 2:28 pm #

          ” I’ll bet that a large number of the people who “work” for the FED.gov are just not really employable at a high level out in the real world of work.”

          And not just the Fed level. State level too. My exemplary: DMV.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 5:07 pm #

            We were visited by a friend, a long time ago, who worked in CIA research. He regaled us with stories of secretaries that could not type, people who could not add and subtract, etc.

            It does answer a question for me, what happens to people that never accomplish anything in school.

      • Mac July 19, 2024 at 11:17 am #

        You are correct, Cank. Only a currency crisis is going to bring the nonsense to an end. When it happens, you’ll see millions of immigrants fleeing back across the border to escape the violence.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 12:06 pm #

        If Trump wins and the congress stays Deep State, we will see a repeats of Trump 1, a constant battle to destroy MAGA.

        The Deep State must move the the Right to do anything.

        • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 2:30 pm #

          If Trump wins then chaos in the streets, as the Dems unleash their dogs of war: Antifa and BLM, oh and the FBI, too, to coordinate things.

          If a government agency is in charge, you know it will really get messed goodly.

          • malthuss July 19, 2024 at 4:00 pm #


            ANTIFA, BLM make riots. what do you expect, it has happened before.

    • Jimpa July 19, 2024 at 10:50 am #

      You mean it’s not going to be easy, done on day one, and fixed with a phone call?

    • abbybwood July 19, 2024 at 1:40 pm #

      Maybe Trump will be around to witness his “beautiful jabs” when millions start dying from unexplained cancers and “Covid S.T.O.R.M.’s”.

      So happy I refused that beautiful jab!

      • Ron Anselmo July 19, 2024 at 3:11 pm #

        When? Abby, it’s occurring as we speak. The pace will pick up though.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 5:03 pm #

        Wish I had. I do not know what you mean by STORMs, but I have seen two directions so far.

        #1. Immune systems becoming less “sensitive” to antigens and other non-host organism

        Consequence. Cancers, recurrence of prior or immunized sicknesses.

        #2. Immune systems becoming over sensitized AKA autoimmunity, Lupus and scleroderma both life shorteners.

        Me? Vertigo for a year, pertussis for six months

        Friends and family. Pertussis, Cutaneous scleraderma, systemic scleraderma, various cancers.

        Biden Covid three times. Just desserts?

        • KappaJoe July 19, 2024 at 6:11 pm #

          Biden has PCR test covid.

          • Grandpa July 20, 2024 at 11:09 pm #

            exactly KJoe… the test was the vector

  12. Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:28 am #

    “But then there’s always HRC. She’s been laying back alertly, waiting for an opening to swoop in on her leathery wings”

    I really wish these old, worn out, political “has-beens” like HRC would just die already. I’m so sick of these old fuckers who are so addicted to power and fame that they refuse to retire, living long-ass lives, never dying, and destroying everything.

    Out of a nation of 330+ millions of people, this is the best they can drag out of the nursing home?

    God I am sick of this shit. It’s not even laughable anymore. It is so truly pathetically disgusting that even thinking about it is offensive.

    • rainmaker July 19, 2024 at 10:31 am #

      My SIL, who is 65, and just retired from driving the school bus has a great saying which I am going to adopt as a philosophy. She says – “Let the young people do it.”

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 12:11 pm #


        The young people have drive, ambition, energy, new education, all the things that make them move ahead. What are they missing? Smarts and wisdom, the basis for common sense.

        A great analogy is Doctors who go through years of school and yet know nothing and need experience in residency to get their smarts and wisdom.

        Do you want a new intern to do open heart surgery on you?

        • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 12:36 pm #

          I don’t know, JohnAZ, the old people currently running everything don’t exactly have a great track record of success.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 4:56 pm #

            Do any politician have a good track record, certainly not now.. Common sense and wisdom are good traits, mostly in the older generations, but politics seems to destroy both.

            Who would you trust as PRIcare, a doc that has been around for a while, or a 22 year old post grad?

            Or a new NP, or MA?

        • River July 19, 2024 at 5:35 pm #

          Some (not all, by a long shot) young people speak derisively of their elders, but the truth is that they need those of us who they consider ‘older than them there hills’ if they hope to survive the chaos ahead.

          Those of us who experienced life before cell phones have observed first-hand the devolution of society and our planet. We grew up with a strong work ethic and most of us prefer not to identify as victims, so in many ways we’re stronger and more resilient. Like it or not, the youth need our wisdom and experience.

          • NickelthroweR July 19, 2024 at 7:36 pm #

            A victim has the lowest vibrational state (hippie stuff for sure but true). The victim vibrates slightly more than a piece of wood. It is the reason why TPTB wish to create a society of victims. Victims never accomplish anything.

    • River July 19, 2024 at 10:58 am #

      Armstrong’s been reporting that the old gila monster’s been marketing merchandise for the past month or so, complete with nauseating themes such as ‘Turns out she was right about everything.’

      I do have to laugh at the outright absurdity of her notion that – if/when – nominated she has any snowball’s chance in H of winning in Nov.

      Yeah, it’s going to be a rough ride for some years to come but I’m thinking that it’ll be a Trump landslide, and I like the Trump/Vance ticket a lot. Finally someone chooses a strong VP instead of playing the charade that a token DEI, woke placeholder is somehow what’s best for the country.

      • Jarek July 19, 2024 at 11:59 am #

        Vance may be invested in big Pharma. The more we learn about him, the less we will like him.

        • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 12:17 pm #

          I already don’t like that Yasser Arafat lame beard

        • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 12:37 pm #

          Vance is controlled by AIPAC.

        • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 12:40 pm #

          The only congress critter that I know of who told AIPAC to get out of his office was Thomas Massie. His healthy wife subsequently turned up dead after eating food that she suddenly had an allergy to.

          • Uncle Abraham July 19, 2024 at 2:34 pm #

            That insinuation, Cank, is reprehensible. You’re crossing the line from unwise complaining to bearing false witness. Not a healthy trend line.

          • messianicdruid July 19, 2024 at 9:09 pm #

            I’ll bet you can’t tell us the name of Massie’s handler.

        • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:12 pm #

          Vance promoted masking and the firing of anyone who wouldn’t take the jab.

          He also called Trump an idiot and “American Hitler.”

          Great choice, Donnie!

          • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 1:47 pm #

            So Trump arch-nemesis Rosie O’Donnell still has hope for forgiveness and a cabinet appointment.

          • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:53 pm #

            THAT is funny, hmuller!

          • River July 19, 2024 at 5:10 pm #

            C.O. Jones:

            I used to despise Trump, too, but now actually like him. I acknowledge that it is all too easy for MM to find and headline clips of him sounding like a buffoon, but this I can now overlook (esp seeing as how I was better off 4 years ago…)

            In fact, isn’t there some inverse sort of psychological rule that if you really like or dislike someone initially and then change your mind about the person down the line, at that point you’ll like or dislike him all the more than had your first impression been neutral…

        • abbybwood July 19, 2024 at 1:51 pm #

          He did a 180 (not a 360 like Baerbock) on jabs.

          First I see him from a few years ago saying “Nurses who refuse the jab should be fired!” (I am a nurse so that pissed me off).

          Then recently he said, “Covid vaccines should be a choice and should never have been mandated.”

          I would be very interested to hear his reasoning on all this.

          • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:56 pm #

            Coercing someone to get an untested “medical” treatment or experiment would be prosecutable under the Nuremberg protocols.

            Typical politician – make a bold statement and then backpedal.

          • River July 19, 2024 at 5:14 pm #

            @ abbywood –

            I also have no issues with those who do a 180 on issues — we all make mistakes and can hopefully learn from them and change our tack.

            After all, per the old adage: Mistakes are the mother of all invention.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 12:13 pm #

        Oh brother ,can you imagine where we would be right now if the HRC bat had won in 2016?

        Probably six feet under. She couldn’t even run State.

        • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 1:00 pm #

          She made a fortune while at State. So it was worth it

      • Breck July 19, 2024 at 12:24 pm #

        River, not so fast. We have to negotiate the tricky rapids of vote FRAUD before we get to that ‘rough ride’ you mention.

        • River July 19, 2024 at 5:20 pm #

          Breck, I’m not usually known as an optimist, but there’s such momentum now for the Trump/Vance ticket (and distrust in the system) that there’s no way they can get away with fixing the vote this time around.

          That said, I’m sure they’ll unleash something (bird flu, etc.) in an attempt to increase fear in the populace, though at this point it will backfire because anyone who’s not asleep at the wheel can see that the ‘Biden Admin’ completely mishandled the covid debacle.

    • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 2:32 pm #

      “drag out of the nursing home”

      That’s where immigrants take care of old boomers.

  13. Paula D July 19, 2024 at 10:29 am #

    The plot of this drama makes no sense. First they go after Biden, then they try to kill Trump. Then what?

    What is the point of taking out the two stars of the election play?
    I have always thought that the years long elections were part of the bread and circuses that keep the plebes of America entertained and diverted (as well as divided)

    This year very few people seem interested. Is that why they have spiced it up?
    But then what?

    I think the deus ex machina will not be another candidate rising. That doesn’t seem possible for them to pull off, even with full control of the Mighty Wurlitzer.

    My guess is either world war, or another bioweapon, this time more of a killer, followed by the global shutdown, totalitarian control, and forced injections they have planned.

    But yeah, if the global network goes down……..

    • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 10:32 am #

      Not only do I ignore it, PaulaD, I intentionally AVOID the madness. I no longer listen to talk radio. I no longer watch the news at any outlet. The only news I receive comes from some blogs such as Clusterfuck Nation, Lew Rockwell and a few others. I don’t know how JHK and others like him can monitor the fucking madness like they do and keep their minds straight.

      There are things at play here, forces at work here that I can no longer understand or wrap my brain around.

    • lateStarter July 19, 2024 at 10:49 am #

      I’m still going with the idea that the election will simply be cancelled/postponed. Solves a lot of problems for the Dems who will conveniently stay on as caretakers until things settle down. Of course this will be done out of concern for voter safety.

      • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 2:33 pm #

        Gotta keep the gears of the world economy rolling. The election will go forward, etc.

        How can you have graft and political grifters without a functioning economy?

    • Socrates-Detroit July 19, 2024 at 10:51 am #


      It DOES make sense!

      Biden, like 99% of Democrats and 90% of Republicans, is beholden to and owned by the Deep State/Establishment/Blob/BIG MONEY/Satanists.

      Trump may be (playing along like professional wrestler, as a less odious flavor of the Establishment, with some morsels for middle and working America), or he may NOT be.

      I believe Trump is a wild card, and is HIS OWN PERSON more than any of the other wannabe Presidents.

      That makes him a problem.

      So, you remove Trump, the source of the problem, permanently.

      Once Trump is gone, Biden, who is stirring up a lot of “problematic animosity” amongst a vocal minority of American, can now be FORCED out, and replaced with a better puppet.

      Until Vance’s selection as VP, all the GOP candidates except maybe Vivek were establishment puppets, and I don’t think Vivek is electable.

      So you see, now the establishment will have an “adult” back in the White House, 100% guaranteed, and they can more easily

      foment WW3 with Russia

      lock us down with the latest plandemic

      “protect” our financial assets (ie CONFISCATE) them

      get on with the Globalist New World Order.

      BTW, as you say, on Drudge, today’s top story is:

      “Biggest Cyber Outage: Airlines, Hospitals”

      • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 11:12 am #

        If Trump actually appoints Jamie Dimon as Secretary of the Treasury, it will indicate he’s Deep State Lite (at best).

        • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:18 pm #

          @ hmuller – In his first and hopefully only term, Trump appointed the Rothschild banker Wilbur Ross as Commerce Secretary. Isn’t that indication enough?

          btw – the Rothschilds handled all 3 of Trump”s bankruptcies.

      • Jarek July 19, 2024 at 12:01 pm #

        100 million from the Adelson widow woman. What are you smoking this morning? He will serve Israel first and foremost – just like any other Republican or Democrat.

        • Socrates-Detroit July 19, 2024 at 12:33 pm #


          Correct, Israel owns Trump. The Israeli Lobby owns ALL of them.

          I have no delusions.

          I wrote here about Miriam Adelson’s $100 million. These people don’t spend that kind of money without expecting something. I hear she wants Trump to recognize the de jure Israeli annexation of the West Bank.

          America’s blind, 100% support of Israel, especially since the end of the Cold War, has led to much death and misery in the misery in the middle east.

          @Paula commented that what the US did in Iraq, for example in Fallujah, was as bad or worse than what Israel is doing in Gaza.

          Was her motive to soil the US or justify Israel? Both? No matter.

          I agree that Fallujah and Iraq were wrong, were criminal, but I think Gaza is even more criminal.

          What Paula didn’t mention is the reason the US invaded Iraq.

          What foreign nation, what nominal “ally” agitated for the US to attack Iraq?


          Israel wanted Saddam gone, and Iraq rendered impotent. Done by the US.

          Next, Israel wants Iran gone. Maybe, in a last ditch effort to keep the White House Democratic, the US will attack Iran before the election.

          So our crimes will come back to bite us–we will get what we deserve, and Israel will ultimately drag the US down. We may even be repaid in our own coin.

          But none of these facts detract, in any way, from my above comment regarding Trump and the Presidency.

          Trump is clearly the lesser of the evils. I don’t even know that he is evil. Trump has issues, we all do. But he is an EAGLE Scout compared to Biden, Clinton, and the Bushes.

          Even if Trump knows that the Israelis are wrong and their actions are criminal, and I think he does know it, he can’t come out at this time and say so without ending his run for Presidency, or for anything, can he?

          We can tell the truth because we are not running for office, and personally, I’m not too worried about my livelihood being affected. It takes a very strong, secure politician to tell the truth. That is why so few do.

          • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:06 pm #

            What was my motive? I hate hypocrisy and I hate double standards. The screeching about Gaza as some sort of unprecedented atrocity strikes me as projection, given history, including recent history.

            Plus, I recognize a propaganda campaign when I see one.
            I may not figure out what the purpose is, but when I see constant media attention, and kids in tents, and demonstrations all over the western world (not so much in the Muslim world, though, notice that?), then I know that there is an agenda being pushed.

            I thought it was a campaign to dump Israel. We are now 10 months into the campaign and that hasn’t happened, but on the other hand, the hysteria hasn’t stopped either, so this ain’t over yet.

            But I’m not jumping onboard the establishment train, no matter what the purpose is.

          • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:07 pm #

            I also don’t think that the US invaded Iraq because of Israel.

            They invaded Iraq because of oil, same as most other places Sometimes it’s bananas, but it’s usually oil.

          • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:22 pm #

            @ Paula – do you remember when herr Bush’s press secretary, one Ari Fleischer began a press conference by saying “Operation Iraqi Liberation has begun!”

            He was immediately asked by a reporter “Are you aware that spells ohh eye ell?”

            Brilliant moment!

          • Socrates-Detroit July 19, 2024 at 2:24 pm #


            Gaza is unprecedented in the 21st century. It’s also unique in that that Gaza is 139 square miles, which is about as big as the city of Detroit, and about as many residents as Detroit did in 1950, at its peak. War on Detroit!

            I’m not going to argue with you over whether Gaza or Fallujah suffered more. You can believe what you want.

            Yes, there were many factors contributing the invasion of Iraq. The oil was one. We even heard “he (Saddam) tried to kill my dad!”. How about the “weapons of mass destruction”? That was a STATED objective, albeit a bright lie.

            But a big part of the Neocon agenda is to have Israel as the undisputed superpower of the Middle East, and the only local actor with WMD.

            So, first take out Iraq. Next you take out Iran.

            Israel bombed Iraq’s nuclear facility at Osirak(?) in 1983(?). So why shouldn’t a third party bomb Dimona? Why should Israel have nukes?

            You have NO way of disproving, just as I cannot prove, that Israel is the main reason the US attacked Iraq, and everything else was window dressing.

            It’s too bad you don’t want to see it. Perhaps it is because you are, justifiably, upset with America’s role in the war of your youth, Vietnam, or Iraq.

            Screeching? Really?

            One double standard is that there are US laws on the books that govern aid to nations with nuclear weapons. We all know Israel has them, but as long as ISRAEL doesn’t say they do, the US pretends they don’t, and ignores the law.

            Another double standard is the US weapons supplied to third parties are for defensive use only, again per US law. The US government ignores this–not just for Israel, but for Turkey, and others.

            Another double standard is that here in the USA, the Israeli government is allowed to kill people with even more impunity than the US government. Speaking out against it could get you expelled from college, denied a job, or fired from your job.

            Was it like in the 1960s and 1970s for anti-Vietnam War activists too? Did Sullivan and Cromwell (insider law firm) check to see if applicants had written or demonstrated against the Vietnam War? I don’t think so.

            Or did you watch Exodus as a young girl and get mesmerized by Paul Newman, and buy into myth that Palestine was a “land without a people for a people without a land”, and the Palestinians be damned.

            Here is the core of the Balfour Declaration, which was issued in order to curry favor with the Rothschilds, so they could bankroll Britain’s war against Germany

            “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

            Note the words: it is NOT a Jewish State in ISRAEL. It is a Jewish State in Palestine. Because that’s what that area was called in 1917, and well before.

            Like it or not, Palestine/Israel is a much bigger issue on the global scene than what happens in Sudan or West Africa or Indonesia, or even Southeast Asia back in the day.

            Fallujah was crime, but it’s not going to drag America down. Palestine is a crime that will drag America down, among other things. It may be the BRICK that breaks the camel’s back–or not, if the US keeps ratcheting up with Russia or annoying China.

            You see, when peer powers fight, the country whose people are willing to die trumps the country whose people are NOT willing to die.

            That’s my last “screech” today.

          • Jarek July 19, 2024 at 6:45 pm #

            Paula is outraged at America in Syria but fine with Israel being in Syria. How does one get to be like Paula? No inner life whatsoever?

          • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 8:08 pm #

            Well, SD, I understand where you are coming from, but I think that this sentence proves my point:

            ”Like it or not, Palestine/Israel is a much bigger issue on the global scene than what happens in Sudan or West Africa or Indonesia, or even Southeast Asia back in the day.”

            You see what I see, but you seem to think it is natural and right.
            I think it’s propaganda.

            So, we’ll have to agree to disagree.

          • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 8:10 pm #

            Did we agree to disagree before, or was that someone else?

            I forget now.

      • hortonz July 20, 2024 at 12:49 pm #

        Always good to hear from a neighbor Socrates. I live over in Windsor, which is a good vantage point to observe how the American Democrat Party and Canadian Liberal Party are destroying the fabric of life in both countries and weaponizing hate speech to crack down on citizens who express unpopular political opinions .Or should I say political opinions that are unpopular in Washington and Ottawa. Your analysis of American politics is quite accurate. The late mayor of Detroit, Coleman Young once wrote that the only thing he hated more than an establishment conservative was a liberal for liberals are neither radicals or capitalists. It’s the radicals and capitalists who have the ability to change the world and liberals only care about the latest political fads. The “impassioned harangue” is their calling card and when the manure hits the fan they always take the path of least resistance. If Joe Biden had listened to the majority of Democrat-leaning voters and demanded a ceasefire in Gaza and cut off all aid to the Israeli war machine, would he and the DNC be fighting for their political lives? If the Liberals weren’t so adamant about placating the pro-Israel and pro-Palestine electorate and just condemned Israel’s actions outright, do you think they’d be on the verge of political extinction?

    • Jimpa July 19, 2024 at 11:02 am #

      Yes it does make sense, they want chaos, a total break down of the system, so it can be remade in an image more to their their liking. Who are they? The string pullers and movers behind the scenes along with much of the war mongering empire.
      It’s the same in Russia btw. Two sides of the same coin fighting over who is going to run things in the end. The BRICS is very woke, with “sustainability”, jabs, CBDC’s, digital ID’s, control and cattle tagging of the populace.

      • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:08 pm #

        BRICS is an economic alliance. It doesn’t have a political OR a military agenda.

        You and JAZ are quite a team.

        • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:27 pm #

          A brilliant president would try to join BRICS

        • abbybwood July 19, 2024 at 1:58 pm #

          Which is why BRICS+++ is anti-sanctions.

        • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 4:48 pm #

          A economic alliance? You mean those weapons that NOKO and China are sending to Russia are economic and the weapons that Russia is sending to Iran and their friends are economic?

          You mean that the military and economic cooperation treaties that Putin and Xi signed are not political or military agendas. Get with it Paula.

    • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 11:21 am #

      I’m wondering, Paula. Are today’s widespread internet breakdowns a harbinger or test run for bringing down the financial system and blaming it on “computer problems”?

      The COMEX et al. could declare ‘force majeure’ and shut down markets, settling accounts at the last bullshit prices which favor Blob players.

      • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:11 pm #

        Interesting. Much as the implosion of WTC 7 settled the Enron trial and the coming due of the 20 year bonds sold on Russia’s gold in 1991, the Crowdstrike “mistake” could cover a lot of financial problems.

        Oops! We lost that bet made by the Bush fund about the Trump business, for one.

        Also, the credit derivative swaps were all wiped out, so they don’t have to be paid back.

        Could happen.

        • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 4:44 pm #

          Ha, Paula.

          I can see it now. A Biden phone call to the basement.

          $36000000000000, what $36000000000000?

      • abbybwood July 19, 2024 at 2:01 pm #

        Which reminds me:

        Just like with 9/11 it was discovered that American Airlines stocks had been shorted just before the event.

        And just before Trump was winged Truth Social stocks were shorted.

        I would bet Kunstler and Luongo and some others in Kunstler’s circle have been discussing this.

        Any comments here from the gallery??

        • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 2:39 pm #

          “I would bet Kunstler and Luongo and some others in Kunstler’s circle have been discussing this.”

          I wish that they’d discuss how a post-USA will come about and what it will look like. In my own mind, I see smaller republics spinning off and, I am also convinced, that there are folks in many states working on contingency plans — just in case. It is only common sense and a practical effort.

          I think that Texas is well forward with this sort of planning. It ain’t anti-USA, it’s pragmatic.

          • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 3:53 pm #

            Several states have passed laws to make it easier to use gold and silver as money. Texas I believe has even set up a bullion depository.

            Could someone be preparing for changes soon?

            Whoever wins the ‘money wars’ will rule the world.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 4:42 pm #

            All a region has to do is print money and convince the people it is legal tender.

            Start paying people with money, start receiving taxes with money, buying stuff with money, accumulating bank accounts with their money. Trading for US dollars on an exchange bass but accepting no dollars in exchange.

            Hmmm, BRICS+, or Texas? Hmmm, would a region of seceded USA become a member of BRICS+, or WEF?

          • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 1:58 am #

            “All a region has to do is print money and convince the people it is legal tender.”

            So, turn around and make the same mistakes? Please, let us do better.

          • hmuller July 20, 2024 at 11:36 am #

            Assume THEY can get 100 or more years out of a fraudulent financial system before it implodes. That’s a big win.

            The uber-rich always know when the end is near and flock into tangible property over things which will prove worthless.

            And then they’ll do the same thing all over again, blaming anyone but the Bankers.

          • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 12:49 pm #

            I prefer the term, banksters.

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 12:27 pm #

      “The plot of this drama makes no sense. First they go after Biden, then they try to kill Trump. Then what”?

      What do you mean Paula? I frankly do not see any contradiction at all. In fact sounds like just the sort of thing the Cabal likes. And, I might add, thinks will work just fine. And, I’m afraid, always, that they will succeed.

      • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:12 pm #

        I think that the elections are a way to control the American people, as I said, through entertainment, diversion and division.

        Why throw a monkey wrench into the show?

        • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:29 pm #

          Frank Zappa said “Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.”

      • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:13 pm #

        And what will succeed? That’s the part that puzzles me.

        You think you know? What is it then?

    • beantownbill. July 19, 2024 at 1:09 pm #


      You’re not painting a pretty picture of the future, but unfortunately I have to concur. I told my wife several months ago that we can’t breathe easy until at least February, 2025 after the new president is installed. Now I’m thinking I was way too optimistic.

      • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:15 pm #

        Yes, I think you were.

        The next president will preside over something even more horrendous than we have seen so far, imo.

        • beantownbill. July 19, 2024 at 1:23 pm #


    • Forced-to-subsist-on-small-game July 19, 2024 at 7:29 pm #

      There is no sense to be made because there is no plot. There is no one driving our bus. It’s just a pack of barely contained chaos unfolding in real-time. No one is at the helm of what is going on here, there is no travel plan, the ship will be arriving in no port worth being. We are not headed anywhere exalted, now. We are washing up on the rocks.

  14. pyrrhus July 19, 2024 at 10:31 am #

    As Lenin said, nothing happens for decades, then suddenly decades happen in weeks…or in this case, in days..

  15. JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:45 am #

    Found it. It is Anna’s photo under Getty’s image, by Anna Moneymaker.

    Trump is down, his right hand has been wiped but has blood all over it, his face has not been wiped, blood tendrils running down it, the towel that is wiping is there.

    It is all there. before anyone has had a chance to do anything. Blood gel, my ass.

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    • GreenAlba July 19, 2024 at 10:52 am #

      “[…] Trump is down, his right hand has been wiped but has blood all over it […].”

      So, is the blood that’s all over Trump’s hand – but not on his shirt – from the ear that’s stopped bleeding? Just asking – I don’t have much of an opinion on what happened, except that I’d put money on it having, as JHK puts it ‘blob involvement’. And I haven’t seen the photo.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:08 am #

        So find it and look at it instead of making up stuff. On blood on his shirt? I can answer that with conjecture too. He went down fast as they are trained to do to get behind the bullet prof Stars and Stripes barrier. He was brown head forward and down, the blood on his face, which was there already was running down to his chin, not down the side of his cheek, so thus no blood straight down to his shirt or coat.

        So much for the blood gel theory.

        Blob Involvement? The more I hear about the blame game, the more I am starting to believe is IS a Deep State attempt. The key, as I have said, is who contacted that boy and how did they convince him to commit suicide.

        It sounds like a “suicide bomber”?

        One story out is the contract Iran put out over Suleimani to kill Trump? Is Crook associated with any radical Muslim group?

        Or any radical DOJ groups headed up by Intelligence agencies, and set up by the Mob.

        Hmmm, sound familiar?

        The worst nightmare for that group, whoever they are, they missed, their patsy missed. Their snipers did not, the patsy is dead. No Jack Ruby necessary.

        • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 11:35 am #

          Some people claim there was a second shooter in a tower who actually fired. Mr Crooks was a complete patsy who never got off a shot. And was never meant to.

          If the Secret Service and its dishevelled and befuddled leader investigate this, we’ll never learn the truth

          • Jarek July 19, 2024 at 12:04 pm #

            The second shooter shot at the crowd. The third shooter at Crooks. There was no first shooter. He just had blanks. You don’t want the patsy to kill the Deep State candidate. His job was to be a sacrifice to get Trump elected.

          • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 12:42 pm #

            With a fat woman running the SS, are you surprised?

          • GreenAlba July 19, 2024 at 12:57 pm #

            “Some people claim there was a second shooter in a tower who actually fired. Mr Crooks was a complete patsy who never got off a shot. And was never meant to.”

            That makes more sense.

            Everything they do is, of course, distraction at some level.

          • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:19 am #

            They’re never going to let us see Crooks’ rifle so we’ll never know in all probability. The same people who are in on it are going to be doing the investigation. My theory of blanks might be right but I’ll never know. Maybe they told him to just be there was empty rifle and let someone else do the shooting. As he said on film, You’re going to get the wrong guy. Did he think he was going to make it out alive?

        • Breck July 19, 2024 at 12:30 pm #

          John do yourself a favor. Go to X and find John Cullen (#I_AM_JOHNCULLEN). You’ll see that ol’ Tommy Crooks was the side show. The real show was the other shooter.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 1:48 pm #

            Breck, thank you.

            This video is like the Zapruder film.

            One comment, the shooter was spraying the shots way away from the president, these folks were at the top of the stands.

            It is a stretch, but could it be this kid was just trying to raise hell, like so many mass shooters do? Could it be that Trump was just one of many targets or there was no target at all? The punk just wanted a little recognition?

            BTW, I agree with the first shot not hitting Trump, if you look at the shot of the bullet in the air, it is past Trump and he is not reacting yet. And BTW, the photographer who took that picture has claimed it is legitimate.

          • Blackbird July 19, 2024 at 11:13 pm #

            The photo of “the bullet” also shows that bullet is too low to have hit the upper part of Trump’s ear – unless it is another of those magic bullets like the one the killed Kennedy and wounded Connelly then showed up unscathed on JFK’s stretcher.

            “And BTW, the photographer who took that picture has claimed it is legitimate.” Well there you go, all the proof you need…

            And by the way, that photographer, Doug Mills, is also the photographer who shot the photo of Andrew Card whispering in the ear of Dubya, on the morning of September 11, 2001, that “America has been attacked”.

            And they say lightning never strikes the same photographer twice…

            Meanwhile, watch this video of Dubya in that elementary school classroom. Interesting series of words the kids are practicing…


            But let’s not run to embrace any crazy conspiracy theories. It’s all just coincidence…

      • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:18 pm #

        Hasn’t anyone ever had a laceration?

        Why are people going on and on about blood coagulation, as if we haven’t all had cuts that stopped bleeding very quickly? And don’t we all know about gravity? If your face is in the floor, any bleeding from your ear will head that way.

        This reminds me of the covid thing, where people forgot how viruses spread, because they were suddenly propagandized to think that there are no such things.


        • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 1:58 pm #

          A question I have asked. How close can a bullet be to an ear flap to cause damage and yet not hit the ear.

          The media keep talking about millimeters. Could a bullet going by be two or three millimeters away cause damage with its passage? Shock wave? Heat from the gun plus air friction?
          Just asking, I do not know.

          • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 2:45 pm #

            I’m a hunter and have shot a lot of game, such as deer. I try to be a good shot and drop the animal with one shot. Ironically, I don’t want the critter to suffer, even though I’m trying to kill it!

            I’m sad to say that I have grazed one or two with a poorly placed shot and these wounds can bleed profusely.

            Whitetails are not people, but both are mammals.

            Just saying.

  16. liber8tor July 19, 2024 at 10:50 am #

    ” And the entire scaffold of lies supporting “Joe Biden” and his party is wobbling badly, too.”

    CrowdStrike. Shut down the internet and there is no need for an election.

  17. JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:50 am #

    Add one.

    How to out hero the hero?

    Mark Kelley.

  18. JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:55 am #

    Oh, I chuckled a little yesterday listening to the news.

    Tongue in cheek-

    Biden gets the royal screw job from the Left Deep Staters, totally degrading him, That is happening now.

    He was reported to say yesterday that he would not endorse Harris.

    So what is he got pissed off enough to want to damage the asshats that are screwing him over?

    By endorsing Trump.

    Tongue in cheek?


    • GreenAlba July 19, 2024 at 11:01 am #

      “So what is he got pissed off enough to want to damage the asshats that are screwing him over?”

      Does he still have that level of mental acuity?

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:09 am #

        Good point.?????????

    • rainmaker July 19, 2024 at 11:06 am #

      Maybe Old Joe is the key to finally demolish the Democratic Party that helped install him in the White House. Wouldn’t that be ironic? Or Karma. Lots of RINOs helped put Joe in too.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:11 am #

        It is not DEM vs. GOP.

        It is Deep State against the people. Trump’s rhetoric is for the people!!! He has to prove himself.

        They did a good job last night showing what he did do in the 45th iteration.

  19. Socrates-Detroit July 19, 2024 at 11:03 am #

    Outstanding essay today!

    And as our host has been commenting on the “fragility of complex systems” for years, right on cue:

    Today’s top story in Drudge: NETWORK DOWN

    1500 Flights cancelled.

    Mass General Brigham cancelling all non-urgent care visits.

    Genesse County (that’s FLINT, Michigan–I once worked and lived there) offices closed.

    Microsoft spokesperson Frank X. Shaw has confirmed that “a Crowdstrike update was responsible for bringing down a number of Windows systems globally.”

    So, is this an honest error, highlighting how fragile our sophisticated world is?

    Or some one trying to tell “old Joe”, or the US, or the West, “we grow weary of you BS, you best stop f—king with us. Get your house in order and stop meddling. Consider this a warning”

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:16 am #

      A neighbor had a heart procedure scheduled for today that was cancelled due to the outage.

      Consider, if this is “just an update error, what security is needed to prevent a grid shutdown or a total global. Internet shutdown.

      I would consider that a major national security concern.

    • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 11:30 am #

      I also find these internet “cloud” problems worrying – for what they portend.

      Is it the BRICS or our own Deep State Elitist? When the system is unsalvagable, you blow it up (like an undersea gas pipeline). Then you blame someone else

      • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:20 pm #

        Crowdstrike, made famous for its use in Russiagate, has taken the blame.

        Chew on that one and try to figure out what it means.

    • Blackbird July 19, 2024 at 11:23 pm #

      Relax people, it’s just another Microsoft update issue. Virus King Billy Gates reminding us that he can pull our plug at any time.

      So glad we all went with ugly, awkward Windows rather than the lovely, intuitive Mac OS…

      • benr July 21, 2024 at 7:34 pm #

        Mac is just a pretty cover for FREE BSD Unix.

  20. Breck July 19, 2024 at 11:33 am #

    “Joe Biden” was unmasked as The Phantom of the White House”.
    Oh that’s good Jim, that’s very, very good.

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  21. kellycat July 19, 2024 at 11:46 am #

    Phantom of the White House married to Lady Macbeth.
    No wonder we are suffering. Bubble bubble toil and trouble—- new campaign slogan for the dems.

    Btw Trump should move into the WHITE HOUSE now. He already won the election and has the bullet to prove it. I hope he deals with the evil in our country in a very medieval fashion

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 1:14 pm #

      “He already won the election”.
      Huh? You are not serious.

      • Blackbird July 19, 2024 at 11:28 pm #

        God chose Trump. He turned Trump’s head and swatted that bullet away.

        You wanna vote against God?

  22. elysianfield July 19, 2024 at 11:51 am #

    Well, ladies and germs;

    Vocabulary builder.

    The word for today is “forensics”!

    “scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of crime.”

    Pics of the expended cases at Crook’s last stand.

    Bullet trajectory after it passed through his head…there will be a hole in the roof where the bullet continued after killing him…it will establish a trajectory.

    Audible forensics already, from independent sources, show 9 shots…from three different rifles. See this;


    No one is saying anything about bullets recovered from the stands or background field/buildings/bodies. Trajectories can then be generated.

    Yeah…I know…part of an “ongoing Investigaton”…

    I…I feel a vague stirring in my GLiT…

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 12:22 pm #

      Screw GLiT.

      You just said something that triggered a question, forensics style.

      Could a close by ‘Miss” by a bullet, where it does not actually contact the ear, but its shock wave of passage touch the ear, cause a break in the skin or even deeper? I do not know, does anybody? I know heat from friction is present.

      • White German Shepherd July 19, 2024 at 12:45 pm #

        No. I have shot a lot of things bug never killed anything with a near miss.

        • stelmosfire July 19, 2024 at 12:54 pm #

          WGS, you should move up to hand grenades.

        • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:22 pm #

          It’s difficult to kill a bug with a gun. Try a fly swatter next time.

          • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:41 pm #

            My dad could shoot a gnat’s nuts off one at a time from 100 paces away.

          • stelmosfire July 19, 2024 at 1:52 pm #

            Paula, I’ve heard that these are a lot of fun. Kill the bugs with a shot of salt.


          • elysianfield July 19, 2024 at 4:07 pm #

            The A Salt gun is a manly device…I own two of them and can tell you that flies never have a chance…

            Helpful hint:

            A load of salt to the rear or top of a fly will usually launch them into the air, and most always disables them…a shot to the face ALWAYS destroys them…sometimes even shreds them.

            Owning one of the guns turns flies from unwelcome pests into prey. Game on.

            Good for spiders, too.

          • Blackbird July 19, 2024 at 11:36 pm #

            Difficult, but not impossible.

            I gunned down a mosquito in flight, and blasted a fly on the ground with my Daisy BB gun one summer.

            Then seven years later the Air Force Academy turned me down. Losers… Guess they didn’t want Saddam’s air force wiped out on the first night.

          • elysianfield July 20, 2024 at 11:13 am #

            …Jesus, Bird, they turned me down also.

    • beantownbill. July 19, 2024 at 12:49 pm #

      @ ef,

      You sure you didn’t mean clit? I’m sorry if I succumbed to being a little dirty-minded, but I couldn’t resist.

      • elysianfield July 19, 2024 at 4:08 pm #

        “You sure you didn’t mean clit?”

        Of course not…if I had a clit I would never leave the house….

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 1:17 pm #

      What d’ya expect. It’s the F.B.I. doing the investigation. The same agency that “investigated” Hunter’s laptop for crikes sake! And Las Vegas. And…well you can add some more when you begin to see this more clearly. You watch. The Fe-Bee-Eye will get away with solving this case tout suite with nary a protest from the hoi polloi.

    • C.O.Jones July 19, 2024 at 1:39 pm #

      Report yesterday that Crooks was using “encrypted communications” and had a remote detonator for a vehicle full of explosives parked nearby.

      Sounds like a lone wolf to me. I think Trump would make a great president!

  23. fugeguy July 19, 2024 at 11:52 am #

    Weekly attacks now. Soon to be daily.

    How much longer can “we” pretend to not be at war?

    • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 2:50 pm #

      Detroit, Chicago, you pick any big blue-state city. Shots every night.

  24. Q. Shtik July 19, 2024 at 11:53 am #

    There’s a sentence in Jim’s essay that begins with the word A that should have been At.

    I will check back periodically to see if it gets fixed.

    • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 12:23 pm #

      A big concern for all of us.

    • Cankerpuss July 19, 2024 at 12:41 pm #

      Didn’t notice. Don’t care.

      • Q. Shtik July 19, 2024 at 3:24 pm #

        Didn’t notice. Don’t care. – Canker


        Actually our host cares. The A vs At error has already been fixed. He has his own proofreader who reports errors he has spotted and Jim then corrects them. I don’t think Jim wants his essays to be archived for all eternity containing errors.

        On the other hand Jim does not care about the errors made by commenters. He is certainly not going to waste his time fixing all those.

        The only reason I point out the errors of commenters is in the hope that they will not make the same error in the future. Since commenters for the most part don’t give a shit about their errors my efforts have had little effect. Take Jarek, for example. He doesn’t seem to know the difference between through and though. You would think that a person like him who prides himself on being well read and smart would make an effort at writing with more precision. But nope, he appears not to give a shit.

        • Jarek July 19, 2024 at 6:49 pm #

          So do I know or do I not know? Is it ignorance or carelessness? You are not being clear and that’s being a bad writer.

          Btw, it’s carelessness.

          • Q. Shtik July 20, 2024 at 11:32 am #

            it’s carelessness. – Jarek


            Right. It is not that you don’t give a shit, it’s just that you couldn’t care less.

          • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:11 pm #

            I could care less, but I don’t. I would give my Kingdom for an edit button.

          • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 2:15 pm #



            I’ve been watching a Netflix series titled Your Honor. Late in the second season there’s a character with your name (Jarek). I think he is some court person like maybe a prosecutor.

            When you get banned and then come back later under a new name that new name usually has some special significance. Is there any connection with you and the Your Honor Jarek?

            Putting it more simply, what prompted you to use the name Jarek?

        • Blackbird July 19, 2024 at 11:39 pm #

          We all miss b-i-l Peter – bring him back!

          • hmuller July 20, 2024 at 11:40 am #

            Those tales of Peter’s potty problems are like a window into my future

          • Q. Shtik July 20, 2024 at 12:00 pm #

            Peter will have his 6 month anniversary in the nursing home in a few days. Every now and then he calls Bo and asks her to bring him his wallet. She asks “what do you need your wallet for?” He says “I want to pay my tab at this hotel and go back to my home.”

            Bo tells him he’s IN his home and everything is paid for. He is not aware of the long process we have gone through and FINALLY got him approved for Medicaid.

            Bo asks him where he thinks his home is. He says “you know, my home in South Plainfield.” It’s so sad that he doesn’t remember that he moved from the home in South Plainfield some 40 + years ago.

            He asks “how is Darlene?” (his wife). Bo reminds him she died on the 4th of July, 10 years ago. He seems a little shocked at this news and asks what she died from.

            We put him on the phone with our son Thom who Peter loves dearly and Peter makes one nonsensical statement after another.

            Observing the advancement of dementia in a loved one is scary. Joe Biden is sharp as a tack by comparison.

          • hmuller July 20, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

            At this moment I’m in the emergency room with my 97 yr old father. I hear you

          • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 2:04 pm #

            At this moment I’m in the emergency room with my 97 yr old father. I hear you – hmuller


            What happened? I’ll guess he fell.

            There’s a thousand and one things that can happen when you’re 97.

            I seriously don’t want to live TOO long. I would just prefer to wake up dead some day.

          • benr July 21, 2024 at 7:41 pm #


            There are some people who say correcting these errors only frightens or angers dementia patients.
            They don’t remember the corrections and if and when they do they get embarrassed just roll with it.
            The why am I here questions are tougher to sort out.
            Towards the end my mother-in-law saw her husband in the mirror two years gone.
            It made her feel better for me to agree I saw him as well.

  25. DennyBob July 19, 2024 at 11:54 am #

    United We Must Stand
    Living Behind Enemy Lines
    I want your assets.con
    Pareto’s Law
    Intellectual Masturbation
    Actions Speak Louder Than Words
    Just don’t do Something, Stand There

    I need 33,000,000 Patriots with $12.99 to spare
    OK $14.99 to Spare. Yea, Round it off. Cash only! Return Address:
    Optional or Fictional. TO:
    @Donald5070; Box 812, Montery, CA, 93940

    No affiliation with other Donald!

    Trump alleged assignation 2002% Theater
    Circle of Truth coming to Twitter

    Al = American Inertia

    “We need a critical mass of critical thinkers!”

    Because “we are living at a crossroads of history in the crosshairs of truth!”

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  26. reggiezz July 19, 2024 at 12:07 pm #

    I’m thinking Hyenia Nuland was the producer behind the assassination attempt. Three days before, she said in an interview that Trump wouldn’t be elected President.

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 12:24 pm #

      How about Biden and his bullseye? Wonder who put that in his mind?

      • beantownbill. July 19, 2024 at 12:55 pm #

        JAZ, what mind?

        • OG July 19, 2024 at 2:21 pm #

          Crooks’ mind. JAZ believes whatever Fox tells him.

          EVERYONE, in less than one week, now realizes that Butler, PA was a black op. We’ll argue ’til the cows come home on whether Trump was divinely saved or in on it but EVERYONE now knows that SS was in on it.

          Except JAZ.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 4:26 pm #

            As usual, you are putting words in my mouth, your bullshit.

            I believe the SS is just part of a conspiracy of the entire Deep State to rid themselves of Trump. As usual, the Deep State screwed every thing up.

            Remember JFK, shot probably 3 times. The first two maybe Oswald from the back? The killing shot definitely from the front. The rear shots, non- lethal misses from a long distance, the front shot, right on the mark, from close up. He was missing the back half of his skull.

            But maybe, like JFK, we will never hear, because the Deep State will stop the investigation and create Warren Commission 2.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 4:28 pm #

            BTW, I was born in a dinky little town to my just getting started parents. I have spent a lifetime getting asked “Where were you born,” Oh yeah, where the heck is that?

            No longer. Butler, PA.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 4:31 pm #

            Yeah one more.

            Yeah, I listen to Fox. Better than what tripe you MUST listen to<

            MSNBC?, CNN?

            Your latest scenario is so ridiculous to hear, it belongs on Late Night TV with those idiots.

          • benr July 21, 2024 at 7:42 pm #

            Good grief give it a rest.

    • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 12:29 pm #

      Victoria Nuland – the blessing of her people upon our nation. I’d prefer a swarm of plague bearing rats.

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 1:19 pm #

      I remember (do you?) when George Soros said that Trump would not be elected president. That was in 2020.

    • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:25 pm #

      Well, she was right about the Nordstream pipelines not coming online.

      She was right that Russia would experience terrorist events.

      She couldn’t have known that Trump would turn his head at just the right time, or otherwise she’d have been right about this too.

      And back in 2014 she was right that the coup would succeed and that Yats was the guy.

      • reggiezz July 19, 2024 at 2:25 pm #

        When she says these things, she has that creepy crooked smile. It’s the tell that it’s her project.

  27. beantownbill. July 19, 2024 at 12:42 pm #

    What I find amazing about this whole issue is 30% of Dems believe it didn’t happen for real. Maybe it didn’t occur the way the media says it did, but something did happen, and it’s got the nation’s attention.

    I still feel that we are being played big time. I just don’t know exactly how.

    Last night I read Chris Martensen’s latest. He had actual audio recordings of the incident from attendees in which different sounds of gunfire occurred asTrump got shot, implying more than one firearm was involved, which further implies more than one shooter. Everyone seems to have their own version of the events, so how are we supposed to know what actually went down?

    In any event, the smart thing to do is prepare, prepare, prepare.

    • stelmosfire July 19, 2024 at 1:02 pm #

      I watched Martenson’s presentation. Lots of assumptions from some cell phone recordings. To me the middle string of shots sounded more like a pistol. There were lots of people milling about outside the “perimeter” fence. Not unreasonable to “assume” some yahoo ripped off a few shots at Crooks with his carry weapon.. We’re never gonna find out what really happened , that’s obvious.

      • beantownbill. July 19, 2024 at 1:20 pm #


      • OG July 19, 2024 at 2:04 pm #

        But you have given up on your QuikClot theory, right elmo?

        Personally, I believe that all will be revealed and that “obvious[ly]” we will “find out what really happened.”

        • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:01 am #

          Oscar, every time you give us that “all will be revealed”, Kashmir starts playing in my head. Must be that latent MK Ultra training. Thank goodness it’s not a line from a Pat Benatar song…

          Talk of days for which they sit and wait

          Not in this lifetime.

          Seems obvious to me it was an inside job – the kid was just (another) patsy.

          And, as I have further speculated, I think it was a fake assassination attempt.

          Trump is the Chosen One. Or maybe he is being set up…

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 1:20 pm #

      Also, in the same vein as Chris M. check out John Cullen on X.

  28. reggiezz July 19, 2024 at 12:46 pm #

    I stumbled upon a YouTube channel last week called “Inside China Business”. No its not mine. Watch a few of this guy’s videos and you’ll begin to understand why we’re up shit creek no matter who is elected President. I also think the elite know this and their strategy is to vacuum up the wealth now and then let the economic collapse occur. By collapse, I mean our long term living standards, so that we’re in line with those of 3rd world nations and are thus competitive with labor costs.

    Check it out.

    • Q. Shtik July 19, 2024 at 1:21 pm #

      we’re up shit creek – reggiezz


      I know I’ve written about this before but…

      When I was growing up in South Jersey we would say “shit’s crick.” It wasn’t until years later that I became aware “crick” was not a proper pronunciation of “creek.”

      The same with the Eagles football team. We always said Iguls.

      • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:05 am #

        Joisey? That explains a lot.

        You’ve come a long way ‘Stick.

        Kind of the way ex-smokers are the most rabid anti-smokers.

    • OG July 19, 2024 at 1:58 pm #

      I also think the elite know this and their strategy is to vacuum up the wealth now and then let the economic collapse occur.

      “Mission accomplished!”

      Buy gold and silver while you still can. Seriously.

  29. Prospero July 19, 2024 at 12:47 pm #

    The upcoming presidential election is scheduled for November 5, 2024. Will the election be cancelled due to another pandemic or other national emergency? Will Donald Trump survive future assassination attempts that may be planned? If the election actually takes place and the polls indicate a close race, it will be easy to rig the results. However, if the race is not close, rigging the election outcome for the underdog will be much harder and much more expensive.

    John Kennedy explained how the election racket works when he made the following announcement on March 15, 1958, stating that he had just received the following wire from his generous dadddy:

    “Dear Jack – Don’t buy a single vote more than necessary – I’ll be damned if I am going to pay for a landslide.”

    • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 1:27 pm #

      If the polls indicate a close race?

      Why would you believe them any more than the announced election results?

      The whole thing is rigged.

      • OG July 19, 2024 at 1:54 pm #

        The whole thing is rigged.

        Truer words were never spoken.

        Trump and Powell and Dimon. Think about it.

  30. Opie July 19, 2024 at 12:47 pm #

    I’m pleased that Trump handled himself as well as he did, and saw him a humbled man giving a ninety minute speech at the convention. Never thought we’d ever get to see that. But the proof will be the second he takes office. If he makes the same mistakes he did last time and doesn’t fire every person brought in by Biden and Obama, then we’ll know. Expect the economy to crash even harder than is inevitable to make him the next Herbert Hoover. In the meantime, pop some corn and enjoy the complete breakdown of the
    lib-tards. I haven’t laughed this hard in years.

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    • beantownbill. July 19, 2024 at 12:53 pm #

      Opie, I think the whole thing is sad, not funny.

    • OG July 19, 2024 at 1:44 pm #

      If he makes the same mistakes he did last time and doesn’t fire every person brought in by Biden and Obama, then we’ll know.

      Trump unveils “Trumponomics” plan for low taxes, high tariffs and JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon as Treasury Secretary – oh, and Jerome Powell and the Fed are here to stay


      Powell and the Fed. Dimon and Treasury.

      We already know.

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 5:22 pm #

      “If he makes the same mistakes he did last time and doesn’t fire every person brought in by Biden and Obama, then we’ll know”.

      Correct Opie. He was famous for firing people on his TV show. But in real life he’s been too much of a wussie. Apparently he has a strong need to be liked by others, and can’t put that aside and come down HARD on villains.

    • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:08 am #

      Laugh while you still can. The crying will start soon enough.

      • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 2:28 am #

        New Trump slogan:


        “Everybody’s had to fight to be free, you see, You don’t have to live like a refugee…”.

  31. Q. Shtik July 19, 2024 at 1:06 pm #

    Last night I broke my own rule about never listening to politicians’ speeches. I gave Trump 4 or 5 minutes of my precious time listening to his version of the almost assassination.

    I wish to hell Trump was a better speaker. I want a great orator. As usual his description of the assassination attempt was filled with hyperbole. The whole world had settled on the bullet passing an inch from his head but he reduced that to “a quarter inch.” And he was saved by God.

    Trump seems to think that repeating a phrase will give it more veracity. First he delivers a line like “There was lottsa blood” then, in a more hushed tone, he says “lottsa blood.”

    Demosthenes he is not. I shut the TV off. Didn’t even go looking for some sports more to my liking. Just pressed the TV off button.

    • beantownbill. July 19, 2024 at 1:18 pm #

      Q, I feel the same way. I don’t like his unnecessary phrase-repeating. I also don’t care for the way his mouth makes an o when he speaks.
      However, this is minor. Nobody’s perfect, and I really think his content is what’s important.

    • OG July 19, 2024 at 1:41 pm #

      So strange … Trump had “lotsa blood” when that suits the narrative but “hardly any blood” when that suits the narrative.

      Youse conspiracy theorists crack me up.

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 5:23 pm #

      That said, he’s all we got.

      • OG July 19, 2024 at 6:06 pm #

        Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

  32. JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 1:22 pm #

    O-o-h, boy.

    Change the subject for a moment.

    Populace Mechanics article

    Climate change is melting ice so fast it is accumulating at the equator making the earth thicker and consequently slowing down its rotation.

    By a couple of milliseconds. The article says it can affect world clocks that run finance, GPS.

    BRH, it is an emergency, we need you to run down to the coast and check your measuring stick to verify that the water is deeper. it needs a resolution of a micrometer or so.

    One thing that did cross my mind reading the article is:

    Many folks acknowledge that the magnetic field may be changing maybe reversing now. Most agree that it is weakening. If so, wouldn’t that allow more flux from the sun to reach the earth?

    Is AGW a crock, some one should think about that? Is the Pope a Catholic?

    In the meantime, we need more CO2 not less to help the greening of the earth to cover up the stripping we are causing, maybe a real AGW cause.

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 1:23 pm #

      Better get moving on this. Priority wise, it has to be at least 1000 on the list.

    • OG July 19, 2024 at 1:37 pm #

      Popular Mechanics is a shill for the Deep State agenda. I will never forget their hatchet job on 9/11 Truth.

    • stelmosfire July 19, 2024 at 2:06 pm #

      Ocean levels are in fact rising due to climate change . It’s due to the wind turbine blades self destructing in Nantucket sound. The fiberglass and plastic waste displaces the water and raises sea levels. The turbines will save us I am told. Just don’t walk barefoot in the sand on the beach lest your feet be cut to shreds. Save the whales is so last century.

      • BackRowHeckler July 19, 2024 at 2:50 pm #

        Yeah, and that shredded fiberglass is nasty, a real killer if ingested by whales, dolphins and other sea life.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 4:14 pm #


        True story.

        Yesterday, driving through Palm Springs, noted for its windmills, I noticed in one small older area of windmills, the blades has broken in half or less on six of the machines out of about 30.

        Planet of the Humans produced by Michael Moore.

    • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 2:49 pm #

      Haha the Van Allen belts! Weakening – doesn’t sound good for solar irradiance…

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 4:15 pm #

        I wonder how the two visitors to the ISS are feeling.

  33. Q. Shtik July 19, 2024 at 1:39 pm #

    as she rehearsed all the hoaxes she has helped to perpetrate, – JHK


    rehashed, perhaps

    • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:15 am #

      Why don’t you just ask our host to let you proofread his essays before he posts them?

      You were that kid who always corrected your English teacher, weren’t you?

  34. Q. Shtik July 19, 2024 at 1:47 pm #

    The 3 main stock market averages are all down again today. Gold is down too after setting an all-time high yesterday.

    • OG July 19, 2024 at 2:08 pm #

      Buy gold and silver while you still can. Seriously.

      • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 2:32 pm #

        DaYum! I thought you and ‘OG is Nuts’ where banned – hehe!

        • OG July 19, 2024 at 4:55 pm #

          I don’t think that Jim would ban me. What for? I argue our current events civilly on his free speech forum. Jim’s a very intelligent man. He knows more about free speech than any of us.

          There are, however, a lot of people who hear opinions that they don’t like and then go grab their torches and their pitch-forks.

          [Verse 3]
          Oh, so thank your lucky stars you’ve got protection
          Walk the line and never mind the cost
          And don’t wonder who them lawmen was protectin’
          When they nailed the Savior to the cross

          ‘Cause the law is for protection of the people
          Rules are rules and any fool can see
          We don’t need no riddle-speakin’ prophets
          Scarin’ decent folks like you and me
          No siree

          – Kris Kristofferson

          OIN, on the other hand, has already been here on CFN in two iterations (off-the-rails vulgar followed by Grade-7 “clever”).

          I then asked him/it:

          Are you AI?

          Or are you the King of Fellatio?

          POOF! Vanished.

          • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 8:03 pm #

            OMFG, I know I feel that I’m just talking to an AI bot most of the time – but those are usually really dumb and obvious. It does takes some work to peel that onion skin, though…

            Check this out – the highwaymen:

          • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:19 am #

            You know who OG Is Nuts is. We all do. His name may have changed – for now – but his voice hasn’t.

          • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 2:06 pm #

            I don’t know. Who is he? I don’t remember anyone with that particular brand of obnoxiousness before.

          • Blackbird July 21, 2024 at 4:09 pm #

            Oh yes you do… Think Paula, think.

            OG’s Nuts, say something so Paula can hear your very familiar voice.

          • benr July 21, 2024 at 7:47 pm #


            Do tell don’t know who it is.

        • OG Is Nuts July 19, 2024 at 5:40 pm #


          • OG July 19, 2024 at 5:57 pm #

            Now that’s creepy!

      • Breck July 19, 2024 at 5:26 pm #

        For me, and I suspect for others, the ship has sailed on gold. Too expensive. But! silver is still dirt cheap.

        • River July 19, 2024 at 5:55 pm #

          Agree that silver is likely the way to go at this point, since it’ll be better to hand over a silver coin (than a gold coin) for that loaf of bread.

          Don’t forget land, tools, etc. – i.e., tangibles.

          • OG July 19, 2024 at 5:58 pm #

            Right. Gold for wealth storage and silver for currency.

      • elysianfield July 19, 2024 at 5:41 pm #

        Buy your gold. exult in your good fortune when the Eskimo Pie hits the fan.. Then what? Have you considered the mechanism by which you will then prosper? Who will convert the gold into specie? At what terms? Will the buyer be fair, or predatory? Will there be governmental controls? Will you need to identify yourself at the time of the sale? The buyer and his “associates” will most certainly be armed…will you?

        Barter goods, like small denomination silver coin seem a safer bet. Lead also, maybe better considering an almost universal need, and one that is recurring. Eliminate the middle man.

        • OG July 19, 2024 at 6:04 pm #

          I’ve been watching for this economic collapse since the early 1980s, EF. Of course I have “considered the mechanism by which you will then prosper.”

          Who will convert the gold into specie? At what terms? Will the buyer be fair, or predatory? Will there be governmental controls? Will you need to identify yourself at the time of the sale? The buyer and his “associates” will most certainly be armed…will you?

          All just details and all completely covered by this simple wisdom: “It’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.”

          I agree. Gold for wealth-storage and silver for exchange.

          Note: Alas, this is all academic for me. Crooked Ontario lawyers snarfed my life’s work. Sad but true.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:59 pm #

            In the old west. Remember that stores had scales in the counter. That was so they could weigh gold dust the miners would bring in for supplies. Gold was used as a medium of exchange very easily.

            But if gold means nothing to the society it is in, it is just another rock, rare but just a rock.

            Right now, gold is the ultimate world medium of exchange and thus storage of wealth.

            WMBH happens? It is a rock. And oil will be a medium of exchange. Just like in Mel Gibson’s movies.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 11:14 pm #

            Mad Max.

          • elysianfield July 20, 2024 at 11:47 am #

            “All just details and all completely covered by this simple wisdom: “It’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.””

            Of course, but considering that most people are of limited resources, are there better choices? You could have gone all in on incandescent light bulbs, or a string of wedding chapels in the ghetto.

        • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 8:09 pm #

          You know, that wierd *SH!* the US govt did, confiscating all the gold during WW1/2 (depression), *DEF* could happen again.

          And then what are you left with? Memories?

        • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:27 am #

          I agree that silver is a safer bet than gold once the economy caves in. Although an awful lot of people are gonna need an education on what is silver and what isn’t. No one will be able to make change when you try to buy the things you will need with a gold coin.

          On the other hand, I don’t think we will be allowed to run a shadow economy under the watchful gaze of our overlords. Might get away with it for a little while out in the sticks, but sooner rather than later, the whip will come down.

          • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 2:09 pm #

            In your vision of the future, the economy has collapsed and US money is worthless, but somehow the supply chains are still working and stores are still open, with goods on their shelves? And the only problem will be how to make change with gold or silver?

            That’s not how I picture it.

          • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 8:06 pm #

            No Paula, that’s not how I picture the future at all.

            Supply chains broken, stores closed – and looted. Guy with a basket of eggs stares incredulously as you – ok, maybe not you, but someone – holds out a dime-sized gold coin.

          • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 8:31 pm #

            OK, that’s closer.

            But guy isn’t walking through town with a basket of eggs. I hear through the grapevine that he has eggs, and I make my way to his house, with my gold coin.

            There are two big dogs he calls off as he comes out with a shotgun and asks what the hell I want.

            I hold out my coin and he takes it. Maybe he gives me an egg, maybe he doesn’t, but there is no change involved.

            Then I get the hell out of there.

    • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 2:12 pm #

      You know, I was so convinced that I should buy those ms-63 certified (PCGS?) Gold $20 dollar pieces back a decade ago at $1,340…

      I’m betting gold will hit $4k – but what about silver? Yeah, I’m still guessing a silver dime will get you a nice breakfast/lunch in the near future…

      I would *DEF* say stay away from imaginary bitcoin – at least with gold, you actually have something substantial (not ethereal).

  35. Paula D July 19, 2024 at 2:04 pm #

    The Eisenhower is back in a US port. It’s crew is receiving mental health care from the shock of having people shoot back at them.

    “The team included a Deployed Resiliency Counselor, two psychologists, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, an Embedded Integrated Prevention Coordinator, seven Chaplains, and a command facility dog named Demo, ”

    Hopefully this means that the belligerent illiterate Empire employee will be out at sea, er, that is, more out at sea than usual, and will not be around for awhile.

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    • stelmosfire July 19, 2024 at 2:09 pm #

      Sure must be a relief for the crew members to be back in their “safe” space.

    • elysianfield July 19, 2024 at 5:45 pm #

      Remember what Churchill said about being shot at without result.

      Exaltation! A feeling perhaps better than sex*…(the memory fades….)


    • benr July 21, 2024 at 7:49 pm #

      Not on the ike idiot.

  36. Soul Forensics July 19, 2024 at 2:17 pm #

    OK CFNers, now listen up. I have the ironclad goods on the Trump “shooting”. If anyone doubts it, I’m immediately knocking three (3!) points off their accumulated GLiT! So if you’re a 0,1 or 2, you’ll be in minus territory. Sub-zero!

    OK, first I’ll be transparent with my sources. Any journalist worth his salt will get multiple sources lined up. All sources in this case point to the same story and conclusion.

    Three doors down from where I live, the wife’s gigolo (not me) told me in passing, after we discussed the Saskatchewan Red Barons disastrous football season, and without any nudging on my part, that he heard from his gigolo friend’s son’s best friend’s teacher’s gypsy fortune teller — and three of her clients — that an independent set builder on-site to check the podium scaffolding an hour before Trump’s speech noticed a trap door between where Trump was to later stand, and the inner bowels of the podium at the floor. There was no one around, so he ambled over, lifted a velvet cover in the fashion style of an Elvis living-room painting, and looked below to see a collection of makeshift electronics, wires, ear buds, and other such paraphernalia. He hastily covered everything up, and then happened to run into another set builder he hadn’t previously seen before. Except instead of the words of the company stenciled at his breast pocket — “Dick’s Crew: We Erect For You” — this other employee had a small but distinct “Taylor’s Public Theater Boards” stitching on HIS breast pocket jacket. Of course, the acronym there is TPTB! Coincidence? I’ll let you decide. But if you think that’s nothing, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

    Anyway, let’s get to the shooting. Another guy I met at a bar at 2 a.m. (I had a diet 7-up) told me that his hypnotist found out from the hypnotist’s disaffected religious parishioner from an independent church, that Real Trump was at the podium when a recording (don’t forget about under the podium!) of bullets from an old Gunsmoke show alerted Trump, who then, confused as to the exact meaning of the sound, put his hand to his ear so as to better hear the message coming through the invisible wire originating from under his feet. Well, then all hell breaks loose, Trump’s on the floor out of sight, and a secret camera video clip that this religious guy got, then sold to the hypnotist who then lent it to the guy I was talking to at the bar, shows the short Secret Service woman wrestling with Trump. Trump is trying to fondle her through her wires and bulletproof vest (no easy feat, even for a practiced womanizer like Trump), at which point the pissed off woman bites his ear (ala Tyson on Holyfield), Trump feels an electronic buzzing in his shoes, he freaks out and takes them off, more wrestling with the woman, then Trump asks for his shoes back.

    The patsy, with blanks, is killed, so can’t talk, and Real Trump shares a beer with his team, the Secret Service woman apologizes to the Orange Leader, and the road show continues at the convention.

    The only shots fired are from wild and irresponsible speculators on this board. This is the real story.

    D’uh! We all know that.

    • stelmosfire July 19, 2024 at 2:32 pm #

      SF, I find your story possible but I’m calling fake news simply for this one line:

      Trump is trying to fondle her through her wires and bulletproof vest”

      Obviously that was the fake Trump. The real Trump would have just “Grabbed her by the pussy!”

    • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 3:06 pm #

      “the wife’s gigolo (not me)” that’s *KINDA* where you’re whole farce went down in flames.

      “his gigolo friend’s son’s best friend’s teacher’s gypsy fortune teller” that didn’t really help haha!!!

      • OG July 19, 2024 at 4:58 pm #

        SF is not nearly as clever as he fancies himself.

        It’s sad, really.
        – Dr Evil

    • OG July 19, 2024 at 3:35 pm #

      I reasonably answered all of your reasonable questions yesterday, SF, vis-à-vis my theory of what happened in Butler, PA on 7/13.


      You did not reply.

      Then this.

      Are we not men?

      • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 3:43 pm #

        d00d – we R devo!!!

        • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 3:45 pm #

          And yes, I get your argument – my ear was bleeding a drop every second for 10+ minutes – and I only got it under control with a wash cloth and peroxide…

          • OG July 19, 2024 at 4:14 pm #

            I’m not surprised, ZCD. And thanks for sharing your experience.

            The ear does not clot well. It is common knowledge in hairdressing that the ear will bleed and bleed and bleed from a simple little nick let alone gunshots taking a chunk off. Trump is not magic. And neither are his ears. If his injury was what we’re to believe that it was, it would have continued bleeding one minute after being shot. Instead, his ear is smeared with some kind of stationary Hollywood fake “blood” bs gel. Just look at it.

            The Emperor has no clothes, folks! Wakey, wakey!

            We’ve 3 camps now:

            Official story – tired old “lone gun-nut” yet again
            Dems did it – SS but not Trump
            The Whole Enchilada – Even Trump’s in on it

            Are we not lucky to be witnessing history?

            DEVO reference. Well done! I’m listening to the album right now. Thx.

            “Uh hey hey hey
            That’s what I say!”

          • OG July 19, 2024 at 4:42 pm #

            My bolding sucks. Sorry about that.

          • Land of the Banned July 19, 2024 at 6:22 pm #

            I’ve nicked both my ears fairly often with my sometimes wild shaving style over the past many years and I can confirm that they bleed foevah! Takes pressure for at least 15 minutes for a big nick. I’m usually bleeding on pillow cases for two or three days afterward as well, as the scabs that form are anything but stable and getting a Band-Aid to stick there is problematic.

          • Land of the Banned July 19, 2024 at 6:24 pm #

            Put me down for door #3, OG. But I’m willing to keep an open mind until we hear more.

          • OG July 19, 2024 at 6:28 pm #

            – Arthur Fonzarelli

          • OG July 19, 2024 at 6:31 pm #

            But I’m willing to keep an open mind until we hear more.

            You are a smart man! When seeking the truth, one must constantly reassess his previous findings as new information comes to light.

            It is the m.o. of dullards to know there are no conspiracies in our otherwise imperfect world.

          • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 7:45 pm #

            New Traditionalists – Best Evah.

      • OG July 19, 2024 at 3:54 pm #

        The Saskatchewan Roughriders are 4-1 in this young CFL season – and that early success is notwithstanding losing our star QB, Trevor Harris, to injury.

        Our Riders host the hated Winnipeg Blue Bombers tonight at Mosaic Stadium. Opened in 2017, its capacity is 40,000.


        The Bombers have won the West in the past four straight campaigns. [I don’t say “years” because there was no 2020 CFL season on account of the COVIDs.]. The Bombers are, however, off to a surprisingly slow start. They are 2-4 but now have their star QB, Zach Collaros, back in the line-up.

        • OG July 20, 2024 at 2:24 pm #

          FYI – The Riders won 19-9 last night.

          The Riders’ D is rank!

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 5:27 pm #

      “OK CFNers, now listen up…”.
      You must mean cluster fuckers.

      • Paula D July 19, 2024 at 8:30 pm #

        Breck, I asked you above what you meant by this:

        “In fact sounds like just the sort of thing the Cabal likes. And, I might add, thinks will work just fine. And, I’m afraid, always, that they will succeed.”

        You may not have seen it.
        I want to know what plan you think they have that might succeed, because I can’t think of one.

        • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 8:45 pm #

          Oh you too! Can’t figure out how to solve the 9 billion people consumption per capita issue…

          Nightmares every night. Oh wells.

          • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 8:32 pm #

            I assume that feeding 9 billion people isn’t their plan.

            I just want to know what Breck thinks the plan is.

    • elysianfield July 19, 2024 at 7:47 pm #

      “Three doors down from where I live, the wife’s gigolo (not me) ”

      Soul Man,
      …And why not? Are your standards that high? Or…or are there difficulties associated with old age? Allow me to be of some assistance. Perhaps you just need a visual form of stimulation…this from my personal collection;


      • Soul Forensics July 19, 2024 at 9:16 pm #

        That’s the good stuff, right there. A mix of Janet Reno with my third grade teacher.

    • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:33 am #

      “Taylor’s Public Theater Boards”

      I knew Taylor Swift was behind it! That girl’s nothin’ but trouble.

  37. docmartin July 19, 2024 at 2:42 pm #

    The only one with balls big enough to take over the Left was Big Mike, until they loped of his balls on a month long German vacation no one seemed to notice. He was strong enough to off their chef and maybe even his Mama , both knew the truth about that very masculine Michelle. Looks like faggot boy Barry and Big Mike learned The Clinton “ technique “ for solving unsolvable problems.

    • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:36 am #

      The fat lady ain’t singin’ yet doc.

  38. Roundball Shaman July 19, 2024 at 2:44 pm #

    “ There was a lot of talk about divine intervention at the Republican Convention… the fateful night of June 27th when… ‘Joe Biden’ was unmasked… (and an) attempt on Donald Trump’s life…”

    The Almighty ‘Itself’ is always among us. The Divinity that set up and fuels this Universe and all us bit players in it to have a playpen of lifetimes of joys and pain and conjured dramas.

    And the thing about ‘Itself’ is that while ‘It’ is always among us… sometimes It keeps a light touch to let things play about as they will… and other times Itself will exert a much firmer hand to change the course of mighty rivers (to borrow the old Superman into line).

    In the past several weeks… we have been witness to Itself exerting that firmer hand. Itself has allowed the disease of Wokeness and General Social Insanity to play itself along and out to an extreme for a good while now… and Itself has said, ‘Eff That!’. (Yes, Itself can and does use colorful language when the circumstances call for it).

    “… the sun sets on ‘Joe Biden’s’ career…”

    One must find a touch of compassion for this elderly confused man. It is truly pitiful that any human being would reach beyond 80 years on this Planet and still be so damned needy as to need the attention and false-ego boost of trying to be the leader of an Empire when he can no longer walk or talk. That is one hurting, needy individual. And it’s sad and pathetic for any human being to act and be that way after living a full life of great wealth and privilege. And not even that was enough for this sad and needy and seemingly-empty man.

    “You can be sure that pressure will rise to shove him out… that would elevate Kamala… Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker, PA Gov. Shapiro…”.

    Any good baseball fan knows how a good baseball Manager runs his ball club. That is… always have someone capable on the bench to call on when he needs him at a critical moment. Always have a good ‘closer’ in the bullpen to lock the game down when the other team threatens.

    Look at the Deluded Dems. They have no capable person on Their bench to call on now to pick up their glove and enter the game. Their ‘Bench’ is utterly pathetic. And They certainly have no Closer at all to bring in when the game is on the line and They need someone to save the victory.

    So, the Degraded and De-evolved Dems are not only a lost and dangerous political cult… They are not even capable of being like one single good baseball manager. They cannot run a baseball team let alone run a large and powerful Nation that now begs for Adults to enter the room and quiet down all the noise in the Classroom of Country and bring back some order and get the naughty kiddies to be quiet and shut the hell up for a change.

    Everything right now is taking a momentary breather. But the Chicago Convention looms soon like a hungry vulture ready to devour what’s left of America. A fallen and broken political party set in a fallen and broken City. How appropriate is that.

    And former President Trump remains in personal peril from all those crazy and insane individuals in The Indispensable Nation that live only to hate this man and to hate the Nation of America.

    To go back to baseball idea, we’re still in about the Third Inning on this political theater. Much of the game is yet ahead. And the side of losers that’s behind just might decide to tear up the field and charge the pitcher now that They’re behind rather than facing the karma of losing and losing badly which They have richly earned and deserve.

    So for the rest of us in the Stands it’s still — Batter Up… And keep your batting helmets and glove on…

    For it’s One, Two, Three Strikes You’re Out at the Old Ball Game.

    • Jarek July 19, 2024 at 3:50 pm #

      Tens of millions of “voters” didn’t know Biden was incapable until the talking heads in media told them. What could be sadder than these taking cabbages getting to vote?

    • tucsonspur July 19, 2024 at 5:51 pm #

      With Obama pitching to or managing pinch-hitter Kamala, anything is possible.

      • Roundball Shaman July 19, 2024 at 7:22 pm #

        tucsonspur: “With Obama pitching to or managing pinch-hitter Kamala, anything is possible.”

        Obama is always pitching screwballs. And missing the Plate badly as his tosses are always going way, way too far Left.

        Kamala is always swinging-and-missing at the plate because it’s hard to hit anything when you are giggling and smirking so much. And your true skill is in ‘hitting’ something else…

        The Cali Walking Hairdo is of course Deep, Deep Dark Dodger… ‘Blue’.

        And… if ‘It’s-MY-TURN!’ from Arkansas gets to pitch it will be damned hard for any batter against her to see the ball through her always-angelic-looking-pure-white pantsuit. And her walk-up music is Leslie Gore’s, ‘It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To!…”.

    • Breck July 19, 2024 at 6:11 pm #

      “The Almighty ‘Itself’ is always among us. The Divinity that set up and fuels this Universe and all us bit players in it…”.

      I disagree strongly. You and I, and all of our fellow human beings, are not “bit players”. Each of us, as souls, are created by the “Itself” (to use your nickname) in Its own image and likeness. Its-self loves every one of us. Every one – no exceptions!

      I very much like your idea of how ‘Itself’ acts here in this part of Its creation. Here where we live and move and have our being. Sometimes ‘Itself’ seems absent, or on vacation. Then just when we think It has forgotten about us, It shows us how wrong we are!

      A few years ago, after reading Paul’s words in Romans 5:5, I wrote this in reflection, “When all becomes hopeless in the view of the secular World – that is when we will see God’s strength and care”.

      • Roundball Shaman July 19, 2024 at 7:04 pm #

        Breck: “(‘The Almighty ‘Itself’ is always among us. The Divinity that set up and fuels this Universe and all us bit players in it…)’.”

        “I disagree strongly. You and I, and all of our fellow human beings, are not ‘bit players’. Each of us, as souls, are created by the “Itself” (to use your nickname) in Its own image and likeness. Its-self loves every one of us. Every one – no exceptions!”

        I agree with you 100%. My characterization of ‘bit player’ was to two things:

        First, that any one of us as a ‘person’ is NOT the entire incarnation of Divinity in one singular totality of one ‘human’ being. And secondly, that any one life alone is but a few frames only of an epic, long-running movie of consciousness called Eternity. These ‘frames’ are a bit-player when measured against the entire Movie Epic. I appreciate your comment so I could expand on this.

        “Sometimes ‘Itself’ seems absent, or on vacation. Then just when we think It has forgotten about us, It shows us how wrong we are!”

        That is what many great spiritual teaching reveal: That Divinity is always Present. And what we call ‘Awakening’ or perhaps Exiting The Dark Cave is all about is when we as an individual finally find our true and real identity is sourced in – Divinity.

        All of our human problems come from one thing: When we have forgotten ‘What’ and ‘Who’ we really are.

      • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 9:01 pm #

        “When all becomes hopeless in the view of the secular World – that is when we will see God’s strength and care”.

        That is when we face the *CONSEQUENCES* of our own actions? We made this rat-fest. I just try to keep dead *SH!* alive. No guns here (certainly not 29 like Vance’s grandma).

    • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:44 am #

      “One must find a touch of compassion for this elderly confused man.”

      Ummm, no.

      The Big Guy – remember where that nickname comes from – is a criminal and a traitor. What must be found for him is a prison cell.

      The problem with your baseball analogy is that in baseball there are two teams. What we have is one team, and the game is… bukkake.

      • benr July 21, 2024 at 7:52 pm #

        They have already ruled him to be too far gone mentally to stand trial.
        The big guy won’t see a day in court for all the damage and corruption.
        Not an American court and the next President won’t allow him to stand trial in another court system out of fear they will all be forced to do so.

  39. BackRowHeckler July 19, 2024 at 2:46 pm #

    It looks like the Democrats are using the Covid grift one last time, insinuating that Biden has symptons and using it as an excuse to shove him back into his basement … and out of sight.

    • cowbell81 July 19, 2024 at 2:54 pm #

      Exactly what I was thinking. They probably figure “Hey, it worked the first time back in 2020, why can’t it work for us again this time around?” Their loathing towards all Americans thinking they are completely stupid is simply an insult to amoeba everywhere.

    • MiTurn July 19, 2024 at 3:08 pm #

      You do know that Covid kills, old people being especially vulnerable.

      • hmuller July 19, 2024 at 4:07 pm #

        How much do you suppose they would have to pay Doctor Jill to consent to Joe’s mercy killing? Certainly, blanket immunity for the whole family will be part of any deal.

        At last report, Joe is still refusing to surrender. Like off-grid, shot gun waving survivalists, the Biden clan is refusing to vacate the cabin.

        And I’m laughing my ass off.

        • OG July 19, 2024 at 4:27 pm #

          He doesn’t have to really die. Like Epstein.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:51 pm #


        So is that why Cuomo sent all the olde folks in NYC with Covid to old folks homes to infect the hell out of NY? Is that why the data shows the increase in old people because hospitals all over pulled the same stunt?


    • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 4:00 pm #

      You know, I wonder if those covid tests simply test positive for the common flu.

      • OG July 19, 2024 at 4:28 pm #

        Or if they’re as random as a roulette wheel.

      • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 12:51 am #

        The genetic sequences in the two loci of the alleged “Covid” virus chosen for the Drosten PCR test match over 100 sequences in the human genome, as well as over 100 sequences in the genomes of bacteria resident within the human body. That according to an excellent article I read at least 3 years ago critiquing the fraud Drosten and his fraudulent PCR test – but can’t find now or I’d link it.

        Ramp that test up to 35 or 40 cycles and it will tell you that you need an oil change if that’s what you want to hear.

        • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 8:35 pm #

          Or that your papaya is desperately ill.

          • benr July 21, 2024 at 7:54 pm #

            Pretty sure your papaya is very ill it practically screams it in most of them nasty screeds you post.

  40. Cavepainter July 19, 2024 at 2:55 pm #

    Are we experiencing the American version of the sans-culottes storming the Bastille? If so, I believe history has demonstrated foresight on the part of the framers of our nation’s founding documents, thus preventing a Nepoleon like personality being coronated to Emperor (fait accompli in Nepoleon’s case after settling things down “with a whiff of grapeshot”).

    De Tocqueville’s 1835-40 “On Democracy in America” questioned whether the Constitution and Bill of Rights would rebuke the notion of human history inherently cyclical.

    Before Tocqueville’s publication President Andrew Jackson’s administration had already, evidentially, demonstrated success against fatalism. Though not played out like the historic Bastille event Jackson’s invitation of the “unwashed masses” (some even in buckskin and coonskin hats) was an American styled equivalent. Major Whitehouse clean-up was required but the event signaled Jackson’s alignment away from the “eastern establishment” which lambasted Jackson for “disgracing the Whitehouse with the unwashed”. Some resonance with !2/06/2022?

    Jackson acquired the Presidency mainly as a common man’s hero for having (1) commanded the defeat of British forces at the Battle of New Orleans, (2) championing the cause of preventing Native American slaughter of the pioneering flood of European immigrants that poured unstoppably through the nation’s sieve like (unenforceable) borders. Establishment east coast press, by contrast, characterized the Natives as “noble savages”. Hummm,….cyclical reverberations cloaked and festooned differently?

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  41. malthuss July 19, 2024 at 4:09 pm #


    A Virginia restaurant that made headlines in 2018 after its owner kicked out then-White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for being a conservative is closing its doors.

    The Red Hen, located in Lexington, Virginia, was the subject of negative headlines in June 2018 when owner Stephanie Wilkinson asked the then-press secretary and seven others she was dining with at the restaurant to leave.

    • malthuss July 19, 2024 at 4:11 pm #

      now an eatery has core values??? beyond food?

      Matt Adams, the chef of The Red Hen, told the News-Gazette that while the establishment is going under, its “core values will live on.”

      TRUMP CURSE: Virginia restaurant that kicked out Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes out of business.

      The Red Hen’s owners say they’ll try coming back under a new name, but we all know that it won’t work pic.twitter.com/7RfxtWkJ47

      — Frankie Stockes (@realStockes) November 22, 2023

      Lexington is an independent city with a population of about 7,000 people and is somewhat of a liberal enclave in bright-red western Virginia.

      But the city is surrounded by Rockbridge County — which overwhelmingly voted for Trump in both the 2016 and 2020 elections.

      • malthuss July 19, 2024 at 4:22 pm #

        YELP NOTES
        Posting Temporarily Blocked
        This business recently received increased public attention in the news, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than a first-hand consumer experience. As a result, we’ve temporarily disabled the ability to post content about this business. Read more on Yelp Support.


      • gustafson.robert.22 July 19, 2024 at 4:55 pm #


      • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 11:29 pm #

        We’ve got a killer restaurant here, that has been trying to get re-permitted for over 6 months. Ayup, they’re Asians.

      • benr July 21, 2024 at 7:56 pm #

        It makes zero sense to attempt politicking when running a business.
        Positive or negative as you will alienate someone.

  42. cowbell81 July 19, 2024 at 5:11 pm #

    Ah, the suspense! Let’s dive into the political drama, shall we? According to several sources, the pressure on President Joe Biden to exit the 2024 presidential race has been mounting like a Jenga tower during an earthquake.

    Here’s the scoop: Top Democrats are whispering behind closed doors, passing notes like high school students in detention, and they believe that Biden might decide to drop out as soon as this weekend. Why? Well, it seems the poor guy is caught in a political crossfire, like a bewildered squirrel trying to dodge traffic on a busy highway.

    The reasons? First, there’s the age issue. At 81 years old, Biden’s like that vintage car your grandpa insists on driving – it’s got character, but it’s also prone to stalling. His friends and party leaders are telling him, “Joe, you can’t change public perceptions of your age and acuity. It’s like trying to convince people that flip phones are still cool.”

    Second, there’s the Trump factor. Yep, the former president is lurking like a mischievous ghost, ready to haunt Biden’s campaign. If Biden stays in the race, Trump could win in a landslide, wiping away Biden’s legacy faster than a toddler erases a chalkboard.

    And third, there’s the Congressional majority. Dems are sweating bullets, worried that Biden’s continued candidacy might lead to a Republican blowout. Imagine them huddled in a dimly lit room, whispering, “His choice is to be a hero or ensure there’ll never be a Biden presidential library.”

    So, will Biden pull a dramatic exit, like a contestant storming off a reality TV show? We’re not sure yet, but the suspense is killing us – like waiting for the next season of “Tiger King.” Stay tuned, my friend.

    And remember, politics is like a rollercoaster: thrilling, nauseating, and occasionally makes you question your life choices.

    • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 1:11 am #

      Biden said recently that he would consider dropping out if he were diagnosed with a serious disease. Now he has allegedly been diagnosed with “Covid”. Maybe this is the moment.

      After the Trump “assassination attempt”, it appears that the Golden Donald is the Chosen One. If the Big Guy stays in the “race”, or if he is replaced by another of the Democrat Party’s luminaries, the Narrative being molded seems to point to a loss for the Democrats. Unleash Burn, Loot ‘n’ Murder!

      Then again, there is the Black Ugly Duckling of the appointment of the Hildebeast and a cancelled election. (And maybe an “investigation” of the “assassination attempt” determines, “Trump was behind it!”) This would change the Narrative to “white nationalist insurgency!”

      What an interesting time to be an American.

  43. OG July 19, 2024 at 5:19 pm #

    Kessa Anna!

    You are missed.

    • Land of the Banned July 19, 2024 at 6:29 pm #

      Kesa Anna. Seconded!

    • tucsonspur July 19, 2024 at 6:42 pm #

      Sometimes it’s good to see things through a ho’s-colored glasses.

      • ZrCrypDiK July 19, 2024 at 11:49 pm #

        Give me back my filthy desert!


        • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 1:21 am #

          Wrong song. This is what you meant:

          Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert!

          I always wondered why the album cover for The Final Cut prominently featured the Distinguished Flying Cross. Roger Water’s dad was in the Royal Army (8th Royal Fusiliers) and I’m pretty sure he never won the DFC. Probably just because the WWII RAF was so cool. The Few and all that. (Tommy Walker’s dad was a bomber pilot in the RAF. <Tommy can you hear me?)

        • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 3:41 pm #

          Global Greening Becomes so Obvious That Climate Alarmists Start Arguing We Need to “Save the Deserts”!


  44. tucsonspur July 19, 2024 at 6:02 pm #

    ‘For many in this land, it has been like the classic nightmare of being paralyzed in the presence of evil.’ JHK

    Yes Jim, exactly. A muted voice to scream with, motion frozen by fear, no escape from the all-encompassing evil.

    • OG July 19, 2024 at 6:23 pm #

      Snap to it, man! Go turn your faux digits representing US Fed evil fiat ass-wipe into gold and silver while you still can.

  45. OG July 19, 2024 at 6:20 pm #

    OK … this is WAY more fun with a 3-party race. You Americans are so bi-polar that you can’t even fathom 3, 4 or even 5 parties all vying for your vote for their seat.

    The Official Story
    A 20 year-old lone gun-nut came within a video-frame of turning Trump’s head to mist. The SS are completely incompetent and local law enforcement literally took a break and went to McDonalds.

    The Dems did it (and failed) while Trump knew nothing
    Here’s where the conspiracy theories start. SS performed a black op and almost succeeded.

    The Whole Enchilada
    Faux “assassination attempt.” Hollywood “blood” applied by SS. Trump is in on it.

    Which one are you?

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    • OG Is Nuts July 19, 2024 at 6:29 pm #

      I sniffed at the bait

    • Land of the Banned July 19, 2024 at 6:36 pm #

      If the Dems did it with SS and/or FBI assistance, it seems unfathomable that they would have failed, unless of course the point was to drum up sympathy and support for Trump in the sure knowledge that he was now the Deep State’s/Globalists’ chosen candidate. Unz.com has an article by Kevin Barrett asserting exactly that today. Very plausible. That could have been the case with or without Trump’s knowledge ahead of time.

      • OG July 19, 2024 at 6:53 pm #

        Thx for this.

        The False Flag Trump Shooting


        If Trump knows, then the entire black op goes tickety-boo.

        On the other hand, if Trump doesn’t know, then they’ve got the absolute BEST SNIPER EVER!!!

        • OG July 19, 2024 at 7:09 pm #

          Interesting … Kevin Barrett mentions four GLT events [JFK ~ 1963; Gulf of Tonkin ~ 1964; RFK ~ 1968 & 9/11 ~ 2001] in his intro paragraph.

          • OG July 19, 2024 at 7:47 pm #

            With a Democrat in the White House, Netanyahu has no hope of “finishing the job” of the genocide of Palestine. The massacre of a few million Palestinians, and expulsion of millions more, could only happen under the “fog of war” of an all-out US-and-Israel vs. Axis of Resistance confrontation. And that’s what Netanyahu has devoted his entire political career to engineering. He won’t get it without another Trump presidency.
            – Kevin Barrett

          • OG July 19, 2024 at 7:56 pm #

            So go ahead, try to convince me. I want to believe you. Explain to me, in detail, why logic and evidence proves that the “magic ear shot” could not possibly have been orchestrated in the way I am suggesting, or another roughly similar way.
            – Kevin Barrett

            Smart guy.

            The only difference between his take and mine is he speculates:

            You’re going to flinch at the first shot, reach for your ear, hit the deck, and let one of our guys mess with that ear so that when you stand up, there’s blood.

            That sounds like Rocky, “Cut me, Mick!” I speculate that it was Hollywood fake “blood.”

            Six of one, half-a-dozen of the other.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:44 pm #

            Heck, the only reason you call him a smart guy is cause he agrees with you. Many, many more do not agree with you, are they dumb guys?

          • Socrates-Detroit July 20, 2024 at 10:28 am #

            With a Democrat in the White House, Netanyahu has no hope of “finishing the job” of the genocide of Palestine. The massacre of a few million Palestinians, and expulsion of millions more, could only happen under the “fog of war” of an all-out US-and-Israel vs. Axis of Resistance confrontation. And that’s what Netanyahu has devoted his entire political career to engineering. He won’t get it without another Trump presidency.
            – Kevin Barrett

            Democrat or Republican, or even RFK Jr, is irrelevant. Netanyahu may get his war with any US President.

            Israel is a rogue state, led by intelligent people who are clever
            and greedy and evil (just look at their actions before, let alone SINCE, Oct 07, 2023).

            The Israelis will do whatever they think THEY can get away with.

            If the Israelis think the US may be incapable of helping them to the extent they need in a wider war, the Israelis will hold off.

            The issue is US capability, not US willpower.

            If Israel acts against US advice, or even against US interest, the US government will ALWAYS follow Israel and “spin” the narrative.

            As for the assertion that the fog of war would enable the Israelis to exterminate many more Palestinians, that presupposes that Israel and the US would prevail against the Iranian-led “Axis of Resistance”.

            That is not a good bet. When initiating a war, it’s prudent to make sure the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor (unless the stakes are very low).

            Not only are the odds NOT overwhelmingly in Israel/US favor, but they are not even in favor of Israel and the US.

            And this has now become a high-stakes war.

            No doubt that Israel and the US can inflict massive, disproportionate punishment on the “Axis”.

            But the “Axis” can inflict a lot of damage on Israel and the US. And the US and Israel, and their people, don’t have the capacity to accept casualties like their adversaries.

            Plus, chances are that Russia and China will make sure the “Axis” is not decisively defeated, or even that the Axis prevails.

            No one likes a bully. China and Russa are looking to take the US down–and we Americans have no one to blame but our Neocon governments since the end of the Cold War.

            Chances are Israel proper will take some big hits. Tel Aviv won’t look like Gaza, but some blocks of Tel Aviv, and other Israeli cities will. Some US warships will likely be sunk. Even more than luckless US sailors who die, this will severely roll back America’s “gunboat diplomacy”. And that in turn, will make it harder for the US to impose its will on weak 3rd world countries.

            The GLOBAL economic fallout will be massive.* And it may even spiral into a hot World War, where the US homeland comes under attack. I know several of you are eager to have OTHER Americans give their lives for Israel. Well, you just might wind up giving your own.

            *(and by the way, THAT is what the ruling class wants–a massive economic fallout to enable the “Global Reset” and recreate a “new Bretton Woods”, under the pretext of helping the masses with digital IDs and currency, when in reality, it will facilitate the overt enslavement of the masses of everyone–including Israeli citizens. They want to sow division and chaos–that’s why Zionist Soros supports anti-Israel demonstrators, for example).

            Back to Barrett, I’m not saying that we will NOT have an Israel/US vs Iran/Axis and maybe Russia/China war.

            It may even be the “October surprise”, a “hail Mary pass” to keep Trump out of the White House.

            I realize Netanyahu and the Israelis are working very hard to exploit Oct 07 and use it to exterminate the Palestinians. They are killing a lot of innocent people, and will continue to do so, but they won’t eliminate the Palestinians. And the day after will see Palestinians with rights and mark the end of the “Jewish State”. Netenyahu wanted one-state. That is what he will get.

            We will see.

        • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:47 am #

          That’s why your focus is important. The ear was a manual job, either a pen knife or ketchup.

          I can’t see why the kid would have been give live ammo at all. He could have killed the President! Barrett waffles on this. Just give him blanks so he thinks he is doing something and he draws the attention of snipers who may or may not have been in on “it”.

          • elysianfield July 20, 2024 at 11:29 am #

            Blank ammo? The blank ammo looks…funny, and to operate the weapon, it requires a large square blank adapter clamped at the end of the rifle’s barrel…also funny looking, and hard to miss, by design.

          • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:16 pm #

            Have we been given a close up of the rifle?

            What about sound. Do blanks sound different? Maybe that could determine it.

        • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 1:26 am #

          I’d have thought you’d have discovered the Unz Review by now ‘G.

      • tucsonspur July 19, 2024 at 6:56 pm #

        Who knows. One thing I do know is that on last Sunday or Monday, I believe, Fox news aired the shooting and when Trump and the SS were down on the ground you could hear muffled voices which I couldn’t clearly make out.

        But to my surprise, words to those voices were put on the screen. I clearly saw them but now can only paraphrase; they went something very similar to this; ‘get the money shot, did you get the money shot?’

        Always the showman grabbing a monstrous opportunity, or something else? Haven’t seen it since.

        • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:23 am #

          You didn’t hear Trump talking about his shoes? Did the shooter shoot them off? What mastery!

      • Jarek July 19, 2024 at 7:00 pm #

        Yes. Night Owl, very sharp in some ways, didn’t understand the mythic aspect of the risen king at all.

        Logically, he’s right. Why did so many things change after George Floyd died? Because he became a god? Logical people don’t work like that. But few are deeply logical. Most people do work off of emotions. Thus Night Owl wouldn’t make it as political consultant.

        • tucsonspur July 19, 2024 at 7:33 pm #

          My logic made him more of a masochist. Sad. I began to feel cruel, submitting to his needs.

        • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 2:56 am #

          A “mythic aspect” was added when they displayed and Trump kissed the scapegoat’s outfit. As in ‘he died in my stead’.

          • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:18 pm #

            Yes, the good goat sacrificed to God. Trump is the bad goat to be driven into the wilderness, to be sacrificed to Satan later.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:42 pm #

        A professional hit?

        Obviously not.

        A setup by a group of Biden nincompoops including an incompetent head of the SS?
        Possibly without Biden even knowing about it?


        A hit by a mafiosa squad like JFK?

        I just said that.

        Remember from the JFK data base that the WC could not really answer why the kill shot blew off the back of his head. How about the second gunman watching the patsy in the Depository miss twice with a kill shot and finished him off using a scope to see that JFK was not dead yet.

        Sound familiar, except something, maybe Trump dropping quickly surrounded by bodies made the kill shot impossible.

        As I have said, the worst possible scenario has occurred, they missed.

        The last possible thing, after looking at the photos even more that the videos, and especially Anna’s photo is that Gell was placed, impossible.

    • ZrCrypDiK July 20, 2024 at 12:09 am #

      d00d the Dems R gunna replace Biden with that 83 year old Bernie – can U Imagine?

      • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 1:33 am #

        Bernie? Not on my list of likely scenarios. Remember how the DNC burned Bernie in ’16 and ’20? He’s nothing but a Judas Goat, leading the disaffected sheep back into the pen.

        The Narrative being shaped is for the Ho to replace the Big Guy, but I think Big Mike is a more likely replacement.

    • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 3:43 pm #

      “Trump was in on it”. Finally, a conspiracy theory liberals can believe. C’mon man, its a start.

  46. Kornado July 19, 2024 at 8:09 pm #

    The fun curse of my day job is that i have hours where i am doing continual physical moving of my job outdoors but doesn’t require much thinking or barely an audience so I can go deep dive into various podcasts and interviews online through bluetooth wireless headphones.

    Whitney Webb on Redacted and Jimmy Dore just dryly explained how J.D. Vance and Palantir fit into it all now…back to everyone knows everyone and they are all happily, properly blackmailed.

    Case in point, how Trump was already connected with the deep state too, and now and before, and will especially be moving forward. I wonder why?

    But they hovered around the idea Trump knew about his own ass. attempt, in that Webb and Dore questioned the validity of the trials i think.

    How difficult is it to think Trump did some pretty lousy stuff he knows is on tape, cause they told him..and but he never told his family (and this beyond what they already know!)

    I am trying to accept that I have to treat life now as a joke, as late Carlin said, but also, like Alex Jones said recently, preparing to die.

    I feel the collapse, it’s a weight. EROI, energy returned on investment, It takes more energy now to do anything.

    • River July 19, 2024 at 8:46 pm #

      I respect Whitney Webb’s research abilities, but when you watch the video Trump dropped so freakin’ fast that I just can’t believe that it was staged. I don’t think that anyone could have faked that…

      In my view, the Left wanted to murder Trump and failed. The Neocons were already on their way down and this has only added fuel to the fire. Their arrogance in not even attempting to hide their motives continues to open more people’s eyes to their evil agenda.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:32 pm #


      • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:27 am #

        But now they are being fired from their jobs left and right for wishing he had been killed. Something has changed. Those who decide what is allowed and what is forbidden have flipped and are now on Trump’s side.

  47. OG July 19, 2024 at 8:23 pm #

    We still await JAZ’s and/or OIN’s analysis of Auston Private Wealth short-selling 12,000,000 of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT – NASDAQ) equity shares before the “assassination attempt” of “Trump” at Butler, PA on 7/13.

    SF indicated that he’s too busy to form an opinion on this game-changing revelation and that he never, actually, will ever have any opinions as his “tack” is to wait decades for the MSM to tell him what happened.

    JAZ? OIN? Thoughts?

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:31 pm #

      You are doing it again, setting up a scenario and challenging everyone to disagree. You do it all the time.

      Okay. Here goes. Trump’s assassination is a setup by the Deep State, right? So if people in the Deep State knew about it, it can leak out like everything else does in DC.

      The Congress uses it all the time to cheat in the stock market, legally.

      So if the word leaked out that something was brewing.

      Time to sell boys!!! I’m surprised they didn’t sell short and make even more.

      OIN, your turn.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2024 at 10:31 pm #

        Trump’s stock has been volatile as hell anyway.

      • OG July 20, 2024 at 1:25 am #

        No, JAZ. After being told that I make my decisions too quickly, I’m simply asking my critics to weigh-in before I do.

        Aston Private Wealth short-selling 12,000,000 Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT-NASDAQ) shares before Butler tells us that they thought that Trump would die.

        So: either they strongly acted with bs inside information or YOU ARE RIGHT AND TRUMP WAS NOT “IN ON IT.”

        • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 1:51 am #

          Yes, the short sell would seem to suggest that it was a real assassination attempt.

          Then again, maybe the short sellers were given “bs inside information” to make it look more real.

          I don’t know – none of us do – but I’m still going with “fake”.

          Too perfect: head turn (God saved Trump!), nicked ear (no real damage – of all the places that “bullet” could have gone…), speeding bullet caught on camera (but too low to hit Trump’s upper ear – why such a high shutter speed?), stands up (because somehow Secret Service knows there was only one shooter and he is dead?), defiant heroic fist pump, Iwo Jima…

          • OG July 20, 2024 at 2:07 am #

            It sure would “serve them right” if they thought that they were profiting on this heinous info but really they were just played and were a financial patsy.

            I’m with you, BB. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

    • ZrCrypDiK July 20, 2024 at 12:27 am #

      Short sales work wonders – as long as you don’t want to invest in R&D.

  48. Mister Roboto July 19, 2024 at 10:04 pm #

    As is par for the course in a major event such as the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, there are people on the Internet, and not just the TDS crowd, saying that Trump’s injury was faked and everything we saw was stage-magic as Trump and the Deep State colluded with one another to contrive a hoax assassination attempt. What makes this theory appealing is that the lapses of the people who were responsible for security at that Trump rally were so glaring, that it makes cynical people such as myself wonder if the whole thing was just a show staged for the benefit of the gullible masses as the Deep State selects Donald Trump for its new front man.

    The big hole in this theory is that Trump went to a hospital for that injury to his ear and had it treated there. A big part of this “alternative” theory I have laid out here rests on an assumption that Trump was sporting a fake injury. But for that to be the case, the hospital staff would have to be in on the conspiracy, and that is just too much of a stretch for me, and, I would hope, reasonable people in general.

    • OG July 19, 2024 at 10:16 pm #

      Right. The Deep State could never get doctors to do what they’re told and take the money. (Wait! What?)

      • OG July 19, 2024 at 10:25 pm #

        “So … we’ve got the patsy. We’ve got the sniper. We’ve got the local police on break at McDonalds. We’ve got SS ready with their choreographed routine. We’ve got a dead, innocent fireman. We’ve got it all … if only all the doctors in Butler, PA were not so gosh darn honourable!”

        I’m not sure that I like your police work, there Mister Roboto.

        You must have a tiny little GLT.

        • Mister Roboto July 19, 2024 at 11:29 pm #

          Conspiracy theories that rely on “everybody was in on it because…well, they just were” as a basis don’t carry a whole lot of weight for me. Though I certainly expect that there will always be plenty of people in forums such as these for whom that sort of thing is their bread and butter.

          • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:32 am #

            Do you tell little children everything? Why not? How about bums on the street? Do you tell them your personal business?

            How do you think the Elite see us? Alright then. You have your answer. Their underlings? Keep quiet or you’ll lose your job. Keep talking and you may get worse after that.

          • OG July 20, 2024 at 12:59 am #

            There are Masonic lodges everywhere, MR. There are TONS of men “in on it.”

            You clearly do not understand how the elite work. Did you know that you must sell your soul to be in the elite? Sell your soul on video!

            Once you’ve sold your soul to Lucifer on video, you will do what you are told.

            Arguments like yours are so very naive. You probably think that if too many people found out some little tidbit, then an honest one would undoubtedly step up and just … “go to the press” and then the jig would be up.

            Or maybe they could go to the police. OK, oh-for-two. How about social media? Just another nutcase who won’t simply believe Lester Holt like everyone else.

            They’re destroying your freedom and you remain skeptical.


          • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 2:01 am #


            You remind me of a dialogue from “Contact”.

            In an argument about extraterrestrial life,

            One side: Do you mind stepping on an ant in an anthill, because they are small and powerless? How do you know ET out there doesn’t think of us the same way?

            That is paraphrased lightly.

            That is what the Elite think of us, that is what the Deep State think of the people of the USA. Except every 2 to 4 years.

            And they are trying to get rid of that.

          • Mister Roboto July 20, 2024 at 6:35 am #

            When deciding what to believe about something, I prefer to stick to rational facts, and somebody on another forum actually told me something that pokes a hole in my original contention here. I was aware of the medical privacy law known as HIPAA, but what I didn’t know was how comprehensive it is in forbidding doctors, nurses, and hospital staff from discussing individual patient cases. So the hospital staff wouldn’t have to be “in on it” if the assassination attempt were a hoax, they just legally wouldn’t be able to say anything.

            And this is not to say I necessarily think the attempt was a hoax, but I am reverting to keeping this in mind as something that could turn out to be true.

          • stelmosfire July 20, 2024 at 7:38 am #

            “So the hospital staff wouldn’t have to be “in on it” if the assassination attempt were a hoax, they just legally wouldn’t be able to say anything.”

            That’s a hoot. I guess you never watched “General Hospital”. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the ER and “loose lips, sink ships” is not really much of a tenet there. The place can be a real gab-fest. I never partook of such shenanigans of course, it being illegal and all.

          • stelmosfire July 20, 2024 at 7:40 am #

            Try going in there with your pet gerbil and test my theory.

          • Mister Roboto July 20, 2024 at 8:27 am #

            Well, I don’t imagine that HIPAA would stop the hospital staff from discussing things with one another, even though they aren’t supposed to be doing that.

          • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 4:00 pm #

            “There are Masonic lodges everywhere, MR. There are TONS of men “in on it.”usin

            Using that measure I’m sure you are right.

            My cousin joined them but I’m convinced most guys just do it for camaraderie. They have no idea, and will not hear. You don’t know for years and by then few can quit.

            They did give a nice ceremony at his funeral.

        • ZrCrypDiK July 20, 2024 at 12:50 am #

          Wait a minute – wasn’t it at Dunkin Donuts coffee style?!.. Yeah Mom tells me Mc Donny has good coffee too…

          Too bad the dimwits didn’t realize (after being told for 2-3 minutes) that there was a camo sniper. That story don’t *JIBE*

          It totally stinks – of laziness? The dimwits just seemed to be completely clueless as they marched in order…

          Marching up and down the Square! *ALRIGHTY then!!!* Off YEE go!!!

  49. The Man They Call Zazelle July 19, 2024 at 10:14 pm #

    I thought Dorian Gray said that” ~ hmuller

    The Picture of Dorian Gray/Book Burner

    “… It seemed to him that in exquisite raiment, and to the delicate sound of flutes, the sins of the world were passing in dumb show before him. Things that he had dimly dreamed of were suddenly made real to him…

    Things of which he had never dreamed were gradually revealed…

    He fell into a form of reverie, a malady of dreaming, that made him unconscious of the falling day and creeping shadows. He read on… till he could read no more…”

    Book Burner


    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 19, 2024 at 10:28 pm #

      “…the sins of the world were passing in dumb show before him… the falling day and creeping shadows…”

      • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 1:56 am #

        So Lenin only claimed to read The Picture of Dorian Gray. Lyin’ commie bastard!

        The Big Guy probably claimed to read it too. Lyin’ commie bastard!

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 2:12 am #

          “Communists and anarchists are working for the same eventual goal of a society without hierarchy. In one way communism and anarchy are pretty much the same concept: a stateless, classless society in which no one rules over others. Communists just believe that hierarchical means (the state, perhaps ruled by a Communist vanguard) can be used in the transition to this end, while anarchists believe in using only non-hierarchical, decentralized means.

          As an anarchist my personal opinion is that the ends don’t justify the means, and that only non-hierarchical organization can bring about a successful revolution to a non-hierarchical society. I just don’t think it’s very realistic that any government, Communist or not, would voluntarily step down from power. Communists, on the other hand, don’t think it’s very realistic to manage a revolution in a completely decentralized, non-authoritarian manner.”

          ~ Eleutherios,

          • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 8:11 pm #

            The communists and anarchists didn’t work together too long in the Ukraine during the Bolshevik Revolution. As soon as the Imperial forces were defeated, the commies turned on the anarchists.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 21, 2024 at 5:55 am #

            Do ‘commies’ ‘turn on people’?

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 2:17 am #

          …I should see if the author is still around and how far their concept for ‘a society’ goes and if it’s about something like a world of a million little villages as the late Bill Mollision and others envisioned.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 7:57 am #

          The Picture of Dorian Gray
          by Oscar Wilde


  50. The Man They Call Zazelle July 19, 2024 at 10:21 pm #

    As the sun sets on ‘Joe Biden’s’ career, what’s left of his campaign runs an ad in which he promises “to finish the job.” Sounds kind of sinister now, doesn’t it, like something a crime boss might tell his caporegimes?” ~ JHK


    But then there’s always HRC. She’s been laying back alertly, waiting for an opening to swoop in on her leathery wings…” ~ JHK

    I like her chest/tummy-frills. Guys? What do you think? Frills? No-frills?

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  51. jim e July 19, 2024 at 11:17 pm #

    Election Odds

    Donald Trump -286 61.33%
    Kamala Harris +350 18.32%
    Joe Biden +900 8.24%
    Michelle Obama +2000 3.67%

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 12:30 am #

      Is RFK Jr. anywhere in there? Or what about Cornel West?

      • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 1:58 am #

        Right up there with RFK Sr., and Cornel Wilde.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 2:08 am #

          What are you talking about?

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 2:17 am #

          Dead if they tried you mean?

          • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 8:13 pm #

            I mean the odds are about the same.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 21, 2024 at 5:56 am #

            50-50 Clown


    • Ron Anselmo July 20, 2024 at 9:28 am #

      Erection Odds

      Donald Trump 100 %
      Kamala Harris 0%
      Joe Biden 0%
      Michelle Obama 100%

      • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 8:14 pm #

        Now that’s what I call a pole. Those are some probabilities you can hang your hat on!

        • Ron Anselmo July 20, 2024 at 10:06 pm #

          Well, at least for Trump and “Michelle”.

          Bird, you may be the funniest man in the world. I don’t think you drink beer that often, but when you do, it’s probably Dos Equis.

          • Blackbird July 21, 2024 at 3:06 pm #

            Well ya know Ron, since I’d been promoting it for years, I thought it might be a good idea to finally try Dos Equis. So one evening, after hot tubbing with snow monkeys, I bought a six pack. Just typical Mexican beer.

            I probably would have completely evicted beer from my life had it not been for the Deepwater Horizon disaster. At the Crowne Plaza in Pensacola one night in June of 2010, a co-worker turned me on to Sweetwater 420, a hoppy extra pale ale with a delightful cannabis-like flavor. Sweetwater’s distribution finally reached Michigan shortly after I did, but, being high class, it is very difficult to find – fortunately. Too many drinkers of Busch and Bud Light up here. How a Marlboro-smoking Trump-voting pickup-driving redneck can put an 18-pack of Bud Light on the counter and not turn red with shame is beyond me.

          • messianicdruid July 21, 2024 at 6:10 pm #

            I know people who buy thirty packs, whatever is available.

  52. The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 12:25 am #

    A Hypothesis About The Hypothesists

    As the header says; I have a hypothesis about what we’ll call the ‘hypothesists’. It is very simple and goes like this:

    There are those who don’t actually believe their own hypotheses or theories.

    Rather, it is the fun and challenge in trying to defend them that is their underlying motivation.

  53. Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:35 am #


    Good info and footage about Marxist-Leninism and Maoism.

  54. Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:43 am #

    Griffin explains in the movie that the Founders eschewed Democracy since it leads to Tyranny and Communism. Small government is the ticket. But that means the people must be responsible and moral.

    How does the jibe with Corporate Capitalism – which is just main street Capitalism grown to full size? But poorly if at all. Capitalism is amoral even when small, and immoral by nature when full grown.

    Civic virtue and Christianity are philosophies of giving. Capitalism is about getting. Opposites. Now some getting must come into everyone’s life and it is moral to get for oneself rather than being given to. But beyond that basic, it becomes bad. As Christ said, No man can serve God and serve Mammon. Capitalism and Communism are philosophies of Mammon worship.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 1:33 am #

      Small government is the ticket. But that means the people must be responsible and moral.” ~ Jarek

      Two issues with the above:

      1. ‘The ticket’ will be different for different people, not one-size/gov-fits-all, so ‘the ticket’ would appear to need to allow others their own options in those regards.

      2. People already are responsible and moral, just that a few apples can spoil a batch, especially if ‘that batch’ is, as per #1, an imposition on all people for a one-size-fits all societal setup.

    • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 1:33 am #

      Omigod, Jarek.

      We agree on this. 100%.

      “But that means the people must be responsible and moral.”

      But they aren’t, so then what?

      What do you do when people are inherent sinners full of greed? And committed to power.

      God’s answer is to let Man be his own boss, and judge him at the end of days. We are not entitled to judge only God.

      So how do men control what Man does?

      How do you control the rise from individual or family business to stop the formation of corporations? How do you stop the destruction of competition which stops conglomeration?

      Got me! A lot smarter people than me have failed at any answers. However the encouragement of man driven power organizations is not the answer.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 1:58 am #

        Inspiration Of Free, Libre, Open Source Peer-To-Peer Software As Societies

        ‘But that means the people must be responsible and moral.’

        But they aren’t, so then what?” ~ JohnAZ

        They are for the most part.

        For the ones who aren’t, two points:

        1. A better ‘operating system’ for a particular society to craft as suits it and to allow those within it options to leave, and areas to leave to, will function as preventative medicine.

        (IOW, a better societal operating system will create better conditions for people and therefore help create the conditions whereby there are less unhappy people to act out against it. Remember; better parents generally produce better kids.)

        2. A better ‘operating system’ will function as better medicine/responses for those who might nevertheless go astray. When people and other animals feel trapped, that’s often when they act out.

        • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 2:09 am #

          You are denying evil, or least that it is controllable, also that most people are good and very little evil exists.

          You are an optimist. That is good for you.

          Government focuses the evil, the greed the power lust.

          An operating system? Like socialism?, does not work, like CBCD?, won’t work, Like communistic utopia, did not work even among Jesus’ followers in Acts, Like Star Trek? Fighting all the time,

          What is a good operating system, folks, any ideas?

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 2:23 am #

            “You are denying evil… ” ~ JohnAZ

            No I’m not denying ‘evil’.

            I just suggested that a healthier society would both produce less of it and be better equipped to deal with it should it arise.

            A custom operating system that fits the society, which doesn’t have to necessarily be your society.

            A good operating system is what I also suggested, namely what people want of it for themselves but also a way to get out of it and form their own if it’s not to their liking, so they aren’t trapped.

          • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 3:08 am #

            Trapped in reality. A difficult situation.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 3:41 am #

            The sky is beginning to tint a gradient suggestive of a sunny day ahead, the birds are starting to tweet and I’m off on my bike for an early morning swim at a local lake…

            Trapped as I am on Earth and an infinite cosmos…

            There are worse places to be trapped…

          • Groundhog July 20, 2024 at 10:16 am #

            I’m double posting this because the first is one is snagged with the “awaiting moderation” horseshit. I’m removing a link I might have put in there……

            @ JohnAZ “What is a good operating system, folks, any ideas?”

            Whatever this imaginary system is – it is NOT a republic or even worse, a democracy. Anyone actually serious about this question can google madmonarchist dot com for possible alternatives to our operating system. Our system is failing and it is perfectly normal for republics to fail on average at 250 years old. And that’s the USA at the moment. Here’s something from the Mad Monarchist:

            Hereditary monarchy just isn’t fair!

            Why not? How can any system for determining national leadership be absolutely fair? It hardly seems fair that one person should receive the top job simply because he or she is more popular. Surely the correct criteria should be how qualified a person is rather than if they are good at making speeches, more photogenic or being more gifted at graft and deceit. In a monarchy the top job goes to someone trained from birth to fill that role. In a republic, even under the best circumstances, an elected president will take half their term learning to do the job and the other half campaigning to retain it; hardly a model of efficiency. Hereditary succession seems much more “fair” than granting power to those able to swindle enough money and promise enough favors to the powerful to obtain the highest office in the land.

            Monarchies are dangerous! What if the monarch is incompetent?

            The same question could be asked about republican leaders. However, rest assured, monarchs who are not capable of fulfilling their duties can be replaced and have been throughout history. Take two of the oldest and most stable monarchies; in Great Britain, when King George III became incapacitated the Prince of Wales was made regent and exercised his duties for him. Similarly, in Japan, when the Taisho Emperor was no longer able to fulfill his duties, the Crown Prince took over those duties for him as regent. On the other hand, even in the most successful republic in the world, the United States, only three presidents have ever been impeached and neither one was actually removed from office.

            – end of quoted text

            The Mad Monarchist admits that the Church has had a major impact on the success of the systems of monarchies in Europe’s past. But the Church has failed in the West and is now just a sick and sad joke. In the past, monarchies grew naturally out of nation’s culture. But if there is no culture, or if the existing popular culture is utter nonsense, then instead of successful monarchies you get the equivalent of fighting tribesmen.

            For the past 30,000 years in North America things were organized via the
            fighting tribesmen model. After the collapse of the US republic, this land will go back to being organized the way it was – with no central authority and the local boss hog running things. Don’t like it? You can pack up and find another tribe more to your liking maybe. But that’s as good as it’s gonna get in our future.

          • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 11:23 am #



            In the manor system, the unit of feudalism, castles were built for protection from other manors. The fought continuously to see who is top dog. Over time, some nobles got rich enough to afford knights, then armies. Then one earl or baron or whatever kicked enough ass to come out on top. He was crowned king, usually to the chagrin of the other nobles.

            Sometimes it went the other way, the nobles got together and kicked the king’s ass. The Magna Carta was one result.

            George the 3 was unfortunate. England tried to use the Colonies as a vassal state. Whoops, a bunch of hard headed Masons used John Locke to say no mas. America’s fascination with the monarchial system over the decades shows that dynastic control is not dead here.

            What is the advantage of monarchies today? It is predominately apolitical, no party bullshit. Allegiance to the identity Great Britain, for example, is allegiance to the king, a unifying concept. Here it is the flag, the symbol of the USA, the flag that is burned, flown upside down,ground into the dirt. Kings are real, easy to be respected, and not hung up with political differences. The Queen met with the Prime Minister once a week to gauge her positions and communicate them to the government, but that was it. She was such a figurehead that her presence helped overcome many national problems.

            If you have ever witnessed the Changing of the Guard, you know she makes tons of money for that country, too.

            The FFwere so afraid of the,at the time, dictatorship of George3, that they wrote into the Constitution, a ban on nobility. What they gave up was the figurehead that embodies the human existence of one person that stands for the USA.

            Is it better? The USA has created a unifying entity, unfortunately it is Wag the Dog warfare. Fight for the flag. IMHO, it is the natural result of the divisions that run our country, or maybe that stop the country from running.

            We keep moving towards one man control, why? Is it the natural order that the FF tried to curtail? Look at Biden, right now, his group want him out, but oh no, he is bound and determined to remain in power.

          • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 11:47 am #

            Inside each party there are people that believe in one man rule, socialism, rule by the elite, and people that believe in rule by the masses. Both parties, but the former predominates the Leftists and the latter the Rightists. The real divide today is the Left, centrists, and the right, self rightists.

            The Constitution is a rightist document, when strict interpreters dominate the SCOTUS the leftists scream bloody murder.

            Haves vs. Have-nots.

            Gimmes vs. independents.

            It all ties in.

          • Groundhog July 20, 2024 at 11:53 am #

            “What is the advantage of monarchies today? It is predominately apolitical, no party bullshit. Allegiance to the identity Great Britain, for example, is allegiance to the king, a unifying concept.”

            Quoting from the Mad Monarchist:

            “Monarchs are so set apart, they cannot represent ordinary people.

            Actually, that is precisely why they can represent everyone in a way no politician ever could. President Hollande of France is an agnostic socialist, so how can he truly represent those French who are Catholic or capitalists? President Napolitano of Italy was a long-time communist, which is certainly not representative of most Italians. President Obama of the US, a liberal from Hawaii, cannot have much in common with a conservative from South Carolina. Yet, a monarch, because they are set apart, can represent everyone because they are not from any particular group.”

          • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:27 pm #

            Good post, Hog. Of course keeping one culture and people per nation is key. Mind and body, one of each, matched together.

            The Roman Empire became a mad house of peoples and cultures – at one point “Phillip the Arabian”, a kinky haired Obama type came to power. How many people did he represent? Few.

            Stability is the key. And control. In the modern world, that means control of corporations – not crushing them a la Marxism, but guiding them to serve. If they don’t like it, they can go. Someone else will be happy to comply.

          • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 1:42 pm #

            “In a republic, even under the best circumstances, an elected president will take half their term learning to do the job and the other half campaigning to retain it; hardly a model of efficiency.”

            ReElect Nobody. Highly efficient.

            A president presides in the office of another. George Washington knew this. So, yes I support monarchy.

      • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:30 pm #

        No you don’t. You worship Mammon. You believe in unfettered Capitalism.

    • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 2:27 pm #

      The US was founded at a time when corporations were limited in time and scope, usually 5 to 20 years. When their time was up, they were dissolved.

      We still do that with patents and copyrights (sort of, the Mickey Mouse copyright extension was an egregious flouting of those laws), but corporations won the gift of eternal life way back in the 19th century.

      And once people are brought up with something as a way of life, they cannot picture it any other way.

      But why would the founders have pictured eternal corporations, spread out globally, above any laws, and dedicated to destroying everything in the pursuit of profit?

      It would be just as weird for them to think of that as it is for the typical American today to understand the concept of limited corporate charters.

  55. The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 1:37 am #

    Question for the readership:

    When Trump’s ear-square comes off and his ear heals, what will it consist of?

    1. Will it be more or less as before?
    2. Will it be a plastic surgery-type deal?
    3. Or will it just look a little nicked ‘and that’s ok’?

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    • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 1:48 am #

      Number three, a battle scar?

      My questions about very small near misses causing damage is aimed at the situation with Trump may not be that bad, with little damage. At 78 years old, any damage will be evident though.

      One more inch to the right or 30 degrees left head rotation and there would not have been a RNC convention.

      Just because he was VERY lucky does not mean that some bunch of assholes did not give it a good try though. Just feel bad about the other casualties, as much as Trump does.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 2:03 am #

        Fair enough. I guess we might know in a month or so.

        I realize he might be a little self-/image-conscious as we all can be to varying degrees, and so maybe he might feel like doing something about his ear if he is less than satisfied with the results. But it’s only an ear and the square he has on it currently may suggest that the damage is light.

        • tom clark July 20, 2024 at 10:17 am #

          A LITTLE image conscious??? Zaz, surely you jest. It’ll be option #2 for sure to assure that perfect look. Don’t forget, in 2028 he’ll be 82.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 21, 2024 at 5:49 am #

            I guess we’ll have to keep our eyes and ears peeled and see what he does/says.

        • SpeedyBB July 22, 2024 at 9:20 pm #

          Flash back to Jack Nicholson in CHINATOWN, walking around with that huge comical bandage right on his nose.

          Agent Orange thrives on attention. He got heap plenty in Butler, and afterward. “Billion-dollar wound”.

          Now watch the dude roll with it. Whatever other disgusting personality aspects he exhibits, you cannot deny that he’s a trooper.

          On with the show. The yokels are transfixed by it, here 11 time zones away: USA is the best show on Earth. Like the Hindenburg.

      • OG July 20, 2024 at 2:16 am #

        … some bunch of assholes …

        JAZ has his very own conspiracy theory!


        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 2:32 am #

          If I was Trump’s close family member or political advisor, I’d try to persuade him to stick a custom-made teeny tiny envelope that size onto it in which he could store a large number of signed get-well sticky-notes to carry around. So anyone get a sticky-note from Trump upon request to then sign wherein Trump could then take it and place slide it in his ear envelope.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 2:36 am #

          …The thing is, Trump looks like he got stuck in a bureaucratic storm where a piece of paper, maybe with a sticky backing like an envelope, got stuck on his ear. So the way I see it is if he’s going to go around everywhere with it, looking even more papery-bureaucratic, then he might as well make good use of it.

    • Q. Shtik July 20, 2024 at 12:24 pm #

      I’ll go with #3 which he should leave alone and wear for all time as a badge of honor.

  56. JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 1:38 am #

    Po’ Ol’ SLO” Joe.

    Just think how you would feel if you spent 50 years of your life supporting a cause you feel is right to find out at the end that your opponents have always been right, that your “friends” are nothing but a bunch of back-biting, lying assholes ready to drive you down into the dust.

    What to do? Endorse Trump.

    • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 1:41 am #

      Or substitute snakes for assholes.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 20, 2024 at 2:05 am #

      And they’re already politicians, a bad enough designation right out the gate.

  57. malthuss July 20, 2024 at 11:54 am #

    Vance is a fraud.
    He betrayed his father by not only changing his last name(twice)but his middle name

    .He also married an ugly,angry anti-White woman of Indian origin and had two half-caste kids with her.

    Have you seen all the photos of him praying at the Wailing Wall in yarmulke and scrapping before Jews?

    Hows that in honoring his Christian ancestors.
    like Jared Taylor.

    • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:29 pm #

      Yes, total globalist. The worse of the worst. Watch him bring in millions of Indian workers.

    • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2024 at 12:33 pm #

      Did anyone think Trump had perspective or principles?

      • OG July 20, 2024 at 1:50 pm #

        Yes. Tens of millions think that.

  58. Jarek July 20, 2024 at 12:37 pm #


    “Claim” – it happened. Tremendous symbolic victory for Islam and a defeat for Israel. They lost the drone and were unable to shoot it down. So an error? Or is the drone so smart that it eluded them?

  59. Jarek July 20, 2024 at 1:42 pm #

    Translation of the Sikh prayer, Ardas, prayed at the RNC by Harmeet Dhillon:

    Ardas English Translation
    There are many ways to translate the Ardas and different versions of the Ardas, however here is one English translation of the Ardas (Prayer) by Guruka Singh Khalsa

    Having first remembered the One God, think of Guru Nanak, then of Angad Guru and Amar Das and Ram Das; may they help us! Remember Arjan, Hargobind and holy Har Rai. Think of the blessed Harkrishan, whose sight dispels all sorrows. Remember Teg Bahadur, and the nine treasures shall run to our homes. May they all assist us everywhere. May the Tenth King, Guru Gobind Singh, the protector of the faith, assist us everywhere.

    Blessed, blessed, O Khalsa Ji, is the Guru Granth Sahib, the Light of all. With the light of the Guru in your heart, call on God!

    Wahe Guru!

    The Five Beloved Ones, the four sons of the Tenth Master, the Forty Liberated Ones, and all the other righteous, steadfast and long-suffering souls who stood their ground in the face of tyranny and unrightousness: think of their deeds and call on God!

    Wahe Guru!

    All those men and women who, keeping the Name in their hearts, rose in the amrit vela to remember and merge with the One; who shared their earnings with others; who defended those who could not defend themselves; who stood fast through all the tests of time and space; who saw others’ faults but overlooked them and served them anyway; think of their deeds, O Khalsa Ji and call on God!

    Wahe Guru!

    Those who allowed themselves to be cut up limb by limb, who had their scalps scraped off, who were broken on the wheel, who were sawn in half or flayed alive, but who never gave up their faith and never betrayed their own soul, but remained steadfast till their last breath, think of their sweet resignation, O Khalsa Ji and call on God!

    Wahe Guru!

    Meditate on all the places blessed by the touch of the Gurus’ feet. O Khalsa Ji, call on God!

    Wahe Guru!

    Now let the whole Khalsa offer our prayer together. Let the whole Khalsa remember the Naam. As we think of Him, may we feel completely blessed.

    Wahe Guru! Wahe Guru! Wahe Guru!

    May God’s protection and grace extend to all the bodies of the Khalsa, wherever we may be. May the Lord’s glory be fulfilled and His will prevail. May all our homes and endevours be blessed with success. May the sword of God assist us. May the Khalsa always triumph. May our Sangats, flags and Gurdwaras abide for ever and ever, May the kingdom of justice prevail.

    May we be blessed with the sight of the Holy Harimandir Sahib and the sip and dip of it’s holy pool of Nectar.

    May all Sikhs be united in love.

    May the hearts of the Sikhs be humble, but their wisdom exalted in the keeping of the Lord, O Khalsa Ji, say that God is Great!

    Wahe Guru!

    O true King, O beloved Father, we have sung the sweet hymns, we heard Your life-giving Word and have meditated on Your many blessings. May these things find a loving place in our hearts and serve to draw our souls ever closer to You. May all the silent prayers of our hearts be fulfilled by Your grace.

    Save us from lust, wrath, greed, pride and attachment; and keep us always and only attached to Your Lotus Feet.

    Grant to all of Your Sikhs the gift of Sikhi, the gift of long hair, the gift of faith and confidence in You, the gift of reading and understanding Your Gurbani, and most of all, the gift of the Holy Name

    O kind Father; O loving Father, By Your grace we spent the night in peace and happiness; and we rose to meditate on You and listen to Your Holy Word. Grant that we may always do what is right according to Your Will.

    Grant us light and understanding so that we may act in Your will at each moment.

    We offer this prayer in Your presence, O beloved Guru:

    Forgive our mistakes and help us to keep ourselves pure.

    Let us be in the company of only men and women of love, so we may always remember the Name in their presence.

    O Nanak, those who know their True Identity ever live in ecstasy and excellence.

    Through the Power of Your Bani, may the whole world be blessed to live in this way.

    Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh!

    Jarek: This is the new Republican party. Welcome! Being completely at home with Eastern religions, I’m completely comfortable. But because of my principles, I abhor this takeover. I just lost nearly all of you since you only know like and dislike or good for me or bad for me.

    No doubt Harmeet, a brilliant woman and one of Tucker’s favorite guests, chose a bland version that left out the torture, the names of the gurus, the gratitude for the gift of long hair, in short, all the color and juice. But be that as it may.

    Speaking of hair, what did you think of Kai Trump? I’m just mad about saffron as one of the Marys said. And her mom is still gorgeous too. Of course Don Jr is with an obese PR lady now. What happened? What did she do to him?

    Most of you are bound for a stay in Hell. The Trump train will take you there. Don’t worry. Just be cool. It’s not forever even though if will seem that way. Your religion is good, but wrong about that.

    • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 1:52 pm #

      It didn’t seem like she talked that long.

  60. Paula D July 20, 2024 at 2:32 pm #

    “If the Dems did it with SS and/or FBI assistance, it seems unfathomable that they would have failed”

    ^^^^^^That typical American attitude is exactly why we get into war after war.

    Us….fail? I cannot fathom that. We have always succeeded so brilliantly in all our other endeavors. We’re Number One!

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    • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2024 at 2:37 pm #


      Sometimes awestruck Deep-State/Elite fetishization is really just rah-rah power-tripping in another, semi-closeted form.

      • OG July 20, 2024 at 5:15 pm #

        While the truth steamrolls ahead regardless of one’s tribal loyalty.

    • OG July 20, 2024 at 2:51 pm #

      Do you think that the Dems tried to assassinate Trump but relied their entire assassination scheme upon the marksmanship of a 20 year-old loner who was cut from his high school rifle team on account of not being a good enough shot at that level?

      Surely there is much territory between being “Number One!” and that.

      Trump’s phonier than a $3 bill.

      Wakey, wakey.

      • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 3:36 pm #

        No, I don’t think they relied on the young patsy. He was there to focus attention away from the actual shooter.

        But I think the actual shooter missed, at least the kill shot. He managed to hit Trump’s ear, but Trump turned his head at just the right minute.

        You don’t think that a sharp shooter can miss, almost? You think there is such a thing as 100% accuracy?

        Do professional hockey players ever miss the goal? If they do, why?
        How could that possibly happen?
        Do they conspire to miss the goal sometimes? Yeah, that must be it.

        • Land of the Banned July 20, 2024 at 3:49 pm #

          Good sharpshooters rarely miss at the ranges in question. If they do, they’re not good sharpshooters. For an assassination attempt, I would think they’d use the best available.

          • OG July 20, 2024 at 5:14 pm #

            Yes. And have a contingency plan in case Trump turns his head.

        • Jarek July 20, 2024 at 3:54 pm #

          Hockey players don’t have scopes on their sticks and a good rifle is a far more precise instrument than a good hockey stick. But I suppose if he moved his head he moved his head. A good sniper would get probably get him with a second shot.

          • OG July 20, 2024 at 5:13 pm #

            Yes, it is conceivable that it was a kill shot but, in the frame of video (1/30 of a second), Trump head turn changed the angle and the kill shot clipped his right ear.

            Austin Private Wealth short-selling Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT-NASDAQ), at first brush, seems to support this Dems-did-it theory.

        • OG July 20, 2024 at 5:08 pm #

          Paula: Good point on their reliance on the young patsy. I built a strawman for you and I apologize.

          Now for your strawmen:

          You don’t think that a sharp shooter can miss, almost?

          I do think that a sharp-shooter can miss but I don’t think that whoever ran this “assassination attempt” would just have their dicks in the wind if he did. These people are the very best of the very best at planning and executing. There’d be better contingencies in place lest we have this unbelievable mess.

          You think there is such a thing as 100% accuracy?


          Do professional hockey players ever miss the goal?

          Of course.

          If they do, why?

          Pobody’s nerfect.

          How could that possibly happen?

          It’s getting silly now.

          Do they conspire to miss the goal sometimes?

          I really doubt it. If a guy ever was conspiring against his own team – it’d be way easy to just never be in the right position for a good shot. People’d be like, “Oh, he had a bad game. No jump. No jump at all.”

          • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 8:44 pm #

            The reason I brought up hockey is that I thought you could relate to the fact that no one is 100% all the time.

            I see that Land of the Banned cannot grasp that concept.

            Trump turned his head. The shot grazed his ear. Obviously the sharp shooter was good, or it wouldn’t have grazed his ear.

            If he hadn’t turned his head, he would be dead, and then we’d all be arguing a whole different set of facts.

    • Land of the Banned July 20, 2024 at 3:47 pm #

      Give me a break! No, I’m NOT basing that statement on the crusty old American Exceptionalism myth. I’m just saying that if they hired professional hit men and NOT some 20 year old knucklehead who seems quite obviously to have been a patsy, they surely wouldn’t have missed unless that was their intention in the first place. That said, even a professional sharpshooter would have had great difficulty just nicking Trump’s ear (what are the odds?), which gives credence to the idea that the whole thing was just another elaborate staged production, which the deep state has become infamous for over the past few decades.

      • OG July 20, 2024 at 5:27 pm #

        Only Official story wingnuts believe that Thomas Matthew Crooks shot Trump’s ear.

        Dems did it and Trump was in on it agree that Crooks was a patsy in the black op.

        Dems did it think that the pro sniper actually really did miss when Trump turned his head. The vast majority, I believe, believe that God intervened and Trump (and Jerome Powell and Jamie Dimon) will lead us to the Promised Land.

        Trump was in on it think that no bullet ever got close to him and that his ear was either cut or Hollywood made-up while he was concealed by SS for the one minute after he “clutched” his … shot, bloodless ear and then dove like a gopher.

        Somebody here on CFN argued that Trump reacted too quickly for it to be scripted and rehearsed. Whoever it was, I don’t think that they spent much time in theatre as rehearsing is exactly how actors consistently perform scripts. We all know that.

        • OG July 20, 2024 at 5:28 pm #

          “I can’t imagine an actor acting.”

      • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 8:51 pm #

        I made an analogy to the American Exceptionalism myth.

        Your belief that a sharp shooter missing by an inch is unfathomable is the same as benr’s belief that the US can kick Iran’s butt for starters and then head off to destroy 1.4 billion Chinese, no problem, cause……America!

        If you’re the best, you just can’t fail, is the attitude for both.

        That has not been my experience.

        • Land of the Banned July 21, 2024 at 10:48 am #

          Be that as it may, I’m most certainly not a subscriber to the American Exceptionalism myth, other than I know for sure that all the power players in DC do subscribe to it. Hell, Biden’s been declaring it openly of late.

  61. OG July 20, 2024 at 2:44 pm #

    The Doobie Brothers have released their new song: Lahaina.

    It is a melodic song and an eye-catching video.


    elmo, please pause the video at 2:24.

    Once again, we still await your expert testimony on this key question:

    “How come, in the video you sent me earlier (supposedly backing your case), in all the footage of downed power-lines igniting fires, it was always vegetation that was what ignited and the very first to burn … but in Lahaina the trees were the only things not burned?”

    • OG July 20, 2024 at 3:51 pm #

      2:24 of this video is a very interesting perspective of Lahaina after that horrific fire.

      Oddly, all the trees in Lahaina did not become torches like one would expect given that they are, well, … trees (i.e. wood) and so very close to and surrounded by old single-family dwellings that individually got so hot that they each look like a mini-WTC1 or 2 or 7: just cinders of toxic dust.

      “Why! Some trees even still have their leaves! Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk! It’s the darnedest thing. … It must be damn near time for my next booster! … Biden bad!”

      This bizarre fire [if you don’t pause this Youtube video at 2:24, then you are a closed-minded sheep and deserve no voice in this thread] was coupled with hundreds or, according to several eye-witnesses: thousands, roasting to death in this bizarrest of “wildfires” that somehow didn’t burn trees (or blue things).

      Keep in mind that to continue clinging to your blanky, not only must you believe everything above, now ADD on this ridiculous fact:

      FBI grad, Vegas Turkey Shoot ‘Incident Commander’ [whatever the flip that is!], Maui Police Chief/Coroner John Pelletier was responsible for the memory-holed road-blocks that left a large percentage of the indigenous population of the most coveted land on earth inexplicably trapped in a kill zone.

      Then the immediate no-go zone and the military-installed 5+ mile 12′ blindout fence surrounding the crime scene.

      All of Lahaina’s little heirs were unfortunately (and unscheduled) sent home from school to ultimately perish in Pelletier’s traffic jam.

      “Well … that … means that … [‘RED ALERT! RED ALERT! INCOMING REALIZATION!!! COMPLETE BRAIN SHUTDOWN, CAPTAIN?’ ‘YES!!! COMPLETE BRAIN SHUTDOWN … a-flippin-genn’]. … If your crazy version were true, Newsweek’d be all over it! Wow, you’re nuts!”

      Wakey, wakey, folks.

      You must see it by now. Time to let go of your Mommy-state psychology blanky / U-S-A! U-S-A! and face what these evil fucks are doing to us (and each with carbon-footprints the size of Cleveland).

      • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 8:32 pm #

        The Doobie Brothers? A “doobie” is burning vegetation. There’s a secret message in there somewhere…

  62. Kornado July 20, 2024 at 3:32 pm #

    OG you’re doing a yeoman’s work, thank you. Why didn’t Drump’s team tell him his stock moved dramatically day of or before….to indicate danger….stands up non bloody hand, at least allow for the possibility or you sure glaringly bias and subjectivity. no convincing evidence to it being a hypothetical is kind of embarrassing to read on this platform, and scene.

    • Kornado July 20, 2024 at 3:33 pm #


    • OG July 20, 2024 at 4:25 pm #

      Thank you.

      Austin Private Wealth’s short-selling of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT-NASDAQ) did not affect its stock price before Butler. Rather, they stealthily positioned themselves to snarf a tidy fortune (on the most heinous of inside information) when Trump died on Saturday and the stock, undoubtedly, tanked on Monday.

      Short-selling is another Wall Street scam that should be illegally. They turned true capital markets into a casino.

      The Rothschilds suck.

      We now have 3 beliefs:

      Official story: lone gun-nut (yet again) coupled with our loveable bumbling bumblers (yet again). Rinse. Repeat.
      Dems did it (but failed) and Trump really came within a video frame of joining JFK Sr.
      The Whole Enchilada “Trump” was in on it.

      Which one are you?

      His bloodless hand (after the medical doctor said, “He clutches his [shot] ear”] is hardly the be-all-and-end-all of my conspiracy theory.

      His bloodless hand (after clutching his shot ear) remains bloodless throughout (as does the collar of his unbuttoned white dress shirt) is rather unbelievable, sure. But that same ear, with a bit blown off of it (with a sniper bullet, no less!) clotted tickety-boo in one minute without pressure! That’s the smoking gun. That’s WTC Bldg 7. That’s check-mate.

      If you’re “embarrassed” reading my investigation of this geopolitical crime then I suggest that you either not read me or continue wallowing in you “embarrassment” because I will continue doggedly pursuing the truth as long as the Good Lord allows it. (Oh! The Good Lord and Jim, of course.)

      • OG July 20, 2024 at 4:51 pm #

        I wonder what percentage of people in the middle camp [Dems did it (but failed) and Trump really came within a video frame of joining JFK Sr.] believe in God.

      • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 5:05 pm #

        The last paragraph of the last post is the greatest lie in the history of this blog. The idea the poster uses the Good Lord as his guide is so preposterous it really is not funny. The way he is leading people of this blog down a very dark pathway is toxic.

        His hand was not bloodless, a photo, Anna’s proves that, that is a lie.

        His face was not bloodless, the photo proves that.

        Blood was removed from his ear and face with a towel, the photos prove that.

        Every witness close to the president said there was lots of blood.

        Does the blood continue to flow, we do not know a it was covered up as Trump was moved away from the scene, compression was being used.

        The possibility exists that the wound was not that bad in the first place, that the bullet actually missed in very close proximity or just nicked the ear. One thing is for certain, again by a photo of the bullet behind Trump that has been verified by the photographer, if his head had been where it was one second before, Trump would be dead. Any body who tries to put together a conspiracy that is based on one second is nuts.

        Trump was in on it? Not even worth the effort to counter it, the investigation, and there is a lot of information coming out almost every hour now, will show the complicity of the government agencies and some individuals in this attempted assassination.

        It is sad that the “Truth” to this poster is an out and out lie or series of lies. He would make a great Democrat if he lived in America.

        Post all you want about your made up bullshit ( there is that word again), if other follow along behind you, that is their gullibility and problem.

        I would advise watching the real data coming off the wires, on google, or You Tube, of people who do not just make up stuff to fit their narcissistic ends.

        • OG July 20, 2024 at 6:39 pm #

          “The idea the poster uses the Good Lord as his guide is so preposterous it really is not funny.”

          That’s exactly what the Jews said about Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

      • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 8:57 pm #

        I believe that JFK, Jr. was also assassinated, to stop him from running against HRC, by the way.

        I don’t believe that ears are somehow more prone to bleeding than other body parts.
        It is blood that clots, not body parts. Scalp wounds bleed profusely because the scalp is very vascular. Ears… not so much.
        Deep wounds bleed more, arterial wounds pump blood out in spurts.
        But ears? C’mon, man.

        ER saying: All bleeding stops eventually.

  63. Jarek July 20, 2024 at 3:50 pm #


    His mentor is Peter Thiel, a myriad minded man if ever there were. He has founded many companies in the field of surveillance. Vance is part of his team and I assume lent Vance start up money and/or was a silent partner.

    Is Thiel MAGA? Yeah, well, you know, not really. He sure likes to make money though. Isn’t that conservative enough for you?

    • OG July 20, 2024 at 4:46 pm #

      He sure likes to make money though. Isn’t that conservative enough for you?


    • Land of the Banned July 20, 2024 at 5:09 pm #

      Good read!

  64. edpell July 20, 2024 at 4:40 pm #

    Trump says he is going to clean up the cities. How will he do that?

    • OG July 20, 2024 at 4:47 pm #


  65. OG July 20, 2024 at 6:17 pm #

    The last paragraph of the last post is the greatest lie in the history of this blog. The idea the poster uses the Good Lord as his guide is so preposterous it really is not funny. The way he is leading people of this blog down a very dark pathway is toxic.

    I’m leading people away from the flock with my search for the truth? So … you’re all for freedom as long as everyone agrees with you?

    His hand was not bloodless, a photo, Anna’s proves that, that is a lie.

    OK … you’re going to have to learn how to share a URL (i.e. a link), JAZ. I’ve seen it a million times. I’ve paused it. I’ve screen-capted the pause. His right hand is completely bloodless after “clutch[ing]” his shot ear.

    It was also bloodless when he pumped his fist in the staged photo op. I’ve yet to see a video/pic with Trump and blood on his right hand.

    I don’t know who Anna is but your hearsay will not do. JAZ. Produce this picture with Trump’s bloody right hand.

    His face was not bloodless, the photo proves that.

    I never said that it was, Mr Strawman.

    Blood was removed from his ear and face with a towel, the photos prove that.

    I finally found a towel pic. It looks pretty Hollywood fake “blood” to me.

    Every witness close to the president said there was lots of blood.

    Who told you that? The MSM? Some of those crisis actors are hilarious, am I right?

    It’s such a wierd injury, eh? Lots of blood from a notoriously slow-clotting part of the body, complete with not just a snip but a flesh chunk-removing bullet-wound [!] but it clotted tickety-boo in one minute without any pressure?

    Wanna buy a bridge?

    Does the blood continue to flow, we do not know a it was covered up as Trump was moved away from the scene, compression was being used.

    No it was not! Watch the video again, JAZ. Trump’s magic-clotting ear is on full display the entire time after the concealed minute. They’re hardly going to ruin their “money shot” for your CFN argument.

    You can’t just make shit up, JAZ. You’ll lose all credibility. Smarten up.

    The possibility exists that the wound was not that bad in the first place, that the bullet actually missed in very close proximity or just nicked the ear.

    I’ve posted that Trump’s doctor claimed that a chunk of flesh was blown off of his head.

    You think that Trump had a wound that was “not that bad in the first place” but also “there was lots of blood”?

    You’re now grasping at straws arguing with yourself while you cling to your Mommy-state psychological blanky.

    One thing is for certain, again by a photo of the bullet behind Trump that has been verified by the photographer, if his head had been where it was one second before, Trump would be dead. Any body who tries to put together a conspiracy that is based on one second is nuts.

    The photographer, Doug Mills, works for the New York Fucking Times, JAZ!

    And, as BB has pointed out, that Photoshopped pic has the bullet too low to clip Trump’s ear … and AFAIK Mills never explained why he put his camera at a ridonkey shutter speed that actually caught a speeding bullet when, ostensibly, he was photogging a large, stationary man at a podium.

    Trump was in on it?

    That is our conspiracy theory, yes. The same Trump who is giving the henhouse to the foxes (Powell, Dimon et al).

    Not even worth the effort to counter it, the investigation, and there is a lot of information coming out almost every hour now, will show the complicity of the government agencies and some individuals in this attempted assassination.

    I see. You like the official conspiracy theory. How ironic is that?

    It is sad that the “Truth” to this poster is an out and out lie or series of lies. He would make a great Democrat if he lived in America.

    I have not lied once in this investigation. Not once. Why would I? I seek the truth.

    In fact, I recently pointed out that, at first brush, Austin Private Wealth’s short-selling of Trump stock supports your conspiracy theory (and not mine).

    At first brush.

    Post all you want about your made up bullshit ( there is that word again), if other follow along behind you, that is their gullibility and problem.

    How generous of you to permit me my free speech and others their free will.

    That’s awfully white a ya.

    I would advise watching the real data coming off the wires, on google, or You Tube, of people who do not just make up stuff to fit their narcissistic ends.

    “I would advise watching the real data coming off the wires, on google, or You Tube”

    Hahaha! You can’t fix stupid.

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    • stelmosfire July 20, 2024 at 6:42 pm #

      The “Saskatchewan Roughriders”

      Is that not the gayest name you’ve ever heard for a sports team? I mean really OG, Tell the team to buy a few skins and lay off the bareback butt bumping.

      • OG July 20, 2024 at 7:00 pm #

        Actually, the Saskatchewan Roughrider were named by the warriors who returned home to the Canadian prairies after fighting for Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War of 1898.

        That is, the Roughriders are about as non-gay as a pro sport nickname gets.

        Good try, though, elmo.

        More importantly, I look forward to scrolling up now for to read your comment on Lahaina’s blatantly-obvious DEW attack.

        Also, I’ve yet to receive your confirmation: you have indeed abandoned your QuikClot theory on our Butler investigation, right?

        • stelmosfire July 20, 2024 at 7:55 pm #

          Teddy died over 100 years ago. In the age of LGBTQRTS wokeness “Roughriders “is totally gay. Sorry OG, it just is.

        • stelmosfire July 20, 2024 at 7:57 pm #

          Will you give up that Lahaina BS. It was a simple out of control wildfire. Just open your eyes and accept simple physics.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 1:04 am #

            It is a simple question for you, an expert, elmo.

            “How come, in the video you sent me earlier (supposedly backing your case), in all the footage of downed power-lines igniting fires, it was always vegetation that was what ignited and the very first to burn … but in Lahaina the trees were the only things not burned?”

            Surely, as an expert, you can illuminate us, right?

            I mean, you did pause the Doobie’s video at 2:24, right?

            “Camera don’t lie.”

            Lahaina 8/8. Lest we forget.

    • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 7:49 pm #

      Eff off. OG. Your truth is a continuous lie, over and over. Everything I have seen I have documented, your stuff is bullshit. Anna’s picture is the one where Trump is down, blood down to his chin, a towel present that was used to wipe his hand and face and his right hand in the front of the picture with blood on it. I sent you the Id for the picture, you will have to find it, But you won’t because it contradicts your bullshit.

      I hope the other people on the blog are learning no to believe the lies you make up as you go to support that stupid GLiT of yours. I am afraid though that they will buy your BS.

      Do not try to address me ever, I will not respond to what I now see as total Bullshit.

      And you are right, you cannot fix stupid lies. You are a master.

      Democrat in absentia.

      • OG July 21, 2024 at 1:11 am #

        I sent you the Id for the picture, you will have to find it, But you won’t because it contradicts your bullshit.

        That’s not fair, JAZ.

        1 – I’m trying hard to see a picture of blood on Trump’s hand. I’ve searched and searched. The responsibility lies with you to provide it … but you can’t because I believe you are just assuming that there was blood on his hand and that it was wiped away (clean as a whistle without water, no blood-stained hand for the man with the magically-clotting ear) with a towel.

        Show me the picture of blood on Trump’s hand or admit that one does not exist.

        2 – Yesterday I pointed out that Austin Private Wealth’s short-selling of DJT-NASDAQ is, at first brush, more supportive of your conspiracy theory than it is of mine.

        I will accept your apology.

        • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 7:25 pm #

          Austin Private Wealth’s short-selling of DJT-NASDAQ is, at first brush, – OG


          at first blush

          You’ve heard this expression before, right OG?

    • stelmosfire July 20, 2024 at 8:02 pm #

      Og, how could the Hollywood magicians possibly forget to put blood on Trump’s hand? Those Hollywood guys are very good at their art according to you.

      Shit even a dumb fuck like myself would say ,” Hey, we should put a bunch of blood on his raised fist right? The image would be even more powerful.”

      You my friend are an easily duped dope.

      • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 8:16 pm #

        And how could gel run down his face in rivulets as the down Anna’s picture shows before they wipe his face.

        Have you seen the video where the woman behind Trump is looking over and over in the direction of the shooter then sits down and starts filming Trump.

        or the video where SS agents are clearing the area behind the stage of people, and ducking down, ten seconds before the shots start

        or that the SS agents around Trump were hire-ons and not agents at all

        Or the video that clearly show the shooter on the roof to aiming his tripod mounted gun at Trump

        Or the video showing the people at the top of the stands falling as they are hit

        Or the still of the bullet in flight behind Trump which the photographer was filming below the stage at 1/1800 second form speed.

        It is a set up all right, by a Deep State that is out of options. Amateur videos are going to put the blame on someone here, something the Deep State did not account for.

        • stelmosfire July 20, 2024 at 8:26 pm #

          “Or the still of the bullet in flight behind Trump which the photographer was filming below the stage at 1/1800 second form speed.”

          JAZ, I’m not getting your drift. What is this supposed to mean?

          • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 8:30 pm #

            OG said there were not shots, that it was a Trump setup.

            The bullet is there, frozen behind Trump in the extremely short time exposure.

            Oops. Make that shutter speed.

            The photog stated this was a legit picture.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 2:57 am #

            I never said that there were no shots, ffs!

            Trying to argue logic is very frustrating, JAZ, when you keep building strawmen.

            Smarten up.

            The New York Fucking Times were shooting video of a political rally at the foot of the podium at 1800 fps? Huh? What a waste of disk space! Standard NSTC video is 30 fps. 8k is 60 fps. This yahoo was shooting video at 30x 8k? Why?

            Why, indeed! To capture a speeding bullet? D’uh.

            The plot thickens.

        • Blackbird July 20, 2024 at 9:35 pm #

          The camera Doug Mills was using – a Sony A1, according to an article in Digital Camera World (digitalcameraworld.com/news/can-doug-mills-photo-of-a-bullet-and-president-trump-be-real-yes-heres-how) – has a maximum mechanical shutter speed of 1/8000 of a second.

          Mills interview is behind a paywall at The New York Times so I haven’t read it to see if he stated what shutter speed, or what or f-stop, he was using.

          According to an article in Politiko (politiko.al/english/bota/fotografi-i-nyt-kapi-momentin-kur-plumbi-kaloi-afer-kokes-se-trump-i511005) Mills was shooting at a maximum shutter speed of 1/8000 sec – not 1/1800 – at f/1.6. To compensate for such a fast shutter speed, he had his lens cranked wide open.

          I don’t understand why he would use such a fast shutter speed as it would make the depth of field very shallow. If you look at the photo of the speeding bullet, you can see that the lettering on Trump’s hat is out-of-focus while the lettering on the podium is in focus. It’s not as if Trump moves so quickly that a fast shutter speed is needed. He’s not a cheetah… (Well…) Maybe Mills knew he had to capture an image of something moving “like a speeding bullet”.

          Regardless, that bullet – if it is really an image of a speeding bullet (I’m a photographer myself, so I understand that photographers are among the most honest people you can find. Even when I heavily edit a photo, it’s only to bring out its latent truthiness.) – didn’t hit Trump. It is too low to have grazed the top of his ear – or even his ear lobe for that matter.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 3:12 am #

            Maybe Mills knew he had to capture an image of something moving “like a speeding bullet”.

            Thank you, BB. It’s been a tough go against their ad hom-fest.

            The New York Fucking Times (“All the news that fits our view for youse peons”) is “in on it.” Big shocker. Judith Miller.

            In the Butler video from further back, you can see Mills. He is the only photographer there in a secured photog pit at Trump’s feet. Just Mills and Trump. NYT exclusive.

            Think about it, fellas.

            Thanks for clearing up JAZ’s “the photographer was filming below the stage at 1/1800 second form speed.” I was thrown for a loop upthread by “filming.”

            I’m sure that there are no video cameras on the market today with more than 60 fps.

          • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 7:40 am #

            I’ve been taking photos since i had my first Brownie over 60 years ago. Even at a shutter speed of 1/1600 ( not exceptionally fast) due to full sunlight and not a cloud in the sky the .223 bullet at 2500 feet per second would only travel about 18 inches in that time. Looks about right for that photo. The photographer was probably shooting bursts at 10-20 frames per second ( I’ve not a clue). He was shit lucky to catch the sun glinting off that round as it passed through his field of view in a few milliseconds. As far as that being the round that”nicked” Trump , who knows? (The angle of the photographer/subject is unknown) Maybe it was one of the missed rounds that killed a REAL person. There is no time stamp that I have seen.We will never know the truth, nor do I care. It’s all BS anyway. Grab a hoe and get to work!

      • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 7:43 pm #

        we should put a bunch of blood on his raised fist – stelmo


        lottsa blood

  66. tucsonspur July 20, 2024 at 6:29 pm #

    The Israeli Supreme court ruled that the military must draft ultra-orthodox Jews. Funding will be withheld from any religious schools that don’t comply.

    The Haredim have essentially been exempt from national military service since Israel’s founding.

    Aryeh Deri, leader of the Shas party, decried the ruling.

    “Even here, in the Jewish state, alongside our precious fighters who sacrifice their lives against the enemies, we will continue to guard those who learn the Torah, which preserves our special power and creates miracles in battle,” he said, according to the Ynet news site. “Whoever tried to disconnect the people of Israel from the Torah in the past failed miserably.”

    Nonetheless, Moshe Roth, a member of Knesset from the United Torah Judaism party, on Tuesday downplayed the ruling. “Nothing is going to change practically,” Roth said. “Many see this as kind of muscle flexing.”

    Protesters carried signs proclaiming, “Israeli authorities are persecuting Torah scholars.”

    What’s up with that? Are they running out of soldiers to carry on the slaughter of Palestinians?

    • OG July 20, 2024 at 7:07 pm #

      Yes. Bibi-gun the Nutty Yahoo’s crooked, staged invasion of Gaza is a complete strategic disaster for everyone except for himself and his selfish personal Samson Option.

      IDF lost to a ragtag group of “civilians” in Gaza yet Bibi now wants to war with Hezbollah and Iran!

      For the good of Israel and the Israeli people, that jackass must go!

      • OG July 20, 2024 at 7:17 pm #

        More succinctly, Israel’s biggest existential threat is its leader.

  67. C S July 20, 2024 at 6:52 pm #

    Great bon mots, and excellent insights.
    Thank you, JHK!

  68. messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 7:26 pm #

    Andy Schectman is saying 59 countries have signed up to join BRICS.


    Now, if the dodder [ intentional ] gets revalued [ for example moving the decimal point left one digit ] wouldn’t it be smart to have a lot of coins?

    Lets say a burger costs 5.65 right now. They revalue it [ as above ] so then the burger costs 56.5 cents. Of course, now it will be priced at 59 cents.

    If you give them a Kennedy half and a Roosevelt dime then you get a Lincoln cent in change [ not counting tax yet ]. They can’t recall all the coins, right?

    • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 8:05 pm #

      A good post. I know that BRICS+ is growing fast as the world really wants to clobber the USA. Right now, I believe the country sorta deserves it for what its Deep State has done to the world.

      BTW, the leader of Hungary has stated that Ukraine may be involved with the assassination attempt on Trump as he has stated that he will end the war as soon as he is in office. Ukraine>Biden>Nuland> Obama????????

      • OG July 20, 2024 at 10:10 pm #

        … the world really wants to clobber the USA. Right now, I believe the country sorta deserves it for what its Deep State has done to the world.

        I agree.

        Ukraine>Biden>Nuland> Obama

        There ya go, JAZ!

        Zelenskyy recruited Crooks. Conspiracy theory on steroids!

    • Paula D July 20, 2024 at 9:03 pm #

      BRICS has put a moratorium on new members.

    • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 10:27 pm #

      The decimal point moves right…

      Anyone going to start saving coins?

  69. messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 7:47 pm #

    JohnAZ said, “The idea the poster uses the Good Lord as his guide is so preposterous it really is not funny.”

    “And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.”

    • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 7:52 pm #

      If you think that OG is for us, well?????? Or an agent of the Good Lord, well??????

      • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 7:53 pm #

        Do you think OG is casting out devils or creating them out of thin air?

        • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 7:56 pm #

          He has driven many people off this blog with his bullshit over the years, so I guess all that will be left are nuts like him. I thought OG is Nuts was on the right track but OG outlasts them all.

          • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 8:41 pm #

            St Elmos fire


            He is a bully, a narcissist that bullies this blog constantly, I actually think he is so repetitive sometimes to be a AI troll.

            Why does JHK tolerate his demeanor? He just kicked King of Comedy off the air for much less than OGism. Not second guessing, just wondering.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 12:20 am #

            King Head got kicked off of CFN by Jim? Really? I missed that.

            In all fairness, JAZ, Kinger kept projecting all sorts of homoerotic fantasies upon me (an old, straight white guy) that were obviously his homoerotic fantasies. And, homoerotic fantasies are really inappropriate here on CFN – I believe that we have common ground there, right?

            I, on the other hand, merely argue the current events of the day. What you call “bullying,” I call “spirited debate.”

            I believe that Jim can clearly see the difference.

            You keep accusing me of this … but, really, who have I driven away?

            ProudMary (which was really her pride in 2023)
            akmofo (who rage-quit when I mentioned USS Liberty in 2020)
            100th Avatar (who was an intellectual ‘3 dressed up as a 9’ in 2023)

            And I’m not even sure that I was the reason for the 100th’s disappearance.

            So … 2 or maybe 3 posters in over 4 years … by simply disagreeing with them! Ooooh the poor babies.

        • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 8:00 pm #

          Do not answer any challenge he puts out, he doesn’t pay attention to anything outside his own paradigm. I have tried, it does not work.

          Right now, his tripe on Bibi is going to fall apart when Israel clobbers the proxies, his new tripe on the actual assassination attempt is going to fall apart within a week or two.

          Trump set it up? What an idiot.

          • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 8:26 pm #

            The photo is by Anna Moneymaker on Getty Images. Trump id down with the SS folks all over him, bloody hand wiped, three blood drips down his face, towel in view. Look at it closely, how would blood drip on his shirt when he is facing down with the blood dripping off his chin?

            I am not asking this of the bullshit poster just the rest of you.

          • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 8:28 pm #

            Hey, its a liberal conspiracy theory, maybe the first. Give it time.

          • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 8:33 pm #

            And anyway, the whole point of this is to PICK A SIDE! That is all they care about. Everyone has to be hating somebody, preferably vehemently.

            They have had simulations running night and day [ for years ] to get ready for the Great Reset. We are going to see it. And most a being played like a fiddle [ or is it violin ].

          • stelmosfire July 20, 2024 at 8:35 pm #

            OG gonna OG, it’s what he does. He’s a washed-up “financial wizard” (his words) who is susceptible to every internet crackpot out there. You know, the kind of guy who got hit in the head with a slap-shot a few too many times. Cut the dude some slack.

          • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 8:36 pm #

            Yeah, I do not wonder about the conspiracy theories abounding, I do wonder about further attempts.

            The dam is broken, half the US (and Canada) think Trump did it to himself. The real thing will just be accepted now. Trump is one gutty SOB to do rally’s now but there he goes again.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 12:41 am #

            Anna Moneymaker on Getty Images

            I just Googled that and went to Google Images. Same old pix that we’ve all seen for a week. No pix with “blood” on Trump’s right hand. Not a one, JAZ. Also, there are no pix of “blood” on Trump’s chin.

            Total fabrication.

            If someone, anyone can provide a link of blood on Trump’s right hand in Butler, PA, please provide it. If, on the other hand [pun intended], nobody can, then, given all this rampant ad homming about it, youse look pretty lame-ass.

            I never called myself a “financial wizard,” elmo. That’s a horrible misquote.

            I’m not a “financial wizard” at all. I was the Technology Manager for the Equity Research Dept of a large Bay Street bank. I built, maintained and ran the best equity research data acquisition & publishing system in Canada thrice (1992, 2000 & 2014).

            I was not a big fish but I rubbed elbows with big fish.

            Note: In all my time on Bay Street (1992-2014) I never met any “financial wizards.” I can’t even imagine where such a unicorn would fit into the department. Portfolio Strategist, I guess, but our Portfolio Strategists were just normal, hard-working brilliant men who possessed no “wizardry” and, like most in the centuries-old game of the stock market’s random walk, were wrong about as often as they were right.

          • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 7:56 am #

            “I built, maintained and ran the best equity research data system in Canada thrice (1992, 2000 & 2014)”.

            Sounds like your pimping yourself as a “wizard”. Just sayin’

          • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 1:48 pm #

            I was not a big fish but I rubbed elbows with big fish. – OG


            haha, elbows

            pectoral fins perhaps?

          • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 4:57 pm #

            Good one Q!

      • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 8:36 pm #

        All men serve Him. Some in this way, some in others. Exercises in discernment.

        • JohnAZ July 20, 2024 at 8:43 pm #

          Not all men serve Him. God is very specific in how to follow him..

          Most do not.

          • messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 10:21 pm #

            He is able to change anybodies mind any time He wants to.

            I didn’t say everyone serves Him faithfully [ according to His will/plan ]. Some serve Him by testing the faith of the faithful. If we treat each other as enemies we will become enemies. Some must learn the hard way.

  70. OG Is Nuts July 20, 2024 at 9:57 pm #

    Thank you my adoring public. It’s time to put OG in the bullseyes. HeeHeeHee

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    • OG July 21, 2024 at 12:44 am #

      Death threats are not funny.

      Your “adoring public” is JAZ.

  71. OG Is Nuts July 20, 2024 at 9:59 pm #

    Happy 55th Lunar Landing day, nutters

  72. stelmosfire July 20, 2024 at 10:02 pm #

    What is it with people needing to know the truth. Non of us were there in any of these historical moments. (JFK,RFK,9/11,10/7, 7/13 etc.)We don’t know shit and we never will. We argue and foment yet non of our lamentations amount to a shitsack full of doggy dung. I’m done trying to figure out this convoluted who-done-it. It’s all BS anyway. Grab a hoe and get to work.

    • OG July 21, 2024 at 12:54 am #

      What is it with people needing to know the truth.

      Ummm … that’s what kept us unjabbed as we try to our best to not be deceived; to shepherd our immortal souls down the straight-and-narrow, up the stairway to heaven and into Lord Jesus’ kingdom.

      What is it with people needing to know the truth.

      Ummm … that’s been behind every advancement made by man ever.

      What is it with people needing to know the truth.

      Ummm … God instructed us to discern lest we be deceived.

      • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 1:12 am #

        Your religious overtones are hypocritical and meaningless. I hope they comfort you.

        • OG July 21, 2024 at 3:26 am #

          God bless you, JAZ. You really care about me. I’ve said it many time: you really are a good man.

  73. messianicdruid July 20, 2024 at 10:15 pm #

    JohnAZ said, “Do not answer any challenge he puts out, he doesn’t pay attention to anything outside his own paradigm.”


    Can you include the Antiquities of the Jews and the New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia in your paradigm?

    • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 1:15 am #

      The Wrath of God is going to come down on Jews and Christians both who are not God’s people.

      Judge not. Lest ye be judged.

      Talk not about the splinter in your neighbor’s eye until you dig the plank out of yours.

      • OG July 21, 2024 at 3:28 am #

        “Do not answer any challenge he puts out, he doesn’t pay attention to anything outside his own paradigm.”

        “Judge not. Lest ye be judged.”

        “I can judge OG … but how dare Messi judge me?!”

        • messianicdruid July 21, 2024 at 8:42 am #

          That quote is spurious. The act of examining [ judging ] prophecies concerning judahites, israelites, edomites, khazarians and making comparisons [ judgements ] between them is not spurious.

          If a person wants to ignore what these folks say about themselves, which you would expect might be significant, then they can. I don’t see how showing someone that they are doing this is condemning [ judging ] them.

          Darbyism is an idol. Burn it down! I condemn IT!

          • Groundhog July 21, 2024 at 12:19 pm #

            Are you writing about John Nelson Darbyism? Look up the creepy relationship between JND and Leap Castle in Ireland. Of all the old castles left in Ireland, Leap has the most notorious history and reputation of all of them.

          • messianicdruid July 21, 2024 at 4:50 pm #

            That is some spooky stuff.

  74. Kornado July 21, 2024 at 12:24 am #

    what is it that we need to know the truth, well when i season and heavily butter my canned soup as dinner meal ask myself, why do i still want to be alive?

    • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 1:17 am #

      Your lament will have many followers in the future I am afraid.

  75. JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 1:11 am #

    Okay, I was watching you tube assassination coverage today and saw it,

    A still photo of Trump being brought down by the SS and his right hand flung up in the air,

    And what was in it? Gobs of blood. Case dismissed.

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    • OG July 21, 2024 at 3:33 am #

      No. Silly Billy.

      1 – I need to see this evidence. Where can I see this hearsay of “gobs of blood” on Trump’s right hand with my own eyes?

      2 – Trump’s strangely bloodless hand in the many, many, many videos and pictures that I have seen is hardly my entire case, dipshit.

      • OG July 21, 2024 at 4:08 am #


        Watch the 4 seconds from 0:08 to 0:12.

        Then back-up and freeze at 0:10. Trump has ZERO blood on his right hand and has already “clutch[ed] his ear.” He then immediately dives like a gopher … so how did he possibly get “gobs of blood” on it between 0:10 and 0:12 for the “case dismissed” yt video that you just claimed that you just saw?!

        Say it ain’t so, JAZ! Say it ain’t so!

        JAZ just pulled a Gus. Oh! For shame.

        Once you pull a Gus … your credibility is shot, JAZ. You’re forgiven, sure, but you’re never really trusted on anything ever again. How could you be? After running fabricated cover for evil fucks’ crimes. Yuck!

        I really hope that you can produce this claim … but I can’t imagine how that is possible given these 4 video-seconds of Butler.

        • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 1:29 pm #

          so how did he possibly get “gobs of blood” on it – OG


          Where did you see or hear the words gobs of blood which you put in quotes to indicate they are verbatim?

          As I reported earlier, in Trump’s own telling of the assassination attempt he said “There was lotsa blood, lotsa blood.”

          Where did you get the word “gobs?”

          • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 1:37 pm #

            Where did you get the word “gobs?” – Q.


            I’m in the habit of reading comments starting at the bottom and working upwards.

            Therefore, my bad, the word “gobs” was used by JAZ. Then OG quoted him.

  76. OG July 21, 2024 at 3:51 am #

    What is it with people needing to know the truth.

    That may be the most American sentence ever.

    • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 8:04 am #

      Well you can seek the truth. I’m afraid that your efforts will be in vain however. You weren’t there. Even if you were there you’d never get the full picture. Your wasting your life even giving a shit about the big picture. The universe is a whole lot bigger and convoluted than you could possibly hope to understand.

      • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 8:05 am #

        Now grab a hoe and get to work!

        • Groundhog July 21, 2024 at 10:36 am #

          Hoes are for chumps. As long as fuel is available I’m using my rototiller!

          • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 12:08 pm #

            The Mad Max of rototilling!!!!!

          • Jarek July 21, 2024 at 1:55 pm #

            I thought you were all for back to the land and bikes. Gasoline is of the devil. What kind of coolie are you? Not cool.

        • Blackbird July 21, 2024 at 3:17 pm #

          When elmo implores us to “grab a hoe and get to work”, I think he may be speaking of procreation.

          Then again, maybe I think too much…

  77. The Man They Call Zazelle July 21, 2024 at 5:43 am #

    Candis May 13, 2019, 8:45 am:

    “I am not a crier, I swear I’m not, honestly ask anyone. But this got me teary eyed. I mourn for the era you write of, I truly do. My grandfather was born in 1936, him and my grandmother raised me. I’m 32. I wish I would have been born sooner. I don’t own a cell phone, people think I’m crazy or lying when I tell them that. I like to tell them I can’t afford it because that sounds much more normal/sane than telling them the truth of it, I don’t want one and actually hate them. I remember the old clothes line we used to hang clothes on, my grandparents always had one, the poles are still in the back yard. I remember the washing board my grandmother used to have, the stories about the milk man and the stories about actual communities taking care of their own. Father’s, uncles, brothers handling disputes, the police never needing to be called. I wish things were more natural and real. Every now and then I catch myself daydreaming about abandoning “life” and going to live in the woods. I think the way the world has become so automated, sterile and inorganic is why so many people feel like something important is missing in their lives, why they are unhappy, depressed, mentally and physically ill. The saddest part is no one even realizes what’s causing it. I do.”

    RJ June 24, 2019, 2:22 am:

    “Although this post is spot-on, it makes me sad for my own (younger) generation and those who come after me. The Millenial generation and Gen Z kids were often abused and neglected, and for most of us there was no opportunity to learn how to be ‘green’ at all. In fact, the older generations often spent most of their time complaining about our existence instead of passing on their knowledge. Thus you’ll find younger generations attempting to be green and praising themselves because they don’t know any better – OR because we are doing the best we can due to lack of opportunity and support for us. I am trying to reverse this trend by helping the newest generations in any way I can, but please try to understand that most of my generation did not have the benefit of support or passed-down wisdom. Most of us also have a lot of pent-up anger at the way we were treated by older generations, which might explain why a lot of us complain about ‘all’ Baby Boomers and those who are older than us. This does not excuse the hypocrisy, but I hope it sheds some light on it. I have hope for Gen Z.”

    ~ eattheweeds.com/how-ungreen-of-us-2/#comments

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 21, 2024 at 7:17 am #

      Theft, And Wandering Around Lost

      “Keep cutting myself on the edges of reality…”

    • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 1:17 pm #

      My grandfather was born in 1936, him and my grandmother raised me. – Zaz quoting Candis


      he and my grandmother

  78. CouchPotatriot July 21, 2024 at 10:50 am #

    Great breakdown of the Trump rally shooting – loads of photos and video – no rabbit hole narratives.

    Donald Trump Shooting Analysis: Gunman Outsmarted Secret Service – jeffostroff channel – YouTube.

    • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 11:46 am #


      I have seen many reports of how the direct line from the rooftop to Trump was unguarded. No one paid any attention to people pointing out the shooter at least a minute before the first shot. There is a picture of Crooks on the roof, fully exposed, rifle in tripod, taking aim on Trump, it had to have taken time to set all this up, OR it was set up waiting for him?

      This is not going to end up well. For the SS, Homeland Security or the Biden administration. But should we be surprised by the biggest group of screwups in history?

      It does show some signs of being a planned multi-dimensional Deep State instigated attempt. I hope the amount of data available makes the cover up impossible.

      Deep State? Iran? Ukraine? So far.

      • CouchPotatriot July 21, 2024 at 12:15 pm #

        Hey Jaz, hope you’re weekend was enjoyable.

        I’m torn between personally wanting to believe the Deep State blunder narrative and also thinking that maybe this was just a motivated kid who simply managed to exploit a few oversights and lapses in security. The kid got dumb lucky on the front side of the equation, and Trump got lucky on the backside.

        But, from the video I mentioned, the kid grabbed a 5′ ladder from Home Depot, so it’s not too mysterious how he got up on the roof with little effort and likely with no need for assistance. The female SS agents around Trump made the other professionals look more inept than they actually were on that day.

        The authorities on the ground were onto the kid and were doing their jobs – a situation where they needed to perform flawlessly every minute along the way – whereas the assassin only needed to be lucky, quick, and efficient once.

        And let’s be honest, it wasn’t that the kid was a horrible shot using the shittiest rifle imaginable, because he got the headshot on Trump as intended, just not the angle.

        The lurking question for me is whether Trump’s head was turned by God or Satan? There’s clearly a broader plan in place. I think Jarek has this one pegged regarding Trump’s disappointing legacy. But we’re all just guessin’ here.

        • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 12:56 pm #

          the kid grabbed a 5? ladder from Home Depot, – Couch


          I have seen nothing in the news about the size/length of the ladder. How the hell does someone get on to a roof one full floor from the ground with a mere 5′ ladder?

          • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 1:01 pm #

            I did a copy and paste of Couch’s sentence about the 5 ft ladder and the system changed the ft symbol (‘) to a question mark.

      • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 1:07 pm #

        rifle in tripod, – JAZ


        This is the first time I am hearing that there was a tripod. Where did you get that information?

        • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 2:02 pm #

          The only 5 foot ladder I’ve ever seen would be a step ladder and who really uses a step ladder to access a roof. Also if anything the shooter would have had a bipod on his rifle not a tripod. A bipod would not really be necessary at 130 yards from the prone shooting position he was using.

  79. JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 12:06 pm #

    For everyone, check it out.


    Four photographers shot Iconic Images When Gunfire Rang Out at Trump Rally.
    Liz Kreutz July 19

    Picture 3. The famous patriotic one Defiance with the flag in the background

    Picture 4. Doug Mills’ picture of the bullet frozen in time behind Trump

    Picture 5. The Anna picture. Anna Moneymaker. Getty Images
    Right hand with blood on it, looks as it has been wiped already. Blood between fingers on back of hand.
    The wiping towel is there.
    Dripping fluid blood on face dripping away from shirt

    How the Attempted Assassination of Former President Unfolded
    Jamie Stengel

    Picture #1
    Fingers on right hand have blood on them, wiped off palm

    AP Photos: Shooting at Trump Rally in Pennsylvania. July 14

    Picture number 9
    There is that towel wiping his face, full of blood.

    I will add mu opinion on one thing, there is not a lot of blood here, it is not coursing all over the place. I cannot find the photo again that has Trump looking at his hand as a reflex and the hand has blood on it. It is what anyone would do, put your hand up to the ear and check for blood. There is a video I saw of that reflex movement but the hand is blurred in the video, One of the pictures of his ear appears to have a “nick” in the ear flap at about 10 o’clock, but with the blood, you cannot be sure. IMHO, not much damage. Most of the pictures of him after getting up show his face has been wiped off, as noted on the APNews picture.

    • Jarek July 21, 2024 at 12:48 pm #

      Anna Moneymaker? Is that her real name?

    • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 12:49 pm #

      One of the pictures of his ear – JAZ


      Apparently you have seen more than one picture of Trumps damaged ear. I have not seen even one.

    • OG July 21, 2024 at 3:01 pm #

      OK … Here I am doing JAZ’s work for him:






      Picture 3. The famous patriotic one Defiance with the flag in the background

      Note: no blood stains on his defiant hand

      Picture 4. Doug Mills’ picture of the bullet frozen in time behind Trump

      Doug Mills, the same Deep Stater who gave us Andrew Card whispering in Dubya’s ear, “America is under attack” while the early-graders sounded-out “kite, hit, steel, plane, must” was inexplicably but miraculously using 1/1800 shutter speed to photog a large, stationary man at a podium.

      Probably. Nothing fishy there.

      Picture 5. The Anna picture. Anna Moneymaker. Getty Images
      Right hand with blood on it, looks as it has been wiped already. Blood between fingers on back of hand. The wiping towel is there. Dripping fluid blood on face dripping away from shirt

      Perhaps. When one zooms in, it is really hard to discern if Trump has a small amount of fresh “blood” on the back of his right middle finger … or a small pre-existing abrasion. This photo is very interesting but it is far from definitive proof of anything.

      Notice how the towel could be used to wipe real blood or conceal view while SS is applying Hollywood fake “blood.”

      AP News


      Picture #1 Fingers on right hand have blood on them, wiped off palm

      First off, How the Attempted Assassination of Former President Unfolded is actually How the apparent assassination attempt at Trump rally unfolded in Pennsylvania.

      Are you an honest broker, JAZ? Just yet another old jabbed man mistake in sharing the title … or corruption? God knows you.

      Regardless, there is indeed “blood” on his thumb and fingers. I had not seen this before. Good catch, JAZ!

      His palm, however, is not blood-stained. You saying that there was blood on his palm but that it was wiped away before this picture is nothing more than pure conjecture.


      Picture number 9. There is that towel wiping his face, full of blood.

      “Full”? I guess that you are not familiar with towels.

      there is not a lot of blood here

      Yet yesterday you said, “Every witness close to the president said there was lots of blood.” and “gobs of blood.”

      How can I argue facts with you when you’re so busy arguing with yourself?

      As I provided you, link and everything:


      Watch the 4 seconds from 0:08 to 0:12, JAZ.

      Then back-up and freeze at 0:10. Trump has ZERO blood on his right hand and has already “clutch[ed] his ear.” He then immediately dives like a gopher … so how did he possibly get “gobs of blood” on it between 0:10 and 0:12 for the “case dismissed” yt video that you just claimed that you just saw?!

      How could you have possibly seen a picture of something that never existed, JAZ. Or, more realistically, you’re just an old jabbed man who needs to be humoured and fed cookies and ice cream.

      • Blackbird July 21, 2024 at 3:29 pm #

        I have to make that correction again: Mills was shooting at 1/8,000th of a second. A ridiculously fast shutter speed – unless you want to capture the wings of a hummingbird. Much faster than necessary for the occasion as it causes a very shallow depth-of-field. And much faster than 1/1,800 of a second, which is still unnecessarily fast.

        • Blackbird July 21, 2024 at 3:31 pm #

          Only “8,000th” was supposed to be bold. Damned arrows or slashes or whatever the mistake was.

  80. beantownbill. July 21, 2024 at 12:16 pm #

    I’m kind of in the camp of the saint – elmo. Life is too short to spend time trying to figure out what exactly happened. We can attempt to discover the truth of what occurred, but why? My esteemed colleague, OG, wants to know because he’s passionate about the truth. Admirable.

    I’m scientific, but I’m more interested in the ultimate fate of the universe (I know this sounds weird), whether string theory is correct and other cosmic phenomena. For me, quotidian events aren’t as important. Most of us seem to know that we are in a sort of ‘the matrix’. Knowing this gives us an advantage – we can prep, we can find some comfort in realizing our options for survival and avoiding shock WTSHTF. But I feel we are essentially powerless in this game.

    As I’ve stated many times before, power is participating in making decisions. Other than maybe influencing people we care about, we cannot effect mass change in the direction we would like. The present and the recent past are indicative of this. The forces involved are too big.

    The truth will out, eventually. For me, it’s too bad that people want to avoid Truth. But it is what it is, and I will continue plodding on.

    So, OG you seeker of truth, the best attitude for you, I think is the serenity prayer:

    God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

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    • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 12:55 pm #

      Oh boy have you been buffaloed.

      OG wants to know his misguided truths, not the Truth.

      He looks at one video, the first day and his mind is made up. From that point it is re-state his truth over and over again and ignore anything that counters his truth.

      Admirable, my foot.

      Remember what the Dem credo is, tell the same lie over and over and over again and it becomes the truth.

      • OG July 21, 2024 at 1:31 pm #

        Oh … listen to you!

        “My conspiracy theory [Zelenskyy recruited Crooks] is right while his conspiracy theory [Trump is in on it] is whack-o!”

        Yes, I decided on 7/14 that Butler, PA was fishier than The Halibut Shoppe on Good Friday … because it is.

        I’ll have you know that I’ve looked at many, many videos and pictures (and will soon go searching your LINKLESS evidence), JAZ.

        If my m.o. is as you claim, explain me pointing out that Austin Private Wealth short-selling DJT-NASDAQ, at first brush, seems to support your conspiracy theory more than it does mine. Explain that.

        Fact: you cannot … so you ignore it like it does not even exist.

        Name one time that I have been caught lying, JAZ.

        Calling someone a liar is a serious allegation. It needs be backed-up with proof … yet you have none as I am merely legitimately pursuing the truth.

        Did you watch the CBC News yt video that I posted late last night, JAZ? Trump’s hand is clearly bloodless after “clutch[ing] his [supposedly shot] ear” immediately before he dove like a gopher.

        His hand had ZERO blood after touching his [supposedly shot] ear … so … was he touching it again under the pile of SS/

        Wanna buy a bridge, JAZ?

        I will now go searching out you LINKLESS evidence …

        • OG July 21, 2024 at 2:02 pm #

          Let’s go on our track records vis-à-vis you and I discerning truth in the modern world, JAZ.

          I was never jabbed with their evil depop poison because I discerned the truth and smelled a rat in 2021-22. How about you?

          That’s track record and speaks directly to our trustworthiness.

          Of course, you being multiple-jabbed is a double-edged sword:

          1 – Your track record is for shit as you made the completely wrong decision with your very life when it mattered most.

          2 – You’re getting still stupider and stupider every day as their evil depop poison (that you stupidly, gullibly, willing received) is rotting your already wrong brain.

          Sad but true.

      • beantownbill. July 21, 2024 at 2:44 pm #


        I’m not buffaloed, JAZ. OG is just posting what he believes is true. Don’t we all do that? I wasn’t there, so I can’t say for sure what really happened. But I think we certainly haven’t gotten the true story.

        Look, Lincoln was killed 164 years ago and it took 30 or 40 years to pin down what probably happened. JFK was 60 years ago and there’s still no consensus on the truth.

        Trump was just last week.

        • OG July 21, 2024 at 3:02 pm #

          Very good points, Bill. Thank you.

    • OG July 21, 2024 at 1:54 pm #

      Thank you, Bill. I appreciate your honest assessment of my honest efforts.

      Notwithstanding our many philosophical differences, you and I are allies here on CFN because we’ve each stood-up against the flow and for the truth when witnessing the other getting unfairly slagged.

      I stood-up for you when NO was being a little prick to you and now you’ve stood-up for me while JAZ et al ad hom me because they cannot face my honest conclusions.

      God bless you, Bill!

  81. Paula D July 21, 2024 at 12:43 pm #

    This is a succinct definition of neoliberalism, and I have seen it expressed many times by commenters here.

    “The deeper belief, the core tenet of the neolib ideology is that the State must help the rich.

    That was a drastic turn from the previously dominant belief that the rich needed no help, just stable rules and liberty to do business.

    This core tenet comes from the following dogma: the rich have a proven record of being able to create wealth, so the State must do all it can to channel the maximum amount of wealth into the already wealthy, and while doing this, they will create more wealth and some of it will spillover to the poor due to inefficiencies of wealth concentration, so the poor will also be better off eventually.”

    • Jarek July 21, 2024 at 12:47 pm #

      In contrast, Communism teaches that the rich should be killed. This is even more stupid and immoral.

      Fascism teaches that the rich should be controlled and guided. This is the correct approach.

      • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 12:50 pm #

        Controlled and guided by whom exactly? Who exactly has pristine motives to help the people?

        Hint: Nobody.

        • OG July 21, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

          Especially “in on it” Trump with Jerome Fucking Powell and Jamie Scumbag Dimon.

        • Jarek July 21, 2024 at 1:16 pm #

          Wow. So much for Christ and Christianity. Oh wait – you believe that Adam Smith’s invisible hand is not market forces but God himself?

          He won’t help people be good, only help them get rich. The prosperity cult strikes again, this time in the person of Darbyite John Az.

      • TPTB-USA July 21, 2024 at 2:48 pm #

        Public servants should represent, not just a segment of society, but every citizen, and in order to do so, they need to be honest, competent, have integrity, and when called on to do so, they need to provide an objective assessment. In this regard, “Joe Biden” has been a spectacular failure!

        What should the qualifications be for a human to play God and represent the citizens?

        Until we come up with a list of qualifications, the power grab (at all levels) is on.

        • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 11:05 pm #

          What should the qualifications be for a human to play God and represent the citizens? – TPTB-USA


          He or she must know the difference between prostrate and prostate, between then and than, and when to use a versus an. Also the difference between versus and verses, affect and effect, and their, there and they’re.

          • Q. Shtik July 21, 2024 at 11:12 pm #

            Oh, I almost forgot, the difference between tenet and tenant.

          • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 12:57 am #


            That leafs me out, so your the designated driver.

  82. OG July 21, 2024 at 1:06 pm #

    Did you know that The New York Fucking Times‘ photographer Doug Mills (who, for some inexplicable reason, was “professionally” photogging big, slow-moving Trump at 1/1800 second shutter speed) is the very same Deep State lackey who snapped the world famous picture of Andrew Card telling George W. Bush that, “America is under attack” on 9/11?

    Wanna buy a bridge?

    • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 2:12 pm #

      OG, No thanks, I already own a bridge. So OG, the guy follows Presidents and x- Presidents around and takes pictures. Sounds like a decent gig. Where do I sign up. What is questionable about it?

      • OG July 21, 2024 at 3:04 pm #

        Judith Miller.

        • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 5:09 pm #

          Judith Miller? the old chair lady?

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 7:05 pm #

            Judith Miller’s shilling for Dubya’s 2003 “Shock and Awe” and “Mission Accomplished” of Iraq in the NYT showed that rag to be a complete joke.

  83. Jarek July 21, 2024 at 1:22 pm #


    A legitimate third pov: It wasn’t a Deep State hit per se, nor the apotheosis of Trump at their hands, but rather an attempted hit by an offshoot of the Deep State, namely the Dr Jill/Hunter faction.

    That might explain why the shooter was sub-par. But he did almost accomplish his goal. Perhaps he had been in training since the high school rifle team rejected him?

    She was speaking in Philadelphia that day. Kammy was speaking in Pittsburgh. Was this an attempt to draw away the local Secret Service talent and replace them with the B team, including Secret Cervix?

    • OG July 21, 2024 at 1:44 pm #

      Yes, there are 3 camps:

      Official story: lone gun-nut (yet again) slipped through bumbling (but loveable) bumblers (yet again).

      Dems did it but failed. God had Trump turn his head at the perfect moment.

      The Whole Enchilada: Trump was “in on it.”

      JAZ easily moved from Camp One to Camp Two but he somehow knows that Camp Three is wrong.

      • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 3:33 pm #

        Knows it, period.

        Not just Dems, Deep State. Or Ukraine?

        • OG July 21, 2024 at 6:17 pm #

          Ummm … Dems, Deep State and Ukraine are all one and the same, no?

          You just see the pyramid, JAZ. The Deep State runs the Dems and Zelenskyy.

    • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 2:15 pm #

      “Secret Cervix” Jarek, you finally made me laugh you ol’ ballbuster.

      • CouchPotatriot July 21, 2024 at 3:20 pm #

        Cracked me up too!

    • Soul Forensics July 21, 2024 at 4:37 pm #

      “Perhaps he had been in training since the high school rifle team rejected him?” — Jarek

      You were adamant that he was a patsy shooting blanks. Then it was –hire an incompetent because he’ll miss, and they only want to scare (Real) Trump ™ since they could easily kill him in any number of ways if they were serious. And now they wanted the shooter to put a bullet between his eyes.

      Advice to the “truth”-seekers: maybe you should settle on one story for more than one news cycle (which, in today’s world, is about 24 hours).

  84. Jarek July 21, 2024 at 1:51 pm #

    Trump’s RNC, Doomed Gay Satanic Bullshit – America Deserves This

    The place to start the analysis of the RNC and the dawn of Trump 2024 is with Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” chant after he allegedly received a small injury to his ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.

    He called on his supporters to “fight.” But for what, exactly?

    The only answer is that he was saying “fight for me, your tribal leader.”

    There is no political agenda Trump is promoting. There is no platform. The platform document that the RNC released is 17 pages long. They are usually 70 pages and contain semi-detailed policy plans. This says some stuff about securing the border and protecting Israel. The rest of it is basically just “good things are good.” Stuff like “people should have good jobs” and “people should not be killed on the streets.” It’s just a list of unspecific nice things that literally no one disagrees with.

    The current RNC plan is “people like Trump, just talk about how great he is and how God saved him from a bullet from some retard with no history or identity who got a sniper perch on a roof because it was too slanted to be safe for the Secret Service.”

    As far as I can tell, Trump was first seen at the RNC during the speech of Amber Rose, a used-up face-tattooed hooker with a shaved head who promotes abortion and feminism and homosexuality and probably a lot of other things I don’t like. Her speech was “they said Trump wasn’t nice but I met him and he’s really nice. The left lied to me and said Trump wasn’t nice. He loves gays.”

    So. Really weird.

    As has also been stated, there was an Indian voodoo prayer during the RNC.

    So, with “JD Vance” (not his real name) and his Indian (practicing Hindu) wife, with Vivek Ramaswamy claiming that Hinduism and Christianity are basically the same thing, with Trump’s pledge to import millions more Indians, it’s pretty undeniable that there is an organized plan to meld Hinduism and Christianity into the same religion. When you start creating new religions for civic purposes, when you start denying Christ for a universal “one god,” I personally think you are getting into very dark territory.

    I guess they already did this with “Judeo-Christianity.” But that, as we know, was something very dark.

    It all feels very dark to me. The Judeo-Hindu-Christian values, the abortion, the gays… none of it is anything I want to be a part of.

    I watched a lot of the speeches at the RNC. Aside from very simple things, like “we shouldn’t have open borders and legalized black crime,” which like, 98% of Democrats agree with, there wasn’t any policy. Everything was just about Trump, the man, and how nice and good he is, what a great family man, he got his ear scraped and the only explanation is that God saved him so he could make all the good things happen.”

    Trump’s actual policies, as I’ve deduced just from listening to him talk (rather than reading any policy papers, because such papers somehow don’t exist), include:

    Stop open borders with normal border security and some kind of remain in Mexico policy
    Replace poor mentally ill criminal immigrants with Indians through the H1-B system
    Put even more tariffs on China
    Bloat the military even worse by increasing spending (or redirecting existing spending)
    Force companies to bring manufacturing back to America (I think through tariffs, though I don’t understand the details)
    There is no more social conservatism. It’s just been cut out. Insofar as it’s discussed, it’s just the really insane stuff like child trannies, which was an unsustainable project anyway, because now they’re seeing what these drugs do to kids beyond the psychological stuff (cancer, 20 IQ point drop, etc.). There is some talk about removing DEI, I guess, but that was also just completely out of control and going to have to go away regardless, because planes are falling out of the sky. (High-caste Indians can maintain a Boeing, for the record.)

    There is no serious policy agenda. The RNC admits this and says they want to remove policies and replace them with general ideas.

    Remember that Trump did a multi-week tour condemning states for restricting abortion too much. Everything against homosexuality and trannyism has been removed from the platform. There is no more idea of protecting marriage. This stuff is all gone.

    Oh, and the head of the Teamsters was there. He got huge applause for promoting communism. So there is also that, which is just… man, I don’t know what to say about that.

    Trump came out to a stage with the frigging Elvis Comeback Special sign.

    This isn’t irrelevant.

    Why did people love Elvis?

    Because he was Elvis.

    Why do people love Trump?

    Because he’s Trump.

    There aren’t any policies. The policies that exist are just “good things are good, we like good things.” And Israel. Big, big policies for Israel.

    Elvis didn’t have any policies. But he didn’t defend Israel either.

    Right now, if Elvis was running and saying “man, we gonna get this thing back on track, you know what I’m sayin’?” it would be much better than what Trump is doing, because Trump is saying that – plus Israel.

    Elvis also said “JESUS,” and didn’t say “God” over and over to not offend Hindus. Because Elvis was not trying to combine different religions for civic purposes.

    When they called Elvis “The King,” he said he couldn’t accept it, because Christ is the only King.

    (He literally said that.)

    So to Donald Trump, I would say: “You ain’t no Elvis, bruv.”

    I actually think using that sign like that is a kind of… stolen valor, or something.

    If there is one truest of all Americans, it is Elvis and it always will be Elvis and Donald Trump is a game show host who is very charismatic but also a total shill for a foreign (Jewish) country and he ain’t no Elvis.

    Trump’s speech, which you can watch above, was very, very long. I tried to just read the transcript, but they released a completely different transcript. Frankly, I got bored and started thinking about other things during it, so I can’t claim to have heard everything.

    It started with a touching scripted piece about the alleged shooting, which played into this “divine intervention” narrative which was an absolute theme of the convention. He says, like everyone else says, that it was divine intervention.

    Well, far be it from me to question the will of God, but it seems unlikely that God would do a divine intervention to promote abortion, gay sex, a melding of Hinduism and Christianity, and war for the Christ-killing Jews. Again, I don’t claim to know the plan of God, but I am fully comfortable saying that I’m sure he doesn’t support any of those things which defined the RNC and the Trump 2024 platform.

    Further, if I were Trump, and thought a miracle just happened to save my life, I would not be promoting these things, and would instead ride into the RNC with this sort of energy:

    After the tear-jerker about how he survived by the grace of God this alleged assassination attempt that conveniently took place just days before the convention, it turned into just his basic rally speech.

    I don’t have much comment on that. Everyone knows what it is. Too many illegals, bring back jobs, support the people, do good things, do other good things, make everything good and everyone happy forever.

    Of course he talked about Israel, and my ears perked up. But it was nothing at all surprising: give everything to Israel, defeat Hamas somehow, stop Iran somehow, etc.

    He also made the stupid, false claim that Putin is “trying to take all of the Ukraine.” No one believes that. Putin has a peace plan on the table that says he keeps four provinces and Crimea. Him trying to invade and occupy West Ukraine makes zero sense.

    Read about the Chinese invading and occupying Tibet. They had no choice but to do that, because the Tibetans were satanic cannibals engaged in slavery, and most pressingly, terrorism. But it was a massive, expensive endeavor. A lot of people died. It was really, really expensive.

    Invading and occupying foreign countries does not make any sense. No one wants to do that. Putin only wants the parts of the Ukraine that identify as “Russian,” and he’s currently not even claiming all of those parts (which would include Odessa and Kharkov). Ruling over people who don’t want to be ruled by you is a very expensive nightmare. No one wants to do that. Ask the US troops who occupied Iraq for over a decade. It’s not fun. It’s very expensive. It serves no purpose. If the Ukrainians won’t stop, maybe Russia will be forced to march to Lvov and crush the remaining military and government of the Ukraine, but then they would just sell those parts to Poland and Hungary.

    All of this is to say: it’s quite something that Trump would make such a claim – “Putin wants to conquer all of the Ukraine” – in his big speech. Previously, he’d said he wanted a deal to end the war by ceding territory to Putin, but now we don’t even have that on the agenda.

    There is Literally Nothing Here I Care About
    Trump is not offering me, as a normal white American, a single thing beyond his personality (which I must admit I will always like, but this is not about that).

    Obviously, Trump’s 4 years were better than Biden’s 4 years, but the game has changed. Trump’s 4 years were before Biden’s 4 years. The virus hoax and BLM happened under Trump. Everything is always getting progressively worse, regardless of who is president. I mean, can you seriously claim that the Obama years were worse than the Trump years? By any significant measure? Obama did the Iran deal and refused to send weapons to the Ukraine, both of which Trump reversed. Biden obviously has taken the warmongering to a whole new level, but the basic fact is, Trump is openly claiming he’s going to double down on all of Biden’s warmongering.

    Things always just get worse. It doesn’t matter who is president. Democracy is a hoax.

    But even if I believed in democracy, I would not vote for Trump.

    Why would I bother?

    There is nothing here I care about, and most of it, I actually hate. I don’t want more gays and abortions. I don’t want more Indian immigrants. I don’t want to meld Hinduism with Christianity.

    I’m not saying Biden would be better. Maybe he actually would be, because he would have a harder time getting young white men to sign up for the wars. But none of this matters, because the election is fake anyway.

    Sorry, but that shooting was fake. I don’t mean that guy didn’t die, or there weren’t shots fired, but a bullet did not miraculously graze Trump’s ear. That is not possible. I don’t care about the details, but whatever happened is not what they are saying happened. This was a spectacle to turn Trump into Caesar (just in time for his coronation), and it worked.

    I’m not voting.

    I officially endorse not voting.

    I was going to do that regardless, because elections are fake, but after this RNC shitshow, I have even more reason to say: do not sign your name on this satanic gibberish.

    Leave the country, go live in a rural area, do whatever you have to do to prevent getting sent to fight one of these wars. But do not go along with this nonsense.

    Do not believe the hype.

    The logical thing for any man to do right now, in this situation, is to run.

    It says it in the Bible:

    Jeremiah 51:6-9
    6 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and
    deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in
    her iniquity; for this is the time of the
    LORD’S vengeance; he will render unto her
    a recompence.
    7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the
    LORD’S hand, that made all the earth
    drunken: the nations have drunken of her
    wine; therefore the nations are mad.
    8 Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed:
    howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so
    be she may be healed.
    9 We would have healed Babylon, but she
    is not healed: forsake her, and let us go
    every one into his own country: for her
    judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is
    lifted up even to the skies.

    This is Babylon.

    There is weird, satanic shit afoot, and no one can deny it, even if they can’t explicate it.

    It may indeed be inexplicable.

    Most people are getting what they deserved. They have drank of her iniquities.

    How many abortions? How much love for the sodomites? How much gluttony? How much fornication? How many dead in these wars?

    How much blood is on the hands of the American people?

    How great then will be the vengeance of the Lord?

    I don’t like this “miracle saved Trump” talk. But God acts in the world. And chickens come home to roost.

    Just get out of the way of the Beast.

    Nothing good can come of it.

    Jarek Notes: Matt Walsh excoriated Amber Rose for using the RNC to boost her Only Fans work. His post seems to have been deleted from youtube. I’m only seeing it referred to by other content creators.

    There is much that is beautiful and worthy in Hinduism and Sikhism. Indeed all true religions go to the same place or if not so high, in the same direction. But smooshing them all together in precisely the wrong approach. Tradition and the devotion of normal people must be respected. The understanding that they are true is something for the Elite – in the best sense of the word. And even then, there is no need for smooshing. It’s an aesthetic nightmare and one of the methods of Globalism. Create a vast flatland and call it peace. God help us if Anglin is right about this.

    Anglin is kept online under the aegis of Chinese Communist Party. He must smear their enemies now and then. Tibet wasn’t bothering anybody. They had been a warrior race many centuries before, even invading China once. But Buddhism had changed them profoundly.

    • Jarek July 21, 2024 at 1:53 pm #

      The above article is by Anglin. My response is at the end.

      Elvis denied being the King. Only Christ is King, he said. How beautiful is that?

      • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 2:43 pm #

        Well Biden’s out and already MSNBC is starting about his legacy and what a great President he was.

        • Blackbird July 21, 2024 at 4:00 pm #

          Oh great, more speculation for me to engage in…

          It is National Ice Cream Day! How could I have missed this important clue?

          elmo, how can you not be interested in attempting to divine the truth? (Rhetorical question, you answered above.)

          I study biology because I want to know what kind of bird that is, what kind of coral that is, what kind of tree that is – and how they fit together. I study history because I want to know what happened in the past and how we got to the present. I speculate on the future because I want to figure it out before it gets here. I know that I’ll never really, fully, know anything – probably the only thing I ever will know completely – but still I have to try. I don’t like not knowing. I don’t understand complacency in ignorance, but I do understand that most people are comfortable with it.

          So… This throws a wrench in my “Hildebeast will be our last President” theory, as it required certain steps to be completed in a certain order. Too bad, that was/is such a far-out but plausible theory. Putting the Ho up as frontman is so dreadfully unimaginative. I’m leaning toward Big Mike being parachuted in.

          I’m now moving almost all of my chips to “Trump is selected”. The table started sliding that way on October 7 and is now so tilted that the Secret Service would not dare attempt to climb it.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 4:42 pm #

            I don’t understand complacency in ignorance, but I do understand that most people are comfortable with it.

            Sad but true.

      • BackRowHeckler July 21, 2024 at 3:47 pm #

        Smart money is on ‘Heels Up’ Harris. She did such a great job as ‘Border Czar.’ — getting to the ‘Root Cause’ of the historic mass movement of the 3rd World into the US on a 3 day long junket to Costa Rica in 2021 … which gives her a decided Leg Up on the competition.

        • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 5:14 pm #

          BRH, I think Harris actually has two legs up on the competition. Who’s shoulders they’re over is the question.

    • Soul Forensics July 21, 2024 at 4:55 pm #

      “Indeed all true religions go to the same place or if not so high, in the same direction. But smooshing them all together in precisely the wrong approach.”


      Making a hybrid religion just waters everything down, and ultimately confuses people. Then there’s the contradictions that add exponential layers to unresolvable theological exegeses, e.g. the actual meaning of heaven and hell, multiple gods vs one (or a trinity of) God(s), re-ordered rituals, structural and economic issues (what becomes of the Pope and his administrative retinue).

      It wouldn’t work, practically, theologically, and (most importantly) spiritually, no matter how wise the follower(s).

    • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 2:11 am #

      Jarek, I would argue that Anglin’s article is not an objective assessment.

      Agenda 47

      2024 GOP PLATFORM

      Macgregor emphasis that securing the border and restoring law and order should be the number one priority, which seems logical, and it appears to be Trump’s priority as well. My sense is that dealing with those issues will be a major undertaking, and once they get control of the situation, they can redirect their focus to other issues (also, there is a plan to address all platform issues starting on day one).

      The RNC has gone from chaos to organization. Is the Trump team responsible for this, or is it the blessing of the deep state? One needs to consider that this wasn’t the case in 2016.

      The nation appears to be lost in the “noise”, when the focus should be on discussing the issues and plan of attack.

      Are things so foul-f*ck*d that the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 47 have to be hidden from the undecided vote in order to win the election?

      • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 2:23 am #

        … or is MSM just arranging the narrative for maximum profit?

        The (D) focus seems to be on disparaging Agenda 47, and (R), the 2030 Agenda. Is this a gambit where cash is critical to the end?

        Does there come a point where either party will defend and promote their agenda?

  85. dorn July 21, 2024 at 2:38 pm #

    Biden drops out and endorses Kamala.

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    • dorn July 21, 2024 at 3:24 pm #

      He waited until National Ice Cream Day.

  86. beantownbill. July 21, 2024 at 2:48 pm #

    Kamala vs. Trump = massacre.

    • elysianfield July 21, 2024 at 2:49 pm #

      I have seen it suggested that Big MIke would be problematic.

      • jim e July 21, 2024 at 5:37 pm #

        Are there any rules against two girls running on the same ticket?
        Go GIRLS!

        • elysianfield July 21, 2024 at 11:45 pm #

          I have read studies where women in close proximity for extended periods of time sync their menstrual cycles…totally involuntarily.

          • elysianfield July 21, 2024 at 11:46 pm #

            And…our AI masters offer this;

            Menstrual synchrony, also known as the McClintock effect or menstrual concordance, is the idea that women who live in close proximity or share a common environment may experience their menstrual cycles becoming more synchronized over time. For example, a study of seven female lifeguards found that after three months of living together, the onset of all seven cycles fell within a four-day period.

  87. tom clark July 21, 2024 at 3:02 pm #

    Almighty God certainly has been busy this past week…saving Trump’s ass and convincing Biden to drop the race. Polish the crown for the coronation.

    • OG July 21, 2024 at 3:44 pm #

      It is all theatre.

      Trump and Jerome Fucking Powell and Jamie Scumbag Dimon will now grab the wheel of the dying fiat ass-wipe US$ [with its Luciferian symbolism constantly on your body].

      Who here thinks that our “elites” will have BRICS simply pull the pin on the US$ one day?

      How about even one day next term under Powell & Dimon?

      AFAIK, nobody else here on CFN has commented on Trump showing his hand: Jerome Powell keeps running the Fed while Jamie Dimon makes the big “sacrifice” of leaving CEO of JP Morgan Chase to head up Treasury (at, ostensibly, a couple of hundred K / year!).

      “Us peons shore are lucky that Trump loves us! Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk. I can’t believe some people saying that Trump is “in on it” when obviously Jamie Dimon running Treasury is on the up-and-up … and Powell’s doing a bang-up job running the Rothschild/Rockefeller Fed.

      C’mon youse Trump-lovers – what are your thoughts on the fact that Trump’s Step Number One was Powell & Dimon? The Dream Team.

      • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 3:52 pm #

        Your a Canuck for crissakes. Why do you even give a flying fuck?

        • OG July 21, 2024 at 4:28 pm #

          Because our earth is ran by these evil fucks, elmo. Because I’m for God in Good versus Evil.

          Why do I five a flying fuck? Because I seek the truth, elmo. Because I seek the truth.

          But enough about me …

          Youse Trump-lovers must have an opinion on the only thing that the guy has actually done (aside from magically clot his bullet wounded ear in one minute without pressure) is rubber-stamp Powell at the Rothschild/Rockefeller US Fed and pull-off the corporate raid of all-time: CEO of JP Morgan Chase (made $36,000,000 in 2023) to head Treasury for a couple of hundred k.

          “We’re so lucky that men like Jamie Dimon would quit being CEO at JP Morgan Chase at $36 mil [!] to run our Treasury for us for only a couple of hundred k instead. Right? I mean, Biden bad! Biden pooped his pants! I better go get jabbed again.”

          Surely you’re better than that.

          • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 4:50 pm #

            OG, I don’t really follow financial markets and am totally unfamiliar with this Diamond fellow. He seems to have a good job now but 36M a year does not sound like a lot of money when people like Messi make 175M a year for kicking a leather ball around. If the guy is a financial “wizard ” like yourself perhaps he knows a little about money and markets. Prove me wrong.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 6:06 pm #

            I’m not a “financial wizard,” elmo. You just keep slinging mud rather than even trying to see light, don’t you?

            I was the Technology Manager of the Equity Research Dep’t of a large Canadian investment bank. I was a techie who rubbed elbows with the big guys. Nothing more.

            Messi’s pay is a red-herring. Dimon is going from $36 mil to $200k-$300k and that fact stands on its own.

            JP Morgan Chase’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, is, as one would expect, King Shitbag and now he’s going to run your Treasury … and people think that Trump’s for them!

            Powell/Dimon: The Dream Team

          • TPTB-USA July 21, 2024 at 6:48 pm #

            I have in mind that there might be a substantial tax forgiveness benefit for Jamie Dimon to transition to public service.

            There is also the power aspect, and perhaps the opportunity to shape the future.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 9:49 pm #

            There is also the power aspect, and perhaps the opportunity to shape the future.

            My point, exactly.

            The foxes are guarding the henhouse. Yay Trump!

    • SoftStarLight July 21, 2024 at 5:33 pm #

      Are you ready to receive your Emperor, tom lol?

  88. stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 3:35 pm #

    NOAA has just issued a flood warning for Delaware. Hunter and Dr. Jill bawling there eyes out over the end of the Potatohead dynasty threatens to swamp the Delmarva peninsula.

    • Blackbird July 21, 2024 at 4:06 pm #

      Better move that ’67 Vette to higher ground! Threatened once by fire, now by water. Something Biblical about all this…

      Prediction (sorry elmo…): No hard time for Hunter.

    • SoftStarLight July 21, 2024 at 5:21 pm #

      oh now they’ve probably all received golden parachutes.

      • Ron Anselmo July 21, 2024 at 10:28 pm #

        Golden showers is what they deserve, if even that.

  89. Soul Forensics July 21, 2024 at 4:26 pm #

    “OG … wants to know because he’s passionate about the truth. Admirable.” — BTB

    OG’s passion comes from his credulous obsession with conspiracy behind every rock, which, in turn, is inflamed by his addiction to dopamine (and needing more and bigger hits, just like any addict), and fantastical apocalyptic dreams of the Rapture and desperately hoped-for blissful afterlife.

    “Transport me, Jesus!”. There’s OG’s ultimate motivation for seeking the “truth”.

    • OG July 21, 2024 at 4:36 pm #

      No. I don’t believe in the Rapture. What a bizarre assumption.

      Regardless, even if the Rapture is a thing, I have no delusions that I’m holding one of those “get out of jail – free!” cards.

      I’ve been tempered to ride out our upcoming Seven Years of Trials & Tribulations.

      ASS / U / ME

      • Groundhog July 21, 2024 at 4:52 pm #

        @ OG

        So it seems you have your get out of jail card because you are better than the rest of us infidels and in-for-hells? You’ll ride out the Trib? I don’t think so. You see, God had a consort named “Asherah”. She’s an ancient Canaanite Goddess who was once the mate of the supreme God Yahweh. Ever since they’ve had a falling out Yahweh has had a drinking and an anger management problem. That explains all the terrible and cruel things Yahweh instigated in the Old Testament.

        I’ve been praying to Asherah, and she tells me that she’s aware of the bullshit you are posting in this forum. She’s also pissed at Jarek. If y’all don’t stop, She’s gonna kick your ass. She has just as much power as Jahweh, but since nobody prays to her she can’t do anything. Anyhow, just a warning……

        • OG July 21, 2024 at 5:14 pm #

          So it seems you have your get out of jail card because you are better than the rest of us infidels and in-for-hells?

          I sure hope so. I understand that the vast majority of us will be sentenced to Hell. I’m trying my best to be in His glorious Book of Life. This realm is Try-outs and I’m trying to make His team.

          You’ll ride out the Trib?

          I’ve no idea. If I’m really lucky, they’ll martyr me when I refuse Lucifer’s mark.

          I believe that God has tempered me for Trials & Tribulations but do not pretend to know my fate.

          • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 5:23 pm #

            “the vast majority of us will be sentenced to Hell”

            That is total BS and you know it. At least I hope you know it. Where is this hell of which you speak? It’s in your head that’s where. Get it out of your head and your life will improve in many ways.

          • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 5:30 pm #

            “I believe that God has tempered me for Trials & Tribulations but do not pretend to know my fate.”

            Your fate is either into the gas burner or into the ground with the worms. Take your pick and put it in your will. Sleep easy.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 5:51 pm #

            Don’t you tell me what to think and what to do with my life, elmo.


            My life is just fine, thank you very much. I’m not really looking to improve it.

            “You should stop seeking the truth. Like me.”

            I’m better than that.

          • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 7:41 pm #

            OG, your truth seems to reside on Bitchute videos,

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 8:09 pm #

            Bitchute is merely a video-streaming platform, elmo. And while I do watch many videos on Bitchute, I probably watch just as many on Youtube.

            If I uploaded a video claiming that 2 + 2 = 4 onto Bitchute, does that make it not so?

            For example, Judge Andrew Napolitano’s fantastic show Judging Freedom appears on both platforms.

            Claiming that anything that a[pears on Bitchute is wrong is glaringly stupid.

            I also read both MSM and a wide variety of alt sources.

            I seek the truth both low and high while we still await your expert testimony:

            “How come, in the video you sent me earlier (supposedly backing your case), in all the footage of downed power-lines igniting fires, it was always vegetation that was what ignited and the very first to burn … but in Lahaina the trees were the only things not burned?”

            You see? This valid question remains unanswered (for months) regardless of your widow fee-wings.

      • Soul Forensics July 21, 2024 at 5:12 pm #

        “No. I don’t believe in the Rapture.”

        Of course you do. 99% of your Bible quotes are lifted from Revelation. A day or so ago you directly brought up the “blissful afterlife”.

        You believe in a literal Heaven and Hell, and you can’t wait to ascend. Like most Christians, though, you’re terrified that you may not make the grade after The Big Guy checks His list to find out who is naughty and who is nice.

        It’s pure desperation and hair-on-fire with you, 24/7. And you need the Rapture to happen QUICKLY in order to resolve this (for you) unbearable duality. Hence, the panicked, yet simultaneously exciting, wish that the end is near.

        What a way to live.

        • OG July 21, 2024 at 5:46 pm #

          Of course I do not, you piece of shit. Don’t you tell me what I believe, you little girly-man!

          The Rapture has but one vague passage in the whole Bible:

          37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
          38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
          39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
          40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
          41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
          42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

          – Matthew 24:37-42 [KJV]

          That sure sounds like no Rapture to me as Trials & Tribulations precede the Second Coming.

          Hint: Matthew is not Revelation, dipshit. One can quote Revelation AND not believe in the Rapture, you dope. [That is, you’re telling me what I believe when you don’t even know wtf you’re talking about!]

          Yes, I do very much fear that I “may not make the grade.” You should to.

          Yes, most Christians do feel this way as we know and repent our sins. We know that we are not worthy.

          You believe in a literal Heaven and Hell, and you can’t wait to ascend.

          First of all sentences that start with, “You believe …” and “You need …” are the lowest form of argument. Smarten up. You speak for your little girly brain and allow me to speak for my man brain, ok little girl?

          I do, in fact, believe that the stars will fall from God’s firmament and we will all face His Glorious Judgement Day. I hope to ascend (away from you Hell-bound assholes) but know that I can only possibly because of Jesus’ sacrifice for me.

          It’s pure desperation and hair-on-fire with you, 24/7. And you need the Rapture to happen QUICKLY in order to resolve this (for you) unbearable duality. Hence, the panicked, yet simultaneously exciting, wish that the end is near.

          My hair isn’t on fire. I’m not desperate. What are you talking about? I’ve been watching and waiting for this since 1981. I’m in my glory over here watching God’s Word fulfilled!

          I “need” something that I don’t even believe in “QUICKLY”?

          You’re a joke.

          Yes, one can believe in heaven and a ‘blissful afterlife’ while not believing in the “Rapture.” D’uh!

          This is just like you trying to tell me what Bay Street is like even though I was there for 22 years and you obviously have no clue what even happens there! You have no fucking clue but you keep fancying yourself intelligent and right.

          It’s sad, really.
          – Dr Evil

          What a way to live.

          Indeed. Watching God’s Word fulfilled … with the chance of being one of his martyrs? It doesn’t get any better than that! Yee ha!

          • Soul Forensics July 21, 2024 at 6:11 pm #

            “I hope to ascend” — OG

            Thanks for agreeing with me. Although your use of the word “hope” is rather underselling it. You mean “desperately cling to the belief that I’m one of the chosen who won’t roast in Hell for all eternity”.

            And accordingly, from there, follows your hysterics, and your need to believe anything that will hasten this resolution, such as the desperate hope that TPTB are almost at touchdown, ready to punch it in on first-down-at-the-one-yard-line. (Thought you’d appreciate the football reference.)

            BTW, God is always watching your behaviour, OG. He won’t like all that salty language and hateful lashing out.

          • Groundhog July 21, 2024 at 6:46 pm #

            OG writes: “I do, in fact, believe that the stars will fall from God’s firmament and we will all face His Glorious Judgement Day. I hope to ascend (away from you Hell-bound assholes) but know that I can only possibly because of Jesus’ sacrifice for me.”

            The stars will fall from God’s firmament? Really? Have you ever taken courses in physics? Do you really understand how impossible it is for such things to happen, at least in this particular dimension?

            As for hell, there are four different words in the Bible that are translated as “hell”. And unfortunately for Church doctrines, not one of those four words has anything to do with the traditional Christian views of hell. But to most Christians, such things don’t matter. What matters instead is Church traditions. Those traditions have deep roots in the original cultures they arose out of. Jews don’t believe in hell and never will. It’s very simple to understand the Jewish point of view because hell is a purely imaginary place, there is no hell. Why believe it?

          • Groundhog July 21, 2024 at 6:53 pm #

            @ OG The OGre writes:

            “Watching God’s Word fulfilled … with the chance of being one of his martyrs? It doesn’t get any better than that! Yee ha!”

            Looks like you are the ideal candidate for developing the rare condition of stigmata. Keep mortifying your flesh, whip it into submission! Whip it good! And the cherry on top is that shot at martyrdom! People will be in tears while cherishing your memory!

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 7:50 pm #

            Have you ever taken courses in physics? Do you really understand how impossible it is for such things to happen, at least in this particular dimension?

            Yes. I even have a university-level Astronomy credit.

            Nothing is “impossible” for God and who said anything about remaining in this particular dimension on Judgement Day?

            It’s very simple to understand the Jewish point of view because hell is a purely imaginary place, there is no hell. Why believe it?

            I’ve witnessed things.

            People will be in tears while cherishing your memory!

            I don’t care what people think. They’re mostly lame-ass and Hell-bound. If you assume that that is my motivation, you are wrong.

            I am, however, laser-focused on making it into His glorious Book of Life.

            “You mean …”

            You don’t need me to argue with me, SF. You just keep presenting both sides yourself.

            Given that, you’re undoubtedly adept at going and “fucking yourself.”

            God is always watching your behaviour, OG. He won’t like all that salty language and hateful lashing out.

            Good point. Thank you.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 7:57 pm #

            Also, you can’t wait to ascend and “I hope to ascend” is not agreement as they are very different things, Einstein.

            Yours implies certainty and urgency while my belief is hopeful and patient.

          • Soul Forensics July 21, 2024 at 10:08 pm #

            “I don’t care what people think.” — OG


            Says the spazz-out on this board ’round the clock.


            “you can’t wait to ascend and ‘I hope to ascend’ is not agreement as they are very different things.” — OG

            No, they’re not. That said, I repeat that you’re bullshitting with the soft-sell in your actual quote.

            You lie all the time, “truth”-seeker. When it comes to your self-assessment, that goes double.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 12:08 am #

            I’m done with you, SF.

            In standard debate, men each speak for themselves. But, throw a chick-brain into the conversation and she’s always telling the man what he “thinks” and “believes” and “needs” and “means.”

            You, SF, have a little chick brain and, with you. I can never argue my thoughts, beliefs, needs and intentions because I’m constantly dispelling your wrong projections of them uoon me.

            I have a mom, a sister, a daughter and a gf. I don’t need to talk to another chick. I don’t need to talk to you.


          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 12:57 am #

            I thought you learned your lesson (in which you thanked me) not to insult other humans? God sees all, OG. And He remembers. Especially on Judgement Day.

            Are you sure you’re on the right side of the ledger?

            But you go ahead. Run away like the little interwebz bitch that you are.

          • Groundhog July 22, 2024 at 8:53 am #

            OG says: “I’ve witnessed things.”

            Yes, it’s a well established fact that crazy people as well as people who take LSD – “witness things”.

    • SoftStarLight July 21, 2024 at 5:20 pm #

      Well. There is a conspiracy behind every blade of grass. Also Jesus can transport you basically anywhere if you allow him to. You just need to expand your horizons and not get all caught up in Og’s zeal.

  90. jim e July 21, 2024 at 4:47 pm #

    Donald Trump -161
    Kamala Harris +275
    Michelle Obama +3700
    Gavin Newsom +6400

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    • SoftStarLight July 21, 2024 at 5:15 pm #

      So this is what it all boils down to isn’t it. This moon has been so strong that i’ve barely been able to speak. It’s literally people making bets and agreements in the proverbial dark, smoke filled rooms. i really hate this system with every fiber of my being. Anyhoo, so what kinda bets are you making? Is this your deal?

      • jim e July 21, 2024 at 5:25 pm #

        I do not vote because I do not want to do jury duty.
        Politics are a great form of entertainment.
        I have heard that we can soon vote, excuse me, gamble on the WWE.

        • SoftStarLight July 21, 2024 at 5:32 pm #

          lol omg you saw that too. Way over the top if you ask me but people will go for anything in the right context. i hate the cynical energy sometimes but its like there isn’t a way around it. So might as well try to have as much a fun as possible while you can lol.

    • Soul Forensics July 21, 2024 at 5:15 pm #

      That needs adjusting, because:

      TPTB -1,000,000

  91. messianicdruid July 21, 2024 at 5:16 pm #

    John AZ advised, “Talk not about the splinter in your neighbor’s eye until you dig the plank out of yours.”

    I would appreciate your help with this. Sometimes you get truth and dung mixed together and sometimes it has been cooked over dung. Sometimes you have to use chopsticks and pick out the dung. Either way you have to be hungry.

    It is best to bury the dung there next to you. Makes the howing easier.

    Splinters and planks are hard to see, except maybe for seers.

    • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 6:21 pm #

      Ha. I wish I could claim that.

      Jesus. I thought we had decided that rototilling was in order, not Hoeing.

      • messianicdruid July 21, 2024 at 8:18 pm #

        How – ing: as in how to do things, includes hoeing to self-government, and then to hadron colliders and taming AI, if possible.

  92. CouchPotatriot July 21, 2024 at 5:56 pm #

    “I have seen nothing in the news about the size/length of the ladder. How the hell does someone get on to a roof one full floor from the ground with a mere 5? ladder?” – Q

    And Saint Mo weighs in shortly after regarding the alleged use of a piddly 5′ ladder.

    Sheesh, old fellers – have a little imagination here please. If I were still in my 20s, there’s a helluva lot of stuff I could climb if only I had a simple boost.

    A cheap, light weight aluminum ladder would be easy to strap on my back if I were riding a bike, and in most cases, there is likely some sort of other on site platform or fixture to be used as yet another boost – like say a picnic table.

    Now, a bi-level or multiple story building? Ok, a measly 5′ ladder ain’t nothin’.

    And a quick Google search just now revealed that all the standard partisan media outlets covered the Home Depot ladder purchase receipt found on the decedent assassin. Does that make the reporting accurate or true – nope.

    Believe whatever story you want – the Big Mitote within your own mind is telling you a big lie regardless.

    • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 6:35 pm #


      5 or 20, in the scenario that is being discusssed around now, how the heck did he get a rangefinder, tripod and ar15 onto the roof is a short period of time and get it set up before Trump showed up? Were things already up there, had he moved things into place during the four hours that the SS ignored him?

      One comment, IMHO, the SS or any bodyguard keeps things in the way of trouble sources to stop potential hazards. The access from that roof to Trump was unimpeded. The media are jumping on that is was negligence by the SS, I wonder.

      As I mentioned above, a video exists showing SS agents on the backside of the platform shooing people away, bending at the waist, before the shots were fired. Then there is the very nonchalant lady behind Trump looking toward the shooter before the shots and then calmly filming Trump.

      • OG July 21, 2024 at 7:29 pm #

        The backside SS agent didn’t just shoo ordinary people away, either. He shooed photographers away from getting us the perfect picture of Trump’s ear shot before he dove like a gopher. The backside SS agent made sure that we had no backside pictures.

        Black ops run deep.

        Thank God that NYT’s Doug Mills has no idea what shutter speed to use, eh?

        • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 7:59 pm #

          OG, What shutter speed, f-stop setting, and frames per second was Doug using. I’m curious as you have all the info needed for an informed conclusion.

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 8:18 pm #

            BB has already done this work upthread, elmo.

            Capturing speeding bullets with still photography requires shutter speeds at one end of the spectrum while photogging a big, stationary man at a podium usually uses the completely opposite end.

            Surely we all know that.


            The camera Doug Mills was using – a Sony A1, according to an article in Digital Camera World (digitalcameraworld.com/news/can-doug-mills-photo-of-a-bullet-and-president-trump-be-real-yes-heres-how) – has a maximum mechanical shutter speed of 1/8000 of a second.

            Mills interview is behind a paywall at The New York Times so I haven’t read it to see if he stated what shutter speed, or what or f-stop, he was using.

            According to an article in Politiko (politiko.al/english/bota/fotografi-i-nyt-kapi-momentin-kur-plumbi-kaloi-afer-kokes-se-trump-i511005) Mills was shooting at a maximum shutter speed of 1/8000 sec – not 1/1800 – at f/1.6. To compensate for such a fast shutter speed, he had his lens cranked wide open.

            I don’t understand why he would use such a fast shutter speed as it would make the depth of field very shallow. If you look at the photo of the speeding bullet, you can see that the lettering on Trump’s hat is out-of-focus while the lettering on the podium is in focus. It’s not as if Trump moves so quickly that a fast shutter speed is needed. He’s not a cheetah… (Well…) Maybe Mills knew he had to capture an image of something moving “like a speeding bullet”.

          • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 9:48 pm #

            Oh here we go. A long time photographer being second guessed by our resident expert at everything.

            Black ops my ass. Your entire scenario has been blown out of the water. Ballots is on the hand, blood dripping off his face, witnesses describing the hit on his ear, blood on the towel after the face wipe, your theory is baloney.

          • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 9:48 pm #

            Not ballots.

            Blood is on his hand,

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 10:17 pm #

            Yes, I am questioning Doug Mills using 1/8,000 second shutter speed to ostensibly photog a stationary man at a podium … because it is completely ridiculous, JAZ. What? Am I not qualified to question blatant ridiculousness?

            [Remember: the “experts” got you jabbed with poison.]

            Doug Mills was there when Andrew Card told Dubya that “America is under attack” while the low-graders sounded out “kite, hit, steel, plane, must” on 9/11.

            Judith Miller, Doug Mills and the New York Times are all Deep State shills. What? Are you new here?

            You (finally) showing me “blood” on Trump’s hand during the “money shot” today does not blow my scenario out of the water, JAZ.

            Far from it. Trump’s magical bullet-wound clotting in one minute without pressure [!] ear is the WTC7 smoking gun of this black op and you’ve done NOTHING to dispel that ridiculousness.

            And now we’ve got Doug Mills’ ridiculous lies on top of that.

            Cui bono?

  93. edpell July 21, 2024 at 6:08 pm #

    Draft Joey at the convention. He is a big boy, he faced down corn pop.

  94. jim e July 21, 2024 at 6:18 pm #

    All at Once!

    • jim e July 21, 2024 at 6:24 pm #

      He (Joey) did it for us.
      ‘Who killed the Kennedys?’ When after all It was you and me.’

      • SoftStarLight July 21, 2024 at 7:23 pm #

        Nope, i don’t take responsibility for anything. i wasn’t even around at the time. You shouldn’t blame and beat yourself up for all that stuff. It’s their fault. i hope they implode. This show is definitely gonna be cray cray though.

        • messianicdruid July 21, 2024 at 8:12 pm #

          We didn’t start the fire
          It was always burning
          Since the world’s been turning
          We didn’t start the fire
          No, we didn’t light it
          But we tried to fight it

          • SoftStarLight July 21, 2024 at 9:41 pm #

            that’s not a bad song :0)

      • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 8:01 pm #

        Koo ca choo.

  95. dilbert113 July 21, 2024 at 6:54 pm #

    The last couple of weeks have been the most exciting political times of my life, and I am in my mid 50’s. A president hasn’t been, well, I don’t even want to say online what happened to Trump, but that hasn’t happened for about 40 years. An incumbent president has not pulled out of his campaign for re-election for nearly 60 years, LBJ was the last one to do that. Now the Democratic Party is in utter chaos about 100 days prior to the presidential election. Will Joe resign, so that Kamala Harris can name a VP, put him in place, and run as an Incumbent? Or will he say, and be and “Having an albatross around your neck”, an inescapable burden?

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    • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 8:09 pm #

      LBJ bailed at age 60. 15 years Potatoheads junior.. He died in ’73 at age 64. 64 seems kinda young these days. Sheet I’m just hittin’ my prime. Yea , right. The reaper is at my door as we speak.

      • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 8:11 pm #

        Well the reaper’s knockin’ but I’m gonna kick his lameass . Sickles ain’t shit against an M1A.

      • OG July 21, 2024 at 8:12 pm #

        81 – 60 = 21

        • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 8:24 pm #


          • stelmosfire July 21, 2024 at 8:26 pm #

            Joe is 81. I get it

  96. JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 9:37 pm #

    Just read in Apple+ news

    The reason for the Biden withdrawal came from a meeting he had last night with two advisors where they figured out there was no path to victory. Two weeks ago, he gave the inability to win as the only reason he would withdraw. So here we are.

    Interesting though, Obama and Pelosi are not endorsing Harris. I believe they know that Kamala cannot win also and want the convention to pick another more favorable candidate. That convention in Chicago should be a doozy.

    OG, Jarek. How does HarrisWhitmer sound as a ticket?

    • SoftStarLight July 21, 2024 at 9:42 pm #

      How does that sound to you, John?

      • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 9:56 pm #

        To me, anything with Kamala “Old Word Salad” Harris on it is an insurance policy for Trump.

        The reason Obama/Pelosi may not want her is her performance in office. Or non-performance.

        It is not a good time for Democrats.

        Whitmer is icing on the cake.

        The DNC is facing a disaster in November, but something could be recovered with a good choice next month. Kelly?

    • OG July 21, 2024 at 9:43 pm #

      A Harris/Whitmer ticket sounds to me like you will get your second Trump Admin, JAZ.

  97. OG July 21, 2024 at 9:40 pm #

    “The official story makes no frickin’ sense.”

    “What do you mean? The New York Times have a picture of the speeding bullet! Case dismissed!”

    “Ummm … the NYT photographer used 1/8,000 shutter speed to snap a picture of a man speaking at a podium? Why, on God’s green earth, would he do that?”

    … crickets …

    “Seriously. Does that not reek to high heaven?”

    “OG bad! OG want truth! OG make my head hurt!”

    • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 10:12 pm #

      Well, your theory is really dead now.


      You Tube

      Channel MILMID Studios
      How Pulitzer Prize Winning Photographer Doug Mills Got the Shot.

      All the camera data is there, Mills speaks on how he got the shot

      And voila. His middle shot after the bullet shot is a shot of Trump looking at his right hand reflexively and shows blood on his right hand.

      Your theory is dead and it is documented.

      • OG July 21, 2024 at 10:40 pm #

        FYI – Here is the yt video that JAZ is pointing out:


        • OG July 21, 2024 at 10:52 pm #

          Pause it at 1:43. I’m with BB – this bullet’s path is way too low to have clipped Trump’s upper right ear.

          Pause it at 4:42. There is JAZ’s “proof.”

          I am now doubling back to other footage to confirm (JAZ is right) or deny (Doug Mill’s picture was Photoshopped).

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 11:11 pm #

            I don’t know. After a few tries, I was able to pause this:


            where we can see Trump’s inner upper finger-tips exposed (one of the 30 frames at the 0:10 mark).

            Although this does not have as good of resolution, it appears that there is no blood. [I think that we can all agree that there is not “gobs of blood.”]

            If his finger-tips have no blood on the video but “blood” on the Doug-Mills still … then .. ?


            ” … Photoshopped … ?”


            Look at Trump’s arm in the Doug Mills’ shot showing “blood” [4:42]. It does not look at the same angle as the video.

            I believe that they’ve clipped his arm from a post SS huddle shot and plunked it onto that brilliant blue sky and over his bloodless hand/arm.

            I ain’t buying that the New York Times just gave us truth. Are you?

            I mean, it’s so unlike them, right?

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 11:17 pm #

            And while they do say that Mills was shooting with 1/8,000 second shutter speed, they don’t say why, on God’s green earth, he went to such a bizarre setting.

            Just lucky, I guess.

            “kite, hit, steel, plane, must”

          • OG July 21, 2024 at 11:51 pm #

            Doug Mills claims that he was photogging the ginormous USA flag over Trump’s head when the shots rang out.

            From a quick Google [shutter speed for a flag]:

            Generally speaking, anything faster than 1/100th of a second will freeze most motion. Movement such as people walking or a flag waving can be captured just fine at 1/100th of a second, however, a bird’s wings or a car driving by may require a shutter speed of 1/1000th a second or faster to fully freeze the movement.

            But this Weisenheimer (with a pair of Pulitzers in his back pocket, no less!) cranks his shutter speed to 80x faster than is practical and catches a speeding bullet!

            Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.

            I’ll bet that they give him his 3rd Pulitzer for being such a swell Deep Stater.

          • JohnAZ July 21, 2024 at 11:59 pm #


            You have to photoshop everything to try to make your point?

            I do not believe your ego, multiple pictures with blood on the hand that you support you POV on.

            You might consider that alll the analysts that have been working this since last Saturday have produced corresponding data saying the man was hit in the ear, bled out has blood on his hand, blood on a towel, dripping blood on his face, face wiped off, hand wiped of, blood on right hand on Anna’s photo of Trump down.

            Give up OG, you are vastly outnumbered. Your made up conjecture cannot stand up to the truth.

            And you know what, it makes no difference anyway, what you think, what I observe, this will be covered up with the full force of the Deep State and we will never know for sure.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 12:16 am #

            I see. Just like elmo. Ignore my valid questions and, instead, simply ad hom me.

            Standard m.o.

            Right. The Deep State would never use Photoshop to support their black op. How silly of me. I mean, sure they’re bad starting wars on lies and all … but Photoshop?

            Give up OG, you are vastly outnumbered.

            It is a badge of honour to be outnumbered, JAZ. Most people will go to Hell.

          • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:41 am #

            A good term for your MO,

            Grasping at straws.

          • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:42 am #

            And you have no valid questions left.

  98. SoftStarLight July 22, 2024 at 12:36 am #

    It’s odd that Biden announces he is dropping out of the race on X. No video, no address to the country, no nothing. The letter the account posted is not on any sort of official letterhead and the signature is a digital signature with no presidential seal. Where is Biden. Is he alive? Was he ever real in the first place? The political conversation domestically is already abysmal but what do other countries think? At his rally this weekend Trump said that Xi doesn’t think Biden was ever the real President. Trump insinuated that Xi thinks the whole Biden presidency was a head fake to confuse the Chinese. The fact that Obama, Pelosi and Schumer have not endorsed Kamala seems to indicate a fracture. Where is Kamala’s address to the country with her announcement?

    • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 1:08 am #

      They are hoping that they can level the mountain of incriminating evidence, so why complicate the task by adding to the pile?

  99. SoftStarLight July 22, 2024 at 12:54 am #

    What links the assassination attempt, the CrowdStrike outage, and “Joe Biden’s” “announcement” that he is stepping down as DNC nominee?

    2+1 = 3

    • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:01 am #

      I do like your police work, SSL! Keep it up.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:20 am #

        Interestingly, CrowdStrike’s logo looks like “Trump’s” “blood” trails on his face.


        • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:35 am #

          Well, OG, think what might happen if someone actually tried to sabotage Crowdstrike. Why do we have entire dependencies in the Internet to one company? A recipe for disaster?

        • SoftStarLight July 22, 2024 at 2:56 am #

          Thanks Og! And remember, CrowdStrike was the firm that found that Russia hacked or “hacked” into the DNC servers during the 2016 Clinton campaign.

  100. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 12:57 am #

    Another item

    Michael Waltz (R-Fla) has shed light on the assassination attempt.

    Three encrypted accounts overseas are linked to the shooter and raised concerns about a potential “Iranian plot” to assassinate Trump. He had also been researching a member of the royal family in the days leading up to the incident.

    My note: Iran has “put a contract out” on Trump after Suleimani.

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    • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:03 am #

      Iran recruited a 20 year-old PA loner to pull off a foreign assassination?

      Well … that’s a relief! I was afraid that Iran was a worthy adversary.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:05 am #

        Wait! What? So … in this conspiracy theory, is the SS incompetent or “in on it”?

        • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:29 am #

          Answering this question, I do not have a clue, just reporting data that is showing up. keep reading there is more, hopefully someone is following all this up.

          Conclusion IMHO, Trump has a bullseye painted on him from multiple sources.

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:32 am #

        Don.t be too sarcastic here, remember when ISIS got indoctrinated kids to go over to join them from the USA and England? Yes, I believe just about anyone on the Left globally or in the ME would off Trump if given the chance.

        • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:38 am #

          They have way, way too much to lose.

          In history, wars have been fought over less than what we are witnessing.

  101. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:19 am #

    Ho boy Two more

    Hawley has reported that because Jill Biden had an event the same day, real SS agents were sent to her and Mayorkas sent Homeland Security office workers to Trump’s event dressed up as SS agents.

    IMHO, that could explain a lot.

    Conservative Zone article

    China, Brookings Institute, Pfizer and Raytheon all linked to Trump Assassination Attempt

    It says that the AGR building he shot from was bought by Clayton, Dublier and Rice. CD&R

    The founder is Joseph Rice III member of the Bookings Institute, the Institute has helped the Left wage war against trump in the courtroom. Is CD&R a front for the Deep State? More incriminating stuff follows in the article.

    “So by now we’ve established that the CCP, Brookings Institute, Pfizer and Raytheon all have fingerprints on the building. As if that isn’t enough of a concern, the Chairman of CD&R is Roberto Quartz, a member of the WEF.

    Conclusion: “Basically everybody involved with the ownership of this building is an anti-Trump, anti-American POS in one way or another and despite what the main stream media will tell you – that is no coincidence.

    “This assassination attempt was thoroughly planned by the Deep State to get rid of the “Trump problem” once and for all. They never expected him to survive.”

    • CouchPotatriot July 22, 2024 at 4:40 pm #

      “This assassination attempt was thoroughly planned by the Deep State to get rid of the “Trump problem” once and for all. They never expected him to survive.” – JAZ

      “They have way, way too much to lose.” – JAZ

      JAZ, not intending to sleight you in the least, but the two ideas quoted above raise a couple basic questions in my mind.

      Considering all the BIG money entities you name in your preferred conspiracy narrative – and all their untold resources coupled with the obvious desperation of “Joe Biden” – do you mean to convince me that the best they could do was “thoroughly” collude with a few corrupt authorities to merely open up some rooftop space for a frumpy 20-year old to get off a few shots at Trump?

      Sure, the instant death of the useful patsy serves to make the successful assassination of Trump an open-and-shut-case, therefore instantly defusing further public debate.

      But why would TPTB even be concerned with not having an instant explanation for and closure to Trump’s elimination in the first place? Especially with so much on the line?

      Yevgeny Prigozhin’s plane suddenly fucking crashed and all his top bulls died along with him – the corpo-western-media didn’t hardly bother with silly rabbit hole tales, because his treasonous threat was obvious, and therefore *why* that rebellious Russian Powerhouse and his mercenary flunkies died is no goddamn mystery.

      Prigozhin’s team stood a good chance at upsetting the balance of current regime power, and he had to go, no matter how useful he once was.

      Putin forgave him publicly, then put him to sleep in the most thorough, gangster way imaginable. Instantly forgotten.

      That said, why would American Oligarchs care about the Official Story behind *Existential Threat* Trump’s assassination if his certain death was guaranteed regardless?

      Trump dead – problem solved, right? According to your narrative’s logic anyhow.

      I simply don’t believe Trump is the White Horse figure you wish him to be. I believe he’s a *Willing Patsy*, which is different than a *Useful Patsy*. Trump is willing to Two-Face his image, and that’s why he isn’t dead, yet.

      “Kill the motherfucker, period! Let the sheep ponder and speculate ’bout who dunnit? for time immemorial”, say I.

      Were I a significantly threatened Deep Stater – All that matters is that the supposed threat is gone.

      I mean, when there is supposedly so much on the line for the *singularly comprised Deep State* (as JAZ seems to perceive this group of people) – why would they not come up with a fool proof means for accomplishing Trump’s death?

      Ergo, a campaign bus explosion, an aircraft malfunction/crash, Big Mac poisoning, middle of the night pillow smothering after a night with Stormy, etc.

      Why not pay Jason Bourne himself an exorbitant amount of money to take out Orange Man to secure his freedom from the system once and for all? If I were Jason, I’d shoot Trump in a heartbeat and silently scream fuck the world as I squeezed the trigger, the ghosted to a deserted island somewhere.

  102. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:26 am #

    Remember the shorting of the Trump Stock prior to the assassination.

    Guess who owns the Austen firm that made the short?

    Black Rock and George Soros” Vanguard.

    • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 2:56 am #

      Sure looks like the opposition needs to amp up the “noise” to bury all this information John.

      Taking into account the information you just posted, have a look at the image at the 8:22 minute mark in the video on the site Jarek posted.


      “Who’s on First?”

    • SoftStarLight July 22, 2024 at 3:06 am #

      Only the Israelis could unlock the kid’s phone. Is it just me or is that really weird?


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