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Attention Movie Producers!
JHK’s screenplay in hard-copy edition

Click to order!

A Too-Big-To-Fail Bankster…
Three Teenagers who bring him down…
Gothic doings on a Connecticut Estate.
High velocity drama!

Now Live on Amazon

“Simply the best novel of the 1960s”

Now in Paperback !
Only Seven Bucks!
JHK’s Three-Act Play
A log mansion in the Adirondack Mountains…
A big family on the run…
A nation in peril…

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The fourth and final book of the World Made By Hand series.


Battenkill Books (autographed by the Author) |  Northshire Books Amazon

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JHK’s lost classic now reprinted as an e-book
Kindle edition only


What’s Up

James Howard Kunstler’s Clusterfuck Nation blog is updated Mondays and Fridays. The KunstlerCast is a monthly podcast. Look for new Eyesore of the Month entries early in the month.

Clusterfuck Nation – Blog > Saving Our Democracy

“Being insane is the new normal.” — Aimee Terese on “X”

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July 26, 2024 9:33 am

Podcast > KunstlerCast 406 — Reinventing Dmitry Orlov in Russia

July 15, 2024 3:56 pm

Coffee and a Mike” with James Howard Kunstler | THERMIDORIAN REACTION

June 19, 2024

James Howard Kunstler is a writer, blogger of “ClusterFuck Nation”and host of the podcast “Kunstler Cast.” On the podcast we talk the healthcare system collapsing, the shift away from cities, dangerous game NATO is playing with Russia, Trump/Biden debate and much more. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE LIKE AND SHARE THIS PODCAST!!!

My Garden > Garden 2020

February 23, 2021 6:35 pm

My Town > A Winter Tour of the Hidden Corners of a Little Town in Upstate NY

May 15, 2013 2:47 pm