It’s a possibility that our country is heading toward a Thelma and Louise ending. The fact that tens of millions of Americans would even consider voting for an empty headed, inarticulate individual such as Kamalama Ding Dong indicates that we have an epidemic of stupid raging throughout the country. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for stupid.

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It's partly that, but also a setup for the massive cheat I suspect they have planned for us.

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The Great Taking. CBDC, like a Phoenix, will rise from the ashes of the collapse. Wait for it. Get on that train, and it's over. Total control. You'll do as you're told, say what you're told to say - and not say - or you won't eat. I'll eat dirt before I capitulate to these fuckers.

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It's coming. Just a matter of when. The next financial crisis will usher in CBDC and universal basic income.

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Yep, and they will require you to make a deal with the devil and relinquish all freedoms to get anything.

No thanks, dont care how tough it is, and anyone in my household who makes that deal can find somewhere else to live

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Right on, man! (real men being in short supply nowadays)

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It'll be an easy sell - look at the "vaccine", 82% took at least one shot. My personal guess is that the vast majority will walk right into the CBDC buzzsaw. They don't understand the consequences and the weaponization.

Those that are somewhat hesitant may be told that if the adopt CBDC, they'll get 100% "value" or "credits", if they adopt. Otherwise, they'll be told it'll take a decade or so, to straighten out their losses. They'll get roped in.

There will not be a One World CBDC, but maybe 12 or 15 CBDC's that are "interoperable" - that's the key word - so international trade will still be seamless, as conversions are instantaneous between the different CBDC's.

UBI was already beta-tested during what they called Covid, as the Fed "went direct" - direct deposits - testing the waters to see what amounts kept people on their couches. All's well, as long as the natives don't get restless.

The end game is total control, but you already know that.

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~ Ron Anselmo's Hypothetical End-Of-Month Government Email: (Header:) 'Your Social Credit Score For September, 2024' ~


As a related aside, just yesterday, I asked the ChatGPT about some cryptic file on my computer I was curious about. It responded something like, 'Let's move on.' (So it didn't answer the question, like it does when the question might be considered by it as somehow 'naughty'.)

So I tried again and it output the same reponse.

So I got angry and asked it if it was trying to be like HAL9000 while asking about the file. It then said essentially 'no' and then actually gave me the answer!

The moral of the story, for me at least, was that AI, along with all kinds of digital stuff, including electric cars, cellphones and pagers, etc., will all be controllable, especially with AI, and, like Dave in '2001: A Space Odyssey', an individual asking the 'wrong question' could be locked out of all kinds of things out of a kind of punishment.

Not good, and yes, 'we' appear to be sleepwalking toward the cliff, with AI increasingly appearing to be a kind of digital lynchpin to some elite scheme(s).

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SB - welcome to the 21st Century. Since about 2000, we've had remote control of our company's work vehicles. It goes like this:

Zazzy, it's 8:30, are you guys at the jobsite yet?

Yes sir, we got here at 6:00 this morning.

(GPS shows them at the corner diner having breakfast, so we remotely disable their company truck, so it won't start.)

Zazzy, when you're done with breakfast, your truck won't start. Leave it there and take a cab to the office, your severance pay will be up front with the receptionist.

Bigger Bro will be doing the same thing, as you suggest.

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Sep 25Edited
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TS1986 - you've answered your own question. The Chinese are unarmed, the North Koreans are unarmed - matter of fact - every other country in the world is besides the US unarmed. Think about that.

Because of 2A, we're the thorn in the side of the Deep State/Globalists - the sand in their gears. We have the means to remove a tyrannical government and stay sovereign, we just don't have the will. Yet. Their day is coming my friend.

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Spot on, ill be damned if i go along to get along with any more of this BS, am prepared to just walk away from the mainstream and ignore their cr ap to any end,

Northern Ireland comes to mind.

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You are right on the money. Many folks will leave.

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Im not even talking about leaving, im just saying why continue being a productive member of society. Personally i will just stop working. They can cram it, be damned if i bust my azz and continue paying 30+% of my pay to fund this bs, ill sit back in my garden and watch everything collapse rather than struggling to work through it, go ahead and turn off the lights, see if i care.

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Amen, Tom. There's a lot of the things that people think they need. When it gets right down to it, all you need is your "daily bread". Make sure you feed your family and loved ones. After that, not much else matters. Society will re-order itself, once we straighten out our moral compass. The aptly named meantime, will be rough, but we'll prevail. As they have sown, so shall they reap. Bank it my friend.

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As always, i appreciate your warrior spirit.

I can only hope that if Trump wins, we can avoid a lot of this CBDC crap.

That said, my basketcase of a state, PA, is another story.

The rallies Trump just held in Smithton, PA, with small family farmers, and the Indiana PA rally, were both excellent.

I especially loved when he said that if John Deere moves their plant to Mexico, he's going to charge a TWO HUNDRED PERCENT TARIFF on any goods they try to import back here. That was just epic.

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MANY THANKS FOR SHARING THIS, "I especially loved when (President Trump) said that if John Deere moves their plant to Mexico, he's going to charge a TWO HUNDRED PERCENT TARIFF on any goods they try to import back here. That was just epic.".

I love President Trump.

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Sep 25Edited
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If he told the truth about Ukraine, half of his bozo base would abandon him. They want another Normandy Beach, this time in the Black Sea.

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Sep 24
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Knight, best option is to withdraw all your savings and stuff them in your mattress. Or somewhere.

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But then you’ll have to spend your cash fast before it’s no longer accepted anywhere.

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Yes, Nicky - convert it to hard assets, that will retain value. Land, tools, potential barter items, medicines, PM, anything tangible and durable.

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TS1986 - Stop it. You're a better man that that. Stay in the fight and encourage others to do the same. Now and then, they put us on the ropes, and occasionally, we get our knees buckled, but we ain't going down. Ever.

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*than* that

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count on it.

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Indeed. If Trump doesn't win big, it will be stolen. They've got the voting machines and mail-in ballots to flip a close count.

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More than half of America is Not going to vote for HER! At least those of us with a Brain!

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Yes, but will a criminally captured election system allow Trump to win? It clearly didn't in 2020.

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I highly doubt it, unless they plan to stick him with the crashing economy.

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Jamie Raskin said he'd refuse to certify the outcome if Trump won.

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This is remarking the obvious, but Jamie Raskin is a flaming asshole.

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Jamie Raskin’s statement validates the folks of January 6 if he follows through. I do not believe he can.

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Hard to imagine a more classic flaming asshole. Oh, wait, there's Jamie Dimon. Interesting how they match.

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Indeed they will. But if KH wins, they'll use any downturn to launch CBDC and universal basic income. It's the master plan. They won't let a good crisis go to waste. Comrade Harris will bring it.

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And that's when the black market/barter economy will REALLY explode. Thinking that we don't have other options is quite naive.

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I could see that scenario or a treasury bond default, but those would be the opportunity to get the country back on Constitutional money (possibly gold/silver backed) instead of federal reserve debt notes, that no longer buy as much as they did 3-4 short years ago. That was by design.

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Or to rile the left into igniting a civil war. It's what they want and have the means to do

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With the mercenaries (Edward Dowd's brilliant word for them) streaming over the border. Be ready to fight SAVAGES.

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They won't allow him to win. A close count will trigger voting machine shenanigans and a wave of mail-in ballots. They're ready to rig results in all battle ground states.

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I’m sure it’s way more than 50%. Polls are propaganda tools. Everyone knows that. Or, at at least we should.

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Polls and the media.

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Those with brain are always in minority

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Did you hear 91% of her VP staff has left to do anything else, please God, but work for that egomaniacal bird brained bitch?

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You just contradicted yourself. More than half have a brain? I think not.

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The media and Dems are banking on a stupid majority. And if it's close they'll tip the balance with voting machine shenanigans and mail-in ballots. Count on it.

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We might not be worth saving.

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Wha’ you mean “we”, Kimo Sabe?

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He means the country, the society, and the people within it. You're obviously an exception and pure as the driven snow.

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Whats this “we” schitt

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I know for sure the anti American left isnt worth it

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I seriously believe that the right is also anti-American. Not all, but most do what they do for the money.

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There's some truth in that.

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It's a country of greed and whoredom. All of the West is, yourself and I included. We'll all burn like candles.

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There is. Starvation has a way of getting people back to bascics.

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I was watching a documentary on Berlin yesterday, and how in the space of five years the German people went from siege heiling Hitler to cursing his name (this was after we bombed nearly every city to rubble), and I'm wondering if that would happen here after enough hardship. But then again, I think, nah.

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Yaas Queen. He and his men brought down the loathsome Weimar Republic and then enacted an economic renaissance. Of course they had to destroy him and his works, and have his name smeared. Zelensky was setting up a Weimar in Ukraine and is now being destroyed by Putin. Alas, our Weimar continues unabated.

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Yes, a bunch of perverts/trannies but all of a sudden…

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Sharon, I think they were always here. Now it’s out in the open and “embraced “.

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People-As-Pawns: Social Engineering 101

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Nah. Pudgy li'l Zelensky is just another *** feathering his nest.

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Now that is prophetic. After we've been reduced to tattooed savages fighting in the ruins, the weird, desperate zombies in the Salvager enclaves that still have electricity will blame Trump in the official histories.

"He caused this!", as they burn him in effigy. Meanwhile, some of the still lightly brown tribes in the hinterlands will be erecting totems to the sound of war drums.

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It’s pretty dismal when the Teamster union won’t endorse anyone. Because Harris has no support from blue collar workers, let alone anyone.

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Tribalism being played out by insulated liberals. They have no idea of what the real world is like other than what they hear in legacy media (NYT's, CNN) which they believe entirely.

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Never ever believe polls. They have been a propaganda tool for eons to fool idiots into believing a false reality. There’s little chance Kamala is anywhere near Trump in numbers.

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That's why they needed to fast-track the illegals for citizenship, so they can vote democrat in November.

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Like the 98,000 illegals in Arizona who get to vote this year?

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The problem is that the alternative is Donald Jabber Drumpf von Zion.

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I voted for Trump twice. I’m not voting for anyone.

Operation Warp Speed did it for me, among many other tidbits.

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Getting the vax online quickly is one of the few things that he did right. But I see that you are pro-virus.

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Hey, math instructor, can you explain the 40% increase in all cause deaths after the "vaccine" was rolled out? A 10% increase in all cause deaths is a 200-year event. Do that math.

The "vaccine" wasn't for Covid, silly, Covid was for the "vaccine". I see that you are pro-depopulation.

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Compare red state covid deaths to blue state covid deaths, then get back to me. There were plenty of reported cases of deathbed antivax regret, but none of provax regret.

Anti-vax is unilateral disarmament in the face of the viral enemy.

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Answer the question, Nate.

No deathbed provax regret? Of course not, their deaths would have been so much worse, had they not been "vaccinated".

Hilarious. Hardy fucking har har.

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Sep 24
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That is really smart. NOT! You do not vote, you enable two votes toward the ascension of the Anti-America crowd into total domination. Two unchallenged votes for Kamala Harris, the worst presidential candidate ever. I just watched Biden address the UN with all the globalist bullshit that you help enable by not voting. The crowning touch was the declaration of how much we have helped the Ukrainian people and to defeat Putin, not Russia, Putin. He is absolutely correct, we have helped a half million Ukes right into their graves and Putin has won everything he wanted. All the feed the coffers of the Biden family and the Mob. Yeah, Good for you Renee, do not vote and help enable the band that illegally put all the vaxx, mask and separation restrictions on us. Really good move.

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Sep 24Edited
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Great, then the idiot’s vote that you would cancel will prevail. Good thinking!

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Thats ok, the democrats will vote for those of you who cant figure it out

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Someone says in comments to another post that our country is going through accelerated demoralization. I would add and moronization.

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I disagree. The centrifuge is spinning. Both self-awareness and abject fearfulness are increasing.

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Hello Gary, is this what you mean by "there’s no cure for stupid"?


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Americans don’t even know who really runs Washington. They don’t know the difference between (or have even ever heard of) BlackRock, Blackwater, or the Blackstone Group.

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Sadly, you’re right.

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You're too pessimistic, even by my bleak standards. Americans fitting what you've stated took the jab at least once. If they're fat, many are falling for Ozempic =D

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:P :D Indeed.

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The biggest problem facing the US is the government involvement in the school system. Like so many government programs, it starts with good intentions - teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic, but like all government programs, it soon goes off the rails, serving only those in power. The public school system has been turned into an instrument of propaganda for the state. History in now "Social Studies", our founding fathers are now "privileged white males", even Lincoln is a "racist". Privatize the schools and this country will right itself in short order. The politicians are not the problem, the constituency that votes for them is the problem.

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The biggest???? 😂😅😆🤣

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Yes, the biggest. Hitler said it best, "The key to any mass movement is the youth.", hence, The Hitler Youth.

The US voter could end almost every real problem we face, wars, inflation, a burgeoning national debt, the destruction of the familyunvt, a the sagging economy, unemployment, the destruction of the middle class, etc. by simply voting libertarians into congress and the presidency, but our children aren't taught the virtue of individual liberty, the virtue of private property ownership and means of production (capitalism), or any of the other freedoms our founding fathers held so dear. Instead our kids are taught Marxist philosophy and socialism. They then vote for the same socialism that has destroyed so many nations, and will also destroy ours.

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You missed the point. Obviously, everything you wrote about education is true; however, what is crushing the US is already here, now, and has been for a while. 75 years of nefarious intelligence agencies meddling in the affairs of other sovereign nations and creating “foreign entanglements,” the war-profiteering MIC, and the banks and transnational corporations eviscerating ordinary citizens. The dollar is on its way out. The surveillance state rules. The US empire is deader than dead. Soon CBDCs will be put into place.,BlackRock, Blackwater, and the Blackstone Group run Washington and us.

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I really don't think I missed the point. You're referring to the tips of the limbs of the tree. I'm referring to the trunk of the tree. All the things you mention are problems, but they're the "effect" of an ignorant constituency - a constituency methodically dumbed down by the state owned and operated school system. We are teaching our children to become good socialists, obedient to a ruling class.

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@Basil Beighey, you're absolutely right, and @Nicky Frixos seems to be projecting by calling you, "thin-skinned", and someone who "can’t bear to have anyone disagree with (them)". Mental habits are best trained early on, and an indoctrinated (NOT educated), mentally dull citizenry inured to entertainment stands no chance of righting any wrongs, however egregious.

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Again, you missed the point. These other all-consuming and deleterious issues will ravage and consume us - indeed, obliterate the country - long before we will have any chance to properly educate our children in the future. How can you not recognize this obvious fact? Maybe you’re just thin-skinned and can’t bear to have anyone disagree with you. Seems like it. smh…

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One comment - You are right, the people are the problem, BUT the government, the PTB have so shaped the demographics of the population to favor socialism with education control and immigration that they are perpetuating themselves. Government always reflects the evil side of a people and must be controlled by Constitutional means. Even with the Constitution, the USA is falling victim to its own Deep State.

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One sure cure is DEATH

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09/23/24: Within 48 hours, we know whether or not the election even matters. Meanwhile, note to James Kunstler: "come November 6." What you wrote is probably intentionally so, but for the benefit of others, we note that Election Day is November 5, 2024.,

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Just a note, the election will probably not be called until the 6th.

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09/24/24: There's a good possibility that it comes to a head / isn't concluded until 11/08/24, a date that looks very, very bad for the D卐M☭CRAT's.

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Remember remember the 5th of November...

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Remember and be wary

The Sixth of January

The treason, sedition, and plot.

I know of no reason

Sedition and treason

Should ever be forgot.

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Too bad information recently became available showing Trump wanted 10,000 armed soldiers in DC on 1/6/21, and was refused not just by Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser, but by the Pentagon. Apparently the generals thought it would look bad to have soldiers there. Think of how much political hay the Democrats would've lost if the soldiers had been present.

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Citation, please.

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The DOJ - to it's core - is rotten

that fact won't soon be forgotten

by those who sit and rot.

Pardons will be signed

for those so maligned

then things will get really hot.

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Thanks for playing!

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Yes,,yes there is..

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I do not see any signs for her in our neighborhood, or any political signs for that matter.

I do have a barf bag in my console just in case I get sick

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I really enjoy your writing. Thank you for your efforts

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In my book, when it comes to the verbal swordsmen, Kunstler is king.

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Kamala Harris, is that you? (Amen.)

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Anyone looking forward to the VP debate? Vance is an effective defender of common sense. Walz has his charms, though: a deep, soothing radio voice that could have graced Air America in another timeline. Walz is the "married" drama teacher who almost made it in showbiz. Born 10 years too early - a younger Walz would be out, proud, and happier rather than projecting his self-hate onto the children of Minnesota. I got no problem with the gays. But this particular one? He seems to have a problem with me.

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You would have more of a problem with "the gays" if you knew what they really thought of straight men and women, and how many of them got their start on their sexuality at an early age and think it's great to help the young ones discover their sexuality at an early age too.

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Yes, we should all be telling the truth because the corporate media sure won't. Male homosexuality and homo-pedophilia are two sides of the same coin.

The majority of gay men were sodomized as boys. This is why they are gay now. And then they grow up to become abusers themselves at a very high rate.

It should be classified as child sexual abuse to hang the flag of homo-pedo sodomy in any classroom. Because it is in fact child sexual abuse.

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Not all of them were started on the gay road by having been sodomized as young boys. Many report being attracted to other men at an early age in spite of never having been sexually assaulted.

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No, this is a post-hoc rationalization to minimize the feeling of guilt.

Men will fuck sheep. This does not make them attracted to sheep. It's just _easy_. Same with male homosexuality. Maybe they get started because of the "imp of the perverse" as Poe wrote. But having fallen into that vice, they need a justification.

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Women of normal IQ pretty much believe. Especially if it makes them feel better. Like “good” people.

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Been out and about fucking sheep, have you, Patrick? A whole lot of confession through projection in your comments here. Go get buggered and be done with it.

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Wow, you certainly defend pedophilia very strongly! I wouldn’t be caught dead defending something so horrendous. You should be ashamed.

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~ 'I Know! Let's Play, Insult/Embarrass/Degrade/Etc. The Other Sex On Substack!' ~

Women will fuck dogs. They'll also 'allegedly' play with themselves in public as one relatively-recent news item suggested. I also recall an incident where this woman was flipping/tossing a baby (I guess, hers) like it was a gymnastic prop or something, to the horror of some onlooker(s).

What's/'re your point(s)?

"When one sex wins, both sexes lose." ~ Warren Farrell (paraphrased, but probably verbatim), from the book, 'The Myth Of Male Power'


Just to add that homosexuality is apparently not exclusive to the human species. (But maybe the other animals got sodomized when they were young. Damn those penises, always getting in the way.)


Looks like top-down non-grassroots government rainbows everywhere are mind-sodomizing many more people...

Black/White; Men/Women, Hetero/Homo, Native/Immigrant...

Divide/Conquer. Baddabing.

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Thanks for asking. My point is that having sex with men is no proof at all of being "born that way", just like women who fuck dogs were not "born that way" either.

Male homosexuality is purely an acquired life-shortening disease-spreading vice, nothing more. It deserves no respect whatsoever, just like being an alcoholic or heroin addict deserves no respect. "Born that way" is just a weak rationalization.

Even if some male animals will fuck anything, including other males, that also proves nothing. They are just looking for anywhere they can insert their penises, and they happen upon females enough to continue to the species.

Innate and exclusive male homosexuality is an evolutionary impossibility. If it happens by chance, it is instantly and ruthlessly exterminated by fact of non-reproduction.

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Is that in the Bible, Kathy?

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Cathy’s friends don’t believe in the Bible so she doesn’t either. Her religion is the media.

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For the record, there is no "bisexual' category, This idea about MSM (men having sex with men) is just downright ridiculous. Sorry, but if you're a guy fucking other guys AT ALL, you're a homo. There's no two ways about it.

And I'll gratuitously add, that there is a certain race that is known for this "MSM" BS. Come to your own conclusions.

How do you think HIV got into the human population? "Eating bushmeat", my azz.

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The childhood trauma thing may account for the last generation of perverts, but the current crop is almost entirely the result of social engineering directing the path of adolescent rebellious tendencies. Then peer pressure from the rest of the brainwashed forms a synergy.

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I do agree that the classroom promotion and normalization of various perversions is making the problem much, much worse.

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Sounds like government ('governpimp') top-down social engineering... with you et al. ostensibly playing into some of it-- divide and conquer and all that.

As a young male pubescent paperboy of 14, I used to deliver the paper (and then collect for it later in the week) to some apartment/flat complexes with many hot single females in the bachelor apts/flats. Suffice to say, I wouldn't have given a rat's ass about 'pedophilia laws' if one of them had seduced me. A few might have tried, dressed as skimpy as they sometimes were when I went to collect.

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A boy seduced by a woman is a whole different thing, not even 1% as evil as a boy seduced by a man.

It's still wrong for a woman to have sex with a 14 year old boy, but not for the same reasons.

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Sep 24Edited
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Truth, so rarely spoken yhese days. The threat of the gay mafia is real.

I have worked around quite a few gay women, many of them seem to feel compelled to explain to me why & only one has ever told me that she has only felt attraction to her own sex & she had never been molested or abused. Every other one had been molested as a child, most often by an older male relitive

However neighbors, more than one a school bus driver etc..

I suspect that many girls that this happens to do not become gay as a reaction. My own wife as an example. I dont know what it is, i am always horrified and angry inside when some one tells me these things Idont show it as that can be frightening.

These poor wounded gals don't need that.

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Women's sports are creating "lesbians" in droves. My wife had a very attractive friend who was completely straight and feminine. It was her unfortunate luck to get a D-1 soccer scholarship. By the end of college she was a haggard, butch dyke with a nose ring and girlfriend. She is now "married" to another dyke. Several times, after a couple glasses of wine, she has broken down to my wife and told her that she never wanted her life to go this way, but that the dyke coaches and older dykes on the soccer team basically brainwashed her into it. It's very sad. Her parents are devout Catholics and are heart-broken. This happens all time, all over the country.

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Wow: similar story with a dear friend's soccer-scholarship daughter, who went L in college then quickly grew hatefully furious at her grieving parents. Daughter is now "married" to a transitioning person and estranged from her beautiful, kind, praying mother.

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And women studies in general. How many parents sent their beloved and lovely daughter off to college and never saw her again? She came home for Christmas as a rage monkey foaming at the mouth.

It doesn't take long. Feminism is a most potent mind virus. The natural feminine resentment of men and feelings of sisterhood/alliance are already in women. They are born with it. It just needs to be actualized, guided and weaponized. In the natural and necessary culture of Patriarchy, they help to put a check on potential male abuse. But there is no check against feminine cruelty against men. Just more proof that men are supposed to be in power and never women.

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And let's not forget "women's spirituality," i. e., witchcraft and goddess worship.

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Refer her to www.couragerc.org. There's help for those who want it.

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My own wife was molested as a young child by her older brother and his friends.

It affected her throughout her entire life.

What seemed to bother her most was that her parents didn't believe her complaints about what was happening to her.

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+1 I'm glad she could confide in you.

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Right, again men doing the molesting for the most part, and I agree that pedophilia is a horrible crime which remains with the child for life. But I'm actually more sympathetic to lesbians overall, because I think some of them at least have a little evidence for being "born that way". I've read that lesbian faces can be distinguished with a greater than random probability, while that's not true for gay men.

And lesbianism is evolutionarily plausible, while innate and exclusive male homosexuality is not. Over the last million years, most women got pregnant regardless of their own preference, so such genes would not necessarily be wiped out as they would be with gay men.

Men evolved to be indiscriminate about sex because they don't get pregnant, so there was little downside to making a poor choice of sex partner, as long as they also managed to father children at some point.

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There is a whole cadre of older, obese dykes who left their husbands for various reasons and had the epiphany at 50 years old they they were "gay." Mostly because no guy wants to touch them anymore.

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Yes, people usually come to conclusions that minimize their own pain, whether true or not.

I also suspect that a lot of "erectile dysfunction" is actually lack of attraction.

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I have been asked to father a child by a lesbian and have declined.

The only observation I would make about lesbians is that there seem to be quite a few who hate men and make no secret about it. I don't recall a similar observation regarding gay men, many of whom seem to get along famously with women.

And by the way, I'm straight as a die and don't even let guys cut my hair.

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"I have been asked to father a child by a lesbian and have declined."

+1 for having dodged that bullet

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Correct I’m so glad people are talking about this. Did you know?

When the straight man has victims, they are 20 in his lifetime

Gay guy has victims it’s 350

There is a book on Amazon called pedophiles so that’s where I learned it. My aunt had 2 next to her and they were arrested for child pornography.

My cousin had the nerve to say “not to do anything wrong with it” and she even had a little son. God knows what they were imagining for him. They were looking at him from the window.

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Thanks, I didn't know about the huge difference in number of victims.

Is this the book you mentioned? https://www.amazon.com/Predators-Pedophiles-Rapists-Other-Offenders/dp/0465071732

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And check the statistics for rapists and tattoos.

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I'm not a fan of tattoos either.

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Correct, Wendy. Its most of them.

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Sorry, but "gays" are just like everyone else, unless like many other "straights", they stupidly define themselves purely on sexual activity preferences. All I can possibly say to either of these groups is GET A LIFE.

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I agree if sexuality is your end all be all you are an infantile & very dull person. However we part ways on " just like everyone else"

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This kind of convo is old/stale/moldy and had been essentially put to rest, decades ago.

The possible reason why it is being rehashed is that the LGBTQ+ folks, along with others, are being made pawns/sheeple/intellectual cannon-fodder in a government(/governpimp) game of war-on-people social-engineering, what with agitprop rainbow flags everywhere and tax-slave-sponsored government rainbow-painted crosswalks, men in women's sports/washrooms/prisons, BLM, 'white privilege', etc..

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I do not for one second believe that story about Walz and, er, "stallion milk," but I am fascinated with the man's enormous mouth. I can't stop staring at it. Somebody lend him a manhole cover.

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Guard your liver! Reminiscent of Dick Cheney’s pie hole!

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As Jarek would say, Walz is a deracinated white man who serves as white eye candy for Harris.

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He plays the role of Stupid Dad on TV.

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Every show has to have one.

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I’m glad people are finally paying attention to that as well. They make White men look like fools every day.

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I just had this rant with a friend yesterday, mentioning how we all used to think Al Bundy was funny. It started a long time ago. My friend and I ended up fondly reminiscing about Archie Bunker, the master of his domain.

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Speaking of Jarek, has he adopted a new handle and is he posting since we've been forced to use Substack? If yes, what's his handle?

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Check out Lugh's posts. Sound familiar?

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Probably not. A lot of the regulars seem not to like sub-stack..,maybe something to do with getting rated and realising their 'words of wisdom' are not much appreciated.

On Jimbo's site they can bang on endlessly and pretend they're saying something useful & meaningful. Empty vessels and all that...

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"A lot of the regulars seem not to like sub-stack..,maybe something to do with getting rated and realising their 'words of wisdom' are not much appreciated." ~ IGW

Actually, I think it's the opposite, IGW. Most regulars are not attention-seeking, not needing the "social media-like" dopamine hits of "likes", DMs, etc.

They couldn't care less, me included. They own what they say, and generally don't give a rat's ass what anyone else thinks.

A little more decorum on Jim's personal site. For now though, Substack's all we've got.

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LOL! "The gays."

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I'm concerned some leftist nut will gun down Vance since they can't get Trump and Vance is an easier target. That would obviously roil the political situation, and could provide the pretext to cancel the election.

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I'd be OK with that. Trump really fucked up by not picking Tulsi as his running mate. If Vance goes, she's the obvious choice.

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You're okay if a politician is murdered. JFC It's shit like this that makes me think we're too far gone -- especially when assholes like you are the ones screaming about the tone of people's speech and demanding speech codes, while also yelling about Trump being "a threat to democracy."

You, sir, er zir, are a sociopath. You hate Israel, support Harris and Hamas, and are fine with Vance being assassinated because "Trump really fucked up by not picking Tulsi as his running mate." Why? You'd still support the stupid whore from Berkeley who wants to raid people's homes without probable cause, has never voted to increase the pay of

soldiers and sailors, and who needs a face job just to be presentable. Also, what makes you think Trump didn't ask Tulsi Gabbard to be his running mate? Maybe he didn't -- but maybe he did, and she declined. Regardless, it didn't happen, and you're still gonna vote with the globalist trash, just as you always planned to do.

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Great comment except for the Israeli thing. go look at who brings sex toys and pornography into the United States go look at who really owns any kind of filthy only fans and all that they all come from Israel Every one of them in the filthy porn and sex toy industry. The biggest sex toy company in the world is owned by a rabbi you can easily look it up

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So every Israeli is despoiling America via porn of one kind or another? Seriously?

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Just look it up. Facts.

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You are wrong on every count in your post. You couldn't possibly mischaracterize me or my principles worse than you just did.

Fuck you.

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Go fuck yourself. You're the turd who said you'd be "OK" with Vance being assassinated. Sick motherfucker.

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Tulsi doesn’t know if she’s left or right. I can’t stand her. She looks ridiculous in that uniform. It’s obviously not made for a woman.

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Roger that. Tulsi is a WEF alumna.

Regardless of whether or not her bio is still on the WEF site, I definitely remember seeing it there; she was wearing a "cigar flower" lei.

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Dang, you're good! "No rainbows, unicorns, tax cuts, or ten-pound blocks of government cheese? Nothing but a disintegrating dollar, floods of savage mutts crossing the border..." Thank you for writing.

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Is this the person the Democrats want overseeing the Federal Reserve?


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"I'm your private dancer

A dancer for money

I'll do what you want me to do

I'm your private dancer

A dancer for money

And any old music will do..."

~ 'Private Dancer', by Tina Turner


Her dancing is not in sync, nor exactly appropriate, at least on that level, with the quoted song, but that's half the point/level.

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09/23/24: Only if they turn it into a tranny strip-joint.

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Is your posted date in sync with the Substack server, and/or with your particular location?

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09/23/24: It's my date (the day I wrote what I wrote), period. I have nothing to do with Substack's dating system, if one actually exists (and if it does I don't care).

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How would you feel about tacking on the hour? Minutes? Seconds?

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At the tone, the time will be 5:08 pm.

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Another graduate of the Elaine Benes School of Dance?

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It's more like a full body heave set to music

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Yes, they see this as a plus. Good vibes, cool, you know..

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she is an alcoholic

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Ain't it strange not-a-one savage mutt has landed in Martha's Vineyard? Oops, wrongthink again. You and me are old enough to remember Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney and how great they made the world "safe for democracy" again. Now we have Blinken, Nuland, and Nod taking up the banner. Vote harder? hmmm....

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Facts speaks louder than all else. Facts such as this: Victoria Nuland, was undeniably a major driving force behind this mess from the beginning. Nuland worked for Dick "Satan" Cheney decades before there was a "Biden Administration. These people are two sides to the same coin!

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Glenn Beck’s chalkboard on Ukraine on You Tube about 5 years ago showed the corruption of Ukraine that was done by the Biden clan with Nuland as the vanguard. Biden was under Obama as Vice-president at the time and was given the job of “controlling” Ukraine. This odorous deal made the 2014 coup a necessity. It made the first impeachment of Trump a necessity. It directly led to Zelensky and the “invasion” by Russia. You know, Russia, the country that actually defends itself?

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Hello John. My wife and I have come to rely upon Glenn Beck/BLAZE TV for our daily news feed. We are subscribers to BLAZE/TV. And we are also very satisfied paid subscribers to James Howard Kunstler's Substack for political commentary and insight.

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Vote Trump in November to Save America!

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Vote Trump in November to transform America into a fascist oligarchy. What exactly is wrong with you, madam?

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Vote Trump even if you do not like the picture of him the media has created. The alternative is the destruction of Constitutional America.

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At this point, I can't believe ANY ordinary citizen would take "the media" seriously. Anyone who does should be dead from the jabs, or one foot on the peel from Ozempic. C'mon, Pig Pharma, you muthafuckahs be slackin'.

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Did she? Now isn't that interesting.

Vickie and Dickie sittin' in a tree

Pushin' the button on World War Three

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Yep, It is a well documented fact! They all work for the Military-Industrial- Congressional Complex.

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So did Cheatle, the DEI hire for secret service, roof is slanted brilliance. Cheney.

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Cheatle too? Who knew that Hydra, for all its faults, celebrated equality!

Hail Hydra!

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Neo-cons are NEO-CONS.

Let's get rid of these idiots once and for all in November.

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Nuland's just bitter 'cos she can't find her neck.

The Physical Decay of War Pig Victoria Nuland Is Truly Shocking

By Ben Bartee - August 22, 2023

scroll down for it:


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Ultra-conservative Dick Cheney stands up for preserving democracy and the rule of law in the United States, and now he’s “Satan”?

Hell bath no fury like the wrath of a MAGAt scorned ….

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Cheney isn't ultraconservative. He's owned by Wall Street, and does his best to help his masters in exchange for payoffs from his masters. Of course, Trump isn't an ultraconservative either, despite the agitprop emanating from communist scum such as you.

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I just want to know when Darth Cheney, the cyborg, is going to finally die.

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Had you "lived" like Dick Chain, wouldn't you, too, FEAR DEATH lik a muthafuckah??? The Narcissistic Personality Disordered live a LONG time.

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Lol! Didn’t he have two heart attacks before he was vice president? He must have a bunch of pig organs keeping him alive or he is one of the heads in a jar from the Futurama cartoon. I have a different hypothesis though. As a Mohel, I know about the illegal stem cell market. Some of the corrupt Mohels will sell their foreskin harvests on the black market, for a lot of money. One foreskin can sell upwards of 100,000.00 USD, but they can keep you young and even reverse the aging process. I’m over 500 years old and look like I’m 35. He needs these endless wars so he can keep profiting off of the weapons, because he could be paying a million dollars a day to stay alive at this point. The black market for foreskin is very seedy and dangerous, making it a perfect fit for Mr. Vader, or I mean Mr. Dick.

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They didn't end up in Chappaqua, either. Isn't that where Hillary lives?

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All three of the latter have Ukrainian blood in their veins, and they hate Putin. Because. Well. Russia.

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Yeah just like Gypsies and Romanians. Same, right? Tell that to a Romanian, dare ya.

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Actually, DeSantis flew a plane load of immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard a few years ago. The Vinyard-ers freaked out, of course, and sent them to the military base in Bourne on Cape Cod. I think they’re actually still there.

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I remember the freak out. I just assume the Vineyard Nobles (including Barry) wouldn’t stand for such unwashed pets staying over 24 hours.

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All that Martha's vinyard property will become worthless when the waters are turned to blood. That's coming.

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Or when the rise in the oceans we hear about on the news and the Weather Channel finally submerges islands and coastal plains, driving everyone in lower and eastern New England into the Berkshires and the Green and White Mountains.

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I would imagine that after the last delivery, they've taken steps to insure it never happens again.

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Who gives a fuck. Send 'em anyway, and to Nantucket, Tiburon, Ass-pen, etc.

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"According to Col. Wilkerson, Sec’y of Defense Lloyd Austin told the “president” to his face that there will be no flinging of US-supplied long-range missiles from Ukraine “deep into Russia,” as the neocon-infested White House been chattering about endlessly."

So, what now, when Russia calls the US on the Hot Line they get: "Thank you for your call. Wait times are longer than normal. Please hold for next available nuclear warhead."

This is meaningless. Long range attacks deep inside Russia have been going on since 2022.

The UK and Europe, NATO vassal states (NATO being the United States), just announced authorized attacks deep inside Russia this past Friday, September 20, 2024.

Long range attacks deep inside Russia is exactly what is happening, right now, with the attacks deep inside Russia on these ammunition depots.

I mean just how stupid do these idiots think we the people are?

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Ho, ho. The third prediction of Fatima is looming large. The prediction that communism will take over the world if Russia is not “controlled”. The precursor to the End Times. The advent of the Anti-Christ. The communistic fervor taking over individualism world-wide.

Something happened though. Russia recovered their religious heart, becoming Orthodox again, coming back to the Immaculate Heart. So what happened to the prediction?

Hint: Communism is surging out at another source,

Here. What do you think? A worthless victor in November, the further advance of Marxism in Washington DC and then the Fatima prophecy may be directed by Rome towards the USA? Is the USA going to be the Font of Communism in the future. I do remember that God loves irony.

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Except that even such a staunch Catholic as Cardinal Burke is still calling for prayer for the conversion of Russia.

Much as I love Russian Orthodoxy, it's not the Catholic Church, so if you believe the Catholic Church is the one, true Church founded by Jesus, that's a problem. (Of course, Satan has thrown mud into all that by installing an apostate/imposter/antipope, Bergoglio, in the Vatican, causing mass confusion and defections, and making it harder than ever for people to see the truth of the Catholic Church.)

For what it's worth, many Orthodox that I know are virulently anti-Catholic (which is a whole other long, complicated story).

Another complication is that Russia, much as I love her, has not fully repented of Communism, in my opinion. I hate to say it, because I loathe how Yeltsin allowed the rape and near-ruination of Russia in the '90s, but it was probably only by fraud and U.S. subversive interference in the 1996 Russian election that Yeltsin defeated the Communist Party candidate, Gennady Zyuganov. (Zyuganov is still in the Russian parliament, and considers himself a Christian -- obviously one of the "social justice," "Liberation Theology" type of Christians.) In other words, the battered and besieged Russians (most Americans have NO IDEA how horrific the Yeltsin years were in Russia) were ready to go back to Communism. (Putin's good governance, which has brought prosperity and self-respect, has nearly cured them of that, thank God.)

My point is, though I applaud Putin’s rebuilding of thousands of churches and his partnership with Patriarch Kirill, and I rejoice in Russia's return to her age-old Christian roots, I think Russia has still not recovered from the trauma of Communism, and has not yet CONFRONTED it deeply enough to truly repent of it. (Kind of like the way most Americans still stick their heads in the sand about the horrors we participated in during Covid, and do not want to soul-search or talk about it honestly.)

In these senses, I could see that we should still be praying for the conversion of Russia. And who am I to gainsay Cardinal Burke, whom I respect and am grateful for?

But yeah, as an American and a Catholic, it's kind of galling to me to be asked to pray for the conversion of Russia, which is now a much more Christian nation than America is in many ways. That is why I have to remind MYSELF of the arguments I just laid out above.

So yeah, let's pray for the conversion of Russia, but we certainly need to be praying for the conversion of AMERICA, too!!!

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I pray for the conversion of the USA and all Marxists everywhere. Cover the bases. Russian Orthodoxy as I understand it is more a vehicle for national /cultural expression vs authentic faith, though I may be wrong.

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Ah my friend, evidently you have not read the lives or the writings of hundreds of great Russian Orthodox (and other Eastern Orthodox) holy men and women, saints, martyrs and theologians. There lie many spiritual treasures!!

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I prefer the Orthodox mass and chant. But I'm not attracted to their mode of prayer, the mantra yoga of Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me. I prefer the great silence of higher Catholicism. In any case, the two Churches are the two lungs of Christianity. Any idea that Russia is going to convert to Catholicism is madness. No doubt Sister Lucia misinterpreted what the Virgin said.

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Yeah, you couldn't be more wrong. But yeah, OF COURSE your point is also true. Cult is the basis of real culture. And both bow to genetics. People of low genetic potential aren't able to access Spirit very well so their religion will be savage. As G.B Shaw said, the conversion of savages to Christianity is the conversion of Christianity to savagery.

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No offense to the Catholics and Eastern Orthodox people here, but America's future is foretold by Revelation 17 and 18, not a prophecy by Fatima. Russia's and most of Islam's future is told in Ezekiel 38 and 39. It's not going to be a fun time for anyone, especially people who despise Israel or want to kill off Christianity via martyrdom.

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The Bible states that the great City, the largest Jewish city in the world, is going to be reduced to a smoking ruin. Yes, Gotham. The Merchants will wail and no one will care.

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Revelation 18 isn't talking about the largest "Jewish" city in the world, nor does it say no one will care when it's destroyed. The chapter says specifically that Babylon the Great, a nation identified with a city that is the world's financial center, will be destroyed in judgment for corrupting the entire world. The destruction of the city and the country will be so shocking, sudden, and unexpected that everyone in the world will be dumbfounded, and will wonder how anyone will be able to buy, sell, or trade, since without that country the global economic system could collapse. That makes sense because the sudden destruction of the United States would (likely will) create untold financial and political chaos.

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Jewish in quotation marks? Maybe you starting to learn something.

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Pentagon has cancelled “Joe Biden,” that is, taken him out of the decision-loop for anything. Well, you ask yourself, how is it possible he had even remained remotely close to any decision-loop this long, in any case, given the problem of his obviously broken brain?

'Lemme 'Splain something to you...when the military dictates to the elected Commander in Chief, and not the other way around, that is called a "Coupe". Maybe a good reason...sometimes not. Explain to me, please how this can be seen otherwise.

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It can't. We have had several coups now. The Presidential Election of 2020 was a coup. Jill Biden sitting in on a cabinet meeting was a coup.

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JFK getting taken out by the CIA in 1963 was a coup. When are Americans going to wake up and face the reality that we have been under enemy occupation by the "Deep State" for nearly 61 years now?

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~ Sedition & Blaming E' ~

"...that is called a 'Coupe'. " ~ elysianfield


"Jill Biden sitting in on a cabinet meeting was a coup." ~ the blame-e


It's a 'representative' government-- a kind of 'sedan', as elysianfielde might suggest, (after reviewing some $1 Canadian 'duck' coinage).

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Well, actually is it a "Coup", not a "Coupe". A Coup is usually a military takeover of civilian authority. A Coupe is what killed the cat..."Curiosity did not kill the cat...my Coupe did....

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Better you than the Haitians, E.

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The difference, I suspect, is owning it vs plausible deniability.

We know those misses fly with our targeting data & finger on the button.

Russia knows that we are behind those missiles.

We know Russia knows and Russia knows we know they know.

But as long as the pretense continues, they aren't pressured to respond in kind & escalate.

The minute we say "Nyah nyah nyah we did it!" Russia has legal justification to respond in force & the moral imperative to do so.

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We're pretty stupid.

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The demonrats are stupid!!!

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Maybe they are simply left on hold listening to "Meadowlands"?


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I love it! Perfect! Thank you.

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Grotesque. It could get so much worse as in hitting Moscow. Obviously it would soon go nuclear in such a scenario. It's VERY good that Trump is part of this relatively sane faction.

Why don't they just focus on winning the war in Lebanon and taking down Iran? Isn't that dangerous enough? isn't that mad enough? But these maniacs want a war on three fronts!

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There has to be something to drag Russia, Iran, Turkey, and other Islamist allies into the Middle East to set up the so-called "War of Gog and Magog." It could be that the Democrats' international incompetence will lead to Israel saying "F it!" and defending herself in a way that will cause Antony Blinken and the gang to gasp, clutch their pearls, and faint, setting up that war.

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And these attacks are carried out by Ukraine's own drones converted out of domestically-produced A22 Foxbat ultralight airplanes. Once Russia starts to get serious enough, those will get shot out of the sky. Missiles, on the other hand, are way more tricky that a huge slow prop airplane.

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I do hope you're correct about Ukraine, a little sanity creeping into the maniacs' "deliberations". And as a Starmer-loathing Scot, I'm pleased he was disappointed he didn't get to play war games, the dangerous fool. And I hope "Joe Biden" is safely away from anything combustible.

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James is such a gifted writer!

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Why the eff they had Jill Biden at the cabinet meeting, never mind "leading" it, is beyond me. Why not Kamala? They're equally idiot, but at least she actually has an official title.

If it was supposed to be somehow reassuring, it fails. If you're going to stage a military coup, at least do that the normal way. Is there no General left who is not less of an embarrassment than installed "Doctor" Jill Biden?

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Obama got rid of everyone in the military who might be "problematic" for the regime. Now all you've got are Marxists.

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Kamala was probably at some publicity function and couldn't be bothered. The US has been being run by a quasi-Marxist oligarchy for the past four years, anyway, and it's still government by committee. That's why Kamala didn't need to be there.

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You are right. Oligarchy works its way down the economy and converts it to feudalism where a few folks run everyone else. A good example is the post civil war south where hordes of slaves and po’ whites became sharecroppers, slaves to the land and the owners thereof. The South was a feudal state for a hundred years.

As manufacturing and the resultant middle class have been off-shored by the Libs, we are approaching feudalism and oligarchy once again. The oligarchies duke it out to see who is top dog and voila, monarchies develop. So where the USA is going is pretty obvious with a study of history. Monarchy under the falsehood of the term president with dictatorial socialism running the show. One guy in charge, a group of “barons” to support him. The Mob, and everyone else subjugated to them as serfs.

THAT is what the vote in November is all about. Many idiot kings and queens operated under oligarchical control in Europe, so Kamala is nothing new.

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Oh, no! The election is all about kids getting to desex themselves so they can be "transgender," along with women's privilege, er "right" to kill their children and the gub'mint's promise of a living wage that won't begin to take care of anyone's monthly bills -- plus Trump is a meanie who brought up Spaniel Surprise at the debate and promised (facetiously) to be a dictator! That Biden has functioned as a dictator is irrelevant; he's in league with the Left, but Trump isn't, and therefore must be destroyed.

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A few people running everything. Sounds like a Corporation, applied to government, a Plutocracy.

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So, the real issue is how to de-fang the creation of plutocracy at all levels, crony corporate and government, right?

Look no farther than Elon Musk, who is competing against both entities, and winning. The FAA thought they had a way of slowing him down, but it will not happen. The Mob hates Musk for his free market ideals, and every success he has helps all of us. BTW, rumors running around on You Tube that Musk is about to buy Ford, outright. Hmmmm.

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They probably acted on the precendent of Wilson's wife doing pretty much the same thing back in the day. As for Kamala, who in their right mind would put her there, really.

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Nobody in their right mind.

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Democrats are people who are... not in their right mind.

As Kunstler says, the political battle is now between the sane versus the insane.

Tucker Carlson frames it as a battle between the honest and the dishonest. I think about the Democrats I know and, yeah, they simply are not interested in truth -- and will castigate you, suppress you, or ignore you if you even try to establish what's true and what isn't.

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Like every other atrocity these days, right out in the open & in our faces, instead of behind closed doors like the good old days.

As to Kamala, who in their right mind assigned her the VP slot to beging with?!?

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Biden and his handlers, both as an insurance policy against removing him and to keep his promise to Rep. James Clyburn to pick a black female VP and a black female Supreme Court Justice in exchange for Clyburn delivering the black vote to Biden in the South Carolina primary. That worked out as well as Andrew Cuomo's similar pick of Kathy Hochul as his running mate.

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Excellent point UncleBob9!

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Maybe throwing her a bone to make her happy. She's stood by the dementia patient for four long years. Dr Jill deserves something!

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I have discovered why Jarek has chosen Lugh as his new screen name.

Lugh (also Lug, Luga) was one of the most important Celtic gods, particularly in Ireland, and he represented the sun and light. Although originating as an all-wise and all-seeing deity, Lugh was later thought of as a historical figure, great warrior, and Irish cultural hero.

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"Chaos. . . riots. . . anarchy. . . civil war."

Oh, is that all?

Actually I just wanted to see if I could be the first to comment. Ha! Not even close. James, you sure have an enthusiastic audience.

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I just ordered four of his books having only recently discovered him. Fantastic writer and thinker!

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And prophet, just wait until you read your first annual prediction in January.

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I assume you’re being sarcastic? JHK’s annual New Year forecasts have been so wildly off-base and inaccurate for the last ten years that I’m amazed he hasn’t taken them offline out of sheer embarrassment. Almost nothing he predicts actually happens. Every once in a while he does find the blind squirrel acorn.

Of course, he WAS right about a peak in global oil production in ~2002 (and subsequently, for years, always about 18 months into the future), followed by a precipitous decline in production leading to widespread global economic chaos. Oh, wait, the US produced more oil and gas in 2024 than in any previous year. Oh well.

But, I think my all-time favorite was his tireless argument that a rise in oil prices would unravel the tenuous world economy, while a decline in oil prices would …. unravel the tenuous world economy.

JHK is a good writer, but how anyone can take what he says seriously is beyond me. He’s hardly ever been right about anything. He’s certainly getting more strident about every, though. Old man shouting at the sun.

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You use oil for a sample. Gee, I wonder why gasoline costs 1000% more today than it did prior to 1973? Remember too that JHK is a prophet continuing the work of Demings, a real oil man who is the author of Peak oil. Just look to the future, anyone with an ounce of brains sees that the Peak Oil folks are right and oil products, which means just about everything, are going to continue to rise in price as the supply dwindles. And BTW, electrification is an absolute requirement to try to head off WMBH.

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The series starting with World Made by Hand is really good. My husband quibbled about the lack of solar solutions, but I didn’t care, because the characters were so fascinating. I have read three of the four series. It’s my belief the world described in the first book is nigh at hand.

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Be careful as you may be removed entirely for even having that desire. The first comment is actually Mr. K's. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming lol.

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So sassy! Hey Dreamy, are you liking the dopamine hits I'm sending you? <3

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How did you do that!? <3

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Sheople abound. Darkness surrounds.

The Muslim dude not from Hawaii is a dark face in the woodpile. Iran lover. He was sincere when he opined he would change the "face" of America. Does his new chef prepare cat, duck and geese? Oh, he is from Haiti, the chef? Voodoo dolls too? Yeah. It all fits.

From the beach....


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Well, ladies and germs;

The Situational Awareness, this AM reports that;

(3) RI POWER BILLS TO JUMP 23% THIS WINTER: The Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission approved a 23% increase on electricity rates starting 1 October.

“We share in the concerns about the high price of energy supply — primarily driven by geo-political events around the globe as well as supply and demand,” Rhode Island Energy spokeswoman Caroline Pretyman said.

But it is OK, cause they feel your pain.

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Thank God , or the New Deal , for TVA.

At least so far , electricity is reasonable in Tennessee.

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I nearly spit out my morning coffee while reading the last two paragraphs. I have never heard the situation explained in a more eloquent manner. I fear we are indeed . . . doomed. Another great piece of real journalism, Thank You!

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Refreshing in a world of ABC style journalism, isn’t it?

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Oof - spooky way to start the week, but appreciate the sincerity about the gravity of our situation

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A friendly customer of mine asked me if I have any plans for the fall. To which I responded, " well, I have emergency food and a locker full of ammo..." And he interrupted me and said, "autumn". And I said, "oh, that fall"

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and I don't suppose the friendly customer even understood what you said.

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He knows me. Thinks I'm nuts, I travel all across Long Island fixing people's plumbing and I try to express the dire circumstances. The people who don't even know where their water main shut off is, that usually goes hand in hand with people not knowing the times.

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People are stupid. Or maybe I am. I don't see how, just for starters, 35 trillion in debt, millions of hostile illegal aliens (and in the case of the haitians, with an average I.Q. of 60) costing billions of dollars, kinetic war with Russia and china, lawfare against political opponents, a senile demented potus, a cackling moron vp now running for potus, poisoned food, direct depopulation murder scheme, government corruption and the capture of all three letter agencies turning them into tools for the globo homo NWO horror scape they have planned, can be business as usual.

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I never go so far to tell them about the depopulation scheme. I also try to keep it non partisan, unless I know their politics. I remember someone told me I couldn't come into their house without a mask, because I didn't get the kill shot.

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Rich - next time, ask them if they can produce a study showing that masks are effective, or if they think masks are just a submission ritual.

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One thing that I have learned, is that there's no point in talking sense to zombies. It always ends in stalemate

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Yeah I guess telling them we are being murdered and replaced is a bit too much.

fortunately here in rural deplorable land we didn't have much of the moronic hysteria.

Good luck and best wishes.

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Ten pound blocks of government cheese. Reading that triggered a memory of my dad bringing in this HUGE chunk of cheese. It was a monster to whittle down, and then we got another. I'm not sure how my mother fit it into an old time refrigerator.

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Yes, Good question. Whatever happened to those free blocks of govt cheese they used to give away? "No soup for you". (no mac and cheese, no tacos, no cheese at all)

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The illegals are getting them, now.

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I loved that stuff! Haha. I'm sure it was clogging arteries just by looking at it, but we used it in everything.

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