I think that we will see some big, and I mean really big, disruptive event before the end of October. DJT will not be allowed to win

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That is the one thing that I continue to be anxious about. The Dems are too craven not to continue trying to win this election or perhaps even cancel it due to some kind of national emergency. How can they be stopped? My only thought is that a national strike of all workers might send some kind of message to the PTB.

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Like wise in Canada. The arrogance of our reigning government is so absurd that one would come to the conclusion that they have a plan in mind to continue their unelected reign. I have long suspected that the widening of the war would fit the bill. The blindness to this fact is astounding.

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I know really good people here in my town who will be voting for Harris and I don't understand it. These people surely favor free speech, not chopping off healthy body parts of young children, peace, a closed border, lower taxes, and all the rest of Trump's agenda. That leaves only one reason explaining their support for Harris: they loathe Trump. My answer to that is from a meme I saw (author unknown): your vote is not a Valentine. It is a chess move for a the world you want to live in.

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I know of similar people. Tell them the horrors of what they're voting FOR, and they say: "We don't care. We don't like Trump." Impossible to reason with such fools. It's like telling them "Don't stick your hand in the fire." And they do it anyway.

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Enter Dr. Geert vanden Bossche's prediction of a "tsunami" of death brought about by "disastrous immune escape". That podcast brought me to James Howard Kunstler's terrific blog.

"People" incapable of reasoning and blinded by their emotional reaction to President Trump are waiting at the shoreline for that tsunami.

Grateful for this substack. I've been alarmed at the possible takedown of kunstler.com.

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They jailed Assange for how many years, solitary, no health care. They murdered Gonzalez Lira. They would have jailed Snowden if he hadn't escaped to Russia. Killed the young democrat (blanking on his name) that leaked dem emails. Now they're after Scott Ritter, locked Larry Johnson out of utube, & after others of their cohorts.

Scary time for a high profile journo to tell the truth.

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So much mental damage from 💉. Some people cannot think. 🤷

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Bailey, you've touched a voracious reader here, all these years and you're the first I've read to note that there is potentially mental damage/disruption for those who took the MRNA jabs. Kudos. Many are living with lies, and those lies are a mental torture that never goes away.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn should be held in high regard for his sacrifices and service to humanity. Let us all strive to: "Live not by Lies" so that our children will suffer less than Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


A popular bumper sticker of the 1970s:

Question Authority

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Like ALL the libtard JEWS that will vote for the 'cackler',knowing very well she is a pure anti-semite,"I just hate Trump,I just hate him! Lemmings ripe for a dark harvest,pitiful!

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Oh Mike get over it! We're dealing with villains a lot more diverse than jews.

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Trump is a zionist. The 'cackler' in reality is as well. Aren't all national level politicians zionists?

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Dr. Michael Nehls has developed a compelling theory regarding the spike protein's role in neuroDEGENERATION.

"The Indoctrinated Brain: Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Michael Nehls"


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Thank you for mentioning that, I was going to in response to J. Robert Burgoyne's comment. It's a great book. Dr. Peter McCollough has also highlighted this https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/my-story-covid-19-vaccine-and-brain.

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"I know really good people here in my town who will be voting for Harris"

Arguably, "people" incapable of the minimal amount of reasoning needed to prevent Harris from sucking her way further up the political pole are not conscious enough for "good" actions. Arguably, they simply go with whatever the flow is. Such "people" terrify me.

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'your vote is not a Valentine. It is a chess move for a the world you want to live in.'

I like that! In Canada voting for a real platform that covers all the bases that are shaping this country is met by the 'vote splitting' argument. In Uniparty politics getting of the sheeps path is so much more important than voting against the person you dislike most.

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One friend told me he "loathes" Trump, as though that's a reason to vote for Harris! He will never meet Trump, he will never live next door to him. I don't understand this 8th grade approach to choosing a president.

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Let's face it: Most people shouldn't be voting. They don't know and don't want to know.

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This is my Mom. When pressed no real reasons. TDS has many causes and no cures or (Ha!) vaccines.

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Typical of a big mass of chittering hordes full to their eyeballs with maniacal hatred!

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That's pretty much the American electorate

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Maybe the only solution is to hold such people accountable for their support of a government that will destroy the country (see 1946 Germany).

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"I don't understand this 8th grade approach to choosing a president."

IN my 6th grade class I was nominated then voted to assume the position of Class Host.

Before the period ended I was 'impeached' by the clique from the other side of town.

This the same generation now 'in charge' in DC. Their thinking hasn't matured one iota in six decades.

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Sep 13
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They are misled, uninformed, and led by their hatred of Trump. No one deserves to die; but we all are going to die anyway so I'm not sure that judgment is worthwhile. I can't hate them, but they do make me angry with their obstinance against all reason and logic.

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Well Mary, I don't know what world you are living in. There's a flaw in your understanding mental process.

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Precisely what is that flaw, in your opinion?

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I don't know. I can't even find the thread. Jim's comments can be very confusing, as is Coffee&Covid for that matter. If you really care about this then tell me what I commented on originally. Although, as I just said, I'm not sure I'll even see your reply.

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How can they be good people since they apparently want everything you listed by voting for the harris person? Even if they despise Trump for whatever reason wouldn't the choice of " good people" be to not vote at all or vote for Trump in spite of their personal animosity?

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They are good folks but not apparently not critical thinkers and they watch CNN. They still believe in public schools and college for their kids. They are the very definition of ordinary Americans except for their TDS. I'm sure they're vaccinated agains covid. Being a Harris voter doesn't make one evil or unkind or a monster.

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I understand your point. To me, “being a harris voter” makes one evil, unkind and a monster, not by deeds or even thoughts but by omission. By willful ignorance. Which also is a good indicator of the very core of their being. They are the kind of people who went along with the slaughter of 65 million Christians in Russia 1917-1989. We can agree to disagree.

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People see what they want to see.

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Well the Canadians are legendarily supine.

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They'll eventually stop themselves (check HISTORY of tyrannical governments). The problem is: they'll take the country down with them. May be the only way we'll rid ourselves of them.

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I keep thinking that because most of them are up to date on their covid shots that they'll just die out.

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+1 (can't upvote comments on substack)

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Sep 15
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"The walking dead will die in the coming cold; the thaw is for the remnant." ~ justanotherguy

"You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." ~ Ayn Rand

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Compared to 2019 west is in free fall. The population replacement is also very sinister and they will just set up the white population to take the blame and be victims of pogroms.

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Evil does not stop itself. It has to come up against a greater force that is unwilling to bend to them no matter the cost or the time.

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Then that must happen. So be it

Whoever whatever blobs behind the chaos on the path to.nucular war must be permantly eleminated but never will be.

As our host said, "bend over & kiss your ass goodby"

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Some of US's best brainwashers are constantly at work - have been for decades actually, but working overtime these days!

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Having studied psychopathology off and on for a long time, by FAR the best book I've read about brainwashing is:

The Rape of the Mind, by Dr. Joost Meerloo


Dr. Meerloo's book delves deeper into human nature than even the works of Dostoyevsky. Seriously. I could not recommend it more highly, especially now as we enter the thick of the conflict between Good and Evil, between sanity and mental illness, between God and the human ego, between individuation and mass robotic conditioning, between Beauty and Adobe Photoshop (no, I'm not kidding).

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"Dr. Meerloo's book delves deeper into human nature than even the works of Dostoyevsky". Or Carl Jung?

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If our supposedly liberal-infected public schools bothered to teach any labor history, a general strike might be possible, but alas, I don't think much labor history is covered. It's too dangerous to let people they can organize and shut this sucker down.

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It would have to spread organically just as the trucker response to covid vaccine mandates did in Canada. And American truckers (who are very independently minded) might just be the people to kick it off. I was in Greece one summer when one morning a general strike occurred: you couldn't bank, fly, get a taxi, eat at a restaurant. I don't speak Greek so I wasn't aware of the context in which the strike was being held. It went on for several days. I assume the strikers won because ordinary life was just too inconvenient.

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Yes, you're right: labor history isn't taught. And neither is the Constitution, the Revolution, the intricacies of how the separation of powers and federalism work...... a friend of mine recently put a sign in his yard for a congressman from another district. He doesn't know the name of his congressman. Sigh....... And this guy audited my American Politics class three times.

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They can't be stopped. Nothing Good Can Ever Happen. Even a national strike of all workers would just get infinity Haitian Migrants to plug the hole.

You Hope Too Much.

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There aren’t enough of them; presumably they have no skills. Im a general strike everything’s shuts done: airports, hotels, restaurants. And you think that a bunch of illegal immigrants could keep the country running?

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They did it during COVID lock downs, they can do it forever. Hotels airports and restaurants don't matter nor have they ever made a damn comparitively.

The Coof Cult proved that they can shut the entire world down and have it run off of illegals.

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"My only thought is that a national strike of all workers might send some kind of message to the PTB". Well my dear you have to have another thought besides this one. It's still WAY too early to get the sheeple to get organized. "Some kind of message" forsooth.

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Trillions $ at stake, corrupt and evil players, can't argue against your analysis. Lock and load.

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The are blob are a chittering mess,they know they are slipping! Get ready Brothers and Sisters ,something evil this way comes!

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I’m sad but I’m ready. God says, “Do not Fear”, and we won’t . “Give me Liberty or give me death”. Calling Patrick Henry and George Washington, and all the soldiers who have died fighting to protect American’s freedom.

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Yes, they try to turn girls into Cheatles. Her face is a nightmare. But so is Newsome's.

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And Nuland’s warms the heart!

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I suspect you'll enjoy this:

The Physical Decay of War Pig Victoria Nuland Is Truly Shocking

By Ben Bartee - August 22, 2023

(scroll down)


"People eventually get the face they deserve"

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I believe he will be “allowed” to win the election (don’t think at this point they can stop it); however, he may WIN the election, but they will NEVER “allow” him back in the White House! He most likely would not make it to Inauguration Day (fill in the blank as to why: prison, another (more successful) ass. attempt, some

Constitutional amendment, etc.)! IDK...just a thought!

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That would start a civil war.

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I’m ready to die fighting for freedom in America.

The tyrants are working overtime to destroy us. With them in charge life is not worth living. God knows all of this. I pray, and put my faith in him. It may be time for Heaven. Stand up and speak up for liberty.

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Susan, reread your first sentence. That's the will - the fortitude and mental toughness - that will never allow "them" to be in charge, so life is always worth living. They'll never control you. You're a descendant of those who refuse to be ruled. Keep the faith.

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Forgive me, an oversight, "...the fortitude, *courage*, and mental toughness..." Don't give up the fight, there're plenty more in it, me included, than you sometimes don't realize. Keep the faith, you're not alone. Not by a long shot.

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Maybe that’s what they want. They want chaos so that they can declare martial law and take over the country. They will also blame all the violence on the patriots.

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This is what Brandon Smith has been saying for YEARS.

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I don’t doubt that is what they want. It is clear that the name of w

Democrats party has become ironic. Nothing democratic about them, it began with the institution of super’ delegates, continued with the blocking Bernie’s run for president and has just accelerated through Biden’s presidency and these primaries to the intranet party coup removal of Slow Joe and the coronation of Cackles.,

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May I say thats interesting (I'm a Brit in UK but USA politics affects us). They DO NOT WANT Trump in power (the assasination thing was faked I believe but not by his people,that shock was genuine) but they might know by now that his likely vote numbers will be too big to deny. So might they allow him to become Da Big Boss but THEN have something happen or even pay him off,he does seem quite bribable to be honest,if the deal was BIG enough. And as a rich man in that level he's not really the "outsider" he stands as. If they do shoehorn in Kamachameleon,- da black Mama,it'll be Bombs Away!

Why are there SO MANY Celebrity Black Mamas now hustling their stuff with skins more alabaster than my British ethnic origin complexion.

Whiter than Michael Jackson ever achieved and he tried really hard.

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Yikes Jane Baker - you know NOTHING about the character of Trump other than what your leftist media feeds you. Best you concentrate on the crap that leads YOUR country. WE HETE IN America know “The Crown” is historically the bad guys in this war

But my guess is you will claim you never heard of such a thing. Well , you have much to learn, if you have the capacity to learn it

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This goes directly back to 2020. The reason the Demoncrats weren't concerned about Biden's "basement campaign" and those ridiculous outdoor "rallys" of his, with a few people dutifully sitting 6 feet apart from each other, with circles around them, is because they knew they were going to steal the election BIG. And, get away with it.

And, if they could do it when Trump was still president, and ostensibly had control of the government power (not!), what do you think they'll do with the election now that they have all the power? For the Demoncrats it's existential.

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Never forget to pray daily. God IS in charge. This is a war against good and evil. Satan is in DC directing his demons BUT GOD is in charge. We will do our part to obey God and trust GOD.

God’s will- will be done but he listens to our prayers🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏. Amen

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Susan I do resonate with your thoughts. I do not believe "Satan is in D.C." All of the capitals of the World governments are in thrall to the Prince of Darkness. All.

This whole World is now under the control of the Enemy. We are going to see some very evil things in the next few months. That's my feeling. That said, yes God is in charge. We've been told that He, for his own good reasons, has given this World over to Satan for a time. For a time. God knows everything; Satan only knows some things. It's a great cosmic drama which we are here to witness it. Our souls chose this time to be in incarnation.

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There has been very persuasive conjecture about this. One chap, a Finn named Tuomas Malinen, believes we'll have a false-flag event, probably in Europe, involving a nuclear explosion. That would make 9/11 look like a light-weight warm up to the Main Attraction.

See here: https://rumble.com/v5but2a-coffee-and-a-mike-tuomas-malinen-silver-lining-if-a-financial-collapse-occu.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp. He sees a conventional war between Russia and NATO, and this false-flag nuclear event might be the casus belli. See at minute 21:57.

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I disagree with your thought that “DJT will not be allowed to win”. And win he will - BUT THEY WILL STOP HIM FROM GETTING THE OFFICE BY not certifying the vote.

Then the freeworks which will include the military will begin. Dem will lose their pants

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I have no idea who will actually win this November’s election. But one thing is 100% certain: if Trump loses, he will whine that the election was “rigged”. This is even more certain than the sun rising tomorrow.

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Fast Eddy - you have it totally inverted and backwards

Trump WILL win and Dems with tons of help from corrupt media will scream and whine and moan that Russia (or maybe Iran) “rigged” the vote for him. This is as certain as you are an asshat !

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Aaaand...another assassination attempt today. At another event. At his golf course

This time, SS was on the job & fired on shooter, who escaped.

They caught up with & arrested him later.

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Then nobody will win.

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Armageddon certainly qualifies. Cheers!

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Staged debates are useless. Why not live audiences, live questions and no moderator? Oh sorry, we can't be having any politician having to actually stand on their own two feet without a teleprompter or a pre-scripted response cheat sheet.

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I hope this is the last corporate media run debate that any non-Uniparty wing GOP candidate agrees to participate in... Since Trump-Clinton (I think they are still mad he brought Bill Clinton accusers to the debate), they have become an even bigger joke and more pointless than ever... Just go on podcast and ignore or let the media scream - alot of old boomers will be dead by 2028 (if we even have another election then...) and corporate media will have almost no viewers....

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The moderators were biased--the called out Trump's distortions/lies much more than Harris'. Linsey Davis is a Sorority sister (AKA) of Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris wore earrings (they should be disallowed) which might have had microphones. That said, either Trump's preppers did a lousy job, or Trump ignored them. He got off to a bad start, IMO, by not meeting Harris half-way and shaking her hand (SHE went to HIM to shake hands--not a good look). He didn't smile, and didn't look pleasant much (in first debate, he did). He scowled too much. Too angry. During the first, probably most important modern televised (and broadcast on radio) debate, the consensus was that on TV, JFK won. He smiled and looked more relaxed (but among the radio audience, polls show the LISTENERS thought Nixon won). This is basic stuff. The good news for Pres Trump is that the debate will have short half-life--but the prices in the stores will be remain high for the next 7 weeks......

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Tom your post is silly. So I guess that makes u a Dem or worse - maybe a Marxist

1. So happy SHE WENT TO HIM fit the hand shake. That’s what a boss does dear

2. Glad he looked pissed so if he smiles he can be just like Bush Jr. weak POS. WHY WOULD HE SMILE HOW THEY ARE TREATING HIM? Did u think this was a personality race?

Go troll different place you are too ignorant and naive to be on this timeline!

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the masses vote according to how the politician looks and acts. It's all emotional, Tom is right in what he said. Trump did go into what he had to know was a hostile situation.

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Statements like "alot (sic) of old boomers will be dead by 2028" makes you no better than those we are fighting. And it is incredibly naive to think that a) the problem is 'boomers' (who are far more conservative than Millenials and Gex Z, and b) you aren't already radicalized.

Go ahead. Keep thinking the problem is one easily solved by more people dying. See where that gets all of us.

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I don't like it, but what he said is true. Most of my boomer friends and family members still, after all that has happened since 2016, believe the MSM.

I have one boomer friend who still, to this day, thinks Ivermectin is a veterinary medicine. This is not something that's difficult to independently fact check. It's just a single example since it is the most egregious one that I can think of right now.

It's not true of every boomer. Certainly a lot of young people are credulous too (especially young women). It doesn't mean boomers are bad. But it is, regrettably, true.

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It is a veterinary medicine. I get mine at a feed store.

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You know exactly what I mean. It is not exclusively a veterinary medicine. It was available for more than a decade for people prior to its use as a veterinary medicine, has been given to billions of people, and won the Nobel prize in 2015. None of this is difficult to verify.

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Who else actually watches, reads and gets most of their info from corporate fake news - and actually believes it???

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apparently millions do. The electric jew and print is extremely powerful.

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World War III will be a great distraction allowing a “war Administration” (not war president, since we don’t have one now) to pull a zelensky and dismiss the inconvenience of an election. They have tried all else and failed. Why not this?

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The constitution won’t allow the skip of elections. Do some research

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You might do some research Claire, most of everything done by your fedgov is not “allowed” by the Constitution. That horse is long out of the barn.

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You hit the nail on the head with this one. Just look at the J-6 persecution.

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Still to call off an election when we had elections with foreign troops on our soil (War of 1812), Civil War, WW I&II, and every other conflict, IMHO is a bridge too far.

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Thanks a million Jim, for finding a workaround, so you can be heard. Keep the pressure on these fuckers. No canoe trips in the near future - they tip so easily, you know.

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I guess I should decline Barack Obama's invitation to get in some late-season paddle-boarding at Martha's Vineyard. . . .

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And no trap shooting at Chapaqua, either. They never tell you that you'll be the skeet.

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As the unofficial spokesman for the bill and Hillary vacation extravaganza. Giveaway, we would like to inform you. You have won an all expense paid Whitewater rafting trip. Over the scenic Niagara Falls. Rout, few people know about it. It will be a life-changing event for you. Please let us know when you are available. We look forward to serving you once again.


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So true!!

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Thanks, Dreamy. <3

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lol, we're on substack now! <3

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Love you too astera!!

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Sep 13
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Thanks, astera.

That's sweet of you to say, and I appreciate you - all the same to you. You're the pithier type for sure. :-)

See you soon at CFN, when Jim gets out from under the DoS attack.

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Stop denying the Trinity.

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Good call.

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Trump looked exasperated - reflecting the times we're in. Kamala looked like a senior White House staffer angling for a promotion. Her performance looks like what it was: a performance. God help us all.

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Yes, he wasn't prepared. And I think I understand why. Because I have very unhappy and unfortunate experience with psychopaths, I know first hand that it is almost impossible to prepare for the level of brazen and arrogant mendacity that they can hit you with. It's always off the charts and pretty much always suceeds in knocking you off balance. To quote what a very wise man once said, "Everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

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It was frustrating that Trump didn't reel off the facts. But, think about it. Can you really give a complete description in one minute of rebuttal? Leaving one fact out of order and the narcissist pounces; It's not as simple as we'd like to think. It was obvious he was out numbered. We quit watching early. We KNOW all the ins and outs of the Biden regime, and didn't think we should sit there and be gaslighted with the rest of Americans. Trump says no more debates. The haters don't believe a word he says, and common sense others know what's happening in the country AND world, and hate their grocery and power bills.

They ran the debate in Russia. Even Russians know the truth about Biden and about Trump. When Putin said he was for Harris, everyone around him smirked. It was tongue-in-cheek with a shrug. It's been said far and wide that Russia and China don't want Trump. I don't believe it. Putin didn't go into Ukraine because Trump wasn't president. He went in because Biden and NATO escalated the "conflict", like on steroids. And now the psychopaths think they can take Russia in three days. God help us all. Amen.

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He was just reeling of the tapes in his mind. How great he was. How Putin would have never invaded Ukraine. If he doesn't understand why he did it, how is he going to make peace? The preparations for the war have been ongoing for years. He never saw it.

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Russian comedien/impersonators Lexus & ??? Just played the Polish FM by impersonating Poroshenko. A lot of dirt surfaced as a result.

According to the FM, Trump's "plan" is "stick" to threaten to throw lots of $$ & support to Ukraine if Russia doesn't withdraw or "carrot" end sanctions if he does.

What Trump doesn't understand is that 1) US/UK weapons shelves are near empty (P confirmed that) & 2) you can print $$, but you can't print missiles, & 3) the sanctions have strengthened Russia's economy & 4) Russia has concluded the US is not agreement-capable.

The US government has zero credibility & zero trustworthiness.

There will be no negotiations beyond surrender. Ukraine, aka 404, is a dead country walking.

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"He was just reeling of (off) the tapes in his mind."


There is a phrase for this, "He defaulted to his level of training." This is what all combatants do in a fight.

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Oh. You means Obama's regime change that installed Zelensky?

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Ah good old Iron Mike. A wise man (in the ring).

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Yes, Mike IS is very wise man! Unrelenting life experiences...

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Maybe she thought she was auditioning for a job at Kohls

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This is good, this is all very good. Our government is at war with us, we are at war with our government. May Russia swiftly make a move to free us all from the tyranny of the US bureaucracy.

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This is an existential fight for the blob. They will do whatever is necessary to keep Trump out of the White House. A few million (or more) dead is no obstacle here. They'd rather burn it all down than lose their power and positions.

Every good American needs to understand this and be ready to act accordingly.


There is no voting our way out if this.

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Modern day serfdom is what they are imposing upon us all. The system needs to be destroyed. Even if you try to stay focused at the local level, it is hard to improve your lot in life when the Feds are air dropping in 25,000 Haitian migrants to inundate and take over your local community. You have no say in the matter, no power over what they are imposing upon us. Bells are ringing in the distance, and flames of war will soon come to those who have been stoking the embers.

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I'd put them on a bus and send them to DC. Let Washington deal with them. It's something like 75 percent black, anyway.

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Well said. How could such a thing ever be "legal"? It is wrong. And what is morally wrong can not be a legitimate law.

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Amen Jason. Now you're right at the Truth. Springfield Ohio. A town coming near you.

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"This is an existential fight for the blob."

Ergo, Trump's ardent statements to put a lot of people in jail will stoke the flames. Blob on the run? Where would they run to? No, Blob on the defensive, with lawfare, assassination attempts, threats, illegal voting, etc. Good people are going to die because they won't keep their mouths shut, which if heroic.

JHK, consider it an honor that the Blob has taken command of your blog's server. Just proves that telling the truth has hit a nerve. Keep swinging, because future opportunities might be limited.

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What do you expect, for Trump to announce a new policy of unity with the Blob? Bygones will be bygones, joining hands and going forward ( forward right off a cliff)

No, the Blob only cares about the Blob and its own. They have been riding the gravy train for decades stealing everything in sight.

There is enough money missing from DC to pay the national debt with a few years of budget left over.

The Blob stole every dime of it.

Trump is announcing he is going after them because it is not anything they don't already know.

The people have to yank their heads out of their anal orifices. Stealth is not going to work in this battle. It's all or nothing. I believe Martin Armstrong when he predicts that if we lose this there never be another election in the US.

If it takes Trump up there beating his chest to wake us all up then that is what it will take.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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Alex - Thank you for knowing the stakes. So many ppl have no idea what our Constitution says - never learned it in school and therefore fear and imagination is how they comment. That’s what happens with a dumb downed education system

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The Founders were utterly against "factions" or parties. But how could people live without their Democrat cult and cult leaders like Maddow?

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One of the "commentators" no doubt posing as a regular blogger to see what Jim writes about. I've long suspected they're in churches, too, sitting there in the pews on Sunday morning, smiling and having coffee with everyone, shaking the preacher's hand after the service, telling him/her what a great sermon it was, and then getting on their cellphone and reporting what was preached and what people were talking about.

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World Council of Churches. Christianity has been mostly destroyed. Vatican Two for Catholics. Overt Zionism for other folks. Extreme Liberalism for other types of Protestants.

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Genesis 12:3

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I think the military will have a say

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The military has been purged and most of the higher staff are traitors

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Everything about Kamala's performance was inauthentic. This is no surprise as the entire campaign, party, government, and the constitution/structure of the blob is made of lies. That anyone under that umbrella might state the truth is accidental or coincidence. Kamala embodied that spirit with the fake, rehearsed, workshopped and focus grouped canned lines and soundbites she mechanically regurgitated that night. Her facial expressions, the intonation of her voice, the timing of her interruptions and cadence of her answers to the foreknown questions have never appeared in the public eye before. She was a Kamala who had never existed before, because she was coached and prepared to appear that way.

Never forget that the ultimate goal of all these lies is to game the systems of our republic. They do this by exerting psychological control over those who would fall victim to the propaganda. This is an art these organizations have perfected over many decades. It's all by design; it's the ultimate realpolitik where the end is control. They want you to be a subject, and if you won't be that, then they want you dead. What is reassuring is that so many polls and reports of people seeing through the charade. I hope it's enough.

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“A young prostitutor” comes to mind (speaking of accidental truth). Also, “we have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in history”.

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Don't forget Feinstein's: "I think a lot of the privacy people perhaps don't understand that we still occupy the role of the Great Satan"

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I think everyone has forgotten about that remark. Later, they tried to pass it off as a Biden blooper, but there it was.

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Classic Freudian slip.

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Michael if more ppl were like you this awakening would be a ton easier but reading these comments on this timeline leads me to believe many write with fear and scared thoughts or they are troll in controlled opposition feeding the scare to them. It is sad so many are lost

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I never thought at the ripe old age of 52 that I'd be giving serious consideration to upping sticks and leaving the emerald Isle for the sanctuary of Russia. That this consideration will be decided on who wins the US election is indicative of how insane the English speaking world has become in such a short space of time. As I sit typing this in my car at the mall parking lot, I notice the lady next to me and her 3 young kids getting into a new car, they are speaking Arabic and I would imagine they've just arrived in Ireland. No Irish parents could afford to bring up 3 kids yet most migrant families seem to have 3 or more kids. Madness around me, nothing makes sense here anymore.

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Russia is going to be the envy of the world, and they will not allow just anyone and everyone to emigrate there. As they say, if you import the 3rd world then you will become the 3rd world. Here is the USA, I am a stranger in my own land.

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My wife was having some folks help her with the probate of her late-mother's estate. Clean out crews, etc. So to show a little appreciatiation she sent them Krispy Kreme donuts via one of those food deliver outfits (Grubhub?). She is in another state, so all was done via phone.

The delivery people got lost even though they had navigation. They called my wife for directions, but neither of them (two deliveries simultaneously in the same town in the Portland, Oregon, area) could speak English. They only spoke Spanish. What? How could she help them, as she doesn't speak Spanish. Shame on my wife -- I guess she needs to learn the occupiers language.

But it wasn't creole French -- the cats are safe.

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Russia will become a magnet for Westerners who have skills and/or want to work. Learning Russian will be daunting, but the opportunity to be a productive and appreciated member of a society will smooth the road.

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Seriously, if you can, make the move. Have more children who represent your ancestral heritage -- because if things continue the way the appear to be, the few who move to safer places will be the last of their kin to carry on.

My parents moved from Europe to US just before WW2 -- they saw it coming. Many relatives who stayed behind were lost. If you can see the avalanche coming at you, it's time to go ....

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Google the Kalergi Plan to blend Whites out of existence in Europe - now extended to Whites everywhere.

Alas the Camp of the Saints (Raspail's novel) is besieged everywhere. The foolish Putin has allowed millions of Muslims into the Moscow area. Stay where you are and fight. The Irish remember how it's done. They are now at the stage of just saying "No, you're not doing that" to the Government. Do you not realize how rare that is? And then taking action a la Captain Moonlight?

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What doesn't make sense about an Ireland with less kickball fanaticism, less English usage, less alcoholism, and no Mariolatry?

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If i were 52 I'd be looking to Russia.

At 50 I escaped Massachusetts insanity & headed north to rural Maine.

Now I'm 70 & trapped here.

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You are not alone in your thinking

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You never fail to knock me out with jaw-dropping facts. The exposure of Kamala's BIG lie about J-6 made me stop in my tracks to like and thank you for your unrelenting passion to revive the truth from the mainstream coma.

The way the ABC defense team jumped on the cats comment and never referenced the 20,000 Haitian immigrants now in Springfield, Ohio, or the massive burden they place on housing, healthcare, and the public schools with some 1,500 students, many of whom don't speak English, some as old as 20 being placed in classrooms with 13-year-olds, no problem. This small city is incapable of handling it and of course it would be denied by a city administrator.

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They are trying to destroy middle America, one small town at a time. These people will vote for the right party, and get government benefits. They will be first on the list for the $25,000 new home buyer credit that Commie Kama is promising.

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They actually did that, though. Somebody saw a Haitian woman killing and skinning a cat in her driveway. Pets at large in the yard were snatched up and dispatched in the people's yard.

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Imagining that Russia will lob bombs at NATO HQ is a bit fantastical, I think, given the restraint thus far and Trump's promise of peacemaking. Retaliation might be as subtle as poisoning a few pigeons in the park, again.

As for what went down in the debate: the whole shittaree garnered more sympathy for Trump. And while he was at that podium, dodging more bullets, he struck a memetic blow with his hollering, Sam Kinison-style, about the eating of pets.

The earnest and humorless Left fact-checked this and cried racism and "muh Hitler," while my son's people, the Zoomers, made memes, songs and dances around Trump's outburst. That is their takeaway from an otherwise predictable and boring debate (He'll, debates were boring us all in the 80s.)

Young people are embracing the memes, embracing the legend, and will vote for Trump in greater numbers because of it. We are so far beyond logic at this point that it is pathetic to see the Democrats grind away with their fact checks, their zingers, and their synthetic candidate.

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Never underestimate the long game con of the dems. They probably want to start WWIII so they can then waltz away and let Trump deal with the after-effect ramifications. Then in the next election cycle they will claim they and their globalist cabal has all the answers to fix everything. Voila! One world order is then in place.

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OR…Trump gets in and resolves the chaos around the world, contains the geopolitical order, brings peace and prosperity to the country, and the Democrat party is tossed into the dustbin of history.

Could happen.

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Not only COULD HAPPEN - but WILL HAPPEN. Watch and learn boys and girls

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Yes! Shades of the old Trump, the guy who took America by storm. The guy who won, bigly. One of the old memes showed a soiled Trump with a patch over his eye. That came true the day of assassination attempt.

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Have you ever tried to have an intelligent conversation with a person who is intellectually compromised and continues to voice their superior knowledge, in the south we have a saying “Bless her heart”. I think that was what President Trump was up against and he realized that he would be slammed and demeaned as attacking a woman, in the same mean spirited way of the last eight years, he could have just said “bless your heart”!!!

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One thing I will say in Trump's defense as to his debate "performance:" No matter what he said or did, he would be judged "wrong." And he knew that going in. The obvious set-up was to lure Trump into losing his temper, calling Kamala a stupid "beeatch" or some such, get him to say something "racist" or "sexist," verbally attack the ABC moderators....that plan utterly failed. Trump delivered an utterly boring debate performance, did not "take the bait" and got through the debate without getting charged with some kind of cooked-up felony for "verbal abuse and threats." He had more to lose than she had to gain. She can make faces and say canned lines. He didn't call her names. The end.

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That was my take too. And his closing was pretty solid. Go wake up joe and implement all your plans now, what’s holding you back?

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I'm hearing that, hopefully, by the weekend's end, there should be an affidavit by an ABC whistleblower on how ABC rigged that debate. But honestly, from the get-go, when KH only agreed to do ABC and not ABC and Fox, I knew this would happen. Being a 60 year native of California, I have watched her rise through the ranks in dubious form. The worst AG California ever had. Vindictive. She went after the center for medical progress like a bloodhound. Their crime: Undercover video of Planned Parenthood illegally selling the body parts of fetuses for personal gain...aka.. trips to Maui and Lexus'. At the time of the actual undercover videos, it was not illegal to do so in the state of California. Her first move was to make a retroactive law so she could prosecute them. Not so she could prosecute Planned Parenthood.. She is a file, evil human being. And for her 20 years In public office in California, she has never been able to speak in coherent full sentences. It's always been word salad if it wasn't written down or piped into an earpiece.

So obviously, the debate---Yeah, kabuki theater Via ABC.

I think what bothers me the most, though-this is now the norm and not the exception from the progressive globalist party.


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The woman does enjoy power tripping - now Tulsi is getting the special treatment too.

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Strange how tech issues leading to censorship always beset those from the right and center, but never from the left. Anyway, I agree with your thoughts here.

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...and the Left, always advocates for Democracy, are the first to shout for censorship and cancelling.

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It's 'Nouveau Democracy', Stephen. Get with the program. Or else.

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Exactly. Sites that promote recipes, knitting projects and cute pets NEVER go down. Pretty remarkable 🤷

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Why Trump is debating the installed candidate for the Party that rigged the 2020 election and tried to assassinate him is beyond my understanding. The Debate is a non-issue. The choice is between the restoration of our Constitutional Republic, or the current fascist regime that mirrors the WWII Axis governments that Republicans and Democrats fought against (and which the Democrats are now voting FOR).

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Well said Robert

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I agree with restoration of our Constitutional Republic but Trump has NEVER mentioned that idea and I don't believe he has any intention of doing that should he win this election, which he will NOT as it will be as fraudulent as 2020 was, even more so. The Democrats have the cheat perfected. We WILL BE a Marxist dictatorship by 2026.

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Lee - no no no no stop the scare thoughts - why should Trump tell all the Dem asshats and DS exactly how this is going to get done - so YOU CAN FEEL COMFORTABLE?.

GET A pacifier AND GO WATCH CNN (or ABC)

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What, Claire Loony, does the truth scare you? I find no comfort in the possibility of the USA becoming a Marxist dictatorship. Dumb fuck, I don't watch any MSM propaganda, not even the turncoats at FOX News. I'm so conservative I'd make Barry Goldwater look like a moderate

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No never scared. Just smarter than blowhards like you

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Whatever sissy-ass coward.

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lol lol lol - I hope you love being an asshat.

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