I wouldn't wait for a SCOTUS ruling; just keep plowing ahead. As commander in chief, Trump can use the military to execute the laws in spite of some corrupt judge's ruling. Sort it out legally later. They'll scream "Hitler" and "Fascist" of course but almost no one believes them anymore anyway. People have been waiting for some swamp draining since 2015; pull the plug and get it over with!

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This is true. Old military adage: BE BOLD; strike hard and strike fast. Beg for forgiveness later.

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"Attack rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously without rest..." - George Patton

Quote was highlighted the other day on Martin Armstrong's site upon observing DOGE's approach to the Swamp.

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Oh, you mean like Operation Warp Speed? That certainly moved fast in disregard of basic science and drug development protocols. No petty restrictions held that back!

Yes, let's have more of that kind of bold and visionary decisiveness, it worked so well - at killing over a million Americans and screwing the health of tens of millions.

Without Warp Speed, there would have been no Biden mandates: do you see how it works?

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It's good if you're in the right, necessary when opposed by entrenched evil. But yes, bad when you're in the wrong. Warp Speed was evil as is the Ellison plan to use AI to implement the Vax. All the many protocols, procedures, checks and balances, can't protect us once Evil is in ascendance. They then serve evil.

Trump is cleverly mixing in good and evil, truth and lies, for the purpose of ultimate Evil.

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You might remember Trump had supposedly trained medical people giving him advice on the correct approach to solving the problem. Was the advice worthless? I would posit it was.

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True that. Like most things, it can be used for good or evil.

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It's the only way to go.

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That was the problem with Brexit. As soon as I heard that they were going to take a long, slow process to organize the exit, I knew the fix was in. Go boldly and recklessly. Any protracted move will be compromised and defused.

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Was it Andrew Jackson who told the US Supreme Court to come down and enforce their own ruling? Basically giving the Supremes a big middle finger? That's what Trump needs to do to these corrupt Federal Judges. Give them the finger and tell them to come to Washington and enforce their own rulings. Man, would I love to see him say that to these "judges." Judges, nothing but idiots with fancy law degrees hiding under black robes. What a joke.

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Especially the DC Circuit and the Southern Dist. of N.Y.: corrupt to the max

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No need to ask permission now, when you can just say "whoops" later.

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Yep, and while they will bitch about it, they've been doing the same thing now for years, so "turnabout is fair play." And, "it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission!"

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Let's face it: The Republic is over. Now comes the Empire. And the Trumps are bad, ultimately, serving another people, one both alien and inimical.

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Well, the Republic was over in 1871 when it was replaced by the United States of America, INC; and the USAID info coming out shows there's been an empire since WW II at least; perhaps it's the Republic that's coming back. And I get your concern about the apparent vassalage the US has had to a certain illegitimate "nation" in the Mideast, but the jury's still out on that. There is so much we don't see, know, or are told about what's really going on, we have to wait and see a lot, which is frustrating.

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Is it? Not in my court. Nothing but net!

In Australia, helicopters are patrolling to prevent "anti-Semitic attacks" and traditional Christianity is simply a variety of anti-Semitism.

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To get the patricians on board, you must offer them something.

These guys aren't going to take trinkets.

It is what it is, everything is a tradeoff.

Whatever we make, they will try to hijack it. Let us do the same, as the technocracy is not going away any more than did the printing press.

We've got to get our people in, so that we can hijack what they are building, and repurpose it to our uses. Trump is already well and truly behind the lines, but he's opened the door to our forces. Who better to steal the machinery than the people who operate it?

The first goal in war, remember, is to stop the enemy from killing you.

So, Elonet or satanic pedophiles?

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As in Walternet?

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Michael Higgins, is that you?

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I would not ask permission or say whoops later. I might say suck it up, stfu, you're fired, lock and load, among other things. Give them the finger indeed.

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Agree. The Left did plenty without approval of the courts because they don't need it.

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@aelred ….Sounds like a great plan to me. We have to remember we are not dealing with serious people. They behave like children and damn near turned the nation into a circus. It’s time for a spanking and I really have no sympathy for whoever gets made an example of. Nor do I care about the method used to punish them.

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Well, then, they're like the kids in Children of the Damned or Lord of the Flies who end up killing people on a childish whim; that's serious, and they need to be tried as adults!

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Amen. Call in the military.

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Agree, they have no authority here, especially the states. This is an Executive Branch issue not a state one.

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This is the kind of mindless thinking that got 60,000 young Americans killed in Vietnam- back then people were saying "Kill them all- let God sort it out."

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When you drain the swamp, you get angry alligators

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Very true. It's making me nervous, though. The alligators got a lot of traction with lawfare previously.

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I won't link to it, but I happened upon a YT video, apropos of an unrelated search a while ago, in which a worker took a shovel and, as a big fat alligator swam up him, he wacked it smack on the noggin.

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There are a few who could use a reality check. 2 yr olds throwing temper tantrums.

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Please stop denigrating swamp critters, those dem's in Washington don't even rise to the level of the scum on the bottom of scum's shoes.

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Take those particular alligators to the “zoo” and put them behind bars.

Then all the little kiddies can come by gawking and ask, “What are you in for?” Ha, ha.

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Alligator hides make good shoes.

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When you get alligators make boots and BBQ.

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I'm sure the DC judge doesn't have legal authority to stop Trump and his appointees from doing WHATEVER they want to do within said Executive branch department. So just do it and let said judge enforce his decree. How many unconstitutional troops does he have at his disposal?

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I noticed one name missing from the list of people no longer having a security clearance, the ketchup lady’s husband, John effing Kerry. Who knows what devious S.O.B. is up to.

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And Obama!

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That was my first thought. Why not his, too? Or Clinton's. I can make a l-o-n-g list of people I don't trust with security clearances!

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Obama security clearance has been rescinded today.

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Wow! I have not seen that in my CNN (cyber network news) feeds! Thanks! Made my day!

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Agreed! Once you are no longer in office one should automatically lose their clearance.

If, for some reasons related to National Security come along to make it necessary to “read that person in” on the Intel, than that could be handled strictly on a case by case basis, with distinct and narrow parameters.

Perhaps a law in this regard needs to be passed.

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There would be major advantages to pulling security clearances when people leave office. But I would NOT have liked Trump losing his clearance 2021-2025.

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Clinton gave us the blue dress charade while hiding what he and Cankles had actually done: sell our military secrets to China. (Bill Gertz).

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One very specific thing in fact small tactical nukes.

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Gertz warned us back in the '90s that Clinton was selling us out, but not many listened -- and those of us who did were called "nuts" and told to shut up so we didn't hurt the economy. Thirty years later, and people are finally waking up to the tech that we've had several traitors in the Oval Orifice: FDR, LBJ, Carter, probably the Bushes, definitely Clinton, Obama, and Biden. So what's anybody actually gonna do about it?

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Yes, I think as soon as you no longer hold an office, your clearance gets yanked. Why would they be able to keep it just because of what position they once held? I'd get that into law asap (followed by term limits for all).

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LOL! Let's get our terminology straight. Kerry goes by "a haircut in search of a brain." Unfortunately for Kerry, still no luck on that front.

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Has Newsom earned that nickname also?

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Good chance it will be inherited.

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It would be fitting, no?

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His cranial cavity is wind tunnel.

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Sounds like the roof racks on your car at 65 MPH!

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Linda Li (former DNC fund raiser now turned conservative) has revealed that after the CNN debate debacle Hunter Biden was the local puppet master for "Joe Biden", sat in on all the WH meetings and filtered the news for his dad.

Oh yeah, and he never had a security clearance either. I bet BO was a bit jealous.

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Or BO sat him there.

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BO, with his headset permanently attached to his brain, is but just one speed dial away.

“Hey Boss?”

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The list is endless.

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If USAID were private enterprise, it would be subject to RICO prosecution.

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I suspect there is no proviso against it being used against Government agencies as well.

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Good question that should be examined by DOJ.

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Excellent post, JK! Seems like we are witnessing the DC equivalent of the pulling back of the curtain in the Wizard of Oz, revealing the sputtering and incompetent boobs behind the DC curtain. Unfortunately for those DC miscreants, the entire world is watching as their corruption and grift is exposed and the normal people of the US are disgusted 🤮. Elon Musk is the perfect person to orchestrate the defenestration of the DC mob - he has no dog in the hunt as he’s rich beyond comprehension and seems to be indifferent as to politics. Trump can simply stand back and watch the 💩 show play out as Musk absorbs the media criticism and Trump takes credit for the success of DOGE.

While it’s yet to be determined just how much grift and inefficiency will be eliminated, it is clear that this will be the most successful attempt at reduction/restructuring of the federal government we’ve ever seen. Get your popcorn 🍿 ready for Musk’s review of the bigger targets such as DoD.

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Indifferent to politics but not to profits. I assume the Plan to bring in millions of Indians is still in the offing.

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Money quote: "It is the President’s duty to see that the laws are faithfully executed, meaning that the departments under him do their jobs correctly, which would give him inherent authority to audit and restructure agencies like USAID."

Judge Engelmayer bases his injunction on 5 U.S. Code § 551, the section of Title 5 that defines certain words. The judge never states which word and its definition that he feels is pivotal. This is like Judge Merchan's unstated "other crime" in the Bragg prosecution.

Engelmayer does the same thing when he makes a blanket statement that DOGE is unconstitutional. He never states which part of the U.S. Constitution is relevant to his opinion.


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"was a grown man dressed-up like an eight-year-old hollering nursery rhymes in front of a flash-mob"

Jim, you took the words right out of my mouth. I didn't watch the Super Bowl this year. First time since the last time the 49ers won (1994) I think that I had no interest. I was sick of the Kansas City Chiefs and the Taylor Swift montages every time they get a first down. The Philadelphia Eagles are just an ugly team. Ugly uniforms. Ugly colors. Ugly fans. Ugly stadium. Ugly coach. Don't know why anyone would want to be a fan of that team. Anyway, I digress. I gave up watching Super Bowl half time shows since the Janet Jackson accidental nipple exposure incident. One thing I have noticed is that out of all the "performers" they could have at a Super Bowl half time show it is seems to me that they always choose black rappers. All these idiots and all their dancers do is stand up there and rattle off inane poetry that none can understand and then gyrate around while thrusting their hips back and forth. It isn't entertainment. It isn't talent. I don't know what they hell it is. I'd take a marching band over this bullshit any day + Sunday.

But hey, what do I know. People like Jelly Roll (a fat 400 pound slob) or Post Malone (a skinny tatted up slob) are now famous. Gone are the days where the pretty people wowed the audience with their looks and talents. Gone are the bands like Def Leppard, Van Halen and Bon Jovi where they actually played their music and sang the lyrics without auto tune. Today popular entertainers are rappers and tatted up white guys who do everything in their power to make themselves look as nightmarish and disgusting as possible. And people like this!

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They showed Taylor Swift on the Superbowl Jumbotron, and the crowd started booing. The look on Taylor's face was priceless.

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LOL! Poor little girl. Life's going to be hard for her once the spotlight turns elsewhere.

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But for the Orange Devil, they roared. The USA is back in the biggest possible way. We're going to storm the beaches off the Persian gulf. Countless Americans will die, heroes every last one of them. Nothing better than dead heroes, eh?

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How many millions died for the bankers in the 20th century? My grandfather took a piece of shrapnel through the arm, got frostbite on his legs and feet, and had a building collapse on top of him in France to serve the bankers. He was too proud even to apply for a purple heart because he he didn't want to look like a pansy in comparison to all of his friends who died.

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Great respect for that man, in an era where they chose to be known as "citizen-soldiers," rather than "warfighters," which is every other word out of the mouth of Peter Hegseth, who looks programmed to help stage-manage war both in the Mideast and in the Pacific. It was a 2-time Medal of Honor Winner who saw the light and wrote an epic book, War is a Racket(free on line at Gutenberg and a must-read.) But does Trump, who is inclined to make peace with anyone who will host a Trump hotel, casino or golf course, plan to rein in vastly wasteful military spending? He waved a finger at Boeing first time he ran and then meekly bowed to their billion-dollar refit of Airforce One and every other massive weapons appropriation set on his desk. A man who promised to balance the budget, and then signed off on- not once vetoed- 4 consecutive TRILLION dollar deficits. But he did hang Andrew Jackson's portrait- a man who did in fact balance 8 straight and leave the nation $0.00 in debt when he left office, in the Oval Office.

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Lugh, there is treatment for that TDS now. By the way, with USAID going dark, are you sending out resumes?

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Thanks for the reminder of why the last Stupor Bowl I ever saw was sometime in the mid-1990s. It sounds not only unwatchable, but an absolute insult to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. Not to mention that the halftime shows are basically homages to postmodernist utopia (aka luciferianism, satanism). Yep, you all get to be part of a satanic ritual when you partake. I'm glad my instincts told me to stay away all those years ago.

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I'm a slow learner but my interest in American football is waning. Between the constant penalties, the Taylor Swift spots, the wokery, the bad play and the constant barrage of ads involving multi-racial couples and blacks, a 3 hours football game is almost unbearable.

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At this point, it sounds like it's already torture - so why is your interest merely "waning?" My God, what would it take?

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Ha, good question. I guess waning wasn't the appropriate term. I don't watch football anymore except for 49ers games. I grew up loving the San Francisco 49ers. As a child Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Roger Craig, Ronnie Lott were my sports heroes and at the time the 49ers were good. Very good. It's just something that I have always enjoyed and wanted to be a part of and it is hard to let something that was once so beloved slip by the wayside. That is changing, though, because the product just isn't as good as it used to be. Really, the only football that interests me anymore is a game involving the 49ers, if they are good. Otherwise I have pretty much turned off the NFL.

It was painful for me that the whole kneeling during the anthem originated with the 49ers and that idiot Kaepernick.

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Multi-racial couples! The horror!

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Bid was doing its best to look manly, though (no more Bud-Light-in-the Loafers ads.)

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The hip-hop crap at the Super Bowl is a result of Roger Goodell, The Senator's Son, hiring billionaire drug kingpin and "recording artist" Jay-Z Carter to run events for the NFL in a half-assed attempt to buy off radical black activists. I don't think it's working.

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Useful idiots yesterday: "I'm not worried about government surveillance, I have nothing to hide." Useful idiots today: "The government has no right to this private information."

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The death throes of the corrupt and the grifters playing out right before our eyes.

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GHETTO ON DISPLAY was the Super Bowl halftime show.

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Was the NFL trying for some sort of redemption for past halftime shows?

To me the show script having a pseudo-narrator evoking the look of TransSiberian Orchestra was at best a poor imitation.

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Daily Mail said it was the worst half-time show ever!


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If this Bowl was the Tay-Tay show, why didn't they have Tay-Tay for the halftime?

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Tay tay’s 🤣👍🏻

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Yeah, what the fuck was that all about? Apparently Jackson has embraced all of Ghettomania, trying desperately to stay relevant as a “Bro”.

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I watched it with one of my boys and said, “They should have subtitles scrolling at the bottom!” I never understood one word that was said (not “sung”, “said”).

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Careful. The Karens will accuse you of racism and being a Trumptard for such comments.

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I prefer the FAFO approach.

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Well - self identifying fraudsters and grifters will be those NGP's that receive funds during the time lawsuit was filed and the supreme court hears it. Trump should say simply, I am not following these orders and freeze any NGO payments.

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Why not? Biden explicitly defied SCOTUS even AFTER they ruled his student loan bailouts were unconstitutional. DOGE to Dems: “How do you like me now?”

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I thought he did exactly that.

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“The actual objective by the plaintiff in these cases (the Party of Chaos) is simply to delay any corrective action.”


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I am no lawyer, but I believe that Secretary Bessent can safely ignore the court's orders. In any event, employees of the Treasury Department report to the Secretary and not the judge, and they take their orders from him.

It would be amusing of the attorneys for the President were to show up in court not to make an argument against the lawsuit, but simply to inform the judge that the matter that the AGs have brought pertain to policy and personnel, and that is not in the purview of the courts, who may concern themselves only with law. Remind the judge of this and walk out.

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Someone in my family's full time job is to submit proposals for a fortune 500 company to try and win government grants (mostly to DOE, DOD, and DARPA). She is very skilled at this high paying job and has a support team of engineers, accountants, lawyers, etc. that work to put together these proposals to meet the guidelines that the Government Department outlines. There are still hundreds of billions of not yet allocated funds from Build Back Better & inflation reduction act.

This person now realizes they could lose their job but acknowledges that the majority of this funding is waste due to a myriad of reasons. Virtually all Biden admin grants have DEI requirements, they are encouraged to partner with certain NGO's and contractors that will get part of the funding (politicians friends and families), and they have to operate the project within a very bureaucratic framework of reporting, meeting deadlines, reporting, etc.

Overall, the biggest obstacle she runs into is that her company can have a hard time justifying the cost share for these politically targeted projects. Usually the proposals require a cost share of 10-20% and her company can't justify outlaying their own millions as the project's often are pie in the sky or have so much bureaucratic waste that they don't even expect to recover their 10-20% investment on woke government dictated projects.

I told her she should go work for DOGE as she knows the system inside & out.

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In general, these grants are not intended to produce tangible, useful results. Rather, they are intended to funnel money to favored NGOs and individuals. Perhaps your family member's employer can glean some benefit from the project, but that is purely coincidental.

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Money for nuthin, chicks for free.

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Great essay. Yes indeed, FAFO!

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