“The world is a dangerous place to live — not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” —Albert Einstein
I have to laught at all this corruption in U.S. voting. I live in Mexico. Here, a Mexican citizen must have a voter ID card. To obtain one, a person must submit a certified copy of their birth certificate. The voter ID card must be presented on election day in order to vote. All ballots are paper. No mail-in voting allowed. On the most recent election day, my wife, a Mexican citizen, informed me of the results around 9 pm in the evening. But hey, it's Mexico, right??????????
Mexico is a nice place with very nice people. It would be a lot nicer if the US administration would stop enriching the drug cartels and human traffickers.
Anarchist rich guy Jeff Berwick (podcasts on Rumble and Bitchute) lives in Mexico and says it's much freer there than here. He said if gov't officials try to do something the townspeople don't like, they'll stop them (often violently), so mostly they live their lives as they want to (not to deny some areas under the sway of gangs and cartels, for sure).
even the couples I recently saw who moved to Russia say, it is much freer there. They compared it to the US in the fifties. And the people are very friendly and welcoming. Of course, if we all move there, they might not be anymore.
Good point. When I lived in Nevada, the native Nevadans complained that all the Californians escaping over the border to Nevada (don't you dare say "Ne-VAH-da" BTW!) were bringing their liberal political and social culture w/ them and starting to influence and transform the NV gov't. I hear that's now happening in Texas.
I live in one of the reddest counties in the USA...Yavapai, AZ. We outnumber and outvote the lefty idiots by a 3:1 margin. But...the rest of my formerly solid red state is overrun with idiot leftists, mostly from CA, but also WA, MN, IL and the northeast. It is disgusting, this CA migration cancer that destroys states. To say that we DISLIKE them is a very gross understatement.
America is going to be burnt toast unless some bad ju-ju finally forces people to wake up to their losses.
I grew up in a small town in Illinois, a major farming state that was pretty red, but the state gov't was always dominated by Chicago politics; now, I live in a small town in Pennsylvania, very red, and it's the same thing: policies dominated by Philadelphia (where the 2020 cheating took place mostly) and Pittsburgh. We need to break up big cities somehow. When the government model is based on population numbers, the big cities get more influence and the gov't doesn't really reflect the people.
I agree with him. It's like that in my area at least. Funny, the first question I get from Americans is: do I feel safe living in Mexico? My reply is that I feel safer here than in the U.S. A big difference in that feeling of safety is that having grown up in the U.S., one intuitively knows what areas of say, New York City, are safe and which are not (for a doughy white geezer like me). Here in Mexico, you don't have that inborn understanding. You have to learn it. I can say that it sure helps to be married to a native!
Another thing you mentioned, even when one is visiting a major US City like NYC, you must use your “intuition and street smarts” to know where and where not to go. The same applies to Mexico and for any foreign country for that matter. I find most Americans quite clueless in the ‘situational awareness’ category.
I was just asked that same question a few days ago by someone, when I mentioned that I had traveled all over Mexico for the past 30 years. (I grew up on the CA Mexico border). Did I feel safe there? I told this person that I have not once felt unsafe. traveling around a Mexico (back in the early to mid 90’s). I have not been down into Mexico in at least 5 years, other than the occasional visit to my dentist in Tijuana, so now I would likely stay in a larger town or city.
And I likely wouldn’t take a bus as an older solo woman traveler, from Oaxaca, to San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, and down into Guatemala and back, like I did when I was 38!
I lived in San Diego in the 90s and felt quite safe going over the border and back to places in Baja and to Tecate and Mexicali, but I wouldn't anymore, and haven't been for decades now.
Does Mexico still have election days on Sundays? People didn't work on Sundays typically (the only day that was true) so to aid them in voting, elections were (are?) held on a Sunday (AND, the bars are closed--which used to be true in the US as well).
You are correct. Elections are held on a Sunday for exactly that reason. We were walking along the lake in the pueblo near where we live that day. Most stores were closed. Everything was tranquil. And the bars are closed for 3 days including election day.
sounds familiar. I grew up in Belgium and we had election day on Sunday, until 1 or so. Most stores there are closed on Sundays. In Germany I remember even on Saturday afternoon, everything closed. Only the bakery was open a few hours. Working on Saturday, Sunday or holidays was paid more as well, ( times one and a half, times 2, times 3). The US still is into slavery IMO
that is how it should be. Until a few years ago it was like that in Belgium, where I used to live. Now they have machines, but the check point is still used. Been thinking of moving to Mexico too, but already crossed the ocean then moved cross-country... and now you got a Soros supported president. Probably will live out my time here in my cabin in the woods.
PS I think it was the NYT who supported Hitler wasn't it?
They won't. The Amish strongly discourage converts. There's a lot more to being Amish than going without technology. They have their own language, for one thing. And each church has its own set of rules which differ from one group to another. Once you join the church, that's it. You've turned your back on the outside world and you don't get to pick and choose which rules you want to follow. It's not at all like our society. Those who can't or won't fit in are subject to church discipline including shunning.
"I think it was the NYT who supported Hitler wasn't it?" I don't believe that is true. The NYT supported lenin, stalin and denied the holodomor and served as water carriers for the gulag and the red terrors. Why and how would the NYT support Germany when jews declared war on Germany in 1933?
Indeed. And the NYT luved Stalin as well. I'm hoping the new president restricts herself to infrastructure projects. I am definitely concerned about it. Fortunately, we are in the rural countryside of Mexico.
Only blue key democratic controlled states had abnormal late night change in voting totals. Just a coincidence? Bet your life it was preplanned. If you are schooled in statistics you know.
Mexico can manage voter ID, eh? Why can't we in America? Why are we told perpetually that voter ID is racist? Is Mexico racist against its entire population?
Opposing photo ID to vote tells you all you need to know about how they got away with the 2020 steal, and what is likely to be a 2024 steal on steroids - and lots of “new” voters have been strategically placed around the US.
What you think doesn't mean anything to anyone except those who might possibly be hearing a dog whistle. But you could clarify by saying WHY you are suspicious? What is implied by this election?
You just answered by your refusal to answer. I don't need to insult you - your behavior defines you perfectly - a coward who will insinuate but not spell out and stand behind his or her convictions.
You already did insult me. "What you think doesn't mean anything to anyone except those who might possibly be hearing a dog whistle. " Your name tells me all I need to know. Calling me a coward is an insult. Thanks for confirming exactly what I suspected.
You weren't clear at all in your first comment and I gave you the benefit of a doubt to explain rather than assume what you meant. But now you've confirmed you're a racist loser. I'd rather you were not, so that's on you, not me. Humble yourself and you may yet benefit from my help.
Until not that long ago, we Americans usually had election results on Election Day. Then came the litigation in 2000, followed by tight races in 2004 and 2016, and the giant fiasco of 2020, when the Democrats, who always cared about crooked elections, said there were no irregularities -- with the assent of both Establishment (anti-Trump) Republicans and the mass media. Voter ID laws are enacted in states, only to be struck down in federal courts for being racist. Why? Because both parties use the controversy to enrich themselves while preventing the problem to be resolved in obvious ways such as the one you've described. After all, why fix the problem when there's power to be won and money to be made?
I live and work in Mexico also, and its fine with me not to vote here - it is not my culture, I do not wish to intervene in their country for my own benefit. Like everyone is expected to do in the US, I suppose that's "Our Democracy." However I left the US in 2007 for Canada because of the Bush-Cheney election fraud in my state of Ohio. We did not sit still, but even as mostly Democrats (then) we didn't get any help from media or even blogs. We organized evidence collection and observed flawed recounts in most of Ohio's 88 counties. Election fraud is as American as apple pie, and has been a problem for decades. But when it led to world wars, and the courts dismissed our evidence (ran out the statute of limitations in 76 years) I left for what I thought was a more peaceful country. Now Canada is a NATO tool, so I am staying in Mexico as long as we can. There's no reason to return to the US, I fought many years and got nowhere. It continues to get worse than ever.
Jimbo is so sensitive, banning & erasing my (slightly ) critical comments. Hey Jim, you'll NEVER allow comments on substack again. You're all moth & trousers (look it up)
'All mouth & trousers' is, I believe a British army term for someone who, in modern day parlance, 'fakes it' - or more accurately, is loud & brash but when push comes to shove, fades away, stage left.
So here's what I said that was quickly deleted.... (not exact same words)
Jim runs a sheltered workshop for Americans where they too & fro with each other, scoring points and feeling good (or angry) as the case may be. They let off steam.
It's a small club where they think they're making a difference but in fact, all they are doing is talking to each other, endlessly. Some posters put up 10, 15 or more posts per article. It makes them feel good and they send Jim money as a 'thank you' for being heard. It's sort of like the Catholics dispensation money - OK very 'sort of' but you get the idea.
It's basically closed to anyone who doesn't obey Jim's rules. Well, that's OK, everyone has to make a buck, and Jim is a pretty fair writer... .not great though, just good. Getting a bit flowery & pretentious as he gets older...we all do that.
Jim used to be 'of the left' - and nothing wrong with that - though he denies it. But, being an intelligent fellow, he saw the light and now realizes that the left, the extreme left, is determined to end our civilisation and take us all to oblivion. So he's changed sides, thankfully.
His blog is not like sub stack. It's real old fashioned, makes you wade through masses of dross to get to the odd Jem (yes, there are some, still). I seldom go more than 2 screens of comments. Does anyone, except those involved who think they're changing the world by talking to each other? But Jim can control it and that's what he wants.
So that's in essence what I said that was deleted. No bad language or flames... just a general criticism, but pooof! it's gone!
Jim is getting sensitive in his old age. I guess that's what happens when you become a paper dictator?
My apologies. Special needs? I will speak slower. Your reply was both pedantic and dismissive. I was impressed, however, with your ability to parse the motivation of hundreds of posters as "trying to change the world" I, myself, visit and post there for entertainment. I did not know that I, unbeknownst to me, harbored the messianic drive to better humanity through posting on the "Internets". I must be some sort of Saint...please advise, and I tank you in advance.
I think AI is getting into this line of work. Some of my post were slow to post, as if they were being considered, and then they just disappeared without ever posting.
I came over to substack this morning because unknown parties trashed JHK's usual website. I didn't realize there's a whole different cast of commentators here. Hi Y'all !
Probably because of how "off" some of the commenters are, with their various hobby horses. (Looking at you, Jarek, you monomaniac). Or the general doomer tenor of posts, nowhere better exemplified than by Cankerpuss, a total Debbie Downer.
It was a wise decision on Jim's part to keep the decline and fall unspecified. It throws the responsibility back on readers to navigate that period (we're in it now) as best they can, not to rely on a someone else's depiction. There are lots of novels that describe the decline and fall in detail.
To my mind the best is still John Seymour's 1996 novel "Retrieved from the Future".
Sure, if you think the US is not a democracy simply because it is also a republic, as conflation of "democracy" with "pure democracy" seems to be in vogue these days.
A republic is a (sovereign) democratic state, while democracy can apply to any type of polity.
The likely purpose of the right's promoting the U.S. as a "republic" while denying it is a "democracy" are their subliminally-operating matches to the "Republican" and "Democratic" parties. Wink, wink.
The fix is in and has been for years. ALL the organizations that matter are completely captured. Our "leaders" didn't go to the trouble of capturing all these organizations for kicks and giggles. They did it for a sinister reason (s).
Key question: How many more American citizens are now "on to them?" I think the answer is a lot more. However, it logically follows that more censorship, cancellation and dirty tricks will be utilized to ensure these villains are NOT exposed. At this point, it's never been more important for these sociopaths to cover their asses ... to prevent full-disclosure of all their past crimes, frauds, cover-ups and never-ending lies.
So everyone on our side needs to buckle up our chin straps even tighter.
The Inspired Channel posed an interesting comparison of two viewpoints in our community. 1) The system is broken and must be fixed. 2) The system is working as intended and must be destroyed. Which do you favor?
Be careful about the "destroyed." Violent revolutions always lead to tyrannies that are much worse than what they replace. The American Revolution was a reactionary revolution that fought to preserve our rights as Englishmen, and to uphold our government, the Congress elected by the people.
Today, we need new stronger laws to uphold voting as a means by which citizens not machines controlled in China, Switzerland, England, Spain, etc. ad nauseam choose our leaders. We need to de-emphasize "voting" as a citizenship duty, replaced by informed vote.
If we want a new system, we need to BUILD it, from the bottom up.
Man, that's a provocative pregunta. I'll go with Door 2 - "The system is working as intended and must be destroyed." The Great Purge is going to have to be greater than anything that's ever happened in world history.
But all it will take is a one or two brazen and shocking scandals to be fully and definitively exposed. Then the public will (belatedly) ask: "if they were lying about this, what else were they lying about?"
The answer, of course, is just about everything that's truly important. So the key to the operation for the Status Quo protectors is to NOT let that first nuclear "truth bomb" detonate.
Aside in this- one subtle use of propaganda is not to change what you believe; but rather to change what you imagine others believe. Most Americans think that “the majority of other Americans” believe there was only lee Harvey Oswald shooting at JFK, that 9-11 was orchestrated from a cave in Afghanistan, that Ukraine is a democracy, etc. but that is what we are made to imagine others believe, even if we ourselves know it isn’t true.
But what if our mental picture of what other Americans believe is NOT TRUE, but a product of media Propaganda? Bob Dylan release a 16 minute song called “murder most foul” about the JFK assassination. It made it to the #1 spot on the music charts. What does this reveal? Most Americans know the truth of what is happening in our country; the truth bombs have already landed and hit home. But we think we are alone, and a minority; but the truth is the majority of Americans are aware of what has happened.
During the first two weeks following the stolen presidential election of 2020 I assiduously saved links for dozens of documented reports of massive voter fraud committed in precincts around the country. In the months following, those linked sources all disappeared - sucked down the memory hole.
The changes in voting laws and procedures contrived since Trump became president have all been patently designed to facilitate cheating. They not only conduce to voter fraud; they were intended to do so.
The single biggest wonderment in this election cycle is that Democrats evoke a second Trump term as a certain dystopian nightmare, ignoring the fact that we actually know what it would be like to have him as president, his having already held that office for four years. They characterize that nightmare as the certain "Destruction of Democracy," ignoring the fact that we actually have experienced an American totalitarian state - imposed by the Democrats during Covid.
If these surreal political conditions can be overcome by Mr. Trump and his supporters in less than two months that will, indeed, be a miracle.
I was creating spreadsheets off of "Politico" website's posted results in November 2020 up until December 15th 2020. The totals kept changing. I finally had to go to the Secretary of State's website, where I remain today. Reading the numbers ends up telling you all you need to know. The primary election results for U.S. Representative 2022 were down right laughable. With 1.3M "eligible" voters (use to be called "registered") and 33 counties, we have a petri dish foaming up out here.
For democrats, a second Trump presidency WOULD be a dystopian nightmare. Here in the progressive state, we're treated to TV ads warning that Trump's presidency would mean the end of women's "reproductive freedom" and Kamala up there on stage telling the faithful that Trump would sign a national abortion ban.
I know what’s with all that crap that a 2nd Trump presidency would be the end of “women’s reproductive freedom” and he would create a ‘national abortion ban”. I too heard this from an older white , new school liberal, white Democrat friend.
He was going on about that his daughters and granddaughters “would be denied their reproductive rights” if Trump gets
How’s that going to happen?. Wow the possibility that these daughters and granddaughters of his couldn’t use abortion as a form of birth control! Imagine that? He obviously hasn’t heard of the Abortion/Morning After Pill.
(The irony of it all is one of his two adult daughters is gay and is married to a gay woman. They have two young (3 years and 5 months) children, that they each carried in útero, through artificial insemination of a donors sperm, that they picked out and their own ‘eggs’!)
It's not the Constitution that is a menace to Democracy, it IS the Republican/ Democrat Uniparty that is a menace to the American way of governance instituted by the Constitution.
Both parties MUST be disbanded, and the leaders of both parties banned from politics for life.
Before I started to delve into the “Anti-Federalist” papers, I thought the same thing. The government we have now is not the founders vision of Federalism thriving with sovereign states unified. But, as I can see now, it was doomed from the start. The corrupt abuse of power that we know now was predicted by the “Anti-Federalists.” But we can do something about it if we follow their wisdom now!
JHK, however brilliantly, has barely scratched the surface of the upcoming STEAL that is once again being perpetrated on what's left of the legitimate electorate and citizenry.
This year, it's all about BALLOTS which are being manufactured in great numbers even as I write this. What's going on is no secret, yet the feckless RNC, GOP and even Team Trump have been very lackadaisical in their response. WTF is wrong with these people??
There are many groups and people who have been working their asses off since 2020 was stolen, trying to fix our broken system, yet the Repubs want no part of it.
If you want to see just how bad it is and how patriotic warriors like Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote are fighting the fraud, I urge you to read the great Elizabeth Nickson's substack for the best elaboration and explanations out there:
My best hopes are that the good Lord will once again have mercy on America (He didn't save Trump from the assassin's bullet to lose the election) and also that Elon Musk has taken over the entire tech and fraud detection functions of the Trump Team.
Thank you. No doubt vote rigging is going on and gaming the election by misinformation, disinformation and straight out constant lying and gaslighting.
As a registered Republican, and perhaps activist, I got lots of letters from President Trump while he was in office. All he ever asked for was money. A billionaire asking a food stamps recipient for money. What I did have was more valuable: a very high IQ and time. I never got asked to check voter rolls, election laws, local politicians, etc. Just money and votes. Precisely what got us into this mess in the first place. Our leaders need to demand a lot more from us and provide guidance as to what rank-and-file should do.
Yeah, that's what I don't like, is the constant bleat for money. There isn't a single email that is sent out without an accompanying plea for money. Fact of the matter is they'll always have more money and foot soldiers than we do.
The problem is not that they DO ask for money--they need it and they have to ask. The problem is that they don't demand ENOUGH. They need to ask for volunteers. Volunteers as poll watchers, get-out-the-vote, drivers to bring shut-ins to the polls, back office stuff, etc. Info on what works to wake up neighbors willing to learn the truth.
He took 900 million from Sheldon Adelson's widow. He's basically owned now if he wasn't before. The beast has two hands. If you only look at the left, you'll be clocked by the right.
Also check out omega4america’s substack. Jay shows how they engineer the cheat with ballots sent to undeliverable addresses which are “harvested” and put to use by the marxocrats.
Mike- have you been reading Jay's latest articles on substack? I have been following him for awhile and am a bit concerned about what's going on with him.
He is not the only one who is working on cleaning up the voter rolls- look at the article I just shared.
Now that we are in the 11th hour he is trying to start some kind of funding page to get "bucks for ballots" as he calls it. Why did he wait so long after he's been saying it should have been done YEARS AGO?
I am very much aware of his "fractal tech" that identifies bad addresses but True the Vote has something similar that we are using in NY.
I urge you to check out JV's latest posts and see what you think.
What confounded me to no end is how all the litigation was brought forth in courts all across the country and nothing became of it. How is this possible?
I keep positing that all the important "truth-seeking" organizations are captured. By logic, the Courts would have to be captured to ensure all these crimes are not exposed. The "fearless" trial lawyers who are supposed to represent victims who have been wronged or harmed are also 99.9 percent captured. Of course, every surreal thing that has happened wouldn't have happened if the world simply had a real "watchdog" press.
As Mr. Kunstler shows in this piece, the leader of "pack journalism" (The NY Times) thinks the Constitution is a threat to democracy and should be discarded (which it has been).
That's the scary part: people are always saying that the Constitution guarantees this and that, but it's clear now that ignoring the Constitution pretty much takes care of "guarantees"
Laws (and regulations or "emergency orders") were passed (or executive orders were signed) to get around the Constitution. If that didn't work, the Courts have affirmed way too many Unconstitutional laws, regulations and executive orders.
So members of the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch have all conspired to trash or ignore the Constitution. To supplement this effort, the Fourth Estate runs its psy-op, narrative-control operations.
Yes, it has. Actually a long time ago. When Bill Clinton unconstitutionally signed us onto the NAFTA trade agreement. Trade agreement laws effectively replaced constitutional law, as it does in every country that signs onto it. Most of the hoi polloi don't know that. And wouldn't care if they did.
Standing? As in no right? Or not merit? Seems like they're deciding cases without bothering with trials. Of course there has always been this feature, else the courts would have been overwhelmed with nonsense. But now they're using this feature to get rid of legitimate cases. It all comes down to human quality in the ruling class. It is now utterly bereft of that.
I well remember that, virtually within minutes of Biden being 'elected', the MSM were telling us "We have no evidence of voter fraud toa degree that would have affected the outcome of the election.' That statement has more qualifiers than it has statement. That statement does NOT say that there was no election fraud. Not even close.
Completely agree on the problem. However, on "All of that followed orderly legislative procedure..."
Not in Pennsylvania. DemocRAT Gov. Wolf ran roughshod over the legislature to change how the election was rigged, I mean, run there in 2020. The courts did nothing about that, of course.
In reality the Constitution is a threat to democracy; that is by design. We are a constitutional republic not a democracy because democracy is, in essence, mob rule . So the constitution protects the individual from the tyranny of the lynch mob.
My faith has become much deeper because I now am more convinced than ever that Satan is one busy SOB. If evil is real, the counter to evil - Good and God - must also be real.
I have to laught at all this corruption in U.S. voting. I live in Mexico. Here, a Mexican citizen must have a voter ID card. To obtain one, a person must submit a certified copy of their birth certificate. The voter ID card must be presented on election day in order to vote. All ballots are paper. No mail-in voting allowed. On the most recent election day, my wife, a Mexican citizen, informed me of the results around 9 pm in the evening. But hey, it's Mexico, right??????????
Mexico is a nice place with very nice people. It would be a lot nicer if the US administration would stop enriching the drug cartels and human traffickers.
Anarchist rich guy Jeff Berwick (podcasts on Rumble and Bitchute) lives in Mexico and says it's much freer there than here. He said if gov't officials try to do something the townspeople don't like, they'll stop them (often violently), so mostly they live their lives as they want to (not to deny some areas under the sway of gangs and cartels, for sure).
even the couples I recently saw who moved to Russia say, it is much freer there. They compared it to the US in the fifties. And the people are very friendly and welcoming. Of course, if we all move there, they might not be anymore.
Good point. When I lived in Nevada, the native Nevadans complained that all the Californians escaping over the border to Nevada (don't you dare say "Ne-VAH-da" BTW!) were bringing their liberal political and social culture w/ them and starting to influence and transform the NV gov't. I hear that's now happening in Texas.
I live in one of the reddest counties in the USA...Yavapai, AZ. We outnumber and outvote the lefty idiots by a 3:1 margin. But...the rest of my formerly solid red state is overrun with idiot leftists, mostly from CA, but also WA, MN, IL and the northeast. It is disgusting, this CA migration cancer that destroys states. To say that we DISLIKE them is a very gross understatement.
America is going to be burnt toast unless some bad ju-ju finally forces people to wake up to their losses.
I grew up in a small town in Illinois, a major farming state that was pretty red, but the state gov't was always dominated by Chicago politics; now, I live in a small town in Pennsylvania, very red, and it's the same thing: policies dominated by Philadelphia (where the 2020 cheating took place mostly) and Pittsburgh. We need to break up big cities somehow. When the government model is based on population numbers, the big cities get more influence and the gov't doesn't really reflect the people.
Yes, it has been accelerating in Texas in recent years. Lots of New York and Flor-i-duh plates, too.
Having been to Russia I agree with you. And if and when push comes to shove the Russians, being tough, will eat America alive
I agree with him. It's like that in my area at least. Funny, the first question I get from Americans is: do I feel safe living in Mexico? My reply is that I feel safer here than in the U.S. A big difference in that feeling of safety is that having grown up in the U.S., one intuitively knows what areas of say, New York City, are safe and which are not (for a doughy white geezer like me). Here in Mexico, you don't have that inborn understanding. You have to learn it. I can say that it sure helps to be married to a native!
Another thing you mentioned, even when one is visiting a major US City like NYC, you must use your “intuition and street smarts” to know where and where not to go. The same applies to Mexico and for any foreign country for that matter. I find most Americans quite clueless in the ‘situational awareness’ category.
I was just asked that same question a few days ago by someone, when I mentioned that I had traveled all over Mexico for the past 30 years. (I grew up on the CA Mexico border). Did I feel safe there? I told this person that I have not once felt unsafe. traveling around a Mexico (back in the early to mid 90’s). I have not been down into Mexico in at least 5 years, other than the occasional visit to my dentist in Tijuana, so now I would likely stay in a larger town or city.
And I likely wouldn’t take a bus as an older solo woman traveler, from Oaxaca, to San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, and down into Guatemala and back, like I did when I was 38!
I lived in San Diego in the 90s and felt quite safe going over the border and back to places in Baja and to Tecate and Mexicali, but I wouldn't anymore, and haven't been for decades now.
Yep, sounds just like Berwick, who's also married to a native.
The Dollar Vigilante makes money from pushing cryptos. He does have some sensible things to say on broader issues though
And playing in poker tournaments apparently! I do find his walking commentary entertaining, and he does remind me that this is all a big video game.
A R R I B A !!!
Does Mexico still have election days on Sundays? People didn't work on Sundays typically (the only day that was true) so to aid them in voting, elections were (are?) held on a Sunday (AND, the bars are closed--which used to be true in the US as well).
You are correct. Elections are held on a Sunday for exactly that reason. We were walking along the lake in the pueblo near where we live that day. Most stores were closed. Everything was tranquil. And the bars are closed for 3 days including election day.
sounds familiar. I grew up in Belgium and we had election day on Sunday, until 1 or so. Most stores there are closed on Sundays. In Germany I remember even on Saturday afternoon, everything closed. Only the bakery was open a few hours. Working on Saturday, Sunday or holidays was paid more as well, ( times one and a half, times 2, times 3). The US still is into slavery IMO
I once went to a wedding in Rosarito Beach; much to my chagrin and disappointment, I discovered it was an election day and so no tequila por me! LOL
Lo mismo aqui yo Panama. No liquor sales anywhere on election day either.
Racist. 😂
that is how it should be. Until a few years ago it was like that in Belgium, where I used to live. Now they have machines, but the check point is still used. Been thinking of moving to Mexico too, but already crossed the ocean then moved cross-country... and now you got a Soros supported president. Probably will live out my time here in my cabin in the woods.
PS I think it was the NYT who supported Hitler wasn't it?
There's not many "bug-out" places left on earth. I wonder if it's too late to become Amish ... or if they would take me in.
They won't. The Amish strongly discourage converts. There's a lot more to being Amish than going without technology. They have their own language, for one thing. And each church has its own set of rules which differ from one group to another. Once you join the church, that's it. You've turned your back on the outside world and you don't get to pick and choose which rules you want to follow. It's not at all like our society. Those who can't or won't fit in are subject to church discipline including shunning.
"I think it was the NYT who supported Hitler wasn't it?" I don't believe that is true. The NYT supported lenin, stalin and denied the holodomor and served as water carriers for the gulag and the red terrors. Why and how would the NYT support Germany when jews declared war on Germany in 1933?
Indeed. And the NYT luved Stalin as well. I'm hoping the new president restricts herself to infrastructure projects. I am definitely concerned about it. Fortunately, we are in the rural countryside of Mexico.
{...new president restricts HERself...}
How d'you know that ???
I don't. I'm hoping that. She has talked extensively about bringing back serious passenger rail to Mexico that's interstate.
But maybe it turns out in the long-run that is is far better to judge people from their real ACTIONS not from their words ...
Only blue key democratic controlled states had abnormal late night change in voting totals. Just a coincidence? Bet your life it was preplanned. If you are schooled in statistics you know.
Mexico can manage voter ID, eh? Why can't we in America? Why are we told perpetually that voter ID is racist? Is Mexico racist against its entire population?
Obama could never live and vote there. He can't come up with a legitimate birth certificate.
Opposing photo ID to vote tells you all you need to know about how they got away with the 2020 steal, and what is likely to be a 2024 steal on steroids - and lots of “new” voters have been strategically placed around the US.
I find it a little suspicious that a jewish woman would be elected in Mexico. Perhaps I don't know anything but that's what I think.
What you think doesn't mean anything to anyone except those who might possibly be hearing a dog whistle. But you could clarify by saying WHY you are suspicious? What is implied by this election?
No thanks. I can tell that you already have ugly insults ready for any reply.
You just answered by your refusal to answer. I don't need to insult you - your behavior defines you perfectly - a coward who will insinuate but not spell out and stand behind his or her convictions.
You already did insult me. "What you think doesn't mean anything to anyone except those who might possibly be hearing a dog whistle. " Your name tells me all I need to know. Calling me a coward is an insult. Thanks for confirming exactly what I suspected.
You weren't clear at all in your first comment and I gave you the benefit of a doubt to explain rather than assume what you meant. But now you've confirmed you're a racist loser. I'd rather you were not, so that's on you, not me. Humble yourself and you may yet benefit from my help.
Yep except it's not funny.
Until not that long ago, we Americans usually had election results on Election Day. Then came the litigation in 2000, followed by tight races in 2004 and 2016, and the giant fiasco of 2020, when the Democrats, who always cared about crooked elections, said there were no irregularities -- with the assent of both Establishment (anti-Trump) Republicans and the mass media. Voter ID laws are enacted in states, only to be struck down in federal courts for being racist. Why? Because both parties use the controversy to enrich themselves while preventing the problem to be resolved in obvious ways such as the one you've described. After all, why fix the problem when there's power to be won and money to be made?
Get wise the court deception in my podcast here:
I live and work in Mexico also, and its fine with me not to vote here - it is not my culture, I do not wish to intervene in their country for my own benefit. Like everyone is expected to do in the US, I suppose that's "Our Democracy." However I left the US in 2007 for Canada because of the Bush-Cheney election fraud in my state of Ohio. We did not sit still, but even as mostly Democrats (then) we didn't get any help from media or even blogs. We organized evidence collection and observed flawed recounts in most of Ohio's 88 counties. Election fraud is as American as apple pie, and has been a problem for decades. But when it led to world wars, and the courts dismissed our evidence (ran out the statute of limitations in 76 years) I left for what I thought was a more peaceful country. Now Canada is a NATO tool, so I am staying in Mexico as long as we can. There's no reason to return to the US, I fought many years and got nowhere. It continues to get worse than ever.
Jimbo is so sensitive, banning & erasing my (slightly ) critical comments. Hey Jim, you'll NEVER allow comments on substack again. You're all moth & trousers (look it up)
"Jimbo"? I'd ban you just for being a snarky jackass.
that's 'mouth' - old British saying for cowards
'All mouth & trousers' is, I believe a British army term for someone who, in modern day parlance, 'fakes it' - or more accurately, is loud & brash but when push comes to shove, fades away, stage left.
So here's what I said that was quickly deleted.... (not exact same words)
Jim runs a sheltered workshop for Americans where they too & fro with each other, scoring points and feeling good (or angry) as the case may be. They let off steam.
It's a small club where they think they're making a difference but in fact, all they are doing is talking to each other, endlessly. Some posters put up 10, 15 or more posts per article. It makes them feel good and they send Jim money as a 'thank you' for being heard. It's sort of like the Catholics dispensation money - OK very 'sort of' but you get the idea.
It's basically closed to anyone who doesn't obey Jim's rules. Well, that's OK, everyone has to make a buck, and Jim is a pretty fair writer... .not great though, just good. Getting a bit flowery & pretentious as he gets older...we all do that.
Jim used to be 'of the left' - and nothing wrong with that - though he denies it. But, being an intelligent fellow, he saw the light and now realizes that the left, the extreme left, is determined to end our civilisation and take us all to oblivion. So he's changed sides, thankfully.
His blog is not like sub stack. It's real old fashioned, makes you wade through masses of dross to get to the odd Jem (yes, there are some, still). I seldom go more than 2 screens of comments. Does anyone, except those involved who think they're changing the world by talking to each other? But Jim can control it and that's what he wants.
So that's in essence what I said that was deleted. No bad language or flames... just a general criticism, but pooof! it's gone!
Jim is getting sensitive in his old age. I guess that's what happens when you become a paper dictator?
You're supposed to play your guitar to change the world.
I tried that. Got thrown out of the Salvos diner
Posting to change the World? Really? Is that what you do? I think that I am beginning to get "the idea". Pedantry is a terrible thing to waste.
For God's sake, tell me more....
Please repost, making some sort of sense. Tanks.
My apologies. Special needs? I will speak slower. Your reply was both pedantic and dismissive. I was impressed, however, with your ability to parse the motivation of hundreds of posters as "trying to change the world" I, myself, visit and post there for entertainment. I did not know that I, unbeknownst to me, harbored the messianic drive to better humanity through posting on the "Internets". I must be some sort of Saint...please advise, and I tank you in advance.
Hey Jim, do you have a team, maybe your old *democrat mates, who ban critical remarks while you sleep?
* Yep, I was reading your stuff when you were a little lefty. At least you came good, eventually. It did take time though.
I think AI is getting into this line of work. Some of my post were slow to post, as if they were being considered, and then they just disappeared without ever posting.
Maybe. But I bet Jimbo never uses Sub stack for comments ever again. He likes it the way it is on his old blog ...control
Has CFN been hacked, and is it going to be restored? It would suck if all that work (and all the remarks) was gone.
Roberto…En que parte de Mexico vives? Estoy en La Frontera entre Mexico y Estados Unidos.
Estoy cerca de Guadalajara. En el lado norte del lago de Chapala.
Great post amigo.
Clusterfuck is one of the best stacks here, jfyi
One of the TOP THREE in the USA for sure. JHK is a true genius, absolutely brilliant.
I came over to substack this morning because unknown parties trashed JHK's usual website. I didn't realize there's a whole different cast of commentators here. Hi Y'all !
We're usually not allowed to comment unfortunately, but he turned it on today because of the other problem.
That's odd. Why no comments here, does it cost Jim extra?
It doesn't cost anything for him to allow comments. No idea why not.
Allowing comments on Substack would double the moderation burden. Jim doesn't have a large editorial staff to swing over to that task.
I believe driving traffic/metrics to one's own website provides more bang in the business sense, but that's only a hunch.
Probably because of how "off" some of the commenters are, with their various hobby horses. (Looking at you, Jarek, you monomaniac). Or the general doomer tenor of posts, nowhere better exemplified than by Cankerpuss, a total Debbie Downer.
It is easier to comment on Substack, Mr. K.
Jim likes a strictly controlled blog with lovely dolphins catching hooplas
Hm - JHK’s regular site is a paid subscription one. Looks like this site is “read only”.
that's not right though. Jim has a patreon but his regular blog at kunstler.com is open to read and comment after registration, for zero dollars.
That link is being redirected here.
I highly recommend his The World Made By Hand fictional series so you have a good taste of what we're in for.
I wish JHK would write a 5th novel in the series - maybe even a prequel detailing the decline and fall of America.
It was a wise decision on Jim's part to keep the decline and fall unspecified. It throws the responsibility back on readers to navigate that period (we're in it now) as best they can, not to rely on a someone else's depiction. There are lots of novels that describe the decline and fall in detail.
To my mind the best is still John Seymour's 1996 novel "Retrieved from the Future".
just ordered. PAPER
I bought “The World Made By Hand” a year ago👏!
It's creamy, buttery, spicy.
I agree!
It's not the Constitution that's a threat to democracy; it's democracy that's a threat to the Constitution and American life.
Sure, if you think the US is not a democracy simply because it is also a republic, as conflation of "democracy" with "pure democracy" seems to be in vogue these days.
A republic is a (sovereign) democratic state, while democracy can apply to any type of polity.
The likely purpose of the right's promoting the U.S. as a "republic" while denying it is a "democracy" are their subliminally-operating matches to the "Republican" and "Democratic" parties. Wink, wink.
Yes, a government of laws not men. You can't just repeal the Bill of Rights or vote on them either.
The fix is in and has been for years. ALL the organizations that matter are completely captured. Our "leaders" didn't go to the trouble of capturing all these organizations for kicks and giggles. They did it for a sinister reason (s).
Key question: How many more American citizens are now "on to them?" I think the answer is a lot more. However, it logically follows that more censorship, cancellation and dirty tricks will be utilized to ensure these villains are NOT exposed. At this point, it's never been more important for these sociopaths to cover their asses ... to prevent full-disclosure of all their past crimes, frauds, cover-ups and never-ending lies.
So everyone on our side needs to buckle up our chin straps even tighter.
The Inspired Channel posed an interesting comparison of two viewpoints in our community. 1) The system is broken and must be fixed. 2) The system is working as intended and must be destroyed. Which do you favor?
Be careful about the "destroyed." Violent revolutions always lead to tyrannies that are much worse than what they replace. The American Revolution was a reactionary revolution that fought to preserve our rights as Englishmen, and to uphold our government, the Congress elected by the people.
Today, we need new stronger laws to uphold voting as a means by which citizens not machines controlled in China, Switzerland, England, Spain, etc. ad nauseam choose our leaders. We need to de-emphasize "voting" as a citizenship duty, replaced by informed vote.
If we want a new system, we need to BUILD it, from the bottom up.
We need to go back to "First principles."
The people who identified as English and supported England had to flee after England lost. So you're at least a bit wrong.
Man, that's a provocative pregunta. I'll go with Door 2 - "The system is working as intended and must be destroyed." The Great Purge is going to have to be greater than anything that's ever happened in world history.
But all it will take is a one or two brazen and shocking scandals to be fully and definitively exposed. Then the public will (belatedly) ask: "if they were lying about this, what else were they lying about?"
The answer, of course, is just about everything that's truly important. So the key to the operation for the Status Quo protectors is to NOT let that first nuclear "truth bomb" detonate.
Aside in this- one subtle use of propaganda is not to change what you believe; but rather to change what you imagine others believe. Most Americans think that “the majority of other Americans” believe there was only lee Harvey Oswald shooting at JFK, that 9-11 was orchestrated from a cave in Afghanistan, that Ukraine is a democracy, etc. but that is what we are made to imagine others believe, even if we ourselves know it isn’t true.
But what if our mental picture of what other Americans believe is NOT TRUE, but a product of media Propaganda? Bob Dylan release a 16 minute song called “murder most foul” about the JFK assassination. It made it to the #1 spot on the music charts. What does this reveal? Most Americans know the truth of what is happening in our country; the truth bombs have already landed and hit home. But we think we are alone, and a minority; but the truth is the majority of Americans are aware of what has happened.
One of the Elite was in a car accident and she said to EMT's. Soon it will be time for the Great Cull. No doubt she meant the Vax.
During the first two weeks following the stolen presidential election of 2020 I assiduously saved links for dozens of documented reports of massive voter fraud committed in precincts around the country. In the months following, those linked sources all disappeared - sucked down the memory hole.
The changes in voting laws and procedures contrived since Trump became president have all been patently designed to facilitate cheating. They not only conduce to voter fraud; they were intended to do so.
The single biggest wonderment in this election cycle is that Democrats evoke a second Trump term as a certain dystopian nightmare, ignoring the fact that we actually know what it would be like to have him as president, his having already held that office for four years. They characterize that nightmare as the certain "Destruction of Democracy," ignoring the fact that we actually have experienced an American totalitarian state - imposed by the Democrats during Covid.
If these surreal political conditions can be overcome by Mr. Trump and his supporters in less than two months that will, indeed, be a miracle.
I was creating spreadsheets off of "Politico" website's posted results in November 2020 up until December 15th 2020. The totals kept changing. I finally had to go to the Secretary of State's website, where I remain today. Reading the numbers ends up telling you all you need to know. The primary election results for U.S. Representative 2022 were down right laughable. With 1.3M "eligible" voters (use to be called "registered") and 33 counties, we have a petri dish foaming up out here.
For democrats, a second Trump presidency WOULD be a dystopian nightmare. Here in the progressive state, we're treated to TV ads warning that Trump's presidency would mean the end of women's "reproductive freedom" and Kamala up there on stage telling the faithful that Trump would sign a national abortion ban.
What would democrats do if they couldn't kill or corrupt the kids they purportedly care so much about when it comes to guns?
I know what’s with all that crap that a 2nd Trump presidency would be the end of “women’s reproductive freedom” and he would create a ‘national abortion ban”. I too heard this from an older white , new school liberal, white Democrat friend.
He was going on about that his daughters and granddaughters “would be denied their reproductive rights” if Trump gets
How’s that going to happen?. Wow the possibility that these daughters and granddaughters of his couldn’t use abortion as a form of birth control! Imagine that? He obviously hasn’t heard of the Abortion/Morning After Pill.
(The irony of it all is one of his two adult daughters is gay and is married to a gay woman. They have two young (3 years and 5 months) children, that they each carried in útero, through artificial insemination of a donors sperm, that they picked out and their own ‘eggs’!)
Trump isn't very conservative. His followers are pretty ridiculous in their projections - which he often encourages.
It's not the Constitution that is a menace to Democracy, it IS the Republican/ Democrat Uniparty that is a menace to the American way of governance instituted by the Constitution.
Both parties MUST be disbanded, and the leaders of both parties banned from politics for life.
Before I started to delve into the “Anti-Federalist” papers, I thought the same thing. The government we have now is not the founders vision of Federalism thriving with sovereign states unified. But, as I can see now, it was doomed from the start. The corrupt abuse of power that we know now was predicted by the “Anti-Federalists.” But we can do something about it if we follow their wisdom now!
JHK, however brilliantly, has barely scratched the surface of the upcoming STEAL that is once again being perpetrated on what's left of the legitimate electorate and citizenry.
This year, it's all about BALLOTS which are being manufactured in great numbers even as I write this. What's going on is no secret, yet the feckless RNC, GOP and even Team Trump have been very lackadaisical in their response. WTF is wrong with these people??
There are many groups and people who have been working their asses off since 2020 was stolen, trying to fix our broken system, yet the Repubs want no part of it.
If you want to see just how bad it is and how patriotic warriors like Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote are fighting the fraud, I urge you to read the great Elizabeth Nickson's substack for the best elaboration and explanations out there:
My best hopes are that the good Lord will once again have mercy on America (He didn't save Trump from the assassin's bullet to lose the election) and also that Elon Musk has taken over the entire tech and fraud detection functions of the Trump Team.
Incredible article(s), and truly frightening.
It is absolutely David vs. Goliath this election.
It’s also interesting to note that largest hack of US SS #’s (2.9 billion) just occurred back in April.
I doubt that is a coincidence.
I doubt it's a coincidence, as well.
There aren't 2.0 billion social security numbers. Did you mean 2.9 million and can you cite an article providing more info?
2.9 billion.
Here’s the article m. The 2.9 billion # is apparently a result of the file also containing many “obsolete” SS#’s due to deaths or whatever.
…but still most useful for vote rigging.
Thank you. No doubt vote rigging is going on and gaming the election by misinformation, disinformation and straight out constant lying and gaslighting.
As a registered Republican, and perhaps activist, I got lots of letters from President Trump while he was in office. All he ever asked for was money. A billionaire asking a food stamps recipient for money. What I did have was more valuable: a very high IQ and time. I never got asked to check voter rolls, election laws, local politicians, etc. Just money and votes. Precisely what got us into this mess in the first place. Our leaders need to demand a lot more from us and provide guidance as to what rank-and-file should do.
Yeah, that's what I don't like, is the constant bleat for money. There isn't a single email that is sent out without an accompanying plea for money. Fact of the matter is they'll always have more money and foot soldiers than we do.
The problem is not that they DO ask for money--they need it and they have to ask. The problem is that they don't demand ENOUGH. They need to ask for volunteers. Volunteers as poll watchers, get-out-the-vote, drivers to bring shut-ins to the polls, back office stuff, etc. Info on what works to wake up neighbors willing to learn the truth.
He took 900 million from Sheldon Adelson's widow. He's basically owned now if he wasn't before. The beast has two hands. If you only look at the left, you'll be clocked by the right.
Go to Trumpforce47.com to learn one way to serve.
Also check out omega4america’s substack. Jay shows how they engineer the cheat with ballots sent to undeliverable addresses which are “harvested” and put to use by the marxocrats.
Mike- have you been reading Jay's latest articles on substack? I have been following him for awhile and am a bit concerned about what's going on with him.
He is not the only one who is working on cleaning up the voter rolls- look at the article I just shared.
Now that we are in the 11th hour he is trying to start some kind of funding page to get "bucks for ballots" as he calls it. Why did he wait so long after he's been saying it should have been done YEARS AGO?
I am very much aware of his "fractal tech" that identifies bad addresses but True the Vote has something similar that we are using in NY.
I urge you to check out JV's latest posts and see what you think.
This article goes into a lot of that fractal research
We need to track these returned ballots. I agree they are a huge part of the Big Steal.
Marxocrats - I like that. It's perfect.
The RNC / GOP don’t want Trump to win. They are uniparty Goliath operatives fighting any efforts by the Trump Team to have a fair election.
What confounded me to no end is how all the litigation was brought forth in courts all across the country and nothing became of it. How is this possible?
I keep positing that all the important "truth-seeking" organizations are captured. By logic, the Courts would have to be captured to ensure all these crimes are not exposed. The "fearless" trial lawyers who are supposed to represent victims who have been wronged or harmed are also 99.9 percent captured. Of course, every surreal thing that has happened wouldn't have happened if the world simply had a real "watchdog" press.
As Mr. Kunstler shows in this piece, the leader of "pack journalism" (The NY Times) thinks the Constitution is a threat to democracy and should be discarded (which it has been).
That's the scary part: people are always saying that the Constitution guarantees this and that, but it's clear now that ignoring the Constitution pretty much takes care of "guarantees"
Laws (and regulations or "emergency orders") were passed (or executive orders were signed) to get around the Constitution. If that didn't work, the Courts have affirmed way too many Unconstitutional laws, regulations and executive orders.
So members of the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch have all conspired to trash or ignore the Constitution. To supplement this effort, the Fourth Estate runs its psy-op, narrative-control operations.
That is, they covered ALL their bases.
Yep, draining that swamp will be a really slow process, if even possible.
…first, though, discard The NY Times!
Yes, it has. Actually a long time ago. When Bill Clinton unconstitutionally signed us onto the NAFTA trade agreement. Trade agreement laws effectively replaced constitutional law, as it does in every country that signs onto it. Most of the hoi polloi don't know that. And wouldn't care if they did.
Courts ruled the cases had “no standing”, ultimately. Hmmmm..
That’s what they (Barrett) also used to let Murthy vs. Missouri government censorship case get rebuffed.
Alito and Thomas dissented vociferously.
It’s their “how do we get out this” fallback position they pull for cases they don’t like or want to adjudicate.
Standing? As in no right? Or not merit? Seems like they're deciding cases without bothering with trials. Of course there has always been this feature, else the courts would have been overwhelmed with nonsense. But now they're using this feature to get rid of legitimate cases. It all comes down to human quality in the ruling class. It is now utterly bereft of that.
It sure seems that way to the layman (non-attorney) watching these developments, especially the 2020 election.
I well remember that, virtually within minutes of Biden being 'elected', the MSM were telling us "We have no evidence of voter fraud toa degree that would have affected the outcome of the election.' That statement has more qualifiers than it has statement. That statement does NOT say that there was no election fraud. Not even close.
Completely agree on the problem. However, on "All of that followed orderly legislative procedure..."
Not in Pennsylvania. DemocRAT Gov. Wolf ran roughshod over the legislature to change how the election was rigged, I mean, run there in 2020. The courts did nothing about that, of course.
Kunstler, we can't like your posts enough! Thanks for opening comments so we can like them even harder.
In reality the Constitution is a threat to democracy; that is by design. We are a constitutional republic not a democracy because democracy is, in essence, mob rule . So the constitution protects the individual from the tyranny of the lynch mob.
It's supposed to, at least in theory.
Two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for lunch.
Trump should ask Kamala why Plato believed all democracies end in tyranny.
And Aristotle said that tyrants always prefer foreigners to their own people.
Thank you for allowing comments once again!
Satan has a subtle mind as do all of its disciples.
My faith has become much deeper because I now am more convinced than ever that Satan is one busy SOB. If evil is real, the counter to evil - Good and God - must also be real.
Dems have the steal down to a science..... sometimes to save democracy you need to cheat......
The world is dangerous place because of Barry Sorento
Soetoro. Devvy Kidd refers to him as Barry. I like it.
As if Devvy Kidd is a normal name? But I like it.