So insightful, so well said, so valuable it pains me to offer a correction to a very important understanding. Let's always make clear "Joe Biden" is the front man not The Man. He can't be credited with destroying the Republic any more than Charlie McCarthy can be credited with employing Edgar Bergen. There is and has been for some time a tight knit parasitic swarm of the highly educated, well positioned occupants of the apex of privileged wealth and most significant of all, bottomlessly evil cabal intent on destroying our freedom, then our lives by first destroying our Republic. The Blob, not the man gets all the credit.

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I thought it was clear that's why I always refer to "Joe Biden" with quotation marks.

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I love the use of "Joe Biden". It's so spot on. Hopefully we'll get to know "him" much better over the coming years, and take him apart.

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Well said Corky Bobbin.

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Thank you.

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This regime isn't merely flirting with the loss of legitimacy. They lost it it some time ago. In 2020 if we're looking for a recent signpost.

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It strikes me that for a national election to be truly stolen, it must be a reasonably close contest. If "the steal" was a 100% slam dunk, why then all the extraordinary and desperate efforts to keep Trump off the ballot and otherwise take him out of action?

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Reasonable question. Everything this fraud's administration has done elicits reasonable questions that will never be answered by anything other than obfuscation, lies and subterfuge. And then, jail or cancelling for asking them.

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Good observation, however, there is another explanation for the obvious lawfare tactics. I think mass formation (psychosis) is the main reason. It's like group think on steroids.

Mass formation of the decision makers is the unintended consequence of Propaganda. When members of a government believe their own lies, and enforce those lies among their group, bad policies and decisions are made.

Group think limits the information that gets to the top because only yes men are at the top. For example, believing that Ukraine was winning made it seem reasonable to keep sending more billions and risking nuclear armageddon. Information to the contrary was not allowed to be spoken.

When the leaders of the 3rd Reich were hiding in their bunkers while the Russians were on the outskirts of Berlin, Mr Hitler and his generals were strategizing using armies they didn't even have at the end. They were completely delusional. This is why propaganda will always harm a country far more than it could ever help. It makes leaders delusional.

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"The Next Big Thing" - This insanity will continue until enough of 'we the people' do not comply.

The WEF puppets destroying Western countries must be removed.

Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Western Europe, have all changed so much for the worse since my childhood. 😢

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It would mean a total confiscation of all weapons and property. Its not that the cadaver in the white house wouldn't try to do it. America is a very large country,many towns cities, many roads and bridges. Local Law Enforcement would balk and is not mentally or physically prepared to try such a risky venture. The military has been weakened and recruitment is declining, and is spread out across the planet.It would be a bloodbath greater than the civil war of 1860 to 1865. These morons have reached the limit of their assumed intelligence.

When the money goes everything goes. That's the hard boiled truth. I have heard friends tell me the alphabet soup of agencies would recruit and train illegals.How did the Bay of Pigs work out for JFK?

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It's biblical...literally and figuratively, what is playing out.

Buckle up and be of good courage!

Keep your powder dry.

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Why, I wonder, is the US Govt / West simultaneously suffering this epidemic of inept, immature and psychologically sick leadership? This crisis of leadership began well before CV-19 injections. Evolution/devolution? Bad luck? Anthony Wiener Syndrome? Power corrupts? Hmm

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Because their goal is the destruction of western civ, free speech & thought, nation states, progress, the Middle Class. None of this is by accident or due to immaturity or ineptness.

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Simple actually. They are Commies. They have completed their long march through the institutions and are now fucking everything up. They are aligned with the Billionariat who are getting quite a bit richer while these creeps destroy the West. Almost like they knew what was going to happen... in return they fund these Progs and their astroturf causes. It’s the only revolution started by oligarchs. But it’s fake. They have no plans for changes at the top, just changes at the bottom. They will take everything from everybody else and keep it for themselves. This is neofeudalism.

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Jan 29, 2024
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Oh, you mean when the Federal Reserve was brought to life on Jekyll Island?

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Jan 30, 2024
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Thanks so much for the link. I really like Catherine Austin Fitts.

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Jan 29, 2024
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Ive long believed that comfort kills. Feels good while it's killing us.

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It’d be nice to think that some states are brainstorming a post-union future between & among themselves. The tyrant know it’s their last chance. They’ll go at it as hard as needed and by any means necessary.

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I, like you and many others, saw the 2020 riots as a rehearsal for something bigger to come later.

Since the day we found out Republicans were part of the plot to oust Trump in favor of Biden I started telling anyone that would listen that the 2024 elections will not happen.

As you point out, there’s no shortage of crises for the fascist, Democrat regime to use for an excuse.

Of course they could find a new crisis that hasn’t surfaced yet but 2024 will be every bit as chaotic as 1860-61 or the mid 1770’s. The question is; what will be the Ft. Sumter or Lexington/Concord (and of course when)?

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They killed it on November 4 2020 at 4am. We’re just waiting for the rest of the country to hear our dirge.

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As stated on X by Tucker, we are about to get into a war with Iran. Leaving our troops out there like sitting ducks is meant to have them killed so the population will support a war. My sons are of military age. I am terrified.

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There's usually a way to avoid the front lines. I had a draft number of 9, which assured being drafted and sent to 'Nam. So I joined the navy, where the chance of being gut shot by an AK was nil. The navy might not be as safe this time, but there will be ways to reduce your sons' chances of being cannon fodder without fleeing the country.

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I actually had to print “The Next Big Thing” out and give it to the few liberal friends I have left. On the other side, my conservative friends are ready to head to Texas to help out....we truly are a clusterfuck nation right now.

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Whatever is coming our way, it's not what the majority of the American people want now--nor was it what they voted for in 2020.

Incompetence couldn’t have landed us where we are now--in fact it’s strategic thinking that has resulted in the bad outcomes we’re seeing.

Even if we are to believe that Biden is in charge. Nobody can explain how fantastically unlucky he is.

Remember the monkey that was picking stocks a few years back? Well he was actually not *that* bad.


Sure the large firms managed to pick better than the monkey, but they also can manipulate the market, so that’s not a very good comparison. When compared to small cap, small cap value, large cap value, and 60% stock / 40% bonds, the monkey won. He was beaten by large cap and mid cap.

There have been too many “perfect” mistakes to be considered “chance” during the Biden regime. The Afghanistan exit is first in my mind. How could anyone NOT know that leaving your only defensible position--before a military withdraw is a bad idea? The truth is, they *do* know it’s a bad idea, but they have some arrangement which allows them to benefit from the outcome.

The economy is a self correcting. Therefore, it can only fail with direct and deliberate intervention. That is what we are seeing now.

So, when you hear that something in the economy is “transitory” run for the hills, because what that really means that we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

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Compromised Meat Puppet "Joe Biden" struck a dealio with the Chicago Jesus devil: do as we say and your family won't go to jail.

It's that simple viewed with critical thinking.

And I agree: either my martial law/civil war or Disease X, there will be no 2024 elections...and then things go badly sideways.

These satanic spawn know *exactly* what they are doing.

Fact is even elite globalists are subject to The Peter Principal. I'd love to be in charge of the trap door.

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The Senate deal is just making official the pathological status quo, and would surely make it worse.


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'' “Joe Biden’s” response so far is to say he’ll attend to the border situation only if Congress green-lights another massive aid package for Ukraine, a dishonest proffer from any angle.''

What is Biden's 'cut' from the billions being sent to corrupt but 'plucky' Ukraine?'

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