
If I had to pick this week's winning Trump moment it would have to be his zoomed in speech to the Davos crowd. He told the wealthy unelected rulers that the jig was up and, one by one, crushed their dreams of world domination.

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Whatever he said to the faces in the crowd in Pedo Heaven, Davos...His announcement pertaining to the support and funding of the REGRESSION OF SOCIETY INTO GLOBAL DIGITAL SLAVERY with the Billionaire Bros. AI Hounds creates CONFLICT. Where conflict is found, there too are LIES. That announcement made on the second day of his Administration and overwhelmingly paints him LYING.

This is only magnified with the announcements about GLOBAL CYBERCURRENCIES as all are connected and are in complete agreement and alignment with WEF's One/New World Police State Order matching the CCP created and designed by the same AI Hounds and Central Bankers loyal to the City of London.

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Klaus complimented djt and vice versa at the outset. It was horrifying to me and 🤮!!!!

As with so much nowadays, some see one thing and others another.

WHY appear/ participate there if you're not a part of their plans??

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No. world domination is a difficult full time job. No one except the occasional mad person is interested. And if such a jerk arose, they'd have neither the brains nor the tools to accomplish it. The wealthy just want what the rest of us do; immortality, good health, a sexy body, good hair, reliable help and ,kids who obey.

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Jan 24
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AI governance is a given but he was letting them know that it would not be them who would be wielding it. As far as a digital currency goes, he signed an executive order prohibiting CBDCs if YOU were paying attention.

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AI governance is not a "given," we always have choices FFS.

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Yes, just like cell phones, credit cards, and cars. You don't have to use them. You could become a hermit, living in weedy lots and eating at soup kitchens. Or hell, become an Amish man.

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And you think those are bad life paths? I would literally give my right arm to have been born into an Amish family living in a stable loving community with a connection to God with a diet of good clean food, and a life full of healthy exercise on the job. Do you really think the Amish are worse off than your average American urbanite or suburbanite, who spends his free time when not at an office cubicle job, doom scrolling and eating food with poison seed oils in it? You need my essay: https://substack.com/@whispertrees/p-136695712

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I am blessed to live in an area with lots of Amish and Mennonite communities. The summer markets are always full of their produce, baked goods, free-range eggs, and raw milk. There is even a nearby Amish-run store that sells all of these things, plus deli items.

When I was a kid and we needed our roof replaced, it was an Amish company who did it. And a good friend of mine, who has a small cattle farm, just hired an Amish company to rebuild his barn which blew apart in the devastating hurricane-like wind gusts that we had a couple weeks ago.

You don't know how many times in the recent past, that I have contemplated running off to one of these communities and joining them. If I could just get over the clothing thing!

I feel really sorry for those Amish that live within range of the East Palestine trainwreck. Their land has been poisoned with toxins that will last for eons. And you never hear a single damned thing about it.

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Poison seed oils! Thank God someone here has the courage to decry them. And the fact, Mr. Raven. is that EVERYONE needs your essays, and lucid thinking.

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So no to being a hermit in an urban wilderness? Good points about the Amish, but they have their share of sexual abuse and mental illness.

Og wanted to be a Sioux warrior in the 1700's. How about that instead?

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"I would literally give my right arm to have been born into an Amish family living in a stable loving community with a connection to God with a diet of good clean food, and a life full of healthy exercise on the job."

--> What's stopping you from joining them?

I used to hang out with a non-Amish guy who was sitting on the fence about joining the Amish, and whom the Amish themselves described as "more Amish than the Amish". My impression was clearly that Brad -- you aren't he, are you? -- couldn't (at that time) make the commitment, and that the Amish community near where he lived would have welcomed him.

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The Amish are a good, resourceful people. I know an Amish lady who turned discarded house plants into $15,000 in a couple months. They can fix or repair almost anything and their craftsmanship is second to none.

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Lugh, I cannot say that there are a lot of people ditching their phones, but those who seriously oppose what is happening do ditch them and boycott cell phones altogether (i.e., don't dial cell phone numbers, e.g., Prof. Olle Johanssen). I have never in my life owned a cell phone, yet I have supported my disabled husband for 25 years and generally speaking had an enjoyable life. There may be careers in which that is just out of the question, but for the most part, where there is a will, there is a way.

The more people opt out of this dangerous technology, the more possibilities open up for others who want to do the same. It may take pioneers at this point, but they are putting thier shoulders to the wheel and forging ahead.

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Yes, I've heard there is solid evidence about them leading to brain cancer - what to speak of the newer 4g versions. Or remember the six foot rule for TV's? Did we follow it for computers? I hardly use my cell phone but I use my computer a lot. So I'm guilty as are we all.

That every kid gets an Iphone whereby they can access porn is an indictment of our civilization.

The best line from the Covid time: An Amish elder saying, We don't get Covid because we don't have TVs.

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"...where there is a will, there is a way."

This is the crux of the matter. Generally speaking, society is weak-willed, the result of generations of material excess compounded with constant bombardment by sexual/hedonistic imagery from Hollywood and Madison Avenue, all of which is ultimately directed by the USURIOUS privately-owned central banks.

"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks."

~ Lord Acton

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I was paying attention, and cheered that action. As most of what Trump has done in not even a week has made this old heart sing! The United States has gotten her mojo back!

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So ... "The Father of the Warp-Speed Bioweapon" told TPTB off right in front of you ... and YOU "think" that it was all legit and not a ruse?

Do you really think that the WEF has plans for New World Order One-World Government and they'll implement it ... if only they win enough free-and-fair elections?

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That's a really stupid bioweapon. Why are people getting boosters? Couldn't they finish the job with one bioweapon? Why didn't they just poison the flu vax? The WHO covered for China. They knew the virus was out and they didn't care. All those poor people in Italy died. They didn't tell anyone because they wanted the $$$. Good riddance to the WHO.

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You don't understand their motives. The flu vax is poison. They're all poison. Just because we have not yet seen the true results of jabbing their evil goo into 5 billion souls, do not assume that their diabolical operation has completed.

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Especially when they are openly admitting they're adding mRNA, the culprit in ALL this BS, to every vaccine! Do not come at me with a needle of anything. I will consider that is a murder attempt and I will react accordingly.

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You're black like the black pill

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While I am not so entirely black pilled, and I think Trump did well this week, this is a good cautionary note to keep our eyes open, and not engage in blind hero worship. "Stargate," was troubling...

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Very troubling! The individualized mrna cancer vaccines directed by ai sounds like a true poison pill.

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Larry Ellison’s comments about using AI to develop another warp speed mRNA vaccine for cancer was troubling to say the least. Hard NO! Is he really that clueless about that platform? I’m not sure if Trump was expecting those comments. It seemed Trump’s point was to announce the amount of money committed to AI development in general , not focused on its role in warp speeding another mRNA vax.

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Stargate WAS troubling?

No Stargate is troubling!

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It's like some cannot see past the fog of promises and small gestures they throw our way!

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That's correct, DBDC is as we say at home DED!

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He and Melania just launched their own crypto coins.

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Ya need money to buy bullets, and this is war.

If the Enemy can print their own money, why can't we?

Plus, he didn't steal it from anybody.

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It's chintzy and vulgar. We need great men, models and exemplars.

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Yes, and we need the 80% of the people that work hard, act sensibly and have real morality to cut off the 20% that are the Gimme republic, insisting that the are owed a Life by the 80%. The Dems have hitched their wagon on the 20%, expecting to use them to win elections. It just blew up in their face under the Trump banner.

IMHO, the Dems are finished for now and to get back into the Race, will have to re-design themselves. It will be tough as Trump is smarter than the entire Dem contingent, and his handpicked MAGA executive branch will start to undo the damage done by Biden’s Mob.

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Jan 24
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"Crypto will likely serve the same purpose if government gets its hooks into it." ~ John K

Agree, John.

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This can be resisted if people have vision.

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Brilliant. I hope that the political cataracts on people's eyes start dropping off.

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💯💯💯. It seems many are drunk with the good stuff while ignoring the bad. So typical. And none of us dare call out anything even remotely negative because if we do, we get treated like we're some kind of left of Mao loon! I say, let's celebrate the good stuff for sure, but we *must* remain skeptical and watch everything very closely. If anyone thinks the dystopian dreams of the UN, WEF, WHO, et al are behind us, they're fooling themselves. The agenda is still firmly in place, it's just gone a bit underground. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of domestic flocks of birds are still being slaughtered in the name of "bird flu" that, in many cases, isn't even making the birds sick and is "diagnosed" with a PCR test that was never designed to diagnose illness and eggs are 12$ a dozen...

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I agree 1000%. Highly suspicious that the psychos would give up so easily. Stay neutral & be discerning.

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Right. It doesn't mean we can't be happy with the good stuff. But we also need to be realistic and *wise* at the same time. IMHO. Just because we are advising being cautious, doesn't mean we hate Trump, as some say. I don't laud *any* president or politician. They are all human, all make mistakes, and all can be swayed by things we are unaware of. I'm like you Merry: Neutral and discerning.

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You know what happens with neutrals, fence sitters, independents?

Nothing! Neutrals are played by politicians and usually go with the flow. Neutrals enabled Biden and now Trump. Be discerning, and use what as your philosophy. How can anyone be discerning between Biden and Trump? One espouses America First, the other Amerika Last. You have to be on one side or the other.

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Yes, for many years all the people in the know where talking about the Bilderbergers when the real action had gone over to the WEF. They are very flexible and smart. They're not on top for nothing.

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Yesterday, while covering this year's WEF meeting in Davos on the Alex Jones INFOWARS show, Ezra Levant of RebelNews.com warned:


These people are never defeated, and they change form like chameleons... WE MUST NOT SEIZE DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICTORY."

Levant said a guy on the Davos sidewalk was handing out energy bars made from bugs -- hundreds of PUMBA Energy 207 Bars ( https://www.pumbafood.com/product-page/pumba-engery-bar ), one of the ingredients of which is Alphitobius diaperinus (aka the litter beetle, buffalo worm, or lesser mealworm). Litter beetles serve as vectors of over 30 bird diseases, including turkey coronavirus and AVIAN INFLUENZA.

Quite a few companies now incorporate insect ingredients in their products under different names (e.g. acheta protein/powder = cricket protein/powder).

"Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN), one of the world’s largest food companies, has reached an agreement for a two-fold investment with Protix, the leading global insect ingredients company."


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The wealthy actually understand money/currency. And know that a useful digital currency untethered from limits is not only impossible, but is dumb and would be useless. The value in currency is tied to debt, obligation between parties. Free-flowing money has no power.

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From what I’ve seen of AI so far, special education classes without the retarded kids in the room is in order. Since AI was developed and trained by data on the internet and filtered by the liberal “tech” companies, I’ve expected nothing different and have seen no difference.

Many complaints about China’s Deep Seek AI, but its CCP oriented censorship, is no different than our own Silicon Valley’s liberal influences.

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Real currency, dollars euro sterling etc are created by central banks as debt. This connection ensures that the money supply is limited (the currency is recalled when the debt is serviced). Digital dollars have no grounding, no tie to the real world and as such are pointless just a wistful game

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Can we have the Epstein files released, please? Also, is there a way to prosecute Hillary and actually "lock her up"?

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She was at the inauguration.

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Of course she was. Anything that might help to save her ass from the hammer of justice.

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Pretty sure she will escape that hammer.

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In this life, I’m certain she never will feel any hammer.

But from the natural consequences of sin, no one escapes. To be sure, we shall never know or witness the specific consequences much like Dorian Gray’s portrait. If she weren’t so evil, one could feel sorry for her.

That’s nothing compared with the punishment that surely awaits her for eternity.

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The Picture of Dorian Gray gives me chills. So very true! Better to endure punishment in the here and now.

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Yes, that's why Prabhupad endorsed the death penalty, for its great mercy.

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Sadly, I have to concur with your cynicism.

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It's a big club and we ain't in it.

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a blessing in disguise

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What we need is the Epstein EVIDENCE, the videos! IMO HRC is long gone. Anyone notice her height, or lack thereof, at the inauguration? Double.

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Well, that's what I was referring to, in part...all of those exploitative videos to extort politicians and others of fame and/or influence.

There's supposedly a doc/movie about the Prince Andrew scandal. Don't know what it's called.

I still wonder if Epstein is really dead. I waver back and forth between believing so, as the DS and others had every evil reason to "suicide" him, but then I wonder if maybe he isn't stowed away by the CIA on some private/gov't-owned island, where they can continue to debrief him. Or hiding out in Israel, since he's a jew and a Mossad op.

And why isn't Ghislaine Maxwell dead by now? She had access to all the info Epstein was collecting. Shouldn't "they" knock her off for the same reasons? Too obvious?

Finally, there's are several great articles in Vanity Fair that cover Epstein's bankroller/enabler, Les Wexner. Why isn't HE in jail?

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How about a simple Venn diagram of Epstein-Diddy-Congress?

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Ha! Given my love of Venn diagrams, I wish I'd thought of that myself.

However, I would add ALL the alphabet agencies as well as Mossad.

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Jan 25
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You believe anything about the mar a lago "raid" ?

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Angry? No. Want justice? Yes.

And you're a hypocrite for mentioning "classified" docs at Mar-a-Lago without acknowledging that Biden kept classified documents in his garage.

Argue better.

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Jan 25Edited
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Behaviours, schmaviours. We all know what Trump is like. It doesn't mean he's wrong about everything.

And....was Trump found guilty? ......No. In fact, the case was dismissed due to the unconstitutional appointment of Jack Smith. The Democrats couldn't even get that one right. Witch hunt, perhaps? What are they hiding? What was in those documents that had them so shook up?

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Don has lost everything, a crybaby with out a clue about what is coming. Trump is going to succeed with reforming the raisin d’etre of the federal government and the welfare folks are going to decline greatly.

Already, the cabinet positions are falling in line, with Hegspeth getting confirmed and the rest just waiting in line. The Deep State RINOS could not stop his approval. Two more controversial folk, Tulsi and RFK,Jr. on the 29th and 30th. They will hear the wrath of the Left for switching sides. Current thought is that Trump will get his entire staff approved.

Don is inconsequential and it hurts.

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And I'm sure you're A-OK with all the democrat judges who blocked Trump team's accusations about the questionable election shenanigans that went on in 2020 in several states (including mine) as having "no standing." Not even given the chance to lay out their case. What are the chances? But that's just fine and dandy with you.

Also, if you review the case history, Cannon ruled against Trump's team many times in the whole process. So, her shutting it down due to Jack Smith's unconstitutional appointment is correct.

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Uh, oh.

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Best you got? This forum deserves better than your tired nonsense.

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The quintessential lesson to have learned after the last decade in particular, but really the last 70 years, is that we can never, ever let down our guard against the wiles and stealth of the enemy.

They never sleep, and will never go away until they are utterly vanquished, if that is even possible.

What is happening now with Trump back in charge looks promising and hopeful. But unless those he has appointed and all those under their supervision in charge of executing these things necessary and seeing them through to fruition to right this ship of state for real, they must remain eternally vigilant, recognizing their mission and the stakes involved, as the enemy will exploit even the slightest weakness or crack in the wall.

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Trump is Op False Hope, I'm afraid.

All the signs are there. The 'victories' are empty, of no real substance. Too many are reading their dreams and desperate hopes into him, understandably but rather pathetic all the same.

Over 1 million US citizens dead from the Covid pseudo-vaxxes, tens of millions with serious adverse events, many more deaths to come according to medical friends of mine - they see the results in hospitals every day - and not a squeak from either Trump or Bobby about this terrible crime.

Not a word, nothing, on the greatest assault on the lives of innocent people ever made.

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You can call Trump a false hope, but look what happened to our country over the past 4 years of democrat party rule. Trump is already proving to be a man of the people. Today alone he traveled to both North Carolina and Southern California to view the disaster areas.

He won't do everything a dreamer would wish for, but he will lead us into a new era of law and order, honesty in government, and leadership that the rest of the world will respect. The country is far better with Trump in office.

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You will never have anyone be 100%. He's the best we have right now.

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A false hope? Bullshit. The man has done more in the last week than the Biden Mob did in 4 years.

I still look back at Biden’s time and ask, what did he do? Nothing, I cannot think of one damn thing that they did except hurt the American people.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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From worst to better?

Time will tell.

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You been living in a cave? X, then Twitter, kicked RFK off its platform in 2021 over his Covid vaccine opinions. In fact, that was one of Biden's first moves. Literally 36 hours after taking the oath, his team started muscling X to censor dissenting voices. RFK was one. "Not a squeak" yeah ok buddy.

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I'm a huge Trump supporter. However, pardoning Ray Epps? No. I'm also very anti-AI (Artificial Ignorance) and the fact that it uses as much electrical energy as we currently use on earth, no. At least that's what I read. The fact that it's part of NWO plans, no. 👎 I understand he's not a villain but you can't be all things to everyone Donald. 🤞

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Letsrock: "...it uses as much electrical energy as we currently use on earth,"

Larry Carter, above: "But even before they cocoon they must eat, ravenously."

Something wicked this way comes...

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Think of the Cloud, or the data banks of the NSA. They store stuff, period. Electricity being used in huge quantities to store stuff, under the name Data Centers. It is tech run amok. Think of 200 million people storing their photos on the cloud. How many nuke plants are needed? Think of the NSA storing every exchange on the ‘net forever? How many more plants?

For what? How many photos are ever used by people? What has the NSA done with the info in storage, certainly they have not done much to stem school shootings or terrorist attacks.

Is all this storage really necessary? What is the return on investment here? IMHO, not a whole lot.

AI is going to be used to manipulate all this data, is that a good use? To project who is going to buy which widget? Are we going to have a nation where you cannot hide? Where BB can watch you coast to coast with face recognition? Think what they have promised, that they will stop crime and terrorism with all the surveillance. They have done nothing. Trump (and Musk) have a tough job, to incorporate AI into society in a benevolent way and prevent the evil elements access. Good luck, AI could turn the world into a hideous place to live.

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Ear worm. 165 gn "ivermectin" pill is a sure cure.

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The old testament tells you how to get rid of the problem.

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Please expand.

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We could start with, "Whosoever sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed". IOW - if you kill someone without cause, you forfeit your own life.

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If someone could not democratically support that, they should not be considered 'citizen'.

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i can't speak for the Lord but do encourage you to check it out

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Well the Old Testament is actually a considerable and ponderous volume and it isn't exactly the easiest thing to read. The entire book of Leviticus is nothing more than a description of cubits to build the temple. If you could enlighten us that would save us a lot of time.

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Caterpillars must struggle to break out of their protective covering to develop their muscles for flying.

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But even before they cocoon they must eat, ravenously.

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But you CAN cite the scriptural support. Like Astera notes, the OT is awfully big..

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Was hoping you could be more specific or point me in the right direction. The OT is awfully big.

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Let's start with the ten commandments. Those didn't become obsolete when Jesus arrived on earth.

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Any Christian believers should know that in Isaiah it says, “Once the Messiah has been born The Old Testament will become obsolete.”

Focus all your attention on The New Testament and what Jesus said and did.

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That assertion is a popular myth.

Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

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Yes, the monstrous edicts, like "leave none alive that breathe" are still in effect it would seem as per Gaza.

Obviously Jehovah is Satan or a product of a Satanic human mind. It's very uneven. Some parts are wonderful some parts are pure evil. Christ will have to teach us which is which when He returns.

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The OT lasted until his death. He satisfied the Law on our behalf. Kinsman Redeemer. Whosoever will. Come and See. Ask, Seek, Knock - anybody remember that stuff ?

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OT is religion - [ swearing ] to do this, and IAM will do this. NT is losing my religion, trusting my Creator to give each one of us a changed mind- from carnal instincts into christ like peace. You can’t appreciate this unless you first run the treadmill [ gauntlet ] of denominationalism.

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I used to go to places like dangerousintersection.org mostly for abuse. They wanted me to preface every single thing I typed with ‘in my opinion’ as if I did not recognize that I was voicing my opinion. But they were not required to do the same. It became tedious being asked to defend every thing from snake handling to apostolic succession. I quit quoting scripture and providing book, chapter and verse [ because it rarely made a crack of difference ] and you can simply click on a word and look it up, translate it or do a web search. Giving people shortcuts and laying stumbling blocks before the unseeing become confused with casting pearls before trolls [ sorry - piglets ].

Collecting questions requires diligence, then patience.

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Jan 25
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No, stop killing the damn chickens to prevent the bird flu pandemic, and THAT will lower egg prices! I thought Substack would have better discourse than X, but nope. Same old bs.

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Nah, but it is giving American back its history, which you and your like would like to destroy.

OBTW, Christie Noem just got confirmed with many Dems supporting her. Another bitter pill for you to swallow, she is going to put a stop to illegal immigration.

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…and Oklahoma. lmao

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McKinley was named in memoriam to an assassinated president.

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Calling Trump an asshole labels you as a MSM junkie, who believes the lies about Trump.

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Excellent summary of an incredible first few days. As more devious activity is exposed to brilliant sunlight we will soon be reaching the point where those remaining in the Democratic Party will fall into one of three categories - extraordinarily uninformed, willfully blind or intentionally evil. Rational, normal and informed people will find the evil and incompetence foisted by the Dems on the American people to be repulsive 🤮 and will quickly seek the refuge of the red pill 💊!

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There's this pride flag-waving Wokie tool I work with who is so seething with inner rage since the inauguration that he tries to do these weaksauce, soyboy passive-aggressive "attacks" in the group chat doing things like posting a flag at half-mast, and then a story about some local "extremist" that Trump appointed to his cabinet - without comment. He's not really getting much buy-in even though my department is chock-full of jabbed up Woke Jacobins... I must say it's a treat to watch them flounder. They are the cockiest people, believing they are the voice of authority and morality. I wonder if the pride flags will disappear from desks, as they actually should, since we're not allowed to advertise political leanings (supposedly) at work. The only ones who do that are the wokies/Democrats. But I am in Communications, and that is the department of arrested development. It's awful. So awful, I just actually gave notice. Too bad I won't be around to see DEI get the heave-ho.

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The people you describe remind me of a frequent commenter on these threads. Dennis Merwood.

Excellent post!

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Yes, we're all familiar with Dennis.

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So I am not the only one? I mentioned once in a post that I strive to live a Christian life and he latched onto me like a leach at a blood-letting party. Never encountered someone who holds so much hatred in their hearts for those who believe in God. No point in engaging people like that.

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DM has his own religion. His is a crusade to trash anyone who has a traditional one. Sounds devilish to me.

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Thanks. Yes, he is a Dennis Merwood/Tekapo. He even drinks crisp chardonnay at company functions.

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Mary, his “religion” is based on hate. He needs to spread it around to justify his own hatred of pretty much everything. Is he the latter day Devil’s advocate?

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Great to see I am living rent free in your heads my friends

Mark Twain — ‘Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.’


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You should follow your own (and Twain's) advice, sparky.

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Don't argue with him, Real Mary Rose. He'll beat you with experience!

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"sparky"...oh dear.

Is that what is considered cool down at the biker bar you frequent my dear?

Both of you need to read the link I posted. Probably way above your pay grades.

And you Cankerpuss, the guy who claims he is a humble Christian and follows the teachings of Jesus. Yeah right!

And you The Phony Mary Rose, are not smart enough to realize that you just shame yourself with your every childish comment.

Ad hominem attacks come from people who have lost the argument and have nothing to add.

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Congrats on your giving notice. Any plans you care to share w/ CFN?

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Thank you for the kind wishes. Not really, but thanks for asking.

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Good luck, Mary, may your next job search be fruitful and quick.

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Thanks, JAZ! I have some really great plans. I am trying to avoid being a corporate drone as much as humanly possible. I will probably consult/freelance and find other more useful things to do. Kind of open to anything. Seriously - after one has worked in such a toxic place as I have, you really want to go stock shelves or something for awhile.

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Start a YouTube channel discussing current events and historical truths.

You’d be great at it! $$$$

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TRMR - If I worked in your department, I would've been fired on Day1.

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Yeah I don't know how I lasted this long.

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You mean I would've had to take my hood off?

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I liked your comment until the very end when you eluded to Democrats leaving the blue pills and heading over to the red pill meaning Republican. My goodness how short the memories of Americans truly are. Have we no memory of the countless times Americans have been betrayed by the Republicans AFTER we have given them both the Executive and Legislative branches? The Republicans play a good game of lip service but when they are in actual power they don't do anything they promise they will do. If we the people want to regain control of our Government we need to understand this and stop with the tribal mentality of blue vs red or Democrat = bad and Republican = good. All government is inherently evil populated by inherently evil and self serving humans. Nothing good comes from either political party.

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Absolutely. “Decline to state” has been my baseline the last 25 years, though I have registered and voted for either major party over the last 40.

Don’t like McCain’s warlike policies, or Romney’s give away to medical insurance companies? Let Obama implement them instead! What a choice.

That said, I like the “America First” movement. We’ll see if it penetrates deeper into the GOP over the next few years.

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The “Country club” GOP is dead, kaput, finito, finis, and the first three to go will be the three that voted against Pete. Trump will spend as much political capital to destroy them as the Dems. They are all, the RINOS I mean, out for preservation of the Deep State and believe in its suppression of the people as much as the Dems. 2026 will be the year of RINO removal in the primaries.

I still do not get McConnell, but the “girls” just cannot stand an alpha male. Remember their voting against Kavanaugh.

IMHO, the Dems are going to use the He vs. She tool to condemn the opposition as they have little to offer and this bullshit they pull out of their butts is the only tool they seem to have. I wonder how much of it is real and how much is “scorned” women. I also wonder if the Dems have an item on their budget called “ Payoff for scorned women”? That would explain why their stories only come out after 30 years.

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That’s a fair point! Remember when Bush had total control and he got rolled by Tom DeLay and other R miscreants and ended up spending like a drunken sailor? Disgusting. Seems the only time in my life the government has been under control was the last six years of Clinton, when we had a moderate POTUS and fiscally conservative R Congress. When given too much money and power, most people in government fail to serve the people, rather they serve themselves.

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Ha, the biggest joke here is that Bush was ever considered “conservative”. The two Bushes were Deep State to the core, neocon, open borders, spend, spend, spend. The national pendulum got stuck on Far Left for 35 years and we have paid the price. I really wonder what Reagan was thinking when he made Bush I Veep. BTW, Trump showed what a Leftist group the Bushes were in 2015, and will never be forgiven by the BushCheney part of the now defunct GOP.

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Yes, neither party is "good."

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Again and again, there are no parties. Just the Deep State against the people. Look at Hegspeth’s confirmation, three “GOP” folks, yeah the same old ones, Collins, Murkowsky and McConnell. Actually IMHO, there will be two parties in the future, MAGA centered on America, and the Leftist Dems, lately the Biden Mob, centered on Amerika. 2024 showed that the majority of America still believes in American ideals, but non performance in the next 4 years could change that. MAGA against the Ult-Left, that is the future. BTW, the RINOS belong in the Mob. Get ready for the Trump Tramp, where he tramples the Left. And forces a creation of a more moderate Democratic Party.

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Some refer to it as the uni party.

They're all for themselves, not at all for those they say they are there to represent, namely the people

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As I write this, President Trump and his wife Melania are on their way to where I live in Asheville (Fairview) North Carolina, where I am hoping they will be well-received. There is a lot of speculation around where they plan to visit while they're here, but it will probably be the Chimney Rock/Lake Lure/Bat Cave area, which was one of the hardest hit areas. Of course, there are rumblings around town about people who want to protest, but my community in Fairview are very grateful that he is making time to come here and see for himself the devastation we have been living with for the past four months. So many of our communities in Western North Carolina have been severely damaged and there are many homes that have been destroyed. Now we are being inundated with predatory buyers seeking to snap up whatever properties they can from the desperate people who are still living in tents in the freezing cold. Maybe once the President sees some of this, he will direct FEMA to get off their collective asses and do more to help us. God Speed to him and whatever agendas he wants to pursue to make this country prosperous once again.

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Think about what will happen if Trump pulls back monies heading for Israel,(ceasefire), Ukraine, (ceasefire), immigrant welfare, (go home), and the border. Then use the dollars to help out the states hit by hurricanes and fire. Of course, that will be contingent on those states providing their own dollars, and necessary preventive changes to minimize the effects of the natural? Disasters. The California fires are such an effed up government situation, and people building homes near rivers or the ocean needs to be halted. The changes in insurance may take care of both.

Remember the California Coastal Commission’s efforts to mess with Space X, I wonder what their reaction to re-building the Malibu to Brentwood corridor will be.

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I don't think that the CCC is going to allow the folks in Malibu to rebuild and I totally agree with your comment about people building homes near the sea and near rivers. Many of the people in WNC who had homes along the Swannanoa River cannot rebuild because what was once their land is now in the middle of the river and because their land is now in a flood zone, they cannot get the necessary permits from Buncombe County to rebuild. The most that any one person can get from FEMA is $42,500 and that won't even come close to making these people whole, much less rebuild a fancy house in Malibu or Pacific Palisades. I was just on the phone this morning with FEMA and although they have given us about $2,500 so far, we were approved by their own inspector for the full amount. I was told to wait 15 more days to see if they release more funds, but we have needs NOW and they are the same needs we had 122 days ago. I think everyone in the Fairview community would have preferred to have their houses burn to the ground because at least their insurance would have covered it. There is no mudslide insurance in North Carolina. You can't buy it, it's not offered and not available for any price. And don't get me started on how many lives have been lost. They are reporting 104, but what they aren't saying in the media is that they only count the dead bodies that they can identify. We have an entire community of homeless people who were wiped out, but because they can't be identified, their death isn't reported. There are thousands who are still missing and the media isn't reporting on it. We are living in Hell right now and we have been for all this time. I'm so glad President Trump hasn't forgotten us.

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Did you see him clobbering that worthless mayor of LA yesterday. She is trying to offset his direct let’s get the job done now approach and trying to maintain the government regulation is paramount bullshit. He did a tap dance on her apparent stupidity.

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So sorry for all you are going thru. I can't wrap my head around what that must be like.

(I'm reminded abt the situation now and then, ie having to sleep IN TENTS, the bitter cold, but you all are living it every day.) ;(

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Newsom is delusional. He has a “Marshall Plan” to build L.A. 2.0!

Mark my words: (And I live in L.A.). The next elections in California will be dominated by Republicans. Especially once an investigation has been completed into “the fires” and who was responsible.

And anyone hoping to re-build in the Palisades and Malibu will be beaten down so hard by the Coastal Commission and other bureaucratic red tape that eventually they will quit fighting and move to the Westside (where I live). They’ll be happy in Manhattan Beach.

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What good is a California Republican? California should outsource its politicians to Florida or Mississippi.

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Newsom is history.

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I saw his speech from there just now. I'm saddened that he described this as a "natural" disaster when it and recent others were obviously not. The DEWs and HAARP programs are being weaponized against citizens, destroying our planet and must be stopped. Otherwise I'm glad to see these people finally getting the real help they need.

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There is so much going on, on so many levels. I read elsewhere that President Trump is going to recall 8,000 military who were forced out because they refused to be guinea pigs and take the experimental (at best), or nefarious (quite likely) mRNA injections.

Before he was even inaugurated, unlike rabid Zionist Biden, President Trump (no friend of the Palestinians) simply sent his emissary to tell Netanyahu the war on Gaza needed to stop (or pause--it could be a temporary thing, probably is, we will see) and guess what--Netanyahu apparently agreed. And the photo I saw of released Israeli women, they looked quite fit, unlike the Palestinian prisoners the Israelis released.

So, on many fronts, President Trump has his work cut out for him. I just wanted to point out two unheralded important victories for him--and us.

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Those military personnel are also getting back pay, from what I heard, briefly. Which is awesome and fair. It's too bad they can't also be awarded punitive damages. Who knows to what extent being essentially laid off or fired for doing nothing wrong affected their lives?

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Some of them probably couldn't pay the mortgage and lost their homes.

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In 2022, there were 17.6 Veteran suicides per day - no doubt some from the above group. A situation described as FUBAR in military lingo.

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That is just horrifying and should never happen but did - probably because instead of giving benefits to vets (many of whom have become homeless) that money went to illegals coming here. They are given EVERYTHING including good medical/dental care, I've seen some with braces, all kinds of money and benefits and are allowed to be squatters in American citizens' homes. I suspect many of those suicides are done by homeless vets.

My dad was in WW2, stayed in the navy and became a mustang admiral, so I know what FUBAR means and I totally agree with you. Those politicians who not only allowed but MADE this situation happen should be absolutely ashamed of themselves but they never will be - psychopaths never are.

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My son has been serving for only a short time and has already known 5 young men that decided to call it quits from this world permanently.

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I'm so sorry. I can tell you from experience, each one is a gut punch to your son. Make sure you let him know you understand that. Military men are strong, but a hug never hurts. Survivors - friends, family, co-workers, comrades, take the brunt - everyone suffers.

Some think it's only homeless, mentally unfit, old age vets. It's not. It's our young men. They see their situations as hopeless, and despair clouds their decision-making. It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. God help us help them. God bless you and your son.

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Born on the Fourth of July was a true story.

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Good! I hope he puts them on the southern border with orders to shoot any of the mutts who set foot in the Rio Grande or try to hop a fence.

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Some illegal mutt, trying to enter Hungary, killed a Hungarian soldier with a spear. Viktor Orban is arming the guards, providing live ammunition and orders to shoot to kill on attempt.

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The helicoptor ride back is free, but they have to pay for a parachute

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Build the damn wall and take the pressure off of the Border Patrol. Think about this, a two wall approach, separated by a 200 yard roadway that is patrolled by both humans in trucks and high tech means. Sound detection to hear underground sounds such as tunnels digging would be used, and installed along the roadway.

IMHO, almost impassable. Then the immigration folks can do what they should be doing, figuring out how many “real” immigrants we need and allowing them access. Oh yeah, this will also put a severe cramp in the globalist agenda, whether from the WEF or BRICS+, as they will not be able to flood the US with unskilled people and criminals. You know them, the sponsors of the Biden Mob.

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Your subjective view of the conditions of the hostages vs. the criminals released from Israeli prison has no credibility or relevance. I will note however, that none of the terrorists had missing fingers as did the young Israeli woman abducted from her apartment after having two of her fingers blown off by Hamas. You're a despicable and disgusting human being - worse even than the miscreants who invaded and slaughtered their Israeli neighbors who had been helping them because you should know better at a distance in a cocoon of safety that has afforded you ample access to the truth.

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Some of the Palis were raped and murdered however. But no missing fingers, right buddy?

Saul, Saul, why dost thou persecute Me?

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Thanks 🙏 for your great work including your podcast with the ongoing parade of really always worthwhile guests

Long road ahead BUT The news on pushback vs. DEI is better than many of us realize, team Trump fusillade details in this column:


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Pretty simple way to find all the DEI officials who may have since undergone a "Title Change": Do a complexion check. The darker it is, the more likely they were in the DEI racket. Fire the all.

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If there really is an end to DEI and an enforcement of merit-based hiring and promotion, the minority unemployment rate in this country will skyrocket, and rightfully so. The world needs ditchdiggers too. "Oh, you have a black history major from Howard and you used to make $100k as a Community Outreach Supervisor in the Human Resources Department of The Department of Agriculture? I hear that Burger King is hiring."

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They'll have to compete with the Hispanics who are much better workers. Nobody will know the trouble they'll see. Did you see the one with two Black female teenagers in the paddy wagon? They just committed a felony by stealing and their lives were over!

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At 20 - 25 dollars an hour. Ha, my first job was slinging burgers for a dollar and hour, then the owner found out he could hire other people in for 85 cents an hour and fired the whole group of us and replaced them.

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My first job was sweeping floors and emptying garbage cans. $3.25 an hour. I was proud of that job as a teenager. RD3 is right. Our society has to have ditch diggers and garbage collectors. Not all of us can be the big Chiefs. Yeah, just the way it is. Everyone should have the same opportunity if they earn and are qualified for it, but just because someone merely exists, that should not entitle them to anything.

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DEI sets people up for failure, and ultimately encourages mind cancer.

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Garbage collectors in Los Angeles make bank. Everything is automated so they just drive from house to house and then to where they dump their loads. Rinse and repeat.

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I was referring to those who take the garbage from the waste baskets under the desks to the dumpsters. Custodians.

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The key is to tip them well at Christmas. They'll take anything you put out...

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This reminds me of the ruckus that was kicked up some years ago when certain folks discovered that doing a Google Image search for "gorilla" turned up images of black people as well.


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A good sort out would be a withdrawal from NATO and the sanctioning of the European Union as a terrorist organization.

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How about:

NATO withdrawal good one.

Cutting off LNG shipments to the EU nations. They are on their last legs anyway. Europe is about to throw the Leftist bums anyway with their global dreams, so a nudge in that direction would be good.

NATO without the USA is a joke. Europe will have to make peace with Russia to get their energy, Trump does not care about that and it will be a control on the MIC.

America and Canada need to develop the infrastructure to create a legitimate Northwest Passage. USA, Canada and Greenland could be a severe dent in China’s plans. Much ado about the Panama Canal, which is becoming obsolete. Fifty ships in line? A month to get through?

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Europe is going to be an islamic caliphate and the jihadis will be sinking American ships in the Atlantic

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Prince Vlad Dracul: You only have to impale a few and the rest go home.

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Ah of course! One of my favorite historical figures. Every Western country should have a holiday to celebrate him since they probably wouldn't exist if he hadn't existed.

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Amen, Dreamy. <3

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i'm happy you concur :-)

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Given the colossal forces arrayed against reform in Washington, and specifically directed against Donald J. Trump, it will seem miraculous if any of the measures listed by Jim today can prevail. And yet, I must admit to great hopefulness in this first week of Trump 2.0.

Considering what a babe in the woods President Trump was eight years ago, it’s thrilling to see how this time he has hit the ground running, loaded for bear. And, while I am mixing metaphors, what a joy to hear him throw down the gauntlet in his inauguration speech, with the crooked bastards right there, stuck on camera next to him. He actually called out the entire Department of Justice for betraying the United States of America. Of course, “Joe Biden” was only dimly aware of the event he was attending, but Obama’s facial expressions during the speech were treasurable.

It seems too soon to trust some of the preliminary reports – that two billion dollars designated for luxury accommodations for illegal aliens will now aid hurricane victims in North Carolina, four billion dollars earmarked for the Ukraine rat hole (“developmental funds,” my ass) are being held back. If the latter proves true, one can imagine Lockheed Martin stockholders already inquiring about reliable hit men.

Regarding Biden’s eight thousand pardons: it is established legal doctrine that the acceptance of a pardon constitutes admission of guilt. For people like Fauci to accept a pardon and then claim never to have done anything wrong should be punishable – for perjury, contempt of court, maybe jaywalking. If they can no longer be punished for their many crimes, at least their pretense of innocence should be taken away from them.

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If he has a willing Congress, he can get a lot done. But those darned pesky Republicans......you know how they are.

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The MAGA movement is far more organized now than ever. Non-conforming "Republicans" like Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and others will be targeted and primaried ahead of their next election cycle. Social media is very powerful and will be used to communicate who is with us, and who is not. The old obstructionist Republicans are a dying breed.

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I hope you are right, ezinmn.

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Perhaps that is where Trump's relationship with Miriam Adelson will come in handy?

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And terminate his security detail immediately!

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That “Purpose of a pardon” thing says it all.. Hopefully it will be exposed as unjustified and illegal desperation. If not, the benefit is that can be forced to testify without 5th Amendment protection.

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In other words Biden pointed out who they should be arresting.

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Wouldn't that be his final kick in the teeth to the democrat party.

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"the benefit is that can be forced to testify without 5th Amendment protection."

This is what I said earlier this week. Those who have accepted their pardons have screwed themselves over as well as the perps behind the scenes that they were protecting.

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Here is an opinion by Armstrong:

Why Biden’s Pardons Are Unconstitutional and VOID


"I do not see under Burdick that Biden’s Pardons of this committee were constitutional since a Pardon is for a crime they must confess. His “preemptive” Pardons are NOT constitutional, for they are, at best, Amnesty, which he had no authority to grant."

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I also saw the pre-emptive pardons as handing us a grocery list of people who are now (IMHO) guilty, or else why would they need a pardon?

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Notice how all of the pardons began in 2014, the year the US conducted a color revolution to overthrow the elected government in Ukraine, set up biolabs, and wrangle to confiscate their oil and gas industry while removing Russia from the sphere. Didn't quite work out the way they planned.

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Good point.

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A GREAT point.

That's the Cabal. The neocon-Intelligence gangster cabal that is running things both foreign and domestic. The heads of the hydra.

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It seems like it should be interpreted as an admission of guilt. Realistically, criminal investigations should be initiated for each one issued.

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Trump's inauguration is interesting. However, nothing ever changes in Washington D.C. It is always corrupt and run by the super wealthy/elites and their money donations to their candidate of choice (both republican and democrat). When America's top three billionaires (Musk, Bezos, Zuckerburg) (tech magnates) all sat behind Trump at his inauguration, everyone (who wants to) can understand the billionaire class is now fully in control of the government. And one thing to expect is AI governance. Special interests continue to run the country. Conflicts of interest are everywhere, but never mentioned. Over all of it are the Neoconservatists/ Zionists (both Jewish & Christian) and Freemasons. To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. They have owned and operated all aspects of America from it's founding. America is the modern day Roman Empire (extension of ancient Rome). The buildings are Greco/ Roman architecture style with masonic interior design and symbols (i.e. obelisks, pillars, and domes). Ancient Roman pantheon of gods are on display, the pageantry (i.e. passing of the torch, oaths, eagle symbol, fasces symbol, giant marble statues/idols, black & white marble floors. etc.). It's a Talmudic/ Masonic fascist, technocratic, corpocracy. The Caesears of ancient Rome would be very proud. Politicians and their cabinets are friends and relatives who all participate in accepting bribes and hush money for a day's work. Money is earned through bribery, lies, and deceit. They are all those who are willing to do or say anything to obtain the money and power regardless of what is required

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Jan 25
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Here's a document that discusses many topics (i.e. the History of Israel, the Oral Traditions of the Elders, the Talmud, the Kabbalah, the World Zionist Organization, Chabad Lubavitch, the Written Torah vs. the Oral Torah, Judaism, the six -pointed-star/ hexagram, the Ancient Nation of Israel vs. the Modern State of Israel, Noahide Laws, etc..). Perhaps you will find this interesting. If the Link doesn't work, try typing the link into google. Best regards.


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Both Biden and Bush dedicated America to the Noahide Laws. Someday this is going to be used against us. The Laws have severe penalties for idolatry. Christianity is polytheism and thus idolatry in their book.

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Yes, the above document


explains the details of the Noahide Laws. Part of the explanation is on Pages 28-29. Here's part of the info.:

"Beginning in 1978 with U.S. President Jimmy Carter a delegation of Chabad Lubavitch leading Rabbis have met each year with every U.S. President in the oval office for the signing of a proclamation commemorating the anniversary of the birth of their leader Rebbe/ Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson and marking the day as “Education Day, U.S.A. In March 1991, as part of “Education Day, U.S.A”,both houses of Congress passed a bill H.J. Res 104,

which was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush and became Public Law No. 102-14.16 The language of the law asserts that the “Seven

Noahide Laws” (Talmudic Laws) are the ethical values of civilized society and are the basis on which the American nation was founded and that

without these Seven Noahide Laws society stands in peril. It also states that it is our nation’s responsibility to transmit these ethical values to the generations of the future and that in the futurethe President of the United States will sign an “international scroll” pledging to return the world to the Seven Noahide Laws through education and charity."

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As much as I yearn for Biden administration accountability, the mere possibility that the blob could be back in four years places that accountability on the back burner. Ending censorship, political justice department persecution, illegal immigration, climate anything and fighting discrimination with discrimination are more important. Along with DEI the MWBE efforts, departments and resources must end. Soon any applicant that does not look like Laticia James, Fani Willis and Karen Bass, ( dare I say female, darker skin tone, pleasingly plump, dedicated DNC Lemmings ? ), might have a shot at a public position.

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Trump needs to undercut the federal judicial Leftist bias, stop Lawfare, and more than anything else, continue the war against the bureaucracy. He also needs to “train” the next generation of MAGA, JD comes to mind, to stop the Progressive movement in its tracks. Seems like a lot for one man, but look through history, most political changes (and wars) are caused by one man.

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You have identified a significant problem in America. I call it the pendulum swing. America is not a nation that can find a balance or a happy medium between wokeism and conservatism. We always take it too far to the extreme on one side or the other. We might get four good years of Trump and a little more conservatism but that could all be undone in four years when we swing the pendulum back to socialism and communism.

It would help if nature or God would have given us some kind of a generational memory where the lessons learned by generations past were imprinted in our genetics so we don't have to keep learning the same lessons over and over again. But alas, we don't live long enough to remember. So around and around and around we go. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

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If the people are happy with Trump’s job then we will have Vance for another eight years.

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Continuing the MAGA movement is critical to turning our country around. I think the Republicans will have at least another 8 years, if not 16 or 24. The crazies on the other side need to be rooted out. Trump is starting out fast and making major changes right out of the gate. Very refreshing so far.

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Are you telling me there's a chance? I like it. I'll take it.

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Yesterday's headlines included a proposal for a new amendment to allow Trump a third term. Comments weren't very supportive, understandably. However, I just want to point out that Trump can have a third term operating from behind the curtain, just like Obama did. Obama's team never left when Trump was elected in 2016. They burrowed in and conspired to obstruct his every move. There's nothing to prevent MAGA from doing the same when Trump's second term ends. Whether the next president is MAGA or not, Trump's team can and should exercise their power to advance American interests.

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He needs to mentor successors. He is old.

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We have a deep bench of MAGA warriors to carry the torch when Trump steps off the stage. Strong, committed, sharp warriors.

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Exactly, I Lee.

The bench is deep and wide, and there are more arriving every day. Young Barron Trump was instrumental in bringing in the under-30 voters who are a growing base of MAGA support. Those young voters have been living through hell, with schools closing due to covid, watching men play in women's sports, and being told they are white supremacists (white kids of course). People are sick and tired of it and leaders have risen up through all demographic areas to take the mantle from Trump when he's gone. MAGA Rules.

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Especially if he has all his bureacrat replacements in place.

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Shoutout to SSL...how are y'all holding up since the blizzard you just got? Built your igloo yet?

It's so cold where I live that I can blow bubbles onto my porch railing and they crystallize over beautifully. Then I flick them and they shatter like glass. Fun stuff for the kiddies especially.

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Oh destroyer of worlds! You are Kali and Hecate too.

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Beware or you will awaken Krystal

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No silly!! Her name is Bristol. You know who i'm talking about.

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I don't, I swear.

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Oh ok, wow i thought you did. Well lol that is probably better for you then 😉

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Are the MLK files being released this week related only to his murder, or will they also include the voluminous surveillance related to his American and Soviet communist bagmen and handlers? Will it include all of the information related to his sordid affairs, drunken orgies, and sexual relations with underage girls? Will it include all the details about his plagiarized doctoral thesis and other supposed "works?" Will we know why Boston University acknowledged that the King thesis was plagiarized, but refused to rescind his doctorate? Can we hope for any cold daylight being poured on King and Rosa Parks (and many others) training at The Highlander Folk School and many other communist training facilities throughout the country and abroad? Can we finally put to rest all of the bullshit surrounding the "civil rights" movement as some great, noble effort and finally recognize it as the communist campaign to destroy Western Civilization that it actually was? Can we finally tear down all of the monuments to our destruction? Can we finally get rid of that Monday in January that bears the name of a communist dupe, philanderer, plagiarizer, liar, and all-around scumbag?

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Jan 24Edited

Nope I told my wife all this on MLK day this year she had no clue about any of it.

South Africa is America just thirty years into the future.


Cuomo had Elons Daddy on who unloaded on what a virtual cesspool South Africa is now.

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Alas, Babylon. The people are too small, too well programmed. They refuse to do the inner work of rectification, realizing they were wrong and making themselves right - even in the privacy of their own minds.

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How did I know all of this when I was 12?

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You were born higher, and given a good environment that nurtured your innate patrimony. Of the evil ones, Krishna says, Again and again I throw them into demoniac wombs.

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