At this point I don't much care about the Epstein list. I'd rather see heads start rolling for the covid debacle, USAID, and the crime described as ‘diabolical’ and yet another ‘informed consent violation’ by Bret Weinstein ( Feb 2025 Joe Rogan interview) : geoengineering.
Lisa - I agree, 100%, but not so sure anything is going to happen. Other than "making sure it never happens again". Makes my blood boil every time I hear that one. It's clear that we live in a lawless country, people just can't wrap their heads around it. When crimes are committed openly, with more than ample evidence of criminal conduct, and nothing is done about it, that, by definition is lawless. No other way to describe it.
Lawless for the elites and politically connected, Ron. We little people still have to abide the law, pay our taxes and be good little shoppers. Otherwise we end up in jail with the gangsters and the sodomites. Nobody is above the law except in America where the elites are above the law. Period. That makes my eyes bleed with anger.
There are a few channels on YouTube where independent guys find and take down the degenerate pedo pervs who sit in their trailers and plot to meet up with kids and contribute to the problem of trafficking and child porn. But they are the low-level scum. They are the ones that get caught and everyone then feels good knowing one less perv is off the street, never really thinking about the massive power behind what made those guys able to get to that porn in the first place. Same as it ever was.
So true. The porn industry is massive, generating multiple billions every year. Perversion has always existed but I can only imagine how much perversion has proliferated since porn became instantly available at everybody's finger tips.
Degeneracy has been promoted, sold on a massive scale to the public, since the CIA began its programs post WWII. So people that are already degenerates and low-lives, sociopaths, psychopaths, sexual deviants - have it made. They've been coaxed out of the shadows and given the spotlight. If that isn't a sign of cultural collapse, I don't know what is.
I might fancy a hypothesis that the more fucked-up a society is/gets, the porn follows suit, perhaps like most everything else... porn, school, medicine... take your pick.
We are living in a fucked-up society, folks-- to be charitable with the definition of 'society'. As if we need to point that out.
People literally worship degeneracy and demand that it be included in all of our "entertainment" and culture, so I would tend to agree - 100%. Look at how low the bar has gone since, say, the 1950s. As family units have been destroyed to make way for the "freedom" of sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, and "coolness." One of my sisters, a teacher, says the F word 3 times per sentence but that's "edgy." Nope, to me, it's just profane. I don't want to hear it. But that's OK now in regular society. Just as it is in Portland for a dad and his young son to be sitting eating ice cream cones near someone shooting up heroin. How "cool"!
Mandatory State-prescribed curricula for children is a perversion that parents wilfully let happen, wilfully let their children be literally kidnapped-- Pied Pipered-- into.
Meanwhile, at some of America's schools, the children get abused in different ways and worse, shot and killed.
Your Rule of Law Jesus isn't going to save you.
You and a real community that is empowered to take care of itself might.
Morning Zazzy - nice post as usual - substantive as always.
Playing catch up now. 1) Le Bic, on the shore, adjacent Rimouski 2) Check out the Amish that went to Western NC and built tiny houses for the Hurricane Helene flood victims - 12 houses built in 48 hours, at a cost of $300K - all of which they did for free - most Master Carpenters.
On State-prescribed curricula, you are correct. Read a study years ago, that in Sweden (I think) formal school doesn't start until 7-years old. Data shows they academically outperformed every other industrialized country in later years.
There's a reason Obama and his ilk kept pushing for earlier and earlier pre-school "education" - Head Start - easier to bend those young minds. Preceded by the Bushs - Dubya and Jeb - with their "No Child Left Behind" indoctrination program foolishness.
In my comment, I just edited out 'under a certain age' in part because State-mandated anything at any age is fundamentally unethical because it's coercive.
I initially put 'under a certain age' because after a certain age, State-mandated curricula are not mandatory. So we won't have a social worker appear at our doors to question us about why our children, between certain ages, are not at school or submitting their tests.
The State and their 'Rule of Law' is just yet another religion that does little for those who would have few ethical compunctions to do no harm/wrong. It's yet again an example of the classic priests abusing the children; their religion doesn't work on them.
If anything, as Cankerpuss' comment suggests, the State's 'Ten-Commandments Rule of Law' can often function as a hamstring against those who don't need it while helping to enable those who would.
You want real law? Try 'the law of the jungle' that 'the rule of lawyers' keep trying to disparage in support of their own.
We have no real, healthy, self-protecting communities anymore that would make the State's Rule of Law irrelevant and worse, such that it is.
I think that the risk vs. reward situation is upside down. Even if a perp is caught now, the DAs let them go. Perps have almost no chance of punishment today, even now.
I wrote a paper in nursing school about the effects of violence on kids. The studies showed that what really “programmed” the kids to violent behavior was unpunished violence, where, for example, the coyote kept coming back for more after getting clobbered by the roadrunner over and over.
I wonder if anyone has figured out that the criminal industry is a very lucrative business today, especially with so many people affected by the lousy economy. Could it be one of the draws for criminals entering the country is the availability of a very developed criminal network? The scum network has a ready made job waiting for them.
Phil? How about Canada, are you seeing the scum networks working up north?
Solution? Just like the 30s, concentrated effort by the FBI and local police to get these folks into cells or offshore. Two examples exist, the 30s as mentioned and the Old West before the Law came in. Both were unpleasant to Joe Average.
That's the State falling apart and that in-betweeness vacuum that gangs can enter.
But when/as the dust settles, the State might go away for a time and real community might pop back in-- those communities that settle the criminal gangs' hash through 'vigilante justice'-- another term for community self-protection in the absence of State protection.
Right now, the State's law is disabling 'vigilante justice' through the cliched mindfuck of 'don't take the law into your own hands.'
Criminal gangs don't stand a chance, but you have to look in the mirror sometimes and convince yourself that you're the adult and you don't answer to the decaying Nanny State.
Then you grab some guns, some armed pals and meetup with those gangs.
Puts us into a WROL situation, a very dangerous place. Without rule of law creates unintended consequences. These people don't appear to think it could happen to them, as they are above the law. Once the law disappears it gets more than nasty.
Agree entirely. Of all the fuckery put over people in the last few years the Covid scam was by far the most egregious. I suspect there will never be any accountability for any of it, though, for the same reason that the ‘Epstein files’ will go nowhere: too many people in high places involved and complicit, and the blobs would rather just pretend it didn’t happen.
And I have the feeling that there is likely overlap of the 'usual suspects' in all of these crimes. On other hand, the older I get the more I believe that the estimate of '1 in 24' individuals being a sociopath is far too low... And what better place for a sociopath to gravitate to than the maze of governmental bureaucracies.
I think caring about the Epstein case might need to be moved back in priority. I'm inclined to think there is massive bribery and corruption there, and a travesty beyond comprehension inflicted upon the objects of abuse, which are real people (apparently a predominant number of young, underage both male and female) . These people are scarred for life.
If the greater systemic corruption issue is not identified by individual, defanged, uprooted and then justly punished, it will continue under different form. It will take a while . The Epstein matter does come into play at a point. Presently, it could be a resource distraction.
The so-called justice system in NYC, SDNY and lower Manhattan in general has developed as a law unto itself. The Epstein case is a part of a much larger operation and culture which needs attention. The afore mentioned ie:' identified by individual, defanged, uprooted and then justly punished' are the larger issue in play there.
I think caring about the Epstein case might need to be moved back in priority. ~ wkenn
It might need to be moved all the way to the back of the bus. Musk calmly announced that efficiency was not an option, but a do or die requirement, and obstructionists, those who continually chirp "It will never work.", and those with a lesser agenda, need to "let that sink in".
... prison... you are being kind. I'm for a just trial (what other nefarious goings-on might surface during discovery? ) with gallows located in a very public place .
No prison for Fauci. He needs to hang. Not the kind hanging with a drop and a quick neck break. No, the kind where he struggles for a while and slowly suffocates. This guy is a mass murderer. Period.
I think most people will find the quick fix - Hang 'em High! - emotionally unsatisfying over the long term.
Two scenarios:
1) You're sitting in the laundromat parking lot watching Joe Rogan on your cell phone - the episode where he shows the lynching of Fauci. He was caught trying to sneak into Canada at Warroad, Minnesota when a lumberjack stepping out of Izzy's Lounge saw a little old lady trying to cross the road. Lifting her up on his broad shoulders, the lumberjack is shocked when Fauci's bonnet and wig fall off revealing the King of Spikes. Kicking and screaming in the icy wind, rope cinched tightly around his neck, Fauci is slowly hauled to the top of the power pole when his tiny head smacks into the line and ZAPP! The in vivo x-ray - caught by a few spectators quick with their cell phones is trending on Instagram... Or:
2) "The girls will cheer and the boys will shout..." The Dictator Zoo is rolling into town! Like a Norman Rockwell painting come to life, your family - heck, the whole town! - is animated with electric expectation. Rotten eggs, apples, and tomatoes - and some not so rotten - are eagerly gathered into baskets as the family joyfully spills into the street. Fauci has the seat of honor on the dunk tank. "Three baseballs for a dollar! Drop 'im in the water and win a kewpie doll!", shouts the barker. "Just don't hit 'im in the face or you lose." "Ohhhh! No kewpie doll for you!" "Next?!" "Ohhhh! No kewpie doll for you!" And so it goes, from one town to the next...
No lynchings as it will just escalate from there and as much damage as Fauci did to society we can't let him do any more by becoming some sort of martyr or impetus for all-out vigilante justice. Know these things: Fauci was put into place by the real villains and enabled by people who, largely in the SDNY and DC federal courts as well as SCOTUS, failed to uphold the Constitution and rule of law.
You could convict Fauci in a formal trial of 1M cases of murder or accessory to murder and give him the death penalty but what would happen is this: He would last on appeal long enough for the dipshit public to elect another Democrat POTUS who would pardon him. There's really only one way people like Fauci ever see reciprocal justice for the crimes they commit against the People.
It was necessary for the storyline. You kinda have to do that whole "suspension of disbelief thing".
Or, I could go for realism:
A lumberjack stumbling out of Izzy's Lounge saw the bonnet and wig fly off the 'little old lady' as she ran down the street, revealing the King of Spikes.
"Godspeed Mr. Fauci", toasts the lumberjack as he takes another swig of Bud Lite, turns, and walks back into the lounge, plunks a quarter into the jukebox, and queues up "Careless Whisper".
Indeed...I seem to remember our host writing about seemingly endless orange barrels on I-87 north of Albany in one of his biweekly Clusterf*ck columns several years ago.
I think the Epstein list might be a distraction from the massive real problem of human trafficking on a massive scale. Epstein was in charge of only a small delivery pool of humans to the elites. The trafficking world-wide, mostly using war situations or open borders as a cover, and involving large global entities like the Clinton Foundation as laundering apparatus, is so much more massive... but they focus on Epstein and Diddy.
According to Whitney Webb, we are being distracted by the salacious details of Epstein's blackmailing operation in order to hide the money laundering and power-brokering enabled by the sex-trafficking. I haven't read her two-volume work, "One Nation Under Blackmail" yet, but it's on my long - and growing - to-do list.
I like Whitney Webb a lot. I don't know where she gets her intel, but I would like to see how she figures they are going to replace gov't agencies with AI (per Musk). that is what I believe her current position is, although I will admit to seeing someone else's summary, not her own work (although I read her religiously a few years back).
We're not going to get shit from the Epstein list. How do you think Trump managed to get his cabinet picks all passed. He has the goods on his own party's people. They never cooperated before, why now? The manipulation of the population is being carefully herded toward civil war, if not global. Study late 1850's congress for anything close to what we're witnessing now. The lower your profile, the less likely they will be coming after you. Ya, I know, I just violated my own words.
The FBI has a habit of gathering up evidence which magically disappears down a giant black hole.
Video from the Mandalay Bay Hotel, cell phones and casino video from the Las Vegas mass shooting. Evidence from Fast and Furious gun running, Hunter's Laptop, bags of Cocaine in the White House, Seth Thomas murder, non-video from Jeffery Epstein's suicide. Poof..gone forever.
It seems as if FBI and government investigations are conducted not to get to truth, but rather to gather all available incriminating evidence for the purpose of concealing and destroying it. There must be a master playbook somewhere, a neo communist manifesto of sorts.
The J6 Committee is another example of this coverup operation. They looked at video evidence, text and phone messages, interviewed witnesses, all to what end? It seems the plan was create a counter narrative to what actually did occur. God I hope some of this gets exposed and heads roll.
FALSE FLAG CRIMES have been a STATE TOOL since before Roman Empire times. FALSE FLAG events are by definition crimes done to promote the government's desired policies (like disarming the public, creating an excuse to attack another country, etc, etc.). The biggest False Flag in our lifetimes (to date) was 911, the"Twin Tower incident" which was so blatantly false it's hard to believe it hasn't been laughed off the planet. The "Feebs" (our version of the KGB ) have since then become MASTERS of False Flagging, knowing that anyone challenging their "story lines" are easily dismissed through the Ziocratic apparatus that dictates our "Reality Narrative". Of course there are those who see all this B.S. and their numbers have multiplied with the rise of social media only to be tamped down by state sponsored "flak factories" leaving confusion and division in their wake. Long story short Hegel's Dialectic is alive and well in the 21st century and will continue for the foreseeable future.
Machiavellian maneuvers coupled with Hegelian Dialectics in the undeclared wars of Malum Prohibitum. Moral and Ethical conduct in the American Bolshevik irresponsible, unaccountable bureaucracy and their activist show trial courts is pretty daunting to those who would prefer not to be oppressed into oblivion.
Mandalay Bay video, this disappeared immediately after the event, it took some searching to find it again back then. (Nothing in the digital world really disappears forever). It was searchable and discoverable after a couple of days. Note the cab operator talks about the 10th floor as the source. I didn't review this video's full length, but it should contain flashes well below the 32nd floor, possibly 10th, maybe as far down as ?? 4th ??.
NASA's not much better. Apparently all of the data and files from the Apollo Program were "accidentally" tossed out. Wouldn't it be ironic if it were the same group of black cleaning ladies ("Hidden Figures") that got us to the Moon in the first place that threw all this junk away?
"Maybelline, come ova heah honey. Does this equation look right to you?"
"Nuh uh. You gotta replace that "x" with a slice of apple pie. There ya go. If that don't git 'em to th' Moon, nothin' will!"
"White boys and their fancy degrees... Where would they be widdout us?"
"Heh, heh! They be cleanin' their own toilets - on Earth!"
Keeping Hampton Dellinger as Inspector General is like keeping the fictional Tony Soprano in charge of protecting of all the rats in the mob. Good riddance.
My impression is that many Americans are digging their heels in and insisting at the top of their lungs that Trump is evil, Musk is evil, the status quo under Biden was righteous and "the Deplorables" now in power are a threat to Democracy.
The reality of their support of Criminal Government and Graft, Inc. never breaches the dike of cognitive dissonance deployed to protect their selfish characters. Like a cult, they'll prefer the destruction of the Republic rather than come to grips with the fact they are a huge part of the problem....
I'm notsure they either understand or comprehend their preference for destruction of the Republic. TDS is real. It thrives in an arena lacking critical thinking skills and prper discussion separate issues from positions.
What is different about the Leftist 49% of this country? Mental illness is too easy of an explanation. IMHO, the whole political split is Haves vs. Have nots. Our country, Canada too, have become complacent, expecting the government to take care of them. They look at the Right as folks that are going to take everything away from them, and they might have to “go to work”. Trump is attacking this paradigm at his risk as they are 49%, and they are going to raise hell as the reforms bite.
A large portion of the “stiff-necked” Hebrews under Moses refused to ‘bend down” to the will of God, and ended up walking the wilderness for forty years until the “Golden Calf” generation died. Even Moses and Aaron displeased God and were not allowed to enter Canaan. Is it going to take fifty years today to erase the curse of Gimme from this country?
'Is it going to take fifty years today to erase the curse of Gimme from this country?" It might. I've commented a number of times it is an 80 - 120 year cycle, time enough for a complete group of generations to die-off , taking the hard-earned experience with them.
I was taught about 'haves and have-nots' many decades ago. The Haves want to keep and add more, the Have-nots want what the Haves have.
'Trump is attacking this paradigm at his risk as they are 49%, and they are going to raise hell as the reforms bite.' I'm not sure about 49%, I'd go with a rough 30% at each end of the spectrum, with the remaining 30% either swayable, gullible, or clueless. Regardless (the %'s are guesstimates), the raise hell part is just beginning.
Even when I spent 23 years building a case against the State of Utah for forcing my family into a condition of genocide/democide (as per 18 U.S.C. 1091, Conspiracy against Rights and Deprivation of Rights (as per 18 U.S.C. 241, 242, Witness Tampering (as per 18 U.S.C. 1215) among various other Crimes against humanity, capitol crimes that reduced me and my family beyond recovery and assigned a condition of perpetual penury, begs the question of who is going to investigate the perpetrators when they have all the cards stacked in their favor? Where did the obtain the "Authority" to steal and sell whole families into servitude to their convoluted opinions and criminalize anybody who disagrees with their biased opinion that they have the right to treat natural parents like Kafkaesque cockroaches? The perjury of their oaths of office and willful ignorance by "Special Interest Groups" the NGO's (i.e. The Mormon Church) who are not subject to the U.S. Constitution utilizing "Color of Law" to contravene natural law and rights to serve their own purposes, and the rich man's law to attack and impugn the integrity of the poor. Inhuman exploiters who cloak themselves in "Lawfare" to obtain what they could neither obtain naturally or lawfully?
Yes, both the haves and have nots are evil. And those in the middle often are too - or at least being luke warm, the kind that God spits out of His mouth with disgust.
The government has been doing a pretty good job of looking out for the "Haves", constantly shifting wealth upward from those dirty nasty lazy have-nots.
There has been soooo much clamoring on social media about the frickin’ Epstein Files it makes me want to roar!!
You have laid out here, (and in many of your articles), the vast and beyond egregious illegalities that have crushed the very life out of this country over the past 12 years alone! To build a case against any one of those, and not just case, an ironclad one, takes enormous care, attention and effort.
I’m sure the Epstein case was used by our Intel community and probably other country’s as well, as Kompromat on who knows how many people, but in the grand scheme of things it is just one on a loooong list of investigations and case-building that needs to occur.
Sadly, it seems to be now be being used used to sow discord and division by many MAGA people against our own - and May I add, Brand New - warriors tasked with the most daunting task of all tasks, and that is bringing all these traitors of the Constitution to Justice.
Less whining about them - much more praying for them in being able to accomplish this feat is most definitely in order.
Then Pam Bondi should be fired for fueling this public fire with false hopes. Our patience is at an end. We want justice now. Justice delayed is justice denied.
I can get over how juvenile- and ignorant an attitude that is. She hasn’t even been in there for 60 days, and because the evildoers who are STILL lurking in the corners of the most corrupt of corrupt domains she and Patel have entered, managed to sabotage her effort to expose the Epstein files, and you want to fire her. Extraordinary!
You are either a plant by the Left attempting to sow discord and division, or you’re just plain stupid. You may be both.
If Bondi is a bust time will tell, and sooner rather than later, but to base it on the Epstein files brouhaha, and the fact she’s barely been in there for TWO freakin’ months is like a child hollering, “when do we get there? When do we get there?” from the back seat. It’s pathetic.
She now says if and when we get the report, it will be redacted for "national security". She's complicit now, maybe she always was. Maybe that's why she was hired.
In recent days I have been surprised to see several of the writers whose opinions I usually find valuable defend our government against the excessive depredations of DOGE, contending that there is actually little waste and fraud in Washington, and that most of that modest amount of spillage is inadvertent and well-intentioned.
Asked by Joe Rogan how DOGE decides which line items to ax, Elon explained that - far short of having to justify their programs and how they spend our tax dollars - all each entity is asked to do is to prove that it actually exists, and that it checks its email once per week. At the risk of sounding like a hard ass, that strikes me as a pretty low bar to have to clear.
Like most citizens, I have long supposed that there is probably a generous amount of corruption in our government, but even on bad days did not fear it to be this massive. In reading Jim’s post this morning a connection became clear: we have long known that the most corrupt country in Europe is Ukraine. Ukraine and the US both found ways to put agents of corruption in their highest political office. Biden and Zelensky then scratched each other’s backs, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Both “leaders” have rewarded the media and others who enabled their corruption, and ruined those who attempted to oppose it.
And now about half of our fellow citizens are in a righteous fury that these two great statesmen are being brought down. Surely they can’t look forward to April 15th each year, or feel contented about ever-worsening government services to taxpayers, and yet they are steadfast in their support of corrupt government. Will the scales never fall from their eyes?
The Deep State is going to be hard to eradicate, they absolutely believe that the central government is there to “take care” of the people. Even now, 49% of the people agree with them. America’s paradigm has to change and that will take a full Turning, ie eighty years.
The People are lost without real Leaders. Nothing insures the triumph of Evil more than the doctrines of individualism. But yes, of course the Leaders should encourage the people to be thrifty and industrious to a degree, but that's a very different thing than having no leaders or public square.
Great. Another divide-&-conquer invitation! Like our problem is the "Dem" sock puppet, as "opposed" to the "Repub" sock puppet (who championed the Iraqi $8 trillion, War of Aggression, 1 million civilian deaths.) So now the multi-decade Bi-partisan Looting operation tries to sell the risible notion that the problem is some irrelevant split, Dems v. Repubs (like these are actual choices), or Liberals v. Conservatives (like these words haven't been long stripped of meaningful definitions)...anything to distract from the Mob that perpetuates it all. Let's you & him fight! I'm suppose to care about the comic opera of Musk's tax-payer money saving operation...which hasn't touched the Pentagon, the biggest Money-Laundering operation in history, who regularly starts & loses 20 year wars with no consequences? That maintains, at some expense I imagine, a hundred TIMES more overseas bases than China & Russia together? It's THEATER! I'm being encouraged to give a sh-t despite the clear fact that every cent saved will be used, along with Medicare & SS to finance tax breaks for the Billionaires who make up this government (& did under the previous Sock Puppet). Hannah Arendt observed, propaganda is NOT designed to convince you of a point of view. It's to wear you out, discourage you from thinking or caring about the issue. Please watch, w/your thinking cap on, the absurd 33 second AI video of Trump Gaza and still believe its point isn't to make evil banal, acceptable, mainstream. (PS: Bondi will never expose Epstein's operation since Israel is behind it, with again, "BOTH" parties)
Also, Bush 2 was not MAGA. Neocon and open borderist. The Bushes are one of the reasons we are where we are. Look around, MAGA wants nothing to do with the Bushy Cheney RINOs.
See Whitney Webb, a prolific & detail-oriented blogger & author, wrote (2 volume) "One Nation Under Blackmail". The books have an extensive bibliography & gives some idea why your criminal politicians (again, both parties) applaud, like trained seals, for a war criminal.
Yes, it takes time and attention to detail when building a good case when operating under rule of law. This is made more difficult by significant magnitude when those holding the evidence and access to the chain of custody are the very ones the case is being made against regarding a broad spectrum of illegal activity.
It requires being 'very patient' as the wheels of justice have always been described as a slow-moving event.
Better to have as airtight a case as possible than rush the job a botch the effort.
Unfortunately the wheels of justice being a slow moving event allows time for the criminal to destroy evidence of wrongdoing and lawyer up to delay and obfuscate until a new regime can be installed to cover up the crimes.
How easy is it to destroy evidence? I mean, they’ve had enough time to neuter or obliterate it. Is there a chain of custody that sees multiple copies placed in multiple locations overseen by multiple people or is there a squalid storeroom somewhere with a few cardboard Storage King boxes of physical evidence known only to the few?
I do not believe it all can be destroyed. The low hanging fruit gets destroyed, the obvious and slightly less than obvious hiding places cleaned out.
Every email, every text, everything written here is swept up, compressed and stored somewhere. The task is finding, following and unwinding the digital trail.
Too much low-hanging fruit? Just imagine yourself in Bondi or Patel’s shoes right now, the wall of shit they are facing. It will take a year just to figure out what to do first.
My take is the priorities were developed during the intervening years (46 as resident), dealing with the actual impediments being implemented is the current status.
Because of the culture of colonial America, the domination of Common Law from England and its ability to convict folks at will, the Constitution is designed to protect the perp, to make sure someone is guilty. Our judicial system is based on these principles. It has been so misused by today’s government.
This is interesting. I’m not a student of law so have never really stopped to think that other countries go about their justice in very different ways.
Although, we’ve got a two-tiered justice system now, and most likely certain areas are de-facto run by Sharia law.
Yup, the “Great American Experiment” is that a nation can exist with any number of cultures in it. Are we creating another Tower of Babel challenging God?
The Founders would have said to that, What the fuck are you talking about? That whole mindset is much later spin. They revolted against England for themselves and their progeny, not Blacks, American Indians, or Jews.
Yes, this "Great American Experiment" is a fanciful notion dreamed up by someone in an ivory tower, safely insulated from the mayhem that lifted him to his elevated position, and also safe from the mayhem he is propounding.
The "Founding Fathers" were concerned about the rate of German immigration as they didn't think that such a foreign culture could or would integrate into our English society. Were they dreaming of a rainbow utopia with endless flavors of ethnicity, culture, gender, and "life-style choices"? I don't think so - but that is what we are told, and that is what we must believe.
Having grown up on a farm, I equate the current situation in DC as springtime on the farm. Once spring arrives, the farmer is tasked with the unenviable chore of cleaning out the barn where his animals have spent the winter. That cleaning is essentially removing the animal droppings (aka manure, bullshit, etc) from the barn.
The various Trump appointees in the Justice Department (along with the DOGE team) are readying the crews to clean out the DC stables of the manure accumulated over the past 4-40 years. This will be a Herculean task for the Trump team and it will be joyous to watch the stinking Democratic dumps be hauled away. 👍👍💪💪
Until a mass of individuals wish to be free of governance and continuously elect persons who move to minimize governance whilst simultaneously implementing systems that teach individuals to become self reliant without needing government, democracy will never produce sustainable progress. Individuals have individual preferences and can organize themselves into groups ranging from laissez-faire Anarcho capitalism to full blown communism in the same space and do so without conflict. What is required is freedom from coerced majority opinion in economic matters and respect for individual and collective property, each individual and collective group having responsibility for the consequences of the code they have individually chosen.
Emerging from the state of nature results in developing some sort of organized system. There is a broad spectrum of writing on this topic through the years.
The systems are more or less infringements on personal liberty set against a need for some manner of common defense and ability to settle disputes.
As soon as the entity 'government' begins straying from these two needs the problems arise. People try to manipulate the 'government', whatever form it takes, for their own benefit atthe expense of others.
It is a cycle. There are as many cycles as there are topics and situations to describe as cyclic. We happen to be living at the end points of probably a few cycles.
Don’t you think that one of the jobs of government is to keep peoples from taking advantage of others? Government, with its judiciary, should “Judge Judy” a society that folks and groups should not be able to grift each other.
Sure, sounds good. The real deal is that our government is the creator of the grift, setting up a social network that rewards criminality. It is by nature, evil.
And "judges" are too easily corrupted. Human beings cannot be judges. It is impossible for a human to not judge impartially. They will always have leanings to one political view or another, even without knowing. Until humanity evolves we are doomed to repeat the same lessons over and over and over again.
That's why we need robot policemen like Gort. This system is not perfect. No doubt they sometimes destroy worlds for insufficient cause. But that puts the fear of the Law into the hearts of other worlds. You can't make an omlette without breaking a few heads or planets or heads of planets.
The “poor” aren’t in this country. The “poor” used to have pride in themselves, not taking charity or welfare. Not any more. The Gimmes are welfare people, a total load on society. The ones that infuriate me are the ones that build it into their culture. We were poor for a long time yet I would never have taken charity or welfare. I expect the same of everyone else.
Kunstler nails it again. To back up his commentary analysis the DOGE audits that are uncovering massive about of waste fraud and abusive is an indictment that the IGs system is broken. DOGE is doing the job that the IGs should have done but didn’t do by exposing waste fraud and abuse.
My guess is that Stacey Abrams will skate since charging her with anything would be racism. Just doing a check of the inflows and outflows from her bank accounts would be quite revealing as it would be for each and every Congresscritter and Senator. I am truly sick and fed up with what we can see just on the surface without any deep dives. People making approx $200K per year nave net worths of $ tens or hundreds of millions after only a decade or so in their jobs (jobs) is used loosely ). Especially since most gov't "jobs" do not require an immense amount of time to do and.....has super great perks and time off options. All of the IGs need to be fired since it appears they are not doing much except maybe getting drinks for the people stealing our money.
Patience to a point, James. Patience is what allowed Amy Comey Barret to slip through. It's what enabled Mike Pompeo to run a silent coup the first time around. It's what allowed the FISA court / Russia collusion investigation to go nowhere via the Comey, Durham and Dourchebag Harry Potter LARPer (can never remember that idiot's name off the top of my head) to run a complete deep-state cover-up.
Bondi, Patel and Bongino would have about 6 months max to produce an indictment of at least one of the above-mentioned officials as well as getting an impeachment going on at least a half-dozen activist judges if I were Trump. I would already have a list of designated hitters waiting to step into the breach if any of them fail. My hope is that a massive RICO case can be constructed with overwhelming evidence that will destroy the uniparty in the court of public opinion since it is unlikely to result in any actual convictions. I would also want to see within the next week at least 1,000 arrests, minimum, of people on Blue Sky calling for violence against public officials, especially the most egregious actors (double meaning intended). Raid their houses with the FBI and Secret Service. Try to arrest as many journalists as possible that have participated in the calls for violence. The longer this shit goes on the worse it will get. People need some serious cold water in the face.
At this point I don't much care about the Epstein list. I'd rather see heads start rolling for the covid debacle, USAID, and the crime described as ‘diabolical’ and yet another ‘informed consent violation’ by Bret Weinstein ( Feb 2025 Joe Rogan interview) : geoengineering.
Lisa - I agree, 100%, but not so sure anything is going to happen. Other than "making sure it never happens again". Makes my blood boil every time I hear that one. It's clear that we live in a lawless country, people just can't wrap their heads around it. When crimes are committed openly, with more than ample evidence of criminal conduct, and nothing is done about it, that, by definition is lawless. No other way to describe it.
Lawless for the elites and politically connected, Ron. We little people still have to abide the law, pay our taxes and be good little shoppers. Otherwise we end up in jail with the gangsters and the sodomites. Nobody is above the law except in America where the elites are above the law. Period. That makes my eyes bleed with anger.
There are a few channels on YouTube where independent guys find and take down the degenerate pedo pervs who sit in their trailers and plot to meet up with kids and contribute to the problem of trafficking and child porn. But they are the low-level scum. They are the ones that get caught and everyone then feels good knowing one less perv is off the street, never really thinking about the massive power behind what made those guys able to get to that porn in the first place. Same as it ever was.
So true. The porn industry is massive, generating multiple billions every year. Perversion has always existed but I can only imagine how much perversion has proliferated since porn became instantly available at everybody's finger tips.
Degeneracy has been promoted, sold on a massive scale to the public, since the CIA began its programs post WWII. So people that are already degenerates and low-lives, sociopaths, psychopaths, sexual deviants - have it made. They've been coaxed out of the shadows and given the spotlight. If that isn't a sign of cultural collapse, I don't know what is.
Nail on head, Mary.
I might fancy a hypothesis that the more fucked-up a society is/gets, the porn follows suit, perhaps like most everything else... porn, school, medicine... take your pick.
We are living in a fucked-up society, folks-- to be charitable with the definition of 'society'. As if we need to point that out.
People literally worship degeneracy and demand that it be included in all of our "entertainment" and culture, so I would tend to agree - 100%. Look at how low the bar has gone since, say, the 1950s. As family units have been destroyed to make way for the "freedom" of sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, and "coolness." One of my sisters, a teacher, says the F word 3 times per sentence but that's "edgy." Nope, to me, it's just profane. I don't want to hear it. But that's OK now in regular society. Just as it is in Portland for a dad and his young son to be sitting eating ice cream cones near someone shooting up heroin. How "cool"!
You're channeling me this morning, Zazzy. Pick a place, let's start anew.
Mandatory State-prescribed curricula for children is a perversion that parents wilfully let happen, wilfully let their children be literally kidnapped-- Pied Pipered-- into.
Meanwhile, at some of America's schools, the children get abused in different ways and worse, shot and killed.
Your Rule of Law Jesus isn't going to save you.
You and a real community that is empowered to take care of itself might.
Another Brick In The Wall
Morning Zazzy - nice post as usual - substantive as always.
Playing catch up now. 1) Le Bic, on the shore, adjacent Rimouski 2) Check out the Amish that went to Western NC and built tiny houses for the Hurricane Helene flood victims - 12 houses built in 48 hours, at a cost of $300K - all of which they did for free - most Master Carpenters.
On State-prescribed curricula, you are correct. Read a study years ago, that in Sweden (I think) formal school doesn't start until 7-years old. Data shows they academically outperformed every other industrialized country in later years.
There's a reason Obama and his ilk kept pushing for earlier and earlier pre-school "education" - Head Start - easier to bend those young minds. Preceded by the Bushs - Dubya and Jeb - with their "No Child Left Behind" indoctrination program foolishness.
In my comment, I just edited out 'under a certain age' in part because State-mandated anything at any age is fundamentally unethical because it's coercive.
I initially put 'under a certain age' because after a certain age, State-mandated curricula are not mandatory. So we won't have a social worker appear at our doors to question us about why our children, between certain ages, are not at school or submitting their tests.
Alan Parker's Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982) is a highly under-rated cinematic masterpiece.
The State and their 'Rule of Law' is just yet another religion that does little for those who would have few ethical compunctions to do no harm/wrong. It's yet again an example of the classic priests abusing the children; their religion doesn't work on them.
If anything, as Cankerpuss' comment suggests, the State's 'Ten-Commandments Rule of Law' can often function as a hamstring against those who don't need it while helping to enable those who would.
You want real law? Try 'the law of the jungle' that 'the rule of lawyers' keep trying to disparage in support of their own.
We have no real, healthy, self-protecting communities anymore that would make the State's Rule of Law irrelevant and worse, such that it is.
I think that the risk vs. reward situation is upside down. Even if a perp is caught now, the DAs let them go. Perps have almost no chance of punishment today, even now.
I wrote a paper in nursing school about the effects of violence on kids. The studies showed that what really “programmed” the kids to violent behavior was unpunished violence, where, for example, the coyote kept coming back for more after getting clobbered by the roadrunner over and over.
I wonder if anyone has figured out that the criminal industry is a very lucrative business today, especially with so many people affected by the lousy economy. Could it be one of the draws for criminals entering the country is the availability of a very developed criminal network? The scum network has a ready made job waiting for them.
Phil? How about Canada, are you seeing the scum networks working up north?
Solution? Just like the 30s, concentrated effort by the FBI and local police to get these folks into cells or offshore. Two examples exist, the 30s as mentioned and the Old West before the Law came in. Both were unpleasant to Joe Average.
Here in sunny southern California the criminal gangs are targeting people's vehicles.
Work trucks are being hit especially hard for the tools usually left in them over night.
The gangs are hitting entire streets busting out windows and stealing anything not bolted down.
That's the State falling apart and that in-betweeness vacuum that gangs can enter.
But when/as the dust settles, the State might go away for a time and real community might pop back in-- those communities that settle the criminal gangs' hash through 'vigilante justice'-- another term for community self-protection in the absence of State protection.
Right now, the State's law is disabling 'vigilante justice' through the cliched mindfuck of 'don't take the law into your own hands.'
Criminal gangs don't stand a chance, but you have to look in the mirror sometimes and convince yourself that you're the adult and you don't answer to the decaying Nanny State.
Then you grab some guns, some armed pals and meetup with those gangs.
You're on fire this morning, Zazzy. You had your Wheaties for sure this morning - or whatever the NS equivalent is. Carry on.
The same is happening in Boise, ID. People aren't prepared for it - but they are getting used to it, sadly, as the area grows because... progress.
Is this MQ? Just a fond hello if so.
Remember, it's Boy-C and not Boy-Z. Boy-Z's a tinpot douchebag calling Ukraine home, for now at least.
Hey John.
I have not heard immigrant-gang crime-wave stories in Canada like I've recently heard from Ben (SoCal) and Anna (Colorado).
"Patience." A good idea. Especially between March 15th-April 7th, 2025, when a lot of wheels will be falling off the wagons.
Puts us into a WROL situation, a very dangerous place. Without rule of law creates unintended consequences. These people don't appear to think it could happen to them, as they are above the law. Once the law disappears it gets more than nasty.
Hemp is a renewable and reuseable commodity.
Walter - that's my point, we're already there, and have been - WROL, as you say.
Agree entirely. Of all the fuckery put over people in the last few years the Covid scam was by far the most egregious. I suspect there will never be any accountability for any of it, though, for the same reason that the ‘Epstein files’ will go nowhere: too many people in high places involved and complicit, and the blobs would rather just pretend it didn’t happen.
And I have the feeling that there is likely overlap of the 'usual suspects' in all of these crimes. On other hand, the older I get the more I believe that the estimate of '1 in 24' individuals being a sociopath is far too low... And what better place for a sociopath to gravitate to than the maze of governmental bureaucracies.
I agree...and it's a good thing we don't get all the government we pay for, as one wag once said.
Well remember, a classic psychopath doesn't care about anybody but themselves.
Most bad people aren't that bad. Most murderers love their mothers, etc.
I think caring about the Epstein case might need to be moved back in priority. I'm inclined to think there is massive bribery and corruption there, and a travesty beyond comprehension inflicted upon the objects of abuse, which are real people (apparently a predominant number of young, underage both male and female) . These people are scarred for life.
If the greater systemic corruption issue is not identified by individual, defanged, uprooted and then justly punished, it will continue under different form. It will take a while . The Epstein matter does come into play at a point. Presently, it could be a resource distraction.
The so-called justice system in NYC, SDNY and lower Manhattan in general has developed as a law unto itself. The Epstein case is a part of a much larger operation and culture which needs attention. The afore mentioned ie:' identified by individual, defanged, uprooted and then justly punished' are the larger issue in play there.
I think caring about the Epstein case might need to be moved back in priority. ~ wkenn
It might need to be moved all the way to the back of the bus. Musk calmly announced that efficiency was not an option, but a do or die requirement, and obstructionists, those who continually chirp "It will never work.", and those with a lesser agenda, need to "let that sink in".
agree. Honestly, so many dirtbags and "at this point, what difference does it make"
I want to see Fauci go to prison
... prison... you are being kind. I'm for a just trial (what other nefarious goings-on might surface during discovery? ) with gallows located in a very public place .
No prison for Fauci. He needs to hang. Not the kind hanging with a drop and a quick neck break. No, the kind where he struggles for a while and slowly suffocates. This guy is a mass murderer. Period.
I think most people will find the quick fix - Hang 'em High! - emotionally unsatisfying over the long term.
Two scenarios:
1) You're sitting in the laundromat parking lot watching Joe Rogan on your cell phone - the episode where he shows the lynching of Fauci. He was caught trying to sneak into Canada at Warroad, Minnesota when a lumberjack stepping out of Izzy's Lounge saw a little old lady trying to cross the road. Lifting her up on his broad shoulders, the lumberjack is shocked when Fauci's bonnet and wig fall off revealing the King of Spikes. Kicking and screaming in the icy wind, rope cinched tightly around his neck, Fauci is slowly hauled to the top of the power pole when his tiny head smacks into the line and ZAPP! The in vivo x-ray - caught by a few spectators quick with their cell phones is trending on Instagram... Or:
2) "The girls will cheer and the boys will shout..." The Dictator Zoo is rolling into town! Like a Norman Rockwell painting come to life, your family - heck, the whole town! - is animated with electric expectation. Rotten eggs, apples, and tomatoes - and some not so rotten - are eagerly gathered into baskets as the family joyfully spills into the street. Fauci has the seat of honor on the dunk tank. "Three baseballs for a dollar! Drop 'im in the water and win a kewpie doll!", shouts the barker. "Just don't hit 'im in the face or you lose." "Ohhhh! No kewpie doll for you!" "Next?!" "Ohhhh! No kewpie doll for you!" And so it goes, from one town to the next...
Now, which world do you want to live in?
I want to live in the world where dollar-dropping video-taking drones buzz rooftop sundeck-tanning strippers. Who's with me?!
No lynchings as it will just escalate from there and as much damage as Fauci did to society we can't let him do any more by becoming some sort of martyr or impetus for all-out vigilante justice. Know these things: Fauci was put into place by the real villains and enabled by people who, largely in the SDNY and DC federal courts as well as SCOTUS, failed to uphold the Constitution and rule of law.
You could convict Fauci in a formal trial of 1M cases of murder or accessory to murder and give him the death penalty but what would happen is this: He would last on appeal long enough for the dipshit public to elect another Democrat POTUS who would pardon him. There's really only one way people like Fauci ever see reciprocal justice for the crimes they commit against the People.
I'm all for the Dictator Zoo Road Show. I gotcher rotten tomatoes and eggs right here.
But how naive are you believing that a Minnesotan would lynch Fauci? Silly boy! That's the land of Timpon Walz*.
All pharma crooks and mass murderers go free there, don't they? Isn't it a Sanctuary State (tm)?
*Hoping not to get a rap on the wrist from JK for using a punny name
"But how naive are you..."
It was necessary for the storyline. You kinda have to do that whole "suspension of disbelief thing".
Or, I could go for realism:
A lumberjack stumbling out of Izzy's Lounge saw the bonnet and wig fly off the 'little old lady' as she ran down the street, revealing the King of Spikes.
"Godspeed Mr. Fauci", toasts the lumberjack as he takes another swig of Bud Lite, turns, and walks back into the lounge, plunks a quarter into the jukebox, and queues up "Careless Whisper".
My world's better,, isn't it?
THIS is a metaphor for our patience;
Tis the season again.
Indeed...I seem to remember our host writing about seemingly endless orange barrels on I-87 north of Albany in one of his biweekly Clusterf*ck columns several years ago.
I think the Epstein list might be a distraction from the massive real problem of human trafficking on a massive scale. Epstein was in charge of only a small delivery pool of humans to the elites. The trafficking world-wide, mostly using war situations or open borders as a cover, and involving large global entities like the Clinton Foundation as laundering apparatus, is so much more massive... but they focus on Epstein and Diddy.
This is a real problem.
According to Whitney Webb, we are being distracted by the salacious details of Epstein's blackmailing operation in order to hide the money laundering and power-brokering enabled by the sex-trafficking. I haven't read her two-volume work, "One Nation Under Blackmail" yet, but it's on my long - and growing - to-do list.
I like Whitney Webb a lot. I don't know where she gets her intel, but I would like to see how she figures they are going to replace gov't agencies with AI (per Musk). that is what I believe her current position is, although I will admit to seeing someone else's summary, not her own work (although I read her religiously a few years back).
Yep! Limited hangouts, most likely.
We're not going to get shit from the Epstein list. How do you think Trump managed to get his cabinet picks all passed. He has the goods on his own party's people. They never cooperated before, why now? The manipulation of the population is being carefully herded toward civil war, if not global. Study late 1850's congress for anything close to what we're witnessing now. The lower your profile, the less likely they will be coming after you. Ya, I know, I just violated my own words.
The FBI has a habit of gathering up evidence which magically disappears down a giant black hole.
Video from the Mandalay Bay Hotel, cell phones and casino video from the Las Vegas mass shooting. Evidence from Fast and Furious gun running, Hunter's Laptop, bags of Cocaine in the White House, Seth Thomas murder, non-video from Jeffery Epstein's suicide. Poof..gone forever.
It seems as if FBI and government investigations are conducted not to get to truth, but rather to gather all available incriminating evidence for the purpose of concealing and destroying it. There must be a master playbook somewhere, a neo communist manifesto of sorts.
The J6 Committee is another example of this coverup operation. They looked at video evidence, text and phone messages, interviewed witnesses, all to what end? It seems the plan was create a counter narrative to what actually did occur. God I hope some of this gets exposed and heads roll.
FALSE FLAG CRIMES have been a STATE TOOL since before Roman Empire times. FALSE FLAG events are by definition crimes done to promote the government's desired policies (like disarming the public, creating an excuse to attack another country, etc, etc.). The biggest False Flag in our lifetimes (to date) was 911, the"Twin Tower incident" which was so blatantly false it's hard to believe it hasn't been laughed off the planet. The "Feebs" (our version of the KGB ) have since then become MASTERS of False Flagging, knowing that anyone challenging their "story lines" are easily dismissed through the Ziocratic apparatus that dictates our "Reality Narrative". Of course there are those who see all this B.S. and their numbers have multiplied with the rise of social media only to be tamped down by state sponsored "flak factories" leaving confusion and division in their wake. Long story short Hegel's Dialectic is alive and well in the 21st century and will continue for the foreseeable future.
Machiavellian maneuvers coupled with Hegelian Dialectics in the undeclared wars of Malum Prohibitum. Moral and Ethical conduct in the American Bolshevik irresponsible, unaccountable bureaucracy and their activist show trial courts is pretty daunting to those who would prefer not to be oppressed into oblivion.
Mandalay Bay video, this disappeared immediately after the event, it took some searching to find it again back then. (Nothing in the digital world really disappears forever). It was searchable and discoverable after a couple of days. Note the cab operator talks about the 10th floor as the source. I didn't review this video's full length, but it should contain flashes well below the 32nd floor, possibly 10th, maybe as far down as ?? 4th ??.
Paddock... there's always a patsy.
John Cullen…ran audio as well as vids and did incredible research. Lotsa guns, firing from copters…so many dead and nothing from the govt but a patsy.
Is it possible you could provide a link to the John Cullen work? Otherwise I can search for it later.
NASA's not much better. Apparently all of the data and files from the Apollo Program were "accidentally" tossed out. Wouldn't it be ironic if it were the same group of black cleaning ladies ("Hidden Figures") that got us to the Moon in the first place that threw all this junk away?
"Maybelline, come ova heah honey. Does this equation look right to you?"
"Nuh uh. You gotta replace that "x" with a slice of apple pie. There ya go. If that don't git 'em to th' Moon, nothin' will!"
"White boys and their fancy degrees... Where would they be widdout us?"
"Heh, heh! They be cleanin' their own toilets - on Earth!"
Oh, the history we've been robbed of...
Keeping Hampton Dellinger as Inspector General is like keeping the fictional Tony Soprano in charge of protecting of all the rats in the mob. Good riddance.
My impression is that many Americans are digging their heels in and insisting at the top of their lungs that Trump is evil, Musk is evil, the status quo under Biden was righteous and "the Deplorables" now in power are a threat to Democracy.
The reality of their support of Criminal Government and Graft, Inc. never breaches the dike of cognitive dissonance deployed to protect their selfish characters. Like a cult, they'll prefer the destruction of the Republic rather than come to grips with the fact they are a huge part of the problem....
I'm notsure they either understand or comprehend their preference for destruction of the Republic. TDS is real. It thrives in an arena lacking critical thinking skills and prper discussion separate issues from positions.
What is different about the Leftist 49% of this country? Mental illness is too easy of an explanation. IMHO, the whole political split is Haves vs. Have nots. Our country, Canada too, have become complacent, expecting the government to take care of them. They look at the Right as folks that are going to take everything away from them, and they might have to “go to work”. Trump is attacking this paradigm at his risk as they are 49%, and they are going to raise hell as the reforms bite.
A large portion of the “stiff-necked” Hebrews under Moses refused to ‘bend down” to the will of God, and ended up walking the wilderness for forty years until the “Golden Calf” generation died. Even Moses and Aaron displeased God and were not allowed to enter Canaan. Is it going to take fifty years today to erase the curse of Gimme from this country?
'Is it going to take fifty years today to erase the curse of Gimme from this country?" It might. I've commented a number of times it is an 80 - 120 year cycle, time enough for a complete group of generations to die-off , taking the hard-earned experience with them.
I was taught about 'haves and have-nots' many decades ago. The Haves want to keep and add more, the Have-nots want what the Haves have.
'Trump is attacking this paradigm at his risk as they are 49%, and they are going to raise hell as the reforms bite.' I'm not sure about 49%, I'd go with a rough 30% at each end of the spectrum, with the remaining 30% either swayable, gullible, or clueless. Regardless (the %'s are guesstimates), the raise hell part is just beginning.
49% guesstimate based on the election.
49% of this country voted for a dimwit spinning word salads and a total freak, Trump et al have their work cut out for them.
Even when I spent 23 years building a case against the State of Utah for forcing my family into a condition of genocide/democide (as per 18 U.S.C. 1091, Conspiracy against Rights and Deprivation of Rights (as per 18 U.S.C. 241, 242, Witness Tampering (as per 18 U.S.C. 1215) among various other Crimes against humanity, capitol crimes that reduced me and my family beyond recovery and assigned a condition of perpetual penury, begs the question of who is going to investigate the perpetrators when they have all the cards stacked in their favor? Where did the obtain the "Authority" to steal and sell whole families into servitude to their convoluted opinions and criminalize anybody who disagrees with their biased opinion that they have the right to treat natural parents like Kafkaesque cockroaches? The perjury of their oaths of office and willful ignorance by "Special Interest Groups" the NGO's (i.e. The Mormon Church) who are not subject to the U.S. Constitution utilizing "Color of Law" to contravene natural law and rights to serve their own purposes, and the rich man's law to attack and impugn the integrity of the poor. Inhuman exploiters who cloak themselves in "Lawfare" to obtain what they could neither obtain naturally or lawfully?
Yes, both the haves and have nots are evil. And those in the middle often are too - or at least being luke warm, the kind that God spits out of His mouth with disgust.
The government has been doing a pretty good job of looking out for the "Haves", constantly shifting wealth upward from those dirty nasty lazy have-nots.
I think you mean middle class the bottom third pay nothing in taxes by getting more back than they paid into the system.
The 1% pay more in taxes than the bottom 50%. Gotta admit though, the 1% make a great target.
"... the 1% make a great target." ~ JohnAZ
Yea, why not kill the goose that creates the jobs for gainful employment?
It’s not enough to stop government corruption. People need to serve harsh prison sentences. Some should be executed for treason.
Agree, turning the other cheek with a sociopath/psychopath only ensures that there will be additional victims down the line.
Yes, yes and YES! Be Patient!!
There has been soooo much clamoring on social media about the frickin’ Epstein Files it makes me want to roar!!
You have laid out here, (and in many of your articles), the vast and beyond egregious illegalities that have crushed the very life out of this country over the past 12 years alone! To build a case against any one of those, and not just case, an ironclad one, takes enormous care, attention and effort.
I’m sure the Epstein case was used by our Intel community and probably other country’s as well, as Kompromat on who knows how many people, but in the grand scheme of things it is just one on a loooong list of investigations and case-building that needs to occur.
Sadly, it seems to be now be being used used to sow discord and division by many MAGA people against our own - and May I add, Brand New - warriors tasked with the most daunting task of all tasks, and that is bringing all these traitors of the Constitution to Justice.
Less whining about them - much more praying for them in being able to accomplish this feat is most definitely in order.
Then Pam Bondi should be fired for fueling this public fire with false hopes. Our patience is at an end. We want justice now. Justice delayed is justice denied.
I can get over how juvenile- and ignorant an attitude that is. She hasn’t even been in there for 60 days, and because the evildoers who are STILL lurking in the corners of the most corrupt of corrupt domains she and Patel have entered, managed to sabotage her effort to expose the Epstein files, and you want to fire her. Extraordinary!
You are either a plant by the Left attempting to sow discord and division, or you’re just plain stupid. You may be both.
If Bondi is a bust time will tell, and sooner rather than later, but to base it on the Epstein files brouhaha, and the fact she’s barely been in there for TWO freakin’ months is like a child hollering, “when do we get there? When do we get there?” from the back seat. It’s pathetic.
She now says if and when we get the report, it will be redacted for "national security". She's complicit now, maybe she always was. Maybe that's why she was hired.
You're a dupe, Snoozy.
In recent days I have been surprised to see several of the writers whose opinions I usually find valuable defend our government against the excessive depredations of DOGE, contending that there is actually little waste and fraud in Washington, and that most of that modest amount of spillage is inadvertent and well-intentioned.
Asked by Joe Rogan how DOGE decides which line items to ax, Elon explained that - far short of having to justify their programs and how they spend our tax dollars - all each entity is asked to do is to prove that it actually exists, and that it checks its email once per week. At the risk of sounding like a hard ass, that strikes me as a pretty low bar to have to clear.
Like most citizens, I have long supposed that there is probably a generous amount of corruption in our government, but even on bad days did not fear it to be this massive. In reading Jim’s post this morning a connection became clear: we have long known that the most corrupt country in Europe is Ukraine. Ukraine and the US both found ways to put agents of corruption in their highest political office. Biden and Zelensky then scratched each other’s backs, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Both “leaders” have rewarded the media and others who enabled their corruption, and ruined those who attempted to oppose it.
And now about half of our fellow citizens are in a righteous fury that these two great statesmen are being brought down. Surely they can’t look forward to April 15th each year, or feel contented about ever-worsening government services to taxpayers, and yet they are steadfast in their support of corrupt government. Will the scales never fall from their eyes?
The Deep State is going to be hard to eradicate, they absolutely believe that the central government is there to “take care” of the people. Even now, 49% of the people agree with them. America’s paradigm has to change and that will take a full Turning, ie eighty years.
The People are lost without real Leaders. Nothing insures the triumph of Evil more than the doctrines of individualism. But yes, of course the Leaders should encourage the people to be thrifty and industrious to a degree, but that's a very different thing than having no leaders or public square.
Not until the boot is to the balls, to quote Yuri Bezmenov, a defector from the Soviet Union.
"Dan Bongino will not take up his duties as FBI Deputy Director until March 15", beware the Ides of March
He's a fanatical Zionist. Think he will pursue members of the Tribe?
More infuriating than the crime is the abject lack of wood-chipper justice, therein.
I like that idea... wood-chipper justice.
Great. Another divide-&-conquer invitation! Like our problem is the "Dem" sock puppet, as "opposed" to the "Repub" sock puppet (who championed the Iraqi $8 trillion, War of Aggression, 1 million civilian deaths.) So now the multi-decade Bi-partisan Looting operation tries to sell the risible notion that the problem is some irrelevant split, Dems v. Repubs (like these are actual choices), or Liberals v. Conservatives (like these words haven't been long stripped of meaningful definitions)...anything to distract from the Mob that perpetuates it all. Let's you & him fight! I'm suppose to care about the comic opera of Musk's tax-payer money saving operation...which hasn't touched the Pentagon, the biggest Money-Laundering operation in history, who regularly starts & loses 20 year wars with no consequences? That maintains, at some expense I imagine, a hundred TIMES more overseas bases than China & Russia together? It's THEATER! I'm being encouraged to give a sh-t despite the clear fact that every cent saved will be used, along with Medicare & SS to finance tax breaks for the Billionaires who make up this government (& did under the previous Sock Puppet). Hannah Arendt observed, propaganda is NOT designed to convince you of a point of view. It's to wear you out, discourage you from thinking or caring about the issue. Please watch, w/your thinking cap on, the absurd 33 second AI video of Trump Gaza and still believe its point isn't to make evil banal, acceptable, mainstream. (PS: Bondi will never expose Epstein's operation since Israel is behind it, with again, "BOTH" parties)
Yr talkin out of Jimbo's league
Israel is behind Epstein? Expand please.
Also, Bush 2 was not MAGA. Neocon and open borderist. The Bushes are one of the reasons we are where we are. Look around, MAGA wants nothing to do with the Bushy Cheney RINOs.
Every Republican has his "Morgan Stanley (AIPAC) guy". They are no better than the Democrats. Worse in fact in this regard.
Bush said legalize the illegals. That solves the problem of illegal immigration! Slightly more nuanced, Trump is of the same opinion.
See Whitney Webb, a prolific & detail-oriented blogger & author, wrote (2 volume) "One Nation Under Blackmail". The books have an extensive bibliography & gives some idea why your criminal politicians (again, both parties) applaud, like trained seals, for a war criminal.
"Be patient."
Yes, it takes time and attention to detail when building a good case when operating under rule of law. This is made more difficult by significant magnitude when those holding the evidence and access to the chain of custody are the very ones the case is being made against regarding a broad spectrum of illegal activity.
It requires being 'very patient' as the wheels of justice have always been described as a slow-moving event.
Better to have as airtight a case as possible than rush the job a botch the effort.
Unfortunately the wheels of justice being a slow moving event allows time for the criminal to destroy evidence of wrongdoing and lawyer up to delay and obfuscate until a new regime can be installed to cover up the crimes.
How easy is it to destroy evidence? I mean, they’ve had enough time to neuter or obliterate it. Is there a chain of custody that sees multiple copies placed in multiple locations overseen by multiple people or is there a squalid storeroom somewhere with a few cardboard Storage King boxes of physical evidence known only to the few?
I do not believe it all can be destroyed. The low hanging fruit gets destroyed, the obvious and slightly less than obvious hiding places cleaned out.
Every email, every text, everything written here is swept up, compressed and stored somewhere. The task is finding, following and unwinding the digital trail.
That's what fusion centers are for, innit? To hoover up every scrap under the Blob's control.
Too much low-hanging fruit? Just imagine yourself in Bondi or Patel’s shoes right now, the wall of shit they are facing. It will take a year just to figure out what to do first.
My take is the priorities were developed during the intervening years (46 as resident), dealing with the actual impediments being implemented is the current status.
Yeah so the obvious answer is promise everything and then hold up binders of useless information. Fire the Bondi publicity hound.
If she didn't know what she was holding before us ("binders of useless information"), she is incompetent.
If she did know that she had nothing, but tried to fill our dog bowl with it anyway, then she is corrupt.
Neither is a very good qualification.
She is Woman, hear her roar!
Because of the culture of colonial America, the domination of Common Law from England and its ability to convict folks at will, the Constitution is designed to protect the perp, to make sure someone is guilty. Our judicial system is based on these principles. It has been so misused by today’s government.
This is interesting. I’m not a student of law so have never really stopped to think that other countries go about their justice in very different ways.
Although, we’ve got a two-tiered justice system now, and most likely certain areas are de-facto run by Sharia law.
Yup, the “Great American Experiment” is that a nation can exist with any number of cultures in it. Are we creating another Tower of Babel challenging God?
The Founders would have said to that, What the fuck are you talking about? That whole mindset is much later spin. They revolted against England for themselves and their progeny, not Blacks, American Indians, or Jews.
Yes, this "Great American Experiment" is a fanciful notion dreamed up by someone in an ivory tower, safely insulated from the mayhem that lifted him to his elevated position, and also safe from the mayhem he is propounding.
The "Founding Fathers" were concerned about the rate of German immigration as they didn't think that such a foreign culture could or would integrate into our English society. Were they dreaming of a rainbow utopia with endless flavors of ethnicity, culture, gender, and "life-style choices"? I don't think so - but that is what we are told, and that is what we must believe.
Having grown up on a farm, I equate the current situation in DC as springtime on the farm. Once spring arrives, the farmer is tasked with the unenviable chore of cleaning out the barn where his animals have spent the winter. That cleaning is essentially removing the animal droppings (aka manure, bullshit, etc) from the barn.
The various Trump appointees in the Justice Department (along with the DOGE team) are readying the crews to clean out the DC stables of the manure accumulated over the past 4-40 years. This will be a Herculean task for the Trump team and it will be joyous to watch the stinking Democratic dumps be hauled away. 👍👍💪💪
The difference is that I can use my animal's manure to fertilize the crops I grow.
The difference is that on a farm, work that needs to be done gets done.
You betcha, there's no putting shit off. It gets done, or you get behind.
Until a mass of individuals wish to be free of governance and continuously elect persons who move to minimize governance whilst simultaneously implementing systems that teach individuals to become self reliant without needing government, democracy will never produce sustainable progress. Individuals have individual preferences and can organize themselves into groups ranging from laissez-faire Anarcho capitalism to full blown communism in the same space and do so without conflict. What is required is freedom from coerced majority opinion in economic matters and respect for individual and collective property, each individual and collective group having responsibility for the consequences of the code they have individually chosen.
Emerging from the state of nature results in developing some sort of organized system. There is a broad spectrum of writing on this topic through the years.
The systems are more or less infringements on personal liberty set against a need for some manner of common defense and ability to settle disputes.
As soon as the entity 'government' begins straying from these two needs the problems arise. People try to manipulate the 'government', whatever form it takes, for their own benefit atthe expense of others.
It is a cycle. There are as many cycles as there are topics and situations to describe as cyclic. We happen to be living at the end points of probably a few cycles.
yes ... this is another Fourth Turning. History repeating.
Don’t you think that one of the jobs of government is to keep peoples from taking advantage of others? Government, with its judiciary, should “Judge Judy” a society that folks and groups should not be able to grift each other.
Sure, sounds good. The real deal is that our government is the creator of the grift, setting up a social network that rewards criminality. It is by nature, evil.
Thanks, Leftists.
And "judges" are too easily corrupted. Human beings cannot be judges. It is impossible for a human to not judge impartially. They will always have leanings to one political view or another, even without knowing. Until humanity evolves we are doomed to repeat the same lessons over and over and over again.
That's why we need robot policemen like Gort. This system is not perfect. No doubt they sometimes destroy worlds for insufficient cause. But that puts the fear of the Law into the hearts of other worlds. You can't make an omlette without breaking a few heads or planets or heads of planets.
Do you think that the Gimme generations can be taught self-reliance? I do not and revolution may result as the Gimmes strike out at the Haves.
Right. The poor never have any just grievances against the rich. John sets us straight!
The “poor” aren’t in this country. The “poor” used to have pride in themselves, not taking charity or welfare. Not any more. The Gimmes are welfare people, a total load on society. The ones that infuriate me are the ones that build it into their culture. We were poor for a long time yet I would never have taken charity or welfare. I expect the same of everyone else.
Many of the gimmes are also in the haves category.
Another category is needed like the go out and gets or getters for short.
Go out and get a job and work for what they have.
"Many of the gimmes are also in the haves category."
You beat me to it. Actually, the biggest gimmes are "Haves".
Back it up, please.
Opinions are like—————
Sorry I didn't mean to steal your thunder.
Feel free to expand on this you write better than I do.
Kunstler nails it again. To back up his commentary analysis the DOGE audits that are uncovering massive about of waste fraud and abusive is an indictment that the IGs system is broken. DOGE is doing the job that the IGs should have done but didn’t do by exposing waste fraud and abuse.
My guess is that Stacey Abrams will skate since charging her with anything would be racism. Just doing a check of the inflows and outflows from her bank accounts would be quite revealing as it would be for each and every Congresscritter and Senator. I am truly sick and fed up with what we can see just on the surface without any deep dives. People making approx $200K per year nave net worths of $ tens or hundreds of millions after only a decade or so in their jobs (jobs) is used loosely ). Especially since most gov't "jobs" do not require an immense amount of time to do and.....has super great perks and time off options. All of the IGs need to be fired since it appears they are not doing much except maybe getting drinks for the people stealing our money.
Patience to a point, James. Patience is what allowed Amy Comey Barret to slip through. It's what enabled Mike Pompeo to run a silent coup the first time around. It's what allowed the FISA court / Russia collusion investigation to go nowhere via the Comey, Durham and Dourchebag Harry Potter LARPer (can never remember that idiot's name off the top of my head) to run a complete deep-state cover-up.
Bondi, Patel and Bongino would have about 6 months max to produce an indictment of at least one of the above-mentioned officials as well as getting an impeachment going on at least a half-dozen activist judges if I were Trump. I would already have a list of designated hitters waiting to step into the breach if any of them fail. My hope is that a massive RICO case can be constructed with overwhelming evidence that will destroy the uniparty in the court of public opinion since it is unlikely to result in any actual convictions. I would also want to see within the next week at least 1,000 arrests, minimum, of people on Blue Sky calling for violence against public officials, especially the most egregious actors (double meaning intended). Raid their houses with the FBI and Secret Service. Try to arrest as many journalists as possible that have participated in the calls for violence. The longer this shit goes on the worse it will get. People need some serious cold water in the face.