Awesome job finding all the little known connections (Comey kid, Barr kid, etc). It appears that the blob is much larger and bipartisan than anyone could imagine. Kinda like a massive governmental cancerous tumor which has spread everywhere.
Find Mike Benz on any podcast or @MikeBenzCyber on X. He gives a PhD level chronology regarding the Blob starting at the very pivotal point in 1948 when the CIA was created to take down the Italian government.
I thought I knew a lot. Your mind will be blown. I recommend his multiple appearances on Rogan or Shawn Ryan.
George H. W. Bush also an OSS holdover and director of the CIA. So much of what goes on around the world that’s shady is CIA connected. And I heard Mike Benz say that the stuff too dirty for CIA went to USAID. As for the intel on the assassin they killed on July 13, I’m thinking that he was working with the FBI as their latest patsy, and the geofencing shows that; and he was working with a missing AZ antifa member called Matthew Yearick. It gets shadier every day. The people lost their government long ago.
Actually, Andy, I do not know how many of the folks involved in the OSS, then the CIA were associated with Israel or even Jewish. I know the Mossad has spent much time co-ordination with the CIA.
Why don’t you learn to read? My comment is that the same folks that started the OSS, Dulles comes to mind, created the CIA which was in place on the date indicated. I know the history, so keep your dumb statements to yourself.
Perhaps you're not clear in the way you state things? Ever stop to think that it's YOU who can't communicate/think properly?
Then you try to right yourself by covering up and adding info to your statements?
Really, JAZ, I don't care if you're as old as King Tut would be now, you've got a lot to learn. Instead of perpetually posting, try taking the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth. And do some damned research, for crying out loud.
Either way, John, what these nattering nabobs are skipping over is that the OSS was created to hunt down patriots fighting back, enraged at the rape of their conquered country.
(Germans who sabotaged power stations or well pumps, or worse, occupation officials and collaborators were called "werewolves".
The OSS, along with its manhunters, also specialized in the most powerful propaganda *in* the US and UK as well as the countries occupied *by* the US and UK. The finest OSS propaganda writer in the US was an editor from Britain hired at Bill Donovan's insistence, he authored much of its material.)
Look at who mentored and trained the OSS around the start of WWII. British intelligence. British intelligence did a side business in masterminding traffic and keeping down competition to the empire hashish and opioids operations in relation to their captive Indian, Egyptian and (back in the day) Chinese drug markets.
CIA quickly became substantially different from the OSS, despite enrolling quite a few OSS agents (and hiring a bunch of leftover Nazis). Among others, they recruited a lot of the startup staff from the pre Drug Enforcement Administration Bureau of Narcotics (BND)/Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN)/Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD). Like every narcotics unit, these bureaus were notoriously corrupt and eventually either let out the narcotics racket as a franchise for profit & political control and/or became drug dealers themselves (as are the DEA and CIA to this very day, when it suits them).
The CIA was created, funded and empowered as full blown agency after WWII. While the OSS was a template for the CIA, the was not, when properly understood, the "reincarnation of the OSS"
70 years of people in the Deep State putting that evil organization as number one in their belief systems. Not Dem, not GOP, Deep State Number One. This entire group has been the enemy of the one person who, with the people want the Deep State’s wings clipped. Now it has grown considerably so that the Deep State feels threatened and will claw back to attempt to shut it down. The good news, the MAGA folks are starting to win.
What people miss about Epstein is that he wasn't a 'pedophile', chasing actual children as so many Congressmen do. He was seducing rather young women, often of upper-class families, with whispers of naughty luxury. The girls were in no wise 'children' anymore, they were well past pubescence, sexually experienced, and considered themselves cosmpolitan or streetwise.
What the effect was, was to make prominent families either complicit or capable of being blackmailed. Blackmail, information, and family secrets were Epstein's backdoor into the world of the influential, connected, and powerful. He wasn't fooling around with the low dregs of gangsta pimps like Diddy was.
Now, on the Island, it was a different story. That's where the satanic stuff like you get in Third World backwaters (Voodoo Haiti, for instance) comes in. One week after Epstein's arrest large concrete mixers were on site filling in that pedo temple's underground basements, so the island was a 'resort' for the worst secrets.
Yes, investigations move at the speed of glaciers. These well connected people move very quickly to destroy evidence. Little will come of all this, but the effort shows some people's hearts are in the right place. If only their minds were at the same level.
We need the Witch hunters again, a Bible in one hand, a sword in the other, breaking down doors, catching them in the act.
I must be extra-cynical to already know of these types of connections. The Blob is one incestuous motherfucker. Glad to see others being awakened/enlightened to this fact.
Consider this Epstein scandal is just a labyrinth rabbit hole that leads no where but keeps us on the bench doing nothing waiting & hoping for government to solve the problem of its own blackmail, which it never will.
Every minute we waste on these suspenseful movies/stories is a minute we lose building a future worth living in for ourselves and our children, which is, of course, the point of them in the first place. Dead ends, stairs to nowhere, twists and turns, empty promises brimming with enticing breathless promises of justice which never arrives but keeps us docile, inert, and unprepared for the hellish future they are building while they distract us with their Epstein Pavlovian whistle.
"Unfortunately the clock is ticking, the hours are flying by. The past increases the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting."
Want to make a difference and get out of the spectator mindset and break free of this mental manipulation? Do this:
The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.
I agree and am doing most of your recommendations. However, I have an additional formula I use for these times. Spend 90% of my time on self-resiliency and the other 10% on politics, mostly local of course. However, unless we want to see these criminals continue to do this crap heads have to roll. There has to be consequences. And I like at a minimum making them poor by taking away their tax paid security details so they have to foot that bill on their own and subjecting them to the same lawfare that they used on Trump so they have to spend their ill gotten gains on lots and lots of lawyers. And I hope some go to prison but unless there are unbought judges in place, I'm doubtful that will happen. But making them poor is still good.
The worst will probably try to pull a Stacy Abrams ie. Get funding from the liberal PACs to create NGOs to buy your books to fund your legal fees. What a scam!
Great humor in this war. Fight by pulling plugs from wall. Go to Church MORE, get deeply involved there and in your community. Do not be afraid. Do what you love that puts you into your 'flow' . Read the best gift any American has received, our Constitution. Please, those that can, create history changing memes against the enemy. They seem so obvious yet are humbling in their scope.
If you told me 10 years ago I would write these words, I would be amused and be kind to you, knowing you were cray cray .
But GOD always seems to be left out of the solutions. We as in all of us are not the big who dits
GOD is. HE tells us how to heal our land. I agree we need to revert back to the basics but HE IS involved in this. HE has given us a 2nd chance. HE IS fulfilling HIS promises and prophecy IS being fulfilled in front of our eyes. I support local farmers. Grow our own food. Re-purpose as many things as I can. BUT I still believe GOD and HIS words.
How about supporting our local, regional and national goods manufacturers with Trump’s up-coming tariff schedule? How about shopping at local stores instead of Walmart.
My family’s home was in northwest PA. When auto manufacturing was at its peak in Detroit, that entire region was supported as tool and die support with auto parts. It is now an economic desert.
How has he told us how to heal the land? Got a link to that? LOL
That HE is fulfilling HIS promises and prophecy IS being fulfilled in front of our eyes is a bunch of baloney. Care to give us some evidence of this claim. Betcha can't.
Is this the same "God" who has stood by with folded arms and done NOTHING while 60,000+ of his creations have been slaughtered in Gaza? Not INVOLVED in this one Iota, eh? Too busy I suppose!
"God" picked this version of the universe, and he will burn you forever because he loves you so much, after creating you to not believe... Yeah makes sense!
Christianity: The belief that God sacrificed God to God to save God's creations from God.
Enough of the bullshit! Just present the evidence for the existence of your “God” and that's all. Why do we have to die to see God, why can’t we see him now?
God only exists in the minds of people who need him to give answers to questions they want to hear.
Why disrespect someone so viciously for their beliefs? Do you think this post makes you look better or worse in the eyes of your fellow man? Oh, I think you know. There is nothing good that can come out of being this angry and hateful toward a total stranger on the Internet just because you don't see the world like they do. Your post looks no different than the rantings of so many anti-white racists or tranny activists, angry at the world because it doesn't conform to your expectations. All the negative posts in the world aren't gonna help you in any way and certainly aren't going to change how many people believe in God or don't. An intelligent, well-balanced person would know this.
Ruth Gordon, Dennis Merwood is a troll. He trolls these threads and zeroes in on anyone who mentions prayer, faith, religion or god. The best thing to do with Dennis Merwood is just laugh at his comments. All in all he can be quite entertaining but to try and debate with him is a fruitless endeavor. You will note that he rarely posts a comment that doesn't involve berating or denigrating someone's religious beliefs.
Interesting comment, Carolyn. I don't disagree with you because, well, I don't really know anymore. As a devout Christian and believer in Jesus Christ I try to hold on until the end when he comes again but as the years march on and nothing happens I find myself growing ever more impatient. This being known as "God" gives mighty deference to the wicked secret combinations bent on getting gain and committing murders and whoredoms. I hope you are right. I hope that He is involved.
I once spent several entertaining minutes being towed around a lake by a walleye I had on the line. Until it headed for a submerged tree, at which time I knew the fun had to come to an end.
Too bad ol' Denny Wormwood (damn spellchecker!) isn't as entertaining, smart, or tasty as a walleye.
What I usually see is when believers come into this argument, they immediately start becoming self-referential, trying to “prove” the Bible by simply quoting it. Then, if that fails, we all get to play a rousing round of: Christian Excuse Bingo.
1. You’re reading THAT text out of context.
2. You’re going to the wrong denomination.
3. You’re reading the wrong interpretation of the Bible.
4. You’re not REALLY believing in God/Jesus with all your heart.
5. When God does it, it’s NOT evil.
6. You just need to have faith.
7. Just look around you at world events, it proves the Bible is real.
8. It sounds like you have some things on your heart that you haven’t asked forgiveness for and THAT is why you haven’t received blessings.
9. You just secretly just want to sin.
10. Atheism is just another religion.
11. You’re just mad at God.
12. If you stopped believing in God, what’s stopping you from committing horrible actions against people?
13. Wouldn’t it be better to just believe in case you’re wrong?
14. That was Old Testament, so it doesn’t count.
15. Its in the bible, so it must be true.
16. The list is infinite. (after all, the Bible is the word of God. LOL)
And of course, if all else fails.
“That’s fine, you’re ignorant and going to hell if you don't repent!”
"Open your heart to Jesus" (code for: you can convince yourself a non-existent being is real if you try hard enough.)
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Religious folk prove every day that arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand.
This is the 'love' one gets for daring to criticize religion. Religion is sacred.
God doesn't expect us to do nothing except pray. He helps those who help ourselves. Certainly, prayer and intention are huge. But also loving acts, which include sharing and building a life here on earth for ourselves, following the ways of Christ.
Entirely agree that we spend too much time living in the soap opera that they've constructed for us. Why are we so interested in their nefarious doings? I try to ignore most of it. I read a few substacks to see what's going on, roll my eyes, and move on with my day.
We win when we decide to only be led by God. Pretty straightforward. Meanwhile, I do appreciate people pointing out the nefarious doings which help us spot who the demons are.
I live in a small farming village where we barter most services. Everyone has goods or services to barter, in my opinion. I had a new ceiling fan put up and it cost me Two chuck roasts, a pork loin, a chicken and a dozen eggs.
Justice in America today exists only against the poor and the unknown. The wealthy and the famous can buy their way out of justice. Hence the reason few there be that have any faith in America's justice system.
God's justice has "no respect of persons" in his judgments. Caste/Class systems are built on covetousness and idolatry which can only error concerning what is "Just". So I've concluded that to expect any justice from men who exclude God's judgments (some of which are listed in Romans 1), to erode the foundations of sound doctrine. Those of us who are old enough to remember when boys were boys and girls were girls are on the outside looking in, and we would be better off not looking at all sometimes because offending sensibilities doesn't even begin to describe the dark and mysterious thoughts of our enemy the devil, and his children (John 8:44).
Still used to scare the shit outa little kids at Sunday school!
God's judgment. EG Exodus 21: Owning other people as property is OK.
"Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.”
Yep, the Devil quoted scripture and Jesus replied:
"But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. (Mathew 23:8-10)
Sorry I couldn't resist after all even trolls need to eat sometimes.
I suspect that this is the hill that the blob will die on. In no way can those files and videos ever see the light of day because of the high profile people that were engaged in these crimes. The JFK assassination produced around 90 suspicious deaths so we can only imagine the fallout when the videos appear of our elites r*ping and murdering infants.
They'll nuke a city before that stuff sees the light of day.
Think though, Tony, what has a big brunt of the Left’s attempted are over been? Changing the moral structure of the USA so that their criminal behavior is Standard Operating Procedure. Hence no justice. Our judicial system is a disgusting result of this process.
True, the moral structure has changed allowing criminal behavior to be more casually accepted. My call for justice would be a reversion to non-acceptance of that SOP norm you referred to. Such as a Lie is a Lie proven to be so by what also was previously known as evidence. I'm sure there are still enough prosecutors who remember how it was designed to work. If all or most of this mendacity is not undone, we will have no society worth living in.
If we ever want justice, TL, we need to get rid of lawyers. All lawyers do is gum up the system, goop up the cogs, and send a fat bill to the taxpayers. As long as we have thousands and thousands of starving lawyers, the system will always be gummed up and useless.
Next time you are unjustly arrested and charged with a crime you do not commit, or ripped off by a dishonest person, you might be thinking a little differently about lawyers eh Cankerpuss my friend!
That is true, our physical existence in any given generations is just another blip on the radar screen of life on this side of reality, but the other side that people insist remain invisible will make himself known and no will be able to deny that he meant what he said and he said what he meant. I have seen first hand why Jesus rebuked the lawyers (Luke 11:55) because they do gaslight, obfuscate, intimidate and hyper-inflate molehills into mountains and are still swallowing camels and straining at gnats.
Lets start with your first statement/question shall we?
"Prove to us that there is life after death, Clyde?" I have no idea of who all identifies as "us", would you care to elaborate? Is "us" an identifiable group of men, demons, rocks or roses?
I dunno... Can we find another way? There is a lot of nice, monumental architecture in DC.
Human pond scum can and will be replaced, even more quickly than it can be cleaned out. Good architecture? Check out our host's "Eyesore of the Month". Ugly is the new beautiful in this a-man-can-be-a-woman world.
It’s actually a good thing that the Epstein file release was a screwup. It shows that Bondi and Patel that there are many more hidden forces at work, trying to sabotage them in this country. They will root out most of the traitors soon. The files will be released. You’ll get a sense when most of Hollywood departs for countries that have no extradition rights.
The forces are not hidden at all. Anyone looking over the history of the USA for the past 80 years can see it is a small middle eastern country with a blue and white flag. It is POTUS and his team hiding their influence and will sacrifice this nation to protect them and their actions. That country's influence on the USA body politic must be excised like a cancerous tumor. Until then the slow death will continue, while the tumor gains power.
On a much smaller scale, we still don't know the client list of the Washington Madam. If we can't expose that, we're not going to be able to crack this either.
With due respect for the Trump Administration’s pre-inauguration planning to administer shock and awe in Washington from Day One, it should have been made clear well before January 20 that destruction of sensitive files would be dealt with in maximally draconian fashion.
Isn’t it a felony to destroy important government property? If not, it should be. If so, criminal prosecution is called for. The President should also make it clear that anyone determined to have been in the presence of those destroying files, without becoming a whistle-blower, will be blackballed from ever holding a government job of any sort again.
Sooner or later the Donkeys will have weaseled their way back into power. Digging out the malignant roots of their past perfidy must be part of the new regime’s task, if we are to minimize their future mischief.
It’s good to see credit given to Mike Benz today. He and Whitney Webb are among today’s preeminent dot-connectors – alongside our own JHK, of course.
When Matt Taibbi produces a two-volume tome detaining the ways in which blackmail has been used to usurp control of our government (or some other relevant subject), then maybe I'll let him sit next to Whitney. (And that is not intended as an insult to Matt.)
"Sooner or later the Donkeys will have weaseled their way back into power."
Yeap. The Donks aren't gone. They are in the corners licking their wounds and putting together their plans to re-take the power. Nearly 50% of the American people still support and consider themselves "Democrats."
And the return of Trump is making the crazy left side of this country (and every other country for that matter) even crazier. (Which, I think, is one of the reasons he was allowed into the White House on both occasions.)
I think the "chosen ppl" are above and beyond the names you listed in your post. Think generational, old, really old money. The big big bankers. The people that truly run the Federal Reserve. The Rothschilds. The Rockerfellers. The Carnegies. The Chases. The Morgans. The names you listed are not part of this elite, incestual claque of old money monstrosities.
Good luck getting and asserting full control of the USA while never implicating a small middle eastern country with a flag that is blue and white with six pointed star. It is as obvious and documented as Old Joe's mental state for the past 5 years, and yet, the new team ignores it. We need to openly state and recognize WHO the enemy within the US Government is. Until then it is smoke and mirrors.
Don't be shy, Mister Andy! Can you simply post a repeating GIF of yer doing the full sieg heil mantra, with the Horst Wessel Lied looped into the sound track?
Good doggy, go to your master and get your treat. You are either historically ignorant and lazy or a propagandist troll. A cursory examination of history shows these relationships. Have they made the world better? Do they advance civilization? You can't win the argument so you call me the dreaded AH sympathizer like a trained dog.
Is it just me, or has the Federal government suddenly turned into an inbred monarchy full of twisted Caligula types? Forget about a swamp, which while vile in some cases does still support beautiful life. Washington, and by extension the Federal Government, look more like a cesspool with each passing week.
Power always breeds corruption. Human beings are not designed to hold power or control massive wealth or maintain high fame. It corrupts their souls and turns them into godless monsters who believe themselves to be gods or it just destroys them. They always end up depraved, usually preying upon the most innocent of our society. Our children. Sexual perversion and pedophilia is rampant in the enclaves of power. It's all out there. Right in front of our faces. That is why we as a people should be working and striving to limit the amount of time one can hold positions of power and we as a people have failed to do that.
First, we must have all of their wealth and property taken from them and then redistributed back to the taxpayers. Then, when they know they have lost it all, that's when they are strung up from lampposts.
They have too much potential value to blight our city streets with their, bloated, fly-blown, cadavers. (Can you imagine the smell?!)
One word: "Dictator Zoo".
Would you rather keep re-watching the YouTube video where the Hildebeast's head finally pops off and her fetid carcass splatters on K Street... Or - would you rather lob rotten eggs at her as the Dictator Zoo rolls into town?
The legendary investor’s Warren Buffett quest is to give away more than 99% of his fortune continues. So far, he’s donated more than $40 billion where it’s being put to work on poverty and healthcare initiatives in the U.S. and developing countries.
The former New York City mayor and Bloomberg LP cofounder has poured more than $11 billion into charitable causes, focusing on climate change, gun control and public health. He’s spent more than $1 billion to curb tobacco use over the last decade, and in 2018 announced a $1.8 billion pledge to Johns Hopkins University. In September, Bloomberg also announced a $100 million pledge over the next four years to fund scholarships at four historically Black medical schools.
Leonard Lauder the elder son of makeup maven Estee Lauder gave his massive Cubist art collection—worth more than $1 billion—to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2013. He raised millions for the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation. The organization has awarded more than $150 million in funding for research on Alzheimer’s disease at biotech companies and academic centers in 19 countries.
The Oklahoma oil and banking baron George Kaiser is the largest philanthropist in his state. Focused on his home city of Tulsa, his George Kaiser Family Foundation has paid out nearly $1.3 billion in contributions and grants to childhood education and community health programs in the city.
And this is just the tip of the philanthropist iceberg Cankerpuss.
Oh give me a break. Rich people like Warran Buffett and Michael Bloomberg giving away hundreds of millions of dollars is like me giving a thousand dollars to charity. It's easy to give away millions and millions when there are billions resting in a bank account making millions every year in interest alone. Besides, the only reason they give this money away is they'd rather it go to the causes of their choice rather than to the Federal Government. There is nothing noble about what they give away because of what they keep hidden away.
Surprise, a federal judge just put a temporary hold on the mass firings. The main corruption remaining in the Deep State is in the judiciary. Pam Bondi is key.
Yeah it is, that's why all of them are assholes. So, we just pull an Andy Jackson and tell them to go pound sand and move forward with our objective. Have you seen these judges? What are they going to do? Just sit behind their mahogany benches and desks and sulk.
A judge was never elected and wields too much power and I am sick of it.
I think that one intended result of the polarization of this country is to get the people on both ends of the spectrum to embrace extra-legal means of achieving their socio-political objectives.
"We have to shred the Constitution to save it!"
We have the laws we need (and quite a few that we don't), what we do need is to enforce them.
That is right, it will take a long time to get rid of the Leftist swamp judges by attrition. It is interesting, though, that many supposedly conservative appointed judges sided with he Deep State in 2020.
Is it your thought that discrediting Bondi, rendering her ineffectual as an advocate, could be critical to maintaining the judicial status quo? Interesting idea, if that is what you are suggesting. Thus far, masterful kneecapping of the new AG, who seems to have responded with tea and cookies and party favors, such as binders.
So they ignore these damned judges. Stop putting money in the bank accounts of these fired fuckers. God I am sick of one, two or three bought and paid for attorneys in black robes gumming up the works. Judges and lawyers are a scourge on humanity. The worst. The dregs of society. They do no good by anyone. All they do is take and create roadblocks.
Old lawyer joke: A dead skunk and a dead attorney are lying in the road. Q: How do you tell the difference? A: There are skid marks by the skunk. (I heard that from my youngest cousin who is an attorney)
I think we are already in the ash bin of history. Just like the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greesk, the Romans, the Ottomans, The Spanish, the British. Empires always fail. The one thing nobody is addressing is the debt of $36 trillion foisted upon the American taxpayers. And that is just public debt. Privately held debt including student loans, mortgages, credit cards and auto loans is estimated between $30 and $76 trillion. Public entitlements and benefits is projected at more than $200 trillion. That kind of money does not exist in this world. Period. The debt will not be repaid. When the collectors come calling the USA will finally meet the great ash bin of history. When that happens? I don't know. It takes a great deal of time to bankrupt a Republic. It took Rome 400 years to finally dissolve. The USA seems to be accelerated. Trump and all of his warriors are doing good things right now but none of them can solve the public and private debt problem.
Let's face it. The Government and its citizens are living well beyond their means. A reckoning is coming for this reckless behavior for both government and its people. They are pushing it back temporarily with the printing of foney money but that can only last so long before inflation finally wipes us out.
Nobody can stop it. Nobody can fix it. The damage is done. The money is gone. There is no money. Period.
If I owe the bank $100,000 and don't pay I'm in big trouble. If I owe the bank $100 million and don't pay the banks in big trouble. The USA won't go down without taking the whole world with it. Ross Perot said our debt was unsustainable and the country's collapse was imminent. That was 32 years ago. That can has been getting kicked forever.
Tis reality. Unless you have any great ideas as to how all the debt is paid back?
I hope I go to heaven. Won't know until I am dead. If I do go to heaven, then great! I'll run around and pick marigolds and sing happy songs. If I don't and it's just oblivion then I won't care anyway. I prefer to err in heaven's direction, just in case.
I certainly do not want to be negative but........
In the 90s we all thought that Bill and Hillary would get their justice but we learned at that time that it was not going to happen. Bill and Hillary had a whole host of skeletons in their closet but they skated away and to this very day are respected by 30-40% of the American population and a much higher % in Europe. They should both be in places with locked doors and no windows and no visitors so......color me skeptical that any light will shine on the probably hundreds of perverts that were friends and visitors to EPI's Pedo island and do not expect any justice for the underage girls and boys who were chewed up and spit out by these pervs. I am 73 years old and would dearly love to see, before I die, at least a few of these evil people get justice ----cold and hard.
Always hopeful but......just being realistic.
Vengeance is mine says the Lord but......I sure would like to see some of it here on Earth as it relates to these people.
And Bill and Hillary have not only skated free and clear for their crimes but they are multi-millionaires now and live lives full of decadence and excess. As does their posterity. Satan rewards his servants and God refuses to punish them.
As I told you before, Satan is Rex Mundi, King of this World. The times are usually bad. The Pax Americana is breaking down. We fell from within, and thus we will fall outwardly as well.
Trump is proposing to sell American citizenship with a "gold card". As in Ancient Rome. Citizenship meant something there - until it was put up for sale.
Yes. He was up there hawking it with Lutnick. I used to work for a company Lutnick owned. I was on several Zoom meeting with Lutnick. He had nothing but bad things to say about Trump in the past. After J6, Lutnick said something to the effect that at least we can all put Trump behind us now. Four years later, he's grinning in the Oval Office selling gold cards to Saudis.
Interesting to see the anxiety of those waiting to see the Epstein if it hasn't been scrubbed with the same bleach bit Hillary used...If anything, so far, if has shown that the Deep State, no matter how nefarious, is still alive and well. Pam may have cost herself some respect with regards to demands that were no followed...but for the majority of us who believe in a Deep State then this was not unexpected...If you want to "clean up the mess" that has been left by Biden (according to Trump) then you need to start over...If you really want to find the truth, the real truth, then people need to be arrested in pre dawn raids and threaten those who have not been arrested with denial of Pensions...I promise you, the threat of losing your pension means more to most than going to jail...Who knows..perhaps the Trump Team is playing this out through "transparency" of what is taking place thereby providing him and Kash with what they need to shut down the agency...and start over....
Did y'all think the blob was just going to slink off, tail between its legs? They are all still there. We are just one 'election' away from them emerging full frontal, rubbing their hands, grinning...
An end to the faux republic, called a democracy and a return to the sanity of Monarchy or Fascism. The Trump don't have the requisite virtue for this - sorry!
I understand how monarchy chooses successors - and in my opinion that makes it one of the worst forms of government.
Fascism is pretty clear on how a country is run after the glorious leader seizes power, but is not so clear on succession (maybe because they don't generally last longer than the glorious leader?).
Awesome job finding all the little known connections (Comey kid, Barr kid, etc). It appears that the blob is much larger and bipartisan than anyone could imagine. Kinda like a massive governmental cancerous tumor which has spread everywhere.
Find Mike Benz on any podcast or @MikeBenzCyber on X. He gives a PhD level chronology regarding the Blob starting at the very pivotal point in 1948 when the CIA was created to take down the Italian government.
I thought I knew a lot. Your mind will be blown. I recommend his multiple appearances on Rogan or Shawn Ryan.
The CIA wasn't "created." It is a reincarnation of the OSS.
Learn history better.
George H. W. Bush also an OSS holdover and director of the CIA. So much of what goes on around the world that’s shady is CIA connected. And I heard Mike Benz say that the stuff too dirty for CIA went to USAID. As for the intel on the assassin they killed on July 13, I’m thinking that he was working with the FBI as their latest patsy, and the geofencing shows that; and he was working with a missing AZ antifa member called Matthew Yearick. It gets shadier every day. The people lost their government long ago.
And it just happened to metastasize along with Mossad and the IDF. Whitney Webb explains all that. Epstein's contribution should be known soon.
More like a metamorphosis than a reincarnation.
Works for me.
well you could trace it all the way to the venetians.
Farther back than that I'm sure.
"Farther back than that I'm sure."
"It's just an apple baby, c'mon!"
You are right, same folks, same result. All the way to Nov. 22, 1963.
You mean a small middle eastern country with a blue and white flag.
Like the blue and white stripes on Epstein's island temple?
Actually, Andy, I do not know how many of the folks involved in the OSS, then the CIA were associated with Israel or even Jewish. I know the Mossad has spent much time co-ordination with the CIA.
There's a big difference between a dog and its tail.
JAZ, the OSS started in WWII.
Learn history better.
Why don’t you learn to read? My comment is that the same folks that started the OSS, Dulles comes to mind, created the CIA which was in place on the date indicated. I know the history, so keep your dumb statements to yourself.
Perhaps you're not clear in the way you state things? Ever stop to think that it's YOU who can't communicate/think properly?
Then you try to right yourself by covering up and adding info to your statements?
Really, JAZ, I don't care if you're as old as King Tut would be now, you've got a lot to learn. Instead of perpetually posting, try taking the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth. And do some damned research, for crying out loud.
Either way, John, what these nattering nabobs are skipping over is that the OSS was created to hunt down patriots fighting back, enraged at the rape of their conquered country.
(Germans who sabotaged power stations or well pumps, or worse, occupation officials and collaborators were called "werewolves".
The OSS, along with its manhunters, also specialized in the most powerful propaganda *in* the US and UK as well as the countries occupied *by* the US and UK. The finest OSS propaganda writer in the US was an editor from Britain hired at Bill Donovan's insistence, he authored much of its material.)
The OSS was started at the insistence of the British and strong pressure on Wild Bill Donovan.
Go mow your lawn
Look at who mentored and trained the OSS around the start of WWII. British intelligence. British intelligence did a side business in masterminding traffic and keeping down competition to the empire hashish and opioids operations in relation to their captive Indian, Egyptian and (back in the day) Chinese drug markets.
CIA quickly became substantially different from the OSS, despite enrolling quite a few OSS agents (and hiring a bunch of leftover Nazis). Among others, they recruited a lot of the startup staff from the pre Drug Enforcement Administration Bureau of Narcotics (BND)/Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN)/Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD). Like every narcotics unit, these bureaus were notoriously corrupt and eventually either let out the narcotics racket as a franchise for profit & political control and/or became drug dealers themselves (as are the DEA and CIA to this very day, when it suits them).
The CIA was created, funded and empowered as full blown agency after WWII. While the OSS was a template for the CIA, the was not, when properly understood, the "reincarnation of the OSS"
Aren't you being a little picky
rather than informative.
Learn manners better.
Cedric this site is going to wear you out tilting at everyone.
Thanks! 👍👍
He's a Vesuvius of information
You have to listen carefully
and rewind if you miss something
You forgot about him being on Tucker.
Thank you for the info. I will check it out. Thanks again
70 years of people in the Deep State putting that evil organization as number one in their belief systems. Not Dem, not GOP, Deep State Number One. This entire group has been the enemy of the one person who, with the people want the Deep State’s wings clipped. Now it has grown considerably so that the Deep State feels threatened and will claw back to attempt to shut it down. The good news, the MAGA folks are starting to win.
Mossad, Mossad, Mossad.
"By way of deception, thou shalt do war."
What better way to control the rich, the powerful, the famous than entrapment followed by blackmail?
"You like 'em young, eh? You should meet my friend Jeffrey."
What people miss about Epstein is that he wasn't a 'pedophile', chasing actual children as so many Congressmen do. He was seducing rather young women, often of upper-class families, with whispers of naughty luxury. The girls were in no wise 'children' anymore, they were well past pubescence, sexually experienced, and considered themselves cosmpolitan or streetwise.
What the effect was, was to make prominent families either complicit or capable of being blackmailed. Blackmail, information, and family secrets were Epstein's backdoor into the world of the influential, connected, and powerful. He wasn't fooling around with the low dregs of gangsta pimps like Diddy was.
Now, on the Island, it was a different story. That's where the satanic stuff like you get in Third World backwaters (Voodoo Haiti, for instance) comes in. One week after Epstein's arrest large concrete mixers were on site filling in that pedo temple's underground basements, so the island was a 'resort' for the worst secrets.
Yes, investigations move at the speed of glaciers. These well connected people move very quickly to destroy evidence. Little will come of all this, but the effort shows some people's hearts are in the right place. If only their minds were at the same level.
We need the Witch hunters again, a Bible in one hand, a sword in the other, breaking down doors, catching them in the act.
I must be extra-cynical to already know of these types of connections. The Blob is one incestuous motherfucker. Glad to see others being awakened/enlightened to this fact.
The old saying, Astera.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That fact forms governments and the dastardly results that happen.
Consider this Epstein scandal is just a labyrinth rabbit hole that leads no where but keeps us on the bench doing nothing waiting & hoping for government to solve the problem of its own blackmail, which it never will.
Every minute we waste on these suspenseful movies/stories is a minute we lose building a future worth living in for ourselves and our children, which is, of course, the point of them in the first place. Dead ends, stairs to nowhere, twists and turns, empty promises brimming with enticing breathless promises of justice which never arrives but keeps us docile, inert, and unprepared for the hellish future they are building while they distract us with their Epstein Pavlovian whistle.
"Unfortunately the clock is ticking, the hours are flying by. The past increases the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting."
Want to make a difference and get out of the spectator mindset and break free of this mental manipulation? Do this:
The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.
Many more solutions here:
I agree and am doing most of your recommendations. However, I have an additional formula I use for these times. Spend 90% of my time on self-resiliency and the other 10% on politics, mostly local of course. However, unless we want to see these criminals continue to do this crap heads have to roll. There has to be consequences. And I like at a minimum making them poor by taking away their tax paid security details so they have to foot that bill on their own and subjecting them to the same lawfare that they used on Trump so they have to spend their ill gotten gains on lots and lots of lawyers. And I hope some go to prison but unless there are unbought judges in place, I'm doubtful that will happen. But making them poor is still good.
The worst will probably try to pull a Stacy Abrams ie. Get funding from the liberal PACs to create NGOs to buy your books to fund your legal fees. What a scam!
Great humor in this war. Fight by pulling plugs from wall. Go to Church MORE, get deeply involved there and in your community. Do not be afraid. Do what you love that puts you into your 'flow' . Read the best gift any American has received, our Constitution. Please, those that can, create history changing memes against the enemy. They seem so obvious yet are humbling in their scope.
If you told me 10 years ago I would write these words, I would be amused and be kind to you, knowing you were cray cray .
Same! Go, Tara! You're on the right path. God bless.
But GOD always seems to be left out of the solutions. We as in all of us are not the big who dits
GOD is. HE tells us how to heal our land. I agree we need to revert back to the basics but HE IS involved in this. HE has given us a 2nd chance. HE IS fulfilling HIS promises and prophecy IS being fulfilled in front of our eyes. I support local farmers. Grow our own food. Re-purpose as many things as I can. BUT I still believe GOD and HIS words.
“I support local farmers. Right on.
How about supporting our local, regional and national goods manufacturers with Trump’s up-coming tariff schedule? How about shopping at local stores instead of Walmart.
My family’s home was in northwest PA. When auto manufacturing was at its peak in Detroit, that entire region was supported as tool and die support with auto parts. It is now an economic desert.
"God" never has uttered a word my dear Carolyn!
How has he told us how to heal the land? Got a link to that? LOL
That HE is fulfilling HIS promises and prophecy IS being fulfilled in front of our eyes is a bunch of baloney. Care to give us some evidence of this claim. Betcha can't.
Is this the same "God" who has stood by with folded arms and done NOTHING while 60,000+ of his creations have been slaughtered in Gaza? Not INVOLVED in this one Iota, eh? Too busy I suppose!
"God" picked this version of the universe, and he will burn you forever because he loves you so much, after creating you to not believe... Yeah makes sense!
Christianity: The belief that God sacrificed God to God to save God's creations from God.
Enough of the bullshit! Just present the evidence for the existence of your “God” and that's all. Why do we have to die to see God, why can’t we see him now?
God only exists in the minds of people who need him to give answers to questions they want to hear.
Why disrespect someone so viciously for their beliefs? Do you think this post makes you look better or worse in the eyes of your fellow man? Oh, I think you know. There is nothing good that can come out of being this angry and hateful toward a total stranger on the Internet just because you don't see the world like they do. Your post looks no different than the rantings of so many anti-white racists or tranny activists, angry at the world because it doesn't conform to your expectations. All the negative posts in the world aren't gonna help you in any way and certainly aren't going to change how many people believe in God or don't. An intelligent, well-balanced person would know this.
Ruth Gordon, Dennis Merwood is a troll. He trolls these threads and zeroes in on anyone who mentions prayer, faith, religion or god. The best thing to do with Dennis Merwood is just laugh at his comments. All in all he can be quite entertaining but to try and debate with him is a fruitless endeavor. You will note that he rarely posts a comment that doesn't involve berating or denigrating someone's religious beliefs.
@canker that trollyness is rampant on this forum.
Asking folks to provide evidence for their claims is not disrespectful.
I am not angry, or being hateful
All I am doing is asking for evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Perhaps you can help me, Ruth?
Maybe you can prove to us that "God" ever said anything?
Or show us how "God" healed the land. What that even means?
An intelligent, well-balanced person like you should be able to do this.
Otherwise, all you are doing is showing you are willing to swallow any old codswallop.
"Got a link to that? LOL"
"Betcha can't"
"Too busy I suppose"
"Yeah, makes sense"
Totally respectful.
Thin skinned much my dear?
"You're not allowed to judge but I am" - every religious person ever.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
No. Actually, "extraordinary" claims must clear the same evidentiary hurdles as "ordinary" claims. No more, no less. Can it be proven? Yes or no?
("Oh no Honey, this is Small Claims Court. You hafta take that on up ta Extraordinary Claims Court. Down da hall 'n' upstairs.")
Just because Carl Sagan said it doesn't make it right. Nor does quoting smart people make the quoter look smart (except maybe to the quoter).
Interesting comment, Carolyn. I don't disagree with you because, well, I don't really know anymore. As a devout Christian and believer in Jesus Christ I try to hold on until the end when he comes again but as the years march on and nothing happens I find myself growing ever more impatient. This being known as "God" gives mighty deference to the wicked secret combinations bent on getting gain and committing murders and whoredoms. I hope you are right. I hope that He is involved.
When inventing a “God”, the most important thing is to claim it is invisible, inaudible, and imperceptible in every way.
Otherwise, people will become skeptical when it appears to no one, is silent and does nothing.
Ha! Dennis Merwood took the bait! How I have missed your entertaining and amusing comments Dennis Merwood! Where have you been????
Lock your reel and get ready for a ride!
I once spent several entertaining minutes being towed around a lake by a walleye I had on the line. Until it headed for a submerged tree, at which time I knew the fun had to come to an end.
Too bad ol' Denny Wormwood (damn spellchecker!) isn't as entertaining, smart, or tasty as a walleye.
I'll save myself a lot of typing today:
What I usually see is when believers come into this argument, they immediately start becoming self-referential, trying to “prove” the Bible by simply quoting it. Then, if that fails, we all get to play a rousing round of: Christian Excuse Bingo.
1. You’re reading THAT text out of context.
2. You’re going to the wrong denomination.
3. You’re reading the wrong interpretation of the Bible.
4. You’re not REALLY believing in God/Jesus with all your heart.
5. When God does it, it’s NOT evil.
6. You just need to have faith.
7. Just look around you at world events, it proves the Bible is real.
8. It sounds like you have some things on your heart that you haven’t asked forgiveness for and THAT is why you haven’t received blessings.
9. You just secretly just want to sin.
10. Atheism is just another religion.
11. You’re just mad at God.
12. If you stopped believing in God, what’s stopping you from committing horrible actions against people?
13. Wouldn’t it be better to just believe in case you’re wrong?
14. That was Old Testament, so it doesn’t count.
15. Its in the bible, so it must be true.
16. The list is infinite. (after all, the Bible is the word of God. LOL)
And of course, if all else fails.
“That’s fine, you’re ignorant and going to hell if you don't repent!”
"Open your heart to Jesus" (code for: you can convince yourself a non-existent being is real if you try hard enough.)
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Religious folk prove every day that arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand.
This is the 'love' one gets for daring to criticize religion. Religion is sacred.
Too long. I didn't read it.
Don't fall into the Dennis Merwood trap, Carolyn. You have been duly warned.
God doesn't expect us to do nothing except pray. He helps those who help ourselves. Certainly, prayer and intention are huge. But also loving acts, which include sharing and building a life here on earth for ourselves, following the ways of Christ.
Prayer: God has his plan for everything, but you can tell him he is all fucked up and he needs to change it to your better plan!" - George Carlin.
Entirely agree that we spend too much time living in the soap opera that they've constructed for us. Why are we so interested in their nefarious doings? I try to ignore most of it. I read a few substacks to see what's going on, roll my eyes, and move on with my day.
God Bless you & the work you do, TriTorch!
Thanks Mary, and agree, enough with this drip drop limited hangout leading us by the nose pied piper nonsense.
We win when we decide to only be led by God. Pretty straightforward. Meanwhile, I do appreciate people pointing out the nefarious doings which help us spot who the demons are.
Which God" Mary Rose?
Zeus, Yahweh, Allah or Thor. There have been hundreds of "Gods".
Every religion claim's that theirs is the only true God!
What evidence do you have that your religion is not just other false religion?
Why is your "God" real and all the others are not?
When you understand why you dismiss ALL the other possible "Gods", only then will you understand why we atheists dismiss yours.
"You're not allowed to judge but I am" - every religious person ever.
I live in a small farming village where we barter most services. Everyone has goods or services to barter, in my opinion. I had a new ceiling fan put up and it cost me Two chuck roasts, a pork loin, a chicken and a dozen eggs.
That’s outstanding. Please write an article about this and i’ll publish it on the Perimeter with you tagged as the author.
I can try, but I'm not a writer. My neighbor, who is 98 introduced me to these people when I moved here thirteen years ago.
Inciteful and well written
A society needs justice or it is a sham.
Justice in America today exists only against the poor and the unknown. The wealthy and the famous can buy their way out of justice. Hence the reason few there be that have any faith in America's justice system.
God's justice has "no respect of persons" in his judgments. Caste/Class systems are built on covetousness and idolatry which can only error concerning what is "Just". So I've concluded that to expect any justice from men who exclude God's judgments (some of which are listed in Romans 1), to erode the foundations of sound doctrine. Those of us who are old enough to remember when boys were boys and girls were girls are on the outside looking in, and we would be better off not looking at all sometimes because offending sensibilities doesn't even begin to describe the dark and mysterious thoughts of our enemy the devil, and his children (John 8:44).
"The devil".....hahahaha.
Another myth invented by ancient ignorant men!
Still used to scare the shit outa little kids at Sunday school!
God's judgment. EG Exodus 21: Owning other people as property is OK.
"Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.”
Yep, the Devil quoted scripture and Jesus replied:
"But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. (Mathew 23:8-10)
Sorry I couldn't resist after all even trolls need to eat sometimes.
Matthew 16:28: "Verily I say unto you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."
2,024 years later………. still waiting.
I suspect that this is the hill that the blob will die on. In no way can those files and videos ever see the light of day because of the high profile people that were engaged in these crimes. The JFK assassination produced around 90 suspicious deaths so we can only imagine the fallout when the videos appear of our elites r*ping and murdering infants.
They'll nuke a city before that stuff sees the light of day.
As long as that city is DC.
Astera, please call the Paki's, use your feminine charm if you must.<3
I'll try, RA. But first, we gotta get the good guys out to safe bunkers (now that we actually HAVE some "good guys").
Thanks, Tee.
+ a million.
After my own heart! God bless ya!
Jew York Shitty works too.
Probably right but a society needs justice. Not retribution, JUSTICE.
Think though, Tony, what has a big brunt of the Left’s attempted are over been? Changing the moral structure of the USA so that their criminal behavior is Standard Operating Procedure. Hence no justice. Our judicial system is a disgusting result of this process.
True, the moral structure has changed allowing criminal behavior to be more casually accepted. My call for justice would be a reversion to non-acceptance of that SOP norm you referred to. Such as a Lie is a Lie proven to be so by what also was previously known as evidence. I'm sure there are still enough prosecutors who remember how it was designed to work. If all or most of this mendacity is not undone, we will have no society worth living in.
Agreed, for a start get the entire judicial system to prosecute immoral and corrupt perps. That would be a yuge success in itself.
"The entire judicial system" ...LOL! When we have corrupt judges exposing themselves every single fucking day.
God, but you're naive.
FYI. you are off my answer list, troll, so do not bother addressing me. Do you get off being a nasty person?
...well, they can be corrupt, or they can expose themselves...but perhaps they ought not strive for the daily versatility your comment suggests.
If we ever want justice, TL, we need to get rid of lawyers. All lawyers do is gum up the system, goop up the cogs, and send a fat bill to the taxpayers. As long as we have thousands and thousands of starving lawyers, the system will always be gummed up and useless.
I guess Shakespeare would agree with you. LOL
Next time you are unjustly arrested and charged with a crime you do not commit, or ripped off by a dishonest person, you might be thinking a little differently about lawyers eh Cankerpuss my friend!
You must be a loya. Only loyas will pipe up and defend another loya.
Now I really don't like you. Sorry, please don't send your daughters to beat me up!
But they're going to die one day and stand before God, and there's no getting out of that.
Prove to us that when we die we will have to stand before God, please Kathy.
Do you have any evidence for that.
That is true, our physical existence in any given generations is just another blip on the radar screen of life on this side of reality, but the other side that people insist remain invisible will make himself known and no will be able to deny that he meant what he said and he said what he meant. I have seen first hand why Jesus rebuked the lawyers (Luke 11:55) because they do gaslight, obfuscate, intimidate and hyper-inflate molehills into mountains and are still swallowing camels and straining at gnats.
Prove to us that there is life after death, Clyde?
And while you are at it, prove to us that anything the Bible says that Jesus did or said is true?
All these "stories" were surely invented by the unknown Bible authors hundreds of years after this man 'Jesus' lived.
Ever statement of 'Jesus said', should begin with...'my old book written by people who were not first-hand witnesses claims that Jesus said, or did.'
Lets start with your first statement/question shall we?
"Prove to us that there is life after death, Clyde?" I have no idea of who all identifies as "us", would you care to elaborate? Is "us" an identifiable group of men, demons, rocks or roses?
So, you can't prove it eh! LOL
He is legion.
"They'll nuke a city before that stuff sees the light of day."
If its DC will anyone be saddened? I would love to wake up one morning and learn on the news that DC and the US Congress are gone. Obliterated.
I dunno... Can we find another way? There is a lot of nice, monumental architecture in DC.
Human pond scum can and will be replaced, even more quickly than it can be cleaned out. Good architecture? Check out our host's "Eyesore of the Month". Ugly is the new beautiful in this a-man-can-be-a-woman world.
"Ugly is the new beautiful in this a-man-can-be-a-woman world." ~ Blackbird
This is going to open up a can of worms. It's all so confusing, but this remark could be considered sexiss. Why not a-woman-can-be-a-man world?
I'll let you figure it out, I'm not capable.
It’s actually a good thing that the Epstein file release was a screwup. It shows that Bondi and Patel that there are many more hidden forces at work, trying to sabotage them in this country. They will root out most of the traitors soon. The files will be released. You’ll get a sense when most of Hollywood departs for countries that have no extradition rights.
The forces are not hidden at all. Anyone looking over the history of the USA for the past 80 years can see it is a small middle eastern country with a blue and white flag. It is POTUS and his team hiding their influence and will sacrifice this nation to protect them and their actions. That country's influence on the USA body politic must be excised like a cancerous tumor. Until then the slow death will continue, while the tumor gains power.
It's the Jooooooos, Dude! Say it loud and say it proud. Bette make sure all yer window are locked, so nobody can suicide you.
As Og used to say, The Jews aren't responsible for every bad thing that happens, just most of them.
As Jack the Ripper said, The Juwes are not the men who will blamed for nothing.
Tom Hanks is going to be letting a lot of his friends crash on his couch over in Greece.
It helps that so much of the ritzy parts of LA burned. Gives them the excuse they need to leave. DEW, anyone?
I don't want them to leave. They bring their sorry, rich asses to my State and are turning it into Arizona.
If they all leave, do you think anyone will notice or give a darn? Heck, most of new productions are in Canada and off-shore anyway, or CGI.
Georgia is putting out a lot of products as well.
Most of Hollywood? How about most of DC? Do a search on Zillow or and the number of suddenly-available properties will floor you.
On a much smaller scale, we still don't know the client list of the Washington Madam. If we can't expose that, we're not going to be able to crack this either.
Then there's Seth Rich's laptop.
Anthony weiners and hunters 👀
With due respect for the Trump Administration’s pre-inauguration planning to administer shock and awe in Washington from Day One, it should have been made clear well before January 20 that destruction of sensitive files would be dealt with in maximally draconian fashion.
Isn’t it a felony to destroy important government property? If not, it should be. If so, criminal prosecution is called for. The President should also make it clear that anyone determined to have been in the presence of those destroying files, without becoming a whistle-blower, will be blackballed from ever holding a government job of any sort again.
Sooner or later the Donkeys will have weaseled their way back into power. Digging out the malignant roots of their past perfidy must be part of the new regime’s task, if we are to minimize their future mischief.
It’s good to see credit given to Mike Benz today. He and Whitney Webb are among today’s preeminent dot-connectors – alongside our own JHK, of course.
I enjoy reading Whitney Webb. She is sharp as a tack and her style reminds me a lot of Matt Taibbi.
When Matt Taibbi produces a two-volume tome detaining the ways in which blackmail has been used to usurp control of our government (or some other relevant subject), then maybe I'll let him sit next to Whitney. (And that is not intended as an insult to Matt.)
"Sooner or later the Donkeys will have weaseled their way back into power."
Yeap. The Donks aren't gone. They are in the corners licking their wounds and putting together their plans to re-take the power. Nearly 50% of the American people still support and consider themselves "Democrats."
And the return of Trump is making the crazy left side of this country (and every other country for that matter) even crazier. (Which, I think, is one of the reasons he was allowed into the White House on both occasions.)
The good guys finally have the tools to connect the evil power centers with the financial grift dots. I'd say scorched earth and give no quarter.
Nothing will come out of this. No one will be jailed. The chosen ppl will not allow it.
By "chosen people" are you referring to Biden, Clintons, Bush, Harris, Cheneys, Holder, Ovomit, Spacey, Hanks, Orca, BRF?
I think the "chosen ppl" are above and beyond the names you listed in your post. Think generational, old, really old money. The big big bankers. The people that truly run the Federal Reserve. The Rothschilds. The Rockerfellers. The Carnegies. The Chases. The Morgans. The names you listed are not part of this elite, incestual claque of old money monstrosities.
IE, the Deep State.
Naw that was yet another reference to the JoooOOoooos.
Who knew the "Epstein-Barr" virus was so pernicious??
Good luck getting and asserting full control of the USA while never implicating a small middle eastern country with a flag that is blue and white with six pointed star. It is as obvious and documented as Old Joe's mental state for the past 5 years, and yet, the new team ignores it. We need to openly state and recognize WHO the enemy within the US Government is. Until then it is smoke and mirrors.
Don't be shy, Mister Andy! Can you simply post a repeating GIF of yer doing the full sieg heil mantra, with the Horst Wessel Lied looped into the sound track?
Good doggy, go to your master and get your treat. You are either historically ignorant and lazy or a propagandist troll. A cursory examination of history shows these relationships. Have they made the world better? Do they advance civilization? You can't win the argument so you call me the dreaded AH sympathizer like a trained dog.
Is it just me, or has the Federal government suddenly turned into an inbred monarchy full of twisted Caligula types? Forget about a swamp, which while vile in some cases does still support beautiful life. Washington, and by extension the Federal Government, look more like a cesspool with each passing week.
No it's been like this, just more people waking up.
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Power always breeds corruption. Human beings are not designed to hold power or control massive wealth or maintain high fame. It corrupts their souls and turns them into godless monsters who believe themselves to be gods or it just destroys them. They always end up depraved, usually preying upon the most innocent of our society. Our children. Sexual perversion and pedophilia is rampant in the enclaves of power. It's all out there. Right in front of our faces. That is why we as a people should be working and striving to limit the amount of time one can hold positions of power and we as a people have failed to do that.
Once we learn to understand whale songs, we will probably find out that a lot of them are songs of joy for having been born without thumbs.
It’s time for some mass firings. Why in the hell give them any chance to destroy more evidence.
And mass prosecutions.
Letsrock - mass executions. FIFY
Somebody had to say what all of us (ok, <i>almost</i> all of us) are thinking.
First, we must have all of their wealth and property taken from them and then redistributed back to the taxpayers. Then, when they know they have lost it all, that's when they are strung up from lampposts.
They have too much potential value to blight our city streets with their, bloated, fly-blown, cadavers. (Can you imagine the smell?!)
One word: "Dictator Zoo".
Would you rather keep re-watching the YouTube video where the Hildebeast's head finally pops off and her fetid carcass splatters on K Street... Or - would you rather lob rotten eggs at her as the Dictator Zoo rolls into town?
"One word: "Dictator Zoo"". ~ Blackbird
You've still got it. You'll never lose it. Funny AF.
The legendary investor’s Warren Buffett quest is to give away more than 99% of his fortune continues. So far, he’s donated more than $40 billion where it’s being put to work on poverty and healthcare initiatives in the U.S. and developing countries.
The former New York City mayor and Bloomberg LP cofounder has poured more than $11 billion into charitable causes, focusing on climate change, gun control and public health. He’s spent more than $1 billion to curb tobacco use over the last decade, and in 2018 announced a $1.8 billion pledge to Johns Hopkins University. In September, Bloomberg also announced a $100 million pledge over the next four years to fund scholarships at four historically Black medical schools.
Leonard Lauder the elder son of makeup maven Estee Lauder gave his massive Cubist art collection—worth more than $1 billion—to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2013. He raised millions for the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation. The organization has awarded more than $150 million in funding for research on Alzheimer’s disease at biotech companies and academic centers in 19 countries.
The Oklahoma oil and banking baron George Kaiser is the largest philanthropist in his state. Focused on his home city of Tulsa, his George Kaiser Family Foundation has paid out nearly $1.3 billion in contributions and grants to childhood education and community health programs in the city.
And this is just the tip of the philanthropist iceberg Cankerpuss.
Oh give me a break. Rich people like Warran Buffett and Michael Bloomberg giving away hundreds of millions of dollars is like me giving a thousand dollars to charity. It's easy to give away millions and millions when there are billions resting in a bank account making millions every year in interest alone. Besides, the only reason they give this money away is they'd rather it go to the causes of their choice rather than to the Federal Government. There is nothing noble about what they give away because of what they keep hidden away.
Surprise, a federal judge just put a temporary hold on the mass firings. The main corruption remaining in the Deep State is in the judiciary. Pam Bondi is key.
And it's darn near impossible to fire a judge.
Yeah it is, that's why all of them are assholes. So, we just pull an Andy Jackson and tell them to go pound sand and move forward with our objective. Have you seen these judges? What are they going to do? Just sit behind their mahogany benches and desks and sulk.
A judge was never elected and wields too much power and I am sick of it.
"So, we just pull an Andy Jackson..."
I think that one intended result of the polarization of this country is to get the people on both ends of the spectrum to embrace extra-legal means of achieving their socio-political objectives.
"We have to shred the Constitution to save it!"
We have the laws we need (and quite a few that we don't), what we do need is to enforce them.
That is right, it will take a long time to get rid of the Leftist swamp judges by attrition. It is interesting, though, that many supposedly conservative appointed judges sided with he Deep State in 2020.
JAZ, the same "judiciary"that you said in an above comment should take care of rooting out corruption? LOL.
Please tell me you can put one foot in front of the other, at least. What retirement homes is your family looking into for you?
Is it your thought that discrediting Bondi, rendering her ineffectual as an advocate, could be critical to maintaining the judicial status quo? Interesting idea, if that is what you are suggesting. Thus far, masterful kneecapping of the new AG, who seems to have responded with tea and cookies and party favors, such as binders.
So they ignore these damned judges. Stop putting money in the bank accounts of these fired fuckers. God I am sick of one, two or three bought and paid for attorneys in black robes gumming up the works. Judges and lawyers are a scourge on humanity. The worst. The dregs of society. They do no good by anyone. All they do is take and create roadblocks.
Old lawyer joke: A dead skunk and a dead attorney are lying in the road. Q: How do you tell the difference? A: There are skid marks by the skunk. (I heard that from my youngest cousin who is an attorney)
I like it. Give me a good smile today.
Unless the people of this nation stand up and grow a pair we’re doomed to the ash bin of history. The tree of Liberty…
I think we are already in the ash bin of history. Just like the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greesk, the Romans, the Ottomans, The Spanish, the British. Empires always fail. The one thing nobody is addressing is the debt of $36 trillion foisted upon the American taxpayers. And that is just public debt. Privately held debt including student loans, mortgages, credit cards and auto loans is estimated between $30 and $76 trillion. Public entitlements and benefits is projected at more than $200 trillion. That kind of money does not exist in this world. Period. The debt will not be repaid. When the collectors come calling the USA will finally meet the great ash bin of history. When that happens? I don't know. It takes a great deal of time to bankrupt a Republic. It took Rome 400 years to finally dissolve. The USA seems to be accelerated. Trump and all of his warriors are doing good things right now but none of them can solve the public and private debt problem.
Let's face it. The Government and its citizens are living well beyond their means. A reckoning is coming for this reckless behavior for both government and its people. They are pushing it back temporarily with the printing of foney money but that can only last so long before inflation finally wipes us out.
Nobody can stop it. Nobody can fix it. The damage is done. The money is gone. There is no money. Period.
If I owe the bank $100,000 and don't pay I'm in big trouble. If I owe the bank $100 million and don't pay the banks in big trouble. The USA won't go down without taking the whole world with it. Ross Perot said our debt was unsustainable and the country's collapse was imminent. That was 32 years ago. That can has been getting kicked forever.
Why should you be so worried about this Cankerpuss?
Why all the doom and gloom?
After all, you are going to a better life in heaven aren't you!
Tis reality. Unless you have any great ideas as to how all the debt is paid back?
I hope I go to heaven. Won't know until I am dead. If I do go to heaven, then great! I'll run around and pick marigolds and sing happy songs. If I don't and it's just oblivion then I won't care anyway. I prefer to err in heaven's direction, just in case.
How about you, Dennis Merwood?
I certainly do not want to be negative but........
In the 90s we all thought that Bill and Hillary would get their justice but we learned at that time that it was not going to happen. Bill and Hillary had a whole host of skeletons in their closet but they skated away and to this very day are respected by 30-40% of the American population and a much higher % in Europe. They should both be in places with locked doors and no windows and no visitors so......color me skeptical that any light will shine on the probably hundreds of perverts that were friends and visitors to EPI's Pedo island and do not expect any justice for the underage girls and boys who were chewed up and spit out by these pervs. I am 73 years old and would dearly love to see, before I die, at least a few of these evil people get justice ----cold and hard.
Always hopeful but......just being realistic.
Vengeance is mine says the Lord but......I sure would like to see some of it here on Earth as it relates to these people.
And Bill and Hillary have not only skated free and clear for their crimes but they are multi-millionaires now and live lives full of decadence and excess. As does their posterity. Satan rewards his servants and God refuses to punish them.
Makes sense? Not to me.
As I told you before, Satan is Rex Mundi, King of this World. The times are usually bad. The Pax Americana is breaking down. We fell from within, and thus we will fall outwardly as well.
Trump is proposing to sell American citizenship with a "gold card". As in Ancient Rome. Citizenship meant something there - until it was put up for sale.
I feel deep down in my gut that you are right, Lugh.
Yes. He was up there hawking it with Lutnick. I used to work for a company Lutnick owned. I was on several Zoom meeting with Lutnick. He had nothing but bad things to say about Trump in the past. After J6, Lutnick said something to the effect that at least we can all put Trump behind us now. Four years later, he's grinning in the Oval Office selling gold cards to Saudis.
Interesting to see the anxiety of those waiting to see the Epstein if it hasn't been scrubbed with the same bleach bit Hillary used...If anything, so far, if has shown that the Deep State, no matter how nefarious, is still alive and well. Pam may have cost herself some respect with regards to demands that were no followed...but for the majority of us who believe in a Deep State then this was not unexpected...If you want to "clean up the mess" that has been left by Biden (according to Trump) then you need to start over...If you really want to find the truth, the real truth, then people need to be arrested in pre dawn raids and threaten those who have not been arrested with denial of Pensions...I promise you, the threat of losing your pension means more to most than going to jail...Who knows..perhaps the Trump Team is playing this out through "transparency" of what is taking place thereby providing him and Kash with what they need to shut down the agency...and start over....
And losing all their assets.
Did y'all think the blob was just going to slink off, tail between its legs? They are all still there. We are just one 'election' away from them emerging full frontal, rubbing their hands, grinning...
That is the problem with having one person being in charge. What will it take for MAGA to be permanent?
An end to the faux republic, called a democracy and a return to the sanity of Monarchy or Fascism. The Trump don't have the requisite virtue for this - sorry!
I understand how monarchy chooses successors - and in my opinion that makes it one of the worst forms of government.
Fascism is pretty clear on how a country is run after the glorious leader seizes power, but is not so clear on succession (maybe because they don't generally last longer than the glorious leader?).
It would no longer even be possible to return to a republic with the mix of undesirables we have in this country now.
I'll take "It's been wiped -- so solly" for $1,000, Alec.
Sleepy Joe: "What is 'my butt!'"