How many other registered Democrats out there feel, as I do, disgusted by their party?
Two years ago Hillary Clinton was allowed to hijack one of our senate seats in New York. Whatever one thinks of Hillary, her coup sent the message that the party could not find a single real resident New York Democrat fit to run for that seat. What a monster of ambition she is.
The pitiful condition of the Democratic party's soul is revealed again in this year's election, first with the selection of a political mummy, Frank Lautenberg, to stand in for the disgraced Robert Toricelli in New Jersey, and now with the insertion of former vice-president Walter Mondale to stand in for Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, killed in a plane crash Friday.
I'm ready to sign up for a third party. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist yet, and more unfortunately, the events and circumstances combining to bring on Clusterfuck Nation are liable to produce many parties (as the discredited Democrats and Republicans splinter in feckless impotence), most of them probably odious.