JK, I sure hope you’re right about Elias, McCord and Eisen, the three stooges of law-fare, being in the crosshairs of the DOJ. All deserve prosecution, incarceration and financial impoverishment for their role in trying to destroy the US.
There's a more expedient answer. If ever enforced, the foolishness will stop. Until then, we remain a lawless country, virtue-signaling civility over doing what's right, what's just, and what needs to be done.
Until some of these prominent criminals like Eisen and Elias have their home fronts stormed by a military looking assault team from the FBI and their lives disrupted like what's been done to the "other" side there will continue to be these antics. They will never let up until they are made to hurt and the worst way to hurt them is in the pocketbook. Some time naval gazing in jail might not hurt either thinking about when/if the executioner knocks on their jail cell.
CTK - I don't know. I don't want them lingering in my mind space any longer, not to mention the national consciousness. They don't deserve it. Better, in, out and gone. Just my opinion, of course.
That'd be a bad bet. No thanks. I think you're right. Trump has done some good things, which I'll take. But I don't expect any really serious retributions from him. Maybe Vance? someday? Nah. He's the boy of a different oligarchy, that's all. But I'll take him too.
I wish I could be as sanguine about the outcome of the left's judicial war on the Trump Administration (and by extension, every single person who voted for him), but I'm not able to yet see a happy conclusion. I long to see Trump mount the podium and issue a Jacksonian challenge to these usurping bastards in black robes: you have your order, now try to enforce it. My trepidation is based on the inescapable fact that nearly half the country actually voted against Trump, meaning that they desire to have the boot heel of government stomped more heavily on their faces. How can a nation exist with such craven, mewling, pustulent sacks of cowardice and degeneracy constituting half its inhabitants? Only time will tell.
But,... did half the country really vote for Kamala? She blew $2 billion in 100 days. How many actual US citizens voted for her? How many fake votes in the blue no ID required States pumped up those numbers?
The real test will be in upcoming elections, especially if ID becomes requirement to vote, and Democrats’ slush fund USAID NGOs are gone.
I suspect there are only about 10 actual Democrats and the rest are grifters.
Why would anyone believe that the cheating stopped with this election? they cheated as hard as they could, and it still was not enough. I bet 20 million or more of Kamallas voter were fraud or stolen from Trump
Not only are they still cheating but I'm seeing these highly disturbing leftist videos on YT where they implore their minions to continue not only cheating, lying but in creating havoc, w violence, hatred and impugnity. They all need to be vaxxed.
I would like to see just one well-directed punch in her face. That's it. Just one punch thrown by a big guy with hands the size of Jack Reacher's who knows how.
Hardly a fair fight. She's still an old lady, you know. That would be inexcusable. A duel to the death between old Maxine and Nancy Pelosi, insults at dawn, might be entertaining.
I would rather see her arrested for inciting violence and all her ill-gotten gain burned up to stay out of prison hiring the Jewish shyster lawyers she hates so much.
I'm not so sure. It may be that our masters decided that it is Trump's turn to manage the whipsawing of the American public.
Why else would they try to force an obviously senile grifter upon us for a second term? Did they really think that would work? I'm guessing the answer is "no".
The Democrat faithful will embrace a turd wrapped in a sweatsuit if it has a "D" after its name, and will accept an obviously fake primary season as a legitimate expression of the will of the people (all of the people, not just the faithful). The more the Big Guy's detractors point out his senility and criminality, the more the Democrat faithful embrace and defend him. The brainwashing has been that successful. The non-Democrats, of course, will see a senile grifter for what it is and react in disgust (as planned) as the DNC tries to force it down our throats.
So when the Big Guy finally steps aside to "spend more time with his family", and the Ho is forced on us, again, the Democrats will accept that as an expression of our collective "will", while the non-Democrats will again see the obvious fraud. The Ho, in my opinion, was never intended to become President, she was a psy-op to reinforce the brainwashing of the Democrat faithful and push them even further into Crazyland (with Trump in office the Democrats will have a bullet train to Crazyland), and to enflame the wrath of the non-Democrats and push them further into their own cult of personality.
And so the intentional polarization of the country continues.
Yes they did. Sadly, I know them. They are every. woman. living in the suburbs. I’m shocked at the seemingly normal people who are coming out of the woodwork as complete idiots. I honestly had no idea. It’s very disappointing. Is there a teacher anywhere, anywhere! that isn’t liberal (again, suburbs, not rural)? I wish I was wrong but these people with no brain who feeeeel every little thing are everywhere.
Women will believe what they are told to believe by the media. They used to be hate filled peaceniks. Now they are Warmongers for Ukraine. They see no contradiction.
Nationalize the media and then sell it back to patriotic groups and individuals. There is no other way. Ditto Academia. We've let our kids be educated by enemies and crazies.
There is no getting around basic human nature. For literally hundreds of thousands of years human beings lived in a certain kind of society derived from the biology of the two sexes. Our biology has not changed. We have. But we may be turning the corner, finally, with this experiment in ignoring Homo sapiens biology.
There are plenty of men among the deluded Democrats, they just tend not to be as loud and shrill as the women. American women have been taught that if they want something, they have to yell and scream for it. (Only about half of them have learned this lesson however.) And they have been taught that what they want is basically to be men.
Behind all those chanting, shouting women are their loyal soyboys with their Ukie flags, Chappell Roan tickets, and COEXIST bumper stickers. They are out there, just not as obvious, having adopted a more demure feminine behavior.
Congress can absolutely mandate voter ID (and specify a secure document at that) for House and Senate elections. It’s right there in Article I section 4.
State Electors for President? Probably not. Those are under the control of 50 State Legislatures, Congress has no authority over them.
Equally as worrisome is our SCOTUS, currently compromised of not so reliable supposed Conservatives, ACB and CJJR, in particular, but a couple of others who’ve strayed off the reservation as well. Relying upon them to put this perverse lawfare psychodrama to rest does not give me the warm fuzzies AT ALL.
Well Susie those two are totally compromised and will do what they are told. Don’t you remember CIA-Prez Obama telling Robert’s that he knew he’d ‘do the right thing’ when Obama-care hung in the balance? And then voila, Robert’s the coward completely re-wrote his prior opinion creating a new interpretation of what Obamacare was. From that moment he was owned…I suspect it has to do with either his kids, OR Epstein…
With 17 intelligence agencies tasked to destroy someone, the results are predictable. After all, if a phony dossier can unleash the full force of the government and administrative media on a presidential candidate, then a Supreme Court justice is child's play.
Yes, people tend to give Black Jesus too much credit. He is a puppet like the rest. The only pressure Barry applies is to Richard Branson's shoulders in the hot tub.
That is a valid conjecture. I can't/don't want to believe that 50% of my fellow Americans of voting age and real citizenship, could have voted for The Nincompoop or his girl Friday, the Word-Salad Queen.
More and more I begin to see this to be true. we are getting domestic action that makes the base feel good, but danger lurks in the geopolitical arena and the fact the grift went on so long the need to load us into a dystopian digital hellscape is coming into close view.
Yes, Trump is playing his role. The pied piper to herd all the black sheep back to the pen to be branded and tracked.
The anti-Dems would resist if it were the Big Guy or the Ho playing the tune, but they will happily dance along to Trump's muzak, not recognizing the same song filtered between a different pair of lips.
"such craven, mewling, pustulent sacks of cowardice and degeneracy" But Steve, how do you really feel about them? JK. I could not let that beautiful turn of a phrase go unacknowledged!
JHK is hopeful that SCOTUS is going to fix the Trump revolution. Barrett and Roberts make that tenuous. The Dems smell a rat and are moving quickly to use the judicial tool to cancel out Trump. SCOTUS could be a cancellation tool for the MAGA folks, but those two RINOs may be a problem.
Truly. You raise a necessary question. Imagine, half of the country!
On the other hand, I, who am not an optimist by any means, will share this: I had dinner with my Democrat wife last evening, and she asked some really pertinent questions for a change: about inflation, the Fourth Turning (really!), the minimum wage, Trump, Elon: any of which subject opened the door for me to do a little education, and she actually listened! (Apparently Judy Woodruff and her ilk are wearing a bit thin).
My initial sentiment exactly: I will try to hang on the coattails of Mr. Kunstler hoping to eventually feel and embody near the level of confidence he expresses here. Ultimately, I think we'll be getting a major mixed bag, but I do hope that mixture includes some significant prosecutions and keeps leading toward further disintegration of the propaganda outlets because they're really the key to the whole show.
Sooner or later individuals will have to accept there is no accord with the almost half you mentioned. It seems to me most on this side of the great divide understand that you don't always get everything you want.
It also is apparent the opposite side does not and will not ever understand this simple fact.
It is hilarious to see European leaders saber-rattling without a saber. Germany, France, England--their military forces are profoundly weak, and incapable of even making a dent against Russia. In addition, if they were foolish enough to try something like that, Russia would likely resort to the use of nuclear weapons. There has never been a war between two nuclear-armed powers, because the risk of escalation is just too great. Nuclear weapons are the reason the Cold War remained cold, and why India and Pakistan finally stopped fighting periodic wars against each other. So, they are just bloviating, and venting their hatred against Trump, and their fear of Putin and Russia. Trump and Putin are similar leaders in many ways, they will work together to end the war in Ukraine, and then Western Europe can continue its suicide-by-mass-immigration. Someday in the not-too distant future Russia and the US will have to work together again to make sure that the new Muslim governments in Western Europe do not get out of control. Western Europe, in its current form, is a dead man walking.
I seriously doubt that nukes would be required to deal with Europe alone. They talk a big game while they think that the US still has their backs, but may change their tune if the US decides to just walk away (which is what the US should do).
OK, well, Putin would not need to use nukes to deal with the Europeans, but I think he has run out of patience and might just say this nonsense stops here. That said, I do not think that France, or Germany, or England will even put boots on the ground in Ukraine, in any meaningful sense (meaning they could send 100 people their for symbolic reasons but so what). They are, as I said, saber-rattling with an empty scabbard. It is kind of amusing, really.
The war with Ukraine has dragged on for years because Europe, and the US under Biden, sent so many weapons/ammunition/funding for it. Russians have been fighting and dying, and Russian assets, buildings, and ships have been destroyed. Putin wants to end the war NOW and yes, if the Europeans were dumb enough to actually take on Russia and prolong the conflict, I could see him using nuclear weapons. He's not interested in a "forever war".
A real leader doesn't "get impatient" and "react", especially when dealing with lightweights who come and go with the regularity of junk mail.
Putin, despite all the propaganda meant to undermine him, appears to me to be a real leader, at least in relation to his dealings with the west. In the long run, however, I think he is a globalist just like his detractors.
I don't think the Ukraine War has anything to do with Putin's megalomaniacal drive for world conquest. I don't think it has anything to do with the Ukraine maintaining territorial integrity.
I think it is about destroying the Ukraine so Blackrock can buy it on the cheap. I think it is about impoverishing Europe, splitting them up, and causing Europe to end its suicidal codependent relationship with the US. It's about dethroning the US as world hegemon to make way for the stateless, corporate New World Order.
"dethroning the US as world hegemon to make way for the stateless, corporate New World Order."
Russia seems like the target...but it is Europe that is falling.
The homeland of a weakened Christianity is being crushed along with the First Christians of the Levant, and that nascent post-Christian empire is extending its tendrils east.
Thus, the globalist perpetrators are winning their primary goal; this is why they seem determined to keep the war going.
Whence will Europe get its war funding? Why, from the debt bondage incurred and offered by the war loan makers.
Near 500 million Europeans, near 400 million North Americans, and Australia/NZ on the hook to repay the odious debt, under terms of univeral State surveillance.
This is why Lutnick and company, the ethnic cabal backing Trusk and the technocracy openly and hungrily seek to collateralize the land assets of North America, Europe, Eastern Europe, and beyond...to transfer the failing fiat debt onto a new asset-backed platform.
Such a model of debt bondage and surveillance is the new Bretton Woods, the new United Nations: the New World Order, and the final triumph over both the Heretic Christ and the Aryan peoples, who adopted Him as their god.
He is patiently allowing the Great Powers to be exhaust their weapons and then scramble to rebuild their capacity to make more. He's got time perhaps 5-10 years.
Heck Bill, Europa thinks it has seen Russia "at war". They still do not believe that the Special Military Operation was not, in fact, war. If it had been, Kiev would not exist now. And yet you can walk around Kiev and have a coffee at a sidewalk cafe. Russia don't need no stinking nukes! They haven't even un-tied the right hand behind their back, nor broken a sweat.
The Europeans, particularly Germany have already turned the gas off on themselves and they have killed their industries and economies. They are dying a slow death.
Huh? POTUS Biden blew up the pipeline between Russia and Germany, John. Everyone knows that. Biden even boasted that he would do so before he did so. And, of course, my Canadian citizenship has nothing to do with any of that.
It feels fantastic, thank you very much! Every day is one day closer to Jesus' glorious return!
you're right about the US blowing up the pipeline...and not a complaint from the Germans was heard. Blaming the Russians for blowing up the $10B pipeline that they built was the absurdist cherry on top.
Well Phil, yeah, but...there's this Thing we have to go through first. I'll admit I'm a bit of a chicken. But I'll accept that I chose this Time to come back here, and that this Thing will happen at the very end of this life. That's hard.
That is only one factor, Phil. Preceding clandestine event most Euro's (see Germany) were already de-industrializing and their hatred for the Russians were part and parcel they decided to self immolate.
Before the world wars, American treated Old Europe with suspicion, skeptical of its monarchical traditions and violent tendencies. We should crack open our history books and reeducate ourselves on calling Europe’s bullshit.
I have a memory. I notice things. When I saw those hordes of non-Europeans being forced into Europe, with the European leaders allowing it, I knew that was it for dear old Europa. And now here we are. Soros was right.
About 75% of American pols are just as corrupt as their Euro friends and./........almost all of them meet your comment about always failing upwards. Look at every single one of Xiden's cabinet members and this is exactly what you see.
If it is OG, I was once very rude to him, not realizing what an absolute wringer he was going through, and wish to apologize to an accomplished, brilliant, eccentric, and formerly rich fellow
(he was in the midst of a divorce battle as vicious as only the rich can have, losing a lifetime's effort of achievement to some conniving schemer)
Just finished reading through the comments - it's OG alright. Guess I overestimated my ear for voices. No, it's not that. OG is a master of disguise.
But "Phil Denter"? That's why you don't go and get yourself banned: the replacement handle is never as good as the original. Imagine me reincarnating as "Whitefish"... Not happening.
As opposed to Messer Trump's supremely qualified appointees. Ron? Some of us couldn't help but get the impression that the only "qualification" he cared about was their reflexive obeisance, or is there something about lapsed Fox News personality Pete Hegseth, to name just one, that I've missed?
In ancient Athens, people who sat on the the city council were audited at the end of their terms. If evidence of corruption was found, the offending party was thrown off the top of the Acropolis. Just saying.
"audited at the end of their terms." Problem is their terms never end in the USA. Schumer in office-45 years, Pelosi-38 years, Biden-since 1973 52 years with a 4 year break, McConnell-40 years. It's impossible to get rid of these worthless leeches.
I talked to a chap the other day in a burned out mill town in rural PA. He told me he was moving to NC because the crime and drugs were so bad. I told him that what we needed were good paying jobs. He became indignant and told me of multiple places hiring for $14 or $15 per hour. Can a man raise a family on $14 or $15 per hour? Even if you double that, its hardly enough.
The guilty in our hallowed halls of government have known about the waste for years—it is common knowledge—and have done nothing about it whatsoever. Now it is beyond being an emergency, and drastic action, long overdue, is the only recourse left before the ship sinks (and it may already be too late...). But to now complain that it is too fast and reckless, to actually find religion and say “yer doin it wrong” just won’t cut it as an excuse. You had your chance and you blew it.
That quote from Pepe Escobar is alone worth the price of admission!
Folks aren't looking too healthy nowadays. Just venture out to the market and see the cadre of "youngish" people hobbling around with canes and compression socks, exhibiting a grayish pale, as they wander about looking confused and somewhat zombified. It's like a scary movie. Just saying.....
" the continent wants to turn itself into the world’s premiere slaughterhouse once again after a seventy-year hiatus from the exciting frolics of World War Two"
Gee, that may be why Trump is trying to get the two to stop shooting at each other. If you are a believer in the Bible, he better be concerned about the Middle Eastern idiots too.
If you're a believer in the Bible, ten you know that the mark of the beast and Armageddon are unstoppable. But that's ok. It is all steps towards Jesus' glorious return.
You are right, but who is causing the heat in the Middle East? Something about the Eagle and the Bear. All the kings will join up and be destroyed by God. That means that there will be much “joining up” going on in the future.
Like NAU!!!!!! Without NAU. Canada will be absorbed by someone else. Take your choice. 41+ million people will just crawl into someone’s tent, I wonder whose?
Hold on. My understanding, from a succession of memes I had the privilege of seeing on X, was that Jesus gloriously returned in the person of Messer Trump. And now you're telling me that isn't the case?
Oh c’mon, are you joking? Revelation says that Jesus (God) will destroy the Kings of the Earth, not be one of them. Humans are inherently flawed, all of them. The proverbial question is always,
My understanding, which I am not prepared to repudiate, is that God is on our side, by virtue of our being His favorite country ever, except for not being able to say Merry Xmas, which rankles him some.
Maybe your most entertaining piece yet. Your colorful, highly-descriptive depiction of today's events did a nice job of removing the nasty taste they've left in my mouth. Great job! Love your stuff.
Brilliant entry from Sir Kunstler, almost every line a truth-resounding tickle of the ribs.
One addendum, if a firsttime Kunstler comboxer may be so bold: Soon enough the eminent members of the European Court of Auditors will exchange their snails, champignon and puff pastries for rationed portions of shawarma, sfiha and baba ghanoush. When they blow lunch on a heretofore pristine sidewalk in Brussels, heated near to the boiling point in the Belgian summer sun, the fetid slurry will finish with the semi-digested remnants of a dessert-size dollop of halawet el-jibn.
Welcome to your Eurabia, Euro-dopes. Swallow it all—twice. Maybe then your demographically superior overlords will let you live as jizya-paying dhimmis. Zut alors!
Hungary wouldn't let them in. Apparently neither did Slovakia. Or Poland. And of course they never even tried to go to Russia. I reckon these facts along have some importance for the future of Europa.
James---great writing and your assessment of the Euro leaders is spot on but.....I cannot share your confidence that any of these criminals will ever see the inside of a jail
And....hopefully Trump has had a one on one discussion with Putin to make sure he knows that whatever stupid shit that the Euros do does not reflect on us because we do not support any direct action against Russia. In my estimation Putin, Orban and the leader of Slovakia are the only leaders who do not have their head up their arse. If we look at Romania, we can see what the "elites" had planned for Trump.
Sounds to me like you have an excellent grip on how this will continue to go. It's time. The Reckoning progresses apace. Yesterday's withdrawal of RFK Jr's preference for CDC Director will NOT long stymie the "Radical Transparency" he's promised to apply, rather it has only whetted our appetite. Truth will out.
JK, I sure hope you’re right about Elias, McCord and Eisen, the three stooges of law-fare, being in the crosshairs of the DOJ. All deserve prosecution, incarceration and financial impoverishment for their role in trying to destroy the US.
There's a more expedient answer. If ever enforced, the foolishness will stop. Until then, we remain a lawless country, virtue-signaling civility over doing what's right, what's just, and what needs to be done.
Until some of these prominent criminals like Eisen and Elias have their home fronts stormed by a military looking assault team from the FBI and their lives disrupted like what's been done to the "other" side there will continue to be these antics. They will never let up until they are made to hurt and the worst way to hurt them is in the pocketbook. Some time naval gazing in jail might not hurt either thinking about when/if the executioner knocks on their jail cell.
CTK - I don't know. I don't want them lingering in my mind space any longer, not to mention the national consciousness. They don't deserve it. Better, in, out and gone. Just my opinion, of course.
Oooo. That sounds more like China justice! Well, if necessary, so be it.
Do you suppose they'll "donate" their organs when they're finished with them, too?
well said
Right-o mate! A bit of Singapore justice would be the ticket.
Never happen all show, no consequences Bet ya
That'd be a bad bet. No thanks. I think you're right. Trump has done some good things, which I'll take. But I don't expect any really serious retributions from him. Maybe Vance? someday? Nah. He's the boy of a different oligarchy, that's all. But I'll take him too.
I wish I could be as sanguine about the outcome of the left's judicial war on the Trump Administration (and by extension, every single person who voted for him), but I'm not able to yet see a happy conclusion. I long to see Trump mount the podium and issue a Jacksonian challenge to these usurping bastards in black robes: you have your order, now try to enforce it. My trepidation is based on the inescapable fact that nearly half the country actually voted against Trump, meaning that they desire to have the boot heel of government stomped more heavily on their faces. How can a nation exist with such craven, mewling, pustulent sacks of cowardice and degeneracy constituting half its inhabitants? Only time will tell.
But,... did half the country really vote for Kamala? She blew $2 billion in 100 days. How many actual US citizens voted for her? How many fake votes in the blue no ID required States pumped up those numbers?
The real test will be in upcoming elections, especially if ID becomes requirement to vote, and Democrats’ slush fund USAID NGOs are gone.
I suspect there are only about 10 actual Democrats and the rest are grifters.
Why would anyone believe that the cheating stopped with this election? they cheated as hard as they could, and it still was not enough. I bet 20 million or more of Kamallas voter were fraud or stolen from Trump
Not only are they still cheating but I'm seeing these highly disturbing leftist videos on YT where they implore their minions to continue not only cheating, lying but in creating havoc, w violence, hatred and impugnity. They all need to be vaxxed.
Yes, the call for violent street protest has been going out from dipshits like Maxene Waters.
Yet again she is pulling this shit and no one calling her out for it.
The first time someone gets in her ugly face at a gas station and tells her she is not welcome to shop here it will get real interesting.
The cattle call and dog whistle of RAYCism will be used.
The stories are being scrubbed even as you read this all over the internet.
If you can't find it on google it simply never happened.
I would like to see just one well-directed punch in her face. That's it. Just one punch thrown by a big guy with hands the size of Jack Reacher's who knows how.
Hardly a fair fight. She's still an old lady, you know. That would be inexcusable. A duel to the death between old Maxine and Nancy Pelosi, insults at dawn, might be entertaining.
I would rather see her arrested for inciting violence and all her ill-gotten gain burned up to stay out of prison hiring the Jewish shyster lawyers she hates so much.
That bewigged cartoon…how can something so stupid get that rich…oh yeah.
Someone said she stole James Browns wig and it made me laugh.
the vax has been linked to "brain fog" and other neurological issues, so this may be related!
"they cheated as hard as they could..."
I'm not so sure. It may be that our masters decided that it is Trump's turn to manage the whipsawing of the American public.
Why else would they try to force an obviously senile grifter upon us for a second term? Did they really think that would work? I'm guessing the answer is "no".
The Democrat faithful will embrace a turd wrapped in a sweatsuit if it has a "D" after its name, and will accept an obviously fake primary season as a legitimate expression of the will of the people (all of the people, not just the faithful). The more the Big Guy's detractors point out his senility and criminality, the more the Democrat faithful embrace and defend him. The brainwashing has been that successful. The non-Democrats, of course, will see a senile grifter for what it is and react in disgust (as planned) as the DNC tries to force it down our throats.
So when the Big Guy finally steps aside to "spend more time with his family", and the Ho is forced on us, again, the Democrats will accept that as an expression of our collective "will", while the non-Democrats will again see the obvious fraud. The Ho, in my opinion, was never intended to become President, she was a psy-op to reinforce the brainwashing of the Democrat faithful and push them even further into Crazyland (with Trump in office the Democrats will have a bullet train to Crazyland), and to enflame the wrath of the non-Democrats and push them further into their own cult of personality.
And so the intentional polarization of the country continues.
Yes they did. Sadly, I know them. They are every. woman. living in the suburbs. I’m shocked at the seemingly normal people who are coming out of the woodwork as complete idiots. I honestly had no idea. It’s very disappointing. Is there a teacher anywhere, anywhere! that isn’t liberal (again, suburbs, not rural)? I wish I was wrong but these people with no brain who feeeeel every little thing are everywhere.
Women will believe what they are told to believe by the media. They used to be hate filled peaceniks. Now they are Warmongers for Ukraine. They see no contradiction.
Nationalize the media and then sell it back to patriotic groups and individuals. There is no other way. Ditto Academia. We've let our kids be educated by enemies and crazies.
There is no getting around basic human nature. For literally hundreds of thousands of years human beings lived in a certain kind of society derived from the biology of the two sexes. Our biology has not changed. We have. But we may be turning the corner, finally, with this experiment in ignoring Homo sapiens biology.
There are plenty of men among the deluded Democrats, they just tend not to be as loud and shrill as the women. American women have been taught that if they want something, they have to yell and scream for it. (Only about half of them have learned this lesson however.) And they have been taught that what they want is basically to be men.
Behind all those chanting, shouting women are their loyal soyboys with their Ukie flags, Chappell Roan tickets, and COEXIST bumper stickers. They are out there, just not as obvious, having adopted a more demure feminine behavior.
Yes. Digital ID is coming big-time. Musk will see to that.
And more than digital ID.. be sure of it.. you are on a long path to…?
And that’s a good thing?
I sense it is coming too, but does that come after the tariff tax or before?
Military style cac cards for posting on the internet coming soon.
No more anony moose posting.
I personally live amongst a great buzzing K hive
Congress can absolutely mandate voter ID (and specify a secure document at that) for House and Senate elections. It’s right there in Article I section 4.
State Electors for President? Probably not. Those are under the control of 50 State Legislatures, Congress has no authority over them.
Equally as worrisome is our SCOTUS, currently compromised of not so reliable supposed Conservatives, ACB and CJJR, in particular, but a couple of others who’ve strayed off the reservation as well. Relying upon them to put this perverse lawfare psychodrama to rest does not give me the warm fuzzies AT ALL.
Well Susie those two are totally compromised and will do what they are told. Don’t you remember CIA-Prez Obama telling Robert’s that he knew he’d ‘do the right thing’ when Obama-care hung in the balance? And then voila, Robert’s the coward completely re-wrote his prior opinion creating a new interpretation of what Obamacare was. From that moment he was owned…I suspect it has to do with either his kids, OR Epstein…
With 17 intelligence agencies tasked to destroy someone, the results are predictable. After all, if a phony dossier can unleash the full force of the government and administrative media on a presidential candidate, then a Supreme Court justice is child's play.
Or they simply murder one at a key Democrats ranch and call it a heart attack.
It wasn't Obama who applied the pressure. It came from the ultra rich politically connected who direct the Uniparty.
Yes, people tend to give Black Jesus too much credit. He is a puppet like the rest. The only pressure Barry applies is to Richard Branson's shoulders in the hot tub.
Agree, Suzie.
50-50%? That is if the Elections are legitimate and they're not.....More like 65-35 I wager.
That is a valid conjecture. I can't/don't want to believe that 50% of my fellow Americans of voting age and real citizenship, could have voted for The Nincompoop or his girl Friday, the Word-Salad Queen.
Ever consider elections are a total farce and that the great illusion WANTS trump to usher maga into id /surveillance cage
More and more I begin to see this to be true. we are getting domestic action that makes the base feel good, but danger lurks in the geopolitical arena and the fact the grift went on so long the need to load us into a dystopian digital hellscape is coming into close view.
Yes, Trump is playing his role. The pied piper to herd all the black sheep back to the pen to be branded and tracked.
The anti-Dems would resist if it were the Big Guy or the Ho playing the tune, but they will happily dance along to Trump's muzak, not recognizing the same song filtered between a different pair of lips.
The younger ones are replacing the 50% who are beyond repair. The Fourth Turning says we chose wisely!
Explain your statement. I'm interested.
"such craven, mewling, pustulent sacks of cowardice and degeneracy" But Steve, how do you really feel about them? JK. I could not let that beautiful turn of a phrase go unacknowledged!
Delicious wasn’t it…mewling…
JHK is hopeful that SCOTUS is going to fix the Trump revolution. Barrett and Roberts make that tenuous. The Dems smell a rat and are moving quickly to use the judicial tool to cancel out Trump. SCOTUS could be a cancellation tool for the MAGA folks, but those two RINOs may be a problem.
You are forgetting the huge maga bitchery who has now seen too much light…sitting and knitting at the Pub while heads roll…
Truly. You raise a necessary question. Imagine, half of the country!
On the other hand, I, who am not an optimist by any means, will share this: I had dinner with my Democrat wife last evening, and she asked some really pertinent questions for a change: about inflation, the Fourth Turning (really!), the minimum wage, Trump, Elon: any of which subject opened the door for me to do a little education, and she actually listened! (Apparently Judy Woodruff and her ilk are wearing a bit thin).
My initial sentiment exactly: I will try to hang on the coattails of Mr. Kunstler hoping to eventually feel and embody near the level of confidence he expresses here. Ultimately, I think we'll be getting a major mixed bag, but I do hope that mixture includes some significant prosecutions and keeps leading toward further disintegration of the propaganda outlets because they're really the key to the whole show.
Sooner or later individuals will have to accept there is no accord with the almost half you mentioned. It seems to me most on this side of the great divide understand that you don't always get everything you want.
It also is apparent the opposite side does not and will not ever understand this simple fact.
Draw your own conclusions.
It is hilarious to see European leaders saber-rattling without a saber. Germany, France, England--their military forces are profoundly weak, and incapable of even making a dent against Russia. In addition, if they were foolish enough to try something like that, Russia would likely resort to the use of nuclear weapons. There has never been a war between two nuclear-armed powers, because the risk of escalation is just too great. Nuclear weapons are the reason the Cold War remained cold, and why India and Pakistan finally stopped fighting periodic wars against each other. So, they are just bloviating, and venting their hatred against Trump, and their fear of Putin and Russia. Trump and Putin are similar leaders in many ways, they will work together to end the war in Ukraine, and then Western Europe can continue its suicide-by-mass-immigration. Someday in the not-too distant future Russia and the US will have to work together again to make sure that the new Muslim governments in Western Europe do not get out of control. Western Europe, in its current form, is a dead man walking.
I seriously doubt that nukes would be required to deal with Europe alone. They talk a big game while they think that the US still has their backs, but may change their tune if the US decides to just walk away (which is what the US should do).
OK, well, Putin would not need to use nukes to deal with the Europeans, but I think he has run out of patience and might just say this nonsense stops here. That said, I do not think that France, or Germany, or England will even put boots on the ground in Ukraine, in any meaningful sense (meaning they could send 100 people their for symbolic reasons but so what). They are, as I said, saber-rattling with an empty scabbard. It is kind of amusing, really.
You think that Putin has ran out of patience? What makes you think that?
The war with Ukraine has dragged on for years because Europe, and the US under Biden, sent so many weapons/ammunition/funding for it. Russians have been fighting and dying, and Russian assets, buildings, and ships have been destroyed. Putin wants to end the war NOW and yes, if the Europeans were dumb enough to actually take on Russia and prolong the conflict, I could see him using nuclear weapons. He's not interested in a "forever war".
A real leader doesn't "get impatient" and "react", especially when dealing with lightweights who come and go with the regularity of junk mail.
Putin, despite all the propaganda meant to undermine him, appears to me to be a real leader, at least in relation to his dealings with the west. In the long run, however, I think he is a globalist just like his detractors.
I don't think the Ukraine War has anything to do with Putin's megalomaniacal drive for world conquest. I don't think it has anything to do with the Ukraine maintaining territorial integrity.
I think it is about destroying the Ukraine so Blackrock can buy it on the cheap. I think it is about impoverishing Europe, splitting them up, and causing Europe to end its suicidal codependent relationship with the US. It's about dethroning the US as world hegemon to make way for the stateless, corporate New World Order.
"dethroning the US as world hegemon to make way for the stateless, corporate New World Order."
Russia seems like the target...but it is Europe that is falling.
The homeland of a weakened Christianity is being crushed along with the First Christians of the Levant, and that nascent post-Christian empire is extending its tendrils east.
Thus, the globalist perpetrators are winning their primary goal; this is why they seem determined to keep the war going.
Whence will Europe get its war funding? Why, from the debt bondage incurred and offered by the war loan makers.
Near 500 million Europeans, near 400 million North Americans, and Australia/NZ on the hook to repay the odious debt, under terms of univeral State surveillance.
This is why Lutnick and company, the ethnic cabal backing Trusk and the technocracy openly and hungrily seek to collateralize the land assets of North America, Europe, Eastern Europe, and beyond...to transfer the failing fiat debt onto a new asset-backed platform.
Such a model of debt bondage and surveillance is the new Bretton Woods, the new United Nations: the New World Order, and the final triumph over both the Heretic Christ and the Aryan peoples, who adopted Him as their god.
I repeat myself from above Tom. 'Russia don't need no stinking nukes! They haven't even un-tied the right hand behind their back, nor broken a sweat'
He is patiently allowing the Great Powers to be exhaust their weapons and then scramble to rebuild their capacity to make more. He's got time perhaps 5-10 years.
Good question, Phil. He holds all the cards. I know Trump is bluffing with his Aces and Eights.
Heck Bill, Europa thinks it has seen Russia "at war". They still do not believe that the Special Military Operation was not, in fact, war. If it had been, Kiev would not exist now. And yet you can walk around Kiev and have a coffee at a sidewalk cafe. Russia don't need no stinking nukes! They haven't even un-tied the right hand behind their back, nor broken a sweat.
But they keep saying it's a "full-scale" invasion!.....😁
Well, there is the mighty French, the only standing army whose soldiers sport sunburned arm pits.
All Putin has to do is turn off the gas/energy. Europe will implode and come to their senses when the heat and lights go out.
The Europeans, particularly Germany have already turned the gas off on themselves and they have killed their industries and economies. They are dying a slow death.
Can ya not figure it out.. ? W.O. Coming.. all these governments are ruining their countries.. all for the same purpose..
a slow suicide
Ummm ... the USA did that. Please try and keep up.
So writes our Canadian USA hater. Wonder how it feels to be thinking that you might be absorbed by geo-political forces.
Huh? POTUS Biden blew up the pipeline between Russia and Germany, John. Everyone knows that. Biden even boasted that he would do so before he did so. And, of course, my Canadian citizenship has nothing to do with any of that.
It feels fantastic, thank you very much! Every day is one day closer to Jesus' glorious return!
you're right about the US blowing up the pipeline...and not a complaint from the Germans was heard. Blaming the Russians for blowing up the $10B pipeline that they built was the absurdist cherry on top.
Well Phil, yeah, but...there's this Thing we have to go through first. I'll admit I'm a bit of a chicken. But I'll accept that I chose this Time to come back here, and that this Thing will happen at the very end of this life. That's hard.
That is only one factor, Phil. Preceding clandestine event most Euro's (see Germany) were already de-industrializing and their hatred for the Russians were part and parcel they decided to self immolate.
It's already imploding. De-industrialization moving apace and the cost of energy has sky rocketed and the economies in shambles.
Before the world wars, American treated Old Europe with suspicion, skeptical of its monarchical traditions and violent tendencies. We should crack open our history books and reeducate ourselves on calling Europe’s bullshit.
Napoleon at least took a saber.
I have a memory. I notice things. When I saw those hordes of non-Europeans being forced into Europe, with the European leaders allowing it, I knew that was it for dear old Europa. And now here we are. Soros was right.
It's like a war-monger's version of virtue signaling.
They're trying to win a PR war without any substance behind it. It's laughable.
That's the magic of a psy-op: all you need is lies - with maybe a little truth mixed in for flavor.
Ursula is the personification of everything that's wrong with the EU. Totally corrupt, abysmally incompetent and always failing upwards
About 75% of American pols are just as corrupt as their Euro friends and./........almost all of them meet your comment about always failing upwards. Look at every single one of Xiden's cabinet members and this is exactly what you see.
Most Americans are buried so deep in their self-absorbed navel-gazing that they have ZERO self-awareness.
You're right, OG, and the rest are myopic.
Are you saying that "Phil Denter" is actually OG in disguise?
If so, it's a very convincing disguise - but I'm not so sure...
If it is OG, I was once very rude to him, not realizing what an absolute wringer he was going through, and wish to apologize to an accomplished, brilliant, eccentric, and formerly rich fellow
(he was in the midst of a divorce battle as vicious as only the rich can have, losing a lifetime's effort of achievement to some conniving schemer)
Bird - I could always be mistaken. I thought I was wrong once, but I double checked, and I was mistaken.
Just finished reading through the comments - it's OG alright. Guess I overestimated my ear for voices. No, it's not that. OG is a master of disguise.
But "Phil Denter"? That's why you don't go and get yourself banned: the replacement handle is never as good as the original. Imagine me reincarnating as "Whitefish"... Not happening.
Again you are smearing 335M people with broad brush. You continue to lose credibility with all the anti-American hate labeling you a crank.
Leftist Socialist faux Christian crank if you want to specifically target OG aka filbert Dentures.
You have to be a longtime Clusterfucker to remember OG from Regina. He did a lot of posting around the time of the Butler shooting.
Most humans are so self-absorbed this constant drum beat of anti-Americanism is getting really old.
Americans are the penultimate in self-absorbed, Ben. EVERYONE knows that except for youse Americans. Sad but true.
Everyone knows that now who is building the strawman.
Never heard anyone say the above!
Ugly American meaning rude or obnoxious and even at times entitled.
Then we have our smug, arrogant loudmouth neighbors to the north just as entitled it would appear and getting every bit as ugly.
"EVERYONE knows that..."
Uh oh... OG, is that you?
As opposed to Messer Trump's supremely qualified appointees. Ron? Some of us couldn't help but get the impression that the only "qualification" he cared about was their reflexive obeisance, or is there something about lapsed Fox News personality Pete Hegseth, to name just one, that I've missed?
Yeah, he has actually been in the military unlike the last turd that held the position.
Have you already forgotten the mentally disturbed children of the Biden admin?
"...mentally disturbed..."
I think you mean, "stunning and brave".
Like Bush, Obama and Biden, eh? "Kettle ... I present Pot."
Don't forget George Washington, Phil.
Sounds familiar
Love your writing! 👍
Just having a little fun with AJoy - much longer than her usual exclamatory comment, which I do actually love.
In ancient Athens, people who sat on the the city council were audited at the end of their terms. If evidence of corruption was found, the offending party was thrown off the top of the Acropolis. Just saying.
"audited at the end of their terms." Problem is their terms never end in the USA. Schumer in office-45 years, Pelosi-38 years, Biden-since 1973 52 years with a 4 year break, McConnell-40 years. It's impossible to get rid of these worthless leeches.
The Athenians also had strict term limits
And illegal immigrants could be denied their right to work at any time. No Wall needed. But it won't be done.
I talked to a chap the other day in a burned out mill town in rural PA. He told me he was moving to NC because the crime and drugs were so bad. I told him that what we needed were good paying jobs. He became indignant and told me of multiple places hiring for $14 or $15 per hour. Can a man raise a family on $14 or $15 per hour? Even if you double that, its hardly enough.
No it really is not impossible.
There should be term limits imposed and that would be really easy to implement.
The guilty in our hallowed halls of government have known about the waste for years—it is common knowledge—and have done nothing about it whatsoever. Now it is beyond being an emergency, and drastic action, long overdue, is the only recourse left before the ship sinks (and it may already be too late...). But to now complain that it is too fast and reckless, to actually find religion and say “yer doin it wrong” just won’t cut it as an excuse. You had your chance and you blew it.
That quote from Pepe Escobar is alone worth the price of admission!
One extreme breeds another. This is part of the Elite's strategy. Ordinary people can't understand. Too emotional.
Folks aren't looking too healthy nowadays. Just venture out to the market and see the cadre of "youngish" people hobbling around with canes and compression socks, exhibiting a grayish pale, as they wander about looking confused and somewhat zombified. It's like a scary movie. Just saying.....
Yes. And they are RUDE as well. They will push you out of the way or kill you for a dozen eggs. The supermarket is a very dangerous place these days.
Not so much in the market, as in the parking lots and highways!
mRNA never sleeps.
" the continent wants to turn itself into the world’s premiere slaughterhouse once again after a seventy-year hiatus from the exciting frolics of World War Two"
i hope we leave 'em to it this time
Yes. Wilson hoodwinked USA into WWI. FDR hoodwinked USA into WWII. Do not fall for their bs a third time.
Gee, that may be why Trump is trying to get the two to stop shooting at each other. If you are a believer in the Bible, he better be concerned about the Middle Eastern idiots too.
If you're a believer in the Bible, ten you know that the mark of the beast and Armageddon are unstoppable. But that's ok. It is all steps towards Jesus' glorious return.
You are right, but who is causing the heat in the Middle East? Something about the Eagle and the Bear. All the kings will join up and be destroyed by God. That means that there will be much “joining up” going on in the future.
Like NAU?
Like NAU!!!!!! Without NAU. Canada will be absorbed by someone else. Take your choice. 41+ million people will just crawl into someone’s tent, I wonder whose?
Hold on. My understanding, from a succession of memes I had the privilege of seeing on X, was that Jesus gloriously returned in the person of Messer Trump. And now you're telling me that isn't the case?
Oh c’mon, are you joking? Revelation says that Jesus (God) will destroy the Kings of the Earth, not be one of them. Humans are inherently flawed, all of them. The proverbial question is always,
Whose side is God on? The answer, none of them.
My understanding, which I am not prepared to repudiate, is that God is on our side, by virtue of our being His favorite country ever, except for not being able to say Merry Xmas, which rankles him some.
Who is on God's side? That's the proper question. Only a peaceful nation that minds its own business. That excludes the United States and Israel.
Sooo...the Germans were lying?
Source, please!
Nah, you got that wrong John. Trump is the 'Gray Champion'. Jesus is an infinite number of pay grades above that.
That is correct. Trump et al are building the perfect beast notwithstanding the multitudes deceived by Trump.
So now Trump is the anti-Christ....Take the tin foil off OG.
Great opening paragraph. At least spring will come to upstate NY regardless of what happens in the rest of the world.
Ann Western New York as well!
If only there was a NYS version of DOGE running amok in this State! How fun would that be!
Fellow wny-er here. We live in a state controlled by KATHY HOCHUL? Oh my goodness, how pathetic is THAT? Mark Poloncarz? Oh my GOD!!!
Maybe your most entertaining piece yet. Your colorful, highly-descriptive depiction of today's events did a nice job of removing the nasty taste they've left in my mouth. Great job! Love your stuff.
This is Kunstler. Full 3d technicolor Kunstler.
Brilliant entry from Sir Kunstler, almost every line a truth-resounding tickle of the ribs.
One addendum, if a firsttime Kunstler comboxer may be so bold: Soon enough the eminent members of the European Court of Auditors will exchange their snails, champignon and puff pastries for rationed portions of shawarma, sfiha and baba ghanoush. When they blow lunch on a heretofore pristine sidewalk in Brussels, heated near to the boiling point in the Belgian summer sun, the fetid slurry will finish with the semi-digested remnants of a dessert-size dollop of halawet el-jibn.
Welcome to your Eurabia, Euro-dopes. Swallow it all—twice. Maybe then your demographically superior overlords will let you live as jizya-paying dhimmis. Zut alors!
Eurabia, good one. Next will be Caneurabia.
Hungary wouldn't let them in. Apparently neither did Slovakia. Or Poland. And of course they never even tried to go to Russia. I reckon these facts along have some importance for the future of Europa.
For sure. I could have specified that it's mainly *Western* Europeans who are dhimmis in the making.
Than G_D that we have been dedicated to the Noahide Laws by at least two presidents.
Mr Kunstler, your fine prose is especially poetic and cutting (and funny) today.
James---great writing and your assessment of the Euro leaders is spot on but.....I cannot share your confidence that any of these criminals will ever see the inside of a jail
And....hopefully Trump has had a one on one discussion with Putin to make sure he knows that whatever stupid shit that the Euros do does not reflect on us because we do not support any direct action against Russia. In my estimation Putin, Orban and the leader of Slovakia are the only leaders who do not have their head up their arse. If we look at Romania, we can see what the "elites" had planned for Trump.
Excellent analysis!
Sounds to me like you have an excellent grip on how this will continue to go. It's time. The Reckoning progresses apace. Yesterday's withdrawal of RFK Jr's preference for CDC Director will NOT long stymie the "Radical Transparency" he's promised to apply, rather it has only whetted our appetite. Truth will out.