If you're a believer in the Bible, ten you know that the mark of the beast and Armageddon are unstoppable. But that's ok. It is all steps towards Jesus' glorious return.
If you're a believer in the Bible, ten you know that the mark of the beast and Armageddon are unstoppable. But that's ok. It is all steps towards Jesus' glorious return.
Hold on. My understanding, from a succession of memes I had the privilege of seeing on X, was that Jesus gloriously returned in the person of Messer Trump. And now you're telling me that isn't the case?
Oh cтАЩmon, are you joking? Revelation says that Jesus (God) will destroy the Kings of the Earth, not be one of them. Humans are inherently flawed, all of them. The proverbial question is always,
God used the Hebrews to conquer lands for their use. God promoted warfare and ethnic cleansing to rid those lands of competition. God killed the first sons of Egypt to free the Hebrews. God condemned a generation of His own people to death in the desert.
Who is on GodтАЩs side. Lugh? Maybe a better question is what does it take for God to be on your side? Even Jesus said that the defense of Christianity would take violence. So maybe the Back and forth violence used by Israel and the USA, (and others) might be just the ticket to be on GodтАЩs side?
The fact that you think you have an тАЬinтАЭ with God, shows that you do not. God is within us, all of us, and my God belongs to me, thank you. You have yours and I have mine. God is not the benevolent spirit you seem to think He is.
Judaism was a religion like no other before it. It wasn't perfect. But it was all the Commander-in-Chief had to work with at that time. 'Rome was not build in a day'. But the Chief had a Plan, and along came Jesus. Now we have Christianity, which, if you think about it, is a very strange religion. Don't get me wrong. I was christened in my first week of life. And raised by two pious Christians. I'm just "re-visiting" my Christian faith here, now, at the end of my life, and from this perspective things look very interesting. I believe that the Almighty One knows what It is doing. We have a saying in A.A.: 'There is a God and you ain't Him'.
To your great credit, and because of who you are and what you are made for to do, you have taken a weapon against you and refashioned it into a weapon for good.
My understanding, which I am not prepared to repudiate, is that God is on our side, by virtue of our being His favorite country ever, except for not being able to say Merry Xmas, which rankles him some.
I do agree with you, The USA started out as a bunch of completely separate folks who, IMHO, with divine inspiration, broke from feudalism and European monarchy to Crete the first republic. My guess is He is pretty pissed at the people trying to turn it back to being an autocracy and a feudal state.
Now it makes sense, the advocate of him that promoted that Trump had someone shoot at him from 400 feet away. And that is enough of that episode of lunacy.
Hey Ben, did you hear about BeethovenтАЩs tomb? It is on a tour. When folks come in to see it, a voice says Dah -di-di-dit, Dah-di-di-dit, Dah-Di Di- dit!!!
When the folks asked the guide, what is that? His reply,
Now that they have vaxx-sterilized half or more of the next generation of the First World (formerly White countries), the war has already been won, the Nulands/Bourlas have done their job, and the Lutnicks of the world are moving in for the kill.
Celebrate, Christians! This is the Coming of the Lord they have promised you.
And no, the Mosiach they await isn't the Aryan Nazarene, not at all. You have no idea what you're actually reading, to be honest. The Mosiach is a culture, it's body a corpus of its people...and it has already arrived to dominion, fed as it was by the great sacrifice of European peoples in a holy altar fire.
You are right, but who is causing the heat in the Middle East? Something about the Eagle and the Bear. All the kings will join up and be destroyed by God. That means that there will be much тАЬjoining upтАЭ going on in the future.
Like NAU!!!!!! Without NAU. Canada will be absorbed by someone else. Take your choice. 41+ million people will just crawl into someoneтАЩs tent, I wonder whose?
If you're a believer in the Bible, ten you know that the mark of the beast and Armageddon are unstoppable. But that's ok. It is all steps towards Jesus' glorious return.
Hold on. My understanding, from a succession of memes I had the privilege of seeing on X, was that Jesus gloriously returned in the person of Messer Trump. And now you're telling me that isn't the case?
Oh cтАЩmon, are you joking? Revelation says that Jesus (God) will destroy the Kings of the Earth, not be one of them. Humans are inherently flawed, all of them. The proverbial question is always,
Whose side is God on? The answer, none of them.
Who is on God's side? That's the proper question. Only a peaceful nation that minds its own business. That excludes the United States and Israel.
God used the Hebrews to conquer lands for their use. God promoted warfare and ethnic cleansing to rid those lands of competition. God killed the first sons of Egypt to free the Hebrews. God condemned a generation of His own people to death in the desert.
Who is on GodтАЩs side. Lugh? Maybe a better question is what does it take for God to be on your side? Even Jesus said that the defense of Christianity would take violence. So maybe the Back and forth violence used by Israel and the USA, (and others) might be just the ticket to be on GodтАЩs side?
"My Kingdom is not of this world". Maybe your God is not who you think he is.
Their God is definitely not who they think he is. They have accepted an imposter.
The fact that you think you have an тАЬinтАЭ with God, shows that you do not. God is within us, all of us, and my God belongs to me, thank you. You have yours and I have mine. God is not the benevolent spirit you seem to think He is.
Judaism was a religion like no other before it. It wasn't perfect. But it was all the Commander-in-Chief had to work with at that time. 'Rome was not build in a day'. But the Chief had a Plan, and along came Jesus. Now we have Christianity, which, if you think about it, is a very strange religion. Don't get me wrong. I was christened in my first week of life. And raised by two pious Christians. I'm just "re-visiting" my Christian faith here, now, at the end of my life, and from this perspective things look very interesting. I believe that the Almighty One knows what It is doing. We have a saying in A.A.: 'There is a God and you ain't Him'.
To your great credit, and because of who you are and what you are made for to do, you have taken a weapon against you and refashioned it into a weapon for good.
My understanding, which I am not prepared to repudiate, is that God is on our side, by virtue of our being His favorite country ever, except for not being able to say Merry Xmas, which rankles him some.
I do agree with you, The USA started out as a bunch of completely separate folks who, IMHO, with divine inspiration, broke from feudalism and European monarchy to Crete the first republic. My guess is He is pretty pissed at the people trying to turn it back to being an autocracy and a feudal state.
Sooo...the Germans were lying?
Source, please!
Ursula Van der Lying.
GermanтАЩs lying???
Nah, you got that wrong John. Trump is the 'Gray Champion'. Jesus is an infinite number of pay grades above that.
That is correct. Trump et al are building the perfect beast notwithstanding the multitudes deceived by Trump.
So now Trump is the anti-Christ....Take the tin foil off OG.
Naw, he's not impressive enough. Just a forerunner I imagine. Remember, he didn't put his hand on the Bibles when taking the oath.
Oh ho. Ben, he did not deny OG.
Now it makes sense, the advocate of him that promoted that Trump had someone shoot at him from 400 feet away. And that is enough of that episode of lunacy.
I never said that! Our discussions would go better if you ceased building strawmen.
Why Phil, that is all you ever do.
Shhh the maestro is decomposing right before our eyes.
Must be that redwood sticking forth from his eyes.
Hey Ben, did you hear about BeethovenтАЩs tomb? It is on a tour. When folks come in to see it, a voice says Dah -di-di-dit, Dah-di-di-dit, Dah-Di Di- dit!!!
When the folks asked the guide, what is that? His reply,
Hey that is just Beethoven De-composing.
Read your post I responded to!
You most certainly inferred it.
Now that they have vaxx-sterilized half or more of the next generation of the First World (formerly White countries), the war has already been won, the Nulands/Bourlas have done their job, and the Lutnicks of the world are moving in for the kill.
Celebrate, Christians! This is the Coming of the Lord they have promised you.
And no, the Mosiach they await isn't the Aryan Nazarene, not at all. You have no idea what you're actually reading, to be honest. The Mosiach is a culture, it's body a corpus of its people...and it has already arrived to dominion, fed as it was by the great sacrifice of European peoples in a holy altar fire.
Who gives a rat's ass what's in that old book of fiction, Phil?
Billions, Den. Billions.
You are right, but who is causing the heat in the Middle East? Something about the Eagle and the Bear. All the kings will join up and be destroyed by God. That means that there will be much тАЬjoining upтАЭ going on in the future.
Like NAU?
Like NAU!!!!!! Without NAU. Canada will be absorbed by someone else. Take your choice. 41+ million people will just crawl into someoneтАЩs tent, I wonder whose?