Morning Jim, excellent as always, thanks as always. You're correct, they'll have their hands on the levers of power until January 21, 2025. Here's a beauty:

Conjecture, conspiracy or coincidence?

On Sunday, October 20th, Trump stops into a PA, McDonald's for an election campaign/PR stunt, spending a few hours “working” at McDonald's - donning a McDonald's apron, making fries and serving customers at the Drive-Thru window. All so that he can now claim to have worked at McDonald's as Khmer Rouge Harris (h/t astera) has done.

The video goes viral and gets so much publicity on Sunday and Monday, October 21st, that the Neo-Marxist liberals heads are exploding. Whoopi Goldberg and her ilk were frothing at the mouth. She was apoplectic. How dare he?

Lo and behold, on Tuesday, October 22nd, the CDC – that's right, the same CDC that shouted the “vaccines” are “safe and effective” - announces an E.coli outbreak, and what do you know, the source was traced to a McDonald's.

McDonald's stock goes off a cliff - promptly loses 10.5% - going from 315 to 285, in the blink of an eye. That my friends was financial warfare - a shot across the bow for any entity that dares fuck with the current criminal regime, by openly supporting Trump.

Per their usual MO, killing a few birds with one stone, how much do you want to bet that Nancy “Well, it's a free market” Pelosi and plenty of the other criminals shorted McDonald's stock on inside information and having prior knowledge before the CDC announcement.

Oh, and it will take about three months to confirm the origin of the outbreak. Right.

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We see them now and finally realize they will stop at nothing. Even hurt or kill American citizens to accomplish their evil deeds.

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They have to. Their careers, their wealth and their lives depend on them accomplishing the mission of changing the US from a constitutional republic to a member state of their new world order, under the umbrella of trade and climate change treaties.

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One nation, under God (nominally, not actually), indivisible, with liberty and access for PACs.

America's Constitution took a big hit with the War of Northern Aggression, the direct election of US Senators, the Federal Income Tax and the Federal Reserve Act.

We have an oligarchy with the veneer of a Constitutional Republic.

The people who want the New World Order have been pulling the strings your whole life. Find "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" by Gary Allen on-line. Get the small paperback pocket book. Then go to GOOD library and try to refute the facts in the book.

Kamala Harris is certainly the candidate of the globalists. Trump is not--but they control him too. Kind of like an employee you don't like. You may not like him, but he will do the job for you. Just more difficult to work with.

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Your theory about Trump doesn't hold up under cursory scrutiny. If Trump was controlled there wouldn't have been the non-stop campaign to discredit, impeach, legally hamstring, and eliminate from being able to run for President. This is an actual war, not theater.

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Paul B, I so wish we could have a real patriot, a hero that would patch this country up. Trump seemed to fit the bill and did a phenomenal job as president but the march to 'one world order' is close at hand. I think both candidates will bow to 'the order' unfortunately.

Look at the symbol with two bird heads, eagle or what have you. One head is looking to the left, one to the right. I believe there is a crown on top of the symbol. Both heads are working for the same goal. They divide, with the ultimate goal...to conquer.

Look at King Charles, he is the Universal Climate king. It's pretty sick but it's true. Biden/Harris allowed the UN to take control of everything when the next Pandemic hits. The UN summit, end of September, less than a month ago. Only 7 other countries said they would not go along with it.

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The reality is that God is in full control and always has been. He is deciding what will be and no one can stop Him. This isn't a matter of having a hero save us, but of each us doing our parts in what God gives us as our responsibility. Even the evil have been given their parts and those who recognize the evil must avoid it and stand against it where possible. The Truth will prevail. That is certain.

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Perhaps that’s part of a plan. At this point, everything is possible. I take nothing at face value…anymore. This was four years ago, and there is Operation Warp Speed as well…


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Trump makes mistakes, plenty of them, as we all do. The question is whether he is not really much different than his political opposition. The evidence is stark and overwhelming that he is. Don't let a little passing fog get in the way of the clarity.

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So Trump went out and campaigned after his handlers missed blowing his brains out because he happened to turn his head at the right (or wrong, depending on who you are) time, and the handlers pulled off another failed assassination attempt, then he went to Madison square garden and kept rolling, with a smile on his face from fun at McDonald’s? Keeping dreaming, bud.

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It would be too easy to write off Trump as “one of the cabal” and dismiss him. Acting gets tiring after a while. If he had no passion for this country, it would show in moments of weariness. Kamala is a good example of that very point.

Dismissing his assasination attempt in Butler is really cruel to the man who died in the stands that day. Trump doesnt appear to most rational people to be all in on people being shot and killed in his presence.

In fact, the pyscopaths running our country at present are a special kind of insane. I don’t get those vibes from Trump. If anything, he is naive.

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Your comment so clearly pierces the fog that it deserves elaboration:

"IT WOULD BE TOO EASY to write off Trump as “one of the cabal” and dismiss him.



Clearly, you are not a “one-ply” thinker. Those who *are* tend to clutch at the “TOO EASY” interpretations.

Thankfully, such LAZINESS appears to be concentrated on the left, demonstrated in the left’s grabbing at the “EASY” way to “success” which is based on the attainment of titles (followed by going brain-dead, of which tenured academics serve as an example) and the unquestioning adoption of team behaviors, such as listening to npr, reading the NYTimes, The New Yorker, and so on.

Your comment also demonstrates unusual self-awareness, a habit which both the left AND THE MENTALLY ILL lack.

“ACTING GETS TIRING AFTER A WHILE.”. Who a person becomes “IN MOMENTS OF WEARINESS” is who they really are, although people -- especially the mentally ill -- are expert at nothing if not rationalizing their deviation from virtue when under stress.

Those who lack your insight would benefit from reading Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo’s 1956 MASTERPIECE, The Rape of the Mind, which thoroughly analyzes brainwashing and the human mind -- far more deeply than most books on mental illness. It goes to the place Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn illuminated more glaringly than the subtler Dostoevsky.

I go on and on. THANK YOU for spittin’ facts with such CLARITY and BREVITY =D

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+1 "In fact, the psychopaths running our country at present are a special kind of insane."

Hobby Lobby needs a commercial featuring these baby-raping, insider-trading losers, with President Trump approaching them to say, "Could I perhaps interest you in woodworking? No? How about painting?....".

"I don’t get those vibes from Trump." President Trump is Captain Positive for sure. I love his gangsta way of speaking =D

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I don’t know about naive. Eternal optimism?

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I read that book a long time ago, along with its sister book None Dare Call It Treason. That's exactly what we have, an oligarchy with the veneer of a constitutional republic.

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And don’t forget the WHO and Gates’ fever dream of everybody having mandated, untested jabs!

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..and Elon's fever dream of everyone having a microchip in their brain...talk about 'ultimate control'. How come the CTNJs around here don't talk about THAT one?

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It is horrible that people with spinal injuries are starting to walk again, and that is what the gist of the microchip technology is aimed at. Testing is underway, i believe that two folks have been given the chip and they are ambulatory. You have been watching too many sci-Fis.

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The book The Terminal Man by Michael Crichton comes to mind

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Whitney Webb, an excellent journalist, explains it quite well.

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They have been doing it for decades, sadly... they just switch party affiliations and hide behind political correctness (now wokeness). It will be great when more and more people recognize them and kick them to the curb. I think it's happening, the trans agenda really made it obvious how insane they are.

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That and the destruction that’s happening to us due to their illegal open border agenda.

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Add to it a devastatingly

unnatural hurricane and their refusal of any govt assistance in search, rescue and rebuilding yet are there to arrest those that volunteer to help.

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Yeah. Fuck that. The arresting part.

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All the stupidity and actual malfeasance that the government has shown in the last four years and yet 50% of this country still votes to have more government. These people are so hide-bound that they would vote for a jackass. Oh yeah, they are.

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Yes, religious freedom will be lost when the SOGI laws take over. No more 1st ammendment rights.

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What are SOGI laws?

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SOGI laws are a solution in search of a problem, and instead of shielding people from discrimination, they are used ad a sword against individuals, businesses, and organizations that hold a historic understanding of marriage and gender.

They undermine and violate constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of speech and religion. They threaten women's equality and privacy.

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Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) laws

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~ Pump & Dump ~

The Pump: DEI/Rainbows/BLM/Etcetera

The Dump: Over-Immigration

The 'Red Guards' for this: The Woke/LGBTQ+/Cancel-Culture/Impressionable University Students, such as in Gender Studies and related


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It looks like the meat part of the quarter pounders have been blessed. First indications are it was onions, cut up onions. Uh, would that maybe an individual with a hard on for McDonalds for apparent Trump support. I also believe it was in Colorado. Fresh "meat", so to speak for the Deep State CDC, right?

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I'm gonna get you some crayons.

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Cooked onions are to be avoided

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You gotta be kidding me. Carmelized onions are the best! Also very high in quercetin, good for allergies and colds.

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Thanks for reminding me to take my quercetin.

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You're welcome. Why are you blocking me, btw?

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It obviously isn't working I guess.

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Can't remember.

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Happened some years ago —sautéed onions , room temperature. Produced an intestinal civil war ;-/

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Actually it’s raw onions that harbor bacteria. There was a recall of green onions awhile back that the root cause turned out to be that the restaurant at fault was storing them in a bucket of water in a cooler that was growing listeria, which originates in soils and grow best in cold temps.

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No, it was because the illegal Mexicans were shitting on them.

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Maybe not shitting on them, just not washing their hands would do it. The huge question is was it intentional? The timing says yes.

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Of course it was "intentional". Where else are they supposed to poop? You really think anybody's going to put up porta-johns for those wetbacks? Get real, JAZ.

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Good observation. I also noticed that, and was just amazed that it wasn't obvious to the casual observer what happens when the commies in charge don't get their way.

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January 21, 2025

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My birthday 🫤

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I hope you have a very happy and satisfying birthday! 🎉🎉🎉

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Thank you. I’m not going to allow the political climate to ruin it that’s for sure.

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Financial warfare, for sure. Probably, E-coli can be found anytime they want to look for it (probably even easier than using PCR to find a virus).

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It is ubiquitous. The problem is when it gets concentrated, like in a hamburger patty. Heat and soap both destroy E Coli. A great book to read on E. Coli is Ronin Cook’s “Toxin” about a E. Coli breakout caused by an undercooked hamburger patty.

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Hey Ron, thanks for the hat tip. You just blessed my day with an extra orgasm.

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Always glad to help. <3

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Thanks, slave. <3

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Very astute, Ron!

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Thanks, Dis.

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Thanks and a thumbs up. 👍

I’ve been saying for years they can do what they want. Blank stares.

When I tell people there’s really only one cure for their affliction, it’s like talking out loud in an empty room.

In another corner of the planet, it appears Vkusno & Tochka is doing well in the Russian Federation.

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"Vkusno & Tochka"... that might have to be my next go-to "word".

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You have to pick one - only one.

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You are fucking up my day. <3

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"Dude, don't harsh my mellow" might be a genteel equivalent?

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I guess you realize I like threesomes? two of you gents, of course.

But, I digress.

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Great thoughts. Pelosi and ilk who never held McDonalds stock, suddenly buy some and short it.

Good job the FEC are completely trustworthy and not Zog subverted.

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Heads were not so much 'exploding' as falling off in laughter, Ron. And the e-coli outbreak is now 'fake'? Do you see a conspiracy EVERY TIME you turn around? That's so sad.

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No, people like Ron see patterns. Smart, intelligent people see patterns easily and they trust their instincts about what they see. These pyscopaths in power manipulate strings that wouldn’t even occur to you. And pretty much daily.

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ALL Humans 'see patterns'. The smart intelligent ones recognize that they are captive to that apophenia can mislead just as much as inform. Once upon a time, people saw a Man in the Moon. So what?

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The stupid ones ignore patterns until they bite them in the ass.

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Ah, I think I’ll absolve myself from debating with you. I’m sensing a pattern in your personality.


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Maria - your choices were: 1) conjecture, 2) conspiracy, or 3) coincidence. Have you ever considered why you default to "conspiracy"? I'll tell you why, you're drunk on the liberal Kool-Aid. You can't think for yourself, and your default thoughts are no more than shallow liberal talking points. Did I say 'fake'? That's your predisposition again. Try harder, sweetheart.

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It's you who defaults to conspiracy, Ron.

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Pot, kettle, black, sweetheart. First Rule of Holes: When you're in one, stop digging.

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I'm on my bike one early morning and I spot a couple of construction guys-- whose site is in the early process of digging those deep holes for downtown highrise foundations-- leaning on their construction equipment, enjoying their coffees before work. Inspired, I pull up and say to both of them with feigned irritation, 'You're just digging a hole for yourselves.'

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UGH. Maria, do you believe everything you hear on CNN?

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Clearly, you believe everything that falls out of Trump's mouth. Here's news for you - the tech-bro billionaires who are so hard about Trump becoming President (note, I didn't say 'elected') would 25th Amendment his ass within a few months .."et voila! President JD Vance!"

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The Marxist democrats have been running on empty for years. These people (demons) continue to prove over and over that they are some of the dumbest beings on the planet. Even more amazing is that the other party has not taken much advantage.

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Too many RINO's are part of the "blob". 2024 will be the time to send them into the dustbin of history as well.

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DemoncRATs, I call them

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I call them Deathocrats. The push for abortion rights (as if murder was a human right) and, the logical bookend, euthanasia seem to be driving many of those who will vote for Harris. I spoke to one of those people yesterday and she is so wound up in the abortion thing it's got a life of its own, like TDS.

We are stuck with this fact of life - you cannot legislate morality. Abortion/death/eugenics has been carved into life now for fifty plus years and at least half the population believes it is their right to kill an unborn child. And Dr. Zeke Emmanuel, one of the architects of the ACA and those real death panels, believes, along with many others, 75 years is long enough (for some) to live. I think the abortion issue could be settled by returning abortion to the elective procedure category and totally eliminating public funding. Those who want it can pay for it...and will answer for it one day. As for euthanasia, we're well on the way.

We live in an evil world since they kicked God/Love to the curb.

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Totally agree, Dogs. I have several of what I consider to be otherwise intelligent women friends for whom abortion is THE only issue that matters. They’d rather cut off their noses to spite their faces, vote against their own financial wellbeing & the good of the country (& world) overall because “muh right to murder of the unborn”.

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That's fucked up.

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The country has descended into debauchery, dishonor, debasement, indecency, & between unhinged support for abortion @ any stage, child mutilation & assisted suicide, the DemoncRATs are a destruction & death cult. They falsely howl about the Supreme Court “banning abortion” when all they did was return the issue to the states themselves & there are plenty of states where one can murder their baby.

I believe the US & N. Korea are the only countries in the world that allow abortion up to birth (I live in 1 of those states), w/ majority of countries banning it after 1st trimester.

Think of what that says about us as a moral & honorable country.

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They've been given over to reprobate thinking, and there's no way out of that.

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And that's why they picked (not voted for) harris. To bleed off some of those women needed to keep the margin close enough to steal. That's why Melania was allowed to voice her support for abortion this time. To bring some back. Stupid women stooges. It's all politics. Side note. Abortion was the attempt by feminist to be allowed to wallow in the pig pen with equality like men could. Can't have been able to have indescriminant sex without consequence. That's not fair! Women's natural consequence are babies. Therefore, they must be done away with. All in the vain of EQUALITY! Dontcha know. Fuck feminisim.

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That's because there are so many Marxist operatives in the other party. I believe they are called "RINOS".

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Uh, I wouldn’t call them dumb. They were able to manipulate, cajole, bribe and push their way into power. Leaders all over the globe fell in lockstep. Politicians withered in their presence. Banks, organizations and corporations melted at their feet. And they so effectively brainwashed the American public that half of them still can’t see clearly.

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I frown on the use of dumb political puns on this blog. Just so you know. They reflect poorly on the conversation here. I'll let these stand as a warning, but in the future I'll be inclined to delete comments that use them.

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Delete it if you want. Frankly, I don't know how you could consider it dumb or punny. If anything, it's FAR more accurate than "democrat." There isn't a damn thing democratic about them. Or apparently, you.

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The "Johnson" of consequences rarely comes lubricated....

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Democracy is mob rule as the Founding Fathers said. They loathed it.

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The term "democrat" is synonymous, now, with Marxist. But since their Marxism has an American face, I call them "quasi-Marxists".

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"They reflect poorly on the conversation here"/ Hahaha..!

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It's our Host's blog and he wants to maintain a certain standard, in keeping with (not matching, that would be impossible) his excellent prose.

That he sometimes breaks his own rules is neither here nor there and anyway is usually done in fine style, not with dorky, vulgar puns.

So remember,1. it's Jim's blog and 2. he has a delete button & is not afraid to use it.

(What ever happened to the poster who constantly corrected the grammar of others? He made me chuckle but hasn't been around for a while...surely not the big, permanent 'D'?)

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IGW...thanks for the lesson in civility.

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You missed the /I (irony)

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He is John Smith.

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Not the one I'm thinking of ...Schtick or similar?

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~ Portmanteau? ~


/pôrt-măn′tō, pôrt″măn-tō′/


A large leather suitcase that opens into two hinged compartments.

A word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words, as chortle, from chuckle and snort.

A word or part of a word that is analyzable as consisting of more than one morpheme without a clear boundary between them, as French du 'of the' from de 'of' and le 'the'. ” ~ American Heritage Dictionary

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Until lately, there hasn't been any other party. The GOP and the Democrats were all members of The Party, just as the Harlem Globetrotters and the Washington Generals both belong to the same organization. For decades now, we've been watching a show meant to make us feel as if we actually have some say in the operation of the government. The Party is in a frenzy now, faced with the possibility that the voters may actually get to elect officials who represent the voters' interests. That would be a calamity for The Party.

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I really don't understand how any salient, possessor of multiple functioning brain cells can determine that the marxocrats are simply missing the plot. They are confident because they are planning ANOTHER CHEAT, like 2020. BIGGER THAN 2020.

Say what you will about the left... they are bureaucratic, they are totalitarian, they are self righteous, and they are evil, but what they're not is stupid.

For them to have installed a vaporous, empty-minded, generally annoying puppet like Harris means they have a plan. And, that plan DOESN'T HAVE ROOM FOR A FREE AND FAIR ELECTION.

Will it be Martial Law and a postponed election? Ballot stealing again? Closing down vote counting operations to unbiased scrutiny? I don't know, but ask yourselves this: do you REALLY think the marxocrats are going to leave the outcome of this election to WE THE PEOPLE?

Hell no. If we don't somehow nip this in the bud before next Tuesday, America is DONE.

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Whenever I hear about The Left's "Grand Plan" I am just reminded of my 5 years experience working and producing large scale, multi-day events.

Nothing ever goes as planned. Ever.

"Plans" are an invitation to the Universe to invite its friend Chaos in.

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Boxer Mike Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face". Let's hope whatever plan the left has going forward takes a proverbial glove between the eyes.

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And this time there is going to be a massive amount of scrutiny. I'm curious what will happen if enough fraud to alter the outcome makes it through the courts. It would be orders of magnitude worse than Watergate..

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It'll probably end up at the supreme court, like in 2000 with baby Bush. I'm guessing that this time the court will rule in favor of the democrats, to avoid the rioting and burning of cities in democrat states that has been promised should Trump win.

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I doubt that very much. Sure, Antifa will trash some stuff, but ruling against the legitimate winner at this point might trigger a civil war. The supreme court will doubtless have that on their mind.

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It has to be close for them to get away with it. Latest polling shows Trump winning the popular vote and a landslide Electoral tally. A Dem favored change, early voting is blowing up in their face. MAGA Americans are motivated and swing state early votes are favoring MAGA.

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2020 was not close. Biden couldn't fill a broom closet.

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Biden won't survive the next four years, and then he's on his way to his eternal reward, no $400,000/year retirement, no library, and that house in the Caribbean he just bought will go to someone else.

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There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

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IF they poll averaging folks on You Tube are right, 310 - 330 electoral votes for Trump/Vance, it will be called by Wednesday morning.

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I hope you're right.

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I hope they are right!

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I beg to differ. Polls, schmolls... Harris will win a landslide POPULAR vote and then the Trump team will set about trying to overturn it, just like 2020. And they might succeed. But given that the USA has 3,144 Counties, each of whom has their own specific election system, how does anyone hack THAT? Curious minds want to know, JohnAZ.

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Dream on, the US has had enough mismanagement by the Democrats. And criminal behavior.

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And Trump is ahead on both the popular vote and the accumulated early vote.

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Where'd you hear that crock o' shit? Your delusional mindset is entirely sclerotic by now, I guess

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Well, Fox News, Newsmax, and about six sites on You Tube, that is who. The You Tube folks use trend analysis and poll averaging to wash out the effects of liberal bias. Remembet, too, that when poll margins in the last two elections are compared to the final galleys, the Dems went down between 4-6%. Even the MSM polls are saying “Too close to tell”. Trump is in the driver’s seat, but we will see on Wednesday, next week. Then YOUR delusions will be wiped out.

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Sounds like a democrat.

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Nip this in the bud? Way too late for that, sir. Like a tick, the junta has completely buried itself in the body politic since 2020. Permanent Washington, the government, is the enemy within. It must be exterminated, something no election will ever do. Paying the same people to solve problems they created in first place (and intentionally perpetuate) is the height of insanity. And, yet, here we go again.

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Trump tried to start something just before he left office. He wanted to send Departments away from DC. He was going to send Interior, I believe, to Kansas City. You are right, the bureaucracy is where the real power is and it must be broken up to exact change in the Deep State. Congress is a waste of time and effort, change the executive branch, the president is the boss.

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There are actually FOUR BRANCHES of government. The executive, the legislative, the judicial, and the MOST POWERFUL, the UNELECTED BUREAUCRAT BRANCH. That is the branch we need to overhaul the most. Nearly all of the leadership of the 4th branch are "progressives" who do not get FIRED at the end of the current "administration."


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That would be the “Biden” junta, which is nothing but a “political protection racket”—the ultimate political racket. The lust for power is many things, but primarily it is about control of government “finances”—plunder, bribery, etc.

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My point exactly.

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you mean, stuff it with MAGAts? Just say what you mean...

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Stuff it with MAGA types? Absolutely, people who know how to run a country, not destroy it.

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Yeah, I've seen the clowns at the rallies. Sure. These are the 'best people'.

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Moving the departments and agencies outside Washington —basically rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking liner, will solve nothing. The federal (general) government must be pruned back to its very, very “limited” and “enumerated” powers. The hydra must be eliminated.

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Right. And wasn't he going to send the FBI out to the burbs, I can't recall where, in a very large government complex that was mostly empty. Smart folk here will remember.

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"Permanent Washington, the government, is the enemy within."

As I have said before, if Iran/Pakistan/whoever nukes the District of Criminals, I will probably die from climaxing too much.

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That would solve a lot of the world's problems, actually, and a lot of ours.

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And as I said before, probably not.

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Yeah, I've been posting this, or something like it, since BEFORE (p)Resident Poopypants was sacrificed on the alter of satanic "democracy."

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Amen. It’s planned.

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Please tell us how we can “nip it in the bud”.

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We can't. God is granting His mercy to all now, He asking for all that have eyes to see, ears to hear, come to Him now while He may be found. Repent of your sins, believe in Jesus & ask Him for forgiveness. Make Him your Lord & Savior.

Psalm 37:12

The wicked plotters against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.

The Lord shall laugh at him, for He seeth that his day is comming.

Abbybwood, Be not deceived : God is not mocked: for whatever a man something, that shall He also reap. That was Galatians 6:7

God is giving all a chance to turn from their evil ways and come to His saving grace. After last breath, it's too late. Then it's the Judgement.

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Re your last sentence, actually it's never too late. A person may (if fortunate) be re-born in a situation entirely appropriate to their previous actions. Hmmmm.

Then they can 'ave another go. 'Till they get it right.

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People only get one chance.

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CORRECTION to last post : Wicked Plotteth (not plotter).....a man Sows (not something) duhhh.... Ai keeps changing my spelling.

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Prove to us that "GOD" exists, Christine. Betcha can't

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Dennis, if I had the ability to 'prove' anything in eloquent verse, I wouldn't be hanging out here occasionally. I'd be on it, writing my heart out.

Too me, it's just that when you know...you know.

About 40 years ago, agnostic phase, I knew there must be more to life, something major was missing. So, I sought to find out what was missing.

After looking into many religions, then getting Baptized several times, ultimately trying to make sense of the Christian Bible...still nothing.

Then at a time when I was completely broken, after my 28 year old brother died from a brain tumor, (he previously worked at IBM, cleaning up chemical residue), I went to a church and was singing a hymn. I wish I could remember the name of it.

In the middle of it, God struck my heart like lightning. I knew He was real. He was who He said He was.

I cried for days, looking back at the putrid sin I had done in my life. Filth before a loving God. I was so ashamed.

Jesus died for me, for you & everyone. His shed blood on the cross covered my filth and made me white as snow again when I humbled myself and asked for His forgiveness.

He loved me while I was a sinner. His death & resurrection, it's true. He sent the Holy Spirit to live in me.

I'm complete now. That hole in my heart is healed.

All I did was seek Him. Humble myself. He did the rest.

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Personal experience is not a valid reason to believe anything, Christine.

If it were, we would have no way of determining whose experience reflects reality.

Believers like you cannot rationally reason that personal experience is the pathway to truth because ~ you don’t accept other people’s experiences as proof of the claims they make with whom you disagree.

There are ways of determining what is actually true. Claims from Personal Experience is not one of them.

I'm 75-years-old. Raised in a Catholic family. Read the Bible every day and prayed to "God" every morning and night. With as much humility as I could muster. Went to Church every Sunday. Taught kids Sunday School. Attended many adult Bible Classes. Went to Bible camps.

Looking over my shoulder every day worrying I was pleasing God. Being forced to love someone I feared. The very essence of sadomasochism. And being aware as I got older that the Priests were sexually abusing little kids. And I was being forced to keep my mouth shut.

At 56-years-old "God" had never revealed himself to me. Not once. I finally figured out that I had been brainwashed as a young child. And it was all nonsense. Either God did not give a shit about me, or he did not exist.

I threw off the chains and shackles of tyrannical religion and learned to think for myself.

And have been a happy secular humanist ever since. The best thing I ever did. I changed my life for the better.

When I realized that Hell wasn’t true it was the biggest reliefs of my life. Now I don’t worry that my friends and loved ones are in danger of burning in hell because they don’t believe in the Bible. I’ve slept much better since.

My only regrets: wasting so much time of the only life you get here on earth with this debilitating nonsense.

The whole story about Jesus coming back to life after crucifixion is a fictional story invented by religious cultists. Myth at best. Lies at worst.


Furthermore, there is no afterlife. Prove that there is! Betcha can't.

BTW, why do you feel the need to have to invent silly stories about supernatural beings changing your life for the better? You did it all by yourself. For goodness's sake. Take credit for that. Great job. You are a wonderful person.

Think about this for a minute if you would please.

"Created sick, and then ordered to be well."

The ancient Christian believe that their GOD made them imperfect and punishes them for being imperfect. You were made to believe that you committed putrid sin in my life. Filth before a loving God as you put it. And consequently, were so ashamed of yourself ~ showing everything that is dehumanizing with Christian beliefs right there.

You were not born a sinner. Thats nonsense. You were born as a human ~ created in Gods image. Another stupid idea. None of it makes sense.

Trust and obey God - The wish to be a slave - a celestial North Korea!


What do you think?

Take care my dear. I wish you well.

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My dear Dennis, I wish I could give you a hug. I am so sorry for your awful experience in the Catholic church. No child should be harmed. Especially sexually, the people are very sick in the head, demented, pure demons that do & approve such.

My Dad was raised Catholic. But he never went to a Catholic service or spoke a word about it the whole time he was raising his children or after we were on our own.

We had our suspicions about what may have happened when he was an alter boy.

He only mentioned to me twice, I think, that he was Catholic (when I tried to talk to him about Jesus Christ). He would say, why would God kill His own son? He would be too upset to listen, as his own son died. My brother I told you about.

Personal experience is all we have, we can't have someone else's. But, if someone's experience rings a bell in your heart, you should ponder it without the Holy Spirit, I could not make heads or tails of the Bible. But now, it's like the light was turned on. Because it was!

John Chapter 12 verse 47...And if any man hear my words, and believeth not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

If you don't mind, go to the website


Read about Dr. Martin Luther (born Nov 10, 1483) He too was filled with hate about what he had been taught about the righteousness of God. As a monk, he used to flog himself almost to death and try everything he could think of to be 'good enough' before God.

It finally dawned on him while pondering Roman's

1: 16-17 that through grace & sheer mercy, God justifies us by faith alone.

The whole of Scripture took on a new meaning, now it became to him inexpressible sweet in greater love! I can relate!

He realized God's righteous was not the divine justice we fear, but the gracious gift that

God gives us to all who believe & trust in Christ alone for salvation.

He created everything for us to enjoy life, life giving food, air, water, gravity, the elements. The miracle of life is incredible! His 2 greatest commandments are to love the Lord God with our hearts and souls, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

When he lives within us, we are his hands and feet. To reach out to one another in love.

I personally am not a 'wonderful person' as you so kindly complimented me. But when I remember who truly loves me, even when I'm not being very loveable, I remember to let His love shine through me! I still get upset about politics, the unjusticeness, the pain we all are experiencing at the hands of people who truly hate God. I know they are in darkness, as I was once...I just pray for them all to accept that 'free gift' of. love. Jesus did not die in vain, He was the sacrifical lamb. He is comming again. Read Rev 3:10. Get ready my friend.

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Are you still here?

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You do not have to prove anything, just have faith.

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Exactly. Thank you John, as Einstein said, in so many words... God will make the answer simple.

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Right on Lugh. The worst is yet to come when you leave God out of the equation.

A vacuum occurs, evil is filling it. Pure debased evil is filling the void as God is being kicked out.

So frightening.

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I've been following Eric Daugherty and others on X, who note that registered Republicans are smoking Democrats in early voting in Florida, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and elsewhere. Some of the swing states do not require party registration (WI, MI), so evidence is perhaps less direct. At least the early vote from Milwaukee proper is depressed. I am hopeful for a more 2016like result. I am worried about the overseas voter identification/verification loophole, however.

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I heard even the Amish in Pennsylvania are registering to vote and voting this year.

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I live in an area of PA settled by hundreds (NW part of the state) of Amish. Yes, they got registered and yes they are voting.

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Thanks to Scott Pressler who has been registering tens of thousands of PA voters including many Amish

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We all witnessed the abandonment of justice by judges across America in 2020 when none of them would allow any plaintiff to challenge the election results, as obvious as they were. So the Dems can and will now fabricate all the ballots they need to win. All we can do this time is pray that God intervenes.

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A big case for the future is erupting in Virginia. 1600 non-citizens have been authorized by a federal judge to be able to vote, confirmed non-citizens. They may have already voted, and the challenge the state made to their legitimacy is the issue. The appeal, I understand, is going immediately to the Supreme Court. Think of the precedent.

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The Dems are on station 24/7/52 trying to undo the legitimacy of our election system. Just like they are on duty, especially through the media, to tear down MAGA candidates.

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"1600 non-citizens have been authorized by a federal judge to be able to vote, confirmed non-citizens."

To challenge the decision at this point would be "election interference".

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trying to vote as a non-citizen is a felony. The felony should be directed at the organization trying to make this happen.

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Totally agree... where are the checks and balances for " the powers" that be? The judges are sworn to uphold the law, right? Who keeps them on the straight and narrow?

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SCOTUS has backed VA. The non-citizens will not vote.

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As you imply above, there should be consequences other than just kicking Dems to the curb.

How about relieving federal judges of their authority for making bonehead decisions?

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How about prison? Even China jailed the infamous Gang of Four.

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We need to wait until after the election to promote that idea.

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The court will duck the issue, one way or another. They don't want antifa and BLM camping on their front lawns.

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I find it difficult to get my mind around the concept of "confirmed non-citizens... voting".

What country in the world allows that? I can think of none.

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Only here

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Do you have link to this bombshell story, John? I suspect it's not a simple as you have presented it.

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I think many of them, including SCOTUS justices, felt threatened. And no big wonder why.

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Prove to us that "GOD" exists, Bill. Betcha can't

What happened to separation of Church and State?

Keep your imaginary "GOD" in your heads and in your church if you don't mind. Probably more non-believers exist in the US than believers!

And this "GOD" nonsense is very insulting to us.

Who was the last atheist that sawed the head off an infidel, or strapped explosives to his belt to kill hundreds in a public square.

Or publicly hung a homosexual or drove planes into buildings where people were at work.

Or committed genocide in the name of their GOD? Remember the Amalekites says the mass murderer Netanyahu!

YOUR GOD IS NOT MY GOD. Therefore, I must kill you and your family! Sick stuff!

"Religion poisons everything! - Christopher Hitchens. Never truer words spoken. TRUMP/VANCE 2024 VANCE/GABBARD 2028

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Chairman Mao = atheist

Stalin = atheist

100 million+ killed between the 2 of 'em.

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How is Daugherty getting this information? The exit polls say quite differently and as far as I can tell, exit polls are the only accurate way to measure the pre-Nov 5th activity.

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Daugherty is looking at ballots requested by members of the registered parties, or by the past patterns of voters in non-registering states.

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Pollsters are also looking at the number of early ballots, whether from a registered Democrat or Republican, The trend so far is many more republicans than normal.

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Or else they would have shown up on election day but now will not need to.

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Righteously pissed off nails it, Jim, particularly when it comes to their gender confused, child grabbing, rainbow cohort. I've had enough of these broken people. They need to leave the rest of us alone to rebuild that which they have attempted to destroy.

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The Democrats really jumped the shark this time with the Trump is Hitler and all his supporters are NAZIs theme.

We are witnessing the beginning of the end for the Democrat Party.

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yeah, According to Democrats Trump is both incompetent and an evil genius. As JD Vance says their slogan should be Nothing comes to mind.

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It's like that with everything they come up with. Trump's trying to prevent women from having kids, the next ad says he's going to force them to have kids, and on and on and nauseam.

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Yes, American National Socialism states that Whites are people and have the same right as other races, including the right to have their own nations. It is radical and challenges the very existence of the multicultural hell that has been foisted upon us.

But yes, the Left knows its business very well. If only we knew ours half as well. They know who they are and what they want. We don't know who we are anymore and thus we don't know what's good for us. They helped us to forget.....

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You've been reading Global Research? Or they've been reading you

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Matthew...in literally just used that phrase “jump the shark” in regard to the new Hitler/Nazi narrative...had to explain to some of our younger kids what it means and where it originated (Happy Days) LOL!

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Kamala should bring out The Fonz on water skis at her next rally.

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Capitalism/Communism are one globalist system utterly opposed to the existence of nations. They won WW2, the Globalists that is - not the Allies.

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Try that again Lugh.....WTF?

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After the "Victory", massive numbers of Blacks started being imported into England - without asking anyone. If England was on the winning side, why were they being treated like the losers? Easy - because they were, every bit as much as Germany.

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One can only hope.

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I can only assume the Democrats must be supremely confident that they can steal the election. Why else would they have not prepared a few decent candidates for office. It worries me that laws and directives have been issued allowing the military to intervene in police matters up to and including the use of deadly force.

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I don't think they had anyone else in their quiver. They weren't counting on Biden's dementia taking an uptick so fast (divine intervention?), and they hadn't had time to groom his replacement, so they went with the tried-and-true color and gender. Hence, we have Kamala.

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Correction: Khmer Rouge Harris.

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Then someone logged Joe onto Zoom.

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They will burn the asylum down.

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They are surely going to try.

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Just watch when Trump wins. At this point I’m putting my money on it. They will be in the streets going scorched earth on those who disagree with their madness. They are mad you know.

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I'll be happy to meet with them. Throat-punching, and alll.

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You do realize there will be no consequences for antifa or blm destruction agents but they will shoot to kill conservatives and Trump supporters.

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Like that will calm us down or something?

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Aahhh, they don't want to calm us down. They want a reason.

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Yes, we do realize that. I think this time, however, there'll be more than a few casualties on their side. People were taken by surprise four years ago, and they still believed in their elected representatives and that the "system" would work the way it's supposed to. They don't believe that anymore. And now they're pissed to boot. I know I am.

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Think of the poison pills that the Deep State can put in during the Lame duck interval.

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Don't even go there, JAZ. One ounce of Soman will fuck up my entire county.

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Poison pills, as in actions to gum up the actions he wants to do "on Day One".

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Theres a pill for that,

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And it’s color is red…

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Don't forget, the "lawfare" aspect. "Judge" Merchan has twice pushed the sentencing date back, I'm sure so that he can create the best "legal" hand-cuffs possible.

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I believe "Merchan's" plan is to lay the groundwork for whoknowswho to disallow Trump from taking the oath of office in January. Won't work.

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If Trump wins, Merchan will be excoriated by SCOTUS.

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He will also get that 300+ million back from the defamation suit which is such feminst bullshit.

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They already have.

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I’m sure there were a pair of DoDo birds waiting patiently in line to get onto Noah’s Ark that were confident they would be ok. Until Jan 20, 2025, I along with others will stay vigilant.

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Thank you, Mr. Kunsler, for finally converting gawd to God.

I’ve been a reader for many years. As a professional city planner, The Geography of Nowhere is significant to me. Your fiction is partly why this household is prepared. Thank you for both as they’ve been pivotal in my life.

I’ve never commented before despite reading twice a week for as long as I can recall. This shift, though, was worth noting.

In this long foretold and epic battle among principalities, God is central. Thank you for today’s message.

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I’m in the Seattle area. We have a whole new type of nowhere going. All of our communities are being top down homogenized to accommodate DEI and climate change goals.

I’m a consultant specializing in small towns and cities. Today I’m arguing policy with an absolutely unbending state agency with folks more concerned about checking boxes and their retirement plans than seeing reality. They want 100% of all future growth in my isolated, bedroom communities to accommodate people with 50% or less in median income. We are many miles from other cities. No transit. No business or employers. No grocery stores. No social services. Tiny municipal budgets. And in two cases no available utilities (one with limited water and the other prohibited from adding sewer connections by a different state agency). Obviously the state also has zero understanding of private market forces.

When I pointed this out the state threatened to block all future grant funding until we ‘find a way’ and had a friend text me privately to ask about ‘my state of mind’. Because reality and the ability to recognize it along with the courage to speak are literally heresy and I’m crazy.

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Very telling. I think it only proves what many people say. They are creating a race of people so interrelated that there is but one color - mixed and a whole bunch of worker bees that are relegated to a roof over their head, food and clothing. All provided by the government. Slaves on the plantation. This is what I believe their evil goal is and everyone alive is to serve their elitist purposes. Whether it's to work or to have sex. All according to their whims and desires. Am I just crazy?

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As they work towards "diversity" they mandate "sameness." As they preach "inclusion" they practice discrimination. As they pontificate about "the children" and how they must be kept safe from the evil guns, they push transgender mutilation surgeries and killing them in the womb. That so many women are on board with this tells you a lot about the state of this country. That so many will take their kids to drag queen storytime hours and allow Biden to sniff their daughters, on national TV, no less, says even more.

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Maybe when the federal government greatly reduces money to the states, these cities across America will have less money to bully their smaller neighbors.

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I could make this problem disappear by conforming. I’m bad at that. I don’t like lying and that’s what they want.

All I have to say is the 798 people of the town will come together, spend tens of millions of dollars on a new sewer system, somehow find a whole new municipal water source, build all the utility improvements in three years and then prevent all development except to force the construction of affordable housing for the next two decades.

It’s so easy. By dissenting I’ve declared my insanity. I prefer reality.

I’m an independent contractor. I have more than one income stream and no state pension. They can’t cancel me. And I’m stubborn beyond good reason.

I’ll lose this battle to the woke mind virus. I’ve already lost friends.

But they’ve already lost where it counts.

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Maybe JHK could update Geography of Nowhere in a new edition. Cities have definitely changed since its release, and not for the better.

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Interesting observation,

Have a guy at work, obviously democrat, they think DJT is the devil, the mis information on that side is mind blowing, these people cant name harris plan or policy but they have a million reasons to sunday why DJT is a loser and keep saying he is falling behind and losing the race, the guy was trying to convince me the other day, i just said i wasnt talking politics at work, but saw his source was some west coast BS news source like the LA times or something. These people are convinced they are right even though their people have been in there for yhe last 4 and have been screwing with stuff for the last 8-16 even though DJT was in there for a bit, they were tossing everything they could in his way.

I want DJT to win, to win BIG in SPITE of their cheat. And i want them to go apeschitt crazy, makes identifying your enemies easier, especially with tech what it is and high def cameras on your phone these days.

Just sayin is all, they think we should all be dead, That whole high road thing, kinda BS

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Yes, James Carville just said that the Democrats should take up arms if Trump wins. So yes, the high road is bs if it leave out war. We've heard quite enough of Peace and the whole feminine sphere. They're eager enough for the fruits of war though, right? The utter hypocrisy.

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take up arms? do you know a dem that actually owns a gun? i mean a legal one that they filled out all the paperwork for. no, no libtards have guns. the soros crew on the other hand…..probably very well armed. but theses are paid agitators.

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I know plenty of lefties that own guns. Some even go to the range and know how to clean their piece afterward. That said, I know a lot more conservative folks that fit that bill.

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I don’t. Not a single one.

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Interesting that matters of policy are hardly spoken of by the left (a/k/a the party of satan) with respect to the two candidates. The Democratic candidate bobs and weaves when policy questions are put to her, so we don't really know other than to fall back upon the aphorism of looking at their actions rather than their words in regards to her agenda. What the candidate does speak to is how dangerous the Republican candidate is, all but expressly stating that actions must be undertaken to ensure that he is eliminated. Oddly, there isn't an iota of substantive information provided to substantiate these allegations - nothing. What is even more strange is the fact that as president, the Republican candidate demonstrated absolute fidelity to the Constitution, which is something rather bizarre for an individual who is supposedly a threat to our Republic (enough with the "democracy" song and dance...we are not a democracy). The Republican candidate has a record to run on...four years of peace, prosperity, and stoicism, which we can logically expect if elected for a third time. On the other side we have bedlam, death and destruction, as well as an irrevocable breakdown of society. Indeed, this is what the left wants - it is by design and not merely an unforeseen effect precipitated by their agenda. Once the ship goes down, one will be faced with the choice of death or permanent servitude to the dictates of the Marxist overlords.

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The Leftist maddogs are using the same ploy they used in 2020, the traitorous Deep State RINOS. Think about John Kelly, released just in time. Trump has never used fascist techniques, yet here we are, having to believe Kelly's bullshit at the last moment. Think about what we are seeing, a bunch of sour grapes Deep State advocates that once found out in Adm.#1, were summarily fired by Trump. People that were sent in to "convert" Trump and were found out and disposed of. People who lost their power in a single second as they were marched out the door. Is it any wonder they want revenge.

For sane people, intelligent people, this is easy. Compare the records of two administrations, 2017-2021 and 2021 -now. Were you better off 4 years ago? Only the gimmes.

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"if elected for a third time"

Hell, yeah. Not lost on me, boyo.

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But judgment is coming, and the demon locusts with it. The Bible says they will pray for death, but they will not find it.

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Trump is a war candidate this time - without the harassment of the Bidenites. Israel is sick of the goody goody shit. Trump is their man.

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Oh, so you are all for genocide then Lugh. How moral of you!

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Most people don't have a problem with murder, Dennis. It's just the targets they quibble over

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No, I voted the Constitution Party to a. Chastise the Republicans for disgracing MAGA and b. To help build up the Party for the long term future. I'm in a deep red state. In the swings, people should vote Trump.

Why are you for Trump, btw? I support the Palis! The enemy of mine enemy, etc.

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Excellent. I love reading your posts. Abort the Democrats is exactly the correct comeuppance they deserve IMO

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I need a shirt that says "ABORT THE DNC!"

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No shit. Please, Pakistan, you've got nothing to lose.

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I found a T-shirt at the Goodwill store that says "Area-51" and it has a little green man on the front. I get lots of compliments on that shirt.

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I'll design it for you.

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You can make your own T-shirt at places like Cafe Press, etc. - do it! I'd be interested in seeing what reactions you'd get.

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You're correct.

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Amazing that people would go to the mat for the right to kill an unborn child.

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you know a civilization is in its death throes when the people are fighting for the “right” to kill their unborn children. you don’t come back from that.

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Amazing, but not surprising. They're the walking dead.

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This is my twelfth "most important election of my lifetime" (since becoming voting age) and when I reflect back, it hasn't mattered which flavor the presidential candidate was, pretty much all of them were accused of being either Hitler or the Antichrist and they were all going to destroy the world (in the opinion of the opposition). Somehow, regardless of what happens, we always survive until the next "most important election of our lifetime".

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Rob D

What makes this one important is that the Ult-Left is on the verge of "taking over" everything. Imagine what DC would be like right now without SCOTUS. Listen to RFK, Jr. as he talks about the Ult-Left driving "his" Democratic Party into the Leftist swamp. A big cause of the success of the Ult-Left is the Leftist drift caused by the Bushes favoring the Leftist Deep State instead of sticking up for conservative values. The pendulum has been stuck on the Left for 30+ years.

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Whites were more 90% of the population two generations ago. Now they're around 60%. You don't think that is significant? So much for your idea that nothing is changing.

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Been kinda noticing that, think that with the “net” and info overload its just more in our face.

Have a feeling that definition of “surviving” is changing quickly though, thats what my wary eye is watching.

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Right. And the “lesser of two evils” bullsh—. As someone pointed out after decades of hearing Noam Chomsky urging everyone to vote: “The lesser of two evils is still evil.”

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@Rob D, this election IS different. Tens of millions of military-age males from China (at least) have swarmed over our southern border, initially via the Darién Gap, and now via plane and boat.

Venezuela has offloaded its prison population onto this "mercenary" (as former BlackRock investment banker, Edward Dowd correctly called it) American-taxpayer-subsidized conveyor belt. The mercenaries arrive and receive EBT cards filled by taxpayer dollars.

Tucker Carlson interviewed Bret Weinstein about the Chinese camp at the Darién Gap. Michael Yon (who introduced Bret Weinstein to the Darién Gap) has covered this mercenary invasion of America at length.

The Darién Gap in the trans-continental highway was allowed to exist to prevent the spread of infestations and disease, such as scabies, tuberculosis, and screwworms, into Central and North America.

Unless you're trained and ready to face combat-seasoned, military-age males from war-torn countries, you need to realize we have reached The Hill to Die On.

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All brought to us by our elected representatives.

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+1 Incredible, isn't it? If a washing machine or even a TOILET functioned as badly as 99.9% of our "public servants", we'd have gotten rid of those structures right away. Whoever said Harris was installed "like a toilet" as the Democrat candidate hit the right note for sure.

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Former war correspondent, Michael Yon's, Rumble channel isn't especially popular, but he's probably the only person out there who is broadcasting the worst threat facing America: the multi-year invasion by hostile mercenaries who aim to do nothing less than kill us, take our property, and rape our women (and children).

These combat- and prison-seasoned SAVAGES will be opposed by nothing more than our complacent passivity, addiction to convenience, and inertia, which are all, essentially, COWARDICE in disguise.

Michael Yon's Rumble channel:


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No doubt a lot of mental illness in the party of the left, however, I also think they didn't think they'd be running against The Donald after July 13th, so everything since then has been scrambling.

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