“A man’s assertion that he is a woman, and his requirement that others honor this falsehood, is not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member.” — White House Guidance
Definitely the hill to die on...Trump absolutely needs to make recess appointments of these people if they aren't confirmed, which admittedly requires the Speaker to cooperate, because this obstruction can't be tolerated...
Excellent post! 👍👍 This is really pretty simple stuff when one looks at the big picture. The policies pursued by Democrats are viewed as repulsive 🤮 by most normal people. Consider such doozies as open borders, DEI, boys playing sports against girls and sharing locker rooms with girls, etc. The idea that any of this is normal is nothing short of insane.
Until whatever normals are left in the Democratic Party wrest control of the party from the current lunatic “leaders” the Dem party will continue to slide into oblivion. Seems unlikely to happen any time soon, as people rarely give up power easily.
Combine that with the observation that most Dem leaders are old and inarticulate, compared to the younger, attractive and articulate Republicans and the Dems truly have a mountain to climb if they wish to regain relevance.
I am in particular attached to RFK, Jr.'s confirmation. As a certifiable senior, I benefit from experience not available to youth and I pray some modicum of wisdom. Bobby's history and career make him perfect for the broken health care system that gave us a flawless failure record in managing our recent "pandemic". The system is so captured it impossible to determine if pharma runs our Government or visa versa. The volume of FDA approved drugs pulled for killing too many people reads like an encyclopedia set. The only health care council offered by the CDC is inject, inject and inject. We have products on grocery store shelves where eating the box or the contents are equally health beneficial. We prophylactically inject our developing infant bodies with some 72 , ( ? ), toxic substances. A status quo HHS boss will simply oil all of the above. RFK, jr. is extremely intelligent and his litigating history against the health harmful has armed him to save us from these travesties.
Yes.. America needs him.. so do we in Canada. We see him on television… we hear what he has to say.. changes here too is needed, and in case no one has noticed.. we most of the time follow. Thanks Bobby.
Canada? What is your opinion about unifying the North American continent under single rule? Latest thing I have seen is the proposal to make Greenland a state, #51. Canada will be between two US states. I saw this AM that Canada is trying to join the EU to counter Trump. Is this latent Trudeau-ism? Does Canada really believe it will be better off with the numbskulls of Europe than associated with the USA? With the WEF? That is pretty dumb! Russia already owns half the circumference of the Arctic, Canada better start realizing they have the other half which will be guarded by perhaps two US states. Hmmmmm?
Canada, from the people I know and talk to do not under any circumstances want to become any part of the USA. .. or the EU. We as a country want our sovereignty and have peaceful relations with all. The USA is now negotiating a peace deal with Russia and maybe someday in the future may be come trading partners. Trump appears to like a peaceful world as do I. BTW.. it is nice to have you as neighbours.. can I borrow a cup of sugar?😀🙏😉 Have a good day..
Also heard this AM that a poll of Panamanians have overwhelmingly said that there is no way they will fight the USA for control of the canal. Does this mean we may be fighting China? Maybe swap Taiwan for the canal?
I haven't stopped smiling in the last 11 days! Did you see Trumps piece on FAA DEI on Fox News? https://ncrenegade.com/trump-on-faa-diversity-requirements/ He absolutely took Mayor Pete to the woodshed. About time. I have the bad luck to live in 'Mayor Pete's' city, and it is so refreshing to see him get called out for his BS.
This is what happens when the only reason one is tapped for a significant position in a Presidential cabinet is because one likes to pack fudge. The man had no business being in the position he was in. He was placed there to destroy. Just like Mayorkas, AKA Gollum, was placed in DHS. To destroy. To bring down the USA, the last bastion with even a semblance of freedom. Everything the Democrats have done was to bring about the destruction of the USA. They were damned successful. Thankfully, a majority of Americans are starting to see through the lies of the media and the celebrity influencers and are ignoring them. Hearing these celebrity blow-hards blubber about Trumps victory or the ICE actions against criminal immigrants (see Selena Gomez) is music to my ears. So far, I love and support what Mr. Trump is doing. I hope he continues it for next four years.
People on these threads give too much credit to the Republican Party. I've witnessed a few times when the Republicans held the Presidency and the Congress and did they do anything of the sort that meets the party's mission? Not at all. When they have the power they do not reduce spending, reduce government, end wars, stop printing money, etc. Even Trump didn't do anything to stop the spending madness. I find the Republicans to be even more despicable than the Democrats. At least the Democrats don't hide their lunacy. The Republicans pretend to be something they most definitely ARE NOT. They are hypocrites of the worst order.
The Dems have a program to scrub the backgrounds of prospective candidates and place them into Republican primaries. I witnessed this first-hand with my congress critter Kiley who seemed like a solid conservative before getting elected and now is obviously a Democrat. This has been going on for decades. So before throwing "Republicans" out with the bath water, just remember a lot of them are actually Dems. What needs to happen is a much better vetting process so we can spot these infiltrators and flush them down the toilet during the primary process. With Ronna McDaniel out of the picture, this will start to tighten up but will take some time.
You are quite correct that Donald Trump promised to balance the budget last time- and then proceeded to sign off on- not once veto- 4 consecutive TRILLION dollar deficits. But he did try to garner some populist-cred by hanging the portrait of a man who did in fact balance 8 straight budgets and leave the U.S. $0.00 In debt when he left office: Andrew Jackson. A man who, unlike Trump did not take millions from the crypto industry and then pander to them (Jackson would be rolling in his grave at the mention of "digital currency"- and so should everyone here.
Unfortunately it's a slim majority that will drag out the corrections that must be made to reverse the slide into destruction.
I did a Google search, and there are only 12 moderate democrats in the entire country. Don't expect the democrat party (or voter) to change any time soon.
Yeah, I guess Mayor Pete was pretty hot over that, too, calling his comments (and Trump himself, no doubt) despicable. But the record speaks for itself.
That actor was my congressman, and a good one. Very pro-MAGA. pro-family, as well. Had lunch with him, once, as well as with his predecessor, Dave "longest-serving" Obey, and I know which one came across as a hack and a poseur, and it wasn't the MTV actor.
Mayor Pete has all that Chest Feeding expertise and knowledge to parcel out to the ignorant masses. I can picture Mayor Pete as President of a company that manufactures Chest Feeding apparatus ... and marketing it at Pride Paredes coast to coast.
The Democrat swine love to call President Trump vindictive for wishing to drain the Swamp. The Democrat Party is far more vindictive than Trump could ever be, and the Democrat Party levels its most vile, wicked vindictiveness toward the American people--the people that the Democrats had hoped to subjugate into a slave state governed by a dictatorial Democrat elite--but those people said, "Nope, I don't think that we're going to let you do that." Democrat elites are too full of themselves to understand that the people that they have continually fucked over during both the Obama and Biden years just might want some revenge--especially when "revenge" means stripping Democrat tyrants of their ability to fuck Americans over ever again. Trump received a large plurality of votes in the 2024 election because his voters knew that he intended to beat the Democrat elite and the Swamp into a political pulp. And, now, the more that the Democrat elite tries to hogtie Trump and his appointees, it will just make him more determined to exact the tons of political flesh out of them that they deserve to lose. The Democrats just got a taste of that from Trump yesterday--stonewall my pick to head the FBI--fine, I just fired the whole upper echelon of the agency. Oh, by the way, Patel was a pretty nice guy, wait to you see who I pick next to run the FBI if you don't confirm him. Trump is now fully playing "Fuck Around and Find Out." The Democrats just keep Fucking Around, and they are going to discover that the "Find Out" is more brutal than they can possibly imagine. And the Democrats deserve to get the Find Out part--good and hard.
1 Timothy 6:10. "For the love of money [that is, the greedy desire for it and the willingness to gain it unethically] is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves [through and through] with many sorrows."
Not only the politicians, but also the thinking class who love to impress people with their "knowledge" and "status" - things that money can buy. This also applies to those in lower classes who don't think they have enough.
I think those who live in the real world with some semblance of being satisfied with what they have, who have worked for what they have, are the normal ones who are not blinded by money/evil.
And Trump wants to make those “good things” in America. The Deep State wants no part of that, they lose control if people become able to take care of their own needs without government help. I do understand you want no part of that either.
Yep, they're on to the trick, being paid back in cheaper dollars. Just like my contributions to SS in 1975 dollars - they now want to pay me in 2025 dollars.
As you know, they've been scaling out of US Treasuries for a long time - if they bail, too much, too soon, they cut their own throat.
"the thinking class who love to impress people with their "knowledge" and "status" - things that money can buy."
Yes, money can buy even "knowledge" and "status." How else can you explain that a man who specializes in producing computer software is now an expert on immunizations and control of the human population? Unfortunately, we as the regular type of people make this happen. In America, or in the world for that matter, when someone manages to acquire an ungodly amount of wealth we as a people place that individual on a pedestal. Suddenly, because they are wealthy, they know everything. Their opinion counts and matters. And, for some reason, millions of people listen to them.
The only difference between a billionaire and a regular middle class joe or jane is the billionaire has a bigger microphone. They still eat, drink, sleep and shit just like the rest of us.
She is a poster child for the WEF and the AGW crowd. A child can up-stage anyone. She is disappearing because she is no longer a child and the farther we get from Gore’s stupid predictions, the less effect the AGW folks have.
"Was it the miasma of cognitive dissonance blackening the air-space over the DC swamp that caused the deadly collision of AA Flight 5342 and a Blackhawk Helicopter this week..."
Yes, likely it was and as usual the innocent and very young paid the price. Just like they do when they are given as their welcome to the world, a needle in their thigh to start their life-long attachment to the medical industry.
What I found particularly ghoulish was the female senator who looked like she spent the night with Dracula tried ever so hard to get Bobby to agree that Stem Cell research from FETAL TISSUE was vital and saved the lives of her constituents. The way he delivered his comment, "You can get stem cells from the umbilical cord, you don't need Fetal Tissue" was priceless as he was visibly disgusted by that woman.
I would say it was her and her cronies "SSRI's are absolutely safe". Vaccines are absolutely safe"
And their contestant SAY IT SAY IT.
They tried to get each of them to bend a knee and they wouldn't.
I so appreciate how you boil things down to the simplest and clearest view of what is happening. I agree 100%.
All in all I have never been so pleased in my entire life that all the bottled up feeling of how everything was just so unjust and insane is being made so clear by these people.
Trump at the presser yesterday was brilliant. DEI has literally killed people, we all knew it was a killer these past 4 years, but now at the expense of 67 beautiful souls, the press and all the country gets to look up from their chores, and their busy lives to really understand the impact.
Shades of New Orleans - could a helo pilot have been turned? Was it intentional? How the hell does a helo go from 200 to 350 feet in 3 miles and head right or a landing zone for a major airport. How can Atc be the cause if there were no communications recorded?
Great post. Hopefully they will be able to next remove the punishment fine for hard work AKA income tax and put Americans back to producing and proudly seeing MADE IN USA instead of Hecho en Mexico and Made in China in everything sold in Walmart, Home Depot and on Amazon. I personally hand make leather products and heard that big sucking sound Perot warned about NAFTA.
The ridiculous theatrics of Senators seeking to hold Tulsi Gabbard accountable for her statements about Snowden, is the ultimate deflection and hypocrisy, when they gave no oversight to the NSA or the other intelligence agencies.
Snowden shouldn't have had to do their job for them, but the traitorous global scum collect their cheques and loot, stalk and openly murder and imprison the American people. And American citizens are not holding their govt accountable either. The corruption runs so deep, it is unknown how many employees and sub contractors work for the Feds(estimates are about 20 million) and the best guesses about how many federal agencies there are, is about 500.
I'm sorry to say this bureaucratic monster will likely be the downfall of the Republic, it's just a matter of time.
What did Snowden do but expose the Deep State for the Big Brother entity that it is? Is he a traitor as the Deep State says, or a savior for the American people, telling them what is going on?
Sorta the same questions as January 6, Don cha think?
“The corruption in all this has been supernatural, and the fact that, until late 2024, seventy-million Democratic Party American voters thought this was all okay is extra-supernatural. What happened to their minds?”
This is a reasonable question, addressed by a pair of important books. In 1896 Gustave le Bon pondered the bizarre events following the French Revolution and wrote The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. He concluded that occasionally societies collectively run off the rails – suffering mass insanity, with appalling consequences.
Building upon le Bon’s premise, in 2022 Mathias Desmet published The Psychology of Totalitarianism, coining the term “Mass Formation (Psychosis)” to describe this phenomenon. Among the causal factors identified by Desmet is exploitation of individual insecurity, caused by social isolation.
Draconian isolation, enforced during the Covid scare, provided ideal circumstances for subjecting the populace – already feeling insecure about a manufactured plague – to the most comprehensive and sophisticated program of propaganda ever contrived. The Blob capitalized on this giant experiment by inoculating the populace with the damnedest bunch of ridiculous ideas ever sold.
Having successfully demonstrated proof of concept for imposing totalitarian control of the American public, with free expression of objections outlawed, one can easily imagine the scenarios for building upon that experiment that The Blob concocted and was eagerly preparing to implement, had it won our recent election.
One of the best features on Facebook for the delusional TDS-stricken folks in my circle is "Stop seeing posts but remain friends". Literally 8yrs on and they can't shake it. It's fun to 'check in ' on some of them and see what they're posting. It's like when you're dead, you don’t know it - the pain is felt by others. Same thing if you're stupid.
Sadly, in my experience, the libs are soldiering on with their lunacy. I trust that those in the middle have moved to our side, leaving the far lefties alone in the wilderness.
The Dem/Marxists will stop at nothing to try to derail Trump. Their biggest issue right now is that a sizable % of people watching have already seen lie after lie blow up and there will be no more major acceptance by Americans of the lies that the legacy media is spewing day after day. It surprises me that the legacy media still has the number of viewers that they have. I quit watching it 15 years or so ago.
"Was DEI a public ethics exercise or a massive jobs program for incompetents?"
The incompetent (stupid) are easily controlled. Lacking experience in management they perceived it to be license to control others which further eroded the workplace.
When then person in charge lacks the intelligence of their subordinates they become angry and the only thing that motivates them is destruction.
In my former career I worked at a variety of corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships, the federal government and the state government.
Nothing was worse than the idiots I had to deal with at the state level. Mouth-breathers that would never make it in the private sector. No one with a brain stays in these situations so it's the C- crowd left by design to maintain the status quo.
Seems to me the hearings are just performance art. Just a way to look as though our representatives are working for us. Every single one, regardless of info presented in the interrogations have already made up their minds how they will vote. Unless someone can be bought to change at the last minute, After all we do have the very best politicians that money can buy.
I'm impressed with Trump's momentum and how he is handling the deep state. He is issuing executive orders faster than the news cycle itself. The outrage machine barely gets started on one front and Bam! ten other fronts open up.
If the Senate and House were in any way smart they'd get on board with all of this or see their power fall into the hands of the executive branch. As of today, Trump has sucked all the oxygen out of the room.
If we let the blob defeat these candidates they will obstruct everything moving forward. Die on this hill!
Definitely the hill to die on...Trump absolutely needs to make recess appointments of these people if they aren't confirmed, which admittedly requires the Speaker to cooperate, because this obstruction can't be tolerated...
and if the rinoRat Senate (Thune) doesn't recess .... then the Trump"Kitchen Cabinet" comes even more into being following Musk and Homan.
Excellent post! 👍👍 This is really pretty simple stuff when one looks at the big picture. The policies pursued by Democrats are viewed as repulsive 🤮 by most normal people. Consider such doozies as open borders, DEI, boys playing sports against girls and sharing locker rooms with girls, etc. The idea that any of this is normal is nothing short of insane.
Until whatever normals are left in the Democratic Party wrest control of the party from the current lunatic “leaders” the Dem party will continue to slide into oblivion. Seems unlikely to happen any time soon, as people rarely give up power easily.
Combine that with the observation that most Dem leaders are old and inarticulate, compared to the younger, attractive and articulate Republicans and the Dems truly have a mountain to climb if they wish to regain relevance.
They're digging their own grave, and after their performance the last 10 or 15 years, I'm perfectly happy to let them.
Indeed! They’ve forgotten the Rule of Holes - when you’re in a hole, stop digging.
I am in particular attached to RFK, Jr.'s confirmation. As a certifiable senior, I benefit from experience not available to youth and I pray some modicum of wisdom. Bobby's history and career make him perfect for the broken health care system that gave us a flawless failure record in managing our recent "pandemic". The system is so captured it impossible to determine if pharma runs our Government or visa versa. The volume of FDA approved drugs pulled for killing too many people reads like an encyclopedia set. The only health care council offered by the CDC is inject, inject and inject. We have products on grocery store shelves where eating the box or the contents are equally health beneficial. We prophylactically inject our developing infant bodies with some 72 , ( ? ), toxic substances. A status quo HHS boss will simply oil all of the above. RFK, jr. is extremely intelligent and his litigating history against the health harmful has armed him to save us from these travesties.
Yes.. America needs him.. so do we in Canada. We see him on television… we hear what he has to say.. changes here too is needed, and in case no one has noticed.. we most of the time follow. Thanks Bobby.
Canada? What is your opinion about unifying the North American continent under single rule? Latest thing I have seen is the proposal to make Greenland a state, #51. Canada will be between two US states. I saw this AM that Canada is trying to join the EU to counter Trump. Is this latent Trudeau-ism? Does Canada really believe it will be better off with the numbskulls of Europe than associated with the USA? With the WEF? That is pretty dumb! Russia already owns half the circumference of the Arctic, Canada better start realizing they have the other half which will be guarded by perhaps two US states. Hmmmmm?
Oh one more thing..please don’t listen to Trudy.. he’s almost gone.. good riddance
Canada, from the people I know and talk to do not under any circumstances want to become any part of the USA. .. or the EU. We as a country want our sovereignty and have peaceful relations with all. The USA is now negotiating a peace deal with Russia and maybe someday in the future may be come trading partners. Trump appears to like a peaceful world as do I. BTW.. it is nice to have you as neighbours.. can I borrow a cup of sugar?😀🙏😉 Have a good day..
Also heard this AM that a poll of Panamanians have overwhelmingly said that there is no way they will fight the USA for control of the canal. Does this mean we may be fighting China? Maybe swap Taiwan for the canal?
Is there really a chance in hell Canada will pick Chrysta Freeland to succeed Justin Trudeau?
His old hag of a cousin might have torpedoed his nomination. We shall see this coming week.
Disappointed in her for sure..
I haven't stopped smiling in the last 11 days! Did you see Trumps piece on FAA DEI on Fox News? https://ncrenegade.com/trump-on-faa-diversity-requirements/ He absolutely took Mayor Pete to the woodshed. About time. I have the bad luck to live in 'Mayor Pete's' city, and it is so refreshing to see him get called out for his BS.
This is what happens when the only reason one is tapped for a significant position in a Presidential cabinet is because one likes to pack fudge. The man had no business being in the position he was in. He was placed there to destroy. Just like Mayorkas, AKA Gollum, was placed in DHS. To destroy. To bring down the USA, the last bastion with even a semblance of freedom. Everything the Democrats have done was to bring about the destruction of the USA. They were damned successful. Thankfully, a majority of Americans are starting to see through the lies of the media and the celebrity influencers and are ignoring them. Hearing these celebrity blow-hards blubber about Trumps victory or the ICE actions against criminal immigrants (see Selena Gomez) is music to my ears. So far, I love and support what Mr. Trump is doing. I hope he continues it for next four years.
The Democrat Party is simply the Communist Party at this point.
Yes, and the Republican Party late Capitalists.
Don't sell the Republican Party short, they are also the party of closeted, compromised fairies.
People on these threads give too much credit to the Republican Party. I've witnessed a few times when the Republicans held the Presidency and the Congress and did they do anything of the sort that meets the party's mission? Not at all. When they have the power they do not reduce spending, reduce government, end wars, stop printing money, etc. Even Trump didn't do anything to stop the spending madness. I find the Republicans to be even more despicable than the Democrats. At least the Democrats don't hide their lunacy. The Republicans pretend to be something they most definitely ARE NOT. They are hypocrites of the worst order.
There are two parties in DC right now. MAGA and the Deep State. Dems and GOP are so passé.
The Dems have a program to scrub the backgrounds of prospective candidates and place them into Republican primaries. I witnessed this first-hand with my congress critter Kiley who seemed like a solid conservative before getting elected and now is obviously a Democrat. This has been going on for decades. So before throwing "Republicans" out with the bath water, just remember a lot of them are actually Dems. What needs to happen is a much better vetting process so we can spot these infiltrators and flush them down the toilet during the primary process. With Ronna McDaniel out of the picture, this will start to tighten up but will take some time.
You are quite correct that Donald Trump promised to balance the budget last time- and then proceeded to sign off on- not once veto- 4 consecutive TRILLION dollar deficits. But he did try to garner some populist-cred by hanging the portrait of a man who did in fact balance 8 straight budgets and leave the U.S. $0.00 In debt when he left office: Andrew Jackson. A man who, unlike Trump did not take millions from the crypto industry and then pander to them (Jackson would be rolling in his grave at the mention of "digital currency"- and so should everyone here.
Nancy Graham comes to mind.
There are too many to name. Remember when Larry Craig took a "wide stance" in the bathroom?
Unfortunately it's a slim majority that will drag out the corrections that must be made to reverse the slide into destruction.
I did a Google search, and there are only 12 moderate democrats in the entire country. Don't expect the democrat party (or voter) to change any time soon.
Yeah, I guess Mayor Pete was pretty hot over that, too, calling his comments (and Trump himself, no doubt) despicable. But the record speaks for itself.
I guess you might want to ask East Palestine Ohio what they think of “mayor pete”.
Yeah, after that belated visit, and then all the predictable comments by the faithful blaming Trump for cutting the regulations
Regulations bad! Toxic chemicals are good for people.
Why Biden didn't reinstate them, then, is beyond me.
After four years in Washington, you'd think he'd have a thicker skin.
Pete’s replacement is an actor. I’m still waiting for the call.
That actor was my congressman, and a good one. Very pro-MAGA. pro-family, as well. Had lunch with him, once, as well as with his predecessor, Dave "longest-serving" Obey, and I know which one came across as a hack and a poseur, and it wasn't the MTV actor.
I meant the Dept of Transportation Sec got an actor since Pete left.
Probably better an actor than a politician who failed at being a mayor.
I've heard that Mayor Pete is considering running for a senate seat in Michigan, or the governorship.
In Michigan he might have a good chance of winning.
In Michigan he's got to deal with the Muslim vote, and we know how they feel about gays
You mean the sodomites? They should be called what they are.
"and we know how they feel about gays"
The same way that every major religion felt about them until a couple decades ago?
I believe they still throw gay people off rooftops in some Muslim countries.
Democrats have cheating down to a science here.
Your governor is a uniquely evil woman. She's like the High Priestess of Abortion manifest.
You forgot to mention our AG and SOS. Together they comprise the Vagina Mafia. Truly evil women.
The Lansing Coven?
Gotta check for KY jelly on that seat, ‘fore you sit on it.
Mayor Pete has all that Chest Feeding expertise and knowledge to parcel out to the ignorant masses. I can picture Mayor Pete as President of a company that manufactures Chest Feeding apparatus ... and marketing it at Pride Paredes coast to coast.
The Democrat swine love to call President Trump vindictive for wishing to drain the Swamp. The Democrat Party is far more vindictive than Trump could ever be, and the Democrat Party levels its most vile, wicked vindictiveness toward the American people--the people that the Democrats had hoped to subjugate into a slave state governed by a dictatorial Democrat elite--but those people said, "Nope, I don't think that we're going to let you do that." Democrat elites are too full of themselves to understand that the people that they have continually fucked over during both the Obama and Biden years just might want some revenge--especially when "revenge" means stripping Democrat tyrants of their ability to fuck Americans over ever again. Trump received a large plurality of votes in the 2024 election because his voters knew that he intended to beat the Democrat elite and the Swamp into a political pulp. And, now, the more that the Democrat elite tries to hogtie Trump and his appointees, it will just make him more determined to exact the tons of political flesh out of them that they deserve to lose. The Democrats just got a taste of that from Trump yesterday--stonewall my pick to head the FBI--fine, I just fired the whole upper echelon of the agency. Oh, by the way, Patel was a pretty nice guy, wait to you see who I pick next to run the FBI if you don't confirm him. Trump is now fully playing "Fuck Around and Find Out." The Democrats just keep Fucking Around, and they are going to discover that the "Find Out" is more brutal than they can possibly imagine. And the Democrats deserve to get the Find Out part--good and hard.
What the Democrats did to Trump is called “vindictiveness”. What Trump will now do to the Democrats will be called “justice”.
Even little people get to find out. Some Hispanic construction worker bad mouthed Trump on camera, and they came and got him.
We're now living in Fascist Russia - and that's a good thing.
Such bullshit! What a surprise.
1 Timothy 6:10. "For the love of money [that is, the greedy desire for it and the willingness to gain it unethically] is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves [through and through] with many sorrows."
Not only the politicians, but also the thinking class who love to impress people with their "knowledge" and "status" - things that money can buy. This also applies to those in lower classes who don't think they have enough.
I think those who live in the real world with some semblance of being satisfied with what they have, who have worked for what they have, are the normal ones who are not blinded by money/evil.
"He who knows he has enough, is rich." ~ Unknown
Ron, remember that at the upper crust the motivator is not money, it is power. Money is the key to power.
True, John, absolutely.
Capitalism's ethos: Greed is good. And advertising helps convince people to buy these good things not made in America with money they don't have.
And Trump wants to make those “good things” in America. The Deep State wants no part of that, they lose control if people become able to take care of their own needs without government help. I do understand you want no part of that either.
Janos - very well said, and the little money they do have is from China buying our debt.
Which is coming to a close.
Yep, they're on to the trick, being paid back in cheaper dollars. Just like my contributions to SS in 1975 dollars - they now want to pay me in 2025 dollars.
As you know, they've been scaling out of US Treasuries for a long time - if they bail, too much, too soon, they cut their own throat.
"the thinking class who love to impress people with their "knowledge" and "status" - things that money can buy."
Yes, money can buy even "knowledge" and "status." How else can you explain that a man who specializes in producing computer software is now an expert on immunizations and control of the human population? Unfortunately, we as the regular type of people make this happen. In America, or in the world for that matter, when someone manages to acquire an ungodly amount of wealth we as a people place that individual on a pedestal. Suddenly, because they are wealthy, they know everything. Their opinion counts and matters. And, for some reason, millions of people listen to them.
The only difference between a billionaire and a regular middle class joe or jane is the billionaire has a bigger microphone. They still eat, drink, sleep and shit just like the rest of us.
And then there's Greta Thunberg. A whole nother story!
She's a strange anomaly that cannot quite be explained.
Greta's a fucking hero when it comes to Palestine.
Why? Because she found a new grift?
She is a poster child for the WEF and the AGW crowd. A child can up-stage anyone. She is disappearing because she is no longer a child and the farther we get from Gore’s stupid predictions, the less effect the AGW folks have.
Q would know why it is called “filthy lucre”.
Money talks and the people walks...
"Was it the miasma of cognitive dissonance blackening the air-space over the DC swamp that caused the deadly collision of AA Flight 5342 and a Blackhawk Helicopter this week..."
Yes, likely it was and as usual the innocent and very young paid the price. Just like they do when they are given as their welcome to the world, a needle in their thigh to start their life-long attachment to the medical industry.
What I found particularly ghoulish was the female senator who looked like she spent the night with Dracula tried ever so hard to get Bobby to agree that Stem Cell research from FETAL TISSUE was vital and saved the lives of her constituents. The way he delivered his comment, "You can get stem cells from the umbilical cord, you don't need Fetal Tissue" was priceless as he was visibly disgusted by that woman.
I would say it was her and her cronies "SSRI's are absolutely safe". Vaccines are absolutely safe"
And their contestant SAY IT SAY IT.
They tried to get each of them to bend a knee and they wouldn't.
I so appreciate how you boil things down to the simplest and clearest view of what is happening. I agree 100%.
All in all I have never been so pleased in my entire life that all the bottled up feeling of how everything was just so unjust and insane is being made so clear by these people.
Trump at the presser yesterday was brilliant. DEI has literally killed people, we all knew it was a killer these past 4 years, but now at the expense of 67 beautiful souls, the press and all the country gets to look up from their chores, and their busy lives to really understand the impact.
Found the person who's never heard of hemorrhaghic disease of the newborn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_K_deficiency_bleeding
That "needle in the thigh" is Vitamin K.
Shades of New Orleans - could a helo pilot have been turned? Was it intentional? How the hell does a helo go from 200 to 350 feet in 3 miles and head right or a landing zone for a major airport. How can Atc be the cause if there were no communications recorded?
Is ATC not in contact at all times with both civilian and military aircraft operating in that airspace? Why was flight separation not maintained?
Great post. Hopefully they will be able to next remove the punishment fine for hard work AKA income tax and put Americans back to producing and proudly seeing MADE IN USA instead of Hecho en Mexico and Made in China in everything sold in Walmart, Home Depot and on Amazon. I personally hand make leather products and heard that big sucking sound Perot warned about NAFTA.
Outstanding, James. You detail the current zeitgeist perfectly. Sometimes, good does prevail over evil.
The ridiculous theatrics of Senators seeking to hold Tulsi Gabbard accountable for her statements about Snowden, is the ultimate deflection and hypocrisy, when they gave no oversight to the NSA or the other intelligence agencies.
Snowden shouldn't have had to do their job for them, but the traitorous global scum collect their cheques and loot, stalk and openly murder and imprison the American people. And American citizens are not holding their govt accountable either. The corruption runs so deep, it is unknown how many employees and sub contractors work for the Feds(estimates are about 20 million) and the best guesses about how many federal agencies there are, is about 500.
I'm sorry to say this bureaucratic monster will likely be the downfall of the Republic, it's just a matter of time.
Imagine if Trump had had the balls to pardon Snowden and Assange. But he didn't and now we have this.
Same with Assange!
What did Snowden do but expose the Deep State for the Big Brother entity that it is? Is he a traitor as the Deep State says, or a savior for the American people, telling them what is going on?
Sorta the same questions as January 6, Don cha think?
“The corruption in all this has been supernatural, and the fact that, until late 2024, seventy-million Democratic Party American voters thought this was all okay is extra-supernatural. What happened to their minds?”
This is a reasonable question, addressed by a pair of important books. In 1896 Gustave le Bon pondered the bizarre events following the French Revolution and wrote The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. He concluded that occasionally societies collectively run off the rails – suffering mass insanity, with appalling consequences.
Building upon le Bon’s premise, in 2022 Mathias Desmet published The Psychology of Totalitarianism, coining the term “Mass Formation (Psychosis)” to describe this phenomenon. Among the causal factors identified by Desmet is exploitation of individual insecurity, caused by social isolation.
Draconian isolation, enforced during the Covid scare, provided ideal circumstances for subjecting the populace – already feeling insecure about a manufactured plague – to the most comprehensive and sophisticated program of propaganda ever contrived. The Blob capitalized on this giant experiment by inoculating the populace with the damnedest bunch of ridiculous ideas ever sold.
Having successfully demonstrated proof of concept for imposing totalitarian control of the American public, with free expression of objections outlawed, one can easily imagine the scenarios for building upon that experiment that The Blob concocted and was eagerly preparing to implement, had it won our recent election.
A more simple explanation would be just two words. "Group Think." A very dangerous phenomenon.
That's ever present. But periodically it's get weaponized and overcomes the real individuals upon who society depends.
Two words don't explain "why," which is the question posed by Jim in the first place.
One of the best features on Facebook for the delusional TDS-stricken folks in my circle is "Stop seeing posts but remain friends". Literally 8yrs on and they can't shake it. It's fun to 'check in ' on some of them and see what they're posting. It's like when you're dead, you don’t know it - the pain is felt by others. Same thing if you're stupid.
Sadly, in my experience, the libs are soldiering on with their lunacy. I trust that those in the middle have moved to our side, leaving the far lefties alone in the wilderness.
I keep seeing posts from my TDS friends that Mysk & co. are trying to cut social security benefits and/or Medicare, is that true or just fake news?
The Dem/Marxists will stop at nothing to try to derail Trump. Their biggest issue right now is that a sizable % of people watching have already seen lie after lie blow up and there will be no more major acceptance by Americans of the lies that the legacy media is spewing day after day. It surprises me that the legacy media still has the number of viewers that they have. I quit watching it 15 years or so ago.
VIVA Trump.
"Was DEI a public ethics exercise or a massive jobs program for incompetents?"
The incompetent (stupid) are easily controlled. Lacking experience in management they perceived it to be license to control others which further eroded the workplace.
When then person in charge lacks the intelligence of their subordinates they become angry and the only thing that motivates them is destruction.
In my former career I worked at a variety of corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships, the federal government and the state government.
Nothing was worse than the idiots I had to deal with at the state level. Mouth-breathers that would never make it in the private sector. No one with a brain stays in these situations so it's the C- crowd left by design to maintain the status quo.
When all consuming ambition exceeds talent the result is often crime.
Imagine how great it will be when everything is private. No public lands, certainly not beaches. The Rich own everything - Heaven!
The rich own everything whether its public or private.
Seems to me the hearings are just performance art. Just a way to look as though our representatives are working for us. Every single one, regardless of info presented in the interrogations have already made up their minds how they will vote. Unless someone can be bought to change at the last minute, After all we do have the very best politicians that money can buy.
I'm impressed with Trump's momentum and how he is handling the deep state. He is issuing executive orders faster than the news cycle itself. The outrage machine barely gets started on one front and Bam! ten other fronts open up.
If the Senate and House were in any way smart they'd get on board with all of this or see their power fall into the hands of the executive branch. As of today, Trump has sucked all the oxygen out of the room.
... and gave it to Larry Ellison.