One year ago, could anyone have thought that Kash Patel would be FBI Director and Dan Bongino would be his Deputy Director?

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Also heard that Kash Patel is taking over the ATF as well as FBI.

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Interim Director

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Interim Director Kash Patel should obliterate the ATF as his first act.

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02/24/25: Perfect. Fold what's left of it into the FBI.

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Nope. Gonna miss his show though.

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I think/hope they have a good replacement for him in the interim.

Please no one that will just dissolve the show into a mess. There are only a few people I believe that can replace him.... that I would respect, otherwise I will be very angry.

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"Joy" Reid: If I don't get this job, you can cook your own Thanksgiving dinner!"

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I volunteer!

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I had Trump winning back in 2021, but anything beyond that would have required being Nostradamus!

Kunstler: "Those investigations will require a whole dedicated division of new FBI agents while Kash Patel attends to the latest grifts uncovered ... the threats against public order and safety posed by countless military-aged illegal aliens ushered into the country by 'Joe Biden' and Alejandro Mayorkas..."

To wit (just in today): https://breannamorello.substack.com/p/exclusive-tsa-under-biden-focused?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=996221&post_id=157812393&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=10j5hz&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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After the extremely obvious election fraud of 2020, when we all went to bed seeing Trump the clear winner and waking up to "fortified" election results, I couldn't figure out what would come next...

Until Trump backed off on fighting the obvious election fraud. Then it occurred to me that his plan was to accumulate evidence and use it after soundly winning the next election in spite of the Demo-fraudsters, because the Democrats would cause so much shit in everyone's lives. Which they did, under "Joe Biden" (actually Klain and Zients). And here we are. Very much like "Return of the Jedi".

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TX, LA, southern border states heavily represented but no one in the media makes a peep

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My question regards the future of Matt Gaetz. He should show up somewhere in a position of authority.

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Capitol Campus womens volleyball coach?

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Reply to Jeff keener re:role for Matt gaerz.

Head of capitol police to prosecute those who set up the capitol crimes leading to the j6 frame-ups.

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02/24/25: Perfect!

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I'm okay with that.

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Right, where did Matt go?

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He likes girls before 20. That's when they're the most beautiful! So yes, such a smart man should stride the corridors of power.

Remember Buck chiding me for not liking oldsters like Meryl Streep? Now, that's conditioning. She is of course, a very fine actress. A beautiful woman in her time as well, a time that has passed.....

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Please go away

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02/24/25: Agreed. I'm reasonably certain that Trump is just bidding his time before he brings Gaetz back. Make him the Ambassador to Great Britain (screw "UK") in charging of mocking Starmer and Lammy Monday through Friday.

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The pace at which Trump is dismantling the blob is even too fast for reaction. The only obstacle that is helping to slow the pace of defeat is the entrenched judiciary. Kash and Dan will shock and awe the blob with indictments of some notable judges and congressmen soon. Stay Tuned and grab the popcorn.

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They need to conduct their own shock and awe, and fast. Half of any action is the incoming message. Trump’s Troops need to be quick and politically deadly.

Bongino is genius.

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Yes. Patel & Bongino were a couple of fringe alt-media types as they told truth as a couple of lone voices in the wilderness. Look at them now!

We all (not just alt but EVERYONE) knew that there was something shady as Congressman after Congresswoman after Senator arrived in DC with a net worth of bupkis and then turned a $200k/year income into tens of millions net worth ten and twenty years later. "That's just the way it is" ... until it isn't!

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Actually Patel was a Federal trial attorney with DOJ, senior counsel to the Joint Special Operations Command, and senior counsel on counterterrorism to the House Intelligence Committee. Bongino was with the NYPD and later the Secret Service.

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In a perfect world, there would be no Indians living in America. Certainly none in politics or positions of any power.

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In an even more perfect world there wouldn’t be any racist bigots living in our country, but here you are!

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Try to become a citizen of India, slick. You'll be laughed out of the office. You're a joke.

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Patel: Israel should be our first priority. He's MIGA. Make India great again by making Israel great again. You can't advance without at least preteding to care about the latter.

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True, unquestioning support for both Israel and Pfizer are still required to advance in US politics, even under Trump.

This is corruption.

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Right ... but more recently they were both alt media voices telling truth to relatively small audiences. In fact, most people had never heard of them until they were alt voices during the "Joe Biden" Administration.

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02/24/25: True, and yet, somehow, they were treated as "fringe alt-media types." The payback is truly going to be a b*tch.

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Does any JHK reader happen to know the net worth of the Senator for Boeing (D) from Washington State. Patty Murray. The little lady in tennis shoes, a preschool teacher who was elected to the Senate in 1992.

Never met a defense spending bill she disapproved of.

Now 32-years later, with Patrick Leahy's retirement, Murray became the Senate President pro tempore in the 118th Congress, becoming the first female to hold the position in history.

Reported missing in her home State of Washington.

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This link estimates Patty Murray's net worth at $2,880,000.


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From OpenSecrets.org $7,439,811 in 2024.

They intentionally obfuscate their holdings.

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The Democrats are already planning their next political “slash and burn” project for the midterms next November so in their pea brains they can “take over the House and Senate” and put the brakes on Trump’s clean-up.

If Trump has secured a peace in foreign affairs and made a huge dent in the Democrats’ folly, I predict next November will be the final stake in the Democrat Party.

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"Next November" (2025), or November 2026?

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I do not mind the judiciary gently applying the brakes. That's the purpose of the least dangerous branch.

Causing everything to screech to a halt?

Not so much.

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Right, but many of these judges were planted in their spots, specifically to resist the tear down efforts that are going on now. For example, take the federal judge in RI. His wife runs a non-profit that took USAID money. She pays herself a 6 fig salary, drives luxury cars and the judge benefits from this arrangement too, we would have to think. Only 3% of her USAID money goes to her "cause".

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Yeah, many charities are a con job. You can get information on all of them on the internet, google charities.

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I hate everything that refers to itself as a "judge." Why are they better than anyone else? Why are they judges? Because they hold a fancy law degree from an Ivy League propaganda school? Run all of them out of office.

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I'm not so sure about that, Anon. Since federal judges are largely political appointees with lifetime tenure, and the Supreme Court able to nix legislation on purely political 5-4 votes, the Judiciary has the potential to be the most dangerous, unaccountable branch of government.

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The role of the judiciary today has been “assumed” by them over the decades. Their function is not in the Constitution, their existence is given as a Congressional mandate, if needed.

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No. Judges don't rule from the bench.

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I couldn't agree with you more....the fish rots from the head (No Joke eh Joe Biden) a couple of dozen fish heads on the deck in the next month will have blobsters and their attorneys lined up like Tysons Corner traffic looking for plea deals.

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"The pace at which Trump is dismantling the blob is even too fast for reaction." ~ Mark

... and it is not just on the national front:

Alastair Crooke : Political Implosion in Israel and Political Earthquake in Germany.


... so, the question is: Who is Trump's Deep State?

The Heritage Foundation?

Project 2025?

The John Birch Society?

How far up the pyramid does it go?

Xi has a vision of being the ruler of the world. Does Trump have this vision as well, or does he just plan on sharing the stage with other world leaders?

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Bibi was a spiritual son of the Habad Rebbe. Trump went to a memorial a few years ago and wore a kippah. Has he become a son as well? Thus the younger brother of Bibi?

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CBS (Complete Bull 💩) continues to be a leader in the suicide of the left. Long after all rational beings have realized that the left is dishonest, intolerant and incompetent, CBS continues the facade of believing they have relevance in the world of media. It’s becoming so silly that most of these self anointed elites are increasingly viewed as comic book characters.

More importantly, as JK points out, the sledge hammer of disclosure, prosecution and incarceration looms over the heads of many left wing miscreants. Get your popcorn 🍿 now and be ready for the premiers of the Kash Patel Show, the Dan Bongino Show and the Pam Bondi Show. Don’t forget about the upcoming episodes of the hit Elon Musk Show. Who let the DOGEs out? This will be glorious.

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I saw it somewhere else, in a comment I think:


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Shock and awe, just to knock them down a peg or two. Trump’s Troops need a media outlet that is neutrally biased or even biased Right. Then they must weed out the Left biased judiciary at the federal and state level. They can start in Arizona.

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And still, there are millions who tune in to watch this worthless tripe. At least I can say I am not one of them. I have never wasted a single second of my life watching 60 Minutes. I am proud of that achievement.

I predict not a single one of these fuckers will be incarcerated. I also predict that every one of those Congress critters who entered Congress as pre-school teachers and baristas but now are worth millions will keep every ill-earned cent and will still keep their retirement benefits. Sorry. I've been black pilled for too long.

I've listened to snippets of Mr. Bongino. I always liked what I heard from him. Will he deliver now that he has power? That is yet to be seen.

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Great name btw NothingButNet, my buddy Hoopy Cat would approve!

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JHK, the proof will be in the pudding...The past attempts at rendering justice against the Washington DC crew has always resulted in a big fat goose egg...When the DOGE activities result in legitimate prosecutions people may start to believe...but for now everything is Hot Air...The bitterness that so many Americans feel toward Congress and those who have become multimillionaires is at a high level...but in the famous words of Larry Holmes (who invested his winnings) the best way to hurt someone who is Rich is to make them poor again...It's not just about the large amounts of money but it will be about making these people (if guilty) Poor again...

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Poor and imprisoned.

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How about "poor and homeless."

To imprison them makes them wards of the taxpayers. I have done nothing to be charged taxes for the sustenance of these evildoers. Nothing. Prison punishes those who must pay to maintain the prisons. Take everything from them, push them out on the streets and let them figure it out like the rest of us have to.

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Unfortunately, the justifiable anger many Americans feel toward the deep state is offset to some degree by the irrational hatred several other Americans have for Donald Trump.

I commend the actions being taken by the Trump Administration, even knowing there is some collateral damage. The patient is very ill, and the tainted parts must be removed, even at the cost nearby decent tissue.

However, as an objective observer of reality, I can see that's it's just a matter of time before the Zionist Project of Greater Israel (and the crimes thereof, always conveniently painted out of the news landscape), a smoldering fire of America's making, becomes a raging fire that consumes the Trump Administration, and devours and destroys the USA (or, if you prefer, to be more precise, RAPIDLY accelerates the USA's relative decline as a world power into an epic unraveling, which in conjunction with our hollowed-out, debt-ridden economy, upends our country).

Still, I am enjoying the squealing cries of the establishment mainstream media for now, while it lasts.

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"However, as an objective observer of reality, I can see that's it's just a matter of time before the Zionist Project of Greater Israel (and the crimes thereof, always conveniently painted out of the news landscape), a smoldering fire of America's making, becomes a raging fire that consumes the Trump Administration, and devours and destroys the USA (or, if you prefer, to be more precise, RAPIDLY accelerates the USA's relative decline as a world power into an epic unraveling, which in conjunction with our hollowed-out, debt-ridden economy, upends our country)." ~ SocratesDetroit

That is the obvious conclusion, but given that which has transpired over the last 30 days, I wouldn't bet on it. Open your mind to other perspectives.

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We're ruled by an alien people. Trump is just more of the same. The great golden Golem of Gotham.

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Semitism create antisemitism.

Antisemitism is then used to justify semitism.

It's always been this way and always will be.

Aside from his unconditional business as usual with respect to Israel, Trump is doing a lot of GREAT things. So I'm optimistic.

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Greek clarity until your last sentence. The Golem is being given a bath and some good meals after generations of abuse. Once strong (young White guys are already streaming back into the military), what use will our strength be put to? Something to our own benefit? Golems by definition have no interests or rights.

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KISS. Ritter claims otherwise.

Scott Ritter : Do the Russians Want Peace?


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"When the DOGE activities result in legitimate prosecutions people may start to believe"

You described me perfectly. When I see these dogs finally being stripped of their wealth and the wealth returned to the taxpayers in the form of refund checks, when I see them being perp walked into detention centers, when I read about them suffering beatings in prison, then, maybe then, will I start to believe.

I appreciate JHK's writings but read them with a slight apprehension that nothing is going to be done, that this is all fluff. Or like you say, "hot air."

I have nothing but disdain, loathing and contempt for people who run for Congress or any other political office. The very fact that they "want" to be there tells me all I need to know about that individual.

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Their attorney's bills will make them poor. Remember, "Nobody knows you when you're down and out."

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With too many Demoncraps and other lowlife types calling for violence against Musk and basically any other person threatening their grifting and even treason, I hope security has been tightened up around President Trump and all that are serving him. These creepy-crawlies in general do not have the balls to attack, but they do have their storm troopers, antifa and blm, to do their dirty work. If that fails, the same people who set up the two attempted assassinations of President Trump can be called on again to do their dirty work. These are desperate outlaws posing as good citizens and must be outed as the corrupt people they are. In the meantime, stay locked and loaded for any surprises the Demoncraps may be planning.

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This is very easy to fix.

Order them be taken into custody for promoting violence it is after all illegal.

With warrant in hand kick down their door at 3 am and arrest them publicly with media in hand.

Warrant to include seizing all electronic devices capable of communication right up to some of these new refrigerators and anything capable of storing data.

Then put them on trial and when found guilty they should be sentenced to six months in jail and when out community service for at least one thousand hours picking up trash on the side of the road.

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"sentenced to six months in jail"

Not punishment enough, Ben. We need to bring back hard labor camps where these people bust open rocks for 10-12 hours a day for 6 months. That'll get them thinking after the first offense.

Jail isn't a deterrent anymore.

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But public humiliation is most of these people would rather slit their wrists than have the media show up as they are arrested and then after jail time be forced to pick up trash on the side of the road for 1,000 man hours.

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Find out who fired the shot that killed Corey Comperatore and it will all unravel. The bullet, the weapon and the shooter will lead right to the top. The destruction of the evidence will lead right to the top. No Way Out.

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When I learned of Dan Bongino becoming FBI Deputy Director, the only thing I could think of to say was, "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Same with Joy Reid getting pink-slipped. It appears that the Facebook wine-aunts will have material to keep them shrieking for months if not years.

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"(Nobody axed me, but I approve!)" ~ JHK

Tsk, tsk, Jim, this is raycis.

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…the moment I wait for—the one line…

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Exactly, Miriamnae, no one delivers better - one of his many talents.

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Worse, it's punny.

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Did you mean phunny?

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Careful, you're flirting with the no-puns rule!

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Ron lives on the edge.

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He won't mind as it supports his writing and if he does it will be a knuckle rap at best.

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Maybe I should have added /s but I don't do that. It should be obvious.

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No sarcasm does not come across well in written form and he does REALLY have heartburn with puns.

I have had my knuckles wrapped at least once over them in the last fifteen years.

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Shame Ronald, shame... What's rayciss is your attempted appropriation of the beautiful language of African-american english.

Actually, we are (undeservedly) blessed with no less than six distinct, beautiful, African-american languages in this evil rayciss country. (Hat tip to the legendary sage Ta-Nehisi Coates for that precious morsel of knowledge.)

But it was a joy to see Reid go down. (I don't even watch TV and I know what she is.)

And Dan Bongino?! I was already impressed listening to Kash Patel - didn't expect to be, but was. But Dan Bongino? FBI? Wow.

Well if Trump's gonna hire a guy like Bongino, I have a few more suggestions: Jeffrey Sachs, Douglas McGregor, Scott Ritter, Katherine Austin Fitts... And more...

Maybe Trump 2.0 will be different than the first version. Let's see "DOGE" take down some Republicans - they have played their role in destroying this country too.

I could even see Trump win the Nobel Peace Prize - if he plays his cards right. (Mr. Trump, don't know how? Give me a call - Elon has my number.)

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yeah, except "Nobel" is tarnished as hell. Like "Pulitzer". they all went way too far

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Trump 2.0 doesn't appear to be as politically naive as Trump 1.0.

Finger's crossed.

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Bird - always enjoy your input. BTW, I did read your comment weeks back but dropped the ball on responding. Sorry.

Ebonics you mean, one of Jim's most salient points - said many times over the years - nothing has held blacks back more than failure to teach and learn command of the Queen's English. True dat. (appropriated)

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"I did read your comment weeks back..." Yes, our conversations tend to veer off-topic and transcend threads.

"...nothing has held blacks back more than failure to teach and learn command of the Queen's English." That and the notion that they deserve to be given what anyone else would have to work for.

They have had their minds captured by the leftists intent on destroying civilization. The same is true for one-third to one-half the white population in this country too. And many of those brainwashed whites think that aping black culture is superior to tired old (articulate) white culture. Whoever is behind this, congratulations, you have almost completely destroyed the United States.

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Dude, c'mon. You're missing the black and white, the common denominator. Dan is a hardcore Zionist, Doug isn't. Scott is a vehement anti-Zionist. Poor Kash said, Israel is our first priority. Two fold MIGA. Israeli nationalism to benefit his own Indian people?

I'll say this: You seldom miss the mark so greatly.

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Thought I'd get you to bite. Go back and look at my recommendations. You've already approved Scott and Douglas.

Yes, adherence to Zionism seems to be a prerequisite for a position in the Trump administration. And that is why I think this big beautiful balloon of hope and change will ultimately come crashing down in an apocalyptic war with Iran.

We've got a lot of trash to take out. If the garbageman is in a different cult than I am (alas, my cult is too insignificant to grab the levers of power), I'll deal with it as long as he picks up the trash and puts it where it belongs.

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Dis be raycis.

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Nova once took me to task for just this word. But now the Master has approved it!

Look at that Congoid face. Do you really believe we can ever live with these people?

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Sarcasm. No. Nothing wrong, and everything right with separate cultures. They've enriched us enough already. /s

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I was listening to .38 Special this weekend. Great band. Are you a fan? I assume you are, given your taste in music.

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Love them, Hold on Loosely a favorite. Jeff Carlisi an original guitar player with Donnie's band, lives about a mile away from me. He keeps a pretty low profile. He gave my brother an old polaroid picture of the boys in a place in Jax he called the "Hell Hole" - I think where they used to practice. Classic, has most members of Skynyrd - Ronnie with a pistol tucked in his waistband, for "killing snakes". DM me with a number if you want and I'll text you a copy.

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A new awakening is happening in America right before our eyes . Some will gasp in horror as they learn of the betrayals of our political leaders + department heads ( FBI-CIA-DHS-NIH -DoE-IRS) along with a lot of other people who willingly participated in deceiving the American people ! RETRIBUTION WILL BE THE CRY OF THE DAY !

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Beautifully stated, Justin. And to make it even more wonderful, we now have sitting at the Resolute Deck a man who doesn't know the meaning of the word deceit. America, re-greatened!

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Bless his heart, John, he doesn't know the meaning of the word capitulate either.

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Yes, Ron. That’s true. Or concupiscent. But would you expect any less from a man as manly as he? And smart? They don’t come any smarter!

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Yes, John. Most all of his female Cabinet appointees and his female attorneys are smoke shows. I used to think he was just trolling the left, what with their frumpy cat-lady, wine-box drinking women, or rabid lesbian females, but I think he's just following his biological imperative.

He's obviously a high-testosterone male. There are a few of us left. I for one, will not miss one Tulsi Gabbard press conference, and honestly, would rather see her surfing than see Trump playing golf, but that's just me.

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Ron, remember one thing about Tulsi and RFKJ, they both want revenge against the Ult-Left Wokesters for stealing their party. Attitude will be huge in the next year. RFKJ is talking about looking at the big picture with childhood vaccinations, what are they actually doing to kids across the board. Easily said, how many kids are being “sacrificed” with side effects “for the public good”.

I am hoping that his modus operandi is to uncover the lies that Medicine and the government have dropped on us.

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Just in time to save my three-year-old granddaughter.

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Let me watch Kristi Noem go on ICE raids in those tight blue jeans any day, any time. Damn that woman is fine. Tulsi ain't bad either. Pam Bondi she's on that list too. Conservative women always look better than the angry "man hating" leftist bitch. Who was that conservative floozy from Colorado that got caught on tape letting her date fondle her breasts after getting kicked out of a theater?

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Check out two of DJT's lawyers, Alina Hubba and Ashleigh Merchant, both Florida Girls like Pam Bondi (one of his former lawyers). All else being equal, who wants to sit in court all day with a 5, why not a 10? Makes sense to me.

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Lauren Burbidge? Boebert? Easy on the eyes. Morally bankrupt.

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Then we have something on which we can agree. I’d rather see almost anything than a Trump press conference, or a Trump anything. If he’s genuinely manly, I’m the starting point guard for the Miami Heat. A real man doesn’t go into little name-calling tantrums whenever he’s criticized, or, less than that, disagreed with. Trump is a tragically neglected/bullied child in the body of a man whose idea of exercise is putting his golf cart into gear. He’s a fraud in every way a person can be.

The women of the left are much hotter than their Nazi-lite counteraparts, Ron. I know this from experience. :-)

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AOC isn't bad looking and she has a terrific figure. Then she smiles and shows off those horse teeth. As long as she keeps the smile under control she's easy on the eyes. Can't think of any others, though. Patty Murray? Good God! Liz Warren? Maybe 30 years ago. Liz Cheney? She'd make a good Miss Piggy for a real life muppets movie (there's an idea for you Disney!).

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You tell 'em John.

Want to know how a REAL MAN acts? Go on over to YouTube and grab yourself a few clips of Sleepy Joe.

And those leftist hotties - couldn't agree more! Big Mike, Fauxcahontas, the Hildebeast, Kackles, Maddow, Joyless Reid... Mmmm mmmm! Toss em all into a pool filled with whipped cream and gimme a couple jugs o' rot gut - or maybe just a hammer to the old brain pan (the way Nancy Pelosi's old man enjoys it).

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Please name one. I'll wait.

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And what of the $36 trillion debt burden? America, re-greatened? Maybe. But until we figure out the finances, how to cut spending, and work on bringing this hard to understand debt burden down, I don't know how America can be great again.

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At the current moment half of America is slowly recovering from a bout of cognitive dissonance.

It will soon go long term and some if not many may never fully recover. Especially in the hardest hit areas of Academia and publicly funded research.

There could be a new niche market for first responders and of course big pharma for de-programming aids. Maybe home therapy robots or genetically engineered service animals.

Just spit-ballin' here...

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Some of them must be deprogrammed like cult members but many are so far gone they should just be Psych evaled 5150 and committed.

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Ironically there's never been anything remotely joyful about Joy Reid. Funny that.

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There is starting to be a backlash in the form of defamation suits against the Leftist asshats in the media. Then they must View is going away and Big Mouth, nasty individuals are getting sued. Defamation is hopefully going to enter politics, clobbering those that think they can lie and get away with it.

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Defamation, to prevail in court, hinges upon provable monetary damages.

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MSM is for the dead and those who fear the dead.

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The "Walking Dead" has become a reality TV show.

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I fear the Blob will not die without a violent response. It has never been this close to that breaking point and it has been violent in past.

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Since I haven’t watch Lamestream news in a long time, last night while channel surfing during a break from the NBA game I clicked on 60 minutes just as Scott P was getting into his latest report. And it was a doozy. But while it was shocking to see how much he’s aged since my last viewing, the thing that hit me the hardest was the fact that many people would watch this insanity and become joyful that the “good guys” on the left side are totally in control. After all they are Democracy’s last hope against the tyranny that we all must stand up against.

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What will trigger reality? Or do we have to deal with a civil war?

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It truly is hard to see how the DNC Crime Syndicate will survive the year. They have become our October 1945 NAZI Party--banned.

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Please don't become too Irrationally Exuberant, Robert. If the D-party dies, which I find highly doubtful, (the R-team has only slim majorities in both Houses), it will be replaced by something similar, maybe even more radical. The country is still 50-50. Too many people are riding in the wheelbarrow and not enough are pulling it.

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There is no R team, only the MAGA team. 1/3 of the former GOP are against MAGA and like the Dems are on their heels. We still have Kentucky, Alaska and Maine in the Senate though. They need to be primaried, and soon.

The formation of the next generation of political parties should be interesting. IMHO, many moderate Dems are going to join RFKJ and Tulsi in the MAGA party. Many nutty RINO types are going to join the Ult-Left. Already underway.

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And easily 1/3 will just go with the winner, be it MAGA or Blob.

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Yeah, that is a concept that many on these threads don't seem to grasp. The Republican majorities are super thin. Trumps wins in the swing states were super thin. Half the Country are still Democrats and still supporting Democrat causes. My in-laws, gun carrying, abortion hating Democrats, agree.

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Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha!!!

No one "axed" me either!

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Oh no.. how horrible… why am I not surprised.. they live in a different world, even though their culture is ions older than ours…

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Look, Israel is special. Israelis can, and do, kill Palestinians with impunity. And a lot of Americans agree, and think they should be able to do so in the US.

I like today's essay, I really do. However, as an objective observer of reality, I can see that's its just a matter of time before Zionist Project of Greater Israel, a smoldering fire of America's making, becomes a raging fire that consumes the Trump Administration, and devours and destroys the USA (or, if you prefer, RAPIDLY accelerates the US relative decline as a world power).

Look at what the US media ignored: two Jews were shot last week in Miami. Why did the pro-Israeli, always on the prowl for antisemitism US media ignore the story? The two victims, both survived, lightly wounded. Almost immediately, they took to Facebook to bray loudly about anti-Semitism.

Was it anti-Semitism, or justifiable homicide? After all, the USA has spent billions of our tax money to arm and enable Israel to kill thousands of Palestinian civilians. What's the big deal?

Mordechai Brafman, 27, opened fire with a semiautomatic handgun at a vehicle as it passed. Brafman allegedly fired 17 times... While in custody, Brafman spontaneously told detectives that while he was driving his truck, “he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both”, arrest documents said. ww.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/17/miami-shooting-israeli-men

Of course, like the Israeli government he tried to imitate, Mordecai Brafman's crimes go unreported.

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Don't expect antifa to be outlawed either. Anglin estimates that their membership is 40% Jewish.

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Yup, I expect his allegiance to Israel to be Trump's downfall - and ours - and one of the reasons* he won't win the Nobel Peace Prize.

*The main reason of course being that he is Trump. "Orange Man Bad!"

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How many shootings across the nation go unreported?

You are grasping at straws.

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Who controls the media? Which ethnic group. I know you can do it, but will you?

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Rich people of course from all walks of life.

Grow up Lugh you can do it.

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it was quite touching how deranged "Democrats" have been championing these agencies ever since...2016. Nothing could possibly be wrong with them; they seem to be deranged enough to double down, until at some point they'll have to eat "humble pie", as we say in the UK. But their heads will be spinning if there's any remaining grey matter.

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Joyless Reid. What a character. I watched Ben Berquam of Real Americas Voice TV encounter her on the street and wanting to stir some s..t asked her if her at that time bleached blond hair was cultural appropriation as she had been on a bender of everything being cultural appropriation. The next day she appeared on her show with a shaved head. Way to go Ben!

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I guess she showed him

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Now, that is funny.

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I have never watched this person. Don't even know who she is.

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"...asked her if her at that time bleached blond hair was cultural appropriation..."

Every time I hear someone screaming, "Cultural Appropriation!!" I think, "What about your straightened/bleached/died hair, your western (white peepo) clothes, the fact that you are driving a car and not eating - I assume - warthog rectum..."

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She's only a footstep away from that. Her parents are African immigrants and she is a first generation. Hard to believe she finds so much wrong with her country compared to where she comes from.

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I have made that point several times would love to have seen her reaction.

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