My hypothesis all along about M. Obama. BTW I wonder why the trans movement was deployed. Hmmmm!

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The trans movement is deployed to destroy Western Civilization and make to sexes obsolete...TRANShuman. You’ll be a docile, walking “robot” that does as it’s told.

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Big Mike!

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If they parade her out we shouldn’t call it Big Mike. It’s just going to use that to get the Karen’s to defend it.

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POLITICALsteria: Best Michelle Obama Memes (Happy Birthday BIG Mike!)

Winners of the Michelle Obama challenge (they found pics of "her" pregnant), big back mountain, why he married him, so many unanswered questions and more Big Mike Michelle Obama memes!


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More like normalization, before the drag queen's coronation.

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The intersectionality would be unbeatable: black, tranny, gay, “woman”. Without even knowing it, we’ll have had our 1st gay president (Barry) & then 1st tranny president.

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We have had a Gay President, a Pedophile hair sniffing senile President, and next maybe a TRANNY President? but still not a woman President.


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We can comment now. Nice.

Michelle is not the silver bullet. The forever First Lady has no executive experience whatsoever.

She’s a BS artist, a snob, and a DEI Commissar. That won’t fly. The Dens will cheat in the election. That is the bottom line re strategy. The candidate is immaterial. And what is the Republican apparatus going to stop cheating. Nothing. That’s the other side of the problem.

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More important she’s a lady 🤔 I think .

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You mean the Tom Jones song from the ‘70s?

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Yes Tanto Minchiata you are correct: Do not put any faith in the Republicans. As an example ask Kari Lake - https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/01/25/kari-lake-jeff-dewit-arizona-republican-recording-ctm-vpx-new.cnn

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Sadly, I see the Deluge coming … perhaps not by water, but fire from the sky.

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I believe that has been prophesized.

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Yup, that is what I was referring to.

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Well we sure as hell deserve it.

Should have picked up pitchforks & torches a long time ago now.

Too bad for our childern

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Your wrong. The MSM would never cover the impeachment proceedings in a honest manner. They would lie about it like the lie about everything.

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I agree with everything Jeff Childers said in his quote, except for his missed shot on goal regarding soccer players. They were a Uruguayan Rugby team.

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I mention this to the few liberal friends I have and they get giddy.

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Because they’re basically stupid. Stupid doesn’t work anymore when a large number of the populace wants to be left alone by the government.

God forbid if they have stupid children as well (that could be turned around with the proper enlightenment).

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Everything written about them is true. The Obamas were created out of thin air because it was the right time for the guilt that "white" America "should" atone for. Too much Diversity, ESG, etc. crap. At least 24 states are standing with Texas against the border problems. They are ready to send troops down, and Truckers are coming to the borders in Arizona, California, and Texas to try to plug the hole. Maybe too little, too late, but at least most people ARE awake now, if they have any IQ at all!

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I would love it if we can overturn the whole apple cart and vote in Robert F Kennedy Jr as an independent.

I know, I know, his past stances have been questionable over climate and the 2nd Amendment, but it is hard to argue his stance on vaccines needing more study, and he is holding strong to classic Civil Rights doctrine of free speech, anti-censorship and bringing the three letter Agencies to heel.

Of course a good Politician always talks a good game. God forgive my first vote for Obama.

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I Agee with you the guy is genuine, but...the bastards stole 2000 the only way back is to put Trump back in. He is pissed as hell & be a lot wiser this time.

Maybe head ww3 off at the pass.

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After what Barry has done these last 4 years of “fundamental transformation”, I don’t think the nation will survive another 4 under Big Mike....

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No, Barack would spend his time in the White House giving oral sex to Michael.

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There's absolutely no way Chomo Joe willingly lets go of the one thing he has craved his entire adult life, and has finally achieved through a lifetime of unspeakable acts. If you think that the Obamas are going to order Joe Biden (and Jill) around like a errand boy now that he's the "President of the United States" you are delusional. These people all hate each other. Joe will not step aside, and Joe will not care what they threaten him or his whoremonger junkie son with.

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Rick, if he doesn’t go willingly, he’ll go anther way. But he WILL go. She is the most popular “female” in America, and Barry’s impenetrable ego will not let him relinquish power until they finally finish what they started-the destruction of our republic. The truckers being lured to the border are being set-up for another Jan. 6 debacle. They know they can’t win the general, so allow them to start a civil war and declare martial law so they can do what their puppet Zelenskyy did--cancel the election.

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As entropy increases, the unraveling accelerates. More popcorn, please!

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Ah, you mentioned Homwy D. Clown - EXTRA points!

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I'm just glad to have your amazing writing here on substack, James. I've been reading your CF blog for a few years now and you are one of the best writers! I just didn't want to be on Patreon. Signing up to be a paid subscriber now!

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Electing Michelle Obama would only give Barrack Obama his 4th term as head of the US Gervenment.

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