Tom Luongo is a Former Research Chemist, Amateur Dairy Goat Farmer, Anarcho-Libertarian and Obstreperous Austrian Economist who blogs and podcasts at Gold, Goats and, Guns. His work can also be found on sites like Zerohedge,, Bitcoin Magazine and Newsmax Media. His work focuses on the attempt to connect the false narratives of geopolitics to viable long-term investment theses. He built the house that he lives in and loves hockey, his family, the art of drumming, board games of all kinds, a logically consistent argument, and the beauty of spontaneous order…. not necessarily in that order.
You're right about the incoming administration being prepared this time. He got schooled real good last time and they made sure to infiltrate real good this go around.
Dates and documents related to Churchill's role in over-valuing the pound please. What office did he hold, and how long. His "wilderness years" were a time when he supported himself with columns and books. He had no power within the parliamentary system.
The over valuing of the Pound post WW2, was an economic disaster for the UK. It started the hollowing out of the UK economy, as it was cheaper to import than domestically produce.
It did provide financial power, which is why the UK economy is now almost exclusively London based finance.
Dear Jim, A brilliant discussion between you two! Many thanks for putting this together. It validated so many of the suppositions we have about how things are shaping up. In particular I commend Tom for his unequivocal warning about the invitation to Balmoral. A deadly danger. That's where persons unknown did in the good old Queen Elizabeth.
A search on the transcript of this episode indicates that Tom says "you know" 57 times and JHK says it 4 times. I created the KunstlerCast podcast back in 2008 and edited every weekly episode until 2012. Back then, Jim used to say "you know" often. I noticed that his verbal fillers significantly decreased after he started editing the show himself. (It does help to listen to yourself!)
I love the music on the intro.
I downloaded it yesterday from Amazon music and listened to it all day.
What is it?
The KunstlerCast theme music is the beautiful Two Rivers Waltz written and performed by Larry Unger
The driver is finance.
And the British driver of finance is their fuckery within the Council On Foreign Relations.
It is the matrix.
Just discovered your and your guest offer some great insights. Thanks
You're right about the incoming administration being prepared this time. He got schooled real good last time and they made sure to infiltrate real good this go around.
Dates and documents related to Churchill's role in over-valuing the pound please. What office did he hold, and how long. His "wilderness years" were a time when he supported himself with columns and books. He had no power within the parliamentary system.
Can I read it somewhere? Is there a transcript? I can’t hear, so…
Click on the "Transcript" button (just below the title and on the right side).
There isn’t one. I’m on an Apple tablet.
On the original email under the "listen now" There is a full title - click on that and that page has a transcript choice.
I think yall get your posts in email. I just read from the app. Your saying if I open it in my email, I can read transcripts?
Yes, did you try it?
mapping - it's the metadata stupid :)
manila envelope - stick
suit case full of small bills - carrot
The over valuing of the Pound post WW2, was an economic disaster for the UK. It started the hollowing out of the UK economy, as it was cheaper to import than domestically produce.
It did provide financial power, which is why the UK economy is now almost exclusively London based finance.
Dear Jim, A brilliant discussion between you two! Many thanks for putting this together. It validated so many of the suppositions we have about how things are shaping up. In particular I commend Tom for his unequivocal warning about the invitation to Balmoral. A deadly danger. That's where persons unknown did in the good old Queen Elizabeth.
Love the intro music as well. Wonderful podcast gentlemen. I'm very appreciative. 🤓
Very enjoyable.
Thank you insightful!!!
I think Keir Starmer is a Zionist Nat*.
Love the two rivers by under it took me a while to fiind it
Tom should listen to this and count how many times he says “you know”. It will make him better.
A search on the transcript of this episode indicates that Tom says "you know" 57 times and JHK says it 4 times. I created the KunstlerCast podcast back in 2008 and edited every weekly episode until 2012. Back then, Jim used to say "you know" often. I noticed that his verbal fillers significantly decreased after he started editing the show himself. (It does help to listen to yourself!)