Since you mentioned Kennedy James...

“For, in a democracy, every citizen, regardless of his interest in politics, 'holds office'; every one of us is in a position of responsibility; and, in the final analysis, the kind of government we get depends upon how we fulfill those responsibilities. We, the people, are the boss, and we will get the kind of political leadership, be it good or bad, that we demand and deserve.” —John F. Kennedy

Here is a way you can do that:

The only winning move is not to play the globalist's sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Turn off your TV and internet, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:

Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:

Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).

Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.

All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.

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Kennedy said in 67 words what Theodore Roosevelt said in 7 a half-century earlier: "We are the government, you and I."

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I like that, thanks, will add it to my collection. Here’s are a bunch more: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/letter-to-president-trump-america

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Thanks, Torch...I like the Zappa quote as well.

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Thank you Tom. The man had piercing insight.

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I loved this interview!

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You had me right up until he started talking about the JFK assignation and quoted Posner - The absolute worst "authority" on the subject.

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Ike hated Germans, like Andrew Jackson hated the British.

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