Great talk, yet Christopher lost me on his response to “climate change”. His response was fixed, totally illogical and highly unscientific - sounding much like the closed minded mainstream narrative view. To assert that our 4% contribution to total atmospheric greenhouse gases somehow overrides the 96% of naturally produced greenhouse gases and then, to dismiss all the other factors such as solar activity, volcanic activity, cosmic cycles, biological cycles - is not logical. Let’s face the facts, the alarmist globalists that claim to be leading us on the subject, and who use terms such as “oceans are boiling” tells us how paranoid the climate change talk is. Carbon dioxide has historically, risen after temperature and has in the past been many thousands of ppm. This is clear in the geological record. At those times, life flourished on earth and was of mega size, such as during the Cretaceous and Carboniferous geological periods.
The scientific community is not firmly behind the climate change narrative. The dissenters just don't get the same exposure that the climate fanatics do. A prime example is Judith Curry of Georgia Tech.
Though CO2 does prevent the passage of low infrared, the climate fanatics assume this is linear. However experimental evidence shows that it is not linear. At higher concentrations of CO2 the absorption does not increase.
The temperature measurements which purport to demonstrate global warming are grossly distorted by their locations. Many of them are in urban heat islands which make the measurements unrepresentative of actual temperatures. The lack of global warming was most recently proved by measurements in Greenland.
Great talk, yet Christopher lost me on his response to “climate change”. His response was fixed, totally illogical and highly unscientific - sounding much like the closed minded mainstream narrative view. To assert that our 4% contribution to total atmospheric greenhouse gases somehow overrides the 96% of naturally produced greenhouse gases and then, to dismiss all the other factors such as solar activity, volcanic activity, cosmic cycles, biological cycles - is not logical. Let’s face the facts, the alarmist globalists that claim to be leading us on the subject, and who use terms such as “oceans are boiling” tells us how paranoid the climate change talk is. Carbon dioxide has historically, risen after temperature and has in the past been many thousands of ppm. This is clear in the geological record. At those times, life flourished on earth and was of mega size, such as during the Cretaceous and Carboniferous geological periods.
A war on carbon - is a war on life itself.
The scientific community is not firmly behind the climate change narrative. The dissenters just don't get the same exposure that the climate fanatics do. A prime example is Judith Curry of Georgia Tech.
Though CO2 does prevent the passage of low infrared, the climate fanatics assume this is linear. However experimental evidence shows that it is not linear. At higher concentrations of CO2 the absorption does not increase.
The temperature measurements which purport to demonstrate global warming are grossly distorted by their locations. Many of them are in urban heat islands which make the measurements unrepresentative of actual temperatures. The lack of global warming was most recently proved by measurements in Greenland.