Behold, the Grand Castle Apartment Homes, Granville, Michigan. “Live like a King!! the brochure says. Well, fer sure, because America is going medieval after the New Great Depression is through with us. Actually, there are federal penitentiaries that have better-designed neo-medieval details than this humdinger, with its acres of raw concrete. But it’s ambitious for sure — 522 rental apartment units!
Here’s a closeup of the grand entry portal — lances up, everybody!
Here’s the dog park — sweet, huh? With scenic parking deck behind it.
Don’t forget the grand courtyard, perfect for tilting pageants! Note surrounding parking deck, Tons of parking! Parking = No problemo!
Map of the area shows the super-convenient site just off the Gerald Ford Freeway (196), and close to many business amenities, including: Grand Rapid Gravel, Midwest Vibro, Jirah Metal Products, Give ‘Em a Brake Safety Products, and Deppe Mold and Tooling, and lots more.
Thanks to Dan Widdis for the nomination!