Hamas are as murderous liars as HTS. They were imposed on the indigenous common people. One must swear public fealty or die. Their creators imposed them deliberately, to force radicalization. Palestinians and Jews amicably lived together for centuries.
Hamas are as murderous liars as HTS. They were imposed on the indigenous common people. One must swear public fealty or die. Their creators imposed them deliberately, to force radicalization. Palestinians and Jews amicably lived together for centuries.
You see, this is why the more ludicrous Evangelists were given free air time; in their eager ignorance, they made Christian scholars look like befuddled hayseeds.
It is also why such covert operations as Tony Levy's Church of Satan, the militant American Atheists Society (and the "Moon is a hoax" bunch) were founded and led by the same set of ethnic subversives; one to portray Chistianity as Maimonedian black magic, and the other, to portray non-Christians as "angry" and hostile denialists. (Real atheists simply don't care about Bronze Age literature.)
Also note, the "Christian" charities in the migration racket are ruled by boards of directors who are distinctly NOT Christian.
Even the Greatest Lie was a rumor created by a Wehrmacht military clerk at Wannsee who was not ethnically German. It was he, and he alone, who claimed to have overheard the "nefarious plans" that were spoken, but never written. (Richard Kirtchener.)
The new religion of the West, the radicalizing portrayal of whites as the greatest possible evil, has ruined its adherents even more than it has ruined us. Now they dare not let go the Lie.
You give me the impression that you have never read a counter argument to any of your positions. And you sound like you talk down to everyone you meet because you have convinced yourself that you the smartest person in the room. You need folks to just accept that your assumptions are true without evidence. If they won't, then they not open-minded.
The "militant American Atheists Society" LOL
Who is the last atheist that sawed the head off an infidel, or strapped explosives to his belt to kill hundreds in a public square, or publicly hung a homosexual, or drove planes into buildings where people were at work, or committed genocide in the name of a GOD?
Please be quiet, hasbara, and don't hijack me.
Hamas are as murderous liars as HTS. They were imposed on the indigenous common people. One must swear public fealty or die. Their creators imposed them deliberately, to force radicalization. Palestinians and Jews amicably lived together for centuries.
You see, this is why the more ludicrous Evangelists were given free air time; in their eager ignorance, they made Christian scholars look like befuddled hayseeds.
It is also why such covert operations as Tony Levy's Church of Satan, the militant American Atheists Society (and the "Moon is a hoax" bunch) were founded and led by the same set of ethnic subversives; one to portray Chistianity as Maimonedian black magic, and the other, to portray non-Christians as "angry" and hostile denialists. (Real atheists simply don't care about Bronze Age literature.)
Also note, the "Christian" charities in the migration racket are ruled by boards of directors who are distinctly NOT Christian.
Even the Greatest Lie was a rumor created by a Wehrmacht military clerk at Wannsee who was not ethnically German. It was he, and he alone, who claimed to have overheard the "nefarious plans" that were spoken, but never written. (Richard Kirtchener.)
The new religion of the West, the radicalizing portrayal of whites as the greatest possible evil, has ruined its adherents even more than it has ruined us. Now they dare not let go the Lie.
Holy cow!
You give me the impression that you have never read a counter argument to any of your positions. And you sound like you talk down to everyone you meet because you have convinced yourself that you the smartest person in the room. You need folks to just accept that your assumptions are true without evidence. If they won't, then they not open-minded.
The "militant American Atheists Society" LOL
Who is the last atheist that sawed the head off an infidel, or strapped explosives to his belt to kill hundreds in a public square, or publicly hung a homosexual, or drove planes into buildings where people were at work, or committed genocide in the name of a GOD?