The worthless SCOTUS belongs back down in the basement of the capitol interpreting the Constitutionality of laws. Fucking worthless bunch of mushy brained lunatics. Except Thomas and Alito. The rest of them? Hell, my 15 year old daughter could do a better job as a "justice" than them.
The worthless SCOTUS belongs back down in the basement of the capitol interpreting the Constitutionality of laws. Fucking worthless bunch of mushy brained lunatics. Except Thomas and Alito. The rest of them? Hell, my 15 year old daughter could do a better job as a "justice" than them.
The worthless SCOTUS belongs back down in the basement of the capitol interpreting the Constitutionality of laws. Fucking worthless bunch of mushy brained lunatics. Except Thomas and Alito. The rest of them? Hell, my 15 year old daughter could do a better job as a "justice" than them.