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~ Mr. and Mr. H1-B Visa ~

Ron has a point. But they're all traitors of course.

In this video, all cued up at the right point, you have Scott Ritter 'venting' or 'on fire', as Napolitano describes, and then, just after that section, Kash Patel talking, as if he's almost in a trance, all cravy about Israel...


The Patel cue:


And then at the same time, on this site, we have another John(AZ) et al ostensibly perfectly fine with people who have nothing to do with some '3000' year old far away religious script/imperative/vendetta, being taken hostage (via taxes, etc.) by Israel for Israel. Oh and suggesting that the issue is beating a dead horse.

It will be a dead horse when Israel fights its own battles/enemies itself. Like I said to Ben, "Put the gun down.". Go fight your own battles. Don't drag others into them. It's that simple.

Mandatory-- coercive-- support for Israel is like mandatory USAid, mandatory masking, mandatory vaccinations and calling people whatever pronouns, gender or other fantasies they insist on, or you lose your job.

Wake up and smell the corollaries.

You are prisoners/slaves as long as you remain in this system.

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The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential

"Geologists and natural resources economists have confirmed that the Occupied Palestinian Territory lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the occupied West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip. However, occupation continues to prevent Palestinians from developing their energy fields so as to exploit and benefit from such assets. As such, the Palestinian people have been denied the benefits of using this natural resource to finance socioeconomic development and meet their need for energy. The accumulated losses are estimated in the billions of dollars. The longer Israel prevents Palestinians from exploiting their own oil and natural gas reserves, the greater the opportunity costs and the greater the total costs of the occupation borne by Palestinians become.

This study identifies and assesses existing and potential Palestinian oil and natural gas reserves that could be exploited for the benefit of the Palestinian people, which Israel is either preventing them from exploiting or is exploiting without due regard for international law."

~ https://unctad.org/publication/economic-costs-israeli-occupation-palestinian-people-unrealized-oil-and-natural-gas

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Thank you, Zazz. +100

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You're welcome, astera. If we can't get out of this system soon enough, it will get us out of it.

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And what did Ben tell you?

To fuck off and he still means it.

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Where are the frontiers?

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What do you mean?

America has roughly 5% of the global population but it uses roughly 25% of the globe's resources.

A State junky.

In short, it may have the greatest height to fall, as any junky likely would...

And dangerous for the next hit and its access.


Games Without Frontiers


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Front Tier [ !. ]

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So what, then, is mandated cheering for Hamas - the mandates flowing from university campus "engagement" offices?

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The mandated cheering for Hamas is paid to paint Israel as the victims in this scenario. Thus all the "they made us do it!" rationale.

Also, the HIAS-run migration war is incentivizing and legitimizing Muslim violence in Europe. The Eternal Victims are mentally preparing their footsoldiers for jihad on Edom, that is, us.

Trying to accomplish both seemingly contradictory goals is difficult for the European mind to fathom...but you are not dealing with "white people."

You're dealing with what I call the broken branch. This is why the aphorism of "they cry out as they strike you" is as apt as the tactics of a permanent minority that wins by getting its enemies to kill each other.

For example, Ireland. The NGOs that promote "pro-Palestinian protest" are the same ones that run the Invasion of Ireland. They bring in their proxies and stir them up, because who will die in the coming race war?

The Irish will be massacred while the invaders will have every incentive to stay out of the Levant. Europe is the rich booty offered up to keep the mercenaries away.

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pt. II

Now, look at the Lawfare and Party politics in America as another example. Who was it that changed the WASP rules of the game?

Why, the same bunch that specializes in culture war, war without weapons, the same bunch whose forte is to radicalize groups.

The have set one half of Edom against the other half, while demanding fealty to themselves as both the ultimate victims and the guiding light. They have suborned the native culture by getting us to accept their values, and then tactics, above our own traditions.

We didn't lose God. Our Dyeus Pater has been replaced by a foreign imposter.

As rabbi says, Edom and Ishmael must make war on each other.

(p.s.- I am cutting out lengthy examples from the Bible itself; impostership and betrayal is the dominant recurring theme of the Old Testament.

If only Christians knew what they were actually reading, political propaganda that chronicles a race war.)

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Hamas are the victims.

Freedom fighters always get a bad name, until they win.

Hamas is not going away. But it's for sure IS-RAY-HELL is!

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Did they not install a current or former 'terrorist' in Syria? Once a terrorist, always a terrorist? What if he's mistaken as a tourist? A freedom-fighting terrorist tourist.

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Please be quiet, hasbara, and don't hijack me.

Hamas are as murderous liars as HTS. They were imposed on the indigenous common people. One must swear public fealty or die. Their creators imposed them deliberately, to force radicalization. Palestinians and Jews amicably lived together for centuries.

You see, this is why the more ludicrous Evangelists were given free air time; in their eager ignorance, they made Christian scholars look like befuddled hayseeds.

It is also why such covert operations as Tony Levy's Church of Satan, the militant American Atheists Society (and the "Moon is a hoax" bunch) were founded and led by the same set of ethnic subversives; one to portray Chistianity as Maimonedian black magic, and the other, to portray non-Christians as "angry" and hostile denialists. (Real atheists simply don't care about Bronze Age literature.)

Also note, the "Christian" charities in the migration racket are ruled by boards of directors who are distinctly NOT Christian.

Even the Greatest Lie was a rumor created by a Wehrmacht military clerk at Wannsee who was not ethnically German. It was he, and he alone, who claimed to have overheard the "nefarious plans" that were spoken, but never written. (Richard Kirtchener.)

The new religion of the West, the radicalizing portrayal of whites as the greatest possible evil, has ruined its adherents even more than it has ruined us. Now they dare not let go the Lie.

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Holy cow!

You give me the impression that you have never read a counter argument to any of your positions. And you sound like you talk down to everyone you meet because you have convinced yourself that you the smartest person in the room. You need folks to just accept that your assumptions are true without evidence. If they won't, then they not open-minded.

The "militant American Atheists Society" LOL

Who is the last atheist that sawed the head off an infidel, or strapped explosives to his belt to kill hundreds in a public square, or publicly hung a homosexual, or drove planes into buildings where people were at work, or committed genocide in the name of a GOD?

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For a second, I thought your icon was of Alfred E. Neuman.

Unless the terrorist/genocidal/sociopathic occupying State of Israel and its State supporters/terrorists, like the US and UK, forget about their MIC in that context, I'm in the Axis of Resistance camp and so with Hezbollah, Houthis and Hamas in that sense.

See also (just above)...


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Actually, I can certainly agree with you, Bedfellow.

I refer again to Ireland. By promoting solidarity with Palestinians, perhaps the Irish can pressure the "Barbara Spectres" who are bringing in the invaders and oppressive policies that destroy the Irish.

I see such solidarity as an unconscious organic pushback against the perpetrators of a manufactured lawfare.

(Forgive me, I don't have a link to their names at hand, but the prime movers orchestrating the invasion are indeed a group of "Barbara Spectres".)

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That's possible.

Perhaps you caught it, but I wrote on here some time ago, maybe on Jim's old homesite, about an important qualification/difference between top-down State-government-engineered 'culture-shock' immigration versus simply natural, 'grassroots' immigration. In that, I used the example of 'dropping down' Israel in 1948 as a 'comparative' illustration of that sort of thing.

Unsure if or how your Spectre understands or appreciates that and issues surrounding deliberate social engineering, but that's what the State is about; manufactured nationality. And people don't want it.

Did you see the video of the Irish girls I posted under last article's threads? Here's the link if not:


Well, that's my comment about it, but to skip it, here's the video:



“The 'United Nations' today is neither united nor represents nations... Many true nations, such as the Iroquois confederation or any tribal alliance with a common ethic, are not represented by such a body, nor are whole nations such as the Basques, Tartars, Kurds, Palestinians, Hawaiians, Hopi, Tibetans, Pitjatjantjara, Misquito, Aranda, Basarwa, Herrero etc....

Most nations in the United Nations repress a majority of peoples on earth. Talking with Thomas Banyaca, a Hopi messenger of his people, it became clear to me that we need a new concept of 'nation'... We start by defining a nation as a people subscribing to a common ethic, and aspiring to a similar culture. Such nations may not have a common land base, or language, but do have a common ethic...

At present, many thousands of organisations, affinities, tribes, bioregions, and spiritual and non-government organisations aspire to such beneficial ends; in every continent, a majority of people-- the ethical majority-- want peace; a clean and forested earth; a cessation to torture, malnutrition, and oppression; and a right to work towards these ends. It would take very little additional organisation for these groups to meet together, count their numbers, and recognise each other’s rights. There are, for instance, far less paid-up or active members of political parties or oppressive societies now than there are organic gardeners whose life works seek peace and plenty. As groups discuss, and accept, the minimal ethic... they can quickly proceed to recognise each other...” ~ Bill Mollison, permaculture

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