Laws come from values and beliefs. Cult is upstream of Culture is upstream of the Law. The patchwork will come apart right quick since we are no longer a single Culture, thus not a real or viable nation.
The Red Necks are low but viable. The Rainbows are not viable, breeding by conversion.
Laws come from values and beliefs. Cult is upstream of Culture is upstream of the Law. The patchwork will come apart right quick since we are no longer a single Culture, thus not a real or viable nation.
The Red Necks are low but viable. The Rainbows are not viable, breeding by conversion.
They weren't always low, but 150 years of compulsory public education has turned them into good American consumers. They can be saved if we can get rid of public schools and put them back in the fields.
"The patchwork will come apart right quick since we are no longer a single Culture..."
Well, that's where we are now, and that's what I'm trying to avoid by making the township - or I guess ward in the case of cities - the basic form of government. Everything above that is a voluntary union.
Culture at the township level tends to be relatively homogenous. That can be done, and generally happens, on a small scale. But it doesn't scale up very well, especially in the ethnic soup we have in the US. Those culturally homogenous townships then voluntarily join together to form counties, and... well, I explained it all above. If you have Rainbows living in a Redneck township, they can move a few miles to a more welcoming township.
Of course some Rainbows will attempt to colonize Redneck territory - as they do now. With sovereignty at the lowest political level, Rainbows will not be able to call on the Feds to come to their rescue because they tried to colonize hostile territory. I expect most would crawl back to Rainbow City with their tails between their legs, rather than run around bitching at people who won't listen to them.
The less the shared culture between political entities, the less of a governmental bond between them. And like I said, that bond would be voluntary.
If we want cultural homogeneity on the North American landmass, the Rednecks will have to wait out the Rainbows. A long, cold, war of wills. Either that, or a war of annihilation.
America is at its best in a small town setting. Think of a neighborhood today, where no one is a neighbor. In yesteryears, people depended on each other, skills were utilized with each other. Towns went to church together, the kids went to school together, everyone had a function. Wha' happened?
Cities, that is what. Add on suburbs since WW2. When people have no idea of their worth, bad stuff happens. Our society is very sick right now, because we have little commonality.
Phil, hold onto the goodness of a lower population in Canada, that is a very good thing. Western Canada that is.
"America is at its best in a small town setting." Yup. I think that is what Thomas Jefferson had in mind, a decentralized nation of family farmers.
When people are neighbors (rather than just people who live near each other) community can form. Communities with a common culture can form a nation.
We have had cities since even before we had agriculture (cf. Gobekli Tepe). Cities, and the specialization of labor that they allow, are (in my opinion) necessary for the technological advancement of a people. Cities also attract foreign technologies and ideas which can fuel further development. On the other hand, cities carry a lot of vices that are inimical to a nation, such as lack of a common culture due to their cosmopolitan nature.
America has become too large to govern. It's now collapsing in on itself. Smaller jurisdictional governments are more effective at seeing to the needs of its bosses.
Laws come from values and beliefs. Cult is upstream of Culture is upstream of the Law. The patchwork will come apart right quick since we are no longer a single Culture, thus not a real or viable nation.
The Red Necks are low but viable. The Rainbows are not viable, breeding by conversion.
"The Red Necks are low but viable."
They weren't always low, but 150 years of compulsory public education has turned them into good American consumers. They can be saved if we can get rid of public schools and put them back in the fields.
"What's the difference between a cult and a religion?
In a cult, there's someone at the top who preaches bullshit.
In a religion, that person has died long time ago."
Very good, Lugh.
"The patchwork will come apart right quick since we are no longer a single Culture..."
Well, that's where we are now, and that's what I'm trying to avoid by making the township - or I guess ward in the case of cities - the basic form of government. Everything above that is a voluntary union.
Culture at the township level tends to be relatively homogenous. That can be done, and generally happens, on a small scale. But it doesn't scale up very well, especially in the ethnic soup we have in the US. Those culturally homogenous townships then voluntarily join together to form counties, and... well, I explained it all above. If you have Rainbows living in a Redneck township, they can move a few miles to a more welcoming township.
Of course some Rainbows will attempt to colonize Redneck territory - as they do now. With sovereignty at the lowest political level, Rainbows will not be able to call on the Feds to come to their rescue because they tried to colonize hostile territory. I expect most would crawl back to Rainbow City with their tails between their legs, rather than run around bitching at people who won't listen to them.
The less the shared culture between political entities, the less of a governmental bond between them. And like I said, that bond would be voluntary.
If we want cultural homogeneity on the North American landmass, the Rednecks will have to wait out the Rainbows. A long, cold, war of wills. Either that, or a war of annihilation.
I think you just like disagreeing with me.
America is at its best in a small town setting. Think of a neighborhood today, where no one is a neighbor. In yesteryears, people depended on each other, skills were utilized with each other. Towns went to church together, the kids went to school together, everyone had a function. Wha' happened?
Cities, that is what. Add on suburbs since WW2. When people have no idea of their worth, bad stuff happens. Our society is very sick right now, because we have little commonality.
Phil, hold onto the goodness of a lower population in Canada, that is a very good thing. Western Canada that is.
"America is at its best in a small town setting." Yup. I think that is what Thomas Jefferson had in mind, a decentralized nation of family farmers.
When people are neighbors (rather than just people who live near each other) community can form. Communities with a common culture can form a nation.
We have had cities since even before we had agriculture (cf. Gobekli Tepe). Cities, and the specialization of labor that they allow, are (in my opinion) necessary for the technological advancement of a people. Cities also attract foreign technologies and ideas which can fuel further development. On the other hand, cities carry a lot of vices that are inimical to a nation, such as lack of a common culture due to their cosmopolitan nature.
America has become too large to govern. It's now collapsing in on itself. Smaller jurisdictional governments are more effective at seeing to the needs of its bosses.