Power is the capacity to compel loyalty and obedience, under conditions of duress. Authority is the capacity to inspire loyalty and obedience, under conditions where free will obtains — Aimee Terese
FJB for the last four years was a joke on the world and America. He was the anti-Dave. As you recall, Dave was the 1993 movie in which the president was incapacitated and he was replaced by a hapless look-alike who had great ideas and motivated the nation. FJB was a puppet replaced by the evil list of the deep state trying to keep the Obama destructive legacy alive. Maybe it was a good thing that they stole the election in 2020. It served as a wake up call to Americans that their freedoms were just transitory. God bless Mr. Trump and America, hope it’s still alive.
Sorry but Mr. Trump is the Republican version of hope and change.
Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, Trump - they all work(ed) for the same team. The only difference is the role they play - the Democrats' job is (or at least used to be) to make bad ideas sound good, and the Republicans' job is to give good ideas a bad name by proclaiming the good ideas loudly from the rooftops while actually implementing bad ideas. All parties play their roles admirably and the Rothschilds' grip on the world tightens like a noose around our collective throat.
Trump by the way is utterly beholden to the Rothschild mafia - long close associatons with Kushner, Epstein, Wexner and especially Cohn, and having taken gobs of Rothschild rescue money when he was bankrupt decades ago. Such "friendly" loans do not come without strings attached.
I find it impossible to put either Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump on any list that includes Clinton, Bush, and Obama.
Yes, President Trump is, and will continue to be, an Agent of Change. Unlike neocon Bush and power-mad Barry, he will end wars. Unlike traitors Obama and Biden, Trump actually wants to Make America Great Again.
We needn't debate. I am just sorry you had to add your racist remarks, Horace.
Maybe you are not a racist. I don't know you. I do know that most people who refer to the "Rothchild Mafia" are. This fixation on the skill and intelligence of the Jewish people, and your obvious jealousy, is a waste of time. Can't you simply stick with "Orange Man Bad"?
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the Balfour Declaration and the role it played in the creation of Israel? The <<link>> here, for your edification. Spoiler alert...Rothschild was one of the principles.
Obviously you share the same prejudicial blind spot, but more accurately I’d say your comment is disingenuous. You know exactly what’s going on. It’s no picnic having cancer if the soul.
I do not believe I am racist, nor do I accept that my remarks are racist.
Do you believe that organized criminal gangs exist, and that such gangs often rely on the loyalty of family bonds to a greater or lesser extent?
If not do you think the whole concept embodied in the term "crime family" is a hoax?
Do you believe that it is impossible for Jewish people to commit crimes?
Do you believe that Jewish people are incapable of forming organized criminal gangs?
I am merely pointing out, based on evidence which I have personally found convincing, that
(a) the Rothschilds, who happen to be Jewish, in my opinion operate the largest and most successful criminal organization in history. So successful that it is the de facto ruler of much of the world today.
(b) Trump has longstanding connections to this gang.
I did not arrive at this conclusion as a result of any prejudice against Jews; precisely the opposite in fact - I arrived at it extremely reluctantly and only after extensively reviewing and attempting to make sense of a vast body of evidence.
Trump wisely surrendered to the Taliban…and I will always be grateful to him for standing up to the Military Industrial Complex and making the tough decisions!
President Trump had a plan to remove American troops, assets, American citizens, and our allies from Afghanistan. The Big Guy simply closed Bagram AFB and let the Taliban decide who could leave Afghanistan. His military leaders were unable to communicate with the demented jackass and it resulted in one of the biggest military and political disasters in American history.
Just so you know the American withdrawal was a great deal less of a disaster than the British retreat from Kabul in 1842. As far as I remember, out of 16,000 who set out on the retreat only a hundred or so survived as captives who were later ransomed.
All wrong. Kash Patel was in charge of making it impossible for the Military Industrial Complex to reverse course in Afghanistan…and Trump is promoting him because Kash did a great job! Afghanistan was stupid…and quite frankly you sound like a Cheney Republican…Trump did what Obama couldn’t do!
Operation Warp Speed? Surrendering to the Taliban? An unsecure border with fentanyl deaths and violent crime spiking? $8 trillion in new debt? The most oil company bankruptcies in history??
I would agree that SloJoe served his purpose, and served it perfectly. Frustrated Americans believing their votes actually count for something had some of that pressure relieved in November, pretty much like the steam locomotive standing at the station in the TV show Petticoat Junction, where each of the sisters is pulling on the steam whistle or taking a dip in the water tank. You've been distracted.
Now the question is how long does "Donald Trump" and his regime of Deep Staters last before another change is needed? Will Donald Trump be the fall guy to start the collapse, and allow JD and his shadow backers rise to the top? Will Trump actually reduce Federal spending via the DoGE joke crypto crowd, or will that be abandoned while Elon gets sent back to SA for littering space junk? Will the globalists give us a break for a year or two before cracking down another massive psychop like the plandemic? The script writers have their blue pencils at the ready, and the popcorn is being popped across the planet.
Good observation. I watched that trail of debris and then the map of all the airplanes at the time. Boy, would THAT have been a disaster if that debris field had hit an aircraft. I was appalled that it seems no one thought of the possibility that a wounded star ship, fired over the Caribbean, could hit an airplane. The FAA needs to figure this one out. There need to be a safe zone with no aircraft in it when that rocket is launched. The good news, that booster flying into thar gantry and captured is wonderful. Elon and the gang better figure out what caused the starship to ignite then explode.
Amen. See Carter's funeral. Trump and Obama sitting side by side, laughing and enjoying each other's company. The enemy wrestlers, the good guys and the bad guys, are all friends back in the club house.
Your assumptions about Trump/Obama conversation ignores the nuances of Trump's personality and Obama's acknowledgement of his own guilt. Trump knows Obama was behind the assassination attempts. Obama's nervous laugh was his reaction to being psychologically nailed with Trump's awareness of it. Trust me, that was a power play that only Trump would pull off with class and subtlety. And Obama knew it.
Perhaps Trump viewed that as being the only opportunity to get Obama to open-up and say something that would implicate himself as one of the scoundrels that perpetrated the lawfare against him?
Did Trump instruct Mark Zuckerberg to confess his crime/s to Joe Rogan (and the world), so as to set things up for an investigation into who was in on the formation and implementation of the lawfare and censorship?
Judge nap and some guests are critical of Tulsi Gabbard's refusal to put an end to unauthorized blanket searches by intel agencies. Is this so that the Trump administration can track down and serve justice on all the Biden administration scoundrels, and then Trump will enact/approve legislation to close the door?
It appears that "Joe Biden" and the 2030 Agenda was all about preparing the world population for a more meager format for life to deal with an anticipated recession/depression; while it appears that Trump's plan is to increase business activity. I anticipate that AI will render the old format for life null and void; and the successful new format for life will require efficiency and practicality at all levels, and those who refuse to play, or get up to speed (for whatever reason), will lose by default.
Armstrong has been discussing various agreements between EU member states and Ukraine, increased funding and such, in the hope of fast-tracking Ukraine into NATO membership. I have in mind that within the last month, he also posted that the US would be dealing with a recession going into 2026, and a depression for the EU. Doesn't this put Trump as the monkey in the drivers seat, where he will be able to have his way with the EU? Does Trump want NATO to survive? How about if it is according to his terms?
Does Trump want an end to the conflict in Ukraine, or does he want it to continue so that he has leverage in negotiations with Putin? Or, will Trump's actions be predicated by the terms that Putin dictates?
An increase in business activity will require deals be made so that nations live with each other, and as a consequence, AI survives. Wouldn't this be in the interest of Russia and China as well?
I didn't say "it's the Jews". I specifically accused the Rothshild family of operating as a criminal gang, and noted Trump's extensive and longstanding connections.
FWIW the Rockefellers are involved too. However it's not entirely clear to me whether they are equal or junior partners in the enterprise; my working assumption is that they are junior partners but it is certainly possible that I am wrong.
And finally, while I agree that I have not preseneted evidence here (a short comment is not a form where that is possible), there is an enormous body of evidence which has been assembled, a considerable amount of which has been collated by Jews.
The current administration has been the version of "Dave" where Dave allowed himself to be intimidated by Bob Alexander (obviously intended to be an Alexander Haig clone), who then got everything his way.
America’s low point was 2008 after Bush imploded the economy while waging two asinine wars and selling us out to China and Saudi Arabia. Obama and Trump and Biden have cleaned up the messes Bush made with Trump wisely surrendering to the Taliban! You sound like a Cheney Republican…you are a loser!!!
low IQ, self absorbed, cheap politician without an ounce of redeemable character. It’s the press that propped him for 5 decades, dragged him across the finish line despite an ocean of vote fraud they concealed from view. Shame on all involved.
Well I remember him during the 2020 campaign calling a twenty-something woman who asked him a question "a lying dog-faced pony soldier" and telling a black interviewer "If you don't vote for me you ain't black" and got elected anyway. And the turnout in the 2020 election was 18 million higher than either 2016 or 2024. Tell me again it wasn't rigged.
As I read these articles detailing how Joe Biden was the worst President and the lists of atrocities is endless I have to remind myself and all others that Joe Biden is not responsible for the disastrous presidency...simply because he was not functionally able to both mentally and physically...If Americans are willing to move on (can't say forgive and forget) then so be it...But there is a portion of the population who want to know the real truth...Who were the people behind the election fraud (alleged)? This was a collective effort by some very devious and villainous people and when these criminals are outed...then people may be able to move on...until then...somewhere out there is a criminal who was involved who has a conscience ...perhaps a capitol police person? Maybe an FBI agent? But somewhere there is a Deep Throat who needs to be the first domino to fall...C'mon Man!!!
Nope, no whistleblowers out there. In addition to the code of Omertà, the policy of destroying those that leak the truth make it likely the truth will never be known.
Besides, those that know are of the mindset they are the heroes for "saving democracy".
It's a 4 year waiting game, then business as usual robbing the working people of America.
The real problem is the people's adulation and trust in the federal government. I have friends that still insist on getting the Vaxx once a year or before trips. No matter how much contrarian data shows up, that get the Clotshot. A long term effect that has not been researched is what is the effect on the body and its immunity under the onslaught of continuous bombardment of mRNA generated S proteins.
The government is after two things, its own preservation, and expanding its power over the people. IMHO, one of the desired results of the last three elections was to eliminate the validity of the selection process, ie get rid of the vote. Both sides of the aisle are culpable.
Putting trust in power people or agencies is a critical mistake.
"Putting trust in power people or agencies is a critical mistake."
It is a critical mistake because the people in these positions are just as fallible and flawed as the next guy. They might hold fancier degrees or have a job pedigree that supports their expertise but in the end they are just people and all people are flawed, imperfect and subject to weaknesses. For this reason it IS a mistake to put trust in other human beings and the agencies they have created.
I don't think he has known much of what planet he's been on for the last 50 years. He speaks all to well of the horrible master-slave relationship we have with government. What happens after Trump? Do they re-erect The Dummy from the grave? Another puppet will be installed and it won't matter which party he says he's with.
As malevolent, traumatic, infuriating & demonic as the last 4 years have been, I think the country HAD to go through this to be where we are today. We have all branches of government now & because of his 4 years in the wilderness & everything he’s been forced to endure, we have a much more astute, mature & purposeful Trump today. Had he been “allowed” to win in 2020, he would have been hamstrung to do anything meaningful by the house & senate.
Who is we. It sure as hell ain't me. You've had four years of republicans working hand in hand with the democratic party. The gop sitting on their hands while the treasonous/demented biden administration had the border wide open. I agree someone other than biden was calling all the shots. That is obvious. Trump foolishly kept all the treasonous rats in dc during his term. He is doing a little better this time, but he is still hiring his enemies. Plus his H1B stance is a total deal breaker. I guess "we" means the republican party. I am an Independent voter and until Trump ran for office, I have never voted for a rep. or a dem. If he implements more H1B bs the voting public should raise holy hell and fight it/him tooth and nail.
Well, “we” would be anyone that is not part of or the party of the past 4 years & if they’d had another 4, the country would be f’ing toast. Based on the electoral college AND popular votes + ,winning every swing state, there has to have been tons of non-Republican voters (including yourself) who said ENOUGH of every abuse & insanity of the past 4 years. That’s who “we” are
Trump is not yet in office & I reserve judgment until he is. I don’t put any stock in words - esp from politicians. “Actions speak louder than words” is an ancient adage for a reason. We’ll see soon enough what’s what on visas & everything else
Great post! Arguably Joe Biden has done more to promote the Republican Party than anyone since Lincoln. While the decline of the Dems probably started under Obama, the behind the scene forces in the Biden presidency accelerated the process of forcing upon the public policies such as open borders, transgender surgery for minors, DEI, boys playing sports and sharing locker rooms with girls, etc.
The problem for Dems is that normal Americans find these policies to be repulsive 🤮. These policies accelerated something else - movement of normals from the Dems to the Republican Party. Never in our history have so many red pills been consumed! This is likely to continue until the self proclaimed elites holding power in the Democratic Party are removed by the remaining normals. Until then, get your popcorn 🍿 and enjoy watching the Dem ship sink….
Fair point. I suspect there are some Dem voters who are normal and vote Dem out of habit. With regard to those in office, it’s harder to identify normals, as they are excluded from positions of power and are likely afraid to voice any opinions that deviate from the radical left narrative. I’m sure there are some right wing loons on the Republican side, but the big difference is that they don’t have a voice in shaping policy.
Now if you've ever seen the "Hot vs. Crazy" Matrix for women, the X-axis representing "Hot", goes from 0 to 10. However, the Y-axis representing "Crazy", goes from 4 to 10, because there is no such thing as a woman less than a "4" crazy.
This is a great piece! No holds barred anger at the center,of which, stands the worst human being ever born. I am for ultimate justice involving scaffolds and ropes for thousands of American traitors. Biden should be spared so he may look forward to years of wandering barely cognizant of the immense load with the unmistakable smell he is carrying is his unmentionables.
We can further hope that the same is true of his "get" Hunter and the little misses. I am 78 and going to fight to stick around to enjoy this show.
Biden is scum, no doubt, but is he the worst? Definitely among the worst for sure. However, I think Biden, a filthy excuse for a human, basically took advantage of a system that permits and enables the corruption. As filthy as he is he didn't create this system. He just took advantage of it. This system was corrupted long before Biden took advantage of it. Corrupted by the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ and man many others. That's why I find what I see happening in America so depressing. A lot of this bullshit started a hundred years before I was even conceived.
Consider the idea that the Mob still exists, and was in control of DC for four years. The Mafia and the government collectively killed JFK when it looked like he was not going to follow MIC and Deep State desires. Consider if the conspiracy folks are correct, JFK, Carter, Ford, Reagan assassination attempt, The moon shots, 9/11, elections since 2000, all the work trying to destroy Trump. Something really big is behind all this, bigger than WEF, maybe a cooperation between the Mob and Rothschild, Rockefeller globalists. Could it be that the Mob is working toward global control?
Oh there is definitely more behind this than just one mushy brained old corrupt politician. I believe it involves money. Old money. Multi-generational money. Real money. Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Chase kind of money. Not new, fake money like Musk or Zuckerberg.
Circles within circles and levels within levels. Amen to that. These people only date and marry those within the same circles and levels. Few there be that enter into these circles and levels. Trump isn't one of them. The Clintons aren't part of them. No, they are a class all to themselves.
The WASP Elite sold us out to the International Bankers with the Federal Reserve Act. Once you know who they are, the picture comes into focus and all things can be examined in this light.
Of course Lindbergh was almost destroyed for trying to keep us out WW2. Of course! Of course FDR campaigned on keeping us out, and then put us in. Of course! Of course LBJ said, Let the Israelis sink the Liberty. Of course!
Don't know anymore, Paul. I'd like to think I am on the right side, the solution side, but who knows what's right anymore? I do the best I can with what I believe to be right. Beyond that, I don't have any answers.
Ok, I hear you, Canker. Now, do this - put away your excessive criticism and condemnation of others with whom you're essentially in the same boat. In some cases, you may even be wrong about their motives and actions. The person you're hurting the most with all the damning and negativity is yourself. I'm not talking about being a Pollyanna. I'm talking about being the publican who beat his breast and asked God to be merciful to him, a sinner. Things will start looking up when you go in this direction.
Yeah, Letsrock. It is pretty damned depressing. In other comments I have stated that "Joe Biden" will disappear into a well funded, cushy retirement of all the ice cream he ever wants resting his tired corrupted old bones on a beach until his end finally comes. That is justice in America. The rest of us will be required to muddle through and sort out this mess and most likely suffer through most of it, if we survive, and we didn't really have anything to do with creating this system in the first place. Extremely depressing.
Joe Biden should put the worst American ever, “Benedict Arnold” legacy to bed once and for all. For the next two & half centuries the mere mention of the name Joe Biden should be forever reference a legendary POS!
One thing I cannot understand is why did Biden throw open our southern border in Jan. 2021, letting into the country at least 10 million illegals and tons of fentanyl? It's something he didn't have to do. The result has been chaos from Denver to NYC, and 100,000 fentanyl deaths every year. The damage that has been done to the country is incalculable. Its baffling to me.
One possible explanation for “Biden” throwing the border door open (I don’t believe he did, it was the people behind the curtain) is to implant them in red states, then make a push for citizenship, hence votes. Later, when these illegal aliens started getting bused to sanctuary cities, it turned into a way to lessen the blue state to red state migration loss to soften the loss of congressional seats and electoral votes.
There is a reason a lot flights were landing in the middle of the night and the Biden administration would not release records of where these flights were going. How did some small towns in rural red America suddenly end up with hundreds if not thousands of illegals? It wasn’t by chance.
Republicans need to turn the tables and get a citizenship question on the census.
The Dems have had a takeover plan for fifty years, a plan to eliminate the competition. During the last ten years, one man has stood in the way of that takeover plan, and they tried everything they could do to destroy him. Most of the Dems are still in place and will be a continuous pain in the ass to Trump's administration. IMHO, Trump has two functions to save what is left of America. One, to create a bevy of MAGA folks to replace himself to continue the transition back to sanity, and two, destruction of the Progressive elements by attrition.
Wow, tuff stuff. Generous welfare benefits in the interim and after too for those "in need". Just legalize all the illegals. Problem solved as Bush Jr and Alba liked to say.
Dubya said, "Mission accomplished". Remember the big banner? I don't think he ever solved anything. Except maybe the GFC - if he hadn't signed off on the $700 billion bank bailout - "This sucker might have gone down". What a dope.
Baffling? Not to me. It's to enable the destruction of the white race. To replace us with mutts that have more melanin in their skin. The Great Replacement. That's what it is called by many. When you look at it from a racial perspective it makes perfect sense.
It made him richer. Human trafficking, more drugs to weaken the population, more "minority" voters, and all part of the color revolution tactics visited upon us.
Why has every American President for decades looked the other way? It could have been stopped. Why did Regan legalize the ones already here?
The Globalists are against all real nations. Whites had to become an oppressed minority for the Global order to be born. Ditto Great Britain. Germany wouldn't go along so it had to be destroyed. Ditto Russia now.
Marlin, I believe Joe Biden's open border policies killed my son with fentanyl. Percocet, Percodan, heroin,and other opoids are deadly in their own right but are nothing like the scourge of fentanyl. Fentanyl is 50 times more lethal than heroin. To try and cut/dilute that poison accurately is impossible. My son, brother-in law , and niece all succomed o that shit.
Perdue pushed that poison on the American people by the truckload. I picked up a fella on the ambulance years back. He we taking 160 mgs. a day for his back.His tolerance level was crazy. I told him you ain't never getting off that shit. DR. should have lost his license.
And had made it next to impossible for legitimate pain patients to get these meds that are life changing for them. When the hell was common sense, critical thinking, outlawed?
Sorry to hear that Ricky. I knew you lost your son but didn't realize other relatives were affected too, which is worrisome because if this plague can reach solid families like you own in relatively small town New England... it can reach anybody anywhere.
The open border is not baffling and Biden primarily isn’t responsible. His staffers (who are mostly on the younger side, the darker side, or guilt-ridden white people) feel racist and colonizing whitey has it coming to him. It’s revenge. Let in the entire world!
And the big spike happened under Trump and I know several people whose perfectly healthy 18 year old sons died from fentanyl under Trump and they still voted for him. Trump murdered Joe Kent’s wife with incompetence and he still voted for Trump.
The first big jump was under Obama from 2015 to 2016. The really big jump was from 2019 to 2020. And the first 12 months of over 100k fentanyl deaths began under Trump in April 2020. So if you think fentanyl deaths in February 2021 were from fentanyl that came in a few weeks before then you just don’t care about solving problems you just want to felate Trump.
Another fantasy revealed from our idiot across the pond.
This drug has been around and in use since 1960 they made no distinction between opiates for years the only thing that has changed is how much is now available.
There is enough Fentanyl being seized to kill everyone in California several times over.
Source China with the cartels putting it together.
The only way to really stop it was put forward by Tom Clancy in a book called "Clear and Present danger."
Good riddance, indeed. I still have flash-backs of one of Biden's "campaign stops" where the double-digit audience were on a park lawn with safety circles chalked to ensure social distancing. Yet, more than half of America thought that was OK. Many still do.
Love your lead! Without reading too far in, I first heard the name Joe Biden as a presidential candidate floated by a journalistic colleague in...1987. He has been a well-known hack and doofus in the State of the Corporations, Delaware, for longer than that. This was a matter of having waited his turn and being a useful idiot at the same time. He was obviously blotto in 2020.
He ran for president the first time around then. And he failed miserably, because he was outed as a plagiarist. But I guess that was fine when he ran the second time, because our country's mores have corroded so vastly during that time.
All true, JHK. WELL STATED. Joe Bidens government truly was a government against the people. And it was a government that was as illegitimate as Hunters non recognized daughter . Remember Peaky Blinders? That's the Biden family. A criminal cartel. And, yes, he will pardon all of the Biden criminals, himself and perhaps even Liz , Mayorkas and Garland. Why? Because each is guilty. Three days to go. Trump train coming. Do the dance.
Remember, Cocaine Mitch McConnell and several other 'republican' senators(Cornyn, Thune, etc.) are no different than Chuck U Schumer or Mark Warner and the thieving, traitorous, Demonrat bastards.
Going back one step to his appointment to the position of Vice President: Note that, historically, the VP had to come from a state that would bring in electoral votes. Sleepy Joe was appointed despite the fact that he came from Delaware. Three electoral votes. Now I ask you, why didn't it matter that Biden could not contribute actual votes? I suggest that, if you know the answer . . . if you know why the actual votes did not matter, you can then deduce some things about election fraud, and you can deduce why Biden was chosen in the first place, and why he was elevated to the presidency. I further suggest that "they" needed Biden just as "they" needed Bush before the 9/11 attacks. There have been times when a downright, easy-to-manipulate traitor needed to be in the Whitehouse.
FJB for the last four years was a joke on the world and America. He was the anti-Dave. As you recall, Dave was the 1993 movie in which the president was incapacitated and he was replaced by a hapless look-alike who had great ideas and motivated the nation. FJB was a puppet replaced by the evil list of the deep state trying to keep the Obama destructive legacy alive. Maybe it was a good thing that they stole the election in 2020. It served as a wake up call to Americans that their freedoms were just transitory. God bless Mr. Trump and America, hope it’s still alive.
Sorry but Mr. Trump is the Republican version of hope and change.
Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, Trump - they all work(ed) for the same team. The only difference is the role they play - the Democrats' job is (or at least used to be) to make bad ideas sound good, and the Republicans' job is to give good ideas a bad name by proclaiming the good ideas loudly from the rooftops while actually implementing bad ideas. All parties play their roles admirably and the Rothschilds' grip on the world tightens like a noose around our collective throat.
Trump by the way is utterly beholden to the Rothschild mafia - long close associatons with Kushner, Epstein, Wexner and especially Cohn, and having taken gobs of Rothschild rescue money when he was bankrupt decades ago. Such "friendly" loans do not come without strings attached.
Put not your faith in princes.
I find it impossible to put either Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump on any list that includes Clinton, Bush, and Obama.
Yes, President Trump is, and will continue to be, an Agent of Change. Unlike neocon Bush and power-mad Barry, he will end wars. Unlike traitors Obama and Biden, Trump actually wants to Make America Great Again.
We needn't debate. I am just sorry you had to add your racist remarks, Horace.
What racist remarks?
Maybe you are not a racist. I don't know you. I do know that most people who refer to the "Rothchild Mafia" are. This fixation on the skill and intelligence of the Jewish people, and your obvious jealousy, is a waste of time. Can't you simply stick with "Orange Man Bad"?
You're really reaching to try to be offended there, mate.
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the Balfour Declaration and the role it played in the creation of Israel? The <<link>> here, for your edification. Spoiler alert...Rothschild was one of the principles.
Obviously you share the same prejudicial blind spot, but more accurately I’d say your comment is disingenuous. You know exactly what’s going on. It’s no picnic having cancer if the soul.
I do not believe I am racist, nor do I accept that my remarks are racist.
Do you believe that organized criminal gangs exist, and that such gangs often rely on the loyalty of family bonds to a greater or lesser extent?
If not do you think the whole concept embodied in the term "crime family" is a hoax?
Do you believe that it is impossible for Jewish people to commit crimes?
Do you believe that Jewish people are incapable of forming organized criminal gangs?
I am merely pointing out, based on evidence which I have personally found convincing, that
(a) the Rothschilds, who happen to be Jewish, in my opinion operate the largest and most successful criminal organization in history. So successful that it is the de facto ruler of much of the world today.
(b) Trump has longstanding connections to this gang.
I did not arrive at this conclusion as a result of any prejudice against Jews; precisely the opposite in fact - I arrived at it extremely reluctantly and only after extensively reviewing and attempting to make sense of a vast body of evidence.
Why do you think I (and/or my remarks) am racist?
Trump wisely surrendered to the Taliban…and I will always be grateful to him for standing up to the Military Industrial Complex and making the tough decisions!
President Trump had a plan to remove American troops, assets, American citizens, and our allies from Afghanistan. The Big Guy simply closed Bagram AFB and let the Taliban decide who could leave Afghanistan. His military leaders were unable to communicate with the demented jackass and it resulted in one of the biggest military and political disasters in American history.
Just so you know the American withdrawal was a great deal less of a disaster than the British retreat from Kabul in 1842. As far as I remember, out of 16,000 who set out on the retreat only a hundred or so survived as captives who were later ransomed.
All wrong. Kash Patel was in charge of making it impossible for the Military Industrial Complex to reverse course in Afghanistan…and Trump is promoting him because Kash did a great job! Afghanistan was stupid…and quite frankly you sound like a Cheney Republican…Trump did what Obama couldn’t do!
I think you are way off base in your assumptions. Just look at what Trump achieved during his first term,
Operation Warp Speed? Surrendering to the Taliban? An unsecure border with fentanyl deaths and violent crime spiking? $8 trillion in new debt? The most oil company bankruptcies in history??
Those who still deny the place of the Rothschilds in history think Doris Kearns Goodwin and Tom Brokaw are serious historians.
I don't think you understand Donald Trump at all. And I think that you your Rothchild conspiracy claim is a bit tortured.
I would agree that SloJoe served his purpose, and served it perfectly. Frustrated Americans believing their votes actually count for something had some of that pressure relieved in November, pretty much like the steam locomotive standing at the station in the TV show Petticoat Junction, where each of the sisters is pulling on the steam whistle or taking a dip in the water tank. You've been distracted.
Now the question is how long does "Donald Trump" and his regime of Deep Staters last before another change is needed? Will Donald Trump be the fall guy to start the collapse, and allow JD and his shadow backers rise to the top? Will Trump actually reduce Federal spending via the DoGE joke crypto crowd, or will that be abandoned while Elon gets sent back to SA for littering space junk? Will the globalists give us a break for a year or two before cracking down another massive psychop like the plandemic? The script writers have their blue pencils at the ready, and the popcorn is being popped across the planet.
Good observation. I watched that trail of debris and then the map of all the airplanes at the time. Boy, would THAT have been a disaster if that debris field had hit an aircraft. I was appalled that it seems no one thought of the possibility that a wounded star ship, fired over the Caribbean, could hit an airplane. The FAA needs to figure this one out. There need to be a safe zone with no aircraft in it when that rocket is launched. The good news, that booster flying into thar gantry and captured is wonderful. Elon and the gang better figure out what caused the starship to ignite then explode.
Amen. See Carter's funeral. Trump and Obama sitting side by side, laughing and enjoying each other's company. The enemy wrestlers, the good guys and the bad guys, are all friends back in the club house.
Your assumptions about Trump/Obama conversation ignores the nuances of Trump's personality and Obama's acknowledgement of his own guilt. Trump knows Obama was behind the assassination attempts. Obama's nervous laugh was his reaction to being psychologically nailed with Trump's awareness of it. Trust me, that was a power play that only Trump would pull off with class and subtlety. And Obama knew it.
Along the line of my thoughts as well.
Perhaps Trump viewed that as being the only opportunity to get Obama to open-up and say something that would implicate himself as one of the scoundrels that perpetrated the lawfare against him?
Did Trump instruct Mark Zuckerberg to confess his crime/s to Joe Rogan (and the world), so as to set things up for an investigation into who was in on the formation and implementation of the lawfare and censorship?
Judge nap and some guests are critical of Tulsi Gabbard's refusal to put an end to unauthorized blanket searches by intel agencies. Is this so that the Trump administration can track down and serve justice on all the Biden administration scoundrels, and then Trump will enact/approve legislation to close the door?
It appears that "Joe Biden" and the 2030 Agenda was all about preparing the world population for a more meager format for life to deal with an anticipated recession/depression; while it appears that Trump's plan is to increase business activity. I anticipate that AI will render the old format for life null and void; and the successful new format for life will require efficiency and practicality at all levels, and those who refuse to play, or get up to speed (for whatever reason), will lose by default.
Armstrong has been discussing various agreements between EU member states and Ukraine, increased funding and such, in the hope of fast-tracking Ukraine into NATO membership. I have in mind that within the last month, he also posted that the US would be dealing with a recession going into 2026, and a depression for the EU. Doesn't this put Trump as the monkey in the drivers seat, where he will be able to have his way with the EU? Does Trump want NATO to survive? How about if it is according to his terms?
Does Trump want an end to the conflict in Ukraine, or does he want it to continue so that he has leverage in negotiations with Putin? Or, will Trump's actions be predicated by the terms that Putin dictates?
An increase in business activity will require deals be made so that nations live with each other, and as a consequence, AI survives. Wouldn't this be in the interest of Russia and China as well?
Not a shred of proof just some random here say and the frantic it's the Jews at the root of all evil.
I didn't say "it's the Jews". I specifically accused the Rothshild family of operating as a criminal gang, and noted Trump's extensive and longstanding connections.
FWIW the Rockefellers are involved too. However it's not entirely clear to me whether they are equal or junior partners in the enterprise; my working assumption is that they are junior partners but it is certainly possible that I am wrong.
And finally, while I agree that I have not preseneted evidence here (a short comment is not a form where that is possible), there is an enormous body of evidence which has been assembled, a considerable amount of which has been collated by Jews.
Filed under Conspiracy theories and don't get me wrong I love most of them but long on assertion and short on actual fact.
Are you familiar with the evidence against the Rothschilds?
Could you outline the essential elements of the case, the body of evidence, and where you find the case to be weak?
If not I'll file your response under "pre-conditioned knee jerk reaction".
America has awakened? Not from where I sit. Far from it.
Whites under the age of 15 are less than 50% of the under 15 population. It's all but over, at least for this America.
The current administration has been the version of "Dave" where Dave allowed himself to be intimidated by Bob Alexander (obviously intended to be an Alexander Haig clone), who then got everything his way.
America’s low point was 2008 after Bush imploded the economy while waging two asinine wars and selling us out to China and Saudi Arabia. Obama and Trump and Biden have cleaned up the messes Bush made with Trump wisely surrendering to the Taliban! You sound like a Cheney Republican…you are a loser!!!
Same play book same lame post and claims.
Get some new material lamer.
Amen, Mark .
So, adios, “Joe Biden,” you miserable, treasonous bastard.
You made me smile, Sherm. Thank you.
Republicans in Congress voted Lizard Cheney into leadership in January 2021! 😆
Biden is a dishonest-to-the-core,
low IQ, self absorbed, cheap politician without an ounce of redeemable character. It’s the press that propped him for 5 decades, dragged him across the finish line despite an ocean of vote fraud they concealed from view. Shame on all involved.
Remember when you voted for Bush/Cheney?? 😝
Remember when you trolled for the whole day and only came out of the basement for mommy’s tv dinner?
No - I voted for Algore - he lost in a heartbreaker.
Remember when you decided to post nonsense and gave your soul and brain to Marxism?
Let’s sacrifice 7000 of our best and brightest to slaughter innocent Muslims!! 😝
Innocent Muslims...no such thing.
Remember when you decided to post nonsense and gave your soul and brain to Marxism?
So the 7000 new Gold Stars was totes worth it!!! Go visit Arlington Cemetery and tell that to the grieving families.
Like you care...we all know it's nothing by an attack point for you.
Well I remember him during the 2020 campaign calling a twenty-something woman who asked him a question "a lying dog-faced pony soldier" and telling a black interviewer "If you don't vote for me you ain't black" and got elected anyway. And the turnout in the 2020 election was 18 million higher than either 2016 or 2024. Tell me again it wasn't rigged.
I want to know where the 15 million voters for Biden went, they didn't show up for Kamala, and Trump didn't get them.
They are sitting in numerous abandoned US Postal trucks resting on the bottom of Lake Michigan.
That was the fraud margin.
Okay. It wasn't rigged. (note sarcasm). Just playing along.
tell me lies tell me sweet little lies..
As I read these articles detailing how Joe Biden was the worst President and the lists of atrocities is endless I have to remind myself and all others that Joe Biden is not responsible for the disastrous presidency...simply because he was not functionally able to both mentally and physically...If Americans are willing to move on (can't say forgive and forget) then so be it...But there is a portion of the population who want to know the real truth...Who were the people behind the election fraud (alleged)? This was a collective effort by some very devious and villainous people and when these criminals are outed...then people may be able to move on...until then...somewhere out there is a criminal who was involved who has a conscience ...perhaps a capitol police person? Maybe an FBI agent? But somewhere there is a Deep Throat who needs to be the first domino to fall...C'mon Man!!!
Nope, no whistleblowers out there. In addition to the code of Omertà, the policy of destroying those that leak the truth make it likely the truth will never be known.
Besides, those that know are of the mindset they are the heroes for "saving democracy".
It's a 4 year waiting game, then business as usual robbing the working people of America.
The real problem is the people's adulation and trust in the federal government. I have friends that still insist on getting the Vaxx once a year or before trips. No matter how much contrarian data shows up, that get the Clotshot. A long term effect that has not been researched is what is the effect on the body and its immunity under the onslaught of continuous bombardment of mRNA generated S proteins.
The government is after two things, its own preservation, and expanding its power over the people. IMHO, one of the desired results of the last three elections was to eliminate the validity of the selection process, ie get rid of the vote. Both sides of the aisle are culpable.
Putting trust in power people or agencies is a critical mistake.
I have been told the mRNA shot is now included in the yearly Flu shot as well.
Yet another reason to avoid that stupid shot.
"Putting trust in power people or agencies is a critical mistake."
It is a critical mistake because the people in these positions are just as fallible and flawed as the next guy. They might hold fancier degrees or have a job pedigree that supports their expertise but in the end they are just people and all people are flawed, imperfect and subject to weaknesses. For this reason it IS a mistake to put trust in other human beings and the agencies they have created.
Is there anywhere in the world where an atheist won’t be persecuted?
If so, it's not in the United States of America.
Because atheists still are in America, a country whose government claims to have a separation of church and a freedom of and from religion.
But does not. No atheist could be elected President.
Americans have never had true freedom from Religion!
Christianity has always been a huge anchor around America's neck.
Putting trust in religious institutions has been America's critical mistake.
A fatal flaw.
How is it Americas problem you have been deceived?
Why should we vote for someone who believes in nothing?
He has been known as a liar all the years of his senatation. And insider criminal. ‘Let Joey do it’ was the whisper.
I don't think he has known much of what planet he's been on for the last 50 years. He speaks all to well of the horrible master-slave relationship we have with government. What happens after Trump? Do they re-erect The Dummy from the grave? Another puppet will be installed and it won't matter which party he says he's with.
As malevolent, traumatic, infuriating & demonic as the last 4 years have been, I think the country HAD to go through this to be where we are today. We have all branches of government now & because of his 4 years in the wilderness & everything he’s been forced to endure, we have a much more astute, mature & purposeful Trump today. Had he been “allowed” to win in 2020, he would have been hamstrung to do anything meaningful by the house & senate.
Yep, compare and contrast is necessary to even know what something is.
Who is we. It sure as hell ain't me. You've had four years of republicans working hand in hand with the democratic party. The gop sitting on their hands while the treasonous/demented biden administration had the border wide open. I agree someone other than biden was calling all the shots. That is obvious. Trump foolishly kept all the treasonous rats in dc during his term. He is doing a little better this time, but he is still hiring his enemies. Plus his H1B stance is a total deal breaker. I guess "we" means the republican party. I am an Independent voter and until Trump ran for office, I have never voted for a rep. or a dem. If he implements more H1B bs the voting public should raise holy hell and fight it/him tooth and nail.
Well, “we” would be anyone that is not part of or the party of the past 4 years & if they’d had another 4, the country would be f’ing toast. Based on the electoral college AND popular votes + ,winning every swing state, there has to have been tons of non-Republican voters (including yourself) who said ENOUGH of every abuse & insanity of the past 4 years. That’s who “we” are
Trump is not yet in office & I reserve judgment until he is. I don’t put any stock in words - esp from politicians. “Actions speak louder than words” is an ancient adage for a reason. We’ll see soon enough what’s what on visas & everything else
Great post! Arguably Joe Biden has done more to promote the Republican Party than anyone since Lincoln. While the decline of the Dems probably started under Obama, the behind the scene forces in the Biden presidency accelerated the process of forcing upon the public policies such as open borders, transgender surgery for minors, DEI, boys playing sports and sharing locker rooms with girls, etc.
The problem for Dems is that normal Americans find these policies to be repulsive 🤮. These policies accelerated something else - movement of normals from the Dems to the Republican Party. Never in our history have so many red pills been consumed! This is likely to continue until the self proclaimed elites holding power in the Democratic Party are removed by the remaining normals. Until then, get your popcorn 🍿 and enjoy watching the Dem ship sink….
Do you actually believe there are "normals" in the democrat party? I sure don't, and I can't think of any in recent history.
I personally think that to be a democrat, one must be a sociopath at this point in time.
Or so out of touch it doesn't matter what you see or hear nothing penetrates the miasma of war.
And, to be a republican you must be gullible.
And your suggestion?
Fair point. I suspect there are some Dem voters who are normal and vote Dem out of habit. With regard to those in office, it’s harder to identify normals, as they are excluded from positions of power and are likely afraid to voice any opinions that deviate from the radical left narrative. I’m sure there are some right wing loons on the Republican side, but the big difference is that they don’t have a voice in shaping policy.
Never met a normal Dem…
None of us have ever met a completely sane person.
Boom..there are only degrees of crazy
Yes, but...
Now if you've ever seen the "Hot vs. Crazy" Matrix for women, the X-axis representing "Hot", goes from 0 to 10. However, the Y-axis representing "Crazy", goes from 4 to 10, because there is no such thing as a woman less than a "4" crazy.
To wit:
This is a great piece! No holds barred anger at the center,of which, stands the worst human being ever born. I am for ultimate justice involving scaffolds and ropes for thousands of American traitors. Biden should be spared so he may look forward to years of wandering barely cognizant of the immense load with the unmistakable smell he is carrying is his unmentionables.
We can further hope that the same is true of his "get" Hunter and the little misses. I am 78 and going to fight to stick around to enjoy this show.
God bless PDJT
Biden is scum, no doubt, but is he the worst? Definitely among the worst for sure. However, I think Biden, a filthy excuse for a human, basically took advantage of a system that permits and enables the corruption. As filthy as he is he didn't create this system. He just took advantage of it. This system was corrupted long before Biden took advantage of it. Corrupted by the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ and man many others. That's why I find what I see happening in America so depressing. A lot of this bullshit started a hundred years before I was even conceived.
Consider the idea that the Mob still exists, and was in control of DC for four years. The Mafia and the government collectively killed JFK when it looked like he was not going to follow MIC and Deep State desires. Consider if the conspiracy folks are correct, JFK, Carter, Ford, Reagan assassination attempt, The moon shots, 9/11, elections since 2000, all the work trying to destroy Trump. Something really big is behind all this, bigger than WEF, maybe a cooperation between the Mob and Rothschild, Rockefeller globalists. Could it be that the Mob is working toward global control?
Oh there is definitely more behind this than just one mushy brained old corrupt politician. I believe it involves money. Old money. Multi-generational money. Real money. Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Chase kind of money. Not new, fake money like Musk or Zuckerberg.
Yeah, old money has the power to manipulate stock markets as well as commodities, like gold.
There is still a lot of it out there and it is silent, discreet but awfully powerful.
There are circles within circles and levels within levels.
I've witnessed some of this while staying in a hotel near the Pentagon a few years ago. It was a bit unnerving.
Circles within circles and levels within levels. Amen to that. These people only date and marry those within the same circles and levels. Few there be that enter into these circles and levels. Trump isn't one of them. The Clintons aren't part of them. No, they are a class all to themselves.
Read up on the Black Nobility…. Behind it all.. including the mafia 🙏
I was just going to say same.
The Khazarian Mafia goes by many names.
The WASP Elite sold us out to the International Bankers with the Federal Reserve Act. Once you know who they are, the picture comes into focus and all things can be examined in this light.
Of course Lindbergh was almost destroyed for trying to keep us out WW2. Of course! Of course FDR campaigned on keeping us out, and then put us in. Of course! Of course LBJ said, Let the Israelis sink the Liberty. Of course!
Sin goes back to the beginning, Canker. Now consider - you’re either part of the solution or part of the problem. Which are you?
Don't know anymore, Paul. I'd like to think I am on the right side, the solution side, but who knows what's right anymore? I do the best I can with what I believe to be right. Beyond that, I don't have any answers.
Ok, I hear you, Canker. Now, do this - put away your excessive criticism and condemnation of others with whom you're essentially in the same boat. In some cases, you may even be wrong about their motives and actions. The person you're hurting the most with all the damning and negativity is yourself. I'm not talking about being a Pollyanna. I'm talking about being the publican who beat his breast and asked God to be merciful to him, a sinner. Things will start looking up when you go in this direction.
What I see depressing is the rampant criminal activity that is apparently going to be unpunished. Only the innocent have been punished.
Yeah, Letsrock. It is pretty damned depressing. In other comments I have stated that "Joe Biden" will disappear into a well funded, cushy retirement of all the ice cream he ever wants resting his tired corrupted old bones on a beach until his end finally comes. That is justice in America. The rest of us will be required to muddle through and sort out this mess and most likely suffer through most of it, if we survive, and we didn't really have anything to do with creating this system in the first place. Extremely depressing.
Quite possibly the best assessment of the past for years in the entire universe.
The perfect comment to the perfect article
Except for the small imperfection, *four*. Taking over for Q.
Honestly, I think you're going easy on the old cretin.
Joe Biden should put the worst American ever, “Benedict Arnold” legacy to bed once and for all. For the next two & half centuries the mere mention of the name Joe Biden should be forever reference a legendary POS!
And his cronies.
One thing I cannot understand is why did Biden throw open our southern border in Jan. 2021, letting into the country at least 10 million illegals and tons of fentanyl? It's something he didn't have to do. The result has been chaos from Denver to NYC, and 100,000 fentanyl deaths every year. The damage that has been done to the country is incalculable. Its baffling to me.
One possible explanation for “Biden” throwing the border door open (I don’t believe he did, it was the people behind the curtain) is to implant them in red states, then make a push for citizenship, hence votes. Later, when these illegal aliens started getting bused to sanctuary cities, it turned into a way to lessen the blue state to red state migration loss to soften the loss of congressional seats and electoral votes.
There is a reason a lot flights were landing in the middle of the night and the Biden administration would not release records of where these flights were going. How did some small towns in rural red America suddenly end up with hundreds if not thousands of illegals? It wasn’t by chance.
Republicans need to turn the tables and get a citizenship question on the census.
Yes. We have stories from our Midwest potato field international airport…no one listened.
That’s a marvellous description of your “airport”. Our local airport (in the UK) could give it a run for its money.
The Dems have had a takeover plan for fifty years, a plan to eliminate the competition. During the last ten years, one man has stood in the way of that takeover plan, and they tried everything they could do to destroy him. Most of the Dems are still in place and will be a continuous pain in the ass to Trump's administration. IMHO, Trump has two functions to save what is left of America. One, to create a bevy of MAGA folks to replace himself to continue the transition back to sanity, and two, destruction of the Progressive elements by attrition.
Enforce Separation of Church and State.
Repeal the "no taxation for religious institutions" Laws
Yes, declare Marxism a heresy, and make you all eat burned steaks at the stake house.
The waiting period for legal Permanent Resident to become a citizen is 5-years.
Wow, tuff stuff. Generous welfare benefits in the interim and after too for those "in need". Just legalize all the illegals. Problem solved as Bush Jr and Alba liked to say.
Dubya said, "Mission accomplished". Remember the big banner? I don't think he ever solved anything. Except maybe the GFC - if he hadn't signed off on the $700 billion bank bailout - "This sucker might have gone down". What a dope.
The Bush family’s goal since the 1960s was to make China great again…I would say “mission accomplished”.
Baffling? Not to me. It's to enable the destruction of the white race. To replace us with mutts that have more melanin in their skin. The Great Replacement. That's what it is called by many. When you look at it from a racial perspective it makes perfect sense.
Exactly. It’s not baffling. It’s revenge against whitey.
It made him richer. Human trafficking, more drugs to weaken the population, more "minority" voters, and all part of the color revolution tactics visited upon us.
Yes!!!! Not just him, his family and the Mob. Are you Mary Queen?
Why has every American President for decades looked the other way? It could have been stopped. Why did Regan legalize the ones already here?
The Globalists are against all real nations. Whites had to become an oppressed minority for the Global order to be born. Ditto Great Britain. Germany wouldn't go along so it had to be destroyed. Ditto Russia now.
I know: Too much Truth for you, right?
Marlin, I believe Joe Biden's open border policies killed my son with fentanyl. Percocet, Percodan, heroin,and other opoids are deadly in their own right but are nothing like the scourge of fentanyl. Fentanyl is 50 times more lethal than heroin. To try and cut/dilute that poison accurately is impossible. My son, brother-in law , and niece all succomed o that shit.
Perdue pushed that poison on the American people by the truckload. I picked up a fella on the ambulance years back. He we taking 160 mgs. a day for his back.His tolerance level was crazy. I told him you ain't never getting off that shit. DR. should have lost his license.
Hey If I have terminal cancer with days/ weeks to live. give me the fentanyl patches. I'm down widdat. Nobody wants pain. I'm gonna die anyway.
And that's when you won't be able to get it.
And had made it next to impossible for legitimate pain patients to get these meds that are life changing for them. When the hell was common sense, critical thinking, outlawed?
Sorry to hear that Ricky. I knew you lost your son but didn't realize other relatives were affected too, which is worrisome because if this plague can reach solid families like you own in relatively small town New England... it can reach anybody anywhere.
The open border is not baffling and Biden primarily isn’t responsible. His staffers (who are mostly on the younger side, the darker side, or guilt-ridden white people) feel racist and colonizing whitey has it coming to him. It’s revenge. Let in the entire world!
They've been brainwashed mk ultra style.
A piece of Fentanyl the size of a grain of salt will kill. You don't even have to ingest it. It's absorbed thru the skin.
And the big spike happened under Trump and I know several people whose perfectly healthy 18 year old sons died from fentanyl under Trump and they still voted for him. Trump murdered Joe Kent’s wife with incompetence and he still voted for Trump.
You're actually wrong.
Fentanyl really took off under the Obama regime.
This is being pushed by China and funneled through the cartels.
It is being added into EVERYTHING from weed to meth.
Wait till the Car-fentanyl starts hitting the streets that is 100 times stronger than Fentanyl.
100,000 Americans dying to this poison now.
They have seized enough of this poisin to kill an entire state.
The first big jump was under Obama from 2015 to 2016. The really big jump was from 2019 to 2020. And the first 12 months of over 100k fentanyl deaths began under Trump in April 2020. So if you think fentanyl deaths in February 2021 were from fentanyl that came in a few weeks before then you just don’t care about solving problems you just want to felate Trump.
Another fantasy revealed from our idiot across the pond.
This drug has been around and in use since 1960 they made no distinction between opiates for years the only thing that has changed is how much is now available.
There is enough Fentanyl being seized to kill everyone in California several times over.
Source China with the cartels putting it together.
The only way to really stop it was put forward by Tom Clancy in a book called "Clear and Present danger."
Democrat Voters & Cheaper Labor.
Good riddance, indeed. I still have flash-backs of one of Biden's "campaign stops" where the double-digit audience were on a park lawn with safety circles chalked to ensure social distancing. Yet, more than half of America thought that was OK. Many still do.
Most were staff & selected media.
Love your lead! Without reading too far in, I first heard the name Joe Biden as a presidential candidate floated by a journalistic colleague in...1987. He has been a well-known hack and doofus in the State of the Corporations, Delaware, for longer than that. This was a matter of having waited his turn and being a useful idiot at the same time. He was obviously blotto in 2020.
He ran for president the first time around then. And he failed miserably, because he was outed as a plagiarist. But I guess that was fine when he ran the second time, because our country's mores have corroded so vastly during that time.
Biden and Ted Kennedy were formed in the same mold.
Think Joey would have saved poor Mary Joe?
Along with plenty of others.
Wasn't that funny? Well as Ezra Pound said, good writers borrow and great writers steal. Wait, I said that...
Joe was of course never anything other than a pitiful facade worthy of nothing more than the disdain of the American people.
All true, JHK. WELL STATED. Joe Bidens government truly was a government against the people. And it was a government that was as illegitimate as Hunters non recognized daughter . Remember Peaky Blinders? That's the Biden family. A criminal cartel. And, yes, he will pardon all of the Biden criminals, himself and perhaps even Liz , Mayorkas and Garland. Why? Because each is guilty. Three days to go. Trump train coming. Do the dance.
Excellent piece, James. Totally agree.
Remember, Cocaine Mitch McConnell and several other 'republican' senators(Cornyn, Thune, etc.) are no different than Chuck U Schumer or Mark Warner and the thieving, traitorous, Demonrat bastards.
Yes, the RINO crowd. They need to call themselves GOP to get elected but are as Deep State as the rest of the bastards in DC.
They are the UniParty for themselves for personal gain and bipartisanship dressing.
Going back one step to his appointment to the position of Vice President: Note that, historically, the VP had to come from a state that would bring in electoral votes. Sleepy Joe was appointed despite the fact that he came from Delaware. Three electoral votes. Now I ask you, why didn't it matter that Biden could not contribute actual votes? I suggest that, if you know the answer . . . if you know why the actual votes did not matter, you can then deduce some things about election fraud, and you can deduce why Biden was chosen in the first place, and why he was elevated to the presidency. I further suggest that "they" needed Biden just as "they" needed Bush before the 9/11 attacks. There have been times when a downright, easy-to-manipulate traitor needed to be in the Whitehouse.