Two questions. Are you the only one who realizes this shit? What are we supposed to do with it? A revolution is in order for sure and I do want to see people hang from light posts on BLM blvd in DC but where do we go from here? What do we do? We just gave conservatives all branches of power. What else?

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You could start by Tweeting out Dan Hoffman as a walking-talking poison pill onstage at this crucial time. Let the word go forth !!!

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A president cannot be a president if the justice system he oversees has merely shelved its prosecution of him for crimes it 'creatively' investigated and indicted him on, including capital crimes.

A president would be constrained by knowledge that in four years the people and agency he oversees may use their power to seize his assets, put him in prison, maybe execute him. His fate predicated on if those same personnel at Justice who work for him like how he treats them, does what they tell him to do or not.

A president cannot be constrained like that, unable to act in the best interests of the nation that made him its chief executive if his subordinates have that sword pressed against his neck.

They must go. All associated with that egregious travesty and afront must go. Charges must be dropped, complete immunity must be asserted. Or Trump is not President Trump. He's Defendant Trump. All four years of his presidency would be akin to Pretrial services, a defendant doing everything he can to gain leniency in the system that will punish him differently if he does what they want him to do. Not what the American people who elected him want him to do. If Bondi doesn't do that the moment she takes office, fire all involved in Crossfire Hurricane, all involved in Mueller investigation, all involved in records investigation, all who collaborated with state and local AG's and DA's, and completely exonerate him of all the lawfare charges then she will be the one holding the sword of the criminal and corrupt state over the office of the presidency. Its occupant immaterial. The Deep State will remain in charge, not the American people.

Your move, Trump. Will you be pretrial services Defendant Trump? Or President Trump? What has Bondi committed to do, blood oath commitment?

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Well said Freedom Fox: It is only when James Comey, (et al), are sentenced to federal prison for treason, will the rule of law in the United States be restored. Until then, We the People are living in a 'banana republic".

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Mitt Romney just endorsed Bondi. I’d bet anything she is compromised.

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Suspicious, no? The Conservative Treehouse has shared a lot about her that's unflattering. And that site is the biggest Trump cheerleading team out there. Particularly unflattering was her role in the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman prosecution. Zimmerman was an innocent man defending his own life. From a much larger thug than the photo of the boy Trayvon Martin once was. Bondi had possession of plenty of exculpatory evidence yet she made sure Zimmerman was put through the wringer and would've sent that innocent man to jail to score political points for her career. An innocent verdict after going through that horrible ordeal is a small victory for an innocent man who never gets his name and reputation back, lost everything he had, life economic prospects ruined. Bondi. Her resume. Not a good sign of her character, no matter how much she sucks up to Trump.

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Absolutely correct and I concur wholeheartedly. Surely Trump knows this, or? I did read that Sundance article and Truth’ed it to President Trump’s account. If Mitt Romney likes her, I sure as hell don’t. If she doesn’t move fast, she’s likely deep state - and precious time will have been wasted.

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A broken clock is correct 2x/ Day.

A women won’t be attacked like a man.

Her deputies are SHARP.

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Mittens gotta get some slippy-sox and an orange jumpsuit.

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Excellent points all. It's not about revenge, it's about survival. Every last one of those who -- call it what it is -- committed treason should be fired. And if they are merely fired and allowed to retire in peace, they should consider themselves lucky to stay out of jail. But they must all be removed from any position of influence or power, regardless of whatever skill or expertise they claim to possess.

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“Its not about revenge, its about survival”. Take away their power and it becomes about revenge. Paradigms must be avenge itself.

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So let it be written, so let it be done 😁

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Okay, Yul Brynner!

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It’s actually from the Old Testament not Yul Brynner

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RET. Adm Mike Rogers exposed the FISA spying.

Congress Mike Rogers covered up the BENGHAZI MURDERS.

The latter is a FBI lifer, whose name was dropped as FBI chief after he lost the Michigan Senate.

Trump said “I t’s NOT happening”.

“Faye” Wray has to resign before he names a replacement.

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Matt Gaetz is ineligible? What in the actual flying fuck?

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Theresa, stop calling my family. Ron Anselmo is married and has been for 25 years. He is feeding his ego by chatting with you. It will go no further.

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Yes, awareness is vitally important, to keep up the pressure. Nov 5 was the beginning, not the end, of our efforts.

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The even bigger question is - does Trump know? My biggest concern for his return was that he listened to the wrong people last time. Will he make that mistake again?

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I never believed Trump "made mistakes" in choosing his compadres for the top jobs. Just like Biden made no mistakes in choosing 48 Zionists for the same positions. These choices were thought-out and strategic. We voted for an extension of the swamp when we chose Trump and we can expect to pay and pay some more. It appears that he's made some good choices, probably most are compromised just like he is. Trump is no bargain.

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I’m always curious when someone posts with 100% certainty that they know what’s going on—they’ve got all the goods and they’re just here to let us know. Why is your ascertain that Trump is compromised any more credible than someone who thinks he’s not? This is 5D chess. Anyone who thinks they have a handle on absolute truth is kidding themselves.

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The XD chess thing is getting so old. I remember when it was 3D chess. That was about 15 years ago. Then it turned into 4D chess. "My preferred person is the one playing 4D chess! Yours isn't!" Now it's 5D? Those sure are a lot of dimensions.

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When they went from LBG to LBGTQIA+, I was moved to complain: "It took me five years to just remember what LSMFT stood for."

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For those who don't remember: 'Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco'.

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Word salad. But my point is that I don’t know anyone who has the right to claim absolute certainty they have the truth in their pocket and I’ve been at this since 1997.

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Who did that? Besides you, I mean?

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We have four years of experience to help us assess Trump's reliability to carry out the things he verbalizes.

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Thank you sir!

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I don’t know whose team Trump is on with any certainty but I certainly have my suspicions about him. I do know that acting gets tiring. In times of weariness or stress, we see holes in people’s performance as we so often did with Kamala or Obama. Trump never wavers. And he’d have to be a first rate ass wipe to have spent eight years hugging grandmas and babies all the while wishing they had died of Covid in a nursing home or hospital alone. Does he come across as a sociopath to you?

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Probably no more sociopathic than most all politicians. The main problem with Trump is that he is ignorant on many subjects of importance and has no core philosophy to guide his thinking. Ignorant does not mean stupid. But he knows nothing about the basic principles of economics. He approaches everything in the economic realm from the standpoint of a real estate mentality---basing everything on debt and leverage with no limit on currency creation in order to cause the boom and bust cycles that benefit the speculators and bankrupt the average citizens. It is even more disturbing that he doesn't seem to grasp how much serious harm was caused by the covid scamdemic that he signed onto and still supports wholeheartedly.

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“Trust the plan”

“White Hats”

“Black Hats”

“It had to be this way.”

“5D Chess, etc” 😂

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That's nothing more than all that Q Pied Piper nonsense.

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It's called an "opinion". I bet you have one, too.

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Mmmmm, No. Trump is no extension of the swamp.

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Davos 2024 - 'Rebuilding Trust'

US Election 2024 - ' Trust Rebuild complete'

2025 - 'Take the injection sucker (whilst we take the Iranian oil)'

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China Joe hates Israel, always has. And Israel hates him right back, and dearly loves Donald Trump.

As to Biden's administration, Blinken and his cohorts hate Israel more than Joe does and israel hates them back.

They are not vaguely Zionist, they are Luciferian Dark Deep State Court Jews, heir to a tradition nearly as hoary as The Crown they ultimately serve, the diametric opposite of Zionists.

Jew Hate is synonymous with absurd ignorance and you have offered a prime example of that.

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A sayanim coming to rescue a fellow member of the tribe.

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Real question is, was it really a mistake? If so, then he’s not smart or savvy enough to be in office. If not a mistake, it’s merely a changing of the guard at the swamp. While we all just sit back, watch the destruction and hope those who broke the system will fix it? Not going to happen IMO. Of the rights we had, or were guaranteed, only 1 remains and it seems cannabis will solve the 2A problem as it is increasingly rolled out will still fed illegal.

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They aren’t all conservatives. I just listened to Brian kilmeade,a fake conservative from faux news on the radio, and I’m telling you,we are in a three way war, against the libretardS, the neocons, and us. Conservatives. The neocons are the worst,because they hide who they are. They are the enemy within within. They might as well be libretardS. I am so sick of this shit.

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Kilmeade is a bought and paid for Zionist. I find him to be a yes man for Israel. Disgusting.

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What's wrong with Zionism and Israel. I will never understand "Conservatives" that are anti-Israel, anti-Zionist. Israel must prevail at all costs.

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"As goes Israel, so goes Western Civilization."

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Once we get what we want from the United States it can dry up and blow away - Bibi Netanyahu

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You are on the wrong blog.

Küster is a jew and a Zionist.

You are an ignorant antisemitic bigot.

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You're wrong.

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Try a little harder to understand those people who know the REAL score about the Tribe. Tribe can ride Bibi right down the shiite chute.

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They betrayed their British allies who had given them part of Palestine and fought the Palestinians by their side. They started bombing hotels and cutting the throats of British sentries with piano wire.

And how about us? Google what they did to our ship, The Liberty.

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Google what the USA warmongers do, moron,

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What a distasteful antisemitic parasite you are. Still seething in your primordial sewage of baseless hate. Go dumpacrap with AOC, where lemmings go to chew on each other in perpetual victimhood.

What a disgrace.

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Palestinians are the real semites.

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There is no such nationality.

Only Arabs.

You-are lost in media propaganda.

Bets you stop writing and read.

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A Semite is defined as a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, which includes languages such as Hebrew, Arabic, and Amharic. The term originally derives from Shem, one of the sons of Noah, and has historically been used to refer to various groups in the Middle East, including Jews and Arabs.

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I think the Israelis play the ultimate perpetual victim hood card.

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I think you are a hood junkyard dog.

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What’s a “Zionist”.

You have no clue.

Look it up, ignoramus.

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i'm feeling lazy. Do tell.

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We have a true Nazi in the house.

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Oh, i'm scared and thrilled at the same time lol

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The neocons are the most destructive, because they have the most power, but they are not cultural. They are war-hungry psychos and they tell us exactly what they want and what they are doing. Woke Jacobins (liberals) are sneaky, duplicitous, self-contradicting, weak, whiny and easily led to vandal-level violence as a group. They are the cultural threat, because they break down culture bit by bit to try to replace it with weak freakish insane people running the show. To me, it makes sense that now they support neocons. Back in the 'aughts, they didn't.

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Agreed. Death to the Jacobins & NeoCons.

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I doubt the neocons bought into the covid hoax, but if they did, and all got jabbed, that might solve some of the problem. But the Woke Jacobins buy into every single extermination attempt against them by the PTB and welcome it! They are the ones mostly getting turbo cancers, blood clots, and becoming sterile. That might bode well for the future.

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Turbo cancer induced by the vaxx clot shots is real. I have a good friend, libtard as all hell and 100% pro-Vaxx. He & family vaxxed-up at least 6 times. He grew a grapefruit sized tumor in 5 months. He’s dying.

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Same with one of my besties from high school. She got jabbed up 2x and a year later, turbo cancer. I mean, they don't even know what it is, she grew a football sized tumor. They thought it was ovarian cancer but they got in there and discovered they don't know what it is. She also got a blood clot in her lung. I have no idea how long she'll last. She has to do chemo.

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11/22/24: Kilmeade is the most effective alternative to rat poison imaginable, the very symbol of the Fox-Pravda bastards who stabbed Trump in the back in 2020 and since then have been back-pedaling so fast, even Joe and Mika --- the MSNBC-Tiffany gold standard of deceitfulness --- are embarrassed to witness it.

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Why do you put the date in front of your comments? It's weird. Substack shows when people post.

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11/22/24: It is the exact opposite of "weird." It's a vital reminder that every year is 1984. After 30 years of cell-phone (heroin) and related computer issues/drone-watching television, the majority of the American people today are programmed intellectual sheep who expect The Lords of The Internet to do their thinking for them.

If we don't get physical exercise, we physically degenerate. Translate that over to what has happened to our brains. My dating my comments is my daily self-reminder that there is work to do and notes to be kept and it is fatal to trust the unscrupulous manipulators running a system that has turned into a nanny-state oppressor to handle the details for me.

Trust Substack (NY Times, NBC-Pravda, U.S. "government," etc.) to do this for me? To be honest about keeping accurate records, including event dates and times? To possess indefatigable integrity? Insane. There's your definition of "weird."

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Good lord. I had no idea you were insane. I know now, though.

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I take that as the highest compliment. Thank you.

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why would Kilmeade poison himself with rat poison?

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Wow! So funny and clever. Lol

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Agreed. The Bush-Cheney-McCain-Romney NeoCons are the worst. I kick myself for voting for them but Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, Obama?... BARF !!!

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I think you mean the "Ziocons" who hide in plain site. These people(?) ARE the Deep State, just look at Biden's bureaucracy and their (cough cough) affiliations.

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If he knows it, DJT knows it. So do all his appointees.

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He didn't know that Pompeo was a traitor. Does he know it now? Maybe. I hope he does. He rejected Pompeo and Haley. But does he really realize how big and how hostile the CIA really is? I don't see enough indications that he does. Col Karen Kwiatkowski (on "Judging Freedom") hopes that Trump's appointments of Christian Zionists [people whom the Israelis will not trust or respect] to diplomatic positions in Israel in fact do show that Trump in fact does recognize that Bibi and his crew are not friends and allies of himself or the USA and he knows that they will have to be restrained, sopped and placated at first, but ultimately cut loose because they will not "make a deal". I hope Col Kwiatkowski is right.

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He didn't know Pompeo was a traitor? Hmmm. You should look up the video from March, 2020 where Pompeo announces the "LIVE EXERCISE" we are under in the form of the COVID19 SCARE. Trump says, "You should have told us" - well, mumbles it. So he would have known right then and there that Pompeo was a rat.

BTW, most people don't seem to understand that the term LIVE EXERCISE is a military term. It's not just tossed around by someone like Pompeo. Look up what a live exercise is.

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He fired Bolton but he didn't fire Pompeo. If he knew Pompeo was undermining him he didn't act like he knew. I wonder if it is difficult to get mentally past the CIA image of being loyal to the government. Much was going on that we can't know. Why did Trump participate, like a stooge, in murdering Kassem Soleimani? An act which was destructive of US interests and the safety of US personnel and even politically destructive against Trump's interests? I wondered if the Senate GOP threatened him that they'd vote for impeachment if he didn't get tough on Iran. But that was four years ago and a lot of water under the bridge.

I hope he has learned a lot more about what he will be up against and who his friends are NOT.

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Trump now, as was then in his first term, had the scum RINOs in the Senate working against him, at every issue.

Let's see how Trump's nominees get vetted/approved.

It was a huge strategic error to name Gaetz without getting him pre-approved by the 6-12 RINOs first. Backing up is bad form.

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The idiotic woman on "The View" said Gaetz was guilty of sex crimes. I immediately said to myself, "OOPS! That's Slander, honey! That's LAWSUIT. Y'all best take it back!" and she did within minutes. She must have gotten a sharp rebuke in her earbud. Still, Gaetz must have taken that as a warning of how dirty the RINOs are going to get. He was wise to withdraw and his reason for doing so is believable.

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Trump needs to package up the CIA and the Deep State/Deep Stink and look for bids from Foreign Buyers only.

Since neither the CIA nor the Stink Crew work in the interests of the United State they need to be Offshored. ASAP

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The "Intelligence Community" needs a custom pair of cement shoes before being offshored so it can sleep with the fishes. Job one? Destroy the FBI. Same day? Obliterate the Covert Operations command of the CIA and suck up every merc and zap them with a bug burner like horse flies.

– "The Intelligence Community"

– "Community"! Jesus you guys are kind to yourselves. "Community"! ...

– "You've done more damage than you know!"

– "I hope so."

– from '3 Days of the Condor', 1975

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Hope is a sad word...

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And I am sad to utter it.

The American Constitutional system now threatens the survival of the human species. Biden has the power, before the Jan 20/25 inauguration, to destroy the earth by precipitating nuclear war. And he has every motivation to do it. What runs Washington (and London) is clinically out of touch with reality. It believes Russia is weak and bluffing and that it has a holy mission to "weaken Putin". So "hope" is not just weak and sad, it's terrifying.

Those Russian warheads are covering 2 miles in one second. Faster than I can blink. It looks from the video that the warheads had no explosive charge, only the kinetic energy of impact, which was enormous. It was a demo. But the CIA/Mossad/FBI power complex is incapable of facing reality.

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Trump knows everything.

Does “Operation Warp Speed” ring a bell?

How quickly people forget.

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It always astounds me that people think Trump doesn't know 1000x more than we do. I mean, come on.

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Be fair. If Trump knows everything, he would get more sleep.

Hours awake vs. Hours with a 100% sharp mind are 2 different things.

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These days, yes it does! We are living in a “matrix”. I realize nearly everything I have been taught growing up, is a lie.

Take TODAY for instance, the anniversary of POTUS JFK’s assassination. I was one month old.

One should ask themselves why the Truth of his death hasn’t been revealed.

I think I know why. It is up to each individual to not be IGNORE-ant and learn Truth on their own.

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We all know the truth of JFK's murder. The Deep State's explanation for it is so laughably untrue. They even formed a commission to further substantiate and preach the lie. Every one was in on it. They all rot in Hell.

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Renee, nice to meet you. My birthday was a few weeks before yours.

My Mom is still alive and I have asked her what she felt, what she remembered of that day. I'm still on a quest to discover more truth.

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LOL. Silly.

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I know Mary Rose. I just “laugh”!

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Seriously - I mean, what, we somehow have the inside knowledge he doesn't? Like cartoon-level silly.

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Why is he taking so long to name Kash Patel head of the FBI? Also, one of the names being bandied about for running Secret Service is Dan Bongino...IF anyone, once alerted, would still open the JFK files to public, it would be him.

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Because Wray has a 10 year term and he has to be fired.

Trump is biding his time.

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There are many others. Mr. K is just very good at what he does and always at the top of his game.

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Yeah, but his game is wwiii. Sorry but hating Russia in this day and age is for retards. Imagine the good that would have come to the world, had they not stolen the election, trump prosecuted all the guilty individuals for creating the shop that is Ukraine, and having a good relationship with the only other white Christian superpower on earth. Imagine an alliance with Russia. Why is that so hard toget around? We’ve been taught from grade school eat least when I was in grade school in the fifties, soviets bad. WTF? That’s 65 years of educating Americans that Russia bad. Israel good. China good,then china bad! This time around, trump is gonna have to hold on tight. These fuckers are gonna kill to make sure we have enemies everywhere. I say we kill them first.

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Not sure why you think I said otherwise but ok. I have always thought Trump had a good relationship with Putin and deals with him keeping all of this in mind. He does the same with other foreign leaders as well . I'm old school so I have always thought it was a good idea.

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You said Mr k is on top of his game. I assumed you approved. Mr k is a neocon from hell.

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Agreed. Hating Russia in this day and age is for retards. We won the Cold War. Yeah, Russia has 5600 nukes, 1700 ready to use. But they aren't stupid. Using them would end their existence. NATO is the warmongering enemy in this Ukraine conflict. Ukraine never should have happened but NATO backed Russia into a corner. (Without the "Russia threat", NATO ceases to exist. Think Global military-industrial complex and the billions being siphoned to war industry). Following the USSR collapse in 1991, NATO renigged on their promise not to encroach on Mother Russia... but they did, bringing all the former Soviet satellite states west of Russia into the NATO alliance. Ukraine was the last straw.

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When you say nato, it’s like pointing a finger,with three pointing back at you. Inthis case, it was the deepstate, cia/ state dept that caused Ukraine to be what it is. A playground for cia. Time for some killing here at home.

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Unpopular view, but it has all hallmarks of truth. ?Cui Bono?

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Yes, we betrayed the Nationalist, Chiang Kai Shek, in favor of Mao and bloody Communism. Why? Because Communism is the fighting arm of Capitalism. They are one, Globalist system, both vehemently anti-nation.

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Read about the Verona Cables that identified commies in our media, edu, and govt. They purport Dean Atkinson SOS was a spy and gave China to commies

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Dean Acheson maybe?

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Where did Jeanne mention Russians, because your rant is sort of crazy sounding.

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"the only other white Christian superpower on earth."

Yet we are steered around by the ring in our nose by those who think Christians are, at best 2nd class citizens, at worst field cattle.

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11/22/24: His "secret" is that he gets to the point. How many hundreds of his cohorts do we see every single day who write themselves into oblivion?

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You bet and thank you Captain Obvious for that reminder!

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"Are you the only one who realizes this shit?" Perfect!

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This is why I didn’t vote for the first time at 61 years old. I was going down the rabbit hole years ago. The general public is barely catching up.

I’m speaking about Trump as well. I want no part of the evil I KNOW exists in the U.S. Government.

I’m in the world, not of it. “Pretend I’m invisible and leave me alone.”

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I don't vote and I'm your same age! I guess we've attained that certain wisdom.

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Scheit for brains (very little clearly). Shut your flappers. don’t vote, lost the right to complain. Better yet, ship off to Iran, NK or China. They will love your wokeness there.

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Aw, shut yer gob. You're the wokie, chap.

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Mary Rose, it’s called the bullshit/Truth/Intuition “meter”. Mine has been well tuned, and well honed.

Obviously, your “meter” is as well!😉

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The problem with the B.S. meter, and the silent drum-beating detector, is that is goes off all day long.

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I completely understand your reasoning.

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Pam Bondi is a narcissistic sociopath. Any stance will do for her if it advances her position is my read. Trump can deal with people like this if he is fully aware of the pitfalls of their hidden agendas.

They are still piling on Gaetz, trying to nail that coffin shut to prevent any resurrection. I would like to see the accusers questioned publicly so we can gauge their veracity rather than only have other's agenda color the picture.

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Everybody in the arena is probably high in narcissism. My question is whether they could be protocol or not. Do you have a damning argument to back up your assertion about Bondi, or is it just a gored ox?

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Girl! I was just going to comment the same. Those two words are so overused they no longer mean anything.

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Good point. I've watched her over several years and could never get a grasp on her basics, a tell in itself. She prosecuted an innocent person knowing such, another tell. If I saw her responses to Hare's Psychopathy Check List or other method of determination that would be better. In the end, you have to check that "gut-feeling" which serves well as the final arbiter. If the glove fits...

Gaetz comes across as the same personality type. Stuff against him could be true or manufactured. One has to test both accusations and accusers in public.

Neither are to be trusted as what is seen publicly defines them.

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The DOJ said she’s another Gaetz but with a better resume. So what does that say about the DOJ

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DOJ just self-identified. DOJ actions speak volumes on how deep the issue goes.

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The DOJ seems to only want to prosecute Republicans at the moment.

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Excuse me: protocol —> prosocial. And I have to wonder, is any prosecutorial attorney supposed to be nuanced? Their job is to be a weapon in human form.

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Good point - they have to have a certain type of personality to be able to do what they do.

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Fuck, yeah. Been a victim of it.

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Theresa, stop calling my husband. We’ve been married for 25 years. I have two kids and a family. He will never be with you. He is using you for mental entertainment. Stop calling.

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We need to fight fire with fire. What was the name of Gaetz's friend who tricked people into voting for him? Jew-ish but not Jewish? A slime ball but our slime ball. And so what if Gaetz likes sex. As if they don't! I bet he's not half as bad as many of them. Our puritan roots are ever used against us with hypocrisy.

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Meanwhile tons of people in Congress have been exposed as actual pedophiles and they won't bring that up. Double standard bullshit.

An accusation is not proof. Why are RepublCUNTS making a big deal of this? I thought this was only a DemoCUNT tactic.

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Gaetz like sex. I like sex. If you weren't such a fucked-up fucking incel, I'd fuck your brains out. The intellect is what stimulates me.

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I’d give you a 💯 on the incel comment.

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Theresa Astera. Stop calling my husband of 25 years. He’s never going to fuck you. He is not interested. He’s using you.

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I don't find mockery and insults attractive. Instead of answering the existential question I posed, you batted your heavily made up eyes at me and said, Tell me about the red haired giants, Lugh.

In case you don't recall, you said you didn't take sides in the Whites vs Maori conflict. So naturally I brought it home and asked if you took sides in the Whites vs American Indian conflict here at home. You ran away - with the red haired giants gambit to give you plausible deiniablity.

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You are so effed up, Jarek.

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That's your answer? How pitiful is that? Truly it has been said, women have no souls. If you want my mind/body, you have to be able to match it.

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Do tell, how did he get the name Jarek?

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Oh, and I don't wear makeup, ya fool. Don't need to.

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Apparently, Gaetz was asked to not go after Fauci and Liz Cheney. He said no.

I seriously wonder if Gaetz was sent in to smoke out the opposition. He was so gleeful about how and who he'd go after. And, he doesn't look the least heartbroken at being dumped.

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Well, he didn't get dumped. He decided to withdraw his name.

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Well that’s they way ‘they’ played it out. Another case of ‘he got the memo’ and he withdrew, so that some other ‘backdoor deal’ could be hatched between The Trump brigade and Schumer/The Dems about lower court judge appointments, before Trump’s installation as 47.

You have to understand we (the public) are being ‘played’ at every turn, by both sides of the political divide!

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LOL. I bet you voted, though, even though you know you're being played.

I didn't.

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Then you were played, chumped out of your own vote.

The self imagined sophistication behind the whole " Nothing ever Changes fantasy is just your reaction to your programming.

You are out of touch with reality if you really believe Trump and Biden are the same and they conducted their administrations the same.

Neither is even vaguely, almost maybe sort of kind of true, they are both absurdly false notions bearing no resemblance to reality

Did you take a four year nap?!!

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Blah blah blah blah pffffffffft.

You've been played. And I will come back to laugh at you when it happens.

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Lots of gossipy people on this blog.

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I do not know enough about him but for his public persona which seems pretty self-involved. I do want a very public hearing on the alleged crimes.

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Is this a little of the 4d chess?

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Yeah it's pretty fkin stupid that an accusation gets treated like it was a conviction. Same with the Trump show trials.

My GF suspects that this was done to pump up Trump's "Street credit" and the same could be happening for Gates.

WWE politics.

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your GF is a dumb azz, dump her.

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Jim, I think you're confusing the Mike Rogers. The real deep state scumbag is the guy who lost his Senate race in Michigan. There are a bunch of videos of him out there endorsing spy tactics against the American people. He is the one Andy McCabe wants. The Admiral is the good guy who told Trump he was being wiretapped. If the Admiral is deep state, we're all screwed, anyway.

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Admiral Mike Rogers, the one I reference, was DNI through an entire year-and-a-half of RussiaGate and he did nothing to stop it. The one in Michigan might be yet another bad-faith player in this psychodrama.

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There was a FISA warrant for the access to the NSA data. It was rather late that Rogers discovered improper queries. Shortly after the election in 2016 he met with Trump in Trump tower and informed him that the Tower was bugged. Trump thereupon moved his officers to Bedminster. Obama fired Rogers. Adm Rogers is a hero. Most of this has evidently been scrubbed off the Internet.

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The thwarted senator Mike Rogers is highly praised by Victor Davis Hanson, which is something to consider.

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Adm Rogers reported the Trump Tower surveillance to DJT, so he knew of it.

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That was an FBI wiretap and not NSA. Chances are good NSA knew nothing about it

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The Admiral went straight to DJT to reveal the wire tapping. Who then changed transition venue.

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It may have been a FBI wiretap, but the NSA was also involved via a FISA warrant that was fraudulently obtained from the Court. When Adm Rogers discovered that their data was improperly queried he investigated and I believe he ended access. My recollection is that access was password protected and that the Clinton campaign gave the passwords out to private sector contractors.

You may be able to locate the Court's response: "IN RE ACCURACY CONCERNS REGARDING DocketNo. Misc . 19- 02 F B IMA TTERS SUBMITTED TO THE FISC".

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The "two-hop" rule applied. Since the primary target of the surveillance was Carter Page, it included all those two degrees removed. Page was part of the Trump Campaign team, so the surveillance included all of their communications!

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But (Congressman) Mike Rogers loves Israel and Israel can do no wrong!

Actually, I agree with you. Rogers is a scumbag. His opponent (who won the US Senate seat in the election) is a NeoCon Libtard. Either way, the people of Michigan picked a loser.

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Don’t lump all Michigan voters in that lot! Check out polling results on where slotkin supposedly got her votes.

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That’s what I thought! I was glad when I saw his name up there, and I’ve read a few people confusing the two, which is confusing the many.

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Jim is increasingly confused about a lot of things.

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“We are all screwed anyway” - Rogers, after retiring from NSA went to work for an off shoot of Group 8200 . And who makes up Team 8 ?


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Alabama's Mike Rogers-Chair of Armed Services-is an 11 term Representative from Anniston Alabama and is neither from Michigan or an Admiral. He's not my rep but he had a fistfight on the floor with Gaetz and before Hegseth appointment intimated that he was being considered for Sec of Defense.

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Not the correct Mike.

He’s as bad as another Mike, however..Johnson who has been blackmailed.and will wreck trumps’s legislative agenda.

I predict he will be forced out.

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The swamp needs to be drained, dried, and torched.

And people most definitely need to go to prison.

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Well, let’s give ‘‘em a fair trial, THEN off to the gallows.

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"The swamp needs to be drained." If most Americans were not so woefully ignorant about so many things, either this would be a mainstream media channel, or it would not need to exist. And, if there was a swamp, it would be MUCH smaller.

We can try to assess the root causes of Americans' collective ignorance (the educational system, corporate America, because ignorance among many is profitable for those in the know), but that's reality.

To really drain the swamp and get a handle on the deep state, people have to be informed and willing to endure short-term, perhaps medium-term, pain.

The moment some one levels with the public (we are living beyond our means), they are finished, by the corporate media, the end of campaign contributions from the lobbyists who write the rules, and the flowing of those contributions to the opponents of the truth-tellers.

The truth is a harsh mistress. We will get hundreds of comments here, but maybe 10 people will make the connection between America's financial dilapidation, and all the money and resources expended on empire, on fomenting a war against Russia, and enabling Israel to abuse Palestinians and attack everyone else in the Middle East (or using Israel as an American proxy to do those things).

Still, it's good to rant against the swamp. Just remember, many of us, and many of you, I bet derive some small benefit from the swamp (though if you are here, chances are, it does not compensate for everything the swamp takes away from you and the country).

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"To really drain the swamp and get a handle on the deep state, people have to be informed and willing to endure short-term, perhaps medium-term, pain."

I'd go for medium to long term pain. The short term pain will pale in comparison. The most useful purpose of the short term pain I'll liken to a practice session for what comes next.

It's not the first time this country has endured tough times.

What happens is the 'history rhymes' thing. People who lived through difficult times are no longer living. Wisdom from experience lost? Probably. And so the cycle repeats with different players and issues.

There's always some with hands either out or in the till.

"The truth is a harsh mistress" Yup!

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Israel is NOT abusing Palestinians. Israel is killing Hamas & Hezbollah, rightfully so and unfortunately, Palestinian civilians are collateral damage... in the way because Ham&Hez use them as shields. Well too fkg bad. Look how many Japs, Frogs, Dutch and Krouts we slaughtered in WW2 to exterminate the Nazis. Get over it.

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Fuck you.

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Take your own advice, bigot.

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U stink. No

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It would be a full time job for Americans to separate political fact from fiction in the present environment. The swamp needs to be structured in such a manner that it serves the population by default. A big part of the problem is MSM propaganda, and in Doge I have hope that truth will prevail, and perhaps a new format for dissemination of an objective assessment will be embraced by the citizens (I think it may already be underway).

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DOGE, led by Vivek and Elon, may well be more than meets the eye.

Just watched an important Maria Zeee video in which she reminded her audience of the globalists' ultimate goal: implementation of total control via DIGITAL ID, digital currency, and digital social credit scores.

Recently, Vivek publicly expressed support for legislation preventing children under a certain age from accessing the internet -- DeSantis in FLA just signed something like that into law.

This is designed to sound benign. However, implementing laws like this will require DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION of all social media and, eventually, all internet users.

Only a few years ago, Elon Musk publicly said he wanted to create an "X App", a Western equivalent of China's WeChat, an app combining web browsing, messaging, DIGITAL CURRENCY, and SOCIAL CREDIT SCORES. He even stated that he acquired Twitter to save on its development time.

Elon Musk has LONG been famous for being a hard task master. Initially, I was thrilled to learn he'd be in charge of DOGE.

However, Maria Zeee pointed out why she's suspicious of Argentina's president, Javier Milei, who has implemented something DOGE-like in Argentina, USING AI.

The other shoe dropped. Suddenly, Vivek's support for, essentially, IDing social media users, as well as his and Elon's leadership of DOGE -- almost certainly making heavy use of AI -- made perfect sense.

Edward Dowd recently said that President Trump has inherited "a turd of an economy", with the bulk of its employment in the government sector, and that President Trump would have to be careful about how he made his promised cuts.

The central banks have kept the economic volleyball in play longer than anyone could have imagined, but the statistical inevitability of the collapse of the Federal Reserve System, the American economy, and, in turn, the global economy might create the perfect environment for the introduction of Universal Basic Income via Central Bank Digital Currency (in the form of cute DOGEcoin?).



America must resist ALL digital age-verification efforts (why can't parents take responsibility for their children by buying them dumb phones? kids don't NEED smartphones).

Iain Davis of substack made a wonderful infographic of how globalists first test their plans on us -- wee tests, implemented here and there. If we let things slide, they incrementally push us farther and farther past a point of no return.

Maria Zeee's presentations are well worth watching:

Countries Worldwide INCLUDING U.S. Planning Internet ID


AI Apocalypse: UN100/Agenda 2045 Exposed – FULL SERIES!


Uncensored: 50% of Australians HIT With Communications Outage This Week!!! No Phones, No Internet


Edit: The implementation of digital age-verification to control social media access by children under 14 has been pushed recently BY SEVERAL COUNTRIES SIMULTANEOUSLY. Does this sound familiar?

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"America must resist ALL digital age-verification efforts (why can't parents take responsibility for their children by buying them dumb phones? kids don't NEED smartphones). " ~ Sedgwick C. Hartung

I suspect that it is inevitable in order to save (salvage) the "system", and we won't have a say in the matter.

Kuwait Suspends Services to Thousands for Failing to Submit Biometric Data


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You put the word Americans in quotes. That's unforgivable.

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If we must

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Imagine if someone with integrity ( yeah right) in dc came out and spilled the beans inthe pelosi, Schumer, shifty criminal enterprise! I’d trip this triggers in a heartbeat. In fact,if we go to firing squad, I’m in.

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Amen, dude/

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Fine. I’ll fix it. Sheesh

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Military tribunals are the ony way. Too many loopholes and too much corruption in civilian courts.

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A good wack by Vlad with a few dozen of those things he used in ukraine except with solid party favors would do the trick

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Vegas says Gaetz will either become a US Senator, assistant attorney General (no confirmation necessary or better yet,becomes one of 93 new US district attorneys. Yes that needs confirmation but he has all the legal requisites and Thune won't dare refuse Trump twice. Then, by summer 2025, Gaetz gets named by Bondi as Special Prosecutor for investigating and prosecuting the upper echelon of the FBI, DOJ , Nat-Secutity division of 2016 , Brennan,Clapper and Obama for treason.

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I'm thinking Gaetz was a red herring. Knowing that such an announcement would freak out deep staters, especially with resigning his position in the current Congress (he still won for the next one so he can swear in then even though is currently not in office from his last election), Gaetz was proffered as a decoy, with Bondi being Trump's choice all along. It's Trump's negotiating style: go all in with outlandish and insulting demands, then when you back off to your actual, preferred position, everyone is relieved and the deal goes through.

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The deep state is deathly afraid of Matt Gaetz. He knows exactly what's going on in DC and is determined to expose the FBI corruption in the Russian Collusion Hoax and the January 6 Fedsurrection. The confirmation process is a knife-fight and the combatants are fighting for their survival. I'm hopeful that DJT can keep his team together and keep out the enemy (the Dan Hoffman types) traitors.

There's also a thread on X (https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1859748387291107797.html) describing a former FL government tax collector (Joel Greenberg) who also had access to state Driver's licenses. He's an Epstein-like creep who created fake licenses and passed them out to a few of his 17 y.o. groupies. He also introduced one of these minors to Matt Gaetz, and lo and behold, Gaetz gets caught in the trap.

The thread also describes how Gaetz's dad was later extorted for $25m to make the whole problem of his son go away. The $25m was to be used to free some American/Israeli spy held by Russia. A bizarre story that Matt also told to Tucker Carlson in a interview a year or so ago.

Matt Gaetz isn't done yet.

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Or watch him go after Garland. When Garland was weeping about the Holocaust, I knew he was the worst of the worst. He wants revenge on Americans.

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Blinken goes abroad and begins his donation appeals with "As a Jew...." Wait, I thought you were an American?

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Was he really weeping? Garfinkel always sounds as if he's on the verge of tears.

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He’s a figure head.

Way behind the 8 ball

Has no clue what Lisa Monaco is really doing to sabotage the USA

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I saw that too and posted it above. Wow, just gives us a nice taste of the nefarious twists and turns these guys and gals in high places are subject to.

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Read the inmate’s letter from prison about greenberg in my link.

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11/22/24: By all means, he's not done yet. As for that "thread on X," I refuse to credit ANYTHING as being factual in stories filed by anonymous "journalists."

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Most of this thread shows email chains and other evidence. Joel Greenberg is in prison for something like 10 years. The point is Greenberg introduced Gaetz to what by all accounts was an adult (she was 17), consensual relations allegedly occurred, and the Deep State has now dug this up to smear him even though the DOJ had previously looked into it and found nothing to charge him with.

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Excellent; thank you. Gaetz will land on his feet.

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Of that I have no doubt.

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Gaetz will stick the landing, for sure.

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Actually he just created a calendar based on the whereabouts of politicians.

He admitted it.

“They would do it to reduce their sentence too”

Twisted conartist.

Read the letter


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He created the events.

They never happened.

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Citizen journalists are now leagues more credible than anything mainstream.

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Her other threads show the astonishing levels of corruption and chicanery even for the most obscure, picayune little positions. Stuff we didn't even realize existed.

I'd say the money mismanaged on such shenanigans must accout to at least 20% of the GDP. Half of our civilizational capital has been stolen, or more, the rest held hostage. There is nothing for white children or their future, except debt bondage.

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Thanx, you're right and that's great. Props.

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11/22/24: ge0m0, I was thinking the same thing. Say, hasn't it been lovely watching the NY Post (Fox-Pravda) tunnel rats lose their sh*t about Gaetz? And while they've been (so easily) distracted trying to give the nation rabies, Trump got six other things done. Drop the bomb on these bastards on January 20th!

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I agree 100% and said so. Total head fake

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Escalate to deescalate lol

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11/22/24: Sounds good to me. If Gaetz got the bastards THIS riled up, his value is inestimable.

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Either that … or he really IS a sexual predator. I’d wager on the latter.

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I like it

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I sent this article to both Tulsi and Ratcliff... and to Donald Trump Jr.

I also told Don he REALLY needs the wisdom of Col Macgregor, regarding Ukraine, Israel and Russia. Trump's support of the mass-murdering Zionists in Israel is appalling.

The good non-zionist jews of Israel need to overthrow the criminal maniac Bibi... and soon.

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The Zion lobby may be the only one with enough oomph to stop the Ukraine lobby.

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The Trumps all appear to be zionists, so good luck with that.

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As are, all God's children.

Its only Satan's Spawn that support the Genocidal Fakestinian UN Scam.

It takes a special kind of stupid to imagine in this one thing, the UN stands for justice.

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Yep... maybe Don Jr can change his mind on it... Don Jr is not a supporter of those lice.

He upvoted the article I posted.

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Some in here would probably find more fertile ground at a Hamas rally in a woke area near you...This site tends more to MAGA country where Judeo-Christian values & culture are valued & endorsed...See which individuals & groups around the globe share your hatred of Netanyahu and a strong Israel...Not a difficult search.

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Yes. Well said.

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You suck.

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I find it really cute that you believe the Trumps take your advice! More power to you I guess. LOL.

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Try not to be a snarky bitch... I didn't imply that, but odd that Don Jr would "like" my comment and the link... right, Yeast-pig?

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Mossad has been dispatched... get your affairs in order.

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You are on the wrong side of history.

And lack any cultural literacy.

Children live what they learn.

Your parents were Jew haters.

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MacGregor has been proven to be a neurotic media huckster.

Listen differently.

He is wrong about everything.

Hopefully Trump will veto any place for him.

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You are either a Zionist turd, or an outright imbecile.

Or just a common skidmark troll. Give me a couple of specific examples where he is wrong:


And I see from your link under your handle, you are also a DeSantis hater and a full blown libturd jagoff... who encourages illegals to vote. Explains much. Not too many WWII vets go full lefty retard... but you are obviously one... and probably lying about your service.

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Seriously? You're Hamas. Go to Hell you filthy pig.

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F-0ff, Maggot! How does Bibi's banana taste, loser moron?

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Today, 61 years ago, JFK was assassinated. Terrible tragedy.

President Trump said he would open up the JFK files. Let's see if Mr. Trump can keep his word. Let's see if he CAN do it, and if "they" let him do it.

That should be a pretty easy, non-partisan issue.

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There are a bunch of files which need to see daylight.

The people involved need exposure to this same daylight.

Going back so far... those people are all dead. However, their deeds remain with a lot more added to the pile, some added by the 'still living'. Needs a good airing out added to a cleansing process .

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And after four years of several investigations the FBI when questioned by House and Senate committees continues to say, “I can’t answer these questions because it is an on-going investigation.”

Well, “somebody” needs to head the FBI and say, “Now all these investigations just ended. Get all files and submit them to Congress and sit here now and answer the damn questions! That’s an order!”

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My God, I had actually forgotten that! I vividly remember seeing Lee Oswald murdered live on my folks' b&w TV. I and my mom and dad were watching it. It changed my life. That and the funeral, with all the limo lights blazing – it looked to me like a mafia funeral.

The CIA coup d'etat that installed them as the managers of the Vietnam war. And of the '67 war to take Gaza and the West Bank.

That was the time when my Grade 12 History teacher asked our class (12A) what we thought the war in Vietnam was all about. My answer: "To prevent China from establishing a commercial empire in the Far East."

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My cop grandfather, watching them bring Oswald down the hallways, said "That's not how you escort a suspect, especially one who shot the president.". Then Jack Ruby shot Oswald. "Justice" was served. We've been sinking ever since.

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Truer words never said.

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A total setup captured live on TV. LBJ complicit. Dems murdered their own.

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Read Greg Iles historical fiction trilogy, Natchez Burning. Also, Robert Ludmum's The Maltese Circle.

There, you'll find it.

You're welcome.

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JBS sez:

"it looked to me like a mafia funeral"

Well, it was.

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The other ‘Mike’ smiling and insinuating himself back around…Pompeo…advised Trump not to, first time around. More Mikes than an Irish convention…

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They'll never grant him access to the real enchiladas, although he's probably seen all that he wants to see. "Need to know," and all that crap. There are some things in this world you DO NOT want to know, no matter who you are.

"Mr. President, it's not important that you need to know the details of what did or did not happen to JFK all those years ago and exactly who might have done it - never mind release them to the general public, who wouldn't believe it if you told them anyway. But it IS important to know that things like that can still happen, and that we would be powerless (never mind, unwilling) to stop it if certain high-ranking persons were to order it. That's just a fact of life now, as you've no doubt been briefed many times before."

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The way to stop it is to take THEM out 1st.

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We got the JFK assination nailed down, now when are we going to go over the fake Moon landings and Laurel Canyon? Asking for a friend.

They knew this was fake since the early '70s. See: Sean Connery aka James Bond. LOFL.


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We landed on the moon?

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We all know the CIA did it. God bless JFK.

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Also plausible. I like your math (typo though). LBJ + CIA

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We really do not know. The Israeli Government had motive to remove JFK. This is never discussed. The Israeli Government is no stranger to killing Americans--the 32 sailors of the USS Liberty in 1967, Rachel Korrie (an American JEW), the reporter in 2023.

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“Let’s see if Trump can keep his word.”

Ha ha ha, hee hee, ha ha! Whew! Thanks for the good laugh!

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I still find it so crazy that C.S. Lewis died on the same day.

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So did Aldous Huxley.

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Hegseth, Gaetz, et al., have a peculiar affinity for gluttonous womanizing as have all of our best heros, biblically and historically. These men aren’t wearing eyeliner so I’m good. I want leaders who can fight and lead us in the fight. Period.

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Affinity - noun: a spontaneous or natural liking. In other words, a biological imperative. Nothing wrong with that. Strong women make strong men stronger. Women are alluring and beautiful, what's a man to do?

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It snowed today. A real, wet snow. I made a snowball and it turned to ice instantly. Then I threw it at Marco. He locked himself inside the cafe next door. So, I went and "stealth made" another one. I lived down South for so long that this is just fun. He pulled his hood over his head and I still hit him in the back. Fun times. :-)

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Strong men lead with their d*ck

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And stupid men think with theirs, hence Hegseth

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Yeah I remember telling people back in the 1990s I really didn't care about Bubba messing around with some doe-eyed intern. I do care about policies and governing. But still Americans as a whole think that messing around outside of marriage is worse than declaring war on another country, etc. Ridiculous.

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I think it was James Woods who said "You know, Clinton's the most powerful man in the world, so you'd think he'd be able to land a girl whose ass doesn't resemble two ponies under a blanket."

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HaHaHa. God bless James Woods. Bill Klinton had a penchant for the piggies.

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Looking back now, Monica was obviously a honeytrap.

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A president fucking an intern was wrong for two reasons. One, they were playing hide-the-Cohiba at the height of the first wave of sexual harassment stuff (the second being #metoo, and the third being our ongoing Woke shit). Two, if an enemy learns your leader is compromised, the enemy can coerce your leader (as happened with Biden being bent over the counter by China). That's why it was, and remains, such a big deal.

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Meh. "Wrong" sure. A big deal? Nah.

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The sex was the least of what was wrong with it and for the reasons Bob explained, did make it a big deal.

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It might be a big deal if just about every single person of power wasn't similarly compromised. The PTB have the goods on all of them. They are all blackmailed. ALL of them. Not just Bill "Bubba" Clinton.

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When you say blanketley “all,” well, that’s hardly a reason or excuse. Whoever compromises themselves, however they do it is a big deal

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Well said! They're lusty, alive! Nothing peculiar about it. Lesser men only have one wife, and she typically despises him. She dreams of the Jarl (the King), or the Carls (the warriors). Not her thrall or slave husband.

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Ravage your lady like a warrior king. They'll love you for it.

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Nothing says I’m an incel without saying I’m an incel like your comment. Oh and throw that idiot Lou in this same category. Yeah, I said it.

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The "traditional" woman has a salty tongue, eh?

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Lee, Grant, Patton and Washington weren't known as rakes, but Joe Hooker (loser at Chancellorsville to Lee) was such a libertine that his name became a slang term for prostitutes. However, Sherman apparently was something of a swordsman.

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Swordsman... you talkin' pork sword?

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The democrats can only use that sex scandal accusation so many times. It all started back in the days of the Clarence Thomas confirmation. Every time they use it, it become less believable. These people don't really care about women. Nancy Mace is right. She is a real feminist. Little league day was ruined because trans started showing up and trying to sit with little boys. Then they ruined the Renaissance fair showing up in sex fetish outfits. Ask yourself, why aren't trans women trying to invade men's locker rooms? Why aren't women trying to steal men's athletic prizes and scholarships?

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Well, to answer your last question, because women don’t have the physical ability to win in men’s sports but yeah, I agree totally

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Yes, they destroyed the Boy Scouts by foisting girls on them, some of who won all the merit badges in record time. Nobody believes it was fair. The Girl Scouts begged them not to do it, but the desire to destroy was too great.

The Girl Scouts themselves fell into darkness long ago, being pro-Feminist, pro-abortion, etc. Ever does Evil turn on those who accept it.

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Eh. Back in the Bronze age, my mom told me I was done after Brownies because the Girl Scouts did nothing but schlep Thin Mints. I was her third girl, and she was done.

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So at this point, then, for you, no Republican male politician will ever engage in illegal sexual behavior because it's democrats that will be accusing them of that behavior. Duly noted, sister.

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Odd Democrats ONLY seem to care about 17-year-old girls IF it's a Republican accused of screwing them.

They ignore any and all sex crimes from fellow Dems and even glorify some of the worst.

As evidence Harvey Milk a molester of the lowest sort.

They line up and defend ad nauseum all sorts of improper sexual escapades from their own they defended a serial abuser in Bob Filthy Filner.

Decades of women accusing him of all sorts of things to include the patented head lock a whisper and grope sessions.

Once he was no longer of use at a national level, they finally threw this POS under the bus.

Fuck Democrats and their stream of false accusations and even when they are actual events, they should keep their collective perverted opinions to themselves.

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Yes Roman Polanski was a Hollywood idol. I don't care that the Samantha forgave him. It was wrong and he needed to be in trouble for it.

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proof is needed. There never was any proof Clarence Thomas did anything at all. That Anita Hill hearing was all to save federal abortion. They smeared an innocent man. Brett Kavanaugh never did anything either. Then they laughed because he cried. Yes men do have feelings too. Go back and look. RBG said that national abortion was temporary. She wanted people to put Abortion in with ERA. She thought that women and men would never be equal without abortion. I think she's wrong. That idea was the poison that started this whole mess. Women are not defective men. We are different and that's why women are not stealing men's athletic prizes. I think the infiltration of the boy scouts is terrible. I wouldn't let me daughter be a girl scout when she was little. Girl scouts was already ruined. This gender fluid idea just ruins everything it touches.

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The pervasiveness of corruption in the swamp seems like an impossible challenge to solve. So many people, so few cells, so little time to affect change.

When Alexander came upon the Gordian knot in Phyrgia, a knot seemingly impossible to untie, the Phyrgians challenged him to undo the knot. Instead of solving the knot puzzle through accepted, conventional means, he struck the knot with his sword, completing the challenge.

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Well said. As Erdogan said, Democracy is a bus. You get off at your stop. Permanent emergency time. Trump has to give it to Don Jr and Don Jr to Lord Baron. Maybe someday there can be elections (with voting only for the qualified) again. I hope so. But to give up power before the guilty are punished and the system reformed is madness.

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Yeah, and I know this too. Fucking yeah.

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11/22/24: Recommended: "Alexander The Great" ["20/21 July 356 BC – 10/11 June 323 BC"], by Lewis V. Cummings; Houghton Mifflin Company (1940 hardcover). Long. Good.

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The Federal Reserve is the keeper of The Swamp.

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"Understand that [this group] essentially took over Agency operations during the so-called Global War on Terror [GWOT] after 9/11. Not only did these assholes lead America into the quicksand of the Middle East, they feathered their own nests and those of their buddies with hundreds of millions in ‘contracts’. "

Not only that, but worse, they created the "Patriot Act" global surveillance state.

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Thank you so much! This article demonstrates your greatest core strength as a journalist and analyst, your specific inside knowledge and practical judgment about the "Intelligence Community" threat against the Constitutional government of the United States. The service you have provided to your country is profound and shines brightest with revelations like this. The last example of your best service that I recall is the revelations you provided about exactly how the attack on Brett Kavanaugh was mounted and by whom.

The details about the "pipe bomb's" operation and the involvement in the protest crowd of FBI agents and mercenary hirelings, it seems to me, show that indeed the Jan 6/21 incidents were an "insurrection" but not an insurrection by Trump's loyalists, an insurrection by the FBI against Congress. It was most tragically successful. It was a successful coup d'etat against the Constitutional Republic of the United States.

I have just finished listening to the RT interview with a former US military man, Stanislav Krapivnik. He presented what seems to be a practical, nuts and bolts analysis of the Russian hypersonic intermediate range missile and a comparative analysis of how the HIMARS and ATACMS and Storm Shadow strikes on Russia are conducted. It seemed factual and reasonable to me. What I noticed was that he strongly emphasized as no one else has done that all these systems are managed by the US military (and vassal military personnel) every step of the way from command through button pushing on the front lines.

But here's where I will shout out something vital to understand, and difficult to get through our heads: Krapivnik said US "mercs" command and direct and fire these missiles. Mercenaries. Hirelings and "former agents". Agents of what? The CIA. In that case they have no right to call themselves American military because they are NOT CHAIN-OF-COMMAND.

They are in the same army that blew up Nord Stream and now they threaten the entire existence of humanity. They are not the USA. The "Biden administration" is like a body taken over by an evil spirit which has no other bodily way to exercise practical authority over the living. Larry Johnson (also interviewed today by RT) wonders aloud if the "Biden administration" is trying to cause such a war as will justify the martial law suspension of the US Constitution to prevent Trump from taking office on Jan 20/25.

I am reminded of the sad letter penned by President Lincoln in late 1864 when he feared that McClellan would be elected. He wrote that "this administration" will be duty bound "to so co-operate with the new administration as to save the union between the election and the inauguration as he will have made such promises that he will be unable to save it afterwards."

What an epic horror! Truly we have been in a new American Civil War. Biden is the satanic reversal of Lincoln. The Biden administration is determined to destroy the USA and the world before the new inauguration because they fear that they will be unable to destroy it after Jan 20/25.

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IMPORTANT: hero Rogers vs goat Rogers

Per “AI C” above:

1) retired ADM Mike Rogers is an honorable American. His last job was director of NSA (Ft Meade) under Trump 1.0. He did indeed warn Trump of FBI wiretapping Trump using NSA access via a contractor.


2) Mike Rogers, former Congressman from Michigan is a former Army officer and FBI special agent. He is an untrustworthy Swamp operative.


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Trump advisor Dan Scavino has just said that fmr Congressman Mike Rogers is NOT under consideration for FBI Director.


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Where is he now? Who is he working with?

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He's a US Congressman

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Great piece, James. You are spot on. Gaetz... There are ~10 Senate Decepticons(Thune, McConnell, Cornyn, etc.) who the Swamp uses to control things and it needs to stop. I think Gaetz resigning his seat immediately means he will be a torpedo in the future. I hope.

Fake J6 pipe bombs WERE the backup plan to eliminate the motions to de-certify electoral votes.

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Darren Beattie at revolver.news has done a great job uncovering the truth surrounding the Plan A and Plan B Fedsurrection on January 6th. I was taken aback a few months ago when a conservative college-educated friend of mine didn't know who Ray Epps was. We've got a long ways to go to bring the public up to speed. Not sure we'll ever get there.

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Most of the public is so incredibly ignorant... as evidenced by Man-on-the-street interviews. Sadly comical.

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Ray Epps. Fucking traitorous asshole. And then, he has the gall to say, in effect...."I didn't know what I was doing, now my life is ruined and me and my wife are living in a motorhome traveling around the country to avoid assault."

Fuck you, Epps. You knew exactly what you were doing. Fuck you.

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Yep Total false flag insert.

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They took him off the FBI's Most Wanted list. That should be everybody's first clue.

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I was actually there on Jan06, walked by Epps, got him on my video camera, (just audio) saying "come on Patriots". Everybody immediately knew he was a plant.

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There is so much video footage of his instigating violence. Sent the shock troops to break through the Capitol barrier, for starters. Then he plays "good cop" and tells people to settle down. What an asshole.

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I allowed five minutes of post-election euphoria sensing the “Rats from inside the walls of the Deep State are trying to gnaw their way into the Trump cabinet.” It’s what they did last time. My hope is that President Trump is ready for all the cloak and dagger this time. Experience is the best teacher. If you are writing about it, he must know about it. Praying he is very aware of the pitfalls and is planning ahead. Meanwhile, this kind of sickness in governing goes all the way down to our local level, which is why fighting at the local level is where you can affect positive change. Start by showing up to sit in on public board meetings at your town hall. It keeps these volunteer boards honest and on their tippy toes.

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