If we look at the WEF, UN, etc, policies, we see a common thread - a response to over-population and financial collapse in the context of depleting and degraded resources, principally oil,coal and gas, but also all ores and minerals.
It's all about the rationing of energy and resources. And of life itself.
If we look at the WEF, UN, etc, policies, we see a common thread - a response to over-population and financial collapse in the context of depleting and degraded resources, principally oil,coal and gas, but also all ores and minerals.
It's all about the rationing of energy and resources. And of life itself.
Exactly. They are right about many things. But their response is to try and power down the World while staying at the top - at the expense of all humanity. Thus they must be destroyed. Alas those that fight them deny the truths they believe in because they believe in them.
Figures in an Oxfam report suggested that if billionaires and multi-millionaires could live more modestly - maybe more like 'mere' millionaires - global GHG emissions could fall 30-40%.
I'm not holding my breath because most billonaires seem to think differently from 'normal' people. Warren Buffett was considered unusual in the past because he lived in a typical suburban house, not in a mansion.
George Bush 41 laughingly referred to Bill Clinton and Al Gore as "Bozo and Ozone" (they had the last laugh on him, though, as the election turned out), but "The Inconvenient Truth" about Gore is that he a 24 karat phony when it comes to environmentalism and "decarbonizing" the economy, living in a 50,000 sq ft mansion and crisscrossing the nation in his ozone-depleting private jet.
It would help, for a start to select candidates who were known for operating successful businesses but lived modestly, such as Ron Paul, or Sam Walton (even the big city Chicago boss Richard Daley was known to have lived in a modest home.) This would also exclude gluttons like New Jersey's Chris ("Crisco") Christy.
Yes, Lugh, add on the fact that those PTB want to change things so that you and I take the hit and not them. That is why they need to be torn down from their perches. Now who is the better candidate to tear them down?
Xavier, very good. One thing though is that change of how mankind does its business HAS to happen, the whole debate depends on how it will be done, the hard way (war etc.) or an easy way (adaptation). So far, economic and physical war seems to be the sole way.
It's probably a good idea to vote for Trump to buy us time, but to see him as your lord and savior is just ludicrous. At the end of the day he is just another Jew tool in the ZOG.
America's probably too big. The admin of a large enough land area-- the projection of power-- takes energy and we're past peak oil. Nuclear? So-called renewable? Unsure, but, frankly, I hope not. Otherwise, the power elite may have us by the balls, like for a longer time.
So, one moral of the story might be, 'careful what you wish for'.
Yes the mass murder of women and children in Gaza supported by all these assholes is so beautiful isn't it? And certainly worth funding above the needs of our citizens who paid the taxes in the first place. So forgive me if I find your juvenile substance free venting to be beneath contempt
What percent of the general population have a clue about the 2030 Agenda, and "Joe Biden" being "committed to the full implementation of 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, at home and abroad"?
What percent of the US population view and believe anything that is promoted on the RT site?
Good questions! I hope more and more every day. thatтАЩs why I come on Substack to find out whatтАЩs going on and let people know , as many as possible
If there were a (inter)national discussion about this, it would highlight the fact that the existing format for life is nothing more than a flawed game, and then that would beg the question: What should be the qualifications for leadership to navigate the world out of the current predicament?
And then that would lead to the question: What if a nation like Russia does not want to share its resources with the rest of the world, including future generations? Could it be that is what the conflict in Ukraine is all about?
And what about Xi's vision for China being the center of the world. Does that mean that Xi will dominate the 2030 agenda, and essentially be the de facto leadership to navigate the world out of the current predicament?
Will the voice of the population count for anything? Will the NWO leadership be accountable to anyone?
If the existing format for life is nothing more than a flawed game, then who gets to keep what?
Sure looks like the world needs conflict to create an opportunity for someone to grab the power and declare de facto leadership.
Xi Van Fleet lived through such a time, and has been sounding the alarm that similar circumstances that lead up to Mao's power grab in China, have been happening in the US today.
The real story is every group in the USA, and there are way too many of them want their piece of the pie and everyone else's too. Nowadays, no one wants to assimilate and become an American, they just want to be by themselves. Is that a plot? Why are there so many criminals? Is Trump right, is the world dumping all their cesspools into the USA? Why would the Lefties want that to happen? What good is it going to do for them if all the foreigners eventually want to secede?
If it pertained just America it would be one thing, but when we see it in other countries, the answers are that it is just part of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
In September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda
on Sustainable Development, and migration features prominently in this
Agenda, a remarkable development considering that migration was absent
from the Millennium Development Goals.
The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) political declaration breaks new
ground by recognizing the тАЬpositive contribution of migrants for inclusive
growthтАЭ and the тАЬmulti-dimensional realityтАЭ of migration.
Migration is inserted in several goals and targets, in particular through
a dedicated target on тАЬfacilitating orderly, safe, regular and responsible
migration and mobility of peopleтАЭ within goal 10 on reducing inequalities.
The situation of migrant workers is addressed in the goal on decent work
and economic development. Trafficking is called the тАЬmodern day slaveryтАЭ
that should be abolished, and the situation of trafficked women and children
is given special recognition. Migration is also of relevance for targets on
sustainable cities and resilience in the face of climate change.
It is no longer possible to see human mobility just as background context
for development, or even worse, as a by-product of lack of development.
Rather, with the SDGs, migration is an important contributor to sustainable
development. The International Organization for Migration is, in
consequence, a significant actor in the implementation of migration-related
A very perceptive observation!
If we look at the WEF, UN, etc, policies, we see a common thread - a response to over-population and financial collapse in the context of depleting and degraded resources, principally oil,coal and gas, but also all ores and minerals.
It's all about the rationing of energy and resources. And of life itself.
Exactly. They are right about many things. But their response is to try and power down the World while staying at the top - at the expense of all humanity. Thus they must be destroyed. Alas those that fight them deny the truths they believe in because they believe in them.
Figures in an Oxfam report suggested that if billionaires and multi-millionaires could live more modestly - maybe more like 'mere' millionaires - global GHG emissions could fall 30-40%.
See: https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/carbon-emissions-richest-1-percent-more-double-emissions-poorest-half-humanity
I'm not holding my breath because most billonaires seem to think differently from 'normal' people. Warren Buffett was considered unusual in the past because he lived in a typical suburban house, not in a mansion.
George Bush 41 laughingly referred to Bill Clinton and Al Gore as "Bozo and Ozone" (they had the last laugh on him, though, as the election turned out), but "The Inconvenient Truth" about Gore is that he a 24 karat phony when it comes to environmentalism and "decarbonizing" the economy, living in a 50,000 sq ft mansion and crisscrossing the nation in his ozone-depleting private jet.
It would help, for a start to select candidates who were known for operating successful businesses but lived modestly, such as Ron Paul, or Sam Walton (even the big city Chicago boss Richard Daley was known to have lived in a modest home.) This would also exclude gluttons like New Jersey's Chris ("Crisco") Christy.
A very perceptive thread, thanks.
Yes, Lugh, add on the fact that those PTB want to change things so that you and I take the hit and not them. That is why they need to be torn down from their perches. Now who is the better candidate to tear them down?
Xavier, very good. One thing though is that change of how mankind does its business HAS to happen, the whole debate depends on how it will be done, the hard way (war etc.) or an easy way (adaptation). So far, economic and physical war seems to be the sole way.
It's probably a good idea to vote for Trump to buy us time, but to see him as your lord and savior is just ludicrous. At the end of the day he is just another Jew tool in the ZOG.
He definitely isn't a saviour. The US is at the end of a phase and will have to reinvent itself. Will that be in a positive or negative way?
America's probably too big. The admin of a large enough land area-- the projection of power-- takes energy and we're past peak oil. Nuclear? So-called renewable? Unsure, but, frankly, I hope not. Otherwise, the power elite may have us by the balls, like for a longer time.
So, one moral of the story might be, 'careful what you wish for'.
No, Mr. Gore, Mr. Kerry, and all other Ds. We are in no way deficient in fossil fuels or energy generating capabilities in the USA.
We are hobbled by the lies of globalists and a desire to destroy the strength and cohesion of the USA.
America will survive the United States.
Did Rome have a version 2.0? Before you answer; spiritual or political? America is the spiritual, USA is political.
Ugg! Mr Raven is Mr Nasty POS
Yes the mass murder of women and children in Gaza supported by all these assholes is so beautiful isn't it? And certainly worth funding above the needs of our citizens who paid the taxes in the first place. So forgive me if I find your juvenile substance free venting to be beneath contempt
She is the one who is the POS
What are you talking about? He is always all right and you are always wrong.
Blah blah h blah. No back to sleep
Why isn't there a (inter)national discussion about this?
If you go on the site RT you will find people from every country
What percent of the general population have a clue about the 2030 Agenda, and "Joe Biden" being "committed to the full implementation of 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, at home and abroad"?
What percent of the US population view and believe anything that is promoted on the RT site?
Good questions! I hope more and more every day. thatтАЩs why I come on Substack to find out whatтАЩs going on and let people know , as many as possible
If there were a (inter)national discussion about this, it would highlight the fact that the existing format for life is nothing more than a flawed game, and then that would beg the question: What should be the qualifications for leadership to navigate the world out of the current predicament?
And then that would lead to the question: What if a nation like Russia does not want to share its resources with the rest of the world, including future generations? Could it be that is what the conflict in Ukraine is all about?
And what about Xi's vision for China being the center of the world. Does that mean that Xi will dominate the 2030 agenda, and essentially be the de facto leadership to navigate the world out of the current predicament?
Will the voice of the population count for anything? Will the NWO leadership be accountable to anyone?
If the existing format for life is nothing more than a flawed game, then who gets to keep what?
Sure looks like the world needs conflict to create an opportunity for someone to grab the power and declare de facto leadership.
Xi Van Fleet lived through such a time, and has been sounding the alarm that similar circumstances that lead up to Mao's power grab in China, have been happening in the US today.
Yes, what stops the military from joining the Deep State and its MIC and just taking over? No more democracy?
Power in the hands of DEI, and we wind up with products like Walz.
The real story is every group in the USA, and there are way too many of them want their piece of the pie and everyone else's too. Nowadays, no one wants to assimilate and become an American, they just want to be by themselves. Is that a plot? Why are there so many criminals? Is Trump right, is the world dumping all their cesspools into the USA? Why would the Lefties want that to happen? What good is it going to do for them if all the foreigners eventually want to secede?
If it pertained just America it would be one thing, but when we see it in other countries, the answers are that it is just part of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
In September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda
on Sustainable Development, and migration features prominently in this
Agenda, a remarkable development considering that migration was absent
from the Millennium Development Goals.
The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) political declaration breaks new
ground by recognizing the тАЬpositive contribution of migrants for inclusive
growthтАЭ and the тАЬmulti-dimensional realityтАЭ of migration.
Migration is inserted in several goals and targets, in particular through
a dedicated target on тАЬfacilitating orderly, safe, regular and responsible
migration and mobility of peopleтАЭ within goal 10 on reducing inequalities.
The situation of migrant workers is addressed in the goal on decent work
and economic development. Trafficking is called the тАЬmodern day slaveryтАЭ
that should be abolished, and the situation of trafficked women and children
is given special recognition. Migration is also of relevance for targets on
sustainable cities and resilience in the face of climate change.
It is no longer possible to see human mobility just as background context
for development, or even worse, as a by-product of lack of development.
Rather, with the SDGs, migration is an important contributor to sustainable
development. The International Organization for Migration is, in
consequence, a significant actor in the implementation of migration-related
SDG objectives.