Really lovely paintings, you've captured the feeling of the area so well.

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So beautifully evocative. Makes me homesick (Yank who lived in Vermont for a while, now in the UK)....

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These paintings are so beautiful!!!

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nice to see your new paintings, Jim. Your trees are glorious!

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I enjoyed viewing your paintings. I am also an artist, working mostly in pastel but do oil paintings as well. The local art group in our little German community of Fredericksburg, TX is named Die Kunstler von Fredericksburg.

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Magnifique! Ces impressions d’Amérique sont très poétiques . Bravo Kunstker l’Artiste! 😉👊🏻

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Your paintings have a lovely consistent light to them. Are you a “plein air” painter? Do you take photos?

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Love them.

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Amazing how you keep improving.

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Awesome foliage and water! Approaching Group of Seven levels by my admittedly nonexpertise.

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Beautiful captures of scenes I am very familiar with.

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Lovely. Hope to see your landscapes IRL one day. There’s a substack, Art Every Day, you may enjoy.

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Very nice. You have a good feel for your part of the country.

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