The Stacey Abram’s grift will pale in comparison to the funding schemes soon to be exposed that made every member of congresss millionaires on paper ( probably billionaires in reality). An audit of Medicare Medicaid and the Fed will shine a bright light on the cockroaches that live among us.

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Ms Abrams was merely a big mouth in the right place. Her enabler(s) really need to be in the dock.

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More than merely a big mouth. She was the right color, the right size, the right political persuasion, the right (low) IQ, and had just the correct amount of animus towards the people she was chosen to lord over. Its not a mistake or a happy accident. People like her are chosen to wield power over you because they seek to demoralize legitimate citizens, and they want to offend your notions of what a politician should be and should do. These people stick their big black faces in the camera, uttering barely intelligible Ebonics, and you know, deep in your soul that your grandfather would righteously leap out of his grave and split her head in two with an axe, if he could.

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Jacobins, Bolsheviks, this Grift DEI era's Useful Idiots.

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The brightest light at the of the tunnel is this should cripple the leftist and globalist cabal going forward.

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These thiefs must be tracked down to the ends of the earth & be given a fair trial.

If found gulity, setenced to life at hard labor.

Some pushed endless war including nuculear.

These people must be rooted out of hiding and annihilated as a warning to all.

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You had me at "These people must be rooted out of hiding and annihilated"

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Geez, who would have guessed that Democratic legislation promoting Green would not be an environmental reference, but would actually be a reference to the cash being dumped into the trough for the grifting pigs 🐖 to slurp up at their convenience. Sure looks like that spigot is being turned off by DOGE, in which case the Democratic grifters will have to seek out another scam or, horror of horrors, get a real job!

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On paper, you’re right…but how many of the grifters actually have skills that translate to the real world? Methinks there will be a noticeable bump in unemployment statistics by Q4 2025. Bummer.

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Who cares what sanctuary city alleys the communist traitors starve in?

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I do. That's my neighborhood and I was here first. BTW the Californians that created that in California and moved, can move again. This is not a problem you can outrun. They are moving again. I hear they are headed to warmer weather. IT's been below zero here for a week. The Texans are building apartments in sanctuary cities. REmember they benefited the most from the cheap labor.

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Then you have made it your problem! You should have taken care of it long before it became the problem that it is. Stop making excuses.

Sorry about the global warming, BTW.

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Maybe the sanctuary cities weren't really created for illegal migrants, but for a Trump administration coming into power.

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Sanctuary cities were created to make more democrat voters by changing who gets more representation. The Republicans benefited from cheap labor, the rest of us lost.

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You don't eat migrant-picked food? No one you know uses Mexican roofing crews? You don't eat in restaurants or sleep in hotels? It is puerile to say that only neocon and progressive reprobates profit from one slave labor market over another.

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There are migrant worker programs that allow for seasonal picking, and then they return to their shit-hole country. That's worked in the past; it can work again. They don't have to live here and be on welfare.

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Sanctuary cities are a wonderful, humanitarian idea gone wrong because good people can't get it through their stupid heads that there are some really bad people out there. I've just written a book about it. Yes, the migrant workers are victims of poverty and oppression. They are wonderful people who work hard and who are taken advantage of. MS-13 and their like (including their gringo supporters and money-launderers) are not just collateral damage. They are part of a planned invasion and child-trafficking racket. Just count: 400,000 unaccounted for children by now.

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Bullcrap. Illegal is illegal, Karen... those poor migrant workers can come in legally or GTFO.

Their handlers should be prosecuted, better yet, lose their citizenship.

Karens like YOU are partially responsible for those missing and abused kids.

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Astonishing chronology.

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Market is becoming bi-polar, tech jobs and “flipping burgers”. As the tech jobs become more intricate and AI takes away human jobs (forget learning to code) less people are needed. The Dems used the grift noted to put people into bullshit jobs, and DOGE is quickly finding them and eliminating them. A word of warning to the Trumpers, you better come up with a plan to re-hire them into meaningful jobs. Obama wanted a service economy and the Dems kept the public quiet by giving minimum wage scales at $20 and above. Been to a restaurant lately? That gift is over and we have equalized with $10 burgers and $16 breakfasts. That grift has run its course. Biden’s MOb’s gift was the NGOs as mentioned, paying people for doing nothing. Hmmm,, remember UBI? Andrew Yang’s contribution in 2020. What we are seeing is a nice preview of a UBI world. Biden promised the oil and pipeline workers that jobs would be created by renewable energy sources, in the sun belt. What happened? The border opened up, the Sun Belt job market became flooded and Mexico is much closer to Arizona, et al than North Dakota is. As usual, the Dems created an non-winnable situation which they hid with the bullshit situation JHK has brought out this morning.

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The "service economy" Obama talked about was a real "head scratcher" for me. I thought he envisioned us becoming a country of lawyers, accountants, and waiters. It never made sense to me.

The book publishing grift JHK points out is a major "eye opener."

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Generally when a country is drowning in economic stagnation and political angst, the answer is always a good war.

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Yes, we are on that course you can see it building.

Target Iran or North Korea or even both.

It won't be China or Russia not, yet they are down the road we need to get some more drone weapons systems online.

Just head on over to MSN and look at all the war footing preparation.

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Yes! More war! Bomb the shit out of women and children half a world away!

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Ben's a lost cause.

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Look at that Phil got a like.

Good for you some idiot clicked your likey button glow in the dopemine hit.

Hey Phil in order for a war to happen the other side needs to give cause.

Manufactured cause could happen, but many people have finally caught onto those kinds of dirty tricks.

Iran has also directly engaged in bombing the shit out of women and Children twice now but again this clod ignores this simple fact.

Never mind technology rendered their attack toothless they tried and their best effort was pretty pathetic.

As has Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen and just yesterday Hamas in Israel.

War happens, murder happens, kidnappings happen the other side engages in all this is it to just be ignored and for how long?

You really are a special kind of stupid.

I have had Iranian tech shot at the ship I was riding last August and again in November by the Iran backed Houthis.

Never mind their tech is so bad the actual missile landed in the next time zone we still got painted with Infrared and launched at.

Their pathetic drones got shot down at least five miles out.

Iran arms and funds them.

Iran is directly involved in proxy wars and is threatening all-out war if anyone targets their efforts to build nuclear devices.

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We may see kinetic action in Panama. China is not backing off as willingly as we're being told.

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Is there a good war?

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No war is "good." I would argue that some war is "necessary." We here in America have an enormous military sized group of people invading our borders. A necessary war would be to eliminate all of these people and send them packing, in defense of our homes and culture. An unnecessary war is like the one in Afghanistan. I don't give a fuck about Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Germany, Korea, and just about every other nation our army has planted itself.

The only time war is necessary is when it involves protecting and defending ourselves from an aggressive enemy. Most of the time, if not all of the time, the USA seems to be the aggressor.

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In other words, you don't believe America should exist or any other nation since all are created and maintained by force or the threat thereof.

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Putting words in my mouth?

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It all depends on your perspective.

The winners think it's great, the losers not so much.

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As was the case w/ WW2, but first we have to go through Great Depression 2.

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WW2 was a good war?

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No war is a good war, Tony.

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Where in AZ does one find a $10 burger? Not here in Prescott. Maybe the single at McDonalds, but a proper one at any sit down restaurant will set you back $20. The 2-egg breakfast is spot on at $16 and on up. What’s $5 for two little strips of bacon as an add on?

Other essentials: $10 for a 6-pack of any reasonable beer. Ammo? Hell, $1.50 a round for any magnum pistol and $0.50 for 5.56.

If you ain’t cooking at home and reloading yer shit, than you’re either pretty well off, or scraping to pay the rent.

Biden’s legacy…

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Took my wife and daughter out for a Saturday morning breakfast at a local Denny's. I remember when a "grand slam" cost $4.50. You got two eggs, a sausage link, a slice of bacon, hashbrowns and two butter milk pancakes. Today? $16.50. Plus tip, breakfast at once affordable Denny's cost me over $64.00. What does this do to the economy? Well, for starters it means I don't go out to eat nearly as often as I used to. Going out to eat now has been limited to very special occasions.

Remember the $5 foot longs at Subway? Now a footlong chicken and bacon ranch on flat bread costs nearly $13.00 and the workers are always stingy on the addings. I always have to ask them to put more on the sammich.

Thank God I stopped drinking a long time ago.

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I spent $30 the other day for 3 eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, Sausage patty, hashbrowns, coffee and half a waffle.

I pigged out and took some home.

With tip $35 out the door.

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Egg breakfast for two pushing $100. Ahhhh, what wonderful times we are living in. FJB.

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Bird flu?

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Well said. Elon and Trump have no viable vision either, but Elon does have a horrific one. Destroying the Democrat grifters are making people forget this all important issue.

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You are right. Musk has a vision all right. To make the government as grift free as possible. You should be worshipping his efforts as maybe you might find that benevolent government you have been looking for.


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Why is it mother police state’s problem that crooked rent seekers jigs come up? That projection of some universal human right for everyone to be fully employed at the 95th income percentile is demented.

The AI coder myth is another propaganda ploy. It has similar intentions of claiming technology is out to get you. It isn’t. It ain’t that smart. But there are sinister beings that will use that idea to justify enslaving you in 15 min city hovels.

You are much more dangerously threatened by bureaucrats and their fanged sheeple than by skynet. As intrusive as government monitoring of consumer networks is now, those databases can’t kill. But your neighbor’s Maoist struggle sessions will.

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Great question. Honestly, I don’t know what kind of productive work these grifters can get. Retail? No. Manufacturing? No. Roofing, drywalling, or concrete work? No. Babysitting? No. Customer service? No. Farming? No? Nursing or caregiving? No. Seasonal crop picking? No. I also cannot think of anyone who would hire them. 🤷‍♀️

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I understand there’s coming a real shortage of blueberry and lettuce pickers.

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Massage with happy ending or Starbucks barrista.

The other option is the universal income some people were just designed to sit on the couch all day and watch TEEVEE.

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Sell them in Hillary's Libyan slave markets...

A bit harsh, but they WILL be of some use to someone.

All profits to the Border Patrol.

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Indeed it will be hard to find these grifters productive work. What does one do with hundreds and thousands of unemployed lawyers?

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Nothing because lawyers are useless. Out of all the useless professions that exist, lawyers take the crown. They produce absolutely nothing. They take, take and then take some more. Once I received a settlement from a class action lawsuit involving a telecommunications company in my region. The settlement was for a billion or so dollars. Guess what I got? $2.54. In a check. They acted like I should roll out the red carpet and thank them for their efforts in getting me enough money to barely pay for a Snickers. The "loyas" probably took 3/4 of the billions and bought themselves beach houses in Costa Rica and divided up the rest among us poor schmucks, millions of us. Lawyers thrive on other's misfortune and misery and profit from failure and accident. The most utterly useless profession and one of the most destructive forces on our modern society. They can't do anything but argue and most can't even do that very well. So, they end up in politics. They end up as lawmakers corrupting the law to the point that we must have "loyas" to interpret the fucking law they just wrote.

There is so much wrong in this goddamned country and there is nobody there to fix it. Trump? Musk? I'm enjoying the show now but will it last? Who knows.

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Supply and demand. Too damn many of the “locusts” around and they are in a position of control. Like their politician sect, when they do not have enough to do, they make stuff up. The TV ads are disgusting. Why does Congress et al make up new laws, or create investigations? Make work!!

The answer? A good start!

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Cannon fodder in a good war?

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Pity the poor sucker that does hire them!

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What do you mean that I have to do actual work! My last job didn’t require it. I am applying for the No Show Position!

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They can learn new skills while making small rocks out of big rocks. Cleaning sewers by hand etc..

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Unfortunately much of that green has already left the building. The grifters are rolling in it

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Claw it back!

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Thats what the clawback option is all about.

Or their assets can be seized since they all knew what they were doing was wrong and illegal.

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Seize their assets and all of the property. Put them on the street to fight it out with the druggies. Sell all that they own, every last dime, and refund it to the taxpayers from whom it was stolen. Let them see it. Let them feel it. Let them know it. But alas, tis a dream. Tis only a dream.

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Job, ja. Preferably making license plates.

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Bring back gladiator fights to the death on pay-per-view??

Perhaps against lions or bears?

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They can learn how to code!

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It's my understanding that there will be plenty of opportunities in the fruit and vegetable picking space.

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They won't need jobs when they will all hopefully be in prison.

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We can only hope 👍👍

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They can get a prison job. The pay sucks, but they get three hots and a cot.

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I believe Leavenworth has a prison garden. The pay sucks, but it’s good, honest work. Plus, they already got their pay.

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Sadly they won't need real jobs if they avoid jail time they have enough millions to "retire" early.

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They won't if they get identified they will lose them millions really quick and probably everything else.

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Lol, do you think these “people” don’t have offshore accounts under multiple shell companies?

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Well, when they went after Joe Biden and family he had 24 different shell companies.

It can be figured out if someone chooses to do so.

Remember it's all electronic now.

All banks report even foreign ones.

FinCen knows all its just really slow and clunky.


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At (criminal) law, the redress is forfeiture.

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“green” good deeds,” like greenbacks being deposited for the benefit of the ‘do-gooder’

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As a born and bred citizen of the Great State of Georgia, nothing would make me happier than Snaggletooth Stacey spending a few years in Federal Prison. . . Before her next failed attempt at running for Governor.

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Remember good ol' Marion Barry that ran DC from his fed prison cell? Surely, Stacey is more strongherly situated for a jail cell victory this time.


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Forgot that affirmative action game that no one could question…

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And she won't mind the bologna sandwich diet...

She might lose that girlish figure tho...

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OMG! How many would lose their essential jobs from that?!?

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Get on a seesaw with her and you'll stay high forever.

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Richard J Daley ran a well-oiled machine in Chicago way back when.

Lyndon Johnson had something similar going down in Texas about the same time.

The Clintons in Arkansas, Pelosis in CA, all birds of a feather.

Biden & Family took their lessons to heart, raised the ante to the national level while dancing to the tune of 'Hope and Change' during the early part of this century, the Podestas quietly doing the choreography in the background since the '80's.

A multitude of grifters all, feeding off the bloat of a bureaucracy enabled by tax dollars redirected into the pockets of loyalists behind the doors of offices nation-wide.

Let's hope the lesson has been learned this time. We may not last long if it hasn't.

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Only way for lessons to be learned is the DETERRENCE of jail time and all assets seized for taxpayers reparations.

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We want our money back and or not pay Federal Taxes at these rates going forward our Government can’t be trusted.

Something has to give.

Not fun having your pocket picked by your Representatives for their benefit.

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We do need to save some money,trials & incarceration is expensive. If the shoe was on the other foot does anyone really they would "let bygones be bygones"?

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Don't pay your taxes and you end up losing everything you own or end up in prison. Not an option for most people, unfortunately. I wish it were but the Federal leviathan is still potent and powerful.

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Yes you are right the Leviathan can and will crush anybody... just try 'em.

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I can see the need for a branch of special prosecutors and a crack team of financial investigators to start climbing through those slush funds and Cayman island banks.

FinCen is hardly enough to deal with this job.

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Exactly. And every other place where people can squeeze in some grift.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Which is why people so loudly complaining about the US cutting expenses and waste are so disingenuous.

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Don't say "disingenuous". Say "dishonest hypocritical thieves". Let's use honest words to bring back honest times.

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Democrats all rotten all corrupt as hell.

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No more foreign aid either. That includes Is-Ra-El.

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Want to make a wager Israel gets billions a year to stamp out Hamas and Hezbollah while being a major thorn in the side to Iran.

Iran is the cat turd left moldering in the corner for far too long.

Depending on one's outlook either a dismal failure or great success in American foreign policy.

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I like that. You sound like an isolationist today, Lugh! I like it a lot. Let's have open trade with our neighbors but tell them to go pound sand when it comes to treaties and money.

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Ben, I am not saying you are wrong, I would just add that I am sure that there is a whole host of corruption going on by people with an R behind their name. I wonder what the net worth of McConnell is as well as about 90% of the rest of the Rs and Independents. Does Susan Collins or her "sister" from Alaska look to you to be genius'? I would bet their stock picking gives them pretty amazing results and my guess is that their net worth is way more than what you can accumulate on the Senate salary-----probably the same for the majority of the Rs in the House as well as 95% of the Dem/Marxists.

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No arguments from me but got to start somewhere.

Democrats are the most openly corrupt group.

I know of two people prosecuted for having their beak in the trough.

A war hero Duke Cunningham and some low level Democrat.

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So are Republicans, Ben. The difference is the Republicans give lip service to good principles but when in power they do the same thing the Democrats do. Spend, print, spend, print, spent, print, spend, print. Oh, yeah, raise the idiotic debt ceiling.

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Nice recap!

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By any name, “the Blob” or what have you, government in the “United States of America” is a “criminal enterprise” “organized crime,” “racketeering.” In sum, the parasitic infestation of the body politic (fully integrated web of political machines, state and federal and beyond) — existing solely for themselves: for plunder and profit.

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Daley wasn't in it for the money but he liked being the "Boss". His elections were rigged and corruption was all around but he lived in the old hood and walked to church on Sunday. The skyline of the city and the runways at O'hare airport are his legacy. As the city was being rebuilt, from the Gold Coast to Sears Tower, it provided hundreds of thousands of life changing jobs for the people. His son however took some bank from a Japanese hotel chain or something. Now Chicago is in major decline with a school union boss in charge and people and companies are fleeing just like in NY or Cali. The average person in these places would be fine with corruption if garbage was picked up and fire hydrants had water and their kids got a okay education. The party is over and there is no 'New World' to run to. Ironically Trump and Elon like being the "Boss' to. They already made bank and just love the country. MAGA !!

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So, Ukraine is allegedly the most corrupt nation on earth. May I proudly offer the U.S. as potentially the most corrupt, immoral, and decadent. Lots of good and even great people, but the problem is the overwhelming blob of miscreants and outright thieves that plague our country. Under the Demoncraps, the quality of everything has markedly decreased, including food, medicine, and just about everything we depend on for our survival and sustenance. The Trump Presidency may be the last chance we have to save this once-great nation. If not, there are many out there who would take us over in a heart beat, survival of American citizens optional.

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Yes. American deep state, Nuland and Obama, manipulated Ukraine and pressured Russia to react. Putin was quite measured and diplomatic. We lied about the Maidan treaty, NATO on his haunches, biolabs on the border.

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This country hid its corruption.

Trump brought it out into the light.

Going to say all nations have their fair share some just let it sit out in the open.

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Really, doesn't the "most corrupt" migrate from one nation to another, as Satan attacks one people, then moves on to another? Before this USA, it was the USSR. That government gave new meaning to the word "corruption" in its day. It's all the same. There is nothing new under the Sun.

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Society can have equality or quality, but it can't have both.

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Let's see, John Galt. US National debt at $36 trillion or more. Any other nation with that kind of debt? I know Japan is in a bad way but nowhere near this number. Yeah, I say the evidence is clear. The USA is by far the most corrupt and debauched nation on this planet right now. It has been for a long time, longer than I have been alive and I am 50.

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Claw it all back! Once they are all convicted! Seems as if I heard somewhere that “no one is above the law”.

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Politicians are. Tony Fauci is. Hillary Clinton is. Oh, yes, there are many who are above the law. They are called the elites.

I hate and despise elitism in all of its forms. No human is better than another. They all shove food into their pieholes the same way and they all take a shit the same way, regardless of their wealth and prestige.

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Great yet infuriating piece, James.

As @MikeBenzCyber showed us: usaspending.gov


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I must say that I'm totally down with rooting out these traitors in congress, but wonder what Trump has on all those never Trump RINOS that has caused them to back all of his nominees. Both parties need to clean house and take out the trash. Mitch stepping down is a good start.

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I think Mitch does more "falling down" than "stepping down." The "walker brigade" seems afraid to leave... and have for quite awhile. Case in point: Diane Feinstein. Kamala appears to be another. Some people say they cling to power. I disagree. It's fear.

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Yes, Mitch McConnell and his good buddy Mike Pence. Pence in the news yesterday with TDS. Still stabbing Trump in the back after all this time.

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Mitch McConnell is a walking corpse. The fact that that man is still in office is pathetically sad. Retire. Enjoy the end of years. So addicted to power and grift that he can't get away to enjoy what few years he has left.

Once he does retire he'll be like Utah's Orrin Hatch. He retired after decades in the Senate and was dead a year of two later. Evil greed and grift keep these old suckers going. They can't live without it.

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He backed the wrong horse! A Christian without any principles just "beliefs".

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As previously mentioned, the “old” party system is dying, Dem and GOP is passé. New parties , the American (MAGA) center right and the Dems at Far Left for now. One note, if the Dems do not create a new appeal and locate at center Left, they are finished. The Trinamic Trio on the blog will have no home to cry in.

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As ever you can only see two, one good, one evil. But your good is not good and your evil is not evil. Think of driving: Is right good and left evil? You'll go right off the road and into the gully or sidewalk.

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You are wrong. The Left is evil and personifies it very well. The big difference is that the Left wants to destroy what America is and the MAGA folks want to preserve it. We just went through four years of government of the Mob, by the Mob and for the Mob. That is damned enough.

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The exposure of the misdeeds over the past 4 years has shed light on what many knew but could never prove...even today...nothing has been "proven"...until people are held accountable and, if guilty, put in jail...all of these DOGE Headlines are just that, Headlines...Ys, Americans are tired of the waste...tired of the corruption...just fucking tired of being fucked...So, when those who are accountable go to jail...many will feel some form of justice...until then these DOGE headlines will flourish in the headlines and, once challenged, will spend years in court...and by the next Administration, they will reverse all said regulations...Vicious Circle of nothing more than Headlines...

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Trump needs to create a sub-cabinet under Labor to deal with job creation, legitimate job creation. Hint, return manufacturing to the USA.

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I disagree, JohnAZ. Government should not be involved in job creation. Government needs to de-regulate everything and stay the fuck out of businesses. Let the private market prevail. Competition will encourage innovation and discourage high prices. More than anything, I just want government to just go away. Just disappear. I'm so sick of other flawed human beings standing on a made up pedestal and making themselves the rulers of me and mine because......welll because the said so. Or, the won a popularity contest. Either way, I'm sick of all government and I just want it to disappear.

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We do not disagree. Note “legitimate job creation” as in return manufacturing, policies need to be set in the Feds for a good economic environment, including dealing with labor. The federal government has not created a job ever that was not an economic liability. They are a sink, not a source. $36 trillion worth.

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AI=UBI. And that's the best scenario. The others is just to kill all of us by "letting" us die.

So? Therefore? Is it not obvious?

Forbid the development of AI if you are against UBI or an engineered mass die off.

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Forbid the development of AI, and any nation that pursues it will eat US for lunch.

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Ban robots that replace humans. Computers too. Bring back the abacus and mechanical cash register with real cash and coin.

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Lugh - Think Mayberry RFD, where each family had a function to fill to serve the community. No damn computers, just people interfacing.

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As a fan of Star Trek there was a movie where the Enterprise encountered a race of people who had eschewed technology in favor of a more simple life. Turns out the race of people were sophisticated enough to have warp drive but they chose not to have it. Instead they focused on being master gardeners, artisans, black smiths, and developing skills with their hands and doing the work themselves. It was an interesting show. Almost like finding a galactic enclave of the Amish!

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Lugh----this was tried in India many years ago. Their leaders banned quite a few modern machines with the object to make jobs. Failed miserably. I believe it was Milton Friedman that said, why ban motorized equipment for building dams and moving earth, why not just make using spoons the tool of choice for moving earth. Takes a lot more people to move a ton of dirt with spoons than with a dozer. Of course each employee is not very productive so you cannot pay them much. India learned this the hard way and a lot of the people there starved in the 50s and 60s.

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Yeah they tried to build Pyramids without machinery and ended up using mind power to levitate the stones until they got Jewish slaves!

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You are going to be proven right if we stay with this current herd of judges and the billable hours lawyers that cling to their current mode of "process" (not the institution/stucture). Look at the mess they made with the J6ers. It is sickening.

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Sad, but accurate 😥

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Yes. Like my husband always says “Show me the money Jerry”.

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Excellent analysis. Also keep in mind that some of these organizations were fronts for censorship that the Biden administration and the blob couldn’t legally do themselves. They were censorship proxies. USAID monies show that media companies in and outside the U.S. were granted money to censor and blacklist disfavored media.

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See aye hay has done this for decades

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Is it not time to stop pretending that Mr Biden has been compos enough for years to have had anything to do with it? I guess ya gotta have a name but there's gotta be ACTUAL names -- and crimes -- out there!

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He’s always been a criminal, long before his dementia. Those who put him in ‘power’ should be accountable.

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Biden’s Grifting started with his Senatorial campaign. He fit right in and kept going, his Families Grift made him the perfect Mark to keep quiet and to help furthering the payola schemes!

Our Representatives and our Government Leaders got greedier and greedier as the years passed, thousands turned into billions and trillions.

It was great for the participants but a fiscal disaster for the victims taxpayers and their country.

The fix will require how we monitor our Government and Representatives going forward!

Our mainstream press is finished too, hiding behind their cut, they willfully committed Journalistic Treason against their fellow countrymen and their Constitutionally protected profession.

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Abrams is a FAKE, phony, liar, racist pig!!!

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Jabba-the-Hut Abrams - I’d almost forgotten about HER. Just wait until they go after more prominent faces like Clintons, NObummers, et al. 🍿🍿🍿

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Abrams aka Queen Milkdud

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Interesting she is milk dud shaped but not as nice looking.

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We're waiting...

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Stacey is talented. She can whistle and lie without opening her mouth.

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Refreshing…we can now call a spade a spade.

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Lerville----you are correct but....unfortunately these words do not properly explain how evil and horrible she really is.

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Share some more choice words about Stacy the Abrams Tank

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Stacey isn't the only problem in Georgia (and several other states). ICE raided a Hyundai plant the other day - illegals scattered like the cockroaches they are. Probably more to come. Plenty of corruption to uncover all the way to the Governor.

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Why not go after the employers who are obviously not making sure their employees are legal with legal SS cards?

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Shhh! Don't spill the beans. Don't disturb the Trumpster fan boys and girls.

Trump is "angry" at the slow rate of deportation. They'd all go home in a month if you start crushing the people who give them jobs.

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Cutoff their welfare, prohibit them from working, they go home. Problem solved. No deportations. No arrests. Eliminate their reason for being here they leave. It's not rocket science. That's why it will never be done.

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There is no equality. The Hispanics are much better workers than the Blacks.

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That's not saying much.

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Praise GOD and thank HIM for HIS mercy. We have been given a 2nd chance. Keep cleaning house and exposing all their evil intent. We don't want it. Our eyes are opening. GOD is keeping HIS promise. Letter agencies gone. Transparency everywhere. Expose, expose, expose. No more excuses. None. No national security BS. After what Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Johnson, Carter have done. There is no such thing. Protect us by telling the TRUTH.

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But, the MAGA revolution will have to come up with jobs of some sort after decimating the Deep State. The lying jobs reports, especially unemployment, will be used by a still Liberal Deep State to undermine Trump. Job destruction is easy, job creation, not so much.

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Don't be disheartened. It is going to take a long time. Right now I am trying to install a coffee station in an office building. Putting together a small army of vendors willing to do a small job is exasperating. I need a plumber, drywall team, electrician, casework crew and me the paint touch-up-sink/faucet orderer-hardware (pulls and knobs). The structure of running a business has become too heavy for people to just work and profit. Please wish me luck & patience.

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You are so brave. I hope you succeed.

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There are some really kind and talented workmen. I have been lucky enough to have worked with a few through the course of "The Road to Happiness Is Always Under Construction". I work hard to keep them as efficient as possible and they appreciate it.

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God bless you!

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Astera, you visit Europe and find that the majority of the economies are small business based. IMHO, the two biggest enemies of the American scene over the years was Sam Walton and William Gates, the Big Box boys.

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Good luck & success!

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"Job destruction is easy, job creation, not so much."

Yes, and continuing down the AI and technology path, as it appears Trump is intent on, will just cost millions more jobs. "Efficiency" is the toothpaste that can't be put back in the tube. Its a race to the bottom where the end result is an empty world with one robot simultaneously jacking off and dumping Cheetos into its mouth. What is more "efficient" than nothing at all?

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Everything changes all the time, on &on, forever! Nuttin we can do!

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You could hope to be ruled by people who care a little bit about the wellbeing of their subjects, but in a proposition nation, a "nation of immigrants," a polyglot boarding house for the world, their only concerns are cheap (or no) labor and the almighty dollar. There was another way, or several other ways, but our leaders were so selfish, and so avaricious, that they sold their posterity for mega yachts, Guatemalan housekeepers and Punjab customer service.

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I agree with you. Trump is “fascinated” by Big science, Big pharma and Big AI. I hope he realizes what a downer the combination of the three could be.

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JAZ is worried about unemployed ex-Swamp losers, LOL.

Between that and constantly worrying about the Democrat party's fate, whose camp are you really in?

You've got issues, dude.

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I am worried about every job lost without replacement. Jobs mean independence, they are a positive to the economy, unlike welfare a negative.

Do you think that a uniparty system is best? Uh huh, you are an autocrat at heart. Once the evil is wrung out of the Dems, they will re-formulate to balance the political sphere. No more Deep State uniparty, either side. Right now, the Dems are trash.

Have you joined the Trinamic Trio? Name caller!

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Why do people pick on you John? I've never been able to figure it out. Maybe your sincerity is taken for weakness. I always enjoy your comments.

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Thanks! They have their opinions and I have mine. I just believe everyone has a right to their opinion. They do not. I try to give out info as I see it presented.

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My god, but you're hopeless. Have a nice day.

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You can't have a conversation with Astera. She'll just start screaming about kicking you in the balls and punching you in the throat.

Everything is a slam dunk with her. Black and White. No nuance. She a meaner version of you in this respect.

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"Everything is a slam dunk with her. Black and White. No nuance. She a meaner version of you in this respect."

LOL! Jaros giveth and Jaros taketh away in the space of a single sentence.

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She is just nasty. She presents very little to think about.

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Give the American Citizen the opportunity to be productive and rewarded for their efforts and not taxed and regulated to the teeth. This plus affordable capital will increase our GDP and the velocity of money that will drive our economy forward creating jobs we need and in industries that don’t yet exist.

We have done it before and been at these types of depths and recovered, we are Americans!

Let’s Roll!

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Technology takes jobs. That's the whole point: To save money. Capitalism is despicable in and of itself. It has good points, but they will be paramount only if guided by a strong hand. You can't have Baseball without an Umpire.

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No, they do not. Like the supposedly dirt-poor illegal aliens who are self-deporting, they can use their millions to fly off to and resettle themselves in another country.

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Nobody has to "come up with jobs" for anybody. Adults have self-will. If they want a job, they'll find one, or learn a new one, or start a biz. Fed employees who take the buyout will have a LOT of time & free money on their hands to do something useful. If they can't figure it out, well, stupid is tough 🤷

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Trying to find a job going into a recession is tough. The DC area, for example, is going to be flooded with resumes in the near future making it hard to get a job equal to the inflated wages the government was paying. The economy breeds jobs, real jobs. Not the government. The government needs to be concerned with setting an environment that is entrepreneurial in nature,, continuously creating new opportunities. Obama sending all the jobs overseas, did not help much. The Dems have concentrated on reducing the job market to make people more dependent on the government.

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Rebuilding LA is going to take a lot of people. That might be a start.

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Tithing decimates my income. Decimation is insufficient. I’m not starving.

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Plenty of work programs in jail.

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Which just subtracts from the civilian job market.

I was stationed in Newport, RI while in the Navy. I saw the resentment there as the Navy provided competition for the locals in the job market. Eventually, the base was shut down as the locals won the contest.

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Protect us from criminals by doing what El Salvador has done to stop their gangs. Every single one behind bars!

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Rebuilt the Temple! The false Christ will soon reveal Himself. Countless "Christians" and Jews will worship him there and at his other seat, the Vatican.

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I think the evil will rise from Rome.

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The corruption of the democrat party and it’s parade of parasites, perverts, and buffoons knows no bounds

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Isn’t all this just “racketeering” which according to Wikipedia “is a type of organized crime in which the perpetrators set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation”.

And if it is…can’t the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) be used to prosecute? Again according to Wikipedia: “Under RICO, a person who has committed "at least two acts of racketeering activity" drawn from a list of 35 crimes (27 federal crimes and eight state crimes) within a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering if such acts are related in one of four specified ways to an "enterprise."[1]”

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I think, if I'm not mistaken, that the RICO Act is currently being considered in regard to many things.

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