February 2006 | Eyesore
Commentary on architectural blunders in monthly serial.
Check out this interesting addition to a bed and breakfast in Saratoga Springs. (Original building at far left.) What's up with that weird indentation on the corner, first floor? Okay, I understand why you wouldn't want another balcony there (and we'll skip over the quality of the balconies above). But why not carry the masonry envelope out to the corner on the base? Actually, what they have succeeded in creating here is a first-class wino drinking nook. It's hidden from any prying "eyes on the street," nicely sheltered from the elements, and excellently scaled for single occupancy. Pass the Wild Irish Rose! Bottoms up!
Received the following letter a few days after posting:
You have given Saratoga Arms your dubious honor of eyesore of the month. Your major complaint was that of the indentation on the back corner. That was mandated by the city so that vision for cars exiting Long Alley onto Walton Street would not be impeded. We were not allowed to carry the building out to the corner. Believe me, it was not our choice, nor the architects design choice to include that indentation. It was a compromise solution to maximize the use of the existing vacant lot. The balconies above became the logical follow through to maintain a consistent line.
Thank you
Judy Kennedy
Director of Sales & Marketing
Saratoga Arms