“The nature of the NGO scams is to have a cause that sounds philanthropic, like ‘Save the Orphans of Sadville’ and then they pocket the money and zero actual orphans are helped.” — Elon Musk
Damn, this is a great post!👍 It’s an exceptional compilation of the most well known scams perpetrated on taxpayers by the DC corruptocrats. I suspect there are countless more scams that will be uncovered in the coming months, leading to more howls of outrage. Is it possible that this could evolve into a massive RICO prosecution?? We can only hope!
The DC metro are residential real estate market may collapse soon, as hundreds of thousands of useless bureaucrats are fired and billions of dollars worth of useless contracts are terminated. Makes me want to play an endless loop of “Who let the dog(e)s out?” Enjoy! 😂😂😂
Well, Elon Musk is talking about investigating how certain Congress persons got to be worth so much $$. [They] demanded Trump's tax returns and went to the SC to get them. Precedence. Trump is just the kind of guy to publish them! What would be truly poetic justice would be making them pay it all back. Of course, that's truly a pipe dream, but there should be some blowback besides looking like greedy, two-faced, lying hypocrites. Like getting primaried at the very least.
"Turn over a log in the woods and you have the metaphor for “our democracy.” Countless hundred-footed things slither around under it, their feeding interrupted . . . " - We can only hope that the grifters at the state/local levels are also having second thoughts about their fraudulent activities as they belatedly begin to understand the level of outrage amongst the 'silent majority.'
Amen, Lisa. Elon needs to deputize about 20 people in every county in the US. Local is better, and believe me, every locality is cancer-ridden. Let them reap what they've so smugly sown.
What bliss! For anyone who hasn't seen this - they're "moving so fast and breaking things" so quickly, you may want to check it on the hour.
Already is, and the Dems are scared to death. The Dems have a major problem, how to come up with a popular alternative to Trump's vision of MAGA. They have to excise out the money grubbing senior class of their party. IMHO, it will not happen and a new more moderate, pro-American "Dem party" is going to emerge from the Swamp. It will take Trump's continued success to accomplish this.
It is the battle of the Haves vs. the Have-Nots for control of America.
I can not imagine today's swamp creatures not money grubbing.
They start out fresh and green and perky, and soon find out it is a different sort of party all together. There is no representation, or even a sense of a concern for their constituent, or their state. They just join the club and do club things and vote on stuff we never wanted.
I don't know about that, Rd3. I think many of them are psychopaths with no conscience. But I also thing some of them, if not many of them, do run for public office with good intentions. The problem is when they get back there they are powerless to do any good. The only way to do anything is to become like the system. Corrupt. Those who can't take it get out. Those who can, stay in and milk the system for what they can get out of it.
I just watched a video of James Carville, with even greater invective than usual, lamenting that he's wasted his entire life. He says his party is breaking up, and the middle of the roaders and corporate types are going off on their own, away from the nutjobs. He has many complaints, and he ought to know.
The Dems owned the position of watching out for the little guy for a long time. No longer, as they were kidnapped by the Mob. That is what no one wants to admit.
Government has the jog of providing the opportunity for happiness in its people. Life, Liberty and the pursuit. The economic results depend on the people, not the government. That is why there are rich lands and really poor ones. It is the people. That is why what Biden did to us is so reprehensible continuing Obama's drive to make the American people dependent on their government, the Democratic ideal. Sorry, Carville, Americans may have just told you and yours to go to hell.
Yeah, Carville is good for a laugh. I especially liked when he went off about David Hogg, saying something to the effect of, "Who the hell is this guy??" LOL.
I feel like Snakehead is just now waking up to what's been going on for decades.
He most definitely already is. He will be known in the history books for good and for ill for decades, if not centuries to come. God I hope all of you optimistic people on these comment threads are right and that we will soon see true justice come down on these political class leaches.
Trump has the potential to be mentioned, in the future, in the same conversation about presidential giants as Washington, Lincoln, FDR (and, and Trump!) I got me a hat from Amazon that reads:
<<Make Greenland Great Again>>
I will use this hat to punk my Democrat friends. Please, please President Trump, DON'T fuck this up.
Indeed. However, in my wonderful, communist controlled Minnesota it is impossible to penalize the grifters like Walz because his party permanently installs our SCOTUS(MN) judges and AG. Walz cannot account for HUNDREDS of millions of dollars on ONE program alone. Very frustrating.
Minnesota. There must be something in the water in all those lakes that makes your people vote for idiots. Seems like Minnesota has always kind of been "out there" as long as I can remember.
Jimbo has lots of readers in the upper Midwest. The state is largely red outside the Twin Cities and the cold keeps the riffraff out. Careful or I'll send Jesse Ventura after you!
Something missing from this column today is the fact that Trump had a phone call with Putin. That's YUGE. The sooner we get back to normalizing relations with Russia, and ending this stupid war, the better off we'll be.
Zelensky is mad that Trump called Putin first. To add insult to injury, Trump couldn't be fucked to bother going to Europe to negotiate with him and the EU. He sent Vance instead. Take THAT, bitches!
Yes! The sooner that Russia becomes part of Europe again, the better off Europe will be. That is the cause celebre in DC up to now, that we must keep Europe apart from Russia. Trump says America First, not Russia, China or Europe. Europe needs Russia, and vice versa. America needs to stop interfering. Ukraine, plainly a Biden Mob ploy, needs to negotiate how to be a good neighbor with Russia and give a good example of what Europe needs to be, unified.
Oh. I am going to listen to the great Astera, who knows everything. NOT!
Why don't you get a map out and just look at it to see what may be coming. My guesses are mine, will they happen? Maybe? But one thing is sure, with Trump stirring the pot things are going to change and fast.
Cannot tell the EU go fuck themselves? Why? What purpose do you think they actually serve to the USA anymore? Especially, above normalized relations with Russia?
No, you do not pick up in what I am saying, I am agreeing with you.
Trump is trying to position the USA to compete in the Arctic against Russia. Trump does not give much of a damn about Europe, as Hegseth is showing right now. NATO is about to be ignored by Trump in his negotiations to get Ukraine shut down. Europe may have little choice but to buddy up to Russia as Trump retains more and more of our natural resources.
That is my opinion. What is yours? In more than one sentence and without name calling please.
Europe has been busy sealing their fate by allowing all these third-world terrorists to overtake their countries. Why on God's green earth should WE bail them out? Especially at the expense of normalizing relations with other superpowers, which actually IS in our interest? If Russia wants to bail out Europe, that's on them. IT IS NOT OUR PROBLEM. Repeat, IT IS NOT OUR PROBLEM.
Oh, and I don't care that Europe is white (though not so much, anymore). They are white and STUPID. Chlorinate the gene pool, already!
And Ukraine is a basket case. The only interest we have there is raiding it to expose the illegal US-run biolabs that Russia says are there, along with digging up as much dirt as possible on the Bidens and others.
I'm expecting any day now for Trump to completely divest from NATO. Good riddance.
Being anti-war and anti-foreign-aid, I would love to see the day when we close all of our overseas bases and bring our troops home, as well as FINALLY shut off the neverending spigot of foreign aid to EVERYBODY.
We are too in debt and have too many problems here to afford wasting our time and money on other countries. We have our OWN illegal-alien problem that we still cannot get under control. Why should we help bail out Europe? Folks, just as with a problem child or an addict, this is what ENABLING looks like.
Cut the cord and let's take care of our own and put AMERICA FIRST. For once.
Zelensky couldn’t be bothered to expose Biden’s corruption and come to Trump’s defense when he needed it. Why should Trump show Zelensky favor now? Time to audit Ukraine.
That long-dreaded Russian/German alliance (dreaded by the Brits and Israel and other members of the dirty banking class) would be good for the west and good for the German people. Putin could resurrect Germany given the chance.
Yesterdays announcements torpedoed The Globalists and their 2030 Agenda.
It has become clear that Trump's focus is on MAGA, and he is up to the challenge of economic competition, or for those who don't want to engage and lead, follow, or get out of his way, he is willing to deal with them on the battlefield.
Better if shared in the company of close friends, in front of a crackling fire, in a cozy cafe. What is Zazzy doing? You guys need renewed momentum. I'm tired of being an unemployed Menu Consultant. I need work, my kids need new shoes. <3
I don't know where Zazelle has gone to. I think he's becoming a carpenter. I applied for an assistant position at his workshop since i was helping him prepare a ppe list for his workings but i haven't received a call back yet.
How come nobody talks about the Michigan Professor Skidmore's audit of the federal government where he found that 22 Trillion dollars was missing and unaccounted for?
My utube A1 took me to these 2 smart, young and popular Asian guys who have a podcast where they talk about money. I listened to the beginning, and they were ranting about US accounting rule FASB56 which ruled all government books secret in 2018 which Catherine has been pounding the table about since then. I linked the Solari missing money file on a comment. Historic times, all being revealed. Here are the young $ guys podcast. I sent a link to Catherine. She will be delighted and get a kick out of it. 💛🙏
Yes, I remember reading about the red button test. Out of 100 people in the room, only one would press the button to stop all grift and corruption, knowing it would cost them
I’ve been saying for years - the largest criminal enterprise in the world is .gov, and their biggest crime, among many sordid and evil crimes, is money laundering. Whenever crime came up in a conversation, I’d drop that turd in the punchbowl just to see the reaction.
Well, every other government in history has done the same. That is why socialism always leads to the dissolving of a society. As the Deep State has been pushing for more and more control, the USA has declined. Correlation or cause? Government is a condensation of power people, of evil, and must ALWAYS be controlled to the nth degree. Retreat to and subsequent adherence to the strict interpretation of the Constitution is our key to recovery and future success.
It appears now that the entire US national debt is due to fraud...Medicare/Medicaid pays 2.7 trillion to foreigners, the Pentagon is missing 23 trillion..or is that 35 trillion?..And the US military is weaker than Russia's...where Putin has been jailing the corrupt generals...Treasury pays more than 100 billion/yr to people with no ID or SS number...It's almost unbelievable....
Many of them don't have to "ex-pat," they were never actually real citizens of this country, if the heat gets too intense, they'll just go back to their sunny homeland in Israel.
How do you figure our weapons systems are punching huge holes in Russia's kids while Ukies are wielding them and those are NOT out latest or greatest weapons systems.
Estimates say there are at least a million dead on each side talk about GENOCIDE!
A million dead on each side? LOL Good Lord. How can you even be reading JHK and post such a thing?
Weaker? Yes, for three reasons: The ability to manufacture at scale (US and NATO have very little manufacturing capability), proximity to conflict (soldiers) and hypersonic weapons that can easily eliminate any US/NATO transport at any time if it attempts to ship or transport heavy equipment quickly. Having a few whizz-bang systems but no stockpile of them is meaningless. Also, if the US had any system that could turn the tide of a war without using tanks - the Abrams was decimated on the battlefield btw - don't you think Blinken and Sullivan and Mrs. Milley would have used them? And if you think they didn't use them because they need to train soldiers or ship soldiers in who can actually operate them then start reading this paragraph over again with that in mind.
Lastly, if you believe that the US government has been incompetent and corrupt at massive scale for a long time but somehow has stayed at the top of its game militarily - especially as they embraced deviant sexual and mental illness as the fast track to leadership (hmm why? maybe to tear down the US military?) then you should probably step back and figure out how to resolve those two contradictory conditions.
The public has to stop believing the US military propaganda. That propaganda is there as much to make people such as yourself charge headlong into wars where it actually cannot win as it is to frighten their enemies. The US has never won a war past the war of 1812 - it only nobly assisted in one win, WW2, where the Russians kicked Germany's ass in the end. Those defeated Germans have been trying to kick start a rematch for 80 years, unsatisfied with the obvious defeat they already imposed peacefully (more or less) through economic dominance. Typical Germans, opening wars on multiple fronts and getting their butts kicked.
Estimates of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine range from 149,000 to 430,790, depending on the source and time period.
BBC: 149,000–208,700 Russian soldiers killed by mid-January 2025
Ukraine's Ministry of Defence: Over 850,000 Russian dead and wounded as of February 2025
Mediazona: At least 31,481 Russian soldiers died between January 1, 2024, and December 17, 2024
After almost three years of the largest war in Europe since 1945, the precise scale of the death toll in Ukraine depends on who you listen to.
President Trump said last month that one million Russian soldiers and 700,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed. That figure is far higher, however, than any other estimates by either Russia or Ukraine or by western intelligence agencies.
Ukraine has been reluctant to provide casualty figures over fears that they could demoralise society. However, President Zelensky said in December that 43,000 Ukrainian soldiers had died. His comments came after Trump claimed in separate remarks that month that 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers had lost their lives. Up to 30 British citizens have died while fighting for Ukraine, according to reports.
Both sides are lying the tell is that Noth Korea is now sending troops and they lasted less than a month.
What truly angers me as we watch the exposure of all this evil and fleeting of the American taxpayers (which is already theft): where have the Republicans been all this time!? Why the Hell hasn't someone had the integrity and courage in the past 20, 30 or even 40 years to expose and indict these disgusting leeches and tapeworms?!
Don't get me wrong - I want to see a lot of Democrats and DC insiders hang - but some Republicans need to swing alongside them! Worthless spineless Rino rats!
Abso-Effing-Lutely. Remember that the Deep State, Dems. + RINOs have controlled DC since JFK was killed. Even Reagan just sorta bounced off. The Deep State controls just about everything right now, but shock and awe by Trump is starting to shake the foundations of Deep State controls, but just starting. We have a long row to hoe.
Reagan was just an FDR-era liberal actor who was saddled with Bush Sr. Bush was installed on the ticket to make sure that nothing Regan campaigned on actually came to pass.
You are soooo correct. Without President Trump there would be no R party. In many ways and for the reasons you mention here, they are even more despicable than the Ds.
There is no GOP as a significant part of it has deserted to the Left. The Bushy dynasty is being killed, thank goodness. MAGA is a verb phrase, the new party needs a name, Not Republican, please. How about the GAS party? Give a s%&t party.
Nobody should be satisfied until there's actual accountability & consequences for the perpetrators of all this crime and grift. Once upon a time, people would form mobs and drag these sockcuckers out of their homes and have them swinging from a lamppost in short order.
Greatest hits.... racketeering operation and turn over a log in the woods and, yes, there it is, "their democracy." Daylight and the critters scatter.
I am praying Kash makes it.
Vance took the entire EU continent and Trotskyist apparatus to task in Germany today. Lots of "holy shit" blank stares in the audience. Indeed, a new Sheriff in town!
Being on the spectrum is not technically mentally ill.
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is not a mental illness, but it is a developmental disability. However, people with autism can experience mental health conditions.
He will get this job done and done well as he has no political aspirations. He is motivated totally by results against his goals.
Goals? Internet, Pay Pal, electrification without fossil fuels, Mars, free speech on social media, humanoid robots and AI that cannot be turned against humans.
As much as I like this essay and what generally is "going on", I hope this doesn't get reduced down to just an exercise in political partisan point-scoring. All those years, the neocons, mostly identifying as Republicans, ran amuck in foreign policy, they never used USAID for corrupt purposes? What about the riches gained by Establishment Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, to just name two?
I agree that Dems/liberals have a greater predilection to government waste, fraud and abuse, but letting Republicans skate on these exposures will prevent the hope of a truly transformative correction in our governance.
Then it's time to start throwing those RINO's under the bus. They might start winning more bipartisan rank-and-file support that way, or at least start easing some of their suspicion.
Dean - I think your fear will play itself out when the budget gets hashed out over the next 3-4 weeks. They either have to come up with a new budget by I believe March 14th, or pass another Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep the government funded, in effect continuing the "Joe Biden" spending programs.
If they do a new budget, I doubt they'll have the guts to make the type of cuts envisioned by DOGE. There is only so much that can be trimmed by executive order. Ultimately congress will need to pass spending legislation, which is where the problem may continue.
Good point, that could definitely serve as a lifeboat for Trump, Musk and Republicans to abandon the DOGE ship, claim victory and go back to business as usual without any corruption blowback hitting their side or pet projects.
Very true. But times change and people in the party change. No one can forget what Bush Jr. did to us on 9-11. People like Henry Kissinger are fading away. I think time is short and the bells toll for traitors like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham.
Well, they do have some ngo's that don't pocket the money for their benefactors. Omega4amercia also on substack details this morning the process where certain ngo's steal elections by harvesting mail in ballots sent to ineligible addresses. So yes, the ngo bs needs to stop. Permanently!
Mike - I've suspected that "ngo's steal elections by harvesting mail in ballots sent to ineligible addresses." It's very easy to do when there isn't any way to audit our elections.
Currently, no ballot is tied to any specific individual. Doing so would allegedly be an invasion of a person's privacy rights. Something needs to change or this practice of harvesting and mining ballots will continue.
Listen to the quiet of the ones who have gone dark: Pelosi, the Clintons including that alleged offspring of Web Hubbell—she got 82 mil?—John Kerry, Bill Gates, Bidens, Obamas…frantic in the dark.
Do you think that Melinda Gates divorced her husband because she was so sickened by what she learned about his activities on Epstein Island, or do people like that have no soul and she was just looking out for a payday?
Many of tech-types also have the nerd complex. They grew up being shoved into lockers by boys with testosterone. So, now, in the era of the nerd-ascendent, they want to take it out on every man who isn't a cucked fag. Look at Dr. Evil Bezos. He's all pumped up on HGH and cos-playing a pilot from Top Gun.
Damn, this is a great post!👍 It’s an exceptional compilation of the most well known scams perpetrated on taxpayers by the DC corruptocrats. I suspect there are countless more scams that will be uncovered in the coming months, leading to more howls of outrage. Is it possible that this could evolve into a massive RICO prosecution?? We can only hope!
The DC metro are residential real estate market may collapse soon, as hundreds of thousands of useless bureaucrats are fired and billions of dollars worth of useless contracts are terminated. Makes me want to play an endless loop of “Who let the dog(e)s out?” Enjoy! 😂😂😂
Woof, woof, tail wags!
Well, Elon Musk is talking about investigating how certain Congress persons got to be worth so much $$. [They] demanded Trump's tax returns and went to the SC to get them. Precedence. Trump is just the kind of guy to publish them! What would be truly poetic justice would be making them pay it all back. Of course, that's truly a pipe dream, but there should be some blowback besides looking like greedy, two-faced, lying hypocrites. Like getting primaried at the very least.
"Turn over a log in the woods and you have the metaphor for “our democracy.” Countless hundred-footed things slither around under it, their feeding interrupted . . . " - We can only hope that the grifters at the state/local levels are also having second thoughts about their fraudulent activities as they belatedly begin to understand the level of outrage amongst the 'silent majority.'
Amen, Lisa. Elon needs to deputize about 20 people in every county in the US. Local is better, and believe me, every locality is cancer-ridden. Let them reap what they've so smugly sown.
What bliss! For anyone who hasn't seen this - they're "moving so fast and breaking things" so quickly, you may want to check it on the hour.
Enjoy, it's rapturous! Went live, 2/12.
Agree! As RFKJ stated yesterday, Trump is very likely going to be a pivotal figure in history.
Already is, and the Dems are scared to death. The Dems have a major problem, how to come up with a popular alternative to Trump's vision of MAGA. They have to excise out the money grubbing senior class of their party. IMHO, it will not happen and a new more moderate, pro-American "Dem party" is going to emerge from the Swamp. It will take Trump's continued success to accomplish this.
It is the battle of the Haves vs. the Have-Nots for control of America.
I can not imagine today's swamp creatures not money grubbing.
They start out fresh and green and perky, and soon find out it is a different sort of party all together. There is no representation, or even a sense of a concern for their constituent, or their state. They just join the club and do club things and vote on stuff we never wanted.
Most of them are born scumbags and practice their art on the way up, at the local and state level, before they make it to the big leagues.
I don't know about that, Rd3. I think many of them are psychopaths with no conscience. But I also thing some of them, if not many of them, do run for public office with good intentions. The problem is when they get back there they are powerless to do any good. The only way to do anything is to become like the system. Corrupt. Those who can't take it get out. Those who can, stay in and milk the system for what they can get out of it.
It's going to be hard for the Dems to win back normal Americans when their gatherings continue to resemble the bar scene from Star Wars.
I just watched a video of James Carville, with even greater invective than usual, lamenting that he's wasted his entire life. He says his party is breaking up, and the middle of the roaders and corporate types are going off on their own, away from the nutjobs. He has many complaints, and he ought to know.
Yeah, I have watched him, he looks beat up.
The Dems owned the position of watching out for the little guy for a long time. No longer, as they were kidnapped by the Mob. That is what no one wants to admit.
Government has the jog of providing the opportunity for happiness in its people. Life, Liberty and the pursuit. The economic results depend on the people, not the government. That is why there are rich lands and really poor ones. It is the people. That is why what Biden did to us is so reprehensible continuing Obama's drive to make the American people dependent on their government, the Democratic ideal. Sorry, Carville, Americans may have just told you and yours to go to hell.
Actually, John, Carville has looked beat up since he was 12 years old.
Yeah, Carville is good for a laugh. I especially liked when he went off about David Hogg, saying something to the effect of, "Who the hell is this guy??" LOL.
I feel like Snakehead is just now waking up to what's been going on for decades.
I love it! Replete with oxymorons, John:
"a new more moderate, pro-American "Dem party"".
Compared to today’s Dem. Group, you are so right!
And it will be very painful for the Dems to dump their garbage.
Why JohnAZ spends ANY time and effort worrying about the Dem party is beyond me.
Just sit back and let them implode.
He most definitely already is. He will be known in the history books for good and for ill for decades, if not centuries to come. God I hope all of you optimistic people on these comment threads are right and that we will soon see true justice come down on these political class leaches.
Trump has the potential to be mentioned, in the future, in the same conversation about presidential giants as Washington, Lincoln, FDR (and, and Trump!) I got me a hat from Amazon that reads:
<<Make Greenland Great Again>>
I will use this hat to punk my Democrat friends. Please, please President Trump, DON'T fuck this up.
Sorry, no room on Mt. Rushmore to squeeze him in.
We broke chain of the Southern Danes
Now we break the world - Robert E Howard
On to Gaza to clean that place up too. Israel comes first. You don't seem to know that.
Indeed. However, in my wonderful, communist controlled Minnesota it is impossible to penalize the grifters like Walz because his party permanently installs our SCOTUS(MN) judges and AG. Walz cannot account for HUNDREDS of millions of dollars on ONE program alone. Very frustrating.
Minnesota. There must be something in the water in all those lakes that makes your people vote for idiots. Seems like Minnesota has always kind of been "out there" as long as I can remember.
Once separated from their Viking roots, they curdled and corrupted over the ages until we have this. The worst is a corruption of the best.
National Socialism was an attempt to give Nordic man back his soul under modern conditions.
Maybe it is unaffiliated America hating immigrants, Muslims, who are here to create an Islamic paradise?
What about those here with dual citizenship and singular loyalties?
???, I do not understand dual loyalties. Isn't part of naturalization supposed to be the renunciation of former nations?
IOW, make up your damn minds, or go back home.
That goes double for Israel, USA dual citizenships.
I think it's the cold
Not so. Next door, North Dakota is even colder but doesn't share the lunacy of Minnesota.
Jimbo has lots of readers in the upper Midwest. The state is largely red outside the Twin Cities and the cold keeps the riffraff out. Careful or I'll send Jesse Ventura after you!
Probably a better match would be Jesse Ventura (6'-4", 245) vs. John Fetterman (6'-8", 270). Now that's Pro Wrasslin'!
Big Balls & Crew would need 5 minutes to expose Tampon Tim’s Minnesota Marxist States Radical Leftist Sinkholes.
Right, WW - I'll take the under, < 5 minutes. They break in, get to the data sets, then plug in Palantir software.
Takes about 3 minutes to examine information, that it would take a forensic accountant 3 years to uncover.
The Deep State fear is palpable - you can feel it. It's good to be long adult diapers, I think they've already exhausted Joe's leftover supply.
The difference being the critters under the log are good.
Heel meet DC critters.
Something missing from this column today is the fact that Trump had a phone call with Putin. That's YUGE. The sooner we get back to normalizing relations with Russia, and ending this stupid war, the better off we'll be.
Zelensky is mad that Trump called Putin first. To add insult to injury, Trump couldn't be fucked to bother going to Europe to negotiate with him and the EU. He sent Vance instead. Take THAT, bitches!
Yes! The sooner that Russia becomes part of Europe again, the better off Europe will be. That is the cause celebre in DC up to now, that we must keep Europe apart from Russia. Trump says America First, not Russia, China or Europe. Europe needs Russia, and vice versa. America needs to stop interfering. Ukraine, plainly a Biden Mob ploy, needs to negotiate how to be a good neighbor with Russia and give a good example of what Europe needs to be, unified.
Europe needs Russia.
Exactly. Not the other way around. Fuck the Eurotrash.
How do you always manage to spin my comments (and those of others) in a completely different way than I intended?
Fuck the Eurotrash.
Because I like to add on things to think about. You have expressed your bile and opinion, so do I.
And you cannot Fuck the Eurotrash, so what do you suggest?
Oh, and by the way, Russia is NOWAYS becoming a part of Europe. Time to end your wet dream, right now.
Oh. I am going to listen to the great Astera, who knows everything. NOT!
Why don't you get a map out and just look at it to see what may be coming. My guesses are mine, will they happen? Maybe? But one thing is sure, with Trump stirring the pot things are going to change and fast.
Besides. I am too damn old for wet dreams.
Cannot tell the EU go fuck themselves? Why? What purpose do you think they actually serve to the USA anymore? Especially, above normalized relations with Russia?
Goddamn, but you are dense.
No, you do not pick up in what I am saying, I am agreeing with you.
Trump is trying to position the USA to compete in the Arctic against Russia. Trump does not give much of a damn about Europe, as Hegseth is showing right now. NATO is about to be ignored by Trump in his negotiations to get Ukraine shut down. Europe may have little choice but to buddy up to Russia as Trump retains more and more of our natural resources.
That is my opinion. What is yours? In more than one sentence and without name calling please.
Sigh. I never claimed to be a know-it-all.
Europe has been busy sealing their fate by allowing all these third-world terrorists to overtake their countries. Why on God's green earth should WE bail them out? Especially at the expense of normalizing relations with other superpowers, which actually IS in our interest? If Russia wants to bail out Europe, that's on them. IT IS NOT OUR PROBLEM. Repeat, IT IS NOT OUR PROBLEM.
Oh, and I don't care that Europe is white (though not so much, anymore). They are white and STUPID. Chlorinate the gene pool, already!
And Ukraine is a basket case. The only interest we have there is raiding it to expose the illegal US-run biolabs that Russia says are there, along with digging up as much dirt as possible on the Bidens and others.
I'm expecting any day now for Trump to completely divest from NATO. Good riddance.
Being anti-war and anti-foreign-aid, I would love to see the day when we close all of our overseas bases and bring our troops home, as well as FINALLY shut off the neverending spigot of foreign aid to EVERYBODY.
We are too in debt and have too many problems here to afford wasting our time and money on other countries. We have our OWN illegal-alien problem that we still cannot get under control. Why should we help bail out Europe? Folks, just as with a problem child or an addict, this is what ENABLING looks like.
Cut the cord and let's take care of our own and put AMERICA FIRST. For once.
She can include f-bombs though, right?
Zelensky got the call from Trump 6-7 years ago and he chose to side with the Globalists. My how things have changed.
I love you.
So much winning in the news each day, it's difficult to keep up.
Bigger and better yet is that Putin will be visiting the US and Trump will be going to Russia as well.
I wonder if Putin is worried about that ICC warrant for his arrest??
Obviously Bibi wasn’t.
The ICC is a joke as is the UN.
He isn't concerned about that in the slightest would be my guess.
You can safely make that a statement, Dreamy.
It'll be nice to get back to the "good old days" of Trump and Putin getting along.
Zelensky couldn’t be bothered to expose Biden’s corruption and come to Trump’s defense when he needed it. Why should Trump show Zelensky favor now? Time to audit Ukraine.
+100 Nice angle.
That long-dreaded Russian/German alliance (dreaded by the Brits and Israel and other members of the dirty banking class) would be good for the west and good for the German people. Putin could resurrect Germany given the chance.
Germany is still too busy self-immolating by still importing their doom.
I give it one month before some other disgruntled illegal immigrant mows down a for more Germans with a car or a bus.
Yes. Another Afghan enriched Germany again the other day. Russia could save Germany and help save the West.
I don't think anyone wants to resurrect Germany. A lot of people are still alive that remember WW2.
Yes, new "survivors" are being born every day.
I do
U stink.
I could use a shower...
Yesterdays announcements torpedoed The Globalists and their 2030 Agenda.
It has become clear that Trump's focus is on MAGA, and he is up to the challenge of economic competition, or for those who don't want to engage and lead, follow, or get out of his way, he is willing to deal with them on the battlefield.
We are viewing the making of a NWO.
Wish I’d said that!! Well done.
"...fumigating that rat-hole." ~ JHK
Thank you, Jim, you're on fire this morning, incredible recap - one of your best.
Smokin' 'em out. I love it - every wisp.
The wisps are the best <3
Better if shared in the company of close friends, in front of a crackling fire, in a cozy cafe. What is Zazzy doing? You guys need renewed momentum. I'm tired of being an unemployed Menu Consultant. I need work, my kids need new shoes. <3
I don't know where Zazelle has gone to. I think he's becoming a carpenter. I applied for an assistant position at his workshop since i was helping him prepare a ppe list for his workings but i haven't received a call back yet.
The investigative journalist Whitney Webb has referred to the Federal government as the "world's largest and most corrupt organized crime syndicate."
How come nobody talks about the Michigan Professor Skidmore's audit of the federal government where he found that 22 Trillion dollars was missing and unaccounted for?
Catherine Austin Fitts, once a guest on the Kunstler podcast, has highlighted his work for YEARS!
My utube A1 took me to these 2 smart, young and popular Asian guys who have a podcast where they talk about money. I listened to the beginning, and they were ranting about US accounting rule FASB56 which ruled all government books secret in 2018 which Catherine has been pounding the table about since then. I linked the Solari missing money file on a comment. Historic times, all being revealed. Here are the young $ guys podcast. I sent a link to Catherine. She will be delighted and get a kick out of it. 💛🙏
Yes, I remember reading about the red button test. Out of 100 people in the room, only one would press the button to stop all grift and corruption, knowing it would cost them
WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND HE IS US!, said Pogo/Walt Kelly.
Yes, general response has been crickets.
What a synch, I've been pasting this link everywhere I can since Sunday but I'm a speck of sand
22+36 trillion dollar debt?
= i'm not paying you back lol
Says the Sassy Acadian.
I think it is an excellent unanswered question.
Also the lack-of-accounting system created to hide funds, way beyond this amount, must be dissmantled afer being exposed to the public.
It was 2.1 trillion, and for anyone not up to speed regarding the topic here's a link which will drop you back a few years and into the middle of it:
and here's where the $21 Trillion+ comes in, going back further a few years
Happy researching!
It's not unanswered.
I’ve been saying for years - the largest criminal enterprise in the world is .gov, and their biggest crime, among many sordid and evil crimes, is money laundering. Whenever crime came up in a conversation, I’d drop that turd in the punchbowl just to see the reaction.
Well, every other government in history has done the same. That is why socialism always leads to the dissolving of a society. As the Deep State has been pushing for more and more control, the USA has declined. Correlation or cause? Government is a condensation of power people, of evil, and must ALWAYS be controlled to the nth degree. Retreat to and subsequent adherence to the strict interpretation of the Constitution is our key to recovery and future success.
Whitney has obviously been reading my comments😉
It appears now that the entire US national debt is due to fraud...Medicare/Medicaid pays 2.7 trillion to foreigners, the Pentagon is missing 23 trillion..or is that 35 trillion?..And the US military is weaker than Russia's...where Putin has been jailing the corrupt generals...Treasury pays more than 100 billion/yr to people with no ID or SS number...It's almost unbelievable....
America is an atm for the Elite.
American Taxpayers...FIFY
We SHOULD NOT!!!!! Be required to pay any debt caused by fraud, along with the pensions and benefits of the fraudsters.
Agreed, BUT most fraudsters have already absconded with their loot.
There is a term for the remedy. "Clawback".
Something about ropes and light posts comes to mind.
There could be a run on lamp posts. I'd invest now.
One could hope or at least a run on primers for knot tying.
Set out to find it.
I wonder how many of the will have to ex-pat to escape justice?
Many of them don't have to "ex-pat," they were never actually real citizens of this country, if the heat gets too intense, they'll just go back to their sunny homeland in Israel.
How do you figure our weapons systems are punching huge holes in Russia's kids while Ukies are wielding them and those are NOT out latest or greatest weapons systems.
Estimates say there are at least a million dead on each side talk about GENOCIDE!
Delusional...Where are our hypersonic missiles? Ukraine KIA is 10-15 times Russia's, unless you are reading regime propaganda...
ROTFLOL You must be reading MSN.
There are several version that actually work made by Raytheon and Lockheed.
You do know a hypersonic missile is nothing more than a ballistic missile but much smaller.
Genocide is great cover for money laundering, the victims usually don’t complain!
A million dead on each side? LOL Good Lord. How can you even be reading JHK and post such a thing?
Weaker? Yes, for three reasons: The ability to manufacture at scale (US and NATO have very little manufacturing capability), proximity to conflict (soldiers) and hypersonic weapons that can easily eliminate any US/NATO transport at any time if it attempts to ship or transport heavy equipment quickly. Having a few whizz-bang systems but no stockpile of them is meaningless. Also, if the US had any system that could turn the tide of a war without using tanks - the Abrams was decimated on the battlefield btw - don't you think Blinken and Sullivan and Mrs. Milley would have used them? And if you think they didn't use them because they need to train soldiers or ship soldiers in who can actually operate them then start reading this paragraph over again with that in mind.
Lastly, if you believe that the US government has been incompetent and corrupt at massive scale for a long time but somehow has stayed at the top of its game militarily - especially as they embraced deviant sexual and mental illness as the fast track to leadership (hmm why? maybe to tear down the US military?) then you should probably step back and figure out how to resolve those two contradictory conditions.
The public has to stop believing the US military propaganda. That propaganda is there as much to make people such as yourself charge headlong into wars where it actually cannot win as it is to frighten their enemies. The US has never won a war past the war of 1812 - it only nobly assisted in one win, WW2, where the Russians kicked Germany's ass in the end. Those defeated Germans have been trying to kick start a rematch for 80 years, unsatisfied with the obvious defeat they already imposed peacefully (more or less) through economic dominance. Typical Germans, opening wars on multiple fronts and getting their butts kicked.
Who do you believe?
Estimates of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine range from 149,000 to 430,790, depending on the source and time period.
BBC: 149,000–208,700 Russian soldiers killed by mid-January 2025
Ukraine's Ministry of Defence: Over 850,000 Russian dead and wounded as of February 2025
Mediazona: At least 31,481 Russian soldiers died between January 1, 2024, and December 17, 2024
After almost three years of the largest war in Europe since 1945, the precise scale of the death toll in Ukraine depends on who you listen to.
President Trump said last month that one million Russian soldiers and 700,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed. That figure is far higher, however, than any other estimates by either Russia or Ukraine or by western intelligence agencies.
Ukraine has been reluctant to provide casualty figures over fears that they could demoralise society. However, President Zelensky said in December that 43,000 Ukrainian soldiers had died. His comments came after Trump claimed in separate remarks that month that 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers had lost their lives. Up to 30 British citizens have died while fighting for Ukraine, according to reports.
Both sides are lying the tell is that Noth Korea is now sending troops and they lasted less than a month.
Dude, you need to do some research. Lots of good sources out there, if you look. But your uninformed diatribe just makes you look silly.
Russia is begging Iran and north Korea for weapons and in North Koreas case people.
The first round of Norks are toes up...next round incoming.
Someone is not paying attention to truthiness in news.
Ruth sez:
"A million dead on each side? LOL Good Lord. How can you even be reading JHK and post such a thing?"
I think the fact that USA has its own hands dirty from allowing its own weapons to be used to kill ANYBODY is the point, here.
We should not be involved in that conflict AT ALL, point blank.
(We also should not be supplying Israel with weapons and money, but that's a topic for another day. [And one which our host studiously avoids.])
What truly angers me as we watch the exposure of all this evil and fleeting of the American taxpayers (which is already theft): where have the Republicans been all this time!? Why the Hell hasn't someone had the integrity and courage in the past 20, 30 or even 40 years to expose and indict these disgusting leeches and tapeworms?!
Don't get me wrong - I want to see a lot of Democrats and DC insiders hang - but some Republicans need to swing alongside them! Worthless spineless Rino rats!
Please do take note that Trump, Elon, RFK, Jr. and Tulsi were all Democrats...
They ae not now, and that is all that counts. They learned their lesson.
Abso-Effing-Lutely. Remember that the Deep State, Dems. + RINOs have controlled DC since JFK was killed. Even Reagan just sorta bounced off. The Deep State controls just about everything right now, but shock and awe by Trump is starting to shake the foundations of Deep State controls, but just starting. We have a long row to hoe.
Reagan was just an FDR-era liberal actor who was saddled with Bush Sr. Bush was installed on the ticket to make sure that nothing Regan campaigned on actually came to pass.
Spineless rinos go along to get along.
You forget how many of these people are compromised and have a dossier on them somewhere.
You are soooo correct. Without President Trump there would be no R party. In many ways and for the reasons you mention here, they are even more despicable than the Ds.
There is no GOP as a significant part of it has deserted to the Left. The Bushy dynasty is being killed, thank goodness. MAGA is a verb phrase, the new party needs a name, Not Republican, please. How about the GAS party? Give a s%&t party.
How about the "American" party.
Maybe the new Dem. party can be the Amerika party?
I like it center right.
I think that is where MAGA is right now.
It appears that the sewage extends very far and deep.
And it remains to be seen if Doge will scrutinize AIPAC.
fleeting = fleecing
Behold the three dots to the lower right of your post...
leeches and tapeworms! likey!
Nobody should be satisfied until there's actual accountability & consequences for the perpetrators of all this crime and grift. Once upon a time, people would form mobs and drag these sockcuckers out of their homes and have them swinging from a lamppost in short order.
Greatest hits.... racketeering operation and turn over a log in the woods and, yes, there it is, "their democracy." Daylight and the critters scatter.
I am praying Kash makes it.
Vance took the entire EU continent and Trotskyist apparatus to task in Germany today. Lots of "holy shit" blank stares in the audience. Indeed, a new Sheriff in town!
If you listened closely you could actually hear their assholes puckering.
Oh yes! Aisle 10 cleanup. Human excrement.
Very good.
Up 50!
You know what we need now? The Department of Clawbacks. We need to clawback the kickbacks, then jail time.
And just think. The Department of Clawbacks could be staffed by sloths. Now that would be amazing!!
Sloths on crystal meth, maybe. Otherwise, they're too slow.
Where are we going to find enough honest judges and courts to adjudicate these criminals?
Mass tribunals, Dave - no need for one-for-one proceedings. A charge of treasonous corruption about covers them all.
The Camps are already built. Who goes to them is the lingering question. Are we going to let the Camps go to waste? The elements are cruel.
Janos - you are correct, sir, on all accounts (of this post).
Trump is on record as planning to replace all of the corrupt ones. Just read about it yesterday, don't remember where.
If he replaces all the corrupt ones, we are going to need a new judiciary in the country.
Thanks for catching up.
That's a much less tractable scandal, I fear.
We need martial law, obviously. One America is cleansed by fire and steel, on to Gaza!
Pelosi said Israel comes first, even if America is a smoking ruin. Pelosi is MAGA.
"Who made mental illness aspirational?" - Hilarious!
And yet many of the movers and shakers are considered mentally ill. Elon Musk himself is on the spectrum. So there's a grain of salt in the laugh.
He has Asperger's which makes him the unemotional get-the-job-done-right person he is. He is apolitical as he has no emotional baggage to carry.
He is our Himmler!
The USA is in a mess, having been corrupted by almost a century of a government who says, "I am going to take care of you".
Now, you have the opportunity of influencing Trump/Musk on how to get us out of the mess. What are you going to say?
Or are you just another bitch-bitch-bitch with no solutions?
Hint: the government is the problem, not the solution.
The pod people don't have emotions either, John.
Emotions are a luxury. Can you dig it? I don't say like it.....
Why am i noticing that i'm supposed to take a lot of things i don't like?
Just you? That's everyone's lot here in this lower world.
Emotions are the Democratic Party.
Being on the spectrum is not technically mentally ill.
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is not a mental illness, but it is a developmental disability. However, people with autism can experience mental health conditions.
What our society stigmatizes, with the pseudo medical slur "autism", is the natural state of the male European mind.
No way no how!
Hardly anyone acted like a lot of these kids in the 70's and 80's.
I am not talking about normal boy can't still wiggles.
Oh totally! But many people don't make that distinction between disorder and illness. People will argue about definitions until the cows come home.
He will get this job done and done well as he has no political aspirations. He is motivated totally by results against his goals.
Goals? Internet, Pay Pal, electrification without fossil fuels, Mars, free speech on social media, humanoid robots and AI that cannot be turned against humans.
I am on his side.
He does not like the lack of AI control that Altman is running in Open AI, so he will eventually take it back. He did fund it in the first place.
He obviously does have political aspirations. See DOGE.
As much as I like this essay and what generally is "going on", I hope this doesn't get reduced down to just an exercise in political partisan point-scoring. All those years, the neocons, mostly identifying as Republicans, ran amuck in foreign policy, they never used USAID for corrupt purposes? What about the riches gained by Establishment Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, to just name two?
I agree that Dems/liberals have a greater predilection to government waste, fraud and abuse, but letting Republicans skate on these exposures will prevent the hope of a truly transformative correction in our governance.
Why do folks keep calling the RINOs GOP? There is no GOP any more, Trump has destroyed it with the “MAGA” party, or “GAS” party as I said earlier.
The division now is NOT Dem and GOP. It is Deep State and MAGA, which is going to create two new parties.
Then it's time to start throwing those RINO's under the bus. They might start winning more bipartisan rank-and-file support that way, or at least start easing some of their suspicion.
Dean - I think your fear will play itself out when the budget gets hashed out over the next 3-4 weeks. They either have to come up with a new budget by I believe March 14th, or pass another Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep the government funded, in effect continuing the "Joe Biden" spending programs.
If they do a new budget, I doubt they'll have the guts to make the type of cuts envisioned by DOGE. There is only so much that can be trimmed by executive order. Ultimately congress will need to pass spending legislation, which is where the problem may continue.
Good point, that could definitely serve as a lifeboat for Trump, Musk and Republicans to abandon the DOGE ship, claim victory and go back to business as usual without any corruption blowback hitting their side or pet projects.
There is no way we are going back, shock and awe is destroying the networks of DC.
Yes, no one wants to be voted out of office for saving their constituents money
Very true. But times change and people in the party change. No one can forget what Bush Jr. did to us on 9-11. People like Henry Kissinger are fading away. I think time is short and the bells toll for traitors like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham.
The sooner the better for all of us. McConnell should be censored by the MAGAs in the Senate.
They can't even keep McConnell from chairing several Senate Committees (Rules and Defense Appropriations). We've got a long ways to go.
Minor spelling quibble, John: “censure”, as in “rebuke” or “condemn” (vs “censor” as in “silence”).
Or maybe Mitch the turtle should just shut up 😉
Mitch the Post Turtle:
Well, they do have some ngo's that don't pocket the money for their benefactors. Omega4amercia also on substack details this morning the process where certain ngo's steal elections by harvesting mail in ballots sent to ineligible addresses. So yes, the ngo bs needs to stop. Permanently!
Mike - I've suspected that "ngo's steal elections by harvesting mail in ballots sent to ineligible addresses." It's very easy to do when there isn't any way to audit our elections.
Currently, no ballot is tied to any specific individual. Doing so would allegedly be an invasion of a person's privacy rights. Something needs to change or this practice of harvesting and mining ballots will continue.
The NGO shadow state is the source of much that ails the world today.
If democracy is such an organic human good, then why do leftists think it must be purchased with money from people who don’t see the benefits?
Stop the money flow.
Listen to the quiet of the ones who have gone dark: Pelosi, the Clintons including that alleged offspring of Web Hubbell—she got 82 mil?—John Kerry, Bill Gates, Bidens, Obamas…frantic in the dark.
Do you think that Melinda Gates divorced her husband because she was so sickened by what she learned about his activities on Epstein Island, or do people like that have no soul and she was just looking out for a payday?
She’s merely a Madoff with a hefty settlement. Grifter like Billy.
Bill is worse than a grifter. A grifter is just looking to enrich themselves. He's more of a demonic Mengele of sorts.
He had a three hour lunch with Trump the other day. He's still IN.
Could you imagine having to endure Bill Gates pawing at you and wanting to climb on top of you?
I asked my wife that and she about threw something at me.
I think Paul Pelosi could imagine Bill gates climbing on top of him.
Yep, wouldn't even need to use a hammer.
They were an arranged marriage, I doubt Melinda allowed any of that.
Many of tech-types also have the nerd complex. They grew up being shoved into lockers by boys with testosterone. So, now, in the era of the nerd-ascendent, they want to take it out on every man who isn't a cucked fag. Look at Dr. Evil Bezos. He's all pumped up on HGH and cos-playing a pilot from Top Gun.
Yes, Bezos? Another pussy.
But she was ok w everything else he did? C'mon.
Maybe genocide was an aphrodisiac to her.
"Kill them harder, Bill"
I think Epstein
Or both?
The OG HRC went silent yrs ago.