"State Farm, my insurer for decades, canceled my insurance and everyone in our immediate neighborhood just before the fire. State Farm WASN’T there. . . ." — James Woods
JHK, the most amazing thing to me is the mentality of so many Californians...I know some of these folks who are oblivious to any type of conspiracy...One of my friends, while watching the gang style robbing of stores, looked at me and said the media was overblowing the situation?...And a few others who refused to accept that the Democratic leadership was at fault in any way...Brainwashed? I'm not sure as I know of many in New York city area who feel the same way...So I decided to do some digging and it is quite clear the impact of the Media (nothing new for many of us)...not so much the Main Stream Media but more so the internet media...Those who refuse to conduct their own research "settle" on websites that fit and support their way of thinking...hence the term "confirmation bias" was created to justify their refusal to accept any information that does not support their narrative...Laziness combined with a closed mind will be and has been their downfall...
The deeper the belief, the more contradictory it is to reality. The more contradictory, the harder it is to overcome. The logic is thus: If A =B, and B=C, then A=C.
BINGO! I think you captioned it perfectly, thank you. I grew up in L.A., lived in CA most of my 70 yrs of life but when numerous Californians I knew started acting exactly as you described, I just couldn't take it any more and left some years ago. I grew up in Hollywood Hills right under the Hollywood sign - it seems most Dem folks think they are living in Hollywood, complete with the fake scenery and Hollywood illusions, which they believe is real. My brother in law is the same way and there is simply no way to converse with him about most topics. Very frustrating and I have to wonder what will happen to these people when the day comes that they are smacked in the face with the truth?
They’ve been smacked in the face with a lot of truths:
Any friends or family die from the vax? Have they seen people suffering in North Carolina as they live in tents in the winter cold? Do they not know the covid virus didn’t come from a bat? Have they heard rumblings about stolen elections? I could go on for days. The truth is out there, as shiny and glaring as a headlamp. You have to literally contort your mind and body like a pretzel not to see it.
My point is, they don’t want to see the truth. They have created a beautiful California bubble to live in. They’re not going to let you pop it. My daughter does the same thing: airline pilot hubby, beautiful baby, happy home in a gorgeous New England state, great friends, a doodle dog, a European stroller and granite countertops. She will jump over my backyard fence and run away before hearing ONE MORE WORD about the downfall of America. She’ll pay $10 for a gallon of milk rather than ever, ever hear the truth. Even when the truth shows signs of dismantling her life; her little vaxed family is sick all of the time and she has a new autoimmune disease.
A therapist once told me that everything one does works for them in some way—they get something out of it, even if they’re a victim. All the people who cover their ears and eyes? What are they getting from their ignorance? A chance to continue living their lives, hoping not seeing the truth will give them another day in their bubble.
Very sorry about your daughter. Most of us have at least one family member that is hopelessly brainwashed.
Sadly, I think you are right that they know something is off about their reasoning, but they know that if they swallow the red pill they will no longer “fit in” with the cool kids. They can’t risk it. In many social circles being MAGA or being a “science denier on climate change” is worse than having leprosy. Better to stay in the bubble, unaware and virtue signal to the “right people”.
Your last sentence - I 100% agree. This is why, when you try to tell them the truth, they completely explode. They have the mentality of 2 year olds, when something happens they don't like, they put their hands over their eyes and say "it's not happening because I can't see it." A hallmark of immaturity and narcissism.
They remind me of those dolls way back in the day that had a cord you could pull to make them speak. There are only so many pre-recorded messages the record can handle. Everything they believe has been basically programmed into them over the course of their lives, reinforced by the media.
I once had a girlfriend who had a doll that kind of creeped me out a bit, and I said as much. It may have been both or either a collector's or childhood heirloom piece.
In any event, since the doll and I were sometimes sharing the same room-- we used it as the home office-- I noticed one day that my girlfriend had repositioned the doll so it directly faced me where I was sitting at the desk.
In retrospect, it may have been the same girlfriend who had onced casually asked me to the effect of what pushed my buttons. Suffice to say, I strategically avoided the question altogether since the 'doll incident'.
I think they do too. You can see it behind the eyes - the sheer terror when you "go there."
It's why the material trappings are so important to these people as they are armor and distraction. At some point soon that won't work anymore and all their efforts will seem pathetic.
This must be so very difficult to see with your daughter and grandchildren and yet be powerless to change. We've all felt this since 2020. Sometimes I think it's like being "bashed" with lessons of humility.
Do they not know the covid virus didn’t come from a bat? do they not know there is no evidence that viruses have ever existed? but killer maimer vaccines do. . . we all have a lot to learn.
They have now been smacked — hard! — but they are too far gone, hopeless. They will never admit that their entire belief system was built upon lies. They will double down once again and blame all their woes on “climate change” caused by Trump, and by extension, his voters.
When I first read about the LA fires I knew the claims that they were caused by "climate change" couldn't be far behind. The reports on the fires almost always referred to the Santa Ana winds that helped fan the flames. I wanted to learn more so I began searching the internet. Even in the Wikipedia article (of all places) I found references that should prevent the climate alarmists from making their unfounded claims (but won't).
Under the heading of Historical Impacts I found the following:
"The Santa Ana winds and the accompanying raging wildfires have been a part of the ecosystem of the Los Angeles Basin for over 5,000 years, dating back to the earliest habitation of the region by the Tongva and Tataviam peoples.[22]"
I don't think the Tongva or Tataviam peoples drove SUV's.
Well said! Exactly! And the reality is, given that these winds and dry conditions were WELL KNOWN, whether it was “climate change”, historic realities, or the boogie man, preparations should have been made to avoid such a calamity! Saying that “climate change” caused the fires is NO EXCUSE! In essence, it’s a self own. “We knew climate change could do this but we made no attempt to prevent it.” So, who is to blame, “climate change” or the officials who were tasked with preventing a disaster like this? The answer is clear.
Other than to care for the truly destitute, I don't want all of America to have to pay for the damage caused in large part by the Californians who continually vote for incompetent "leaders" who don't clear their forests, harness the water supply, or plan ahead for this type of recurring event.
The people of the state need to feel the ramifications of the choices they've made.
New Yorker who recently moved to California here … My impression of my new neighbors is that a lot of them enjoy living the daydream. It’s why they’re here, to experience life in a blissed-out, dreamy (in many cases CBD-enhanced) bubble. Even the ones who seem to have been gifted with good brain matter in a material/genetic sense have their thought processes switched to Off. It’s quite bizarre to me how checked out of reality they are. Reality’s the enemy! Take it away!!!
California is a state of mind. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. I spent two years there (not by choice). Couldn't wait to get out. That was 1990. It hasn't gotten any more real since...
It will be 20 years before these neighborhoods are fully rebuilt. California created this problem by not allowing deforestation, closing dams, lack of water management and Marxist treatment of insurer concerns last year. No wonder StateFarm Farmers etc bailed. Now the rest of America will have to bail out these folks who voted for the bad decision makers that led to bad decisions. FJB
"Joe Biden" said that el gobierno federale will pay 100%. They then threw 2,000 people out of temporary housing arrangements in North Carolina hill country during unusually severe winter storms. If those NC folks were illegal alien members of Biden's Foreign Legion they could be riding scooters in La La Land, paying for everything with United Nations debit cards while they set brush fires before heading back to their free hotel rooms.
It’s gonna be very interesting to see who can handle the truth following Trump’s swashbuckling.
And I love Trump and MAGA!
But the traps are far and wide — deceptive and deep. Question is: Will Trump’s insatiable need to be loved, and his ‘dreams’ of ‘Winning’ overwhelm the REALISTIC approach to the fantasies of ‘California Dreamin’ ?
California is NOT the Jerusalem of the Promised Land; NOT ‘Almost Heaven’; NOT the New Jerusalem of American Manifest Destiny.
California IS a failed, fallen, flagrantly oppressive Republic that mirrors the Great Whore of Babylon — “I sit a Queen” — demanding the favors of all nations, including the ‘United’ States of America, over which she claims dominance.
President Trump is a world-class leader. But, as one who does not consume strong drink — Will he be deceived by drinking “the wine of her wrath”, becoming drunk and seduced by her excess ?
Somehow the basic values need to be identified and understood; otherwise, ‘you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear’ comes to mind.
And if there is NO Due Diligence — ‘you can’t polish a turd’ stops you dead in your tracks.
I.E. : If there is no Reformation in California,
The same fate awaits the rest of us as did Hosea with Gomer. . . . With more devastating results.
Trump can't wait to make the Dems appear as idiots. He'll come into town at meet with the home losers and get things going on the rebuilding. It will be a massive task, but nothing Trump can't handle.
While Trump may be a good man he isn't God. This type of disaster cannot be fixed. I think this was most likely a massive strategic blow designed to destroy the Trump government before it gets started.
Building homes in a forest that is subject to severe drought was also a bad move. Zoning and building codes should have been crafted better to either clear the tall and potentially dry vegetation away from the homes, or, keep the homes out of the forested areas.
I live in a region that is subject to wildfires due to dry summer conditions and every year there are fires that consume someone's "cabin" or vacation home tucked away in the endless groves of Junipers and Cedars. I lost my sympathy for those people a long time ago.
I know the devastation in L.A. involved vast neighborhoods not in forested areas but many fires, such as the Paradise fire a few years back, cause so much devastation because the structures are snuggly tucked in between the large, drought stressed trees.
I live in a heavily forested area on a 160 acre property which is quite isolated. I have endured three years of evacuation orders in which I have refused to leave. I have cleared a substantial buffer zone around my home. And have sprinklers on my roof. I also have water storage on the property. When the fires get close I soak my entire lawn area down, test my pumps,( I have a back up) and then start cleaning up any windfall that may have come down recently. In the past when homes are evacuated the police have actually broken into homes and confiscated firearms under the guise of "protecting people from looters". No one in my area evacuates and we look after each other. WE must get back to neighbours looking out for neighbours and realize that government rarely helps in these situations. It has been said that God helps those who help themselves. That old adage is timeless.
I agree with everything you said and the soaking and water storage to fight a fire is simply mandatory. Caveman knew this thousands of years ago. In my state I have a concealed weapon carry permit, no messing around with me!
There are no easy answers. If left up to the Libertarians, there would be no public access to beaches at all. ALL of it would be bought up. Ultimately, all land on Earth would be private, and the Global Elite the new Lords. And no one hunts in the King's forest but the King and his friends.
"I think this was most likely a massive strategic blow designed to destroy the Trump government before it gets started." ~ Peter Sawchuk
Mark Levin, basically, makes the case that the Supreme Court is stuffed with DEI and political hacks. If the Constitution isn't salvageable, is the nation?
"We live in a world full of urban challenges: from racial injustice that impacts our minority populations to natural disasters that threaten safety and property to environmental changes that affect the very water we drink and the air we breathe. To address these challenges, cities seek tools that can positively transform the urban environment. The most promising of these tools is technology. Technology enables the City of Los Angeles to efficiently and ethically improve the quality of life for our residents, businesses, and visitors. In other words, when done right, technology makes us “smarter”. This is why the City of Los Angeles strives to be a “smart” city.
In 2019, the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA) convened its Smart City Committee, composed of 24 departments and elected officials. While Los Angeles had become a civic technology leader (winning #1 U.S. Digital City award for three straight years), the exponential growth of new technologies and increasing public expectations requires new levels of coordination to realize our smart city vision."
Trump's picks were idiots too. What's her face adopted two teenage African girls while she was pregnant. She had "been looking for something like this." She couldn't pass up a deal like this.
Take your emergency pill, and when you calm down to where you are able to think and reason, watch it again, through to the end of John Yoo's comments. And, in the event that you are unable to reason, then don't waste your time.
This was a disaster designed to help create the WEF insane vision if a mart city. Google SmartLA 2028, it's been preplanned a long w Lahaina, NC, Paradise, etc. While Trump is clearly not a deity, he's the best choice we have at the moment.
Well, here is one thing about it: All that underbrush that should have been removed and fed the fires is gone now!
Rough way to learn a lesson.
Also I noticed one oldster whose parents left him their family home in the Palisades. He refused to evacuate and saved his home with his garden hose! The only house left standing for miles!
... is this all forward planning, with the assumption that there will be a drastically reduced world population in the near future? Perhaps SO CA population reduction is phase one?
That water was being used to irrigate onion farms in a desert that have no right to be there. No way was that water ever reaching L.A., so it’s not applicable here. It was the tribes in the Klamath region that have been pushing for the dams removal for 20+ years. The main reason is to restore the native salmon population in the Klamath region. It used to be the 2nd largest salmon fishery in California, but has been decimated in recent years. I’ve spent a lot of time in the mid and upper Klamath basins, and I support the move.
I'm not picking a side, just pointing out that it is a complex world, where it would be in everyone's interest to get along, and people like Newsom appear toxic in that regard. They need to quit shoving the blame off on someone else, and start standing for accountability.
The population is reducing already for multiple reasons. Take with salt: I heard someone did a calculation using published census figures for every region, and came up with a total world population about 4 billion BELOW what the federales state it is. The fed numbers aren't based on actual count, they're a calculation based on several assumptions (no salt needed for that). So, 🤷
Damns destroy valley/ecosystems. In the same way Forest Fires destroy the existing cover. It takes years to get back to what once was, despite the fact that Nature shows brave signs immediately thereafter.
So...it is a Decision. Those that say people are secondary, always seem to be First at the Trough, though.
Newsome brags about how he closed the dams. If there is ever an argument for cloning idiots for politicians for hire, I would definitely be incline to believe he is proof. He can speak about the most somber subject matter with the most sinister smirk on his face. Like most narcissists he forgets to fake empathy.
Correct! The coastal commission will not allow anything to be built on the beach ever again. These fires will make more lawyers rich and our country poorer. Expect real estate prices to climb in Vegas as most rich displaced Angelenos will move.
Not just Vegas, Mark. They will come to Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and continue to devastate an already over priced real estate market in these states. I despise California refugees. They are ruining my state. Utah, the Salt Lake City area, now has the 3rd highest housing prices in the USA. It's truly disgusting what is being charged for a simple home. Property taxes are soaring. Maintenance costs are out of control. It's getting harder to sell homes because the number of people who can afford them is diminishing.
We are in a bad way. There is none who can resolve this. No, Trump, in all of his fortitude will not solve this. The system must collapse and it must be re-set. That is the only way. Unfortunately, a lot of people are going to suffer if not die as it comes.
~ Build Back Better, Reverse-Ownership & The WEF-Pwned Codependents ~
"The system must collapse and it must be re-set." ~ Cankerpuss
Reset to what? How? By whom?
If we don't step up to the challenges and reset it ourselves, TPTB movers-and-shakers will do it, themselves, and more for themselves than the rest of us, so we can get back to our Father Kunstler's online-church-basement nattering ninnyhood and little if anything else and collect our UBI. Life is good.
"The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF)..." ~ Wikipedia
"You will own nothing and be happy." ~ Klaus Schwab
Who will own nothing, Klaus? You also? Want us to own nothing? You first then.
Ok, then it looks like I, Cankerpuss et al are going to have to step up to the plate and make some home runs, before we get owned, or more so.
"The term 'pwned' originates from a misspelling of 'owned' in online gaming forums and is used to indicate that someone has been dominated or defeated, often implying that an account or system has been compromised." ~ Merriam-Webster dictionary
Want to take back ownership? Get back on the 'beachfronts' and start building. Do it without any PTB's fucking permission, except your own. Get the homeless to help you. Move and shake. It's 2025.
Trump may not completely solve these behemoth problems but he will certainly not exacerbate them either as is the leftist marxist bureaucracy in these blue states hell bent on destroying everything in their path.
He might be swinging from a tree in WNC, but they have enough debris there already. If WNC continues to get ignored - folks sleeping in tents in freezing weather and snow, fed crumbs - there will be a fire like he's never seen. Keep it up Newsom, you go ahead and tend your donor class. That might be just the spark this country needs.
Right CP, Western NC. Snow-covered and temps in the teens, people living in tents - 3500 getting kicked from hotels because FEMA not renewing vouchers. Unfucking believable. Hard to fathom the disparity in response.
The best thing that may come from this is the collapse of the mental retardation AKA Leftist Progressive thought. Patti shows herself to be a 6 year old mental midget.
If I owned a lot there I would build a tiny house on it. I would encourage my whole neighborhood to do the same. This state makes you believe you own your land but when you sign your title papers you soon realize you don’t own shiz. Mineral rights. Nope. Water rights, nope. 6 inches of dirt, yeah maybe, just deep enough for footings. You can’t be taxed on a non fixed house. I would build one gorgeous shed. F Them
CharB - you go girl. Great idea. Even better, hire the Amish to come build it. (You know something about building, by your use if the word "footings") Recently read an article - Zerohedge, I think - about the Amish going to help in NC. They built 12 tiny houses in 48 hours - all paid for by them - $300K total. Sixty Amish carpenters did all the work in the 2 days. They are beautiful people. Love the "F them" attitude. Keep it up. <3
Yes. I saw that on TikTok and so proud of the mighty hands of those people working as a community. Notice how they also came out for the first time in droves to vote. Proud of anyone who has convictions and stands for something
The Amish built the houses in Boone, NC - home to Eustace Conway. Have you ever heard of him? You'd like him. If '64 is your birth year, you're +/- 60 now. He's 63 - so we've all had the same life experiences. There was a book written about his life - The Last American Man, by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love. Check it out, he's an amazing man.
The wind is still bad here. I keep looking outside to see if I need to shut off my power and cover my house in water but then it dawns on me that no globalists want to live in the inland empire. Lol. 😂
My hunch Trump (the Feds) will demand rebuilding LA because they know a good portion of any money given to the Dems will be confiscated (stolen). Trump is a doer and will get things going immediately without all the usual City processes. California governments will be declared incompetent giving the Feds a far reach into CA.
Jr. and Eric are salivating over possibilities in improving LA, especially with the Olympics maybe coming. President Trump is going to have to figure out how to keep the insurance companies solvent, his probable first big job. I anticipate some hotels with TRUMP on the front. Along with lots of other carpet baggers.
Just an observation, the estimates of damage in the fires is approaching 250 billion dollars.
That is how much Elon Musk is worth. Maybe he can just buy everything destroyed and allow Tesla style rebuilding of the area. I will bet he would get lots of help from current residents. Musk can get access to the coastal area and build his California space port and screw the Coastal Commission.
I would bet they will become some kind of private locked neighborhoods, average folks don't stand a chance rebuilding. It wont be allowed, they are already saying there are native artifacts on sites to prevent new building. Alternately they may use it for mining or industrial. California has been Maui'd.
Also, Mark, you are right. The Dems think of insurance as a bottomless pit of money that can be drawn on ad infinitum. The same way they think of the US Treasury. I am starting to disagree with some folks on the blog, the Left IS just plain stupid.
How quaint. Selling Insurance tied to Reserves to pay out claims when the day comes.
Most Americans have Zero idea about the U.S. Derivatives Market where naked/unbacked insurance is written every minute of everyday, wait for the U.S. Treasury and the Fed to jump in to save their butts. After pocketing years and years of ill-gotten gains stuffed into private pockets.
Insurance companies are required to keep reserves far in excess of the premiums they collect. And they also buy reinsurance to insure themselves against catastrophic losses like the one in California. CA regulators would not allow insurance companies to charge their insureds for the cost of the reinsurance. That is one of many roadblocks for insurance companies to charge a premium commensurate to the risk they take on. The insurance companies are not to blame. There is no "naked/unbacked insurance" in the home insurance market. Each state regulates insurers within their state, and California's regulators have tied the hands of the insurers. That is why they're leaving.
The afore mentioned California Coastal Commission is busy trying to block Space-X shots from Vandenburg. One of the truly positive things going on right now, just to punish Musk. I admire Musk, instead of kowtowing to the slime of the Left in California, he leaves and moves to Texas, both Space-X and Tesla.
Mark - "Now the rest of America will have to bail out these folks"
Just say no. Nothing will change if we keep bailing out states that put themselves in these situations. Other than the truly destitute, let the other Californians pay for their mess.
Otherwise a moral hazard is created (or continued), where the citizens continue to elect the same leaders who enact the same policies and get the same outcomes. They need to learn from their mistakes, and pay for them.
Yes, fires are natural in Southern California. Sometimes you can't just be a little bit natural. If people are going to live there in large numbers, the forests near them must be cleared out regularly.
Not that easy, the brush is being cleared out in the fire zones, to be replaced with wooden structures called houses, restaurants, small businesses, power lines, and poor government. The pictured neighborhoods, burned out, had zero brush buildup, but lots of planted trees and landscaping. The houses were the fuel. Clearing brush will help in the deep woods but where these fires were, urban congestion was the enemy. Have you visited SoCal? It is naturally built to burn, wet and dry seasons, vegetation build-up then drying out and burning. Recycling is done by burning. It produces rich soils that just help out with vegetation build-up. Just like the prairie fires of the Great Plains.
The forested areas near the developments very rapidly become developments. Much of the “forested” areas are not forested but grassland with small shrubs, which burns like crazy. To stop the vegetative build-up, you will have to clear out the new growth every single year. That will not happen, so it becomes the job of the fires.
Maybe a good idea would be to install concrete fire breaks enclosing residential areas wide enough to stop fires. Unfortunately, arsonists do not locate fires in wild areas.
As you say, people are unlikely to pay mortgages on burned-down homes. That means, setting aside the important question of whether these fires were set deliberately, the outcome - just like in Hawaii, and after Hurricane Helen in North Carolina - is going to be the same: a massive land grab by the power elite.
If you don't pay your taxes - which are due quite soon, incidentally - what happens? The state seizes the property. Gavin and his buddies are about to take possession of vast swathes of the most valuable real estate in the country.
The CW2 every one is talking about? Gavin is going to be lucky to survive this debacle. He represents Northern California more than SoCal. When the smoke clears, could it be that California finally splits into 2 parts or even 3. Gavin is political history, it will be interesting who goes down with him. Hmmm, where is Pelosi?
Takes a little longer. There is period of time - year(s) at least, before they can foreclose on a delinquent tax lien. A property tax lien does take first priority - or first position - over all other encumbrances.
You are correct, sir. All kinds of emergency powers are bestowed upon our betters, once emergency declarations are in effect - that they've conveniently declared. Of course, all these emergency powers are codified in times of calm - usually in the middle of the night, so they go unnoticed. Vis-a-vis the "Patriot" Act.
Most lenders will require a homeowner to carry enough insurance to rebuild their home. With the rising home prices, there should be very few homeowners who are "upside down", as was the case during the housing crisis of 2007-8 when prices were falling and many homeowners turned in their keys.
That said, the CA regulators could make it difficult for homeowners to rebuild, forcing them off their property, supporting the "land grab" theory.
Even SouthPark predicted it. Tim Sheehy wrote a book a few years ago about this that our entire nation is not equipped for forest fire. He is an ex navy seal veteran and now runs a company that does air strikes on forest fires. Oh he recently did a Shawn Ryan podcast about LA 4 days ago. He says this is a national story. There is no such thing as fire season. It’s worth watching. He is very careful with his words, but his book says way more.
Many articles about the fires have focused on the political aspects (Bass is done, Newsome’s career on life support, etc). This article is different, as it focuses on the practical, day to day issues facing the victims of the fire. While all fires have victims, the number is usually so small as to render the impact on the victims a lesser focus for the country. This fire (actually fires) has such a vast scale that the number of victims has yet to be quantified and it grows every day.
With any luck, the upshot of this catastrophe will include outcomes such as the defenestration of the California Coastal Commission and all other such bodies which seem to make it their mission to torment normal citizens as they attempt to live their lives.
Seems that those charged with being prepared for catastrophes are currently spending the bulk of their energy casting blame on anyone but themselves rather than focusing on the problems facing their constituents and coming up with solutions. California voters should be voting red as if their lives depend on it, as that may well be the case.
I wonder? Personal dislocation has been responsible for mental and spiritual changes many times in the past. The Left around LA have had a cushy time for generations, but now? Someone is going to pay and nebulous charges of climate change may not be received well by homeless people.
BTW, Fox showed a picture of the guy they caught with the blow torch. He is an illegal.
I find it interesting that the "climate change" narrative has no legs. If this had happened 3 years ago, anyone claiming anything other than climate change would have been cancelled. Isn't it refreshing to see what just a tiny bit of free speech does?
Hopefully, this coven of lesbian witches that have failed Los Angeles is removed from power. No book deals. No softball questions on the View. No promotions. Let them live in the ashes that they themselves have created.
As well, there is a question about the newly constituted LAFD, whose top 4 Officers are proud Lesbians, Will FD personnel be able to perform the task they were hired primarily to do, which is to appear in countless Pride Parades all over LA County smartly turned out in tailored, resplendent uniforms with the Pride Patch displayed over the left pocket? It's important to get the messy and inconvenient business of firefighting wrapped up before the real work of Pride Month begins June1.
I am observing the incompetence of the Left wing Karen in our society. The DAs and mayors established by Soros, nationwide, have just about destroyed public trust. The antics of the Leftist Karen House members yesterday with Pete Hegsteth was atrocious. What is it about Leftist women that turns them into incompetent screeching fools?
It is not all women, either. Watching Pam Bondi this Am makes me hopefull that the idiocy of Merrick Garland can be reversed. However, RINOS like Collins and Murkowsky show Karenesque thinking.
I do think, are you listening Lugh, that a deadly combination is female and black especially with obvious lack of experience, ie: DEI hiring. The LA debacle is so glaringly an example of this combination, add in LBGTQ+ as an additional disqualifier.
I hope the cabinet of Trump can stop and reverse this degradation of the nation’s human infrastructure. Until then, LA may be just the beginning.
What do you think of the Greater Israel patch the IDF now sports? Looks like they never intended to keep the International Agreement they signed off on.
Looks like the conflict is about over, with Israel the winner. Israel will leave Gaza to it's own devices, its borders with Gaza unchanged. Israel is being magnanimous, indeed generous, in its victory. So much for 'Greater Israel.'
Good post Marlin. Hamas is already breaking the ceasefire deal they haven’t even signed up to yet.
Trump has stated that hell. Is going to break out there if the ceasefire does not happen. Hamas is a group of gangs and thugs that have no leadership and will raise hell with no intention of achieving peace. The only way of achieving peace in Gaza is the elimination of Hamas. Let Israel get the job done.
BTW, if Israel got control of Gaza, the Arabs would be much better off.
As of right now it looks like the deal is back on track JAZ.
Israel has lost about 1000 IDF personnel and over 1200 civilians in this conflict -- a great loss for such a small country One possible benefit however, long term, is we may be seeing a whole new generation of Isreeli leadership being forged in the crucible of war.
Those are the engines able to operate, the fire chief has said that the lack of mechanics, cut by the city administration, have made fire trucks unavailable.
That fire chief, part of the problem, is saying things that sound truthfully. She will be a prime witness in the subsequent investigations. If she survives.
This little spasm of grief from Davis is mostly for drill. Her only real subject is herself. She's a professional Boomer waif, raised by a disinterested father with a head waggle and a yen for corny jokes, and a conniving remora with lunch dates, a chrysanthemum coiffure, and the jaw of Mammy Yoakum.
Who said I hated Reagan? I did not vote for him in 1984, but I think he did well. Better than most. I am describing Mr. and Mrs. Reagan from the perspective of two people: Edmund Morris (official Reagan biographer) and Patti Davis, herself. She is a nightmare child who is still dining out on her parents' accomplishments.
I am a pragmatic person who always voted D until I'd had enough in 2016. Is there an ideological test for posting here?
Reagan wrecked the economy during his administration. At least that is the prevailing sentiment among some that I know. Surely government regs and policy can influence economics. Whoever is in office gets the blame, rightly or wrongly. Reaganomics and an ex wife bankrupted me. Reagan was all smoke and mirrors. He did manage to make people feel better and have a little more pride in some instances, with his folksy BS. Voters will continue to choose the ones who are the best con men. I would rather see the country run by a blue collar worker administration. Men who know hard work and have family values. Not rich fat cats who have never done an honest days work in their entire lives, but people will vote for whoever gives them the best spiel.
Massive Debt was birthed by Reagan (Regan). Never extinguished by the "Peace Dividend" of a wings-clipped Soviet Union. Squandered on the "World's Policeman" as Middle America got the jobs, livelihoods sold out to Foreigners (Free Trade) while the bill ($90 Trillion in Debt) for the Private MIC profits continues to be guaranteed by the dying American Taxpayer.
Reagan reacted to the severe cutbacks of the defense department during the Liberal years of Ford and Carter. But, because of the four year term in office, he tried to do it all at once, increasing the debt with defense spending. As you noted, that did lead up to 1991 and the break up of the USSR.
Well, we have a businessman back in charge, replacing a consummate politician. We Will see if his second chance is more productive than the first. A good sign is the MIC portion of the Deep State in a panic over Trump.
Trump the builder and developer, who also got a workout in all areas of the business per his dad, might be your best hope. I choose not to purity spiral about it.
I recall the 1980's as being overall pretty good. Reagan was re-elected in 1984 by a landslide, and his VP Bush followed right after. Not sure what you did during this time to get "wrecked", but most Americans prospered.
Here in western Wisconsin, the recession lasted probably until about 1985, when Cray Research opened more assembly plants. It was around 86 or 87 when I noticed that I had more money to spend on nice things.
I believe Reagan figures in the story of Cathy O'Brien (MK-Ultra-ed, abused and rescued, and wrote about it). Reagan was allegedly one of the powerful 'figures' she was passed around among.
Nice, but was she wrong about them? And what about the son? He said that Ron once picked him up at a kid event and didn't recognize him. Thought he was just another kid.
And what did poor Ron think about his son becoming a ballet dancer? Karma hits hard.
Something not right with her. Her father took off and her mother (a very foul-mouthed actress) left her with relatives for months at a time. Of her children, she preferred the boy. And she used the oldest trick ( 🚼 ) to rope in the Gipper.
Rosa Koire, of blessed memory, was a full blown California liberal until she tripped over an UN document of Marxist climate histrionics depth, and warned us what was coming. It’s here…
I guess DOGE will have to wait until the next administration comes along and the debt is nearing $50 trillion. Then they will get serious, right? There must be dozens of insurance companies in the area providing home coverage. Were all of them told ahead of time about the possibility of a major firestorm? Cally is the dumbest state as the people keep re-electing democrats and the population continues to suffer...not that the retardicans will do much better.
It boggles the mind. The DS/DEMs/NWO don't have a clue what they have done. The magnitude of this perfidy hasn't even hit. Will Newscum, Bass, et al. ever be prosecuted? Ever be held accountable? Is there a punishment even possible that is equal to their crimes?
Cuba is just another failing socialist state. A thumbing of the nose against the Monroe Doctrine by Russia. The USSR finally cried “Uncle” in 1991, Cuba hasn’t figured out that Castro picked the wrong side.
If the current leadership just asked the US for help setting up a government and economy, we would jump right in. Biden would have loved it, as the Mob would have been able to retake Havana.
Joe McCarthy was wrong only in underestimating the problem. Not merely infiltration, though there was/is some of that. Most of our Communism is home grown.
The Demyate about to face something even more existential, "enforcement" of their sanctuary laws and ordinances will collide with federal supremacy as Mr. Homan has warned explicitly. Who wants to be first mayor or governor to get indicted for harboring illegal aliens?
Hmmm, interesting thought. Xi at least will have good reason to pitch in to reconstruct LA. CCP’s philosophy is to overtake enemies by importing Chinese people into them, namely the USA and Canadian West Coasts. What an opportunity.
Demographic shifts for control and power many engage in this the most obvious one is Palestinians with their eight children per breeding couple on average.
Muslims have all but taken over the middle east by murder assimilation and demographic shifts they are now doing this in many "western" countries.
China has been exporting their people on purpose all over the world.
Oh, I believe they do. They just don't give a rat's ass. After all, it was other people's houses that burned down, not theirs. Why should they care about that?
A comment I posted a couple of days ago:”Can anyone imagine what these fires will do to new home construction across America? The cost of materials will skyrocket and availability will plummet. Newsome and CA single-handedly “effed” America.”
I don't think it is all that bad. We are talking about 12,000 homes. I was living in Phoenix during the last housing bubble and bulldozing the desert and plopping down 12,000 homes was just another day at the office.
Love you optimism. But building the hillsides of coastal California and dancing the bureaucratic nightmare after the mess is cleaned up and re-regulated into hell, isn't quite the same task as throwing up homes being built in times of irrational exuberance. Hope I'm not too bleak, but.
I wonder how much of this land is now totally contaminated with a carcinogenic mass? I don't think they will be rebuilding homes any time soon. This is a disaster on a nuclear scale. The worst part is that like a nuke it appears to have been deliberately triggered.
Same story as Maui. Plastic toys not burned. Trees not burned (except from the inside). Wooden posts only burned where there are nails. Homes turned to white powder. See Peggy Hall vid. here:
Don't get a Smart meter. Not only can they stop your power when they want to, but they can individually target your house and burn it down for smart city purposes.
Oh, and read the late Rosa Koire (Behind the Green Mask), who is probably 'the late' because she warned us.
Good observation Peter. Let’s see, what is so bad about radioactivity from any nuclear exchange? Cancer? Let’s see, what is so bad about the toxic waste in the ashes of LA? Cancer? Add on, what is going to happen to the ocean when this junk washes into the ocean and the bulldozers fill it up with de-construction debris.
I hope you are correct. There will be the cleanup and probably (I would assume) new zoning and building codes to tend with, raw materials and generally the availability of contractors. I’m sure the Phoenix housing bubble built up to developing large tracts housing and marshalled the resources according to demand.
No, Robert is a dreamer. Phoenix builds housing fast because there is a demand for housing here for the last couple of decades. Right now? Housing is at a comparative standstill because of the realization that we do not have the water to supply much new construction.
Robert? Is the land now contaminated with burn toxins? Can it be re-built on at all? What happens when the Pineapple Express comes in this winter and drives all that crap into the soil and out to the Pacific? What do you do with the housing from Santa Monica to Malibu? Just bulldoze it into the ocean? This is not just throwing up a bunch of junk housing, like Phoenix. Your ignorance, not optimism, is showing. Luckily, we have Trump in ultimate control of the re-build, so SoCal stands a chance as long as they keep Newsom, Sacramento and the rest of the Leftist jerks away from LA.
Also, insurance companies normally provide 12 months of what's called Additional Living Expenses, which provides funds for the homeowner to live somewhere else why their home is being rebuilt.
Doubtful the land will be prepped and ready for re-construction this soon. Many homeowners will resort to taking their insurance settlement proceeds to another locale. Many will need to sell their land to someone?
Read "Rancho Costa Nada". He built a house in the California desert of out cardboard, much to the disgust of his neighbors. "People live out here in trailers, you dumb fuck."
LA celebrated DEI with a jolly bonfire, inadvertently proving that DEI is actually DIE, Destruction-Insanity-Evil.
We live in a postmodernist age where people have been groomed to believe there are no objective facts external to and independent of everyone's personal experience. It follows that language, dialogue, and news about the fires will degenerate into subjective struggle sessions, producing heat but no light.
I will call out the fact that the Pacific oscillation, ie El Niño and La Niña are extremely responsible for the weather on the West Coast, especially where the storm systems go with their moisture. I agree with you on global warming being the all present cause of things evil. However, global warming, as evidenced by the ice melt of the Northern Hemisphere, is real. In my opinion, it is a GOOD thing as millions of square miles of land will become arable and polar seaways will become available. My primary concern is what happens if all the ice disappears and the pole’s ability to moderate equator to pole temperatures declines.
However, the reaction today to “global warming” claims is as stupid as the leftist side itself. We should be investigating what is happening to the weather patterns in both the Pacific and Atlantic gyres to be able to understand what is coming. We still do not understand much of anything yet. All the more reason not to eff with anything, MR. GATES.
I have noticed more and more “scientists” backing away from the ballistic claims of the Climate changers.
BTW, Bill Nye got a Medal of Freedom along with HRC and George Soros.
JHK, the most amazing thing to me is the mentality of so many Californians...I know some of these folks who are oblivious to any type of conspiracy...One of my friends, while watching the gang style robbing of stores, looked at me and said the media was overblowing the situation?...And a few others who refused to accept that the Democratic leadership was at fault in any way...Brainwashed? I'm not sure as I know of many in New York city area who feel the same way...So I decided to do some digging and it is quite clear the impact of the Media (nothing new for many of us)...not so much the Main Stream Media but more so the internet media...Those who refuse to conduct their own research "settle" on websites that fit and support their way of thinking...hence the term "confirmation bias" was created to justify their refusal to accept any information that does not support their narrative...Laziness combined with a closed mind will be and has been their downfall...
Cognitive dissonance.
Aka willful ignorance.
Ron, the Experience?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viO1qcfaYg0
The deeper the belief, the more contradictory it is to reality. The more contradictory, the harder it is to overcome. The logic is thus: If A =B, and B=C, then A=C.
Or rather, the unhealthy way they resolve it. *In theory*, democracy provides mechanisms for this...
It is called a firearm for a reason.
BINGO! I think you captioned it perfectly, thank you. I grew up in L.A., lived in CA most of my 70 yrs of life but when numerous Californians I knew started acting exactly as you described, I just couldn't take it any more and left some years ago. I grew up in Hollywood Hills right under the Hollywood sign - it seems most Dem folks think they are living in Hollywood, complete with the fake scenery and Hollywood illusions, which they believe is real. My brother in law is the same way and there is simply no way to converse with him about most topics. Very frustrating and I have to wonder what will happen to these people when the day comes that they are smacked in the face with the truth?
They’ve been smacked in the face with a lot of truths:
Any friends or family die from the vax? Have they seen people suffering in North Carolina as they live in tents in the winter cold? Do they not know the covid virus didn’t come from a bat? Have they heard rumblings about stolen elections? I could go on for days. The truth is out there, as shiny and glaring as a headlamp. You have to literally contort your mind and body like a pretzel not to see it.
My point is, they don’t want to see the truth. They have created a beautiful California bubble to live in. They’re not going to let you pop it. My daughter does the same thing: airline pilot hubby, beautiful baby, happy home in a gorgeous New England state, great friends, a doodle dog, a European stroller and granite countertops. She will jump over my backyard fence and run away before hearing ONE MORE WORD about the downfall of America. She’ll pay $10 for a gallon of milk rather than ever, ever hear the truth. Even when the truth shows signs of dismantling her life; her little vaxed family is sick all of the time and she has a new autoimmune disease.
A therapist once told me that everything one does works for them in some way—they get something out of it, even if they’re a victim. All the people who cover their ears and eyes? What are they getting from their ignorance? A chance to continue living their lives, hoping not seeing the truth will give them another day in their bubble.
Deep inside? They know. I promise you they do.
Very sorry about your daughter. Most of us have at least one family member that is hopelessly brainwashed.
Sadly, I think you are right that they know something is off about their reasoning, but they know that if they swallow the red pill they will no longer “fit in” with the cool kids. They can’t risk it. In many social circles being MAGA or being a “science denier on climate change” is worse than having leprosy. Better to stay in the bubble, unaware and virtue signal to the “right people”.
It’s beyond frustrating!
Your last sentence - I 100% agree. This is why, when you try to tell them the truth, they completely explode. They have the mentality of 2 year olds, when something happens they don't like, they put their hands over their eyes and say "it's not happening because I can't see it." A hallmark of immaturity and narcissism.
They remind me of those dolls way back in the day that had a cord you could pull to make them speak. There are only so many pre-recorded messages the record can handle. Everything they believe has been basically programmed into them over the course of their lives, reinforced by the media.
Chatty Cathy: “I’m hungry”. “Will you play with me?”
Some dolls say, The Jews are God's chosen people. Real Christianity says that Christians are.
What if there is no chosen people? Or what if all peoples are?
I once had a girlfriend who had a doll that kind of creeped me out a bit, and I said as much. It may have been both or either a collector's or childhood heirloom piece.
In any event, since the doll and I were sometimes sharing the same room-- we used it as the home office-- I noticed one day that my girlfriend had repositioned the doll so it directly faced me where I was sitting at the desk.
In retrospect, it may have been the same girlfriend who had onced casually asked me to the effect of what pushed my buttons. Suffice to say, I strategically avoided the question altogether since the 'doll incident'.
I find that to be true of all of us.
“Chatty Kathy”! 😂
Chatty Cathy.
Trump Derangement Syndrome, only in the quackcinated.
"They know. I promise you they do."
I think they do too. You can see it behind the eyes - the sheer terror when you "go there."
It's why the material trappings are so important to these people as they are armor and distraction. At some point soon that won't work anymore and all their efforts will seem pathetic.
This must be so very difficult to see with your daughter and grandchildren and yet be powerless to change. We've all felt this since 2020. Sometimes I think it's like being "bashed" with lessons of humility.
Do they not know the covid virus didn’t come from a bat? do they not know there is no evidence that viruses have ever existed? but killer maimer vaccines do. . . we all have a lot to learn.
Well said!!
They have now been smacked — hard! — but they are too far gone, hopeless. They will never admit that their entire belief system was built upon lies. They will double down once again and blame all their woes on “climate change” caused by Trump, and by extension, his voters.
It’s sad, but it’s entirely predictable.
When I first read about the LA fires I knew the claims that they were caused by "climate change" couldn't be far behind. The reports on the fires almost always referred to the Santa Ana winds that helped fan the flames. I wanted to learn more so I began searching the internet. Even in the Wikipedia article (of all places) I found references that should prevent the climate alarmists from making their unfounded claims (but won't).
Under the heading of Historical Impacts I found the following:
"The Santa Ana winds and the accompanying raging wildfires have been a part of the ecosystem of the Los Angeles Basin for over 5,000 years, dating back to the earliest habitation of the region by the Tongva and Tataviam peoples.[22]"
I don't think the Tongva or Tataviam peoples drove SUV's.
Well said! Exactly! And the reality is, given that these winds and dry conditions were WELL KNOWN, whether it was “climate change”, historic realities, or the boogie man, preparations should have been made to avoid such a calamity! Saying that “climate change” caused the fires is NO EXCUSE! In essence, it’s a self own. “We knew climate change could do this but we made no attempt to prevent it.” So, who is to blame, “climate change” or the officials who were tasked with preventing a disaster like this? The answer is clear.
Other than to care for the truly destitute, I don't want all of America to have to pay for the damage caused in large part by the Californians who continually vote for incompetent "leaders" who don't clear their forests, harness the water supply, or plan ahead for this type of recurring event.
The people of the state need to feel the ramifications of the choices they've made.
Totally agree.
Additionally, fires in that area were much worse in the early 1900’s..
But if and when the crowd changes direction so will they. And then pretend it’s what they thought all along
Yet impossible to fathom.
Sadly, I think you are entirely correct.
They're already doing that.
It’s the same with every religious ideology…..
New Yorker who recently moved to California here … My impression of my new neighbors is that a lot of them enjoy living the daydream. It’s why they’re here, to experience life in a blissed-out, dreamy (in many cases CBD-enhanced) bubble. Even the ones who seem to have been gifted with good brain matter in a material/genetic sense have their thought processes switched to Off. It’s quite bizarre to me how checked out of reality they are. Reality’s the enemy! Take it away!!!
"Nevermind reality, I'm looking for a good fantasy"
Honestly, the older I get the more this appeals to me.
Moves from New York to California and finds things suspect. Damn, things in Cali are Worse than I imagined.
"The rebuilding quandaries have already been rehearsed in the news." ~ JHK
"One of my friends, while watching the gang style robbing of stores, looked at me and said the media was overblowing the situation?" ~ Say It Aint So
Do you see what they did here:
‘This did not happen’: White House denies claims Biden froze at fundraiser event
... and now the population is convinced that Joe has dementia!
California is a state of mind. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. I spent two years there (not by choice). Couldn't wait to get out. That was 1990. It hasn't gotten any more real since...
The 90's were heaven in comparison to the now.
San Diego was a very little big city.
Most of it was clean very few homeless people.
The homeless issue really revved up under oBAMa.
It will be 20 years before these neighborhoods are fully rebuilt. California created this problem by not allowing deforestation, closing dams, lack of water management and Marxist treatment of insurer concerns last year. No wonder StateFarm Farmers etc bailed. Now the rest of America will have to bail out these folks who voted for the bad decision makers that led to bad decisions. FJB
No fucking way...while they let NC twist after the hurricane just a few months ago. They better not fucking dare pull that shit
"Joe Biden" said that el gobierno federale will pay 100%. They then threw 2,000 people out of temporary housing arrangements in North Carolina hill country during unusually severe winter storms. If those NC folks were illegal alien members of Biden's Foreign Legion they could be riding scooters in La La Land, paying for everything with United Nations debit cards while they set brush fires before heading back to their free hotel rooms.
That’s a sharp piece of prose, Brother.
It’s gonna be very interesting to see who can handle the truth following Trump’s swashbuckling.
And I love Trump and MAGA!
But the traps are far and wide — deceptive and deep. Question is: Will Trump’s insatiable need to be loved, and his ‘dreams’ of ‘Winning’ overwhelm the REALISTIC approach to the fantasies of ‘California Dreamin’ ?
California is NOT the Jerusalem of the Promised Land; NOT ‘Almost Heaven’; NOT the New Jerusalem of American Manifest Destiny.
California IS a failed, fallen, flagrantly oppressive Republic that mirrors the Great Whore of Babylon — “I sit a Queen” — demanding the favors of all nations, including the ‘United’ States of America, over which she claims dominance.
President Trump is a world-class leader. But, as one who does not consume strong drink — Will he be deceived by drinking “the wine of her wrath”, becoming drunk and seduced by her excess ?
Somehow the basic values need to be identified and understood; otherwise, ‘you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear’ comes to mind.
And if there is NO Due Diligence — ‘you can’t polish a turd’ stops you dead in your tracks.
I.E. : If there is no Reformation in California,
The same fate awaits the rest of us as did Hosea with Gomer. . . . With more devastating results.
Trump can't wait to make the Dems appear as idiots. He'll come into town at meet with the home losers and get things going on the rebuilding. It will be a massive task, but nothing Trump can't handle.
The Dems don't need Trumps help to "appear as idiots."
I think people see things better when someone plays on the irrationality/idiocy they're looking at.
While Trump may be a good man he isn't God. This type of disaster cannot be fixed. I think this was most likely a massive strategic blow designed to destroy the Trump government before it gets started.
Building homes in a forest that is subject to severe drought was also a bad move. Zoning and building codes should have been crafted better to either clear the tall and potentially dry vegetation away from the homes, or, keep the homes out of the forested areas.
I live in a region that is subject to wildfires due to dry summer conditions and every year there are fires that consume someone's "cabin" or vacation home tucked away in the endless groves of Junipers and Cedars. I lost my sympathy for those people a long time ago.
I know the devastation in L.A. involved vast neighborhoods not in forested areas but many fires, such as the Paradise fire a few years back, cause so much devastation because the structures are snuggly tucked in between the large, drought stressed trees.
I live in a heavily forested area on a 160 acre property which is quite isolated. I have endured three years of evacuation orders in which I have refused to leave. I have cleared a substantial buffer zone around my home. And have sprinklers on my roof. I also have water storage on the property. When the fires get close I soak my entire lawn area down, test my pumps,( I have a back up) and then start cleaning up any windfall that may have come down recently. In the past when homes are evacuated the police have actually broken into homes and confiscated firearms under the guise of "protecting people from looters". No one in my area evacuates and we look after each other. WE must get back to neighbours looking out for neighbours and realize that government rarely helps in these situations. It has been said that God helps those who help themselves. That old adage is timeless.
I agree with everything you said and the soaking and water storage to fight a fire is simply mandatory. Caveman knew this thousands of years ago. In my state I have a concealed weapon carry permit, no messing around with me!
Man after my own heart. Wish I had your arrangement.
There are no easy answers. If left up to the Libertarians, there would be no public access to beaches at all. ALL of it would be bought up. Ultimately, all land on Earth would be private, and the Global Elite the new Lords. And no one hunts in the King's forest but the King and his friends.
"I think this was most likely a massive strategic blow designed to destroy the Trump government before it gets started." ~ Peter Sawchuk
Mark Levin, basically, makes the case that the Supreme Court is stuffed with DEI and political hacks. If the Constitution isn't salvageable, is the nation?
It is more in line to create a 15 min city NWO style. Google Smart LA 2028.
"We live in a world full of urban challenges: from racial injustice that impacts our minority populations to natural disasters that threaten safety and property to environmental changes that affect the very water we drink and the air we breathe. To address these challenges, cities seek tools that can positively transform the urban environment. The most promising of these tools is technology. Technology enables the City of Los Angeles to efficiently and ethically improve the quality of life for our residents, businesses, and visitors. In other words, when done right, technology makes us “smarter”. This is why the City of Los Angeles strives to be a “smart” city.
In 2019, the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA) convened its Smart City Committee, composed of 24 departments and elected officials. While Los Angeles had become a civic technology leader (winning #1 U.S. Digital City award for three straight years), the exponential growth of new technologies and increasing public expectations requires new levels of coordination to realize our smart city vision."
SmartLA 2028
If the technology survives, we'll need to get up to speed.
Not if we continue to allow Democrats to run rough shod all over our beliefs, Constitution and set the narratives.
Republicans need to grow a spine and fire back at them which is why one of the reasons Democrats hate Trump so much.
He talks back at them and speaks directly to the people in ways that everyone can understand.
Trump's picks were idiots too. What's her face adopted two teenage African girls while she was pregnant. She had "been looking for something like this." She couldn't pass up a deal like this.
Amy Coney Barrett
What Mark REALLY means was that the Supremes haven't been totally replaced by Zionists like himself. I see nothing to support his allegation.
Take your emergency pill, and when you calm down to where you are able to think and reason, watch it again, through to the end of John Yoo's comments. And, in the event that you are unable to reason, then don't waste your time.
And also get those people out of the way so they can build their precious 15 minute cities.
Actually, when you cut through the bullshit you realize they are more like 15 minute prisons.
This was a disaster designed to help create the WEF insane vision if a mart city. Google SmartLA 2028, it's been preplanned a long w Lahaina, NC, Paradise, etc. While Trump is clearly not a deity, he's the best choice we have at the moment.
This fiasco started long before Trump even left the first time. Type in Smart LA 2028.
Well, here is one thing about it: All that underbrush that should have been removed and fed the fires is gone now!
Rough way to learn a lesson.
Also I noticed one oldster whose parents left him their family home in the Palisades. He refused to evacuate and saved his home with his garden hose! The only house left standing for miles!
The underbrush will return in the next rain. It needs to be maintained.
With taxpayer money, without buy in.
Bet on it. And there won't be anything you or I can do about it.
Oh, please! You know they will. They always have. Why would this time be any different?
Calfornia didn't just close dams. Under Newsom's guidance they actually blew up dams: https://www.ecowatch.com/dam-removal-california-2645546590.html
Who needs enemies when your State is Run by one Party Progressive Democrat Marxist Rulers.
If California thinks they have water problems now ...
The Largest Dam Removal In U.S. History Is Happening Now In Oregon
... is this all forward planning, with the assumption that there will be a drastically reduced world population in the near future? Perhaps SO CA population reduction is phase one?
That water was being used to irrigate onion farms in a desert that have no right to be there. No way was that water ever reaching L.A., so it’s not applicable here. It was the tribes in the Klamath region that have been pushing for the dams removal for 20+ years. The main reason is to restore the native salmon population in the Klamath region. It used to be the 2nd largest salmon fishery in California, but has been decimated in recent years. I’ve spent a lot of time in the mid and upper Klamath basins, and I support the move.
There is the energy generation factor.
I'm not picking a side, just pointing out that it is a complex world, where it would be in everyone's interest to get along, and people like Newsom appear toxic in that regard. They need to quit shoving the blame off on someone else, and start standing for accountability.
Yeah no argument from me on those points
The population is reducing already for multiple reasons. Take with salt: I heard someone did a calculation using published census figures for every region, and came up with a total world population about 4 billion BELOW what the federales state it is. The fed numbers aren't based on actual count, they're a calculation based on several assumptions (no salt needed for that). So, 🤷
The US might have to import water from Greenland?
Damns destroy valley/ecosystems. In the same way Forest Fires destroy the existing cover. It takes years to get back to what once was, despite the fact that Nature shows brave signs immediately thereafter.
So...it is a Decision. Those that say people are secondary, always seem to be First at the Trough, though.
The house you are living in destroyed an ecosystem when it was built.
Newsome brags about how he closed the dams. If there is ever an argument for cloning idiots for politicians for hire, I would definitely be incline to believe he is proof. He can speak about the most somber subject matter with the most sinister smirk on his face. Like most narcissists he forgets to fake empathy.
Mark - those neighborhoods, for multiple reasons - will never be rebuilt.
Correct! The coastal commission will not allow anything to be built on the beach ever again. These fires will make more lawyers rich and our country poorer. Expect real estate prices to climb in Vegas as most rich displaced Angelenos will move.
Not just Vegas, Mark. They will come to Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and continue to devastate an already over priced real estate market in these states. I despise California refugees. They are ruining my state. Utah, the Salt Lake City area, now has the 3rd highest housing prices in the USA. It's truly disgusting what is being charged for a simple home. Property taxes are soaring. Maintenance costs are out of control. It's getting harder to sell homes because the number of people who can afford them is diminishing.
We are in a bad way. There is none who can resolve this. No, Trump, in all of his fortitude will not solve this. The system must collapse and it must be re-set. That is the only way. Unfortunately, a lot of people are going to suffer if not die as it comes.
California escapees, funded by the ill-gotten gains of Mommy and Daddy, have ruined Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Utah. And more. And more to come.
The Poster Thing for the Country. They think everything is valued in money.
~ Build Back Better, Reverse-Ownership & The WEF-Pwned Codependents ~
"The system must collapse and it must be re-set." ~ Cankerpuss
Reset to what? How? By whom?
If we don't step up to the challenges and reset it ourselves, TPTB movers-and-shakers will do it, themselves, and more for themselves than the rest of us, so we can get back to our Father Kunstler's online-church-basement nattering ninnyhood and little if anything else and collect our UBI. Life is good.
"The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF)..." ~ Wikipedia
"You will own nothing and be happy." ~ Klaus Schwab
Who will own nothing, Klaus? You also? Want us to own nothing? You first then.
Ok, then it looks like I, Cankerpuss et al are going to have to step up to the plate and make some home runs, before we get owned, or more so.
"The term 'pwned' originates from a misspelling of 'owned' in online gaming forums and is used to indicate that someone has been dominated or defeated, often implying that an account or system has been compromised." ~ Merriam-Webster dictionary
Want to take back ownership? Get back on the 'beachfronts' and start building. Do it without any PTB's fucking permission, except your own. Get the homeless to help you. Move and shake. It's 2025.
Trump may not completely solve these behemoth problems but he will certainly not exacerbate them either as is the leftist marxist bureaucracy in these blue states hell bent on destroying everything in their path.
Californians will be the new Okies.
And go back to Oklahoma? Is a latter day John Steinbeck going to document this disaster?
Very few have the writing ability.
And the Great Reset is already on its way. That is exactly what is going to happen.
Nope, Newsom is already rewriting the rules and telling them to stand down. He wont let his donor class suffer.
He might be swinging from a tree in WNC, but they have enough debris there already. If WNC continues to get ignored - folks sleeping in tents in freezing weather and snow, fed crumbs - there will be a fire like he's never seen. Keep it up Newsom, you go ahead and tend your donor class. That might be just the spark this country needs.
Ron, sorry, but I don't know what WNC is referring to. For my slow mind can you clarify? Western North Carolina?
Right CP, Western NC. Snow-covered and temps in the teens, people living in tents - 3500 getting kicked from hotels because FEMA not renewing vouchers. Unfucking believable. Hard to fathom the disparity in response.
The best thing that may come from this is the collapse of the mental retardation AKA Leftist Progressive thought. Patti shows herself to be a 6 year old mental midget.
Hopefully they will have no choice.
If I owned a lot there I would build a tiny house on it. I would encourage my whole neighborhood to do the same. This state makes you believe you own your land but when you sign your title papers you soon realize you don’t own shiz. Mineral rights. Nope. Water rights, nope. 6 inches of dirt, yeah maybe, just deep enough for footings. You can’t be taxed on a non fixed house. I would build one gorgeous shed. F Them
CharB - you go girl. Great idea. Even better, hire the Amish to come build it. (You know something about building, by your use if the word "footings") Recently read an article - Zerohedge, I think - about the Amish going to help in NC. They built 12 tiny houses in 48 hours - all paid for by them - $300K total. Sixty Amish carpenters did all the work in the 2 days. They are beautiful people. Love the "F them" attitude. Keep it up. <3
Yes. I saw that on TikTok and so proud of the mighty hands of those people working as a community. Notice how they also came out for the first time in droves to vote. Proud of anyone who has convictions and stands for something
The Amish built the houses in Boone, NC - home to Eustace Conway. Have you ever heard of him? You'd like him. If '64 is your birth year, you're +/- 60 now. He's 63 - so we've all had the same life experiences. There was a book written about his life - The Last American Man, by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love. Check it out, he's an amazing man.
The wind is still bad here. I keep looking outside to see if I need to shut off my power and cover my house in water but then it dawns on me that no globalists want to live in the inland empire. Lol. 😂
Come East, young lady, we need more like you here.
20 years? Will the alt-bio-human robots be rebuilding them?
These slaves will be treated better than many humans. Men will pretend to be bio-robots to get girls.
To get the alt-bio-girls, you mean.
My hunch Trump (the Feds) will demand rebuilding LA because they know a good portion of any money given to the Dems will be confiscated (stolen). Trump is a doer and will get things going immediately without all the usual City processes. California governments will be declared incompetent giving the Feds a far reach into CA.
Your last sentence is mandatory.
Jr. and Eric are salivating over possibilities in improving LA, especially with the Olympics maybe coming. President Trump is going to have to figure out how to keep the insurance companies solvent, his probable first big job. I anticipate some hotels with TRUMP on the front. Along with lots of other carpet baggers.
Too Big/Jigged To Fail (II). Save the Big, urinate on the small, destroy the country. Not a story Hollywood is going to let out.
They already did. See Smart LA 2028 in search bar.
Just an observation, the estimates of damage in the fires is approaching 250 billion dollars.
That is how much Elon Musk is worth. Maybe he can just buy everything destroyed and allow Tesla style rebuilding of the area. I will bet he would get lots of help from current residents. Musk can get access to the coastal area and build his California space port and screw the Coastal Commission.
I would bet they will become some kind of private locked neighborhoods, average folks don't stand a chance rebuilding. It wont be allowed, they are already saying there are native artifacts on sites to prevent new building. Alternately they may use it for mining or industrial. California has been Maui'd.
Also, Mark, you are right. The Dems think of insurance as a bottomless pit of money that can be drawn on ad infinitum. The same way they think of the US Treasury. I am starting to disagree with some folks on the blog, the Left IS just plain stupid.
How quaint. Selling Insurance tied to Reserves to pay out claims when the day comes.
Most Americans have Zero idea about the U.S. Derivatives Market where naked/unbacked insurance is written every minute of everyday, wait for the U.S. Treasury and the Fed to jump in to save their butts. After pocketing years and years of ill-gotten gains stuffed into private pockets.
Insurance companies are required to keep reserves far in excess of the premiums they collect. And they also buy reinsurance to insure themselves against catastrophic losses like the one in California. CA regulators would not allow insurance companies to charge their insureds for the cost of the reinsurance. That is one of many roadblocks for insurance companies to charge a premium commensurate to the risk they take on. The insurance companies are not to blame. There is no "naked/unbacked insurance" in the home insurance market. Each state regulates insurers within their state, and California's regulators have tied the hands of the insurers. That is why they're leaving.
The afore mentioned California Coastal Commission is busy trying to block Space-X shots from Vandenburg. One of the truly positive things going on right now, just to punish Musk. I admire Musk, instead of kowtowing to the slime of the Left in California, he leaves and moves to Texas, both Space-X and Tesla.
Mark - "Now the rest of America will have to bail out these folks"
Just say no. Nothing will change if we keep bailing out states that put themselves in these situations. Other than the truly destitute, let the other Californians pay for their mess.
Otherwise a moral hazard is created (or continued), where the citizens continue to elect the same leaders who enact the same policies and get the same outcomes. They need to learn from their mistakes, and pay for them.
Yes, fires are natural in Southern California. Sometimes you can't just be a little bit natural. If people are going to live there in large numbers, the forests near them must be cleared out regularly.
Not that easy, the brush is being cleared out in the fire zones, to be replaced with wooden structures called houses, restaurants, small businesses, power lines, and poor government. The pictured neighborhoods, burned out, had zero brush buildup, but lots of planted trees and landscaping. The houses were the fuel. Clearing brush will help in the deep woods but where these fires were, urban congestion was the enemy. Have you visited SoCal? It is naturally built to burn, wet and dry seasons, vegetation build-up then drying out and burning. Recycling is done by burning. It produces rich soils that just help out with vegetation build-up. Just like the prairie fires of the Great Plains.
The forested areas near the developments very rapidly become developments. Much of the “forested” areas are not forested but grassland with small shrubs, which burns like crazy. To stop the vegetative build-up, you will have to clear out the new growth every single year. That will not happen, so it becomes the job of the fires.
Maybe a good idea would be to install concrete fire breaks enclosing residential areas wide enough to stop fires. Unfortunately, arsonists do not locate fires in wild areas.
Just went gold mining in Julian on Sunday and was appalled to see just how many houses had tree lines right up to the house.
No one learns until it is to late.
Exactly, Ben, people learn by surviving disaster. The only thing stupider than people is government as all levels prove time and time again.
Google Smart LA 2028. This was all preplanned!
As you say, people are unlikely to pay mortgages on burned-down homes. That means, setting aside the important question of whether these fires were set deliberately, the outcome - just like in Hawaii, and after Hurricane Helen in North Carolina - is going to be the same: a massive land grab by the power elite.
If you don't pay your taxes - which are due quite soon, incidentally - what happens? The state seizes the property. Gavin and his buddies are about to take possession of vast swathes of the most valuable real estate in the country.
Hopefully a midwest army will be crossing the Rockies when that happens.
Amen to that.
A midwest army? What do you mean by this?
The CW2 every one is talking about? Gavin is going to be lucky to survive this debacle. He represents Northern California more than SoCal. When the smoke clears, could it be that California finally splits into 2 parts or even 3. Gavin is political history, it will be interesting who goes down with him. Hmmm, where is Pelosi?
She's getting her forehead stretched even more.
Another clone. I come from the beauty industry and I don’t believe that’s real skin. 🕵🏻♀️
Well if SoCal gets left with NewScum then I am moving to NoCal
Paul Preston was tireless in his efforts to move California forward.
And the evidence of all Diddy$ friends is unavailable.
It's surprising how often evidence in high-profile cases is destroyed by large-scale disasters.
Yet another thing I hadn't thought of.
David McGowan smiles upon you from heaven.
McGowan stumbled on the deep state involvement in the Laurel Canyon love fest which was anything but organic. Brilliant research!
His work on the Boston Marathon "bombing" is also beyond stellar. And of course, the moon landing.
Bingo! Black Rock and the uber elite will now own all of this land that at one time was owned by upper middle class people. Not anymore.
AS I said up thread, Musk could buy it all.
Takes a little longer. There is period of time - year(s) at least, before they can foreclose on a delinquent tax lien. A property tax lien does take first priority - or first position - over all other encumbrances.
That’s a great point. Let’s see how long it takes for them to propose emergency measures that drastically accelerate the process.
You are correct, sir. All kinds of emergency powers are bestowed upon our betters, once emergency declarations are in effect - that they've conveniently declared. Of course, all these emergency powers are codified in times of calm - usually in the middle of the night, so they go unnoticed. Vis-a-vis the "Patriot" Act.
Most lenders will require a homeowner to carry enough insurance to rebuild their home. With the rising home prices, there should be very few homeowners who are "upside down", as was the case during the housing crisis of 2007-8 when prices were falling and many homeowners turned in their keys.
That said, the CA regulators could make it difficult for homeowners to rebuild, forcing them off their property, supporting the "land grab" theory.
That's true, except that, as actor James Woods pointed out, insurers have been cancelling policies, leaving homeowners high and dry. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14278653/LA-fires-insurance-crisis-anger-homeowners.html
Even SouthPark predicted it. Tim Sheehy wrote a book a few years ago about this that our entire nation is not equipped for forest fire. He is an ex navy seal veteran and now runs a company that does air strikes on forest fires. Oh he recently did a Shawn Ryan podcast about LA 4 days ago. He says this is a national story. There is no such thing as fire season. It’s worth watching. He is very careful with his words, but his book says way more.
Many articles about the fires have focused on the political aspects (Bass is done, Newsome’s career on life support, etc). This article is different, as it focuses on the practical, day to day issues facing the victims of the fire. While all fires have victims, the number is usually so small as to render the impact on the victims a lesser focus for the country. This fire (actually fires) has such a vast scale that the number of victims has yet to be quantified and it grows every day.
With any luck, the upshot of this catastrophe will include outcomes such as the defenestration of the California Coastal Commission and all other such bodies which seem to make it their mission to torment normal citizens as they attempt to live their lives.
Seems that those charged with being prepared for catastrophes are currently spending the bulk of their energy casting blame on anyone but themselves rather than focusing on the problems facing their constituents and coming up with solutions. California voters should be voting red as if their lives depend on it, as that may well be the case.
California voter will blame Trump.
It doesn't matter that he's not in office yet.
You are correct! This is simply another sign that being a leftist is an indication of underlying mental illness.
I wonder? Personal dislocation has been responsible for mental and spiritual changes many times in the past. The Left around LA have had a cushy time for generations, but now? Someone is going to pay and nebulous charges of climate change may not be received well by homeless people.
BTW, Fox showed a picture of the guy they caught with the blow torch. He is an illegal.
Somewhere Soros must've been cheering...'all going as planned'...
They're already doing that. I believe they're blaming his first term for it.
If you’re voting for anything in California, it should be to secede to regain control of your own lives.
I find it interesting that the "climate change" narrative has no legs. If this had happened 3 years ago, anyone claiming anything other than climate change would have been cancelled. Isn't it refreshing to see what just a tiny bit of free speech does?
Hopefully, this coven of lesbian witches that have failed Los Angeles is removed from power. No book deals. No softball questions on the View. No promotions. Let them live in the ashes that they themselves have created.
Big dykes pissing on the fire hydrants like boy dogs…
Clever ;-)
In prison.
I'm worried about the Emmys; will the show on?
As well, there is a question about the newly constituted LAFD, whose top 4 Officers are proud Lesbians, Will FD personnel be able to perform the task they were hired primarily to do, which is to appear in countless Pride Parades all over LA County smartly turned out in tailored, resplendent uniforms with the Pride Patch displayed over the left pocket? It's important to get the messy and inconvenient business of firefighting wrapped up before the real work of Pride Month begins June1.
Putin nailed it: ‘no longer the USSR, we do not peer into bedrooms. But don’t bring it out in our streets in parades.’
The LAFD lesbian triumvirate are named Kristin, Kristine, and Kristina. How bizarre is that?
The name Karen was taken
I am observing the incompetence of the Left wing Karen in our society. The DAs and mayors established by Soros, nationwide, have just about destroyed public trust. The antics of the Leftist Karen House members yesterday with Pete Hegsteth was atrocious. What is it about Leftist women that turns them into incompetent screeching fools?
It is not all women, either. Watching Pam Bondi this Am makes me hopefull that the idiocy of Merrick Garland can be reversed. However, RINOS like Collins and Murkowsky show Karenesque thinking.
I do think, are you listening Lugh, that a deadly combination is female and black especially with obvious lack of experience, ie: DEI hiring. The LA debacle is so glaringly an example of this combination, add in LBGTQ+ as an additional disqualifier.
I hope the cabinet of Trump can stop and reverse this degradation of the nation’s human infrastructure. Until then, LA may be just the beginning.
Q: Where are you anent fire dykes?
"Anent"! Yay!
LAFD. Yup. Prideful. Camera pans to thousands of burned out homes in the background.
That should be the primary concern of all good Los Angeleans.
What do you think of the Greater Israel patch the IDF now sports? Looks like they never intended to keep the International Agreement they signed off on.
Looks like the conflict is about over, with Israel the winner. Israel will leave Gaza to it's own devices, its borders with Gaza unchanged. Israel is being magnanimous, indeed generous, in its victory. So much for 'Greater Israel.'
Really? If so, Israel has lost, but it will be just a temporary setback. I saw how you avoided my question, btw.
Good post Marlin. Hamas is already breaking the ceasefire deal they haven’t even signed up to yet.
Trump has stated that hell. Is going to break out there if the ceasefire does not happen. Hamas is a group of gangs and thugs that have no leadership and will raise hell with no intention of achieving peace. The only way of achieving peace in Gaza is the elimination of Hamas. Let Israel get the job done.
BTW, if Israel got control of Gaza, the Arabs would be much better off.
As of right now it looks like the deal is back on track JAZ.
Israel has lost about 1000 IDF personnel and over 1200 civilians in this conflict -- a great loss for such a small country One possible benefit however, long term, is we may be seeing a whole new generation of Isreeli leadership being forged in the crucible of war.
San Francisco has sent down a lot of help for LA.
And they have been turned back. Something about vehicle emissions not up to code? Deja Vu shades of FEMA NC.
They better watch out in SF, they may have their own problems to worry about.
LAFD is repainting their engines along these lines. I bet the Aussie FF's riding this engine are very prideful.
Those are the engines able to operate, the fire chief has said that the lack of mechanics, cut by the city administration, have made fire trucks unavailable.
That fire chief, part of the problem, is saying things that sound truthfully. She will be a prime witness in the subsequent investigations. If she survives.
Yup that's what I'm talkin' about.
I'm no humanities prof, but it would seem to me that not wanting to live among charred remains is rooted in anti-blackness.
Cue the lamentations about White Flight...from fire.
A fitting end to the death cult known as the Biden Administration, Inc.
A nice exclamation point to the end of that sentence for sure.
At first blush I couldn't quite figure out why "they" installed Biden.
The only unforced error was Biden's senility was growing out of control, and the public/Media lying was making the act into a slapstick joke.
Yes, they can't help themselves. They love to humiliate us. Perhaps their achilles heel?
The tit-mouse in my garage has more brain than Patti Davis. It will survive the climate change hoax and 2 cats…
This little spasm of grief from Davis is mostly for drill. Her only real subject is herself. She's a professional Boomer waif, raised by a disinterested father with a head waggle and a yen for corny jokes, and a conniving remora with lunch dates, a chrysanthemum coiffure, and the jaw of Mammy Yoakum.
Got a little bit of hate in your heart, do ya? Or are you a closeted leftie? Why the hate for Reagan?
Who said I hated Reagan? I did not vote for him in 1984, but I think he did well. Better than most. I am describing Mr. and Mrs. Reagan from the perspective of two people: Edmund Morris (official Reagan biographer) and Patti Davis, herself. She is a nightmare child who is still dining out on her parents' accomplishments.
I am a pragmatic person who always voted D until I'd had enough in 2016. Is there an ideological test for posting here?
Reagan wrecked the economy during his administration. At least that is the prevailing sentiment among some that I know. Surely government regs and policy can influence economics. Whoever is in office gets the blame, rightly or wrongly. Reaganomics and an ex wife bankrupted me. Reagan was all smoke and mirrors. He did manage to make people feel better and have a little more pride in some instances, with his folksy BS. Voters will continue to choose the ones who are the best con men. I would rather see the country run by a blue collar worker administration. Men who know hard work and have family values. Not rich fat cats who have never done an honest days work in their entire lives, but people will vote for whoever gives them the best spiel.
Massive Debt was birthed by Reagan (Regan). Never extinguished by the "Peace Dividend" of a wings-clipped Soviet Union. Squandered on the "World's Policeman" as Middle America got the jobs, livelihoods sold out to Foreigners (Free Trade) while the bill ($90 Trillion in Debt) for the Private MIC profits continues to be guaranteed by the dying American Taxpayer.
Reagan reacted to the severe cutbacks of the defense department during the Liberal years of Ford and Carter. But, because of the four year term in office, he tried to do it all at once, increasing the debt with defense spending. As you noted, that did lead up to 1991 and the break up of the USSR.
Well, we have a businessman back in charge, replacing a consummate politician. We Will see if his second chance is more productive than the first. A good sign is the MIC portion of the Deep State in a panic over Trump.
Trump the builder and developer, who also got a workout in all areas of the business per his dad, might be your best hope. I choose not to purity spiral about it.
I recall the 1980's as being overall pretty good. Reagan was re-elected in 1984 by a landslide, and his VP Bush followed right after. Not sure what you did during this time to get "wrecked", but most Americans prospered.
Here in western Wisconsin, the recession lasted probably until about 1985, when Cray Research opened more assembly plants. It was around 86 or 87 when I noticed that I had more money to spend on nice things.
Fuck you, midwit.
Again, *yawn*. Get over yourself, overachiever.
I believe Reagan figures in the story of Cathy O'Brien (MK-Ultra-ed, abused and rescued, and wrote about it). Reagan was allegedly one of the powerful 'figures' she was passed around among.
It's always best not to have heroes.
Nice, but was she wrong about them? And what about the son? He said that Ron once picked him up at a kid event and didn't recognize him. Thought he was just another kid.
And what did poor Ron think about his son becoming a ballet dancer? Karma hits hard.
That was Michael, when his dad picked him up at boarding school and shook his hand, not recognizing him. His nickname for Michael was "Schmuck."
According to the biography, Reagan was extremely relieved when Ron married Doria. He really was worried about teh ghey.
Dad of the year. A great family man like Bing Crosby. No one could project wholesomeness like B,B,B, Bing. A complete lie.
If you owing to criticize the man, find something more substantial. Were we better off after 8 years of Reagan?
You left out Mammy's narcissism.
Something not right with her. Her father took off and her mother (a very foul-mouthed actress) left her with relatives for months at a time. Of her children, she preferred the boy. And she used the oldest trick ( 🚼 ) to rope in the Gipper.
Kudos to the Mammy Yoakum reference. Beverly Hillbillies shamelessly stolen by Hollywood from Lil' Abner.
Excuse my prurience, but what cup size is that mouse?
My prediction for 2025 is that “bulldozer driver” will be the fastest growing occupation.
Along with DEW operator, maybe.
Welding drops to second.
Rosa Koire, of blessed memory, was a full blown California liberal until she tripped over an UN document of Marxist climate histrionics depth, and warned us what was coming. It’s here…
I guess DOGE will have to wait until the next administration comes along and the debt is nearing $50 trillion. Then they will get serious, right? There must be dozens of insurance companies in the area providing home coverage. Were all of them told ahead of time about the possibility of a major firestorm? Cally is the dumbest state as the people keep re-electing democrats and the population continues to suffer...not that the retardicans will do much better.
Consider that Carly might be just the beginning of the Blue response to Trump. I sure hope Blue cities are battening down the hatches.
It boggles the mind. The DS/DEMs/NWO don't have a clue what they have done. The magnitude of this perfidy hasn't even hit. Will Newscum, Bass, et al. ever be prosecuted? Ever be held accountable? Is there a punishment even possible that is equal to their crimes?
I find it interesting that Mayor Bass spent much of her time in Havana researching as to how a city should be properly run.
Reports from Havana are particularly distressing, no electricity, very little food, closed hospitals etc., for Mayor Bass, lesson learned.
Cuba is experiencing extremely dire conditions presently. Worse than ever. My heart breaks for those people.
Cuba is just another failing socialist state. A thumbing of the nose against the Monroe Doctrine by Russia. The USSR finally cried “Uncle” in 1991, Cuba hasn’t figured out that Castro picked the wrong side.
If the current leadership just asked the US for help setting up a government and economy, we would jump right in. Biden would have loved it, as the Mob would have been able to retake Havana.
So sad to think that people have been afraid of Russia and China while our own Western governments are the real enemy.
Joe McCarthy was wrong only in underestimating the problem. Not merely infiltration, though there was/is some of that. Most of our Communism is home grown.
Short answer, no.
The Demyate about to face something even more existential, "enforcement" of their sanctuary laws and ordinances will collide with federal supremacy as Mr. Homan has warned explicitly. Who wants to be first mayor or governor to get indicted for harboring illegal aliens?
If we keep declining in this morass of stealing our land, slob health, zero integrity and low intelligence, Putin and Xi will be executing justice…
Hmmm, interesting thought. Xi at least will have good reason to pitch in to reconstruct LA. CCP’s philosophy is to overtake enemies by importing Chinese people into them, namely the USA and Canadian West Coasts. What an opportunity.
Demographic shifts for control and power many engage in this the most obvious one is Palestinians with their eight children per breeding couple on average.
Muslims have all but taken over the middle east by murder assimilation and demographic shifts they are now doing this in many "western" countries.
China has been exporting their people on purpose all over the world.
Oh, I believe they do. They just don't give a rat's ass. After all, it was other people's houses that burned down, not theirs. Why should they care about that?
So true. We know with absolute certainty the globalists care for nothing and no one.
Their hubris will surely do them in.
A comment I posted a couple of days ago:”Can anyone imagine what these fires will do to new home construction across America? The cost of materials will skyrocket and availability will plummet. Newsome and CA single-handedly “effed” America.”
I don't think it is all that bad. We are talking about 12,000 homes. I was living in Phoenix during the last housing bubble and bulldozing the desert and plopping down 12,000 homes was just another day at the office.
Love you optimism. But building the hillsides of coastal California and dancing the bureaucratic nightmare after the mess is cleaned up and re-regulated into hell, isn't quite the same task as throwing up homes being built in times of irrational exuberance. Hope I'm not too bleak, but.
I wonder how much of this land is now totally contaminated with a carcinogenic mass? I don't think they will be rebuilding homes any time soon. This is a disaster on a nuclear scale. The worst part is that like a nuke it appears to have been deliberately triggered.
Smart LA 2028. Search it.
Same story as Maui. Plastic toys not burned. Trees not burned (except from the inside). Wooden posts only burned where there are nails. Homes turned to white powder. See Peggy Hall vid. here:
Sorry, but we're all Gaza now.
Don't get a Smart meter. Not only can they stop your power when they want to, but they can individually target your house and burn it down for smart city purposes.
Oh, and read the late Rosa Koire (Behind the Green Mask), who is probably 'the late' because she warned us.
Good observation Peter. Let’s see, what is so bad about radioactivity from any nuclear exchange? Cancer? Let’s see, what is so bad about the toxic waste in the ashes of LA? Cancer? Add on, what is going to happen to the ocean when this junk washes into the ocean and the bulldozers fill it up with de-construction debris.
This is what's happening in Lahaina. A year later NOTHING REBUILT
I hope you are correct. There will be the cleanup and probably (I would assume) new zoning and building codes to tend with, raw materials and generally the availability of contractors. I’m sure the Phoenix housing bubble built up to developing large tracts housing and marshalled the resources according to demand.
No, Robert is a dreamer. Phoenix builds housing fast because there is a demand for housing here for the last couple of decades. Right now? Housing is at a comparative standstill because of the realization that we do not have the water to supply much new construction.
Robert? Is the land now contaminated with burn toxins? Can it be re-built on at all? What happens when the Pineapple Express comes in this winter and drives all that crap into the soil and out to the Pacific? What do you do with the housing from Santa Monica to Malibu? Just bulldoze it into the ocean? This is not just throwing up a bunch of junk housing, like Phoenix. Your ignorance, not optimism, is showing. Luckily, we have Trump in ultimate control of the re-build, so SoCal stands a chance as long as they keep Newsom, Sacramento and the rest of the Leftist jerks away from LA.
Also, insurance companies normally provide 12 months of what's called Additional Living Expenses, which provides funds for the homeowner to live somewhere else why their home is being rebuilt.
Doubtful the land will be prepped and ready for re-construction this soon. Many homeowners will resort to taking their insurance settlement proceeds to another locale. Many will need to sell their land to someone?
Now you're getting it!
Read "Rancho Costa Nada". He built a house in the California desert of out cardboard, much to the disgust of his neighbors. "People live out here in trailers, you dumb fuck."
This is the anarchy some on this site dream of....
Been here very interesting what people build homes out of.
They have their own set of rules.
LA celebrated DEI with a jolly bonfire, inadvertently proving that DEI is actually DIE, Destruction-Insanity-Evil.
We live in a postmodernist age where people have been groomed to believe there are no objective facts external to and independent of everyone's personal experience. It follows that language, dialogue, and news about the fires will degenerate into subjective struggle sessions, producing heat but no light.
Well said JH
If you blame global warming for this, there is something wrong with your ability to connect cause and effect
I will call out the fact that the Pacific oscillation, ie El Niño and La Niña are extremely responsible for the weather on the West Coast, especially where the storm systems go with their moisture. I agree with you on global warming being the all present cause of things evil. However, global warming, as evidenced by the ice melt of the Northern Hemisphere, is real. In my opinion, it is a GOOD thing as millions of square miles of land will become arable and polar seaways will become available. My primary concern is what happens if all the ice disappears and the pole’s ability to moderate equator to pole temperatures declines.
However, the reaction today to “global warming” claims is as stupid as the leftist side itself. We should be investigating what is happening to the weather patterns in both the Pacific and Atlantic gyres to be able to understand what is coming. We still do not understand much of anything yet. All the more reason not to eff with anything, MR. GATES.
I have noticed more and more “scientists” backing away from the ballistic claims of the Climate changers.
BTW, Bill Nye got a Medal of Freedom along with HRC and George Soros.