So here we are a few weeks from Election Day. Kamalama Ding Dong has the same number of interviews as Donald Trump has assassination attempts. The legacy media, which has called Trump an existential threat and likened him to Hitler now claims he is responsible for these threats.
Commie Kamala remains in hiding as she lacks the capability to speak extemporaneously while Trump and Vance are everywhere, speaking without scripts and getting no favorable edits from the media the way Kamala does. In the political world up is down and right is wrong. Hard to imagine this situation ending well for the country, particularly if Trump is not elected or fails to survive the next assassination attempt. God help us.
Hey, Kamalama Ding Dong is the best one I've seen. I liked my own "Kamatralala" because I think it gets at the woman's insipidity and lack of reason to be taken as a serious adult, let alone, a President, but yours is the champ.
I guess the Democrat PTB will come to realize that these amateurs is not the way to go and will go to the real professionals who get the job done, the Arkanicide Team.
These evil people will not stop trying to kill him.
TYRANNYsteria: Best Trump Assassination Attempt #2 Memes
Does he look like a guy who will soon hang himself in jail? Nothing to see here again folks, I'm voting for the guy they keep trying to kill and more Trump assassination attempt #2 memes!
09/16/24: A non-sequitur (comedy): "Linsey Davis [one of the two ABC-Pravda debate-rigging "moderators"] was born on October 21, 1977 in Pennsylvania, USA. She is an actress, known for Vengeful (2024), ABC News Nightline (1979) and 20/20 (1978)..."
Fret not! Let's assume that at the ages of one and two respectively, she was in Ivory Soap For Babies TV ads aired during "20/20" and "Nightline" in 1978 and 1979.
09/16/24: Good question. My guess is that Harris gets in a great deal of trouble / hoisted by her own petard. The event for here will be entirely negative. Not necessarily fatal but at the very least, a contributing factor to her defeat in November.
Another red-hot danger date is 11/03/24 just before the election. An earthquake, figuratively speaking, the consequences of which can be very, very severe. Much worse than 09/25/24 in terms of negative potential.
In general, I don't specifically know WHAT is going to happen, but I can competently predict people's reactions TO such events, which in both cases above tells me that what lies ahead will be rocky.
The logic above is somewhat analogous to that used by the astronomers who had successfully predicted that a planet --- which turned out to be Neptune, I believe --- HAD to exist before it was actually discovered because, otherwise, what else could account for the unexplained anomalies in the orbits of its companion planets?
(The existence of Neptune is the anticipated, unknown event; the "anomalies" are the predicted reactions to the future events. Is this analogy logic fallacious?)
09/16/24: I read a lot of history books / memoirs and keep extensive research notes on them (if I haven't thrown the book away in disgust); I also research past sports events and handicap future sports events; and there's the "what the hell is today's date?!" routine ("Scheduler's disease," which actually exists as I found out in 1981-84; one is so wrapped up in events on future dates that today's date becomes a mystery).
Then I witness people (with complete contempt) who are totally cell-phone / computer junked out who assume that their toys (among other things) will keep chronological track of everything, which isn't always the case. So I exercise the memory muscle by dating these posts.
I started calling her Joy Kackles over at Jim's homesite... Looks like she is a woman of many names, most less-than-flattering... Speaking of which, a few name-changes from the homesite to here, my own included.
Anger, lulz? You are too much of a piss ant Jew to get angry at, I am just going to get some new Extra Strength Raid ™ now with new and improved Zyklon C, and poof, piss ant Jew problem gone in a puff of smoke.
You and Ian together read less than 10 Substacks and have less than 10 subscribers, and have zero posts or even notes, low effort sock puppet is low effort. The boys in Langley must not be paying you guys much for such a pitiful slapped together effort.
Ian, Please think about what you’re saying - Trump has been called Hitler for years, he’s been called an existential threat for years all of this by the legacy media and Democrats. While there’s no clarity re the Butler assassin, the one yesterday was by a guy who has donated for years to Democrats only and had a Biden Harris bumper sticker on his truck. The left needs to acknowledge that their insane rhetoric has contributed to this situation.
Get a grip, Mike. Trump, Vance and all politicians say shit that ends up being stupid. I’m talking about years of hate hoaxes, Hitler comparisons, etc repeated endlessly by the legacy media and Democrats of all stripes. Eventually this drumbeat of hate causes some disturbed individual to become violent. There’s no comparison. BTW, every “bomb threat” was a foreign sourced hoax, but you probably know that by now.
Oh noes someone who doesn't support the corporate media approved positions of censorship of social media and forever wars, and who wants to restore the Constitution, how terrible, sob!
09/17/24: Ian, we all have moments of pomposity. Be glad that someone pointed it out so that you can avoid being so in the future. When it happens to me, I'm glad that someone spoke up; they usually are right.
No RINOS are neo-cons which is big business centric globalist Israel first war mongering, MAGA is trying to restore traditional paleo-con American isolationist and respect for the 1st and 2nd Amendment.
09/16/24: The Butler investigation has concluded that it was a tragic case of attempted suicide, and recommended that the town of Butler itself please be renamed, "Epstein, PA."
But Rouch is in federal custody iz he not? Is an unfortunate slip and fall in the shower in his immediate future, maybe choke on a baked bean in the mess hall with no one checked out on the Hiemlich maneuver?
Now the perps at the FBI, nee Gestapo imitators, and CIA are investigating this like they investigated the JFK assassination and apparently are still investigating since the public is still denied access to the files. Will they release their investigative files on Trump before they succeed in killing him, or do we have wait for 75 years like Pfizer wanted us to wait for release of documents on the mRNA shots. A totally corrupt government filled with far too totally corrupt denizens, which unfortunately now includes the Secret Service. Looks like a clean sweep for the corrupt and venal Demoncraps in placing the absolute worst of humanity in every agency of the government. Warning to Musk, Kunstler, Carlson, and especially RFK, they are also coming to kill you when lawfare and intimidation does not work..
09/16/24: After all the work they did setting the attempt up? Have you no heart, sir, for these hard-working men and women who clock 20-hour days ensuring the safety of some of us?
TYRANNYsteria: Best Trump Assassination Attempt #2 Memes
Does he look like a guy who will soon hang himself in jail? Nothing to see here again folks, I'm voting for the guy they keep trying to kill and more Trump assassination attempt #2 memes!
How about the Proud Boys? They don't fuck around. Oh, wait a minute, their leadership is rotting in prison, after gross violations of due process under USAG Merrick Garland's DOJ, and I use the term DOJ very loosely. Ashli Babbitt the only casualty of the day- murdered in cold blood by the CP - shot at point blank range.
Enrique Tarrio - 22 years
Ethan Nordean - 18 years
Joe Biggs - 17 years
Zach Rehl - 15 years
Dominic Pezzola - 10 years
Antifa/BLM - $2 billion in damages, multiple deaths and countless injuries to LEO's and citizen bystanders. Charges and convictions? Zero. I would never do it, because I believe in peaceful resolutions, but someone should throat-punch Merrick Garland and crush his esophagus.
I for one wouldn't waste the lead Louisville slugger to the face for the win only thing that would save you was if you lived next door to me and I could see you where drunk and confused.
That depends. It all goes to intention. If you were cold, I'd give you a blanket to keep you warm. If you were hungry, I'd feed you. If you threatened my family, I'd empty a 32-round clip in you, before you even got inside, so it didn't make a mess indoors.
You see though, Ashli Babbitt was climbing into her house and had every constitutional right to do so. She was murdered, Mike. Remind me how many years the Capitol Police Officer who murdered her is serving? I'll wait.
Um, this time the SS actually did their job. They stayed 1-2 holes ahead of Trump. The "shots heard" were SS exchange after they spotted the guy. And SS agent outside the fence saw him take off & got plate #s.
A citizen took a picture of the getaway suv along with the license. That's how he was caught. IF the service did their job he wouldn't have been there. Remember October 2013 when the young black woman who had her daughter in a car seat in back was brutally murdered by Obama's gang.
Academi, FKA Xe Services, FKA Blackwater, and it's founder Erik Prince, are bad news. They do the bidding for the Globalist Deep State. Pursuant to the Posse Comitatus Act, federal troops cannot be used to put down a domestic uprising or civil unrest on US soil.
Academi is a privately owned, private security force. THEY will be the ones coming to take YOUR guns, for the government, a la the Katrina Response. Know the players, Citizen Satirist.
Yep, from day one, they teased out all our Special Ops guys - hard to turn down $250K-$500K a year. They know their biz too - B-A-D, bad. Told some I know, they need to be on our side. We'll see.
Interesting about your site Jim. Been reading you for years. I could never comment on there for some reason. It wouldn’t let me register (same email use on Substack). Anyhow I love your work.
Am curious if that server had any other so called dissident sites on it. Or do you think it’s an attempt to re-herd the cats back to Substack? That was something that has intrigued me since the first great internet purge in last 2020.
SS was the only place we could talk about the vaccine. You see, I just said it without any code talk. Seems odd to me that this little hole in the wall at the time was allowed to flourish. Should have been pretty easy to pull the plug on them one would think. TPTB were shutting down nearly everything else.
Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for this place. It kept me fucking sane in some of the darkest times in my life. It just makes me curious is all I am eluding to.
True that Luke, everyone "wonders". We've known for decades that the media is corrupt and paid off. (nothing new there) But now, with A.I., photoshop, computer-generated-graphic-manipulation, everything we see or hear is suspect. Humanity has gone mad. People walk into McDonalds and throw hot coffee on the clerks for no reason. Road Rage incidents at all-time high. As JHK notes, they are either going to start a nuke war or give us total economic collapse.
One elderly German tourist was taking a tour of the Great Lakes and its cities. What a wonderful thing! The tour disembarked in Detroit and a young Black walked up to the man and knocked him out. He's in critical condition. If not from the blow, from having his head hit the concrete. The only comment the young worthy has made about the incident: I knocked his ass out.
People would give more of a shit about people if they weren't so State-engineered/mindfucked-- held captive since mandatory grade-school, where much of it all begins... with the governpimps' drones called 'teachers', droning on and on for hours a day, at the front of a walled room, called a 'classroom'...
Demonizing people, incidentally, is of course part of war propaganda-- how cannon-fodder-in-the-making are 'recruited' for war-- wars fought not by the actual instigators-- you know, the parasite politicos-- but by their proxies, the relatively-clueless, brainwashed young, barely adults.
Real, deep-down, deep-dish dystopia is what you don't see as such.
"The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other - instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals." ~ Edward Abbey
Well said. There are nice Black people who can function in our society, some even at a high level. But they come with a lot of bad baggage, namely their friends and relatives. As you say, they are NOT going to take your side against their own people. That's not how they work. Only Whites "work" like that, alas, even unto the destruction of our Civilization.
'Once-great' America (sez Trump) was built/run on slavery, among assorted ills, and still is. Now they are ostensibly legally trafficking in Haitians, among others, who then often get blamed for the societal disruptions in the towns they are bussed to.
Do you want your State and its cronies? I doubt it. Like that apparent second Trump shooter wannabe. All wrapped up in that red, white and blue false flag.
"Violence flows down the hierarchy, always. Rich to poor, and it is never noticed. Violence up the hierarchy is always fetishized by the MSM, oh what a tragedy." ~ Paul Richards
"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." ~ Malcolm X
I didn't read it, but your comments bring to mind the book written by William Colby, "Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA."
I think that they've been an agency without a leash from the get-go. Good thing that they're all Constitution-loving red-blooded 'Mericans or we couldn't trust 'em....
It's wonderful how these people constantly accuse Trump of being a fascist while they are in bed with raging antisemitic neo-Nazis in one of the world's stupidest and most unnecessary wars in Ukraine. I know someone who isn't on the face of it stupid, but he said Alex Jones "is" Hitler, and I began to wonder. He would also deny that these days he is de facto, like the Dems, a neocon but, sadly, he is. Next he'll be saying Cheney isn't so bad after all.
If you're replying to me you can do one. And you're the clown if you automatically assume that all the people here support a genocide. You may not have noticed, but there's a major realignment going on
War against Hamas is unnecessary and stupid? How stupid can you possibly be? Someone attacks your home, takes your children hostage, regularly bombs your neighborhood and you'll do what?
Yes. Some one attacks your home, imprisons your children, parents, spouses without cause or charge, steals your land and water, and kills arbitrarily. That is exactly what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for years.
No it's not what Israel has been doing. You lie against well-established facts and reality. It's the very opposite of what you say. You are hopeless in this matter of seeing reality, however, no matter how much truth is spoken to you. There's no convincing one under strong delusion, which God has given you over to for your ultimate judgment and correction.
Well you see, Abraham was a righteous man and God gave him a lot of land. His supposed descendants aren't but are holding God to his promise. They'll take Him to court and win too since Satan is Rex Mundi.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That includes you. You don't know how much of a disservice you're doing to yourself. Remember what the King of the Jews said, "Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven" (Luke 6:37).
Support what? Israel fighting genocidal maniacs who use religion as a cover for their criminal activities? Israel doing the fighting itself, as it always has? You openly or inadvertently rooting for Hamas and Iran, their sponsor? Are you on their payroll or just a useful idiot?
Like what war did American ever fight on Israel's behalf? When did Israel ever ask America to fight its wars, all of which have been wars of aggression against Israel.
Are you aware that the United States formed a coherent national military/navy because of attacks by Islamic pirates who impounded US sailors? Are you aware that Islamic Iran attacked the US and it had nothing to do with Israel?
You have no idea what's going on in the world, but because you think you know something when you know nothing you've blocked yourself from hearing and learning. You need to repent.
Chosen doesn't mean righteous. There are no righteous people on earth. The Scriptures are clear - all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Here's what's written about you - start looking in the mirror and take it to heart:
As it is written: "There is none righteous, no not one; (Rom 3:10)
there is none that understands, there is none that seeks after God." (Rom 3:11)
"They are all gone out of the way, they have together become unprofitable, there is none that does good, no, not one." (Rom 3:12)
"Their throat is an open grave, with their tongues they have used deceit, the poison of asps is under their lips; (Rom 3:13)
whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness;" (Rom 3:14)
"their feet are swift to shed blood; (Rom 3:15)
destruction and misery are in their way, (Rom 3:16)
and the way of peace they did not know." (Rom 3:17)
"There is no fear of God before their eyes." (Rom 3:18)
There are a lot of tough nuts to crack, Paul, including in Israel. 'The Chosen' can quickly become 'The Unchosen' overnight, scripture propaganda be damned. You know it and I know it.
That's how the cosmos works. Call it God if it pleases you. Enjoy your Israel while it lasts. It does no one any favours-- including you, ostensibly despite yourself...
"The meaning of CUT OFF ONE'S NOSE TO SPITE ONE'S FACE is to do something that is meant to harm someone else but that also harms the person who does it." ~ Merriam Webster
The question isn’t what’s happening, or who’s running the blob, or where the blob’s next shooter will strike, or even if they’ll risk nuclear war with Russia to prevent Trump from regaining the Oval. The pertinent question is what we are willing to do about before they do.
My apologies to the world as a Canadian for the incredibly foolish behaviour of our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “We must not let Russia win,” he said as an advocate of providing long range misled to Ukraine. Really Justin, you and whose army? The people of Canada have had enough of you and you will be massively defeated.
His hatred for his own people is simply astounding. But so is that of the young Springfield father who said he wished his son had been killed by an old White guy instead of a Haitian.
The Biden Harris no-border border has already enabled a fifth column of Iranian enemies and fellow travelers to sneak into our country and position themselves to attack us from within. The fight of our life has already begun.
The sacrifice of the Vietnamese people is too close and painful to have been adequately chronicled with appropriate historical perspective. Maybe in Vietnamese, awaiting translation. As every war, I suppose, it beggars description.
The neocon theory is to fight the battles off shore to prevent them from arriving here. The Obama/Biden theory is to just import all the problems through open borders, allowing a slow takeover by all the elements of the world, passively? Which do you think is right? Is American identity and culture just up to the highest bidder?
There’s a smoldering fire of anger burning inside me and it flares just a little bit more every time I hear about those 3 letter agencies stomping on the rights of the people. Your website being downed by them is just one more instance of rampant abuse being perpetrated for the purpose of keeping hidden all the little dust bunnies of lies, illegal activities, and plots they so willingly rain down on all of us. I just don’t understand. The more bullshit they do shows just what criminals they are, which causes anger among the people, which makes them fear what we will do, which means they have to stomp on more of our rights hoping to maintain control of us. If they would just go back to where it starts with the bullshit and stop trying to be God, They wouldn’t have to be afraid of an uprising of the people. I know that sounds so simplistic but most of the things that are right and true and beautiful are simplistic.
I have never in my life been so anxious about my life as right now. I’m so afraid for President Trump. There is so much being said about him being an asset, or controlled resistance. I hadn’t considered that would be planted propaganda until recently. If he were in with them why would they try to have him killed? But then I see who he chooses as his VP candidate, and I cannot help but wonder?
Has life always been like this? Has the internet, more specifically social media, given us too much information? Has truth really become so impossible to uncover?
Sheila - your thoughts aren't unlike the thoughts of many others. Hang in there, keep the faith. Good will prevail, of that, there is no doubt. As they sow, so shall they reap. Their day is coming.
The concept of the Deep State is not mentioned here much. I notice. Think of the Deep State as the far leftist socialist group that was formed by Obama/Clinton and Biden. Their belief system is that the government, DC, is the supreme law of the land and the really intelligent Mob and their money should be running everything. It literally is the Deep State against the MAGA people. Right now, the Deep State has succeeding in duping the people so that a little over half the folks believe their crap. Breaking up the Deep State is required for any improvements to happen. Used to be, I would say only one person was in the position to initiate action against the DC bums. Maybe , no longer.
"not even a simple metaphor like a mushroom cloud, or an ashtray."
Although I did purchase a couple packages of kelp* last week on the off chance of a radioactive cloud wafting my way, I honestly don't think Russia will go nuclear. They have many, many non-nuke options -- from cutting certain underseas cables to turning off a few critical satellites to a few well placed precision hypersonics on certain heads -- that they can employ without triggering the nukes.
USUK/nato, otoh, are running on the fumes of options. Hence the kelp*
"Maybe try to drop an anvil on Mr. Trump’s head from a passing airplane? (Beep-beep. . . woosh!) ....
....some sort of unelected, informal Politburu that self-assembled in the White House, like a clot from a Covid Vaccine shot"
Ok, now you've made me lol! 😂😂😂
*Not only does kelp contain adequate levels of iodine for protection, its alginate converts some radiation "byproducts" into harmless salts, plus it has a good level of antioxidants to combat the free electrons released by radiation exposure. So it beats iodine tablets for aid in the event of the unthinkable.
The nuclear bomb was invented before the intercontinental ballistic missile. In the early days of the Cold War, nuclear warheads were delivered by bomber aircraft. With good air defense and the element of surprise, it was theoretically possible to _win_ a nuclear war. For values of "win" that do not include your major cities turned into smoking wastelands.
Then the ICBM was perfected. And the whole game changed suddenly. All players became locked in a suicide embrace of Mutually Assured Destruction. There we remain today.
Nope. What led to MAD was two things, fear of Star Wars which even to today is a joke. The biggest deterrent lies under the ocean in the Nuclear submarines to which there is NO defense and can destroy both sides many times over.
The 'point' was instilling fear porn in your mind and the theft of billions from your tax dollars.
There has never been any proof that nuclear weapons work, period. They are tactically USELESS given the very specific conditions required for detonation.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were gigantic bombs, but no way were they nuclear bombs.
How come all those people died from radiation poisoning? How come the scientist at Los Alamos died a few days after exposure to two uranium “halves” that accidentally touched in the lab.
You are right though, they are tactically useless as crossing the nuclear Rubicon will release the entire strategic stockpile. That is why the Iranian idea to develop nukes to attack Israel with is so dumb.
The exception to that would be Hiroshima And Nagasaki, when our side used them to prove we had them and put the Soviets on notice. Then the insane race began in earnest, with a big payoff for the MIC. Spending all that money is part of the deal, of course.
Yeah, knock it off. Join Astera and Donna Reed in the pool drinking Shirley Temples. Shirley warned people with her Daddy Warbucks (Warburg) line but they didn't get it. Americans are thick.
Take responsibility for your feelings. You don't have to identify with them. And you don't have to believe every thought that pops up in your head either.
The day Yemen drops a big bomb into the heart of Israel, bypassing super duper US, French and Israeli anti (Yemeni flying bombs 1600 miles) missiles, a patsy is arrested in Florida trying to shoot the next US president.
No need to explain now how Israel is well and truly fucked, phew! God bless America.
Yes, Russia took up where Germany left off, helping the Arabs fight the Israeli imperialists and their American running dog lackeys. Thus the War continues. God bless Russia! Putin isn't man enough to let go completely of the Communist nonsense and see this connection. But the Enemy does.
So here we are a few weeks from Election Day. Kamalama Ding Dong has the same number of interviews as Donald Trump has assassination attempts. The legacy media, which has called Trump an existential threat and likened him to Hitler now claims he is responsible for these threats.
Commie Kamala remains in hiding as she lacks the capability to speak extemporaneously while Trump and Vance are everywhere, speaking without scripts and getting no favorable edits from the media the way Kamala does. In the political world up is down and right is wrong. Hard to imagine this situation ending well for the country, particularly if Trump is not elected or fails to survive the next assassination attempt. God help us.
"Kamalama Ding Dong has the same number of interviews as Donald Trump has assassination attempts"
Hey, Kamalama Ding Dong is the best one I've seen. I liked my own "Kamatralala" because I think it gets at the woman's insipidity and lack of reason to be taken as a serious adult, let alone, a President, but yours is the champ.
09/16/24: "Kookamonga Harris!" is hereby entered in the Grotesque Name Beauty Pageant (hosted by Tim "Bert Parks" Walz).
And a worthy entrant it is, sir!
09/18/24: Harris reminds me of that infamous South Carolina lady in the beauty pageant:
Agreed, excellent!
Ha ha ha. Great line.
Yeah that was good!
I guess the Democrat PTB will come to realize that these amateurs is not the way to go and will go to the real professionals who get the job done, the Arkanicide Team.
These evil people will not stop trying to kill him.
"I guess hiring DEI snipers was a bad idea, huh?" (Fay Wray).
And I know who Fay Wray is! Damn I’m young!
In the remake, Walz is the ape.
+1 Does anyone else remember Snowflake, the albino gorilla? :3
+1 xD
Getting very John Wickesh
09/18/24: DNC/FBI/CIA/et al have been scouting the barns for to be used in the escapes...
TYRANNYsteria: Best Trump Assassination Attempt #2 Memes
Does he look like a guy who will soon hang himself in jail? Nothing to see here again folks, I'm voting for the guy they keep trying to kill and more Trump assassination attempt #2 memes!
Eeew. What makes me suspect that Routh was a lousy construction worker?
09/16/24: He will. Please fasten your seat belts for 09/25/24.
09/16/24: A non-sequitur (comedy): "Linsey Davis [one of the two ABC-Pravda debate-rigging "moderators"] was born on October 21, 1977 in Pennsylvania, USA. She is an actress, known for Vengeful (2024), ABC News Nightline (1979) and 20/20 (1978)..."
Repeated for emphasis: "She is an actress."
Fret not! Let's assume that at the ages of one and two respectively, she was in Ivory Soap For Babies TV ads aired during "20/20" and "Nightline" in 1978 and 1979.
Harris and Davis are also sorority sisters (although they went to different schools):
My dad went to different schools together with Elvis.
09/16/24: Davis really a piece of work. I think she could out lie (tell falsehoods) Harris into the Guinness Book of Records.
What do you expect to happen on that date?
09/16/24: Good question. My guess is that Harris gets in a great deal of trouble / hoisted by her own petard. The event for here will be entirely negative. Not necessarily fatal but at the very least, a contributing factor to her defeat in November.
Another red-hot danger date is 11/03/24 just before the election. An earthquake, figuratively speaking, the consequences of which can be very, very severe. Much worse than 09/25/24 in terms of negative potential.
In general, I don't specifically know WHAT is going to happen, but I can competently predict people's reactions TO such events, which in both cases above tells me that what lies ahead will be rocky.
The logic above is somewhat analogous to that used by the astronomers who had successfully predicted that a planet --- which turned out to be Neptune, I believe --- HAD to exist before it was actually discovered because, otherwise, what else could account for the unexplained anomalies in the orbits of its companion planets?
(The existence of Neptune is the anticipated, unknown event; the "anomalies" are the predicted reactions to the future events. Is this analogy logic fallacious?)
09/16/24: And in other news, tonight in Philadelphia is THE BANANA PEEL BOWL!
Sirianni (Eagles HC): Very difficult.
Morris (Falcs HC): Only slightly less difficult; can win.
Hurts (Eagles QB): Trouble (big).
Pickett (Eagles QB): No help.
Cousins (Falcs QB): Primed for an Acme Anvil (Roadrunner cartoon).
Penix (Falcs QB): No help. And yes, that name is a typo waiting to happen.
It's in the rules. Someone has to win the game. I think.
09/17/24: And the verdict:
Falcons 22 (Morris: "only slightly less difficult; can win" - won);
Eagles 21 (Sirianni: "Very difficult" - lost).
09/16/24: I read a lot of history books / memoirs and keep extensive research notes on them (if I haven't thrown the book away in disgust); I also research past sports events and handicap future sports events; and there's the "what the hell is today's date?!" routine ("Scheduler's disease," which actually exists as I found out in 1981-84; one is so wrapped up in events on future dates that today's date becomes a mystery).
Then I witness people (with complete contempt) who are totally cell-phone / computer junked out who assume that their toys (among other things) will keep chronological track of everything, which isn't always the case. So I exercise the memory muscle by dating these posts.
You found me out!
Fresh out, but not a problem, your two-year supply forwarded to you by Mr Walz on Valentine's Day is always available.
I thought it was Kamala-Slutra…a book for couples about positions they can try in the bedroom.
Geez, I always assumed she did her best work on her knees, but there may be many other positions! Good point 👍👍
I think we have a winner: "Kamala-Slutra"
Conveniently, the all-pix edition (no one in CA can read).
Killer Kamala a better moniker
I started calling her Joy Kackles over at Jim's homesite... Looks like she is a woman of many names, most less-than-flattering... Speaking of which, a few name-changes from the homesite to here, my own included.
Unlike Mike King, who plagiarized every speech for which he is remembered.
Let me guess, Mike, a Freudian slip?
Shut up glowie! Everyone hates you "people," for a reason.
Glowies who subvert our society only have the right to be found face down in a ditch. Snitches get stiches...
Hell yeah!
Anger, lulz? You are too much of a piss ant Jew to get angry at, I am just going to get some new Extra Strength Raid ™ now with new and improved Zyklon C, and poof, piss ant Jew problem gone in a puff of smoke.
You and Ian together read less than 10 Substacks and have less than 10 subscribers, and have zero posts or even notes, low effort sock puppet is low effort. The boys in Langley must not be paying you guys much for such a pitiful slapped together effort.
Ian, Please think about what you’re saying - Trump has been called Hitler for years, he’s been called an existential threat for years all of this by the legacy media and Democrats. While there’s no clarity re the Butler assassin, the one yesterday was by a guy who has donated for years to Democrats only and had a Biden Harris bumper sticker on his truck. The left needs to acknowledge that their insane rhetoric has contributed to this situation.
Get a grip, Mike. Trump, Vance and all politicians say shit that ends up being stupid. I’m talking about years of hate hoaxes, Hitler comparisons, etc repeated endlessly by the legacy media and Democrats of all stripes. Eventually this drumbeat of hate causes some disturbed individual to become violent. There’s no comparison. BTW, every “bomb threat” was a foreign sourced hoax, but you probably know that by now.
Actually, Trump is totally mainstream. He’s the mainstream candidate. Harris is extreme.
Flush yourself boxcar boy,your lemming spew is typical of a toilet organism!
Michael O’ sabHain in old language ,
Thats olde irish,sad about the b.s being foisted on this REPUBLIC.
Oh noes someone who doesn't support the corporate media approved positions of censorship of social media and forever wars, and who wants to restore the Constitution, how terrible, sob!
Pomposity: "As to why I'm here..." --- The Regal Beagle (dogs can type?)
09/17/24: Ian, we all have moments of pomposity. Be glad that someone pointed it out so that you can avoid being so in the future. When it happens to me, I'm glad that someone spoke up; they usually are right.
Blah blah toilet boy,flush,its smells in here!
You are lying. Troll.
09/17/24: If this keeps up, Mr Kunstler just might shut down the comments section.
BB, I want to add 60s Batman tv show visual sound effects to that comment!
09/16/24: Throwing in the towel in a wrestling match (poor Ian!)
See "Beagle," below.
First they shut down JK’s server, now they deploy the trolls to monopolize the comments section. Ignore the trolls.
No RINOS are neo-cons which is big business centric globalist Israel first war mongering, MAGA is trying to restore traditional paleo-con American isolationist and respect for the 1st and 2nd Amendment.
Traditional conservatives and strong conservatives are not the same thing.
The 3-letter boys may have more trouble with this one. DeSantis is opening a state level investigation.
I trust the Florida team completely. I do not even remotely trust the SS or FBI. How's that Butler investigation going??
09/16/24: The Butler investigation has concluded that it was a tragic case of attempted suicide, and recommended that the town of Butler itself please be renamed, "Epstein, PA."
What about Cheatle? Has she started a new fashion line yet? Why not Woman of the Year?
09/16/24: She's been quite busy lately (in charge of the third assassination attempt).
Investigation? We don’t need no stinkin investigation…
I understand, astera.
I live in Illinois.
I like Blago. Trump like Blago. Blago likes Blago. You're outvoted and off the island. Still believe in Democracy?
But Rouch is in federal custody iz he not? Is an unfortunate slip and fall in the shower in his immediate future, maybe choke on a baked bean in the mess hall with no one checked out on the Hiemlich maneuver?
Did anyone notice that Routh’s house in Hawaii is painted BLUE?
They'll say they were short on guards.
I hope you are correct sir.
Now the perps at the FBI, nee Gestapo imitators, and CIA are investigating this like they investigated the JFK assassination and apparently are still investigating since the public is still denied access to the files. Will they release their investigative files on Trump before they succeed in killing him, or do we have wait for 75 years like Pfizer wanted us to wait for release of documents on the mRNA shots. A totally corrupt government filled with far too totally corrupt denizens, which unfortunately now includes the Secret Service. Looks like a clean sweep for the corrupt and venal Demoncraps in placing the absolute worst of humanity in every agency of the government. Warning to Musk, Kunstler, Carlson, and especially RFK, they are also coming to kill you when lawfare and intimidation does not work..
Will the SS or FBI cooperate?
09/16/24: After all the work they did setting the attempt up? Have you no heart, sir, for these hard-working men and women who clock 20-hour days ensuring the safety of some of us?
TYRANNYsteria: Best Trump Assassination Attempt #2 Memes
Does he look like a guy who will soon hang himself in jail? Nothing to see here again folks, I'm voting for the guy they keep trying to kill and more Trump assassination attempt #2 memes!
Trump needs to fire the Secret Service TODAY. I suggest he recruit Dan Bongino to head his security, and hire a bunch of "We don't f*** around" types.
How about the Proud Boys? They don't fuck around. Oh, wait a minute, their leadership is rotting in prison, after gross violations of due process under USAG Merrick Garland's DOJ, and I use the term DOJ very loosely. Ashli Babbitt the only casualty of the day- murdered in cold blood by the CP - shot at point blank range.
Enrique Tarrio - 22 years
Ethan Nordean - 18 years
Joe Biggs - 17 years
Zach Rehl - 15 years
Dominic Pezzola - 10 years
Antifa/BLM - $2 billion in damages, multiple deaths and countless injuries to LEO's and citizen bystanders. Charges and convictions? Zero. I would never do it, because I believe in peaceful resolutions, but someone should throat-punch Merrick Garland and crush his esophagus.
I for one wouldn't waste the lead Louisville slugger to the face for the win only thing that would save you was if you lived next door to me and I could see you where drunk and confused.
That depends. It all goes to intention. If you were cold, I'd give you a blanket to keep you warm. If you were hungry, I'd feed you. If you threatened my family, I'd empty a 32-round clip in you, before you even got inside, so it didn't make a mess indoors.
You see though, Ashli Babbitt was climbing into her house and had every constitutional right to do so. She was murdered, Mike. Remind me how many years the Capitol Police Officer who murdered her is serving? I'll wait.
Um, this time the SS actually did their job. They stayed 1-2 holes ahead of Trump. The "shots heard" were SS exchange after they spotted the guy. And SS agent outside the fence saw him take off & got plate #s.
Secret Service fired multiple shots, and all missed. It that "actually did their job"?
They caught the guy alive. Deep State prefers dead. More convenience/fewer questions for narrative of their choice.
Dude probably wasn't acting alone. Now there's someone to question.
Tine will tell if they bother to.
Don't hold your breath. No answers are forthcoming.
Or he is Epsteined in a tragic manner.
Very possible if not likely.
But if they'd killed him on the spot, no explanations for his death would be needed.
Well, obviously none of them are Marines.
A citizen took a picture of the getaway suv along with the license. That's how he was caught. IF the service did their job he wouldn't have been there. Remember October 2013 when the young black woman who had her daughter in a car seat in back was brutally murdered by Obama's gang.
Don't remember & not sure how it relates.
Are we sure the guys are SS, or are they private security hired by Trump. Surely he has BOTH by now.
The reports I saw said SS, bit who knows for sure.
The reports I saw said Ss was 1-2 holes ahead of him.
The earliest report I saw said a witness saw him leaving & radioed info, & was being questioned by SS.
A later update said it was SS that saw him leaving & radioed plates.
As always, 1st reports are incomplete, confusing & sometimes contradictory.
Perimeter surveillance got the plates.
Academi, FKA Xe Services, FKA Blackwater, and it's founder Erik Prince, are bad news. They do the bidding for the Globalist Deep State. Pursuant to the Posse Comitatus Act, federal troops cannot be used to put down a domestic uprising or civil unrest on US soil.
Academi is a privately owned, private security force. THEY will be the ones coming to take YOUR guns, for the government, a la the Katrina Response. Know the players, Citizen Satirist.
Yep, from day one, they teased out all our Special Ops guys - hard to turn down $250K-$500K a year. They know their biz too - B-A-D, bad. Told some I know, they need to be on our side. We'll see.
He'd be better off with Mafia protection.
Along with Carl Higbie!
Interesting about your site Jim. Been reading you for years. I could never comment on there for some reason. It wouldn’t let me register (same email use on Substack). Anyhow I love your work.
Am curious if that server had any other so called dissident sites on it. Or do you think it’s an attempt to re-herd the cats back to Substack? That was something that has intrigued me since the first great internet purge in last 2020.
SS was the only place we could talk about the vaccine. You see, I just said it without any code talk. Seems odd to me that this little hole in the wall at the time was allowed to flourish. Should have been pretty easy to pull the plug on them one would think. TPTB were shutting down nearly everything else.
Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for this place. It kept me fucking sane in some of the darkest times in my life. It just makes me curious is all I am eluding to.
True that Luke, everyone "wonders". We've known for decades that the media is corrupt and paid off. (nothing new there) But now, with A.I., photoshop, computer-generated-graphic-manipulation, everything we see or hear is suspect. Humanity has gone mad. People walk into McDonalds and throw hot coffee on the clerks for no reason. Road Rage incidents at all-time high. As JHK notes, they are either going to start a nuke war or give us total economic collapse.
One elderly German tourist was taking a tour of the Great Lakes and its cities. What a wonderful thing! The tour disembarked in Detroit and a young Black walked up to the man and knocked him out. He's in critical condition. If not from the blow, from having his head hit the concrete. The only comment the young worthy has made about the incident: I knocked his ass out.
At some point good black men will help us fight this type of criminal.
People would give more of a shit about people if they weren't so State-engineered/mindfucked-- held captive since mandatory grade-school, where much of it all begins... with the governpimps' drones called 'teachers', droning on and on for hours a day, at the front of a walled room, called a 'classroom'...
Demonizing people, incidentally, is of course part of war propaganda-- how cannon-fodder-in-the-making are 'recruited' for war-- wars fought not by the actual instigators-- you know, the parasite politicos-- but by their proxies, the relatively-clueless, brainwashed young, barely adults.
Real, deep-down, deep-dish dystopia is what you don't see as such.
"The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other - instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals." ~ Edward Abbey
Well said. There are nice Black people who can function in our society, some even at a high level. But they come with a lot of bad baggage, namely their friends and relatives. As you say, they are NOT going to take your side against their own people. That's not how they work. Only Whites "work" like that, alas, even unto the destruction of our Civilization.
That's a good democrat voter.
'Once-great' America (sez Trump) was built/run on slavery, among assorted ills, and still is. Now they are ostensibly legally trafficking in Haitians, among others, who then often get blamed for the societal disruptions in the towns they are bussed to.
Do you want your State and its cronies? I doubt it. Like that apparent second Trump shooter wannabe. All wrapped up in that red, white and blue false flag.
"Violence flows down the hierarchy, always. Rich to poor, and it is never noticed. Violence up the hierarchy is always fetishized by the MSM, oh what a tragedy." ~ Paul Richards
"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." ~ Malcolm X
Substack managed to aggregate a large number of dissenting writers on
Hope it all works out OK, keep backups of your original work if you’re going to write dissenting commentary.
Bravo. For remembering. They changed the meaning of vaccine so soon no one will know or even remember the real meaning.
Confucius said, the first step in reform is the rectification of names. Like this or "remembering" as a culture what the real meaning of Fascism is.
Amen to that it is not a ‘vaccine’!
I wrote you a reply that ended up down a few pages ??????
CIA is the clusterfuck agency
I didn't read it, but your comments bring to mind the book written by William Colby, "Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA."
I think that they've been an agency without a leash from the get-go. Good thing that they're all Constitution-loving red-blooded 'Mericans or we couldn't trust 'em....
Colby’s death is an interesting coda to his life.
It's wonderful how these people constantly accuse Trump of being a fascist while they are in bed with raging antisemitic neo-Nazis in one of the world's stupidest and most unnecessary wars in Ukraine. I know someone who isn't on the face of it stupid, but he said Alex Jones "is" Hitler, and I began to wonder. He would also deny that these days he is de facto, like the Dems, a neocon but, sadly, he is. Next he'll be saying Cheney isn't so bad after all.
If you're replying to me you can do one. And you're the clown if you automatically assume that all the people here support a genocide. You may not have noticed, but there's a major realignment going on
Fuck you back, Nazi filth.
War against Hamas is unnecessary and stupid? How stupid can you possibly be? Someone attacks your home, takes your children hostage, regularly bombs your neighborhood and you'll do what?
Yes. Some one attacks your home, imprisons your children, parents, spouses without cause or charge, steals your land and water, and kills arbitrarily. That is exactly what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for years.
No it's not what Israel has been doing. You lie against well-established facts and reality. It's the very opposite of what you say. You are hopeless in this matter of seeing reality, however, no matter how much truth is spoken to you. There's no convincing one under strong delusion, which God has given you over to for your ultimate judgment and correction.
Well you see, Abraham was a righteous man and God gave him a lot of land. His supposed descendants aren't but are holding God to his promise. They'll take Him to court and win too since Satan is Rex Mundi.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That includes you. You don't know how much of a disservice you're doing to yourself. Remember what the King of the Jews said, "Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven" (Luke 6:37).
Yahoo Dangerous. -a.v.
Support what? Israel fighting genocidal maniacs who use religion as a cover for their criminal activities? Israel doing the fighting itself, as it always has? You openly or inadvertently rooting for Hamas and Iran, their sponsor? Are you on their payroll or just a useful idiot?
Israel never saw a war they didn’t want America to fight
Like what war did American ever fight on Israel's behalf? When did Israel ever ask America to fight its wars, all of which have been wars of aggression against Israel.
Are you aware that the United States formed a coherent national military/navy because of attacks by Islamic pirates who impounded US sailors? Are you aware that Islamic Iran attacked the US and it had nothing to do with Israel?
You have no idea what's going on in the world, but because you think you know something when you know nothing you've blocked yourself from hearing and learning. You need to repent.
"You need to repent." ~ Paul B. Cohen
"When they said repent, repent
I wonder what they meant..." ~ 'The Future', by Leonard Cohen
Paul, have you ever cut out the bad part of a fruit to keep the good part?
Similarly, have you ever done so and not found much of any of the fruit worth saving? That everywhere you cut it, it was more or less rotten?
That's how Israel appears: Most everywhere one looks, it comes up rotten.
A truly 'chosen' people-- we'll accept that here for the sake of argument-- get along with their neighbors and don't do what Israel has been doing.
Chosen doesn't mean righteous. There are no righteous people on earth. The Scriptures are clear - all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Here's what's written about you - start looking in the mirror and take it to heart:
As it is written: "There is none righteous, no not one; (Rom 3:10)
there is none that understands, there is none that seeks after God." (Rom 3:11)
"They are all gone out of the way, they have together become unprofitable, there is none that does good, no, not one." (Rom 3:12)
"Their throat is an open grave, with their tongues they have used deceit, the poison of asps is under their lips; (Rom 3:13)
whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness;" (Rom 3:14)
"their feet are swift to shed blood; (Rom 3:15)
destruction and misery are in their way, (Rom 3:16)
and the way of peace they did not know." (Rom 3:17)
"There is no fear of God before their eyes." (Rom 3:18)
~ The Face Of Israel ~
There are a lot of tough nuts to crack, Paul, including in Israel. 'The Chosen' can quickly become 'The Unchosen' overnight, scripture propaganda be damned. You know it and I know it.
That's how the cosmos works. Call it God if it pleases you. Enjoy your Israel while it lasts. It does no one any favours-- including you, ostensibly despite yourself...
"The meaning of CUT OFF ONE'S NOSE TO SPITE ONE'S FACE is to do something that is meant to harm someone else but that also harms the person who does it." ~ Merriam Webster
We are made in the image of God, not the cosmos. He said Israel will last, so I'll take His Word over yours.
Quite the pubescent sludge you like to dish out.
The question isn’t what’s happening, or who’s running the blob, or where the blob’s next shooter will strike, or even if they’ll risk nuclear war with Russia to prevent Trump from regaining the Oval. The pertinent question is what we are willing to do about before they do.
Haven't had a 511 yet, or "Remember, remember..."
My apologies to the world as a Canadian for the incredibly foolish behaviour of our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “We must not let Russia win,” he said as an advocate of providing long range misled to Ukraine. Really Justin, you and whose army? The people of Canada have had enough of you and you will be massively defeated.
Keir Starmer is a frightening character. Its like Antonio Gramsci designed a self-loathing, humorless robot to finish off his plan.
His hatred for his own people is simply astounding. But so is that of the young Springfield father who said he wished his son had been killed by an old White guy instead of a Haitian.
"Fani Willis, a walking-talking banana peel!"
Hilarious because it's so true! Instant classic. JHK, your column is worth reading if only just for the one-liners. :)
Africans and Bananas, lib trigger!
"You rayciss!"
09/16/24: She really ought not to throw them over her shoulder during lunch.
That was another lol moment! 😂😂😂
The deep state wants war. It’s up to We the People to say No.
The Biden Harris no-border border has already enabled a fifth column of Iranian enemies and fellow travelers to sneak into our country and position themselves to attack us from within. The fight of our life has already begun.
As I recall, they also strapped grenades to young children to blow up American soldiers.
The sacrifice of the Vietnamese people is too close and painful to have been adequately chronicled with appropriate historical perspective. Maybe in Vietnamese, awaiting translation. As every war, I suppose, it beggars description.
Yep, and that’s why I think we could make a better functioning country if we could revise America’s original Constitution as discussed in post.
The neocon theory is to fight the battles off shore to prevent them from arriving here. The Obama/Biden theory is to just import all the problems through open borders, allowing a slow takeover by all the elements of the world, passively? Which do you think is right? Is American identity and culture just up to the highest bidder?
BTW, Hiya, Truthseeker, are you still pursuing the Truth?
“Anti-Federalist” Robert Yates predicted forever wars in 1787.
God won't be helping us, we will need to help ourselves or perish. Choice is your own.
There’s a smoldering fire of anger burning inside me and it flares just a little bit more every time I hear about those 3 letter agencies stomping on the rights of the people. Your website being downed by them is just one more instance of rampant abuse being perpetrated for the purpose of keeping hidden all the little dust bunnies of lies, illegal activities, and plots they so willingly rain down on all of us. I just don’t understand. The more bullshit they do shows just what criminals they are, which causes anger among the people, which makes them fear what we will do, which means they have to stomp on more of our rights hoping to maintain control of us. If they would just go back to where it starts with the bullshit and stop trying to be God, They wouldn’t have to be afraid of an uprising of the people. I know that sounds so simplistic but most of the things that are right and true and beautiful are simplistic.
I have never in my life been so anxious about my life as right now. I’m so afraid for President Trump. There is so much being said about him being an asset, or controlled resistance. I hadn’t considered that would be planted propaganda until recently. If he were in with them why would they try to have him killed? But then I see who he chooses as his VP candidate, and I cannot help but wonder?
Has life always been like this? Has the internet, more specifically social media, given us too much information? Has truth really become so impossible to uncover?
Sheila - your thoughts aren't unlike the thoughts of many others. Hang in there, keep the faith. Good will prevail, of that, there is no doubt. As they sow, so shall they reap. Their day is coming.
The concept of the Deep State is not mentioned here much. I notice. Think of the Deep State as the far leftist socialist group that was formed by Obama/Clinton and Biden. Their belief system is that the government, DC, is the supreme law of the land and the really intelligent Mob and their money should be running everything. It literally is the Deep State against the MAGA people. Right now, the Deep State has succeeding in duping the people so that a little over half the folks believe their crap. Breaking up the Deep State is required for any improvements to happen. Used to be, I would say only one person was in the position to initiate action against the DC bums. Maybe , no longer.
BTW, RINOS are Deep Staters.
In PA some are seeing this...makes sense.
"not even a simple metaphor like a mushroom cloud, or an ashtray."
Although I did purchase a couple packages of kelp* last week on the off chance of a radioactive cloud wafting my way, I honestly don't think Russia will go nuclear. They have many, many non-nuke options -- from cutting certain underseas cables to turning off a few critical satellites to a few well placed precision hypersonics on certain heads -- that they can employ without triggering the nukes.
USUK/nato, otoh, are running on the fumes of options. Hence the kelp*
"Maybe try to drop an anvil on Mr. Trump’s head from a passing airplane? (Beep-beep. . . woosh!) ....
....some sort of unelected, informal Politburu that self-assembled in the White House, like a clot from a Covid Vaccine shot"
Ok, now you've made me lol! 😂😂😂
*Not only does kelp contain adequate levels of iodine for protection, its alginate converts some radiation "byproducts" into harmless salts, plus it has a good level of antioxidants to combat the free electrons released by radiation exposure. So it beats iodine tablets for aid in the event of the unthinkable.
Free radicals. Free electrons should have been free radicals!
What brand is good? Or can we just get it "on the beach" when the sky glows up?
The nuclear bomb was invented before the intercontinental ballistic missile. In the early days of the Cold War, nuclear warheads were delivered by bomber aircraft. With good air defense and the element of surprise, it was theoretically possible to _win_ a nuclear war. For values of "win" that do not include your major cities turned into smoking wastelands.
Then the ICBM was perfected. And the whole game changed suddenly. All players became locked in a suicide embrace of Mutually Assured Destruction. There we remain today.
Nope. What led to MAD was two things, fear of Star Wars which even to today is a joke. The biggest deterrent lies under the ocean in the Nuclear submarines to which there is NO defense and can destroy both sides many times over.
There is no such thing as tactical nukes.
MAD was reality twenty years before Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (the "Star Wars" program) began.
Nonsense. The only thing proven was the Americans' capacity to deliver the biggest
non-nuclear explosion
the world had ever seen.
Added reading: "Death Object: Exploding The Nuclear Weapons Hoax" by Akio Nakatami
The 'point' was instilling fear porn in your mind and the theft of billions from your tax dollars.
There has never been any proof that nuclear weapons work, period. They are tactically USELESS given the very specific conditions required for detonation.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were gigantic bombs, but no way were they nuclear bombs.
How come all those people died from radiation poisoning? How come the scientist at Los Alamos died a few days after exposure to two uranium “halves” that accidentally touched in the lab.
You are right though, they are tactically useless as crossing the nuclear Rubicon will release the entire strategic stockpile. That is why the Iranian idea to develop nukes to attack Israel with is so dumb.
The exception to that would be Hiroshima And Nagasaki, when our side used them to prove we had them and put the Soviets on notice. Then the insane race began in earnest, with a big payoff for the MIC. Spending all that money is part of the deal, of course.
Yeah, knock it off. Join Astera and Donna Reed in the pool drinking Shirley Temples. Shirley warned people with her Daddy Warbucks (Warburg) line but they didn't get it. Americans are thick.
Take responsibility for your feelings. You don't have to identify with them. And you don't have to believe every thought that pops up in your head either.
Thirty-seven, iirc, is a kid - plenty left to live for, keep the faith - stay in the fight.
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney...'member?
Blinken, Nuland, Mayorkas, Garland...
The day Yemen drops a big bomb into the heart of Israel, bypassing super duper US, French and Israeli anti (Yemeni flying bombs 1600 miles) missiles, a patsy is arrested in Florida trying to shoot the next US president.
No need to explain now how Israel is well and truly fucked, phew! God bless America.
Yes, Russia took up where Germany left off, helping the Arabs fight the Israeli imperialists and their American running dog lackeys. Thus the War continues. God bless Russia! Putin isn't man enough to let go completely of the Communist nonsense and see this connection. But the Enemy does.
Can I bring my mask and snorkel?
09/16/24: With all due respect, sir, you've had enough. Care for a Shirley Temple (after she's done being molested by Joe Xiden?)?
Pakistan's already taken Britain, now you want to give them the Mandate too?/s