"A secularized, atheist leaning Europe that has forgotten its roots, has demonstrated that it will NOT protect the personal freedoms of its citizenry.” — Jim Shea
And following the money will reveal that EU leadership is aligned with the Democrats in that most critical manner. The ongoing war is cover for "EUAID," the counterpart to USAID. It may not be organized/named as such, but you can bet your last nickel it exists.
Yes, the Democratic Party, being an underhand Marxist outfit, will lie and deceive in order to gain power.
"When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism, we will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable, we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But take it we will". - Quote from Alexander Trachtenberg (1885 -1966) at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden 1944.
At the end of the day the primary objectives do not change just the path to get to them:
Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer (we fight amongst ourselves while they decimate our support systems and establish totalitarian control). The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.
(Instead of you taking control of the system or working to prepare for the worst (growing a garden, digging a well, strengthening your community, gathering supplies, and becoming resilient) you hold out hope for a politician to sweep in and solve your problems for you. There is only one place this lack of action can take us. Power corrupts and Washington DC is as corrupt as they come.)
They know that politicization (pitting us at each other throats regardless of relationship status - neighbor, co-worker, friend, family) is so effective at manipulating us because most emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.
These are extremely damaging and misfortunate exploits of human nature. Worse, these exploits are as easy to activate as flipping a light switch for the majority of the population - and they are currently being employed to their maximum effect.
The old Roman, Cincinatus, taught them their political philosophy. He picked up a stick and easily broke it. Then he picked up a bunch of sticks and tied them together. They could not be broken when together. This philosophy of "sticks" is Fascism. Not only is it not taught but it has been turned into a pejorative. Because it is wrong? No, because it makes too much sense. The Elite know what we would do if we realized who and what they are. But we can't as long as we don't know who we ourselves are.
The media is controlled by the same people who did this:
"All of the planet-wide madness we've been experiencing was designed and implemented by a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus - with all administrations using near identical language, policies, and slogans - without first having control of every government on earth. For the sake of simplicity, let's call this higher power the WEF or the 'World Economic Forum'. "
You're watching a movie that is designed to keep you sitting on your hands doing nothing while they take control of every aspect of your life and build a 15minute panopticon prison all around you. Which is exactly what they are doing.
"Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you will remain a pawn in someone else's game" -Evita Ochel
From the Congressional Record, January 27, 1917:
JP Morgan, Steel, Shipbuilding, and “powder” interests hired 12 high-ranking newspaper execs to determine how to “control generally the policy of the daily press” throughout the entire country.
Answer: They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.
…the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly SUPERVISE AND EDIT INFORMATION….
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
"In almost every act of our daily lives ... we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons ... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. " -Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda
The reason we are in this mess running headlong into tyranny is because the majority of people refuse to believe that the controllers would ever do this to us. These eternal optimists appear to be blind to this most fundamental construct of human nature: that power attracts and then corrupts nearly everyone who wields it—and the globalists - those obscure puppetmaster billionaires you never read about in Forbes and who've spent decades away from the disinfectant properties of sunlight - have indeed become quite corrupted.
I’ve tried and failed countless times to open their eyes to the truth of the situation – that the elites are evil incarnate, and that they want most of us dead, and that they want to enslave the rest of us.
And the stunning part about their blindness is that none of this is new: the psychopaths often rise to the top of every power structure over time as the bad drives out the good and as such tyranny has taken control of nations many many times throughout history. This time is no different, and the freedom we take for granted has actually been an aberration from the historical norm.
If people still cannot see this given how obvious what is occurring has become, then I do not see how we have any hope of turning the tide.
The normies will just keep on complying and believing what’s being done to them is for the greater good while they drag themselves and the rest of us into totalitarianism.
I do know who Curtis Yarvin is, in fact I read him as Mencius Moldbug back when he had a blog called “Unqualified Reservations.” You do realize he is also aligned with the Peter Thiel/Palentir technocrat crew?
IMO rather than engaging in in long winded tin foil hat rants, you’d be well advised to breath and sit back for a few breaths and see what happens.
And I do mean sit back for a while, it you keep splattering your Grey Aliens control us all level goo, I am going to have to block you. People like you make serious hard right people look bad.
how is showing how the media is controlled ranting? It’s right there in the congressional testimony how easily it was achieved. And it was, here’s a chart showing how:
And doesn’t the fact the Thiel in the current administration and the links between him, Vance, and Yarvin lend credence to what i am saying?
Time code: 4:30 in above video: Vance: "Accept that This entire thing is going to fall in on itself. And so the task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be conserved and so when the inevitable collapse of the country comes ensure that conservatives can help --> build back <-- the country."
You aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer are you? The point was his ranting sounds like David Icke who rants about “reptilian aliens,” it’s funny until it’s not.
Well said. This is what Germany was fighting against. Churchill admitted in him memoirs that the real reason for WW2 was that Germany refused to renounce its sovereignty in favor of the nascent, new financial order.
The tone that JHK sets is optimistic red-pilling not doomer black-pilling. Ultimately we just need more red-pilled people and less NPC's to turn the tide against the bad guys.
I've been a doomer black-pilled person for quite some time. JHK's writing has been much more positive and hopeful of late. I appreciate that. I'm still very much black-pilled but I am hopeful that Mr. Trump is helping turn the tide.
I think he is helping. Probably Trump's greatest accomplishment is implanting the idea of a fake-news MSM into the minds of the masses to the point he's almost got the MSM knocked out and completely discredited. At that point the NPC battle is nearly won. The CIA mockingbird propaganda thing has been a helluva challenge to overcome but we're getting there.
"The parties are the same, only the policies are different to give the illusion of choice"
Exactly correct. The Republicans exist to give lip service opposition to the Democrats. The Democrats exist to give lip service opposition to the Republicans. However both parties do the same thing when in power. Both parties always increase the debt ceiling. Both parties continue to fund and wage wars all over the globe. Both parties continue to spend money WE DO NOT HAVE.
The end game for both parties is maintain government power and enrich themselves.
I learned this lesson a long time ago during the W administration. It befuddles me that there are still so many Americans who live and breathe on their political parties.
So true. Excellent post. We must avoid war at all cost. Brings nothing but death, destruction and extreme wealth to the upper echelons of the elite.
The part that amazes me is that so many thousands of young men and young women are so willing to die fighting each other. Imagine if those many thousands of soldiers simply put their guns down and refused to kill each other and stop fighting the wars for their capitals.
Similarly, what if all taxpayers just stopped paying their taxes? What would they do? Throw 150 million people in prison?
We the people have the power. If we as Americans could only find a way to come together and exercise that power. Hence the reason the PTB do all they can to keep us divided, leaderless and tribal. Hence "Democrats" and "Republicans." Hence "Liberal" and "Conservative." Hence "Black" and "White."
You say that you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one. I'm daydreaming right along with you:
The globablists' have successfully weaponized the Red vs Blue, East vs West, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed, Boy vs Girl, Gay vs Straight, Brown vs White, and Pro-Life vs Choice dichotomies to exploit our innate tribal nature, and in doing so are dividing and conquering us. This us-vs-them separation makes us easy to control and direct with simple angry thoughts about the enemy who isn’t really our enemy - while blinding us to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance.
These forces we are up against cannot be overcome if we keep allowing them to divide and conquer us. We must let go of our pride and our resentments for one another - which were instilled in us through their psychological operations - and unite together or we stand no chance.
Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we all share of comradery, fellowship, and family—they've been doing everything they can to decimate the ties that bind by disintegrating every trace of common ground and brotherhood between us.
No sane nation or people makes peace without first being prepared for war. This is Satan's Kingdom. We must make use of his methods. Individuals are free to renounce them, but nations? Never.
You are correct, in a world where Satan rules, peace is never possible. However, in a world where the people, through their choices, thoughts and actions, have bound Satan, peace is possible. Unfortunately, this is not that world and as such war is inevitable and the innocent and defenseless will suffer the most. They always do. Not the capitals.
Good question, Ben. The only war that I believe to be justified is if it is to defend one's home or family from an aggressive invader. Defensive. Any offensive war is immoral because it means we are putting other people on the defensive and invading their homes and endangering their families.
When was the last time America fought a defensive war? Ever? The USA has no right to invade a sovereign nation. Period. If we are the aggressor we have lost the moral high ground. In fact, the more I think about it, America has never fought a defensive war. Every war has been an offensive war. Correct me if I am wrong.
The one war we should be fighting is against the multi-million man army that has been crossing our borders. However, our troops are scattered all across the world keeping America "safe."
European leaders are in for a big surprise if they think they’re going to mobilise their citizens for war after decades of this.
Those with Ukraine flags in their bios or hoisted up garden flagpoles will fall silent the second they have to get out of their armchairs and match words with action.
The rest who’ve seen through this from the beginning will have one simple message, in their language of choice: fuck off.
"Those with Ukraine flags in their bios or hoisted up garden flagpoles will fall silent the second they have to get out of their armchairs and match words with action."
My sentiments exactly. "Support" is so very easy to give when it costs nothing. To all the whiners who chanted "Russia, Russia, Russia" all those years, as if they were the root of all problems, I ask again: "What were YOU willing to do about it?" Turns out, not much at all.
Is that the aim of the Mob? Is Trump being driven towards Russia by the Mob in Europe? They seem to be a bunch of blowhards, saber rattling with no ability to accomplish what they are saying. Ukraine is a mystery, almost like VietNam. A controlled war, what a joke. Especially when it becomes uncontrolled, not so funny. Is the Mob's control of Biden's dementia during the last four years caused Ukraine in the first place? Many questions!
They claim huge worry re: Russian invasion, yet many (most) won't put up the 2% GDP $ to fund NATO. Good lucjk getting them to put up 5% GDP.
Appears the hope is throw in a few troops, get them attacked, invoke Article 5 and let US troops do the defending.
The actual need for NATO ended with the fall of the Wall. The rest was cleanup. Done by the turn of the century. Except bureaucracies never go away on their own, they need 'help' when being dismantled.
"Appears the hope is throw in a few troops, get them attacked, invoke Article 5 and let US troops do the defending." Great point.
I trust Trump has, or soon will, have a chat with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and tell him to butt out. All Europe can do is get in the way, and provoke Russia further. They have no power to alter the events in Ukraine. Also trusting that Trump and Putin both understand this and will be the cooler heads that will prevail.
Trump and Zelenskyy also need to get a deal done soon, and that might require leaving JD away from the action (IMHO).
During the Clinton REGIME Putin made noises about Joining Nato and Clinton said something to the effect of I don't see why not but was brought up very short on the subject.
"This requires you to fall for the fake idea that Russia seeks to invade western Europe. Notice how much the EU acts like America’s Democratic Party — projecting its own hostile fantasies on its adversaries."
I can vouch for this. The Russians don’t even want the whole of Ukraine never mind any European country, yet the incessant narrative is exactly that.
What benefit for Russia to occupy any region of Europe surrounded by a hostile population and neighbours? We have absolutely nothing here that they would want or be envious of.
"The Russians don’t even want the whole of Ukraine never mind any European country, yet the incessant narrative is exactly that." Well, Putin seems to have changed his mind in the last 36 months. The initial "SMO" was seeking to occupy Kyiv from the very outset, unless I'm very much mistaken. What we have witnessed is in fact just how weak Russia is and how tiny its economy (smaller than Italy's). Putin wants out for sure, but doesn't want to be seen to be defeated. Trump's job is to assist him in any way he can..that's what he's been hired - and paid - to do since 2016, or going back to the beginning, since 1987.
Quite. All I’ve heard in my adult life is that Russia is ‘expansionist’. The only entities to have expanded geographically in that time have been NATO and the European Union.
It is the basis of the “looney toons Left”, Neocons, and the RINO right, Neocons. MAGA is against both. Trump is the first president in a while who is anti-war and backing it up.
Call me crazy but I suspect that the Z man is about to be retired and a new dictator installed - one very friendly to the United States. Russia and the USA will jointly harvest whatever natural resources Ukraine has to offer while entirely cutting Europe out of the deal. Russia will see its cash returned and sanctions lifted if it agrees to spend the cash in the USA.
The EU looks like Austria of 1913 - enfeebled, sickly, tired, living on its past glory and about to take on Russia and the United States. Good luck
Well, like we are, Ukraine is a divided country. The East has been turned into a”Little Russia” by immigration, while the West is Eastern European. The 2014 election elected a Russia sympatico because the East dominated the vote. When NATO, the US mostly, got in there and threw that guy out and installed the precursor to Z, the West of Ukraine went to war against the Russian dominated East. This was a civil war before Russia got involved. Like the USA, Ukraine needs to be divided in half, which is a demand of Putin in his cease fire proposal.
Yup, loaded down with debt, like we are. As JHK has stated, the idea that Europe is going to take on Russia is a sick joke. I am not so sure what Trump, who IS in charge, will do to replace Z. He may be smart enough to allow a plebiscite to make a real 2014 style decision, without the Dems collusion.
So far, Armstrong says mid-May for EU spreading the insanity. He gives this as a reason for the gold migration, which takes a little time, to the US. The AU is being moved out of harms way, as it always is by those paying attention. We shall see. His program is correct much more than incorrect.
We are witnessing those dreaded "interesting times" where the World fundamentally changes in dramatic fashion...And the EU and its Democrat criminal allies have only themselves to blame..If they hadn't launched the coup in 2014, hadn't torn up the Minsk agreements, and hadn't stolen the 2020 Presidential election (and who knows how many European elections)...none of this would have happened....
It is amazing, unbelievable, even, how impervious to change the EU and the Deep State appear. (I'd take it for a joke they are playing on the world, but they have shown no signs of laughter, no winks, no nudges, and no ability to adapt.)
They bought their own propaganda and eat it for breakfast every day. They can neither recognize the reality of change nor the innate supremacy of ordinary people and their opinions over amateur Globalist-Elite plots and stratagems. They never left the Cold War, and it's been over for 20+ years, by my count, since that effort was lost.
The Elite think the rest of us are foolish slaves that they can squash like a bug: widgets designed to do their every bidding. They are going to find out that they are sorely mistaken. The worm has turned.
They were hand-selected and were all indoctrinated and brainwashed in the same Ivy League cesspools. You don't rise to that level unless they know you are controlled. All Ivy League schools need to be shut down and repurposed as mental asylums or completely demolished. We need to signal a clean break, a new start that does not include Marxist/Progressive globalist indoctrination. They cannot be left to stand.
Yes, a cultural revolution with professors working out in the fields until reformed or dead from heart attacks. We need a New Man. They are for the old, sick man who is hardly a man at all. Men without chests as C.S Lewis put it.
As change is anxiety causing, it is avoided at all cost, especially by politicians.
IMHO, Most change agents are related to the Turnings cycles, where they are foisted on society by small or large factions pushing their weight around. MAGA is a change agent and there is definitely going to be a lot of anxiety in the near future.
Amen. Thinking that myself. He’s used to wearing his Sean Penn wanna be solider boy costume and marching into the WH, holding court unseen in the back hall, unlike Trump’s audience, reminding Biden & Son Burisma per Obama LLC, how much dirt he has on them and flying home with our money. His Oscar repo ass is on one of his general’s scopes as we write.
Zelenski must have been thinking that only a few years ago he was hailed as a conquering hero by Speaker Pelosi and VP Harris, who were sitting behind him like it was a SOTU address. He received so many standing ovations from the trained seals who dominate Congress that it rivaled the number that Netanyahu has come to expect. I only wish that Israel's Strongman was shown the same contempt from Trump as Z was subjected to on that glorious Friday.
I bet Z will retire in Israel. He's tribe, after all. How stupid were the Ukies to elect him? He campaigned as the character he had played in a big series, a leftist teacher talking truth to power.
"Zelensky turned up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue wearing a three-button knitted long-sleeve polo shirt from Gasanova’s menswear label Damirli, as well as pants from the collection. She had made a special version for Zelensky with the emblem of a tryzub, a shield with a trident that is the coat of arms that Ukraine adopted in February 1991."
Excellent observation. I wouldn't doubt he makes up with Vlad before long and moves to Russia under house "protection," albeit under some pretty spartan terms.
Putin will NEVER make up with Zelenskyy. Too many thousands of Russians died due to his lies.
I predict, because Zelenskyy does so much coke, that if he starts singing (and a Russian arrest could make him sing) that The Blob will Epstein his ass. And he knows it.
Russia has a huge, as in very long, border with China. They've had a few dust-ups in the 20th Century. Russia has the resources, but lacks the population.. China has the population, but lacks the resources. Russia needs a plan.
Russia does have a plan, called BRICS+, growing bigger and stronger every year, while the Western-led NWO, ruled with an iron fist by the US hegemon since WWII, slowly fades into the dustbin of history. Not even Trump can arrest this inexorable process. He might even accelerate its crack-up.
Brics+ is one answer. Accelerating it and working with the emerging new system of commerce has merit and benefits. Getting in the way of a trend in motion, or working within the trend? I'd go for working within it.
Yeah, bring in millions of Muslims from Central Asia. Dugin says all Asians are brothers, including the Chinese. Makes perfect sense as long as you know nothing about history, human nature in general and Islam in particular.
They've learned nothing whatsoever from the West's diversity debacle. They're intent on building their own Tower of Babel - a better one than ours!
Your idea is too simplistic: China is the lead gold producer in the world; has the most rare earth deposits in the world; lots of manganese; as well as a major producer of coal.
US President Donald Trump delivered a blunt warning to Brics nations on Thursday (2/13/25), declaring that if they proceed with launching a common currency, they would face a 100% tariff on all imports into the United States. He also asserted that "Brics is dead."
It’s interesting to note how neither Vladimir Putin nor Donald Trump could have been predicted to become world leaders early in their professional lives.
During the post-Soviet interregnum, when election meddling put a US tool named Yeltsin in their presidency, Russian oligarchs in league with American MBAs were plundering the nation. Mr. Putin stepped up from his position as an intelligence officer to arrest that disastrous state of affairs, dealing with powerful men who were disinclined to release their grip on the country. Severe tactics were often necessary, but chaos and famine gradually gave way to the proud society and increasingly robust economy in Russia today.
Mr. Trump was, of course, a real estate magnate in New York. The rough methods which served him in the savage wilds of Manhattan led him through the entertainment industry into the political realm. Like Russia, the US has been in the thrall of an oligarchic Blob, manipulating the public here through bought politicians and captured media. And, as in Russia, the path to regaining a healthy system and society cannot be a tentative or gentle one.
Mr. Putin has shown preternatural self control in withstanding the ceaseless provocations inflicted upon his country by the US. Given the choice between having his country dismantled by the West or starting World War Three he managed to hold out until a US leader was willing to construct a better way forward.
Improbably, that man – our Gray Champion – turns out to be Donald Trump.
I do hope you're correct about Starmer losing his job by Christmas, though there is no one semi-palatable to replace him. On the other hand, you can't get much worse than Starmer. Ditto Zelensky, who needs the slaughter of his countrymen to continue in order to survive, desperate wee cokehead - though the fascists around him are on another level.
A friend of mine told me years ago that, "The only thing that Socialists hate more than other Socialists are capitalists, but even that won't stop Socialists from fighting among themselves." The Cold War that is going on in the U.S. Democrat Party is between the Fascist/Socialists and the Communist/Socialists. That same ideological Cold War is going on in "free" Europe. In Ukraine, the war is between Fascist/Socialist Ukraine under Zelenskyy and Russian "Communism Light" under Putin. The Fascist/Socialist wing of the U.S. Democrat Party--the war-monger wing--represents the Military-Industrial-Complex, which is more and more modeled after Hitler's Fascist/Socialist model of big military-dependent corporatists allowed to exist and prosper so long as they pledge their allegiance to the regime (a Democrat regime that has now been deposed, thus MIC's hatred of Trump and MAGA). Ukraine was and is the cash cow of the MIC and the corrupt Democrat Party, and an end to the war under Trump will slaughter that cash cow. Democrats met with Zelenskyy prior to the White House meeting and told him to reject Trump's peace deal. What the Democrats and Z didn't count on was Trump (and Vance) just telling Z to go fuck off. And, then Trump threatening to withdraw a bunch of U.S. military out Europe. As I write this, it sounds like Z is trying to crawl back into negotiations. You would think that, by now, Z has figured out that playing FAFO with Trump is not going to win Z anything. Apparently, the Democrat morons still want to keep playing FAFO, and the finding out is just going to get more painful them.
Democrats have had their way for a long time. I think it amazes them when Trump ignores them totally. I think your observation of the Dems getting to Z first is a good one. After all, who has he been dealing with up to now.
All great achievements come from partnerships between public and private. That includes taking America from the Indians. Isolated farmers, ranchers and even "posses" could never have done it. The Indians were far more organized than that.
Libertarianism and "get off my lawn" patriotism are recipes for failure.
It is a repeat process, which I point out on occasion ( I'm not alone ). Afrter 80 -120 years pass, a cycle, there's no a person (or a vivid memory) left alive to say 'we tried that, it didn't work out very well'.
a 'Fourth Turning' is what we seem to be in ... everything happens in cycles. I'm slowly picking my way through that book and it's interestingly accurate
They (Strauss & Howe) were highlighted in an issue of "American Demographics" around 1990 when their work was first coming out. i found it both valid and fascinating as an approach to cycles, generations, cohorts, etc. They provided ample references to support their thesis. Identifying generational types (shared characteristics) was another strength.
These supposed European "leaders" have lost their collective minds! Their nations are in collapse for at least half a dozen reasons, and they really think that banging the war drum against Russia is going to help them? Their economies are weak, their militaries are in a shabby state, with only a couple exceptions, their nations are overrun with third world migrants, and their governments have turned into police state goons... how does any of this even work?
Do they really just want to commit collective suicide? Because that's what it looks like.
These people need to be drug tested or something, I've never seen anything like it.
and 40 operational tanks, with another 150 that could be made ready, more Admirals than ships, more Generals than tanks... the UK is a joke militarily!
As someone said recently the EU is not an ally of the U.S., it is an ally of the Democratic Party. Trump needs to remember this and act accordingly.
And following the money will reveal that EU leadership is aligned with the Democrats in that most critical manner. The ongoing war is cover for "EUAID," the counterpart to USAID. It may not be organized/named as such, but you can bet your last nickel it exists.
“…an ally of the Democratic Party”
“An ally of the Democrat party” it should be;there’s nothing “democratic” about it.
Democratic is a description of an activity rather than a mere moniker. That’s a distinction with a difference that confuses the mind.
Yes, the Democratic Party, being an underhand Marxist outfit, will lie and deceive in order to gain power.
"When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism, we will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable, we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But take it we will". - Quote from Alexander Trachtenberg (1885 -1966) at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden 1944.
Source: Bella Dodd (1904-1966)
Newest label Progressive.
When you see progressive insert Marxist or Communist.
Sorry - you’re right
The media - both news and entertainment - have now politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control.
The parties are the same, only the policies are different to give the illusion of choice: https://old.bitchute.com/video/AOUqXO7m062n [1:09mins]
At the end of the day the primary objectives do not change just the path to get to them:
Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer (we fight amongst ourselves while they decimate our support systems and establish totalitarian control). The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.
(Instead of you taking control of the system or working to prepare for the worst (growing a garden, digging a well, strengthening your community, gathering supplies, and becoming resilient) you hold out hope for a politician to sweep in and solve your problems for you. There is only one place this lack of action can take us. Power corrupts and Washington DC is as corrupt as they come.)
They know that politicization (pitting us at each other throats regardless of relationship status - neighbor, co-worker, friend, family) is so effective at manipulating us because most emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.
These are extremely damaging and misfortunate exploits of human nature. Worse, these exploits are as easy to activate as flipping a light switch for the majority of the population - and they are currently being employed to their maximum effect.
Excerpt from https://tritorch.com/folly
yep. Buddhism says find the 'third way' and the whole world opens up. meaning, escape the binary conditioning modification of the human brain.
"A cord of three strands is not easily broken." ECC 4:12
The old Roman, Cincinatus, taught them their political philosophy. He picked up a stick and easily broke it. Then he picked up a bunch of sticks and tied them together. They could not be broken when together. This philosophy of "sticks" is Fascism. Not only is it not taught but it has been turned into a pejorative. Because it is wrong? No, because it makes too much sense. The Elite know what we would do if we realized who and what they are. But we can't as long as we don't know who we ourselves are.
Fascism is a pejorative for a reason.
Had never read that chapter before your citation. Quite a good bit of wisdom in but a few lines.
Concision. A thing of the past. Alas.
Yes, the third way or the MIDDLE way .
RINOs sure, this new multi-polar MAGA movement is something else though, your analysis is woefully out of date.
Uh do you know who Curtis Yarvin is?
Purpose of DOGE: Dismantle Existing System of Governance & Build Back Spiderweb AI Infrastructure: https://old.bitchute.com/video/EUer0GMfzKvl [7:03mins]
The media is controlled by the same people who did this:
"All of the planet-wide madness we've been experiencing was designed and implemented by a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus - with all administrations using near identical language, policies, and slogans - without first having control of every government on earth. For the sake of simplicity, let's call this higher power the WEF or the 'World Economic Forum'. "
You're watching a movie that is designed to keep you sitting on your hands doing nothing while they take control of every aspect of your life and build a 15minute panopticon prison all around you. Which is exactly what they are doing.
Media stranglehold: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/counterfeit-continuity-in-our-fourth
"Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you will remain a pawn in someone else's game" -Evita Ochel
From the Congressional Record, January 27, 1917:
JP Morgan, Steel, Shipbuilding, and “powder” interests hired 12 high-ranking newspaper execs to determine how to “control generally the policy of the daily press” throughout the entire country.
Answer: They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.
…the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly SUPERVISE AND EDIT INFORMATION….
This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the WISHES of the interests served. --https://tritorch.com/degradation/!CongressionalRecord191712HighRankingNewspaperExecsDetermineControlTheDailyPressThroughoutAmerica.jpeg
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
"In almost every act of our daily lives ... we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons ... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. " -Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda
The reason we are in this mess running headlong into tyranny is because the majority of people refuse to believe that the controllers would ever do this to us. These eternal optimists appear to be blind to this most fundamental construct of human nature: that power attracts and then corrupts nearly everyone who wields it—and the globalists - those obscure puppetmaster billionaires you never read about in Forbes and who've spent decades away from the disinfectant properties of sunlight - have indeed become quite corrupted.
I’ve tried and failed countless times to open their eyes to the truth of the situation – that the elites are evil incarnate, and that they want most of us dead, and that they want to enslave the rest of us.
And the stunning part about their blindness is that none of this is new: the psychopaths often rise to the top of every power structure over time as the bad drives out the good and as such tyranny has taken control of nations many many times throughout history. This time is no different, and the freedom we take for granted has actually been an aberration from the historical norm.
If people still cannot see this given how obvious what is occurring has become, then I do not see how we have any hope of turning the tide.
The normies will just keep on complying and believing what’s being done to them is for the greater good while they drag themselves and the rest of us into totalitarianism.
I do know who Curtis Yarvin is, in fact I read him as Mencius Moldbug back when he had a blog called “Unqualified Reservations.” You do realize he is also aligned with the Peter Thiel/Palentir technocrat crew?
IMO rather than engaging in in long winded tin foil hat rants, you’d be well advised to breath and sit back for a few breaths and see what happens.
And I do mean sit back for a while, it you keep splattering your Grey Aliens control us all level goo, I am going to have to block you. People like you make serious hard right people look bad.
First and only warning.
Block me from what?
how is showing how the media is controlled ranting? It’s right there in the congressional testimony how easily it was achieved. And it was, here’s a chart showing how:
The CFR, Bildeburg, Trilatteral Commission own it all. They all own each other (see Cecil Rhodes rings within rings): https://tritorch.com/degradation/!CFRMediaEmpireSmall.jpg
And doesn’t the fact the Thiel in the current administration and the links between him, Vance, and Yarvin lend credence to what i am saying?
Time code: 4:30 in above video: Vance: "Accept that This entire thing is going to fall in on itself. And so the task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be conserved and so when the inevitable collapse of the country comes ensure that conservatives can help --> build back <-- the country."
Ignore Mr. Raven his bark is far worse than his bite.
Raven, I've read this post twice and saw no reference to Grey Aliens. So I ask, Who is paranoid and donning tin foil?
You aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer are you? The point was his ranting sounds like David Icke who rants about “reptilian aliens,” it’s funny until it’s not.
Well said. This is what Germany was fighting against. Churchill admitted in him memoirs that the real reason for WW2 was that Germany refused to renounce its sovereignty in favor of the nascent, new financial order.
or we could just have a drink and watch the oscar trance. and be thrilled with the re naming of the gulf of mexico. VICTORY!
Thank Gawd for red wine
The tone that JHK sets is optimistic red-pilling not doomer black-pilling. Ultimately we just need more red-pilled people and less NPC's to turn the tide against the bad guys.
I've been a doomer black-pilled person for quite some time. JHK's writing has been much more positive and hopeful of late. I appreciate that. I'm still very much black-pilled but I am hopeful that Mr. Trump is helping turn the tide.
I think he is helping. Probably Trump's greatest accomplishment is implanting the idea of a fake-news MSM into the minds of the masses to the point he's almost got the MSM knocked out and completely discredited. At that point the NPC battle is nearly won. The CIA mockingbird propaganda thing has been a helluva challenge to overcome but we're getting there.
Well said.
Unfortunately, the average person doesn't have the intelligence
to understand this type of reasoning of how humans operate.
"The media - both news and entertainment - have now politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control."
And what is the main, ultra malignant force behind that media? The same force that is corrupting our politicians via extortion and bribery???
Oy Veh!!!
"The parties are the same, only the policies are different to give the illusion of choice"
Exactly correct. The Republicans exist to give lip service opposition to the Democrats. The Democrats exist to give lip service opposition to the Republicans. However both parties do the same thing when in power. Both parties always increase the debt ceiling. Both parties continue to fund and wage wars all over the globe. Both parties continue to spend money WE DO NOT HAVE.
The end game for both parties is maintain government power and enrich themselves.
I learned this lesson a long time ago during the W administration. It befuddles me that there are still so many Americans who live and breathe on their political parties.
Yes. The problem is psychological first. Politics follows.
You are part of the problem, not the solution.
And that includes the UK.
True. As the saying goes. Birds of a feather flock together.
The tragedy of war is that the young men and women die fighting each other - rather than their true enemies back home in their capitals. —Edward Abbey
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go
—Suicide in the Trenches
Good stuff right there TriTorch.
So true. Excellent post. We must avoid war at all cost. Brings nothing but death, destruction and extreme wealth to the upper echelons of the elite.
The part that amazes me is that so many thousands of young men and young women are so willing to die fighting each other. Imagine if those many thousands of soldiers simply put their guns down and refused to kill each other and stop fighting the wars for their capitals.
Indeed Cankerpuss.
“What if a politician called for war
And no one showed up?”
Similarly, what if all taxpayers just stopped paying their taxes? What would they do? Throw 150 million people in prison?
We the people have the power. If we as Americans could only find a way to come together and exercise that power. Hence the reason the PTB do all they can to keep us divided, leaderless and tribal. Hence "Democrats" and "Republicans." Hence "Liberal" and "Conservative." Hence "Black" and "White."
I'm daydreaming. I know.
You say that you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one. I'm daydreaming right along with you:
The globablists' have successfully weaponized the Red vs Blue, East vs West, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed, Boy vs Girl, Gay vs Straight, Brown vs White, and Pro-Life vs Choice dichotomies to exploit our innate tribal nature, and in doing so are dividing and conquering us. This us-vs-them separation makes us easy to control and direct with simple angry thoughts about the enemy who isn’t really our enemy - while blinding us to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance.
These forces we are up against cannot be overcome if we keep allowing them to divide and conquer us. We must let go of our pride and our resentments for one another - which were instilled in us through their psychological operations - and unite together or we stand no chance.
Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we all share of comradery, fellowship, and family—they've been doing everything they can to decimate the ties that bind by disintegrating every trace of common ground and brotherhood between us.
Us vs Them ... https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/versus
Yes, unity can never be attained with such diversity - that's why they promote is so assiduously. You haven't seen through their number one guise yet.
I am well aware of the situation.
No sane nation or people makes peace without first being prepared for war. This is Satan's Kingdom. We must make use of his methods. Individuals are free to renounce them, but nations? Never.
You are correct, in a world where Satan rules, peace is never possible. However, in a world where the people, through their choices, thoughts and actions, have bound Satan, peace is possible. Unfortunately, this is not that world and as such war is inevitable and the innocent and defenseless will suffer the most. They always do. Not the capitals.
Our government, media and financial system has already succumbed to the minions of Satan... AKA "Zionists".
Avoid war at all costs?
What if the "other side" wants war at any cost?
Neville Chamberland discovered that avoiding war at all costs sometimes begets an even worse one.
Good question, Ben. The only war that I believe to be justified is if it is to defend one's home or family from an aggressive invader. Defensive. Any offensive war is immoral because it means we are putting other people on the defensive and invading their homes and endangering their families.
When was the last time America fought a defensive war? Ever? The USA has no right to invade a sovereign nation. Period. If we are the aggressor we have lost the moral high ground. In fact, the more I think about it, America has never fought a defensive war. Every war has been an offensive war. Correct me if I am wrong.
The one war we should be fighting is against the multi-million man army that has been crossing our borders. However, our troops are scattered all across the world keeping America "safe."
War, glorious war ... https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/war-glorious-war
Mass migration.
Covid tyranny.
Globalist propaganda.
Diversity mantras.
Censorship and overreach.
European leaders are in for a big surprise if they think they’re going to mobilise their citizens for war after decades of this.
Those with Ukraine flags in their bios or hoisted up garden flagpoles will fall silent the second they have to get out of their armchairs and match words with action.
The rest who’ve seen through this from the beginning will have one simple message, in their language of choice: fuck off.
God bless you America (DJT version 2.0)
They're having a difficult time mobilizing to repel the current invasion by mass migration.
Yes, who is the central organization here? That organization must be destroyed to regain world order.
"Those with Ukraine flags in their bios or hoisted up garden flagpoles will fall silent the second they have to get out of their armchairs and match words with action."
My sentiments exactly. "Support" is so very easy to give when it costs nothing. To all the whiners who chanted "Russia, Russia, Russia" all those years, as if they were the root of all problems, I ask again: "What were YOU willing to do about it?" Turns out, not much at all.
As one of Jim’s CFN blogs was once titled… “Let’s You and Him Fight”.
Yes, their coming wars are civil, against their own Elite and the Elite's Muslim mercenaries.
Once more around the spiral!
As an aside, and I think you would know, does Green Alba still frequent these parts?
You didn't ask me, but, I haven't seen Alba since the demise of the old Clusterfuck Nation blog. It seems many didn't survive the crossing.
(Alba, if you're out there, quit circling over us and rejoin the flock.)
I miss Alba as well and do hope she is doing well.
Clusterflock - mostly tribal.
Let Europe carry its own water for awhile and see how that feels.
Is that the aim of the Mob? Is Trump being driven towards Russia by the Mob in Europe? They seem to be a bunch of blowhards, saber rattling with no ability to accomplish what they are saying. Ukraine is a mystery, almost like VietNam. A controlled war, what a joke. Especially when it becomes uncontrolled, not so funny. Is the Mob's control of Biden's dementia during the last four years caused Ukraine in the first place? Many questions!
They claim huge worry re: Russian invasion, yet many (most) won't put up the 2% GDP $ to fund NATO. Good lucjk getting them to put up 5% GDP.
Appears the hope is throw in a few troops, get them attacked, invoke Article 5 and let US troops do the defending.
The actual need for NATO ended with the fall of the Wall. The rest was cleanup. Done by the turn of the century. Except bureaucracies never go away on their own, they need 'help' when being dismantled.
"Appears the hope is throw in a few troops, get them attacked, invoke Article 5 and let US troops do the defending." Great point.
I trust Trump has, or soon will, have a chat with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and tell him to butt out. All Europe can do is get in the way, and provoke Russia further. They have no power to alter the events in Ukraine. Also trusting that Trump and Putin both understand this and will be the cooler heads that will prevail.
Trump and Zelenskyy also need to get a deal done soon, and that might require leaving JD away from the action (IMHO).
The fly in the ointment North Korean troops being pulled into this.
What horrible mistake.
What next robed shiite Iranians getting sent back in body bags?
During the Clinton REGIME Putin made noises about Joining Nato and Clinton said something to the effect of I don't see why not but was brought up very short on the subject.
I really wonder who whispered what into his ear.
"This requires you to fall for the fake idea that Russia seeks to invade western Europe. Notice how much the EU acts like America’s Democratic Party — projecting its own hostile fantasies on its adversaries."
Excellent short summary of the looney toons left.
I can vouch for this. The Russians don’t even want the whole of Ukraine never mind any European country, yet the incessant narrative is exactly that.
What benefit for Russia to occupy any region of Europe surrounded by a hostile population and neighbours? We have absolutely nothing here that they would want or be envious of.
Yeah, think of Putin wanting to load Russia up with all of Eastern Europe’s problems, on top of their own. Does not make much sense.
"The Russians don’t even want the whole of Ukraine never mind any European country, yet the incessant narrative is exactly that." Well, Putin seems to have changed his mind in the last 36 months. The initial "SMO" was seeking to occupy Kyiv from the very outset, unless I'm very much mistaken. What we have witnessed is in fact just how weak Russia is and how tiny its economy (smaller than Italy's). Putin wants out for sure, but doesn't want to be seen to be defeated. Trump's job is to assist him in any way he can..that's what he's been hired - and paid - to do since 2016, or going back to the beginning, since 1987.
A blue water port might be what they want after the shelling of Russian speaking people in Donbass.
Putin is not all in on just the shelling.
We, the West in general but the US in particular, are always projecting our modus operandi (world conquest) onto our chosen enemy du jour.
Quite. All I’ve heard in my adult life is that Russia is ‘expansionist’. The only entities to have expanded geographically in that time have been NATO and the European Union.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most expansionist of all?"
lol that's good
Yes, it's good to be the 800 lb gorilla. A guilty pleasure.
Best farm land in Europe. China has expressed interest in Europe as a whole. You don't mind, do you? And if you do, what are you going to do about it?
England is nice too - just get rid of the pesky dog eyes (their pet name for us). Maybe march you all off the Cliffs of Dover.
I’d rather have the Chinese here than what passes for ‘England’ in London and Birmingham.
England, minus its people, is indeed beautiful. Germany has the most beautiful forests though. Flew over many of them today.
It is the basis of the “looney toons Left”, Neocons, and the RINO right, Neocons. MAGA is against both. Trump is the first president in a while who is anti-war and backing it up.
Call me crazy but I suspect that the Z man is about to be retired and a new dictator installed - one very friendly to the United States. Russia and the USA will jointly harvest whatever natural resources Ukraine has to offer while entirely cutting Europe out of the deal. Russia will see its cash returned and sanctions lifted if it agrees to spend the cash in the USA.
The EU looks like Austria of 1913 - enfeebled, sickly, tired, living on its past glory and about to take on Russia and the United States. Good luck
I agree except the "new dictator" will be democratically elected by the Ukrainians and a staunch ally of Russia.
No California Dreaming for the US. Deep State at this time.
Well, like we are, Ukraine is a divided country. The East has been turned into a”Little Russia” by immigration, while the West is Eastern European. The 2014 election elected a Russia sympatico because the East dominated the vote. When NATO, the US mostly, got in there and threw that guy out and installed the precursor to Z, the West of Ukraine went to war against the Russian dominated East. This was a civil war before Russia got involved. Like the USA, Ukraine needs to be divided in half, which is a demand of Putin in his cease fire proposal.
Yup, loaded down with debt, like we are. As JHK has stated, the idea that Europe is going to take on Russia is a sick joke. I am not so sure what Trump, who IS in charge, will do to replace Z. He may be smart enough to allow a plebiscite to make a real 2014 style decision, without the Dems collusion.
So far, Armstrong says mid-May for EU spreading the insanity. He gives this as a reason for the gold migration, which takes a little time, to the US. The AU is being moved out of harms way, as it always is by those paying attention. We shall see. His program is correct much more than incorrect.
We are witnessing those dreaded "interesting times" where the World fundamentally changes in dramatic fashion...And the EU and its Democrat criminal allies have only themselves to blame..If they hadn't launched the coup in 2014, hadn't torn up the Minsk agreements, and hadn't stolen the 2020 Presidential election (and who knows how many European elections)...none of this would have happened....
"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen" -
It is amazing, unbelievable, even, how impervious to change the EU and the Deep State appear. (I'd take it for a joke they are playing on the world, but they have shown no signs of laughter, no winks, no nudges, and no ability to adapt.)
They bought their own propaganda and eat it for breakfast every day. They can neither recognize the reality of change nor the innate supremacy of ordinary people and their opinions over amateur Globalist-Elite plots and stratagems. They never left the Cold War, and it's been over for 20+ years, by my count, since that effort was lost.
The Elite think the rest of us are foolish slaves that they can squash like a bug: widgets designed to do their every bidding. They are going to find out that they are sorely mistaken. The worm has turned.
They were hand-selected and were all indoctrinated and brainwashed in the same Ivy League cesspools. You don't rise to that level unless they know you are controlled. All Ivy League schools need to be shut down and repurposed as mental asylums or completely demolished. We need to signal a clean break, a new start that does not include Marxist/Progressive globalist indoctrination. They cannot be left to stand.
Yes, a cultural revolution with professors working out in the fields until reformed or dead from heart attacks. We need a New Man. They are for the old, sick man who is hardly a man at all. Men without chests as C.S Lewis put it.
Yep, giant, inert, bureaucratic, technocratic, sneering, sanctimonious bloat.
Change is an extremely difficult experience for humans in general.
However, with effort, change is possible.
How enduring the change might be is a different point for discussion.
As change is anxiety causing, it is avoided at all cost, especially by politicians.
IMHO, Most change agents are related to the Turnings cycles, where they are foisted on society by small or large factions pushing their weight around. MAGA is a change agent and there is definitely going to be a lot of anxiety in the near future.
You're generous! I think it's already here, will just acccelerate these next few years. Interesting times indeed...
And Z knows he will be 'suicided' for knowing too much about our politicians... I hope he sings like a bird.
Amen. Thinking that myself. He’s used to wearing his Sean Penn wanna be solider boy costume and marching into the WH, holding court unseen in the back hall, unlike Trump’s audience, reminding Biden & Son Burisma per Obama LLC, how much dirt he has on them and flying home with our money. His Oscar repo ass is on one of his general’s scopes as we write.
Zelenski must have been thinking that only a few years ago he was hailed as a conquering hero by Speaker Pelosi and VP Harris, who were sitting behind him like it was a SOTU address. He received so many standing ovations from the trained seals who dominate Congress that it rivaled the number that Netanyahu has come to expect. I only wish that Israel's Strongman was shown the same contempt from Trump as Z was subjected to on that glorious Friday.
BB rox and u stink.
I bet Z will retire in Israel. He's tribe, after all. How stupid were the Ukies to elect him? He campaigned as the character he had played in a big series, a leftist teacher talking truth to power.
"Zelensky turned up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue wearing a three-button knitted long-sleeve polo shirt from Gasanova’s menswear label Damirli, as well as pants from the collection. She had made a special version for Zelensky with the emblem of a tryzub, a shield with a trident that is the coat of arms that Ukraine adopted in February 1991."
Thanks. I knew it was something special, but I didn't know what. Trump mocked it in expert fashion.
Excellent observation. I wouldn't doubt he makes up with Vlad before long and moves to Russia under house "protection," albeit under some pretty spartan terms.
Putin will NEVER make up with Zelenskyy. Too many thousands of Russians died due to his lies.
I predict, because Zelenskyy does so much coke, that if he starts singing (and a Russian arrest could make him sing) that The Blob will Epstein his ass. And he knows it.
Yeah, naw. Israel is his natural home. For the Ukraine and its people he cares not at all. They're too dull to realize that I'm afraid.
Russia has a huge, as in very long, border with China. They've had a few dust-ups in the 20th Century. Russia has the resources, but lacks the population.. China has the population, but lacks the resources. Russia needs a plan.
Russia does have a plan, called BRICS+, growing bigger and stronger every year, while the Western-led NWO, ruled with an iron fist by the US hegemon since WWII, slowly fades into the dustbin of history. Not even Trump can arrest this inexorable process. He might even accelerate its crack-up.
Brics+ is one answer. Accelerating it and working with the emerging new system of commerce has merit and benefits. Getting in the way of a trend in motion, or working within the trend? I'd go for working within it.
Yeah, bring in millions of Muslims from Central Asia. Dugin says all Asians are brothers, including the Chinese. Makes perfect sense as long as you know nothing about history, human nature in general and Islam in particular.
They've learned nothing whatsoever from the West's diversity debacle. They're intent on building their own Tower of Babel - a better one than ours!
Your idea is too simplistic: China is the lead gold producer in the world; has the most rare earth deposits in the world; lots of manganese; as well as a major producer of coal.
It wasn't meant to be a complex discussion.
It certainly was not.
Speaking of gold, has anyone else heard anything about the gold in Ft. Knox? I briefly heard that a number of tonnes of it are missing.
There are those 'theories'. Someone knows. Obviously anyone in the know isn't talking.
Sending in Mnuchin, to emerge saying 'gold is good', didn't give me a warm feeling regarding the holdings.
Yeah, has Musk's idea of auditing it gone down the memory hole? Perhaps Trump gave him a word to the wise.
I have heard that there is NO gold at Fort Knox. Rumor only.
Nerve gas or something similar is stored there, which is why it is so secure and no humans allowed near the place.
So there you have it!!
No one knows-I sure don't.
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China South Africa), with the + being the newcomers who've joined.
US President Donald Trump delivered a blunt warning to Brics nations on Thursday (2/13/25), declaring that if they proceed with launching a common currency, they would face a 100% tariff on all imports into the United States. He also asserted that "Brics is dead."
It’s interesting to note how neither Vladimir Putin nor Donald Trump could have been predicted to become world leaders early in their professional lives.
During the post-Soviet interregnum, when election meddling put a US tool named Yeltsin in their presidency, Russian oligarchs in league with American MBAs were plundering the nation. Mr. Putin stepped up from his position as an intelligence officer to arrest that disastrous state of affairs, dealing with powerful men who were disinclined to release their grip on the country. Severe tactics were often necessary, but chaos and famine gradually gave way to the proud society and increasingly robust economy in Russia today.
Mr. Trump was, of course, a real estate magnate in New York. The rough methods which served him in the savage wilds of Manhattan led him through the entertainment industry into the political realm. Like Russia, the US has been in the thrall of an oligarchic Blob, manipulating the public here through bought politicians and captured media. And, as in Russia, the path to regaining a healthy system and society cannot be a tentative or gentle one.
Mr. Putin has shown preternatural self control in withstanding the ceaseless provocations inflicted upon his country by the US. Given the choice between having his country dismantled by the West or starting World War Three he managed to hold out until a US leader was willing to construct a better way forward.
Improbably, that man – our Gray Champion – turns out to be Donald Trump.
I do hope you're correct about Starmer losing his job by Christmas, though there is no one semi-palatable to replace him. On the other hand, you can't get much worse than Starmer. Ditto Zelensky, who needs the slaughter of his countrymen to continue in order to survive, desperate wee cokehead - though the fascists around him are on another level.
Excellent summation, James. Leave the EU miscreants to blunder and then blunder some more.
Trump is right to get the USA the hell out of this fecking disaster. We have real work to do at home.
LFG! 🎯💥🔥💯❤️
A friend of mine told me years ago that, "The only thing that Socialists hate more than other Socialists are capitalists, but even that won't stop Socialists from fighting among themselves." The Cold War that is going on in the U.S. Democrat Party is between the Fascist/Socialists and the Communist/Socialists. That same ideological Cold War is going on in "free" Europe. In Ukraine, the war is between Fascist/Socialist Ukraine under Zelenskyy and Russian "Communism Light" under Putin. The Fascist/Socialist wing of the U.S. Democrat Party--the war-monger wing--represents the Military-Industrial-Complex, which is more and more modeled after Hitler's Fascist/Socialist model of big military-dependent corporatists allowed to exist and prosper so long as they pledge their allegiance to the regime (a Democrat regime that has now been deposed, thus MIC's hatred of Trump and MAGA). Ukraine was and is the cash cow of the MIC and the corrupt Democrat Party, and an end to the war under Trump will slaughter that cash cow. Democrats met with Zelenskyy prior to the White House meeting and told him to reject Trump's peace deal. What the Democrats and Z didn't count on was Trump (and Vance) just telling Z to go fuck off. And, then Trump threatening to withdraw a bunch of U.S. military out Europe. As I write this, it sounds like Z is trying to crawl back into negotiations. You would think that, by now, Z has figured out that playing FAFO with Trump is not going to win Z anything. Apparently, the Democrat morons still want to keep playing FAFO, and the finding out is just going to get more painful them.
Democrats have had their way for a long time. I think it amazes them when Trump ignores them totally. I think your observation of the Dems getting to Z first is a good one. After all, who has he been dealing with up to now.
FAFO = Fuck around, find out.
All great achievements come from partnerships between public and private. That includes taking America from the Indians. Isolated farmers, ranchers and even "posses" could never have done it. The Indians were far more organized than that.
Libertarianism and "get off my lawn" patriotism are recipes for failure.
It is a repeat process, which I point out on occasion ( I'm not alone ). Afrter 80 -120 years pass, a cycle, there's no a person (or a vivid memory) left alive to say 'we tried that, it didn't work out very well'.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
a 'Fourth Turning' is what we seem to be in ... everything happens in cycles. I'm slowly picking my way through that book and it's interestingly accurate
They (Strauss & Howe) were highlighted in an issue of "American Demographics" around 1990 when their work was first coming out. i found it both valid and fascinating as an approach to cycles, generations, cohorts, etc. They provided ample references to support their thesis. Identifying generational types (shared characteristics) was another strength.
As every generation has an adolescence, rebellion marks the change agents of the Turning schedule. Rebellion seems to be a human trait.
Rebellion is how humans continued their evolution after gaining civilization.
Maybe that will stop after they gain galactic control.
But don't hold your breath.
Part of development and the passage to adulthood, each generation being a bit different in the form and object of rebellion.
4th Turnings don't always end in a better situation.
These supposed European "leaders" have lost their collective minds! Their nations are in collapse for at least half a dozen reasons, and they really think that banging the war drum against Russia is going to help them? Their economies are weak, their militaries are in a shabby state, with only a couple exceptions, their nations are overrun with third world migrants, and their governments have turned into police state goons... how does any of this even work?
Do they really just want to commit collective suicide? Because that's what it looks like.
These people need to be drug tested or something, I've never seen anything like it.
Well said. Spot on.
UK has like 30 fighter jets. No tankers. Planes in the air!
and 40 operational tanks, with another 150 that could be made ready, more Admirals than ships, more Generals than tanks... the UK is a joke militarily!