April 2005 | Eyesore
Commentary on architectural blunders in monthly serial.
The Grand Pedestrian Journey
to Catch the Train
from Albany to New York City
Welcome to the brand-new Albany-Rennselaer Amtrak station. The massive concrete tumor in foreground is the parking garage and service ramp. Notice old-timey lamp post just right of center.
The journey begins where the parking lot meets the parking garage. Hmmmm, who is the menacing figure ahead? I wonder if I could jump that fence if I had to?
We arrive at rape-o-matic junction. Which way do we go? The sign says "To Train Station" and directs us to squeeze past the downspout through a slit in the wall. Or are we supposed to enter the dreary and ominous chamber to the right?? We choose the slit.
The journey continues through a dim and portentous underground passageway -- the perfect habitat for junkies and golems. Or maybe this is the place where the Devil keeps his Hummer. We quicken our step. . . .
Thank goodness, we made it to the Grand Entrance!
This way to trains. . . or is it the janitor's broom closet?
The Grand Stairway conforms to all the New York state fire codes. It's every bit as nice as the service stairway at Comstock State Penitentiary.
At last, we arrive at the main waiting room.
Wooo Wooo
All aboard !