Thank you “Joe Biden”, you've narrowed our options to one – extra-judicial. Thanks for the short-list of traitors. These fuckers need to hang. Every. Single. One.
“These public servants have served our nation with honor and distinction and do not deserve to be the targets of unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions.”
“The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense. Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment to our country”.
Kathy, we are His arms here. Through us does he work. He has other ways too of course. As He said of Israel long ago, I make plans for your ruin, so it is with us, today.
While I have a Beagle and love all dogs, Fauci's poisoning of every human on Earth is also a bad thing. So is lying to congress about setting up bio-labs around the world.
What are you talking about? Do you realize your comment completely misses the point Robert Italia made? And why did you capitalize "Murderer"? Is that the name of a football team or something?
Needs to be challenged in the courts. If it's not, or if it's upheld, it'll be a huge sign that the Washington DC "aristocracy" is just fine with lawlessness and unaccountability on their part. Stay tuned.
Yes, good point Robert. Similar logic (?) to the Bush (Dubya) Doctrine, we're going to attack foreign countries pre-emptively, because they may be thinking about attacking us.
Right. These are not pardons but protective immunity. Can't see that as being legal. Going to be an uphill battle but should prevail or there is no justice ever again.
Challenge all the Pardons of the Biden Mob CONCURRENT with filing Criminal Charges, State and Federal, against the individual Culprits.
At least we should charge and convict them of their Crimes before they get the sleazy way out. Let them pull out the "Pardon" after conviction.
And pass immediate legislation to move Criminal/Political cases in D.C., out of DC Courts to somewhere where the jurors don't have a vested interest in dispensing O.J. Simpson justice.
WAKE UP AMERICA. You're on the last train pulling out of Last Chance station.
Maybe someone has already pointed this out, downthread (I'm still scrolling) but there have been preemptive presidential pardon precedents before apparently.
Still, though, it appears that Biden sets a historical record for the number of pardons granted. At that rate, why didn't he pardon everyone on American soil, including illegal immigrants, prisoners and Newsom?
Does this give them "liberty" to speed in school zones?...I guess congress would have to make speeding in school zones a federal infraction. Perhaps the plan was to throw yet another wrench in "the system" and keep piling on the pages of laws that Nancy Pelosi told us years ago she doesn't bother to read. That is their weakness, they don't read.
Their weakness is they don't care about the laws they impose upon everyone else which is why most of them don't bother to read them that is what "staffers" are for.
There is something to consider. As the info about Fauci and the-- let's call them "issues"--- with the C0ViD shot come out, people might take things into their own hands.
Fauci might be alive, but he also might face the same societal rejection as OJ Simpson.
Yessir, and hemp is not only renewable, it can be used multiple times.
Where is the proverbial ‘chink in the armor’?
I hear a lot from the room where the tv is located. It’s not a passing of popcorn moment.
There is talk of the 5th Amendment protections regarding self-incrimination won’t be in play for those who receive preemptive pardons up until high noon today because they have received a ‘pardon’ for past events.
Essentially, at great personal risk to themselves and their families from the chaos people, the pardonees can feel some safety their ‘pardons’ and proceed to ‘spill the beans’ (if they have enough nerve, big question mark).
Let’s bring in Throckmorton v United States. Fraud vitiates everything.
We have one Mr. Hur. Hur told the committee:. “For that reason, I had to consider the president’s memory and overall mental state.”
What the Special Counsel holds is one of the keys.
If Biden couldn’t stand trial regarding classified documents due to ‘memory and overall mental state’ , how can the ‘pardons’ or pretty much anything else he signed, stand?
They were fraudulently obtained by the immediate claque, the first layer of the “Joe Biden” presidency, probably using the autopen, to cover a whole bunch of asses (those asses being covered are matched to particularly onerous assholes).
I have a few (many) other thoughts. This whole think can marinate slightly just not for very long. It is the dish best served cold. Hopefully with the rule of law. Hope is one thing, at times at odds with emerging reality.
That's a great observation. A person who is not oriented in all three spheres, who doesn't know who he is or what he is doing cannot legally sign any binding document. Joe should be dumped into Louisville's Waverly Sanitorium and left in the care of Dr. Jill while the U.S. Supreme Court determines if the demented old fool's pardons are worthless as used toilet paper.
Notwithstanding the obvious non-starter of the "preemptive pardons," there's also the 5th Amendment. These cretins just gave that up by accepting these "pardons." That means, that they can be deposed and questioned and have to swear under oath that what they are saying is true. So, we shall find out one way or another who the folks "behind the curtain" are. No getting out of this one, bitches. Y'all just fucked yourselves and your whole backstage crew.
I'm your fortieth reply, at least at the time of writing, if not posting. But anyway, this is a cause for celebration, for now. Happy Trumpyear, BTW. Break out the rum-and-Trumpnog...
But seriously, folks, WTF is with this pardons thing anyway and is it just part of the ongoing joke on the people? Of course it is.
OK Zazzy, but only celebrating now, because the J6er's will soon be free. Break out the bubbly - the Trumpaign! Happy Trumpyear! You still slay me. Thanks Zazzy.
Cant we just send them all to Israel with a F35 wunder weapon each?There they can play attack a small country/bomb the muslims for eternity with all the other Zionists.
Pardons just put a bigger bullseye on the guilty’s back. No matter what happens or doesn’t happen today, the co-conspirators of the last 8 years will have as much peace as the Nazi rats after 1945. FJB
Still. Having Democratic Mob members paying their own legal fees for their grubby crimes, and being bankrupted by the Department of Justice seems an adequate recompense for the dirty deeds they did against wholly innocent Americans.
Everything he has done is bogus. The person or persons who have played his part and the one who really ran the government have no authority. Biden was not duly elected and for sure those players weren't. You cannot pardon someone who hasn't been charged or convicted of a crime. How stupid. By "pardoning" these people, he is letting everyone know they did indeed commit crimes. Plus the crimes were against we the people and we are not pardoning these traitors.
Remember that the “crimes” were a complied effort by the Leftists. To them, there were no crimes committed, they were doing their jobs. The real problem is that 2020 let them run amok. To succeed, Trump must succeed for the moderate Americans that elected him, energy, resources, stabilized border and a freeze on prices. He succeeds, the failure of the last four years and the idiots that ran them will fade quickly and not return for a long, long time.
I believe the word intent will come out soon. Did Fauci intended to poison the public with the Vaxx as he gave his “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval”. Did Mayorkas intend to destroy the common culture of the USA when he ignored the slime sneaking into the border? Did Garland intended to poison that the judicial system was going to be hijacked by a bunch of nuts on the Left? Did Butt Plug intend to ignore real transportation issues and just do nothing? One for Trump, did he intend to slough off the Covid problem in early 2020 to a group of ignorant fools, he has yet to live that one down. The gist of the deal is that politics overwhelms reason in DC with both sides thinking they are right. One good thing, this time, the fools on the socialistic Left proved they were wrong and it cost them a good thumping at the polls.
Watch the next one hundred days, and not just Trump. The Dems have to decide what to do next, how to reject the socialism of Biden and the Mob and come up with some good sellable alternatives to make out lives better. The People have spoken and soundly, and rejected the Far Left.
The border has been more or less open for generations. People of small ken and scope have forgotten that. If Mayorkas goes down, thousands of other have to as well, the whole American aristocracy. They decided long ago to destroy the old America, the White America, the only real America.
By 2008, we already had tens of millions. The number 11 million had been used for decades and would be used into the 2020's. Life is better here, and they intend to take as much of America that they can. This faction won't like the North American Union any more than we do.
You're right, Mary, but the threatening now evokes a little bit different response. The cowering is over. Time for payback. As they say, karma is a bitch.
I see the demise of the MSM as more a gradual thing taken over by citizen journalists like Mr. Kunstler, here. That's what most people watch now (see: Joe Rogan, etc. who's audience dwarfs anything in the MSM). But sadly some of those personalities are still making bank. Let's hope that changes as well. I know CNN is getting sued out of existence for libel, they don't seem to be able to editorialize correctly - even to save their own skin. They must have complete idiots running their gig.
Years ago, my aunt-- who I did not know was a died in wool liberal-- mentioned that her adult daughter [a college professor] watched Rachel Maddow, and asked if I did. My response? "Is that the woman who looks like a man?"
As perverse as it may be, paying MadCow $20 million per year on a money-losing proposition, tells you she is a grubby corporate shill. Nothing more, nothing less. And she is publicly acknowledging it.
Mary Queen, not just yet, totally. Trump will get his cabinet and will set off for 100 days to reverse the very costly programs the Libs tried to jam into place. I will agree, if Trump does not show progress, we are all in Deep State doo-doo.
Janos - I have to welcome the girls, letting them know their thoughts and comments are valuable and welcome, before you chase them off.
I can see you haven't checked your 2025 syllabus yet. See homework assignment in "Extending Courtesy to Members of the Opposite Sex". We can discuss later.
She who watches will not be pleased, Ron. "The girls" - I love it! As Odin says, I want men like you by my side in the Fimbul Winter. There will be a place for you in the Coming Age. There will be feasting, drinking, tales of honor and glory, feats of strength, combat between heroes, honest debate, and lovely large breasted servers in Odin's Hall. Even chivalry towards the Ladies for those who like that kind of thing.....
Janos - inside every woman is a former little girl.
Many remember those times fondly, and mention of such means no disrespect, only reminds them to retrace some of those fond memories. Conversely, there is yet no woman in a girl.
We're getting ahead of ourselves; this is later in the semester.
Lugh, already doing it. Are you watching him sign the EOs to counter the Dems.
Another update, Ramaswamy is out as DOGE co-leader. Story I read said he criticized US workers and Trump did not like it. He is maybe running for Ohio governor? Trump put the clamps on the border, day one. Already shutting down.
Yes, he is off to a grand start. He has hit the ground not running, but sprinting. I can hardly believe it. Let's see if it continues. And even Biden and Harris stood up when he said he was behind the truce between Israel and Hamas.
It will ALL be ruined if he brings in millions of Indians though. Does this move mean he has reconsidered or was it merely cosmetic?
I sincerely hope your are right about him and I was wrong. It was terrible what Vivek and Elon did - they split the MAGA movement. He had to do something, so he sacrificed Vivek. But will he move ahead with this? And let the Hispanics and Africans keep pouring in, "legally" as well? Replaced is replaced. Such a thing can never be legitimately legal since it is not moral.
It's getting to the point where the President should just be able to pardon everybody for everything. Might as well. What the hell do we have a law for if the fuckers can just swipe away their crimes with vague and vacuous pardons? Where the hell did this come from anyway? Does the Constitution authorize Presidential pardons for crimes committed? Especially crimes committed by those not holding political office?
As usual, in America, we Americans take everything too far. The Presidential pardon has now been taken too far to one extreme and needs to be reigned in. Who will do it?
Nobody. An so these scumbags continue to commit grievous crimes with impunity, wagging their long, extended middle finger in our faces, saying "fuck you, you can't touch me you morons!"
Ain't America's government just fantastic???? I love it.
Some constitutional law experts doubt that the preemptive pardon has legal effect. It has to be tested in a court of law. That means the DoJ has to prosecute them, then the defendants’ lawyers will file a motion to dismiss based upon the preemptive pardon, then . . . The judge has to rule on the motion. It may go up to the Supreme Court.
Well, Ben, with the Court supposedly composed of 6 conservatives, it seems like many decisions have wound of 5-4, with Roberts and Barrett voting with the libs. To take one example, they voted that Texas must take down the barbed wire barrier it was constructing on the border. Famed attorney Robert Barnes has shown that Barrett repeatedly voted with the libs, except on abortion.
Ben, the conservatives expected a locked in conservative court and are definitely disappointed. SCOTUS determines the Constitutionality of Laws and lower court decisions. It is not purely Dem. vs. GOP, but loose vs. Strict interpretation of the Constitution. It is becoming , however, Deep State vs. Trump group as they decide the power level of the federal government over the States and ultimately, us. Roberts is a RINO, and that hurts as the Chief Justice wields power over the court.
Just a comment - Trump was flawed by his acceptance and pushing the Warpspeed process. Think though, was he just a rubber stamping sucker for Fauci’s gang and the mRNA group? Was he desperately trying to downplay the effects of Covid on the campaign for president? Looking for any solution, up to believing anything he was told? Where was Pence in all this? Wasn’t’t he supposed to be running the government side of all the activity? Did he ever warn Trump? Did anyone WARN Pence, Trump etc. to watch out for al? Like McCullough or Malone? Or was this a hindsight is 20/20 situation?
Wasn’t Mc Cullough a leader of the mRNA project, and yet became one of the first warnings about putting the S protein into the body? Who did he bring up his warnings with?
One more, the medical community had built up a reputation of trust with the American public for generations. That ended with first, Obamacare then Covid Vaxx. People just plain believed the industry when they blessed the Vaxx, including Trump. It turns out the warnings about the effects of S proteins with the vaxx were right. Medicine will never be the same again.
I remember my Mom, before she passed. Her idea of a good doctor was if he dressed nicely. Total trust!
People can never trust their doctor totally again, and must research what they are being told.
Goodbye, Joe Biden - aka “Joe Tater” - the poster child of everything that is wrong with America’s phony and hypocritical politicians. As a career politician, he enriched himself and his wicked family with riches no common American could afford, like two-multi-million-dollar mansions, luxury cars, and a luxurious lifestyle:
Look at his progeny... one writes a diary outing him as a pedo, the other calls him "pedo pete," and both are addicts, even as middle-aged and older adults. I don't even want to imagine what the grandchildren have been through.
Pardoning Fauci...a fitting end to the steaming pile of corruption and destruction that was Biden's administration. A complete disaster for America and all of humanity.
Seems to me that "Joe Biden's" last slew of pardons essentially hands us a list of exactly who the worst criminals to do his bidding are. Reminds me of the end of a "whodunit" where they uncover the murderer.
I don't foresee any justice, but the show must go on.
The ink was hardly dry on your post before Biden announced pardons of Fauci, Gen. Milley and the J-6 Committee. I suppose he is saving the best (The Biden family including the Big Guy) for last!
The only thing that surprised me was, he didn’t pardon himself. I guess he figures he’s not gonna be around that long, or he made a deal with somebody.
Now, of course, we will hear calls for "healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation" from the same malefactors who have abused the system and their fellow citizens these past four years. These people haven't cared a bit about the damage they have done to this nation, but now want their perfidy forgotten in a spirit of - what - good will? To Hell with that. Unless destroyed they will just be lying low, waiting for the first moment when they can resume depriving us of our rights. Go get 'em, President Trump.
200 Trump Executive Orders undoing much of Biden's blatant fucking over of America (with Biden often breaking the law and defying the Constitution to do so) doesn't look much like "forgiveness and reconciliation." "Healing", yes, because it will at least start to repair some of the damage that the Obama/Hillary/Soros cabal have inflicted upon America via Biden. And, when Trump's DOJ gets busy prosecuting all the Democrat criminals whose lawbreaking Biden and Co. allowed and often encouraged, things will get even more punishing for the Democrats. As the saying goes, the Biden and the Democrats fucked around, now they are going to find out.
Yeah, grabbed her off the street and twenty minutes later assaulted her in a woman’s dressing Room? How many of you gals really believe that story? Not even a prostitute is that fast or stupid. So what are you E. Carroll?
How many of these women who are accusing Trump, and many other Big men are just frustrated “groupies” that did not get what they thought they were due?
Yup. It shows how really distorted the New York judicial scene really is. I read that business people are deserting NYC because of what Bragg and Merchan did to Trump. I believe that Bragg “bragged” that he was going to “get” all the big business in NYC. Has he figured out that he will destroy the city with that declaration? I believe Adams is starting to figure that out.
Remember it was a defamation trial, Trump was basically tried for calling her a liar that was “not his type”. One thing that will be interesting, how many defamation charges will be brought against all the Braggs, Jack Smiths by Trump himself?
Re: In the wording of Biden’s recent pardons of Fauci, Cheney, et al, is this statement of pardon protection:
“ unjustified and criminally motivated prosecutions.”
If I were in that rogues gallery I wouldn’t be breathing any sigh of relief, as the operative word in that statement is “unjustified”. A good lawyer, and we’ve got a great new AG coming in now, can drive a truck through those pardons.
A preemptive pardon is just as illegal as an ex post facto prosecution. If one can be preemptively pardoned for a crime that has not yet been charged, then it seems perfectly logical that a person could be charged for an act that was not illegal when the person committed it. You can't see a big legal and constitutional problem with one without seeing it for the other.
One thing that Biden, his traitor handlers, and all his treasonous minions were good at is ignoring the Constitution and the Rule of Law whenever doing so served the needs of the regime. That's called tyranny and that doesn't sit well with actual Americans. The "tyranny" that the Democrats fear so much from Trump is that the new Trump Administration is going to being actually enforcing the law. Of course, criminals hate leaders who actually enforce the law, so the legions of Democrat criminals have plenty of hate for Trump. Expect those Democrats to hate Trump even more, starting later today.
The Trump revolution still faces the Liberal bias of the federal judiciary that can shut down his EOs, and the ACLU. Last time, his EOs went all the way to the SCOTUS. MAGA is going to have to be patient to undo the damage the Left has done.
Thank you “Joe Biden”, you've narrowed our options to one – extra-judicial. Thanks for the short-list of traitors. These fuckers need to hang. Every. Single. One.
“These public servants have served our nation with honor and distinction and do not deserve to be the targets of unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions.”
“The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense. Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment to our country”.
This is an outrage and cannot stand.
You can't "pardon" someone for crimes not charged or prosecuted. This makes no legal sense and needs to be challenged in the courts.
Exactly. What if, tomorrow, it's demonstrated Hunter Biden murdered someone a few years ago - how can that fall under his blanket pardon? It's absurd.
A convicted Murderer can be pardoned… and has been in the past.
In order for a legal pardon to be issued they have to be convicted of the crime and sentenced.
This is called immunity that Joe Biden is attempting to foist off on the American people.
I am with Ron if Justice is denied the people what else is left?
Fauci is a monster and should be in prison for what he did to helpless beagles!
Tying down these dogs and letting sand fleas devour their faces is Satanic.
If human justice is thwarted, divine justice steps in.
I prefer Justice here and now on earth. Let divine justice catch what we can't see.
"Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord" ~ Romans 12:19
But Jesus had plenty of "righteous" anger, so should we.
May I stand in for divine? He apparently is out of the office. 🙂
Kathy, we are His arms here. Through us does he work. He has other ways too of course. As He said of Israel long ago, I make plans for your ruin, so it is with us, today.
While I have a Beagle and love all dogs, Fauci's poisoning of every human on Earth is also a bad thing. So is lying to congress about setting up bio-labs around the world.
No argument from me.
Just making the point he did something that would have sent you or I to prison.
Fauci should be six feet under.
but not ahead of time
Right. Ahead of time equals immunity and a license to murder.
How many crimes are these people pardoned for? Future crimes? Past crimes? Any crimes they may commit for the rest of their lives? This is insane.
"Convicted" being the operative word.
What are you talking about? Do you realize your comment completely misses the point Robert Italia made? And why did you capitalize "Murderer"? Is that the name of a football team or something?
How about a Presidential Pardon for a crime not yet committed.
Joe Biden issues a pardon for the assassination of ________________. And the killing happens after the pardon.
I cannot believe the U.S. Supreme Court will allow a Pardon for pre-crime, for uncharged crime, for unadjudicated crime.
BUT, Biden (his crew) is telling you one thing. Biden's entire 4 years was the Democrat Political Mob run amok.
Needs to be challenged in the courts. If it's not, or if it's upheld, it'll be a huge sign that the Washington DC "aristocracy" is just fine with lawlessness and unaccountability on their part. Stay tuned.
The Supreme Court will not save 7s. Didn't Tik tok ban register?
Yes, good point Robert. Similar logic (?) to the Bush (Dubya) Doctrine, we're going to attack foreign countries pre-emptively, because they may be thinking about attacking us.
The Zionist doctrine hidden under a filthy red, white, and blue flag.
Right. These are not pardons but protective immunity. Can't see that as being legal. Going to be an uphill battle but should prevail or there is no justice ever again.
Let's try a solution.
Challenge all the Pardons of the Biden Mob CONCURRENT with filing Criminal Charges, State and Federal, against the individual Culprits.
At least we should charge and convict them of their Crimes before they get the sleazy way out. Let them pull out the "Pardon" after conviction.
And pass immediate legislation to move Criminal/Political cases in D.C., out of DC Courts to somewhere where the jurors don't have a vested interest in dispensing O.J. Simpson justice.
WAKE UP AMERICA. You're on the last train pulling out of Last Chance station.
According to Grok preemptive pardons are legal under the constitution.
Only because pre-emptive pardons were never challenged in court.
A preemptive pardon is immunity to commit crimes.
The justice dept and the courts are completely corrupt or hasn't anyone noticed. If these vermin get what they deserve, it won't be from the courts.
~ PPPP ~
Maybe someone has already pointed this out, downthread (I'm still scrolling) but there have been preemptive presidential pardon precedents before apparently.
Still, though, it appears that Biden sets a historical record for the number of pardons granted. At that rate, why didn't he pardon everyone on American soil, including illegal immigrants, prisoners and Newsom?
Does this give them "liberty" to speed in school zones?...I guess congress would have to make speeding in school zones a federal infraction. Perhaps the plan was to throw yet another wrench in "the system" and keep piling on the pages of laws that Nancy Pelosi told us years ago she doesn't bother to read. That is their weakness, they don't read.
Their weakness is they don't care about the laws they impose upon everyone else which is why most of them don't bother to read them that is what "staffers" are for.
I'm thinking we're approaching the point of the old joke of: "Kill them all and let God sort them out".
Pardoning Fauci and Miss Milley today is such a perfect example what we're facing with the opposition.
Maybe, well, not maybe; it sets precedent. Maybe Trump can issue me a preemptive pardon on Day One. Not saying I'll need one, just sayin'...
I hear what you're not saying, and sign my ass up too.
You want to purge, bro? Who can blame you.
There is something to consider. As the info about Fauci and the-- let's call them "issues"--- with the C0ViD shot come out, people might take things into their own hands.
Fauci might be alive, but he also might face the same societal rejection as OJ Simpson.
“Thanks for the short-list of traitors. “
….. ‘This is an outrage and cannot stand.’
Yessir, and hemp is not only renewable, it can be used multiple times.
Where is the proverbial ‘chink in the armor’?
I hear a lot from the room where the tv is located. It’s not a passing of popcorn moment.
There is talk of the 5th Amendment protections regarding self-incrimination won’t be in play for those who receive preemptive pardons up until high noon today because they have received a ‘pardon’ for past events.
Essentially, at great personal risk to themselves and their families from the chaos people, the pardonees can feel some safety their ‘pardons’ and proceed to ‘spill the beans’ (if they have enough nerve, big question mark).
Let’s bring in Throckmorton v United States. Fraud vitiates everything.
We have one Mr. Hur. Hur told the committee:. “For that reason, I had to consider the president’s memory and overall mental state.”
What the Special Counsel holds is one of the keys.
If Biden couldn’t stand trial regarding classified documents due to ‘memory and overall mental state’ , how can the ‘pardons’ or pretty much anything else he signed, stand?
They were fraudulently obtained by the immediate claque, the first layer of the “Joe Biden” presidency, probably using the autopen, to cover a whole bunch of asses (those asses being covered are matched to particularly onerous assholes).
I have a few (many) other thoughts. This whole think can marinate slightly just not for very long. It is the dish best served cold. Hopefully with the rule of law. Hope is one thing, at times at odds with emerging reality.
That's a great observation. A person who is not oriented in all three spheres, who doesn't know who he is or what he is doing cannot legally sign any binding document. Joe should be dumped into Louisville's Waverly Sanitorium and left in the care of Dr. Jill while the U.S. Supreme Court determines if the demented old fool's pardons are worthless as used toilet paper.
"Hope is one thing, at times at odds with emerging reality." ~ wkenn
Walter, I'm leaning this way. Hope is the last vestige of denial.
Time to take care of business, just my opinion, of course - my 2 cents - and that's all it's ever worth.
Notwithstanding the obvious non-starter of the "preemptive pardons," there's also the 5th Amendment. These cretins just gave that up by accepting these "pardons." That means, that they can be deposed and questioned and have to swear under oath that what they are saying is true. So, we shall find out one way or another who the folks "behind the curtain" are. No getting out of this one, bitches. Y'all just fucked yourselves and your whole backstage crew.
Can't they just say "I don't remember" as an answer for every question they are asked in a court of law?
Or.... can't they say they never accepted these pardons and plead the 5th?
I'm your fortieth reply, at least at the time of writing, if not posting. But anyway, this is a cause for celebration, for now. Happy Trumpyear, BTW. Break out the rum-and-Trumpnog...
But seriously, folks, WTF is with this pardons thing anyway and is it just part of the ongoing joke on the people? Of course it is.
OK Zazzy, but only celebrating now, because the J6er's will soon be free. Break out the bubbly - the Trumpaign! Happy Trumpyear! You still slay me. Thanks Zazzy.
Cant we just send them all to Israel with a F35 wunder weapon each?There they can play attack a small country/bomb the muslims for eternity with all the other Zionists.
*** Heads up about a set of issues deemed important enough to tuck the comment link under Ron's unrelated comment here:
Pardons just put a bigger bullseye on the guilty’s back. No matter what happens or doesn’t happen today, the co-conspirators of the last 8 years will have as much peace as the Nazi rats after 1945. FJB
Still. Having Democratic Mob members paying their own legal fees for their grubby crimes, and being bankrupted by the Department of Justice seems an adequate recompense for the dirty deeds they did against wholly innocent Americans.
Operation Paperclip painted the bullseye.
Everything he has done is bogus. The person or persons who have played his part and the one who really ran the government have no authority. Biden was not duly elected and for sure those players weren't. You cannot pardon someone who hasn't been charged or convicted of a crime. How stupid. By "pardoning" these people, he is letting everyone know they did indeed commit crimes. Plus the crimes were against we the people and we are not pardoning these traitors.
Remember that the “crimes” were a complied effort by the Leftists. To them, there were no crimes committed, they were doing their jobs. The real problem is that 2020 let them run amok. To succeed, Trump must succeed for the moderate Americans that elected him, energy, resources, stabilized border and a freeze on prices. He succeeds, the failure of the last four years and the idiots that ran them will fade quickly and not return for a long, long time.
I believe the word intent will come out soon. Did Fauci intended to poison the public with the Vaxx as he gave his “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval”. Did Mayorkas intend to destroy the common culture of the USA when he ignored the slime sneaking into the border? Did Garland intended to poison that the judicial system was going to be hijacked by a bunch of nuts on the Left? Did Butt Plug intend to ignore real transportation issues and just do nothing? One for Trump, did he intend to slough off the Covid problem in early 2020 to a group of ignorant fools, he has yet to live that one down. The gist of the deal is that politics overwhelms reason in DC with both sides thinking they are right. One good thing, this time, the fools on the socialistic Left proved they were wrong and it cost them a good thumping at the polls.
Watch the next one hundred days, and not just Trump. The Dems have to decide what to do next, how to reject the socialism of Biden and the Mob and come up with some good sellable alternatives to make out lives better. The People have spoken and soundly, and rejected the Far Left.
The border has been more or less open for generations. People of small ken and scope have forgotten that. If Mayorkas goes down, thousands of other have to as well, the whole American aristocracy. They decided long ago to destroy the old America, the White America, the only real America.
Except most of those that came across do not want to live here.
They earn as much as they can for a couple of years and go home with the money and never work again if they can get away with it.
So, what has changed that many of them now want to stay?
I can honestly say the great give aways.
It was five grand a month in 2008 under Obama back when five grand a month paid all the bills.
By 2008, we already had tens of millions. The number 11 million had been used for decades and would be used into the 2020's. Life is better here, and they intend to take as much of America that they can. This faction won't like the North American Union any more than we do.
And FEMA? Did they intend to murder the citizens of North Carolina?
No but that area has been found to be rich in rare earth minerals as well as gold.
Trump must explain the difference between 10 million dieing and 1 million people dieing, IF that is why he embraced the jab.
Maybe that's really the point.
So - looks like the $MSM is going to proceed as if Trump did not actually win. As usual.
Biden, doddering old wreck that he is, has managed to achieve fantastic levels of very ugly corruption. World-class, and at the same time, petty.
The MSM is on its last legs. Its dying gasp is loud and threatening. But that's all it is: A last gasp.
You're right, Mary, but the threatening now evokes a little bit different response. The cowering is over. Time for payback. As they say, karma is a bitch.
Just tell them, "Your karma ran over your dogma".
FWIW, I think that’s a Thomas Dolby song.
I dunno…Richardette Madcow seems to be shrinking.
I see the demise of the MSM as more a gradual thing taken over by citizen journalists like Mr. Kunstler, here. That's what most people watch now (see: Joe Rogan, etc. who's audience dwarfs anything in the MSM). But sadly some of those personalities are still making bank. Let's hope that changes as well. I know CNN is getting sued out of existence for libel, they don't seem to be able to editorialize correctly - even to save their own skin. They must have complete idiots running their gig.
Please see my comment about the New York Times.
Excuse me? Who are you?
Years ago, my aunt-- who I did not know was a died in wool liberal-- mentioned that her adult daughter [a college professor] watched Rachel Maddow, and asked if I did. My response? "Is that the woman who looks like a man?"
Yes. As it turned out, I was correct.
Oh, the poor thing now only makes 20 million a year. What a travesty. She's laughing all the way to the bank.
As perverse as it may be, paying MadCow $20 million per year on a money-losing proposition, tells you she is a grubby corporate shill. Nothing more, nothing less. And she is publicly acknowledging it.
Yeah but she has no conscience, she's a sociopath and a narcissist, like all people with her job. So she's probably good with that.
Would make me happy to never see another idiot like Bribem in the presidency
Sadly, our culture and system is designed to reward psychopaths, narcissists, etc. so we probably will.
Mary Queen, not just yet, totally. Trump will get his cabinet and will set off for 100 days to reverse the very costly programs the Libs tried to jam into place. I will agree, if Trump does not show progress, we are all in Deep State doo-doo.
JAZ - do you really think she's MQ?
Y'all gossip like little ol' ladies.
Thanks for your thoughts - well-said. Spoken like a pragmatic visionary.
You don't waste any time, I'll give you that.
Janos - I have to welcome the girls, letting them know their thoughts and comments are valuable and welcome, before you chase them off.
I can see you haven't checked your 2025 syllabus yet. See homework assignment in "Extending Courtesy to Members of the Opposite Sex". We can discuss later.
She who watches will not be pleased, Ron. "The girls" - I love it! As Odin says, I want men like you by my side in the Fimbul Winter. There will be a place for you in the Coming Age. There will be feasting, drinking, tales of honor and glory, feats of strength, combat between heroes, honest debate, and lovely large breasted servers in Odin's Hall. Even chivalry towards the Ladies for those who like that kind of thing.....
"...and lovely large breasted servers in Odin's Hall..." ~ Lugh
I prefer pears; small breasts, big bottoms and road-blocking hips.
Janos - inside every woman is a former little girl.
Many remember those times fondly, and mention of such means no disrespect, only reminds them to retrace some of those fond memories. Conversely, there is yet no woman in a girl.
We're getting ahead of ourselves; this is later in the semester.
On Odin, yes! More wine! More women! More song!
"...inside every woman is a former little girl." ~ Ron Anselmo
"We are all the ages we ever were." ~ Unknown
I strongly agree. Feminists go ballistic, but many of them have it too. You risked much by saying this, but nothing ventured nothing gained, eh?
Ha! Thanks!
I think it was always there. Biden just harnessed it.
As predicted Fauci, members of Jan6 committee and The Head of the joint chiefs of Staff have been preemptively pardoned.
Banana Republic?
Yup. (Though unfair to bananas.)
Corrupt third world sh*thole politics.
What is Joe Bidens 'Murica.
Trump must answer this outrage by pardoning the J6 heroes, even ones who hit cops.
No Trump must push for the trial and conviction of the POS that shot and killed an unarmed veteran.
He must then release all the details on the pipe bomb and the wet squads running around in Plain clothes.
Lugh, already doing it. Are you watching him sign the EOs to counter the Dems.
Another update, Ramaswamy is out as DOGE co-leader. Story I read said he criticized US workers and Trump did not like it. He is maybe running for Ohio governor? Trump put the clamps on the border, day one. Already shutting down.
Yes, he is off to a grand start. He has hit the ground not running, but sprinting. I can hardly believe it. Let's see if it continues. And even Biden and Harris stood up when he said he was behind the truce between Israel and Hamas.
It will ALL be ruined if he brings in millions of Indians though. Does this move mean he has reconsidered or was it merely cosmetic?
I sincerely hope your are right about him and I was wrong. It was terrible what Vivek and Elon did - they split the MAGA movement. He had to do something, so he sacrificed Vivek. But will he move ahead with this? And let the Hispanics and Africans keep pouring in, "legally" as well? Replaced is replaced. Such a thing can never be legitimately legal since it is not moral.
It's getting to the point where the President should just be able to pardon everybody for everything. Might as well. What the hell do we have a law for if the fuckers can just swipe away their crimes with vague and vacuous pardons? Where the hell did this come from anyway? Does the Constitution authorize Presidential pardons for crimes committed? Especially crimes committed by those not holding political office?
As usual, in America, we Americans take everything too far. The Presidential pardon has now been taken too far to one extreme and needs to be reigned in. Who will do it?
Nobody. An so these scumbags continue to commit grievous crimes with impunity, wagging their long, extended middle finger in our faces, saying "fuck you, you can't touch me you morons!"
Ain't America's government just fantastic???? I love it.
Some constitutional law experts doubt that the preemptive pardon has legal effect. It has to be tested in a court of law. That means the DoJ has to prosecute them, then the defendants’ lawyers will file a motion to dismiss based upon the preemptive pardon, then . . . The judge has to rule on the motion. It may go up to the Supreme Court.
Where SCOTUS , like in 2020 says “no standing, can’t hear it”?? Fuck THAT shit.
With chief justice Roberts and that female fake conservative that Trump installed at the end of his term probably voting with the 3 female leftists.
She is still better than the piece of shit WEIRDO Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her weird pedo fetish beliefs.
Small improvements make huge differences.
Well, Ben, with the Court supposedly composed of 6 conservatives, it seems like many decisions have wound of 5-4, with Roberts and Barrett voting with the libs. To take one example, they voted that Texas must take down the barbed wire barrier it was constructing on the border. Famed attorney Robert Barnes has shown that Barrett repeatedly voted with the libs, except on abortion.
Time will tell but I say again better than what she replaced.
Ben, the conservatives expected a locked in conservative court and are definitely disappointed. SCOTUS determines the Constitutionality of Laws and lower court decisions. It is not purely Dem. vs. GOP, but loose vs. Strict interpretation of the Constitution. It is becoming , however, Deep State vs. Trump group as they decide the power level of the federal government over the States and ultimately, us. Roberts is a RINO, and that hurts as the Chief Justice wields power over the court.
I’d love to see Trump withdraw Fauci’s protective detail. If he feels he needs protection, pay for it yourself Tony.
Beagle justice?
How about a one-way ticket to Wuhan?
How about strapping him down and giving him one of his own clot-shots but to insure it works "as (really) intended," sub KCl instead?
Straight into a vein preferably the carotid.
Instead of KCI just use CLR much cheaper.
BTW, Ben, I believe you meant the jugular vein, not the carotid artery.
Which would properly be the fastest route to the heart.
Unless, of course, we want the suffering drawn out. Fine by me.
I'm not looking for "cheaper." I'm looking for EFFECTIVE. (haha, "safe and effective" LMAO)
Yeah, bitch, you get the worst part of the lethal injection with NO precursory "comfort meds".
You killed more people than all the American "terrorists" put together. No quarter for you.
Just a comment - Trump was flawed by his acceptance and pushing the Warpspeed process. Think though, was he just a rubber stamping sucker for Fauci’s gang and the mRNA group? Was he desperately trying to downplay the effects of Covid on the campaign for president? Looking for any solution, up to believing anything he was told? Where was Pence in all this? Wasn’t’t he supposed to be running the government side of all the activity? Did he ever warn Trump? Did anyone WARN Pence, Trump etc. to watch out for al? Like McCullough or Malone? Or was this a hindsight is 20/20 situation?
Wasn’t Mc Cullough a leader of the mRNA project, and yet became one of the first warnings about putting the S protein into the body? Who did he bring up his warnings with?
One more, the medical community had built up a reputation of trust with the American public for generations. That ended with first, Obamacare then Covid Vaxx. People just plain believed the industry when they blessed the Vaxx, including Trump. It turns out the warnings about the effects of S proteins with the vaxx were right. Medicine will never be the same again.
I remember my Mom, before she passed. Her idea of a good doctor was if he dressed nicely. Total trust!
People can never trust their doctor totally again, and must research what they are being told.
Goodbye, Joe Biden - aka “Joe Tater” - the poster child of everything that is wrong with America’s phony and hypocritical politicians. As a career politician, he enriched himself and his wicked family with riches no common American could afford, like two-multi-million-dollar mansions, luxury cars, and a luxurious lifestyle:
Not bad for an average IQ grifter pedo, eh? All it took was having absolutely no conscience.
Absolutely no conscience is a perfect description.
Look at his progeny... one writes a diary outing him as a pedo, the other calls him "pedo pete," and both are addicts, even as middle-aged and older adults. I don't even want to imagine what the grandchildren have been through.
Imagine showering with this man as a teenage girl....gross.
His poor daughter.
Pardoning Fauci...a fitting end to the steaming pile of corruption and destruction that was Biden's administration. A complete disaster for America and all of humanity.
Hmmm, is Fauci still involved with all those virus labs here and overseas? How do we disenfranchise him from any control?
Simple. A Columbian necktie.
+1000 <3 Short and to the point - like a Columbian necktie.
Seems to me that "Joe Biden's" last slew of pardons essentially hands us a list of exactly who the worst criminals to do his bidding are. Reminds me of the end of a "whodunit" where they uncover the murderer.
I don't foresee any justice, but the show must go on.
Literally nothing new about those names. Indy journalists long ago exposed the facts behind each of those crimes.
The ink was hardly dry on your post before Biden announced pardons of Fauci, Gen. Milley and the J-6 Committee. I suppose he is saving the best (The Biden family including the Big Guy) for last!
Good call, he pardoned his family 15 minutes before 12, so that Trump could not get wind of it.
The only thing that surprised me was, he didn’t pardon himself. I guess he figures he’s not gonna be around that long, or he made a deal with somebody.
Now, of course, we will hear calls for "healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation" from the same malefactors who have abused the system and their fellow citizens these past four years. These people haven't cared a bit about the damage they have done to this nation, but now want their perfidy forgotten in a spirit of - what - good will? To Hell with that. Unless destroyed they will just be lying low, waiting for the first moment when they can resume depriving us of our rights. Go get 'em, President Trump.
I remember well the lies, insults and corruption they have slung at we the people.
The basket of deplorables want their pound of flesh!
200 Trump Executive Orders undoing much of Biden's blatant fucking over of America (with Biden often breaking the law and defying the Constitution to do so) doesn't look much like "forgiveness and reconciliation." "Healing", yes, because it will at least start to repair some of the damage that the Obama/Hillary/Soros cabal have inflicted upon America via Biden. And, when Trump's DOJ gets busy prosecuting all the Democrat criminals whose lawbreaking Biden and Co. allowed and often encouraged, things will get even more punishing for the Democrats. As the saying goes, the Biden and the Democrats fucked around, now they are going to find out.
And Trump will go along with it or dozens of women will suddenly appear as abuse victims. And other kinds of cases as well.
He raped 'em in the Macy's dressing room daily, as fast as he could grab 'em by the coochie off the sidewalk, for years...
and no one noticed. Like a troll under the bridge, ya know?
Yeah, grabbed her off the street and twenty minutes later assaulted her in a woman’s dressing Room? How many of you gals really believe that story? Not even a prostitute is that fast or stupid. So what are you E. Carroll?
How many of these women who are accusing Trump, and many other Big men are just frustrated “groupies” that did not get what they thought they were due?
Especially Stormy Daniels!
E. Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels were both whores. Lying whores!
At least with Stormy you would not have to put a paper bag over her head.
Carroll was "raped" in 2-minutes* and could not remember the date.
Give me a fuckin break!
"Her" word against "his" in front of a jury of his peers...uuurmm....of woke frustrated women who had never been laid. Probably the Judge either! LOL
Nobody outside of that court room believed this lying bitch.
* Polish sex. In. Out. Repeat if necessary.
Yup. It shows how really distorted the New York judicial scene really is. I read that business people are deserting NYC because of what Bragg and Merchan did to Trump. I believe that Bragg “bragged” that he was going to “get” all the big business in NYC. Has he figured out that he will destroy the city with that declaration? I believe Adams is starting to figure that out.
Poles do this? The Tribe hates Poles more than anyone. Perhaps this is why!
The healing comes after the punishment.
Justice first, then mercy maybe. Men build, women decorate. You can't decorate what doesn't exist.
Spot on, James. At the very least I want EVERYTHING to be exposed to the American public.
Does a presidential pardon protect someone from civil suit for damaging the American Public?
We saw double jeopardy in action with the farce trial of Jean Carrol.
Remember it was a defamation trial, Trump was basically tried for calling her a liar that was “not his type”. One thing that will be interesting, how many defamation charges will be brought against all the Braggs, Jack Smiths by Trump himself?
Re: In the wording of Biden’s recent pardons of Fauci, Cheney, et al, is this statement of pardon protection:
“ unjustified and criminally motivated prosecutions.”
If I were in that rogues gallery I wouldn’t be breathing any sigh of relief, as the operative word in that statement is “unjustified”. A good lawyer, and we’ve got a great new AG coming in now, can drive a truck through those pardons.
A preemptive pardon is just as illegal as an ex post facto prosecution. If one can be preemptively pardoned for a crime that has not yet been charged, then it seems perfectly logical that a person could be charged for an act that was not illegal when the person committed it. You can't see a big legal and constitutional problem with one without seeing it for the other.
One thing that Biden, his traitor handlers, and all his treasonous minions were good at is ignoring the Constitution and the Rule of Law whenever doing so served the needs of the regime. That's called tyranny and that doesn't sit well with actual Americans. The "tyranny" that the Democrats fear so much from Trump is that the new Trump Administration is going to being actually enforcing the law. Of course, criminals hate leaders who actually enforce the law, so the legions of Democrat criminals have plenty of hate for Trump. Expect those Democrats to hate Trump even more, starting later today.
Even more simple they fear he will do to them what they did to him.
Lawfare in action.
I hope he does time for them to get the mug shots and the abuse.
Most of them would wither and die under the strain.
Just look at how freaked out Hillary was at the merest whiff of being investigated and prosecuted.
By the way her quote about if he gets in we are going to jail has been rabbit holed and scrubbed.
The quote was, "We'll all hang," I think.
That sounds about right.
F4C sez:
" Expect those Democrats to hate Trump even more, starting later today."
Expect those Democrats to be unemployed, starting later today.
The Trump revolution still faces the Liberal bias of the federal judiciary that can shut down his EOs, and the ACLU. Last time, his EOs went all the way to the SCOTUS. MAGA is going to have to be patient to undo the damage the Left has done.